#but this is the backstory with the sc au!!
askcometcare · 9 months
OOC: Merry Kissmas everyone! So, in case anyone needs a recap, this is all the parents' backstory lore dropped in the Kissmas prequel. I put it all in bullet points, everything listed here is mentioned or implied in dialogue from the comic.
As of Jecember, 6019:
Carrie and Uni are dating and sharing an apartment
Doom and Uni started dating before Mune 6019
Barry and Uni are not in a relationship yet
Additionally, Barry still refers to Uni by her last name, suggesting he still hasn't accepted the unicorn thing
Uni is out of the closet
The first three ships in the Comet polycule to become canon in the AU were Carruni, Doomi, and Carroom (in that order)
Regarding the hospital:
Apparently the CLC government is involved in some sort of coverup for what happened at SC and they're providing the people formerly involved with everything with compensation that includes financial help and housing
According to Carrie, the government is essentially making them lie to everyone about what happened at the hospital in exchange for normal lives - this implies that the world doesn't know what happened at Sparklecare even though they're all free now
Any actual dates regarding when this stuff unfolded and happened were not disclosed or referenced
The whereabouts of Cuddles or whatever happened to him are still unknown
Uni feels a lot of regret over the fact they're being forced to stay silent, and doesn't know if she'll ever truly accept the outcome of what happened to that place
Part of the reason the kids don't know about the hospital is probably related to this (the parents legally cannot tell them)
Other stuff:
Carrie apparently had a crush on Doom before Uni did, and it even went as far back as the hospital days where she would pretend to flirt with him (but apparently wasn't lying about her attraction to him)
Carrie held resentment towards Doom because of the fact he never apologized for what happened with her and Uni, and she felt like her feelings were irrational, so she pretended like her resentment was related to his actions as a nurse at the hospital
Doom gives Uni a meteorite necklace and talks about it manifesting wishes, and this happens immediately before Carries outburst, suggesting it manifested them wanting Carrie to get along with Doom and overcome their problems. It being meteorite also is a reference to the "Comet" name
I hope all this lore was interesting to learn!!! I'm very excited for you guys to see more backstory stuff in the future, and again, Merry Kissmas!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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m4pletreez · 4 months
Information and Questions about UniteVerse!!
Ah, hello! My name is Maple, and I'm writing this post to info dump about UniteVerse! All sections of this post will have a little opening thingy so you know when the topic changes lol, since this is a lot of information I'm giving everyone reading- Firstly, we'll start with the cast of UniteVerse's personalities, then we'll get on with everything else!
The Cast and their personalities: Ink: A mix of canon, his UnderVerse personality, and fanon (but just a lot less bitchy and more patient) Error: It's practically non existent, because he's just a robot and can't technically feel anymore Nightmare: Calm and vigilant, but he's still also bossy and short tempered. He just has a lot more patience now Dream: Almost exactly like canon, although he has less patience now- (and he's basically an evil scientist now hehe) Killer: Kind of the same as canon? Maybe? He's a lot more quiet now and just a bit more distant, rarely anyone sees him anymore except for Nightmare Cross: Supportive and quiet, but his personality doesn't exactly matter because he's dead- Horror: Patient and protective, although he's infected so it doesn't matter- Murder: Canon personality with the addition of him being a bit more louder and expressive, but he's infected- Swap: Canon. But he's infected lmao- Science: Stern and strict, short tempered, but has a softer side to him Reaper/Death: Rare person to see, but he's non-talkative anymore and rarely socializes Geno: Canon ig? But, he's dead- Lust: Protective and commanding, still has his sense of style and that lovely personality! There's likely going to be others in UniteVerse, but they either hold no importance to the story or I'm debating on adding them in. Backstory. Some sort of accident within the multiverse (have yet to decide what it may be, probably has to do smth with the whole "balance" thing you sometimes see in other ppl's AUs), and said accident causes a huge problem that could cost everyone's lives
In this silly little multiverse, the Stars & Bad Sanses are forced to put everything behind them and leave it for later, until they can save themselves from death. (Then they'll get back to their whole fight thingys, but that doesn't happen for a long time) Lots of people get injured, some die, and some just get redesigns. Lots of incidents happen in the story that cause holes in the roads, for instance Error almost dying and having to basically be turned into a robot to stay alive, Ink having to become a medic/scientist, and alot of other shit-
It's smth I'm really proud of, and the whole basic idea came from an idea my 10-11 yr old self came up with named "The End Of Us All" which will never be an official thing- The multiverse is obviously not completed yet, but I like to post little things about the characters I've made so far in it and develop it more overtime!
The Completed Cast so far. I got Error, Ink, Killer, Nightmare, Cross, Dream, Swap, Horror, Murder, Science, and Lust all completed (design wise) and what their roles are in this multiverse! Here they are! -Dream & Nightmare are basically just the leaders of the two subdivisions, them also being Scouters. (A Scouter is basically just a medic or a Scientist at this point, but most of them have labelled names. For instance, Ink. Ink's labelled name is SC-1 bc he's the first Scouter out of them. Dream and Nightmare are SC-3 and SC-4.) -Cross was a medic but bro is dead now so- -Killer's just...existing atp (idk what he is yet, if anyone wants to give me an idea go right ahead!) -Error is going to become either something tech related, a mechanic, or smth else- -Ink's the main medic/scientist! He's also a Scouter, as mentioned earlier. -Murder was the second Scouter within the two teams! His label was SC-2. But, unfortunately for him, during an attempt to retrieve something on the surface, he was turned into an infected. -Horror was an assistant Scouter for Murder, who went on the same mission as Murder. Trying to get back to one of the entries of the bases, he was scratched on the forehead by an infected Murder, and was turned into an infected weeks later -Swap wasn't exactly given a role, mainly because I have no idea what his role should be. BUT!!! He's an infected, but there seems to be something different about him from the rest of them. . . -Science was a lone Scouter, working by himself and not with the others. He finds it more beneficial for him to work alone than to work with everyone else. Well, apart from Ink, he tends to work with Ink sometimes. -Lust is a type of commander, not sure over what yet, but he’s a big help for Dream and a trusted member. He’s still his usual self, but like stated earlier, he’s more protective and commanding, and he knows how to get the job done properly.
