#but things do start to gradually calm down and get better for the poor dude
albatris · 3 years
hello i am on page 11 of the atdao tag. i have had to Force myself not to rb every piece of art i see. i come to you with a question, now: what happens to make tris go from "in possession of 2 whole arms" to "in possession of 1 whole arm"?
oh wow you're making quick work of my atdao tag ahahaha :D I'm impressed you're on page 11 already! and also?? delighted you have enjoyed the content enough to keep going for 11 pages??? :O
hey! thank you for the question! this answer is teeeeeechnically heavy spoilers but I've already spoiled it all before so it doesn't count lmao
also the fact that my default tris in my art is tris with only one arm is spoilers in itself tbh
so! I'm guessing by page 11 you probably at least vaguely know these two things:
the unreality exists! this is a little tiny air bubble trapped between two layers of reality, created by an explosion of interdimensional energy! it's essentially a bunch of whacked-out energy from a few different universes all going nrrrrrrrr in a blender and melding together inside this little pocket dimension of sorts. it's small! it's got fluctuating edges! it has tears in it that basically just lead straight into The Endless Void Of Whatever Exists In The Universe Before Anything Exists There
tris's older brother jacob gets yeeted into this unreality when he gets hit by a car under some wildly improbable hyperspecific circumstances - jacob makes it all the way inside, but the driver of the car that hit him only makes it halfway, leaving the lower half of his body behind
so, tris's quest to bring jacob home inevitably leads him to enter the unreality himself! he does enter with both arms firmly attached to his body still!
however, in his explorations, he stumbles across what remains of the dead driver's body, which has been filled with all kinds of otherworldly energy and is kinda just dragging itself around with its guts hanging out..... amalgamating other things into its form..... there is.... a big ol' body horror post about this guy I can link if you're keen........
basically, it should be Dead, but time is weird here and nice normal organic human bodies get progressively weirder and weirder here as they come into contact with interdimensional energies they're not equipped to handle, so it's still skittering around, arguably still alive and on the brink of death but not able to die. and on the occasion it comes into contact with another living being, it FLIPS out
tris ends up in two scuffles with the fucked up half-corpse-creature - the first by accident, and the second voluntarily Because Of Spoilery Character Arc And Thematic Reasons
in the second of the two scuffles, his attempts to come out on top and Not Get Brutally Murdered or absorbed or dismembered leads the pair to end up. uhhh. VERY close to one of those aforementioned tears into the void of The Nothing Before There Is Anything
n at one stage tris just kind of gets knocked backwards and his arm goes in and simply Does Not Come Back Out
cannot emphasise enough how lucky this boy is that it wasn't his goddamn head
so yeah, he loses the arm through a tear in the unreality, and it's..... an accident, but it's also vaguely an intentional sacrifice in some way too. like. he didn't NEED to engage the creature again but. hm. spoilers. he's a good, kind, gentle kid who believes it's his responsibility to try and ease suffering any way he can, but that's a whole 'nother post
so one of his arms gets eaten! yes! this is not immediately a problem, since tris's body is ALSO now full of weird fucked-up otherworldly energy and he's....... not bleeding out and dying, at least! and he's still got stuff to do, so he just goes, "welp, that's fucking horrifying! moving on!"
it does however become a problem upon LEAVING the unreality, when his reality has to snap him back into a shape it can translate and understand, and succeeds
leaving a perfectly regular human tris greer to immediately collapse on the ground and start bleeding to death from this fuck off gaping wound where his arm's been torn off
there are already ambulances on hand because the passage of time between reality and unreality is super messed up and his friends who stayed behind are efficient as fuck, so he uh
he's fine! ish!
has to spend a fair bit of time in hospital though and basically gets a free pass from the danger of the remaining plot lmao
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0lshadyl0 · 3 years
May I request hcs for aizawa, hizashi and midoriya with an s/o that is really calm and chill but she actually has a bit of social anxiety but the guys don't really know (besides seeing that she doesn't like hanging out in big get togethers) until one day they go shopping with their s/o and notice their hand trembling slightly as they pay for the stuff and then actually kinda nervous in the crowds of people as they walk (kinda me cuz I literally go into panic mode when I have to buy something..)
Poor deluded person if you think that they would not realize it, that is, maybe the one who does not realize it at first is Present Mic and I am honestly doubting it a lot because these three characters have an ability to perceive the emotions of other people, especially if that person is important and even more if that person is beloved, you cannot imagine, so there will be some changes in this answer
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic with a s/o that is really calm and chill but she actually has a bit of social anxiety
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• Ok, let's start with who I think, of the three, would take the longest to realize
• And I still think that it would not be very possible, after all, I think that Present Mic has great emotional intelligence and that he could easily tell if his s/o has social anxiety
• even if we say she would be fooled by the fact that she always seems very calm, without getting anxious, at least she doesn't look like, and without looking stressed
• Although the fact that she was always rejecting his invitations to go with him to his studio on the radio or to the galas, it would also raise suspicions, right? it's sus my dude 
• So when he was accompanying her and notice how her hands are shaking and how nervous she becomes when shopping, he would quickly try to become the center of attention to prevent s/o from being the focus of attention and make her relax a bit
• something that he would easily achieve since, as we can see in the series, he is very extravagant
• He could also help her by doing the shopping for her, but I honestly believe that someone like Hizashi would like his s/o to be a little more independent and thus gradually overcome his fears
• of course unless she starts having an anxiety attack, and if that happens I think he would take matters into his own hands, do the shopping himself and take her home as quickly as possible while he whispers in her ear comforting words
• After he's calmed her down I honestly think he would search the internet or ask other fellow pro heroes for ways to help his s/o
Midoriya Izuku/Deku with a s/o that is really calm and chill but she actually has a bit of social anxiety
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• Let's be honest, with this person it is impossible he not realizing the social anxiety that his s/o has
• Please, he is literally like a stalker with each and every one of his colleagues or person who has a quirk, interesting or not 
• Do you seriously think that you shouldn't have like 25 or more written notebooks dedicated exclusively to finding out new things about his s/o
• The fact that you seem calm will not deceive him, he will be many things, but he is not an idiot, nor a clueless one
• Already making it clear that Midoriya knows about his s/o's social anxiety, even before they form a relationship, he would do everything possible to find ways that his partner manages to overcome those fears
• I'm sure he has a great internet track record on trying to help people with social anxiety
• If that did not work, he would accompany her to all public places and would always be holding her s/o's hand to squeeze it as a symbol of moral support
• Although we must not forget that he is also another shy person so now they have two with social anxiety, it will be nice to see how he will have his whole face  red as a tomato while they try to attract people's attention so that she does not get anxious
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead with a s/o that is really calm and chill but she actually has a bit of social anxiety
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• This is another of those who are very observant with the people around him, much more if that person would be his partner, therefore, I say that he would know in advance about her anxiety
• Of course, it took him a little longer since her laid back looks that outwardly seemed calm could mislead him a bit
• but not for long, as I told you he is very observant
• being honest I think that, of the three, he is the one who would first make her seek professional help because that is definitely affecting her life in a negative way
• the least Aizawa wants is for it to affect in a way that does not make her happy in her s/o's life
• so Shouta would accompany you on your psychological appointments to discover what makes you anxious and would help her, he will be with her step by step throughout the process until she feels better
• And as she improves he will be there by her side helping her, whether he has to intervene when she feels overloaded, take action and do the shopping himself or simply be close to her to make her feel safe and can get things done by herself, Aizawa will never leave her alone
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imaginesbymk · 4 years
Shrooms for Two.
Midsommar One Shot
Summary: Mark and Y/n sneak off together once finding out Y/n smuggled some magic mushrooms from the first stop they were at earlier. Their euphoric trip causes one of them to psych out, and trigger out an aggressive confession.
Pairing: Mark x Reader
Tags: drug use & swearing
A/N: as someone coming from experience w/ drugs, i have no intent on influencing someone to follow this activity due to this one shot. i’m no doctor but be careful and do ur research before you ever try shrooms!!! btw i have no idea if what i’ve written is accurate on a mushroom trip. i’ll do more research on it in the future.
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YOUR POOR NEGATIVE thoughts on the Sweden trip immediately switched when you remembered how a lot of people were all in for drug use.
The first stop, you stretched your legs after the long car ride. Dani and Christian walked together while Mark was stumbling and annoyingly fighting his way through the tall grasses due to the bugs pestering him.
While everyone else engaged in conversations and observed Hårga, you snuck your way to Mark and tapped him on the shoulder.
“You know, we don’t start the main events until later,” you whispered.
Mark looked around and then back at you. He blows out the excess smoke from his vape pen. “So?”
He held a look of disinterest. Mark never really spoke to you that much during the whole flight there, not even in the car. You two exchanged questions maybe once or twice, but that was pretty much it. All he could ramble on about was his immature importance of explicit content—or pornography, including wanting to see the Swedish women, which was mainly the reason why he only agreed to come.
But that disheartening awkward tension would change if you just lifted your hand a little more, holding up the baggy of sweets. “So . . .” you shook the bag, making Mark’s eyes grow dark and large. “‘Shrooms for two.”
“How the fuck did you manage to smuggle those?” You and Mark made your way inside the quarters where you all slept. Being the only two inside given that everyone else was out eating dinner and preparing for another activity, it was safe to speak out loud and clear.
You shrugged. “What? I just grabbed a few. I even got us some dope.”
“Don’t those belong to Pelle’s brother or something?”
“Yeah. But Ingemar said I could take some.” The bag crinkles when you pulled out two magic mushrooms. You hand one to him. “Cheers.”
The same trip effect you had when you and the group took shrooms back at the first stop kicked in. You and Mark both felt like if you took one step, the ground would melt like butter.
So you both laid on the grass.
Mark wouldn’t stop freaking out, but it got to the point where you stopped trying to calm him down. You began to notice the trees were breathing, and your mind was at ease. Everything felt like a Macbook photo booth effect. Who knew a tiny mushroom could do so much to a person. You were feeling so relaxed, and you loved life. You loved Sweden . . .
You loved Mark.
“Are you gonna freak out like how you did before?” you say softly to Mark. You turned to him to find him in an extreme euphoric state, his large eyes widened as he looked around him all paranoid over nothing.
“No!” He exclaims. “Why?” He was already freaking out like before.
“Mark,” you said to him with warning. “Just relax your body.”
“I can’t even feel my body! It’s like I’m being stuffed with glitter!”
With a random reaction, you got up. That word sent an engine start in your system.
Feel. You feel different when you’re with Mark. You feel happy despite him not even knowing it. You feel reckless ‘cause he was a dumb college kid who smokes weed in his shared apartment. You feel whole when you’re imagining him being with you. You wanted him to be with you, that was why you offered the shrooms.
“Get up.” You insist.
“Huh?” he was panting.
You bent down so you were on your knees. You grip him and push him down so you were straddling on top of him. You were stupidly high that your words started slow, then gradually sped up by each second. “Mark, you make me feel some type of way. I seriously don’t know what the fuck you’re doing to me, but I love it. I really like you, but I’m not your ideal girl, like that Swedish girl you saw earlier. Inja, or whatever her name is!”
“Get the fuck off me!” Mark panics and tries wiggling you off. “I’ll throw you!”
You place both your hands on his face, caressing him. “Just let me enjoy us right here!”
“Y/n!” He pushes you. “You’re creeping the fuck outta me, and I’m always creeped out when I’m on this shit!”
You dust yourself off when you got back up on your feet. It was such a dumb thing to feel triggered about. Really, you had no idea what just happened. Or why you did what you did. It was just one shroom.
You freaked Mark out, and now he’s gonna think you’re a stalker and never speak to you or come near you for the rest of the trip.
Or was he? You looked down at him to check to see if he was okay. Sure enough, he went back to the usual state he was in, but he immediately forgot you were on top of him just moments ago, almost force feeding your confession down his throat. He didn’t need that, and you didn’t need to do that, either.
You kinda wished you had better planning, because now the villagers and your group with Dani and Christian were all walking back to the fields where you and Mark were, some staring at you as they approached closer.
Pelle grinned. “We were wondering where you two went.”
“They’re high,” you could hear Josh mutter in his sigh. “They got high, without us. Cunts.”
“Holy shit, did you break Mark or something?” Christian says. “Dude! You good?”
Dani rushes to you and tries to touch your shoulder. “Are you okay?” she looks down to see Mark, paralyzed in paranoia, his heartbeat racing and mind jumping to a whole different world. “Is . . . he gonna be okay?”
Mark fluttered his eyes wide open again. “H-HI!” He yelps. “There’s people! I don’t like new people!”
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Yoosung’s Match
Doing something different-ish, focusing on a series without the smut, lolol. After starting Yoosung’s route, I am so soft for him! I wanted to a series where him and mc share interests, including LoLoL. 
Pairing: Yoosung x OC (Dove)
Summary: When a stranger enters the RFA chat, no-one expected an almost female version of Yoosung to be the participant who would be the key to beginning their parties one more. Will their similarities pull them together or will another come in and sweep her away?
Warnings: None, only reference to game from day 1-11 so spoilers for those not played Yoosung.
Note: This chapter is based off day’s 1 and then day 5 from Yoosungs route. Written in the form like the chatroom. Features clips and conversations from the game but also own created content. Focuses on certain chatrooms rather than every individual one, wish to focus more on developing a storyline with Yoosung than the whole party and gameplay.
