#but we need some fluff or smthn
skelebab · 8 months
Y'all I am once again coming to you with a plea for help (I'm so bad at making my own decisions and I love polls sm)
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jyoongim · 6 months
Hey there! My first time asking/making a request lol, but I had two separate ideas and you can just pick one or something.
First was an alastor w/ fem reader, it's mating season for red and this ones diff bc he's had his eyes on reader or smthn for a min and decides this season he's going to do his best to show off to her, lmao like "look look, I can provide and protect!" a bit intense bc it's mating season, but reader is CLUELESS until at some point it finally clicks and she's all "huh.. ohh SHIT"
Second idea was one that I thought would be funny, like so.. lucifer finds out Al likes reader and even tho he doesn't really like Al he's like " don't worry, I can definitely help with this" but he's lowkey a terrible wingman even tho miraculously it somehow helps in the end???
Again you can choose from either and end it however you want, fluff/nsfw/sfw. Or if none of this is your cup of tea then just ignore me!!
Not me on a fluff binge hehehhehe
hope you guys like it! I’ve been a bit slow to write and upload but I’ve enjoyed reading every request! I’m still taking a slight break but I try to give y’all SOMETHING. Hope y’all don’t mind!!
Lots of love-jyoongim
Mating season.
Usually an awful time of year that made Alastor more on edge than usual.
But something was different this year…
This mating season, the deer demon wanted a partner….
Alastor had his sights on a pretty doe and he was going to ensure that she was going to be his for the season…
You rubbed the sleep out your eyes as you greeted everyone as you took a seat for breakfast.
Pancakes. Bacon. Sausage. Eggs. Fruits.
Your stomach rumbled at the delicious smells.
”Fine hellish day isn’t my dear?” Alastor chirped as he piled food fruits and meats on your plate. You blinked at the amount of food on your plate.
”Al my stomach is only so big” you giggled causing the demon to hum as he took a seat beside you.
”A full belly makes a happy doe” he smiled as you happily ate the food.
Alastor watched as you ate, a soft purr rumbling in his chest.
”Why don’t we go for an outing dear?” Alastor suggested as you let out a burp.
You agreed.
It was rather chilly for Hell.
You and Alastor waltz around the city. You happily looked at the displays in many windows. 
You didn’t know Alastor’s agenda but you didn’t mind accompanying him.
You must have lagged behind him a tad as a demon slithered up beside you as you looked over some jewelry.
”what’s a cute thing like you doing all alone?” A deep voice asked causing you jumped, surprised.
”O-Oh hi um I’m just looking that’s all” you gave a nervous smile. Your skiddish nature took over as you took a step back. The demon advanced on you. He was big, could easily overtake you if need be.
”Why don’t I show you around? I don’t see a ring. I can show you a good time” sharp teeth smiled at you menacingly.
Your ears flattened, you might be  small but you could defend yourself. You bared your teeth at the demon making him chuckle
”Now now little lady lets not get ugly” 
You hadn’t realized he had backed you into a corner.
The demon pounced, making you screech as he pinned you to the wall.
Your ears perked as heavy static buzzed through the air. The demon didn’t seem to notice 
 “You’ll make a fine piece of ass”
Black smoke poured through the alleyway and static popped.
”That’s no way to talk to a lady”
Black tentacles dragged the demon and blood-curdling screams escaped the demon, but were quickly silenced as Alastor ripped him apart.
”mine mine mine” Alastor growled as he chomped on the demon.
You gagged as chunks of flesh flew around.
Satisfied that the distasteful demon was in his belly, Alastor looked towards you.
A large sharp claw traced your face, he was growling but his eyes were soft. He morphed to be a bit smaller and helped you up, his red eyes roaming over you.
”I’m okay Al” you reassured giving him a smile. He seemed to calm down and looped your arm with his.
”dishonorable filfth” he hissed as he made his way back to the hotel. You pouted you really wanted to buy something but you’ve had enough excitement for one day.
You looked at Alastor and tilted your head “Al your antlers”
The usual small antlers were now big and standing tall on top his head.
”Nice rack” you giggled making the red demon smirk, his chest puffing proudly.
”than-thank you for all that. I really appreciate Al” you said sheepishly.
The tall demon hummed 
“Don’t mention it my dear. What kind of man would I be if I couldn’t protect you?”
Alastor had been lingering around you since the little accident. He had growled at anyone who got too close to you.
He was very possessive and protective of you, which you thought was sweet that the demon was worried about you.
You groaned as the sun peaked through your window. You sat up and you blinked in confusion.
Flowers, breakfast, and a tiny box.
Rest up little Doe ~Alastor
Your tail wagged in happiness. You don’t know why Alastor had been so attentive but you were eating it up.
You placed the flowers in a vase and began to eat breakfast.
Your face wrinkled as you pulled a piece of meat from your teeth.
what the fuck?
It was soft and fleshy. You shuddered but ate the rest of your breakfast. You opened the tiny box and keened when you saw the bracelet you had been looking at earlier in the week.
There were cute little radio themed charms.
You quickly cleaned up and went downstairs.
Charlie and Vaggie were sitting in the lobby chatting.
You smiled and waved, your bracelet caught Vaggie’s attention.
”Hey where you get that?” The question also caught Charlie’s attention, she immediately began gushing
”Oh my! Did Alastor get that for you? Omg so cute!”
Vaggie deadpanned “Alastor have been very cozy towards you what’s that about?”
You shrugged “I don’t know but it can’t be anything bad right?”
“I see you got my gift” Alastor said, coming behind you as you red on the couch. You smiled “Its really nice Al but why the sudden gift giving?”
Alastor smiled “well my dear its mating season”
You blinked. Mating season? What did that have to do-
Your eyes widened “Y-You’ve been…”
His lips pulled into a genuine smile “Courting you? Why of course my dear!”
His hand circled the wrist with the bracelet. He brought it up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to it.
Your body shuddered in delight and your ears flicked as he nipped at your fingers.
Your nose wrinkled at the smell of his pheromones, your tail wagging.
You let out a purr as you rubbed yourself against him and took off running, throwing a wink at him as he followed suit, giggling as he made a grab at your hips as you evaded him.
”Come and solidify your place Mr. Radio Demon” you teased slipping into his room.
A soft growl escaped Alastor as he followed you and had his shadow guard the door.
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eternalmarvel · 10 months
MK1 BI-HAN X READER ~ belong ~
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an: hello everyone ❄️ decided to write some more small fluff / filler content ! i swear there's not enough bi-han love man LETS KEEP THOSE FANFICS AND HEADCANONS ROLLING 😈also i came up with this idea while i was h!gh as hell so please excuse me if the idea itself seems a bit weird this is why i need requests from people because i am TOO lazy to think of any good ideas on my own
if u guys want something different to spice things up like headcanons or smthn just ask :-) honestly i don't know how good i'd be at writing smut so it's not of priority right now but if people request it i can certainly try
anyways i hope u guys enjoy some fluffiness to kick off the winter szn !!
note; bi-han and reader are married in this story + a little bit of toxicness but it's not from bi-han
++ this isn't proofread so sorry for any mistakes
you had been married to bi-han for about a year now. your duties separate from the lin kuei often required you to travel far and abroad where you couldn't see your husband for weeks at the time. you didn't complain too much at first, but it got a bit frustrating after some time -- nothing that you couldn't overcome though. on the other hand, bi-han was IRRITABLE. it felt like the whole stronghold was walking on eggshells around its grandmaster, careful not to say or do the one thing that would set him off. he was sexually frustrated and grumpy on incomprehensible levels. everyone around the clan noticed how much angrier he had become. he'd bark orders at an unprecedented rate and mean mugged everyone who came across his path. even having the kitchen staff make all his favourite meals from when he was younger did nothing to wipe the horrible scowl painted on his face. when you were at the lin kuei stronghold, you and bi-han collectively sat down with the rest of the ninjas for dinners -- something that bi-han often avoided before meeting you. however, with a bit of nudging from you, he started to participate in group dinners more, even enjoying them (though he would never admit to this). there would still be a grimace on his face, but having you beside him made everything more palatable anyway. when asked why he seemed a little more irritable than usual, he stormed off and dismissed the question.
"i am the grandmaster, i will NOT answer to you."
smoke had realized that soon enough the only way to get him over his mood fluctuations and have some semblance of peace would be to get you back at the dojo. your phone's ringtone blared alarmingly, and you picked up the call in annoyance.
"tomas? what are you calling me about? can it wait? i'm really busy right now."
smoke lets out a sigh of relief now that he's gotten ahold of you.
"(name)! we really need you back at the lin kuei. bi-han's really ...cranky without you there," he whispers the last part, almost like he's scared bi-han will snatch him up out of nowhere. you pay no heed to tomas' concerning remarks, continuing to write down on the ledger on your desk.
"i'm sure my husband is just a little overwhelmed with his duties right now, this has nothing to do with me. give him some slack. he's fine."
smoke spoke with more urgency now.
"(name), he really is frustrated because of you. today, frost said '(name)’s hair' but he thought she meant '(name)’s here' and i swear i thought i saw his eyes gloss over like a dog seeing its owner for the first time in forever. ever since he found out frost was talking about your hair and not about you actually being here, he's been giving frost dirty looks. i think she's starting to get pissed off now that i think about it..."
you put down your pen and look up at the curtains of the hotel room in front of you, sighing. it was more serious than you previously expected. your face twisted in cruel humour, and you knew it'd be funny to use this opportunity to prank your husband and see what his reaction is.
