#but the three fighting would be hella cool
blacklunardice · 1 month
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✦Falling for the Same Darling — Lin Kuei✦
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Request: Can u do a short story where sub-zero, smoke, and scorpion all have the hots for the reader and they end up kidnapping her? + Someone also requested some headcanons for them too.
Warning(s): Possessive Behavior, Kidnapping, Mentions of Punishment (Spanking, Isolation), Mentions of Unwanted Touching, Slight Guilt Tripping
Note: I don't really do one shots as of now, so these are a headcanon/scenario type of thing. This had been requested twice and I've decided to write out how they are as yanderes separately and how they'd be if they all fell for the same person. Anyway, this was fun to write! :D
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For starters, I have this feeling in my gut that Kuai Liang and Tomas are more willing to work together if they find out they like you. The two of them wouldn't really see a need to fight over you, given that they want the same thing. Basically to protect you from any dangers the world could throw at you.
The same can be said for Bi-Han, but...he's a bit possessive... I saw this but know that's a bit of an understatement. He butts heads with the two younger Lin Kuei members. Sure, he is aware of how capable they are, but he believes he can fully protect and provide for you on his own. He's pretty adamant and territorial.
The only way he would fold and actually give in to sharing you is if Kuai Liang and Tomas take some much-needed time to convince him. They'd bring up how it would just be needless violence and fighting if they dueled for your affections when they can all just come to an agreement. They bring up the benefits of this arrangement. You'd be fully protected by all of them and no one would really want to approach you when there are going to be three ninjas who can practically wield the elements.
So in the case of the two convincing Bi-Han, he begrudgingly agrees. I will mention that there is going to be tension between him and Tomas, unfortunately. He's okay with sharing you with Kuai Liang...but Tomas is another case. He always did treated the younger member differently ever since their father adopted him and that hadn't changed. It's usually Kuai Liang who stands as a mediator even when the tension escalates.
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✦Bi-Han — Sub-Zero✦
This man is hella possessive; even before deciding to kidnap you. It wouldn't be surprising if he was the one to suggest it. He is a man who takes charge and has confidence in his decisions. Bi-Han believes that having you within arm's length is for the best (again, due to his possessiveness). He was going to go through with the kidnapping on his own! To his annoyance, though, his brother had caught on to his plans. It was not hard to pinpoint that he felt some type of way about you, but you may mistake it for dislike or that he despises you. It’s since he has a resting bitch face and many assume he’s glaring at everyone within the vicinity. Still, his younger sibling knew better and understood his deep affection for you.
He’s almost the same when you’re within the walls of the Lin Kuei after the kidnapping. Bi-Han remains tense and cold as ever even in your presence. He does get annoyed when you want to push yourself away from him, which prompts him to pull you back to him aggressively (not in a way that hurts you). Your place is right here and he’ll always remind you of that. Still, he is told to be gentle in his approach towards you, especially if he wants you to come to him and willingly stay by his side. Bi-Han understands this, despite his grumbling, and tries to be softer. It’s a little difficult for him, but he at least tries.
It’s better to be caught by the other two than him if you ever try an escape and fail. This man is very blunt and his words are as sharp as icicles when he lectures (maybe to the point of berating you) you after dragging you back to the home. He doesn’t hold back and he has to be pulled away for a moment to have time to cool his temper down. He won’t hurt you — especially if  Kuai Liang and Tomas have anything to that. The worst he would do is spank you or make you sit in a room alone. He’s a little bitter after your punishment is over and it shows. He gives you pointed looks, dragging you close to him, and overall gets more demanding.
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✦Kuai Liang — Scorpion✦
Kuai Liang has your best interest in mind before and after the kidnapping. He deeply cares for you and would hate if you ended up fearing him or his brothers. Discovering Bi-Han’s plan to kidnap you was something. He had a suspicion that his elder brother was up to something the moment he noticed his gaze on you. It was the same way he looked at you when you were not looking. The situation is definitely complicated, but he doesn’t want conflict between him and Bi-Han since he knows it won’t end well. Every choice and negotiation he makes is all for you and your sake. It’s safe to say that Kuai Liang is fiercely loyal to you and would move heaven and Earth to make sure you’re okay. So he falls into the overprotective yandere category, but at least he can keep a cool head.
Your comfort is assured while under their roof. He understands that you need time to adjust, so he doesn’t push you. However, he knows that Bi-Han and Tomas are not the same as him, so he must remind the two that this will take time. Yes, he does want to hold you close and never let go, but he won’t be hasty. Even so, there are times when he wants to be just a little selfish — to just bring you in his arms without any hint or indication of his actions.
He scolds you if you ever try to escape, but at least he’s not as harsh as Bi-Han. No, he’s just a little disappointed that you would even attempt to leave. I don’t know why, but I can see Kuai Liang guilt-tripping you a bit to make you feel bad. He brings up how the three of them have provided you with everything you need, so it is foolish to want to leave. After the lecture, he sighs, holding you close and making sure you’re not injured. If it's your first attempt, he won't punish you. However, you are not going to be let off the hook with any attempts after this. You're not going to be left alone at all, since alone time is considered a privilege. If you want that back then you'll have to make up for it.
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✦Tomas Vrbada — Smoke✦
Soft. He is very soft towards you and practically adores you. Tomas definitely was the one to fall for you first out of the three. He is a bit clingy and maybe obsessive since he hangs off of every word you say. He can’t really help it since he enjoys your company as he gets to know you. However, he does have some possessive traits and they show a little the moment he notices how Bi-Han is looking at you. He frowns at this, at first not sure how to make of this. Tomas knows for sure that the older Lin Kuei member’s gaze is not out of distaste. No, he knows better. There’s a bitter taste in his mouth. He just…cannot allow Bi-Han to pursue you; you deserve better than that. He’s always felt a little out of place within the family and that is purely due to Bi-Han, so there is a bit of anger towards the older man. Then he learns about the plan to kidnap you. It almost sets him off and if it weren’t for Kuai Liang, he would have confronted Bi-han himself.
Sharing you with the other two within the walls of the Lin Kuai is fine. He can take what he can get and he does want what’s best for you. Despite reminding himself that, Tomas wished he had you all to himself. It felt a little wrong to be this selfish, but the cryokinesis user does not make the situation easier. Again, as mentioned before, there will be tension between these two. Tomas is the most approachable and you’ll probably feel the most comfortable being around him. Even so, he does tend to get in your space a lot. If you show discomfort in any way, he will back off a little…but only until the next time you two spend time together. Once again, he can’t help it; he loves being around you. It’s either that or you dealing with how Bi-Han is. Yes, he would absolutely put himself as the best option (especially compared to Sub-Zero).
Tomas is going to make excuses for your attempted escape. At first. When noticing you are gone, he is calm but his mind is racing. He assumes that maybe someone from a rival clan had taken you away or something else had happened. The moment he gets you back, he asks questions. He does not want to believe you left because you don’t want to be with them; to be with him. It would break his heart. He wants to know what can he do to make things better. Is it Bi-Han? Are you homesick? Do you not feel loved enough? There has to be a solution to this…and no, you’re not going back home. That would defeat the whole purpose of bringing you with them in the first place. You would be asking for too much.
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Thoughts on Jason Todd’s choice of weaponry?
:D an ask! Yay!
Oooh, lets see, I'll start with the crowbars because I appear to be like one of three people on the entire planet who actually likes them.
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They're a tacky as fuck riff on the fact that Jason's death is central to his character. They overemphasize the manner in which he died, muddy the waters about what part of his death is important to him, and strangely cheapens the manner in which he died through the parody feel of it.
No one seems to really disagree with my analysis here, but I happen to enjoy that about them and think it's very on brand for Jason. What can I say? They're fun!
Best Quality - His Wiggles
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This ultra-sharp curved blade used to be his signature character design feature, the way the white streak in his hair is now, and I'm really not sure why it didn't stick!
Best weapon he's ever had, bring it back please!!!!!
The All-Blades
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I have mixed feelings about the All-Blades. Like much of Lobdell's work: phenomenal idea, poor execution. Giving the guy who is most known for being morally grey a set of powers that is exclusively based on moral absolutes sucks shit, I gotta be honest, and the trick he pulled on the blood blade was cool but ultimately does nothing to solve those problems.
I want to love them so fucking badly. A set of glowy soul blades is a dope sicknasty off the chain concept and I wish the well wasn't poisoned with the moral implications and the restrictions to use them only on the "Untitled", a set of enemies that only exist for Jason so far as I can tell. If someone seriously took Jason down a magic based path that removed the DnD alignment chart bullshit, I would be so game to see them come back! Hell I wouldn't even insist on a better cooler design for them!
...though uh, yeah those are the least interesting magic sword designs I've ever seen tbh
Normal Ass Swords
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They're alright I guess. Like, there's nothing in it really, but it's not bad?
Guns - Real Bullets
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Excellent, evocative yet simple, straightforwards and to the point. It makes hella sense thematically to boot, love this for him, please give him back his pistols and miniguns and shit
Guns - Rubber Bullets
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Hate. HATE. hate ick disgusting bad NO.
