chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Personally, I've never said that Will would be the only main character anyway. I just think that it makes more sense for him to be centered now because there is a lot of stuff that has to be addressed regarding his character. That does not mean I think Mike cannot get targeted whatsoever. But Will's plot points would get more focus because still do not know:
1- Why he was specifically targeted by Vecna in S1, and why was he specifically kept alive. Is it because he has powers or is there any other reason? 2- Why did he get possessed, and why wasn't he killed again. 3- The way he is still connected to Vecna, has to be addressed because it is ongoing since S1. 4- The obvious parallels between Vecna and Will have to be addressed, 5- Will's whole S1 and S2 have to be addressed. 6- Why is the UD stuck on the time Will went missing specifically. 7- If Will has powers, it it why he got targeted, and probably is that why the UD looks the way it looks, etc.
So it makes more sense for Will to get targeted narratively to address these narrative and plot points. That's not saying Mike cannot get targeted, but it is rather saying that he probably will not be the first person to get targeted rolling to S5's beginning.
Yeah honestly I'm in agreement with that, when it comes to Vecna, we can presume the only reason he would even target Mike is to get to Will.
Though, we've also seen that he's calculated.
Every action he does, he is thinking ten steps ahead.
Yes it's about getting to Will, but that doesn't mean that all it takes is targeting Will and that's that.
They didn't need to 'waste' their time having Vecna confronting random teenagers with trauma, specifically with Max and then Nancy?? But they did. Because Vecna has his own arcs with all these other characters that are merely pieces in his little game, with all the trauma he's caused them. And it all ties into what he wants in the end.
Vecna confronting Mike in the final season, after keeping the audience in the dark for so long about his inner feelings, is a writers dream, because it's a little too perfect.
This is a TV show, which means certain things have to happen to make the story interesting and engaging and exciting. And that's why a lot of fans predict Mike will be targeted. Because why if Will is what Vecna wanted this whole time and that's all there is to it, couldn't he just go for it and get it over with?
Because this is a story and those sorts of things take time to build up to, and it wouldn't be very interesting if it was all resolved right from the jump.
In the moment, Vecna's choices might feel random, but in the grand scheme of things, we're starting to see it's all for a greater reason?
S5 is going to have ups and downs, and I think Will being targeted by Vecna in some capacity is inevitable and it's bound to happen multiple times in s5. Though I also think some other confrontations are due. And if Max was worth targeting because of her guilt over Billy and Nancy because of her guilt over Barb (both involving Vecna himself), then yes I do think it makes sense for Mike, the og protagonist, who has guilt tied to the other two og mains, Will and El, also tied to Vecna, to have some sort of confrontation with him.
I don't think it will start and end with Mike interacting with Vecna though, by no means is this the biggest plot point to s5, because I do think it all goes back to Will regardless of the different things that happen along the way leading up to that confrontation.
However I do think it will be one of the major plot twists for the overall audience because it is super unexpected.
And I do think it makes more sense for them to save the biggest confrontation for Vecna and Will for the end of s5, because if they did it in the beginning it would feel sort of anticlimactic to repeat it in the end.
And so, what makes more sense is to yet again create the semplence of a confrontation between Vecna and Will, maybe even go there, but still not fully go there... And a confrontation with Vecna, potentially involving Mike, obviously affecting Will feels like a way to surprise an audience who is only expecting the Will part, and to also have that impact Will's character in a way that is going to make his confrontation in the end feel even more anticipating, despite it being entirely expected by the majority!
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
The way AVED S3 is so bad it's low-key fucking killing my hyperfixation,,,,,
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Hey there, first time anon here! I wanted to review blood ties properly, since i binged it in like a few hours some time ago (oops) and let you know that i truly believe it is a masterpiece of writing, i’m talking good enough to compete with many published novels out there. I really love how this fic dives deep into one of the most interesting (unexplored!!) eras of the group, the winter, i also adore how its developed through the quarry and farm eras (i’m so excited for the prison as well) and how the real romance develops and is strenghtened by time.
 Daryl is a really hot’n cold guy just like i imagine him being in truth, i love the romance so much and the way the relationship between Daryl and our reader is the backbone of the story as it should be, it pushes the plot fowards and even affects characters that aren’t them in funny (and sort of sad) ways, your depiction of Daryl is so authentic he’s truly amazing, a bit of a dick sometimes, and so true to canon he’s not all self loathing, he’s got a lot going on and you can tell just by the reader’s POV, that even with all his flip flopping she can read him like an open book most of the time. I’m really really looking foward to how thumper being there will affect his development from now on, we know he has a Strong sense of responsibility and so now the whole prison arc (if that is where we go next, i don’t really know, you work in mysterious ways Murda) will have a bigger impact on him beyond Merle being present, also thumper too, i’m counting on her being much like him from what we’ve seen of her during the pregnancy, very smart and perceptive, you could even say... observant, but also an absolute menace (thats what i got from all the moving around at least) and i look foward to seeing all the ways she’s going to change Daryl’s brain chemistry every day, for better or for worse she will torment every minute of his day, i hope she is a true daddy’s girl that will make Daryl pay for for his every sin on this Earth by being a brat just like he is.
Most of the reason why i didn’t really comment on it normally instead of writing this freaky text is to comment on the development of secondary characters on this fic, i think they are very Strong and all feel true to the show as well, there is one relationship i absolutely love in this fic, only second to Daryl and reader really, its Lori and reader, maybe its my nerd brain overanalyzing but they almost feel like narrative foils in this fic (or is it parallels? let us know if it is intentional or not please!!).
 I really love the interactions with Lori and reader, i’ve Always felt like she is overhated in most fics (sure she kind of messes up, but only wants the best most of the time) and here she feels really close to how it truly is in the show, and its so sad, especially contrasted with the reader. They both start in different positions/ -reader is in a very casual relationship with Daryl- Lori is commited to Rick (and somewhat casual with shane, but not really) - Reader knows the ins and outs of survival out there and is not completely vulnerable - Lori relies on the men around her for everything including emotional support, - Daryl is initially cold towards reader as usual with him - Lori has the full attention of both Rick and Shane/. But slowly the places of these two in the world are reversed, not completely but still, Reader gets sick and vulnerable, she doubts herself and her destiny in this world and needs a lot of emotional and physical support, she is no longer that huntress in the woods and needs to rely on a man ( still very Strong on her own tho, that birth scene is seared in my brain forever) and others to survive.
Meanwhile we have lori, and her journey is what it was in the show, she starts off with support from a lot of people, especially Rick and even Carl, but loses it and ends up sort of lonely and the presence o our reader only makes it more apparent, reader IS what Lori wants to be now relationships wise, her pregnancy was not all well but she had the support of Daryl most of the way, while Rick is distant, Can’t imagine what its like from  her perspective, seeing reader and Daryl together, him keeping her warm Always looking out for her, meeting her needs. Meanwhile Rick is out there doing thangs y’know, stuff. But she never resents reader for it, not visibly at least, she is a good friend who reassures and comforts her, and has to mostly make do on her own (and with Carol’s help, i imagine) and is really a wise figure during this pregnancy, i think in this fic her develpment really shows how she got to her s3 form. And yeah, i really love the interactions between them very much, it’ll be even sadder to see reader’s perspective of that day...
I also adore Carol in this fic very much, i think it shows how much of a caretaker she is in canon as well, we forget that everything she does, she does for someone else, Always looking out for others before even thinking of herself and really being the rock of this group ( a rock that can easily bash some skulls in) Also love Hershel having to stick his hands in places he wouldn’t go with a gun, bless his heart for not being mad af at Daryl in That scene, i know i would have lots of opinions about having to touch the man’s fluids y’know. He’s also a guiding light though this whole pregnancy, which is depicted in such a realistic way i’m in awe every time i think about it, things i had no idea could happen, how it really makes you feel the passage of time during this winter with both dread and wonder (especially with thumper rolling around in there, kid really is a menace) and with the birth scene, i knew Daryl would be the first to fold he was Always the weak link in that van, i’m sorry. Also sure Maggie is also coming out of the van with at least one new trauma, but she can handle it, Hershel will Always be God’s strongest soldier bless him twice. Also its really funny thinking of this whole thing on Rick’s perspective, it must all be one long ‘’TF is going on back there???Omg walkers!!!What do you mean Daryl passed out???Omg herd!! What do you mean its stuck???where am i going??!!’’.
And oh my God this ‘’review’’ is more than one Thousand words long, its time to stop i sound like a stalker, so sorry but i’m a Nerd with an overactive brain, i’m almost at the point of sending fanart attached, but yeah I REALLY REALLY love this fic like many do, i hope you receive all the love you can for it and are Always succesfull with everything you do, its really one of the best finds in modern fandom i’ve seen lately. Sorry for the mistakes, i’m not even near being good at formatting and punctuation in english lol. So yeah have a great night, we’re all really excited for the next chapter, i hope you’re also taking some time for yourself as well, its very important, Thanks for everything Murda
(PS: is it weird i forgot to talk about all the smut? Its really good, one of the best i’ve ever ready, sorry lol)<3
Okay, here we go!
This review was just… I cried. Hard. I mean, I love everyone’s reactions and replies but this just… wow.
