#but since you only see reggie's pov
onlygenxhere · 10 months
Hey there! Happy Friday!!
If you're still accepting prompts Sorry to text so late, can your dog come over? + Reggie/Carrie, please?
Dancing Queen
Sorry to text so late
Can your dog come over?
My dad is out of town and I’d feel safer with him here.
Reggie stared blearily at his phone. He’d already been asleep over an hour when the chirp had woken him. He could pretend he hadn’t seen the message. He’d just pulled down his notifications and not actually clicked on the text so she wouldn’t know if he didn’t respond.
But… it was Carrie and she wouldn’t text if she didn’t need something.
Han had been over enough in the past year to be comfortable there. Carrie had actually been the entire bands go to for keeping their animals when they were out on tour since she’d had to take a hiatus from her own rising fame after a scary incident with a stalker last year.
In fact her being alone in that house didn’t set will with him at all.
Reggie was nothing if not a good friend and he was too tired to wonder why she hadn’t texted Alex and Willie to see if Fosse wanted to come over or Julie and Luke to see if Fender or Gibson were available or even Flynn who had no pets but would surely come over if she asked.
He reached over and gave his best bud a pat on the head, “You up for a visit to Carrie’s?”
The golden’s tail thumped on the bed and he gave Reggie’s hand a deceive lick.
Ok then.
The man in black
Be there in thirty
He only added a black t-shirt to his attire of Star Wars pajama pants before grabbing Han’s leash and one of Luke’s energy drinks to wake him up on the way. Driving this sleepy wasn’t a good idea. Drinking the Monster probably wasn’t either but at least he’d be awake for the trip… and maybe the next three hours after.
Well, he had to get back home too. She’d only asked for his dog, not him.
He was practically vibrating by the time he punched in the code at the gate to let himself in, pulling up to the front door and sending Carrie a quick message to let her know they were here.
The front door opened and she was coming down the steps dressed in baggy pink pajama pants and a matching t-shirt before he was even all the way out of his truck.
Han bounded out after him, racing over to Carrie and jumping up trying to give her kisses.
“Han! That is no way to greet a lady!”
Carrie was laughing and trying to push the big dog down so she could pet him. “It’s ok. It’s nice that anyone is this excited to see me.”
Reggie frowned as he shut the door of his truck. “Are you kidding? Who wouldn’t be excited to see you?”
She waved her hand attempting to dismiss the comment as she finally got Han to sit and she knelt in front of him scratching behind his ears. “Who’s a good boy?” she cooed.
“Carrie?” Reggie stopped in front of her. “What’s going on? Where’s your dad? Hell where’s the staff you usually have here?”
She wrapped her arms around Han’s neck and looked up at him. “Dad is in New York for the weekend on business and we haven’t had live-in staff in almost six months.”
How did he not know this? He talked to Carrie pretty regularly he thought but apparently there were things she’d been leaving out. He nodded toward the house. “Want me to come in?”
Carrie ducked her head rubbing her check against Han’s soft fur. “You don’t have to. I have Han now… thank you.” She looked up at him and those big brown eyes looked so sad and lost.
“That wasn’t the question Care.” He reached a hand out to her and she took it standing up and looking him in the eyes as he asked again. “Do YOU want me to come in?” He wasn’t trying to imply more than the words he was saying but they both knew he was offering to stay the night too.
She nodded and took a step toward him. Han scooted out from between them and darted into the house, no doubt headed toward her room. Reggie took her other hand, holding them both.
“What’s going on darlin’?”
She closed her eyes and bit her lip shaking her head. “I just feel so stupid for being afraid of an empty house.”
“Carrie,” he squeezed her hands and waited for her to open her eyes. “There is nothing stupid about you,” he said softly shaking his head. “You have every right to be nervous about being alone after what happened.”
“It’s been almost a year Reg and nothing new has happened. Derek is still in jail.” She looked away from him. “I need to get on with my life.”
He didn’t know what to say, she wasn’t wrong but everyone got over trauma at different speeds. He pulled her into a hug, sliding his arms around her thin frame and holding her tight. “Just tell me what I can do?” They’d been friends for years and he cared about the woman in his arms more than he’d ever admit.
“You’re already doing it Reg.” she hugged him back just as tight. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”
He felt his heart drop just a little at the word friend but that’s what they were and that’s what she needed. “Better not let Flynn or Julie hear you say that,” he said trying to lighten the mood.
“I didn’t message them.” Carrie pulled away from him and he saw the tears in her eyes. “I messaged you.”
He nodded, “And I’m here.”
She nodded again and let her hand slid down his arm till she could lace their fingers together. “Would you mind staying?”
He shook his head feeling like his voice might have left him.
Carrie took a step toward the front stairs pulling him with her. “Will you stay with me and Han?”
They both knew Han slept in her bed.
He licked his lips and nodded finding his voice. “Are you sure?”
She nodded, “Just to sleep.” A ghost of her usual smile found its way onto her lips. “For now...”
“Ok,” he followed her up the stairs and into her house shutting the front door behind them.
They got in bed that night, the dog between them, and they stroked his fur as they talked well into the morning. Reggie found out about all the fears and anxiety she’d been hiding from everyone and he confessed to her just how lonely he’d been feeling about living in a house with two couples. No matter how much you loved them.
They finally drifted off to sleep sometime around three with Han snuggled up between them but when the sun streaming in her windows finally woke him the dog was gone and Carrie was asleep in his arms.
It was the first morning of many they woke up together and the last time Reggie went to bed thinking he was only ever Carrie’s friend.
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my current favourite Wolfstar/jegulus WIPs I’m reading (from the last few months):
stars, selenophiles, and other scandals by missiki (celebrity AU, found the recommendation by another user. Love love love this one but it’s been a minute since it was recently updated)
chew me up, but don’t spit me out by damagecontrol (literally has me by the throat right now. Jegulus and stripper Reggie. Beautiful, gorgeous, respectful, gender euphoria, businessman James, Reggie in a skirt?? Thank you thank you)
love, lupin By blamerae (I think it’s the writer’s first draft, but so so good. I love death eater turned good Remus and it was crazy how the writer got me shipping Remus/Evan for like three seconds)
You're gonna go far by reggiespoolfloats (can’t recommend this one enough!!!!!!! TW for domestic abuse. I just love the way and the care with which it’s written. I’m on the edge of my seat for the next chapters)
As the Worm Moon Dies By Rollercoasterwords (obviously, my death eater Sirius and opposite sides of the war Wolfstar. I love this writer’s full scope of work, and the writing is just magical as always)
Back Shot With Black By SiriuslyBlackMagic (only 6 chapters right now, but I’m already intrigued. POV switches, miscommunication, so respectful to members of the Porn Industry. Remus is a cameraman)
Stary-Eyed by Solar3cl1p5e (I’m literally so in love with this one right now. Fame AU, Sirius is a rockstar and Remus is paid to be is boyfriend…..)
the golden king by maladaptivewriting (and the companion Wolfstar fic ‘breida sjaflr’) I feel like everyone is reading this right now, and if you’re not, what is wrong with you. Been obsessed since I first found it.
Chance would be a fine thing By TherestheSnitch (been a while since the last update, but it’s a guilty pleasure, what can I say. Was hooked by Remus’ characterization and the Wolfstar dynamic in this one. Also, protective brother Reggie 10/10)
my current favourite finished fics I’ve read in the last month or so:
Love Me in Ways Hard to Swallow By HelloCheshire (inspired by and using the characters from the amazing Sweater Weather series by Lumosinlove - but focuses on music and music school instead of hockey. I just loved the story, I loved seeing variation of the characters I love. So excited to read the writer’s other works since they’re still writing more stories like it. TW domestic abuse.)
my little corner of the world by cowgirlfromvenus (wolfstar x Gilmore Girls, SUCH A DELIGHT, sparked my Gilmore girls obsession again. I love how Remus is Lorelai and Sirius is Luke. I feel like it totally changed up the Wolfstar dynamic and I’ll take them in any form.)
I love WIPs so much and if you’re avoiding them, you’re missing out.
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breakaway71 · 5 days
For the director's cut: there's a fire burning in my bones?
