#but that's not ONLY bc it has to do with mike and his trauma
lemoniiiiiii · 22 hours
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just realized that aside from jake, most of max's relationships with people were either superficial or transactional which he probably just thought was normal growing up as a rich kid who was a "loser" learning that ppl only liked him when he had something to give them.
of course, when he was younger everyone loved to go to his birthday parties b/c his parents were loaded and they always planned something extravagant to try and make up for the fact they were never really around but, as he got older his parents stopped really caring to put on those parties. after that, no one bothered to give max any attention or befriend him unless they saw his wealth as something useful, or just brought him around so he could be the butt of the joke. and the second they got what they wanted from him they discarded him. being the kind-hearted and naive boy he is, he doesn't really fully grasp it until after ryan beats him to a pulp. he brushes off what happens but it honestly profoundly affects him from then on.
he thought ryan was a friend but turns out he was just being taken advantage of, his parents didn't care to come see him in the hospital despite how serious his condition was, and jake, the only genuine friend he ever had, ends up leaving (prolly bc college) and max later refers to him in passing as "a guy i brought up back in the day" which hints that they likely don't talk anymore.
so college starts. a fresh slate. max guards himself with this macho (with a very small hint of being an asshole) persona. he's got a leadership position as the RA of his floor, got two nerdy "friends" that are very reminiscent of ryan and his guys (remember when they snicker along with him at mike?), and a semi-famous reputation online. he loses weight the summer before college and decides to stop fighting (probably caused by the trauma from ryan) but we see he uses hand grips so even he definitely wants to keep himself strong for his physique and to protect himself. though max is still fairly lean which is likely an insecurity for him. the last thing he ever wants to be seen as is a dork.
let's not even talk about how being conditioned like this affects his views on women and relationships. first off in highschool he only gets attention from baja's friends b/c of his association with jake, then in college he gets all this attention because he's "attractive" now and has this cool car, dorm and fame due to the fighting videos + promotions. he's (mostly) only ever made out with drunk women at parties or events that just throw themselves at him but it never goes further than that.
he likely has made himself believe that he should think of women as prizes (again as awful as ryan was max kind of molds his new self with his influences subconsciously. he had the kind of attention, the girls, the intimidation factor max aspires to have), but if a girl were to ever genuinely like him it would fry his brain. he wouldn't understand the idea of someone wanting to spend time with him, even if he wasn't really doing anything. to intently listen to him and partake in his interests. or how much happier you'd look after just going on a walk around campus with him vs. when he bought you jewelry or flowers.
it left him with a feeling he only experienced once before when jake saved him, and went after ryan.
it just clicks for him like-
oh. this is how it feels to be genuinely cared for.
it's not soon after he realizes that you tell him you love him for the first time, while cuddling in bed (he's sure his mother used to say it to him when he was younger but he honestly can't really remember anymore-- the most communication he has with his parents now is the deposits into his bank account).
once the door closes, and you've left for your classes.. he feels the lingering heat of your lips, your words echoing in his head and the way you looked at him...
and he cries.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Personally, I've never said that Will would be the only main character anyway. I just think that it makes more sense for him to be centered now because there is a lot of stuff that has to be addressed regarding his character. That does not mean I think Mike cannot get targeted whatsoever. But Will's plot points would get more focus because still do not know:
1- Why he was specifically targeted by Vecna in S1, and why was he specifically kept alive. Is it because he has powers or is there any other reason? 2- Why did he get possessed, and why wasn't he killed again. 3- The way he is still connected to Vecna, has to be addressed because it is ongoing since S1. 4- The obvious parallels between Vecna and Will have to be addressed, 5- Will's whole S1 and S2 have to be addressed. 6- Why is the UD stuck on the time Will went missing specifically. 7- If Will has powers, it it why he got targeted, and probably is that why the UD looks the way it looks, etc.
So it makes more sense for Will to get targeted narratively to address these narrative and plot points. That's not saying Mike cannot get targeted, but it is rather saying that he probably will not be the first person to get targeted rolling to S5's beginning.
Yeah honestly I'm in agreement with that, when it comes to Vecna, we can presume the only reason he would even target Mike is to get to Will.
Though, we've also seen that he's calculated.
Every action he does, he is thinking ten steps ahead.
Yes it's about getting to Will, but that doesn't mean that all it takes is targeting Will and that's that.
They didn't need to 'waste' their time having Vecna confronting random teenagers with trauma, specifically with Max and then Nancy?? But they did. Because Vecna has his own arcs with all these other characters that are merely pieces in his little game, with all the trauma he's caused them. And it all ties into what he wants in the end.
Vecna confronting Mike in the final season, after keeping the audience in the dark for so long about his inner feelings, is a writers dream, because it's a little too perfect.
This is a TV show, which means certain things have to happen to make the story interesting and engaging and exciting. And that's why a lot of fans predict Mike will be targeted. Because why if Will is what Vecna wanted this whole time and that's all there is to it, couldn't he just go for it and get it over with?
Because this is a story and those sorts of things take time to build up to, and it wouldn't be very interesting if it was all resolved right from the jump.
In the moment, Vecna's choices might feel random, but in the grand scheme of things, we're starting to see it's all for a greater reason?
