#but this is directed at all of my former friends who ditched me as soon as biden said the pandemic is over
rhizomehaunt · 10 months
never not wild to me how people are risking covid infection and resulting life long illness/disability that as a sick person I would love to exist just a day without and they’re doing it all so they can eat at a mediocre restaurant
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
I've still got you all over me | Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Summary: When Eddie and the band rose to fame, your relationship was brought to an end. Four years later, Dustin plots behind your back and invite his former Dungeon Master to his birthday party without telling you
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: This is how I imagine older Eddie (edit credit to the owner, I couldn’t find)
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Two years after you left for college, Corroded Coffin blew up and moved to Philadelphia to record their first EP. Although it was closer to New York, closer to you, you and Eddie saw each other even less – go figure.
On your third and last year of college, the band released their EP and went on their first tour. It was small, but the crowds were bigger and bigger at every show. Eddie invited you for a couple of dates, but you could never stay for more than a few days.
You had promised each other to make the long distance work, but being apart was hurting you both. The more you talked on the phone, the more difficult it was to be miles apart. So the phone calls became less frequent.
He called you on your birthday and congratulated you on the job you got at a publishing company. You surprised him for Christmas at his apartment in Philadelphia. He didn’t show up to your graduation. You tried calling him on his birthday, but you had no idea where he was.
In November, you received an invitation by mail to his album release. You saw him with someone else.
Four years later, you came home for your brother’s big eighteen birthday.
Your mom had organized a big party with all of Dustin’s friends. Her baby boy was turning eighteen and leaving home soon, it was difficult for her to process.
‘’Happy birthday, Dusty!’’
He had grown so much these last two years. He was no longer the little boy who brought home strange slugs and who had a huge crush on his friend’s sister.
Dustin smiled in return, hugging you. ‘’Thanks. I’m so happy you made it.’’
‘’Me too. Where is Suzie? I want to meet her.’’
He looked over his shoulder and shrugged, not seeing her. ‘’Somewhere. Max and El stole her from me. Did I tell you we’re going to MIT in September? It’s in Cambridge, in case you didn’t know. I’m gonna be able to visit you more often and-’’
‘’Hey, is that Garreth?’’ you asked, spotting a guy in a red flannel chatting with Mike. ‘’Does that mean…
The moment Dustin was dreading arrived: he had to break the news about his surprise guests. ‘’Yes. Eddie is here.’’
Hearing his name made your stomach churn and your heartbeat double in pace.
‘’You invited him?!’’
‘’He’s my friend. And, maybe you could try talking to him. I mean, it’s been four years, Y/N.’’
You gasped, piecing the pieces together. ‘’You little shit! You planned this.’’ You wanted to murder him. ‘’You know how much he’s hurt me. Why would you do this behind my back, Dustin?’’
‘’I’m the worst little brother, I know I know. You can be mad at me all you want, but later. Eddie showed up, Y/N. He took a day off from his busy rockstar schedule and came to Hawkins to see you, to talk to you. I’m not forcing you to forgive him. Just…talk. Hear him out.’’
You glanced in Garreth’s direction again, feeling an ache in your chest. ‘’I can’t. He promised he would come back, but he just left me behind and found another bitch to fuck,’’ you said with bitterness and anger. ‘’How would you feel if Suzie had found another guy and didn’t tell you about and just ghosted you?’’
Speaking of the wolf, Eddie appeared by your side. He looked the same as the day you last saw him. His hair was still long and messy, but he had ditched the baby skin for a light scruff, giving him a more mature look. You couldn’t deny, he was still very attractive.
‘’Henderson,’’ he greeted your brother. His deer-like brown eyes then fell on you, causing his breath to catch in his throat. ‘’M’lady.’’ Eddie bowed the stupid way he used to do when you were dating, almost tearing a smile from you.
You rolled your eyes instead, keeping a straight face.
‘’I’ll leave you two to talk.’’ Dustin excused himself, his plan finally put into action. He walked backward in the direction of the living room.
‘’Dustin!’’ you hissed. ‘’Don’t- And he’s gone…’’
An annoyed sigh left your lips. That little shit better sleep with an eye open tonight or you’ll sneak into his room and cut his curls with your mother’s knitting scissors in his sleep.
Before you, Eddie shifted on his feet and played with his skull ring, a demeanor from when he was nervous. ‘’It’s nice to see you again, Y/N. I missed you.’’
You scoffed, leaning against the kitchen counter. ‘’Don’t waste your saliva, Munson. I have nothing to tell you.’’
Leaving was tempting, but you knew Dustin was lurking around and would corner you into going back. Instead, you cracked open a can of coke. A beer would’ve been better, but your mom never had beer at home.
‘’Can we have a mature conversation? Please.’’
You took a sip of coke and glanced around the room, looking for a blonde in a slutty dress. ‘’Where’s your side bitch- Sorry, I meant girlfriend.’’
It was immature and rude, but you didn’t care. 
‘’Angela and I-’’
‘’Angela, uh? So you and her are still together.’’ 
He looked down in confirmation.
‘’Do you think, for one minute, that she would even be interested in you if you weren’t if Corroded Coffin hadn’t blown up? If you didn’t sell thousands of albums and toured the country with Metallica as headliner? Are you that blind?’’
‘’At least she didn’t hide our relationship for months. She treats me like I’m somebody,’’ Eddie said back, digging into old wounds.
Keeping your relationship a secret had been the cause of many fights in the early days of your relationship. You realize today how damaging it had been. Eddie thought you were ashamed of him and no matter how many times you tried telling him it wasn’t true, the way you would dodge his kiss whenever someone was around said otherwise.
You didn’t tell your mother about him until the summer after graduation. After a rainstorm, you came home in a hoodie she didn’t recognize. When Dustin asked why you were wearing Eddie’s Judas Priest hoodie, she asked if this ‘Eddie’ was your boyfriend.
‘’Would she love you if you were nobody?’’
‘’Nobody loved me when I was nobody!’’ Eddie snapped, his unhealed wounds coming out of his mouth before he could stop them. 
They say you accept the kind of love you think you deserve. After it was drilled into Eddie's head that he wasn’t worthy of being loved, he was willing to accept any kind of love that was given to him. Genuine or not. It was sad, but Eddie would rather have someone who loved him for his fame than be with someone who didn’t love him at all.
‘’I did!’’
The loud volume of your voices made everyone go silent, their attention turning to the quarrel in the kitchen.
Everyone’s eyes were on you and Eddie, but, in the heat of the fight, neither of you paid them any attention. 
‘’Before the money, before the fame, and before you left Hawkins.’’
Tears sprung up in your and Eddie’s eyes. He looked away to avoid Niagara Falls, staring at ugly painting of Mews behind you. Why did your mom hang this atrocity?
You knew what he was doing. He was avoiding your eyes to hide his emotions from you.
‘’Look at me, Eddie.’’ Your voice was soft and pleading. With a trembling jaw, he glanced at you. ‘’To me you were a somebody, but you let our relationship turn to dust and now you’re a coward. A spineless coward who asks his agent to write his girlfriend a breakup letter.’’ Your words cut like glass, stabbing your old lover right where it hurt.
With a slam of your can of coke on the counter, you ended the conversation and left the kitchen. Your steps were fast as you snaked through the people, trying to make it to privacy before breaking.
In the kitchen, Eddie was stunned. He knew you had left, he had seen you leave, but he hadn't moved a finger since you had left half a minute ago. His mind was racing, the little hamster in his head going a thousand miles an hour.
What do I do now?
He clenched and unclenched his fists, fighting the urge to kick a chair or punch a wall. Violent behaviors didn’t solve anything.
With a clear of his throat, Jeff came up to him, bearing bad news. ‘’Eh, I don’t mean to interrupt your deep thinking, but we gotta get on the road if we want to be in Florida in time for the next show-’’
Eddie shrugged his bandmate off, moving his hands frantically around. ‘’Fuck Florida! Right now is not the time to drive up to fucking Florida!’’
He disappeared through the crowd, ignoring Jeff’s calls of his name.
You should have known Eddie would look for you. Your blow-up in the kitchen wasn't how he wanted to leave off. Old wounds had been reopened, pent up feelings had been released and confessions had been slipped.
All that was left was to pick up the pieces and mend them – if possible.
Eddie stood by the backdoor for a few minutes, hovering his hand on the door handle and retracting it. He tried to think of what he would say to you, but he couldn’t find the words. The breakup letter written by his agent had been a shitty move – he’ll agree. He was so caught up in his fame and career at that time, his brain to heart signals hadn’t been working right.
After a good fifteen minutes, Eddie finally stepped outside, knowing exactly where to find you.
When you were a kid, your father had installed a swing for you in the backyard. He would push you and make you fly as high as the birds – your child eyes thought so. When you turned seven, he took off without explanations and that’s all that was left of him. You resented him for abandoning you, but your love for that swing remained. You read too many books, cried too many tears and got too many splinters in your butt to hate it.
Eddie’s boots swished in the grass, too tall and needing a good mow. Your back was to him, but you knew he was there. You could feel his presence.
‘’It’s unfortunate that it’s not my birthday, I would’ve used my wish to make you leave,’’ you said, keeping your eyes on the old shed.
Behind you, Eddie laughed dryly. ''Always humorous, Y/N.’’ He took a few steps closer, now standing in your sightline.
‘’Why are you here, Eddie? You have the life you’ve always dreamed of and a girlfriend that worships the ground you walk on. Why did you come see me?’’
The question was simple, but its answer was of a higher complexity.
‘’I don’t know.’’ Eddie paused, running his hands over his face, his feelings in shambles in his head and heart. ‘’When Henderson sent me the invite, I didn’t think twice and got in my van. The boys and I were recording in L.A., I knew the label would be mad at me for peacing-out like that, but I needed to come. I didn’t care how many miles I would have to make to see you or about my other obligations; all that was on my mind was you.’’
‘’I was on your mind?’’ You scoffed. ‘’That’s new. I surely wasn’t when we were together.’’
‘’That’s not true-’’
‘’Was I on your mind when you shoved your tongue in that bitch’s mouth at your album release party?’’ you hissed at him, bringing back a stinging memory.
A frown formed on Eddie’s face. ‘’You didn’t come to my album release party.’’
‘’I did! I did. I said ‘hi’ to Garreth and asked where you were. He told me you were in the living with people from the label. When I got there, you were making out with her.’’ 
‘‘I know and I’m deeply sorry-’‘
‘‘You can shove your ‘sorry’s up your ass, Munson.’‘ 
‘’It wasn’t a question.’’ 
Something snapped inside Eddie and he stepped closer to the swing. ‘’I refuse to end us like this. Our love is stronger than this. Henderson was right, we’ve gone through so much together, I refuse to give up on us.’’ He crouched before you so he was at your level, then set his hands on your knees and shifted his eyes to yours. ‘’I refuse to let you go like you were just a chapter in my life.’’ 
‘’I’m being serious.’’ He grabbed your hands in his, his eyes begging for your forgiveness, begging for another chance. ‘’You are my past and my future, and I’m a fucking idiot for letting rust grow between us instead of keeping the fire burning.’‘ 
The backyard door opened and Jeff poked his head out, calling for his bandmate. He really didn’t want to interrupt, but the clock was ticking and if they didn’t make it to Florida in time for the show, their manager will be pissed. ‘’Eddie, the show. We really need to go.’’ 
‘‘Jesus Christ,’‘ Eddie grumbled under his breath. ‘’I’ll be in the van in a minute!’’ 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @pastel-abyss-x @lil-tracys  @luvmybbies  @chloepricesgrafitimarker  @inluvweddiemunson @i-like-trains @kittenfrostt @simp-for-slasher @m-rae23 @kenzi-woycehoski @amberputh  @sea040561​
Eddie Munson taglist: @nighttwingg @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie @heizenka @eddiemvunsongf @Eddie_munsons_girlfriend @magicalchocolatecheesecake @eddiemunsonistheloveofmylife @avril-reblog-cave @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie @straycatarang @fourlokiss  @eddiemattress  @ghoulishlygrey   @paola-carter @bubsonnobx @pauldanoswifereal @ofherscarlettwitchways @kiszkathecook  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella @Dreamtiara @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby @jenlouvre @bonked-beyond-belief2  @tvserie-s-world @bootlegmothman420 @courtmr @chrisxevans-seb @satinselenite @thikkiesixx  @jennilynn63  @nia-um  @welcometohellfirw @strangermarvelgirl @sugar-simz @fandomloversvaries @miakatharinaa  @julsss321 @m1rkw00dpr1ncess  @Minksblog @soph69420world  @ameliakf13 @nancewheelersworld @parasadic-blog @nluvwitheddiemunson @veniceb1tch88 @ali-r3n @Luv.eddie @stephylovesmayahawke @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetheart-im-the-boss @jusstdreaaming @hoeformunsonandhargrove @buckyswhxre @tomspidertingle @stormyparker @thechoiceslookgrimm @ilikechocolatemilkh @bbylyneth @bobafettsleftglove @princesseddie @yourfavdummy @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @rosaliesrealwife @munsonswhore86 @eddiescvmslvt @slightlyvicked
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vantaenims · 3 years
rivalry is dead | seokjin
pairing: seokjin x reader
genre: rivals to lovers | fluff, angst
word count: 1.4k
warning/s: stalking.
summary: You're in danger and Seokjin, your rival, just happened to be the only one who could save your life.
Part of BTSGhostieMarathon (Situation #1)
all rights reserved © vantaenims - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
You were originally planning to eat only five sticks of odeng but you ended up eating twice the amount instead. Not because you’re that hungry but because you’re trying to stall for time since you had an odd feeling that someone’s watching you and you can’t tell yet if it’s the seemingly creepy man leaning on a lamp post or someone else but you had a strong feeling that it has to be the former.
Inconspicuously, you took a glance at the man by the lamp post to check if your suspicions were right only for it to be warranted once your eyes met his. Goosebumps immediately rose on your skin when you noticed how he didn’t even try to look away, smirking even as if he had sensed how he had gotten you anxious by that one look alone.
As much as you want to stall for more time, you don’t have enough money to munch on another stick of odeng since you had only brought your apartment keys and an exact ₩5,000 note with you, causing you to inwardly curse yourself for going out at this hour just so you could satisfy your late night cravings but who would knew that you’d find yourself in this predicament in the first place?
Sighing, you gave your ₩5,000 note to the vendor but before you could leave the stall, you closed your eyes, hoping the man won’t follow you but it looks like luck’s not on your side tonight because as soon as you started to walk, the man made his move to trail along behind you.
You tried to stay calm as you reassure yourself that maybe you’re just being paranoid and it’s just by chance that he happened to leave at the same time and walk the same route as yours but still, it’s better to be safe than sorry and you figured that if he’s going to follow you then it’s best that you make a detour rather than walking straight towards your apartment.
As you turn to walk to your left, you hope for the nth time that the man would walk the other way around but to your dismay, he was quick to follow you still and you’re now definitely certain that this isn’t all just in your head.
Sucking in your breath, you put your hands inside the pockets of your jacket as you fumbled around for your keys, slotting them in between your fingers just in case he gets dangerously close to you but the sounds of his footsteps getting closer threw your whole composure off.
“What’s the hurry?” the man wickedly laughed, agitating you even more.
Don’t panic. you reminded yourself.
Now, if your memory serves you right, there is a pizza place right around the corner and you’ll be safe in no time if you just keep your calm the whole way there but the universe must really hate you for this to happen – the pizza place is closed!
You chewed on your bottom lip as you could already feel the hot tears starting to prick your eyes. Honestly, you don’t know what to do anymore given that you’re currently in a badly lit secluded area with no place to go and no one to save you, that is until you saw your last hope.
“Jin!” you called out as you eagerly ran towards the other side of the road and you couldn’t care less to check both sides first.
“Oh look who we–umph“ Jin let out a grunt once he caught you, arms instinctively wrapping around your waist as he took a step back to steady the both of you.
“Could you please walk me home?”, your voice wavered as you whispered right to his ear.
“Why? What happened?” Jin tried to pry you away to check in on you but you just pulled him tighter, cowering in fear as you bury your head further down to his neck where you now let your tears freely fall.
What a strange turn of events, Jin thought as he found himself dumbfounded when one minute ago he was just doing his nighttime run and the next thing he knows, you’re clinging to him for dear life like you’ve never seen him for ages when in reality, you just saw each other in the office just mere hours ago.
If anything, it’s a lot more bewildering that you’re acting this way when it’s clearly apparent that you despise each other ever since the two of you found out that you’re both qualified for promotion to the same managerial position but Jin likes to believe your hatred for him started way back to that time you were able to finally caught him in the act of stealing your greek yogurt at the office’s communal fridge.
Still, no matter how much you hate each other’s guts, Jin felt the need to comfort you or rather to protect you once he took notice of the man standing right across the road where you just came from.
“That man across the road, Is he following you?” Jin asked without taking his eyes off of the man who’s still looking at you intently but Jin was able to throw him off with just a glare, causing the man to scratch his head as he left with his tail between his legs.
“I-Is he still there?”
“He’s gone now.”
You let out a relieved sigh as you pull away, wiping your tear stained cheeks, “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing? It’s okay. You’re okay” Jin gave you a warm smile, reassuring you as he kept his right arm around your shoulder, pulling you onto his side, “Let’s get you home.”
“Okay” your voice faltered as you brought your head down, crying once again.
“Ah don’t cry” Jin chuckled, squeezing your arm as he guided you along with him to walk.
“I just–I thought i was actually going to die and i also thought about how it sucks to have odeng as my last meal, you know?” you said with much seriousness that had Jin doubling in laughter.
“Well, good thing you aren’t dead.”
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously, “I bet you once wished I was.”
“Even though we’re rivals, It’s simply too low of me to wish for that”, Jin looked away for a second, “plus, I don’t actually hate you that much, Y/N.”
You look at Jin as you try to think of a sarcastic remark to make but what else are you going to say to that when he’s this close to you, arms wrapped securely around you whilst his hand would rub or squeeze your arm from time to time to ease you and you may or may not think that you could get used to this.
But before you could give much thought about it, your apartment complex building came into view which gives you now an excuse to withdraw from his hold before Jin could make your heart flutter even more.
“Well, this is me”, you said as you walked up in front of the building’s entrance, “Thanks, Jin.”
“Wait, I should at least walk you up to your front door just so i know you’re truly safe.”
“It’s fine, you’ve already done so much and don’t worry, i got it from here” you dismissed him, turning your back at him but Jin was swift to grab your hand, stopping you from your tracks.
“Actually, i just live nearby – a five minute walk from here to be exact, so it’s really no bother, now come on.” Jin dragged you up the stairs along with him, giving in as you told him the directions towards your apartment until you both arrived outside your front door.
“Thank you again, Jin. If it weren’t for you, i’d probably be found dead in a ditch right now” you shyly said, not meeting his eyes as you focus instead on fishing your keys inside your pocket.
“It’s nothing really, just know that i got you or should i say–”, Jin was laughing before he could even finish his sentence and you can’t help but do the same with how contagious his laugh is, “ yogurt me.”
“That was such a bad joke!” you cringed, slapping his arm in the process.
“Sorry, I was just trying to make you feel better.”
The sounds of your laughter ceased down as you both just stand there, looking at each other with a dumb smile on your faces but the moment was ruined when the door suddenly opened, revealing your friend whom you shared the apartment with as she holds on a trash bag on her hand, eyes traveling from you to Jin then towards your still entwined hands and you just knew that you will never hear the end of it when you saw the mischievous smile creeping up across her face.
“It’s not what it looks like.”
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softomi · 4 years
Playing pretend isn’t just for kids
Oikawa Tooru
He had asked you days earlier, perhaps the most last minute thing he could ever do; you still disagreed to it the day before. He had flown back to Japan just a week ago for what you had told him was the stupidest decision of his life. He was attending a reunion, not just any reunion, it was his high school reunion where you knew he would fall into the worst trap of his life. Her, long hair, beautiful body, behind the innocent face she gave every boy in her direction, she was a witch who practically put a spell on any guy; even the Oikawa Tooru.
Last chance, if you pretend to be my girlfriend, she’ll totally get jealous and want me back.
It was the worst plan he’s ever told you, worse than the time he thought pranking Iwaizumi would be fun. You locked your phone upon entering the restaurant, the only guys who looked your way was the volleyball team members; the rest let their eyes remain fixated on the witch.
“Where’s Oikawa? I thought you guys were coming together?”
You laughed, “Seriously? Did you guys really think I would agree to his stupid plan.”
“You’ve agreed to much worse.” Hanamaki turns his head when the door rings, nearly spitting out his drink upon seeing Oikawa dressed overly fashionable; he can only imagine Oikawa hiring a stylist just for this moment.
“We’re about to be blessed with peak comedy right now.” Matsukawa along with everyone at the table turns in their seats.
You rolled your eyes, downing the alcoholic drink in front of you, “You guys are terrible.” But what you were going to do was worse. Perhaps you were being selfish, seeing him again after all the years; maybe this would be the only chance to see if those high school feelings were actually real. But if anything, you realized the moment he stepped through the doors, you weren’t going to let him fall down the rabbit hole of her again.
As soon as you saw her get up, you stood to your feet, moving quicker to him. Oikawa’s eyes were locked onto hers, she was smiling invitingly to him. You did the worst possible thing, your footsteps quicken to reach him mere seconds before she could; his eyes questioningly on you as you pull him down from his tie, pressing your lips against him.
“Hey. I missed you, what took you so long?” Your eyes darted to her direction, “Sorry, haven’t seen my boyfriend in so long, almost forgot what he tasted like.”
You don’t miss the way the former members of the volleyball club are hollering but you miss the way a hard blush is plastered across Oikawa’s face.
Akaashi Keiji.
He wasn’t always so invested in relationships, heck, even when you dated him; he wasn’t as whipped as you saw him now. She basically had him on a tight leash, the tie she was pulling on his neck made the sight just perfect for that description. You could barely hear it, but he was apologizing, she was continuously spouting nonsense, and he was merely a puppy following orders. It truly put a distaste in your mouth. In the last two hours since you’ve reunited with him and everyone else, he seemed on edge, even tense in her presence.
“Hey.” You stop him just as he’s exiting the bathroom, “Everything good Keiji?”
Akaashi’s eyes are fixated on the buttons of his dress shirt, “Yeah, just freshening up.” He talks in a hurry, attempting to leave but you pull him by the wrist.
Your eyes are laced with concern, “If you need anything, you know you can talk to me right?”
“Keiji!” You let go of his wrist, watching the woman storm over, “Sorry, but he’s taken.”
You scoff, “Excuse me?”
Her lips lined with disgust, “You can’t just waltz back in his life expecting to win him back.”
“Honey.” Akaashi tries to stop his lover, “There’s nothing going on.”
“No.” You cross your arms, your hand pushes Akaashi to the side; you face the woman up front, “Actually there is something going on, actually.” Your voice draws out the last word, a finger tapping the bottom of your lip, “I just gave him the best head of his life in the bathroom. Actually.” You’re stepping forward, making her take one back, “He’s still hopelessly in love with me, maybe that’s why you feel the need to wrap a tight collar around his neck.”
Her hand slaps across your face. Akaashi puts himself as a barrier between you and the girl.
“Don’t hit her.” Akaashi’s voice is shaking, “I don’t love you.” The words he’s been dying to say to his girlfriend for months finally leave his mouth, “I love y/n.” Akaashi, too, received a slap across the face before she storms off claiming to be embarrassed in front of everyone.
You laugh freely, “Gosh, when did you start dating such a witch.” His back still faces you, suddenly you’re feeling bad, “Keiji, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t take things too far there.”
“No.” He turns to you, staring down at the red mark on your cheek, “Are you alright?” His hand brushes against your cheek.
You grin, “I’m perfect, it was so fun to do that again; remember that’s how I would get all of Kuroo’s flings to ditch the house. Nice touch though, saying you love me.”
“Yeah.” But he lied, he was still hopelessly in love with you.
Kageyama Tobio
It was supposed to be the biggest publicity stunt of his career, he had no idea why this was deemed a ‘good’ idea. But his entire team of advisors insisted that this would move him up in his career; to get caught in a dating scandal. They had even brought him a list of potential clients for the job, or as they described it, potential love interests. He was too embarrassed to tell anyone, he was even too embarrassed to try and pick out someone just based on their looks that he told his committee to ‘just pick someone’. That’s how it started, that’s how you entered his life.
Kageyama Tobio caught on a date with a-list star Y/N.
“It looks good doesn’t it?” You show him your phone screen, you were with him in the locker room. It was game day for him and you had to show up to support your boyfriend. From the three months you had gotten to know him, you could tell he wasn’t much of talker; at least not at the moment.
He only nods when he sees your screen, “Yeah.”
“Oh here, I got you this.” When you throw the item, he automatically catches, “I heard that you loved milk cartons so I got you one as a good luck measure for your game.” Your smile catches him off guard, “Cute isn’t it? I found this place that sells cute milk boxes with different styles on them. Look.”
He turns the carton to place it upright, “It’s a volleyball.”
