#but then again. when I imagine just lying on the ground somewhere in the forest staring at the wavering treetops BUT AS A BOY —
raubtierfuetterung · 4 months
I hate being a girl
#not because I dislike women (quite the opposite 😄😊)#maybe I really just hate the treatment of women. products or artwork. both is 👎#maybe it’s just this. because apart from stereotypes and medical issues it’s all irrelevant what one’s sex is#but then again. when I imagine just lying on the ground somewhere in the forest staring at the wavering treetops BUT AS A BOY —#it somehow feels right to me. like it should be.#I want to be a wizard. with dangling safety pin earrings. pointed shoes. magenta robe. crooked teeth. glass marble eyes (like Howell)#maybe that’s the issue. maybe I just hate the way the image of Witch is sold on the capitalist market.#and I want NONE of the weird materialistic European neo paganism and the esoteric connotations.#I’m a serious wizard. no one else needs to take me seriously. But I myself want to be definitely sure me The Wizard as a force of nature#being a force of nature is the only form of (magical) power and freedom. (e.g. the sun is more magical powerful and unrestrained…#… than a pathetic magical trick with an electric lamp. we shouldn’t be a force on nature but a force of nature. inside nature#But instead of taking up our niche in the natural world we humans just TRAMPLED ON EVERYTHING and we trample everything to death out of …#…ignorance and strange delusions such as possession and wealth. If a land is wealthy all people are wealthy and well nourished. But no.#We now have rich lands were some singular people (number of whom roughly equates to the members of maybe a stone age tribe) are rich…#….and most people are poor. in a rich land. 🤯#and we call ourselves smart. this is simply ridiculous
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n1ght0wl-0 · 27 days
Klaus Hargreeves x Dave Katz
Relationships: Klaus Hargreeves x Dave Katz
Notes: It's bittersweet. I apologize for nothing
Summary: Klaus and Dave talk about a future where they might get accepted for who they are.
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The ground is muddy and wet, but Klaus doesn't care as he sits down in front of a tree. It's the middle of the night—one of the few times he has to himself.
In the heart of the forest, away from the relentless noise of the 21st century, there's a strange sense of peace. That is, when he manages to block out the war raging all around him.
Maybe he should have left a long time ago. But when he thinks of Dave, he can't. When he remembers his smile, his eyes—his big hands cupping his face or gripping his hips in the secrecy of the night...
No matter how much he misses Ben, Dave occupies his every thought, his whole heart. The idea of living without him seems like the hardest thing he could ever face.
And he won't. He will never live without him again, not if he has a choice. Even though this time isn't kind to him. A place that isn't kind to anyone—yet the ghosts surrounding him scream that he has it worse.
Probably a selfish thought. Still, he always has that nightmare of Dave becoming one of them—screaming at him, tearing at his clothes. It makes him want to cry.
"What are you doing here, all alone?" A voice murmurs quietly, a whisper in the dark night. A whisper he'd recognize anywhere. The deep, low tone, the gentle tilt when it's directed at him.
"Mhm, just enjoying nature," Klaus replies just as softly, turning his head to look at Dave. The man smiles at him, his hair sleep-tousled, his eyes tired. He's just as handsome as ever.
"You? Enjoying nature?" Dave asks incredulously, moving to sit down beside him. He winces at the cold mud, and Klaus grins. "You could be lying in the tent. Instead, you sit in the cold mud we have to crawl through tomorrow anyway?"
Klaus shrugs, looking up at the sky. Leaning back against the tree, he closes his eyes for a moment. They ache, and his stomach knots at the thought of tomorrow. They’re lucky—they’re still alive.
So many others didn't make it out alive. But being lucky now doesn't guarantee luck for the rest of the war. If that nightmare ever becomes reality...
He can't go back to a life without Dave.
"What if I told you I know a way out of this?" Klaus croaks suddenly, turning to look at Dave. His lips tremble, and he forces them still. "A way into a time where we could be... us."
Dave looks at him, his eyes so soft that Klaus never wants him to look away again. Their hands meet in the middle, and they grasp each other tightly, making Dave chuckle quietly.
"That... Klaus, that's impossible," he murmurs. "If there were a place like that, I would go. But no one accepts people like... like us."
Klaus wants to tell him. He desperately wants to tell him about the future, a place where they can be together and live openly.
But he keeps his mouth shut. He can't risk losing Dave over this. He can't bear the thought of Dave thinking he's crazy.
"They will, someday," Klaus says instead, and Dave gently squeezes his hand. "They will accept us."
Dave doesn't look convinced, but he leans over to press a kiss to Klaus's head. Klaus smiles and leans into his embrace.
"It's a nice thought," Dave mumbles. "You always say things like that, as if you're sure about the future."
Klaus laughs weakly, shrugging. He leans into Dave's side, and an arm wraps around him. It's warm and safe. Dave smells like sweat, mud, and maybe even a hint of blood. Klaus buries his nose in the man's neck.
"Maybe I just know."
Dave rolls his eyes fondly, looking down at his partner.
"Can you see the future?" he teases gently and Klaus grins weakly. They're both quiet for a moment.
Klaus just enjoys Dave's arms, imagining to be somewhere else. Somewhere safe and warm.
"Promise you'll always stay with me?" Klaus whispers, looking up at Dave with pleading eyes. His heart clenches, and he grabs Dave's big hand even tighter.
"I promise," Dave whispers back. "I'll always be by your side."
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hootnhoney · 1 year
*holds patton up like a cat*
See this? This right here? Think it’s cute? Very sweet right?
Bunny Clouds
Word count: 1407
Warnings: Blood, Hurt No Comfort, Major Character Death
Patton thought he could hear his name. He couldn’t tell very well, because it sounded like it was underwater. Was he underwater? He could see a lot of blue.
No that's not right, he wouldn’t be able to see clouds if he was underwater. One of them looked kind of like a bunny. Thomas should get a pet bunny. They’re so cute and fluffy! He could even get a white one and name it cloud.
Someone was calling him?
He should call back. That would probably help them out. He opened his mouth to call but the air that left his lips was thick and warm and dribbled down his chin and into the soft ground beneath him. He felt like he was spinning a bit. His eyes shut tight, like that would stop the spinning.
He gripped the earth beneath him, to try to keep himself still. It was mostly moss.
It smelled like moss too. And dirt.
And… metal? That was funny. It wasn’t like Roman to get a detail like that wrong.
Roman paid so much attention to the imagination and the attention to detail was always amazing. He was such an amazing kiddo. Patton loved him so much.
Roman would love getting a pet bunny. Maybe he could summon one for Patton.
Oh! There was his name again. It still sounded under water. Maybe they were the ones underwater. Logan always loved the ocean. He knows so much about it. He’s so smart and hardworking. Patton should make him some cookies for his hard work. They could eat some while they watched the clouds.
Virgil was in front of him now. His eyeshadow was running almost all the way down his cheeks. Patton reached up to try rubbing it off, but for some reason it just turned red. That wasn’t right.
Shouldn’t it turn purple?
Patton giggled, choking on it a bit.
He loved it when Virgil’s eyeshadow turned purple. It always came with the sweetest smile on his face.
Virgil grabbed Patton’s hand off his face and held it to his chest. Patton’s gaze felt glued to their hands.
Where did the red come from?
“Patton!” Oh. Virgil was talking to him, “Patton please answer me!” He sounded underwater too.
Patton tried to answer but only managed a moan.
“Ok. Ok. Shhhh shh. It’s fine, you’re fine. It’s gonna be fine.”
Virgil was pale and his hand shook where it held Patton’s.
Virgil gripped his shoulder’s and tried to shift him so his legs weren’t folded awkwardly. Pain shot through Patton and his hearing cleared up in a rush. Why did that hurt so much? He felt his lips tremble and his vision went blurry. He tried picking his head up to see where the pain was coming from but Virgil was faster.
He moved so that his body crowded Patton and grabbed his head with both hands. “Don’t!” He forced Patton to face him and wiped something wet off his face. “Don’t- don’t look. Just look at me, ok? It’s fine. You’re gonna be fine. It’s- it’s not-” Virgil cut himself off with a full body shudder and a groan of distress. His eyes darted between Patton’s face and the rest of his body.
Patton pressed a palm to his chest. His heart was beating so fast.
Virgil’s voice rang through the forest, receiving only silence in response. He was shaking around Patton, and the moral side duly noted his own body was trembling as well.
Virgil turned his attention back to Patton, eyes wild. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t know where they are. We had to split up to search for you. None of you knew where you went. Where did you go? Pat, what happened?”
What had happened? Now that Patton tried to recall, he doesn’t really remember how he ended up lying on the ground, looking at the sky. He was in the imagination so he was sure he must have gone for a walk. How did he end up on the ground? He thinks he might have been high up somewhere. Somewhere he was able to see the clouds really well. But that's silly because he can see the clouds right now from the ground.
“Virge,” his voice sounded funny.
A hand ran through his hair and Virgil hummed.
“We should get a bunny.”
Virgil made a choking sound and jolted above him. He was still shaking. “Yeah, yeah. Sure. Logan and Roman are gonna be here soon and they’ll take care of you, ok? Then you can get whatever you want. Just keep still, ok? You're gonna be fine.”
Patton didn’t think he’d heard Virgil sound so frightened before. He should look at the clouds with Patton. That might calm him down.
“Nonononono- No. Pat, keep your eyes open, ok? You’re ok. Roman and Logan will be here soon.”
Patton hummed. His eyes were open.
“Ok kiddo.” Everything sounded like it was underwater again. Or more like someone stuffed his ears with cotton. “I just need to rest a little bit. Then we can go find them, ok?”
There was a moment's pause, but faintly Patton heard,
Ah. There they were. All three of his kiddos.
Patton sighed. They were so good. He loved them so much.
Patton went still in Virgil's arms and Virgil’s heart dropped to his stomach.
But Patton’s eyes were still open, gazing up at the sky like he had been doing when Virgil found them.
And was his chest still rising?
Yes. Yes it was, it was. He could hardly see it but it was.
He was alive. Patton was alive. And now Roman and Logan were here so they would know what to do.
The two sides rounded a tree, and upon spotting Virgil and Patton on the ground, sprinted over.
“Put pressure on the wound,” Logan commanded Roman, who fell to the ground beside Virgil to do just that.
Logan brought two fingers to the side of Patton’s neck.
“What happened?” Roman’s tunic already had red on it.
‘I- I don’t know! I found him like this and- and he seemed really out of it!”
Roman, nodded once. Then twice. “Ok. Ok. It’s fine we can get him to my room and I can heal him. Logan can tell me what needs to be fixed and-”
“He’s gone.”
Silence rang out in the forest.
He wasn’t. His eyes were still open. He can’t die.
“No! No- don’t say that! You can’t say that! He’s alive. Help him!”
Logan brought a hand to Patton’s face and brushed his eyes closed. His eyes were wide, shocked. But despite that his face was blank.
A sob rang out, and Virgil noted tears were already pouring down Roman’s face. Roman brought his hands up to rub at his eyes, only smearing blood.
“Stop! Roman, stop crying! Stop it!” How dare he! He couldn't cry when Patton wasn’t even dead. Virgil shoved at Roman’s shoulder. “Stop it, Roman! He’s not dead!”
A hand pulled Virgil’s hand back and Virgil eyes tracked it up to Logan's wide eyes. “Virgil, stop that!”
And there was red on him too. There was red, so much red.
“What about you!” Roman’s voice wobbled despite the fury in it. “Why are you angry with me when you didn’t even do anything! You found him and you what? Decided that was a good time to just start cloud gazing?”
“Well at least I was there! I called you! I called you. Where were you!?”
Virgil couldn't breathe. His lungs burned. It felt like his chest was collapsing in on itself.
And there was still red. Red red red red red redred
Logan was crying. His eyes were wide and tears poured freely.
Virgil has never seen Logan cry.
Logan froze, and tilted his head to the sky.
The forest was still.
“Both of you sink into your rooms. Do not say another word to each other until you are cleaned and have calmed down.”
He tilted his head back down to face them both.
“I will be with you shortly.”
No one moved for a moment. There was no sound. Not even a rustling leaf. The silence was somehow the loudest sound Virgil has ever heard.
“Now.” Logan’s voice was softer, but still firm.
Virgil took one last look at Patton. Then he sunk down into his room.
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amethyst-marie368 · 9 months
Chapter 6 Pt.1: Traveling - "When Spring Comes, We'll Meet Again"
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Rauna POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
I didn’t sleep well, as I had predicted mere hours before. Nausea stirred in my stomach. I needed some fresh air. I opened the flap to the tent. The weak light filtered inside, casting an orange glow. Clear skies... It doesn’t smell like it’s going to rain today. 
Any day can be a good day for a trip. I packed some food, a homemade emergency kit, a lantern- just in case, I thought- and my violin.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Snufkin POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
Twilight broke as rustling woke me from my light sleep. With a yawn, I closed my eyes again.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Rauna POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
Midway through the forest, an unusual rustle snapped me out of my dazed state.
"...huh?" A drowsy Stinky popped his head out of a large rock pile.
"Where are you going so early in the morning? Sun's barely-" yAwN, "...up." Stinky, even when tired, was too nosey of an imp to even let a drop of suspicion pass him by.
"On a short adventure, I'll be back. See ya, Stinky." I replied, giving no other details.
"Yeah, yeah, see ya,” Stinky replied, not really believing me but too tired to care. “Vagabonds, always itching to get somewhere..." he muttered, half-asleep, slipping back into his rocky home.
He has truth in those words. I shrugged.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
After almost two hours, I reached the outskirts of Moominvalley. Standing on the edge of the overlooking mountain cliff, peering down. Moominhouse sat in the far distance, its bright red top a beacon amongst the green of the valley. A lighthouse. 
I imagined what Moomin and the others would do today. Where they’d explore, who they’d encounter, and the things they’d see. But, even with my curiosity, I turned away with a light heart.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
⥈ Day 1: Morning. Moominvalley ⥈
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Snufkin POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
 “Snufkin! Snufkin!”
Moomin's voice rang out as he ran toward me. I had been lying at the bank of the stream, hiding in the shade of my green hat as I fished.
“Morning Moomin. Pleasant day, isn't it?” I said, lifting my hat slightly off my face in greeting.
“Yes, the weather is quite nice. But...where’s Rauna? I didn’t see her in the house or in her tent. ” Moomin asked, looking around.
“Not sure. Out somewhere, I suppose."
Glancing past Moomin’s head, Little My and Snorkmaiden were running towards us, and behind them, Sniff. The whole group gathered around, except for one. Little My looked around.
Well, no use in fishing now. I haven't had a catch all morning... Seems like a storm is coming in. I thought to myself, taking the pole out of the ground and collecting the twine.
“Hey…where’s Rauna? Is she having fun somewhere without us??” Sniff said, looking around too.
"Maybe she wanted to get away from you, Sniff." Little My retorted.
"Me!??? Why me?" Sniff yelled.
"Because you're annoying and you never want to do anything fun! AND you’re a scaredy cat!"
As Little My and Sniff argued, Snorkmaiden spoke up. "What should we do...? It's not as fun without the seven of us."
"Hmm… How about we think of some places to show Rauna when she comes back!" Moomin said, consoling Snorkmaiden.
“Good thinking Moomin! You’re so clever!” Snorkmaiden exclaimed, grasping his hand.
"Good idea Moomin. Where should we check out? We’ve already gone to the more known spots.” I added.
"We should go to the witches' forest!" Popped up Little My.
"The witch's forest!?? oOh- I think I feel a bit sick..." Sniff grumbled.
"Oh, come on, Sniff! See? You ARE a scaredy cat!" Little My argued.
"Besides, I heard that the witch is going wherever she came from for a few days. Let's go to the witches' forest and see Alicia!"
"That sounds great!" Snorkmaiden clapped.
"I wonder how she's been. We haven't seen her since the last spring." Moomin thought.
“Let’s go!” Little My yelled and started running ahead to the witch’s forest.
 ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
⥈ Day 2: Moominvalley ⥈
It was midday in Moominvalley, and it was a boring day. Moomin and the others lay in the shade of a tree. Snufkin played the harmonica, resting against the tree.
“Moomin, do you think Rauna will come back today?” Snorkmaiden asked as she braided a flower crown.
"I don't know Snorkmaiden..." Moomin sighed, plucking at the petals.
"Well, she'd better come back soon. It's so boring!" Little My huffed, tearing up blades of grass. "Hey Snufkin. Rauna's a vagabond like you, right?"
Snufkin stopped playing and glanced over.
"Yes, she is. Why do you ask?"
"Then you have a vagabond instinct, right? Then you can tell us if she'll be back soon or not."
"Vagabonds' instinct?" Snufkin asked curiously.
"When we first met Rauna, she said you'd be coming soon after her. She said it was a vagabond instinct, and she was right." Moomin chimed in.
"Ah, I see now," Snufkin smiled. "Actually, I do have a vagabond instinct. Mine is a bit different from Rauna's. Each vagabond has an instinct unique to themselves."
"Oh wow! What's your instinct, Snufkin? It's something special, isn't it?" Snorkmaiden eyes shone.
"Well... You already know!" Snufkin laughed. "My instinct is with music!”
From Snufkin's loud laugh, Sniff woke up with a start.
"-huh!? Ah...is it lunchtime already?" He looked around with half-closed eyes.
"Come on Sniff! You're such a glutton!" Little My rolled her eyes.
"Actually, I think it is lunchtime," Snufkin said, looking at the horizon.
"Oh, goody! I hope Moominmamma made something really good!" With that, Sniff hurried off to Moominhouse.
"Oh! I need to go prepare Snork's lunch! I'll see everyone later. Bye!" Snorkmaiden placed the finished floral crown on Moomin's head and a quick kiss. "See you later, Moomin!"
"Thank you for the crown, Snorkmaiden! I'll see you later!" Moomin smiled, a blush on his face.
"Yuck! I gotta go, too. I'm having lunch with Mymble and the inspector." Little My ran off.
Moomin played with the floral crown in his hands.
“Yes, Moomin?”
“Do you think…if me and Snorkmaiden got married- not anytime soon- would things change too much?”
Snufkin looked at Moomin’s worried face and down to the crown he held.
“Who knows. The future isn’t revealed to anyone. But… I think that everything will be okay, even if things do change. The group will still be a group. Time will go on. And when spring comes, we’ll all meet again.”
“...you’re right. Thank you, Snufkin.” Moomin stood up. “I should go too, see you later, Snufkin." Moomin said with a wave.
"It’s nothing, Moomin. See you later." With that, Snufkin was left peacefully alone. "Well. I suppose I'd better start making some lunch for myself." Snufkin smiled, walking back to his tent.
 ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
⥈ Day 3: Heading Back ⥈
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Rauna POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
I had walked without purpose for the past two and a half days. Resting, walking, resting, walking. Day or night, it didn’t matter. An endless loop. Being enveloped in nature was the best thing for me. The knotted mess in my heart and thoughts were drawn out of me, untangling, and dispersing into the vast world.
If I wanted to keep walking for the rest of my life, I could. If I wanted to settle down somewhere, I could. If I wanted to make a homey hut in the forest, I could. But life itself will bring turmoil and problems, even if I never stood still.
I gazed into the far distance. A cold, light breeze grazed my cheek. A cold front moving in. A dark spot sat on the horizon, an angry black storm cloud.
Guess I’m going back to Moominvalley. I didn’t have my things to ensure safety in such a large storm. I didn’t want to start from scratch again. Losing everything but my violin.
Turning, I started heading back.
Next Chapter (Pt.2) (2 Drawings!)
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mychemicalrachel · 2 years
Rovinsky 37
“Dead on the outside / alive on the inside.”
Send me a ship and number (1-100) for a small fic!
Sometimes Ronan dreamed about Kavinsky the same way he dreamed of Cabeswater. Magical entities both too big to be contained to a physical form. They were not long for this world and so Ronan dreamed; dreaming about them was easier. In his own head, he could feel them in ways they no longer existed in reality.
Reality, Kavinsky told him, was what other people dreamed for him.
Now the reality was this; Cabeswater and Kavinsky both dead. Ronan here, alive and alone.
His dreams didn’t do either of them justice, not when he dreamed like this– like a human instead of a god. There was a staticky film over it all, the kind of disconnect that told Ronan he was sleeping. Not awake, not wandering the astral plane, not dreaming with intent. They were dreams that were simply memories. He was careful to keep it that way, in fear of bringing back a replica of either the forest or the boy he missed so much.
Tonight though, as soon as Ronan slipped into unconsciousness, he could tell there was something different. A charge in the air, electricity in the breeze; he was awake, and he was not. He was somehow somewhere in between.
He wasn’t in Cabeswater like usual, but it was similar. Trees reached out of the ground all around him, towering mountains that seemed too big and too close, a winding creek with deep blue depths and a bottom he could see but knew innately that he could never reach. He didn’t recognize the place, but he recognized the feeling, the magic of it.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
Ronan knew the voice, just as he knew the feeling of the forest, and something like pain surged in his chest because it sounded just like him. Seldom did Ronan’s dreams surprise him anymore. He had control, he had intent, and he had not planned on dreaming of Kavinsky tonight. He wanted to close his eyes and think of something else, anything else, anywhere that wasn’t here. Aglionby, Monmouth, the Barns, St. Agnes. But the scenery around him didn’t change. Kavinsky was there, clearer than any memory, any idea, grinning at Ronan.
“Of all the magical forests in all the towns in all the world, you sleepwalk into mine.”
Ronan just stared, mesmerized. He had long ago accepted that he would never see Kavinsky again, not outside of the memories and fantasies contained in his head. There were often times when Kavinsky didn’t talk at all because the real Kavinsky was unpredictable and sometimes Ronan couldn’t imagine what he might say. This sounded as close to real as Ronan thought his brain would be able to get.
