#but the next one i was coasting with this mentality of 'oh i bet i can beat this it doesn't seem so hard'
vivanightcity · 25 days
stopped playing for the night, otherwise i know myself and it'll be getting light and i'd be realizing oh fuck i stayed up playing all night
but im still all !!! about reaching a good chunk into Elysium in my 6th ever run
only die to those bomb throwing miniboss pricks in tartarus so quickly like an absolute chump the next time xD
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kariachi · 11 months
Some quick Pern AU fic. Devin, his dragon, their love of children.
Werlanth’s wants to know where we are, I’ve told him it’s not his business. D’vin blinked.
“One moment,” he requested from the children gathered in front of him- the ones old enough to be ‘too cool’ or ‘mature’ to mob Fireth- raising a hang for their quiet. Dearest.
You know Werlanth’s. He’d whine at us about not being productive with our off time, which I’d have to relay to you, and that would annoy Werlanth which I also have to put up with. Not happening. We are staying here, peacefully, with the holdbrats.
He couldn’t truly blame him, he supposed. K’cyr was a various serious man who held tight to tradition, a personality that clashed horribly with D’vin’s own, and their dragons often got caught in the middle. Especially on days like this, when they went off to visit the children and lovers D’vin had scattered across Pern. Though he loved his own children and spoke of them often, their wingleader maintained the emotional distance common among riders. There were only so many hours in a day, especially now with the next Pass closing in, and children needed a lot of work, a lot of attention, that one didn’t necessarily have to spare if they wanted to maintain their own safety and the safety of Pern.
He and Fireth had long ago decided they were there to love not live, and so bent their schedule into knots and damn near mastered Timing It to spend time with loved ones as often as possible.
It was the cause of many an argument.
Don’t let Idoya hear you call them that.
They love it.
She won’t. Amusement came through from Fireth’s end of their bond.
Your taste in mates, Mine… D’vin smirked, ignoring the way the children snickered, and sent back images of Fireth’s favorite greens. He got no immediate response from the blue, but turned in time to watch him drop a wing over a laughing handful of children, including their Kalya, and snap his teeth in the vicinity of their Menya. Her laugh was audible even from partway across the field as she leaned forward to fearlessly drape herself over his snout. Fireth couldn’t manage to hide the fondness in his response. Remember, I have your daughters.
I have more. He couldn’t help a laugh of his own as Fireth gave the mental equivalent of a swat upside the head and turned his focus back on the cothold’s children. In his chest he felt a yearning to be over there joining in, but he shook it off. Once they and Fireth had worn themselves out and they’d gotten their afternoon nap in, all their friends had been called in by their own families, he would have the whole rest of the day to focus on them alone. For now, let them be caught up in the excitement of their fellows. If nothing else, all this would help ensure nobody got especially jealous of them.
“Alright,” he said with a shake of his head as he turned back to the older children, making a mental note to go to the older get he had at Fort his next restday, “now, where was I?”
“You’d made a bet with the brownrider-”
“-about which pair could catch the bigger fish, yes, now I remember!” Flashing a grin, D’vin slipped back into his best ‘I could’ve been a Harper’ mode. “It’s already dark out, but with our wingleader trailing behind us we immediately joined our dragons and headed out for Nerat- you’ll find some of your best fishing on Nerat’s coast. Oh, he and Neseth were so smug as we came in to land-”
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She’s the Man (Fellowship x Disguised as Boy! Reader)
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Requested by anon
Warnings: mentions of domestic/sexual assault, nudity, awkward public bathing. Might trigger a gender identity crisis in some of you folks, but don’t worry, join the club—we’re getting jackets made.
Synopsis: after having run away from your noble family and horrid husband, you cut your hair short and start dressing like a boy, presenting yourself as one throughout all of Middle-earth. This becomes hard, though, as you start travelling with the Fellowship, where they start to suspect something is up with their young “boy” comrade.
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Restrictions, restrictions, restrictions—that’s all you’ve ever known. You first noticed the tight chains on your soul when you were five, when your mother forbade you from playing with the local stable-hands.
You next noticed it when you were ten, being forced to wear tight corsets to shape your body before it even began blooming.
The final nail in the coffin, however, was when you turned fifteen, and were married off to a local, and quite old tradesman.
Though he dealt in silken fabrics, he was anything but smooth or soft. The night of your wedding was painful in all regards, for at fifteen you weren’t even sure if you were allowed to remove the tight corset during the act.
Five years more of total misery accompanied you, as you were forced to attend noble banquets and celebrations.
You encountered a wide range of people, from the likes of Denethor and his two sons, to the sickly Rohan King. Of course, they did not encounter you, for you were not allowed to speak unless spoken to, which was rare.
The two sons of Denethor and King Théoden’s own son, Théodred, as well as his two cousins, Eowyn and Eomer, were the only ones to initiate conversation with you.
You quickly realized they were better-spirited than their parents, but didn’t have the chance to explore more. A tight grip on your wrist from your husband silenced you, as he tore you away from the circle of new acquaintances quickly.
That night, life in your guestroom with your husband was a living hell, as he reminded you whom exactly you belonged to.
That was the night you snapped.
Bruised and sore, you wept into your sheets. Your husband had long-gone to drink more wine at the party, leaving his young wife alone in a state of mess.
It was around the third hour of crying that you studied the tapestry on the wall above your bed. With hair wettened by your tears clinging to your puffy cheeks, you ran your reddened eyes along the art.
It depicted a strong soldier atop a horse, riding into battle. A sword was drawn, and his short hair flowing in the wind behind him.
Subconsciously, you reached up to your own hair, long in length—your husband’s desire—and pulled on it.
As mounted in every room, two swords crossed each other over a shield, making a pretty decoration above the mantle.
Looking between the bruises inside your thighs, the tapestry and the sword, your jaw quickly set. Your eyes hardened, as you threw the sheets off your frame and stalked towards the mantle.
Glancing over your shoulder, you ensured no one was entering your room. With an emotional mind made up, you removed both swords from the shield.
Hastily, you used one to bar the door shut, and walked to the centre of the room with the other. With no candlelight around, you knelt on the fur rug under a square beam of moonlight, which poured in through the bedroom windows.
You looked at your reflection in the sword, and studied the state of your misery. Despising your parents, your husband and your life, you quickly put the sword to your hair.
With only a second to build the courage, you sliced all long locks from your head, springing forward a boyish look—instantly freeing yourself from your lifelong chains.
Breathing heavily in shock, you looked at the clump of hair on the floor, and picked it up. One hand ran through your now very short locks, and the other fingered the cut clump.
However, shocked breaths soon turned into joyous laughter, as your chest swelled with pride and your eyes watered.
Standing up swiftly, you ran towards the bathroom and opened the drawers. Finding a pair of scissors, you got to work and began styling your hair further.
Soon, you were left looking like a boy, by Middle-earth’s human standards. Your hair barely scraped the nape of your neck at the back, and in front, you had a fringe swooping to one side.
Grinning brightly, and now on a roll, you ran back to the mantle. Opening your husband’s drawers, you quickly discarded your nightgown and slipped his tunic on.
Shrugging the loose fit over your form, you secured it with a thick brown belt, trousers and used your own boots.
Studying yourself in the mirror, you realized this must be how you would’ve looked if born a boy, and you were surprised within yourself over liking it.
Throwing your clump of cut hair into the fire, you soon began tying sheets together. That night, you escaped down the window and fled the city atop a stolen horse, riding towards your new life.
Five years passed by, and you had been on the run ever since. Life was never easy for you, but at least now you were calling the shots.
You had taken to your new life as a boy, like a duck to water, presenting yourself as the rather quiet and distant “Arlo”.
You kept your head down and worked hard wherever you went, whether as a blacksmith’s apprentice, baker’s boy or stablehand.
Your most favourite part of the road, however, was learning to use a sword. With a book stolen from a library and five years’ worth of nights to practice, you had become quite skilled. The spite drove you forward.
You vowed no one would ever best you in combat again, pushing you harder every day. Your best friend and only companion was your horse, Paxton, and together the two of you explored Middle-earth to its very ends.
Along your travels, you had taken to competing in swordfight competitions, where you earned most of your cash. Swindling them, you presented yourself as a weak and frail boy, but in the end ultimately beat them all.
You gained a reputation quickly, and were slightly infamous for your swordsman skills, despite being so small.
It was this reputation that led you to Elrond’s secret council in Rivendell.
Your eyes had gone wide in alarm upon entering the petal-strewn area—where the council was set to be held—for Boromir, one of Denethor’s sons, was there.
You almost turned and ran, but he caught your eye quickly. You didn’t know whether or not to avoid his gaze, but that would bring about suspicion.
He instead smiled warmly at you, and thought nothing of your appearance. You nodded back tightly, and took your seat far away from him.
You ended up sitting next to an elf, for you knew their gender worked differently from yours. He himself looked a little girlish, so you believed he’d think nothing of your appearance.
He studied you with a side-glance as you sat down, and nodded curtly. You clenched your jaw and nodded back, moving your eyes forwards again.
You discreetly let out a sigh of relief, as you found the coast to be clear. No one figured you to be a girl.
Soon, Elrond joined the council. You felt your breath hitch in your throat, as you realized his puzzled eyes lingered on you a little too long.
Worried he’d rat you out, you looked away. Knitting his brows, Elrond slowly tore his eyes away from you, and began the council.
Long story-short, you had been invited to participate on a dangerous quest, all food and expenses paid for. Unable to pass up such a good opportunity for you and your horse, you reluctantly agreed, offering your sword to the hobbit sworn to carrying Sauron’s ring.
The first few nights you kept to yourself, as an awkward air befell the Fellowship—none really knowing each other nor knowing how to interact.
Very quickly, cliques formed.
The hobbits kept to each other in a pack, Gandalf joining them. Aragorn and Legolas joined forces, and Boromir, Gimli and yourself found ranks in solitude.
However, this was not to last forever.
Boromir had attempted many times to strike up conversation with you, as besides Aragorn, you were the only other “man” there.
You kept it short and courteous, but made it apparent very quickly to everyone there that you were in no position to begin friendships. This was a job to you—nothing more, nothing less.
That still did not stop anyone from trying, though. After Boromir, Gimli was next. The topic of the night around the campfire was “women”, as they all discussed their perfect partner.
The conversation divided the group in half, over those choosing to go more physical in nature a direction, and the other half preferring emotions.
Gimli laughed heartily and elbowed you in the shoulder. “Forget this lot, eh? I bet you and I are exactly alike, laddie! Thick thighs and body hair all over! Am I right?”
Laughing nervously, you rubbed at the back of your neck. “Uh…not really…”
He blinked up at you in surprise for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders and pressing on in the conversation. Legolas studied you from across the fire, and made a mental note of your words.
Later on, when you were all setting up your rugs, Legolas approached you. He crouched down by your side and began helping to unroll your pack.
You recoiled from him slightly, and stared up in alarm. He looked back down at you briefly with a tight-lipped smile, and spoke.
“I agree with you from earlier,” he said. “I believe partnership should be about romance and emotions, not physical acts. How about you, mellon nin? Have a lady waiting back at home for you?”
You sputtered up at the prince, before averting your eyes and rolling your pack out faster. “No, I…uh, that’s not really my area…”
Legolas knitted his brows for a moment in confusion, before his lips parted in sudden understanding.
“Oh. Oh! Well, um…do you have a gentleman waiting back at home for you, then?”
Snapping your eyes up at him once more, you flushed.
“No! No! I, look—I’m really kinda tired.” You made a show of yawning loudly. “And I think I just wanna get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning, though…brother?”
Legolas blinked down at you a few times, before speaking and rising to his legs. “Oh! Uh, sure…that’s no hassle. Rest well…brother?”
“Will do,” you drew out, laying down.
He threw a glance over his shoulder at you, before walking away. He caught Aragorn’s eye as he walked past, with the ranger sat there puffing away on his pipe.
They both tightened their lips, looked away and raised their brows, figuring you were just a moody boy.
The most awkward situation of all, however, came a few weeks later. Having managed to sneak away from the Fellowship, you found a nice river, of which you could bathe in.
Paxton followed suit, keeping your towel wrapped over his saddle. He snorted in worry as you began to undress, revealing your body to the running river.
“It’s fine,” you laughed, girlishly. Your voice had returned to its normal pitch, for the first time in a long time. “Just because I’m pretending to be a boy as I travel with them, doesn’t mean I have to smell like one!”
Paxton snorted, and you knew he was telling you to hurry.
“All right, all right,” you laughed again, stepping into the water. You hugged your chest as you dipped below, submerging yourself fully.
Rising again, you exhaled a sigh of relief, and began washing the grime from your hair and face.
You were only in there for so long, however, for soon boyish laughter came from up the forested incline.
“Out of the way!” Pippin called, stripping off his clothes.
“No! You move!” Merry shouted back, also stripping down.
Behind them both, was the rest of the entire Fellowship, save for Gandalf.
Your eyes grew wide in alarm, as you watched them all meet the river’s bank. They then began undressing—Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Legolas and the hobbits included.
Soon, they each all jumped into the water, splashing one another and laughing loudly. You found a large boulder within the river nearby, and swam behind it.
Peeking out from the side, you watched them all swim closer in a group to where you were. They began cleaning themselves, and soon just started to wade around—relishing in the cool feeling.
However, as you tried to swim away discreetly, Legolas’ elven ears caught you. He narrowed his eyes, and began swimming over to your rock.
Knowing you would be caught if you tried to flee, you pressed your back firm against the rock, lapping up against it.
Legolas was now upon you, and looked around the corner to find what was behind it. Once he saw it was only you, he beamed brightly.
Rising up out of the water, he folded his arms over the rock and leaned over, looking down at you.
You tried to not let your eyes drift or slip, as you stared back up at him. However, mistakes were made (but clearly not on his parents’ behalf).
“Hello, Arlo!” he announced merrily. “We didn’t know you were also in here.”
Upon hearing your name, the rest of the Fellowship waved you over, asking you to join them.
You chuckled nervously and began swimming backwards and away, speaking as you did so. “Oh, no…that’s quite all right! I, uh…just remembered I actually have something to do—”
“Oh, no! Don’t be like that!” Boromir chastised. He grabbed your wrist gently and reeled you back in towards him and Legolas.
Your shoulders went rigid, as you nearly brushed up against their bare bodies.
Soon, the hobbits, Gimli and Aragorn swam over to you, and you were more thankful now for the darkness of night than you had ever been.
Though, with one slither of moonlight in the right spot, you’d soon be exposed.
“Please don’t leave on our behalf, Arlo,” Aragorn encouraged, placing a hand on your wet shoulder. “It is good for team morale to bond like this. Besides, we’re all men here.”
“Some more than others!” Gimli announced. You looked up in the direction of his voice, and immediately covered your eyes.  
Gimli was stood with his hands on his hips, proudly naked atop your boulder.
“I am the king of this rock!” he announced. “Any competitors who’d like to have a go at pushing me off?”
“Please,” Legolas rolled his eyes, before he, too, swam over to the boulder and climbed atop it. “This will be the easiest fight of my life.”
Catching more than you wanted to see, you made a squeal of rejection, before forcibly pushing your way through the group and heading towards the bank.
Paxton met you quickly, and you swiftly wrapped the towel over your shoulders like a cloak, as to not make it obvious what you were covering, but doing so nonetheless.
“I’m sorry,” you said to them, “but I truly do have something else to do…literally anything else. I’ll see you all back at camp.”
They watched as you left in a hurry, and shared glances with one another. Thinking nothing of it, besides your usual mood, they shrugged and returned to what they were doing.
This continued on for quite some time, throughout the entire Fellowship journey. Though, you never again attempted to bathe with them all around.
Fortunately, your travels soon took you out of the woods, and into the cities. Many fights had passed your small group, smaller now than before, by.
The most recent of battles saw many great feats—the “Battle of the Pelennor Fields” it was called.
In this battle, you had fought formidably. However, the true victory for women that day went to Eowyn. She had removed her helmet in the middle of the fight, pronounced she was “not a man”, like you had wanted to do so many times, and slayed the Witch-king of Angmar.
You were inspired greatly, but also so furious at yourself. You were also slightly jealous over the attention she got.
“What a brave woman,” Gimli would say.
“I’ve never met a woman so bold,” Merry added on.
“Truly remarkable,” Legolas agreed.
The six of you were sat in a stone courtyard together, camping out in the aftermath of the fight. Your jaw was rigid with fury, as you listened to them praise Eowyn over something you had been doing for the past few months.
Rolling your eyes, and making a show of turning over in your sleeping bag harshly, you quickly gained the Fellowship’s attention.
“Oh, and what is your problem, laddie?” Gimli snarked.
“Upset you were outshined by a girl?” Legolas taunted as well.
“You’re not that misogynistic, are you?” Merry chortled.
Aragorn glanced between your turned back and the laughing boys, before taking his own turn at scolding you.
“Arlo, Eowyn was a great asset today, and we are guests in her company. I will not see you sulking towards her remarkable feats.”
You glared at him over your shoulder, before huffing and returning to sleeping on your side. Your arms were folded over your chest, and your body burning in jealous rage.
“Gosh, what is the matter with you?” Legolas asked next, truly fed up with your attitude. “Why are you always in a bad mood?”
“Wouldn’t have taken you for a misogynist either,” Gimli remarked, smacking his gums as he ate a chicken leg.
You stayed on your side with your back turned to them for a few moments, glaring at the wall. However, the rage in your chest soon gave way to a lump in your throat, as you soon felt your secret burst within you.
“I’m not a misogynist…” you spoke up.
“Poppycock,” Gimli called you out.
Sighing, you sat up and looked at them to your side. “I’m not a misogynist, because…I’m not even a boy.”
Silence echoed around the courtyard, as your travel companions blinked back at you.
“What?” Pippin asked, squinting his eyes. “What do you mean you’re ‘not a boy’?”
Groaning through another sigh, and rolling your head, you pressed on. “I mean I’m NOT a boy! I’m a girl, for Eru’s sake…I’ve just been…presenting myself as one, for…reasons.”
“What reason could you possibly have to lie about something like that?” Legolas asked, not entirely believing you.
Feeling the urge to cry rising within you, you inhaled a deep breath and answered. “Nothing you men would understand.”
“I’m sorry,” Merry laughed, “but I don’t believe you at all. There’s no way you’re a girl.”
Glaring at him, you knew his words to be true. Knowing how to prove you were indeed a girl, you reached into your loose tunic, and began unwrapping the bind around your chest.
Pulling it out, you threw it down in front of the now gaping group. Without a shred of chivalry, still disbelieving you to be a girl at all, they glanced between the fabric and your chest, which indeed proved your gender.
“I don’t believe it…” Pippin whispered, staring with wide eyes.
In fact, they all did. With six pairs of male eyes on your chest, you felt very vulnerable and covered yourself.
This seemed to jolt them back to their senses, as they coughed uncomfortably and looked away.
The only one still looking into your eyes, was Aragorn. “Why did you feel the need to lie, my lady?”
Being called a “lady” for the first time in five years opened up a floodgate of emotions, as you wept into your hand.
“Yep, definitely a girl,” Merry rolled his eyes. A swift punched to his arm from Legolas silenced him.
Now knowing exactly how to deal with you, Aragorn stood up and crouched before you. He placed a tentative hand on your shoulder, and encouraged the other boys to come forwards, until they were sat all around you in a comforting circle.
“What is your real name, young maiden?” Aragorn asked softly.
Still sniffling into your hand, and bearing a downcast head, you spoke up in a barely audible voice.
“Y/n…” you revealed.
“What a beautiful name, Y/n,” he smiled warmly.
Like a turn of the tides, the boys all around took you under their wing, as if you were their own little sister. Everything about you now made sense, and they felt at ease with you instantly.
And, surprisingly, you found the same about them, regarding yourself. You didn’t at all feel threatened by their presence, but instead protected.
“I’m sorry,” you wept, shaking your head. “I had no choice, they made me marry him, and I-I couldn’t stay there, and then I had to make money so I ran with the lie and—”
They shushed your incoherent crying quickly, and rubbed at both your knees, back and shoulders comfortingly.  
They gained more information about your previous life in those few seconds than they had before in the last few months. They didn’t need to know anymore, nor wanted to, from the sounds of it all.
“Please don’t kick me out of the Fellowship…” you sniffled.
“Why would we do that?” Gimli laughed. “We now have TWO remarkable women in our ranks! Eowyn AND Y/n!
“A great win for us, indeed!” Legolas agreed brightly.
A smile broke through your tears, as they shook you softly and commended your swordswoman skills excitedly.
This carried on for a few moments, before you spoke up again, now smiling around at them through almost dried tears.
“So…you don’t mind about me lying? Or being a…woman?”
They shook their heads and returned your smile. “Not at all, lassie.”
Before the conversation could progress, however, Legolas suddenly recalled something.
“WAIT!” he gasped loudly, thinking back to the river. “THAT MEANS YOU SAW ALL OUR—”
“Let’s agree to never speak of it again, okay?”
“Aye, never again…sister.”
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
idk if you still do au ideas but what if delores was a real person in the apocalypse? how it woul dbe done i have no idea but i love all your aus and thought it would be cool
okay okay I don't tend to go for real!Dolores aus admittedly because I find her much more compelling as what she is: a reflection of five himself and a symptom of his crushing loneliness
but i started thinking about it and you know what?? i think five deserves a little socialization, as a treat
so say like, 0.5% of the population is resistant to abilities. Allison would really struggle to rumor them, Five wouldn't be able to jump with them, and, most importantly, whatever the fuck Vanya's ability does has like, reduced damage or something
and the og apocalypse isn't the moon apocalypse, so let's say that it was pure waves of Vanya's powers that fucked over the earth
so 0.5% of the population survives the apocalypse. though, let's be honestly, the real number is a lot smaller than that. People who might have survived Vanya's initial power wave (miraculously) did not survive buildings crushing them or survive the car/plane/bus/train/other transportation crashes or survive being left alone when they are too young to reliably look after themselves, or the variety of other problems that come with 99.5% of the population dying at once
So, Five arrives in the apocalypse and is met with ruin and fire and a whole lot of dead people. He finds his siblings, but it doesn't matter. They're dead. He doesn't even recognize them at first, these strange grown-ups who he identifies not by their faces but by the umbrellas on their wrists that match his own
As he realizes the full impact of his situation, he hears a voice that says, very succinctly, "holy shit!"
It's a girl a few years older than Five himself, maybe 15 or 16, and she is very excited to see another survivor.
And here's where I u-turn this au around bc i'm not all that interested in real!Dolores, but I would be down to talk about Five meeting survivors in the apocalypse, because if Dolores is real I don't buy no one else survived.
So Dolores shows up and see a Literal Child crying over the corpses of his family and assumes that Five is a fellow survivor, and she immediately grabs him up. Five is incoherent with grief at this point anyway, so he doesn't even protest when she basically hauls him away from the bodies. She's babbling at him, but he doesn't really hear anything she's saying
And then she takes him to her dad
(Why not, let's have the 1% potentially be a heritable thing)
and her dad, let's call him just some dad name. like Rick. it has been a fucking WEEK for him, okay. he had his daughter with him, his ex-wife is on the other coast for her work, and by some miracle he survived the apocalypse and so did his child, and he's been wracking his brains trying to figure out what the fuck to do next
and then his daughter shows up with a traumatized thirteen-year-old in tow
now rick is a good dude. he's a dad. they get out of five that his name is five ("what the fuck" dolores mouths to him over five's shoulder and rick can't help but agree) and the bodies he found were his siblings ("Dad and Ben and Vanya weren't there though," this child cries desperately and rick feels his own heart clench in response, "They might still be alive!")
"We can look for them." Rick assures his new adopted child, because he is an adult in a fresh apocalypse and this kid has presumably lost everything he's ever known (more than rick even knows at the time)
and they do. They each get wagons and they go out and find supplies and look for other survivors. Five is... surprisingly helpful and also surprisingly docile as he is able to rely on Someone Else to give orders while he attempts to (dissociate) process what the fuck has happened
and here's the thing: Five prides himself on being independent, sort of. He's independent for a child soldier, but he's used to taking orders from a male authority figure and Rick happens to be just that
The first time that Five does something dangerous and Rick yells is a revelation
(Rick isn't sure if he hopes that Five's dad is alive or not, because if they find that man alive then Rick might just kill the jackass himself. Also like, Five is bizarrely knowledgeable out survival skills, like way too knowledgeable about it, which is helpful for them but also very concerning)
they find a newspaper and Five finds the article that mentions his father's recent death ("Huh. Heart attack." Five says, and there is no emotion in his voice)
(Years later, years later, Five and Rick talk. "I don't think I wanted to find him, either." Five admits, softly because Dolores is asleep, "I think I was more scared of finding him alive than I was of finding his body. He would've been so mad at me, I think.")
this newspaper is how Rick and Dolores find out about Five being Number Five, Umbrella Academy Missing Person
"Dude, what the fuck." Dolores says, wide eyes, "You're like, thirty?"
"I'm thirteen." Five says, and then checks the date on the newspaper again, "Also I think I would technically be 29 if I lived through all of it, 'cause it's April and my birthday is in October."
"You... time travelled?" Rick asks, which is honestly the more relevant question, "Can you go back?"
And Five just,,, crumples on himself. Because he tried, he tried really hard. It didn't work. "I'm gonna figure it out. I'm gonna go back, I'm going to save them."
That, Rick thinks, is a lot of weight to put on one person's shoulders, but especially the shoulders of a child.
"Alright." Rick says, because what else can he say after finding out his new child has superpowers and is from like, 2004? "What do you need?"
("Oh my god I have so many memes to teach you." Dolores says later, reverently. Five blinks in confusion and Rick mentally prepares himself for the recitation of so many vines)
And it's easier, somehow. Five sometimes feels like it's a betrayal, but he settles into apocalypse life with an ease that surprises him.
He lets Rick fuss over him and help tie his scarf securely around his head every morning before he sets off on supply runs with Dolores. And they're kids! Five has never had a friend before, and Dolores is funny and smart and she's struggling just as much as he is.
"I don't know if my mom's alive." She says to him, in solidarity when he checks the face of every corpse to see if they're Vanya.
Five is practical in the way only a child soldier can be. He's economical with the room in their wagons, carefully examining what might and what might not be useful.
Dolores, on the other hand, constantly takes up space with what Five sees as useless shit.
"Excuse you," Dolores says, shoving a game of monopoly, the entire discworld series, and a pack of glitter gel pens into her wagon, "These are absolutely vital apocalypse supplies."
She challenges him, plays with him in a way no one ever has. "I bet you I can find more batteries today than you can," She grins at him, "Winner gets to pick dinner first?"
"You're on." Five says, directly before Dolores pulls two packs of 24 AA batteries from behind her back, like a cheat.
Dolores makes him take a ten minute break when they find a playground that has been mostly not-destroyed. They rummage around kids backpacks and mother's handbags for some good loot, too numb to corpses to even be bothered all that badly about the corpses they belong to.
"I'm getting on the swings." Dolores says when Five starts making noises about moving on, "I haven't been on a swingset in ages."
"What's the point?" Five grumps.
"Don't be sour because you can't swing as high as I can!" Dolores laughs, getting higher and higher as the swings creak ominously.
Five grumpily gets into the other swing and grudgingly kicks himself back and forth until Dolores takes pity on him and teaches him how to properly move his legs and body to get higher and higher.
Dolores jumps from the swing seat and lands with a flourish and smile. Five jumps out of his seat and then jumps, warping right in front of Dolores and making her yell and hit at him in outrage. Five smiles the widest he has all week.
This is how Five grows up in the apocalypse, with Dolores teasing him into taking breaks and leaning over his shoulder to look at his math and scandalizing him by stating that she'd only just started on matrices in her own high school math class.
Every night they huddle around Rick while he picks up whatever book Dolores picked out that day because it is a travesty that Five has never read hunger games or whatever, and then they read together because it would be a genuine blood bath if they all took turns. The first time Five accidentally mentioned a spoiler and Dolores genuinely considered murder was the birthday of this tradition
Some days the air is too smoky or there are dust storms or it's just plain too dangerous to go out, and they all stay in. Dolores regales Five with stories about public school, and Five tells them about his siblings.
Then they all cry
"I shouldn't be crying." Five sobs.
"Shut the fuck up," Dolores sobs back, "You literally watched me lose my shit over remembering my shitty eighth grade dance and listened to me sob-sing toxic for like four hours."
"In fairness I also wished you would shut up then."
"Let me hug you or I will start singing songs that I only remember the chorus for again you absolute fucker."
"I could always sing some -"
"No, Rick/Dad."
And Five grows up. Rick shows him how to shave very carefully in front of cracked mirrors. Dolores teases him every time his voice cracks. Rick tells Five in no uncertain terms that he loves and cares for him, and that Reginald was a little bitch. There are a lot of heartfelt conversations around that, honestly. Rick telling Five that he and the siblings deserved better, that they were children and deserved to have a childhood.
And that he has faith in Five. Rick and Dolores both do, they bring him back paper and pens and pencils and chalk and anything Five can use to write equations. They poke around any libraries for books on theoretical mathematics and quantum physics. Rick and Dolores go out scouting for food while Five stays home and can work longer.
They also make him take breaks, make sure that he's looking after himself.
They're a little better off than OG!Five when it comes to food, because some animals survive. Enough that Rick figures out how to hunt. Five is the first one to each bugs, and even though Dolores makes faces they all start eating bugs as well.
"Pretty sure there's loads of cultures that eat bugs." Rick says grudgingly, wondering if he should try stirfry the cockroaches and if that would improve the taste. "There's even, uh, cricket flour or whatever, right?"
"Plus you eat like, five spiders a year when you're asleep." Dolores says cheerfully, just to watch her dad's face scrunch up in displeasure.
"That doesn't sound true, but I don't know enough about spiders to dispute it." Five mutters, and Dolores gives him such a proud look that it makes him roll his eyes.
They're in their thirties when Rick dies. He's out foraging and hunting, and the rubble he's standing on gives way and he ends up with a gash in his leg. He manages to stop the bleeding, but the world is filthy and they don't have any antibiotics.
He gets an infection.
"It's okay." He tells both of his kids, "It's okay. I'm just so glad that you guys have each other, y'hear? I'm so glad."
"It's not okay." Five says, voice thick and choked, "It's not."
"Yeah, well, you're going to figure out how to go back, right? Go back in time and save everyone. Then I'll have never died, right?" Rick smiles, "And even if you don't, I'll be waiting for you on the other side and we'll see each other again anyway."
"I'm going to fix it."
"I know. I have faith in you, Five." Ricks says honestly, and that's more than Reginald ever said.
They sit quietly together while Dolores is out scavenging. They've been taking turns sitting with Rick.
"I won't remember you, in the past, will I?" Rick says rhetorically, but Five answers anyway.
"I don't think so."
Rick hums, "Well, doesn't matter. If you need help in the past, you come to me, y'hear?"
"You won't remember me."
"Doesn't matter. You come find me, and you tell me your crazy story until I believe you, and then I'll help you." Rick says firmly, "You're family. You're my son. Timelines? Don't matter. If you need help, with anything, even if it's just with - with filling out a bowling team or something -"
"I have never been bowling in my life and you know it." Five interrupts, but it makes him laugh just a little bit which was clearly Rick's intention.
"Well who knows what you'll get up to in the past! You'll be able to go bowling, you know. Get to wear those uncomfortable shoes. Hey, you go far enough back maybe you can go to Dolores's tenth birthday party and put me out of my misery."
"Was she bad at bowling?"
"Oh, she was wiping the floor with me. No contest."
"Honestly, that sounds absolutely accurate."
"Shut up, bowling just wasn't my sport. Regardless, the point was that I'm giving you a free pass to come and get me. Because I know you, I know how you think." Rick brings up his hand to tap his finger against Five's forehead, "You get it into your head that you need to go it alone, take it all on your shoulders. I'm telling you that if you do that I'll somehow manifest my memories and come smack you over the head for being stupid, you hear?"
"I'm not dragging you into anything." Five says firmly, "I'll have my siblings."
"Who were also children." Rick points out. "And dragging? Dragging is such a strong word for a volunteer."
"A volunteer who won't remember volunteering." Five shoots back.
Rick just shrugs, and then winces when the movement jolts his bad leg. "Five, I'm going to be honest with you here. And sappy. Can you handle a bit of sappiness for a minute?"
"Well too bad. Can't leave a dying man, you'd feel too bad. So you're stuck with me. But you listen good, okay? Because you aren't dragging me into anything. Whatever life you have, I want to have a part of that. Because you're my son. Wherever you are, whatever you do, I want to help because you're family. What you'd be doing by leaving me out of it is depriving me of someone I love, depriving me of knowing one of the best kids I've ever known."
"Shut up." Five says, choked.
"Nope, it's sappy time." Rick states, "Maybe asking you to come find me is selfish, but I don't care. No matter what version of me exists, I want to be in your life."
"My life is a walking joke, why would you want any part of that?"
"It has been my privilege to watch you grow up. To help you. To be here for you. Of course I'd want to be there to watch you grow up the rest of the way."
"But -"
"Shut up, just let me tell you that I am so proud of you. You never give up, and your heart is so big. You love so much and so loudly, and it's been the highest honor of my life to be included in your family."
Five pauses for a moment to collect himself before simply saying - "You're the best dad I've ever had."
Rick snorts, "Considering my competition, I'd sure hope so. That bar was so low old Reggie was practically limbo dancing with the devil. Now get over here and give an old man a hug."
They don't bury Rick, when he dies. They don't have time and the ground is too hard and they don't have the heart to move him. Instead the pack everything up and seal him in the shelter they'd lived in.
Dolores pulls out a bottle of ancient nail polish and painstakingly writes Rick's name on the wall with his birth year and an approximate current year. They aren't 100% sure though, since time blends together out in the apocalypse, but it's something.
They continue by themselves. They get older.
Dolores jokingly calls him her husband because the way his face scrunches up makes her cackle. They see other people very occasionally, usually passing through. Usually groups. Dolores and Five get to flex their hosting skills, though more than one group declines their cockroach stirfry.
("It's a family recipe." Five says with amusement in his eyes that usually manages to drown out old grief.)
"Jeeze, that kid couldn't have been older'n twenty-three." Dolores complains, "Makes me feels positively ancient."
"They wouldn't have known any world 'cept for the apocalypse." Five muses, pouring some boiled water into wine glasses because they might be living in the apocalypse but they can be fancy.
"Do you ever think about that?" Dolores asks, turning to him with no judgement, just curiosity. "When you go back, you'll be like, erasing them from existence."
Five shrugs, "Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe this place will just split off into an alternate timeline."
"Maybe none of this is real." Dolores says, amusement coloring her voice. "Maybe you aren't talking to a real person at all. Maybe this is just a symbol of your insanity and cracked mind."
"Dolores, I literally have a scar where you stabbed me. Did I somehow manage to stab myself in the back?"
"Scraped you, I scraped you. By accident."
"So you maintain." Five says haughtily, swirling his water in his wine glass like a pretentious prick.
"I could totally be fake. You don't know my life."
"I know way too much about you, Dolores. Like, way way too much." Five scoffs, because Dolores and him have literally no secrets from one another at this point. Five even knows the truth behind what happened at Janet Scranton's thirteenth birthday party. Like, he said, way too much.
"Maybe you made it up. Maybe that's why you know so much."
"Dolores, I'm going to be honest with you right now." Five presses the tips of his fingers to his chin, "If you were a figment of my imagination, you would be so much better at math."
"Hey!" Dolores squawks indignantly, "I didn't even get to finish high school you pretentious prick!"
"Neither did I!"
"You didn't even go to high school, you brat."
"I'm fifty-two I think I've outgrown 'brat.'"
"Tell that to your attitude." Dolores says haughtily, "You're still younger than me."
"Won't be when I go back in time." Five says cheerfully, completely ignoring Dolores's venomous look.
"That's cheating."
"Sucks to suck." Five says loftily, taking another sip of his water.
Sometimes they talk about The Plan, with capital letters. What Five is going to do when he goes back in time, depending on when he pops out. Is he going to adopt his siblings? What about Reginald?
"You don't think I could kill Reginald?" Five says, holding a hand to his chest in mock offense.
"I think you should let me do it. I'll even give you control of tonight's music if you do."
"What are you doing to do? Bite his ankles? What if you're like, seven or something?"
"All the better to get away with it since I'll be too young to convict or whatever."
"Pretty sure that's not how the law works."
"How would you know? Just for that I'm playing Istanbul on repeat again."
"I don't know why you think that's a threat. That song slaps."
It takes a few more years before Five is close enough that the Commission comes to interfere. Because that's what I think happened - Five was getting too close and they stepped in because they might as well distract the man as much as they can with missions, right?
So the Handler shows up. And she offers Five a job, telling him that they have the ability to travel through time. And Five - hesitates.
"Give me some time?" Five asks, and the Handler graciously gives him 24 hours.
And he and Dolores talk it over, because now that his goal is more in sight than it has ever been and Five is scared.
"What are you waiting for? You have the chance to see your siblings again." Dolores says patiently.
"Yeah," Five says, and what he doesn't say is clear. But I won't see you.
"Five." Dolores says, and she cradles his face between her palms like he is something precious, "I have had so much time with you already. More than I would have ever. We have been so lucky, to have this time. How can I demand more than what we have already been given?"
"When have you ever not demanded the world, Dolores?" Five asks, his own hand coming up to cover Dolores's own.
"We've had decades together, Five. We're getting old. I was always going to lose you, one way or another. Nothing lasts forever."
"I don't want to lose you."
"I know. But if I had to choose a way, if I could decide where our story ends, this would be it. Letting you go, because this way you get to live. You get to see your family again. You get to save the world. I could ask for nothing more than for you to get your happy ending."
Five removes Dolores's hand from his cheek so that he can cradle it between them, "I'm happy here with you. I've never been happier. Isn't that silly? That I was happier in the apocalypse?"
"I bet killing Reggie would make you happy." Dolores laughs rustily.
"One day you're going to see the mysterious disappearance of a famous billionaire in the paper and feel a twinge of satisfaction and now have a clue why." Five laughs as well, shaking his head.
Dolores pats Five's hands, "Five, look at me. We've had our time. And you're going to give me even more of it. More time with my father. More time with my mother. I'll never know it, but you'll have saved me."
"What if this is - what if this is an alternate reality? What if I leave you here alone?"
"Then you'll be saving a 15-year-old girl from the same fate as me. Because as much as I love you, as much as I have loved this time we have had together, this is still an apocalypse. This should never have happened, and if you have a chance to go back and prevent it, then I want you to take that chance with both hands."
"Even if it means leaving you alone?"
Dolores smiles at him, "I'm not going to be alone. Far too many creepy crawlies in the apocalypse for that."
"Shut up, I'm being serious."
"Hmm." Dolores hums consideringly, "Maybe I'll head North, to that new settlement that last group said they'd heard word of. Sure they'd find some use for an old woman who's survived this long in the wilderness."