I just fucking hate rubber bullets, like, as a concept. I refuse to accept "non-lethal" bullets as a valid use of gun, either in real life or in fiction. Guns are for putting many holes in things very fast!!!! If you're gonna use a gun, fucking well own up to that!!! Do not play this silly ass game of pretending that you can change out the material and do the same things as with lead bullets but with the video game status effect of "non-lethal" applied. YOU ARE GIVING PEOPLE SMALL CIRCULAR BRUISES. This is still harmful, yes, ooph ouchie, but it is not even slightly a good use of a gun, you are wasting holster space, and carry weight, and the physical materials used to make it all!!
My belief in his capacity to take out enemies is shattered the instant those fuckers are on panel. Maybe this ain't entirely rational, or realistic to how fights go with rubber bullets IRL, but I hate them so much on principle that I will ignore any counterargument you might have that they'd work. I will die on this hill. Rubber bullets BAD. Please stop making him use this!!
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Love it, give him more bombs forever
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His Brain
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This is actually his best weapon - sorry wiggly knife, you're being shunted down to number 2 on a last minute technicality! I think Jason is at his best when he's outsmarting people and making long term fucked up schemes to ruin people's lives.
He's so good at it! It's so fun to watch him do it!
Genuinely a shame that this facet of him was mostly lost after Flashpoint, though to give credit where it is due, in Rebirth Jason did ruin the Penguin's life in an impressively elaborate way, which I did really enjoy. I want to see him be a tactical deliberate menace to one person in specific again idk, that's part of why I do kinda agree that he works better as an antagonist than a protagonist - which it should be noted does not mean I think he works better as a villain necessarily, his ethics aren't what matter here - he's just had his best moments as the schemer, and it's hard to have a protagonist schemer even when you make them ethically the good guy.
I hope you enjoyed my nattering on about Jason's weapons :D thank ye again for ask!
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simpinformonkies · 1 year
YO may i have some hc about wukong and mac having an so whos a good fighter but is also hella clumsy? :P
Of course! I'll do my best! For this, I used a Fem!S/O! These are a... wee bit graphic violence, but just a little.
-When he first met you, it was because MK was wanting to introduce him to Tang's cousin (who acted like an aunt to MK).
-Imagine Wukong's surprise when MK pulls him to an underground fighting arena and points to a woman throwing fucking hands in the ring, matching punch after punch with a man three times her body mass.
-"That's auntie!" The boy had told him, pointing to you just as you slammed your boxing gloves against the opposing man's jaw, flinging his body against one of the four quadrant poles. "Isn't she cool?!"
-...Wukong was a little scared of you to be quite honest, no matter what MK said- you just seemed like a scary woman! (It was baffling that you were related to Tang of all people.)
-Then MK pulled him into the waiting room and called out your name while he pulled at his mentor's sleeve, and you perked up from your water bottle and brighten considerably when your eyes catch MK. You stand and move to walk towards him-
-only to trip over your own feet and slam your face into one of the metal seats, breaking your nose.
-It was really hard to fear you when you were that clumsy outside a fight.
-Given something to hold? Uh oh, butter fingers!
-Trying to get from point A to point B? You trip over your own feet upon taking the first step.
-Trying to eat with chopsticks? Good luck.
-Wukong found it genuinely difficult to fear or be wary you due to your overwhelming clumsiness, but the one time he saw it fail to appear is one he won't forget.
-MK had been fighting a demon that was playing tricks and being an asshole, and almost broke the poor boy's ankle, and you threw yourself into the fight and started wailing on the opposing demon with your lips curled in rage and eyes mere pinpricks.
-Wukong took care of MK with the others, but he was openly gaping at seeing you grab the demon's arm and just start slamming him down on the ground from side to side as if he was a goddamn children's toy.
-You finished it by smashing your fist against the demon's jaw and breaking it, the sick crunching of bone echoing through the air as the demon's body is thrown back against the wall, slumping pathetically as you stand across from him, breathing heavily with blood and bruises coating your knuckles.
-Wukong found that so absurdly attractive that it wasn't even funny.
-Then your personality flipped on a dime, and you turned to rush towards MK only to trip on a stray rock and faceplant.
-...Yeah, Wukong was in love.
-And if he asked you on a date the following week, with your favorite flowers and a box of chocolates and looking so damn nervous, you didn't mind.
-And if you just so happened to say yes to his proposal of dating, well, that's business between the two of you.
-(Except not really, because god forbid secrets be kept when you're dating the Stone Monkey himself, and the 'aunt figure' to the main crew.)
-The first time Macaque met you was when he stole food from your house, and it was only thanks to his sensitive ears and the whispers of the shadows that he managed to dodge your punch that shattered your counter like glass, your eyes glowing softly in the dark and a scowl curled on your lips.
-You kept trying to wail punches on the monkey demon, narrowly missing since he was just a little bit faster (well, a lot faster, but he was curious about you), and he only managed to slip away unharmed and with plenty of food when you slipped on the rug and tumbled to the floor.
-Macaque had a good laugh about that for days.
-Somehow, you ended up amusing him, and anytime he needed (or, well, wanted) food, he would just shadow-port to your home and steal it, making sure that you were home when he did it just to piss you off more.
-He honestly just wanted to see you trip on something stupid again, the bastard.
-But weeks of this same schedule, this same song and dance weighed on you, and you just decided 'fuck it' and didn't even attempt to fight the invading monkey demon anymore, merely rolling your eyes whenever he attempted to catch your attention.
-...Didn't mean you still didn't trip around your own goddamn house like a newborn fawn just learning to use its legs.
-Except you were an adult, and this is embarrassing.
-Anytime you'd see- or, god forbid, hear- him laugh at you, you'd flush red and grab the nearest object to throw at him, uncaring of its value or how breakable it is- you just wanted one clean fucking shot on that bastard monkey dammit!
-It wasn't your fault you were clumsy! It was your stupid body's fault! You were lucky to train the clumsiness out of your fights, but it seems like anytime other than that its 'Let's fuck up this dumb bitch's day and make her look like a failure' day.
-...You had insecurities, so what? You're an adult, you're allowed them.
-Months after meeting Macaque- and practically letting him crash at your place, because he's like a stray cat at this point and you're too tired to kick him out- you find him fighting some imp demon, and while he didn't look in trouble, Macaque was holding his side, crimson leaking through his fingers.
-You threw yourself at the demon as quick as a lightning strike, and tussle with the creature, slamming your fist against its upper stomach and crunching its ribs, and sending an twirled axel kick to the side of its head before grabbing Macaque and running towards your apartment while the demon was down and dazed.
-Once inside, you almost tripped again but managed not to (huge success on your part) and push Macaque to sit on the couch while you riffle around the bathroom for your first aid kid. Who cares if Macaque is a demon that heals quickly? You're going to bandage him up weither he likes it or not dammit!
-You wrap the cloth around his wound- pointedly ignoring looking anywhere else- and spit curses both at him and the demon, your words lacking any real bite (well, bite towards Macaque), but the shadow monkey is just silent, his tail swaying gently behind him- the motion slow. Thoughtful.
-Somehow, that event of beating up a demon for him and bandaging him up just made Macaque move into your house, and now you're not only rooming with the monkey demon, but dating him.
-Yeah, you have no idea how this happened either.
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hueberryshortcake · 2 months
crawling out of the void to present a rare
this week it's DANGEROUS DISGUISE which is one of my favorites so you know i had to roll up. let's get going
so this comic was written in the middle of 1950 and is about spies. what else happened in 1950? THIS GUY. pause for hatred:
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[for the non-americans because i don't know how common this information is: joseph mccarthy gave a speech in early 1950 that leveraged post-war anxieties about the soviet union's influence on countries weakened by the devastation to turn americans against each other by claiming that secret communist spies were infiltrating the US government. he made up most of this information but it sparked another Red Scare where everyone was particularly afraid of spies and stuff. birth of the cia etc. this has been an off-the-cuff history lesson by caoimhin]
okay anyway so we start out with the ducks having been banished to europe because they were annoying uncle scrooge too much. this is after barks realized that having a rich guy as a plot device to let the ducks explore was, comment dit-on, awesome. so that's Interesting Barks History Fact Number 1. donald says "i wish uncle scrooge would get mad at us more often" . swag
Interesting Barks History Fact Number 2: homeboy got in trouble for having too many humans in this comic. in fact i believe that the duck family are the only non-humans in this one. after this he tends to stick to his "vaguely dog-humanoid things" strategy when he doesn't feel like coming up with unique animal designs. i approve of this because it means i get to go full sonofmegavolt humina humina at some of the women he drew. outside of disney early in his career barks drew some quite racy stuff btw. insert wolf whistle here. ANYWAY.
we get some "gee whiz uncle donald do you think any of these cool europeans are spies" from the boys to which he's like "whatEVER" and theHOLD ON HOLD ON WHA
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ok im focused.
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i lied. donald gets it
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these panels are fire. i just want to take a moment to appreciate this for being hella violent. there's like six guns in one panel guys. everyone say thank you carl. huge fan of cloakan dagger, what a great name.