“Hey, fuckface. How’s the connection?” Kavinsky’s fingers snapped in front of Ronan’s face and he flinched. “Can you hear me?”
“You look so real.”
Kavinsky’s lips curled. “All natural, baby.”
God, he sounded so real, too.
“Do you dream about me often?” Kavinsky asked.
Because it was a dream, Ronan admitted, “All the time.”
The answer seemed to please Kavinsky and he came closer. “So which fantasy is this?”
Ronan could smell something like fire, not the typical scent of cigarettes on Kavinsky’s breath, but something more industrial. Burning oil and gasoline. He closed his eyes. He didn’t want to think about that, Kavinsky standing on the top of his car, the dragon overhead coming closer and closer. He thought of the field of cars, a peek into Kavinsky’s head, lying next to him on the hood of the Mitsubishi, his skin blistering in the sun.
But when he opened his eyes, everything was the same. Except the twinkle of amusement in Kavinsky’s eye.
“I don’t know,” Ronan said. He thought of icicle fireworks and hornets with butterfly wings and the result was the same; nothing. “I can’t change it. I can’t make anything.”
“That’s because you’re not in charge here, darling.” Kavinsky breathed in deep, looking all around. Slowly, the background started to shift. The trees melted away, becoming skyscrapers. The creek flooded and as it reached Ronan’s shoes, it turned to snow. “I am.”
“You’re not real.”
“Fuck you I’m not real. Could a dead person do this?”
Behind Kavinsky, the mountains shifted. Peaks grew wider and wider and taller and taller, stretching out and breaking off into pieces that took flight in the air. The familiar screech of a dragon echoed in the distance. 
“Stop.” Ronan was only mostly certain he actually said it, but the dragons didn’t listen. They screamed and thrashed and fire followed them as they beat their wings higher into the sky. It wasn’t like Ronan’s nightmares. They weren’t trying to hurt him– they stayed far enough away to serve only as a reminder that Ronan was not the one in control.
“You–” Ronan started, “you can’t be real. You’re a dream.”
“Aw, that’s sweet,” Kavinsky smirked. “Not so bad yourself, Lynch.”
“Fuck, K! You’re not alive! I went to your funeral! I saw you die!”
Kavinsky nodded seriously until Ronan was done talking and then said, “You saw my body die.”
“That’s the same fucking thing.”
“Is it?” Kavinsky turned to look back at his dragons, floating on the horizon. “Death is just the reality of the situation, sweetheart, and you know how I feel about reality.”
Reality is what other people dream for you.
When Ronan found his voice, it was rough and dry. “What are you saying? Are you saying you’re alive?”
“No,” Kavinsky said. “Keep up, dumbass. You saw me die. I’m saying that I’m here.”
“Here,” Ronan repeated. “Where is here?”
“Here,” Kavinsky gestured to the skyscrapers and the snow and the mountain dragons. Here was whatever he decided it could be. “And here–” he tapped two fingers to his temple.
“You’re saying you’re alive in your head,” Ronan said. “Subconsciously?”
“In a dream, I think. In this… dreamspace. It’s been nice fucking around in here, don’t get me wrong. Got some much needed R and R. But, turns out, dreaming isn’t actually all that fun when I can’t bring anything back. That’s where you come in. I need you,” Kavinsky focused back on Ronan, his eyes so alert and real and alive. “I need you to get me out.”
“How?” Ronan asked. There were a lot of things he could ask, but that seemed to be the most important. If it was possible to bring Kavinsky back, then the why and why not were not important. Only how.
“I don’t know,” Kavinsky shrugged. “How should I know? Use your brain, figure it out.”
“Kavinsky–” Ronan started, and stopped. This wasn’t real, it was reality. Kavinsky was dead, he was alive. He was dreaming, he was awake.
“You’re the only person who can help me,” Kavinsky said. When he stepped closer again, it was more than burning oil and gasoline. It was Kavinsky, everything about him that Ronan had somehow managed to forget. He was as real as ever, his touch warm and solid as he slid his hand into Ronan’s. “I’m out here. Come and find me.”
When he kissed Ronan, the press of his mouth was unfamiliar. Something Ronan didn’t think he could imagine if he tried. Something he never wanted to forget.
When he woke up, a pair of white sunglasses was gripped in his hand. They weren’t the first pair of sunglasses he’d brought back, an entire drawer of them was evidence of that and evidence of the fact that no matter how many times he tried, he could never get them just right. He could never get the right color, the right shape, the obscure design on the earpiece. But these– these were perfect down to the very last detail.
Ronan’s heart seized. He didn’t want to hope because what if he was wrong? He couldn’t get his hopes up just to lose Kavinsky again.
But… What if he was right?
What if Kavinsky was still out there, trapped in some dream limbo, unable to find his way back to the living?
Ronan remembered the first time he tried to dream a copy of these sunglasses; how he’d studied the way they fit over Kavinsky’s long nose, how he could barely see Kavinsky’s eyes behind the black lenses, how he’d focused so hard–
He hadn’t even been thinking of the sunglasses tonight.
Kavinsky’s kiss still burned on his lips, something he had never had the chance to feel when K was alive. It was so real.
Come and find me, he’d said.
Ronan didn't even know where to start, but he tossed the blankets off and got up.
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dreamrecorder · 3 years
The words we keep
Soulmate au - first words tattoed on the wrist
Includes: Venti | Diluc | Kaeya | Albedo | Zhongli | Xiao | Childe
Mentions of suicide in Zhongli; angst and brief violence for Childe
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Oh you're here- I mean! I'm sorry I didn't mean to take your spot!
The bard had guessed that he'd meet his soulmate either in Angel's Share, in Windrise, or at the hands of his statue in Mondstadt. But the latter two were more unlikely. But he doesn't mind sharing his space with you really. In fact, Venti would be more than willing to let you in his space. But lo and behold! He didn't think he'd meet you at the hands of his statue!
Nights prior, you always heard a voice singing songs of various emotions. The voice eventually led you to Barbatos's statue. When you looked up, you saw the bard in green. His voice was very calming and pleasant to hear, so you always visited the statue at night. Until recently, your curiosity grew. Why does the bard always stay there at night?
Seeing your relaxed form on his statue, hair swaying in the wind. Venti just went soft. "Quite the lovely view isn't it?" 
He didn't mean to surprise but you still did become surprised. He found it endearing. "Oh you're here- I mean! I'm sorry I didn't mean to take your spot!"
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Ah- you scared them. Please don't do that.
Now who did he scare and what did he do to warrant his soulmate's first words to him? Diluc has always been aware that he can be intimidating and usually he doesn't mind that. But for you- he does give half a mind.
There was a new winemaker that Connor had hired and Diluc has yet to meet them. Connor had even commented that their methods were a bit unusual. But if it's enough to get the former's approval, then Diluc will see to this newcomer.
Diluc met you during the night, just at the edges of the Stone Gate that signifies the border between Mondtsadt and Liyue. The man was simply patrolling around the area for any hidden dangers. That's when he saw you, kneeling on the ground with a group of slimes surrounding you. Seeing your plight, Diliuc quickly ran and summoned his greatsword. With a few swipes imbued with pyro, the slimes hastily retreated. He was about to chase them off, but he was more concerned of your safety.
Diluc was about to speak when you cut him off as you stood up, dusting your clothes. "Ah- you scared them. Please don't do that."
Diluc was dumbstruck for a second. He did not expect to meet his soulmate right here right now. Seeing his stupefied look, you raised a brow. "Are… you alright, Sir Diluc?"
"Those slimes were about to attack you." Diluc pointed out. His reply made you chuckle a bit and shake your head to the sides. Did he say anything funny?
"No they were not. I was trying to befriend them so that I could use their slime concentrations for the winery."
Now Diluc was even more confused. Slime? For tbe winery? "Wait- you're the new-"
"Winemaker. And your soulmate if you're not yet aware. Come on, let's go look for those slimes! We can talk on the way about our… professional and not-so professional side of our relationship." And with that, you trailed to the path of the slimes with a smile on your face. As for the wine tycoon, he was still confused- like a lost puppy, but there was this gentle smile that landed on his lips as he followed you.
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Yes, I am suffering and in need of a Pyro Vision. Soulmate or not, if you don't have a Pyro Vision- shoo.
The text tattooed on Kaeya's wrist always left him laughing. He just knows, that this was meant to be a comical moment. He can even imagine the moment he meets his soulmate just from these words alone. But of course, he does worry about your well-being. Kaeya had his guesses. Maybe he would meet you in Dragonspine or maybe- you were an unprepared tourist enduring the permafrost of Snezhnaya and he'd meet you there. Well- in the end, he's still amused at your winterish pain.
Sure enough, Kaeya was tasked to scout Dragonspine for any Fatui activity. He could feel it under his skin that he'll meet you any second now. As he traversed through the mountain path, he noticed a group of warming seelies hovering over… someone? And that someone is shivering immensely. The captain grinned.
You heard footsteps approaching but you stayed in your crouched position, determined to preserve your body temperature. The seelies were helping, sure, but they were not enough to counter the coldness your Cryo Vision emanates. Damn it. Just because you're a cryo user doesn't mean you're immune to sheer cold.
The footsteps stopped and you snorted at the words the stranger spoke, "Could this possibly be my soulmate suffering in the cold and in need of a Pyro Vision?"
You huffed, you didn't want to meet your soulmate in this kind of situation. But it happened anyway, much to your dismay. Still crouched, you managed to turn to face the man as seelies continued hovering around.
"Yes, I am suffering and in need of a Pyro Vision. Soulmate or not, if you don't have a Pyro Vision- shoo."
Now actually hearing it from you made Kaeya laugh hard. If he was already amused just from the ink on his wrist before, Kaeya's now even more so deeply amused. You muttered sadist on his way. Deciding he's had enough a good laugh for today, the captain gave you his fur coat and a warming bottle. "Come on, let's get you some place warm, yes?"
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You're not the only one! I actually did one for you, too!
When his mind is not occupied by hus studies, it would often drift ink embedded on his wrist. Everytime Albedo does so, he would often wonder what did the two of make for each other that would lead to you eventual meeting.
The Windblume Festival arrived, and of course, so will tourists from other lands. Usually, Albedo would simply pay no heed to the ongoing festivities and their participants. But this time- things were different. You unknowingly caught the alchemist's eye. There was this sudden itch in his hands- and Albedo knew he had to sketch you form. However, before he could even approach you- you left to another direction.
He caught sight of you again the next day. You were reading a book on a bench, with the plaza fountain giving you a beautiful background for Albedo. Discreetly, the alchemist sat on a bench front of yours and began sketching. Unbeknownst by him, you were also entranced by his form and you, too, began sketching.
Albedo was first to finish- and like usual, he would give the sketch to the person he drew of even if they were strangers. As he walked, there was this certain nervousness that found way in his stomach. This never happened before. Why was he nervous?
Once close enough, Albedo cleared his throat and handed you his sketch, "I know this seems suspicious, but I want you to have this. You have a wonderful form."
You'd be lying if you said your heart did not stop a beat at his words. When you saw the paper he was offering you, you gasped at how he caught every detail of you. Bashful, you tore the page you were drawing on from sketchbook and gave it to him.
"You're not the only one! I actually did one for you, too!"
When your words reached his ears, Archons bless you as he gave you a genuine and joyful smile.
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Please... don't touch my heart that wants to disappear.
When Zhongli fully embraced his mortal form, he didn't expect the universe to gift him a soulmate. Like a snake, ink slithered into words that gave his heart a certain sadness. Zhongli knew, you were suffering somewhere... Out there...
He saw you first at the highest peak of Guyun Stone Forest. Everything happened so quickly. One second he was watching your distant form from the beaches below then the next he knew- his heart dropped, the same way you willingly fell to the hands of death that waited in the sea. The archon did what he knew is right- and that is saving you.
To Zhongli, immoratlity can both be a blessing and a curse. When your skins touched, he knew you were of immortality. He could sense it. And he could also sense the tiredness that nest in your soul from the burden of immortality.
Once Zhongli landed on safe ground, that's when he spoke. "I won't ask why, however is this truly what you want?"
The way his words reflected the ink written on your wrist made you open your eyes wide. When the realization sank in- that this man is your soulmate, you began crying. You were tired of life- but this man- this man is now your lock away from your want for death. If you stayed with him- another cycle of seeing the people you love come and go.
"Please..." you begged, "don't touch my heart that wants to disappear..."
Your voice was sad and pleading- but Zhongli was a stubborn man, just like his element. He wanted to help you but not by giving your death. He wanted you to see life in a new light, hopefully with him by your side.
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Excuse me... Here- for you. Qingxin.
Xiao was always resolute in his resolve that he has no need of a soulmate deemed by the universe. However, there are times that he would let his mind flutter around the concept. Specifically, around the words elegantly written on his wrist and his soulmate. Xiao would question why would you give him qingxin flowers in the first place. Other than that, there was also this underlying worry in his thoughts about you and the qingxin flowers. These flowers... they can only be gathered on high stone peaks. What if you slipped and fall?
This leads Xiao to have days where he just spends his time at the peaks of Jueyun Karst, looking out for any foolish person scale mountains just for qingxin. It's not because he's worried about you no- Xiao just doesn't want anyone die under his protection over Liyue. There has already been too much deat-
"Excuse me..."
At the voice, Xiao's head whipped to your direction with eyes wide in surprise.
"Here- for you. Qingxin."
There was this bored look in your face, but Xiao could see the worry in your eyes. Worry? Were you worried about him? Xiao frowned at the thought but still took the flowers from your outstretched hand.
"Foolish mortal... you could have gotten yourself hurt. Climbing peaks just for qingxin..."
... But still a small smile graced his lips and your heart melted.
"Thank you."
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You're the only person I recognize whose eyes resemble the deep blue ocean.
The words tattooed on his wrist always left Childe questioning about his soulmate and what led them saying these words. Somehow- imagining the possible scenarios always makes him melt. This string of words- it never fails him to bring a sense of comfort in his heart. Childe learns of yoir existance during a mission.
The mission was to assasinate a captain of the Knights- you. He observed you for days and took note how you're silent and alone for the most part but kind to the people who approach you- he almost feels bad for having to kill you. The day came when he had to kill you. It was supposed to be a quick kill- but he should know better. You were a captain for a reason, so you fought back. However, in the end, Childe was stronger as he wrap his hands around your fragile neck. Another second, he'd have you dead- until a child's voice cut through- your little brother. The way your eyes watered up at the sight of your only family. Seeing the hurt in your eyes, Childe's thoughts went overdrive- No- nonononono way I'm killing in front of a kid- He simply can't- he was reminded of his little brother, too. With a wavering will to disobey orders, Childe let you go and retreated to the night,
"Don't think this is the last time you'll see me."
Like a shattering glass- the words he uttered made your heart shatter like glass...
Childe saw you again, this time in Liyue. When your gazes meet- there was a shock that passed through with tension suddenly gripping your necks. Childe swore he hid much of his identity physically that night- but he knew you recognized him. He managed to corner you in Yuehai Pavillion by swooping into an empty seat right in front of you. There was a tense moment and an oppresive air. He noticed how your hands were ready to grab your weapon. "How did you recognize me?"
You carefully thought of your words. And when you did reply, Childe have never felt so much despair until today. "You're the only person I recognize whose eyes resemble the deep blue ocean."
Back before he knew you- these words always comforted Childe- but now? Childe felt chills in his spine as despair clouded his mind. Why would the universe decide to have person he was supposed to kill his soulmate.
Similarly, his heart also shattered.
A/N: Look!!! I got meself some banners ksks---- this is all Childe's fault rawr
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arduadastra · 3 years
Drabble idea for one Mr. Din Djarin… an innocent game of hide n’ seek gone wrong, because Din just can’t seem to find the damn reader… panic ensues… and the reader is just like chillin’, watching a frazzled bounty hunter from high up in a tree or from the Crest’s cockpit because they managed to bounce back without getting caught? Din’s reaction to finally finding the reader too, please (I imagine it’s a cross between ‘tell me exactly how you did what you did for future reference’ and ‘we are never doing that ever again holy maker you gave me a heart attack’). Thank you!
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I loved the idea of this anon - I hope I did it justice! I could gladly write more of this !!
Want your own? My asks are always open and I write for Din, Ezra, Frankie, Oberyn, Max Phillips, Whiskey and Javi <3
Warnings: mild panic attack
Din had never felt so fucking scared in all his life.
He had fought Moff Gideon, hunted the vilest men to the ends of the earth, had almost died countless times but the idea of losing you?
That terrified him.
He didn’t like even the idea of this in the first place but you had been so excited and he couldn’t bare to say no to you. But he was regretting that decision. It had been hours now. It was getting dark and he still had no fucking clue where you are.
That in itself was maddening, he was a bounty hunter. He found people for a living and yet he couldn’t find you?
Thousands of scenarios had already been through in his head, some accident, a random floater finding you or maker forbid you were lying dead somewhere all because his fucking scanner isn’t working.
While his scanner wasn't all he used when hunting, it was a huge part of it and for some reason it wasn't showing heat signatures anymore.
Din knew he was good at finding people, it’s what he’s been doing his whole life and he knows you like the back of his hand and yet he can’t figure out why it’s taken him this long. He had tried to think like you, travelling into the depths of the forest and trying to guess your steps but still...nothing.
And he hated it.
He stalks back the way he came, glancing up at the treetops as he went, his usual calm demeanour when finding bounties long gone as he becomes more desperate to get even a hint as to your location.
He needed to find you. He needed to know you were safe and you weren’t unless you were with him. What if this was a ruse? An elaborate trap to allow your escape from him? He wouldn't blame you, his life was dangerous but now he knew what his existence would be like with you he didn't like the idea of solitude anymore.
Din was frantic now, pushing past branches and tripping over easily missable roots in a panic to find you. He called out for you as he pounded the ground and swept his surroundings but all he heard were his own plea's echoed back to him.
Din paused gasping for breath as he hunched over by a tree and smacked the trunk in frustration. "Fuck..." He was better than this.
He had no choice. He had to return to the crest and start looking from the air.
He huffed, to think, hide and seek was supposed to be fun.
** Unbeknownst to him, you sat safely back in the cockpit of the crest. You had dropped hints endlessly at how far you could get without him finding you when in actuality you had hidden just inside the opposite tree line. You knew his ego would drive him for a least a few miles, his determination to prove you wrong too strong for him to realise your true plan.
Once you saw Din disappear you waited a few minutes before creeping back aboard the ship to await his return. Though, it had been a few hours now and you were almost ready to go out and find him yourself when you heard the loud thumping of beskar on the crest ramp.
You held your breath as you heard Din ascend the ladder before you heard the door behind you slide open and his footsteps stopped. You slowly turned to face him with a massive grin on your face.
“Hey, took you long enough!”
Din just stood there, you noticed his chest was rising and falling at a rapid speed and he was coiled tight from his feet to the tip of his helm. He dropped his hand from the control switch and just stared.
“You’re….You’re…” Din couldn’t find the words. Five seconds ago he was sure you were dead and now here you are smiling at him in his own pilot seat. He can’t seem to find relief as his whole body thrums with panicked adrenaline and he sags against the cockpit doors.
Sensing something’s wrong you hop off the chair and grab Din’s biceps to help steady him, “Woah there, you good?”
Din shakes his head and grabs you desperately, pressing you into his chest, “shit, fu- FUCK…I can’t breathe…I can’t…” Din’s body felt white-hot, too enclosed in his armour and he wanted to rip it off but the thought of letting you go just sent him spiralling further.
“I coul- I couldn’t find…find you…I thou-thought you were..Gaa’tayl…gota’la…”
“Din I don’t speak mando’a you gotta help me out here babe.” You sighed and brought your hands to the sides of his helmet, forcing his gaze to you, "I’m okay I’m good, I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Din gasped and his arms found their way around your waist as he gripped you, “How…How did you..”
“I knew you’d use the scanner, I spent some time last night re-routing some of the wirings, easily fixable but I hoped you wouldn’t notice until we started. Then all I had to do was double back and hunker down,” you smiled up at him, “guess it worked?”
He was shaking still but his breathing was deeper, slower. He tightened his grip on you, “Never again. Fuck, never again cyar'ika .”
You laugh to yourself, if this is what it takes to rile up your stoic bounty hunter, you may consider hiding from him more often.
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flowercrown-bard · 3 years
I have another prompt for you! Do with it ehat you want. It rested way too long in my "Ideas I never use" box:
"I don't even care about my own life, why would I care about yours? I am a fucking pheonix, my dear, death is just like an insect to me – It stings, but has no lasting effect"
(maybe it's fitted for a Fey!Jaskier? Or Ageless!Jaskier? Or a Villain?)
Ohhh I love that prompt! Thank you!! <3 (shame on me, i left out the word 'fucking' bc it didn't fit the vibe of the fic. Hope it's still ok)
I again have no idea what I'm doing, but where would be the fun in knowing what's going on in my own writing XD
word count: 4884
content warnings: brief mention of blood, brief mention of injury, temporary character death (for about two seconds), burning alive (kind of)
There was something in this forest that didn’t belong here.
Hasty steps disturbed the birds’ songs and heavy panting cut through the illusion of safety that lay over this land like a fog.
The girl running through the woods threw a glance over her shoulder, a haunted expression on her face. Her feet caught on a protruding root and with a cry that pierced the air like an arrow, she fell onto her hands and knees.
Her scream carried on, long after she had closed her lips again. The echo started out as a whisper, then it grew louder and louder, became a symphony of fear and desperation. The sound of one who was truly lost.
Then again, all who found this forest were lost in one way or another.
And though they might not realise it, no one was ever truly alone in these woods.
