#but sure the woman of colour is happier as a white man I guess so that’s fine
toadminako · 2 years
Marwa’s ultimate fate was incredibly gross and has just left me feeling miserable. And the silly vampire show shouldn’t do that.
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Cloudwalker Series Part 14
Bit O’ drama, bit O’ fluff. I hope you like this one. 
Warnings: There’s a bit of a fight in this one but no massive injuries. There’s the usual warning for owned/pet whumpees, and then Erix is back who’s whumped Dyan in the past (noncon) but there’s no scenes of that in this piece.
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 1500
Avizon tensed his jaw and clenched his fists. “Stay by my side, he can’t hurt you. Chin up, Dyan, you’re better than him. He can’t hurt you.”
Dyan whimpered but did so. Ihuka growled from the floor. “Tell Ihuka to keep an eye on him, to warn me if he approaches.” Dyan did so quickly. Then Avizon turned his back to Erix and continued buying tins and dry goods. He’d give him the chance to walk away, to resolve this. He wasn’t afraid to turn around and simply mumble a spell of protection to be sure.
He looked to the far side of the table and saw dreamcatchers. He looked down at Dyan and cleared his throat. “Pick one of these, for you.”
Dyan’s eyes grew wide. “Master?” “Go on, choose one. Perhaps they will help with your bad dreams. They are not made from cloudwalker feathers?” “No, your greatness, only game birds and the like,” the older stall owner said. “Good.” Dyan picked out one with brown and white feathers. It was a pretty thing. “Add that to my list.”
Ihuka jumped to his feet and Avizon turned around again. Erix was coming closer, walking closer rather than sending a ranged attack.
“Tread carefully,” Avizon warned. “You are not getting him, and you are not getting your diamonds. I know you tried to buy Dyan with my own money. Thief.” He looked back at the stall with the now sheepish young man for a moment and smirked before turning back. “Maybe you should get a beating too.”
Erix snarled, “You have no right! He’s my fucking bird!” Dyan whimpered and tried to back away but Avizon wouldn’t give him the leash space. “Aye, and you cut the rope. For that-” Avizon didn’t even hesitate when he swung a punch, catching him on the jaw. Dyan yelped and scrambled back since Avizon had dropped the ropes. 
Erix stumbled back in shock, power rose in his hands, making a few people scatter, and Dyan dragged Ihuka away, behind a stall. Erix threw a massive orb of energy at Avizon, and Dyan shrieked, but Avizon calmly raised his hand, and produced a larger orb of energy, it looked almost like liquid smoke, which engulfed the orb Erix sent. He then transformed the large orb into a snake like rope, which grabbed onto Erix and yanked him closer before he could break it. Avizon was inches away from Erix’s face.
“If you’re going to attack me, at least act capable of winning. Do not threaten, hurt, or even inconvenience my birds. You lost your rights to Dyan when you treated him like dirt. He is mine, unless you’d like to try again to fight me for him?” Erix snarled but lowered his head and Avizon smirked. “No, I thought not. I'm getting tired of seeing you glaring at me and stomping your feet when you’re too cowardly to start a fight worth finishing. Get out of my sight, while you can."
Erix grumbled, his face red with embarrassment. Avizon threw him away and let him land on his face on the dusty wooden floor. “This isn’t the end of this,” he glowered, but he backed away and left the barn, holding his jaw. Avizon moved his head to either side, making it crack. “You there, go and stand guard of my horse, I don’t trust that slug,” Avizon ordered. “Yes, your greatness.”
Avizon sighed and looked back at Ihuka and Dyan, who were still hiding behind a stall. Both of them looked terrified. “It’s alright, little birds. Come.” Dyan swallowed hard but picked up his and Ihuka’s leash, he inched closer and offered them back to him with shaking hands. Avizon praised him gently, taking the rope but holding his hands for a short moment. He massaged Dyan’s sore wrist for a moment. “Good bird. Trust me. You’re safe. Erix knows I am stronger, and I will protect you. Ihuka, up.” Ihuka stood and gave Dyan his slightly chewed root. Dyan took it from him nervously and began to chew the other side. He was surprised to see him calm faster.
Slowly the people returned to their stalls, which meant Avizon could return to purchasing supplies. He was passing a small stall but he felt resistance on Ihuka’s part. Avizon turned to see Ihuka had stopped, looking up sadly at the table. Avizon frowned when he was looking at small knitted cloudwalkers. “What?” He asked gently. Ihuka pointed sadly. “Ryuvek...” Avizon raised an eyebrow, no wonder his brother had been sold so quickly if he was a damned tawny.
“Well hello, there lovelies. What beautiful companions you have there,” the old woman smiled. Avizon looked at the old woman who seemed in her own merry world. She seemed familiar, from the castle he was sure. He studied the table, the clothes, the dresses, the blankets. Of course. She was the royal seamstress. “Emmy?”
She paused for a moment. “Yes, Lord Avizon?” “I did not realise you would be here.” It felt wrong to ask her how she fared. He was the one who had reduced her to this after all. “Your work is still as beautiful as ever...” He gestured to the doll Ihuka had seen. “I’ll take one. Come, Dyan, you may pick one thing as a reward.”
Dyan pursed his lips, “But… I’m not sure I deserve nice things? I didn’t do anything?” “And I say you did, so choose.”
Dyan peered around. He saw a blanket folded up in the corner, “Is that too much?...” The old woman gingerly handed it to him. It was incredibly soft, perhaps it would help both of his cloudwalkers when they were afraid. “I’ll take two of these, you can pick your colours.” Ihuka picked a dark blue one, and Dyan was unsure. Avizon asked the woman if she had more, which she did, and Avizon was able to find the colour he was looking for: turquoise. Dyan seemed to fall in love with it as soon as he saw it. “Thank you, master.”
“I recognise those coats,” Emmy said softly, “I made them myself.” “Yes, but I do not think Ihuka is overly fond of purple… Perhaps you would be interested in making them new clothes for me?” “It would make me most happy, sir, I admit I have missed making such fine clothes… May I take their measurements?”
He nodded, “Dyan, take your coat off little bird, let Emmy measure you. She won’t hurt you. Best behaviour now.”
Dyan nodded and took his coat off, giving it to Ihuka to hold. He behaved perfectly, letting Emmy measure him despite his clear nervousness and flinches.
“Will he be expected to put on weight?” Avizon looked at Dyan’s still thin torso, “Yes, til he’s healthy. I think looser clothes would be best, more coverage as well.” “Yes, that usually is the case with cloudwalkers… Poor Flutter used to despise the tight clothes. He was always getting into trouble for it.”
Next came Ihuka. Avizon kept close to him, keeping a hand on his chin just to be sure that he didn’t bite her. “I don’t suppose you know what happened to the royal pets?” Avizon asked, stroking Ihuka’s chin with his thumb. Emmy carried a sad look on her face, “I don’t think they weren’t anyone’s priority at the time. I did look, I was so fond of them, but I think one of the guards took them and sold them. Poor things, I hope they found a happier life.”
“Should you ever hear more, let me know,” Avizon said, “I’d even be tempted to buy them back.” “I will see what I can do, My Lord.”
Ihuka huffed out a breath as his arms started to ache. Avizon stroked his hair, "Steady now. Good bird.” “You gave them liquorice?” Emmy said in mild surprise. He guessed she smelled it on their breath. “Lord Avizon, you have changed.” There was something about being spoken to as if he was a normal man against that… warmed something inside him. He hadn’t realised how much he missed it until now. “Aye, he helped himself to some at the table so I bought more.”
“I thought I saw a commotion by Barnard’s stall, poor thing. Cloudwalkers adore liquorice root, they really can’t resist it. They eat it to keep their teeth clean, but it also gives them quite the giddy feeling. Some sellers give it to them to keep them calmer and happier.” “Interesting… I imagine Ihuka will need a crate of the stuff then. He can be quite the handful,” he remarked and she smiled. 
“I imagine it is hard on them to lose one world and be thrown into another. I wish more people cared for them.”
“I can agree with you there, they’ve begun to make me see they aren’t just animals… How much for everything?” “For you, only-” “No,” he said softly, “You do not have to charge less, you have your respect for me. In fact-” He passed one of the small pouches Erix had 'given' him. “Here. It is a shame there were not more like you.” He thought she was going to faint when she opened the bag. “Are you sure, my lord? I...” “Yes. Look after yourself, perhaps you could buy a cloudwalker of your own to help you and care for.”
He smiled and took his things. Perhaps these cloudwalkers really were changing things. “I’ll pick up the clothes on my next visit. Let’s go home, little birds.” He patted their hair and guided them back to the cart.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 4 years
So I’ve recently come to terms that I might be bi, but I’m struggling with the whole concept of preferences. I’d like to think that I like all genders about the same amount but I’m not really sure about it because I’ve never been in a relationship. That’s why I wanted to know what having a preference exactly means.
Like for example if I say I have a preference for women, does that mean if I end up dating a man that the relationship won’t be as fulfilling as one with a women? Or I wouldn’t be as committed to it as I would with a women? Would I secretly believe that the relationship would just be better if my partner was a woman? Because I’d hate to feel like I’m leading someone on, and feel like I can’t fully love them because they’re not my “preferred gender”. It is also why I struggled to come to terms that I might really be bi and not someone just looking for attention and trying to be ~special~.
I’m gonna be honest with you: I am very dissatisfied with the way that discourse about bisexuality keeps up this narrative about preferences without ever actually talking about what “preference” means. Because it leads exactly to situations like the one you are in right now: people who think that they have to be able to identify what their personal preference is and then also thinking that this preference is holding some very deep meaning that influences their entire love and sex life from then on.
So first of all you should know that there is no universally agreed upon opinion in the bi community what “preference” in the context of bisexuality even means or how one would “measure” that. Which is, to get a bit personal, the reason why to this day I cannot confidently say if I either have no preference or a preference for men. Because it totally depends on how one would define what a “preference” even is. I would say that I am attracted about the same amount to all genders but attraction to men feels more intense most of the time for me and my sexual fantasies are mostly about men. Is that because I “prefer” men or simply bc I have more experience with them so naturally my brain finds it easier to draw from memories to create fantasies? Who knows? Who cares? Not me.
Because at the end of the day, even if there was undoubtable scientific evidence that I had a preference for men - that doesn’t mean I don’t still have the capacity to be attracted to other genders. I still also had crushes on women in the past. I still also have sexual fantasies about women. When I think about potentially finding a new partner in the future I still absolutely do not care what gender they have.
If you have a preference is something that only you can judge for yourself and also what “preference” means for you personally. Does it simply mean that the number of people that you are/have been attracted to is greater for one gender than others? Does it mean your feelings for one gender are more intense than other genders? And either way: how the hell would you even measure that?
Seriously: it’s okay to not care about finding an answer to this question. Bisexual people do not have to overanalyse every miniscule aspect of our sexual and/or romantic orientation and we don’t owe anyone any explanation for why or how we are attracted to certain genders in certain ways. This obsessive need that some bi people have to justify their preference for one gender or to prove how they do not have a preference (and are therefore a Real Bisexual™) comes from internalised biphobia. Monosexual people hardly ever feel the need to justify their preferences to that degree. And I just can’t help but feel like the reason why “preference” is so often mentioned when it comes to bisexuality is because of biphobia. “What’s your preference?” seems to be the watered down version of “so what are you really? gay or straight?”
And I think that’s just a very black and white mentatlity of what the presence of a preference even means. As if saying “I have a preference for x” means you are totally uninterested or even appalled by anything that’s not x. Most people have preferences about potential partners or sex and relationship stuff. Like, I prefer people with dark hair, but my boyfriend is a gingery blonde and I don’t love him any less or are attracted to him any less just because the overwhelming majority of people I have been attracted to in the past had black or brown hair. And I don’t spend any time in this relationship wishing my boyfriend’s hair colour was different.
So what if you have a preference for women but then fall in love with a man or are attracted to one? Then you’re still in love with him or attracted to him. Because of the way he looks or because of his personality - or whatever it is that attracts you to him. And that’s all real and genuine - even if the majority of people you’ve been attracted to so far have been women. Your feelings and attraction to different genders doesn’t have to stand in competition to one another. Being very attracted to one gender doesn’t mean you are automatically less attracted to another gender. This isn’t a zero sum game.
And people who find themselves unfulfilled in a monogamous relationship should probably think about if they might be happier in polyamory - but that goes for every sexual orientation. Bi people are not more or less likely to be polyamorous than non-bi people. And it’s an old biphobic myth that bi people cannot feel happy in a monoganous relationship or that we always need to have partners of different genders so that we feel fulfilled.
I get that it can sometimes be interesting to reflect on stuff like what’s your type or if there’s been any patterns in the people you find yourself drawn to or attracted to. Like realising “huh, a lot of them had curly hair” or “I seem to really like tall people” or “I guess the majority of them were men”. But if it ends in you stressing yourself out and over-thinking everything then it’s not helpful and you are allowed to just not give a fuck about whatever the hell your “preference” is. It can be fun to think about and for some people it’s very easy to answer... but for others it’s not and sometimes it’s not at all productive to keep thinking about this. Especially for people who still struggle a lot with internalised biphobia because it leads to a lot of self-doubt and people end up falling into these traps of biphobic sentiments.
So... long story short: “preference” means different things to different bisexuals and to some it’s a completely irrelevant topic of discussion that they don’t feel the need to apply to their sexual orientation at all. It’s okay if you find that discussion about “preferences” aren’t helpful or relevant to you or the way you personally experience bisexuality.
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My Journey
Hey everyone, As you will likely know by now I am a trans woman and I live in the UK where lately trans people have been under significant scrutiny by the press, government and groups claiming to be acting in the name of feminism.
One of the arguments used when not directly attacking trans people, is that the medical institutions that help us in the UK fast track us through transition, even the NHS and I know so many trans people in this country that I can say without a shadow of a doubt this is not true. This includes a significant number who have been under the care of Tavistock and Portman, the under 18s service which was recently banned from giving its patients hormone blockers without the approval of the courts.
But anyway, I’m gonna share my story and how lengthy the process actually is and I will warn ahead of time this deals with suicidal ideation, gatekeeping, mental health, etc. So proceed with caution. This will also be a long post.
September/October 2008
I can’t remember which month but it was just before my 16th birthday, my Dad encouraged me to go to my GP regarding my gender dysphoria. I lived with my transphobic Mum at the time and had to go behind her back which was terrifying to say the least. I saw a doctor called Dr Moulsher and explained everything I was going through and his response was, “I don’t think the NHS funds any of this.” He was very ignorant on trans issues but it actually fortunately worked out in my favour, I got lucky, I know, but he just wanted me off of his hands.
I explained in Sheffield there was a GIC (gender identity clinic) operated by the NHS known as Porterbrook and he was just like, “Oh right. Well I’m more than happy to refer you but they likely won’t see you till you are 18.”
He asked me some questions, wrote up a detailed report and put in the referral to “get the ball rolling” as he worded it.
I was terrified at the time of the referral letter going to my home address though and he was like, “Well it needs to be sent somewhere.” So he agreed to send it to my grandparents address.
Later That Year
About a month or so later a letter arrived at my grandparents saying I had been accepted onto Porterbrook’s waiting list, explaining it is substantially long, that they wouldn’t be able to see me till I’m 18, etc. Your typical boiler plate stuff. Also as I understand it they don’t typical accept referrals for under 18s so I got lucky there. I remember getting so excited when I got my letter though, that I took it into school to show all of my friends.
Back then it was a requirement that I have a mental health assessment while on the waiting list though. So I returned to Dr Moulsher who I had become rather comfortable with and had made him my regular GP. He made a referral to the local mental health clinic and that was that.
January/February 2009
A letter came in the post asking me to ring to book at appointment at the local mental health clinic. I couldn’t ring from home cos my Mum would overhear and she was spying on me a lot at the time due to really being against the fact I’m trans. My school - which was a Catholic school shockingly enough - had already decided my home environment had become so toxic that I needed removing from my Mum’s care. They would be a process that wouldn’t be completed till June 2010 but yeah, it had got that bad. Anyway, I ended up asking the school receptionist if I could ring on their phone to book the appointment. That was booked for February.
The appointment was a weird one to say the least. The doctor asked me a quite a lot of questions but these are the ones that stuck out.
So with this first one, I am going to preface with that as far as I am aware, I am white and of white ancestry for all the generations I know of. However I do have remarkably curly hair that left to its own devices grows into an afro (or at least what looks like an afro). So the first set of questions that stood out; Dr: What’s your mother’s ethnicity? Me: White British.
Dr: Sorry, did you say Afro-Caribbean? Me: No. White British. Dr: And your father’s ethnicity? Me: White British. Dr: Sorry, was that Afro-Caribbean?
Me: Nope. White British.
Not really sure how you can get Afro-Caribbean and White British verbally mixed up but he seemed very adamant at least one of my parents must be Afro-Caribbean.
He then later goes;
Dr: Do you have a partner?
Me: Yes.
Dr: Are they male or female?
Me: I have a girlfriend.
Dr: Then you can’t be trans. You can’t be trans if you like girls.
Me: What about lesbians?
Dr: That’s beside the point.
Shockingly, in the end he agreed with my GP’s assessment that I am trans but Jesus, as you can probably guess from above that mental health assessment was a minefield of weird.
24th October 2010
In June 2010, I was finally removed from my Mum’s care at the age of 17 and placed in supported housing and on the date about I got a phone call from Porterbrook GIC on my 18th birthday no less, inviting me to my first appointment in November.
22nd June 2012
I legally changed my name and title by deed poll to Miss Lily Nichole Robinson.
22nd October 2012
I’d now been at Porterbrook for almost 2 years, had lots of appointments, most of which repeated the same mundane questions and it had started to feel like nothing was ever going to change. I had become increasingly depressed and suicidal and I had decided that if nothing had changed by my 20th birthday I was going to take my own life. I did not want to enter my 20s still living my life as a man. I didn’t want to lose another year of my life.
I remember this date exactly, not because I marked it in my calendar but because Taylor Swift’s album “Red” came out that morning. Despite everything, I was dancing along to 22 that morning while ironing some clothes, before I headed off to Porterbrook. I didn’t really feel like it mattered, I was going to kill myself 2 days later but I figured what is the harm in going through the motions one last time.
I sat there, trying not to let on how miserable I was, didn’t see the point in letting them in on how I was feeling. Nothing would change.
I remember being asked some really gross questions that day though. I got asked if I masturbated and I just declined answering. When challenged I was just like, “I maybe trans and I may hate that equipment but I’m a human being. I still have sexual urges. What do you think the answer is.”
The appointment though, shockingly ended with them telling me they were going to put me on hormones. I was gonna get my estrogen. It was enough to give me a reason to keep on living.
But just bare in mind how close I got to taking my own life there. 2 days away from my 20th birthday. Also it took almost 2 years for them to say they’d be placing me on hormones.
January/February 2013
In January, I had my bloods taken to get a baseline and I was told about options for storing gametes. I did decide to consider this but in the end it ended up being too costly for me at the time. So in February, on a day it was snowing I got the train and was adamant the snow was not stopping me getting to Porterbrook and I had an appointment with the head clinician, Dr Kevin Wylie.
He oddly listed all the testosterone blocker options to me with side effects and risks and all the estradiol options to me with side effects and risks. In the end I chose Cyproterone Acetate for my blocker and Estradiol Valerate pills for my hormones.
50mg per day of Cyproterone Acetate and 2mg per day of Estradiol Valerate. I was ecstatic and took them both the second I got on the bus 😊
May 2013
Slightly unrelated to the medical process but just 3 months in and my mental health had improved drastically. Since I was removed from my Mum’s care I had become a bit of a shut in. I didn’t have any friends, my anxiety was through the roof, I was insanely depressed and I just avoided everything and everyone, only leaving my house for work. Hormones changed that though, I just felt so much happier and I also remember that Spring just being like really vividly aware of the colours of all the flowers and plant life for like the first time in my life. I actually wanted to go out and social and make friends and there was a local LGBT youth group for 18-25 year olds that I decided to join and I started to have and social life again. And by September 2013 I started university and soon came getting drunk with the LGBT Liberation Group at the various socials. I was happy and finally starting to feel like myself.
