#but we did get some tidbits about who she is!
books · 1 day
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Writer Spotlight: Rose Sutherland
Rose Sutherland @rosesutherlandwrites is a Toronto-based writer who grew up a voracious reader with an overactive imagination in Nova Scotia (where she once fell off a roof trying to re-enact Anne of Green Gables!). She's been to theatre school in NYC, apprenticed at a pâtisserie in rural France, and currently moonlights as an usher and bartender—in between writing queer folktales, practicing yoga, dancing, singing, searching out amazing coffee and croissants, and making niche jokes about Victor Hugo on the internet. She's mildly obsessed with the idea of one day owning a large dog, several chickens, and maybe a goat. A Sweet Sting of Salt is her debut novel.
Keep reading for more about character arcs in A Sweet Sting of Salt, Rose's favorite fanfic tropes, and some excellent reading recs 👀
Can you tell us about A Sweet Sting of Salt and how you came to write it?
A Sweet Sting of Salt is a queer (f/f) historical reimagining of the classic folktale of the selkie wife, set in 1830’s Nova Scotia. I call it a “reimagining” because while it draws on the folktale, it’s not a retelling of that tale so much as a story playing out in relation to that mythology. I’d wanted to write something centering a love story between two women for a while, but the initial spark came from a Tumblr post! It suggested the idea of selkies testifying before the UN as victims of human trafficking, which reminded me of all the things I disliked about the original folktale and its inherent darkness that is generally glossed over, starting me down the rabbit hole toward finding my own story.
How did you approach research for A Sweet Sting of Salt, and what is a favorite historical fact you learned?
I joke that I did a lot of research by osmosis: I already had a lot of base knowledge about the location, having grown up in Nova Scotia, and then set the story in a period that I’ve been absorbing information about in a low-key way for ages—1832 is also the year of the student rebellion in Les Mis, so I’ve been gleaning tidbits about this era since I first got into the musical and book back in high school. However, I had to do more specific research into things like British divorce law, period midwifery, and animal husbandry. I also visited some small, hyper-local museums on the South Shore that gave me an invaluable glimpse into daily life. I also did some fun practical research into things like “How long does it take to walk from x to y?” and “How cold IS a plunge into this body of water in March?” (Spoiler: Very.) 
A fact that fascinated me but didn’t make it into the book was that some early European settlers in the area were granted lands by luck of the draw, pulling from a deck of playing cards: Each card was assigned to a specific 50-acre lot, and whatever you pulled, you were stuck with it.
When we meet them, Jean and Muirin are isolated for different reasons. What do you hope readers still searching for their people take away from A Sweet Sting of Salt?
That there’s always hope. It’s valuable and important to keep reaching out to the world around you, to be open, and not cut yourself off—the biggest reason for Jean’s loneliness at the beginning of this story is the way she has come to keep everyone around her at arm’s length, shutting herself away out of fear, and refusing to let anyone truly get to know her because she thinks that’s the best way to protect herself from being hurt again. Reaching out to others can take a real act of courage, especially if you’ve had bad experiences in the past, but “your people” will reach back to you.
Found family elements play a strong role throughout the novel, within supernatural and mundane settings and across species. Was this something you intended from the beginning, or did this grow out of writing the relationship between Jean and Muirin?
I always intended for Jean to have a found family of this type, which is something that a lot of queer people identify with, but those bonds also got stronger and more meaningful as I wrote, especially once Jean and Muirin began growing into their own family unit—their new relationship and the real danger that comes along with it put pressures on Jean’s other relationships that I hadn’t originally considered. Disagreements with Anneke and Laurie over Jean’s choices arise from their deep concern and love for her, and her own love and care for them, reflected in her responses, is a big part of what made them feel like a real family, for me. Jean and Laurie always having each other’s backs while also being the first to call one another out on their bullshit ended up being one of my favourite dynamics in the whole book.
The selkie myth carries an inherent element of transformation. What is a character transformation you most enjoyed writing, and why?
On a character level, the change in Jean’s worldview following a conversation with her childhood sweetheart meant a lot to me—it heals an old wound for her. I love how grounded and self-assured she is afterward, in spite of the daunting task still ahead of her. But my favourite transformation to write was the antagonist’s mask-off moment, where they directly threaten Jean for the first time. It’s so sly and coded so that only she will understand the menace behind it, a real dun-duh-dunnn moment, which was a lot of fun for me—I also enjoy the foreshadowing elements in that exchange.
This is your debut novel. Did anything surprise you about getting it from manuscript to published book?
Oh my gosh, how LONG it took! After I finished the original draft and decided it was worth attempting to publish, I spent over a year revising based on my own thoughts, input from beta readers, critique partners, and my mentor, Maureen Marshall (whom I connected with through the now defunct Author Mentor Match program, and whose book, The Paris Affair—about a young gay engineer attempting to help Gustave Eiffel secure the funding to build a certain celebrated Parisian landmark— is coming out in May). After that came a full year of querying agents and getting rejected. A lot. People loved Salty but weren’t quite sure what to do with her or where the book would fit in “the market,” which was hard to deal with at the time but is hilarious in retrospect: Salty was snapped up less than a month after she finally went out on submission! But that was back in 2022, and the book is only coming out now. Publishing can be painfully slow.
You’ve written fanfic in the past—do you have a favorite fanfic trope?
I’m not sure either of these counts as a trope, but I adore a character that’s “pure of heart, dumb of ass”, and love a truly unhinged Fanon Explanation For Canon Object. As a longtime Les Mis stan, I ship Tholomyes/Getting Punched. If you know, you know.
Do you have any favorite queer retellings of folktales you can recommend?
Right here on Tumblr, I’m a huge fan of @laurasimonsdaughter, who writes delightful riffs on classic folktales, truly inventive urban fantasy spins on old lore, and her own original folktales. 
I’m currently reading Spear, an amazing queer, gender-bent, Arthurian novella by Nicola Griffiths. Anna Burke’s books Thorn and Nottingham are up next on my TBR. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of brilliant queer historicals that aren’t retellings (I recently loved Suzette Meyr’s The Sleeping Car Porter and Heather O’Neil’s When We Lost Our Heads) and wonderful historical retellings that aren’t queer (I highly recommend Molly Greeley’s beautiful, heartbreaking Marvelous, about the real-life couple that inspired Beauty and the Beast). Queer, historical retellings aimed at adults seem to be considered quite niche, still, and can take some digging to find! So, throwing this out to Tumblr: Do you have recommendations for me?
Do you have a writing routine? Is there a place/state of being/playlist you find most conducive to your writing practice?
My routine is chaotic at best, but I find I do my best work earlier in the day, so I usually scribble in my journal while I have breakfast, and then progress to working on my current project as I drink my second cup of coffee. I’m lucky—my day job is an evening gig, which mostly allows me to write on my preferred schedule… but I’ve also been known to have a bolt of inspiration strike at 10pm and dash home to write until well past midnight on occasion. Nothing quite like the hyperfocus zone!
What’s next for you? Are you working on anything you can tell us about?
No official news yet, but I’m currently working on a story set in 18th-century provincial France based on a true unsolved mystery of the past. It has me delving into a very specific branch of French folklore, and I hope future readers will pick up on common threads with one popular fairytale in particular. I’m really excited about where this one is headed, but keeping the details close to my chest for now!
Thank you Rose for taking the time to answer our questions! If you love queer fantasy and old folktales, grab yourself a copy of A Sweet Sting of Salt, and be sure to share your queer folktale reading recs with Rose on @rosesutherlandwrites!
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
taking the idea of Vickie returning Fast Times paused on the exact shot of some boobs on screen AWAY from Steve saying "boobies" for the straight audience's amusement, and giving it BACK TO VICKIE, where it should recognized as a hilarious, cringe fail, ICONIC way of her flirting and dropping hints for her crush on Robin
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meowzfordayz · 4 months
hashira accidentally touch your chest
Author’s Note: pls and ty enjoy this tidbit of crack-fluff. 😆💖
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hashira accidentally touch your chest
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,600
CW: explicit language, Fem!Reader, mild sexual content
Suggestion Fulfilled: Can we get all hashira accidently touch y/n's breast
Fyi, “chest” means boob. I was just worried Tumblr would block this post from tags if I included “boob” in the title lmao. 😉
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Shocked 😳😖
“I apologize, [y/n]-san, it won’t happen again!”
Gyomei’s nearly in tears, he feels so terribly 😞
“These things happen!” you promptly assure him, “Besides, you technically won the bout.”
No need to mention that he always wins when training together 🥲
“I cannot accept such a tainted victory.”
“Himejima-san, though I appreciate your concern and respect, there’s truly no issue.”
Meanwhile, Gyomei’s rethinking his entire Breathing Style to ensure he never accidentally touches anyone’s boob(s) again 💀 
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In cold disbelief 😐😐😐
If you don’t say anything, then he won’t say anything
Alternatively, if you do say something, then Obanai will immediately curl up into a ball and die
Spends the rest of his day recalling the fleeting warmth of your breast
He swears his hand doesn’t even get cold, so affected by the heat of your bosom
Your boob must be ✨magical✨
“Iguro-san,” you call out gently, noting his dazed stare, his dinner untouched while he sits crossed legged, “Is something on your mind?”
“No.” 😐😐😐
Well okay then 🙃
“About what happened earlier…”
🫨🫨🫨 <— Obanai is FREAKING OUT
“… Iguro-san, I didn’t mind.”
And then you stand up, take your dishes, and leave
Good luck finding Obanai tomorrow 🫡 (the poor man’s been pleasantly overwhelmed)
He’ll avoid you for eternity now 😌 (not really, but at least until he can breathe around you again)
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She giggles 🤭
“Oh my! [y/n]-san, I didn’t mean to touch you so intimately!” 😅
“No worries, it happens.”
Your face may or may not be burning up a storm, but that’s okay!
Mitsuri’s blushing too
A lot 😳
“I hope I didn’t hurt you?!”
Because like, What if I gripped too hard?! 😭
She’s well aware of her own strength
“You barely brushed me, Kanroji-san. I promise!”
She grins, relief evident as she bumps her elbow against yours
“Don’t tell anyone, okay? I would be so embarrassed!!!”
“Kanroji-san, our secret is safe with me.”
I wish it would happen again… <— lowkey both of you thinking the same thing 🤪
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As a medical personnel (among other roles), Shinobu accidentally (or even on purpose, depending on where you’re wounded) touching your boob isn’t entirely unreasonable nor unrealistic
Obviously it would be nicer if she was caressing you out of love and affection 😔
And not methodically cleansing then bandaging claw marks that just so happened to cross over your chest 😒
“You should make a full recovery,” she’s all business, “The demon avoided your nipple and didn’t puncture deep enough to affect the functionality of your breast,” fortunately, you’re too exhausted to be embarrassed by her bluntness, “It has a nice shape. I’m glad you survived.”
Now you’re kinda embarrassed
More so preening, really 🤭
It’s like when a doctor randomly compliments the rhythm of your heart or some other characteristic from a mainly professional POV, but you’re still caught off guard because who tf compliments someone’s kidneys or bowels movements or?????
In your pain hazed delusion, you briefly contemplate somehow getting your other boob injured too… gotta make sure you’re matching in (nice) shape, y’know? 😌
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Kyojuro can be discreet, albeit more so for your sake than his
“Pardon my slip, are you okay?” <— how he actually reacts, because he isn’t entirely lacking in social awareness and decorum 😆
“Oh,” you don’t mean to squeak, but it can’t be helped when the most handsome man you’ve ever known just casually grazed your boob, “I’m fine! Totally fine! Haha!” 🫨😵‍💫🫠
You’ve gotta be more convincing than that, or Kyojuro will never forgive himself 😕
He’s a lil oblivious when it comes to physical attraction
Not like, infantly so, but given this particular circumstance?
He doesn’t realize you’re flustered; he assumes you’re mortified 😖
“You sound decidedly less than fine.”
He’s softer now, worried about startling you 🥺
“I was surprised! But don’t worry! I’m not worried!”
Okaaay, but he’s worried 🥲
“Is there any way I could make amends for my indiscretion?”
Not only is he handsome, but he is such a gentleman 😭😍
“Rengoku-san, there are no amends to be made, I promise. I’m not mad, nor do I feel unhappy or unsafe. I forgive you.”
Your regaining of the ability to speak in complete sentences greatly reassures him 😮‍💨😁
“Ah. Well. I am grateful for your kindness and understanding. It will not happen again.”
Hold up 🧐
Why does she seem… she seems… disappointed? Should I have said it will happen again??