“Cute right?!” You sit upright to face him, “Hey, this whole publicity thing, don’t think too much about it okay. It’ll be over before you know it; they’re planning on releasing our break up article in a few months but in the meantime we can just be friends.”
The door opens and the voices of men enter, as you turn your head, a dusty blush paints his cheeks.
“Kageyama, you can’t have a girl in here.” The men begin to crowd you.
You smile innocently, “Surprise!” You’re pulling a small basket of bento boxes out from under your seat, “I know I can’t be in here, but this will be our little secret. I just wanted to thank you guys for being so nice to my boyfriend.”
The boys thank you as they take the gift from your hands. The hand on your back makes you turn, grinning at Kageyama as he starts to lead you out the door. When you two reach outside the doors, you’re bidding him farewell until he pinches the back of your shirt to bring you back.
“Here.” He drapes the jacket on your shoulders, “Cheer loudly for me okay?”
You slip your arms into the jacket, a small giggle on the tip of your tongue, “I’ll make sure I’m the only one you can hear.” You wink before skipping away.
Kita Shinsuke
He always told you that you were too quick to get ahead of yourself, but how could you not when you were actively competing with his cousin’s girlfriend. He knew you absolutely despised her especially since at the last family gathering, she announced she got a promotion at work right after you told everyone you just got hired at your dream job, earning her immense praise from Kita’s grandmother while you got a pat on the back. It irritated the hell out of you. You were so much more involved in his family than she was so why was it so hard to earn a little praise from his grandmother.
“Honey, I think you need to calm down a little bit.” Kita tries to take the champagne cup from your hand, “I don’t know why they’d serve champagne at a child’s birthday party.”
You laugh, wrapping a hand onto his arm, “I just can’t believe she would do that, announcing that they’re moving in together.” You whisper to him, “You know what, she’s definitely getting back at me.”
He’s quickly pulling away your fourth cup of champagne, “And just why would she do that, she has no reason.”
“Not true.” You wave at a family member who’s passing by, you’re leaning into Kita more, “Remember your mom’s birthday part, we wore the exact same outfit, and your mom made her change.”
“I think you’re thinking into things here honey.” You shoot a short glare at him, his mother was right, Kita was too nice to understand the situation.
You give him a slight squeeze on his arm when the rival couple approaches, “Quick, think, what tops moving in together?”
“Y/n seriously.” Kita puts on a smile when his cousin approaches.
She gives you a look from your head to your toes, “So how are you guys? You’ve been dating for a while now.”
“Six years.” You say proudly, “Just four more than you’re relationship right?”
She gives a haughty laugh, “Yes, well, at least we’re going to be living together now.”
“We’ll be moving in together soon anyways.” Your lips move faster than your brain, “After all, we’re engaged.”
Kita spits out his drink, his cousin reciprocates; coughing as he congratulates Kita on finally popping the question. Suddenly all the family members nearby crowd you two, giving congratulatory praise for the sudden engagement.
Kita drags you off to the side, “Excuse me, just when did I propose to you.”
Your stomping your foot, “She was just so irritating, I had to do something.”
“Something?” Kita tries to not fall for your pout, “That something is us planning a wedding.”
Your pout gets bigger, soft eyes as you lean your chest out with your hands behind you, “Well, I just love you so much.”
He becomes flustered, “Fine. We’ll fake our engagement.”
You smile, pressing a quick peck to his lips, “Don’t worry, I’ll pretend I didn’t know that you were planning on proposing next week under the tree by the rice field.”
“I can’t tell those twins anything.”
Miya Osamu
He thought it would be funny to play a prank on his brother. Atsumu had been bugging him so much lately that it was practically unbearable; especially when he started randomly dropping by the apartment. It wasn’t romantic trying to reach your high hearing someone else call your boyfriend’s name. So, Osamu thought it was time that Atsumu got taught a lesson on leaving his brother alone. Osamu practically begged you to go along, at first you thought it was a cruel prank, but the day Atsumu opened the bathroom door while you were in the shower; that was the day that you gave Osamu the okay.
“Samu!” Your voiced intruded the volleyball team’s practice. You were angrily storming into one of their free practice days, Osamu specifically picked this day as to not intrude on actual practice and to plan a special surprise Onigiri Miya delivery, “How could you?”
“Babe what’s wrong.” He greeted you with a concerned look. All heads turned to you, even Atsumu’s eyes were hooked onto the situation.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me. You know exactly what you did.” You’re sharp with your words, “Did you think I wouldn’t know, that you’re messing around with some whore behind my back.”
Gasps fill the air, Water spurts out of Atsumu’s mouth.
“Babe, what are you talking about.”
“Is that why Atsumu’s been over a lot lately? To keep my attention away from your cheating. Is he supposed to distract me when you come home late?” Your eyes are reddening, Osamu and you practiced how to fake cry beforehand, “You sicken me, both of you!” You point at Atsumu who’s heavily shaking his head at the assumption.
“Wait, baby.” Osamu grabs your wrist but you turn, planting a hand harshly onto his cheek and he lets go as you storm off.
“Samu.” Atsumu whispers.
Osamu shoots his brother a look, “Don’t even think about following us.”
“Babe!” Osamu is running after your figure.
When he catches you in the hallway, you’re turning around with a giggle. You run a hand over where you slapped him, pressing a kiss on the area while he wipes away your tear stains.
“How long do you think he’ll be away.” You whisper.
Osamu lifts you, throwing you over his shoulder, “Long enough.”
In the gym, the tension in the air sticks like glue. Atsumu is having a mental breakdown on the benches while three men stare from the court.
“I bet you guys it was a prank.” Sakusa states. The other two insist it wasn’t, the scene was just too real for it to be fake.
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All The Hurt - Chapter 2
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Peter was an ass, reader is a hurt and petty bitch, fluff to make up for the angst, curse words, lots of “coincidences”
Word Count: 4.1k
A/n: The amount of love I've gotten is absolutely incredible. Thank you guys for the support! Enjoy :3 -----------------------------------------
Flash had suggested driving both him and yourself to Liz’s house, and you agreed, simply because car rides with him were more fun. You got there earlier than anyone else, giving Flash time to set up his DJ equipment and speakers while you helped Liz and Betty set up the lights, food, and drinks.
Not an hour later and the house was full of people that you knew and didn’t know, but welcomed anyway. Everybody walking around was having a good time, drinking soda out of a red solo cup and dancing to Flash’s party music. You would be lying if you told yourself your eyes weren’t examining the dance floor for a particular bed of curls.
In your mind, you knew there was no way Peter knew Spider-Man. You saw it in the way he told everyone he did today at the gym. His left hand was wildly shaking — a clear telltale of nerves you’d figured out long ago.
Something else was bothering you, though, even if you didn’t want to admit it.
That bruise. You knew for a fact Peter wasn’t a fighter, mainly when it came to bullies - words or actions. He never retaliated, which is why people considered him an easy target. You wouldn’t put it past him to allow himself to get beaten up, but you would have known if that’d happened. Flash was definitely his number one bully, but he wouldn’t dare lay a finger on Peter, and neither would any of his friends, especially since they all knew your history with Peter.
They were all bark and no bite, which meant that there was another explanation for it, but for the love of God, you couldn’t figure out what it was.
And speak of the devil.
You smirked as you caught sight of him, worried thoughts vanishing as you weaved your way through the crowd to Flash, whispering in his ear about your discovery. He flashed you a wicked smile, turned down the music, and grabbed the mic.
“Penis Parker! What’s up?” Flash yelled into the mic, causing Peter to freeze and turn to look at Flash, who was pointing right at him.
“Hey, Y/n,” Flash pretended to search the crowd then turned to you, “Where do you think his pal Spider-Man is?” He placed the mic below your lips and waited for your preplanned answer.
“Hm, let me a guess.” You sweetly said, tapping your chin like you were thinking, “in Canada with his imaginary girlfriend?” You raised your eyebrows, eyes boring into Peter’s with fire burning behind your pupils, your brain ignoring your heart that was begging you to stop upsetting him as you caught the flash of hurt that crossed his features.
The crowd laughed and “ooh” ed as Flash played a “burn” sound effect, “That’s not Spider-Man,” He jutted his chin towards Ned, “that’s just Ned in a red shirt.”
You watched him walk away from the giggling crowd, fuming, and you bumped your fist with Flash's in victory. He turned up the music, and you made your way to the dance floor with your friends, as you swayed your hips to the loud tune. Your group sang loudly to the songs, and though it was deafening and off-tune, you never felt freer than when you screamed the lyrics with them.
At some point, your voice started sounding raspy, and your throat was begging you for some sort of liquid to heal the ache. You excused yourself from the group, walked to the kitchen and grabbed a solo cup, filling it with cool water and chugging it down.
But, of fucking course, someone had to ruin your night and your favorite white dress by bumping into you and spilling coke on your outfit. That someone was a girl with piercing blue eyes and brown hair — someone you didn't recognize. It was clear she didn’t go to Midtown considering she squeaked an apology and ran to her friends, who glanced back at you and immediately dashed out of the house.
You would ask Liz for another dress, but you weren’t exactly tight with her. You’d also ask your friends to take you home to change, but as you looked at them jumping around and bobbing their heads to the music, you figured they were having too much fun, and you didn’t want to ruin it.
You would normally call your driver, but you hadn’t had the chance to set up your new phone just yet.
Sighing, you grabbed your denim jacket you hid below the counter earlier, put it on, and began your journey home on foot. Your house was located about thirty minutes away from Liz’s, which wasn’t really a big deal for you.
About fifteen minutes of strolling in silence and kicking any rock that caught your eye, you passed by a playground that looked familiar. It was the very same playground you and Peter would play in when you were children. You’d take turns pushing each other on the swing, and when you were old enough to do it yourself, you would both compete to see who’d go higher and who could jump off the swing the farthest. It always resulted in an injury, but you two always laughed it off, especially when Jane would run over worriedly with a first-aid kit.
As you went into your early teenage years, you’d meet at the playground alone and climb to the top of the dome climber with different (and disgusting) flavored milkshakes, exchanging it with each other every now and again, and watch the river flow peacefully.
The same river in which Iron-Man is flying out of with Spider-Man in his arms.
Wait, what?
You snapped out of your reverie and did a double take before you quickly dove into one of the many bushes, the quick rate of your heartbeat becoming a distraction from the fresh cut on your exposed neck from the sharp branches.
You could see everything that was happening in front of you, but not necessarily hear everything. Your wide eyes curiously peeked over the bushes, watching as Iron-Man placed Spider-Man on the dome. And maybe it was your hearing, but you swore you knew the high pitched voice that was exaggeratedly saying something.
You saw Spider-Man tug his mask off and wring it out, which made the back of his head incredibly visible. Brown hair. Or maybe black. It was too dark to see the difference. You debated moving a little closer to hear the conversation.
Deep down, you knew it wasn’t right. Spider-Man was entitled to protect his identity. But you could keep a secret. Besides, maybe this could be the moment you’d thank him for saving you. You doubted he’d remember what he did, but you’d never forget.
So, you crept a little closer to make out the words, despite your gut telling you you shouldn’t.
“What were you thinking?” Iron-Man asked in a way that made you believe Spider-Man was in trouble.
“The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons, I gotta take him down!”
Wait. That sounds like-
“Take him down now, huh? Steady, Crockett, there are people who handle this sort of thing.” Iron-Man said, waving his arm around.
“The Avengers?”
“No, no, no, just a little below their…pay grade.”
“Anyway, Mr. Stark, you didn’t have to come all the way out here, I-I had that. I was fine.”
But that was all you could hear. Because as the conversation went on, the gears in your head begun turning, the dots seemed to connect faster than you could comprehend.
The strange bruise on his jaw after it was shown on the news that a certain superhero fought robbers at the bank across Delmar’s. Him running out of school once it was over. The fact that he left school for two weeks and mysteriously came back. Him ‘allegedly’ saying your name when he saved you. All the times he ditched you in the past were the same times Spider-Man was on the news for a heroic saving. You remembered because you’d send the news to Peter. The “Stark Internship” excuse wasn’t real.
But this was.
Peter Parker is Spider-Man.
Peter Parker saved your life.
The amount of information was loud. So, so, loud. You couldn’t hear the bickering that went on. A rush of emotions went through you. The first was rage. Is this it? Is this is his reason for letting you go? He couldn’t have just been honest and told you? You bet he told Ned. But he couldn’t tell you, could he?
But just as quickly as it came, your anger left you, instead being replaced with worry. You hated to admit it, but you were worried about him. How could he go out there every day and put his life on the line like that? What about his wounds and injuries? Did he suffer through those alone? Or did May help him heal?
Does May even know? Does anybody know?
Lastly, panic, and that was the strongest of them all. Holy shit, you thought, I just found out that my ex best friend and former crush is a superhero. He shoots webs out of his hands or something and sticks to walls and saves strangers and fights criminals and-
And Iron-Man is flying away.
And Spider-Man is walking in your direction.
I need to go.
As soon as you turned around, still crouched but ready to fucking bolt, you accidentally stepped on something hard, and you had to bite your tongue to keep your hissing inside. Once the pain slightly subsided, you looked downwards and moved your head closer to the object. A loud purring sound was emitting from it, and if there was anything in this world that screamed danger, it was this.
You were careful to pick it up and examine it. In the middle of this..machine was a bright purple stone and it was fucking glowing. You looked around you and caught Spider-Man muttering something to himself right before an obnoxious ringing made its way into your ears, prompting you to cringe and put your hands over them as you crouched.
It’s the same annoying fucking ringtone as Peter’s.
You waited for him to move a little farther, and when he did, you peeked from behind the bush. He had just closed the phone and continued his walk. You didn’t know if this thing was a bomb or something explosive, so throwing it in his direction was already ruled out. Besides, he was already beyond throw distance. You knew the safest way to get it to him.
You knew what to do. You hated that you did, but you had to do it.
Maybe hearing him talk to you would confirm or deny your hypothesis. Anybody could have brown hair, a high-pitched voice and the same ringtone as your ex-best friend and be a superhero that saved you two weeks ago.
You took a deep breath to calm your hammering heart from ripping through your ribcage and escaping. “I hate my life,” you mumbled as you rose and followed him with your heart still beating out of your chest, almost sure it was louder than your barely audible footsteps.
Don’t trip, don’t trip.
When you got close to him, close enough to tap him on the shoulder, he quickly turned around and got into a fighting position with his fists ready to punch. You were so shocked that you dropped the object and backed away with your hands up, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy. ”
Upon seeing a citizen (that he knew too well) he dropped his stance, “S-uh..sorry. I-I thought you..uh..” He cleared his throat, “Sorry, ma’am. How can I help you?” He said, very clearly thickening his voice and awkwardly placing his hands on his hips.
But you knew that sound anywhere.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. It is him.
You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat as you felt it clogging your ability to breathe.
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/n.” You mentally smacked yourself. He already knows you, dumbass.
Should you tell him he knows you, though? Should you tell him you know him? No, what? You vehemently shook your head.
“A-anyway I, um, found this-” You picked up the object and turned it around in your hands, “-on my way home and I think it’ll help you? I don’t know, it’s definitely not man-made, I suppose. I’m not exactly an expert but I thought you’d be and you just so happened to be in my neighborhood and I am, too, and this thing is glowing and-”
His spider..eye..thingies were as wide as saucers, and it was only now that you noticed you were rambling. Your cheeks flushed, and you immediately cursed at your body for betraying you.
This is worse than tripping.
“Sorry,” you looked down at your shoes, "I babble when I’m-“ Nope. Not letting him know you’re nervous. Not that he doesn’t already know. You found yourself regretting telling him all your triggers and quirks in the past, because right now, you couldn’t tell whether he could figure you out or not.
He probably could, though.
This night just kept getting worse. Pack it up already.
You cleared your throat and straightened your shoulders in the most confident way you could, “Here,” you outstretched your arm to him, waiting for him to grab the foreign object, but all he did was stare, and stare, and stare. You didn't really know where to look, and you didn't know if he was gazing at you or not, but before you could say anything, he snapped out of whatever he was in and took a hold of the object. You tried not to think about his masked fingers that grazed yours.
“Thanks, uh, Y/n.”  He said, not as intrigued by the object as you thought he’d be. Instead, he seemed to be looking at you. Or behind you. You still couldn't tell. You were too caught up in the way he said your name. It felt strangely familiar, and comforted you for a moment. It made you feel safe and wanted. Loved.
Before the memories reminded you of what he’d done.
“Sure,” you nodded, slowly backing away, “um, see you...around.”
As you turned on your heel to continue your trip home, he pipped up, “Oh, um, would- do you want me to walk you home? It’s really dark out here.”
You entertained the thought in your head for a second. "What could possibly happen if he walked you home, besides guaranteeing you safety?” Your heart spoke.
"Oh, I don’t know, you could accidentally blurt out that you know him, and then things will get even more awkward than they already are.” Your brain fought back, stubborn as ever.
Yeah, you’re definitely just going to pass up his offer.
“I’m, uh, I’m good. Need a little time to myself.” You nervously chuckled, wrapping your arms around yourself, “Thanks, though, I appreciate it.”
“Yeah.” He repeated, shifting his weight from one foot to another as he watched you walk away from him.
Like he’d done to you.
The rest of the fifteen minutes passed by faster than you anticipated, but maybe it was because you were too preoccupied considering you just confirmed your ex-best friend was a fucking superhero with fucking superpowers. As the confirmation made its way into your brain, you noticed that the signs were right beneath your nose, but you weren’t observant enough to figure it out. They started before he left you.
How did it start to begin with? Has he always had these powers?
Wait, no. Because Spider-Man wasn’t always around. And even if he really did have them for a long time, why leave you now? It must’ve been recent, you concluded.
But how? How does one go from an ordinary, lanky teenager to a robust superhero who can stop a speeding bus with his bare hands?
As one question was answered, another one took its place. The list just kept going and going, without a clear sign of it stopping.
In all honesty, you thought the videos that popped up on your YouTube recommended page of a web-slinging human were staged. In your defense, he seemed quite small to be a hero, and it wouldn’t be the first time some kid tried to fool the world with “a new superhero". You remember sending it to Peter and asking him if he thought it was real.
He never answered.
You hadn’t realized you were standing on your porch, staring at the overly large mahogany door in front of you. You sighed and took out your keys, placing them in the lock and twisting it.
You were lucky today was the beginning of the weekend. You wouldn’t be able to face him after seeing what you just saw. You didn’t know how to feel. You didn’t know what to do. Should you let him know that you know?
Should you let anyone know that you know?
That was the worst part about this whole thing. You had no one to turn to. No one to talk to about this, and there definitely wouldn’t be a wikiHow page on how to deal with something like this.
So, you ruled it out. One of the choices was obviously keeping the secret to yourself and not telling Peter you knew his identity. It would keep things from getting too awkward to handle and would keep him safe.
The other choice, the really horrible one, was to let everyone know. A part of you was still mad at what he’d done. You mean, he didn’t even try to apologize as he should’ve. That evil part of you, the hurt part, wanted revenge — wanted you to ruin Peter like he did you.
You knew people would believe you if you told them. You knew they’d find their ways to figure out if it’s true or not. But for some reason, you were hesitant. Yes, Peter ruined your life. Yes, Peter broke you in ways you believed were beyond mendable.
But Peter was also the boy who gave you his last Iron-Man bandaid when you scraped your elbow the first time you met. He’s the boy who pushed your bully and got punched in the face for it when you were ten. He’s the boy who saved your life the other day - the boy who saves dozens of strangers every week.
It was clear which option was better.
Keeping his secret didn’t mean you forgave him, though.
After everything, you didn’t know if you allowed yourself to forgive him. Part of you wanted you to, pleaded you to for the sake of moving on, but the more stubborn part of you remembered the pain you went through; the nights you spent crying yourself to sleep, the newfound insecurities of not being enough for anybody, the fear that others will leave you behind like he did.
Hell, you had a locked note in your notes app that contained a long speech about how you felt — about how he made you feel. The one you were to send him — but ended up deleting.
You groaned and rubbed your head, feeling an oncoming headache from the questions. You stayed in your house that weekend, trapped with a racing mind and no answers to slow it down.
You started noticing Peter act differently towards you when your freshman year of high school was close to ending. It started off with him rescheduling long-awaited plans and then showing up late, but you didn’t mind. He had told you he scored an internship at Stark Industries, and you swore you’d never felt prouder in your entire life.
He informed you that he could be called in at any given moment, which was his reason for leaving in the middle of your hangouts. You understood, and so, you encouraged him to do so.
But then, as time went by, you noticed a change. Instead of postponing the plans, he’d cancel them all together and wouldn’t make up for them. And sometimes, in the rare occasion in which he did postpone them, he’d stand you up, keeping you awake until you were on the brink of sleep.
He apologized multiple times for doing so, blaming it on the time the internship took for him, and you let it go, even when it became a pattern to leave you stranded.
You were okay with it.
Until it became too much.
During lunch, you could never find him, which ended up with you eating alone. During the only class you shared with him, he’d zone out while you were talking and completely ignore you. You’d normally come out of your last period ready to see him standing by your locker to begin your journey home, but he stopped being there, and you would walk home alone.
Texts and calls went unnoticed, and you felt the barrier he had placed between the two of you grow higher and higher as the time passed by.
What bothered you is that it was just with you. He acted completely normal around Ned. You often saw them chatting and laughing while you watched from afar, heart breaking into two as you wondered where you went wrong. You inspected every text message you sent and every conversation you had, often staying up late re-reading it until you reached the top. You just didn’t understand what happened.
One day, you approached him after school, running after him as he bolted through the school’s gates into the outside.
“Hey!” You called as you caught up to him and grabbed his arm, which flexed beneath your grip. You sighed and slightly loosened your grasp, “Can, um, can we talk?”
Peter visibly gulped, hesitantly nodding as his eyes bounced around your figure, never looking at you.
“Peter.” You ran a hand through your hair, carefully choosing your next words as to approach this topic cautiously, “What’s going on with you? You..you’ve been acting weird and distant. D-did do something?”
“I’m not acting weird,” Peter said, almost offendedly, quick to defend himself.
“Peter we haven’t hung out in weeks because you’ve been canceling them.” You retaliated.
“I told you, I-it’s the internship.”
You frowned, heart clenching at the tiredness that seeped into his voice, “I know.” You gave him a small smile, hoping for one in return, “I’m your best friend. I’m always here for you, you know.”
“I-“ He sharply inhaled, scratching the back of his head with his shaking left hand. “I don’t want you to be.”
Your smile instantly dropped, feeling a painful nudge in your stomach, “What?”
“I don’t..this isn’t working, Y/n. We can’t be friends anymore. I’m done.” He said. And so easily, too.
I’m done, he’d said.
Your heart stopped for a moment, taken aback by his bluntness and the harshness that came with his words, “What? Why? N-no.” You denied, "You’re just gonna leave? You can’t do that, I..What did I do?”
“Nothing. It’s just..it’s just better this way.” Peter visibly gulped, looking around the streets like he wasn’t standing there, breaking your fragile heart into pieces while you were trying your hardest to not fall apart right in front of him.
Dignity was still a thing. But so was your friendship.
“I can’t fix this if you won’t let me, Pete.” You pleaded, hoping he’d admit that something was wrong - that it wasn’t you that he was pushing away, that there was a reason for him doing so. You could fix this. You could.
“There’s nothing to fix. I don’t want to be friends, that’s it.” He shrugged, shuffling backward, getting ready to make a run from it.
“No,” you stopped him, grabbing his hand softly, despite the tears that already ran down your face, “There has to be a reason! Y-you can’t just leave like that! Give me a reason! WHAT DID I DO?!”
When he didn’t respond, you gave his loose hand a squeeze and wiped your tears with your sleeve, already feeling stupid for the amount of vulnerability you were displaying, especially when you weren’t getting any sort of reaction out of him besides coldness.
“Peter. Peter, please, just l-let me fix this.” You said, voice cracking, "You’re all I have left. Please don’t do this.”
You were begging. You knew you were, but you couldn’t let him leave without putting up a fight. You were a step away from begging on your knees, but you didn’t. You were able to stop yourself from doing so, but you still believed you could get through whatever this is - you were so sure of it.
But you never did.
And you swore he had ripped your heart from your chest, stepped on it, and nonchalantly walked away, leaving you to deal with the pain of the heartbreak on the sidewalk.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH25
This chapter might look familiar to those of you who read the original ;) But there’s a twist!
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Chapter 25: Attack of Panic
“Remember, class, pick a painting that inspires you. Your reports are due tomorrow, so be sure to take good notes while on your tours today.” Mme. Pierre instructed. “We’ll meet for lunch in the courtyard. Try to learn something today.”
Marinette took a deep breath as Mme. Pierre dismissed them. Eliott and Lisette grouped up, walking arm-in-arm a few paces ahead. After overcoming their shyness from Saturday’s date, they were practically inseparable. Marinette was happy for them, but it made her miss Adrien. Having a boyfriend at a different school was lonely. How did anyone manage long-distance relationships?
Macy linked their arms together, snapping Marinette out of her trance.