"You can have my half of the record collection." Five says, pulling her against him into a hug that she easily returns.
"As if I wouldn't have stolen them as soon as you left." She scoffs, but it's a little wet, and Five pretends his own eyes aren't leaking tears.
When The Handler comes back, Dolores gives him another hug. She also slips something into his pocket - some photos. They'd taken it a year into the apocalypse, when Dolores had found an ancient looking polaroid camera and towed it home despite Five's protests about practicality. The photos are worn and faded at the edges, but the smiles on Five's little apocalypse family's faces are undeniable.
"You'll have to see if they magically fade when you change the timeline." Dolores whispers to him with a grin, "Like in the movies."
"Okay." Five whispers back.
"You have the list of movies to watch, right?" Dolores says. Five rolls his eyes and nods because he wrote the list last night into his Vanya-book while Dolores hovered over his shoulder and critiqued his handwriting.
"And you promise to try a proper non-expired twinkie at some point?"
"That I do not promise. I think even looking at one would make me lose my lunch. I have twinkie-trauma."
"Shut up and get going." Dolores says, because the Handler is starting to tap her foot impatiently.
And off Five goes to become an assassin. Though - he's much more gentle this time. He's careful, he doesn't kill children and he usually takes jobs that don't require killing at all. He distracts and manipulates events as much as he can without killing.
He's actually much more well socialized, thanks to Rick and Dolores. Less feral child and more determined man on a mission.
Which is why he's so frustrated when he finally, finally manages to get the equations to work and falls through and falls - directly back into his stupid thirteen-year-old body.
"Shit." Five says, loudly, and revels in the surprised look on his siblings faces.
He strides into the kitchen, and they all follow him like ducklings. They look exactly the way they did when they died.
"Wow this is actually way harder than I thought it would be." Five muses, looking at their dead faces. But as Dolores would say, life is hard but you have to keep on trucking sometimes. "Whatever, what's the date?"
"Five, where have you been?" Diego demands, looking irritated. It makes Five snort in amusement.
"The future. The past. If you want like, an exact list of dates you'll have to hold your horses. I spent like, two weeks in Peru once. No souvenirs though, unfortunately."
They look taken aback, like they didn't expect Five to have quite this much sass. Oops. That is definitely Dolores's influence. Or maybe he was always a little asshole. In fairness, what teenagers aren't tiny assholes? He has an excuse.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Diego's eyebrows are furrowed in anger. It kind of takes Five aback for a second, because he remembers a Diego who stutters when he argued.
"When did you learn the fuck-word?" Five asks, raising an eyebrow before her can help it, "Grace ought to wash your mouth out with soap."
Diego immediately goes red, "Shut up!"
"Wow you're so easy to rile up. Aren't you like, twenty-something? Actually, I could figure out for myself how old you are if you gave me the date."
"I'm twenty-nine." Diego growls, like that was the point.
"Haunting!" Five says cheerfully, because that means there is way less time than he would like, narrowing his time down to a six month window.
It's extremely funny how his cheer makes all of them make faces.
It's Klaus who leans forward, "Why do you need to know?"
Klaus's face is open and curious and - (looks exactly like he did when Five found him all those years ago) - and Five can't help but answer him. "The world end on April 1st, 2019. No it isn't an April Fools joke, yes I have heard that joke like a million different times. I just want to know how close I landed so I can, you know, start working on how to fix that."
"Woah woah woah, roll it back." Allison says, holding a hand up, "What?"
"The apocalypse occurs on April 1st, 2019." Five says, slowly. "I have traveled from afar to prevent this from happening, because like, everyone dies."
"Everyone?" Vanya says weakly from the side.
She's clearly expecting to be ignored, so Five turns his head to address her directly by wiggling his hand back and forth a little. "Sort of. Like, not too many people survive at all. A handful of the human population, you know."
"But you survived?" Diego recovers admirably, if bitingly.
"Well, no." Five says rolling his eyes, "Wouldn't you just know it, Klaus here has managed to figure out a new ability!"
Everyone turns to look at Klaus, who immediately holds up his hands like he's being arrested or something, "I did not!"
"Wonderful! Now that we've established that I'm alive -"
"Why should we trust a word you say?" Luther says for the first time, looking pensive.
Five blinks, genuinely taken aback. "Because... I'm your brother? Because I can clearly and obviously time travel? Like, yeah, it would have been more convenient if I'd arrived in like, my old-body for proof-purposes, but like. I mean. Thirteen is still a pretty convincing age to be to prove time travel considering if I hadn't, I would be like, almost thirty."
"Roll it back again." Allison says firmly, "What do you mean by 'old body'?"
"Great question!" Five says pointing at Allison and smiling. Everyone looks at him weird again, and Five takes a moment to wonder if they've ever experienced positive reinforcement. Knowing Reginald, probably not. "Wait! Is Reggie alive? Wait, no, answer that in a second. Uh. When I time traveled I fucked up my body I guess, I was like, old. White hair and wrinkles-type old from spending decades in the apocalypse. But I fucked up the calculations and got booted back to my thirteen-year-old body, I guess. How, I have no idea."
"What?" Vanya says, still equally weakly.
"You have no idea how fucked up time travel is." Five whispers conspiratorially to Vanya, loud enough for the whole table to hear, "There are so many ways to die. Or permanently tear a hold in space time. But like, with life as we know if ending soon-ish, I figured I couldn't possibly fuck it up worse than it already was, y'know? Speaking of, anyone have the date again?"
"Wait, what was that about dad?" Luther asks, very focused.
"Oh, you still call him dad? Big oof." Five says automatically, because apparently his verbal filter is shot to hell after living with Dolores. It does make Klaus bark out a too-loud laugh.
"What does that mean?" Luther asks aggressively.
"It means Reginald sucks and doesn't deserve the title of 'dad,' what did you think I meant?" Five asks, and now both Diego and Vanya and both cracking smiles, though Vanya is covering hers with a hand.
"Have some respect for the dead." Luther growls, standing up and looking very large and threatening.
Five sways back, craning his head up, "Woah there big buy, sit down before I injure my poor growing spine looking up at you. Jeeze, did Reggie force feed you steroids or something? I wouldn't put it past him but like, I just want to know he at least went over the side effects of the drug with you. Also like, thanks for narrowing it down. Also terrifying! Seriously though, exact date please because if I have less than 24 hours I am going to break down crying and that is a threat."
"I love this Five." Klaus says reverently.
"March 21st." Vanya offers, finally.
"Wow! Terrifying!" Five says, clapping his hands together, "Hate that. Ten days, huh? Well, who wants to get on board the save-the-world express?"
Klaus immediately flings his hand in the air, Five points at his brother appreciatively. "Yes, excellent! I'll take the volunteer in the lovely skirt as my first team member. Any other volunteers?"
"Danke!" Klaus simpers, grinning widely like this is the vest entertainment he's had in weeks.
"I'm not just going to stand here and listen to you badmouth dad and boss us around." Luther slams his hands on the table.
"Well not with that attitude." Five snarks.
Diego raises his hand, "I would like to join team fuck dad as well."
"We can certainly debate team names later." Five says, nodding wisely as Luther gives some sort of scandalized gasp.
"Honestly, I just want to see where this is going." Klaus confesses.
Five shrugs, because he doesn't really care about the reason. "Don't you want to prove me wrong them? Prove what a well-adjusted young man Reginald Hargreeves raised?"
"Shut up." Luther grinds out, looking a moment away from throwing a punch.
"If this is all true, I have to get home." Allison cuts in, looking concerned, "I have - I have a daughter."
"I mean, if you want to give Claire a world to live in then I'd stick around, but that's just me." Five shrugs.
"You know her name?" Allison asks, obviously taken aback.
Five is almost offended, "Uh, yeah. I have her photo as well. Y'all get on like, a bizarre number of gossip magazine covers did you know that?"
Allison manages to outdo herself in terms of being taken aback once more.
There's a beat of silence, and then Five turns, "Vanya? You in?"
"Me?" Vanya blinks, looking shocked. "What can I do?"
"Yeah, what can she do?" Diego asks, crossing his arms and suddenly looking grumpy.
It baffles Five, who scrunches his nose, "Uh, like, a lot? I assume? I mean. I'm going to be honest here, just looking at y'all right now is a lot. In more ways than one! Hashtag trauma and all that, but like, name a single one of you that wouldn't be the most obvious person in the room as soon as you walked into it. Except Vanya, who somehow manages to look like a well adjusted adult, by some miracle."
"Did you just verbally say the word hashtag?" Allison asks, looking so deeply confused.
"More concerned about the trauma he tacked onto there, but y'know, to each their own." Klaus immediately cuts in.
"You think I'm well-adjusted?" Vanya asks, looking oddly touched.
"I would like to direct your attention to Diego's leather pants-scowl combo and Luther's general aura of daddy-issues." Five says pointedly, "I can practically smell the tragic comic book backstory in this room. If I'd jumped back a decade earlier this would have been Batman's wet dream of orphan selection."
"Alright! Game plan!" Five says, waving Diego's knife in his hand.
Diego's hands immediately go to his weird harness looking thing, "Hey!"
"Give me just one moment to get the tracker out." Five rolls his eyes, "Then I'll give it back, I promise. Also if someone could ask Grace for like, some antibiotics that would be good."
"What?" Allison asks, directly before Five stabs himself and there is suddenly panic at the table.
"Relax!" Five says, allowing Diego to remove the knife from his hands. He doesn't need it anyway and his hand immediately drops down to root in the wound.
"Five what the fuck!" Diego yells, but Five just pulls up bloody fingers and waves the tracker into Diego's stupefied face.
"What the fuck is that, Five?" Allison demands, looking very shaken.
"I literally just said it was a tracker." Five points out, "Now, I think our first team activity should be voting on whether we destroy it or take it out to bumfuck nowhere and ditch it to confuse the Commission."
"What the fuck is the Commission?" Diego barks.
"Man. Maybe I should just hit up Rick." Five muses, "This is going to take so much explaining."
"Who is Rick."
"So much explaining."
#survivors au#well adjusted five au#five actually has some social skills!#and an idea of what an actual parent looks like as well#klaus absolutely adores this version of five#who quotes vines and uses gen z slang with the best of them#five has been reliably informed that public education is worse than the apocalypse#but he's also pretty sure working with his family is worse as well#five: i have so much trauma lol#klaus: oh big same#vanya: mood#five is somehow the most well adjusted hargreeves#and the most responsible#he doesn't legally exist and he doesn't pay taxes but somehow he has his shit together#five showing up at rick's house: you don't know me but i know you in the future#rick: what the fuck#five: don't make me bring up bethany midler from highschool because you gave me so many embarrassing stories to convince yourself with#rick: okay okay i believe you and you are???#five: your son from the future lol what's up dad want to help save the world#five arriving back at the manor like: WHAT'S UP LOSERS RICK IS NOW YOUR DAD TOO BC GOD KNOWS Y'ALL NEED AN ACTUAL FATHER FIGURE#klaus calls rick a dilf and five kidney punches him hard enough that klaus can't even properly introduce himself#it's better for everyone that way#delores: 15 and ready to fuck someone up#delores: i'm not staying with this weirdo (diego) while you go off with my dad#five threateningly: don't make me bring up what really happened to dad's good suit in 2012#delores: i will stay right here#rick: wait WHAT happened to my good suit#five: unimportant don't you want to save the world#long post#far tua long
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WIP... Tuesday?
Just in case anyone was wondering what useless novelty project I’m spending my time on now, may I introduce:
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Or more accurately: “Shisui Uchiha and the Saga of the Overly Complex Movie Poster that’s Taking Up all of the Author’s Writing Time.”
Or: “Shisui Uchiha and the One-off Story that Accidentally Turned Into a Trilogy, much to the Author’s Total Lack of Surprise.”
So anyway, I have 30,000 words (3/9 chapters of the first part) so far and as usual, no timeline for completing this story. But I’m definitely in too deep to back out now! My new approach to stories is to write the whole thing, then post week by week. So this one is still probably several months away at least...
But here’s a quick preview:
The list of things Shisui Uchiha regrets in his life is pretty small.
A handful of ill-considered one night stands, several embarrassing bets with members of his family, the summer he decided to turn emo, oh—and one particularly notable fuck-up early in his career that very nearly ended it prematurely. But, for the most part, it’s been smooth-sailing.
Sure, maybe the odd rival takes a pot shot at him here or there. Ancient booby traps try to kill him, or the local wildlife steps in where they’ve left off. He and spiders are categorically never going to get along. But he’s never had cause to regret his career itself. He loves everything about treasure hunting—the adventure, the danger, the intellectual challenge of it all. The way his heart races when he finds some ancient artifact supposedly lost for good.
So, all in all, his current position—perched twenty feet up a silk cotton tree in India, surrounded by about two-dozen armed thugs personally out for his blood—well, that’s just another day at the office.
Two of the men walk below Shisui’s hiding place and he holds his breath, watching. They’re thick-built meat-heads; improbable amalgams of every jackbooted thug to ever grace a movie screen, with jawlines Chuck Norris could break a fist on, and brows that would make a Neanderthal proud. Supressing the snicker that threatens to escape him at the thought, Shisui wonders where Gato keeps finding these idiots. Some sort of steroid-fuelled body building conference maybe…
Comfortable they’re far too stupid to realise he’s here, he swings his legs back and forward, checking his bag to make sure his prize is still undamaged. Thankfully, despite having beaten a hasty retreat through the crowded city streets, the jewel-encrusted golden elephant winks up at him like a winning lottery ticket. One that’s going to pay for fancy canapes, champagne and extra leg room on Shisui’s flight home. Then a lot more afterwards.
But karma, as they say, is a bitch.
And karma, for Shisui, makes itself known in the form of a fluffy grey creature that plops down onto the branch beside him, joined in short order by half a dozen other partners in crime. At first, the macaque just fixes its intelligent gaze on Shisui, as though assessing what to do with him. Then, one very pregnant pause later, after the apparent realisation that no food is immediately forthcoming, the ringleader opens its mouth and screams. Loudly.
“No, shhh…” Shisui orders in a loud whisper. “Oh come on, don’t be an asshole.”
The screaming continues, soon swelling to a cacophony as the others join in.
“Shoo!” he pleads, waving his arms around to try and scare them off. “I’ll buy you bag of bananas or something when I get down from here, just please shut up…”
But the little bastards don’t stop and, if anything, Shisui’s heated objection only seems to be pissing them off more. Which is fantastic, because truly the last thing he needs today is to catch rabies or—
From the bottom of the tree, someone clears their throat. “Ahem.”
Or that.
It’s smug, officious, and quite frankly, about the last voice Shisui wants to hear right now. Every part of him sinks. On reflection, maybe it was a bit arrogant to think he wouldn’t have been followed to the temple. To think he was just going to walk in, pilfer a several-centuries old treasure, and walk out again, a comfortable five-figure sum the richer for it.
But then, it wouldn’t be the first time.
Sighing, he looks down to see his least-favourite human approximation of a turd. “Gato.”
“Well, well, if it isn’t my favourite globe-trotting Uchiha. Fancy seeing you here,” Gato says, appearing inordinately pleased. His trademark sunglasses sit awkwardly atop his bulbous nose, straddling a pencil moustache that looks like a worm met its unfortunate end on his face some years ago, and he never bothered to wipe it off.
For reasons he can’t currently articulate, it annoys the shit out of Shisui. Possibly because if there’s anything he hates more than someone getting the better of him, it’s someone who’s as much of a fucking waste of space as Gato getting the better of him.
“Yeah well, you know how it is,” he says, glancing around for a quick exit. “Ancient treasures to find, damsels in distress to rescue…”
But unfortunately, the crowd of highly armed men around Gato is growing by the second, and Shisui’s options are looking somewhat thin on the ground. At least, all the ones that don't end with him riddled in bullet holes. Damn macaques…
Gato grins. In the pre-monsoon heat, sweat rolls down his neck and spreads like an oily stain across his collar. “Oh, I’m well aware of how you operate... You’re a businessman, just like me. Always taking jobs for the highest bidder.” Before Shisui can open his mouth to disagree, Gato holds up a hand, adding, “I know, I know… you don’t see yourself that way. Moral code or whatever it is you like to call it. But in reality, the only difference between us is that you have the air of legitimacy that comes with an academic backing, whereas I’m willing to admit what I really want.”
“And what do you want, Gato?” Shisui asks flatly, already knowing the answer. The tired old game they’re playing here.
“That trinket you have in your bag.” Gato licks his lips, as though he can taste the champagne he’s going to be drinking once he returns the statue to whoever hired him, to disappear into some private collection, never to see the light of day again.
“What do I get in return?” Shisui asks, even though it’s obvious from Gato’s expression that he’s not going to like it, whatever it is.
A mirthless laugh assaults his ears. “I’ll let you live to cross paths with me another day.”
As offers go, it’s not very believable. But as much as Shisui hates to admit when his luck’s run out, even he can see the writing on the wall. Today really isn’t his day. Sure, he might trust Gato about as far as he could throw him, but even Gato isn’t stupid enough to shoot him on a main street, in broad daylight. Probably…
Retrieving the golden elephant from his bag, Shisui tosses it carefully down.
Turning the trinket over in his hands, Gato lets out a hum of appreciation. “Very nice. My client will be pleased.” He hands it off to one of his many thugs to box up, then peers back through the branches, looking more like a slug than Shisui would ever have thought possible. Reinforcing the impression, his lips twist with a slimy smile. “Well, as always, it’s been nice doing business with you Shisui. But I think, unfortunately, you’ve caused me trouble for the last time.”
Far too pleased for Shisui’s taste, Gato steps back, raising his hand in a gesture that looks awfully like it’s intended as a final farewell. Or a smug ‘fuck you.’ Either way, the message is perfectly clear.
Shisui rolls his eyes, mentally scratching off another predictable villainous turn on his treasure hunting bingo card. “All right,” he calls after Gato’s retreating back. “Nice doing business with you too! See you next time...” Under his breath he mutters, “Asshole…”
Truly, Gato doesn't have an original bone in his body. It's like he once read The Idiots Guide to Being a B-Grade Movie Villain, then internalised it on the spot to make up for a lack of anything remotely resembling a personality. But, pathetic imitation of a villain or not, his bullets are still effective.
The leaves around him shred beneath the pop, pop of gunfire as Shisui sucks in a rushed breath, bracing himself for what he’s about to do. The branch wobbles precariously beneath his feet as he races along it, pushing off into air that rushes past, disconcerting and empty. The slender gap to the building seems to widen to the span of a gaping abyss—
He hits the rail of the apartment with thud, clambering quickly over it to fall on his back on the balcony, winded, but mercifully unharmed. A macaque peers over the guttering at him, with a leering grin that clearly threatens more screaming.
“Don’t you start,” he warns, waggling a finger at it.
But there’s barely a moment to catch his breath before the sound of splintering wood below indicates another problem. Or an extension of the same one. Bounding to his feet, Shisui scoops up his hat, settles it back on his head, and checks over the railing. A bullet clips the plaster nearby—a pretty good indication that Gato’s men have every idea where he’s gone. That, combined with the way they’re currently pushing through the lower doors to the complex probably doesn’t mean anything good for him.
“Shit,” he announces to no one in particular. It’s times like these he really wishes he carried a gun…
Forcing his way into the mercifully empty apartment off the balcony, Shisui slips quickly through it. Cracking open the door on the far side, he checks the coast is clear. It is.
Of course, it doesn’t stay that way for long. Halfway along the open air corridor, there’s a cry of discovery from his pursuers, followed by more shooting. Seriously, why are the bad guys always bringing guns to Shisui’s knife fights?
Ducking, he runs faster, bursting into another apartment filled with hazy cigarette smoke and shocked faces before finally making it to an exterior stairwell on the far side. Looking at the next building over, it’s immediately apparent the gap is way too far for him to use the same trick he did before. But with Gato’s men advancing on him from below, maybe he can just make it to street level and bypass them altogether…
A thicket of power cables criss-crosses the span between the buildings, with one nearby running almost to the level of the shop awnings below. Sending a rash of silent prayers to whatever gods take care of Indian power line maintenance, Shisui detaches a length of rope from his belt and flings it over the wire, gripping each side like a makeshift zipline. Holding his breath, he pushes off into empty space. To his surprise and considerable delight, the line holds.
It sweeps him across the street, picking up more and more speed, until the side of the other building is rushing at him like—
He impacts it with his shoulder, coming to an uncomfortable and jarring stop. Pain shoots down his arm and he lets go of the rope, crashing through a fabric awning and landing ungracefully in a huge stack of bagged flour. Dust floats down around him and Shisui groans, moving each of his limbs in turn. By some miracle, nothing seems broken. Not even his tantō in its leather holster at his back.
Oh well. Fall down seven times, stand up eight…
Apparently his exit was none too subtle though, because Gato’s men are leaning over the stairwell railing, yelling and pointing at the mess he’s made. Dragging himself to his feet, Shisui evades an angry store owner, brushes flour off of his clothes and resumes running for his life.
Never let anyone say archaeology is boring.
As he emerges back onto the main street, searching for quick and easy exit, the sound of screeching brakes and angry honking carries from the road. Cutting a wild path through traffic is an old open-top olive-drab Jeep with several gold charms dangling from its rear-view mirror. It jerks to a stop just before hitting Shisui, both side wheels riding up on the curb.
“Need a ride?” the female driver asks, grinning.
Her windswept hair hangs past the fashionable silk scarf tied at her neck. Unmanicured nails wrap around the slender metal of the steering wheel, like they couldn’t be more at home there. They’re a stark contrast with the cream suit linen she’s wearing, rolled up neatly to her elbows. Speckled with dirt, it looks like she’s probably travelled halfway across the country to be here, and been up to her elbows in the grease of the Jeep’s engine at some point to do it. She’s a walking contradiction—albeit one Shisui is delighted to see.
“Izumi!” he exclaims happily.
Eyes sparkling, she waves. “Hey.”
“I thought you were practicing on the course in Reno this weekend… What’re you doing here?”
A shot rings out, kicking up dust near one of the tyres. Glancing behind him, Izumi rolls her eyes, reaching across to throw open the door. “What am I always doing? Saving your ass, you idiot... Now get in before one of us gets shot, or I have to find out whether my rental insurance covers illegal firefight damage.”
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unlocktxt · 4 years
the voice of paradise | c.sb
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Choi Soobin
❦ genre: fluff, soobin x reader, soobin siren!au, maybe a bit of angst
❦ description: you had always loved the ocean and everything in it. all it took was one boy to remind you why you started liking it in the first place.
❦ word count: 7.3k
❦ warnings!!: mentions alcohol intake, making out, maybe a bit suggestive but not really. i didn’t proofread
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a beach can be one of the most calming places. the heavy air blowing away your problems - the sound of the waves and smell of the sea taking over your senses with your feet in the warm sand. everything seems to come together - the sand, the sun, and the deep blue sea. albeit, every now and then the waves can be dangerous, rough as they pull you further in until you suddenly get dragged under - never being able to find your way back.
you happened to be one of those who loved the ocean in all of its blue glory, making sure to visit it every chance you got.
seeing how more than majority of the ocean is unmapped or unexplored, it makes it a mystery. and what could you say... you happened to be a very curious person.
nowadays you keep it on the downlow, but you swear you saw a mermaid when you were little. nobody believes you, but you could never forget the shiny purple scales, belonging to an abnormally large tail. ever since then you’ve aimed to find out more about mermaids and hopefully see one again.
living by the ocean had its perks. one being that you were able to live your college life on the coast, giving you plenty of opportunities to become a marine biologist. another being riding the waves, although you hadn’t done much of anything in the water. you may be obsessed with what lurks in the ocean, but for some reason when the water envelopes you, it sparks an unknown feeling within you.
when you were younger, you had gotten into a bad accident. it was so bad that you still - to this day- can’t seem to remember what happened that day or really anything before that day. your parents always said that you nearly drowned, but you had a feeling it was more than that. this feeling had probably stemmed from the fact that the one thing you were able to remember from before the incident was the mermaid tail.
you were lost in your thoughts, but the loud ruckus easily interrupted your thinking. it was an extremely hot day out, so everyone seemed to be chilling at the beach, you included. even though you were one to enjoy the beach by yourself, your friend decided to drag you out here with all of your classmates. while she was flirting with surfer boy beomgyu, you were stuck looking off into the distance.
the waves were kind of rough today, forcing out anyone who dare enter, out.
“y/n! do you want to come on in with us?” your friend, jisoo, asked pointing to the body of water.
you shook your head with a smile, “i’ll stick with my crab friends.” your friend, who had expected that from you, shrugged her shoulders as she ran into the water.
you couldn’t lie to yourself, there were times when you wished to join in on the cooling, salty water. the only thing that stopped you was the feeling that something was blocking you from the beautiful sea. it was similar to a mental block. today, this block seemed worse than other days. there was an odd feeling today, as if any attempt at touching the water, the troubling waves would release their wrath on you.
while sitting and enjoying the sun that was warming your skin, you couldn’t help but laugh at your friend, who continued to fall off of beomgyu’s board. “geez! one more wipe out and you may end up a water creature yourself!” you called out, laughing at the two heads that turned towards you. beomgyu laughed along before looking back at your friend, probably telling her what to do next time. jisoo, on the other hand, flew a middle finger at you.
shaking your head you wanted to see if she could actually ride the wave long enough. sure enough jisoo started off pretty well, until she once again fell off. this time she didn’t come up as quick, sending a jolt of panic through you. you kept your eyes on the water. she wasn’t coming up. beomgyu, who had been watching, also seemed panicked, but he couldn’t seem to make it to her. the amount of waves he had to go under, still not being enough.
your body reacted quickly, jumping up from your towel and running on the sand. when your reached the wet sand, it seemed like a last warning, the troubling feeling seeming to fight the adrenaline rushing through your veins. although hesitating a bit, you ran into the water, ignoring the shiver that ran up your body.
when you were waist deep, you happened to see the girl you were looking for pop up, laughing. “did I scare you?” she laughed. you didn’t know whether to be relieved or angry as your body told itself that there was no danger. now that you knew your friend was okay, you couldn’t help the feeling of being watched, however, when you looked around there seemed to be no one paying you any mind.
you let out a heavy sigh. “not cool.” you hit her in the shoulder. “just be glad i’m not drowning you right this moment.” your clothes were now soaked from the splashing that occurred while trying to make it to your friend.
“hey! you made fun of me first besides at least I got you out in the water.” she did have a point, but it made you aware that you were now in the cool water. you missed the feeling, but there was apart of you that was screaming at you to get out.
beomgyu has finally made it to jisoo. “never do that again! i thought i killed you.” his face had worry written all over it as he wrapped an arm over her shoulders.
you gave a look to jisoo, wiggling your eyes, to which she narrowed her eyes and mouthed shut up.
“I need to go change, so you two have fun together.” you smirked at jisoo before turning around and making your way to the safe, warm sand.
“oh yeah! y/n don’t miss the party here tonight! i’ll be expecting you!” beomgyu happened to love parties on the beach. i found them a little dangerous due to the drinking, but there were time when you could just stare off into the abyss as the alcohol seemed to take over. you threw a thumbs up as your feet hit the wet sand. your body seemed to long for water, but your mind continued to tell you that it was a bad idea.
as you were trying to shake off the sand off your towel, you happened to see something reflecting the sunlight. when you turned your head to discover what had caught your eye, you saw what you thought was a purple tail off in the distance. even though your heart jumped at the thought of it, you decided not to get your hopes up. you could of just mistook it as something else.
you left the beach behind to change into dry clothes before the party tonight, unbeknownst to the disaster heading your way.
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you couldn’t help the feelings arising in your chest. it seemed as though there were a war going on, not knowing whether you were nervous or excited. there wasn’t any specific reason for feeling this way, you just did.
you had already finished changing a while ago, wearing a comfortable white tube top, paired with some everyday shorts. it would seem to do, not that you would hang around everyone for long.
it was already dark. not letting this rush you, you took your time grabbing what was needed for tonight. there was no use driving, so you planned on meeting jisoo at the bus stop.
the night time breeze eased you as it swept through your hair. the humidity surprisingly wasn’t that bad at this moment. the people that were left out in the dark at this time were all coming home from work or going to parties- similar to what you were doing right now.
the glowing of the bus stop lights seemed to add to the lulling feeling that only seemed to travel through your body. this light feeling was easily disrupted when your excited friend couldn’t hold herself back.
“omg! i’m so ready! beomgyu messaged me saying he wanted to see us a the party. he even said he had a surprise for me.” you couldn’t help but smile at her jittery movements while she stressed about what the surprise could be. her eyes seemed to shine when she talked about him and although you were scared for her, you were also happy.
“why don’t you just confess your feelings for him? also you still need to be careful around your drink with him... i know he’s a good guy but you can never be too cautious.”
“well... it’s not that easy. what if he just sees me as a friend? also gyu wouldn’t do that, but i will still keep track of my drink.” jisoo was now playing around with her fingers, something you didn’t see from the outgoing girl often.
“you think too much about these things. i bet the surprise from beomgyu is a kiss smack dead on the lips.” you smirked, watching as her eyes widened, cheeks turning a light pink shade. jisoo, who didn’t find it funny, hit you on the arm with puffed cheeks.
“what’re you going to do while we’re there?” jisoo asked, watching the bus arrive.
“i don’t know... go wherever the wind takes me,” you chuckled before continuing, “i’ll probably take a walk on the beach with my drink in hand... thinking about how you and beomgyu are probably going to have babies together.” the bus doors opened, so you took this as a chance to escape from the wrath of you best friend. rushing to the seat with a glaring jisoo on your tail, you held your hands out.
“stop teasing me y/n. karma will hit you and then i’ll have a chance to tease you.” you shook your head laughing.
“that is highly unlikely.”
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the bus ride didn’t take long- you didn’t live too far from the ocean. before even stepping on the beach, you could hear the chatter and lights from the party. this wasn’t anything unusual... the students from universities around here loved to party.
“y/n speed up! it’s time to have some fun!” jisoo grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to the ruckus. you weren’t in a party mood, but for some reason you still wound up here. The tiki torches lit the path towards the bonfire. You wouldn’t lie, your classmates were good at hosting parties.
the closer you got, the louder the music and cheering got. one of you classmates, mina, came up to the two of you, tying a rope around your hand to a red solo cup. this would help with picking up the beach later on as people wouldn’t be able to set their drinks down and forget about them.
you could tell your friend was looking for beomgyu, who was nowhere to be seen, probably surfing or planning the surprise. giving up on finding the messy haired boy, the two of you filled up your red solo cups with alcohol.
“hey jisoo... i think i’m going to go walk around for a bit.”
“okay... just be safe and don’t drink too much.” she left towards the bonfire to converse with the rest of the students while you went to the right, towards your favorite part of this beach.
the moon seemed to be asking for admiration, glowing bright and reflected off of the dark sea. the moon was even accompanied by the clear sky, showing the many many stars. if you knew where any of the constellations were, you could easily find them on a night like this.
you were walking slowly, but it seemed that before you knew it, the background noise from the party seemed to disappear. although the further you got, the more distinct another sound was. you couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but your curiosity got the best of you. at first it was so quiet, you thought that you were hearing things. maybe you drank some alcohol, but if you did you didn’t recall. your pace quickened, now hearing a humming.
the humming turned into singing. the voice was smooth- soothing as it pulled you closer. it seemed refreshing, you could listen to it constantly. you didn’t even realize how close the male voice was until you locked eyes with a pair of deep blue eyes. instantly you felt your body stiffen once the singing stopped. the two of you just stared at each other, not even letting out a breath. his purple hair moving with the wind, so perfect that it seemed the wind was on his side. his lengthy body laid relaxed against the rock. your favorite rock, hidden away from the rest of the beach.
“hello there.” the boy smiled as he got up from the sand, walking towards you. you didn’t know how to feel as he walked towards you. was this what it felt like to be awe struck? he was serverly attractive, but why did you feel stuck. the closer he got the more intoxicated you felt. did you even drink before seeing this man? your mind was turning into mush.
“i’m sorry... did i interrupt you?” the words flowed out of your mouth, it was as if you couldn’t control your own body. everything just seemed to slow down, looking into his dark orbs didn’t seem to help.
“not at all. in fact i was getting kind of lonely.” he seemed to scan over you, head to toe. he was handsome and delicate and you couldn’t seem to keep your eyes off of him. he chuckled, noticing your staring. “my names soobin.”
“y/n,” you blurted out, trying to collect yourself, “my names y/n” you needed to get ahold of yourself. when he went to shake your hand, you stumbled. what the hell is wrong with me?
“woah there... i’m guessing you came from that party.” he moved himself beside you, trying to wrap ur arm around his neck. this was a failed attempt as you were too short for him.
“i swear i didn’t drink.” you frowned. but why does it feel like all your senses have gone awire? soobin seemed to be looking at your hand and out of curiosity you witnessed the empty red solo cup attached to your hand. well... this doesn’t help your case.
“okay... i’m sure you didn’t, but let’s get you back to the party. why don’t you get on my back?” he sounded as if he was talking to a puppy. he didn’t believe you, making you huff.
“you don’t believe me. for all we know, i could’ve spilt it. i’m sober, so I can walk myself back. thank. you. very. much.” you spun around, ignoring the dizzy feeling it had stimulated. you heard the boy sigh from behind you.
soobin was frustrated. he knew you didn’t drink the alcohol, after all he was the one who poured it out of the cup. he wondered why you couldn’t just get his help. he knew he could have this affect on people, but they usually listen to him.
“i don’t think that’s a good idea.” he walked behind you, just in case. also waiting for you to stumble, so he could convince you to get on his back. to be fair... this whole situation was kind of sketchy.
“i think... it is an amazing id-” your body dropped. the falling feeling freaked you out, but as you looked around you realized you were now stuck inside one of those holes that people make out of boredom.
“y/n! are you okay?” soobin rushed towards the man made hole, peeking in at your sandy figure.
“yes i’m okay. i just need to get out of here.” you tried climbing out, but the sand continued to fall, not giving you a chance to actually climb.
“here let me help.” soobin leaned towards you, reaching his hand out for you to take. you looked at it, debating whether or not to actually take his hand.
“curse whoever made this so deep.” you mumbled as you looked away from soobin, grabbing his hand. he picked you up with ease, making you realize how strong soobin actually was. the touch only seeming to relax your body as you leaned against him.
your legs were slightly wobbly now, but you didn’t want him to know. pushing yourself away from him, you started walking... very... very slowly. you didn’t want your shaky legs to give you away, so you were extra careful with each step. the sand was all you were focusing on as your feet came in contact with it. you heard a deep sigh from behind you, before feeling human contact and a gush of wind as your feet left the sand. when you looked at the culprit, he wasn’t looking at you- his eyes trained on the direction of the party. you were pressed against his body, face not to far from yours.
“i can walk.” you mumbled, for some reason you were nervous looking at his concentrated face. he didn’t say anything as the chatter of the party came closer. the music seemed to be gone, signifying it was about to end.
“y/n! what the hell? you were gone for so long- who is this?” jisoo ran up to the two of you, eyeing the boy holding you. beomgyu came up from behind her not long after.
“i’m soobin. she ended up running into me and seemed pretty tipsy.” he didn’t even look at you, causing a pain in your heart. you don’t even know why that upset you. he put you down after that.
“y/n i told you not to drink too much... thank you soobin. without you who knows what could’ve happened to her.” you were glaring at the ground now. nothing would’ve happened because I didn’t drink, you thought angrily to yourself.
“jisoo why don’t the two of you sit down. i’ll finish cleaning up and then i can take y’all home.” beomgyu suggested, looking between you and jisoo. jisoo nodded before taking you over to the bonfire. when you looked back at soobin, you could see him and beomgyu conversating.
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to say the least, the rest of that night was awful. jisoo spent her time lecturing and teasing you and the intoxicating feeling seemed to disperse not long after soobin left. although you may of preferred the intoxicating feeling over the massive headache you had afterwards.
you had school today and felt a little bit better than last night, the headache slowly subsiding. it was a simple morning- get ready and drive to school, although once you got to the school there was nothing simple about it.
with your car parked you could already see people swarming around the enterance at the school.
“what the hell?” you opened the car door, grabbing your stuff while looking at the loads of people. how were you supposed to get to class with all of these people blocking the enterance?
shutting the car door, you prepared yourself for the pushing you were going to have to do. saying a quick prayer, you headed into the war zone. you tried to peek inside the circle of people- you didn’t want to run into something dangerous. the gossip from the girls however, alerted you of the safety.
“oh wow.”
“he’s cute.”
“i’ve never seen him before.”
you rolled your eyes at the comments, did they really block the enterance for some guy? seeing a small opening, you took your chance to slide through the many many unmoving bodies. you managed to cram yourself in the crowd of people, barely managing to scutter through the small openings. just a few more people and you could make it. the view of the concrete without being infected with feet was calling your name.
“i’ve got this.” huffing, you pushed people aside, eager to reach the spacious area. you had finally managed to escape the last clump of people, finally breathing in the oxygen that they had taken up. readjusting your bag on your shoulders, you left the crowd of students.
“y/n?” your eyes widened as you turned to see who it was that called your name, although as soon as you processed the perfectness of his face, you narrowed your eyes.
“since when did you go here?” you asked, walking towards the door to the school once more. he seemed taken aback by this question, eyes wide and looking around.
“i actually... this is my first day here.” soobin smiled, clutching his backpack straps. cute. your small smile was swept away before anyone was able to tell, at least you hope so.
you crossed your arms as you looked at the boy, while doing so you happened to notice the hundreds of googly eyes coming from behind him. geez creepy much.
“cool.” you dragged out. “well i’m gonna head to class. you have fun doing whatever it is you do.”
“wait!” you stopped on your heels, hearing the quickened footsteps that came closer. “i actually was wondering if you could show me around. wouldn’t want the new kid to get lost right?” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head with his large hand. seemingly very charming as he looked down at you.
you looked at him, deadpanning while looking at his close up eyes. what a mistake that was. you could get lost in those eyes, sparkling deep blue. they held a mystery in them, calling you in. the longer you looked, the more they felt familiar. you didn’t realize you leaned in until the whispering of the girls got louder and you were met with a wide eyed soobin. his face was inches away from yours, you could’ve felt the heat of his breath if he wasn’t holding it. blinking a few times you backed up, trying not to show your embarrassment.
“i was trying to see if you wear contacts.” you shrugged, knowing full well that was not what you were doing. he didn’t reply, so you coughed trying to ease the tension. “why not ask for someone else to help you?” the best way to avoid what had just happened was to change the subject, which is what you had done.
“i mean... i guess i could’ve, but i’ve met you. here let me compare our schedules. if they’re different i won’t bother you.” the paper in his hand indicating that he was, in fact, looking for his classes. he had his hand out, which you blankly stared at.