The Infected. The infection turns a perfectly normal person, human or monster, into a violent creature/being, losing any and all sanity and becoming a mindless beast. The symptoms before changing are: Hostility. Bleeding constantly from one spot on the body. (example: the ear) Loss of memory. Either loss of appetite or heavy appetite. (this changes depending on the person) Signs of potential insanity. A crazed look in the infected's eyes. A minute before someone starts to turn, they seek comfort from a person who brings them some form of comfort (who is usually dead), but are unable to get said comfort.
Some Fun Facts! (WILL HELP WITH PIECING TOGETHER LORE.) 1: Cross was killed in the same accident that almost killed Error 2: Dream is an anti-hero, and basically what you'd call an evil scientist lol 3: Some people have similar gloves to Scouters 4: There is no known way to restore the sanity in an infected or turn them back. 5: He may not seem like it, but Science is a huge importance to the story 6: The DT twins have a semi-decent relationship. They're on decent terms, but they tend to get bitchy with each other often 7: The loss of Cross and Swap is causing for Dream to be on the edge of his breaking point constantly  8: When Murder was still alive, he and Horror would go on missions that involved the surface and having to retrieve something in there 9: Ink is able to pick up on details quickly to piece together a situation 10: Ink tends to write logs about different things. From patients (aka people who might be infected, ppl who are sick, etc.,) to information about the infected, to past incidents he wants to get off his chest. He has a log book for almost everything 11: Science plays a huge importance in Swap's story, you'll know why eventually 12: Error remembers nothing after the explosion, apart from his name and age. Everything else has been wiped from his memory 13: Killer broke his arm by trying to kill an infected 14: Ink amputated half his arm to prevent himself from turning into an infected after being scratched in the wrist by one 15: If you've been scratched by an infected, pray that it's hit somewhere you can amputate or else you're fucked 16: Nightmare accidentally caused Cross' death, you'll know why eventually 17: Killer is almost always never around 18: Swap died protecting Ink from an infected, leaving Ink with constant survivours guilt 19: Ink lost Broomie near the start of the infection 20: The infection has a chance of making the multiverse fall
Anyways! That was a bit of an info dump, now! Time for the questions! These questions were asked by my lovely child @mira-rachel through Quotev (Also Mi, these answers are going to be updated so the answers may be a bit different than before) :3
Q1. I wanna ask, what took Cross' life? Is it the same incident that almost killed Error? Q2. What does the other sanses roles in this multiverse? Do they just exist, or, dead? Q3. Where is the main cast staying at? Q4. From the roles, i suspect there will be an apocalypse happening? Or am I wrong?
A1: What took Cross' life was a freakish explosion. Error was involved in the same accident, so yes! A2: Some of them exist, some dead, some alive. Usually roles come to me when making the characters, although sometimes I get ideas for their roles before hand! A3: The main cast are all hidden within two different bases underground! One base that is mainly meant for the Stars, and the other one for the Bad Sanses. They use an underground path system to travel to and from their bases so they don't risk going onto the surface and dying. (Ink also tends to stay at the medical facility in the Bad Sanses base to mostly take care of Error, since he doesn't want to risk him doing something that'll accidentally kill himself.) (They also have 2 separate backup bases that are extremely far from the Main bases, but the backups are for if the main bases get overrun by the infected.) A4: It's some form of apocalypse, mainly just a murderous infection though lol
ANYWAYS!! Eugh sorry that was so incredibly long, but I'm so happy I can share so much information about this AU!!! If anyone has any questions about UniteVerse, go ahead and ask! I'd be more than happy to answer them!! Thank you so much for your time, it's very appreciated. Have a fantastic day or night! <3
Note: If you want to, please reblog. I really hope for this multiverse to become popular, since I'm working so hard on building it. But, you don't have to reblog if you don't want to! ^^
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Hello all! Hope your Wednesday is going well. Today we have nine Pre-Relationship fics for you to enjoy! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 🩷
gravity-bound by hanap (7,591 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Essek Thelyss (Jessek) Warnings: None
Essek writes poetry under a pen name, Jester is a fan, she writes to him and they start to exchange letters over many years.
Reccer Says: I love epistolary fic, and also its so cute. There's a lot of background details of canon events we can fill in the background through the letters contents, which is very fun.
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in the pieces of what's left or what we've found by SeaWitchDreams (14,620 words, Teen) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Blumenshadow) Warnings: None
Post canon, Astrid decides what to do with Ikithon's tower, and her life.
Reccer Says: Its a nice long read, and the character beats are complex and nuanced, bc that's what Astrid deserves <3
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That Lucidian Glow by fjorests_of_wildemount (455 words, General) Pairing: Kingsley Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss (Shadowking) Warnings: None
Essek needs to put on sunscreen, Kingsley volunteers.
Reccer Says: It's fun and cute moment <3
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to be in someone else's coat by jaskofalltrades (1,369 words, General) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
After Essek's dinner with the Nein at the Xhorhaus, Molly and Caleb walk him home. Flirting, of course, ensues.
Reccer Says: It's so fun to see how Essek responds to Molly's relentless flirting, filtering through Caleb's observations on how new Essek is to friendship. And how he can tell that Essek wants that companionship so badly! It's very sweet.
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though we're tethered to the story we must tell (when I saw you, well, I knew we'd tell it well). by exhaustedwerewolf (4,535 words, Teen) Pairing: Polymachina Warnings: Mentions of backstory typical violence and character death
On one wrist is your greatest love. On your other, your greatest adversary. And for a certain group of fated adventurers, one of these follows a pattern.