"you know what tomas. i'm sure i can get out of these meetings and make it back to the stronghold by tomorrow dawn. i'll come back."
tomas sighs, finally unanxious.
"thank you, (name)! i knew you'd pu-"
"but i wanna play a prank on him. and you're gonna help me observe and set the environment."
tomas sighs once again, but out of exasperation.
"i don't wanna participate if it's too extreme. i've already caught the brunt of bi-han's verbal torment this week." you chuckle at his expense. "don't worry tomas, i'll make sure he doesn't hurl an ice pick at you. this prank is harmless, i promise. it's just for me to see his reaction." "fine. what are you planning on doing?" "sit tight and don't stress. i'll tell you when i'm on my way back."
you had informed tomas of the most perfect plan. you'd get back to your husband -- not long enough that he'd go back to his normal, serene state when he was with you but enough that he'd manage to calm his heartrate a bit. you were planning on inviting the daughter of a family friend of bi-han's family when he was younger. she had eyes for him all these years, still pointing to hints that she would pursue him despite the fact that he was now married to you. you would invite her over and have her bug bi-han (dare you say, flirt) and follow him all around the stronghold. you wanted to see if that so-called sexual frustration that tomas was referring to earlier really mattered in the case of every woman or if it was exclusive to only you. was it toxic? perhaps. could it be considered manipulative to use his father's family friend's daughter who had probably loved him for the last 10 years to get him closer to you? most likely. would you love every second of it nonetheless? absolutely.
you didn't inform bi-han of your arrival. as far as he knew, you were still going to be a few weeks out from coming back. you walked in through a secret back entrance bi-han had only told you about just in case the stronghold was ever attacked and he needed to get you out safely. you walked through the corridors and heard your husband's hoarse voice coming from the large drawing room across from you. you walked in quietly and sneakily, but obviously not subtly enough considering bi-han had his eyes immediately on you.
"(name)....," he almost whispered, his eyes widening.
you give everyone in the room a wave, including the senior ninjas, which they kindly return with a nod of their own.
"clear the room," bi-han asserts hastily. his tone isn't as harsh as it was before. the ninjas comply almost immediately when they've noticed his demeanor soften up a bit, realizing that you've worked your magic. as soon as the last ninja is out the door, bi-han is by your side in a half of an instant, taking your face into his broad hands.
"hey," you say softly. you were tired from your trip, but being in his presence and ironically his warmth doubled the exhaustion and fatigue your body had attempted to so valiantly fight off.
"you didn't inform me of your early arrival."
you smile into his palm, your head tilting a bit as you rest your own palm on his hand.
"wanted to surprise you, my love."
he looks at you intensely for a few seconds before snapping back to reality.
"i will excuse myself from my duties today. perhaps i can get kuai liang to take over for me."
"why, bi-han? we can catch up late. i don't want you neglecting your duties because of me."
a small scoff escapes his lips.
"it's been much of the other way around. we have not seen each other in weeks. the lin kuei can do without its grandmaster for a few hours."
you look at him mischievously for a brief second before you hear the faint sounds of footsteps outside the drawing room. your plan was coming to fruition before your eyes. rina had come along just on time.
"actually, bi-han, i think we might have a change of plans. rina is coming over today!"
bi-han shifted his gaze from you to rina, who was standing out in the hallway. it was safe to say he was unamused.
"rina. i wasn't aware you were going to be here. it seems as though i've been misinformed on MANY fronts," he says, side-eyeing you. you pay him no mind, bringing rina closer.
"i have to deal with a bit more business-"
bi-han looked at you in disbelief. who the hell did you think you were, the president? a grandmaster yourself?
"--BUT i promise it won't take too long. rina wanted to catch up with you too, so i thought why not kill two birds with one stone?," you say, trying to resist the impending smirk on your face. bi-han was clearly displeased but you gave his arm a squeeze and whispered, "just a few hours," and he knew he'd have your company again in no time. he sighed quietly, before slightly nodding again.
"if i must."
you disappeared to find smoke and left bi-han with rina to do god knows what. you found tomas sparring with some of the newer initiates out in the courtyard and ran up to him, dragging him away from kombat.
"h-hey!," smoke exclaimed.
"c'mon! i finally got bi-han to agree to meeting with rina. now we gotta go hide around the place and see how he reacts with her around."
"this is ... not nice.." smoke remarks uneasily.
you roll your eyes. yeah it isn't nice, but it's funny and it's not like you actually meant any harm by this prank. you and tomas make your way to the blindspots around the lin kuei and spot bi-han walking as rina edges closer to him. you guys get in close enough to try and make sense of their conversation.
bi-han walks into his room and changes into a new hanfu, the same shade of dark blue he often wears. the collar part of the attire is folded, and rina brings her hand closer to fix it but just as she’s about to mend it, bi-han grabs her hand.
“what do you think you’re doing,” he lowly seethes, his eyebrows furrowing in anger.
rina shakes him off, annoyed. “i was just trying to help you, calm down!”
“unless i ask for your assistance, it is not required.” he says stoically before making his way down the corridor again. you and tomas both exchange a strange look. you didn’t want rina dead by the end of this prank. silence is shared between bi-han and rina for the next minute before the latter pipes up again.
"you haven't seen your wife in a while, huh?" rina asks coyly. bi-han turns to look at her for a second before turning back around and keeping that stern look on his face.
"no. her business keeps her away from m-the stronghold quite often,” bi-han remarks quietly.
“you know most wives stick with their husbands and don’t just leave them on their own for weeks on end. perhaps there may be something that you aren’t aware of…,” rina whispers before her statement trails off.
bi-han stops in his tracks and turns around yo face her.
“do not think to insinuate such horrible things about my wife again so shamelessly. you forget your place when you spew these things -- do not forget, SHE invited you here as a token of her hospitality. i did not."
rina chuckles. at first glance, it would seem that she does this sarcastically at first, but it seems like those words really stung rina.
"i'm leaving."
"you know your way out."
tomas sucks a deep breath in while you look down in defeat.
"ooh, boy. alright, i think you were right." "you needed a prank to prove that?!"
you wave tomas away.
"i will make sure there are no further casualties," you say to tomas, as you give him a small hit on his arm and make your way to your marital bedroom. on your way there, you see rina coming your way. you have to pretend like you didn't just witness your husband eat up this poor woman. you smile and put your hands together, bowing to her.
"hey rina! how's it going? i wa-" she puts her palm towards your face and continues walking away.
"i don't wanna hear from you." you watch her as she leaves, staring off into the distance momentarily and sighing. thank god she was an asshole or else it'd be really hard not to sympathize with her.
you walk into your bedroom and see bi-han on the bed. it seems he's getting ready for a bath -- he has a robe-like hanfu loosely draped around his body with his chest visible and and legs exposed. his hair is down and he is reaching for his back like it's aching.
"done with all my duties." you say innocently, your arms behind your back.
bi-han only looks at you momentarily and not even fully before going back to closing his eyes and mending his backache. you walk up to him carefully before sitting down beside him, using your hand to gently knead his back. he lets out a small groan of relief at your gesture.
"you've probably missed my massages all week," you say coyly.
"they were not the thing i missed."
you feel a blush creeping up on your cheek. being away from you for so long made him starved, like a dog meekly asking his owner for more rations. you felt horrible for being away for so long.
"i won't leave again for a while. i promise. we have lost-time to make up for," you say quietly. you prod at his hand and he envelops your hand in his, grazing the outside with his thumb.
"i'd rather not have lies spoken to me for the sake of momentary comfort."
you get up and gently move his right leg further to the right so you can sit on his thigh.
"now you know i can give you more than momentary comfort," you say smirking (but still VERY nervous).
in the blink of an eye, bi-han flips your body over and pins you to the bed, planting a long and voracious kiss at your lips. you bite at his lower lip and he responds by wrestling your tongue with his own. after what seems like an eternity of your mouths fighting for dominance with each other, you break the kiss as a string of saliva follows your mouths.
"you know, i saw everything that unfolded with rina. i think it really is safe to say we belong to one another."
bi-han looks at you with a hint of amusement. "i should have known you didn't have pure intentions with inviting her over." he slips his hand down your frame, erecting shivers from you. he plants small kisses trailing down your midsize.
"perhaps the rest of the lin kuei should know the grandmaster's wife isn't really as much of an angel as she lets everyone think she is."
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holdmytesseract · 6 months
To both loki AU'S how are the kidss
Also if you can a fluff fic with tom (or any of his characters I'll leave it up to you :)) taking care of fem! Reader cuz she has exams and she's stressed out of her mind and isn't really taking care of her self and then he helps he study or smthn maybe cuddles idk
(My exams are starting soo ye-)
Examination Stress
Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff! stress?
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Here we are, friend! Your lil' story! 🥰 I really hope you like it and... Good luck with your exams! 🤗
Day 4 of the Campfire Sleepover! 🏕
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"Darling, can you help me for a second?" You heard Tom's voice calling out to you from the living room. "Now?" You called back; sitting criss-crossed on your shared, brand new bed. "What do you need?" "A helping hand!" "Okay, but now?" "Unfortunately, yes!"
You sighed and moved to stand up; quickly making your way down the hall to the living room.
