#but uhg. that trust has always been there
share-the-damn-bed · 1 year
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JONATHAN & MIKE || then and now
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c0eu4 · 6 months
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OP81 | Crash ☁︎
Summary: After the biggest crash of Oscar's life, y/n go to see him at the hospital.
Warning: big crash from Oscar, panic attack
A/N: I really hope this will never happen to him :(
MASTERLIST requests are open
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Her teary eyes are focused on the screen. The orange car against the wall, half smashed.
''You ok?'' She hears Oscar's engineer talking to him through her headphones.
He doesn't answer. Her heart beats fast. Very fast. She feels like she's about to break down, but she holds herself back, in case a camera is pointing at her.
''Oscar, are you ok?'' Repeat his engineer. She can hear his breathing, fast. He groaned in pain and finally responded.
''Uhg..I'm..I'm ok.'' She puts her hand over her mouth, no longer able to hold back the tears that flow gently down her cheeks. She cries even more when she sees him trying to get out of his car but he falls back, his arms unable to support his weight.
He finally managed to get out of his car with the help of one of the track agents. His steps are uncertain, he walks towards a stretcher where he is made lie down. He gives the camera a thumb up, but I know he's not doing well.
I quickly wipe away my tears before the camera focuses on me. I see myself, and I want to cry even more. I suddenly remove my headphones and head towards the private McLaren premises. I see the camera follow me for a few seconds then surely change the point of view.
She runs towards his drivers room even though she knows he won't be there. But she needs to be alone, away from the cameras.
She abruptly closes the door behind her and collapses against the wall, crying. She is shaking, like when there's thunder, like when she can't stop laughing, or like when Oscar makes her see the stars.
Her breathing is irregular, she can't stop crying. What if he died in the hospital? What if he's so injured he'll never be able to drive again? What if he gets amnesia and doesn't remember her?
All her thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking on the door.
''y/n? I know you're here.'' She suddenly stops crying and raises her head, tears streaming down her face.
''y/n, it's Nicole. Can I enter ?'' Oscar's mother has always been very kind to her, supporting her in all her projects, even the craziest ones. They have known each other for over seven years now. And she trusts in her.
''I-Its not l-lock..'' Nicole opened the door slowly and entered the room. She comes to see her and sits next to.
''He's alright.'' She said to her, rubbing her back softly as y/n put her head against Nicole's shoulder.
''They take him to the hospital. We can go to see him in less than an hour.'' Y/n nod softly, trying to catch her breath.
''Take deep breaths y/n, he's in good hands.'' Nicole showed her how to breathe as they breathe together. Y/n calm down and stay to chat with Nicole a few more minutes.
They finally get up and directly head towards Nicole's car. They drive pretty fast, Nicole would never have driven so fast in her entire life, but when it comes to her son...
They reach the hospital and are near to run in the corridor to Oscar's room. Once they are in front of the door, Chris waits for them. He took Nicole in his arm and talked to them.
''I waited for you two to see him.''
He entered the room first and Nicole followed him. Y/n do not dare to come in, too afraid.
''I..I will go to see him after you.'' She said to Nicole who nod and smiled at her.
Y/n go back to sit in the corridor, her legs shaking uncontrollably.
Chris and Nicole stay in the room for less than ten minutes but it feels like one hour for her. They finally get out as she quickly gets up walking towards them.
''Is he o-'' Chris cuts her off.
''I think he really needs to see you.'' He looks at her with a firm but also a sweet look.
She didn't think twice and entered the room. When she sees him, in his hospital bed and an IV on his arm, she wants to cry even more.
''Y/n..'' He moans in pain. She approached him, crying again.
''Don't cry sweetheart.'' She takes his hand in her and rubs it with her thumb. He didn't waste his time and put his arms around her hips, pulling her in a comfortable hug. He hides his head against her chest, breathing in her scent. She slides her hand through his hair, caressing his scalp.
''I'm sorry for scared you.'' She heard a little snob and she wanted to cry with him. But she knows she has to keep her head up for him, to not worry him even more.
''It's ok kitty. It happens.'' He cried even more. He loves when she calls him kitty.
''Don't be mad at me baby.'' He blames himself so much. He blames himself for not knowing how to manage his car and for scaring everyone. Especially her.
''I can't be mad at you my love.'' She reassured him, even if her voice was shaking.
They separate from each other and y/n sits on the bed, Oscar putting his head on her lap. She keeps talking to him, with sweet and encouraging words.
''It's ok kitten, you're safe now. And you'll be ok.''
''I disappointed all my fans.''
''You especially worried them.''
''I'm sorry.''
''Don't say sorry. It's not your fault.''
''I lost the car.''
''It happens.''
''I almost died.''
''You're overthinking Osc.''
He sighs and closes his eyes. She passes her fingers through his hair, playing with some of his strands.
''try to sleep. You need rest.''
He kisses her lap and quickly, she can hear little snores coming from him.
She looks at him and finally breaks down. She cried softly, trying to be quiet to not wake him up. His parents come into the room and her mother comes to take y/n in her arms. She cried quietly with her, caressing her son's face.
''Thank you y/n'' She looks at Oscar's father, in incomprehension.
''Thank you for being here for him.''
She just nods and her looks go back to the sweet face of Oscar.
After what seems to be hours, Oscar finally gets up. His head was against y/n shoulder, herself laying against him. Her left arm was behind his neck and her right arm was on his chest.
She looks at him and smiles, trying to comfort him again.
''You feel better?'' She asked him, caressing his cheek.
''I can't feel my body.'' She giggles.
''They drugged you with morphine.'' He laughed loudly.
''I feel like I'm drunk.'' She laughed too as Chris looked at them, amused.
''Can I take a picture of you two ? We need to tell people that you're safe Oscar.''
Oscar laughed again. ''If you want so daddy ahaha.''
Oscar never called his dad 'daddy'. And Chris sighs in amusement. He takes his phone in his hand.
''Oscar smiles for the pictures.'' I put my arms around his neck and smile for the camera. Oscar puts his thumbs in the air and smiles with all his teeth.
Chris laughed at the picture and showed it to us. I laughed too while Oscar started to play with my fingers. He bites it and I groans in pain.
''Oscaaar, you look like you smoked something.''
''Uhmmm maybe I dooo???'' He looks up at me with his little puppy eyes.
All good things end well. Even if Oscar looks like someone drunk.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
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For a couple of weeks now people have been asking me about Wario and Waluigi. How do they fit into my AU? What’s their story? And my answer has always been “I don’t have anything good enough for them yet”.. well..
I STILL DON’T HAVE ANYTHING. I just really wanted to draw Wario and Waluigi so I drew one of the many ideas I have for them. But still nothing solid. UHG.
Will they be wandering traders with questionable intent? With no other importance other than they tried to rob the bros one time and got their cheeks handed to em? Or will they be impersonators? People who heard the legend or Mario and Luigi and used their name to boost their sales and gain peoples trust? Will they work for Bowser? Will they be their own thing? AGH, I DONT KNOW!
...Oooorrr, will they.. maybe for a change, not be villains? What if..  their names were tweaked a little. They could have their Japanese(ish) names, Warui and  Waruiji. They could be just two people- brothers? Friends?- that wander the land together. Eventually they find good shelter and food in what is now known as Shy Guy forest. 
They kind’a make a camp there and learn to deal with the Shy Guys and stray Boos. Eventually Mario and Luigi wound up exploring and got lost (Of course) in that forest. In which Warui and Waruiji would come to the idiots rescue. Maybe even becoming friends..? 👀
Ack, still haven’t got a satisfying story for them yet. 😣
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bleedingoptimism · 8 months
The Stray
part two
Steve, blushingly furiously, asks Max to take over pancake duty so he can put on a shirt.
And Eddie is both thankful and devastated about it until Steve comes back… and he’s wearing one of Eddie’s shirts and fuck, that makes it so much worse.
He’s always had a thing for guys wearing his clothes and Steve looks so fucking pretty with an old and tattered shirt from his first tour.
Steve catches Eddie staring at him and blushes again, “Sorry, I'm wearing you aren’t I?” 
‘Uhg why would you phrase it like that? That sounds so good. Yes. Please. Wear me.’
Eddie shakes his head and smiles at their guest, “Nah, it’s fine dude, you can do me whene- Wear me! I mean- wear my clot- Stop laughing Max, you little shit! I slept like two hours, okay?”
The three of them share a laugh and then, with all of their plates full, Max starts telling Eddie how she met Steve and the circumstances that got her to invite him over.
Eddie listens and starts thinking, shit, maybe he shouldn’t trust Max to be alone for such long periods of time. He worries about her, always has. But Max has always been independent and so fucking stubborn, toeing the line between proving how responsible she was and disobedience.
He tries to keep an eye on her as much as she lets him, he trusts Max to commute to college alone, to hit the skate park at any hour of the day. She used to get into fights at high school but went to therapy for her anger issues and doesn’t do it anymore.
He trusts her with her boyfriend. Or more accurately, he trusts her boyfriend. It took Max two whole months to tell Eddie she was dating someone and another two months to finally introduce them. And not because she was worried about what Eddie might think of him, oh no. 
She was worried Eddie would think Lucas was too good for her. Too pure. That she would corrupt him. (She was right about Lucas being too pure but Eddie would never think someone could be too good for her. In his opinion, she deserved every bit of good that came her way.)
So really, befriending a street performer sounded like something right up her alley but, taking a homeless man in…
Not that he can blame her, he thinks as he watches Steve shyly biting a pancake and getting progressively redder as Max dives into an action-packed story of him beating up three men to save her.
He knows Max like the back of his hand and knows exactly where she’s going when she talks about how kind, smart, and talented her friend is so he’s not surprised when she asks, “Can he stay with us for a while?”
“No, absolutely not.”
It’s not him who answers, but Steve. He’s shaking his head and looking at Max with big eyes, “I couldn’t possibly. I can’t take advantage of your hospitality any longer, I-”
“Oh, shut up Steve, don’t play hard to get. You have nowhere else to go! Just say yes.”
Steve seems to shrink into himself and looks between Max and Eddie, who gives him a little encouraging smile.
“What are you going to do?” Max presses.
Steve blinks at them sadly and he looks so much like a kicked puppy Eddie wants to make Max back off and hold him, so he stuffs his mouth with pancakes before he says something stupid.
“...I don't know,” Steve answers after a second, and Max huffs as if she is dealing with a child.
“Do you have anyone you could call?” Eddie asks him curious.
Steve’s shoulders tense for a second before he smiles apologetically, “Not anyone I’d want to find out about my… Situation”
“That settles it then!” Max says and claps her hands loudly making Eddie jump, he really did sleep two hours and he wants to go to bed now. Maybe Steve would be up for cuddles? Okay, no. He needs to go to sleep right now before his brain gets any more dumb ideas.
“You can stay in the guest room Wayne and mom use when they come over, no biggie. And don’t worry I’m not gonna let you stay here for free! You’ll chaperone me to school and the skate park and can do the groceries and cook while you look for a proper job! If anything I’ll be taking advantage of you and not the other way around,” Max tells him in a tone that leaves no room for argument.
Steve looks between the both of them once more before sighing and nodding once, a small smile on his lips that makes his eyes shine prettily.
He blinks a couple of times, his eyes looking wetter with every blink and he clears his throat and excuses himself going to the living room where his beat-up duffle bag and guitar case are, pretending to be tying things up while clearly drying his tears.
Eddie’s heart clenches for him but he looks at Max and shakes his head at her, “You know, your mom warned me once about me getting home one day and finding you with a stray puppy but,” he lifts his hand and points in Steve’s general direction, “That’s a grown-ass man.”
Max smirks at him, “Nah,” she says, taking Eddie’s plate and hers and starting to clean up after Steve, “He’s a puppy.”
to be continued!
part 1: 🎸
part 2: you are here!
part 3: 📓
part 4: 💝
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everybodyhatesluh · 1 year
The wallet
it's been a busy week for you and all the ADA detectives have worked hard in the past few days. (less dazai because he is lazy) So it was already night when you and your kida boyfriend arrived at your shared apartment. You were about to open the door when you realize you forgot your purse at the agency.
"Damn it!" you whisper as you run your hands in your pockets trying to find the key, which was impossible since you always carried the keys in your bag after kunikida complained about how dangerous it could be to carry it in your pocket.
"Are you okay?" Doppo speaks lifting the gauze from the notebook for you. "I just realized I forgot my purse at the agency" You speak with a sigh.
“The luck is that I have my cell phone” Kunikida looks at you as he takes the key he keeps with him and says: “Again? Last time we were still close to the agency and there was time to go back and get it, but that's okay, I'll be back. there and get it if you want to- " "What? You don't need kida, I will call dazai who stayed there and ask him to stay with the purse, it's too late to go back there" You interrupt him. "Will you trust him to keep your bag? "He says laughing tiredly entering the apartment with you." It's not like there is anything compromising there "You say, laughing lightly walking towards the bedroom." If you say, fine then "he says from the living room.
You bathe, put on your pajamas and sit on the bed picking up your cell phone and calling your friend dazai via video call. He answers and poping your ears screams:" Y / N ! HELLO I! Look what I found on your desk when I was leaving the agency !!! "he raises his arm showing that he has his bag in his hand."
"Dazai first, you don't have to shout - I'm listening, and secondly, that's why I called you! Can you be sweet and take care of my bag?"
You and your boyfriend scream simultaneously when kunikida enters the room carrying a towel. "ok I don't need to hear the kunikida's screams again, he yells at me all day." Kunikida leaves the room to take a shower.
"But you can take care of the bag right? " "Sure! But that color of lipstick doesn't suit you!" "Dazai When I asked you to take care of the bag, I didn't mean you could touch it!"
At that time kunikida appears again at the door asking if you want tea, you accept and return to the conversation with dazai." OOoOoh your wallet !!! "He shows on camera your bag messed up with your things out. "DAZAIII!"
"Belladona what is this?" he says."IS JUST MY WALLET, LEAVE AT THERE!" But even with your screams dazai open the wallet. "OWNT Y/N HOW CUTE! Kunikida-kun looks happy in this photo, as he is always angry thats a surprise" he is holding your wallet open with a little photo of you and kunikida at your last birthday, you too where very happy this day, doppo surprise you with a picnic at a big flower park, your favorite park, he was just to cute to handle >.<. Soo you wanted to keep this beautiful moment with you! Since you was so busy recently that almost didn't go out with your boyfriend, so you decided to keep a memory that you can see every day inside of your bag !
"He was soo happy this day...i miss going out and just forgetting all problems of life...and the best part, staying with Kunikida all day.. kissing, hugging...." You blush as you remember how the day ended...You and Kunikida cuddling on the bed, kissing and caressing eachother...- wait- Dazai is still on the call uhg-
"I see you are very happy with him, these Red cheeks say a lot haha! almost makes me stop wanting to kill myself with you... almost..." he laughs as he put your wallet back on the purse.
"Well can you bring the purse tomorrow? Pretty please dazai?" You ask.
"Anything for you belladona!" He hangs up the call and you turn to see you boyfriend almost crying at the door, looks like he heard a little.
"I-im soo glad to have you by my side..." he enters the room with the tea in hands.
"I love you Kuniki-" he interrupts you
"You know what? Grab my wallet." He says to you. Red and confused, you grab the wallet at the table besides the bed and open it.
The vision you see is, money,cards,and a picture of you he took on your first date together. next to that, notes of how beautiful you looked that day.
"I needed to keep the beauty of you that day with me.. and now that i can see it everyday...i use this photo to remember how Lucky i am." He puts the tea on the table and sits with you on the bed.
"Love...." you start to kiss him with all your love and affection....
*next day*
Dazai opens the door with your key, since he has your purse. "Hello?? You guys are here??"
He open the door of tou as he say: GOOD MORNIN- AAAAAAAA NAKED KUNIKIDA NOOOO-
"aaAAAAAAAA" you cover yourself with the blankets
"YOU BASTARD DONT KNOW HOW TO KNOCK??" Your boyfriend screams as he trow a pillow on Dazai.
Well im brazilian soo thats the best english i can write,hope you like it!
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insomnaticwriter · 2 years
Ten people I want to get to know better
Thank you: @moonepiphany204 @nicksmile @lovelylittlelosers @daylightsimon @zee-has-commitment-issues 💜
starting a new one cause how long the other one is makes me anxious
Favorite color: to wear, green, in general I think blue and black and red are beautiful in their own right.
Currently Reading: look man like 80 books.
Last song: dum by Omar cause I wanted to be sad
Savory/Spicy/Sweet: all of above but I like sweet.