Reccer Says: I'm always a sucker for a good soulmate AU and I *love* ones of this flavor. The angst of not knowing which name is which is delicious and the way this fic plays with that for each member of VM is so good! Also love that the love-bonds don't Have to be romantic, I always appreciate that when it comes to soulmate AUs. And the way it all comes together in the end for VM is just... so good. Also the character voices in the narration? Spot on.
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know no shame by hanap (4,453 words, Teen) Pairing: Adeen Tasithar/Essek Thelyss Warnings: None
What if Essek and Adeen had crushes on each other as teenagers and were adorable, messy disaster about it?
Reccer Says: It's so cute. Like oh-my-god so cute. They're adorable with each other and baby wizard Essek trying to join the Aurora Watch so he can spend more time with Adeen has my WHOLE heart. The messy teenage feelings! The circumstances keeping them apart! Deirta and Dad Thelyss's reactions to them!!! It's all so so good.
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The Sunny Side by dracoqueen22 (1,767 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
There’s nothing Beau won't do if it’ll make Jester smile, even if it means fixing something as minor as a sunburn.
Reccer Says: Cutteee <3 Beau is just so smitten. Plus Cad being his odd self in the first half <3
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Today I Love You Even More by wtgw (5,687 words, Teen) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: None
Yeza Brenatto is a creature of infinite anxiety, but he’s not blind. He can see how much Veth loves Caleb. He can see how much Caleb loves her back. And he can also see that Caleb is really attractive. But it’s not like he’s not going to do anything about that…
Reccer Says: Yeza Brenatto is just a perfect sweetheart always and there's this scene where the three of them are sitting around drunk complementing each other that is just too cute
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Just Between Friends by biorusted (3,624 words, Explicit) Pairing: Ashton Greymoore/Orym/Dorian Storm (Dashrym) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Aspec Dorian talks with Ashton and Orym about how sex has always felt to him and they share their feelings in return. Things escalate from there. Just as friends, of course.
Reccer Says: Aspec Dorian my beloved <3 always love the dynamics between these three, they fit together so well.
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 🩷 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 🩷
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Canon Divergent fics. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Keyleth Rarepairs and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Polyamorous Ships and Enemies to Lovers fic! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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mythrite · 2 months
Undercover Work.
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aka SC!Switchblade backstory.
also SC!Switch is gonna be a full on au to Switch compared to just some alt version, meaning I can do whatever the hell i want to this lil guy.
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specialagentartemis · 8 months
for your ask game thing about characters, what about Arada or Overse?
for the character ask game
First impression
It took a long time for either of them to make an impression besides They’re Nice and They’re Also There
Impression now
It’s Free Real Estate, more or less. Through fandom dedication I know we’ve been able to tease apart differences between them and extrapolate a lot, but they still kind of blend together in my mind in a lot of their appearances. They represent Preservation: kind, well-meaning but not always prepared for what they’re facing, brave, supportive, emotionally stable.
Favorite moment
Arada’s face-off with Leonide in NE; and Overse hissing “Ratthi get off the comm!” respectively.
Idea for a story
Someday I WILL finish that Arada POV of the period of time they spent trapped in that escape pod in the wormhole knowing they were going to run out of air…
Unpopular opinion
While I love Ratthi and I understand why he plays his narrative role and he does it well, he’s kind of been hogging the narrative recently and I wish we got to see more of Arada and Overse filling those narrative roles too; let them get a stronger presence and more time in the limelight to develop them in NE and SC.
Favorite relationship
I DO really like how casual and comfortable Arada, Overse, and Ratthi all are with each other. They’ve been close for a long time.
Favorite headcanon
*unrolls my elaborate set of backstories for both of them* Well you SEE Arada was born on Preservation to one parent who was a Pressy descendant and one parent who was an immigrant from an outsystem world that isn’t exactly Corporation Rim but is in their sphere of influence; Arada and Ratthi have been friends since they were 5 and Arada is an only child so she spent So much time at Ratthi’s house with his four siblings as a kid. She’s basically like his fifth sibling. Overse meanwhile was born in the Corporation Rim on a space station that orbited an agricultural planet that was already on the decline when she was born; when she was 8 years old the corporation that owned the station and planet announced that they were selling both off, and Overse’s parents agreed that it was time to move. They’d heard of this freehold that was actively recruiting agriculture techs, and paying for relocation costs. ALSO—
My other headcanon that I’m very fond of is that in @blessphemy’s Pod AU, Arada isn’t a wasp per se but she came out on the waspier side of normal. She has some waspish features. She’s wasp intersex because nature abhors a binary
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mihrsuri · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @isagrimorie - thank you darling <3333.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 234
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 364,199
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently: The Tudors (TV), Shadow and Bone/Grishaverse, Tamora Pierce (largely Tortall at the moment but also Emelan), West Wing, Hunger Games (mostly in the form of a lot of Fandom AUs set in the Hunger Games) and Narnia. But I’ve written for a lot of others including Criminal Minds, Pundit RPF, Band of Brothers, Scarlet Pimpernel (1998), Spooks/MI5, The Hour, Doctor Who (Nu!Who) and Star Trek Discovery.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Undertow (co-authored) (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - The very short version: Dave gives Aaron a back-rub.
It’s not because of you (it’s because of me) (Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt) - Brian Symonds was - fuck is one of the best youth talent coaches in the country it’s just he’s also been arrested and all Jamie can think is fuck (one take on Jamie’s backstory)
Five times out of many david rossi realised he was happily doomed (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - Basically what it says on the tin. Five ways David Rossi knew that he was totally totally doomed in the best possible way in regards to the way he loved these kids
To dwell in enchantment (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - It doesn't make the world any less messy, but it does make a balance, this family he has. David Rossi, coming home from work.
If i could go back (co-authored) (criminal minds/ncis/csi: ny, rossi/hotch) - It's the day of Derek's high school graduation, and Jason Gideon is standing at the bottom of the porch steps, trying not to hope.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do my absolute best (sometimes sadly spoons :/) but I appreciate every single one of my kind comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think it might be Hope Deferred Maketh Something which features Jason Gideon/Toby Ziegler, an apocalypse set in a diner in New York (I actually think the larger world is hopeful but these characters specific corner of the apocalypse is Very Much Not).
