#but yea like. better to have this list of stuff they can come back to than to like
himbopunk · 1 year
bro every time someone on etsy asks me how i make patches i get so excited i fucking love sharing resources and helping people make things its cool as hell
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the-record · 11 months
kissing lessons: 2
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synopsis: ellie was your first kiss, but she moved away and you never spoke again. what happens when she moves back to town ten years later?
song: kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pairing: college!ellie x reader
warnings: mean moms, implied homophobia
a/n: uhm wow thank you so much for all the love the first part 🫶 yall are angels and i love u all! thinking this is a series!!!!!!
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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“damn. you grew up.”
you laughed, coming over and pulling ellie into a hug. “so did you, jesus.” you let go of her and joel pulled you into a hug of his own. “hi mr. miller.”
“jesus kid, how many times do i have to say not to call me that! its joel.”
the air was awkward as you pulled away from them both, memories of your childhood floating through your mind. “so, uhm, what are y’all doing back here? thought you wanted to be close to tommy?”
joel sighed and leaned on the cart he had been pushing. “yea, well, ellie wanted to go to school here.”
“they’ve got a great art program.” ellie interrupted. “didn’t think id get in, but i did on a scholarship, so we decided to come back.”
you smiled at her. “wow that’s amazing, you’ll have to show me your stuff some time!”
“absolutely, shes amazing.” joel said, throwing an arm around her shoulder. “what about you, are you still in school?”
you sighed and switched your basket to the other hand. “unfortunately, last year though!” you smiled.
“thats the spirit.” joel pat you on the shoulder. “we better get going, but it’s good to see you angel. hope we get to see more of you.” he turned back to the cart, looking at the list as he headed down the cereal aisle.
ellie cleared her throat before speaking again. “hey, can i get your number? y’know so we can catch up?”
“yeah, of course!” she slipped her phone into your hands, watching as you added your number to a new contact. “it’s really good to see you.” you said as you put your free arm around her neck in a hug.
“yea it is.” her arm squeezed your middle for a moment before you both let go, heading opposite ways. “see you around angel.”
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“what’s got you so smiley?” your mom wondered as she chopped vegetables beside you.
you set down the knife your were holding, turning around to lean on the counter. “you remember ellie? the girl i was, like, best friends with in elementary school?” she nodded, her eyes flashing between you and the onion. “saw her and mr. miller at the grocery store. i guess they’re moving back so ellie can go to school here.”
she hummed, no reaction on her face. “will you get the chicken out the fridge for me?” she looked up when you didn’t move, just staring at her. “what?”
“you tell me.”
she sighed and set down her knife, getting the chicken herself. “i just… i never liked that girl.” she closed the fridge door and cut open the chicken, putting it in a bowl with some seasoning. “mr. miller is very kind, and his sarah is a sweetie.” she clicked her tounge. “but ellie seemed to be a bad influence on you. something off about that girl.”
you knew exactly what she meant.
ellie was a trouble maker. back-talking teachers, and pranking neighbors. and she was never the girly-girl the moms wanted her to be. too tomboy-ish for their daughters.
too queer for them.
“whatever.” you left the kitchen, grabbing your keys and walking out the front door like you used to all those years ago. you heard your mom call out for you as you left, but you ignored her, getting in your car and pulling away.
ellie had texted you earlier to give you her number, claiming she was always free.
e: hey angel its ellie 3:48
a: hey. glad i saw you today. 3:52
a: when are you free? 3:52
e: always 3:54
a: u free now??? 5:36
e: yea come over 5:36
e: sent a pin 📍 5:37
ellie raced down the stairs as you knocked on the door, yelling at joel “i got it” before he could get up.
he laughed and turned back to the tv. she’d done that as a kid too, never more excited than when you came over. she composed herself before unlocking and opening the door, a shy smile on her face.
“hey, come in.” she stepped back, watching you come inside and slide off your shoes along side hers. she took your hand, a habit she never dropped, and led you upstairs to her room.
“hey angel!”
you smiled softly, peeking around a corner and seeing joel watching the news. “hi mr. miller.”
“it’s joel!”
ellie rolled her eyes, pulling at your arm. you scoffed, letting her guide you. “now, my room is just bones right now. im only here temporarily so…”
she wasn’t joking.
her bed frame sat against a wall not put together, all her stuff in boxes. a suitcase sat by the closet with clothes and essentials. her mattress tucked in a corner with sheets and a pillow. walls bare and books hidden.
“this is boring.” you teased as you flopped onto her mattress face first. when you looked over to ellie she was standing awkwardly at the door, hands at her sides and eyes on the floor. “what the hell are you doing?”
she shrugged, shuffling forward. “ ‘don’t know. feels weird.”
you laughed, staring at her incredulously. “you just yanked me up your stairs to your room, and now it’s weird?”
“you’re right.” she stood at the foot of the mattress before falling on top of you.
ellie gasped and rolled off you. “do not say the lord’s name in vain missy! can you imagine what your mother would do if she heard?”
she felt the energy sour at the mention of your mom. “you okay?”
she watched as you sat up and followed suit, sitting criss cross in front of you. “i hate living with her. she finds a way to ruin everything.” you picked at the hole on your jeans, pulling at the white threads.
“let me guess,” ellie said, leaning onto her hands behind her. “not so happy to hear im back in town.” you looked at her with a guilty expression. “she never liked me. none of the moms did.”
“yea, well, theyre all idiots.” you huffed and picked at her jeans instead. “she just… any time im excited she has to find a way to ruin it. i just wanna move out.”
you were both silent for a minute. ellie watched as you picked and twisted the the strings on her pants, separating them just to pinch them back together. “move in with me.”
your head shot up to look at her.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 7 months
Cinnamon sugar 
another BitterSweet Trio poly Fic!!! 🩷🍪🧡 Just in time for Valentine’s Day
Hope you enjoy
No TW this time (unless there’s something I missed then please tell me)
“…Al are you sure about this?” Seth‘s voice was filled with concern as he watches his boyfriend balancing precariously on a step ladder and a few books “almost…got it..HAHA!-WHOW!” Alphonse loses his footing and falls backwards into Seth’s arms much to the smaller man’s irritation “I got it~” Al waves a fairly large, seemingly handmade book in Seth’s face before hopping out of his arms
“holy shit! is that your pops old recipe book?” Al slides into the kitchen and tosses the recipe book on the counter and Seth hops on the stool “hell yeah it is! and I’m lucky my dad made these recipes dumbass proof” “why? He knew how to cook” “HE did. me and my Ma? Nah. Better have home insurance” seth laughed and Alphones fliped the pages. Each page felt sturdy, like they got stronger with age. “He practically drilled them in my head. said “your gonna need to make food for your loved ones one day”” seth smiled down at the book of recipes “....little did he know I’d still be feeding you” Al leant over the counter to kiss his forehead, seth's face turned bright red still not quite used to that….from either of them and i don't think he ever will. “Um i *ahem* why ya getting this stuff out?” al snickers at his reaction “bet he'd have never guessed id have two people to care for~” Al attempts to lean in for a kiss but seth pushes his face away “aw come on! No kiss for ya Boi!?” “you'll get a kiss when you can stay on task” al sighs and continues reading the recipe “french toast bake plus strawberries”
“so you wanna make breakfast as a surprise for sugar?” “I need some help....and you take direction well-OW!” Seth smacks Al’s shoulder then gestures to the book “okok!..there's a list of stuff here. You get that i'll get the bowls and shit”
“And in the oven it goes. see~ i told you we could cook without catching the house on fire” “hold on now theres still time during baking” they both laugh ending in a comfortable silence.
“I'm honestly surprised sugar aint’ up yet” “well that just means we have a little more time..got any ideas?” seth thinks for a moment a devious grin appearing across his face “...yea i got one” Al slides onto the counter in front of seth “oh yea and what's tha-HM” Seth pulls him into a kiss by the collar of his sweater. The kiss lasted a few seconds when seth pulls away “how's that as a kiss for “Ya Boi” sufficient enough?” a few seconds of silence and adoring eye contact before Al speaks up “......Your gay” “THIS is why i don't try” seth attempts to walk away but gets trapped by Al’s legs “Get back here cowboy~” Al wraps his arms around seth's neck “hey~ i love you” “i love you too ya goof” “im serious. Your the cinnamon to my cinnamon sugar toast OH and Boo’s the bread cause they bake And without them…we wouldn't be together” “aw Al….that’s really sweet” they press their foreheads together basking in the soft embrace of each other
“OK who turned off my alarm!”
They both chuckle hearing their partner from the other room “Good morning Boo!” “mornin’ sugar”
I hear sugarboo’s footsteps. Alphonse hops off the counter to avoid getting scolded “oOoO something smells good in here!” “Al got the bright idea to turn your alarm off and wake me up to make breakfast” “well I don’t see the fire extinguisher anywhere, so I’m assuming everything went smoothly” Sugarboo gives them both well-deserved kisses. and sits on the barstool. The timer went off, and Alphonse is very careful taking the dish out of the oven “happy Valentine’s Day Boo!” “holy shit! That looks really fucking good! Whose recipe did you use?!” “my dad’s. he used to keep a book of all of um’ and I wanted to cook some breakfast for my two favorite people” Seth wraps his arm around Alphonse’s waist. Boo smiles with adoration in their eyes looking at their boys
“you know I’m really proud of you two. Not just for cooking, but for making it this far. You make me feel so fucking lucky” they push themselves up and wrap their arms around Alphonse and Seth
“Happy Valentine’s Day boys” they hold each other tightly and contently
“aright now let’s eat I’m fucking starving”
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone🫶
I hope you all are having a great day rather celebrating alone or with someone else
Hope you enjoyed this little thing with the boys
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daddyy333 · 1 year
Take care of yourself | Eddie Munson x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 1.0k
warnings: reader has low iron, reader passes out, ?
if I got any information about having low iron incorrect, please let me know and I will correct it
summary: Eddie just wants you take care of yourself
You should’ve known better. You’d run out of your iron supplements weeks ago and kept forgetting to buy them again. You felt fine for a while, and then all your symptoms came back. You kept meaning to buy it, truly, but things would come up or you’d be so exhausted you forgot everything and just focused on getting home.
Today, you felt the worst you’ve ever felt in your life. Your entire body felt heavy, and you were so dizzy you almost felt like you were swaying all day (you definitely were), and your manager sent you home because you looked sick.
“Baby?” Eddie said as you walked in the door. You sighed, rubbing your eyes as you set your keys down and hung your bag up. He walked over and kissed your head, a little surprised when your sort of leaned all your weight on him.
“You tired?” He asked and you nodded. He rubbed your back and said “let me make you something to eat first, go get comfy” “no it’s okay” you mumbled, slowly walking to the bedroom. Eddie noticed how weak you seemed and quickly grabbed your hips to steady you.
“My love, what’s going on?” He asked and you shook your head. You shivered a little, feeling really cold before you said “it’s nothing, I’m just really tired” “alright,” he said cautiously. He kissed your head and you made your way to the bedroom.
You sighed, slipping off your shirt and pants and turning on the shower. You shivered slightly, brushing through your hair. You felt so weak, you couldn’t wait to sleep.
You lost your balance trying to step into the shower, at least that’s what you tried to convince Eddie has happened. What really happened was you completely passed out and barely missed the handle of the shower as you fell.
“Baby!” Eddie yelled, running into the bathroom. He turned off the shower, and scooped you up into his arms, kissing your head a few times. He rubbed your arm and said “baby, baby wake up for me, yea? Come on, y/n, stop scaring me”
You groaned and squirmed in his arms, making him sigh a breath of relief. “Sweetheart, please, please calm down it’s just me” “I’m fi- I’m fine, Eddie. I just slipped” you said and tried to get out of his arms. He held you tight and you weren’t nearly strong enough to fight back.
“Babe, when was the last time you took your iron pills?” He asked and you groaned. He tapped your cheek, thinking you were losing consciousness again. You sighed and said “um…I don’t know, a few weeks ago? Please don’t- d-don’t take me the hospital. We can’t afford it”
“Weeks? God, baby you’re killing me. And yourself, fuck’s sake!” He said and scooped you up. You sniffled and said “I’m so tired, Eddie” “I know, I know my love” he said and set you on the bed, smoothing your hair back.
He went to the kitchen to find your list of “iron good foods” that you wrote a long time ago so when you needed to keep your iron levels up when your meds ran out you could at least try to by eating these things. Eddie got you a whole platter of everything you had in the kitchen that was on your list and made his way to the room.
“Eddie…it’s cold” you said, shaking slightly. You were panting softly, curled up under the blanket. He caressed your cheek and said “baby, eat some of this stuff. I’m gonna run to Walgreens and get your prescription. I’m gonna have Max come watch you while I’m gone”
He had to get out of there fast, you looked so tired and weak it was breaking his heart. You reached out and grabbed his hand, beginning to scare yourself now. “Wait, wait don’t leave” you said and sighed.
He couldn’t help it as the tears streamed down his cheeks. He remembered the first time this happened and you being in the hospital and discovering your ridiculously low iron levels, it all brought back so much fear and anxiety.
“What’s wrong baby? Do I need to get you to the hospital?” He asked, voice shaky and strained. You whimpered and said “no, no…I just- I-I can’t breathe” “it’s okay, it’s okay just take some deep breaths for me” he said as he caressed your cheek.
When you were feeling a little less like you were gonna pass out 29 times in one minute he got up and called Max to have her get your prescription and some hydration packets as well.
You ended up taking a nap and when you woke up you were feeling better. You knew it would take a couple weeks to actually feel more human and less zombie but you could at least take that shower you wanted and walk around the house.
“You can’t do that again. You know how poorly your body stores iron, you can’t forget to take it. Who knows how much longer you would’ve gone had this not happened, you know eventually it becomes toxic. You have to take care of yourself, babe” he said as he cupped your cheeks, kissing your head.
You nodded and said “I know, I’ve just been so busy and it’s honestly just really stupid that I’ll depend on this stupid pill forever. I hate it, and I wish I wouldn’t pass out because of some stupid thing in my body keeping me from getting one stupid freaking vitamin” “I know gorgeous, I know it’s stupid” he said and you buried your head in his chest.
You took a deep breath and said “I’m sorry I scared you” “it’s okay, I’m just glad I was here. I think I would’ve passed out too if I came home to find you like that” he said and chuckled. You giggled and looked up at him.
“You must really love me if you’re this worked up” you said and he rolled his eyes. You giggled even more and he said “this is what it takes for you to realize?” He shook his head and kissed you softly, grinning at how cute you look.