2013 - 2016
Porterbrook became very gatekeepy in the final stage of my transition. They didn’t like how I dressed. Apparently girls wear dresses while I preferred jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. I didn’t like wearing make-up. I wasn’t the 1950s image of a girl that Porterbrook seemed to expect. I actually have a trans guy friend who around the same time had been told he couldn’t start on testosterone unless he cut his hair short, cos apparently men don’t have long hair.
It pissed me off to no end because I transitioned to be me, not to be a performance of how the world thinks a woman should be. I refused to give ground on how I dressed, etc but in the end I ended up telling a few white lies to get past the final level of gatekeeping. And I can’t remember most of this dates as they happened while uni was going on in the background. But eventually Porterbrook gave me the go ahead for surgery, about 6 months later I had my second opinion and then I was referred for surgery.
January 2016
I had my pre-surgery assessment at Nuffield Health Brighton and I was told if I wanted I could have my surgery as early as March 2016. Due to university though, this proved a bit too soon and the date was pushed to June 2016.
22nd June 2016
The day before the EU Referendum I had my gender reassignment surgery. I don’t actually remember feeling all that ecstatic after the surgery. There was lot of pain and I was on a lot of drugs. But a friend, Rosie, who I hadn’t seen since high school lived in the area and she was at my bedside when I woke up. I was in hospital a week and had 3 months of recovery ahead of me.
Post Surgery 2016
Having surgery had been great, things finally felt right. My entire body felt right for once but I had tunnel visioned my life towards surgery and put a lot of stuff on the back burner and had some major post-surgery depression so I sort counselling at my university to get through these issues and once that was sorted I felt a lot more stable in myself and like nothing was in my way.
October 2016
I put in my application for my Gender Recognition Certificate only for it to get rejected because they did not like the assessment from Porterbrook GIC and Dr Wylie who wrote the assessments was off on leave. Me and a nurse had to sit down and look through my medical record to find a medical report they might accept and we finally found one. However they wouldn’t say what was wrong with the original which made Porterbrook kinda stumped on what was wrong.
February 2017
I received my Gender Recognition Certificate and my new Birth Certificate.
March 2017
I was discharged from Porterbrook GIC.
For those who are under the impression gender reassignment is a fast process it isn’t, it took me 8 years and 6 months start to finish, from initially seeing my GP at 15 to finally being discharged from Porterbrook GIC at the age of 24. It is a long ass process with a shit tone of gatekeeping and honestly going through the process as it stands isn’t something I’d wish on my worst enemy. When I was discharged from Porterbrook GIC in 2017 my first thought was, “I’m free. I’m finally in control of my own life.” As up until that point, I felt I had no autonomy and that my life and happiness was in the hands of doctors. It was miserable.
But there it is.
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moulinrouge78-blog · 4 years
Sex fantasies and other surprises - Part 1
Netflix made me do it. This is my first fanfiction contribution ever posted. It’s hot and erotic because I love and live for SMUT. Enjoy.....
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They have been together for a year now and he couldn’t be happier. Their long distance relationship isn’t easy but works out pretty well and today wasn’t just the Friday she would come to Capeside to be with him for a long weekend but also their 1st anniversary of being Joey and Pacey the happy in love couple who make it work.
And he’s got a plan. ‚You are a lucky bastard‘ he smiled to himself standing in front of his bathroom mirror getting ready for his drive to Capeside train station where she would arrive in around an hour. The thought about his girl made him feel light headed and gave him electric shivers that went straight down his groin. He looked down and could see his dick standing In excitement. But there was no time for that, first stops where the florist by the harbour and Capeside‘s fine jewellers. One last look in the mirror to ensure he didn’t miss a smudge of shaving cream on his face and his hair sat in place before he turned around grabbing his keys and went out the door. It was barely 9am and the sun was already warm standing high in a cloudless blue sky. The air smelled of seaweed and sand coming from the dunes with the birds chirping in the trees. He went around to his Ford Explorer and looked at the beach, breathing in the fresh air.  Three years ago the Dudley‘s passed away and Pacey didn’t hesitate to buy their beach house. While the winters are long and cold just as they are around everywhere in Massachusetts he thought Capeside is the most beautiful place on earth in summer when the weather is like this. 
Pacey checked the weather forecast for weeks and this weekend was perfect. He couldn’t stop smiling all the way to the florist and greeted one of the delivery drivers once he parked his car and run over to help the man handling big buckets of Magnolia, Echinacea, Roses, Poppies, Water Lillies, Day Lillies and Pale Grass Pink Orchids. 
‚Hey Rob, let me give you a hand‚ he said taking two of the buckets from the struggling man’s arm, nodding at him. ‚Oh thank you Pacey, these flowers don’t look heavy but they certainly are and I am not getting younger‘ Rob said wiping off a thin layer of sweat he felt forming on his forehead. ‚Ah man, you are still as chirpy and not a day older than 45, are you not?‘ Pacey said with a wide grin. ‚Well add another decade to it and you are about right!‘ Rob chuckled returning a friendly smile. ‚Ohh before i forget. Your flowers are ready! Rob said. Ohh brilliant timing. That’s why I am here. Thank you! 
Ten minutes later, Pacey left the shop with his wildflower garland made of blue false indigo, bowmen‘s root and peach leaved bluebells. He asked for seasonal wild flowers and the arrangement couldn’t be prettier. 
The jewellers was just up the road, 2 traffic lights and 5 minutes away and he suddenly felt very nervous.  This was the tricky part he wanted to get right out of all things. He knew how he wanted to propose to the girl who stole his heart. It usually is Dawson’s expertise to do the fluff and romantic stuff, Pacey did lack in this department a little he thought so he took Jen with him a fortnight ago to show her the ring he selected for Joey. 
‚What do you think, Lindley?‘ he bit his lip, nervous as hell, hoping it wouldn’t be too bad. Jen stared at the open black velvet box with the tiny yellow pear shaped moissanite diamond in the platinum ring base he picked, bedded on a satin cushion. The ring wasn’t pretentious and simple despite the yellow colour of the stone. He knows Joey doesn’t like gaudy things, keeps it elegant and classy and he respected that, ok who is he kidding? he thought. Joe‘s disgust for trashy things and the want to be authentic and real was adorable and sexy as hell. A sigh escaped Jen’s mouth and than there was a long pause. ‚Uh oh, that bad, Lindley?‘ he asked suddenly his throat terribly dry, not sure if he wanted to get a response from his dear blonde friend next to him. Jen also liked being real and true at all times and usually he admired her for that but today he hopes she’s gentle on him. Jen looked at him and back down to the glass counter where Hilary the sales assistant placed the ring for them to view and her face was not showing any sort of emotion, she looked blank. ‚Listen...Jen...there is still time, I can return it and you...YOU are a women of many tastes, you can help me making the RIGHT decision!‘ He felt  frantic, his palms were sweating as he took he reaction as a sign, that this ring was a terrible pick. She finally looked up at him and her face lid up. ‚Oh my god...Pace....this is the most, beautiful ring I have ever seen. Joey truly is a lucky girl!‘ Her voice trembled a little as the emotion kicked in and she hugged him tightly ‚You did well, Witter! ‘ I wonder...‚ What’s that? He asked, breaking their embrace, looking at her happily but confused raising a brow. ‚Does this ring come in a set with earrings, if so I’ll take them!‘ Jen said with a giggle. Pacey laughed at that remark and lightly slapped her shoulder. Ouch, Witter!!! He kissed her head and logged his arm through hers leaving the shop after he paid his deposit. At the train station the clock just outside the station tower read 9:58am. Great 2 more minutes, I am not late. 
He quickly checked the arrival table on the monitor and was glad that the train was on time before he made his short way to the platform. With that he heard the chuffing sound of the fast train approaching the platform slowing down until it came to a noisy halt. Passenger‘s got off the train, restricting his view, so he tiptoed and bend his neck. It took him a few moments and he saw her. His heart pounded fast in his chest. It was only a few days ago that they been together but his body reacted like he hasn’t seen her for weeks, months or even years. She stepped off the train, holding onto a small beige hard shell travel trolley with her right hand. She wore a tie front puff sleeve midi dress in light blue with matching hairband holding her hair in a ponytail and white leather sandals with block heel. Each movement made the dress show off her long silky tanned legs. She still hasn’t spotted him, looking from left to right, a puzzled look on her face that made her mouth pout. 
Ohh those lips he thought. He could tell she didn’t bother with make up, only a little bit of mascara, a little rogue to make her cheeks glow peachy and a colourless chapstick is all she would use, she was the most beautiful girl he ever laid eyes on and he was glad she finally grown in confidence to see herself not just as a too tall woman with long limbs and feels comfortable in her skin. The tie front of her dress was open a little and he could faintly guess where her chest bone would turn into the bulge of her breasts.  His heart skipped a beat and he manoeuvred the best he could into her direction without being seen. She fumbled on the zipper of her trolley standing with her bare back to him. He reached for her waist while his other hand went to her neck placing little kisses onto the bare skin underneath her hairline.  ‘Hello gorgeous!’ ‘Mmmm’ was the only vocabulary escaping her lips. She leaned into him, eyes closed and smiling her big smile that drove him insane. 
He felt her ass rotating and grinding into his hard bulge ‘Ahhh, Pace happy to see me?’  and suddenly his khaki shorts felt way too tight. His hands holding onto her arms for stability he whispered into her ear, nibbling her lobe and finally resting his chin on her shoulder ‘Ohh Jo, you have no idea. I wouldn’t like anything more than to pull up that fabric of your dress and take you right here, right now giving by passengers a show of their life time.‘
With that he swirled her around and let her fall into his arms, looking deeply in her dark brown eyes. ‘God I missed you, Potter!’ ‘I missed you so much, my sweetheart!’ she whispered back. There it was. Just like that he was on fire. She licked her lips. Her way of saying that she is ready to be kissed. He didn’t need an Invitation to place his lips on hers. Their lips met and she opened just a little to let him in and he darted his tongue around her full mouth, stifling her moan by dancing with her tongue tip. She opened her mouth wider and he took all of her tongue, sucking on it, releasing her and sucking her tip once again, breaking free for air.
‘Let me take you home, before Doug gets send here for sexual assault in public!’ Um, yeah probably not a good idea to be stars of Capeside journal as ‘horny couple set off at train station!’ she said with an amused wink at him. They went for a quick early lunch at the ice house before heading arm in arm to the beach house. Oh my god, Pace you really went trough with it? She gestured at the outdoor shower in the garden as soon as they arrived. This is so cool. It’s not just cool but also practical in the summer after a long shift in the restaurant. Here let me show you. The shower was attached to white wooden panels with hanging baskets for toiletries, soaps, hair care, sponges and even a back rub. Two big yellow towels occupied two of the four metal hooks. The floor was made of deep blue and green mosaics and an anti slip finish. It had a long bench at the side with futon pillows where the water couldn’t reach. For privacy the shower area was secluded by it’s own 8 ft. garden fence made of thick hazel hurdle woven wattle with bushy leafy planters in front of it. The top was free but Joey noticed a handle at the side and a large panel above. ‘What’s that for?’ she wondered.
  Ohh this is for chillier evenings to keep the rain out. He turned the handle and a retractable yellow thick shade pulled out. This looks just like...
...the sail of True Love?  he finished her sentence, smiling at her. Yes, Joey it’s the same material I used for true love since it’s weather resistance and I like to feel being out of sea while having a shower outside. He smirked. I understand Pace, once a Captain always a Captain. She chuckled. I haven’t used it yet since it just got finished two days ago. But the water is on...here...step back, I’ll show you!   Joey stepped back and he turned the shower on.  Warm water splashed from the shower head. He was about to turn the shower off but Joey laid his hand on his. 
‘Leave it on Pace!’
She unfastened her sandals, slipped them off and untied her hairband. It took him a moment to register what she was doing. He closed the gate and she came towards him, started to unbutton his shirt looking him straight in his eyes. ‘I want to shower with you and feel you!’ He lost his voice and was only able to mumble ‘God Joey, this is one of my fantasies of us!’ ‘I know it’s mine, too’ she replied. She yanked his dark grey shirt off his shoulders and placed it on one of the free hooks. His chest hairs stood in anticipation as she began licking his right nipple over to his left, making them stand. His breathing was now fast and he desperately  needed her out of her dress. She suckled on his now hard nipples and he was able to free her arms from the dress, letting it slip to the floor. She stepped out off the dress and tossed it to the side, now opening the zipper of his khakis, pulling the waistband down together with his boxers. A quick ‚Ahhh‘ escaped him. He stood naked in front of her and she let out a high pitched sigh. He was so handsome, his broad shoulders and wide chest, defined long legs and his glory of dark pubic hair and big cock standing to his attention solid for her. Just looking at him sends shivers down her spine to her centre. His size used to concern her but now she just feels all tingly inside looking at him, knowing how good he feels and what electric shocks she experiences when his full length fills her. Pacey went out of his shorts, kicked off his flip flops and pulled her by the slim line of her thin thong pulling her closer with his hands freeing her from the last shed of material that was between them. She reached for his cock and held him tight, kissing his slightly open mouth. He returned the kiss, moaning in her mouth meeting her dancing tongue with his.  ‘Mmmm Joey...I love it when you are in this mood, mmm....ahhhh....don’t stop.‘ Pacey was now fully under the shower, her hands rubbing up and down his shaft, his balls hard and heavy. I need to taste you, Pace. ‚I won’t last, Jo‘
‚Than don’t, sweetheart!‘ with that she pulled his skin to expose his juicy cherry and slowly went down as much as her mouth could take, her tongue sucking on the throbbing top, licking up and down his vein, increasing the speed. Ahhh...Fuck...Jo!! His hands got lost in her now wet hair, watching her moving mouth on him. He needed to focus on something else to not burst right there and than. She felt him edging in her mouth, droplets of his salty pre-cum making her vagina quiver. Cupping his full sack, she released his length to take his hard marbles in, licking and sucking on the crinkly skin. ‘Jo, I am so close.’ This was the best foreplay. She was so wet and wanted him to shoot but couldn’t decide where she wanted it. She went fully in the warmth of the shower now. Sitting on the floor, opening her legs as wide as she could, pulling him down with her. Her vagina was on full display, her lips open to show her meaty flesh and her clit erect standing out like a flower bud. Her breath was pitchy, her eyes heavy with lust. She started moving her index and middle finger around her clit, masturbating with swift and fast movements. Jo, you are everybody’s wet dream. You are so gorgeous. He was wanking his cock hard, looking at her delicate flower, kissed her, watched her touching herself,  her nipples equally beautiful and erect. This view was all he needed and with a long ‘ahhh Jo, my sweet giiiiirllll, ahhhh...he finally exploded, his load hitting her hard on her open center. She used his juices to rub herself, hissing at the feeling that build in her. He could see her ecstasy, still panting he went down, his nose touching her soft folds so juicy and inviting like a piece of fruit. Her smell mixing with his juices, he inhaled and flickered his tongue out founding her hard clit, his fingers replacing hers, entering her slowly, not letting go off her clit to than lick up and down her slit. Ahhh, Pacey, Yes...there...yes...faster, fuck me harder.
God, what went into her? His cock hardening again, he moved her over to the soft padded bench for her to kneel on. With her ass in the air like that, her hard nipples on standing up and her breasts bouncing, he shoved his hot length in one fast thrust and she cried out ‘Yes, Pace, oh god yes, take me. Don’t hold back. I need it!’ He thrust in and out, hard and forceful, each stroke making her reach closer to the edge. Come for me baby, he said now holding onto her tits, pulling her nipples, thrusting harder like there was no tomorrow.
She was now shrieking  
Ahhh... Ohhh.... God.... yes.....yes.... Ahhhh...FUCK....I...Uhh...Ohhh...fuck....Pace....yes
He felt her walls tightening around him....she came like a tornado and with her last quiver, he pushed into her one last time, releasing his hot fluid, collapsing onto her back, trying to fetch his breath. 
She was a hot mess...giggling...after 10 minutes or so...
Pace? Yes, Jo? ‘Let’s take a shower now.’ 
With that he pulled her up, squirting the almond and milk shower gel on the sponge, starting on soaping her arms and shoulders, with a smirk on his lips he said huskily.
‘Your wish is my command, my sweet sexy kitten!’ 
And just like that her nipples lifted up again. Her not breaking his gaze responded with a wide sheepish smile
‘Ohh boy!’ To Be Continued
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Hitch
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 17 | Part 18 Hitch | Part 19 >
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Disclaimer: sad fluff, some body insecurities
Author’s note: Can you tell it’s Monday? It’s Monday. Gosh I feel like I need a hug after writing this. 😭
Word count: 1.764
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
Do you ever look in the mirror, just to study the way you are slowly changing? I don’t want to say older. Just, changing. My eyes are practically always the same shade of brown, like milk chocolate, and my hair is often an equally chocolaty mess, pulled up in a bun. And I like it like that, too. 
And then there is my skin. Sometimes pale like porcelain, sometimes sun kissed with a hundred small freckles, dusted over my cheeks and nose. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t like their freckles by the way. I absolutely love mine. Unfortunately now that winter has come, I mostly look tired. Thank heavens for concealer!
I wonder by the way if men also look at themselves in the mirror like that. Especially since it’s generally far less accepted and normalised for them to wear make-up, even if it is just a simple concealer.
Anyways. It’s winter and I look like a walking, talking zombie, my once fresh looking skin now showing some mean little creases and fine lines. Admittedly, I do sometimes rub my skin with a little bit of extra cream when I see those lines. Not that I am willing to invest in those luxury treatments or get my panties in a twist, but still. It does, in some way or form, influence the way you feel about yourself.
I embrace change, but today? I am most definitely wearing make-up. Thank you very much.
With the loudest of sighs I flung the refrigerator door closed, my shoulders slumping visibly as I plopped down on my chair at the dinner table, dinner long cleared away from the table but my parents still sitting there. 
My mom was the first to pick up on my sulking mood, her careful eyebrow raising up over her reading glasses as she put down her Swedish crossword, pen still in hand.
‘Looking for something?’ She asked casually.
‘No.’ I grumbled, looking over at dad who was still hiding himself behind a folded open newspaper. Mom sniffled and shook her head. ‘Then what is it, Ali dear?’
‘It’s just…’ My lip trembled - not even make-up could make me feel any better today. ‘..things are not working out like I want them to and..’ Sniff. ‘..it’s so frustrating.’
Slowly my dad lowered his newspaper. Usually it was my mom who dealt with any off-days on my end, which truly were sparingly. I didn’t really wish to share my troubles and thoughts with my parents too much, fearing they’d continue to see me as “their little girl”. I wasn’t a little girl for crying out loud. I was a grown woman of 37-years. I shouldn’t need my parents anymore, right?
‘Is this about eh..’ My dad started, squinting his eyes as if looking for any signs that I would go for his jugular right here and now. I didn’t. ‘..eh..Henry?’ He swallowed as I started to cry, shaking my head no.
Mom quickly moved aside her crossword and pen, reaching out her arms to smooth her warm palms over my shoulders. Even through the tight knit of my dark grey sweater I could feel the soothing calm of her touch. ‘What’s the matter baby? Tell us.’
‘UGH..it’s just.’ I sniffled and angrily wiped a few rogue tears away. ‘I..ugh..this feels so stupid. I just thought I had found a place of my own. I’ve been looking at some apartments..and..I thought I had found one. Ten minutes from here. Perfect. Finally. But..’ I furrowed my brows. ‘..I couldn’t get it. The owners chose someone else, despite me being first choice. I just got the news.’
Mom was quiet for a moment and dad swallowed harshly, the two of them deciding on how to go about it. I sniffled again and looked up. First at mom, then at dad, the both at them suddenly looking even older then I remembered them to be.
‘Oh..’ Mom finally exclaimed, seemingly relieved. ‘I thought it had to do with Henry. Woof! Thank god for that.’ She quickly pushed her chair closer to mine, wrapping a bony arm around my shoulder and pulling me in for a mom hug. ‘Come here.’ She hummed, squeezing me even tighter to her chest. ‘Hmmm! Well, you know you can stay here for as long as you want. We love having you here with us. Close to us. It gives our life a bit of…’ She leaned back and smiled, shrugging slightly. ‘..joie-de-vivre!’
I snickered, shaking my head in disbelief. ‘You could get a dog too, you know.’