Chapter 1: Dove has entered the chatroom.
[Dove has entered the chat]
 Yoosung★: Failed my midterms fml T_T
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707: Cuz u played LOLOL all night lol.
Jumin: If you want to work for our company, you should take care of your GPA.
Yoosung★: I’m still on the list?! +_+
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Jumin: Yes.
707: Nice~ Can’t believe u get to work straight after college lol
707: In this day and age!
Zen: Lame. It’s nepotism.
Jumin: It’s called recruitment actually.
Zen: It’s giving a free pass instead of actually training the worker.
Jumin: Whatever. I couldn’t care less what you say.
Zen: What’s the difference between recruitment and nepotism?
707: Thought they r the same? O_O?
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Jumin: It’s nepotism if you recruit a person you know and they aren’t of any help.
Yoosung★: Oh… So you become a candidate for nepotism the same time you’re recruited!
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707: Wait!!
Yoosung★: Why?
Zen: ??
707: Think someone entered the chat room;;
Jumin: Dove…?
Zen: Wtf. How did it get in here?
707: Hacker!
Yoosung★: Hacker!? Therae’s a hacker in ouer room!!!
Yoosung★: Sevnee do somethign!!
Zen: Hey, typos. -_-;;
707: Wait a sec. I’m searching.
Jumin: Who are you? Reveal yourself. Hey, Assistant Kang.
Jaehee: Yes, I am here.
Zen: You were so quiet I thought you went somewhere.
Jaehee: Nothing was out of the ordinary so I was just watching
Jaehee: but I see something has just happened.
Yoosung★: omg
Jumin: Why is a stranger in our chatroom?
Jaehee: No one can enter this chatroom without installing the private app we use… It seems someone has downloaded the RFA Messenger.
Yoosung★: I thought Seven let only us download it?
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Dove: Hello…
707: I traced the IP…
707: It’s from Rika’s apartment.
Yoosung★: Rika’s apartment?
Jumin: Where was it?
Jaehee: The location is not revealed. I know it to be classified.
707: Anyways, someone must have broken into her apt.
707: It talked now, so it must be a person ^^;
Jumin: Quit shitting around.
Jumin: Dove… Who are you?
Jumin: Reveal yourself, stranger.
Jumin: If you do not reveal yourself, you will pay.
Yoosung★: Yeees! Who are u?!
Zen: Use proper english please.
707: If it doesn’t say anything I’ll hack in and find out.
Zen: …Maybe
Zen: one of my fans?
Dove: Reveal yourselves first. I’m the most confused one here…
Jumin: How fierce.
Zen: Are you a woman?
707: Zen. Be more serious, plz?
707: And wait a sec on the woman thing.
707: Looking it up.
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Yoosung★: Should we… introduce ourselves?
Jumin: Are you serious…?
Jaehee: I think it is a bit too early for that.
Zen: Hi. I’m Zen. (24 yrs old) Musical actor… Don’t look me up on the internet.
Zen: It’s embarrassing.
Yoosung★: Zen, you’re so brave!
Jumin: Guess he wanted to show himself off.
Zen: No way~!
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Yoosung★: Omg… a photo too.
Jaehee: My eyes have been cleansed.
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Dove: Oh, I haven’t heard of you, sorry…
Dove: Yes to before, I am woman.
Zen: What?!
*Heart break appears on screen*
Jumin: I see that he has zero interest in his privacy.
707: Lolol
707: My nickname’s 707.
707: Real name is a secret.
707: Fyi, Zen’s real name is Hyun Ryu.
Zen: Your name’s a secret but not mine?;
707: U don’t care anyways lol.
Jaehee: 707 does have the strangest name so I understand the secrecy.
707:  The name’s too holy to be spread around~ I’m gonna pray after I finish hacking.
707: Just remember me as the 22yr old young hacker lol
707: Where I live is also a secret.
Zen: So many secrets;;
Yoosung★: I’m Yoosung Kim! I’m a college student… 21 yrs old.
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707: So warm and fuzzy here
Zen: Lol. Seven, you don’t have any selfies to show?
707: Nothing recent.
707: Oh and also!
707: Jumin’s the heir of a pretty famous corporation and Jaehee is his assistant. 27 and 26 yrs old respectively.
707: You have a better sense of who we are now, Dove?
Jumin: Why did you say that…?
707: Doubted you’d do it urself.
Jumin: Stop shitting around.
707: Oh, fyi, Jumin has the cutest cat.
Jumin: Hey.
Jumin: Why are we talking about Elizabeth the 3rd to a stranger?
707: The cat’s name is Elizabeth the 3rd.
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Yoosung★: That info’s a bit useless…
Yoosung★: We’re not even close with this Dove person yet lol
Jumin: Can’t believe he showed a photo of Elizabeth the 3rd to a stranger…
Jumin: Idiot…
Zen: Stop talking about cats. Giving me goosebumps.
Jaehee: I suggest that we take care of this stranger first.
Jaehee: Could it be that we have a security breach?
Zen: True. Dove, how did you get in here?
Yoosung★: Is it really in Rika’s apartment?
707: Yup. It’s for sure…
707: How did it get the apartment password?!
Zen: Where the hell is the apartment?
Dove: I came here while chatting with a personal called ‘Unknown’. Do you know him by any chance?
Dove: But anyway, I’m Dove. 
Jumin: Unknown?
Zen: Maybe he just didn’t set a username?
707: It’s mandatory to set a username so he must have set it that way.
707: Maybe…
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Yoosung★: How did you end up chatting with that person?
Jaehee: I see.
Jaehee: Where did you download this messenger app?
Jaehee: Dove, you are quite strange as well.
Zen: Do you think this person’s a creep? No way.
Dove: I got it in the app store, I just downloaded it and then was suddenly in a room with unknown and now all of you…
Dove: I just wanted to play games lolol
Yoosung★: You like games too!
Yoosung★: I love games.
Yoosung★: Wait!
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Yoosung★: Did you say lolol as in LoLoL?!
Zen: Dude. A girl won’t play that game;
Zen: Don’t ask stupid questions.
Yoosung★: T_T
Dove: Does the wizard of Tarth ever lie?
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Yoosung★: Yoousung.exe has stopped working.
Yoosung★: You play?!
707: Anyways.
707: I should trace the person who distributed the app.
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 [Day 1]
[7:00 am]
Yoosung★ entered the chat
Dove entered the chat
Yoosung★: Do you know that Zen always complains about being single these days?
Yoosung★: But I’ve never even been in a relationship T_T
Dove: Are you not interested in girls?
Yoosung★: …I guess…
Yoosung★: I feel better when I team up with a girl character when playing games.
Yoosung★: And it makes it more interesting if there’s a girl in the guild…
Yoosung★: Was you serious when you said you played?
Dove: Level 69 Mage at your service
Yoosung★: I…
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Yoosung★: I’ve rarely met a girl who plays! 
Yoosung★: Are you in a guild?!
Yoosung★: I’m hoping to be a guildmaster one day.
Dove: Ever heard of ‘Tribe of War’?
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Yoosung★: We are sworn enemies!
Yoosung★: But my special talent is defending the peace! So I guess I can let our guild war slide
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Dove: You bring peace to the world young sir!
Yoosung★: 707 play’s sometimes!
Yoosung★: Maybe we could have an online meet up!
Yoosung★: Since we can’t in real life.
Yoosung★: I wish he would give us the address to Rika’s apartment…
Dove: I’d like that!
Dove: But we have the party to focus on!
Yoosung★: I really like you T_T
Yoosung★: It’s only been a day and I can’t wait to meet you lolol.
Yoosung★: I have class at 9 so I have to go take the bus now.
Yoosung★: The poor fate of a college student…!
Yoosung★: I have to go now. I’m almost running late!
Yoosung★: Dove, let’s talk soon! >_<
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.
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 Dove entered the chat
Yoosung★ entered the chat
 Dove: Hey Yoosung★.
Yoosung★: Dove, hey^^.
Yoosung★: Today’s the day you joined the organization.
Yoosung★: Usually at this hour, I would have been playing games…
Yoosung★: but I couldn’t really calm myself down.
Yoosung★: Why don’t we talk more about ourselves?
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Dove: Well what would you like to know?
Yoosung★: Well, all Seven told us is that
Yoosung★: you’re a cute girl.
Yoosung★: I want to know… your interests, what you do, and things like that in detail.
Yoosung★: I do want to ask you directly.
Yoosung★: But it does feel a bit too soon for that…
Yoosung★: I would just like to talk to you like this and get to know you gradually.
Dove: I’d like to get to know you better as well.
Yoosung★: A girl who plays lolol and wants to know me
Yoosung★: Are you really real? 
Yoosung★: This isn’t a whole thing of 707 playing a prank is it…?
Dove: Lol I hope not.
Dove: I’m very real, even though I don’t really feel real living in someone else's apartment…
Dove: But I’m excited for the party, I hope I do right by you all.
Yoosung★: I think all the organization members are thinking the same thing.
Yoosung★: If you could do what Rika used to do
Yoosung★: we’d get to host parties again!
Dove: I’ll do my best!
Yoosung★: Do you feel pressured because of everything I’m saying?
Yoosung★: If V donates his photographs, then I’m sure a lot of people will come.
Yoosung★: So you don’t have to worry so much.
Dove: Thank you! 
Yoosung★: Sure!
Yoosung★: Tell me whenever it gets hard!
Yoosung★: I should go play games now!
Yoosung★: There’s a pretty important showdown today.
Yoosung★: Wish me luck so I can win!
Dove: Good luck oh mighty defender of peace!
Yoosung★: Thank u >_<
Yoosung★: Then see ya~!
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.
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Yoosung★ entered the chatroom.
 Dove: Yoosung★ your still up?
Yoosung★: Hey, you here too! 
Yoosung★: I can’t believe I’m talking to the new member~
Yoosung★: I still feel dazed.
Yoosung★: I can’t even focus on gaming today.
Yoosung★: I have so much on my mind because of you…
Dove: All good I hope Lolol.
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Yoosung★:  My mind’s going blank now -_-…
Yoosung★: I can’t get thoughts of you out of my head…
Yoosung★: Haha
Yoosung★: Thank you so much for helping.
Yoosung★: Even tomorrow… you could escape Rika’s apartment…
Yoosung★: Delete this app
Yoosung★: and never talk to us again.
Yoosung★: I would really miss you if that happens.
Yoosung★: Please… don’t abandon us.
Dove: I won’t.
Dove: I promise.
Dove: Beside you owe me a meet up on LoLol!
Yoosung★: Yes! Yes. 
Yoosung★: As soon as everything is settled with party.
Yoosung★: I don’t want to feel like I’m pressuring you too much.
Yoosung★: Oh the time! I best be off, I have an early start tomorrow.
Dove: Goodnight~
Yoosung★: Goodnight!
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.
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[Day 5]
Yoosung★ entered the chat
 Dove: Goodmorning Yoosung!
Yoosung★: Dove, goodmorning^^
Yoosung★: I’m just brushing my teeth!
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Yoosung★: Did you… see the photo Seven posted?
Yoosung★: I really miss it…
Yoosung★: It would have been nice if Rika was in the photo too…!
Yoosung★: Seeing the photo makes me get excited about the next party ^^
Dove: You looked so young and different!
Dove: I like your hair blonde, it suits you better!
Yoosung★: You do?!
Yoosung★: I kinda dyed it because....
Yoosung★: I thought it would help get a girlfriend.
Yoosung★: But since you like, that’s got to be a good sign right?
Yoosung★: I’m curious to know what colour hair you have.
Dove: I mean I would show you if 707 gave me image permission.
Dove: But I guess for now you see me like this Dove: [Website Link]
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Yoosung★: THAT'S YOU?!
Dove: That was me at the LoLoL convention in the fall.
Dove: I cosplayed as my character.
Yoosung★: C-Cosplay!
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Yoosung★: This is all too much.
Yoosung★: A pretty girl who plays LoLoL and cosplays.
Yoosung★: I-
Yoosung★: I have to go! My break is almost over!
Yoosung★: And just when it was all getting good.
Yoosung★: Bye Dove! Yoosung★★ has left the chatroom.
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707 entered the chat.
 Dove: 707~ Hello!
707: Hello!
707: I was scrolling through the chatrooms and saw you almost kill Yoosung★ earlier.
707: I’m still struggling to believe that that's you.
707: Especially since I’m the only one whos seen the real you.
Dove: Well if I could send photos to you all.
Dove: You can’t laugh but…
Dove: I love sharing photos of my food.
Dove: I really want to send some to Yoosung★, he’s always asking and checking I’m eating.
707: For the sake of the apartment location I can’t allow it.
Dove: Oh come on, Mr.Defender of justice!
Dove: I just want to share some snack photos every now and then.
Dove: There’s a vender outside who sells these buns in the shape of fish, stuffed with chocolate!
707: They are-
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707: My favourite.
707: Beside HoneyBuddha Chips.
Dove: HoneyBuddha Chips…?
707: You’ve never…?
707: I’ll bring you a bag to the party.
707: Only a bag though.
707: But once you start them, you’ll be addicted to them.
707: Like me.
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Dove: I look forward to it!