“Let’s walk around in a group,” she said, tugging Martin on her other side.
“Sure.” Marinette smiled.
At least she still had friends to walk with, so she wasn’t completely alone. Though she’d have to think of a way to branch off to give Martin time alone with Macy, but then who would she walk with?
Long red curls bounced up the hall ahead of them, and a smirk curled on Marinette’s lips.
“Let’s go this way first.” She suggested, tugging Macy in the direction Gabrielle had gone.
“Shouldn’t we invite Eliott and Lisette?” Martin asked.
“No way. They’re spending quality time together as a couple. They’ll meet up with us at lunch,” Macy said. “Speaking of couples, did you see Thomas’s new girlfriend? I heard he ditched little miss bankrupt as soon as he found out.” Macy pointed to Gabrielle who was jotting down notes in front of a painting.
“Macy, that’s mean.” Martin chided.
“So was she.” Macy huffed. “She used to torment you, shouldn’t you be laughing too?”
“Yeah, but I don’t think she deserves to be miserable,” he said. “She’s been a lot different lately, and I’ve forgiven her. You should too.”
“Aww, Martin.” Macy hugged his shoulders, turning the tips of his ears red. “You’re an angel, you know that?”
Marinette bit back a smile as he faltered, tuning into the museum guide’s explanation. A boy with bright red hair stood in front of her, jotting down notes around a doodle in his notebook. His drawing was pretty good, though the style reminded her of someone.
Wait. Marinette knew that tomato top. She blinked a few times to ensure she wasn’t imagining it.
Marinette spun around, frantically searching the exhibit. Kim was mimicking the pose of a statue for Max and Alix across the room. Myléne and Ivan were reading a placard, hands twined while Juleka and Rose studied a map.
“Looks like we took the same field trip.” She jumped at Adrien’s voice in her ear, and he placed a hand on the small of her back to steady her. “You okay?”
“Marinette?” Her spine stiffened as Kim called out to her. “Guys, it’s Marinette!”
“Yo, what up?”
“I love your new hair.”
“We missed you.”
Marinette’s heart sank at Rose’s declaration, and her old classmates surrounded her with eager smiles. Her old friends. Some of them, anyway. Nathaniel hung back, refusing to meet her gaze—a reminder of how far Lila’s influence still stretched. Marinette’s stomach twisted in knots.
“I-” She bit her lip to hold back tears. “I missed you guys too.”
“Aww.” Everyone crowded in for a hug, complimenting her hair and filling her in on exciting developments since she’d left.
“Well, well, look who it is. Long time no see, Marinette.”
Marinette’s blood ran cold.
The atmosphere changed in an instant, the crowd around her parting at Lila’s voice. She wore the same smirk she always did, silently goading Marinette. To add insult, Alya stared right through her like she were any other patron in the museum. A stranger.
Marinette swallowed hard.
Nathaniel and Myléne moved to stand beside Lila and Sabrina. Nino draped an arm over Alya’s shoulders, giving a curt nod to Adrien. Lila’s green eyes glinted as their classmates claimed their sides. She didn’t seem bothered at all by those still standing beside Marinette—quite the opposite. Lila lived for the challenge, but Marinette felt like she was going to throw up. What was she plotting?
��How is your new school? Why did you transfer anyway? And without telling any of us! We were so heartbroken,” Lila cooed.
Marinette’s jaw clenched, biting back a string of insults. Now wasn’t the time to start a fight—it would make Lila look more sympathetic. Marinette needed to keep a cool head, even if Lila was a snake.
Adrien bristled, fingers curling on Marinette’s back. “Lila-”
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” Marinette said. “I know I should have told all of you, but it was a sudden decision I made because I wanted to focus on my future. I hope you’re all not mad at me.”
“How could we be mad at you? You’re like, the best,” Kim said.
“Indeed. We were confused, but this development makes sense. We know how important your future as a designer is to you, and with your level of talent, moving to a new school will increase your chances of succeeding in your field by 68.9%.” Max nodded.
“I mean, you could have said goodbye,” Nathaniel said, and Alix elbowed him.
“We’re just glad to see you again. We haven’t heard from you, so we were afraid to come see you.” Rose buried her face in Marinette’s blazer. “We’re sorry for being bad friends!”
“Rose…” Marinette patted her back.
“But you’ve had some crazy cool adventures at your new school. Tell us about that Jagged Stone concert!” Alix requested, several classmates echoing their agreement.
“Hey, Marinette, we’re gonna move to the next exhibit,” Macy said, parting the crowd to reach her. “We need to take notes for our report.”
“You’re right. Sorry, I have to go.” Marinette winced, though her former classmates only smiled.
“No sweat, Marinette.”
“Hey, we’re all having lunch in the courtyard later, you should sit with us!” Rose offered.
“Uh, sure,” Marinette said. As her old classmates dispersed, she shot a glare at Lila who only smiled in return.
“Adrien, our teacher wanted us to stay together. You don’t want to get in trouble, do you?” Lila said, not bothering to mask the gloat in her tone, but she wasn’t going to get a rise out of Marinette today.
“I’ll see you later.” Adrien planted a quick kiss to Marinette’s cheek, side-eyeing Lila as he did.  
Macy tugged Marinette away from them swiftly, not slowing down until they’d rounded the corner to another hall.
“Martin told me about your run-in with that girl last week, so I wanted to get you out of there,” Macy said once they were safely in another room. “You were being so brave.”
“Do you want us to be your buffer today?” Martin asked.
Marinette smiled. Her friends were always looking out for her. What would she do without them?
“Thank you, both of you, but I’m fine. Seeing everyone again has actually put my mind at ease. At least now I know they don’t hate me. Well, most of them anyway.” She hugged her arms to her chest. “My biggest challenge today will be avoiding confrontation with Lila.”
“Well, you know we’ve got your back.” Macy linked an arm through Marinette’s with a smile.
“I’m really good at avoiding people, so I can steer us away from them.” Martin added.
“You guys are the best.” Marinette pulled them in for a side-hug.
“You’ve protected us in the past, so now it’s our turn,” Martin said. “Let us be your shield today.”
Marinette tightened her grip, leaning her head against Macy’s shoulder. Her old friends might still be under Lila’s control, but Marinette was grateful for the people she’d found after leaving. They’d been there for her when her whole world was falling apart. She really was lucky to have them.
Martin’s stealth proved effective as the morning wore on. Marinette barely saw any of her old classmates. As much relief as it brought her to know they still thought of her as a friend, she wasn’t ready to dive all the way back in. After all, they were still enamored by Lila, so she needed to tread carefully.
While Macy and Martin were engrossed in a Regnault, Marinette slipped over to the painting Gabrielle was studying across the room. Her dark green eyes didn’t look up when Marinette flanked her on the left, but she’d expected as much.
“You know, most people don’t avoid popularity.” When Marinette turned, Gabrielle’s face fell into a scowl. “Don’t turn around! I don’t want people to know we’re talking.”
Marinette turned back to the painting and pretended to study it. She was used to this game by now. Just because they were friends didn’t mean Gabrielle wanted everyone to know. She said it was for Marinette’s own good since people still rubbed the whole bankrupt thing in her face, but Marinette was starting to think she was just shy.
“You said you ran away from your old friends because they ditched you, but they all seemed more than happy to see you,” she said.
“It’s complicated.” Marinette jotted down information from the placard. “They’re being manipulated.”
“By the girl from the café?”
“Yeah.” Marinette pressed her lips into a firm line.
“She is quite the show pony,” Gabrielle said. “I can see why you two butt heads.”
“Lila is very charismatic. She tells people what they want to hear, so they don’t question it. It’s how she keeps control over them,” Marinette replied.
“She’d make a great politician.” Gabrielle laughed, but when Marinette remained quiet, she added, “It would be easy to take her down, you know. Someone with your connections could prove she’s lying with two phone calls.”
Marinette paused her writing and lowered her notebook with a frown.
“I’m not getting involved. It’s not my job to save everyone,” she said with more bite than she intended.
“Oh, don’t give me that.” Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “You like playing the hero, not for any glory or self-elevation, but just because you like helping people. It’s your most annoying quality.”
“I do not…” Marinette said lamely.
“Is that why even though I was mean to you and your friends, you still come by my café every Tuesday, so I don’t have to walk home alone? Why you talk to me at all when everyone else abandoned me,” she shot back. “Martin was a spineless twig before he met you. Macy and Eliott were complacent cowards. Now the twig has grown a trunk, and Thing 1 and 2 won’t stop running their mouths. You can’t help yourself, Marinette. You’re a good person.”
“Do you really think exposing her is what I should do? She’ll end up hurt and alone.” Marinette lowered her gaze.
“So what? She did it to herself when she told all of those lies. Sometimes you need to lose everything in order to change. If you leave her like this, she’ll never stop.” Gabrielle let out a short laugh. “Take it from someone who knows.”
Marinette weighed those words, pressing her lips together. Did she want to help? Of course. But did she want to get involved again at the expense of her own well-being? She wasn’t sure.
Lila was slippery. Marinette wasn’t even sure she could take her down, and if she did, she’d only cement her as an enemy. She needed a different way, an indirect way to make everyone see without calling her out to her face. A way to make Lila’s lies crumble from underneath, so that she had no choice but to face the truth.
There is one person who would know what to do.
But did Marinette want to stoop that low? Chloe requested her help once before, but did she even still want it? Chloe and Adrien had tried and failed to out Lila multiple times. Not to mention, Marinette and Adrien promised each other to let it go. Things were finally working out between them, and Marinette didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Marinette left her old life behind for a reason. Looking back was too painful. It had been a month since she left, and Marinette thought she was finally over everything until today. Seeing her old classmates rattled her more than she thought it would, a cool draft from the door she couldn’t quite close pricking her skin. But what did she expect when she ran away from her problems instead of facing them? A broken door couldn’t keep out the cold if it was never fixed. How much longer could Marinette run before the past caught up to her? How much longer until she had to turn around and face it? She didn’t want to think about it.
“Guess who?” She jumped as a playful lilt sounded in her ear, and a hand clamped over her eyes.
He lowered his hands with a cheery smile. Gabrielle was gone, and none of her old classmates were anywhere in sight. Her shoulders relaxed as Adrien pulled her close, touching his forehead to hers.
“You doing okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m…fine.” She pushed her frantic thoughts away.
Adrien turned her around gently, hugging her from behind. “I know you’re avoiding everyone, but let’s walk around together for a bit. Just me and you.” His lips brushed her cheek, warm breath teasing her skin.
Adrien was her boyfriend now. Adrien, the boy of her dreams, was her boyfriend. Marinette still hadn’t told him her feelings, nor had he, but Adrien referred to himself as her boyfriend on Saturday. Their date hadn’t exactly gone as planned, but they were still able to spend time together. She’d tell him the next time they were alone together. No more hiding and running away.
They walked hand-in-hand through several exhibits. Adrien mimicked a few poses from the paintings they passed. Marinette smiled and laughed. She leaned on his shoulder and snuggled into the crook of his neck, pushing the worries from that morning out of her mind. Lila wasn’t her problem anymore. Her old classmates still liked her—most of them anyway. Adrien was her boyfriend. Her new friends were amazing. Everything was fine.
So why didn’t she feel fine?
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay with everyone at lunch?” Adrien asked. “I know you’re putting on a brave face, but we don’t have to eat with them if you don’t want to.”
He’d gotten good at sensing her mood. Could he be any more perfect?
“I’ll be fine,” she insisted, though her grip tightened on his hand.
“I’ll be right there with you if you need me, okay? I’ve got your back.” He lifted her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to her knuckles.
Adrien continued to keep her mind off of everything, discussing various paintings and relaying stories from recent photoshoots and fencing tournaments. He told her jokes to make her laugh, kept her smiling when she started to look sad. But lunch eventually came, and he held her hand the whole walk to the courtyard.
“Marinette!” Macy waved them over to their group, and as soon as she sat down, her old classmates flocked to her.
“So, who are your new friends?” Rose asked, settling in with Juleka.
“My name’s Macy, and this is Martin, Eliott, and Lisette.” Macy cast Marinette a reassuring smile as her old classmates introduced themselves one-by-one, but it did little to calm her nerves, especially when Lila approached with her group.
Marinette’s stomach flipped as they sat down, the tension in the group escalating rapidly. Her old classmates flicked their gazes between Lila and Marinette, waiting to see who would strike first.
“Hi, I’m Macy!” She stuck her hand out to Lila with a cheery smile that didn’t touch her eyes. “What’s your name?”
“This is Lila. She has an amazing life,” Sabrina said.
“Same.” Macy smiled sweetly as if that announcement were no big deal.
Marinette’s heartbeat accelerated.
“Last summer, she saved an African village leader from choking,” Nathaniel said, beaming up at her.
“It was the least I could do after he agreed to sign my petition to teach the children how to read.” Lila waved it away.
“Oh, Eliott and I love charity trips. Our parents have an organization that ships out clean water and recycled clothing to third-world countries. We visited a few in Africa last summer to help build huts and dig wells for them.” Macy shot back.
“Those kids played a mean game of football.” Eliott nodded with a reminiscent smile.
“She also spent Christmas in Achu with Prince Ali and his family. They’re close personal friends!” Rose gushed.
“Oh, Achu is lovely at Christmas, but we usually spend it in London at the royal family’s Christmas party. It’s a blast! My dad played water polo with Prince William in college, and they’re still good friends.” Eliott chimed in. “That reminds me, Marinette, you have got to come this year.”
“You know Prince William?” Rose gasped, cupping her cheeks.
“I have his number. Sometimes I babysit when we go to visit.” Eliott shrugged as if it were no big deal.
“Ugh, don’t get him started. He’ll brag all day.” Macy rolled her eyes, but Marinette’s old classmates turned their attention over immediately.
Marinette took a bite of her sandwich, but it turned to sand in her mouth as Alya glared at her. Her expression crossed between disappointment and anger as if she couldn’t believe Marinette would stoop so low. Alya used to give those looks to Chloe when she pulled her usual stunts, but Marinette wasn’t used to being on the receiving end.
As much as she should have been happy that Lila wasn’t getting the attention she wanted, Marinette didn’t have it in her. This was only giving Lila fuel to come up with better lies and new ways to use her friends. The divide between her old classmates was obvious—a deep chasm stretching wider by the minute.
Macy and Eliott might be upstaging her now, but it was only a matter of time before Lila got her revenge. Gabrielle was right. She’d never stop.
“You okay?” Adrien leaned into her ear.
Marinette blinked down at the sandwich she was crushing.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” She set her lunch on top of her bag and scurried off as Eliott performed a scene from the Miraculous show he was in.
The faces she passed were all a blur. Her heart raced, blood roaring in her ears as she raced down the steps, past other patrons who paid no mind to the girl in a private school uniform wandering the halls. She didn’t know where she was going—away. Just away.
Her feet carried her deeper into the museum, lengthening the chasm between her and her old life. She wasn’t ready to turn and face it. The draft had grown stronger now, the cold wind beating against the door. It threatened to give out at any moment, biting Marinette’s toes with its frosty breath. She couldn’t run from it forever, but she could run today.
She collapsed on a bench, face falling into her hands. Her shoulders heaved with ragged breaths, tears wetting her palms. Gentle hands rubbed her back, weight sinking onto the bench beside her.
“Hey, I’m here, just breathe,” Adrien said.
She buried her face into his chest, shoulders shaking. Of course he’d come. Adrien was always by her side. It was one promise he kept, and Marinette needed him desperately.
Adrien held her close and whispered gentle reassurances in her ear until she calmed enough to sit up.
“Talk to me.” He tucked a loose strand of her hair back in place.
“Just… They’re all so taken with her, and she does nothing but use them and rub it in my face,” she whimpered. “And I know that I could expose her in an instant. I have Jagged Stone’s phone number. Clara Nightingale texts me! I could end her reign with a single phone call.”
“But that’s not you,” Adrien said.
She pressed the back of her hand to her quivering lip and shook her head.
“I want to stop it. I do, but I don’t want to play her game anymore. I want to get out, but I just can’t let go.” She found his gaze, hot tears clouding her vision. “I want to save everyone, but I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m tired of being everyone’s hero.”
“It’s okay.” He soothed with increasing alarm, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You’re gonna get through this. You’re the strongest person I know.”
She clenched her hands into fists. “I’m tired of always having to be strong. For once, I want to stop carrying everyone’s burdens because they’re too heavy for me.”
Adrien flicked his gaze over her shoulder briefly and met her gaze once more.
“Listen to me. Macy, Eliott, and Martin are all here for you.” He cupped her face. “I’m here for you. Don’t lose hope.”
“I can’t anymore. I can’t. I can’t-” She stopped short as dark energy washed over her, a cold feeling running through her core.
“Princess Verity, I am Hawkmoth-”
“Marinette, don’t listen to him, listen to me!” Adrien pleaded. “No one expects you to solve all of their problems.”
“Your friends are all trapped by that liar.”
“You’re stronger than him, Marinette.”
“Wouldn’t you like to set them free?”
“Fight it! Don’t give up!”
“I can give you the power to expose the truth.”
“Marinette, you’re not alone.” Marinette blinked, finding Adrien’s worried green eyes baring into hers.
The bracelet Macy gave her had gone dark, glowing with sinister energy. Marinette pressed her lips together. She was too tired to fight. Hadn’t she struggled enough? Maybe it was what Lila deserved—what they all deserved.
“Run, Adrien,” she said.
“No.” Her head snapped up, meeting his determined green eyes. “I’m not leaving you.”
“Adrien, please.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Don’t give up. You can beat him.”
“Adrien.” Fresh tears welled in her eyes, panic swelling. “Please, run. I love you, and I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. Don’t you know why I call you mon ange?” He held her face in his hands, touching his nose to hers. “Because you’re my angel, and I love you with all of my heart. I’m never going to leave you. Not ever.”
She just wanted everything to go back to the way it was—the way things were before Lila. The broken door had been pried open by the storm, dragging Marinette out into its dark flood. Her head hurt, body numb and cold, and even on her tiptoes, she could barely stay above the surface. She was drowning in a sea of her own anguish and guilt, too exhausted to fight the waves.
“Make it stop,” she whispered, a single tear slicing down her cheek.
They didn’t hesitate this time. His lips found hers, warm and safe—a buoy among the waves. Marinette wrapped herself in his warm embrace, driving out the cold ache in her bones. He trailed his fingers up her jaw and into her hair, pulling her closer. Ever since she left, Adrien had always been her lifeline, no matter how rough the waves got. His arms provided stable footing when the current was spinning too fast. He hadn’t abandoned her back then, and he wasn’t abandoning her now. Even her friends were outside fighting for her.
Lila could take a lot of things from her, but not them. These were the people who would always pull her out of the water, no matter how far down she sank. Marinette just needed to hang on while they pulled her to shore.
Taking a deep breath, she undid the clasp on her bracelet with shaking hands and set it on the bench. Macy, Elliot, Martin, Lisette, Adrien, Gabrielle. She had so many people who loved her—people who had been looking out for her all day. People who were still looking out for her. She was not alone.
“Not this time, Hawkmoth. I won’t help you. This isn’t the answer to my problem,” she said calmly.
The butterfly reemerged and fluttered off, returning the bracelet to normal. Marinette watched it go, legs too heavy to give chase.
Adrien crushed her against his chest, kissing her hair. “You’re okay. I’ve got you. You’re safe.” He rubbed her back, clutching fistfuls of her shirt in shaking hands. “I’m here. It’s gonna be okay.”
“Adrien, the akuma. We have to stop it,” she said, but he didn’t budge.
“One minute, Marinette,” he murmured. “Can you think of yourself for just one minute and stay here with me?”
Marinette relented, finding his lips again. He kissed her hard, his fear and relief washing over her, the severity of the situation hitting her in the gut.
She’d almost been akumatized. Again.
If Adrien hadn’t been there, Paris would have been doomed. He was her guardian angel, and the best boyfriend in the world. The selfish part of her wanted to stay and kiss his pillowy lips forever. Maybe someone would paint a picture of them and hang it in the museum, then everyone could bask in their undying love. But Marinette couldn’t afford such luxurious daydreams. Not everyone had the support system Marinette did, and she needed to find the akuma before someone else fell victim to Hawkmoth.
“Thank you,” she said when they pulled away. “You’ve been looking out for me all day.”
“You’re not alone, mon ange. I will always be here for you.” He vowed, kissing her forehead.
She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “We should go after that akuma before it gets someone else.”
“We can cover more ground if we split up.” He fastened her bracelet around her wrist, giving her hand a squeeze. “Be careful, and stay safe.”
“You too.” They leaned in for one final kiss, swift and hard, before turning their backs and taking off.
“I’m very proud of you, Marinette,” Tikki said as she took cover in a closed exhibit. “And you and Adrien finally confessed your true feelings!”
“We can talk about it later. We have an akuma to catch. Transform me!”
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thegreatestofheck · 4 years
Only One [S. Snape]
part two of “The Other Her” 
warnings - mentions of death, angst mostly pairings - severus snape x reader synopsis - You return to Hogwarts years later to watch your son’s Quidditch match, only to find yourself a little bit in over your head.  a/n - So, this really didn’t end up the way I expected it. But, I had one (1) person ask for this, so I delivered. Thank you to @palegoopbearlight for being so encouraging. It really inspired me to work hard and produce something good, so I hope this is sufficient! It’s long lol. Also, not a song fic so I hope that isn’t too big of a deal? 
You never expected to find yourself back at Hogwarts after you graduated. But, there you were, standing in the courtyard and staring up at the large doors that would lead you back into the place of memories. They weighed in your shoulders like pounds of brick and you couldn’t shake them off.
A red haired girl ran past you and you found yourself almost calling out Lily’s name before you stopped yourself. Her name rested on the tip of your tongue like poison. 14 years ago, Lily Evans and James Potter were murdered by Voldemort, leaving their son behind. You heart still ached thinking about it. He was here, the boy that Lily loved so deeply. Part of you wanted to see him, just to see her one last time. Another part hoped you could avoid him completely so you wouldn’t feel the guilt of hating her for so long.
“Mama!” A boy cried out from beside you. Putting off your memories to greet your son, you turned to him with a smile. Perfectly painted lips pulled into a grin, you ran to meet him.
“I’m so glad you came,” he said, burying his face in your robes. You pulled back and ruffled his hair with your hand.
“I wouldn’t miss your first Quidditch match for the world,” you told him, making him grin wider. “Your father would be so proud.”
His smile wavered but he straightened his back and lifted his chin to show you that he would make the both of you proud today.
“I have to go,” he said. Already dressed in his blue and bronze quidditch gear, you could see the excitement in his eyes. “Catch you out there?”
“Of course, love.”
You watched him run away, not thinking you could possibly be any prouder.
“y/n,” an woman’s voice said near you. You turned to find Minerva McGonagall standing there. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“You as well, Professor.” You stepped forward to embrace her with a smile.
“It’s been too long. Are you hear for the game?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“There is no need for such formalities,” McGonagall said with a simple wave of her hand. “Have you eaten?”
“Not yet. I’ve only just arrived.”
“Come. I’ll get you some food from the kitchens.”
You tried to protest, but if your seven years at Hogwarts had taught you anything, it was that McGonagall was not one argue with.
“Your son is exceptional at Transfiguration,” McGonagall told you as you walked beside her. “And Flitwick often boasts about him.”
You tried to cover a smile.
“He takes after his father.”
McGonagall fell silent.
“y/n, I wanted to say-“
You turned the corner and found yourself face first in the dark cloaks of a man.
“Pardon!” You said, stepping back before seeing who it was.
“Severus,” McGonagall said, her lips flattening into a thin line. Your heart sky rocketed into your chest at the sight of your old friend. It took him a few moments to recognize you. It was true that you had grown up a lot since graduating and you had seen him very little so you weren’t surprised.
“y/n.” His voice was deeper than you remembered, more monotone. There used to be a certain way he said your name that gave you butterflies. His eyes widened at the sight of you and you felt yourself smile.
“Sev,” you said, the old nickname coming to you so easily.
“What are you doing here?” His eyes narrowed again as he donned the mask that you could tell he worked so hard to build. All the confidence you had gained in the 13 years since you graduated evaporated and you found yourself back in the body of the timid student who wanted nothing more than to make her feel friends happy.
“I’m here to see my son play his first Quidditch match,” you said, feeling that blossom of pride burst again in your chest. Severus looked taken aback by your mention of your son, though you were unsure why. He talked about his “Professor Snape” (which was still a struggle for you to get used to) all the time in his letters.
“It’s against Slytherin today,” he drawled. You nodded your head, the air around you turning stale.
“I hear you’re the head of Slytherin house.”
“I never saw that one coming when we were kids.”
Severus stiffened at the mention of your childhood, even though you had hoped that it would make him relax. He screwed his mouth shut and there was an awkward moment of silence.
“We’ll see you at the game, Severus,” McGonagall said, trying to move you forward.
“Yes,” was all he said in response.
“It was, uh, good to see you,” you told him and he nodded his head once. With a flourish of his cloak, he walked on.
“You two were close once,” McGonagall said.