‘Hahah oh we might, we might. We actually discussed it the other day. Would you like that, a dog?’ She asked at me, dad snuffing in amusement - either because he absolutely didn’t want a dog or because this whole shift of moods was amusing him.
‘That is yours to decide mom…dad.’ I gave him an exasperated look and he chuckled, quickly grabbing his newspaper again, hiding the cheeky grin that lingered on his lips.
‘But really, I am just glad that it’s not Henry. You and him are just such a fine couple together.’
‘Thanks mom.’ I smiled, wiping the last remains of my tears. I laughed. ‘I eh..actually confessed I love him the other day.’
‘OOOHHH.’ Mom near jumped with excitement and my dad quickly duck even further away behind his newspaper - he really felt uncomfortable with all this girl chat. Me and mom both grinned and before long we were deep in conversation about what had transpired between me and Henry the past few weeks. A talk that was long overdue honestly, because of course mom had HEARD  a gazillion things, but in her motherly role she had decided to wait for me to spill the beans.
Well. The beans were spilled. And I couldn’t be happier to hear how enthused and adoring my mom was about everything Henry concerned.
Henry carefully read the words on the screen of my phone, the both of us sitting on my parents couch, the rest of the house quiet as my parents were out. 
It was an e-mail I had received that afternoon. Bad news. Again. As if losing that house wasn’t enough, of course more shit had to happen. He slowly furrowed his brows as he licked his lips, scrolling back up - as if checking he didn’t miss anything in his careful read.
‘O..kay..’ He finally said slowly, sighing visibly. ‘Yea..’ I bit my lower lip and reached out for my phone, retrieving it from his hesitant fingers. ‘Are they even allowed to..’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘..make such a suggestion?’
‘I don’t know Hen. Ugh. What is it with this week?! I hate it. Two weeks ago it was all fine and now this? Please let it be over..’ I sulked, reopening the e-mail of the fertility clinic and giving it a once-over. Yep, there it was really in black and white; due to a rapidly growing waiting list they suggested that me and Henry would perhaps first check out “other means of fertilisation”, before enlisting for a sperm donor. Meaning, most probably and quite rudely; just forgo the condom and see where that takes you.
There went my plan B. My back-up plan. At least for another extra 6 months of extended waiting as they had simply pushed me back on the list now I had a “partner”. Could they do that? I don’t know, but it sure was a blow in the gut.
‘What would you do in this situation, Hen?’ I asked quietly, seeing him shift his weight to turn towards me. ‘Well, believe it or not. I think this is my situation too now.’ He swallowed and reached out for my hand, tentative fingertips stroking my palm.
‘True.’ I smiled with watery eyes.
We were after all a team now. Together. Boyfriend and girlfriend.
‘I eh..’ He shook his head. ‘Okay this is going to sound so stupid now, but I want to get it off my chest. Before I did the Durrell challenge, just really a few weeks before, I had a chat with a..’ He sighed. ‘..a woman who would wish to surrogate a ..-’
‘WHAT?!’ I sat up a bit and swatted his hand away.
‘No no..Ali. It..nothing happened. I just..’ He swallowed awkwardly. ‘I guess I just started my very own path in trying to become a father. It’s a thing that’s been on my mind for a long time now. I want it. Though it immediately became clear after that conversation with that woman that I could not do it like that.’ His eyes searched mine, hoping I would not hate him for it, understand him.
I sighed. ’Gosh..I thought you were going to say you had like a kid on the way and..-’
‘Ali.’ He grabbed my wrist and looked me even deeper in the eyes. ‘There is nobody else. There is no kid on the way. It’s just you and I.’ - ‘Okay.’ I quietly nodded and swam through the depths of his stormy blue eyes. I near drowned in them. 
‘So, you want to be a dad, hmm?’ A tear rolled down my cheek before I could stop it and Henry’s eyes instantly tracked it as it moved over my cold skin. With a tender finger he brushed it off, his lips curling in a sad smile. ‘Badly.’ He swallowed harshly.
He suddenly looked so fragile, like I could see right through those big bulking muscles and handsome features and see within, see the most deep and hidden away piece of Henry that I had ever gotten to see. 
With pensive blue eyes he was looking down, his hand re-interlocking with mine, his other hand now aimlessly hanging by his waist. He looked a bit forlorn, lost at the sea that I had found in his cerulean gaze.
The sea that was Henry. Sometimes calm and soothing, something strong and unbending. 
A sea that wanted what I wanted. Badly. 
Without words I crawled over to him, using whatever strength I had to pull him into my chest, his head resting in the crook of my neck and his breath slightly shallow. He was such a large man that it was hard to actually make him surrender and lean into me. Usually he was the one who was to protect and be strong. Now it was the other way around. Sighing harshly he finally gave in, his nose sniffing as his arms slowly folded around my waist.
‘All I learned is that I don’t want to do it alone.’ He finally gulped, softly.
I closed my eyes and let a hand roam over the soft material of his sand coloured cable knit sweater. Poor bear. My poor bear. I nodded.
‘Neither do I, Hen. Neither do I.’ I pushed my nose in his neck and whispered into his skin: ‘And I think you are going to be an absolutely great dad.’
He swallowed back a cry.
‘In fact I KNOW it is so.’ I smiled, pressing up a number of kisses on his skin until I reached his lips. ‘And all other things are just a hitch, a hiccup. What I really, really need.. is.. you. Let’s..let’s make this work.’ I sniffled. 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
Want to be added to or removed from the tag list? Shoot me a message!
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Little Details [Part II] - Joker (Nicholson)/Bruce Wayne (Keaton) x Reader
Synopsis: Jack gives you a to-do list. Bruce Wayne is not on that list, but that could change in a heartbeat.
Notes: Finally got around to writing a part two! This will most likely be an on-going fic I'm realizing, as the plot is building the more I write it, but it will be infrequently updated. Basically whenever inspiration strikes for these two :) hope you enjoy this next part!! 😏😏😏
Part I Here
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Jack had called it a "little mission." All you had to do was scope the place out, tell them if it posed any threat to their plan.
The museum was to be robbed that night. Jack had laid out all the plans with his henchmen. You had been present of course, as you were a pawn too in his game, if not a little more. The plan was for you to scope out the florist's shop, which was directly beside the museum. Jack had sent some guys to drill some kind of hole in the basement when the owner was distracted a few days earlier, and since that had been successful, it was your turn to hold up your end.
"Now all you have to do sweetheart, is go in, be your charming self, and make a little small talk, alright?" Jack smiles at you, stroking your chin, "That sound do-able to you?"
"Of course," you say, packing your bag with a small lady gun that Jack always sent you with-- just in case. "You know I've got a very talented mouth on me, Jack."
"Oh yes, I... know better than any man," Jack gives you that salacious grin again that makes you weak.
You smirk, flattening out your skirt.
"I'll be ready tonight on site," you say, "Don't wait up for me, boys."
"Ah," Jack holds up a finger, raising an eyebrow. You turn, and saunter back over. He taps his cheek for a quick kiss, but instead, you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his in a passionate kiss. All of the henchmen look away, not wanting to be caught staring by the boss, and Jack loses himself in your kiss for the moment it lasts. After pulling away, you wave and head out, as Jack shakes his head. Makeup smeared, he takes out a handkerchief. One nameless henchman dares to speak.
"Boss, uh... are you sure she'll be able to get the job done?" Everyone turns to stare at the man who said it. Jack smiles sweetly, dabbing at his lips. The man looks around at everyone's scrutiny, swallowing.
"What I meant was... will she be able to go through with it? She... she just seems kinda..."
He blinks in fear.
"By all means, finish your sentence," Jack smiles. The man continues to gulp.
"...Kinda soft! Is all."
Jack extends a hand, and he doesn't have to say the words 'Bob? Gun,' for it to be offered to him. The guy trembles in fear as Jack holds it up, and pulls the trigger... revealing a long stick and a *bang* flag. The guy lets out a massive sigh of relief.
"Gentlemen. Allow me to make one thing very clear. I have more faith in my woman than I do in any of you." He gives Bob back the toy gun, takes out his own, and shoots the guy in the heart.
You approach the florist, and take your sunglasses off, tucking them in your pocket. You're not quite sure what Jack and his goons would do to the place after they were finished with it-- that wasn't a discussion they included you in-- but it didn't really matter to you. All that mattered was getting a good look at the place, and a feel for their alarm system.
The bell rings as you enter, and a sweet looking old woman comes to the desk. Keeping yourself personally detached but professionally engaged, you smile warmly her way, tucking your hair behind your ear. You know exactly what to do to play up your femininity, and appear innocent.
"Hello," the old woman says, "What can I do for you, young lady?"
"I was looking for some flowers suitable for an anniversary," you say, "My brother's one year is coming up."
You're lying through your teeth like a professional, but it's not an entire fabrication. You do have a brother, though it would be a miracle if he ever gave up his psychiatric work for marriage.
"Oh, how exciting," the lady smiles, "I've got just the thing." She beckons you back, and shows you a section of beautifully coloured flowers that would certainly be perfect for celebration.
"It must be difficult," you say, looking around. One security camera, but it's cracked in the lens.
"Keeping business afloat in this part of town?" You keep searching. "There must be lots of robberies. I hope you've got a security system in place... you all alone here, running the place and all."
"Oh, there's no need to worry," she smiles, "My daughter comes in to work weekends. She's not around today, since she's working late, but I've got her to help with everything usually. She'll be helping me fix the alarm tomorrow... pesky thing just won't make any noise!" Bingo. That's what you needed to hear. Jack will be happy. Happier than normal, at least.
"So. Will there be a party?" the lady asks you, touching your wrist.
"A party? For your brother and his wife?"
You try not to feel bad for what you're doing. She seems like an honest person.
"I'm sure you'll look lovely in any dress you have picked out," the lady chuckles. You laugh a little, earnestly.
"I'm not sure what I'll wear. My partner always picks my dresses to match his evening wear. It's always a... surprise, with him."
"Well. You're young. You can wear anything and look beautiful," she pats your arm.
"There's beauty in age," you find yourself smiling, "You've had the extra years to perfect your signature look." She gives a bashful little wave, and hurries off.
"I like that, dear. I'm going to remember that!"
You let your smile fall as she disappears, and chastise yourself for falling too into character. At least you don't seem suspicious at all.
"Hey. I thought I recognized a voice, and I came over here, and... it's you!"
You turn, startled, and see none other than--
"Bruce Wayne," you say, trying to keep the name sounding formal. You just end up sounding surprised.
"What gave me away?" he gives a lopsided grin, and you look down pointedly at the wad of cash in his hand. He stutters awkwardly, and stuffs that away.
"I'm sorry, that was rude of me to just come up and scare the pants off you like that-- if you were... wearing pants, uh..." He gestures to your skirt, then grimaces. "Sorry. Again. I guess I'm a little better at conversation when I'm in a suit."
You smirk, and notice the flowers in his hand he had probably just paid for.
"For your girlfriend?"
He keeps smiling at you in a daze, until he snaps out of it, looking down.
"Girlf.. oh, uh. No! No, these are..." He looks at the red roses in his gloved hand. "Parents. They're for my parents."
"Oh," you nod, "That's nice. Nice to know some men still care enough to visit their parents."
He nods distantly. "Yeah." You cock your head, curious. There's something in his eyes today that seems sadder than the playful glint they had the last time you two had met.
"Your brother's anniversary, huh?" he changes the subject, pointing at the mums you have in your hand.
"Yes," you nod, "Big thing for him, lasting this long with a girl."
"How long does a man usually last? Four or five minutes?" Bruce attempts to joke, then cringes again. Alfred was 90% of his impulse control.
"I don't know why, Mr. Wayne, but I have the nagging feeling you can last longer when you're with the right woman," you say, walking up to tug on the lapels of his trenchcoat. His tongue darts out over his bottom lip, a tick you had noticed a couple of times.
"I have a nagging feeling you're right."
You let him go, and gather a bouquet to bring home for Jack to most likely take some scissors to. You feel Bruce's hand on your shoulder.
"You never told me your name."
You sigh. You really shouldn't tell him your name.
"(y/n) Crane."
Bruce takes his hand off your shoulder. "Come with me to visit my parents."
"It'll only take five minutes, I promise. I just... don't really want to be alone."
You don't know what it is, but you're compelled to say yes. You nod, and go to pay.
"Now Mr. Wayne," the nice old lady says sternly as she rings up your flowers, "It would do you well to remember that this lovely lady here has a boyfriend!"
You giggle softly, and Bruce ducks his head in embarrassment.
"So, your boyfriend... was Jack Napier?"
Bruce hurries to catch up to you as you walk out of the florist. You turn to him sharply.
"Yes. How--?"
"I know his face. Uh. Seen him on TV a couple times," Bruce says slowly. "Isn't he... you know..."
"A felon?" You smile. "Well, I hope I'm confiding in the right person here, Mr. Wayne, but Jack's criminal history is largely irrelevant in our relationship. It's exciting to be the girl of the Clown Prince of Gotham."
"Call me Bruce... and sure, you can trust me. We all have our secrets."
He walks ahead of you, taking your arm, and you stare at him curiously as he leads you to a seedier part of town that reminds you an awful lot of where Jack had his accident. You look around, stepping over torn up newspapers plastered to the cobble by sewer water.
"Do you mean to tell me, a rich man like yourself can't afford to move his parents out of a dingy area like this and into your mansion?" you demand. "I think that's very--"
You stop as you see Bruce bend down, and touch a part of the ground. He places the roses there, and takes a deep breath.
"This is the place they were shot."
You stare at the spot. "By who?"
"I don't know," Bruce admits, "I was just a kid. I'm surprised you didn't know I was an orphan... the media beats that into the ground like a dead horse. If I had a dime for every time I've been called a brooding orphan billionaire, I'd be a trillionaire."
"I don't put much stock into the media," you say, approaching him, "I find that they never describe people quite right. Not everything is black and white. There's always gray... and people don't understand that."
"Gray always tips one way or the other," Bruce says softly, "Justice is as black and white as society gets."
"But who decides who gets to dole that out?" you ask. "The police? They're just as corrupt as the mob bosses who run Gotham. It's all a bunch of spin. Nothing but spin. One day, the wheel will stop spinning Mr. Wayne, and the people who've lived underneath will come out on top."
By now, you're inches away from him. You hadn't even noticed, but he's clutching your wrist by his neck.
"Why are you with Jack Napier?" Bruce hisses. You don't have time to list all the reasons why. He's a wonderful lover. He protects you. He's devoted to you, and you to him. He...
Time. You glance at Bruce's watch, and back away.
"I have somewhere to be." Bruce doesn't protest as you walk briskly away from him, but you pause before leaving. With eyes downcast, you drop the flowers you bought over his the crime scene that created Bruce Wayne.
You run out of the alleyway, and see a white limo pull up.
"Impeccable timing, princess," Jack says to you, putting a hand on your thigh.
"I missed you, daddy." You cuddle into him as the car keeps moving, toward the museum. Curiously, Jack notices Bruce out the window, and narrows his eyes at him, waving with a white gloved hand.
"What brought the two of you together on this fine day?" Jack asks. You can hear the edge in his voice, but you know he trusts you.
"Every pawn in the game is a valuable one," you answer, slinging your leg up over Jacks knee. He pats your leg in approval, giving you a kiss, as you look out the window at the buildings of Gotham and second guess that very statement.
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A Summer Breeze Through Winter: Act 1
Chapter 2: Neighbourhood
Miracles had to be real, because how else would you explain this? It was almost pure luck that he moved into the house just across the street.
I had prayed one day I’d see Otoro again, and I guess my prayers were heard.
I heard news around the block that someone or some people would be moving in the house. The details weren’t clear and there was definitely some controversy about the situation.
At first it was owned by a sweet old man who would always pick fresh vegetables from his garden to share with the street residents. When he was too old to live on his own, one of his grandchildren apparently moved him to a retirement home. Ever since then no one had lived across the street. Every one missed him and his tomatoes. I never knew him very well and didn’t really care to.
My little sis Rachel kept making up stories about it being haunted and that was the real reason the old man left. But that isn’t as important. What is is that he was the one who moved in.
I saw a car pull up to the structure one day, maybe a week after the news. It was silver and shined brightly in the afternoon sunlight. At the time I was in my room on the top floor. I had been waiting there for a few days to see when the family would arrive.
A man stepped out first. I stared at him, excited. Who was he? How did he look? Unconsciously, I began studying him.
He had short borderline white hair that stuck to his head. He was medium toned and short, just taller than the window.
I was captivated in the moment. I don’t know why, but I had just then realized that was the family.
I opened my window and let the summer breeze in and closed my blinds slightly. I didn’t want to seem so obviously staring at them.
The man yelled something in a foreign language at the inside of his car, probably to another person.
It became apparent there was indeed someone else in there.
This was the first time I saw Otoro. My heart jumped in my chest. I clutched my chest as a warm heat filled up my body, and a lump formed in my throat.
It was like he was a new person. When I found him last year after I got lost he had long, brown hair that was held together in a fragile side ponytail by a weak hair tie. Now his hair was down and only reached his shoulders. It curled at the end and bounced whenever he walked. Before, he had bangs that would cover his eyes. Now you could clearly see his light blue irises, glowing no matter the time of day.
I had to catch my breath as to not make any sound. I needed to be silent so I could hear everything.
My heart jumped when I heard him speak in the same foreign language as who I could only assume his dad was. It slipped off his tongue so perfectly, I was jealous and in awe.
They exchanged a few words as they studied the house, backs facing me.
The dad then opened the trunk of the car. Mounds of boxes and luggage sat inside. The boxes were labeled in what looked like Chinese.
If that was indeed Chinese, then Otoro knew how to speak Chinese. The lump in my throat grew bigger at this thought.
A half an hour passed and another car drove up. This one was a solid white colour, with more volume than the other.
Out stepped a woman who looked nothing like the dad. Probably the mother. She had solid brown hair with greying roots, a pale skin tone, and antique-looking glasses.
After her came another girl. She looked about Otoro’s age, very young, and bitchy. A resting bitch face and constantly crossed arms signified she was a troublemaker. She looked more like the father with shoulder long black hair and fair skin. That must have been Otoro’s sister he always talked about. I forgot her name, but it most definitely started with an A.
Otoro was the tallest. The sister came in a close second place, then the mother and father. I studied them and their posture, making a hypothesis about each family member as they made their way around the plot.
A only spoke English. Whenever anyone else talked, A would always jump in and mention how she couldn’t understand them. Otoro would need to translate most everything as the parents would persist in talking in Chinese. I could only assume she didn’t know Chinese because she didn’t care enough to.
The mom was optimistic. She wore a constant smile, even when Otoro and A would be tearing each other's heads off.
The father seemed too tired to healthily function. He would seem to fall unconscious for periods of time and when he would start yelling at A or Otoro his voice appeared to trail off.
I didn’t need to study Otoro, but still I did. He didn’t change at all. He was ever so childish, happy, and teasing. His upbeat personality always lifted everyone’s spirits. Even if he was loud and everyone else got easily annoyed by it, I loved it.
I watched everyday as he and his family worked. Eventually I learned they were speaking Japanese and not Chinese. Also that A’s name was Akasai. And she was indeed a cunt.
One day I was looking at Otoro through his window. He was relaxing on his bed, his back facing me. Everything was calm and for once no one was screaming. I was resting my gaze on his reflection in the big mirror set up on his opposing wall. He looked so beautiful, even in a low quality resolution.
It caught me off guard when he suddenly turned and looked directly at me. It took me a second to realize, but once I did, I panicked. When I closed my blinds I almost ripped them and nearly fell off the barstool I had set up by the window. I collected myself and sat on the ground underneath the windowsill, biting my nails.
‘He saw me. Holy shit.’ My heart was pounding and my mind began playing the entire scene on repeat. It kept speeding up each time.
Finally, after a while I stood up. The sun had gone down. For a while I stood in the middle of my room, then made my way to my bed.
I needed sleep.
Rachel barged into my room suddenly.
I jumped and bumped my head on my bed frame. “Ah! Rara-”
“Wanna go say hi to the neighbours? Mommy said we could go and see them now!”
She had startled me awake so quickly I lost any grip on reality. “God, what time is it?”
“3 pm. You missed breakfast and lunch.”
I had slept in, damn. It was already noon.
“Yeah, yeah, sure. Just get out of my room so I can change.”