Not even a month ago, you and Tom had decided to move in together and therefore bought your very own little house in London. Something sweet and cosy; just the two of you - and Bobby, of course. And with a new house, new furniture was needed. Therefore, Tom was busy the last weeks with building up some new furniture, while you studied for your final exams at University.
You literally jogged inside the living room; finding your boyfriend laying on the floor underneath the almost built up coffee table. "Okay, baby, what is it?" "Can you, uh, assist me? I kind of underestimated this table..." Another sigh left your lips. "Tommy, can't we do this another day? I really have no time right now. You know that I have to learn for my exams."
Tom didn't have to see your face to tell that you were maximally stressed out. He could hear it in your voice.
"Of course, darling, but don't you think a little break would be good for-" "I can't, Tom," you snapped; feeling the stress and pressure flow through your veins. You didn't have the nerves for this now. "Please make it work alone or wait until another day." Those were your final words as you stomped away; returning to your notes.
Tom sighed as he crawled from beneath the halfway built up coffee table. The handsome Brit got onto his feet; ruffling his short blond hair and adjusting his askew sweatpants. He didn't like this... Your high stress level and panicky demeanour. He didn't like this at all. His next mission now clear... Taking care of you.
Without wasting time, he immediately went to the kitchen to make you and himself a cup of tea. Once that was done, he grabbed your favourites cookies and finally paid the bedroom a visit.
Being the gentleman Tom was, he knocked, even though the door was open. "May I come in?" "Sure," you answered; not even looking up from your notes. Tom walked over and placed the two mugs of piping hot tea and cookies on the nightstand on your bedside. "Can I help you, darling?" "Um, I-I don't know, Tom, I-" Your boyfriend quickly sat down beside you and placed a hand on yours. "Let me help you, please?" His beautiful smile warmed your heart. You couldn't say no, and who knew, perhaps it was a good learning strategy. "Okay."
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Tom helped you for over two hours; asking you questions and testing your knowledge. And once both your mugs and the cookies were empty, Tom stood up and stretched his long limbs. "Time for a break, darling. What do you say? Shall we go on a little walk with Bobby?"
You bit your lip; weighing your options. Your conscience screamed at you to keep on learning, but your brain was tired. Worn out.
"I don't know, baby... I should keep on learning..." Tom immediately shook his head. "No, my love. What you need is a break. You've learned for hours today and already the whole past weeks. I know this is a stressful time for you, but please... Don't overdue it. Allow your brain a break. You got this, believe me. You're the smartest woman I know. Trust your abilities."
Tom's words caused the gears to turn in your head. Perhaps he was right... Perhaps you truly needed a break.
Once more you sighed, but finally gave in. "Alright," you said and stood up. "Let's go for a walk." Tom smiled and took your hand.
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After a relaxing walk; hand in hand through the Primrose park with your boyfriends sweet Cocker Spaniel, you felt so much better. The fresh air did you good. Tom could feel it as well. Therefore, he didn't let you go straight back to work, oh no... He snuggled up with you on the sofa; just cuddling and kissing.
"Thank you for helping me, baby. And for taking care of me. I needed this." Tom smiled; kissing the tip of your nose. "I know, love - and you are very welcome. I'll always take care of you and make sure you're alright."
You nodded; cuddling closer against his chest. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't mean that. I am just... so stressed." Tom wrapped both his arms tightly around you. "Don't worry about it, darling. It's already forgiven and forgotten." You smiled; feeling better than ever. Warmth spread throughout your whole body.
"I love you, Tommy." You could feel Tom's lips pressing a kiss against your forehead. "I love you, too, darling."
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @multifandom-worlds @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @huntedmusicgardenn @stupidthoughtsinwriting @hisredheadedgoddess28 @fictive-sl0th @loz-3 @javagirl328 @icytrickster17 @jaidenhawke @eleniblue @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @km-ffluv @herdetectivetheorist @lokiforever @crimson25 @simping-for-marvel @cakesandtom @vanilla-daydreaming @kimanne723 @lulubelle814 @glitchquake @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @buttercupcookies-blog @november-rayne @mandywholock1980 @lokidbadguy @smolvenger
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starrybl1ss · 10 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
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❄️:: ITS TIMEEE!!! December is around the corner and also my birthday! Since its winter, (not where i live) i made a little ellie winter edition fluff<3 IM SO PROUD OF THIS BTW!!!
warnings:: prob wrote smthn incorrectly, so sorry english isnt my first language
pairing:: ellie williams x f!reader
summary‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
you and ellie went on a snow date at the park and found an ice skating rink and went together.
"somethin' is in your eyes,
heaven in your eyes"
It was snowy out, you are so excited that today you get to wear your new fluffy snow boots out with ellie.
"done getting ready pretty?" ellie asks you while smiling infront of the door. "Yeah! Let's go!" You we're very enthusiastic. It was because you love winter.
Ellie grabbed your hand and you two went outside. "You look pretty today m'lady" she compliments you. "You look prettier!" You smiled playfully and hold ellie's face cupping them with both your hands. You saw her blush, 'she is so pretty...'
You and ellie arrived at the park, snow everywhere. So pretty. You looked around when suddenly ellie throws a snowball at you. "Hey!" You yelled. You quickly grabbed some snow and shaped it into a ball--whoosh! You threw it at ellie as she giggles at you missing. "Your bad at throwing" she said in a playful tone.
"Ellie! Look!" You pointed out an ice skating rink with a lot of locals enjoying. "An ice skating rink!" You continued excitingly. "I'm guessing you want to go skating don't you--pretty?" She smirked.
You smiled. Full of joy, ellie almost cried just seeing you happy because it makes her happy too.
You happly ran towards the ice skating rink. "Whoa! Slow down!" Ellie yells trying to keep up with you. "C'mon! Your so slow!" You tease her. You got there before ellie did. "Two skates please" you said to the employee. "Two..?" She asked trying to point out your alone.
You chuckled a bit "she's a little slow" you rolled your eyes and looked behind seeing ellie out of breath chasing you that made you giggle. "Ah alright! Two skates--here you go!" You grabbed the ice skates and sat on the bench about to put them on. "Are you serious?" Ellie asked. "Are you really not gonna ask me to put them on for you princess?"
Ellie grabs your skates and knees down infront of you putting the skates on for you. God shes so sweet. "Thank you" you replied after she puts them on, "your welcome sweetheart" she smiles patting your head and messing up your hair a little.
"Shall we?" Ellie lends you a hand as she got on the skating rink. You took her hand to the ice rink but almost you were wobbling and almost fell. "Easy there" she puts her hands around your waist stopping you from the fall.
"I'm scared..." you told her with your legs shaking. "It's okay my love, i won't let you go. Promise" she insured you. "You skated before els?" You lifted your head facing her since she was a bit taller than you are. "Yeah, a few times before-- here-" she lets go of you but holds one of your hands. "Okay, so- skating is simple. You just need to balance" she instructed you to follow her.
You were really scared of falling but you knew she would not let you go. You glided slowly while holding her hand. "Im getting the hang of this!" You smiled with joy. "Your doing good, just keep your balance okay?"
"Can you let me go els?" You asked. "You sure your good?" She looks down at you. "I'm sure" you insisted. "Are you sure sure?" She asked again. "I'm sure els, don't worry" she lets you go as you glide slowly on the ice with ellie watching your every move.
You suddenly felt it was too slippery and your legs began to shake-- and you fell. Ellie rushed to you and knees down. "Are you okay?" She asks in a shaky voice. "Im fin-" ellie then cuts you off "i'm so sorry, im so so sorry i didn't keep an eye on you, are you hurt? Are you fine? Its my fault i'm sorry love" she looks sad. "Ellie, it's okay. It's not your fault, im okay--see? Now let's get up"
Ellie got up with you "i'm not letting you go this time" she insisted. You chuckled "cmon els, i'm not five" you rolled your eyes. "Still not going to let you go. Ever"
The rest of the day went on beautiful. You had so much fun with ellie today, yet your now all tired cuddling ellie in the living room with the lights off.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 4 months
Prompt Spotlight: pages 1-5
Prompts from the first five pages of this blog which, to my knowledge*, have not been filled.
*I'm doing this from memory, I might have missed a fill or two. If there's a prompt here that has already been filled, well, give it another fill.
Would really love some unethical Akiha/Kohaku/Hisui. Something along the vague lines of "Hisui reducing the collateral damage of Kohaku's plan by having it focus on/drug/ensnare Akiha specifically". Hope that's not too specific, good luck to whoever chooses to take this one! <3
Ciel/Akiha consensual blood drinking
can we get some shirou/rin fluff?