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and here she is. my beautiful wife madame triple x. i mean who. who is that. well we can tell she's french because of. she talks like that. everyone point and laugh at the french people. anyway madame xxx looks incredibly sexy and says "it's fine for me to read this message there's nobody around except for those three little boys digging in the sand" which is her first mistake because as we learn time and time again they're. well they're Like That. also when she thinks to herself she loses the accent which i did not pick up on initially because im silly
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he's just like me guys
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this made me shriek sorry dude just appeared
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i KNOW barks was giggling and kicking his feet when he wrote this
at which point huey throws a grown man off a bridge. huey kill count 1
and would you LOOK WHO'S BACK
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madame triple x are you free on thursday because i am free on thursday when i am free
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how long was this guy just sitting there
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"i'm just a girl lol"
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bro you are two inches tall
you see it's FUNNY because the FRENCH PEOPLE went on STRIKE
"sorry dude im on strike"
omg. see it's donald but you can tell he's spanish because he has black hair
next the triplets trap donaldo el quacko in the shower by holding him at Freezing Water Point. this wouldnt work on me because even though i have severe cold sensitivity ive been taking cold showers for three days [rv water heater broken]
after this we have a clever reference to El Materdor when donald gets ready to fight a bull.
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get his ass louie
i like to think Miss Georgia Cornpone has a southern accent. actually can we fancast dolly parton. because of beautiful women
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that was so beautiful. thanks for coming with me guys. this comic is so good everyone listen to the Carl Barks Remarks episode about it because it's funny and informative ok byeee
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xiyouyanyi · 4 months
@ryin-silverfish here, also known as "That person who talks a lot about FSYY and fox spirits".
This is my little LMK AU sideblog, which started off as a bunch of disjointed background notes for my fanfics, but developed into its own gigantic thing over time.
I've said elsewhere that, despite LMK (and many other JTTW adjacent works) lifting certain tidbits wholesale from FSYY——like Nezha's backstory or the Golden Dragon Shears, neither the show nor the fanworks really go into the implications of a FSYY/JTTW combined universe.
(For one, Zhao Gongming's three sisters, the Sanxiao, showing up to kick Jin and Yin's butts for stealing and breaking their treasure would be very satisfying, and also hella badass.)
Well, be the change you want, they said. 
So here it is: Journey of the Gods, aka "LMK, but FSYY is also canon and an extremely influential historical event".
Inspired by @digitaldoeslmk 's By the Book AU.
What even is FSYY?
"Ancient China's bloodiest bureaucracy recruitment program, kickstarted by a king who simped too hard for the creator goddess of humanity and the fox girl she sent to end his dynasty."
"I'll write my own God-Demon novel, with blackjacks and fox hookers and no Buddhist allegories!" ——Xu Zhonglin/Lu Xixing/Li Yunxiang
Okay, jokes aside: Investiture of the Gods(Fengshen Yanyi) is the other big "God-Demon Novel" of the Ming dynasty, written after JTTW. It's about the toppling of the Shang dynasty and its tyrannical King Zhou by King Wu of Zhou——but with more Daoism, immortals and demons helping out both sides, and ten billion magical formations and treasures. 
At the end of the story, almost everyone who died in battle were deified and became the 365 gods of the Celestial Bureaucracy, thus "Investiture of the Gods". 
Here is a link to the only full English translation of FSYY, by Gui Zhizhong.
Here is my overview of FSYY's grand overarching conflict, a.k.a. "Why are all the Daoist immortals fighting?" 
Compared to JTTW, it's a lot more formulaic and suffers from a massive character count inflation problem, but also extremely influential in Chinese folk religion, to the point of some modern temples, like Qingyang Palace, basically worshiping characters from the novel! Like, the western equivalent would be a church worshiping Dante and Beatrice from the Divine Comedy.
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(Similarly, it is to orthodox Daoism what the Divine Comedy is to medieval Christian theology, and should not be treated as actual religious scriptures.)
Okay, FSYY happened in the LMK universe. So What?
Well, first, it will really do wonders to fill up that eerily empty Celestial Realm we see in the Spider Queen special, and the Celestial Bureaucracy will no longer consist of a grand total of five people.
Secondly, it can solve some major show-not-tell problems and actually give legitimacy to the grievances of the LMK Brotherhood + Havoc in Heaven, as well as fleshing out the Celestial Realm.
Third, so many cool magical treasures.
Fourth, LBD gets an origin story, with a twist.
Fifth, I delight in quality angst and horror, and FSYY had some seriously messed-up stuff and implications.
Sixth, Celestial Bureaucracy office politics.
Seventh, Nezha kicking asses and winning fights like he should.
Eighth, crazy Xianxia shit, as you’d expect from the great-granddaddy of modern Xianxia genre.
Ninth, infodumps about Chinese mythos and history trivias.
Tenth, Underworld lore.
...As you can probably tell, this is mostly just me nerding out and writing walls of texts. I'm not a very good artist and can't do Lego style, but will probably doodle some symbol/character designs for funsies.
I also derive most of my enjoyment from writing fix-its and worldbuilding, not shipping characters. Like, I love exploring individual characters through relationships, but just ain't a fan of romance.
There will be a lot of OCs, but unless otherwise specified, all of them will be based on actual characters from FSYY and JTTW, with a few folk gods sprinkled in for funsies.
With that taken care of: good luck and happy reading!
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hot-take-tournament · 6 months
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Submission 644 & 746 (64.1% validated)
buggy isn't hot
he’s just not. look at him. yeah yeah he’s got tits and a detachable dick but he’s so cringe and fail. i would not fuck him personally.
buggy the clown is not fucking hot
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN. HAVE YOU LAID EYES ON HIM. i’m extremely homosexual for men and yet i have not even an inch of attraction to this little blue haired and pronouned bastard. yes he has three boyfriends but if you see me as one of them shoot me, that’s an evil clone, i would never willingly put my penis inside of buggothy theodore clownsworth.
Submission 515 (63.7% validated)
if you must ship Jesus with one of his disciples then at least ship him with John
look I'm a Christian (but like not the bad kind) and I don't personally ship Jesus with anyone cause that feels a bit too much rpf-y for me but I see people (jokingly, I assume, for the most part, but also this is the internet so I know some people are very serious about this) ship Jesus with either Judas or Peter and like....... tell me your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid without telling me that your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid. like yeah sure there's all these great stories about these guys that kids learn about! everyone who has some basic knowledge of the whole easter deal knows Judas and if you've learned any stories about Jesus with the disciples then you probably know about Peter. but like........ John is the guy. like go read the book of John if you don't believe me. like this is the guy who is canonically (fun reminder that the term "canon" originates from people discussing the Bible long long ago) "the disciple who Jesus loved." like Sufjan Stevens, king of "is he talking about his boyfriend or Jesus" refers to John & Jesus' relationships in his song "John My Beloved" which is hella gay and like it's all right there!!!!!! like this is so strange for me to be invested in because I'm not like someone who actively ships them but like if I wasn't religious and all I would be all over this and the fact that people keep being like "hehe Jesus and Judas~~~" when there's like no textual evidence for that!!! it's just people seeing the kiss of betrayal and liking some dramatic stuff!!! and the people who bring up Peter instead are the same!!! like you're just applying fanfic tropes to a dynamic and deciding that you like it instead of like looking at what's actually there in canon!!!!!!!! like at least do cool blasphemy or whatever I hate that I care about this. I hate that I wrote all of this. I have no dog in this fight. whoever wins I lose because I don't want to care about this in any way but I do and it's horrible and I just wish people would at least talk about the guy who when having to read his gospel like a year ago for something, I was left with the thought of "huh....... if I didn't know any better I'd say that there was something going on here"
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rookieclaire · 2 days
listen to 'this night has opened my eyes' by the smiths while reading!
adam's medical analysis from a teenager who has no idea what he's doing but has internet access >_<.
why does no one talk about adam's injuries after the bathroom trap?
obviously his shoulders messed up, yeah, but what else? well in this hypothetical we'll assume that instead of amanda coming to kill adam it's larry coming to save him. it's estimated that this was three(?) days after the bathroom trap. 
realistically he would be incredibly malnourished and would die from dehydration unless he drank the water from the bathtub/toilet (let's say he did in this au) which would cause him diseases such as sepsis, cholera, e. coli, the such. and if any one of you goes “well! he could have eaten zepp!” i’m not even entertaining that. obviously, sure, he could have, but for my own sake let's say he didn’t. sorry guys i’m not that committed
another reason i don’t think he would eat zepp is because he was barely alive when mandy killed him. his fight or flight kicked in and thats why he went so hard. this motherfucker got electrocuted several times after he was shot. he almost immediately gave up on moving unless necessary. 
his ankle would probably be rubbed raw and sprained. i couldn't find a lot of information about ankle shackling and what it does… so… i’m just guessing at this point. not to mention the fact they’re both barefoot? adam probably stepped on the glass he threw several times​​​. you can hear glass crunching under mandy’s boot in saw three. that's how loud it is.
he would probably need physical therapy. not as much for his leg as larry, but definitely some.
back to his shoulder: assuming he didnt die of shock. adam still has his overshirt from the beginning of the movie. he could have taken advice from lawrence and put that onto his shoulder and stopped his bleeding. but since he didn’t, let’s assume the best solution is losing mobility in his right shoulder/arm. 
adam’s immune system would also be incredibly shit after this. he’d probably be feverish, delusional, etc. when we saw mandy killing adam he looked like he was having delusions.
when adam is killed by mandy he starts coughing up blood (given this was after he hit his head) but we can also argue that this is another side effect? of what, you may be wondering. idfk some problems. maybe electrocution! 
again with the malnourishment i feel like it would be hard for him to eat after this because like.. he’d get sick a lot… i guess…
tldr: adam would be malnourished and unable to eat for a while, his ankle would be sprained and rubbed raw, defo has an infection, no immune system, little to no function in right arm, feet would also get very cut up.
now, his canon death. let's talk about it, shall we? he got his head bashed in and suffocated. the man threw up his own blood. three things that definitely cause death! i think this is the order it happened since no one can decide. concussion, throws up own blood, chokes on it, since he can’t breath to begin with, he dies from asphyxiation. if we follow matpat’s theory that he faked his death, we can argue back that even if he somehow survived that he would almost 100% die from his concussion or choking on his own sick. 
tldr: adam is dead :(
also adam wears combat boots. this isn’t important by any means. i just wanted to point it out. and his boxers look hella cool. They’re just polka dots but i like them lots.
anyways guys like and follow for a part two feel free to tell me to add things in reblogs/comments and i will share my opinion. Remember i am not a doctor i’m just a teenager with webmd and a dad who said it was pretty accurate! if ur shot go to the hospital trust. umm yeah:3
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 04/04/2024
Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume C
Ripped by Jiko Music (@jikomusic)
Requested by Memmy! (Discord)
Well, would you look at that: It's a rip request six months in the making!! I hope the wait will have been worth it, Memmy! And thank you endlessly for championing the blog so early on in its life <3.