Exploring the missing months was something I was so excited to do. Especially in this sense. To have him going through these months not just growing closer to his survival buddies, slowly finding them to be more of a family, but also exploring something we didn’t see on the show at all: being a partner and a soon-to-be father. I wanted to test those waters and see if I could stay true to who he might be had this all happened in canon.
One of my biggest concerns with every chapter is the struggle of keeping him in character while being with reader. I’m so happy that you feel like I’ve done that! The story will likely always be from reader’s prospective so to know that I am articulating what is happening with Daryl through her eyes is encouraging. I want to make sure that their struggles and victories are equally explored.
Thumper is already a daddy’s girl. She calmed when he was around, they had a connection which is 100% a thing. My daughter was slightly the opposite. She was calm and never moved much; to the point I would go to the ER to make sure she was okay. But then I found that when my sister was around, my daughter would wiggle and kick and roll. I just started calling my sister to come over if I got worried. That’s where the inspiration of having them connect like that came from.
Thumper is going to challenge both of them. I won’t say much more than that but they will definitely struggle as new, first time parents.
Merle will appear. I also won’t say much more about that.
I don’t dislike Lori. I think she made some impulsive choices to ease her pain and fear. I also think that sometimes she was more blunt or yappy than she needed to be but it came from a good place. I wanted to incorporate that, like when she wanted everyone to leave Daryl upstairs. She meant well, but spoke out of fear. Reader adores her. They had their moments but I wanted reader and her to be close, like Lori being a guide for her and just a good friend. Lori does see the changes in Daryl, really showing when she’s whispering advice to him. When she’s in the van with reader and they talk, I hope I really expressed Lori’s solemnity. Just “I’ve done this before” but you can tell that she’s carrying a burden and it’s not the baby. She’s yearning for what she’s seeing. That’s why she steps in to help. She wants to see in them what she’s missing. Yeah, that scene will be difficult.
Carol is my queen. I love her so much. She will always be the biggest cheerleader for Daryl and reader. In every story I write. Here, she wants to make sure reader had the support that she never had with Sophia. There are going to be some really deep moments that involve Carol in the next chapter. Or it may be the one after that. I also love to show Carol’s growth from the sidelines. She’s a secondary character in this series but not by much.
I honestly wish I had included more of Rick in the birth scene. Maybe I’ll do a “deleted scenes” series lol.
Omg, fanart. 🩵 @bananafire11 has done two. One for The Dixon Chronicles that was a surprise and it’s attached to the chapter. And then one for my birthday that I’m printing and hanging on my Daryl wall. I will never ask for art from my stories unless I’m going to pay for it but I will never turn it down!
This was such an inspirational review and it really allowed me to think about the way I’ve constructed this story so far (not in a bad way). I appreciate every word and I’m so so happy that the series is getting love like this. I am always so hard on myself. I’m still learning to write for myself and be glad that others like it but as a bonus and not something that defines my writing. If that makes sense.
Thank you so much for this. I hope I answered your questions and gave some insight on where my head is with certain scenes and characters.
Whoever you are, thank you. I love you. 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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milks-thoughts · 2 years
May I request a platonic request?(feel free to ignore this or out right just say if your uncomfy with my request so in the future i can avoid certain request like this ^^), future!leo x teen(13-15) reader?, fully FULLY platonic!!!!, I just wanted a found family between them TTwTT, okay for the little plot, reader walking down the streets after finishing their homework at the library, they walk pass a alleway, as they pass by their hard a crash in the alleway, them being a curious person they are they head back to check out to alleway, there they found a pass out big turtle with a metal arm?(and swords too!), slowly they walk foward, they can see a flicker of gold hues around him, as the reader got close they poke his check, no respond, they reach for the turtles neck if there still hearbeat, reader smile feeling the turtle heartbeats its slow but its still alive right?, what stump them the most is, how do they get the turtle home without making fuss?
(Again feel free to say if this request makes you really really uncomfy!! and I in adavnce deeply apologize!)
AAAA I LOVE THE YWD AU (I call it that, not sure if that's its actual name, the You Won’t Die AU as I call it is just Future Leo being sent back in time with Casey)
TW: blood and injury, swearing, death, readers mom is neglectful fr, mentions of substance @b_s3 (not reader or Leo), overall panic from Reader AND F! Leo, reader has mommy AND daddy issues
word count: 1,826 you guys got a meal
summary: Leo REALLY likes collecting kids (not in that way) and you are in desperate need of a father figure (guys I took this and ran)
Saddest little baby in the room
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Leonardo should be dead, he knew that. So why did he feel the cold concrete under his scales before he lost consciousness. You were walking home from a friend's house, going to the alleyway to climb into your window your small frame stopped. “ what the fuck-? “ you hissed looking at the bloody raggedy man- thing- you crouched down and touched his side. He would absolutely need stitches, looking at your bedroom window you grumbled how the fuck are you supposed to get him up there?! you were only 13. Grabbing his body you looked at the prosthetic…maybe..? taking it off him you smiled at how he got lighter (you cannot tell me this man is very heavy he must’ve been starving it’s the apocalypse) you grabbed him and started lifting him up the stairs. You thanked whatever god was up there for allowing your building to have fire escape stairs, not ladders like this was old-timey Donkey Kong. You pushed open the window and pushed the limp body into your room with a thud. Hearing your mother call you quickly spoke “ sorry mom! I just fell! “ you looked at your clock. 10 PM, she'll be asleep soon. the whole thing that happened a few months ago had your mom spiraling, leaving your apartment a mess. you sneakily entered your mom's room and grabbed her suture kit and first aid kit. thank god your mom got paranoid after that whole crisis. opening YouTube you clicked on the first tutorial and got to work. your hands were covered in blood from suturing the wound. you bandaged it with a shaky sigh and leaned against your bed. your floor was all bloody now. ew. grabbing the mysterious man you would turn him over onto his stomach and start wiping the blood and grime off him with a cloth. or whatever skin?? you could hit. heaving him onto your bed you got to wiping up the floor, you were exhausted but the blood would only make more of a mess later. oh and your hands! ewewewew-! you rushed to clean them. luckily when you were gone the strange person didn't wake up. your scarred hands shook as you sat down on the far wall, holding the prosthetic. it wasn't like the man, no it was different. it had unreadable handwriting on it, you could kinda make out a ' p ' and an ' a ' you hummed and placed it down.
opting to fall asleep, the sun hit you in the face, causing your face to scrunch up before you woke up. you hummed in worry, the man had moved a bit but his bandage was okay, it hadn't bled through. Standing up you stretched and opened the door of your room and walked into the kitchen. grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge your attention was grabbed by a groan, turning your head you saw a shadow from your room " oh fuck ". grabbing the water you also snagged the ibuprofen. awake in your bed was the strange man you saved " Don't do that, you rip open your stitches and I really don't wanna do that again ". The man looked you up and down " how old are you exactly? " you snorted a breath " I'm 13 " sitting down and handing the water bottle you laid your head on your arms, which were folded over your knees. " what? " he snorted and you hummed " I dunno, a random man who I found bleeding out turns out to be a turtle " he cracked open the water bottle and drank most of its contents " don't do that, you'll only dehydrate yourself more " he grumbled and put down the water. " what happened to you anyway? someone does just bleed out like that and the missing arm? plus you had some weird orange specks on you. it was weird " the man grumbled " you wouldn't believe me even if I told you " you smirked cockily " try me, I've seen it all. from weird aliens invading New York to a bride crying on the subway " the man stiffened up at the mention of the invasion " oh Casey did it, I knew he could " you blinked " okay man you are totally out of it " putting your hand on his face you pulled back " EW you're all greasy! " you shook your hand a bit and huffed at him " you're buying me new a new bedset " he only chuckled at you, " 'Names Leonardo " you blinked and responded with yours. Leonardo stood up carefully and grimaced at his messed-up prosthetic. opening your bedroom door he waited for you to exit first. your living room was disgusting. and your parents were nowhere in sight " the whole alien thing was really hard on mom, she lost a few friends " your look saddened by it " But it's okay, I've been cleaning a bit. I just don't know how to deal with the bottles " Leonardo looked at you and took a deep breath and grabbed a bottle " You can just put them in trashbags, though people usually double bag them " you smiled and started collecting the trash. you grabbed the bags and walked to your fire escape and leaned over the railing and dropped the bags into the garbage bin. Leonardo plopped down and messed with his prosthetic, you watched him and yawned. you were exhausted, Leonardo hummed at you and watched you fall asleep. lifting you with an arm he plopped you into your bed and sat back down.
It's been two months of him trying to convince you to leave him alone, two months of him back to you every night like a hypocrite, two months of him worrying for your safety. Leonardo took in a shaky breath as across the rooftops he saw Raph linger, looking back to Mikey and Donnie, a portal opened next to Raph showing a younger him. his arm was missing and he wore a battleshell like Donnie. when did he stutter like that? something went down here that saved humanity but fucked up his family. He took in a shaky breath and felt tears roll down his face when he saw Casey walk through that portal. oh Casey looked so healthy, he looked like a vase glued back together sloppily, its cracks still showing but it was mended. Leonardo let a quiet sob escape him before disappearing into the shadows, Caseys look full of panic as he searched the rooftop...can Leonardo really go back? He's been here for two months but so distracted by you that he has forgotten about his original thought. walking to your window he plopped down on the fire escape and handed you a package, you opened it with a small smile, and a snarky huff left you " a knife? really? " he shook his head " you never know when you have to defend yourself, happy birthday kiddo " he ruffled your hair and you batted his arm away. " I'm not a kiddo I'm a teenager " you huffed and attached yourself to Leonardo, a soft smile fell onto his face. he pulled you into his side and looked at the sunset. He wondered if his own brothers were watching him? did they like you? he doesn't know if he'll be here with you forever but he wouldn't hate a future with you in it.
