#but today I happened to watch this scene with headphones for the first time and finally realized you can actually hear what they say 😂
the-oc-lass ¡ 7 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova
Hello hello! I don't have much to say today, but I do have content.
By the way, I will be directly inserting Charlotte into a scene from the movie here, so there's that.
First, Previous, Next
Charlotte grips the fabric in her hands, carefully adjusting it over the window. Thunder rumbles softly outside, and she smoothes her hands over the curtain. Should keep any curious eyes away. Probably. She takes a moment to glance over her shoulder at Ballister. He's still unconscious, but she hopes he'll wake up soon. She made him some tea, after all. There are some candles sitting by the steaming mug, which she hopes will be a nice sight to wake up to, if not a bit misleading, considering the current situation. She eventually looks away, glancing over at where Nimona is cooking. She has her headphones on and is happily dancing to it as she makes breakfast tacos. Charlotte smiles and shakes her head fondly, then moves to check on one of the other windows. As she's moving, she hears a clattering noise behind her, and then the telltale sound of fire whooshing up. Nimona's voice mutters vague lyrics along to the song she's listening to, and there's a sizzling as she tosses things around in the frying pan.
"Ah. Hey, boss!" she suddenly says. Charlotte looks over, her hands still gripping one of the boards covering the other window. Ballister is sitting up on the couch, peering over the back of it at Nimona. He watches her as she pours the meat and such into the taco shells, adjusting them on the plate.
"How long was I out for?" he asks as Nimona approaches with the plate. Nimona sighs, a grim expression on her face as she leans one arm on the back of the couch. Here we go.
"Oh. Fifteen years," she says. Thunder booms as lightning flashes in the shapeshifter's eyes, and Charlotte can't help but roll her own eyes as she looks away from the two of them.
"Fifteen years?" Ballister shouts in horror. Ah, poor Bal.
"Don't be so gullible. It was just a couple of hours. Breakfast tacos?" Nimona asks. Charlotte can hear the tray clang a bit as it lands, presumably, in Ballister's lap. Charlotte checks that the last of the boards are secure, then brushes her hands off on her pants. Seems good. Secure. Ish.
"Wait. Wait. Last thing I remember, we were in a supply closet. And now...How did I get here?" Ballister asks.
"Oh, I dragged you for, like, seven miles," Nimona replies. Charlotte almost scoffs. What is she, chopped liver?
"What happened?" Ballister asks. Charlotte looks over, watching as Nimona leans on her arms over the back of the couch.
"Your head bounced on the sidewalk a few times." Well, that must've happened before Charlotte got there. With how Nimona was dragging Ballister, she's not entirely surprised.
"It's all so...foggy," Ballister says. He probably has that concussion that Charlotte was worried about. She starts walking over as Nimona vaults over the back of the couch.
"Really? Well, you thanked me, said you'd forever be in my debt, and that we'd always be best friends," Nimona says, holding up a picture for Ballister to see. When did she even take that picture? Ballister makes a confused noise and looks back at Nimona, who pulls the picture away and deadpans. "Totally happened." She tosses the picture over the back of the couch, where it flutters away and vanishes. Charlotte is finally close enough to swat the back of the teen's head.
"You're a menace," she says, but there's a note of amusement. Nimona bats her hand away, and she chuckles as she walks along the side of the couch.
"Charlotte," Ballister says, sounding incredibly relieved. Before she really knows what's happening, Charlotte is being embraced around her waist, and Ballister's head is resting against her stomach. Charlotte pauses for only a moment, then relaxes and puts one arm around Ballister, the other stroking over his hair. It might be a lot shorter, but it's just as soft as she remembers.
"Yeah, Bal. I'm here. I guess it's been a while," she says, voice a little softer. She's brought back to the Institute, to their shared childhoods. Whether the rest of the Institute knew it or not, they both knew what it was like to be on the streets, to take whatever comfort you could. Once that had been established, they were incredibly tactile with one another and Ambrosius. This feels familiar, though she knows that it was herself in Ballister's place, and him in hers. After a moment, Ballister sighs and pulls his head back to look up at her.
"I'm glad to see you," he says. She smiles at him.
"I'm glad to see you too, Bal." Their moment of peace is broken when Nimona makes a puking noise. Charlotte looks over at her.
"It's called affection, Nim. You should try it sometime," she says. Nimona sticks her tongue out at her, and Charlotte doesn't dignify it with a response, simply shifting slightly away from Ballister to perch on the arm of the couch behind him. After a moment, Nimona brightens.
"Hey, we spruced up the lair," she says, throwing herself off the couch. "I arranged the weapons in order of deadliness, unchildproofed the place, opened all the poisons laying around, and pulled some rusty nails onnnnne centimeter out of the floorboards." She picks up a large mace that's almost the same size as her and throws it up onto her shoulder. "Overall, just made it much more evil lair-y in here." Ballister looks over at Charlotte, and she gestures vaguely.
"I helped her hang up lights and weatherproofed the place. She tried to bite me if I tried to do anything else," she says, deadpan. "She wanted to be the one to make the place evil lair-y." Suddenly, Nimona gasps and they both look back over at her.
"Evil Larry. That's a great villain name. You should totally change your name-"
"Never gonna happen," Ballister says. Charlotte chuckles slightly.
"Whatever Larry," Nimona says, face losing its excitement before she swings around and bashes the mace down into the table. That's probably great for the table.
Lovely tagged people:
@ammonitetheseaserpent @perfectkittystranger @madlad06 @xxlunadrawsstuffxx
7 notes ¡ View notes
ohwynne ¡ 11 months
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TIMING: 16 July PARTIES: Van @vanoincidence & Wynne @ohwynne@ohwynne LOCATION: Worm Row SUMMARY: Wynne and Van come across a bunch of Youths™ bullying a carbuncle. They shoo them away and wrap the creature up, bringing it back to Wynne's place as they cement their friendship. CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A
Van sucked in a breath, pushing her foot off of the ground, letting it come to rest at the back of the board. The wheels moving over the asphalt made the roof of her mouth numb, as well as the soles of her feet. She missed her car, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to look at it after what had happened to it. Even though she wasn’t sure what had happened to it. Or more like, she refused to acknowledge it. Her headphones currently blared Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo, and though they weren’t as good as her last pair, it wasn’t like she could have kept them. 
She rounded a corner, a gasp building in her chest as she nearly came to knock into somebody. At first, Van wasn’t sure they had realized she was there, because they were staring off into something. She stopped rolling, kicking her board up. “Hey! I almost ran– Wynne?” She blinked at them, remembering the way they had saved her from a pizza apocalypse. She looked to where their gaze had suctioned to, noticing that there was a small bunny-like creature in the alleyway. Two teenagers were there, too. “Are they hurting it?” She asked them, gaze cutting back to Wynne. She knew she should intervene, but anxiety rose in her chest. What if something bad happened? “What do we do?” 
People were cruel, this was something Wynne was learning more and more every day. Today the lesson was taught by two teenagers that had backed a small, rodent in an alleyway. They’d thrown things at it and one of them had even spit at it, while the other made rude and intimidating noises. They’d been frozen in observation for a short while when Van arrived, staring at the scene like a deer in headlights. They hoped they could be a deer that charged and attacked, but the entire thing was so sad that they felt immobilized for a moment.
They jumped a little at the way Van arrived, turning to them with wide eyes. “Van!” They looked back at the youths in the alleyway, nodding their head. “Yes, they’re scaring it, and who knows what else they’ve done or will do,” they said, looking at Van again. They bit their lip before remembering how badly they had felt that people had been willing to watch them hurt. “We should stop them.” Wynne gave a decisive nod of their head before moving forwards, somehow feeling a little less scared now that there was another person there. “Hey! Stop that!”
Van didn’t want to just leave, but cruelty was everywhere these days. With their back turned, the tallest person in the group could pass for the very girl that had struck her with a knife. She could see this going the same way, maybe. She felt her skin prickle with uncertainty, but before she could pull at Wynne’s sleeve, they were surging forward, yelling at the teenagers to stop. Van wasn’t much older than them, she realized. She recognized them to be maybe two grades below her. She wondered how much older Wynne was than herself. 
It didn’t matter, she decided. Wynne needed her support, even if she wasn’t exactly sure how she could give it. Van followed them into the alley, her board pressed against her stomach. She could throw it at them maybe. She was good at throwing things. She swallowed thickly and spoke, her own voice trembling slightly. “Leave it alone! It’s not doing anything to you.” 
One of the teenagers turned around and rolled his eyes at the company, but another looked at them with uncertainty fixed across her features. She knew she was doing something wrong and it was obvious. The bunny-like creature cowared next to a dumpster, its small hands obsessively rubbing together as its tail twitched. 
“Leave!” Van tried again, her voice a little stronger this time. She didn’t want to let the bullied animal down. She’d been in its shoes one too many times. Plus, she wanted to be strong for Wynne, too. She couldn’t let them do all the heavy lifting.
It was so pitiful, this small creature, so bad at defending itself. Wynne had seen plenty of creatures hurt in its time, but never with such mindless violence and for something so selfish as personal enjoyment. Hadn’t there been a purpose to all the rabbits that had died back home? A higher cause? Hadn’t the way they died been kind? For a moment their mind grew doubtful and dark, filled with guilt for their own past idleness.
But at least this time they were charging forward. And this time there was someone on their side. It was decided, then: they really did like Van. They wanted to be their friend. “You heard her,” Wynne shouted, “Go! What’s it ever done to you?”
The girl teenager was tugging on the other’s sleeve, looking like maybe these twenty-somethings were confronting her was making her question her morality. Or maybe she was just a coward of sorts Wynne pushed past them, shielding the little critter.
The other one was still scowling, though, eyes flicking between Van and Wynne as if sizing them up. “Bitches,” he spat, “You’re lame.” And with that, he let himself be tugged away by the other. 
Van waited for them to get angry. To yell, or to throw things. But instead, they turned on their heel and left, but not before spatting vitriol in their direction. Van frowned, but her attention immediately fell onto the bunny that was at the end of the alleyway. Or, she thought it was a bunny. It had a weird gem on its forehead and she wasn’t sure if somebody had put it there or not. 
“Do you think it’s hurt?” Van’s voice was barely above a whisper as she knelt down, fingers tapping against the sticky alleyway floor. The not-bunny stared back at them with wide eyes, its small hands coming together to obsessively rub together. 
They were gone and Wynne let out a breath of relief, looking at them before turning around and squatting near the creature. It wasn’t like anything they’d ever seen before, though it looked somewhat like an albino rabbit. Their mind traveled to the one in Dr Kavanagh’s hands, but that one had certainly not had a gem on their head. It looked frightened. They wanted to reassure it that Van and them weren’t going to hurt it, but they weren’t sure how to.
“I don’t know,” they said, looking at it with wide eyes. Its fur was grimy, though there were a few bright spots that revealed how white it was when clean. The gem on its head shone brightly. “Do you think they wanted that?” They frowned. “What even is it …” Wynne looked over their shoulder. “It shouldn’t be here, in town, I don’t think.” 
“Wanted the rock?” Van wasn’t really sure what was on the rabbit’s head, but it looked expensive. She hated the idea that somebody would hurt an animal like that. A frown tugged at the corners of her mouth before she looked over at Wynne. “I hope not, but… who even put it there?” Somebody must have glued the gem to the rabbit’s head, which in itself was really messed up. It would probably hurt if they tried to remove it, she realized. 
“No, I don’t think so either.” It looked too… good, Van decided, to be in a grimy alleyway. She shrugged her jean jacket off and held it out for Wynne. They seemed much more gentle and calm than Van could ever come across, and Van was worried that if she tried to grab it, she’d end up melting something again. The thought made her shiver and she smiled reassuringly at her new friend. “I think you should try and get it, and then maybe we can take it to your house?” She didn’t actually know where Wynne lived, but there’d be too many ways for it to get hurt at her house, and she couldn’t be responsible for some living thing when she couldn’t even take care of herself. Wynne seemed much more put together for that sort of thing. 
Van assumed that the gem had been put there, which was something Wynne hadn’t even considered. They had just assumed this was another creature they weren’t familiar with, another supernatural thing that couldn’t be found with a simple Google search. “It looks like it’s stuck to it? Maybe it’s part of it? Or maybe someone wanted to decorate their pet, I don’t know. It looks valuable.” But who cared about value, right? Not them.
As the other held out the jacket they looked at it for a moment before taking it. They had handled wild and tame animals before, of course, but it was still a move that made them feel like they were trusted with something small and frail. “Alright.” The fabric was soft under their touch as they squatted down, looking at the little creature before carefully but quickly wrapping the jacket around them, somewhat restraining it from moving too much.
“I don’t live far from here. I was just on a walk. So we can go, and we can get it to my room so the cats can’t get to it? I have some lettuce and carrots so …” Wynne looked up at Van, as if wanting assurance that they were doing right by the creature.
“That might have been why those kids were harassing it.” Van’s frown deepened as she looked at the creature. Even though its threats were gone, it still seemed distressed. Van was known to be too loud around animals, even as a kid. She’d gotten scratched plenty of times by cats whose tails she’d tug, only wanting to play. She hadn’t ever meant to be the annoying kid who didn’t know how to respect an animal’s space, but it happened anyway. She paid for it now by being nervous around all living things. 
Wynne took the jacket and Van was grateful. The last thing she wanted to have happen was for Wynne to insist that she was capable. That would have been something an adult would’ve done, she thought. But Wynne was her age, maybe a little older. 
Van watched with bated breath as Wynne wrapped the rabbit up in the jacket. It squirmed some, but seemed largely content. She looked over at Wynne as they explained they didn’t live far from the alleyway. That meant that they lived in Worm row, too! Van nodded before looking back to the not-rabbit who blinked up at her from Wynne’s arms. “I think it’ll like carrots and lettuce, yeah. Let’s go.” She smiled at her friend before letting them lead the way to their apartment, completely ignorant to the fact that it was the one Emilio worked out of.
A sad expression washed over Wynne’s face, who looked at the gem again now that the animal was closer to them. They resisted the urge to touch it, not wanting to disturb it any further. “I think so, yes.” They were such a hypocrite, wrapping up this little creature in a blanket and wanting it to be safe, when less than a year ago they had watched animals of the same size be killed in the name of the demon.
Maybe this was them trying to be better. And besides, back at home they had never bullied the sacrifices to be, right? They had made life comfortable. They had even done that for Wynne. And though they had rejected it, they knew it was preferable to this: being driven in a corner and afraid out of your mind. Still, it was hard not to feel a little guilty and deceptive.
“Me too. It’s funny, I didn’t realize that we lived so close to each other until I went to your party. Which was really fun, by the way.” They started to move, falling in an easy rhythm as they pressed the animal against their chest to keep the impact of their steps to a minimum. “So we’re kind of neighbors, right?” Their eyes kept flicking down to the creature, unsure of its comfort and unsure whether they ought to be the one that should do this. “Can you, um, reach into my pocket and get the key? We’re nearly there.”
“I’m glad that you liked it.” Even if Van had been a nervous wreck about so many different people being in her house, it was a little nice to see the fruits of that labor blossom into actual friendships, even if she wasn’t exactly sure she deserved them. Folding into herself was the easier thing to do, and maybe she could have done that tonight had she not run into Wynne. 
“We’re kind of neighbors, yeah!” She grinned at Wynne, even if it took a little more effort than usual. She wanted to be the kind of person Wynne could be proud of, and she wasn’t sure why. Maybe because Wynne seemed inherently good, and because they’d been untouched by all of this. Or, at least, she hoped they had been. And by this, she meant Wicked’s Rest’s weirdness. Of the allgood death pit. Of everything else. 
Van nodded at Wynne’s request and she dug into the other’s pocket, producing a key. She held it in her palm like it was the most important thing in the universe, careful to close her hand around it so that she wouldn’t accidentally drop it. She realized quickly, with the silence, that she wasn’t giving Wynne much to go off of and she cleared her throat as they walked. “Sorry, I’m just… new to the meeting new people thing, I guess. I don’t really leave my house, and the party was totally Cass and Nora’s idea.” She felt a little bad for pawning it off on them, but it was true. “I liked having everyone over, though, even if it made me a little nervous.” Nervous about one of them finding out about Debbie, or something terrible happening, she wasn’t sure. Milo’s arrival had also put some anxiety into her. “But I’m glad I ran into you right now, too, even if we’ve got this guy on our hands.” She motioned towards the scared animal swathed in Wynne’s jacket. 
Van was so cool, Wynne thought. She had a house and friends and made her way around the neighborhood on a skateboard — and yet she wasn’t wholly unapproachable. Maybe it was because of the way they had initially met, with the other panicked at their job. Still, Wynne tried very hard to keep their own composure and to seem like someone who did this kind of thing all the time and didn’t have a history of watching animals be sacrificed.
“How do you like it here?” People talked rather badly about Worm Row, and though Wynne didn’t like everything about it they were very fond of the place. It was, after all, where they had found sanctuary with their roomates. “I live here with some roommates. They have cats so maybe we should just go to my room so that they won’t get all hissy.” That was to say: so Hobbes doesn’t get hissy.
When Van admitted to being new to meeting people, there was a look of surprise on their face that they struggled to suppress. “Oh, really? I mean, me too, but I thought … well, you’re pretty easy to get along with.” They gave the other a small smile. “That’s alright. I was very nervous too. I think we weren’t the only ones?” Wynne spared a glance to the jump wrapped up in the jacket, wanting to pet the critter’s small snoot. “Me too. Look at us, we’re a right pair of rescuers!” They nodded towards their building as they approached it, “That’s me.” 
