#but. it’s too much shitty awful takes for me to handle
crushmeeren · 1 month
Hiii I hope you’re doing well!! I was wondering if you could write Hitoshi shinsou x reader of him absolutely destroying our guts 😊
Thank you!!!
• Everyone is 18+/aged up — scroll or block if that bothers you. •
Hello friend! I am doing well and I can definitely write this. 😜 I hope you enjoy! 💕
P.S. I automatically write it as fem reader unless specified, but I did try to refrain from using things like good girl, pretty girl, etc. because I wasn’t sure. I did however use female anatomy. 💜
How Shinsou eats you out.
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Shinsou Hitoshi Destroying Your Guts
You slam the front door shut so violently the frame rattles, threatening to crack under pressure.
“Everything alright baby?” Hitoshi’s smokey timbre calls out cautiously from the kitchen. He was forewarned about your god awful day out on patrol, so he’s treading carefully.
Your fingernails sink into your palms, teeth creaking as you round the corner to your kitchen. There’s a fury boiling in your chest that’s about to overflow.
“What the fuck do you think? You know how to read, don’t you? Because I already texted you what happened.” There’s a nasty bite to your words, eyes narrowing as your lip curls upwards.
Silence hangs heavily in the air for a few beats.
Hitoshi’s face remains impassive as he stands across the island from you. Casually, he folds his arms over his chest, arching one singular eyebrow at your bitchy tone.
Hitoshi may as well exhale frost when he replies.
“Do you really want to walk down this road tonight?”
Apparently, you do.
When Hitoshi bends you over the side of your bed five minutes later, you’re entirely naked.
He’s got your arms bent and twisted behind your back in the most uncomfortable position as Hitoshi ties your wrists together with part of his capture weapon.
It’s tight — you can barely wiggle your fingers, heartbeat thudding in your fingertips.
A brutal swirl of exasperation and anticipation churns in your stomach. When the underground hero yanks the material even tighter, a layer of sticky sweat gathers in the valley between your tits, and you spasm against the blankets.
“Hitoshi!” You squeak, sucking in air through your teeth. “That hurts, you jerk!” You rise up on your tip toes to try and pull away from his grip, but your shoulders only twinge in protest. Hitoshi looms behind you, snickering as he wrenches your bound wrists upwards and forces you to still.
“Too late sweetheart, you’ve been way too much of a brat tonight for me to care about your comfort. Now, I’m gonna teach you a lesson and fuck that shitty attitude out of you,” he says hotly, confirming what you already knew he was going to do.
A calloused palm presses down in between your shoulder blades, shoving you further down into the bed.
You don’t speak, clenching your jaw in frustration when a hot flush pours over your cheeks. The material of your current restraints dig annoyingly into your skin each time you flex your wrists.
Hitoshi’s hand rains down on your ass, a sharp sting radiating up to your tailbone. He made it his mission for that one to hurt.
A muffled scream of his name punches out of you into the sheets below.
“What is it sweetheart?” He snarls, teasing the soft tip of his cock between the lips of your pussy. “Can’t handle the punishment for being so fucking rude to me?”
Your breath catches, goosebumps taking over your arms. Your clit pulses, pussy eager to swallow his cock whole.
“Well?” He urges, yanking your forearms backwards until your spine arches, lifting your face from the blankets.
Your shoulders ache, throbbing dully and then suddenly a switch flips, all traces of your previous rage draining from your veins.
“I’m sorry Hitoshi!” You sob, voice scratchy and breaking. You shove your hips backwards, trying to get him inside you.
“That’s it pretty baby, good job,” he purrs, gifting you mercy and sliding his cock inside with one effortless motion.
Hitoshi starts fucking you as if he’s attempting to carve a space out inside your guts just for himself. Hips bouncing off your ass until your muscles are going taut, slick pussy suffocating his cock.
He fucks you until you’re a gooey, brain melted mess beneath him. Encouraging you to keep cumming for him, his husky moans dancing in the air when you curse his name.
Afterwards, once your chest stops heaving and your soul has returned to your body, you’re infinitely grateful for a boyfriend like Hitoshi.
“Hitoshi, thank you. I really needed that,” you mumble, throat raw as sandpaper. Hitoshi hums as he swiftly works to free your hands.
“No worries baby. I’ll fuck you into your place anytime you need it,” he teases, tilting his head back in laughter as you punch his shoulder halfheartedly.
Your wretched day is entirely forgotten as you climb into bed that night.
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
you know that feeling where you’re having a god-awful day and all you really want is a hug but you’re at work so, like, that’s not gonna happen, and you basically just have to stew in all those shitty feelings and wait out the clock? yeah, me too, that’s kind of where this came from.