Leonardo was startled awake by a loud crash looking from where he fell asleep. your window was open and the light was on but where were you? slinking in he heard your desperate cries and a man's voice. sneaking out of your room he blinked at the smell of metallic blood. oh there lay your mother, lifeless blood leaking out of her neck. your desperate cries turned into a scream, rushing out he watched in horror as you clutched your side blood coated hands holding the knife you staggard in front of this person and let out a cry of relief as you turned and saw Leonardo, you let out a small breath and the person in front of you sputtered and ran out of your apartment. Leonardo rushed and grabbed your body as you staggard down. he cursed, fuck he had forgotten you used up all your supplies the other day. you were only 14, jumping out of your window he glanced at the manhole and took a shaky breath, time to face his greatest fear. he pushed it open and jumped down, does he remember the way? " why're we in the sewers? " your voice was rasped and full of pain. Leonardo took a deep breath " shh shh you'll be okay, keep your strength " you let out a cry of pain as the knife buried in your side jostled. He hurried along but paused at a camera, it was Donnie's camera. He swallowed the lump in his throat and called " They- they need help- " he stuttered out the camera turned and he heard someone rush down the hallway Casey stared at him, and the boy took a deep breath " Master Leonardo...? " you let out a whimper reminding them both of the situation. Leonardo shushed you again and looked at Casey " Casey- " the talking didn't reach your ears as your brain felt like cotton and god was sleeping so good sounding right now. Leonardo kept jostling your head to keep you awake there were voices, and you were placed in a bed. your breath hitched and you held it for a second before letting it go and repeating that. a small pinch spread through your body and your eyes opened. There weren't guts or..blood. You were all stitched up and lying on a cot. " hey, this was familiar " you blinked and looked at Leonardo " yes, yes it is familiar " he had a boy leaning on him and you stared " whos he? " Leonardo smiled " Casey Jones Junior, respectively " you grinned " His name is difficult sounding " said boy stirred " oh, you're awake " he handed his hand to you " I already know your name Casey, peepaw just told me " you joked and watched Leonardo scowl and ruffle up your hair " I should've left you to bleed out " he joked gruffly and looked at Casey with a smile " how long have I been out? " you heard a noise as a tall turtle walked in, spikes lined his shell and arms " A few days, my names Raph. " he handed a bowl to Leonardo as you sat up. Raph gave you a stern look and you waved him off as you took the soup, things felt good. you felt good.
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agreekdemigod · 10 months
-Trans!Sanji/ Sanji wears dresses and make-up / crossdressing (<- tbh it is so beautiful and heartwarming to see him being so giddily happy whenever he wears a dress, his enjoyment is so honest)
-Fascination-at-first-sight/Zoro supporting Sanji and not staying quiet when Sanji's insecurities make him Act Up
-And boy does Sanji Acts Up (Negatively) as he battles his own self-hatred and Homophobia, in a realistic-ish way that really leaves you hurting/ feeling fustrated and yet not losing that vulnerability that makes you empathise for him. (FR, he is blantantly serious about his disgust. It is the Real first stages of "Gay Crisis", if u know what i mean)
-Smut (there for enjoyment but also a way to move the plot foward) /Sometimes it can be experimental for Sanji, other times it is a way to badly cope with himself and there's also times in which it is sweet and reassuring, it has all the flavours and it is sexy everytime.
-RE: The sex, also can i add that I love the author's description on how utterly smitten they are with each other when they fuck even if they are not openly admitting it, it is just so blatantly obvious they have been saying "i love you" (or at least "i care for you") from the first time they fuck
-This fic deals a lot with instrospection and the struggling of homophobia and self-hatred but also it is adorable and tooth-rootingly sweet with its happy ending. It is an story of growth and self-acceptance about how you can only get there yourself (by pushing your own internalized "standards" and pushing out of your comfort zone) AND how sometimes your love ones' support also involves they standing up against your shitty attitude (because a good friend/lover is one that also knows when to tell you to stop/says "no")
-The fic's tone is mainly dramatic and serious but also it has this very delicate vulnerable moments of happiness that make you feel safe and heals your emotional wounds to keep going and wish for a well-deserved happy ending (which they get). It is really good.
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
What Fire Emblem Fates did better then 3H
I know it's going to be shocking, but after finishing 3H I decided to go and compare it to a game it can actually compete, none other then its predecessor Fire Emblem Fates
So disclaimer, I am not doing this to say "if you like [insert game] you are wrong" or anything, just that after thinking about it, I felt the need to point out what Fates does good and better then a game simingly very much loved against one that is simingly largely seen as bad
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1/At the crossroads
Both games have this peculiarity of being a multiple path game with each of them having it's own story while Fates was divided into 3 games, 3H was 4 path in one game.
However, Fates did this part much better.
Fates only has 5 chapter to replay compared to the 12 Three Houses forces you to go through and those 5 chapter are doing a better job at seeling the premise. White Clouds keeps dragging everything and makes you run in circles solving mysteries and mission until you finally get to the point where Jeralt dies. To put it simply, White Clouds is the 3H equivalent of the Awakening Valmian arc... it's a filler. I know, I know, it's supposed to "foreshadow and prepare everything" but how come Fates managed to do this with less then half of the chapter 3H needed to do this ?? Because White Clouds is literaly half of the game. HALF. And seeing how the routes lenght varries, with CF being the shortest, it's sometimes takes the bigger half of the game. This part of the plot might be to prepare the Agartans and yadi yada, no changing that it doesn' t gives the impression that you are moving foward, but rather that the plot stopped while Byleth is running in circle.
Fates has 5 chapter, but they are no filler. It doesn't feel like the plot is taking a break, instead it always gives the impression it is moving foward. This moves pretty well going from Corrin training at night with Xander, to them having to prove themselves to Garon, to the Canyon accident, to them ending up with Rikkah and Kaze, to them reuniting with Mikoto to them having to choose whom to side with.
Compared that to 3H where you have to choose very early on the House you side with all for it to have you end up having to replay the same freaking 12 chapters. Where in Fates the story was the same for 5 chapter, meaning the stakes were the same and that you could just save by that point and make your choice without having to replay the 5 chapters, 3H ask you to make a choice way too early and forced you to go through the same 12 chapters were the only difference are the line and some events depending on your Houses, meaning you have no way to escape it, with the only compensation being the NG+.
2/The stakes of the choice
I also appreciate the fact that Corrin knows what they are getting themselves into when they are making the big decision. Because I know some people tried to defend 3H by saying "foreshadowing, foreshadowing" and I don't care about this foreshadowing because there is no changing that Byleth had no idea they would go to war with their students when they choose a class, the only way for them to know what they are getting themselves into is in the Black Eagles route and when they followed Edelgard to Enbar. Only there can you say that, when the plot twist is revealed and that Byleth has to chose on whether they protect Edie or kill her. And the fact they can choose to "protect her" still meand at the end of the day, they didn't knew they were going to end up in a war !! Say what you want about Fates, but at least, it does this simple thing well and also, the fact that when you make a choice, there is no stakes !
You are told to choose in like chapter 1, you barely got to knew the students and why you should care about a house over another one. In Fates, at least there is stakes : Corrin has a reason to join Hoshido, wanting to discover the truth about Mikoto and defeating Garon, or to join Nohr, the people who raised them even if they know it means choosing the darkness. And finally, the fact that they can't choose between the two because they have those 2 stakes. This for instance makes the betrayal aspects and the tragedy aspects much more efficient because you don't even need to play any of the route first to get emotionally invested since Corrin loves both the Nohrian and the Hoshidan Royals. The Nohrian are people whom they love and who love them as family whereas the Hoshidan is the family that kept on waiting for them to return one day while they wished they could have got to known more about their birth country. In 3H can you really say it's the same ? Of course not. Byleth only gets to bond with the students they choose, not the two other houses leader so when they fight Eddie in VW and that she says "I wanted to walk with you" it makes no contextual sense since neither did she and Byleth intereacted enough for them to have such a relationship, it's entirely relying on the possibility that you may have finished CF before playing VW. And that's not counting the fact that none of the students between the different houses can bond without having you recruit them ! So the whole "I have to kill my classmate booooho" falls flat in every way because they aren't suppose to be friends. And even then, must I remind you that in your own classe they might not be friends ? Some of them have known each other for less then a year ! Other can sometimes not even stand each other !! There is a lot of supports that starts out like this and only in the A support that is to say AFTER the timeskip that they are friend. So... how the heck am I suppose to believe it ? How is that not emotional gaslighting from the narrative ? Take Dorothea for example, when she goes "Professor we kill Ferdie : (" how does it makes sense when her support with Ferdinand begun with her telling Ferdie she hates him and only in her A support can this be solved. So why would she feel sad ? Just because she knew him ? Nonsense.