Oh, man, this fic. THIS FIC. This fic has been on my mind a lot, actually, since my current 9-1-1 WIP is less a general crossover, and more a stealth crossover with fire burning. So while it's primarily a 9-1-1 fic (the working title is buck sees dead people, and I'm trying very hard to write it in a way that no working knowledge of JATP is required), it's involved a lot of re-reading to make sure the crossover parts are consistent with the story. IDEK. Look, sometimes it's just better to let the muse have their way, and the muse was pretty demanding about this one. ANYWAY! Back in the golden days of the JATP fandom, I had a lot of ideas. It was a hyperfixation that hit hard, and I was jotting down story ideas faster than I could even start writing any of them. But when the Big Bang challenge came along, there was only one story I could even contemplate writing, and that was a story about Julie becoming a ghost. I knew I wanted it to be essentially a season 2 fic. And I knew I wanted Julie to experience being a ghost, but not have her actually have to die in any kind of permanent way. That was it. Everything else that happened throughout that entire story - the entire plot, really, and the ships and the soul bonding aspects in particular - were little "eureka!" moments I had in the course of writing. Usually these brainstorms hit at 3am and had me jotting notes in my fic notebook by flashlight:
Tumblr media
Fire burning also never went through a significant editing process. Aside from general tweaks, I was deliriously happy with how the story turned out, considering I pantsed the hell out of it. The most interesting thing, for me, though: Originally, I thought this story would end up being gen fic, or maybe Julie/Luke. When Reggie found her in the music room... Look, you know how it feels when something just unlocks inside you? And you're like "MY GOD. YES. THIS." That scene, the opening to fire burning, was my first real PING! moment about Julie and Reggie. (And I was clearly doomed forever after that moment.) Reggie wasn't even originally the one who was supposed to find her! But I wanted so badly to show the balance of her friendship with all three of the boys, so I decided it made more sense for it to be someone other than Luke in that scene. And the way everything fell into place after that, right up until the first true OT3 scene, happened almost entirely by accident. I fell in love with the idea of all of them together much the same way Julie did. A little at a time until it felt more like an inevitability, and I couldn't even pinpoint the moment I realized it was going to happen. Also: I had two absolute favorite scenes in this fic. The first is when Julie is sitting at the piano, and feels Reggie's teardrop on her hand, from where he's sitting and watching over her body in the hospital. If I was capable of serious art, that is the scene I wish I could somehow convey in visual form, which is probably why Reggie's POV ended up being the first timestamp I wrote. My other favorite scene was after the ritual, where Julie can finally 'talk' to her dad and tells him about dating Luke and Reggie. Writing Ray will always be a personal favorite for me (Family Matters was another story that happened mostly by accident tbh), and trying to determine what his reaction would be in that situation was stupid amounts of fun. WHEW OKAY I HOPE I'M DOING THIS RIGHT AND YOU ENJOYED THIS BIT OF COMMENTARY!
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jmrothwell · 5 months
Good as it Gets
(The Reggie PoV tie in to A Matter of Time. Sharing what I have drafted so far, as I debate if/how this will continue)
Well, maybe I'm a mess
And maybe I'm depressed
And maybe I'll just find out who I am, and I won't like who it is
(Good as it Gets, Little Hurt)
The clearest earliest memory Reggie has was of his parents yelling at his grandparents. He knew there were earlier fights, they just weren’t as memorable. A monotonous daily occurrence that blended together to the point where it became a fact.
Parents fought. They hid their fighting as best as they could around others but no matter what, they fought.
It wasn’t until that fight with his grandparents that he’d even thought to question that fact. And only because of the one thing he’d heard his Pop bellow. Not a full blown yell but the first and only time Reggie’d ever heard him raise his voice like that.
“This environment isn’t good for him and if you two don’t get your act together, so help me, I’ll do everything in my power to… “
He’s not sure the exact words his Mother had shouted after that. Something about not being his parents, not being the ones to make that call about what is right for him.
* * * * * * *
Reggie sat waiting for Mr. Deckard to get in for the day. Personally he didn’t get along all that well with the guidance counselor. None of his friends did, really. The man had a set idea in his head of the proper path any upstanding youth should take in life, and pursuing a career as rock musicians did not fit in the mold.
Unfortunately, Reggie was in the wretched position of needing Mr. Deckard's help. So he sat waiting in the uncomfortable chairs they used for the front office, fingers drumming on his thighs.
Then they walked in, drowning in a plum colored flannel and a pair of loose fitting jeans ripped around the knees. He tried to not stare at the giant sun decorating the thigh of their pants leg, though he wondered where they even found pants like that. Maybe they made them themself, that’d be cool.
Forcing his eyes up he was greeted by the bill of a cap that matched the color of their flannel, their face effectively blocked from view since they were looking down. Though they couldn’t stay hidden long once Ms. Kowalski told them ‘hat’s weren’t to be worn in school.’
With a huff they removed their hat, releasing a cascade of dark curls that fell just past their shoulders. Their eyes were still downcast, and they were clearly pouting. All the same they were really freaking adorable.
Were they new? He doesn't recall seeing them around before. Which didn’t really mean anything in a school as crowded as theirs. However he’s certain he would have noticed them before.
“Mr. Peters?” Mr. Deckard’s gruff voice, pulled Reggie’s attention from the mysterious, possibly new, student. The graying man with his trimmed gray beard gestured for Reggie to enter his office. “What brings you to see me today?”
“I was hoping to get an application for early graduation.” Reggie said as amicably as he could, taking a seat only when Mr. Deckard gestured for him to do so.
“Why would you need that?”
The million dollar question. He couldn’t exactly tell Mr. Deckard it’s because things at home were getting worse. The man had previously brushed off Reggie’s concerns regarding his parents' drinking and internet gambling fueled fights, or rather how said drinking and gambling had impacted Reggie’s financial and living situations.
Hell, he hadn't really even told the guys just how bad things at home had gotten. They knew about the general fighting, the ‘we have company over and we’re trying to behave’ fights. Just that was enough to change how the guys acted around him, subtle enough that either they didn’t notice or hoped he wouldn’t. Either way he didn’t need them coddling him like that. Which is part of why the guys also didn’t know about this new idea to try and be able to move out all the sooner since he didn't currently fit the qualifications for emancipation.
It didn’t matter if he was able to come up with a good enough reason, Mr. Deckard pressed on without an answer.
“Unfortunately, you do not meet requirements for early graduation.”
“But I’ve completed all the required courses.”
“Yes you have Mr. Peters.” Mr. Deckard said as he reviewed his computer, scowling in disappointment. “However, you do not meet the GPA requirement.”
“I have a passing GPA.” Reggie’s frustration was tinting his voice now.
“A passing GPA isn’t enough to allow an early graduation I’m afraid.” Mr. Deckard said, sounding anything but sympathetic. “Mr. Peters you’re currently looking at a 3.1 when early graduation requires a GPA of at least 3.5.”
“That’s bull shit.” Reggie snapped. “There’s no way you're telling me Kurt Anderson has a GPA that high.”
“Language, Mr. Peters.” Mr. Deckard raised his voice slightly and Reggie shut the hell up. Probably done speaking for the rest of this interaction whether he liked it or not. Internally hating how much raised voices bothered him.
“Kurt Anderson, is an upstanding student, who not only exceeded the GPA requirement but was accepted early into ASU with a scholarship.”
Yeah, a fucking golf scholarship. Reggie’s jaw worked slightly in lieu of muttering under his breath, curious how many teachers fudged their grades knowing the kind of work Kurt actually put into his classes. And where the hell did ‘upstanding’ come from? Kurt was almost as bad as him and the guys when it came to skipping and disciplinary actions. Though in Reggie’s opinion a good portion of the ones he’d gotten were absolute bull shit.
“Which brings me to the matter of your less than exemplary disciplinary record.” Mr. Deckard cooly said as if he could read Reggie’s thoughts.
* * * * * * *
Luke sullenly sat at one of the cafeteria tables, staring off, barely poking at the food in front of him. Who knew where his mind was. Reggie was just surprised to see him at school in the first place.
“Hey man.” Reggie greeted plastering his best smile on. “Why so grumpy?”
“Got stuck with a writing partner in Humanities.” Luke mumbled, eyes still looking off at nothing.
“The world must surely be ending.” Alex said full of sarcasm as he joined them at the table. “Luke Patterson, actually having to work with someone on a group project, say it isn’t so.”
Luke shot a quick glare and not so subtle middle finger at Alex before his eyes focused back into the middle distance.
“Who is this poor soul so that I may extend my condolences?” Bobby said as he sat down.
“Some new girl who transferred in today.” Luke pouted.
“That her there in the flannel.” Bobby asked, using his chin to point in the same direction Luke had been consistently scowling in.
Reggie followed the gesture and caught sight of a familiar plum colored flannel. He hadn’t noticed all the black striping that’d been added to the back of it before. Oh, she was new…and sitting alone. That had to suck.
So, Luke hadn’t just been staring off into the distance. He’d been staring at her, which was…something. Reggie’s never seen Luke focus on anything that long that wasn’t music related in, well, ever.
“Yeah that’s her.” Luke said, his tone not nearly as sour as his face was. “Julie Molina.”
“Maybe we should ask if she wants to sit with us.” The words tumbled out of Reggie’s mouth as the thought formed in his head. At Luke’s affronted look the rest of his thought process soon followed. “I mean, no one else seems to be sitting with her. And if she’s new she might not have any friends yet.”
“Yeah, all right.” Luke said, grabbing his tray and heading towards her table. With a quick exchange of bemused but exhausted looks with Bobby and Alex, they soon followed after him.