Illya deserves to be kissed. i don't care who is doing the kissing, be creative
something with sakura x illya! ive actually written something for this ship in the past but it's not a super popular pairing and i need more... so i am tossing it in here to spread the word :3
Illya doing some killing as a treat
Saber and Illya having solidarity about their stunted growths
Saber/Caster on a date!
a SakuRider with the same energy that the Saber/Caster scene had
Shirou just discovered that every woman he knows is a lesbian
fuck it, crack ship. bazett/saber fucking nasty. we love repressed women and the dam holding their desires back breaking
Cute gay fluff with Atalanta
smut, Mmmmmmmmm Siegfried under the effects of sex pollen, And someone has to help him out with his problem, (I just want to see this man frustrated and moaning)
one bed meme with gudako and every alter servant
My friend asked me to send in some so I’m gonna! Let’s open with uh… well. Main ship. Barghest/Atalanta/Queen of Sheba/Nightingale is such an extremely important crack shop to me, and it needs more stuff. Or just chunks of the polyship. And if we’re getting more specific maybe smthn with Barghest cooking for Sheba, Atalanta, and Nightingale. Feeding kink is cool with this but not essential
Prompt: Anything with my boy Asterios. I barely see any content for him :<
Servants meeting their alternate selves (EMIYA and Muramasa, Sitonai and Prisma Illya, or anything else you can think of!)
smut, All the kings of Chaldea reunite themselves over wich of them is the greatest of them all, over a week long discussion it was decided that the metric to decide who is the best will be a giant orgy, the last one standing being the winner
Hakuno/Rin angst
smut, Shirou/Mordred NTR. Shirou getting seduced by Mordred in a "get back at dad" kinda deal.
Nasu once said that Taiga Fujimaru's swordplay skills are on the same level as Ryogi Shiki, should they ever meet. I kinda wanna see how that sparring session would go, y'know?
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batsychan · 4 months
Hihi! Little introduction post for what this account is mainly going to be abt and some base rules!
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
°pls don't ask for any dabi x hawks, dabi x shigaraki ships I don't want to start writing for them because I view them as toxic and unhealthy and I want this page to be nsfw wholesome or just general head canons for any mha/bnha characters! Also fluff comfort or emergency stuff is totally allowed!
° don't ask for any toga ships if their with other members of the league excluding mustard no pro heroes no twice no dabi shigaraki compress kurogiri or anyone besides mustard (mustards an exception bc their both around the same age but even then I'm iffy!) U can obviously ship her with class 1-A or 1-B their around the same age so I have no quarrels abt that!
°pls pls pls don't ask for piss scat vomit or any bodily fluids besides cum if ur asking for nsfw! I don't want to write for any of that that's extremely uncomfortable for me and is smthn I don't care if others do/Wright abt but I will not
°dont harass anyone if they decide to leave a mean comment just ignore it till I get to it and I'll decide what should be done honestly I probably won't delete it unless it just unnecessarily rude and hateful!
°pls pls pls give me minor obscure characters to right for like tabes or any of shie hissakei (idk how to spell it T^T) any of the MLA I will happily right for idm! ( I'm a redestro simp I can't help it I love a confident man.. T^T)
°last one guys your almost done! Pls don't be rude and spam me for requests I can get overwhelmed and stressed out! Remember there's a human being writing this! I have thoughts feelings emotions morals and everything so don't harass me I won't block u but I definitely will ignore someone who's constantly spamming me!
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Alright that's cleared up and addressed here's some basic stuff abt little ol me!
Age~18(going on 19 on June 15th)
Gender~agender trans ftm
Sexuality~gralysexual grayromantic and possibly aromantic or demiromantic!
Pronouns~anything except fem pronouns or rlly odd neo pronouns! Like kitty/kittyself dog/dogself (no hate to anyone who uses them I just don't feel comfortable being called that!)
Name- honestly call me anything masc or weird I just won't mind
You guys are more than ok to come in my DMS n ask to vent and talk to me of course u don't ever have to or need to but if you ever feel like someone won't listen won't care you have no one to comfort you or just want a friend I will talk to you!
✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩
Alright now! For some disclaimers!
*don't ask for any minor x adult
*don't ask for any abusive relationships or hinted at to be abusive!
*don't attack me or anyone for personal opinions remember were all human beings we have feelings let's respect everyone ok!
*pls don't ever feel guilty for requesting smthn or accidentally sending it twice i have no issue if it's a mistake now if it's spam! I will NOT answer no matter how good I'm not here to encourage habits also guys don't develop parasocial relationships with me or anyone!
*I'm very forgetful but I'm going to let u guys decide how often I post when more ppl start interacting until more ppl interact I'm going to post them when I feel like it!
Ok well I THINK that's everything! Thx everyone for reading all of this and thanks to everyone who in the future will hopefully respect this!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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autistic-katara · 1 year
ok so tags, tags r so confusing and idk why
ok so the tags do seem confusing but they’re actually pretty simple (i’m gonna talk abt this through the lens of searching for fics btw)
so when u click on a tag and click filter (which is normally how i look for fics) the filters are split into 3 sections
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include, exclude, and more options. and if u look at them they have subsections, the subsections for include and exclude being the same, and i’ll explain what the subsections are below
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so this is ratings. all of the filter tags thingys are sorted by how many fics there are tagged/rated like this in this tag, in this case i clicked on the Stranger Things fandom tag and that’s the results (don’t think i rlly need to explain what the ratings mean or anything). when including stuff u can only select one (obviously) but u can filter out multiple
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next is the warnings, all fics r required to have at least one but u can add multiple. think these r all pretty self explanatory except underage which either means underage sex or underage SA (or possibly smthn more broad but i’m pretty sure it’s one of those, more certain that it’s underage sex in general) also no warnings and creator chose not to use warnings are 2 different things, if something is tagged creator chose not to use warnings then it could mean it has major character death or violence or whatever but the author didn’t wanna add a warning for some reason so be sure to check the tags.
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next is categories, this is about the different kinds of relationships in it. for f/f, f/m, and m/m f stands for female and m stands for male so they’re about sapphic, straight, and achillean relationships respectively. gen means no romantic/sexual relationships and multi means there r multiple kinds of relationships (e.g a fic where one of the relationships in the fic is lesbian while another is straight). other i think is just for stuff that doesn’t rlly fit in any of the other categories, like for example if it was [character]/gn reader (put a pin in the / we’ll come back to it later)
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up next is fandoms. now from here on all the things that show up in the filters aren’t the only options, they’re just the top 10. i don’t rlly have anything to say on this bit so i’ll just move on.
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next is characters, if u want a character to be in the fic ur reading u can filter in their tags. don’t rlly know what else to say on this other than again these r only the top 10 and i’ll talk abt a way u can search for others in a minute.
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next, relationships. if u want/don’t want a certain relationship to be in the fic u can filter them here. also remember how i told u to put a pin in that /? well yeah this is very important to remember: a / between 2 characters is a romantic or sexual relationship and an & is a platonic/familial/etc. relationship. srsly u don’t wanna mix them up.
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and last in the include/exclude section is additional tags. this is for just everything that would be tagged that isn’t any of the other stuff. like any AUs, if it’s got smut/angst/fluff/whatever, any extra warnings that weren’t in the big warnings section (e.g a suicide attempt or homophobic language), if it’s a smut the specifics about what kinda stuff they’re doing, etc.
but we aren’t completely finished in this section because we still have:
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this thing is just what u would use if a tag u wanted to read/block wasn’t in the top 10 of their category of this tag. u can just type it in here and it’ll probably come up but if it doesn’t u can just press enter and it’ll still work.
and that’s all for include/exclude but there’s still more options so i’ll get into that
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first is crossovers. pretty self explanatory, exclude crossovers means all fics that come up will only have one fandom, show only crossovers will include only fics that have multiple fandoms, and include crossovers shows both.
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completion status. completion status is (obviously) about whether a fic is complete or not. if a fic’s chapter count is like this: 7/7 it’s complete, if it’s like this: 7/16 or 7/? it’s not, and the filtering is pretty self explanatory.
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word count. if u want to read something idk shorter with a quicker payoff or longer with more content or whatever reason u can filter the word count. how it works is for example if u put 7000 in the “from” area and 20,000 in the “to” area all the fics would have 7000-20,000 words.
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date updated. if u don’t wanna read fics from before/after a certain date u can put the date into this and filter it (e.g i recently watches itsv and wanted to read abt my boy Miles but haven’t yet watched atsv so i put atsv’s release date into the “to” section so none of the fics would have spoilers).
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and finally there’s this thing which i honestly have no idea how to use so yk.
there’s also a way to filter only one language in incase u don’t wanna be scrolling and find a rlly good fic only to find out it’s another russian fic or whatever and a way to change what order fics come in (latest updated first, latest posted, most kudos, etc.)
anyways yeah hope this was helpful and made sense and if ur confused by anything just ask and srry if u meant how to tag ur fics not how to use the tagging system to search if u meant that just tell me and i could explain that too if u want and yeah happy writing :)
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inquisimer · 2 years
for dadwc, with merrill and neria!!! late-night/sleep-deprived conversations from the platonic list
okay I SWEAR I looked at this and was like "oh sweet fluff, they get drunk and chat on the rooftop or smthn"
but THEN my brain veered into angst for SOME reason this isn't even CANON bc Neria leaves Kirkwall before Act III adfsjkl
ANYWAY idk if it even fills the prompt but it's prompt adjacent???
cw: clan death specifically child death (non graphic), mourning, grief
for @dadrunkwriting
Falon’Din called for Merrill to bury each of her Clan and plant a sapling over their corpses, but the rocky soil of Sundermount lent itself to neither digging nor growth. There were more bodies than they had time to bury, anyhow.
Hawke didn’t stay. She muttered excuses about ‘appearances’ and keeping an appointment with the Knight Commander, but it was all too clear how the ghosts of Carver and Leandra danced on the pale skin of the Dalish and, simultaneously, how she help Merrill at fault for their demise. Fenris and Anders followed in her wake, united for once by their disgust and righteous spite over Merrill’s outcome.