This reduces the stakes in making the decision. And I get that choosing an House to teach is an easier decision then choosing whom to side with a war involving both of your families... do we see the problem here ? Do we see which choice as an actual stake and feel like an actual decision with pressure and tension ?
And that's not all. Now let's dig into
3/ Your choice don't really matter in 3H
Here is the thing. Aside from the story, there is nothing different in 3H. The monastery remains the same. The quest remains the same.
I already touched on it when comparing the Somniel to the monastery but the lack of diversity in the different path that 3H offers makes the choice even less interesting and with even less consequences. And for a game that braggs about politics, when you decision have little consequences, you know there is a problem.
3H has this big continent with 3 big countries and beyond. And in Garrech March you have people comming from all those different backgrounds. Choosing one Houses is like choosing one country, especially with the timeskip. However.
Things such as the outfits, the meals, the animals and other elements originating from those different regions of the world are all linked to the monastery. It doesn't matter which faction you choose, the same items will be avalaible. The same classes, the same outfit, the same meals, the same material etc. It's not : I choosed Blue Lions therefore I can only have outfits/meal/animals originating from Faerghus avaliable in the monastery. No. This doesn't exist. Even if you join the Golden Deer, you can access to pretty much everything originating from Faerghus via the monastery.
In Fates, that is simply not the case. My Castle is affected by Corrin's choice : the meal avalaible, the classes avalaible, the clothing, the ressources, the building you can create though the use of Dragon veins. Your choice matters, so it makes the My Castle phase fun. Monastery being the same no matter which route ? No fun. No fun at all, especially when the monastery phase during the Part 1 of 3H is literaly the same with only the story for a change. Same request, same missions, same tasks, same side dialogue from the NPC and the units. This is not possible. And even after the timeskip, the monastery phase remains pretty similar between the routes. The same can't be said about My Castle at all.
And then
4/ Art direction in the diversity
So, when Fates came out, there was a clear distinction between the 2 factions. Nohr being inspired by Westernian settings and Hoshido by Asian, especially medieval Japan. This can be felt in the weapon, the name of the character, their outfits, the music etc.
Can the same be said about 3h ?
For half of the game, everyone is dressed the same way. Now sure, their uniform is personalised to fit their personality and makes them stands out as character, but none of them stands out as a member of their Houses. Aside from the House leader, if I showed you one picture of one student and ask you out of context to which house they belong, would you immediately notice ? Of course not. Why would you ? I could make you believe that Lysithea is part of the Black Eagles and you could easily believe it. And while the countries in 3H do have distinct design after the timeskip... they are still close enough for the character to seems like they belong to the same faction. I could still take Post timeskip Hilda and make you believe she is from the Empire... speaking of the students looking interchangeable
5/ Recruiting students was a bad move
Alright, keeping up with what I said in point 3, recruiting all your students regardless of which House you choose is such a bad idea. Now granted, there are some character than you can't recruit or won't join you, but the majority of them will still be avalaible. This makes the stakes in choosing even lower. Because again, you can save your favorite character, you won't need to kill them. And the NG+ makes it even easier to recruit them all. This is pratically the only way to obtain a somewhat emotional tone when Ingrid, Sylvain or Felix when in CF they have to face Dima since you can't have that between character that have known each other for a year or less and sometimes barely get along... in fact, you need to recruit them for them to get to bond with the students of another class !!!
Fates ? There is indeed a neutral party, but the great majority of the character are linked to the country Corrin choose. You won't have Oboro joining you because Corrin made her some tea or bought her some gift or whatever of the sort. So you have character locked in those routes which gives you another reason then the story to choose the route. And the fact that Revelation allows all parties to join Corrin including supports to unlock gives you a reason to play Revelation, especially with the child units to unlock.
And this doesn't hurt the characterization.
In Fates, the fact that some character will literaly die to remain faithful to their faction is a great service done to their character showing their loyalty and their faith in their own cause.
The same can't be said about 3H especially when some of them just wanted to join Byleth's class and ended up trapped in a war that they didn't knew they were getting themselves into, so such a thing as Felix betraying his father doesn't exist in reality and this hurts the story as a whole.
6/ My castle is better then the monastery
What I said about Engage is truth for Fates as well, my Castle gives a stronger wordbuilding to Fates then 3H has. Cause here is the thing.
Kusakihara said for 3H's worldbuilding they wanted to create the atmosphere of world giving in its own history and has seducing as this idea is... it feels like an history book. Are history book fun to read ? I do not think so. In general they are tedious and boring, so imagine having to do that 4 times with no possibility to escape the expostion dumb with at least 12 chapter of common worldbuilding... torture. That's how it feels like. And I must also point out that the devs said about the worldbuilding in 3H that they made searches and a work worth 1000 year of worlbuilding but that no one kept up with what they came up with and such not only is it that everyone in the staff had a different understanding of it leading to no one knowing the whole story ...Let that sink for a moment. Cause when I did, it explained so much about the final product.
This right here explain why 3H's worldbuilding is much weaker then it should be. Because history is something that is supposed to be precise so when I hear that no one was keeping in check but that they kept adding bones to the skeleton without proper care.... yeah, that's not a good look at all. This makes 3H's world feel bland and liveless.
Fates at least bring it world alive and while not to the extent of Engage, the fact that My Castle can offer so many different features depending on the kingdom you choosed ... says a LOT about how much it makes the experience dynamic. And considering the JPN name of each game is based on the country (Fire emblem if : Kingdom of White night, Kingdom of Black Night and Invisible kingdom) it is pretty obvious that the focus was always on the word of Fates and creating a dynamic relationship with the player as he explores each side of those country while seeing what makes each of them unique. Now it must be noted that the English localization of Fates took a lot of liberties and erased most of those worldbuilding informations, but the point still stand.
And it should be noted that My Castle hurts much less the pacing of Fates then the monastery and it's mainly due to the fact that it is skippable.
Unlike for 3H were you have to host tea party or fish to gain teacher pet points, in Fates, you aren't required to skinship with any of your units, this thing's removal didn't affected much in fact. And it should be noted that in an interview for Hopes, the dev said that tea time was removed (replace with picknic)because "it was tacktless that you could have tea parties in the mist of a bitter war".... gotta saluate the self awareness
7/ Commiting
You know, for a game that gives you so much dialogue option as 3H, this is crazy how the game refuse to let you suffer any grave consequence right ?
Now, some nuance... watch this video
In this video the OP explains why choices don't really matter in the context of self inserting.
However, it's not Persona, but Fire Emblem and a game about war, and politics. Things in which your choices must have a consequence. What's the point of having Byleth being able to choose the destiny of Fodlan if they are left in such a passive position were only one of their choice freaking matter.
All that I said about the only choice mattering was concerning the main story is that it results in the game not having any real stakes. Really the game simply refuses to let you feel bad. The so called "grey morality" of 3H's story is actually nothing but a disguise for the narrative to never commit to anything in order to avoid the player feeling bad.
Don't wanna kill the students with whom you befriend in another route ? Easy, recruit them.
Don't wanna go through the same lenght as in your first playthrough ? Easy, Ng+.
Don't wanna lose some ressources that are originating from only one of the country you choose ? Easy, they are all linked to the monastery so they are all available.
Don't wanna feel guilty about your choice ? Don't worry, there is no bad side, everything is relative and even the real side of history is doubtful. Why do you think people are still thinking the Nabateans actually enslaved the Agarthans despite the fact the devs answered to that question in their interview ? Because 3H creates more question then it answers and not in a good way. Cause it's not creating a dialogue, it's more that this game is afraid of commitment and thus hide behind "mysteries" or "ambiguities". 3H doesn't want to invalidate any of the route to make the player feels validated in any way but does Byleth have the opportunity to reflect on their choice ? No. Never. Why would they considering they don't really make a choice ?
However, Fates for all its flaw is not that kind on Corrin. While gone with the localization, the JPN version has a lot of instance of Corrin questioning their choice after experiencing a failure or a loss. Regreting their days at Nohr or thinking they should have sided with Hoshido after all. And you will suffer the consequence of your choice. Doesn't matter which one you played first, all the character you befriend will die or suffer if you choose the opposite faction. And you won't have the same ressources nor the same gameplay experience. So Fates is clearly not afraid of commitment.
3H never tries to make you feel bad and the fact that you are asked to choose at the very begining of the story to choose a House when you couldn't bond with other students and therefore think you lost something, especially when you get to bond with them AFTER your choice, you end up with a very losy experience
As a consequence this makes 3H feels bland and empty when we finally reach to what is supposed to be the interesting point, the war phase. And this is mainly due to the refusal of the game to let you face consequence. 3H will try to play the sensitive cord to make you feel nostaligic about the academy, but when most of the people Byleth bonded with have joined their class and therefore fight with them in the war, does it really matter ?
8/ The story is not as repetitive
I wish I was kidding. But even as someone who liked neither of the game's story, I have to admit that Fates does a better job then 3H at... well, being a story. And that is mainly due to the fact that Fates recycle much less then 3H does.
I mean, 3H recycle so many location between the support and the main story it feels like you aren't moving at all and while Fates is a 3DS game with less performant graphics, at least there is a change in the scenery with the background matching the location. At least, you can see the snow in Fates.