You’ve suddenly given Kyojuro something quite pleasant to ponder 🤔
After all, he isn’t entirely oblivious 😉
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“Are you going to apologize?” Sanemi demands
“For what?” you screech
“For touching my hand with your boob!”
Your eyes roll, “Oh fuck off!”
“I didn’t ask to touch you,” he grunts
“I wouldn’t have given you permission anyway,” you retort 😒
Arms crossing over his bare chest, Sanemi scoffs, “Well I didn’t give mine either!”
“You’re ridiculous. It was an accident.”
You seem genuinely pissed 😬
Sanemi rethinks his approach
“You know I’m joking, right?” 😅
“Nooo,” your sarcasm cuts deep, “I thought you were flirting.” 😐
Uh 😀
Well 😃
Shit 😄
“Fuck you!” 
When in doubt, curse ‘em out 💀
You scowl, confusion lingering as your blood boils, “Fuck you!”
“I said it first.” 🙄
You stalk away, fed up with his antics
#man child #sort of #romantically inept is more like it
As tends to happen with epiphanies, yours doesn’t hit until you’re almost asleep
Best believe Shinazugawa Sanemi is about to have a Lesson 101 in flirting asap 😤😎
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(assuming you’re older, like, mentor age to Muichiro)
Neither of you make a fuss about it
It’s like accidentally calling your teacher mom 😬
Or grabbing a random person’s hand in the supermarket thinking they’re your parent 🫣
Embarrassing, but not a huge deal — unless you make it one
There’re those three seconds of slow motion Uhh and What just happened and Oops 🫠
And then time speeds up to normal again, you have a quick conversation with your eyes (gosh forbid you speak and bring the unspoken into reality 💀), and it’s over
^^ Alternatively, if Muichiro initiates a conversation to clear the air, then you’re able to have a mature and concise chat that is respectfully and patiently resolved
Embarrassing/accidental encounters are part of growing up
As long as they can be navigated ~safely, there shouldn’t be any lasting harm
⚠️I also want to emphasize that I am talking solely on inarguably accidental/one time incidences⚠️
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Giyuu’s hand is stuck 🫣
Only for like, a fleeting second
But omg 😭
He was already embarrassed, and now he’s triply embarrassed 🫠🫠🫠
“... Tomioka-san?”
You won’t lie; you aren’t especially bothered 🤭
But it is a compromising position to be caught in; Giyuu lowkey crushing you, one of his palms clearly cupping your boob 😬
#wrestling #or something #so maybe this isn’t super realistic #forgive me
You’re about to repeat his name when he finally springs to life, immediately rolling off you, standing abruptly, about to literally sprint away
And then he remembers his manners 🙃
He offers you a hand
His other hand; his boob hand is currently tucked away in his haori
He’s never washing it again
#closet perv
“Thanks,” you smile faintly, accepting his assistance as you lift yourself from the ground
You hope he can’t hear your heartbeat 💓
He definitely can 😶
But can you hear his?
“I don’t think we should train together anymore.”
Giyuu is swift and harsh with his solutions
Your question comes out stiffer than intended
He hesitates, unable to interpret the fear in your tone — the longing
“I always beat you,” he explains lamely, “Don’t you get tired of losing?”
You scoff cheerfully, grinning now as you squeeze his hand
Fuck, we were still holding hands?! <— Giyuu is in shambles 😳
“I could never lose!” you declare, feelings brimming in your throat, spilling onto your tongue, “Not when I’m with you.”
Then we should absolutely stop training together would be the responsible reaction
Attachments are the most dangerous game for a Hashira to play 😕
Instead, Giyuu’s rendered speechless, unable to shake his hand from yours
“Well alright then,” he mutters, stomach churning as he narrowly avoids the warmth in your gaze
In fact, you swear he squeezes back 💓
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“You have three wives.” 🙄
Sputtering, Tengen shrieks, “I already have plenty of breasts to touch!” 
“Tengen,” you glare, not one to back down as you jab a finger into his own chest, “You touched my boob.” 😒
Much better 😌
“I don’t know what they see in you,” you scoff (you’re also lying, you can see plenty🤭), “They’re gorgeous… and you freak out when you accidentally touch a boob.” 💀
Tengen is 100% pouting now
“I don’t freak out when I touch their boobs,” he huffs
“Well aren’t they lucky.” 😐
“You could be lucky too!”
Tengen starts running 
You give chase
Tengen runs faster
Tengen runs faster and faster
You give up
*insert gasping for air here*
Oh well, you’ll have to visit their estate sometime this week 🙃
You’re sure to get an answer from Hina, Makio, and Suma ☺️
And you can’t wait to see more of Tengen 😏😋
Sorry, sometimes the horny just happens 🥴
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i was lucky enough to attend the premiere on tuesday (as the +1 of a contest winner); in case this is of interest (and, indulgently, to preserve it for my own memory), here are some tidbits from my night:
for the screening, the cast had assigned seats (jacob and delainey in the same row, sam behind jacob, eric behind sam, assad on the other side of the aisle, the same side as rolin, hannah, and mark johnson). sam and jacob were off to the side chatting during intros and never sat in theirs
delainey got applause from the audience upon her first on screen appearance, the only cast member to get one
daniel had a fair few interview beats which got laughs from the audience
afterwards, an actor from the venue came up and gave a little speech as though he was from a sister coven to the TdV in paris. then we were dismissed to the party, which was upstairs
initially post party, assad and luke were in the front larger room of the reception - sam and jacob were, i believe, already gathered in a far back corner in the second room, along with some other people. eric didn't stay for the party
the venue had a couple little 'shows' - at one point the whole cast and some other guests went up several flights of stairs to a room (delainey commented on how many flights there were as we climbed) where a version of the no pain scene from the books was reenacted by venue actors
kalyne coleman was there, i saw her chatting with jacob. i let her cut in front of me for drinks as an excuse to talk to her. there's a nod to grace in the episode and it sounded like that was a surprise to her (a pleasant one!)
my conversations with the cast were deeply unsubstantive, i was too pleased to be there to come up with anything too clever or probing to say tbh
when i spoke to jacob, i started by saying "sorry" (just reflexively) and he immediately, very warmly, was like what are you apologizing for! when i said how excited i was for the season and he said something like 'i hope it doesn't disappoint' (which i did think was surprisingly pessimistic for a premiere party lol but having seen the quote about hoping ppl still like louis by the end, maybe he is actually a tad concerned! i did obviously say i didn't think it would)
sam was the best at these meetings because he very naturally asks questions back. i told him i loved him in the newsreader as well, and he asked whether i was pirating it (i'm not exactly, i had a vpn). then we all walked off to do that no pain scene experience
after the no pain scene, we exited down some stairs which opened to the second smaller room. assad was behind me so i asked him who did it better (these actors or the show), and we joked about that. he then introduced himself to me, and when i couldn't help noting that i did in fact know who he was, he said he would never want to assume. sam came up to us and assad introduced him to me, and i got the joy of saying we'd met!
(SKIP this bullet if you don't want newsreader vibes-based spoilers) sam asked me what i liked better, iwtv or the newsreader. i said iwtv but that newsreader was great and season 2 was so sad! he said season 3 is the last of the series, and told me it's dark and bleak, worse than season 2, maybe only a second of peace/happiness at the end. so. there's that to look forward to....
he also told me about the crossover staffing between shows (emma and the DOP). i tried to ask if he was responsible for any of that but dont think i articulated it well but he said 'you want to work with the people you like'
my delainey convo was brief, i turned while we were walking up to the no pain thing and realized she was next to me, so just took the opportunity to let her know i was excited about her in next season
around 10-ish, sam and jacob left to (i believe?) go to levan's friends bar, along with hannah and others i didn't recognize. assad and luke were around for another 30-40 minutes after that, then the whole thing ended at 11. i didn't notice when or with who delainey left
delainey, as far as i noticed, did the least mingling; assad and luke did the most. generally speaking (and as expected) sam and jacob hung around together or in the same spaces. also perhaps as expected, assad and luke were hanging around together for lots of the night. at the end of the night, when it felt less burdensome to ask, i got a pic with those two. they were very cool about it, luke was sweet, we'd spoken earlier, he stuck out his tongue for one of the shots and he found me again later to chat
that photocall video i took (above) was after the 'no pain' experience.
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Vertin's personality and traits based on in-game context.
Contains Spoilers.
Will update when I find more tidbits about our beloved Timekeeper.
Updated: March 15 2024
Vertin sucks at math.
Not much to say here. Although, this is another difference between her and Sonetto, who loves math. I hope they do something with this later because it'd be fun.
Vertin is 16 confirmed
While this isn't a personality trait, I did see some debate about her age since it wasn't officials stated until now and it was assumed through context. Prisoner in the Cave explicitly confirms her age. Vertin became Timekeeper when she was 12 and has been the the TK for the past 4 years.
Vertin is a pianist and a painter.
You can see a piano in the back of her office in the Suitcase by the window. It makes sense in regards to Vertin's musically inclined Arcanum. There's an easel and stool in her office too. She doesn't merely collect art, she creates it. Vertin also owns a camera (official artwork released) too and mentions her photography in the begining, so this isn't new but I thought I should add it.
Vertin's still playful under all her composure.
We know baby Vertin was a little menace, but we can still see a spark of that mischief in her later years. For example, Vertin slapping a fake mustache on Regulus to avoid Sonetto really captures this. We can tell from other characters' voice lines that Vertin will most likely play along with their shenanigans. She'll chirp like a bird in response to Rabies talking about his bird friends (Wilderness interaction). She'll help Sonetto during hide and seek (Wilderness). She watches movies with Eternity and An An Lee. X asks her for help with his projects. Going through her crew's voice lines really paints a better picture of how she interacts with others. The voice lines point to someone playful and curious when she's not in work mode.
Vertin was a gremlin.
Vertin's love language is giving.
We know baby Vertin loved to give gifts to a reluctant Sonetto, but that part of her still exists. She tried to grant everyone's last wishes during the 1929 Storm. We also know she gives Lilya alcohol as a gift upon her return from 1929. She is also very direct. We see her ask people what they want or what can she do for them throughout the story. To expand further, you could say she likes fulfilling people's desires instead of limiting it to material gifts. We can see more of instances of this during the Green Lake event, especially in the way she protects Jessica from the Foundation. She also tried to get Regulus funding for a ship. I love the Suitcase Dad meme, but it's rooted in nuggets of truth.
She was a crappy student, yet she was also a resourceful gremiln. Vertin never liked the institution! Honor student? Top of the class? Never. Teachers are filled with that "Godamnit Vertin" energy toward her too. I hope we see more gremlin energy in the future.
One-sided childhood friends.
Vertin is a collector.
Sonetto and Vertin were desk mates but Sonetto couldn't stand Vertin when they were kids. She even tried to avoid Vertin at times but Vertin persisted with her gifts. We can see this in the hallway scene. Sonetto's about to change routes to avoid Vertin but Vertin called out to her to give her a frog she caught. Kinda funny how Sonetto can't stand Vertin but also can't resist her when they were kids. Vertin and Matilda were actually closer back then. Well, at least until the tear gas incident. Sonetto changed after Vertin was hurt and the rascal wasn't around to bother her. I feel like this tidbit says a lot about Vertin and her influence on people.
Baby Vertin collected rocks, bugs, and frogs. Adult Vertin collects painting and mementos of people she's lost. Things were simpler as a kid.
Vertin is stronger than she looks.
She was a wild child and she's still got it years later. Vertin can run for long periods of time, endure injuries, and climb obstacles. That, and she's still essentially a child solider. We see her hold her own when she needs to fight solo doing stuff like dodging bullets. Sonetto and Matilda also exhibit these freakishly athletic traits, especially Sonetto.
Vertin befriends people in every Era, despite knowing she'll lose them.
Compared to the other children raised by the Foundation, Vertin's traveled the world and witnessed loss in every Era. This opens doors to a whole new set of questions. How did she change over time? How do the Arcanists she recruited before the story treat her? Did she have crushes in previous Eras? Were the oranges just as bitter? Vertin seems to get close to people very easily and doesn't build walls around herself despite the trauma. You'd think someone who's lost so much would stop trying to get close to people, but she doesn't.
Vertin is optimistic.
Even as a child, she was full of hope. It's why she fights for the future and is a core part of her personality. She needs to fight for all those she lost and stop the Storm from taking more lives.
Vertin gets quiet when embarrassed/shy.
She'll blush and fall silent, but she doesn't stammer or go all tsundere. We can see this in voice lines. Sonetto's high praises make her cover her face with her hands. Eternity gets a reaction out of her when she holds her hand. She also blushed when she received surprise smooch and fell silent.
Vertin has a unique scar on her back.
Vertin is a tactile person.
