#but that involves making the store BIGGER AGAIN
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->And, as Victor replanted his oversized crops (which I’m not actually intending to make oversized this time! Smaller ones make a bit more sense to sell in the store), Smiler scheduled a weenie roast for the next day! They hadn’t thrown a party in a while, and I figured that would be appropriate for it being summer, especially with SimCity Founding coming up. They invited their friends Heath, Aleah (the Hermit from Granite Falls), Cecilia, Nalani, and Grace, and had the whole thing start at 3 PM, as that felt like a decent start time for me for a cookout. And I just crossed my fingers and hoped that it wouldn’t be as chaotic and glitchy as some of my OTHER weenie roasts had been. . .
-->And with that, all that remained was for Victor to finish up his planting and for Smiler and Alice to have a little bonding time (including synchronized showering in the rain -- Erratic Sims *sigh*) before it was back off to the store! Smiler of course made another flower arrangement while Alice started making more cakes and pies for the bakery and Victor began doing bulk bread processing -- and then I discovered two things:
A) The new update, which added slots to the tops of a bunch of the toilets and sinks? It has a dark side, and that dark side is that Sims WILL put random shit on those slots. As seen with Victor putting his bread on top of the toilet in the bathroom stall. *facepalm* I moved it out of the bathroom with haste and quickly put -- I don’t recall what it’s called, I think it’s related to the menstrual cycle stuff in Wonderful Whims, which I don’t use, but it’s like a little spray bottle that you MIGHT find in a bathroom like this, and it took up one of the slots on top of each toilet, making them less of a good place to drop baked goods.
B) Smiler actually didn’t have that much to do, as the flower arrangement shelves were full, and there was no more room for any of the baked goods from the cupcake machine in the bakery section. Whoops. ^^; Fortunately, there was another protest going on nearby in the little square, and when Smiler batted over to say hello, who should they encounter but Jameson, the guy they met over in Henford-On-Bagley on fair day! :D Smiler promptly renewed the acquaintance, and they had a nice chat together. Them being the most social of all my Sims DOES make keeping them occupied easier. XD
-->And while THAT was going on, I decided it was about time I had Victor test out his Copypasto skills! Now, as I reported back in the Finchwick Fair update, there was no way for me to have him Copypasto any of the cans and boxes from the Simsonian Canning Factory mod (you know, like the canned peas and such). . .but he COULD Copypasto the various sauces and preserves, since those are the same as the ones you get from Cottage Living itself! And so Victor set about copying as many jars of jam and sauce as he could. . .
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lilacstro · 3 months
part of fortune and what can be actually fated in your life
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hey! I KNOWWW someone will think or say, hey? wait- isnt that vortex? indeed it is, but I am sharing this post from an observation series pointer I made, so you can say this is an observational post/my own theory kinda post lol. This post is again not taken from any book or source and is my own observation. If this does not make sense for you or you don't agree, it's okay, you can skip :)
I had 3 asks for this one so here we go!! I will try to keep it short and simple because I see I rant quite a lot in my posts T T. Part of fortune in:
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1st house/Aries: I have not really seen a chart with a part of fortune in the 1st, but this specifically makes me think your soul chose your body for completing a purpose in this life time. Some fated connection with your body, the way you look. A spiritual connection/mission that can involve a series of fated events to bring you closer to your personal missions and goals.
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2nd house/Taurus: Fate with the money you have, money you receive or how you keep your money. Fate transforms your old belief systems for good. Fate with the things you speak or do at times, the way you make friends or other relationships.
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3rd house/Gemini: Fate with the things you come across, maybe someday you come across a book and it changes your life, maybe a social media post and changes your life. Fate with siblings, maybe they connect you to you destiny or you connect them to theirs. Fate encounters you at mundane places you go to, maybe your neighborhood park or the grocery store. Some fate with the place you grew up in
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4th house/Cancer: Fate in the family you are born into. Fated connection with the mother, might connect your mother to her higher purpose and destiny. Might impart fate to mother.
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5th house/Leo: Fate in children. Your children might be sent to you for a higher purpose. Fate in things you enjoy and your creative pursuits, maybe they turn into something more profitable someday, maybe they are trying to connect you to something important
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6th house/Virgo: Fate in Service. You maybe sent to people to help them, a godsend in some cases. Things change overnight, some small conversation changes everything at once. Finding out small things that lead to bigger ones, and another and another. You enter the lives of people when they need your light/guidance
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7th house/Libra: Fate in close partnerships and people you encounter. Fate in people you make friends with, interact with. Vibes of small conversation with a stranger at a store leads to someone very important in your life. You can learn a lot from people your close circle.
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8th house/Scorpio: Fate in protection and redirection. Fate in change. Whatever you struggle to leave behind or hold on tight to or actually decide not to let go off, may actually be taken away, yet, you will see how it was for your absolute best and higher purpose. Fate with inheritance or gains from other people.
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9th house/Sagittarius: Having fated destinations to go to, fate involvement in what higher studies you do, where you go for your higher studies and how it plays out. Encountering fate in regards to getting wisdom, your prayers are answered sooner or later. Right place, right time.
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10th house/Capricorn: A Fated occupational destination and position, might end up doing completely different from what you once imagined, fate in the people you meet who help you professionally or lead you to your true calling. May impart fortune to father. Fate brings you to dispensing karma to other people.
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11th house/Aquarius: Meeting Fated people, FRIENDS, finding people to help you in need ALWAYS. Encountering fated connections that later help you in life somehow even if they are lost. Being able to have connections/meet influential/powerful people somehow, unexpectedly.
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12th house/Pisces: Encountering fate in regards to esoteric wisdom, spirituality and spiritual self. Fate in regards to encountering unexpected, distant things. Maybe the thoughts and dreams you had that seemed unachievable will come true. Maybe your fate takes you to people who you never thought you would get close with or places you thought you would never go to. Fate with things and connections that probably were incomplete in the past life.
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thank you so much for the read<33 i love you all
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tojipie · 8 months
Hello my love! I know you’ve been gone for a while but I wanted to stop by and ask if you have any realistic but unhinged toji headcannons? Hopefully this gets you into the spirit of writing again, I don’t mean to overstep. We miss you❤️.
hello sweet anon :( i’ve admittedly been struggling with my mental health a whole ton which is why i’ve been gone but this ask really did help me get back into the groove of writing just a bit <3 thank u for stopping by ! mwah
this is just me saying shit to say it pls don't take this srsly !
content: fluff, mentions of alc, smoking, suggestive talk but not smut, a little angst
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was a victim of the xandemic in his late 20s so one of his pupils is a little bigger than the other
initially hated ambulances because of the absurd cost but grew to hate them even more because the attention makes him uncomfortable. oh you want to take his blood pressure? ew, don’t touch him. that’s weird. would rather patch himself up than sit under a gaggle of fluorescent lights for 6 hours in an ER waiting room.
shiu has been a co-signer on every apartment he’s ever rented because his credit score is in the single digits.
picked up vaping on accident after the corner store ran out of cigs when he needed them most. still prefers marlboros because he likes that searing feeling in the back of his throat. throws the cartons out his car window like a freak.
his drivers license is crumpled. like physically crumpled like paper. he has no idea how it happened but when he needs to use it at the liquor store he definitely gets stares.
will forever be devoted to his late wife. mentally at least. she’s the love of his life but in his mind sex with other women isn’t really cheating right? like he uses a condom sometimes so it’s fine probably? he's not gonna stay celibate for the rest of his life. the topic keeps him up at night.
has a scar from an appendectomy right above his v line that women go crazy for. he’s not entirely sure what they like about it but he’s been touched there so many times that it’s morphed into an erogenous zone.
slut for fast food. would rather get a vanilla shake and dip his fries in it till his stomach hurts than spend time at a sit-down restaurant. eats like shit but still maintains his physique, infuriatingly enough.
hates being in public more than you’d think. it’s a deeply uncomfortable feeling that stems from the risk that being discovered poses during jobs. he prefers to have groceries ordered, meals delivered, and shiu take his car down to the shop if needed. if hes out and about he’s either at the casino tables or the liquor store.
is down for whatever if the price is right. like truly. older women love what he has going on which works well in his favor because it puts a roof over his head. absolutely no shame once money is involved.
has tried to get help for his gambling addiction a few brief times. got close once and then decided to hit the blackjack tables to celebrate his progress. he jokes about how things ended up from time to time but deep down he knows it’s pretty serious.
shops at the goodwill bins mostly. made an effort to stop stealing as much because of how dirt cheap the thrift is but couldn't stick to it. likes to go down the jeans isle and look for change in the pockets. his biggest score was a 5 dollar bill that had been through the washer so many times it was practically blank.
there's a little voice in the back of his head telling him to have more kids and he's not opposed to listening.
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shinesurge · 8 months
Webcomic rings run by people within the community are cool and you should support them
I've been loudly struggling a little bit with corporate webcomic Stuff lately so I want to mention something positive to balance it out: webrings run by small groups of creators earnestly trying to support each other are slowly making a comeback and I for one am delighted.
If you weren't around for them in the before times, webrings were just some folks who hang out a lot who feature each other on their websites. That's literally it lmao. There's generally no money involved and it only really functions the way it's supposed to if people have control over their own websites AND genuinely want to participate and get excited about other folks' work, which means the practice has pretty well fallen by the wayside over the years in webcomic culture given. Everything. In the rare event someone decides to do something like this it's usually in the form of a link list somewhere on their website; this doesn't usually indicate any sort of mutual support, it's just a list of what the creator is reading themselves.
A webring, though, is an official banner or hub that people gather under intentionally where each member is more or less on equal footing. It's essentially the concept of "a rising tide lifts all boats" put into practice, each creator brings their own audience to the table in a passive, opt-in sort of way that's different from working for a publisher since there isn't necessarily a Top Spot or a paycheck everyone's vying for, and individuals retain autonomy over both their own work and how (if) they promote each other. You're all at your own tables in an artist alley rather than fighting over the table in the front of the book store, essentially.
I have two rings and one collective for you today!
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Webcomic Ring was brought to my attention AGES ago by Holly, one of the artists featured there, and I might have brought it up at some point but I'm doing it again lmao. This is exactly the kind of thing you ought to be looking for; a small group of enthusiastic folks having a good time making their weird little comics. You probably haven't heard of much in the catalog, that's PERFECT in the context of webcomics that's where the GOOD SHIT is. Finding something like this is A Gift go dig around in the longboxes for a while.