She looked absolutely stunned when Alex asked, “These seats taken?” Bewilderment that only grew when Luke sat across from her before she’d even answered. Reggie sat beside her, and Bobby blocked her attempt to shrink into the other corner of the table.
“You looked like you could use some company.” Bobby said, with one of his casual smiles.
“I’m fine.”
“You sure? You look nervous as hell.” Alex chimed in now that he’d sat down, after his brief grumblings to the ceiling.
“Right. Because it’s so unusual to be nervous around four cute strange boys who take over your lunch table without warning.” Julie grumbled under her breath, not really looking at any of them.
“Oh, you think we’re cute?” Reggie asked, a familiar fond warmth blooming in his chest. Barely just learned her name but excited all the same at being called cute.
And there’s that startled look from her again, causing Reggie’s smile to deflate slightly. It deflated even more with her eye roll and head shake, she focused all of her attention down and away from them.
Reggie almost regretted suggesting they talk to her. She’s clearly not interested.
“So, March’s a weird time to transfer schools isn’t it?” Luke said, the first thing he’s said to her since sitting down.
Julie’s pout shifted as she glanced up at Luke, and ooooh, maybe she’s just not interested in the rest of them. That wouldn’t be a surprise. Luke was the only one at this point unaware of how many people pine over him on the regular. Many had tried and failed to get with Luke Patterson.
Then again Reggie’s never really seen Luke smile like that with anyone else. And Julie wasn’t even flirting. Somehow the conversation had shifted to his and Julie’s writing project and turned into some brainstorming session. A topic Reggie thought for sure would be just the two of them, but they’d managed to drag him, Alex, and Bobby into it as well.
* * * * * * *
They’d booked the Orpheum.
In less than 6 months they’d play the show that could make them legends. None of them argued with Luke anymore when all he wanted to do was fill every second they had with rehearsal or booking the next gig. Anything really to get the name Sunset Curve out there even more than it already was.
Although Luke did most of the gig booking and spreading the word these days. His schedule was a lot more open ever since he ran away from home, taking up residency at the studio. His time freed up even more in the past week when he’d also stopped going to school, apparently a few of the teachers were starting to give him funny looks.
Alex and Bobby didn’t question it. Bobby, if anything, questioned if he should even stick it out to graduation. Alex figured he might as well, once he turned 18 no matter what happened he was out of his parents house and figured the diploma would help.
Reggie planned to stick it out. If for no other reason than to shove his diploma in Mr. Deckard’s face at graduation. He wouldn’t actually, but the mental image alone was enough to motivate Reggie to stick with his last few months of high school.
“Hey, Reggie, you know where Luke is?” Julie asked, as he was pulling his jacket out of his locker at the end of the day.
“He’s probably at the studio, waiting for us to show up to rehearsal, want a ride?” He closed his locker to reveal a very confused Julie.
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Steph's Crew: Missing Pieces
Hey, friends!
So, the dialogues for the first instalment of the Stephanie Saga are complete. I'm probably going to post more Steph-related stuff here in future (maybe not as much as before, though). You guys more or less have the plot of the first book... except for the fact that there's a ton of things that I kind of missed out lol.
(Aside from that, though, there's the fact that a lot of the scenes I shared with you are really really old, and get changed, switched around, or even completely skipped in the story proper)
The story is super dense, since I wanted to include several different themes and discuss many different ideas and perspectives. Because of this, I often struggle answering the question of "what's the story actually about?" Like, there's many topics and themes that go into it, so I'm not 100% sure what the main idea here is (I'd say it's probably about friendship, and by extension, any relationship in life. With anyone, whether it's friends, family, romantic partners, etc. Giving examples of how to handle relationships and maintain strong connections with people, and how NOT to as well).
With all that being said, there are several important plot points in the first book that I didn't really go into in the dialogues I shared with you. I thought I'd briefly outline for you guys a bit, before I started telling you about the sequels!
Here goes...
Rachel and Gordon - I think I touched on this subplot in the dialogues, but it is a whole thing in the actual story. We go into Rachel's history with Gordon, the reason behind their divorce (the actual reason, not just Bret's theories lol), and Rachel's pain surrounding her infertility and desire to be a mother. I guess she kind of gets to be somewhat of a mother figure in Bret's life now that she's his legal guardian, but she's always wanted her own children, you know? She wanted children with Gordon, but they couldn't while they were together (which is one of the factors behind their relationship coming to an end). It's super sad... wish I could've gone into it a bit more, but that's a bit of context as to why things are tense between them in the story. (Things do get better for Rach in the sequel, though! Without giving too much away)
Reggie Ochre - Reggie is an old friend of Steph's that she kind of reconnects with (fun fact - in every instalment in the series, I have Steph reconnect with someone from her past, and they always move the plot forward in interesting ways. My favourite instance of this is in book 3, which I haven't really written much of, but the idea is definitely the most epic lol. I'm so excited about it!), who has joined a gang. His character is cool, and he and Steph have great chemistry together (they used to be a thing back in the day. Because of course they were... I feel like Stephanie has chemistry with almost every character in this story lol. That was in no way intentional, btw). He kind of introduces the theme of gang culture into the narrative, which is fun to explore.
Adam and Grace - I did get into this plot point, but I only really looked at it through the lens of how it affected Elise and the rest of Adam's family. I definitely tried to go into Adam and Grace's POV in the actual story as well lol. I just like getting a wide view of a situation like this. Something I didn't mention, though (which is pretty important), is the fact that Adam and Grace are no longer together. They split up a while after the kids were born (yes, kids plural. Grace had two twin girls). They are still close friends, though, and Adam and Grace co-parent pretty well. Both parents are very much in their children's lives, and they take good care of them. It's kind of interesting to see the difference between Elise's perfect privileged nuclear family dynamic and Adam's family with Grace and the twins. Shows how there isn't a set perfect method for family and parenting, and just because you don't follow all the traditional rules, doesn't mean you can't make the best of your situation and be the best parent you can be.
Holly Tucker - Holly (Bret's ex and Elise's old bully) gets a lot more focus than what I gave her in the dialogues. I basically sped through her storyline, but only through El's perspective. I tried to go into Bret's feelings towards Holly's shenanigans, too (since he is in a unique position... the person he's dating is causing pain to one of his oldest, dearest friends. That's a tough place for anyone to be. Plus, she cheated on him at Dylan's party lol).
Jelise - Jason's crush on El is given more focus. I feel like it lowkey comes from nowhere in the dialogues (aside from this one comment about Jason thinking Elise is the smartest person he knows, we don't get much of Jason's feelings towards her. Or anything, for that matter. But that makes sense, since he's not a crew member. He's more of a funny background character, like his friend Connor, who interestingly has a bit of development in the sequel, actually), but I give him and El more of a dynamic in the story, so you can kind of see something there.
Mary's secret boyfriend - This is actually a super in-the-background thing. But I thought I'd mention it, just cuz I love Mary haha.
Dylan and Robyn - Another background thing, but it's actually relevant to Dylan's story. This dynamic is meant to mirror Dylan's family dynamic. Tons of conflict, not necessarily one person's fault, but instead of Dylan taking responsibility for his end, he blames the other person entirely. His arc is kind of about him learning and growing, and not just shifting blame. Him mending his relationship with Robyn midway through kind of highlights his increasing maturity, and by the end, he's on genuinely good terms with her (and even keeps in touch with her, much to Alice's dismay lol).
Dylan's mum gets married - And Dylan invites the crew to the wedding. They all have a great time, and this just symbolises a fresh start for everybody. They've all grown enough to move on from past pains. All except for Steph, who is still nowhere to be found at this point (symbolising the fact that she never deals with her pain properly - she's always running and hiding from it). This event takes place a little while after Alice's (and Mary's) 18th birthday (where she and Dylan unfortunately decide to just stay friends for now. And this continues into most of book 2. Sorry, Dalice fans haha).
Stephanie's past lives - I mention a ton of times that Stephanie has moved around and been in many different homes and families, but never truly belonged anywhere. In the actual story, we get some insight into her experiences in her past homes and families. Some of these experiences are truly traumatic.... she's been abused, bullied, sexually assaulted, neglected, etc. All of these things have shaped her into the person she is today.
Stephanie and Danny - Danny, her first love. The person who taught her what real love is. Her knight in shining armour. Her ride or die. He gets a lot of focus, too. And he also comes back into Stephanie's life in the future lol.
There's probably some other stuff I haven't mentioned, but I think this is enough for now.
Let me know your thoughts! Do you think these are some interesting side plots?
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 4 months
no excuses writing meme. all of em. :)
god you're mean (joking. ish).
FIRST - the first two sentence of my current WIP
at the time of you sending this, i did not yet have two sentences of the fic I am currently working on so I'm going back one step to kinder devil
Carrie can’t help but notice how strangely her dad’s been acting since seeing the video of Julie’s band that afternoon. She tries to put it out of her mind and focus on her friend ex-friend’s performance and can’t help but be impressed by the end of their first song.