Eddie had a tough day.
It had started early that morning when the girls missed their school bus – not a huge deal, honestly, he was already gonna be leaving early to go get his car looked at.
But then he got shitty news from the mechanic, and then a meeting with his agent didn’t go the way he’d wanted at all, and then Hazel ended up being a total pain in the ass after he picked her up from kindergarten, and during her relentless haranguing, she knocked one of Eddie’s favorite mugs off the counter. It shattered, obviously, and she cried about it so he’d had to deal with both of those things at once, and it was just a day.
None of it was anything he couldn’t handle – the problem was the compounding nature of it and the way he basically just had to stew in it all until the next obstacle came along and made shit even worse.
All Eddie really wanted was Steve, and how Steve being around made dealing with this stuff so much easier, even if every other circumstance was the same.
He has to share Steve, though, and today he’s sharing him with Steve’s work until four o’clock.
It’s fine.
He can wait until four.
The older two girls got off their bus at half-past three, and, seriously, someone must have put something in the water this morning because they are in rare goddamn form today. If Hazel alone was bad, all three of them together were…well, thrice that. It’s like the universe said I see your bad day and I raise you three elementary schoolers hitting their peak annoyance thresholds simultaneously.
And it’s not like Eddie can even fucking fold, either.
It’s cold and kind of windy outside, which is Eddie’s least favorite weather and he’d thought maybe the girls would want to go right inside, but no. Of course they want to dig out the chalk that got stashed away in the garage last fall, and while Eddie is stuck shivering outside breaking up dumb arguments about who’s allowed to use which colors (he figured the answer was an obvious everyone, but apparently that’s incorrect), Steve leaves a message saying he tacked on an emergency session onto the end of his day and now he’s not out until five.
Eddie doesn’t hear it until he’s back inside, obviously, but when he does it’s like someone ran a whole fucking dagger through his chest.
He’s halfway through making dinner when Steve gets home (he’d actually be done making dinner if the pot of water hadn’t boiled off while he’d dealt with yet another stupid argument), and he drops everything to meet him at the door.
It’s like Steve can tell in an instant the kind of day Eddie had.
“What happened?” he asks as he toes off his shoes.
Eddie shakes his head, “Everything…nothing…I don’t even know. Just…one of those days.”
Steve nods his understanding, and as soon as he’s got his coat hung up he’s pulling Eddie into a hug.
It ends up being kind of a bone-crushing one — that’s on Eddie, though. He’d just fucking needed it. He knows he’d needed it when Steve’s arms tighten around his shoulders and he feels that much better.
“You okay?” Steve asks without letting him go, the breath of his words hitting warm against Eddie’s neck.
“Just tired,” he answers.
Steve pulls away.
“You can take a break, Ed,” he says, and there’s something in his eyes – not concern, exactly, but more like awareness, “I’ll be up in a bit.”
Eddie just nods and heads for the stairs. As he goes, he faintly hears Steve asking, “What the hell did you guys do to Dad today?”, followed by the girls’ defensive protests.
In their room, Eddie makes it through one full rerun of Star Trek and then the first few minutes of a second before Steve joins him.
He notices that it’s quiet downstairs for the first time that evening, and he tries not to take it too personally. He’s always been comfortable in the knowledge that Steve might be better at the whole parenting thing than him (psych degrees and all that), but, shit, if he’s that much better…
“What’d you do, strangle them?” Eddie asks as Steve swaps his jeans out for a pair of faded plaid pajama pants.
“No, I told them that if I hear a single peep in the next hour I’m beheading all their stuffed animals.”
Eddie blinks.
Okay, maybe better isn’t exactly the right word.
“So they’re on verbal lockdown, basically,” Steve finishes.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” Eddie shakes his head, “You’re kind of crazy.”
“Yeah, well, you were always gonna rub off on me one of these days — don’t.”
And Eddie couldn’t help the way he threw his head back and laughed.
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dior-and-dietcoke · 7 months
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starring! : baji keisuke + bimbo gf!reader
cw! : voyeurism, groping, public, dub-con(but it's actually con), baji being horny and sleepy, short, mitsuya and draken are there too so, mdni, readers skin color is not mentioned. Not completely proofread.
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Baji was waiting in front of your apartment complex after he texted you that you should come down to him. He tapped his boot against the concrete as he was leaning against his bike.
He was so tired, the longer you take coming down to him the more he just wants to come up to you and fuck you sore.
He's had the longest day at uni, controlling his temper really takes it's toll on him more that he'd like to admit.
And the only thing that can calm him down again is you and your God crafted body.