S5 is going to have ups and downs, and I think Will being targeted by Vecna in some capacity is inevitable and it's bound to happen multiple times in s5. Though I also think some other confrontations are due. And if Max was worth targeting because of her guilt over Billy and Nancy because of her guilt over Barb (both involving Vecna himself), then yes I do think it makes sense for Mike, the og protagonist, who has guilt tied to the other two og mains, Will and El, also tied to Vecna, to have some sort of confrontation with him.
I don't think it will start and end with Mike interacting with Vecna though, by no means is this the biggest plot point to s5, because I do think it all goes back to Will regardless of the different things that happen along the way leading up to that confrontation.
However I do think it will be one of the major plot twists for the overall audience because it is super unexpected.
And I do think it makes more sense for them to save the biggest confrontation for Vecna and Will for the end of s5, because if they did it in the beginning it would feel sort of anticlimactic to repeat it in the end.
And so, what makes more sense is to yet again create the semplence of a confrontation between Vecna and Will, maybe even go there, but still not fully go there... And a confrontation with Vecna, potentially involving Mike, obviously affecting Will feels like a way to surprise an audience who is only expecting the Will part, and to also have that impact Will's character in a way that is going to make his confrontation in the end feel even more anticipating, despite it being entirely expected by the majority!
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mike wheeler you better get vecna’d next season because holy shit you got baggage
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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lunabug2004 · 2 months
Just came up with a new(ish) Mike theory, and even tho I'm sure someone's said it before, I wanted to share! [Beware: it's long]
So, we all know that Mike is acting differently, specifically towards Will, in s3 compared to the past 2 seasons (what we see of their interactions at least). I know I've mentioned before the possibility of Mike pushing Will (again, Will specifically) away in s3 because of his trauma from the previous season, s2, so I'd like to revisit that theory and add some more to it.
In s2, Mike is forced to see Will be "taken away" by the shadow monster. He is being possessed and completely taken over right in front of Mike's eyes and there is nothing he can do about it. You would be crazy if you say this alone would not give the boy massive trauma. But then add s1 onto that, obv where Will went missing and Mike literally thought he was dead. Crazy insane amounts of trauma that have to do specifically with Will being taken away. Same thing with El being taken away in both seasons. Keep all of this in mind going forward.
Now, I'd like to go back to the beginning. Obv, as I mentioned before, s1 is super traumatic for Mike with Will being missing, then dead, then missing again. He's found and Mike is over the moon. El also goes missing tho, and Mike falls into depression. He blames himself for both Will's "kidnapping" and El's disappearance so he promises himself he will not let it happen again and starts to be super overprotective of Will. However, surprise surprise, Will gets taken away again. Mike now thinks he has failed. Three times. He has failed to protect those he cares about.
Then, El is found, and Mike is happy. Will is saved, and Mike is happy. But he now has severe trauma from being trapped in the lab with Will, the one who he was trying to protect, the one who also happened to sick demodogs on all the people in the lab. Mike failed to protect Will and therefore caused all of these unnecessary deaths in the lab. So he decides that if he can't protect Will, if he just causes more issues in trying to do so, he may as well let Will go. He starts pushing him away bc he can't stand the thought of failing again. He sees El at the Snow Ball, and figures that if he can't protect Will, maybe he can protect El this time.
Again, he thinks he's already failed Will twice. He's only failed El once. He may still have a chance to protect her. He doesn't have as much crazy trauma connected to attempting to protect her as he does Will. But then he's told he's treating her like garbage, he's failing again! Then Max and Nancy are telling him he's being controlling for not wanting to risk El overusing her powers. He's just trying to protect her, and if he can't do that then he's worthless! He doesn't want to fail El for the second time as well.
Going back to the rain fight for a sec, I think that Will calling him out was exactly what he needed. He realizes how unfair he's being. He wants his best friend back, even if he doesn't feel like he deserves him.
They win the Starcourt Battle, Will and El are safe. He can start over with both of them. He can live life with his two favorite people! But then a bomb is dropped: the Byers, along with El, are moving. Moving far away. He has failed yet again. But this time, he's failed both of them! He feels awful.
As he's saying goodbyes, though, another, more personal, bomb is dropped on him: he doesn't feel near as heartbroken about losing his girlfriend as he does his best friend. Now internalized homophobia enters the picture. We know by the last shots we see of Mike Wheeler, he is absolutely broken. He has just had the worst revelation and is also losing both of his favorite people at the same exact time. All he's ever wanted to do in s1-3 is protect these specific two and he failed, as now he's lost them.
Who knows what exactly goes on in Mike Wheeler's head between seasons 3 and 4. A lot of internalized homophobia, maybe? A lot of reflecting on past traumas of losing these two people, perhaps? If so, one person holds a lot more power in both aspects and that is Will. Both of Will's disappearances (one physical, one mental) are much more traumatic to Michael. Not to say El's s1 disappearance wasn't, but he went through completely losing Will two separate times. Mike doesn't contact Will because losing him again, along with his queer revelation, has made him regress back to how he felt at the beginning of s3 and he is pushing Will away again. If he can just focus on El, maybe he can be normal and love her like a normal person. Talking to Will is too much. It makes him feel too much.