“Ria?” Anders paused, tucked his chin into his shoulder to look at her from the corner of his eye. Neria had not moved when Hawke drew the party away; she remained, the only safe bastion amidst the trampled ferns and splintered aravels and blood. Merrill rested at her feet, a child’s head cradled in her lap, unseeing eyes staring up into the elf’s tear-glazed ones.
“Why, da’len, why why why?” She whispered, pressing her forehead against theirs. Mindless of the wound still openly weeping against her side, she clutched their body to her own and let salty tears dribble from her chin down their already cooling skin. “Why?”
“Go.” Neria didn’t look at Anders as she spoke. “Take your judgment and cowardice and run, tail tucked back to the city. I have a friend to help. You were familiar with the concept, once.”
“I still am,” Anders argued, even as Mari grasped his wrist and held him from Neria’s side. “But even you have to admit—“
“Go, Anders,” she spat through clenched teeth. “And do not presume to tell me what I must do.”
Hawke tugged more insistently on his wrist and Fenris huffed impatiently; Anders gave in—he always did—and followed his lover back to their segregated accommodations.
Neria stayed with Merrill. She sank to her knees and wrapped her friend in a vice-like embrace, stroking her arms where her sleeves were tattered and torn away and combing through her hair, crusted with blood and gore. She brushed the tears away and conjured moisturizer to fend off the swelling, refilled Merrill’s water skin as many times as she needed to sate her thirst.
The sun set and rose over the niche Clan Sabre had carved out on Sundermount. And it rose and set again. Merrill and Neria moved along the slope, from corpse to corpse, until the former had both cried out her guilt and regret and mustered the composure to speak the last rites into the frigid mountain air. When the last elf had been blessed with the appropriate prayer, the pair collapsed against a half-shredded aravel wheel, clutching at each other like they would drown otherwise.
“Falon,” Merrill whispered. “What can I do?”
Neria knew nothing of Dalish burial rites. She traced her fingertips in a light circuit up Merrill’s arms, across her vallaslin, over the tips of her ears, and back again. She knew nothing—but she knew enough from context clues to know that whatever the proper rites were, Merrill couldn’t do them.
And she knew from the desperate brokenness in her friend’s voice that she wouldn’t be able to make this decision.
“Come,” she said, injecting strength into her voice where there was none and standing with feigned assuredness. “You have not lived with your clan in some time, no? Their farewall comes from you, salgehsa, as you are. Not as you were, not as they were. We shall build a pyre and scatter their ashes about the Vhenadahl.”
“Oh,” Merrill hiccuped, jolting as she joined Neria on her feet. She swayed like she might after a particularly adventurous night at the Hanged Man and Neria steadied her, lacing their fingers together and winding her other arm around Neria’s waist.
“Easy, lethallin,” she murmured.
“I…Fenarel wouldn’t approve.”
Neria pressed her lips together, fighting back the snarky response that threatened to spill over. If Fenarel truly cared of what happened to his clan—to their bodies—he wouldn’t have run like a coward while they screamed—he wouldn’t have attacked Merrill in the first place.
But that wasn’t what Merrill needed to hear. Not now, not yet, maybe not ever.
“Fenarel isn’t here,” she said gently, as lightly as she could, fighting the implications that threatened her tone. “We have to choose. You have to choose. For your family.”
Merrill hiccuped again and Neria pulled her tight against her side, as though she could fend off the dry heaves through grip alone.
“I…” she finally managed, voice waterlogged and muffled against Neria’s soiled armor. “Yes, it’s a good idea. They’ll find better life in the Vhenadahl than they would in this wretched place.”
So they built the pyre.
Neria trekked out to the Wounded Coast and back a few times, hauling large bundles of driftwood in magical tethers until they’d constructed a platform large enough to hold the causalties. Together they placed each body atop it—stopping first to change them into clean clothes, fold their hands over their chests, close their eyes so they might be sleeping. The pile grew to the point where the had to stand on the construction to reach the top, but Merrill was out of tears for the moment. She wore a mask as convincing as any Orlesian, as though her very face had been carved from marble and placed over her actual skin.
Until they joined hands to light the pyre.
Their palms pressed together and they both drew on the Fade, intertwining their mana and bringing forth a spark that ignited the fire with more than flame; Regret and Desire and Despair flowed through their fingers, turning the flame from orange to blue to purple to indigo. The magical fire swirled about the corpses much like regular flames would; but the color was a reminder: they should be alive fault it is your fault they are not.
Merrill’s mask shattered in a thousand pieces.
Neria caught her before she face-planted into the pire and coaxed her into a seated puddle before the pyre. She gathered Merrill’s jelly-like form in a bundle and held her against her comparably smaller frame. Her hair, tugged loose from its binding, fell around Merrill’s head like a curtain and she rocked the both of them to the terrible sparking of burning corpses.
She stretched her mind to the handwritted tomes they’d secreted out of Irving’s personal library—the books deemed “dangerous” or “corrupting” for apprentices. This one spoke to the Dalish; their culture and practices and methods for managing mages. Solona brought it to her in a brief moment of but what if this was your life escapism.
“Falon’Din enaste,” she murmured, clearing her throat against the encroaching smoke. “O Falon’Din, Lethanavir, Friend of the Dead. Guide my feet, calm my soul. Lead me to my rest.”
The words steadied Merrill and her hiccuping breaths evened out, much to Neria’s relief.
“Falon’Din enaste,” she echoed, still squeezing her eyes against hot tears but turning her face toward the dying pyre. “O Falon’Din, Lethanavir, Friend of the Dead. Guide my feet, calm my soul. Lead me to my rest.”
Neria squeezed where her fingers gripped Neria’s arms and they said the words again, together. And again, and again. Until they’d said them once for each body they’d laid upon the fire.
They would need to find a pot and gather the ashes, and no doubt Hawke had wrecked a significant amount of havoc in the city, even in just the few days they’d spent adrift on the mountain. But that would all wait, if it took Neria’s last breath to hold it back.
To mourn on the run was no way to mourn at all, as Neria knew all to well. She held Merrill and dribbled water into her mouth and brought her berries and hummed her tunes and farewells when her sobbing faded out.
The world waited for no one, it was true. But it would wait for Merrill to grieve, or it would have Neria to answer to.
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nikrangdan · 3 years
enhypen x short!reader
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pairing: enhypen x short!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: how enhypen would react to a short reader!!! this was requested btw i hope u guys like 😁 ive written separate headcanons for sunghoon and jay before but i wrote more here anyways 😏 THERES A COUPLE CUSS WORDS IN HERE
okay lets get this straight
hes literally the tallest member in enha
and then ur the shortest in ur friend group
im literally crying bc when u guys are standing facing each other heeseung is just looking straight over ur head LIKE UR NOT EVEN IN HIS LINE OF SIGHT
and THIS is why he always has his arm around ur shoulder or he makes sure ur holding onto his arm or smthn
and when hes practicing he likes to bring u up to dance with him
like he holds ur hands and u just try to 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 with justin bieber playing in the background
“i cant dance heeseung u know this” u stare up at him
“i know just vibe to the music~”
he finds it hilarious so hes giggling the whole time u two do a little jiggy
AND THEN HE GETS ALL SOFT AND TURNS U AROUND TO BACKHUG U AND FACE THE MIRRORS and he watches u guys sway back and forth slowly to the music
he loves the height difference and hes always looking at it in mirrors
*takes a deep breath* ... JAYYYYYY‼️‼️
he probably mentioned how short u are a couple times when you first met but i dont think he would be the type to constantly point out ur height and tease u or smthn
BUT!!!!! he loves it
alot of clothes you like are often too big for you and hes like
I Am Here To Rescue You From Distress, My Love
Ur so thankful for him!!!
he loves finding clothes for you
shirts arent a big problem its mostly the pants
he says “u look so good”
Jay ur superman 🔥
idk he just thinks ur so cute
he likes to stare at u like 🥰🥰☺️☺️
Jay has such big heart eyes for u AAAAAA
when u two are in the kitchen u arent able to reach the high cupboards
one time he stood on it and was like “y/n look”
you literally almost broke your neck trying to see him because HE WAS SO HIGH IN THE AIR
so high u were like “u got enough oxygen up there⁉️⁉️”
and then he said “u look like an ant” and he started dying at his own joke
But he never pulled that stool stunt again bc u attacked him viciously🤗🤗🤗
Wait im crying already
everytime i write about jake i have to take a break
hes literally too much for my heart
he GIGGLE!!!!!!!
Hes so obsessed with u its not even funny
he probably loves u more than u love him AND HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE BC HES JAKE SIM
His favorite thing ever is when sit in between his legs and ur back against his chest yknow
when u guys watch movies he feeds u popcorn like that
Head Pats!!!!!