LAST - the most recently written two sentences of my current project
same as above
“What about the Luke things?” Julie glares at Flynn and chooses not to take the bait, opting instead to return to what she’d been working on in silence.
NEXT - the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
the WIP that shouldn't exist (tagging @jmrothwell because here's more for your curiosity - and also 👇 two more down)
They’d agreed that decisions like this needed to be unanimous but they don’t have to be happy about the results.
PROMPT: stevie and reggie sharing food - i’ll write three sentences based on that prompt, set in the same time/setting as my current project
Stevie only (theoretically) exists in one WIP universe right now and it's not part of the main story. But... Bex verse.
"So..." Reggie says hesitantly as he reaches out to grab a slice of pizza. It's been 16 years, 3 months, and 6 days since he'd last seen Stevie and he's not entirely sure how to navigate seeing him again after all this time. "How have you been?"
THE END - i’ll make up an ending, or post the ending if i’ve written it
Shit. I'm so mad at you right now 😅 (not actually. mostly). Ok so this WIP (that shouldn't exist) is actually @narcissusbrokenmirror's baby and I kidnapped it and we now have a coparenting agreement (most forgiving birthing parent in existence, I swear). So credit where credit is due. CW for snakes
Luke sighs as he takes in their wall of tanks, each housing a different pet that he’d somehow been talked into. “You say no to one dog,” he mutters under his breath. “How did this even happen?” he wonders, slightly louder than before and Julie manages to hear him and laughs as she walks over to stand beside him. “Peony loves her friends. And now she’s not lonely when we’re gone,” she tells him with a grin. “She’s a freaking snake,” Luke mumbles. “How lonely can she get?” Julie chuckles and pats him on the shoulder before handing him his guitar, “Well, think of it this way: now you have a built-in audience for rehearsals.” Luke groans as he slips the guitar strap over his head, “Fine.” “Could have just said yes to the dog!” Alex chimes in from his spot behind his drumkit and Luke glares at him. “But I do love Crush and Squirt, so thanks for that,” he grins at Luke and is met with another harsh glare.  “No more!” Luke insists as he settles in behind his microphone and nods his head toward Julie and Reggie to get themselves situated which they quickly do. “Yes, Dad!” Reggie giggles as he nods toward Alex who counts them in through laughter of his own.
BEFORE THE BEGINNING - three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
I'm using Bex verse for this
"I just... I need a minute," Alex tells the guys, his throat tightening and the sure signs of panic setting in. He quickly walks out of the boardroom, down the stairs, and out the door to the street, bending over to put his hands on his knees and gasp in breaths. Yes, this is a good change but it's still a BIG change and his brain can only process the second half of that equation. The tightness in his throat starts to loosen and he stands up, looking down the street and deciding that he'll do a quick walk around the block before heading back upstairs to sign onto the rest of their lives.
POV - something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
THIS WAS SO FREAKING ME OUT BUT THEN I REMEMBERED Flynn overhears Carrie and Luke yelling at each other in Bex Verse so... Their POV:
They'd been yelling for a while and it was starting to get a bit concerning so Flynn decides that it's time someone intervenes and by the looks of everyone else within sightlines, it's not going to be them. “I want to throw you out the window!” Carrie's voice is bordering on hysteria and Flynn can't help the feeling of amusement that takes over her. Even in high school, Carrie never resorted to yelling to get her points across. “Do it, I dare you." Flynn's eyes widen at that and she quickens her steps. A sure death sentence for Luke, if there ever was one. Flynn reaches Carrie's office just as she lets out another scream and they school their face into a neutral expression as they stand in the doorway waiting to be noticed.
holy shit this was so hard but also a lot of fun so thank you? but also... you're a shithead (affectionate) 😅
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
Fic asks: 7, 14, 19
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
In terms of ideas that haven't made it to the WIP stage...there's the Reggie/Julie nostalgic pining story based on the 1, something where Eddie and Chrissy meet at the Halloween party in S2 of Stranger Things, maybe some sort of Reggie POV to round off the sunflower series, and a chaotic Modern Harringrove/Hellcheer story where Chrissy is tutoring Steve but he doesn't want anyone to know so everyone thinks they're together and Eddie and Billy decide to retaliate by pretending to date and make them jealous...so at least four! Including WIPS...it'd be eight (two of them are co-written so I'm focusing more on the other two atm)
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
So the story that immediately comes to mind is This Moment Is Ours To Own, because it feels like something that could've happened in the show if they weren't shunning away from the OT3 vibes of Edge of Great/Peterpatterlina in general, and a few commenters told me they could picture it very clearly. Simply put, I'd like to see it, lol
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
From Step Into The Daylight, aka the Peterpatterlina Fake Dating AU that I seriously hope to actually write more of/finish someday:
"He's about to put an ad on Craigslist or Tinder for a fake date and he's going to get murdered or—or solicited, if he does that—" 
"And your solution is to solicit me?" she asks wryly, crossing her arms as Luke splutters. 
"No! No, of course not. It'd still be fake. You would just have to—pretend to date him for a few days. It'll be easy, since you're not a stranger, and it wouldn't give us genuine reasons to worry about him, you know? You'd never kill Reggie."
She arches her eyebrows even as she softens her stance. 
"What makes you so sure?" 
Luke levels her with a look that screams well, duh.
"You've always had a soft spot for him. Don't deny it, he's the only one of us who could ever get away with anything when we first met and your favorite word was boundaries. I remember." 
"That's because he's Reggie! Everyone has a soft spot for Reggie. If you don't have a soft spot for him, you're just an asshole." 
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lunardeao3 · 1 year
Hello everyone! ☁️
So... I finally did it! 😼 Downfall is restructured!
No, I didn't go on posting spree suddenly, I simply divided the chapters as I said I would earlier this week. I believe it's going to be easier for me to work on the fic from now on if the chapters are shorter (since I'd only write one pov rather than two). To some of you who only read one of my fics out of the three I post each week, a 10k words chapter might not seem much but I write around 30k words a week (sometimes more, sometimes less) and I struggle with my mental health at the same time which means sometimes I am too tired to write that much hence why I skip posting Downfall every now and then because the chapters are not finished on time. I considered stopping posting the three fics I've been working on at the same time, focusing on one and then on another, but the thing is I actually really love writing them and I didn't want to sacrifice one for another. I actually manage to post Solarium and Outsider on the deadlines I planned for myself so really, Downfall was the only fic I struggled with due to the amount of work it requires.
From now on, I'll post a chapter per week (still on Sundays) which will only contain one POV (except for special chapters like does which are set during the breaks and special occasions). One week will be focused on Reggie, the other will be on Sirius. That way, it'll be more practical for me to write the chapters, especially because the outlines of Downfall is done and I know for a fact sometimes nothing happens to Reggie and sometimes it's Sirius who's left aside (especially in the future).
Also, I decided I would divide the fic in different parts (1 year = 1 part) just like I had planned at first because the fic is going to be soooo much longer than I expected when I first begin to write it and it's going to be unreadable by the time I finish it if I don't divide it. Moreover, I added the number of chapters the first part will contain (50 chapters, but it's purely indicative because the fic isn't finished to be written just yet but that's the number of chapters I settled on and it hasn't moved in the past few months so I thought I could share that info with you)
In addition to everything, I decided I would take a break from Downfall for a month after the first part is over. If I'm not completely pants at maths, it should be done around July. I'll take a one month break in August to begin to write the 2nd part and then I'll come back on September to share the second year of their journey with you 🫶🏼
I sincerely apologise if you received many mails saying I've been posting because really, there's no new content to read tonight but it's coming real soon!
Thank you all for your support, I really appreciate it.
Take care of yourself, see you on Sunday! 🌙
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Can you tell us more about The Death of Regulus Black, The Prophecy, and the Hurt/Comfort??? ❤️
Sure thing, my dear!