“okay fine, but if we don’t have classes together then you have to find someone who does.” he put his hand down once he realized you were just going to look at his. grabbing the paper roughly from the boy, you skimmed his classes. eyes growing wide with each class you read. how is that even possible? it was an exact copy of your schedule, but with soobin’s information on it. soobin had been studying your expressions, that ranged from your furrowed brows in confusion to mouth agape shock.
“we... we uh... wow.” you couldn’t form words as you scanned over his schedule repeatedly. you couldn’t just be seeing things right? “are you stalking me?” you asked, now facing the purple haired boy with skepticism.
“what’re you talking about?” he was clearly confused, trying to peek at his schedule to see if you had seen something he hasn’t.
“nothing... it’s just that we have the exact same schedule.” you handed him his schedule back, still somewhat suspicious of how this happened.
“great! you can show me to our classes and get to know each other. killing two bird with one stone.” his wide smile showing his shiny white teeth, showed no sign of shock. did he not find this weird? the warm contact from the smooth hand enclosing around yours brought you out of your mind. when you looked up at the owner, he had a giddy smile as he waited for you to lead to way. your heart almost melted, but you had to stay on track. something about him was off and you wanted to find out.
rolling your eyes you finally continued on your way to class with a perky lengthy figure beside you. he had started humming which was no doubt as smooth as his singing, if not smoother. the vibrations escaping him and into the air clear as day, canceling out the locker slams and side conversations. you found yourself getting lost in the sound, body loosing up as a floating feeling came about. the weight seemed to be lifted off of your shoulders, stress had vanished into thin air replaced by the relaxed feeling spread across your body. you were so care free at this moment that you didn’t even pay mind to soobin intertwining his fingers with yours.
when you looked back up at him the humming had stopped, causing your mind to long for more. although the floating feeling had left you minutes after, the stress seemed to never find it way back. perhaps that’s why you didn’t mind the way soobin inched closer to you, placing his free hand on your cheek as his thumb ran over it.
his eyes glistened even in the schools bad lighting, but his sparkling eyes were instantly replaced with dark hard eyes. “you really need to remember.” his words sounded harsh, filled with poison, but there seemed to be a bit of hurt. almost as if he was pleading for something. his hand came down to his side while he roughly pulled his other away from yours.
you were frozen, trying to process what had just happened. as the gears turned in your head you couldn’t help but be a little aggravated. “remember what soobin? the class is right there you’re acting as if i got us lost.” you laughed, trying to ease the tensed boy infront of you. this was your way at giving him a warning to calm down.
“but i lost you.” soobin mumbled, it was barely audible, however, you still managed to piece the words together. what nonsense his he speaking?
soobin didn’t say much after that, walking into the classroom as i tailed behind him. you tried to get his attention a few times only for it to fail. it didn’t take long for you to give up, after all if he wouldn’t give you the time of day then why should you keep trying.
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the day seemed to go longer today, and you blamed this on the tall lanky figure you couldn’t seem to escape. he didn’t bother you after that, practically ignoring your existence. you refused to be hurt by this, instead choosing not to care.
it was finally time for you to meet up with jisoo at the burger place down the street from your school. at this point you were starving, your stomach whimpering to alert you of it’s needs. you rushed to your car, fumbling with your car keys. all that was on your mind was the juicy thick cheeseburger with a refreshing soda.
the small building known as mac’s burgers had never seemed better as you walked in with a big smile on your face. you would save your little happy dance for later- when you actually take a bite. your footsteps were quick as you headed to the booth containing your best friend.
“hey jisoo!” you smiled, turning to slide into the opposite booth only two be met with two other familiar faces. well... you weren’t expecting that one. your smile seemed to turn fake as you made eye contact with those deep blue eyes, reminding you of the ocean.
you scoot into the booth with jisoo in it as you turn to beomgyu, “hey to you too beomgyu.” you smiled, ignoring the jittery boy next to him. were you being a little petty... maybe, but he started it.
jisoo seemed to notice this, giving you a questionable look- elbowing you in the side.
“and hi again soobin.” you made sure to exaggerate how you were clearly displeased he was still around you.
soobin didn’t seem to mind as he shot you a small smile and mimicked your sentence, but with a pleasure filled tone. your blood started to boil and you don’t really understand why. it just seemed like he was testing your limits today and you were not having it.
silence seemed to envelop the four of you as the air became awkward. “okay well... why don’t i go order for us?” beomgyu smiled, attempting to sneak away from the tense air by taking note of our orders.
“so soobin... are you single?” jisoo leaned against the table- placing her chin on her palm. “i’m asking for a friend.” she added. of course she would be trying to set you up with this dude.
you looked away from the two of them, focusing on the couple diagonal of your booth, in order to look uninterested. it’s not that you cared... you were just curious.
“yes actually...” a small smile adorned your face as you bit your tongue to stop yourself. “however there’s this girl that I’m interested in. she doesn’t even seem to remember who i was to her.” your smile didn’t last long, suddenly back in a bad mood.
“then why not show her?” you turned your head to soobin, completely forgetting that jisoo was there. you looked pretty irritated, not understanding why he couldn’t just tell the girl who the hell he was.
jisoo sat there eyes wide- shocked at your sudden outburst. “y/n...” her voice was quiet, but was strong, warning you to stop.
“what? i’m just being honest. she must be pretty forgetful if she can’t remember someone like him, so if she’s worth it then why not just remind her.” you huffed, shrugging your shoulders. it was simple to you... soobin’s voice gave him away, he longed for this girl, so he should go after her.
the booth had once more gotten silent, nobody knowing what to say, until soobin started bursting out in laughter. he was laughing so much he had to gasp for air. “you’re right! absolutely right.” soobin wiped away the stray tear that accumulated from his laughter.
beomgyu has already been approaching, relieved that there seemed to be some talking going on. on the other hand, when you and jisoo heard the laughter you both thought he had lost his mind. a very small awkward smile adorned your face as to try and fit yourself in with his laughter.
“looks like things have lightened up a bit.” beomgyu placed the food down on the table while scooting next to soobin with a smile on his face.
“yeah... you could say that.” jisoo looked between you and soobin, soobin looking at you and you looking at the food with gleaming eyes and a watery mouth. something seemed to click in jisoo’s head, but she remained quiet, observing.
at this point you seemed to block out the conversation around you, something about arcade games and the beach... you don’t know. you were focused on grabbing your hamburger. you took you first big bite into the burger, closing your eyes as the taste covered your tastebuds. you couldn’t help but let out a nice hum in content. when you opened your eyes, you met eyes with beomgyu, holding back laughter. your natural reaction was to freeze, moving your eyes towards the other two people in the booth, who had also been watching you. soobin had a cheeky smile on, adoring the way you looked right now.
you swallowed the food, “what?” you asked, making sure to wipe your face and fix your posture.
“well we were talking about what we wanted to do after this and me and beomgyu really want to go to the arcade.” you nodded along in understanding. “the only thing is... soobin wants to go to the ocean like badly, so we thought you could go with him.” you had taken a sip of your drink, nearly spitting it out.
“we know how much you just love the beach. you always want to visit it, so it’s a win win situation.” jisoo wore a tight smile as she looked at you, sending a shiver down your spine. this bitch was scary.
“yeah yeah whatever, i’ll go.” you looked back at soobin to see his dark blue eyes shining, his body moving a bit from his leg bouncing up and down.
“we can even make some seashell crowns.” you shook your head, air blowing out of your nose from the little humor. you forgot all about earlier in the day, now enjoying his company.
the four of you had chatted a lot, having so much to say that each one of you would add input with the food in your mouth, sometimes even choking in attempt to talk while swallowing the food. even after finishing your food, you wasted a few more minutes to talk.
the four of you were now parting ways, you and soobin heading towards the beach while the other two were strolling to the arcade.
soobin seemed to be a bit more happy than earlier, a bounce in his step as he walked beside you. cute. you couldn’t help but skip along with his upbeat steps. the beach was only a block or so away, so you didn’t have to worry about transportation.
“hey soobin...” he looked at you, wondering what you were about to say. he stopped walking to match you. “tag you’re it!” you tapped his arm before running as fast as you could, that man had long legs you never know how fast they could go.
“wait!” his call did no good, not giving him a chance to catch you. when you looked back you found yourself plenty of feet infront of him. he continued to trip over his own feet, causing you to laugh.
“have you never ran before?” you yelled with your hands around the corners of your mouth in attempt to make you voice louder. the sight was pretty funny... his long legs acting as if they have never went faster than 1.4 (m/s)
“just you wait!” he stopped for a bit, running in place while you stood with your hands on your hips, smirking. at this rate he was never going to catch you, so you could catch your breath.
once it seemed like he was done warming up you turned around, walking because you’ve gained quite the distance. it was peaceful...that was until you heard heavy footsteps approaching. in confusion you looked back, only to be met with the once clumsy boy speeding towards you like a man on steroids.
“holy shit!” you squealed while running for your life. your heart was pumping, you were not expecting that one. he was gaining a lot of space, which you didn’t like one bit. it felt like a bull was tailing you, practically fearing for your life.
“i’m catching up~” he singsonged from only about twelve feet away. you were so close to the beach, wanting to escape this victory chasing boy.
“if i make it to the sand then i made it to base!” you tried running faster than you previously were, but the silence from behind scared you. when you turned your head to look behind you, you found you made a big mistake. a wide grin was merely five feet away, his hands reaching out for you. while looking at his attractive terrifying figure, you tripped over the steps onto the beach, slowing you down. this led you to your doom.
soobin grabbed yourself wrist, pulling you into his chest. you collided into him with a thud, shocked at what just happened.
“tag... your it.” his voice was husky and low as it was whispered into your ear. it was attractive and you couldn’t deny the heat that occurred down below.
you were pulled away from your trance as he moved to the side, rushing to the sand. you shook your head smiling as you slowly followed after him. he deserved the win.
“what was that? have i ever ran before?” he laughed picking fun at you for losing.
“to be fair that’s what it looked like until you became road runner.” you couldn’t miss his furrowed brows.
“don’t tell me you don’t know who the road runner is...” you looked up at him with a skeptical look that he only replied with a shrug.
“you know... the bird who goes beep beep. it actually sounds like meep meep though.” his lips were in a thin line, showing no sign of a lightbulb going off. “ok wow... your poor childhood.” you gave up trying to convince him that there was no way he didn’t know.
“so... what do you want to do first?” soobin asked while looking off into the ocean, his eyes narrowed as if looking for something that was hard to see. you tried looking as well, but caught nothing that stood out.
“well... i want to show you my favorite spot on this beach.” you were playing with your fingers now, showing him this spot was something special. you don’t know why you wanted to show him the place that no one else seemed to know about, but it just felt right.
“ooo... your favorite spot huh?” soobin was smirking while wiggling his eyebrows.
“get your head out of the gutter.” you punched him, rolling your eyes as you grabbed his soft hands- leading the way. “it’s this way.”
soobin stole glances at you, not very subtly, so you had to call him out causing him to become red in the face. this gave you joy, especially since he won the game of tag.
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it didn’t take too much time to arrive to your favorite spot, now thinking about it, soobin had met you here on the night of the party. the large rocks hiding you from civilization, it even extended into the ocean.
“this is your favorite spot?” soobin sounded surprised and when you looked at him all you saw was hope, his eyes getting watery. you tilted your head at this, wondering why he seemed to get emotional.
“yeah... i’ve always seemed to wonder here and just wait. for what... i don’t know.” you walked towards the ocean, taking a deep breath as the breeze took over.
soobin approached you, nodding his head. “y/n i have something to show you.” he seemed a little scared, causing you to worry a bit.
“okay...” you were hesitant, wondering what he wanted to show you.
soobin walked into the water, making you give him a weird look. is this really what he had to show you. you were about to judge him, when you eyes caught sight of the shimmering scales forming a purple tail. soobin’s hair only seemed to be glowing more now, his face had a few scales on the edges of his face, they were fainter and barely noticeable, unlike the ones adorning his forearms. your eyes got wide. yes you believed in mermaids, but you never thought you would actually get to see one up close. this could be your big break, but could you betray soobin like that? you would have to obtain some of his dna if you did decide that. your thoughts were jumbled and you didn’t know what to do, his majestic figure wasn’t helping your case. you were freaking out, breathing starting to become shallow. what do i do?
you ran. that’s what you did... or well tried to do. you didn’t get very far after soobin called your name, trying to get up to no avail. you could’ve gotten away, but soobin used his last hope... his voice.
please be my eternity~ please call my name... run away, run away, run away with me~
you stopped, his voice seeming nostalgic and in pain... a last call for love. even so... his singing was different this time, you could leave if you wanted to. you don’t know why, but tears formed in your eyes. there was a war going on, your heart battling your mind. you took a deep breath to ease yourself before you made up your mind. taking that one step away from him, until your body was spun around in a quick swift motion. you gasped, eyes wide and before you could even realize what was happening, a pair of lips brushed against yours.
“i can’t let you forget me. please... just remember me.” his voice was soft and pleading before he closed the small gap between your lips. it was soft... reminding you of all blissful things, reminding you of how the wind would flow through your hair, reminding you of your feet sinking in the sand, reminding you... of the young love you had for the man infront of you.
memories seemed to crash against your mind, like when a wave pushes you under. the two of you used to see each other all the time in secret. going out into the depths of the ocean just to see what his life was like. the promises you made to each other about when you would live where and how the two of you would plan a future together... how the both of you... would never forget each other.
you were crying now, the tears streaming down your cheeks as you moved your lips along his. his hand reached to the back of your head, pushing you slightly forward and deepening the kiss even more. you had placed your hands in his wet hair, just barely tightening your grip on it. the two of you sharing each other’s saliva felt right, barely parting for breath. you could feel his tongue swipe against your bottom lip every now and then, asking if it was okay with you. a tiny bite on his lip was enough for him to slide his tongue over to you, exploring your mouth. he started to ease the kiss, going slower until it became a peck.
the two of you were slightly panting, inhaling the air you had lost, with your heads and noses touching.
“i’m so sorry soobin.” your voice was barely above a whisper... while you looked at the ground in guilt. he had moved his arms to behind your back, resting there as he looked down at you.
“it hurt... i started to wonder why you didn’t come to see me for a year, so instead of coming back to this spot constantly... i waited until i heard you in the ocean, which by the way took forever. i actually almost gave up... until you called your own self forgetful.” he voice always seemed to comfort you, you missed being in his presence like this. even with his comforting voice, you couldn’t rid yourself of the guilty feeling, and he seemed to notice.
“in the end... all that matters is that i have you. in my arms and in my heart.” he let one arm make its way to your chin, lifting your head up. your eyes met his ocean blue eyes that shined in the sunlight.
“you’re so cheesy.” you smiled before wrapping your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer to rest your head against his chest. when he laughed, you felt the vibrations through his chest, making your smile grow. with him you felt paradise and you never plan on forgetting your paradise every again.
“so... i should probably go meet up with yeonjun before he comes here himself to drag me back in the ocean.” he tried pulling away, but you clung on tighter, causing him to laugh.
“not yet... let’s stay like this for a while longer.” you pouted as soobin ran his hands through your hair, fighting through the tangles.
a while longer turned into hours later, the sun down allowing the two of you to see the bright stars in the night sky. looking at the purple haired boy, your heart felt warm. life just seemed perfect.
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hiyaluronic · 3 years
Unnamed Sentinel/Guide Au (partial draft)
Nile eyed Nicky’s plate with envy, her nose twitching at the pleasant aroma of garlic and the slightly nutty, pungent smell of cumin and turmeric; the spicy aromatics filling the small dining room and causing her stomach to grumble excitedly. She turned from Nicky’s plate to stare down at her own in dismay. The grilled chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and rich buttery baked potato were doing nothing to satiate her cranky stomach.
“Why does Nicky get the good stuff?” She hadn’t meant to sound childish but Joe’s home cooked chicken curry looked a thousand times more appetizing than the standard restaurant-style meal situated on her plate.
Joe grinned and winked at Nicky who in turn rolled his eyes in response, “Because he’s being punished.” 
Nile sighed and poked halfheartedly at her chicken, “Then can I be punished too?”
Andy snorted into her wine glass, pulling the stemmed glass away and clearing her throat against the burn of alcohol. “Trust me, you don’t.”
“If you say so.” Nile murmured and reluctantly cut into her chicken. She took a few bites, her gaze lingering on Nicky’s plate which sat untouched, wondering how exactly homemade food was a punishment. 
“C’mon, Nicolò,” Joe prodded, forgetting his own meal and using his fork to spear a piece of sauce drenched chicken from Nicky’s plate. “I promise it will not be as bad as Baton Rouge.”
Nile perked up, curious. “What happened in Baton Rouge?” 
Andy smiled deviously and leaned over to Nile. “Booker’s attempt at cerole cooking. His Jambalaya is still pending a patent as a lethal weapon. Joe and I ended up with food poisoning, Nicky on the other hand....”
Nicky swallowed, eyeing the innocent piece of poultry dangling from Joe’s fork with trepidation, eyes following the curry sauce as it slowly dripped onto the tablecloth. “I ended up zoning because the idiota, mixed up chile peppers with bhut jolokia.”
Nile scrunched her face. “Bahht Zo-lu-key-ya?” 
“Ghost peppers.” Andy simplified, leaning back into the kitchen chair and crossing her arms, watching Joe shake the chicken enticingly in front of Nicky with mild amusement.
Nile cringed and swallowed, her mouth watering at the imagined heat of said pepper. “Shit.” 
“Indeed.” Nicky replied with a sigh before leaning forward and letting his mouth wrap enticingly around Joe’s fork - the pink of his lips covering the silver of the utensil suggestively - before ever so slowly pulling back, smirking when he noticed Joe’s eyes narrow at his actions. Nicky closed his eyes and let the juices from the chicken settle on his tongue; the sweetness of clove and cinnamon dancing across his tongue and running as a current under the powerful flavor of turmeric, bay leaves, and cumin. He sucked the sauce and juice from the chicken, tilting his head back and moaning in pleasure when the slight underlying warmth of garlic and mustard seed tickled his taste buds.
He mentally smirked when he felt Joe kick his shin under the table, a quiet behave drifting from his husband's lips, the heady scent of musk saturating the air between them and sending a jolt of excitement through Nicky. He could hear Nile coughing awkwardly across the table; a deep bass to the quiet trill of Andy’s accompanying  laughter. Why should he be the only one to be punished? 
He felt the air shift and change before he heard Joe sigh. “Come on, Nico. You know how this goes, what’s the secret ingredient?”
Nicky frowned at the question and chewed the chicken, unsure. He could taste something off. Taste something out of place underneath the normal spices, something sharp and bitter  - almost medicinal.
“I’m assuming it’s not love?” Nile said to Andy, who snickered.
Nicky swallowed and blinked open his eyes, turning to Joe, “Clove, cinnamon, turmeric, bay leaf, cumin. Just a hint of garlic and mustard... and...”
Joe ticked off the ingredients with his finger, “And…?”
Nicky licked his lips and tried to focus on the odd taste, he knew it, he just couldn’t place the where and what, and most notably the name. He hated having to sort through Joe’s cooking because there were so many different flavors in the world and it was sometimes very hard to distinguish between herbs and spices; and, while he loved his husband, Joe liked to make it as hard as possible. The reasoning? Because it eased his husband's mind knowing that he could detect even the subtlest of flavors - which he would agree. Being able to detect the minute differences in flavors between herbs and poisons had saved them many unneeded deaths over the various decades.
But, still…
“It tastes like soap.”
“Seriously, Joe!” Nile admonished, eyes wide in concern. “You put soap in his food?”
“It’s not soap!” Joe was quick to reply, just a little offended at the accusation. “I would never do such a thing!”
“Uggh.” Nicky shivered in disgust when it finally clicked what the offending flavor was, “Cilantro!”
“Very good, Nico!” Joe leaned forward and kissed his husband happily. “And now what sense shall we work on next, hmmm?”
Nicky laughed softly with a shake of his head, “Joe, it was only one zone with a great many number of years between my last one. I promise I do not need-”
“It is not about what you need, you have become lax in these last few decades, hayati, you’re starting to rely too heavily on the technology of today. And it worries me.” Joe explained, running a hand through his beard and scratching at the skin underneath. “You were very lucky that Nile had been there to keep an eye on you until Andy and I arrived but what would have happened if Nile had been indisposed of? You would have been left vulnerable and that’s just not acceptable.”
“Cuore Mio.” Nicky murmured, his hand reaching over to grasp Joe’s tightly in his absently running his thumb over Joe’s knuckles.. He didn’t need heightened senses to know that his love was feeling anxious but the sulfuric reek permeating the air around Joe just confirmed it. 
Andy nodded, seeming to agree with the idea. “Joe’s right, Nicky. We have to be able to trust that on a mission you won’t conk out on us. A refresher might do some good and it’ll help Nile know what to do when Joe is unavailable to pull you back.”
Nile held her hand up and cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the small group. “Speaking of. I was promised an explanation?”
“That you were, Nile.” Nicky agreed, squeezing Joe’s hand with a gentle smile. “There is sadly not much to tell.”
“Oh, hell no. You don’t get to reveal Nicky is a superhero-” Not a superhero, Nile “and then not tell me how that happened.”
Joe and Nicky shared a look, Joe raised his shoulder slightly in question to which Nicky tilted his head, his gaze flicking towards Nile before returning to Joe with a small nod.
Joe sighed and pulled his hand free from Nicky’s, settling back against his chair, and focusing his sight on the darkened splotches of curry staining the tablecloth. “It was many, many months after we had grown tired of constant death and had laid down our arms against one another. At the time we thought our situation was part of our immortality, it wasn’t until we met Andromache and Quynh that we understood otherwise.” 
Nicky smiled fondly, remembering the circumstances that had surrounded their meeting of their sisters in arms. It had been a sweltering summer, the air so thick that even the simple act of breathing would leave a person exhausted and uncomfortably drenched. Time had worn away at a lot of his memories but the vibrant scent of the briny waters lapping at the sands along the coast, the salty air pushed inland by the balmy waves of the Mediterannean that ate away at wood and stone alike and the overbearing smell of seagrasses that would drift upward when low tide would hit and carrying the faint tinge of dead sea life along with it were still vivid in his memory.
But what he remembered the most about that first meeting - what still haunted him and fueled his nightmares almost a millennium later - was the utter terror of not being able to hear Joe’s heartbeat between one moment and the next. His breath still faltered when he thought back to the utter panic that had grabbed hold and burrowed deep into his chest at the mere thought of losing the one person who could make him feel human.
“Andromache and Quynh absconded with Joe before we had the chance to be formally introduced.”
Nile balked at Nicky’s words but at the minute twitch to the corners of his mouth and the way she noticed his eyes darken just a tad, not quite in anger but in an almost accusatory way, had her turning to Andy flabbergasted, “You what!?
“In all fairness,” Andy started, her hands raised in supplication, “it was just to test a theory. We’d trailed the two of them for days, trying to get a read on what kind of buffoons they were outside of the dreams.”
“We were not buffoons.” Joe huffed, affronted, eyes ticking to Nicky looking for agreement.
Andy quirked an eyebrow, “You literally killed each other dozens of times over the span of 6 months. Quynh and I had even started making bets on it. So, hence, bah-foons.”
“We were-” Joe trailed off, looking to Nicky for the right way to answer without confirming Andy’s rather accurate description.
Nicky turned from Joe’s gaze to Andy’s with a frown, “-working through some things.” 
“Sure, language barrier, sectarianism, genocide…” Andy said, ticking each item off with the raise of one of her fingers.
“Getting off topic here, guys. I’m assuming there’s more to the story then Andy and Quynh running off with Joe in tow?” 
With a sigh, Andy looked towards Nile. “There were… are stories. Legends really, about persons with the capability to  perceive the world around them on a level unseen by us mere humans.”
“Sounds amazing.” Nile said.
“One would think until you realize nothing can be such without its own hindrances.” Nicky explained with a wince, “What Andy and Quynh were testing was to see if Joe and I had bonded as guide and sentinel.”
“A sentinel’s abilities are latent, most that have this ability will never know because a sentinel is born through harsh conditions and need.” Andy explained at Nile’s question. “But if there is no guide, no way for a sentinel to maintain a baseline, the world becomes an enemy to them and they either zone or turn feral.”
“Feral? Like...turn rabid?” 
Nicky nodded at Nile, “An abhorred definition but yes. We have only ever seen a feral sentinel once and it ended with him falling to my blade.” 
“Okay.” Nile pursed her lips trying to gather her thoughts, “Okay so Andy and Quynh took Joe to make sure you were bonded and not feral?”
“You have to understand Nile, we saw them kill each other for months. With so much senseless violence Quynh and I had to make sure that the world hadn’t bred a broken and untamed immortal.”
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webslinger-holland · 4 years
The Royal Family | Chapter Four
Summary: When two royal family’s decide to conjoin their countries, they arrange a marriage between their eldest children. Once the two royals meet, it takes a lot of convincing before they are ready to begin their reign together...
Warning: sexual tension, flirting, lots of kissing
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Type: The Royal Family Series
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The spring day opens with the same gentle pace as the new blooms. The winter time had passed in its somber majesty. It had only brought skies of richly marbled greys and trees so elegant in their bare beauty. Those cold days for calmness and reflection are waning now. And a new spring energy will rise. 
The blossom arrives like cake frosting on the trees in delicious creams and pinks. The petals burst out from lower down the branches, leaving the tips still in tight bud. The evergreens and spruces scented the air with their new growth. The trees had almost looked like dancing ladies. They wore dresses of different shades of green dresses which were more fabulous than any designer could craft. They would move in perfect harmony with each other, choreographed by the gentle breeze.
The eastern palace had been frantically scurrying around the place to clean up the last minute touches. The servants had been working all day to prepare for the garden party that would take place in the late afternoon. The gardeners had to make sure that the royal garden looked its absolute best for that special day.
The gardener (who was a little old man) had spent the whole last week working diligently on the gardens himself. He liked to shape the trees to his liking with his clippers. He groomed the bunches of flowers with his bare hand, occasionally sending some to the palace for the princess. He was also able to clean the fountain from the last winter. Now the garden would be the prime and perfect centerpiece for the garden party.
The grand tent had been set up to linger underneath some trees. The footmen had been ordered to carry the various tables and chairs out to the tent for set up. The maids would organize the tables and chairs to their liking. They placed the white lace tablecloths on top of the small white circular tables. 
The ladies that worked in the kitchens were carrying out the fine china dishes. They were also starting to bring out the food that they would serve at the garden party. The little fluffy sandwiches would be served on the silver platters for it would be the main course. There were breads and biscuits that were practically tumbling over the sides of the wicker baskets on the wood table. There were small bowls of various fruits on the side, drizzled with a teaspoon of sugar. And there was one particular thing that would be a grand surprise.
A few small kettles of water were placed on the table to make warm tea. The little teabags were neatly ordered in little rows, showcasing the number of different flavors. And a little bowl of sugar was placed beside the warm kettles for a little added sweetening. 
There were beautiful crystal glass pitches filled to the brim with pink lemonade. The ice buckets would come out later, so that the lemonade could be served with ice cubes for the guests. There were also a few bottles of champagne for the gentleman that didn’t really care for lemonade. There were pitchers of nice cold milk that would be served to the children. There were beads of water running down the sides of the glasses due to the cold liquid within the pitcher.
The princess of the east would be hosting her first garden party. She had spent the last couple weeks sending out invitations, choosing the foods that would be served, and organizing the decorations to her liking. She was beyond overwhelmed when the day had actually arrived. 
She was telling the servants to do this and that. She had changed her mind in regards to the champagne. She found herself rearranging the setting on the guest list for the millionth time. She also made a grand request the day prior. She wanted there to be chocolate at the garden party (which was hard to come by).
The good news concerning the young couple’s courtship had rapidly spread throughout the entire kingdom. The servants whispered amongst themselves. Many of them were placing bets on the date that the royal couple would be engaged and married. The entire royal family was beyond thrilled with the news, expressing their sincere congratulations to the young couple. This garden party would be to celebrate their newfound courtship.
The three princes had found themselves walking amongst the preparation of the party in the front yard. The three of them did not pay any mind to the servants scurrying around them, frantically trying to make the last minute adjustments. They would settle their gazes on the young princess who was growing more stressed with each passing moment. 
"Tell me, dear brother," Harry said with an evident smirk plastered on his face. He turned his head to look at his older brother standing beside him, tilting his head to gesture towards the princess in the short distance. "Have you kissed her yet?" Harry wondered. 
"That is none of your business," Thomas said. He had been quick to avert his gaze, choosing to pretend to be focused on something else instead of having to listen to his brother’s taunting voice. Though he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, he couldn't suppress the smile from growing on his lips. This would give away any secrecy in the matter.
"Oh...so you have kissed her,” Harry concluded. He could see the evident blush on his brother’s cheeks. He would only raise his eyebrows in amusement, chuckling to himself at the notion. "My brother has had his first kiss,” Harry exclaimed a little too loud for his brother’s liking. 
In the background, the prince’s personal assistant was making sure to linger behind them. He had turned his head to search some of his surroundings, watching the servants scurry around with keen eyes. His baby blue eyes would settle on this young servant carrying a bundle of neatly folded lace tablecloths. He could have sworn he had never seen anyone more beautiful in his life. 
In that give moment, the princess was fussing over this beautiful bouquet of flowers in the center of the table. She had taken one single step backwards to admire her work. She almost wondered if she had picked the right china dishes or if she should send for the other one. She just couldn’t think straight.
“You look stressed,” Thomas called. He had taken a few steps forward in his place, leaving his two brothers and personal assistant behind. He had grown to know her well over the past few months, especially during their courtship. 
“I am stressed,” Y/N confessed. She had turned her head to look over the small stretch of her shoulder, staring at the three princes in her presence. She took hold of one of the white lace tablecloths from Elsie. She spread the tablecloth onto the next table. “There is still so much to do,” Y/N sighed. 
“Let’s go for a walk,” Thomas suggested. He strode towards her, stopping to stand right in front of her. He could tell that she was about to make some protest, but then she began to process his words. He spoke again. “It might take your mind off things,” Thomas hinted.
The princess of the east had glanced at some of her surroundings in fear that some of the servants might catch onto the conversation between them. She was able to come up with a hundred excuses, but he simply refused to accept them. He had started to lead her away from the commotion with a hand on the small of her back. She was very reluctant to leave the front yard for a while.
The two royals were walking down the long gravel pathway of the newly opened gardens of the palace. He had caught her mumbling to herself under her breath as if she were making mental notes in her head. He had to tell her to not worry about anything. He said that he knew something that would take her mind off things.
With great precaution, the prince had brought the princess to a small stone gazebo hidden beneath the trees. He turned his head to look over the small stretch of his shoulder, checking to make sure nobody was nearby.  He grasped onto the her, leading her towards the well-known hideout. He placed his hand on the small of her back, politely pushing her forward first.
The princess grabbed a handful of her skirt with both hands, lifting her skirt up so she could climb the steps. She did not hesitate to walk towards the stone wall of the gazebo. She found herself spinning around on the heels of her feet to face him, pressing her backside against the stone wall. 
The prince had been following behind her. He turned his head to search some of his surroundings one last time. He quickly joined her in the privacy of the stone gazebo. He walked right up to her, so that he could press his body against her's. The coast was clear. They were alone now. 
In an instant, their lips crashed together in synchronized harmony. He had carried his hand to rest below her ear, cupping her cheek with his large hand. His thumb was caressing her cheek in the most soothing manner. His other hand rested on her hip, holding her closer in his embrace. She ran her fingers over his forearms. She pulled him closer until there was no space left between them.
Their hearts were beating rapidly against their chests, threatening to break through the thin barrier. They could practically feel the blood and adrenaline pumping and coursing through their veins. They felt a rush of euphoric bliss envelop their beings, making their hearts sing with pure joy. Their hearts could barely contain the million different emotions surged through their bodies; desire, hunger love, lust. 
The prince's mouth was warm; the caress of his lips gentle yet firm. He found himself tilting his head to the side to deepen their connection. He pressed his pink tongue against the seam of her little lips, begging for entrance. His tongue delved into her mouth, exploring every single aspect without any hesitation. He moaned at her sweet taste.
The princess's lips were so soft and smooth. Her lips were moving against the prince's lips as if they were two perfectly fitted puzzle pieces. She stifled a surprised gasp as his soft lips captured hers again, causing her body to flush with heat. She could feel the heat traveling through her veins, warming her heart. 
The young woman was currently trapped between the stone wall and the strong prince. Though she didn't seem to mind. Her fingers were digging into the sleeve of the prince's coat, pulling him even closer to her. She refused to let him go. The obscene noises of one's saliva exchanging was streaming throughout the stone gazebo, bouncing off the hard walls. Their lips molded against each other’s perfectly. The kiss was so passionate.
In the end, the two human beings would need oxygen to survive. They had quite reluctantly pulled away from each other. They leaned forward  to rest their heads together. They panted heavily to regain their breath. They stared into each other’s eyes, feeling at a loss for words.
"Thomas," the princess gasped. She breathed steadily to herself. She was lost in his gaze. “We must get married soon. I cannot bear to go another day without being able to express my love for you to the entire world. I need you," the princess begged him.
"I agree," he said. He was smiling softly down at her. He nudged the tip of his nose against her’s. "But...I need to finish sorting out a few things first. I need to finalize my inheritance, prepare for my coronation, and begin to start learning how to rule a kingdom." 
There was a brief moment of silence between the two of them. She had found herself glancing between his eyes and lips, contemplating whether or not she should just kiss him right there and then. She opened her mouth to speak from her heart. 
"I wish...I were an ordinary woman,” the princess of the east confessed. She lifted her hand to weave her fingers through his long locks of hair. She hummed softly to herself. “That way, we wouldn’t have to worry about hosting garden parties or sorting out inheritances. It would just be you and me...forever and always,” the princess of the east concluded. 
“But you we not an ordinary woman," the prince shook his head at her. He had been so gentle to tuck a single strand of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.  He could feel her leaning her head into his embrace, holding onto his hand. "You are a princess,” the prince whispered to her. 
With some hesitation, he had taken her into his arms once again. His soft brown eyes were shimmering with the strong sense of hunger and desire. It would take all of his strength to be gentle with her. He let his lips touch her’s so lightly that he could hardly feel it. He pulled away in an instant. 
For a brief moment, the two royals just stood there staring at each other. Unable to resist any longer, he had stooped his head down to her height. Their mouths pressed together in a long passionate kiss. They had grown closer together until there was no visible gap between them. It was the kiss of a man who had waited years for the moment, and feared that it would never come again
His warm lips brushed against hers in the most delicate and delicious manner. He was forced to swallow the groan of pleasure that slipped past her sweet lips. She pressed her hand against his sculpted chest, memorizing the feeling of his firm hard muscle underneath her hand. She could feel his heart beating within his chest. She smiled against his lips. 
When the time came, the guests had begun to arrive for the garden party. The lords and ladies were wearing some of the finest silks for the joyous occasion. The princess of the east was currently standing at the front of the tent, greeting the guests with a bright smile on her face. Her dear prince was standing right beside her. 
The dukes and duchesses would bow or curtsey to the royals. They had also gone to great lengths to offer their congratulations to the young couple on their new courtship. They were so proud of the royal family at this moment. 
The young children were running amongst the crowds of adult in the tent. The sound of children’s laughter could be heard throughout the courtyard. They were playing with each other. They must have been on a sugar high from all the sweets and treats.
The earls and dukes were currently playing a game of croquet in the front yard. They would use the long wooden mallets to strike the colorful balls into the metal hoops stuck in the ground. There was a servant on the sidelines who was keeping track of the score. 
The marchionesses and baronesses would be found chatting amongst themselves about the latest topics and trends. The ladies could be easily found hiding underneath the tent in the cool shade. They just loved to indulge in the foods and drinks that were being served at the garden party. They were also very keen to point out how the prince was fretting and fawning over the princess. 
At one point, Prince Thomas had draped a white lace shawl over Princess Y/N’s shoulders to provide some warmth and comfort. She had turned her head to look over the small stretch of her shoulder, sending him the kindest smile. She could feel his strong hands resting on the tops of her shoulders, which only brought her even more comfort. 
During one of the conversations, Thomas had wanted to dismiss himself for a brief moment. He tilted his head to the side so that he could press one small kiss to her cheek. She had just barely leaned into him. She had already begun to miss his touch once he had left her side. She wanted him back right away. 
The young prince had told the servants to prepare a small picnic underneath one of the shady trees. They would lay out this nice cream colored blanket on the soft blades of grass. The servants would also bring some refreshments for the royals.
Within a few short moments, Prince Thomas would return to his princess’s side. He had actually dragged her away from this boring conversation with an older duchess. He was quick to dismiss themselves from the duchess’s presence. 
He had guided her towards the small scenery hidden underneath the shady trees in the short distance. He held out his hand to show her the display with a proud smile on his face. She did not hesitate to smile back at him. She picked up the skirt of her dress, stepping onto the soft blanket. She lowered herself into a proper sitting position for a princess with her legs bent to the sides. She noticed that he had joined her side on the blanket. 
Slowly, Prince Thomas had poured two glasses of champagne for themselves. He had handed her the glass of bubbly golden champagne, holding his own in the other hand. He proposed a small toast to the success of her first garden party, which would only result in a small giggle from her. He clicked his champagne glass against hers in a gentle notion. He took one long sip of the gold liquid.
During this time, the princess of the east had found herself observing the garden party from a distance. She could see the two young princes talking amongst the ladies. She also saw her father speaking with the prime minister. She almost couldn’t believe that she was able to put this whole thing together. It was just perfect.
Beside her, the prince of the north was laying on his right side. He had propped himself up with his forearm. He was currently watching the game of croquet in the distance. He had a handful of green grapes in his hand, popping them into his mouth on occasion.
Slowly, the princess had turned her head to look down at the prince sitting beside her. She could see that his body was facing her, but his line of focus was directed to the game. She lay her hand to rest on top of his own. 
Without hesitation, Thomas had turned his head to direct his attention back towards her. He was so taken back by her beauty. He was awestruck by the way her long locks of hair tumbled over her shoulders and the way her creamy skin was glowing in the afternoon sunlight. He was looking directly at her with such love and adoration in his eyes.
She had worn a soft cream dress for the garden party. She had these pretty little gloves with lace around her wrists. She was holding her white lace parasol in her hands, which had provided her some shade. She very easily could be mistaken for an angel from the heavens. 
“What are you staring at?” she wondered. She was looking down at him with a slight tilt of the head. Her soft and kind eyes were sparking with curiosity. She quirked an eyebrow at him.
“You,” he confessed. He had been pulled away from his thoughts about her. He was quick to reach over to grab the white china bowl of small chocolate (dipped) strawberries. “Here. Try this,” he said.
The young prince pinched one of the small strawberries between his fingers, carrying it towards her light pink lips. She did not hesitate to wrap her lips around the strawberry, digging her teeth into the sweet and juicy fruit. She closed her eyes in pleasure, moaning at the wild taste in her mouth. 