Taglist: @readsalot73 @hellfire1986baby @my-munson-styles
@tlclick73 @munsonmecrazy
@prestinalove @nevermoreraven1
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes
CW!Bucky Barnes
Chris Evans
Geralt of Rivia
Henry Cavill
Chris Sturniolo
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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Could I request the reader comforting Tom after a break up, but she finds out that they broke up because he has feelings for her. Childhood friends to lovers type of thing? :) thanks (2007/2008)
warnings: nothing just kissing and breakup, cheesiness, (name) instead of y/n, you snoop in on their conversation a little (don’t do this. this is just for the sake of the imagine), implied tom crying, the good ole ‘i wish he’s like me back’, friends to lovers
a/n: this is really cute and i’m sorry if this doesn’t turn out right lmfao. but enjoy 🫶🏻 it’s gonna be pretty short i’m sorry. btw i mention phones bcuz the first iphone was out around 2007-2008
comforting tom after a breakup. tom x reader
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i hated seeing tom like this. it hurt me so bad because i love him. not like a friend but as a crush. he means so much to me. i just wish he would like me back…
it was early in the morning when tom had stopped by to see me. he greets me while i go back to getting ready for the morning“tom! are you okay? you don’t look so good” i ask him worriedly. he just shrugs before going back to his phone. i shake it off and continue doing what i need to do. “tom, you know you can talk to me right? if somethings wrong im always here to help” i tell him. “it’s fine, just, um, thinking about stuff.” “about what?” “well… i kind of can’t tell you” “oh um okay” i say before going to the kitchen. after a few more minutes of silence, i hear tom talking to someone. i stop what i’m doing and go to see who he’s talking to. i start walking and then notice tom looking at me. my eyes widen and i hurriedly walk back to the kitchen. “i’m breaking up with you” is the one thing that catches my attention. i hear some more words being said before he hangs up and sighs. i walk back to the living room. “tom what is going on?” i ask, a little more stern. “i broke up with her” “why?” “i don’t even know anymore. there’s someone else i like who’s just a lot better than her. they understand me more” i feel my heart drop, know that it’s probably not me. “oh, um, im sorry. but it’s, um, nice you have your eyes for someone else.” i say with a half smile. i sit next to tom and let him lean on my shoulder. i put my arm around him and rub his back while he lets his feelings out. “you know, i’m so thankful to have you as a friend” he says. yea… friend right. “me too tom” i smile. “i’m sorry you had to see me like this” he apologizes. “don’t apologize. it’s okay” “(name) i guess now is the time to tell you” “what?” i ask confused. “(name i like you. and i have for a long time. and these past few weeks i’ve come to realize my feelings for you. you’re the reason i broke up with her. i love you (name), not her” i look at him with wide eyes and red cheeks. “oh tom you have no idea how long i’ve liked you.” “really? you’re being serious right?” “yes tom i promise.” he looks my face up and down before sitting up and taking my hands. “can i kiss you?” i don’t even give him an answer before i’m leaning in and kissing him. our lips touch in a calm and slow kiss. i wrap my arms around his neck while he puts his on my waist. we pull away out of breath. “that was amazing” he nods as a response. “be mine?” “of course tom”
and with that. we’re the best ever🫶🏻
i’m so sorry abt the ending i didn’t know what to put rip💔
t-list: @memog1rl @burntb4bydoll
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weixuldo · 1 year
Linecook Anakin HCs
pleaseeee i cannot get this idea out of my mind (maybe i’m just tryna romanticize my job lol) also lemme just say this list is hella unorganized ( just like my brain lol)
warnings: cursing, ani is a typical horny young adult, smoking; weed
Muscular arms, veins!!
Beautiful blue eyes look up at the screen to see the next meal prep (you imagine those same eyes looking up at you like that if you ever get him on his knees)
He always finds something to compliment you on (even though there’s not much room for expression due to the standard comply uniform)
He’s almost always working cause he wants money and honestly doesn’t mind the atmosphere of the kitchen. 
Plus weed isn't cheap and he likes to smoke :)
On breaks you’ll often see him out back smoking a cig or a vape (depending on his mood).
“You know that stuff is bad for you right?” 
“Yea, i dont really give a shit tho”
You roll your eyes, “well don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when you’re carrying around an oxygen tank in thirty years”
He sent a play sad face your way and exclaimed “That’s so sweet, you’re looking out for my health”
“You’re so full of shit Skywalker” you say as you go back inside.
Though, after that encounter you notice he started to chew a lot more gum and smoke a lot less
He flirts with other waitresses too, but you are definitely his favorite
Reaches stuff on the top shelf when you can't. 
“Need some help princess?”
Winks at you from behind the window
Before you got to know him, you were a little afraid of him
He’s honestly so good at his job that it’s scary- he rarely messes up an order and if it's messed up it’s usually ‘cause someone rang it in wrong.
He’d be messing around one minute then barking orders at people when it got busy- he was always so focused on whatever he was doing whether it be cooking the meat, tossing salads, making desserts, etc
You used to see him roll his eyes or talk shit to other waitresses when they didnt do something right. 
“There’s a button for that ya know-”
“You didn’t tell me no onions”
“Ring it in if he wants it that way- I got too many orders to keep up with the shit you’re tellin’ me”
But he seems to be nicer to you…
“Hey Ani- could I get no tomatoes on this please”
“Sure thing, sweetheart”
“There’s my favorite girl” he says when you walk into the back. 
Some servers get jealous of his blatant favoritism (he takes longer on their orders when they’re nasty to you)
The other cooks get along with him fine
You can often find them goofing around in the back
But they think he’s waaaaay too handsome for his own good.
“Why you workin’ here when you could be on the cover of a magazine?”
“He’s here cause Skywalker’s got terrible manners and no game” another cook laughed.
“the fuck I dont” Anakin responded as the rest of the cooks all laughed along. 
His coworkers like to tease him when they see how flirty he gets when you come around. 
Nicknames include: “Pretty boy”, “player”, “heartthrob”
The heat of the appliances mixed with the rush of the night end up giving him a sheen of sweat and a warm blush to his pretty face. 
Ngl, this man would get greasy by the end of the night…
Dried food, condiments,and oils staining his black shirt
By the end of the shift he would have a lingering smell of char from the grill as well as a combined smell of all the food in the kitchen and his own musk from his sweat.
But the blend of labored scents mixed with his cheap cologne and deodorant made for an oddly enticing aroma.
You would joke with him during closing about how bad he smelled, though deep down you knew you liked it. 
“Yea, well we can’t all be in the front smelling like daisies and sunshine” he joked. 
He thought you smelled nice? You had worked a full day too- there was no way.
You insisted you didn’t smell much better than him but he shook his head, “nah princess, I could breathe you in all day”
That may have been a little creepy coming from anyone else, but it was anakin… the hottest guy in the restaurant, the talented cook, the guy you had a huge crush on. 
He’ll saunter into the back while you’re rolling your silverware and chat with you
“Ugh, I’m so ready to ge the fuck outta here” he sighs.
“Tell me about it, today has been so long” 
“Have you atleast made decent money?” 
He laughs
“What’s so funny?”
“I don’t know why I even asked if you made good money- I should know the answer to that when talking to a girl with such a pretty face,” he says, before slipping back into the kitchen, leaving you with a heavy blush. 
He loves when you’re on ice for side work because the ice machine is right by him in the kitchen 
He likes to watch your ass as you bend down to shovel the ice- if he’s lucky he catches a glimpse of your lacy panties as they ride up your hips. 
When it’s not busy he carries the bucket for you and revels in all of your adorable “thank you’s”
His least favorite side work for you is when you are assigned to the front house because that means you’ll be spending most of the night in the dining area rather than in the back with him. 
Asks what you’re doing on your day off. 
“Probably gonna get high with some friends”
His eyes widened, “you smoke?!”
“Weren’t you the one who told me i’d be toting around an oxygen tank?” he quipped and you rolled your eyes. 
“Chill out pretty boy, I mainly just do eddies”
“And you never told me this?!” he grabbed at his heart with a dramatic expression. 
With the new info he spends the next few days working up the nerve to ask you to smoke with him sometime. 
Lucky for him, you’re closing on Saturday and so is he. 
After you check out all of the other servers and do your side work, you head to your car but Anakin calls your name before you leave the kitchen. 
He invites you to hot box in his car before you go and to his surprise you agree (you had a rough night, so why not? plus he is your crush after all)
You get into his car and unbutton your top a bit, it was hot in the restaurant today. 
He turns on the AC and steals a glance at the lacy bra you have on. 
After passing around a blunt the two of you are getting up there; maybe it’s the delirium or maybe it’s the weed, but he is looking finer than ever
you can’t help but hold the blunt between your fingers as you lean across the center console and press your lips against his
he sucks in a breath in surprise before he returns the action.
soon you’re on his lap, grinding on his growing bulge as he runs his strong hands through your hair and all along your body
tbh, you don’t even care that you have open shift tomorrow- this is worth being sleepy
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hippiegoth97 · 2 months
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Pt. 15
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Part 14
Tag List: @keikoraven @ar-jupiter @alcielo1438 @simp4eddie022 @stolen-in-moonlight
@micheledawn1975 @janiejenn @rafescurtainbangz @melodymunson @spacedoutdaydreamer
@veemoon @sariahs-stuff @feral-pumpkin-energy @comeonatmebruh @munsoneightysixx
@morgthemagpie @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @espressomunson @cometzombie
@spookybabey @daggerdaggerkitten @nina6708 @sanctumdemunson @yourdailymemedelivery
@person-005 @slowandsteddie @gri959 @elegantkoalapaper @letitgoandletlive
@voyeurmunson @costellation-hunter @leelei1980 @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever
@ohmeg @stalactitekilla @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne @oneforthemunny
@prettyboyeddiemunson @eddievanmunson @msgexymunson @rattkween86 @violetpixiedust
@bimbobaggins69 @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@mediocredreams @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @ali-r3n
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: swearing, smoking, alcohol use, mentions of vomit, teasing, anxiety, fluff, smut, masturbation, oral sex, restraints, praise/degradation, choking, unprotected sex, squirting, consecutive orgasms, overstimulation, crying, angst, mentions of drug and alcohol use, mentions of blood and violence, mentions of abuse, mentions of incarceration
Word Count: 13.1k
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Part 15.1: Changes
Friday, April 21st, 1989
A week has gone by since the funeral, and you're getting ready to attend Dustin's graduation. April 21st, 1989, and the Henderson kids are all grown up. "Quit fidgeting, Dusty." You scold your brother as you help him adjust his cap and gown. The ensemble is a forest green, with a bright orange tassel to represent the Hawkins High colors.
"Sorry, the tag in the back is really itchy." He reaches behind at it, trying to smooth it down. His face is fixed in an annoyed scrunch. Eddie walks up behind him with some scissors, snipping the offending slip of fabric away.
"There ya go, big guy. Better?" Eddie asks, tossing the tag away and returning the shears to the kitchen drawer.
"Yea. Thanks, dude." Dustin replies, letting out a sigh of relief.
"You ready to join the real world like the rest of us?" You ask jokingly, drawing light laughs from everyone in the living room. Mom comes down the hall with the camera, snapping a photo of Dustin once you finish getting him straightened out.
"Oh, Dusty! I can't believe you're graduating today! I swear, just yesterday you were a teeny little baby in my arms!" Mom says, joyful tears pooling in her eyes.
"Ugh, Mom!" Dustin cringes in embarrassment, and you and Eddie snicker at his expense.
"Relax, kid. I had to hear the same thing back in '86. I think you can handle it." You move over to stand with Eddie, gazing up at his handsome face. His eye is perfectly fine now, and the nose cast came off a few days ago with very little bruising. The second that little bit of plaster was removed, he spent the rest of the day ravaging you like a starving animal. He really meant what he said when he wanted to 'pay you back' for everything you gave him while his mouth was out of service. His knuckles still have small bandaids on them, but he's able to wear his signature rings again.
As for you, your stitches were removed with minimal scarring. To fix your chopped up locks, you went to the hairdresser to get a new look. Your hair sits at a cute bob just below your ears now, and it goes without saying that Eddie absolutely loves it. Hell, he'd love you even if you completely shaved your head. You think it's quite cute, too, you never knew short hair and bangs could suit you so well. You'll miss having long hair for a while, but you'd be lying if the change hasn't given you a confidence boost. It's very Molly Ringwald, and who doesn't want to live out their Breakfast Club fantasy? It's perfect when you think about it. You're the 'princess', and Eddie is your handsome 'criminal'. There's a reason your generation considers John Hughes to be a cinematic genius.
"Oh, we gotta get going, kiddos!" Mom exclaims, tapping her watch. She excitedly ushers you three out the door and into the bright morning sun. You and Eddie climb into his van, and Dustin is riding with Mom to the ceremony. Afterwards though, you and the rest of the Hellfire Club are staying at the Wheeler house for the weekend to play Eddie's new campaign. You finally get to play your first game, and you sincerely hope you don't suck at it. Eddie has assured you that everyone will help you out, and that you won't look dumb if you're unsure of something.
"You got everything you need, angel?" Eddie asks, glancing back at your bags sitting behind the seats. He can tell you're anxious about tonight, noting your bouncing knee as he looks at you. He knows you're gonna be great, and he's so excited to share this with you.
"Yep! I can't wait to play with you guys!" You squeal, unable to contain yourself. You're positively buzzing, this is going to be the best summer of your life. Nothing but sex, sun, and a whole lotta fun for three whole months. And you can't think of a better way to kick it off than with a tabletop fantasy game, played in a basement that smells like Doritos and stale farts.
"And we're very excited to have you in our little band of rejects, Y/N. Dustin's been hyping everyone up, preparing them for their rightful queen to take her place on the throne." He says with a chuckle, leaning over to give you a brief kiss. You smile against his warm lips, feeling incredibly giddy. Could this day get any better?
Mom honks her horn to prompt you two to follow her and stop messing around. Eddie takes the hint and puts the van into gear, rolling down the driveway behind her. "Jeez, she really means business." You comment, reaching for a cigarette to smoke on the way over. The two of you listen to the radio, singing along to the songs you know. Eddie looks at you when he can, crooning goofily. You can't stop smiling, every passing moment makes you happier than the last.
Eddie pulls into the spot next to Mom, the lot just outside the football field. There's a stage set up in the lush grass, with rows of metal folding chairs for the graduating class. The parents and other relatives will sit on bleachers behind the students. This arrangement is much different than your own graduation, which was held in the gymnasium due to a heavy storm. You remember the power cutting out just as they started calling names to hand out diplomas. Principal Higgins wore his voice out that day, shouting out the couple hundred students in your class to accept their official documentation of surviving high school. You also remember a certain somebody that you currently call your boyfriend flipping everyone off when he accepted his own scroll of paper. Eddie ran like hell outta there in that silly gown when the staff tried to catch him. The entire gym erupted with laughter at his little stunt, and you thought it was the coolest part of the entire day.
You hop out of the van, joining the gathered group in the parking lot. Dustin's standing with Mom, and you see the Wheelers, the Sinclairs, the twins, Steve, Robin, Max, and even the Hopper/Byers family all huddled together. Will and Jane's graduation occurred a few days ago, allowing them time to come here to support the rest of the group. The graduates are dressed in their gowns and caps, absolutely abuzz with anticipation. The parents of all the kids are taking tons of pictures, while everyone else watches and makes light conversation. Eddie wraps his arm around your waist, escorting you over to the mini 'Class of '86' reunion. "Hey guys, long time no see." Eddie says to address Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan, plus Steve.
"Hey you two! God, you guys are adorable!" Nancy chirps, you're guessing she's been filled in by Robin or possibly Mike about your relationship. Your already impossibly large smile seems to grow wider at her words, and a faint blush flares across your cheeks.
"Thanks, Wheeler. I appreciate every opportunity I get to brag about ensnaring the heart of the hottest woman in Hawkins." Eddie replies, boldly leaning over to plant a blazing kiss to your neck.
"T-Thank you, Nancy. We’re unbelievably happy together." You say sheepishly, dumbfounded by Eddie's antics. Your words draw out a collective 'Aww' from the group, which does nothing to reduce the color in your cheeks.
"I take it, he liked the pictures then, Y/N?" Robin chimes in, waggling her eyebrows.
"What pictures?" Steve asks, recalling the day he saw you and Robin talking a few weeks ago.
"Robin!" You groan, resisting the urge to hide your face in your hands.
"I did indeed. I was wondering who helped you take those, princess." Eddie’s rather unbothered by this suggestive conversation. He winks at you, giving you a playful smile.
"Well, I have no idea what you're referring to. But judging by Y/N’s face turning red as a tomato, we should probably talk about something else." Nancy tries to steer the conversation in a different direction, aiming to spare you any further embarrassment. You mouth a 'thank you' at her, and she nods in understanding.
"I second that. I have a feeling I don't wanna know any more." Jonathan says. You're guessing most of them have put the pieces together, but you appreciate them keeping the actual words out of their mouths.
"Fill me in later?" Steve asks, looking at Robin.
"Yes, dingus. But you better keep your trap shut." She replies while giving him a nudge with her elbow.