Inhuman blue eyes watched from the shadows of the underbrush as the girl curled in on herself, lying on the forest floor in a heap of helplessness.
With slow steps that fell onto the earth silently as a sigh, Dandelion took off their cloak of shadow and approached the lost girl in front of them. As they came closer, they lightly hummed a melody, a soft lullaby made of wishes and dreams.
Slowly, the girl’s shuddering breaths evened out and some of that tension that held her in a vice-like grip, eased out of her shoulders.
“Child,” Dandelion spoke softly, in a voice that was bird song and trees swaying in the wind.
The girl looked up. For a moment, she didn’t seem to comprehend what was kneeling before her. Then, within the blink of an eye, she scrambled backwards, terror etched onto her face.
“You don’t need to fear me,” Dandelion said softly, holding their hands up.
“Why should I believe you?” The girl’s hands wandered across the forest floor until the closed around a branch lying next to her. Though fear twisted her face, she held the branch in front of her like a sword.
Dandelion cocked their head to the side, a smile flickering over their face. This girl was brave. Most lost people were, but there was something about her…something other. Something elder.
“You can believe me, because I can’t lie.”
“You’re not human.” The girl’s gaze wandered over Dandelion. They could nearly feel how her eyes raked over his claws that were just a little too sharp to pass as human, over their blonde locks that nearly had the colour of the flower they had named themselves after; the name yet another fruitless attempt to become more than they were. They were so close to being human. Still, despite centuries searching, they hadn’t found the right them yet. Not in this life and not in any that had come before.
“I am not,” they admitted and the words tasted like ash on their tongue. Always ash. Always fire and ambers. And yet, nothing more than a small sting that would pass when the life engulfed them in another embrace. Another chance.
“Then what are you?”
Dandelion lowered themselves to the ground, until they were at eye level with the girl. Carefully, they reached out their hand, an offer, an invitation.
“I am a Home for the Lost. Another Chance.”
“I am not lost!” The girl sprang to her feet without warning, gripping the branch tighter. “I know where I’m going. I’m…I’m looking for someone.”
“And someone’s looking for you, I assume?”
The girl bit her lip while her eyes darted to the side again, scanning the trees as if whoever she was running from could jump out and attack her at any moment.
“You don’t have to be afraid,” Dandelion repeated. “You can be lost here for as long as you need to be.”
“What if I don’t want to be lost?”
Dandelion gave her a smile that they knew couldn’t reach their eyes. “Then I can keep you safe until you’re found again.”
“But you’re not him. The one who’s supposed to protect me.” The girl’s breath hitched. “Are you? You’re not Geralt of Rivia.”
Dandelion drew in a deep breath, tasting the name on their tongue as they inhaled. Their eyes fluttered close as the power of the name surged through them.
“I’m not,” Dandelion agreed. It wasn’t a lie. And yet, they felt a part of Geralt of Rivia’s being taking root within him. His name was theirs. His winding path, his doubts, his destiny. His losses. “But he will come here. I promise you that.”
“How can you? Have you seen him in these woods? I didn’t know he was in Brokilon forest.”
“This isn’t Brokilon forest. It stopped being that when I found you. And it doesn’t matter where Geralt of Rivia is. Not yet.” A breeze ruffled through the trees, whispering its secrets to its master. “He will be here. All woods lead here, when you go deep enough. When you get lost enough.”
If there was one certainty that pulsed through the name like a heartbeat, it was that Geralt of Rivia was lost, more than anyone Dandelion knew of. Except, of course, for the one person that Dandelion didn’t have the power to guide back to their right path. The one person who was given chance after chance after chance for a new start and yet never found their way out of the maze they were trapped in.
“He will come.” Their promise tasted like lightning and the soothing melody of a bubbling river. “You will be his second chance. Until then, let me be yours. I will keep you safe.”
The girl hesitated a moment longer. Then, she dropped the branch and flung herself into Dandelion’s arms, desperate not to be lost again.
Dandelion’s held her tightly, rapped his shadowy cloak around her and whispered soothingly into her hair. The embrace was like the feeling of when the fire stopped. At least that was how Dandelion imagined it must feel, when there were no flames coursing through their veins.
But they couldn’t truly know. After all, everyone was in this forest was lost in one way or another.
‘The girl in the woods will be with you always’
Renfri’s words echoed in Geralt��s mind as he limped onwards through the trees, ignoring the worried calls of the man who had taken him with him on his cart.
Geralt couldn’t waste a single moment longer by staying with him and his wife. His child surprise was out there somewhere, waiting for him. And Geralt…Geralt didn’t know what to do. He had to find her, had to make sure she was safe.
Yet he had no way of knowing where she even was, or if she was still alive. It was a miracle Geralt himself wasn’t dead yet.
You can be lost here.
Geralt’s head snapped up, his eyes darting across the trees sharply.
“Who’s there?” He called out. A mistake he wouldn’t have done if his mind had been clear and not muddled by ghoul poison.
For a long moment, there was no reply. Ever so slowly, Geralt tore his eyes from the darkness that lurked behind the trees. That’s when a different echo reached him.
Not Geralt of Rivia.
This voice sounded younger. Child-like.
“Ciri.” The name was but a breath on his lips, but he knew it in his heart to be true. Somehow, this voice was Ciri’s.
His staggering steps got faster, until he nearly ran. Geralt didn’t care about how the movement tore at his wound, how twigs whipped into his face, how his breath became shallow as black spots danced before his eyes.
He was urged onwards by the unbending certainty that Ciri was near, that he would finally find her.
People linked by destiny would always find each other.
But there was something else as well. A wildfire in his chest, a strand of shadow tugging him onward.
Geralt of Rivia.
The echo of his name rang through the woods, through the air and the inside of his head. Two voices. Ciri’s – and another one. A voice that sent shivers down Geralt’s spine.
The repeat of his name turned into a melody. A lullaby. A siren’s call.
Every instinct in him screamed to turn back, to get himself to safety. But instincts had been beaten out of him a long time ago.
His instinct had told him that his mother would take care of him.
His instinct had told him that he was loved.
His instinct had told him that there was nothing he could lose by calling upon the law of surprise.
But, oh, how he had lost. His mother, the woman he had thought he had loved, the certainty that he could keep walking the path that had been his only guidance since Vesemir had taken him to Kaer Morhen.
Geralt had lost, again and again, until he had become lost himself.
His chest became tight and he had to squeeze his eyes shut against the pressure building behind his eyes.
He was lost.
And yet he had no choice but to keep going. A haunting lullaby and his name on the wind forbid him from turning back.
He tried to orient himself on the rays of sun shining through the canopy of too-green leaves. Desperate to reach a path or a person that would make him not-lost again, Geralt ran until his breath turned into pants and his muscles protested. Witchers didn’t tire so easily. If need be, Geralt could fight for hours, stay up for days. Yet, no matter how much his body ached and protested, claiming it had been hours, days, weeks, the sun remained in his spot, never moving, as if no time was passing.
Geralt’s lungs were burning and the pain in his leg flared up with every step, until there were no more steps to take.
His knees gave out from under him and he collapsed, falling to his hands and knees onto the grass, the blades of which looked sharp as a sword but felt soft beneath his hands. Like a pillow to lay down on. Like an embrace. Like a home.
Witchers had no home. They only had the path, and yet, looking at this strange forest with its whispers and stagnant sun, Geralt had not even this.
“I am lost,” He called out, an act of pure desperation that never before had he allowed himself to admit to. His voice was raspy and scratched at his throat like shards of glass. As if he hadn’t uttered a single word for weeks.
The haunting reply came in his own voice. A chill raced down Geralt’s spine and his fingers fisted into the grass, desperate to cling to something.
“I don’t know the way.”
An unshakable fear seized Geralt. He didn’t care how his voice broke, how his body was already broken.
“I need help.”
Witchers didn’t need help. They didn’t beg. And if they ever did, their pleas would go unheard.
Not so Geralt’s.
Something snapped to his right. He winced, his hand instinctively reaching for his silver sword. The medallion on his chest vibrated furiously.
He pushed himself to his feet, trembling with the effort, but unwilling to be on his knees like a condemned man waiting for his executioner.
The snapping of twigs and rustling of leaves stopped for a moment, a quiet laugh that sounded like water tumbling over rocks replaced the sounds.
“I found you.”
Geralt stiffened. It was the same voice as the first whisper he had heard – the voice that had lured him here. Only this time, it wasn’t a whisper on the wind. It was very real and far too close for comfort.
Witchers didn’t receive help. Whatever had answered his call must have darker intentions.
“Show yourself!” Geralt demanded, gripping his sword tighter.
For a moment, everything went still. No more whispers, no lullaby, not even the rustling of leaves in the wind.
Then, the bushes to Geralt’s right parted and someone stepped through. No, not someone. Something.
The creature in front of him looked how someone who had only ever seen a human’s shadow might imagine a human to look like. The being walking towards him was taller than any human could be, towering over Geralt. Their limbs were too long.
When their lips parted for a smile, the rows of teeth in them were sharp as a wolf’s.
“What are you?” The question left Geralt before he could think better of it.
The being cocked their head to the side curiously, too-blue eyes wandering over Geralt’s body, as if they didn’t even notice the sword pointed at them.
“I’m the Second Chance,” the being said, their eyes flashing with something Geralt didn’t dare name. “Yours, if you want me to be.”
“Who else’s second chance are you?” The question didn’t make sense, but Geralt had no control over his tongue. There was something about this creature – person? – that urged him to say things he didn’t understand. It was as if deep down, he already knew the answer, as if a part of him had known this person for a long time.
The being didn’t reply, but they raised their hands to their side and brushed lovingly over something. The air flickered in front of Geralt’s eyes, making him nauseous and dizzy, yet when he tried to look closer, he could only see shadow behind the creature. Until they flicked a hand behind them and the shadows parted, revealing a smaller figure. A girl with blonde hair that stared at Geralt with big green eyes.
Geralt sucked in a sharp breath.
It was Ciri. The one who had been lost to him.
And she was standing behind a creature powerful enough to lure even a witcher in. A creature who now placed a clawed hand on Ciri’s shoulder – the shoulder of the girl Geralt was sworn to protect.
“Let her go.” The demand left Geralt’s lips like a beast’s snarl.
“Go?” The being’s eyes flashed dangerously. “I made a promise to keep her with me. I don’t let any lost soul go.”
Their eyes bore into Geralt’s, searching through his soul, laying bare everything he was.
A boy, lost and abandoned by his mother.
A man who had lost a fight with the woman he thought he had loved – losing the fight, losing her, losing what he had been so sure had been love.
A human, who had lost his humanity.
Geralt, who was nothing but lost.
And there in front of him stood a creature who kept lost souls. The being sucked in a deep breath, closing their eyes as if they could taste all of Geralt’s losses.
They would keep him. Him and Ciri, damned forever to wander this cursed forest in which time stood still and echoes whispered into his heart.
He couldn’t let that come to pass. Not for Ciri.
Geralt knew his life was lost as well, even as he swung his sword. It didn’t matter. He had to save Ciri, had to get her out of this creature’s grasp.
There was a cry when his blade pierced the being’s chest. Was it his own cry or Ciri’s? Was the whole forest screaming as its master fell to their knees? There was only one voice who didn’t join the cry of agony. One, who was deadly silent, as life drained from it.
Blue eyes shot open, staring at the blade buried in the being’s chest with curiosity that quickly turned into resignation. For but a heartbeat, fear flickered in the being’s expression.
Fire blazed in those blue eyes. Fire poured forth from the wound instead of blood. Fire came to life in the being’s hair, searing the dandelion-yellow strands and racing over their body until all that was left of them was dancing flames.
Geralt watched in horror, as the flesh turned to ash before his very eyes. No, not ash. Dandelion seeds.
The wind picked up, tearing at Geralt’s hair, pushing him away, making the dandelion seeds tumble through the air in a wild dance.
Leaves tore from the trees, yellow flower petals, bits and pieces of the forest. All was dancing through the air, forming shapes and breaking apart again. The grass that had been so soft a moment before, shot up, grew faster and higher than any plant could, forming the shape of legs, of a torso, of a head. And still the leaves whirled through the air, obscuring the sight to the body that formed right in front of Geralt’s eyes.
A pit opened in Geralt’s stomach and the realisation of what this meant crashed into him with the force of a cockatrice slamming into its prey.
The being wasn’t dead. But it was only a matter of time before Geralt was, dying at the hand of the creature he couldn’t kill.
Geralt’s sword slipped out of his limp grasp, landing on the ground with a soft thud.
Geralt followed a moment after, his knees hitting the ground once more. This time, his executioner wouldn’t hesitate.
Geralt couldn’t protect his child surprise. Not in the years to come. But there was one thing he could do in this moment, one last act of desperation to save a life that he had always been meant to guard with his own.
“I make you a bargain!” Geralt’s voice got drowned in the howling of the wind, and yet, the ever-changing shape of the being turned towards him. Geralt’s throat went dry, his chest tightening. “My life for hers.” Through the whirlwind of leaves and blossoms, Geralt met Ciri’s gaze. Her eyes were wide and terrified. She was his to save. “Take my life and give the girl back hers. Let her go.”
Geralt bowed his head, awaiting judgement. For failing Ciri. For failing Vesemir and not being able to kill this creature. For failing himself. For losing, just when he had finally found the girl he had been looking for.
The wind didn’t falter, yet it changed course. The petals drew closer together, reaching towards Geralt like a hand.
A soft touch brushed his chin, tilting his head upwards, forcing him to look at the swirling shapes before him.
Though the being had no lips yet, their voice was clear and crushingly loud, coming from all around him. Every tree, every blade of grass, the very air spoke with the being’s voice. “Oh, but I don’t even care about my own life, why would I care about yours?”
Despite the roaring volume, the voice was achingly soft, like sweet nothings whispered in Geralt’s ear. The petals brushed Geralt’s cheek like a lover’s caress.
Geralt’s heart pounded in his chest, like a drum, growing faster each second, it’s rhythm dictated by the song that made this creature be.
“There must be something – how can a life be meaningless to you?” Geralt’s voice broke and his eyes flickered over to Ciri again. The child he hadn’t wanted. The life he had tried to push as far from his path as he could.
A sharp sound pierced the air, reverberating in Geralt’s bones. Only when it cut off abruptly, did Geralt recognise it. A laugh, devoid of life or joy.
“I am a phoenix, my dear.” The endearment cut into Geralt, broke him apart, made him wish that he could be more – that he could be found. “Death is just an insect to me – it stings, but has no lasting effect.”
“Liar.” The rasped out word cut through the symphony of sound.
Within the blink of an eye, everything around him stilled. The wind was still moving the petals and leaves. The being’s shape was still changing, and yet, there was no sound. Nothing, but Geralt’s own heartbeat and his blood rushing in his ears.
“What did you call me?”
It was only a single voice, within Geralt’s mind. A helpless desperation clung to it. A hunger.
“I called you a liar.”
“I cannot lie.”
Geralt’s jaw clenched and he forced himself to stare up at the swirling shape.
“Then you are a fool, if you truly believe your own words.” His hands trembled and he had to clench them into fists. Each word he spoke, dug his own grave deeper and yet, he couldn’t stop. It was as if there was something tying him to this creature, something telling him that he could know them, just as he was certain the creature knew him. “If death is like the sting of an insect to you, then it is more than just a passing irritation. Adults still remember when they had been stung by a bee as a child. Warriors flinch back from wasps, even knowing the stinging will pass. Gnat’s bites will itch for weeks.”
“Pretty words for a man who had first used his sword before attempting to speak. Yet the cut of your words hurts me as little as your sword did.” The caress of the petals left Geralt and he nearly found himself following their receding touch. “I do not care for my death, nor do I for my life.”
“Then why am I still alive? If life and death doesn’t matter to you, then why did you not just end mine?”
I don’t even care about my own life, why would I care about yours?
They had never said they didn’t care about Geralt’s life. It had been a question – unable to either be a lie or a truth.
The only life they didn’t care about was their own.
It didn’t make sense. And yet, as minutes, days, an eternity passed and the being still hadn’t taken on a new shape, a vessel for their new life, no doubt was left in Geralt’s mind.
“Then let me give you something else,” Geralt whispered, his mind racing. In the stories, the creatures entrapping children in their realm and bargaining for their lives only ever wanted one thing. “If you let her go, I will give you my name.”
Something changed in the air. An almost palpable tension pressed down on Geralt, making it hard to notice anything around him but the dancing petals.
“Oh, my White Wolf.” The name the being spoke wasn’t Geralt’s name, and yet Geralt felt a tugging in his chest, a soothing caress, a gentle promise. It felt like his. And it felt like the being’s. “I already have your name.”
“Then what do you want? What…” Geralt trailed off, only now noticing the hint of something heavy in the being’s voice. It had Geralt’s name. Yet, Geralt had no way of referring to the creature. He didn’t know them. Perhaps no one did. “Then I give you permission to tell me your name. You may let me get to know you. You may ask to not be…to not be lost without anyone knowing who you are.”
Yearning. Hope. Helplessness.
How a being without a form could make their emotions so apparent, was beyond Geralt, but there was no denying it. The air felt lighter, the grass brighter and the silence was replaced by a soft humming, not unlike the lullaby Geralt had heard earlier. The forest was pulsating like a heart, was living off of the being’s longing to be found.
“I can’t give you my name,” the being said. “I can’t ask of you to hear it. I don’t want you to know it. I care not for my life, nor any life I’ve lived before.”
Something rose in Geralt’s chest. A fluttering, a certainty.
People linked by destiny would always find each other. This wasn’t destiny. It wasn’t any outside force pushing them together. It was two people being lost, finding each other.
Two creatures, inhuman in their own way, feared by those who didn’t understand with no one to care enough about who they were. Neither of them had had a choice in who they wanted to become. Neither of them had chosen to be lost as they were.
The witcher, who’s name had been replaced by a hated moniker. People didn’t know him as Geralt. He was the Butcher of Blaviken.
And this being before him - this Second Chance? Who had they been? Who could they have been if they had the chance to start a life that wasn’t dictated by what they were meant to be?
“I can be your second chance,” Geralt prayed that he could be what he promised, knowing in his heart that he could. “If you won’t take my name and won’t tell me yours… I can give you a name. A new life that will be more than an itch left by an insect. More than the fear of that short sting that will end it.”
The yellow petals were back on Geralt’s face, cupping his cheeks almost reverently. In that moment, Geralt wasn’t a condemned man on the execution block anymore. He was a man on his knees, asking another being to start a new life, to bind them together in a way that felt utterly right for a reason Geralt couldn’t understand.
There was a plea in the silent touch.
“Tell it to me then.” The voice was quieter than it had been before, yet it felt more urgent than the loudest cry.
Geralt lifted his hand, laying it carefully onto the petals touching his cheeks. Yellow petals. Not tough like a dandelion forcing its way through stone paths, set on coming back to life again and again. No, these petals were different. Softer. Fragile.
“Jaskier,” Geralt said, his voice laced with power he hadn’t known it could possess. Louder, he repeated, “Jaskier. I have found you. You are no longer lost.”
A tremble went through the forest. The wind stilled, but the petals didn’t fall to the ground. Instead, they finally settled on a shape.
The petals caressing Geralt’s cheeks were the first to turn, their touch becoming more solid, warmer, human.
Geralt pressed into the touch, holding the hand that formed in his. Dizziness swept over him as the form before him solidified. Green leaves turned brown as they did in autumn and turned into hair. Petals became red and gave shape to a mouth that was stretched into a radiant smile. Grass turned into fabric, dressing the person whose life was just beginning in an embroidered doublet. A tree bent down, its bark peeling off and turning into an instrument, that the person deftly caught in one hand, the other never straying from Geralt’s face.
Then, the human opened their eyes. Blue again but lacking the eerie otherness. And yet, they were brighter than before, so full of life and for once filled with anticipation of what this life would bring.
This life that Geralt had given them.
Before Geralt stood no longer a phoenix, a creature with no name. They were their own second chance. They were Jaskier.
Even as Ciri rushed from behind Jaskier and flung herself into Geralt’s arms, the witcher couldn’t tear his eyes away from Jaskier.
The new human looked at Ciri with a fond expression on their face, and yet there was a strain around their eyes.
When their gazes met, Jaskier’s lips tugged into a small smile.
“I guess I kept my promise then,” they said in a voice that held no power, but made Geralt’s heart skip a beat nonetheless. “I kept he safe until she was found.”
Geralt’s brows drew together. “You intended to let her go? Then why –“
“I didn’t bargain her life,” Jaskier said softly. “She was free to go whenever she pleased. I – I wasn’t. You gave me my life and I give it back to you. If you want it.”
Without thinking, Geralt shook his head and tightened his arms around Ciri.
“I don’t want your life. It is yours.”
Jaskier’s lips moved silently, forming the word ‘mine’, as if testing it out for the first time. A smile lit up their face, making their eyes brighter.
“If my life is mine, does that mean, I can choose where I want to go?”
Something twisted in Geralt’s chest at those words. “You are.” Had Jaskier only ever known this forest? If so… “Do you know any place besides this? Will you…if you leave on your own, will you get lost again?”
A gleam entered Jaskier’s eyes and they slung the strap of their lute around their neck, their fingers finding the strings of their new lute.
“I won’t,” they said, their face set in conviction. “Because if I get to choose where I am going, I will be following you, Geralt of Rivia, my White Wolf.”
Unlike before, there was no power to the way Jaskier spoke his name.
“White Wolf?”
Jaskier’s lips twitched and he plucked a couple of chords experimentally. “You have me a new name. If you don’t want my life, the least I can do is return the favour and give you a new one two. A name, people won’t curse. One that will no longer belong to a lost man.”
No longer a Butcher. No longer a mutant, bastard, monster!