Very gently, Thomas pulled the green stem of the strawberry away from her mouth. He could clear see a small smudge of chocolate lingering at the corner of her lips. She had grabbed one of the cloth napkins to clean the chocolate. She lifted the napkin towards her mouth, but she was quickly stopped in her tracks.
In that moment, he had taken hold of her wrist to halt her movements. He pulled her hand away from her face, keeping a steady hand on her. He forced himself into a sitting position on the picnic blanket. He slowly leaned forward until he was only centimeters away from her face. He pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth in a simple kiss. 
His tongue had slipped out of his mouth to collect the smudge of chocolate, drawing it back into his mouth. He turned his head to kiss her properly on the lips. He did not hesitate to swallow her moans of absolute pleasure. His insistent mouth had begun to part her trembling lips, sending wild tremors throughout her nerves. He would never forget the taste of her lips in that exact moment. She tasted like chocolate. 
@averyfosterthoughts @drishtisikarwar @littlekidsteve​ @casualprincess77​ @halparkebitch @xoxohollands​ @parkeret @namoreno
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kilojulietsierra · 3 years
Seis Dias - Prologue & Chapter One (Frankie Morales x OFC - Triple Frontier meets Six Days Seven Nights)
I watched Triple Frontier and Six Days Seven Nights in the same day awhile ago and... this happened over the weekend lol
It was a lot of fun to write and I hope y'all enjoy it too!
Notes - my Spanish is a work in progress, if there are any mistakes they are mine. Rating is lower than usual for me (T - on Ao3) but I have an idea for a bonus chapter at the end that would bump that up. Canon typical violence and language.
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~~~~~ Summary~~~~~
A well known photographer on vacation with her new fiance just got called in on a once in a lifetime, last minute job for one of her biggest customers. Promising her fiance that it'll be a quick 2-3 day trip from the south american resort they're staying at to the job and back. With an overnight bag, her camera and a bribe for the... quirky pilot that flew them to the remote vacation spot, she takes off to the shoot.
A storm rolls in while they're in the air and the quick trip takes a dangerous turn.
Forced to land in the middle of the night when lightning strikes their plane the pair find themselves in the middle of the South American jungle with a wrecked plane and no way to get help and no way out of the jungle but to work together.
They survived the crash but that's the least of their concerns, the jungle has more than one danger lurking in its shadows.
~~~~~~ Prologue`~~~~~
Joanna was grateful to be out of the slush and snow but her annoyance with the February weather soon turned to annoyance towards the crowd of people in the lobby which she had found her shelter in. She shoved and excused her way through the frigid New Yorkers to the front desk, "Hi, I'm here for an appointment with," She was cut off by someone knocking into her camera bag, causing her to sway on her feet and clutch at the strap to keep it from slipping, "Excuse you. Anyway, Robin Monroe? Can you let her know I'm here"
"Floor seven, elevator bank is to your right." The receptionist had no clue that Jo had been here a dozen times already this month. She only glanced up to point to the general direction of the elevators as she reached for the phone receiver.
"Thank you." Joanna squeezed through the gap in the crowd and made a beeline for an elevator just opening. Her and the other elevator riders stood in silence, slowly filtering on and off as the floor numbers climbed. At the seventh floor Joanna took her leave and soon heaved in a deep breath at the wonderfully empty foyer of Ms. Monroe's publication office.
Making her way through the desks and design tables Joanna waved and greeted the familiar faces until she came face to face with a photo shoot set up in complete chaos. Backdrops set in disarray, layout mock ups scattered on the floor, makeup and hair assistants scurrying back and forth and in the center of it all Robin trying to direct the melee. "So... how's your day going so far?"
Monroe turned around in a snap and visibly sagged "Oh Joanna, you'll never believe!" She fell into the long and winding story of how the talent for this particular shoot had fell through and now everything, absolutely everything, was a disaster.
Joanna took a deep breath, situated her camera bag on her shoulder and pulled out her phone to shoot her boyfriend a quick text that she would probably be late getting home tonight.
Later when everything had calmed down and the shoot was completed, a success as far as Jo was concerned, Robin walked her to the foyer where one of the assistants met them with a huge bouquet of flowers. "These came awhile ago for Jo." The young girl informed them, giddy to see what the card said. "They're from Kyle," She grinned and bounced on the balls of her feet while Robin inspected the exotic flower arrangement.
Jo read aloud, "A surprise after a long day, love you, Kyle." She flipped the note over to find a reservation card for one of her favorite restaurants.
"Fancy flowers, fancy restaurant, what's going on?" Joanna teased as the hostess guided them to their table.
Kyle rolled his eyes, "Don't ask questions, it'll ruin the surprise."
Kyle was a handsome young man, tall and lean, blonde close cropped and perfectly styled hair, bright blue eyes and a worked as a shockingly successful stock trader for someone his age. He and Joanna made a striking couple and they both knew it. Especially Kyle.
Once they were seated and had placed their drink orders Jo pressed again, "Ok, you know I'm not a patient woman Kyle. What's up."
"Okay fine," he chuckled as he reached for the inside pocket of his suit jacket, "Close your eyes."
Jo balked slightly but at his insistent stare, did as he asked. When she was finally allowed to open them she gasped.
"Two weeks from now, you, me and six days, seven nights in paradise." Kyle swiped through pictures of an out of this world, boutique, trendy, South American beach resort."
"Oh my God." She watched as he swiped through the promotional photos; lit, edited and laid out in such a way that she could nearly feel the sand under her toes and the sun on her skin. When he put his phone away she turned to face him, "Kyle, you're not serious! That looks amazing! Are we really going?"
"We're really going. You always say you miss travelling and that I need to take more time off so... tada!" He said with pride and matter-of-factness that was his trade mark. "Are you excited baby?"
"So excited." Jo leaned in to give him a kiss and mentally begin counting the hours.
Day One
When they landed in Bogota Joanna swore that she felt a weight lift and her mind clear. All she could think of was being able to enjoy herself, truly, for the first time in a long time. She reached out and grabbed Kyle by the back of his shirt, "Wrong way." As he turned outside the terminal towards security and away from where they needed to go, to collect their luggage and then towards the charters.
"Seguridad." she laughed and pointed at the sign he was about to walk under, "We want maletas, and then we have to find the charters, she pointed in the opposite direction. "This way."
Without saying anything he trailed along as she led the way, following the signs, correctly this time. Eventually they found themselves walking thorough the doors and onto a paved tarmac where two men where leaning against a small plane chatting and laughing.
"Disculpe me,"
Jo approached them and Kyle muttered under his breath."I always forget you can actually speak Spanish."
Joanna ignored him. The two men by the plane glanced up as Joanna continued, "Ayudame, por favor? Estamos buscando por..." she paused to pull up the name of the charter service, "Aire Tropical?"
The two men stood up a little straighter, the taller, scruffier of the two cocked his head as he looked her and Kyle over. "Well you found it." He said in a very American accent. He was tall and broad, his arms bulged slightly through the sleeves of his button down shirt. His jeans were faded and worn, so were the cowboy boots on his feet and the Standard Oil cap on his head. He slapped the other man on the back and then stepped up to Kyle and Joanna. "Franciso Morales." He extended his hand to Kyle and then Joanna, "Mucho gusto."
"Mucho gusto," She offered a small smile and was glad to see it returned.
"So you're the pilot?" Kyle asked, incredulous.
Franciso pulled his worn out cap off his head, ran his hand through his shaggy hair and placed it down again, "Umm, yeah."
"And you're American?"
The other man scoffed, short and silent, "Yeah, for the most part anyway. If you're ready to go, I am." He glanced over his shoulder to the plane.
"Great," Kyle interjected before Jo got the chance, "Could you grab the bags?"
Franciso looked to Kyle, his head cocking to the side again as he chewed thoughtfully on a piece of gum.
Joanna cringed, worried Kyle had offended their only ride to paradise.
His eyes jumped from Kyle to Jo and then back. When he smirked it was not in the pleasant friendly way it had been when they shook hands. "You bet."
After the pilot, Francisco, had grabbed their bags and took them to the plane Kyle pulled her aside. "I'm not sure how I feel about this hillbilly flying us anywhere."
Jo smacked his chest with the back of her hand, "Kyle." She glanced towards the pilot to see if he had heard, "He works for the resort. It's fine."
A shrill whistle interrupted them. "Angelica, vamanos!"
A leggy woman with perky breasts and a big smile came bouncing out of the charter hangar. 'Coming!" She giggled as she joined their little group, "Hello!" Her accent was thick and not from South America but Jo couldn't place it. "You must be the couple coming to the resort. I'm Angelica, I work their and I promise you are going to love it!"
For a brief moment Jo doubted that was true, but beside her Kyle was nodding enthusiastically.
The flight went perfectly well and Jo couldn't stop leaning to look out the small window at the jungle as it passed by beneath them in a blur of green and random villages on their way to the remote section of coast where the resort resided. At some point Francisco must have noticed her excessive staring, "Este es la tierra de los dios, no?'
Jo glanced back at him, seeing him watching her over the rims of his dark aviators and under the bill of his cap. She couldn't help but smile, "Verdad. Es... es increible. No tengo los palabras."
Francisco nodded. "Verdad." He smiled and turned back to the windscreen. everyone remained silent the rest of the flight.
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." It was all Joanna could say upon setting eyes on the bungalow that would be theirs for the next week. The beach under her feet, the sea in front of her, jungle behind her and a bright blue sky above her. She was in paradise. Truly.
"I know right." Kyle dropped the bags by the door and joined her outside. "It's perfect." He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing the top of her head as she leaned back into him. "This is perfect."
The first thing Joanna did was put on her bikini and a pair of shorts, grabbed her camera, and headed for the beach. For a change it wasn't model wannabes, actor hopefuls, suburban families or Instagram influencers in front of her lens. She couldn't remember the last time she had taken pictures just for the enjoyment of it. It was the most amazing feeling. Without even thinking about it she spent the whole afternoon wandering the beach and the resort snapping pictures. The ocean, the jungle, the mountains, young couples playing in the surf and lovers cuddled in the shade.
Joanna hadn't realized how late it was until she came back to the bungalow to find Kyle dressed for dinner in pastel shorts and a linen shirt. "Was beginning to wonder if you got lost or something. Got out of the shouer and you were gone."
"Sorry." She shrugged out of her camera strap, "Wanna see what I found?" Jo clicked some buttons on her camera and turned it so Kyle could see the screen.
"I made reservations at the restaurant for us tonight. Why don't you go get ready."
Dinner had been amazing and when the restaurant served drinks and desert a band had started playing. Couples all around them were attempting their best Tangos or Cumbias but Joanna was worried about Kyle. He had been off ever since Bogota and she worried her wandering off hadn't helped matters.
Just when she was about to ask him he took a sip of his cocktail and cleared his throat. "Joanna." He leaned forward, "Do you know what tonight is?" He took her blank stare as a no, "This is our anniversary. Well unofficially at least, it's the anniversary of the day we first met. Three years ago."
Realization hit her, "Oh, the cab! We fought over a cab and I called you an asshole." She chuckled.
"It's okay, it was worth it. All part of the journey." He stared at her, clear blue eyes glinting in the candles and tiki torches.
Joanna smiled, unsure of what to say. Instead she just stared at his handsome face. Then out of nowhere he was kneeling in front of her, staring at her, his hand reaching into his pocket as the diners around them all collectively began to notice, and look their way.
"Joanna..." He looked as if he was considering his words carefully, hoping to be long and eloquent but found nothing, "Will you marry me?"
Awestruck Jo blinked at him, heart in her throat and forgetting to breath. Now she was the one at a loss for words. So, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him while the rest of the diners applauded and cheered.
Chapter Two/Day Two - Read Here!
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nekojitachan · 4 years
Okay, so I think I’m going with ‘the real thing’ for a title. Subject to change of course. But as I sorta promised, more andreil soulmate not fic. Same warnings as before (mention of past abuse, referenced but not described/detailed sexual abuse, Andrew on meds so...).
Part four (previous part w/ links to the OTHER parts can be found here)
Andrew was about to murder his new bestie; it had been three days since Moreau had all but promised to spill secrets, and if Andrew had to wait much longer? The backliner would be spilling blood instead.
Yes, among his various character foibles (he refused to see them as flaws, not matter what the shrinks rudely insisted) was his very low tolerance for patience when he felt that he was owed something. And he most definitely felt he was owed the truth about what was going on with Nathaniel.
Perhaps Moreau sensed his imminent bloodletting because he muttered ‘tomorrow’ to Andrew as they passed each other in the hall on Tuesday, which granted him a temporary stay of execution. Andrew grunted softly in acknowledgement, then knocked his shoulder into Bautista, who’d been staring a bit too long at Nathaniel.
The backliner glared at Andrew once he regained his footing, but all it took was Andrew ‘smiling’ at him and the older Raven averted his eyes and scurried away.
People were slowly getting the message that Nathaniel was off-limits.
Wednesday came and at first started off as a normal day; early as hell practice, Aaron being smug about getting a good grade on their biology test (Andrew kept his better grade to himself), barely staying awake in his classes, then back to the Nest for more stupid Exy practice. Except Riko and Kevin were gone, off to Detroit to play the next two nights for their professional team (who could keep them), which meant that Andrew just had to wait for Nathaniel to be pulled away, too. He gave Moreau a pointed look when they (and Nathaniel) went out onto court to play in a scrimmage, but the French bastard merely returned it with a blank expression.
Andrew may have aimed a ball or two at the bastard during the scrimmage.
He’d just settled on his bed with a new book to read (sent by Nicky) when his phone vibrated with a message from Moreau for him to come right then to the break room in the Black Hall. Part of Andrew wanted to ignore the summons, but his desire to find out the truth won out over his ornery nature so he got up and left his room without saying a word to his partner (not that Ben acted surprised at all to see him leave). There were a few Ravens out in the hallways, but none brave enough to question him, especially when he headed in the direction of the Black Hall.
Very few went there unless invited to by one of the ‘perfect court’; people would assume it was just him getting away from Ben and raiding the ‘good’ break room again while Riko was gone.
Like he wouldn’t raid the break room while Riko was standing in the middle of it.
Moreau was waiting for him with a mug of coffee in hand. “Nat should be busy for a couple hours at least,” he said by way of greeting.
Andrew went to fix coffee for himself. “Translating stuff.” That’s what Moreau had told him the other day. “He do that a lot?”
“Somewhat. He’ll be called up to the East Tower during games to translate for some of the guests up there, or to work on documents for Tetsuji or Kengo.”
“Kengo, Tetsuji’s brother and Riko’s father.” Andrew knew a few things.
“Yes, Tetsuji’s brother.” Moreau gave him a considering look then focused his attention on the door of the break room as if to ensure that no one was out in the hall. “Are you sure you want to-“
“Tetsuji’s brother,” Andrew said to urge Frenchie on. “Tell me about the man, everything.”
Moreau gave him an intent look as if judging how serious he was about things (about Nathaniel) before he sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he resumed speaking. “The truth of the matter is, the Moriyamas came into their wealth by being crime lords – yakuza. Kengo is the current head of the organization and his oldest son, Ichirou, will take over when he dies.”
Well, that somewhat explained how Tetsuji could be such an abusive bastard and Riko treat people like belongings; they clearly believed themselves to be above the law. “So Tetsuji and Riko do whatever they like because they’re mobsters?”
Moreau wrinkled his nose, which had been broken at one point and not properly set, as he sipped his drink. “Not… exactly. Kengo and Ichirou are part of the main branch, the line that inherits the wealth and responsibility of the Moriyamas. Kengo, as the Moriyama lord, was to only have one son, one heir, but his wife bore two.” His expression grew guarded as he glanced at Andrew for a moment. “She died for that mistake, and Riko was disinherited, was given to Tetsuji to be raised as part of the side branch.”
“Funny, but I always believed it takes two to tango.” When Moreau merely shrugged at the comment, Andrew clicked his tongue. “So Riko has no real power?”
“Not… exactly,” Moreau repeated, and glared when Andrew threw a crumpled napkin at him. “Asshole.”
“Tell me something new,” Andrew said with a wide grin. “Oh, wait, that’s what you’re supposed to be doing right now.”
Moreau muttered in French something while he tugged on his long bangs then sighed. “Riko is still a Moriyama, which means he has money and connections, but has nowhere near the power he’d have if he was part of the main branch.”
It sounded as if someone, a certain spoiled, psychotic brat, might have to answer to his ‘betters’. “And where does Nathaniel fit into all of this?”
It was quiet for about a minute as Moreau stared into his mug then huffed. “The same as I do, more or less. We were sold to the Moriyamas by our fathers.” He looked up at Andrew, who stood there… mentally prodding at that bit of information. “No comment?”
“How the hell do you ‘sell’ someone?” He knew the logistics, but somehow it didn’t seem to fit when one applied it to Exy players.
“Well, in my case, my parents owed a debt to the Moriyamas and decided that it was best paid off by offering me to Tetsuji since I knew how to play Exy.” Oh no, Frenchie didn’t sound bitter about that at all. “In Nat’s case… his father is in charge of a large amount of territory on the northeastern coast and reports to Kengo. For some reason, Nat can’t take over from the man, so he was given to Tetsuji.”
“Nathan Wesninski,” Andrew said as he remembered the redhead with the soulless eyes, the businessman with all the ‘interesting’ rumors.
Moreau nodded in a grave manner. “Yes, Nathan Wesninski, the Butcher of Baltimore. He comes here now and then to deal with people who’ve run afoul of Kengo, and often he reminds Nat to ‘behave’.” He shuddered as he rubbed his right hand along his upper left back. “If you think Riko or Tetsuji is abusive, they have nothing on Nathan. He’s responsible for most of Nat’s scars.”
Most, but not all.
Andrew thought about what he’d been told, about someone thinking they owned his soulmate, that they could abuse him with impunity, and ‘smiled’. “No one owns Nathaniel.”
“Including you?” Moreau dared to ask as he set the mug aside, his expression blank as his obnoxiously tall body coiled with tension, coiled as if ready to launch itself at Andrew.
Andrew clicked his tongue at that bit of nonsense. “Did I stutter?” he asked, each word enunciated slowly. “No. One. Owns. Nathaniel. Do I need to learn sign language or that mumbled slurring you call French so you’ll understand better?”
“I don’t want to hear that from someone who grunts out German,” Moreau snapped, as if he couldn’t think of anything more offensive, but he’d relaxed against the counter.
Whatever. If Andrew was a lesser person, he’d be rolling his eyes right then instead of shoving the good granola bars, packets of honey (it was some type of sugar), and energy drinks into the pockets of his hoodie and track pants. “Anything else I need to know? Moriyamas are mobsters and bad, Nathaniel’s father is a serial killer and really bad, and Riko is under the mistaken belief he owns the two of you.”
There was a brief muttering of French again before Moreau shook his head. “That’s it. But be aware that since Riko feels he owns Nat, he probably believes that extends to you.” He rubbed the soul mark hidden beneath the sleeve of his black hoodie, his expression neutral but grey eyes bleak.
Oh, just let Riko try to put a leash on him and lead him around, Andrew would wrap it around the prick’s neck and strangle him with it. He was about to leave the room when something occurred to him. “Does Riko only give Nathaniel out for ‘rewards’?”
He knew the answer as soon as Moreau’s expression shut down, as the backliner wrapped his arms around himself as if to shield himself from someone. “Why do you care?”
Andrew could say because Moreau was Nathaniel’s partner and as much as it galled him, Nathaniel cared about the French bastard. He could say that he knew what it felt like to have unwanted hands and mouths and worse on him, to be used without a care (except he wouldn’t, not to someone he barely trusted). He could say because he needed to know exactly how bad it was with Riko’s power games.
Yet all he did was give the backliner a two-fingered salute before he walked away, well aware that he wouldn’t answer if asked a similar question.
Ben gave him an expectant look when he returned to their room, so Andrew threw him an energy drink and granola bar which his partner caught with a wide grin.
Nathaniel appeared tired during practice on Thursday, but didn’t move as if he’d been injured in any manner. He smiled at Moreau as usual and talked to a few of the Ravens (the ones who didn’t look at him as if he was a piece of meat), and gave Andrew a puzzled look now and then as if he was trying to figure him out.
Good luck with that.
Friday, Aaron bumped into Andrew as they left Biology class and muttered ‘don’t lose, I’ve bet a bundle on you’ on his way out the door, which made Andrew want to lose the game on purpose until he remembered Nathaniel. Nathaniel, who sat in the seat in front of him on the bus as they traveled to WVU for their latest game. Nathaniel, who peaked over the seat to frown at him. “That… doesn’t look like an English assignment book to me.” He motioned to the current wolf shifter ‘romance’ novel Andrew was reading as a diversion.
“It’s not.”
“Okay.” Nathaniel went a whole fifteen seconds (nibbling on his full bottom lip the entire time, which did nothing to Andrew to watch, nothing). “What does ‘omega’ mean?”
Oh no, Andrew wasn’t having an A/B/O discussion with his soul mate on a crowded bus. No. “Going to cheer us on as we defeat the Mountaineers?”
Nathaniel frowned as he ran his long, slender fingers (which Andrew didn’t think about at all, about them on his- he didn’t think of them AT ALL) along the top of the seat. “I wish the Master would have let me play this year, I’m more than ready. And you shouldn’t have a problem tonight, they’re weak on their offense, they act tough but they crumble if you don’t back down in four seconds.”
Andrew listened as his soulmate went over a concise review of the Mountaineers that was better than what he’d suffered through in the past week, mindful to pay attention to the few players Nathaniel singled out. When his soulmate finished up his summary of the other team, Andrew gave him a solemn nod and a quiet ‘thank you’, which made Nathaniel blink at him and a slight blush spread across his sharp cheekbones before he muttered something and ducked back down in his seat.
That allowed Andrew to finish his wolf shifter book (light on the plot, which was why he liked the books – he could finish them in a few hours without much brain cells involved and have a bit of twisted amusement over its ridiculousness).
At least it wasn’t a long drive to WVU, a campus known for its partying which somehow, Andrew doubted the Ravens would be allowed to join in; Tetsuji made sure to segregate the team from the rest of the university as soon as they arrived and set them up to practice on the court once they were in uniform.
Someone had no sense of adventure.
At least he got to watch Nathaniel stretch with the rest of the team (he was still trying to figure out if it was a good or bad thing that his soulmate was so damn flexible) and do drills before he retreated to the sidelines. That was around when Riko and Kevin came back from dealing with the press, and Riko made sure to hold up two fingers to Andrew as he walked past.
Such a shame Andrew didn’t have anything sharp in hand at the moment to shove into the bastard’s throat.
What he did have was a growing clarity as the drug-fueled mania slowly faded away (yet how odd, the urge to kill Riko still remained); he watched the first half of the game against the Mountaineers all too aware of Nathaniel sitting next to him on the bench, lean body twitching each time the Ravens scored a goal or lost possession of the ball. Nathaniel smiled, slight but pleased, whenever Moreau successfully blocked a Mountaineer, and glared when his partner took a rough hit.
He nearly jumped in his seat when Andrew cleared his throat. “Yeah, weak in offense.”
Nathaniel turned toward him, a slight frown on his face, and for a moment Andrew thought he wouldn’t speak. “Most of them. Peters’ being rougher than usual tonight.”
He was the one trying to take down Moreau. “Cheng’s trying to fake out Ivanova into thinking he’s shooting for the top of the goal then going lower.” The striker had done that twice so far, and gotten past the goalie once.
That slight smile appeared once more on Nathaniel’s lovely face (not that Andrew had any real opinion on how the redhead looked or anything). “You noticed that?”
Andrew clicked his tongue and forced his attention back onto the game. “I just spend my time in a painted box waiting for people to throw balls in my direction. Not like I do any real work out there.”
“Of course,” Nathaniel murmured, but he sounded amused for some reason.
The first quarter ended, which meant that Moreau was swapped out for Federov, which also meant that Nathaniel took to speaking quietly with his partner in Japanese until halftime.
Perhaps it was the lack of drugs in his system, perhaps it was knowing that Moreau was concerned about his own soulmate (the fear of Riko finding out who he was), but as he glanced at the two backliners out of the corner of his eye… there was evident affection between them and long familiarity, but nothing to suggest they were in a relationship themselves. There weren’t any lingering touches or glances, nothing intimate or possessive between them.
Yet Andrew still felt a ridiculous urge (which he ignored) to shove Moreau off the bench.
It was almost welcome to be out on the court for the second half of the game, to be away from Nathaniel and the traitorous emotions the bond between them awoke in Andrew. In the goal, his world focused down to the idiots trying to get past him to score a point, which he refused to allow.
(He knew he couldn’t keep shutting down the goal for the rest of the season, but WVU wasn’t much of a challenge.)
Moreau gave him a nod in acknowledgement when the teams lined up at the end of the game, while there was a look of relief on Nathaniel’s face before he schooled it into a blank expression when the Ravens gathered in the locker room for Tetsuji to give them a gruff ‘you did a decent job today’.
Riko caught Andrew on the way to the bus, a thoughtful gleam in his eyes as he blocked Andrew from exiting the stadium. “Impressive job out there tonight. Perhaps there’s something to letting you play… natural.”
“Only so much at a time,” Andrew said as he smiled, his expression exaggerated once again since he’d taken a pill after the game; it wasn’t that long of a drive back to Edgar Allan, but long enough that he’d be experiencing withdrawals by the time they reached campus so he’d went ahead and taken it.
He’d have to wait until next week to have time with Nathaniel as ‘himself’.
Yet the urge to protect Nathaniel as they went to his soul mate’s room, to make Federov and Bautista and the other Ravens who stared at the redhead in a hungry manner glance away in fear was still there, as well as some tremulous emotion when Nathaniel didn’t insult him or run away but walked beside him.
There were a fresh set of sheets on Moreau’s bed when he entered the room.
“Try not to snore so much this time,” Nathaniel said, a half-hearted sneer on his face as he dropped onto his bed.
Andrew gasped as he clutched his hands to his chest. “I have never been so slandered in my life. Never.”
Nathaniel scoffed as he rubbed at his eyes as if he was tired. “Right, that’s the worst you’ve ever heard. Such a sheltered life you’ve led.” Then he dropped his hands and had the grace to look guilty. “Uhm, I mean… that didn’t come out right.”
The press had delighted in going on about his stint in juvie, him being in the foster system and of course him being arrested for beating up the assholes who’d hurt Nicky, not that he’d cared at all. “I know not what you mean, I’m just an innocent babe alone in this wicked, cruel world.” He tried to bat his eyes but wasn’t sure it worked well with the manic grin.
Nathaniel gazed at him for several seconds before he sighed and stood up. “I didn’t see you take a hit to the head earlier so I think it’s okay for you to go sleep,” he mumbled as he went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Andrew gasped again. “You care for me! You truly do care!” His lips twitched when his ‘dear’ soulmate gave him the finger before the bathroom door slammed shut.
At the very least, someone didn’t quite hate him as much anymore. Who knew, maybe by the time he graduated, Nathaniel might even trust him.
He blamed the drugs for the feeling of warmth in his chest at that thought.
IDK, still working through some things, but lately it’s been... if I post is that a sad cry for attention? Am I being annoying? Maybe I shouldn’t post stuff... but I said I’d post this.
Anyway, back to writing the other fic. Hope everyone is staying safe.
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imaginekhaos · 4 years
Look Me in the Eyes
Pairing: Deku x Reader
Warings: unprotected sex, coercion, semi-public sex, dirty talking
Word Count: 3,911
This is my first time writing a fan fiction for BNHA and I’m really nervous. Any feedback is welcomed and I hope you enjoy. 
This is also really unedited so I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. 
* * * * * * *
Izuku Midoriya was many things. He was smart, determined and very kind. A flirt, however, he was not. You had developed a crush on Midoriya sometime around sophomore year, a few months into transferring to U.A. after your family's big move to Japan. It had started out harmless, a school girl crush with the intent of staying that way. You should have known better the second you met the girls of class 1-A and their giggling ways. Things took a deeper turn one night when you were all hanging out in Momo’s room, laughing, gossiping, and eating way too much junk food for your own good. The topic had naturally ended up on boys, specifically those in class 1-A. One thing lead to another and you eventually confessed your tiny crush on a certain green haired hero-to-be. Oh how you wish it had stopped there that night, but getting a group of girls together always ends up eventful.
“So,” Mina started mischievously from beside you, “who do you think is the most… endowed… of all the boys?”
The question caused many mouths to fall open at the abruptness but pretty soon thoughtful faces coated the entire room.
Mina continued, “I wouldn’t be too surprised if it were Kiri. He’s polite, manly and cute, so if he had a big dick it would just complete the package. No pun intended.”
Laughs rang out along with a few agreements from the other girls. Eyes trailed to your form sitting next to Mina, waiting for you to spill your thoughts. Heat engulfed your face, never expecting to have to answer this question.
“What about you, [Y/N]? Any particular green-haired, freckle-faced person come to mind?” Jiro teased.
“I-I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it before. Seems kinda r-rude, doesn’t it?” Stuttering your way through an explanation, hoping to diffuse the situation and detract attention from yourself.
Jiro rolled her eyes at your lame answer. Uraraka then chose to speak up in a voice barely above a whisper, “I bet he’s big… “ The blush on her cheeks was so dark that is was only outmatched by the one across your cheeks due to the thoughts that were running through your head. The rest of the night was spent laughing and spilling more secrets. It brought you all much closer as not only friends but as a new class of heroes.
Though the night went on as a festive blur, one remark in particular kept repeating in your head the next few days. Thoughts of hard muscle juxtaposed with soft skin and tufts of green hair. Thoughts of hot sweaty bodies intimately colliding. It was all too much! But, it was all in your head. No one knew the kind of lewd scenarios playing out in your mind. Especially Izuku. So, since he wasn’t much of a flirt, you weren’t surprised when he never noticed how bright your cheeks burned when his friendly touches lingered a little longer or how his eyes managed to make you feel so exposed when he studied you during training. Even if he had noticed he had been kind enough not to say something, no matter how bad you sometimes wished he would.
* * * * * * *
The last two years of high school went along without much of a hitch. As a class, you helped dismantle any trouble you came across and under the guidance of professional heros, you all managed to blossom into a promising new generation of heros. But with graduation comes separation. Many of the class broke off to find the region where they would be most helpful. Asui managed to snag a perfect placement on the coast, assisting in storm and water rescue while other students like Kaminari and Iida found agencies that had them doing all kinds of hero work. Even though you never left the area after graduation, you still found the perfect agency for you. It was small in comparison to some of the more well known ones, but they often assisted other agencies when short staffed or needed specialized help, so you couldn’t complain. Plus, all the other heroes were nice and very helpful when it came to learning on the job. It wasn’t until two years into the new job that the first real problem arose.
* * * * * * *
Slamming your fist on your desk you let out an aggravated groan. Tonight was a bust. There had been a new villain terrorizing the area around your agency for a few weeks now. They were strong, fast and impossibly hard to capture, always managing to escape their bonds before the could be truly apprehended. It made you so damn mad and made you feel like an awful hero because you couldn’t capture a single villain. You run your hands across your face and through your hair before rubbing your tired eyes. It had been too long since you had any quality sleep and it was starting to take its toll on you. With a sigh, you decided that the best course of action would be to call for some assistance. You got in contact with a local agency who agreed to send someone to help you with the problem. Thanking them, a huge weight felt lifted off your shoulders knowing that the villain would be caught within the week and you'll finally get some much needed rest.
The next day went forward rather uneventful until the evening. The extra hero was supposed to arrive early in the day for introductions and debriefing, but they had yet to show. Deep frown lines and worried creases overtook your normally cheery face. Why weren’t they here yet? Did they forget? What if they got caught by the villain, got dragged back to their layer and is currently being subjected to foregin tourture methods and no one knows where they are and- A very familiar head of green hair entered your field of vision, successfully ending the panicked mental ramblings. You had to take a second look. Surely they didn’t send him, he was much too busy to help with something this small.
Then your eyes met enrapturing green ones. They were the kind of green that spoke of lush growth in the wake of a forest fire. They were determined, fresh and held a new sense of warning that read: “I have power. I have authority. I will not start a fight, but I will end one” His eyes scanned the agency, noting every face, name and exit strategy he could retain before his eyes were caught on you. I bright smile spread across freckled cheeks, the glint in his eye gone and replaced with pure sugar. His steps quickened in your direction. Your feet were frozen as juvenile feelings came rushing back as fast as your heart was beating.  
Before you knew it, strong arms embraced you, snapping you out of your haze as you gently returned the hug. There were so many questions you wanted to ask, but your tongue was tied in a knot, filling your mouth and preventing any word from escaping.
“[Y/N]! I can’t believe it! It has been so long. How are you?” He spoke in a chipper voice, much too chipper for the feeling running through your body.
“D-Deku…?” you replied
“Yeah! Don’t tell me you already forgot about me, we were so close in school.”
“N-No I didn’t forget, I’m just surprised is all. I didn’t expect them to send their favorite hero to help out down here. Especially considering how low-profile this villain is.” you explained.
His cheeks warmed up at your statement. He rubbed the back of his neck, eyes cast downwards. “Well, I actually volunteered to come help. I saw the request form and your name on it and thought I would lend a hand. I hope that is alright?”
It was your turn to blush as his statement registered in your mind. “Y-Yeah! That’s fine, we need all the help we can get and who better to help us than the future number one?”
His hand retreated into his front pocket, eyes turning slightly cold almost as if you had offended him by bringing up the topic of being the number one hero. He gave a slightly strained smile. “Well I’m here. What can I do to help?”
* * * * * * *
Both your lungs and legs burned as you ran after the villain you had been chasing for weeks. It was finally going to happen, you were going to catch him! Bursting through the warehouse doors the villain had just ran through, your eyes scanned the room for signs of movement. Your heart stopped as you realized there were none. Carefully examining the cargo garage once more, slower as you walked around checking every corner, you found it empty. Heavy footsteps followed after you. Izuku caught up to you, panting from the exertion of chasing the villain. He took a look around the space himself, noticing it was empty.
“[Y/N], how did they get away? What happened? Are you okay?”
A low growl escaped your throat, aggravation flowing hotly through your veins. He had escaped. Again! Think, think, think! Where could he have gone? Was it his quirk that helped him escape so many times?
“[Y/N]! What’re you doing? Aren’t you going to go after him?”
Those eyes. You could still feel their effect on you from earlier and it only intensified because you could feel them on you now.. He just had such an intense way of logging your every move. Don’t get it wrong, it was exactly this kind of awareness that would make him such a successful hero one day, but it made chills run up your spine when you would catch those orbs focused on you. They ensured that any shred of focus you had on the case was dissolved. You weren’t a school-girl anymore, so why were you acting like one? Getting distracted in the middle of a chase was a rookie move and you would be kicking yourself over it for days.
Eye twitching, you whip around to face Deku. “Will you stop asking so many questions? He just escaped like he does every time! I am trying to figure out a plan and I can’t think when you’re looking at me, much less speaking! You are just too distracting and don’t need to be thinking about what you’re making me and my body feel when I’m trying to work!” Huffing, it takes a second for your outburst to register. The angry heat flowing through you immediately turned to cold as all the blood runs from your face.
Those damned green eyes bore into yours with a fire almost as hot as the blush painted across his freckled cheeks. Desire rolled off of Deku in seering waves and you could almost feel it. He took a step forward, breaking you out of your haze. Immediately you began to stutter an excuse for your outburst, “D-deku… I didn’t mean to say that. It was an accident. You weren’t ever supposed to find out!”
He took another step forward and cocked his head to the side, that cold look from earlier clouded his face making him look like a completely different person. “Keeping secrets isn’t any fun, [Y/N]. It isn’t good manners and it hurts people's feelings.” He pouted slightly, “Is that what you wanted? Hm? To hurt my feelings?”
Quickly you shake your head, but still take a step away from him as he continued to walk your direction. “No! I just… I just didn’t want you to know.”
Another step forward. Another step back. “Want me to know what? About your crush on me since high school? Bunny, I already knew. You’re a very bad liar.” Gone was the sweet and caring Izuku you thought you knew. And gone was your escape route you realized as your back hit the cool metal walls of the warehouse. “And not only are you a bad liar, your body is too. I still remember that cute little blush on your face when I would touch you, much like the blush you have now.”
His chest pressed lightly against yours, hot and electrifying. Your body slightly trembled but you weren’t sure if it was from anticipation or from shame of loving his attention. His hands came to rest on the wall by your head, successfully enclosing you two together so all you could focus on was him.
The steady ring of his phone snapped your attention away. Not breaking his eye contact with your face, he grabbed his phone and answered it. After a few nods and yes’s and a few moments of you squirming under his gaze, he hung up and put his phone away.
“They caught him.”
Shock overtook your features, momentarily forgetting the previous predicament. “What? How did they get him? He escaped!”
A smirk crawled onto Midoriya’s lips. “I had a hunch that his quirk dealt with teleportation, specifically short range considering he never leaves this area of Japan. If I were trying to escape, I would lead my enemies to the lowest floor of a building and then teleport to the top, giving me ample time to escape in any direction without leaving a clue. Since most quirks have a drawback, I made a guess that a teleportation quirk would have a cooldown time, limiting the amount of times you could teleport. I then let the local authorities know. They did the rest.”
He seemed so proud of himself. Smug in the fact that he was right. What happened to the sweet and bashful Deku you knew, and what was with that look in his eyes? His scarred hand came up to push your [Y/H/C] locks behind your ears, drawing your attention back to him. His fingers trailed across your cheek bone, down to your jaw before squeezing both cheeks between his fingers making you look at him.
“Now, where were we, bunny? I think you were about to tell me about how you want me to touch you. Right?”
Speaking was difficult with the way he was squishing your cheeks, “I-I don’t think this is a g-good idea. Let’s just go h-home for the night.”
He sighed, a small amount of disappointment flashing across his face. “Oh honey, that’s not what I wanted to hear. Don’t you want me to touch you?” He leaned forward, lips touching the sensitive shell of you ear, “I know you’ve thought about me doing… things… to you before. I can read it on your pretty little face.”
“T-That was a long time ago. H-How are you so sure I still like you?”
A deep chuckle, “I know you still like me because you’ve been distracted since I walked in the door at your agency. Your thighs have been clenching on and off for hours and you can barely look me in the eyes. Do you need me to go on?” by the end of his explanation Deku’s lips were grazing yours. Half-lidded eyes stared at his mouth, focused on its movements.
With a sudden rush of courage, you pressed your trembling lips to his. Mouths moved together in sync. They molded together like two halves of a whole, sliding and caressing each other in a steamy dance. The tip of his tongue ran across the bottom of your lip as an invitation you gladly accepted. Your tongue gilded against his equally as eager one for a moment before you both broke away for air. A string of saliva connected your lips to his. He pressed his forehead against yours, breathing heavily into your space just as you were breathing in his.
“Bunny, you know I can’t let you leave here without giving you what you want. Legs up.”
