#but we’re making progress
Death note should have had like 50% more tennis, I’m talking a tennis match every few episodes
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pangur-and-grim · 2 days
Belphie is such an interesting kitten, compared to the other two.
baby Grim presented some challenges, because she loved to destroy property (mostly climbing various shelves and mantles and knocking everything she could to the floor), she was mildly aggressive toward Marmaduke the family cat (she felt that at the ripe age of 4 months, she deserved to be king), and she was fairly aloof for a kitten, more into running about than cuddling. in most ways, she was like a tiny mafia boss.
Pangur I instantly soul-bonded with, because she was so sickly and pathetic. and neurotic, too - everything was scary to her, people, places and animals. she’d explore the house and play, but there was always an ‘expecting an eagle to swoop down and grab her’ energy.
now Belphie! he’s a healthy active boy with zero fear, and zero aggression, but (fortunately or unfortunately) someone cranked his Play button to maximum and then broke off the handle. he is either fast asleep, and the cutest kitten on earth, or racing about and flailing and climbing and pouncing. which means that he can’t be let outside the kitten room unsupervised yet, because his baby willpower is only so strong, and he will eventually break and start jumping on Pangur and Grim. so in a way, he’s the healthiest happiest cat I’ve ever had, but he’s also the most complicated, because he still has to spend most of his time jailed in the kitten room.
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ato-dato · 1 year
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The CEO makes the rules.
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iinryer · 2 months
so sorry to be unhinged but i don’t want eddie realizations for another season at LEAST. i want the full drama procedural slowburn experience im so serious
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unspecifiedfigure · 11 months
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he has something to prove
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imrowanartist · 29 days
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The summary of What Else We May Become Part 2: Gaz moping around until Price comes home
(If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, you can find it here!)
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y0ur-r34l1ty · 4 months
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Playing with fire
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heu-ris-tic · 3 months
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Last day of mondioring seminar and she’s all smiles 🥹
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tortoisebore · 7 months
someday snippet 🕺
my fav @kaaaaaaarf tagged me in this like multiple days ago & i’m just now getting to it 🫠 but i have multiple things to share with you this time!
here’s the first 400 or so words of chapter 9 AND the chapter summary. as a bonus, i can also tell you for certain that the title is “slow motion” and that this chapter is 100% sirius’ pov 🫶
tagging anyone that hasn’t been tagged & wants to share!! let me read ur wips!! 💃
tw beneath the cut: physical abuse, specifically being hit in the face by a parent
Galavanting, sightseeing, and meeting the parents (amongst other things) (aka New York pt. 1).
Sirius was eleven the first time he thought about running away from home.
The idea came to him on the day of the annual Black Family Christmas Eve Party—a sordid, stuffy affair that usually involved standing next to Regulus in an itchy wool jacket and smiling politely when spoken to by various pompous, wrinkled extended family members. Sometime during cocktail hour, he’d snuck off to steal a bit of dessert from the kitchen only to be caught by his mother halfway down the hall. She’d dragged him upstairs, fuming, angrier than he’d ever seen her, landed a sudden sharp smack to his cheek and banished him to his room without dinner.
Sirius remembered that night vividly—the very first time his mother had hit him, the very first time he hated her enough to want to leave and never come back. That will show her, he’d thought angrily, leaning halfway out his open bedroom window, letting the frigid December wind cool the burning remnants of her hand on his cheek. I’ll run away and find a better mother and she’ll be sorry she wasn’t nicer to me.
Eventually, when the occasional smack on the cheek seemed to get old and his mother took to hitting him with belts and plates and fire pokers instead, Sirius would lose the belief that she would be anything other than relieved to be rid of him.
Even as life at home shifted, growing more explosive and exhausting as the years went on, the plan never changed. From that first Christmas Eve—exactly four years before he’d end up leaving for good, the first of many angry, lonely midnights he spent staring restlessly at the ceiling above his bed—the plan was always James.
Sirius’ first visit to the Potters’ townhouse had felt like walking into an especially pleasant dream—snapping open the gate to the wrought iron fence out front, dropping his backpack neatly by the door while James threw their shoes into a pile down the hall and skidded into the kitchen, pulling handfuls of snacks and treats and sugary drinks from the fridge before thundering upstairs, shouting for Sirius to follow.
It was warm there, full of giant windows and golden light in the summer and crackling fireplaces in the winter, steaming hot dinners and laughter that brought tears to his eyes. Sirius was more himself there than anywhere else—never felt the need to look over his shoulder or tiptoe across rooms because his presence was welcomed. Treasured.