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Then a few people have pointed me in the direction of the KNIFEBEETLE collective and that's neat too! Most of the comics there are already fairly well-known, but the vibes are excellent and I haven't seen a lot of talk about the collective /itself/ outside folks already in the know. I think it's important for this sort of thing to be more visible to folks who aren't terminally steeped in webcomic culture already so here I am telling you about it. You were probably reading several of these before I suggested it, but that's how a webring works! For it to do its job you should take those bigger creators' tacit recommendation of the less popular titles as a sign to go read something new and strange. Wild, I know these are practices held over from the old internet, but I think we should try and bring them back.
Lastly, I want to mention Spiderforest, which is a collective (slightly different from a webring) BUT still a very cool project readers starved for new stuff should pay attention to.
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You've probably seen Spiderforest kicking around for a long time already; they're wonderful and have always been an overall positive force in the community in my experience. They really focus on building up a community, and especially welcoming newcomers and helping them get their feet under them. Full disclosure, I've been asked to apply by a few different folks over the years and the only reason I never did is I don't have the ability to participate in their forums and such as frequently as they want their creators to; it's a very good system (from my outside perspective) that might contribute to the community staying mostly healthy in ways that art communities usually don't and I appreciate it a lot!
ANYWAYS that's all I got for now, just trying to balance out some bad feelings I've been having by talking about some good stuff. Please go binge an archive this week.
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: What Do You Need to Let Go Of?
Hello beautiful people! Today is Saturday aka Saturn Day. In honor of Saturn Day, the day associated with banishment, protection and responsibility. Today is the day we let go of what no longer serves us; the day where we can no longer ignore what sits heavy on our spirits. So without further ado, please choose your Saturn.
**If you really loved this topic then you should book a reading with me, please read my guidelines and then message me privately! Also, if you had received a reading from me, don’t be afraid to leave a little feedback! Please and thank you in advance. 🫶🫶🫶
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-6)
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PILE ONE: “No More Mr. Nice Guy” is what I heard. I feel like you tend to have a lot of love & compassion for people. This doesn’t necessarily translate over to the other person/people though. You need to stop being so nice, Pile One. I think you have a lot of growing up to do. There is good and bad in everyone but what really matters is how this person makes you feel. Stop caring about the feelings of other people if you aren’t going to take yourself into consideration. This is why you always get taken advantage of. It’s okay to be a moody bitch sometimes. Having a sunny disposition 24/7 just isn’t realistic. Don’t act naive when you know the truth about certain situations. Move intentionally and with wisdom. If you don’t think they won’t do that, think again.
Cards Used: The Star, King of Cups, 7 of Cups, The Fool, The Moon, The Tower, Judgment.
PILE TWO: The movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind may resonate with you. I feel like you need to let go of your ex, seriously. You don’t have to forget about them but you do need to move past this person. They have caused much turmoil in your life, especially when it comes to your mental health. They could have indirectly negatively affected your finances as well. But there is someone else who is on the horizon. They want you to see the bigger picture. They want to show you better. If you have been writing notes about what you would like to see in your future partner, expect for these qualities to show up in someone that will soon approach you. They have a beautiful, colorful aura and they will let you shine. Your ex fucked you up bad but you can recover from this. Don’t be afraid to see what love has in store for you, my love.
Cards Used: King of Cups, The Magician, 2 of Cups (RX), The Star, The High Priestess, 5 of Wands, Judgment, Strength, The Fool.
PILE THREE: You’re a Virgo/Sagittarius, aren’t you? You don’t have to know and control everything, honey. Let go of the need to be involved in everything. You have been neglecting your soul’s needs. You have a lot of potential to grow but you don’t know how to accept help nor do you allow yourself to just be. You’re so uptight and burnt out right now. It would benefit you to just walk away from stress-inducing situations. If you know you can’t take that extra shift at work, why even bother? Who are you trying to please? You are making it hard for yourself to maneuver through this world peacefully because you do not know how to enjoy what’s in front of you. If only you could see the beauty of your labor. Slow down. Why are you going so hard for? You’re so used to making things happen that you get frustrated when things don’t work out your way. A word of advice: Please just allow time to do its thing. Don’t work against it.
Cards Used: The Sun (RX), Ace of Cups, Strength, 2 of Discs (RX), King of Wands, 7 of Wands (RX), 3 of Discs, 10 of Swords, The Magician, The Hierophant.
PILE FOUR: Christmastime must be your favorite time of the year, huh? I feel like you could also have a strong connection to Mariah Carey as well. Her book is on my mind heavy as I’m reading for you. I feel like you are so used to dysfunctional relationships. You have the tendency to move fast with people. I’m going to hold your hand when I say this, they ain’t going nowhere! Let go of your lovebombing tendencies and show up as your real self. I don’t think you see this as that but it is. You don’t seem to be big on communication. I don’t think you had the best role models for any kind of relationship so you just do what you know. But this does not translate well with other people, which results in chaos. Unpack why you interact with others the way that you do. You too, have a lot of growing up to do, my friend.
Cards Used: Knight of Wands, King of Swords, Queen of Cups (RX), Four of Wands (RX), Ace of Wands (RX), The High Priestess, 8 of Wands, 3 of Cups.
PILE FIVE: “Shut up and dance.” No seriously, shut up and dance. I feel like you are someone that refuses to be seen dancing in public or just in general. There is no need to feel like that. Let go of your shyness, babe. I feel like you actually have good dance moves, you just don’t want to be seen for some reason. Dancing will help you get more comfortable in the spotlight. You have gotten too comfortable in your little bubble. The next time someone asks you to dance, accept the offer (especially if it’s zydeco, salsa or kompa 🙈). You’re never too cute to dance, pookie.
Cards Used: The Hermit, Knight of Discs, The Chariot, 6 of Wands, The Empress, King of Discs (RX).
PILE SIX: Why are you wasting your time arguing with everyone? You need to master the art of preserving your energy. Let go of the need to prove yourself/defend yourself to other people. You exist just like everyone else on this planet but somehow you always end up in a verbal altercation. Is it worth it? I’m sure there’s plenty of alternative options you could choose. Just walking away could do you some good. You are the type of person to catch someone in a lie. Instead of cursing them out, you could just laugh in their face or block them. You could channel this energy into something else. It is normal to experience anger. But just know that you could always get in trouble if you never control it properly. Get a handle on your emotions. Be more logical & cutthroat. I think you definitely could benefit from taking the high road. Your soul is tired. Give it up, babe.
Cards Used: Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, The Lovers, 8 of Cups, Ace of Swords, The Hermit, Justice, The Moon, The Star.
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growingstories · 8 months
Dennis had always been the golden boy. In high school, he had been the star football player, admired by his peers and adored by the cheerleaders. He had graduated with honors and married his high school sweetheart, Lisa, shortly after. Life seemed perfect for the young couple. After college, Dennis became a local lawyer, a position that provided him with stability and a comfortable income. However, as the years went by, Dennis found himself gaining weight. The blame fell on Lisa, who was an excellent cook and loved to indulge her husband's every culinary desire.
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Despite his growing waistline, Dennis and Lisa's marriage seemed healthy. They enjoyed a passionate sex life, and Lisa had a way of luring him to stay home with her, ensuring that he became more and more dependent on her presence.
The controlling nature that had once seemed harmless started to become problematic for Dennis. Lisa had him wrapped around her finger, making decisions for him and dictating every aspect of his life. Dennis felt suffocated and longed for some freedom.
One fateful day, as Dennis was searching through his belongings, he stumbled upon a letter that Lisa had left behind. It was a divorce petition. Dennis was devastated. Feeling lost and unsure of what to do next, he turned to his best friend, Mike, for support.
Mike suggested they escape the chaos of their small town and retreat to Dennis's family cabin in the remote woods. With no car, electricity, or cellphone service, it would be a true getaway from the world they knew. The journey to the cabin was perilous, involving a two-hour walk through dangerous territory, filled with the constant threat of wolves and bears. Which meant that Dennis would have to stay in and around the cabin and be completely dependent on others. They reached the cabin, and Mike promised to check in with Dennis the next day while leaving him with enough food and supplies to last three days. Left alone in the cabin, Dennis's anger and frustration drove him to chop wood furiously, channeling his emotions into physical labor. The satisfying sound of the axe hitting the logs became his solace. But as the anger subsided, he found himself overcome with grief, and he sought solace in the comfort of food. Unbeknownst to him, Dennis devoured almost the entire stock of food Mike had left. He fell into an exhausted sleep, which lasted almost 14 hours, worn out from the emotional journey he had undergone. When Mike returned the next day, he was shocked to find the food stock empty. But he hadn't given up on his best friend. Mike came prepared again, bringing more food, promising to check on Dennis regularly to ensure his well-being. The visits became frequent as Dennis recovered from the pain of his broken marriage. The local hardware store owner, who had heard about Dennis's situation, also started bringing supplies and treats. Dennis found himself indulging as food became his only comfort.
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As the days turned into weeks, Dennis's belly bulged, revealing the consequences of his excessive eating. Mike, worried about his friend's health, brought him bigger shirts to accommodate his growing frame. Determined to keep Dennis entertained, Mike also brought books and other forms of entertainment to combat the crippling boredom. With the arrival of spring, the need for wood diminished, making Dennis lazier by the day. He gained even more weight, his ever-expanding belly becoming his constant companion.
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Mike and the hardware store owner continued to support Dennis, visiting less frequently but providing larger quantities of food each time. Every encounter gave Dennis a sense of validation, as he believed his muscles were growing beneath the layers of fat. His self-confidence soared, and he grew content with his life in the secluded cabin. One day, after a few weeks of isolation, Mike returned to the cabin. He was taken aback by the drastic change in Dennis. The once-fit ex-jock had transformed into a massive man, his stomach protruding outwards, making it difficult for him to catch his breath.
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Worried for his friend's well-being, Mike felt it was time to intervene. Despite Dennis's happiness with his current lifestyle, Mike knew that enabling his excessive eating habits was not the answer. With a heavy heart, Mike convinced Dennis to come back to reality and resume his life in the town. Reluctantly, Dennis agreed and found himself in the office of a local law firm once again. He had no plans to lose weight or change his lifestyle; he had embraced his new body and was content with who he had become.
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Despite his physical transformation, Dennis found happiness in his newfound acceptance of himself. He continued to work at the law firm and forged new friendships in town. People admired his confidence and zest for life, appreciating him for who he was rather than his physical appearance. Dennis lived his life unapologetically, relishing in the joy of good food and reveling in every moment. He had come a long way from the ex-jock who had been lured into a controlling marriage and found solace in food. Dennis had found his own version of happiness, one that allowed him to appreciate the fullness of life, both figuratively and literally.