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: I don’t have one since I’m 18 but out of the ones I have had I like the ones that taste like soda and don’t make me feel high, the one I had just made me really wanna kiss this girl instead of feeling dissociative so that was a plus.
Currently Working on: 26 fics and counting. Empty and kinktober are currently my two big ones.
Tradition or Modern: it can be incorporated in all walks of life.
Favorite Writer: does @zee-has-commitment-issues count? Um my instincts say Ellen Hopkins but like sorta problematic… I would say my mom but we don’t talk lol I’m not sure. Maybe Alice osemen? But she’s a little young for my taste….. not sure. OH I LOVE SAPPHO!
Favorite Desert: UM tiramisu! Easy.
Favorite Rapper: not really sure?
Favorite Sports Player: again not sure I’m boring. Maybe that one Russian figure skater with the long red hair. I feel for her.
Bedroom Color: white because I moved here when I turned 14 and I saw no point in painting it if we just rent and I’m just staying here for a few years. I used to have that generic blue green light teal color tho.
Favorite Politician: uhg they are all corrupt I don’t trust a soul
Loyalty or Lust: right now my actions scream lust. My tinder bio does too but loyalty is always the better option.
Pizza or Pasta: pasta. Or pasta on pizza. Really thick noodles with butter and cheese gulp gulp gulp
Are you vegan or vegetarian?: no but I’d go vegetarian once I move out
Favorite Time Period: ...I wanna say this one buuttt I LOVE the early 1900’s, 1880-1909 is my favorite of all time in art and paintings no matter where across the world. I love the style and feeling. I love the style in fashion even tho it changed constantly in the 1800’s and early 1900’s 1915-1920 can prove that but still it fills me with just warm feelings. My dad is an artist and always showed me old paintings and drawings of paintings in that time period and I always asked him why he didn’t paint like that.
Love or Hate?: hate is such a strong a powerful emotion and I love writing it. It’s so interesting and captivating and wonderful to write but horrible to feel. Is a a longing masked with hate? Is it rage masked with sadness? Is it pure despise for someone? Is it unresolved feelings? Is it love turned sour? Is it guilt? Sorrow? Grief?
Last Series I Watched: gasmamman has been on repeat. Constantly. My coworkers are getting annoyed.
Classic or Rock Music?: both?
Game of Thrones or LOTR: GOT just cause I watched like half an episode
Tagging @zealousfansstuff @insiemes @myworldisfictional @mal3vol3nt @tottrie @uselessroyals @emberc @olleoskifelle @missmeganlee @altruistic-meme @auselysium
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I Need You
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A/N: This was found on Pinterest, so if you're the owner, let me know so I can give you the credits.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Word count: 2 K
Requested by anons: 1- I'm like super in love with a certain Daryl Dixon and I was wondering if you could write about them getting into a big argument and they like avoid eachother for a while (super angsty if you care lol) and then Carol and Rick just kinda make yall talk and it ends fluffy? 2 - Can i request a daryl x reader where the reader’s been with the group since atlanta, maybe set during when they’re at the prison?? daryl realizes he has a crush on the reader and just p a n i c s ? and just really sweet fluff????
Summary: After you almost get bit, Daryl loses his mind and lashes out on you. Tired of the constant arguments, the group finds a way to out you two together to try and fix things up.
{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
“Yer almost got bit!” Daryl shouts, voice echoing through the prison. “Yer too damn stubborn, yer not goin’ on runs anymore.” He has his back at you as you follow him, struggling to keep his pace.
“I had everything under control.” You complain, ignoring Carol's questioning stare.
You, Daryl, and Maggie went on a run earlier today. Not too far, just to get some more formula for Judith. A walker fell from the roof, and it happened to be on a specific place Daryl told you not to go. The thing's teeth got a little too close to your arm, and Daryl shot an arrow through its head.
“Ya sure did!” He stops, turning around and pointing a finger at you. “If I weren't near ya, I'd be carryin’ ya back here with a freakin’ bite.” His voice gets louder, and you never saw Daryl so... Angry. So pissed. He's scaring you. “Or would ya have me cut her damn arm off? How does that sound?”
“Stop yelling at me!” You burst out, giving his chest a push.
“I'll stop yellin’ when ya understand how stupid and dangerous that was!” He steps forward, towering over you and you never felt so small.
“We needed those antibiotics!”
“Well, I freakin’ need ya. I need ya alive! Alive and well and breathin’.” Daryl shouts, right at your face. But the moment the words come out, he stops, stepping back. He seems confused, taken aback by something. “Screw that, I need a break from savin’ yer ass.” And then, he leaves, walking fast.
Huffing, you turn around, going to your cell.
You take the longest shower you can, washing the sweat and all the disgusting things the dead left on your skin. But most of the time, you were already done, dressed, and dried. You just wanted to be away from everyone. But eventually, you have to walk out. And of course, Carol finds you on your way back to your cell.
“(Y/N), I–”
“Daryl is such an asshole.” You say cutting her off and dropping on bed. “Did you see that? Did you see how he yelled at me? As if he has the right to do so.” Getting back up you pace around.
“I just think–”
“You know what? He can go to hell.” Throwing both hands in the air, you complain. “He and his crossbow, and-and his super hot stare and the stupid angel wings vest. And the bike too. All it. Straight to hell!”
“Aren't you just–”
“Uhg! Damn it.” Crossing your arms, you sigh. “Did you hear him forbidding me to go on runs?” With your hands now on your hips, you stare at Carol. “As if! Who the hell does he think he is? My boyfriend? To hell with him.”
“Will you let me talk?”
“Sure, go ahead.” Shrugging your shoulders, you nod.
But she doesn't say anything, she just takes a deep breath and shakes her head lightly. “Look, why don't you calm down first, and then we talk.” Carol gestured at the bed and you sit down, sighing. “Good... Try to relax and deal with it after a good night's sleep.”
“I could sleep a thousand years and I'd still be mad at Daryl.” You mutter as she leaves, lying on your back with your eyes closed.
You don't know where all this anger comes from, but it's always there, waiting to flow out. You do care about him, maybe too much, but it doesn't mean he gets to yell and boss you around like that. “Asshole!” You shout one last time, arms crossing as you drown in anger.
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“I saw it,” Daryl exclaims, pacing around the guard tower, breathing and talking fast. “I saw her dyin’. I saw that thing bitin’ her, tearin’ her flesh.”
“She's fine, Daryl. You don't have to keep thinking about it.” Rick tries to calm him down, both hands raised at the archer.
“No, ya don't understand.” It's useless though. Daryl is a mess. He got into the shower as soon as (Y/N) got out, rubbing the walker's blood out of his skin. But after that, he went straight to Rick because he needs to vent. He needs to yell and understand why he feels so damn scared.
Why he feels like a switch was turned on, lighting up something that was there all along, but only now was brought to light.
Losing anyone from his group, from his family would hurt bad.
But he just found out that losing her would be far worse.
“I her dyin’, man.” He slows down, both hands on his head. “I saw her dyin’ and–”
“You love her.”
“What the hell, Rick?” He snaps, a hand violently gesturing at his friend.
“You might not want to admit it, but it's true. You know it.” Rick nods, a hand casually resenting on his holster. ��We all know it since Atlanta. She loves you too.”
Daryl grunts, turning his back at Rick. “Yer crazy. And so is she.”
“You should sit and talk like civilized people.”
“I ain't gonna talk to her. Crazy chick.” He mutters, grabbing his crossbow a bit tighter. “She ain't goin’ on runs anymore. At least not without me.”
“Gotta go.” The archer cuts him off, leaving the guard tower at a fast pace.
He didn't like the ideas Rick put in his head.
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“Rick wants to make a room for Carl and Judith on the second floor,” Carol says as you climb the stairs next to her. “So we're cleaning up the cells.”
“Alright.” You don't really want to help. Not today at least. The nap you took didn't help much with the last issue, and you're considering going out tomorrow, just to clear your head a bit. “What do you need me to do?”
“We're just setting things up.”
“Mmm.” You mutter, running a hand through your hair as you follow her pace. Carol takes you to the very back of the corridor, to a pretty isolated cell. “You gonna put the kids here? This cell sucks. It's too–” You stop talking when you see Daryl inside, eyes-rolling. “Look, I won't help if he helps.” It sounds childish, but you don't care. You're far too pissed at the man to be near him.
“Look, I don't care if you guys argued.” Rick walks over you, friendly touching your arm. “You two just have to get your shkt together.” And you're suddenly pushed, almost stumbling inside the cell.
“What the hell?” You shout, but the moment you move, Rick pulls the bars close locking you inside. “Rick, drop it. I'm not joking.” Holding the bars, you shoot him and Carol an angry stare. “Open up.”
“There are blankets and dinner will be brought to you,” Carol says, arms crossed. “We did that because it's the only way to force you guys to talk.”
“Yeah. You'll have the whole night to figure out whatever has you both always at each other's throat.” Rick adds, sliding the key into his pocket. “Have a nice time.”
And like that, both jerks leave, talking something you can't hear. Sighing, you lay your forehead on the cold metal bars, not wanting to look at your company for the night.
“Yer can take the bed.” He says after a while.
“Obviously.” You're quick to snap. “It's your fault we're here in the first place.”
“How's that?”
“If you didn't come back from the run making a hell of a show about something that didn't even happen, we wouldn't be locked up in here.” Turning around, with both hands on your hips, you stare at him.
“If ya had listened to me, ya wouldn't have–”
“And why in the hell do I have to listen to you, Dixon? I know my way out there as well as you do.”
“ ‘Cause I jus’ wanna keep ya safe.” He's yelling again, stepping forward.
“Stop acting like I mean anything to you!” With a finger on his face, you move closer to him. You wish you could look intimidating, but being so small, that's very difficult.
“Maybe ya do mean somethin’ ta’ me! How could ya know that if ya never ask!”
“Well, I–” The answer is cut short when your furious brain processes what he just said. Furrowing your eyebrows together, you shrug your shoulders. “What do you mean?”
“Daryl, what do you mean?” Raising your voice again, you follow him as he moves further into the cell. “What would you answer if I ask?”
“I ain't gonna answer.”
“I ain't gonna answer!” He shouts again, turning around to look at you.
Taking a deep breath, you sit on the edge of the bed, folding a leg under you. “Do you hate me?”
“Do you hate me, Daryl?” Your voice is lower now because you do want to know.
He remains silent for a while, those blue eyes locked on yours. “No.”
“Then why–”
“I can't lose ya.” He bursts out, eyes now looking at the floor. “At that moment back there, I... I saw it happenin’. I saw ya dyin’, and I... I can't lose ya. I can't see ya gettin’ hurt.”
His voice is so low you can barely hear it. You've never seen Daryl so... Scared. Vulnerable. “You can't protect me all the time, Daryl. Accidents happen.”
“I can. I can keep ya safe if ya listen to me.” You're about to protest when Daryl comes to sit next to you, eyes on the wall across the cell. “I know ya can survive out there. But my mind works in a thousand different ways ta’ get stuff done without anyone gettin’ hurt. I need ya ta’ trust me. Ta’ believe I can keep ya safe.”
“But I need you to believe me too. To believe I can do this.” Turning your body towards him, you friendly touches his arm. “Daryl, I... I like you... A lot. And I admire you, I trust you. You taught me so much and I need you to trust me. I promise I'll be more careful, but I need you to–”
“Don't go out there without me.” He suddenly says, voice heavy. “I trust ya. Yer brave and strong. But if ya go out there and I can't keep my eyes on ya... I'll lose my damn mind.”
“Alright.” Nodding, you sigh, smiling a little. “Just don't yell at me again, Daryl Dixon.”
“Yer almost died and I... Damn it, (Y/N), –”
“I like you too, Dixon.” Standing up to your feet, you smile, looking down at him. “You don't have to say if you don't want to, just... Let's get this over with. The world is a freaking mess and if you like me and I like you we should be together.” You can't believe you're saying this, after so long. But it feels good. You feel good, secure. “Just let me know what you want.”
“Yeah.” He nods, blue eyes locked on yours.
“Alright.” Mirroring his head movement, you clear your throat, cheeks burning. After a few seconds of silence, you walk to the bars. “RICK! CAROL! Daryl and I are dating now, can we go?” You yell, and the low chattering downstairs goes silent.
“Would it be so bad ta' stay locked in here with me for a night?” Daryl asks, and you turn around, biting your lip to hold back a smile.
“Absolutely not.” Shrugging your shoulders, you slowly move to the bed, climbing on and lying down. “I'm actually sleepy and it's cold so it'll be nice to have someone to warm me up at night.”
“Don't push it.”
“I'm not.” Giggling, you feel as he lies down, close enough so his shoulder is touching your back. “Night, D. It was good to sort things out with you.”
“Good night, pretty girl.” He mutters and you smile, eyes closing and sleep easily overcoming you, thanks to the amazing feeling of having Daryl lying next to you.