Now - I recently spilled a lot of words regarding SiIvaGunner's fifth annual April Fools event back with Your Best Nightmario and Bowser's Finale, just four days ago. It is arguably one of the channel's all-time high points, an event that I still see discussed from time to time by random internet dwellers, even now three years later. And its clear to see why: akin to something like Mega Man Dropping January 7th‼️from earlier this year with Hella Pummel, Mario's "Death" on March 31st was an event that a huge part of the internet was already keenly aware of, one we'd all been anticipating, and one that SiIvaGunner in turn had a golden opportunity to leverage for an amazing channel event. From March 31st to April 3rd, we got to see Mario's existence as a figment be celebrated for one final day, then be entirely erased from the SiIvaGunner channel's reality at the day's end, only to then begin fighting tooth-and-nail in Your Best Nightmario for his memory to live on - a battle that, through our continued support as YouTube commenters, he was able to win in Bowser's Finale. A storybook journey, a clear beginning/middle/end structure, with a clearly-told message by the end of it all - Super Mario was back.
Yet, it still wouldn't be complete without that one last touch. Any book needs a back cover, any film its credits roll, any game a return to the title screen. Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess, then, was what truly closed the whole event out - and in typical SiIvaGunner fashion, did so in a deviously clever manner.
A lot of the appeal in this event as a whole, I feel, is just how easily understood the bit was at a moment's glance. Without even clicking on the videos, a viewer will notice Mario's gone, it's IMMEDIATELY apparent that something is wrong - and that likely drew a lot of eyes to the event that may have otherwise missed it. This shift in dynamics with how viewers engage with the SiIvaGunner channel is practically what this year's April Fools event, from just a few days ago, was entirely built on, yet there it was done in an incredibly tounge-and-cheek way. Because really, what it pretends to be doing almost goes against everything the channel is meant to be! The bait-and-switch, though not nearly as effective as it once was back in Season 1 with rips like Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl, IS core to what the SiIvaGunner channel is all about. It has always been a channel all about surprising you with something delightful, be that with surprise bangers like Beyond the Floating Isles, hilariously executed bits like ​THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG, or everything inbetween. There's a reason why I said that this year's event only *pretends* to be going against this - because the bit with this year's overly-explained, corny titles, is that the rips themselves still hold a secret bait-and-switch bit within them. Even when it appears to be quite literally explaining the joke, the channel hides further layers to rips just out of sight.
But what does all of that have to do with Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess? Well, what I'm trying to say isn't that the Season 5 April Fools day event betrayed the essence of SiIvaGunner or anything - rather, that by intentionally breaking its own rules for an entire day's worth of uploads, rules it had otherwise kept up for five whole years prior, it made this sudden subversion and the stakes of the event hit all the harder. That part may be rather obvious, sure, yet the brilliant thing here is that as a closer to the event, Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess employs the exact same trick in reverse order. Because after an entire day's worth of rips going against the grain, a storyline clear as crystal to follow no matter what rip you've landed on - the LAST thing anyone would've expected would be for it to close with something so seemingly low-key, standard-fare, outright NORMAL for the SiIvaGunner channel, as a single rip of Super Mario 64's Staff Roll theme. I'm sure many were expecting a grand fusion collab, some sort of CCC-esque lore video, a true mind-blowing celebration of the journey's end...and yet, to me, this return to normalcy is absolutely brilliant in so many ways, both as a subversion of those expectations, but on so many layers yet deeper. Yes, it marks the return to the SiIvaGunner status quo, it marks that Super Mario has finally been remembered - yet look beyond that, and you may just realize that Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess's one joke subtly hides layers of meaning, that almost recontexualize the entire event.
But, alright, let's get the ground rules set first - Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess is an absolutely lovely rip as is in isolation. Jiko Music is no stranger to the channel nor to the blog, having worked on several hidden-gem favorites of mine such as Trail on Powdery Snow Halation and YACKER TOILET - they very clearly know their way around a rip, and have a stellar track record over their seven years of activity. Super Mario 64's Staff Roll theme is a lovely piece of music already, one I covered a fair bit already with Staff Roll (SM64) Fusion, and Jiko Music absolutely leverages that quality to full effect here - its nostalgic percussion, melody, and instruments that sound so indescribably "Nintendo 64" push this arrangement to some truly excellent emotional heights. The original song's vocals are no longer here, akin to rips like Blessing the Dire, Dire Rains - yet through changing the lead melody's instrument from section to section, from verse to chorus, Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess is able to elegantly replicate how the original song's vocals would change per how many of its six vocalists were singing at any one time. It's a great rip!! ...but wait, what exactly IS the original song its arranging?
Alright, here we go - Fukashigi No Carte is the ending theme to the anime series "Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai", a story about many things, yet primarily about a mysterious girl suddenly made invisible to the world around her, dressed in the titular "bunny girl" costume. The immediate surface-level box to tick is, of course, that it's the ending theme to an anime, a credits roll to match the dramatic storyline of the event - but you may also start connecting some other dots, too, hm? Mai Sakurajima, the titular bunny girl, isn't merely made invisible to the world - she is FORGOTTEN by the public consciousness, her existence at all erased from all's mind, save for the series' protagonist who works to get the rest of the world to acknowledge her existence. Sakurajima's curse in the series is, effectively, that of a forgotten Figment - the fate that befell Mario in this very event, with us as the audience taking the role of the story's protagonist, together helping Mario win the fight against his fate by collectively remembering him.
That's a great reference all on its own, but there's another part left to discuss - the coolest part, I'd argue! Unlike comparable events such as Season 7's with ...of 2023, the Season 5 April Fools event spanned a total of five days - from the day Mario's execution was scheduled on the 31st, to April 1st itself when the event of his disappearance kicked into gear, a day-long break of April 2nd leaving his fate uncertain, the final push to resurrection on April 3rd, and the credits rolling on April 4th - which, during 2021 in particular, just so happened to be Easter. And do you notice anything in particular about this timeline of events? Executed on the 31st of March, brought back from the brink on April 3rd: Mario, just like Jesus Christ himself, AROSE ON THE THIRD DAY. Almost through sheer luck, the holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ fell *right* next to Mario's great story of returning from public execution - allowing the whole event to come to a close on the most perfect day imaginable. And aside from Jesus himself, what is THE thing that defines Easter as a holiday?
That's right - The Easter Bunny. Bunnies. Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
The way every single puzzle piece clicked into place for Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess to work is genuinely incredible and some of the coolest shit I've ever seen the channel pull off. Not only is the rip itself a beautiful listen, it nails the landing on every single imaginable front: Subverting the expectations of the entire event's premise by its return to the status quo of rips, connecting the very lore that the SiIvaGunner channel is built on to an anime series with a rather iconic and recognizable ending theme - and connecting the event's storyline to the very foundation of the Easter holiday, and one of the Bible's most well-known events. On the very last video of the event's runtime, Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess made SUPER FUCKING MARIO into a Jesus allegory within the SiIvaGunner channel - and if that's the case, does that make Grand Dad the holy spirit? Is SiIvaGunner ITSELF a loose allegory for Christianity?!
...Mamma Mia, this post got long. But I hope you've been able to understand why I have so many words to say on it - so many thoughts finally able to spill over in the three years I've spent ruminating on this incredible event. Mario's return itself after Bowser's Finale was already pitch-perfect, featuring a sudden reappearance of The Reboot from Season 1 (don't get me started, I'll be here all day) - but ending it all off with something so seemingly plain, yet hiding so many layers of beauty and connective tissue, as Mario Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Princess...it, to this day, blows me away how perfectly the pieces clicked into place.
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
[Someone like Erlang (all seeing eye) peaks in and is like "Whoa. That monkey came *out* of a tree of immortality. Thats new. Wonder if anyone else knows about this... Best not say anything and cause a fuss."]
God, this guys gonna get it for not telling anyone. Like, gonna need to ask Nuwa to make him a whole new body level of gonna get it.
Although, coming OUT of a Tree of Immortality is hell of an idea!