Slowly, Geralt nodded. “A life for a life, then.”
“A life for a life.” Jaskier’s expression softened. “A name for a name.”
Two lost people finding each other, silently promising each other to do everything in their power to not let the other get lost again.
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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Middle Ground
A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfic - approx. 2200 words. This scene occurs well after the events of the romantic epilogue. Fluff.
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Bonding
“So . . . separate beds?” Mitsuhide’s wry smile was only a little bitter.
“Yes. I know it’s silly. I’d . . . I’d rather be in there with you.” The chatelaine, soon to be Lady Akechi, looked down, her expression a mixture of shame and defiance.
“It’s fine. I will have you all to myself soon enough. What is a night or two apart?”
She looked up without raising her head, trying to gauge his emotions.
Mitsuhide wasn’t having any of that. He took her chin between his finger and thumb and gently lifted until her gaze met his. “It is fine.” Then he leaned forward to brush a kiss across her cheek. With his lips almost close enough to touch her skin, he added. “Are you so eager to be in my arms again? Do you want to . . . test out the guest room? Or your childhood bed?”
He had the intended effect. She shivered and licked her lips. “You are so bad!”
“You are the one protesting our brief separation.” Mitsuhide pressed another kiss to her cheek and leaned back.
She crossed her arms. “You’re right. It’s just a few nights. But when we get back to the city -” a wicked smile turned her lips up at the corners, promising all sorts of fun.
“So forward, my little mouse. So eager. You make me wish we were home already.”
“That’s the idea.” She turned and threw him a saucy look. “Something to dream about.”
Mitsuhide chuckled. “Good night, little one.” Something to dream about indeed. He watched her hips as she walked down the hall, until she turned into her room and shut the door. She really had no idea what impact she had on him. He wondered if it was his practiced art of hiding his true emotion, or simply that she couldn’t see how beautiful she was. How desirable.
He went into the room and shut the door. It was so strange. The electronic hum of household devices. The cold fluorescent light from the street lamps in his window. Distant traffic sounds blending with barking dogs and strains of music. Mitsuhide felt suddenly very alone and very out of place.
Despite his refusal, the thought of spending one night, much less three, without his little one, felt impossible. A burden too heavy for him to bear. He needed to feel her in his arms, to fall asleep to the sound of her breathing, the beat of her heart. Her warmth grounded him in this strange place.
Mitsuhide gave a dry, soundless laugh. Who was the little mouse now?
Slowly, meditatively, he dressed for bed and lay down. He would embrace this world, different as it was from his own. He had to, because it was the one that gave birth to his beloved. And so, listening to the heartbeat of this small town, the viscous thrum of modern life, he drifted into an uneasy sleep.
Miyake and Sasuke arrived the following day at lunch. They met up at a local restaurant. Youko was friends with the owner and able to borrow a few tables in the back for privacy.
Minoru, the chatelaine’s often grumpy father, seemed to be on his best behavior. Not smiling, but distantly polite to the two newcomers. He thawed a little when his daughter threw her arms around each of the men in greeting.
No one said much as they ate. Youko and Minoru sat beside their daughter on one side of the table, glancing up at her strange friends. Sasuke, Mitsuhide and Miyake sat across from them, looking nervous.
It was Sasuke who finally broke the silence. He cleared his throat. “I understand your daughter told you about our time in the Sengoku. Understandably, you want proof. You have questions. We are here to give you what evidence we can.”
Minoru snorted. “What do you get out of this charade?” He gestured to Mitsuhide. “Is he paying you?”
Miyake looked as if he wanted to speak up, but Sasuke beat him to it. “No. I am here because your daughter is my friend.” He reached into his bag. “I know it isn’t much, but I brought my ninja kit as proof. These - these are smoke pellets. And that is a kunai. This is a sleeping poison, and this -” he went through the items, explaining what they were and how he made them. Detailed descriptions of the tools and materials he had available.
When Sasuke finished, Minoru looked thoughtful.
Youko smiled across as Sasuke. “You seem a very resourceful young man. And you are also the one that discovered these wormholes?”
“Yes ma’am.” Sasuke dipped his head, embarrassed by the compliment.
“It could just be you have a - a fascination with this stuff. Read a lot. Saw some movies,” Minoru said. His gruff voice held more than a hint of doubt. Even he didn’t buy his own explanation.
Sasuke nodded. “I could have. But even that would not yield the encyclopedic knowledge I’ve developed. I would go into greater detail, but I imagine you don’t have the underlying historical education to make use of most of the information I could provide. Unless . . . Are you a history buff?” His voice sounded different at the end, as if this question was important. Light glinted off his glasses, hiding his eyes. The air around him was charged, almost crackling with a sudden and unexpected energy.
“No. I can’t say I am,” Minoru replied.
“Hm, too bad.” The strange tension in the ninja disappeared as suddenly as it came.
Mitsuhide nudged Miyake. The warrior muttered something under his breath and then rolled his shoulders. “Alright, old man. I don’t blame you for doubting us. I’d think I was crazy too, or lying. But what Lady Akechi told you is true. She’s been living with my lord for the last few months. And it’s a good thing too. He smiles a lot more now. Eats too, and sleeps almost like a human.”
“Miyake,” Mitsuhide growled. “That’s not the kind of evidence they need to hear.”
“Sorry, but it’s the truth. And if you don’t mind me saying, well, even if you do, your daughter makes for one hell of a princess. She makes the servants happy to do a good job because she notices the little things. And the guards . . . they’d all die for her, and not just because Lord Akechi demands it. She’s kind and good to all of us. I don’t get to spend time at the castle, but I hear how she remembers birthdays and congratulates newlyweds and -”
Youko laughed, a sound Mitsuhide recognized. Much like his own little one, but matured. More elegance with just the same amount of joy. “It sounds like you have a following,” she smiled at her daughter.
The chatelaine blushed. “I really don’t. He’s exaggerating, mom. Really.”
“He is not,” Mitsuhide chided. “Though I don’t think that’s the kind of proof her father -”
Minoru interrupted, his gruff voice quieting the table. “It’s clear you’ve gotten to know her. My little girl.” He gave her a brief smile. “I am still . . . it’s a lot to take in. This wild story. But she stands by it and there is clearly - something true in it.”
His daughter hugged him. “I knew you’d come around, papa.”
He dislodged himself from her unexpected embrace. “I didn’t say I’m buying the whole story. Just,” he waved his hand, “some of it rings true.”
The tension at their table eased, and conversation began to flow more naturally. Youko and Minoru had a lot of questions, and were finally ready to hear the answers.
Kyubei followed Ranmaru through the thick forest undergrowth, barely able to make out the dirt path he led them down. This was supposed to lead to a safe house, one that Kennyo agreed to meet him in. He wished the demon-abbot had a taste for teahouses instead of abandoned forest shacks, but it could be worse.
He could be with Hideyoshi, hunting Motonari across the ports. Kyubei wasn’t afraid of pirates, but being on a boat . . . the constant roll of the ocean waves made him sick as a dog. No matter how many trips he made, he never gained any kind of tolerance for the motion. So this, the dirt and the bugs and the thick air under the trees, was a better deal all around.
“This is it.” Ranmaru stopped just before the path opened on a small clearing. There was a half-rotted shack ahead, once a shrine to some local deity, now fallen into disrepair.
Kyubei was surprised to see he wasn't’ the only one here to speak to the monk. Another familiar figure sat on the wooden steps outside the shrine. “Shingen?”
Takeda grinned up at him, pushing a lock of sweaty hair out of his face. “If it isn’t Mitsuhide’s maid!” He laughed. “Kidding, kidding! I just expected to see the kitsune out here himself.”
“He is otherwise engaged.”
“Is he?” Shingen’s smile was dangerous now. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with our missing ninja, would it?”
“If it does, I’ll send him your head,” Yukimura spoke up from somewhere to Kyubei’s left.
Ranmaru put his hands up, laughing as if this were all so silly. “It’s too early for threats. Come on! Let’s make some tea and relax. The abbot will be here shortly.”
Kyubei turned his head a fraction, just enough to see Yukimura lower his spear. “Tea would be good.” He ignored the younger warrior’s scowl as he followed Ranmaru to the shrine.
He didn’t sit, but stood near Takeda, resting his back against a tree.
Shingen, for his part, pretended to be fully relaxed. It wasn’t quite effective though. His brow held a waxy sheen, his eyes looked sunken and fevered. Worse, his breathing was labored. A rasp, harsh as a winter cough.
Kyubei watched him carefully. This was a bad situation. A dying man had fewer qualms than one that had to live with his decisions. He hadn’t realized Takeda was so bad off though, despite the reports he’d received. The Tiger of the Kai was legend. Not a man to be taken down by sickness. And yet.
“Don’t get any ideas,” Yukimura snapped, coming to stand beside his lord.
Shingen chuckled. “So protective, Yuki.” His laugh turned into a thick, unproductive cough. When he finally got control of himself, he directed his attention to Kyubei. “So. Where did your lord and my ninja go off to? And don’t tell me you don’t know. There’s too much tying their disappearance together. I’d rather not have to kill you today for lying to me.”
Another situation he wished he had his lord’s guidance. What information was safe to pass along, and what plans would the ripples of this conversation affect? Kyubei swallowed. “I suspect they have gone to visit the chatelaine’s home. 500 years in the future.”
Shingen nodded as if this was the answer he expected. “Sasuke asked me if I’d like to visit his hometown. He said - he said they could cure me.”
“And then he left without you.” Yukimura punched the shrine wall, causing the whole building to tremble.
Ranmaru poked his head out. “Hey! Careful or you’ll bring the whole thing down on my head!”
“Sorry,” Yukimura growled.
“If it is any consolation, I don’t believe Lord Akechi or Sarutobi left when they did intentionally. The information my lord left indicates the trip was meant to take place later. He was still . . . putting things in place for his extended absence.”
“That’s bull,” Yukimura grumbled, but he relaxed his grip on the spear.
They had no more time to talk it over as Kennyo’s shadow fell across the clearing. He came out of the trees like a spirit, the rings on his staff clinking. “It appears you found me. Again.”
Shingen grinned. “Well, old friend, I did have to hunt through every abandoned shrine in the province to get to this one.”
Kennyo snorted in disbelief.
“Ranmaru brought me,” Kyubei bowed. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”
“I have little time or patience for guests. Tell me what you want.” Kennyo crossed his arms.
“Your help with the false emperor.” Kyubei didn’t look up from his bow. “We both know Ashikaga is dead. The scribe we set up in his place, or the men around him, have gone astray.”
“I could care less. Let the exiled shogun harass the devil-king. Nobunaga and his pawns can go to hell.” Kennyo’s eyes were dark and full of anger. It radiated from him like heat from a fire.
Shingen shrugged. “Yeah, sure. I hate him too. But it’s not just him getting hit. These idiot daimyos in his retinue are conscripting farmers. Villagers. Innocent folk that should be left out of a power grab.”
The demon abbot’s eyes fell on his old friend. “And you believe this is a worse fate than what the Oda have in store for them?”
“I do.” Shingen’s gaze didn’t waver.
Kennyo’s shoulders shook and it took Kyubei a moment to realize the abbot was laughing. He shook his head. “You always were a fool, Shingen. But fine. I will tell you what I know. I don’t think you can stop what has been set in motion.”
Next: Double Dating
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the-scandalorian · 4 years
Tempered Glass: Chapter 4
Pairing: Din Djarin x Female Reader Rating: M (will become explicit) Word Count: 6.6k Warnings: slow burn, canon-typical violence, non-graphic description of blood and injury, cursing, alcohol consumption Summary: You and Mando choose Sorgan as your place to lay low, only to get wrangled into a risky job. Notes: I didn’t post last week, so have two chapters! Taglist: @bbdoyouloveme​​ @beskarhearts​​ @dincrypt​​ @honey-hi​​ @just-me-and-my-obsessions00​​ @red-leaders​​ @zoemariefit​​
Previous Chapter​ | Masterlist | Next Chapter
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Image from The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian
The next few days passed in a haze of planning and training. You helped instruct the villagers in hand-to-hand combat alongside Cara and firearms training with Mando. When Cara asked why you happened to be proficient in both skills, you told her that working with the clientele you did occasionally necessitated self-defense. That was true enough.
After a day or two, however, you decided it was best to leave the blaster training up to Mando. You focused on assisting Cara, who was good company, and joined the crew that was constructing barricades and digging trenches.  
It was irritating to feel a tinge of jealousy at the comfortable way Mando interacted with Omera so soon after meeting her. She was beautiful and clever, welcoming and kind. You understood her appeal. Still, despite yourself, you were annoyed by their borderline flirtatious interactions.
You could practically feel Mando’s heart drop when Omera was the only villager to raise her hand when he asked the group who knew how to shoot. He looked like he might actually be in physical pain as he watched her hit the pan she was aiming for over and over in quick succession during target practice. He was visibly tense, holding his shoulders back uncomfortably far as he regarded her, deeply impressed.
You were honestly even a little nettled by easy relationship that had developed organically between Cara and Mando. Their connection was strictly platonic, but they acted like they’d been friends for years. 
Why is it so different with me?
Both of these developments were irritating, but what really drove you to avoid Mando was your frustration at yourself. This wasn’t the plan. You weren’t supposed to get invested or attached—both because you’d part ways soon enough and because you were witnessing Mando get attached to someone else.
It was easy enough to limit your interactions with him during the day. You spent what little spare time you had playing with the kid and the gaggle of children that followed him around to squeal at every adorable flap of his ears, or wandering through the forest. You always stayed closed to village, but it was relief to get some time alone. As nice as it was to have regular company—something you’d wanted for so long—you also missed some aspects of your solitary existence. It was simple and comfortable. It was what you knew best.
At night, you made sure to stay away from the barn as long as possible so Mando could have plenty of time to eat and do whatever else he did with his helmet off.
Each night, you would approach the barn after dark had fallen, making sure to stomp loudly up the steps. You’d stand off to the side of the doorway and knock, waiting to hear the telltale sound of beskar dragging across the wooden windowsill and the subsequent hiss as he fit the helmet back over his head.
The fourth night, however, when Mando arrived back at the barn in the early evening, he stopped at the doorway.
You had stacked every box, crate, and stray item in a line down the center of the back half of the room to make a barrier that was as high as your shoulder. You’d hung a sheet across both sides, so you each had an enclosed space.
“I know it doesn’t fix it, but I thought it might make you feel better? I promise not to get up with out warning you... I know you’ll probably keep your helmet on anyways, but I have to imagine sleeping in it is killing your neck, and since you won’t let me figure out somewhere else to sleep, this is the best I could come up with,” you stopped rambling, punctuating the end of your sentence with a decisive nod.
“Thank you,” he said.
You were relieved—and slightly surprised—when later that night, after darkness had fallen and you were tucked under your blankets, hovering on the edges of sleep, you heard a hiss and a thunk, which you registered as him removing his helmet and setting it on the floor. It was slightly harder to fall sleep knowing that Mando was only feet away from you, helmetless.
The warmth that blossomed in your chest at this display of trust stayed with you well into the next day.
The next night, after a long day of training, you were back in the barn, getting cleaned up before bed. Mando, having just entered, was untying the knot in his cape. The kid was standing in his crib, tiny hands gripping the bars, watching you and Mando with eager curiosity.
Seated on a crate, you pulled the necklace that was tucked under your shirt over your head, preparing to wash the sweat and grime of the day off you. You leaned over to stow it in a tiny zip pocket on the outside of your bag, when you felt a tug on the thin gold chain. You looked down at your hand, thinking the child must have tottered over when you weren’t looking. But, looking up, you saw that he wasn’t near you. He was still standing in his crib, and he whined at you, his tiny hand outstretched. He seemed concerned, his eyes squinted and forehead wrinkled in concentration.
You looked from the necklace in your hand to the kid and back.
“What the—?”
You glanced at Mando. He was watching you, the cape he was folding frozen in his hands. He dropped the cape and strode over to the crib to grab the child, hugging him tight to his chest. He turned to leave the barn, walking to the doorway. The child struggled against him, until his big ears and eyes appeared over Mando’s shoulder, a tiny hand stretched toward you again.
Curious, you opened your hand and straightened your arm, offering the necklace on your palm.
The baby’s face wrinkled in concentration once again. Mando was almost out the door when the necklace jerked out of your hand and flew across the room. The chain hooked on one of the kid’s tiny fingers. He grasped it, and the purple crystal at the end of it clinked distinctively when it collided with Mando’s pauldron. Mando stopped dead in his tracks.
Your jaw dropped. Mando whirled around, adjusting his grip on the child so he could see the necklace clutched in his tiny hand, the pendant swinging back and forth like a pendulum. The baby was cooing and wiggling his ears in triumph. His other hand grabbed at the crystal.
Mando’s entire demeanor shifted in the space of a second. He stopped breathing and crossed the space between you in a few long strides, raising a hand to point a threatening finger at your chest.
“You can’t tell anyone.” The anger in his voice failed to conceal the fear underneath it, even through the modulator.
“I won’t.” You were absolutely bewildered by this development, but you’d never do anything that would endanger the child.
Mando stayed frozen like that, his hand outstretched. In his arms, the child tittered and cooed, examining the object clasped in his tiny hands.
“Mando, I promise. I won’t.”
He nodded, dropping his accusing hand, and looked down to gently extricate the necklace from the three-fingered hand it was wrapped around. You could see the reflection of the baby’s huge, imploring brown eyes in Mando’s visor. The baby let out a frustrated huff in protest and began to whine in earnest when Mando successfully disentangled the necklace.
He thrust it back into your hand, turned on his heel, and left.
The Mandalorian has a baby... Jedi? And he does not want to talk about it.
After two weeks of preparation, the day finally arrived. Tension was high among the villagers as the final arrangements were made. The plan was reviewed, and finally, the sun began to set. You and Mando headed back to the barn to gear up.
It only took a few minutes for Mando to grab all he needed. Slinging his rifle across his back, he walked toward the doorway and paused. He turned around to face you.
“We’re headed out. You’ll make sure the kid is safe with the others?” he asked.
“Of course. Be careful out there.”
“You too.” He gave you a curt nod and swept out the door.
You gathered what you needed, delivered the child to the building that was designated for children and a couple caretakers, and took your place with the villagers behind one of the barricades. You shared words of reassurance with those around you.
The night passed in a blur of adrenaline. You had been put in charge of one of two groups of the villagers who were capable of fighting. Omera led the other. Mando and Cara attacked the raider’s camp, drawing them out of the forest. The Klatooinians rushed the village, purposefully funneled to the open space between your group and Omera’s by the barricades, and the AT-ST stuttered into view shortly after.
The villagers were roughly trained soldiers, but in the end, it was enough to scare off the Klatooinians—especially once Mando and Cara managed to lure the reluctant walker into the trap, incapacitating their largest weapon.
Halfway through the fight, your blaster jammed, so you traded it for one you took off a dead Klatooinian. It was large and awkward in your hands, but it did the job well enough.
When the walker fell and the remaining Klatooinians turned tail, the villagers began to cheer, letting their guard down immediately. Mando and Cara disappeared into the woods after the retreating raiders to clear out any stragglers.
You scanned the dark scene from where you stood behind the krill ponds to ensure that every Klatooinian had left. When you turned back toward the village, you noticed an injured raider, who had been lying on the ground, lurched to his feet. He started towards Omera, who was kneeling beside an injured villager, tending their wounds, with her back to him. As he stood, he pulled a long knife from is belt.
“Omera!” you yelled. She looked around at the sound of her name and exclaimed when she saw the man charging her, only a few feet away. Her hands scrabbled along the ground around her, trying to locate her blaster. The other villagers in the vicinity, caught off guard, froze and watched in horror.
You fumbled with the safety on the unfamiliar blaster in your hands, feeling slow and awkward. Fuck.
You sprinted forward to position yourself between Omera and the Klatooinian, catching him off guard and meeting his face with the butt of the heavy blaster. He growled in pain, closing his eyes for a moment as he reeled back, slashing the air blindly with his blade. You took the chance to kick him in the stomach, putting all your weight behind it. He doubled over, but managed to throw out his arm as he stumbled backwards, just as you were drawing your leg back. You cried out in pain as his blade bit through the meat of your calf.
Omera, who had recovered behind you, shot the raider before he hit the ground.
You staggered back, breathing hard, and sat on the ground abruptly, gritting your teeth at the sharp pain. He’d cut deep into your muscle, leaving a laceration as long as your hand. Bacta would fix you well enough, but it hurt like a bitch. It was bleeding freely, thick droplets of blood running down your shin into your boot. Without thinking, you ripped your shirt off over your head, leaving you in just your breast band, and wrapped it tight around your calf to staunch the bleeding. Several villagers rushed over to help you, but you waved them off, reassuring them that you had it under control.
Omera knelt beside you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Thank you for having my back,” she said genuinely.
You smiled at her and covered her hand with yours: “Anytime. Thanks for having mine.”
You heard the familiar clank of Mando’s armor behind you. He must have finished flushing out the nearby trees. He crouched next to you.
“What happened?”
“Knife wound. Not bad. I’ll be fine.”
Blood was rapidly soaking through the thick fabric of your shirt. Okay, I might need stitches.
“You need stitches,” Mando said, verbalizing your thought.
“I can do those for you,” Omera offered. “Let’s get you somewhere more comfortable.”
“Thank you,” you nodded.
She threaded a hand under your arm to help you to your feet. You started to get up.
“I got her,” said Mando, waving Omera away. She moved back.
You were too focused on the stinging pain of your leg to process what he meant. Mando got to his knees and leaned forward to slip an arm under the crook of your knees and one around your back. You flinched at the feeling of the cold beskar on your side.