“I’ve lived here my whole life, so I don’t really know anything else.” Even her grandmother’s apartment in New York wasn’t much better than her living conditions here, but at the very least people screamed less. But Van wore headphones for a reason. “It’s home, I guess?” She wasn’t sure if that was a good enough answer, so she continued, “I’m like, weirdly protective of it. Some kids growing up would talk shit about Worm Row, but we have a really cool name. Who the hell would want to live in a place like Harborside?” Her mom had wanted to, but they never could quite dream of affording something like that. 
Van hummed under her breath, nodding as Wynne explained they lived with roommates. “I’ve been thinking of getting some.” The money had practically vanished over the few years, and who was she to pay a mortgage alone? She was only twenty. The insurance had taken care of a lot of things, but still. “Roommates, I mean.” She looked towards the front door of the apartment building as Wynne motioned towards it. “Oh, nice!” She stuck the key into the front door and pushed it open, which revealed a ground floor with a sketchy looking elevator and a set of stairs off to the side. The elevator thankfully worked, despite the way it looked, and Van waited for Wynne to tell her which way they’d need to go from there. Her eyes glazed over when she saw the Axis Investigation sign on a sort of broken looking door. “Don’t tell me Emilio lives here, too?” 
“Oh. I have only lived here since February. But I think it is much better than where I stayed before.” That was a vague yet true enough statement, wasn’t it? Wynne frowned as Van mentioned that people talked badly of the Worm Row. “I have noticed that people talk down on this neighborhood. They do at work a lot. I think it’s pretty okay here. Especially because I live with nice people. I’m glad that it is home to you.” They smiled at her. It was good to have a place to call home. Wynne was getting close to calling this place that too, they thought.
“It is very nice to live with other people! I like to cook for them. And then they can do the dishes, so it’s a very good win-win situation.” They followed Van into the building, kicking the door close behind them (as it sometimes required a little force if you wanted it to remain close to trespassers). Wynne looked at the animal in their arms, trying to gauge if it was okay now that it was inside a building with very different smells. They lifted their head and nodded. “Yes he does. We are neighbors. He’s pretty cool, I think. Do you know him?” Then they gestured to the left side of the hallway, “I’m right over there. The door with the dried flowers stuck to it.” Which had been their handiwork. For good luck. So far it seemed to be working.
“February is a good month. One month before my birthday.” She said it proudly, even though she wasn’t sure she deserved to be excited at all. Well, that was a stupid thought. “But I’m glad you moved here, Wynne.” Because even if she had been uneasy at her party, and even if she wasn’t that great with making new friends offline, Wynne was a good person, and Van was glad to have met them. 
“Oh fuck, I hate doing the dishes. That does sound like a win-winn, or a Wynne-Wynne.” She made sure the emphasize her friend’s name with a grin before balling her hands into fists at her sides. Van needed to learn when enough was enough, she realized. She looked towards the rabbit that was enveloped in Wynne’s arms, grateful that they had been the one to take care of it. Van wasn’t sure if she could have handled it the way that they had. “He slapped cheese out of my hands one time.” She frowned. “That’s the most I know of him, aside from the fact that he’s a P.I.” That in itself was still worrying to her. It’d only be a matter of time before he found out about Debbie and got them all arrested. “That’s super cool of you, I bet he likes them.” She wasn’t sure that Emilio liked anything. 
They turned to look at Van. “When’s your birthday?,” Wynne asked, hoping that they would remember it. “I’ll be here to celebrate it next year!” They had to be. They did not want to leave here. They beamed at the other, smiling brightly and nodding at the other’s statement. “I am very happy I did, too. And that we got to meet each other!” Over pizza, and then once more at that party which seemed to have cemented something. Wynne had friends, plural. A group to belong to maybe.
It took them a moment before they got the pun, but when they did, they laughed in a way that seemed to make the creature stir. Wynne flushed. “A Wynne-Wynne. Yes.” That was very unfitting for their life, but they still thought that very funny. As Van explained what Emilio had done to them, they frowned a little. “Slapped … cheese out of your hands …? Why’d he do that?” Maybe the cheese had been a monster. Was that something that happened? In this town, it might as well. “He’s alright, really.” More than alright, but it seemed a little lame to go on and on about how much they admired a person Van didn’t seem to like. They entered their flat, turning to look at Van, “I haven’t asked if he liked them. Let’s maybe go to my room first and then when this small one is a little settled I can offer you something to drink?” 
They were hasty to get to their room, so Hobbes couldn’t become too curious. After the biting incident with Ariadne, Wynne was a little less fond of him. They looked around their (very bare) room, and opened a (very bare) drawer with their foot, in which they placed the jacket that still held the creature. “Um.” That seemed like maybe it was a good thing to do. “Alright. We did it!” They moved back, giving the animal who still seemed stressed but maybe a little less so some space. They looked at Van. “Should we go see in the fridge what we have for him? And I’ll get you a drink. If you don’t mind, maybe you can hang out a bit?” 
When Van agreed, they smiled a little brighter, throwing one more nervous glance at the animal before leading their new friend into their home.
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little-writing-drabbles ¡ 4 months
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ᖫ Interview ᖭ
Ask: N/A
Type: x reader
Word count: 4,244
Reader: gn, no pronouns specified
TW: death, description of a murder, mutilation (not reader), mental illness potentially, mention of a car accident, not proofread, grammar, probably really shitty
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Sunsets were always your favorite. You remembered when you got your first car in high school and you would drive up a mountain in the outskirts of your town and would watch the sun set almost everyday. It helped you relax on bad and stressful days, like the sun was taking it away from you, leaving the moon to keep you company. You loved the colors, the orange and yellow of the lowering sun mixing with the blue sky and shades of purple and pink color the clouds, making them look like cotton candy. It was peaceful. You didn’t watch the sunset as much as you used to, work takes up a lot of your time.
Your job isn’t one you liked talking about or telling people, in simple words, you were a true crime podcaster. Researching crimes took up a lot of your time, you needed any and all details you could get your hands on, news articles, accounts of the people involved, witnesses reports, interrogation footage and even crime scene photos were things that were important to recounting cases to the public. You were thankful two of your friends had offered to help you with your research to not overwork yourself. Your relaxation time was interrupted when your phone rang, reaching into your cupholder where your phone sat, you picked up your phone to read the caller ID ‘Melody’. You sighed a little and answered her call, the sound coming out of your car speaker.
“Hey Melody.” You couldn’t hear anything coming from the other side, causing you to sit up in your seat and fiddle with the volume, “you there?”
“Where are you?”
You covered your ears quickly, after messing with the volume knob, you had left it on max volume. Melody’s voice boomed through your car and you quickly turned it down. “Hello?” You sucked in a breath through your teeth.
“Yeah I’m here”
“Are you ok? What happened?”
“I couldn’t hear you so I messed with the volume and blew my eardrums out.”
“Dumbass.” Melody laughed. You fixed your jacket on your shoulders and listened to the thump and rustling from Melody’s side of the call. “You never answered my question.” more rustling, “Where are you?”
“Beach, watching the sunset.” 
“Did you edit the footage?” You froze as you shuffled in your car, “You haven't even started yet huh.”
“No!” You rubbed you'd face and turned your car on. “I'm heading home now ok, I'll start working on it.” Melody hummed. 
“Good, Ive given the other two videos another watch through and fixed a few things here and there and now I just need to make thumbnails for them.” You nodded and to took to the road to head home, watching the sunset from the passenger window in glances. 
“Ill be home soon, Ill text you when I finish editing ok?”
“Alright, dont forget to eat something”
“I won't, text you later.”
“yeah, by biatch.” You laughed as Melody ended the call and you pulled into your driveway. Quickly getting inside before the cold wind picked up. You let out a sigh of relief as you turned on a few light that lead to your living room where you set up your computers for editing. 
You waisted no time in sitting down and turning on the computer to get to work editing on the footage you had already uploaded into Adobe™. You out on your headphones and played to footage right see what you gas gotten, preparing for the first watch though. 
— — — — — — — ✂ — — —
“Hello ladies and gents, welcome to ‘The Dark Truth: A Candid Conversation with Convicts’. A series where I sit down with criminals and ask them about their crimes from their perspective.” You shuffled in your seat as you motioned to the person in front of you. “I'm sitting here today with Max Watson.” Max nodded and he sat straight in his chair in front of the mic that you had set up in front of him. “Max there's two sides to your story and I want to split that up and take it in parts.”
“Ok.” Max stared at you as he spoke, making you squirm a little in your chair. Max had an intense stare, chocolate brown eyes bore into you as he waited for his turn to speak.
“There was a point in your life when things at home weren't doing so great, how old were you?” Max sighed as he thought. 
“I would say…” Max bounced his head from side to side as he remembered back to his life before being locked up, “I would say when I was about sixteen.” He nodded, content with his answer. 
“Can you tell me about your life before then?”
“Well, for a majority of my life I grew up on the west coast on the cliffs right next to the beach in a beach house, we moved there when I was nine, my sister was six I believe?” 
“How close to the beach were you? Was it a town or just a house?” Max tapped his nose a little before looking at you.
“It was right there, like there was just a road between my front yard and the carved in stairs that led down to the beach.” Max used his hands to map out the layout of his house on the table.
“Did you have neighbors?” Max titled his head to the side as he scratched his head, tangling his fingers into his hair that matched his eyes. 
“I had like one, I think.” Max placed his hand back onto the table as he lifted his head to an upright position, “They weren't super close but not far either. My mom hated it.”
“She hated the beach house?” He nodded. 
“Yes, my mom has a very intense fear of the ocean, she never wanted to move into that house.” You opened your mouth to speak but Max beat you to it. “My dad didn't care, we moved anyway.”
“Did they argue about it?”
“Of course. My dad was an architect and he made that house we moved into.”
“Were you upset when you moved?” 
Max shook his head while you readjusted yourself. “No, I was a daddy's boy, if he wanted to move then I would follow without a second thought. And he made that house for me.”
“He made it for you?” Max nodded, “how so?” Max's eyes seemed to sparkle as he rubbed his hands together, excited to tell the story. 
“I had always seen people surf in movies and tv and I wanted to learn how and told my dad about it all the time and so he designed a beach house for me.” You nodded a little. A cute memory of Max and his dad but you reminded yourself where you were both sitting.
“Do you think people are living in that house now?” He shrugged. 
“I don't know, honestly it makes me angry to think about that. That the house my dad made for me is being lived in by other people.” You nodded in understanding. 
“Can you tell me about your mom? Were you close?” Max whined a little and shook his head sheepishly as he scratched his head. He chuckled a little before placing his hand on his thighs. 
“I didn't really care for her.” Max looked down at the table, “She was in the way most of the time.” Max looked back up at you, “my sister was always with her.”
“They were close weren't they.”
“Tell me about your sister?”
“Not much to say, she was in the way too.”
“You don't love her?”
“Not really.” Max shook his head and almost shivered at the thought, “She wanted to be a detective so she was always talking about clues and mysteries. I know she loved Sherlock Holmes. Called me her Watson and all but made me play detective with her.”
“This beach house, did you ever learn to surf?” Max perked up at your question and nodded excitedly.
“I did.” Max leaned in, “my dad got me a surfboard and I spent all morning everyday out on the water learning.” Max smiled fondly at the memory, “I would stay our and watch the sunrise all the time, and the sunsets were just as devine.” 
“Wow, it must have been beautiful.”
“Oh always.” Max tapped the table a little, “I loved it, I would watch the sunset almost every day.” He sighed before scratching his hand, “not always but at least I never missed a sunrise.” You nodded as your rubbed your arms and stretched your back.
“i'm assuming you got better over the years?”
“Yes, I was doing surfing competitions by the time I was in High School. My dad would go but my sister and mom never did.”
“Mmm. So while you got better your mom got worse.”
“How bad did it get?”
“She got really pale, she never went out because you would just be looking at the ocean so she only ever went out to the backyard but it wasn't often.” Max scratched his head again, “She and my sister would beg to move so mom could get better but my said would just tell them ‘we're not moving’ to their faces.” 
“Why didn't your mom just have her family come take her away?”
“She wasn't close with her family ever, like no contact so she didn't have anywhere to go.” You hummed a response and tapped the table a little. 
“What happened when you were sixteen?”
“My dad died.” Max's voice was flat as he stared at you, almost glaring at you for asking. “Car accident, he was coming home from town at night and was hit by a group of teenagers that were driving on the wrong side and my dad swerved but so did they and they pushed him off the side of that cliff.”
“Did you know the teenagers that were in the car?” Max clenched his teeth and began grinding his jaw before nodding.
“All of them were in my English class.” Max shook his head in a disapproving way, “They couldn't even look at me.” Max shuffled in his chair and clenched his fists to calm himself down, “They tried for weeks to apologize and make it up for me but I wasn't gonna let them.”
“Their apologies wouldn't bring your dad back.” Max looked at you stunned.
“Yeah.” Max couldn't be angry anymore, he looked around awkwardly before looking back at you. “It was really hard for me, I guess it was also hard for my mom and my sister.” 
“You were the man of the house at that point.” 
“I was, my dad left me a majority for his things and the house, while my mom and my sister got some money.”
“Did you keep surfing?”
“I had too.” Max stared at the mic in front of him, “Surfing was my thing. It helped me cope.” 
“Things didn't get better with your mom after your dad passed, did they.” Max shook his head. 
“No, I was sixteen when my dad passed and eighteen when my mom lost her vision.”
“Your mom listed her vision? Was it an eye disease?”
“No, it was self-inflicted.” You raised your eyebrows in shock, “I look a lot like my dad and when he passed my mom didn't have many ways to cope, I don't know if she didn't try or it wasn't working but she started calling me Willas–my dads name–and kept telling me to not go outside and stay out of the water and telling me that we should move away for Max's safety and I was sick of it honestly.”max shrugged as he waved his arms about slightly before leaving then. on his lap. 
“So what did you do?”
“I told her to leave me alone.” Max shook his head, “I thought her fear of deep water was annoying at this point and since I was of age all of the things my dad left me were now in my possession including the house.” Max rubbed his face as he leaned forward again, “so since I was so fed up I grabbed her arms-” Max held one of his forearms and shook it lightly, “ like this and I started dragging her out of the house, telling bee that if she wanted to stay in my house she needed to get over her fear because I wasn't gonna leave.” 
Max let his arm go and propped his head up with his arm on the table, “I didn't get her out of the house but I got her to the front door and she lost her marbles and broke down. My sister was out at the time and she had just gotten home and got really mad at me.”
“She helped your mom back inside?”
“Yeah,” Max rubbed his temples, “a few days later I went out into town to get a few things and even a new board and when I got home I saw my mom on the kitchen floor with a bunch of cleaning products and she was holding this like,” Max moved his hands in front of him to make a cylinder as he thought, “it was like a soup take out thing and she lifted it up and poured it on her face so it would get into her eyes.” You covered your eyes in discomfort before looking back at Max. 
“It was cleaning products, wasn't it.” Max nodded in conformation. 
“Yeah, I called 911 and they confirmed it there and when they had asked her why she said I saw the ocean I saw the deep over and over again.” Max scratched his forehead, “My sister was mad at me that I didn't stop her and well I don't blame her for that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I had ample time to stop her, and I just didn't want to.”
“What was going through your head at that time?”
“I just thought, well maybe if dies she won't be such a nuisance but she didn't and that's when I called 911.” Max glanced down at the mic before looking back to you, “I watched her cry for about…” he shrugged “like almost five minutes.”
“Did your sister ever forgive you for that?”
“Eventually yeah, she shouldn't have.”
“So this was a pretty dark period in your life you'd say, right?” Max hummed a response “Is this where you had met your girlfriend.” Max nodded quickly. 
“Yeah, it was a year later.”
“Where and how exactly did you meet her, your girlfriend.”
“Oh.” Max looked at you stunned again, “No one's asked that before.” He picked at the table a little before leaning towards the mic “Well, I met her–my then girlfriend– on the beach while surfing.” He leaned back in his chair a little, “She was new in town and she was on the beach watching me and when I got out of the water to go back home she stopped me and asked me to teach her.” Max shrugged. 
“And you said yes?” Max laughed a little.
“Kinda, I thought she was pulling my arm so I said meet me here tomorrow at 7 AM and then I'll teach you. And she did.”
“And a love blossomed?” You smiled and Max smiled back. 
“It did, but I always felt like it was too fast.”
“like you got into the relationship too fast?”
“Yeah, it was only like I wanna say,” Max shrugged his shoulders as he looked around. “like a month later?”
“A month? Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?” Max shook his head quickly, a slight look of panic on his face. 
“No no no she asked me.” Max interlocked his fingers with his own. “I would have waited for much longer than a month.”
“I think it's time I asked you the big question.” Max nodded and smiled, “why are you in prison.”
“I'm in prison for killing my girlfriend of four years and her sister.”
“How long were you and your girlfriend in a relationship before you killed her.”
“Four years.”
“That’s quite a while.”
“It was the longest relationship I was in, yes.”
“Why'd you do it?” Max shrugged again. 
“Lyla loved her sister, they were joined at the hip. I knew she loved her because she told me but I never knew just how involved Sidney would be.”
“Sidney was the sister?”