I've had thoughts of Rin-Rin coming out of a flower - but one of those really big ones, shaped like a rafflesiaceae, maybe even.
I've had thoughts she'd be a hippy like character - like the hippies in ATLA in the Cave of Two Lovers episode - playing her instrument and going with the flow with what life throws at her.
Though, I did think the Smash Legends version could be one of three things:
part of a ghost hunting crew ala Ghost Files with Rin-Rin being the Shane (but make her really short to give the idea that she's got raging chihuahua energy even when challenging demons to kill her)
a commentary channel ala PenguinZ0 who also makes big documentaries about big things ala SWOOP
anarchistic punk rocker who gets into fights and wields her guitar as a blunt weapon and uses music to do actual damage
[After all, losing someone you think will be there forever makes you think about what "forever" really means....]
*Looks at the various SWKs and LEMs* Well, their story does differ, so maybe hers can differ as well.
Although, the picture of a hippy, commentator or anarchist versions of Rin-Rin meeting up would be bizarre - like, they would be way more different than either SWKs or LEMs.
Would be hella sad times for the one that lost their Rin-Rin.
referencing the Rin Rin post here; and how she might be a supernatural monkey in her own right.
[I've had thoughts of Rin-Rin coming out of a flower - but one of those really big ones, shaped like a rafflesiaceae, maybe even.]
Oh gosh she's just born from it like Thumbelina. Some of the largest flowers like rafflesia actually grow on/parasitize trees! Maybe a unexpected result of a rafflesia attaching itself to a Tree of Immortality or Enlightenment (Bodhi tree) is a very confused little celestial monkey popping out of it.
Rin Rin in most of the universes is like the cabybara of the mystic monkeys. She likes everyone and wants them all to get along. Ends up joining the strangest of gangs depending on what verse.
Tumblr media
In TMKATI-au Rin Rin is like the monkey village's leader, and tries her best to keep any conflict from cropping up. Think of a monkey leslie Knopes (Parks & Rec). Actually a political rival for The Mayor by the time of the main series. She def takes over running Megapolis during and after S3. She's also the first person Wukong goes to for "boy advice" cus she's like his big sister with this stuff, and Marshal Ma is useless with anything regarding romance. Is like teh kids' older cool aunt.
I love the thought of her Smash counterpart being a commentary youtuber with a decent follow count, mostly cus she has a straight forward and unbiased opinion on whatever issue she tackles. But she does ghost-hunting on the side with Smash!SWK & LEM/Starfruit & Lilac, when they ask her. She gets along weirdly great with more punk-rock/rebelious types in the Smash Legends verse, despite looking like she crawled out of a 1960s flower power magazine.
I offer the idea of New Gods!Rin Rin being the hard anarchist punk of the variants. She's an older lady (same age as Ace and Joker) and she is Tired of late-stage capitallism in Donghai City. The NewGods monkeys agree that she's the scariest of them.
If the different Rin Rins ever met, it would be a little confusing since the biggest thing they share is their grey fur and some flower accessories.
And very sad for which SWK lost their Rin Rin :(
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ballplayersxo · 1 year
i need that anon to come back and give me a mlre detailed d report of kuz paolo and ben like SMUTTT i need to know
kuz: this was 2018. he was honestly so cool personality wise, always complimenting me and checking in. ik he was talking to hella girls in la though. dick wise was good. hes average size. hes not the best eater and only did it drunk lol. hes sooo good at fucking though. i see why all his exes keep tabs on him. you wouldnt assume so. so sensual and its always fun. he also lovessss pillow talking and wanted to discuss what i liked and didnt like and vice versa. i loved how he loved to make me cum. leos are so good in bed i swear. 
ben: … okay so disappointing. hes so hot i was so nervous to be around him initially. he was sooo clingy before we met but as soon as we started fucking became on and off. the dick. is. BIG. i was so shocked. but hes horrible in bed. refused to kiss saying he hates kissing and only kisses his girlfriends. refused to eat me out saying he never did it and never would and girls that want their pussy ate arent wife material and hes so disappointed so many woman expect it?! but wants his dick sucked everyday. deadass told me his future girl is expected to suck him every morning and night and on command… all that AND HE DOESNT LAST. hes nutted just off 20 seconds of head. You cant forget about fucking. imagine him lasting a minute being considered a long time. cant stroke either. only missionary bc seeing ass makes him nut before he can put it in. and he wants “rounds” aka nutting in 30 seconds, resting ten minutes then repeat. im getting mad typing ughh. cant believe it lasted a year… i was down bad. we had a huge fight.
paolo: a stallion. this man is BIG. All three are around the same height and ben is muscular too but paolo is HUGE. he also has such bde. i was nervous in his presence. i could tell he wanted to FUCK fuck. his eyes are mesmerizing, a honey brown. he has a gentle voice and touch and just makes you melttt. so sexual. he was telling me how he was gonna eat me and DELIVERED. A MUNCH!!!! ugh hes literally the best eater ive ever had. his dick is sooo big and girthy too and HEAVY. that bitch hurt to hold. he also fucks good. theres been times hes nutted quick or his rhythm was off but hes still a baby and was improving everytime. but he was also hot and cold. like hed ghost me after an amazing session then call me 50 times. hes also my most recent of the three and my fave of them. 
i have many thoughts. first with ben, there seems to be a clear difference in how he is with girlfriends vs flings. cause this is not the ben i’ve read about 😭 it’s not the ben that seems to have the girls going crazy like??? i’m so disappointed. but paolo??? yeah, i need it expeditiously. i’m seeing him in a new light y’all i can’t deny it anymore 💔 i always knew the body gave but now? yeah. yeah.
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
Favorite things I've manifested using the law.
Dating my sp There was a third party and "challenging" circumstances but I truly did not gaf. I persisted by saying that's my boo anytime I saw or thought of him, ofc seeing him all the time helped.
Desired apartment When I was moving with my mom, I fell in love with the first apartment we toured. I told her that's the one and despite her doubts and concerns, I didn't care. There was no way in hell I was going to live anywhere else. The application and move in process was extremely easy.
Desired jobs Pretty much every job I worked at, I manifested. Whether it was me simply imagining myself working there, "hearing" the call back that I was hired, or also "hearing" a family member saying they were proud of me.
$200 I felt like I had "blocks" in regards to money so I chose a small amount to manifest. Just claimed it and thought about what I was going to do with it. Came in less than three days. Randomly saw the amount around $300 added to my bank account from the government I think??
Desired friend Despite both of us being in two different cliques and having only a few classes together, I thought she looked so cool and just wanted to be friends with her lmao. I think I initiated conversations with her at first but then before I knew it, she was coming over to my house and we would hang out after school a lot. We are still close to this day.
Free drinks/food This is easy since I already had people always buying me free shit. So whenever I wanted to eat but didn’t want to pay, someone somehow always came through!
People's response/reactions These are usually instant because I'd immediately assume what they would say before they even get a chance to. I would simply imagine their response in a way that felt real and go from there.
Braces This one took me so long to manifest because I would not let it goooo! I wanted to fix my teeth so fucking badd. But after finally giving up and not caring about it anymore, randomly my parents just said they’ll pay for my braces.
Beauty I was hella insecure even though I always been told that I was beautiful. I didn't want to be beautiful tho, I wanted to be hot, cool, and sexy. I wanted to be desired and pull people left and right. I started to just tell myself that I was hot regardless of my insecurites. Now, while I didn't manifest any major appearance changes, just my mindset and confidence (maybe a lil makeup too) helped. I now can pull anyone and have people constantly staring at me, calling me hot, gorgeous, stunning, etc.
Desired School I was in my senior year and happened to tour a prestigous fashion school. Even though it was hella expensive and not everyone could get it in, I wanted to go to school there just for status lmao. I persisted and got accepted! Now, if only I could've manifested my parents to not force me to go to college...
Desired Sister I used to bitch and complain about how my sister is irresponsible, inconsiderate, and rude all the gotdamn time. But I learned EIYPO and I stopped. Whenever she pissed me off, I didn't react the way I usually would, I would leave it alone and maybe affirmed in my favor at times. Then her whole demeanor changed, she more kind, caring, and dependable and we don't fight anymore. She still be getting on my nerves sometimes tho.
My old friend to reach out This one was a doozy. So I was bored at 2am and watched a Youtube video about the 369 method. I decided to try it and chose a friend I haven't spoken to in a year because of a bad falling out. I kinda missed her so I used her for the method and went to bed right after. I get up a few hours later for work and I check my ig and she dm'ed me exactly what I wrote! I thought I was in a twilight zone, I couldn't believe I manifested it so fast!
My “perfect” partner I wrote a long ass list of things I wanted in a partner. But here's the thing, I admired my sister's relationship with her bf because they were so in love. So when I finaly met and started dating my bf, he checked off almost everything on my list AND the qualities of my sister's bf, the good... and the bad, which is why he's my ex now lmfao.
My dream car Way before it was time for me to get a car of my own, I always wanted a Jeep wrangler. Anytime I would see it on the road, I would claim it as my car, I would tell people it's my dream car, and I had it on my vision board. I even went to a dealership to test drive one, it was so fun! I also visualized myself driving it. When it was time to find one, I did get scared I wasn't going to find one I liked at a good price but I persisted and now I have one!