You followed his demand, jumping to wrap your legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he pressed you against the wall. His strong hands grasped your upper thighs just under the swell of your ass. He let out a breathy groan as he squeezed your plush legs, obviously aroused by their softness and their strength. Doing a balancing act, he propped you up on the wall with one arm and his knee just long enough to flip your skirt up and move your panties to the side.
As his fingers grazed your hot core, you couldn’t help but let out a gasp. His touch was electrifying. It had been too long since someone had touched you like this and every brush and every touch causes your body to react, pussy clenching in anticipation. Your underwear were unbelievably wet considering how little Deku had actually touched you. Noticing this, a sweet smile spread across Deku’s face reaching all the way to his eyes causing them to crinkle at the corners. It was such a strange expression compared to the lust raging in his eyes. He looked pleased with your reaction and for some reason you felt happy that you could please him.
Suddenly you felt something large and hot rub against your lower lips. Looking down for a brief moment, your eyes widened from the sight. A thick and veiny cock slowly rocked along your glistening folds. When had he even gotten rid of his pants? He was much larger than you had originally assumed, but not comically massive the way most people would assume. The throbbing and prominent veins created a beautiful pathway to the tuft of green hair growing at the base and trailing upwards, disappearing under the top of his hero costume.
Deku chuckled, finding humor in the way you were staring at it and how you were analyzing every inch. His hips still rocked slowly against yours, gently nudging your clit. Just that small amount of friction caused your breath to hitch in your throat and before you knew it, you were already panting. His hand came up to cup your cheek. The pad of his thumb traced gently across your bottom lip and your tongue darted out to capture it in your mouth. Deku hissed lightly through his teeth at the way you softly sucked and nibbled on his digit, your eyes half-lidded with ecstasy. Pressing his forehead against yours he spoke, slightly strained from having held back, “Are you ready, love? I can’t wait any longer. You’ll let me fuck you, right? Oh baby, I promise I’ll be gentle.”
Yore core clenched at his words, soundlessly nodding your head, releasing his thumb. “Please…” You sounded so desperate, so needy. This was a new feeling for you, arousal in its most primal form. All you knew was that you didn’t want him to stop no matter how exposed you both were and no matter how needy you sounded. In this moment, you’d let him do anything to you.
With your confirmation, he slowly began pushing his length into you. A groan left both of your lips at the same time. Inch after inch disappeared inside you and with every movement of his hips came a sound of pleasure from your lips. By the time his pelvis met yours, you were both covered in a thin layer of sweat. HIs from effort and restraint, yours from the heat of arousal.
“Fuuuck… You’re so tight, bunny. So tight for me… I have to move, love. You’re driving me mad…” His hips then withdrew from yours in a smooth and slow motion before pushing back into you a little faster than before.
“I-Izuku!” You called out, voice echoing through the empty warehouse.
“That’s right, moan my name, baby!”
He began to pick up speed, using your position against the wall to push you up and then drop you back down on his cock. He felt so big inside you, filling you up and making sure to hit all the right spots even ones you didn’t know existed. You felt you eyes begin to roll back as he kept pistoning in and out of you at a brutal pace. Hands quickly found the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling on the green strands.  It was all too much for you to handle and you could already feel the knot inside you tightening. Moans after moans were spilling from your mouth, almost incoherent in your lust-filled daze.
Deku could feel you getting tighter as he pounded into your sopping cunt. Your juices coated his cock along with your thighs. He’d never had anyone so aroused by him and he loved every second of it. Sweat dripped off of his brow and ran down his neck before disappearing behind the collar of his shirt. Your arms slipped from his neck and gripped his shoulders hard, nails leaving red crescents on his pale skin even through the fabric of his costume. The knot in your abdomen tightened even more as he rested his head on your shoulder and moaned deeply into your neck. His lips sloppily placed kisses up and down the column of your throat, tongue flicking out to taste your skin. It wasn’t long before his kisses turned to nibbles which turned to bites hard enough to leave bruises. But you weren’t complaining, if anything it only made you more turned on. Your hands threaded through his hair once more as you could feel yourself getting closer. You knew he was getting there too due to how sloppy his thrusts were becoming. He quickly looked up at you.
“You better look me in the eyes when you cum, okay? I want to see just how I make you feel. Show me that pretty face, love.”
You made eye contact with him. It was deep and sensual and way too intimate for you to handle in your current state. You remember how you felt every time you caught his eyes on you in class or training. You remember how they made you feel so exposed to him, and now that you really were exposed, it was like he could see your every want and need and he was determined to be the one to fulfill them. After a few more thrusts of his hips you could feel yourself unraveling. Stars danced in the corners of your vision as you reached your climax, body jerking against his and cunt quivering. He could feel your walls squeezing him, milking his cock and begging for his seed. Just as you were beginning to come down from your high, Deku’s hips stuttered. His hot cum painted your walls as he cursed deeply, filling you to the brim and then some.
Both of you were breathing heavily, still connected and embracing as the euphoric sensation stopped buzzing through your veins. His eyes were still searching yours, glazed over with want. Slowly he slid his softening member from your core and sat you down on your feet. You felt sore but so satisfied. Your thighs quaked from having to support your own weight again and small rivulets of mixed juices ran from your pussy and coated your thighs. You were truly exhausted.
Deku got himself dressed and situated before helping you get everything straightened out. He pulled you to his chest, lips pressing into your forehead quickly before he spoke.
“Let’s get you home, bunny. My place isn’t far from here.”
* * * * * * *
As you left the next morning after a shower and homemade breakfast, along with a promise for a real date soon, you sent a text you Uraraka with a simple message: You were right.
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Clonium Heist (4/3/2021)
Alastor and Telly @usedhearts sneak into one of Vox’s facilities to steal a bunch of fuel, copy all the computer files, trash the place, and frame another overlord for the crime.
It’s the first major job they’ve pulled together, it goes flawlessly, and they’re a bit giddy.
Sir Pentious
It was a dark and stormy night-- No, no it wasn't, it was just dark, unlike most nights in Pentagram City, what with the light pollution. But they were currently far enough away from downtown for the shadows to be extra deep.
Telly, dressed in a black turtleneck and with Hattie shifted into a woolen cap like robbers wear-- you've seen movies, slithered low to the ground, holding up his binoculars to scan the lab's perimeter fencing. He nodded and lowered them, letting them hang around his neck.
"Alright. Let's portal inside. You remember the plan, yes?" He looked at Alastor, expression serious. It was Serious Time now.
Alastor’s expression, of course, was grinning—but it was a very serious grin. He crouched down next to Telly and slipped a reassuring arm around his shoulder. “Of course. Don’t you worry.” A quick peck on the cheek—since it would probably be their last opportunity for a while—and then with one flourish he changed his own dark clothes into a facsimile guard uniform and simultaneously opened up a small portal. An enthralled shadow invisible in the darkness passed through first, ducked back out to tap Alastor—coast is clear—and he opened up the portal fully. “Let’s.” He stood, taking Telly’s hand. And through they went, this portal so short he could cross through it to the other side with one large footstep.
Sir Pentious
It was definitely an odd feeling, slithering through such a short portal, but Telly was getting more and more used to Hentai's strange dimension. It no longer made him sick, at least. Once inside, Telly slithered against the wall, sticking to it.
"First, guard outpost. Let's go see which one you'll be wearing the face of, love." And he was off-- boy, could he move fast when he wanted to! Better keep up Alastor.
Alastor has to hustle to keep up. For a split second his heart leaps into his throat as he remembers too late how his shoes tap, before he also remembers that he just switched to the much quieter rubber treads of guard boots. It is, predictably, dark, but the glow of his eyes is just enough for him to see by.
Step one completed.
Sir Pentious
Telly stopped just outside the office, the typical sounds of a bored night guard sounding from inside. He looked at Alastor, and gestured with his head-- Alastor had the gun after all. And wasn't the one who was a giant, very suspicious snake.
For a moment, Alastor was sorely tempted to pull out his acting skills—waltz in acting all friendly, claim to be new on the job, say he was told he was supposed to get his standard issue equipment from the closet, could the senior guard help him, then freeze him and leave him in the closet, nice and tidy...
But no. Pull out an elaborate routine like that, and once the guard thawed tomorrow he would be able to describe Alastor. Alas. Well, there’d probably be enough chances later. For now, his part was the servant who killed the Duke of Cornwall.
He rapped his knuckles lightly on the door—the more he acted like he belonged here, the less suspicious and alert the guard inside would be—then opened the door. The guard didn’t even glance up from his phone. “Hey—“
Before the guard could finish his greeting, Alastor silently leveled the freeze ray at the back of his head and iced him.
He tilted his head invitingly to Telly—all clear, come in—then spun the guard’s chair around to see who they’d gotten.
Sir Pentious
And in Telly slithered, closing and locking the door behind him. He smiled at Alastor, going to the wall of monitors, plugging in a small device. He tapped away at the console, concentrated on his task before chuckling.
"I have the current locations of the other three guards. Two on the floor just below us, and the third down on the next one down. I'll start looping the camera footage for the rest of the night and then wipe everything that came before, so that there'll be no trace of your interference on it. Confirmed that the Clonium X is on the third basement level, computer banks are on the first.
"We go down to get the Clonium first, you send that through to Hentai to hold on to, then we go after the computers. Once the Clonium is taken, though, free range to cause as much chaos and steal as much as we can. Just make sure to grab diamonds, and lots of them."
He turned to smirk at Alastor again. "You ready to freeze some guards and steal some shit?"
He eyed the guard’s badge through the ice. “Alas, poor Joel,” he muttered, then wheeled the chair away from the main guard station so that anyone who opened the door would hide the guard behind it. If anyone came in looking for Joel, they might think he’d stepped out and shut the door without noticing him.
“And you’re sure Vox won’t be able to trace all of this camera fiddling back to you?” Forgive him, he worries. He steps back to eye Joel critically, and then turns into a passable replica of him.
Sir Pentious
"Absolutely certain. I'm not doing anything that any run of the mill hacker would be able to do. The security software is laughable, to be honest. Because Vox is overconfident, as always." He made a face, and then shrugged.
And then he turned, and blinked a second, before he remembered that Alastor turned into the guard. "I must say, Joel is not a looker."
Telly took one more moment to look over his work, double checking. "Alright, we're set. Lets head to the stairs."
“He probably doesn’t understand how the software works himself,” Alastor muttered. Damn fool could *ride* electricity, but Alastor would bet anything that Vox didn’t understand the technology that made it go, only how to sell it.
Alastor smirked at the guard. “He certainly doesn’t *looker ‘round* when someone comes in!” He had to quickly hush his studio audience. None of that, now. Take the rest of the night off. “Let’s.” He fished his personal pencil-written map out of his pocket—he’d never been very good at keeping a mental map—and headed out.
Sir Pentious
Telly no longer stuck to the wall, slithering right in the middle of the hall, back straight in his usual posture. No more need to be super sneaky now that the cameras were looped.
"Maybe I should hold the map, so you can man the Freeze Gun, just in case one of the guards surprise us?"
“No no, I’ve got it, see.” When he finished unfolding it, it was just two standard-sized pieces of paper, one floor on each side: ground and three basements, only the important routes and rooms. “One handed.” He hefted the gun in his other hand, see, no problem. “Anyway, you’re not the one who needs it.”
Sir Pentious
Telly chuckled a little. "Alright, good then." He slithered a bit longer, taking the turns naturally, like he knew the ins and outs of his place by heart. He'd probably memorized the route.
And there were the stairs! He grinned and picked up his pace, grabbing the door to throw it open. "Down to the third basement level first, and then we make our way back up." He nodded, Very Seriously.
Alastor nodded back, Equally Seriously. He stood near the door, waiting for Telly to open it, ready to shoot if anyone happened to be on the other side.
Sir Pentious
And open it goes!......To an empty stairwell. Phew, no surprises yet. Telly slithered inside and held the door open for Alastor.
"Alright, down we go."
“Thank you!” He’ll take the lead. Just in case. “So, where were the other three guards when you last checked?”
Sir Pentious
"Two were on basement level one, and the third was on basement level two. There were none on basement three, but the one on level two may be down there by now, so we'll just have to be careful." He kept his voice down still-- best to keep a hold on his volume, just in case.
“Best if he *is* down there and we can take him out before we start trashing things,” Alastor muttered. “If the guards hear noise and sound the alarm before we find and freeze them all...” This building was built like a fortress in the same way that it was armed like Fort Knox; which was to say, it wasn’t at all. Alastor wouldn’t be surprised if it was flimsy enough that causing damage in the third basement level might be heard in the first.
Sir Pentious
"True! And we won't start the chaos until going back up to the second basement anyway. So if we can take down the single guard, and then the pair is on second, we can take them down too. And then we're in the clear."
Telly had a good grip on the handrail of the stairs, his face scrunching as he slithered down the stairs. It was always an uncomfortable feeling, that.
Poor thing. IIf Alastor didn’t need to conserve his energy, he’d have temporarily turned the stairs into a ramp for Telly. (Add “replace all stairs with ramps” to their to-do list of arbitrary changes Telly could make to Hell that would personally convenience him and irritate almost everyone else.) As it was, though... Well, maybe on the way out.
For now, here was the third basement. Alastor opened the door this time, checking for a guard.
Sir Pentious
Telly followed through the door, eyes on high alert. His non-existant ears strained to hear anything like footsteps in the silence. He nodded to Alastor and started to slither down the hall toward their destination.
Until he heard the telltale sound of guard boots, and the beam of a flashlight from around the next corner. He pressed himself against the wall, flattening himself to blend into the darkness, and nodded to Alastor to go on.
Oh, here they go. No cover in the hallway; Alastor decided he probably couldn’t get off a shot before the guard spotted him and startled. So he tucked away his map, lowered his gun, made no effort to disguise his footsteps, and—pulling out his best acting skills—called out, “Hey,” in a near-perfect replica of Joel’s voice. He raised his hand to wave as the other guard turned the corner.
“Joel?” The guard was puzzled, but unguarded. “Why’d you leave the—”
Stage magician trick #1: if you’re waving with one hand, nobody pays attention to what you’re doing with the other. Alastor shot the freeze ray without raising it.
Sir Pentious
The zap, and there the guard was, frozen solid! Good job, Alastor, impeccable aim. Telly removed himself from the wall, and slithered over, poking at the frozen demon for a moment.
"I do love the effect of that, could make for a lovely way to incarcerate dissenters to my rule." He grinned, turning to wink at Alastor. "We can just leave him here for now, the pair are likely still above. But let's not waste time."
And he's off slithering again, hands behind his back.
“We’ll have to find a way to make it more permanent.” He eyed the guard thoughtfully as they passed, then caught up with Telly. “Or maybe not. Maybe stick them in cages around the palace and time it so that they thaw out at noon each day to scream for a few seconds before they’re automatically re-frozen. We could install a freeze ray sprinkler system.” He winked back.
Sir Pentious
Telly laughed, and then cleared his throat, lowering from a cackle to a soft chuckling. "Yes, that does sound fun. I was going to say that it would be a simple thing to keep the temperatures low enough that they simply wouldn't thaw, but I think I like your idea better."
They reached the door to the storage room and Telly nodded. "Alright, love, once we're inside, it's your show. You ready?" He held out his hands to take the freeze gun from him, just for now.
“Died ready.” He handed over the gun and, just for effect, cracked his knuckles. Throwing in a few snapping twig sound effects for good measure.
Sir Pentious
Telly held the gun in one hand, and with the other, he tossed open the door, slithering through first. He looked around, making sure no one was inside-- and no one was, just as he'd thought.
And then his attention turned to the Clonium X. He let out a soft wolf whistle, his mouth twitching into a smirk.
"Look at all that, beautiful, isn't it?" It was definitely something. In a big stack, a pyaramid of bars, it glowed faintly purple in the darkness, pulsing almost as if it were alive. "With even half of this, I could power my cloning machine for centuries to come. Good thing we're taking all of it, hm?"
He turned to grin at Alastor.
Alastor beamed back. “It most certainly is! We’re going to have to find some places to split up the cache, don’t you think?”
For now, though, it was enough to move it all to the airship. Alastor stepped forward, head tilting as he connected to his terrifying tentacled friend. A portal opened over the stack, and dozens of little tentacles reached through, quickly picking up the bars, one per tentacle. He was checking for any that looked or felt different, or for any small odd devices hidden in among them; Vox’s security had been pretty poor so far, but the last thing they needed was to find out too late that he’d hidden a tracking device amongst the bars.
Sir Pentious
They would be clear of any sort of tracking or security devices-- it seemed that Vox was far too confident in himself and his reputation, not even bothering to tag ONE bar. But hey, all the better for them.
Telly held the gun casually, watching Alastor work, tail strategically placed behind him to let him sit if he needed to after.
And so, all go through. Easy peasy. Not nearly as straining as some of his longer and more instruction-heavy collaborations, but when he turned and saw Telly had left a seat for him, he gladly sank back onto it. “Where’s that goodie bag you brought?” He wasn’t starving, but he could stand to take the edge off his hunger.
Sir Pentious
Telly already has the satchel open, and he's going to grab that big bag of jerky to hand to Alastor. "Right here, love. Venison. I asked Charlie to snag me some of the stuff that Leclerq dried from when he killed that massive elk."
He grinned.
“And it’s a *delicious* elk! I’ve still got some of it frozen.” He ate a big handful of jerky. “I ought to make something with it. I’ve never made my venison pasta for you, have I? I should do that, it’s delicious!”
Sir Pentious
"I'd love to try your venison pasta. There's yet to be a dish you've made me I've disliked." He stared at Alastor with those adoring eyes-- even if he DID look like Joel the Security Guard currently.
"How long do you need? We should start moving up soon."
“You flatter me!” It wasn’t a complaint. Enjoy being gazed at adoringly by Joel in return.
“I’m fine to go now.” As much as he’d love to get comfortable on Telly’s coils. Another handful of jerky and he reluctantly pushed himself to his feet and offered the bag back.
Sir Pentious
Telly took it and tucked it back into the bag. He handed the freeze gun back to Alastor, and headed toward the door, peeking out before sliding out. He held the door for Alastor after, keeping a good look out.
"Back to the stairs and then we can head up to the second floor. Find the guards, hopefully, and the.....it's time for chaos." He grinned wide.
"*I can't wait.*" There was a dangerous edge to the eagerness in Alastor's voice. "Is there anything else on this one we want to grab for the hell of it?"
Sir Pentious
Telly paused to think and then shook his head. "Not that I can recall, but let's peek in another room and see what they have! Just in case!"
He hiss-laughed and slithered toward the nearest door, and cautiously opened it. He glanced around and let out a little hum of consideration.
"Alastor, come look at this...." He opened the door wider, showing a room just full of what looked like brass. Just bars and bars of melted down brass. "Why do you think Vox is holding on to _this_ much brass?"
Alastor looked at the bars thoughtfully. "He wants to start Hell's biggest brass band?" He smiled impishly.
Sir Pentious
Telly snorted and rolled his eyes (all of them). "Yes, I'm sure that's why. Now I'm curious though, let's look at a couple more rooms."
He closed the door and slithered to another, opening it with less caution than the last.
"Alastor, _look_." His brow was now creased with confusion. "This one's got.....iron? Steel? Also in bar form....what in Hell is Vox doing with these?"
Alastor shrugged, mystified. "Driving up the price by hoarding it? Stockpiling it to produce some trite new consumer electronic?" He mulled it over a moment longer. "... Whatever he's planning, what do you say we throw a wrench in it?"
Sir Pentious
Telly's baffled expression shifted to a smug smile, and he looked down at Alastor.
"I think we're on the same wavelength, dear. Yes, let's." He blinked a bit. "How so?"
"By moving the heavy metal concert from *his* venue to *ours.* I can't check every bar for bugs tonight, but I've got a safe spot in my universe where we can dump the lot and then check them later." Even if the fuel hadn't been bugged—well, this was Vox, and Alastor wasn't taking chances with Telly's safety.
Sir Pentious
"Oh yes, an excellent idea. I wonder if he's got a stockpile of gold and silver as well--" He paused, a thought occurring to him.
"It might raise questions if _all_ of the metals were to disappear at once, Vergil doesn't have enough manpower at his disposal to get all of that. It's fesible that he could get all the Clonium, but all _this_ too? It's simply too much for his operation. We can't take it." His face scrunched, and then smoothed into a smile.
"Or at least not _all_ of it. Take maybe.....The top fifth? There's more than enough here for that amount to go unnoticed, especially if Vox's record keeping is as shoddy as his security. Yes, that should work, the top fifth of each stack...."
"Top fifth." He eyed the stack. "All right..." His eyes dissolved into red static as he called up Hentai again.
This time the transport took much less time. He could simply open a portal beneath the layer of bricks he wanted to take, and Hentai was only needed to keep them from crashing catastrophically to the ground on the other side.
Sir Pentious
While Alastor worked, Telly got the bag of jerky out again, digging a handful out to offer as soon as he was done.
As soon as he snapped out of it, he was looking around for Telly. "Where's—? Oh! Thank you." He beat Alastor to it. Alastor gratefully took the snacks. "We should hit this place again sometime for the rest. Imagine what we could make with it!"
Sir Pentious
"After we hit it, Vox is sure to amp up security, that or move everything somewhere else. So, perhaps, when things are more on the up and up and we don't have to pin it on someone else." He snickered.
"Let's hit the other rooms quick and then head up like planned."
"A fine plan! Maybe we'll find that stash of gold and silver!" Off they go!
Sir Pentious
They do indeed find a stash of gold, and one of silver! And some copper, and various other metals. A total, with the Clonium, of at least 10 different metals. They snatch the top fifth of each stack and then it's time to head for the stares.
Before they do, though, Telly stopped at the frozen guard, a smirk on his face. He very casually pushed him with one claw, sending him teetering and then crashing to the ground, shattering the poor guard into a thousand pieces.
"That was just as satisfying as I thought it would be!" He said, trying to contain his cackle to a mere chuckle. "Come on, we have chaos to commit!!"
Alastor watched with an utterly gleeful grin on his face. “He’s going to have a hard time pulling back together after *that!*” He pulled open the door to the stairway, after you. “Next one, I want to smash.”
Sir Pentious
"Well, there are two more to freeze! Next one's yours, my love." He rumbled with the cobra purr, and then his face scrunched as he started the disgustingly arduous task of slithering back _up_ the stairs.
"I want to find whoever invented stairs and beat them to double death."
“Now, there’s a good question—why *didn’t* we stick with ramps? Humanity had to have been introduced to them first—we’ve walked all over hills, those are basically natural ramps.” He offered Telly a hand. Sorry 4 ur suffering. “We can ban stairs.”
Sir Pentious
He took Alastor's hand, if only to squeeze it while slithering up these Lucifer-damned stairs. Luckily, they only had one flight to go up currently, the other one could wait.
"Alright, be on high alert, we're looking for the other two guards first, and then once they're taken care of, it's time for chaos." He grinned and then carefully opened the door, peeking out. No sign of the guards yet. He slithered into the R&D floor, glancing around.
"Though, if you see something interesting, just feel free to grab it."
“And what are your standards for ‘interesting’?” The doors were less heavy-duty on this level. Alastor opened one; just a lot of desks so far. Didn’t meet *his* standards for interesting.
Sir Pentious
"Oh, any sort of tech that looks strange, honestly. I'll be able to figure out what they are when we get home, no time to do that now." He chuckled and peeked through another door. Hm, nothing there.
But that's when hurried footsteps sounded at the other end of the hall. Telly, working fast, slithered into the room and shut the door most of the way, hiding himself to let Alastor deal with the guards.
That was much too fast for a regular patrol, they knew something was up. No time to pull out his usual act. Best to give them as little info to try to report later once they thawed.
And there they were, both of them together. At least it’d be quick. “Joel, is that you?” “We heard voices, who—”
Alastor raised his freeze ray and shot the one on the left.
Sir Pentious
The one on the right yelped at the sight, immediately trying to turn tail and run-- only to run into a tail instead. He tripped and fell on his face, and Telly wrapped his leg just to hold him there. He could do that much without revealing himself. It wouldn't take long for Alastor to come take care of this one too.
Alastor bit back a laugh as he jogged up to the fallen guard, waited for Telly to let him loose, and shot him in the back. “Some guards blockhead hires, huh?” He brought his boot down heavily on the guard’s head, smashing it into ice shards. “Hopefully he won’t remember ‘Joel’ wielding a freeze ray, that’d confuse our framing efforts a bit. You’re supposed to not remember the last few seconds before you get knocked out, right? I heard that on a radio program once.”
Sir Pentious
"I think you did more than just knock him out, Alastor. I think being smashed into icy chunks is more than enough to scramble their brains." Telly slithered out of the room and lifted the substantial part of his tail, bringing it down like a hammer on the rest of the fallen guard. Pieces of him flew in all directions, and Telly let out a full blown cackle.
"Now, let's ransack and cause chaos! Make sure to use that gun as much as you see fit, Alastor, we need to make sure there's ice all over!"
Oh! Oh my. That was kind of hot. Give him a moment, his heart’s doing a little flip.
“Ransacking and chaos it is!” He swiped the other frozen guard’s legs out from under him, watched with satisfaction as the guard cracked into several pieces on impact with the ground, then smashed them into a few more. “One winter wonderland, coming right up.” He iced a portion of the floor, tried to slide along it, and found he didn’t get very far in guard boots. He poofed them off and slid along in his socks, firing randomly through an open door as he passed.
Sir Pentious
Telly shivered as the ice cooled the air, but he was prepared! He pressed a small button inside the sleeve of his turtleneck, and it began to buzz softly as it heated. As long as his core temperature didn't drop, he'd be fine. He slithered after Alastor, throwing open doors with wild abandon, looking for interesting things to take.
He found a few things that he stuffed into his bag, before wildly thrashing each room he was in, causing as much destruction as possible, cackling all the while. This was the _fun part._
There was something *deeply* satisfying about freezing some office equipment and chucking it through computer screens—and then freezing the ruined computers. “What ugly things.” He kicked over a flat screen (he had the boots back on) and turned to roll his eyes at Telly. “Have you ever seen a computer that wasn’t ugly? I’ve seen a couple of custom jobs, but that’s it. I remember when electronics were art pieces! Nowadays you’re expected to stare at these things eight hours a day, and yet...” Ooh, this desk had a rubber duck on it. Why did it have a rubber duck? Alastor stole it.
Sir Pentious
"I don't know! They want everything 'sleek' and 'modern' but it just looks ugly! There's no style in it!" He shook his head, swinging his tail to shatter a frozen section of wall.
"I think that's good for this level, yes? Let's head up to the next floor and get the data, then we can shatter Joel and get the Hell out of here!"
“They want ‘sleek and modern’? Then they ought to go for—oh, what’s it getting called these days—‘art deco,’ I think it is now? All glass and steel! Sharp angles and smooth curves! It doesn’t get more sleek and modern than that, and on top of that it’s stylish! As! Hell!” He punctuated the declaration with three wild shots. “‘Sleek and modern’ my tail. They’re just too cheap to decorate and think beveling a few corners will hide that.” He offered his elbow to Telly. Shall they?
Sir Pentious
Telly took his arm, beaming down at him. "Yes, that would make things more interesting! But alas, we seem to be two of the only demons with a modicum of _taste_, darling."
He slithered into the stairwell and then started up, face screwing up again. "You know, you don't need to be Joel anymore! The guards and cameras are incapacitated!"
“Call me paranoid. What if those last two hit some kind of panic button when they heard strange voices?” He iced the stairs ahead of them, adding a couple of layers until it was more of a slope. Tada! A handy ramp. Isn’t he clever?
He took one step on the slope and almost lost his footing. Okay, he’s half clever. He clung to the handrail, it’s fine, he’s fine.
Sir Pentious
Telly just casually hefted Alastor into his arms, holding him bridal style as he slithered up the slope. Oh, chilly. He shivered a bit.
"Wouldn't you be able to hear or sense it, it they did?"
Feeling Telly shiver against him immediately made Alastor’s stomach turn. Oh right, Telly was naked from the waist down. “You must be freezing in here.” He slid an arm around Telly’s back, don’t mind getting hugged by Joel. When they reached the next landing, Alastor got back to his feet and summoned up a quilt with erratic asymmetrical blocks and decorative stitching to sling around Telly’s shoulders. There. Better.
“I’ve got the broadcasting tower turned down as far as it can go right now, in case of anything he’s got listening for my frequency.” (It’s him, he’s the broadcasting tower.) “If the guards used something that broadcasts on a high frequency—like, say, a cell phone—they might be able to get a signal out without my hearing.”
Sir Pentious
"Ah, I see. Well then, good thing we just have to get the data and then slag everything else in the office area, and we're free and clear." Telly tied the corners of the blanket around his neck, smirking as he did.
"How do I look? Dashing?" He snickered and slithered over to the first door, throwing it open to get to one of the computers. He booted it up and plugged in a small hard drive, clacking away.
"Alright, downloading everything on their internal servers. Should just take a couple minutes, and then we can destroy everything and go."
“Incredibly dashing. Like a movie villain preparing to steal the national treasury.” His expression was unusually soft as he spoke, though. Don’t worry about it, just the cold getting to him.
He leaned over Telly’s shoulder to watch him work. “And you’re *sure* V#x isn’t going to be able to detect what you’re doing here?” Asking for the thousandth time...
Sir Pentious
"No. At least, because we're not going to leave anything intact for them to trace. Vox has smart people working for him, but even they're not smart enough to piece together a hard drive from a slagged computer." He shrugged, and turned to smile at him, though there was a brief bwaugh at the sight of Joel's face.
"Alright, almost....there!" He smiled and unplugged the drive, tucking it into his satchel. With one large sweep, he swung his tail around and used it to completely smash the station, giving a few extra slaps to make sure it was in pieces.
"Now freeze it! And then to the server room. We'll destroy those and then the rest of the computers in the other rooms. Then we're free and clear!"
Another stomp for good measure, then a solid coating of ice over all the components, and Alastor followed Telly to the other rooms. “You know, sometimes Vaggie or Charlie will complain about the hotel computer freezing. Somehow I doubt they meant like this!”
Sir Pentious
Telly laughed, nodding at him. "Oh, certainly. You know, if they'd like an upgrade, I'm sure I could whip up something better than whatever they're currently using."
He shrugged, going through another door too the server room. Telly tapped his chin a moment. "Darling, could you get me a baseball bat? I suddenly feel the urge to take up a career in baseball!!"
“Oh, you don’t need to waste your time on the hotel’s computer.” A dismissive gesture. “If they wanted a better one, they could get their own. The princess can certainly afford it.”
He saw where this was going. He liked where it was going. He pulled out a bat and held it out to Telly. It’s got a bunch of nails sticking out of it. Why does Alastor have that bat already.
Sir Pentious
Telly took the bat with a grin, holding it up in the classic batter's stance.
"Pentell Tinely readies himself at the plate....The pitcher winds up....And!!" He swung with all his might (which was actually a LOT) and smacked the nearest server, the machine sputtering sparks as it fell and toppled into its neighbor, creating a literal domino effect of toppling servers.
"And it's a home run! The crowd goes WILD!!"
Alastor’s invisible audience goes wild. Listen to that cheering. Babe Ruth couldn’t hype them up that much.
“What a swing! It’s sailing straight over the crowd’s heads! It’s headed for the fence! It’s going—going—GONE, ladies and gentlemen! Yessirree, that ball is out of the park!”
Sir Pentious
Telly cackled as he began to go to town on the rest of the servers, beating them all to scrap. "And now he's beating the other players to death! It's a massacre! Oh the humanity!!"
“We’ve never seen a game like *this* before! But there’s nothing in the rule books against murder! Why, at this rate, the visiting team won’t have enough players to cover every position!” Alastor followed behind Telly, casually icing any servers that looked sufficiently trashed.
Sir Pentious
He was huffing now, puffing, and blowing these houses down-- with the bat. Every server, he made sure to obliterate into nothing but bits of plastic and metal. Once satisfied with his work, he turned the bat upside down and leaned on it.
"Phew! That was something. My arms will be sore tomorrow, I bet." He straightened, and offered the bat back to Alastor. "Alright, ready to go?"
He blinked and let out a little 'oh!'. "We almost forgot to smash Joel! Let's make sure to get him on the way out."
Alastor took the bat and twirled it. “Let’s! Although I can just *imagine* him trying to explain to his bosses why he’s the only guard that wasn’t smashed to pieces.” He grinned viciously. “But no, better not to leave any loose ends.”
Sir Pentious
"Yes, that would be hilarious!" Telly snickered as he slithered, heading back towards the stairs. Just one more flight, Pentell, you can do it. Be strong for ~~mother~~ Alastor.
Better not ice it this time, but Alastor’s arm was still available if Telly wanted it. “Then to go swim in a sea of stolen fuel! Not to boast prematurely, but oh, what a spectacular job we’ve done, haven’t we!” He was practically skipping up the stairs. “And this is only the beginning!”
Sir Pentious
"Oh yes, we still need to make certain to drop some of the Clonium at Vergil's. You can do that remotely, can't you? I know the coordinates for it." He will gladly take the offered arm and slither his way up those final steps. Ah, there we go, no more stairs.
He slithered through the halls, back to the security office, and entered. "My darling, did you want to do the honors?"
“Not a problem!” He’d need somebody to peek through to make sure the coast was clear, but there shouldn’t be any problems with that.
He shut the door to reveal Joel behind it, still frozen with his head bowed toward his phone. “With the greatest pleasure.” He planted one foot on the chair seat to keep it steady. “You know, I’ve always been *fascinated* by stories of doppelgängers destroying their originals. Something about it is simply... Oh, I don’t know. There’s art in there somewhere.” He raised the bat, lined it up with Joel’s head as carefully as a golfer taking aim, and then swung it in a long, graceful arc. Joel’s head shattered into icy shards that pelted the wall.
Sir Pentious
Telly gave a nice golf clap at that masterful swing, before putting an arm around Alastor's waist. "Now turn back, I want a kiss before we go. Should be able to just portal out, yes?"
Without answering, he shifted back into his own appearance and turned in Telly’s embrace to kiss him. Alastor had been waiting for this moment since Telly first smashed a guard. His ruthless, vicious, gorgeous supervillain.
Sir Pentious
Arms wrapping around Alastor, Telly pulled him closer, turning his head to deepen the kiss. He nipped at his lip, a hand coming up to cup his cheek, and he pulled back panting.
"Let's get home. Mission successful." He grinned and kissed Alastor again.
“*Mmh.*” He opened a portal next to them and tugged Telly in without breaking the kiss. Celebration time—
No, no. Planting evidence. *Then* celebration.
Sir Pentious
He continued the kiss, even through the strange stomach flipping Hentai's dimension gave him, and landed with a thud back on the airship. Telly broke it then to stroke Alastor's face.
"Where did you stash the Clonium X?"
“Over there.” A vague gesture. He’d deposited both the fuel and themselves in the airship’s storage. “How much are we sacrificing?”
Sir Pentious
"A third should be enough to make it seem like he sold off the rest. And we can dump two thirds of the diamonds as well. That should be more than enough to convince Vox."
“Pity,” Alastor sighed. A few tentacles separated about a third of the pile from the rest, and Alastor gestured. “Care to add the rest?”
Sir Pentious
Telly dug the diamonds from his bag-- a nice large sack of them-- and sifted through. He set a couple handfuls on the ground, and then tied up the bag to toss onto the pile of Clonium to be sent.
"There, that should do it."
And in a few seconds the pile was gone—off to bring down Vox’s wrath on some other innocent overlord. Farewell.
And Alastor could turn all his attention to Telly.
Sir Pentious
Telly was more than ready for him, already there, against him, cupping his face to kiss again. And then he was laughing against his lips.
"WE DID IT!!" He laughed louder, that typical Pentious fare, and picked Alastor up to spin him around.
"WE DID IT!!!!!!"
“We di—!” He was being SPUN. He held on tight, laughing giddily as well. He didn’t stop clinging when his feet were back on the ground, only leaning harder against Telly. “Brilliantly schemed and flawlessly executed, Sir Pentious! And just *think* of all we can do next!”
Sir Pentious
"OH YES, THERE'S SO MUCH!! WITH THE EGG PRODUCTION NOW--" He stopped mid sentence, rushing over to the Clonium to grab a bar and then slithering as fast as his tail could take him.
“Yes yes, of course!” He hurried after Telly, summoning up his microphone to feed his voice through the ship’s PA system: “**All hands to the cloning chamber! It’s time to make you lot some little brothers.**”
Sir Pentious
Telly arrived to the Eggs streaming in, he counted them up-- yes, all 19, good.
"I NEED #9 FRONT AND CENTER, THE REST OF YOU, TO THE STORAGE ROOM! MOVE ALL THE CLONIUM X INTO THIS CHAMBER!" The Eggs gave an affirmative cry and rushed off, #9 stepping up as requested.
"Yes, Sir, Mister Bossman!!" The Egg cried, climbing in. Telly placed the Clonium into its slot and pressed a few buttons. The tube that held #9 slide shut with a pneumatic THOOMP and the machine began to whir to life.
Telly slithered back, looking up at it with manic glee-- and it began to spit Egg Bois out of the tube at the end. The came out fully dressed, and steaming, and Telly slithered over to the first one to pop out.
"Oh of course, Mr. Bossman! I've got it all handled!! You can count on me!" 390 saluted and Telly nodded, slithering back over Alastor.
"Alright, that's that. We can finally go celebrate our victory now." He leaned close to flick his tongue against Alastor's cheek.
He watched in amazement as eggs began popping out—just like that! So fast! No warmup, no assembly time, just instant eggs. “You could put every chicken farmer in Hell out of business with this thing.”
Sir Pentious
Telly looked back at his machine and puffed proudly. "Yes, I _could_ but why bother? My Eggs are more useful than just as food!"
He slid his hand into Alastor's, twining their fingers as he began to slither back towards the other end of the airship, where his bedroom lay.
"Let's let it work. You and I have some celebrating to do." He purred.
“Right, yes...” Don’t mind him if he turns to watch the machine over his shoulder as Telly leads him away. Isn’t that something. “I can’t believe I’m doing burglary jobs with the smartest man in Hell.”
Sir Pentious
Telly laughed. "I can't believe I'm doing burglary jobs with the Radio Demon!"
He turned towards Alastor and pulled him close, kissing him hard.
When Telly said it like *that,* it almost made him sound like somebody important.
Alastor leaned into the kiss hungrily, all teeth and tongue. He was going to burn down Hell with this man and he couldn't wait.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
James wasn't giving anyone one second to discuss that bomb of a mess, too scared to hear any kind of answer but the one that had to be true, it just wasn't possible the world would be cruel enough that his friend truly had gone insane in Azkaban. Sirius must have a logical and sound reason for doing this, but the fact that he couldn't come up with one made him read on with more anxiety than possibly any chapter before.
No one in Gryffindor Tower slept that night.
"Doubt anyone's going to get any sleep tonight either," Sirius muttered.
They knew the castle was being searched top to bottom again, and they all stayed alert to see if Black had been found this time.