Ch.36 - The Death of Regulus Black 1979. Still unwritten. I already know that it will be more than 10K words long. I haven't yet decided if there is one last Bella-Voldemort scene before everything goes downhill. Regulus disappears in late August; N.E.W.T. results still haven't come. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black is on the verge of collapse after the tapestry in 12 Grimmauld Place confirms his death. Bella already knew, though. She had asked the Dark Lord to call him through the Dark Mark and He had told her he felt no connection there at all. Like a severed cord. Walburga is in hysterics. This cold, haughty woman is crumbling to pieces. She is not the only one. Bellatrix is mad with grief; Cissy too, maybe even more so, but Bella can't help but feel personally responsible because she was supposed to look out for her baby cousin (she had sworn to do so when Sirius had left and Orion and Walburga say nothing to refute this). Walburga is also convinced that Voldemort is responsible for her son's death. As everyone descends upon n°12 to try and make sense of this tragedy (and decide what the fuck happens now since Sirius is a traitor and there are no Black heirs left), Bellatrix is alone without the Dark Lord by her side (and her aunt is being Very Mean). Both Barty and Rabastan, who had loved Regulus, are not doing well at all. In all of this, Rodolphus ditches his mistress (the Lestranges aren't exactly living together at the moment) because his wife needs him (and his little brother too, although Rod doesn't know that they were more than friends). She is NOT happy about it at all. The task of consoling Bella is left to her estranged husband because the Dark Lord is nowhere to be found at the moment and the Lestranges' marriage starts to improve. Before leaving Grimmauld Place, Bella goes up to Reggie's room in search of answers, a trail, anything. She only finds a series of journals that Kreacher is attempting to destroy. Later, she asks the Dark Lord if he was responsible for Regulus' death and he denies any involvement. The scene is from his pov and we get confirmation that no, it wasn't him, but at the same time he really doesn't care what happened to the boy who was a mediocre Death Eater at best and a weakling at worst. Once again he is not the centre of Bellatrix's world and he is (irrationally and selfishly) mad at her for it. (#thegirlsarefighting, once again) [I've debated on whether or not to give him an on-screen death or not, between chapters 35 and 36, and while I might write it in, I am more inclined to say no at the moment. I feel there are hundreds of Reggie death fics, since that's basically the only bit of character info we get on him in canon; it's already been done, time and time again, and I wonder if I can make it more impactful by having it happen off-screen]
Ch.40 - The Prophecy February 1980. Severus Snape goes for a drink at the Hog's Head (where he might or might not have a side hustle selling dubious potions/poisons) and overhears the first part of the prophecy. He then goes to his best bud Lord Voldemort to tell him what he heard. Suffice it to say, he does not take it well. Harry's birth is about five months away. Do you know who else's birth is about five months away? Draco Malfoy's. Narcissa is absolutely terrified that the prophecy could be about Draco and she gets into a furious argument with Bellatrix, who is always on the Dark Lord's side. Horrible things are said. In the end, Bellatrix says something along the lines of 'I would gladly give any child of mine up to the Dark Lord' and Cissy is like 'Even if it means their death, Bella?' and well. Rodolphus is not pleased with the answer. He goes to see Elizabeth (did I mention that's his mistress' name?) who is tutoring Severus at the time (in potion-making; loooong story). She feels guilty about things that have happened in the past and makes an effort to be there for Rod but at the same time, she is pissed because lately he seems to only seek her out when he wants to bitch about his wife and how poorly she treats him. [this chapter is unwritten, it hasn't been completely fleshed out yet and to be honest I don't really love it; I have a clear picture of how it begins, which I like, but I'm not sure of any of the other scenes. I hate filler chapters. I want it to be snappy/interesting but I can't figure out how to make it work. Bella's fight with Cissy and Rod's bitching to Elizabeth are both scenes that don't really progress their characters/have happened before, so they might get scrapped. I also have no idea what to do with either Rabastan, Evan or Barty in this chapter because I suck at side-plots and this story is in desperate need of them. So this chapter might get entirely re-written based on story needs; in all of this, Voldemort still has no idea what his last Horcrux should be] Hurt/Comfort is not even a draft, just a file with jotted-down ideas in my WIP folder. It's Bellamort. It's explicit. It's basically smut-with-psychological introspection where Voldemort tries dominatrix therapy. I have a very clear idea of their sexual dynamics and in this story I wanted to subvert all of them. I wanted to make him submissive and her dominant. I also wanted to explore his childhood trauma (and give him sexual dysfunctions in the meantime??? who knows, it's like three lines of meta and that's it). I can't see him being into humiliation, honestly, but I can see him having a fucked-up relationship with pain. Anyway, good stuff. If I ever get around to writing about it again.
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Chapter 12
Your POV
I woke up this morning with a horrible stomach ache. I instantly know what it is. My flipping period. Damn I feel bad around for the people around me. When I am on my period I am very moody. This morning Archie was in my way and I pushed him into the lockers. Which I should feel bad about doing that but I honestly don't care. I walk into the lounge all the girls are in there all the seats are taken so I sit in Cheryl's lap for a change. They kinda just looked at me confused when I sat on Cheryl's lap.
"That's new. What wrong with you." Toni says pointing at me and Cheryl. Cheryl just shrugs and goes along with it but the other girls are not having it.
"Betty what day of the month is it." I say to her.
"Ohhhh. Sorry." Betty says. Throwing me a bottle of pills.
"What happened I am so confused." Veronica says looking at everyone. Betty whispers in Veronica and Toni ear. They instantly look relived.
"Archie had to suffer Y/N wrath this morning. He is lucky he didn't get any closer she would have punched him." Cheryl says. I grab my water bottle and take the pain killers. The bell rings and we head to class. After a boring history and English class it is finally lunch time. I sit across from Jughead. Everyone sits down and Archie sits far away from me. I start eating with the occasional glances from everyone especially Archie. I take some of Jughead's fries. Everyone gasps.
"What the hell dude." Jughead says.
"What Jones you take my food all the time. Try me bitch." I say to him.
"Wow is she usually this confident." Toni says.
"Yep. She gets mad at them all the time and takes people's stuff." Betty says for me. Bless that girls soul.
"I have never seen her like this before." Veronica says.
"Me either." Cheryl says.
"Betty What is going on with her?" Archie says. She whispers in his ear. He says ew.
"You wanted to know Andrews didn't you." I say to him.
"Is Betty the only one who can calm the beast." Toni says. I just nod.
"Cheryl switch seats with me. I can take care of it." Betty says and Cheryl gets up and trades places with Betty. Betty side hugs me and calms my sassy side down.
"I can't even do that." Cheryl say pointing at us.
"I don't know. How she does it." Veronica says.
"You gonna buy more food since you stole it." Jughead says. I was about to take more of his fries just to piss him off but Betty holds me down and hands me a package of gummy bears.
"Jug don't piss her off" Toni says. I sit there and eat the candy that Betty gave me.
"Seriously Jug do you want her to push you. She punched Reggie once because he kept bothering her." Betty says. Everyone gasps.
"I am not exactly nice on my period. I don't regret punching him. He tried to take the candy that Betty gives me to keep me from blowing up." I say.
"I like this side of my girlfriend. Its kinda hot." Cheryl say shamelessly.
"The rest of the day is going to be fun." Veronica says.
"I don't get how Betty calms her down still." Toni says. I shrug.
"I like to keep her calm. I get more cuddles when she is on her period. Cheryl take advantage of it." Betty says, while giving me another hug.
"You know I could cuddle you." Veronica says.
"These are different cuddles. She would let any of the girls be the big spoon for once." Betty says. The lunch bell finally rings. I have a spare in my next block. I go to the lounge to relax since I already got all my work done. I ended up sitting on the couch. Veronica sits next to me and leans on me. Toni comes shorty and does the same thing. I actually don't mind this. Veronica ends up laying her head in my lap and looks on her phone. I heard a camera shutter. I look up and see my girlfriend and Betty taking a picture of me, Veronica and Toni.
"See I told you different cuddles." Betty's says to Veronica.
"You were right this is nice." Veronica says.
"She is like a big pillow." Toni say. Leaning on me further.
"Is she only aggravated by the boys." Cheryl says.
"Pretty much." Betty's says.
"Thanks for answering questions. I don't like too" I say.
"No problem gold fish bae." She kisses my cheek and sit on the other chair.
"Y'all get off my girlfriend now. I want some of that action." Cheryl says. The girls move aside and Cheryl drapes her legs over top of mine and cuddles me. Eventually the period is over. The rest of the day is fine minus the boys constantly aggravating me. Cheryl ex minions ends up coming up to me at my locker.
"Alright bitch why do you keep taking Cheryl away from us." Ginger says.
"Yeah why." Tina says. Toni comes running up to me hearing them talk to me. Toni put her hand on my shoulder indicating me to not talk. I give her a look saying I got this.
"Damn." Toni says. Betty, Veronica and Cheryl end up coming towards all off the yelling.
"What did you do?" Veronica says to me.
"Cheryl's ex minions called me a bitch because "I took Cheryl away from them"" I use air quotes.
"Did you do anything else." Betty says.
"No. But I threatened to slap them." I say to her.
"Like I said I like this side of Y/N. Who knew." Cheryl says kissing my cheek.
"Oh and Betty teach Cheryl how to calm me down when I get like this." I say to Betty who nods. Cheryl drive us home. But before I could get out of the car Cheryl starts kissing me hungrily I pull her on to my lap straddling her waist.
"Your so hot when you are mad I can't wait until you are done with your period and then I can have some fun with daddy." Cheryl says breaking our kiss.
"Noted" I say before kissing her some more. I carry her into the house. She begins to pull off her clothing as we get into our bedroom I pull off most of my clothes leaving me in my bra and pants. I give Cheryl a rough quickie. Mostly because she asked for daddy. I couldn't resist.