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weed garden
now I know this joke is dead but I ended up over writing this so some of it got cut this is my first real fic vie published i hope you like it if not feel free to make fun of me  It was ruby's idea she was stressed about well everything and she knew yang and Blake had a lot of it, it was legal in atlas after all she only took a little they probably wouldn't even notice she had it for a week just to make sure they didn't
They were sitting alone after training oscar was sweaty and looked tired she leaned over "So Oscar uh what do you think of smoking"  He raised an eyebrow "well my aunt smoked cigarettes  and a bit of weed during the winter" he said putting long memory on his hip "Uh why the winter," she asked meeting his raised brow "Well there's not as much work to do in the winter so you can slack off a lot more" he responded "Well uh what about you have you ever smoked" she tried not to seem too obvious but she started to nervously fidget with her hands “Uh well my aunt let me smoke a cigarette once when I was 12, but I think that was to make me hate them she bought the most bitter horrible tasting ones she could," he said a faint look of annoyance at his aunt going across his face She giggled and said "from what you tell me that sounds very like her but like uh would you smoke weed like now I mean" He rubbed the back of his neck his eyes darted to her "well uh maybe with someone I trust" She bit her lip and said "well do you trust me" His ears got a little red "well of course I trust you, id smoke with you if you asked" 
"Well I'm asking Weiss is going to one of those art show thingies blake and yang are going to uh do whatever it is they do so I'll have the  room all to myself so I  thought that maybe we could do it together smoking I mean" her cheeks grew red to match his ears He nodded his head just slightly "I uh sure do you want me to bring cookies my aunt would always ask me to bake for her after she smoked" She smiles wide "yeees please the Peanut butter chocolate chip ones or the strawberry ones there the best" His face started to get flushed too "I uh I can make you both I’m assuming you're supplying the, uh you know weed" "Well yeah but that's gonna take a while won’t it, you don't have to make both," she said trying to hide the fact that she wanted both of them "No no I'll make them ironwood gave me access to the cafeteria kitchen so it won't take very long at all" he fiddled with his hands "and besides I know you like my baking and I like doing it for you" She smiled "he likes baking for me," she thought while trying not to giggle "well then I won't stop you I'll bring those pretzels you like" He smiled a little "I won't tell anyone were doing this" he stood up and said "I’ll see you tomorrow I got to get baking I might make some other things" 
She nodded her head and they split up when she got back to her room she was practically bouncing with excitement yang was sitting on her bed "why aren't you tired you and Oscar were training all day" her face flushed a little "Well I’m just kinda excited  I’m gonna have the room all to myself" she says trying not to be super obvious "I saw you and oscar talking after you trained did you invite him over," blake says hidden in her bunk “damn you blake” she thought  Yang beams excitedly "is it a date!" "What no I just invited him over to eat junk food and play video games" she waved her hands around frantically not helping her case 
 Yang deadpans "you asked him to come to your dorm room alone he might be oscar but he's still a teenage boy ruby he’s gonna think it’s a date" Ruby crossed her arms and grumbled "Look if you don't like him that's ok but it's obvious to everyone how much he likes you so if you don’t like him don't lead him on make sure he understands how you feel" Blake chimed in peeking out from her bunk 
"I uh I think I like him but I don't know if I want things to change yet and I'm not even sure if he likes  me " she sits down on her bed 
Yang hops down from her bed and sits next to ruby throwing an arm around her shoulder "that's perfectly ok if you feel that way but oscar likes you the way he stares at you the way he talks about you it's obvious" she smiles at ruby's red cheeks and tries to finish  her speech with "but if you do decide you like him to make sure to practice safe-uhg" ruby ends it with a punch to the gut "Yaaang shut up even if i do like him I'm not talking about that" she squeaks and reals back for another punch yang puts her hands up in surrender "Alright Oscar would probably have a heart attack anyway I’m just saying" yang kisses ruby on the forehead like she always did "you should try to talk to him about it ok" Ruby grumbles a simple "I’ll try" 
Oscar is having a similar time 
Nora hugs him tightly "ooo my baby's going on a date" oscar blushes as ren pulls Nora off of him "It’s not a date she just invited me over to play video games and stuff" he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly Jaune sitting at the small table "Oscar you know she's into you and isn't it weird that she waited till everyone would be gone to invite you over" Oscars face flushed an even deeper red than it had been before and he frowns  "well I don't think she is I’m sure she has lots of better  people to choose from" Ren put his hand on Oscar’s shoulder "Oscar please do not doubt yourself you’re great" 
"Yeah you’re a total catch Oscar your smart cute strong brave you have freckles and your cool with the headmaster of atlas" Nora chimed in counting his positive traits on her fingers "Thanks" is the only response Oscar can think of his embarrassment only growing "Now you need to pick out what your gonna wear and what your gonna say," Nora says standing quickly "Nora he doesn't need us to meddle with it if you need to advise Oscar you just have to ask I would recommend wearing something casual," ren said "Alright I will" 
They both went to bed thinking about their little 'date' in the morning oscar started baking and when he has a lot on his mind he tends to overdo it so he ended up making both batches of cookies a mini strawberry cake a dish of brownies and french toast casserole for breakfast 
After wby left ruby spent the morning gathering snacks and making the room as comfy as possible as well as gathering Oscars and her favorite games she remembered yang saying that her first time smoking sucked so she wanted to make sure she and Oscars  first time was fun 
Oscar had gone back to the dorm with all the food packed carefully to get ready Ren was the only one in the room he was sitting on Nora’s bed reading “oscar before you go I need to talk to you please sit” ren sounded serious and not in his normal way so he sat across from him “now Jaune and I didn’t bring this up earlier but we decided it was important to talk to you about because your 15 and we both know what it was like being that age and we know you like ruby a lot” he talked like how oscar imagined his father would “Uh yeah so what is this about” oscar had a vague idea in his head of what it was “I’m going to give you the talk I know your aunt gave you one but I think it’s a good idea for another man to talk to you as well,” ren said closing his book and leaning forward So then began  5 minutes of surprisingly not awkward conversation ren was very easy to talk to ren finished the conversation with handing oscar a condom “now I know you probably won’t use this but I want you to be safe ok and please don’t do anything you don’t think you’re ready for” Oscars’ face was pretty red after that but he put the condom in his back  pocket and thanked ren before taking everything he needed to Ruby's room She opened the door right as he was about to knock “oscar I was just about to come to get you” She said trying to act casual “Oh uh am I late,” he asked he would look at his watch but his hands were very full she takes the containers from his arms and sets them with ease on the little table next to the window
“Nope I was just getting impatient,” she says spinning back around to face him she was in her pajamas he thought she looked really cute he was just wearing his old pants and a comfy sweater he had bought in argus “Well do you want to uh you know smoke” he tried to not sound awkward but the boy can only do so much “Yeah sure let me get it” she was excited to finally be able to relax with him she lifted her mattress and pulled out the joint it was in a plastic bag with the lighter she had picked up in atlas she sits down on her bed which she had piled blankets and pillows on she beckons him to sit with her and he does leave space between them 
“Alright so I guess I’ll go first,” she says lighting the joint then inhaling and immediately coughing 
Oscar leans closer “are you ok” the actual worry in his voice makes rubies heart squeeze a little but she tries to play it cool “yeah yeah it’s just rough do you want to try,” she says holding it out to him he gently takes is and holds it up to his lips slowly inhaling then coughing himself covering his mouth and holding it back out to her “your right that’s rough” 
Ruby laughs “I told you” they pass it back and forth for a little bit they had both begun to feel it then oscar giggles 
“What’s so funny,” she says nudging him with her shoulders he giggles again and says “your name is ruby carmine  rose all your names are words for red” ruby laughs “ha your right wait what’s your middle name is it funny” oscar leans back onto a pillow “no its magus it means uh sorcerer oh I don’t like that I just put that together” oscar starts to laugh and in between laughs says  “ha that makes way too much sense man maybe destiny exist it was my great grandfather’s name, oh god” Oscars laugh becomes Weezy and ruby leans on him “well I think its a cool name” oscar stops laughing and says “well I guess it is its fitting at least right” he inhales again and passes it back to ruby it’s over halfway burned out she's been asking it in an old red solo cup “you know what about we bust out those snacks I don’t know about you but I’m really hungry” she sits up oscar does right after he stands and gets the cookies before she does he hands her the tupperware box of the strawberry chocolate chip she smiles and giggles “thanks cookie” she says bursting into laughter after 
Oscar cocks his head to the side “cookie?” rubies laughter grows more intense “it’s my nickname for you in my head it’s so dumb it’s because your sweet and your freckles look like chocolate chips” oscar started to laugh as well “that’s adorable ruby” he says as her face gets red they both sit back down this time oscar leaning on ruby and then their silent ruby thought maybe oscar had fallen asleep “You know ruby you are like the coolest person I’ve ever met like your the youngest person to get to beacon a silver-eyed warrior and your the leader of your team that’s  all amazing,” he said still leaned against her she smiled and her face got hot 
“Well I think you’re cool to oscar,” she said munching on a strawberry chocolate chip cookie 
 He looks up with the biggest smile she’s ever seen him wear “thanks that means a lot” he bites his lip “do you wanna play some video games” he said with a mischievous grin 
“Yes I was looking forward to kicking your ass,” she said as they pull their scrolls out and start playing Grimm beat down Vl a game ruby rocked at and oscar had never managed to beat her at when they started to play and oscar was doing way too well he was doing combos and not just button mashing he was blocking and dodging ruby was getting frustrated she leaned forward preparing to up her game and up her game she did but it wasn’t enough oscar took the first round than the second even ending it with a fatality 
Ruby groaned in frustration taking another drag of the joint then passing it to oscar “how did you get so good is it the weed do you have weed powers”
Oscar laughed and said “I don’t know I just feel super relaxed and your moving slower” She crosses her arms with a fake pout “were gonna say weed powers hm what do you wanna do now I am tired but a nap seems like a waste" There's a sparkle in Oscars eye "a nap sounds awesome" Well uh wanna take a nap I thought you were  asleep earlier" he lays his head back down on her shoulder "You know usually id be nervous about being so close to you but this is nice you smell like metal" "Hm really? I thought I’d smell like weed or I don't know rose petals," she says "Well you do smell like weed but mostly metal When you use your semblance you do smell like roses but when you work with crescent rose a bunch you smell like metal oh wow that probably sounded creepy" She shakes her head "no its kinda sweet you smell like weed and cookies my favorite smell" 
"Thanks, I guess," oscar says then goes silent his breathing slows down after a while she looks at him and he looks like he’s asleep she needs to grab another cookie so she carefully lays him down and grabs another cookie trying to quietly eat it revealing in its deliciousness after finishing it she lays down beside him resting her head on his chest "he's really warm," she thinks and then drifts off to the most peaceful sleep she's had in a long time
sorry if this was formatted badly or its just bad i liked making it tho 
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marireadshellblazer · 3 years
Constantine TV Series Episode 4 “A Feast of Friends”
Aight, I feel the need to express some feelings about this episode. I’m not sure this is going to be terribly articulate, but I’ll do my best. Let’s do this.
First off, it’s obvious to anyone who has read Hellblazer that this episode is based off of the first two issues of the comic book series. As I wrote in my post about my experience reading it, these issues were the perfect way to start off the series. It’s like “BOOM! This is how it is! Get ready for some serious shit! This is your only warning; this is what you’re in for.” Even though they did change the story for the episode, I still absolutely loved it. The storyline from the comics is a favorite of mine, but even with the changes made in order to adapt it for TV, this was an awesome episode. In fact, it’s my favorite episode of the TV series. Here’s why!  
   Why is it episode 4?
  Unlike the comics this story was adapted to be episode 4, meaning it doesn’t start the TV series. So, why wouldn’t it start the TV series? I think that you have to look at it from a few different perspectives.
  Let’s start with the comic: Issues 1 and 2, titled Hunger and A Feast of Friends respectively, make up the first arc of the Hellblazer series. Most fans know, however, that Hellblazer is not John’s first appearance in comics; he got his own series after appearing throughout the American Gothic story arc of Swamp Thing. Consequently, many people came into Hellblazer at the time having some familiarity with the character. While this chapter does expand on John’s character some, this doesn’t serve as a major introduction to him. They just drop the reader into one of his nightmare-inducing everyday situations with little to no preparation. Those who are familiar with his role in Swamp Thing will, odds are, not find these issues to be terribly weird or particularly jarring considering it’s in a series about John; they have a good idea what they are in for.
   Here is a quick run-down: John returns to his apartment in Paddington after dealing with the horror show that is the Brujeria in the Swamp Thing comics. Exhausted, he comes back to an unwelcome guest; Gary Lester. Gary is one of the friends who was involved in the Newcastle incident (which is fully explained in issue #11), which left each of them scarred in their own way. Gary dealt with the aftermath via drugs, which have left him wide open for other issues. After foolishly releasing a demon from a sacrificial victim, Gary runs to John for help dealing with the destruction said demon is causing. In this case it’s a hunger demon that causes people to feast upon whatever they greatly desire; food, a crucifix, and even an athlete committing autocannibalism. With help from club owner and Voodoo practitioner Papa Midnight, John betrays his vulnerable and trusting friend in order to stop the demon by instead making him the new sacrifice. Trapping the demon inside of Gary, the literal and figurative ghosts of John’s past haunt and torment him mentally as his friend dies slowly and in agony, ending this arc with a melancholy feeling. John stopped a demon, but at the cost of a friend who truly trusted and cared for him.
Using this story to begin the TV series as is, however, would have been more than a little strange. In the minds of most people outside of the comic book world, John Constantine was first introduced to them via the horrifyingly inaccurate Keanu Reeves film. (I love Keanu, I really do, but that film give me agita). Or, if they were introduced to the show after it had already aired, they are introduced via Matt Ryan’s masterful work portraying him in Legends of Tomorrow. While he does an incredible job in both Constantine and Legends (to the point where I find that I may simply be unable to accept anyone else taking on the role in live action) it depresses me terribly that Legends toned down John’s character so much with all the goofiness. It did not suit John at all! If anything, I find myself feeling sorry for Matt Ryan, who tried so hard to do John’s character justice. Uhg.
   Anyway…Already, a lot of the audience is going to be more than a little taken aback by the Constantine series’ portrayal of the character, however comic book accurate he may be. This show is tailored to as wide of an audience as possible, meaning they expect that pretty much no one has read Hellblazer or Swamp Thing before. Consequently, having the series start by just dropping the audience into his crazy world, especially with this particular story arc, might not be the best idea. I’m not saying that his introduction is done super well with the first episode (it’s not a total wreak, but there are issues) but it would have been much harder to start with A Feast of Friends.
    Now, let’s look at it from another angle: characterization. As the 4th episode this was, odds are, done assuming that there would be a lot more episodes after this (oh, the painful reality), but really the viewers are still just getting to know John. So, these early episodes are supposed to establish his character. They see him as knowledgeable and ready to handle the weird and scary in the first episode, and in 2 and 3 you see that he is serious about his work, a loner, weirdly well prepared, and how he interacts with others. While in some situations he does come off like a douche, his douche-ness is on full display in this episode. Honestly, this is accurate to how he is in the comics; he’s a nasty piece of work, after all. A world class bastard. He gives Gary shit for his drug addiction pretty much the entire episode as well as his choice to mess with a demon and the chaos it made that he now has to fix. He, like in the comics, tricks Gary into helping him and it results in a slow, painful death for the man. Gary really did trust John, and not only did John betray him, but he was callous about it. Now, that’s not to say that the situation and Gary’s death doesn’t bother him, and this is also seen in both the episode and the comic, but John solders through a lot of it with his mask of stoic indifference; he blatantly a deliberately betrays his friend without much hesitation.
    John’s characterization in the show is really important. While fans of Hellblazer know what they are in for (John being a dick, betraying people, sacrificing friends, etc) the wide audience the show was meant to appeal to might not respond well to that. How is the audience supposed to relate to a character whose major personality trait in this arc is to basically be a douche (even if it is justified in a way)? Generally speaking, TV shows try to have a lot of characters with redeeming traits and very basic bitch personalities so that as much of the audience as possible can relate to them in some capacity. They can describe the main character as “cool, quirky, sweet, loving, etc” because that is what network television strives for. The point is for the audience to relate to and find a lot of reasons to like the character, especially the main character. The audience is supposed to be able to see the qualities of the character in themselves. An example of a douchy character being changed for network television is the titular character in TV series Lucifer. He can be an asshat at times, but his redeeming qualities shine through in pretty much every episode; he’s helpful, has a strong sense of justice, and cares about Chloe. He often goes out of his way to understand others, although he often misses the mark, and tries to fix problems and issues that he accidentally creates in order to keep relationships with others. These are things people can relate to, and although he can be rather uncouth, it’s played for laughs, and he has more redeeming qualities than not. If the Constantine series started off with John coldly betraying a friend after giving him shit for his addiction the entire episode with not a lot of his positive traits coming through, from the perspective of most people, this might not be a good way to try and connect with the audience. I’m not saying there are people who don’t/won’t, but again, this is network television and they tend to play on the safe side.
    Comic book -> TV
    Ok so let’s move onto the meat of this; the changes made to the story. People always complain when something isn’t totally accurate to the book down to every last detail (Harry Potter *cough cough*) and making story and character changes to adaptions of comic books is nothing new. However, to be fair, there are some legitimately good reasons for this. Time, money, limits technology wise, and pacing are good examples. The most important thing to consider, in my opinion, is that we are going from a comic book to television. Literally, that is the most important thing. Essentially, what the writers had to do when adapting this story for the show was carry over the plot from one medium to another, which is tricky.
    What’s a medium? A medium is a platform that allows a message to be shared or presented. So, using the medium of a comic book is how Jamie Delano was able to share his message; the story of John Constantine. The writers of the television series then had to adapt the story from comics, a visual and written medium, into a different kind of visual medium with different features to it; stage craft, voice, music, etc.
    Comic books have features for story telling; the size and placement of the panels, the writing, word bubbles, narration bubbles, colors, art style, etc. The pro’s to this are that you don’t get paragraph after paragraph describing a place or a person; they literally show them to you and the art presents those details. They also allow for the art to take in the reader emotionally through what the images convey; messy art, sudden loss of color, or even a sudden blank page after a tragic event are simple yet effective ways to convey emotion that are, at times, difficult or downright impossible to put into words. And sometimes the writer wants to leave things to interpretation or allude to something without saying it outright. While this can be done in writing, it can be done through the art as well, and depending on how skilled the artist or creative a set up can be just as effective if not more.
     In television storytelling can be done with another wide array of features. Close-ups on the actors, the actors and their performance in general, music, background narration, changes in location, lighting, ect. This allows for emotions to come across in different ways; the quality of the acting can make or break the effectiveness of the scene, and music and lighting can alter the message or feel of scene in order to change or heighten the point, pacing, the use of CGI or practical effects, etc. So, keeping this in mind, there are many features that are exclusive to film that are not in comic books, and vice versa. So, as you can imagine, adapting the stories or message from one medium to another is nowhere near as straightforward as people like to think it is. In other words, I tend to give the writers/actors/etc a break when it comes to adaption because, honestly, there is a lot that goes into it and it’s not like I could do better, honestly. I mean, there are piss poor adaptions, I’m not gunna lie, but there are a lot of them that I think don’t get enough credit simply because it’s “different” in some ways.
     Aight, let’s first refer back to what I said earlier concerning the comic; these issues aren’t so much an intro to John as they are literally following him from the end of the American Gothic arc in Swamp Thing and to his apartment where he gets involved with more shit (no rest for the wicked, amirite?). So, again, not a good way to start the TV series. In the TV show, they also have to tie in the changes they set up in the previous episodes. Continuity, my friends.
    So, what is different? Here are a few things: John having a safe house, being in the US, Chaz being American and also not involved, Zed being involved and being Latina, the new angel character Manny, and the absence of Papa Midnight really change a lot about the story. The heart of it is John’s relationship with Gary and the defeat of the demon, which thankfully remains unchanged at it’s core. This is the central idea that drives this story and I think that idea was actually done a bit better in the film medium than in the comic.
   Keeping all of these factors and all of these changes that needed in order to keep things consistent with the TV show’s changes, let’s get into why I think that this episode is good even with the changes, but why I love it.