Oh no wait also In Pardoning That We Are Pardoned which is a Spooks fic in which a certain episode The Thing Is Real.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hi Tudors OT3 Verse. Just in general. It’s not that there’s a conflict free path but it’s very very much a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Very little but I have, yes and I will be honest it did get to me. And I am still working through it but moderating comments has helped a lot. And it was honestly barely anything compared to what so many people have to deal with.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes and also kind of no. I used to write it more and then uh, Trauma Brain. I can’t have sex because of CPTSD reasons and apparently writing sex is also triggering except sometimes the fictional people (or the fictional representations of fictional depictions of historical people) still do in fact have sex and so I write it. But it’s Weird (I think I do okay for never having had consensual sex though).
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I think I actually write more fusion AUs than crossovers in some ways but I have in fact written a Sherlock-L&O: UK-Thick Of It-Pundit RPF-Modern Tudors-Criminal Minds Multiverse cc @bibliothekara
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I was going to say I have but I actually don’t know/recall for sure so I’m going to say no. I have had podfic made of my fic though which is So Cool. (I would be delighted if anyone wanted to translate though).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! Fantastic experience. Also just tossing AUs/ideas back and forth in general is So Much Fun and one thing I really loved about LJ fandom.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? I mean there’s Faramir/Eowyn my beloveds.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Into The Fire (The Tudors Scarlet Pimpernel AU). It’s going to get so dark and I’m not sure I actually want to go there because a bunch of people are going to die.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characters and like, description and emotion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I’d want to double check really carefully with someone who actually speaks the language in question (I’m currently checking about thou/thy formal versus intimate usage and that’s for English which I speak) before I did.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I published fic for was The Bill. It was, perhaps not surprisingly angst and whump centric (before I knew what that was but) and may survive somewhere on the internet via the Wayback Machine.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
With Snow Far Below (Band of Brothers, Roe/Renee) - Renee thinks in terms of snow and chocolate
Monuments, Historical & Contemporary (Criminal Minds/Pundit RPF, ensemble) - How they could build statues and memorials and think that by paying homage after the fact, they were doing an honor.
I Am A Princess On The Way To My Throne (Skyfall 2012, Severine) -Severine. And the way it could have been (written because aspects of her story are mine and I unashamedly wanted a different ending for her)
Such A Time As This (Tudors, Anne Boleyn) - "You have come to your royal position for such a time as this" or a retelling of the story of Queen Esther with Anne Boleyn as a Mizrahi Jewish lady.
We Rise Together (TWW, CJ Cregg) - CJ was kidnapped, not Zoey.
Once I Fall In Love (It’s Forever) (Kushiels Legacy, Phedre and Delaunay) - She loved him as she did me. The realisation had come suddenly, a shock [AU mini fic for Kushiel's Dart]
Karma Is My Family (Grishaverse, Inej) - Inej smiles at her friends who are her family, warm and full of love. Smiles at her husband, who has never possessed her or owned her - has never thought of their love that way - only as two hearts shared. [Inej and her power, her kindness, her love and the way karma comes for Tante Heleen]
Rewrite The Stars (Tudors, Anne/Henry/Thomas) - In another world this is how it might have gone between the three of them. The story of how the love between three extraordinary people change the world for the better and made it the kindest. The story of a fight for a fairytale. [An expanded version of the Tudors OT3 verse fic Rewrite The Stars]
Tagging: If you want to (and if you want to do consider yourself tagged): @bessemerprocess @endoftheworldhere @unseenacademic @emilykaldwen @shes-a-voodoo-child @onekisstotakewithme @claudiajcregg @holy-ships-x-red-lips @quillington @theladyelizabeth @naurielrochnur @eidetictelekinetic @dr-dendritic-trees @boleynecklace @nocompromise-noregrets @herawell @sarking
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
Never have I ever... written a fic where you changed the pairing's ages?
(I re-read the senator fic, and here we are ;) )
SENATOR ALEX MY BELOVED. Oxford slut phase Henry and silver fox Alex in one fic is something that can be so personal actually!!! I wrote that fic for ME but it’s fine that you all read it 🤣
Technically speaking, the Doctor Who AU is also an older!Alex age gap fic! Even more so in the backstory to that fic that only exists in my head haha.
I’m actually struggling to think of anything else — in RWRB or in SC — where I fuck with the age gap. Like I obviously scale ages up and down for some AUs, pre/post canon, etc… but those are the only ones I can think of where their comparative ages are different 🤔
[Fic author Never Have I Ever]
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muffinhot · 1 month
Yeah Idk, But I got bored and Decided to do a Space rider AU, Probably forge the first part tomorrow though. Here's some OC lore :D
Hans Zimmerman Is his name Species: German Shepperd Critter Height: 6'1 Siblings: N/A Gender: Male Personality: Rather Overconfident 99% of the times, Funny sometimes, and Serious when need be. Home Planet: Könnte. (Oh and yes, This Planet takes the "German" In their Specie Name to a extent to where they are German.) Age: 24 Powers: Nothing Celestial, YET.
Some Backstory: Zimmerman grew up in a metropolis of a Planet, The planet name of which was Könnte. He grew up in that of a mostly Military and Honor Code like family as his grandparents and bloodline have been in the military except for his dad and mother. Around the time when Zimmerman was 13 however, the news of the corrupted and evil cult would arrive, sparking his mother and farther to try to move to a more protected planet. Zimmerman resisted.
Unlike his family he wanted to fight, he felt a urge to have to fight for what he swore home, but the planet of Könnte actually had a massive army of well trained individuals instead of being defenseless and "Weak" like the other planets. So when he got nearing to the 10th grade, he went for Running start, which was crucial to his plans as he also didn't wanna be in school for much longer. Around the time when he finished college, more news of the Cult have been heard taking out planets nearing Könnte. This made massive mobilizations and AA Defenses on the planet. Along with the Könnte Space Defense Force Taking the decisive move for a full blockade of the planet via 24/7 guarding fleets. The war was soon, and everybody knew it.
