#but thats just an opinion a systems opinion thanks for watching
latenightfoxhunt · 8 months
I feel like trigun maximum just hit that perfect sweet spot of bad DID representation done right. like yes the classic small system, blackout split, with one of them being the stereotypical crazy murderer but there's more to trimax before and after their introduction thats so important. they took all of the DID villain movie tropes, put them in a dying word + a murder cult, and shouted the same thing they've been shouting at everyone for the past 80 chapters: THEY'RE STILL HUMAN, THEY DESERVE A FUTURE!! the same volume they introduce him in is the same volume they get thrown on their redemption arc, because it wasn't DID that was his problem it was their abuser and the thing he made them do. trimax just hits you over the head with all the themes with one character and they're well written and well loved in the rest of the series. they get a cowboy hat and they both purse the cowboy way! the main take away wasn't that razlo needs to be put in a cage, it was hey this protector is trying his best, he has his own emotions, be kind to him. it was really refreshing to see in media and I didn't expect it to come from this.
im afraid that trigun stampede is going to miss the mark. not in a sense that I think they're going to change the ending, but how the story is building up is different. we haven't been shown several instances of the average joe having to kill for personal gain to survive on no man's land, so it makes livio and razlo feel like an individual crazed threat looming over the horizon. it also leans into the horror of episode 6 and 7 and ends up having a demonizing way of depicting disassociation. when wolfwood is in the cell pleading for him and livios just standing there with his eye mysteriously glowing, it gives me the ick. not that there can't be a narrative where both livios and wolfwoods feelings are being recognized in a meaningful way, its more that there's too much time given to ruminate in wolfwoods pov, that the audience is going to see them as threatening longer duration. manga readers know whats coming but a majority of viewers do not. [I did absolutely enjoyed wolfwood pulling him out of disassociation with smell the smell of smoke and calmly saying wake up old friend, it melted my heart. I also thought it was funny when livio shot himself but thats just me and a whole other tangent lmao]
do I think this is going to be better when the series is finished and everyone has all of the pieces? yes, absolutely. its just that the years inbetween their redemption undos what made trimaxs good
TLDR: trimax makes you feel like a fucking idiot for even doubting for a chapter that they were going to stray from their core theme of "everyone deserves a future" just because these guys are a DID system with blood on their hands. meanwhile tristamp finds its faults in the time it takes to get livio and razlo to their redemption arcs because it paints them to be a looming threat more than 2 dudes in a lot of pain.
other systems in the trigun fandom please tell me your thoughts + we should be friends
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ovrour · 3 months
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summary; y/n is put in the hospital after being drugged at a party. The whole time her bestfriend, Chris is by her side. Both of them knowing that she wasn’t going to make it. Chris admits how he feels for her in their last moment together.
Genre; heavy angst
cw; Mentions of being drugged, rape, and Death.
a/n: im sorry. guys, this shit is so sad like, i almost cried making this. please, if any of this triggers you, feel free to click off. im not offended. and please, if something like this has ever happened to you. please reach out to someone. its always important to talk to someone about it rather than just staying quiet. my dm’s are always open. feel free to reach out to me. im always here. and if this offends anyone in anyway, please message me privately. im glad to take it down if it does. thank you.
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Maybe it was a bad idea to bring you to the Party.
It was a bad idea to bring you to the party. Chris was supposed to protect you. you weren’t supposed to end up here.
not where you would be connected to a bunch of machines with an IV in your arm. Oxygen tube in your nose. you would’ve preferred to be at home with the triplets, watching Shrek. Popcorn and candy, soda on the side.
laughing with your friends, and gossiping about all different types of things. yelling and laughing about different debates and their opinions on them. thats what you wanted. thats what everyone wanted.
they didn’t want to see you like this. connected to so many damn machines. they gave oxygen just so you could fucking breathe.
doctors came in almost every minute of the day, just so they make sure you were okay. it was back to back. nonstop.
making sure there wasn’t anymore drugs in your system.
you never should’ve agreed to go to that damn party chris invited you to. one minute you were fine and drinking. next minute your head was pounding, sweat pouring down your face, and then all of a sudden your passed out on the couch.
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“Guys, have you seen y/n? she was just here.” Chris asked looking at his twin brothers. “no, she said she went to go get a couple drinks for us.” Nick responded.
“how long ago was that?”
“about 10 minutes ago.”
“and you didn’t go to check up on her?”
“no, i didn’t have to. she texted me saying she was on her way back.”
“and she’s not here is she?”
“No, shes not”
“then im going to go look for her. stay here.” Chris stood. He was walking up to where the drinks were and asked a brunette haired girl, if she had seen you.
“Uh, yeah i did. i think she went that way.” she pointed towards the opposite of the room near the restroom. He thanked her and walked towards the bathroom. He knocked. nothing. He knocked again. again, nothing.
He started to panic. his bestfriend was nowhere to be seen. then, he looked towards the left near the couches. there you were, passed out. Some guy on top of you, with his pants pulled down, and yours too.
He was upset, angry that someone had the nerve to take advantage of you in your most vulnerable moments. He stomped his away over there, fists clenched.
“Dude, get the fuck off her! who do you think you are.” Chris shouted. “Bro, why are you bothered? it has nothing to do with you.” The guy laughed. “it hs everything to do with me. Thats my fucking friend your taking advantage of.” Chris pulled him off you, pulling your pants up in the process.
“Alright bru, damn.” the guy walked away.
“y/n?” Chris shook you. and again. and again, and again. When you didn’t wake up or respond he panicked. Called his brothers and told them.
“Cmon chris, we’re gonna help you get here outside.” Matt spoke. they all picked you up to carry you outside. “Nick, call 911! she’s not responding.” Chris said, eyes filling up with tears. “Okay, i will.” Nick responded, hurrying to get his phone.
“you’re going to be okay y/n. i promise.” Chris cried. Holding you in his arms, his tears spilling onto your face as he ran his hand through your hair.
eventually, the ambulance made it. Bringing out a gurney, and laying ontop of it. “look, im gonna ride with y/n. you guys take the car.” Chris walked towards the ambulance. Matt, and Nick heading to car.
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“Do you think she’s gonna be okay?” Nick asked. Tears starting to form in his eyes. matt looked at him.
“yeah. i think she’ll be okay. it’s y/n, shes always okay.”
they both chuckled, hoping they were right. the whole drive to the hospital was silent. how could they have let this happen to their friend. someone who they deeply cared about.
they should’ve just accompanied her. not just sit on their ass.
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“y/n, im so sorry.” he cried, holding your hand as they put you on an oxygen tube. “you should’ve told me. i would’ve went with you to get drinks. otherwise none of this would’ve happened.” He apologized. blaming everything on himself. it was his fault.
“guys, shes barely got a pulse. we need to hurry.” spoke one of the paramedics. Chris’ heart dropped, he couldn’t handle losing you now. not his girl. not the one hes loved since middle school.
“im so fucking sorry y/n. none of this would’ve happened if you could’ve just said no. i never should’ve asked you to come to this damn party, if i knew this was where it was going to end.” He breathed deeply, legs bouncing with anticipation.
“everythings gonna be okay. you’re gonna be okay. how could you not be?”
“youre y/n. youre always okay.”
he felt so guilty. guilty knowing that this happened all because he invited you to some damn party. he would’ve never asked if he knew that this was going to happen. he never would’ve.
Chris would’ve rather stayed home. cuddled up with you by his side, eating all kinds of of junk food together. if you would’ve just asked. you only agreed because you didn’t want to make him feel like he was forcing you to.
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eventually you make it to the hospital, paramedics rushing you in, Chris still standing by your side, even when they asked him to go sit down. which, he did but he was a nervous wreck. waiting to see what doctors had to say.
“anyone here for y/n y/l/n?”
Chris was zoned out thinking too much that he didn’t hear the doctor at first.
“Chris.” Nick spoke. “H-huh?” he hummed, turning to look at Nick. “The doctor.” Matt commented.
Chris turned to see the doctor standing there looking around. “Oh.” He stood. “uh yes, that would be me. is everything okay?” He asked, eyes filling up with tears.
“uh no.”
“w-what happened?”
“we tested y/n for drugs and it came back positive.”
“h-how that doesn’t make sense. y/n doesn’t take drugs.”
“We know. we called her mother, and she confirmed that she doesn’t. she’s on her way here now.”
“then, how did the drugs get in her system?”
“we think she might’ve been drugged.”
“do you know how this could’ve happened?”
“uh yeah, we were at a party. someone must’ve slipped something in her drink.”
“okay, and uh one more thing.”
“what is it?”
“we found traces of semen in her as well.”
“are you saying…”
“yeah, she was raped.”
“oh my god.”
Chris just stood there and thanked him as they both went their separate ways. Both Nick and Matt stood.
“is everything okay?” matt asked. “is she okay?” nick commented. “she was drugged.”
“what thats impossible. she doesn’t do drugs.”
“yeah i know. someone slipped something in her drink.”