He pats ur head alot or ruffles ur hair alot
and hes just so gentle with u
Ur like his little baby >_<
Jakes big fluffy bulky jackets
he wants u to wear them
and he
he zips them up all the way and puts the hoodie over ur head
and he just dies of laughter
Ur standing there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
“its getting hot in here jake”
you tried to flick the hood off but the chunky sleeve mixed with ur short arm was not a good combination so you couldnt even raise your arm
That made jake lose it and he just fell to the floor in tears😭
but seeing him so happy made u 🥰☺️ kinda so its okay
Hello hand holder
i say this whenever write for hoon
but this guy🤝🤝🤝
Get those hands ready yall
mmm okay
he probably calls u shorty whenever he teases u
Rude ass 🙄
ur like “😐” and hes like
“im sorry” *attacks u in a very messy and unmannered hug to the point where u fall back onto the couch and almost break ur leg*
i bet he holds stuff up in the air so u have to jump up and attempt to get it😭 so evil
but he doesnt like seeing u suffer for too long so he gives it to u after like 5 seconds 😁
he teases u alot but when ur out in public hes like Bodyguard Hoon
Hes not letting anything happen to u!!!!
one thing he says he doesnt like but we all know hes lying is when u like to jump on his back and force him to give u a piggyback ride
he just accepts it
one time u fell asleep on his back and he was like
“uh y/n”
yeah he eventually plopped u on the couch which woke u up
Sunoo thinks ur so adorable 💧_💧
like u two could just be sitting next to eachother watching something
and u have ur legs pulled up to ur chest and ur arms wrapped around them with ur chin on ur knees
you hear him giggling to himself
u look over like ......🤨 “what”
“nothing y/n *giggles again* ur just so cute”
ur like Staaaaawwp and u push his shoulder
and then he pushes u back
Play fighting ****
u guys laugh so much 😭😭
sunoo likes to talk about you alot
to everyone
literally everyone
to the boys: “omg y/n fell trying to reach the garlic LMAO”
to his mom: “y/n went up to this guy thinking it was me and pushed him it was so funny”
to his instagram: “how did y/n fit through my neighbors doggy door and why”
PLEASE when u two have arguments for fun
u go jump on the couch so u can be taller than him
and u just stare at eachother before bursting out into laughter
he loves to show u off aaaa “heres y/n” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Please i think id cry if i was friends with jungwon (AND NI-KI)
he play too much 😫 he actually has no chill
“can u reach this y/n? or should i carry you *evil laugh*”
but besides from the teasing he adores u so much
and theres some things you arent able to do
But hes so happy to do it for you!!! he loves feeling like hes doing smthn for u
He always has this proud dad look on his face whenever u literally do ANYTHING
u could literally pick a twig off the ground and jungwon would go 😊 thats my y/n
he likes to massage ur legs when ur just chilling on ur bed or smthn
hes got one hand massaging ur legs and his other hand massaging his own legs
“i’ll make us grow taller y/n!”
“what??? you don’t need to be taller jungwon, i do!!” u snatch the hand hes using to massage his own leg and plant it right back on ur own legs
he starts laughing really hard and u think ur the president of comedy now 🔥🔥
he likes feeling tall when hes with u
but he also likes being babied 🙁🙁
Plz give him head kisses and cheek pinches
This kid is literally a titan
and hes crazy
picks u up BRIDAL STYLE and starts running around the room like an animal
like WHAT ???????
he says its because you’re the only THING around and he needs the exercise
and this kid is a teaser too😫😫
“y/n can you hand me the cereal up there? oh wait you cant”
you turn around like What the hell did u just say...
yeah he got a smacking that day
“im just kidding i didnt mean it”
ni-ki is also very sweet
he offers piggyback rides and makes u little gifts
one time u got a cramp from being on ur tippy toes too long
he was laughing at first but then he saw ur eyes welling up with tears and he ran to u really fast 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
heres an analogy
ni-ki hands : whale :: y/n hands : seahorse
they just vanish into thin air and u guys think its peak comedy
“whered ur hand go y/n 💀”
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keiffeine · 3 years
okay but i want soft dom kaeya :( where ur having a bad day and he knows all your sensitive places (like instinctively/accidentally breathing down ur neck or smthn), and he unintentionally gets you riled up. he knows that not too long ago, you were coping from being hurt in some physical form, but all you want is his touch and beg for him. he gives u whatever u want during sad days bc he loves u <33
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with gender-neutral, knight reader.
genre: fluff & nsfw (under the cut)
a/n: lowkey made the reader a knight here to have some more context!! =) smut part is kinda rushed.
© all rights reserved to keiffeine. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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• you were feeling pretty terrible for the past few days
• mentally, physically, every possible form
• being a knight definitely had its pros and cons. pros being: protecting the people of mondstadt, overall being a good job. its cons: mentally and physically draining most days, being out almost all day and all night, sometimes coming back home with a few scuffs here and there
• your body ached. all you really wanted to do was go home and lay in bed, preferably with your boyfriend, but you’d been working relentlessly this past week
• …up until this point, in which you were finally presented with the opportunity to get proper relaxation, which you took in an instant
• you go home, peeling off your knightly attire. immediately, your muscles felt like they could actually breathe, but they still ached terribly
• “my love?” kaeya calls from behind you. you hear his footsteps entering your shared room. “you’re home early, i’ve missed you.”
• you respond with a tired groan.
• “what’s wrong, sweetness?” kaeya steps forward, his arms snaking around your waist. “tired?”
• he pecks your neck, dangerously close to where the most sensitive spot of your neck was, and you gasp.
• “you should stop overworking yourself, love,” he continues, still lovingly pressing kisses against your neck that had your cheeks warming up. “and we haven’t spent much time together lately.”
• “kaeya.” a shaky exhale leaves past your lips as he starts to soothingly rub your sides. you couldn’t tell if he was being intentionally sensual with his touches today, but either way, it was getting you worked up.
• “mhm?” he hums, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
• “keep touching me,” you say, almost in a whiny voice, “please. touch me more.”
• it doesn’t take him long to get you undressed and onto the bed, his hands and lips wandering all over your body.
• you could feel how much he needed you, through the way he touched and kissed you. and vise versa; the way you called his name and gripped his shoulders to subtly tell him you wanted more of him was enough.
• “does this feel okay?” he asks as he’s slowly thrusting into you with your legs around his waist and your hands in his hair, his ponytail having been undone, causing his hair to drape around his shoulders. he looked pretty.
• “more than okay,” you moan. “go faster?”
• “probably not the best idea, sweetness,” kaeya chuckles, kissing up from your collarbone to your neck, sucking on the sensitive spot he was so familiar with before adding, “you’re already sore as it is. i wanna make sure you can still walk tomorrow.”
• “fuck,” you whine, kaeya’s thrusts making you see stars. “feels so good. please go faster, please.”
• “you’re so pretty like this,” he praises as gives in and gently picks up the pace, burying his cock deeper. “so good for me, begging like that. so lovely.”
• “love you so much, kaeya,” you moan, bringing him down for a kiss. “so much. i missed you a lot, too.”
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genshin masterlist
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atzsslut · 3 years
requested by @let-this-be-a-lesson from this, and this list.
chosen prompt(s) : 
#1 - “Is that my sweater?”
#11 - “If you were my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
pairing : bang chan x fem ! reader
genre : fluff 
warnings : long time best friends, very obvious crushing, kind of more than friends (unidentified relationship) to lovers, implied slow burn 
word count : 2.4k words
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You promised to meet Chan almost an hour ago. 
The adrenaline coursed through your body as you ran out of the bathroom after a shower, which was relatively dangerous but you didn’t care, sprinting back to your room to get into some decent clothing. 
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you almost punched it from the frustration. But you didn’t, of course, as if you didn’t have enough bad luck already.  
Are you that stupid to have fallen asleep on the couch? You thought to yourself. You were much too thankful that you already washed your hair in the morning, so it looked good enough now. 
As you dropped your towel, you swore that you’ve never grabbed such a mismatched set of underwear and bra before, but it didn’t matter. You’d opt yourself to become quicksilver if it was for Chan. 
Your hands let themselves skim through until your phone lit up on top of your cupboard and showed three notifications from the man himself. You froze in your spot reading the following messages. 
chan: okay :( if u insist [5:02 PM]
chan: but since u seem tired [5:03 PM]
chan: i’ll pick u up since i’m only 10 mins away [5:03 PM]
Your mind went back to when you had woken up to three missed calls from Chan, various texts asking if you were alright since you never missed a ‘hangout’. At least, that’s what you two always called your frequent meets. 
Your first instinct was to call him back, your voice rather nasally from the blocked nose you always got after sleeping. His kind voice kept replaying in your head;
“Chan, I’m so so sorry-”
“Oh, did you just wake up?”
“I.. yes. Yes I did. I’m so sorry, I fell asleep because I ran a million errands up until 3pm.”
“Hey, no. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Do you want to move our hangout to some other day? I think I’m quite free this week.”
“No, no. I need to see you, honestly. My stress has piled up and it’ll be great to see you. You always cheer me up.”
“I try my best, Y/N. I’ll wait for you as long as you’d like. Go get ready!”
“Will do, Mr. Bang. Thank you so so much!”
The last thing you heard after the call ended was his farewell that was mixed in with his infectious laugh, and that was when you ran towards the shower to get the thin layer of sweat that always came after a nap in the living room.
Your fingers quickly typed away a ‘did god send u down to me as my angel or smthn THANK U BANG CHAN’ before going back to rushing to pick out a nicer outfit. 
Because of him willing to pick you up, you had an extra ten minutes to get ready but your mind was still blank from the adrenaline rush. You had picked yourself out a cream-coloured pleated skirt, but you had no idea what to pair it with until you saw a familiar black sweater pushed to the back of the drawer. 
You weren’t too sure why it was familiar to you, but it was nice enough for you to use with the skirt. For a reason you couldn’t pinpoint, it hugged your body well enough, but the area where you could see the stitch of the shoulders were clearly too broad for you, falling around the middle of your upper arms. 