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I love It
      After taking some time to consider things, I realize that what really makes this episode great is the actors; specifically, Matt Ryan and Jonjo O'Neill. The chemistry between them is undeniable. The way they look at each other and how they talk to each other really makes you feel like, at one time at least, they were friends. The scene where Gary swipes the ID badge and says “I learned from the best” is a great example of this. The look on his face and John’s; I don’t have a real eloquent way to say it. I just sort of feel it.
The retcon of Gary’s character really helps with this. Being that Gary is introduced and then killed off in two issues, you don’t really get to know his character in the comics. He’s only in one episode of the TV series, yet he feels more fleshed out. Soul was added to the character. Showing his struggles with addiction, as well as what I suspect to be depression and PTSD, really humanized him. In the episode, he was more than just a desperate, annoying junky; he was a flawed and relatable human being. Who hasn’t made a mistake? How many people have made BIG mistakes with consequences difficult to handle? How many people are haunted by their actions from the past? Addiction and the effects is has on people is devastating. I’m glad that they kept the ending true to the comics, but the way he was portrayed in the episode really made me feel for Gary in this case. It almost made me hope that maybe he really would get better, and have the chance at redemption that he was trying so desperately to find. But it wouldn’t be a John Constantine series without an ending like this one; John loses a friend and slowly digs himself deeper into hell.
Of course, it’s the ending of the episode that people really remember best. It’s the scenes that solidified, at least for me, Matt Ryan as John Constantine. It’s what really helped me have faith in the series. Watching it now, and seeing what really could have been, makes the episode somewhat bitter sweet for me. I felt like this is when the series really found it’s footing; the acting, storytelling, and how well arcs from Hellblazer could be adapted. This is where I think Matt Ryan hit his stride and we could see what he was really capable of as an actor if they let him spread his wings. In the earlier episodes I was honestly unsure. He looked the part, but the soul of the character had not really had a chance to shine through.
How John treats Gary at the end really made a difference, too. Holding him while he was in pain, and sitting with him as he died in agony; these simple yet effective changes really drove home John’s humanity in the face of evil and the tough decisions he has to make. The look he gives many at the very end, the anger and sorrow he seems to be struggling to hold back, is haunting.
In this episode, Matt Ryan’s love and dedication to John’s character shine. Seeing the story in live action gave this story a stronger impact. Even without a lot of the social commentary that was present in the comic, the live action element is what really helps drive the story home. I think it’s because it’s real people showing these very real emotions that can be hard to translate into art. Not to say that John Ridgway did a bad job, but it’s different in live action.
I hope I was able to get these thoughts across. I wasn’t sure if I should share this or not, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. I know this is sort of jumbled, but hopefully it’s not a total mess to read.
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jangofctts · 3 years
I’ve been having lots of thots abt Wrecker lately that I felt like y’all would appreciate
The fact that he’s just so damn big and warm I bet he gives the best cuddles and hugs
I bet he fully wraps himself around you in bed, legs tucked beneath yours, arms holding you to his chest as he rocks into you
I bet he’s so gentle bc he knows he’s so much bigger than you and doesn’t want to hurt you
He probably starts off soft and slow, careful not to do anything wrong, so scared he’ll accidentally hurt you, until you whine for him and tell him how much you want him
I feel like he gets really emotional during sex. Like, it’s not just something fun where he makes you laugh or just something to let off some steam after battle. For him, it’s proof of your trust and his love. I bet he murmurs in your ear how much he loves you, how beautiful you are, how much you mean to him, how he never wants to lose you. If you’re having sex like that after a particularly stressful battle I think he’d cry into your neck a little, leaving trails of kisses across your collar bones and shoulders
I think he’s got a praise kink, both giving and receiving. He wants you to know how gorgeous and wonderful you are and he’s not afraid to moan it into your ear when he’s rutting into you. He’s always worried that he’ll mess up, both on the battlefield and in your bed, so telling him how good he is, your big strong good boy, just sends him over the edge. You could get him to cum in his pants just by dry riding him and telling him what a good boy he is for you and then tease him about the mess he made
I just uuggggghhhhh I want him so badly goshhhhhggggnnnggg
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it’s such a overwhelming thing for him and he just loves you SO SO much that he cant hELP but cry just a little bit. and UHG YES HE FOR SURE HAS A PRAISE KINK. peppering kisses over his face while you give him praise and tell him how much you love him GETS WRECKER GOIN anYway i love him
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squidlyskeet · 3 years
Joy Ride -.005
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Pairing: StreetRacer!Bakugou x Fem!reader
Genre: TokyoDrift!au, Noquirks!au
Status: Ongoing
TW: Violence, Blood, firearms, eventual nsfw, 18+, mentions of anxiety and OCD disorders, grand theft auto, gang activity, eventual soft yandere Bakugou.
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It started with a simple question. “What do you say Y/n? You coming?”
After the sudden death of her mother, Y/n is sent to live with her estranged aunt who made a home in Tokyo, Japan. Weary of what this new adventure might mean for her future, Y/n lets loose for her first night there, but how was Y/n supposed to know it would lead to a car chase? A car chase in the passenger seat of a very angry, very hot, street racer’s super car?
A/n: BOLD ITALICS Means the words are spoken in Japanese. —something special for the holidays my loves- -Squidlyskeet✌🏻
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 💥 Bakugou’s POV💥
         I turned the music up a little, hoping Y/n would be too distracted with trying to read the map and the heavy bass to notice my light panic. Sure I had done this more times than I could count, but I hadn’t had a navigator in two years. I forgot what it was like to hold another person's life in your hands, and while on a normal occasion I wouldn’t care, but this was Mirio’s niece.
      By no means was I afraid of the man, but I took his threat seriously. I’ve watched those same hands he pointed at me with, squeeze the life out of more people than I could keep track of. Not that I wouldn’t put up one hell of a fight. There was a reason I was a squad leader, and it wasn’t because I pussy footed around direct orders from the Yakuza.
    The cops on my tail were really just a minor inconvenience. I could get away with ease once we got off this wide open straight stretch. What I was really worried about was if they dispatched a helicopter, that would prove to be just a little more difficult.
  Still nothing I couldn’t get away from though. If I didn’t have a passenger.
    I glanced over at her, her features twisted in panic and her hands shaking. She reminded me of a skittish rabbit, her nerves on full display since the moment I gripped her arm to ask her who she was on top of the parking deck, and somehow always seeming like she was on the verge of bolting.
    I’d noticed that she really came out of her shell though when I pissed her off. Her anger or irritation getting the better of her anxious tendencies when I say something rude, or even better something completely devoid of any emotion. It was like playing cat and mouse for the entire race, she’d get nervous I’d say something dickish, and then she would pop off at the mouth, lighting my amusement up like a firework show. I had no idea what possessed me to call her babygirl, and even if she didn’t understand it, I couldn’t help but at least try to make her feel a little better.
   Besides I didn’t need her running home to tell Mirio that all I did was scream at her, or even worse, some girly shit like make her cry.
     I could see how upset she got at some of the things I said, reverting back to her quiet nature and avoiding me even though we were in a cramped space. Some small part of me felt bad, especially after I said the you don’t matter thing, but most of me just wanted to get this over with so she wasn’t my responsibility anymore. Mirio would have to make good on his promise before I apologized, so I settled on just backing off.
     I threw another quick glance at her, checking for the thousandth time that the harness was still in place around her torso. I'd never been more relieved when I took off after our little spat at the west wall, and that like always Kirishima had followed. He was coming to make sure I was okay under Izuku's orders, I was never really upset, just a little blindsided that she ended up being Mirio’s girlfriends niece, and that I, of all people had to take her in my car.
  Slightly panicked too, because the harness in my car was built for a person of mine and Kirishima's stature. Not someone as short and dainty as Y/n. Luckily though, Kirishima had one in his car that was adjustable and would fit around her perfectly.
   It wasn’t my own though, and my trust that thing would stay strapped around her body was a constant nagging in the back of my head.
     I was startled from my overthinking when Y/n’s gentle voice spoke up from beside me. I found myself turning down the volume of the radio to hear her better.
  “Alright I think I’ve got it,” She started, tracing a route on the map with her fingers. “Okay so I know it’s probably not the best move to stay on this road for too much longer, we are way out in the open. In about five miles is an exit, from there we can wave our way around buildings and cars to hopefully lose them. There is a back road -shit I can’t pronounce that- Uhg where is the address. Tagara I think? Well either way, the town has a road, it looks windy and dangerous but it leads almost all the way back to Tokyo.”
   I felt my eyebrows shoot up in surprise, her tatic wasn’t half bad. I’d used escape routes just like that on missions from the Yakuza time and time again. It was basic, but it worked.
   “Tch. That’s your only plan?” My response was short, like it had been for most of the ride, it was time to get down to business. Hurting her feelings or not, I had to focus so I didn’t get us arrested, or worse kill us both.
  “I don’t see you coming up with any plans Bakugou, so take it or leave it.” She snapped back, her mouth gritting in anger.
  I had to turn to hide the smirk forming on my own mouth.
  “Ground zero, come in.” Deku’s voice suddenly boomed over the comms device we all kept in our cars.
  I rolled my eyes. Even though I was the leader of the squad, the damn nerd always micromanaged situations.
  “Ground zero on the move, race crashers hot on my tail. Headed back to homebase. What’s your status, Deku.” I picked up the comm and kept my reply curt and vague, in case they picked up our encrypted channel.
 “Deku and Uravity on the move, status clear and headed to homebase.” Their code names and status has me releasing a breath of relief.
   A squad leaders job was never done, at least not until his entire squad was safe. They got on my last fucking nerve most days, but I’d gladly put myself in the line of fire to make sure they got to see the next days sun rise.
  “West side Riders, what’s your status.” I spoke into the comm again.
 “Cellophane, clear and headed home.” Sero’s excited voice replied next.
  “Icyhot, already home.” Disappointed, but not surprised that Shoto went home right after his race.
 “Earphone Jack and Pinky, stopped for drinks.” Jirou’s velvet voice spoke up with Mina giggling in the background.
“Ayyyoo, Chargebolt and Mindjack, clear and straight cruzin’.” Jesus what dumbasses.
“Red riot on the move, race crashers on my six, on a detour to homebase.” Kirishima’s voice sounded like he was laughing with the windows down. While I’d make sure to check on him later, I wasn’t worried about it.
  The man drove like a bat out of hell, and he wasn’t afraid to prove it.
 “I’m assuming that was the squad, is everyone okay?” Y/n asked, her e/c eyes shining in worry. As I looked over to her.
 “They’re fine. Worry about us. Where is this exit?” I asked, pushing my shifter into the highest speed it would go. I was trying to gain enough speed on the straight stretch to put some distance between us and the annoying leeches, whooping there sirens and flashing their lights like a screaming beacon.
  “It looks like it’s coming up-.” Her voice cut off as I spotted it, jerking the car to the side and setting myself up for a drift around the off ramp.
  “A little warning next time would be freaking good.” She yelled as I whipped the car around the other end of the off ramp, shifting to gain some speed again.
   It looked like we threw off the ground troops, at least for a second. Until I heard Y/n’s surprised gasp.
 “Holy shit Bakugou. Is that a fucking helicopter?” She was leaning against the door, face pointed skyward trying to get a better look.
  “Shit. Shit. Y/n sit back. Don’t let them shine the spotlight in your face,” I looked around at my surroundings, not much traffic but a densely urban area. I needed cover. “Hold on. And I mean it this time. Keep your face out of the window, but watch for race crash- cops on the ground. If you see anything at all, speak up.” I watched as her face melted from pure panic to determination.
   She gave me an adorable single nod of her head. Shit. Not adorable, what the hell am I thinking. Not right now Bakugou.
  “I’ve got your back Bakugou.” She said, turning away and starting her appointed job of watching our surroundings.
    The shock I felt at her statement flustered me for a second, but with no time to process it, it just turned to irritation that I actually needed her assistance with something.
    I took a deep breath, and hyper focused on the road in front of me. The helicopter hadn’t pinpointed its spotlight on us yet and I swerved, slowed, and sped up to try and stay out of it.
   I spotted an overhead highway in front of us, I changed direction, heading toward it.
    “Two cops coming from the right. Three more closing the gap behind us.” Y/n yelled over to me, head cranked behind us.
   “Face forward. This was the part where you hold on.” My thumb slammed on the red button on my steering wheel, shooting the car into what felt like hyper speed. I needed speed and I needed it now.
   The Nitrous did its job, as flames shot from the pipes under the car. The screaming of the engine caused me to cringe a little. I’d have to show her a little love after this, especially if this was gonna go how I thought.
  “Jesus, this is fast.” Y/n voice was barely Audible but I chanced a look at her, and the smile that split her face warmed my chest for an instant before I shoved it down. I knew that look, I had that same expression daily. The pure happiness of losing yourself in the speed.
  The look was a mistake.
 When I looked back at the road we were approaching a road block. Sloppily put together, with police cars and fencing put up temporarily in an effort to try and wrap them around my tires. This wasn’t going go well, and if I had the ability to apologize I’d probably do it right now. At the very least to Y/n.
  “On the left! On the left!” Y/n yelled, trying to get my attention. When I looked, I saw a weak spot in the block. It was fencing, but not wide enough for my car to fit through. Oooo she was gonna get scratched, but it was either that or practically hand us over to the authorities.
   I let my foot off the brake and accelerated again heading to the spot she pointed out. I forced myself to breathe as we made contact, but something was off. I was a little too far to the right.
    As we pushed through the block, we spun out. The car circled violently, and whipped both of our bodies around the cab. Me against the door and her against my side. I kept my hold on the steering wheel and used all the strength I had in my abdomen to keep myself up, trying to make sure she hit me instead of the center console.
    The dizzying feeling of spinning finally came to a stop and I opened my eyes, I was afraid we’d roll the car but by some miracle we stayed on all four tires. The car only spun out of control for a minute, thankfully my death grip on the steering wheel kept the car upright.
   “What are you doing Bakugou? Don’t just sit there,” Y/n’s panicked voice broke me out of my daze, and slapped my arm. “FUCKING GO. GO,GO.” The fear in her tone reaching a crescendo snapped me back to action.
   Without missing a beat I started the car again, slammed it into gear and took off. Spinning around and heading in the direction of the road she picked for us to make our way home. The chase wasn’t over yet though.
  With our minor inconvenience, the helicopter had its  spot light on us.
  “I'll get us out of this. I won’t lose.” I said, more to myself than to her and still reeling from my mistake. I had to make sure she got out of this unscathed. If for nothing else than to save my own ass.
   The cops were getting agitated, I could tell that much, they hated playing this game because they hardly ever won. Tonight would be no different.
  I knew the moment the cops got too far behind to try and keep up that we'd lost the ground patrol, all I had to do was come up with a plan and we’d lose that helicopter too. They were probably keeping updates on us, but I kicked my car's ass into high gear. Their slow cruisers would never keep up, and they knew that. They probably had a whole squad on the other side of the small town, waiting to intercept us. Now all that was left to do was get out from under the choppers spotlight and we were home free.
   My movements were jerky and rushed, and I was hyper aware that my form was sloppy with the nerves of trying to get Y/n out of here.
  Just when I thought we would have to give up, after pulling out all the stops and ducks I had up my sleeve to get away, Y/n yelled at me again.
  “Over there!!! Over there!! On your left, it’s another parking garage. They can’t track us if they can’t see us right?” She exclaimed, her rushed words putting a sense of urgency on her normally gentle tone.
  I nodded my head, to focused on driving to think out a response and I swerved the car in the direction of the parking garage.
  “The spotlights off us, they weren’t expecting you to turn so hard. They can’t find us.” Her hands clapped together in excitement, jostling her tiny frame under the eight point harness.
   Even if I’d never admit it, this actually had me on the edge of my seat, and as we pushed our way to the parking garage with no signs of being followed, nostalgia swept over me.
    I still remember my first police chase, my shop leader at the wheel and my adrenaline running on high as he maneuvered away from a helicopter just like that one.
   I’d never tell her, but that was my first time navigating too, and she was doing far better than I ever did. At the very least she was directing me to helpful routes and advantageous hiding spots.
  I entered the garage, speeding past parked cars and barreling sideways when sharp turns came up. I finally got to the top level, thankful a roof was still over our heads so the chopper couldn’t find us again. I whipped it into a parking space next to a Bugatti and a Lamborghini. My Mazda fit in perfectly next to them, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
   I cut the engine, and shut off the lights. The harness came off next, and with the pressure relief from my shoulders had me sinking into the seat, and running my hands through my hair.
  I heard metal clinking, and turned to watch Y/n as her small hands struggled to get the buckle unlatched to get out of her own harness.
    Without saying a word I leaned across the console and swatted her hands away.