James had to swallow very hard for a moment, still praying with his every fiber that wouldn't happen. He knew Sirius must have a reason for the insane act he'd just pulled, he was clearly of sound mind enough to run for cripes sake, surely he must have been able to escape again!
Harry dearly wanted to ask why they'd all been forced to stay in the Great Hall last time for a lesser problem with Sirius only having attacked the portrait, but this time they weren't leaving. He didn't though, working out for himself the teachers must think the common rooms really were safer this time.
McGonagall did come back to tell that he hadn't.
Despite the scared out of their mind mood for the room, they were all in the proper state to release a breath of relief for what they knew would always be good news to them.
The damage had been done though, and for the next several days they saw security being tightened up around the castle all the more, as the doors to the school had been enchanted to recognize Black,
"Despite the doors lack of security, I still doubt that's how you're pulling it off," Remus rolled his eyes.
and Filch was given the task of filling in every last crack in the wall that not even a mouse could squeeze through.
'Would be useful, if Peter were still around' Sirius mentally sighed, hoping more than anything that if Harry learned anything at the end of the year, it was what really was going on with that story.
Cadogan was fired,
"And good riddance," Harry grumbled, that portrait had done far more harm than good in his opinion by constantly annoying the whole of his house.
and the Fat Lady was put back,
"About time," Lily smiled, which wavered slightly when she remembered why it had been taken down in the first place. She would never really believe Sirius was out to harm anyone at that school, but it still wasn't adding up right what on earth he was doing! No one had the gall to bring it up though, James was still reading in a rather harassed manner and didn't look intent on changing that until he got a solid explanation of what was going on.
with added protection.
"How do you protect a portrait?" Harry mumbled.
His mom looked puzzled herself for a moment, but James was already reading.
Now security trolls had been hired to patrol the seventh floor.
Harry couldn't help a laugh of surprise at what he considered an overkill, considering even after all of this he still didn't feel any impending danger, but he was the only one who did.
Harry did notice that the statue on the third floor hadn't been secured,
Sirius felt the smallest of smiles trying to make an appearance on his face, left over smugness from his years in thinking he and his friends ruled the school through those secret corridors, but it just didn't hold the same pleasure now as it once would have.
and Harry couldn't help asking Ron if they should say something about it. Ron disagreed, saying that a break in at Honeydukes would have been mentioned.
Lily couldn't help herself, now she really did want to know how the boys managed to get past those sensory alarms, so she finally forced a change of subject by asking, "alright, now I'm curious. How were you getting in and out of Honeydukes?" Then she cocked her head to the side and probed further, "and besides that, how were you getting back into the passage without a wand?"
Remus couldn't help but release a surprised burst of laughter at the thunderstruck look on both her and Harry's faces, but Sirius was the one to chip his answer, "Because the sensory alarms they use only work on humans. So long as I snuck in there as a dog, the thing wouldn't go off. As for getting back in though," here he did pause and frown before huffing, "actually, I've got nothing. Suppose I hid out somewhere in the castle until the coast was clear, I still know plenty of nice little hiding holes, and snuck through a window or something from the first floor. Really shouldn't be too hard when no one would actually be looking for a dog*; or maybe I got Remus to open it after the fact. Either could work."
James couldn't stop a light smile of his own making an appearance at such a light topic to him as he commented, "it's really not as hard as you two seem to think it is to get in and out of that place."
Lily couldn't keep a triumphant smile off of her face as she watched the boys theorize a few other means for Sirius to do this, and sat back comfortably when James finally managed to keep going in normal tones.
Harry was happy to have this pointed out, as he knew that if his way into Hogsmeade was blocked off as well he'd never get back into the village.
"Which would be the crying shame of the century," Remus declared in a very serious tone of voice.
Ron had become an overnight celebrity,
"I'll bet he loved that," Sirius snickered lightly, ignoring the horrible wince that wanted to cause. At least someone was getting their kicks out of this.
as people were finally paying more attention to him then Harry,
"I'm sure that was just breaking your heart," James grinned over at Harry, who was smiling pleasantly at how happy he remembered Ron was then. This instant had finally driven Scabbers clear from his mind, it really had been the first time Ron had finally gone a full day without thinking of his pet, then he winced and rubbed at his temple as he so frequently did whenever Scabbers came to mind. Why though? Was he really just trying to remember the rat was still alive? Wouldn't this be a good thing for Ron, rather than leaving a sick feeling in the pit of his gut the longer he thought on this?
as students demanded to hear his retelling of the event which Ron was all too happy to provide.
"Glad someone in your group knows how to," James snickered.
He told how he'd thought at first he had just been asleep when he heard the tearing noise,
Then James smile dried right up when he saw he was clearly going to read exactly what Ron was telling people, something he'd gladly never discuss again until he heard Sirius' real account on the matter.
but then he blinked at the heart stopping image of the convict staring down at him.
James was trying his hardest to get through this as fast as possible, still unwilling to hear anyone's side of the story other than Sirius' himself, because there wasn't any other option. There had to be a logical, understandable reason for this madness!
He'd been holding a knife and preparing to stab when Ron started screaming, and Black made a run for it. Only after the awed students walked off did Ron turn to Harry and follow up with the question of why he'd run at all?
'Probably because he gave me a heart attack, yelling like that' Sirius mentally grumbled, but failed to say anything out loud since he was the last one who really wanted to linger on this.
Harry couldn't help but wonder the same thing, why hadn't Black just stabbed Ron and turned on Harry?
James practically hissed that out through gritted teeth in foul contempt that sentence could exist in any universe, as implausible and stupid as it was.
Harry tried to work it out, saying his cover had already been blown and if he'd delayed any longer then he would have woken up the whole house, then the teachers, he hadn't enough time.
"Humm, there's a logic to the madness," Sirius huffed without any traces of humor.
Neville was in the deepest of trouble.
"That poor thing," Lily cooed.
Sirius couldn't help but wince, now knowing this kid didn't really need his help to get into trouble but feeling bad it had been his fault.
McGonagall had taken away his privilege to go to Hogsmeade,
"Ouch," James winced, knowing from Harry's experience how awful that was going to be, and remembering earlier how hopeful he'd been that this would happen.
given him a detention, and he was no longer allowed to know the password.
"Now how would that work," Remus frowned, "actually that's pretty harsh. It's not like he did it on purpose."
"Guess I really scared the crap out of her," Sirius grumbled.
He had to wait every night among the trolls until someone arrived to let him in.
"That's just-" Lily choked, unable to decide if she was supposed to laugh at the security measures they kept trying to put up against Sirius, or continue grumbling along with the boys how unnecessary it was.
None of this was nearly as bad as the Howler he received.
"Dang," all five of them winced that time, knowing public humiliation like that was the worst form of punishment available.
Harry recognized the scarlet envelope the moment it landed on Neville's plate.
"Yeah, we remember," James shook his head in pity at that remembered incident.
Ron told Neville to make a run for it,
"Sound advice really," Sirius nodded.
and while Neville tried, sprinting out the doors to the echoing laughter of Slytherin's behind him,
"Oh," Lily scowled, "it can't really be that funny."
"I was pointing out Malfoy's group more than anything," Harry shrugged, "and they thought it was a riot."
he didn't get far. The whole hall heard Neville's grandmother magically yelling about how he'd disgraced the whole of the family.
"It's not like he did it on purpose," Lily finally snapped at how outrageous she found that claim. "I highly doubt Neville walked up to him and gave it to him, nor would he consciously leave it lying about!"
"I agree, poor Neville really doesn't deserve all of this," James sighed.
Harry had been watching after him sadly, so at first didn't notice Hedwig until she gave him a nip.
"Yeah, that'll do it," Harry muttered while rubbing at his wrist.
He took her offered letter and opened it as Hedwig began eating some of Neville's cereal.
That at least gave them a random laugh.
It contained the message that Harry and Ron were invited over at six, and in all capital letters to wait at the entrance hall for him to arrive.
"Really James," Lily sighed, "I'm glad that seemed to make you feel better, but it's a letter, you don't need to shout."
James gave her a wayward smile, not really seeming to regret it.
Hagrid signed off the bottom, and Ron got excited all over again as he guessed that Hagrid must want to hear his retelling of Black.
Sirius cocked his head to the side, he didn't really think so honestly, but he wasn't sure what it could be about either.
Lily on the other hand was beaming, more than pleased someone like Hagrid was around just to check up on them and make sure they were okay. She couldn't help but notice how absent Remus had continued to be during this year, surely he could have made an appearance to Harry again about anything, even something as trivial as talking about the next creature in class.
So the time came that they had to sprint past the security trolls,
"Can't honestly blame you," Remus chuckled.
and head down the stairs where they found Hagrid already waiting.
"I can see his point," James snickered a bit, "probably thought they wouldn't wait on him and got there an hour early."
Ron greeted him happily, confirming that Hagrid wanted to hear his account of Black's entrance. Hagrid said no, he'd heard enough about that, and Ron looked rather disappointed.
James looked the exact opposite, more than relieved he wouldn't have to read that all over again.
When they got to Hagrid's place, they found Buckbeak
"Which reminds me," Sirius said, happy for any kind of reason to talk about anything besides himself. "How's that research going on his case?"
Harry's mouth opened with a little pop, then he went bright red in the face.
"Oh, Harry you didn't," Lily moaned as she recognized the shame on his face.
"Err, it was the Firebolt, it err honestly drove Buckbeak right out of my mind, and err-"
"Relax Harry," Remus finally released him from his clearly pent up agitation at himself, "it's not like we blame you for forgetting, honestly I kind of forgot myself until Hagrid wrote you his letter. Fighting with Hermione, Scabbers and that broom, can't really blame you."
Harry still couldn't help but feel insanely guilty, he'd promised Hagrid he would help him and he had let such things drive out a promise to his friend. The others weren't yet sure what to say though, Harry should feel rightfully guilty for this but his actions were understandable for a child his age as well. So they kept silent and hoped Hagrid would have more to say.
on Hagrid's bed, eating some dead ferrets.
Lily crinkled up her nose, still wishing Hagrid would at least feed him that outside.
Looking away from that, Harry instead spotted a truly odd looking suit in Hagrid's size, and asked what the occasion was?
"A really bad and very late costume party I'd hope, but even then it hardly seems fitting," Sirius muttered.
Hagrid explained that it was for his case against the Committee, he'd set up their arrangement with some beds on the Knight Bus,
"I'm sure that'll be a sight for the other occupants," Remus snickered.
and Harry felt a horrible surge of guilt as he realized he'd forgotten all about this.
Harry continued sinking lower into himself the longer this dragged on, continued guilt indeed dragging him around. He was now convinced that if Buckbeak didn't win this case it would be all his fault.
One glance at Ron showed he had done the same, but before they could say anything Hagrid instead said he had something serious to discuss with them.
"Not as serious as I could," Sirius said at once, making James sigh and try to ignore his friend again.
"I swear that joke has popped up more in this book then any others," Remus grumbled with distaste.
When Harry asked what about, Hagrid said Hermione.
That startled all of them, Harry most of all as he'd been expecting Hagrid to tell him off for not helping out more.
Lily began smiling all over again though, relief washing through her as she really did hope now Hagrid was going to straighten these boys out and convince them they were being idiots about how they were treating their friend.
Ron wasn't pleased at the change of topic, but Hagrid told how she'd been down at his place. Ron pointed out that her cat had eaten Scabbers, and Hagrid said back that's just what cats do.
"Thank you," Remus sighed, in full agreement it was high time someone got it through Ron's head he may have been holding a bit too much of a grudge there. No one was arguing he had a right to be mad, but it wasn't something to lose your friendship over.
She'd been crying a bit,
Harry in particular winced horribly at that. He didn't have that many friends really, and now reflecting back on how he had treated her made him feel even worse. Between that and his residual guilt about Hagrid and Buckbeak, he looked so miserable Lily took pity on him and wrapped her arm around him for comfort. Yes, Harry really should feel guilty and she hoped it would teach him a lesson about this in the future, but since it was so clear how he was feeling now she hoped that was just as strong then and decided he was self-punishing enough.
and told them off for how they'd been treating her, making brooms and rats more important than their friend.
James gave Harry a wane smile, more than happy someone had reminded his son of that. He still looked so guilty none of them dared make fun of him for this.
Ron tried to argue back, saying he'd forgive her if she got rid of Crookshanks, but she was still sticking up for him.
"And he shouldn't really blame her," Sirius sighed, "as he'd be doing the same thing if things were reversed."
Hagrid pointed out that people could get a bit blind when it came to their pets, while Buckbeak spit out some bones onto Hagrid's pillow.
"Timing," Lily couldn't help but giggle.
They stayed late at Hagrid's, both boys trying to get in an apology about not helping out more with Buckbeak, which he waved off as he knew how busy they were. They went back to the castle and spotted when the next Hogsmeade trip was going to be. Ron asked Harry if he was still planning on going in?
"Course he's going," James scoffed, "he still hasn't got a reason not to!"
Harry was agreeing he would when Hermione made her appearance, already looking upset at the overheard conversation.
"Somehow, I think that apology they owe her isn't coming," Sirius sighed as he had a very bad feeling that yet another fight was fixing to break out instead.
She threatened that if Harry went again, she'd tell McGonagall about his map.
"What?" They all snapped.
"Damn Hermione, that's taking it too far," James scowled.
Lily sighed, she really wanted to agree that Hermione was being overtly paranoid, but decided enough was enough and put her foot down and truly defended her this time. "Alright you lot," she snapped before anyone else could say anything. "I'm sorry Sirius, but think about this from her position for a second. You've just gotten into the common rooms, the most secure part of the castle, you can't really sit around and blame her for being worried about Harry being so exposed in the open now. If it was anyone but you, you'd all agree Harry should stay in the castle where it's safe as well."
The boys hesitated before sighing and admitting that fine. The point was they weren't afraid of anything bad happening so they were looking at it another way, but decided harping on Hermione wasn't going to help.
Ron pretended he hadn't even heard.
"Harsh," Remus muttered with a wince.
Hermione still tried, saying Ron was being an idiot after Black had nearly killed him, and she was going to tattle if they didn't stop! Ron jumped that she was going to get Harry kicked out of school!
"They sure toss that word around a lot," James sighed, "but if we got expelled every time we'd snuck out of the castle we'd have set some sort of record by the end of first year."
"I still wouldn't want to get into trouble," Harry reminded, "nor would I want to be asked how I'd gotten in and out."
Hermione wasn't going to back down, until her cat jumped on her lap. Hermione froze up, before scooping him into her arms and bolting upstairs.
"Almost a good thing," Sirius couldn't help but sigh, "that conversation just couldn't have ended well."
Ron kept going like Hermione had never been there, pointing out that Harry hadn't even gotten to see Zonko's last time.
"An actual crime against your age," James nodded seriously.
Harry agreed he'd still go, but he was taking the Cloak.
"Glad you learned that lesson," Sirius approved.
The next morning Harry made it as clear as possible he was waving goodbye to Ron and heading back to the tower with a watchful Hermione's eyes on him.
"You gotten any better at that," Remus snickered, "because you still don't have a very good poker face."
"I've no idea if it fooled her," Harry said with a shrug, dearly hoping it had as he didn't really want to get caught or told on.
He called out a last farewell to Ron, who winked as he passed.
"Subtle," Sirius snorted.
He made to sneak away and go to the statue, when he ran into Neville.
"Damn," they couldn't help but curse, finding that some pretty bad timing.
"Don't suppose you'll just invite him," Remus sighed without any real hope.
"I doubt it," Harry shook his head.
He spotted Harry and said he'd forgotten Harry couldn't go to Hogsmeade either.
"I kind of want to know what he was even doing around there," James sighed, it wasn't a place students normally visited without knowledge of where they were going, especially on off days.
Then he offered to play a game with Harry, who quickly lied and said he had a homework assignment over vampires for Lupin due.
"Jeesh Remus, you know you really could go a lesson without assigning homework," Sirius sighed.
"At least it wasn't two rolls of parchment," Harry smirked.
Neville eagerly asked to join, saying he hadn't finished his either.
"I feel so bad for Neville," Lily frowned, "he obviously wants someone to hang out with. Would it really kill you to let Ron alone for the day and be with him."
Harry winced in sympathy. At the time he'd been absolutely focused on getting into Hogsmeade to be with his friend, he'd not even stopped to consider how Neville must be feeling at the time. If he sat around and thought about it now, he probably would go back and just stay with Neville for the day.
Harry had to quickly rethink and say he had in fact finished that essay.
"You're lying has actually managed to get increasingly worse as time goes on," James snickered.
Neville then asked if Harry could instead help him, unclear on the garlic thing and if they had to eat it or what?
"Tsk tsk Remus, how could you not have covered that in class," Sirius mock scolded.
Remus ignored him and turned to Harry, asking, "did you already do your essay?"
"I'd started it," Harry said evasively, most likely meaning he'd written his name on a sheaf of parchment.
Chuckling Remus then said, "well in answer, it only has to be around them to affect them, in fact getting a vampire to eat garlic would be a miracle even if it would kill them."
Harry didn't get a chance to answer as Snape arrived.
"Oh bloody hell," the boys muttered, automatically annoyed whenever he showed up for any reason.
Neville took a step behind Harry.
Lily scowled all over again, her hatred for that reminder never not making her want to get to her feet and give him more than a telling off.
Snape glared at the two, asking why they'd met there? Then his eyes flickered to the statue.
"You know, he did catch us meeting up there quite a bit," James nodded in remembrance, "I can't really say I'm surprised if he's suspicious."
"Still a paranoid arse," Sirius scowled.
Harry tried to say that they weren't meeting there on purpose, they'd just met there.
"Yes, I'm so sure he believed that clarification," Remus snorted.
Snape clearly didn't buy it, telling Harry he tended to be in places he wasn't supposed to.
"As far as he's concerned," Lily scowled, "when have you ever really been anywhere you aren't supposed to be?" She didn't really think he was referring to all of his crazy stunts he'd pulled during last year and the year before, as he probably didn't know much about those then the barest of facts, so his claim was still pretty biased.
"Like that's ever stopped him making snide comments," James huffed.
Then he told them both to get back to their common room.
Harry rolled his eyes that time, growing quite tired of constantly being told he was supposed to spend every waking moment in that tower instead of roaming the castle like every other student.
The two boys walked off, Harry glancing back to find Snape running his hand over the statue's head.
"Like he'll figure it out," Sirius said with confidence. It had taken them doing a favor for one of the paintings just to get a hint, no way could Snape really know.
Harry finally got rid of Neville as he lied and said he'd left his homework in the Library, giving him the password before running off.
"That'll work," Remus sighed, still half wishing Harry would have told him and brought him along, having noted for quite some time it never really mentioned Neville hanging out with any of his friends, but knowing by now it wasn't worth bringing it up to Harry. It seemed all the more harsh since Harry wouldn't be back for hours, and Neville would just feel dumped.
Harry pulled out his map and found Snape down in his office.
"Wish he wouldn't come out of there, ever," Sirius huffed.
He quickly made his way through the proper channels and finished his route to the cellar.
"He's already such a pro," James gave a satisfied sigh, pretending to wipe a proud tear away, though the feeling itself was real.
When he did get there, he had to explain to Ron in a whisper from under the cloak that he'd been held up by Snape. The journey was confusing for Ron as they left the shop, as he constantly whispered where Harry was?
"A fair question," Remus snickered, a few occasions coming to mind of when they'd done something similar, though normally it was for a set up to a prank.
"Though not recommended, otherwise people are going to wonder why you're talking to yourself," Sirius snorted.
They went inside Zonko's,
"One of the most important shops in there," James nodded seriously.
where they found uncountable prank items that would make Fred and George turn green with envy,
"Wouldn't surprise me if they have that store completely memorized," Sirius chuckled.
and each bought a set of items.
"Completely worth it then," Remus agreed.
Then they made their way to the back of the village, towards the Shrieking Shack.
All three boys now had nostalgic smiles creeping across their faces, having spent so many long hours in that place it almost felt as much a home to them as Hogwarts itself.
They got to the top and Ron explained that even the schools ghosts didn't go in there.
"I'm fairly sure that's because Dumbledore asked them not to, once I started hanging around in there," Remus shrugged, "added to the fear factor."
Ron had even heard Fred and George had tried to break in, but couldn't get past any of the windows or doors.
"All the visible ones," Sirius smirked.
"I don't know why they tried," Lily rolled her eyes, "what do they think they're going to find in there?"
"That's the fun of it," James explained, "finding out."
Harry was starting to feel a little stuffy under his cloak, and was just considering taking it off for some air when they heard approaching voices.
"Typical," Remus rolled his eyes.
They didn't have to wait long to find Malfoy,
"Gah," Sirius ground out in frustration, "what the bloody hell is with their rotten timing."
and his two friends coming up, talking loudly about how Malfoy's dad should be sending him a letter soon telling how the trail went their way, and he'd been there to testify on his son's behalf for not having his arm for months.
Sirius scowled and grumbled something, still unable to believe anyone could be so intent on getting one guy in so much trouble. What had Hagrid ever done to this kid?
Crabbe and Goyle laughed.
"Trollishly, with absolutely no brains of their own," James continued as if reading that.
"No need for that James, we already knew it," Lily smirked.
Malfoy was lamenting he wished he could have been there in person to watch Hagrid defend him,
"Wish your arse would get expelled for starting this mess," Remus scowled.
when he saw Ron and grinned.
"Well this can't be good," Lily's frown deepened as she assessed this situation. Malfoy thought Ron was up there on his own, and if Harry helped him he'd most likely get caught. This could cause a huge mess.
He laughed when he saw what Ron was looking at, declaring that the old shack looked like a palace compared to the box his family must live in.
Harry ground his teeth together in frustration, dearly hoping he used the opportunity he had in 0hand to get some well-deserved revenge on Malfoy.
Ron looked like he was going to go at Malfoy, but Harry grabbed him,
"Do you ever let your friend have any fun?" Sirius demanded with a pout.
"I'm with Sirius on this one," Remus scoffed in agitation, "he deserves anything Ron would do for that comment."
Harry looked at his mother, expecting her to say something, but she simply shrugged and said, "I'd rather you not get in trouble for what I know you're about to do, but so long as you're not expelled, I agree. It'll be worth it."
James laughed boisterously, nearly bouncing in place at what this could mean.
and whispered to him that he'd deal with it.
"Yes!" All of the boys cheered, more than pleased at the opportunity's this could have.
Harry began sneaking around behind them, eyes on a puddle of mud.
Sirius was practically vibrating in place he was stifling his laughter so much. Harry wasn't even using a spell, which gave him all the more deniability.
As Malfoy continued to mock Ron, Harry scooped up a bit, and chucked with perfect aim as the brown goop landed in Malfoy's hair.
James had to stop reading for several minutes, he was too busy catching his breath back with laughter. This little brat had deserved some retribution for so long now, that this visual image was one he knew he'd treasure for as long as possible. He only kept going because he recognized there was still potential mayhem to come.
Malfoy spun around, demanding to know who'd done that,
"Karma," Lily smirked.
while Ron tried to keep himself upright while voicing how haunted he'd heard this place was.
Remus almost fell off the couch laughing at Ron's very appropriate comment.
Crabbe and Goyle were looking very unsure now, knowing their muscles wouldn't do any good against ghosts.
"Not much use at all really," Sirius said brightly, since neither moron would find their target with Harry keeping the cloak on.
Harry was still busy though, instead walking around towards a puddle of green sludge, and throwing that towards the bullies.
Lily had to keep her hand firmly in lock around her mouth to try and muffle her giggling at the mental image of all of this, while the boys weren't even trying so it was getting kind of hard to hear the rest, which only made James read louder.
The other two got some in the face that time as Malfoy snapped he'd seen it coming from half a dozen feet away from where Harry really was.
Remus tried to make a comment, but he was still laughing to hard and couldn't suck in the air to do so.
Crabbe tried to blunder forward, arms outstretched, but Harry whacked him with a stick forcing him to do a pirouette.
"You're killing me," Sirius wheezed, not looking any kind of upset if this was how he was to go.
Goyle instead tried to turn at Ron,
Lily couldn't help but wince now, she hadn't seen that coming, but didn't even bother to linger on it as she knew Harry wouldn't let his friend get hurt by that thug.
and Harry cut him off by sticking out his leg, which the brute managed to catch the hem of his cloak as he fell.
"Bollocks," the four boys suddenly hissed, most traces of amusement starting to disappear at once. They really couldn't go just one chapter with pure amusement could they?
The cloak almost fell free, revealing Harry's head. Malfoy just stood there for a second, staring,
"Well it was fun while it lasted," James groaned, sinking back into his seat and closing his eyes for a moment, imagining all the horrible outcomes this could cause, before reading on in a grave tone now as he, naively he was sure, hoped nothing to bad would happen because of this.
before screaming,
Remus still couldn't help a lingering snicker at that. Of all the reactions he could have had, screaming in fright like that had to be his favorite.
and running for it with his friends on his heels.
"Well that was fun," Sirius still had a small smile in place. "Don't suppose you can do it again some time."
"I hope so," Harry laughed, his joy at getting his payback to those bullies making up for any punishment he may get. He couldn't really put a finger on it, but he got the feeling whatever punishment it was, wasn't even too bad.
Ron was telling Harry he'd better get back before Malfoy tells what he'd seen.
"Not like anyone would believe him," Lily said without any real hope. One teacher in particular came to mind who would believe anything Malfoy says, and would love to get Harry into trouble.
"As far as they know, Harry has no way to get there. They would think Malfoy was making something up to get Harry into trouble."
"Any other teacher would believe that," James grumbled, knowing the anxious tones in Lily's voice meant she was thinking of Snape being the only exception to that, just like they were.
Harry agreed and called he'd meet up with him later,
"Not even a compliment on how brilliant that was," Sirius sighed, though he personally understood the need for urgency now. Ron could give congratulations later in private.
and ran back to Honeydukes, worrying if Malfoy would believe what he'd just seen.
"Most likely. I'll doubt he's known for his imagination," Remus grumbled.
If he'd tell anyone?
"I can think of one," Harry huffed.
No one knew he had the cloak, except Dumbledore.
"Uhoh," all five of them muttered, having honestly forgotten about that. It was true though, if Snape took this to Dumbledore like he surely would, would the headmaster do something against Harry? Would he take away his cloak even?
Harry was racing along, trying to get back to the castle, wondering how long it would take Malfoy to come across a teacher?
"Not long," Sirius scowled, "since the little brat's probably got the way memorized, all the time he's snitched on other kids."
He reached the end of the tunnel and tucked his cloak away into a corner still inside, deciding if he did get caught he didn't want that to be on him.
"Very good thinking," James praised. If Harry didn't have that on him, even Dumbledore couldn't really prove what Harry had done. Maybe he really would get away with this!
Then he scrambled out and tried to put on an innocent face as he heard someone heading his way.
"Bloody hell," Remus groaned, "couldn't even make it back to the dormitory."
It was Snape.
"Oh for the love of Merlin!" Sirius cried in exasperation. "Him! Why would he even go there first, that's not even on the way to Gryffindor tower!"
"Suspicious, nosy, paranoid, git-" James kept grumbling under his breath, and probably would have kept going if Sirius didn't nudge him and say, "and many more mate, but keep going."
Sighing in resignation, James accepted.
Harry did his best to look casual, which may not have been working to well with his red face, which could have been why Snape greeted him with a 'so.'
"So what?" Remus snipped quietly.
He looked quite pleased as he glared down at Harry, who shoved his mud covered hands inside his pocket.
Lily face palmed, not even needing to point out how ineffective that really was.
He told Harry to follow him, while Harry was trying to wipe his hands clean inside his pockets.
"Good luck with that," James sighed without any confidence. He was still trying to console himself that this would have to be taken up with McGonagall before something too bad could be done, and she wouldn't do anything that couldn't be proven. James was confident that she actually couldn't prove he'd snuck into Hogsmeade, so aside from maybe some house points being taken away by Snape for, well being Snape, nothing too bad should happen.
They went to Snape's office,
Lily ground her teeth together in frustration, more than sick of him trying to dole out punishment for Harry when he didn't have anything to do with him.
which Harry had only been in once before when he'd been in serious trouble.
"Well I am always in trouble, but why would you bring it up now," Sirius quipped, smirking wildly and at least making Harry laugh, who hadn't heard the never ending array that joke could be used. Not yet. Give it till the end of his seventh year, maybe by then.
He noticed Snape had gotten his hands on a few more jars filled with things.
"One's probably his own heart," Remus hissed into Sirius' ear.
"He'd have to have one first," Sirius muttered right back, trying to suppress a snicker.
Snape closed the door and told Harry to sit, which he did.
Sirius scowled with the height of distaste, a horrible dog joke coming to mind that made him want to strangle Snivellus all over again.
Snape began by saying that Malfoy had come to him with an odd tale, how he'd been minding his own business out in Hogsmeade when he'd come across Ron, seemingly on his own. Harry said nothing.
"Best recommendation at this point," Lily agreed, rubbing her brows in preparation for what could come.
Then Mr. Malfoy had been having a pleasant chat with Weasley,
Remus couldn't help but grind his teeth in frustration at this continued and obvious favoritism, even in the way he addressed the students.
"A chat," Sirius scoffed in disgust, but James didn't even bother since they were all aware of what a load of bull that was.
when he'd seen something odd. Harry tried to look surprised,
"I get the feeling you could be a prize winning actor and you couldn't convince him of that look," James sighed.
and Snape began glaring at Harry meeting his eyes. Harry tried not to blink, remembering his hippogriff lesson.
"Not a bad comparison, though I still favor the hippogriff," Sirius nodded in agreement.
Then Snape continued that Malfoy had seen Harry's head. Harry tried to put some concern in his voice that maybe he should go up to the hospital wing if Malfoy was seeing things-
The three boys on the couch lost it, cracking up with unrestrained laughter at Harry's attempts to play that off. Lily couldn't help a twitching smile as well, snickers coming through as she really did picture this from some other teachers point of view and how that would sound.
James was quick to get his breath back though, knowing that if Harry could keep this up in front of Snape, he should get out from McGonagall in no time, and just be more careful the next time he went out. Also he realized he owed Harry an apology, that was a beautiful on the spot fib.
Snape cut him off by saying that Harry's head wasn't allowed out there, no part of his body was.
"I didn't know the form was body part specific," Remus was still chuckling in between bits of speech, "maybe someone should specify that."
Harry agreed he was aware, and again voiced Malfoy should be checked if he was having hallucinations. Snape cut him off again, telling him that Malfoy was not the one with the problem as he leaned down into Harry's face.
That dried up most of their humor, each of them scowling at the threat that he needed to back up now on the tip of all of their tongues. He had no right to be getting in Harry's face like that! His bully like behavior was getting progressively worse as the years wore on, and it was ripping at every one of their nerves.
Telling Harry that if his head had been in there, so was the rest of him.
"Now that's just a tad presumptuous," Sirius defended halfheartedly, trying for a smile he no longer felt.
Harry deflected he'd been up in his common room, and Snape demanded if anyone could back that up.
James quickly snapped his mouth shut with worry, his mind quickly flickering to Neville and wondering if he could possibly be convinced to lie for Harry for this very important matter... there was a chink he hadn't thought of. Glancing up at his son, he comforted himself that he still didn't think any of this was bad enough for expulsion. After all they'd been caught out all the time, so there really was no way it would go that far bad. With that slightly comforting thought he kept going.
Harry didn't answer, causing Snape to smile.
"Didn't even know he could form that," Sirius hissed.
He was almost pleased now as he taunted Harry that despite the whole world out there trying to protect famous Harry Potter from Sirius Black, the boy was going to do what he wanted and be damned what came of it.
Lily opened and closed her mouth several times in outrage, so many insults welling up she didn't know where to start! The very first of which was 'stop treating him like James!' While an outsider may be able to see the point Snape was making, his opinion he'd just foisted was completely biased! The other boys were muttering their own foulings, but James was far too used to this kind of thing, no matter how enraged it made him to hear it being thrown at his son, so he forced himself to keep going, wanting to find out the punishment already.
Harry still said nothing, knowing Snape couldn't prove anything.
"There's the bright side," Remus sighed.
Snape was still goading Harry, telling him how much like his father he was.
James gave a wane smile, looking over to his spitting image and stating, "to be perfectly honest, I actually find more of your mother's spirit in you then me, looks aside obviously."
Lily giggled a bit, not at all disagreeing with that statement. Sirius and Remus exchanged a look before shrugging, agreeing out loud with that. Harry clearly did have his father's knack for causing trouble, though not nearly in the same way. In fact if they did pile it up, Harry was a lot like Lily in her school days. Maybe that was what was pissing Snape off more than anything.
How exceedingly arrogant a man James Potter had been,
"Exceedingly is a bit much-" James began, but one snort of disbelief from his wife and James slunk back to the book with only a semichasted look.
how just a bit of prows at the game of Quidditch,
"Now that was just rude," Sirius grumbled, completely ignoring Lily's now rolling eyes.
had made him think he was better than anyone as well. He could always be seen strutting about the castle to his many fans, and just how much Harry truly acted like this.
Remus was torn between wanting to laugh in remembrance of the many times he could count James acting like a loon in front of his peers, what he thought Snape meant, and wanting to defend his friend, so he was left with an odd expression which the others ignored.
Harry snapped back that his dad never strutted!
"Oh yes he did," Lily rolled her eyes with far more affection than her husband ever would have believed coloring her tone in speaking of this. Harry looked mildly startled, but she was still going "but to his credit, his arrogance started to wain out, something I don't think Snape ever noticed."
"At least you did," James smiled over at her, earning a bright curl of the lips right back.
And neither did he!
"Now that I absolutely believe," Sirius agreed.
Snape was getting more pleased now at clearly having pushed Harry's buttons, telling how James Potter had never given anyone who wasn't a Quidditch winner so much as a glance, his head was so big- Harry lost his temper and told him to shut up!
While James had looked mildly annoyed while reading this, it was hardly the most insulting thing he'd ever heard come from this guy's mouth. No, the worst part was him saying this to his son!
Harry didn't know a thing about him, this definitely wasn't some of the things he'd like being boasted around. He kept it bottled up though, pride and glee cracking through when Harry finally cracked and said what needed saying.
Harry was on his feet now, just as angry then as he'd been back on Marge's incident on Private Drive.
"People are taking a lot of shots at you this year aren't they," Sirius grimaced in disgust.
"Least Harry keeps them in their place," Remus pacified.
Harry was honestly surprised, they didn't seem nearly as upset about this as they had that previous chapter, but then he realized that they probably heard this type of thing so often from Snape that it just rolled off of them. Coming from someone like Marge had hurt far worse because of the terrible way she'd slammed it into Harry without ever having even met him.
Snape's hand twitched towards his pocket.
Lily made a 'tch' noise of disbelief, knowing he wouldn't dare raise a wand to her son, or he'd lose that whole arm. Besides, he definitely deserved that one.
Harry didn't back down though, repeating that Snape needed to shut up about his dad! Dumbledore had told him the truth, about how his dad had saved Snape's life.
All three boys twitched with discomfort at that unfriendly reminder, and Harry frowned in confusion. Of course he remembered that coming up during the first book, and how they'd managed to hedge around the question, never having gotten the full story. What about it could be so bad that the three of them looked almost as bad as when he'd thrown that in Snape's face?
James looked the opposite of eager about explaining this, and hoping to forestall Harry asking, kept reading in hopes something else would distract him.
Snape scowled, demanding to know if Dumbledore had told him the whole story? Harry hesitated, and it was enough of an answer for Snape to continue.
James face twisted with even more unease, this was the opposite of what he'd been hoping for. What could he do though? Either he turn and tell Harry now about the worst fight the Marauders ever had, or he let Snape come up with some half-truth that he would have seen which would paint a far more horrible light.
He was still debating, dearly wanting to put this off, when Sirius released a horrible suffering sigh and groaned, "alright, alright. This is something I never wanted you to hear, but I guess I'd rather it come from me then him."
Harry was frowning in genuine concern at Sirius as he started to explain what exactly had happened that night. Starting with how he'd taunted Snape by telling him Remus' secret location under the Whomping Willow and how everything had spiraled out of control from there. He left out the part where his friends had blamed him as much as Snape for the cruel prank, how they hadn't spoken to him for months afterwards. He didn't bother with the defenses he'd used back then, how he'd never have believed Snape would take him at his word and really go check it out, no he wouldn't try and save face so many years later in front of Harry.
Once he was done he braced himself, eyeing Harry with more fear than any of them could ever imagine could cross his face. Sirius couldn't help it though, he honestly was expecting for Harry to have a sudden revelation. Now that he realized he was capable of murder, whether unintentionally or not, could this possibly jog Harry's memories? Make him remember something that would connect what the Ministry was saying about him in his own time? He'd seemed adamant so far, but...
"So, it was an accident," Harry confirmed, watching him critically. At the stunned look on his Godfather's face, Harry's relaxed into his more natural easy going look and continued, "err, at least, well I understand you'd never do anything like that on purpose. Sure it was dumb, but I can hardly judge and say I've never done something that bad before."
"You've hardly sent Ron into the den of one of your best friends the night he was to turn into a werewolf," Sirius rebutted, still looking like he was sitting on a hot seat. James elbowed him, hard, making Sirius slink away from him and rub at his side absently.
Remus was quick to say, "knock it off Sirius, this is something long over. Harry's decided the same thing we did, err, in the end." He finished lamely, not really meeting anyone's eyes.
Lily was watching all of them with general mixed feelings. She vividly remembered the time in school where four Marauders became three for quite a few months. This had happened a few days after she'd officially stopped talking to Snape, so she hadn't really known anyone who even had the slightest idea why this could be. All she knew was that after that terrible Quidditch game where Sirius had been knocked out of the air, things seemed to have patched up between the lot. She found it fascinating to finally get the full story on this, but kept her opinion of it to herself since it was basically the same as Harry's.
Sirius still looked miserable at the reminder, James and Remus very uncomfortable with the whole topic, though both of them still clearly defending him made it clear they didn't really hold a grudge anymore. Still, when Harry didn't say anything else, James decided to turn to the book and managed to read out whatever tosh Snape had strung together from that.
Telling how James Potter had not been a saint in saving Snape's life, but was out there for his own skin. How he and his friends had tried to pull a joke on him, and he would have died if James hadn't chickened out before they could go through with it. Of course they had backed out because they hadn't wanted to get expelled.
"Is that what he thought?" Sirius muttered, still slumped into the couch and looking as surely as any other time his name had been mentioned so far, this possibly being the least pleasant reminder to date! James absently kicked him to get him to shut it, still wanting to get past this as fast as possible.
Then Snape switched tactics and told Harry to empty his pockets.
"Still doesn't prove a thing," Remus muttered.
Harry hesitated, and Snape said that if he didn't they'd go up to Dumbledore.
"Honestly I think we'd all prefer that," Lily groused.
Harry did, revealing his bag of Zonko's treats and the blank map. Snape picked up the Zonko's bag, and Harry quickly said Ron had given that to him from the last time he'd been there.