And I know that some of it is mainly due to wanting to create emotion such as the parralel established between the Battle of the Lion and the Eagle ... that don't exist for some reason in CF ... *sigh*
And the fact that Fates has little common plot points between the different routes or that the common one plays out at different times and differently (for instance Takumi's sickness in Birthright being parralleled by Elise's sickness in Conquest; in Birthright it occurs much later, while in Conquest in occures in the early chapter, right after Odin and Niles joined you)
So that was all the elements I think Fates did better then 3H. However there is one thing 3H does better then Fates and for that matter, then the other game...
it's selling its lore and characters. And by that, I mean that the writers absolutely wants you to notice their work so it's like the game is begging you to notice the worldbuidling and characters by having the character speaks 99% of the time about it, or their trauma or how war is tragic etc, etc. So this would of course strike a player on first playthrough.
And I am going to sound harsh but what Fates did isn't even extraordinary ! It's what any game with a branching story can do ! Makes you wonder what happened right here
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storyoftest · 1 year
Text Log - Regulus
Regulus oc verse patch notes update ver whatever the hell now -story plot point comes a little after Rex's 3rd encounter in Samuel n Williams story - Rex still has a secret tool under his belt, the monster that was encased in ice -convenient timing has it so that Regulus' body was fully excavated from the ice and all it needed was a huge jolt of energy to wake up -however after the awakening Regulus just destroyed the laboratory he was trapped in and the area around it -to rex's pleasure however it was exactly as he planned, letting loose a monster to cause absolute destruction - however Regulus has a conscience with him but is being suppressed by rex Story there after is Regulus trying to regain himself but only realizing its all futile considering his past -from then on Dakota n Tests encounters Regulus and fights him at different locations going from True form - Alligator form - Turtle form - ice form then boss rush reversed in the final battle with him -after that Regulus regains complete control over himself since rex was actually mind controlling him then joins Dakota's Detective agency Each battle has Regulus "melt" and  with each form becomes vulnerable which allows Dakota to try and help him utilizing his therapist knowledge + Regulus remembering bits and pieces from hearing Dakotas voice Remembering their past hurts them but after the final fight they simply have to live with it and with the strength to move foward was what let them regain thier mind from Rex (edited)
Regu — 03/20/2023 4:20 AM -Minions in this update are still Regulus minions but lost respect in him after the incident but still follows them after he regains his thoughts. They were tasked with making sure Regulus stays in the ice They act as mini bosses towards Dakota n Test's party before each Regulus fight After Regulus joins the detective team they stay with him when they do their own thing mainly to keep an eye on him (edited) March 29, 2023
Regu — 03/29/2023 3:00 AM Regulus and Test became quick friends due to their similar backgrounds and abilities. Test introduces Regulus to the many things humans have to offer and became a fast fan of music, particularly metal and hard rock, this lead them to learn electric guitar but also learned piano from Test. [3:02 AM] (inna secret guilty pleasure he also listens to yearnful romantic songs and yearns along with them)
Regu — 03/29/2023 3:47 AM There is a point where Regulus teams up with Samuel, William, and Darius to get revenge on Rex after being controlled by him.
Regu — 03/29/2023 4:01 AM Regulus also grows to love dancing from Test
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Georgette and sekido part 9
The masquerade
Ah the masquerade thanks to merihems domain having a haunted ballroom with the dead of his previous victims georgette was basked in its glory whenever a mission was a success she grew to love the aesthetics of such etheral class such as the dresses and of course the dancing.
So naturally she would take sekido with her to a ballroom that was completely abandoned years ago
It may not be the same vibes as the red deaths but it will do. She held sekido to position himself closed moving his hand to held on her back while the other held hers.
" ready?" How shes waited for this moment.
"...i guess so." With a sudden pull sekido was swayed around in a circle having no chance to memorize the footsteps.
" WOMAN!" he said with a commanding voice. " Now try and watch my steps now dont blink or youll miss." He grumbled, how dare she say to watch her steps when he was trying to do that in the first place he thought.
" thats what i was trying to do!" She laughed
" well then...if your as fast as lightning as you are then watch where my next step is about to move" there was a slight tease in that manner. He watched carefully, she put her left foot foward signaling to put his footing back then moving it to the right side both in sync " very good sparky you are fast" another chuckle escaped. " Dont tease me woman!" Still looking down to focus on the next step "can you blame me? Your reaction when i do is just to cute my darling" she brought her foot together to the side then stepped back to the same position they had started from the beginning then transferred her weight to her side which would now set up to start from the beginning again.
" same steps got it love?" It seemed simple enough to him " so just the same repetitive steps?" She nods " yes" he looked down repeating his memory to get the picture and once he finally got an idea he followed her footings front, side, back, side. He was impressed with himself " so this is what couples do i see..." Still focused to the dance. " Youve never danced before have you sekido?" She said with curiosity. " No...but i was always fascinated by this culture of dancing." He loved to learn things that was outside of his culture. Something about the European music and there dances always captivated him. Hes heard about ballrooms but never thought hed see the day he would ever be in one.
That was until now. " Oh are you know? " That look...the witch was plotting something his instinct told him " what is with that look now? D-dont you dade try something!" She grinned then to sekidos electrical senses her turned to the sudden sound of music playing a piano yet this tune felt haunting not music note of romantic symphony but of ghosts and the ambiance of the dead almost." I know its not the usual music to play in these partys...but considering where in an old abandoned cathedral like ball with potential ghosts looming i just had to!" The macabre glee in her voice was cute yet made sekido shiver down his spine " you brought a spirit to play for us! Do you want me to die of a heart attack!" Another laugh. " Please love youll be fine hes friendly plus your with me dont pay no mind" turns his face to focus on her "now lets truly experience a haunted ball my nosferatu~" despite how macabre she could be she always looked adorable doing so that sekido couldnt help but escape a small snort" alright, lead again my crimsoness of death".
The floors ehoed the empty chambers as the music mixed with the haunting ambience of ruffled torn curtains and air whistling through the broken windows. Torn paintings watch as they spin watching the red haired rose be twirled her dress flowing in rhythm as the stern demon looked fierce and confident within himself bieng pleased how he learned to dance with such intimacy that his lover never took her eyes of him. How even the spirits of the place didnt dare to interrupt them for they knee doing so would be a great shame to make this date night end.
The theme song of this fic
Dividers by @/elryisia
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lilareviewsbooks · 2 years
All The Horses of Iceland - 3/5
Rating: 3/5
Pages: 112 (paperback)
Includes: horses I guess; vengeful ghosts; lyrical writing
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Novellas are my favorite format exactly because they're not that easy to write. A good novella doesn't shrink and doesn't stretch itself to fit into the format, it just is supposed to be that big. Usually, I think the problem is that stories shrink to be novellas -- AKA, the plot is rushed. 
All The Horses of Iceland suffers of the opposite problem. The plot is too slow! It's like making dough and stretching it out so much until it becomes thin and breaks. The plot points stay for too long, it refuses to move foward to next adventure for our character.
When it does move quicker, it's masterful. Ms. Tolmie follows the journey of an Icelandic merchant who begins travelling with a Jewish trading group, which eventually culminates in the origin story of - you guessed it - all the horses of Iceland. Right there in the middle, though, while our main character is in what I'm assuming is the Mongol Empire, the story moves at a better pace, and it's so engaging! It's brimming with culture and magic, and watching our main character navigate that is incredibly entertaining.
But I think All The Horses of Iceland loses its sparkle around the half-way point. It was mostly pitched to me as a magical story, with fairytale vibes, but I struggled to see that, especially after this mark. Sure, the writing is lyrical, but the story mostly focuses on the character's personal life, instead of weaving an intricate account of the origin of - say it with me - all the horses of Iceland. It's also not that atmospheric at all, which I think is essential to a good fairy tale, as the writing's lyricism is more focused, again, on our protagonist. And the magic, both literal and metaphorical, disappears from the page after we leave the Mongol Empire.
In general, I think All The Horses of Iceland doesn't truly commit to its own mission. It tries to be a fairy tale, and succeds for about half of its page count, but then becomes more of a narrative of our protagonists life - which isn't particularly interesting - than anything else.
Reminds me of...
- The Book of a Thousand Days: deep dive into Middle-Age Mongolian culture and religion, specifically, BUT this one is YA, bigger, and has a romance subplot (which slays, btw)
-  The Greenhollow Duology: fairy tale-esque vibes; lyrical writing; novella, BUT I thought this was one was better; it's gay; and also it's not an origin story
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Do you belief steroline and Klamille were forced, or that they were both slow burns that captured a lot of people’s hearts? If you do think they were forced, which aspects would you bring foward from each relationship to justify it.
If they captured a lot of people's hearts I can't say. I think they did, both ships definitely have lots of fans, which I totally respect. But I'm not one of them, personally. 🤣 Different people are going to have different views, and mine aren't particularly flattering in this case. 🤣
I don't think Steroline was forced, because it does sort of make sense to a certain extent, I just think it was terribly done and it was written in a way that made it seem like Caroline was the only one with real feelings, while Stefan was just trying to get away. He always had to be convinced to stay with her, or to give her a chance, or to spend time with her. Caroline literally guily-trips Stefan into coming back to MF and giving her a shot, it's very nasty, and it only gets worse from there. It should've either ended in an amicable way where the two of them realize that they're better off as friends (which they were) and were mistaking their feelings for each other (which would've made sense), or Caroline should've moved on after one of the thousands of times Stefan leaves her without so much as a satisfaction.