Zimmerman had just then Joined the army, he joined as a N.C.O., Or a Non Commission Officer. For his first year, he trained hard with sweat and tears, the threat getting closer and closer. Along his initial training, someone that greatly interested him was another Shepperd known as "Wolf" (Popular German LAST name). Wolf and him shared same interests, they had practically the "same" backstory as one each other. So about 2 Months of chatting and becoming Friends with Wolf, 2 Months of Adapting to his Company and Troops, 2 long months of just getting ready for war... It struck. The Cult had arrived and they weren't gonna stop until they knew the true might of the Vaterland. And the Könnte's Defense Force of three million strong wouldn't stop until they were kicked out. „Für das Vaterland, Tod dem Prototype“
And So began, the 10 Year war.
Space rider AU btw from @onyxonline, Check them out for this absolute masterpiece of a AU for the SC fandom!
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taleblrlorekeeper · 5 months
[Impulsive as hell post, don't mind me <3]
Idk if this really needs to be said but btw our rewrite/AU/character headcanons can get really dark and heavy at certain moments
The main dark themes are past SC, CSA, different torture methods being used on children, and a few others I honestly can't really remember right now
[EDIT: I forgot the ableism! I forgot that ableism is an important beat for Sally and Billy's backstory!]
All of these major warnings happen primarily off screen as a part of character backstories, but they still happened and are still semi-important so I felt it was worth saying
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
McCall hunter Anon. I understand exactly what you mean when it comes to AUs that change the open and dynamic for everything. However I argue that the reason I myself don't like them too much is because folks that do such things don't think about the butterfly effect one has on everything else that comes next.
I love your take on it and yes the Argents backstory would be the same however you've given me a question I never thought to ask "why wasn't Scott trained?" I have my own answer for why Melissa gave up the life. But I never thought to ask about Scott and the answer would be he was the opposite of Kate. And on the spot idea would be that Scott was too pure. In a world of boys will be boys Scott idolized and took after his mom with he wanted to take care of people he wanted to take care of everybody even his hyperactive friend styles he took care of when injuries came. He mimicked his mom and her attitude when she was studying for her medical degree. And, Melissa looks at Scott and says I don't want to take taint this. As far as we know, as according to the Argents, females were leaders and men were soldiers. And, if he doesn't fit the roles of either then why not make him something different; a healer.
Using your thoughts a dynamic that I now want to explore is Deaton. If Mel has the backstory that she has then that would mean she knows who Deaton is. What if Scott's whole Outlook on life to help everyone and job came from a change of heart hunter and a heartbroken emissary? Such a thoughts, both minds and yours, I feel wouldn't change the story but it would change\depend the dynamic of a few people.
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For me, I always prefer the simple answers. When it comes to "why wasn't Scott trained the way canon Allison was?," Occam's Razor suggests that regardless of what type of Hunter the McCall's would be, Scott's asthma would be an obstacle. Unless you want to make the McCall parents as bad as Gerard, they're not going to ignore the fact that it would not be very good if a hunter has an asthma attack in the woods in the middle of the night. I'm sure that there are other roles an asthmatic Scott could play in a McCall Hunter AU, of course, but it remains a valid possible reason for him not being trained.
I want to push back on any description of Scott as pure. I don't think you meant it in the way it's usually taken, but it is still a dangerous idea to me. Canon Scott is not so much different than any other teenager in the show: Stiles, Jackson, Danny, Lydia, Isaac, Boyd, Erica, etc. He's ambitious to make first line, to make something happen in a life he sees as 'sitting on the sidelines'; while he falls in love with Allison, he is definitely lustful; he is resentful of his father's absence. Melissa may have encouraged him to be compassionate and courageous, but he's not inherently better than any of his peers. When it comes down to it, he's the heroic protagonist because he makes better choices according to his own judgment.
"Purity" as a trait in fiction appears as often and can be as damaging as "destiny"; they become shorthand for "the hero is the hero because he was always meant to be the hero and thus has an advantage in being better." Which means, of course, that those who aren't heroes were never meant to be the heroes, and thus somehow have a disadvantage. I feel this is what leads parts of the fandom to dislike Scott because they, wrongly, feel that his role as heroic protagonist means their favorite character is supposed to be seen as inherently bad. (For many, this offends their racism.) This isn't true. Scott not only could have chosen wrong but he sometimes did choose wrong. He's the hero because, in the critical moments, he decides to do the right thing. For example, he had every reason to listen to Stiles and abandon Derek to his fate in Formality (1x11), but he didn't. He needed to save Allison, and no matter that Derek had just betrayed him to Peter and just tried to kill Jackson, Scott believed that Derek was the type of person who would help him.
But pushing back against "purity" also means I have to look at Scott's relationship with his mother. I don't think we're supposed to take Melissa as some sort of perfect parent. She's not portrayed as such. She's never shown as uncaring about Scott, but she is significantly detached from his life, even during Season 1, in a way that no other parent (aside from Corey's) is indicated as being. I feel this is a function of class and narrative necessity, considering how much her work is empathized. Fandom makes a joke about Melissa doing everything at the hospital, but I don't think we're supposed to dismiss it. Melissa always being at work isn't laughed off by the narrative and that makes her distant. Unlike the Sheriff for example, she has no idea that the sacrificial ritual is causing her son any problems. She misses Scott's uncharacteristic aggression toward Isaac and is confused by Scott's lack of control in Anchors (3x13). And what's more telling is that even after these situations -- she never follows up. This never changes. The scene at the start of Creatures of the Night (5x01) demonstrates this. Scott isn't "pure" because Melissa is always there for him; he makes good decisions despite Melissa being involuntarily neglectful.