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bitcell · 1 year
the ordem paranormal universe masterpost
ordem paranormal is a ttrpg universe created by cellbit. it started in 2020. as of today, ordem paranormal has 4 seasons, 2 spin offs, and the first one-shot to be aired on september 23rd.
ordem paranormal takes place in a universe with two dimensions: the normal and the paranormal.
the normal dimension is where we live as human beings, while the paranormal dimension is a completely different place, where everything that seems like the impossible can become real, like spirits, demons, among other kinds of anomalies connected to the after-life. those two places are separated by a layer called the membrane, the membrane stops the normal and the paranormal from coming in contact. however, the membrane can be weakened by fear of the supernatural, making horrendous and dangerous monsters enter our reality. this phenomenon usually happens in specific locations, prone to the perception of fear, like abandoned hospitals, old houses and deactivated sanatoriums.
all across the world, different groups have formed, looking for ways to weaken the membrane, trying to destroy it and blend the two dimensions, with the objective of seeking their own wishes, or even, fulfilling a bigger purpose. the members of this groups are called occultists. to stop chaos from being stored, a secret global organization was created: ordo realitas. common people who live double lives to stop the acts done by occultists, which aim to increase the contact between normal people and the paranormal, increasing their fear, and consequently, weakening the membrane and allowing the paranormal to cross over.
official campaigns
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-> the first campaign aired on february 29th, 2020, and it's called ordem paranormal: iniciação (initiation) it has 5 episodes that are around 4 hours each and all the episodes have been translated to english.
"this story begins in the early hours of february 29th, 2020, when the neighborhood of “nostradamus school” hears a terrifying scream coming from inside the building, the same place which hours before had been consumed by the flames of a fire. this leads ordo realitas to summon their rookie members to investigate the scene, where the presence of paranormal activity is suspected."
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-> the second campaign aired on april 11th, 2020, and it's called ordem paranormal: o segredo na floresta (the secret in the forest) it has 16 episodes that are around 4 hours each and all the episodes have been translated to english.
"on april 11th, around ten o'clock in the morning, a team from ordo realitas has a meeting scheduled with the man known as senhor veríssimo. everyone goes to veríssimo's room and there he introduces them to team kelvin, a team of veteran agents who were sent to investigate a strange murder case involving a spiral symbol that ended up mysteriously disappearing without any prior notice."
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-> the third campaign aired on october 31st, 2020, and it's called ordem paranormal: desconjuração (deconjuration) it has 20 episodes that are around 4 hours each and the episodes are currently being translated into english.
"the santo berço (holy cradle) was destroyed. the restructured ordo realitas now operates from an underground base. from there, the man known as senhor veríssimo commands a legion of agents who, with the help of more intense methods, seek to save the world from the growing threat of the occult. with a new formation, the team receives a mission of searching and rescuing one of the order's most important agents who disappeared while investigating a strange occult branch, known only as the order of deconjuration."
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-> the fourth campaign aired on september 4th, 2021 and it's called ordem paranormal: calamidade (calamity) it has 13 episodes that are around 5 hours each. it has not been translated yet.
"with no sign of any interference with the balance, a new lead makes ordo realitas start to act again. an old case, reporting on an entity described as "o diabo" (the devil), brings together a new team of agents. together, they must further investigate the case as they continue their search for the power of the calamity relics."
the official campaign has been on a hiatus since calamity.
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-> the first spin-off aired on june 25th, 2022 and it's called ordem paranormal: o segredo na ilha (the secret in the island) it has 8 episodes that are around 5 hours each. it has not been translated yet.
"on an isolated island, there is a huge mansion, built by a painter who mysteriously disappeared more than 20 years ago. an art appraiser is hired to spend a few days inside this mansion, looking for valuable paintings inside. to do this, he decides to take his family on the trip. after all, what could go wrong?"
(for the qsmp enjoyers, this is where montelyson/romero richas comes from)
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-> the second spin-off aired on october 29th, 2022 and it's called ordem paranormal: sinais do outro lado (signs from the other side), it has 7 episodes that are around 4 hours each. it has not been translated yet.
"the paranormal doesn't come to our reality easily,, but things weren't always like that. the year is 1997, several cases of disappearances happen in the south of brazil. a group decides to investigate the disappearance of their mentor, a paranormal hunter who has extensive research into aliens, mysterious and dangerous creatures. however, something or someone, more powerful and unknown, may be behind all this."
you can watch the spin-offs without watching the official campaign, because although they happen in the same universe and some characters may show up on these stories, they are not connected to what happens on the main story, although the spin-offs may contain information about some things from the official campaigns.
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-> the first one-shot is going to be aired on september 23rd, 2023, and it's called ordem paranormal: quarentena (quarantine) and it will have 1 episode. this will be the first ordem paranormal session in english/spanish and it won't be connected to the main campaign, just in the same universe.
"at the offices of a multinational company called “panacea industries”, five people, looking for ways to make quick money, decide to carry out the scientific test of a new medicine. but perhaps the true intentions of this organization are not so clear when you look at it from the other side."
this is an update from EquipeT about the translations:
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aggro-my-beloved · 3 months
Asher + Babe HC’s
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* after their first meeting, asher volunteered himself to do any and all miscellaneous errands involving paperwork and notarization if it meant going back to baabe’s place of work so he could chance running into them again
* they even timed each other’s schedules in order to squeeze in tens of lunch dates through the week before making anything official. one thing that took baabe by surprise during these rendezvous, though, was the same request asher gave to each waiter/waitress.
* baabe supposed hot sauce wasn’t that odd of a condiment to put on his burger, but amidst their fourth date when he was loading it on top of his mashed potatoes, they had questions.
* asher has grave mouth. his tastebuds are basically useless from all the sour candy he consumed as a child/teen. he can drink lemon juice straight without puckering. this info shut baabe right up, but left them satisfied.
* to ensure his meals aren’t entirely bland, he puts hot sauce on almost everything he eats. this has led to some questionable, if not disgusting combinations he has sworn against—including, but not limited to sriracha-topped waffles and red hot chocolate
* the pack beta also likes to skateboard, baabe disovered. cmon, they live in california—it was between skating and surfing and this man burns too easy at the beach. his mate would be lying if they said they didn’t admire his freckled face from time to time, though.
* give him a shovel on malibu’s finest sand though? he’d dig a hole so big it’d be considered a safety hazard. and he did, the one time he and baabe went on their shared day off. the lifeguard had to come and stop him, urging baabe to glance up from their magazine and gape at the trench a dangerous proximity from their beach chair.
* once they did leave, asher was sulking about how he could’ve made the hole so much bigger and deeper (hehehe) had he been shifted and able to use his paws and let primal instinct kick in. baabe consoled him with ice cream and an aloe massage later on, promising they’d try for a private beach and a higher spf sunscreen the next time around
* long-haired babe’s go to hairstyle is space burns. asher adores the style on them so much he asked for them to do the same to his hair. it didn’t turn out similar in the slightest (more like two tiny pigtails sticking out lopsided atop his head) but he was happy with the results and that’s all that mattered.
* “hell yeah, baaabe! you can’t even tell us apart!”
* the only way baaabe can remember to practice self-care is when asher reminds them. sometimes he’ll point out a soothing face mask in the store’s cosmetic aisle or run them a hot bath, but the only way for baaabe to fully indulge is if they offer asher to join them in the activity. and he always says yes, otherwise the task will be long forgotten on his mate’s part. and asher would be caught in a lie to say he didn’t want to see how that one bath bomb in particular fizzled out into the water.
* when the weather starts cooling down in the fall, asher likes to take walks in his wolf form. so baaabe can join him in public, they modified his spiked choker to act as a dog collar that baaabe can add a leash to, so no unempowered humans get suspicious at the sight of him. that’s right. asher is babe’s scary dog privelage.
* he gets a little too eager and excited on these walks though, best believe he’s pulling his mate down the sidewalk 90263692634962692 mph to take in everything while baabe tries not to stagger or fall flat on their face
* after several failed attempts at this, they repurpose ash’s skateboard as a mode of transportation for baabe to safely ride on as asher pulls them down the sidewalk. a much better solution than their twelve-year old heelies shoes that were falling apart at the seams.
* asher and baaabe are the only couple in the pack that collectively like horror movies/games/media. the only exception for baabe is haunted houses, which both discovered one fateful october at Dahlia’s local amusement park. one of the scare actors frightened baabe so badly, they left with a broken nose, and baabe with a bruised set of knuckles on their right hand.
* asher was quick to comfort them during the embarrassing ordeal, but just as quick to laugh and tease them about it later on. he’d be saying shit about how “you should’ve dressed as rocky with an uppercut like that”
* once they did leave, baabe sulked, arguing that “zombies are a different type of scary than werewolves and vampires—it was all self defense!” asher consoled them with ice cream later, promising no more haunted houses in the future for the sake of baabe’s hands and innocent workers’ noses alike.
〈 TLDR: baaabe and asher are adorkably sweet together and both love ice cream 〉
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averyspoopedcorgi · 1 month
tysm for the tags @asanjou @christine-ye :D (RULES: answer and tag 9 people who you want to get to know or just catch up with!) • Favorite color: any shade or blue really but im partial to light blues and yellows • Last song I listened to: the shinkenger op lol (listen to it its good stuff) • Currently reading: i dont read often or at all (- - but the last book that was reading was "Convenience Store Woman" by Sayaka Murata • Currently watching: fourze! im a bit lost on what to watch along side it so im still figuring that out but i also plan to watch gavv when it releases :] . anime wise, i wanna start mayonaka punch and pick up go go loser ranger again :thinks: • Currently craving: friend chicken from this one place near my old school • Coffee or tea: coffee. im too lazy to steep tea everyday • Current AU: i have like 2 in the works?? 1. my enstars lovechild au as usual. currently reworking the chiakana kids to be even bigger toku references since i have toku brain worms now (theres so much more to this au if anyone has any questions about it send me an ask wink wink) 2. an au with alkaloid that just involves me shoving them into kr blade and calling it a day basically (jkjk but i am trying to make it make sense slowly but surely)
tagging my dear mutuals: @theyaoiconnoisseur @eerie-asterisks @ominous-semicolons @reisakumaproducer (sorry for bothering and no pressure o7)
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thndrs-wrtr · 11 months
Hello! Here's a bit of angst. Part 2 for happy ending??
Trigger warning: Angst, break up, crying. Reader is a teacher cause is the profession that came first skdjs
The Chaos Theory
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The butterfly effect, or the chaos theory states that one simple event can lead to bigger events, and change the course of things, the way an action can affect directly another one.