"Ow, rude! Who am I gonna tell? All my friends are literally standing right here!" Steve retorts, resenting Robin implying he's got loose lips.
"Alright, graduates! Good morning to you all! If you could please make your way to your seats, and your families gather on the bleachers, we can get this show on the road!" Principal Higgins speaks into the microphone on the graduation stage. His voice booms through the large speakers placed strategically around the field, instructing everyone to get a move on.
"Shit, Higgins is lookin' rough these days." Eddie quips, making you giggle. 
You playfully slap his chest. "Be nice, Eds. You try spending decades dealing with shithead kids and see how you look afterwards."
"I suppose you're right. I can guarantee I'd be less than half the asshole he is, though." He chuckles back, slyly lowering his hand from your waist to pinch your ass. You yelp in surprise, a few pairs of disapproving eyes falling on you.
"Behave yourself, love. Or you might just be sleeping in the van by yourself after the game tonight." You warn teasingly, brushing your own hand down his front to ghost over his zipper. He gasps slightly, his steps faltering. "Mmhmm, that's what I thought." You give him a shit-eating grin, enjoying your typical toying around a little too much today.
"You're lucky you're cute, sweetheart." Eddie says lowly in your ear, sending a chill up your spine.
"Oh, please. You love our little games just as much as I do." You reply, not feeling the least bit sorry for possibly giving him a boner. You two follow closely behind Mom, taking a spot beside her on the edge of the bleachers. You scoot down the stiff metal seat, letting Eddie entwine his hand with yours once you're settled in. It takes another twenty minutes or so for everyone to get to their places, and the sun is beginning to beat down on you. Thankfully you decided to wear a t-shirt and shorts today, fully embracing your summer mindset. Eddie's very grateful for this, too, eager for any chance to see more of your beautiful skin. 
"Congratulations, graduates! I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we are so very proud of you. Your hard work and dedication has brought you to this glorious day. The day you transform from children, into aspiring young adults..." You and Eddie listen to Principal Higgins continue his typical long-winded speech of aspirations and the 'long road ahead'. You're not hearing too many of the actual words, only playing some key ones over and over in your heads. 'Future', 'dreams', 'goals'. You can't help drifting off into fantasies about what the next few months hold for your relationship. You want it all, the apartment, the moving boxes, the paint samples. You want to marry him someday, take his name as your own, get a dog or a cat. And you know Eddie wants every last bit of it just as much.
He presses a light kiss to your cheek, lulling you out of your daydreaming. "Ground Control to Major Y/N. They're starting to give out the diplomas, baby." Eddie chuckles, nuzzling his nose against your skin. You giggle quietly at his touch, watching the students start to line up beside the stage.
You observe as each student walks across the stage, taking their little piece of paper that says they made it. Every kid gets a decent amount of cheers, as is tradition. But of course, those who gained the arbitrary status of high school popularity get whoops and hollers on top of the baseline applause. Higgins begins calling the 'H's, and you see Dustin in line behind six other kids. You watch him scanning the crowd, straightening his cap at the last minute. He sees you and Eddie in the bleachers, giving a wave. You happily return it, and it's just about to be his turn. "Dustin Henderson!" Higgins announces your brother, and he walks confidently to collect his diploma.
"Hell yeah!" Eddie cheers proudly, pumping his fist in the air. He sees a younger version of himself in Dustin, with much better grades. You emit an excitable whooping noise, and the line continues onward. You give a joyful shout when they call each of Dustin's friends.
"Maxine Mayfield!"
"Lucas Sinclair!"
"Ian Tanner!"
"James Tanner!"
"Michael Wheeler!"
A couple letters of the alphabet later, and everyone is clearing out. You and Eddie wait around for the kids to gather their bags and pile into the van. In the meantime, you have a little chat with the Hopper/Byers family. It's strange to see the former Chief of Police in domestic bliss, you're used to his typical gruff nature. But Joyce brings out his inner teddy bear, and together they're great parents. "I heard about your little fight with that Carver kid a couple weeks ago. You're not gettin' a nice girl like Y/N into trouble, are you?" Jim asks, giving Eddie a stern look.
"No, sir. Believe me, I can find plenty of trouble all on my own." You reply, noticing Eddie's demeanor has changed. You know he's got a sordid history with law enforcement, and you imagine Hopper had to deal with him on many occasions.
Jim chuckles, lighting up one of his filterless smokes. "Sounds like Munson has finally met his match." He gives you both a wink, moving to pull Joyce closer to him by the waist once he puts his lighter away. She giggles at the sudden move, leaning her head against his shoulder. Damn, you really want to feel as happy as they look one day.
"Oh, Hop. Be nice." She pats his chest, looking at you. "I think you two are very cute, the kiddos tell us about you all the time. You're like their adopted parents, or something!" She gushes. It never ceases to amaze her how far and wide this super-sized group has stretched over the years. You're all one giant family now, finding each other when it's needed most.
"Oh! Well, um...we definitely love the kids. They're pretty awesome." Eddie speaks finally, though his words come out stilted. You don't really know how to respond to the whole 'parent' thing. You've never really pictured yourself as a mother, and you can't imagine your boyfriend differs much on the subject.
"Hey, lovebirds! You ready to go?" Dustin calls, no longer wearing his graduation gear. He's waving you over, with his overnight bag slung over his shoulder. The other kids are waiting with him, each carrying various luggage of their own.
"Looks like duty calls yet again. See you ‘round, Hop. Mrs. Byers." Eddie says with a stiff grin, ending this rather odd interaction. You wave goodbye to Jim and Joyce, letting your love lead the way with his arm around your shoulders. Eddie lets you go to open the back doors to the van, watching as the kiddos pack into it like sardines. You're surprised they can all fit in there, bags and all. You join him in the front, turning your head to gaze at your makeshift children. "You alright, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, cocking an eyebrow at your quietness.
You meet his eyes, smiling. "Yeah, I'm good." He doesn't look away though, he can tell you're not being forthcoming again. You roll your eyes and sigh. "I'll tell you when we get to the Wheeler's." He nods in agreement, guessing it has something to do with what Joyce said to you both. The trip over is a loud one, the kids in the back are excited and rowdy as ever. Graduation, the beginning of summer, and a new D&D campaign? It's a recipe for hyperactivity in its purest form. You're very excited as well, but you can't help dwelling on the serious subjects that have played about in your mind this morning. You curse your brain for the fixation, hoping a little chat alone with Eddie will help.
The van shifts into park outside Mike's house, and the kiddos make quick work of exiting the vehicle and scurrying inside to set up. When the two of you are the only ones left, Eddie speaks. "What's up, angel?" He asks, turning in his seat. You mirror his position, letting him take your hands into his own.
"I dunno. What Joyce said earlier kinda weirded me out, I guess." You bite your lip nervously, though you're not sure exactly what you have to feel so anxious about.
"Oh, the parent thing?" He questions, already knowing the answer. Your eyes drop to the floor, confirming his suspicions.
"Yeah. I know she didn't mean it literally. But it still felt strange." You speak to his shoes, not wanting to look at him. Again, you're unsure why.
"I know, angel. It took me off guard a bit too." He talks quietly, wanting to handle this delicately. The idea of kids is a touchy subject for anyone in a relationship, let alone both of you who haven't been together very long. "I guess we haven't really talked about stuff like that yet." It's oddly comforting to know you're not alone in your unease. You let him hold your attention again, finding gentle apprehension in his eyes.
"Yeah, I know. It's not like I've been avoiding it, or anything. I mean, we talked about living together. But that's really it." You move to sit in his lap, wanting to be closer to him. He lets you occupy his space, wrapping his arms around your middle to keep you safe. "Do you wanna talk about it? At least, to see if we're on the same page?" You realize the timing of this isn't great. But you don't want to have this awkward energy between you all weekend.
"Sure. The kids wanted to hang out for a few hours before the game anyways." The two of you grab the pack of cigarettes from the console, climbing into the back to sit more comfortably while you talk. Eddie lights two smokes, handing one off to you as you sit beside each other against the side of the van. "Okay, so, we know we want to live together. That's one down." He smirks, inhaling a long drag before speaking again. "Would you ever wanna get married?" He asks, turning his head to look at you seriously.
"I really would, Eds. I was actually thinking about that during Higgins' speech." You giggle, revealing what your spacing out earlier was about.
"And I would love to marry you one day, Y/N. Obviously, it's way too early for that, and that's okay. What about kids? That seems to be what's got us both spooked." He chuckles, reaching a hand over to stroke your thigh.
You take a moment before you answer, you really don't know how he'll react. "To be honest, I've never really wanted them." You gauge his reaction, though you can't read much of one on his face. He just nods, taking another drag. "What about you?" You really don't know why you're so anxious about this, but your heart beats a little harder in your chest regardless.
He sighs, after contemplating his answer for a minute. "I mean, if I ended up a dad, I'd give it my best shot. But I don't really want to, if i have a choice." He speaks bluntly, shrugging his shoulders. In some strange way, he's always been worried he'd knock up some poor girl one day. He's thought about that possibility a lot, playing around with his options. If said girl wanted to keep it, he would try his best to help raise the kid. If not, he'd pay to help her get rid of it.
"Of course you have a choice, Eds." You chuckle lightly, but you stop when you see his face drop into sadness.
"I know. I just一 I wouldn't want to end up like my father, Y/N. He was a drunk, and an asshole, and he beat the shit outta me. I don't wanna be like him. Ever." His eyes have begun to water, and he sniffles slightly. "Shit. What a day." He laughs, fighting off his tears.
"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to upset you. But if for some reason we ended up with a kid, I know for a fact you'd be the best dad that child could ask for." You try to reassure him, and his eyes widen at your words.
"You really think so?" He asks, unable to believe such a thing.
"Of course you would, love. You're so kind, caring, and sweet. And you're absolutely amazing with Dustin and all the other little demons in there." You both laugh at your silly name for the children, though it's quite fitting. "I may not know much about your dad. But from what you've told me? You're not a damn thing like him. Not one bit." You hold both sides of Eddie's face in your hands, hoping he realizes he's the greatest man you've ever met. "I mean it, Eddie. I need you to know that." You bring your lips onto his, giving him the most tender, loving kiss you possibly can. He gently returns it, a couple salty droplets running down his face. You pull away to wipe them off, placing more kisses on both his cheeks, his chin, his forehead.
Eddie hums lowly at your affections, closing his eyes while you softly lay your lips on his face. You let his head out of your grasp, and give him a tight hug that you know he so desperately needs. "I love you, princess." He says, muffled against your shoulder.
"I love you too, baby. Let's finish up and go inside, hm? I don't know about you, but I'm starving."
"Sounds like a plan, sweetheart." You face forward again, laying your head on his shoulder while you burn away the rest of your cigarettes.
The two of you head inside with your stuff, joining the others in the basement after greeting Karen and Ted. "Finally! We were worried you'd spend all afternoon fucking out there." You're surprised to see Steve hanging out down here, he definitely doesn't like Dungeons and Dragons.
"Steve!" Nancy chides, smacking his arm while scowling at him.
"What? It's just a joke. What are you, my mother?" Steve retorts, handing you and Eddie a beer each. You're guessing this is a mini graduation party before the campaign. Jonathan, Robin, Jane, and Max are also hanging around. It's feeling a little crowded, to be honest. You down half your beer, needing to loosen up.
"Sounds like someone's jealous. Still eternally single, Harrington?" You quip, drawing light laughs from everyone in your little corner. Steve narrows his eyes at you.
"Whatever." He grumbles, unable to think of a good comeback.
"Don't sweat it, Stevie. I'm sure there's someone out there for you. Although, I doubt she'll be half the woman Y/N is." Eddie smirks, reaching his hand behind you to covertly grab your ass. You hold back a whimper, taking another sip of your drink.
"Hey, Eddie! Could you wait until after the game to play grab-ass with my sister? I'd love to go one day without seeing how gross you two are." Dustin calls you out, and you realize your backs have been turned towards the kids this whole time. Your cheeks turn a dark crimson, and Eddie's hand drops to his side. The room bursts into raucous laughter, furthering your embarrassment.
"Nice going, Munson. Good luck getting any play tonight." Steve chuckles, getting his own jab in this time.
"Jesus christ." You mutter, chugging the rest of your beer. You need the booze to kick in, and fast. There's too much energy buzzing around inside you. Your first game, and talks of the future, plus so many goddamn people in too small of a basement. You swear the air is thinning, it feels like you're suffocating. "Is it warm in here?" You ask, pulling your shirt back and forth to fan yourself.
"The AC is blasting, Y/N. It's practically freezing. Are you alright?" Robin asks, noticing your breaths coming out harsher than normal. Eddie looks at you, his eyes widening as the color drains from your face. Your knees threaten to buckle, and your head feels light.
"Shit, someone get a chair over here!" Eddie shouts, and Lucas brings a folding chair behind you. Eddie helps you sit down, kneeling before you. "Baby, look at me." You meet his eyes, trying to keep yourself from hyperventilating.
"I'll get her some water." Nancy says, running upstairs to retrieve a glass.
"Is there anything else we can do?" Jonathan asks, worry lacing his voice.
"No, just一 Give her some space. And stop staring." Eddie instructs, and they do as he asks. Everyone moves to the other side of the room, quietly watching the situation unfold from behind you. You can't see them, but you can feel their eyes burning into you with concern. This is not how you wanted to start the summer. "Hey, hey. Just breathe, angel. It's okay. I'm right here." Eddie coos, his voice shaking. You feel awful, putting a damper on everyone's day. Scaring your boyfriend yet again. You know he'll always put up with this, even if it happens every day. But you hate that he has to. Why can't you just be normal?
"Here." Nancy holds out the glass after running down the stairs, and Eddie hands it to you. You take it in a shaky hand, trying not to spill as you take a sip.
"Take it slow, love." Eddie puts his hand on your thigh, you can feel his fingers trembling against you.
"I-I'm sorry." You manage to say, drinking more of the water. It cools you down nicely, but the beer is swirling around uncomfortably with it.
"Don't apologize, sweetheart. It's not your fault. Just drink your water, okay?" He reassures. You nod, doing your best to let the anxious wave run its course. You really hope this goes away soon, you have a game to play and you're not missing it for anything.
"What's wrong with her?" Steve whispers, a little too loud.
"It's an anxiety attack, dingus." Robin hisses, elbowing him in the ribs.
"Ow! Sorry, I didn't know." He rubs his abdomen, she got him pretty good.
"Is there a bathroom down here?" You ask, that beer really isn't sitting right with you now.
"Yeah, just that door there." Mike points. You set your water down, and you bolt out of your chair towards where he indicated. Eddie follows behind, and you fling the door open and aim as best you can for the toilet. He closes the door behind him, getting on his knees beside you while you vomit. His hand rubs your back, and you grip the cold seat for dear life as your stomach forces its contents out. It splashes into the water, foamy and brown. You try to keep your eyes shut, looking at your own puke usually makes you do it again.
"I'm sorry, Eds." You groan, resting your head on your arm that lays on the seat. You look at him weakly, sweat beading on your forehead. You really don't wanna cry on top of everything else. But you can't stop yourself. Your lip trembles, and your eyes burn along with your throat.
"Baby, it's okay. I promise. You can't control when this happens, don't worry about it." He's trying so hard to comfort you, scooting closer on the floor.
"I just wanna be normal. You shouldn't have to deal with me like this." You choke back a sob, which makes you cough. And that cough triggers your gag reflex. You break his stare, barfing again.
"And I wish you didn't have to go through this, Y/N. You deserve so much better. But this is our reality, and I'm always gonna be here. Tears, puke, and all." He sits cross-legged against the door, letting you take all the time you need. It's still early yet, but he'll delay the game as much as he has to in order to make sure you're okay.