When Mike goes to Cali is when is internalized homophobia is at it's highest, as he's in the presence of Will again. Then we have the Rink-O-Mania fight, and again, Mike needed the callout to see his flaws. He realizes how much of a "self-pitying idiot" he's being and decides he and Will are stronger together.
That's kinda where this theory ends, I think, as the whole end of s4 is kinda just Mike trying everything he can, including lying, to save El from dying.
I realize after typing it all out that this theory is kinda a stretch? At least some parts? And I also didn't keep the timeline very well but oh well 😅 it's my first long post in a long time, cut me some slack. Anyways, I wanted to share it anyways cuz it just hit me so 🤷‍♀️
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Im once again thinking about Richas and her behavior bc this lil egg makes me mentally ill
Richas has the BIGGEST family in the island, not only he has 7 dads (Roier married in), but also granddads and so many tios he consider as her dads as well (Max, Bad, and tbh Pierre), plus Baghera and Jaiden as their direct aunts. It's BIG, and has literally all the troublemakers in the island
Which means the people Richas love are constantly under attack. They're constantly in danger. No wonder he shut himself from any bad emotions. She needs to be the light in their lives, right? They're all doing this for him and his egg siblings, so he can't allow himself to be somber or sad. He has to be happy and cheer them up
The only times he lets his bad emotions out was during his jealousy fits, that he himself doesn't even realize its part of his separation anxiety and trauma over watching so many of his family be taken. He thinks he's weird for not being able to take pics without his dad, he thinks hes just jealousy when he gets so anxious with his dads joking about adopting another egg
And this happy-go-lucky mentality is what makes him so chill with Foolish. He fully believes Pac e Mike will be okay and soon be returned. Even if he is angry at Foolish, what good will this make? He'll just bring the mood down, so he brushes it off. He doesn't know what happened to Pac e Mike, he only knows about the fact they have been arrested before with Cellbit and that Cellbit ate Pac's leg. And if Pac e Mike could forgive Cellbit for that, they can forgive Foolish too, right?
And Richas don't know that Pac e Mike left Cellbit to die, he could've killed himself for all they cared. It wasn't immediate forgiveness, it took time. Richas never saw Pac e Mike at this low point before, he don't know what they lost again
Ricardão (The name we gave to QNPC07) watched the prison escape stream for sure (I'm 90% sure he was the guard with a backpack), so he knows the two escaped, but Richas doesn't. And, tbh? With how reassuring Richas is being that Pac e Mike will forgive Foolish, it makes me believe he's hyping Foolish up for a big fall
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melodicaprils · 3 months
alright everyone. its time for the long awaited mikesys headcanons!!
(no applause)
uh anyway (warning spoilers for my fic that i have not posted) (also most hc r based off of real evidence!!)
introject of dead father
he acts like what a 5 year olds perspective of what an old man is bc young mike never rlly knew his father
formed first
can b as secretive as mike for some topics
loves rlly old books n cares for them like theyre babies
does care abt the system a lot, he just doesnt show it easily
is actually rlly good at masking
is "too old for love"
color i chose for him is gray
trans n lesbian!!!!!!
physical protector
formed 3rd, around the same time as manitoba
showed up bc the sys' not mentally stable mom was pushing them too much into their gymnastics (also she prob wanted a girl)
has trouble w/ taking breaks from practice
loves "girly" stuff like dressing up n makeup
trash at masking
color i chose for her is pink
trauma holder, but calls himself the "social protector"
remembers all the physical trauma
has dysthymia (which im pretty sure is like major depression, but its less severe n lasts way longer)
last to form
beats himself up abt anne marias whole "left u for a rock" thing
wears a mask w/ a smile for hours at a time
actually rlly sweet n caring
hates his physical appearance
writes poems (this isnt shown in the show i just think it would b funky)
decent at masking
showed up cuz mike got rejected by the only person who cared abt him
color i chose for him is red
internal self helper
not a fictive, hes just like that
based his whole personality on old australian sexist movies
secretly thinks its funny when ppl dont understand his australian slang
least traumatized
color is light brown
persecutor + trauma holder (but then bc of a real redemption arc that really occured hes now just a protector + trauma holder)
remembers all the mental trauma
reset button? what reset button? systems cant just reset their brain, silly
trash at cooking, like anything can be burnt to a crisp
listens to breakcore (specifically breakcore covers of classical songs)
was y the system went to juvie
main host for the entire time there
hated it after a while
like many former persecutors, he thought what he was doing was best for the body
doesnt actually hate the system (except for mike i mean what)
secretly enjoyed it when zoey treated him lovingly cuz she thought he was mike
color is dark blue
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jaxie101 · 10 months
fnaf movie hcs part 3 bc im insane
mike HATES fish. like i’m talking a rage filled hatred he’d rather die than eat that shit
abby regularly goes to school in pjs bc mike will come home from his night shift and take her straight to school
vanessa was jealous of mike as he talked about how perfect his family used to be, the guilt she felt for his brother evaportes for a split second because she thinks he was at least privileged. and then she actually founds out more about his childhood and she’s like oh…