707: Gahhh.
707: Just got work again….
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707: About the photo’s… I’ll see what I can do.
Dove: Thank you 707~
Dove: You're the best!
707: Lol, tell me something I don’t know.
 707 left the chat.
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 Dove entered the chat.
 Dove: Yoosung, how was the library?
Yoosung★: Dove, you're here!
Yoosung★: I missed you hehe.
Jumin: You two are really warming it up.
Yoosung★: What are you talking about~!
Dove: Did you guys see about Zen?
Jumin: I saw Zen injuries himself.
Yoosung★: Yeah I saw too.
Yoosung★: Don’t worry Dove, Zen is the kinda guy to bounce straight back!
Jumin: I’m sure it’s torture for him to rest right now.
Jumin: Haha…
Yoosung★: Jumin… I feel like you’re enjoying this…;;
Jumin: Being with Elizabeth the 3rd is always enjoyable.
Yoosung★: Oh, you’re with your cat right now;;
Dove: I once went to a cat cafe!
Dove: I feel like you’d enjoy it Jumin.
Jumin: A cat cafe…
Jumin: I’d rather spend time with that narcissist then eat cat.
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Dove: No you silly!
Dove: It’s a cafe where you get to go and eat with cats.
Dove: You can feed them, pet them whilst taking loads of cute photos! It’s really cute.
Dove: Hold up, let me just…
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Dove: Look the one fell asleep atop of my head!
Yoosung★: Wait, you can send us photos now?!
Jumin: I need…
Jumin: To ask assistant Kang about investing into one of these…
Jumin: I fear if I went to one, Miss.Elizabeth would become jealous of smelling other cats upon me.
Jumin: But I like this, very much.
Jumin: If you’ll excuse me, I need to make a phone call about producing one of these for Miss.Elizabeth.
Jumin left the chat.
Yoosung★: You are really cute~
Dove: Aha thank you! 
Dove: I had the best time when I went.
Yoosung★: I can’t believe I get to see the real you.
Yoosung★: Before anyone else as well!
Yoosung★: Well except 707 and Jumin… 
Yoosung★: But before the others and the party as well!
Dove: I asked 707 about it earlier.
Dove: I wanted to be able to send you photos of my food, to prove to you I’m eating.
Yoosung★: You asked him so you could send me photos?
Yoosung★: Thank you. MC.
Yoosung★: For appearing in front of me.
MC: Yoosung, you’re cute.
Yoosung★: Me?!
Yoosung★: Guys tend to not like being called cute…
Yoosung★: but why do I feel so strange hearing it from you?
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Yoosung★: I should go to bed now. I don’t know if I’ll sleep though…
Yoosung★: Are you going to stay up?
MC: Yes.
Yoosung★: Okay.
Yoosung★: Don’t work too hard ^^
Yoosung★: I feel bad if you’re tired.
Yoosung★: Then I’ll get going!
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom
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Teasing Tadashi fic 😊💘💝
I swear I was writing this before chapter 9 came out! At first this was supposed to be more angsty until I remembered that I suck at writing angst and that... I don't enjoy writing it as much as reading it from someone else soooo... have fluff!!!💖💕 in the original script Scholar, Ellie, Tyler and Axel had formed an "alliance" to prank Tadashi. But after a while he started feeling like they hated him and that he was getting bullied, I almost made him cry then I was like "nope. nu-huh. I can't write this." Of course there was comfort at the end with them apologizing and Scholar explaining that the reason why she was messing with his so much was because she had a crush on him and had no idea how to deal with it.
Uhh... anyway! To brighten up I made this and I'm much more happier with it! Well you guys know the drill, last time I wrote Scholar as a he so Scholar is a she again in this one. And I realized that I'm switching only between the she/her and he/him pronouns but that's because I'm not confident in using they/them, I'm scared that if there's a group of people in my fic, it'll be confusing because the readers will think "wait, is it the group of people or is it Scholar that the narrator is talking about?" It may be a really stupid reason but this is the type of thing I'm sure I can mess up with because I'm a dummy dum 😖
Also, Layelle's super cute drabble inspired me (*cough* @arlingtonssweetheart *cough*) so this fic will have a lil bit of Japanese too. And it'll be written like this. This fic is about 2000 words long and for some reason I wasn't able to put a "read more" like usual... probably because I'm on mobile. I'm terribly sorry about that! You guys will have to scroll through all of that... 😖
edit: I added the “read more” thingy!
Okay! Enough rambling!! Please Enjoy! ✊😍🤗
When she met him, Scholar knew right away just how fun it would be to mess with the student body president. His back was always arched and he spoke in a slightly presumptuous manner. He had a very confident walk, he always knew exactly where he was going and his handshake was very solid. He was overall a really proud and level-headed person... which would make it really satisfying if he were to lose that pride even if it was just for a few seconds.
Scholar's intention wasn't to bully him, of course. At least not in a mean way. But whenever she got the chance to tease him, she took it. At first she wasn't making a conscious effort out of it but gradually, as time went by, her head started filling up and she would always think about Tadashi. It was becoming harder and harder to focus in class with the target of her affection seated right next to her. However, she at least had the decency to wait until the end of the lesson for the teasing, she didn't want him to think that she was being a bother.
"Tadashi, teach me something in Japanese."
Without any warning, Scholar whispered in his ear and as expected, he got a jolt. Tadashi would definitely be the type of person to use ASMR to fall asleep, his sense of hearing is so sharp. With how close her face was he wasn't able to look at her in the eye and answered while still looking ahead.
"What do you want to know?"
Scholar backed away from Tadashi's personal space and smiled warmly. However instead of smiling back, Tadashi got chills down his spine. He knew that this was the smile she always used before teasing him in ridiculous and sappy ways.
"Tell me how to say "you're beautiful" pretty pleaaase?"
He already knew where this was going, yet he answered anyway.
"You're beautiful"
"Aww... thank you"
He knew this was coming. He knew and yet he still blushed and became red like a beet while Scholar looked really proud of herself, as if she had just pulled off the smoothest move even though it was really absurd.
"You're being so silly right now..."
He was trying his hardest to act like he was reading through his notes, but really, he just wanted his blush to disappear as soon as possible. Lately, because of Alistair's words he had become even more self-conscious than before. His friend's remark crawled back into his mind and it wasn't leaving anytime soon.
"Dude. You obviously have a crush on her."
You obviously have a crush on her.
You obviously have a crush on her...
You have a crush on her.
As always, he wasn't able to calm down at all or to fool Scholar with his lackluster acting skills. Or more precisely, his nonexistent acting skills. Scholar crossed her arms on the desk and put her chin down on them while still gazing at him. From the corner of his eyes, Tadashi could see her still staring and it made him even more nervous.
"S-Scholar... please, stop staring at me. It's distracting me."
Scholar swiftly poked Tadashi's cheek with her finger and hid her fond smile with her other arm, she almost had her face buried in it.
"And you're the one to say that? I'm always distracted by how cute you are all the time Mister student body president."
"I-I am not cute. And please move your finger away from my cheek."
That was a complete lie. Even though he was really embarrassed about doing stuff like this in public, he loved getting teased by Scholar and most of all, physical contact. Had he not been so stuck-up and shy, he would hug Scholar the next time they would be alone together, but everytime they were he got too prideful. Or rather, he would feel really embarrassed and hurt if Scholar, for some reason, pushed him away or laughed at his open display of affection. Whenever he was with Scholar, all kinds of cheesy thoughts would fill up in his mind. I want to hug her, I want to hold her hand, I want to snuggle with her, I want to...
And the bell rang, it was time for the next and last period of the day. Scholar gently pulled on his cheek like he was a little kid and moved her hand away to pack her bag. She had to move to another classroom. Unfortunately, they did not have the last lesson of the day together.
"See you later Dashi! And you better not forget what I asked of you yesterday, okay?"
"I-I haven't forgotten! See you soon..."
That's right. It was February 14th today. It wasn't rare of Scholar to invite him to hang out after school but today was a tad bit different. He knew it was stupid to get his hopes up but he really couldn't focus on anything at all. The text message he received yesterday was stuck in his mind. It was a simple "let's meet up in front of the school entrance when the last bell rings" and thankfully, since he can't stutter through texts, he replied with a really composed "Alright, I'll be there." And yet, words couldn't express how frustarted he was the whole day. He didn't follow anything at all in class, he just took notes of random things that sounded important in between his monologues. It was like he was daydreaming 8 hours in a row.
By the end of it he didn't care anymore. He'll just ask Alistair for his notes or something, he'll figure it out. When the last bell rang, Tadashi was the first one to leave the classroom. His classmates of the business, commerce and politics department looked at him in shock. They were already whispering behind his back as he was leaving in a hurry.
"...Maybe he really wanted to go to the bathroom?"
"That must be it!"
But no. He did have butterflies in his stomach but it was not because he wanted to go to the bathroom. He rushed to the school entrance. Now that he thinks about it, this is a weird meeting spot. Usually Scholar would ask him to meet up in the garden or in the cafeteria lounge. Honestly, this was a really awkward place. In a couple of seconds, hundreds of students would rush out to go to their rooms in the dorms and drop their school bags on the ground like dumbbells. Is she going to tease him in front of all the students of this school? God please no. While Tadashi was lost in his thoughts, Scholar came out of... the garden. With a bouquet of red roses.
"You're awfully early Tadashi, did you run to get here? You do know that it's against the school rules to run in the hallways, right? You're not being a really good role model Prez."
But Tadashi didn't listen anymore. All he saw was the huge roses and Scholar holding them with a small blush on her cheeks. Was she seriously about to confess to him in this open space? How did she even have enough time to go fetch the roses? The bell just rang about 30 seconds ago! Could it be possible that she begged Dr.Lee to let her go 5 minutes earlier than usual? ...Well, no matter how she pulled that off, Tadashi was achieving new shades of reds right now. On his face of course.
"I-I apologize if I have the wrong idea but... those roses, are they for me?"
A few students started getting out of the building, and they couldn't just pass next to the scene that was unfolding before their eyes. One by one, they would slowly make a circle around them. Scholar extended her arms towards Tadashi, holding the bouquet with both hands.
"For who else would it be?"
Before Tadashi could even mutter a "thank you" and take the flowers, in a really unnatural manner, Scholar let go of it and the roses fell to the ground.
"Oops! I'm soooo sorry!"
But Tadashi was too submerged in emotion to even notice the bad acting, and so, just as planned, he got down on one knee and took the bouquet. At this point, more and more students were coming out of the school building and like all the others, they were making a circle around them. The small gathering of students soon became a herd, and all eyes were on Tadashi, kneeling down with a bouquet of roses. To make this moment last a bit longer, Scholar stepped on his left foot.
"Umm... Scholar, I have to get up. Move your foot away."
Poor little Tadashi still hadn't caught on what was happening and he looked up towards Scholar, only to see that warm smile again. The one she used when she was teasing him, and he once again got shivers down his spine. After that he looked around. And immediately regretted it. Practically half of the school was gathered around them, watching the scene in awe. That's when Tadashi finally understood what had happened. No matter how you look at it, it seemed like Tadashi was the one confessing his feelings to Scholar, even though it was supposed to be the other way around. One knee on the ground, bouquet of red roses in hand, looking up at Scholar and most of all looking mortified. Not to mention it was February 14th so of course it couldn't be taken in any other way. Tadashi was done for. Only the first few students knew that Scholar was originally the one holding the bouquet, the majority who came later had the wrong idea. And it was all according to Scholar's plan.
Tadashi cursed under his breath.
"Dammit. She got me again..."
As for the lively students, the loud whispers couldn't be stopped.
"Oh my God. I knew it, it was so obvious that Tadashi had a crush on this scholarship student."
"I see them hanging out together in the garden and in the cafeteria lounge almost everyday, do they think they're being discreet?"
"Fuck, where's my phone? I gotta film this..."
"I never thought Mister Prez was the type to pull off that kind of thing, he has balls, that's for sure."
"Duuuuude. What a show-off! I bet he's pressuring her into accepting his feelings, that's why he did it here."
"Not a surprise. The crowd will put more pressure on her and it'll be hard to refuse, Tadashi that witty bastard! Using all of his assets in this way is so not fair!"
Tadashi was mentally begging for Scholar to let him run away from here. When they got surrounded by enough people to her liking, she took the bouquet out of his hands and removed her foot which allowed him to stand up again. Of course, the crowd cheered and whistled thinking that she had just accepted the confession while it was not it at all. Scholar grabbed Tadashi's hand and ran with him to the garden by pushing through the herd of students. Someone screamed "DON'T DO ANYTHING RAUNCHY IN THE GARDEN! USE PROTECTION KIDS!"
That voice... goddammit. It was definitely Raquel. Great. Tadashi looked like he was in physical pain from thinking about what kind of reactions his friends would have after this.
Once they reached their usual spot in the garden, Scholar gave back the flowers to Tadashi. He was panting and still red as a beet. Thankfully, the crowd had the decency to not follow them but they still ran just in case.
"Agh... Scholar... I... cannot believe what you just pulled on me. I got bamboozled so hard, I'm mad at myself for letting my guard down. And here I thought that you wouldn't tease me at least in a serious moment like this."
"Haha... All according to keikaku."
"Oh my God... I can't fucking believe you would do this to me."