  “Hey! What are you-.” I grabbed the latch and removed the buckles one by one with expert precision. Throwing them behind her as her relaxing muscles mirrored my own and sank into her seat. With her body sinking into the seat, the next and last latch caused my fingers to lightly brush against the soft S/C skin of her exposed stomach.
    I threw the buckle behind her, ignoring her blush and facing forward trying to ignore it like I didn’t even notice it happened.
  “That was wild,” She started, at first my response was anger, was she really thinking that hard about one simple touch? But I quickly hid the temper as she continued. “That was so crazy Bakugou. Thank you so much for bringing me with you, I know this was probably a one time thing so I won’t ask you again to take me with you, but holy freaking cow. This is the most fun I’ve had -like ever. You’re such a good driver.” She babbled, and I put together that she rambled when she was nervous.
   I wanted to stop her, but the pride swelling in my chest that she was impressed with my driving kept my mouth locked shut.
   I waited for more praise as she ran her hands through her silky H/L H/C hair, it shone in the harsh LEDs of the parking garage, the light filtering through my tinted windows making it look like the stands were twinkling as they fell back into place. I felt my neck heat when I looked back to her face only to find her biting her lip in contemplation.
  I averted my eyes, trying not to let the action affect me. She was just some girl, Bakugou. Get your head out of your ass. Women suck. You don’t need her.
  “I wonder if someone else might let me navigate for them,” My eyes -like a magnet- snapped back to her, the thought of her being a passenger for anyone else not sitting right with me. “Maybe Amajiki? He didn’t have one and he seemed nice enough and he drove really well too, he kept up with Mirio the whole way here.”  She said.
  I took a second to remember the way the shy boy drove, he was -like she said- a really good driver, but that didn’t make it safe. I’ve raced the quiet guy enough to know that he didn’t give a shit about his own life or his cars well being.
 He was on his third body replacement, just this year.
  I spoke up for the first time since parking the car.
  “No.” My blunt tone coming out more hostile than intended.
  “What do you mean no? You don’t have the right to tell me who I can and can’t navigate for. If anyone does it’s Noel and Mirio. And even then I’m still an adult and I can make my own choices.” She snapped back without missing a beat.
  I had to hide the smirk forming on my face, she was mad yes, but she sounded like a barking puppy.
  “An adult huh? And how old are you then, miss ’I can make my own choices’?” I slid the question in, forcing myself not to acknowledge the reasoning behind asking.
 “I’m eighteen. Almost nineteen, thank you very much mister ‘my ego is to big to fit two people in this car.’” She retorted, folding her arms across her chest.
 I took note of her age before replying.
   “They won’t let you either, that guy has a death wish.” I replied, hoping she’d take my command as final.
“Fine then, I’ll ask Keigo or Dabi.”
“Again, no. They would try to hit on you, and that wouldn’t end well with Mirio.” I left the part out that it wouldn’t end well with me either.
   I could see her innocence, and in a life like mine, there wasn’t much of that to go around. Even if I wouldn’t allow myself to think too hard about it, I wanted to preserve that.
 “Uhg. Kirishima then?”
 “He’d never let you, that passenger seat of his is saved for someone.” I shot back.
  “Jesus you’re infuriating. Has anyone ever told you that?” She growled out, and this time I couldn’t hold back the genuine laugh that escaped my lips.
 “Oh great, now you’re laughing at me.” She rolled her eyes and sat back in a huff.
 “Jerk.” She muttered under her breath.
 “Brat.” I shot back, amused she was talking to me like this.
“You don’t have an intimidating bone in your body do you?” I said, after my laughter died down.
     Our back and forth banter was cut off, when a phone started sounding off a familiar ringtone. I didn’t think it was coming from mine, and was right when Y/n lifted her butt off the seat to pull her phone from her back pocket.
  “Jesus, eleven missed calls? Uhg, I’m screwed,” she took a deep breath before answering. “Hello?”
  I could only hear her end of the conversation as she explained what happened to a feminine voice from the other end of the line.
    I reached across her again, my hand curling around the handle of the glove box trying to get my own phone from inside. I opened it a little, looking inside, only to slam it shut again without the desired item.
  I peeked over to Y/n, trying to gage her for a reaction. She seemed absorbed in her conversation with her aunt -I presumed- and I sighed in relief. She didn’t notice the glinting barrel of the gun peeking from the shadows in the glove box.
   I completely forgot it was there, not used to having someone in the car to see such things. I’d have to move it so that way next time I could easily reach it without her noticing it-
   What am I thinking? She isn’t going to be in this car again, so it didn’t fucking matter where I kept the gun.
    I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard my name brought up in her conversation.
 “..Oh my god Noel you should have seen it! We were going to win! I mean before the feds showed up and ruined my fun. But the chase was just as exciting, and Bakugou knew exactly what to do- what?” She paused, audibly cut off as Noels voice was heard on the other end of the line.
   “Where are we? Oh, well, I don’t know, hold on,” She turned to me, a question in her eyes as I answered her. “Bakugou said some name I can’t pronounce- oh he wants to talk to him? Okay here you go.”
   She held the phone out to me, and my bad mood returned when I knew who would be on the other end of the line.
  “What?” I gritted out, after jerking the phone from her hand.
  “Speak Japanese so she doesn’t understand.” Mirio’s usually carefree voice, mirrored the menacing tone he used when he threatened me.
   Big fucking oaf thinks he can intimidate me.
 “What do you want, Mirio.” I asked, the anger in my chest building.
 “I’m coming to get her, and then the North side, you, and I have a hot date with a very angry boss.” He said, his tone condescending.
 “The fuck‘s got His panties in a bunch today? And it’s fine, I’ll bring her back, where does she live?” I asked, secretly enjoying having someone in my passenger seat again. It would make the drive back a little more bearable.
   If she didn’t irritate me that is.
  “She lives with her aunt, you know where it’s at right?” He didn’t didn’t give an exact location, but I could understand and confirmed I knew where it was.
  It was an unspoken rule that the Rider’s of all sides significant others were protected at all costs. Never giving exact locations, or full names. Especially not over the phone in case they were tapped. They were a big weak spot for our entire community, and it was the only defense we had to keep them out of the hands of the Yakuza.
   Something, I failed to do.
 I shook the thought from my head, focusing back on the conversation when he spoke again.
  “Oh and Ground Zero? Her Aunt has been a mess and worried sick about her. I’m beating your ass for putting her in danger.” I unconsciously grit my teeth at his declaration, knowing he wouldn’t do shit in front of the girls.
  Another unspoken rule.
  No violence in front of the families.
 “You can fucking try, you overgrown bastard.” My voice got deeper with anger, before hanging up the phone.
    If he did try something like that in front of Y/n, I’d beat his ass twice as hard. He knew the rules.
 “Is everything okay?” Y/n spoke from beside me, eyes wide and shining with worry once again.
  I wished she’d stop, I didn’t want her to care about what I was feeling.
 “It’s fine, buckle back up. We’ve been sitting here long enough, and I gotta get you home.” She followed my order almost immediately.
   I noticed the bags under her eyes and looked at the time.
  It was two thirty in the morning, and my night was far from over. I could already feel my eyes heavy with the lack of sleep and deduced that she must be feeling the same way.
   I started the car again, once she was buckled in. Her head laid against the top of the seat, and I noticed the difference in our heights, even just sitting. Her head was still a half of a foot away from the headrest, while the top of my head sat two inches above the top.
  She turned her head, still lazily thrown back against the seat.
  “Can I play some music?” She asked lightly, her voice unsure.
    I was about to snap my usually ‘no’ at her question, but I looked at her again. She was tired, that much was obvious. After tonight though, I was getting too tired to put up all my defenses and just gave in without an argument.
  “What’s your passcode.” I asked, referring to her phone still in my hand. Her look of shock was quickly replaced with a response as I opened her phone and went to settings.
    I went to the settings on my car too, fiddling with it until her phone was successfully connected to the Bluetooth.
   “If it’s shit, I’m shutting it off.” Was my only response, before chucking her phone back into her lap.
   “Thanks..” Her tone was sleepy as she messed with her phone before deciding on a song and closing it, turning her head to look out the window.
   A slow deep bass filtered through speakers, an eerie woman’s voice started singing and I looked at her.
   “What is this shit?” I scoffed.
 “Sorry, I forgot you might not be familiar with Lana Del Rey, I’ll change it.” She picked up her phone again.
  I huffed. Why in the hell was I letting her do this?
  “It’s fine. Just…pick something better for the next one.” I avoided looking at her while I said it.
  I reversed out of the parking spot and tried to keep my movements as smooth as possible, trying not to disturb her relaxed position in my passenger seat.
  I scolded myself again, I shouldn’t care about how comfortable she was.
     My resolve hardened further as I finally exited the parking garage and slipped past the rest of the town. Following the curvy road she pointed out to me on the map.
   The gentle sways of the road must have been lulling her to sleep, when I looked at her her lids blinked slowly and her head was falling to the side.
   “You know I just got off the plane from the US this morning?” She seemed like she was talking more to herself than to me, but I answered anyway.
  “Welcome to Japan.”
   He giggled, the sound filling the atmosphere in the car with a tinkling sound and lightness. I cursed myself for the warm feeling in my chest again and pressed the gas pedal a little harder.
  “Hey Bakugou?” The sound of my name coming from her lips in her sleepy state had me fighting to not show a reaction.
  “What.” I replied, my voice darker from my own internal battle.
   I couldn’t wait to get her home and hopefully never see her again. That way I could shove these confusing feelings to the back of my head and never revisit them, for the rest of my life.
  “Can I take a nap?” She was going to fall asleep anyways, and my irritation grew further that she thought she needed permission from me to literally sleep.
 “Tch. Whatever, brat.”
  It wasn’t long before her heavy eyelids drifted closed and she slipped away in a peaceful sleep.
   I wanted to jerk the car around and make sure she had the worst sleep of her life but couldn’t bring myself to do it as I looked over at her small form, curled into herself in my seat, head resting against the door.
  Instead I reached behind her seat, pulling out one of my hoodies. I draped it over her as best I could and was surprised to find it was big enough to cover her like a blanket.
  It was no surprise, as she was adorably tiny compared to me.
  No. Not adorable.
  I growled at my own frustration, feelings mixing with the deep slow bass of her music.
  I picked up the comms device, keeping my voice quiet.
 “Ground Zero to squad, status clear and headed to homebase.”
    I slammed it back on its hook, looking at the time and counting the minutes until we arrived at her aunt Noels.
  My body relaxing, as my mind fought to ignore the peaceful atmosphere in the car.
Taglist: @thatonegeekchick @garnet-redtailedhero @nightlygiggless ❤️❤️
-Squidlyskeet 🍑♌️
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momentsofbllove · 4 years
I watched The Untamed on Netflix and fell in love. Much to my delight I found out that there’s an entire genre of BL shows and series that I never knew existed!
Now I'm neck deep into BL dramas and I can't contain it any more. The people who follow my main blog have forgiven me for the 147 The Untamed posts that I stuck in my queue, but I doubt they'd stick around for the 500 posts about all the other dramas I've watched recently.
So... I’ve made a side blog, yay!
(My personal ratings: loved it 💜, liked it 💚, won't watch it again 💔
Shows I'm currently watching:
Noblemen Ryu's Wedding - 1/6 I love literally every second of this show already... but. I feel like we're only getting half the seconds! Every scene just jumps from one to the next without any transitions or explanations in between. It's like the writer's had a whole bunch of little scenes they wanted to create, but no actual way of tying them together. It's a bit discombobulating. Now don't get me wrong, this is a historical fake relationship story, with two great actors, comedy and a touch of sensuality that was done *chef's kiss* so beautifully! I love it... but it's definitely missing a lot. 💜
Fish Upon The Sky - 2/12 I'm liking this one so far. It's silly, and there have been more than a few cringey moments, but it stays in the 'cute' side of that more often than not so it's okay. I like the three main characters (the side ones are there for comedic effect only, so I'm trying to judge them only on that, they're where most of the cringe is coming from) and the story is moving along at a good pace. This is true University BL at its finest. I'd put it squarely on the lower end of 'loving it'. 💜
Lovely Writer - 8/12 Well, Aoey is back to being a boring, one dimensional antagonist with no actual story of his own. And I finally realized what frustrated me so much about Sib. He always makes sure to get consent and be respectful of Gene PHYSCIALLY, like asking for kisses, telling people not to take his picture without permission, etc. But he doesn't respect his agency in any other way. Refusing to leave the apartment when Gene asked him to, following him to his house despite being told Gene wanted space, MOVING IN NEXT DOOR after Gene asked for him to leave so they could start over and Sib could earn his trust back... none of that is respecting Gene's choices or personal agency and it bothers me so much! Also that comment Sib's brother made about Gene not being able to escape Sib was disturbing. 💚
History 4: Close To You - 5/? I love literally every second of Muren and Licheng and Xingsi... and every time the brother comes on the screen I want to start throwing things. It is such a dampener to the rest of what is actually a really good show. I'm disgusted that Xingsi forgave him and that the show is referring to r*pe as 'taking advantage*. Uhg. But I'm loving Licheng more and more and his pursuit of Muren is adorable and sweet and very sexy. So I'll keep watching. And thinking about the perfect poly triad that my boys could have been if the writers hadn't been awful. Think about, no one has done a three way friends to lovers story before! That would have been way more intriguing that r*pe apology. (Despite the fact that I love and adore 3 of the 4 main characters and one half of the couples I still can't give this a higher rating than the broken heart. What the brother did was unforgivable and it's so gross that they're portraying it in a romantic light. Most BLs keep their consent issues in the realm of 'dubious'. This one crossed a line I just can't forgive.) 💔
Y Destiny - 3/15 Okay, definitely liked this couple better than the first one. Although, despite the fact that this is supposed to be comedy, Nuea breaks my heart a little because he is obviously desperate for attention and it seems like the only way he knows how to get it is with his money or his sexuality. But the fact that Sun went from 'this kid is an arrogant brat and I can't stand him' to COMPLETLEY ENAMOURED with him in all of like 20 minutes was cute as f*ck, so I'm looking forward to the next episode. 💚
Hidden Love - 4/? This show is so fucking awful why am I still watching it?!! 💔💔
Manner of Death - 12/14 If I never watch the last two episodes, then I never have to admit that Tul and Max are probably never going to work together again, right? 💜💜
Shows I've watched so far:
(ones with links will take you to my personal in-depth reviews, this link will take you to a general review of all the shows I watched in 2020)
The Untamed 💜💜
Until We Meet Again 💜💜
Love By Chance 💚
Tharntype 💚
Why R U 💚
Together With Me 💚
Where Your Eyes Linger 💜
Because of You 2020 💜
HIStory 1: Obsessed/Stay Away from Me/My Hero 💔
HIStory 2: Crossing the Line 💜
HIStory 3: Trapped 💜
My Engineer 💚
Mr. Heart 💚
Tien Bromance 💔
Roommates The Series 💚
En of Love 💔
#MyDay 💔
Quaranthings 💔
The Effect 💚
Dark Blue Kiss 💚
Theory of Love 💜
3 Will Be Free 💜
Craving You 💔💔
My Gear and Your Gown 💔
Like In the Movies 💜💜
He’s Coming To Me  💜
Oxygen 💔
Wish You 💚
Cherry Magic 💜
Life - Love On the Line 💜
Ingredients 💜💜
Color Rush 💚
Follow My Sunshine 💔💔
We Best Love: No. 1 For You 💜💜
To My Star 💜
Sotus 💜
Nation’s Brother 💔💔
You Make Me Dance 💜
A Tale of Thousand Stars 💜💜
We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd 💜
Shows I want to watch:
2gether/Still 2gether
Sotus S
Bad Romance/Together With Me: TNC (maybe. i've heard things about these ones that are 😖 but also MaxTul have such amazing chemistry so I'm like 🤷‍♀️)
Long Time No See
A million more that I can't think of right now
Shows I need to come out immediately:
Between Us (WinTeam was the beginning of my intense love of side couples, so getting a whole series focused on them is a dream come true!)
KinnPorsche (I am so freaking excited about Jeff and Gameplay being together again! And Mile and Apo have incredible chemistry together. If they don't go too camp with this show, it's going to be amazing!)
Not Me (OffGun reuniting for a series that's not set in uni? Sign me the f*ck up!)
Bite Me (this looks really cute and I'm excited to see Mark in a role that doesn't make me hate him 😆)
Golden Blood (I've been intrigued by this one for a while, but that trailer... oh man, this looks right up my alley! Please give us a released date!)
Any way! Come into my message/ask box if you want to talk about literally anything BL related!