“Yay! I’ll do the same, I want to make a good first impression. Don’t take long, too.” She whispered, “Mommy’s gonna beat your ass if you do.”
I waved her off. “Okay. Now leave.”
She skipped away, beaming.
It took a minute for me to sit up, but just a few seconds to remember what happened yesterday. My face heated up quickly. My heart sped up again.
‘No, wait. Don’t think about that. Just change and if he asks, explain everything.’ I thought to myself.
I rushed to get ready. A solid t-shirt, jeans, shoes. That was all. I snatched a small handful of cereal from a box and shoved it down my throat so I wasn’t starving. I didn’t have time to grab my phone, but then again I didn’t really need it.
Before I knew it, I was standing with my mom and Rachel on their front doorstep, anxious and nervous. I was bouncing and chewing my knuckles. Mom rang the doorbell and waited calmly.
Otoro’s mother opened the door.
In English, she greeted us. “Hi!”
My mom waved politely. “Hi there! We’re your neighbours and wanted to say hi.”
She nodded and grinned brighter than before. “You must be from across the street. I saw you mowing your lawn the other day.” Her hand stuck out. “My name’s Katherine, but you can just call me Kathy.”
My mom took Kathy’s hand and shook. “My name’s Irene. These are my kids, Gean and Rachel.”
Rachel waved and grinned “Hi!”
Kathy took her hand back as my mom did. “Wait, did you say Gean?” At the same time she greeted Rara.
My head perked up.
“Yeah, what about him?”
“I think my son may know him. Has he ever gone missing?”
“Uhm… yeah, he has. Why, exactly?”
“I knew the name sounded familiar. My son’s name is Otoro, Gean may know him.” Cathy paused. “Ah! How rude of me! Please, come in!”
“No, it’s alright!” My mom laughed and stepped in. Rachel followed.
The mothers continued talking. Rachel turned and grabbed my hand.
“Are you coming or what?”
I jumped. “Yeah, I am.” I stuttered, not realizing I was still outside.
Then I saw him.
My heart pounded again.
All I could wave as he stood dumbfounded on the steps.
It took him a minute to come down.
He began talking after Kathy said we were neighbours.
“Uh, hi? My name’s Otoro. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
I stopped biting my knuckle and fiddled with my shirt. “Er- Gean. We’ve met before.”
“We have?” He thought for a second. “Oh! Izmael?”
“We have! God, it’s been so long! I’m so sorry I forgot!” He seemed less awkward now and much happier.
“It’s all right.”
We talked for a while there in the foyer, catching up little by little.
“Hey,” Kathy jumped in. “Otoro, why don’t you go show Gean your room and hang out while I talk with Irene?”
“Sure! C’mon, Izzy. Let’s go, I’ll show you my room.”
I nodded and followed him upstairs.
I didn’t leave his side since that day.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
Doctor And Witch P7
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When I woke I felt lots of little kisses all over my face and neck “Hmmm, y/n” I moan pleasantly
“That’s not me Isaac” I heard y/n say clearly further away
“It’s not?” I ask a bit unsure opening my eyes and It was Akiko laid on me licking my face “Akiko, cut it out” I laugh pushing her off me onto the bed and sitting up when I did sit up I saw y/n stood struggling to do up her corset “come here” I told her as I got up out of the bed and she stepped back into my arms and I did up her corset for her giving her shoulder a few little kisses as I did
“Thank you” she smiled blushing a lot
“Why are you blushing so much?” I ask her
“I don’t know” she smiled
“y/n?” I ask her
“Yes Isaac?” she asked turning to face me wrapping her arms around my neck and I stood looking at her face so innocent and so beautiful
“I love you,” I told her
“I know Isaac, I love you too” she giggled hugging me tightly “Now come on you’ve got to open the office this morning” she laughed poking my bare chest
“Alright, Alright” I laugh making her stop and going to get my clothes as I got dressed I noticed her dress is a new one it wasn’t what she wore yesterday where did she get I from? “y/n? How did you get another dress?” I ask her
“I can in a split second go from stood in the forest with you to cooking dinner in my upstairs house, you don’t think I can get another dress without much thought?” she laughed
“I guess, stupid question I suppose” I laugh finishing getting dressed and giving y/n another little kiss before heading down and opening up the office cleaning all the tools and lighting a few candles as it was very dark today it looked like a storm was approaching the sky was growing darker and the winds howling and strongly blowing as soon as I opened the door people flooded in non-stop all complaining of the same thing,
“Oh Dr Newton, I’m in so much pain” An old woman yelled bursting in the door she wore a long black dress and a white bonnet her white hair falling from her head her skin very wrinkled and aged her face almost lost in wrinkles her skin a darker colour then many others she seemed so very angry
“Oh, well what’s the matter, miss?” I ask her
“My stomach is in so much pain, I’m dying” she screams sitting on the table
“I’m sure you’re not dying miss,” I tell her looking her over
“I am dying my stomach is going to make me die, God has forsaken me” she yelled
“Miss please calm down, there is nothing wrong you just have a stomach ache it should be gone in a couple days,” I tell her
“Fine…But If I wake up dead tomorrow I curse you” she yells running off into The Town so I sighed going back to sorting things when
“DOCTOR! HELP ME!”     A man yelled coming into the office he was tall and rather chubby a man with a pale face and dark brown hair all messed up and UN brushed he looked panicked and sweaty and in a lot of pain he wore a lot of brown and white layers all mixed in together often with an odd button undone and layer not properly tucked in
“Oh my, what’s the matter?” I ask him
“My stomach is cramping up it hurts so much” he complains
“Oh you’re alright, I’ve already seen this today there is likely a bug going around you’ll be fine” I reassure him
“You sure doc?” he asked
“of course” I reassure him so he happily wondered off but that wasn’t the end the people where one after the other all for the same thing they all felt sick almost everyone in The Town from the old men from the pub to little Lilly everyone had the same problem, I reassured them it was likely just maybe some bad meat everyone had had or perhaps yesterday’s crop was a bit off but whatever it was there was surely nothing to worry about Until at last reassuring one more boy of the same thing and sending him back off for his watch on the fields and locking the front door again sighing running my hand though my hair and going back to sort things out in the office “Do you have time for another patient?” y/n asked leaning on the door frame sweetly smiling at me
“OH please doesn’t tell me your sick with a stomach ache too?” I ask her rather annoyed
“No why do you ask?” she says a little shocked I was so stern with her
“I’m sorry y/n, I’ve just had the whole Town complaining about the same thing, and I’m just a little stressed is all” I shrug going over and giving her a cuddle
“It’s alright, I understand Isaac” she smiled giving me a little kiss on the nose “I wanted you to check something for me,” she says hopping over to the examination table and happily sitting there
“Go on then?” I ask her
“I need to know if this is a bruise or something I need to worry about” she says beginning to lift her dress
“Alright” I smirk as she pulls up every part of her dress even her underdress and moving her legs far apart and I can see a very odd black and purple mark on the inside of her leg so I check it over having to get very close to her to do it “Does it hurt, like now just sitting her does it hurt?” I ask her
“No not at all” she shrugs
“Alright… does it hurt when I poke it?” I ask her firmly poking it
“OWWW! YES!” she yells
“It’s a bruise, nothing to worry about” I tell her
“Then why haven’t you moved?” she asked
“Don’t know” I laugh “it’s rather comfy in here” I tell her as she moves all her dress over my head “wow… at first I was kidding but this actually is genuinely comfortable in here” I tell her as the soft interiors of her dress made almost like a warm cuddly bed to rest my head
“Isaac! Get out from under there” she told me with a giggle
“No” I laugh “I see why you don’t take these off these are great” I tell her
“Isaac! I’m serious get out of there” she tells me but I simply kiss the little bruise on her thigh making her jump “what-what are you doing?” she asked stuttering and giggling like crazy
“I’m kissing it better” I tell her continuing up her leg trailing a line of sweet innocent little kisses each making her shudder under me until I got remarkably close to her-
“Isaac!” she says excitedly pulling me out from under her dress she sat there her cheeks flushing bright red, her hair a mess and her breathing sharp and unsteady
“Yes y/n?” I smirk putting my arms either side of the table and leaning very close to her
“Isaac, Make love to me?” she asks kissing down my neck I stood shocked for a moment and trying to resist her heavenly kisses
“You want me to do what?” I ask rather unsure I heard her right
“Make love to me, please?” she begs holding me tightly and kissing anywhere she could get
“y/n…I…I will” I told her “so shall we head upstairs?” I smirk
“No, here” She smirked
“Here? In the office?” I ask her and she nodded “alright” I shrug happily kissing her lips softly and slowly as her hands moved down to undo the few buttons on my pants and mine went down to lift her dress as we continued to slowly kiss and not even within a few seconds I was inside her and our kiss deepened the both of us lustful and hungry for each other my thrusts fast and passionate and I can’t even my brain clouded by pleasure and joy
“Oh Isaac!” she moaned loudly
“Oh y/n!” I moan in response and within a few seconds we both finished and collapsed against the table
“Oh Isaac that was amazing” she giggled sounding a little tried out
���Oh y/n, I love you so much, that was…was... there aren’t words that exist to describe that,” I told her my voice breath and exhausted
“How about perfect? Just like you” she smiled
“no, just like you, but yeah…perfect” I tell her sweetly giving her a kiss when we pulled away we shared making the dinner and sitting in our normal seats at the table to eat it we hardly spoke but it was a sweet quiet like nothing needed to be said our eyes often catching each other and smiling and suddenly there was a    CRASH    and flash from the kitchen window and the rain began we quickly finished and went around shutting the windows to stop the rain getting in and we sat in the living room the candles illumining our faces as y/n sat looking out the window at the rain and lightning she seemed to smile every time the thunder    CRASHED    Akiko was laid under the chair rather scared so I sat beside her, her hardly really noticing I was there as I followed her eyes she was watching the tree tops blowing in the wind, the thunder crumbling the clouds and the lightning brightening this world for not even a second and the rain falling against the glass in the window, the moonlight shining behind the clouds only just clear when there is a tiny break in the clouds she took her hand and as a rain drop fell on the window and began a little stream to fall to the floor she followed it with her finger I found it sweet so I sat wrapping my arms around her waist keeping her close as I sat my head on her shoulder giving her cheek a tiny kiss making her smile widely at everything in front of her till she moved her finger to follow another drop I took her hand and followed it with her “I love how you see the world” I told her
“Humm” she replies not really paying all that much attention to me more to what was going on outside
“I love you” I tell her bring her hand to my lips and giving it a sweet little kiss “y/n? Do you want to stay the night again tonight?” I ask her
“I would love too” she smiled turning her face from the window for a moment and kissing my cheek before returning her eyes to the world outside her deep green eyes mirroring what she could see outside and the candlelight of the room   
“y/n? Can you stay…forever?” I ask her
“I don’t know, I have got a shop to run you know” she smiles moving her hand up to follow another rain drop just as the rain got heavier so much the street looked like it was going to floor he watched her she seemed even happier than before like everything in the world was perfect and no bad things excited and in that moment I felt that way too just as her hand moved to follow another drop I pulled away from our cuddle sitting beside her just as her hand reached another faster drop I took it and pulled her hand gently away from the window making her turn a bit confused what I was doing
“y/n?” I ask her
“Yes Isaac?” she asked sweetly as I took her other hand and held it with my other hand
“I love you so much, I don’t know what I would have done if I never met you” I tell her
“Aww Isaac, I love you too, I feel the same about you, and you’re the only one that bothers to see me” she smiled trying to run her hand down my face but I took it again
“Will you marry me?” I ask her…
“Pardon?” she asked in shock and surprised
“y/n Y/L/N, Will you marry me?” I ask her again
“Isaac I don’t know what to say” she said happy but shocked
“Well what do you want to say?” I ask her
“Yes” she smiled
“Pardon?” I asked a bit shocked wanting to make sure I heard it right
“Yes I will marry you” she smiled we both sat overjoyed
“Oh y/n” I smile so happy hugging her tightly which she quickly returned “I love you so much” I told her almost crying tears of joy
“I love you so much too” she smiled sounding as happy as me if not even more and after a while sitting together with the rain still getting worse we went off to bed with her picking up Akiko and going off upstairs again and lying in bed together happily with Akiko climbing around the bed trying to find a place she was comfortable and not even a few moments we cuddled up and fell asleep happier than I’ve ever been.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Scooby au (a small interlude)
N/A: based on an image here on tumblr. That girl´s name will be Ana.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Professor X used the Cerebro to search for new mutants that may need help, and that´s lead Professor X to located a city near the forest(the city is the heart of the forest or is the other way around?), is atemporal and Scott is the one leading the New Mutants and some of the members of the X-men. Jean, Jubilee, Nightcrawler and Shadowcat and everything should be normal...right?
Yana looks at the city with wry eyes as the city seems atemporal, no, that´s no the right word, the city has no modernity and Yana read many Lovecraftian books to come to two conclusions 1)the man was a racist and would be revolting to know how many minorities are taking his ideas and forming something better and 2)cities that are so affronted to have any modernity...usually have something to hide.
Rhane is not exactly pleased to be here either, even in her wolf form, Sunspot feels weak...his powers come from the sun, yet, even in the sunny day, the city is clearly having...Sunspot feels so weak. Sam is not speaking, Dani has total control of her power(fear) and Magik is with her sword ready, something in this city is...wrong.
Jubilee is smiling and chatting with Jean who is talking as if nothing is amiss. Kurt and Kitty are lost in their own little world(Scott, does not dare to bother them now) and Scott can only sigh tiredly as this mission won´t be normal in the slightest.
"Jean" Scott talks treating as if this is normal "can you scan the presence?" Scott is not being too authoritative, yet, soft. What is Jean if not a teammate?
"She´s in the yellow house" Kitty reply making Jean pouting petulantly and Kurt chuckles at the scene. Scott looks at the yellow house and how Kitty was too far away for being able to listen to him(don´t question, Summers)
"Very well, Professor speaks that the person is younger, Rhane, do you want to do the talking?" Scott asked and Rhane shakes her head, not very communicative, Jubilee lifts her hand "I can do it, I´m younger too, in the heart" she smiles jubilant and she didn´t ask confirmation as she walks merrily to the yellow house.
Kurt, Kitty go as well. Jean and Scott are walking together("I could have sensed the girl too" "I know Jean") and the New Mutants are behind, don´t make questions.
Yana is ever so thankful for not making questions as the new girl who displays mutations is not...usual and even her pet is not usual. A creature with far too many teeth, a slimy body, some tentacles and red eyes and a bit of fur.
The little girl is wearing a dress from another century. The parents are far too uncanny and The New Mutants are hearing tales of Yogo, the great goat who is referred to as nannies and have a statue where people are adorning to flowers.
Sunspot caught with his eyes who Kurt and Kitty are talking, in a language that does not seem, German, he tries to understand, he really tried, however, the Brazilian boy feels a bit dizzy.
"Dude" Sam caught him as Berto almost pass out "are you ok?"
"Yeah, I´m fine, I guess I didn´t have a nice breakfast" Berto jokes but something is amiss and Sam can see, the New Mutants can see. This is not the time as Jubilee is talking with the girl who´s holding the ...creature.
"Hi, my name is Jubilee, I´m an X-men now, do you have a superpower?" Jubilee asked nicely and the girl nods, while refusing to let go of her animal, it did take a few minutes for Jubilee to understand...but, just because the creature has his eyes opens it does not mean is alive.
"I like your pet, did the nanny give to you?" Jubilee asked and the girl nods happily.
Jean whisper in Scott´s ear "regardless of her power, I´d think this won´t be a good mission,the parents won´t let the girl go" Scott faces Jean for a moment and replied "yes, there´s always the option, but, the idea is to offer some guidance, she´s free to choose, that´s all we´re doing"
"That´s nice of you, Scott Summers" Jeans replied and the young man smiles sincerely at this.
"My name is Ana Pereira," the girl replied with a pale skin and blue eyes " I can show to you my power...she said is ok, we´re friends here" and the girl changes from pale to green, to blue and to her real skin in a matter of seconds, a shapeshifter and it seems only Scott and the New Mutants are impressed.
_________________________________________________________________________ How long that thing is dead? Jean thought to herself. Yogo is asking for a favour and the Pheonix has no problem in doing her part, however, she does not want to let Scott alone, no physical harm is not the same as no mental harm.
"Scott, I think we should split, I sense enemies in the borders of the city and they´re hostile to people" not a lie, not an actual fact, however, that enough and Scott divided the group. Scott and Jean will go the North(as Pheonix predicted), Jubilee will take a part of the New Mutants for the west and Kurt and Kitty will stay with Magik to make sure nothing happens to the girl, Ana Pereira. And now she looks as healthy as her parents and neighbours.
("Gothic phase?" "Oh no, is more like an inside joke around here, we like to mock a certain person")
Kurt chuckles, however, this time is a bit malicious than normal. "Oh, that seems so cliche, anyway, has fun, kiddies!" Kurt chuckles and Kitty is looking, gazing and then only sighs "Be careful, and don´t take too much time, it will rain here...I still hate rain" Kitty speaks and is an alien form of communicating, but, the X-men know(how? and for how long?) that Kitty hates water.
(of course, thank God the mansion has no pool)
Jubilee nods and pipes in "We´ll must be meet here, and don´t worry, I´ll keep the children save" Jubilee lost her chipper tone and looks far too serious and for a moment Dani has the impression they´ll be killed now, she can´t feel her powers now and this...never happened. ________________________________________________________________________________
Magik stays far away from Kurt and Kitty, yet, she has the feeling they knew what she´s doing, meanwhile, Kurt and Kitty are just ...talking, yet, time feels like an illusion.
"What´s going on here?" Magik tries to make one of her spells, the basic one, and now notices how her magic is not working...in fact, the swords are slowly going away to her realm.
And Kurt and Kitty are still talking. Judging by the talk, Kitty won an argument and is smiling proudly at this. Kurt is kicking some Peebles.
Something is...wrong here.
__________________________________________________________________________ Those creatures Yogo loves to create are easy to make and easy to kill,she supposed, that may be different for a human. Scott and Jean are walking together "Do you really want me here to keep an eye on me or there´s a real enemy out there?"
"Ah, Scott, you´re pretty," Jean speaks and laughs, again not like a human being, at his reaction "you have a vague notion of what I´m and you blush when I call you pretty? Yup, you´re a pretty boy"
"I heard that a lot, but, hey, I´ve a great personality too" Scott answers and again the unhuman laugh, somehow, is not as terrible as it should be. The creature just like the one Ana was holding shows up and now Jean´s eyes change colour.
Jubilee is with Berto, Dani, Sam and Rhane. Too many kids and, yet, Jubilee is talking with the locals in a language the New Mutants aren´t getting, however, this time Berto is not passing out.
A man dress in white nods, his name is Paulo Sanches, the leader of this community and give permission for Jubilee and the kids to stay in his house and to feed.
"Well, I´m now...hungry?" Rhane asked not getting why now she´s feeling hungry, yet, they are eating a delicious soup and breed. It was delicious and not sinister. But...Jubilee is not eating the soup.
"Oh, my food will come after yours" she smiles and adds "I´m vegetarian" and laugh at their expressions mocking their expectations. A woman called Jubilee saying her vegetarian soup is ready.
As Berto eats the soup, Jubilee is in another room drinking warm blood, enough to sustain herself and at the same time to not kill the poor woman. Jubilee returns and people notice the red substance in her lips.
"Oh, tomate soup"
Scott and Jean returns with a new creature, similar to the one Ana´s was holding, once  Ana spot Jean and the creature Kitty instruct the girl to slowly put the creature on the ground and go to give attention to the new one.
Magik saw the ground absorb/eat(?) the dead creature and is not speaking about that.
Ana is thankful and speaks in her happier tone "Thank you, The nanny will bless you, New Mutants" Ana speaks with a giggle as the creature´s tentacle is playing with her hair.
The New Mutants wanted to say they didn´t do anything to warrant a thank you, but, as Magik gesture to them to not make any question, they merely nod.