"Keiii! Hii!" He heard your gorgeous voice yell excitedly behind him, "'bout time you showed up-" he started before turning around to look at you.
You were wearing the tiniest strapless dress he had ever seen, he could just pull your dress a certain way and you'd be exposed. And that's not the worst of it, you weren't wearing a bra and the breeze of the cold air caused your nipples to poke the tight fabric of the dress.
As your heels clacked over to him. baji didn't even have the strength to control his own cock, so he was just rock hard as you pressed your soft and tiny compared to him body against his own. You smiled up at him before pressing a sticky kiss to his cheek, leaving a glossy mark behind. "How was your day, baby?" You asked sweetly with your hands on his shoulders, expectedly awaiting his answer. Did you have to look so fucking sexy today?? He hated how well dressed and composed you always are, your makeup and manicure are always making him want to fuck all the hard work up and have it running down your flushed cheeks while he's fucking you like a feral animal, leaving you completely sore for the next two weeks.
"Sucked. Let's just go so I can get this over with" he groaned at the thought of having to go to a toman meeting while he's torn between just sleeping and fucking you all night. But there was no way around it.
"Awe baby…let's go so you can tell me about it when we get back, kay?" You smiled and hopped on his bike.
Baji almost choked on his own spit as you sat down and your dress raised up your plush thighs, exposing your panties. He coughed and just quickly got on the bike himself,
most men would tell you to go change but baji's mother raised him right, he was in no position to tell a woman what to wear. Even if it is distracting him.
As the two of you were driving to the meet up, baji constantly shifted on his bike, his hard cock was just getting really, really uncomfortable. Especially since you kept on pressing your tits against him and running your nails over his abdomen telling him "I missed you so much today, Kei…" in that sweet and soft voice too..you fucking knew what you were doing, and you knew he wouldn't say anything.
The second you arrived, most toman members were already there. He just hoped he didn't have to talk all that much, cause it was hard to talk when you're tired as fuck and your cock is threatening to take control of all your sensible thoughts.
He got off his bike and you followed, but only to sit with your back against the handles of the bike. Baji kissed your temple after you switched seats, making you smile widely.
As he was towering over you and you were looking up at him so innocently and his hand caressed your warm cheek, he heard chifuyu running up to the two of you, interrupting the tender moment.
He rolled his eyes that he had to take his attention away from you, as chifuyu was talking to him baji never stopped stroking your cheek. "Mikey isn't here yet..I think he'll be late." Chifuyu said casually. Baji audibly groaned and threw his head back in frustration "that fucking dumbass.." he cursed "what's wrong?" The blonde man asked
"I had a long fucking day and just wanna get this shitty fucking meeting over" you tilted your head and pouted "Kei..baby." you said, taking the hand on your cheek "c'mere.." you said, tapping the free seat in front of you.
Baji didn't care if he was in public and showing you affection, he loves his pretty girl, and he sure as hell is not gonna stop treating you like his little princess just because people are watching.
He didn't even hesitate for a second before sitting back down and letting you hug his head against your plush chest.
Chifuyu just awkwardly coughed as he tried so hard not to look at your tits and thighs, last time a guy tried to hit on you his jaw got dislocated.
Baji put his hands on your lower back "you can go chifuyu." He murmured with his eyes closed.
Chifuyu nodded before he politely smiled at you and started to leave the two of you to it.
You waved with a smile before turning back to your sleepy boyfriend "are you okay, baby?" You asked softly, running your nails through his hair to gently scratch his head. The calming feeling of your nails on him just turned him on even more, making the long haired man look up at you "don't worry about it, princess.." he said before turning his head again and laying it between your tits.
He looked around and saw how most guys stare at you two, he cant fucking blame 'em, he'd stare at you too. He just didn't like that THEY were staring at you.
They were lucky that he didn't have the energy to fight anyone tonight.
But as he was pushing you closer to him, forcing you to arch your back and pressing his head tighter against your chest he just raised his hand up and grabbed at your tit suddenly.
You gasped and your thighs, that were placed on both of his own, twitched.
"Kei!..what are you doing?" You whispered at him. Though your words protested, your body didn't.
You pushed up against him as his thumb brushed over your hard nipple covered by the thin fabric of your dress. Baji heard the guys whisper among themselves as they were shamelessly staring at him fondling his girlfriend.
"M' just touchin' my girl…" he calmly replied to you as his other hand reached down behind you to grab at your plush ass, making you let out his favorite noise, a tiny surprised gasp.
"Baji! The guys are watching!" You whispered again softly clawing at his back.
It was cute of you to think he even cared for a second, besides he's not fucking you infront of them…even though he totally would.