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caroline18mars · 4 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 79
“Harper, babe, come on..let’s talk about this” Jared had to run to catch up with her outside, when he grabbed her arm she stopped and the look in her eyes was pure bewilderment “talk about what?” she looked at him like she had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. “Harper, are you serious? We need to talk about you, and everything that is troubling you right now, you’ve got so much to deal with and you’re walking around like a zombie” he bit his lip, the worry scribbled all over his face was undeniable, “I’m fine..I just need some time alone..would you mind if I just went back to my apartment..alone?” the look of detachment she gave him squeezed his throat together, of course I don’t want you to go anywhere by yourself, and especially not now, but what can I do? I need to respect your boundaries “no..you go and do you..I understand..if you need me, you know where I am, ok?”. There was no kiss to calm his racing mind, no touch, all she did was nod in appreciation, turned on her heels and half ran-half walked away from him without even looking back, who was it that once said ‘if you love someone, set them free, if they don’t come back to you, they were never yours to keep’? don’t care, all I care and wish for is that you find your way back to me real soon. With a heavy heart and lead in his shoes he started walking in the other direction, get some air, distract yourself, thinking about her walking away from you is unbearable, central park, a little bit of nature and away from this racing city will do you good. Evening was throwing its’ last rays of light around as he walked back to the hotel, so weird that every corner of every street in this crazy city seemed to hold so many memories even if they had been together for a relative short time, he saw her dance and twirl and giggle in front of his eyes everytime he turned a corner, just come home to me babe, please. “Good evening, Sir, will you be dining out? Do you need reservations?” the clerk at the hotel reception asked him as he handed him his keycard, “Uhh, no..not tonight, I’ll order in I guess..” with a friendly nod he took the key and headed on up to his room. Flicking through the channels on TV, checking his phone for the umpteenth time, checking his iPad, checking his hair for split ends, nothing could calm him down, he brushed every device from his lap and got up to stare through the window, should I call her? Send an app? Start an e-mail? Tempting but no..leave her be for a bit, if she hasn’t come back by tomorrow morning, you can go over to her apartment, give her some space.
After hours of tossing and turning his mind finally welcomed the sweet darkness of sleep, somewhere in the distance he heard a door open and close again, he was dreaming,..five minutes later he could’ve sworn he felt the mattress dip, still not waking up, I’m still sleeping. It was the arm digging under him and an arm folding over him and a warm body glueing itself against him that had him resurfacing, his eyes slowly fluttered open only to find himself wishing he wasn’t dreaming, and he wasn’t because there she was “I’m ready, Jay..I’m coming back to LA with you” her breath was warm and sweet against his cheek. Wide awake now, he rolled on his side and kissed her full lips “are you really sure? I mean..I don’t want to pressure you”, even in the darkness she could see the worried cloud veiling his eyes. “I’m not sure of most things anymore, but the one thing I’m sure of is that I love you and I want to be with you”. Jay gently pushed a strand of hair away from her face “I love you too..we’ll take it step by step, ok? We can evaluate after a month or so..”, his words made her tap his nose “now you make it sound like school, with all those evaluations..let’s just agree that whenever there’s an issue we’re open about it” she clarified, he nodded. “Thanks for giving me some alone-time” she added, “yeah..are you ok? So, did you go back to your apartment?” he tried to get to the bottom of her Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde act, but it obviously was a bridge too far because she instantly shut down again “I’d imagined you being a lot happier about me moving in with you”. He stole another kiss from her lips “Honey, I've just been woken up after hours of tossing and turning, so I'm really sorry that at my age it gets more and more difficult to do all excited cartwheels in the middle of the night” he gave her a fat, exhausted grin “but trust me, I'm deliriously happy” his finger tracing the perfection of her nose. “I knew I had to give you some space but tonight was hell..being here all by myself, I barely managed to not drive myself insane” another kiss and she put her head back down against his chest “I'm trouble, Jay, plain and simple trouble” her warm breath tickled against his naked skin. “Oh no, you're not, you're exquisite trouble, but more importantly you're all the trouble I love so much..I'm not exactly your typical choir boy either, now am I?” his arm caressed her back which made her cuddle up even closer. “Shame..I could do with a choir boy in my life..” she giggled as he slapped her butt in response, “oh really? Well I may look like Jesus but what do you think I let Satan out to play?” he rolled her over and pinned her down on the mattress.
The doorbell rang, oh god, she was nowhere near ready and Jay was already there, she had left the hotel early this morning to start on getting most of her stuff ready, and even though there wasn't much to pack apart from some clothes, she didn't know where to start on all her brushes, paints, pencils. “You ready?” Jared pushed open the door, “no..I'm so sorry, I don't know where to start..it's gonna take forever to get all my stuff packed up” she nervously puffed a strand of hair out of her eyes, while he looked at the warzone in front of him. “Oh honey, you only need some clothes..I was gonna keep it as a surprise but everything you need to paint and more is being delivered to my house right now, so you can keep everything here..so next time we're in New York you can come and paint here without having to move everything”. Huh? She looked at him in shock, “but..it took me years to collect all this stuff, do you know how much even one of these brushes cost?” but his reaction was just a shrug “I haven't got a clue, does it matter? You'll have two sets now”. Was she being ungrateful? Uhg, yeah she was “thank you, Jay..just promise you'll let me pay for it?” it was the least she could do now she finally had some money in the bank, “I will do no such thing, consider it a 'welcome to your new home' present” he gave her a fast wink before he folded his arms around her waist and kissed her. “You are amazing..I couldn't have done all this, gotten through all this without your help..I don't think you know how grateful I am” she wrapped her arms around his neck, “Oh trust me, I do know..I felt your gratitude last night” he grinned, stealing kisses “there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, except keep our plane waiting, so come on, let's get your stuff and let's get out of here, the sun is waiting for us”.
Was it having to say goodbye to New York? Was it all the drama with her family? Whatever it was, she was zoning out again, during the flight down here, she had seemed so absent, she had been staring out of the plane window completely lost in her own thoughts. The car drove up his driveway and he squeezed her hand “home at last”, Harper sat up and grabbed her bag, it was like she saw his house for the first time..she didn't remember much from a couple of days ago, the size of his house still shocked her. “How can anyone ever afford such a house?..I don't remember it being this big” she jumped out of the car “and I thought my parents' house was ridiculous but this one is just next level”. Jared, clearly embarrassed, shrugged, was it really that over the top? Looking at it..actually yeah..it was much bigger than the previous house “it's just a house, darling..a roof over my..our head, and aren't you glad to be out of that frikkin' cold of New York?..that's why I love LA so much, the climate is real constant all year round, good for my old bones”. A smile on the verge of a giggle curled around those delicious lips, “come on, golden oldie, take me inside” she hooked her arm in his, all the doom and gloom of the plane and car ride suddenly completely forgotten about, or was that just a fine example of excellent acting?. “Did I already tell you that your bedroom is actually the size of my entire apartment?” she dropped her bag, taking in the beautiful room full of light with an enormous, plush looking, bed against the only wall, all the rest was windows all around, guitars neatly lined up in one corner of the room..guitars? “do you keep those around to serenade all your conquests for the night?” she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “This room has got the best acoustics..that and the inspiration usually comes in the middle of the night, so I like to have a guitar at hand” he couldn't help but be a little annoyed, why was there always a sense of mistrust? “and it's no longer my bedroom..it's OUR bedroom”. Did she even listen to anything he had just said? She just sat down on the side of the bed, clearly absorbed with whatever was dancing round in her head, “what is it?” he sat down next to her, twirling a strand of hair around his finger, “huh?” to his surprise she got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the city of Angels underneath her “now that is an iconic view” she tried to change the subject, the last thing she wanted to talk about was the mess in her head. “Yeah it is” he came standing behind her, folding his arms around her waist as he kissed the side of her neck, you don't want to talk about it, fine, just know that you're gonna have to talk about it sooner or later.
This house was a maze, you needed a sat nav to find your way round here, down another set of stairs, what would be behind this door? Was that another living room? Oh, a recording studio..this house was packed with two things: music and there was some damn fine art hanging on the walls, but did it feel homely?..nope, it actually felt like a well designed roof over your head, nothing more, this house didn't feel lived in, it just had no soul..and a soul was what the owner of this house had in abundance. When she finally found her way to the kitchen, he just put his phone down “there you are”, why did she have the constant feeling that he was 'scanning' her? Like she would walk into a room and the first thing he seemed to be doing was checking her mood or her behavior. “You know I used to have a turtle as a kid and when the grass in the backyard would get long, I used to stick a little flag on his shield with gum, so I could spot him instantly at all times, I think I need someone to stick the same flag on my head because this place is a frikkin maze, I get lost every single time”. Jared started giggling behind her, “great idea! I bet you look amazing with a little flag on your head, we can make it a feature every time I throw a party”, she opened the fridge looking for something to drink, ok, water, juices in every single flavour, beers, bottles of wine..this fridge was nearly as big as his house. “Looking at your fridge, I think you probably do throw a party twice a week” she picked something fizzy and sat down next to him “do they know?”, he gave her a puzzled look “who needs to know what?”, a sip of her drink “all your friends, do they know I live here now?” oh, was that what was bothering her, nervous about meeting his friends and family, , understandable, those wackos were pretty possessive at the best of times. “No, they don't, not yet at least, it all happened so sudden, but I'll keep them up to date this week and maybe I can even plan a lovely dinner soon with them and us, they'll love you” she couldn't see that he was crossing his fingers behind his back.
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samnherondale · 5 years
I’ve got many requests asking Wayward Son spoilers, so I’m going to resume it here...
Well, Wayward Son starts really simple, we all know that Simon is kind of depressed and it has passed almost a year after the events of Carry On. 
Simon, Penelope and Baz are in University now, but Simon has stopped going.
In chapter two, Simon says that he’s going to break up with Baz but he doesn’t do it because Penny interrupts him. 
Penelope is the one who decides that they need a break and they go to America to visit Agatha and Penny’s boyfriend, Micah (who everyone has already forgotten about). 
Penny also makes a spell that hides Simon’s wings.
Baz is really worried about Simon and he’ll do whatever it’s necessary to get him out of his couch. (Though he isn’t a fan of going through America in a convertible with the sun going everywhere he goes)
Also, Simon and Baz doesn’t sleep together anymore (Simon’s always on the couch), and they haven’t kissed in a while. I mean, their first kiss in Wayward Son is until page 115 :(
Baz hopes this journey will help Simon... He really misses his love of his life, poor baby.
First, Penny’s boyfriend breaks up with her.
Well, actually he has already done it a few times before but she didn’t notice it. He even has a new girlfriend!
Anyway, meanwhile, Baz teaches Simon how to drive (it’s really cute tbh) 
Nothing interesting happens in a few pages, just Baz eating animals, Penny crying and Simon being sad.
Oh, right! I almost forgot Agatha, she’s involved with a weird cult of vampires who doesn’t call themselves vampires (but they are though), and they say they are the NewNext (like a new generation of vampires... Think of them as Millennial vampires) or something like that, their objetive is to conquerer magic and became vampires who can make Magic (like Baz, but he’s different), and those weirdos kidnap Agatha and their theory is that if they transfer her magic to them they’ll have Magic too... I know... like I said... WEIRDOS 
Anyway, as I was saying, Simon, Penny, and Baz end up in a sort of... convention, and Simon uses his wings and tail as a costume, Baz and he start fighting with wood swords, and everything is fun and happiness until real vampires appear, and one almost bites Simon (she didn’t), they get in a fight, they win, hurray!
Oh, and in some part of the book Baz starts using a scarf that belonged to her mother to drape his hair. *Simon compares him as a Marilyn Monroe boy* His words, not mine.
Then they met my favourite new character of this series: SHEPARD. A Normal Guy, who somehow knows almost everything about the magic world and it’s a smol boy who only wants to fit in... and I ship him with Penelope.
Penelope doesn’t stand him.
Shepard helps them to scape from a pair of monsters and Baz got shot, but he’s okay because he’s a vampire. Simon is almost left behind and Baz got worried, but he flies away safe and sound.
They ride inside Shepard’s truck *because they left their convertible behind*, and Simon stays above them, sometimes flying and sometimes in the roof of the truck.
Do you remember Agatha? Well, they are trying to save her, and Shepard wants to be part of the crew (pure small boy). 
After he having helped Simon, Baz and Penny, they abandoned him. 
Shepard is actually an amazing dude, the only misterious thing about him, it’s how the hell he hasn’t been killed yet!?
He’s friend with almost every supernatural creature in America, one of them tells  him and the others, that they’ll find Agatha if they can find the vampires in Las Vegas, so they try to go to Las Vegas. 
Then a dragon/old woman caught them when Baz kills her sheep, she almost kills them but... as I was saying... Shepard is friends with every supernatural creature.
He saves them, the dragon mistakes Simon with a little baby dragon (I laughed so hard in this moment), and they keep their way to Vegas. 
Mi favourite chapter is the 41, is a beautiful break of Simon and Baz in the Night in the roof of the truck just watching the stars, because Simon loves them.
“You haven’t seen so many stars”
They kissed, Baz says that now that Simon doesn’t have magic anymore, he feels like he can be the one who can warm him every time that Baz kisses him.
It’s a wonderful moment, seriously. Kind of sad when Simon fears that it May be the last time they’ll be together like that.
Anyway, back into the save-Agatha-because-she-involved-herself-in-a-hipster-cult-story.
Now, here, Baz is almost like the main character, actually, I feel like this book is more about him and who he is, the problem of being a *maybe* inmortal vampire, and if Simon and him are still a couple.
In Vegas he needs to discover everything about those vampire-weirdos, and thanks to Shepard, the know that vampires (the old ones, not the Millennials) rule Vegas (literally).
Baz needs to get all the information he can, but he needs to do it alone. 
Of course, Simon doesn’t want to, but there’s no discussion about it.
Baz dresses up with that blue suit with flowers, and Penny gives him his phone which they’ll use to hear everything that’s going to happen tonight and to keep an eye on Baz... or an ear... Sorry about that.
The Baz meets Lamb (what kind of name is Lamb?!)... stupid Lamb. He’s a vampire, who flirts A LOT with Baz. Stupid Lamb.
Simon hears everything and gets jealous, and then the phone dies, then Simon goes out to find Baz, who is drunk and with Stupid Lamb really near Baz’s side. 
He doesn’t want to ruin the plan, so he waits until Lamb is gone to meet Baz again, who (to be honest I don’t even know if he actually realized that Lamb was flirting with him) got what he wanted. Lamb will tell him everything about those NewNext vampires. 
Simon is still jealous, Baz is mad because Lamb almost made him drink from a human after Lamb told him that he can drink from a human without killing or turning them. But he didn’t do it.
Still, he’s hungry.
Penny cast a spell that brings a lot of birds into their room and Baz starts drinking like a mad vampire, Simon tries to help him, but, uh... it doesn’t end up fine.
Those two went to sleep (Simon didn’t sleep on the bed or on the couch... can’t remember if it was on the floor) thinking that they messed it up, and Baz says that his heart is breaking.
The neeeeext day, both went out, Baz leaves first and then Simon, though Penny told him not to do it. Baz returns with new clothes and when he realizes that Simon is not there, and that Penny cast a spell to hide his wings again... guys, he almost loses it... then Simon returns and he has cut his hair (and he looks so damn good).
Stupid Lamb is waiting for Baz in a restaurant, and the flirt begins again. Simon had told Baz tto please don’t went out this time... and Baz doesn’t listen and LAMB AS THE BITCH THAT HE IS, TAKES BAZ TO HIS PLACE. 
Simon goes after them, Penny makes him invisible. And okay, Lamb is a bitch, but nothing happens, because he discovers Simon and tries to attack him but Baz stops him and Simon. 
Then Lamb is like: WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?
And Simon is like: I’M HIS BOYFRIEND! YOU HOE’ 
aNyWaY, Lamb has a plan to get Agatha but Simon doesn´t trust him. Baz does and that is a blow in the guts for Simon. I mean that bastard called Simon  disfigured magician when he sees him after Penelope’s invisible spell ends.
F*ck him.
Simon and Baz fight, but they continued with Lamb’s plan (who is also the King of vampires, uhg, I forgot to mention that)
He lead’s them to the desert, and (of course it’s a trap) Penny already knows it, and Shepard too, Simon is just tired.
Lamb hypnotizes Shepard and makes him sleep, and send Penelope and Simon to the trap, Baz is left behind with Lamb.
Simon and Baz don’t talk to each other, but Baz keeps telling himself that everything is going to be fine. They are going to be fine.
And nothing goes fine. And they AREN’T FINE. 
Agatha is there but a bunch of Millennial vampires are there too. With guns.
They caught Penny and they shot Simon... a couple of times... and he doesn’t get up.