As for Klamille, it did feel very forced to me. Its almost like they decided it had to happen, and then they just stuck with it, inspite of what the general feeling of the story was turning out to be. They didn't have any chemistry, they didn't have anything in common, Camille was a human with no understanding of the supernatural world, and to make her a psychologist who can summarize incredibly old and complex creatures with a few psycho-babble words is not only annoying but very OP. It's almost laughable that she compares being compelled to forget her brother died through magic shenanigans (which was actually a mercy compulsion, she wasn't handling it well at all) to Elijah being tortured into relieving the worst things he ever did in 1000 years of bloodthirsty existence. LOL Cami, please. 🤣
That scene she has with Klaus on the pilot episode with her watching the guy paint in Jackson Square was a good example of how the writers were not on to something good. It made no sense whatsoever for her to suddenly describe Klaus based on that painting alone 🤣 It was very on-the-nose, cheap writing, and that basically marks the whole of Klamille for me. And tbh, they barely interact a lot of the time. Camille is just sort of there, but she never really does anything, she has no story of her own, she's not even as important as Marcel or Davina as a secondary character. She has less screen time in TO than Matt does in TVD. You could just remove her completely from the show, or replace her with anyone else, and it would make no difference. She doesn't add anything besides offering subtitles to Klaus' emotions to the audience and excusing his terrible behavior, in complete opposition to what her character is meant to stand for. The build up to them getting together in S3 in embarrassingly bad. They barely even talk throughout S3, and Cami's vampire persona is awful. It was such a mess they had to kill her off. lol
I think there were ways they could've developed their relationship to make it more appealing, more realistic to Klaus' character and more gripping as a romantic interest, make it seem like a real slow burn rather than a very distant side plot that came up every ten episodes or so. But to me, at least, they failed miserably and I never bought it.
Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, nonnie 🥲 It's just my personal feelings.
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n1k0s-str4wb3rry · 3 years
str8 up smut !! (one shot)
CW : REALLY TOXIC !! hetero sex, porn w a lil bit of a plot, slight overstimualtion if u squint, manipulation, implied cheating, uses vibrator, FemReader x *insert male character*. Smut inspired by To (the nbhd)
Just earlier this morning you were making an attidute to this man and now you're submitting, begging to him to fuck you. How dumb can you be.
You sat on his cock while his hands on the side of your hips preventing you to move. You're needy. really fucking needy. You need to move, the heat between your legs are rising each moment he rub soft circles around your clit,
"Please... let me move... i want it so bad..."
How could you still have the nerves to talk to this man at this moment when you just slapped him earlier bc you saw him w another women.
Do you not have any sense of shame?
"Speak up."
He said bluntly sending shivers down your spine.
Your sentence was cut off when he suddenly flip you over, laying you on your back while holding both of your wrist together with one hand above your head on the headboard while his other hand using your waist as a leverage. He starts pumping out of you harshly hitting every crevices in you slutty cunt with his fat cock. All your pussy juices are more than enough to be use as lube making his harsh movement way more pleasurable then it intended to be.
You scream, barely could form any words at this point while his hands that were holding your wrist together went down to your puckered nipples, pinching and flicking it.
It hurts.
It hurts seeing him barely care about you but he treats you so well, makes you feel all kind of pleasure, in and out of bedroom. He gifts you all the gifts you ever wanted, expensive, cheap, rare? name it. He spends his time with you, he remembered every miniscule details about you and it warms your hearts so much.
But what is this feeling?
He's toxic, he's no good for you; You still decided to stay with him, because he "cares".
Right ?
Well he said he does. He does right? I mean obviously he-
Before thoughts could start filling your empty head from all the overwhelming stimulation you're receiving, he noticed you pussy clamping on his cock, he stop thrusting. You sighed at the lost feeling in desperation, you were about to cum but then he stops.
"Fucking bitch"
You said in a faint voice thinking he couldn't hear you, you were whimpering and moaning under him and you still have the courage to say that. He heard you, to him its loud as sirens.
He grabs the small bullet vibrator on the side table next to you and put it on your puffy clit at smallest volume, you're aching for more so you starts to buck your hips foward frantically to get any kind of stimulation. He quickly push you down to bed making you yelp at the sudden movements.
"You better watch your mouth."
He released his grasp on your hands and went to hold you face; With his calloused fingertips and his rough movements, you shouldn't be under him like this, like a slut.
"I know all the things that you are all about."
He strengthen the grip on your jaw and brings your face closer into his
"I know every single things that'll make you cry."
He pushed the vibrator volume to the highest making tears form in your eyes slowly dripping down your flushed cheeks, you sob at his words and the violent movements on your clit. You can't handle it, with him being mean making your cunt wetter than it should be, you're already sensitive, emotionally and all over your body.
"And I'm going to do it all. over. again."
Pressing the vibrator harder on his last three words as he said in a husky voice making your cunt tighten on his dick like a vice grip each second. You're basically a pathetic drooling mess under his touch, before you could do anything other than crying like a dumb bitch. He removed the vibrator and slapping your cunt harshly making you scream.
You groaning as you squirted at his sight, whimpering as your body soothe down from squirting, your mind went hazy, your eyes blurry you can barely see anything other than this fucker face.
"I love you y/n.... im sorry"
You heard what he says with such sincerity laced on his words but he never mean it, he just says sorry to shut you up; Especially in your current state where you can barely comprehend a sentence. All you can do is just close your watery eyes and try to control your breathing once again, he kisses you forehead and tear stained cheeks while hugging you and hushing you, providing you with a sense of safety that makes you melt every fucking time.
You're nothing without but with him is a living hell for you.
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prelovednikaidou · 3 years
Okay lets imagine MC is alive after all them fiasco right? The baby is safe right? so heres the thought. What if MC got divorced with Toji and still keeping the baby. Lets leave it at that. Oh yeah Toji doesnt get killed in this thought, that mf doesnt deserve anything and even death. So why stop the suffering there right?.
Fast foward to many years later, The MC died, Megumi and Toji doesnt know, the rejected child get a hold of MC like idk a diary, MC wrote everything like from her happy self on the wedding day, to how the fushiguro treated her, RC(rejected child) felt how broken she was, how sad she was, and how she still suffer about it all, the way it traumatized her and all. Now RC know why their mother sometime called out a name (megumi or toji), how she would call the RC tge wrong name, how often she would stare into nothing( shes still there like care for the RC and everything but like its not the same shes traumatized here people). That is where the feeling of hatred grow. Heehee.....
Now fast foward again(lets aged up the jujutsu first year too second year kay?), RC are cursed okay, so they attended the jujutsu school in tokyo, they met megumi, theyre like "wow this you?, no wonder she left..i couldnt even look at you" ya know this type of attitude but just like purd hatred but still RC like care for megumi but it just doesnt show and denied it just like how mwgumi to MC.
Megumi doesnt know if RC is his half sibling, but i imagined the scenario where megumi know because he notice when RC like gasligthing him in a spar or something and megumi have a moment of realization like "your my brother", i imagine that the RC hit him so hard till he fell to the ground, imagine it was raining as RC stand above him like i dont holding a weapon or like stick or something, megumi thought RC is going to end him but instead RCs weapon stabbed the groud beside megumis ear which makes it bleeding and RC like looking a down a stunned megumi and said "im not your brothe. Not now and not ever".
Then megumi like try to talk to RC about their mom right and one day RC just said " SHES DEAD ALRIGHT? SHES GONE. now get lost and dont fucking bother me" megumi maybe broke down in the middle of the hallway and cry or like he sits in his room looking through the sticky notes that MC gave him when hes a child and cry his eyes out. RC came back and sees megumi, sits besides him and tell the story, how MC loves him and his dad, how sometime she mistake RC as megumi and all that stuff.
"Thats why i hate you.i despise you. I wanted to kill you that day, i wanted to kill you for everything you put her through, but i didnt because i know for sure mom could have comeback alive just to kill me. She left this for you-" RC gives megumi a letter and like "she may forgive you for everything that youve done. But i dont. So dont even try to get close to me, fushiguro. Or i will literally kill you"
"She wouldnt let-"
"Shes not here now is she? Brother."
Now move along to toji, i think RC would like find him ya know?, hunt him down or something like that and toji knows who RC is and hes like "where is she?" "come with me"
RC took toji to MC grave "i have nothing to say to you, fushiguro. But i hope you suffer for the rest of your life hating yourself and blaming yourself." RC threw MC diary to the ground beside tojis feet.
"She was happy you know." And then he just left
IM SO SORRY ANON. It isnt within my attention to not reply as fast as I could but I took my time to read this one and PLEASE GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LINK THIS UP AFTER THE LAST PART BRRRR THIS IS SERIOUSLY LIKE A WHOLE PLOT 😩😩☝🏻☝🏻 YALL READ THIS
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metellastella · 3 years
In Honor of Deltarune Chapter 2, Lemme tell you about exactly HOW world-breaking Chara really was, and IS.