"Who cares baby..just focus on me" he hummed.
Baji knew you were trying to hold your beautiful whines back since the two of you are In public and have a very perceptive audience, but who could blame you when your hot boyfriend had his strong hands on your ass and your tits.
Baji sighed against you as he felt your body shiver, he didn't see or feel it but he knew you were getting so wet. You're a dirty girl and baji knew that all to well.
His Hans kept massaging your soft tit but it wasn't enough for him, so he casually just slipped your dress down to immediately grab your tit again and suck your hard nipple into his mouth "b-baji!" You yelped, but only half-heartedly tried to push him off. You absolutely loved the feeling of bajis hot lips and tongue on your nipples, and baji loved it even more, it was calming to him but also so fucking hot.
Meanwhile mitsuya stood in viewing distance, he's not one to stare at women, cause he was also well raised by a mother. But he just couldn't bring himself to stop staring at your squirming cute form.
Mitsuya wasn't the only one though, draken was lucky that Emma wasn't here cause she'd probably beat his ass for staring for as long and intensely as he did. It was just something he didn't expect to see tonight.
"She's quite something, isn't she?" Mitsuya said outloud, making hakkai turn around to see what Mitsuya was talking about, just to freeze up entirely at the sight of bajis pretty girlfriend getting her tits sucked.
Baji didn't even notice his friends looking, he was too enamored by the indescribable feeling of his beautiful girl writhing and gripping on his bike, knowing you're torn between giving into ecstasy and feeling beyond embarrassed.
Baji hummed as he kept swirling his tongue around the hard bud, "feel so good, baby.." he groaned before sucking on it again and pressing you closer against him with the hand on your ass, gripping it tighter and making you feel his hard cock against your quivering pussy. You let out a fucking beautiful moan before you covered your mouth with your manicured hand as the cute pendants on your silver bracelet jingled in the process.
"B-baji, please.." you whimpered, making him open his eyes and look up at you through his pretty lashes and then letting your nipple go with an obscene pop, after he did so he covered your nipple with his hand to shield it from the hungry gazes of his men and friends. "Please what, baby?" He grinned, grinding his clothed cock against your poor cunt, making you cover your mouth again as you gasped, but baji stopped you from holding it there, he wanted to hear you. "P-please…let's just go.." your shy words Made him grin and pull your dress back up to cover your beautiful tits "I can't just leave baby.." he teased, making you whine and look up at him through your long and thick lashes. "Please, kei..I need you..so bad, right now" you sighed, shifting against his cock. "Please.."
Baji immediately stood up to pick you up and place you back on your backseat before he grabbed your pretty face to aggressively make out with you, groaning and moaning into your mouth as his tongue tried to to Impossibly deeper into your mouth. It was hard not to grind on the seat of his bike as he did so, his animalistic groans always made you so wet
"My little slut.." he whispered against your lips as he grinned and then bit his bottom lip with his sharp teeth. "Let's go baby..fuck this meeting." He chuckled and got on the bike in front of you, making you wrap your arms around him again and avoid all the gazes you had on you "gonna fuck you so hard when we get home.." he said quietly while stroking your arm that was holding his abdomen as tightly as you possibly could.
He then let the engine of his bike roar before he drove off..
Mitsuya chuckled "we'll just tell mikey that baji was busy" draken huffed "but don't tell him what he missed, he'll be pissed then."
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ariisheresstuff · 7 months
Tough Day
Pairings: Carmy x Fem!Reader
Summary: Today was just exhausting for you, you had a very stressful day. The only thing you wanna do right now, is be in the arms of your loving boyfriend.
Genre: Comfort
Warnings: Crying, stressed reader, cursing
A/N: My requests are open! Have a good day! <3
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You let out a big sigh once you parked in front of your shared home. Today was probably the most exhausting day you had and all you wanted was to go to bed and cuddle with Carmen. You’re boss was being the biggest dick of all time and taking all his anger on you. You couldn’t hold your emotions in anymore. You grabbed your bag and got out of the car before closing the door and walking up to the front door of the house. You felt your eyes burning from the tears coming. You heard the sink running and plates being clattered, you took off your shoes and hanged up your coat and placed your bag on the floor before locking the door.
“Baby? That you?” Carmen called out making you feel more emotions.
“Y-yes, Carmy, it’s me.” You said through the lump in your throat. You walked into the kitchen seeing your boyfriend putting away dishes while something was cooking on the stove like always. Carmen put down the plates he was putting away as he turned to face you giving you a smile. He walked over to you as he wrapped his arms around you. You quickly wrapped your arms around him tightly. Needing a hug from your lover. That’s when the tears fell and your shoulders started to shake. Carmen frowned.