“A huh.” Max nodded as he shuffled. “It was after the first year of us being together that Lyla told me her sister would be moving in with her and I didn't mind because—well what was I gonna do—and Lyla kinda kept blowing me off after that.”
“How so?”
“Like we would make plans to hang out and I would either be stood up or she would bring Sidney without ever letting me know.” Max ran his fingers through his hair and sharply exhaled, “I forgave her and let it slide multiple times before I brought up the issue with her and I said ‘Do you want to break up with me?’ and she was super confused and asked me why I would bring it up and I told her,” Max fixed his posture and tapped the table.
“You've been bringing your sister everywhere with us, or straight up ignoring me. I don't mind that you're hanging out but I want your attention sometimes too, just the two of us because I haven't lately.” You nodded along with him. “I like when people are direct with me, to tell me what bothers them or what they need from me so having to sit Lyla down and listen to me was important.” 
“Did she stop?” Max tilted his head in confusion, “like did she spare some time for just the two of you?” Max shook his head. 
“No,” He shrugged, “well she did but it was just for one week and even then she was texting her sister constantly.”
“And when did you tell her this?”
“It was two years into the relationship, then a year went past and I sat her down again and said ‘I already told you once, I want your attention sometimes too and you didn't listen to me, why?’ and she tried to defend herself and shit but it just caused the argument to escalate.”
“Did you hit her?” 
“No, but I grabbed a vase that was near me and threw it at the wall and left, which isn't great either.” Max shrugged again, “I regretted it after I got home.”
“When did you decide you wanted to kill her sister Sidney?”
“Honestly after she moved in with Lyla. Like I saw how close they were and how I was being pushed to the side I just, “ Max sighed. “I never shook the idea off and as the years went on it only made more sense to me that she should die.”
“What happened that day?”
“We were hanging out at her house and for once I thought, finally I can have her to myself for a little while, and then she looked at her phone really quick and told me, Sidney’s coming home soon so we can all hang out–and my first reaction was to get up and leave because I was getting sick of it, I wanted out and Lyla begged me to stay and I did.”
“What did she tell you?”
“Just to stay and hang out, that it would only be a little while but she said it in this very sweet way and couldn't say no. And then when Sidney got there she all but shoved me to the side as she went to greet her as if she doesn't live there with her and I said I was gonna go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat and Lyla looked at me and responded with ‘get me and Sidney something something eat too will ya darling?’ and that shit got on my nerves.” Max rubbed his face before continuing. 
“I had wanted to make myself a sandwich but I could hear Lyla and Sidney laughing in the other room and I couldn't focus on anything besides the fact that I wanted her dead.” You felt a chill run down your spine as you listened, keeping poker face on you let Max continue. “Like I grabbed a knife and looked at it as I thought about it and it wasn't long before Sidney got up and left again to the store or whatever and Lyla called me out to the living room and I went.”
“Did killing Lyla cross your mind at all?”
“Briefly, in that moment when I stood behind her I thought ‘do I really want to kill my girlfriend? yeah’ and then I turned her to look at me, covered her mouth with my hand, pushed her down and stabbed her.”
“How many times did you stab her?”
“At least six or seven times, I didn't really count but I wore myself out, I was tired so when she stopped moving I got up and sat on the couch next to her.”
“Were you waiting for Sidney to come back?”
“Of course, I killed Lyla but I wanted Sidney dead too. I waited for about fifteen minutes before Sidney got back and I stood by the door.”
“Did she scream when she saw what you did?” Max shook his head once more. 
“No, Sidney was looking at the ground when she came in and turned her back to where I was standing–” you cut Max off. 
“Where were you standing?”
“I was by Lyla's body, like I wasn't trying to cover it, I wanted Sidney to see Lyla like that.” 
“Why?” Max shrugged and you nodded as a chill ran down your spine again. 
“I just wanted Sidney to see her like that, and when she did I covered her mouth with my hand and pushed her against the door before stabbing her too.”
“Did you know you were gonna get caught?” Max nodded. 
“I did but I didn't know how long it would take.” Max scratched his hand, “I washed the knife, got into a change of clothes and went home, it was kinda late so I just entered to bed.”
“How were you caught?
“Lyla had nosy neighbors and she lived more in like an actual residential area so they probably heard the screams I don't doubt it.”
“Where were you when you were caught.”
“Take a wild guess.” Max laughed a little and you felt the blood drain from your face. “I was out on the water, I figured they would come the next day but I wanted to surf one more time before I was taken in.”
“What did they say?”
“They just waited on the beach and told me to come back to shore and I took my time so I could watched the sunrise and I did. I didn't fight or resist I just wanted this over with, even with the interrogation, the dude just hadn't even sit down and I told him. 
“You told him you did it? What did you say?”
“Yea I just said ‘your here because of Layla and Sidney Rowland, they were found in 736 Coral Road, yeah I killed them.’ and he was stunned.” There was a long silence between you and Max. 
“What's your sentence, Max.” 
“Life without parole.”
“How many years into your sentence are you?”
“Three years, I'm 25 now.”
“Do you regret killing Lyla?” Max stayed quiet for a while. 
“Sometimes. I really did like her.”
“Would you do it again?”
“Kill? Yea.”
“Thats all the questions I have, thank you for sitting down with me Max.” You stood up from the table you were sitting at and held your hand out to him. Max stared at your hand before looking over to the prison guards standing and watching you both. 
“Can I shake their hand?” The guards looked at one another and nodded, giving him the green light. Max reached over and gave your hand a shake before standing up and making his way to the guards while you collected the mics. “It was nice talking to someone Y/N, thanks.”
You looked up at Max who was being escorted away and you gave a nod. “Thank you for sitting down with me.” You and Max shared a laugh. 
“As much fun as I has with this interview and talking to you, I hope I never see you again.” Max spoke with seriousness that left you a little shaken.
“Why not?”
“I like getting attention all to myself, I get used to it very fast.” You dropped the smile on your face and Max shot you a playful wink before laughing at your reaction and following the guards back into the building. You quickly walked over to your camer that stood on it's tripod and you stopped the recording. 
You were starring at your own shirt on the computer monitor. You rubbed your face as you were put back in that prison with Max. The things he told you as he left burned into your mind and made your stomach feel funny. You took off your headphones and put them on your desk before walking over to the large floor to ceiling windows and stood there, looking out to the dark ocean that spread out right across the street. 
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pigunnylove ¡ 2 years
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Hi babies! Ive been writing this off and on and didn't know when was the best to post it. But I thought it would be appropriate today since it's the completion of 2 day Newark concert days of the tour. Imagine flying to another city to see SKZ and accidentally sitting with your bias or a member?! Ahhh fuck that's a dream come true! Hehe anyways enjoy! Sorry if it's little off at the end 😭 and thank you for your support everyone!
First Concert- CHAN X Y\N (FLUFF)
What it would be like confessing to meet a member of Stray Kids accidentally on your flight to their concert
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Chan & Y\N
Warnings: N\A
Serise: on going (1\2)
You had been anxious lately as it was your first ever concert and it happens to be of your favorite boy band, Stray Kids. You were settling into your plane seat as you were heading out of town. The flight as heading to next country as they were scheduled to attend the concert in a day or so. But you were attending there a day earlier as you wanted to help with fan events around the town.
You sank into your seat slipping on your headphones and closing your eyes. At this point you had just wanted to relax for the next three hours and didn’t want to think of anything but what you were going to do there. However, that was interrupted by someone lightly tapping your shoulders. You had presumed it was the flight attendant as she had come up to you a few moments ago to remind you to keep you seatbelt fastened.
“Excuse M-“The individual interrupted but you didn’t have time for them to finish. You had responded with your eyes closed. “I’m sorry but I would not like to be woken up until we land.” And that was that. You didn’t hear another sound from the person other than what seemed to now be your seatmate next to you. A few mins after them settling in and shuffling, you had already fallen asleep and didn’t even realize the flight was taken off.
It wasn’t until in your dream you felt as if you were suffocating you woke up instantly gasping for air. You quickly pulled off your headphones and opened your eyes to realized that you were not in your seat. You were actually sitting in the seat next to you where your seatmate would have been seated. “What the heck happened?” You mumbled trying to recollect the last of your memories. And that is when you realized that you were leaning on your seatmate who took your seat. “Hey! That is my seat” You growled looking up at the individual who happens to be a guy. Your eyes widen as you remember that this was a stranger and your sleeping habits got the best of you today. Rubbing your cheeks in embarrassment the boy with a black facemask covering his face nodded his head politely as he looked at you for a few mins.
He didn’t speak and you found it weird. Why wasn’t he acting crazy that a random girl slept on him? “Look, I’m sorry. First of all, how did I get here?” You softly added moving away from him.
“You were asleep so peacefully that I didn’t want to wake up you up. So, I moved you myself. Apparently, you were sitting in my seat.” He explained.
The voice. He sounds so familiar like you’ve heard him before. You shook your head as you tried to deal with the current situation. “I’m sorry…” You frowned grabbing your iPad to watch a few videos to keep you preoccupied. He giggles as he him self grabs his headphones and begins to tap his fingers against the seat tray. He slightly looks over and noticed you were catching up on the latest episode of SKZ Code and happens to be the scene of Changbin and Chan peppero challenge. You shriek unknowingly loudly at the sight of Changbin holding onto Chan’s collar and pulling him inches away from his lips. “ohh fuck,fuck, fuck! Chan!” You groaned watching your bias almost kiss your bias wrecker. You put your Ipad against your chest not looking at the sexual tension between the two.
“Are you ok? I heard you scream someone’s name..” He looked at you concerned. “Wait are you watching Stray Kids content?” He suddenly added curious as the audio continued on the iPad. How did he know you were watching Stray Kids? “Y-yes…” You looked at him with doe eyes.
And that’s when the guy next to you removes his hat and began to take off his face mask, you realized who he really was.
“Hi, I am Chris Bang..” He smiles offering his hand to you.
“No fucking way!” You screamed tossing your Ipad onto the floor.
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dearcraziness ¡ 10 months
Chapter 82.
"You know, tulip, in winter the nights are especially dark, the sky glitters and shimmers with stars brighter than in any other season... Now is the most fabulous time of the year, however, each of them is fantastic in its own way..."
"Snowflakes continue to fall from the crimson-blue sky..."
"I don't even want to go to bed... The desire to observe an ever-changing species while talking to you increases with immeasurable force..."
"Let's skip sleep today..."
"Perhaps we could, because magical creatures really don't need regular sleep... Living in a dream world is truly exciting... You're my only cherished dream, sweetheart..."
"Not a day without sincere confessions, right, my knight?..."
"Absolutely right, princess ... Listen, now is the time to read fantastic stories... Don't you agree?..."
"Of course... I think I'll choose 'Breath of Spring'..."
"I, in turn, will take 'Stories of Raging Seas'... Now I'll find books..."
"Maybe we should turn on the night light?..."
"No need to, Lauro, - it's much more interesting to look without light..." the imp smiled.
"Yes, it's great in the dark..." the girl giggled.
"Do you remember when we saw how the main characters of the TV series 'Three in Action' once forgot a flashlight in another adventure, and they had to grope their way through the cave?... The funniest episode from the second season..."
The devils laughed, imagining the mentioned scene in their heads. That day they had a particularly long time of fun, not only after watching a movie, but also before dinner, because they themselves began to compose possible variants of the plot development. The rest only looked at the excited interlocutors with bewilderment, telling jokes that only they themselves understood. However, Bendy and Lara liked the fact of their special way of communicating with each other; they heard much more sense in the words than was expressed.
Suddenly, their thoughts were interrupted by a sharp noise in the corridor - the devils looked warily at the closed door of their room.
"Who aren't sleeping in the middle of the night?..." Bendy frowned and went out into the hall. "Boris, what are you doing here at two in the morning?"
"Can't you see? I'm disassembling the electric shield." the mechanic responded working with his screwdriver. "The short circuit has passed, most likely. And I promised myself to finish assembling the desktop fan today."
"I'd have finished tomorrow, what's the difference? More precisely, tomorrow has already come - turns out your promise wasn't fulfilled."
"Shut up and don't interfere with my work."
"I only wanted to help, what should I do?"
"Bendy, go. I can handle it myself."
"You're lucky you didn't wake anyone up."
"Yes, I was surprised as well. I thought you'd be grumbling as usual."
"If you hadn't postponed the repairs until later, I wouldn't have expressed dissatisfaction. Well, it's time for me to search for books in the twilight."
"Okay, then I can rattle for a couple more hours. I've been postponing the general inspection of devices for a long time."
Soon the devils were reading by candlelight, occasionally distracted by the sounds of rumbling on the other side of the door. Bendy looked at his beloved, who was looking towards the exit of the room. The young man took out his phone and headphones, saying, "Honey, I think the music will drown out the hubbub a little and set it up in the right way... What kind of music do you prefer to hear?..."
"Let's turn on our favourite playlist, dear..."
"Oh, thousands of magnificent tracks which remind us of the splendid moments of our lives..."
A couple of hours flew by rapidly, especially intoxicatingly, causing an inspired mood, leaving unforgettable impressions...
Suddenly the song 'This never happened before' started playing, and the sweet tenor of Paul McCartney melodiously sang the first quatrain, immersing listeners in a miraculous unknown world. The young man put down his book and turned to his bride.
"Shall we dance, Lora?... Of course, if you don't mind a little distraction..." a good-natured smile was shining on the young man's face.
"I fully agree..." the girl's eyes met the gaze of her beloved.
"You have such beautiful eyes..." the musician remarked dreamily. "They seem to offer a majestic view of the boundless universe..."
The young man wrapped his left arm around the girl's waist, and took her hand with his right one. She put her palm on his shoulder; the movements of the lovers smoothly turned into synchronous. Bendy tilted his head, involuntarily looking in the same direction as Lara. They snuggled up to each other, listening to the sound of the piano, violins, the high timbre of the voice...
The next song played was 'I can't seem to make you mine' by The Clientele. The devils froze for a moment, but immediately came to their senses, smiling contentedly.
"One hit after another, amazing... What a rare and pleasant surprise..." said the demon.
"But most creatures don't know these songs..." the girl objected.
"True, but the compositions themselves are wonderful, right?... You and I unanimously agreed on the value of little-known melodies..."
"I don't argue, but these artists deserve to be famous in our world..."
"Perhaps in the future it will happen... And now we are like pioneers who are exploring the amazing, excellent world of music..."
The song ended, and the lovers continued to dance - in their minds the melody was repeated over and over again...
Finally the devils sat down on the bed, looking at each other with unimaginable joy and deep happiness...
"What are you thinking about, cinnamon?..." broke the silence a young man.
"Us, of course..." the girl said.
He immediately approached her, wrapping her in a gentle, warm embrace. His lips touched the top of the demoness' forehead.
"It's amazing, we even think about the same... I've planned ahead for our whole next week... On Monday we can go to a jazz concert, on Tuesday we'll arrange a bicycle trip around the surroundings of the Birch Grove... Wednesday and Thursday may well turn into days of visiting the newest temporary exhibitions of the Museum of Archeology, the Museum of Ancient Architecture... On Friday we'll go to the cinema for the film 'Cosmic Expanses of the Mind', on Saturday we will explore the dimension of Multicoloured Stemalites... And we'll devote Sunday to creativity: we will paint dishes made of polymer clay, decorate transparent vases with beads - we'll glue them in any way you like... What do you say about our pastime, Lau?... If you want, we'll make a couple of changes, just tell me which way..."
"Everything suits me, honey, really... I'm delighted with your organizational skills..."
"I'm glad to be of service for you, fishy... Besides, it's easy for me to come up with ways to spend our leisure time with you... It turns out by itself..."
"Don't be modest... You're just great, that's all..."
"And you're my only magnificent miracle... You are my meaning of life, tulip... I know I've spoken far more than once about your importance in my existence, but once again I hasten to remind you of your admirable character, of the inimitability of your inner world... Your soul is a real rare treasure, or rather, unique... Love you very much, Laura... No matter what happens, I'm always here to support you, to help you..."
"And I love you very much, Bendie... Let it always be like this..."
"Just you and me..."
"Just the two of us..."
"Together we created a cozy home..."
The lovers smiled broadly, laughing softly. It was getting light outside the window, but the conversations had no end. It was as if magic was in the very air. The devils seemed to have forgotten about the passage of time, enjoying each other's company...
0 notes
generalcloudhopper ¡ 1 year
Tw: discussion of pretty gnarly mental health crisis I went through but there is a good ending.