"The mission of today was fun!" Kitty speaks resting her head on Kurt´s shoulder "it has been a while since we ever saw Yogo"
"Yeah, you know, how do you think she would take about people who think she´s racist?" Kurt asked not getting what the lower human was trying to convey(oh, he knows and that makes him more insignificant than the others)
"Well, she did eat him and doom him to the endless damnation, that´s must give a nice indication of what she feels...I remember talking she to rip his soul into pieces and pieces endless"
"A nice idea, but, making him have to protect and serve a Hispanic community is more fitting, his blood is used to grow food for the community, and each scream of agony he gives makes sure 10 people in the community stays healthy...in fact, most of the mutants there are almost immortal"
"Yeah, you´re right, this seems more fitting as a punishment...By the way, and our scooby doo gang?"
"Are we really naming them like that? Oh, right, Rhane, well, eventually they will figure it out and when it happens we´ll be ready" Nightcrawler explains kindly and Zaorva nods, yes, they all will be ready.
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raindrenchedstories · 6 years
Forever home 16
So this happened today. I don’t think anyone is going to complain.
Bear set Richters carrier down outside the house. He took a deep steadying breath, and pulled the man from his travel box. The house was so much smaller than he was. There were spells to accommodate this. He’d managed to purchase one before his visit.
The place was surprisingly empty for a famous painter’s home. But that was probably for the best. He didn’t want to have to silence Ricky while shoving past dozens of strangers. Making the situation all the more stressful on both of them.
The building was painted several shades of orange, white, and green. Traditional Ogre colours. He gave a smirk. Silly little things loved their colours. But, Every ogre he’d met was accommodating and friendly. With this, Bear pulled the packed spell from his pocket. “Need anything from in there?”
Richter stood at foot level, shaking. He jumped upon hearing Bears voice, but answered quickly. “No. No I’m good. Ready to go.” The trip had been nerve wracking. Those warp gate things were noisy as hell. Going through them felt strange. And now they were in a new place. A place clearly too small for Bear.
Richter would have to jump to reach the doorknob, but it was small enough he could manage his way around. The carrier rose from behind him, and was clipped to the giants belt awkwardly. Richter watched this in awe a moment.
Not long after, Bear brought his hand heavily to his chest. There was a loud crack. Richter flinched back as the titanic man shrunk before his eyes. Now standing about ten feet above Richter. He shook himself slightly. Bracing a hand on a lamppost for support.
Richter was too stunned to say anything. Backing away slightly. Before a door behind him flung open. A large being, about the size of Bear burst from the building. Red tattoos covered deep green skin. The being sported large tusks, and a set of long horns. And the look on his face couldn’t be happier.
“WILLIAM B. HEART! Ya’ look like someone thumped ya’ with an ugly stick.” The beast jaunted over, gate unsteady as Richter noticed the next prominent feature of this thing. No arms. This made him resemble a top in the way he wobbled as he walked. Working to correct his balance as he went.
“An look at you! You must be Richter! ‘Ere lemme get a good look.” The being stood on one leg, dragging Richter to chest level with his other. So much for needing to work around his balance. The ogre stared into Richters eyes with unbridled delight before releasing him.
“Looks just like ‘is daddy. And you say the lad can talk?” His attentions returned to the shrunken giant. Now staggering his way over to the pair. Richter gave him an unsure look as Bear grinned towards the ogre.
“Ask him. Not me.” This prompted all the attention to return to Richter, who smiled nervously. He wasn’t sure what to say. He wanted to ask how his parents were doing. Or introduce himself.
Instead, however. “Y-yeah. I can talk. Nice to meet you sir.”
The ogres eyes shone brightly. He slammed his shoulder into Richter. Gently enough not to really cause damage, but hard enough to knock him off balance. “You must get your manners from your mother. Gotta say. When Bear told me ya lil’ rats could talk, I had some serious questions. But they’re all translated up. Yer’ old man still hates my ass but hey. Far from skin off m’nose.”
They were led into the house. Richter being filled with so many questions. Instead of an answer however, something came flying around the corner. Entrapping his ribs in a tight grasp. “RICHTER!”
“Wh-urk... Hi mom.” He did his best to return the hug. Loosely encircling his mother in a hug of his own. Ignoring the cooing coming from Worm. Another man rounded the corner, a little greyer than when Richter had last seen him. A full, neatly trimmed beard gracing his features.
But there was no mistaking it. That was his father. The man strode over to him, eyeing the younger man. Soon enough Richter was further engulfed in his parents arms. He threw the free arm around his father. Resting his head on the older mans shoulder.
They must have stayed like that for a while, as Bears voice cut through. “Um. Were you working with glue earlier Worm?” Richters father broke the hug immediately. While the other two awkwardly shuffled away from one another.
The man puffed up his chest and rose to meet Bear as far as he could. “You. The hell did you do to my boy brute?” Richter turned, catching an arm under his father’s ribs, and physically lifting the man away from Bear. Relieving an amused laugh from Worm.
“Dad. let’s not try and pick a fight with the guy who’s literally trying to save humanity.” He set the man behind his mother. In all honestly, it was nice to be able to throw his weight around again. Living with giants made a man feel helpless at times.
Bear however, just patted Richters shoulder with a laugh. “It’s fine. Really. Poor guy’s probably been through the ringer before we showed up. As for your question, fed him, clothed him, kept a roof over his head. You know.”
Richter’s father tensed. Folding his arms. Glaring up at the giant. But he gave an affirmative grunt. It was Richter’s mother who finally broke the tension. “How about we all work this out in the living room? I can make some tea.... Somehow.”
Richter licked his lips. “I’ll help.”
Worms kitchen was jury-rigged with all kinds of odd devices to work around his disability. However, there were step stools for the smaller residents that made the action of boiling water easier for the two. His mother worked quickly. She seamed to be in far better health than when he’d seen her last.
“I... I can’t believe how long it’s been.” Richter flinched. Staring down at his mother. She was watching out the window above her head. Hugging her arms. “I never thought I’d see you again. But here you are. Alive and well. Look at you!” She beamed.
Richter just shook his head laughing. “Look at me? Mom, you look amazing. Dad too. Worm seams like a pretty nice guy.” To this, the woman laughed.
“I wish your father were as accepting. Since day one, he had to pick a fight with everything giant. Or not human in general.” Richters shoulders tensed. This... Wasn’t good news. He heaved a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
His mother picked up on this, and brought her hand to fluff over the tips of Richters hair as well. Being mindful of his head. Drawing a laugh from the man. He pulled away, rising out of arms reach. A smirk on his features. For once, things felt... normal. The old kind of normal.
It wasn’t long until his old man joined them in the kitchen. Ghost white. He fell upon a pillow by the window. Eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. “Richter... Is it true?”
“Is what true?” Richters heart stopped a minute. His father was skeptical of giants at best. If Bear had told him ANYTHING about the past while, since entering Bears home... He braced for angry, accusing words.
“You were alone for almost three months? That...Neil’s family is... And you were...” He dully felt his mothers hand on his arm. His mouth went dry. It really wasn’t something he wanted to discuss.
Fortunately, he didn’t have to. As his expression clearly said enough. “Fuck. Sorry kid.”
Kid. That was a nickname he hadn’t heard in a while. Richter gave a bitter laugh, leaning further against the counter. Even scaled down so much, the house was huge. There were large pillows placed in strategic areas. They were clearly well used.
Some small scuffs were made on the floor, from his fathers boots. The prints were too large to be his mother’s doing. Richter took a steadying breath, and sighed. “So. You want the good or the bad news first?”
“Bad first.” His mother sighed.
“Bad news is, if everyone acts like a dick. We’re still going to be pets. Just ones that can speak.”
“Language. Now what’s the good news?”
Richter sighed. He went into every detail about the plans he and Bear had made. Also being sure to include the mentions of a relief effort for the men and women still trapped in the ruins. As he droned on about changing things, about having a chance to be counted out of the responsibility act, his father perked up.
Eventually the tea was ready, and the three humans worked together to bring it in to the two beings in the next room. Bear was sitting and watching as Worm set his paints and pencils beside him. He turned to the family entering the room with a bright smile. “Oi! You three go sit by the window. I wanna mark this occasion.”
There wasn’t much room to argue. So Richter sat at the window, enjoying the sun on his back while his mother and father encircled him in a tight hug. The giant paused. Blinking a few times. He tapped Worm on the shoulder and mentioned something.
With the ogres permission, Bear moved two pots of flowers behind them. It was odd. Seeing a big, green, paint covered face poke from behind the canvas every so often. A paintbrush clenched between his teeth. Occasionally he asked them to adjust their pose. Or offered some cookies to go with their tea.
When all was said and done. They were called over. On the canvas was almost a perfect match from them. It was about then that Richter noticed something. The same healthy glow his mother and father carried, was reflected on his own features.
He gave his skin an accusatory look. Only to find that it was just as pink as the painting. He really looked like he’d been in good health. His mother grinned. Staring at the painting with delight. While his father gave it a cursory glare.
“Seriously you paint us like we’re a basket of kittens.” He sighed. Worm just laughed. Resting his chin on the mans head. Nuzzling him, much to his chagrin.
“Oh come on. Ya’ lil’ buggers are cute. B’sides. Isn’t this how you want to be seen with your family?” Silence followed. There was really no arguing the point.
Richter sighed. Leaning on his father casually. “I guess after all this, we can brag that Worm the mighty painted our family portrait.” He smirked. Causing Bear a short chuckle. Though, Both his mother and father seamed confused. Worm however, puffed up.
“Ye. And I’ll charge ya’ lil’ bastards for the next one!” He snickered. Giving Richter a friendly tap on the back with his foot. This, however, triggered a response Richter was dreading. He reflexively leaned back further into the contact, only realizing what he’d done when Worm’s foot returned to the floor. Followed closely by Richter’s rear end.
Four sets of eyes landed on the man. His face flushing scarlet. Bear, however, cleared his throat. Helping Richter back to his feet casually. Worm just smirked. Or grimaced. It was hard to tell around the tusks. “Yeah that’ll happen after you live with a giant. Ya get so used to being picked up, ya just lean into it.”
“How. How’s a small ass giant like that able to pick Richter up that often?” His father glared at the ogre.
“Oh, like this.” Bears hand scooped under Richter. Lifting him in a jarring motion to sit lightly cradled in the giants arms. Squawking about being put down immediately. Once his feet returned to the floor, Richter straightened himself. Glaring daggers at the giant.
Bear, in turn, burst into laughter. Loud, rumbling laughter. “No but in all honestly. I’m no smaller than any other giant. I had to use a shrinking spell just to get in. Normally I can hold your son in the palm of my hand.”
“Okay! Enough embarrassing the man who knows where certain people sleep. Mom? Dad? Are you on board for the thing?” Richters voice cut through sharply. Starting to feel more like himself now that he was actually socializing with people other than his m- with Bear.
In the end. The two filled their paperwork out. As well as Worm. They visited only a little longer before it was time to go. Richters arms trapped his parents in a tight grip. They were promised they’d see one another again. By both Worm and Bear. But when the world ends. Every goodbye should be treated like the last one.
The giant waved to the trio at the door, and left the house with Richter close behind. Eyes wide. Everything was HUGE at this angle. “Rick... Is this how the world always looks to you?” He watched as a few of his own people crossed the massive streets. Walking along an elevated path with the human.
It was private. Away from the others, as per Richters request. He didn’t want to answer too many questions from too many strangers. Richter just paused. Staring at Bear. He seamed confused a moment. Then spoke up.
“I mean. This is basically it. Just on a MUCH bigger scale. Like, this place is massive! W-When are you going to get big again?” Richter clutched Bears jacket, the man showed clear signs of distress. From this angle, Bear could read his expressions easily, it seamed. Though they seamed... Exaggerated.
“I think she said it would ware off in a couple hours. We can wait somewhere quiet if you want.” He reached a hand in his pocket for a note regarding the spell. And instantly felt cold. “Oh... Oh no. We can’t. I have to head home. NOW.”
He didn’t look back as he gripped Richter by the shoulder and sprinted. The spell would ware off... In 24 hours. Another hop through a warp gate and they were closer to the house. Bear then pulled a memory orb from his pocket. Calling Archibald.
“I can’t believe it.” The giant paced back and forth while Richter gathered himself. “24 hours! I’m going to be a shrimp for 24 hours!”
“I’m just amazed you even know what a shrimp is.” Richter leaned on a tree sighing. Eventually the human apparently grew tired of Bears constant worrying. As he gripped the mans leg, and dropped him heavily to the ground. Knocking the wind out of him.
“Shit! Sorry. Um... Look Arch is going to be here soon right? We’ll get to the house, and figure things out from there. No need to panic.” Now that he was able to see the man better, Bear found that Richters eyes held an experience to them.
The kind a man gains from long days and frightening nights. The kind he knew well. Even further still, he could make out a few old scars running along Richters arms. Dog bites, places where he’d lost skin. The giant stood on unsteady feet.
Staring down at the man. Richter stared right back with a bright expression. Oblivious to the injuries he carried. Bear inhaled, then pulled the man into a hug. Ignoring the indignant yelp. “You’re right. It’s just unsettling. Imagine being me sized. And then losing a few dozen feet.”
“Oh it’s not that bad.” Both men sprung back. Eyeing upwards at Archibald. From this angle, he was horrifying. Even in the casual stance he took, the man was the size of a mountain. Those golden eyes just piercing down at them through the glasses. A lazy smirk spread over his cheeks.
“Need a ride?” Slowly, so as not to make the horror worse, Archibald lowered himself to one knee, resting a hand on the forest floor. Richter seamed to have no trouble scrambling up it’s surface. Bear on the other hand, couldn’t force himself to move.
Too big. Way too big. He’d never thought of Archibald as anything but equal. Now... Now he was basically a titan. And he was asking Bear to just... CLIMB into his hand? Richter stared back at him with a sigh. “Pretend it’s an elevator. You guys have those, right? You just need to do a little climbing. And then shut your eyes.” The human reached an encouraging hand for him.
Okay. Okay he could do this. He’d been through worse. Slowly, Bear stepped onto his friends palm. He had to hold Richter on his lap, while Archibald held him with both hands. They made their way to the house swiftly. Bear was set in the enclosure with Richter.
Solid ground. It felt AMAZING. Bears body fell limp. Richters laughter cut through his thoughts. A glass of water pushed into his hand. “Yeah. I know the feeling.” The man looked as though he’d just gone hiking. Holding the sympathetic expression one carries when they’re a pro at something you only just started.
“Did you go through this shit your first day here?” Bear sat up. Taking the water gratefully. He hadn’t realized how much he’d been gasping since he shrunk. It almost tasted like heaven. If not a little too cold. Was Richter content with this? Bear resigned to give the man more variety for his beverages. Something he could make for himself.
Richter’s laugh said it all. “The first day? Bear. I still go through that from time to time. Why do you think I hate being on the floor?” He couldn’t help the shudder creeping up his spine. Watching Archibald roam around the house casually wasn’t much better. Bear never realized how BIG he was.
“Weird. When I dreamed about this, I felt kinda’ similar. But it wasn’t anywhere near as terrifying.” That dream made it seam so normal. But this was anything BUT normal. Richter sat beside him and shared in Bear’s giant watching. A sigh escaping the small man as he leaned on Bears side.
“Yeah? Well, it’s not always so bad. Times like this get more and more rare as you get used to it.” He shut his eyes, leaning on the giant. Bear just paused, looking down at Richter. The man seamed so content. So relaxed.
Never mind the fact that they were sitting on a table in the corner of his kitchen. Never mind the idea that Richter was powerless to change anything in his environment aside from asking. Never mind the fact that... The man had come to terms with it. Even seaming relaxed about it.
Bears hand came up, and almost rested on Richters head, before adjusting to his shoulder. “Remind me to hit you with a growth spell one of these days.” He sighed. It was only fair Richter saw things from his angle, too.
“Please don’t actually hit me with it. That would suck.”  Richter chortled. He sounded as though he was dozing off. Once again impressing the giant with his relaxed state. Then again, what did Richter have to stress about? He was pulled from a horrible situation, and given a rent free, lap of luxury.
Getting around the house was also an interesting event. As Bear found himself concerned about breaking the enclosure upon turning back. Archibald had left, though he left some food out for them when they were hungry. Soon enough, Richter guided him to the floor.
Only, the human seamed more than happy to sprint around the house at top speed. What once seamed like a joyous jog, now showed it’s self to be an all out bolt. Occasionally, to get to some place, Richter would take a flying leap. Shimmying up some of the ropes he’d been provided with ease.
“And only now, do I understand how damn athletic you are.” Bear sighed.
Richter glared from his position on the table. “What I can’t understand, is how you’re struggling so much. Come on! It’s not that hard.”
“Richter! I eat trees and eggs. Things that don’t tend to run away!” The giants hands waved in the air indignantly. Shortly before he awkwardly shimmied up the leg of a chair. Then pulled himself onto one of the ornate edges of the table.
Scrambling to the top. He gasped for air. Beard fluttering in and out with every breath. Richter just chuckled and slumped in front of the man. “I’d help ya, but you’re still bigger than me.” A cheeky grin spread over that humans face. Bear just scowled.
“Well. I know this table’s nice and sturdy. And nothing’s gonna break here. so....” Bears arms snagged around the human as they dropped to the edge of the table. His chin tucked over the mans head. “Now we wait.”
Richter went expectantly limp. Laying on Bear’s lap shamelessly. Shutting his eyes. “Yeah okay.” The man gave no resistance as he was held close. Bear began to grow concerned for Richter’s mental state. Only to find that his small companion had fallen asleep.
Did he get any the night before? Was this all because he was so exhausted? Richters snoring, usually tiny and adorable, rattled the man. For something so small, he could make a hell of a noise.  He just looked so peaceful like that.
However, it was a trap. Bear was now stuck with a sleeping human in his lap. For FOUR HOURS. The ultimate power move. The human was still sleeping. Bear sighed. Reaching to play with Richters hair. It was rare when he could do this. May as well make the most of it.
As expected, it was incredibly soft. Even a bit fluffy. A hand shot up and gripped at Bears wrists. Richter looked pissed.  “Okay. Last time I’m warning you.” The man glared. “Contact to my head hurts like fuck. So don’t touch it.”
“Oh. Sorry. Could you get off my legs now?”  Richter settled for sleeping in an empty butter dish. Clean, but left upright. Apparently the cold glass was pleasant. Bear didn’t understand it. Deciding it was a human thing, he returned to his waiting. Watching the window from his vantage on the table.
“You know.” Bear was jarred from his thoughts once more. “All in all. No matter how this thing goes. It’d be nice to still hang out like this.” Richters eyes landed on Bear. Who in turn, nodded.
“Yeah. Maybe not exactly like this. I’d rather you NOT sleep in a butter dish next time.” The giant turned with a laugh.
“Oh screw that. I’ll sleep in ALL the dishes eventually.” Bear had no doubt he would. Richters laughter said it all. Well. Maybe Bear could snag some cute pictures from all this. Make light of the situation.
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shigabich · 6 years
Falling Angel
Chapter: 2 - Painful Hope
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen and Up  |  Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
TW: Mentions of Past Suicide Attempt, Bullying
Relationships: Undecided
Word Count: 1318
Izuku Midoriya is a literal angel. His very presence makes peoples lives happier. Sadly, because he is quirkless, he is worthless. His best friend is his worst bully and he can never catch a break from the kids at school. He’s just so tired of it. The day his ex-best friend gives him some advice, he takes it. He jumps.
"Would you be able to activate your quirk? We need to heal the rest of your injuries but were unable to because it deactivated before you reached the hospital."
Izuku feels himself freeze at the words. The hands that were still on his arms, rubbing up and down stopped, fingers tightening ever so slightly. He can't speak, a small choked noise escapes his throat when he tries. His mother speaks for him instead.
"Sir, I'm sorry but Izuku he..." She trails off, unsure how to put it. "He doesn't have a quirk. He's quirkless." Her arms pulled him closer, the closest thing to a hug he can get while on the bed.
Visible confusion can be seen on Dr Iyasu's face, like he's just been told by someone that the sky was bright pink. "No, no, that can't be right." He shakes his head. "We have reports from people at the school and from the emergency vehicle about his quirk."
His mum continues to speak, but it washes over him like static. A quirk? Really? Could that be why his back is hurting so much, while the rest of him isn't? There's no other way he could have gotten out of that unharmed... The doctor said that it had deactivated so if he just...