Strange, you thought, I don’t remember buying this but it’s so comfortable. 
And just like he said, Chan was there in ten minutes, voice heard through your apartment intercom, asking you to come downstairs. Although you tried to ignore it, you were excited just from hearing his voice through that old system speaker. 
Taking the elevator down to the lobby, you smiled seeing the boy standing around, clearly waiting for you to come down, as he kept shifting his feet. 
It was music to his ears as well when he heard you call out his name. Although he would never admit it, or so he thinks, he swore that he heard a hymn whenever ‘Chan’ spilled from your lips. But he shook that away when he reached in for a side hug. 
“Hey you.” he said, “You look awfully fresh for someone who just woke up.”
“I work my magic.” you boasted, not wanting to admit the fuss you made for him. Since Chan was a bit taller than you, not by too much (which you teased him about, but he only let it be because it was you), you held onto him as well by slinging your arm around his waist. 
And as you both walked to the parking lot at the front, stuck together like two pieces of paper with a hefty amount of glue in the middle, that was when Chan stopped right in front of his car. 
You looked at him with concern, thinking that he’d probably left something inside, “Did you forget something?”  
He paused, looking at you with the face he’d make whenever Felix did something strange. That wasn’t new, but you felt flustered when he let you go and stood in front of you, arms crossed, eyes checking out your whole body. 
You looked at him strange, not understanding what he was doing. Your hand only clutched your bag strap harder, not understanding the situation. But before you could say anything, he cut you off. 
“Is that my sweater?”
And the realization hit you. 
A few months ago, Chan had gone to your place to spend some time with you after not getting to meet you for three weeks. But of course, the two of you did not look at the weather forecast when a rainstorm dawned over the whole of Seoul. 
You insisted that Chan should not be driving in this weather in fear of a accident, but he did have to get his car to the indoor parking lot incase it began to hail. However, once he had gotten back, the umbrella you had given him was soaked and so was he, the two of you getting into a hysterical laughing fit at the state he was in. 
In all seriousness, you did quickly get him out of the clothes he was wearing and washed them, shyly looking away when he directly began to take his shirt off in the living room until you yelled “Chan! I have a bathroom!”
However, as the night passed, after he slept in the same bed as you, finding his arm around your waist in the morning to which he quickly pulled away in surprise— he left with only his jeans and socks that had been dry cleaned. 
“Oh shit, this is your sweater!” you swore, the event having replayed itself in your forgetful mind, “I’ll clean it after this and give it back to you.”
“Oh, no. You look better in it than I do.” he complimented. 
In between your reminiscing, he had clicked the car key, making the vehicle make the familiar unlocking sound and flashing lights. Running over to your side, he opened the door for you. 
“M’lady.” he offered, 
“M’Chan.” you joked, only to laugh for a bit then go in with a murmured, “Sorry that was cheesy.” 
“It was!” he admitted, yelling so you could hear him through the car glass since you closed the door already. He did his little jog over to the drivers seat and went it rather smoothly, not that you were impressed by that. 
“So, arcade?” he asked, smiling when you nodded and tapped excitedly on his dashboard. 
Once again, in ten minutes, the two of you had reached the destination, quickly running out as if the both of you were six, and not in your early 20s. 
As you ran into building, fluorescent hitting your eyes with a familiar nostalgia coming alongside them, much too familiar from the high school days of you and Chan going to another arcade that was already closed down now. 
“So, what do you want to do first?” you asked, as if you didn’t guess the answer already. 
Chan looked forward, scanning the place more and finally seeing a row of big,  bulky, metal boxes that couldn’t be missed. He pointed at them, rather cutely to add, smiling down at you. 
You gave him an excited grin back, happy that you guessed right in your head. You walked ahead, pleased to hear him tread behind you at a faster pace to catch up with you.
Drawing back the curtain, the two of you went inside and swiped the arcade card that you had because of several trips that were forced by your auntie with your little cousins. Luckily, there was still money inside. 
The recognizable ‘twinkling’ sound of the photo booth rang in both your ears, opting you to choose the frame decor, etc. 
And as the screen showed both your faces, a robotic voice was heard through the same speakers at the sides of the booth, stating ‘please move more towards the centre, thank you’ 
But if anyone were to look inside, you and Chan were already considerably close, especially since the bench space wasn’t wide at all. But you side-eyed the boy, scooting closer to him as he did the same to you. 
You felt his arm squish against yours, feeling flustered at the sudden contact. 
“Can..uh..” he trailed, “Can I put my arm around you? I.. I think it’ll make the pictures look less awkward, don’t you think?”
“Y-yeah!” you responded a bit too enthusiastically. Clearing your throat, you gave him the gentle smile that he could never hate, “Yeah. Go ahead, Chan.”
He did as he asked. Unlike the playful hug that you two had shared in your apartment lobby, this one felt more intimate, especially when you saw the screen reflecting the two of you. 
You could feel his rings dig against his cotton sweater on your body, assuming now that it was yours, comfortable enough for you to feel secure— at home. Nevertheless, you always felt that Chan was your home. 
Your eyes fixated on the screen as you moved forward to press the red button that would soon make you both take simultaneous pictures together. 
We look good together, you thought to yourself, Wait what? Shut up. 
But why did this feel different? You two had taken hundreds of photos together, varied with ridiculous, attractive, and unnecessary ones. But you swallowed that wondering lump in your throat, quickly dismissing it as you posed with Chan for each one, your vision rather blurry for a reason you couldn’t pinpoint. 
And as the twelve clicks ended, Chan stood up first. You were quite upset about the absence of his embrace, but didn’t mind it when he smiled at you like he always did,
“Let’s see the pictures.” he held his hand out for you to take, which you graciously did, feeling the pit of your stomach drop as you, as per usual, questioned what your relationship with him was at this point. 
The two pairs of feet, albeit the both of you were wearing matching shoes on accident, met their way towards the printing area. Looking at the screen which read 99% complete, Chan heard the sound of the photo paper hit the stopper that avoided the prints from falling on the ground. 
He bent down and took it, showing it to you. Naturally, your arms went around his left bicep, hugging it to look closer. Chan sucked in his breath, knowing that if he was in a cartoon right now, his brown head of hair would be sticking up in all places as a silhouette of his heart pumped dramatically out of his chest. 
It was ironic, as most of your friends would say; it was ironic how you two hugged often but got shy whenever your hands would simpy graze, it was ironic how you two were so affectionate yet were so resistant, and it was very ironic that your ‘hangouts’ weren’t dates at this point. 
He watched as you pointed at his face from top to bottom, questioning, 
“You’re not even facing the camera in most of these! Stop looking at me and look at the lens next time. Do you want to retake these?”
Your question wasn’t too hard, but you didn’t understand why Chan looked at you with such solemn eyes, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was frustrated. But the look was soon replaced with one that held adoration, but that only increased your confusion. 
“I mean.. we don’t have to retake these, Chan. What do you want to do?” 
“If you were my girlfriend, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
He didn’t know why he said that. Not a bone in his body was willing to let that out but his mind decided to play a little game of “thinking out loud”. The impulsivity of the statement made the two of your freeze in front of the photo booth.
But there was something that the both of you knew, something that neither of you wanted to admit. You had been friends for too long, had been too close for too long, but what was different now?
Why, after more than ten years of being best friends, was now the best time for you two to be together? 
But something resided within you, and in Chan as well. This was to atone for all the pain you two had experienced without one another. You and Chan always wondered why you’ve always loved, but never been in love truly. All this time, the person that was it from the start was right in front of your faces, but pent up denial never allowed it to happen. 
Until now. 
Somewhere, somehow, this was the universe’s way of telling you that today was that day. You woke up late, wore his sweater, and Chan had slipped up with his thoughts aloud. It made sense. 
So, you took a small step forward. 
It felt as if the gravity between your feet and floor was much heavier than before, especially watching Chan’s jaw clench out of nervousness, but you knew it was just you mustering up a ton of courage to finally ask, 
“Who’s stopping you from asking?” 
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A Rose that blooms
"what/how your wedding goes with him"
(Vyn Richter)
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
Might be some typos
A/N: I honestly dunno how weddings work ngl i just searched some basic stuff on google amd just slapped it here😭😭 ALSO aint the song 'The French Library' a bit too sad sounding or smthn like– BUT IVE ALREADY WRITTEN IT SO THERES NO TURNING BACK (gonna make another fic based on this music tho)
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Vyn Richter stands in front of a crowd of friends. Luke, Marius and Artem were also seated not so far away from him. Vyn had always been the kind of man that could keep his composure even in the most nerve-wracking situations yet, the sight of you walking down the aisle makes him such a nervous wreck. Your dress drags a bit on the floor. You hold a bouquet full of Roses, Freesia and orchid flowers. Your dress had a lace design from your shoulders to your wrists. The dress wasn't overly designed though. Only enough to satisfy you and Vyn's tastes. Vyn had never felt so nervous his whole life. He hasn't witnessed such sights that makes his hands shake from the overflowing emotions until he sees that smile on your face. He didn't know when or how but somehow, tears had started to slowly drip down from his golden eyes which are full of astonishment. He rubs his eyes a bit but he was stopped. He looks at his left to see his father standing right next to him. "I believe that you wouldn't want to miss this once in a lifetime moment now." his father tells the weeping man in front of him. Vyn gives him a slight nod as he tries to gather his composure back and he stands straight once more waiting for his beloved wife. The piece, 'The French Library' rings loundly.