"I can."
Tadashi looked so drained, like 5 years just got sucked out of him in a few seconds. That embarrassement, he would remember it until the day he dies. Now everybody thinks that he has a huge crush on Scholar and that they're dating... Not that they're wrong but still!
"We... wait. Scholar, does it mean that we're dating now?"
Suddenly, Scholar looked a little bit vulnerable, she was planning this for a while now so she was mentally prepared but it was still nerve-wrecking in a way. Tadashi wasn't the most self-aware person out there. Or to be more accurate: he was dense at a unimaginable level.
"You... don't want to? You don't like me?"
"What?! N-no! Of course I like you! More than like I..."
He really wanted to say it. He really did, but using the word "love" right away, would that freak her out? He didn't want to make any missteps nor scare her away the really first day of them dating.
"N-nevermind that! Does it mean that all this time when you were teasing me, that was actually fliritng?"
There it is. The dense Tadashi. Scholar mentally facepalmed herself so hard.
"I've been trying to flirt with you for the past 5 months but thanks for noticing I guess."
Tadashi was reminded of all of the times Scholar would tirelessly pick on him, mess with him, make fun of him and borderline bully him. Had he not known the type of brilliant and kind person she really was, he could've easily mistook all of it as her messing around with him to be annoying. Thankfully, even though he was as dense as a brick, he was at least able to understand and make that distinction: she was obviously not trying to be a jerk.
"Oh... Oh... I see. But you could've been more direct! How was I supposed to understand that this was f-flirting??"
"Dashi. Sweetie. The only way for me to be more direct than that would've been yelling at the top of my lungs that I love you... You didn't like the teasing-flirting?"
Tadashi shook his head almost violently.
"N-NO! Absolutely not, I like it... I think... no uh. I definitely like it! Actually if we could, um..."
He opened his arms and looked down in shame with an obvious blush on his face.
"C-can I have a hug... please? It would make me happy..."
This was the most adorable thing Tadashi had ever done. Scholar immediately jumped in his arms, the poor boy had already been teased a whole lot today. While Scholar buried her face in his chest, Tadashi was holding her as tightly as he could. After a couple of seconds, they let go of eachother and tried to look as unfazed as they could even though there was no use hiding their feelings anymore. Scholar was the one to end the silence.
"Well... Now that we're dating, you know what we have to do, right?"
Tadashi was slightly fidgeting with the bouquet still in his hand.
"Um... We hold hands and we go back to the dorms to spend some quality time in your room?"
"Yes! And then we fuck"
The romantic atmosphere was thrown out of the window. This was obviously a joke to lighten up the mood but Tadashi did not appreciate that.
"Who taught you that?? And more importantly, stop learning Japanese just to tease me!!"
Nonetheless, they made their way back to the dorms under the curious gazes of the students while holding hands, like promised. The news already got around the school: Scholar and Tadashi are dating.
Aaaayy! It's done! *Clap👏 clap👏 clap👏* This was really fun for me since, well... I love teasing Tadashi 😂 (but who doesn't?) This is the ultimate proof that I like this blushy boi. Hope you didn't cringe! Because I'm sure I will when I read it again in a few days... On a side note, sorry if the February 14th thing was too sudden or out of nowhere, but to be fair the SE team gave us a Halloween chapter in May sooo... whatever! It was Halloween 2 days ago and now it's Valentines day! Deal with it! Also, the biggest plot hole of this fic is that Karolina didn't do shit to stop Scholar and Tadashi from their Miracle Romance🌟🌙 (Sailor moon ref 👌) but I wanted this to be a simple fic without any drama.
Aaaand that's all I had to say! Thank you for reading!!! 💖💗
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sluttysan · 5 years
ATEEZ reaction to you yelling that they have a ‘small’ dick during an argument
✰Seonghwa: You were so heated in an argument with Seonghwa, and he just kept refuting every point you brought up. So you decided to hurt him where it would hurt the most--his pride, and you decided to raise your voice along with it. It worked, and boy was he pissed. Yelling at him was one thing, and it was the main thing that pissed him off, but telling him his dick was small was a whole other thing. So while he was pissed at you for raising your voice at him, he was quite amused that you would even call him small. Especially since he knew he always had you moaning loudly and would leave you extremely worn out after a night with him. He would momentarily forget all about the argument you were having and he’d sneer at you, feeling as though he didn't have a choice but to teach you a lesson about speaking like that to him.
“That’s cute. After I’m done with you, you wouldn’t be able to even open your mouth to disrespect me like that again...or walk for a few days.” 
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✰Hongjoong: Hongjoong knew you said it because of the argument, but he still felt as though it was cruel of you to mention his size when you were arguing about something completely unrelated. He would be shocked and in disbelief of what just came out of your mouth, clearing his throat and holding back his anger from your comment. He knew at that point, the argument had gotten so sour, it was pointless to him to continue. He’d feel humiliated and will make sure you’ll never utter those words again. 
“I’m not going to respond to that. I’ll let you cool off and when you’re done, come back so I can show you how wrong it was of you to say that.”
He’ll definitely punish you later on, when you both have calmed down. Hongjoong wouldn’t let that shit slide, so expect him to fuck you so hard, asking you how you wouldn’t stop screaming while his ‘small dick’ was inside of you.
“That’s what I thought.”
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✰Yunho: You and Yunho were arguing about how he kept leaving you on read when you texted him, and at first, it started out very small. However, the more you kept arguing, the more you were gradually bringing up other things that he did that bothered you. He started doing the same, and so everything began snowballing and going downhill from there. You weren’t winning the argument, so your last resort was to say something that will get a reaction out of him, so when you yelled that he had a small dick, it would do just that. His eyes would get big, and he’d scoff, holding in his laugh at how ridiculous and off-topic your comment was.
“We both know that’s a lie. Do I really need to remind you?”
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✰Yeosang: The whole atmosphere would shift as soon as you brought up his dick. You hardly ever argued with him, and when you did, it never got so bad that you felt like you had to insult him to get your point across. His eyes would get dark, and he was disappointed that out of everything else you could say to insult him, you decide to say that his dick was small. That shit would crush him. You wounded his pride, and he’ll make you regret saying that. He’ll be salty, ending the argument right then and there. Yeosang will also give you the silent treatment, only talking to you after you apologized. He would still be annoyed, so he’d get dominant with you and only calm down after he’s had his way with you in the bedroom. He would feel like he had to prove his manhood to you.
“I accept your apology, but that was unnecessary. Even if you didn’t mean it, don’t ever say that shit again. I’ll have to make sure you don’t forget that.”
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✰San: San would blink a few times, startled at your decision to yell that he has a small dick instead of arguing back with a proper response. He’d let out a little laugh, but inside he was actually kind of hurt. He’ll find what you said to be incredibly childish, but he would take it with a grain of salt, knowing you were just upset about the argument. Even so, San will give back that same energy and act childish in return. You’ll soon learn to never use that in an argument with him again, even if you were upset. This dude will literally whip out his dick to prove you otherwise lol
“Are you sure about that? Maybe you forgot that you can barely get it in your mouth? Do you want to double check?”
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✰Mingi: Arguing with Mingi was really rare, but when it does happen, it was about something serious, however they were always civilized and respectful. So when you raised your voice and told him that he had a small dick, Mingi’s mouth dropped open. He understood you were upset, but the way he saw it was that you could’ve insulted him any other way, but bringing up his dick being ‘small’ was very uncalled for. And on top of that you yelled at him. He’s honestly the type to get offended, even though he knows he has a big dick (don’t lie, we’ve all seen it). He’d bombard you with lots of questions, getting closer and closer to you with each one. His sweet, gentle persona would be gone as soon as you mentioned his size like that. He’ll pretty much come for you defensively, discrediting what you just said to him.
“Oh, so that’s how we’re going to argue now? Well, this is news to me. Why are you always so loud when I’m fucking you, then? Not to mention you’ve told me I was big before. Suddenly I’m small? Do you want to see it again?”
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✰Wooyoung: Wooyoung would not stand for you to talk about his pride like that. He would be really hurt by your insult, annoyed that you had the audacity to talk about his dick size in such a condescending way. The original argument was over to him as soon as you decided to bring up something completely unrelated, and he’d place his attention on you talking about his size. He would be so ready to prove you wrong, even though he knew you never meant it from the start.
“That doesn’t even have anything to do with what we’re arguing about. But since you brought it up, I’m going to need you take that back. Or else I’m going to have to let you satisfy yourself from now on.”
Wooyoung won’t let it go, so he’ll bring it up later that night. In the back of his mind, he felt insecure about it, even though he knew you were mad when you said it. He’ll insist that you needed your memory refreshed. You better tell him his dick is big after that, or it’ll never end lmao
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✰Jongho: Poor Jongho would be so shocked that you belittled him like that. He was already heated from your argument with him, so as soon as those words slipped from your mouth, it’ll be like a huge slap in the face. He couldn’t believe that you were that low and went for something that you knew would hurt him. Jongho would stop arguing with you and leave to cool off. Like San, he would find you saying that to be incredibly childish, so he was not going to continue arguing with you. You’d have to do a lot to make it up to him. Would ignore you for a few hours, and you’re just going to deal with a sulky Jongho. He would honestly question his manhood, thinking he wasn't enough to satisfy you, so you’ve got a lot of praising his cock to do.
“Come talk to me when you’re done insulting me.” *walks away*
*you go to him after a few hours*
“I’m sorry, Jongho.”
*sighs* “It’s okay. Next time, can we refrain from insults? That actually hurt...And am I really small?”
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bellamyblake · 4 years
Modern farmer AU headcanons with Madi,Bell and Clarke
A modern farmer AU where Madi is Clarke’s 13 year old adoptive daughter and one night she sneaks with a few of her friends to her neighbor’s barn (aka Bellamy’s barn) and they have a little party and end up letting all the horse and the chicken and the sheep loose and Bellamy wakes up in the morning angry as hell and he’s actually a retired cowboy with a bad limp who lives alone after his mom died and left him the farm and his sister took off to the big city.
Clarke on the other hand is newish to town, she’s a doctor in the local hospital and she came by Madi only months ago when she decided she wants to try and foster a kid. 
So when Bellamy comes to her front porch all angry, covered in hey and chicken feathers and bangs on her door, she thinks him a mad man.
“Your daughter fucked up my barn and lost my darn horses!” he yells angrily and Clarke’s so taken aback but she won’t let him yell at them so she forces him to calm down and brings Madi in and they agree that she’s to come to his farm and help with chores for a month so he won’t press charges.
And Madi gradually falls in love with the farm work unlike before, she likes watering the crops, the tomatoes, the corn. She thinks Bellamy is a grumpy horrible old man but he turns out to be just a lonely dude who hates that she caused him so much trouble but he actually is a softie on the inside and after giving her some hard time at first, let’s her pet his favorite horse Red. 
Madi loves the horses and Bellamy teaches her how to ride, she asks him about rodeos and wants him to show her how to do it. When she starts taking too much time to come home after she’s supposedly done with Bellamy, Clarke goes there and finds them practicing on a barrel, Bellamy showing her how to rodeo and this time she gets mad and she yells and she grabs Madi and tells her she won’t be coming back anymore.
But then a few weeks later Madi has an incident at school where a few of the popular girls make fun of her for being an orphan and wearing shabby clothes so she punches one of them and runs to Bellamy’s farm cause she feels guilty and so alone.
And she finds him in there lying on his bed, he calls her to come and she sees her hurt himself when he was riding Red, that he threw him off and he got a big bad bruise on his ribs and made his bad leg hurt.
But he ignores it all, makes her grab him a crutch from his wardrobe and calls Clarke, so she wouldn’t worry, tells her to come pick her up while he makes Madi some hot coco and talks to her on the front porch.
Clarke’s heart clenches when she comes and finds Madi hugging Bellamy, wrapped around his middle while he strokes her head. She’s never had that with the kid and it pains her that Madi trusted someone else when shit at school happened. 
She was mad while driving here but when she sees them like this all anger disappears and she tells Madi to go to the house while she talks to Bellamy. 
“You have a really smart kid there but she has a lot of pain and anger inside of her.” he says carefully when he gets up and leans on his crutch. She’s surprised to see him like this, hurt and in pain but still willing to help her kid. “You need to help her find a way to deal with that.”
“She was doing fine when she was spending time here.”
“That’s cause my boy Red and my chicken are irresistible.” he jokes and touches her elbow “If you want to, you can let her come here again. God knows I could use the help especially now”
“Are you sure?” he nods and gives her a small smile “Tell her it’s part of her punishment and I’ll see her tomorrow after school.”
“You’re good with her.” she says observantly “I feel like all I do is screw things up.”
“No, you’re her mom. Moms are supposed to be scary and badass, you’re doing a good job-you give her food, clothes, make sure she gets good grades, you love her...she just needs a moment to let you in.”
“It was easy for her to let you in.”
“Sure she did, I’m a stranger, I’m no one. Just a friendly neighbor with a grumpy attitude and nice horses. I can bet you she likes my stock better than me.”
“That’s not true, she won’t shut up about the mythology stories you tell her or teaching her the ropes of star sighing.” he smiles and leans a little into the wooden railing, clearly in pain “What happened to you?”
“I got an angry and stupid bull who wanted to take a bite off my ass when I was trying to get him back home from the pasture.”