"You've gotten so much better at those on the spot type lies," James praised with warmth, ignoring Lily's rolling eyes at thinking the same thing.
Snape sneered that Harry had kept them on him this whole time?
"Okay, getting caught with them is still kind of bad," Remus agreed with a wince as they could possibly implicate Harry in some other bad things, "but it's still not proof he'd been to Hogsmeade."
Then he picked up the map, and Harry quickly said that was just some spare parchment.
Snape wasn't impressed, saying it looked so old they may as well throw it out.
"Why would he?" Sirius demanded, finally distracted enough to look grumpy at this particular subject now. "Is he baiting Harry, it's not like he could know what that was."
"That's all I can think of," James agreed.
He went to toss it into the fire, and Harry shouted at him to stop. Snape was obviously pleased now, asking if this was yet another gift from his friend?
"Yes," Remus said, his eyes lighting up with glee all of a sudden. "If Harry goes with that, or if Snape doesn't believe him and tries for himself," he trailed off with a surprising burst of laughter that left Harry and Lily stumped. James looked quite pleased though, and seemed to be hoping something along the same lines. He didn't give the two out of the know the chance to ask though.
Then he speculated what else it could be, like some secret way to get into Hogsmeade that didn't involve traveling past dementors.
"Actually, he's not too far off," Lily muttered.
When Harry didn't answer, Snape pulled out his wand and tapped the parchment, telling it to reveal its secrets.
James lost it for a moment, forced to stop reading so that he could let out his own bursting laughter in anticipation for what was about to happen. Sirius and Remus weren't fairing much better, their faces bright red with anticipation for this. James wrangled himself back under control and continued almost normally.
Nothing happened, and Harry had to remind himself to keep breathing.
Lily's curiosity was beginning to wane out as she said, "are you lot really laughing like idiots because he can't get it to work? That's hardly so funny."
"Wait for it," James insisted, his eyes shining with so much held in laughter it was a wonder he could still see straight.
Then Snape instead said his full name and false title as ruler of this school for this object to tell what it knew while hitting it with his wand again.
"Yes!" Sirius cheered, that had been exactly what they'd been waiting for! Harry didn't bother to ask this time, but instead bounced eagerly so he could hear the punchline of this built up joke as well.
Finally something did happen, and the map activated, but not in the usual way. Instead words were appearing like someone was writing it down, and it said 'Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.'
All of the boys lost it, Sirius even falling off the couch laughing and still unable to stop himself. Lily was watching them with a combination of annoyance and repressed humor. She dearly wanted to ask if they'd somehow specialized this just for Snape, but somehow expected otherwise. She remembered one memorable occasion where a Ravenclaw had come across some old scrap of parchment Peter had been holding, and the then Head Boy had demanded to know what it was. When Peter had said nothing, the boy had rightfully not believed that having prior experience with all of the Marauders, and took it away and performed a similar command on the paper. Lily had never seen what had become of all this, but the boy had looked highly offended, and Peter was cracking up laughing while telling that it was a joke bit of parchment where if you said your name, it was charmed to insult you. With this memory floating back to the surface, she could no longer repress it and was laughing downy near as hard as the others, even as James sucked air back into his lungs and read out the next bit.
Both Harry and Snape froze up, but more words continued appearing: 'Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.'
Sirius hadn't recovered from the first comment, and was remarkably able to double up his amusement, though how that was possible none of them had been sure. Maybe it was an overreaction, it really wasn't even that funny or creative an insult, but they all had the sneaking suspicion that Sirius had been under so much stress for literally all day now, he was letting loose a lot of pent up feelings in releasing as much laughter as possible in these opportune moments now, so still snickering along himself, James kept reading.
Harry may have laughed if this wasn't such a serious situation.
Sirius couldn't have made the joke right now even if he wanted to, he was too invested in continuing to listen to his most prized possession insult someone in the most poetic of justice ways possible.
The map was still going, the next one saying: 'Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.'
"My sentiments exactly," Remus agreed fondly, still watching Sirius come back to earth just slightly as his exploding laughter began backing down in cackling, still rubbing at his ribs and brushing tears out of his eyes as he listened to the final one.
The map finished its final words with: 'Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball.'
"That," Harry told them, slightly red in the face himself from laughing so hard, "was bloody brilliant. How on earth did you get it to do that?"
"Charm wasn't that hard," Remus waved away, "all you have to do is command it to obey you while stating your name and those kinds of things will pop up."
"The reason Padfoot here lost his arse during it," James continued while looking down at his friend with all the amusement he had, "is that he tried to convince us for ages to pull this on him during school. Just leave it about one day and Snape was sure to do it, the pompous git would never not if he knew it belonged to us. He's now getting to witness a prank we'd never done."
"And enjoying every last second of it," Sirius murmured, face flushed with excitement as he sat upright and looked at the book with the first real affection. This was still the worst possible day of his life hands down, but that little moment right there had almost made it all worth it.
In between girlish giggles, Lily managed to get out, "well I hope that convinces Snape enough that you haven't been up to anything. You could have just as easily gotten that from Zonko's along with the other stuff Ron got you."
James really hoped that were the case, as he didn't have any more to go at Harry with.
Snape huffed and stalked over to his fire, tossing some green powder into it.
"What on earth?" Sirius began in surprise, having not seen this coming one bit, but James wasn't giving him the chance to question it too much as he read.
Then he spoke into the flames, calling for Lupin to come to his office.
"Why!?" Lily spluttered in shock. Of all the teachers for him to have summoned and consult, why him?
"Do you think he knew?" Remus asked curiously. "That it used to be mine? I really didn't think he'd recognize it."
"Well he did stalk us enough," James said with a perturbed look, "but even if he did put that together, and bloody hell that's a leap since he'd have no way of knowing how Harry got that, that it was the exact same one even, what's he expect you to do? Admit to it all? You don't even know Harry has it."
They were all stumped beyond reason of Snape's logic with this, but hoped that reading would help them out.
Said Professor appeared, stepping out of the fire and dusting off the soot and looking around in confusion.
"Bet I was every bit as confused by that summons," Remus told, still finding it odd now with the proper backstory.
Lupin asked why he was here in a mild tone.
"Be happy that was mild rather than blistering," Lily muttered into Harry's ear, who nodded despite not having needed that, he now understood better than ever the animosity between his family and Snape.
Snape agreed he had while going back to his desk, looking more furious than ever.
'Pretty sure that's not all for Harry's circumstances' James mentally grumbled, imagining Snape might have summoned Remus just to have a little more time to berate him in front of Harry.
He explained Harry's circumstances and pointed out the map, and Lupin's face closed off.
"I can only imagine," Remus laughed for now, fairly sure how mind boggling he'd be at Harry coming across that on his own.
Snape had to prompt him to speak, and Harry got the feeling Lupin was having to think fast.
"You choose now to freeze up eh?" Sirius demanded with a crooked smirk, since he was normally the one to come up with the best excuses of the lot of them.
"I'd like to see you do one better with this," Remus shot right back, even now scrambling for a reason Harry would have this, while pressing past the shock of him having it, and probably having to skip over several bumpy memories in the process of shock.
Snape spoke up again, saying how this bit of paper clearly held Dark Magic.
Lily gave a derisive snort of mirth as she mocked, "oh please, it insulted him, it didn't curse him. When did he become so dramatic?"
None of the boy's fancied adding on to that, torn between wanting to laugh and fearing anything they did say Lily still wouldn't be pleased with no matter what she said now.
Lupin looked to Harry then, warning him to keep silent.
"I would have without the look," Harry shrugged, "I was as wound up as you trying to come up with some way out of this."
Then he began that Dark Magic was a bit much, it was obviously just a bit of parchment that insulted you.
"I'd take his word on this," James said with a straight face, "call me crazy, but for some odd reason I think he knows what he's talking about."
Sirius began snickering again, and Remus didn't look much better.
He admitted it was childish,
"Oi," Sirius hooted in protest, "this was my idea!"
"And I called it childish then to," Remus reminded with a smirk in place.
but most likely just a mild prank. Snape looked even more angry now.
"What did he expect?" Lily rolled her eyes in contempt. "Did he honestly think you were going to side with him, try and get Harry into trouble for this?"
"Still have no idea," Harry sighed.
Snape insisted that he thought Harry had gotten it from the manufacturers.
That stopped James cold, sharing a stunned look with his friends as they realized they may have been wrong, and Snape really had made that leap. Harry understood far better now than he would have then, asking, "why on earth would he think one of you had given it to me?"
"I've no idea," Sirius admitted, head cocked to the side as he eyed the book, "guess he does know it was ours, maybe the nicknames or something gave it away, but what is he thinking? I gave it to you? There's no way you'd have accepted it considering what you think of me then-" he covered the horrible wince poorly, but kept going anyways. "That means he either thinks you inherited it from James, or Remus gave it to you just this year."
"While I can kind of see him thinking I'd do it," Remus shrugged, "why would he call me in to ask? Even if I had, what's it to him if I did, it's not illegal."
"Trying to trip you up maybe," James offered, "showing special treatment to Harry. As for him getting it from me, that could also be true, he hasn't caught Harry with it the previous two years so for all he knows..." he trailed off, but no one had any real idea what Snape was really thinking.
Even Lily felt stumped trying to understand his logic in this, though this stung far more than she was expecting it to. There was a time where she had perfectly understood her best friends every motion and idea before he said it, now she couldn't begin to fathom this one. It was more than disconcerting to realize how far apart they'd come, no matter how many times she realized it.
With no answers, James was hoping Remus might have some better insight while talking to Snape so read.
Harry had no idea what that could mean, and Lupin didn't seem to either.
"Well if there's one thing he can do, it's play dumb," Sirius agreed with a smirk, taking the smack Remus gave him for the tone without remorse.
He tried to laugh it off, referring to the Mr. Wormtail.
Remus' face gave an odd twitch, guessing that having to say any of those names in this time period would have been pretty wrenching for him.
Then he asked Harry if he knew any of those people. Harry said he didn't, and Lupin looked like the matter was settled as he decided it was probably just a Zonko gift. Ron came sprinting in then.
"Timing!" Sirius cried with glee, Harry's best friend getting major brownie points with him if he stormed in and backed all of this up like he hoped.
He was red faced and doubled over from panting,
"Well that's not an encouraging start," Lily groaned, eying the book with fear as she realized what Snape would have, why would he be so out of breath and freaking out if Harry wasn't supposed to be in trouble?
but quickly said that he'd given Harry all of that stuff.
"I'm so proud," James fake sniffled, using the corner of the page to pretend to wipe away a tear, while real pride was welling up in him for Ron cottoning on and being the perfect alibi right when Harry needed him.
Lupin looked all too happy now as he brushed his hands together,
"I'm positive it was taking everything in me not to burst out laughing at that display," Remus snickered now.
and decided that was that. He picked the map back up and put it inside his own coat.
"Thank Merlin," Sirius breathed, having feared Snape might still try to confiscate that and keep it away from Harry, but then his eyes lit up all over again as he crowed, "oh sweet! Do you lot know what this could mean?"
"Harry and Ron get to go rub it in the twins face they got away with this," James answered.
"Well that to," Sirius agreed, before turning on Remus and nearly bouncing in pleasure as he said, "but, this could be your window! You've been stalling all this time probably because of how weird it would be for you to get started explaining this to him, but this could be perfect for you! Pulling him aside and explaining the manufacturing comment to Harry."
His eyes were shining with so much bright hope and happiness, Remus didn't have the heart to tell him that he doubted this as much as Sirius thought it to be true. He'd made it perfectly obvious in this future he wanted as little to do with Harry as possible, which made him feel like he was being skinned alive now, but it had been so long since he'd seen Sirius back to full jubilant life he only nodded and added his agreement he hoped this to be true, while bracing himself by leaning away in preparation for the opposite.
The other three noticed what Sirius refused to take note of, and were all equally torn at both possibilities. James couldn't think of anything to say though, deciding not to address it until after whatever happened.
He called Harry and Ron after him, saying he wanted to ask something about the homework he'd assigned them.
"Subtle," Lily muttered under her breath, though not loud enough to interrupt as she was just as eager as anyone for Remus blatantly pulling Harry aside, a good start.
He led them up to the main entrance, but before Harry could say anything Lupin cut in that he didn't want to hear it, he knew for a fact that the map had been taken by Filch years ago.
"What a way to start," Sirius cackled, ignoring the growing ache when he realized that they hadn't exactly gone somewhere more private like this chat deserved.
He said he knew quite well it was a map at Harry and Ron's shocked faces.
"You really threw us off right then," Harry shrugged with a happy smile, "I later made the joke you were better at predictions then Trelawney."
"Nah," James laughed, "just more insight."
He wasn't going to ask how he'd found it,
"Really though, I think I would have been more than impressed at the turn of events," Remus gave a wane smile, all the while shriveling up on the inside as it was more than obvious his tone was scolding and not nearly as approachable as he'd been hoping for.
Sirius was the only one who was holding out hope how this could turn around.
but he was shocked that Harry hadn't handed it in after the last bit of paper that allowed someone to get into the castle.
"Ouch," Lily winced, finding that particularly harsh while Sirius lost any enthusiasm and slumped back into the couch with a new weight added on top of his chest, this continued attitude making him feel like pulling out his hair.
Then he said he wasn't going to give it back.
"Really Remus," Harry groaned, looking like a kicked puppy. While at the time he had given up without argument for the sake of some answers, right now his tone equally matched the shock and disappointment of the others.
"That's it, you're officially disowned," Sirius huffed, his voice just not up to its normal teasing tone as he watched Remus curiously. "You've turned into an old killjoy, and I'm going to need your Marauders card back."
He held out his hand expectantly, but Remus didn't play along. He was busy twisting away at the hem of his robes, counting every instance of how he'd acted in this future and how the longer this dragged on the more he was convinced Sirius was right. He had changed, and he didn't like it one little bit. It truly scared the crap out of him what had become of him.
James gave a pitiful sigh, he wanted to join in with Sirius, maybe make a crack Remus had just taken it for nostalgic reasons or some nonsense, but he was so emotionally drained by this point he just couldn't bring himself to do it, so he pressed on loudly, just hoping that this would all somehow look better in tomorrow's morning light.
Harry didn't argue, he wanted to ask a question.
Harry rolled his eyes, clearly not feeling that way now, but Remus was doing a good enough job of looking contrite about doing this he didn't see the point in adding on.
Instead he asked about the manufacturing comment. Lupin didn't seem keen on answering, but did say that the mapmakers would have found it hilarious to sneak Harry out of the castle.
"Some of us would," Sirius grumbled with an eye roll, and Remus flinched like Sirius had really just tried to hurt him. Sirius felt guilty at once, realizing his friend had spent all day giving him any and all comfort and convincing him he hadn't turned into this horrible thing everyone else said, and here he was doing the opposite for his friend. So he instead leaned over and whispered into his ear, "of course you'd insist on coming no matter what we said, no matter how stupid you found it."
Remus just grunted, not finding Sirius' picking on him as comforting as Sirius had hoped, so Sirius decided he'd have to try something else.
Harry asked if Lupin had known them, and he agreed they'd met.
"We've met," James repeated with an eye roll, "oh yeah, a few years back maybe, not sure what happened in the meantime, think some kid got slimed at one point, it's all a blur." James had been trying to get a rise out of Remus as well, but it was clear Remus had all but shut down for the night and was only listening with the vaguest of attention.
He was looking at Harry more seriously than ever before.
"You're right Moony," Sirius nodded in agreement, "that has come up the most in this book, I think it's doing it on purpose just for me."
"Yet another reason I've hated this year," James grumbled when the other didn't respond.
He told Harry that he couldn't force him to take Black seriously,
"Oh Merlin," Remus groaned at the smile that blossomed on said man's face, that shook him out of his shock to look even more disgusted with himself if that were possible. "Now even I'm doing it! Now I know something's happened to me, I must have had head trauma at some point."
Sirius was too busy being pleased Remus had just responded to anything to back up the joke.
but he would have thought that the effect the dementors had on him would make him act better. It would be some payback to his parents if he lost his life over some magic toys.
"Ouch," Lily winced for Harry, while James looked oddly torn between wanting to agree with Lily that this had been way too harsh, and wanting to laugh that James had risked his life for less sometimes just for the sake of a joke. He'd been pretty careless in his youth, he'd admit that about some of the stunts he'd pulled around school, and Remus doing this now felt as low as Snape calling him on it earlier. Maybe they were right, maybe Remus really had changed, and it wasn't making anyone feel any better. Could they really say anything though, Remus was his own person and if he really had moved on or somehow changed in this time they didn't really think they had a right to criticize him for it. It didn't make Lily feel any better about what he'd just said, wanting more than anything to snap at him he didn't really have a right to say anything for them, but then she really looked at Remus and saw that he was fixing to have his own break down right along with Sirius if something didn't change soon and she held it in.
Remus refused to say what he was really thinking though, that this scary new person carrying his name was acting so new, had he changed so much towards Sirius as well? He'd been so positive this whole time he must be helping Sirius, but now...he remembered back to the news that Sirius would be given a Dementor's Kiss if he was caught, and the bland way he'd reacted in the future to the news. He'd had a mini coronary over the realization then that he hadn't seemed to care one way or the other, was that really true? Was he such a completely different person, he actually wasn't even helping out Sirius? All of these things kept smashing around in his mind like gongs, and between that and his exhausted body physically, it was all he could do to keep listening to James read and keep his surroundings in focus without slipping further into a mental breakdown.
Then he left with Harry feeling worse than he had yet when confronted with Snape. He and Ron began heading back to Gryffindor tower, not bothering to stop by and grab the cloak.
"Maybe for the best for now," James nodded absently.
They didn't quite make it there when Hermione found them, and the look on her face made Harry question if she somehow knew what they'd done as well, and had gone to their head of house.
"I'll bleeding lose my mind if she did," Sirius sighed without any real heat, still far too concerned with the way Remus was slowly starting to look just as bad as him whenever he came up in the story and not liking it one little bit.
It would be a cruel twist if Harry had gotten out of that mess just to get put right back in it by McGonagall, but right now getting a detention in school would be a minor comedy compared to their other issues.
Ron demanded to know if she'd been doing just that, and she barely got the words out that she'd gotten word that Hagrid had lost his case, and Buckbeak was going to die.
Harry made a terrible noise of protest, finally stopping looking at both of his uncles like he was making sure they were still breathing from their combined stress, and abruptly shoved back into other matters.
"Alright you lot," Lily sighed miserably, "we really do need to get to bed."
"But Mum-" Harry began protesting at once, looking at the book as if it were Buckbeak himself, and if he just kept reading he'd know for sure everything was going to be okay.
"No," Lily said with finality. Trying, and failing, to keep her eyes from flickering over to Remus she began getting to her feet, walking over to Sirius and taking the book away from him. One glance at his friend and the protest died on his lips. With a heavy sigh they all got to their feet and headed for the stairs, except Remus who simply slumped over and crashed right there on the couch.
Sirius came down a few moments later to drape a blanket over him and make sure all the lights were off before the house went silent.
*So we know why the second wouldn't work, as we all know that Remus isn't helping him though they still don't, but I'm actually kind of stumped on how Sirius was still getting out of the castle once he got in. The way I suggested has some holes in that if they used the Homenum Revelio spell, wouldn't it still show a dog? I thought the spell would just show if anyone else at all was in the room, plus it would be a real chore for Padfoot to actually make it from the seventh to the first floor to get out of a window or something without being spotted by anyone! Not the paintings, or the ghosts or, anyone! Suggestions would be lovely and appreciated.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
February Contest Submission #8: The Treasure Of Doggerland
words: ca. 5000 setting: Modern AU lemon: No cw: None
The Ocean held so many wonders and mysteries. While mankind had chartered the stars and heavens above, so little was known about what lay underneath the oceans and seas of the world. And for Anna and her colleague Kristoff, their life’s work had been to discover the mystery of one of the most fascinating underwater locations on earth.
Thousands of years ago, around the time of the last ice age, there was a large mass of land that connected the United Kingdom to the rest of Europe. Modern-day scientists had termed it Doggerland and there had been several expeditions to the area over the years that had dredged up all sorts of things, from bones to primitive tools used by early man.
For Anna and Kristoff though, they hoped to be the first explorers to make a complete survey of the whole area and finally make a map of every notable point of interest. Their work would hopefully be the backbone for all future research and exploration in the area for years to come.
Sadly, their work had hit a slight snag. They had been unable to fully acquire funding for such an expedition and so, had to go about it themselves. They’d flown to Denmark, hired a submarine, a ship and a captain who would take them out to sea.
It wasn’t much, but Anna hoped that at least part of the survey would allow them to convince investors to further support their efforts. But of course, that all did indeed depend on this whole endeavour being successful.
After being out at sea for over a day, Anna and Kristoff were ready to begin, starting with Anna going down in the submarine to make a survey of the area near their ship, before moving onwards to another area the next day. Anna had hoped that everything would go smoothly.
However, the weather had certainly gotten worse. As Anna stood on the deck of the ship, she felt torrential rain batter the deck of the old rackety vessel. The storm was one of the worst she’d ever seen. A wind that howled and threatened to carry Anna off the deck of the ship at any moment, to the waves the size of small houses, battering the sides of the ship every once in a while, drenching the deck in brine.
But Anna wasn’t scared. If anything, the storm was actually motivational for her, triggering some primal instinct to push onwards no matter what the weather was like. And besides, it wasn’t like she’d be above the water when she’d be doing her survey.
“Hell of a storm out here!” A voice called to her.
Anna turned, seeing the captain of the ship, Eric, walk over to her. “Yeah, not it’s a real tempest out here.”
Eric chuckled. “Not scared of a bit of thunder and lightning, are you?”
The redhead scoffed. “Hell no. Besides, where I grew up, we used to get storms like this every day.”
“Heh, you seem like a born sailor,” Eric remarked.
“Actually, my dad was a fisherman,” Anna explained. “I guess I got my love of the ocean from him.”
Kristoff soon joined them on deck, almost slipping over as another massive wave rocked the boat. He clung onto the railing, sighing in relief that he hadn’t been thrown overboard into the sea. As he stumbled back onto his feet, he walked over to Anna, clutching his coat as it was blown about in the gale.
“Did we have to do this in the middle of a storm?” Kristoff asked, his tone reflecting how unsure he felt.
Anna walked over to her partner. “Hey, when life gives you lemons.”
Her friend shot Anna a rather serious look. Kristoff had always been the cautious of the two, as far back as when they had met in college. He’d always had to be the one to keep Anna out of trouble and from the looks of this storm, it was probably suicide for Anna to go out in that.
“Anna, this storm is battering the ship!” Kristoff cried in alarm. “Are you sure you wanna go down in the sub now and not wait until the storm passes?”
“Yes, I’m sure!” Anna called back. “Besides, I’m going under the water, not across it.”
Kristoff folded his arms. “I don’t like it at all, feisty pants. With this storm, the sub might get caught in the currents and you could be dragged away. Or maybe smashed against some rocks and sink.”
“I’m a good swimmer,” Anna argued.
“Yeah, but you’re going thousands of feet down to the seafloor,” Kristoff reminded her. “You really think you can swim that far?”
“Kristoff, we spent five years planning this,” Anna argued. “I don’t intend to stop now just because of a bit of bad weather.”
Kristoff sighed, giving in. “Alright, I know never to argue with you when you’re stubborn like this. But I’m gonna keep in constant radio contact. The first sign of trouble, you hit those ballast tanks and come straight back up, right?”
“Sure thing,” Anna stated, putting a hand on her shoulder. “And Kristoff? Thanks for being here with me.”
Kristoff smiled. “Well… we are in this together after all.”
“Good” Anna stated. “You and Eric prepping the sub. I’m gonna get changed into my wetsuit and remind myself of the area we’re surveying today.”
As Anna went below decks to get changed, Eric chuckled.
“And what’s so funny?” Kristoff wondered.
“Oh, nothing. Just your girlfriend here reminds me a lot of my wife. Stubborn, very confident in herself… and a redhead too.”
Kristoff blushed. “Uh… she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Oh I apologise,” Eric said. “It’s just I thought that maybe…”
“Yeah, you aren’t the first but… I’m not exactly Anna’s preference if you get what I mean,” Kristoff said.
“Ah,” Eric nodded in understanding. “Duly noted.”
Down below, Anna was getting changed into her wetsuit. As she looked at herself in the mirror after tying her hair up in a bun, she felt a sense of butterflies in her chest. Finally, today was the day when five years of hard work were going to pay off once and for all.
As she went to a nearby table to look over the map of the region, the area she was going to survey, she looked at an old family photograph she’d brought with her. It was of her mother and father from when she was a little girl. Anna thought of how innocent she looked then, with her twin braids. These days, she felt much more mature about herself, wearing her hair longer.
“Well dad, I promised you I’d go see the sea for myself,” Anna whispered. “I bet you’d be proud of me.”
Tragically, Anna’s father had actually died at sea. His ship had been caught in a massive storm and capsized. The coast guard sadly never found his body, but the tragedy hadn’t stopped Anna from wanting to unlock the mysteries of the ocean itself. If anything, it had influenced her.
Anna smiled. “Maybe if I find anything down there, I’ll show it to you next time I’m home.” She sighed, remembering the coastal town in Maine where she grew up and spent her weekends on the beach, gazing out at the sea. It had been years since she visited her father’s grave, though she wasn’t exactly keen on seeing her mother again anytime.
But Anna didn’t have time to be dwelling on all that now, she had a route to memorise. She looked at the map again, making a mental note of the area once more. She wanted to survey the entire site, right down the last detail, leaving no stone unturned as it were.
When she was done, Anna headed out on deck, ready to begin her adventure.
Sometime later, Anna was on board the submarine as Eric lowered it into the water with the large crane on the back of his ship. As the crane let go, the yellow and black vessel plummeted down into the water, making an almighty splash as it hit the waves below.
Kristoff looked over the side of the ship, still concerned about the weather. He took out his pocket radio and spoke into it. “You all set down there, Anna?”
“Yeah, I’m about to fill my tanks now,” Anna replied.
The ballast tanks on the submarine soon filled with water and Kristoff watched as the sub dove under the waves. Anna sat at the controls of the craft, looking out of the glass cockpit at the ocean that surrounded her, watching the bubbles of air float to the surface as she descended.
As the sub sunk deeper and deeper, Anna switched on the submarine’s massive spotlights, illuminating the darkness surrounding her. She also switched on her sonar, the familiar echoing sound filling the canopy. On a nearby radar screen, Anna saw a monochromatic map of her surroundings appear next to her.
When she reached the ocean bed, Anna started up the sub’s engines. The small propellors on the craft pushed it forward, Anna driving across the sea bed. As she followed the route she mesmerised in her head, she looked around at the wonders that surrounded her.
Coral reefs, schools of fish, even a shark in the distance. But so far, there didn’t seem to be anything of much note. Though Anna wasn’t expecting to find much on her first trip. This was mainly so she could make a map of the actual area.
it would others later on that would likely be doing the real archaeological work.
Anna peered into the inky blackness as the submarine cruised across the sea bed. As she stared out of the window, seeing schools of fish swim through the glow of the submarine’s spotlights, she took a moment to enjoy the wonders.
But she thought about what this sea bed would have been like thousands of years ago when it was a vast grassy plain, where early mankind had once lived.
As she scanned across the seabed, Anna looked at the sonar screen to her left, seeing how it was picking up the nearby school of fish to her left and large rock formation to her right. It seemed like she had been coasting along the vast seabed for hours and covered some vast distance, but she had only gone a few miles away from the ship.
“How’re things going down there?” Kristoff asked.
“Kinda boring so far,” Anna admitted. “I’ve only covered about thirteen per cent of the area and I haven’t seen anything of much value besides some fish.”
“Well, we’re not likely to strike gold on our first day doing this, fiesty pants,” Kristoff replied. “How’s your oxygen meter doing?”
“I’ve got plenty of time,” Anna stated. “How’s the weather up there like?”
“Still not great, ” Kristoff stated. “Be careful down there.”
“I will,” Anna promised.
Over the next few hours, Anna’s submarine cruised across the seabed along the route, the oceanographer taking note of anything of interest. As time ticked by though, Anna started to become a bit bored. She partly wished she’d brought her phone down here with her to listen to some music, but she remembered why she hadn’t.
If she had to go out in her scuba gear, the canopy would be flooded and last time she checked, phones weren’t waterproof. But Anna knew she needed to do something to pass the time. So she started to sing a merry tune to herself, something from her dad’s old record collection.
“We all live in a yellow submarine,” Anna sang to herself. “Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.”
“Is that the Beatles you’re signing there?” Eric’s voice chimed in.
“Oh uh,” Anna stuttered, blushing bright red in embarrassment. “Yeah, yellow submarine was my favourite as a kid.”
“You’ve certainly got a lovely singing voice,” Eric complimented.
“Hey uh, captain, mind staying off the radio?” Kristoff said. “Anna’s doing important survey work down there.”
“No, it’s fine, Kristoff,” Anna replied. “Still pretty dull down here.”
However, just then, Anna heard a very loud ping from the submarine’s sonar. Anna’s eyes widened, looking at the monitor to her left. Though she couldn’t tell what it was, the sonar had detected something massive near Anna’s location.
“Woah, what the heck is that?” Anna wondered.
“Coral reef maybe?” Kristoff suggested.
“I’m gonna check it out,” Anna stated.
Turning her submarine to the left, Anna headed in the direction of the mysterious sonar signal. Though she hadn’t expected to find anything on the first day, she wasn’t exactly complaining now. The thought of whatever she was about to find filled her with passion for her adventure.
Eventually, after cruising for a while, Anna noticed something out of the cockpit of the sub. The ocean around her was starting to grow… lighter. There was something in the distance illuminating the surrounding ocean, just beyond a nearby rock formation.
Switching off the sub’s spotlights, Anna radioed Kristoff. “Kristoff, whatever I’ve found, it’s lighting the ocean up like a Christmas tree.”
“That’s odd. The storm is still raging up here, so it can’t be the sun.”
“No, it’s something here at the bottom of the sea,” Anna stated. “I’m going in a closer look.”
As Anna’s craft flew over the rock formation, her eyes widened as she looked upon what she had discovered. Just in front of Anna was a giant scaly, ring-like structure that encircled a large area of the ocean bed. It was at least the size of a football pitch, the structure of the ring made of a sparkling mineral that gave them the appearance of ice. One part of the ring seemed to resemble a dragon’s head.
But what intrigued Anna the most was what was at the centre of the ring. On some sort of strange stone plinth, there stood what appeared to be a statue. The statue was made of the same mineral as the giant ring, sparkling and glowing with unnatural light.
Taking the sub in closer, Anna gazed at the statue. It seemed to be around seven or eight feet in height, in the shape of what appeared to be a humanoid woman with pointed ears and long hair, wearing a flowing dress of some kind.
Her heart pulsing in her chest, Anna felt a strange sensation when looking at the statue. She was mesmerised by how beautiful it appeared to be, She almost could have sworn it was smiling… at her. She couldn’t take her eyes off it, no matter how hard she tried.
“Uh, Anna?” Kristoff spoke into the radio. “You okay?”
Anna didn’t respond.
Gasping, Anna shook her head. “Uh, yeah big guy?”
“Are you alright ?” Kristoff wondered. “You went quiet for a moment there.”
“I… I think so,” Anna stated. “I’ve found the source of the signal. It’s some sort of massive underwater crystalline structure. No idea how old it is, but there seems to be some kind of statue here made of the same mineral.”
“What? How is that possible?”
“I know right! This changes everything we knew about this area,” Anna remarked. “Maybe those old rumours of Doggerland being the British Atlantis weren’t far off after all.”
“Maybe,” Kristoff stated. “But you should really finish up your survey. Come back to this area later, Anna.”
“No,” Anna insisted. “I… I think we should bring that statue back to the ship for further study. I’ll finish the survey tomorrow.”
“What?” Kristoff wondered. “Anna, I thought we were supposed to be only surveying the area.”
“Change of plans,” Anna said. “We’re bringing this statue up.”
She wasn’t sure what was happening, but some sort of strange influence was compelling her to protect this statue. She… She didn’t want to just leave it down here. Something so beautiful didn’t deserve to be hidden away from the world, in the depths of the ocean.
Kristoff sighed. “Alright, I’ll have Eric bring the ship over to your location. Hang tight there.”
“Thanks, Kristoff,” Anna replied.“
Taking the sub in closer, Anna activated its large, robotic grappling arms. The two massive claws extended from the craft as Anna positioned her vessel in just the right position in front of the statue. She had to be gentle though. The last thing she wanted was to damage the beautiful figure of ice before her.
Carefully, Anna manipulated the arms, their mechanical fingers gently clutching onto the statue. With a little tug, the statue was pulled free from the stone base it was attached to, now being held in the arms of Anna’s vessel, thankfully without a scratch or being chipped.
"Yes!” Anna cheered.
As the submarine floated upwards, Anna reached forward, her hand touching the glass of the canopy. She stared into the statue’s icy eyes, feeling that somehow, they were staring back at her. Anna smiled, feeling that she had done the right thing.
This was certainly something her father would have been proud of her for.
Once Anna was back on the surface and aboard the ship, the strange statue she’d recovered was brought down the cargo hold. Over the next few hours, Anna and Kristoff studied the mysterious sculpture, Anna in particular still mesmerised by its gorgeous features.
And she wasn’t alone in thinking that. Eric had complimented on how beautiful the statue was, which had made Anna feel unusually jealous. But right now, she and Kristoff were looking over the statue, trying to figure out what it was, what it was made of, and more importantly… who could have carved it.
But Anna wasn’t entirely focused on her work. Now that she had the statue with her and nothing was between them, she felt she could spend forever just staring at the gorgeous woman. She reached out, caressing the cold, icy surface of the statue in her hands.
For a moment, she felt as though her hands were meeting cold skin instead of rock and ice. Soft, smooth skin that belonged to whatever being the statue was in the image of. As she stroked the statue’s head. she imagined her fingers threading themselves through locks of soft hair.
It was quite an unusual sensation, the feeling as though this statue was, in fact, a living being and that Anna felt as though she and it were… connected somehow. Nothing in her life had made Anna feel quite like this before.
“So who do you think made it?” Kristoff wondered.
“I… I don’t know,” Anna admitted. “My guess is there was some sort of civilisation in this part of the world thousands of years ago that were wiped out when Doggerland fell under the sea.”
“You think so? This thing would predate the Egyptians if it did and I find that hard to believe,” Kristoff stated. “My guess is maybe it fell off a Viking ship or something during the middle ages, that it was carved around that time.”
“That doesn’t line up,” Anna admitted. “I didn’t see any shipwrecks in the area where I found her, or that stone plinth, or that weird ring structure that surrounded her. She’s quite a mystery.”
“That it is,” Kristoff admitted, though he was a little confused by Anna referring to the statue as a woman, despite it not being alive. But he brushed it off for the moment and looked at the statue. “It’s remarkably well preserved. Whatever this stuff it’s made of, it’s lasted for centuries.”
“She’s certainly unique,” Anna remarked, staring at the statue. “I doubt there’s anything else in the world quite like her.” She found herself gazing at the statue again, being lost in its features.
Kristoff gave her a look. He couldn’t ignore this now, especially now that Anna seemed to be consistently calling the statue a woman. “Uh, Anna… you know this statue isn’t a living being right?”
“Oh yeah?”
“Then why are you calling it a she?” Kristoff asked. “I mean, yeah it’s depicting a female figure, but she’s not exactly… alive. Are you sure you weren’t down there in the ocean too long and you’ve caught the bends?”
“W-What?!” Anna exclaimed, blushing bright red. “I’m fine, really! But… I hadn’t realised I was calling her a she. I… I can’t help it. It’s like she’s really here with us and she’s more than just some statue I found at the bottom of the sea. She’s… She’s completely perfect.” She looked away. “Don’t judge me, okay?”
“I won’t, don’t worry,” Kristoff chuckled. “Now I realise why you wanted to bring it up so badly. She is rather pretty and hey, wouldn’t be the first fictional person you’ve fallen for.”
Anna blushed redder, remembering how Kristoff used to tease her for her crushes on various fictional women when they first met. Lara Croft, Wonder Woman, Jasmine from Aladdin, Anna clearly had a type and this statue fitted it. She just hoped Kristoff wasn’t going to tease her too badly over it.
“But this is the first time I’ve seen you fall for a statue,” Kristoff remarked.
“Oh I can’t help it,” Anna sighed dreamily.
Her partner just smirked. “Even after all these years, you’re still a useless lesbian. I swear Honeymaren had no right to dump a cutie like you.”
Anna groaned. “Please don’t bring that up again… and for the record, this statue is still important regardless if I’m in love with her. If we show her to people, we’ll definitely get more funding to continue our research here and who knows what else we’ll find. Maybe some idea as to what the people who carved her were like.”
“Yeah and you get to look at a pretty girl,” Kristoff teased.
“Ugh, I hate you,” Anna groaned.
But Kristoff wasn’t wrong though. The statue was indeed gorgeous and… in a way, Anna wished she could keep it for herself. It didn’t deserve to be in some museum, with so many people staring at it. She wanted the statue to be hers, all hers. Part of her wanted to lean in and kiss the gorgeous statue… though that was a little weird even by her standards.
As she stared intently at the statue, she reached forward, caressing its crystalline surface. As she did so, she noticed that the dress of the statue seemed to be lined with strange runes, symbols that weren’t familiar to Anna at all. She thought about what they could possibly mean.
“Uh, Anna?” Kristoff then spoke to her.
Anna shook her head, drawn out of her daze again. “Uh yes?”
“I’m gonna go get something to eat. All this exploring has worked up an appetite. You coming?”
“Uh sure,” Anna replied flatly, still gazing at the statue.
She then left the room with Kristoff, going to get dinner with him. After leaving the room, however, Anna never saw the runes she’d been looking at on the statue were now glowing a mysterious white aura, as were the statue’s eyes. Clearly, there was definitely more to it than either of them could have imagined.
Anna was standing on a strange rocky beach in the middle of a storm, thunder and lightning crashing around her. She wasn’t sure what was happening or where this beach was. She walked around, feeling the freezing cold all around her. She desperately sought out shelter as rain pelted down from the sky.
But before Anna could reach a nearby cave, she looked out at the ocean as a massive wave rose above her. She screamed, trying to outrun it before she was drenched in the water. As she was dragged along the beach, Anna coughed and spluttered, seawater having jumped down her throat.
As she got to her feet, she looked around, seeing the storm only growing in intensity. At that moment, the howling wind was interrupted by a strange voice calling out to Anna in a melodic tone.
“Who… Who said that?” Anna asked. “Where are you?”
Aaaaaaaa, the voice called out again.
As the howling wind resumed, Anna looked out at the stormy sea Was the voice… coming from the ocean? Anna wanted to know and suddenly, she sprinted into the ocean and to her amazement… she was somehow walking on the surface of the water itself, the waves turning slowly to ice beneath her feet.