On March 1st of 2019 my grandfather died. The next day while I was sitting in the car with one of my family matters while they were running across town making funeral arrangements the running up that hill cover by Meg Myers came on the radio. It was one of the first songs I heard after he died. Something about it just stuck with me and when I got to my grandma's house that day I went to a quiet room I played that song and I cried my eyes out. After the death of my my grandfather four other people in my family died that year one death happens in a way that traumatized me incredibly bad that I still hear flashbacks from that night and ended up with me developing OCD. This also led to a downward mental health spiral that went on for years. From 2019 to 2022 everything that could go wrong in my life did, I cannot even begin to go into all the things that happened. In mid 2019 I started self harming. In late 2020 I tried to stop but I relapsed and it made everything 10 times worse. My body was covered in red bloody irritated marks all the time. On my arms, on my legs, on my stomach, everywhere. During this time I had quite a few therapists one which gave me absolutely terrible advice and refuse to diagnose me with depression because he didn't like labels. I tried to kill myself multiple times. When I was finally put on anxiety medication I was tired all the time and numb to the world when they were trying to figure out what to do with my depression and a last-ditch effort they doubled my already high dose of anxiety medication which led to me having a mental breakdown which lasted for over 2 weeks. I heard whispering all the time, I would have screaming crying fits that would last for hours and absolutely terrible psychosomatic pain all over my body. Thankfully I went to a school therapist who actually got me diagnosed and got me sent to a psychologist to get put on proper medications. I sobbed when he had to leave my school because he was the best therapist I ever had. At this point it was mid 2022 and I had been on my medication for not even a week, it took 2 weeks to a month to finally get fully into my system and work. I was trying to be clean cuz that's what the psychologist told me to do and I was clean for a few days and I didn't think it would last until I walked into my parents bedroom one night. They were watching stranger things a show I had never gotten into in the past. I knew of the characters and the storyline from what friends had told me but I had never fully watched the show. It was the Dear Billy episode and right at the beginning of the famous Max Vecna possession scene. That entire scene is meant to represent overcoming trauma and realizing you want to live and go on. Max looked just like me at the time, long red hair blue eyes. I cannot tell you the feeling I got when I heard Running Up That Hill start playing. It was like someone had been inside my head and wrote down this message specifically for me with that song with the girl who looked just like me. Tear silently ran down my face in the dark room my parents were watching it in as I stood in the doorway and when the scene was done I ran out of the room I played running up that hill in my headphones and I cried my eyes out to that song for the second time in my life. That was the nail in the coffin to finally make me stop self-harming. A month later I watch the entire show with my mother and it was the first piece of media in the first TV show I had actually sat down and watched in years. I can't believe a stranger things episode is what finally help break a three year long depression episode but it did and I believe that states the power Media can have on us. Today I am a year clean and plan to stay clean for the rest of my life.
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localbff ¡ 1 year
i am pretty aware i haven't been posting here and/or even at the main blog. too aware, to be daft. my last post on here was about my hero, which was a collected thought and idea that was to be posted here, and so it was. to summarize the jai paul week 1, it was a rollercoaster, a qwertyuiopakshgfnzvash, all at the same time. it wasn't the greatest due to having problems on streaming, but they delivered, jai delivered, that's all i've ever wanted from the most elusive. before heading here, i took my water from the fridge, half-cold, to calm my senses and write better. took the closest headwear i can get hold off, stared at the corner of this room. as i write this, the table this laptop is currently on is a mess. scattered. everything. a grocery list, a pair of headphones, a glass of water half-full, my sticker collection that came from friends and colleagues, and mine, too, all in this messy haze. whenever i run out of words, i drink, to reset my vocabulary -- funny, and something i find humorous. earlier, i kept looking at myself at the mirror, seeing the subtle changes that has happened to me these past few years. i grew a stubble, my eyebrows got thicker and shaped angrily, thick tan lines that separate the untanned from the most definitely tanned, scratches and bumps on my face and lower forearms from all the outside activity and in-between jobs and sidelines i've been getting into, also picked up carpentry from a friend, hoping i'll excel at this to the point i become the person of interest whenever something or someone needs fixing. my eyesight has probably gotten worse since getting these new frames, but i can't be bothered to get them checked, due to reasons i won't announce (*ehem* financial instability *ehem*). bought a few clothes with my extra money i earned from the past month. also been thinking about selling my old clothes for a few. clarity in speech has been great recently, that i noticed well, i've been gaining confidence in speaking my piece as of late. maybe its just something i do whenever i feel heated and in the zone of the conversation, but most of the time, i don't feel the need to speak out for reasons i know my people will bring up my concerns in the latter half or mid-conversations, they know me, as i know them, so clearly. broken social scene playing in the background. i am happy. finally got a tattoo, a free one. my first one also. the tattoo design is fucking incredible, can't wait for people to lose it when they see it for the first time. will not spoil it that much anymore. see you when i see you. i am genuinely happy right now, my life recently has been all out and about and more on discovering new things and ideas day by day. happy for all the people that has had my back then till today. the atmosphere has been pretty chaotic, but it was chaotic cool. started watching barry and succession. so far, so good. it can only either get better or bad from here.
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stayathomesurveys ¡ 1 year
This time last year, what was happening in your life? I was at a job that I hated, about to quit. I don’t remember much else of what was going on.
Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today? Maybe. I’ve had caffeine for sure but I am thinking about having some coffee later.
Who did you last have a text conversation with and what was it about? Nik, his friend’s house being built.
Are there regular trains in and out of your town/city? Yes.
Do you bathe your pets regularly? No.
Do you have a mailbox or do you collect your mail from the post office? I have a mailbox.
What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet? Kitties, yes.
Have you ever had an ear infection? Yup.
If you could watch any TV series right now, what would it be? I’m currently watching CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
Would you have any clue when your best friend last got their hair cut? I don’t have a best friend.
Someone messages you just as you’re about to go to sleep. Do you reply? Depends on who it is and what it’s about.
Do you grind your teeth, and if so, why do you do it? I think I still do. Probably stress and anxiety.
Have you ever been hospitalized due to dehydration? Not like, admitted, no.
Is there anything you need to remember to do before the day ends? Yes.
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? It depends on where I am.
What’s your favorite online radio site? I only really use Spotify.
Do your parents have any authority over who you date? No. I am 28.
How many different shades of nail polish do you have? A lot.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? A meal replacement shake.
Are you lucky enough to have an ice maker in your refrigerator door? I have one in my freezer that I don’t use.
Are you the type to wake up before the sun has even risen? Sometimes.
Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? Yup.
Do you feel the need to rant about anything right now? If so, go for it. No.
Do you have a favorite towel? What color is it? No.
Have you seen any films with Judy Garland in them?: Yeah.
How did you feel when you woke up today? Why? So sleepy!
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? I don’t remember.
When was the last time you saw them? -
Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? Not sure... pizza? Lol.
What are you listening to? CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
What year are you/did you graduate? -
Are you obsessed with anything? No?
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Pancakes. I like both, though. Just depends on my mood. Lately I’ve been leaning more towards pancakes.
Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? Diet.
Do you like seafood? In moderation.
Are you craving anything right now? Chick Fil A... on a Sunday... of course.
Do you dress appropriately for your age? Sure.
If McDonald’s sold hot dogs, would you buy them? No.
How long is your hair? Shoulder length, I guess.
Do you like your neighbors? They’re fine.
What’s your school motto? –
Has a bird ever flown into your window? Maybe.
Which word did you say first, mama or dada? No idea.
How old were you when you learned to walk? I think I was 9 months old.
What was your first pet’s name? Tiger.
How many kids were in your class in kindergarten? Probably like 24? My classes always had like 24-26 students in them.
Who was your best friend in elementary? Ashly, Megan, Sabrina.
Who was the best athlete in your freshman class? No idea.
What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? Coach Cutright.
Where do you see yourself in a year? No idea.
If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Not be mentally ill?
Are you content just blending in with the crowd? Sometimes.
0 notes
idy-ll-ique ¡ 3 years
Do Your Job.
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Requested: Nope
Warnings: None
Summary: Y/N doesn't know how to say no. And Chris doesn't like that.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Angry!Chris in this fic, kind of Naive!Reader... Enjoy
Chris watched with a clenched jaw as the woman winced upon hearing her boss. He didn't like her boss, at all. "Y/N! Why haven't you made my coffee yet?" he screamed at her, despite standing only a few feet away from her. "I-I was… I was helping Peter…" she tried saying and Chris' hands balled into fists when the man took a few steps towards her, pointing a threatening finger in her face.
"Does he pay you? Huh? Are you his assistant? Now get lost and get me some coffee, fast! No excuses!" Teary-eyed after being screamed at, Y/N whirled around and walked out of the room. Chris wanted nothing more than to just grab that asshole's neck and squeeze until the life poured out of him. "Hey, everything okay?" He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to his co-star, Michelle Dockery.
"I, uh, yeah… yeah, I'm fine, why?" Michelle didn't miss his grumpiness. "Come on, you were sitting there like you were imagining someone's murder," she snorted, plopping down on the couch next to him. "His," Chris huffed, nodding his head towards Y/N's boss who was speaking to one of the extras on set. "What did he do?" Michelle frowned and turned to look as well.
"That man does not know how to treat his assistant."
It was the last week of filming Defending Jacob. Y/N had caught Chris' eye on his first day at work; she had him wrapped around her finger in the first week. She was super beautiful, very polite, kind and helpful. She cracked funny jokes and whenever she entered a room, it seemed to get a little brighter and livelier. Chris wanted to ask her out, but chickened out whenever he tried to approach her.
They hadn't talked, ever. Sure, sometimes he'd catch her looking in his direction during breaks and in-between shoots, but he never thought anything of it. He was Chris Evans, people were gonna stare. But, in the first month of filming, Chris realized that the woman had a bad habit— she didn't know how to say no. Ever. She never, ever said no to anyone. And that annoyed him.
Y/N, can you come here for a bit?
She would get up without question, and follow the voice. He once saw her sitting down for a quick lunch and she had only had one bite before someone called for her. And he had watched as she kept her lunch away and walked towards the person. That had made him unbelievably angry, because even after her work, she didn't eat. She gave up on lunch. He had come very close to talking to her that day.
His pent up frustration increased day-by-day, as more and more people started using Y/N's overly helpful nature to their advantage. He noticed how she ran around from place to place all day, how she'd practically collapse on a seat the moment she got a break and would softly groan when she heard her name not even 15 seconds later. And the worst part? None of the people she helped were polite.
Once, he saw Y/N helping someone with her dress and the moment the job was done, the other woman had walked away without a word, talking to some of her friends. He saw how Y/N had just stared at the woman, blinking, expecting a thank you but receiving nothing in return. He noticed the disappointed sigh she heaved after and left to do her other work. That incident had just made him want to hold her and never let go.
That brought them to today. Chris and Michelle dropped the topic and chatted about something else until he saw her from the corner of his eye. Then he turned to see her fully, watching as Y/N handed the cup of coffee to her boss. That man had the audacity to give her a glare before he walked away, sipping on the coffee. This time, even Michelle noticed, and her jaw dropped.
"What?! That bastard!" she exclaimed as a teardrop rolled down Y/N's cheek. Chris' heart broke at the sight, his eyes closing when someone behind him shouted her name. Her hand instantly flew up to wipe her tears and she smiled to herself before turning in his direction. And for a brief moment, their eyes met. She gave him a quick smile before jogging past him towards the person who asked for her.
He couldn't even smile back.
"Cut! Break time."
Chris eased out of his tense position and rolled his shoulders before walking away, trying to find a seat. His feet ached from standing. He soon found a seat and sat down, taking out his phone. He went over some texts, until he heard her name being called. Then his head snapped up, because the person who had called for her was her boss. He glanced around until he saw her a few feet away from him.
She had her headphones in and was holding her phone horizontally, which made him realize that she was either watching YouTube, a show or a movie. And she was on her break. "Yes?" Y/N replied, taking out her headphones. "Get me another cup of coffee," the boss mentioned offhandedly, "It's my break." Chris glared at that. Make it yourself, asshole.
"But sir, it's my break too…" Y/N insisted softly. And without knowing, Chris' feet carried him towards the two. "So? I pay you, Y/L/N, there's no need to be such a brat. I'll have you fired in no time, you— Mr Evans?" Everyone around them froze as Chris placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder, darkly glaring at her boss. "She told you she's on a break," he spoke coldly. "Mr Evans—"
And the knot inside him finally broke.
"She's on a fucking break! Let her get some rest! She has been running around all day, doing things for your lazy butts—" he addressed everyone loudly, "—and none of you even thank her! Do you know what an angel she is? She continues helping you even after you treat her like scum! It's just some fucking coffee, if you're on a break, make it yourself! For God's sake, leave the woman alone! All of you, if I ever, ever hear her name being called around here again, it's over. I'll make sure you're off the set before you can even say sorry. Now get lost!"
He didn't mean to be so loud, nor so angry. But it just happened, months of frustration, months of anger released all at once. Y/N's boss stared at Chris for a few seconds, blinking, before muttering a quiet sorry and leaving. Everyone silently got back to work as Chris took in some deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. That's when he felt a small hand covering his.
He looked down and saw Y/N smiling at him, tears wantonly running down her cheeks. "Thank you so much," she whispered and his heart raced. "Absolutely no problem, darling. They were the assholes, using you to their advantage like that, so fucking disrespectfully… You have got to learn how to say no," he chuckled, dropping his hand from her shoulder. "I do, don't I?" she hummed, her lips twitching in shame.
"We'll work on it, I promise." He gently cupped her cheeks, wiping away her tears. Y/N gulped, trying her best to hide the effect his touch had on her. She had a crush on him, but like, who didn't? "How? It's the last week of filming," she pointed out with a small, sarcastic laugh. "It doesn't have to be the last week of us talking. How about we have dinner tonight, 8?"
Was he actually asking her out?!
"Yeah, yeah 8 sounds good," she replied near instantly and he gave her an amused smile. "Great. I'll meet you later, okay?" As he started walking away, she called out, "Mr Evans! My number!" And he walked back to her. They exchanged numbers, sent each other "hi" to make sure they had the correct number and Chris walked away again, ready to film the last scene of the day.
He was in an unusually good mood, having finally asked her out. She said yes.
He was also pleased at the end of the day, not having heard Y/N's name being called out even once after his outburst. Sure, after her break, some people had requested her assistance but they talked politely to her, saying thank you when she was done and smiling. Chris approved of that, after all, it was her job.
And, in the blink of an eye, it was 7:30 pm.
Chris was at home, fixing his hair. They had agreed to meet at his place, not wanting the media to find out. There, he had already ordered some pizzas and had beer ready, a movie paused on the TV. Chris finished messing with his hair and went downstairs, quickly patting Dodger's head. He sat on the couch and waited, busy scrolling through Twitter until he heard the doorbell ring.
When he opened the door, he saw Y/N. And his breath caught in his throat; she looked absolutely stunning dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, a cute little smile plastered on her face. "May I come in?" she laughed a bit when he just stood there, staring at her in awe.
It turned out to be a really good date, the perfect start to a perfect relationship.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Leave a like if you enjoyed!
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kywaslost ¡ 3 years
Comforting Student Reader ft. Aizawa and Present Mic
Warnings: crying, bad times, death, mourning
Requests are open!!
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Although no one knows it, he always keeps an eye on his students. He can almost always tell when someone is upset.
He noticed how your actions changed. You were always quiet and reserved, daydreaming from time to time. You would always turn your work in, getting mostly A’s with a few B’s. So when you started failing the class with F’s and D’s, Aizawa knew something was wrong. He also noticed how everyday you would space out even more than you did before. He noticed the way you acted, slow and solum. He saw how sleep deprived you were. You had missing assignments and late work, unfinished tests and work.
Aizawa confronted you one day after class.
“L/N, stay after class please.” You nodded, taking in a shaky sigh. This day cannot get any worse, you thought. The bell rang and you packed up, walking slowly to Mr. Aizawa. 
“Yes, sir?” you asked quietly, giving a fake smile. He sat on his desk, looking over you. Your uniform looked as if you had just thrown it on. Aizawa brought his eyes up to yours. He could see how dull the had become.
“L/N, what is going on?” Aizawa asked. You gave him a confused look.
“What are you talking about?” you questioned, although you knew exactly what he meant. Aizawa gave you a soft look.
“I think you know exactly what I mean,” he started.
You looked around nervously, avoiding his gaze. “I, I… I don’t know what you mean.” Aizawa stared at you for a moment, analyzing your body composition.
“Your grades have dropped drastically, you’ve started falling asleep in class,” he listed off. You looked away, ashamed. “Y/N,” he said, resting a hand on your shoulder. You looked up, surprised by both his hand and the use of your first name. “What’s going on?”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “Can you close the door?” you asked quietly. Aizawa’s face softened.
“Of course.” He closed the door and came back to you. He pulled two chairs to face each other and he sat down in one. When he saw that you hadn’t moved he motioned for you to sit and you did as asked. The two of you sat in silence for a while before you bury your face in your hands.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, silent tears falling down your face.
“It’s ok,” Aizawa said softly. “Take your time.” 
You lifted your head and Aizawa’s heart broke slightly. Although he would never admit it, Aizawa would die for his students and seeing them cry made him feel bad. He saw the tear tracks on your face and leaned forward.
“Y/N,” he said quietly. You looked at him. “You know you can trust me, right?” You nodded, sitting up.
“Yeah,” you answered and wiped the tears from your face. Once you compose yourself you decided to speak. “I’ve just been having a really hard time lately. I’m sorry,” you apologized again, tearing up.
“It’s alright,” Aizawa assured. “Can you tell me why?” You nodded.
“It’s just…” you took a deep breath, “My dad… he, he’s a pro hero and a villain hurt him pretty bad. He’s, he’s my only family left and the doctors said that they’ve done all they could. 
Aizawa’s eyes softened as he stood, pulling you up with him. He pulled you into a hug, holding you tight. This caused you to burst into tears. Aizawa pulled you closer as you sobbed, clutching his shirt in fists. He used on hand to hold your head against him and his other to rub up and down your back in hopes to help calm you down.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed.
“Shh, it’s alright,” Aizawa soothed, resting his chin on your head. He stayed with you until you had calmed down. When you finally pulled away you discovered how tired you really were. Aizawa saw it as well; the way you swayed slightly on your feet, the way your head bobbed down and how it took a lot of energy for you to keep your eyes open.