Maybe, going to that convenience store wss your butterfly effect. Maybe, you shouldn't have gone.
However, it wasn't crazy or weird to see your boyfriend in tv, or heard people talking about him since he was a popular, yet, no one had a single clue he was dating you. For the world he was single, until that night.
You were waiting in line to get your things payed, until one of the two girls in front you of let out a tiny scream, making you furrow your eyebrows in confussion.
"What is it?" asked her friend. "Your boyfriend again?"
"Well, not my boyfriend, my husband. There's a twitter account saying Bangchan might be dating! Oh my god, do you think is true?"
Even though you tried to avoid reading those comments or being involved in the media scandal, you couldn't help but pay attention. Was it a leaked picture of you? Do I need to run? You thought to yourself. But you didn't.
"Apparently he's dating this female idol from the latest JYP group. They were seen together a few days ago, look!" The girl showed her friend her phone "They don't look that bad, do they?"
"Nope, not at all. They look great, actually. Would be a pretty couple, I ship them!"
You knew, you absolutely knew. You knew her, you knew he was going to be a guest in their new music video, you knew everything, but you couldn'y say anything. You knew Chan wouldn't even think of cheating on you, you knew Christopher. However, those thoughts were definitely not helping your rising anxiety.
It was something that had been haunting you for months, you met him when he was already popular, and you were beyond proud of everything he accomplished and keep accomplishing. You could deal with the distance whenever he went away on tour, or the nights where he'd arrive late. But you couldn't seem to deal with your own thoughts and how they were tearing you apart.
You moved back home, thinking about how different your lifestyles were, and the dark clouds were adding drama to that moment.
When night came, you couldn't control it anymore, your eyes were already teary and puffy, and you thanked god your roomate wasn't there so you didn't have to give any explanations. You put on a jacket, grabbed the keys to her car, and headed to Chan's dorm. You knew the kids were not going to be there, so it seemed the perfect timing.
"Baby? Hey! What are you—" Chan said welcoming you, but interrupting himself when his smile fade away, noticing your tired, teary eyes. "What happened, y/n?
He was about to pull you in his arms, but instead of jumping to him, you moved aside and let yourself inside the building, making Chan look at you in confussion and concern. He turned around, searching for you eyes.
"Chan we... We need to talk, can we?"
"Yeah, we need. And you're scaring me, like... a lot" he chuckled a bit, keeping his smile. But out of being nervous.
"I–..." you cut yourself, feeling your throat getting tight. "I've been thinking a lot and... Maybe..." after taking a deep breath, you looked back at him "maybe this isn't right?"
"This? What is this? Could you explain it better, yeah?" His soft eyes and patience broke you even more.
"Us, Chan." You saw Chris's eyes getting filled with pain, horror, sadness. "This is not easy to say, but... I've been thinking and... Maybe it's better if we take different roads."
"Y/n—ah... I'm not– I'm not getting anything. Why are you bringing this up? I know I don't rest that much or I'm always doing things but—" this time, you interreputed him.
"Exactly. But it is not that I'm mad about it"
"I don't want to drag you down, Channie..." you felt your eyes getting wet, and you bit your lower lip trying to stop your chin from trembling. "You are always trying to move your agenda, getting more time, and... Last time you already got scolded for cancelling an interview and spend the weekend with me. I–... We are from different worlds, Chan. And at some point is gonna... Is not gonna be manageable anymore. I don't want to block you from working hard and your dreams"
You said looking down, while Chan was completely frozen in his spot, his eyebrows furrowed, his adam apple moving when he swallowed hard to keep his tears.
"I'm a grown man, y/n. I do what I want, and I want to be with you, yeah? I know it's hard but-" you interrupted him.
"Chan this is not... there's a lot more behind it" you said as you felt the tears going down your cheeks.
"You read comments again, didn't you? Baby those are not true, and you know that."
Chan took a step closer and denied with his head, he wanted to hug you, kiss you, but the step you took back stopped him from doing so.
"They are, Chris." Hearing his name in that moment was even more painful "I mean, just look at you...And look at me." You sniffed, lifting your arms pointing at him but letting it fall once again "you are an idol, your world is... Unmatchable for me. I'm just a regular teacher, with a reg-" this time, he was the one to interrupt you.
"You're not just a teacher, you have a masters degree, your students love you, you make them feel better, you do much more than I do."
"But it still isn't enough, Chan. You deserve someone at your level... And... Maybe I'm not the one."
And that was the breaking point. Your words grew smaller and weaker syllable by syllable, finally closing your eyes wjth strenght as your tears fell down, uncontrolably, matching Chan's heartbeat that was going crazy, crazy not to shatter into a million pieces.
He took another step closer, finally caging you in his arms, the smell of his perfume giving you instant peace. His hand landed at the back of your head, gently pushing you against his chest.
"You are speaking non-sense...I love you, you make me wanna keep going, and... And we can carry this, yeah?" His voice was soft, yet, you could hear the sadness.
"I love you too, Chris. Way too much... That is why I have to let you go."
You lifted your head and your palm rested on his cheek, thumb caressing his cheekbone. Chan's hand grabbed yours without taking it away from his face, he couldn't.
"Don't say that, come on" at this point, his eyes were red with tears, and both of you were broken of seeing the latter fall down your faces.
"You're the best man I have ever meet, Channie. And... I just hope someone good..." You sniffed hard, being completely unable to finish that sentence. You didn't want him to be with anyone else, but at the same time you felt you were not the one. "Take care, yeah?"
You left a quick and painful kiss on his cheek, before going out as fast as possible, hiding your sobs. Chan stood there, not moving an inch in the middle of the room, only his chin trembling, and tears staining the floor.
Meanwhile, outside, seven boys were happily getting off the van, trying to cover themselves from the rain.
"Ah, Chan-hyung is going to be so happy" Felix said with a smile
"Totally, this new world tour is gonna hype him up so much" I.N added, "Oh, yn-ah is here" he said again with a happy smile when he recognized your car, making the rest of the kids smile as well.
However, you didn't even see them. Or didn't want to. The door closed behind you as you ran past the seven of them, their faces looking at you in confussion when you didn't say hi, but especially, cause they noticed the sobbing and the tears in your face. They look at each other, not understanding anything.
"Lee Know"
Changbin told him, and just by his name he understood. From a time there, you and Lee Know had a very close relation, he became pretty much some sort of big brother, and he was the one who ran after you, calling your name.
"Yn-ah!" He grabbed you by your shoulder, stopping you right before you entered the car.
"Not now, Minho" you said, a sob escaping your lips "please"
"God, I can't let you get go in that state, much less with this rain. What the hell is-" He stopped right in his tracks when you hugged him.
"Take me home, please"
You begged in a whisper, him nodding. He raised his head to look at Han, slightly lifting his shoulders to make him understand he didn't know what was happening either. But they were far from dumb, they knew something between you and Chan must have happened.
When Han turned around, the kids were already walking inside the place. When he got in, he saw Hyunjin sitting next to Chan, his head on his shoulder, and his arm around his torso. On Chan's left was Felix, patiently looking at him. Kneeling in front was I.N together with Changbin, and Seungmin was coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water. Han took a step closer to the group, and with no words he understood why their leader was sobbing hard, looking down while holding his head with his hands and covering his face as his elbows were on his thighs.
Did it really end? Was the only thought for everyone, inside and outisde the building.
Part 2?
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dogtoling · 10 months
I did one of those side character reference things before and I've done like a billion refs since then so why not do it again.
(Some of these I might have posted already. i forget.)
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Finston and Kiddo! more accurately known as "some fish I never draw". Or Flint's neighbor and his adopted kid, who also happens to (sometimes) play in a band with Tiger, Boy and Kombu. small world.
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Boy's uncle and main parental figure. He has a passion for cars and works as a car mechanic in an industrial area. he also lives there because why not. Not like he has a wife to go home to.
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Koira's Octarians or more formally known as Beakston Octarians. Koira cloned them from their own tentacles to have some more hands (and/or tentacles) around the place and also to have some company.
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Logan might be a repost... but it's Logan so that's fine. He's an Inkopolis skater but also does mixing at Shark Beats.
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Hook is some kind of armhook squid (Gonatus sp.) working at a record store, so he's a music guy. Not necessarily related to the stuff above though.
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Mr. Muelleri is a rich cirroteuthid from the Deepsea that mostly does gambling, betting, and... Well, probably something else I'm sure. It's hopefully nothing involving or coming close to keeping whole Inklings in your closet to make them do bloodsports for monetary gain and fun factor (one-sided).
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Citros and Maito work at a weapon shop called White Shark that's really a weapon shop second and a customization business first, in case you wanted your gear to be flashy and cool-looking. And a lot of people do! And they're also dating. :]
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Winter! He's a cuttlefish. And also Graf and Frill's dad. And also Engel's therapist. Again, small world.
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Rust is a vehicle- and weapon mechanic, originally from the Octarian domes but long since stranded in Inkopolis. They custom engineer weapons under the table just because they enjoy chaos and it's fun. (Their coworkers don't like that much.)
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Tali is the founder of Shark Beats, before which they used to work for a bigger record label in Inkadia. Jawn is their brother, leading a much more humble life as a hairdresser - because his tenta-cuts are high quality and he excels at sliced and shredded styles, he actually has somewhat of a loyal customerbase from those who like wild tenta-styles. But he is also a ex-felon rumored to have gone to jail for predation, so Tali tries pretty hard to keep distant familial relations and keep it out of the paper.
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This is the Loan Shark... scandalous! honestly it's kind of a skill issue if you get a loan from her and expect not to die. (I will probably make a version with clothes later but I wanted to do patterns and scars or something.) She will appear in a comic in the year 2028 when I finally stop procrastinating and just do it.
And here's an OC I haven't really posted yet:
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mgcldydrms · 2 years
My Future is You ( Steve Harrington )
summary: you overhear steve and nancy talking about how many kids he really wants in the future. but who does he want to spend his future with?
word count: 2.3k
warning: fluff, talk about the future, mention of guns and fights
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
author's note: this is another re-post from my old account, but I really wanted to post this one again because I loved it so much. I edited it a bit again.
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“Six kids, huh? That’s quite a lot, Harrington.”
Steve made his way out of the RV, a confused expression gracing his face as he closed the door behind him and followed you and the rest of the group into the arms store. You took a quick look over your shoulder, giggling lightly once you noticed Steve’s brown eyes looking at you like a puppy who had no idea what its owners wanted from him.
“I kind of overheard what you and Nancy talked about while we were driving here.”, you told him honestly while you made your way through the aisles of the store, always on the lookout for something useful for the fight ahead. 