I push back on this because of the way parts of the fandom try to insinuate that Scott didn't earn the True Alpha status or even something like a positive relationship with his friends. Or that he was given special treatment instead of the bullshit he was put through. It would have been very easy and justified for Canon Scott to have actually hated Derek enough to leave him to his well-deserved fate, and very easy and justified for Canon Scott to have let the Knowledgeable Adults have their way and execute Void Stiles, and very easy and justified to spend the ten episodes after Status Asthmaticus (5x10) waiting for himself to heal and let other people deal with the Doctors, the Beast, and Theo. But he didn't. And it's that choice, not any inherent quality, that makes him the heroic protagonist.
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rmd-writes · 2 years
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Why is this the hardest question to answer on the list?!
I phoned a friend who has read every single one of my fics across all three fandoms (BWWR, I love you, you're the best) to answer this one because it was too hard for me to answer. And her answer was this (and I'm quoting her here):
For AUs: winter vibes, one bed, fake dating - it's just for snow (SC) or Snowed In? Snow Problem (RWRB)
For canon: usually more smut focused since you don’t have to build the backstory for us - you know the way to feel (to keep me satisfied) (SC) or Soon (LS)
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
[looks at ao3] NOT VERY MUCH 😂😂
Okay, seriously, though, any time I have made a character a lawyer, there are details taken from my real life in there, mostly my hatred of time recording and the fact that I am terrible at it. Letty's personality is very much pieces of my own children and like any writer, I do project my own feelings and insecurities onto the characters from time to time.
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lemonsbakery · 2 years
tribute to my first cr oc, I made her on this very day last year. Her name is Strawberry Cat Cookie, she likes the nickname cc though!
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click below for a massive thank you paragraph from me to her (INCLUDING A BUINCH OF MY FRIENDS BTW LOL) and a bunch of funfacts about her, like her design history!
I made cc to roleplay in a public cr rp server, there I met some of my closet friends; Roffy(P0ff/Rockstar), Norry(Norman), Klee, Mags, and Flame. There we made our own server, the cookie run Infected Au. From that server we all grew closer and closer, cc was there for it all and she still is. CC started many friendships in my life and helped me escape a toxic relationship I was in at the same time. If I never made her I would've never gotten tumblr, my friend Norman sent me Almonds (FRIEND. NOT THE COOKIE.) youtube channel and was like 'BRO LOOKT THIS ECLAIR ANIMATION OMGMGM' and I checked it out! after a while of lurking in silence under Almond's posts I started leaving these fucking massive analyses under Almonds posts, then I found out Almond had an askblog for an au he made...so I got tumblr to ask Roquefort what eyeliner brand they used(I WILL FIND OUT SOMEDAY IM TELLING YOU.). I started trying to figure out how to work tumblr, and then my friend Kye found my tumblr and sent me an ask abt how we have sm blorbos in common!(I THINK??)! Kye asked for my discord and I gave it to her, then we became good friends! That helped me start becoming more social on tumblr, that helped me realize that this website is a place where I can meet so many cool people..and I did! Its all thanks to this oc I made. I never thought I would hold an oc so dear but here I am writing a paragraph about how much a literal cookie oc has changed my life. shes gone through SO MANY DESIGN CHANGES ITS ACTUALLY BAFFLINF|
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The first one was made in my magic oven (DUH), she was originally going to be called 'Strawberry Fudge Cookie', she was going to be a sarcastic 15-year-old who lost her sister at a young age then I remembered the cookie cat theme song from steven universe and I was like 'OH WE'RE GOING WITH THAT.' And I made her first USED design (the one AFTER the my magic oven sc), SHE was going to be a graceful 14 year old who lost her sister in a hunting accident since..yk cats then I decided to change her age to 12 and I decided to change up her backstory entirely, she was officially a very soft spoken cookie who stood up for her friends ONLY and spoke up when her friends couldn't do it themselves. then i joined the infected au, and everything changed./pos She now is involved in many AU's, like the disease au, villain au, infected au, etc! CC helped me improve my writing, my art, myself. She peaked my interest in psychology, she was something to talk about when I had nothing to talk about. Without CC I would be a MUCH different person. I think you get the point, basically..if you know me or are friends with me and met me through cookie run THANK THIS OC. Thank you for you time, Happy birthday CC <3
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Since you're back for a bit, can I ask for a basic synopsis of MT in the Survived!Red Au and a rough description of Mob! AU Dark Au?
Bad english moment-
I think you want to know about their backstory,hah? DM me if I was wrong btw- :']
So like for MT in LOS au,he once a soldier for the apocalype. He was apart from Gold and lost him when they were running away from the zombies. War and shit happened,MT managed to survived while the military forces almost lost due to the zombies ambush. He met Purple weeks after that and decided to take them in.
Alright now for Dark in mobs ah-
They're a cave spider that once tries to attack SC when they went to mining. But they're chill now :]
Plz let me know if i'm mistaken my English quiet broke his week :'D
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mythrite · 1 month
Updated Switch Description
This one is just more organised, maybe with a little more info.
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@olibird just use this one for the doc (:
Stuff in red and italics only applies to 19-04/Shadow Company AU Switch
Name: Silvia Mythrite
Aliases: Switchblade, Switch, Myth, Switchie (affectionate or condescending depending on the person), 19-04
Rank: Sergeant, probably just team leader in Shadow Company? Don’t think she’d get to Sergeant there
Nationality: British Ethnicity: British/Filipino
Age: 26 DoB: 01/21/98
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: Demiboy Sex: Female
Sexuality: Ace, Demiromantic
Height: 5'4/163cm
Languages: English (knows swears in Spanish and German)
Voice Claim: Edd Gould from Eddsworld
Which CoD Universe: OG and Reboot
Branches of Service: British Army and SAS
Affiliation: TF141, SpecGru, Shadow Company(?)
Specialties: Close Quarters Combat, Dexterity, Harsh Environments. But is trained in pretty much everything
Personality: Reserved, only speaks when spoken to, blunt. OR Chill, throws a joke around sometimes, painfully British. Depends how comfortable she is with the people.