At the same moment, Agatha and Penny are trying to scape, Agatha casts a fire spell and they kill a vampire.
Shepard wakes up and goes behind them, and one NewNext vampire caught him... he tries to drink from him, and the vampire dies... (At the end of the book Shepard explains to Penny that his soul is cursed, and Penny promises him that she is going to help him and that he must go with London with her).
And Baz... stupid Baz, he can’t believe Lamb betrayed him, Lamb had made a  deal with the NewNext: two magicians and they’ll go. When Baz sees Simon’s body... Oh my God, it’s just terrible, everything that he’s feeling and he’s just thinking that he didn’t tell him how much he loves him. Simon didn’t know. 
He’s in shock, he’s just watching all the blood in Simon’s shirt and he’s thinking that he’s not getting up. That he was his Sun and Baz was crashing into him.
“This will end up in flames” That’s how his chapter ends.
Of course, Simon’s not dead, you idiots. He was just waiting for the right moment. 
Well, he IS injured and he can´t fly very well. But he’s going to help Baz.
First Baz just wants to destroy everything, and some guns shots him (but he’s a vampire, he’s fiiiineeee), than Simon gets up, and those two and Agatha and Penelope, destroy the vampires.
But not all of them, Lamb escapes but not after asking Baz to come with him. NO, LAMB. JUST GO!
They saved Simon at the end, and Simon won’t let go Baz’s hand. Then he slept for almost ten hours. Also Agatha is going to return with them to London.
The last thing to tell, is the moment when Simon and Baz are on the beach, Baz says that when they’ll go back to London, Simon is going to visit Penny’s dad (he’s a doctor) to check his injuries and maybe remove his tail and wings.
Simon is thinking that he can get out of this world now, that vampires and magicians are not his problem anymore, and maybe... he will get a future as a Normal... it’s sad tbh
Then Simon starts saying that he’s not going to return to America, and then he tells Baz that he can send him a postcard.
Baz tells him that he is not going to stay and Simon tells him that the vampires will help him to know who he truly is if he stays.
Baz keeps saying no.
He tells Simon that he won’t be happy if he isn’t at his side.
Baz is terrified, he’s scared that Simon won’t accept this that they won’t have a future together. Then Simon shakes his head and says:
Aaaand Penny interrupts him again. She tells Baz that Watford is in danger and they’ll must go now.
*If you have more questions you ask me anything :3 *
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immortalghostkami · 4 years
Like the Sun and the Moon
Chapter 7: As Tough As An Acorn
Chapter Index
Once the two finally made it to town, Makoto took the opportunity to restock on supplies. Even after everything she made that morning, Inosuke had eaten the rest of her rations while traveling.
“What’s taking so long?!” he whined as he followed Makoto through the market square. 
Picking up a carrot, Makoto gave an apologetic smile to the stall owners as she paid.
“Sorry, just a little longer alright?” she apologized to him before an idea popped into her head.
“Hey, Inosuke, while I shop, why not keep an eye out? If there’s something you want, I’ll be more than happy to get it for you,” Makoto suggested, moving to the next stall.
“There’s nothing here I want!” he protested, crossing his arms.
“There has to be something,” she urged, getting tired of his shouting. 
Makoto liked to believe that she could handle a lot of things, especially when it came to social interaction, but there was only so much she could take. Alone, she had no qualms about handling the rowdy boy, but in public! 
Being stared at for looking strange was one thing, but being stared at because you had an obnoxious child, that wasn’t even an actual child, was another.
Deciding that she could make do with what they got, Makoto tried to escape the market. Walking past the different booths, she was practically dragging Inosuke along when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. 
Quirking a brow at him, Makoto opened her mouth to speak when he pulled her to a nearby table.
“Hey-hey, Monpacho! I want this!” Inosuke shouted, showing her a beautifully crafted hunting knife.
“Huh?” shed asked, still recovering from his sudden forcefulness. 
“You said you’d get me something if I wanted it, I want this!” he repeated.
Taking the blade from him, Makoto was surprised to find it so light despite its larger size. The leather grip felt nice in her hand and the blade itself looked sturdy.
“Your friend has a good eye,” the old man behind the stall laughed.
“I spent extra care with that one. I’m sure it’ll last for many years,” he smiled.
Laughing softly herself, Makoto couldn’t help but agree.
“How much is it sir?” she hummed, giving the knife back to the boy next to her.
“10790 yen,” he stated, his smile never wavering.
“Oh, I see,” Makoto nodded, her mind taking a second to process the price.
Despite her smile never changing, Makoto’s face dropped. Looking through her funds, she could feel her heart drop. If she got this knife, they'd be eating nothing but plain rice for weeks, and that was only if she was estimating correctly. If she didn’t get it, however, Makoto could only imagine the temper tantrum after she promised to get him something. 
Even though it would have gotten annoying, Makoto knew what she had to do. She was sure he’d get over it, especially if she explained that they wouldn’t be able to eat if she bought it.
Taking a deep breath, Makoto turned to Inosuke ready to break the news to when she saw his face. Even behind the boar mask, she could see the childish glee that radiated off him. He was practically drooling over the knife, excitedly swinging it around like a child with a new toy. 
He was so excited it was adorable, but despite this, she couldn’t buy it. She had to use her money wisely and buying the knife was just way out of her budget. She had to tell him.
“Makataro, this thing’s so cool!” Inosuke grinned, practically bouncing up and down.
She had to tell him, she had to tell him! But Makoto could feel her will quickly crumble under his giddy gaze.
Following behind an extremely happy Inosuke, Makoto begrudgingly accepted her defeat. Counting what little money she had left made her want to crawl into a hole and cry. 
Heaving out a heavy sigh, she looked up at Inosuke only to find him staring at her quite seriously. Quirking her head, she looked at him curiously. He was just jumping around a minute ago, what was with the sudden change? She could only hope he wasn’t bored with the knife already.
“Here, you can have this,” he suddenly said, grabbing Makoto’s hand and placing something hard into it.
Looking down, Makoto found a big shiny acorn. Staring at it, she opened her mouth to ask but was cut off.
“You’ve been a good underling, so you get a reward!” he grinned, lightly smacking instead of patting the top of her head. 
Staring up at him, Makoto’s mind took a second to process what was going on. Was he trying to thank her for the gift?
Holding the acorn close to her chest, she couldn’t help the tired smile that bloomed on her face. 
“Thank you Inosuke, I’ll keep it safe,” she sighed, stifling her laugh.
“Excuse me for the intrusion, but are you interested in a job by any chance?”
Snapping their heads up, the two found a young girl walking up to them. She was no older than they were and wore a cute but simple yellow kimono. She was short, with a slim build. Her large amber eyes were framed by chestnut brown hair worn in a bun.
Smiling warmly, she introduced herself.
“My name’s Aiko Oshiro, it’s nice to meet you,” she bowed.
Makoto could feel Inosuke shift beside her, hiding slightly behind her body.
“I couldn’t help but notice your distress. If you’re low on funds, the Hisakawa Estate is always hiring new servants,” Aiko explained, turning to point at the large manor at the top of the town.
“Is that so?” Makoto inquired, following her gaze.
Something felt… wrong. 
“Yes. I work there myself. I’m sure Lord Hisakawa would be more than happy to hire a cute girl like you,” Aiko laughed.
“Oh my, you think so?” Makoto “flushed”.
She was right, the longer they talked, the more her skin began to crawl. She didn’t even have to see Inosuke too tell that he was glaring at Aiko. He wasn’t exactly being slick. Makoto could feel the way he held onto the back of her haori, tugging on it slightly.
Everything about Aiko threw both of them off. The way she talked and moved made every hair on Makoto’s body stand on end.
All living creatures moved in very specific ways. Each having minute differences that made them their own being, but this girl. This girl’s movement’s felt strange. They were human, there was no doubt about it, but… Makoto couldn’t explain the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Bowing politely back, Makoto thanked Aiko for the information, returning her smile.
Firmly grabbing Inosuke’s hand, she bid the other farewell before the two left.
Walking through the town’s streets, Makoto did her best not to just run out of there. 
Focusing on her surroundings, she realized that Aiko wasn’t the only one. It was subtle, but it was there. Multiple girls in town felt off, and that caused a chill to run up her spine.
“Hey, Kontomo,” Inosuke started, but Makoto cut him off.
“Not here,” she whispered, trying to keep calm as she led him out of town.
Watching Makoto so on edge made Inosuke uneasy. Her smiling face may have not changed but the grip on his hand told another story. 
Even after leaving town, Makoto didn’t stop until she was sure they were alone. Reaching the edge of the forest, she turned back to find the town a good distance away.
Breathing out a sigh of relief, Makoto could feel her pounding heart begin to calm. She didn’t need to go so far, she knew that, but her mind was running wild. She could feel everyone’s footsteps, and the more those footsteps felt like Aiko’s, the more paranoid she became. She just… didn’t want to be there anymore.
“Oi, when are you going to let go of my hand?” Inosuke asked, his voice snapping her out of her thoughts.  
“Oh! I’m sorry, I-I didn’t…” she trailed off, letting Inosuke go.
Paying no mind to Makoto’s flustered apology, Inosuke continued his thought from before. 
“I don’t trust that girl, something’s off about her…” he declared. 
“No, I felt it too, and it’s not just her. Maybe six-no, ten other people at least,” Makoto nodded, head cocked to one side in thought. 
“Lord Hisakawa would be more than happy to hire a cute girl like me,” Makoto repeated, crossing her arms.
She was certain that the demon was at the Hisakawa residence now, but that brought into question a million other things. The most important being how they were going to sneak in, and if Lord Hisakawa knew about the demon. 
There was so much to consider and she was starting to feel overwhelmed.
Tired of waiting, Inosuke spoke up.
“You’re thinking too much, let’s just run in!” he shouted.
“We can’t,” Makoto snapped, causing Inosuke to flinch.
“Huh?! Why not?! That monster’s in that big house, right? Let’s just barge in then!” he argued. 
“No. Too many innocent people would get caught up if we do that. We don’t want any more deaths, especially if we can prevent it,” Makoto stated, voice stern.
“UHG! THIS IS STUPID! YOU’RE STUPID!” he growled, frustrated beyond belief. 
“I’m not-” 
“You don’t want any more people dying, but instead of doing something, you spend all this time thinking! For what?! While you’re wasting time, I bet that demon’s gorging on people right now! We could already be chopping off its head, but instead, we’re sitting here thinking!” he fumed, cutting her off and blowing a stream of steam from his boar nose.
Makoto was stunned silent by this. She was upset, mad even at Inosuke’s words. After all, she wasn’t as strong as he was, nor was she as intimidating. She had to be careful and didn’t have the luxury to make such brash decisions. Unlike him, one wrong step would mean death for a girl like her.
“I’m not like you, I’m not strong enough to just-” 
Scoffing, Inosuke cut her off again as he rolled his eyes, “Oh shut up! How long are you going to keep saying that huh?” 
“If you’re so weak, then how the hell did you become a demon slayer in the first place?!” he pointed out.
“You may be stupid, but not just anyone becomes my underling!” he scolded her.
It took Makoto a second to fully decipher his words, but when she did, she was dumbfounded. Looking up at him with wide eyes, she could practically see his grin at her reaction. 
This entire time, Sanemi’s words have been ringing in the back of her mind.
“You’re not fit to be a demon slayer”, “With blood like ours”, “You’re too soft”, “Stop messing around”. 
She knew what he was trying to do, she knew he only wanted her to stay safe, and yet their conversation had been echoing in her mind this entire time.
Makoto wanted to become someone the people around her could be proud of. Someone strong enough to stand next to Sanemi and call herself Shiro, the previous Wind Piller’s student without shame.
She always believed that she was never strong enough. That if she was only stronger, she could have saved him back then, that Sanemi would approve of her becoming a demon slayer but… 
“You… think I’m strong?” Makoto practically whispered, eyes wide as she studied Inosuke’s face.
“Who do you think I am?! You think someone as great as me would just let anyone become my underling?!” Inosuke snarled, offended that she thought so little of him.
“No, I’m sorry,” she laughed, wiping away the stray tears that found their way into her eyes.
“Alright, you’re right, let’s stop standing around,” she nodded, strengthening her resolve. 
Inosuke’s victorious grin was quickly replaced with a frown as he sat in irritating defeat, waiting for the sun to set. Even after his little pep talk, Makoto was still making him wait. Looking down at the sword she made him hold onto, he thought back to their conversation.
“I’ll sneak in pretending to be looking for a job, and I’ll let you in through the back at sundown,” she had explained.
“What?! No way! I’m going too!” he protested, but Makoto wasn’t having any of it.
“They’re looking for women, so unless you want to pretend to be one, it’ll have to be me,” she pointed out, making Inosuke grumble.
“Don’t worry, thanks to you, I’ve got my head on straight now. I’ll find the demon’s whereabouts and we’ll take it down tonight,” she smiled.
Just thinking about it now, Inosuke could still feel flutters in his stomach at her praise. It was frustrating, but oddly, not unpleasant. Seeing her so determined, he couldn’t help but agree to the plan.
“Stupid Dongato, making me feel sick with her stupid flower smells…” he grumbled, eyes locked on the large manor.
“Aiko, thank you so much for showing me around. I’ll be sure to work hard,” Makoto smiled, walking with the petite girl.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m so happy you decided to work here with us,” she laughed, her voice sending chills down Makoto’s spine.
  “I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here. Lord Hisakawa and his son are very kind people,” she explained.
“His son?” Makoto inquired, ignoring the way her skin continued to crawl.
“Yes, the Young Lord Jun’ichi. He is a shy, sickly man, so he tends to stay in his room. I’m sure you’ll meet him soon,” Aiko smiled at her.
Later that day, as she hung up the laundry, it felt like she was finally able to breathe. It was the first time since she’s been there that she was truly by herself. It was as if a heavy-weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She never thought she’d ever want to be alone again, but the way most of the women in this house moved made her sick. 
Breathing in the fresh air, Makoto couldn’t help but worry about Inosuke. She knew he could handle himself, but she didn’t want him attacking innocent bystanders. Maybe that was wrong of her to think, after all, they had been traveling together for a while now, and Inosuke seemed to be well behaved enough when they went out in public. Then again, she always smelt of lavender. The calming scent could have made him much more docile whenever she was around. 
Sighing, Makoto pushed it to the back of her mind. She had asked Inosuke to burn some wistaria incense before sundown so that the demon wouldn’t be able to leave the house, now all she had to do was get everyone else out of the way.
“Ah! Makoto, there you are,” Aiko smiled, making her way over to her.
Makoto had to stop her face from dropping as she turned around to greet the other.
“Aiko, is there something you need?” she asked, hiding her clenched fists under the blanket she held.
“Yes. Lord Hisakawa wishes to welcome you to the house as soon as possible,” Aiko explained.
“How about I help you with that load, and we’ll go see him together?” she offered.
“Oh my, thank you so much Aiko. You’ve been so kind to me, thank you,” Makoto smiled, turning back to her work.
“It’s no big deal, really, I-” but Aiko cut herself off as a horrifying scream left her lips.
Stumbling back, she tripped over herself as a small, green frog jumped out of nowhere. It landed on her, causing her to freeze.
“What’s wrong, what happened?” Makoto hastily asked, rushing over.
“I-I’m sorry, I-It just…!” Aiko stuttered, breath caught in her throat.
Trembling, it was clear she didn’t want to touch the frog. 
Just as the frog jumped off her, Makoto caught it before it had the chance to escape. Carefully holding it in her hands, Makoto gave Aiko a reassuring smile.
“It’s okay now. I’ll take this little guy to the pound so he won’t startle you again,” Makoto said, making her way across the garden.
Crouching down by the rocks, she opened her hands, allowing the frog to jump out. Without a second thought, it jumped into the water, creating a small splash. 
Standing up, Makoto could feel a pair of eyes lingering on her form. 
Wiping her hands on her apron, Makoto turned around, finding a grateful Aiko a few feet away.
“Thank you so much…! I-It’s just… I’m not the biggest fan of frogs…” she whimpered, hands close to her chest.
“It was no problem at all. Frogs don’t really bother me. They’re honestly a little cute compared to some other things,” Makoto chuckled, her mind remembering the mother demon and her turtle child.
After finishing up the rest of the laundry, the two made their way towards the Lord’s office. 
Kneeling in front of the door, Aiko called out, “Lord Hisakawa, forgive the intrusion, but I brought her as asked.”
“Ah, come in,” a deep voice responded.
Sliding the door open, Makoto and Aiko sat in front of a man behind a floor table. He looked to be in his late 50s, with graying black hair and a slender face. He seemed tired, worn thin even. Almost as if he were walking on eggshells all the time.