You spit into the bowl once you're done, flushing the mess away and falling back against the wall. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, sighing as the anxiety slowly dissipates. "Fuck."
"Better?" He asks as you wipe your eyes. He makes a mental note to get you some food as soon as possible.
"Not just yet." You huff, still trying to catch your breath. You open your mouth to say something else, but Eddie stops you.
"Don't even think about apologizing again. I mean it, Y/N." He speaks sternly, and your lips close back up. You nod, stretching your legs forward. They reach almost to the door, this bathroom is pretty small. It's a wonder you two fit in it together. Eddie pulls your feet onto his lap, slipping your shoes off. He picks up your right one, pressing his thumbs firmly into your flesh through your sock.
"Shit." You moan lightly, his massages are always the best thing ever. He puts just the right amount of pressure, making you feel pampered and loved while loosening your aching muscles. You let your eyes slip closed, focusing on the sensation of his large hands working you into a blissful state.
"You guys alright in there?" You hear Max ask from the other side of the door. The others have been pretty quiet this whole time, you suspect they've been eavesdropping to make sure you're alright.
"Yeah, we'll be out soon." Eddie replies, a small smile creeping across his face as he watches you calm down. It definitely sends him into a controlled panic when you have an attack. But bringing you back down is something he oddly cherishes. It's just one more way he gets to express his love for you, to be there for you in your time of need.
"Do we have to? I'd love to hide out here all day instead." You joke, signaling to him that you're doing much better now.
"We can do whatever you want, love. You are the Queen of Hellfire, after all." The seriousness in his tone is surprising, Eddie never cancels or postpones for anything.
"I don't think I've earned that title just yet, baby. That's what this weekend is for." You moan again when he moves on to your other foot, he truly has magic fingers. Eddie doesn't comment on the noises you're making since you're not feeling the best. Although, it would be untruthful to say they weren't turning him on a little bit.
"You sure you're gonna be okay, Y/N?" He asks, your eyes opening to meet his again.
"Yeah, Eds. I'll be fine. I promise." You assure him, smiling brightly. He lets your foot out of his grip, and you crawl over to kneel before him. "Thank you for always being here, baby." You put your hands on his knees, leaning over to give him a kiss. 
"There's nowhere I'd rather be, princess." He gives you a peck of his own, before helping you stand up. He picks up your shoes, opening the door to let you both out. You find everyone standing around the room, staring at you.
"Alright, guys. You can stop worrying now. I'm fine." The thing you hate most about your attacks? Everyone looks at you exactly like this. They're absolutely terrified, but they also pity you. It's awful, you feel like a sideshow freak, or something. You know they mean well, and they care about you. But, would it kill them to chill out a little? It's not a pleasant experience, but it's not like you're not going to die.
"I ordered some pizzas, they should be here soon." Steve says, you suspect Robin told him food helps after something like this. You wonder why she knows so much about this kind of thing, maybe she has attacks sometimes, too.
"Sounds great, I've certainly worked up an appetite now." You chuckle, everyone probably heard you throwing up earlier. Nobody besides Eddie shares your laugh, and you can't help rolling your eyes. "Guys, come on! It's supposed to be a happy day! Lighten up a little!" You exclaim, insisting they don't need to walk on eggshells anymore.
"We should finish setting up, guys." Eddie chimes in, to facilitate some activity to get people moving on from this situation. The club members nod, joining him at the table set up in the middle of the room. Everyone else mingles about, putting your meltdown aside.
"You sure you're okay?" Jonathan asks, and you nod in response.
"Yes, I promise. Shit, if I had a dime every time someone has asked me that, I'd be able to afford my own place by now." You remark, retrieving your glass of water from earlier. You want to get the sour taste of stomach acid out of your mouth.
"Looking to move out, huh? Does Eddie know about that?" Robin inquires, eager to talk about something else for your sake.
"Yeah. I'm tired of living at home like a child. And we've talked about it, but there's something I've been keeping close to the chest on the subject." You smirk, unable to help yourself. You want someone besides your mother to know about your little plan. You've almost spilled the beans to Eddie more than once, it's hard to keep anything off his radar.
"Oh, really? Do tell." Nancy pipes up, looking behind her to make sure Eddie's preoccupied. The others huddle in a little closer, never passing up the chance to hear juicy secrets.
You speak in a hushed tone, you want to surprise your man when the time is right. "Well, Mom said she's been saving up money for me for a few years. And she said when me and Eddie have been together for six months, she'll pay for the first couple months of rent so we can move in together." It takes everything in you to hold back a joyful squeal.
"That's great, Y/N! How much longer do you have?" Steve asks.
"Four and a half months, it's killing me to wait so long. But we're still pretty fresh, and I'm enjoying it either way. Fuck, I love him to death, though." You dare to steal a glance at Eddie from across the room, meeting his eyes. He looks over at your little pow wow curiously, but doesn't think anything of it when he sees how happy you are. He can tell you've got something special cooking, and he would hate to ruin the surprise. He'll wait as long as he needs to for you to finally share it with him. He trusts it'll be worth the patience.
The doorbell rings, and Steve runs upstairs to retrieve the pizzas for everyone. You all gather around the table with paper plates, cramming as many chairs around as possible to finish out your little gathering prior to the campaign. You're sitting on Eddie's lap, your shared plate resting in your own. He keeps tearing off pieces to feed you, much to everyone else's dismay. "She's not a baby bird, dude." Dustin huffs, avoiding the display of affection as much as possible.
"Okay, baby. I think I need to feed myself now. For the kids' sake." You giggle as he slips one last piece of pepperoni into your mouth. He pouts, and you just boop his nose with your greasy finger in response. "Behave, love." You warn in the kindest way possible, shifting slightly on top of him so he'll get the hint. He covers a groan with a light cough, narrowing his eyes at you as his cock pokes upwards against your ass.
"Only for you, sweetheart." He quickly slips into a grin, taking a bite of his raggedy slice. He chews and swallows while gazing at you hungrily. You've been riling him up all day, whether you mean to or not. "I've got an announcement, if you don't mind." Eddie addresses the room, moving his eyes away from you. Everyone stops their conversations, giving him the floor. You're not sure what he's up to. He hasn't run it by you, whatever it is.
"And what would that be, freak?" Steve jokes, earning another smack from Robin. "Shit! Stop doing that!" He shouts in pain and aggravation, and Robin just glares at him. "Sorry, go on." He apologizes, bowing his head like a beaten dog.
"Right. First off, I'd like to offer congratulations to all the graduates for the millionth time today. You've all worked so hard, and it's been bat-shit insane watching you all grow up. As Mrs. Byers put it earlier today, you're like our adopted kids." Eddie speaks earnestly, finding himself feeling rather emotional about the whole thing. You observe him as he makes his little speech, admiring the fuck out of him at every word. "And, in the spirit of growing up, I've decided that I need to retire from leading the Hellfire Club after this weekend."
"What! No way!" Dustin protests, and everyone else makes various sounds of similar distaste.
"Hold on, let me finish!" He yells over the colliding voices filling the room. The kids shut up, and he continues. "I'm still gonna play, and I'll never stop being a member. Hellfire is for life. But I've gotta move forward. I'm so busy with work, and being with Y/N. I've been Dungeon Master for far too long, you guys need someone else to take the reins. And I think I have the perfect candidate in mind." He pauses for dramatic effect, and the kids all look at each other to figure out who it could be. "I think we can all agree that Erica, aka Lady Applejack, is more than capable of taking up the mantle. That is, if she wants it." Eddie gives her a proud smile, hoping she'll accept his offer.
"You bet your ass I do!" Erica cheers, utterly ecstatic. Her eyes light up with joy, and everyone else whoops and claps for her.
"Thanks for telling me, dick." You say into Eddie's ear, making him laugh.
"Sorry, baby. I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, especially you." He replies, taking your hand to hold in his. Your eyes meet, sharing a meaningful look. Today has been so wonderfully strange. Everyone's growing up, maturing into the people you're all meant to be. "I want to commit to you, Y/N. You're more important to me than anything in the world."
"And I feel exactly the same about you, Eds. You're my everything, and I wanna share every moment with you." You lean down to press your lips to his, sharing an unexpectedly soul-stirring kiss.
"Jesus, guys! Get a room!" Mike teases, but you both ignore the roar of laughter that follows suit. You're too engrossed in this heart-warming moment.
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Part 15.2: Fire and Ice
"You did so good tonight, baby." Eddie coos as the first day of your first game concludes. It truly was exhilarating, and you've caught on pretty quickly. You defeated some smaller enemies, successfully assisted your fellow players, and eight hours later you feel thoroughly accomplished in proving yourself to the group.
"Thanks, you've certainly made it a very pleasant experience, Eds." You're sitting in his lap again, migrating from your own chair while the kiddos get ready for bed. There's sleeping bags everywhere on the floor, and a couple of the children plan to share the couch down here. You and Eddie wait for your turn to brush your teeth, before heading outside to the van for the evening. The night is still and warm, the two of you holding hands in the moonlight as you approach the van. Eddie opens the back doors, and you climb in hastily, slamming the doors shut behind you. You fling your bags to the opposite end, and he immediately pins you to the blankets below.
"Now I finally get you all to myself. I've been thinking about this all day." Eddie says lowly, latching onto your neck to suck and lick your flesh. You've been building anticipation for your first official fuck of the summer from the moment you woke up this morning. Teasing and playing around, touching each other as covertly as possible at any given moment. All of that, along with lustful glances and the biting of lips, has revved the both of you up beyond belief.
"Oh, I know. It was all part of the plan." You let out a breathy laugh, your arousal spreading quickly as he lays over you. His hands clasp yours, entwining your fingers. His knee goes between your legs, rubbing your core with just barely enough friction. It's heating up quickly in here, the windows already beginning to fog. "Fuck, Eddie." You moan as he bites down harshly on your throat.
"All in good time, sweetheart." He chuckles darkly, dragging the flat of his tongue along the bite to soothe your bruising skin. He lets your hands free for a moment, quickly yanking at the hem of your shirt to pull it over your head. You sit up so he can remove it, tossing it off to the side. You take this opportunity to make an attack of your own. You grab his shoulders and flip the two of you over so you're on top. "Damn, someone's excited." Eddie quips, admiring how your tits bounce in your bra. He reaches up, manhandling your breasts while you smile down at him.
"Well, the game was pretty stimulating." You roll your hips, grinding against his hardening cock to emphasize your final word. Low moans escape both of you, and you love how intoxicating it is to have control. Eddie lets you hold onto the reins, he's honestly a bit tired from leading the campaign all day.
"I'm glad to hear it, sweetheart. I'd hate to bore you." He reaches behind your back, unclasping your bra with ease. The straps flop down your arms, and you pull the garment away to fully reveal your tits to him. His eyes boggle like they always do, drinking in your beautiful torso as your nipples harden.
"You could never bore me, Eddie. You're a phenomenal...what's the term? Dungeon Master?" You speak in a salacious tone, grinding yourself on his concealed, aching length once more. Eddie groans at the sinful way the words leave your lips. "Ooh, you like it when I call you that?" You bite your lip playfully, and he just nods. You're driving him crazier than usual tonight.
"Say it again?" He almost whines at you, sending a jolt of pleasure to your pussy.
You slowly lower yourself over him, bringing your lips to his ear while creeping your hands up his chest. "Anything for you, Dungeon Master." You say breathily, tugging his earlobe between your teeth.
"Fuck, Y/N." He moans, grabbing your ass through your shorts. You whimper against him, creating more friction between you with your breasts still pressed to his clothed torso. "Just when I thought you couldn't get any more perfect." He chuckles, nosing his face around to get your lips to meet his. You accept his invitation, holding his shoulders as you continue to move together languidly.
You realize he still has all his clothes on, teasingly pulling on the thin material of his shirt to hint at him to remove it. He picks up on this, breaking away to whip the thing over his head. You nip and suck on the flesh of his bare chest, admiring every last inch you can reach. "You're so handsome, baby. And smart, and sweet, and kind..." You keep pressing wet kisses all over him as you speak. "How'd I ever get so lucky?" You say breathlessly, driving him and yourself crazy as you worship his body. You can never get enough, always wanting to touch him more, more, more.
"If anyone's lucky, it's me, sweetheart." Is all Eddie says in reply, savoring the feeling of your mouth on his bare skin.
You tug on his belt, opening it with ease like you've done so many times before. You have an idea growing inside your head, and you hope Eddie will go for it. Knowing him, he'll probably be all over it. "Can we try something, Eds?" You ask as you loosen the button on his jeans, pulling down the zipper.
"What did you have in mind, love?" He replies curiously, grinning ear to ear. He absolutely loves how imaginative you are in bed.
"I want you to tie my hands up with your belt." You request, biting harshly on his spider tattoo while shoving your hand inside his boxers. You grip his stiff cock in your hand, using your thumb to rub the precum around his tip.
Eddie groans, his eyes rolling in the back of his head for a moment. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, Y/N. But I'm not gonna do that."
"Why not?" You question, he's never denied you anything before. But he must have a good reason.
"It's not safe, baby. And the last thing I want is to hurt you. We can use something else though, something that won't cut off your circulation." He explains, and your eyes brighten at his suggestion of a substitute. He reaches underneath his ass, yanking his bandana from his back pocket. "Will this do, angel? I wanna make you happy." He suggests, hoping you're not disappointed.
"That's perfect. Just let me make you feel good first, okay? I love having your dick in my mouth." You reply with a devilish smile, ravenous lust twinkling in your eyes.
"Well, shit. I'm not gonna say no to that!" Eddie quips, making you both laugh. He kicks off his shoes, and you pull the rest of his clothes down his legs. He's completely bare to you now, gorgeous as always. Your eyes fall to his cock, which stands at attention as it waits for your pretty lips to take it in full. You sit between his legs, bending down to swirl your tongue around his tip. "More, baby." Eddie groans, he's too damn needy for you to tease him like this.
"Of course, Dungeon Master." You reply, before sinking your mouth onto his dick in one fell swoop. Your nose brushes his mound of hair, his length hitting deep in your throat.
"God, where the hell did you come from, babydoll? You're out of this world, I swear." He says, in utter disbelief of you. Every single day, he truly wonders if he hasn't been dreaming you up this whole time. Even if this is a dream, he certainly never wants to wake up. 
You bob up and down, twirling your tongue in circles as you go. The sounds Eddie makes are getting you absolutely soaked, to a point where you need some attention of your own. You drag your hand down your front, with him watching your every move. He observes as your fingers find the button of your shorts, undoing it clumsily. You slide the zip down its track, and allow your hand to disappear inside the denim fabric and under your panties. You look deep in his eyes as you brush your fingers against your clit. "Mm." You moan for him, the vibrations radiating through his lower half. You're so slippery, easily accepting your digits inside yourself. Your eyes flutter briefly, and the squelching between your legs mingles with Eddie's own noises.
"I can hear how wet you are, sweetheart. Such a filthy girl. Couldn't wait your turn?" He asks, seductively mocking your arousal. You attempt to shake your head with his cock down your throat, which looks quite funny to him. "Always so impatient. You're lucky it's sexy as hell." Eddie puts a hand behind his head to prop himself up to watch you better, the other gently grazing your cheek. His touch is light and airy, adding to the pleasure building inside you. just waiting to burst.
"Mm." You moan again, unable to keep your sounds to yourself. You curl your fingers quicker inside your pussy, and increase your speed on him.
"Fuck, just like that, princess. Gonna cum down that pretty throat of yours. Can you fuck yourself faster? Want you to lose it with me." Eddie pants out his orders, and you can't help but follow them. You pump your fingers in and out, slamming against your g-spot as you bring yourself to the edge. You can't stop whimpering as the pleasure ramps up, causing your throat to buzz intensely around him. One more push into your sweet spot makes your thighs clamp against your wrist. You inhale sharply, sucking Eddie's cock in the most delicious way. "Shit." He groans as his own high overtakes him. His hips buck upwards, gagging you as his load spurts down your esophagus. You're shaking uncontrollably, completely taken over by the rush of bliss coursing through your veins. You cum hard around your fingers, your walls snapping like starving jaws. Fluid rushes through the crevices, soaking through your shorts.