“and uh..”
“and what chris?”
“she was raped. someone raped our friend.”
They just stood there in silence not knowing what to say. the tention felt upsetting and they were all so distraught that something like this could happen. how they could let this happen.
they were supposed to protect you. no matter what it was. their promise was to keep you safe. to care for you, to be by your side no matter what.
“boys.” spoke a middle aged woman. it was your mom, her eyes puffy from crying. “ms.l/n”
“how is she? what happened?” she asked now standing infront of them. “she’s not okay. she was drugged and raped.”
Hearing that come out of Chris’ mouth broke her to pieces. her sweet babygirl was used and taken advantage of by some guy. thinking about it made it worse. She just stood there not moving an inch, tears pouring down her face.
All of the triplets just stood there and hugged her. they knew how hard this was going to be for her. I mean, her daughter was still so young, and she was filled with joy and love. all of a sudden, that’s just taken away from you.
“we’re so sorry ms.l/n, this is all our fault.” Nick spoke. “how so?” she questioned. “we invited her to this party that we got invited to. she didn’t have to go. if she would’ve just asked to stay, we would’ve. we would do anything to go back and change that.” Commented Chris.
“oh my god. how could you let this happen? you promised to take care of her!” she shouted, pulling apart from chris. “we did. if we would’ve known this was going to happen, we never would’ve asked.” Matt spoke.
“Im so sorry.” Chris cried. he felt like the guiltiest man in the world. breaking the news to the mother of the love of his life. it hit him hard watching his beautiful bestfriends mother cry.
it was going to be hard for everyone. especially your mom. and he knew that. so, he was going to do what he couldn’t with you. and that was to be by her side all the time.
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when the doctor came out, he informed them that you weren’t going to make it. the drugs had already gone into your bloodstream and there was so much of it that they didnt get it all out in time.
he told them one by one to go see you before it was too late. and thats how chris ended up where he is now. sitting in the chair next to you, holding your hand.
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“im so fucking sorry y/n. this shit is all my fault. all because i invited you to some dumbass party.”
“i was meant to keep you safe. to protect you at all time. to be by your side at all times, no matter what. i couldn’t even keep that promise. i failed you, and your mother. she’s mad at us, and she has every right to be. but i promise, to look after her now that you can’t.” He cried.
“i dont know how i could’ve let this happen. if only they had told me so i could’ve been there with you. then, that man on top of you. i feel like throwing up even talking about it.”
“i just wish i could’ve done more you know?”
“i love you y/n. i always have since middle school. i never told you because i didn’t think you felt the same way even though everyone told you did. i never believed them because i thought you were out of my league. now, i wish i would’ve asked you sooner.” He cried, looking at you with red puffy eyes.
thats when he heard it. the heart monitor going off. he looked up to see it go flat.
doctors flooding in the room, asking him to step out. he could hear all the commotion going on.
they tried over and over again to use an internal defibrillator to shock you back to life. but, it didnt work. nothing did.
“time of death?”
“3:47 am”
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Chris visited your grave everyday after that. he told you all the stories that happened everyday. let you know all the gossip. he told you everything.
“Hey sweet girl. i brought you your favorite flowers.” Chris smiled, placing them ontop of your grave stone.
hibiscus flowers were your favorite. especially pink ones. you told him that once when you went to a flower garden, and ever since then hes kept that in mind. it was his favorite moment you two shared.
they way your green eyes glistened in the morning sunshine, or the way you looked with no makeup on in the sun. skin glowing.
he always thought you were the most lovely, enchanting, and graceful woman ever. never once did he think any different.
you were his bestfriend, his side kick, his everything.
“Soooo…me, nick and chris uploaded a new video today, and someone asked about you. it made me cry but, happy tears. they asked what our favorite memory about you was, and i told them about the flower garden.”
“God, you looked gorgeous that day. the way the sun made you glow. i wanted to kiss you so bad. i just never got the courage to do it.” He chuckled. to him, you looked like aphrodite. there was no one else more beautiful than you to him.
He liked you because you saw him for more than just an influencer on youtube with six million subscribers. You saw him as a person with great personality. and he saw you for someone with a better personality than he had.
you were always so kind, no matter what. it didn’t matter if they did you wrong in anyway, you were always kind. you told always told him, “Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness of people.”
you were a great person and he knew that. even on your bad days when you felt like nothing, you’d always put anyone else before you. you wanted to make them feel loved. and you always did.
“I wish you were still here. Im looking after your mom, and she misses you tons. She cant stand to come and visit your grave, so she picks your favorite flowers, and tells me to being them to you. i promise i pick them too. it never left my mind that hibiscus flowers were your favorite. ever since you told me at the flower garden.”
“I hope your doing great up there. Being kind like always, i hope. I know that you always wanted to get matching tattoos together but, you’re not here anymore. So, i got your name and your birthday tattoed on my forearm. So, did everyone else.” He spoke, tears starting to swell up in his eyes.
“I dont know why im crying, but im hoping its happy tears.” He laughed. “i miss you like crazy. i get nightmares sometimes thinking about that night. how i could’ve prevented all of it from happening. Sometimes, i cant even sleep in my own room knowing that youre gone. so im in yours all the time. i hope you dony mind since i know how tidy you liked it.”
“Nick, Matt, and I go to your favorite restaurant every once a week now. Where we first met in 5th grade. We talk about you all the time. oh, also your mom put an ofrenda in our living room. so we can put all your little trinkets and stuff on it. we even have your graduation picture from four years ago.”
“I dont know what im doing y/n. i miss hearing your voice, i miss coming to you for advice. i feel so alone now. yeah, i have my brothers but you were my bestfriend. the love of my life. my favorite person in existence. now, i dont have one.” Chris cried, letting the tears fall down his face, looking down at his hands while he picked at his nails.
He genuinely didnt know what to do. He was so lost. He wished he had the right words; he just wanted you to know that he missed you like crazy. waking up everyday without you jumping on his bed was hard for him. most of the time he didn’t want to get up. He just wanted to rot in your bed all day. but, he knew that you would want him to live his best life in anyway he could.
It was hard on everyone. but, they were all there for eachother. Holidays were different, birthdays, celebrations, everything was.
“I’m so lost without you.”
He hoped that you were looking down at him proudly, even on his worst days because he was pushing through. He pushed through for you.
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venomhound · 17 days
Hazbin Hotel - Handkerchief Headcanons
The rat in my brain was overclocking on its wheel about the Hazbin guys and their potential handkerchiefs after watching some historical romance. Then I had the existential realization that I am probably the singular cancerous overlap between Hazbin Hotel and actual historical fiction. So I have to do these myself I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(also huge thanks to @heart-of-the-morningstar for beta reading the Lucifer section; I love you boo-boo, MWUAH)
Hyperfixated rant pretending to be a history lesson and headcanons below the cut -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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*gently taps pointer on desk then smashes it against whiteboard*
First off, I need to say I AM NOT talking about the Handkerchief Code. This is a form of LGBTQ+ signaling that many falsely say started in the 1970s (thats just when it first became 'mainstream', its much MUCH older then that).
Handkerchiefs have been used for flirting for literal centuries. There is so much history to them that I cannot possibly hope to cover. The Victorians even had an entire body language system dedicated to them. These are basically just historical highlights or things specifically related to this post.
Alright. So before the 1960s (when handkerchiefs finally went out of style) EVERYONE had one. Disposable tissues weren't even invented until 1924!
Needless to say, pre 1920s, open flirting (especially by a woman) was frowned upon. So handkerchiefs became a main method of doing so.
Im sure yall have seen the infamous 'lady dropping her handkerchief in front of a guy she likes' move in movies or tv. This is because a woman used to not be allowed to talk to a man she was not introduced to first. So by dropping her handkerchief in front of a guy she wants to talk to, this gives the guy an opening to pick up the handkerchief, give it back to her, and introduce himself. Thereby making them acquainted.
Because everyone had a goddamn handkerchief, if a woman is crying, as a man, you would only offer her your own handkerchief if your courting her, her lover, or actually related to her. Otherwise you would just say 'dry your tears' because she got her own stupid handkerchief. If you were none of those things and still gave a woman your handkerchief, WOOF, that was forward of you. You just did the Victorian equivalent of an unsolicited dick pic.
Lovers would often exchange handkerchiefs as tokens. Usually with their names or initials embroidered on the handkerchief. Men would openly wear these, usually tucked into a pocket or hat brim, with the initials showing as a way of bragging about their lady.
Although there are stories of womanizers who would have entire hat brims stuffed with a rainbow of handkerchiefs as a way of bragging about their conquests (and all the broken hearts they left behind).
Friends would also sometimes exchange handkerchiefs but this was really only in specific circumstances and I don't want to get into the weeds on that. Just keep in mind that it CAN be a friendship thing too.
Also for long distance couples (or just general weirdos) it was common for them to send their lovers a handkerchief scented with their perfume/cologne.