mike once got sick while working, but being the only adult with no other income he kept working, wearing himself down more and more until his body gave in. abby found him delirious with a fever in his bed and didn’t have anyone to call. she didn’t want to phone their aunt bc she’d take her away, she tried to call their dad but he never picked up. (this was before they met vanessa) and ended up just copying what she’d seen on tv shows until mike was aware of enough to try and take care of himself (she cried against of him for hours bc she thought he was going to die)
mike’s love language is acts of service/gift giving
^^ for vanessa’s bday he gets abby as a secret spy to ask her questions until he has a good idea of what to buy her (he works overtime ofc) he even buys little face masks and nail polishes so his girls can have a spa night while he’s working and vanessa cries in the bathroom bc it’s the first time she’s felt loved
mike and vanessa essentially project their lack of a childhood onto abby, they plan big parties for her bday, vanessa buys them a big tree for xmas, they take her to amusement parks and festivals. they don’t realise the other is thinking the same as them
mike hasn’t had a birthday since his brother went missing (i hc he went missing on mikes bday but wtv) he always makes sure to work a double shift when it comes to his bday so abby forgets and his parents just pretended he didn’t exist. …and then vanessa comes along and plans a big day for him
mike once broke his arm when he was 16 and didn’t tell anyone, he waited a few days until he went to the school nurse. he used it as a way to punish himself for garret, and he knew his parents wouldn’t care anyway (they couldn’t afford the medical bills and it made his home life so so much worse)
abby stays awake some nights and wonders if mike would trade her for garret, she wonders who he loves more, who he’s more willing to keep
vanessa calls him mikey to piss him off
abby and mike are those people that get hyperfixated on a food for weeks and then just… never eat it again. whenever venessa does the groceries she buys ten boxes of pizza pockets for mike and two trays of strawberries for abby and now neither of them have eaten them in weeks (she’s going insane)
mike falls into depressive episodes and just can’t pull himself out, he tries to cover them up for abby but she knows, bc she always knows
vanessa and mike trauma bond in the kitchen at night about their childhoods (mike desperately wants to know what happened to his little brother and vanessa refuses to share the details)
vanessa’s only toys when she was little was from her father’s victims, after garret went missing his parents never bought him anything again. abby gets a new toy for doing well in school, she gets whatever she wants when they’re proud of her, when they can afford it, when she’s just being cute idk
vanessa hates grapes
mike used to stay awake every night and wait for his brother to come home, that’s where his insomnia originated from
extreme survivors guilt
mike is a picky eater, he hates certain textures of food and just rotates between safe foods ever day (one day vanessa cooks them spag bolognese and mike just sits and picks at bc he can’t stand the textures but he feels bad :( )
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angelmichelangelo · 3 months
ugh i was thinking abt karai all of last night and it made me Angry. the missed opportunities of karai in 2012 are TRAGIC. she wouldve been such a good older sister living with the turtles and splinter like can you IMAGINE the antics. karai purposefully pissing off raph and they get into sibling slap fights. she indulges mikey on whatever he wants bc hes the youngest and won her heart immediately. she makes fun of donnie for being a nerd but also consistently brings him snacks and makes him go to bed when hes been in his lab for a while. her and splinter talking about their traumas and healing as father and daughter. AUUUGGHG ciro when i catch you. ciro you mf
oh absolutely!! it's so sad that such a big chunk of the entire tmnt plot was karai's backstory and getting her back to her family, and once that was all achieved she kinda just.. faded into the background like a cousin that occasionally showed up every now and then for big showdowns.
ESPECIALLY since she was splinter's long lost daughter. the daughter he'd told his sons about countless times, the one where he'd mention her, get all sad and go 'but no worries i have you boys now:)' like ??? that could have made for some AMAZING storylines. a little bit of jealousy for angst? splinter's guilt?! them trying to relearn their entire family dynamic.. and they chose to go with 'yeah the whole leo and karai thing was weird. that's still going strong btw just a heads up'
we really were robbed of her interactions with the turtles one to one. i'll say this: the turtles relationships with each other? great, fantastic, love to see it. but outside of their brothers.. yeesh. they don't mix well in terms of how they're written. and a lot of characters suffer for it. i can't think off the top of my head a single time karai interacts with, say, mikey, alone. just even in the background. like yeah they pair her and leo off together a lot and raph chews her out a few times but she really deserved to actually hang out with her little brothers a lot more and that's sad :(
i would have really have loved to see everything you mentioned! i think (and correct me if im wrong) but mikey is like the only one who outright calls her their sister. i would have loved to have seen an entire episode where the rest of the brothers kinda come to terms with that, leo ESPECIALLY! he's a daddy's boy at heart and now his dad's first child is back and he maybe feels a bit put out. maybe don raph and mike already feel like they never got enough attention have to try and cope with the fact that they feel even more pushed out, even if not on purpose.
and then on top of that, the guilt karai feels, torn between feeling glad she has her real father back, and sad because she doesn't know this man like the others quite do and she knows she's taking up his time and attention... :( there was so much they could have done! and yet!! and yet!!!!!!!
ugh. i guess that is what fanfiction is for, huh friend :') lol
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
Why didn’t you like the current Daredevil run?