“Mando, I can walk,” you protested, surprised, as he lifted you. You instinctively wrapped an arm behind his neck, while your other hand held tight to the shirt around your calf.
“You’re losing too much blood.”
His chest plate was cold against your exposed skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
You were surprised when he turned in the direction of the barn where the two of you slept, instead of toward the structure that had been designated for medical care. On the way there, he poked his head into the room where the kids were hidden. The child chirped happily up at the two of you from where he was seated in Winta’s lap. Satisfied, Mando turned to carry you the rest of the way to the barn.
If you weren’t exhausted and in pain, you’d probably be more acutely aware of how exposed you were in just your breast band in his arms. You would probably be enjoying the easy way he was carrying you.
He stepped onto the porch in one stride and strode inside, setting you down gently on your blankets. You lay back immediately, bending your injured leg to keep the pressure steady with a tight grip on your shirt. You closed your eyes, trying to not focus on the pain. You heard Mando rummaging around.
“My med pack is in my backpack,” you said. “Will you hand it to me?”
But when you opened your eyes, you saw that he already had his own med pack open on the floor next to you.
“I have anesthetic bacta spray. I’ll use that first so you don’t feel the stitches.” He held up an aerosol can to show you.
Knowing how expensive that was, you protested: “No, no, save that for something more serious. I’ll be okay. I’ve had stitches before.”
“It’ll be easier for me if I know I’m not hurting you,” he insisted, a note of genuine concern in his voice.
“I can handle it.”
“What do you mean ‘no’? Yes, I can. I’ve done it before.”
“Will you just let me do it?” he asked, exasperated.
“Are you okay though? Don’t you have any injuries?”
“No. Beskar,” he replied, tapping his chest plate. “Just let me do it,” he pressed with an imploring head tilt.
“Okay,” you agreed reluctantly. “Thank you.”
He moved down to your calf, taking the shirt gently from your hands. When his fingers brushed yours, you registered that it wasn’t a glove you felt—his hand was bare.
You closed your eyes again, trying not to fixate on the feeling of his bare skin on yours. Plus, you still weren’t sure if seeing his bare skin would somehow violate his Creed.
He peeled back the fabric slowly. You winced.
“The worst of the bleeding has stopped,” he said, using the shirt to wipe away the drying blood on your skin. “I’m applying the spray.”
You nodded vaguely, then hissed through your teeth at the sting of cold spray on your leg, but the effects were immediate—the pain disappeared instantly, completely.
“Ah, fuck, I forgot how good that stuff is. I got so used to getting patched up without it.”
He let out a grunt of agreement. “Stay still.”
“I will.”
You glanced down at Mando, appreciating how out of place he looked, his large metal form crouched over your leg, administering precise medical care with careful movements.
Feeling like you were in good hands, with the pain gone, you let the fatigue overtake you. Your eyes drifted closed.
Sometime later—you weren’t sure how long in your hazy state—you felt Mando move beside you. You opened your eyes, and he was on his knees by your shoulder, his gloveless hand hovering a couple inches above your arm like he wasn’t sure whether or not he was going to touch you. You gave him a sleepy smile, and in a sudden movement, he lowered his hand the rest of the way down to your bare shoulder.
I guess it isn’t against the Creed to reveal your skin to someone else.
“I’m done.”
“Thank you,” you replied, reaching up to pat the hand on your shoulder. You kept the gesture brief, concerned that your touch might prompt him to pull his hand away.
He didn’t.
His hands were softer than you were expecting.
“Rest,” he instructed. “I put water next to you.”
He stood to leave, the weight of his warm hand retreating with him.
You tried not to overthink how tender Mando had been with you. You didn’t want to process what it meant or the fact that it sort of left you swooning. Though, maybe that was the blood loss.
As you drifted to sleep, you thought about what the future might hold. It was a relief that the fight was over and the village was safe, but it also meant your job here was done and it would soon be time to leave Sorgan. You weren’t sure what this meant for your partnership—if you could really even call it a partnership—with Mando. Would you go your separate ways now?
It wasn’t until the next morning—when you were examining the precise row of stiches on your calf—that you realized, with great dismay, you’d exposed the scar on your chest to Mando, Omera, and a handful of other villagers.
The following evening was a celebration. The entire village stayed up late into the night eating, talking, and drinking in the long hall.
After dinner, you were five shots into a drinking game with Cara when Mando rejoined the two of you. You were drinking a clear liquor, something stronger than spotchka that you didn’t know the name of.
Mando sat down stiffly across from you, watching the two of you howl with laughter over a joke he’d missed.
“I was just here half an hour ago. How are you both already drunk?”
“We’re efficient,” said Cara in a mock-serious tone.
“You want to play, Mando? I could get you a straw,” you offered.
He tilted his head, and the sassiness of the gesture made you cackle.
Cara laughed heartily, slapping her hand on her thigh: “I guess that’s his way of saying he can’t handle his booze.”
“What exactly are the rules of this game?” he asked.
“We stopped worrying about the rules awhile ago,” you admitted.
“So who’s winning?”
“Me!” you declared, reaching for the half-empty bottle once again.
“I don’t know about that,” said Cara, skeptically, snatching the bottle and unsteadily pouring two more shots. She handed one to you.
“Maybe you guys have had enough,” Mando said, reaching out to take the glasses from Cara.
“Maybe you’re not the boss of us,” you sassed, knocking his hand out of the way and tipping the proffered shot down your throat. You were drunk enough that it didn’t burn anymore.
“We’re celebrating, Mando!” Cara proclaimed before she downed hers too, and you both laughed at the long-suffering sigh that Mando let out.
A woman that Cara had been spending most of her free time with sauntered over to your table and leaned down to whisper something in her ear. Cara smirked.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to attend to,” she said, standing and taking the woman’s hand.
“Have fun,” you said, winking.
“You too,” she shot back.
You turned to Mando: “Welp, looks like you’re my new drinking buddy.”
He sat silent, helmet following Cara and the other woman as they left the hall.
“Oookay, then. I’m going to bed.” You slapped your palms onto the table and pushed yourself up. 
Mando followed you as you stepped out into the cool night.
“Where’s the kid?” you asked.
“Asleep already.”
“That’s good. Babies need sleep.”
“He’s fifty.”
You turned to Mando, spluttering, “Fifty?!”
“Different species age differently,” he shrugged.
“Yeah, no shit... Still, that’s crazy. You have a fifty-year-old toddler. Your baby is older than you...I mean, I assume so. I don’t know how old you are. If I had to guess, I would say... Is that rude? I probably shouldn’t guess...”
Not paying attention, you started wandering in the wrong direction, and Mando laid a guiding hand on your lower back.
“Come on,” he sighed, directing you toward the barn.
You pushed out the loudest, most dramatic sigh you could muster, and he looked down at you.
“That’s you. That’s what you sound like. You looooove sighing, you know that? It’s your favorite thing, second only to the kid. You might like it even more than the kid, actually,” you mused, making yourself chuckle.
“You’re a chatty drunk,” he observed.
“Everyone is chatty compared to you, Mando.”
He grunted.
“What are you like when you’re drunk? I want to see that. Do you even drink?” You stopped walking, and he did too, visor trained on you.
“I bet you’re a nice drunk.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, no, I know so. Because secretly you’re a nice not drunk person so I bet you’re an extra nice drunk person.” Somewhere in the back of your mind, you registered that your usual verbal filter was completely gone. Oh well.
“Is that right?”
“Yep, you pretend to be all scary with your sexy voice and your blasters and your bounty hunting and your fire bracelet and your shiny outfit, but really you are soft, and you love babies and helping people and carrying injured friends.”
“My sexy voice?” He titled his head suggestively.
“Really? That’s what you took from that?” You hiccupped. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know what your voice sounds like. This is the way.” You hit him with your best Mando impression.
He chuckled.
Your mouth fell open, and you pointed up at him, incredulous. “You laughed.”
“I did.”
“Well, don’t do it too much or I might start to think that you’re a real human being under all that.” You gestured at his beskar.
“We wouldn’t want that,” he said, and you both started walking toward the barn again.
“Look at you, making jokes.” You tripped slightly, and Mando steadied you.
“My boot is untied,” you announced, flopping onto the ground unceremoniously to tie it.
Mando set his hands on his hips and leaned down to watch you.
You held a palm up to him. “Before you do it, I’ll sigh for you,” you said, letting out another exaggerated exhale.
He crouched down in front of you and batted your hand away, pulling your laces tight to knot them.
“You’re trying my shoe,” you said stupidly.
“Yeah, because you’re taking too long.”
“You don’t have to wait for me, you know. I am perfectly capable of getting back by myself. You can go to bed.” You waved dismissively in the direction of the barn.
“I’m not going to leave you out here drunk and alone.”
“See.” You tapped a finger against his chest plate. “Soft.”
“I guess so.”
“Andddd, I think you still feel the need to babysit me because you don’t trust me.”
He looked up at you. “That’s not true.”
He shook his head and stood up. You reached out both hands, and he gripped them, pulling you to your feet.
“How’s your leg?” he asked, replacing his hand on your back.
“Oh, it’s good. You make very tiny, very neat stitches. I was impressed. I assume you’ve had lots of practice.”
He hummed.
You hiccupped again.
“You okay?”
“Yes,” you scowled up at him. “I’m not even that drunk.”
He pushed your shoulder lightly, and you stumbled.
“Hey! That’s cheating!”
“Proved my point though.”
Putting all your weight behind it, you shoved his arm as hard as you could in retaliation. He didn’t falter. Taking a different tack, you snaked a hand under his arm and tickled his unarmored side. He leaped away from you.
“WHY!?” he grunted.
“You’re ticklish!” you announced triumphantly.
“No. I’m not.” But he was careful to stay more than an arm’s distance away from you.
“Yes, you are! But don’t worry, I will take your secret to my grave,” you promised solemnly, placing a hand over your heart. “It wouldn’t be good for business if everyone knew the greatest bounty hunter in the parsec could be bested via tickling.” Your voice cracked, and you dissolved into giggles.
Mando halted and turned to you, putting his hands on his hips again.
“Oh, Mando, lighten up. I’m just teasing you.”
In two decisive steps, Mando closed the distance between you, crowding you backward. You looked up at him, surprised, unable to get a read on him. “I didn’t mean—.”
In one swift movement, he hauled you over his shoulder.
He chuckled and tightened his hold around the back of your thighs. You surrendered quickly, going limp. His pauldron dug uncomfortably in your stomach, but otherwise, it wasn’t so bad.
“That is the second time you’ve laughed in the last five minutes. Are you feeling okay? Are you sure you didn’t sustain some sort of head injury yesterday?” you asked.
“Pretty sure, but I’m starting to think you might have.”
“Hilarious. You know, I could still tickle you like this,” you threatened, trailing a hand down his side.
“Not if you don’t want me to drop you,” he warned, jolting you slightly to demonstrate.
You huffed. “You can’t just cuff me or pick me up any time I’m inconvenient. That’s not how friendship works.”
“I think it works well for us,” he said as he climbed the steps to the barn.
The following two weeks were a period of peaceful recovery and restoration. You, Mando, and Cara helped the village return their home to normal—disposing of the dead raiders, breaking down the AT-ST, taking down the barricades, filling in the trenches. Every day, as there was less and less to do, you wondered when Mando would broach the topic of leaving. You had a feeling he, like you, was also putting it off for as long as possible. You were enjoying the easy routine you’d fallen into, spending time with the kid, Mando, Cara, and Omera; you’d happened into a community and were loath to leave it.
You were seated on the porch of the barn, watching the clouds roll slowly across the sky, when you noticed Mando making his way over.
As he walked toward you, you admired (not for the first time) the way the soft, green light of Sorgan danced across the surface of his beskar. You looked him up and down surreptitiously, wondering if he’d always worn such an elaborate outfit or if it had evolved over time. You knew the armor at least had been replaced. But had he always worn a cape? And like three layers of clothes? And the sash-like bandolier? You weren’t familiar enough with Mandalorian culture to know if they strapped all of that on as kids or if they donned the armor at a certain age...or how any of it worked.
Your eyes paused at his middle. Weren’t utility belts usually worn lower, on the hips? Not cinched closer to the trimmest part of the waist? It did seem to secure the softer part of his armor that covered his stomach, so maybe it had to be positioned there. The idea that Mando had thought about his silhouette when donning his armor was absurd... but something told you that it was not impossible. Honestly, you hoped the belt was just as much for fashion as it was for function because that was too funny. The man wears a cape... it is definitely possible that more than one part of his outfit is both aesthetic and practical.
You definitely weren’t complaining. You enjoyed the view.
You wondered if he fully understood the nature of his effect on people. He was acutely aware of how intimidating he could be; he wielded that advantage liberally and expertly, but you were unsure if he was aware of his appeal. It wasn’t just you who was drawn to him in that way—Omera, for one, was immediately taken with him. And you saw how others in the cantina that first day, or in the Sorgan public house, or even here in the village trailed their eyes down his body when he wasn’t looking.
Your face burned slightly at the memory of telling him he had a sexy voice. You were grateful you hadn’t admitted anything more embarrassing, and that he hadn’t brought it up again. To your relief, that night of joking with him had shifted things slightly—he’d been a little more relaxed around you since.
Mando walked up the steps and leaned on the wall of the barn, joining you on the porch. He glanced down at you.
“How was your patrol?” you asked.
“Good, no sign of any raiders.”
You nodded and let silence hang between you for a long moment.
“That fight was too much action for a backwater town like this though—word travels fast and it’s been a couple weeks. We should cycle the charts and move on.”
Your eyes found the child, who was seated amidst a group of children in the middle of the village. He looked so happy, giggling and playing outside in the sun. Krill flopped on the ground around him.
“I know you’re right, but the idea of taking him away from this place is... hard to think about. He’s so happy here.” You nodded your head toward the baby.
Mando heaved a sigh. He stared forward as he said, “I’m leaving him here. Traveling with me—that’s no life for a kid. I did my job, he’s safe—”
You were shocked.
“Your job, Mando? Your job was to turn in an innocent child for a bounty, and you knew that was wrong, so you didn’t. After that, he became your responsibility, not just a job.” The words fell out of your mouth before you could stop them.
You looked away from him, suddenly cold. He said nothing.
“I don’t understand you. You flip flop between being heartless and being caring. How do you go from saving him to leaving him in some random village? He’s attached to you. Please, explain it to me because I don’t understand.” You made no effort to hide the venom that was seeping into your voice, as every frustration you’d felt toward Mando over the last couple weeks bubbled to the surface at once.
You looked up at him. His helmet was trained on your face.
“He’ll get over it. We all do.”
You glared up at him.
“Why don’t you stay here with him? You could settle down with Omera. You know she wants you to stay.”
“She asked me to stay, but I don’t belong here.”
“You could if you wanted to. Don’t pretend like you don’t have a choice.”
You stood and walked away, leaving him on the porch. You couldn’t stand to look at his infuriatingly blank mask for one more second.
You stomped all the way to the forest’s edge and passed under the cover of the trees. You walked until you reached a clearing surrounded by chest-high berry bushes and began to pace back and forth.
What is he thinking?
How could he do that to the child?
How could he just leave him like that?
You knew it didn’t make sense that you would have a say in what happened to the kid, but you couldn’t help the fact that you’d grown attached to them both over the past several weeks. You wanted Mando to be the man you suspected he was—soft and kind-hearted. You didn’t want him to confirm that the moments of selflessness had been outliers, and he was really the ruthless bounty hunter that he looked like on the outside.
But...he was right that his life was not the best life for a child. You thought about your own lonely, unsettled, nomadic existence—not unlike Mando’s. Except, his life also included regular violence in a way that yours hadn’t in a long time. His life would be even worse for a child than yours.
And it made sense that he wasn’t willing to abandon his entire way of life, everything he knew to stay on Sorgan. That was a lot of ask of anyone. He didn’t ask for this.
You’d come out here to calm down but had only made yourself more irritated now that you’d come to the annoying conclusion that Mando was probably right. You huffed.
The threatening crunch of twigs off to your left brought you back to the present moment. You crouched amidst the bramble of berry bushes.
You watched through the tangle of branches as a figure made their way carefully through the forest. They were carrying a long rifle, their face concealed in a mask.
A bounty hunter. A tracking fob blinked in their hand.
Who is their target? The kid? Me? No, it can’t be me. The fob isn’t beeping fast enough. Mando? Cara? Probably the kid. The thought made your heart squeeze.
You stood silently to follow, keeping a safe distance behind them.
The hunter stopped at the edge of the forest, where the view of the village was clear, and set up the sniper rifle on a boulder. You waited to see where the sight was trained before making your move.
Sure enough, the scope was aimed at the baby, who was sitting on the ground beside a krill pond with Winta. Omera was standing in the water, submerging a basket, beside them.
You rushed forward, raising your blaster to the back of the hunter’s head, and pulled the trigger. Birds screeched and took off into the sky in response to the sound.
You smashed the tracker fob under the heel of your boot before rushing back to the village, knowing the ringing shot would have incited panic.
As you sprinted back to the village center, you spotted Mando. He was standing close to Omera, one hand placed reassuringly on her shoulder. The child was held tight in his other arm. Winta was hugged against her mother’s stomach. They looked like a family, the way they were huddled together.
When Mando saw you, he dropped his hand from Omera’s shoulder.
“What happened?” He looked you up and down, inspecting you for any signs of injury.
“There was a hunter in the woods. I took them out. They had a fob for the kid, Mando. They know he’s here,” you panted.
Neither of you spoke, sharing a moment of mutual understanding. You reached over to lightly stroke the kid’s ear. He cooed up at you.
“What does this mean?” asked Omera.
“It means that he isn’t safe here,” responded Mando. The pain in his voice was clear, even through the modulator.
Omera reached out for Mando’s hand, and he took hers for a moment, squeezing it gently before letting it drop.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
He nodded stiffly. “Me too.”
You and Mando both turned to head to the barn at the same time. As you walked beside him, you looked over to find his helmet trained on you.
“I—uh, I owe you an apology. This would be a great place for any child to grow up—safe, loving. I get why you wanted to leave him here. I’m sorry that he won’t be able to stay now.”
Mando reached his hand out, as if to touch your arm, then thought better of it and let it fall to his side.
“You know, I actually did turn him in for the reward,” he admitted. “That’s how I got enough beskar for the new armor.” He gestured at his chest plate, hanging his head slightly, ashamed.
You looked at him, eyes wide in surprise.
“I regretted it right away and went back for him. That’s when I ran into you. Or, I guess, you ran into me. ” He let out a small huff of a laugh.
You grimaced, remembering the pain of slamming into his back.
“I understand why you were mad,” he continued. “But, I didn’t want to leave him here. I’m still trying to work out what’s best for him, but I know it’s not staying with me forever.” The thread of grief in his voice was pronounced.
You nodded in understanding, wishing you could somehow help him carry this profound responsibility. You weren’t sure how to express that, or if he wanted to hear it, or if it was your place to say it, so you settled on something else: “He’s easy to get attached to.”
Mando scoffed, “You’re telling me.”
You smiled at him, and you couldn’t be sure, of course, but you felt like he was smiling back at you.
You said your goodbyes and readied yourselves for departure. While you hugged the kids and packed your things, you thought about your next move.
A stubborn, cold part of you wanted to tell Mando to drop you off at the closest planet with a major port. You didn’t like that after just a few weeks, you were getting emotionally attached to the pair. It would be easier, safer, less complicated to return to your solitary existence. Plus, your continued presence added to the risk they already faced. That wasn’t fair to either of them.
The quieter, more truthful part of you wanted to stay with him and the child. It was a relief to not be alone all the time, but this was supposed to be a loose, short-lived alliance, not something that made your heart squeeze slightly when you thought about eventually going your separate ways.
You told yourself you’d wait until he brought it up, see what he wanted, and go from there.
You, Mando, and Cara stood at the speeder, ready to leave. Everyone in the village was there to see you off. After a few final goodbyes, Mando and Cara jumped into the speeder. You handed the baby to Mando.
You were about to grab the edge of the speeder to haul yourself up when he reached down to offer you a gloved hand. You accepted. The gesture didn’t surprise you—he was generally polite by nature. What did surprise you was the steadying hand that moved to your waist as you stepped carefully over crates and supplies to find a seat. He squeezed your side gently before letting you go.
You had prepared yourself for a conversation that never came.
As you were leaving the atmosphere of Sorgan in the Razor Crest, Mando turned to you to ask, “What are you thinking for our next move?”
He flicked some switches and pressed a few buttons on the console, and a holo-map of the area flickered into view in front of him. A constellation of planets hovered before your eyes.  
Chapter 5
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plan3tlvrs · 3 years
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<3 erenxblackfem!reader (anyone is welcome to read)
<3 contains: slight mentions of racism, slight nsfw, major fluff, some angst?, mild language
<3 setting: 1950’s
<3 summary: you and eren’s relationship is forbidden due to the time period you live in. and it was easy to keep hidden until one quite night in your home.
The school bell rang as you gathered your books holding them to your chest tightly. You placed the extra books that you didn’t need for homework tonight in your locker before meeting up with your friend Darcy. 
“Did you hear about that black boy that got murdered a few weeks ago?” Darcy said holding up a newspaper as you both walked down the hall. 
“Yeah my momma had the news on all night listening about what happened” You sighed as another young black male was tragically killed at the hands of a white man. 
This wasn’t anything new to you living in the south in the middle of the 50’s was one of the worst places you could live at as a colored girl or any color at that. As long as you weren't white nobody cared about your well-being nor your feelings or how you were treated. 
You grew up regularly being called slurs and many other derogatory names a woman of color could hear. 
“You got any plans?” Darcy said as you walked down the dirt road to your small homes. 
“I think Eren is coming by later to take me somewhere” You smiled at the thought of him.