Im only telling you this fact because there is a really funny story about Elizabeth the first. She attended a tennis match between two men who were attempting to court her (pun not intended). In the middle of the match, one of the men walked over to Elizabeth, asked for her handkerchief, and used it to wipe the sweat from his face (scenting it). The other man was so offended by this action that he fucking jumped the first guy and a fistfight ensued. When the second guy was asked why he attacked the first, he said the handkerchief wipe was 'too saucy'. I cackle every time I think about this.
ALRIGHT. Now the history lesson is over and you have a general idea of handkerchief flirting. In my unprofessional opinion, the Hazbin guys who carry around handkerchiefs are; Alastor, Sir Pentious, Vox, and Lucifer (technically)
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Lucifer ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
I say technically Lucifer because he has a really bad habit of just forgetting about it or leaving it in random places. Guy will reach in his pocket for it, realize its not there, and be like 'oh no NOT AGAIN'.
He has a stash of them in his room and workshop. He also will carry around like two or three of them when he goes out because he KNOWS he is gonna lose at least one of them.
Lucifer's handkerchief is super fancy. Its made out of pure red silk (he likes the texture), with fancy white lace edges. A giant Morningstar family crest is embroidered in the center in golden thread.
I headcanon that Lucifer has always been a shut in and rarely, if ever, goes out. But when he does, this guy is super gracious with his handkerchiefs (he does carry around several after all!). Like, to the point its an actual problem.
Lucifer will see a girl crying and offer her his handkerchief without a second thought. Goes right over his head that its a little weird to give your handkerchief to a stranger and extremely flirty to give it to someone at all.
Has 100% started fights or accidentally made people fall for him because he didn't realize the message he was sending. I also just generally headcanon that shit like this (Lucifer being a social dumbass) is a big reason he hates Sinners.
An example: from Lucifer's POV, a guy just randomly started attacking him for comforting a lady; when from the guy's POV, Lucifer, the King of Hell, just came onto his guy's wife when she was emotionally vulnerable. But Lucifer being an idiot is another post >.<
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Vox ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Although he was at the tail end of the handkerchief times; Vox still has one personally and sees it as a sign of being a proper gentleman. Or at least he says thats why he has one...
Vox normally keeps it hidden on the inside of his suit jacket though because he doesn't want to deal with random people asking about it or trying to get it. The other two Vees aren't exactly pleasant about it either.
Valentino constantly tries to steal it as a joke, he will 100% start waving it at Vox like a maiden sending their beloved off to war while playing keep away with it (Valentino says stupid shit while doing this too; like "Oh my beloved Vox! You've come to save me from this wretched boredom that has befallen me!"). Of course this is when Valentino isn't using it as a towel to clean up messes of various bodily fluids and nebulous origin that is. (Vox has opted to burn multiple handkerchiefs due to this)
Velvette just thinks its the funniest thing and makes fun of Vox so hard when she sees it. Who carries around handkerchiefs anymore? Isnt that unsanitary? What does a computer need a handkerchief for anyway? Does he sniff it or something? She will not let up.
So yeah, hidden in the pocket it goes. Honestly, Vox will only take it out if you two have become good friends or he has a major crush on you. Otherwise he will just throw a tissuebox at you.
But no matter if you two are platonic or romantic, if you accept his handkerchief and keep it, Vox is guaranteed to stutter and glitch a bit. The fact that you didn't make fun of him and actually want to keep a personalized item from his time just gives him butterflies.
For how flashy the Vees tend to be, your surprised Vox has such a pleasingly monochrome handkerchief. Its a beautiful azure blue with his Voxtech symbol embroidered in the corner in a dark cobalt. Made of pure cotton for optimal handkerchief efficiency because of course it is.
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Sir Pentious ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Highkey one of the first germaphobes. Due to, you know, being alive in the time of plague and all.
Like Lucifer, he has a million handkerchiefs. But in Sir Pentious' case, its because he can't help but be polite and give one to his friends when they are sick or crying... and then burn/destroy them right after if they give it back.
Sir Pentious actually has two sets of handkerchiefs. The main ones are simple handkerchiefs made out of patterned cotton-blend fabric. That way they can be mass produced by the Egg Bois and still look nice. These are the ones he carries several sets of and gives out freely.
Be warned: sometimes the Egg Bois like to put their own names on them for fun. So you may end up with a relatively nice red and black plaid handkerchief with a very poorly embroidered 'STANLY' on it in neon green.
The other handkerchief type is his actual personal one. Its black and yellow striped with Sir Pentious' full name embordered along the bottom in a light gray. With how nice the embroidery is, you figure he must have done it himself.
Like I implied before, Sir Pentious is very protective of his handkerchief and doesn't give it to anyone. He normally just gives them his throwaway ones because he is afraid of germs and getting sick.
One of the first ways Sir Pentious tried to show Cherri Bomb his interest was offering his actual handkerchief to her. It was a super big deal to him. Cherri, not understanding the significance/meaning of the gesture, proceeded to blow her nose in it and give it right back.
Needless to say, the Egg Bois were quick to set fire to it
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Alastor ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Alastor has a handkerchief. But he wont offer it to you. Nope. Not ever. Not as a flirting gesture, not even as a friend. Your not getting it.
There is a reason for this though; its because Alastor technically doesn't carry his own handkerchief. He actually carries around the handkerchief belonging to his late mother.
The handkerchief is practically ancient at this point. The just sheer amount of washing and general use it has gone through has worn nearly all color away from it. Most people falsely believe it to be a classic, white handkerchief. But when the light hits it right you can see hints of the vibrant color it once had.
Alastor's mother's initials are also hand embroidered in the corner. Since Rosie is the only one privy to the actual origin of the handkerchief; usually people falsely assume it to be a token from a lover and a sign that Alastor is already taken.
Alastor actually loves this because it helps ward off unwanted advances. He will totally pull it out and fake wipe his face with it as a subtle way to tell a lady to back off him.
He is super protective of it and delicately hand washes it himself. Alastor wont even let Niffty touch the thing. You get the feeling that it serves as some kind of weird security blanket for the stag.
AN: This took wayyy longer to release then I meant it to because its the first writing thing Ive put on here and Im anxious about it aaahhh. Ive reread it like 12 times and I still guarantee I missed things OH WELL
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 4 months
haiii!!! i really like how much you advocate “uncommon” alterhuman identities!! the passion!! the care!! its all really cool. i appreciate you for that. my friend is a fictionkin (gregory of yardale) and i think thats pretty damn cool. one small problem though. i kind of dont understand alterhuman identities all that well! :( from my understanding, its when people have a spiritual connection with a certain nonhuman thing,, (or sometimes believe they were said thing in their past life),, but ive also seen some people say they think they ARE said thing instead of human. which i dont know if its true. it’d be pretty odd to not believe you were human after…you know, youre literally classified as human and al that jazz. i cant explain it. but at the same time, i dont wanna be judgemental…and theres gotta be some explanation. something deeper. something to destroy the misconception of “odd”, but i cant find it. :(
-🕸️📺 anon
:33 < velopppp !! :oDD im relally tabnkful for that !! honestly, i jusut want a community in whoch peopel dont feel left out !! where people arebt unseen, we are all fair !! thats what drives me iguess :o)) and thank yiu !! <3 also they sound really interesting !! ^_^ and, for the not unnderstanding allterhuman identitues that weel: honestky ? for starters, idont always truly believe youHAVE to understand. as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand. [pt: as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand.]
B33 < youcan be respectful, and kind, but if youdont understand, thats ok !! if youwant to understand, thats great !! if youdo understand, thats awesome !! its fine not to get things, you are not compelled to know everything !! but for starters, you arent wrong !! alterhumanity can derive from spirituality (eg: religion, believing your nonhuman soul was put into a human body, past lives, ectect) but it isnt always !! there are many reasons one would be nonhuman !! (im not speaking on all nonhuman behalves when isay tghis, but) it could be duue to mentally beleiving you are an alterhuman (psychological alletrhyman), being a fictive (taht is a system/plural term for anyone who doesnt know), delusions/mental conditions, (zoanthropy/lycanthropy, trauma, mental illness, ect) or maybe just being taht thing because they are that thing. most people say they "are" that thing because its the best way to describe their alterhumanity for them, like they (probably) know arent physically that being/thing, but saying they are it just makes sense instead of pputtijg the spiritual/psychological/anything else label on it. also, some people might physically believe they arent human because of delusions or mental illness, in which case it is not hest to reality check them. holotheres and physical nonhumans can identify like that because of their mental illness, but they do not have to. (please remember: not all physically nonhuman beings are alterhuman/holoheres/physical nonhumans, and not all holotheres/physical nonhumans have disabilities that impact them being physically nonhuman/have their disabilities impact them being physically nonhuman)
B33 < although on anithher note, ihave seen some news a while back that there used to be predatory activity with people claiming they could physically transform into their 'type, and would give steps on how to "do it" but im not sure if those "watch out" posts were made to harm physical nonhumans/mentally ill beings that identified as not human physically, or if it was true and there were actual adults saying this to minors so please do watch out. with that being said, please note that not every alterhuman experience is the same, if anyone had anything to add, whether personal experiences, thoughts and opinions, or other, feel free to !! thanks !! ^_^
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ovwechoes · 2 months
Games in the Shadows: Sombra (Evil) x Reader (GN)
Thank you for the request anon ! I enjoyed working on this, and I've left it under the cut since it's a bit lengthy. My asks are open, and any opinions/suggestions are welcome c: Themes: blood, physical aggression, SFW/no sexual content, villain AU.