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onlygenxhere · 2 days
20 questions for writers
Tagged by @floating-in-the-blue. Thanks friend!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Julie and the Phantoms and one Teen Wolf
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Falling Toward the Future(264)
2. Julie and Luke’s Book of Dares(257)
3. Burn Baby Burn(159)
4. A Bigger Table(149)
5. Eat the Chips(145)
Falling Toward the Future was my first long fic in the jatp fandom. It’s a college AU that pulls from my own college experiences. I made the plan for it as I went along and learned a lot about what I like about writing and that I should have planned better before I started. It was still a lot of fun and I will always look back on those six-ish months fondly.
Julie and Luke’s Book of Dares was my second long fic I just finished in January. I wrote quite a bit of it before I started posting and this was my version of Dash and Lilly’s Book of Dares with the jatp characters so I had that to go by as far as plot goes and I think I kept to that as closely as I could with these characters.
Burn Baby Burn is the 6th story in the Found Family Fluff series and my first attempt at “sexual content” It’s Julie and Luke making out in a hammock. Very little dialogue. I was so nervous about posting this at the time. I’ve written WAY more explicit things since.
A Bigger Table is the 2nd story in the Found Family Fluff series and was inspired by buying a new dining room table and wishing I had four ghost boys to carry it in the house. It’s told from Ray’s pov.
Eat the Chips was my very first fic in the Jatp fandom and the smallest word count at only 752. This little series is the only “cannon” one with the boys still ghosts and still seems to be a fan favorite even though the series is pretty much done in my eyes. But never say never, ya know.
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t really do sad/angsty endings. But the saddest/angstiest fic overall I’ve written would have to be As Long as We Have Each Other. It’s a miscarriage fic and I cry every time I read it but it’s got a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Everything has a happy ending. I honestly can’t pick.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never any hate. A few “I didn’t like that thing.”
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. It’s mostly M/F. One M/F/M (Rukebox) and I have a M/M (Willex) coming at some point.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have not but if I ever had a good idea I certainly would.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not to my knowledge, and I’d hope someone would tell me/ask me if they did that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven’t although that would be fun.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I mean I’m going with ships I’ve written and say Julie/Luke and I used to run a Willow/Oz website back in the day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Never say never but I’ve got a couple that aren’t really talking to me anymore. A Peterpatterlina one where Julie and Luke start secretly “dating” although everyone knows but both of them are feeling guilty about it because of Reggie. I just don’t know where it’s going so there it sits.
Then I have another Juke meet in a different time period like my Royality Maybe I Could Be Yours which is 90% smut but the idea that they were always meant to be together came up when I was writing it and I thought maybe it could be a series. We’ll see…
16. What are your writing strengths?
I hate these questions. I don’t know. Even in job interviews I never know how to answer this because what I think I’m good at others may think I’m shit at. I will say the parts I LIKE are coming up with funny lines or heartbreaking lines. Also a really good visual where I’ve managed to describe the scene exactly how it is in my head. Doesn’t happen as often as I’d like but sometimes I’ll get a comment that “saw” what I was trying to show and it just makes me so happy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Punctuation, hands down. (and spelling but word helps with that) It’s definitely better the more I’ve been writing but woof, I am not naturally good at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
As long as it’s not too much. Especially in the jatp verse there should be a little Spanish here and there but I’m not a native speaker so I use it sparingly.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My favorite is almost always the one I’m currently working on so it’s the new series. The Miraculous Files of Mariposaport, Main(by Luke Patterson S.E.O.)
So it's the first fic in that series, It’s the End of the World as We Know It.
No pressure tagging, @wishfulstargazer, @writerownstory, @jackoneillistheman, and @jmrothwell
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
Dude. This, you’ve done something with this.
Like the first part REGGIES ADORABLE, and they’re obvs already soulmates, and it’s setting the Sirius dynamic. Like especially with James and Sirius, I think it’s a fun way to explore their friendship, and James’ inability to say no.
THEN THE NEXT PART! JAMES MY LOVE YOU.ARE.JELOUS!!!!!! Like my guy. The “baby”, James please have a conscious thought. The beef between Pandora and Sirius is so real <3. But it’s interesting to see like another sibling haver perspective on Sirius and Reg cause James is just James. Like it’s speaks a lot about everyone’s dynamic I think how everyone interacts with the twins (Love them but the way, your Evan is <333)
THEN THE LAST PART. HOLY SHIT. Like i thought they were about to have a cute moment (which i guess they did) but then BAM “what about your girlfriend?”. It was like a record scratch in my brain. I’m very excited to get Regs’ side of the story, and James is my bbg i’ll always defend him even if he sucks, if James said it was a platonic make out session, it was a platonic make out session. (I’m kidding he’s being a dick) BUT THE “You’re my best friend” while they were literally sucking face. Babe. Please. AND WHEN HE CALLED OUT WOLFSTAR, you have literally no room to talk. Like at all. But like, him being like “Em. Babe. ur overreacting” While reg was literally cuddled up in him. LIKE WHAT JAMES? THATS INSANE!
But like based of what you’ve posted IDK, but it’s different than what I expected?? (in a good way). Like the characterization is so compelling in this! I’m very excited for this and am very patiently waiting for the next part, in the meantime i’ll be re reading and finding even more insane bits i missed i’m sure.
(sorry for rambling, but thank you lots for writing <3)
NEVER APOLOGISE FOR RAMBLING and this ask made my day, i couldn't answer until now bc i've been shopping all morning/afternoon but !!! i read it as soon as i woke up and it made me <3 so very happy <333
ELEVEN YEAR-OLD REGGIE IS SOOOO CUTE i need to put him in my mouth and . chew . he's so very dear to me i swear <333 i also love his dynamic with sirius and all the banter between james and sirius was so fun to write. their friendship sort of . deteriorates . in a way . bc of regulus and both sirius and james' inability to share, so i'm glad i got to write them like this before that, like proper best friends!!!
HE'S SO FUCKING JEALOUS IT'S ACTUALLY CONCERNING the 'baby' was playing soooo dirty and so manipulative of him. and i'm so glad u enjoy sirius and pandora's rivalry bc it's one of my fav things in nothing happens hehe. and yessss james has a very . close-minded view of siblings, in a way, since he's an only child and he's never gonna understand what goes down in those kinds of bonds. so getting to see the twins and how they behave and interact with others helps with james' lacking perspective imo!! also nothing happens evan is my baby, i'm so happy u like him <333
THE LAST PART IS THE WOMAN OF THE HOUR I THINK so intense so hot so dramatic <3 the mention of james' gf IS supposed to hit, bc despite the fic being from his pov, he never thinks about her until reg mentions her, which is . wild . if u stop to think about it . idk if we'll ever get reg's side of the story bc nothing happens works better bc it's james-centric but !! who knows !! i'd love to write his pov of some moments for sure (and share more content of the twins too). also i'm so surprised to see how much ppl are loving nh james??? he's gonna get worse, so idk how long this will last but i'm quite pleased so far bc i adoreeee him. HE'S SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT DURING THAT WHOLE CONVO telling his literal gf she's overreacting when he has reg seated on his lap, telling reg he's his best friend after having his tongue down his throat . he's insane . especially bc he believes every single word coming out of his mouth
oh i'm so glad ur liking it despite the story not being what u expected (so relieved it's in a good way tho). the characterizations in nothing happens are what make the fic super compelling to me too so <3 taking this as a huge compliment <3 i'm gonna go back to writing oby + a pandalily pwp now so idk when the next part will be ready but !! since nothing happens is what i always write on the side bc it comes quite easy to me, it could be done sooner than it seems. we'll see!!
thank you so much for reading and for sending such a lovely ask, it means the whole world MWAH <333
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luv-xoxo · 2 years
Car naps -Vinnie Hacker
Vinnies pov
Today me jett and yn were driving to Seattle, it begun out trip midday so we will be arriving by tomorrow morning since it's a 17 hours trip, thats if we don't get stuck at traffic. Right now we are maybe 30 minutes in. "Hey baby can you pass me a water bottle" I asked my girlfriend since I was diving but got no response "yn? ", " Think she fell asleep but here you go" Jett said offering me a sealed bottle "thanks", I drank some of the water and place it on the cup holder.