“Once,” you replied simply.
“Whatever happened?” It was strange, this almost friendly relationship that had developed between you and your former teacher. Part of you felt like there was something she was hiding up her sleeve. Still, you had been aching to talk about it for years. Long buried emotions came to the forefront of your mind and your mouth started speaking before you could stop yourself. 
“It’s...it’s a long story.”
You remembered the fight that Sev and Lily had in your fifth year. You remembered hearing that cruel word cross his lips, spat like venom in her direction as she tried to defend him. It played like one of those moving pictures in your mind as you lay in bed that night. 
Everything was about to change once again. 
There had been some semblance of normalcy after you told Sev you loved him and you reveled in it. But after what he said to Lily, you knew there was no hope for going back. 
And you were right. 
Lily wouldn’t even look at him. No one else would either. Whispers followed to two of you wherever you went. Rumors started to spread, no doubt started by the self proclaimed “Marauders”. The more time you spent with Sev, the more you were at the center of these rumors. 
What little popularity you had before was gone and soon Sev was the only person who would even look in your direction. 
But then he left you too. 
He started to pull away, slowly and then all at once. Where you would once spend meals with him, he was now sitting with his own new friends, a certain group of Slytherins who were well known for their love of the Dark Arts and bullying others. 
It hurt you to the core to watch Sev make new friends that weren’t you. He smiled less, laughed less, and you couldn’t help but wander why he would be happier with them than with you. Then you didn’t even care about his love romantically, you only just missed the warmth of his friendship. 
As he drifted away, you found yourself alone. At one point, you tried to wave at Lily in the halls but her friends hurried away. Still, you couldn’t help but think that you saw a small smile creep up her lips. 
Then you met him. The boy who would steal your heart and refuse to give it back. His name was Cygnus Halcyon.
It was strange, how you and became friends. He found you in a corner of a hidden corridor one day, trying desperately to keep your crying to a minimum. He talked to you, quietly trying to reassure you that everything would be okay, even if he couldn’t really understand what was wrong through your incoherent sobs. 
And from that day on, he was your friend. You were suspicious of him at first, wondering why he even cared to talk to you in the first place. But he was persistent. No matter how hard you tried to push him away, he kept coming back. Even when he ditched the others to come sit with you at meals, part of you hoped that Sev would see and get so unbearably jealous like you had been of him and Lily that he would come over, but he never did. 
Eventually, you stopped thinking about Severus and started to actually see Cygnus sitting there in front of you. 
You weren’t entirely sure how it happened, but you found yourself in love with him one day. It wasn’t anything big or uncomfortable or dramatic. One day, you just felt it, out of the blue and completely comfortable. You kept it to yourself. You had been in this position before and you refused to let history repeat itself. 
He kissed you first, one day just sitting out by the Black Lake. 
“Why did you do that?” You asked him, eyes wide with shock. He laughed, but not in a mean way. 
“You know I love you, right?” 
You didn’t actually know that. You hadn’t even considered it a possibility. 
“I...I didn’t think...you can’t-” 
And then he kissed you again, just so that you would be sure that he was telling you the truth. 
It wasn’t until after graduation that you found out you were pregnant. You knew it was his, of course, there was no one else. 
You had your son at 18, too young, your parents said. But neither you or Cygnus cared as you stared down at the face of the baby boy the two of you loved so deeply. 
“He died not shortly after that,” you said, scowling to yourself ever so slightly as you watched a few of the students chase each other through the halls right past you and McGonagall. 
“I heard about Mister Halcyon’s death. I am sorry for your loss,” she said and you turned to look at her with the best smile you could muster. “Ah! It looks like we’ve finally arrived at the kitchens.” 
“Wonderful,” you said with a wider smile. “I’m starved.” 
Your cheers of joy could have been heard from the castle as the golden snitch was caught and Ravenclaw won the game. Allyn, who served as one of the chasers, turned to look at you with the widest grin on his face that you had ever seen. If you could snatch him right out of the air and envelope him in the biggest hug, you would have. Unfortunately, he had to go meet with his team first. 
“Your son is good,” McGonagall said from beside you with a smile. “Wish he was in Gryffindor.” 
“Oh, please, from what I’ve heard, your team is going rather well with Harry Potter as the Seeker.” 
You could have sworn you saw the tips of her cheeks tint pink. 
“It is true, he is exceptional. I am afraid, however, with the new Inquisitor, he may very well get himself kicked off of the team before we even get to play our first game.” 
Of course, you had heard all about Dolores Umbridge from Allyn, who sent you a letter almost as soon as the opening feast had begun. You sighed at the mention of her name. 
“I was actually wondering if you wouldn’t mind coming back to the school to take up a teaching position for a while,” McGonagall said as everyone in the stands started to rise. You were taken aback, but not totally surprised. McGonagall had been spending an awful amount of time talking to you today, especially for a teacher you had barely interacted with during school. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, it’s not a teaching position exactly. Madam Pince has been having some troubles in the library keeping everything under control. You spent so much of your time in the library during your time here I was hoping-” 
“I’ll do it,” you said quickly, starting to smile. “I’ll take the position.” 
McGonagall gave a wiry smile. 
“Thank you. How soon can you move in?” 
You raced forward as Allyn ran out from the Quidditch tent. Even at 14, he didn’t seem to care that the others were watching him run into the arms of his mama. Some of them snickered as she brought him into a tight hug. 
“Did you see all the goals I made?” He asked excitedly. You nodded your head as quickly as you could. 
“Of course! You were killer out there, little man.” 
“Do you think Dad was watching?” His grin was unsurpassable. You nodded your head as your throat ran dry. 
“Yes, of course he was,” you told him, trying to keep your voice from breaking. You leaned down just enough to look Allyn in the eyes. “And you is so proud of you. Almost as proud as I am.” 
Allyn hugged you one more time, his squeeze a little more firm than before. 
“Hey, Halcyon!” One of the players from the tent called. “You coming?” 
“Yeah, hold on!” Allyn turned back to you with the widest grin. “Everyone’s going out to eat at Hogsmeade.” 
“Go, have fun. I’ll be here when you get back.” 
Allyn tilted his head to the side. 
“What do you mean?” 
“McGonagall has asked me to take up a position working here,” you told your son with a sly smile. The grin on his face grew even wider, if that was possible. “You’re going to be seeing a lot more of me.” 
You somehow managed to stay out of Severus’ path long for the first few weeks while working at Hogwarts. You fell into the same pattern and rhythm that you had in your last two years of school, practically hiding from him so you wouldn’t have to look him in the eyes. It seemed like nothing had changed. 
You were surprised to find him in the library one day. Your first instinct was to hide behind one of the bookshelves. 
“Are you hiding from Professor Snape?” A student next to you asked. You turned quickly to find yourself staring down at Neville Longbottom. “I used to be afraid of him too.” 
You wanted to tell the fifteen year old boy that you weren’t afraid of Professor Snape, that you just had no desire to talk to him at that given time. Instead, you swallowed your pride and looked back over at your old friend. 
“How did you overcome it, Mister Longbottom?” You asked him. He looked up at you and almost smiled.
“I’ve spent too much of my life being afraid. I’m trying to make my parents proud.” 
You smiled and a warmth blossomed in your chest. 
“I’m sure they are very proud of you, Mister Longbottom.” There was a glassiness to his eyes as he glanced back down at his Herbology textbook. “And if it means anything at all, I’m very proud of you, too.” 
He smiled up at you then. 
“It means a great deal. Thank you.” 
Walking back to your chambers that night, you knew that you couldn’t avoid Severus any longer. He was your coworker now, your fellow employee. You weren’t sure that Dumbledore would take all too kindly to two members of his staff refusing to communicate. 
You sought him out the next morning, bristling with courage. You saw a lot of yourself in Neville. If he could overcome his fears, then so could you. 
“y/n,” Severus said when you walked into the dungeon where his potions class was. It was clear by the few remaining students that a class had just ended. You felt a twinge of fear strike your heart, but you pushed past it. 
“Hello, Severus,” you said. The last few students walked around you and you stepped forward to meet your old friend. He stiffened as you approached and you took that to mean you had gone far enough. 
“What do you want?” He asked. You cleared your throat. 
“We work together now,” you said and then shook your head. “I should say, I know we have a past...erm...we were friends once....I mean, we are still friends if you want to be friends still, but I just wanted to say....”
Pausing, you closed your eyes and tried to imagine Cygnus there beside you, whispering words of comfort in your ear. He was a steady ground and some place stable to stand. He never judged you for stumbling over your words or starting a sentence over three times in a row. If he was there beside you, you could do anything. 
When you opened your eyes again, Severus’ face was just as unreadable as it had been before. But you were no longer afraid. 
“I don’t want there to be any ill will or bad blood between us. We’re working together now and I would like that work relationship to be one of mutual respect. You’ve lived your life and I’ve lived mine. But we’re here now and it’s nothing like when we were kids. I would appreciate a having a professional relationship with you, Professor Snape.” When you finished, you could almost hear Cygnus mutter a congratulations. 
You almost smiled to yourself. Severus’ face never even twitched. 
“You don’t have to call me Professor Snape,” was all he said in response. “Severus is fine.” 
That sense of pride that had burned in your chest twisted and became like a heavy weight. Severus...almost like you were friends again. You were partially grateful that it seemed as if he had forgotten how to smile. You always loved his smile. 
All you could do was nod your head before turning to leave swiftly. 
You barely made it back to your chambers before you started to cry. Maybe it was the relief from the weight you had been carrying around your shoulders for the last few weeks that made you break down, but you had a feeling that it was standing in front of Severus again and feeling like you barely knew him. 
You tried to remind yourself as your tears continued to run from your eyes that Severus had long ago stopped being your friend and it had been his choice, not yours. He was the one who walked away, not you. 
And he would have to live with it.
Severus got his dream job the next year. You had spent almost your entire first year on the job trying very hard not to punch Dolores Umbridge in the throat that you had almost forgotten that it was always DADA that Snape had wanted to teach. But there was something off that year, a chill in the air. 
“You’ve gotta be careful, Allyn,” you told your son one day while the two of you were picnicking by the Black Lake. “You can feel the shifts in the wind, right?” 
Allyn nodded his head. 
“It feels...darker than last year,” he said, looking up at the sky. You nodded slowly. 
“But everything will be alright,” you told him with a smile. 
“How can you be so sure?” 
“I can be so sure because everything will be fine as long as I have you with me and nothing bad is ever going to happen to you.”
Allyn smiled up at you, a twinkle in his eye. He shifted his gaze out to the water. 
“Did you come here with Dad?” he asked. You breathed in deeply through your nose and followed his line of sight. 
“Yes. We came out here often.” 
“I miss him.” 
“I do, too.” Leaning over, you pressed a kiss to the top of Allyn’s head. 
The two of you sat blissfully in silence, both picturing Cygnus there with you. It was a happy thought. 
Later that day, you were in your chambers getting ready for bed when a hurried knock came to your door. 
Scowling, you walked over, part of you fearing that it was Allyn. But when you threw your door wide open, you were more than surprised to see who was on the other side. 
He looked a mess. Dishelved, paler than usual, his eyes wide with fear. He breathed heavily, leaning one hand up against your doorframe as if it was the only thing keeping him upright. 
“Severus, what’s-” 
“Can I come in?” He asked. His monotonous façade was dropped and you heard the fear in his voice, fear and worry. 
“Of course.” You stepped out of the way and let him inside. He crossed the room before you even had the chance to close your door, leaning his back up against your far wall. “Please, tell me what’s happened.” 
He pressed his lips together, as if physically keeping a secret inside his mouth. Your heart thrummed in your chest. Only once before had you ever seen him so out of state and that was the night Lily died. He came to your house to deliver the news, but he ended up crying on your bathroom floor instead. That had been the last time you saw him before coming to work at Hogwarts and here you were again in a similar situation. 
“I can’t,” he said finally, shaking his head. “No, I can’t.”
“Okay. That’s okay.” You stepped toward him with one raised hand. As slow as your movements were, he still flinched away. “You’re okay, Sev. You’re safe in here.” 
He shut his eyes, squeezing them as tight as he could as he leaned his head against the wall. He slowly slid to the ground, knees pressed up against his chest as he rested his face in his arms. 
You were frozen where you were. A thousand questions rattled through your brain that you knew would never be answered. You looked at him more carefully and on one of his arms you could see a series of scars that were unmistakable. The Unbreakable Vow. 
“Oh, Sev,” you breathed, your heart going suddenly still. What have you done? 
At the sound of your voice, he started to cry. It was such a shocking sound that for a few moments, you didn’t even realize that was what was happening. And the few moments after that, you weren’t entirely sure what to do. 
But then you reminded yourself that the crying man before you was your friend. And maybe you weren’t great with talking to people and maybe your social skills weren’t the best, but if there was one thing you were good at, it was taking care of the few friends you had. 
Pushing past whatever roadblock kept you from comforting him, you stepped forward, quiet on your toes so not to startle him. He flinched again as you slowly lowered yourself to the ground next to him. Moving as slowly as you could so you didn’t startle him away, you slowly put your arms around him. One arm behind his neck and the other wrapped around his front so you could rest your palm against the side of his head. 
He tensed against your touch for the first couple of seconds, but the he softened and then he collapsed, turning in toward you. He grabbed your arm for dear life, his fists stuffed full of your long sleeves. His tear stricken face was pressed to your chest, your chin resting on the top of his head as he cried. It broke your heart to hear such a closed down man cry the way he was. Even more so, it killed you to know that your best friend was suffering and there wasn’t a single thing you could do about it. 
“Shh,” you whispered gently, holding him as tight as you could. “You are safe, Sev. I’m here. I’m here.” 
Dumbledore was killed two months later. 
He had never been your favorite person, but seeing his lifeless body lay motionless on the hard stone ground sent chills down your spine. It didn’t help that there had just been Death Eaters storming the castle, Severus as their head. 
You weren’t sure what broke your heart more; the fact that he had been working with the Death Eaters all this time and put your son in danger or the fact that he had the chance to kill you but he didn’t. 
Allyn was sobbing as you held onto him from behind. Almost the entire school stood around their headmaster’s body, a painful silence hung over all of them. Without Dumbledore, it seemed like the fight against Voldemort would be a vain one. 
The world was no longer safe and there was no where to take your son away. Either Voldemort had to die or Allyn could never live in peace again. And for you, only one of those was an option. 
You gasped, jumping to the side as a spell flew overhead. Taking barely any time to recover from your fall, you fired a return spell at the Death Eater in front of you. 
You breathed in deeply through your nose, hoping to stifle the burning fear in your chest. This was a different kind of fear than you were used to. This was deeper, immediate, like gliding over a smooth surface. You were mortified, but there was absolutely no time to waste in being afraid. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught sight of the three children who had done the most for this school in the past seven years. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were scurrying across the grounds, heading toward to boat dock. You glanced back at the castle, knowing full well that the battle was raging heavily there and they could use every wand they could get. But you also knew that if those three were going somewhere, it was important. 
And you weren’t going to leave them alone. 
You supposed you were a bit braver knowing that Allyn was safe and far from here. He had protested wildly when you demanded that he go home, but you didn’t care how loudly he screamed. There was no way you were going to lose him to the same people who killed his father. As long as he was safe from here, you would die fighting Voldemort’s army if that was what it took. 
You hurried after the kids, keeping yourself at a safe distance away so you didn’t startle them. When they reached the boat house, you ducked behind a tree. There were voices inside the building. One was definitely the raspy voice of Voldemort. The other was just as easy to place. 
“Severus,” you whispered to yourself. Your heart panged painfully. If this past year with him as headmaster had taught you anything, it was that he was no longer the boy you once loved. He had grown up and made all the wrong choices. But you had grown up too. 
And then your heard the hiss of a snake and the sickening sound of a body hitting loose glass window panes. You covered your mouth with your hand to keep yourself from gasping too loudly. You knew before you even came from out behind the tree what had happened. 
Almost instantly, hot tears started to slide down your cheeks. You could hear Voldemort disapparate and as soon as he was gone, you pushed yourself out from behind the tree and ran toward the children. They snapped their heads toward you, wands raised, and you put your hands up. 
It took them a few seconds to recognize you, but once they did, they relaxed. 
“Professor Snape-” Miss Granger started, her face blanched from fear. You nodded your head. 
Mister Potter was the first one to move. He stood from where he was, his legs shaking as he rose. He moved toward the door like he was walking on glass. You supposed, as the adult, you should be the first to go inside, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. Not until Harry was all the way inside. 
The boathouse smelled like algae. That stench was the only thing you could think about when you first entered. Staring down at Severus as he lay bleeding on the ground, all you could do was wonder why, with all the magic in the world, they couldn’t make the boathouse smell better. 
Ron kept a tight arm wrapped around Hermione by the door while you and Harry walked toward Severus on the ground. 
“Professor,” Harry said. Severus head lolled to the side and you could see the wide, bleeding gash on his neck. Your lips trembled as you lowered yourself slowly to the ground on the other side. The stone floor was cold, even through your pants. Severus didn’t even look at you. 
Silver tears rolled from his eyes, but it was nothing like that night the year before. These were tears of a tired man in pain, ready to let go. 
“Take them,” he said to Harry, his voice hoarse. “Take them!”
“Hermione, a vial?” Harry turned back toward his friend. 
“Here,” you said, pulling a vial out the pocket of your cloak. You couldn’t remember why you had put it there, but you were glad you did. Harry took it, his hands shaking, and dipped the rim underneath Severus’ tears, collecting them at the bottom. 
You were lost. The tears of a dying man meant nothing to you, but Severus seemed to relax once Harry had them in his possession. He took in a shuddering breath and you reached out to grab his hand. Still, he looked at Harry, who held his gaze. 
“You have your mother’s eyes,” Severus said. You pushed down a sob. Even with his dying breath, he still thought of her. You hung your head so the children wouldn’t see you crying. 
Severus breathed in another shaking breath and squeezed your hand as he let it out. You looked back up at him, but that was it. 
He was gone. 
You were still numb when the battle was over. It was all a blur to you, what happened after Severus died. Harry died but then he wasn’t dead, more fighting. You could barely hear the screams over the buzzing in your ears. Your mind was a blank, banking completely on muscle memory to keep you alive. 
But once it was all over, that numbness didn’t fade. You sat with Madam Pince in the Great Hall. It seemed smaller now. You weren’t sure why. 
Across from you, Remus Lupin and his new wife lay with their hands clasped together. That made you the last one. You were the only one left. Not even that thought produced a single tear. 
“Miss Halcyon?” 
You looked up to find Neville Longbottom standing in front of you and you somehow managed to smile. He had cut the head off the snake that sat on Voldemort’s shoulders. it was quite the spectacle. 
“Harry’s looking for you,” he said. Your smile turned into a scowl and you pushed yourself onto your feet. 
“For me?” 
“Won’t say, but he’s in Dumbledore’s Office.” 
You nodded your head and took a step forward. Before you walked past the boy, you placed your hand on his shoulder. 
“You have made your parents very proud, Mister Longbottom,” you told him. His cheeks turned red, but he nodded anyway. 
“And you’ve made your son proud, Miss Halcyon.” You were going to ask him what he meant, but he gave you no time to do so. “Harry. Dumbledore’s Office.” 
“Right. Be safe, Neville.” 
“The war’s over.” 
“Still. Be safe.” 
“Will do, Miss H.” 
He turned away from you then, sitting in the place you had just been. That left you to go find Harry. 
It was a horrible thing, to walk through the castle when it was full of so much destruction. Nearly every corridor was destroyed to some degree. Large slabs of cement littered the ground. Blood splattered here and there. It was impossible to determine if the blood was from someone on your side or someone on Voldemort’s. Either way, you felt your stomach curdle at the sight of it. 
Most of the bodies had been cleared at that point, but some still lay around here and there. You tried to ignore them. 
You weren’t sure if you should knock on the door to Dumbledore’s office or if you should just go in. You decided that you were an adult and knocking wasn’t required when both men who once worked in that office were now dead. 
You pushed your way inside. 
Harry was just sitting there on the stairs, the same look of numbness on his face that you imagined was on yours. When he saw you, he looked up and stood. 
“Neville said you wanted to see me,” you said, pulling on the edges of your sleeves. The edges were singed and still hot from someone setting your cloak on fire. 
“I need to show you something,” he said, taking a few steps toward you. “Or, I guess, Professor Snape does.” 
You tilted your head to the side, eyebrows pinched together. 
“I don’t understand.” 
“You will.” 
He beckoned you over to a round bowl floating in the middle of the room. 
“What is this?” 
“A pensive. It shows you memories.” 
You remembered the tears that Harry had collected. They hadn’t been tears at all. They were Severus’ memories. 
“He showed me what I needed to see to defeat Voldemort, but I think he left something for you, too.” 
You shook your head slowly, tears gathering in your eyes like a storm. 
“I don’t want to see his memories.” 
“I think you need to.” 
You look at the water bowl, rolling your lower lip between your teeth. You looked back at Harry then and finally saw what Severus was talking about. He really did have Lily’s eyes. 
“Your mother and I, we were friends, you know,” you said. Harry almost smiled. 
“Yeah, I know.” 
“I miss her very much,” you told him. “Very much.”
Harry said nothing and you took that to mean that you had better get to surfing through Severus’ memories. 
When you placed your face in the bowl, you saw all the same things Harry did. You saw how Severus met Lily, all the time they spent together. You watched how he fell in love with her and how she fell in love with James. You watched yourself on the sidelines of these memories, never speaking, only there in passing. You watched him find her body, watched him as he went pleading with Dumbledore. You watched his horror as he discovered what Dumbledore’s plan for Harry was. 
You thought that was it. But then it seemed to start over. 
All the memories that had been so full of Lily were now full of you. You watched him laugh beside you at the Black Lake. You watched his little smile at you while you slept on one of your books. You had been studying for OWLs. You remembered that. You watched the two of you dancing horribly in one of the spare classrooms while the rest of the school was partying in the Great Hall one Halloween night. You watched as he held you in the darkness of your room, your parents screaming at each other downstairs. You watched as you stood between him and a spell shot his way by James Potter in third year. 
And then you saw him pull away from you at the end of fifth year. He watched on as you and Cygnus grew closer and anger bubbled in your chest. It wasn’t your anger though, it was his. 
“Why did you do it?” You wondered as you watched on. “Why did you push me away?” 
He seemed to have the answer for you. 
Those friends he had, the ones who all turned out to be Death Eaters. You watched them mock you and so many others, joking about how they would torture and hurt you. How, as Voldemort grew more powerful, people like you would be rid of. 
But once he had separated ties with you completely, your name was no longer brought up. They mocked and made fun of and threatened others, but not you, never you. 
As long as Severus was away from you, you were safe. 
You watched the night he came to your house after Lily died. Cygnus was still alive at that point, he was the one who opened the door. Hearing those heart wrenching sobs from Severus broke your heart all over again. 
You watched the day you first came back to Hogwarts. You saw yourself through his eyes. 
You watched the scene that sent him to your door crying. How the poor Malfoy boy was being forced to kill Dumbledore, but Severus knew he wouldn’t have the strength to do it. Severus knew that he would have to kill one of the only people he had ever trusted. 
The last thing you saw was Severus standing in front of the mirror. He was staring at himself, but he was looking at you. 
“If something happens to me, y/n, know that I...I am sorry. For everything.” 
For everything. Everything that he had just showed you. Everything that he had done. Everything that he was going to do. 
“Not all of this was for her,” he said. “Some of it was for you. You were the only one...the only one who stayed after it all. There is so much I wish to tell you, but I can’t. So, I just have one thing to say to you. Thank you.” 
There wasn’t even a lingering second before the memory disappeared. Your vision darkened, the murky water returning. 
You straightened your back, lifting your face from the bowl. Water trickled down your cheeks, but it wasn’t the water from the bowl. It was your tears. 
You ran your sleeve underneath your nose once before turning to face the empty room. Harry had left sometime while you were in the memories. Well enough, you thought. Better than him seeing you in such a mess. 
You left the office, leaving behind the last memories of your best friend. It was time to move on. He was gone. He had been gone for a very, very long time. 
“It’s time to move on.” 
You snapped your head to the side at the sound of Allyn’s voice. 
“Allyn?” Your voice broke. 
He was bolting toward you through one of the destroyed corridors, grinning. His face was covered in soot and dust and dirt, but he never looked so happy. His clothes were torn and singed like yours were. It didn’t take long for you to put two and two together. He had never left the battle. He had been here the whole time. 
But you had no time to be angry with him. Just at the sight of your son, your heart started to soar back to life. The numbness faded and you took one step forward and then another and another until you were running toward him just as quickly as he was running toward you. 
The two of you collided, holding onto each other for dear life. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” you whispered, more to yourself than to him. 
“It’s over,” he said when he pulled away. The sixteen year old boy in front of you was all you needed, you realized. Cygnus was gone, Severus was gone, Lily was gone, but you still had your son. As long as he was there, nothing else mattered. 