Arcana mentions the scar after Vertin was shot multiple times in the back by Schneider. It's a big scar and new theories about the scar are ongoing and interesting!
In several voice line interactions, Vertin is patting people's heads or holding their hands. Not all her crew mates are on board with it, some seem confused, and others play along. We can also see examples in story like her handing Sonetto a frog while gently grasping her hand or her taking Regulus's hand to lead her into the Suitcase. Here is a post with the evidence to back this claim.
Vertin sucks at arcanum but her deep understanding of arcanum is uncanny.
The story mentions her weak arcanum skills throughout the story. They really want you to remember this. Also, her arcanum didn't manifest until sometime after the break away event but before the events in the prologue. During her stay in the guardhouse, she doubts if she's even an arcanist and mentions her arcanum has yet to manifest, which is wild. Smoltin is fighting with her tiny hands and wit in this chapter. However, in the prologue it's mentioned Vertin's understanding of arcanum and her perception makes her unique amongst arcanists. She's also considered more "rationale" than other arcanists. You can read more about this here.
Vertin is stealthy.
Smoltin sneaks around to play outside. She steals food for herself and the Ring from the Staff Canteen, which has better quality food than what the kids get. This tells me she's done this before. Adult Vertin also sneaks around the Walden to find Schneider. She makes maps, tracks guard routes, and avoids detection since whe was a kid.
Tooth Fairy was one of the few Foundation members who cared about Vertin.
Tooth Fairy is the one who gave Smoltin the toffees (chit chat voicelines). She also covered for Vertin on a few occasions to protect her from punishment. She remembers Vertin faking her illness to skip class, but her bruises and wounds were real. The Foundation does have a few kind hearts that genuinely care about the children. The causes of Vertin's injuries is up to speculation.
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bosbas · 2 months
Chapter 5: I fear I have fallen from grace
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pairing: colin bridgerton x enemy!fem!reader WC: 3.4k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, a small part of the dialogue is in French, our girl is in her feels asf, some small hints of ~feelings~, Eloise being the best
Summary: It took precisely two days in England for you to utterly despise Colin Bridgerton. It took him approximately twelve hours after that to hate you right back. But he doesn't care that you're the only person in the ton who doesn't like him. You're set to marry someone else anyway, right?
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May 23, 1816 – Of course, this author saved the most scandalous tidbit for last. It seems something dark lurked beneath the waters of the seemingly perfect courtship of Lady Montclair and Lord Barlow. Yesterday evening, Lady Montclair retired early from the Bridgerton ball, citing a debilitating headache as the reason for her early departure.
And the Duke… Well, this author can say that he had a very productive evening, indeed. A quick trip to the private Bridgerton courtyard found him locking lips with Lady Barrington in what seemed like a very passionate affair. 
But what of Lady Montclair? One can be certain she has deftly avoided a most unfortunate situation, for what use is a Duke if he is not truly yours? Shall we witness Lady Montclair's endeavors for another match this season, or perhaps she will retreat to the sunlit hills of Tuscany? Hopefully, today’s races will reveal more about her intentions.
You crumpled the gossip column in your hands, eyes wide in shock as you felt your heartbeat in your ears. It seemed like the walls of your bedroom were closing in around you as tears blurred your vision. Surely this couldn’t be true. Surely Lord Barlow hadn’t completely betrayed you so far into your courtship. There had to be another explanation. 
The longer you read and re-read Lady Whistledown’s words, the more you needed to convince yourself that they weren’t real. You felt anger rising in your chest, your chest constricting as your breathing quickened. It had to be Louis. There was absolutely no universe in which you got so close to getting everything you had worked for only for it to be taken away from you in such an unceremonious way. 
You felt tears prickling your eyes and aggressively wiped them away, too angry to care about your appearance. 
Standing abruptly and rushing to your door, you slammed it open and yelled into the hallway, “Louis!” 
If he had somehow managed to create a fake Whistledown column as his idea of a sick joke, you were quite ready to kill him. But this was your only hope. It had to be him.
Not receiving a response from your brother, you desperately screamed out, “Je vais te crever !” (I’m going to kill you!)
Rushing out of his room, bewildered at your agitated state, Louis stopped in front of your open door. “Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez toi ? Arrête de crier.” (What the hell is your problem? Stop yelling.)
You shoved the crumpled gossip sheet into his chest, forcing him to take a step back with the force of your push. He steadied himself on your doorframe, a questioning look on his face, and you felt your hope dwindling.
Shoving the paper into him once again, you cried, “T'as vu ça? C'était toi qui as fait ça?” (Have you seen this? Did you do this?) Tears were streaming down your face as you unsuccessfully tried to contain your emotions.
Though it certainly would have been cruel of Louis, you wished more than anything that he had been the one to do this. That Lord Barlow's betrayal wasn’t real. That you would go to the races today and see the Duke and that he would greet you with a soft kiss on the back of your hand as the two of you walked pleasantly. 
But your hopes quickly came crumbling down. Louis looked as confused as you felt, and you came to the realization that Whistledown’s words were, in fact, accurate. You choked back a sob, covering your mouth with the back of your hand as you fought to keep yourself under control. 
“Attends, attends,” Louis said nervously (Hold on, hold on). 
Recognizing that you were very much in the middle of a crisis, but having absolutely no idea why, he grabbed your hands and gently pushed you back into your room. Sitting you both down on your bed, he took the paper from your hands and smoothed it out to read as he placed a comforting arm around you, rubbing your arm up and down. 
His comforting touch did away with the last of your resolve. You started crying freely, and you could do nothing but sob into his shoulder as he read, feeling him tense as his eyes scanned the words on the page.
As he got to the part where Lady Whistledown outlined the Duke’s promiscuity, he abruptly stood up, face contorted in what you knew to be fury. You would have been relieved that it wasn’t aimed at you just this once if your situation wasn’t so dire. 
“Putain,” he muttered under his breath (Fuck).
He grabbed your hand and dragged you down the stairs with him as fast as possible. You stumbled after him, anxiety mounting as you realized he was taking you to your mother. 
What would she think now that you had lost everything? You and the Duke were finished, evidently. But you were still unmarried. You were still out in society. Could you even bear the shame of having been rejected by Arthur? Would any gentleman ever look at you again, or would Lord Barlow’s impatience reflect too negatively on you?
After what felt like an eternity, you reached the open doorway of the sitting room. You could see your mother chatting pleasantly inside, and fear gripped your chest as you realized you were about to shatter any semblance of peace she might be feeling right now.
“Maman!” yelled Louis angrily as he stormed into the room, still clutching your hand.
Your mother let out a startled gasp, bringing a hand to her chest.
“Louis, darling, you scared me! Charlotte and Edward are here,” she said warmly, assuming that you and your brother were having nothing more than another silly argument that would be resolved in a matter of minutes. 
But Louis was not in the mood for pleasantries. 
“Y/N and the Duke are finished,” he announced, slamming the Whistledown column on the table in the middle of the room. 
You sniffled as you saw the looks of confusion on your family’s faces, no longer crying but your breathing was still uneven.
“Pardon?” questioned Charlotte. “I don’t understand; I saw them dancing last night! She’ll be lucky to receive a proposal this week.”
“He’ll be lucky if I don’t kill him,” growled your brother. 
“Louis!” your mother snapped, appalled by his language. “That is not-”
But Louis quickly interrupted, reading directly from the sheet in front of him.
“And the Duke… Well, this author can say that he had a very productive evening, indeed. A quick trip to the private Bridgerton courtyard…”
As your brother read, you saw the faces in the room slowly turn from confused to horrified, and you couldn’t help the choked sob that escaped your lips. Your mother quickly reached out to you, holding you tightly to her as you cried into her dress.
“Bloody bastard,” said Edward, shaking his head once Louis was finished reading. No one commented on his strong language, given that it encapsulated exactly how everyone else was feeling. 
“Louis, go fetch your father,” ordered your mother, immediately falling into her protective mode. 
Without complaint, Louis nodded and headed toward your father’s office. 
"Y/N, my love, I do apologize terribly. We didn't catch a glimpse of anything last night," Charlotte insisted, sinking beside you on the settee.
"If I'd laid eyes on him in that courtyard last night, he'd be wishing he hadn't walked out of there," your mother grumbled with an edge to her voice.
Slightly unsure about how to react to three emotional women in one room who seemed ready to kill a man, Edward fidgeted while he decided what to do. Of course, he knew he wasn’t the duke you wanted to kill, but it couldn’t hurt to be on the safe side.
“Shall I ring for some tea? Yes, I think I’ll go fetch some tea,” he bumbled, awkwardly patting you on the head and making his escape toward the kitchen. 
As Charlotte stroked your hair and your mother held you in her arms, you heard your father’s footsteps storming down the hall. 
“Louis has explained everything,” Philippe said, crossing his arms as he entered the sitting room. “Y/N, you must go to the races today.”
You no longer had any prospects and all your father could think about were the horse races today. Was he serious? 
“I can’t!” you argued. “I’ll be a pariah! Everyone knows I’m the girl who couldn’t keep a Duke.” You choked back a sob. 
“What exactly happened between you two last night?” probed your mother, wanting to know just how badly your reputation was damaged. 
Lady Whistledown’s account did not implicate you in any way, but Catherine knew how vicious the ton could be. She needed to know what level of damage control would be necessary to secure your standing in society.
“Nothing!” you insisted, sniffling. “He said he liked my necklace, we danced, and he asked to go outside. I was unsure about whether he wanted to propose or… do whatever he ended up doing with Miss Barrington.”
Louis’ eyebrows shot up, disbelief and newfound anger taking over his features. “He asked you to go to the courtyard with him? Alone?”
“Surely you said no! That’s ridiculous!” exclaimed Charlotte, equally as upset.
“I told him I had a headache and couldn’t stay the rest of the evening,” you said, fiddling with the hem of your dress nervously. “I don’t know what I did wrong! Should I have gone with him? Did I lose my only chance at a proposal?”
“You’ve certainly done nothing wrong,” your father shot back firmly. “No daughter of mine would act in such a crass manner, and the Duke’s shortcomings are most definitely not a reflection on you. Nor us.”
Your mother sighed. “He’s right, dearest. The Duke is simply a man lacking in character, and now the ton knows he is not to be trusted. It’s a horrible thing, what he did. But you’re not at fault,” she insisted, looking at your father. “Which is why you must attend the races today.”
You groaned at the prospect of facing the ton with their judgmental stares and wagging tongues. What your parents were saying made sense, though. You rubbed your temples, frustrated that you were now in such a precarious social standing. 
Perhaps you had been right at the beginning of the season. Lord Barlow, along with Colin and Nigel and the rest of them, viewed women merely as breeding stock. There was nothing in it for you. No hope of romance, no hope of ever finding someone who could respect you. 
“If you stay home today everyone will wonder if you somehow were involved,” chimed in Charlotte, ignoring your glare. “If you go and act like nothing is wrong, you can prove that the Duke is nothing but a man with a debilitating lack of self-control.”
You looked around to the rest of your family, who all seemed to agree with your sister. 
However, seeing Edward walk back into the room followed by a lady’s maid carrying a tray, you tried one last time to get out of leaving your home today, or for the next three years.
“What about you, Edward? Do you think it’s a bad idea to go to the races today?”
“Oh, certainly not! In fact, it might be the best way to assure your future,” he said sympathetically. 
You threw your head back in frustration. He had probably heard the conversation as he walked up and didn’t want to disagree with the rest of your family, you thought glumly. Nevertheless feeling quite defeated, you slumped back in your seat and crossed your arms.
“Fine. I’ll go,” you conceded as if you even had a choice. 
The horrible feeling in your chest had subsided somewhat, but you were still devastated. At least your family was on your side. However, you were still feeling dreadfully embarrassed, and you knew being out in plain view today would only make it worse. 
“And you saw them?” asked Eloise, a disturbed look on her face as she walked toward the bustling paddock. 
Colin nodded, careful to keep his voice down. “I wish I could claw my eyes out. I think his tongue was so far down that-”
“Colin!” scolded Violet, failing to hide her small giggle at her son’s retelling of the previous night. 
“I’m sorry, Mother, but it was a horrific sight!” said Colin, also struggling to contain his laughter. 
But as soon as your family came into view, the Bridgertons sobered. It might have seemed funny at the moment, but Lord Barlow’s actions had the potential to ruin your future. It was doubtful that they would, since you were from a titled family and had done nothing wrong, but Colin could sense the whispers and pointed looks aimed at you as you walked toward the racetrack. 
“Oh, Y/N!” called Eloise, quickly leaving her family as she rushed to your side. “Colin’s just told me what happened. He found Lord Barlow in the courtyard last night! Are you alright?”