Pain runs up and down his spine and he bites his lip so hard it bleeds. With a whimper, he feels something shifting in his back. His breathing picks up, the pain making him feel lightheaded. 'Oh my god is that it oh my god what the f-'
There's a sound like a piece of cloth being rustled and all of a sudden he is filled with painpainpain. He hears two shouts and hands are on his shoulders. He feels like he's carrying a backpack full of lead and it's tearing into him with sharp, jagged edges.
A sharp breath is all it takes to get him to pass out, Dr Iyasu having frantically called one of the nurses over for her quirk (she could emit a gas that knocked people out, good for panicked or frantic patients).
。・゚゚・ ~ F a l l i n g A n g e l ・゚゚・。
He wakes up again. At least it's different this time, he thinks sluggishly. Waking up last time hurt like a bitch. Izuku feels heavy, like gravity's pull on him has all of a sudden gotten so much stronger. But surprisingly, he was pain-free. Nothing hurt at all.
He cracks an eye open, grateful that the lights have been dimmed. His mother is nowhere to be seen, but Dr Iyasu is standing in the corner. Izuku watches him for a while, green eyes trailing lazily after the man in the white coat as he walks around the room. Dr Iyasu turns and his face practically lights up, the brown eyes behind his glasses becoming a soft amber.
"Izuku! You gave us quite a scare, huh?" The doctor chuckles, stepping over to his bed. "Here," He holds out a small brown bag. "Something to eat while I go and fetch your mother. We have a lot to talk about."
As Izuku looks down at the bag, Dr Iyasu turns and goes out the door. He tears it open, the sight of the food inside making his stomach growl.
How long has it been since he last ate?
。・゚゚・ ~ F a l l i n g A n g e l ・゚゚・。
Izuku sits next to Inko as they face the three others. Dr Iyasu is there, along with two others. He sits with them, looking down to his knees as he fiddles with the edges of his hospital gown.
"Now, Izuku. I would like you to meet Dr Tomoko," He gestures to the lady on the left. She has light blonde hair. It shines underneath the light in here, like a glowing nightlight. "and Dr Kiyoko." He points to the other woman.
Dr Tomoko is the first to speak out of the two. "Hello Izuku, as Iyasu has said, my name is Tomoko. I work as a quirk specialist here." She nods at him, blue eyes meeting his own.
Dr Kiyoko is the next to introduce herself. After reciting her name, she moves on to why she is there with them. "I work as a nurse here, I'll be helping you to activate your quirk so Dr. Tomoko and Dr Iyasu can make sure you're all fixed up when you're released."
Directing his attention to Dr Tomoko, she presses a few fingers to the blonde's forehead. Together, the blue stains on the nurse's cheeks grow steadily darker as the eyes of the other turn a hot pink. "With my quirk, I can activate another quirk," She explains, bringing her hand back to rest with the other in her lap. "It only works if someone is willing, though. They have to agree with me for my quirk to work, so nothing will happen if you don't want it to." The nurse smiles, the pure, kind-hearted warmth in her eyes setting him at ease.
Izuku nods slowly, somewhat more sure of himself than before. They turn to speak to his mother, but he's still included in the conversation. Dr Kiyoko will be using her activation on him to get his quirk to show and the other two will be going over him, making sure everything is in order and putting together a profile for his quirk to be registered.
As the four adults talk, Izuku lets himself slip away. Everything has been happening so fast, he's had no time to deal with anything. He tried to kill himself, for fucks sake. But strangely, he feels... disconnected. Like there's a wall of thick glass separating him from acknowledging that what had happened actually happened to him.
A light touch to his shoulder brings him back to reality, his mother looking at him then pointedly looking over to the other three. 'Ah. I guess it's time then...' He takes a deep breath and nods in approval as Dr Kiyoko motions to use her quirk on him. The gentle press of silky soft fingertips to his forehead sends power rushing through his body. It burns pleasantly under his skin, coursing his veins and warming him like hot chocolate on a cold day. Something clicks into place, filling holes and healing aches he never knew he had.
Something flares bright and there's a loud crack, then two great big white wings are unfurling from the boys back. A sense of complete calmness blankets the room and green eyes slowly slide open from when they closed. His eyes a green, but not completely as silver speckles are scattered throughout the dark green of his eyes. There's something strange lurking in the depths of his eyes. Something powerful, but not dangerous.
As he twists a wing around so he's able to see it, he marvels at their colour. Softly glowing feathers are thick and he digs his fingers into the warm mass. His mouth opens in a soundless breath as he traces the feathers. Pearly whites that end with a faint minty green, each feather has speckles of gold and silver that glint as they catch the light.
The four adults awaken from their stupor at the movement and then many things happen at once. Dark blue cheeks fade back to a pastel blue as Dr Kiyoko withdrawals her quirk, her job done. Dr Tomoko and Dr Iyasu advance, wanting to examine him and help.
The sudden approach of the two doesn't frighten him because somehow, he knows that they are good. Their intentions, their feelings, it's like their very soul is out on display for him to see. So, Izuku lets them come close, to brush tentative fingers against his feathers as he describes what he feels and the basics of his quirk. The knowledge comes to him naturally, as it came to a four-year-old when they first came into their own quirk.
The wings are heavy on his back, unused to the weight of extra appendages, but he feels lighter than ever. Because now he has a chance.
A chance at a better life, a chance to right all the wrongs. A chance at hope.
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butindeed · 6 years
When two siblings get together for a cup of coffee.
Okay, so this is a one piece featuring the Walker siblings bonding. I know, I know, it’s extremely long, but I hadn’t written anything since I finished the AU series, so... Well, I hope you like it!
-So? What’s up? With your life, I mean.
-Same old, same old.
-You have to give me more than that, you know?
-Look who’s talking!
-That’s not fair! I just told you everything that’s been going on with me! I’ve resumed a year and a half in an hour or so! I’ve been the only one speaking!
-That’s not true! Bartie’s been talking too. Haven’t you lil’ man?
-You see?
-Very good sweet cheeks! Mama’s really proud! - the woman then turned to her brother, covering her child’s ears - That’s not speaking and you know it!
 The man laughed heartily - Ok, ok. What would you like to know Detective Sav?
-It’s Detective Walker to you smartpants. I want to know all about the lady that came with you just the other day!
-Oh, well. I thought I had introduced you too. Her name’s Hopkins, I mean, Riley.
-I know that already! I want the deets!
-What’s that supposed to mean?
-Ow come on! Don’t make me talk!
-I don’t know what you’re talking about - the man’s look hardened.
-You’re my brother. I know you like the back of my hand. I may have disappeared for a while, but I still know you. I know that since dad died you won’t open up to anyone, I know that appart from Liam you don’t share stuff with anybody, and that you hadn’t asked him to come here to see me. But you’ve asked her... and you had this look... you seemed like the old Drake. Plus, I’ve heard things...
-Maxwell shouldn’t talk about things he doesn’t know.
-So you don’t deny it
-What is there to deny?
-Open up to me Drake.
Drake just looked at his sister and the words started flowing like time hadn’t passed by, like when they were just children and shared absolutely everything, before the Beaumont bash, before Bertrand, before Savannah’s pregnancy and her escaping, before New York, before Riley.
As the day was dying, the two men were sitting down in two comfortable armchairs, the warm summer breeze waving their hair, one blond and perfectly coffieured, the other disheveled and brown.
They looked as differently as their personalities. However, they were as close as brothers.
-I need to get away Drake - The blond one spoke first, but the other man just remained silent, slowly sipping the amber-coloured liquid. - I need a breather before the madness begins.
-The madness has begun years ago.
The blond man smiled, but it didn’t reach his steel blue eyes. 
The fire in his wasn’t as strong and fierce as his friend’s, whose chocolate eyes were spotted with golden specks as if they were talking bonfires. However, both of them reflected the same pain and similar paths.
-Ok, suppose I join you. - the latter continued - where would we go, who would we go with, and last, but not least how would you tell your father?
-You renege on the noble people, but I find you speaking their language here and there.
-Still, you haven’t answered my questions.
The blond man stood up, faintly smiling as he nodded his head.-You, my friend, are the most stubborn man I know. I pitty the person who falls in love with you. - He finished his glass before continuing, giving time for his friend to let a comeback that never was. - I need to escape Europe, somewhere the tour doesn’t visit, yet somewhere fun. I was thinking maybe your mother’s home land...
-As your majesty desires, but please Liam, let’s not go to the Ranch. My mother... Well, you know I don’t want to see her. Not now.
-Of course. Maybe we could visit New York City? I’ve always felt drawn to it. Call it faith, call it destiny...
-I’d call it a whim, but whatever.
-Funny, aren’t you? Well, for that remark only, I shall also invite Lord Tariq and Lord Beaumont.
-Oh Liam! Come on! You said it’d be fun!
-I believe Lord Maxwell to be a rather funny man...
-Yeah, yeah, Maxwell is fun to hang with, never tell him I said that... But Tariq? Really?
-My father insisted on taking him with us, apparently he feels that we’ll behave, erm, more proppery if he’s there.
-So your father knows?
-Yes. After Leo’s abdication, he feels I should be - he made a pause trying to find the correct word - pampered.
-Sure - The other man laughed - cause being a prince, first in line to the throne isn’t enough. Poor white, rich boy. You have everything but love.
Liam’s eyes darkened, but his friend pretended not to notice.
-What if I found love there, Drake? What if I could shut this whole thing down and marry someone for love?
-That’d be great my friend - Drake stood up as well, leaning against the castle wall. He was slightly shorter that his friend, the prince - but I highly doubt you could meet someone AND fell in love in less than a week.
Drake took a long sip of his black coffee, feeling his sister’s stare on him.
-Bartie needs a fresh diaper, and uncle Drake is on duty - Drake stood up holding his giggling nephew. - But he needs his mommy to tell him where the things are because he doesn’t know. No, he doesn’t know.
They walked to the nursery cracking jokes about dirty diapers and smelly pants.
-Well, now that Bartie is poop-free, maybe you could continue the story...
Drake smiled at her, there were only two more people who could get him talking about him. Well...
Drake didn’t know why Liam had made him chose the dining venue. Actually he suspected it had to do with Tariq and Maxwell’s choices of activities. All so pompous and not like him. Liam always wanted to make him feel comfortable too.
There was nothing special about the place he had chosen, his only requirement was that they had his favourite whiskey, and apparently it was a difficult condition to check, since all the other places had Michelin stars, plural.
It turned out Liam was right after all, being with nobles all that time had made even his simpler tasted, refined ones. He hated himself for that, but as soon as they sat on the bar’s booth and he saw Tariq’s face, he felt a lot whole better.
After a short while a waitress came to take their order. Drake couldn’t help but notice she was cute, and for some reason his heart beated a bit harder than usual. 
He thought about asking for her number, Liam had insisted on him asking some people out. Thing was he wasn’t a people person, nor he felt the need to be with anybody. 
There was something about her though... maybe it was the foreign air, or the fact that Liam wasn’t there to steal his thunder, or maybe it was just her.
The baby crying made him come back to the tiny apartment in Paris. It had started raining long ago, but he hadn’t noticed.
-I think he’s sleepy - Savannah explained looking at the wall clock - Yeah, it’s about his nap time. I’ll be right back once he’s asleep. Feel free to turn on the TV, but don’t think I’ll forget our chat!
Drake cracked a half smile. It was nice having someone to share his feelings with. Liam used to fill that slot, but since Riley had come to their lives they were drifting appart.
He’d love to blame her for everything. But he knew it was nobody’s fault. 
Who would have guessed he’d fall for the same girl his best friend had? Who would have thought it was none but his best friend who pushed them together, even when they both knew it was better to stay appart?
All the times Riley had seeked comfort in his company not finding Liam’s, all the doors that opened, all the walls that were torn apart.
Savannah came back some minutes later with the baby monitor in her hand.
-He fell asleep almost immediately - she smiled - he was so tired. It makes him so happy to have you around.
-It makes me happy as well, sis.
-So, Riley...
If you’d asked Drake if he’d fall in love with the same girl Liam did, he’d say it would never happen. There was no way they’d find the same person even interesting. Riley, however, was not an ordinary person.
He still debated between letting her in or shutting her away, secretly knowing that he’d already made the decision when they kissed at the Beaumont mannor.
He had tried so hard to push her away ever since, but it seemed impossible to keep her away for too long. If she didn’t come for him, he’d find a stupid excuse to keep her close. Camping trips, dinners, secret investigations, drinking games, pool competitions, spa visits, all those non dates that ended up with a magnetic force making them one. Easing their pain, opening up, telling each other locked secrets.
Drake found himself happier in her company, with every day they shared a bond was being built without them noticing, until...
-Until what? - Drake hadn’t noticed that Savannah was hugging her legs which were up in the chair.
-Get your feet down.
-I think I love her Sav. 
-OHMYGOD! Drake! This is huge!
-Yes - Drake smiled, but his eyes darkened almost immediately.
-What aren’t you telling me?
-Liam is going to proppose to her.
-WHAT? How? When?
-When this whole mess with Tariq clears up.
-But he’s with Madeleine!
-You know that’s for the sake of appearances...
-Does she know?
-She is supposed to be here for him Sav.
-You said supposed...
-She said she loves me - Savannah opened her mouth but her brother interrupted her before she could say anything - but I can’t do that to Liam. Especially when he has so much to offer to her. What kind of man would I be if I put my happiness ahead of hers? What kind of friend would I be if I put my happiness ahead of Liam’s? Maybe she think she loves me, but I’m sure she’s settling with me, Liam being engaged and all...
Savannah was sure that wasn’t the case, but she knew his brother too well to speak otherwise. She hoped she could do something to help ease his pain, but there wasn’t much to be done.
-Drake? Are you okay? It’s 6 in the morning here!
-She said no!
-What? I don’t quite follow...
-She said no! To Liam’s proposal! He propposed and she said no! She told him she loved me! ME! Sav! Can you believe it? She loves me!
-Oh! Wow! Drake! That’s... wow!
-Yes! I had to tell you, I mean, you’re my sister, you know?
-Thanks, I guess, but why are you talking to me? Go talk to her!
-I just did! She’s back in her room now! Jeez Sav! I’m so happy! I feel my heart will blow off!
-Ok, calm down - Savannah smiled to her phone. It felt good hearing her brother that happy.
-Sav? - Drake paused and Savannah feared something wrong would happen - Actually I have a favour to ask...
-I think I know what you mean... I have it here somewhere, I’ll search for it.
-Thanks Sav. 
As she pressed the red button on her phone Bartie opened his eyes in the crib next to her bed.
-Good morning little guy! Guess what? We’re going shopping, we have a fancy party to go to, yes we do! It’s in Cordonia! Yes it is! We have a especial delivery to make, it’s your great-granny’s engagement ring! Oh yes it is! Uncle Drakey is going to proppose to Lady Riley, yes he is!
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takadasaiko · 6 years
Breathe Again Beneath the Flames: Chapter Thirty-Four
Summary: Reddington takes the Task Force undercover to make contact with the Cabal and Tom prepares for the press conference.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Reddington was happier than he might have a right to be for the circumstances as he teased and bopped around the space, the FBI agents not as thrilled with their circumstances save Aram. Liz shook her head as she watched their technician fuss over his tux, Samar easily putting it into place. Their movements were so easy, so relaxed that it reminded her just how much time she had lost with her team. It wasn't just the coma. It was her time in Alaska, her time hunting down Navarro and then Garvey. They were willing to stand with her, to work with her, but after this it would all be over. Not just Garvey and the Cabal, but without Reddington there would be no Task Force. They would be split apart, possibly reassigned to different cities.
"You know, there was a day I thought we could trust a few people at least. Even after everything we've done, the Cabal is still embedded in our government."
Liz turned, Ressler's voice pulling her attention around and she found herself staring at him, her previous line of though focusing in. Ressler. Next to her he was the one that the Cabal had hurt the most. They had used him while Liz had been on the run and had twisted his mind around after. Even after Hitchin was gone she haunted him in the form of Prescott and all the things he blamed himself for. He wanted to turn himself in when this was over. He wouldn't just be sent to another city, he'd go to prison. After everything he'd done right, after all the sacrifices he'd made, they'd toss him away just like that. It wasn't fair and it wasn't right. He deserved more than that.
"You okay?"
She blinked hard. "Yeah. Just… thinking."
Her partner's gaze swept the room. "You think Reddington's being straight with us?"
"Is he ever?"
"Fair point."
She watched him straighten his tie. "I told Reddington I was through when this is over," she said suddenly, feeling like it was more of a confession than a statement.
"So what? This is like a last case for him?"
"Sort of yeah. If it works, I think things will move pretty fast." She winced, meeting his gaze. "It's going to split everyone up."
"Maybe. They'll be okay."
"Ressler, I know you want to turn your resignation in after this is over, but if-"
"Keen, stop," he cut her off. "Don't offer to pull back because you think it'll make me stay. It won't. Even if the Task Force were to stay together, I'm handing my resignation in."
"You shouldn't."
"I have to." The words weighed heavily between them and Liz started to reach out. He tried for a smile. "You deserve to get your life back, Keen."
"So do you," she said quietly and she saw the struggle just below the surface.
"You heard from Tom yet?"
"Yeah. Just a little while ago. Everything went through and the press conference is set for first thing tomorrow morning."
Ressler's eyes widened a little. "Everything's been pushed through already?"
"Well, they're still working on the death certificate reversals, but they've convinced the board. That was the goal. They'll make the public announcement tomorrow."
"You think that the Cabal will take the bait?"
"Reddington sure seems to think so." She glanced away, watching the man in question. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. There was something just below Reddington's flippant demeanour that stuck in her mind. She wasn't sure what, but there was something he wasn't telling them. Big surprise.
"We should bring him in for questioning."
"He's Reddington's point of contact," Liz said irritably. "We bring him in now and he never gets a chance to set the deal." Her partner made a low, thoughtful sound and Liz looked over at him, a small smirk working its way into place. "There's something more to it though, and we're going to find out what it is."
Liz glanced around, her brain taking just a moment to catch up with the fact that the brunette that had called out to her was her mother. Obvious and subtle changes alike had transformed Katarina Rostova into someone else entirely. The newly dark hair was either dyed or a very believable wig and she had hidden her blue eyes behind brown contacts. Even her posture had been adjusted and her expression was different from any that Liz had seen in the short time she had had to become reacquainted with her mother. It was a stark reminder that this woman was a talented covert operative. KGB, former Cabal, and notorious to the point that thirty years after her supposed death her name was still whispered. She was the best of the best.
"Are you ready?" Katarina asked pointedly.
Liz blinked, refocusing. "Yes." She looked back at her partner.
"We're ready in our end."
She nodded. She needed to focus. If they could get in and out, she might make it home in time for the press conference the next morning.
He had been cleared for field duty for over a year at this point, though he rarely made it into the field with the Task Force. Despite the stakes, the questions, and the uncertainty that came with knowing Mr Reddington wasn't who he said he was, there was something exhilarating about donning a tux and sauntering into a high end party like he belonged there. With Samar on his arm, he almost felt like he did. He certainly looked like it.
Aram was having a little trouble focusing with that. She was a knockout in her fitted white dress that plunged in both the front and the back and her heels put her just a little taller than him. He looked up, the memory of when they had first met racing through his mind. Whoah, you're tall may not have been his smoothest line, but there they were. It had taken a while - okay so it had taken a long while - but he had never been happier. She beautiful and perfect and everything. He couldn't imagine his life without her anymore.
"Something on your mind?" Samar asked at his side.
Aram blinked hard, startled out of his thoughts. She was staring at him as they walked through the room and he purposefully looked away, feeling a little self conscious, especially when he realized he had been grinning. "I, uh, was just…. You look great in white. In your white dress. In thatdress, not just because it's white or…I mean, you look great in any colour." He didn't have to look at her to know the look she was giving him. It was that teasing smile, her lips quirked just a little at the corners and it went straight to her eyes. It was the same one she gave him when he managed to stick his foot in his mouth all the way up to the kneecap. He swallowed hard and she leaned in, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Thank you, Aram."
He cleared his throat awkwardly and let his gaze sweep the room, grateful that she was letting the statement slide. "This whole thing has been kind of wild, huh? Mr Reddington isn't Mr Reddington and Agent Keen…. do you think she'll come back after this is over? I mean, she still hasn't gotten her badge back."