Here's the thing about Chara. It is implied that they are THE PLAYER's insatiable thirst for new video game worlds (or, they have latched onto it). As in, they accompany the player to the next world they go to.
Direct quote:
"HP. ATK. DEF. GOLD. EXP. LV. Every time a number increases, that feeling . . . That's me. Chara. Now, we have reached the absolute. There is nothing left for us here. Let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next." i.e.: Let US move on to the next.
Every time THE PLAYER conquers and sets aside a new game . . . they have effectively DESTROYED it. Because they do not "exist" unless they are played and interacted with. Also, they only exist up until the end of the game anyway (most of the time)
And- I say usually- no matter how many times THE PLAYER plays a game- they will eventually tire of it. Also, if they play 500 games in their lifetime . . . it is unlikely they will re-play that many consistently. Plus, add on random internet "mini" games.
Now, that's only considering ONE player.
But since Chara is a multi-dimensional being, because they are aware of other worlds . . . it's not much of a stretch to say that the millions of people who are carrying around Chara "with" them count . . . as Chara.
Bill Cipher, from Gravity Falls, to my knowledge, despite his reality-warping godly demon powers, makes no such 4th wall shattering and domineering claim.
Let's assume for sanity's sake, that this current dimension you're sitting in and reading this screen on is the primary reality. There ARE no dimensions higher than this. All others are contained within human imagination. Bill Cipher was Created by a Creator.
All the 'lower' dimensions we can muck around in as basically gods. (gods or demigods either incarnate as weaklings, or come about some other way, in many mythologies, but then grow steadily stronger to realize their godhood. Ya know, Hercules. Krishna. In Hinduism. That sort of thing.) We can travel between dimensions on a whim by flipping a switch. With enough Determination, we can ALWAYS reach the end. Now, sometimes collaboration does expand these universes a little bit- through comics and fanfiction. But even these created 'higher spheres' nearer to this primary dimension, author 'omniscience' is taken as a given. Actually there is some debate about that, given the real-world phenomenon of novel writers in some cases having no clue where characters are taking them . . . they just sit down to write with a kernel of an idea. That's how I operate, for instance. In that case, they somehow have had their 'future sight' that should be default as a god, blocked. People who outline plots and know where they're going with a story beforehand, and then create characters to fill in the gaps, they're the type of 'gods' that could tell their characters future events, if they wanted to. Anyway. Back to video games specifically, and their fandoms. There is only so much CONTENT and it can always be recorded and shared. So there is still a limting factor.  Here's the weird thing about Undertale. You are there as a 'god.' Just as usual. That's nothing special. You're just there to muck around. But. The whole toe-curling horror aspect UT was demonstrating, for specific characters NPCs who realize this sobering fact . . . such as Asgore and Sans, they are driven to despair, mental instability, and in two cases, suicide, by the fact.
If Homestuck is considered a "game" that is destroyed once you reach the end? It is rolled into all of this as well.  Homestuck is a game. What evidence to I have of this, since it's a 'written story'? It has many playable elements and 90% of its lore and plot is based on deconstructing game conventions and sticking them back together in weird angled positions with crazy glue.  Therefore. If the player reads Homestuck after playing Undertale, (i.e., someone who is newer to internet culture, and entered it after Undertale came out, which was far after Homestuck) Chara has CANONICALLY destroyed the Homestuck Universe.  (or, if you re-read Homestuck after playing Undertale)
YOU. The PLAYER make or break all fictional characters. They live and die by your interest in them, or, for games, your direction, and no other character has explicitly taken YOUR control over the game, as Chara has. In Homestuck, it never gives you something to "do" and then takes the decision away from you, as Undertale does.
Chara, except for someone who has 100% control of that little dopamine rush that comes with leveling up (read: no one), is out there, gleefully wringing out, growing bored of, and then destroying hundreds of thousands of worlds. Chara is the first of zeir kind.  And possibly the last.  Or at least, anything that comes afterwards will be but a pale imitation.  Toby Fox is truly LEGENDARY, in this way.  I'm not sure even he fully understand what he's done here.  Let me try to explain this.  Our education system is currenlty ripping itself to pieces over back-breaking student loans and the realization that we don't actually need all these professors because of the easy availability of information on the internet (Demonstrated, in a roundabout way, in one or two deft lines of dialog in the movie A Beauriful Mind). Now, let's say colleges and universities do survive this shift in society, going foward. It's probable that at the very least technical colleges and vocational schools will. Any others, including high schools, will be replaced by students shrugging and just taking a G.E.D. certification, because why should they spend time at a high school if they hate it, or if they want to learn at their own individualized pace? No reason to do that at all. If the stuffy old guard of the outdated higher education system ever starts treating stories told by video games as literature, as they ABSOLUTELY SHOULD, because they're merely a different medium, not some weird separate thing . . . Toby Fox, having overturned the "trope" of the RPG "genre", wrecking and dismantling it so thouroughly that it has unsettled millions of people who ever again play an RPG where they slaughter any monsters for 'points.'  He should be immortalized. Just like any other author in history who has churned out a landmark piece of literature.  It's merely his fair due.  Perfectly logical, right?  He is the Ubermench game-changer. Literally.  I hope Sans appreciates the pun. Chara is the vehicle through which this overturning of the trope happens. Chara stares directly at the player, deconstructs a longstanding staple in the 'literary genre,' and gives a body and voice to the psychologically addictive quality of video games.
One estimate says there are more than 60,000 video games in existence. And millions of copies of each one.
Chara, as we've established canonically, has access to ALL that are played after a runthrough of Undertale. (or at the very least, genocide Undertale) In Hinduism, it is Shiva that is the god of destruction.  To quote Oppenheimer,  Chara has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.  Checkmate.
Q. E. D.
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hamatoclan76 · 3 years
Lets talk about ¨Fast Forward¨ and ¨Back To The Sewers¨
So, yeah. I was finally able to finish watching the TMNT 2003 series. I know i could write an entire review about the series but i decided to focus on the two last seasons ¨Fast Forward¨ and ¨Back To The Sewers¨ since they are quite controversial seasons in the fandom due to their writing.
I’m going to explain what i think these seasons did right and then what went wrong with the writing that made them not get so well-received in comparison to previous seasons. I´m going to start with Fast Forward and then move to Back to the Sewers.
Time Travel to the future
(Fast Forward Intro)
(Fast Forward) Season 6 starts with the turtles accidentally time traveling to the future, year 2105 to be precise. That’s 100 years from the current timeline. It´s a risky idea but not bad, right?
But here is the problem: There were already unexplored main plotlines that needed to be developed: Karai´s possibe redemption, the foot clan, Hun, etc. Instead of finishing those arcs that were already established in the series the writers/producers decided to jump to a completely new setting that had almost nothing to do with things that were previously explored.
So that´s one of the biggest problems with this season. If this was a spin off, this wouldn´t be an issue at all. That´s because the audience would know that the spin off exists as its own thing and it isn´t part of the main series. Watching ¨Fast Forward¨ was weird to me. It was like i was watching other series but with the same characters.
Before talking more about the problems i have with this season. Let´s talk about what i enjoyed:
I really liked the arc about Cody learning to be his own person and realizing how his uncle was manipulating him (if not abusing him). His relationship with the turtles and Splinter is really sweet. It was nice to see how they took care of him and he let them live with them while he was reparing the time machine.
Bishop episodes are really good. I wished we could seen more of him. The idea of him getting redeemed and forming an alien alliance is very interesting.I always saw Bishop as well intentioned extremist, In the sense he believed he was helping people with his horrible methods. I like how he recognizes he did terrible things in the past and he is trying to make up for his crimes.
I enjoyed some  of the slice of life moments.It helped developing the characters in a way that allowed me to see what they do when they are fighting aliens or the foot clan. For example: One of my favourite episodes is Raph and Leo going to wrestling match and chaos ensues. That episode explores Raph´s passion for wrestling, something i think the series didn´t before.
I like the concept of the ¨Dark Turtles¨. Yeah, i know it is a bit ridiculous but i would have been great had the series given them a proper redemption arc since it was implied they weren´t really that bad. ( DNA is thicker than water in one of my favourite episodes of Fast Foward).
Now that i have talked about the things i liked i´m going to move to my problems with season 6.
I think that one of the reasons i feel conflicted about Fast Foward is due to the lack of actual plot or stakes. It feels like things are happening but at the same time they aren´t. Many episodes have more mundane premises. The villains are less intimidanting and they don´t add too much to the story. There are some good episodes like ¨The Journal¨ and the one about Mikey training but overall it is like the writing itself is dull and boring.
It would have been better had the writers focus on developing the characters better (like Raph having problems with adjusting to the future). There are concepts that are great. The thing is that they later get dropped or forgotten (Dark turtles subplot). There could have been an entire arc about Bishop helping the turtles with getting back to their time as a way to make up for his actions.
Speaking of the time portal, that thing is brought up in only the first episodes and then its barely mentioned again in the season. Like.. wasn´t the main plot about them getting back to their respective timeline? It´s like the main characters were so comfortable living in the future that they forgot about their main goal. There episodes that are just about them hanging out instead of finding a solution. It´s okay to have slice of life moments while they are waiting for the machine to get repaired but it could have been at least hinted that is Cody is working on it.