Soon we approached a red light so I turn to look at my sleeping girlfriend, I threw my jacket over her and I lent over to lower her seat so it would be more comfortable for her to sleep since I know for sure that she will wake up when we stop for food and to switch with jett on who's driving. "That was fast tho we aren't even driving for an hour" Said jett just as I started driving again "yeah I know whats why we don't really drive long distances much she always falls asleep 20 minutes after we start driving" I smiled , he laughed "well at least you know what to do when she can't sleep", " Oh trust me I know more ways to put her to sleep than driving her around in the Middle of the night. " I smirked "I don't wanna know" Jett said slightly disgusted probably cause he saw yn as a sister. " I meant a hot bath or some warm chocolate, get your mind out of the gutter, you dirty minded piece of shit" I said chuckling, he chuckled too both of us knowing that sex is exactly what I meant. That seemed to woke yn up "hi" She said in a sleepy voice "hey there pretty girl" , "welcome back to the real world" Me and Jett said at the same time. She sat up and fixed her seat and then 'stole' my coffee so she can be fully awake as she claimed. Let me tell you she was asleep 20 minutes later "so much for keeping you awake" I laughed at myself " Maybe she didn't drink much to keep her awake " , " She had the whole cup it was literally almost completely filled" I laughed "Noooo, how did she do that? ", " You tell me" I laughed
Skip to a few hours later
We are 8 hours in, and it's tim for some real food and also time to switch I desperately need to sleep a bit, driving is exhausting especially when you are the only one awake, see Jett fell asleep bout 5 hours ago. Finally twenty minutes later there was a dinner on the side of the highway so I pulled up to its parking lot, I turned around shaking jetts knee to wake him up which worked and then I kissed yns cheek while shaking her a bit "come on baby wake up time to eat" She indeed woke up. We got out and walking in the dinner me and Jett Jett settled for some burgers and fries while yn got chicken nuggets with fries and a strawberry milkshake. Soon enough we were back in car Jett on the drivers seat while me and yn got comfortable in the back so we can sleep.
Time skip
3rd persons pov
Maria with Nate and Reggie were waiting outside of the house for the boys and yn to arrive Maria and Nate thought of Jett as a second son and as for yn she was the daughter they never had and they were praying to every God that what she and Vinnie ha would last and one day they would be able to lawfully call her their daughter.
Anyway soon enough they saw vins car approach,and soon came to a halt. To say they were confused is understandable from were they were standing only Jett was visible... Jett stepped out of the car and went over hugging them "hello Mr and Mrs hacker, Reggie my man" He greeted " Hello there Jett!!! " Maria said "how was the trip? " Nate asked "yo did my brother was that annoying that you threw him out if the car? " Reg laughed which was followed by jetts laugh. "No no he and yn are in the back seat sleeping" He smiled with that Maria and Nate took of to the car, they were so cute that Maria snapped a picture of them "mom mom", " Yes reg" " Can I wake them up" "Uh yeah sure go ahead" "Great Reggie said getting in the drivers seat and start honking. Both yn and Vin jumped but when they realize what going on they start laughing. As soon as they were outside the car Maria hugged yn kissing her cheek and Nate join the hug shortly after. " Look at that my parents are more happy to see my girlfriend than me THEIR ACTUAL CHILD " he said to his brother and Jett the last part a bit louder "honestly bro I m more happy to see her than you as well" Said Reggie while making his way to yn making vins mouth drop open and Jett laugh harder than ever before.
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jmrothwell · 8 months
Pretty sure I posted this before somwhere but sharing again. Especially since when(if) we eventually do get to this moment, it's probably gonna get rewritten from Reggie's POV.
Reggie’s shoulders shake as he wraps his arms around two of the men. The three of them collapse onto the pavement, tear filled laughter etched into the faces she can see.
Julie’s happy for them, she really is. But there’s an ache she can’t quell and watching their happy reunion only serves to rub salt in the wound. Isolated and alone in a way she never thought possible.
Should she give them some space? The question rings around her head, no clear answer in sight. Yet, her feet move underneath her, backing up until her back hits the facade of the corner store. The whole time her eyes had been glued to the scene playing out in front of her, but as their laughter grows so does the chasm forming in her chest.
Quietly she rounds the corner, trying to convince herself she isn’t hiding. She’s just giving them their privacy. That’s all this is, she reiterates to herself as she slides down to sit and hugs her knees to her chest.
“Julie?” Reggie nearly screeches and she stumbles tripping over her feet as she tries to stand up and run at the same time.
“Reggie?” She yells back, and he rounds the corner out of breath, eyes wide. Though she struggles to fully read his expression, didn’t even realize she’d walked so far away.
“What is it? What’s wro–” She begins to ask as they sprint towards each other. Her question is cut off as he nearly tackles her back to the ground. Crushing her to his chest, she swears her spine cracks under the pressure.
“Don’t,” he pants, squeezing her harder still, fingers digging into her jacket. “Don’t do that..I thought you.”
“Oh, Reggie.” She says with what little breath she can manage to gasp under his hold.
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simp4men · 3 years
The Hacker Sister part 4
AN: Here is part 4, finally the day of the match. I’m trying to figure out what to write for the next part since I want to continue this series. 
TW: Alcohol, Throwing up 
PART 4. 
Vinnie’s POV. 
I’m woken up to hear Y/N mumbling in her sleep with a worried look on her face. She’s thrashing her arms around and almost hits me in the face. She’s sweating and breathing heavily.  I already know that she is having a night terror. This tends to happen whenever she has an anxiety attack. I get out of bed and make my way to her side and use my arms to shake her awake. It takes a few tries but she finally opens her eyes and looks at me confused. 
“Vincey, what happened, where am I” she says 
“Hey, you were having a night terror, you were thrashing around like crazy. Do you not remember anything? I say 
She shakes her head, and looks down at her legs. I can still see that she’s still freaked out a little bit. 
“C’mere” I say I gently pull her on my lap and wrap my arms around her. She relaxes into me immediately. 
“You’re ok” I whisper into her hair 
I release from Vinnie’s hold and look at myself in the mirror across from us. God i’m such a freak what the fuck is wrong with me. I’m pathetic honestly.
“God, I’m such a fuck up. I’m sorry for waking you. I feel so bad you probably didn’t get any sleep because of me and you have to fight today” I say 
“Y/N look at me, your not a fuck up. Don’t ever say that about yourself. It’s honestly fine, you didn’t start thrashing around until a little before I woke you up. I got plenty of rest, trust me.” He says 
“I just feel bad, I shouldn’t be putting my problems on you and you shouldn’t be having to look out for me. That’s why I was avoiding you these past couple of weeks because I didn’t want you to notice. I’m your big sister for crying out loud. I should be the one looking out for you, not the other way around.” I ramble 
“Hey, Y/N it’s ok, we are family, we're supposed to tell each other these things. You can’t keep things to yourself. Remember what your therapist said. You have to reach out to people, and I know you don’t like to tell mom and dad everything but that’s why i’m here. You have to talk to me, don’t shut me out because you don’t think I can't handle it. Look, you may be older, but that doesn’t matter, it's my job to protect you and that’s what I’m gonna do.” He says 
Time skip to before the match. 
Vinnie had left earlier to head to the stadium with his trainers to prepare and get ready for the fight. My parents, Reggie and I were going to meet him there a little later. There was no way I was going to make it through this match without my anxiety going through the roof, and there was no way in hell I was going to have another anxiety attack. The only way I was going to be able to get through this was If I was drunk. I managed to figure out how to control my anxiety by drinking when I was in college. I just didn’t do it that often cause it made me feel like shit afterwards. But if alcohol was the only way I would manage to get through this day, then I would do it. We were all still at the hotel with an hour before we had to meet Vin at the stadium. The hotel had an open bar on the second floor and since I’m 22 I was able to access it. As I got to the bar I needed to find the fastest way to get drunk so I ordered a whole round of vodka shots for myself and a drink to go. I sneaked in a water bottle so I was able to pour the drink in there so that I could take it with me. After downing all the shots, I headed back upstairs to our hotel room. As I met up with my family, we all made our way to the car to head to the stadium. 
Once we arrived at the stadium, I could finally feel the alcohol start to hit my system. We were able to make it to Vinnie’s dressing room and I see that he’s already dressed. My mom goes to braid Vinnie’s hair so it’s off his face during the fight. I drink more from my bottle and at this point I'm pretty much drunk. My dad walks over to me and looks straight at me. I’m so out of it at this point I just look at him and wave.
“Jesus, Y/N! Are you drunk. What the hell were you thinking coming to your brother’s match like this” He says angrily “Where did you even get the alcohol from” 
“From the hotel bar, where else. Also can you please stop yelling, i’m of age you know, may I remind you that i’m 22 and live by myself. I can do what I want” I shout back at him 
My dad looks at me shocked, I've never yelled or talked to my parents that way before. All I know is that at this point it’s the alcohol talking. 
“Nate, just drop it, Vin’s about to go on now and we have to be there for him.” my mom says 
Sooner or later they announce Vinnie’s name and he starts to walk out with his trainers next to him. My parents and Reggie are with him too but walking behind him. I just met them at the sidelines next to the ring because I didn’t want to be seen by the cameras. My parents and Reggie join me on the sideline as Vinnie’s in the ring getting ready to fight. At this point I’ve entirely finished my whole bottle of alcohol that I brought with me so I’m super drunk. As the match starts I’m watching intently as I see Vinnie and Deji start punching each other. After 3 rounds the ref calls it and announces that Vinnie has won. We all start jumping up and down screaming. 