"Fuck." You gasp as his softened length falls from your lips. You struggle to pull your glistening hand out of your panties, and Eddie snatches it into his grasp when you finally free it. You lay doubled over, helplessly watching him take your sticky fingers into his mouth to taste you. "I feel like I should be grossed out by how much you like the taste of me. But I'm really glad I'm not." You say with a weak laugh, and he chuckles around your fingers as he sucks them clean.
Eddie releases you from his grip, smiling at you nice and wide. "So am I. You have gotta be the sweetest thing I've ever had, baby. C'mere, and take off your shorts." You do as he asks, shedding your wet clothes to match your boyfriend in his nakedness. Then you crawl up his body, putting your arms around his shoulders while laying on your stomach. He can see your ass peeking out from either side of your head, it's a special kind of view he loves to witness. "Hey there, gorgeous." He speaks softly, bringing a light kiss to your lips. His free arm lays across your back, keeping you close.
"Hey there, handsome." You reply, nuzzling your nose against his once you pull away.
"What? No more 'Dungeon Master' tonight?" Eddie teases, though he thoroughly enjoys you calling him that.
"Oh, believe me. You'll hear it again, and more than just tonight. I just didn't wanna wear it out." You kiss him again, deeper this time. You feel his weight shifting below you, and he rolls the two of you over carefully to put himself on top.
"Still want me to tie you up, babydoll?" He asks, his lips still just barely touching yours.
"More than anything." Without another word, Eddie takes your hands and holds them above your head. He loops the fabric of his bandana around your wrists, binding the ends together.
"It's not too tight, right?" He looks down at you for confirmation.
You test the waters, finding the bindings have some give, but not enough for the whole thing to unravel easily. "It's perfect." You say simply, waiting for him to make the next move.
"Good." He kisses you deeply, nipping your bottom lip to roll his tongue against yours. You love how something as simple as a kiss from him makes your head spin. Eddie works his way down your body, leaving a blazing trail along your flesh. His hot mouth meets all the right places on your neck, chest, and stomach. He's positioned right in front of your dripping cunt, poking his tongue out to tease your bundle of nerves.
"Eddie!" You cry out, hips bucking upwards into his chin. He holds you down with his large hands, fingers spread along your pelvis. He prods around your pussy, licking every last centimeter of you. He's doing everything in his power to rile you up again. "Fuck, your tongue feels so good." You whimper, wishing you could tangle your fingers in Eddie's hair. His tongue works faster against you, you can tell he's just getting more and more hungry with every flick. He unexpectedly bites into your inner thigh, drawing a vulgar, guttural sound from your lungs.
"I can't wait anymore, I gotta be inside you." Eddie says, scrambling to put himself level with you. He grabs your knees, bending your legs so your thighs press down into you. His cock slips against your needy hole, sending sparks through your body. He looks into your eyes, animal intensity residing within his pupils. He shoves his dick into your pussy with ease, making you whine at how well he's filling you up. "So fuckin' wet for me, such a perfect little slut." Eddie grunts, pulling out and slamming back in.
"Fuck." You moan, watching him slowly pick up speed with you at his mercy. The heels of your feet rut against his back with every motion of in and out. Eddie holds onto your thighs for leverage, pounding his cock into you over and over.
"Such a good girl for me, lettin’ me tie you up and fuck you senseless. Gonna fuck you all night, again and again 'til you're beggin' me to stop." He almost growls. He's relentless, utterly feral from you laying powerless beneath him. His tip brushes your g-spot every time, ramping you up towards another orgasm. You love seeing this side of him, he's so exquisitely rough with you when he really gets into it. And your little suggestion has undoubtedly set alight that primal fire inside him.
"Fuck me harder, Dungeon Master." You plead, watching his pupils dilate further when the pet name reaches his ears. Eddie hammers into your cunt, bringing his ringed hand down to wrap around your throat. He doesn't apply any pressure yet, wanting you to ask him for it. "Go ahead, choke me. I love it when you do that." You say with a smirk. It's just too easy to push his buttons sometimes.
"Anything for you, princess." His fingers press into the sides of your throat, cutting off just the right amount of oxygen to your brain. You moan as loud as you can manage in response, eyes slipping closed at the lightness of your head. The dual sensations of him ravenously fucking and choking you is shoving you towards to an explosive end.
His grip loosens slightly, sending a whole new rush to your brain. "More, harder. You're gonna make me cum, baby." You whimper, barely able to contain yourself. The feeling of being under his complete control is invigorating. Eddie squeezes harder on your throat, taking care to not hurt you while giving you what you want. It's the exact amount of pressure needed to send the towering buildup of pleasure tumbling down within you. You squeak out a groan, seeing stars. You're fluttering from the inside out, clamping onto Eddie's length in sporadic pulses. He grunts at the feeling of you losing it around him, but he's far from done. If anything, he's just getting started.
"Fuck, that’s it. Be a good girl and soak my cock." He maintains his bruising pace, taking no heed in how slick your bodies are in the heat of the van. His continued thrusts make a gush of cum splash out of you, further lubricating your skin that loudly slaps together. "That's my good little slut." He moans, getting closer after the rush of your juices washing over him. He's still going, not letting you have a moment to breathe. He lets go of your neck, focusing on his own orgasm. You gasp for air and emit pitiful sounds as your high doesn't let up. It just stacks upon itself to bring you down all over again.
"Keep going, Eds. You feel so good. Make me cum again. As many times as you want, until there's nothing left of me." You feel like you're out of your mind at this point, not wanting to stop for anything in the world. You just want Eddie to keep touching you, fucking you, making you come undone. Over and over until the end of time.
"So fuckin' greedy, still crying for more. Dirty little whore." He brings his hand up to your face, roughly gripping your chin. "And you're all mine." The possessive nature of his words and the dark tone in his voice tip you over the edge. You're overwhelmed with bliss, allowing it to wash over you in an intense wave.
"Eddie!" You cry out, strangling his cock again. His hips falter at the feeling, he's very, very close now. His rhythm grows sloppy, but it keeps a steady push on your sweet spot. Your cunt gushes again, even stronger than the last time. Your cum soaks through the blankets beneath you, wetness creeping below your ass to your lower back. It pools on your stomach, and leaves Eddie slipping around as his legs get coated.
"Jesus, baby. You're a beautiful mess for me tonight. I'm almost there, think you got one more in you?" He asks, wanting to test your limits even further. You just nod, tears of overstimulation running down your cheeks. Your pussy won't stop convulsing, every little touch is threatening to give you yet another orgasm. It's all too much, and yet not enough. To add fuel to the fire, Eddie releases your face from his harsh grip to rub quick circles around your clit. "Cum with me, sweetheart." He says tenderly, eager to see just how pretty you'll look when you let go one last time.
"Fuck!" You shout. It feels like you've combusted from the inside out. Your body is white hot, you'd swear steam is running off your skin. You jolt upwards, tugging on Eddie's dick.
"Oh, god." He chokes out, his stomach tensing as his load fills you up. He's riding out his high, prolonging what almost feels like torture at this point. You're practically sobbing as one final explosion of liquid bursts out of you. It manages to hit Eddie's chest, along with your own. "Y/N." He grunts loudly, slipping out of you as the force of your release expels him. He watches on his knees while the rest of it shoots upwards as you're still in the position he left you in. "Holy shit." He says with wide eyes, in total awe of the display you've put before him.
Your legs fall forwards when you feel empty, smacking loudly in the puddle you've created. Your chest heaves as you cry, you're exhausted after all this. It's easily one of the best times you've shared with Eddie, but you've definitely had enough now. He notices you're in quite a state, and remembers your hands still bound above your head. He moves to your side, undoing the bandana to let you free. "Th-thank you." You say meekly, hiccuping through your sobs.
"Are you okay, sweetheart? Was it too much?" He asks, worried he's pushed you too far. He always worries about that, even though he enjoys every last second with you in the moment. Your pussy is still sparking, causing you to jerk at random intervals. You're sweaty and sticky, and it's safe to say sleeping in here tonight is out of the question.
"Mm-mmhmm. I'm okay. It was j-just a lot. It was amazing, th-though." You say through shuddering breaths. "C-Can we go to the trailer tonight?" You ask, trying to find his face through your stinging tears.
"Of course, baby. Safe to say we've ruined our original plan for a bed." He laughs lightly, drawing a choppy one from you as well. He assists you in drying off as best he can with the blankets that didn't get soaked, and you both pull your clothes back on. Though you realize they'll need a good washing, too. Eddie helps you into your seat up front, giving you a gentle kiss before hopping in the other side and pulling out of the Wheelers' driveway.
You lean back against your seat, unable to stop your eyes from fluttering closed. You sense Eddie trying to talk to you, but you're just so tired. "Mm." You groan, shifting to turn away in your half-awake state. He lets you sleep, avoiding any bumps or potholes on the road so you're not disturbed.
"Y/N, we're home." Eddie says quietly, moving as gently as possible to get you out of the van. You squint your eyes open, looking around to find you're parked outside the trailer. You sit up, rubbing your eyes. You feel groggy, but you force yourself to climb out and stand on your own two feet. Eddie gathers your things from the back, including the dirty blankets to put in the wash. You walk up the steps like a zombie, holding the door open for your boyfriend carrying everything in his arms. You plop down into one of the chairs at the kitchen table, and he sets everything down to get you a tall glass of water. "Here, angel. I think you're dehydrated."
"Thanks." You reply sleepily, bringing the cup to your lips. The second the water touches your mouth, you thirstily chug the whole thing. He watches you carefully, a little worried that all your fun earlier has taken a toll on you. You gasp in air once you finish, the glass clinking against the table. "Can I have more, please?" You ask, not meaning to sound so needy.
"Sure thing, love." He gets you a refill, and you take your time in consuming it. Eddie puts the blankets into the washing machine with some detergent, and it kicks with a rolling rumble as the cycle begins. "We should take a shower when you finish that. And maybe get you a snack."
"Sounds like a plan." You reply, gradually waking up a bit more. You're like a wilted plant, perking up when you just add water. You polish off your second cup, standing up to go to Eddie who's leaning against the kitchen counter. "Thank you for always taking care of me, Eddie. I love you so much." You say as you put your glass in the sink, wrapping your arms around his shoulders afterwards. You gaze up at him, and he returns your stare.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He gives you a tender kiss. The two of you head to the bathroom, stripping off your soiled clothes. You keep the shower brief, as you're both too tired for anything else tonight. Pajamas are a welcome warmth on your freshly washed skin, and Eddie switches the blankets out to clean your previously discarded garments. The bedding hangs over the shower rod and the kitchen chairs to dry off overnight. You make yourself some toast, lazily spreading peanut butter on it once it pops out of the toaster. You'd asked Eddie if he wanted anything, but he insists he's fine for the night. You sit across his lap on the couch while you munch down your little snack. His arms hold you close, and he gives you fluttering pecks on your cheek and neck. You giggle as you chew, and he chuckles softly alongside you with every kiss. He's so affectionate, it makes your heart want to explode with joy.
"You're gonna give me cavities with how sweet you're being, Eds." You say as you swallow a large bite of toast.
"What can I say? There's something about you I just can't get enough of." He nuzzles against you, ceasing his kisses for now. Exhausted as you both may be, things could easily get hot and heavy again if he keeps it up.
"Those are dangerous words, love. Because I can't get enough of you, either." You take the final bite of toast into your mouth, leaving his embrace to put your plate into the sink. You turn to face him, nudging your head towards the hall. "C'mon, baby. Let's go to bed." You say with a kind smile.
"Now there's a phrase I'll never get tired of hearing." Eddie quips, standing up to meet you in the middle. You take his hand, leading the way to his bedroom. You don't bother turning on the light, as you're a minute away from passing out. It’s all you can do to flop into bed, taking your clothes off again as it gets hot in the trailer at night. Eddie pulls the covers up to your chests, snuggling against you. Your naked legs tangle with his, and you crane your neck to give him one last kiss.
"Goodnight, Eds. I love you, and I can't wait to play more D&D with you tomorrow." You say sweetly, giving him a meaningful look.
"Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you too, and I know you're gonna kick ass, just like you did today." He replies just as lovingly. And the second you turn your head to face the right way, you're out like a light.
Saturday, April 22nd, 1989
You can hear the phone ringing, its harsh trill drawing you out of your slumber in a most annoying fashion. You groan, shifting in Eddie's arms. You can feel his erection poking into you, and it's oh so inviting on this Saturday morning. But you don't imagine the Munson residence receives a lot of phone calls, so you put a pin in your desire for the time being. You're sure the man behind you will still be here when you return, eager to fuck you silly. You carefully shuffle out of his arms, much to his dismay. He flops over in bed, pulling the blanket over his face. You put your clothes on in a rush, just as the last bbrrrrrring of the phone resounds. "Shit." You mutter once the trailer has once again fallen silent.
You're just about to give up and pull the pin back out, when you hear the ringing once more. You jump off the bed, flinging the door open to rush down the hall. You practically rip the receiver off its hook, bringing it to your ear. Before you can ask who it is, you hear an automated voice on the other end.
"Hello, this is a prepaid call from Wilfred Munson, an inmate at Indiana State Prison. To accept charges, press One. To refuse charges, press Two."
You're not sure what to do, so you just press the first option that comes to mind. "Hello?" You hear a gruff voice on the other end, you imagine it's Eddie's father. You're not sure what to say, you don't want to leave the man hanging. But this call is clearly not meant for you. "Wayne? Edward?" Wilfred questions, already sounding irritated.
"Just a moment, I'm sorry. I answered without thinking. I'll get Eddie for you." You reply frantically, feeling like an absolute idiot for accepting this call. But how were you supposed to know that Eddie's convict father would be the one calling? You set the phone down for a moment, running down the hall to get Eddie. "Eddie! Get up!" You exclaim, panicking a little. You hope he won't be angry with you, this whole situation is not how you wanted to spend your morning.
"What is it?" He says sleepily, turning over to look at you. He sees the fearful look on your face, sitting up.
"Eddie, I'm sorry! I answered without thinking! Please, don't be mad! I feel so stupid, I一" You babble, attempting to cover your ass.
"Y/N, slow down! What's wrong?" He stands, pulling on his pajama bottoms while he waits for you to explain yourself.
You bite your lip, unsure how he's going to react. "Your dad's on the phone. A call...from the prison." You say slowly, watching for any change in his face. You're waiting for him to yell at you, to be utterly pissed at you for digging into his private business.
"Oh, okay." He replies simply, walking past you as calm as can be. He jogs down the hall, and you watch him pick up the phone and put it right back on the hook to hang it up. It's definitely not the reaction you were expecting, and you feel like you're walking on eggshells as you approach him. Your heart races, any second now his face will go beet red with anger. He'll yell about how you shouldn't have picked up the phone at all, and how stupid you are for thinking he'd want to talk to that bastard. Right? "Sweetheart, why are you looking at me like that?" He asks. He's confused about your expression. It's like you're afraid of him.
"I don't know. I thought you'd be mad at me." You reply sheepishly. You realize how stupid it sounds when the words leave your lips. But you remember how set off he got the last time his father was a topic of conversation.
He sighs, coming over to give you a reassuring hug. You bury your head in his bare chest, still trembling in fear. It'll take a good minute or two for you to calm down, despite your best efforts. "Princess, there's no reason for me to be mad at you. You didn't know what to do. It's okay, I promise." He speaks softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Now, how 'bout some French toast, hm?"