“Are you tired?” he asked with a small smile. You shook your head.
“No,” you slurred, rubbing your eyes and fixing your posture. Picking up your bag, you got ready to leave. “I need to get to my next class. I’m already late.” As you started to walk towards the door Aizawa caught your shoulder. You turned to face him and saw the look in his eyes. 
“Yes you are, I can tell,” he said, stopping you. “I can tell you haven’t been sleeping for several days.” He smiled, “you’re beginning to look like me.” You smiled slightly as well. “Come with me.” You followed him to a room connected to the classroom, his office. You looked around to see a cot against one of the walls.
“Rest here,” Aizawa instructed. You cocked your head.
“What about class?” you asked.
“Who do you have?”
“Mr. Hizashi,” you answered, yawning.
“Alright,” Aizawa smiled. “I will let him know that you are with me. Now, rest. You really need it.” He ruffled your hair as you nodded. He turned to leave the room before you stopped him.
“Mr. Aizawa?” you spoke. He turned towards you and smiled softly.
“Thank you,” you said, smiling slightly as well. “For everything.”
“You’re welcome,” he responded. “But, hey, don’t tell anyone about this. I can’t go around with people thinking I’m soft.” You giggled.
“Ok.” You laid down on the cot, suddenly feeling extremely tired. Aizawa watched you fall asleep and smiled, knowing that you’d be ok in the long run.
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Since Hizashi has such an outgoing personality, he always tries to make sure his class is awake and happy. He tries to make school exciting for his students and fellow coworkers. He always enjoyed how you smiled and laughed at his jokes. He even enjoyed when you would sing along quietly to the ear-blasting music he played sometimes during class.
What happened that day was hard on the both of you. On your way to school a villian decided to attack in your area. Because you live on the outside of the city, the big heros were not around. You watched helplessly as the villian with a fire quirk snatched your brother, taking him. You screamed running forward. Pro heroes fought against the villain as you ran forward to fight back.
“L/N!” Present Mic yelled but that did nothing to stop you. “Stop!”
You continued moving forward as Hizashi grabbed you by the waist and pulled back.
“No!” you sobbed, suddenly aware of what was going on. Hizashi’s grip tightened as he pulled you away from the scene.
“Shh,” he shushed, trying to calm you down. He dragged you into an alleyway. You continued to scream and cry, fighting against Present Mic.
“(Brother’s name)!” you shrieked. You tried to use your water quirk to escape but red eyes stopped you.
“Y/N,” Aizawa called, running up to the two of you. He kneeled down in front of you. “You need to calm down. You’ll hurt Mic if you keep it up. Calm down, ok?”
Something in his voice calmed you and you quit struggling. He smiled softly and patted your head, blinking. He stood and ran off. “Stay with her Hizashi. We’ll be ok.”
You fell limp and both you and Hizashi fell to the ground. You grabbed his arms and sobbed harder with each scream you heard.
“Shh,” Mic soothed again. He pulled a pair of headphones from his bag and plugged them into his phone. Pulling up Youtube Music, he typed in (favorite artist) and placed the headphones over your head. Hizashi picked a playlist, rocking the two of you back and forth. After several songs you finally calmed down, breathing heavily.
“You are alright,” Present Mic whispered, very unlike him. “Would you like to go home?” He realized you couldn’t hear him.
“How is she?” Aizawa asked, running back over to the two. He saw Hizashi’s headphones around your head.
“Much calmer,” Present Mic answered. “But I don’t think taking her home would be the best option.” Aizawa nodded.
“She certainly is not in the right state of mind to go to class.”
“I can keep her in my classroom,” Hizashi offered. Aizawa nodded. “That way she isn’t alone or have to go to class.” He picked you up and you didn’t bat an eye. You lay limp and silent the whole way to UA. When the three of you arrived to Mic’s class, Aizawa and Hizashi noticed that your eyes were closed.
“F/N?” Aizawa said, tapping your foot. Your eyes snapped open and you shot forward. Hizashi nearly dropped you as you landed on your feet.
“Wow, it’s alright hot shot,” Hizashi said as he placed his hand on your back. You pulled the headphones down to hang around your neck, looking up to your two teachers.
“You’re going to stay with Present Mic today, alright?” Aizawa explained.
“What about class?” you whispered.
“Y/N,” Hizashi started, catching your attention. “We just think it’ll be better if you stay with me.” You thought about it for a moment before nodding. Aizawa left for his class. Your puffy red eyes met Mic’s and he smiled softly.
“You can sit over there,” he said, motioning to a desk in the front row. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to you. “Just relax, ok?” You took his phone and nodded, heading to the desk and laying your head down.
Hizashi kept an eye on you for the rest of the day. He even stayed quiet during his classes just in case you had fallen asleep. When someone tried to bother you, he’d get defensive and tell them to leave you be. He even brought you lunch, figuring you wouldn’t eat unless he sat down with you and ate. He kept a good eye on you for several months and talked with you to make sure you were ok. Let’s just say that you appreciate what your teacher has done for you.
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appalachianapologies ¡ 2 years
I want to know about Murdoc doing normal, everyday tasks. Like how does he feed himself? Does he cook? Grocery shop? Live exclusively off mediocre takeout? Maybe he frequents high-end restaurants since he clearly can afford it. Please enlighten me
"Mac 'n Cheese?"
Murdoc grins, ruffling Cassian's hair as he walks by. "Why, that sounds like the best dinner! How'd you think of that?"
Grinning, ear to ear, Cassian replies, "You promised yesterday that you'd be home today. I love how you make mac 'n cheese."
"I need to go to the store first, kiddo. We don't have any pasta."
"Can I stay here?"
Murdoc loathes to leave his kid alone, especially in an apartment that has rather... questionable neighbors, but he figures that if anything happens to Cassian, said neighbors will endure a painful and gruesome death. After all, it's been a long while since Murdoc has last drawn one out. "Sure, buddy. But remember, don't open the door to anyone, okay?"
Nodding, Cassian replies, "Got it!" Before reaching for his headphones. It's definitely the best gift that Murdoc has gotten him since killing Amber.
The grocery store is a... mundane ordeal. People milling around after their 9-to-5s, gathering food for the next week, all unassuming and standing in front of the produce. Most of them ignore the world around them, murmuring quiet "excuse me"s through the store.
Against all odds, it's a place that Murdoc enjoys. He's free to walk around and take note of everyone around without anyone really paying attention. No one is going to stop him if he stares at the meats for a little too long, or waves at a small child holding onto their mother's fingers.
It's a nice place.
Full of plenty of employees working part-time jobs that he could kill without a second thought. People who would disappear from the world and get replaced just as easily.
All Murdoc needs is elbow pasta, but he can't help but linger. He's always been a fan of people watching, even when he was just a boy. Back when he tore apart animals rather than people. It's a relaxing endeavor.
Before he leaves, Murdoc grabs a few cookies and treats from the dessert bar. He was gone all yesterday on a job, and he can't help but feel guilty toward Cassian. Raising a child really is a full-time job, and he has so little time for leisure, especially because he can't bring it home.
Murdoc even pays for it all, despite the fact that he has a pistol underneath his trench coat. It'd be just as easy to walk out of the store without opening his wallet once, but he doesn't want to make a scene. Not when his son is waiting for him at home, pure and unassuming, wanting mac 'n cheese.
When Murdoc makes it back to the apartment, he ruffles Cassian's hair. "I got you a present, buddy!"
"What is it?"
"You'll have to wait until after dinner! Don't want to spoil your appetite."
It's moments like these that truly make Murdoc understand why an ordinary person can make it through the day without murder.
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pairing: Kim Namjoon x female reader (guest star Yoongi)
genre: smut, established relationship au
word count: 4.3k | reading time: 20 min
summary: Dating Kim Namjoon comes with its advantages and disadvantages. The later mainly being working so much all you get to see of him is in his studio. But you're a needy bitch. And if you have to get what you want while he works, you will do just that.
warnings: hard dom namjoon, bratty sub reader, cockwarming, daddy kink, dirty talk, degradation, praise, choking, spanking, unprotected sex, oral m.receiving, orgasm denial, studio sex, slight exhibitionism, aka the one where namjoon discovers he likes public sex and exhibitionism.
A/N: Amy=Army=reader because I prefer using a name instead of y/n
Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Time slipping closer to the comeback dates meant missing-your-boyfriend hours grew more frequent. You never complained, just like he didn't either, but you were clingy by nature and finding any way to be even in the same room as Namjoon had become your top priority. At first, sleeping in his arms at night was enough. In about a week it became apparent that waking hours were paramount, so you started joining him for lunch. No matter how short and rushed it had to be. But the more he worked on the group's comeback, the less attention he could pay, always distracted and keeping your interactions to small talk. Eating with him wasn't sating your hunger anymore.
"I'm sorry, baby," he would say when he would realize you had been talking this whole time.
You honestly didn't mind. Simply wanted to be by his side. "It's okay, sweetie. Everything alright?"
He sighed and caressed your hand laying on the table. "I just miss you. I have to stay to work extra hours again and I won't see you again and I miss you. That's all."
You replicated his small, soft smile. "I can stay with you. I'll bring my laptop and we can both work together. That way we won't be alone."
Namjoon smirked. "You know I can't concentrate with you in the room," he declared with a low tone in his voice and slightly squeezed your hand.
Suddenly, you were fighting a smile on your lips while your eyes raced to the floor as if you were too shy to face your own boyfriend. Then you pouted. "No, we'll just work. I will be working too, I'll be so quiet, you won't even know I'm there."
And so you did. You took the small couch while he had his back to you, working on his computer. The sound of both of your keyboards was filling the room, along with the slight whispers of the music playing through Namjoon's headphones. It was after-hours and they went by mostly uninterrupted, except for the occasional visit by a manager or a member –usually the rappers– to deliver some type of message. The boys would smile softly at the sight of you, and you replied with a raise of your shoulders to state the obvious.
"Can I sit on your lap?" You asked Namjoon once after you had given up on your work and were battling falling asleep on that comfortable couch while you waited for him to call it a day, or more accurately, a night.
He pulled his headphones to the side and turned to look at you. "My lap?"
You nodded. "I'll just sit there and you can work."
"Don't you want to work?"
"No, I want to be in your arms."
He bit his bottom lip. He eyed you up and down and then looked at his monitor. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but he figured he would just sound like a straight douche if he declined cuddle offers from his girlfriend, after she had been patiently putting up with him distancing for the past few weeks. So he turned back to you and patted his lap.
"Okay, hop on, kitty. But if you don't sit quietly, you'll be in trouble."
You had to bite back that shy smile again. Namjoon was asking you to sit quietly yet just by the way he asked, he made you crave that trouble he promised. But no, you were a good girl. You didn't want to disturb his work, it would only stress him out more. You straddled his lap and huddled on his chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible so as not to restrict his movements in the least. You felt his big hand stroking your hair as you planted your head on his left shoulder, your nose close to his neck, tickling him with your warm breath. Before you knew it, you were asleep.
So now you almost didn't even bother pretending to work on that laptop of yours. Since Namjoon had been convinced that you could sit on his lap without causing trouble, and you had discovered how easy it was to relax when you were wrapped around him like that, you basically jumped in his lap right after you two settled in his studio. Namjoon played with your hair or gently squeezed the softer parts of your body every time he paused to think. He found it helped him work even better. His own little stress relief toy.
"Oh- uh… Sorry- um…" Yoongi squealed when he walked into the studio and saw the two of you tangled like so.
Namjoon turned to face the older member and simply shook his head. "Oh, she's just sleeping," he whispered.
Yoongi now opened the door more widely and stood up straighter to take a better look at you. "Oh…" he exhaled with a smile. "Like that?"
"Yeah… she can't stay away from me."
At that, you decided to lift your head and look at Yoongi's general direction. "I'm awake!" you stated loudly then immediately dropped your head back down.
The other man chuckled slightly before he informed Namjoon on something about their manager, this and that, and left. Anyone walking into the studio was met with what appeared like an adorable scene that they quickly became accustomed to, and even your boyfriend seemed to think completely innocently of it now. Which meant you were the only one quietly suffering because of his cologne and the warmth of his crotch under yours.
You tried to sit there quietly. You tried to fall asleep. But it had been days since you and Namjoon had done anything other than work, and that promised trouble was becoming more and more appealing. You circled your fingertips at the base of his neck, contemplating whether you should grid yourself on him to get him to fuck you on that desk as a punishment, or be a good girl so that you don't lose your lap privileges.
But you wanted more than your lap privileges. You truly were so clingy, it wasn't enough that you were sitting on him like that; you wanted to feel more of him. You bit your lip and controlled yourself, catching your breath on purpose so that he wouldn't notice it had gotten heavier and warmer on his neck. You could practically hear his deep voice vibrating something like "you little minx" in case you exposed yourself, which in turn made your struggles even harder.
You squirming on his lap was probably registered as you squirming in your sleep by your boyfriend. Indeed, you kept your eyes tightly closed to play the role, too. You swallowed, again and again, excess saliva flooding your mouth from all the dirty thoughts passing your mind, like a dog dreaming of a delicious meal. But you stayed put. You sat quietly, just like he had asked. Because you were a good girl and you knew you would be awarded for that eventually.
"Baby…" you whispered with a pout in your lips. Today you had worn a skirt and as you sat on Namjoon's lap, the only thing covering your heat was your lace panties. Today you would get that award you craved the whole week. "Namjoon, baby…" you whined again to get your boyfriend's attention.
He looked at you with wide eyes, pausing whatever he was doing and sliding his headphones off. "What's that, kitten?"
Your eyes dropped down as your fingers played with the hem of his shirt. "I–" you gulped, "I want you inside me."
You heard nothing, no reaction. So you looked up again and Namjoon was just staring at you. "You know we can't do that here, kitten…"
You bounced slightly on his lap in protest. Luckily for you, you found out your boyfriend had already started to get hard under you. So you continued. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself on him, making him suck in a breath.
"Ohh... I'm not asking for anything too much. I just want you inside me."
"Inside you?"
You nodded. "Yes, yes. I just want to feel you. Can you just… just put it inside me?"
Namjoon laughed. "Baby, if I put it inside you there is no way it won't lead to something more…"
But you shook your head frantically. For good measure, you ground yourself on him, too. "No, no, I promise! I won't even move. I'll just go right to sleep like I do every day. You know, you've seen how quietly I can sit like that. You can trust me, right?"
Namjoon bit his bottom lip aggressively as he watched you act all innocent and cute while talking about putting his dick in you. He took one too many seconds to answer, so you took the initiative to move your hands to his pants and unbutton them. His hands grabbed your hips. Not to stop you. Just to hold you forcefully as he processed what was happening.
"So you– you want to do… cockwarming?"
In response, you took one of his hands and guided it under your skirt, to your already wet core. His fingers felt your arousal through the lace. Suddenly, all signs of demur disappeared from his face.
"Hm, does your little hole feel empty without me, kitten? You want me to fill you up?"
You bit your lip as you nodded, your hands moving again to completely undo his pants and pull them down just a bit. You palmed him through his boxers and his fingers massaged your clit over your panties. You pulled his dick out and saw how it sprang up, almost to full hardness already. Quickly, you spat on your hand a generous amount and used that to pump him up and down a few times. Namjoon groaned and pushed your panties away, two fingers teasing at your entrance.
"Do you need prepping? Or can you take my cock as it is?" he asked you as he slipped his two fingers easily in.
"Namjoon," you moaned his name quietly. "Don't get me too horny, just put your dick inside me." He raised his eyebrows at your commanding attitude. "Unless you don't want me to be good," you added with a raised eyebrow of your own.
Chuckling, he pulled his fingers out and grabbed your hips again. He guided you over his dick. "Alright, kitten. Sit on that cock and don't. Move."
You sank, taking him in inch by inch, the thickness stretching you out so much it burned. You allowed yourself to moan out as quietly as you could, still struggling to fit all of him inside you. Namjoon kept a hand on your hips to guide you down, while the other caressed the side of your head.
"That's right," he praised you. "Take all of me, baby. I know you can."
With his encouraging words, you took a deep breath and moved down until your pussy had swallowed him whole, his head now nudging at your cervix.
"There, there… that's great," Namjoon cooed. He brushed his palm over your cheek and made you look at him. "How does this feel?"
"Oh, it feels good…" you said, dragging out the last word while letting your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your boyfriend gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"So, did you get what you wanted, kitten?"
"Mm, yes, daddy, thank you," you moaned.
His thumb ran over your lips and he pinched your chin. You opened your eyes to look at him. "Now… will you sit there quietly and let me do my job?"
You nodded lazily. "Yes. Yes, daddy, I will."
Namjoon smiled and gave you a quick peck. He looked down, pushing your skirt out and adjusting it so that it covered both of you up. He put his headphones back on and you, just like you promised, laid your head on his shoulder again and sat there quietly. Your position ultimately not changing at all and it still seemed very sinless, with the only exception that you were now so deliciously full and finally sated.
You tried to calm your breathing down. You clenched and unclenched around him involuntarily and he released a warning groan in response. It was hard to stay still at first, but once you got used to his length stretching your walls, it was surprisingly relaxing. He was big and warm and the most comfortable thing you had experienced in your life. You had never felt closer to your boyfriend than at that moment. You loved it in a very possessive way.
From now on this would be the only seat you'd ever take.