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 2
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Barging into the locker room, the four were met with a scene that was straight out of a horror movie. The four teens felt tears come to their eyes at the sight of their friend. She was lying on her right side, curled up on the floor, surrounded by a small pool of blood. Her raven hair, normally pulled back in her signature pigtails, was messy and strewn around her head as if someone had grabbed her near the scalp and yanked. Her left arm was loosely curled over her abdomen, limply wrapped around her. The other arm was awkwardly bent at an unnatural angle-definitely broken. They looked lower and saw her legs. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, and the left leg was fractured. You could see the jagged edges of the break through her skin. All in all, she made for a wonderfully horrifying sight. 
The four stood there. Stricken. Taking in the sight of the strong, bubbly girl lying so lifelessly on the ground. All of them angry at themselves for not staying behind to protect her. It was then, standing in an empty locker room, with the iron tang of their best friend’s blood filling the air that they all silently swore to make Lila Rossi and her gang of mindless sheep pay.
“I know it hurts to see such a strong pillar of kindness looking so broken, but you must remain strong, and help her as much as you can.” It was Tikki’s gentle words that broke them from their murderous trains of thought. They immediately snapped into action. 
“Luka, Kagami, you both need to go to the bakery and explain to the Dupain-Chengs what happened. Adrikins, you need to explain to your father why you ditched your photographer, and ran out in the middle of a shoot. Tikki and I will take our Bug to the hospital. Got it?” Chloé ordered, once again taking the charge of the situation, even as she pulled out her phone. Navigating to the camera app, she angled it to show all of Marinette’s injuries and quickly snapped a couple of pictures from different angles. Looking away from the screen and seeing the incredulous stares of the group, she rolled her eyes and responded “For photographic evidence of her injuries! Obviously.” She huffed “You’re all ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Now what are you waiting for? A royal proclamation?! Shoo!” 
At the sound of her exclamation, everyone rushed off to help Marinette.
Kagami and Luka immediately ran out of the school to the bakery, already worrying about the potential double akumas they might have to battle later. Dashing across the seat, they silently decided that Kagami’s blunt words were not ideal in explaining this to Tom and Sabine. The chime of the bell above the door alerted the woman in question to their presence. Making her way around the counter, she turned to greet them with a bright smile, before it dimmed to a frown at their grim faces. “Kagami, Luka, what’s wrong?” She questioned, wiping her hands on a small towel. The two in question silently exchanged looks before turning back to the small woman.  
“...It’s Marinette” Luka finally answered, fiddling with his guitar nervously. “She got assaulted by-” 
“It was that Lila girl, wasn’t it?” Sabine hissed. Glaring venomously up at them. 
“Yes it was, how did you know?” Luka questioned, shocked and taken aback at the woman’s statement.
Sabine smiled sadly, her eyes alight with fury. “I know my daughter. The instant she came home from school with that fake smile, trying to hide her torn sketchbook, I knew something was wrong.” Shaking herself out of her quiet contemplation, she directed her stare back to the two teens “Now, can you show me what’s wrong and tell Tom and I what we need to do?” 
Kagami was the one who responded this time. “We can show you the image, but you need to ensure that you won’t let your emotions get the best of you. The last thing Marinette would want to hear after getting discharged from the hospital is that her parents became akumatized.” She bluntly stated, pulling out her phone and handing it to the woman as she spoke. 
“I understand.” Sabine nodded, taking the phone from the girl’s outstretched hand. As she looked at the gruesome picture, she felt her heart break. That was her baby girl, and her so-called friends had done that to her! Looking at the two in front of her, she felt nothing but icy determination to make that liar’s castle of lies come crumbling down. 
“One of you stay and inform Tom, the other come with me. We’re going to the hospital.” She said as she handed the phone back to her daughter’s friends. Looks like she had some calls to make.
As their taxi drove to the hospital, Sabine punched in a familiar number and waited patiently for the other person to pick up. The ringing of the phone was abruptly cut off and replaced with a loud and cheery voice. 
“Sabine!” Gina exclaimed over the noise of honking cars. “How are you? And how is Marinetta?” The former quickly debriefed her mother-in-law on the situation regarding her granddaughter. She finished explaining as they pulled up to the hospital, and walked into the hospital as she waited for the older woman’s response.
“Well then! This simply must not do! I can get in contact with one of my friends in the States, and if all goes well my leetle fairy can stay with his family!” Gina exclaimed decisively. “I’ll call you back!”
Ending the call, Sabine walked into the waiting room and sat next to Luka and Chloé as she waited for her daughter.
As Luka and Kagami ran out of the locker room, Chloé looked at Adrien to see him already on the phone with his father. Closing out her photos, she quickly opened up her phone keypad and dialed 15. As she explained the situation to the officer on the other end of the call, she carefully monitored her injured friend. Ending the call she sighed and looked at the red goddess hovering near her worriedly. “Tikki,” she addressed the Kwami “you can hide in my jacket, or somewhere with Marinette. The ambulance should be here soon.” The small being looked at her gratefully before flying down to her chosen and placing a feather-light kiss on her forehead. Zooming back up to Chloé, she quickly settled in the blonde’s ponytail with a small thanks.
As she started to climb into the back of the ambulance, she was stopped by an officer demanding she go home. Looking at the man, she mustered up the coldest glare she could create and looked directly at the terrified fool. “For your information,” she sneered, pushing past him into the vehicle. “I am Chloé Bourgeois, and that girl in there is my best friend, so you will not keep me from her or I will make your life very difficult. Do you understand?” She hissed, slamming the door behind her. As they drove away she caught a glimpse of his pale, terrified face before they turned the corner. Smirking to herself, she turned to her friend’s prone body lying on the stretcher, and immediately sobered up and reverted to her take-charge daughter of the mayor persona. She quietly sat in the waiting room as Marinette was rolled into the ER.
Even as Chloé was issuing her orders, Adrien was already unlocking his phone and calling Nathalie. He stood anxiously on the steps as he waited for her to pick up.
“Adrien? Mme. Tsurugi had informed me that Mlle. Dupain-Cheng was injured at school. While I admire your concern for your friend, that does not excuse your behavior during the photoshoot.” The older woman’s emotionless voice greeted him as he opened his mouth to explain.
“But Nathalie! She wasn’t just injured! She was assaulted! You should see the pictures of how she looked!” He responded angrily as he texted her the image.
There was silence on the other end of the line as she looked at the image.
“...I see. I will show this to your father. If the Dupain-Chengs agree, he would be happy to pay for her hospital bill. Do you know who did this?” The secretary’s voice was as apathetic as usual, but there was an underlying tone of concern and anger.
“We think it might have been Lila,” Adrien responded hesitantly. “I saw her outside the school when we entered, and she has been bullying Marinette for a while...There’s a hidden camera we planted in the locker room. Could you pull up the footage and see what happened?”
Yes Adrien. You also have permission to go to the hospital, but make sure you practice your piano when you get home.” 
“Thank you Nathalie.” He responded, before he heard the dial tone as she hung up.
Placing his phone in his pocket, he looked down at the reluctant green-eyed Kwami in his jacket before transforming into Chat Noir and bounding across the rooftops to the hospital. 
Kagami and Tom came running in just as Marinette’s name was called. They stood next to Sabine, Luka and Chloé as she was wheeled into the room. She had a black brace on her right wrist, and another on her left leg. She had several scrapes and bruises, and there were bandages everywhere, but she was alive. As the nurse rattled off the medical report: broken ribs and wrist, a fractured leg, as well as bruising on her arms, abdomen and face; the group felt their fury grow. Marinettte, sensing this, quickly smiled up at them and asked if they could stay the night for a movie marathon and sleepover. 
Chloé promptly burst into tears and clutched her uninjured hand. “Oh MariBug, I’m so sorry this happened to you!” she croaked out through the tears.  “It’s not your fault, Chloé.” Marinette gently assured her. “It was Lila’s.” 
As they settled in amongst the many blankets and pillows with their food in hand, her statement was met with many calls of agreement, as well as complaints about the bully in question.
In Italy, Gina Dupain pulled out her phone and dialed a number she never thought she’d use again.
“Hello?” The voice on the other end is quiet and dignified, with a hint of a British accent.
“Hi, Alfred. I need a favor.”
Hanging up the phone, Alfred Pennyworth mulled over the interesting and saddening conversation he had just had with his old friend. Nodding to himself, he walked out of the room to find Master Bruce. If the image she sent him was anything to go by, Gina’s granddaughter desperately needed to get out of Paris.
As the Batmobile pulled into the garage, he walked over to Master Bruce and explained the situation. Although he was reluctant at first, once he saw the horrifying image, he went from unsure to furious at the thought of some teenagers doing this to their classmate! He didn’t even hesitate when he told Alfred that he would gladly have her stay in the Manor. With that reassurance, Alfred walked back upstairs to inform Gina.
In Paris the next morning, at around one AM, the movie marathon was still going strong when Sabine and Tom opened the trapdoor and peeked through. Marinette craned her head to look over from her position in the cuddle pile/blanket fort hybrid. “Maman? Papa?” She questioned. “What’s wrong?” Sabine smiled gently. “Nothing’s wrong mon bébé, it’s just…” she trailed off, unsure on how to proceed.
“How do you feel about going to Gotham, to stay with your Nonna Gina’s friend?” Tom cut in.
“His name is Alfred Pennyworth, and he works for Bruce Wayne.” Sabine added, smiling hopefully.
Marinette blinked confusedly as her Chloé and Adrien shouted with excitement at the sound of the name.
Well that was unexpected.
Marinette: *thinking* Bruce Wayne...
Chloé: *rolling her eyes* Only one of the richest men in the world!
Marinette: *thinking intensifies*
Adrien: *confused in cinnamon roll* Buginette how come you don't know who he is?
Marinette's Brain: error file not found
Marinette: *sweats nervously* Um... he's not big in the fashion industry??
Chloé and Adrien: *facepalm*
 Note: I update weekly, the thing is I had posted Chap. 1 to Ao3 last week, and so I posted both this week to catch up
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hopeassassin · 3 years
Rally’s Scribbles in the Work
So after that lovely anon blew my mind away with their kind words and wonderful support, and because I keep telling you guys about my writing plans without actually giving you even a teensy little detail, I have decided to stop being coy and actually likely get your hopes up a bit by dilvulging small details and bits of plots of what is currently going on in my G-Drive. 
This will be a brief recount of what I have currently baking in the AoMomo oven, so let’s dive right into it! Please note that the numbers are in no particular order - I just keep revisiting each of these stories and writing a bit more to them whenever I feel like it. So there’s no ranking and no importance, just a number to keep proper count.
1. “Knight of Renown” Dragons and Knighthood AU, based on that one AoMomo pic with Momo ithe Knight and Dragon Aomine that I reblogged a while back and I actually let me imagination go a bit too much in the tags. I ended up actually rather enjoying the premise I set up in the tags so I actually started writing that one out!  Completion rate at about: 5%? I’d say? Less? :D 
2. AoMomo Music AU - a dearly beloved project that I am pouring a lot of love and attentioin to. That’s why it’s coming along super slow. It’s been in the making since November and I chewed it and mulled through it so thoroughly that I’ve grinded to a halt with it. Intending for there to be 2 chapters, and I am at about 25-30% of chapter 1 currently ready currently. At the pace I’m going, it might be another full year before you actually get to see this bad boy up, but when you do, I’m sure you’ll see all the care and effort that went into making it perfect. Honestly, no joke here, I am intending for this to be one of my rare masterpieces in this tag. So I’m not gonna rush it!
3. AoMomo Car Accident AU where Daiki barely manages to save Satsuki from being run over by a hit-and-run and ends up being the one run over instead. This was my first piece of writing after coming back to AoMomo last summer and yet completion rate is a sad thing. I want it to be flawless, a perfectly agonizing, thrilling type of torturous read that gives you a great sense of relief by the end of it. Needless to say, the clusterfuck of negative feelings is a bit difficult to hold onto for a prolonged period of time and the work is coming along slowly. Planned at about 5 chapters, I have 2 complete ones and the 3rd one is at about ... 30%? Hopefully before this year’s whumptober, we’ll have a finished piece!
4. AoMomo bond character study, which went in a direction I did NOT expect nor intend. It was suppsoed to be an idea that you will see also listed below. But I started this one from their early childhood and somehow, instead of focusing on the kids and their bond and their weird interactions with each other and their first moments of realizing they are of opposite genders, it turned into something much too fun to let go of and the ideas for scenes just kept piling. It’s going to be a long one, very explorative and very in-depth character study on the bond between these two and how it changed over the years, and their first encounters with their sexuality inbetween (because that was really the main idea that I started with... xDDD;;;) Currently at 1 chapter complete, chapter 2 somewhere around 50-60% completion, and at least 6-7 chapters to come after that, soooo.... :’DDDD YEAH. THIS ONE AIN’T SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY ANYTIME SOON.
5. AoMomo deciding to practice stuff on each other, because I am a sucker for this trope.THIS will be what the idea under previous number 4 was SUPPOSED to be like, but it instead spun out of control. So this one, under number 5, is going to be the smutty, idiots bumbling through physicality to discover that they actually have serious feelings for each other kind of piece. Chapters are planned at about at least 6-7 or so, but not my usual monstrocities! :D First we start with practice kissing, and we move our way up from there! 
6. “The Evil of Humanity” AU - a dystopian futuristic kinda mecha AU, sort of an amalgamation of some of my favourite anime in the genre - a bit of NGE, a bit of Gurren-Lagann, a lot of Darling in the Franxx rewrite and improvement, in distinctly AoMomo colors. I poured a lot of thought and love into initial outline of main moments for this one, and I really hope to make it an epic, thrilling action/adventure with a big dash of romance kind of read! Chapters currently not even planned properly, because I need to sit down and consider this seriously. It will definitely be more than 10-15 though, and they will be my usual chapter lengths so.... likely no time soon. :D 
7. Aomine Fanclub - I got a plot bunny some time ago and I shared it here and my friends were spurring me on with it, so I started trying it out a little more. I’ve written out like... maybe 30% of this one as well, but need to re-read and reconceptualize to get it back on track. The issue with this one is that I’m not really sure where I want to take it, thus it’s on the back burner at the moment.
8. KagaKuro AoMomo double-date kind of story, where Aomine is asking some curious questions of Taiga about going to America and pondering if any of his immediate friends know what Satsuki wants to do with her life. I’m really invested in this one but haven’t started properly writing it out yet beyond just sketching out the idea so I don’t forget it. (I’d say 1% complete here.) Really looking forward to using the idea of Kagami being super impressed with AoMomo perfect sync when playing as a team in arcade games!
9.Laws of Attraction Chapter 2 - You might be surprised at this, but I’m actually super invested in this one. Likely the reason why I am delaying so much working on it - I feel like all my great scene ideas are just too chaotic and I have a hard time starting the chapter flowing properly. I had like 4-5 false starts already and I’m feeling a bit skittish with picking it up. But I have such AMAZING concepts on where to take it after it revvs up the engine, so... Maybe sometime this year! Completion rate: 0% written, but at least about 30% ideas built up for the installment!
10. AoMomo college rooming together story - sort of an expansion on my fill for one of the prompts way back those years ago in AoMomo week. I really dig the concept and the trope of sharing spaces with someone you consider nothing more than a friend and then gradually learning to appreciate each other for something so much more. I am definitely doing this one some day, but not anytime soon, likely.
11. A random idea bit me the other day (read: a month ago) and I actually wrote out like... maybe 25% of it already as well. A random comment from Wakamatsu miffs Satsuki but then she realizes why he’s asking dumb questions and she comes to realize that something is wrong with the equation: either Dai-chan likes someone really close to them and she hasn’t realized, which is unlikely, or Dai-chan likes HER and is super blase about it in a way that betrays his feelings not at all, which is even more unlikely. Being a curious  individual, she sets out to find which it is! Some hilarity should ensue but mostly just some mess-with-Dai-chan fun!
12. Touou summer training camp at the sea - progress is practically 0, I wanted to write a summery piece and set my mind on this, but nothing beyond has come to me, so I’m not forcing it.
13. AoMomo cultural festival fic in second year of high school (meaning something approx end of Oct -> beginning of Nov.) with Daiki being in a distinctly Haruhu Suzumiya role at that festival (has anyone even seen this anime? I adored that episode to freaking bits, man, it’s engraved upon my soul) and singing Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” and one more song just like Haruhi did. And Satsuki just beholding the phenomenon he becomes in no time flat while he lays bare his passion for life for all the student body to see. Shippiness will happen in private afterwards!
14. You Can Leave Your Hat On Chapter 2 - Probably like 2-3 years ago while I was still in the damn woodwork and wrestling with real life and adulting being crap, I remembered this AU premise and I got super hyped on the idea of Club Owner Dai-chan being a flirt with innocent Satsuki who got dragged to his joined and fell in love at first sight with his shenanigans. I’ve already played around for like 7k words with the second chapter of this but I’m still not where I want to be at, so it will take a while longer to flesh it out.
15. Idol Worship - a story that I promised my mate aricana some 6 years ago the premise for which I am super hyped for but not quite engaging with it yet. The idea was that Momoi finally starts gettiing the dates she has been pesting Kuroko for for years, and Daiki feeling terrible about beholding that, whilst Kise is being pestered by Horikita Mai for a date and instead ditches her with Daiki because he knows his former Teikou classmate is a huge fan of her. Mai-chan isn’t particularly happy but somehow ends up enjoying her time with Daiki and starts considering actually pursuing him instead of Kise when she sees what an interesting soul he is, with the torch that he’s carrying for some girl in his life he doesn’t really talk about but is evident from the little things he drops off as hits. AoMomo shenanigans will start to ensue properly when Satsuki realizes that Daiki is actually having a close female friend who is not her but is Horikita Mai instead, Dai-chan’s perfect woman, practically. She doesn’t take well to the news and has to grapple with why that is! And what to do with these newfound frustrating emotions!
16. Obstruction of Justice Chapter 3 - MAYBE SOME DAY, I WILL GET TO WRITING THIS. Last summer I inteded to do just that but instead, Wild Side of Justice was born. And it became a spin off of sorts on its own. ORZ. I WILL FINISH THIS SOME DAY, I do have some plans for it and I do have the desire to pursue them. I just need to be in the right headspace for it ahsjkfhkjaf
17. A PWP story of Kagami arriving early for a practice match at Touou and somehow walking in on AoMomo getting busy with each other in very unexpected and explicit ways that Kagami did not see headed his way. Because, we need more PWP in this fandom, honestly.
18. And since we DO need more PWP, recently when checking the 30 lemons community on LJ (shut up, I’m not ancient, YOU’RE ANCIENT) I was wondering how exactly a smut plot around the “Taken by the Faceless Stranger” could work for Aomomo and I came up with this Masquerade ball that they end up both attending because of their friends and meeting each other and hitting off fantastically just chatting the night and then banging in a niche in the long castle-like premise of the ball. :’DDDD Cuz it’s me and if I don’t have something like that in the works, you know i’m likely sick.
ALL OF THESE I am planning on eventually finishing one day. ONE DAY!
For now they are in various states of completion and in various stages of being cared for and improved on with more ideas added and fleshed out.
I am not joking when I say I am very invested in this fandom. I just have difficulty getting to writing out these ideas when I spend like 60% of my free time playing my mobile games. :D 
So there you have it. I didn’t want to say anything about these because 1) I don’t want to get your hopes up. You Can Leave Your Hat On 2, for one, has been in the making for 3 years, very on-again-off-again kind of way, and I just... can’t do that to you guys. I have decided against posting any incomplete fics so I don’t torture you guys and my muse doesn’t abandom me forever for them. So when something is complete, it gets posted promptly for your viewing pleasure!
And 2) If I divulge too much of the story, I feel like my hype of it may disappear completely. Ehh, my muse is a willful creature, what can I tell you... 
So let’s hope at least SOME of these get to see the light of day soon!
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canmom · 3 years
Toku Tuesday 11: Vampire Mobsters
I’ve had a bit of trouble keeping up with Toku Tuesday lately... so eternal gratitude to @mogsk​ (❤️) for stepping in to come up with some programs for me to run. (We’re certainly not done with e.g. Heisei-era godzilla either! I’m just a bit overwhelmed with projects atm.)
Tonight we’re going to be investigating one of the fascinating avenues she’s prepared for us, with a couple of films bringing stylish takes to the question of ‘what if the mob literally sucked your blood’. Our first is Gackt vehicle Moon Child (2003), ...
Here’s how Mogs described it, with some fascinating little details:
Starring Hyde, lead singer of visual Kei superstars L’arc En Ciel, and GACKT, former lead singer of visual Kei superstars Malice Mizer (this film is defs going for a particular audience) Moon Child is the story of the grim futuristic world of 2014 where, in the wake of a major economic collapse, the people of Japan are forced to immigrate to mainland China. Enter Sho, an aspiring mobster who, as a child, was rescued from being killed by a proper mobster by Kei, a man who feeds on human blood and never seems to grow old...hmmm… As time goes on, Sho grows up and follows his dream of crimestery under Kei’s watchful eye, but as things get more and more complicated, will one lonely vampire be enough to keep him safe? 
The screenplay was penned by Gackt himself (alongside the directorial duo of Kishu Izuchi and Takahisa Zeze) and carries all the egotistical grandeur of anything else he’s ever done. Prior to this, Zeze, was mostly known for “pink” films, the Japanese term for sexploitation/softcore pornography, with titles like “Endless Sex” and “Anarchy in Japansuke: The Woman Who Comes When Watched”. He is noted however as tending to introduce deeper social commentary into his films than his contemporaries in the genre and also tends to actively shy away from explicit depictions of sexual assault. Also notorious for trying to give his films wild names which are often then changed by the studios he works for (e.g. “My Existence Is a Phenomenon Based on the Hypothesis of Blue Light Generated by Organic Currency” being changed to “Amazon Garden: Uniform Lesbians”
So this sounds like it’s going to be fascinating on multiple levels! So tragic that pink films aren’t getting esoteric VN-length titles. I have no idea if being a visual kei star translates into skillful screenwriting, but I guess we’re soon to find out!
Our second film brings in our friend Takashi Miike, whose vast filmography we last sampled with Zebraman. It’s called Yakuza Apocalypse and it dropped just five years ago in 2015:
The yakuza family of Genyo Kamura enjoys a prosperous and relatively peaceful existence under his benevolent leadership and fearless attitude. How can he maintain such a reputation among the cold and bloodthirsty world of the Yakuza? Because he’s a mostly-immortal vampire of course! But when a pair of vampire hunters come to end his “eternal” life he makes one last ditch effort by turning his second-in-command, Akira Kageyama, into a vampire as well! Problem is, Akira has no idea that his boss is a vampire and doesn’t know what to do with his sudden urge to drink blood, leading to him becoming patient zero of a vampire epidemic!
Directed by the legendary Takashi Miike who needs no introduction, and stars Indonesian action star Yayan Ruhian in his first role outside of Indonesia.
I have been eager to witness more of Miike’s stuff since Zebraman, and moreover after that trailer I need to know what that weird yellow bear thing turns out to be.
Toku Tuesday 11 is going to be starting in about 25 minutes at 8pm UK time! Running as usual at twitch.tv/canmom Hope to see you there for some surely memorable films...
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soopersara · 4 years
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Well... as it turns out, it took a little over a year before I got a chance finish this one, but I got there eventually! @zutaradreams​ has probably forgotten all about this request by now, but I come bearing some very, very belated fluff.
Prompt #18 from this list, originally Day 4 of Zutara Week 2010
When Katara takes a post as ambassador in the Fire Nation, Zuko wants to celebrate her and give their friends a proper sendoff. But their trip to the Equinox Festival doesn’t go quite as he planned.
"Well, I think that settles it." Katara plopped onto the bench next to him. "We've been ditched."
"Seems like it." Zuko's mouth was dry, and he scuffed his sweaty palms against his trousers.
This was not going according to plan. And technically, it was only half his plan anyway. So it wasn't really his fault that it was all going sideways.
It had been almost three years since they'd all been together in the Fire Nation. Almost three years since he'd had a chance to see Katara for more than a few days in a row, since he'd been able to talk to her outside of letters and political meetings. And the rest of his friends too. Of course he'd missed all of them.
But he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that it was Katara who occupied his thoughts most often.
And now they were back together, all of them, and while the others were preparing to leave in a few days' time, Katara was here to stay. It had nothing to do with him personally. He knew that. The Southern Water Tribe needed an ambassador in the Fire Nation, and Katara was far and away the best candidate. That didn't mean that he wasn't excited to have her back. That certainly didn't mean that his feelings for her had gone away. He was only human, and he liked her very, very much.
It had been Zuko's idea for the group to spend some time together before Sokka and Suki left. It had not been Zuko's idea to go to the Equinox Festival. That had been Sokka's suggestion. More specifically, Sokka had suggested a double date at the festival.
Zuko had tried to protest the idea, he really had. He and Katara were not dating. This couldn't possibly be a date. He just wanted to see his friends again before they left. And spend time with Katara. Mostly spend time with Katara. But not on a date.
Not that he would mind dating Katara. In fact, Zuko would have been delighted to date Katara. But he was fairly certain that Katara didn't feel the same, and Zuko was working very hard to learn how to quit while he was ahead.