Colin felt a bit ashamed of himself for making light of the situation as he saw tears welling in your eyes at his sister's words. The regret gnawed at him; he wished he could have told you himself, or at least had his mother break the news more gently. Yet, time had been against them.
For all the sorrow he felt at seeing you hurt, a selfish part of him couldn't help but feel a flicker of relief that the impending marriage was off the table. But he quickly quashed that thought, not quite sure where it had come from and not caring to understand why he felt this way.
You blinked quickly to try to keep your tears from spilling as you looked at Eloise making her way to your side. Taking a few deep breaths, you grabbed onto her hand. Nodding at the rest of your family, you waited until they were a few paces ahead of you to answer Eloise.
“Oh, El, it’s dreadful,” you sniffled. “I don’t know what I did to lose him is the worst part. I can barely believe it. I thought it was Louis at first, trying to wind me up.”
Eloise cooed sympathetically. “I know, it must be horrible. I have no idea how he managed to get into our private courtyard. But at least he hadn’t proposed yet! Seeing the kind of man Lord Barlow is, it’s lucky that this happened now and not three months into your marriage.”
“I suppose,” you answered, not quite ready to see the positives in the situation yet. 
Suddenly, you heard snickering behind you and turned to see two women who looked to be your age pointing at you and talking in hushed tones. 
Turning around back to Eloise, you hissed, “The nerve! Why are they laughing at me? It’s Lord Barlow they should be laughing at.”
“I assume they would be if he was here.”
“He’s not here?”
“No one’s heard from him since last night,” Eloise remarked, linking her arm with yours as she guided you back to the stands. “And it’s all for the better. I daresay I might have given him a swift kick to the face if I laid eyes on him today.”
You chuckled, the first glimmer of lightness since reading Lady Whistledown this morning, thankful for Eloise’s friendship. Giving her arm a grateful squeeze, you found comfort in her mischievous smile.
“Our mothers are likely already planning the Duke’s demise as we speak,” she quipped, gesturing towards where your families were seated together.
But a deep weariness overtook you at the thought of being the subject of ton gossip for the next few days. “It’s all anyone’s going to be talking about for the next week, isn’t it?” you sighed.
Eloise’s heart twinged with empathy, knowing the delicate balance you now faced in the unforgiving eyes of society. She wished desperately that your worth wasn’t tied to another man’s title or fortune.
“Well, actually,” she began with a twinkle in her eye, “the real scandal will be that the beautiful Lady Y/N Montclair is still unclaimed by any suitor. You’re in a prime position to be selective now! It might just be a bit of fun.” 
You shot her a wry look. “How much more selective can I get than a duke?”
Eloise was intimately familiar with the high pressure you faced to get married. She knew that you had been preparing for this your entire life, but she also suspected you weren’t entirely aligned with your parents’ view of marriage. She had seen the uncertainty in your gaze whenever Lord Barlow walked away, the fluttering nerves you disguised as excitement.
“Tell me honestly,” she pressed gently. “Is there not a small part of you, deep down, that feels a sense of relief now that your courtship with the Duke has ended?”
Pausing thoughtfully, you mulled over her words. Maybe you weren’t actually as attached to Lord Barlow as you thought. After all, you weren’t upset that you had lost him, only that he had embarrassed you and that you had to begin your search for a husband anew. 
With a tentative smile, you nodded, admitting, “Just don’t let my mother hear you say that.”
Stepping onto the stands, you and Eloise quickly found your way to your families. Unfortunately, the only empty seats were next to Colin. You were tempted to turn around and leave, but Eloise placed a hand on your back and pushed you forward, forcing you next to your least favorite member of the ton. 
You unsuccessfully tried to hide your disdain as you sat next to Colin, who looked the picture of serenity. It made you unreasonably angry that he seemed completely unaffected by last night’s events while you had to face the social repercussions. 
“I’m sorry about Lord Barlow,” he spoke softly, a hint of sincerity in his voice that caught you off guard.
You hesitated, the anger in you momentarily waning as you looked at him. It was a rare moment of vulnerability from Colin Bridgerton, and you found yourself unexpectedly moved.
“I’m sure you are,” you shot back, tone more biting than you intended.
“Pardon?” Colin’s brow furrowed, a touch of offense creeping into his voice at your sharp retort.
“Oh, spare me,” you rolled your eyes, a familiar frustration you only felt around Colin coming back to you. “You expect me to believe you just happened upon the Duke and Miss Barrington? It’s a bit too convenient, don’t you think?”
Colin’s eyes widened, a flicker of hurt crossing his features before it was masked by indignation. Did you really think he was capable of something like that? Of making up a lie that would sabotage your future marriage to a duke? The thought stung more than he cared to admit.
“Other people saw them, you know,” he retorted, a hint of anger seeping into his words. “And I wouldn’t lie about something like that,” he snapped.
The two of you had spent enough time that he was thoroughly offended that you thought so lowly of him. You were just entrenched in your grudge against him and refused to budge. He regretted trying to be agreeable at all. 
“Really?” You raised an eyebrow skeptically, feeling your own anger rise in response. “So they just magically appeared in your private courtyard without being given access?”
Colin opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat. He was too angry, too upset that you thought so lowly of him.
“Fine,” he finally bit out, his jaw clenched. “Believe what you will.”
Colin turned away, unable to face you any longer. His reputation among the ton be damned; why did you think he was some kind of monster? He supposed he hadn’t made a good case for himself, tormenting you whenever possible, but he was still furious that you were acting like Lord Barlow’s actions were somehow his fault. Why was he chronically unable to be in your good graces?
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yeeterthek33per · 3 months
Kissin' and Kickin' Charm (Glódís Perla Viggósdóttir x reader)
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A/n not requested, but this woman does not get the love she deserves, so I'm making it happen.
Munich is a hell of a lot different than home.
Of course, you expected that, you aren't stupid...
Not entirely anyway.
There's a charm to the city. A much different one than the small Texan town you're used to, but it's a homely charm, if any.
A much broader, explorative city with ins and outs, beautiful buildings, and on the outskirts, something you've come to realise you feel more at home in than the city, areas with wide open flatlands and albeit manmade, forested areas.
It's definitely a big city, with many towns and a lot of diverse structuring.
It's a lot.
But it's your new home.
At least for the next three years, anyway.
You imagine yourself at home in the ranch right now.
Kicking up dirt, green grass and if you're really lucky, mud and puddles. All of that on your horse, Sweets, that you got for your tenth birthday.
In fact, you'd be there right now, at home on the ranch, if it wasn't for one teeny tiny detail.
For whatever reason, that was the sport your child brain picked to become your newest obsession. Except, it never stopped being that way. You lived and breathed it.
It surprised the hell out of your parents.
They'd never imagined their little, quiet, leather boots, horseback riding, ranch loving daughter kicking around a soccer ball.
But that's what you wanted.
And that's what you did in your spare time.
At first, they were adamant you didn't play it. They refused, insisting that if you wanted to get into any sport, it had to be either American football or horse riding.
But after sneaking home a ball to boot around for the umpteenth time, they relented, letting you take it on.
And take it on, you did.
It got to the point where you were severely outclassing the only all boys teams in your tiny town.
Enough so that someone visiting, who happened to have the right associations, scouted you for the youth academy in Houston.
You went up through the academy, which survived despite the rise and fall of the women's league in the US several times.
Eventually, you were contracted for the first time at eighteen.
It was a big deal.
Small town girl makes her first appearance for the big leagues and despite your parents earlier disappointment in your choice of career, they were now prouder than ever watching you take on the world.
Of course, with that growth, came your first call up to the national team at age nineteen.
That little tidbit had your Mama crying harder than the day you were born. She couldn't have been prouder to see you represent your country.
Playing amongst the likes of legends like Tobin Heath, Heather O'Reilly and even Abby Wambach for a short period, you thrived.
The immense pressure was nothing like you'd ever felt, and you loved it.
Even as reserved as you are, you love a good challenge.
With the call-up, the demand to have you increased, and eventually, at the age of twenty-four, you, rather tearfully, said goodbye to the Dash and moved to Portland to join your national teammates, Sonnett and Horan.
You've spent the past four years there, although you aren't the biggest fan of the city life. You loved the soccer fanbase.
The thorns are well loved by the people in the city and some of the greatest players you've known, to date, play for them.
Of course, playing with the greatest players of all time means you yourself catch the attention of overseas scouters.
It's not the first time it's happened.
Every year, you get calls from your manager letting you know about the offers from clubs in countries you'd never dreamed of seeing before.
That being said, you'd always turned them down, not wanting to leave your home country just yet.
Until now, that is.
When the offer from FC Bayern came through, you just knew.
You knew you had to do it, had to take that chance.
"So what do we say, Y/n?"
"... Tell I'm in if they've got a heated pitch and air-conditioning."
Had your manager chuckling at that.
Taking the time to dig into the team a bit, you end having a look at the team list.
You know the names of a few of the players there, but you'd not formally met them yet, only meeting them once or twice on the pitch.'
One name stuck out in particular though.
Of course it did, she's the captain.
Your new captain.
But there's something you admire about the Icelandic woman that immediately grabs at your soul and you end up taking the time to look up her highlights.
The perseverance, the constant drive to do better and to lift up her teammates around her.
The perfect defence with constant push and pull, defensive manoeuvres and just an overall brick wall of a woman.
The perfect captain.
So when you meet her for the first time, you're a little starstruck.
Sure, you'd done your research in advance, but actually meeting the sweetly voiced Nordic woman has you anxious in your boots beyond measure.
When Glódís meets the new signing, she's a little thrown off.
She knew you were American, that you were from Texas and that you most likely had a very different upbringing to the lifestyle you lived now, but the immediate southern charm that flows through your natural southern drawl has her a little flustered.
She doesn't expect the charming smile or the way you call her ma'am and warmly shake her hand, expressing, rather sheepishly, your excitement to meet her.
"It's lovely meetin' you, Ma'am. I've heard a lot about everything you've done for this club and your country. It's incredible, actually, not to sound too much like I'm kissin' up here, but really."
Your head ducks a little, cheeks reddening at your own rambling.
It's adorable, she decides.
"You talk me up a lot for someone of her own incredible skill."
Her smile widens at the way your cheeks darken further under her teasing compliment.
"Oh, I mean, that's... it's not everything I want to achieve. It feels like I've had it a little easier than a lot of the ladies I've seen and played with and known personally. I'm just excited to be here and to get to be a part of something this big. With y'all, at that."
"We're glad to have you on board with us, then. I think you'll fit right in here. The girls have been begging me to let them in the door for the past thirty minutes while you were doing the contract signing."
She gestures to the windowed door to the room, which, with a quick glance, you spot the eagerly waiting players, grinning and waving like kids at you.
It makes you feel a little more anxious now.
Such big names in German and international football and here they are, giddily waiting for you to finish your media duties and finally get to meet little old you.
It feels surreal.
When you turn back to the captain, she's already smiling warmly back at you, and after the okay from you and the management in the room, they let them in.
It's almost too much, the way they all excitedly introduce themselves despite in many cases not having to, with the way you get flustered as you know them well already, having maybe, quite possibly also looked the rest of them up in a bit more detail, purely out of nervousness.
Also, the friendliness of it all.
Normally, with new signings at Portland, it always felt super cold and competitive, definitely a lot colder in the introductions, done during training rather than in a room on the campus.
Of course, after a couple of months, the players did warm up to you, but there's always the cold air about the veterans on the team, all of them wary of you and your abilities.
Always the stress of having your position on the team ousted by the new and shiny youngins for so much as running the wrong way.
Here, in Munich, Germany, in the clubs training facility, in a meeting room, your new clubs teammates welcome you with warm open arms, an air of bubbly enthusiasm and many, many hugs rather than the cold and firm handshakes you're used to.
You recognise a few of them, particularly Magdalena, a regular opponent from Sweden and her national teammate Linda, as well as of course, the German players, the English player, Georgia and Jill Baijings, a member of the Dutch National Team you'd faced just months before at the World Cup.
Regardless of the rivalry held at the international level, they're surprisingly warm, quickly dragging you into hugs themselves.
At least, it's surprising for you.
It feels different here.
It is different here.
You find yourself leaning into it more and more, the more you chat with the team.
It goes on for an hour or so before you're dragged away for more media duties.
The girls are rather reluctant to let their new friend go, waving you goodbye with warm smiles, but small pouts as their chuckling captain ushers them from the room, leaving you with one last grin and a wink that sends heat to your cheeks and shivers down your spine.
You'll be damned.
That just happened.
"She's so cute! I love her accent. She's so sweet with the way she talks too."
The gushing from Giulia is quickly resounded by the other's around her.