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It was a night just like any other. You were working late for a cybersecurity company that outsourced its workers on a temporary basis. You were fortunate enough to have a 6 month contract with them, but you never realised the extent of their work. You had spent countless nights working late, stuck at your computer and trying to catch up with what was left on your plate from your co-workers. It wasn't something that bothered you though; the silence in the office, the lights of the street across from the windows, the tranquillity you felt in your isolation were enough to justify the long nights. And so you kept working head on, adamant to leave the office by 3am at the most. But the more you worked, the more you realised just how much was left to complete. It was going to be a draining night, and you were unprepared for what was going to come next.
1am finally rolled around; you were left with mental fog, and decided to step away from your setup for a moment and get something to eat. One of the benefits of this company was that all meals were paid for, and you could eat whenever you wanted. You chose a comfort dish to help you energise for the next lap of work you were faced with, and let it cook in the microwave while you scrolled social media. You found yourself doomscrolling news outlets discussing a vigilante raiding online spaces, creating havoc and chaos wherever they explored online, all behind a faceless icon and name. The news were eating their actions up, and you couldn't help but be drawn by the way they discussed them. Their name was S, thats all they left as a calling card. No one could access their information, and the public were left blind as to what was being done to stop them. Recently, S had arranged attacks on airports, rendering their systems useless and grounding any planes that were planning to take off. Aircraft and travel companies lost millions, and they was determined to be behind it. You were somewhat impressed, but knew cyber companies, like yours, were on their hitlist. It was bound to happen, but at least you knew as much as you could about them now.
The microwave clicked, rang it's usual bell to tell you it was finished, and you quickly put your phone away to enjoy this dish. You brought it back to your desk in an effort to not waste more time than was necessary. And as you enjoy yourself, the warm feeling filling your heart and stomach as you ate each bite carefully, that's when you noticed it. A small notification in the right hand corner of your screen; anyone could've missed it, but it seemed to linger on your screen with no ability to close it or see where it came from.
"That looks good, are you enjoying yourself?" The notification said, leaving you confused and dazed. You couldn't find the origin of it, and there was no trace of a hack on you. What was this? Your mind filled itself with ideas as you let your dish slowly get cold. You saw it swiftly disappear, before another took it's place.
"You're a smart one. How about we put that brain to use and play a game? I'll make it worth your while - S". How could it be them? Who was S? You knew companies like yours were bound to be hit, but this soon? Right after you watched those videos? Something didn't feel right, and the impending doom that was filling your chest was only growing as the seconds passed by. Your mind flashed with possibilities, endlessly counting over the ideas of what this 'game' could be. You had no choice but to accept, out of sheer confusion and curiosity. You didn't want to lose everything, and give up in fear of what S may do to retaliate.
You were left with no choice, and you said under your breath "I'll have to won't I? What are you planning?". Your tone was sharp, and filled with embarrassment. There was no one else there with you in the office, and yet you still felt silly speaking to yourself. What would people think if they looked back on the security footage and saw you doing this? It was shameful, but you didn't know how else to tell S that you agreed with their game.
The notification left again, and after a minute or so passed, another took it's place, but this time it was at the centre of your screen. It was much bigger, with the background of the text box being purple now instead of the default theme. "Would you rather keep the lights on or the heating on?" You were confused, what did this mean? It felt like you were being left out of key information, and it was killing you alive. You sat quietly, considering your options. What would cause the least amount of fallout, and what choice could you live with yourself choosing? Everything with S had a deeper meaning, you assumed, and you went with your gut and chose heating. Lights are easily replaced with flashlights and the sun that would rise again in the morning. She couldn't stop them, but you knew heating was one of the biggest needs for humans. You uttered the choice you made, as though you were scared of the outcome. And that's when it happened.
You instantly noticed the lights that danced on your skin through the window across your desk were flickering at first. They were fighting back what was happening to them, and you were left in a terrified state as you watched street lights, home lights, dim lights left around the office all turn off, one after another. A complete blackout. All that was left was your computer. And suddenly, everything felt... hotter. As though the heating was turned up instantly. You could feel sweat pushing itself through your clothes quickly, as you felt you were being boiled alive, cemented to your chair. Your hair was quickly damp, and your breathing laboured. You were felt feeling overwhelmed, sticky, and as though you were suffocating on the humid air surrounding you. Your eyes watered, and you tried to focus as you heard noises across the office.
You darted your gaze around, trying desperately to see what's going on, if someone was there, before a new notification appeared on your computer with a chime this time attached to get your attention. You couldn't think properly, and you wondered whether everyone in the area was going through this too, or just you? You didn't know, but you couldn't focus on that right now, only how to stop this. Your computer was rendered useless the minute you agreed to the game - you couldn't counter the attacks, access internet connection, trace back the breach, or do anything with your mouse and keyboard. Your computer was now just a monitor, being used by S to torture you and subject you to their cruelty. The notification began to repeatedly chime, bringing you back to reality from your imagination and thoughts. You slowly read what the next prompt was, and you were left horrified.
"Would you rather be attacked physically or digitally?" You had an inkling as to what this would mean, as though your intuition was working overtime to predict the possibilities. You knew if you chose digitally, then the attacks would be harsh on the area, and understood what would happen if you chose physically. You had to decide whether to hurt yourself, or everyone around you. It was a decision that weighed heavily on your conscience, and the more the notification chimed, the more overwhelmed you became. You knew what you had to do, and needed to find the strength deep down to accept your fate. All that was left to utter the word 'physical' and you'd meet face to face with your demise.
And so you did exactly that - you let the word fall from your lips, in hopes that your end would be quick and painless. You felt as though God himself wasn't able to help you anymore; your once peaceful isolation was filled with paranoia, fear and anxiety. All you could do was stay frozen in your chair, watching as your computer screen accepted your answer, followed by a new screen that showed S' infamous calling card. A hacker symbol, as though it was her graffiti tag, was placed front and centre of your computer. You were hopeless, and were left stunned as you heard footsteps grow louder, closer. Your heart raced, and your mind panicked at the possibilities of what could be coming. Was it a group? Were they going to shoot you, batter you, abuse you? The uncertainty was killing you, and it made your soul shake within itself.
That's when you heard it clearly, whoever was here was behind you, and you couldn't bring yourself to turn around and face your abuse front and centre. You closed your eyes, and tried to calm the racing heart that was pounding against your ribcage. You felt as though you were going to die from a heart attack or heat stroke before whoever was behind you would get a chance to strike. Maybe that would've been better, you considered. Maybe then you wouldn't have to possibly live with the guilt of your decisions. You felt disgusted with yourself, and before you could linger with that feeling further, you felt a cold, heavy hand grasp your hair. It's fingers laced itself between your hair strands, and it held your head in place with a strength you weren't prepared for.
The hand on your head pulled it back, forcing your eyes to stay tightly shut, too afraid to open and witness what was in front of you. You played in your mind memories from the past, let yourself reminisce one last time before you were met with your choice. You suddenly felt warm air drift across your cheeks, as though someone was breathing right on you. It made you sweat more, slowly realising how close your attacker was; it made your heart sink deeper into your chest, with the anxiety building to a point of no return. You kept your eyes shut, and stayed frozen in place, unable to bring yourself to fight back against them. You were left hopeless, as though you were a rabbit being hunted down by a lone wolf.
"Open your eyes, Chiquillo/a, I can't keep playing with you if you won't even look at me" they said, their voice feminine and yet dominating. You felt as though your mind was being abused by their voice, it rattled inside your skull as though it was poisonous. Their tone was sharp, and assertive, with a hint of playfulness. The grip on your hair was growing stronger, pulling your head further back, before you could feel them press against your cheek. "You're only making things worse for yourself by ignoring me. Either open your eyes, or I will for you." the voice stated, in a much more frustrated tone once they realised how vigilant you were staying with keeping your eyes closed. They enjoyed watching you writhe under their grip, as though they were playing with their food. It was torture, but you knew if you didn't open your eyes it would be much worse. You couldn't handle it anymore, and so you let your eyes slowly widen, taking in the figure that was watching you. Your computer was the only thing letting you see them, with it's glow highlighting only what they wanted you to see.