But then Sokka had talked a lot and very quickly, and somewhere along the way Zuko must have agreed to the plan because the next thing he knew, he was standing sheepishly outside Katara's door and inviting her to the festival.
He really needed to figure out how Sokka did that. It would make his most crotchety advisors so much easier to deal with.
To Zuko's surprise, Katara had agreed. She even seemed excited about it. And Zuko had begun to hope that the festival might still be the kind of celebration he had pictured. For all of them. But mostly for Katara.
Then Sokka and Suki had ditched them.
He snuck a glance at Katara. She'd taken to wearing deep blue Fire Nation silks sewn in traditional Water Tribe styles. The color, she had informed him, was reserved for warriors at the South Pole, and now that she had earned the right to wear it, she had no intention to ever wear another shade of blue again. Zuko couldn't blame her. She'd more than earned the honor.
But it was a bit of a problem too. She was luminous in her warrior's blue, and it made it exceptionally difficult for Zuko to look away.
"Since we're here anyway," he began, voice rough, "Maybe we should—" He gestured lamely at the festivities.
Agni, why was this so difficult? He spoke in front of his advisors every day, and they were much less pleasant than Katara.
She followed his gaze, then turned back, smiling. "You're right. We definitely should."
Katara was tempted to tease him. Zuko, the wise and beloved leader of the Fire Nation, who had an impeccable sense of direction honed by years at sea, was completely lost in the middle of a festival in his own city and getting more flustered by the minute.
"I just don't understand! The street performances should be in the theater district. It doesn't make sense to have them anywhere else!" He grew more and more animated, punctuating every point with a broad sweep of his arms.
The impulse won her over. "I don't know about that. I think it would make more sense to put them in the straw-hat district," she deadpanned.
"Why on earth would we put street performances in the—" Zuko met her eyes and stopped short. His brow furrowed, and he made a grumpy little sound. "You're trying to tease me, aren't you?"
Grinning, Katara took hold of his arm. "I'm pretty sure I'm succeeding."
Zuko made another grumpy noise. "For the record, we don't have a straw-hat district. This isn't Ba Sing Se. We're not big enough to be that organized."
"I'm glad," Katara answered, still holding his arm as she kept pace beside him. "It's going to take me enough time to learn my way around as it is."
Zuko's hand rested ever so lightly on top of hers. "I'll make sure you don't get lost."
Katara's heart fluttered. She'd missed him. Exchanging letters was nice, but it was nothing compared to being with him, being able to talk face-to-face. A few peace summits and meetings a year just wasn't enough. But she hadn't expected to find herself alone with him so soon. Not unless it was on official business of some sort.
She suspected that Sokka and Suki had ditched them deliberately, though she couldn't decide whether it was so Katara would be left alone with Zuko, or so that Sokka and Suki could spend some time alone. The latter made more sense, which was exactly why she suspected the former.
She felt her cheeks burn and looked forward. "Good. I wouldn't want to make the Fire Lord's personal guards search the city every time I step out of the palace."
"I'd look for you too if you got lost."
Katara looked up in time to see his warm golden eyes soften. Her grip on his arm tightened just a fraction, and Zuko looked away, clearing his throat.
"And—uh—of course the city makes a lot more sense when the theater district isn't full of koalasheep petting stalls."
Katara laughed. It did look a little odd to see children petting fluffy animals in front of ornate, gold-trimmed theaters, but as far as she could tell, the festival had overtaken the whole city.
"You really had your heart set on finding the street performances, didn't you?"
He reddened. "I was looking forward to it. I heard from the palace staff that there was going to be an outdoor production of Love Amongst the Dragons."
She poked him in the elbow. "I seem to remember you complaining about having to watch that play."
His lips pressed together. "I complained about having to watch that play at Ember Island. It's a good play. The Ember Island Players are just bad."He paused briefly. "I guess we're not going to find out if this one is any good if I can't figure out where it is."
"Too bad you're in your fancy Fire Lord clothes. Otherwise you could climb up on one of these buildings to get a better view." She snuck a sideways glance at him. "Or does that only work when you have your mask with you?"
He scowled. "Very funny."
"You're grumpy," Katara observed, smiling.
He frowned. "I am not."
"Grumpy because we're missing a play."
"I'm not."
"You're the grumpiest."
She thought she saw the corner of his mouth twitch. "Stop."
"Fire Lord Grump."
He made a valiant effort at scowling but gave in when she laughed and hugged his arm.
"I'm not grumpy, Katara." The smile was evident in his voice, and when she looked up, the soft warmth was back in his eyes.
Her stomach did a pleasant little flip. "See, now I believe you." She let her head rest briefly against his shoulder. It felt good to be close to him again. Tugging him forward, she wound her way up the street, past a cluster of children ogling a pen full of moo-sows and the parents watching from a few steps back, past a tall woman giving another group of children an impassioned lecture about the gentle nature of komodo rhinos while holding one by the bridle.
Zuko fell in step beside her, following her lead, still wearing that small, soft smile whenever she glanced back at him.
Katara gave his arm a light squeeze. "Do they perform Love Amongst the Dragons very often? Maybe we could see it some other time." She motioned toward yet another petting stall. "When the theater district isn't full of moo-sows and koalasheep."
He reddened a little, but this time, it was softened by the warmth in his eyes, by the faintest hint of a smile on his lips. "I'm sure we could. If you want to."
She felt something warm inside her. "Deal."
Her hands stayed steady on his arm, a gentle line of connection between the two of them. He softened into it. He liked the contact with her, the sensation that felt almost like tenderness.
She was just making sure that they didn't get separated. Zuko knew that. That didn't make his heart beat any slower or his face feel any less warm.
He cleared his throat and looked ahead. He was a grown man. The Fire Lord. He shouldn't be blushing so much just from the sensation of Katara's hand looped around his arm.
They wound their way past the last of the animal pens and up to the next street, where a wave of aroma washed over them. Spices and cooking meat and sweets—every type of food he could think of mixed into a single, heady aroma.
Katara groaned, and her grip tightened on his arm.
He looked down at her. "Katara? Are you okay?"
She looked up at him, her lower lip jutting out a bit. For all that she'd grown, for all that she was more graceful and mature than he remembered, she could still manage the most adorable pout he'd ever seen.
"I just realized that I'm starving." She eyed the food stands ahead. "Possibly to death."
He couldn't hold back a snort. "Somehow I doubt that last part. I've seen you sneaking into the palace kitchens in the middle of the night.
A finger found its way into his ribs. "Only because you were sneaking around too. I'll have you know that I'm very sneaky about my midnight snacks."
He rolled his eyes and poked her arm back. "The sneakiest. That must be why I hear you walking past my door both ways every single time." He paused, turning his eyes down the street again. "Though you are a lot sneakier than Sokka, I'll give you that much."
"So generous." Her head swiveled from side to side, eyes wide as she examined all the carts and stalls and trays of fried snacks stacked into ornamental spires and pyramids and spirals. "What do you recommend? I don't even know what most of this stuff is."
Zuko gave his best thoughtful face. "Well, my favorite are always the fire flakes—" He cut off with a laugh when she jabbed her elbow into his side.
"Something I can eat. I'm a waterbender. I'm not supposed to breathe fire after I finish a snack."
"Says the man who couldn't eat a pickled eel squid when he visited the South Pole last time." She smiled up at him, and Zuko's heart sped up. "I mean it. What's the best thing here that isn't so spicy that it'll burn me from the inside out?"
He considered. There were kabobs of different types of meat, all richly marinated, and several of them probably too spicy for Katara's liking. There were savory buns packed with spices, and dumplings smothered in peppery broth. And fire flakes, of course. She wouldn't like any of those. But everything else seemed equally likely. Stopping in place, he scanned the booths. There had to be something that would blow her away. Something more special than the cakes and pastries she was always stealing from the palace kitchens, sometimes to deliver to him, and sometimes not.
Something special enough to make up for the play she wouldn't get a chance to see tonight. Something special enough for her.
A smile crept over his face, and he cupped his hand over hers. "Wait here for just a minute. I think I know exactly what you'll like."
Katara waited. Not because she wanted to—she had her own money, and she was perfectly capable of picking out her own snacks. But Zuko had darted off through the crowd so quickly that she didn't really have a chance to stop him, and the crowd was so thick, so bustling, that she was a little afraid of getting lost if she moved too far from where he'd left her. Though she'd grown, she still wasn't tall enough to see over the crowd, and Zuko, though tall, wasn't so absurdly tall that he stood out from the rest of the crowd.
She was a tiny bit apprehensive. She trusted Zuko, of course, but he was almost too excited, and he really didn't understand how terribly spicy Fire Nation food could be. He didn't know that some of the milder treats that he'd sent along with his messages while she was still at the South Pole had given Gran-Gran an upset stomach or that Sokka had taken the spicier treats and challenged the rest of the warriors to an eating contest that left them all in tears. Of course, Katara's tolerance was considerably higher than Gran-Gran's, but she didn't want to accidentally make a fool of herself. She was enjoying her time with Zuko too much.
Only a few minutes passed before Zuko emerged from the crowd again, beaming, his eyes crinkled in joy and excitement. He held a small paper pouch between his hands and stopped a few steps away from her.
"Close your eyes."
Katara raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"
"It's a surprise."
"I'm not sure I trust that smirk." She stretched upward, and Zuko raised the pouch so she couldn't see inside.
"Uh-uh. No peeking or you'll ruin the surprise. Eyes closed."
Katara made a face. "Fine. But if you're trying to feed me fire flakes, I will blow stinky spice-breath in your face."
"Noted. Now open your mouth."
She obeyed, and she felt Zuko come closer by the soft, ever-present heat radiating off of him. She wanted to lean even closer, to rest against his chest and get lost somewhere in his arms.
Zuko popped something small and dense onto her tongue. "Okay. Try it."
Almost the instant she closed her mouth, she was hit by a rush of salty, sour tang, and her eyes popped open. It was chewy, whatever it was, and the outside encrusted with a thin layer of crispiness. As she chewed, the sharpest edge of the flavor wore away, softening into a sweet, mild taste.
"What is this?" she asked, staring at Zuko, wide-eyed. It was a bit like some kind of dried fruit, but it wasn't a type of fruit that she recognized, and the slight hint of salt remained as she chewed, and she could have sworn that she knew the flavor from something, but it was just different enough that she couldn't place it.
"Do you like it?"
She nodded. Whatever that thing was, it was wonderful.
Zuko's smile grew. "Candied ocean kumquats. I remembered that your family ate them stewed when you were all in the Fire Nation, because—"
"Because they're just like sea prunes."
Zuko nodded. "I don't really get the appeal of stewing them, but the candied ones are pretty popular."
Katara couldn't keep her smile from growing wider and wider until it felt like her face would crack. The candied ocean kumquats tasted good enough on their own, but Zuko had chosen them just for her, and he knew her well enough to know that she'd like them, and he was right, and—she reached up and snatched the paper pouch from his hand. If she didn't do something quick, she was going to be in very real danger of kissing him.
"Just for that stewed sea prune blasphemy, I'm taking the whole bag."
"Hey!" he protested. "I didn't say they were bad. Just—slimy."
Grinning, Katara popped another little candied kumquat into her mouth and spun out of his reach. "I'm keeping them. All of them."
Zuko seemed to catch her teasing tone and caught up with her in just a few steps. "Give me one."
"Why should I?" She gave a little sniff and held the pouch out to the other side. "You called my favorite food slimy."
One of his long arms snaked around her, and Katara yelped, pulling the pouch in against her chest.
Laughing, she ducked under his arm and stepped back a few paces. "You'll have to fight me for them, Fire Lord." She folded the top of the pouch shut and dangled it out at arms' length.
"Are you sure you want to challenge me? I'm taller than you. I can reach wherever you try to hide them."
"You may be taller, but I'm hungry, and a very nice man just bought a snack for me." She opened the top of the pouch again, just enough to slip out another piece of candied kumquat between her fingertips.
Zuko took that as his chance to lunge, and caught her by the waist, lifting her off the ground.
Katara couldn't stop laughing. Through the irrepressible fits of giggling, she saw him laughing too. Her heart fluttered. How had she forgotten how wonderful his laugh was? It was rare, but every time she'd ever heard his laugh unweighted by stress, every fiber of her being lit up along with him. His arms around her waist were warm and strong, and being pressed against his chest was every bit as perfect as her imagination had suggested. She would be perfectly content to stay pressed up against him forever.
Smiling, he came to a halt, and holding her with one arm, grabbed the pouch with the other. "Got them," he said quietly, not pulling the pouch away from her.
His breath brushed against her cheek, and she realized anew how close he was, his face only inches away. In fact, with the way he was holding her, with her feet dangling a few inches from the ground, she was perfectly level with him. So close that if she just leaned in—
Her lips crashed into his, and she saw Zuko's eyes widen for the briefest moment before she closed her eyes. She'd kissed before. Not often, and not with many people, but this one felt different. There wasn't fluttering or uncertainty, there was no feeling that she was going to lift off the ground and float off into the sky. This felt like landing. This felt like reaching shore after weeks at sea, like her feet on solid ground after flying away from danger. This felt like home.
She only pulled away when Zuko's grip on her waist slackened enough that her feet touched the ground, and she stared up at him, breathless. Zuko's face had gone crimson—even his scar looked a shade darker than usual, and his eyes were wide.
"You—you just—"
"Did something I've been thinking about for a long time?"
"You did? You have?"
Katara smiled and pulled the pouch of candied ocean kumquats out of his loose grasp. "And I think I won these back." She dangled the pouch in front of him again.
Zuko kept gaping at her for a few seconds longer.
She looped her free hand through his. "Did I break the Fire Lord too?"
"Maybe." He looked down at her, and her heart fluttered in her chest. "Definitely a little bit."
"Hmm." She squeezed his hand and turned for the food stalls again. "In that case, I'm going to have to have you point out your favorite food in this whole place, and it'll be my treat."
"And if I say that it's fire flakes?"
She leaned a little closer to him as a cluster of people pressed past them down the path. "Then it might be a little while longer before I try that kissing thing again." She snuck a glance up at him through her lashes.
His mouth curled into a slight smile, and he returned the pressure on her hand. "Then I think I can handle finding another favorite."
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bird-in-a-cage · 4 years
Found the ones with the horniest vibes for me! 39, 62, 103, 114, 127, 149. You know e x a c t l y what I want bby 😌😏 -CockAsInTheBird
Hi bby!
As one of my biggest supporters, and with how many prompts you gave me, you’re getting two fills. For the first one, well, you’ll see. Hope you enjoy!
Also a quick thank you to everyone who has sent in a little request so far. It means the world to me. I’m slowly making my way through them all and will get to each one in time. Having a full time job really does take up vaulable writing hours let me tell you. There’s still plenty of prompts available from the list here, or if you wanna just spin me your own ideas that’s totally okay too. My ask box is always open.
#62 - It’s okay, they’re he’s gone now. #149 I just want to look at you
2k | dead dove do not eat | murder ahoy. 
Part I is here
Serial Killer AU Part II
“If you could kill anyone, who would it be?” Steve asked casually, passing back the shared cigarette, smoke filling the air between them like barely there fog. Billy was laying down, plaid sheets bunched around his middle, looking up at a popcorn ceiling, shaggy brunette hair and dangerously calm amber eyes. Billy took what was left of the cigarette and inhaled slowly, but he didn’t have to think of an answer. He knew. Had known for years, if given the chance, who he would kill without a second thought. Had spent nights thinking about it over and over again.
“My dad.”
Those dangerous eyes twinkled in the dark, the only light coming from a lamp sitting on the nightstand, casting the room in a too bright orange glow. A smirk started to grow on Steve’s face, half hidden by shadows, the wheels starting to turn. He shifted, sank more under the sheets from his sitting position up against the headboard until he was on his side, propped up by an elbow, reached across the small space and thumbed Billy’s jaw tenderly like a lover would. It was little touches that pulled Billy more under his spell, little soft words here and there. Affirmations he was doing something good for the first time in his life.
He was good. After all this time.
“I think that sounds like a fun date night, don’t you?” Steve’s hand crept up to hold Billy’s cheek, cupping it softly, brushing his fingers over the bone underneath, tracing his skull like that’s all Steve could see. Was all he was interested in. “And you were so helpful with my little Hagan problem, I think you deserve it.” 
Tommy had been three days ago. Billy drove. That’s what he did now. Drove Steve around wherever he wanted to go. Helped whenever he needed it. Mostly loading and unloading. Holding people down. Being the muscle. Keeping people quiet. Making sure their eyes were open. Steve liked that. Liked people watching him work. Liked to see the will to fight turn limp and tearful upon realisation.
Tommy never locked his door. Never had apparently. Steve had been in his house many times. Knew exactly where to find him, knew his mom was working out of town for a week after a little reconnaissance. Steve was still the town’s darling after all. Tommy put up more of a fight than most. Almost got away if Billy didn’t stop him at the door. Because he did that now too. Kept watch. Kept watch for cops and onlookers. Nosey neighbours. Made sure no one got away. No possible loose ends that would need to be tied up.
He'd looked up at Billy so betrayed.
Steve stabbed Tommy fourteen times in the kitchen of the Hagan house. One for every year they had been friends. The last one was in the heart, so powerful Billy heard a rib crack from the other side of the room.
Disobeying the King had broken Steve’s heart. So he had to break Tommy's in return.
Blood was everywhere. Steve was covered in it as he panted over Tommy’s body, choking and gurgling on the last few moments of life. Looking up at them both helplessly, like maybe this was just a nightmare and he'd wake up soon. Steve waited until all was silent, got to his feet and set the knife on the kitchen table, regained his composure and swept his hair back with a bloody hand and a deep sigh. During the act he looked manic. Possessed by pure evil. Eyes wild and crazy. Unblinking. Not missing a single moment of his own handiwork.
“I don’t want Mrs Hagan to find this, she was always nice to me," he said calmly, eyes never leaving Tommy’s body. It was an order without the words.
Clean this up.
So Billy did, without question. Grabbed rubber marigolds and bleach from under the sink and scrubbed and scrubbed until the kitchen was sparkling again. Tommy was rolled up into a bedsheet and dumped like old luggage in the trunk of the BMW. Billy drove them out to the outskirts of town when it was nearly dawn, a little side road Steve had picked out especially. He liked to display. What he was doing was art at the most carnal level.
"We used to come here when he was wanting to experiment," he explained calmly, like he wasn't propping up the body of his former friend against a rock for a hiker to stumble across on their morning trail. "Wasn't gay if it was out of town. It's not gay if you don't take it Stevie."
Billy had just smoked. Kept the engine running for the headlights and watched. He could have ended everything right there. Crushed the maniac under the wheels and ran. Someone would surely believe his story. He was innocent. But he didn't. He just stood and smoked. Waited. 
Internally, he'd been trying to convince himself this was all for self preservation. Billy knew he was on Steve's imaginary list. He had to have been. Everyone else had been picked off and there wasn't a single hope he wasn't next. But Steve never said a word about it. Never gave off a look or an attitude that he was even contemplating it. He gave Billy smiles and compliments, reassurances that everything was okay, Billy was good at this, that he needed Billy's help, couldn’t do it without him. And something deep deep down clung to those kind, blood soaked words. 
Billy had never been told he was good before. Always a bad kid, a troublemaker, only fit for a chain gang. Even in elementary school. Good grades but a poor attitude. Constantly in the way of everyone's good time, fit for nothing. So many times he'd heard his father's rage towards him, both in front of and behind his back. Cruel words snarled like Billy was nothing but an old dog that just wouldn't die. Didn’t fit in with the new family. A ghost from the past.
Steve told him he was good. Almost constantly. And he’d never really liked Tommy that much anyway.
With how those dark eyes glittered in the dark of Steve's room, looking directly into Billy's very soul, calling to him like a siren in the middle of a storm, a date night sounded like a great idea.
Max and Susan were away for the weekend. Billy remembered it being on the family calendar pinned to the wall by the door the last time he was home. The day of Nancy. Written in bold black ink and circled three times. They were visiting some aunt or cousin or whatever. Billy hadn't really been paying attention to the conversation other than when the phrase 'boy's weekend' innocently left Susan's lips and Billy's very core turned the ice at the thought of there being absolutely no barrier between him and his father’s rage for three whole days.
A lot had changed since then.
For as much as Billy detested his father, he knew his routine. An ex military man. Always kept impeccable timing. It had gotten Billy in trouble more than once. Being a minute late for curfew and having to spend the night freezing in his car, shivering under a leather jacket and not much else.
He could feel Steve practically vibrating with excitement in the passenger seat as Billy cut the engine pulling up to Cherry Lane. He squeezed Billy's thigh firm but tender. Reassuring but serious.
Don’t back out now.
"You ready for this stud?"
Billy could only nod looking up at the house and what he knew what inside. It was late and a Saturday night. Neil would be passed out on the couch in front of whatever movie was on tv, half drunk on warm beer if Billy wasn’t there to be the punching bag.
He wasn't scared. Wasn't really thinking about the consequences of all of this. This was revenge now. Payback. For years of abuse both mental and physical. For being beaten down and made to feel lower than dirt. For every foul word and sharp backhand. For every dinnerless evening and night alone willing himself not to sob into a pillow because boys don't cry William. For being made and twisted into a creature that was now beyond human, beyond all control, but Steve understood.
They shared the same soul, the same creature. It rattled around them deep inside. Jerked and pulled and warped and swelled and became unstoppable. Billy just needed someone to unlock the cage. Steve had the key that fit perfectly.
Billy squeezed Steve's hand before they left the car. Billy still had keys even though he hadn't been home in close to a month. No one came looking for him. He didn't expect them to. He very well could have been dead in a ditch the way the body count was growing and the cops were being incompetent. But it all just added fuel to the fire.
The entire time Steve's grin was delicious. That same manic look back in his eyes that was always there when they did this. Like a shark when there was blood in the water. It made Billy’s heart flutter. For this one they swapped places. Managed to get the surprise swoop and have Neil pinned with a hand over his mouth before he could properly register what was happening. Before he could spit one last drop of venom in Billy's direction.
Steve had given him back his switchblade. A present for being so loyal and helpful. A sign of trust that it would never be used on himself. Billy twisted it into his father's neck with no remorse. Buried the blade so deep it hit bone. The gush and waterfall of blood was warm on them both. Billy stepped back from it to watch realisation and anger and then abject hopelessness wash through steely eyes that had been nothing but cruel his whole life. Steve laughed. Cackled towards the ceiling, biting his lip like a schoolgirl. Made sure to get blood on his hands like he was washing them under a wild spring. Billy felt some drip off his cheek, stain his shirt as he just panted, heart hammering in his chest and thrumming through his bones as Neil was let go to twitch and die on the carpet. Finally gone.
Steve took Billy's head in his hands gently, cupping his jaw and thumbing up to his cheeks. Everything was slick and warm. Spreading blood everywhere that had been clean. Marking his teritory.
"Oh baby, I just wanna look at you, I'm so proud of you!" Steve spoke comfortingly. Like a mother would after their kid won a third grade spelling bee. His eyes sparkled like diamonds. He was genuinely proud of what Billy had done. And that made Billy warm inside. Emotions mixed and twisted as it sunk in what Billy had done. He was crying a few solitary tears before he knew it, but they were gently brushed away by caressing thumbs.
"Hey, hey its okay, he’s gone now" Steve cooed. "The first is always the hardest. Especially if it's family." 
That had been Steve's first. His own father. He'd confessed one night in bed, both of them sweaty and hard. Like talking about this kind of thing was a turn on. It certainly was for Steve. Made him hard as a rock. He muttered his sins into the back of Billy's neck as he fucked into his protege so vigorously the headboard slammed off the wall and threatened to snap. Scraping his teeth over tanned skin as he let memories fly. About how he'd poisoned his father and just watched him convulce on the hallway floor. Just watched as the man begged for help but received nothing but the cold eyes of his own sixteen year old son.
He always came hard to that story, knuckles white, fingers digging into Billy’s hips and leaving bruises for days.
Billy tucked his head into Steve's neck, wrapped his arms around the thinner waist and let himself be held in return. Let himself be kissed. Let himself taste copper pennies and iron and smoke and spearmint gum from an hour before. And excitement. Let himself be pushed up against the wall of the hallway he'd walked through countless times and feel his partner hard against his hip. Let thighs slot together and bodies start rutting. Both running on adrenaline and excitement as a slain monster lay defeated on the floor. No longer part of the story. Groans being eaten. Hair being pulled. Bodies running tighter and tighter until the inevitable conclusion and cum soaked denim aftermath.
Steve panted warm against Billy’s temple, lips stained and swollen. Before this would have never been allowed. Never ever. Now Billy was free. Unchained. Knew deep in his heart and his head he would follow Steve to the ends of the earth as thanks for this wonderful gift. Words would never be able to describe how grateful he was. 
It was the best day of his life.