"Yes, please." You reply, just barely above a whisper. He lets you go, heading over to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. You sit down at the table, twiddling your fingers together. You find yourself compelled to ask Eddie more about his dad. You only hope it won't upset him. "Do you always hang up on him?" You ask, unable to hold your tongue.
"No, I didn't used to. In some strange way, I thought being locked up might change him." Eddie explains, opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of eggs. "He used to promise he'd get better. He said that, since he was in prison, he couldn't drink anymore. He said that things would be different, and he'd do his time and we could start over. I learned the hard way that’ll never happen." He cracks a couple of the eggs into a bowl, whipping them expertly, adding in some cinnamon and vanilla.
"And why's that?" You press on. He doesn't answer for a moment, and you regret bringing it up at all. It can't be easy for him to talk about it. It certainly wasn't easy for you to tell him about your own family bullshit. "I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it anymore."
"It's alright, love. I should've told you this sooner, and you make it easier to talk about." He clears his throat, heating up a pan on the cook top. "He might not be able to find the bottle anymore in there, but I can tell you he's able to find much worse. Heroin, to be exact. And, Jesus, he's an entirely different monster on that shit." He chuckles dryly, continuing. "I used to visit him, too. Wayne and I would make a whole day of it. And, yeah, the first couple times weren't so bad. We were only able to go every couple months. He was sober, and I remember getting snacks from the vending machines in the visiting room. We'd have our own little picnic indoors, the three of us."
"Oh, that sounds kinda nice. Well, as nice as something like that can be." You wanna slap yourself for how dumb you sound. You have no leg to stand on in regards to this subject. But you need to show Eddie that you're here for him.
"It was. We'd laugh at silly jokes, and he'd tell me how much he wanted to make things right. And I believed him. Like a fucking idiot, I really thought he meant it." Eddie sighs shakily, realizing he's fighting back tears. "When I was thirteen, and he'd been in there for about a year, he was different. Thin, emaciated, totally out of it. Well, until he got angry that my hair was too long, and the machines were out of the soda he liked. Then, it was the same as before. Well, not quite the same. Because this time, he had a shiv on him." His breath stutters, a tear sliding down his cheek.
"Eddie, I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything else if you don't want to."
"It's fine, you're actually the first person I've ever told this to. I wanna keep going." He insists, sniffing as he puts the first piece of eggy bread into the hot pan. It sizzles in the melted butter, filling the air with the scent of fattening goodness. "So, he decided to give me a little haircut. Well, he tried to, anyway. He got one good cut in, even sliced into my scalp with that rusty razor blade stuck inside a toothbrush. I still have the scar, if you look hard enough. The guards took him down pretty quick after that. It was awful. Wayne scooped me up, and ran out of the room. But since his back faced where we were leaving, I watched as the guards held Dad on the ground. And he was screaming at me. 'You're shit, Edward! You just wait and see! You'll join me here soon enough! And then I'll finish what I started! I'll fucking kill you before you reach your cell!'."
It startles you when Eddie almost perfectly imitates the rugged voice you heard on the phone earlier. Granted, you hadn't heard much. But it was more than enough to know there's definitely some familial resemblance. He captures the roaring anger and hatred with eerie realism at every syllable. The sound of it turns your stomach, and your heart breaks for him. "Jesus." Is all you can say, though you imagine he's still not done.
"Yeah, 'Jesus' is right. I must've had nightmares for months afterwards, dreaming I'd been thrown in there with him, and he was waiting for me with that fucking shiv. Wayne spent many nights before work calming me down after I'd wake up screaming and covered in sweat. I still see him sometimes, just as he was that day." He's about halfway through cooking now, the recounting of the tales of Wilfred Munson's incarceration passing the minutes quicker than either of you expect. "Anyway, even after all that, I still answered his calls for a while. Longer than I should have. It was always a guessing game of who he was gonna be. Jekyll, or Hyde? Although, it's gotten to a point where I feel like his Jekyll is the one that tried to kill me. His true self, brought out of hiding by booze and drugs. The Wilfred who wants to 'change', to 'start over'? He's a fuckin' liar, and I couldn't be fooled by him anymore. Because I could see, hear his true self just begging to be let out."
Eddie brings the plates over, stacked with ample piles of toast and drenched in the optimal amount of syrup. He sits in the chair opposite you, his eyes wet and red. Neither of you are very hungry now, but you have no intention of wasting the food he took the time to make. Before you dig in, you reach across the table to take his hand in your own. He meets your gaze, smiling weakly. "Thank you for telling me this, Eds. I’m sure it’s hard for you. I can't even imagine going through something like that. But I hope you don't believe a word he ever said about you, okay? I know you worry about that. But that fact alone says you're nothing like him." He nods quickly at your words of support. His bottom lip trembles as the tears overcome him again. "Oh, baby." You tut, leaving your chair to go to him.
You sit in his lap, letting him cling to you as he cries. He squeezes you so tight, sobbing against your chest. You stroke the top of his head, cooing calm words to him. You hear Wayne's truck pull up to the trailer, the door opening and closing to let him out. His work boots clomp on the steps, and he swings the front door open to find this sad scene before him. "What's wrong?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed as he sees Eddie crying into you.
"Dad called again." Eddie says, pulling back to answer his uncle's question. He wipes his eyes, and you give him a napkin to blow his nose. "Thanks, angel." He uses the napkin, placing it on the table.
"You didn't talk to 'im, did ya?" Wayne replies, worried that Wilfred had broken his heart again.
"Fuck no. Y/N answered the phone and accepted the charges. She didn't know what to do, but I hung up without a word. I was just telling her about him. That's all." Eddie explains, and Wayne's face softens.
"Oh, okay. Glad I don't gotta tear him a new asshole, then." Wayne chuckles, going to the livingroom to roll out his bed. "Aren't ya s'posed to be at the Wheeler's or somethin'? Thought you had a big game planned over there."
"Yeah, we do. We just...wanted to spend the night here." You reply, failing to hold back a smirk when you remember the events of last night.
Eddie shares a knowing look with you. Naughty girl, he thinks to himself. "We're gonna head back over there, after breakfast." He chimes in, squeezing your hips. You return to your own seat, digging into the cooled food.
"Sounds good. Welp, ‘night you two." Wayne says with a smile, laying down on his bed after grabbing a blanket from the couch.
"Night, Wayne." You and Eddie reply in unison, sharing a quiet laugh.
To be continued...
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moonchildxoxx · 1 year
Hello!! Mind if I request a lo'ak fluff? Where he visits reader who is a painter and cute stuff happens? Thank you~!! 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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All my better days are the ones spent with you.
A/N:Hi alright this is my first request and I hope you like it , since you didn’t say I hope it was okay that it Lo’ak x fem Human! Reader ps: I also looked at your blog and saw you don’t like (Y/N)so I used a nickname for the reader for this on Word count: 1328
[ Request are open ]
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You sat in alcove in what they had deemed high camp , you were crushing different plants to make pain. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of clicking beads as someone walked closer then you heard the familiar voice . “Tiny!... there you are, we've been looking all over for you. You can’t just leave!“ Lo’ak huffed sitting next to you.
You rolled your eyes playfully, turning to look at him “ Lo , I never left, we're still at high camp if you haven’t noticed “ you moved closer to him but continued to crush the plants to make the paint. Lo’ak lifted you without a warning placing between his crossed legs `` What are you doing tiny “ he asked you as you continued your work once you got comfortable. “ what does it look like you skxawng?” You tease him.
He rolled his eyes poking you in the side . “ Fine then, why are you making paint there’s nothing planned for the next few weeks' ' he asked . "It's not war paint Lo, I’m gonna use it to paint something on the walls. I overheard your dad talking to the others about how this space was gonna be a place to teach the kids. an, I thought they’d enjoy it a bit more if it looked like the forest instead of the bland black walls of the cave.” You explain to him well looking up from the bowls.
He smiles at you before moving aside the bowls “ that sounds great , but come on it’s almost evening meal, you can start tomorrow tiny “ . He takes you off his legs before getting up and grabbing your hand leading you away and back to the center of high camp .
The next day you got up early to start your work, since you were a human it was much easier to slip away and nobody would notice. Once you got started you lost track of time . the next thing you knew Lo’ak was standing next to you looking at your work. He opened his mouth to speak but the words got caught in his throat. “ Tiny ….. Did you do this all today? He asked you while looking at the mural. You had painted most of the background, the only thing that was missing was the sky and the mountains. ‘ yea … i just gotta finish the sky and the mountains for the background but i can't reach so i have to find a way to get up there.` you told him as you turned to him. Lo’ak looked like he was thinking , before he got smile on his face. “ I think I can help with that tiny.” Lo’ak moved behind you before grabbing you from behind and place you on his shoulders . “LO’AK!!” you exclaimed quickly grabbing onto his head to keep balance. He chuckled, holding onto your legs . “ what? … is this too high? “ he asked in a teasing tone.
" N-no … it’s perfect but you really gotta give me a warning when you manhandle me” he handed you the paint for the sky and then grabbed the one for the mountains. You both painted in silence until Lo’ak started to tell you about that day's training . You hummed in response when needed but otherwise let him fill the silence. Before you noticed it was almost time for evening meal . you both cleaned up before calling it a night.
That's how the next few days passed, you getting up early slipping away or rushing through your chores. Lo’ak joining you later in the day after his Training or chores. He’d bring food for you both to eat together before helping you or just sitting and keeping you company.
On the fourth day of you guys doing this. Lo’ak had brought you a new pigment to try. ‘ Hey Tiny I got something for you”. He walked up next to you showing you a black pigment . you turned up to look up at him smiling at him “ Lo this is perfect for shading”. You make a motion for him to get to your level, he kneels down facing you so you're both at the same eye level. You leaned forward giving him a kiss on the cheek . you had grabbed the bowl and turned to add the water that you had missed his ears pinning back against his skull and the slight purple tint to his cheeks.
You had turned back towards him grabbing his hand pulling him along with you to show him the process of making shadows to make it 3-D. You gave him the bowl so he could try for himself. Once he had finished what you had told him to do he gave you back the bowl with the black paint. You continued to paint, he stood watching you leaning against the wall laying his hand to support himself. You heard him take a sharp inhale and move away from the wall like it burned him. You quickly tuned to look to see what happened. Lo’ak stood there looking at his hand before looking down at the floor his ears pinned back and his tail slowly wiping around. You saw the hand covered in black paint and instantly knew what had happened. You walked over to the paints and dipped your hand in white paint. Walking over to the mural you placed your hand right within the large five fingered hand print making one of you own within it. He looked up as he saw you moved forward ready to apologize for having ruined your work. You turned back to look at him smiling. “ There I think it looks much better, don’t you think?” you ask him. He looked kinda shocked at you, his ears stood up again and his tail stopped moving instead curling around his leg. “ Y-yea it does “ he answered slowly, still a bit unsure of your reaction.
You put the paint bowl down “ come on let's clean up and we can finish up tomorrow” you both went to wash off the paint. He stopped you from leaving “ you wanna go flying for a bit since we finished early today” he asked looking down at you. You nodded, slipping your hand into his.
The next day you had woken up alongside the first rays of light. You had quickly done your chores around the lab. making your way to the out alcove you were shocked to find Lo’ak already waiting for you since he always showed up after midday. You smile at him “ somebody’s early “ you tease him gently “ yea, well since we're almost done i thought i’d show up early today …. Come on Tiny daylights a wasting” you both spend the day adding finishing touches when you were almost done you got a lsat minute idea. “ Lo’ak ? … you think you can give me a boost again” you asked looking up at him . he nodded gently before picking you up and placing you on his shoulders like the first day. You added an ikran to the sky of the mural you lent too much to the side, suddenly losing your balance. Letting out a squeak as you feel yourself falling Lo’ak moves as well try to keep balance cussing you both to fall into all the dirty paint bowls. You wipe the paint away from your eyes turning to Lo’ak you see he's covered in paint to trying to clean some off his tongue. You couldn't help yourself and just started to laugh . Lo”ak looked down at you hearing you laugh also made him laugh as well “ we look like Ikrans “ he huffed out before he got himself up and then pulled you up as well. "We should go bathe, “ you tell him, wiping more paint away from your face. He grabbed your hand “ yea , but one thing first.” he kneeled down so you were eye level once again and gently grabbed your cheek. He moved in cloning the space between you pressing his lips to yours.
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© Moonchildxoxx 2023 | all rights reserved. do not republish, repost, steal, modify, translate or claim my work as your own.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
No need to be embarrassed, hun
Daryl Dixon | Carol Peletier [PLATONIC] • She/Her Pronouns • It’s natural! It happens! People who say it’s disgusting in ill intent deserve to fall off a bridge—-Daryl and Carol have your back • SFW • TW: Periods / Blood
Requested by: Anon
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“You’ve seen the kid?”
“No, not for a couple hours…you think—-“
“If you jump the gun, I will and then the Spencer guy will be dead”
Carol immediately gave the archer a concerned look. “Why would he be dead? He’s too old for her. She’s close to Carl’s age!”
“He’s a fuckin’ creep and freaks me out. He could literally breathe in the same room as my kid and he’d dead meat” Daryl scoffs bringing himself to go check the room Y/N has taken up in Carol’s house.
“I’m not gonna warn Deanna of your potential murder!” Carol chimes in one last time before checking the oven for the cookies she’s making.
But before Daryl could even check the upstairs bedrooms he watches Y/N anxiously come down the stairs.
“You okay pumpkin?” His voice instantly riddled with worry which triggered Carol to make herself present beside the archer.
Y/N shook her head as she held her stomach looking at the two on the verge of tears.
“is it just us…?” Y/N anxiously asks watching both of them nod as Carol slowly approaches her which made her start sobbing. “I don’t know what’s happening…”
“Oh hun” Carol frowns wrapping her arms around her, holding her until she felt better as Daryl brought himself over rubbing circles on her back to soothe her before noticing the few jackets wrapped around her waist.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Daryl asks wanting her to explain what’s going on before he jumps to his scary conclusions that his mind has at the ready. “You cold? Or coming down with a cold?” He made it obvious to Carol that Y/N was wrapped with a few jackets as she instantly understood.
“Hun. Did you start your period?” Carol kept a soft tone the entire time she said such watching Y/N start balling as she nods her head but she was still a bit confused on the matter. “You never…?”
“N-No…a-and now I have no mom to h-help me…I’m scared…I-I….”
“You’ve got me. I’m right here” Carol reassures with a smile brushing the hair out of the way of Y/N’s face, tucking the strand behind her ear.
“Phew…least yea ain’t bit or nothin’” Daryl states suddenly watching Y/N’s face turn mortified as Carol rolls her eyes.
“I’m gonna run yea a bath, then once yer in. I’m gonna make Daryl get everything you need. Okay? We’ll take it slow” Carol reassures wrapping her arm around Y/N’s shoulders directing her upstairs. “We’re here for you, sweetheart”
After getting the bath ready and Y/N situated, Carol met with Daryl in the kitchen writing down everything she’ll need from the pantry—if they have it.
“Yea sure you don’t wanna get this stuff?”
“Are you equipped to help Y/N in this moment without these items?” Carol question with a smile watching Daryl read the list and already look dumbfounded. “That’s what I thought. And if Olivia questions you? Ignore her. Y/N needs all these things. And Denise? Lovely girl in the infirmary, you can get pain killers from her”
“Pain killers? How fucking bad is this?!” Daryl started to sound like a panicked father who’s never dealt with this before. And he is. Y/N is like a daughter to both him and Carol.
“I’ll go into details later if you really wanna fucking know. But go!” Carol shooed him away before getting a pot of water on the stove.
In the old world there are two types of girl dads.
One dad knows exactly what he is looking for because there’s an isle for the item and if he really needs help. He’ll ask for it.
The other dad. Will get the wrong thing because he doesn’t want to stay in the women hygiene isle for too long. Or—he will get multiple options when he was instructed and shown which one to get before leaving for the store.