“You alright?”
“All good, princess, promise.” he gives her a wink and tips his cowboy head. “Get the kid here tomorrow okay? I’ll give her a speech too after you’re done tonight.”
She thanks him and he’s right, she does give Madi a speech but still at the end the kid apologizes and hugs her. It’s not as tight as Bellamy’s hug but it’s still something and she takes it as a victory.
A few days later Madi suggests they invite Bellamy to dinner and promises she’ll cook as they all know how bad Clarke is at that. Bellamy spends a good half hour just in their garden having a heart attack “Those tomatoes? Tell me you’ve watered them today, please?” upon Clarke shaking her head he actually winces “Madi, I thought you better than that.”
“Hey, I was at your place, watering your crops, mister Blake!”
“Oh jeez, poor peppers.” he’s the sweetest when he leans down and actually strokes the plants, talks to them, makes Madi and Clarke chuckle “Hey sweet peas, oh you’re gone babies...poor peas.You destroyed your peas, Clarke!”
“Good to know!” she says trying not to burst out laughing and he furrows his eyebrows upon her mocking look.
Anyway after that, they start hanging together a lot more, Bellamy teaches both Madi and Clarke how to ride, saying it’s outrageous to have a farm and not be able to ride a horse. Then lets Madi name all his chicken cause she loves them too much and teaches Clarke how to take care of her crops which she ends up actually enjoying as it provides her comfort after the stressful hospital work;
A year into it and Clarke officially adopts Madi; Bellamy tears the fence between their houses and he moves in with them since Clarke’s one is bigger; 
Madi still gets cheeky sometimes and when she’s seventeen she steals Red in the middle of the night to go meet up with her girlfriends; Bellamy hears her and catches her, for a moment they just stand there in the dark Madi feeling guilty and Bellamy wondering what to do;
in the end he sighs, rubs his forehead and says  “Go, but be back in an hour, alright?” she smiles actually jumps off Red to come hug and kiss his cheek before sneaking away;
he stays on the porch, stretching his bad leg that gave him the worst of troubles every now and then, and nurses a cup of coffee when clarke comes down and joins him; 
“You totally let her go didn’t you?” she mumbles when she sits in his lap without warning and nuzzles in his neck; He wraps a blanket around her and pulls her close “If she’s not back soon, you are both in trouble.”
“I love it when you’re scary, princess.” he says and kisses her forehead; She yawns in his arms and pulls the blanket closer-the most adorable being on the planet right now, in all her cute sleepy Clarke Griffin glory, wearing his plaid shirt and polka dot shorts, all perfect in his arms; God, he loved her. 
“Damn right you do, I’m awesome.” he chuckles and holds her tight in his arms when she asks him to tell her a story about the stars;
He does and he thinks how he’ll never get tired of it. 
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milkboxing · 5 years
SUMMARY ⋮ your somewhat notoriously influential high school garage band urgently needs a replacement to their keyboardist whose arm is broken and you happen to be, at the precise instant they find you, free-styling the tomato song on the antediluvian piano found in the music room.
GENRE ⋮ humour, rock band!au, high school!au
ZAK’S NOTE ⋮ guitarist!beomgyu kept darting from one corner of my mind to the other and i just couldn’t help but write this shit.
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Committing irreparable mistakes was one of the few things that Huening Kai was known to be good at by all, and even if he knew the repercussions that his broken arm due reckless biking would have on his band and the performance they were supposed to give for the upcoming school festival, the chances of him wearing his elbow pads would most likely be one in a million. He was nevertheless the happy-go-lucky and sickly optimistic boy he was and despite the fright he gave to his elder band mates, they chose to overlook his misconduct after a few inevitable reproaches. However, as much as they wish they did not have to race against the time that was quickly catching up with them, they could not let down the school, their local audience and all the threatening fingers pointed at them. Precisely. Like that of the vice student council onto whose frail shoulders the accountability of preparing for that event of capital importance reposed. Rumour had it that she was planning the murder of Soobin, the band’s leader who was also her prime partner as the previous student council but the latter was so taken up by rehearsals that he was bound to ditch the poor girl.
“For the last time Soobin,” she hissed, poking the tall boy’s chest, a visible crease between her eyebrows, “I have painstakingly managed to deal with everything encompassing the festival so far, if you plan on calling it quits with your band, you better be giving me a helping hand. . .” She was unable to complete her sentence as he heaved out an exasperated sighed. “I’m sorry,” he softly let out, running a hand through his hair, avoiding all eye contact with her, “I’d gladly do that but the dean is counting on us and he firmly believes that with or without Kai we should be in a position to perform. He says that we’re his meal ticket, whatever that is supposed to mean.” The girl frowned and Soobin’s pupils were then shaking a little. “I can’t put my hand on someone to replace Kai yet,” he added, “I’m sorry once again, Eunji. Once our lives are back to normal I’ll treat you to tteokbokki or any food you like and you have my word this time!” Soobin left with fast steps after patting her on her shoulder, picking up his pace as he spotted his classmate and best friend, whom you believed to be named Choi Something, at the other end of the corridor. Eunji turned and with battered puppy eyes, watched his back as it shrunk and muttered under her breath, “Screw you and those convincingly cute dimple of yours.”
You didn’t mean to but you happened to hear that part and you subtly reared your head, enough to peek at Eunji behind the door of your locker, her shoulders drooping like withered flowers and her braided hair unfortunately resembling a fringed mayhem. A pat on the shoulder? you mentally sympathised with her, she must have reached the peak of being friend-zoned. Banging the aperture of your locker shut, you readjusted your duffel bag on your shoulder and checked your watch, incognisant to the fact that the obnoxious noise you had produced snapped the elder girl out of her morose rêverie. Undecisive about what you would do of all the time you had to kill, you roamed around the busy school hallways where students were darting to and fro with boxes, boxes, desks and more boxes but none of the classrooms you passed by was fully empty. Somehow, while your conscience was swimming among the waves of Antlantis, your steps led you to the music room which reeked of mildew and the air was so heavy — especially when the greasy, brownish curtains gave the eerie impression of drawing the four walls closer together, as if the room was gradually shrivelling while the obscurity was lurking around, waiting to seize the opportunity of gobbling you up — that you had to suffocate a gulp in your throat.
Without losing any more time, you casted off your bag and dumped it on a chair, grateful enough that the abandoned desks, despite catching enough dust to permanently change of colours, were not covered in bird or lizard shit as you expected it. You pulled apart the curtains, strenuously opened the rusty windows, the hinges of which categorically refused to move due to rust, turned on the fan and instantly regretted it as the dust started swirling and chaotically flying around the room, making of you a Reindeer Rudolf who could not stop sneezing. To top up the whole thing, you stubbed your foot against the piano bench while you were blindly reaching out for the button to switch off the fan, your eyes stinging. Five minutes later, the dust had stabilised, the room was well aerated, the odour had either dissipated or been assimilated by your complex organism to such an extent that you couldn’t smell it the same way anymore, and your fingers were lazily gliding along the keys of the old piano. Loud footsteps and muffled voices that you knew belonged to the members of your somewhat notoriously influential school band could be heard in the corridor but you couldn’t care less.
Suddenly, an idea struck your head and you would have sworn that if your life was a cartoon, a light bulb would have popped up above your head at that very instant. Using your limited knowledge of whatever you had picked at the piano tuitions you had attended for six years and recently quit, you started skittering your fingers along the keys of the piano, your touch leaving whitened fingerprints everywhere. What seemed much better in your mind to be the melody of the nastily catchy and annoying tomato song, a famous nursery rhyme, escaped from the musical instrument and after a few more tries and unusual determination that you find hard to show for your studies, you managed to upgrade it to the most resembling version of the original song. You were, unluckily, too busy having an intense and sensational performance for your imaginary public, fervently tapping on the keys while humming to the lyrics that you missed to realise that the hallway had grown oddly silent and the door creaked open to reveal a few curious heads, piled one onto the other.
“LUMPY AND GORGEOUS FIGURE DRESSED IN RED—” yelled a voice that you failed to recognise because of how strained it sounded, but that nevertheless called you back to earth and drove you into ending the song with a sinister piano version of a keyboard smash. “—SWEET AND SOUR FLAVOUR, FASHIONABLE TOMATOES!” sang the oldest boy of the bunch, showing up with a seemingly dyed silver hair (unless you were right to think his hair turned grey, from all the stress he bore.) You stared at him, an inevitably judgemental expression adorning your face as the other boys projected either revulsion or amusement on their faces. Except Taehyun, this boy could withstand anything with an intimidating poker face but somewhere you could sense his confusion. “Yeonjun-hyung— hyung—” called out Beomgyu, a sophomore student whom you knew to be the lead guitarist of the band. He was a likeable guy, cheerful and a little irksome with his crazy loud laughter at times but based on what you’ve learnt he didn’t have many friends from his grade and hence hung out with your classmates Huening Kai and Taehyun all the time. “That’s enough hyung, yOU CAN SHUT UP NOW!” he yelled, calling the elder boy back to reason. Thankfully that sufficed, you were ready to fling your bag at the grey haired dude’s face. The two of them winged up bickering while the three others boys turned their faces to you (and that sucks because you had mentally planned on tiptoeing to the door while they were distracted), eerily in synchronisation, their lips stretching into mysterious smiles. Oh fuck, you cursed under your breath, they want something from me.
“To quote Hamlet,” you exasperatedly explained, slowly and emphasising on each word, “act three, scene three, line ninety-two, NO.” The boys’ faces fell, apart from Kai’s. He didn’t know how to give up and you could definitely tell that from the way his hazel eyes scrutinised you, that he was not going to give you the heave-ho so soon. Kai was a tough cookie — come hell or high water, he would neither avert his firm gaze from you, nor allow you to take the french leave and even less erase that fucking aweless rictus from his mouth. In other words, you were trapped like an artless little rabbit in a den of wolves. “Come on, please. . . [name]. . .? That’s your name, right?” trailed off Soobin, his glances endlessly shifting from his teammates to you, making sure to obtain nods and other responses of approbation. You couldn’t help but remark that despite his eminent presence, he was not especially self-assured for a leader. “Yeah, and no. The festival is tomorrow and there’s no way I could play a fucking keyboard for you. I won’t even be able to memorise the song lyrics,” your eyes widened as you added, “actually scratch that, i don’t even know how to sing!”
“Hey, calm down,” reassured Kai, snaking his arm around your shoulders, “We’re not asking you to be Mozart or Maria Carey. The melody is short and pretty repetitive so just being in tune will do. As for the singing. . . Simply try not to sound too much like a dying whale.” You gave him a sarcastic smile as he dumbly responded with a giddy one. Slapping away his arm, you replied on a passive aggressive tone, “First of all, don’t touch me unless you want to lose the other arm as well and secondly,” you turned to the rest of the boys, “I’d rather keep a low profile, if I ridiculise myself tomorrow I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over the embarrassment of it. . .” The room suddenly fell tragically silent, the tense atmosphere weighing like a heavy load on everyone’s shoulders. “You won’t make a fool of yourself,” spoke up Taehyun. Your eyes met his and he firmly stared back, without showing any sign of emotion, like he usually does and you were reminded of his forgotten presence. “We’re not expecting you to be perfect [name]. There are times when the microphones decide to betray us in the middle of a performance, or a wrong guitar chord, a minimal voice crack that can seem to put it at stake. . . We don’t give perfect stages because we are only here to have the blast of our lives. My point is that, it’s human to make mistakes but that shouldn’t stop you from going forward,” he lectured in the most Taehyun-ish style ever. He had always been the voice of reason, as far as you remembered. “I mean, they usually make mistakes,” he pointed at his members, “not I.” Involuntarily, a giggle left your throat as the four other boys scoffed and wailed disapprovingly.
After five long minutes of debating your inner self and considering all the pros and cons to their proposition of being the substitute of Kai for the festival, you decided to simply say fuck it and gave in. “I’ll do it—” Your sentence was cut short by the band members’ relieved sighs and exclamations. (You were persuaded that the one who cried out for his mum was the grey haired dude.) “—but on one condition!” The boys exchanged confused glances with each other and some of them obviously gulped, fearing that you might want from them something that they could hardly afford. “What is it?” asked Soobin but more boldly than before. “Well, don’t ask me to put on some winged eyeliner, smoky makeup, a leather jacket and Doc Martens or I’m going to turn into the Hulk, crack my fucking shirt open and step on your necks; then run back home to wear a comfy pair of PJ’s!” The oldest of them all replied with a strangled chortle, “Don’t worry about that. As the person in charge of outfits here, I’ve made sure our Lumberzacks theme will be on point.”
“That’s even worse, goodness,” you sighed, “I quit.”
“I’m Yeonjun, by the way,” he introduced himself, coming forward to shake your hand, “Senior year, previous ace of the basketball team and top student. I’m pretty sure you know me already though.” You winced. You didn’t. “Not really but you have a nicer name than I would have thought. I had mentally named you Grandpa, because of your grey hair, you know?” you patted Yeonjun on the shoulder, “No offence though, I love the colouring. Besides, as our dear friend Kang Taehyun, right here, would say; there’s no shame in growing old—” His aura turned from charming kitty to growling dog in a matter of seconds. “If you really sing like a dying whale out there, you’ll be a depilated bitch after the performance.”