When you looked at the figure from the corner of your eye, the first thing you noticed was their mask. It covered their eyes, obscuring any features you could see from the apples of their cheeks and up. It reminded you of a masquerade mask, but with cybernetic features. It had glowing LEDs throughout, helping you see just how intricate it's design was. As you continued analysing your newfound enemy, you noticed something else almost instantly. This figure was a woman. You were caught off guard, but it didn't change how terrified you were. Your heart raced as you studied the design of her outfit, her mask, her lips. You were left dumbfounded at the woman that stood there, gripping your hair and standing so close to you that she probably could feel the blood rushing through your veins. Your mind was scattered, and you had no words left to use to defend yourself.
"Good. You know how to follow directions; looks like you're not all that useless." the woman said in a stern way, still holding you close to her as she ushered these words into your ears. You felt vulnerable, and knew this was just the beginning of what she was planning. "You know who I am by now, don't you?" she asked, in a teasing way, as though she enjoyed the mystery surrounding her identity. You shook your head, not able to formulate words to respond to her with. Your mind was blank, and your body was a puppet being used by this woman. You were under her control already, and you couldn't bring yourself to even mutter a word to her. How could she be so powerful? Who was she? "It doesn't matter either way, it's not like you'll live to tell the tale after all. Name's Sombra, nice to finally meet you after our game. I've been watching this company for a while, especially you. You're the only one who's gotten close to finding my breeches, and it's time that you were put down once and for all." Your core shook with anxiety. You were face to face with, presumably, S. How could this happen? How could she know these things? And how could you let this happen? Your mind raced with possibilities, and you couldn't process what was happening fully before she slammed your head against the keyboard. Your mind fluttered in and out of consciousness, with the pounding from your heart now in your head. She enjoyed watching you cry in pain, unable to bring yourself to stop her.
"You're the perfect toy for me to use right now, and I can't wait to watch you crumble. People like you deserve it." her words echoed throughout your mind, as she whispered in your ear with sheer enthusiasm. You were done, and your crime was working tonight. You were left hopeless, out of control, and wanting to escape. But you couldn't. Your body was disconnected from your mind now, and you had no choice but to endure it.
You felt nothing but peace before blacking out. At least you weren't present for what Sombra did to your body, the violence it endured. You were thankful for the fact that your mind was protecting you from the trauma inflicted. You were blacked out, and unconscious until 5am, when you woke to paramedics rushing you out of the building with co-workers surrounding your body in panicked states. You couldn't remember what happened beyond those last words spoken to you, and you wish you could to help the police stop her.
Your office space was declaired a crime scene; blood stained your keyboard and mousepad, your desk was splintered from repeated slams into it, your chair broken and your computer screen was smashed, with one final notification on it. No one could get rid of it, and it stained the screen with light burns. Everyone who read it felt unnerved, and you weren't told what it was until you were interviewed by detectives. Once you found out, your blood boiled. You felt disgusted, as though you were just the start of something more sinister. As you tried to recover in hospital, the final notification replayed over and over in your mind, as though Sombra was saying it to you directly.
"Let this scene be a warning for anyone who tries to stand in my way. The pain your company has caused people will be exposed, and I will be watching the downfall of those undeserving of mercy with a smile on my face. - S"
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lucianalight · 10 months
You say the show characters weren't divided to "good" and "evil" but they are still stripping people and putting collars their necks which personally I find pretty messed up. This is my problem and why I can't bring myself to watch season 2 because everything I end up seeing seems like the TVA is still doing horrible things and not treated with the weight it should. Like, there's torture scene, but it's supposed to be okay because turns out it wasn't really physical? Like thats still torture that crosses the line way past grey in my opinion.
It's these two images for me is why I can't be asked to see any of the TVA as just grey especially it's asked while Loki is still called a villain. He didn't do a fraction as bad as they did.
If what I saw was Mobius owing up to being wrong about believing in the TVA and how his glorious purpose hurt people instead of seeing Loki say he invaded New York because he was mad at Thor and Odin, maybe I wouldn't still mad at the show
The actions are wrong, it doesn't matter who they're against what justification they have for using them. I rather have a story the condemns those actions and finds a better way than one that keeps the system with only a promise that now they'll only target the bad people
What I've been trying to say and said before in my s2 review, is that the narrative is neutral this time. It just shows you the story and leaves you to decide for yourself how you want to judge characters and their actions. That's sth very important for me in a story. I always have an instant knee jerk reaction to any blunt sort of message/framing even if it's a good one. I hate it when I feel like the writer is holding up a sign and telling me "look look it's a bad/good action or you should love/hate this character". No, thank you very much I can think for myself. The writer's feelings towards the characters can also bleed through so you understand when a character is treated by distaste and another with adoration.
These were the most important issues I had with s1. Because it stopped me from doing what I love most, in-universe analysis. Sth the fandom were doing before TR. No one told us, what happened to Loki before Avengers, we were shown clues. No one told us the reasoning behind every sentence of the characters and what they meant. But we analyzed every single action and expression. We put the pieces of puzzle together and built the picture. I was happy doing just that, until with TR the in-universe analysis didn't make sense so we had to look what caused it from out-universe pov.
Now with s2 having that neutrality I want, I don't care what the creators wanted to say as long as the characterization and actions make sense and are consistent with how I see the canon material. That's why Loki's line about New York didn't make me angry.
That hatred and dismissal toward Loki we felt in TR, IW and S1 is also gone. So having that irritating narrative of s1 out of the way and a better writing, the characters look grey to me. Which means like any other human they do bad things and good things. I didn't got the feeling that any of wrong actions are framed as sth good. Not putting collar on people(they were actually uncomfortable), not the torture scene(which I hated as I explained in my review) and not what TVA was doing all this time. In fact one of the few instances of framing in the narrative is that their atrocities were acknowledged.
The promotions of S2 were terrible though. I have no idea what they were thinking. None of the trailers were interesting and who would buy TVA merch? They're not even aesthetically beautiful and why would anyone want one of those creepy posters anyway? Although that's what happens when you sideline your main character in s1 and then you have nothing except creepy totalitarian merch for promotion smh. So yeah I get what you mean.
The ending also wasn't like now they're targeting the bad guys. It was shown that they won't interfere with what happens in timelines unless one of HWR's variants start a war and their intervention was needed. I haven't watched ant-man 3 but I assume they were referring to it when they said one of his variants made trouble but it was handled and their intervention wasn't needed. So they just intervene when the people of a timeline can't handle sth themselves. I also got the impression that they were changing their whole system to sth new.
In the end I hope it's been clear that by posting about the series, I'm not insisting, encouraging or recommending others to watch it. Because I know what Loki means to us. And Because I've seen many of my mutuals didn't like s2. Some did. S1 still makes me as angry as the first time I watched it but I liked s2(that doesn't mean I won't criticize it though). No two people are ever gonna agree with each other on everything. So it's ultimately a choice everyone need to make themselves.
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welcometocapitalism · 8 months
im worried that my previous ask is way too aggressive and might make you feel defensive and thats not helpful at all so i just want to explain that im so angry because it breaks my heart to see other people being violently harassed into submission just for saying something that isnt a popular opinion. you are quite literally being gaslit by a bunch of strangers who desperately dont want to have to think that hard about the material consequences of their own behaviors.
they are simplifying the issue in order to make you look unreasonable so that they can completely dismiss your opinion while giving you no way to defend yourself without making yourself look worse. its manipulative and coercive and vile. they have tricked you into condemning your own behavior and reinforcing that self doubt that THEY planted in you in the first place.
they are convincing you that you have to police yourself otherwise they will do it for you and they arent going to be nice about it.
they intentionally misunderstood what you were saying so that they could ignore the point you were making and thus avoid taking responsibility for their personal role in our capitalist society.
they are operating on this us vs them mindset of "good people" vs "bad people" and they think that they are a "good person" and that you are trying to maliciously assert that theyre actually a "bad person." its fascist behavior. they dont want to acknowledge their place in the web of life because then they have to be more careful about how they act and they simply do not want to. they think its their god given right to not have to do anything thats difficult and reflecting on how you are influenced by the oppressive systems you live in is not just difficult but uncomfortable!
you are forcing people to confront some very very uncomfortable truths about themselves and they are reacting the only way they know how: by lashing out at the people around them.
it is a reflection on THEM not YOU. their reaction doesnt say anything about you or the opinion you stated and everything about the experiences and expectations and knowledge that inform the way they think about the world around them.
i just dont feel comfortable standing by and watching this happen to someone else. so i dont know what it means to you but, i completely agree with your original point and i am more than happy to defend it if you dont feel comfortable doing so. i know how scary it can be to face down a mob of people who you know might turn to violence if you dont comply and i know most people dont find it as easy to take harassment as i do. i am more than willing to fight the fight if you cant.
idk just. be kinder to yourself. you cant let these people get to you. i knows it so fucking hard. its so so fucking hard. but you dont have to do it alone.
i hope youre okay.
hey fren, I've seen it all but I'm sorry I'm not gonna respond to all that, I'm very thankful for your kind thoughts and words but it's kinda a bit much 😅
just know we're on the very same track about the whole thing. It's absolutely hilarious what some people wrote to me about an already reworded opinion on pillows, and i can genuinely just laugh about that
this entire thread turned so badly into satire with so many layers that it could almost be considered an artistic expression. after all, this is the internet, which was kinda the original ordeal of the post, and I took it and made it 1000% funnier by writing too quickly and then people came and made it 10000% funnier by becoming embarrassingly entrenched in some random ass online discourse
I like to half jokingly call this kind of behavior 'internet sickness', since as you also noted you can find this kind of behavior all over the internet. people see an entire universe full of people that seemingly get the attention they don't, but humans are fueled with attention, so sometimes you see someone do literally anything for that tiny tad of attention, even if they don't mean it. this may sound familiar from the way I word my posts sometimes, because as I made clear as day, I'm not better than that sometimes.