Steve’s eyes slightly opened wider, his eyebrows raised while he nodded. He didn’t think anyone would have listened to what he and Nancy had talked about, yet here you were. But who could blame you? You were sitting right behind them, and everyone else was engrossed in a conversation of their own hence there was no way for you to not listen in on their talk. 
The young man next to you let out a quiet “oh”, making you stop in your tracks. You turned to him, and guilt was written all over your face however, Steve quickly shook his head. 
“It was just something we talked about to pass the time. Nothing too serious.”, he explained, putting his hand on your shoulder while he squeezed it gently. He sent you a gentle smile before he left you alone and walked over to a rag full of clothes. He finally wanted to get rid of his wet and dirty clothes, and although he knew they didn’t have the newest fashion at the store, he knew it would have to do for now. 
You let out a soft sigh, still feeling guilty about listening in on their conversation. You could have sworn you had seen the sincerity in Steve’s eyes when he talked about his future. He was so passionate about it, and yet he told you it was just something to talk about to pass the time. Did you believe him? Not really, but for now, you had to. 
At the end of an aisle, you found Nancy who was checking out a few of the guns which were displayed on the wall. You had no idea nor interest in weapons, you never had, but ever since you got involved with the upside down, you knew it was wise to have some sort of weapon close to you, especially when you decided to go there one more time and kill the monster behind it all. 
“Did you find anything?” you asked your friend once you stood beside her, your eyes looking at all the guns in front of you, your mouth slightly agape. You had never seen that many guns before, and to be honest, you were a bit intimidated by it. 
Nancy shook her head while she had one of the guns in her hand, turning it from side to side, even holding it up to see if it would be good to use however, she put it down again and asked the seller for a new one, a bigger one. 
You slightly turned around, your back leaning against the counter while you let your eyes wander around the store, quickly spotting Robin in one of the aisles while Steve made his way toward her. It seemed like he had already found some new clothes to wear. 
You couldn’t help but let out an almost inaudible sigh, but Nancy still heard it and turned her head in your direction, her eyebrows lightly raised as she waited for you to say something. 
You stayed quiet and watched Steve’s and Robin’s interaction, which caught Nancy’s attention as well. She turned to you with a knowing smile on her lips, nudging you lightly with her elbow. 
“Everything alright between the two of you?”, she asked you curiously, thanking the seller at the same time who handed her a bigger gun.
Your head turned to the side, watching Nancy interact with the weapon while all you could do was shrug your shoulders. 
Were you and Steve alright? Sure. You’ve been friends for a long time and helped each other out in every situation possible. You always talked about everything, and now all of a sudden, he wasn’t telling the truth. You knew you could ask Nancy about the conversation they had even though you knew it was wrong. Were you overreacting a bit? Maybe, possibly … obviously. But you had heard what they talked about.
“Can I ask you something, Nancy?”, you asked your best female friend. 
The young female nodded her head, her eyes focused on you for a bit until they went back to the gun yet you knew that she was listening. 
“I feel stupid to say this, but I heard what you and Steve talked about in the RV. You know, about his future and the six kids, which is obviously a lot, but I still heard it. And I wanted to talk to him about it because it’s obviously interesting to know, seeing as though he’s also one of my closest friends, but he said that it was nothing and it was only something to talk about to pass the time, but I don’t believe him. You don’t just talk about something like this to pass the time, and he also seemed so passionate about it, and I am rambling again.”, you said, ending your rambling session with a small pout on your lips. 
Nancy put the gun away again once she noticed what you were talking about, an amused smile gracing her lips while she listened to every single word you had to say, giggling lightly once she saw the pout on your lips and the desperation in your eyes.
“Oh, y/n.”, she started, shaking her head amused as she took a step towards you, placing a hand on your arm only to squeeze it gently. 
“You didn’t hear the end of our conversation, did you? And he probably didn’t tell you about it.”, she explained. She knew Steve just as well as you did.
Nancy looked over to Steve and Robin, who were having their own conversation before her blue eyes darted back to you, who still looked like a small lost puppy. 
“Yes, he really said that he wants to have six kids. Absolutely insane, I know.”, she started, making both of you laugh lightly, which caught some people’s attention, but they quickly went back to what they came to the arms store for. 
“Steve talked about what he wanted in the future, but he also talked about the person he wants to have by his side in the future.”
When these words left Nancy’s lips, your eyes went wide. You could feel your heart hammering in your chest, the pulse reaching your ears. You were nervous to find out who it was, however after you saw him and Nancy spend so much time together again, there was no doubt that it was her. He wanted to have her by his side. 
You tried to calm yourself down, nodding your head as you looked down at your shoes. You absentmindedly bit your lower lip, preparing yourself to get your heart crushed in just a few seconds. 
“It’s you, you idiot.”, Nancy suddenly said, a giggle leaving her lips as she playfully pushed you away from her. 
Your head shot up, your eyes wide once more as you looked at her in disbelief.
“You’re kidding. We’re friends, and you and he have a history and I’ve seen the way he looks at you, so no, it’s not me.”, you argued, shaking your head. 
Nancy immediately put her hands on your shoulders, stopping you from talking.
“Trust me, he said your name. You’re delusional if you think otherwise because I’ve also seen the way he looks at you, and it’s different. Trust me. Steve has liked you for a while now, and I know when this is all over, he will ask you out on a date. He’s been meaning to do this ever since the Starcourt fire, but that dimwit never found the courage to do so.”, she told you reassuringly.
Your head turned to the aisles where you knew Steve and Robin were, quickly finding out that Steve was already watching you. His eyebrows were raised, and worry graced his face as he looked at the two of you. You lightly shook your head, returning your attention to Nancy. 
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“Can you please tell me what is wrong with you? You haven’t talked to me ever since we ran out of that store.”, Steve said worriedly, sitting down next to you. 
After you all found out that Jason was at the arms store, you quickly made your exit, sprinting to the RV and hastily driving off. 
Now here you were on a field, a bit outside of Hawkins, where everyone prepared themselves for the fight. You found a spot a bit farther away from everyone, wanting to be alone with yourself and your thoughts until Steve came over.
You looked up into his brown eyes, biting the inside of your cheek lightly before you shook your head. 
“It’s nothing, Steve. All good.”, you stated quietly however, Steve wasn’t having any of it hence he sat down right next to you. He took your hand in his, shocking you. 
“Nothing is good. Please talk to me, y/n. I feel like it was me who did something wrong because when you talked to Nancy and then looked over at me, you looked like you’ve just seen a ghost or something.”
Should you tell him the truth? Should you tell him that you knew he talked about you in the RV? On one hand, you knew that he deserved to know, on the other hand, you feared what could happen if you really told him about your conversation with Nancy. 
You let out a sigh, your hand still in his. Your eyes gazed around the field, watching your friends prepare themselves for what was about to come, and that was when it hit you. 
What if you wouldn’t make it out of the upside down? What if something happened to you or worse to Steve? You knew that you would feel guilty for the rest of your life if you didn't tell your best friend that you knew that he had feelings for you. 
“Nancy told me that it wasn’t just a conversation to pass the time.”, you admitted, your eyes swiftly looking up to see Steve’s reaction, however, his face stayed blank. 
“You really want those six kids.”, you said, giggling lightly. “You really want that future you talked about. And … Nancy also told me who you want to have by your side in that future.”
There it was. You said it. And by the look on his face, you knew, he knew now as well. 
Steve wanted to pull his hand away, but you held it tightly, even wrapping your other hand around his. 
“You don’t get to walk away now, Harrington because I know you want to. You usually do that in situations like this, but not this time.”
A gentle smile placed itself on your lips while you moved closer to Steve, who tensed up a bit, but relaxed again after you squeezed his hand softly.
“She said you’ve been trying to ask me out on a date. You’ve been trying for a couple of months, and don’t you dare look embarrassed. It’s not, Steve. It’s cute.”, you said encouragingly. 
“I don’t think you have noticed, but I really like you too, Harrington. Why do you think I want to spend so much time with you? Why do you think I come to Family Video at least once a day? To find a good movie? Hell no, your movies are shit.”, you said, making the young man in front of you chuckle lightly. 
“No, It’s because I want to spend time with you and maybe Robin, but mostly you.”, you said jokingly. 
Steve now had a soft smile on his lips, feeling less embarrassed about knowing that you know about his future plans. 
“I like you, Steve, a lot. And I see my future with you by my side, but maybe we could change six kids to three? Maybe four?”
Your best friend couldn’t help but laugh out loud, catching almost everyone’s attention around you, especially Nancy, who felt proud for knowing that she told you the truth. Steve would have never said anything to you, and she knew that sometimes you had a bit more courage inside of you. 
“Maybe we can talk about it on a date? I mean, after all of this is done?”
“I would love that.”, you said.
Bright smiles were on both of your lips while you intertwined your fingers. You noticed Steve leaning forward. Your breath lightly hitched once you felt his lips on your forehead, yet you enjoyed the warmth, feeling the blush creeping up on your cheeks. 
When he wanted to lean back again, you immediately wrapped your arms around him, hiding your face in the crook of his neck while you felt his hands on your back, caressing it softly. 
“We’ll make it out of there, and I promise you, I will take you out on that date.”
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eddiemunsonw · 9 months
Atonement - PART 2
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Gator Tillman x fem!reader
Summary: After helping Gator to avoid the fate Munch had in store for him, it's Roy who claims his attention next. However, Gator is no longer so sure his dad is on the right side of things.
CW/Disclaimer: READ BEFORE YOU CONTINUE: This fic contains mentions of abuse, sexual abuse (without the use of the word, but it's obvious that's what it's about), and there are also two characters (Roy and Dot) almost involved in it happening again. Death, gun violence. Use of the word sissy (once) and derogatory period talk (one sentence). I believe that's all.
Author's note: Most of it is from Gator's perspective and truth be told you only play a small part in this one, but it's something I needed to get out of my system and I felt like it fit after the first part of "Atonement". I would love to hear your thoughts on this fic, please be respectful.
Words: 3724
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Gator had escaped the punishment Munch had had in store for him, thanks to you. He had spent the night at your place, tending to the burn in your neck and neglecting his own until you forced him to let you look at it. To be honest, the sight scared you a little. It was bigger than you had anticipated and while you had no regrets about sticking your neck out for him (literally), it was still painful to know you’d be carrying this for the rest of your life. You briefly wondered how you’d explain this to people if they asked, but your thoughts came to a halt when Gator’s phone went off.