"Right? The way she kept calling us Ma'am and Miss. It's too sweet. And her accent, it's so smooth."
"Oh my god, I know Americans aren't the most well known for being nice to listen to, but I listen to her talk all day."
"She's really good too, I've seen her highlights."
There's a few small gasps and protests from around the room.
"Oi! Syd! Why haven't you shown us yet?"
"Hold on, let me just -"
"Guys! Seriously, what the hell are you doing? I've been looking for you for ages. Put the phone away, you all have training to do."
The resounding voice in the changeroom comes from a stern looking Glódís. She's normally quite gentle toned with them, but they were taking far too long to get out on the pitch, leaving their captain wondering where the hell half her team was.
"But we want to see how good Y/n is, Syd's got the highlights here."
"No, you can see how good she is when she joins us for training after her medical assessment. Now come on, or you'll be running laps for making the rest of the team wait on you all."
There's groans of disappointment, but to their rather swift credit, they do promptly exit the changeroom and make their way to the pitch where an also stern looking Alexander Straus is waiting for them, the team's manager, followed closely by Glódís, who's small smile contradicts her rolling eyes and annoyed head shaking.
When you do join them, you're quickly grabbed by Glódís, the captain having unofficially ruled that any new signings get paired with her first to properly welcome them to the team, and to also get them settled into her captaincy style and to adapt them to the dynamic of the team.
It's a way to get you properly integrated into the very familial like nature of it all.
Glódís seems very much like the mother of the team. All of them best friends but very much like siblings and but a few of the other older women taking the younger one's under their wings as parental figures on their own.
You figure it as a way to keep some semblance of structure amongst the chaos of the team.
The captain, it seems, is at the head of this, ensuring all of them work well together, the team is lifted for their triumphs, and picked back up with every miscalculated cross and shot, and dragged back onto their feet after every tackle or mistimed step.
Training with Glódís is intense, a good kind of intense. You find yourself enjoying the calculated, focused nature of her defensive manoeuvring.
But it's also warm, the occasional chatter between you leaving you both laughing at the other person's jokes and small mishaps as you settle in.
Her giggles are nothing if not contagious, and you can't help the grin that grows more and more the more you spend time with her.
It doesn't go unnoticed by the others, them taking note of the way their normally much more drill oriented captain has relaxed a bit.
Of course, she's friendly, smart, smiley and very much welcoming, but she's never been this laid back during drills, especially not when she's always expecting to set precedents with the new signings.
But this was definitely different to that.
The lingering touches, hip bumps and tone of laughter are different from the ones she's always held with the rest of the team. It's a little lighter, more giggly and full of a tone they themselves hadn't heard from her.
It was startling to see, nearly.
Glódís was... flirting?
Intentional or not, they didn't know, but it was definitely a flirty tone.
Not that you could tell, bless your oblivious self. You had no idea.
You matched the tone of lightness, of course. But you weren't picking up on everything else, thinking she's just naturally like that.
A very friendly captain.
The other girls know otherwise though, and the knowing looks they share later when your cute celebration after managing to meg the brick wall of a captain has her smirking slightly at your adorableness.
One thing she notices is that the more excited you get, the more your accent comes out.
It's adorable, she realises.
The second training isn't much different to the first.
You don't pay it much attention outside of friendliness, but Glódís takes a quick liking to you, now having claimed you for all paired warmups and drills.
Occasionally, you get stolen away every once in a while, leaving you feeling very much like the cool kid on the block.
There's something else, though.
It's in the way the Icelander smiles at you. It's in the way she hugs you every time you score in a mini game.
You brush it off, thinking, once again, she's just being friendly.
But it's a thought that sits in the back of your mind anyway.
You feel like it's a glimmer of hope. You're not sure what for or why but it's there.
Maybe it's a sign of a great friendship blooming.
That's what it is.
Ever since that, it's been amazing training with the team.
Your first match is just weeks after signing.
Your first minutes come as a sub for Klara in the sixtieth minute.
And it's not too long after that that you score your first goal for the club against Leipzig.
It's a beauty too.
A long range effort after a foward pass to Pernille is rebounded back to you.
It was an accident really.
You were aiming for the head of Lea but instead it curls a little more than you intend it to and it bends into the upper right corner of the netting, far past the outstretched gloves of the Swiss keeper, Elvira Herzog.
It feels a little silly, but you can't help the blush when you feel your captain hug you super tightly and lift you up in celebration.
"Let's go, that's our girl!"
It's been two months with the team and two and a half living in Germany. You've got a small cottage in the outer district of Munich, with enough yard to set up small drills and other various exercises.
There's been plenty of outings for you, finding yourself socialising far more than you used to back in Portland.
You don't hate it, though.
The whole team has been nothing but sweet to you, and it seems they're already attached, each player having dragged you on outings themselves, whether it be individually or with groups of them.
You're not sure why they've taken quite such a liking, but you think it might have something to do with the fact they keep asking questions for you and you alone to answer, or just anything to get you to talk, really.
You don't mind it. Bless 'em.
They're already like family to you.
Tonight is no different when it comes to being dragged to outings and team bonding nights.
Only this time, it's to a club in central Munich, having been allowed a little freedom given they dont a match this weekend. You yourself don't drink much, but some of the other girls do, so they've let loose, of course, under the watch of their captain and a few of the older girls acting as designated drivers.
There's a small nudge to your shoulder where you're leaning against a standing table.
"Hey you."
You'd recognise that sweet voice anywhere, humming as you turn to the suddenly appeared Glódís at your side.
"Well, hello, having fun there, Sweetheart?"
Glódís' lips perk up at your words.
She takes a glance at the cup in your hand.
"Not drinking much? You can let loose a bit tonight, I'm letting you guys off the hook for tomorrow's training. Once in a lifetime opportunity L/n."
She winks at you, and you smile at her, amused.
You shake your head when she nods towards your still half full glass of vodka and soda.
"Nah, I want to be able to get up tomorrow, training or not."
She chuckles, nodding in agreement.
"Oh, to be young and dumb enough to drink like that once upon a time."
"Don't say it like that. You're only twenty-eight."
You huff playfully.
"Please, you and I both know neither of us would make it out alive if we-"
She cuts herself off, gesturing to the very rowdy girls taking another round of shots.
"Well... you're not wrong. To being old and susceptible to hangovers."
She giggles, and you hold out your glass towards hers, meeting her in the middle with a small clink and you both take a sip, her eyes never leaving yours.
"Woah there grandma. Not too hard now."
As you go to take another sip.
Rolling your eyes affectionately, you nudge her.
Turning back towards the group, you groan watching them take another round of shots.
"Oh sweet baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. How the hell are we gettin' them home."
She pats your head with a small chuckle.
"With a lot of herding and the good old divide and conquer, cowgirl."
Then she moves off to go find Pernille and Magda on the other side of the room.
"You know, you and Glódís would be a super adorable couple."
A pair of arms wrap around your neck as a very drunk Sarah hangs onto you for stability, hear head leaning on your shoulder, and your arm moves to hold onto her so she doesn't hit the floor.
"Sarah, little miss, it's really cute that you wanna include me, but you know I don't speak German."
"One, I'm older than you, Two, sucks to be you."
A poke to the cheek following that, as she sticks out her tongue.
"Aren't you taking German classes anyway?"
"Yeah, but doesn't mean I understand the dialect of drunken soccer player yet."
She pouts at you before grumbling and resting her head back on it's spot on your shoulder.
"What I said was, you and Glódís would make a good couple."
Your cheeks immediately flame up, and your whole body tenses, wondering if you even heard the Austrian right.
You clear your throat softly.
"What makes you say that?"
"You're already attached at the hip like no other. I've never seen her like this with anyone else. Even her old friend, Karólína."
"She's probably just missin' her then, Sar"
"If you say so."
It's just about mumbled into your shirt and you're beginning to realise that despite the pumping music, she's starting to exhaust pretty quickly with the way she's leaning further and further into you until you have to sit her down in one of the teams half occupied booths where she settles into another teammates arms.
With a small chuckle, you leave her to it, them saying they'd be heading out soon anyways and would take her home.
As you return to your spot at the table, you can't help but think back on what she said.
Despite her inebriation, what she said held weight in your mind.
And it ends with you eyeing up the woman through the small crowd over the lip of your drink.
You catch her looking back several times, each time sheet meets your eye, you think you imagine it, but her eyes crinkle a bit, and her smile gets a little brighter.
"You know, if you keep looking at her like that, she might catch onto you there, Glódí."
She knows she's not being subtle, but she can't help the way her eyes drift over to you.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Schülli."
"I think you do."
Glódís bites her lower lip as she watches you set the very drunk Sarah down by Sam and Linda (The Swedish one) before moving back to where you were, carefully watching over the girls on the dance floor.
It seems, with even just a few months with the team, you're already looking out for them like your own.
When you make eye contact with her for the fourth time in ten minutes, she smiles just that little bit more, which you quickly match.
Though, it seems, she doesn't expect the wink you send with it.
She raises a brow at you, ducking under the cover of her glass, hoping the purple hue of the lighting masks her slightly flushed cheeks.
"Wow, she has got you already, hasn't she?"
"Shut up."
The defender quickly turns away from your direction so the striker doesn't have get given any more fuel and gives her an annoyed but small shove to the shoulder, a slight frown marring her features.
"I think you should go for it, Glódí, she clearly has something for you."
"And what if she says no? Then what? Another friendship here ruined?"
Lea pauses for a minute, watching her, as her head ducks and her cheeks flare up at the admission.
"You mean... Ka"
Glódís swiftly nods, shushing the forward.
"Is that why she hasn't-"
She nods again.
The tips of her ears burn in shame under the taller German's gaze.
She hadn't meant to bring it up, but it just slipped out.
Karólína hadn't exactly reacted badly as such, but things between them haven't been the same since then, and with her being on loan now, they really spoken, if at all.
It still hurt, the look in her eyes as she tried her best to let her best friend down gently. Even then, months later, after the international break together, it still hurt.
After that, she'd sworn off dating teammates.
Hence, she hesitates to even think about pursuing anything with you.
She can't help the pang of hope she gets when you smile so brightly at her, though.
The sweet, charming, smooth tone you hold with her.
The way you hold her just a little bit longer and tighter than you do with the others.
But that's what she thought with Karólína, too.
And she was oh so wrong there.
So what's stopping her from being wrong now, right?
"That's why it can't happen, Lea. I'm not going through that again. I can't risk losing her or risk the team possibly being affected by it."
Lea smiles sympathetically at her captain, hand resting on her shoulder with a small squeeze.
It's silent between them for a few moments before the blonde speaks up again.
"Then don't worry about it. Now come on, I think it's time we get this rowdy lot home, it's nearing midnight."
Glódís sighs in appreciation and nods, looking over to the singing and dancing group of players followed by her gaze ultimately drifting over to you once more, returning the familiar warm smile she receives.
"Alright, come on, time for you to go to bed, little miss."
There's a small giggle from the drunkenly slurring blonde as you walk her up to her front door, your hands rifling her pockets for her keys.
"You're so cute."
Giulia pokes your cheek with one finger, and you roll your eyes, ignoring the flush creeping up your neck when you hear Glódís' muffled laughter behind you.
You'd turn to give her a glare but you're a bit preoccupied.
"And you are very inebriated."
Finally acquiring the keys from her back pocket, which she giggles again and wiggles her eyebrows at you for, earning herself another eyeroll as you drag her inside finally.
"You sure you got her there?"
The amused chuckle from the doorway makes you groan as she watches your stubborn self herd the blonde woman, currently letting herself lean completely on you, into her bedroom to at least encourage her to bed for the night.
"I am perfectly capable, thank you."
You're sure she doesn't believe that, but you believe it enough yourself to give up and let the now giggling woman help you as she observes on your masterpiece of drunk person wrangling.
Said drunk person now dead weight in your arms whining about not wanting to go to bed yet, to which you just plop her on the mattress finally and despite her protests, she's asleep in seconds.
Turning to Glódís triumphantly, you catch her amused smirk.
"Yeah yeah, real funny. I'd like to see you do that."
She shrugs, shaking her head.
"You're the one that insisted on bringing her in yourself, without help."
Grumbling, you make sure Giulia is fully on the bed before dropping her keys by the door and exiting and locking it on the way out.
Now, the both of you are stood in the darkness outside, with the last of the girls dropped home already, a collaborative effort thanks to Pernille, Magda, both Lindas and Jovana.
It's just you and her, now.
It's a cool winter night, nearing the end of the season but still cold enough that you're half shivering in front of the older woman.
You're both silent, your eyes drifting over her features lit up under the faint glow of the street lamp.
You swear, she gets even prettier every day.