I'll do a speed round here we go:
- Horrible character assassination on everyone especially Matt and Elektra.
- Zdarsky was v clearly inspired by the mcu Netflix show so the run had a severe case of mcu-ification
- The way he wrote women was atrocious (examples: Elektra, Kirsten, Mindy, literally everyone else)
- The shitty retcon to Elektra's backstory going from the sheltered sweet girl that loved her father sm that when he died it broke her to the point of grief and revenge that she became an assassin and it shattered her worldview to the stupid fucking backstory the mcu tried pulling of her being a spy sent by the Hand to recruit Matt.
- Whitewashed Kirsten AND gave her blue eyes
- the obnoxious way of how Matt was written in terms of religion to the point where he went from caricature to straight up crusader colonizer preaching
- Matt is so horrible in this run this is the most OOC he's ever been it legit feels like reading an mcu dd fanfic from someone who barely watched the show and only took word of fanon and saw gifsets
- Zdarsky tried grabbing story plots from previous runs and executed them horribly to the point where he only grabbed the worst shit from it (the ableism, infantalization, and sexual assault)
- Daredevil Elektra as a concept; it doesn't work. I'm sorry, cool outfit and all, but the Daredevil mantle isn't like the Spider-Man one where anyone can wear the mask. Daredevil was specifically for Matt to process his trauma of losing his father and used it to gain justice where the system would fail for his city. His upbringing fits the mantle and the only person who would fit that mantle is Sam Chung. With Elektra it doesn't work and it's on par with the whole "wife takes the husband's last name" but worse. My friend @thosemintcookies has made better points about this.
- Whitewashed Sam Chung and made him just sit at a cave waiting for the Beast or some shit
- Speaking of the Beast, the Hand being the big bad guys of the whole run sucks. Can we leave the Hand behind please the ninja clan isn't the ultimate dd villain.
- Foggy is just there. He doesn't do much and he's just THERE. It sucks. And he throws around the term catholic guilt for no fucking reason. The guilt Matt feels is regular guilt please shut the fuck up Zdarsky.
- Brought back Mike Murdock and did some decent writing on him only to kill him off. Cool, what was the whole point of that.
- Pulled a gotcha on making us think that zdarsky killed off Kirsten in a train explosion but it turned out she was fine which was so foul. Daredevil comics are NOTORIOUS for fridging female characters so that shit was just unacceptable idc argue with a wall.
- Checcetto's art style sucks I'm gonna be honest. The novelty of it being pretty ended v quickly as soon as he drew poc and holy shit he cannot draw them nor can he draw any other expression.
- Did I mention the ableism? And the infantalization? And the fetishization of Matt's disability? No? Okay well this post covers it all here.
- It gets into racist territory too with how they write Sam and the Hand
- This romantic mattelektra agenda makes my skin itch they're not romantic they're tragic their whole deal is that they could never go back to how they were as lovebirds in college. Soule broke up Kirsten and Matt and they kept it like that for this shlop I'm gonna kill you zdarsky and I'm making Elektra a lesbian now.
- Back to Elektra's character; zdarsky takes the cake in "Let's make Elektra's whole life and character revolve around Matt and Matt only". Making her quit her ways and making Matt treat her like shit by calling her a murderer despite the fact that in previous runs he would NEVER do that and has ACCEPTED that this is who Elektra is.
- Speaking of the murderer shit; Matt is a huge hypocrite in this run and not in a good or fun way. Homeboy got rescued by the other Defenders but then got mad and called them murderers bc they've admitted to killing people and it's the most fanficy thing I've ever read. Zdarsky, did you know. That Matt has known Jessica, Luke, and Danny for years now? Did you know that he already knows that they've killed people before? Did you know that he's teamed up with killers plenty of times (see: Elektra, Natasha, Frank Castle) and doesn't make a big shit about it? Did you know that Matt has killed people before in previous runs?? Did you know that zdarsky?? Bc it's clear he doesn't know.
- Whenever Spider-Man shows up Zdarsky writes him better than anyone in the run and this is a Daredevil run mind you
- Shitty ass writing. Shitty plot bc we've seen it all and there's nothing done. OOC on everyone. Misogynistic writing at its finest. Whitewashed characters. Stupid religious pandering bs that only the mcu girlies would like. Terrible run overall.
@thosemintcookies @froggynelson @faacethefacts @xuanelle @daresplaining @briefcasejuice @evileyeamulet
Feel free to add more or elaborate more on my post I'm giving yall the stage if you want it.
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wheeler-fan · 6 months
Hey, just asking you this as you're my only mileven mutual but like... this is a bs take right?
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Anyways, love you <3
i saw that on twitter and tbh i skipped it bc i saw how many people were fighting about it and i didn't have time for this 😭
comparing trauma is wild. I hate it. The truth is that Will has so much trauma that it's hard to believe, i was even wondering if he actually remembers it all, like u know being possessed and all that stuff, cuz it's so much for a kid to handle. Beside of that, he loves someone that he knows he can't be with, he's scared that people he loves will leave him if they're gonna find out that he's gay, a guy died in front of him and he had to bury him in the desert (he's 15🎀)
the truth is that many, manyyyy milevens hate Will because:
1. he's getting into their fav ship
2. people are shipping him with a person from their fav ship
and that's stupid
I'm gonna be honest here, is he in my top characters? no. it's not that i don't like him i just don't really care that much if u know what i mean.