Daryl is dead center. He knows what is asked of him to get, but still looked clueless looking at the options they had given it’s the apocalypse and the pantry will have limited options.
“Daryl…?” Olivia questions his presence as he instantly tensed holding all of Carol’s list in his grasp minus the main product he needed. “…why are you looking at pads and tampons?”
“Mind yer business” Daryl glared taking one of each and stepping out of the pantry immediately after. Leaving Olivia extremely confused before charting what he took given his list was discarded on the rack.
Carol watches Daryl spill all the products onto the kitchen counter as she grabs what she needed in the moment. The pads, pain killers, and the hot water pouch to pour the hot water in.
“You gonna tell me now?”
“Gonna tell you now?” Carol laughs a bit. “Let me take care of our girl and then you can ask all the weird ass questions you want”
“They ain’t weird!”
“Really? Once I tell you that women shed, and only that with no explanation? You’ll come up with weird questions” Carol smirks watching Daryl’s expression go from neutral to horrified.
Snakes? Daryl thought as Carol made her way upstairs. No…that ain’t. What the fuck he rest his head in his hand leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Y/N? You okay in there?” Carol knocks on the bathroom door hearing the girl say ‘come in’ giving her pets mission to open the door. “How are you feeling?”
“Gross…” Y/N frowns sitting on the edge of the tub wrapped in the darkest towel they’ve got.
“That’s normal.” Carol reassures handing her the box of pads seeing her confusion grow a bit. “It’s simple and again, a normal thing to go through. If it makes you feel any better I think I broke Daryl’s brain about the subject” she smiles when that got a laugh out of the girl to ease a bit of the awkwardness.
After Carol explained how to use the product before letting her get situated alone. Then once Y/N was situated back in her bedroom still uncomfortable but at least she had the hot water pack against her abdomen. It helped a bit. But being in the fetal position back under her blankets felt a lot better. Maybe the pain killers help a bit.
“You feelin’ better kiddo?” Daryl asks checking in after Carol didn’t come back down stairs after an hour.
“Meh” Y/N sighs curling up a bit more with Carol laying beside her propped up against the headboard rubbing circles on her back.
“Least yea ain’t a snake” Daryl refers to the shedding comment early as Y/N raises herself a bit to give him a confused look before giving the same expression to Carol watching her shake her head in a sense of ‘we’ve lost him’. “Brought some of Carol’s cookies for yea”
“Now where did you find where I hid those?”
“Better me then the little brat” Daryl scoffs handing the plate to Y/N once she brought herself to sit up resting it in her lap. “He always takes the goods”
“Are you seriously trying to fight another son in the community? One that is a child?” Carol tried hard not to laugh as Y/N mid bite looked at Daryl for an answer watching him take one of the cookies from the plate.
“I can push the kid in a bush and call it a day. The Deanna son? Gotta knock his lights out for him to shut up for once” Daryl took a bite of his cookie, hiding his smile when Y/N laughed at his words.
“Now hun, violence is—“
“NEVER—the answer” Carol glares playfully at Daryl who always tends to shrug for his responses.
A few hours passed and Y/N got the hang of using the products given to her. Even if she made the choice to wait on tampons until she got used to this monthly virtue. She put everything given to her under the sink of the communal bathroom in the house before taking the now cold water jug downstairs with her to see if Carol would help her boil water for it.
Carol was situated on the porch swing putting out her cigarette at the right moment Y/N stepped out. “Hey hun”
“Hey Uhm…you think you can help me with this?” She held up the jug sheepishly as Carol reassures her with a smile.
“I’m happy to. You still feeling as bad as you were this morning?”
“No…feeling a bit better. The cramps are still bad” Y/N frowns bringing herself to sit with Carol for a moment as she instinctively wrapped her arm around the young one’s shoulders.
“It’ll be like that the first few days. Then it’ll get better. Meaning not as painful and you’d feel like yourself again” Carol smiles watching the teen rest her head on her shoulder. “It only lasts a week and if it gets too bad, no one is going to judge you if you want to stay in bed. And if they do. We both know Daryl is getting antsy to punch someone” She jokes smiling even more when Y/N laughed.
Her laughter faded along with her smile as she thought about it. “You sure I won’t get judged for staying in bed?”
“I bet you a million dollars, or the equivalent to such in the apocalypse, that our favorite archer would rather spend all day in bed if he could”
“Damn straight” Daryl makes his presence known looking at the soft display as he smiles to such before showing what he caught outside the walls. “Found this guy outside the walls” he presented the possum to both of them watching their faces turn into disgust. “You look like that now, but y’all like my cooking”
The two looked at each other watching Daryl head inside to prepare the meat.
“I mean. Food is food”
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mintytealfox · 5 months
For the dragon's AU, what would happen if Alice found out Norton was a dragon.
-listens to Game of Thrones dragon noises to get back in to dragon characterizing mindset cause their sound design for them poor bbys were A++ oh my GOSH Rhaegal was my favorite and they did him so dirty for no reason what the heck I am still sad about it ahhhh-
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I can cry some more about that LATER lol ;; ANYWAYS
OOOOOOOOOO LETS DO THIS THING 👀 So my first thoughts are that Norton definitely wouldn't purposely reveal his dragon form unless it couldn't be helped for some reason, or deemed it necessary I think during their time together, of him basically following her around everywhere, he didn't transform a singular time and I can see that paying a toll on him 👀 like using a magic spell for W A Y too long So I am sure Alice will be seeing these signs and wondering what the cause is. Wondering if he is cursed and has to deal with chronic issues that are progressing as time continues only for SOMETHING to happen and the truth comes out~
Now for the actual switch and how it happens 🤔
Maybe he gets injured and that is the last straw his back can take, so the human form just breaks and he turns back into a dragon or he is given an ultimatum, show his true self or something happens to Alice. Or Alice is just thrown from a building or something so he chooses to transform to help her 🤔 Either way, him finally showing his dragon form would be dope lol
As for Alice's reaction, I think it would depend on how the transformation happens, but I can see her ultimately being cool with it in the end regardless lol
But I can see her being concerned at first, I am sure there are ideas and beliefs about dragons, that would make a person concerned when met face to face with one, that would be hard to break. But then all those little hints that Norton would drop in his actions or words would start to pop up in her mind as she pieces it all together. -Like how he tends to hold onto things and is possessive over stuff he deems as his -When he sleeps he just surrounds himself with everything that is in the room they are staying in, just bringing it all into a big mess nest lol After that first night Alice made sure she always has enough money for two rooms cause she aint dealing with that -wheeze- -How he can smell food, usually bread, from ridiculously far away -and How he is like a 'magnet' (heh) for finding minerals The list goes on honestly LOL so she would come around and be able to drop the taboo-ness of it all
Norton likely notices the hesitation at first and then decides to sabotage the entire 'relationship' they had in an effort to protect himself and continue to believe he is better alone and use all this as further proof that humans are the worst.
so yea that is gonna have to be fixed heh
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spagheddiesquash · 3 months
so today i was in the mw oc server talking abt some stuff i noticed about jawbone (+ some other theory stuff as well!!)
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so first of all. two kind of obvious details:
he is green (“yeah no shit sherlock” i hear u thinking. trust me there is a reason why im pointing it out)
his pupils are triangular. nobody else in the show so far has had triangular pupils. (well. i mean commander tezzoree’s eye has a triangular pupil but she hasnt made an appearance in any episodes yet and i doubt the two characters are connected)
just making this point known for now. we will hold this thought for later in the post.
another thing: so in the ref sheet of him posted to the mw tumblr back in september i believe(?), his name is written as “jawbone (a.k.a. scythelord)”
you know where a character by the name of “scythelord” has shown up already?
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on a wanted poster, thats where!! he has a bounty on his head!!!
which means that tyneen and her crew are probably after him, which probably explains why they’re at the thicc chicc casino. (how do i know jawbone is there? because ricket is there, which i know because he is shown interacting with both shrike and tyneen, who we know are both there)
now. remember that thought from earlier that i told you to hold until later? now is the time to bring it back.
ok so. we already know that colors and shapes each have their own respective significance in this show, and colors and shapes are chosen deliberately.
with that said:
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correlation?? maybe???
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this further cements my belief that ep 4 will have a LOT in it regarding the cataclysm or some other related thing. why?
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(2nd pic comes from the VA application doc. unfortunately i dont have any better quality pics of it)
despite the poor image quality in the second pic, you can still tell that both of these characters have some sort of magenta (or pink i guess?) type of theming going on in their designs.
also if we look at campions, like, the flower
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you can see where im trying to go with this idea.
i did a whole bunch of examining colors today in light of this, actually!!! quick fun fact for those unaware: RGB and CMYK invert into each other.
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and then after i made that image i started sorting things into what colors they are. (white and black have been omitted from the screenshots simply because there doesnt seem to be any significant things tied to them)
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obviously this list is probably incomplete and i will continue to add to it, of course.
(my main inspo for even thinking about CMYK for theories in the first place was @toastedclownery btw!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG IF U HAVENT ALREADY THERES SO MANY COOL THEORY POSTS THERE!!)
one final not-as-relevant theory that’s really more of a prediction: i really think joel vargskelethor is gonna be in this upcoming episode, whether it’s in whole or in part. i mean, he already voiced the duende in ep 3, so it’s not like its impossible or anything. also “scythelord” happens to be the name of joel’s band as well (which you should DEFINITELY check out if ur into metal!!!!! absolutely amazing stuff) OH OH AAAAAAND
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id like to direct your attention to the title of this update, which is “the bone zone,” which i believe to be a skeleton metal reference.
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also jawbone/scythelord has the little sweden viking helmet thing on the wanted poster. AND HES GREEN! LIKE FREN!!
for those who dont know, this is fren (also known as vargfren i think)
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so yeah. these evidence pieces combined with the fact that zeurel has made dozens of “vargskelethor animated” videos (which is how i got into zeurel’s animations in the first place actually!!) are what led me to make this prediction.
anyway, i hope you guys liked this theory post. it’s not an update on the web, but i figured id try doing something new. though, if youd like to see the web, here’s a view of the full thing currently:
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but yea thats all i really had. ill reblog with some additions if i think of anything else. bye for now!!! :^D
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vintageaustin · 2 years
i've got my eye on you
pairing: austin x reader
summeray; uh reader is getting hate and becomes suicidal austin heps them trough it uh yea
trigger wanrnings: mentions of hate, suicide depresion swearing
authors note; i wrote this from a very persoal pov so if you have any hate keep it to yourself and dont read it please
It wasn’t easy for Austin to see his girlfriend being hated on, no matter what you did it was never good enough for his fans. i mean you were a singer and he was an actor.. the two of you'd been dating for quite sometime now and the hate kept coming but…
In full honesty it shouldn’t matter right? He thought to himself. But that was easier said then done, he loved you and you loved him and that’s all that should matter. 
But lately he started to notice his girlfriend giving away things she liked, not even liked, love it could differ from it being your favorite lipstick. To your favorite dress, it was mostly to your friends but… 
That didn’t mean he didn’t have his mind on it. If he was honest with himself he saw you losing that twinkle in your eyes. As if you were losing your love for life and he just.. he couldn’t let his baby, his precious girl slip through his fingers like that.
He couldn't have it all gone,  after his day off filming he decided to pick up a bouquet of your favorite flowers, sure it was a small gesture but it’s gotta count for something…right? he questioned himself.  when he finally got back to you’re shared apartment,  he found you sobbing on the couch,  
his heart broke at the sound of your sobbing. There you were the love of his life his Everything. Was sitting on the couch wearing her favorite hoodie. And was crying her eyes out, reading all the hate his own God fans posted on internet.
He told her every time again not to look at it. That they weren’t true but she couldn’t help it they haunted her down if they needed to, on to tell her stuff like “you are so fucking ugly” or “Austin deserves so much better”, “I don’t know what he sees in her she’s so talentless”.
To be honest the list went on and on about how much they hated his girl. But what people don’t understand is that words and actions hurt and my god was his girl going. Trough it  he gently made his way over to the couch and. Got on his knees in front of you “baby..” he said gently as ever. In a thick southern accent he had due to getting the honors to play the king of rock n roll. In the upcoming biopic Elvis,
“Hey c’mon honey look at me.. show me that pretty face please.” He said gently trying to keep his voice from cracking as his heart was breaking. You looked up at him as you managed to say trough your tears “I-I c-can’t do it anymore aus.. they hate me you ha-“ you cried as he cut you off before you could even finish that sentence.
“Don’t even dare say that I hate you baby. You know I love you… please don’t cry they don’t know what their talking about their dumb, and please don’t say that baby, you’re so strong I know you are darling we can get trough it” he said as he gently grabbed you’re face and placed his lips on yours. Finally letting his tears run over his cheeks, 
He looked at her as she let out a soft sigh.  It took him a while to speak up again, “ please princess please promise me you won’t … you won’t hurt yourself!” He asked and you looked at him for a moment. “I-….I promise”. You sobbed as he pulled you in a hug and climbed on the couch with you so he could cuddle you. he hate how he saw you lose joy in life,  you started to  lose joy in making music, you started to lose your passion for singing, the list went on and on.
and austin had only one mission really, that was to make you fall back in love with life
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heyyy guys i uh was hopefull to say i'm back fully but i dont think i am since i just posted this while crying, but one day i'll be back you just wait and see
thank you for everyone liking/reblogging my posts it means A LOT as always i love you my munchkins
forever yours j x
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avatarl0v3r · 1 year
Pink + White | part three
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warnings/notes: strong language, italics with "quotes" = your video log of your time studying the fauna and flora of pandora, bold = song lyrics
side notes: each phase will be associated with a song, phase ones song is Pink + White by frank ocean
pink + white master list.
part two. part four
taglist: @itscheybaby @brookesbizzareadvendture @jakesully-sbabygirl @myheartfollower @inlovewithpandora
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you were in your human body so you could reach small spaces jake offered to join you in the forest knowing he could protect you better than you could yourself in your human form even though you didnt want to feel babied you still let him go.
"so where are we going" you didnt look back as you responded your curly hair getting caught on a vine "fucking hell, youll see" you say as you got your hair off the vine.
jake watched you carefully to make sure you didnt get hurt at all..not that he would admit that’s why.
“there it is” your voice full of excitement as you rushed towards a plant
you bent down to get as close to the root as you could, you became hyper focused and jake knew this as you didn’t respond to him, so he took the time to examine you.
how your the sun of pandora or reflect on your brown skin making it appear almost golden to the touch, how it would reflect off your eyes making them appear golden, your coils having a reddish blond tint to it ever few strands, how your face would just glow with excitement of finding a new plant.
In the wake of a hurricane
Dark skin of a summer shade
Nosedive in the flood lines
Tall tower of milk crates
It's the same way you showed me
Cannonball off the porch side
Older kids trying off the roof.
jake didn’t realize he was staring because when he looked at you or snapped out of his day dream you were already standing waiting patiently for him “ready?” it took him a moment to register the one word “hm, oh yea let’s go.”
once arriving back at high camp you went straight to the lab jake watching you run off with a excited grin on your face and a quick goodbye.
“what have a gotten myself into” he said smiling and shaking his head before walking to where he keeps his guns to clean.
once in the lab you started running your samples norm came in asking what you had found and you told him “well the navi alreayd know what to do with it and we also know-“ “aaand as you know us humans can run more test and figure much more out, and see if there’s more useful ways to use it you know?” norm smiled “it’s always been the l/n’s you guys always know what to do” you smiled.
“well thank you, now scat i’m invested” norm laughed before he took his leave.
a week later you were finding out more things about the plant, ignoring your training sessions with jake every other day or two.
the kids still visited you since you always made time for them “daddy’s been bored without you” you laughed “what do you mean?” kiri laughs “he’s been grumpier than normal, always finding something to do and tells us to go play, buuut we always come here instead.”
you laughed turning around “you guys love to tease your father huh?” they all nodded tuk sat on the ground playing with toys but nodding along with her siblings.