Namjoon loved it too. He didn't expect you to actually sit still, secretly wanted you to act out so that he could teach you a lesson afterwards. But now you looked as peaceful as a baby breastfeeding. It was funny how something so dirty made you look so chaste, and how that in return made you look, well... hot. He sighed. He really didn't think he would be the one having trouble controlling himself. Your pussy was moving slightly around him every time you squirmed, and he felt every single thing. Yet you had managed to drift into a light sleep, your cheek pressed on his collarbone, your lips apart, your breaths long and warm on his neck.
So pretty… So cute. Namjoon would make sure to fuck you so well when you two got home.
"Hey, Namjoon!"
Namjoon jumped right as the studio door opened wide. He hands quickly grabbed your hips, ready to push you away and pretend nothing was happening.
"Oh, is she sleeping?" Yoongi whispered and walked closer to them.
Namjoon froze. He looked down, your skirt was still covering you up. Then he looked at the other man. He seemed blissfully unaware of what was going on in there.
And that, for some reason, made Namjoon's dick throb.
"Um, ye-yeah."
"Heh, she's so cute when she sleeps on you like that."
Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek hard. His hips moved forward on their own accord, pushing further inside you so slightly that the moment went by unnoticed. But not by you. A tiny whine echoed from your throat.
"Hm, yes. What's up?" he answered, his voice husky.
Yoongi started talking, but if Namjoon were to be honest with himself, he didn't hear a thing he said. All he could register was his dick getting even harder while your pussy got tighter around him. He tried to stay still as he stared forcefully into his friend's eyes. What if he realised?
God, the thought alone made him suck in a deep breath.
"Okay?" Yoongi's voice was barely made out inside the younger's foggy head. But he managed to nod. "Can you do that for me?"
"Hyung..." Namjoon sighed. Just as Yoongi frowned at his friend's odd voice, you moved around, clinging closer to Namjoon, cutting off his oxygen supply completely. "Yes! Yes, I will!" he literally choked out.
The other rapper gave him an up and down and Namjoon would never dare admit how his eyes on the two of you made his stomach shrink. But he would admit to how he felt ready to combust and if you weren't left alone within the next thirty seconds, he would no longer care about details such as privacy.
"Cool," Yoongi mumbled, moving back towards the door yet still facing you. "Thanks, man. I owe you one."
The moment the door clicked closed, Namjoon gasped hard, taking in all the air he was missing. His hands -still on your hips- held you tighter, tight enough to leave bruises, as he panted and moved his hips slowly into you.
"Stop pretending you're sleeping," he demanded. A couple of seconds of silence passed, and then he felt your lips gently land on his neck in a small kiss, trying to play innocent. He snorted. "You–"
"Everything okay, daddy?" you asked in the purest voice you could master.
"No!" he exclaimed, dropping his head back on his chair. He thrust up as much as he could, but since he was already buried to the brim, there wasn't much space to move. "No, I'm not okay!" he growled. You immediately bit your lip, pulling your head away so that you could finally face him. He leaned slightly forward but the moment his eyes fell on you, his head hit his chair again. "Move!"
"But, daddy, you–"
"Fuck, Amy, if you don't– move!"
His hands pushed you slightly off him, and he immediately thrust into you. Hard. You had no choice but to cry out. Another thrust and you felt like you couldn't hold yourself up anymore, falling on his chest and clinging to him desperately.
"Nam-" you tried to talk, but the man had found his position and was drilling into you at a never before seen speed. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and all you could do was have your jaw hung open and a moan escape freely with every hit on your spot. He was animalistic, growling and groaning loudly with no regards to the public building you were in, and most importantly, without even noticing your attempts to slow him down. You pushed your palms on his shoulders, trying to lift yourself, but in response, he just bit down on your neck and made you moan harder.
This... This is exactly what you wanted. Wasn't it?
"Namjoon, the door is unlocked," you managed to whisper while he was licking your neck up and down aggressively. He just hummed in response. At least he heard your voice. "What if somebody comes in?"
Your boyfriend moaned. He slowed down, his right hand leaving your hip to move higher up, ruffling your shirt, squeezing your breast and wrapping around your throat. You gasped right as he tightened his grip.
"Let them see," Namjoon mumbled. His grip around your throat tightened even more and his hips picked up the pace again. But now, you had no way of making any sound other than choking. Namjoon moaned louder. "Oh, let them watch."
He finally let you breathe and right away he crushed his lips to yours, pulling you deep down on his dick and grinding inside you. You had never seen this side of him before and you couldn't help but drip arousal around his base. Just seeing how into it he seemed to be made you get closer to your climax.
"Bounce on my cock, you slut. Isn't this what you wanted from the beginning?" your boyfriend growled in your ear and you whined, immediately obeying. Jumping up and down.
"Daddy..." you moaned for his attention, getting closer and closer.
A hard slap on your right butt cheek. "Faster. Do it how you know you wanted it." Another slap.
Leaning forward you found a new momentum to slide up and down his dick faster, and his breathing instantly changed. You looked up through your lashes at him, gawking at his expression, face hot with coy and pride.
"Like that, daddy?"
He groaned, staring right into your eyes. "So needy," he mumbled. "Such a desperate slut, constantly wanting praise. Is that what you want, baby? For me to praise you?"
You almost missed your rhythm due to the effect his words had on you. "Da... Daddy..." was all you could say.
He held you from the ass, helping you move since you were so close to cumming it was getting hard. "Hm? You want me to praise that warm, wet pussy of yours that takes my dick so well?" You had to moan. "So well-" he repeated, "-that I can't resist it?"
"Daddy, I'm gonna-"
"You fuck me so well, baby. Hm, is that what you want me to say?" Namjoon continued teasing. "You're so good..."
"I'm gonna cum!"
Suddenly, you were empty. Namjoon had pulled out of you and pushed you away.
"Oh no, baby. You don't get to cum."
Your mouth dropped open, the sweat that glistened all over your face probably evaporating at how hot it suddenly got. "Wh- what?"
The man in front of you gave you the most shit-eating grin you had seen in a while. He got up from the chair and stood in front of you. "What? You really thought you would be rewarded with an orgasm after everything you pulled?"
You pouted. "But..."
Namjoon held your chin gently and smiled down at you smugly. "You've been too naughty, sweetness. Now, if you get on your knees for me, I might make you cum when we get home."
You bit your lips so hard it hurt. "Daddy..." you whined in the most seductive voice you had in you, giving him your big, puppy eyes. But he just released your chin and raised his eyebrows.
"On. Your. Knees."
Gulping, you lowered yourself down. If Namjoon said knees then knees it would be. You looked up at him and he sighed heavily at the attractive sight.
"Now, open up for me, baby."
You opened your mouth and drew your tongue out as far as you could, which seemed to please him a lot. Grabbing his dick at the base, he ran his head over your tongue. Getting desperate again, you closed your lips around him and sucked the head. That earned you a hiss. His fingers were suddenly all in your hair, his head fallen back, as he picked up right where he had left. He pushed the first couple of inches of his dick in and out of you fast until you were used to it and you swallowed more of him in. You couldn't take all of him, but you didn't need to: the tightness of the back of your mouth was all Namjoon needed to feel from you.
"Oh, God…" Namjoon moaned and you knew the moment the atheist started to call out to God, was the moment he was getting close. You grabbed his hips to halt his thrusts and instead just suck. Suck him hard enough to slurp his own soul if he had one. Hard enough to swallow his warm cum right as it was released down your throat.
You opened up your mouth with a satisfied "ah" to show him it was empty. Namjoon smiled and fell back on his chair, exhausted. Knowing you needed to be as good as you could in order to be rewarded afterwards, you gently tucked him back in his trousers while still on your knees, looking at him proudly.
"Did I make you feel good?"
Namjoon chuckled, ruffling his hair. "I swear all you ever–"
A knock on the door followed but a member right away. "Hey, Namjoon-ah, when-"
You both turned with dread to look at the door, finding a mortified Yoongi standing to it. His wide eyes moved from the fucked out looking man on the chair, to the girl on her knees in front of him, and he very wisely decided to disappear behind the closed door again without a word.
"Ah, shit…" Namjoon mumbled, but you just laughed.
"You know, he's probably still waiting for that translation," you said, which made your boyfriend look at you puzzlingly.
"What translation?"
You bit your bottom lip to prevent you from laughing again. "Babe! Earlier… he said he e-mailed you some lyrics he wanted you to translate to English. You said you'd do it."
His face scrunched up to the saddest 'oh' you had seen. "I h– I didn't– I..."
You showed your teeth in an 'oopsie' way. "Oh, well... At least now he knows what took so long."
Namjoon moved off the chair and pulled you up with him. "I need to– I mean, I should probably talk to him. I don't know, say it wasn't what it looked like? Would that sound believable?"
You chuckled again, getting on your tippy-toes to try and fix his hair. "Looking like that? Not so much."
Namjoon looked at his reflection on the black screen of his computer to fix what he could. "You should go home, baby. I'll stay here to make this right."
"What? No, but you promised to make me cum when we get home," you whined like the spoiled brat you were.
But your boyfriend grabbed your jacket, waiting for you to wear it. "Yeah, but that was before you got me in trouble, you brat."
You pouted. "No, I'm not going."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed your arms to push them through your jacket sleeves. "Get home now, Amy, before I change my mind and not let you cum at all."
You were ready to throw a tantrum, but as you were guided toward the door, you just turned and looked at him very seriously. "Namjoon, I swear to you, if you let me go now I'll find a better way of getting myself off tonight," you threatened.
But he laughed. "Oh, okay. Tell me, do you wanna go apologize to Yoongi perhaps?"
You shrugged nonchalantly. "Perhaps. At least he'd let me cum, wouldn't he?" you commented as you opened the door and were ready to leave. But Namjoon slammed it closed again. His arms caged you against it as he loomed over you.
"I have a better idea. You go home right now, undress, get in bed and wait for me without touching yourself at all, like a good girl, and I'll make you cum until you beg me to stop," Namjoon whispered darkly. You seemed to consider it. "There is no alternative, sweetness. You'll do as I tell you."
So you smiled. You gave him a little kiss on the cheek and agreed. Well, at least he thought you did. Because you were definitely going to disobey him by touching yourself back home until you had wet your bed waiting for him. Waiting for the punishment he'd come up with then...
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mikauzoran ¡ 2 years
La Befana in Retrospect
Hey guys. I’m watching another Series Two episode today. This time it’s La Befana. I like this episode. (I think I say that about most episodes. XD) I appreciate the Marichat crumbs we get, and the Adrienette content is sweet too. Also, I get a kick out of Gina. Her character is a lot of fun.
First off, I love the little dance Tikki does when she’s getting ready to spit out the kwagatama for Marinette. XD Very cute, Tikki.
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And then there’s Marinette going up to Nino and pulling his headphones off to find out what he’s listening to. He just looks so taken aback. XD What if he hadn’t been listening to Marinette’s favourite song? What then, Marinette? XD She’s so extra sometimes, and I adore her.
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I wonder when that song (the Adrienette slow dance song from Doudou Villain/Despair Bear) became her favourite song. Up until this point, she’s said that Jagged is her favourite artist, so I would have thought one of his songs would be her favourite. 
(I’m aware that people can like vastly different genres of music. I just hit shuffle on my iTunes, and the first couple songs include music from Undertale the videogame, Motion City Soundtrack, popular Latin American Music from my Zumba class, anime J-Pop, and Quelqu’un ma dit by Carla Bruni. There’s stuff in Korean, Chinese, and Russian on there too in addition to my classical and modern instrumental music as well as opera. So, I know people can like different genres of music.) 
...But I wonder if the Adrienette slow dance song only became Marinette’s favourite after the Adrienette slow dance. It just doesn’t seem like something she’d like normally. XD I’m imagining her hearing it before the slow dance and she can’t stand it. She absolutely hates this song...but then the slow dance with Adrien happens and suddenly it’s no longer annoying. Suddenly, she finds all kinds of depth and meaning in it. Meanwhile, Alya’s over there making fun of Marinette for her sudden change of heart about the song. XD
Ahem! Also, I love the little scene with Adrien and Alya talking about the party in the classroom. I love the way Adrien panics and suddenly becomes horrible at acting when he notices that Marinette is listening. XD
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I also love Gina. Her character is so great, and I love her accent and how expressive she is. I just really like how she speaks French. It’s interesting to hear accents in other languages. Like, I love Jagged’s American accent too. They have really distinct ways of speaking, and it’s cool to listen to. It’s particularly interesting to note that an Italian accent in French sounds a lot like an Italian accent in English to me.
I got a huge dose of second-hand anxiety when I first watched this episode. ^.^; I’m the kind of person who feels really bad when other people get their feelings hurt or feel embarrassed. I would have been panicking if I were in Marinette’s place and my grandma had gotten me gifts that were no longer age appropriate. I would feel so bad and not want her to feel bad, so I probably would have done what Marinette did and lie to save her feelings. That was really relatable for me.
But Gina seems like a super cool person. It’s nice that she writes Marinette letters, even though she’s not around much. I think it would have been really hard on Tom growing up with a mum like Gina (and a dad like Rolland, but we’ll talk about that when we get there). Gina seems like she would be really interesting as a person, though.
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I really like Tom and Sabine working together to get the cake done in time. XD Their teamwork is so cute. I love them as a couple. I can kind of see where Marinette gets her extra-ness. It’s sweet.
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Side note: I need to know what this Gabriel Agreste book Mylène got for Marinette is about. XD Did he write it? Is the prose as bad as his Papillon monologues? I need to know, guys. Gabriel would totally write an ego trip autobiography.
Other side note: The tune Befana sings is probably a familiar one. It’s La Donna e Mobile from Verdi’s Rigoletto (the link has Pavarotti singing and the lyrics translated into English). I hate this song with a burning passion. It’s so pretty, but if you listen to the lyrics it’s really disgusting and misogynistic, especially because it’s being sung by a playboy who toys with women’s emotions and forces himself on people. ...But, yeah. I hope I have thoroughly ruined your enjoyment of this lovely piece of music. ^w^ The next time you hear it being used in a commercial, pause and frown and wonder if anyone bothered to look up the lyrics because there’s usually a huge disconnect between the lyrics and the product being marketed. I wonder why the creators picked that tune. I wonder if they associate it with some kind of product it was used in a commercial for.
But back to the episode! I love Chat Noir being extra. He’s such a precious baby, and I love him bantering with Befana. Peak Chat Noir content. I’m just glad that Adrien has this outlet to be a goofball. I also like Adrien calling Plagg “mon vieux”. XD “My little old man” (/affectionate). It’s cute.
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And bless the Marichat crumbs this episode. uwu
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Speaking of Chat Noir being extra, I love how he, unprovoked, starts singing his lines to the tune of La Donna e Mobile too. XD I also love how Ladybug chimes in when he gets stuck on the rhyme. These two are precious. And look at the fond look on her face. She’s like, “You’re so cringe sometimes, but I love you and will be cringe right along with you because you’re important to me”. Also, Marinette, it hits differently when you call yourself his Lady. XD
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Befana gets points for making Papillon say “the magic word”. I don’t think Gabriel has said “please” in a looooong time. XD It looks physically painful for him when he’s saying it.
I also love Chat Noir being like, “Oh, crap. We can’t let her get to the Tower. That’s where I hid Marinette!” 
And then the look on his face when he opens the closet door is like, “Marinette, please don’t be in here”. And the huge sigh of relief afterwards. I love it. I love how Adrien just cares about Marinette and wants her to be okay. And then as Befana goes after the descending elevator and Chat Noir is peering over the edge, hoping to catch some sign of Marinette being okay, his worried face is really cute. He doesn’t relax until Ladybug assures him that Marinette is safe. It’s just very sweet. I love how much time he spends this episode just worrying about Marinette. He forgets to flirt with Ladybug for most of the episode because he’s too busy fretting about Marinette. XD
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Again, these two dorks are fabulous. I adore how Adrien went out of his way to make Marinette a handmade gift. It’s so sweet because he really could just buy her something expensive that she’d like, but, instead, he chooses to make something himself because those are the kinds of gifts that Marinette gives, so he knows she’ll appreciate the time and effort he put into it. He might not know it, but he’s trying to speak her love language.
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I really like how, at the end, Marinette sneaks off to talk to Tikki and swoon over Adrien’s gift. I like how Marinette tells Tikki that Adrien’s gift is no more weird than Tikki’s (with a teasing wink that I missed the first time I saw this episode). And then Tikki pretends to be offended. The interaction between Tikki and Marinette is super cute.
And then we end with Adrien holding his Marinette lucky charm which he carries around with him always because that’s what friends do. XD But I love how he’s at this party (I think it’s only the third one he’s ever attended in his life if we count the one Nino threw for him while akumatized) and he takes a moment to sneak away and gaze fondly at his Marinette lucky charm. Adrien, what are you doing, you sweet child? XD
Anyway. There was a lot of good stuff in this episode. I enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading! ^.^
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honeyhenry ¡ 3 years
Tiny Vol. 2: Kal + Will
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you can read the first instalment of Tiny here!
A/N: I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!! All the love for our sweet bear and Henry of course! And baby Will my new fave 😍
Warnings: Premature labour, a LOT of fluff 
as a family of three, you, Henry and Kal were the dream team
Kal had of course taken to you the moment you’d met him
a lot of the time Henry claimed you were more loving towards the big bear than him; “I’m your actual boyfriend, remember?”