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southstand · 13 days
reports chelsea and newcastle are sympathetic to city and might join the lawsuit makes sense considering their own fundings but villa potentially also being sympathetic has done my head in. this is what’s wrong with modern pl football. the fact that city and chelsea have cheated their way into being champions and haven’t even got a slap on the wrist for it by the league means that other clubs are taking their example and attempting to shortcut their way into becoming a consistent top 4 club as well (you’ve seen it with newcastle now and if the villa rumours are true then they’re also eyeing dodgy investment to fast track them to the top).
it’s a rollercoaster that doesn’t stop. even if they get reprimanded now post everything, chelsea and city have still built their global success and fame and that kind of legacy doesn’t fade with a few financial restrictions. it’s an absolute slap in the face to clubs like us that languished in midtable and the lower half for decades before we had an owner who was committed to the financial growth of the club take over and slowly build us to the point of gaining enough revenue to attract the best players and be able to compete financially against the historically successful clubs in the league. like what is even the point trying to compete when the league doesn’t care?
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blowthemoonout · 3 months
I haven’t had a very good couple of weeks but I hit 100 kudos on my WIP fic today and oh boy did that feel nice. It’s been actual years since I’ve shared any of my writing with anyone (and honestly, almost as long since I’ve done any writing at all), so the positive feedback has been a joy. ❤️
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spyderschaos · 1 month
I would love love love to hear about the dynamic with pietro, wanda and amber!!! (also cannot wait for chapter two)
Omg omg ok
1. So Amber and Gwanda met in middle school (don’t know which grade exactly) cuz they both had a spider phase (haha)
-Events led to a ‘listing spider facts’ competition and boom besties
2. They both met Pete freshman year of high school. His desk was in front of Amber and he was listening in to their conversation until he decided to jump in with a bad joke and just turn back to his stuff and not talk again
-Then during lunch Amber and Gwanda just sat with him, I like to think they just automatically accepted him into the group
-Pete was just sorta like “huh” and “alright then” so boom besties part 2
3. As said before Gwanda is the responsible one until convinced otherwise, then she’ll help bc if ur gonna do smth dumb you might as well do it as well as u can
4. Pete is no snitch but he’s a horrible liar. So let’s say Amber goes after a bad guy after they, as a group, had decided she should not and would not do that, Pete would try to help her.
-Kinda like “what? Nooo she was with me the whole time. Yeah yeah we went uhhhh duck.. feeding?” And Gwanda looks at him like 🤨 bc he literally texted her (with photos) that he had spent that whole day building a computer from dumpster finds just to see if he could (he could)
5. Amber is always the one walking straight into random shit, as does anyone given the spider-man mantle
6. While Amber and Gwanda are closer, Pietro does not 🙅 get left out (there’s actually three duos in a trio not one) (one would think Amber is the mutual friend and whatnot- NO they are all friends and can, in fact, hang out even if one person is missing)
7. I think Gwanda and Pietro would be more competitive than Gwanda and Amber, at least like trivia wise, especially science
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manwithoutaspleen · 2 months
Best part about being trans is it gives you something to do. Like ok here are some nice clear goals to attain. HRT. Name change. Top surgery. I can make measurable progress with this
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slythereen · 4 months
me personally if my best friend was a sainz fan i’d just have to tell them to never speak to me about f1. i am not capable of keeping my haterisms inside
listen i just go [: yeah that’s your man and call it a day 😭😭
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It's not really much, but I wanted to share a kinda validating thing. To preface, we have what feels like limited barriers for memories. I (host) sort of assumed we all shared memories with some dissociating between them. Like remembering through a fog. Which made me honestly feel like maybe I was secretly lying and everyone was fake and all that kinda stuff. Turns out my therapist talked to one of my headmates and told me about the conversation and I did not know everything that had been discussed. Which on the one hand yay I'm not a secret liar. On the other, what else don't I know? But I'm choosing to focus on more barriers then I thought and therefore less likely that I'm lying to myself. If that makes sense. Sorry
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starlooove · 4 months
When ppl ask why traditional men and women don’t get together the answer is literally so simple. Like these kind of women are all about misogyny until the disrespect comes. And I’m talking true degradation and disrespect; as in they want the man to make all the choices till they realize it’s ALL the choices. They don’t want to think until they realize they don’t GET to. It’s the same reason when ppl ask why ppl like Pearl don’t shut the fuck up since it’s not traditional for women to speak. Their entire view of traditional relationships is Pinterest Boards, Incel tweets, and 40s propaganda posters.
Like it’s all ‘why can’t I just stay at home and cook for the kids’ ok but what happens when you want to go out on a fun trip and he says no. What happens when kid A is sick with X and kid Z is sick with Y and there’s a parent teacher conference for kids L-P and once ur done with all that u have to have food on the table? Like these women don’t think it through at all, which is part of the problem btw like that bimbo resurgence shit is just another excuse for y’all not to fucking think, and then when it’s 30 years down the line and they’re stuck in loveless marriages (because these men don’t love them. They think it’s love but when they tell you to shut the hell up about something you were interested in before them it starts to click) they blame the whole damn world and it’s so sick.
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