Darcy laughed a little as you looked at her concerningly “By coming by later you mean sneaking you out of your bedroom window just to sit in his car” 
“Darcy stop you know we can’t do much” You rolled your eyes at her. 
It was true you and Eren couldn’t do much why? It was simply because you were black and he was white. Jim Crow laws prevented you from showing your relationship out to the public. This meant no drive in dates, dances at the teen club, or burgers and fries at the diner together. 
You didn’t mean to fall for someone the opposite skin color the way you met just happened out of no where really. You remember walking down the busy street to get milk for your mom as she was making cornbread with the rest of your dinner tonight. Walking down the street getting weird stares as if you were the outcast. 
You just walked with your head down and stared at the ground as your feet moved against the chalky pavement. Clutching your purse in hand you pulled open the door to the small market. Upon opening the door a body hit yours as fast as the wind did knocking you to the ground. 
Eyes widening you quickly tried to pick yourself up as a pale hand reached out in front of you. Taken back by the kind gesture you pulled your hand away from theirs quickly continuing to look down. 
“It’s alright I won’t hurt you I promise” The voice was soft and kind. 
Looking up your gaze met a boy with brown hair and forest green eyes. His hair was pulled back into a bun which was something that made him so interesting to you. The green haired boy extended his hand out, encouraging you to reach for it. Taking a leap of faith you put your hand in his immediately feeling the softness of yours and his. 
“Thank you so much kind sir I best be on my way now” You spoke, wiping off your knees and then your skirt. 
The boy didn’t say anything back, he just stared into your eyes as if they were the most beautiful things he had ever seen. 
“Wait let me help you with groceries, it's the least I can do” The boy shrugged his shoulder a bit. 
The rest was history after that, you learned the boy's name that same day he went by Eren and you simply adored him. At first you had to keep your friendship on the low for obvious reasons. You didn’t feel yourself start to have feelings for him until the day he mindlessly knocked on your door while your parents weren't home, thankfully you were an only child. 
Snapping yourself back into reality you realized you had made it to your house waving by Darcy you stepped in quietly. Your momma didn’t usually get home from work until the early mornings leaving a few minutes before you came home from school. And your dad was on his usual business trip he had said he went to New York in a letter he sent a few days ago. 
Night had hit unexpectedly as you were deep in your studies with books sprawled around you in your upstairs bedroom. Picking up your books and placing them on your desk so you could have them ready to pick up in the morning as you rushed out the door. You sat down on your bed with a sigh looking at the clock it was around eight thirty and you decided to get ready for bed until you heard a knock on your window.
Going to the balcony you opened the doors stepping out to be met with the silence of the night. Your breath hitching as you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist from behind. 
“Hi darling” The voice said softly in your ear. 
“Eren you can’t keep doing that” You relaxed your muscles placing your hands over Eren’s. 
Eren turned you around in a swift motion before placing his hands back on your hips. 
“I know I just like seeing you jump” Eren smiled a little. 
“You're an ass, you know that right?” 
“Just for you” He smirked, taking your hand and leading you back into your room. 
He sat on your bed pulling you next to him after you closed the balcony doors and the curtains so no one could see you with each other. Getting caught was your worst fear, of course things would be bad for the both of you but more so you getting caught was worse than Eren. You had only seen each other during the night as it was easier for him to sneak out and come over since your mom was at work and your dad across the country. 
“So I aced that math test you helped me study for” Eren said, turning to you and bringing out a paper with a huge A+ on the front. 
“I'm so proud of you baby you did so well” You cheered for him putting your hands on his cheeks. 
“R-really?” Eren said softly with red cheeks. 
Eren’s family didn’t give two shits about his school life; they just wanted to marry him off to another rich white woman and have kids with her just to keep the family business running. No matter how hard he tried to show his parents that he wanted to graduate high school and become an engineer they denied it. 
“Of course I am Ren” Smiling you caressed his cheeks pulling him in for a sweet kiss. 
Eren dropped the paper bringing his hands to your waist as your arms settled on his shoulders connecting at the nape of his neck. 
“You're so beautiful” Eren groaned, leaning down to attack your neck in kisses. 
“Eren” You whined as he continued to trail them down your neck. 
“Yeah baby” He continued to kiss your neck as one of his hands came up to squeeze the flesh of your chest. 
“I want you” You breathed out as he pulled back from the crook of your neck with wide eyes. 
“Are you sure?” 
You nodded your head and pulled him in for another kiss, this one rougher than the other. 
An hour later you were in your bed covered in a sheet of sweat and the covers of your bed as your chest rose and fell. Eren next to you in the same position as you snuggled into his side stroking his chest with the tips of your fingers. 
Never in a million  years would you imagine lying naked in a bed next to someone of the race that was supposed to hate you. You felt so lucky to have Eren at your side just hoping that one day you could reveal your relationship to the world without being in so much fear. 
Your eyes fell heavy as you felt Eren’s lips pressed to your forehead and felt sleep take you over.
“What in gods name is going on here!” 
Your body jolted up along with Erens as you held the covers to your chest only to be met with the eyes of your angry mother. 
“Mom I-” You tried to explain but she was already beginning to yell again. 
“What the hell is a white man doing in your bed matter a fact what the hell is he doing in my goddamn house?!” 
You looked to the side to see Eren with the same wide eyes as yours as he looked at your mother who had obviously gotten off work earlier than you expected. 
“Um I'm-” Eren forced himself to say he would be lying if he wasn’t scared out of his mind right now. 
“I don’t care who you are get the hell out before I call the police” Your mom tried to calm her nerves as she gritted her teeth. 
Eren hurriedly pulled on his clothes even putting on his socks backwards in the process. Even though he was scared shitless he still managed to give you a peck on the lips before going to your balcony and disappearing into the night. 
Moments after your mother didn't say anything to you she just shook her head and slammed your door shut after leaving. When she left you felt tears stream down your face like hot springs thinking this would be the last time you'd see Eren you sunk back into your bed. 
Your eyes almost closed until you heard your balcony window being opened again as Eren stepped through your eyes widened. Sitting up Eren looked around the room for your mother and seeing that she wasn’t there he came and sat on the edge of your bed. 
“I thought you left for good?” You smiled through tears caressing his cheek just like earlier. 
“I would never leave you darling” Eren kissed your lips but this time he kissed them with passion and with love like no one was watching. 
“You promise?” You spoke through tears. 
“I promise” 
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candreloup · 3 years
Hi! Hello! So, I know I didn't upload yesterday(busy day and I was just dead on inspiration...) so I'm gonna try- emphasis on try- to upload twice today. I may not be able to, but here's the first upload anyways. Also be warned- this one is pretty sad. I was considering not saying anything but... I think that'd be pretty mean... EXTENDED VERSION OF @kactus-loves-writing's ASK
They stood there for what seemed like forever, holding each other and crying in the shattered room with only the sound of soft crying filling the room.
Eventually, Villain stopped crying, moved away from Hero. Back into that chair they'd sat in. The same seat, but an entirely new perspective.
"I think that's the most I've ever heard you talk," Villain chuckled, wiping away the last of their tears. Hero snorted, still standing.
"That's the first thing you say?"
"Well... what else is there to say?" The room fell silent again. This time they both looked down at their feet, embarrassed. Hero felt a growing feeling of guilt. From Villain's expression, so did they.
"You know... I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to leave you like that. I had no idea what you were going through," Hero whispered.
"I'm... sorry too." Villain looked up at Hero. "Are... we still friends?"
Hero smiled. "I could never abandon you."
At first Hero thought they'd imagined it. That all-too familiar sound, coming from... coming from somewhere, too close for Hero's comfort.
Villain frowned, their eyebrows knitting together. "Did you hear that?"
Hero started moving, grabbing Villain's hand and searching desperately for a way out of the room. They were on the third floor of the building, high enough so that it would take them too long to get down.
Unless... "Villain, how did you get up here?"
Villain stared at Hero in confusion, the noise getting louder and louder. It sounded like... footsteps. "I- what? What are you talking about? What's that noise? Hero, what's happening?"
"Villain, we don't have time! How did you get up here?"
"I used my abilities, obviously...?" Villain paused, looked at Hero. "Hero, what's going on?"
"I'll explain later. All you need to know right now is that we have to get out of here, and fast. Trust me. Can you get us out of here with your abilities?"
"No, I can only transport one person at a time. Beyond that and I can barely move afterwards."
Ugh... Of course. Hero groaned, rubbed their forehead with a hand. "Ok. I can get out of here on my own. I want you to get outside and as soon as you touch the ground, run as fast as you can. We'll meet... somewhere. I don't-"
The sound stopped. Hero jumped. Shit. Shit, shit shit shit shit- "Villain, run!" Hero screamed, pushing Villain towards the window. "Run!" But it was too late. The wall behind Hero broke open, a huge hole punched straight through the middle of it. A group of people emerged from the rubble, all armed to the teeth with various weapons.
"Hero, what the hell is going on-"
"Quite a touching reunion you had there, eh, Hero?" A voice rumbled through the room, filling Hero with dread. "Ahhhh, I knew it would be a good decision to send you here. You're Villain's only weakness, after all."
Villain hissed, grabbing Hero's arm and backing up towards the window.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. We have people down there, too. All ready to capture you." Villain turned around, eyes widening as they saw the people in the courtyard, all with long-range and close-range weapons. All aimed at Villain.
"Hero, what is this?" Villain asked softly. "Please don't tell me this is what I think it is."
Hero hung their head in shame. The voice started to laugh, deep and baritone, echoing out over the yard. "They haven't told you? Ahhh, this is too good!" The laughter stopped. "Your little friend was a trap. The perfect bait. And you took it like a fool!"
Villain pushed Hero away, half-sobbing as they realized what had happened. "You- you..."
Hero could see the betrayal in Villain's eyes. At that moment, Hero knew they would never be forgiven. The only thing they could do was hope to save Villain, get them away from this place.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't cut it!"
"So was that all an act? Those tears, all that hysterical sobbing. Lies?" Villain's voice was deadly quiet.
"THEN WHAT WAS IT?" Villain shouted, trembling with rage. "WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK?"
"Look, I know it was unforgiveable."
"I'm sorry, and I know that doesn't cut it but for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I... thought you changed. I thought you were beyond saving."
Villain shook their head. "So... you wanted to kill me."
The voice rumbled with laughter again. "Ha! This is too good. But I'm afraid it's taking too long. You can save your little confrontation for a visit to the prison. For now, you will be captured, alive or dead."
Villain's eyes hardened. "I'd rather be dead."
Chuckling. "Very well."
Hero saw the shot coming a second before Villain did. Saw the signs of attack and the raised weapons a fraction of a second before Villain. That was all they needed.
The next few seconds were a blur for Villain. They could barely think, barely breathe. Hero betrayed them. All Villain could think was: Why? Hero didn't have to talk to Villain as long as they did. They didn't have to do all of that, say all of that, in order to capture Villain. All they would have had to do was talk to Villain for a few moments. The second Hero had Villain yelling, Villain was open. Instead, Hero had talked with them, even tried to get them out before the organization came. Why?
"Villain, snap out of it!"
Bang. Villain fell to the floor, a weight on their body.
So heavy. They waited for death, waited for the feeling of their life draining out of them. Nothing.
"-un. Run. RUN!" Hero's voice faded into Villain's hearing.
"I... what?"
Something warm dripping onto Villain's face. Tears? No. Something dark, filling Villain's nose with a metallic tang. Villain looked up, tried to register what was going on. Hero was on top of them, face looking down into Villain's. Shouting something. Run. Run. Run. Something dripping, falling warmly onto Villain's chest. Run. Run. What was it? Dark. Metallic. Falling from Hero. Blood.
Hero went limp on top of Villain. The world swirled to a stop. Then-
The soldiers around them only saw a flash of light, heard a deafening roar of sound. Then- nothing. Just a few scraps of cloth and shards of glass littering the floor. An empty window, and silence.
Villain opened their eyes to a forest, the soft sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling. Still night. Comprehension came slowly, vaguely. A loud sound. Hero went limp. Blood dripping onto my face. There was something warm, something heavy on top of Villain. Villain looked down, saw Hero lying on top of them. Heavy. With fading strength, Villain moved Hero onto the ground with their back to the floor. Their eyes were closed.
Villain crawled closer to Hero, desperately feeling for a pulse. Something. Anything. Villain held their hand above Hero's mouth, under their nose, struggling to find any sign of life. Nothing.
Then, suddenly, a small pulse of air. A whisper. Villain sprang into action, frantically trying to find the wounds. Bullet wounds. Stomach. Chest. Another breath of air. Villain looked up. Hero's head shook weakly, almost imperceptibly.
"Too... late." No. No. No, no, no no no nonono-
"...un. Run. Don't...et them ca...tch you."
No. There was still time, still a way-
"I'm sorry." Villain started to sob, dripping tears onto Hero's body.
"You can be sorry later, when you're okay." Hero shook their head.
"No." Villain ripped cloth off of their shirt, binding Hero's wounds. Blood soaked through the cloth, soaked the ground below Hero. Trickled from their mouth.
"Too late," Hero breathed.
"No, you're going to be okay, you're going to be fine-"
Hero shook their head again, barely rocking it. "...love you."
Hero stopped breathing.
Villain started to panic, checking their pulse, their breath, anything. Held their head to Hero's chest, feeling their fading heartbeat.
Hero's chest lifted again, barely. Villain squeezed their eyes shut, tears still leaking out.
Their chest stopped lifting. Blood still seeped out of their wounds, trickling onto the floor and onto Villain's hands. Villain didn't care.
Villain called Hero's name, softly.
"I love you too."
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pepperpills · 3 years
The Harvest - RE8 fanfic
The Harvest
A Resident Evil 8 fan fiction by Joana
Karl Heisenberg x Female Reader
Notes: hi guys, I'm changing a little my posting method. at first, I was afraid the chapters were too big and decided to divide them in parts and post a new part everyday (as long as there was a part to post), but it kind of affects the reading, so I will be uploading a new complete chapter every tuesday, hope it is better for you!
Warning: NSFW content
Part I - Destiny (1) Part I - Destiny (2)
Part II – The Lord
The day after The Harvest, when you were designated to work for Lord Heisenberg, was a long one. Not really exhausting as you spent most part of it turning from one leg to the other waiting for someone to activate the bridge to the factory.
You were deadened by a miscellaneous of emotions battling to gain domain over your brain. You couldn’t stop thinking about waving your mother goodbye as the sun conquered the sky, shortly before being surrendered by the stormy clouds.
After the speech at the Chapel, you wanted to wander around a little bit, maybe hunt, thinking that it probably was your last walk on those landscapes, yet, you didn’t want to get late on your first day, so your feet lead the way past Heisenberg’s gate, close to the church. It wasn’t even lunch time when you reached the end of the road, facing the factory chimneys and the hell lot of metal discarded in its front yard.
You had completely no idea how to call someone or if you should, as far as you knew, the lord lived there alone and you didn’t think it would be a great first impression if you simply started yelling his name, so he could do that bridge thing.
Thus, you waited. Placing your bag on the ground, you stood there for what seemed to be two entire hours. Then you got tired and sat, your corselet holding your oxygen levels. After a while even being sat was annoying, your legs tingled and your stomach hurt, once you completely forgot to bring any food with you.
That would be a great time for the Duke to make an entrance. As one of his most loyal clients – maybe you sneak once in a while, claiming possessions of one or two crystals –, sometimes you two shared a meal and Gods, he was a good cook. But it wasn’t his week at the Village and that wasn’t his store’s place anyway.
When the day light began to fade and the clouds grew heavier, you started worrying about getting wet. To divert your mind from that thought, you left all your belongings at the end of the road, not too close to the border, so hopefully they wouldn’t fall in the water below, and explored the ruins, studying the bricks that build those structures, absolutely bored, not even anxious anymore. At that point you could think about a thing or two to say to that idiot Heisenberg.
What would happen if he didn’t open the gate? Could you just walk away and live your life? Well, that didn’t sound like a bad plan, if just you could reach the forest first… The first water drop popped in your hair, the rain it announced didn’t take long to join it and a few moments later you were soaking wet, cold to the bone, contracting every muscle.
Suddenly, as you were about to curse Heisenberg’s name, a gear sound rose, it sounded old, but well-oiled and was really loud, louder than the rain and thunders and made you and the crows jump, they flew, you stayed as there was nowhere to go. Approaching your dank belongings, you saw a firm, modular, sand-coloured bridge forming in front of your eyes. Its movement was smooth comparing to something that big. You were genuinely impressed and would like to ask a few questions about how that works.
This surreal vision absorbed you for a few minutes after it was done, you didn’t feel the rain chastening your skin anymore. To be honest, at that point you realized where you were at and what you had to do, after an entire day in standby.
Your own brain didn’t really wake you up from that hypnosis. Oh, no. What made your heart rate rise again was a sudden, strong and frisky voice coming out of nowhere. You looked around, moving your head way too quick, making a spray of water with your hair and saw no one, but his words were most certainly there, echoing in your mind, making your entire body feel warm.
“C’mon, honey pie, we ain’t got all day.” He said, demanding, and then laughed.
Great, a madman, you thought. You weren’t sure, though, if you blushed intensely due to what he just called you or because every cell of your body felt enraged with that joke, it was you who had been waiting for him, you who would be forever wet, because he left you in the rain. You wanted to walk to that factory and tell it straight to that son of a…
Shortly, you understood. It was a test. You took a deep breath, grabbed your stuff, which made a humid sound, and walked resiliently to the factory’s gate. He wanted to see if you were a spitfire and you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
“She walks.” He giggled, the voice of the wind, and then opened the gate.
Was he doing it with his mind? You knew that Lady Beneviento had some sort of effect on people’s brains, hallucinations they said, Lord Moreau could turn into a giant fish, Lady Dimitrescu had impressive long and strong nails that could tear anyone apart. What could Lord Heisenberg do, really? The villagers talked about he being one of the strongest lords, if not the strongest of them all. He had some power over metal, but you didn’t know exactly how it worked.
Anyway, you stepped in his front yard, facing the absurd, yet fascinating sea made of his discarded toys. For Gods’ sake, you even saw a war tank half buried in the dusty soil, you couldn’t even imagine how he had that and why he would so easily neglect it. There were ripped off motorcycles, destroyed cars, metal pieces with a huge variation of sizes and shapes and a ton of mechanical parts just lying there as a good old scrap heap.
Home, you thought sarcastically and smiled. So, when the last factory doors finally spread open to you, you faced the interior with a smile on your face even though you were miserable due to the storm. Carefully, you came inside just to be greeted by a puff of heat and sweet smoke, really welcoming at your state. The warmth certainly came from all the machinery working there somewhere, making a metal orchestra that never shut off. The smoke, well, it was coming from Heisenberg’s lite cigar.
He came from above, as a god like being, building stairs with metal parts right in the mid-air and climbed them down. You had never seem such thing and it was breath-taking; you were hypnotised for a moment there, silently dripping on the grimy ground, actually cleaning it a little.
He had some sort of waddle on his walk, nothing tawdry, though. Karl Heisenberg looked like an authoritative, impulsive and humorous man and he was, above all, having fun with you being there as if you were his new pup and you sure were.
“Oh, look who finally made it!” He greeted, on the ground, standing three steps away from you, the smoke so dense it made your eyes water, yet reassuringly hot with a tobacco scent.
Heisenberg took off his spectacles, just then you realized he was wearing them inside the factory. Besides that, he was dressed exactly the same as the day before, it didn’t seem he’d showered or so. Nonetheless, now you could see his eyes, his multi-coloured greyish blue abysms staring straight at you for sure this time.
All you felt able to do was stare back, almost not blinking, taken by those soft colours on a rough man like him. You thought you would be scared, although, you were honestly intrigued. You noticed another scar crossing his cheeks and nose and wondered how it ended up there, feeling all of a sudden tempted to reach it with your index finger, gently sensing the cicatrized skin.
“Good evening, sir.” You found yourself saying to be polite, breaking the motionless aura that sunk you in contemplation.
It was bizarre, but you weren’t cold anymore nor angry, you had the grip over your own posture again, your corselet helping you to keep your back straight. You were confident.
“Good evening, Y/N.” This you weren’t expecting, almost broke you. Why would he bother to memorise your name?
You remembered what Miranda said about being solicited by one of the lords, that made you shiver, exactly like the one you had before, only this time you could also smell the iron all over, not only taste it. The scent in the closed atmosphere of the factory had a light, almost undistinguished, aroma of the night, the fresh breeze and dry grass, maybe brought by you, however, most of it was rusted metal, motor oil and tobacco. It wasn’t unpleasant, just uncommon to what you were used to.
“Guess you found less transparent clothes.” He said next, circling you, studying you and your reactions.
You noticed he also smelled like the factory as if he was part of it, or it was, indeed, himself. You closed your eyes and the iron taste emphasized, it felt like you were licking a ring, you head spined.
“It is tradition to wear them at The Harvest.” You defended yourself – and your pure intentions.
You don’t know why, but you felt your cheeks burning, actually, parts of your body that would usually pass unnoticed had lite with the tension in the air and you just hoped you could be alone, devouring some food to calm your nerves.
“Horseshit!” Heisenberg raised his voice, coming through his pressed teeth. “They just make you wear those slutty clothes so my sisterAlcina can see all of her new pups’ assets.” Heisenberg mocked, laughing madly.
“Oh.” You couldn’t think of anything better to say, you never thought of that.
At that point, you were thinking about yourself, your dress and how you felt pretty wearing it. Did it count on the selection? You felt slightly ashamed, Heisenberg’s breathing was too close to your left ear, but you wouldn’t dare to move or your noses could collide.