But he did literally nothing that could make anyone hate him for real- ofc some of his behavior makes me mad cuz I'm always on Mike's side but that can't make me hate Will in any way
but the fact is that- he's not even getting into mileven 💀💀 yk how it looks in the show, mike doesn't even know that Will is gay and that he loves him, And Will actually helped him a lot when Mike told him that he doesn't feel good enough for El. Will loves mike and el so much that hurting them is the last thing he wants to do.
It's just the fandom version of Will byers that makes everyone so mad (i hate him too😭) and it's nothing like Will in the show 😭😭😭
well anyway
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will byers solos
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Will has someone to tell him that he doesn’t have to like things just bc people tell him he’s supposed to. Mike does not.
Despite countless girls liking Will, he never pursued them. The only time he did was when Mike pushed him to.
A million girls could ask out Will and he would be like nah. AKA he’s going to do things he likes and not do things he doesn’t like, regardless of expectations.
Mike on the other hand, started dating the first girl that wasn’t grossed out by him after having others around him insist that he liked El so much he wanted to marry her, before he could even process the trauma of what was happening in that one week of Will’s disappearance when they found El in the woods.
In s4 Mike is finally beginning to accept himself after repressing the previous season, and it’s why he just can’t follow through with telling El he loves her, because it would break his #1 rule friends don’t lie.
One of the most common unrequited tropes ever is when a love interest is unable to say I love you to the other, even when confronted about it. And so the fact that this is happening on Stranger Things simultaneously while Will is trying to get over Mike under the assumption he will never feel the same because it’s not Mike’s fault he doesn’t like girls, is very convenient to say the least.
The tragic part, is when Mike is finally trying to be true to himself, hopeful that Will feels the same, Will is now the one pushing Mike to conform, under the assumption that this is what Mike wants and he’s just merely insecure and needs his friends support bc friends will be friends. But the problem is, Mike can’t successfully keep up this act anymore, hence the earth cracking and hell taking over.
The gate (closet) is now open. There’s no going back.
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mysillytdsideblog · 1 year
Hello! I am in the middle of a td hyperfixation, and my brain has chosen Mike and his system as The Precious, so I was super happy to see a blog producing content for my beloved. For a question, because I'd like to see another hc/idea, what do you think happened that landed their system in juvie?
Sorry if you've already discussed this somewhere!!
I think Mal was the host during this time, I think he wanted to be in juvie a bit just to get away from his parents but was mad that he couldn’t do whatever he wanted to do.
Mal got them landed in juvie in the first place. He was a very reckless petty criminal but got away with most bc he was good at manipulation, which he learned from trying to survive his abusive parents.
Then, one day Vito got into a pretty public fight with someone, Mal came out and resisted arrest too. Both Mal and Vito acted very rude in probation and broke the rules of it a lot. Mal leaning more towards petty theft and Vito towards picking fights. Obviously they found out, and he got sent to juvie.
They didn’t know they were a system before they had a court ordered psychiatrist visit them in juvie on account of staff noticing he has a “possible trauma disorder” because he was having PTSD episodes and switching a lot (it wasn’t as obvious, but his opinions and reactions kept rapidly changing).
I think Mike was scared out of his MIND!!!! He didn’t want to be there at all. He didn’t even feel like he deserved to be in there because he was following rules and doing what he needed to do, he didn’t know about Mal and Vito breaking rules at that time but once he found out he was even more confused and scared that he was having these blackouts. He thought he was secretly evil or something.
Mike actually fronted a lot in juvie. Mal used this to his advantage to gain people’s trust to get closer to them.
Mike doesn’t like the fact he was ever in juvie. He keeps it as a secret because he’s extremely conscious about his image. He feels like his mental problems and family issues are enough to drive people away, he doesn’t need more of a reason for people to leave him.
Manitoba wasn’t created yet, Chester was aware of everything and he complained about it all the time, and Svetlana was too scared to front.
Vito was annoyed to be in Juvie but he was very social in it, which was a good and bad thing. He met a lot of people he got along with, and a lot he didn’t. And Vito has a problem with anger and fighting, which got them a lot longer of a stay. He made quite a lot of friends despite that, none of which he ever saw again.
Mal wasn’t keen on making friends, he preferred to get to know people only so he could use them to do his bidding, get him things, and make living there easier for him. He used people for money a lot and stole from his “friends”. But he always kept buddy-buddy with them out of obligation.
He did find tormenting those who already didn’t like them fun. He had a lot of pent up aggression from dealing with abuse, and took it out on those around him. He would do just horrible shit that would intimidate anyone from messing w/ him.
Duncan was SCARED of him. He totally didn’t cross his path unless approached, which he was only really asked for money and supplies which he always gave them.
Mal was sooooo theatrical. Obviously, his signature whistle that he would do walking down the hall. He also did it when he was about to confront someone, so thats how people would know shit was about to go down.