Admittedly, I also suppose not all of the angry asks and comments would have been so hostile if tumblr would show late reposts with their comments on an original post more clearly, which isn't so easy. This is why I pinned yet another polarizing post about it with a comment about the situation 🤭 some people would rather click to start another shitstorm than click to find out there's no reason for them to freak out. But often in the internet people don't freak out of hostility, but because they realize (but refuse to accept) they identify with something about the cause in some way, so that would be a positive thing I suppose. It's up to each of us individually to grow from that.
i don't get hard feelings about these people, and genuinely as a former Twitter user I'm kinda used to it. it's just an annoyance at some point, but I suppose it's also the attention I was looking for 💁
After all, I get to post this lyrical masterpiece once more in a well fitting context
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electraslight · 2 years
Opinions on the omniverse aliens? I personally really like Pesky dust, but I've seen a lot of people give the new aliens hate.
hi anon!!
i dislike a lot of omniverse aliens (mostly bens aliens) for a couple reasons, but mostly that ugly fucking shade of green and how the omnitrix almost NEVER has a creative placement and is always like. a belt. or a badge. but mostly the green thing. i dont care where bens clothes go when he transforms, the green is unnescessary a lot of the time and just ruins the cohesiveness/color of the character!!! the only ones i feel look good, like bloxx and feedback's flashback design, only look good to me bc they dont have that shade of green. but i do like how some aliens look, im not totally a hater XD
I also dislike how over the years the secondary sex characteristics in aliens have been getting more and more human, and not even human human, more like comic book ideals of what men and women should look like, which is ok, its a superhero show, but its ALIENS. aliens dont have to have the same sex characteristics as humans, and i feel like its a lot more interesting if they dont!!! tetramind women (or at least tini) being bigger than tetramind men, necrofriggians being comepletely asexual beings and just choosing to perform gender on a completely personality based system, thats cool to me, makes them feel more alien. none of the non mamal ladies need boobs, soem of them dont even need lips! be creative and find different ways to differentiate sexes if you're so set on having them.
and to what u said about pesky dust i actually love him as a concept!!! a lot of bens aliens lapse into Big Humanoid Muscleman and its good to see something shake it up, even if just for a joke. i think ben needs more aliens he dislikes/ feels are useless, it really makes things interesting when he gets stuck with them and has to adapt to using them. bens strength lies in his capability to adapt to situations on a whim and i think aliens liek pesky dust really help make things more intersting to watch, i wish they did more with him. BUT i also hate the green on him it looks weird :/
anyway thanks for the question it was fun to answer!! i have more thoughts, tons more, but i dont want to bore you. have a nice day anon, take care of yourself :)))
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
The Generation of Miracles (including Tetsu) for the character opinion bingo please ^_^
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First TLDR: I fucking love all of them. I'm less severely mentally ill about it, but I was EXTREMELY imprinted and mentally ill over Kuroko no Basket specifically Akashi to the point of literally having a mini-shrine three years ago and me + my fiance having "emergency Akashi content" on our phones to help calm me down from meltdowns since it was a reliable way to bring me back from flashbacks, panic attacks, and OCD spirals. LITERALLY was an essential tool in my coping hand bag until like two years ago. Still very shocked we didn't introject anyone from that anime, but I'm pretty sure thats cause we have too many similar personality types already
Also this was like my favorite anime for years (watched it originally so I could make fun of it but ended up REALLY liking it) and now competes with Banana Fish for that title.
So like, thank you for asking this, I was HOPING someone would give me an excuse to share all my blorbos
Kise: sdalfkjlajfdl mood man major mood man also I love the fuck out of him, probably the most similar character to me as a part save for the fact Akashi is a general system mood, but me as a part? Im a Kise personality type
Aomine: Dude I love this man, so cool great papa bear, love him perfect human I love him
Midorima: I love this man, he is big OCD mood, big glasses boy, really cool 10/10 perfect character I love him so much he deserves the world
Murasakibara: My LEAST favorite of the GOM but honestly just as pinchable as everyone else. Hes a good boy who likes sweets
Akashi: Literally saved this body's life like 4000 times in mid highschool to mid college and I literally had a period of worshipping him as a coping mechanism so....... Not perfect DID representation, not even necessarily great, but it is better than most and a lot of things hit HARD home; plus I loved watching him dissociate the fuck out in the middle of a game in the Last Game movie and in the final game of S3 huge fucking mood man. ((I also literally have or at least had every one of his lines memorized in english and japanese to the rhythm and cadence cause I had an issue)) ((Also Ill let you know some of our trauma by the fact we looked at that and went OOF MOOD iykyk))
TLDR: I love all these men
Also Orange is if it applies to another alter but not me specifically. Please do note that all these character did not get enough screen time and that none of them did anything wrong in their life, but most of them weren't bullied enough. /j
Also also, I literally studied their art style for a while too when learning to draw as one of them
Also also also, thank you for hitting one of the top bingos
Tetsuya Kuroko
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Ryouta Kise
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Daiki Aomine
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Shintaro Midorima
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Atsushi Murasakibara
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Seijuro Akashi
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Aaaaa glad to see the inbox is open again! >w< How are you feeling?
I think you’ll be happy to know that I turned in my 4000 essay draft 😩🤧 I’m not too entirely confident about the second half, but the first half? 👌 Kind of a banger, if I do say so myself-
But!! While I’m here, I had the most wack dream and I need to tell you about it—
For some reason, I dreamed about Azul and Loop!Reader in Minecraft?? [My brain rot is so intense I'm having dreams about them,, 🧍‍♂️ What have I become /j] To emphasize, they weren’t playing Minecraft, they were in Minecraft. They were straight up part of the world. I was also there, but at the same time, I wasn’t? I was watching things like I was in Spectator Mode- Azul was trying to handle redstone as Loop!Reader manhandled a Spider while screaming- But the two of them were mostly just farmers that lived off their land!
I remember Azul talking about onions for some reason?? Onions don’t exist in Minecraft?? It was honestly a little funny watching them go around getting used to the world- He was also haggling with a Villager as the two were shopping—
Azul: How much for this cabbage? [Cabbages don’t exist in Minecraft either,, Idk where he keeps getting these vegetables from—]
Villager: Hmm
Azul: Two emeralds for this? Sir, with all due respect, this is already rotting. *one end of the cabbage head has like,, just a little bit of black rot* *a pinch, perhaps* *it's really not that much*
Villager: Hmm
Azul: Well, there’s no need for that kind of language.
Loop!Reader in the back: 🧍
Me, watching this transaction: 🧍‍♂️
And I kid you not, literally the second half of the dream, they were both now in Stardew Valley 🧍‍♂️ They both got isekai’d twice in my dream- One second, I was starting to accept the weird things I was seeing and the next, they were in a different game entirely. One that I’ve never even played 🚶‍♂️
The second half was a bit more wholesome in my opinion?? Like in Minecraft, the two of them were farmers living together, and they had a sort of system. Loop!Reader did the physical work while Azul handled finances and trade of their crops. All of the animals on their farm have names Loop!Reader gave them-
Loop!Reader: :D I’m gonna name her Goose!
Azul: You’re… naming the cow ‘Goose?’
Loop!Reader: >:D Yeah.
Azul: 🧍 …Okay.
At the end of the dream, Azul and Loop!Reader were looking off into the ocean at the top of a breezy, grassy hill. It was actually pretty nice to see! The two of them were relaxing a little after so much hard work… And then my alarm clock woke me up 🥲😔
I honestly don’t know why my dream brain decided to make Azul and Loop!Reader have a farmer saga? But I’m not complaining- If I have another dream like this, it better be about Ace, Deuce, Grim and Loop!Reader being ghost hunters /j /lh
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
im doing well, thank you!!! ^^ im glad you finished up your work!!!! thats very imrpoatnt!!!! and im sure you did fine <3
AZUL HAGGLING IS SO REAL HE WOULD??? very business of him. get the most efficient price ^^ and ofc azulw oudl do redstone.,., as far as im concerned redstone IS magic and hes a genius SO YK HES GOT IT
HAGSDFHA I LOVE STARDEW,..,,.,.,. me nd azul would be TERRIBLE together because i immediately try to grind for money and he'd be the same way,..,., but yk maybe tahts a goodd way to bond because i could give him all the money secrets and he could fall in love with my monetary rizz
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tf ask
7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29, 33 aand 40
feel free to skip some!! because this is a lot!!! but i would love to hear your answers on any of these <3
7. Favorite show(s)
I haven't had the time to watch all of them yet, but I think G1 is currently my favorite show! Its whacky, its got that 80s charm, its got mistakes that make me go wild. Its got basketballin' 0ptimus. Its got everything.