“i’ll just have to come visit huh” they all nodded loak spoke first “yes. you can cook i don’t know what it’s called but it’s meat and it’s like- it’s like-“ “chicken?” neteyam said helping his brother “yes! that stuff dad can’t cook it’s terrible, but when you cook it’s amazing please please please come over and have dinner with us.”
you bursted out laughing at the small boy “i will if it’ll make all of you happy” they all got excited.
“tonight?” you smiled “yes tonight” you said smiling.
Just the same way you showed me (You showed)
If you could die and come back to life
Up for air from the swimming pool
You'd kneel down to the dry land
Kiss the Earth that birthed you
Gave you tools just to stay alive
And make it out when the sun is ruined
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yaoxsblog · 4 months
Nothing is canon in hetalia so I’m making my own list of headcanons regarding worldbuilding and al that whimsical stuff
I should probably mention this is inspired by THE worldbuilding hc post, I reblog it all the time but just in case you haven’t read it (how could you), you can do that here
Oh also umm all of these are both serious and not. Take them all with a grain of salt as they say. Im just having fun
I think thats it… lets go
Their body temperature depends on their climate. Sort of. Technically they all have a normal body temp, but you know how some people are always cold? In that way.
I think it’s canon actually that climates influence the general character of a personifications… although romano exists… so maybe not…. Not sure about that one.
They don’t get sick, in fact I hc they CANT get sick with normal human diseases. Their well being depends on the state of their people/the country. They get „sick” from wars, rebellions, econimic issues etc.
They can’t reproduce. Except for the times they can. Because egypt.
They exist as long as people feel connected to the idea of a „nation” or otherwise feel connected to that identity. Even if they „die”, as long as there are people who consider themselves a certain nationality, they can come back to life.
I’m partial to the idea of some of them appearing just because they were created artificially… like brčko. I will never actually talk more about her all you get is cryptic little puzzle pieces of info about her. Anyways she magically appeared when some documents were signed because funny
I’m unsure what happens when a nation is wiped out. Like when every person who was once a part of that nation either dies or stops identifying with it… maybe they get sick and die but maybe instead they turn into a human and slowly age, then die as the last person of that nationality….
They need to eat sleep etc but can go without doing any of that for longer periods of time than normal humans
They have hobbies and interests and can love humans but have no ambition or desire to live. Not even an animal like urge to live to pass something on. Because they really can’t. They exist to live and to vibe only. And despite no aspiration to live they will beg for mercy if you put a knife to their throat…. Hah… thats so weird
Immensly calming aura to normal people. Probably works better on people of their own nationality, they bring a sort of inspirational energy to the room. I feel as thought they inspired poets and artists, and all those works dedicated to the idea of a nation were actually about a being…
Despite being able to die (technically, even if not permanently) it takes them hundreds of years to understand the concept of death.
Same with aging, it makes no sense how a human deteriorates in, say, 60 years. How little that is, compared to their own age.
Wait, I have a comic I like that describes this well - here
Theyre not inherently violent. At least not most of them. Their wants don’t always align with what the people want but what can they do other than oblige. Yea
Not that important but they can totally have altered states. Half of them are high 24/7
Mentioned it before but they get, or at least most of them used to - get attached to their leaders. It wears off the older they get because they simply get used to the fact they change so often, at least from their perspective
Most of them are pretty open with the fact theyre not humans. If you ask them i image most would just go haha yea thats me I’m 6969 years old lol
I’m very much aware that the rule which i think is canon based on one ep…. That pgysica age related to land mass, is stupid bullshit and generally doesn’t apply in half the cases. And therefore I’ll say to me, I just accept whatever canon physical age you want to give to a character. Whatever reason you want for it is acceptable too.
Thats it for now :PP
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
Even in a rhetorical wedding list, folks still doubting Timmy lol anyway...
This or That 😃 who/what wuld u choose n why. If its a person can b based on vibes, personality, talent, etc.
-Knowing the story on how TZ got back together or how they 1st met
-Jacob E or Trevor (lol)
-Zs Dune 2 press fashion or Zs Challengers press fashion
-NY or LA
-Toms fashion or Austin fashion
-Sydney or Kaia
-letitia or ayo
Oooo another game! Thanks Anon! 😁
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You know what?? I like your game so much, that I'll put your questions in polls and will see what others say/think.
I'll put my answers to your question below and will hide them so that others aren't swayed by my answers lol.
My answers 👇:
-Knowing the story on how TZ got back together or how they 1st met
Knowing the story on how TZ got back together HANDS DOWWWN! 😅 I don't really care how they first met lol. I think we kind of already know that? But I wanna know all of the details and tea on what they were each thinking and feeling during the breakup, why they broke up in the first place, and what they were thinking and feeling when they were deciding to get back together lol. 😁 (I'm just nosy lol)
-Jacob E or Trevor (lol)
Eww... Can I say neither?? 😅 Honestly? I'd have to go with JE on this one. Yea, JE cheated on several girlfriends too, but at least he didn't write a song detailing their sex life as a way to try to make amends. 🙄🤮
-Zs Dune 2 press fashion or Zs Challengers press fashion
Ohhhh this is too much Anon! 😭 Pleaaaase don't make me choose!!! 🙈
Okay, I'll say that I LOVED the fashion for both press tours. 😊 I liked how daring, interesting and AMAZING Z's fashion was for Dune Part 2. She was shutting the place down! 😅 I also appreciated the Challengers press tour clothing too. I loved how creative it was, and how it was very sports-themed, but still very feminine.
If I had to choose one though, I'd HAVE to say the Dune Part 2 Press tour clothing had me shook!!! Challengers had a lot of white and bridal type dresses which were cute, but Dune Part 2 made me go WOW! That robot-like costume she had for the London premiere alone....like, WOW lol. 😲😳🤯 The DP2 press tour clothing/styles were just more interesting to me. 😊
-NY or LA
Mmmm....for me personally? Or for Tomdaya?
If you're talking about me personally.... Both cities have their pros and cons! I like both cities, but if I had to choose, I'd have go to with LA lol. 😊
-Toms fashion or Austin fashion
Oh wow.... This is a tough one! 😂 Are we talking red carpet fashion? Or, just everyday fashion? Cuz umm...that can be two totally different things lol. 👀 😅
I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to (red carpet fashion, or just out and about fashion lol), so I'm just going to give you my thoughts.
Austin: I love Austin's red carpet fashion. He takes little risks here and there, and I like that. 😊 I never know what he's going to wear most of the time on the red carpet, so I like that he keeps me guessing lol. 😅 He tends to wear more baggier clothing (which is fine), but I love it when he wears things that are a little more form-fitting or with color. I think that's nice!
His everyday street-style fashion on the other hand.... 👀😩 Austin's just a simple guy honestly lol. He loves vintage stuff. He shops at thrift stores lol. So he's not really dressy in his casual down time. He's more like a t-shirt and hat kind of guy. I wanna burn the hats lol, but I kind of think he uses them mainly to try to hide and blend in the crowd so that people don't recognize him so easily.
Tom: Tom is European, so I'm automatically expecting his fashion and style sense to be better just in general compared to us Americans lol. 😂 When it comes to Tom's red carpet style, he tends to be more classic with the classic tux/suits, and tends to play it safe. He tends to wear some colors here and there though (FFH premiere, TCR premiere, GQ event, etc), and so I like it when it mixes things up a bit. 😊 I would love to see him take a few more risks with his red carpet style and wear some more daring things on the red carpet one day. I think it would be awesome!
Tom's everyday street style has changed drastically for the better over the years imo lol. He used to be a skinny jeans and jeans falling off the butt kinda guy lol. Now, he's got a more mature look and wears belts and argyle sweaters lol. Boy he's come a VERY long way! 😅 I think he's had a great style change over the years, and his look is more mature than it was back in 2017 lol. So I think his casual street style overall is great!
-Sydney or Kaia
I give both of them the slight side-eye.... 👀 (I don't like girls who seem to mess w/other women's men 🥴), but if I had to choose one, I'd say Sydney.
Sydney at least can act rotfl. 😅
-letitia or ayo
Ohhhhh this is a tough one Anon!! 😭😭 I like BOTH of them! I have a soft spot for Letitia. ❤️ I do like Ayo though. I just need to see more of her in her projects to have more of an appreciation for her. She's VERY talented though, and I'm rooting for her. 🥰
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scarletsaphire · 1 year
Mikey has been the DM for his Dungeons and Dragons group for ages. But that changes today; the local game store is holding an event, which means that he is finally going to get to play! The sorry sucker that's been assigned their DM, named Edgar, will have no idea what hit them.
And the other definitely not forgotten one @phantasycentral
"Are you excited?" Nathan asked as he walked down the street next to Mikey, holding his folder close to his chest.
"Am I excited," Mikey repeated in a mocking tone. "Of course I am! I've been stuck as you lot's dungeon master for five years now. Finally, I'll be able to be a player and join in your game ruining shenanigans!"
"Hey!" Caroline said. "We don't ruin any of the games."
"Yea," the other Nathan, or Nate as the gang tended to call him, added. "We enhance it!"
Mikey stopped in his walking to turn and look Nate in the eye. "You caused a black hole by sling-shotting a bag of holding into another bag of holding, ending the big bad instantly, and causing a TPK. On session four."
"Ok, but it's your fault we had two bags of holding," Nathan argued.
"It was not!" Mikey protested. "You guys are the ones who broke into the Grand Wizards Tower the second it was introduced, and then robbed him blind when he tried to stop you!"
"I mean," Caroline said, "You are the one who gave him two bags of holding."
"He made them!" Mikey was nearly yelling at this point. "He was the maker of like, all the enchanted items in the land, of course he'd have two bags of holding!"
"Still your fault," Nate said.
Mikey tugged at his hair. "This is exactly why I am so excited this event is happening. If I have to run one more game with you dunderheads as my party I'm going to lose my mind."
"I thought you already lost your mind when I made that Tabaxi?" Caroline asked, grinning deviously in a way that she only ever did around them. She was normally very self concious about her braces, but apparently bashing orcs heads in with a great axe made for great bonding experiences.
"Oh yea, that one that could run like, 300 feet in a turn!" Nathan said. "I remember that! You ran circles around that Dragonborn, literally!"
"I did!" she preened. "And I distinctly remember you saying that it was the final nail in the coffin of what was left of your sanity."
"I got it back," Mikey sniffed. "Because I'm just better like that."
"If you were than you wouldn't get so hung up on us just having some fun with your games," Nate said, elbowing Mikey in the side.
"Whatever," Mikey grumbled. "Hopefully, whoever is our DM for this event is someone really good, and our schedules will line up, and they can take the curse of Forever DM away from me."
"Well, we're about to find out," Nathan said, coming to a stop in front of the game store. "You all ready?" The group traded determined nods, and made their way into the building.
It was populated, but not full. A number of people were sitting at fold out table in the rear end of the store, just visible through the shelves of board games, RPG books, and fancy dice. A middle aged man stood behind the counter, helping a young woman buying a pack of Pokemon cards. He waved to the lot of them when they came in briefly, before returning to the transaction. They all hovered at the counter, waiting for him to be finished.
It didn't take long before the woman was happily on her way out, Pokemon cards in hand, and the man turned to the four of them. "Howdy folks!" he said, voice thick with a southern accent. "Y'all here for the D&D stuff I take it?"
"Uh, yea," Mikey said, shuffling his feet awkwardly. "We uh. We signed up online?"
"Yup, most did," he said. "My name's Chris, I run this place with my sister. Give me just a second to pull up the list and..." Chris clicked a few buttons on his computer. "Ok, it looks like you'll be playing with Edgar. He's the fella in the purple jacket, right back there." Chris nodded his head towards the back, where, just as described, a man sat at the head of one of the empty fold out tables, a DM screen in front of him and a play mat stretched out across the table.
"Ok," Mikey said. "Uh, thank you!" With that, he led the group the rest of the way into the game store. Edgar looked nice enough; he was on the paler side, with dark black hair and a well kept goatee. He had also set up the map pretty well, at least from Mikey's perspective; most of it was covered with papers, which he presumed would be removed while they explored. When the three of them approached the table, Edgar looked up and smiled at them.
"Aw yes, you must be my adventurers!" he said. "I'm Edgar, and I'll be the story writer for the evening. I assume you have all created characters for the evening?"
Mikey and the rest of the group gave a variety of affirmatives, as they all took their seats at the table. "Do you want to take a look at our character sheets before we get started?" Nathan asked, pulling the paper out and holding it out to Edgar. 
Edgar waved the paper away. "There's no need. I'm sure I will become... properly acquainted with all of your characters by the end of this story. Now, are you all ready to start? I promise, it will be an adventure to die for."
Mikey caught Caroline's eyes from across the table. She looked nervous. They all did; none of them were exactly what would be described as sociable, outgoing people, so it was only natural that they'd all have some kind of social anxiety in this situation, but there was something off about Edgar. Something about the way that he spoke...
Mikey took a deep breath. His mom had been getting on his case lately, about needing to get out of his comfort zone more. She probably meant to start playing a sport or something, but this counted. Maybe Edgar was just as nervous and socially awkward as they were, and just had an odd way of saying it? "We're ready," Mikey said. 
"Wonderful. Then let us begin."
Mikey couldn't say at what point during the exposition things started to get weird. Edgar was a very good storyteller, so for a while, it just seemed like he was painting a very vivid picture of the forest laid out before them, vivid enough that Mikey could see the towering trees and dappled sunlight on the ground. And then he could smell the clear, cool air, and hear the bird song and the wind rustling in the leaves, and feel the dirt on the ground beneath his leather boots, and Mikey was no longer just Mikey, he was Erdri, his dragonborn paladin. 
"What..." Nathan, a half-elf cleric named Vaeril. "What happened? How are we..."
"Ok cool so I'm not just going crazy," Nate said. His spoke with a lisp, his half-orc tusks making the softer sounds of Common awkward. 
"Not unless we all are," Caroline replied. Mikey almost missed her; she was a halfling rogue, which made her very, very easy to miss. "You don't think..."
"That I was a ghost?" It was Edgar's voice, coming from a squirrel in the trees. "If you didn't, you'd be wrong. You can call me Ghost Writer, and I've decided to play my hand at this new form of collaborative story telling. You will be my test group! How lucky you are."
Nate drew his great-axe from behind his back. "You let us go right now! You won't get away with this!" 
"Oh, none of that," Ghost Writer replied. "If you won't play fair, than neither will I." Nate tripped and fell face first on the ground, the great-axe flying from his hand. "All you have to do is finish this adventure. That's what you agreed to do, is it not?"
"Not like this!" Nathan complained.
"Tomato, tomato," Ghost Writer said. "You agreed, and now you have to see the story to the end. Be careful! I'm not planning on going easy on you." The squirrel lost the imprint of Ghost Writer's features, returning to existence as a completely regular squirrel.
"We're gonna die," Caroline said, just above a whisper. "We're totally going to die!"
"No, we're not," Mikey said. The strength in his voice surprised him. "We're going to win."
"How can you say that?" Nate asked, brushing the dirt off of his face. "We've never done anything like this before!"
"Yes, we have! We've been playing Dungeons and Dragons for years. You all are experts at breaking a DM's story, and I know all the tips and tricks about DMing that there is to know. This "Ghost Writer" won't know what hit him."
"Ok," Nathan said, taking a deep breath. "Ok. I believe you. But why the hell do I believe you."
"I rolled like, an 18 in charisma."
"That'll do it."
"Onwards and upwards?" Nate held his hand out between the four of them. 
One by one they all added their hands to the stack. 
"Onwards and upwards!" They said the cheer unanimously, throwing their hands up in the air. Together, they made their way deeper into the forest, where adventure awaits.
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