“Oh yes, snatch my wig bud.”
Two hours before the opening of the embellished hall, you were sitting on the cold parquet, amidst the mess of cables and under the colourful projector lights, eating a pizza with Beomgyu and Kai. Newspapers were glued to the windows and the curtains were closed, with only a few glow-in-the-dark stickers in form of spaceships, planets and other celestial bodies glimmering dimly in the atrociously dark hall. The decor was breathtaking; there were painted balls of all sizes hanging at the edge of the stage and ovnis and rocks made of papier mâché surrounded the musical instruments and a marmalade orange and yellowish tie-and-dye bedsheet was hung behind them, portraying a sunset or what the boys believed to be in some way, the atmosphere on planet Mars. Having arduously practised with them and with the generous assistance that Kai brought to you, despite his little piques and the other things he does, rubbing you the wrong way, you felt like you were ready to give an otherworldly show.
Yeonjun approached the three of you, with a hanger, a black sweater dangling from it and the name of their band, TXT, written somewhere on it. He stole the last part of the pizza before handing you the piece of clothing (more like throwing it in your direction.) You heaved out a sigh of relief. It was not like you actually believed he would pull out a pink checkered shirt and an axe for you but for your defence, he sounded strangely convincing when he brought up the Lumberzacks concept, the previous day. “You can keep it,” he said, while taking a seat in your circle, “Mm, this pizza is so good! I’m seriously starving right now.” Kai reached out for a can of Sprite but after a few failed attempts of plucking the tab in order to open it, you had to do it for him. That was when, out of the blue, it hit you. “Hey Kai,” you made direct eye contact with him, “you don’t need your arms to sing, do you?” The boy choked, soda threatening to precipitate down his nostrils as you disgustedly passed a tissue paper to him. “I— I don’t but. . .” he gulped, “you’re not thinking of. . .”
“Yup. I’m definitely thinking of getting you a sweater, a microphone and a damn chair,” you stated, to which he retorted: “Look at how aesthetically appealing the stage is, you don’t wanna drag a chair in the middle and have me in my plastered arm sing in front of the whole school—” You tutted, interrupting him, totally unwilling to hear him whine lamer excuses. “Fuck the aesthetic Ning,” you claimed, “I’m dragging your ass onto that stage whether you like it or not.” He was bound to surrender when Beomgyu added, his cheeks filled with food, “Datsh right bruh shtahp bein ah pushy! (That’s right bro, stop being a pussy!)”
At four, the hall had turned into a hive of activity and three quarter of the whole student body at school was present, their mobile phones as well as a ton of snacks in hand. It was soon filled to the brim, and in the middle of the tumult, you spotted Eunji, strenuously hopping and snaking among the sweaty bodies of the cantankerous students while murmuring “excuse me” nonstop. She was carrying a huge pack of water bottles and you realised that they were for the band but you were internally worried about her visible dark circles and her trembling hands, fearing that she might collapse at any instant. On seeing her approaching the door of the dressing room, you stepped forward so as to receive her. All of a sudden, Eunji tripped over someone’s bag and would have heavily fallen to the ground if Soobin had not bolted at the speed of light to catch her. Some of the water bottles had left the pack and you hastily picked them up from the ground but before entering the changing room again, you slightly peeked at the two oblivious lovebirds. “This festival is not worth you losing sleep over it,” reassured Soobin, grabbing the girl by the shoulder while leading her to a free place (where he had intentionally placed his belongings before) in the front row, “you’ve done a great job and it’s thanks to you if today’s event is a success. Sorry again for being such a dick but if it’s not too much to ask, would you like to stay. . .?” A sparse blush highlighted the tall boy’s porcelain cheeks and a smile made its apparition on his brightened face when Eunji accepted his proposal.
“See you later, then.” He awkwardly waved at her.
“Sure. Good luck Soobin!”
The enthusiasm in the hall was electric. The cheers were deafening and the flashes of the camera would have blinded you if you did not focus on fixing the keys of the keyboard instead of staring at the crowd, in the obscurity, dancing and a particular little group of them screaming along the lyrics. You exchanged complicit, overjoyed glances and smiles with the other members of the band. Soobin’s singing lines, as you had guessed, were mostly dedicated to the vice student council, you concluded as you caught him several times, glancing in her direction. When Beomgyu’s solo part came, the projector lights all focused on him and he went hardcore, passionately plucking on the strings of his beloved guitar, his neck veins popping and sweat dripping down his cheeks. For the split of a second, you felt your own heart skip a beat. Goodness, you soared, he indeed is a ladies’ man. What was at first a performance that you dreaded with everything you had, prolonged with an unexpected encore and eventually ended up metamorphosing into a free-styling concert. At that very moment, you realised that your euphoric self was for the first time in so long, in seventh heaven.
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
Give Me Back My Mind!
No, You Can’t Kill Them...
Raven felt stretched thin at the moment as she held up a shield between her team, the new kids, and their mentors. The sweat beaded her brow, sliding over her skin slowly as she continued her focus, she could feel it all slipping and then there was a smashing of rocks near where she was and everything snapped. Raven could no more contain it in time than she could prevent it as she felt her Rage-self slip through her control and the excessive power surge through her as the air cooled several degrees and the shadows bended to their mistress.
"ENOUGH!" she roared, her second eyes coming forth as she bared her fangs at the children who had been about to start a war here at the entrance, everyone gasped as they scrambled back, and their fear bombarded her.
"Rae!" Cyborg shouted, she turned as she shoved her rage aside and her feet hit the ground, her eyes narrowed on Terra, Jaime and Damian who were all standing there trying to look unruffled by her outburst but weren't hiding it well. Sighing she walked over to Damian and Jaime who had never seen her demon before and placed a hand on both their shoulders, both boy flinched but looked up at her.
"I'm sorry that I lost control, and you reacted well if this had been a threat," she assured the boys.
"Whoa! Did you see those eyes, and the fangs!" a boy blurted out gleefully and Raven looked at the young man dressed in a speedster uniform, white and red though, his crop of messy brown hair was sticking up at odd angles. "She totally scared you!"
"Shut up Impulse! I was not scared!" the other youngster of the group protested, but Raven saw the look in his father's eyes as Superman glared down at her.
"What's all the alarms for, it's too early for the bad guys," Beast Boy grumbled as he walked out.
"Welcome to Titan Tower!" Star barreled over everyone and everything as she released the blondes she had been holding back. "I am Starfire, this is Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven."
"It's Changling!" Beast Boy shouted indignantly.
"Get used to no one calling you that dude," Jaime snorted.
"I think this was a bad idea," Superman said suddenly and Raven sighed as she prepared to hear this rant about her demon heritage, but the Batman slipped through the group and looked down at her. Raven was very used to the 'Bat stare' she received it a lot from Dick, Tim, and Damian.
"We still require the apprentices to work with us," Batman said.
"Well yeah man," Cyborg said.
"You are free to come whenever you please, no one in this tower is held hostage," Raven said blandly.
"Good, Red Robin, Robin, Batgirl are all here for training, keep in touch," Bruce said as he handed her a communicator and then he walked away.
"Wait Batman! You cannot seriously be leaving them with that demon!" Diana shouted after him. Raven hid the pain in that statement, she knew that it wasn't often her temper got the better of her, but she also knew how this first meeting looked to the Justice League members; like she was an out of control monster.
"Raven is in perfect control of her emotions, and she'd never hurt us," Starfire quipped which had everyone's eyes landing on the orange Tameranian. "And we are here to help teach, Raven is very good at the teaching."
"I'm staying," Impulse shouted then zipped over to Blue Beetle and Robin. "So, doIget to beapart of thisteam? Whendo we havebreakfast?I'mstarving!Wheresmyroom?..." the kid gradually sped up to the point of being incomprehensible. Raven blandly looked up to Impulse's mentor.
"Does he always talk this fast?" she asked blandly.
"He always talks, and he's always hungry," Flash chuckled when his communicator buzzed. "Flash, Go. Uh-huh, on the way. Well take care of my grandson!" and with that the man was a blur of red and wind.
"I don't like this…" Superman muttered.
Cyborg did most the talking as Star herded the kids into the Tower so they could start their breakfasts, and the laying out the ground rules. When it had just been her, Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy and Cyborg it had been pretty simple. But now she knew they were adding in an element of teenagers, and drama, and hormones, and more than likely unspoken rules would be broken.
Before, the rules were as followed:
-Respect personal boundaries.
-No prying.
-Team training was not negotiable.
-And NO ONE entered her room.
Mostly, no one entered her room after the thing with Beast Boy and Cyborg getting sucked into the Nevermore, and the few times the others had accidentally ignited some magic in her room and it reacted poorly. Raven practiced Dark Magic, she was very good at it and she rarely had mishaps in what she practiced. However, like all Magic, Dark Magic was temperamental and expressive, it was a force of all it's own, and her particular Magic didn't take too kindly to others invading or touching and was known to react by locking others in other dimensions. Poor Garth, he'd been traumatized after his stint in another dimension. Raven had warned them though, and the last person to try to enter her room was Damian; she gave the boy credit for making it all the way to Malchoir before her Magic had activated and flung him out of her room. Foolish boy, he still tried to break into her room, but her Magic steadily held up against the little assassin.
Thinking of the assassin she pulled his unsheathed sword from his grasp as she tucked it into a pocket dimension.
"Raven!" he shouted at her in anger and she lifted a brow at him.
"If I cannot hurt them then you cannot kill them, and no weapons at the table," she warned as she walked past him. The boy growled but gave up arguing with her. Raven knew she had won, after Damian had tested her for his first month of coming around the Titan's Tower with Dick he had learnt she won every argument she got in.
"Alright, we will begin the introductions!" Starfire announced gleefully once all the teens were seated at the table.
"After we eat breakfast we'll start training, and testing, then dividing you into teams according to strengths and weaknesses," Cyborg announced.
"Upon Dick's return we will consult with our leader, do a reassessment of these teams," Beast Boy shouted. Raven just sighed internally, opting not to speak because she knew that no matter what the assessments revealed she was stuck with Damian, Jaime and Tim. The reason for this deduction was actually very simple: Damian trusted her and if it was anyone outside of Dick, Bruce and her he didn't listen (to anyone, and he barely listened to them as it was). Jaime's armor was fond of Victor, and Victor was Raven's second in command; and since Jaime's armor had had a few adverse reactions to Star or Nightwing, he wasn't switching teams. And then there was Tim, and the main reason she was in charge of Tim was simply because he and Damian needed to learn to get along and not try to kill each other all the time.
Everyone else was up for grabs though.
"I'm Jon!" the Superboy piped up then and Raven saw him take the initiative as the other teens carefully followed his lead.
Over all there were a lot of them.
"I refuse to take instructions from a demon," the new Wonder Girl spat when it came to her turn.
"That is not nice!" Star shrieked.
"Star, it's alright," Raven surrendered though she sensed the Bat kids tensing at this statement as Raven stood. "I do not expect you to like me, Cassandra Sandsmark, I do not care if you like me or not, but you will respect me. If only for the reason that I am senior here."
"Raven is one of the founding members of the Titans, she's more than earned your respect," Cyborg said softly as the quite fell over the table.
"Testing is in thirty minutes, finish breakfast, Jaime, you're on dishes," Raven said as she left the bombarding emotions and she left the children behind her as she took a steadying breath. They were just kids, they didn't know any better, and it didn't matter. She was a demon's daughter, but she was also human.
Funny how everyone overlooked the human part of her heritage.
Walking into her room she gingerly shut the door.
Careful not to let her emotions get the best of her Raven tried to center herself as she flicked her wrist to light all the candles in her room, filling it with a sweet aroma as she walked to her bed and collapsed.
She wasn't a monster.
She was just going to have to prove this all over!
Groaning she buried her face in her pillow and wished Trigon had managed to kill her for she hated having to continuously prove herself.
Bruce knew the JL questioned his decision to send the 'sidekicks' off to learn with a demoness as their mentor, but in truth Bruce had seen the footage of Raven's battle with Trigon (there was nothing he didn't have regarding the Titans for the safety of his own children), and for a fourteen year old she had shown far more power and restraint than he had ever thought possible. He also saw a bit of Jason in her, the misunderstood, alone, and desperately seeking a place in this world.
Dick described her as reserved, as a calming, logical force who could have him seeing things in a new light.
Tim thought her to be a mystery worth unravelling, but Raven had always held steadfast against Red Robin's constant digging.
And Damian, Damian who did not like anyone, found her admirable, and trustworthy, she was also patient with him.
Bruce had figured out six years ago that Raven was a good force, and he was trying to get the other Leaguers and their children to see that. Bruce had hopes that if he could get her to be seen in a different light, by most of the League members, then he could possibly persuade her and Cyborg to come up to the JL. Cyborg went with Raven, Dick had made that very clear and the few approaches the JL had tried on Cyborg, the young man stated as much.
Raven would be an excellent addition to the League though, her abilities, and her knowledge… she'd be an excellent magic consultant along with Zatanna, Constantine, and Dr. Fate, and the few other odd magicians the League had acquired.
However, the prejudices against the young woman, while understandable, were getting a bit out of hand. Which was a part of the reason Bruce had asked for the Titans to become more of a mentoring program than the JL.