8. Favorite comic series
Shattered Glass. Idw Shattered Glass. GOD that was so fun. It was dark, it was heart breaking, AUGH. Absolutely GUTTED we don't get any more of it. It was such a cool concept to play with!
12. Least favorite ship(s)
THATS A CAN OF WORMS. UHM... I have many least favorites LOL I'll shoot honorable mentions to Dr1ftr0d, M3gast4r, W1ndscre4m. I got those blacklisted LMAO (yes I'm using numbers in the names, idk how tumblr works its tags anymore and I'm not that kinda person to let my 'ew' get into their 'yay!' )
14. Least favorite Autobot(s)
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PR0WL. I'm sure he's fantastic in G1 and other shows but oh my god you can't get me to give a hoot about Idw Prowll.
16. Least favorite show(s)
A big big big unpopular can of worms opinion. T f a. I watched one episode and noped out there. I couldn't do more..
17. Least favorite comic series
There was one single comic run in the Idw 0ptimus series that had ninja G i J0e and I just.. Not a fan. But I don't think I have any that I strictly dislike. Just.. g i j0es.
23. Favorite underrated character(s)
I feel like this fandom doesn't let any characters go underrated. But I'll still say Pharma. He's so interesting and the fact that we know next to nothing about him except for like.. a few panels and then some? MHM. LOVE. Obessed you could even say. Thats my babygirl!!
24. Favorite class/group(s) (i.e. Seekers, Scavengers, Constructicons, Aerialbots, DJD, etc)
This one is hard... SO HARD. I love Seekers, I love the Scavengers and holy SHIT I love the DJD. I have a Kaon figure and it is my beloved.. Like.. Seekers are a fun group to roll around in my hands. Whats their deal? Why 3 of them? I like all the answers I get in the fandom. The Scavengers are silly little guys, just goofy dudes. I'd hang with them all day every day. Sublime guys. DJD are just cruel and evil and violent and pure horror. I love the dark side of things, and getting that REALLY dark stuff mixed in with the fun stuff? Its great and pretty horrifying and I love it.
29. A bot you could consider a mortal enemy
Megan..... *side eyes*
33. What your alt mode would be if you were a Cybertronian
To be honest... just based on how much I crave freedom and not feeling caged? A jet. Not a big one, a tiny little jet. Just a little guuy.
40. What would you do if the Autobots landed on Earth right now and asked for your help
They can have anything and everything they need as long as they promise to take me with them. GET ME OFF THIS HELL PLANET. I'll settle for in depth history lessons and culture lessons about Cybertron though if I was forced to stay though.
Thanks friend!!! :D <3
If this shows up in any tags, I'm so sorry, I don't understand the tagging system but I tried!
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georgewfmpyear2 · 2 years
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One of the areas I think my game is falling behind at the moment is the lack of engaging gameplay loop which I think is important in order to help invest the player into the micro stories their being told by the characters. I have a few ideas on how to fix this problem myself but I decided it was a probably also a good idea to look at ways other games create engaging loops without becoming too complex.
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left 4 dead, mechanically is very simple, you can walk, you can shoot, there are zombies you shoot the zombies and they make it fun in 2 ways. The first is the the zombies falling apart as you hit them which is an example of game juice and entirety visual but the more important way is the AI director which controls the entire flow of a level, deciding when to spawn enemies, when to remove enemies, when to place healing items, when to spawn bosses and lots of other little things based around watching the players stress level in order to make sure the pace of the level is perfect which is where the replaybility of left 4 dead comes from. I think including an AI director in my game would work quite well since the game is meant to be made up of individual, tightly paced, set piece focused stories and having a director to keep the player engaged in this way could help me maintain the immersion as well as being the perfect fit for my intention to make the spells in my game highly situational and based around enemy designs which is something I could get an AI director to work with. The main problem with this idea is how do I create something that can manage all these moving pieces and make sure that its always doing the right thing so its something I could try and my decision to implement it or not could be based on a simple prototype version of it.
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Some games like hyrule warriors make the player feel powerful through sending high enemy counts their way for them to cleave through with ease. Something like this could work for the bigger moments in my game but I want a good balance between loud over the top set piece moments like this and quieter moments for the player to take in the sites and I don't think I can keep player immersion jumping between hordes of enemies and those quieter moments. It would also make the hordes of enemies seem like a lazy choice to hide the real lack of depth which in the case of my game is essentially what it would be.
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Resident Evil 4 is in my opinion endless re-playable thanks to its almost pitch perfect gameplay loop which has several systems to keep it perfectly paced at all times like a difficulty manager similar to left 4 dead director but thats not the main reason I want to talk about it. Resident evil 4 is a survival horror game which means ammo and resources are limited so the player is gonna have a lot of difficulty trying to just gun their way through situations. In order to not get overwhelmed and also save on resources the player has to make use of different contextual actions after stunning enemies like kicking, suplexing and various other cool moves in order to not get overwhelmed by crowds and create space. Forcing the player to constantly by switching between using their actually weapons and spacing themselves using this contextual actions is what creates the engaging loop in resident evil 4 and I think a similar system could work in my game, especially with the emphasis on hyper specific enemy design which I could tie contextual actions too. it would also work in the resource management sense since I could use those contextual actions as a way for the player to regain MP, and give the player a low max MP in order to force them to use it.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
AAHHH you're latest svsss au has me hooked! what's going on sqh's end? what're they saying in cang qiong? what happens when sqh and sy meet and how does sj react? this is a lot of questions, sorry, but it's just the flavor of sj angst and spite i love. btw, make sure to take care of yourself and have a lovely new year! <3<3<3
Thank you so much! I'm quietly quite fond of this au actually haha, I love the idea of SJ getting to try again - he doesn't give his loyalty away by halves. Never apologise for questions! I love them!
Cang Qiong is kinda. Fucked, but in that weird, deep, buried way that you notice as a faint tension thats going to explode one day and possibly bring the mountain down on them. But no one says anything. They just stew. Factions form.
what's going on sqh's end?
Shang Qinghua's system imploded when Shen Jiu was pushed into the abyss, citing a 'fatal plot deviation', proclaiming he'd be returned to his original world. And then he didn't go anywhere. He was a brief mental breakdown when he realises that, to some extent, this is his original world.
what're they saying in cang qiong?
Yue Qingyuan never forgives Liu Qingge, but also never calls him out on it. Liu Qingge is convinced he was in the right and that Shen Jiu was a traitorous coward. Shang Qinghua (a transmigrator) knows he wasn't. Qi Qingqi didn't like Shen Jiu anyway, but she also doesn't like Liu Qingge all that much, and rather trusts Yue Qingyuan. Mu Qingfan is of the opinion that Liu Qingge murdered one of their martial siblings and they are letting him get away with it. The rest of them either fall into line with MQF or LQG, or they try to pretend it never happened.
what happens when sqh and sy meet and how does sj react?
So, SQH is still spying for Mobei-jun because he's a simp and also if he didn't MBJ's uncle would probably just murder the guy, which, is pretty terrible. MBJ is allied with Tianlang-jun against said uncle, meaning its not super uncommon for poor SQH to have to face The Strongest Person in his whole book which takes years off his life every time.
The first time he ran into SJ he almost cried out of stress, then almost cried out of sadness when SJ clenched his hand so hard he broke his fan, turned on his heel and stalked out of the room. (They have talked it out to the extent SJ is capable of talking about his emotions without committing a murder, and they are almost friends at this point).
Then he shows up one day and SJ has??? A baby??? Ok the kid is probably like 8 or something, but thats a whole ass child. A mini Shen Jiu, fan and all. Also very conspicuously human. "Oh, fuck your mother." "... Airplane?" Shen Jiu watches in a 20/80 mix of confusion and parental pride as his new Not Son drags a grown peak lord out of the room by his ear as said peak lord pleads for his life.