Kal naturally being part of your inevitable wedding
hell, he was likely part of the proposal, as role of The Distractor, while Henry would wait on bended knee behind you
Kal knew that he didn’t have a place on the big kingsize bed, but that never stopped him from standing by the closed door of the bedroom whenever you and Henry were occupying it, waiting for either an invitation for cuddles, or for your day to start so he could have some company
and any available snacks, of course
On Henry’s birthday, just over a year into your marriage, you’d bribed the Akita with an extra large prime rib steak in the kitchen so that he could stay content downstairs, while you kept Henry more than content upstairs
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It was only 3 weeks later that Kal started to press his large head onto your stomach
at first it was endearing, but over time he became persistent and Henry often had to get him to heel so that he would keep out of your way
it was only one missed period later that you realised your fluffy companion might have been onto something
with a fairly tame schedule for now, you and Henry had stopped “not trying” for a baby, deciding instead to just let it happen when it happened
and somehow Kal had been the first to find out that it had indeed, happened
over the next few weeks and months, it wasn’t just your large, concerned husband that was protective over you, but your bear of a dog too
by the time you were showing, Kal was in full guard dog form, growling at anyone who expressed any form of interest towards your growing belly
even Henry was on the receiving end of a warning growl now and then
but most of the time, Kal knew that Henry was likely safe, based on the look of love he often saw on his owner’s face towards you, and the special little moments his two humans have together with whatever is blooming within you
any strangers that get close to you would face the wrath of Kal because if whatever is happening gets this much love and attention, then it must be special to his Henry and his Mama
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Kal hangs around you a lot, favouring you over Henry, especially in your last trimester
which makes Henry pout because damn it, Kal is taking his place most of the time
“Only because i’m carrying a little you.” you’d reassure your husband “he’ll be back to his Henry-loving ways after baby’s born.”
Kal often lays his big head on your bump when Henry isn’t there because he knows you’ll let him get away with it
but if Henry spots him he receives a “Kal, off!” just for your goofy husband to rest his own head there instead, chattering to the baby about things that sometimes have you falling asleep
his voice is soothing, yes
but his video game talk is just the perfect soundtrack for a nap
you get slower and slower as you enter the last few months
soon its just Kal and Henry going for walks together at the park
your bear always whined to you, pawing at your lap as you curl up on the sofa, while Henry would attempt to nod him over to the door
“Mumma can’t come today, she’s staying here with the baby. But she’ll call us if anything happens”
You get a soft kiss on the lips from one member of your family, and a lick on the hand from the fluffier one
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Did you know it was Kal who saved the day, the morning you went into early labour?
you’d winced at a small twinge of pain, and then groaned out loud, taken by surprise as you had just been peeling some apples to be made into a stew
the sun was rising slowly, glinting the dewy grass out in the garden, your favourite view from the kitchen window
Henry was in his study, a floor up, with headphones on, completely oblivious to what was happening downstairs 
clinging to a table, you’d started to feel tight pain across your belly, issuing you with a mild dose of panic
of course, as Kal has been by your side for the past few months, he’s right there in an instant
he rushes over to you, sensing that something is wrong, watching you as you attempt to sit down on the floor to try and take control of the pain
he had pressed his big head to yours, nudging you as if to ask what he should do
“Get henry, go get Henry, Kal”
you didn’t have to tell him twice
he’d bolted to the study seeking out henry, knocking over everything he flies past, running as fast as he possibly can within the confines of the walls in the house
he was loudly barking the whole time, knowing that right now you are in jeopardy and that his Henry is your only saving grace 
he’d burst into Henry’s study nearly knocking the door off its hinges, almost jumping onto Henry’s lap
immediately Henry knew that something was wrong
normally a gentle giant around the house, Kal is bumping into things trying to reach his master, to get you the help you needed from Henry
“Kal, Kal show me where, what’s wrong. Is it Y/N? The baby? Mumma?”
He received a large bark in return, before Kal was rushing back to the kitchen to show his Henry where you were
Henry had raced behind Kal to where you were, panicking as he heard you call for him weakly
he eventually found you, sitting on the kitchen floor and clutching your belly in pain
Kal had stood by the door, watching Henry take over, his muscular form lifting you up and holding you close to get you to safety over on a soft chair
“it’s too early love, it’s got to be false contractions”
“they don’t feel false”
Kal had watched as Henry made a couple of calls, with sweat collecting at his brow
He had then spent a few moments with you, counting and calculating timings on his watch while you’d cried “it can’t be time, he’s not ready Henry”
Kal watched his Henry take your hands and stay close to you, trying to keep calm on the surface while making you a myriad of promises
just 10 minutes later, Kal had been left in the house alone 
his only hope was that you and his Henry will be okay when you return
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he’d had a strange few days at a friend’s house
their garden was smaller and they had a cat, but Kal hadn't minded them too much
he had still been concerned about where his Henry and his Y/N went so suddenly
and why did you not want to take him with you?
On the Tuesday, Kal hears the words “You’re going back home today, to see your parents! And they have your baby brother waiting there too!”
Kal was delivered back home that afternoon, and comes bounding into the house, making a beeline for Henry who was waiting by the front door to greet his furry friend
You had stayed upstairs in the master bedroom with Will, making sure he was safe from the inevitable commotion downstairs
You’d heard Henry embrace Kal, talking to him like an old friend whom he hadn't seen in years
Kal was so riled up from being away for so long, and Henry still in a lovestruck daze from the last 72 hours
“I know we were gone so suddenly, but everything is okay. We’re back now, and we have someone special we want you to meet” you can hear your husband speak excitedly to the bear
Kal had whined in retaliation, as if to ask "why did you leave me, Henry? What could have possibly been so important?”
“Kal” and it’s Henry’s no nonsense voice that you’d recognised this time; “Your baby brother is upstairs with Mum but he is very little. Very, very small. And you’re a big bear. So we’re going to be calm. Okay? Calm and gentle bear, good boy.”
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Henry's footsteps and the tinkling of Kal’s collar were becoming clearer and clearer before the door to the master bedroom creaks open 
and there stands Kal in all his fluffy glory
Henry is right by him, watching over every move Kal makes, with baited breath in case he decides to make a running leap towards you and your tiny bundle of joy
Henry had looked up to you with a gentle grin, ensuring the door was left open in the event of any sporadic movements, particularly if Kal wasn’t interested in this new person after all
“Knock knock, Kal’s promised to be good if he wants to see his brother”
Kal wants to jump up onto the bed but he knows he can’t, no matter how curious he is
so he just waits patiently by the bed, because whatever you were holding  seems important, especially given that Henry is being very stern with him
maybe this is the special thing that his Henry and Y/N had loved so much
he looks up at you as you lean down enough for him to see the baby’s little face 
“Kal, this is your baby brother. This is who all the fuss has been about. he’ll be able to play with you some day, when he’s a bit bigger.”
Kal blinks, taking the situation in
A new smell, a new person
A new, tiny Henry
At this realisation, he fondly rested his head in your lap right next to Will, receiving praise from Henry “easy boy, good boy Kal”
Kal makes an oath there and then to protect his tiny Henry
He sniffed a blanketed foot carefully, nuzzling it before staring at your sweet baby’s face
You look up at Henry briefly, and he’s already watching you as the rest of the scene plays out
“I think our boys are going to get along just fine” you murmur, basking in the fond greeting between Kal and baby Cavill
only for it to end a moment later when your son squeaks the quietest noise, causing Kal to back up quickly, shocked by the sound
“Ohh, are you saying hello to Kal honey? He is so gentle and fluffy isn’t he?” you’d cooed to the fidgeting bundle in your arms
“i think it’s Kal who needs to watch out around here now” Henry comments with a grin
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Whenever Henry goes out to play fetch with Kal in the huge garden - it may as well be a football field - you’d watch carefully from the balcony window while cradling Will, pointing out his how his Daddy throws a ball or a stick, and how clever Kal is for fetching and returning it
whenever your older boys are done, they both scramble to be first back to see you and the youngest of the Cavill pack
Will is often found snoozing, giving Kal the perfect excuse to curl up right alongside his crib him to protect him, should anything threaten his soft sleepy snores
And if Will is sleeping in the crib in the master bedroom right beside you and Henry, Kal paws at the door until he is let in, taking his rightful spot curled up beside his new best friend
If you or Henry, or a loving relative or friend is holding him, there is Kal right by their side, as if to stake his claim; “this is my baby”
In the middle of the night when Will starts crying, Kal is there first to check on his tiny Henry before he runs for immediate assistance
cue Henry having tripped over Kal in the middle of the night several times now, as Kal had rushed to the master bedroom and Henry having rushed out of it in the dark
Usually the consequences involve Henry taking a bump to his shin or his head, with you having to get up, turn the light on and fetch a crying baby Will
So yes, Kal is in the nursery a lot of the time and yes, you need to install a couple of night lights in the hallways so that Henry doesn’t ultimately fall down the stairs or continue to injure himself via a fluffy Kal on a rescue mission
Henry always exclaims the next morning “I can’t believe he’s always in the room”
Which makes you laugh, replying “You’re just jealous he loves Will more than you now. I have to say Will is taking the badge for favourite Cavill of the month in this household”
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Will sleeps a lot, and when Kal eventually gets bored, he sticks his big head into the crib, panting and waiting for his tiny Henry to pay him some attention
when you catch him, you rub his big head, letting him sit on the bed while you cradle a snoozing Will
however if Henry catches Kal with his head in the crib? Kal is out of the nursery for the rest of the day
“He can’t stick his head in like that, I’m not having him hurting Junior, accident or not”
So you need to unite your parenting tactics to train your dog before you use them to parent Will
When he’s not in his crib, Will is in one of the new moving cribs that Henry had researched to death before ordering and consequently building himself
That was an especially hot day in your pregnancy, and it was in December
Kal often just lays and watches his little best friend in it for as long as he likes, as he soon realises his large Henry will allow him to do that
sometimes you see Will laying in the crib with lots of dog toys around him
courtesy of Kal, of course
typically, Henry will be around to supervise, always thanking Kal on Junior’s behalf, engaging his two dependents in conversation; “oh look another toy, Will. Thank you Kal”
Kal would already be out of the room to fetch another toy while tiny Will is taking a hardcore nap
feeding and putting weight on is hard work!!
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Henry definitely gets a few stares at the park now; a big beefy man, pushing a high-tech stroller, alongside an absolute unit of a dog
Kal is obedient as always, walking nicely beside the stroller with his two Henrys
he’s not even tempted by puddles or ducks or squirrels
his focus is on his best friends, especially the one wearing their brand new sweater to signify his move to newborn sized clothing at the age of 9 weeks
he loves watching his Henry and his Mama celebrate his tiny best friend, no matter how small their achievements - or sweaters - are
Kal is always gonna look out for his large Henry and his new tiny Henry, who both have the same dark curls and sparkly eyes
He is just the most wonderful big brother you could ever have wished for your little boy, and you’re sure they will get into heaps of laughs and trouble when Will grows up to become a rambunctious toddler, with peels of giggles coming from wherever the two will be playing together
Kal has the patience of a saint, and it’s why you don’t worry at all when you find out a couple years later, that there will be two more little Henry’s for him to play with and guard, with his whole fluffy being
let me know what you think / any questions / any requests HERE
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beccascribbles ¡ 4 years
hi! can i ask for a scenario where ushijima, tsukki, kenma said something maybe out of the line that hurt your feelings and you just give them the silent treatment or become distant?? then like how they'd react to it and stuff :) thank you vm, have a good day 🙈
a/n - sorry this took me so long to write (and post). anyway, i hope you enjoy it. it was my first time writing for kenma so i'm not sure if i portrayed him right but let me know what you think!
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"you're acting like a child," he sighs, pushing you away from him. your arms fall to your sides, missing the feeling of ushijima's warm body. "stop being so clingy. it's annoying"
you knew he was honest, but there is a time and a place for him to voice his opinion on your affection, and in front of his friends was not one of them
all you had wanted to do was give him a hug in greeting. yes, you may have stayed attached to him longer than was necessary but you had barely seen him all day
"okay," you say, turning on your heel and walking away. you don't even bother saying goodbye, too hurt and annoyed to bother
ushijima's brows furrow in confusion as he watches you walk away. tendou is watching the scene with wide eyes, fighting the urge to snicker
"did i do something wrong?" ushijima questions, staring after your receding figure. tendou finally does let out a snort, quickly slapping his hands over his mouth when ushijima turns to look at him
it is semi who gives ushijima's shoulder a squeeze in reassurance, though his eyes hold slight judgement as he says, "you hurt their feelings because you were being too blunt. you should probably apologise"
ushijima nods and then follows after your figure, his strides lengthening to catch up with you
his hand, warm and large, encloses around your own as he catches up to you, matching your pace
you remain silent, choosing to ignore his presence beside you
the silence settles between you, heavy and unwanted. though his mouth opens to form words, he can't bring himself to say anything. maybe it's his stubbornness, but he can't see how his words may have hurt you when they were the truth
"now who's being clingy?" you mumble angrily, yanking your hand from his grip and increasing your pace. your arms cross over your chest so he can't take your hand again. this increase in pace doesn't bother him and he easily matches it
he is persistent, irritatingly so. when he follows you into your room, you almost snap. instead, you silently fume, collapsing onto your bed and turning away from him. he watches your figure, expression holding slight confusion
"why are you ignoring me?"
you stay silent, stubbornly staring at the wall instead of him. when the mattress dips slightly under his weight, you scoot closer to the wall. his frown deepens
"what did i do wrong?" he questions, and you let out a sigh at how oblivious he is. "i was just being honest..."
your scowl deepens, especially when you feel him rest his hand on your back soothingly, rubbing circles into it. it is ushijima's turn to sigh as he looks at you
"i'm sorry if my words hurt you," he admits, the words causing you to turn slightly to look at him. his expression is as stoic as usual, though his eyes soften when they meet yours
"i just wish you had more of a filter sometimes, toshi," you explain, sitting up and leaning back against the headboard. you hug your knees to your chest, head tilting to look at him. "i know you tend to say what you're thinking but i sometimes wonder if you understand how what you say can effect other people. you called me a child, clingly, annoying. that's hurtful, toshi. you probably didn't mean it like that but you did hurt my feelings. i hadn't seen you all day and, when i hugged you, you told me that?"
"i'm sorry," he says again, a slight frown to his face as he considers your words. his arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you into his body. "i'll try to think about my words before i say them from now on"
he hugs you tight, and you relax in his hold, savouring the closeness
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it's normal for him to send a teasing remark your way, just as it's normal for you to return the favour
however, today, his words hit a little too close to home, targeting an insecurity he wasn't aware of
you were frowning down at the maths sheet in front of you, brows furrowed as you struggled to work out the problems
you never usually felt inferior in terms of academics, but, right now, as you struggled to work out what was relatively simple maths, it started to grate at you
tsukishima wasn't really helping the issue. he seemed oblivious to your stressing, leaning back in his chair as he nodded his head along to the music
his eyes slid over to you, to your figure scribbling away on the paper. he pulled his headphones off, shooting you a teasing grin (though this went unnoticed by you)
his voice, light and teasing, cut through your focus, the words immediately putting you on edge
"if you focus any harder, you're going to be even more stupid than you already are"
your lips pursed but he went on, oblivious to your discomfort
"i can actually see the last bits of your intelligence leaving yout skull." this was punctuated by his finger giving your forehead a poke
you flinched away from him, a scowl lining your features. mumbling under your breath a number of unflattering things, you gathered your work and shoved it into your bag
"where are you going?" he asked, sitting up straighter in his chair, eyes filled with confusion and a bit of concern
you ignored him, pushing open the classroom door, deciding to head to the library to get away from him
for the rest of the day, tsukishima's attempts to speak to you were met with stony silence
so, naturally, he got annoyed, pissed off, and decide to ignore you to
it got to the point where both of you were simply staring through the other as if they weren't there when in a group situation, which was awkward for everyone involved
it was kageyama who told you to get your shit together, while hinata and yamaguchi could only agree
"i will when he apologises for being a dick," you said to kageyama, while tsukishima's eyes narrowed into a glare
"what the fuck," he snapped. "you've been giving me the cold shoulder all day and it's somehow my fault? bullshit"
you spun to face him, arms crossing over your chest. you spat, "you called me stupid when i was stressing over my math work. was i supposed to say thanks? fine. thank you, kei, that was really fucking helpful"
"what?" he blinked, looking at you im confusion. yes, he had teased you. but, he assumed you would know that he had been joking. if he had thought you were struggling, he would of helped you
as this was happening, your friends had edged away to give you some privacy. this was why tsukishima felt fine in admitting this to you
"if i thought you were struggling, you know i would have helped you." his hand reached out to take your hand, finger stroking your knuckles as his eyes met yours
you let out a frustrated sigh, your resolve crumbling. "i know... sorry for being a bit of a brat about it. i should've just told you that you had hurt me"
"yeah, you should've," he teased, pulling you closer to him. his lips pressed against your forehead in apology for getting annoyed at you in. "but, it's fine"
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when you came over that weekend, he was busy gaming, like he usually was
ordinarily, when you walked through the door, he would start to wrap up the game, saying goodbye to who he was in the call with
today, however, was slightly different
he was playing a particularly difficult story game, which he had been struggling to complete all week (his choices, much to his frustration, kept getting the character killed)
therefore, you could understand why he was engrossed enough to only give you a simple greeting, a nod of the head
expecting him to only take an hour at maximum (you were content to just be in his company), you relaxed on the bed and pulled out your phone. two hours later, he had still not said a word to you
you sat up on the bed, moving towards him to drape yourself over the back of his chair, resting your head on his shoulder
"kenma..." you said, drawing out his name slightly, "are you almost finished?"