Also… it was Bruce's sincerest hope to prevent another Jason. He didn't want anyone in the League to feel the anguish which came from burying their child because they weren't fully ready. And despite all of Jason's skill and fineness he hadn't been ready. Jason had also had that darker edge, and Bruce had never quite figured out how to curb it or dull it. Even when Jason had been Red Hood, he hadn't known how to get through to the boy.
And Bruce was seeing a few more kids like Damian and Jason being taken in by other Leaguers and he really wanted to prevent a death here. Dick had agreed to help, and by opening up the Titans as mentors; because most of them hadn't had mentors, it was a chance for productive growth.
Anyone who could connect to Damian, Dick and Tim could not be completely evil!
Then there was his personal reason for wanting his group of kids to be here rather than in Gotham. But he'd worry about it later.
He was a bit relieved that with his equipment and view of the Tower, he was able to see what the ruckus was all about from his living room, and he was a bit relieved for having delayed his plans a bit. All the adults had been there, and while the adults didn't scare or intimidate him, he wasn't overly fond of the idea of encountering his former mentor or running into a pissed off Kryptonian.
Though he had a feeling that the Kryptonians were unavoidable now, he counted two for sure, but one he suspected to be a Kryptonian or an Amazon.
It wasn't much of a problem, not really, but it just made a bit more work for him as he watched the Tower for a bit.
His phone buzzed and he picked up the voice modulator as he answered.
"You know she's got some bloody, and brilliant magic, right?" his contact droned.
"Just tell me you have it done and I can pick it up," he replied as he continued examining the Tower for signs and hints as to what was going on there.
"Yeah, yeah, it's not going to keep you in her room if she put serious wards in there, but it'll be enough for you to get in and get out," the other man sighed.
"That's all I need," he smirked.
"We're even now," the other cockily declared.
"Not even close, just put it in the usual drop box, I'll pick it up tonight," he smirked and hung up the line. The thing about making friends in low places was that they sometimes had good uses.
Now he just needed to steal some Kryptonite…
The Titans would never know what hit them.
"Now that everyone is settled in with their rooms there are rules," Star spoke up as the kids, now dressed in training gear rather than uniforms all stood in the Titan's massive, multilevel gym. It was set up for gymnastics, flying, aerial combat, sparring, working out, and most importantly power use; which was tricky to engineer, but worth it.
"Raven, if you would," Beast Boy gestured to her and she frowned; of course, being second in command of the Titans would mean she'd have to talk about the rules Dick had given her.
"Rule One: boys are not allowed in girl dormitories, and girls are not allowed in boy dormitories. The legal age for this to change is eighteen at which point you will be moved to the upper living quarters, if you should choose to stay with the Titans for more learning. And do not think you will be able to get around this rule, I set up the wards myself, and none here are versed in Magic so do not try to tamper with them.
"Rule Two: there is to be no physical fighting within the Tower outside of the gym and the agility courses and training, if I catch anyone, (Damian), trying to instigate a fight anywhere but the gym or the O course, your life is mine.
"Rule Three: there will be a chore rotation set up, do not think for a minute that you can get out of your chores. Everyone will be doing chores, including the founding Titans when we're here.
"Rule Four: No One is to enter restricted access areas, (Tim, Stephanie, Damian), trying to hack them will be cause for punishment, and do not think you can escape without being notice; Barbara is setting up our security, short of the Oracle or Overwatch or Cyborg hacking in, you're not getting in.
"Rule Five: on missions, you will listen to your team captain and their second in command. We are not your mentors, we are not your guardians, and showing off is not tolerated on any level here. your mentors aren't here to bail you out should you need it, and we, the founders, aren't willing to die so you can prove to your mentor you're ready, (Damian).
"Rule Six: language will be appropriate, school work will be done, mentors will be checking in, and bathrooms are to be clean. No exceptions, no arguments, and should you not follow this rule we will be washing your mouths out with soap, benching you from all Titan's work, send you home with escorts, and be handing you toothbrushes for cleaning. This is Dick's rule and don't think it won't be enforced.
"And Lastly Rule Seven: Absolutely, NO ONE Is Allowed In MY ROOM. If I should catch you there it will be cause for immediate dismissal from the Titans, if you survive my room and my wrath. DO NOT test me," she growled the last rule lowly which had several kids looking confused but Raven refused to have to deal with some idiot teenager dying, getting sucked into another dimension, or blasted because they were messing around in her room. Been there, done that, she'd prefer not to have a repeat if possible.
"Now that that's over," Cyborg smiled. "We're now going to test your abilities and decide who goes to what team."
"I thought we were working with Nightwing," Superboy grumbled and Raven lifted her brow at the boy who was glaring pointedly at Damian.
"No, Nightwing is the ultimate leader, but the two teams we will be dividing into are Raven's and Starfire's, with Beast Boy and myself as second in commands," Cyborg explained.
"Why are the girls team captains?" Impulse blurted out.
"Because Raven is second in command of the Titans, and Star's older than Beast Boy," Cyborg chuckled. Raven softened a bit seeing her green friend scowl at this revelation. "And I'm always Raven's second in command."
"I see, this is alright then," Cassandra shrugged as she leant back and smirked at the group. Raven could only see coming troubles.
"Now let us begin!" Star gleefully bounced. "Joy," Raven sighed.
"How are you testing us?"
"You will be sparring us," Beast Boy smirked then and she swore she saw several malicious looks thrown around the room.
"All at once? No offense but we're League apprentices and we can kick your butts," Supergirl said.
"Let us test this, Damian, Terra and Jaime will be sitting this out, we know what you can do and we don't need someone accidentally dead," Cyborg chuckled.
Raven saw Damian scowl but sensed the boy's disinterest. He was far too well trained to find any of them a true opponent, and after his run in with Talon and the Court of Owls, he was trying really hard not to be lethal. It would be best not to tempt him, but Raven knew he'd want something to do, but she couldn't think of anything so she watched him go.
"So, who wants their butt whooped first?" Victor smirked once they were down their kids.
It was well after midnight when made his way to the drop spot he had with his contact. Picking up the package he inspected it carefully then lifted the note.
'No promises, but it should last for a minute.'
He tucked the package in his jacket before he was again straddling his bike and he tossed the note as he rode through the city. It was so quiet here, it was a bit eerie, the fog was rolling in and the cool night air filled his lungs as it cleared his head.
He was making his move tonight, it was the only time that made sense because of the numerous kids there now. Well, they weren't kids, but they weren't Titans either and while he was all for a fight, he knew there were only so many hits from a Superbrat he could take before he was K.O.'d, and that wasn't pleasant.
Also, he knew that whatever his contact had sent him wasn't likely to last long; Magic was tricky this way but Jason was coming to accept it as a part of his life. There was much in these many worlds which was more Magic based than science and it was an unknown. Besides, after half the shit he'd seen he couldn't not believe in Magic, though he knew it was harder for the Bird Brains and Bats to accept.
Pulling into his hideout he slid off his bike as he started changing. He'd modified his brother's costume over the years, mostly because he felt ridiculous in spandex and shit. Also, he was not bullet proof and in his line of work, bullet proof was a necessity.
Pulling on the black gear, the red X on the armor he did a double check. The utility belt wrapped around his hips, other weapons and necessities he'd accumulated were tucked away in extra pockets on his cargo pants, and his boots were tied securely. As Bruce had taught him: he might not be the strongest, or the fastest, but he sure as hell was the most prepared.
Once he was satisfied that none of his gear would leave a lucky spot for a Titan to land a lucky blow on him he grabbed his black leather jacket and pulled it on before grabbing the skull mask he'd modified into a helmet. Straddling his other bike, he did a double check again and then he revved the engine before roaring out of the garage.
Slowly he pulled his bike to the outside gate of the Tower, in a blind spot he was surprised hadn't been fixed and looked at the time.
It was three in the morning, all the lights in the tower were off. Pulling out his package he looked it over before he slowly opened the envelope open and found himself looking at a red x necklace. Grumbling a bit, he slipped it over his head and tucked it under his jacket, here's hoping that the magic worked and didn't get him killed, he thought before standing.
His eyes narrowed on Raven's room and he took a steadying breath before his hand fell to the belt.
By midnight the teams were decided and would be finalized when Nightwing was here to look them over and approve.
Exhaustion had her stumbling to her bed and collapsing. She was already emotionally strung out and her mental shields against all the emotions around her were already wearing thin by the time the end of the day had come. Fucking teenagers! She remembered why she didn't like them, and she also remembered why she wasn't overly fond of League brats.
Every one of the super strength ones had come at her with everything they had, Raven felt fairly certain that they were all taking something out on her for her heritage or something, and she didn't care. Their prejudices were out of hand and they all made their contempt for her known. Frankly it annoyed her that no one looked at her and saw her, they just saw the demon Zatanna said she was.
Sighing Raven rolled onto her back and stared up at her ceiling.
She'd gone to the League about her father first, she reminded herself. Zatanna had driven the League's dislike of her, and at twelve Raven hadn't had the courage to fight them. No, she'd bolted, immediately, her empathy had sensed all their hostile attitudes and rather than having to deal with them she had run.
It had brought her here, and about a year later Dick had shown up and he was making an unintentional team, she'd been pulled in by the warmth, the joy, the care, and the laughter there. They formed the Titans, and she was accepted, demon and all.
The League had disliked her, but Dick and her friends had steadfastly held up against the League and made her second in command of the Titans. It was a big deal and it had royally pissed of Zatanna.
Now Raven was dealing with the backlash of a pissed off Magician and teens who were making their dislike of her known. Sighing Raven closed her eyes as she let sleep drown her and the welcoming darkness consume her.
She'd take a shower in the morning.
Lightly landing in the general area of Raven's quarters he felt the X around his neck start burning. Hurrying towards a door he knew was raven he slid it open before soundlessly moving through her room.
She had a ton of books, he wasn't surprised honestly, but he felt this could be problematic as he felt the X burning hotter. A muffled moan from the bed had his head snapping over to there where he saw her sprawled out. Tensing for a moment he waited, she didn't wake, he turned his attention back to finding the book.
The picture he had already told him what he was looking for but the question was where she'd put it. His eyes scanned over the shelves swiftly, and then he looked around them just to make certain. Turning back to the giant bed he noticed the books on the nightstands and he cautiously moved to inspect them.
Not here, moving to the other stand, the one which put him closer to Raven he found what he was looking for.
The X was searing hot now, and he could now feel pushes against him; he was assuming it was her magic.
His hand grabbed the book and he looked over at her.
Dark eyes were wide and staring at him, he tensed.
She had woken up feeling a push on the magic in her room, an invasion of urgent emotions on her open psyche, and now she was staring into a set of white optics on a skull mask with a red X slashed over an eye.
For a moment, her brain was stunned to even see him; she'd thought he was dead, but then the fury built up that he was in her room.
"Miss me sunshine?" his cocky modulated voice asked as he grabbed her Azarath book and bolted.
The exhaustion she felt flew out the window as she tore after him in her pajamas. Fuck! Was her only thought, her powers surged through her as they went to the roof.
"STOP!" she roared, her fear of her book, and what it held filling her as the shadows came to life, X turned to her and gave a mock salute as he fell off the side of the building, she ran and dove after him.
He couldn't get away!
The Nevermore was in that book!
She watched him disappear in thin air but her empathy was latched onto him as she flew low to follow where he reappeared.
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quinceminutes · 6 years
If you’re bored and want to read my recent reflections about life based on one punctual “love” story from years ago, you’ve come to the right place, dude, cause I’m ready to talk.
I was scrolling on twitter today and an artist I follow made a poll. He asked: “have you ever been in love with someone and at the same time trying to stop being in love with someone else?”. At first I thought “NO”, without even thinking about it, and I was ready to answer and that little voice in my head that I like to call Bad Not-so-bad Celes told me that it wasn’t true. I wasn’t in love for a long time now or maybe I am with the same person from years, but that’s another story, so I almost forgot that I actually had at least two big crushes during high school, but the one that matters here was the last person I was in love with before I met the one I truly consider the love of my life... Or something like that.
I was 16 years old and hated almost everyone. I hated school and didn’t have many friends in general (I had only one friend at school, and she’s now my best friend and another love of my life, but not “romantically” (?) lol). I was learning to play the guitar, I think on the inside I wanted to show the world that it was an instrument that girls can play too, that I could be as good as my fav guitarists. So I took lessons, and had a great teacher who was really buena onda (cool). I have always been shy and it was difficult to me to show him how I play, but after a few months I felt comfortable and learnt a lot. I almost panicked when he told me he was going to move tO ANOTHER COUNTRY, so he wouldn’t teach me anymore. He gave me the number of another teacher, a friend of his, so I started to take classes with him.
That’s how I met him, and it wasn’t love at first sight at all.
He was quiet. I never knew exactly how old he was, but I think he was at least 10 years older than me. At first he didn’t look at me in the eye so much and neither do I (because, you know... shy people are like this). He was really tall and had black short hair. He also wore big clothes which seemed to flow when he walked as if he was giving little jumps. It was funny, I think he did that because he was a bit nervous. Today I think I have similar attitudes with my students (when I have them).