The subtle but sharp line of her jaw, the way her hair almost glows under the moonlight, and the soft pink tint to her cheeks from the cold all have your heart beating a little quicker.
The way her eyes sparkle as they scan yours from across the porch.
The way her lips quirk up slightly under your gaze, brow raising just a bit.
"You okay?"
Her words snap you out of your assessment, and you hum softly, quickly recovering.
"Just a little tired, let's get on home then, Darlin?"
She nods and turns to head towards her car.
It doesn't surprise her when you jog ahead of her to open the driver side door for her, having done it every single time now since leaving the club.
"Such a gentlewoman."
Apparently, she hadn't grown tired of it yet, so that's a start.
It's a soft teasing tone that you poke your tongue out at her at before jumping in the passenger side.
On the drive out to your place outside of the city, her arm rests on the centre console, lined up next to yours as you hum along to the song on the radio, gazing out the window but also occasionally glancing over at her, scanning her side profile.
If she can feel your gaze on her, she doesn't really react.
It remains quiet for most of the drive, with the occasional hum or murmur along with the music.
It's not an awkward silence, but one you both need after tonight's activities.
Every so often, your pinkies brush, and every time they do, there's a small jolt of electricity that shoots up you arm from where they meet.
The moment you're in your own driveway, you bid her a soft and sweet thanks with a gentle nudge and give her a small wink and wave as she pulls way again.
She's thankful you're not there to hear her most likely audible heart beating in her chest the rest of the way home again.
Her heart racing at everything you do doesn't stop that night.
In fact, it gets worse.
It feels like everything you do has it beating beyond her rib cage.
It frustrates her, actually.
Every time she gets placed on something she needs full focus and attention for, she's been perfect for, but if you're there next to her?
Forget it.
Media duties?
Sitting next to you, she can feel your leg occasionally brush hers, arms brushing on the table every time you set it down from making gestures and whatnot.
Coach speeches during half time?
It's like you're doing it on purpose knowing she can't focus when you're standing behind her, hands resting on her shoulders, warmth radiating against her back with how close you are.
At one point, she's convinced you are doing it on purpose when she looks back and up at you, head tilted to make eye contact with you with a brow kinked up as you look down at her with a small smirk and a wink.
The more it goes, the less she knows how to function around you.
Individual post game interviews?
Even with you just moving around her doing various interviews with different journalists. A small brush of shoulders here, a hand gliding across her lower back as you move past her there.
At this rate, she feels like she's drowning in you and she's not even trying to move away.
Paired up interviews?
It feels like she's at her wits end with this one.
You're brought in together for a two-on-one interview for some football media page she can't remember the name of. There, seated on a couch, you're not even really doing anything. Except for the arm you have over the back of the lounge, resting just behind her head.
You aren't seated so close that you're pressed together. But you are close enough she can smell your perfume and it's making her head spin a little.
Hell, she feels like she should be used to hearing you speak by now, but it still has her feeling like she can't think properly with you around.
How she plans on surviving this, she doesn't know, but all she knows if she doesn't do something, she's going to lose her mind.
You know you shouldn't do it.
There's not even a guarantee she likes you back right?
Still, you can't help teasing her a little.
She doesn't confront you about it, she doesn't tell you to stop and as far as you can tell, she's not uncomfortable.
Your captain has always been verbal about how she's feeling when she's talking to people...
But she never leans away from you, only ever receiving a flushed face or an eye brow in response at most.
You can tell it's flustering her though.
By the way she's so quick to hide her reddened cheeks.
It's in the most adorable way that she rolls her eyes at your teasing comments when she scores a pretty good goal.
Small touches here and there, innocent touches. Nothing more than brushes and occasional times of brushing away grass from her face after particularly rough tackles.
The soft smile and drawl flowing from you asking how she's holding up makes it worth it.
Even though you may not be able to kiss her, her smile? Totally worth it.
Glódís feels like she's at her breaking point right about now.
When she's getting distracted during a game, a champions league game at that, that's a major problem.
You're both lined up for offence on a free kick when you're pressed in between her and an opposition player while she pressures the player in front.
It takes one brush of your hands on her waist and she's distracted long enough to miss jumping for the header on time.
Instead, you make it to the header, the ball flying into the back of the net as you take off running in celebration, having broken the deadlock in the final minute of stoppage.
Which turns into celebrations of the win the moment the whistle blows for full time and you're piled on for saving the teams chances at a spot in the quarter final over PSG.
The screams of the home crowd are drowned out as she waits impatiently for the end of her on field media duties.
Being the captain sucked sometimes, but it had to be done.
The moment she's free, she's jogging straight over to you and you're being dragged away off the field before you can even realise what's happening.
You had your own media duties, ones that you were currently shirking right now not being out there.
The moment you realise it's Glódís, the protests you had ready die in your throat, left with minor confusion the further down the obscure hallways she drags you until you're both in a secluded area and you're shoved into a broom closet with the door slammed shut behind both of you.
"What's goin-"
It takes all of a moment for her to grab you by the collar and slam you against the door leaving you a little winded and confused.
"Whatever it is you're doing, needs to stop. You're driving me crazy."
"What are you-"
"Don't play dumb with me, every time you so much as come near me, you brush past me, you so much as stand near me, I can't think and it's like you damn well know it, too."
It suddenly clears up there. You definitely didn't weren't doing it entirely on purpose.
Well, maybe.
Okay, it may have been a little on purpose, but you had no idea she was this affected.
"Look, I can stop if it's making you uncomfortable but Glódís... I... I kind of really like you and..."
Well that changes things.
You actually like her?
You weren't just teasing her?
Before you can say much else, her hands cup your face and her lips are on yours in one movement.
Anticipating the action, your arms are around her in an instant, pulling her as close to you as possible, her body hot against yours despite the almost raging cold out on the pitch.
Her hands are firm on your face not letting you go for even a second, her lips fervent and sure as they move with yours.
It's only when you pull away for air that she finally relaxes into your hold for the first time.
Your hands are pressed into her lower back, hers now pressed into your shoulders as she looks slightly down at you, being just shorter than her by an inch.
The two of you just breathe for a moment, taking the moment in.
"You know. If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to was ask, Sweetheart."
She huffs.
"You're infuriating, you know that?"
There's a small guffaw on your face after that.
"What did I do?"
She almost believes the innocent look on your face.
The small upturn of your lips let's her know otherwise though.
"What didn't you do?"
And she kisses you again, slower and more tender this time, slowly pressing you back into the wall, slotting herself easily between your legs.
With your chest pressed to hers, you can finally feel the way her heart races, and she can finally feel yours, too.
There's always been something about you.
Guess it's just part of your charm.
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sgiandubh · 4 months
@outlanderskin :"For those who have doubts: just research a little about Caitríona's dating history. See how she treated Dave and James and how she talked about them in interviews. See how she wrote about the Irish boyfriend she had in Paris in that article. Compare all of this to the impersonal way she treats or talks about Tony. Bingo🙃"
Good point 👌
Dear Good Point Anon,
You know, it's really serendipitous, as I have just finished a weeklong deep dive in very, very old press articles on (or at least mentioning) S and C, who clearly had a life before OL, thinking it would be nice to put some of my archive work skills to good service.
I think @outlanderskin was referring to C's New York Times article I reviewed and analyzed last summer, but I just found way better: a very long report in the Irish Independent's Sunday issue of July 11, 2004, focused on the next generation of Irish supermodels. Of which there could be only one, at that time: C, who dominates Roxanne Parker's 'Through Thick and Thin".
I am sorry, there is no link available to my knowledge, so we'll have to work with these very poor xerox scans:
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I took the liberty of generously using my dreaded highlighter and, for the people who need to translate this post with Google, I am now taking my time to type what I find damn interesting in this almost twenty-year old article:
'If Ireland ever has a hope of having its own supermodel, then Caitriona Balfe is it. Sitting in the Pink Pony Café on Ludlow Street in New York, Caitriona swirls a wad of bread into her carrot and coriander soup while informing me that her musician boyfriend just brought her a breakfast-in-bed of cream eclairs and coffee a little over an hour ago. But that doesn't stop Caitriona from finishing her lunch and chasing it with a large cocoa-dusted cappuccino. Ebony-tressed and ivory-skinned, Caitriona clip-clops down the cobbled street after we leave the cafe, heading towards her apartment in Chinatown with Dave Mailone (sic!), the boyfriend, in tow.'
This reads, in 2024, like an interview with a more benevolent C clone from a totally different planet, indeed. A young, carefree, in love and hysterically funny C, who apparently had no problem heavily dishing out happy tidbits of her private life to her home country's press. A C also very much reminiscing anyone with a brain of the 2013-2018 bantering C, as this quote shows:
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Again, you'll have to indulge me retyping it, Anon (tedious, I know - but helpful). She is remembering her real breakthrough, in November 2002, at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, in New York:
That was the most I've ever been paid for a show. I've got 18,000 euros for one day's work! They made me get a spray tan before the show, and I was still the whitest and the least well-endowed girl in the entire show! So what did she have to wear on the big day? `Not a whole lot! I think I described my outfit on the day as something Wilma Flintstone would wear on her honeymoon night. There wasn't a whole lot to it and it had bits of fur hanging off it.'
And, for good measure, we even have a (admittedly, awful) picture with the season's fiancé, with whom things did not end well:
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I know, it looks like a Pravda pic, circa 1957 and I am honestly sorry. But it's still very clear. And, which is more important, very eloquent.
Anon and reader, you draw your own conclusions on this. I know where I stand. The only guy C has similar pics taken with and released in the press or on social media is the peasant some love to bash every single day in here. Their problem, not mine.
Yes, of course Mordor will yell and hiss. Of course they will throw rotten tomatoes at the blunt knife and scream THIS IS OLD. But hey, do you have any better than this poor (but oh, so endearingly authentic) picture or than any given S&C pic before the fucking EFH and IFH, when she gradually started to turn into today's Reclusive, Restrained and Rarefied Greta Garbo wannabe?
Oh, and please: don't give me the 'he's shy' or the paperwork crap again. Her public persona has drastically changed, and not for the better. It's plain to see and there are reasons for this.
Who's to blame? This question is so wrong, in so many ways.
The question should be 'what's to blame?'
I'll stop here, Anon and I hope it was somewhat useful. Thank you for dropping by.
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wildgeese98 · 3 months
I'm sorry but at this point how can anyone honestly think "Chester" is trying to warn Sam away from the Magnus Institute? The red canary case did seen like a warning on a surface level but it was also the thing that got him looking into the institute in the first place. I think someone or something knew enough about Sam to know he would immediately start looking into the Magnus Institute if it just happened to come up on his first day working in the creepy story mines.
It also, for the record, knew enough about Gwen to send her exactly the piece of info she needed so go after Lena. And knew enough about Lena to send the exact thing that would get her to promote Gwen.
It knew Colin was the only person who knew they are being listened to. It knew enough about Colin to know that he was the one person who might know enough about the program to pose a threat. And it knew how to push his buttons to drive him to the point where he would be forced to leave.
It even seemed to know which voice would unnerve Celia the most. And possibly gave a statement connected to her background/ origins in this universe. This probably made her more open to looking into things with Sam, further egging on his search.
Something is continuing to feed Sam tidbits about the Institute. It's stringing him along and pulling him in. When he was ready to give it up, here comes "Chester" unprompted with a new Magnus institute related case. And now guess who's GOING TO THE DAMN BURNED DOWN RUINS!? these are not warnings, they are deliberate bread crumbs leading Sam exactly where someone wants him to be.
Meanwhile everyone else is being fucked with to some degree, with the exception of Alice. Although her "I do not see it" powers might make her immune.
None of this is an accident! Strings are being pulled! We just don't know why or by who. Are the Archives Boys really in the computer and trying to lead Sam to the Institute for some unknown reason? Is there perhaps some other, possibly malevolent force that's stolen their voices and memories and is using them to draw Sam in for its own unsavory purposes? Only time will tell!
All I know is, the only one trying to warn Sam about anything is Alice and he has for the most part not been listening.
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dangerpronebuddie · 15 days
Tease Tidbit Tuesday!!