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heliosoll · 2 years
[ ... ]
I'm fascinated with some of his answers! What does he think of atheists/agnostics, science,other religions like Judaism, Buddhism,Hinduism or people who are condemned by some of the Christians like homosexuals, trans, etc.(It's okay if he chooses not to answer). About his interventions, can't he just manifest the desired outcome since his God? Also, what does he think of Neville's teachings? Or loa in general since it has also roots in other scriptures I think. And are there any quarrels or skirmishes among cosmic beings? How do they resolve it? The Panoptican theory is definitely interesting. And does he think there is someone else watching over them(him and other eternal beings)? I'm also currently contemplating whether him or all this is just a conjuration on your part and mine. I also recommend watching the egg by kurzgesagt. And I'm going to hell fr lol. Anyway, convey my regards to him and I wish the both of you well:).( I also thank him for his lovely words. I'll be taking care of myself and I hope both of you do the same.💗)
"Does he ever attempt to communicate with other higher beings" , paraphrased but you get what I meant
He doesnt force anyone to believe him. He thinks that there might be a higher power who made him cause when he basically became aware of his existence, there were already some beings who already knew of their existence, so he cant cross that out with complete confidence. He personally believes the idea that every religion and every belief system is partially correct. "If I had a creator, I would give half truths but not lies and when you piece them all together, you will have learned the secrets of the universe", which basically means all the religions and belief system have parts that are correct and if you find all of them, you'd figure it out.
He has this blanket rule for all humans. "If they don't harm anybody as a collective then there is nothing wrong with an individual being part of said collective", basically if they as individuals do not harm others as that identity then he has no problems with them. It's basically I dont care if youre this or that because I'd love you either way unless you hurt people ,, he draws the line there. He doesnt completely understand the condemnation of some of them. Some of them he did say but doesnt stand by those statements today; some he said but was severely misinterpreted (for the gays: he said dont sleep with kids and that is it), and some he didnt say at all. it usually came from people who believed their thoughts and their opinions were that of gods and wrote or rewrote the book
He has a thing against influencing people beyond free will. He'll nudge you in the direction he wants you to go but if you go or not depends on you. Plus the two major interventions I said last time, he directly intervened during that time and it originally had the desired effect until certain things. He did them so humanity itself could restart on all they've done but it hasn't worked because humans stay human. He doesnt want to manifest things get better, he wants to see if it ever does. It's basically his own test on humanity
He's fine with his teachings but thats about it. He doesnt have an opinion on it basically. "What else is there supposed to say?", is all he said after saying his teachings were fine. He finds loa interesting since all Gods and higher beings use it on a technical standpoint. It interests him more than anything. He wont try stopping it or helping it, unless deity-work is involved. He said divine timing doesn't exist anyway
"If there were.. or are fights between them, I would not know. Some of them do try to talk to us but I think it's like.. awkward uhhhh... co-workers? That's the closest thing I could find that embodies what I mean. There are some disagreements occasionally between what someone wants and what someone else wants and they have to resolve that privately. Sometimes their resolution affects humans. I wouldn't know, I don't interact with a lot of them. Our relationships are hard to explain"
Oh- yeah the Egg by kurzgesgast is actually very accurate to what he was saying, we just watched it. Well except the you're everyone. Everyone is simply a vessel for consciousness and so while you can shift as them, the vessels stay separate. You can be everyone but you're not everyone in one place basically
He doesnt communicate more than he needs to. He says its awkward but doesnt want to explain past that. He can but he doesn't communicate with them all that much and most of them don't try it either
Thank you for answering again! And sorry for posting late 😅 Your ask got kinda buried under a bunch of other stuff. I hope the other anon sees this!
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kaz11283 · 3 years
“Shh. He’s forming an artistic opinion” from the prompt list sounds fun!
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Characters: Loki, you, avengers, Thor
(All relations are platonic)
Warning: None, slight swearing
Summary: Bored with nothing to do you decide to go bother your favorite Asguardian who just wants some peace and quite.
Loki Masterlist
Shhhh, Hes Forming an Artistic Opinion
You had been laying in your room, scrolling through Tictok, YouTube, and Facebook. Yhere was nothing to do, absolutly nothing, it was as if the bad guys had decided to take off for the summer. Everyone was getting restless around the compound. You could do anything you wanted from watch a movie in the theater room yo throw things at moving targets but you had already done all of that multiple times.
"JARVIS," you called from youe bed.
"Yes ma'am?" Even the AI system sounded bored.
"Is there possibly anything going on somewhere in the place?"
"Thor and Steve are training, Nat, Clint, and Bucky are watching a movie, and Tony is trying to get Bruce to turn into the Hulk. I would advise staying away from the lab though Miss y/n. And Loki is sitting in the living room."
"Ah yes, my favorite god to screw with. Thank you JARVIS." You said swinging your legs from the bed and padding out your door.
Down in the living room Loki was sitting with his legs propped on the table reading a book you couldn't pronounce. When you sat down he looked over at you.
"May I help you?" He asked coolly closing the book but keeping his finger bookmarking his spot.
"Whatcha reading Mischief?" You aaked crossing your legs under you.
"A book, although I doubt you would know what that is." He saod flatly, ok so you didnt have the best relationship with the god but you couldnt help that you were sometimes better at pranking the god than anyone ever has been.
"Thats not fair, I went to school, college even. I have a higher GPA than most of the people in here besides Bruce and Tony, give a girl a break." You rolled your eyes.
"Ok, fine, I'm reading the history of Asguard, of course not the recent history, but before my time." He proped the book back open.
"Lame. You wanna go train?"
"Watch a movie?"
"Nope." He popped the p.
"Go to the mall?"
"Thats a definite no." He turned the page. "Isn't there someone else that you could possibly bother."
"Oh come on, you know your my favorite to bother." You laughed.
"Fine, sit here."
"Fine, I will. You know your a real spoil sport. Your not making this fun at all." You fell back aginst the couch with a huff.
"Darling your the one that came to bother me. You should be greatful that I'm letting you sot here."
"Ha, as if. Your just mad because I can one up you unlike anyone else has." You laughed nudging his shoulder.
"Whatever you want to believe."
"I have and you even know it." You grined.
"Those where adolescent tricks. None that I would be proud to admit we're mine. I can easily get you back I just choose not to."
"You have tried, you have also failed. You forget I was raised with two horrible older brothers, i know where to look and how to know somethings been messed with." You wink at him.
"I have yet to even think about paying you back." He then closed the book and sat it on the table looking at you now.
"You've tried. The Nair in the shampoo, I smelled it before I even lathered it; spider hanging from my closet, come on I fight bad guys for a living; itching powder in my underwear, that was close but you left some of the powder on top of the drawer you really need to clean up aftet your self; and lets not forget about the dye in the conditioner, I really liked bekng a red head but Nat is the only one that can pull it off." You shrugged. He stared at you trying to figure you out when Thor and Steve walked in.
"Ah Lady y/n, I just beat the cap in a sparring match would you like to join me next?" Thor smiled at you.
"Whats Loki staring at?" Steve asked.
"Shhhh, hes trying to form an artistic opinion on how I keep figuring out his tricks." You laughed.
Loki rolled his eyes looking at you. "The only thing I can conclude my dear midguardian is that we should join together and team up."
"Hey! I actually like that idea. I need a few new tricks up my sleeve." Thor and Steve groaned from across the room. "Alright you figure out sime stuff, I'm gonna go train with Thor for a bit. We'll meet back here after lunch."
He smiled that trickster smile at you. "That sounds like a wonderful idea darling."
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I appreciate your blog and a little concerned that anons think it’s ok to ask you about your girlfriend and call you obsessed with Kristie.
I also wanted to say that no I do not think Kristie has had her best season but it’s not for lack of trying. She isn’t out of form. Look at how she plays with the national team. When she has other players that can execute around her and systems that work for the players on the team, she does well. Gotham has had a rough year. Their coach was horrible and the FO kept him way to long for a change to really make a difference. Menzies was handed a team so beaten down that he is just trying to build them back up into looking like a football team again and he is doing well at that. Secondly, Gotham lost Lloyd, Long, Sheridan, Haracic, and some international loans and only replaced them with Kristie, krieger, Ashlyn, Betos and some draftees. Krieger has been great but Betos and Ashlyn are not on Sheridan’s level. They needed to strengthen the back line more knowing that they lost the best goalkeeper in the league. Losing lloyd and Allie Long was a big hit to the offense. With Allie long holding down the 6, Kristie could have came in and filled the void for Lloyd at the 10 but she couldn’t make up for both Long and Lloyd at the same time. Without long, the team has spent all season trying to figure out how to put together their midfield. They just did not bring in enough talent to make up for what they lost. On top of all that, 2 of their forwards went from being in the golden boot race last season to not being able to score this season at all. I have no words for that. It’s painful to watch. Lastly, Gotham has had some atrocious luck this season. I know you are supposed to make your own luck and what not but I feel like every other team gets a break every now and then and Gotham just gets shit on. The crossbar game, Ify’s no call goal, the own goals, and the list goes on. I don’t know what my point is besides I hope the FO does something this off season and I’m proud of the team for fighting til the last second, Kristie included.
First I appreciate that you appreciate my blog. I appreciate you also. And yes it is not ok to ask about my personal life or to say that I'm obsessed with Kristie. Thats not the first time I've been asked that and I probably should have ignored it again.
Also thanks for your opinion on Kristie and Gotham. You make so many good points and let's just hope the future is brighter for both Kristie and Gotham. I do still want her and them to succeed even though I don't say that often.
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