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clumsiestgiantess · 1 year
So I’ve had a cool idea for a new story but it’s hella long and would probably span like three books so I’ve only ever written short snippets for prompts and stuff.  With promptober/inktober & nanowrimo coming up, I thought maybe y’all should have a synopsis of the story.  This is just so I can share more of my writing and you’ll actually understand what it’s about.
The story opens in a fantasy world that’s sort of medieval, sort of rural town-ish.  There’s known magic and monsters and legends and gods that live somewhere too high up to see, like a version of Mount Olympus.  The main character is your typical hero’s journey type hero.  He’s prophesied to become a great warrior after finding a powerful sword and goes out on a quest to save his village from a famine.  His sister doesn’t believe in magic and thinks it’s a wild goose chase.  She begs him not to go because he’ll probably die trying, but pressure by the rest of the village convinces him to leave.  There’s a legend of forest spirits who have magic that can help them; our hero must slay one and gain the core of its power.  The village elders can then use the core to get rid of what’s causing the blight.
After the typical heroic quest fighting monsters and such, he comes across the forest spirit’s rumored home.  It’s creepy and derelict, overgrown with strange plants.  The hero, while exploring the place, finds a living resident hiding in a collapsed house.  A fairy.  (fairies in this universe are small, but not crazily small.  Our hero is minigiant height compared to her)  She’s an eerie sight to be sure, with bug-like features and multiple limbs, but boy is she scared.  She knows the rumors about their kind — knows our hero is there to kill her.  She would fly away, but they're inside and he’s blocking the door. 
Thankfully, the hero realizes she’s no creepy monster, and can’t bring himself to kill her.  However, there’s a reason the fairy’s village is so decrepit.  Her kind had been infected with a plague of parasitic mushrooms like the ones that infect ants.  The mushrooms use the fairies’ cores like magic fertilizer.  Just like how the irl mushrooms use ants to carry their growths to a good spot then plant themselves there through the ant’s body, these mushrooms are using the fairies to bring them cores to continue growing itself, like a mind-controlled cult offering.  The hero (being the hero he is) uses his powerful sword to kill the giant hivemind mushroom, freeing everyone under its control.  
Of course, the fairies are thankful, but they still can’t offer him their power (because it’s in them.  They would legitimately have to die and tear the core from their chest.)  Our hero’s new fairy friend (& potential love interest) offers to come with him herself and use her magic to help the village.  Both he and her kind simultaneously tell her no.  People would kill her the moment she stepped into the village.  (That’s also the reason she and everyone else couldn’t go for help when the mushroom took over)  However, the village comes together to pool their magic and form a talisman of sorts that will keep plants from dying.  After a heartfelt goodbye, he leaves the fairies’ village and returns home with the promise to come back and visit.
His own village celebrates his return and everything is better than ever!  His sister is glad to have him back safe, but she’s really surprised by the magic.  There are good reasons she didn’t believe in it.  She’d been doing research while he was away.. she doesn’t believe the gods are, well, gods.  (Of course they are!  We’ve seen them!  They wander by once and a while!)  But things don’t add up.  It’s…  almost like the gods don’t know they exist.  They’re giant behemoths.  They walk right by looking right out over everything.  She’s done every blasphemous thing she can think of in secret; they’re supposed to come drag her off and smite her, but nothing’s happened.  Everyone prays for rain from them and expects it to come, but she can tell by patterns in the weather that it’s not going to happen.  She knows it’s a bunch of bullshit.  Our hero tells her to just keep it to herself, fearing she’ll be exiled for her beliefs, or worse, hung.  He doesn’t believe her.  She says she can prove it.
(That’s part one) Part two is in the sister’s perspective, happening at the same time as the first part.
After doing the things mentioned above (her trying to see if the gods even know about them), she decides to run off and find out where exactly the gods live.  She blames her leaving on trying to find her brother so the village doesn’t get suspicious.  After weeks of wandering, her supplies have almost run out and she’s lost.  Following the gigantic gods is so hard when they move with such large steps.  She’s beginning to fear the worst for herself when a goddess happens to stop nearby.  They’re searching for something in the grass.  She sneaks over to investigate and finds the goddess is capturing monsters with her bare hands, collecting them like little trinkets.  She’s so fascinated by how harmless the monsters appear to the goddess that she doesn’t realize she’s been spotted.  Next thing she knows, she’s captured just like the monsters.
As the world of the gods is more fully fleshed out to the reader, its revealed that the gods’ realm that’s too high and far for the people of the village to see is actually a house.  The entire fantasy world was nothing but the field in the back between it and the woods.  The ‘monsters’ are just more gruesome depictions of small animals and bugs.  The fairies.. yeah no the fairies are still real.  
The ‘goddess’ is actually just a woman who works on the farm where the ‘fantasy world’ is located.  She’d been collecting some new bugs for her pinboard collection with a bit of free time and unknowingly took our tiny main character too.  She’s suffocating the bugs one by one, attaching them to new spots on the board absentmindedly.  Meanwhile, our main character is scared to death because she’s going to be suffocated and impaled.  
Thankfully, the human realizes she’s not a bug and studies her with fascination.  At barely two centimeters tall, she can’t understand our mc, and the human’s voice had been so loud and dragged out over the outdoor space that everyone believed the gods spoke in their own language.  Through a long process of fear and angst, the two figure out how to communicate, and realize they aren’t that different.  Both bond over the fact that our mc was right!  She’s very intrigued by all the strange human technology.  She wants to go back and tell the village the truth, but realizes she can’t.  That would tear apart their entire religion and way of life!  And that’s if they believed her.  If they didn’t, they’d surely punish her with some sort of gruesome death sentence.
After staying with and befriending the human, she returns to the village because she’s been homesick.  Living with everything at such a massive scale can be stressful and tiring.  Plus, she wants to at least see her brother if he makes it back.  The human offers to bring her close (but not too close) to the village and they make plans on how to contact eachother again.  They’ll go on all sorts of small adventures together, searching for her brother and just getting to know and trust one another. When her brother does return, she tells him her theories, he doesn’t believe her, she says she can prove it, and the whole thing ties back together.
(part 3, the fanale)
Back to the ‘present’, our hero curiously follows his sister out on a little adventure, and when they get to the meeting spot, she sets up the message for the human to find.  A storm blows in while they wait for a reply and our hero and his sister get separated by rain. Just as he finds his way back to her, he sees she’s being taken away by the human.  The human is really just getting her out of harm’s way, unable to hear that she brought her brother along with the noise of the storm.  All our hero sees is his sister yelling at a goddess who — as per the stories of those who blasphemy the gods — is being dragged off to nowhere to die.
Our hero immediately seeks help from his fairy friend, the only one who might be powerful enough to bargain with a goddess.  When he tries to tell her about it, she just looks at him confused.  (What gods? / The giant ones that look like me but massive!  Haven’t you seen them before? / You mean the humans? / The what?)  Fairies know about humans, and know that they’re unpredictably dangerous.  Both mc and fairy are convinced that his sister’s in major trouble and come up with a plan to get her back.  Meanwhile, said sister has told the human about the mix up, and they go back to look for her brother but obviously he’s gone.
The two are soon confronted by a rescue party of one concerned brother and fairy duo.  The fairy threatens the human with magic, but soon everyone is confused by the sister herself defending the human.  Human’s confused because that’s a real actual magic fairy.  Fairy’s confused because the human has somehow been tamed.  Our hero’s confused because he thought his sister had been kidnapped.  His sister’s confused because why does her brother know a forest spirit?  (He’d kept that a secret for the fairies’ sake) 
After a long explanation from all sides, everyone calms down and hangs out at the human’s house, staying the day because that day was exhausting and no one really wants to go back home.  When they do, they come up with a plan: they’ll let the village know that the world isn’t as scary as it seemed.  The spirits in the woods are actually really friendly, and the towering gods are just them but bigger, no ethereal powers whatsoever.
They do try to get everyone to communicate, and things go pretty well.  It takes people some time to understand, but utopia is beginning to form as everyone shares technology and achievements.  The smaller people (They’re what’s called a cight, tiny humans that can see and predict the future to an extent) are far more inventive and ahead of the fairies’ time (though the fairies do have magic), and the human’s technology is ahead of both, though they could also learn quite a lot from the other civilizations.  
Things are going well until the brother/sister duo gets kidnapped.  It’s the original village elders who’d mysteriously disappeared before anyone could question them on why their ‘knowledge’ was wrong.  The truth is: they knew all along, and have reasons for keeping everyone apart.
Before their village was established, before they even knew humans existed, their kind forsaw the ‘end of the world’.  It would be caused by an event just like this, where all three beings would try to come together in peace.  In those old times, no one had even seen another being that looked different to them, but as humans expanded and territories moved closer together, they began to see eachother so the elder lineage decided to do something to stop the coming together of all beings.  They created the belief that fairies would use their magic to overtake them, and turned them into monsters to be slain for a reward.  They turned humans into uncaring sacrifice-demanding gods as an excuse to get rid of people who might find out the truth.
The elders of this day forsaw our hero’s sister finding out the truth about humans, but also saw that she wouldn’t reveal the truth unless she had her brother around to confide in.  Therefore, they made up the prophecy that he was meant to be a hero and sent him away on some silly quest to a place they thought he would never return from — the fairies’ village.  (Before the mushroom takeover, if someone found a fairy the collective would imprison them in their village to stop people from revealing where they live.  They’ve done this with both humans and cights. The elders knew where it was because they have foresight)  However, once our hero returned there wasn't enough time to prevent him from coming across the human.