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luvksj · 4 years
Mafia!BIGBANG: Finding You Months After You Had Runaway
[A/N] hello again, I quite like doing these mafia reactions and might try another group who doesn’t have much of these (Super Junior, f(x), SNSD etc) I might not be looking hard enough so send me any reactions you like! Be warned, this is going to be a long reaction/imagine... 
After finding out about their occupation, being the brains behind Asia’s biggest mafia gang, you had managed to successfully flee from their grasp since you couldn’t handle being around such violent doings. While they were busy with work, you managed to disappear and find freedom but like they say... nothing last forever.
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You loved your former boyfriend, TOP, with all your heart but his occupation was the reason for your sudden disappearance, taking off in your car while he was dealing with his next victim. Speeding away into freedom and taking shelter in Jeju where a close friend of yours helped you restart again, feeling relieved to be away from such a dangerous criminal wanted by police across the globe. “He’s not here anymore, you are safe.” your friend whispered
The mistake you made, even if you disabled all the trackers and left your phone behind, was getting a job. TOP had connections anywhere and everywhere. He had found your exact location through a connection who spotted you waiting tables inside a local restaurant. Your entire body froze when you walked inside the shared apartment to see TOP comfortably eating a burger. He looked over at you with a blank look while chewing his food. 
Once he finished his meal, he looks over at you with a blank stare but you could see the hidden glint of anger, sadness and betrayal floating in those brown orbs. Stalking towards you, he pushes you against the apartment wall while trailing his eyes down his body and lets out a low chuckle, he runs a finger tauntingly down your face.
“Hello baby, I have been waiting so long to see your face again. Why did you runaway from me, huh? Pack your things, we’re leaving NOW.”
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Taeyang had always been open to you but the amount of brutality with his job did not go well with your innocent nature, while he was working, you took off without a trace. No note, all your belongings gone and fled to a quaint little village where you started working as a gardener for one of the elderly couples who needed someone to look after their garden. Taeyang did have a lot of connections but no-one would find you here... it’s literally in the middle of nowhere.
For the past two months, you looked after the couple’s garden by weeding it daily, looking after all the produce and even doing some housework for shelter along with a little bit of income. However, your luck ran thin when you were coming back from the vegetable patch to see Taeyang leaning against the shed wearing a VERY wide smirk as his gaze remained firmly on you. How did he find you? You were absolutely certain that no-one knew him or he never knew of this place... it’s practically off the radar.
Dressed in your work clothes, hair sticking to your face from the sweat. He raised an eyebrow as he approached you slowly, watching you quiver from fear. Standing tall amongst your fragile figure, he spent every second of the day hunting for you until someone gave word that you had taken refugee at some farmer’s house and sped there instantly.
“Well, well, well... look who we have here. You have some explaining to do, jagi. Let’s not waste anymore time, go pack your things.”
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It honestly surprised you how you managed to escape the clutches of G-Dragon and flee to another country... for safety reason. You couldn’t go anywhere in Korea since he would have contacts everywhere and needed to be free of him since his job required taking lives and blood... lot’s of blood. During the night, you escaped using a taxi to take you to the airport and flew to Paris, ready to start a new life.
It’s almost six months since you left him and all the ‘mafia’ things back. You got a job as a chef in a famous restaurant due to your love for cooking and baking things. Like they say, nothing last forever and neither did your life in France. The boss of your restaurant said someone wanted to speak to you about your food and the worst feeling pooled in your stomach as you were directed to a hidden table reserved specifically for VIPs.
Once your boss left, the person pulled down the menu card to reveal... G-Dragon. He smiled almost sadistically making your blood run cold as he leans forward giving you a glimpse at his pale complexion, orange hair and lip that had some sort of cut. You could see the anger, betrayal and sadness hidden behind that smile as he holds your hand.
“Why did you leave me jagi? I treated you so well... never mind, at least I found you. Let’s go back home now...”
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As much as you loved Daesung, you couldn’t stand his occupation despite your many attempts at trying to get over it. The last straw was seeing him come home coated head to toe in blood before you ditched once he fell asleep, hurriedly packing a case and jumping on a late-night bus to anywhere away from him. The bus took you to the airport where you went to Japan.
Nearly three months had passed since you escaped and found a job in the anime business since your passion was drawing cartoon characters. That was your first mistake, Daesung loved anime and your second mistake was thinking Japan was a safe place. Bitch, Daesung had more contacts here than fucking Korea. He always worked with Japanese tycoons or millionaires who wanted protection or money, his contacts spotted you instantly. 
Daesung decided to let you have some alone time since he was scheduled for a meeting in Japan. Once he arrived, his contacts were informed to capture you then bring you to him since he had been keeping bars on you and once the bag came off your head to reveal Daesung, your body stopped functioning. He let out a dramatic sigh of relief pretending he had been looking for you for ages but he knew where you were this whole time.
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Okay, let’s be real, it took a real miracle to escape from this sly bastard. He knew your every move since he was stalking you 25/8. But, you managed to slide from under his fingers and flee during a celebration party for his mafia gang and slipped inside a party guest’s car who was in on your escape plan. Seungri loved his job a bit too much and always throw these lavish banquets when he finally killed off his enemy or successfully stole a national treasure.
You couldn’t live with a thief/murderer so you informed a close contact of yours and she stuffed you in her car before speeding off. For seven months, you had your first taste of many things but the most rewarding thing was freedom from him. You didn’t want to risk getting a job so you became a maid: doing all the housework while she worked. However... Seungri knew something was up with one of his contacts. 
One day, you arrived back from a grocery shopping and saw Seungri standing inside the kitchen. All the bags fell from your grasp as he faintly smirked while tilting his head to the side, he had forced answers out of the contact and drove to where you currently resided. Stalking towards you like prey, he knew you had nowhere else to go.
“Did you really think you could escape me, huh? I’m impressed you hid for so long but now I found you and I ain’t letting you go anytime soon...”
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bluejeanlouis · 4 years
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COMING SOON: The Yellow Roof, 1970s AU by kiddle
Louis is a gifted musician spending his days on the wrong side of a drive-thru window. Harry is the lead singer of a band in need of a little talent. Their big break is a thousand miles away. 
Preview under the cut:
With a deep sigh, Louis leaned his chair on its back two legs, propping one of his feet up next to the till in front of him. The sun was blinding between the trees of the neighbourhood across the street, striking his eyes through the drive-thru window. He yanked the blind closed even though he wasn’t supposed to when the Fotomat was open. But there was no one around and his ability to give a shit had decreased significantly today. Slurping on the can of Coke he brought with him, he pulled out his lyric book.
Louis was not a poet. In fact, the pretentious and dull poetry class he took in his second semester at college was detrimental in his decision to drop out a year later. He didn’t like the confusion of poetry and the rules despite being an art form that claimed to be free of them. Don’t get him wrong, he was confident in his own writing, he just didn’t want to be taught how to do it.
But one look under the cover of that notebook would reveal pages and pages of poetic garbage. Some of it was great, and a couple had even ended up as actual songs back when Louis was performing solo at bars before he gave up on that too. Most of it was scribbled chicken scratch. That was just his process.
He held the notebook against his knees, tracing dark lines across the last words he wrote last night with his pen. It was some bullshit angsty heartbreak harnessed from his high school first love mixed with the anger of being sacked from a band that he was the best instrumentalist in. Sometimes that kind of emotion makes for a perfect writing session, and sometimes it’s a diary entry you never want to see the light of day.
Louis bit the end of his pen, rereading the words on his page. ‘Heart’ had to be the most overused word in love songs, and he had it down in every verse and the chorus. Love songs weren’t even what he wanted to write about. It wasn’t the only feeling out there. It sure as hell wasn’t the most predominant one in his mind.
A loud and abrupt knock on the window made Louis nearly leap out of his seat. His notebook and pen tumbled to the ground as he dropped his feet from the desk. He yanked on the string to make the blind spring back up, knocking his Coke over in the process. He picked it up just as quick, groaning at the mess it made. All the commotion caused the stack of pickup envelopes next to the widow to splay out over the desk in front of him. Now that the customer could see him, he tried to push him all out of the way before he slid the window open.
“Hi, welcome to— Shit!”
One of the envelopes had landed in the small puddle of spilled Coke. He tried to wipe it off on his jeans as quickly as he could before returning it to the scattered pile with the others. Once he finally composed himself, he tried to greet the customer properly.
But then his face fell to disgust.
“What are you doing here?”
“You left so quickly yesterday, we didn’t have the chance to talk,” said Harry, the lead singer of Louis’ former going-nowhere band. Harry had one hand casually rested on the steering wheel, the other elbow poking out the window, and sunglasses sitting low on his nose. Louis hated how effortlessly cool he could always look. It made him the perfect goddamn lead singer.
Louis rolled his eyes. “What did you want me to do? Beg for you to let me stay? ‘You’re out of the band’ was pretty loud and clear.”
“I mean, I thought we could have a discussion about it.”
“So you showed up to my work to have a discussion about it?” He hunched over so just his head was sticking out the window, his fist squished into his cheek to hold his head up.
“You wouldn’t answer the phone last night.”
“Take a hint,” he snapped, then slid the window shut with enough force to make it bounce halfway open again. He pushed it the rest of the way closed in a huff.
But Harry hadn’t driven away yet, so Louis slumped over in his chair and refused to look in his direction. Why the hell would he show up here? Just to rub it in his face? The new guy always loses the band argument. Louis was over it, and he had the faint remnants of a hangover to prove it.
He took a swig of his Coke that was now almost empty. No one ever left any napkins around here, but a few tissues seemed to do the trick to sop up that puddle. As he tried to avoid getting sticky hands, Louis could see Harry getting out of his car in the bottom corner of his eye. Then he heard the window opening again.
“Louis, listen to me,” Harry pressed. He had his hand in the way so Louis couldn’t shut it, but it did cross Louis’ mind to crush his fingers just to get him out of here.
“Go away,” he stated, pulling the roller blind between them. If only it was soundproof.
The blind sprung up again, revealing a wildly frustrated Harry on one side and an indifferent Louis on the other. He was pretending to read a copy of Vogue that one of the girls from the after-school shift left behind last night.
“We have a meeting with a record company in L.A. and they’re expecting a four-piece to show up. There’s no time to find a new bassist, so you’re back in the band.”
Louis folded down one corner and peeked his eye over Carrie Fisher’s head.
“How’d you get a meeting? The band sucks.”
Harry stared at him, angrily chewing on his lip, then turned around with a huff. “Fuck you,” he muttered, opening his car door.
Louis waited for him to start the engine and leave, but then the words “L.A.” and “record company” flashed with lights and sirens in his mind, and he imagined this opportunity driving off and never looking back.
“Wait!” Louis called out, tossing the magazine to the side and launching himself out the back door. He ran across the front of the car and slammed his hands on the hood so Harry couldn’t move the car an inch further. They eyed each other, and when Louis trusted that Harry wouldn’t speed off the moment he moved, Louis ran around to the passenger seat and got in.
Harry shook his head, both hands gripped tight on the steering wheel. “I’ve been dealing with your bullshit for ten years, man,” he said.
So maybe Louis wasn’t being totally truthful about what happened with the band.
Louis met Harry in his first year of middle school. They ended up in the same gym class, which was hell for every twelve-year-old, but for people like Louis and Harry, it was just a little too much to bear. They found skillful ways to ditch whenever possible, especially when it came to running the mile. Sometimes they’d hang out near the back of the group when everyone was filling out the gym doors, then slip out the side and circle the building before the teacher saw. The equipment closet was full of plenty of hiding spaces that begged to be taken advantage of. The best days were when they had a substitute who wouldn’t even notice that they never came back from a bathroom break in the change room.
In high school, they drifted, hanging out in the same group of freaks and burnouts, but not often with each other. They’d find themselves at the same parties and bickering in the same cars full of friends, but that initial bond had faded. Once college rolled around, they weren’t surprised to find out they’d be going to the same state school, but discovering their dorms were across the hall from each other was quite the shock.
They had become inseparable again, except for the inevitable monthly fights that left them not speaking to each other for days at a time. That went on for about two years until Louis dropped out and Harry continued with his literature degree. During that time, they hardly saw each other at all. Louis began to wonder if their friendship had only ever been one of convenience. But just as the year of 1972 was beginning, Louis got a phone call from that on-and-off best friend of his asking if he wanted to join his band.  
Harry and Louis fought from day one, but just as much as they hated each other’s guts, they loved each other too. Louis would still consider Harry his friend, but he would have no problem telling him what an insufferable bastard he was right to his face. It was a brotherly bond. Sort of.
“How’d you get the meeting?” Louis asked, turning sideways in his seat. “When is it?”
“We sent in our demo and they want to talk to us. That’s it,” he said. “The meeting is next week and they want all of us there.”
“Me included?”
“You’re on the demo.”
The demo was pretty shit if you asked Louis, but he decided to keep that to himself. They recorded it at their old college in the crummy basement studio run by students, and you could guess that by the first listen. Louis looked out at the empty parking lot ahead of them. He had memorized every detail of this parking lot. It had become the scenery for his life. He couldn’t wait until he never had to look at it again.
“Do you actually want me back in the band?” Louis wondered, sincerity in his voice for once.
“I—” Harry started, but didn’t look him in the eye. “I want to be at a place where you could be in the band without the two of us constantly at each other’s necks.”
“That would be nice, yeah,” Louis sighed.
They sat in silence, Louis weighing his options and Harry wondering if he really should’ve taken that ignored phone call as a hint.
“So, what, is this to discuss an album deal?” Louis asked, hoping more detail might help his decision.
“It’s to discuss our potential. They didn’t tell me a whole lot, but if they want to spend their time on us then they gotta have some hope.”
A car horn blared loudly behind them, an impatient customer waiting his turn to desperately develop the photos from his five-year-old’s birthday party, surely. It startled them, but that was Louis’ cue to get back to work, he supposed.
“Can I think about it?” Louis asked. He was already halfway out the door.
“Not for too long. We meet them next week.”
The horn blared again.
“One second!” Louis called out. The guy in the car flipped him the bird and Louis wasn’t hesitant to send him one right back.
“What’s the label?”
“CBS,” Harry said.
Shit, Louis thought. CBS was no joke.
“Move your fucking car!” the guy behind them hollered out his window.
Harry glanced at the angry face in his rear-view mirror, then ignored it completely. Louis looked like he was about to leave, but Harry grabbed his arm to stop him. “Before you go, take this.” He dropped a roll of film into Louis’ open palm.
Louis looked at it curiously, his other hand on the door handle. “What’s this?”
Harry laughed. “Photos I need to get developed. This is a Fotomat, is it not?”
“It is,” Louis said slowly.
“I’ll be back in twenty-four hours,” Harry said, plucking his sunglasses off the dash and sliding them onto his face. “For those photos and for an answer.”
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starscheme · 4 years
Change My World
Chapter Twenty-Four: A Spectacular Stage Show Fiasco  Steven and Spinel had stood in the alleyway for several minutes now. Making sure to stay quiet, Steven held Spinel close as she steadied her breathing with her face still buried in his shirt.
“...you....haven’t said anything in a while...” Spinel mumbled into his chest.
Chuckling lightly, Steven had a bashful smile as he sighed, “I...was a little worried I’d say something stupid...”
Spinel took a deep breath, allowing herself to focus a bit more on the beat of Stevens heart before she decided to pull away. Both seemed quite nervous to face one another at the moment, but their nerves were rattle by something else when a delighted scream from the nearby crowd reached their ears.
“A MERMAID!” Shouted what sounded like an amazed little girl.
Steven and Spinel both jerked, waiting in anxious silence to make sure no one was looking or pointing at them. With a cautious sigh of relief, Steven stepped forward to peek out of the alley and back towards the festival.
“...looks like they’re setting up something on stage...” he whispered as Spinel tried to peek over his shoulder on her tip toes.
“Is it a real Mermaid? Or some weird show?”
Steven shook his head, “I’m not sure. ...usually the only way to actually see a mermaid would be at the Zoo in the Capital, but even then I heard it’s hard to get tickets. That’s why it was such a big event when you showed up on our shores.”
Spinel watched as the crowd bustled towards the large stage. It seemed as if the whole festival had stopped just to see the show. She decided that she couldn’t just sit back and wait. If there really was another Mermaid there, Spinel had to see for herself. She pushed her way past Steven and would have vanished in the crowd if Steven hadn’t caught her by the wrist.
“What are you doing?” Asked Steven in an urgent whisper.
“We have to go and see!” Insisted Spinel, matching his tone. “I can’t see the stage from here.”
“You can’t be serious, if there IS an actual Mermaid on stage, what if she spots you and recognizes you?!”
“Not all Mermaids know each other, Steven,” huffed Spinel as she attempted to wriggle her wrist free.
“Spinel, seriously, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Even if it’s a real Mermaid, we won’t be able to help without exposing you to danger. In a city like this, we will definitely be put on a wanted list.”
Though she knew Steven was right, she needed to know for sure. How could they just turn their backs to it and pretend nothing was going on. “You’re hurting me,” whined Spinel, prompting Steven to quickly release her wrist.
Spinel stuck out her tongue and dashed off into the crowd. “Seriously?!” Exclaimed Steven when he realized she’d tricked him. He tried his best to follow her pink/strawberry hair as she pushed her way through the crowd, but since he had a bigger build, Steven found it much harder to get through to her.
“—and I tell ya, folks,” continued the young man on stage as Spinel finally shoved her way within earshot. “You’ve all heard the Mermaid tales, but this one has by far exceeded anything I ever heard. I was told nearly ten ships went down in pursuit of the creature. Though the beast has been deprived of water for many days now, we ask that you keep small children out of arms reach of the stage. You never know if a Mermaid will still be able to attack on sheer force of will.”
Spinel felt her heart beat begin to speed up rapidly. This didn’t sound like some fake show for entertainment. They must have had an actual mermaid.
The crowd murmured in excitement, some children complained that they couldn’t stand closer while other kids cried, thinking the Mermaid was going to eat them. As the curtains began to draw back, the sound of the chattering crowd slowly started to die out when the opened curtains revealed a large, gray skinned Mermaid with rainbow colored strands of dreadlocks. Her tail resembled that of a shark and her body was covered in scars from old wounds, but they weren’t as alarming to see as the new wounds that had been afflicted on her. Her powerful arms were bound by the wrists with thick iron shackles that connected to a large steel ball to keep her from moving. Though the shackles were clear unnecessary as the Mermaid looked as if she would drop dead any moment.
Her breathing was heavy and ragged,  and several lashes from an apparent whipping were still bleeding along her torso and back.
Just looking at the scene made Spinel feel dizzy. She nearly swayed back as her knees grew weak, but she did her best to rally and regain her composure. This mermaid was indeed someone that Spinel knew. It would be difficult to forget someone like her.
“Bismuth...” whispered Spinel under her breath.
“A friend of yours?” Murmured a young woman from behind Spinel.
It was then that the disguised Mermaid felt something sharp press against her back. A knife? Even if it was, the weapons sudden appearance didn’t alarm her as much as the voice of her assailant.
“Elaine?!” She gasped, turning her head to peek back over her shoulder.
“Don’t turn around,” Elaine demanded, easing the knife forward, poking through Spinels dress and now penetrating her skin slightly, causing Spinel to jerk in response.
“H-how...? What are you doing here?!” Asked Spinel in a confused panic. Before her was an old friend we who was being cruelly put on Display and at her back was a knife, wielded by a former annoyance that she thought was left behind.
“After you tried to hurt me, a few people found me that actually believed me. Turns out, they’ve been looking for you. They confirmed everything I suspected.” Whispered Elaine. “Now, I’m going to take you to them. If you try anything funny, I’ll expose you in this crowd.”
Spinel wasn’t sure what to do. Glancing from side to side, Steven was no where to be seen and Bismuth was still barely conscious on stage. “...who is looking for me?”
“You’ll find out soon enough. Get moving...” hissed Elaine quietly.
Spinel tried desperately to think of anything that might get her out of this. She had to find Steven. Did Elaine already do something to him? Was he caught by whomever Elaine was working with?
As Spinel hesitated to move, trying to stall for time, an explosion seemed to go off somewhere in the distance and a voice rang out, “THE MERMAID IS USING IT’S MAGIC!”
Just like that, the crowd began to scatter in a panic. Mothers grabbed their children and ran, others stampeded was from the stage in fear, while some ‘brave’ tried to rush the stage in an attempt to stop the mermaid.
“Pl-please, ladies and gentlemen,” shouted the man on stage as he and some workers tried to stop the crowd from panicking and getting on stage. “Mermaids can’t use magic in this state! There’s no need to—“
Spinel didn’t waste any time. As soon as the panic started, she took advantage of the chaos and joined the crowd, jabbing back at Elaine with her elbow before running off with the flow of the frenzied citizens. Now, she had to find Steven. If only she hadn’t tricked him. Surely he never would have left her side if she didn’t insist on ditching him to see the stage.
People were shoving and slamming others down in an attempt to get as far from the stage as possible, it only got worse when another explosion went off. Everyone was scared and didn’t know which direction they should take, worried that they could get attacked from anywhere at this point.
“Steven! STEVEN!” Shouted Spinel as she did her best to maneuver her way through the crowd. If only she had more experience with these legs of hers. She wasn’t very good at dodging the others that bumped into her sides or the hands that were attempting to shove her out of the way. This made it even more difficult to find Steven amongst the madness.
Spinels desperate search for Steven was starting to seem hopeless amongst the entropy that ensued. Not to mention all the dust that had been riled up from the rushing crowd and nearby explosions. However, even through the mob of humans kicking up dirt, Spinel could see a distinct, bright pink color cutting through the crowd and prompting more screams from the humans as they darted out of its path.
Though shocked at first, Spinel was relieved to see Steven riding the pink Lion straight towards her with an extended hand. “I thought you said it wasn’t safe to bring him into the city,” shouted Spinel over the frantic cries around them as Steven grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her up into his lap, the Pink beast never breaking his stride.
“Kinda late for that now,” Steven replied, “he showed up when the explosions started! Was that the Mermaid?”
Spinel shook her head, “there’s no way! Bismuth can’t do anything like that!”
Steven wanted to point out that clearly Spinel did know the Mermaid on stage, but he’d wait until they got out of here. The biggest problem was the soldiers were now trying to quell the panic and of course a large Pink Lion with two passengers had caught their eye. Still, there was no turning back. They were already drawing attention. Why not take it a little further?
“Get to the stage!” Steven ordered, holding onto the Spinel to make sure she didn’t fall off as the Lion roared and made a quick turn to follow Stevens command.
Responding to the frenzy, soldiers were already up on stage, blocking several rioting humans from getting to the Mermaid while a few of them did their best to try and move the large creature. Steven’s eyes turned a bright pink as they approached the stage. He was going to try and push the soldiers back with this new power he had, but as it turned out, there was no need for it.
Just as Steven and Spinel reached the stage, Lars appeared behind one the soldiers handling the tired Mermaid and quickly dropped down to sweep under his feet, knocking the armored man off balance.
“It’s a pirate!” One of the soldiers called out before drawing his sword. A weapon that was quickly knocked out of his hand by a pink shockwave formed from the Lions roar, forcing the rest of the soldiers to fall backward.
“Thanks for the assist,” Lars greeted, quite pleased to see Steven and Spinel once again. Though a bit surprised by the Lion.
“Were you the one causing those explosions?!” Asked Steven while his Lion chomped through the iron chains that weighed Bismuth down and tied her to the stage.
“Bingo Bongo,” Lars replied with a snap of his fingers. “We had to create a distraction, didn’t we?”
“Steven!” Cried out a young woman as she shoved her way through some panicked humans.
Steven froze up when he saw her face. It was Elaine. So he hadn’t imagined it before. She really was here. But how? More importantly; why?
“You have to come with me,” Elaine pleaded, stepping over a guard that had been knocked out by Lions roar. “That Mermaid, she’s just using you! I heard it all from the others! You’ll die if you stay with her! I know there’s a powerful spell over you, but I can help you now!”
Lars wasn’t sure what this exchange had to do with the task at hand, but he couldn’t waste his time wondering. He took in a great deal of air to puff up his chest before shouting out, “let’s GO!” His booming voice formed a large, bright portal beside him, one which several of the Off Colors stepped out of and hurried to pull Bismuth inside.
While the Off Colors rescued Bismuth, Steven kept his focus on the brunette that pleaded with him. Was that really why she had followed them? Because she still thought he was under Spinels spell somehow? Steven tightened his grip on Spinel with one hand and with the other, he pat the Lions head, “don’t let her get any closer, boy.”
Elaine seemed shocked by Stevens reaction to her sincere bid for his safety. “St-Steven, there are people who want to help you!”
“You guys coming this time?” Lars asked suddenly, waiting to step into the portal, but pointing out the soldiers that were regaining consciousness.
Steven wasn’t sure where that portal was going to lead, but staying here was out of the question and at least he knew the Off Colors weren’t a threat to them. With a nod, Steven pat the Beasts head once more and it seemed to understand his request. The Lion leapt forward, rushing into the portal to escape the chaotic scene at the festival now.
“W-Wait!” Elaine screamed, trying to follow after them before Lars stepped through and the portal disappeared.