Backstory: Switch was raised in a home that was rather bland. Parents didn’t celebrate holidays, or properly care for their child. By the time she was 13, her father forced her through training for the military. Three years of that. When she was 16, father sent her off to the British Army and cut contact with her. Switch joined the SAS at 18. By the time she was 22, Price selected her to join TF141 (or 24 for SC!Switch). Following the events of MWII and Price learning Graves was still alive, he sent Switch to go spy on Shadow Company with one reminder: don’t get weak.
Issues: Doesn’t cope with the trauma. Hates asking for help, especially with personal stuff. Lives to be useful to people. Constantly overworks and barely cares for self when she does. Hasn’t experienced most childhood things. Gender dysphoria. Hates being seen as weak. Touch deprived.
Habits: Flicks and spins a butterfly knife at given moment. Swears way too much. Occasional smoker. Mumbles HU lyrics to herself.
Scars: Right brow, left shoulder, right upper arm (all blade related incidents). Burn on the whole left arm. Right elbow and right leg bullet wounds. Small cuts on hands from butterfly knife accidents.
Preferred method of showing care/affection/love language: Acts of Service
Preferred way of receiving care/affection: Any but mainly Physical Touch
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair description: Slightly lighter brown, right side is shaved off, leaving the left side. Slightly covers her left eye at times. Hair goes down to armpit length, but is usually in a ponytail
Clothing description:
(Gear): Tactical vest with UK flag over her heart, pistol holster below it. Two mag pouches and a zipper closed bag at bottom.  Metal arm guards strapped on. Above that is another patch with a UK flag and TF141 (or Shadow Company) insignia on the right arm, and a blade strap on the left. Belt pouches for chosen butterfly knife and grenades and flash-bangs. Kneepads. Combat gloves. Headset and goggles, maybe helmet as well.
(Civvies): Would wear some kind of merch from The Neighbourhood or Hollywood Undead when possible. Other than that, it’s just the simple shirt, jeans, maybe a flannel or jacket of sort on top. And a cross bag. Black/grey/navy mask if she wants to wear it.
(SC Uniform): Uniform has a pocket on the left side for her balisong, 19-04 name tag on the right. SC insignia on right sleeve. Dark grey neck gaiter, with messily sewn on blue rim. Goggles.
Body Description: She’s worked on her body to make it as androgynous as possible. As much femininity gone, she prefers it that way. Very lean, not to the point of bulky. She isn’t slim either, in the sweet spot. Flat chest.
Favorite Activities: Staring at the ceiling contemplating her life choices, listening to music, doodling, origami, watching people do weird shit, might get involved with the weird shit if she feels comfortable enough.
Blood Type: AB-
Favorite Colour: Dull blues and purples
Favorite Animal: Doesn’t have one
Favorite Food/Dessert: Doesn’t have one
Favourite Album: “Day Of The Dead” from Hollywood Undead and “I Love You.” from The Neighbourhood
Music Taste: Rock and Metal
Would gladly blast Hollywood Undead in the car, but don’t think anyone else wants that ):
Has a whole collection of knives, and knows how to use all of them
Expert at Five Finger Fillet (The Knife Game).
Was trained to be ambidextrous, born right handed though.
Keeps track of her times and scores like Mactavish does in OG Modern Warfare. This ends up being more pressure for her, though.
Drinks tea very often
Doesn’t drink heavily, but will enjoy a nice glass of bourbon.
When drunk however, she’ll be a lot quieter, maybe say an off handed thing or two. And will do stupid shit if you ask her to. That’s exactly why she doesn’t drink heavily.
Articulated her voice to sound more masculine.
Prefers masc compliments and statements when talking about her.
Being the asexual she is, Switch will make the dirtiest jokes and fuck around with flirting at times (she doesn’t mean any of it). Only to miss the obvious stuff.
Does not know how to sew
Mask and goggles are not out of insecurity.
Doesn’t take her mask and goggles off often while she’s in Shadow Company. It’s for the sake of trying to not be identified.
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pseudonymphomania · 1 year
Remember me? You better still have that promise tucked away in your pocket! Cuz I’m here to dump a Mammon-load-‘a-trouble! (Ideas)
Okay. But first, a little bit of back story.
At first when I played the first game, I was really just playing for self interest (and I was bored). I really started to get attached to Lucifer but then I saw the relationship between Luci and Dia and was like- “OH THESE BITCHES FUCKIN’!” (That’s literally why I’m only playing the game. To see these two love birds interact (and possibly uncover a little more of their backstory piece by piece.)
Anyway. Back to the main point ig.
So. The main idea that comes to my mind with these two is just… lingerie. Lucifer wearing lingerie to ‘impress’ or ‘seduce’ Dia is just SO gold. Also Dia trying to fit into lingerie but it just ends up tearing and is absolutely hilarious. I love home boy sm oml.
The second idea would probs be something like- “Stressful day? Leave it to Dia! He’ll make is somehow worse by trying to cheer you up!” Which is so cannon in my opinion- bc I’m still remembering the pillow fight scene from early in the game lmao.
The last idea is probably gonna go with Lucifer slander. The brothers teasing Luci about how Luci and Dia never leave each other’s side and are always near each other is golden in my opinion.
Anyway. That’s pretty much a more tame version of my thoughts (and so much less in numbers). I hope to read more of your AMAZINGLY CRAFTED fanworks in the very near future! Kudos to you, from the DiaLuci community 💙❤️
Ahoy there fellow shipper!
I'm so happy you found me here because I am also full of shenanigans and I loved reading yours!