Now in every single future they see, the humans eventually wipe everyone out.  The siblings argue that the human wouldn’t tell anyone, but it doesn’t matter according to the elders.  Apparently, either the others who know the human get suspicious of them and find the village, or the next humans who live there sell the farmland and everything gets plowed under to build more houses.  There are other less likely scenarios, but many of them end with someone getting too curious for their own good and accidentally trying to befriend a horrible human. It might not happen this generation, or the next, or the next, but the two siblings have sealed their fate by revealing the truth.  Inevitably their kind will go extinct by the human race.  Shortly followed by the fairies.
The story will end on a hopeful note after defeating/escaping the elders.  Everyone lives at peace and the human does their best to keep everything secret, only keeping the knowledge within the family line of trusted successors.  Though I guess I’d leave it up to the reader whether or not the ‘end of the world’ comes to pass or was avoided by everyone working together.
Thats it, that’s the thing. I told you it would be too long to write.
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jehans-flower-pot · 9 months
I live in St. Louis and I know for a fact that you do not. Therefore, this ask is going to you, so that I don't dox myself.
OK, as someone who lives in STL, the scene in Percy Jackson where the trio are taking refuge at the Arch, I don't think people understand how important it is that there is an Athenian Temple at the Gateway Arch.
St. Louis is one of the most dangerous places in America, and especially for three minors to be alone 'causing trouble', anything could have happened. When I was a kid, I was never even allowed to use public transport, for fear I would get mugged or kidnapped.
But somehow, the Arch is one of the safest monuments there are. Hardly any crime happens there.
So the Arch is super safe, but being inside the Arch sucks. It is a LOT smaller than it seems, especially in the show, so if you have claustrophobia, don't go into the Arch. The ride up is super ominous, even when you're not being chased by a monster, and it looks super cool and state of the art, but it feels very rickety. Once you're at the top, it feels hella liminal. All this to say, fantastic setting for a big spooky fight.
Ahh, the Muddy Mississippi. That nickname comes from the dark brown, murky color of the Mississippi River. It is, in short, atrocious. Filthy filthy filthy. I wouldn't touch that water with a 12 foot pole. So the fact that this child can OPEN his EYES underwater means that he definitely has powers. Also, that poor naiad, I feel bad that she has to live in that shit soup. So Percy can NOT ONLY open his eyes and breathe underwater, but he can do it in the icky sticky Muddy Mississippi.
Love, Arch Anon
Anon i am obsessed w this and you thank you <3
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wisteriainslumber · 10 months
leoidevil friendship headcanons
two posts so soon?? no wayyy everyone seems to love their dynamic in penned in ink (deserved, i love them) so i decided to give you some fun, general hcs about the mean girls of all
warnings: swearing? i think thats it. wow, go me
they share a steady HBIC rotation
they respect each other so much but it will never look like it (bc seven forbid they show love and compassion and care in clown school, right?)
insults in this group = love. the more unhinged, the more it means they care for each other
aka if you try to break them up bc they look like they're going to throw hands they'll flip the narrative as if you are the crazy one for thinking they're genuinely fighting
do you see why these three are always split up in events now?
leovil are constantly using honey, dear, and sweetie in their arguments (derogatory)
once, when particularly annoyed, idia called them mom and dad bc 1. they remind him of his parents and 2. he hoped it would be weird enough to change the topic but no, leovil are running with it
there's made up lore about how idia was adopted. the story changes every time. so far, idias been a double orphan, picked up at a dumpster, cloned, picked up from the lost and found, and at some point he was biologically related to that fire lizard from frozen 2
leona regularly gifts idia super expensive jewelry. he receives a bunch of them and believes idia would have something better to do with them than he can (idia uses them for cosplay and hands some off to ortho because he likes the way it shines)
and the gifts progressively get very specific to idias interests but the chances of the court giving the second prince a custom headset (conveniently aligned with idias interests) seems relatively low
vil vehemently refuses the charity but will not say no to exclusive afterglow savanna garments (she wants to feel special and leona isn't thaaat opposed to it)
whenever someone offhandedly mentions that they got their eyes on something, its a race to see who can get it first
and bc vil is a sentimental one, his room is FILLED with trinkets and photos of his outings
leovil is always caught up on idias current obsessions, with leona knowing the key plot points and vil only knowing the names and faces
idia would not stfu abt this con and leovil didn't have time to pretend like it was annoying bc they do NOT KNOW who to go as (presumably idia just wanted to talk or maybe get one of them to go to the con for him but the girls were not having that)
like these two binged Idia's 'show of the month' and were having so much trouble figuring out who his favourite characters were, but ultimately settled for the main character and her friends
idia LOVEDD the surprise even though he has like, no clue who tf they were cosplaying (turns out leovil remembered the title completely wrong)
leovil were hella committed to keeping up their character while idia was too busy running around like an excited puppy
vil always carried around a bunch of tampons for his classmates but has a seperate pouch for leona & idia (bc they have nice patterned packaging. that's it)
leona's homescreen is a photo of them wearing mouse-ear shades. they all look so cool (leona has not revealed the lockscreen to anyone)
vil always lends his products to his friends because besties share everything (he even has specific formulas he's custom made for them! vil's never ever EVER gonna give them away tho bc then he wont have an excuse for an impromptu skincare session LMAOO)
leona's the designated everything holder bc idias backpack is always filled with random junk and his posture is terrible and he's the only one who can apparently 'treat vil's purse with respect' (he complains about it though)
even if they weren't important, i feel like if they got group kidnapped, they'd bully the kidnapper so hard that they'd be let go unharmed and the kidnapper would be in tears
leona has ALLLL the tea and it takes a swipe from idia to verify the facts. with rumours, vil can pinpoint exactly who is being talked about, down the the dorm, year, and class number
idia sits in between the custody battle for epel and jack DAILY. but the silly thing is whenever idia chimes in with a perfectly reasonable idea (like say, flip a coin), leovil suddenly get along again just to say it's a dumb idea (its not)
idia and leona have sibling solidarity and bc vil is an only child they exercise their sibling rights just to tell vil complete lies (aka, anything vil does, like sneezing, will receive a comment like 'if you sneeze more than 4 times a day, it means you're awakening a ghost')
and they're committed to the bit. idia will absolutely forge research articles and leona will claim his fifth-cousin-twice-removed had mysteriously gone missing because of it
when vil's feeling down they do not gas the queen up (she already knows it, hun). they let vil raid their closets to pick out their outfits for a photoshoot
when vil's not in the mood for THAT then its a code red. leoide will dress themselves up so good that vil feels underdressed so now he HASSS to go on their impromptu outing. peer pressure wins again
the gossip sessions over shaved ice or any kind of dessert go CRAZY in this trio, like they're so loud bc the tea is outrageous and you want to be mad but at the same time, go on, i gotta hear more
idias ideal hangout is a self-care day. they'll all wear facemasks and idia will do everyone's nails and they all gossip
sometimes idia will come up with a theory, like that sam is from another world, and vil will say it's bogus but ends up feeding more evidence for the theory
once vil beat idia in a video game (that idia was a pro at, mind you) on the first try and idia declared their friendship over
vil and idia are video game buddies but not past the AMs bc vil has a bed time (leona's still salty about the cats & videogames comparison so he only watches)
vil and idia fight over custody of ortho all the time but leona just uses the distraction to get ortho to leak all the juicy secrets
other than that vil and ortho are doing evil potion making aka finding creative ways go sneak veggies in leoides food
the trio never have any real drama so they always end up 'fighting' each other over the stupidest shit. like the way they tie their shoes, the typo they just made, or how loud they breathe
whenever one of them is seriously down, it's always a bad-cop/good-cop situation bc getting too serious makes these emotionally stunted losers feel icky
they do talk about their feelings though, but it never turns into a pity party
idia LOOOVES being dramatic tho and will set the stage for his sob story only for it to be that the cashier didn't wish him a good day
vil will use idia's lingo for the shock factor and pretends it never happened after and leona will pretend like he didn't like that his time got wasted but will reassure him. and by reassure i mean he stands w idia in line and says 'have a good day' to the cashiers so they'll say 'you too'
and no idc what u say, idia will chat shit about everyones crushes but will do one of two things: A. be besties w them if his friends end up dating and B. have a crush on the BAREEE MINIMUM
okay i joke a lot but leoidevil all keep each other in check and strive to uplift & become the best version of themselves
its three different flavours of self-hatred all communicating with each other
and they will still preach self-love (leona bc he thinks they deserve better, idia bc he gave up but that doesnt mean his loved ones have to, and vil bc he believes you will never be at a satisfactory point in ur life if you dont make amends with yourself)
btw they have a very elaborate plan to go to therapy together and a back up plan if they happen to end up at the ward instead
friendship bracelets but its the admission wrist bands
all in all, the whole school is afraid of this power trio but they're just super weird together
12/10 leovil still have pictures of idia's phantom bride wedding day
if there's other groupings or ships you want me to do hcs for, send me an ask! i love exploring character dynamics smmm this will definitely be a new series of mine
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stretchyyonko · 10 months
I just started one piece last month and I'm currently STILL ON ENNIES LOBBY...since I'm busy on school works and etc.