“That’s my fucking baby” my mom yells 
“Fuck yeah” dad shouts 
“We’re going to Disneyland” Reggie shouts 
“Yeah Vin” I yell 
We watch as Vinnie goes to comfort Deji after they announce Vinnie’s victory. He then does an interview talking to the presenter about his win. After that’s over Vinnie makes his way down from the ring to the sidelines to greet us. He goes to hug my mom and then dad and Reggie and finally makes his way to me. He grabs me into a hug and lifts me up. 
“Ewww Vin, your all sweaty put me down” I say 
“Well you smell like shit” He says
He could probably smell the alcohol coming off my breath. 
“Well, I feel like shit” I say 
As we make our way back to the dressing room a large crowd gathers trying to congratulate Vin and to take pictures with him. A security guard has to lead us to the back. Once we make it back to the room I feel the sudden urge to throw up. I knew this is what would happen but I had to drink to get rid of my anxiety. But I also have a fear of throwing up so that doesn’t end up helping since my anxiety starts coming back because I know I'm going to be sick. I start pacing back and forth frantically. 
“Y/N, I know you're scared but you have to throw up. You need to get the alcohol out of your system.” my mom says 
I shake my head, and start to cry. It’s not so much the alcohol or how much I feel like shit that's freaking me out, it's the fact I have to throw up which causes me to go into panic. 
“I promise you’ll feel so much better” my mom sighs 
Vinnie grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom. He leads me straight to the toilet and stands behind me. I fall to my knees hovering over the toilet with tears coming down my face. Vinnie grabs my hair to get it out of my face and starts rubbing my back. He sits behind me. 
“Just let it out Y/N” he says 
After I'm done throwing up I collapse back into Vinnie’s arms with me in between his legs crying into his chest.
“I didn’t like that” I whimper 
“I know Y/N, you did it though. You feel better?” he says 
I nod my head leaning back into Vinnie’s chest. I see my mom and dad looking in from the doorway. I look up at them. 
“I’m really sorry for drinking and getting drunk and I’m sorry for yelling at you.” I say 
“It’s okay, Y/N. We just need to find a better way to deal with your anxiety then for you having to drink. You can’t keep doing this.” my dad says 
I sigh and nod my head. Vinnie then stands up and helps me up as we make our way out of the bathroom. After Vinnie has changed we all make our way back to the hotel to celebrate. 
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
Hey!!! I just saw ur post and well, i have a request😊 how bout a fic where MC is enjoying hrslf with music fully turned on and Ethan walks in and he's like WHIPPED. if its shitty or u have made a fic similar to it, then completely ignore this. LOTS OF LOVE❤❤
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Singin’ In The Bar
Pairing: Ethan x F!MC (Becca Lao) Rating: Teen+ Summary: She’s having a grand ol’ time singing and dancing at Donahue’s with her friends, from his same ol’ stool Ethan watches desperately from the sidelines. Sometime in book 2.  Trope: Drunk; Pining; Musical; Ethan’s POV 
A/N: thank you for requesting this ♥ i’ve had it in my wips for months, soo sorry about that
Ethan was sitting at his normal spot at the bar of Donahue’s. Something he’s done nearly every night since he became an attending at Edenbrook Hospital. The evening was less than his preferred quiet, white-noise of the bar. There were residents being rowdy by the darts board and dancing around the old jukebox. 
He knew most of the faces and others he didn’t care enough to get to know. The ones he did know were a side effect of knowing Her. He smiled to himself, how could one woman stumble into his life and change almost every one of his ideals? Ethan had always made it a point to not form any sort of workplace acquaintanceship with any resident unless they did something notable, and even then they’d have to be at least a third-year. Or so that concrete rule was put into place right after she bought him a scotch that first day of intern year. 
Sometime during his reverie her group of friends decided to turn the jukebox into makeshift karaoke. Ethan’s nose scrunched up in a disdainful grimace as some utter garbage with strong bass and high syncopation began blaring from the old speaker system. 
He took a long swig of scotch. 
In the distance he could hear the residents were not so subtly rapping to Anaconda. Ethan thought about how none of them probably realized the refrain’s from Sir Mix A Lot. He promptly rolled his eyes, the age gap apparent more than ever. That was certainly evident - especially with the unabashed way Lahela was pointing and coaxing everyone to “look at her butt”. 
And Ethan did. Very briefly he looked over to see who exactly Lahela was referring to. Telling himself he wanted to see the ruckus and not the bright and weakening smile of his resident. 
Ethan finished his drink in one gulp.  
In the short time it took, the girls began to girl-group to Bang Bang; another song Ethan didn’t care to know. 
He stole a glance again, and their eyes met. Becca’s glowing features perked into a small genuine smile just for him. 
Ethan couldn’t look away - she was the depths of a sea and he wanted to continue falling deeper and deeper. His full body shifted towards her, a sailor being beckoned by a siren. The rational Dr. Ramsey did a 180 and turned towards Reggie for another drink. Ethan needed to put as much distance as possible between him and Dr. Lao. 
Even with his gaze trained on the bar top, hands wrapped around a double scotch and shooting her an indifferent shoulder, Ethan could feel her eyes on him. Could sense the flicker of pain he inflicted by snubbing her. 
A slower song came on that pulled Ethan out of his stupor. But it wasn’t the song. It was the voice singing along to Mario’s Let Me Love You. 
Ethan knew this song. He knew it rather well, actually. 
He let the old R&B bassline circle around him and take him back to before he was the Great Dr. Ethan Ramsey. Back to a time when he was just Ethan, studying alone in his room and planning out the rest of his life meticulously. And how he’s come to learn these last two years - no matter how hard you try - it’s impossible to keep to plan. Everything is subjective. And maybe, just maybe, everything he’s told himself was leading up to this moment. 
This moment when he finally needed to abandon them. 
Ethan’s strict code was a coping mechanism all his life. Something to govern his habits to lead him to his greatest desires. Never could Ethan Ramsey ever have imagined what was actually waiting for him at the end of the fantasy. He always thought it was medical greatness but maybe it was… something else. 
He glanced over his shoulder. 
And there she was making an absolute fool of herself trying to do the old choreography. It had his heartbeat quickening and his grip on the glass tightening. 
When she sang the chorus for the first time her amber eyes locked with Ethan’s. The intensity had him sucking in a breath through gritted teeth. He tried to look away - oh did he try - but couldn’t. She was captivating. She had a hold on him he couldn’t explain in any scientific words. 
Ethan sat stone still, his deep gaze stuck on her movements for the next two minutes. His breath came and went with the sway of her hips.  
“Someone turn this garbage off!” a bargoer shouted as the song closed and another Ariana Grande song came on. 
Whatever spell Becca had him under was broken when the rest of her group shouted back “no” as they danced side to side. 
His eyes flitted back to his drink. A burning sensation at the base of his neck had him swearing she kept looking at him. That she was telling him something through the unfamiliar and muffled lyrics. The way her hips talked were certainly saying something else. 
Before this new song finished, after their eyes held one for seconds too long once more, Ethan abandoned his half full glass and exited the bar in a quick fury. 
And Becca’s heart fell..
Before she knew it she was moving.  
“Becks, where you going?” Bryce called after her. 
“Really need to pee. Be right back!”  
She made her escape through the side door out to the beer garden. He wasn’t there. Her head whipping back and forth trying to find his tall frame. Her feet moving to the darkest of corners he could be hiding in. 
Out of the corner of her eye a figure paced in circles in the parking lot, the desolate lot in the distance for the beauty parlor storefront next door. His hands tangling in his hair, pulling at the strands. Carefully, cautiously, she moved towards him. The clacking of her heels on asphalt the only sign Ethan wasn’t alone anymore.
Closer and closer she moved, and he still moved back and forth. 
As soon as she was within hearing range, ever so softly she spoke; “Hey...” 
He stopped. 
His head whipped towards hers. She was standing there looking like the heroine of every damned dream he’s ever had all his life. The streetlamp casting down on her like a godforsaken halo. 
Ethan closed the distance in three long strides. 
His hands met her first - cupping her cheeks seconds before their lips meet. They’ve done this a handful of times before and still it was as intoxicating - maybe more so - than the first time. Her hands trailed up his arms, clinging to the fabric at his bicep. The kiss was bruising, deep and stealing any rational breath they ever emitted in the past. Their liquor-lacked tongues tangled and glided in ways that sent sparks flying and their knees wobbling. In the dim streetlighting on this seemingly random weeknight the two figures melded into one. 
Minutes that felt like seconds had their lungs clawing for oxygen. Both gasping, Ethan pulled away just enough to look into her eyes. His thumbs caressing the apples of her cheeks, as he searched her for any sensible reasoning. 
“What are you doing to me?” 
The whispered words brushed over her just before Ethan pulled her back in. 
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