“Surprised?” He questioned, maliciously. You didn’t answer immediately, you were too aware of how your boobs were trying to escape the corselet’s dictatorship. “I asked you…” He bellowed “are you surprised?” he finished in a lower tone.
“Y-yes.” You finally said. “Never thought of it.” You looked at the ground, discovering a puddle where you were standing.
“You sound like an outsider.” He ruminated, more to himself than to you.
“I kind of am.” You confessed, thinking about the cabins. “I am from the cabin people.”
“Hm… Interesting.” He glanced at you, head to toe, you couldn’t help feeling heated as you never felt before. “Sorry about the rain.” Heisenberg shrugged. “I am a busy man.” He justified, mischievously, remembering you of the anger you felt back at the bridge.
The lord left you alone for a second, walking past through a curtain. You followed him into a small improvised office area with photos all over a wall, it pictured the Village, the lords’ lots and Mother Miranda, a big poster of her right in the middle. It had a knife scratch on it. Maybe Heisenberg wasn’t a family’s man after all.
You were regaining your confidence as he was distracted with the pictures – or you thought he was, unable to really see what he was picturing –, you were seeking for a good ambiguous thing to say about waiting so long for that sort of reception, however, he was quicker and made you gasp, almost choke.
“Take ‘em off.” It was an order said firmly. The way he looked at you, as if he was some kind of authority, gave you the chills.
“Them?” You innocently asked, placing a hand on your belly, trying to breathe.
“Your wet clothes.” He explained, pointing to your entire body.
“All my clothes are wet.” You insisted, flushing heavily.
He took his very own overcoat off and handed it to you. You hesitantly accepted it, not knowing exactly what to do with his eyes on you.
“For fuck’s sake.” He turned away, chuckling.
You waited half a second to be sure he wasn’t secretly looking, you didn’t know if there were cameras in the room, so you started undressing. It wasn’t a very easy dress to take off, you couldn’t reach the laces on your back, because of that, you had to ask for his help.
“Can’t even take off your own clothes, kitten.” Heisenberg mocked, as his adept hands slowly, playfully, untied the laces.
His touch was warm, he slipped his hand and you felt his calloused fingers on your skin, your body hair immediately responded husking and an electrical current flowed through you, lightening your eyes, reverberating to your core. He also felt that and some other things that made him put away his hips, but once you were facing the entrance, you couldn’t see his reaction and only heard a small movement of boots.
Lastly your dress fell to your feet and you covered yourself with his bulky overcoat, feeling better as you inhaled his aroma so intensely you almost fainted with those mechanic flavours petting your skin and his body warmth heating you.
“Now, enough chit-chat. Your duties.” He broke the silence as you finished tying the fabric belt around your waist.
“Yes, sir.” This time it was him who took a deep breath, seeming a little bothered somehow like he could use some time alone.
He had been a lonely man. You didn’t hear other people, well, living people, in the factory the next days and realised it was only you and him. It must have felt weird having someone around after years of living like an eremite. Even with all the jokes and that cheap charms, the view of him tilted to the investigative board gave you the impression that it was a bit too much having you there all at once and decided to put your rain resentments aside ang give him a chance and some space.
“I need some cleaning. I am expanding some experiments and I need to use a new wing for it, but it’s really messy.” You couldn’t see his face, but you were sure he had a grin adorning his scarred lips.
“I will do it.” You said, a little disappointed that this was your choir and surprised you were expecting something more… Dangerous? Exciting maybe?
“Of course you will.” He was leaned on the office desk, not even looking at you anymore, suddenly sold out. “One more thing.”
“Yes? What is it, sir?” Heisenberg shook his head making his grizzly hair dance as if getting rid of a thought. It wasn’t clear if he was still having fun or being disturbed by something.
“There is only one bed in this factory.” You turned stone cold with that announcement, abruptly conscious of all the blood running through your veins.
A secluded part of your mind, a usually quiet one, whispered a thought: It would be good to see where his blood is running to.
“Unless you want to sleep in a stretcher.” He added, laughing vigorously, giving you the chills again.
“Oh no, I will take the bed.” The answer came easily as if it was always there.
You took your wet clothes and belongings after he told you how to access the bedroom and you left him alone to it, whatever it was.
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 21 (Kiro) Part 2 [Chaotic Space] & [Tacit Agreement] Translation [CN]
For previous translations of chapter 21: Part 1
[Chaotic Space]
We made our way to the hotel lobby.
Every waiter who passed by Helios only gave him a small glimpse. He continued to do his own thing as if he was already used to such behavior and just let it pass him by.
I tugged on his sleeve and motioned for him to come closer.
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MC: Do you know something about their expressions?
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Helios: No.
Helios: They only know that I’m a “special guest.”
A playful smile crept into his eyes but at this time the lobby manager stepped forward and stood in front of us, casting accusing eyes on Helios.
Manager: Sir, I hope you will not cause trouble to the other guests.
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Faced with such a firm and awe-inspiring question, Helios smiled lazily and turned his head to look at me.
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Helios: Are you troubled?
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I shook my head, feeling the manager’s face darken a little bit, and Helios’ smile became more triumphant and mocking.
Manager: If you are threatened, you can tell me right away. This guest has a history of taking other people’s belongings.
Helios: So much rubbish.          
Helios: Step aside.
Helios stepped forward impatiently, took me towards the door and I looked at him with a snicker.
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MC: You’re not stealing people’s cell phones to send text messages, are you?
Helios: I tried normal communication.
He said this nonchalantly, warning the waiters who were observing secretly.
Helios: They just want to keep me here as ordered and restrict my communication with the outside world.
Helios: On the other hand, as long as I don’t leave here, I can do as I please.
MC: But if that’s the case, you can walk straight out the exit, right? How can you not be able to leave?
Helios: That is what makes this hotel interesting.
As we talked, we arrived at a door and Helios pushed it away while I stared blankly.
A dazzling light shines through the crack of the door. As we moved forward, it instantly covers my entire vision—
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An embellished blue is embellished in front of my eyes. The sound of waves rushes to my ears, sweeping away the fatigue and burden of this period in time.
In the distance, a few people were on surfboards riding and jumping over the waves and women in bikinis lay on the beach sunbathing.
I stared at Helios next to me in a daze and he seemed to be unsurprised as though he had seen this scene many times.
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MC: Have we crossed?
Helios: ….
MC: Is this the work of an Evolver?
Helios didn’t seem to want to explain anything. He took a handful of sand from the ground and stuffed it into my hand.
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Helios: Hold onto it tightly.
In the next second, he took my shoulder and walked to the other side of the beach.
Under the bright, hot sun, my forehead unknowingly oozes thin sweat.
I don’t know how long it has been until a door similar to the one before appeared.
Helios pushed open the door skillfully and pulled me in.
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The sun behind him suddenly disappeared and was replaced by an endless field. Many stars covered the entire night sky.
Before I could marvel at the sight, Helios raised my hand to my eyes.
Helios: Open your hand.
I obeyed his words and opened my fingers gently and the dense, fine sand was scattered like smoke and dust under the starry sky, quietly falling down to the ground.
It’s so real that it sends chills down one’s spine.
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Helios: Although it is not clear what the principle is, it should be the use of “doors” to connect many real spaces together.
MC: Do you mean this is actually Loveland City or somewhere on Earth?
Helios: No, all you see here are people who come to the hotel.
Helios: It should be some kind of different space.
He took me to walk in the star-shrouded wilderness. The crescent moon bends and the night wind swept over the weeds making a rustling sound.
Maybe because Helios is here, my heart is incredibly calm.
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Helios: What’s wrong?
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MC: Although I think it might not be a good time to say this kind of thing, don’t you think it’s beautiful here?
Helios: I brought you here because of the beauty. ***UWUWUWUWUWUWU!!! 🥺💕That is classic Kiro!!!***
Helios: Otherwise, I wouldn’t have taken you away like this.
I was surprised. Helios’ expression was faint as if this the answer was obvious.
MC: Is there anything else that’s weird here?
Helios snorted and reached out his hand to count.
Helios: Volcano eruptions, Tyrannosaurus in Jurassic Park, valleys full of poisonous insects, tropical rain forests, deserts, polar regions….
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MC: ….
MC: ….It seems that you have suffered a lot.
Helios: At least it gave me some fun.
Before we knew it, we came to another door again. After he opened it skillfully, he led me to step on the clouds.
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I looked down and dizziness swept through me.
MC: …This is?
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Helios: A rare and special place.
He pulled me to sit on the clouds, soft as velvet, and the pale pink sky seemed to be within reach.
MC: Do you remember where all these doors lead to?
Helios: Each space has a door with at least three doors and at most six doors and the space leading to it is basically fixed.
Helios: Try a few more times and you will know.
I looked back against the light. How long has he been trapped here and how many attempts has he made by himself?
MC: What does it mean “basically fixed”?
Helios: When I first arrived, I went through the doors several times and the space changed.
Helios: I was short on time so I haven’t found a pattern yet. This place is bigger than I thought.
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MC: Wouldn’t it be dangerous if a guest ended up in the wrong place?
Helios: Not that dangerous.
He turned his head and half of his body was already out of the clouds.
I subconsciously wanted to catch him. The friction felt fleeting at my fingertips and I watched in horror as Helios gradually receded.
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MC: ….!
Helios smiled calmly. In the next second, he squeezed my palm—
Gravity pulled me down quickly like a boulder. At the same time, his arm tightened and he took me into his arms.
I stared at his eyes blankly. My heart beat violently because of the weightlessness as light and shadow past behind me.
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Helios: Don’t be afraid.
At the end of my field of vision, I saw a vast expanse of whiteness. We seem to have fallen into the end of the light.
Suddenly, we seem to have landed onto a very soft place and even bounced back a few times.
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I opened my eyes, propped up, and found myself lying on a bed with Helios beside me looking at me with a smile.
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Helios: Now you understand.
Helios: Someone in the hotel is secretly manipulating everything.
Helios: You can only appear where you “should” appear.
From a drawer, Helios pulled out a piece of paper with many weird graphics on it and pointed to one of them.
Helios: Like I said before, this here is a different special space just like this Rubik’s Cube…
MC: Wait a sec.
I looked at the distorted three-dimensional figure on the paper in confusion.
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MC: ….I can’t tell that this is a Rubik’s Cube.
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Helios: …..
***In case any of you don’t know, it’s a known fact that Kiro’s drawing skills suck😆. He ain’t no Piscasso but I still love him as Mr. Spicy Chips🥰🥰🥰 ***
Helios’ expression was a bit stiff. He took out a pen and drew a more distorted figure on a blank space.
I lay on the bed and couldn’t help laughing.
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Helios: That funny, huh?
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MC: No, it’s nothing.
I tried to suppress my laughter but seeing Helios’ expression, I couldn’t help but let it out.
I took the pen from his hand, turned over the paper, and drew a regular three-dimensional figure of a Rubik’s Cube.
MC: Rubik’s Cube…as you were saying.
Helios looked at the figure I drew in a daze. Finally, he turned his head and let out a faint chuckle.
He cleared his throat and pointed to the Rubik’s Cube. 
***I just absolutely love how these two interact with one another😂😂😂***
Helios: After my investigation, I suspected that every space in the hotel is like each square on a Rubik’s Cube.
Helios: Therefore, the number of doors will vary depending on the position of each block.
Helios: However, the space we have just experienced is the state of the Rubik’s Cube at rest.
Helios: But if the “Cube” is rotated, the space will change.
MC: Isn’t that troublesome?
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Helios snorted coldly, his eyes flashing with disdain.
Helios: Even if it gets disrupted again, it can’t erase the “Rubik’s Cube” itself.
Helios: There will be no way out.
[Tacit Agreement]
For the rest of the time, I tried to digest what Helios said, but I kept finding it strange.
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MC: Let us not mention for the time being whether the people who were taken away from the Wish Club were brought to the Wish Hotel.
MC: For this hotel alone, it serves Evolvers under the guise of storing Evol…
MC: Just to trap them here?
MC: If it’s that’s the case, what happened to that guest I saw leaving when I came here?
Helios: Nothing but a cover.
Helios casually grabbed a pillow, leaned on my side, and laid his arms on top.
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Helios: Whether it’s “stored” or not, the Evol of the guests in the hotel is indeed gone.
MC: ?!
Helios: This hotel has equipment for detecting Evol energy.
Helios: I saw that were no Evol energy fluctuations in anyone.
Helios: After realizing this, I confirmed that every guest who leaves the hotel is the same.
MC: How did you do that….
Helios: Haven’t found it yet.
Helios: Customers who accept the Evol “storage” service should have a special “door”.
There was a cold glint in Helios’ eyes.
MC: But it feels that there are not a few guests here and there is no description of Wish Hotel from the outside world.
MC: Does it mean that these storage behaviors are voluntary?
Helios: That’s not important.
He turned his head and looked at me lazily. It might have been my imagination but his eyes seemed somewhat tired.
Helios: The important thing is that the Evol energy that originally existed was indeed “taken away”.
Helios: They won’t be taken away for no reason.
Suddenly, I thought of something and looked at Helios in front of me. I sat up abruptly.
MC: This strange hotel is also related to the foundation that should serve ordinary people.
MC: The foundation is doing things for GR again.
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MC: Could there be GR members behind this hotel?
MC: Are they collecting Evol energy for research? Or looking for CORE?
Helios: You have quite the habit of asking a lot of questions.
Helios closed his eyes. His reaction didn’t seem surprising.
Helios: Find the person behind the hotel and then we will know everything.
Helios: Thinking more is a waste of brain power.
MC:…You’re right.
I mumbled and went back to the bed again, looking at the man with his eyes closed, my brain spinning constantly.
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MC: That being the case, I have a good idea. Maybe I can find the person responsible.
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Helios: No way.
Helios didn’t open his eyes as if he completely guessed what I was going to say.
MC: I haven’t said anything yet.
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Helios: No way.
Helios opened his eyes with dissatisfied and the light outside the window fell on his distinct eyelashes through the soft gauze of the curtains.
Looking at the more vivid person in front of me, I couldn’t help but raise the corners of my mouth.
MC: I am now a “guest” of this hotel and it’s only reasonable to enjoy their special services.
MC: Since I’m here, even if I don’t ask for it, they will definitely achieve their goal in another way.
Helios: I have other options.
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MC: Definitely not faster and more straightforward than mine.
MC: Besides, didn’t we also cooperate perfectly in that Hunter Game before?
I stared at him calmly and gently grabbed the corner of his sleeve.
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MC: I believe you will protect me.
Helios’s eyes became turbulent.
Helios: No third time.
After speaking, he took out the wooden board on the side of the bed and in his hand was a microcomputer.
MC: How can you still have a microcomputer?
Helios: I dismantled several computers at the front desk.
Helios: There wasn’t enough time. Only set up the intranet.
Helios said casually and quickly started typing on the keyboard.
Helios: You’re in room 2176? ***It’s not a Kiro chapter without some numeric slang sprinkled in. MC is staying in “Love You Kiro” room🥺💕***
MC: Yeah, you found this out too?
Helios didn’t speak, only a soft hum was left in the air.
Then, he took out two small devices from another cassette and stuffed them into my hand.
Helios: Communication equipment. Put it in your ears.
MC: Where did you remove this from? You didn’t take apart the phones in the hotel too, did you?
Helios only raised the corners mouth slightly, set aside the satellite computer, grabbed my wrist and pulled me down.
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Helios: So many questions.
He made no attempt to hide the fatigue in his voice. He sighed as if he could finally feel relieved.
Helios: I haven’t slept well these days. Let me rest for a while.
[End of Part 2]
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
I Finally Get to See You Again
Pairing: Norman x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: After Norman was shipped, you were devastated. You had grown a liking to the said boy. You and the others were having a hard time accepting Norman ‘died’. While in the naked eye, Isabella thought all of you weren’t planning to escape. The night before Ray’s shipment, half of your siblings escaped, leaving the younger ones with Isabella. It was difficult finding William Minerva and his shelter. Along the way of your journey, you found new friends that you could call family and the person you thought you lost.
Warning: Manga spoilers, some wrong grammars, some changes, mentions of death, Angst, happy ending,
Genre: Angst, Fluff, timeskip Norman, other timeskip characters, younger Norman and other characters,
Y/n- your name,
A/n: If your asking, I’m still in hiatus. This had just popped into my mind when I was reading the manga.
This was longer than expected...
Reader: Neutral
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Colored by: ??? 
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You and Norman had a mutual liking to each other. It was obvious except for the both of you. The whole family kept teasing both of you when your both in your separate ways. You don’t have the smarts of the trio but your grades is as almost as high as them. 
You always play with your siblings when your allowed to go outside. You were a great hider and seeker, your determination never goes unnoticed by the white haired boy.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After Conny left the house, she left her stuffed animal. You, Emma, and Norman decided that you three would give this to her before she left. 
You three tried on finding Conny at the gates of the orphanage. You three first noticed a truck. Emma called for her, telling her that she had forgotten her Little bunny. 
You were curious on what’s inside the truck which was covered with a curtain. Curious, you moved it and stumbled back in horror. Norman and Emma immediately rushed to you and also saw Conny with a flower sticking out her chest. 
You were going to cry until you three had heard footsteps. In a flash, you three hid under the truck and decided to eavesdrop. You decided on trying to see who they are and what they look like. You almost screamed once more when you saw them. Luckily, Norman covered your mouth before you could scream.
You, Emma, and Norman escaped in time before you three got caught. Once you three were in a safe distance. You were on your knees and cried. Emma did the same and hugged you. Norman looked horrified and sad as well at the image of your dear sister now dead. Discovering her corpse is what leads to the three of you to discover the orphanage's true nature.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
[Timeskip to Norman’s shipment]
You, Ray and Emma had tried to convince Norman to escape or at least to pretend he escaped. But he didn’t listen and accepted his fate. You and Emma were with the others while Ray was at the staircase. You tried to stop him from leaving but Norman only pushed you away and scolded you. It was noticeable that he was also hurt on leaving his family he had grown up with. It was more painful to him to leave his first crush, you were what made him determined on escaping Grace Field. 
You sobbed as Norman cupped you cheeks, making you look at him. He kissed your forehead and told you it was going to be fine. The statement only made you cry more. “It’s time to go” Isabella told him, smiling. Norman nodded and gave her a small forced smile. He looked at you one more time before letting go. “Yeah.”. He stood up, leaving you alone crying. 
You didn’t watch him leave, since it only pains you more. 
After they have left, your siblings tried to comfort you. “Norman.... Norman..” You kept repeating his name. You were broken. You and Norman were so close, feeling someone close leave your life pains you. 
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A few days had passed you stopped playing with the other children. They told you that he will be fine and that he would give us letters and tell us about the outside world. But you knew the truth, their words won’t heal you as much as before, but their attempts made you slightly smile and nod. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Isabella smiled as she looked you and Emma who was surrounded by other kids. She had thought she have finally stopped you all from escaping. 
The thought of Ray’s shipment soon after Norman’s made you panic. Emma has been trying her best to escape for the family to escape with her. She wasn’t entirely hiding it to you. You didn’t know her plan, but you hoped that it works.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You and the others (Except for the younger siblings) were now running through the huge forest. Trying not to run into demons. “Luckily we have that guide with us. It’s such a huge help.” You muttered. Emma nodded, smiling. After being underground and leaving safely, you were relieved. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
[Skipping to when they found the B06-32 Shelter made by William Minerva since I forgot what happened before that]
“We’re here! B06-32.” Emma exclaimed, looking at the information from the pen. “But there’s nothing here...” Someone murmured. “What can we do? This is really... B06-32.” Emma commented. 
“What does it mean?” “There’s nothing here!” “No sigh of any kind... Nothing at all...” All the hope gathered from them disappeared. ‘As smart as William Minerva. He wouldn’t show the shelter from the naked eye.. So that means it’s probably hiding here somewhere..’ You thought. “So, can you see anyone in the area? Any humans?” Ray asked. “I think there’s no one...” Nat answered. 
“So Minerva isn’t here after all?!” “But why?!” They cried. You tried to reassure them that it’s somewhere in B06-32 hiding somewhere. ‘We came all the way here... For nothing? What to do...’ The others who didn’t hear you wondered.
“LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIREEE!!!” The younger siblings exclaimed, making everyone flinch at the sudden loudness. “He said he would be here!!” “He told us to come visit!!” “AND WE CAME AAALL THE WAY!!” They shouted. You didn’t stop them, instead, waiting for them to tire out. Once they stopped, “Feel better now?” Ray asked, crossing his arms. “Yeah!” They exclaimed, panting.
“Then calm down and listen.” Ray said, gathering the attention of the others. “If Minerva is the one going back and forth between the worlds... Then he won’t always be on the demons’ side.” Ray added. 
“And even if the demons usually avoid these deserted areas... Imagine if humans just stood around like sitting ducks, or if they left obvious signs... They wouldn’t last long, right?” You continued. Ray nodded at your explanation. “Emma, the pen.” Emma handed Ray the pen. “Yesterday, I found out about the next part. The contents of the pen go on after what we had seen.” 
“And what did the next part show?” Gilda questioned. “Nothing at all.” Ray answered. “To be more precise, nothing I could see.” You sighed in relief at the second statement. You almost thought you and your family will be stuck here forever.
“What do you mean?” Emma asked. “I couldn’t access the rest of the data. I’m sure I put in the right answer, but even then... No matter how many times I tried, I could only see as far as Minerva’s message from before. Norman too, couldn’t access the data in that house. I think that’s because... The pen will only show the next part once you bring it to a certain location.” 
“You mean...” “Exactly, here in B06-32.” 
Once you all cracked the code. It showed a map. “It worked!!” The young ones exclaimed. “But... What’s this..?” 