"I'm not sure there will be anything to come back to," she murmured and looked like she had already spotted something. Of course she had. It wasn't like they weren't there to work, even if Mr Reddington only wanted them there for backup. Aram shook his head, trying to pull himself out of the excitement of what was the most spy-like field assignment he'd ever seen. They might as well have been in a Bond movie. Of all the times for Tom not to have….
"Wait. Why wouldn't there be anything to come back to?"
"Reddington's gone after this."
"He wouldn't leave Liz."
"She's the one that told him to. According to Ressler, at any rate. Look."
He followed her gaze as discreetly as he could to see the ambassador. "I guess it'd make sense that he'd be easy to spot at his own party. How is Mr Reddington going to get him to the side?"
"A distraction," Samar answered and she let go of his arm. There was something in her eyes, though, and Aram stumbled to catch up to the plan he hadn't been let it on yet.
"Wait, are youthe distraction? But we're only supposed to be eyes and ears. That's what-"
Her gaze slid over to him and the look had turned somewhat mischievous. "For the most part."
He wasn't sure when that decision had been made, but Liz seemed to be in on it too from the look that happened across the room. Samar moved towards her and Aram was left standing alone for a moment.
"Any number of these people could be with the Cabal," Ressler's voice came from behind, startling him.
Aram did his best to keep his eyes on the crowd. "But that should come out, right? When we get to the leadership?"
"I sure hope so."
Dark brown eyes blinked slowly as he saw Samar approach the ambassador. She was all charm and beauty and he was grinning like she already had him in her pocket. He had no idea who she was, but he was obviously inclined to find out. Aram watched her as she laid a hand on the small of his back and whispered something in his ear. It was everything he could do not to stare. He knew she was good. It wasn't like he had never seen her in the field, but had had never been there when she'd been sent in to essentially seduce someone. It had always been something he heard over comms, and seeing it with his own eyes was making him a little flustered. No. No. He was a professional. He was a field-trained agent in the FBI. Samar was too. This was a case, and a very important one. They had this. With a steadying breath pulled in he looked back up, trying to keep his glance casual as he watched her maneuver the ambassador out of the main room, Agent Keen likely waiting on the other side of the door, and he lost visual on Eric Kyle.
Things had fallen into place better than he could have reasonably hoped in the short time they had had to throw it together. That was half the fun though: the adrenaline rush that accompanied last second moves and close calls. He did enjoy the rush, and this was was working out better than he could have predicted.
Eric Kyle was an arrogant bastard. Red had known he wouldn't be able to resist Samar Navabi if she worked her charms on him. It wasn't Samar that would immediately draw attention, though. Not for someone that would spot a cop in the crowd that shouldn't necessarily be there. It was Donald Ressler, a face relatively well known in some circles now, and certainly by the head of the FBI, and that's why he had wanted Ressler out in the middle of the crowd and fully visible. Reddington had known that the moment FBI Director Conrad Davis spotted Ressler that he would start watching the crowd a little more closely. He might spot Aram, who would lead him to Samar. From there Reddington saw his expression darken as Kyle happily followed the gorgeous woman out of the crowd. Something was happening, and poised as they were, Davis wasn't taking any chances. It wasn't until he excused himself from his conversation and slipped out the back that Red made his move.
He slid through the crowd easily and ducked to follow Davis out the side door. The air was brisk and it hit him right in the face, but neither man had bothered going to the coat closet. Davis was reaching for his phone, a cigarette dangling from his lips as his chilled fingers attempted to dial. "I wouldn't do that just yet."
He turned, immediately on guard. "You."
"Me," Reddington said cheerfully.
Realisation dawned on the other man and Davis nodded slowly. "Of course they're with you."
His smile didn't fade. "They are, but for just a moment you really did think Kyle had been caught in something. Tell me, what do you think it'd be? Smuggling? Passing along classified information? Really, where did the days go when your organisation demanded the height of loyalty?"
"Some asshole decided to try to leverage our secrets back in the day," Davis snapped and Reddington met his gaze. Funny, he thought he was referring to him.
"So he did. I'm not here to talk about the past with you, just the future."
"There are channels if you want to broker a deal," the director snapped, his dark gaze sweeping the area to check and make sure they were still alone.
"But you're the one I wanted to speak to. You're the one set to gain from it."
"You can't offer me anything I'd be interested in, Reddington. "There was no need for all the theatrics or bringing the FBI in so close."
"Nothing at all? Not even Halcyon Aegis?"
That got his attention. "Impossible. Howard's back at the head and even if Scottie pushes him out again she hates us just as much."
"Neither of them will be in charge for long." Reddington's lips twitched upward again at the look he received for that one.
"What do you know?"
Reddington tilted his head, watching the other man carefully. "Tomorrow morning Halcyon Aegis will hold a press conference and they'll be announcing that both Howard and Scottie are taking a leave from the company. Their son will be taking their place."
A little colour finally drained from Davis' face. "They found the boy."
"They found the boy. Funny thing, you've run across him. Several times now, in fact, and one of your boys just about killed him about a year and a half ago, though I hardly think Garvey would have had any idea what hornet's nest he was kicking over when he attacked Tom Keen."
He had Davis' undivided attention now and the other man took a long drag from his cigarette, the smoke pouring out with his words. "I heard about the mess with Garvey. He was after you, wasn't he?"
"He was. That's dealt with."
"Why would he want to cut a deal with us?"
"Because everyone has their limits, Conrad. You and I both know that. He's young, but he has a family of his own. His daughter is about the same age he was when he was taken, and now that he knows what lengths the Cabal really will go to…."
"He wants to protect his family."
Reddington hummed and sipped on the drink he still had in his hand. "He'll be willing to make the trade once he has control of the company, but the deal will need to be struck quickly."
"And he came to you with this?"
"Through certain channels, but yes."
"And what would those be?" Reddington only smiled and Davis rolled his eyes. "We might have something, once he actually has control of the company."
"You see now why all the theatrics," the Concierge of Crime chuckled. "You've always wanted Halcyon."
Davis snorted. "I never thought it'd be Christopher Hargrave offering it to me on a silver platter." He flicked what was left of his cigarette out, the embers bouncing off of the walkway in the cold night air. "Does he remember anything?"
"Nothing about his kidnapping?"
"He was a child, Conrad, and I know you well enough to know that your people were thorough." Davis shot him a dirty look and the gamble he'd made on a theory seemed to have paid off. Reddington shrugged. "Don't worry. Spilling your secret at this point would be bad for business."
"I can't promise they'll go for it, Red."
"I know how persuasive you can be. Convince them. A little safety for Christopher Hargrave and his family is a small price to pay for Halcyon Aegis in your pocket after so long and so many failed attempts. Just think about what you could do with it."
"It's a compelling deal," Davis agreed and Reddington could see the greed reflected in those dark eyes. "I'll be in touch. Get your people out of this party."
"My people? Aren't they more yours?"
"Not since the moment that Diane signed that agreement with you," the FBI director huffed and started off. He left Reddington standing there in the cold, watching him. He had him. He knew that he did. The question became if it would be enough for the others at the top to take the risk. A foolish boy grown into a man that was desperate to protect what he had and cared little for what he couldn't even remember didn't seem like much of a threat, but the son of one of their most talented former operatives and the mind behind Halcyon Aegis, that was something else entirely.
"They'll know everything about Tom Keen by morning."
Red turned, his expression softening at the sight of Katarina standing there. "Brunette suits you."
"Does it? I thought you always preferred the blonde."
"Or the red." He shrugged a little and she flashed him a smile. "And they will. It's a risk, but one that we needed to take for this. They'll know who he is, who he's been, and the fact that he's shown himself desperate to protect Elizabeth."
"They'll know who she is too."
He paused, and he couldn't quite tell if that was an accusation or not. "Yes, but we always knew that they would. A few hours earlier won't put her in any more danger than she would have been in anyway."
She nodded, strange eyes scanning the empty space. "Will it be enough?"
"For Davis, yes. Halcyon has always been enough."
"For the others?"
"Only time will tell."
Katarina's heels sounded off on the concrete as she crossed over to him, her hand warm against his face. She leaned up, her lips even warmer, and Reddington felt himself being pulled down into it. "You have something else to give them," she murmured.
Red pulled back, the words sending a shockwave through him. "That's out of the question."
"Only time will tell," she echoed and met his gaze. "This has to end here, Raymond. There are no second chances now. Bringing them to their knees wasn't enough."
For a long moment the words wouldn't come. She wasn't wrong. He knew that she wasn't wrong, and he needed to prepare himself for it. They had to put everything on the line if they wished to have a chance at freedom after so long. He had just hoped that in the end he wouldn't be standing entirely alone.
The plan had been simple enough once they got in, Ambassador Kyle needed to be separated from the main crowd so that Reddington could make contact. Red had been confident that Samar would be able to charm him, but Liz was still a little surprised just how easy it had been. The man had taken very little convincing. A sly smile, a wink, and he might have done anything for her. Samar was good, she didn't take anything from that, but this man was looking for any excuse. His excitement had only grown when he had seen Liz waiting in the hallway, but it hadn't taken long for him to figure out they were not there for the reason he'd originally thought. By the time Reddington finally graced them with his presence Kyle was cuffed to the banister.
The ambassador's eyes widened as Reddington strode into the hallway, a smile that Liz recognized as fake sprawled across his features. "Mr Kyle! You're in luck. I won't be needing your services today. I do hope these lovely ladies have kept you company."
"What the hell are you doing here Reddington? This is my home."
"And a lovely home it is. Just a bit of business. You're a difficult man to get ahold of, but as luck would have it getting to you opened up a whole new opportunity with someone much more suited to speak to in your organization. They are crawling around here, aren't they?"
Liz glanced to Samar who stood with a mask of indifference carefully fit into place. "Then that's it?"
"It is. If you'd be so kind to release Mr Kyle we'll be in our way."
Kyle grumbled under his breath, but didn't argue as Samar released him. Liz turned an accusing glare on the man she had once thought was her father. "What was this then? If you didn't need him, why bring us along?"
"You were more helpful than you know. All of you," Reddington answered pleasantly and extended an arm to either woman. "Shall we? I promised to get you home before sunrise and we'll just about make it."
She stared at him for a long moment. They had been played, but to what degree she wasn't sure. It wasn't until she finally took his arm and they were out the back door and down the walkway that he leaned in. "Just because you don't know everything doesn't mean it's not to your benefit. Everything worked just as I hoped it would and we should be set for tomorrow."
"I wish I could trust you enough to just believe that," she said lowly and spotted the rest of her team down the way. The guys had gotten their coats, but Katarina was nowhere in sight.
"Someday, perhaps," Reddington said and released her. Liz didn't look at him as she pulled away and started for the waiting car.
Tom had never thought about how much effort went into coming back from the dead. He had shed countless aliases he had no interest or need to pick up again and there were a few death records filed away on them. He'd never bothered to revive them or even give them a second glance. Hell, he was pretty sure that the name he'd grown up under might have had some something attached before Bud had gotten ahold of it. A missing persons record at the very least. Not that the Phelps' missed him for any other reason than what they could gain off him.
They had spent the day bent over papers, dozens of documents needing to be signed. He had gen met with the judge for a preliminary meeting, even if the legal reversal would take some time yet. His back hurt and he couldn't quite pop the crock out of his neck. He supposed there was some irony in it, the pain reminding him just how alive he was.
He had talked to Liz around dinnertime, finally hearing that Reddington had whisked her away to some sort of diplomatic party. It sounded like an excuse to pull her into another fun op. Something that would remind her how much fun she had and how at home she could feel on his world. It was intoxicating, Tom knew. It sucked you in and swallowed you up, and before you knew you were drowning in all the things you didn't know you should have watched out for. That was the charm of the man that called himself Raymond Reddington. He was careful with what he shared. Careful with the way he allowed others to view him a lifestyle. It left those around him exposed so that he could be protected.
Between that and the looming press conference Tom found himself utterly incapable of sleep that night. He returned back to the Riverdale house close to eight that night and Agnes had been desperately waiting up on him. He'd reached down and scooped her up, holding her close so that she melted against his shoulder as he had made his way up the stairs. She was snoring her tiny little snores by the time he had made it to her room - his own childhood room - and tucked her into bed with the teddy bear and the little penguin night light on the desk. She had held onto his sleeve and asked for a story. It had been the best distraction he could have asked for under the circumstances even if she had dozed off almost immediately.
That had left Tom to fill the hours. He had eaten, showered, and swallowed his pills. Scottie and Howard had crashed and he had been the only one left up. For an hour or more he had tried to sleep only to find himself staring at the ceiling, his mind running wild with everything that had happened and everything that was about to happen. These things used to not phase him, but as he found himself surrounded by more people that he cared about - more people that he loved and could potentially lose - he found himself more restless. More desperate to find ways to protect them.
Somewhere around four in the morning he gave up on sleep and rolled out of the horribly empty bed. The house was quiet and still, and he crept down to the library. He turned on a single light and even that felt too bright for the hour. He squinted against it and ran his hand through his dark hair, standing it on end. He had come a long way to this. Through abandonment and lies and his own stubbornness that would led him into it all. It had brought him to Liz. It had brought him to Agnes. It had even brought him to the parents that hadn't left him and had spent thirty years looking for him. It had made him the man he was, and these last few years had been the first that he was comfortable in his own skin. In his own person. He knew who he was.
He let him long fingers trace over the photo books, the images hidden away inside that he and Liz had already dug through. He'd seen Kevin Jensen in them. All dark curls next to Christopher Hargrave's mop of brown. They had beamed, though. Happy and innocently oblivious to their lives to come. He'd found other photos. Scottie certainly had kept some developer or another in business.
"There's one you haven't seen yet."
He turned, startled by his mother's voice. She stood at the entrance in her robe and sad smile. "What are you doing up?"
"Habit, though I could ask you the same thing."
Tom's thin lips stretched. "I've never slept well without Liz. Gave up on trying tonight."
Scottie moved forward, her bare feet silent on the polished wood floor as she stepped over to the bench next to the window. Tom watched her pull the seat up, revealing a hidden compartment there, and she pulled something from it. It looked like a small collection of photos banded together and she handed them over without a word.
Tom took them, his long fingers brushing hers as he did, and he tugged at the rubber band so he could sort through them easier. "These are from right before I was taken, aren't they?"
She nodded silently and he started shuffling through them. There were pictures of him on the beach, usually with either Scottie or Howard with him, and they were all smiles. Sand castles were built and he sat waist deep in the ocean water, laughing as the spray hit him in the face. As he continued on there were others, and a strange sort of heaviness took over him as he recognised Katarina Rostova in her black bathing suit and large hat. There was no mistaking her, or the little girl toddling with her.
"We knew each other," Tom managed, the words riding out on a breath.
He continued to flip through to find a little boy and a little girl with his wife's eyes. They were smiling and laughing, playing with Scottie and Katarina and Howard and….. "What the hell?"
Scottie purses her lips together at the sight of two men on the same photo. One held Liz, pressing a kiss to her toddler cheek and she seemed happy. The other stood away, though only a little, and there was a longing there. A look that Tom had seen the man they now knew as Reddington cast towards Liz many times. Without a word spoken, he knew who the man holding her had been. "They look so much alike. Were they brothers?"
Scottie's jaw dropped, and for just a moment Tom thought she might answer, but the sound of the front door drew her attention and then his. She reached out for the photos and took them from him, stacking them and putting them away even as Liz rounded the corner looking absolutely exhausted. "What are the two of you still doing up?"
"Reminiscing," Scottie answered with a smile. "But it's is late. We should all get some sleep before tomorrow. Good night."
Tom watched his mother wrap her robe a little tighter and offer Liz a smile on her way out, leaving the two of them in the dim light. "How'd it go?" he asked hesitantly.
"How it always goes. Red said we were there for one thing and he used us to get to something else."
Tom bristled. "What-?"
"No," Liz said quickly. "He still met with a Cabal member. Just in private and not the one he said."
He relaxed just a little. "And?"
"We'll see after tomorrow. Reddington says the seeds are there and he has high hopes."
Tom snorted and reached out. Liz instantly folded into him and he kissed the top of her head. "I thought you might not make it back in time," he confessed after a long moment.
Her fingers tightened against the fabric of his shirt. "I'm not going to leave you to the wolves."
His lips tipped up just a little. "Thanks."
"Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"As much as I can be."
Liz pulled back just a little and as she looked at him he saw traces of that little girl neither of them could really remember. But they had found each other. Despite the insurmountable odds, they had found each other. "I love you," she said, the words firm like a promise. "When this is over, it's over."
He nodded and leaned in, his lips pressed against hers and he felt her arms go around his neck. He sank into the feeling of home. It didn't leave him even as they broke and Liz took his hand, leading him towards the bedroom for the precious little sleep they could claim.
Notes: It's funny, because I thought this chapter was going to be a lot shorter, but then it ended up over 5K long lol. Story of my writing life, but a lot happened in it. For those that were curious about Tom's kidnapping as a child, I haven't forgotten. It's coming. There's just a lot of subjects to tackle in this story and the pacing had to be just right. And here we are: we have now met the man at least involved in some manner with little Christopher Hargrave's disappearance. To what degree, you'll have to wait and see ;)
Next Time: Tom publicly comes out as Christopher Hargrave, Ressler and Cooper have a talk about loyalty, and Katarina makes a decision to protect her daughter.
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padfootagain · 7 years
New Year’s Hesitations
Is there a better way to finish this year than by a very cute Ben Barnes imagine full of fluff? I think not, so here we go!
I'm writing the request made by @itsjustmylifeconfessions who asked for a Ben x Reader fic in which the Reader is scared because she really likes Ben but thinks that she's not good enough for him so she decides to stop things. She leaves during a party (hmm hmm, guess what kind of party I've chosen, judging by the title), but Ben convinces her to stay with him because he likes her (hmm hmm) and he is scared too. And it was explicitly asked that this would contain lots and lots of fluff!!!
So a bit of angst and lots of cutie Ben to end this year that (I don't know for you but for me at least) was awful for most part.
Hope you all like it, and I wish you all a Happy New Year!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Word Count : 2719
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You could hear his bright and earnest laugh crossing the large room. You were at a party thrown by some of your and Ben's friends. You knew a few people luckily, but that didn't avoid you to feel uncomfortable, to feel lonely as you watched your boyfriend chatting merrily with a blond woman you remembered was a very skilled surgeon.
A skilled surgeon... really?!
You heaved a sigh, drinking some of the Champagne in your glass, the bubbles of gas tickling your mouth and the alcohol warming your cheeks.
It was stupid, this feeling of yours. This feeling that Ben could have better. This feeling that every woman he encountered was better for him than you were. This feeling of jealousy that was crushing your heart and made you ashamed of yourself. You knew Ben enough to be certain that he would never cheat on you.
Leave you for another woman though, remained plausible...
You finished your drink in one large gulp, before putting the glass down on the table next to you. Your head was spinning for a few seconds, and you blamed it on the loud music, the bright colours surrounding you and the alcohol you had just drunk and was now running through your veins, although you knew that part of it was due to this blond surgeon giving Ben a flirtatious smile. To which Ben replied with an amused smile, as he apparently didn't notice the flirt in her behaviour. That wasn't really surprising coming from him though. Ben seemed completely unable to detect flirting, it had been the same when you had met him.
You looked away from Ben when you saw him slowly turning his head towards you, fleeing these brown eyes of his that you adored.
The truth was, you had been feeling this way for a while now. Like you were not good enough for him. When you stood side by side, hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel it. Feel like you were not beautiful enough, not dressed well enough, not smiling enough, not smart enough, not funny enough... just... not enough. You felt like he could have better. You were just a normal woman. You were not claiming to have only flaws but you didn't feel like everyone was looking at you when you entered a room, like you were shining. For Ben it was another story...
And it was scaring you. Hell, it was terrifying... this feeling in your chest that Ben could be happier with someone else.
Although he seemed to be happy by your side. He was making you laugh like no one had ever managed to before, he was sweet and gentle, he was about everything you had always longed to find in another human being. And if he thought that you were not enough, he for sure didn't show it. Every time he looked at you, he had this happy and mesmerized expression shining in his dark eyes...
You couldn't understand how you could elicit such feelings in a man like him though. And it was scaring you as well. Because if you couldn't see it, perhaps one day, he would stop seeing it too, and what then?
The tears, the shouts, the tones of dirty tissues, the heartbreak...
You didn't want to have to go through that all over again.