People stayed away from Mike a lot because they knew what would happen if they didn’t. Mike was very lonely and he didn’t like Vito’s friends at all so he would try to avoid them. He just assumed they wanted something from him, he didn’t know they were already established friends with him.
A lot of people think Mal lost a tooth in a fistfight, but honestly I see it more as his parents never giving him dental care. (Image of baby eating sand with the caption I let him eat sand because I dont like him)
His parents called him in juvie, mostly to yell at him for being such a bad child and “ruining their family”. Mal didn’t let this bother him, but Mike took it hard and hated himself.
Mal never wanted to leave juvie, it was like a vacation from abuse. At Vito’s age the abuse towards him had already stopped but he was glad he didn’t have to see his abuser(s) on a regular basis.
When they were forced to get therapy, Mal told everything he knew in order to hopefully bring his parents to justice, but he only got a diagnosis out of it.
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katlandry · 1 year
My unpopular Stranger Things opinion is that none of the main characters need to die. At this point any of the characters dying would only be for shock value, and it would only be good if they die to further the plot and if it makes sense for their arc. Like personally, I love these characters far too much to have them die just so people have died & to be shocked 😭
Imo, the only characters it kinda makes sense to kill off are El, Will and Steve.
El, it started with her and will end with her. HOWEVER, this would also not make sense because this just feeds into Hopper’s fears that he’s a curse which he talks about in S4. He already lost one daughter, he can’t lose another.
Will, it does kinda makes sense again bc it started with him it’ll end with him. However I’m pretty confident he’s going to survive going off stuff that Noah’s said
Steve, it kinda makes sense bc he was supposed to die in S1 and his six little nuggets speech in S4 kinda felt like a goodbye speech but this would also mean that Dustin loses another brother-like figure to him after he *just* lost Eddie and also I don’t really think it would do anything for the plot to kill him
I honestly don’t see how any of them can have a happy ending if any of the characters die either, like they’re all this little found family now and they’d all be devastated if any of them were to die.
Also the show has always been about friendships/family, and overcoming fears, and being able to take on absolutely anything as long as you have good people by your side so killing any of them off just doesn’t make sense to me. I want to see them all go off and THRIVE. I want to see Nancy go off to Emerson, and Jonathan go off to NYU, and the Hopper-Byers family get the happy ending they deserve, and Joyce and Hopper get married, and Lucas and Max go on their date at the movies, and Dustin finally see Suzie in person, and Mike work through his stuff and get to properly talk to his family, and Steve and Robin move somewhere together like the platonic soulmates they are, and Will finally accept himself for who he is whether Mike reciprocates his feelings or not, and El realise she’s a good person and not a monster.
They didn’t go through years of absolute trauma just to die at the end. Like Natalia said, it would suck to go through five seasons of this just to die 😭
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Q! Brazilians Background, Lore and Summary, as I could gather from Day One
Felps is at fault for crashing the boat, he didn't had a license for controlling the ship since he thought it was just like riding a bike
Pac, Mike and Cellbit already have a story together, Pac and Mike have been previously betrayed and saw friends die due to Cellbit's fault
Pac and Mike are a Duo, Do Not Separate
Cellbit and Felps have been friends for ages
Pac and Mike have a backstory when dealing with Herobrine, coming from an old rp series called "Herobrine: The Legend", where they started getting haunted by Herobrine at age 14, managed to banish it around their 17s, and then it came back to haunt them when they were 19, and its still around
Forever had a lover, Brunim, that looks eerily similar to Phil and it's the reason Forever is obsessed with Phil and took such a hit when Phil kept pushing him away
Q!Characters server lore and summary:
Forever has brought weed with him in the boat, and made a deal with Quackity to create a prison, lock up everyone, and get rich with a drug empire
Later, all Brazilians agreed to make a mafia without anyone else knowing
When Richarlyson was adopted, first thing they all did was teach him how to steal quick and then how to kill. That diamond sword of his is crazy
Forever didn't care much for Richarlyson at first, leaving him with the other 4
He went after Philza, finding him with Tallulah, Chayenne, Dapper and BBH. He and Phil fought when Phil offered to help him build a home, when Forever wanted to live with him
Forever then said he didn't want Philza as his sugar daddy anymore, and left their place crying
He then decided he'd build a prison and lock up Phil to force Phil to love him
Forever got tricked by Quackity at first into believing Tallulah was Q's child and that Phil had kidnapped her and vowed to help
Later, when Cellbit went find Forever, Quackity tried to convince him of the same. Cellbit talked to BBH and made a deal to get some itens or else he'd help Quackity get Tallulah, BBH payed him
Quackity and Cellbit fought, Quackity started berating all the eggs, and Cellbit stepped in when Quackity talked about Richas, saying Q only hated the eggs because he had none
Quackity jumped off the wall, and so Cellbit felt guilty and offered 1% of Richas' paternity to Q, who accepted
Meanwhile, Pac, Mike and Felps were almost dying to a LOT of mobs while trying to find a place to settle. Richas was honestly the MVP here bc he defended all 3 of them when they barely had armor and weapons