"urgh, just fuck off," he sighed, shrugging your arms off of him. "can't you see i'm busy?"
"fine," you snapped, stepping away from him and heading towards the bedroom door. you pushed it open and let it slam shut behind him
for a moment, you paused, waiting to see if he would react, maybe realise what he said was wrong. instead, the room remained painfully still
when it became clear he was not coming out to find you, you straightened and walked out of the house
kenma didn't realise you were avoiding him for a couple days until he picked up his phone to see no messages from you
it became clear that you were making every effort to avoid him when you made no effort to see him in person
he got so confused as to why you were clearly distancing yourself from him that he went to kuroo
it was after talking with his friend that he realised he had been insensitive and rude
however, you were hard to get alone, using every excuse avaliable to you to get out of spending time with your boyfriend
the whole thing was frustrating, to say the least. he missed you (though don't expect him to openly admit it)
it took him saying 'i'm sorry' rather loudly in a public area for you to turn to face him
your pause gave him the chance to grab your hand, to keep you anchored to him in case you left again
"sorry, are you?" you asked, head cocked slightly. "not a nice feeling, being ignored, is it?"
you would admit you were being a bit bratty, but, to be fair, he deserved
naturally, kenma didn't bother to reply, but it was fine, the gentle way he squeezed your fingers and the quick kiss he brushed to the side of your head more than enough to convey his apology
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whatifyoulivelikethat ¡ 4 years
erotica, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Your roommate, Min Yoongi, catches you masturbating. You catch him masturbating. Well then, dear reader... This should be interesting, shouldn’t it?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, smut (fem reader, f and m-masturbation, cum eating); non-idol!AU; switches between Yoongi’s POV and your POV
Being in the music industry was rough. It meant long nights struggling for inspiration, fervent mania when it did hit, and crippling anxiety when it was being evaluated. But being a music producer was all Min Yoongi ever wanted.
He had given up a lot to chase his dreams, moving to the big city alone, friendless, trying to find his way, living meal by meal. He needed a roommate, but finding a trustworthy one was difficult. Friend of a friend of a friend and he finally found someone who seemed alright. A young woman in the middle of grad school, who was looking for a place to stay. At first Yoongi thought it would be weird to room with a girl, but one conversation and he realized it would be a good match. Her first question was if he was going to have guests over often. Of course not, Yoongi had music to work on. Her second question was if he was clean, because she couldn’t stand a dirty living situation.
In short, he now had a quiet, paying roommate who kept to herself, holed up in her room all day studying or rushing to class.
Yoongi worked for a small entertainment company, but he also had a home studio because he couldn’t afford to rent a space. This was enough for now. He asked if she was fine with a little noise and she responded by holding up her over-the-ear headphones.
But Min Yoongi had a secret.
Nothing that incriminating. Nothing like drugs or a gambling problem or a recurring STD or something like that. It was in innocent secret, a very small one.
Min Yoongi liked to read erotica blogs.
Now, Yoongi could watch porn. He could go through all the hoops and find some to jack off to. That wasn’t why he preferred to read smut stories online. He just liked to use his own imagination. He liked closing his eyes and painting the scene, but he wasn’t creative enough to dream up all the freaky scenarios he could read online. Some people had some… big brain energy. Some wrinkly brains. He was pretty sure all his gray matter was used on music, so why not let someone else craft the story for him? It took the work out the equation and he could get off. Win-win.
Also, it was much easier to hide it in public. All people would see is him scrolling on his phone, the same thing everyone else did.
Yoongi had his favorites he went back to. They were updated often. Every week there was something new. He checked at least once a week, since that was his usual routine his body wanted. And it was fine. No one knew. He could do it whenever he wanted and relatively quickly. So, all in all, not that bad of a secret, really.
It was six in the morning and Yoongi was scrolling on his phone, mildly horny. Oh! One of his favorite blogs had updated late in the night. Nice. He chewed on his lower lip, reading the summary.
There was a knock on his door.
He nearly dropped his phone. The door was locked, thankfully.
“Yoongi-ssi?” He heard his roommate yawn sleepily. “Did you drink the last of the milk?”
He screwed up his face to think. “Maybe? I’ll buy some the next time I’m at the store.”
He heard the sounds of teeth being brushed and a muffled, “Nah, I’ll place a delivery order right now. I need stuff.”
And that was that. He heard her wander off.
Okay, a very, very, very small part of him did kind of want to get caught. Not embarrassingly or shamefully caught. Just… maybe if it ended in something kind of sexy. Like the stories.
That was would fun.
Yoongi went back to his phone.
You cracked your neck in the mirror, yawning again as you brushed your teeth. You rubbed your eyes, inspecting your dark circles. Ugh. Maybe a little concealer today couldn’t hurt.
You had stayed up late again, writing.
You hadn’t meant to. It happened every once in a while, when the scene played out in your head and you needed to write it down immediately. When inspiration struck, you couldn’t let it run away from you. Sometimes the best things come in short bursts of energy.
At least you didn’t have class today. You were caught up on your classes, so you could spend today writing for your blog. What you posted last night was written several days ago. You had a slight backlog so that you could review things multiple times before posting. Even if it was something as meaningless as smut posted on the internet, you took that shit seriously. This was your outlet and you wanted to personally like everything you posted.
If what you wrote didn’t make you horny, it wasn’t going to make anyone else horny either.
You spat and rinsed out your mouth.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, your tired eyes looking back to you. Maybe you needed some socialization. Real socialization, not you eventually venturing outside because you needed to get laid for… research purposes. You chuckled. Well, you weren’t going to get that here. All your male roommate ever did was work on his music or eat. Which was alright; people were allowed to do what makes them happy. And besides, it was better that way, because you did actually need to study and eventually write your thesis. Less distraction at home was always better.
You turned off the lights in the bathroom and stepped out.
A strange noise came from Min Yoongi’s door.
You blinked, staring at the door several feet away from you. Then you shrugged. He probably just tripped. He was kind of clumsy sometimes, knocking shit over with his fat ass. Well, not really, but it was funny to think of it that way.
You went back to your room.
Oh fuck.
Yoongi stared at his door, clutching the toilet paper roll he hid in his nightstand. He was usually quite skilled at keeping quiet, but he accidentally moaned a little too loud. His hands were still sticky. He waited.
Her bedroom door down the hall closed and he sighed with relief.
When you got back to your room, you made the online grocery order. You needed pads anyway. Then you checked your blog. At this point, you had some familiar usernames you watched for. People rarely commented. Maybe their hands were busy or something. You could forgive. Besides, there were likes and that was enough. To be honest, you never expected anyone to actually do more than read. It felt kind of nice, knowing someone out there was willing to take one second to press one button to let you know.
It made you grateful, even if it was a small thing.
Your eye paused at one particular username. You only noticed it because it was gendered.
For the life of you, you couldn’t understand why someone would put their location and gender in their username. Maybe it was a reference to their favorite singer or something. Probably. You shrugged it off and flopped on your bed.
You fell asleep.
Big surprise since you had posted at four in the morning and only gotten up to brush your teeth because your mouth was too disgusting to exist. Ah well. Sleep was good.
You woke up, super groggy. You stared out the window, seeing that it was already dark. With a sigh, you looked into the tiny mirror beside your bed. Yikes. A master yikes even.  You climbed your hair with your fingers and got out of bed, your purple pajamas rumpled and crazy. Maybe a shower would do you good. Or a bath. Oh! That sounded nice.
You looked around for your slippers. You found one. Ack, so annoying. You weren’t a messy person, but when you were preoccupied with something, you forgot everything else. You straightened your room and found the other slipper. It was in your blankets, oof.
You opened your door and realized you forgot clean underwear. You stuck your head out, looking around. Faint bass was coming from Yoongi’s room. He’d be there for a while. Eh. You still had your violet pajamas, with long sleeves and long pants. Fully covered. He wasn’t going to know in the two seconds it would take you to get to your room. A good shake of the fleece fabric and the wrinkles would fall out. You’d look way less crazy after a good bath.
You hummed to yourself as you made your way to the bathroom.
Yoongi rubbed his neck, frowning.
It wasn’t coming out the way he wanted. The sound just wasn’t right. He leaned back in his chair, furrowing his brow. Maybe he needed to move on for now. Leave it and work on something else. He spun around in his chair, lazing about. He hadn’t heard his roommate make much noise all day. Was she dead? Yoongi heard the water running in the bathroom. Oh. She was taking a shower.
He thought about her for a moment. She was generally calm person, quiet and reserved. The only time he had ever seen her panic was when she was late to class, which wasn’t often. Other than that, she was kind of boring. It was like the only thing she thought about was school. She was pretty in a casual sort of way. Yoongi rarely saw her dressed up, but the few times she left at night, she always looked very nice in a short black dress and black heels. Probably a recurring outfit she used at every outing. He could respect that. Being strapped for cash meant a lot of repeating outfits.
Anyway, they didn’t interact much at all. They had their respective things to do, so they co-existed in a mutualistic, symbiotic relationship. It was nice not having to be distracted by a bad roommate, so for that he was grateful.
You pushed back the shower curtain, dripping water.
That was nice. You waited as the bathwater drained. Your hair was wet, kind of by accident, but whatever, you needed to wash your hair anyway. Your brushed water off your body absentmindedly, poking your nipples. They were hard from the cold air.
The water gurgled as you rubbed them slowly, sighing softly. That was nice. When was the last time you masturbated? You couldn’t remember. You looked at the bathroom door. It wasn’t locked, but what was Yoongi going to do? Open the door on you? Yeah, right. You pinched and pulled your nipples, sucking in a breath. It was nice to touch yourself, to cup your breasts and press them together, grazing your nails over the hardened nubs, imagining someone else’s hands touching you, wanting you.
You slid against the wall, moaning quietly as you played with your breasts, water beading on your skin. One of your hands slid down between your legs and slid around your folds. The wetness of your pussy was different from water, thicker, more viscous. Your eyes closed as you stroked your clit, slow and gentle and pretty. Imagining a tongue there, licking you softly, giving you just the right amount of pressure to build your arousal. No rushing, letting it last.
You ended up sliding to your knees, spreading your thighs wide to give your hand space. Your other hand played with your nipples leisurely, pinching and pulling, making your heart jump. You were quiet, barely making any noise.
Your eyes opened hazily. They shifted slowly to the faucet. It was dripping water. Slow, fat plops hitting the bathtub.
You pressed harder on your clit, rubbing roughly.
Your eyes shifted to the silver faucet again. It was right there, after all.
Fuck it.
You turned the water on again, setting it to a nice temperature. You waited impatiently, touching the water. It heated up quickly. You bit your lower lip, and then raised the temperature a tad. It torrented down and, for a split second, you thought you weren’t going to do it.
Then you adjusted your hips and planted your ass on bottom of the bathtub and slid down to the water.
Instant, unyielding. You shivered, the blasting water jet-streaming right into your pussy. Holy fuck. You slid down a little more and moaned, hoping the water masked your sound as the high-pressure water smacked your clit, lowering to your elbows to get a better angle. Heart beating fast, legs folded flat against the edge of the tub, leaning your head back, tits straight up. It was a difficult position to keep, but a rewarding one, because the water was getting you off fast, gentle enough that you weren’t in pain but hard enough that you could really feel it radiate all over you, the heat adding to the pleasure.
So close, so close…
You closed your eyes, thighs burning, core tightening as your entire body began to throb. A slow hiss escaped your lips as you felt your orgasm unfurl and hit you, wave after wave of delicious pleasure swimming through you, spreading to every point of your body.
“Are you drowning or wasting water, the fuck is–”
Min Yoongi’s voice was trying to cut through your reverie but it was impossible because you were too far gone now, legs collapsing inward, body falling flat against the tub. The door was open and he was staring at you, eyes so wide they looked like dinner plates. Water flowed over your hot body, blanketing you. Slowly, slowly, you came down, like an addict losing their high. His mouth was slightly open, kitten-like. His white t-shirt stuck to his chest and black track pants far too oversized for his slim legs.
You might have been ashamed if you were younger, but you were older now. If he couldn’t handle you getting off every once in a while, then he was the one who needed help.
You reached up and turned the water off, panting. You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“If you’re so worried about it, I’ll pay the whole water bill this month,” you gasped, chest heaving as you glared back at him.
Yoongi sputtered back to life.
“N-no, that’s fine.”
And then he slammed the door.
You sighed, frowning. Now things were going to get weird.
Holy shit.
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
He just witnessed his roommate masturbating with the goddamn water faucet.
Yoongi scrambled into his room and onto his bed, red in the face. He hadn’t meant to. He thought something weird was going on when he heard all the water. And, oh fuck, something was, but not the something he thought. His mind replayed the image for him, her legs spread, her breasts glistening with water, nipples hard and out, head tipped back and mouth open, tongue peeking out.
He was still hard.
His heart was thumping in his ribcage. Yoongi grabbed his phone and flipped through his liked posts. He had to get off. Now. Anything else could wait.
He slid in, hard, rough, gasping at her pretty lips opened and her eyes closed in bliss, enjoying his cock, just his, enjoying the way he felt, enjoying his hips slapping into hers and his cock twitching inside her.
Impatiently, he reached down and fished his dick out of his pants, sliding to his back and pushing his track pants down. Oh fuck, sweet relief. Yoongi stroked himself, reading, imagining her wet body, her slick hair, those fucking delicious breasts right in front of his face. Had Yoongi ever fantasized about his roommate before? Hell no, he wasn’t a damn pervert. But he was doing it now, because, fuck, how could he not? How could he not want to fuck her, press himself against her, hearing that soft moan against his ear, her wet body and smooth skin on his?
Yoongi dropped his phone, pushing his head back against the pillows, closing his eyes. Yes, he’d jacked off in the morning, but it was already late and he was so fucking horny it didn’t take very long for him to bite the inside of his cheek, trying to muffle his noise, trying to silence himself as the familiar wind-up came. He cracked his eyes open. His door was slightly ajar. Had he left it like that? Whatever, she was probably too embarrassed to come over here anyway.
Yoongi shut his eyes again, a soft cry leaving his lips as he chased his orgasm.
Then he felt it. A presence to his left. But he was so close, so close, so close, he couldn’t stop. His hand moved at a feverish pace, spreading the pre-cum over his length, adding to the pleasure. He felt lips on his cheek, her soft breathy moans against his skin. Was he imagining it? Then her lips on his, softly licking his tongue, so sensual and sexy that he was losing it, moaning into her mouth. He felt her hot breath glide into his and he groaned, too loud this time, feeling his cock twitch and spurt his cum everywhere, sliding down his hand, his wrist, onto his pants and shirt.
Yoongi panted, opening his eyes.
His roommate moved away from his face. Eyes dark in the low light of his room, pupils blown wide with lust. Her hair was still damp, slicked against her purple pajama shirt. He didn’t know what to do. Hos hand was a mess, covered in his cum. She leaned forward, tongue sliding out.
His thought was cut off as her warm tongue ran over his knuckles, scooping up his cum and eating it off his hand. His eyes went wide as she licked all around his hand, his fingers, dipping her tongue into the crevices. Yoongi could barely process what was happening right now. Was his nerdy, school-obsessed roommate licking his cum off his hand after he just masturbated? After he just witnessed her masturbating? Her mouth enveloped the head and part of his hand and Yoongi moaned, feeling her tongue press against the tip and tease the sensitive opening, licking it all clean.
After a sufficient amount, she removed her mouth and backed off. Yoongi blinked blearily, slowly detaching his hand from his limp cock. He didn’t know what to say. Or do, really. Her eyes were on his phone, screen still lit up. Then she shifted her eyes to his raised hand. Gently, she took him by the wrist and brought his hand to her face, placing his fingers in her mouth, sucking on them.
Yoongi was speechless.
Her tongue slipped between each finger, prodding around his joints, slurping slightly. She was still looking at his phone, eyes pensive. Yoongi wished his cock would wake up, but it wasn’t meant to be.
Her eyes went to his, his fingers still in her mouth. Shit. His brain tried to process the thought, trying not to fixate on her pink tongue moving amongst his fingers.
“I can’t fuck you…” he mumbled, swallowing. “I already came twice today.”
She nodded. Slowly, she pulled his fingers out of her mouth, joint by joint. His body jerked at the movement, aroused but unable to get hard. Strings of saliva snapped as she removed her mouth from his hand. She turned it around and licked his palm lightly, making him shiver.
“You like my blog?” she finally said.
He blinked.
She pointed to his phone. “That’s my blog.”
Yoongi’s eyes went wide. He stared at his phone and then at her. Then back at the phone. Then back at her. What? She cocked an eyebrow, smiling at him.
“So, you’re daeguboy0613, huh?”
He blinked rapidly. “I… what… ah…?”
“Guess that makes sense when you like my posts at two in the morning and such.”
She climbed on the bed – where were her pajama pants? Her panties? – and laid down next to him.
“You don’t seem like the type to read erotica,” she said absentmindedly. “I thought only girls read erotica.”
Yoongi stared at the ceiling. “Obviously not, since I’m a guy.”
She nodded. “You’re right. I shouldn’t stereotype like that.”
“We can always do more in the morning, Yoongi-ssi.”
Two things happened that day. One, Yoongi’s secret was exposed. And two, the source of Yoongi’s secret passed out in bed next to him, head on his shoulder.
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