“It’s dad,” Gator sighed from his position behind you in bed. You hadn’t kissed since that moment next to the car. It didn’t feel right, not now. However as soon as you decided to go to bed, neither one of you wanted to leave a gap in between. Gator’s arm had slipped around your waist with careful hesitance until you laced your fingers through his. You’d just been talking softly, his warm breath tickling your neck was one of the many new things you experienced that night. He planted a soft kiss right behind your ear and moved away from you so he could sit up and answer his phone.
You turned around and wrapped your arm around his waist and just as easily his free hand came down to rest on top of it. While you couldn’t make out what Roy was saying, he sounded agitated. Gator followed up quickly with promises to be there as soon as he could and gave you an apologetic glance. You understood. You had seen how Roy could be.
Once Gator left, you did your best to try and catch some sleep. It was late after all. You’d just meet up with him in the morning.
Or so you thought. Gator wasn’t answering his cell and you knew him well enough to know that meant trouble. You worried about Munch coming back after all, although you didn’t think he would, but with Roy’s involvement nothing was out of bounds. Once the morning turned into noon, you decided to stop by his house. When you rang the doorbell, no one opened. You looked around for his car but it was nowhere to be found. None of the cars were around, in fact. Perhaps he went to the ranch? He had mentioned before he sometimes went out there to cool his head. Maybe he didn’t pick up the phone because he was avoiding his dad. You figured you could at least check.
“Where were you last night?”
“I was with Y/N.”
“Don’t bullshit me, Gator. Where were you really?”
“I was with her.”
Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed him by the collar, knuckles pushing into the fresh wound on his neck as he pulled him backwards. He nearly caught his foot onto the stool in the corner of the shed’s entrance. Roy pulled his collar down, making it harder to breathe as it tightened on his throat.
“You think I wouldn’t notice?! You went after him, didn't you? Munch! This is his doing!”
Out of the corner of his eye, Gator could see Dot’s body bloody and bruised next to the bed. What the hell had Roy been doing in here? Was she still… alive? Dread filled his stomach as he thought back on his final words to her. She had been right, as much as he hated her being right in that moment, she was. He didn’t want Scotty to end up without a mom, like he had been. He just wanted to hurt Dot like she had hurt him, with hurtful slices carved into his chest word for word. Words which hit harder than a punch in the face.
Gator gave a yank on the front of his sweatshirt, hurting himself in the process as Roy’s blunt fingernails scratched along the wound when he pulled his hand away. He didn’t let it show apart from a subtle grimace.
“He was gonna do worse,” Gator admitted quietly. “He was scratching up my face and he was about to start on my eyes when—”
“Bet you begged him to stop like the sissy you are. Probably cried too, huh?! And then what? He agreed not to hurt your pretty saucers and instead fuck over the Tillman name by puttin’ his damn logo on you? You probably fuckin’ thanked him for it too, huh?!”
“Then what—”
Roy didn’t finish his sentence. His eyes were focused on Dot’s small body stirring, a soft whimper leaving her as her drowsy state prevented her from keeping up her usual strong front. With a couple big steps he stopped in front of her and yanked her back up the bed by her hair. Gator watched quietly, as Dot’s words rang in his ears again.
“You're the fifth boy in a long line of first-born Roys. Your name's supposed to be Roy. But your dad said he took one look at you in the hospital— this pale, puny lizard— and he knew you'd be a loser for life. Said he'd rather have his name die out than have you carry it. Ask him.”
He had in fact wondered about it quite often. Especially since his demeanor had always been different towards him. He’d treat the friends he used to have with more respect than him. Talked about how they came from respectable families like theirs, how they didn’t leave a stain on the family name like he did. As if the accident had been his fault. As if he hadn’t been this close to getting out of this town and playing for the big leagues. He had decided if anything, he wanted to be like his dad. If he couldn’t become a professional quarterback, he’d make his dad proud as his right hand man. However, lately he wasn’t so sure what that meant.
It had always been a given that his father’s rules were the law. They were the law. It’s what he always said, it’s what Gator had copied from a young age. He did everything his father did. Went out of his way to comment on people on TV because he hoped his dad would agree, or laugh, or at the very least acknowledged him with a nod. He managed it once, so he chased that feeling every time. It never happened again though. Nowadays he didn’t even know why he said half the things he said. Not since you pointed out that sometimes he said things that really made zero sense and were frankly quite mean. Whenever he’d slip up you’d ask him why. Why did he say things like that? He never had an answer. Not really.
And now this. His dad being so obsessed with Nadine, or Dot, he should say. His wife. Second wife. Depending how you looked at it. Dorothy, who had a nice little family of her own, something that seemed genuine. At least it had been, in the pictures. He remembered Wayne’s dopey smile most of all. So different from his dad. And she seemed happier too, in those pictures. He couldn’t blame her. Not in the same way he had done when he was younger. Blamed her for leaving him with his dad after promising she never would. She wouldn’t leave him behind. She wouldn’t do the same thing his mom did. 
He knew better now that his mom hadn’t been left much of a choice. Something Dot had. But looking at her on the bed like that right now, he understood why she had had to break that promise. Soon after she left, he became a man. Not necessarily in the sense of adulthood, but in the way he no longer cried when his father gave him a beating because he no longer had a wife to lay his hands on. It had toughened him up, and had formed an invisible shield against his dad. A very fragile one at that, but it was somewhat easier to shake off now. That didn’t mean he still wanted to prove himself worthy. Worthy of his recognition, worthy of his love. Although, despite seeing that he could be sweet with the twins, Gator no longer believed Roy Tillman was capable of loving anyone. Maybe he loved himself and the Lord who he used to justify his actions. It felt like he had been chasing the unattainable for years, from a man who probably never wanted him in the first place. He had become so good at ignoring the telltale signs until you started asking him the right questions. The ones that made it unable to avoid being faced with the truth of it all. 
Dot was visibly shaking, Gator noticed. Her big eyes flicking back and forth from Roy to Gator. To Roy with fear, to Gator with a silent plea. Roy was talking again, to Dot this time. Words exposing his true nature, similar to the ones Gator had heard him say to his mom all those years ago. He just didn’t understand what he wanted with Dot. He had Karen, right? So why did he have to have Dot too? What was the fun in having someone who didn’t want to have you in return?
Gator watched as Roy circled around the bed like it held his prey, like he was the hunter and he had caught the defenseless rabbit that he wanted to devour piece by piece. Rip apart. Destroy. He felt a little nauseous. Suddenly, Roy pulled her back up, positioned her in the space between him and Gator. Yanked up her dress, pulled on her hair next when Dot begged him to stop. Hit her face when she screamed.
Ask him.
Roy gave him a dirty glance as he started to unbuckle his belt. “Nothing new, eh? Like the good old times,” he said matter-of-factly. Gator took a step forward without realizing it until Roy gave him a warning look.
“Dad, what are you—”
“She’s gonna give me what she should’ve given me ten years ago. We’re gonna keep going until she does.”
“What’s that?”
“A son.”
“You have one— me. You have me.”
Roy laughed shortly and shook his head.
Ask him.
There wasn’t anything funny about what he had said, Gator thought. He was his son. What good would it do to have another now? Why would he need another?
“And you’ve got the twins,” Gator added, his voice quieter than he wished it was.
“They’re females.”
“Well, I’m not.”
Another one of those laughs. Like Gator was being funny. When Roy didn’t say anything else, it became harder to focus on the conversation. The one that wasn’t even really happening. Instead, the sound of Roy’s pants dropping felt unbearably close to his ears, as did the sound of Dot’s tights being ripped. He hadn’t realized he had long since dropped his gaze when it suddenly went back up at the noise. Roy smirked at him.
“Always liked to watch, didn’t ya?”
Gator made a face and wordlessly shook his head. He hated every second of it, every time it happened. Every time he had been forced to watch. Every time he was “taught” how to take a woman, a female, and claim her. He had tried it, once. When his friends had made fun of him for never even as much as kissing a girl. Had taken a pretty girl up to his room one time and started to make out with her but the second his hand rested on her chest, she froze. Had looked around the room for a way out and had given him a fearful glance. One that he had seen on Dot’s face too many times. He didn’t know what had given that girl the idea that he was going to do something to her she didn’t want, maybe it was the fact that he was a Tillman and Tillmans took what they wanted. He was never like that. He couldn’t. He couldn’t stop it, but he couldn’t do it himself either. Gator hadn’t been with a girl since, not until you. Not until last night. To his horror, his mind filled him with images of you in a similar scenario. What if it happened to you? Would he still do nothing? Would he still watch it happen?
Ask him.
“Why’d you name me Gator?”
Roy stilled his hands on Dot’s hips, shook his head and gave him an annoyed glare. When he didn’t answer him, Gator insisted.
“Everyone’s called Roy. You, grandpa, his dad, but not me. Why?”
He wasn’t even sure why he wanted to know now. Maybe it was a distraction, maybe he had just reached his limit. All he knew was that he needed to know. Now. And Roy wasn’t answering him. Instead, he was fighting with Dot who tried to kick at him, tried to wriggle her wrists free from his grasp. Screamed at both Roy and Gator. To whoever might be in reach to listen.
“Tell me, dad,” Gator repeated, his voice breaking as he felt the venom attached to the last word. The meaning that word held wasn’t supposed to be feeling so nauseating, was it? It shouldn’t fill him with dread, fear, anger… disgust. He punched the wall, grabbing Roy’s attention.
Roy sighed, shook his head again with that sick little smile of his. Pulled Dot’s hair back so hard Gator could see the strain of it on her forehead.
“You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. Because I knew, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew something was wrong. That God had given me a punishment in the form of a useless baby boy that would never amount to anything in his life. I knew you would be the burden you've proven to be, growing like a leech on my back at every hour, messing up the simplest of tasks, getting in the way,” he seethed through his teeth, followed by a grin that told Gator he had been waiting for this day. Delighted to tell his loser of a son why he hated him. Dot struggled some more, her ragged breaths loud in the silence as Roy took a moment to let the words sink in. Gator forced his fists to relax, rested his palm against the holster that carried his gun.
“Naming you Roy would turn the family into a disgrace. Having someone like you carry the name Roy Tillman would have turned us all into a joke. That's why, Gator. Now stop acting like a bitch on her period and do SOMETHING USEFUL! Hold her down, make her stop being so goddamn difficult. That’s the thing with females, they always pretend they don’t want it but they’re always drippin’ when I’m done with them. You love it, Nadine. I’ll remind you what a real man feels like.”
Gator approached, one slow step after the other, the short distance suddenly seemed endless. A ringing became louder and louder in his ear, hand slowly taking hold of his gun as he focused on Roy’s face.