(Between these two things happening, Forever was trying to find Pac, Mike and Felps)
They regrouped and everyone grumpily accepted Q as one of Richarlyson's dad, they had settles over a couple of mounts and decided they'd build a big house complex on the hillside (A favela)
Suddenly, they saw a white man walking around and Richarlyson had disappeared. Out Of Character, what happened was that the mod Richas' admin was using crashed and he stopped looking like an egg, but Quackity managed to save it lore wise by saying it was Osito Bimbo/Cucurucho that had kidnapped Richas so everyone went with that as well
Richarlyson showed up fine couple mins later
While everyone went out to gather wood and food, Cellbit went with Richas to mine
As they were digging down, Richas fell into a cave, with Cellbit immediately jumping for him and managing to kill some mobs and get Richas out of there
He told Richas to not tell his other dads that they fell into the cave, but else they went down carefully
Cellbit met Felps building, and got him to go down with him and Richarlyson to the cave
This is when Richas died
Cellbit immediately held Felps to make up a lie to make up for their failure. They settled in saying a "Cloaked figure with white eyes, probably a Necromancer, invoked tens of Skeletons that killed them and Richas", hoping to take advantage of Pac and Mike's trauma with Herobrine to be believed
Cellbit's plan worked when Pac immediately asked if it was Herobrine who took Richas' life, but when Q overheard the talk he said it was probably Cucurucho again who killed the egg
After this, things became more chill with Richas. He stayed with Mike building their favela while Pac and Cellbit went down to mine
Here is when the things get a bit more freaky, Pac and Cellbit went all the way down to bedrock and found a weird, man-made cave system, lightened up with torches. It didn't seem like strip mining, since there were literally no holes in the walls that would indicate that an ore was mined out
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They kept exploring and ended up lost and had to dig their way up
All the time they joked it was Cucurucho's tunnels and he was going to be upset with them
Meanwhile, Forever got back worried for Richas' death, and so he stuck around to help protect him
Felps, Mike and Forever made a farm, and also a bed for Richarlyson, plus Mike had made a canvas and painted Richas a nice painting of him :)
Someone trapped a chest they had next to the farm, someone they just saw a glimpse of, and when Felps opened the chest, it exploded and killed him
Time passed and soon BBH came by to see how they were, he then noticed Osito Bimbo watching them and Forever and Cellbit chased him down, since he started running. Cellbit got distracted by BBH calling him and Forever kept chasing
BBH warned that Richas was too vulnerable by sleeping in the living room since people could just kill him when they weren't looking
So, naturally, they build a secret room behind a wall and locked Richarlyson in there with stone since they had no means to build a fancy door
Cellbit then talked to BBH in private, since BBH had similar characteristics as the Necromancer Cellbit had made up (white eyes, cloak) and asked BBH to pretend to be the Necromancer to help him out
BBH agreed
They finally managed to build a security door, locking Richarlyson in there (it's NOT a captivity room) and then covering the door with a painting
They all logged out after that
Richarlyson got his life back since it was his first day
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agaypanic · 9 months
My Fanfic Writing Wrapped 2023
Tumblr didn't do personal 2023 year in reviews, so I did it myself. Not sure if this is completely accurate bc I'm only human, but I tried lol
In 2023, I posted 119 fanfictions! 25 posts were headcanons, while the other 94 were fully written fics. I posted the most in November, with 20 fics and 5 headcanons.
My third most requested character was Malcolm Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle), with 10 fanfics and 2 headcanons. Second place is Benny Weir (My Babysitter's a Vampire), with 21 fanfics and 9 headcanons. First place (not surprised at all lol) is Reese Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle), with a whopping 24 fanfics and 8 headcanons!
My Top 5 Fanfictions of 2023
5. Summer Love (Benny Weir X Reader)
Summary: Benny’s friends don’t believe him when he tells them he has a girlfriend.
289 likes, 11 reblogs, 2 comments
4. Give You My Shoulder (Mike Schmidt X Reader)
Summary: It’s not uncommon for Mike to have a nightmare, mainly from reliving the trauma of his brother being taken. Luckily, he doesn’t sleep alone anymore.
296 likes, 7 reblogs
3. A Nudge (Benny Weir X Cupid!Reader)
Summary: As a descendant of Cupid, Y/n moved to Whitechapel to help people find and connect with their soulmates. The supernatural gang gets suspicious of the new girl. What happens when they catch her about to shoot a love arrow and Benny gets hit?
317 likes, 19 reblogs, 1 comment
2. Girl of My Dreams (Rory Keaner X Reader)
Summary: Rory Keaner was already heavily infatuated with Whitechapel’s pride and joy, Y/n L/n. But when he finds out she’s a nerd, he falls even harder for her.
379 likes, 17 reblogs, 2 comments
1. My Babysitter's a Vampire Simp Headcanons
Summary: Individual headcanons and scenarios of Benny Weir, Rory Keaner, and Ethan Morgan being a simp for you
439 likes, 11 reblogs, 2 comments
I hope that in 2024 I write more things (both fanfiction and original works) and I'm so grateful to all of you have been along for the ride! I love writing, no matter how bad the writer's block gets, and it means a lot that there are people out there who support what I do. And although it was a bit time consuming, this was really fun to make lol maybe I'll do it again next year :)
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