“What the heck?” Anna asked, but then heard a loud rumbling as a massive sea serpent burst out of the water, flying over Anna’s head. The creature let out a deafening, hissing roar before it dove back into the water. For a few moments, Anna saw that it had scales made of the same crystal as the statue.
Then, she heard the sound of galloping, as a strange, horse-like creature galloped along the waves beside Anna, before also dipping under the waves. Anna blinked, confused as to what exactly was going on. But before she could think about that, she felt the wind pick up again.
Looking up, Anna saw a figure floating above her, flying on the wind itself. She couldn’t make out what the figure looked like, but it clearly had long flowing hair and was wearing a dress with a cape of some kind. Was this… was this the statue come to life?
Glowing blue eyes gazed upon Anna and the redhead felt… strangely comforted by them. They seemed so warm and inviting. And yet, Anna still had no clue what was actually going on here? Where was she? What were those creatures? What was this strange woman?
There has been an awakening, a voice then spoke. You have been chosen.
“What?” Anna asked. “I don’t understand.”
You are the one who will awaken us.
“Me? What are you-”
And then, Anna woke up.
The redhead panted as she shot out of bed, wiping her brow of sweat. She was glad that it had all just been some sort of crazy dream, yet she found herself filled with more thoughts about the statue. She… she felt that it was in danger somehow, that she had to be near it.
Quickly getting dressed Anna tried to make it out of her bedroom, only to trip up and fall over, banging her head on a wall. “Ow!”
She groaned, realising the storm outside the ship hadn’t calmed down at all. After rubbing her head, Anna made her way down to the cargo hold, wanting to check on her mysterious statue. Something about it was drawing to her, something she knew was connected to her dream.
Fortunately for Anna, the statue was safe. It hadn’t moved an inch, much to her relief. After going over to the statue, Anna let herself become lost in its beauty once more. She was glad to be alone with the mysterious statue, entranced by its wonders and secrets.
It sounded crazy to her now though, that she had indeed fallen for the statue. She felt guilty though, seeing as it was just a statue and not a real human being. No matter how much she wished the statue could come to life right before her eyes, Anna knew magic was only a thing that existed in fairytales.
It also seemed pathetic that the only woman she would love was a strange crystal figure she found at the bottom of the sea. Her love life hadn’t exactly been great. Most of her time she’d been focused on her work, but the few times she had tried dating it hadn’t gone well.
Honeymaren was the one that had stuck with her longest, but she had to leave her when her family had to move to the other side of the country. Anna understood why she left, even if Kristoff still insisted that she should have tried to make it still work between them.
Still, Anna knew that a statue wasn’t going to truly give her the connection and love she had truly wanted. It just wasn’t meant to be.
“I’m sorry,” Anna whispered. “You’re so beautiful, but I guess I should look somewhere else for love.” She caressed the being. “You can’t hear me, but I just want you to know that… I’m glad I found you and I know you’re going to help my research so, so very much.”
But the statue indeed didn’t respond and Anna felt guilty again, that the statue was heartbroken that Anna had to end it between them. And Anna realised she couldn’t do that. She couldn’t let go of her icy love, no matter how badly she knew it couldn’t work.
“Oh damn it,” Anna swore. “I’m sorry… I won’t leave you. I… I’ll make sure you’re safe, and where we can be together for as long as I live.” She caressed the statue. “I… I love you so much… my goddess.” And then at that moment, Anna kissed the statue’s lips.
As Anna kissed the statue deeply, pouring all of her love into it, the crystal figure started to glow an eerie blue. Unbeknownst to Anna, the icy crystal that the statue was made from started to melt like liquid, forming a puddle on the floor beneath her, flowing like water.
Anna felt the watery feeling against her lips, suddenly pulling away in shock. Her eyes widened as the glowing blue fluid melted away from the statue, giving way to skin and hair. The redhead covered her mouth in shock as the runes on the statue glowed again.
With the crystal having melted, the figure stood before Anna, a seemingly human woman with long blonde, almost white hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was dressed in a flowing, sparkling white dress, seemingly made of the same crystal that she had once been entombed in.
“What… What the?” Anna spoke, lost for words.
The blonde woman looked at her hands, feeling rather confused.
“Who… Who are you?” she asked her, and then looked around in wonder and puzzlement. “Where… where am I?”
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simsadventures · 5 years
Only Mine: Chapter 4: The Encounter Part I
Summary: You try to forget all about the night and the dinner you had with Bucky, but some people just won’t let you.
Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of rape (trying not to be too explicit), angst, mobster AU
Word Count: 2244
A/N: Remember, you wanted it @sebbbystaaan​ and @kneel-begyourpardon​. Don’t stone me for this little cliffhanger. Part II of The Encounter will come out tomorrow. Let me know what you thought xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter 
The next couple of days were a blur for Bucky. He couldn’t figure out how anyone would be so cold towards him, especially a woman. He tried to think back to the night the two of you spent together, that maybe he did something wrong, or that he maybe not performed the way he usually does. But he shook this thought off, remembering how your thighs quivered and how your whole body shook. This couldn’t be the reason then.
All the women always loved when he acted like an alpha around them, so he didn’t understand what your problem was with things like him ordering food for you. A weird thought appeared in front of his eyes. Maybe you really weren’t anything like the women he was used to, and that he genuinely had no idea how to treat a woman, but he dismissed this as well. Pff, he was Bucky Barnes, every woman would fall to their knees to just spend a night with him.
He was standing in his room, staring out the window at his backyard. He could see three gardeners trying to create something beautiful of the mess the grass and trees were at the moment, and he loved to see them work. It brought peace to his weary mind. But somebody disturbed the peace by knocking on his door.
“Yeah,” he rumbled but didn’t make any effort of looking who it was. He had the nagging feeling that it was either Steve, or Sam, or both, and he didn’t need to see their faces. He could get all the emotions just from their voices, especially when the three of them were together, his right hands always told him everything just like they felt it.
“Staring into the distance, thinking of your one try love, mate?” Sam asked, humour laced in his voice. He could hear Steve snicker behind him and Bucky just rolled his eyes at their childish behaviour.
“You wanted something particular, or did you come in to tease me?” Bucky growled, his eyes now closed, with his fingers massaging the root of his nose. They’ve been there for a few seconds, and they were already giving him a headache.
“Teasing? You think this is teasing? Teasing would be if we came back to the scene at the restaurant. Man! The way she sassed you and how you stay quiet, that was hilarious! We were a little worried that you bit your tongue. This, this would be teasing, old pal.” Steve was smirking at Bucky, who was now intently staring at the two of them, wishing they would turn into dust.
“Haha, so funny! You done, assholes? I do have better things to do than to listen to the two of you.”
“Like? Staring out the window like you’re the cover of a sad-boy’s album?” This time, Sam and Steve actually high-fived, and all Bucky could do was to sigh. He might have been the boss outside the room, but here, in his personal quarter, they were just three old friends, teasing the hell out of each other. Bucky just hated that it was now his turn to be in the burning seat.
“Give me a break, ok? I just never met a woman like her, that’s all. But she made it very clear that she wasn’t interested and I’m not gonna hunt her down. I’ve got better things to do than to think about some sassy-big-mouthed girl. Any word on Pierce?”
Both of the men in front of Bucky shook their heads. “Nope, nothing. Apparently, he is still very much on the West Coast, and if he likes his own life, he’s gonna stay there. Don’t worry about him, we’re gonna make sure he stays where he should. Speaking of shoulds,” Sam said, and looked at Steve, importantly.
“Right, we should get on the streets today. There are some bastards roaming the city, raping young women. We should make a purge and show them what happens to guys like them. I spoke to the Commissioner of the NYPD, and he said that their forces could help us, we just gotta call them. He told me, that they almost had the guys, but that they weren’t scared of the cops one bit, and the Commissioner thinks they would be scared of us. He also gave us full permission to do whatever we think is necessary. He just wants them out of the city.”
Bucky nodded and clenched his jaw. He hated men like that. He might have been a jerk, but all his women went with him willingly, or, at least, he wouldn’t push himself on them sexually. He also hated the fact that some asshole thought it was a good idea to start that shit in his city.
“Call the Commissioner, and tell him that the patrols that would see anything suspicious should call us directly and that we’ll handle it. Let’s hope it’ll be enough, and that it will be over with quickly. Do we know anything about them?”
Sam was thinking for a while, as was Steve. When they felt like they thought of everything that could be important, they switched between the two of them and told it all to Bucky.
“There are two of them, apparently taking turns at the girls.”
“They sometimes take two girls, one for each. Most of the time, they, however, take one girl, and when they’re done with her, they look for another one, so they have at least two girls a night.”
“Which tells us they must be on the younger side of the spectrum, having the stamina for two rounds, pretty quickly after each other.”
“They use condoms, so the hype is not in breeding the women, but maybe over-powering them? They apparently don’t have a type, their victims vary from the colour of their skin to their height.”
“But, we do know that their favourite part of New York is Brooklyn, only one of the 10 rapes they managed to do happened outside of Brooklyn, so we should be stationed somewhere around there.”
Bucky listened intently, making mental notes and preparing a plan for the night, or several nights ahead of them. For a second, his mind wandered towards you, if you were fine, and if you would be fine, but he quickly dismissed the thought and concentrated on the task at hand. They had an eventful night ahead of them.
Getting Bucky out of your head was easier than you thought. Mostly because you were buried in your work, deadlines licking your heels and you knew you’d catch absolute hell if you didn’t finish in time.
What also helped was that you couldn’t meet him anywhere. Because the two of you lived such different lives, you were almost a hundred per cent sure there wasn’t a possibility of the two of you randomly meeting again. Once was enough and you didn’t need him threatening you go on another date with him. You inwardly rolled your eyes at yourself, reminding you that it wasn’t a date and that you definitely didn’t want it to be one.
Bucky was a mobster, and you definitely didn’t have his icy eyes in front of you when you were falling asleep. Not. At. All. But, to tell the truth, that was the only time you actually thought of him, otherwise being pretty busy.
Natasha loved every detail of that night, and you thought she would soon start writing down quotes from the date. She was obsessed with someone putting Bucky in his place, even more so that it was her best friend who did that, and she had first-hand details of the encounter.
You were sitting at the publishing house, with 5 other people, all of you catching up with your work. Among others, a new secretary of the editorial director. She looked like a sweet girl, even if you thought she was a little too dolled-up for pretty much an all-nighter at a publishing house, with a bunch of uninterested people. Your director was gay, so there was no chance she would be able to get to him, and other than that, it was you, Kate, and Bruce, who was currently single, but too shy to even look Tania’s way.
You and Kate were discussing the best approach to one of the Young Adult books you were currently trying to edit so that it could be sold in the shortest amount of time. You felt a light tap on your shoulder, and when you turned, you could see Tania sitting on your desk. You cringed inwardly, really hating when people invaded your personal space but tried to remain calm and collected. It was still a long night ahead of you.
“I thought I knew you from somewhere, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. You were out on Friday night, weren’t you?” She asked sweetly, but the smile on her face didn’t reach her eyes.
You smiled politely and nodded. Not that it was any of her business anyway. “Well if you saw me, then I must have been out, right?” You started to turn back to Kate, who was obviously trying not to laugh but failing miserably. Tania’s hand stopped you.
“So you’re the girl of the month, then? Huh, would never guess his demands got so low but good for you. The best month of your life awaits you until he decides that you’re old news and kicks you out like a stray dog.”
There was so much venom in her voice that you were surprised she didn’t poison you spitting at you.
“Sounds like you have the first-hand experience with that, sweetheart!” You smiled oh-so-sweetly at her, and she was now sending daggers through her eyes. “Look, Tania, I don’t know what you think you saw, but it was just one dinner, and I’m definitely the girl of no month. I bet Bucky is a great guy for the month, but I’m seriously not interested. So you can stop keeping me away from my job, and maybe start doing yours and bring us all coffee?”
You were a bitch, and you knew it, but you just couldn’t help yourself. You hated when people were nosey and would ask you unnecessary questions about your personal life. It was called personal for a reason.
She scoffed, but got up from your table (not before she “accidentally” pushed some of the papers from the table on the floor) and asked everyone around if anyone else wanted some hot beverage. Everyone hummed in agreement, but never stopped with their works.
Kate showed you thumbs up excitedly but otherwise dropped the case, knowing you two could gossip about what just happened after the deadlines were closed and your asses weren’t catching on fire.
It was around 2 AM that you could finally send out all the files you were supposed to, and despite your exhaustion, you couldn’t help but feel happy and relieved. Tania went home around 11 PM telling you all that she wasn’t cut out for such things, and that she better go home to be fresh and pretty the next morning. You collectively rolled your eyes at her but left it without a comment, feeling like she wouldn’t get the sarcastic comments that were on the tip of your tongue.
You said your goodbyes with Kate, and both walked in different directions. You would typically put in your headphones and zone out, but you were aware that it was quite late, and that even if New York acted as the safe city because of Bucky and his crew, you heard about few rapes around Brooklyn and you didn’t want to take a chance.
So you casually walked down the pavement, thinking about how you didn’t want to get up the next morning, knowing it would be a massive pain in the ass. Your mind also wandered towards your breakfast, trying to imagine the contents of your fridge to think of what you were gonna make the next morning.
As you were deciding between scrambled eggs and pancakes, somebody behind you whistled. You paid no mind to it, thinking that it definitely wasn’t at you. But when the whistling came from much closer behind you, followed by a low “pussycat”. You could hear a chuckle, which sounded like coming from a different man, and a cold sweat burst on your forehead, while a shiver ran down your spine.
You quickened your pace, hearing that they did the same, and you suddenly felt the rush of adrenaline in your blood. You didn’t want to die, or be used like that, and tried to think of anything that would get you out of the situation. You got to run. You knew you wouldn’t be able to fight them, especially if there were two of them, but you weren’t willing to take a look and lose time with it. But even without turning, you could hear them getting closer every second, and when you could feel a hand on your shoulder, harshly grabbing you, you did the only thing that was left. You let out a loud shriek, which was quickly muffled by a hand over your mouth. Your eyes watered instantly, you were trashing in the attacker’s arms, trying to get free, but he wouldn’t budge. You never thought you would end up here, and with this thought, your mind grew hazy, and your body went limp.
/ Next Chapter > 
Only Mine: @albinotigerpython​ @brownlee-22​ @yennewolf @heywess @bitchwhytho​ @thegirlwhowritesfics​ @eteramfools​ @blonddnamedhandz​ @everything-is-awesomesauce​ @justlovelifeblog​ @scuzmunkie​ @rohaintahquil​ @d-jall​ @cap-just-said-language​ @readermia​ @chubby-dumplin​ @rohaintahquil​ @slcvely @thewackywriter​
Bucky Taglist
@this-kitten-is-smitten​ @sebbbystaaan​ @paradisiacalsparks​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @owlyannah​ @lassini​
Marvel Taglist
@voltage-my2dlove​ @kneel-begyourpardon​
@eileenalone​ @sasbb23​ @p8tn0lish​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @waiting4inspiration​
If you’d like to be tagged comment/message/send an ask. If you like the story, please reblog :) any comments are appreciated, even the critical ones. Always a space to get better, so let me know what you guys think.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Sixty-Six
Words: 5k
Warning(s): explicit language, violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze
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"Are you okay?" I ask Duff as we stand in the elevator of the Playboy office in Chicago where many of their photoshoots are held.
I’m actually thanking God we’ve managed to get this far without paparazzi catching on...then again they’re pre-occupied probably surrounding the guys’ hotel. 
Duff slammed back a startling amount of Vodka Tonics on the plane over here, to combat his rancid anxiety, that I had no idea even existed until we were seated on the plane and he nearly passed out after turning sheet white and breathing abnormally fast. 
"Yeah." He says in almost a slur. "I'm great." 
The plan is to get him a hotel room in the city for tonight and give him money for his flight back tomorrow, so all he brought is his bass, and the way his knuckles are turning white from holding on to the case it’s in, I can tell something’s up.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask him.
“I’m fine.”
“If you’re upset over the flight over here--”
“--What if these people are creeps?” He cuts me short, and I realize he’s not still upset over the flight.
“What do you mean?”
“Tansy’s had shitty luck with slimy photographers before, right? She’s told us stories of them, like, hitting on her and making her uncomfortable.”
“What if one of these motherfuckers is like that?” He looks at me.
“Well, that’s why I made sure someone accompanied me...someone, i.e. you.” I nudge him.
“Yeah and if something happens and I kick ass, I’m gonna be in trouble, Nikki’s gonna find out we’re here, then he’s gonna--”
“--Do you need more alcohol or something?” I try not to sound too harsh, genuinely worried about his mental state at the moment.
He’s just freaking out about every fucking thing there is to freakout about.
“I just don’t want you to be in trouble, is all.” He mumbles, sighing, and I lick my lips.
“I’m not going to be in trouble, okay? It will be fine. Just take a deep breath, and relax.”
The elevator doors open to reveal a set, an array of soft lighting, a faux house setting, a hair and makeup station, and wardrobe (what bits and pieces of it I’ll actually have on).
I spot Danielle, in all her gorgeous yet professional glory, and she ushers us over to where she’s sitting, talking to the makeup artist.
“Hi, it’s good to see you again.” She tells me, just seeing me yesterday.
“You too.” I reply smiling. I see her eyes catch on Duff. “This is my friend, Duff.” I explain to her. “He’s here for moral support.” I add.
“Ah, Danielle Wythers.” She tells him.
“Duff McKagan.” He replies.
“Nikki couldn’t make it?” She asks me next.
“The thing is...he kind of doesn’t know about it.” I explain to her and she raises her brows. “It’s a surprise.” I lie, not telling her the real reason I didn’t tell him is actually because he wouldn’t necessarily like it.
“Well, he’ll love it.” She assures me.
“Oh, he sure will.” I reply with the same smile.
“Okay, not that you don’t look gorgeous as is, but we’re gonna spruce you up some. Starting out, we’re gonna have you in a little clothing, and then strip down as we go along.” She lays out the plan and I nod. “This is Lucille, she’s doing your hair and makeup, Maarin is your photographer, and when we finish the shoot, I will be interviewing you.” She adds.
“Got it.”
“Alright, I’ll see you in a few minutes.” She waves before walking to the photographer.
It wasn’t as bad as thought it would have been. There really wasn’t much to it: just look like you’ve got perpetual “fuck me” eyes, follow the suggestions thrown at you by the photographer, and don’t clam up when you hear:
“Alright, let’s lose the clothes.” Maarin says.
My eyes nervously dart to Duff, who I can tell is trying to keep himself at ease like I am.
I look at Danielle next, who’s off to the sidelines, and she gives me an encouraging nod.
I try not to shake as I take the skimpy top they gave me, off, seeing Duff avert his gaze as they have me lay down on my stomach for a few shots of my body against a faux fur rug.
After I’ve gotten everything they want me to get in that position, Maarin is glancing around before I see his eyes lock on Duff’s bass case that’s resting at the tall blondes feet.
“Hey, you.” He says to Duff, catching his attention and Duff looks at him. “What’s in that thing?”
“...A bass?” Duff replies, slightly confused.
“What does Nikki Sixx play?!” Maarin slightly raises his voice to get an answer from anyone who knows.
“Bass?” I tell him.
“Perfect. I want pictures of you with the bass.” He tells me, motioning to Duff to get it out of the case.
“What?” Me and Duff ask at the same time.
If I get pictures with Duff’s bass, Nikki will recognize it, and kill the both of us if it makes it into the final cut.
“Bass. Naked girl. Now.” He repeats, and Duff looks at me.
“It’s fine.” I assure him, lying, but not wanting to waste anymore time because these people have busy schedules.
“Fine.” He mumbles, getting his bass out, carefully handing it to me, trying not to look at my naked body.
Not only was I mortified, nearly, when he told me to put the bass between my legs--covering my netherregion whilst holding onto the neck, being sure to position my arms where the only thing people could see were the round of my  boobs--but when he told me to, and I quote, verbatim, “make love to the bass” (as if my bare pussy and tits weren’t already all over it) me and Duff both looked like we were going to jump out of the window.
Within two more hours, the shoot and the interview is over--our final shot is of me sitting against a black backdrop, not a stitch of clothing on, covering my chest with my arm, with my legs crossed to keep myself as modest as possible for the cover.
“So now what?” Duff asks me as we head to the exit of the building when we get to the lobby.
“Go to the hotel.” I say.
“...The hotel the guys are at?”
“But then--”
“--We can just say I didn’t want to fly alone.” I shrug.
He thinks for a moment, then sighs.
“How about, I catch a cab back to the airport and go back home.”
“Duff, why?” I ask, a little disappointed, stopping before we get to the door.
“I don’t want to start shit between you and him and it doesn’t make any sense to say you didn’t want to fly alone so you brought me with you.”
“I don’t want you getting back on another plane so soon if you--”
“--I’ll be fine, Viv.” He assures me and I furrow my brows a little.
“Duff.” I start.
“Vivian, it’s fine.” He tells me. “I’m being serious. Don’t fucking argue with me, it is okay.” He sternly, but friendly, promises.
“Okay.” I finally relent, nodding a little.
“Just call me tonight, alright?”
“Yeah.” I agree.
He gives me his best smile before I’m hugging him.
“Thank you.” I tell him. “And I’m sorry I molested your bass.”
We both laugh, remembering the odd predicament, and I pull away looking up at him.
“It’s an honor.” He sarcastically lets out, and I wrinkle my nose. “I love you, be careful getting to the hotel.”
“I will.” I hand him the wad of cash he’s going to need to get a ticket back to L.A. and he takes it.
“Thanks.” He accepts it. “See you later.”
“See you later.”
We give each other one last look before we leave, except I go left, and he goes right.
My theory about the hotel being wrapped up in media is 1000% correct as I arrive, the driver saving Fred a trip as he gets out to help me through the ten feet to the door.
"It's great, we're great." I tell a reporter that asks me "how are things with Nikki?"
"What business did you have in Los Angeles?" Another one asks as I approach the front doors of the hotel where Fred is waiting. 
"My dad's birthday." I lie, feeling relief the second Fred's large hand pushes lightly against my back, ushering me inside. 
"Your dad's birthday?" He asks, knowing that was bullshit and I roll my eyes, taking my sunglasses off when we get in the elevator. 
"It's like an act of congress to take a shit without someone asking me how it affects my marriage." I state and he laughs. 
"How're you feeling?" He asks me and I furrow my brows. "Your blood pressure."
"Oh, I think it's okay. I have an informative  sheet of paper to dictate what I eat and drink and what other medicine I can and can't take while on my antidepressant. The second I can get onto a different medication, I'm taking it." 
"Well, be glad you're alive. You dying would've really inconvenienced Doc McGhee." He tells me and I chuckle. 
"Yeah, that evil genius knows how to work the public like a vibrator with never ending battery life." I scoff and he looks at me. "What?"
The doors of the elevator open on our floor apparently.
"I've missed you." He admits.
"I'm glad you have. Bet everyone else has been thanking God I haven't been here to cry on their good time." I say as we walk down the hall. 
"Actually, I was gonna talk to you about that." He says and I raise my brows as he glances around to make sure the coast is clear. "Sixx hasn't been doing too good." 
"Oh, no, how horrible. Wasn't like he publicly humiliated his wife--or at least let another woman do so by announcing their entire relationship on national TV for everyone and their mom to see, or anything." I sarcastically let out. 
"Viv, I'm being serious, here." He tells me, reaching in his pocket for my room key, unlocking my door. 
"I know you are. And I'm saying if anyone has the right to be in hell right now, it's me. I don't want to hear about how hard he's taking it. He wouldn't have to take anything if he would've given a damn sooner, rather than waiting for his mistress to air out his bullshit in front of his wife and thousands of other people."
"Who says I give a damn now?" I hear Nikki's voice behind us and I stop in my tracks, seeing Fred with his eyes closed as if preparing for a time bomb to go off. 
I turn to face Nikki, who's inches infront of me, and he looks down at me with a clenched jaw, looking like he just rolled out of bed, only wearing his leather pants from last night. 
"Oh, if it isn't the marital fuck-up." I throw at him. 
"Nice to see you, too, wicked cunt-bitch of the west coast." He hisses. 
"Okay, if you two are gonna go back and forth, please do so where hotel guests who're trying to enjoy their stay, aren't at risk of witnessing it." Fred suggests, motioning into the hotel room.
"I'd rather castrate myself than be trapped in a room with her." Nikki argues. 
"Please do so, maybe it'll keep you from tripping and falling, landing you in other women I'm friends with and becoming engaged to them." I snap back. 
"Bitter much?"
"Go play in traffic."
"Don't threaten me with a good time." 
"Anything's a good time to you if it involves not being a half-way decent husband, at the least."
"Okay, like you're 'wife of the year' Miss 'run when shit gets messy'."
"Need I remind you 'shit got messy' because you had an entire girlfriend, got engaged, and then she proceeded to indulge me and everyone else in the world when it was broadcasted nationwide?"
"No, baby, I remember it like it was three fuckin' days ago judging by how long you just fucking up and ran for without giving me a chance to explain a damn thing." 
"Just making sure you didn't forget since I can only imagine how much smack you've been shooting yourself full of to drown out the self-hate--which is well deserved, by the way."
"Just like it's gonna be well deserved when I bend you over my lap and--"
"--Okay, get in here." Fred tugs me inside to avoid our fight getting physical.
He’s shutting the door before Nikki can say anything else, shutting him outside, as I set my bag down and go pee.
“Vivian, I’m not done talking to you.” Fred says from the room and I roll my eyes.
“I’m peeing, Fred, can we talk about my imploded marriage when I get done?”
“No, because we’re leaving for Chicago early tomorrow morning.” He leans against the bathroom door frame, covering his eyes to keep from seeing me on the toilet.
“Okay, then talk to me.” I tell him, getting done, wiping and flushing the toilet, standing at the sink to wash my hands.
“We know he’s on smack again, Viv.” he informs me.
“I could’ve told you that.” I reply, drying my hands.
“No, no, he’s on smack again but he’s trying to act like he isn’t.”
“Because he knows Doc will strangle him and he doesn’t wanna hear it.” I shrug, stepping past him.
“He was doing good until this Vanity mess got between you two.” He states.
“Nikki was shooting heroin again before the Vanity thing happened. He was on heroin the night of our anniversary.”
His eyes widen when I tell him this.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?!” He asks me and I raise my brows.
“I didn’t want him to get in trouble.” I admit honestly and he groans, rubbing his eyes.
“Vivian.” He complains.
“What, sorry, I thought he’d get a grip back on it...at least he told me he would.”
“Yes, because the past few days have obviously proven he can be trusted.” He argues. “He can’t even keep his vows, Viv, what the fuck made you think he’d get back on the wagon after falling off?”
“I didn’t know he wasn’t keeping his vows at the time, Fred, sorry.” I brush him off, pulling my hair back from my face with a ponytail holder.
“...Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll talk to Doc, we’ll figure something out before he starts spiraling.”
“I doubt he’s going to start spiraling, Fred. He tends to only let it get out of control when he’s bored.” I quickly remember him shooting up on stage during the last tour, and ODing in London… “We’ll figure something out, alright? Don’t go panicking to Doc and if you do tell Doc, don’t make it obvious to Nikki that you know what’s up and you want him to stop. He feels attacked and lashes out when people do that. Just keep an eye out for dealers and try to keep him company so he doesn’t feel lonely or alone.” I suggest.
“Well, I know when I tell Doc, what his makeshift solution will be.” He says and I raise my brows.
“What’s that?”
Reason number 1,468 that proves Doc was absolutely crazy…
“Oh, absolutely not.” I state the next night as me, Doc and Fred are walking backstage to get to the guys’ dressing rooms.
“Viv, just listen--” Doc starts but I cut him short.
“--We’re already having to lie to everybody and act like we’re still together, what the hell do you mean ‘make up’ with him?!” I snap, turning on him and he exhales.
“I don’t mean forgive him, I mean as long as he feels like everyone is against him, that might drive him further into his black hole--”
“--So, it’s my responsibility to make sure he doesn’t do heroin, is that what you’re telling me?”
“Vivian, I feel like it would be best if you didn’t add to the many reasons he already feels like he’s gotta hurt himself over, just until this tour wraps and we can get him some proper help.” He tells me.
“Oh my God, I am actually about to have another stroke if you keep fucking talking!” I throw my hands up, stomping away from him, but he stays on my heels.
“Vivian, just listen.” He says as I open the dressing room door and barge in to see Vince, Mick, Tommy...and Devil Spawn.
“Doc, why don’t you just drop your pants and I’ll get on my knees and start slurping at your balls because that’s obviously what you want me to do!” I scream at him.
“--Nothing is good enough! You want us to play nice for the cameras, we’re doing that, you want us to bullshit the fans, we’re doing that, you want us to postpone a fucking divorce filing, we’re doing that, and now you’re wanting me to pretend he didn’t screw me over publicly just so he won’t feel bad that I can’t fucking stand him right now?!”
“What’s wrong?” Tommy asks.
“None of your fucking business!” I sneer at him.
“Get the fuck out, Vivian, Jesus.” Vince starts up.
“Oh, go scissor Bret Michaels and mind your own fucking business, bitch boy.” I shoot at him.
Liquor is drenching my dress when Vince is grabbing Tommy’s drink and throwing it on me, causing me to see red.
“What the fuck, Vince?!” Nikki barks at him, as Vince says:
“Get get your fucking ring back from the bitch Sixx chose over you.”
I’m lashing out, my nails dragging across Vince’s cheek as my flat palm hits his other cheek as hard as it can, causing the harsh stinging noise to echo through the room, as Doc and Fred both yell at us as we’re pried apart.
“Rabid Bitch!” Vince seethes, trying to fight past Doc to get to me, but Fred’s stepped in front of me, keeping me from going to Vince, too.
The room goes silent immediately, their faces falling in shock as Vince just looks disgusted with me.
"Vivian." Doc starts, about to scold me.
"Everyone's got a fucking slap on the wrist, doesn't matter if you fucking overdose or actually kill someone, everybody just gets a fucking slap on the fucking wrist but the second I finally act like something isn't okay, the second I protest just glossing over the fact Nikki Fucking God Damn Sixx did something shitty, I'm a fucking bitter, hateful, rabid, disgusting bitch because apparently 'I should've known better'!" I outburst, taking a few deep breaths, calming down, trying not to cry before I focus on Doc. "I can smile for the cameras. I can force myself to stomach the idea of loving him in the public eye. But I refuse to just turn the other way and act like everything's okay behind closed doors, and you can't fucking make me." I say venomously to Doc before I'm storming out of the dressing room, seeing all the roadies that were around to hear the hell breaking loose behind the closed door of the dressing room.
The next couple days consists of me just staying in my hotel room, avoiding everyone except Fred, that is until…
I keep my head down, my hand gripping at Nikki’s as we all file out of the bus in the parking lot of the hotel as my other hand shields my sunglass-adorned eyes, hearing the shouts of questions from the paparazzi as all of us head to the entrance of the hotel with security trying to keep fans and the media at bay.
Almost as soon as we step foot into the hotel lobby, free from the press and witnesses, Nikki and I are dropping our hands from each other and pulling away as quickly as possible as if we’re magnetically repellent.
“Alright, shower, strip club.” Tommy names off their agenda to Nikki, Vince, and Mick. “Viv, you wanna--”
“--No.” I turn him down before he can even properly invite me, my eyes shifting to Nikki, who averts his gaze from me the second I look at him.
“But, Viv--”
“--Just leave her out of it, Tommy. She doesn’t wanna go.” Nikki tells him flatly, heading to the elevator.
“I can speak for myself, thank you.” I hiss back to him.
“Don’t start shit with me, Vivian. I’m not in the mood.” He snaps.
“What, fight with your girlfriend?” I ask as the elevator doors open.
“Go fuck yourself.” He snarls out, walking into the elevator and I’m right behind him.
“Don’t worry, I have been, being that you won’t ever touch me again.” I argue.
I guess everyone else decides not to ride in an elevator with us in case a fist fight ensues and they get caught in it.
I stare at him, his eyes covered with his sunglasses, his hair matted and sweaty from his show, his skin pale from his body purging the toxic mixture of drugs and alcohol from his system.
“Quit fucking staring at me.” He mumbles, and instead of saying something smart back or just hitting him, I look away, feeling a sadness wash over me as I notice he hasn’t taken his wedding ring off yet since we left the press behind.
“You’re not gonna take it off?” I ask, suddenly, trying to keep my tone neutral.
He doesn’t even have to ask what I’m talking about, he just knows.
I see him glance down at his ring finger before balling his left hand into a slight fist before relaxing it.
“We’re still married.” Is all he says before the doors open and he heads to his room.
I make my own separate room, unlocking the door, being met with the bland smell of a simple hotel room.
I’m used to hotel rooms smelling like Nikki.
Getting my jacket off, I step to the bathroom and get my makeup off and brush my teeth for bed before getting pajamas on. When I get to my bed, I notice something that wasn’t there before I left for the show: one of my tshirts that I left at the last hotel we were at in Texas.
Knowing who grabbed it for me, and why I should not smell it because it’s just going to make me sad, I bring it to my nose and feel my body tense in on itself, my heart heavy as his smell infiltrates my senses, and brings tears to my eyes.
How many times have I nearly talked to him, kissed him, touched him, smiled at him, all out of habit, only to realize why we are where we are in this shit to begin with?
I miss him.
He is with me everyday but I still miss him.
I exhale and climb into bed, clinging to the shirt that smells like him, closing my eyes and pretending I’m with him.
It suddenly occurs to me that the last time I kissed him, hugged him, held him, laughed with him, saw him in the shining light that I did--I didn't realize it was the last time.
Now I’ve got myself crying, and I wipe the stray tears, trying not to think about it anymore but I can’t help it.
I thought I put my absolute everything into every laugh, every kiss, every hug, every smile...but I didn’t. If I knew then what I know now, I would have.
I squeeze my eyes closed, before snatching the covers off, and go to my door, opening it, and marching to Nikki’s door.
A part of my hopes he hasn’t gone to the strip club yet, another part of me--the sane part--hopes he has.
I knock on the door and in a couple minutes it’s swinging open to reveal a hellish looking Nikki.
Trying not to cry, but failing, I lick my lips and finally get it off my chest.
“I didn’t get to say ‘goodbye’ to us.” I state, shakily, and he looks as defeated as I do.
“--You robbed me of getting to say ‘goodbye’, of being prepared to say ‘goodbye’. I wasn’t ready to not be with you, I wasn’t ready to have every reason to leave you thrown in my face. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you, and you stole that from me.” I tell him. “I didn’t get to say ‘goodbye’.” I repeat, a tear falling past my lashes.
He just looks down, letting me say what I need to and I take a deep breath, sniffle, and press my lips to his, catching him off guard.
It takes him no time to respond, the both of us letting out relieved hums as our tongues meet and he pulls me into the room with him, slamming the door behind me.
His hands are immediately pulling my shirt up, and I’m fumbling to get his belt unbuckled, being interrupted by him tugging my pajama shorts off, his lips grazing over my thigh, up my abdomen, between my breasts, and pressing to my neck before finding my lips again.
I let out a soft sigh, wrapping my arms around him, my bare chest pressed against him, his tongue moving in sync with mine.
He's pulling away in a few seconds, taking deep breaths, staring down at me, confused.
"What?" I ask softly, blinking up at him. 
"What are we doing, Viv?”
I don’t answer, not really knowing what to say to begin with.
“Huh?” He questions. “We never got to talk about it, we never--”
"--You didn't want to talk to me about it, you didn't--"
"--There was nothing to say--"
"--I had plenty to say, Vivian." 
"Nikki, it doesn't matter now."
"It doesn't matter? Are you fucking crazy? 'It doesn't matter'?!" 
"I-It does, but--"
"--But what, Vivian? You just wanna pretend it didn't fucking happen or something?" He snaps.
"No, I don't want to pretend it didn't happen, Nikki, that's why I got so upset with Doc the other night because he wanted me to act like everything was fine, even behind closed doors, and I don't want to do that."
"Then why the fuck are you here?" He asks me. 
Apparently I get the wrong look on my face that blatantly tells him what I'm up to…and he starts laughing.
"You're gonna fuck me and leave me?!” He cackles, taking a step back and I go to speak, but I’m unable to. There’s nothing I can say, and my silence confirms it. "Holy shit you sneaky cunt."
“Nikki, stop--”
“--Were you gonna tell me you had no intention of trying to actually work shit out with me and you were just using me to make yourself feel better for a couple hours, or were you just gonna hand me fucking divorce papers and a pen the second I came in you?” He sneers.
“Nikki, I’m not trying to use you.” My voice cracks as tears come to my eyes.
“Did you come to talk about what happened and try to get somewhere, or just fuck one last time for the hell of it?” He demands and I take a breath, trying to get my head together enough to try to figure out why, myself. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Get the fuck out.” He pushes me away from him.
“If you’ll let me explain--”
“--The fuck is there to explain?! I cheated on you, you left, then you come back, patronize every fucking person that's fucked up, and then try to get your rocks off on my dick one last time like some pathetic slut. You either fucking hate me and you’re leaving, or you don’t and you’re not. I’m not doing the whole ‘friends with benefits’ bullshit with my own fucking wife!”
“A majority of our marriage has been ‘roommates with benefits’ so why the hell does it matter to you now that I just want one last night?!” I outburst suddenly and he rolls his jaw.
“Get the fuck out.” He repeats, shaking his head a little.
“No.” Tears topple over my lashes and I lick my lips, shaking my head.
“Vivian, I’m not fucking telling you again. Get the fuck out or I’m making you leave.”
“Nikki, plea--”
He’s suddenly grabbing at my arms, pulling my naked body from the floor.
“--Nikki, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--”
“--You were gonna hump and dump me and you ‘didn’t mean’ it?!” He pulls me to the door while I struggle against him.
“Nikki, it was just for one last time, just so I could remember.” I plead, my hands grasping at his shirt, my eyes--blurry from tears--looking up at his. “Please, just one last time.” I beg, weakly, and he clenches his jaw, the ghosting of tears in his eyes for a second before he says:
“If it’s gonna be the last time…" his voice cracks, before it seems like he's forcing himself to "man up." 
"...I don't want to remember it." He says next.
“Nikki, please--no!” I fight with him when he gets his door open. 
"Bye, Viv." I almost don't recognize the man speaking to me, he sounds so fucking distant, cut off, as if the Nikki Sixx I met at the Starwood years ago took a step back and someone else had to come forward and get me out.
“Nikki, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, just please, don’t do thi--Nikki!” I cry when he shoves me out of the room, completely naked, and slams the door after leaving  my pajamas at my feet.
My theory was and is today that, that moment, that "bye, Viv" was his way of finalizing what he thought was the end of us, because after that night, he acted like he despised and hated me, up until the last few nights of the Crüe's Japan tour when he called me multiple times in the middle of night, crying, fucked up, pleading, finally telling me how much he loved me.
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