Tagged by @tizniz @loveyouanyway who wrote WONDERFUL stuff y'all should show some love!! 💜🩵
It feels like I haven't been doing a lot of these tag games lately, but now that school is finished (I passed!!! 🥳) I can get back to writing! A lot of my projects are just not vibing right now, but I hope to have this done this week. Once again, I apologize:
“Honey, he's just as likely to get hurt as you are,” she points out. “I just worry about Christopher. He needs stability, and you've been on your own for so long." "And I can't handle it, right?" Eddie scoffs, turning to face her. He doesn't want to have this conversation. But he's tired. Tired of missing what he can't get back. Tired of feeling like he needs to justify his every decision. Tired of being a failure. "I never said you couldn't," she protests. He shakes his head in disbelief. "That is all you ever say." "Eddie," she says, like she wants him to see reason. "Remember the night I told you we were moving?" Eddie asks. "How you sat there and berated Shannon for leaving, and me for staying, and the fact I was somehow incapable of raising my own son?" "I was angry at Shannon for leaving you-" "You don't get to be angry at her," he bites. Not even he can find the strength to anymore. "Her mom needed help. And I left first! Why is it different when I did it?" "Because you're my son," she says with a helpless shrug. "And Christopher is mine," he almost growls. "I was doing everything I could for him and you wanted to take him away from me!" "I didn't-" "That's why I know you are going to do what is right for him," Eddie recites, "don't drag him down with you, Eddie."
(tags under the cut. And please let me know if you want to be added/ removed)
Absolutely no pressure tagging:
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thekristen999 @daffi-990
@kitteneddiediaz @wikiangela @steadfastsaturnsrings @ronordmann @fortheloveofbuddie
@actuallyitsellie @exhuastedpigeon @spagheddiediaz @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@hippolotamus @diazsdimples @rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @smallandalmosthonest
@daniwib @jshadow01 @shipperqueen6 @idealuk @misshiss727
@lunarspark-cos @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @orangeboxfox92 @thegeekcompanion
@emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx and anyone else who wants to share!! 🩷🥰
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ofspacecrafts · 26 days
Didn’t know if I was going to wade into this territory but you know what , why not ?
I have thoughts about why Buck & Tommy are so appealing to some of us (me) , more than Buck’s other relationships.
I’m going to break it down .
Abby is introduced first on the show , so the audience has a connection with her. I like Abby & having familiarity with Connie Britton made me like her more.
I enjoyed Abby’s relationship with Buck at first.
I liked both characters separately so on my first watch as a casual viewer of a new show I was like ok this is cute but that’s all it was.
I didn’t really feel chemistry there.
But they never compelled me. I was indifferent to her leaving and wasn’t sad to see their relationship end. (Only felt bad for Buck)
On my rewatch , the relationship felt weird to me. I’m not sure if I was biased knowing how it ended or not but I enjoyed it less the second time around.
The flirting was cute but we didn’t see enough of them actually together.
Her character existed to be saved by Buck and date him . When it’s obvious that that is a character’s role and they don’t have any individual arc, it doesn’t create a relationship I care about.
I appreciated her honesty in why she broke up with him instead of ghosting or leading him on.
But it was a half hearted portrayal that I don’t think anyone expected to be endgame .
Taylor and Buck actually had some chemistry. I loved their flirting and their banter.
I don’t hate Taylor the way a lot of people do.
I thought she was an interesting character and liked how they played off each other.
Taylor was fleshed out and a real fully developed character and I enjoyed her arc.
But as Buck’s love interest I think the seed was planted early on that her ambition would always come first.
And honestly, after he kissed Lucy I’m not sure I blame her?
There was some chemistry but it still wasn’t ever enough for me to root for them .
I wish they stayed friends because I did love their dynamic.
There’s not much to say here except that I actually think Buck and Lucy had great chemistry and if their relationship started differently and the show had decided to go that direction when she was introduced I definitely could’ve seen myself rooting for them .
Honestly her character just felt so flat to me and it was very very obvious she was filler.
There was no chemistry and I never considered her a legitimate option.
Which brings us to Tommy.
To be honest, before my rewatch I didn’t even remember who Tommy was. So watching 7x03 I thought he was brand new.
He was compelling right away, on his own . The deadpan humor, the fake mouth static , flying into a hurricane for his friends.
In 7x04 right away I was like wait… are they flirting ??? The chemistry was so there.
We find out about Tommy’s interests , see little tidbits of his personality throughout 7x04 culminating in the conversation at Buck’s apartment and the kiss.
The way 7x05 and the date was handled was so interesting to me. The situation was so well thought out and the way we see Buck act here is something I don’t think we’ve seen since Abby. Buck acknowledging his feelings in a very real and nuanced way.
Ever scene Tommy was in from 7x03-05 made me want to get to know him as a character, separately from his relationship with Buck .
In order to actually care about a relationship you have to care about both characters separately first !
The chemistry during their kiss and the coffee scene is so so strong.
Viewing it all again under this lens, knowing who Tommy was and is, honestly made me like him more . Seeing a character grow and change to be able to build better relationships is so entertaining!
The hugs in 7x06 and that kiss just attest to the insane chemistry Lou and Oliver have .
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
I enjoy your blog and I’m not trying to be argumentative; just some friendly debate, but I notice you and Virginia both frequently reduce the entire Antoinette ordeal to Louis’ feeding habits and Lestat’s need for attention and adoration. Don’t you think Lestat had to have at least a little love for Antoinette? He had to love her on some level not to kill her right off the bat. This is apparent in the scene before Louis is playing cards before Doris tells him Jonah is there, Lestat is standing up close to the stage, completely entranced watching Antoinette perform like there is no one else in the room. Louis isn’t even present to make jealous. He slept with her and didn't kill her before Loustat was having serious problems like lack of intimacy. He stayed with her just as long as he stayed with Louis. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that man ever had any intention of being in a monogamous relationship.
Hey nonny!
(All good, you can be argumentative, as long as you're kind it's all fine, I just won't accept hate or insults anymore^^, hope that makes sense! Also, I really don't see that as argumentative^^)
I think @virginiaisforvampires and I just ... shorten the Antoinette discussion at times (by now) because it's been... a theme.
Like, the fandom latched onto the jealousy angle so massively, the asks wrt her were so numerous, the human cheating AUs on Ao3 so prevalent... the vampiric aspect seems to be often overlooked.
I think you're referring to my ask with the open relationship?
Because of course Antoinette was more.
(this is long, so the rest under the cut:)
She became more when he did not kill her as a feeding fling. (And I still stand by the fact that they must have had a lot of feeding flings, for example Louis is not really taken aback by soldiers in their bedroom - the same bedroom he gets so sharp about with Antoinette, which is another detail.)
So yes, Lestat apparently slept with her and didn't kill her. We don't get to see it, but it is insinuated.
But there is a lot more to Antoinette, and that is why some think she might show up again later. I am not sure if you're familiar with "the musician" from IWTV, "Antoine" from the later books?
Let me recap:
In IWTV we have the unnamed "musician". Louis never bothers to find out his name, even though it is clear that Lestat turns him. That unnamed musician then gets into the crossfire of Claudia's attempt on Lestat's life, and Louis... forgets about him. But he did know about him from the beginning:
"Lestat had a musician friend in the Rue Dumaine. We had seen him at a recital in the home of a Madame LeClair, who lived there also, which was at that time an extremely fashionable street; and this Madame LeClair, with whom Lestat was also occasionally amusing himself, had found the musician a room in another mansion nearby, where Lestat visited him often. I told you he played with his victims, made friends with them, seduced them into trusting and liking him, even loving him, before he killed. So he apparently played with this young boy, though it had gone on longer than any other such friendship I had ever observed." [..] "I could not tell whether he had actually become fond of a mortal in spite of himself or was simply moving towards a particularly grand betrayal and cruelty. Several times he’d indicated to Claudia and me that he was headed out to kill the boy directly, but he had not. And, of course, I never asked him what he felt because it wasn’t worth the great uproar my question would have produced. Lestat entranced with a mortal! He probably would have destroyed the parlor furniture in a rage."
(Interesting tidbit about the rage, which they picked up for the show!)
Louis even encounters Antoine, has a bit of a discussion with him after the initial attack on Lestat:
‘What is it?’ I asked him. ‘What did you need from him? I’m sure he would want me to...’ “ ‘He was my friend!’ He turned on me suddenly, his voice dropping with repressed outrage.
This last bit is important, for the later books, most importantly for "Prince Lestat", which we know Rolin takes from. Because in that book, in chapter 7, we find out what happened to "the musician", Antoine, after that fateful night, when Rue Royale burned (in the book).
Because Antoine did not burn to death (in the show, likely: Louis and Claudia did not know to scatter the ashes), and he survives, hideously burned, needing decades to heal. Lestat reunites with him before he chases after Louis and Claudia (to Europe).
When Antoine later tells of his own story, he says this:
“He was my friend, Lestat,” Antoine confessed. “He told me about his lover, Nicolas, who had been a violinist. He said he couldn’t speak his heart to his little family, to Louis or Claudia, that they would laugh at him. So he spoke his heart only to me.”
There is a LOT in that little paragraph. A lot that fits with what we know from the show, too.
Louis (in the show) tells of Lestat saying that "Antoinette fortifies him against them". Antoinette became more than a passing interest, a passing feeding fling, true, because Lestat can confide in her, can be himself with her, especially later, when things between him and Louis take on a strain. But he never leaves Louis, and I think that is often overlooked - (s)he was never a real threat to Louis, nor Claudia. Lestat left Antoine behind when he goes after them, to try to save them.
Louis on the show makes it seem as if Antoinette was that major threat. And the show (of course^^), sharpened that threat by making Antoine a woman, a white woman, whose very presence represented what Louis could not be in their relationship at the time, namely an official partner.
Louis uses the focus on Antoinette and what she represents to overshadow other things that coincide with the affair. He does the same later, when they are threatened, to shift the focus to Lestat's paranoia. It's clever, because it's built on truth, a "look at my right hand, not at my left" approach. But the real story is much more difficult than that.
And I think that goes for Antoine(tte) as well.
Since Rolin is specifically taking from "Prince Lestat" as well there is no way in hell he has somehow missed reading chapter 7, or has missed Antoine in the later books/chapters.
I for one wouldn't be surprised if she shows up at the trial - or in Dubai. Maybe she's that interior designer, who knows that Louis is missing the natural world....
I don't know. We'll see. But I doubt that the jealousy angle is all there is to it. There are too many discrepancies, even down to the make-up they used for her (which is its own meta). Lestat may have very well loved her, albeit differently than he loves Louis.
As for the monogamous relationship(s)...
Nonny, forgive me, but these are not humans. They are vampires.
They hunt, and kill humans, for food and pleasure. They play with their food, like other predators in our world do, too. They are also inherently hedonistic, looking for pleasure. (Maybe) Especially Lestat is trying to drown himself in the pleasurable things at times, for reasons that the show will still get to. Since the show explicitly added sex to the mix that desire is of course expressed in the hunt for pleasure, too.
But totally apart from "food", and sex... these vampires are a mess, relationship-wise.
When Lestat and Louis are "married" in the later books as Jacob calls it (I bet they'll make that literal in the show^^), that doesn't mean that they don't still love others. Have loved others. Will love others. They are beyond the need to narrow down their love though. And they are "official partners" then.
But it's... a knot of relationships and history.
Some of these people are truly immortal. Like, can not be killed anymore.
Imagine living with that fact (it maybe most famously sends Lestat reeling in "The tale of the Body Thief", for example).
Imagine loving with that fact. Imagine having the time.
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My partner has planted the idea that Sampo could turn out to be an emanator of the Elation into my head and now I have latched on to the concept and keep finding little reasons to believe in it.
It got brought up mostly because of the rating gun ratings. March, Jing Yuan, Luocha, and Sampo all cannot be rated by the gun. Finding a link between them is hard, but with Acheron, a known emanator upcoming, and folks saying that she is also unrateable...
And I know, I know, Herta is already an emanator, yes, but we only have 4 star Herta available to us, AKA a mere puppet version of her.
Anyway, if we suppose that the unrated characters are some brand of Emanator, or maybe just Have Emanator potential? Consider:
March 7th, based on some of the tidbits we experienced playing Fu Xuan's story quest, has potential to have been, or maybe to become, an emanator of the Remembrance. Her inherent tie to the values of memories and wanting to gather more of them and recover what she can is very in theme.
Luocha, I think it is very safe to assume that he is very very likely to be an Emanator of the Abundance, if the Luofu arc and Jingliu's story quests are anything to go off of. Dude is SUS as FUCK and very VERY disturbingly good at abundance things to the point of being able to heal someone in an artificial body. And that's him hiding stuff.
Jing Yuan at the moment is giving us the energy of a guy with a lot of latent power in him that hasn't fully been brought to light. With the way he's given us a promise to come to our aid immediately when called, and his threat to Phantylia that the Hunt would pursue the Destruction could be foreshadowing his eventually becoming an emanator of the Hunt? This is pushing it of course, but I'm just spitballing possibilities here working off the assumption that the rating pistol can't rate Emanators successfully.