“What are you grabbing your goddamn gun for you idi—”
His breathing was ragged as he lifted his gun towards Roy’s head, the first bullet forcing itself straight through his cheek. Truth be told, Gator never used his gun often enough to have become a great shot just yet. The next one hits the hand that’s reaching for the gun, an action delayed due to his own surprise, his own lack of caution. Roy Tillman truly believed he was invincible. Trusted that Gator, a loser so far from himself that he could have been adopted, would never find the balls to go against him. Even in his last seconds, he truly believed that Gator would never be the one to shoot a bullet through his head. But he did.
Dot barely caught herself as Roy’s grip on her loosened and rolled to the side, tear struck eyes fixed on Gator, whose gaze followed Roy’s as he fell backwards, hand slowly slipping off his gun as his head hit the floor with a loud thud. She watched as Gator dropped his hand slightly, saw his bottom lip tremble as he brought it to his own temple. Just as he closed his eyes, his finger tightening on the trigger, Dot launched at him and snatched the gun out of his hand.
“Gator, no!”
Gator toppled backwards and landed right on his ass, Dot half on top of him. They’d been lucky the chain was no longer attached to the floor.
“Why not, huh?” Gator laughed coldly, his body was shaking uncontrollably as he wiped the sweat gathering on his forehead. “You heard him, I’m a fuck up waiting to happen. I’m a— I’m a loser, a waste—”
Dot scrambled off of him, kneeled at his side and grabbed his face between her small hands, making him look at him with a gentle nudge.
“No you’re not. You know why he could sense you were different from him right from the start? Because you’re good, Gator. You are good.” 
Gator shook his head, tears falling as his lip trembled more. He cursed himself for crying, he wasn’t the one who should be crying. He wasn’t the one who almost got…
“Gator, look at me.”
Dot was crying too and yet she focused on wiping his tears away. She used to do that when they were younger too. When it was them against Roy, for some time, when they understood each other. She looked over her shoulder at Roy, now resting in a pool of his own blood, and turned back to his son.
“We should go.”
Gator nodded, helped her out of the chain and was quick to put an arm around her shoulder when he noticed she wasn’t too steady on her feet. They made their way back to the house quietly. Just as Dot pointed at the nearest car, Gator stopped in his tracks.
“Y/N?” he shouted over the distance.
There you were, a little ahead of your car which you had gotten out of the moment you heard gunshots.
“Gator! Are you okay?!”
A quick glance to the woman he was holding quickly confirmed that it was Dorothy. He had mentioned her before, briefly. You knew what she looked like because you recognized her from a photo Gator had in his room of her and him when they were younger, hidden in one of his drawers. It was a secret, even from Roy.
“Who’s she?” Dot asked in a whisper, hand tightening around his waist as she already looked around for a way to get out. You didn’t look like a threat, but then again, Dot knew better than to trust things at first glance.
 “She’s my… friend,” he finished softly, only loud enough for Dot to hear.
“Friend, huh?” Dot asked with a gentle smile, her grip loosening. “Go to her, but make it quick, we gotta go.”
Gator didn’t think he could blush under these circumstances, but he did.
As Gator approached, you noticed he looked like he had seen a ghost. You scanned him for blood but couldn’t find any except for some faint stains on his shirt. Dorothy looked way worse. Wasn’t he supposed to be with Roy?
“Hey,” he said softly, his voice wavering.
“Where have you been? I was so worried!” You wrapped him in a tight hug, relieved to be holding him again. Gator sunk into your embrace, the safety of it awakening an overwhelming need for it as he buried his face in your neck.
“I’ll explain,” Gator mumbled, “but we gotta go.”
“Go where?”
“I don’t— I don’t know. Can we take your car?”
“Yeah, we can, Gator, do we need to call someone? The police?”
Gator shook his head almost feverishly.
“No police, nothing, please.”
“Okay. Okay, let’s go.”
Dot had caught up by now and followed you both to your car. She sat in the back, Gator next to you.
“Would… my house be okay?” you offered timidly. You glanced at Dot’s appearance. “I’ll have some spare clothes that’ll fit you, Dorothy. You can shower too, if you want.”
“That would be nice, thank you,” Dot responded with a grateful smile.
Once you had led Dot into the shower with some fresh clothes, you went back downstairs to find Gator sitting on your sofa. He hadn’t heard you come down, nor did he notice when you sat next to him. He was trembling, clenching and unclenching his fists.
Your voice startled him and a soft gasp left him as he turned to face you.
“Hey there,” The smile you gave him was sweet. He swallowed thickly and nodded shakily, acknowledging you. He tried to answer your smile but his lips trembled so much it immediately looked so painful that you pulled him into an immediate hug.
“I did something bad, Y/N,” Gator whispered as he slumped against you. “I-I killed him, I killed my dad. He was gonna hurt Dorothy I— I couldn’t— c-couldn’t watch.”
“You did what you had to do,” you said softly, not letting him feel the shock you felt upon hearing his words. You hugged him under his vest, the tough exterior replaced by the softness of his sides. “You’re nothing like him.”
“So I’ve been told,” Gator added humorlessly.
“It’s a good thing, Gator.”
You cupped his cheeks and he slowly turned his eyes down to look at you.
“You’ll be okay. We will be okay, Gator,” you assured him. Gator blinked some tears away, hand lifting up to wipe the annoying fuckers away when you did it for him with gentleness. Aside from Dot, you were the only one who had ever been gentle with him. But Dot…
“You won’t leave?”
Gator sighed as you shook your head, releasing a breath he didn’t remember holding. His hold on your hips was tight. Not painful, rather carrying a desperation of holding on to you.
“I’m here. I will be here. Right by your side. Always.”
“Promise me?”
You sealed the promise with a kiss.
“I promise.”
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manytoonepoet13 · 2 months
"May My Body Carry Time and Unwanted Emotions." (Cielomort Vessel Theory) – Aozora no Memory.
Sooooo, I've theorized that Ciel used his body as a vessel to store all of those negative emotions, to store the essence of the things that are important to people so he can lure the SEEDS and take them out once and for all in one go.
This came to mind because of the lyrics:
"The rippling bitterness, just drink it all up quietly..."
"Even though things may change during these dizzying days... Leave only your smiles for I will tuck away your loneliness into those clouds."
"Cut out the clouds and the blue sky... For they are the footprints of this waving memory, this memory of the blue sky."
"Even if those clouds that rode on blowing wind will never return... We'll continue to believe that the future will allow us to meet you again."
Let me discuss it lyric by lyric.
So, "The rippling bitterness, just drink it all up quietly." refers to how he used his body to store the negative emotions, therefore the flavor of those emotions being bitter when he "drink it all up quietly" as the lyrics would suggest. Now, I have no idea how this would work, maybe if he'd subject himself to immense hatred? Or if he uses some kind of spell to store all of those negative emotions instead? I have no idea, I just know that he will be using his body as a vessel, or more fittingly, as a bait.
"Even though things may change during these dizzying days... Leave only your smiles for I will tuck away your loneliness." - this still refers to him using this body as a vessel, but here, it's more of talking about the process in preparing his body to be used as a vessel.
"For I will tuck away your loneliness into these clouds." again, using his body as a vessel and how he's planning on doing it.
"Cut out the cotton clouds and blue sky... for they are the footprints of this waving memory, this memory of the blue sky." - so here, basically what I initially wrote for this line is that the cotton clouds and the blue sky symbolizes the bad memory of the past timeline, and to cut them out means to shut those bad memories and emotions away to make room for better ones. But I still think my hypothesis was true, there's one thing that I missed, which is the meaning of Cielomort's name; dead sky. So, if my theory is correct, and that he indeed used his body as a vessel to store the negative emotions to lure in the SEEDS then sacrificed himself, then to cut out the cotton clouds and the blue sky not only means to shut the bad memories out, but to also kill Cielomort, to kill the dead sky to give way to the new, blue sky that will cover Fragaria in only happiness for eternity.
Think of exfoliating to remove dead skin cells to make way for newer, healthier ones.
And finally "Even if those clouds that rode on the blowing wind will never return... We'll continue to believe that the future will allow us to meet you again." basically your usual 'he may not be with us physically, but he will always be with us in spirit and in our hearts because he's always looking down on us and his memory will continue to live on.' this especially applies to Ciel's fame. You have that then add in his sacrifice, his legacy would be one for the books, the blue sky symbolizing his sacrifice for the betterment of Fragaria even if he's not there to witness it himself. Which actually relates to yet another line "I wish to share it all with you, it would be nice if I could be within that "everything". But it's alright if your sky continues to remain blue." so long as the people of Fragaria will be happy, he will be happy himself as well en if he physically, and emotionally can't. He will.
Also, this essence of things stuff talks about Willmesh's involvement. So, remember my poem "The Genius of a Novelist"? Where basically I talked about how Willmesh had a bigger role in all of this and that's why there are books in the mv. And since, according to the website, Willmesh can grasp the essence of things, I believe that is his role, to grasp the essence of said things and store them into Cielomort to execute their plan.
"The knights ask nothing in return for their love."
More theories + poems:
Blue Bouquet — A Bittersweet Love. "May the Clock Strike Thrice." Aozura no Memory – The Genius of a Novelist.
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Dwelling in the Night, Part Four: Just Know I'm Not the Sinister Type
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Series Masterlist
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Summary: Life, and un-life, goes on. Stevan and you get closer, despite your better judgment, and actually reach the level of friends. It's actually quite nice when you don't think about everything that might come when time keeps going on, leaving only one of you untouched. Meanwhile, an eventful night of hunting happens for you. One with what you thought was a close call that involved you not killing someone tonight out of sympathy. But unfortunately, for you, you don't have as keen of eyes as you think you do.  
Warnings: Reader is a vampire, so there's the usual vampire stuff like drinking blood and biting. Reader gets a little bit edgy and emo, not going to lie to you, because I gave them some backstory to their vampirism. Reader actually attacks someone, but doesn't kill them. It's revealed that reader can to mind control and memory altering as a vampire power however, it is used on someone else. So if you have issues with mind control stuff be aware of that. Cliffhanger ending. 
Author’s Snip: Vampire Y/N lover come and get your juice. *places a blood bag on the table* Wow! I'm actually doing something that advances the plot instead of whatever part 3 was. But yeah. We may be having plots merging 👀.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1974
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It had been a while since the meat incident. About a month or two. The boys, although a bit creeped out by the idea of some stranger breaking into their place and just eating the raw meat in their fridge, seemed to let it go.
You also let it slip by, opting to pretend to yourself that you never did that in the first place. Both too ashamed about it, even though you weren't actually caught, and also because of the fact that Moon Knight technically broke into your place through your open window making you think that he saw you crawl in through Steven's window and back.