His eyes flickered between the two girls for a slip second before returning to his papers. Makoto couldn’t help but notice how his eyes softened when he saw Aiko. For that split second, they seemed almost… remorseful. 
“Your name is Makoto Sasaki, correct?” Lord Hisakawa asked, putting his papers down.
“You’re quite pretty, even with that scar and eye…” she barely heard him mutter softly to himself.
“Yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she bowed deeply.
“Please, raise your head. I’m merely a landowner, no need to be so polite,” he chuckled.
“Welcome. I want you to think of this place as your home as well, so don’t be afraid to ask for anything,” he smiled warmly, but it never reached his eyes.
“Thank you,” Makoto replied, returning his smile.
Leaving the room, Makoto couldn’t help the empty pit that sat in her stomach. Lord Hisakawa was hiding something.
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Halfrid // Part 1
Platonic!Loki x Teen!Reader
Summary: Your life has always been dictated by the fact that you are smarter than most adults. This has made you antagonize many of them, it isn’t your fault that you are just citing facts! However, when the god of mischief becomes your friend, are there enough facts you can cite to prove his innocence?
Warnings: None, I believe. Child messiness and annoying blonde. Not remembering what the original avengers movie said cause I haven’t watched it in ages…
A/N: This is my first time writing a multichapter fic, especially for the god of mischief. Any feedback is welcomed and if you like it I hope you stick around! Thanks for reading!
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There was a rumbling in the roof above your head. The pit on your stomach grew by the minute. You had to get out of here, you couldn’t leave him nor the others alone.
Once more, you tried to pull on the cuffs that were tying you to the table, but to no avail. A voice spoke behind you.
“By now you may have noticed that it’s useless to try an resist, right?” The tall brooding man with an eye patch stood before you.
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to try harder.” You retorted.
The man chuckled at your comment and pulled a chair to sit in front of you. You had been through this process before, but you had never been interrogated by the famous old director of SHIELD himself. Not even when SHIELD was still a thing.
“(Y/F/N), right?” You nodded at the sound of your full name. 
“Alright. Look, I have to say that there is not much helping your case currently. You are still underage, so you won’t be sent to jail for this. However, we need to know, and please be honest, as to why you decided to aid a supervillain to hide on the planet he tried to conquer.” He claimed.
You knew about the fall of SHIELD, the fact that HYDRA had been pulling the strings was concerning. But you knew you could trust this man. You had looked up to him for many years and knew this was the only man who would stand by the truth and try to understand your motives. 
Not even your parents had tried to understand.
You looked at him meaningfully, trying to tell him with your eyes the burden that now you carried, the one you never thought you would carry. But that you decided to lay upon yourself anyway.
You knew that you couldn’t reveal the whole truth, he trusted you to keep his emotional side hidden. But you wanted to make sure that when this was over, both of you could finally go to the freaking county fair without fearing the FBI and the CIA kicking and arresting your butts.
“Okay…” You sighed defeated. “I’m going to tell you the truth. But you have to promise me. When this is all done, that you will clear my friend’s name.”
“I’ll do my best-”
“No. You have to promise me.” Your voice was unwavering. Fury had seen this fire in many places, he knew from the moment he saw it that you were not going to lie to him.
“A'right, I promise.”
Your breath shakes, you really hoped that his word was enough, you had scanned the room for hours, you were sure that there were no cameras. You had to tell the story from the beginning.
“I met Loki Friggason-”
“Isn’t he Odinson?”
“No. Don’t interrupt me.” You deadpanned him. “Anyway. I met him when I was 9 years old. I don’t remember much, but our meeting was, unusual…”
Your dad led you by the hand as you got out of the quinjet. You both passed by guards and got to the main deck, all the way your dad kept giving you instructions about how you should behave today.
“Now, sweetie. Stay by the deck okay? I don’t want you out of my sight.”
You only nodded, entranced by the flurry of activity that was happening all around you.
You were flying up in the air, and yet it looked just like your mommy’s office whenever she took you to work, filled to the brim with activity.
“Frank!” You heard someone call the name of your father. “You are 20 minutes late." A tall woman with her hair in an updo stood in front of him.
"Sorry, Miss Hill. I had to make sure this little demon got past security.” He pointed at you and you hugged your doll closer to your chest. 
Despite your mischievousness, you were actually very shy when meeting new people, especially when she had an air of command to her. It intimated you, but at the same time, you immediately admired her. She seemed kind and honest even if she carried herself with dignity, poise, and power.
“Ah, I see a new agent has arrived at the base.” She lowered herself to your height. “Welcome, I’m agent Hill. Feel free to report yourself to me.”
You smiled shyly but nodded nonetheless.
“Good.” She stood up and called another woman over. “Agent Miranda, please take Agent (L/N) junior to the briefing room. I need to have a word with her dad.”
The blonde woman nodded and made a motion for you to follow her. When you were out of sight Maria turned to your dad and glared at him. “Seriously (L/N)? Of all days? You decided to bring your daughter to work the day we have a murderous villain locked up in the helicarrier?”
Your legs hang from the chair you were sitting on. You murmured something under your breath as you imagined your dolly in whatever situation your mind could come up with. The blonde lady, whose name you had already forgotten was busy with her phone, her brow furrowed, so you decided to ignore her.
After what seemed a long amount of time your dad walked in the room.
“Ah, finally.” The blonde sighed exasperated trying to exit the room before Agent Hill stopped her. She seemed to be feeling about you the same way you felt about her. Annoyed.
“No, wait here Miranda.”
Your dad kneeled in front of you, his eyes looked worried so you did what you used to do when you saw your parents worried. You pressed your palms and squeezed his cheeks and looked at him very seriously.
“Dad, smile.” You demanded. He gave you a small broken smile, but it was a smile so it was enough for you. “Okay, what happened?" 
"Cupcake, I need to tell you something, because I need you safe. Okay?”
“A very bad person stole something a few days ago that could hurt a lot of people. His name is Loki, and he is in here on a cell. He is very dangerous, I have to work, so I won’t be able to watch over you all day. Please stay near agent Miranda.” He pointed towards the bored-looking agent. “I don’t want you to get hurt, okay?”
You looked at your dad processing the information and quickly nodded with a smile. “Okay, daddy.”
He huffed in relief. “Okay. Good.” He stood up and clasped his hands. “Agent Hill, point me towards my assignment.”
“Okay (L/N). Follow me.” She signaled as she exited the room giving the blonde agent whispered instructions that you guessed were about you.
“I love you cupcake.” Your dad whispered to you pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you too, dad.” You whispered back to him.
Your dad and Hill left the room leaving you with annoying blondie in the briefing room. She looked at you, and without trying to hide it, she noticeably rolled her eyes at you.
I’m sorry, does she think I’m boring? You though. Oh, it’s about to be showtime here. You smiled, a plan forming in your head.
You looked around for ways to bother her. And the first thing that you noticed was the big and weird looking scepter with a glowing thing in the end. Then you saw all the screens around you and an idea popped in your mind.
When you knew that blondie was solely focused on her phone you got up, walked around the room looking as innocent as you possibly could and hid your doll in a trash bin under one of the desks. You quietly returned to your seat and started looking around feigning anxiousness.
“My doll… Where’s my dolly?” You looked under your chair, your head hanging upside down and your legs up in the air. “Miss! I think I lost my dolly!”
“What?” She seemed like she was about to snap.
“I can’t find my doll! You have to help me find her!” You pleaded with your eyes.
“Uhg! You just had it, and you never left the room! Jesus! It must be somewhere around here!” She exasperatingly started to look around and you started the next phase of your plan.
You faked looking for your doll and then came across a screen that had some colorful looking stones in it. You smiled and started touching the screen. 
“Hey! What does this do?” You slid your finger across it and the images reflected in the air. Oh, this was so much better than you had expected. You waved your hands and at your command, they seemed to float all across the room. 
Blondie looked mortified as you opened up the holographic keyboard and started typing something. She waved her hands around to turn off the holograms. But as quickly as you typed you opened more windows with your hands.
“Stop that you brat!” She screeched, and that only made your determination grow. What could you say? You were having a lot of fun.
You rushed around the room as she tried to look at what you had been posting in the system. She worked on erasing your childish messages from the main platform and finish closing all the windows. Her mind was so preoccupied that she didn’t notice when you took the scepter.
“Miss, what is this for?”
Blondie felt a chill go up to her spine as she froze where she stood and turned around to look at you.
You were standing on top of the work table with scattered tools near your feet, and on your hands, the shiny thing becoming more bright as you held the scepter.
“Let that go!” She spat at you, seething of venom and red in the face. She tried to step closer to you but you playfully pointed it to her. “You entitled brat! You are going to hurt me! You are going to hurt yourself! And your dad is going to lose his job! I’ll make sure of it-!”
“What’s going on here?” A confused looking guy entered the room. His voice was low and raspy but managed to capture both of your and blondies attention.
“S-she…” Blondie stuttered. “She won’t let go of the scepter!”
The guy took off his glasses and took a good look at you. He was wearing a purple shirt and the curls on his hair were messy, but in a way, he looked nice. Like a dad. So you smiled at him.
“Ah. I see what it is.” He approached you, who was still standing on the work table, mind you. “Hey there, my name is Bruce. What is your name?” He started picking up some of the scattered tools and discarding some and putting others in a box.
“(Y/N).” You smiled and sat at the edge of the table. “What are you doing here Mister Bruce?”
“Well, I was supposed to investigate how that thing you are holding does. I’m kind of like a doctor.”
Your eyes widened. “But if you are a doctor, shouldn’t you be at a hospital?”
“Well, that’s the thing. Doctors not only heal people But also research. I do research, I like to understand why the world around us works as it does. Why do things happen? That’s what I want to know.” He explained.
“So… You want to know how this thing works?” You pointed at the scepter.
“Yes, but since you’re having so much fun with it, I guess I’ll have to do it another day.” He pushed off from the table to turn around and leave. But you stopped him pulling on his sleeve.
You shyly looked at the scepter and then back at him. “I want to know how this thing works too.”
He smiled at your curiosity. “Well, it is very dangerous for a little girl like you to try and figure it out by herself. But let’s make a deal.”
You straightened up, you were a master at deals.
“Give me the scepter so I can do research on it, and when I’m done I’ll teach you all I know about it, okay?”
You thought for a moment. Making it look like you were playing hard to get, but finally nodded enthusiastically.
“Okay! Deal.” You stretched your hand and shook his much bigger one.
You finally passed the scepter to him and hopped off the work table. You finally noticed Blondie again who was looking between you and the doctor with her jaw on the floor.
“You are gonna start drooling, miss.” You sassed her. You heard Bruce hold in a chuckle and Blondie snapped her jaw shut. 
“You, are not funny.” She stated as she walked to the door mumbling something about hating children.
Since she wasn’t looking you walked to the bin where you had hidden your doll and hugged her close to you. The bin was empty of trash if you were wondering.
“Let’s leave Doctor Banner to work. Come one, don’t slack.” She commanded and even though you didn’t really feel like listening to her, you decided to follow her just because your dad had asked you to do it.
She walked through halls on her high heels at a fast pace and you ran behind her in your little red converse shoes. People looked at her and then at you, some giving her weird glances because a little girl with striped leggings and a blue tutu was following an agent like a clingy and annoying chihuahua.
“Where are we going? Hey, blondie! Where are you taking me?” Questions like these played in Agent Miranda’s head for about two minutes, but she felt like she was about to implode from the sheer annoyingness that you brought with yourself.
You finally reached a conference room that was empty and she pointed at one of the cushioned chairs. You reluctantly sat down, rolling your eyes as you did it. You tried to distract yourself by playing with your doll but soon you got bored and considered just flipping all the chairs of the boring looking room just to entertain yourself.
Suddenly you heard blondie sigh with relief and your turn your head to look at her. A man you didn’t know had arrived at the scene and was talking in hushed whispers with her. Suddenly, to your horror, he started kissing her!
“Hey! Not here, I have to look after the brat!” She said in between kisses, you just looked away so your innocent mind wasn’t exposed to the insanity of two people who weren’t your parents kissing.
“The brat can look after herself.” He said slowly pulling her into another conference room.
Your jaw dropped and it slowly turned into a grin. A golden opportunity was opened right before your eyes.
Well, dad, I did stay near blondie. You thought of an excuse. But she got distracted and left me all on my own.
Oh, how fun was this going to be. No supervision. No rules. And you were about to explore THE WHOLE helicarrier.
You poked your head out of the boring looking conference room and made sure that no one would get on your way. As soon as the halls were empty you dashed down the hall.
You held onto your doll as you ran through the whole floor. But since it was all boring looking rooms you decided to go down a staircase that seemed to lead to a place with a bunch of pipes.
Slowly, but surely you walked around the whole second floor where you saw people stacking weaponry and technology. You even snatched some spare parts that you put onto the little backpack that was strapped on your back.
You came across more stairs that took you to an even lower level. But this one seemed different, there wasn’t as much light down here and it didn’t seem like a lot of people were going through that area, so you figured it would be the best place to hide until your dad finally found you.
He would be super worried, but in the end, you would have a cool chat about all the things you saw and learned. And probably swear that you would never tell mom about your little adventure.
You found yourself limited by a door that opened with a security card. So knowing there was really nowhere to go from here, you sat by the door to wait until someone found you. Honestly, this much adventure and running around left you a bit tired so you slowly closed your eyes and fell victim to sleep.
Steps woke you up a bit later.
Do you know that feeling? That isn’t always necessarily rational, but that you have in your gut?
Well, right now it had you wide awake and was telling you to hide. You scrambled behind the stairs in a little open space that is provided between the back of the steps and the walls.
The footsteps approached and a tall brooding figure with a black trenchcoat took a card between his fingers and swiped it against the scanner opening the door.
He walked in and you decided to follow the man quietly.
You stood right behind him and as he started talking to someone else in the room you got under the railing and climbed down a bit so when he left the room he wouldn’t notice you. You held on strongly to the yellow railing to not lose your balance and you wrapped your legs around whatever you could find.
Near the center of the room the floor suddenly opened to let air gush in and whip your hair around your face. It closed almost immediately but it left a pit in your stomach and you made sure once again that you were holding on tightly.
There was only white noise in your mind as the tall dark-skinned man finished talking to whoever was in the room. From your perspective, you couldn’t see the other man. But you didn’t care much, you just wanted to make sure you were not about to get caught.
Just when your ears caught the sound of the door opening and closing once more you felt secure to come out.
You grunted as you lifted yourself up from the railings under the hallway. Landing with a thud on the cold metal floor. After making sure that your doll was still in your grasp you got up on your feet and looked around.
The only thing in the room was a gigantic glass sealed room in the very center, which was connected by the hallways with railings all around it. You couldn’t see anything inside, so you approached it and pressed your face against the glass, your hands working as “binoculars” to enhance your vision.
Out of nowhere, someone very tall stood in front of you. You moved away from the glass, startled.
“My, my, my…” The man grinned. “What do we have here?” He leaned in closer to the glass, hands clasped behind his back. "You have wandered off too far child.“ 
There was a small tightness in your chest. This man irradiated evil from him. Anxiety was swelling inside of you. However, trying to put on a brave face you smiled shyly at him hugging your doll closer to you.
"Maybe I did. But I would rather prefer if my dad didn’t find out.”
“Ah. I see you are a rowdy one. Aren’t you?” His smirk only seemed to widen.
“At least I’m not rowdy enough to get locked up behind glass.” You smiled triumphantly, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
It took Loki a second to catch that. He straightened up and the smirk returned to his face. “And quite clever too.”
That made you beam at him. Very few people had ever called you clever. Your parents loved you, obviously. But strangers often used meaner words towards you. Annoying, immature, brat, and other words that your parents didn’t allow you to say at all.
It was refreshing for a stranger to compliment you. Which is why, despite your first instinct, you suddenly felt more at ease with this guy. There is no way that someone who gave you such a nice compliment could be evil, right?
“So, why are you in there? Are you like, sick or something?”
“Why would you come to that conclusion?” The tall raven-haired man asked you.
“Well, despite the fact that you scared me at first. You said something really nice to me. So I don’t think you are the bad guy my dad told me about.” He seemed surprised at your analysis, considering you were merely a child. “And you look really pale. Do you not like to play outside? Mom says staying inside all day is bad for your brain.”
Loki had to do a double-take. Did this kid just tell him he looked sick? He snickered and tried to hide the fact that he found your blunt remark quite funny. But you heard him. Loud and clear.
“Well, Fury promised for a magazine. But I find you much more entertaining.”
To Be Continued…
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