As for Sampo??? There would be nothing funnier than the dude we found cowering in a snowdrift who Dan Heng shanked with a spear turning out to be a wholeass Emanator. The guy runs on Looney Toons logic half the time, and breaks the 4th wall just like Aha. Comedy relief character as he is, but what if he embodied the divine will of the aeon of fucking around and finding out? Like, tell me, how did this Masked Fool manage to quit the fool stuff and fuck off to a planet no one has visited in centuries, within the last 10 years or so? Sparkle KNOWS him. He has Stories about him among the fools. She knew him before he retired to Belabog. How did he Get there??? An Emanator of an Aeon like Aha could probably pull something like that off....
Listen I don't know if it all makes sense, but it would at the very least be hilarious and for that alone i want it to be true
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snifflesthemouse · 3 months
Is Harry Suing the UK to Hide Truth of Visa and Security?
Let’s talk about a few things going on in the Royal News World, Shall We?
This mouse isn’t completely sure of coming back entirely, but I figured a post here and there would be fine. Let’s get started.
My people come bearing some insights: Just about everyone in the aristocracy is openly aware that Harry isn’t truly cut off. As a matter of fact, some believe that Harry is only in the US because Charles sent him here and he is in fact on an A1 visa. Not so much as a banishment, but as a way to play both sides of the media circus and keep them all relevant. The whole world tunes in every time something pops up.
What brings more clickbait? Ask yourself the hard questions, though, don’t take the easy route. I’ve seen some things going around, and I see people truly never ask the hard questions.
I pray for the day when everyone wakes up and realizes that being elderly doesn’t make you harmless or innocent. This author was told the same things about Harry not being told about the diagnosis for the cancer until we all heard, BUT BEFORE. Interesting that ever got leaked out in the press, isn’t it? Why even tell us when he got told? Harry probably leaked it and did it to make Charles look favorable. Do you think Charles would let it get leaked? To what end? To look like the loving, yet firm father everyone demands him to be, the man that he cannot. The man he is not.
And now there are articles coming out about the contingency plans for Charles being sick. Harry is not in them, at all. Why would he need to be? Doesn’t that say a lot? The fact people have to be told Harry isn't included is silly. But you know what they say about assumptions.
Now, I was told by a friend that’s a doctor the whole story of the cancer being found during the prostate stuff made no sense. They would’ve seen other indicators beforehand. They ARE the greatest medical professionals on the planet, aren’t they? You mean a PET scan or blood test or anything like that, at all, wouldn’t hint at the other problems? This was a choreographed release of information.
It's being suggested that the press will be informed to release a cascade of tidbits over the coming weeks. Lady C said early spring, before summer. She also said it was Princess Anne who made the “racist baby” comments, and that was also a ruse. I’m pretty sure Lady C picked Team Charles back in the 80s, and she’s been working to gain grace and favor since. I think she wants to seem like she knows things to sell books or views. Go, girl, get that paper.
Speaking of paper, it was suggested one of the main reasons Charles was so upset with Harry when he “rushed right over” was because he asked for more money. Anyone could assume that but think about what he did immediately afterwards. He went over there only to have something to give an interview for. He got paid to “not squeal” on an interview. The Sussexes don’t lift a finger for free… they only lift them for freebies. Or money.
If Harry is here on an A1 Visa as a favor between Charles and the US, that means we are paying for that security in America. No wonder Harry is suing the UK, he needs to make it look like he needs something when he already has it. How would they possibly have the money to pay for their own? I posted the mortgage documents, remember. Do the math. They have 10 years to pay that house off in full before they get a 7.48% interest rate. They have upkeep, services, servants, nannies, clothes, utilities, maintenance that must be maintained or the bank could come in and do it themselves… Those things aren’t cheap. You have to have a faucet of money coming in to handle it all. They don’t even have a drip.
Oh, and I was told to really look at Harry’s page on the Royal website. And that the minute Wills gets that crown, his brother will be done for. Which is why Charles could be trying to be a father instead of a king in that situation. Then again, if Wills had hard feelings for both Charles and Harry, and Charles had a jealousy over Wills and the Queen… that’s a lot of ifs
One this is for sure. Harry will NEVER return to the BRF in a working capacity. Everything is a dance of smoke and mirrors.
It makes total sense to have Harry here on an A1 visa, have him in constant litigation with the UK so we peons think he needs security, but in reality he is here on a visa supplying him the protection he thinks he deserves. Of course, an FOIA would need to be filed, probably… I wonder if I could do that and see how he is really here. I don’t believe he is here on an O1 or spousal visa.
What is the real reason for all of this, people? It's just Flying Pasta, like before.
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hockeyshmockey · 8 months
M Verstappen Imagine
M Verstappen x norris!ex reader
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liked by gridgossip, zbrownhater and 3,204 others
f1gossip sent in! Lando Norris spotted in a steamy embrace tonight at a club in Monaco. That is noticeably not his long time partner and real estate mogul yn ln, who posted just yesterday a throwback of the couple looking all loved up. Is this a Lando scandal? Or did our favorite grid couple break up on the down low?
view 1,312 comments
user you're joking
user nah he fumbled SO hard
lilymhe it's on sight @ alexalbon
alexalbon ...
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liked by lilymhe, danielricciardo and 829,230 others
ynln should've thought twice before you let this go
view 23,413 comments
alexalbon lily is screaming at her phone
maxfewtrell slaying
user she is glowing but you know she's hurting inside
liked by ynln
carlossainz hermosa amiga <3
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liked by user, gridgoss and 2,329 others
f1gossip sent in: yn ln spotted tonight leaving her and ex boyfriend lando norris' apartment together in Monaco. based on her demeanor, we can assume she probably was there to move out. Ln has been seen spotted around town with multiple drivers and their partners after a scandolous picture of Norris with another girl was released.
view 291 comments
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liked by georgerussel, danielricciardo and 823,120 others
tagged lilymhe, carmenmundt, heidiberger
ynln a well needed gno
view 19,239 comments
danielricciardo you're never taking heidi out again
user I love them
georgerussell the way you kicked me out of my own bed to cuddle with carmen smh
alexalbon next time the boys need to supervise
lewishamilton looking good yn!
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f1gossip sent in! yn ln spotted out an about in monaco and we had multiple reports that she was seen with the one and only Max Verstappen!
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reply from user that is so max
reply from maxverstappen thanks for looking at places with me today!
reply from danielricciardo interesting .
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liked by mickschumacher, maxfetrell and 912,420 others
tagged lilymhe, carmenmundt
ynln monza files
view 23,320 comments
user she's at monza?!
georgerussel poor guy not even getting pic creds
alexalbon I think he'll survive
user suspicious...
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f1gossip fans were quick to note the return of a familiar face this weekned, yn ln returning to paddock after the end of her relationship with Lando. She was spotted with both Red Bull and Mercedes passes. Ln is close friends with George Russel and his partner Carmen, but the Red Bull pass is causing some heads to turn!
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f1gossip sent in! max verstappen spotted out for a late dinner after his record win in Monza. Fans noticed he was with a woman, the two having an intimate dinner. Could the world champion have a new girl?
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liked by f1gossip, danielricciardo and 940,232 others
ynln life is good again
view 23,420 comments
user did anyone else see max's story.....
lilymhe oh he rich rich
user not the soft launch... did they mean to do it?
landonorris wow
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f1gossip after a week full of speculation, we may have another tidbit in the yn ln and max verstappen rumors. Sent in from various sources, Ln was seen getting out of a car with Max this evening, heading into a restaurant for dinner
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user honestly good for her
user I know lando is going to cry over this lol, serves him right!
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liked by danielricciardo, maxfewtrell and 1,039,023 others
ynln he helped fix the pieces you broke, and that's something I will never feel guilty about
view 230, 493 comments
danielricciardo finally! this was weighing on me heavily. I am so happy for you two
user oh my god the indirect
lilymhe obsessed with you two
alexalbon lily is making me be nice. yn im really happy for you
lewishamilton congrats guys!
user its the power: she didn't even tag him but everyone knows it's max
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liked by charlesleclerc, f1gossip, and 1,230,234 others
maxverstappen one mans loss is another mans gain
view 239,230 comments
user did lando delete his isntagram
user the way landos friends are hyping max up for treating his ex better >>>>
205 notes · View notes
radioisntdead · 2 months
(To maybe save our hearts from the angst, how about a cuter idea? could be any gender really and be seen as platonic or not just very vague fluffy fun)
A reader who is similar age to Susan and is the opposite type of old person, a gentle Grandparent who has old person candies at all times. Most importantly however is the only one who can calm Susan's feral chihuahua energy, only when they need to of course.
They play cribbage on weekends, and definitely both chat about the youngins- maybe playfully feud on which is better Knit or Crochet
Good evening my dear! This is a little shorter then I wanted but I did write it in a hair salon, where at the time of posting I'm still in.
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Bitter and sweet
Cannibalism, Reader is GN but gives off old lady grandma vibes, this is written in little drabbles mainly because I wrote them in an hair salon
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Susan had a neighbor, she lived to the left of her house, while Susan's house was more stale and strict appearing her neighbor's was more soft colors, with gnomes outside and a lovely garden filled with all types of hell's flora,
You'd think the two would be at odds but they got along well, going out for tea each day, on weekends they'd go to bingo or play a game of cribbage, although they did get into tiffs about what was better between crochet and knitting, like how crochet is easier for some to pick up with the sole hook, or how knitting uses less yarn then crochet, They were dear friends, and this is some tidbits with them.
You and Susan had opposing aesthetics but that didn't stop the two of you from matching outfits in some way or another, she wore her usual pinkish dress? You were two feet away from her in more brighter attire.
"Kids these days are getting more and more foolish each day, fucking crying in the middle of the streets!"
Susan said, sat on a bench looking across the street at some poor cannibal gal sobbing as her dearest assumingly ended things
When you didn't respond she looked over at you only to see that you were gone,
"Where the hell- [Name]!"
You had dashed over to the gal, swatting at her former lover with your handfan, scolding him for breaking things off in the middle of the streets inside of somewhere private or inside a restaurant as the girl sobbed into your arms,
"Shh, it's alright you deserve better, someone with manners!"
You said patting her back, glaring at the unmannered former lover while Susan groaned from her seat, you just had to butt into other people's business didn't you!
Like she didn't do the same at times.
"You uncultured, red-40 looking, bad dental hygiene, modern technology radio man!"
Susan raised her cane to the Radio Deer man, you had just entered Rosie's Emporium for a snack,
"Susan! No! That is terribly rude!"
You shouted dashing over quickly before Susan could do anything, pushing down her cane, while apologizing,
"My apologies! I'll escort her out, here buy yourself something tasty"
You said taking the radio demons hand and placing some money and a few pieces of candy into it before linking an arm with Susan and taking her outside while scolding her as she grumbled, leaving the Radio demon lowkey stunned and missing his mother.
You were how he imagined she would've been if she lived to be elderly.
"For fuck's sake! Why are you in my house?"
Susan shouted as she walked into her kitchen only to see you adorned in an old lady apron chopping away at some vegetables while some type of meat simmered on the stove,
"Making us lunch obviously! I have news about that lovely gal we met on the street a few months ago! She's going steady with my nephew, the one with the good job not the one that's married, and I must tell you what her scandalous ex lover had to say-"
You rambled on, mixing up slang from different decades Susan could care less about the gal who was sobbing on the streets but you seemed to hellbent on telling her about the 'tea' as you called it.
"Susie, let's listen to what the princess has to say before booing her off the stage, this is why she called you an old bitch''
You said linking an arm with Susan before shouting over at Charlie as Rosie pulled her aside,
"My apologies!"
You chased down Charlie at a later date to give her some candies for her troubles with Susan,
You paid visits to the hotel after that, bringing treats for the residents.
"Knitting is superior, it uses less yarn then your hook, knitting takes far more skill and that little crochet thing seems easier.''
Susan said knitting a scarf as you sat across from her, crocheting a net.
"Susie, you are my dearest friend and I love you, But I can and will surplex you into a wall if you say that again."
Hearing that while you wore the sweetest smile would strike fear into the average sinner.
"Are we thinking barbecue? Grilled? Perhaps baked? Oo I recently picked up some new seasonings we could try!"
You shouted over to Susan as you threw a net at an exorcist pulling them down and stabbing them with an angelic weapon before discarding them to the side to harvest their wings later,
"I don't give a donkeys ass as long as they taste good!"
"I'm dying again."
"Don't be dramatic!''
She smacked you gently on the head with her cane as you broke out in laughter, angel wing in your hand and gold around your mouth.
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Good evening folks! I am actively dangling Susan around like a keychain, I should invest in a Susan keychain, are Susan keychains a thing???
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