To you, what Steven didn't know wouldn't hurt him. It was only one time and it was out of desperation to satisfy the hunger that exists inside you before it took its hold of you and you made an even bigger mess of things.
Over these past few months, you and Steven grew closer. You would actually spend time in each other's flats from time to time. In his, you would spend time talking about various things like some literature since he had an abundance of books, but one thing you loved was when he'd tell you everything there is to know about Egypt and all of its history and mythos. It was amusing to you, hearing him ramble on and on about... well... everything. It's not like you knew anything about the place. You may be old but you aren't ancient Egypt old so hearing all of this from one person was nice. But then again maybe it was because Steven was the only thing close to a friend you have here, other than Moon Knight when you bump into him in the alleys.
Steven liked your flat too, surprisingly. So far you had spun the story that you were a person who liked to collect vintage things and also had a small interest in the macabre, as a means to explain the coffin you had 'as a coffee table'.
In truth, your coffin coffee table that you 'got from a funeral home somewhere' was actually yours and you were meant to be sealed in it, in your original home. But you came back just before they could nail it shut back in your family mausoleum. Your collection of vintage was always yours and has never once been in a thrift or antique store. Some were things from when you were alive. Most others were things you collected through the years afterward. The bed frame and mattress, plates, cups, utensils, and other normal things that you've never actually used but bought so that in case someone comes to your flat they wouldn't find it odd and start to question things, which might lead to your discovery.
Steven didn't need to know that though. Instead, he just oggled at them all and occasionally asked about a few things. There was one item that he just had to ask about though.
"Who's this?" he questioned, pointing at a photo. It was of you back when you were alive. It was old, barely still together, and in grainy black and white with the tint of age changing the white. You went for the easy answer, "It's a great relative all the way back in the day.".
"They look an awful lot like you, don't they?" Steven comments with a little smile. "Yeah. I get that a lot." you respond, "It happens. Sometimes decedents look a lot like the older generations." you comment, to which Steven nods, taking the lie.
But you can only lie so much.
"What exactly brings you here? If you don't mind me asking." Steven questions.
I was starting to be found out and the hunters showed up trying to hunt me, so I needed to flee.
"I just wanted to move somewhere new. Get a fresh start." you simply answered.
"Do you have family here?" is what Steven asks next.
It wouldn't really matter. The family tree's grown on without you. Any family you used to have are all dead now, leaving descendants that either remember you as a dearly departed that was taken too soon or have never even heard of you.
"No." you answer simply, again.
Steven gives you a sympathetic glance at that answer. "That's a bit lonely, isn't it? Being here all by yourself." Steven comments.
"I have you." is what you say, not thinking before saying it. Steven blushes a bit at the answer with a shocked look crossing is soft eyes for a moment before smiling. "Well, I'm glad that I can be someone to keep you company." he says.
"Yeah," you mutter smiling back. But there's a little bit of pain plucking at your heartstrings deep down.
You've never really had a friend before, at least not after you came back from the dead. You had a few when living. You had a lot of things that you couldn't come back for after returning. Your way of 'life' was now just staying out of sight or under the radar. Taking what you could and fleeing when you were caught. Learning how to control any weird powers and abilities you gained all by yourself.
You made acquaintance over these years in the few places you've been, but you never really made bonds since it was a matter of time till you needed to leave again. That, and also to save the sight of watching time take its course on them while you stayed frozen and outside of its reach like always.
In all honesty, you tried to push Steven away or keep him at the same distance as you did everyone else, but somehow he just managed to squeeze right in by being your kindly, and dorky, neighbor. You tried to shake off the feeling of dread for the day you may need to leave or see time reach him too. For now, he's just Steven.
Another night of hunting and another night of putting on the clothes that helped you blend in with the shadows of the alleys that you stalked. Sure it was dirty to kill off criminals but it had its benefits to society if you looked at it from a certain angle, and also because bloody banks are more of a hassle than this.
You locked on a target. A mugger that's been making the rounds around this alley path that some would use as a shortcut to get places quicker. But during the night it was dangerous. It had a lot of pockets from the old infrastructure that criminals could hide in waiting to ponce on someone passing by. But that could also spin their own doom when it came to you hunting them. This guy was using the technique too. Using a spot made for dumping trash and scraps for the collectors in the morning. It was big enough for the both of you.
He didn't see you in the shadows, watching him and his movements from your spot. You both listened for the sound of anyone coming, both waiting for the moment to strike. You hear heels clacking on the stone floor, coming closer, and it seems like he hears them too as he settles himself into place. You don't feel like witnessing a poor woman be ambushed and so you go for the shot anyway. You already know what he's planning on doing so might as well do it like he still did it.
You grab the back of his shirt and pull him towards you. But he instinctively elbows you causing you to bite his arm instead of his neck. He recoils, you lunge, and you both scuffle down onto the ground. He's actually pretty strong, but you've wrestled with some criminals before and at some point they end up losing.
But in the scuffle, he grabs something from the ground close to the wall and hits you across the face with it. And it hurts. It burns. You coil back and hold your face, emit something between a scream, growl, and hiss. A noise that you don't make too often. You feel bits of wood and splinters on the stinging skin. He's hit you with a piece of spare plywood that was left to be collected.
Great. Out of all of the things he could have hit you with, it's the one thing that actually hurts.
You come back to your senses when you see him try to run. But you can't let him go. He's most likely seen your face since you don't wear a mask, if he gets away he can identify you to someone, and that spells out trouble for you. Even if it seems a bit twisted, you can't let that happen, no matter the cost. So you get up and give chase.
The mugger runs in the direction of more alleys instead of the streets in a desperate means to just get away from you and not thinking properly out of fear. This place would be a maze to him, but not to you. You can smell the blood from your bite on his arm, drawing a straightforward path right to him. You hear him calling out for help as he runs. You can tell he's scared, it makes you feel guilty for what you'd need to do when you caught him but it was the only way in your eyes.
Or was there.
You have some of his blood, you have a little influence over him. If you could just catch up with him, you could maybe keep him from identifying you to the police or someone without killing him.
You manage to find him and now tail him. You want to catch up to him but he's at a distance advantage and you're close to the end of the alleyways, he could make it out before you get to him. It's now or never.
You focus on his blood in your mouth and shout "Stop!" at him, and he does. You want to sign in relief but you could lose your already weak hold. You quickly walk towards him and face him, looking him in the eyes. He looks panicked by the fact that he can't move anything. You ignore it and focus again as you look deep into his eyes, then feel the connection be made for your influence.
You even out your voice, "You don't remember my face." you say.
"You don't remember being chased by anyone." you add.
It always feels a bit jarring when the people you do this with just calm down and enter in the trance-like state they get into when you do this. His eyes and muscles relax entirely, he even drops the plywood he's still holding that you didn't notice before.
"You were... just taking the shortcut through the alley. You don't remember getting bitten by anyone or anything either." you add on as a means to cover up any tracks that would be left in his memory.
You keep the connection as you back away into the shadows, being concealed again and unseen by him and anyone else, and then cut it loose.
The man snaps out of it, looking around confused, most likely confused how he got here and then being shocked at the injury on his arm. He holds the wound as he walks away and out of the alley.
You relax, having managed to nail the mercy even though you had so little to use. "Holy shit." you mutter as you slip down a hatch to the city sewers below to head home.
"Holy shit..." an unseen man mutters to himself processing the scene he just saw right before him.
And here he thought that his jokes about you were just jokes to mess with the others.
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drdemonprince · 7 months
A bit late to the party and a tad bit longer than planned(sorry), but I dream of programming my own living sex toy.
We would be roommates, my flat (that's the most unrealistic thing about the scenario right here lol) that I rent very cheap near a college so I can pick the hottest person applying, ideally a new student so no family or friends here. Once they move in I slowly start manipulating them. Playing hypno audios when they sleep, putting light aphrodisiacs in their food, gaslighting them on progressively bigger things to get them relying on me more and more.
I want to pretend to be their friend and have long talks where I slowly convince them that their family is abusive and they should cut contact. It would be easy considering I am already blasting them on many other fronts and at that point they would be too stressed trying to keep up with college, while becoming too dumb and horny to offer much resistance. I hope they do though just so I can stop the argument via hypnotically dropping them and leaving them more untethered and confused than before. I actually want them to freak out while we fuck so I can stop, keep my cock in them and see how the ,by then intense, programming slowly pulls them under again and they start rocking into it. Actively see the fight disappear.
Once it is in deep the actual toy part begins. I want to programm certain settings into it so via simple triggers I can have it switch between modes. Sometimes I would want an actual doll, no ability to move themselves, sometimes a puppy desperate to be filled, maybe even allow it some higher function back so I can have it work when I don't need it.
The power of having someone utterly under my control is the obvious kink here but far hotter to me would be the knowledge that it was involuntary and that I programmed it. The ensuing sex isn't the main focus. I would want the toy to respond like it's enjoyable, seeing it in pain sparks no joy, the hotness comes from knowing it only enjoys it because I programmed it like that.
That's why I want to be able to sometimes "reset" it only to pull it down again. That moment in it's eyes when it glides into trance would be the hottest thing ever. I would always want it to feel pleasure, the catch being that the pleasure wouldn't be there without my programming. Also the thought of a hypersensitive toy coming simply from pleasuring me or me telling it to come is hot.
This is also why I won't look for a CNC partner for now. Having an actual human involved that could resist and judge takes away a lot of the appeal. My main source of shame isn't wanting to corrupt, it's wanting to have an actual human following my every command and order instead of having a partner I share equal responsibility with and of whom I take care when they need it (instead of putting a dildo in them and storing them away when useful). That said I actually want that equal living together too, I would just not have sex with that person, because vanilla sex holds no appeal to me and I actually do care about consent IRL.
Sadly I have a hard time finding good hentai or comics where the main focus is the corruption itself not the fucking afterwards but I make do.
Anyways, thanks for letting us share these things. Some of the other asks that were sent in were incredibly hot and it was nice actually writing my fantasies down for the first time and claiming them as mine, not just a fic I wrote as a prompt.
ANON YOU ARE KILLING ME THIS IS THE HOTTEST SHIT EVER. this is one of my top fantasies. and largely what some of my favorite hypno erotica that i've written is about. i wanna live this scenario for real. this is why i'm saving for an early retirement dog. so i can be someone's brainwashed live in hole. hit me up when you are emotionally prepared to be a 24/7 sadistic owner for real
okay. im gonna compose myself. thank you for sharing. but seriously call me
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