Starting from a slow and calm sound slowly growing into something more—magestic. The music quickly turns lively when you arrived earlier. You're already halfway to the walk. As soon as the lively part of the music turns back into its original slow and steady one, you're already standing in front of Vyn. The time of the vows starts. Vyn starts first. His vows starting from how much of a naive boy he thought he was for needing the help of Luke and Marius to ask you into something as simple as a dance. His vows reach the middle stage. How he felt while he was in a younger stage of relationship with you—how absolutely lucky he think he is for even having you together with him. He never, once in a million years, have ever thought that one day, just a simple dance with you—just a simple talk—just a small love blooming in his heart would ever could lead to you having a huge impact in his life and vice-versa. He ends his vows with how he promises to keep you away from harm. "Even if I do believe that we shouldn't keep promises when we aren't certain of the things that fate might throw on our way, I still wish to give you my promises. Therefore I, Vyn Richter, take (Name) to be my wedded wife whom I vow to protect, love and make the happiest woman here on earth. 'till death do us apart, or if fate ever goes on our way. I ask you to give your trust to me and we'll guide each other in this maze called life." he finishes with his eyes shining as bright as the stars above, those lovely golden eyes brimming with happiness. He spent a lot of time organizing the wedding with you. The sleepless nights he spent did take a toll on him but the realozation that you're both now safe together washes all his worries and exhaustion.
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A/N: they said that wedding vows r supposed to be at least a minute long but FUCK THE RULES—
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galactic-magick · 3 years
Idiots to Lovers: Virgil x Reader
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Request: I heard tss fic rqs were open - may I request a lil virgil fluff, smthn silly and happy as a treat (gn or he/him reader)? Thank u so much no pressure 👉👈 - @nerve-ous-love​
Summary: You don’t realize you’re dating Virgil.
Words: 400+                                          
Warnings: none
Author’s Notes: Took me a bit to come up with a really good cute scenario and I thought this would be funny, hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @luluwinchester​ @nerve-ous-love​ @zarieslayer​ @amayaisokay​
Virgil is everything you’ve ever wanted in both a friend and a partner, although you doubt the latter would ever happen.
He seems to be oblivious to your affections and light flirting, returning them with just a smile and occasionally some banter back, although you’re sure it’s just friendly.
He tells you he loves you every so often though, which in most cases would seem like a tell-tale sign, but you’ve said that to each other for months in a platonic way. There is no way he could ever have actual romantic feelings for you in your mind, and you’re okay with that.
“So, did you want to do anything tonight?” he asks you one day. “Like…something special I guess,”
“I mean, yeah,” you shrug. “But why does it need to be special? Shit, did I forget your birthday?”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “If you’re not into celebrating these kind of things that’s fine…I just thought I’d ask,”
You stare at him as his face falls slightly. Clearly he was looking forward to doing something fun with you today, but what is today?
It’s not his birthday. It’s not your birthday. It’s not a holiday. And even with those, Virgil isn’t a big celebratory guy, besides maybe Halloween. So this must be important enough to him that he’s willing to suggest something special.
“What’s today again?” you ask, hoping he won’t be offended that you forgot.
“It’s our…” her runs a hand through his hair. “It’s our anniversary,”
Your eyes widen, “What?”
“We had our first official date a month ago today, right?” he searches your face. “I, um, I got you some stuff if you want, nothing fancy like Roman said I should do, but I wanted to show how much you mean to me,”
You can’t say anything for a few minutes.
How did you not know you were dating? Or Virgil considered you dating?
Were all those really dates? Going places at strange hours or staying in and watching movies with your head on his shoulder, always giving him a hug and telling him how much you care about him when you leave…
Your dream came true without you even realizing it.
“Hey, um,” you start. “It’s actually really funny but…I didn’t realize we were dating,”
His face flushes pink, “Oh shit. Oh shit oh my gosh I’m so sorry. I totally overstepped-“
“Just forget I said anything, okay? You can keep the stuff, just ignore everything I said-“
He stops apologizing and looks into your eyes.
You lean in, kiss him softly, and smile, “I’m happy we’re dating,”
“You are?”
“Would it be okay if I kiss you again then?” he smirks.
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hydrachea · 3 years
Forgive my messy and vaguely coherent thoughts BUT
I’ve been thinking thoughts bout the lake trio n possessed Volo.
So Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie are the Pokémon of Willpower, Emotion, and Knowledge. They also possess the ability to calm Dialga or Palkia. So they are essentially in tune with whatever emotions all powerful legendary Pokémon feel.
So what if in the first round when Akari has to do those trials for the red chain that the lake trio can feel something is wrong. They can feel Giratina’s presence and how unnaturally close it is since Volo tags along. Volo can hear the faint arguement of Giratina in his mind towards the trio who try to console or calm them, even if the trio isn’t entirely sure of Giratina’s intentions at the time they know it isn't good. Volo leaves with a massive headache cause he is used to one voice besides his own in his head not 4.
By the time Akari makes a second round to capture the trio for that one plate, the lake trio has realized what is happening. They realize what Giratina is doing with Volo. By then it’s just a bit too late.
Bonus becuz I need fluff I can't make shit angsty sry: when we finally exorcise the Giratina from the boy, the lake trio take it upon themselves to help Akari care for Volo because they understand that this should have never happened, or at least been stopped beforehand. They are a trio to help keep balance With time and space and they almost allowed the world to be destroyed. And yeah he’s just a lil guy compared to them (in the sense they are legendaries and Volo is just a human) but they feel bad they let it brew for so long even if they wouldn’t have known and probably couldn’t do much once they found out. Mesprit helps him balance his emotions since they are still scrambled from Giratina’s influence. Helps him reconnect with his pokemon with the help of Akari (because there is definitely some strain there after that whole ordeal), Uxie enjoys sharing random knowledge with him that isn’t super related to Arceus or Giratina to keep his mind off of it for a lil bit while recovering (lol Uxie is just infodumping),and Azelf supplies the unconscious motive to keep going through the misfortunes. The willpower to beat Giratina 100% out of his body. Take back what belongs to you. Akari helps with all of it of course but the inclusion of the legenaries helps. It's definitely gonna cause a breakdown for Volo later because he doesn't get why they are all so. Nice. Maybe he's having a breakdown rn who knows he's got enough mental issues to have a lot of those.
lumioxys asked: More becuz the brain won't stop. At this point I'm running on crack with this idea because I just wanna bully Volo
maybe Uxie stays with Volo idk I think they would get along. Uxie likes listening to Volo talk about the legends, and Volo likes learning from Uxie about the world in general (nature, Pokemon, whatever). He tells himself it's because Uxie is a legendary that he must study it because if he gathers the other two he could be making connections here to overthrow God or smthn but like he's just denying that he genuinely enjoys Uxie’s company as a Pokemon companion and friend. Also because Uxie didn't really do anything to help him heal in relation to Giratina like mesprit and azelf did. They just hung out with Volo since the rest of the trio was there, sharing random bits that might interest them to direct there thoughts in the opposite direction of the subject of his pain. if Uxie gets annoyed or upset they just either teleport away or teleport Volo into the middle of nowhere. He’ll be fine. Probably. Makes fun of him in poke-language around his Pokemon and they laugh at him too. The whole “dont do it or I will get Akari” kind of deal. The kind of friend who is also a ball n chain because we can't leave him to his own devices. Akari is fine with it becuz it means she doesn't have to keep an eye on him 24/7. Some days Volo goes to her n is like “please get this thing away from me” it doesn’t work. Sometimes the entire trio visits specifically to annoy him and play pranks. They do it with a weird fondness of yeah that’s the human that Giratina fucked up a lil bit. He's a little insane but that's ok he's kinda working on it.
Put in a setting similar to the one of the long fall from the gates of heaven to the depths of hell where Giratina's already occupies Volo's mind and talks to him, this could work nicely! It would also explain why Volo never came with Akari and whichever clan leader was with them when they went to gather the materials for the Red Chain - he could feel something off with the presence inside, it made Giratina's voice grow restless. And that's also why when it's time to get their plates, he didn't come to the lakes at all.
The three of them helping him recover is really cute... In the context of Giratina influencing his thoughts and actions from nearly the start, he's a lot more of a victim (it really depends on the context pff) and it's sweet of them to help him get himself together again, especially considering it's very needed. Him bonding with Uxie over knowledge is adorable, he really can use a friend! Yes, even if that friend is a pokemon. He'll take what he can get at this point.
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altergibralter · 2 years
Hey! I just found this account by searching moon knight stuff and came across it and the post I saw was an explanation on things people writing moon knight fics have gotten wrong and unfortunately I’ve been trying to find some good Marc/Steven & Jake x reader fics so basically fluff or like when y/n has been dating one of them for a while (eg Marc) & the other alters finding out (fronting at the wrong time/co-conscious) or smthn but haven’t been able to find any. You got any good recs like that?
Sorry, we don’t read fics that are reader or author self inserts. No hate to anyone who likes that, but none of us do.
It makes us feel weird. We already have identity issues. We don’t really need someone else telling us what we are doing or how we are reacting to something.
Maybe someone else might have some recs like that.
If anyone does who sees this post, please let the asker know.
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