Fast Forward would have worked better had the crew of show put more effort into writing the story, thinking what they wanted to do with the characters and explored concepts that were interesting. And before you ask: No, i don´t think this season being more lighthearted is an issue, the real problems is that writing itself is sloppy and isn´t as good as previous seasons.
Back To The Sewers
(Back to the Sewers Intro)
Season 7´s main plot is about the turtles trying to find all the ¨bytes¨ that made Splinter after he was disintegrated in Cyberspace. Many episodes are about them enterting in Cyberspace and looking for these bytes to make Splinter whole again. The team also has to deal with a new type of Shredder that is a fusion of viral and Ultrom Shredder´s memories. (More of that later)
Things i like from ¨Back To The Sewers¨
Donatello´s character arc: It was very refreshing to see another side of Donnie. At the started of the season he blamed himself for losing Splinter (something he had not control of). His arc is kinda similar to Leo´s arc in Season 4 except he was able to let go his guilt more easily than Leonardo. Unlike Leo, Donnie wasn´t so afraid of failure as he was obsessed with fixing the problem to the point he isolated himself.
I really like how the Cyberspace and the real world are connected with one another in this season. Some episodes have premises that are downright terrifying such as getting stuck in a false parallel reality or people hacking and rewriting your memories. I think this season had very interesting concepts that much like Fast Foward they didn´t reach its fullest potential.
Casey and April´s relationship was fantastic. It was sweet to watch Casey proposing marriage to April. Their wedding was great conclusion for their relationship too. I like how Casey struggles with asking April and how Raph helps him. It´s definitely one of the highlights of Back to the Sewers.
What went wrong with Season 7?
First of all, i think that one of the biggest issues was how short the season was. It has only 13 episodes to develop the main plot and characters. For that reason good concept don´t get enough time to be explored. They are introduced and dropped in one episode. I would have love to watch a three part story arc of the turtles getting brainwashed to make them believe that they work for the Foot Clan. I mean, that was creepy when i watched it.
If season 7 had 20 episodes-for example- then there would have been more time for the main plot to be better paced. What happened in reality is that with 13 episodes it made arcs feel rushed. Some things were left unanswered, dropped or forgotten.
Another issue i have is the lack of Karai content in this season. Season 5 ended with her falling in love and she was never seen again. I know she gets redeemed in the film but it is really weird how she goes to April and Casey´s wedding in the finale and she is never mentioned by the Foot Clan in Back to the Sewers. They could written an episode about how she left the Foot Clan and how she wants to settle down.. just something to learn what happened to her.
Speaking of the Foot Clan... Why they had to bring up Shredder again for this Season? Why just not make Viral the main antagonist? She was fine as a villain, Why in the world they needed to bring him back? There are so many other characters that could have antagonists for this story. 
Virtual Shredder brings up tons of questions as well. When did Ch´rell deciced to upload his memory on the Cyberspace. Why not on a spaceship or computer? Why on the web? It´s so weird.
My last point would that Back to the Sewers had potential to be a darker season because of its themes and story yet is very lighthearted despite how twisted some concepts were. I wished they could been taken more seriously with having actual consequences for jumping into Cyberspace, how risky it is and what would happen if someone got trapped in there.
So there you have it. Note that i don´t think the last two seasons are horrible, in fact i have fun watching them. I just don´t understand what went wrong with the production that made the show suffer such a downgrade in quality. Maybe the producers thought the series was getting ¨too dark¨ and decided to write a more lighthearted show. Maybe there were new writers in last seasons, that may explain why the writing became more dull. I wished the Tmnt 2003 would have gotten better treatment that the one it got.
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shukuchiisms · 3 years
there are literal characters who can create pocket dimensions in league. i think you should suspend your disbelief for a moment regarding your waifu and your power fantasies regarding kumiho for a second.
Oh boy, i gonna love to smack this one down with so many actual refs. that it gonna hurt.
Disclaimer: The whole post is me using references both from korean myths and league of legends lore to smackdown this clown, that can't even be bothered to give founts that confirm their claims and show their face at all. And also making a breakdown of Lol's lore showing why Ahri should win any confrontation against viego unless some Plot Indulced Stupidity occurs.
Okay, let's start with the most stupid line of this ask!
"...regarding your waifu and your power fantasies regarding kumiho for a second."
Well, let's consult a enciclopedic book about korean mytholigy and Kumihos, shall we?more precise the "Korean Myths and Their physical and cultural representations. 1997." in pag 82, that has the following passage:
"The most powerful and popular gwishin(ghost) is the gumiho (although it is almost no longer counted as one, by its power and top position) the nine-tailed fox. Gumiho are 1,000 year old foxes, who if good, are honored by ascending into the heavens to be placed in the palace of heavens. the Gumiho are known to disguise itselves as beautiful women in the human world and prey on men, turning into true femme fatales. The gumiho is known for making others gwishin [ghosts/souls/wraiths] it's slaves, or completely destroy them if They refuse it's commands, as a vastly powerful being when it comes to destructive powers, They can Overcome even gods in a relatively easy way."
I don't belive i need to explain to anyone that mytologically accurate kumihos, beings that can overcome gods in a easy way, would make Viego looks like an insect, do i now? So as you can see it's not a fantasy, is an FACT they are powerful! you also can get the confirmation on the followin books:
Korean myth encyclopedia page # 324
Myths and Legends from Korea: An Annotated Compendium of Ancient and Modern tales. page #126
Mayer, Frederick J the tales of KuMiHo. page # 24
Or just using google. But of course, this is not what you are failing misserably to say, what you're trying to say is: [or at least is what i belive someone with a functional brain would try to say]
"Ahri is a vastaya not an mythological accurate kumiho from the korean legends, so she souldn't be THAT powerful..."
And that would be true, if not for the fact that:
In the book Realms of Runeterra, we've learned that SPIRITUAL MAGIC is the shadow islers only weakness. [From pag: 202 to pag 223 - vladimir's tale - “The Daring Darling”]
Confirmed again on this tweet:
Tumblr media
I think this one by itself already say it all, but let's go even furter, shall we?
Ahri's page on the official web site:
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And this tweet, from one of her writers:
Tumblr media
I could go on and on with those, but the point is, WHY should i suspend my disbelief towards Ahri being more than cappable to finish Viego if Riot was been building their lore on top of it being the fully oposite since at least a year now? Just for the plot twist? No that's what fans of comic books call PIS, the famous plot indulced stupidity, It happens when the writer disregard the previously established lore just to force the plot to move foward. and if that's not bad writing i don't know what it is.
So, tl;dr:
Riot can do whatever they want with their lore and characters, but i in no obligation to like it just because a no one on internet want me to do so, It is a giant PIS that viego would even be a threat to ahri in any circunstance, kumihos are way more powerful that that gasper knockoff ever will dream to be. and you should at least try to google a lil bit before coming at my blog to spew bs without founts next time.
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to-come-alive · 3 years
This week I've been a little busy with some things related to uni so I decided not to write my reviews like I always do but instead write a brief comment abt them: Baht Oyunu and Ada Masalı last eps.
Baht Oyunu 1x09
I'm getting disappointed and impatient with this dizi. All the excitement I had is going away. Ik they'll kiss next ep and that's amazing (I'm really looking foward to see that. FINALLY! It was abt time!) but he still doesn't know the truth and if he's reacting this way with her cv lie I imagine he'll be a lot more angrier with the marriage lie so this is bothering me a lot. And after this kiss maybe his reaction can be even worse. I don't even wanna think abt it 😬 I feel like the plot has to move from this, even AMI's last ep made a huge development in the story and I don't even need to mention AM, but BO is a little slow with the plot and I'm worried abt its future.
But I loved seeing adbor's moments with Elif this last ep. I missed Ada and Elif's moments. And with Bora together with them they're a lot better. Ada is Elif's aunt already and no one can deny.
I'm worried abt this Meltem thing. I was hoping she was gonna be a one-ep character but she's gonna be in next ep so I'm afraid she'll stay in the dizi. Pls if someone has some info abt that tell me cuz I need to know. I personally don't like when dizis bring some third part to complicate things even more, like they're not complicated enough already. Hope she goes away soon.
Ada Masalı 1x08/9
I think I don't write abt AM for a long time. Idk exactly why I didn't but it's not bc I'm not liking it. On the contrary, I'm LOVING how things are going and the pace they're going. We still didn't come to the 10th ep and the truth is out in the air and Poyraz already forgave her. I couldn't ask for more honestly. And also all the anger, which was smth I was a lot afraid of how it was gonna happen, was well made.I usually hate that moment of any series when I mean, we didn't suffer for 5 eps until Poyraz begin to show signs of forgiveness. That's so SO refreshing! AM is, right now, the dizi I'm most excited to watch week after week.
Abt the new character Batu, like I said before abt BO I don't like when dizis bring a new person just to blow things up with the leads. But I gotta say that I'm not worried abt this Batu. Poyraz has already forgiven her and I think Haziran wants nothin with this guy (unless there's some story idk about). So I don't think he'll be that big of a problem. Maybe he'll be just like Idil, she's harmless. And from what I could see from the promo photos and fragmans of next ep poyhaz is safe. No worries abt it.
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