“It’s a map... There’s an underground entrance! As expected.” You answered. “It’s around that area! Go look for it!” When the map showed ‘Welcome’ and ‘Unlocked’, the ground began shaking. “Ray! Look! Something’s happening!” Emma exclaimed in panic and alarm. ‘Here it is...’ You murmured to yourself. 
Ray opened the trapdoor revealing a ladder and the underground shelter. 
“It was really here after all...” “He wasn’t lying!” They exclaimed, making you smile and giggle slightly. Once your feet was on the shelter floor, you walked with the others to see rooms with numbers. ‘102,103...’ You counted the numbers placed at the door.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Once you saw the man. You immediately thought ‘His... His manners are just terrible!!’ You grimaced completely shocked. You looked at your siblings to see the same expression you have. 
“Are you Minerva?” Emma asked, in a serious tone. “Nope.” The man answered. “Too bad for you, kids. I’m not William Minerva.” He continued. “Then please call him. We came all the way here in order to meet Minerva.” Ray told him. “He ain’t here. What a shame, huh? No Minerva’s around here at all.” 
‘What’s the meaning of this?’ You wondered, in a shocked face. ‘So Minerva was really a dirty liar...!?’ “Calm down.” Ray reassured. “Clearly you know of Minerva, too. We need more information. Where is he right now?” Ray asked sternly. “No idea, Man!” 
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Ray interrogated. “Who am I?! I’m your senior.” He showed a pen same as the one Emma, you, Norman and Ray found. “It’s the same pen...” Alicia muttered. “Senior?” 
“Yup. Well, not from Grace Field, at any rate.” He showed his mark which was on his abdomen. “I come from a plantation called Glory Bell. I escaped it 13 years ago... With my colleagues. And thanks to this pen.”
“Same as us...” “He’s like us...” They muttered in relief, and shock. “That’s right. I’m just the same as you. Ended up here while searching for Minerva.” ‘Human beings like us... Living outside the walls!!’ You wondered. “How-ever...” The word made your smile you had falter. “When I finally reached the place for real, Minerva wasn’t around. I waited for him a hella long time, ended up living here, and no trace of the man. No way around it, Man’s a dirty liar.”
“Though, I gotta say I’m grateful for this shelter, y’know?” He added. “Everything’s provided for. Hurrah for my man Minerva!!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Here you are now, standing beside Gilda. Seeing that Emma had a gun pointed to her head made you heartbroken. ‘Will she die? Please no..’ You silently pleaded as tears threatened to fall. “Hand it over. Your pen, kids. Fork it already. I’ll be keeping it so that y’all with never step in here again. I don’t wanna anyone weighing me down. Sorry, but you guys will have to leave.” 
“Well then, gimme your pen and get the hell away from my face. Otherwise, every single one of you is gonna die right here and now.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
[Timeskip to when B06-32 was exploded and Andrew pointed the gun to Alicia]
“IDIOTS! DAMN IDIOTS! I’M THE ONE WHO IS ALIVE! HEAVEN IS ON MY SIDE! AHAHHAHAHAAHAHA!” Andrew laughed maniacally. Emma shot his joints. Andrew ran to Dominic and shouted “I’LL TRAMPLE HIM TO DEATH
DIEEEE!!! YOU PIGS! YOU ARE BEINGS MEANT TO BE EATEN!” His loud tone in his voice attracted a stray demon. The demon opened it’s mouth and began eating Andrew. Andrew shouted in pain. You were scared but you exclaimed. “Now’s our chance, Run!!!” You shouted, running to the opposite direction of where the demon is and back to the previous place all of you were in.
“No way... Even Yuugo and Lucas...” “They’re dead...?” 
“It was an honorable end for them... Protecting all of us until their last breath...” Oliver mourned. The others did as well. “Uuu...” You looked at Gillian, who was in the verge of crying. “UWAHHHHH!!!!” She broke down. The others looked at her, who was also in the verge of crying. Soon after, everyone broke down. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Ray shot an owl. “This is it.” Ray said, showing the owl. “This is... An owl?” Nigel was confused. You looked closely and said “No, look closely. That’s a camera.” You pointed to the owl’s eyes. The others gasped. “How do that guy know where this place was? How were they able to weave their way through the blind spots of the cameras at the shelter? This would be the answer to those.” Ray explained.
“This thing pointed out the position of our cameras and informed them of where the place we escaped to was at?” Pepe asked. “Most likely. I should have noticed this quicker. When I think about it, this thing had been getting closer and closer and following us...!” Ray cursed to himself for his mistake. “This place is no good either. We need to leave it behind immediately.” He added.
“Oliver.” Emma called. “Yeah.” Oliver nodded. He showed the note to the others. “Everyone.” He called out. “Lucas received one last phone call.” Relief washed over everyone. “Mister Minerva could still be alive...?” 
“No, we can’t know that for sure.” “It could also be conceivably be one of the ‘supporters’ that are still living...” “An ally...!”
“It hurts...! I’m so frustrated...! Do we really not have a life where we can just rest once...!” 
“No, we don’t. So in order to get back, that’s why we’re fighting. Before these two months are over, we’ll definitely change the world.” Emma reassured. “We can do it. We will do it!! For Yuugo and Lucas!” She exclaimed. “So to that end, we should go! As long as there’s hope, we can make it anywhere and everywhere. Let’s go with everybody! To the place that’s calling out to us!” 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
??? POV: (If you have read the manga chapter, you would know who it is. If not, I feel sorry lol.... Sorry)
“That broadcast. I hope it reached the shelter.” He said. “Yes, it had to have.” A figure told him.
“Let’s get started, James.” 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Your POV:
“7-3-5. 9-4-1. 10-10-7. 13-11-2. 21-8-4. 150-6-3.” “These numbers...” “It’s the same as before.” “Correct! It’s the code based on Minerva’s fantasy book.”
“Page 7, 3rd line, 5th word... ‘Go’. Page 9, 4th line, 1st word. ‘To’.” Emma murmured, concentrated on the code. “Oh yeah, I remember it now! We did that when we first found the shelter!!” The kid exclaimed. 
“Now we put all the words together, and...” “What’s a Jaw of the Lion?” “How do you ‘Go’ there?” “Ah! I saw that on the maps, back in the shelter! When we were looking for the temple and the golden waters!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You were surprised and happy when you saw the younger ones’ abilities for over the years. You were always with Emma and Ray that you can’t always be with them. 
“We can handle this trip, no problem! We all learned from Yuugo and Lucas!!” 
“Everyone, Stay here! We’ll be back!” You shouted when you heard a noise from a demon nearby. “Y/n! Now!!” Ray commanded. “Roger!” 
‘This feeling... It’s demons. There are demons around.’ You murmured when you ran with Ray and Emma. When the three of you were finally in the source, you looked in surprise as you saw 2 people. ‘Huh?! People?!?!’.
‘Who are they? Why are they here?’ You overthought, you were interrupted by Emma. “We need to save them!” She shouted. You took your arrow and began aiming for the demon’s eye. Once the demons’ were dead, Ray threatened “Don’t move.” While aiming at the guy. “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Ray interrogated. 
Unexpectedly, one boy turned around and went to his knees and bowing his head low on the ground. “THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!” He shouted. You looked at him shocked. “I WAS SO SCARED-!! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO BE DEAD BY NOW, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO BE EATEN~!! THE GUNS THAT WE HAD BROUGHT WITH US, AND EVEN THE CLOTHES THAT WE HAD ON US WERE EATEN!!” He explained in a loud voice. “REALLY, THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” He clinged to your arms (Since you were the closest) and thanked you. “OI, YOU IDIOT, GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF THEM!! TO DO SUCH A THING TO THE PEOPLE WHO SAVED OUR LIVES!!” The other shouted. Then something struck them. 
You looked at them sheepishly, curious. “HUMANS!?” They backed away in shock. “THAT’S WAY TOO LATE! AFTER SUCH A LONG TIME?!” Ray and Don had both the same expressions. You giggled. “WE’RE SO SORRY! WE’VE BEEN RUDE TO YOU AGAIN!” Two of them apologized once more. “Ayy...! You’re voices are too loud!” “The enemy will notice us.” Both Don and Ray scolded. “So, Who are you? What are you doing here?” Emma asked. 
“Right. My name is Jin. And this is Hayato.” Jin pointed to Hayato who has a bandana. “I can’t tell you all the details, but... We are working under a certain person to achieve a goal... And because of that...” While Jin was explaning, Hayato noticed the mark on your neck. “AAAAHHHHHHH!!!” Hayato shouted. “We told you that you need to stay quiet!!!” Don whisper-shouted. “Jin!! There people. NO WAY! They’re the Grace Field escapees!!”
“We’ve been searching for all of you. Under William Minervas’ orders!!!” They explaned. “Mister Minerva?!” You looked at them in disbelief.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Earlier, Hayato and Jin (Mostly Hayato) have been talking about William Minerva (Aka their boss). Everyone was shocked and impressed at William Minerva’s doings of saving many children.
“Your Boss, Minerva told you to search for us?” 
“Yes! Did you receive the broadcast? After that, knowing that the shelter was going to be attacked, the boss sent us to scout for you... The boss was heart broken. He conveyed to me that he want to help you out and needs your power as well.” Jin answered. “Mister Minerva...” They murmured happily. “We heard the broadcast, and right now we’re headed to that place he told us about.” Oliver commented. 
“Then all is well! By all means, let us guide you there. To our hideaway!! Our base has food, as well as places where you can rest. And that’s not all. We also have medicine and treatment facilities. It’s ideal for treating anybody that’s injured. Let us take you as soon as possible.” 
“That hideout.” Hayato and Jin looked at you confused. “It hasn’t been found out by other demons or the Ratri clan, Has it? Even though you’ve destroyed several farms already...”
“Up until this point, we haven’t been attacked by the enemy.”
“Hey Jin, About how far from here is your hideaway?” Ray questioned.
“Uhhm, and what about the ‘Neck of the Giraffe’? Is it near there?” 
“You mean ‘the lion’s jaw’?”
“No. That rock is just the halfway point. From there, the hideaway is about a 2 day walk. The exact location is unknown to all but a select few within our group.”
“Sorry for doubting you. I’d like to ask you for some information.” Ray said.
“But is it okay? Taking outsiders like us directly to your hideout.” Anna asked. “Of course! It’s what the boss wanted us to do. And because you are all our saviors!”
“Thank you.” Emma and Hayato shooked hands. “I look forward to working with you.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Emma, Anna, Ray and Hayato went to one of the enemy’s base since Cristy’s condition is unexpectedly changing.
Once they went back, you noticed that there was another person with them. You smiled as Cristy’s medicine was working.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Two days later...
You looked at the trees in surprise. “I can’t believe these trees!” ‘It’s a forest!” “But way bigger than all the others we’ve seen!”
“Is the hideout in there?” Oliver asked. Jin nodded. “Yes! We’ve almost arrived.” You were excited and nervous to finally find their boss and other children like you. “I’ll go ahead first to tell the boss about you folks! Jin, Zazie, show the way to our friends and keep ‘em safe!” Hayato said before he ran faster than a normal human speed. Everyone except for the said two was surprised at Hayato’s incredible speed.
“Here it is. This is our hideout.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Jin showed all of you the places and you looked at all of them in awe. ‘They all have smiles on their faces.’ You thought, smiling yourself.
“Welcome!” “Whoa! The fugitives are here, Dude!” “Nice to meet you!” “Welcome!” The kids greeted. ‘This is the paradise that Minerva built...’.
The other kids gave all of you sweets, which you thanked for. Hayato came back and said “The boss wants to meet the leader!” Oliver nodded to Emma and she nodded back. “I’ll be back soon!” Emma waved. You all waved back and talked to the other kids.
You are lying if your not curious what Minerva looks like. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Emma showed ‘William Minerva’ the family. “This is our family now!” She happily exclaimed. “It’s gotten quite large. What a great family!” You know that voice...
“Hu.. Huh?! What do you mean?” “Wait what?? Minerva was...” “You’re alive!? The real thing?!” Everyone started to tear up. You weren’t looking for a short while, interested in the books. Once you heard them talking, you looked at them confused. “That kid is from Emma’s pictures..” “Eh?... But that kid was.” “22194, 22194.” Adam repeated. Of course! You remember that number!.
“NORMAN!!!” The kids shouted. “I’m so happy. You’re alive!! You’re alive!!!”
You looked at the trio happily hugging each other. It made your heart melt. “Where’s Y/n..?” He asked, hoping to see you in the big crowd of his family. The others who were blocking your figure moved for him to see you. You looked at him with tears in your eyes. “I missed you Norman!!” You broke down and tackled him. 
Tears also started to fall in his eyes. He hugged you tightly and both of you were in the position for a few seconds. People looked at both of you knowingly that you both deeply care for each other. “I’m so glad you’re alive..!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Norman gave all of you of where your home is. And the four of you played chess and many more. You rested your head on Norman’s shoulder, Emma was beside you resting her head on your shoulder, Ray rested his head on the bed and Norman’s other shoulder,and Norman was resting his head on your head, holding your hand.
Norman hoped he could confess to you one day. And he knows he will. He just hopes it will be sooner than later.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
E/n: I kinda got lazy with this. So please bear with me.
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cherrysha · 4 years
The Chase
Hey! First post on this blog and its something I’ve never actually written before! Its Yandere Hisoka because I just rlly have a soft spot fr evil bastards. I want to write a lil more on this one buuut ive got sum other baddies i need to write for first. Since its my 1st time writing a yandere fic feedback is rlly appreciated <3
My requests are open atm 
Warnings: Blood, a lil spit, Choking, Yandere themes, violence, slapping, crying, uhh Hisoka being a pervert but thats expected
word count: 1,600
18+ crowd here, minors get blocked.
Part 2 here
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It didn’t take you long to understand why you were told to stay away. To be exact, it only took you three seconds.
“You know why no one has ever collected Hisoka’s bounty y/n?” your boss asked you after taking this mission.
Judging from his face you could tell the question was rhetorical. You rolled your eyes, waiting for him to finish his little lecture. “No one is stupid enough to walk into their own funeral. If you take his bounty you might as well pick out your own casket first, assuming you even have a body left to bury when he’s done with you. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave this one alone.” And with that, you left slamming the door behind you. No matter how many bounties you collected, it seemed like he just never gave you credit. It was just like him to underestimate your capabilities.
What a fool you were.
           That’s all it took. Three seconds and he had already sensed you. Even though you concealed your nen, even though you were a rooftop away, even though you took every single fucking precaution you knew, it did you no good. As you peered through your binoculars at him you were met with Hisoka’s full gaze, a sly smile spreading across his face. You felt it then, your hair standing on end, a sickening feeling in your gut. No, you hadn’t just walked to your funeral, you had sprinted.
You were running before you could even comprehend what happened, feet hitting the pavement as you tried to get as far away as possible. There was no time for you to be shocked, if his bloodlust was any indication of his power, you were as good as dead. There was no use in using any energy to try and conceal yourself now. He knew exactly where you were.
“I’ve got to be honest, you are definitely not what I expected…” Hisoka’s voice whispers into your ear. You faltered, your feet tripping over themselves as you felt the warmth of his breath on your neck. You couldnt hide the shock you felt that he had been able to catch up to you in such a short amount of time. Not many people could, and you had a head start. He lets you run anyway; his urge to murder you overpowered by his sudden desire to see you try to escape. No, he was going to savor this one. Hisoka always loved playing with his food and the way your heart was pounding was just too enticing.
You intrigued him, if he was being honest with himself. The chase had lasted longer than he had imagined. Any other bounty hunter would have stopped and tried to fight him by now. No, he could tell you were a smart one, you knew better than that. Hours of running had led to this moment and, oh, was he going to relish in it. 
After what seemed like forever, you finally hit the dirt, spluttering as your body gave out due to exhaustion. Such a weak little thing. And to think you truly believed you could take him on. It was laughable. The chase seemed as if it were over, Hisoka sighed, giving up on his hopes of toying with you even more. At this point he knew he might as well finish you off. He didn’t like playing with broken things, and right now there was no way you would ever be able to take him on. His eyes lingered over you, and something in him hesitated as he glanced at your crumpled form lying in the dirt, chest heaving with exhaustion. Hisoka’s gaze wandered over your body. He couldn’t help the smug smile that crept onto his face with how wrecked you look. Clothes grimy and tattered, bloody arms and legs from branches hitting your delicate skin. The sight alone made his mouth water. As you laid there and finally caught your breath his resolve to kill you started waning. But the thought of watching you try to run again sounded so boring. Both of you knew there was no point. Before he could jump down and finish you off, you spoke for the first time since his little chase started.
“There’s no point in hiding up there. I’m not stupid enough to believe I’ve gotten away.” Once he heard the lilt in your voice, he knew he wanted you. The twinkle that was still held in your dry throat was his undoing. How could someone run from death for hours and still sound as angelic as you did? He needed to know, he needed to hear more.
Your first good look at him was when he finally jumped down. Lithe and nimble, landing on his feet like a cat. He seemed well built, albeit his fashion sense was more than off-putting. “So perceptive…To think someone as smart as you would try to murder me. You should know better.” he chastised, circling you as you shifted into a kneeling position. This was it, twenty plus years on this earth just to go out in a single second. You sighed, it came with the job. You knew the risks. Now was no time to hold a pity party. “Can you make it quick? I promise you I’d rather die than hear you drone on and on about how foolish I am.” You didn’t look at him, instead you held your head down and waited. The chuckle he let out was low in his throat, almost imperceptible if you hadn’t been in the quiet of the forest. Surprisingly, his voice was still calm and collected as he smiled down at you “And what if I don’t want to do that? I don’t think you’re in a position to be making any orders little girl.” you held in the anger you felt bubbling to the surface, knowing that it would only serve to amuse him further. He wanted a reaction out of you, wanted to rile you up so killing you would be even more fun for him. You bit your lip, trying your hardest to resist the urge to punch his stupid face in.
Hisoka drew closer, bending down until you flinched away “Would you like to live?” he whispered, lips ghosting against your ear. His proximity sent a shiver down your spine, as if your body could sense how dangerous he was. “I’m not going to beg for my life Hisoka. You might as well end it now.” He groaned at that. God, did he love the sound of your voice saying his name. it felt as if he could live off of it alone. His fingers slowly traced your jaw until he reached your chin, pushing it up so he could finally get a good look at your face. “You’re a proud little thing aren’t you? No matter, I’m positive your defiant attitude will dwindle with time.” Your breath hitched at his last words. No, He wasn’t going to torture you if you could help it.
The anger was building up in your chest and you couldn’t help yourself when his face was just mere inches from yours. You spit, but that only managed to make his grin grow wider. Even though his demeanor seemed calm, his aura showed the opposite. Long nails dug into your skin as he gripped your jaw tight, blood seeping from the fresh puncture wounds. This time the laugh was audible, amusement in his eyes making your stomach curl. You werent given enough time to react to it for long, however. He lifted you off the ground by your throat, loving the way your hands instinctively curled around his arm. So soft and warm, so easily breakable. He wondered how long it would take to pull you apart piece by piece. Wondered how you’d look at him once he put all your pieces back together.
This was it; this was exactly what you wanted. A swift death. You closed your eyes again and waited as your airway was slowly constricted by Hisoka’s large hand. If you had kept them open, you would have seen the way he swiped your spit off of his cheek, sucking his fingers into his mouth and indulging in his first taste of you. His groan was mixed with a small whine this time. He wanted more; He needed more. His first taste and he already knew he would never get enough of you.
Meanwhile somewhere in the back of your mind you were amazed at how strong he was to only lift you with one hand, but you pushed it away. What a silly thought to have right before you die. of course he was stronger than you. Instead you tried to focus your mind on something better, something sweet. The sky right after a storm, the pond near your house with dozens of colorful fish, the feeling of your warm bed. Everything was going to be okay. You relaxed, letting the last of your breath go.
But within a split second he had dropped you, laughing as your body thudded against the ground. “Such an interesting little creature … A lot smarter than I gave you credit for. You already know just how to push my buttons don’t you sweetheart?” Gasping for air, you lay back in the dirt and allowed the tears to flow freely down your face and into the packed soil beneath you. You had been so close to cutting it short, so close to dying with at least a shred of your dignity left. To cry while on death’s doorstep was shameful, but it didn’t matter. It wan’t  like you could hide them once the torture started. Might as well lose your pride now, there wasn’t anything you could do. You were entirely helpless.
Hisoka saw it, the slump in your shoulders as the tears streaked through the grime covering your face. Those tears, he had to make sure that he was the only one who ever saw them. You were crying for yourself now, but once he got you home the only tears he wanted you to shed would be for him. From the pleasure he gave you. No, no one else could see them. They were his, you were his. He was determined to make you see, no matter how long he had to drill it into your stubborn head. The things he was planning on doing … he needed to ruin you.
Hisoka lifted you up by your neck again, but this time his grip was loose enough to allow you to breath. His hand came to your tangled hair, combing through before harshly yanking backwards only stopping once your face was mere inches from his own. You closed your eyes, not wanting to look at him. Not wanting to see the evil lurking just beneath the surface. Hisoka sighed, “Open your eyes for me darling.” You shook your head as best as you were able to with his grip still firmly in your hair. You couldnt trust yourself to speak, fearing your voice would crack and show just how weak you were.
 An audible crack echoed in your ears as Hisoka slapped you, biting back his moan at the whimper you let out. “Love, it’s impolite to close your eyes when I’m trying to speak to you. I thought my suggestion was enough, but if I have to use force then so be it.”. Fresh tears flowed as you stared at him, biting back your sobs as best as you could. You watched his yellow eyes flick to your cheek, smile widening in satisfaction at what he saw there. He tilted you impossibly close, licking up a trail of tears that marred your swollen and dirty face. “So sweet” he groaned, letting his head rest against yours. “And all mine.”.
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