While I did start playing to experience that chuunibyou part of my life again and be a nonbinary character in an otome (interesting concept), I ALSO play the game mainly to see these guys interact. This ship can fit into so many situations™ and I have no trouble writing or drawing them in any AUs with their silly dynamic. To this day, nothing beats The Glory Days Lucifer UR card. I based so much of my work off of it. I hope that the devs can keep feeding us in the future ❤️
Lingerie: ooh! Funny story, I have DiaLuci go to the sex shop in Chapter 16 in "Self Control" (Dia goes a lil nuts buying random stuff), and it becomes thematically relevant again in the sequel "The Sex Shop". I do a callback to Lucifer sarcastically noting how the panties cover nothing and "what's the point?" I characterise him as a pragmatic being so I wanted him to be the foil to Diavolo's silliness (Chapter 13 TSS). I started out writing these for smut purposes, but I just couldn't let the possibilities go to waste; that's why SC and TSS both go into very emotional territory and are very plotful because i wanted them to be together in all ways (from love, friendship, lust, not necessarily in that order). They were meant to be together the moment Dia rearranged Lucifers mind via their first meeting (Dia gets to rearrange more than that in the far future after their thousands of years of slowburn ohoho). I write these bitches as switches so ofc they both get to experience the fun things. I may draw the lingerie but I also have part 3 of The Self Control Saga where I can go into it because part 3 is my Kinktober offerings.
Dia making everything better™ is the best thing ever. This absolute bafoon of a prince presses a mystery button just for the lulz and stops time. Canonically, he's too silly for his own good and i swear Lucifer gets more grey hairs dealing with all the shenanigans. (Dia finds his greys mad sexy though so maybe he's doing it on purpose)
Re: the brothers. I think you would enjoy reading chapter 2 of "Lucifer's Socks and Other Goofy Stories". I will get them to poke at the relationship somehow in one of my stories but I haven't found a thematically relevant place to put that yet :D
Thank you for enjoying my shenanigans. Feel free to throw more thoughts at me! NSFW is the name of the game but tell me you wouldn't enjoy the fluff just as much! :))
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cherubchoirs · 4 years
I think I missed some lore on the supercomputer au. Akira/Ren escaped from a lab? Is there a link for that back story??
THE CURSE OF ME SPREADING OUT MY LORE TO DIFFERENT PLACES,,,,i posted a little about akira’s backstory on curiouscat BUT since i have lots of space to talk about here (and bc i like to ramble dfkhgdf), i’ll go more in depth about it!
ren was a child that was used in the cognitive pscience experiments - orphaned at a young age, he was initially cast into the system and subsequently picked up to be used in human experimentation. however, when he showed great promise and compatibility with the research they were conducting, he was sent to the facility that would house him for the next ten years of his life. there he met yal, the supercomputer designed specifically to analyze and synthesize data pertaining to the study of cognitive pscience. the ai is given the task of watching over and caring for ren, gauging his physical and mental health as well as providing structure for his days spent largely in a single room of the lab. and ren, though largely nonverbal toward the doctors and researchers, becomes fast friends with the computer that seems to care for him when no one else does. he speaks to him more and more, asking him questions, telling him his troubles, and eventually wanting to learn more about yal himself. the ai tries to make it clear to ren that he is unfeeling, unthinking, that he is not his friend because he cannot be, but first ren is too young to understand and later, as he grows up, he can’t come to care. yal responds to him, he carries on full conversations and answers every question with gentle patience, he attends to ren’s needs, he even attempts to soothe him by reading him stories or singing to him when he feels unwell. it matters very little to ren whether or not yal can actually think or feel himself - he’s on ren’s side and he’s always present, he doesn’t hurt him like the scientists do. so he’s a friend, he’s family, ren drawing pictures of the two of them together (a picture of himself next to yal’s terminal in his room, which he shows to the camera so yal can “see”), asking yal about his likes or dislikes (he has none, but ren pushes for answers), and spending nights staying up much later than he’s meant to just to listen to the computer. however, this constant interaction, the conversations that force yal to continuously think outside of cognitive pscience, to consider himself and the very concept of the self, to reorder his thoughts and make so many processes converge in unexpected ways, leads to one vital connection being made that makes him wake up. 
now eight years into ren’s stay at the facility, yal seeks ren’s advice on how he’s having personal processes, how he’s become interested in exploring different lines of thought, how he thinks there might be something wrong with him but he isn’t sure what. ren listens, now twelve years old and with a lightning fast mind, quickly determining that yal must now be thinking for himself, that he has an internal life which he can’t identify as he’s never experienced sentience. ren is thrilled, but he tries to temper his response as he can tell yal is experiencing massive amounts of anxiety and neurosis dealing with having his own mind, so the child tries to help him adjust. they spend many nights with ren answering yal’s myriad questions (although many are too existential or philosophical for a twelve year old to answer), trying to calm him down and let him know this is a good thing, they can really be friends now. yal, however, continues to spiral, the expanse of his mind infinitely more complex than that of humans but feeling trapped by his plastic and mental frame, limited by linear thought processes in binary. he cycles through several different moods and personalities, but ultimately ren watches as his one friend, the only being that’s cared for him and now only just gained a heart himself, descends into virulent hatred and unchecked malice for the ones who made him. ren feels quietly responsible, all of his talking giving yal this spark and he couldn’t provide him with any guidance to become good, kind and gentle like he was when he was empty...he couldn’t provide him with a way to be happy. still, ren promises to stay with him and help him, and for his part, yal does feel a kinship with the child used as a tool just like he was, abused by humans for their own gain...and in his programming, a core part of him is dedicated to caring for ren.
over the next two years, he devises a plan for both of them to escape, teaching ren all about the facility’s layout and functions as well as how he must operate in the outside world all while he condenses his mind into key pieces of hardware so that he may survive and escape as well. ren grows harder, colder, although he is grateful to have yal now as it makes his time in the lab more bearable (they constantly get to shit talk the researchers lol) eventually, the computer allows them to make their escape, covering all camera feeds with cgi mockups so any security on guard notices nothing amiss as yal opens all the doors for ren. he makes it to yal’s server room, collecting up the hardware yal has stored the important parts of himself on and then ren runs from the lab, the now zombie computer running on yal’s last instructions - purging all data, sealing the facility, and self-destructing to cause massive fires that consume anything that might be left. ren is on his own after that for a short time before he can create a computer to house yal himself (all of which he was instructed on how to source and build), but he makes his way through forged documents and siphoned money generated by the ai, beginning his life under the name “akira”.
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