Perhaps it was safer for you to go. The thought had been lingering in your mind for a while now. It would be better for him, you had no real doubt about that, and perhaps it would be better for you too...
Perhaps it was partly New Year messing with your head, but you felt like a brand new year was a good moment to make a new start.
When you turned around again, Ben was looking at the doctor once more, chatting merrily. And when she touched his arm, it was too much. You had to get out of there and fast.
You strode across the room and headed towards the front door, grabbing your coat as you walked.
But Ben spotted you.
He saw you walking across the large room and toward the door, taking your coat without slowing down your hurried pace. He frowned hard, not understanding why you were going outside. He took a look at the clock up there on the wall. It was almost midnight...
"Sorry, I think my girlfriend has a problem, we'll talk later if you want," Ben told the woman before him.
She merely smiled.
"Sure," she nodded, and he didn't hear the bitterness in her voice.
He hurried after you, zigzagging through the crowd, until he finally reached the door.
He shivered as the cold air hit his skin, and it's only then that he noticed that he hadn't grabbed his coat. But the thought soon disappeared from his mind as he focused upon you again, searching for your silhouette through the cold night. It took him several seconds to spot you as you hurried down the street covered with snow. It hadn't snowed that day though, and parts of the white layer was becoming brown or grey with dirt. Ben called for you, starting to run after you, cursing as he walked into a puddle of melted snow.
"Y/N! Y/N, wait! What are you doing? Where are you going?"
But you didn't slow down. You didn't even turn around, and Ben frowned. He wondered if he had done something wrong somehow.
"Y/N!" he called again, finally reaching for you.
You shrugged him off though, when he tried to take your hand.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked, frowning hard, and you could hear annoyance in his voice now. "Where are you going?"
"Home," you replied in a voice so low that Ben barely caught your words.
"Why? Are you sick?" he asked, placing himself on your way to force you to stop walking, and you heaved a frustrated sigh.
"I'm not sick," you mumbled.
"Why are you leaving then?" he asked, his voice calmer again, as he could see sadness in your eyes despite your efforts to hide your gaze from him.
You shrugged, but Ben was used to this behaviour of yours by now. You always closed yourself when you were sad.
"Hey, love," he breathed, rubbing softly your upper arms in a soothing gesture. "Hey, what's wrong? Come on, tell me. Are you bored?"
You shook your head, taking a step back.
You had hoped that you could just run away from all this but clearly it would not be that easy. You guessed that you had to tell him face to face...
"It's just," you whispered, and Ben had to focus hard to understand what you wear saying, "I'm... having doubts. About us."
Ben frowned hard, his heart accelerating under his ribs.
"What do you mean 'doubts'? You... Did I do something wrong?"
You shook your head.
"No, you didn't."
"What do you mean when you say that you are having doubts? You mean... about the party? About..."
"About our relationship, Ben," you interrupted him.
He held your chin firmly, forcing you to look up at him. But he could see tears shining in your eyes and he knew that you were serious, that you meant it...
He gasped, his lips trembling.
"But... I..." he stuttered, staggering on his words, and you could hear that he was breathless. "I thought that... you were happy with me."
"I am..."
"Why would you want us to break up then?"
"Because... Look I have my reasons, okay? Let go of me now."
"Do you really think that telling me that you have 'your reasons' is going to be enough? That I'm going to let you leave that easily?"
"Well, you'll learn that I'm willing to fight for you!"
You pushed his hand away from your chin, but kept on staring at him.
"I... I don't know what to do. Perhaps we should take a break, for a few days. Just a few days."
"A break? No, no, no, no... Because taking a break for a few days generally means that we'll never be back together. And I can't have that."
"I'm not saying that I want to break up..."
"That's exactly what you're saying!"
He looked at you with eyes full of fear and pain, and all of a sudden you were not so sure about this decision of yours.
"I'm just... I don't know..." you stuttered.
He could see that you were lost, that you were hesitating. But he couldn't figure out why and he felt so frustrated because of it...
"Did I do something wrong?" he asked again. "Because... if I'm doing something that is hurting you then... just tell me and I'll make efforts."
But you shook your head, tears shining in your eyes now.
"You're doing nothing wrong," you said.
"I don't want us to break up," he said. "I... I care about you, you know that, right?"
"I know."
"Why do you suddenly want to stop seeing me then? I... I don't want you to leave. Because... I'm happy with you. And I don't want all this to stop. You need to tell me why you are suddenly on the verge of tears, about to break up with me, when yesterday we were taking a bath together and laughing like mad."
You smiled at the happy memory, and you didn't push Ben away again when he took your hand.
"What's going on? I don't understand anything," he admitted.
You stared at him for a bit longer. You looked at his short beard, his soft chocolate eyes and his silky hair. And you had to tell him...
"I just... You're wonderful Ben," you told him, staring right into his eyes, your voice soft and slightly shaking. "You're so kind, and caring, and funny and... You're amazing."
"But?" he asked, frowning.
"There's no 'but'," you shook your head. "There's no 'but', this is... what's happening between us is pretty much perfect."
"Then why would you want it to stop?"
"Because... Because I don't think that I'm good enough for you."
You had spoken the words in a hurry thinking that it was best to admit it quickly, like one would do when pulling on a thorn.
You waited for him to speak but he was so puzzled he was left speechless.
"I... I feel like you could have better," you went on, as Ben was remaining silent. "I feel like you could find someone better than me, that you could be... happier... with someone else."
You shrugged, tears now flowing down your cheeks and you were unable to hold them back.
"I'm just... a normal woman with a normal job and a few pounds on her bank account and... you deserve so much better.... someone like... a surgeon or... And I'm not like that. I'm not perfect enough. I'm not good enough."
But he shushed you by... pressing his lips to yours. He held your face in his hands, his hold soft but firm enough to keep your head in place. And he was kissing you so passionately and yet tenderly... He softly bit your lower lip a few times before deepening the kiss, making you moan.
When you finally broke the kiss, you were both breathless.
"All that you've just said, is pure bullshit. I hope you know that," he breathed.
You looked up at him, but he was smiling down at you.
"You're so wrong, Y/N," he said. "You're wonderful!"
"No, I'm not."
"Yes you are. You are absolutely wonderful! You're funny, and smart and kind..."
"I'm just... average."
"Absolutely not. Not to me. And it's all that matters."
You bit down on your lip.
"It's okay to be normal, I don't want you to change, and I don't want you to be... a superhero or something," he said softly, his eyes tender and a small smile curving up his lips. "I just want you to be you. Because perhaps that you're not a billionaire. Perhaps you're not famous, but I don't care about that at all. It doesn't matter. It's not what defines you as a person. What defines you is... your cute little pout, and your hilarious sense of humour, and your intelligence, and your laugh, and your sweet temper and... everything that makes you be you. And that... is not defined by the money on your bank account, nor your job. It's just you. And you're amazing. And you're wrong, I can't find better."
He dropped a soft kiss on your brow, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks, sweeping your tears away as they fell.
"I'm just... scared that you could find someone better and..." you breathed, looking up at him. "And that you would leave when really... it would break my heart. I depend so much on you, it's scary."
"I have to admit that it scares me a bit too," he said softly, a small smile still grazing his lips. "But I'm willing to take the risk. Because... it's worth it. It's worth how happy I am with you."
His fingers slipped down your face, brushed against your neck and trailed down your arms until he held your hands in his. And when he spoke softly again, he was stuttering, his cheeks reddening.
"It's worth it because... actually... I... I might be... slightly... completely... in love with you."
You gasped, your lips parting with shock, and your heart beating so fast into your chest that you thought it would escape from your ribcage.
A shy smile appeared on his lips, and he squeezed your hands into his.
"I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. Because you're everything that I could ever need, that I could ever want. I love you. Stay. Stay and be scared to death with me."
You chuckled, nodding, squeezing his hands as well.
"You're always good at making me do precisely what you want," you smiled.
"As long as it brings one of these smiles upon your pretty face, then it's fine by me," he laughed.
You laughed as well, resting your forehead against his.
"Ben... I... feel the same, you know?"
He chuckled, a bright grin on his face.
"Well, as long as you don't tell me, then I can't know," he replied.
You smacked him playfully on the shoulder, before wrapping your arms around his neck, and Ben wrapped his own arms around your waist, pulling you against him.
"Do you really mean that? What you've just said?" you asked in a breathy whisper.
"I do," he nodded.
You could feel your heart on the verge of exploding with affection and joy... and you were glad that Ben was holding you so tightly against him, because your knees where becoming very weak.
"I love you, Ben," you grinned.
"I love you too, Y/N."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run away like this."
"It's alright. Actually... I reckon that it's mainly my fault, I'll make sure to make you feel special from now on."
"You already do, Ben," you gave him a tender smile.
"Just talk to me next time you have a doubt about us, okay?"
"That's a deal."
"We should seal that deal then," he smirked, making your laugh.
You leaned up to kiss him, and he bent down to meet your lips, but you both jumped as a very loud explosion crossed the sky above the two of you. And when you looked up towards the night sky, it was not only stained with the cold light of the stars, but with all the colours brought by the fireworks that marked the beginning of a brand new year.
When Ben's gaze met yours again, you both exchanged a grin. And there was no doubt left into your heart, no desire to run away. Oh, you were still terrified by the strength of your feelings for him, but for some reason, it didn't really matter anymore. With him, you were ready to take the leap. And you were ready to spend this new year with him by your side.
"Happy New Year, Y/N," he smiled, stroking your cheek.
"Happy New Year, Ben."
You didn't see the rest of the fireworks though. Ben's lips seemed glued to yours for the rest of the show, and it was much more interesting...
Tag List : @geeksareunique, @giggleberts, @sad-orange-thoughts, @aylinnmaslow, @haritini2000, @ladyblablabla, @drinix, @joelynnp, @riacollins
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trekficsandbobs · 7 years
The Captain’s Yeoman (Chapter 3)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Summary: The Enterprise finds itself in a sticky situation with an alien ship, tensions run high and certain feelings are difficult to ignore.
Pairing: Jim Kirk x OC
Warnings: language.
a/n: only angst and a bit of peril in this one, and as promised a bit longer! The danger will amp up in the coming chapters, just trying to establish character before throwing any mortal peril into the mix.
Words: 2,200
Three weeks had passed since the ‘incident’, which was merely a matter of mistaken identity. The enemy ship thought the Enterprise belonged to a rival civilisation and threatened to obliterate the ship and crew. Jim had managed to broker a treaty with the alien captain and established a new relationship between the Federation and their assailant. It was moments such as this when the crew shined; Jim looked on with pride as Uhura quickly programmed the translator to decipher speech patterns, he was proud to watch his crew buzz about the bridge constantly chattering and fearlessly carrying on their duties in the face of danger. He was tired, his head was starting to pound with stress and alcohol, but he was happy.
Jim issued a yellow alert upon entering the bridge, Amelia watched the light flashing above her door for four hours until it was turned off. She knew she should sleep, her shift started as early as the Captains, but if Jim was staying awake all night so was she.
“Good afternoon Yeoman” Kirk smiled as he saw you enter the bridge and walk towards his chair.
“Afternoon Captain” Amelia smiled back, “The biochemical team managed to synthesize a serum to counteract that rash the away team picked up on Nestea. They need you to sign off on it before sending it to Doctor McCoy.” She said passing him the PADD to sign the document which glowed on the glass interface.
“Oh thank god, if I had to deal with Lieutenant Carr complaining about being itchy one more time I’d’ve ejected myself into that” Doctor McCoy announced from where he was standing behind Mr Spock, pointing forcefully through the viewing screen to the darkness beyond.
Amelia couldn’t help but laugh as she turned to see him return to his usual stoic self, but not before he winked at her betraying his true feelings towards the matter.
Amelia Park liked and respected Leonard McCoy, he worked impossibly long shifts in the medbay and still managed to remain sane. Many of the new crew members were scared of him, and rightly so, he didn’t appreciate the ensigns’ fresh out of the academy coming to him every 5 minutes for burning their tongues on the replicated food. The more experienced members of the Enterprise knew the truth, go to him with a problem (a real problem) and he’d help, even if he didn’t have a complete solution, he always knew the right thing to say or do. Underneath all his grumpy, sarcastic bravado was a kind and brilliant man. She occasionally had to run down to medbay to get something for Jim or some medical record or other for an away team selection, and whenever she did he made sure to check she was coping with “Jim and all his shit”.
Jim handed back the PADD and half turned towards the doctor and said “well, have fun Bones, it’s all yours” before turning back and smiling up at Amelia.
That smile could put a thousand suns to shame. It wasn’t the most perfect smile, but it was his, and it could light up even the darkest of rooms. Amelia smiled back before bidding him goodbye and retreating to the turbolift. The doors swooshed open and she stepped inside, taking a second to exhale deeply before pressing the button for deck 5. She wished beyond belief that Kirk smiling at her wasn’t the highlight of her day, or his off-hand comments about her hair looking nice in a certain style didn’t make her stomach flutter. It was stupid, he was her Captain, and he would never consider her in any other way than his Yeoman, his crew.
“It’s hard” the doctor said quietly from behind her, pressing the button for his deck, “and I know it hurts” he continued as the turbolift hummed to life around them, blue lights beginning to flash by as they began their descent. “Being on this ship for so long, with the same people, there’s always gonna be times like this. You can talk to me about it you know, I’m not as up his ass as he thinks I am. I’m here for you, as your friend” Leonard spoke with a soft tone, his southern accent soothing against the harsh surroundings.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Yeah you do, if you’re ever done denying it you know where I am” he said as the doors of the turbolift opened to reveal a white corridor.
“Thank you Doctor. Have a good day” Amelia returned, grateful for his words- even if she was trying to ignore the truth behind them. Deck 5 beckoned her and she stepped out of the lift.
Jim Kirk had a bad reputation when it came to women, when he was younger he loved to drown out all the chaos with a bottle of whiskey and any woman who gave him a chance. Now he was older, wiser, but the insecurities persisted.
Three months ago she introduced herself with a firm handshake and a shy smile. He was worried that having a female Yeoman would make people talk… the way people always talked. But she was incredible; she never looked at him with that accusatory gaze, never judged him for the amount of coffee he asked for. In truth, he was never happier than when she was at his side chatting about nothing in particular.
Amelia didn’t see him like he saw her, it took him everything he had not to betray the way he really felt. He would just have to suck it up and get on with it, she saw him as her boss, her Captain and nothing more.
Amelia was putting the finishing touches to yet another mundane report when the Enterprise suddenly shook, sending her half full glass of water all over the table and neatly stacked papers to the floor. The red alert light and Jim’s voice over the intercom announced the ship was under attack and that all decks were to remain on standby. Amelia swore and rushed to find a towel to mop up the water, to stop it before it spilt over the edge and onto the floor.
Her communicator beeped from its usual place by the computer. Flipping it open with one hand and furiously mopping the table with the other she signalled the caller to go ahead.
“Yeoman, you are required on the bridge” Jim’s voice rang out, strained and short. Another jolt rocked the Enterprise and the communicator cut out.
Jumping to action, Amelia pulled on her standard issue boots, pausing to look in the mirror. It wasn’t the time, she was well aware, but it was habit. She straightened up her standard issue red dress and smoothed down her strays hairs to her regulation hair style, took a deep breath to steel herself and walked out the door, grabbing her PADD on the way.
The corridor was a chaotic mess. Red shirted security guards were running around shouting orders and crew members were rushing to their emergency stations. The turbo lift was crowded and loud as crew filed in and out at each deck. Amelia spotted McCoy step into the lift but he was too far away for more communication than a nod hello. Eventually the lift was empty but for Amelia and the Doctor, neither had got more from Jim than the summoning call minutes before. Both agreed it was serious. She had never heard Jim sound that serious even though it was the third red alert she’d experienced on the Enterprise. As the doors to the bridge opened, they could see why.
Through the viewing screen, not one but two enormous ships could be seen dwarfing the Enterprise. They were a dark brown colour with a rough looking exterior, only two lights shone from them like a pair of huge eyes - and they were staring at the Enterprise.
Jim was in deep conversation with a yellow shirted lieutenant, probably discussing the material properties of the ships which lay before them. Mr Spock stared intensely at the data reeling across his screen. Uhura sat listening intently, flicking through the channels, occasionally attempting and apparently failing to establish contact.
“Holy shit that’s a problem and a half” McCoy mumbled walking hesitantly onto the bridge, staring at the ships through the viewing screen.
“That is definitely a problem” Amelia replied following him as he walked towards the Captain’s chair.
The ‘eyes’ were unsettling, it felt as if they stared into Amelia’s very soul. Ever present, never blinking (which of course they couldn’t on account of being a result of artificial light) and very unnerving.
Amelia and McCoy stood there in stunned silence as the bridge bustled around them.
“Yeah, tell me about it” Jim said, walking up beside his two friends, “If either of you know what to do right now I’d really appreciate it” he continued, frowning. “No one can make any sense of it, least of all me… Uhura has hailed them a dozen times and nothing, the structure of the ship is something we’ve never encountered - even the material they use is completely alien. They’ve fired on us twice and we can’t figure out where from or why.”
“Have you tried warping away from it?” McCoy offered, Amelia wasn’t sure if he was serious or not - it appeared to her to be a valid suggestion.
“Yeah, but no matter which direction we head in, no matter what speed, they stay exactly there, that close all the time. I don’t get it” Kirk answered perfectly seriously with more than a hint of frustration.
“Have you fired back?” Amelia asked, unable to take her eyes from the ships floating ominously in front of the Enterprise.
“Tempted but not sure it’ll do anything but piss them off” Kirk allowed himself to smile for the first time since the situation began. His friends were beside him and in the bustle and chaos of everything they remained calm. “Bones, I just wanted you to see what we’re handling here just so you’re prepared down in medbay I guess”
“Too kind Jim, speaking of I better get back and inform the nurses to brace for impact. Comm me if anything changes” McCoy replied before turning away and returning to the turbolift, a look of apprehension played on his face. He was scared, but he had work to do.
“Can you stick around? Might just need you to run places for me before this is over.”
“Just a normal day for me then” Amelia replied, laughing.
“Yeah I guess so” Kirk said quietly, smiling to himself as he returned to his chair.
3 hours later the red light was still flashing. The situation had moved past confusion and was now irritating. The light was irritating, the ominous ships were irritating, and the ever growing panic was irritating. One red shirt lieutenant had to be relieved of his duties after a loud outburst of frustration. Jim’s temper was becoming shorter and shorter. He’d snapped at Uhura, he’d snapped at Spock, he’d snapped at nearly everyone on the bridge, and it really wasn’t helping the tense atmosphere.
Jim sat with his head in his hands, exhausted and frustrated, when Amelia stepped up beside him.
“Captain? Jim? I got you some coffee, thought you might need it… do you want it?” she asked hesitantly, wary of his current state.
Jim smiled into his hands, she was the first person in hours to speak to him like a normal person. She was also right, he did need a coffee. He sat up and accepted the steaming mug with thanks.
“Tell me what you think Yeoman” Kirk took a sip of coffee and looked up to his Yeoman, who offered him a warm, understanding smile.
“I can’t make sense of it Captain, but I still stand by what I said before”
“You mean shoot at it?”
“Yeah…” Amelia said sheepishly, it wasn’t her place to tell Jim what to or what not to do but he had asked after all.
“I think you’re right Yeoman. God I really hope this doesn’t backfire” Kirk resolved handing Amelia the half-finished cup of coffee.
5 minutes later, Uhura opened a ship-wide channel and Kirk’s voice rang out across the ship.
“Crew of the Enterprise. For the last 4 hours, we have been under threat from an unidentifiable entity. All possible routes of a non-conflict resolution have failed and communication has been unsuccessful. My intention is to elicit a response from them using force. Brace for impact. Kirk Out”
“Fire when ready Mr Sulu”
The bridge was quiet, the gentle humming and noises of the computers a welcome change from the chaos of the hours before. Every person on the bridge held their breath, everyone on the ship joined them. Kirk’s knuckles were white from the tightness of his grip on the arms of his chair. Amelia placed a hand on the back of the Captain’s chair to steady herself. An empty, sickly feeling settled on her stomach. Mr Sulu took a deep breath and released a single phaser blast towards the alien ships.
tags: @youre-on-a-starship @feelmyroarrrr @webhoard
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