Once the portal faded into a wisp, a young man in golden yellow armor stepped out from backstage, accompanied by several soldiers in standard silver. Removing his helmet, the golden soldier was revealed to be Caden, the man Spinel had met just hours before.
“Sir, why did you let them go? They took the Mermaid...and they had a summoned Beast...” one of the soldiers pointed out in frustration. “This trap would have succeeded if you let us go after them...”
Caden smiled rubbing his chin as he stared in amusement at where the portal had been. He didn’t seem to be listening to his subordinate at all. “...Things are certainly getting more interesting than I thought they would...” he mumbled to himself.
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olliepig · 4 years
Waiting in the Wings ch 3
Finally, I made it through writing this! Many, many, many thanks to @willow-salix for her endless patience, phone calls and editing wizardry. 
As always, the full thing can be found on AO3 here.
Chapter 3
Once back at Creighton-Ward manor, the group settled easily on the couches in the private living room, Cat in particular enjoying the chance to finally put her feet up and relax after the performance. The boys had both ditched their bow ties and jackets the second they were through the door and Penny herself had changed from her evening dress into something infinitely more suitable for relaxing.
As Parker poured the first drinks for them before retiring for the night, Scott took the time to take in the surroundings properly as he had no recollection of ever being invited into this area of the building. Even though their families were close, visits tended to be for work purposes and any time he had spent there had been in one of the more formal reception rooms. He didn’t know why, but the idea that Penny had a comfortable sofa and tv like everyone else amused him somewhat. She had always seemed to him to be so other-worldly and different that it was comforting to know that she was actually just like everyone else.
After the performance Cat had changed into a woolen sweater and jeans, managing to somehow look casual and effortlessly stylish all at once and meaning that she was the only one not needing a change of outfits when they arrived. She was immediately at home in the manor, curled up on the sofa next to Scott and making his heart rate rise slightly with just her proximity.
What surprised Scott was that Gordon also seemed completely at ease as he settled himself on the couch next to Penny. His younger brother was known for being unfazed by new situations but something about his demeanour made Scott strongly suspect that this wasn’t the first time he had been here. Filing that thought away for future examination, he turned his attention back to the conversation.
“So, now we're away from the theatre, what did you guys actually think of the ballet? Did you enjoy it?” Cat felt compelled to ask, almost too scared to hear the answers, especially the one from the man sitting next to her.
“It was amazing,” Scott found himself gushing before anyone else could speak. “You were incredible, I’ve never seen you dance like that. It was a great night and you’ll like this, Gordon even got us ice creams in the interval.” “Well, to be fair it’s been a few years since you last saw me. And you’re right, you can’t go to the theatre without an interval ice cream. It’s tradition.” Cat smiled at Gordon, mentally adding another thing onto her list of reasons why she liked him.
“That's exactly what I said,” exclaimed Gordon triumphantly, warming even more to the dancer and very much enjoying watching his big brother trying to navigate a crush for the first time in years. “So, you two were at school together?” he continued, keen to find out more both about Cat and about Penny’s early life.
“That’s correct. We both attended White Lodge for 2 years - ” answered Penny before realising that perhaps the question had been directed at her friend and stopping suddenly with a flush of embarrassment.
“Until Penny decided that a life on the stage wasn’t for her and decided to go into international espionage instead,” added Cat with a grin aimed squarely at Penny.
“Um what’s White Lodge? Is that the name of the school?” clarified Gordon, realising that he was going to have to work hard to keep up with the two women who seemed to finish each other's sentences.
“Sorry, yes it’s the Royal Ballet Lower School. You go there from 11 til you’re 15 and then to the Upper School at Covent Garden. Penny could easily have been a dancer -”
“But it wasn’t for me,” she finished seamlessly, with an elegant shrug. “It’s a hard life and I just wasn’t willing to devote myself completely to one thing at that age.”
Now that Gordon knew the extent of the training Penny had been through, he could see that her graceful way of moving and lithe form had come at least partially from that time. Not that he was supposed to know exactly how lithe she was, but that ship had well and truly sailed and he definitely wasn’t going to forget the images that flooded his head any time soon.
“So was it a boarding school?” Gordon asked, dragging his thoughts back to the conversation, very aware that sitting was about to become very uncomfortable for him if he didn’t stop that train of thought quickly.
“Yes dear, so we were there for most of the year. And during the holidays Cat tended to come and visit us here so we were together most of the time in those first few years.”
“I didn’t have the best home life when I was young so Penny let me come here and stay instead of going back to the house for the holidays,” explained Cat.  “That actually continued whenever our holidays coincided even after she’d left the school so I’m very much indebted to her and her family.”
“And your family didn’t mind?” asked Gordon.
“I don’t think they really cared to be honest. My dad walked out when I was little and my step-dad didn’t really like me at all. My mum did, in her way, but ultimately she was more interested in her new marriage than me.” Cat looked up and smiled at the expressions of sadness on Penny and Scott’s faces. Her family was something she rarely talked about, preferring to maintain a safe distance from her past and it now barely bothered her to think of it privately. Somehow though, seeing other people's reactions to her story seemed to trigger an emotional response that she really didn’t want to deal with here.  
Scott caught her eyes and Cat was suddenly reminded of how sweet and caring he had always been about her history when they were together and how mindful he had always been of it when talking about his own family. Feeling an ache starting in her chest for his comfort now, she quickly looked away trying her best to maintain her dignity.
As the only member of the group to whom this was new information, Gordon was horrified that someone could be treated that way and his feelings were clear for all to see. Although he obviously knew that it happened and he’d come across others who had been through similar upbringings, there was something about the woman sitting opposite him talking so frankly and openly about her parents not caring for her that broke his heart a little.
“That’s ridiculous! Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to have kids!” he exclaimed loudly, not sure if he was more surprised by his outburst or the sudden feeling of Penny’s hand reassuringly on his arm, its presence instantly calming his temper but leaving him flustered in oh so many other ways. Which were made worse by the fact that his brother was sitting directly opposite him with a strange smirk on his face.
“I know what you mean but you don’t need to worry about me,” Cat continued, taking in the scene being played out in front of her but choosing to let it go without comment, beyond happy that her friend had found someone whom she obviously liked so much but also with a slight pang of jealousy that she didn’t have someone like that in her life. “A lot of people say that they wouldn’t be where they are today without their parents and that’s definitely true for me too, just not in the same way as most others. I threw myself into dancing so I could get away from the house as quickly as possible. It worked - there’s no way we could have afforded the ballet school without financial help but they must have liked me at my audition because I got a full scholarship. I moved away at 11 and that just spurred me on to work harder and harder so I didn’t have to go back.”
Cat risked another quick glance at Scott as she finished speaking and was surprised to find him watching her with something akin to pride in his eyes. She held his gaze for a second and gave him a small smile, enjoying the flutter of excitement that shot through her as he smiled back before she tore herself away and back to the conversation. Mentally, she slapped herself as she looked away. She had promised herself that she wasn’t going to get involved with him and reminded herself again of all the reasons why it couldn’t work. And yet she couldn’t deny that there was something there. Something that she’d been missing for a long time.
“It was at least partially Cat’s work ethic that convinced me that I didn’t want to be a dancer,” chimed in Penny, finally taking her hand back from where it had been resting on Gordons arm, leaving him feeling strangely bereft at its absence. “Do you remember we used to put on ballets in the ballroom during the holidays and make poor Parker watch them?”
“Oh god, yes! The poor man probably still hates me for that, although he did always give us flowers after every show,” laughed Cat, as Gordon and Scott both smirked at the thought of the gruff butler being forced to sit and feign enjoyment through a kids ballet show.
“Well,” Penny turned back to the boys, still smiling at the memory of their childhood escapades, “I used to watch her practicing the same steps over and over again while we were here during the holidays and it was just not something I could ever see myself doing for the rest of my life. Cat used to get the highest marks in the class in our exams and everyone used to talk about her natural talent but I knew exactly how much work went into making that natural ability work for her.”
Cat blushed as she looked up and met Gordon’s russet eyes, filled with knowing appreciation of her dedication to honing her skills. She smiled at the former Olympian, realising that out of all of them, he probably best understood the sacrifices needed to make it to the top of a competitive vocation.
She didn’t even need to look at Scott to know that his eyes would be filled with the pride she could feel radiating out of him. Nevertheless, she couldn’t resist a quick glance and he didn’t disappoint, fixing her with a large grin that left her in no doubt of his feelings and flustering her as she tried to deflect the attention.
“You’re too kind but I didn’t have too much of a choice about working hard - I had to be the best to keep my scholarship. Eventually it just became a habit and it's not something I’ve ever lost. What I remember about school is you absolutely obliterating everyone in the academic exams, Penny. Let's be honest, dancing isn’t the most important job in the world and you’re definitely much better doing, well, whatever it is you do now.” Cat turned to an enthralled Gordon and continued.  “Penny was head and shoulders above the rest of us academically and to be honest I think it would have been a waste if she’d stayed there and become a dancer.”
“Perhaps,” Penny conceded, “but I’m glad I had that experience anyway, ” she continued, deciding the conversation needed moving on and looking between Cat and Scott who had up until then been uncharacteristically quiet. “How did you two meet?”
“Oooh, you’ll like this,” Cat exclaimed, immediately sitting forward as Scott dropped his head into his hands with a barely audible groan, instantly piquing Penny and Gordon’s interest. “I was out at a bar in Richmond with some of my friends from the company when a group of guys came in. One of whom was wearing a pair of rather fetching red PVC thigh high boots,” she finished, fixing Scott with a rather devilish grin, as Gordon exploded with laughter.
“Oh, so you’re ‘kinky boots man’?” clarified Penny, somehow managing to maintain her decorum despite Gordon nearly sliding off the sofa next to her in mirth with tears streaming down his face.
“He certainly is,” Cat answered for Scott, who was still trying unsuccessfully to disappear into the sofa in embarrassment. “We reckoned it was a dare of some kind because, other than the boots, everyone was dressed normally. We sat and debated it for a while and some of the girls were trying to find a way of getting the attention of the rest of his friends but it looked like it would take forever to find out the story and I’m really impatient, so I took myself off up to the bar at the same time as ‘kinky boots guy’ to ask. We got chatting, the groups merged for the night and the rest is history.”
“And what exactly was the reason behind the boots may I ask?”
Scott looked over at Cat and shook his head in exasperation, the effect undone somewhat by the smile that he couldn’t quite keep off his face as the memories of that night came flooding back to him. Doing the best impression of innocence she could manage, Cat smiled sweetly back at him but the glint in her eyes gave her away and he genuinely wasn’t sure if he wanted to strangle or kiss her. Shifting uncomfortably, he turned his focus back to the occupants of the other sofa as he tried to work out exactly how his life had reached this point.
“It was a dare I had with some of the guys in the squadron,” Scott finally supplied, resigned to his fate now that the story was out in the open. “I don’t even know where the boots came from but we found them and decided that whoever lost the next race we did to the mess had to wear them on the next night out. I was the quickest of the lot of them so I agreed but they ganged up on me and kept shoving me out of the way. One of them managed to knock me over a low wall and by the time I was on my feet again they’d all finished. So the boots were mine.”
“That does make more sense I guess,” Gordon spluttered, reaching for his phone. “We had similar things in WASP. I’d give anything to see pictures of that though.”
“Well unlucky for you, there aren’t any. And not a word to the others. Especially Alan. Please?” Scott warned, hating himself for spoiling Gordon’s fun but unwilling to have this conversation repeated to their baby brother by anyone other than himself. He had learned enough about Gordon’s propensity for embellishment to know that he did not want to take the risk with a story that had as many possibilities as this.  
“Well, I could be persuaded…” Gordon sat back expectantly, leaving his phone mercifully untouched.
“We can discuss THAT on the way back home tomorrow,” Scott spoke with more finality that he felt, concerned about the price his brother would expect for his silence but knowing that there was nothing he could do to avoid at least some form of bribery. He had hoped to keep his escapade it the boots private, something he had managed well over the years. He hadn’t factored in Cat however, which he was now realising was a rookie error.
“Well, if that's the best you can do, I think I’m going to turn in for the night, ” Gordon announced with an exaggerated yawn, bringing Scott’s attention back to the conversation from where it had been happily gagging his little brother. “It’s been a long day what with the change in time zones and whatnot.”
Scott’s suspicions were immediately raised. He knew for a fact that Gordon had slept on their journey over to England and that he never willingly took an early night if there was something better on offer and nothing to get up for the next morning. He didn’t miss the look that went between Gordon and Penny as he spoke nor the slight blush that appeared on the Lady’s face in response to it. Suddenly, Scott realised that he may have some leverage against Gordon after all and his worry about everyone hearing about the boots lessened considerably.
“You know which room you’re sleeping in tonight?” Penny checked, making Scott raise a quizzical eyebrow at Cat who smiled and rolled her eyes in response.  
“Absolutely” Gordon grinned, holding Penny’s gaze as he stood up and stretched theatrically. Dragging  his eyes away from the Lady, goodnight wishes were given along with a hug for Cat. Passing behind the sofa as he headed for the door, he trailed his fingers lightly over Penny’s shoulders making her shiver unconsciously at his touch. A cheery wave from the doorway, another lingering look for Penny and he was gone, leaving the others to continue their night.
Settling back down after Gordon’s departure, Scott was glad to realise that he wasn’t especially required in conversation beyond maintaining a polite level of interested mumblings. It had quickly turned to some of the technicalities of the ballet that evening, with Penny giving a more detailed critique than she had earlier before moving on to more general talk about people he didn’t know so he contented himself instead with sipping his drink and watching the interplay between the friends.
Penny’s formal facade had slipped more and more as the night had gone on, especially since she had become engrossed in conversation with her best friend and he found it fascinating to see the real woman peeking through. He’d always known that she must have a more informal persona underneath the layers of etiquette but it still somehow shocked him to see her with her legs curled up beneath her on the sofa, glass of wine in hand, chatting with her best friend.
As the minutes passed however, he was forced to admit to himself that he was increasingly struggling to focus on anything that wasn’t the woman sitting next to him. Every time he started to form any kind of coherent thoughts about anything, he was distracted by the sound of her voice and her laugh.
It had been clear to him from the beginning that he was still very much attracted to her but he just couldn’t for the life of him work out what was going through her head and whether she felt the same in return.
She was still catching his gaze for a split second longer than would be considered normal and there were a couple of times that he caught her glancing at him and smiling in a way that he would ordinarily read as flirting but he just wasn’t completely confident and didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, especially as she was so close to Penny. Generally, he was very confident of his ability to read people but it felt like he had a total block on understanding the one person in the room that he desperately wanted to and it was frustrating him no end.
Sitting opposite her guests, Penny yawned and finished her drink. She had been enjoying watching the interplay between them and was sure that they thought they were being subtle but she could read Cat like an open book and Scott had spent most of the evening gazing at her like a lovesick teen so it wasn’t difficult to imagine what he was thinking.
Swirling beneath her observations however were more determined thoughts that no amount of distraction could suppress. Thoughts that had her glancing over to where she had last seen the young man who had sat next to her until recently, whose fingers had seared trails across her shoulders as he left. Her sense of duty to her guests meant that she stayed until they were ready to leave. Her glass remained empty in preparation for that moment.
Curled up like her namesake on the sofa next to Scott, Cat was taking great delight at watching her friend shift uncomfortably in her seat as they talked, peeking at the door and clearly wanting to follow Gordon but feeling unable to do so until her other guests had retired for the night. To a casual observer, Penny looked to be completely relaxed but Cat had the advantage of years worth of friendship and could tell that an internal struggle was raging between what upbringing told her was the etiquette with guests and her more immediate desire.
Feeling in the mood for a little mischief, she kept the conversation going, extending it at every natural break and enjoying the sight of Penny becoming more and more desperate to make her escape.
She knew full well that Gordon’s departure was the reason but the fact that neither of them had come clean about their relationship meant that it was possible to plead ignorance if ever challenged. She was so entertained watching Penny’s struggle, she almost missed the look Scott gave when Mark, her partner from the ballet that evening, was mentioned.
She wasn’t unaware of how outsiders might view her close friendship with her fellow dancer but it surprised her to see a flash of hurt in his eyes before it was quickly concealed as they returned back to their previous studied calm. Having spent the entire evening hyper aware of the man next to her, she couldn't help but smile at the thought that it might not just be her that was feeling their old attraction again.
Despite her awareness of his every move, as the evening had progressed Cat had become more and more at ease with the man sitting next to her. Being a dancer, she was used to physical contact and, as the temperature dropped with the passing hours, she thought nothing of it when she shifted her position to be ever so slightly closer to him, finding his warmth to be comforting in its familiarity.
As Cat shifted to lean on him, Scott instantly stiffened before forcing his muscles to relax again, despite his brain going at a million miles an hour trying to work out if it meant something. He just had no idea how to act and what was expected of him, caught between not wanting to make a scene in the middle of Penny’s house if he got things wrong and every nerve in his body screaming at him to wrap his arm around her and pull her in against him.
Eventually, after artificially extending the conversation for as long as she dared Cat finally conceded that it was time for her to go to bed too. Scott, who had not been oblivious to what she had been up to agreed readily that bed sounded like a good idea and so the group disbanded for the night, with Penny heading upstairs to her suite while Cat and Scott made their way through the mansion to the guest wing where their bedrooms were situated.
As they walked, Scott took the time to admire the effortless grace of his companion. On the stage she was elegance personified but now, with only the barest smudge of makeup on and her long hair cascading in waves down her back, she looked even more beautiful to him if that was possible. How he longed to run his fingers through that hair again, maybe brushing it gently away from her face before leaning down for a gentle kiss… Pulling himself back to reality for the millionth time that evening, he cleared his throat making Cat look up at him in expectation.
“What’s going on between those two do you think?” Scott wondered, realising that they were out of earshot of anybody who would care. He felt strangely unable to start the conversation he had been desperate to have all night so he had settled on the next best thing available and silently kicked himself for it.
“Scott Tracy, you are a gossip!”
“I am not,” he protested half heartedly.
“Yes you are, and I love it,” Cat countered, catching his eyes and smiling, enjoying once again the flutter in her chest when he smiled back. “But I have no idea what’s happening there I’m afraid. She told me about a ‘Gordon’ who she had taken a liking to a year or so ago and there was something about a moment they had in a temple but she wasn’t very specific. Most likely because she wasn’t telling me exactly who he was.” “I wonder if that was when they got trapped?” Scott mused, more to himself than anyone else, remembering the day they thought they had lost Penny and Gordon on an exploratory study of the Tomb of the Laughing King as it collapsed around them. The memory triggered a flash of anger at that old coot Professor Harold for callously suggesting that they should be sacrificed for the good of archaeology before quickly dousing it with the shame of having to be pulled away by Virgil before he did something he would have almost certainly regretted.
“They got what? She didn’t tell me that part!” Cat exclaimed, completely missing the emotions playing out over Scott’s face thanks to her surprise at his revelation. She had always understood that Penny’s involvement with International Rescue meant that there would be large parts of her life that she wouldn’t be privy to, but somehow it was still shocking to be confronted with evidence of it. “Well, I guess she plays her cards close to her chest, does our Penny. Even with me.”
“I’ve never known Gordon willingly take an early night when there’s nothing on the next day so something has to be up. And did you see the way they were looking at each other?” enquired Scott, giving Cat exactly the sort of look that his brother had been aiming at Penny all evening.
“Oh I completely agree about the looks,” Cat smiled, her heart rate quickening at the sudden tension that had sprung up between them. Something intangible had just shifted and she felt unaccountably nervous, knowing that despite all her promises to herself that she wasn’t going to let anything happen with him, now her mind was filled with desire and not much else. “There’s definitely something going on. I’m sure between the two of us we’ll get to the bottom of it.”
“We sure will. Well, this is me here, ” Scott admitted as they slowed to a halt outside one of the many doors. “Thanks for inviting me tonight. I had a great time.”
“You’re very welcome. I’m just glad you enjoyed it, I was worried you’d be bored.” Cat broke his gaze and looked at the floor at her admission, embarrassed that she still felt that she needed his approval. It had been years since she last thought about him before he waltzed back into her life and now here she was again, desperate for him to notice and appreciate her.
Seeing Cat standing  looking so unsure of herself, it was all Scott could do not to scoop her up in his arms. The difference in her from earlier was startling to him - mere hours before, she had been completely at ease alone on the stage in front of 2500 people, but here in the corridor she seemed so fragile that he longed to hold her tight and protect her from the world.
“You really didn’t need to be. And if you ever want another supporter at one of your shows then I’d be honoured to be there,” Scott added sincerely. He had enjoyed his night at the ballet much more than he had expected and the thought of having more experiences like that at the theatre was something he was very happy to explore. Especially if it meant spending more time with Cat.
“I’d be careful what you wish for if I were you,” Cat joked with a wicked smile, feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders now she knew he was serious about his enjoyment of the ballet. “But seriously, thank you. It was really nice knowing you were there tonight.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” Scott was at a loss for words. He desperately didn’t want to say goodnight but he couldn’t think of any plausible reason to keep talking either.
“I guess this is goodnight then,” Cat said, smiling ruefully, wishing that there was some way of prolonging the night. If she was honest with herself, what she wanted to do was reach up and kiss Scott, but her fear of being rebuffed was keeping her paralysed.
“I guess so…”
“Goodnight, Scott. I’ve had a really good time tonight. I’m glad we met each other again”
“Me too. Like you wouldn’t believe. Night night, Cat,” he replied softly.
Knowing that she wouldn’t forgive herself if he didn’t take the chance but steeling herself for rejection, Cat could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she reached up to wrap her arms around him. Taking a chance, she brushed his cheek with her lips and Scott felt it like a bolt of lightning. After holding the hug for as long as she dared, she pulled back slightly and felt Scott’s arms stay securely around her waist, just as they had 2 weeks previously.
“Can I ask you something before we head to bed?” he started, more sure of the answer now he could feel her kiss seared onto his cheek but knowing he wouldn’t forgive himself if he proceeded without checking first.
“Of course. Ask away.”
“What’s going on with you and Mark?”
“Absolutely nothing,” Cat laughed. “He’s my best friend besides Penny. I’ve known him since I joined the company and we’ve been pretty much inseparable ever since.”
“Ah, right. I just wasn’t sure when I saw you walking back to the dressing rooms tonight...” Scott tailed off, feeling suddenly stupid for even considering it.
“Well, well, well. Are you jealous, Mr Tracy?” Cat teased, raising an eyebrow as their eyes locked together, the smoulder she found there making her breathing ragged.
“No, I just, um…” The relief Scott felt for knowing that there was nothing stopping him from acting on his feelings was tempered by a sudden indecision as to how to proceed. He was desperate to kiss her but he wanted to take things at her pace. However, a glance down at her slightly parted lips just as she licked them as if in anticipation was enough to burst the dam he had been holding back all night.
Before he knew what he was doing his lips had found hers, crushing them and surprising even himself with the force of his reaction. But what surprised him even more was that Cat hadn’t kneed him in the groin and actually seemed to be kissing him back. Despite that, when he broke the kiss he was still quite prepared to apologise if he had made some massive error in judgement. Instead, he was met by flushed cheeks and a pair of sparkling eyes.
They stilled for a moment, taking in the sudden change in their relationship before Cat reached up for another kiss, barely brushing his lips with her own and making him moan with a delicious mix of pleasure and frustration as she teased him, knowing that he longed for more but unwilling to let him have everything his own way. His lips were perfectly soft, just as she remembered and his kisses generated a burning heat which slowly spread out across her body, leaving her aching to feel his skin against hers.
Gradually she relented to his desire, slowly increasing the pressure and deepening their kisses as she snaked her tongue along the seam of his lips, encouraging them to part. Her lips felt smooth and firm beneath his own as his world ceased to exist beyond the woman in his arms. Memories and sensations from all the other times he had held and kissed her flooded back and he felt his body respond, sending all his blood south and leaving him lightheaded.
Her breathing ragged, Cat pulled back to meet his eyes again, the burning desire in their blue depths ripping through her, stripping away any defences she had built; she could no longer deny that she wanted him and she wanted him right now. A look passed between them that they had shared many times in the past and they simply fell on each other, all caution thrown to the wind.
Scott kissed her again and again, harder and with more urgency which she met with an immediate response. Totally lost in the moment, his knees suddenly went weak and he staggered slightly as her hand slid up to the back of his head, her fingers entwining themselves in his hair and pulling slightly. She was the only one who had ever discovered the way to drive him completely to the edge and it was nearly the end of him right then. Tightening his grip, he was completely lost to her.
Cat smiled to herself at Scott’s reaction, enjoying the sensation of his hand now tangling itself in the long strands of her own hair as he drew her closer to him and pressed his hips against her, letting her feel the unmistakable bulge against her stomach. Desperately, she clawed at his shirt, pulling it out from his waistband and sliding her hands up the smooth skin on his back making him moan again as he kissed her harder while he fumbled for the door handle.
Thinking of nothing but their aching need for each other, they practically fell into the bedroom, not caring who heard the door slamming behind them.
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