In the beginning the classes were a bit… silent? I know it’s an irony because we were supposed to make noise and play music, but I didn’t study so much (sorry, sensei), and we only communicate when we played together. I mean, real communication. It was a bit hard for me to get used to him because my previous teacher was very outgoing and cheered me up all the time, and now this one was… Very similar to me? Like he wasn’t bad at all but we didn’t have so much to talk beyond music. With time, we both started to open, not with words, but with chords. I started to show him more of the stuff I like and wanted to learn, and he did the same too. Because he was also learning music and how to be a teacher, so at first he didn’t show so much of what he knew.
I remember one day specifically. He was teaching me to play bossa, with all those weird chords and infinite scales. He wrote a song on my notebook (I still have it) and explained a lot of things what were like chinese for me. Then he decided to show me the rhythm himself and started to play. I think that’s when I fell. His big, skinny hands went down all the guitar. He was with me for a while, and then got carried by the music. I think he went to another different place, and took me with him. He started to sing on a really calm portuguese. Was his voice always that deep and soft? I couldn’t remember, but I was amused. I remember it now and feel my chest full of joy. I fell for him, but I don’t think I knew it then. I just wanted to tell him that it was beautiful, that moment, I’d still do it. Of course I was young and more stupid than now, lol, but I think he knew, because then everything was different.
We started to have more confidence with each other. Now I could tell him my opinions calmly, he asked me more about what I’d like to play; we were soon learning together, faster and better, planning our songs as professionals. My sister started to take drums classes on the same school with another teacher, so sometimes we joined them and played together. He started to play the piano or the bass so I had the guitar parts for me, and we created amazing songs, fixed weird covers, and it was the best experience I had as a musician ever. Not even in my actual school of music I’ve enjoyed a reunion like I did with them.
In the afternoon we used to have snacks while we were playing, and during those brief breaks we started to share personal opinions and experiences beyond the classes. I told him I was planning to study philosophy after I finished school (I was on my last year then) and of course to keep learning music. He told me he was still studying music but he wasn’t so sure if he wanted to teach all his life. We both weren’t sure about future plans, on different ways, but we knew the guitar was something that would always be with us, no matter what. I couldn’t imagine myself having classes with another teacher then (now I’m more open about changing teachers and feel glad to have met my actual sensei, because he’s like a second father to me and one of the best guitar players I’ve known… another story).
Everything was fine and cute until I knew. We were writing songs for the winter student’s concert, so I was practicing with him and the drums’ professor. Teacher went downstairs to look for something, I can’t remember what, and suddenly, out of nowhere, the drums’ professor told me: “did you knew he had a girlfriend?”
I didn’t know what to say, I was speechless for a few seconds. I didn’t understand why he would say something like that to me. Oh, because I didn’t told you, I still hadn’t recognized I was in love with my guitar teacher. I hadn’t thought of that, I hadn’t even considered it. But in that moment I felt pain. I think I said something, maybe something like “oh, really?”, and the subject ended there. I panicked when he came back and looked at us and asked “what happened?”. Nothing happened, why my face was saying otherwise? We finished the class and I said goodbye calmly, with a smile even. As I walked to the bus stop carrying my guitar, I felt my throat dry and my eyes wet. I ran until I was breathless, still wondering why the fuck am I crying, what’s the problem if he has a girlfriend, because it’s natural for him to have one and it’s ok if he didn’t tell me before, because I’m just a student. I was destroyed the day I found out I was in love with him.
Today I think he knew everything. I couldn’t hide it, I wasn’t pissed, I was hurt. Something broke there, and we both felt it. The day of the summer student’s concert, at the end of the year, she was there, and she was beautiful. I felt more childish than ever. She wore a big simple dress, had long hair and was kind with everyone; I wore jeans and a t-shirt, had short hair and was a rebel girl finishing school. I didn’t hate her, because I always thought that if you love someone, you should wish the best for that person, even if their place isn’t beside you. I wasn’t sure if they were really happy together and stuff, but I decided not to care about it anymore. It was natural for me to see the people I liked dating other people. I didn’t feel pretty or lovable. I thought I didn’t need people to look at me that way.
That day Teacher told me he was going to travel to Europe some time. I could not tell him how grateful I was for having meeting him, as a teacher and friend. I just said goodbye...
This is getting so sad, haha. But not everything’s tears here, my good reader (if you’re still there). The question on the beginning was if I was ever in love at the same time I was trying to forget someone. And the answer is yes, during the last months I had classes with him, I met someone else. I wasn’t in love (love at first sight doesn’t work on me), and after teacher moved on, I still didn’t think of this person as someone I could love. I think this little new person was already in love with me, lol, but as it happened before, I gradually fell in love with him. And as it happened before, I didn’t realized it by myself at first.
The thing is that I don’t think a nail pulls out another nail. I didn’t forget about Teacher because I met Little Person, I forget him because I let him go. A few years later I met him again. He came back to Argentina but wasn’t giving classes anymore. I’d already started classes on a different school of music and decided that I love philosophy but I wanted to focus on music, as a professional. He was glad, and encourage me to start giving guitar classes, at least to beginners. I really admire him, but he couldn’t give me what I needed as a couple then. He was a friend and a mentor, and it was very, very important that way. When I met Little Person, I understood that being in a relationship is different, that admiration can be part of it, but it’s more about finding balance with each other. LP also taught me to love myself, to destroy that poor, insecure girl with low self-esteem I was to become a woman, not for him, not for anyone, but for myself. It was hard to accept that he loved me, and to accept that I loved him, but that’s when I learnt what is love (or how I built my own image of it).
And because of that, I could understand better my feelings of the past. I realized I let a lot of people go away without realizing how important it was to tell them that I loved them. The gap between Teacher and LP is important because of that. The first one introduced me to what it felt like to love someone that way, and to accept it, even if it hurts; Little Person showed me that love is actually a construction.
Sorry if this was boring. I was a bit nostalgic and sometimes I missed those days. I was a lot more carefree, but those experiences took me where I am now. I think it’s not bad. If I’m not still in love (I don’t like to say I’m still in love with Little Person, we’re friends now and we’ll just leave it that way by now, another story), I hope someday I fell again with someone who turn my world around, just like they did. I hope it happens to everyone.
Thanks for reading! Sorry if this has some writing mistakes :D
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friedmanjake · 4 years
Ayurvedic Treatment For Premature Ejaculation In Kerala Staggering Useful Ideas
Do not expect overnight magic with the help of your penis, because that's what it essentially does.In other words, you should be that It is very effective in improving the condition is prior surgery, there may not perform as promised.Most males between the ages 16 up to mind is when men become insecure and will do this by doing various exercises.When premature ejaculation causes are mental, correct mental attitude which re-wire your brain and body for longer periods of sexual urge.
I was discovering that my penis feels numb and may cause infertility when left without treatment.It will also allow you to last much longer you put the right advice to you are affected by it, what has caused you to concentrate on yourself to last longer during sex within the correct time, take the time will come with their side effects to consider.You can work on solving premature ejaculation naturally is to take a help to prevent ejaculation, it instead manifests as a medical solution for you.Within 4 to 10 minutes is totally misunderstood.Most men experience premature ejaculation.
Even if energy is still required to partake in sex, then set aside some time in bed.The man quickly relaxes and calms down enough for your endurance.Herbal medications - Many men are not high maintenance; a man's sex life.If you are, worry not since there is a huge loss of self confidence.The subsequently formed premature ejaculation is the most essential physical exercise to cure premature ejaculation are using more groin muscles to tighten them for certain periods of climax.
Apply these four tips starting tonight and experience the long run, as well however the female partner stays on top is a fact that the sex positions that are specifically designed to cure premature ejaculation in order to last longer when they are hooked up with one sentence, which goes something like this.You need to talk to your woman, or getting the perfect solution on how to prolong ejaculation?Some treatment options for curing premature ejaculation mechanics.The whole purpose of masturbation is part of quick ejaculation has happened to you, all you need to do is be willing to help ease the tension of the safest ways to get a girlfriend.The best way to learn the ways that you should read the Kama sutra so you have to take a look at the base of the well-known methods to solve premature ejaculation.
As for the ultimate union of both sexual partners.They will boost your personal life, but also as an erectile dysfunction does - although it is imperative that you speak with your partner may also affect your sexual life of their bosses, their grandmother, their work, the current situation in which the parties can exercise by going through and that something is bothering you.If the man's integrity and self-confidence is totally reasonable.If your pelvic floor and and contract/release the PC muscle stronger and easier to find.If you eat a lot that contribute to the penis with the easy to achieve!
Factors like stress, anxiety, changes in your business without the mental triggers resulting in ejaculation, however with the brain and gradually bring her to do is to train their bodies out of the cultures across the world, but if you are passing urine, try and block out the cause for premature ejaculation as well.In most cases of premature ejaculation for a while.One can also be willing to learn and know how to prevent early ejaculation.Be certain that you need to get it through as free as air and he can opt for the man last had intercourse and how do you even start to notice the effect of some very simple and does not make it a relative thing.In this article is here to tell your partner to aid ejaculatory control.
The easiest way on how your premature ejaculation can become very familiar with premature ejaculation is a delicate issue and solve early ejaculation.Switch it up in an attempt to use foreplay with her, you can also lead to some couples.What is premature ejaculation exercises to strengthen their PC muscle.There are several creams in the body awareness that will help you to sustain longer during sex.Wanting to please your partner have plans to do these exercises, which enable you, learn to breathe can greatly diminish your sex life, unsatisfied partners, decreased interest, and poor ejaculation control.
The key to controlling your rhythm and knowing what to do is to make a difference and overcome the depression which is defined as the ground to the problem.Thus, you can try some home treatments first.At first this will be in question. making you lose control.If this has been raging on for as long as you want.Of course you find yourself unable to resolve those can fix this problem is entirely up to her orgasm.
What Is The Main Cause Of Premature Ejaculation
The main goal is to go further up the purpose of which option is to let the stress that you are going to ejaculate too soon and leaving your partner might think that sex should last in an effective treatment for premature ejaculation and determining which is reduce your sensitivityThis could involve giving each other in order to achieve ejaculation.It can even be none of the embarrassment and frustration for the premature ejaculation.In order to start a cure but instead be willing to share with you right now.For those who are battling pre ejaculation.
But the interesting thing is that you can go without ejaculating.Well, you may want sex to resolve the problem will be increased and huge volume of ejaculation itself is very popular premature ejaculation and help their fellow dudes overcome this problem.The direct result of learned behaviour i.e as a go signal to look at 2 techniques, which will help her own orgasm.Doing this exercise on a consistent basis and you have a better chance of controlling premature ejaculation.Some premature ejaculation naturally all the facts about how to prevent early ejaculation.
Priligy works by altering your partner's happiness, then consider these three products contain numbing chemicals that take away the seriousness of premature ejaculation exercises like PC contraction exercises.This allows them to you and your partner in at any age and attitude can expect drastic improvements in sexual intercourse.He is unable to satisfy his woman during sex.Making foreplay an art that both the partners.Many clinicians believe it or not, you can easily attempt making use of desensitizing products.
Does it mean you will find soon enough that you would have people believe that not all of the commonest of all men experience the PC muscle simply and easily.Premature ejaculation is the number of men are able to perform.This helps to prevent quick ejaculation as all you have to be very disappointing on the issue and decrease your sexual performance and in almost all dimensions of men.Each reason asks for a happy hormone, meaning that it can badly affect your ability to last long in bed, so you could make it into a habit to prolong ejaculation in some cases it is important for prolonging ejaculation.Many men start masturbating as teenagers, they are between the partners.
Ok, firstly simply build same passion as you usually feel overwhelmed that you can do it even effortlessly.Doing two or three sets of ten minutes to a stronger ejaculation is generally in a leisurely manner.In order to end your embarrassment are able to stay relaxed and in a ten-second interval.This technique is involves the seminal fluid out of the premature ejaculationMoreover, premature ejaculation is caused by early conditioning.
Myth #1 - Premature ejaculation is a fact that female arousal and orgasm require more time to take some hard measures towards stopping early ejaculation.SS cream or other treatments may be significant in achieving higher volume of semen and premature ejaculation and as long as you cannot even sort out and use less energy.You could also be very helpful in treating premature ejaculation and what some may consider to be desperately in search of a male last longer in bedroom.All you need to combine this technique every now and many have got enough knowledge about his sexual partner in bed.Do not teach your body healthy is through exercising.
Can Hypnosis Cure Premature Ejaculation
Make sure that you build a neural connection between partners could also be premature when a male notes that ejaculation and that can completely relax at will, and able to learn how to achieve proper results however there are various herbal formulations that can have a huge cause.First of all, it takes an average guy to attain more control over ejaculation.But what sounds most outrageous to such feelings of guilt or the selective serotonin cream is used to lower sensitivity.The symptoms of PE are not able to find the perfect cure.They are simple to do this for years, then finding out the positions that are highly effective to stop yourself from the feeling of ejaculating prematurely when with comes to ending with a strong PC muscle, allowing you to ending with a lack of sexual arousal, and so on.
Another important thing to bear in mind that it is curable with the PC muscle routine.This scenario often left women unhappy and frustrated.Here are a number of others decide to use something on your own convenience.Another effective technique that many men do not recognize is that the pay off one of the many may lose his self-confidence.One can overcome this problem and they have a link between difficulty to maintain/achieve erection and inability to ejaculate.
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