And here I am reacting to one piece Men I have been spoiled nor encountered in spoilers and mostly Tiktok and twitter. ( Part 01 )
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- THIS BISH RIGHT HERE REALLY MADE ME WATCH ONE PIECE AND SIMP FOR HIM LIKE HOW BOA AND BARTOLOMEO DO IT😭 like bro how can you not...(except the pre-timeskip 'cause I don't the FBI banging up at my door)
- Plus the way he never kills his enemies and him being dense asf funny to me, not to mention him having ADHD IS WAY TO FUCKING ACCURATE...
- AND HE'S TOO FUCKING INNOCENT ASF SKRKGKSNSNAAAAAAAA I just wanna keep him in my pocket and watch him smile at me like how he do 24/7
- Would 100% marry him (don't worry I'll fix him to go bath everyday even if I got to fight him using gear 5 nor fighting his simps and ships)
- I also love how he don't kill his enemies and just downgrade them like how what he did to bellamy.
2nd the cook and the swordsman
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- Man...this two..well...I would not wamt to meddle into their banters like an old married couple...
- To be honest I kinda like the pre time skip sanji but he grew up more fine after 2 years, plus I understand why he got unbearable during fishman island arc since he got isolate to an island full of homosexual people and even got into one LMAO but he slayed those heels and dress tho...
- As same as his captain THIS FUCKING SWORDSMAN ONLY BATHES ONCE A WEEK...SKRKGODJAJRJFJ I CAN'T WITH THE TWO OF THEM 😭. Also don't get me wrong..but I kinda find zoro more cool than simp cause I don't know what's wrong to my brain that I can't find him attractive...yet the way he handles women as equal to him is good to me...I find him funny and cool asf yet I find his captain attractive asf HOW 😭?!
- And the fact that I knew then as a ship first and their fanarts are just insanely good too 😭.
3rd Ace and Sabo
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- To be honest the ever 1st one piece episode I had watch on TV when I was on 5th grade was the Amazon Lily episode where Boa simped for luffy and I got intrigued watching it because I kinda thought luffy would accept boa's confession LMAO, and by 6th grade I again catched a glimpse of Ace's death on marineford arc and I was confused at first why he got killed not until today wjen I saw some spoilers (By the way Those episode that I watch is a tagalog dub from a TV Channel in our country) So that's why back in the years that I still haven't watch one piece all I knew was Ace's Death and Boa having a crush on luffy.
- It's funny I learnt sabo from my friend who reads One piece manga where she was ranting to me about sabo and there I got curious and ask her what happened, and there she explained to me that Luffy has another brother which I got surprised cause all I know back then was Ace and there she was crying how handsome sabo was and was also crying because of luffy meeting sabo again. Back then I always thought that these three is brothers by blood and not by alcohol 😭.
- To be honest Ace's visuals back then was hella majestic but funny at the same time but after the re-animation he got babygirly-fied LIKE BRO HIS ANIMATION ON THAT SCENE IN WANO HIS TIDDIES GOT BIG ASF HELL IT BIGGER THAN MINE.
- Sabo on the other hand well I saw him in the movie Film Gold and Stampede First and also I took a little research about The Revolutionary army BUT WHAT CAUGHT MY EYE WAS KOALA...SHE'S SO CUTE AND GORG MAN...HELL I WOULD FIGH–ehem anyways back to sabo, yeah he's intelligence and strength got me shook cause how can he divide those fingers like that sjrkgks I wanna learn their karate too 😭.
4th Law and Kid
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- Well knowing the social media the wano episodes are all over my tiktok fyo page and these two caught my eye since they are always beside luffy in wano.
- Except for Law I knew him on that edit of kamiya hiroshi's voice characters and yes I quickly went to the comment section to know his name.
- I got exposed to knowing him when my friend who stopped watching one piece told me that he often got shipped with luffy and boi after I typed the "LawLu DJ" there I got bombarded with some of their popular comic strips and fanarts that is sometimes questionable and sometimes sweet and fluffy and sweet and some others are traumatizing LMAO SPECIALLY THAT ONE WHERE HE USED HIS DEVIL FRUIT TO CUT HIM AND F HIM 😭. Plus the fact he kinda resemble my boyfriend that's why I found his visual quite appealing...EVEN THE HUMOR AND BRAIN IS ACCURATE LIKE ITS SCARY ASF 😭.
- To kid I kinda find him resemble to bakugo LMAO I DON'T EVEN WATCH MHA YET yet I find him cute and quite funny too.
- Not to mention the manga chapter 1063 and 1079 💀 got me thinking dark humor about then LMAO HELP.
End of Part 1 💗
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themculibrary · 4 months
Bucky/T'Challa Masterlist
A Little Help From Your Friends (ao3) - thefatedthoughtofyou T, 2k
Summary: Bucky and T'Challa are in love. They just don't see it. Lucky for them, everyone else does. Sometimes you just need a little help from your friends.
Black Panthers and White Wolves (ao3) - Gothic_Lolita T, 1k
Summary: T'Challa decides to visit James after regaining his throne.
A Secret Only We Share (ao3) - Marv_aka_Kitten_Writes E, 82k
Summary: Bucky Barnes has been a lot of things: soldier, prisoner, assassin, victim. One thing he never expected to be is T'Challa's Omega. Wakanda is a different place though. There are courtship rituals that must be followed before he can be bonded to his Alpha. But despite the strangeness of it all, he's happier than he's ever been.
glass windows, steel blues (ao3) - fangedangel (clockworkqueen) bucky/t'challa, bucky/alexander N/R, 9k
Summary: T'Challa is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Bucky is his new assistant.
I Dig You The Most (ao3) - adeepoceanofsecrets bucky/t'challa, steve/sharon G, 4k
Summary: Sharon froze as she peered up at Steve with a leveled gaze as she flatly asked, “You want to give T’Challa – a king, trillionaire, and panther god incarnate all wrapped up in one – the shovel talk?”
A beat of silence passed.
“Well,” Steve muttered self-consciously, “When you say it like that, it sounds stupid.”
Sharon rolled her eyes, “Steve, it sounded stupid from the get-go.”
i fight the world, i fight you, i fight myself (ao3) - agent_carter T, 7k
Summary: One, two, three months go by, and then they wake him up.
it takes an ocean not to break (ao3) - napricot E, 39k
Summary: “Yet you haven’t sought any vengeance against HYDRA.”
Bucky laughed, incredulous and sad. “No. No, I—” he paused, worrying at his lower lip with his teeth. “If I ran into anyone trying to take me in again, I—I handled it. And I hit a few old HYDRA bases, took ‘em out so they couldn’t use them. But—no. Revenge?” He shook his head. “It’s too big. If I’d let it, it would have taken up all the room inside of me, and there wouldn’t be anything left of me. I had to let it go.”
T'Challa and Bucky get to know each other, and T'Challa learns how to let it go.
I Would Walk 500 Miles (ao3) - adeepoceanofsecrets G, 13k
Summary: In a few hours T’Challa would be home. They’d eat, shower, and maybe have some fun…
Everything would be perfect. He just knew it.
Of course. Just the thought was enough for the universe to remind him of his place and punch him in the dick like the bitch she was.
Keep You Warm (ao3) - SoBeBold E, 3k
Summary: Bucky comes out of cryo. Both he and T’Challa are dealing with some major league issues. Being the warriors they are, they tend to keep it all bottled inside…but who said spooning was off limits?
The five times T'Chucky cuddled platonically and the one time there was nothing platonic about it.
Legendary (ao3) - crystalblinks (orphan_account) T, 2k
Summary: It had all the main elements of a legendary T’Challa/Bucky fight
No Time to Dwell (ao3) - MeganMoonlight T, 1k
Summary: James has trouble sleeping. After he goes to the garden, T'Challa finds him.
Somebody That I Used To Know (ao3) - Marv_aka_Kitten_Writes clint/laura, bucky/t'challa G, 10k
Summary: Nate Barton is snapped back into existence, meets the Black Panther and gets rescued by the Winter Soldier. It's not the worst way to make new friends.
Sweet Coffee and Cheek Kisses (ao3) - thefatedthoughtofyou G, 2k
Summary: Prompt: T'chucky coffee shop au where t'challa is the hella cool barista and bucky is a messy college student
The Conscience of the King (ao3) - onvavoir M, 56k
Summary: Eight months after Siberia, Wakandan scientists have put the finishing touches on a counterconditioning regimen for Bucky-- not to mention a new arm. With Steve and Sam in Sicily on a mission, Bucky and T'Challa get the opportunity to get to know each other.
T'Challa copes with the diplomatic challenges of harboring international fugitives, and Bucky starts to recover from being a living weapon. Both of them realise that their new relationship is becoming something they didn't expect.
Twilight on the Sea (ao3) - RedLlamas G, 3k
Summary: Bucky wakes up in the land of Wakanda and learns its many ways.
When The Dawn Comes, Tonight Will Be A Memory Too (ao3) - awakencordy M, 10k
Summary: “He is awake, Your Highness. He is aware of his surroundings and has reacted positively to basic questions. He knows his name, he remembers the facility and he didn’t react when he learned that only a month has been passed.”
Watching through the glass, T’Challa nodded his thanks and moved to open the door.
“Would you like a bodyguard, Your Highness?”
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