“Aw babe, what’s wrong? What’s got my baby so upset?” Carmen cooed as he cupped your face to have you look up at him as he jutted his lip out looking at your broken face. He placed kisses on your forehead before wiping away your falling tears. You sniffled as he cradled your head while swaying you two back and forth as he quietly shushed your cries.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He said in your hair making you close your eyes before sighing.
“I just had the worst day ever at work. It was exhausting and my boss was up my ass today being the dick he is to me. I-I just can’t handle it Carmy, it’s too much for me. I’m always expected to do everything a-and it’s draining me.” You said through a broken sob as more tears came down making Carmen frown more.
“Baby… I’m sorry you had a shitty day, you don’t deserve that. None of that. Hell, you want me to have a chat with this boss of yours? I’ll kick his ass for you, probably cut his dick off as well.” Carmen said as he cracked his knuckles jokingly. You giggled through your tears making Carmen smile at you.
“There’s my girl. But baby, I really think you should take some time off of work. You’re always on the go and I don’t wanna see you blow yourself to the limit.” You have Carmen a serious face as he rubbed his hands up and down your arms.
“B-but Carm, I have so much things to do with my role and-
“I don’t care, we’ll get it done together. You need time for yourself, for us. You need to take some to relax and enjoy yourself for a while. Okay? For me at least?” Carmen said softly as he ran his fingers through your hair was pecking the side of mouth.
You took one of his hands as you traced the tattoos and slightly pecked each knuckle. You finally looked up at your lover with a smile before nodding making Carmen smile more. He cupped your neck to bring you closer to him for a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, enjoying this moment as you sighed lovingly. Carmen wrapped his arms around your waist bringing you more close. He sighed as the two of you pulled away for air but not for your lips to stop touching. He rested his forehead on yours, you two stayed like this for a few seconds enjoying this moment.
“You wanna watch a movie and cuddle while dinner is cooking? I’m making your favorite by the way.” Carmen whispers in your jut making you jut your lip out.
“Of course I would babe. That’s all I wanted after work.” You said while kissing Camry’s face multiple times making Carmen chuckle before lifting you up in the air making you squeal.
“I don’t wanna hear any complaints later babe.” Carmen said as he placed you down on the couch hovering over you with a smirk. You smirked back before yanking the collar of his sweatshirt down to you as you giggled.
“Oh, there won’t be any complaints at all babe.” You said with a tease making Carmen raise an eyebrow.
“Oh, it’s that a promise?” He said as he ran his hands down your body.
“A big promise.” You whispered in his ear making him chuckle before getting handsy with you.
The night ended with some steam ~
Tag-List: @otomefan @chunnies @slasherstories123 @avengersfan25 @th3h0nkz
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insxghtt · 1 year
hot knife — ellie williams x reader
if Ellie is butter, then you're a hot knife.
warnings: fluff, lots of cursing (it's ellie), lesbians being really really gayyyy, ellie and reader are 18
based on a request. y'all needed it, i needed it, we all need this.
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You were angry. Well, not angry like when someone tells you something you don’t really want to hear, or when someone messes with someone you deeply care about, or even when someone is trying to tell you what to do. No, this was a different type of angry. Something you have never felt before. 
It was like when you have a dog and this dog that you love so much only cares about someone else. Shit, you’re the one feeding it, you’re the one who covers that ungrateful dog with a blanket when it’s snowing outside, you’re the one who loves and would do anything to protect that dog when someone tries to hurt it, or kidnap it, or some shit like that. 
Of course, Ellie was not a dog. It’s not like you were comparing her to one, no. That would be just superficial and kind of mean, honestly. You cared about Ellie more than you would care about a dog. Also, Ellie was so much better than that. She was perfect. Every detail of her was just beautiful to you. You weren’t angry at her. You were angry at yourself for feeling like you were invisible every time she looked at her. 
Why did Ellie had to pay attention to every word she said? Why did she seem so happy when Dina talked to her? Most importantly, why did you care so much? It’s not like Ellie was your girlfriend. She was your best friend. Wasn’t it enough? 
Apparently, no, considering how shitty you felt when you saw Dina and Ellie laughing in the park while playing with snowballs. That morning, you were supposed to meet with her. You two made plans to have lunch together. Well, you didn’t plan that, but it became kind of a routine, so you though she would be waiting for you in front of your house like she always did. 
Ellie didn’t like to take care of herself. She was used to skip some meals and you were quick to notice it. Of course you would notice it, you were always looking at her. Since the day she arrived at Jackson for the first time. 
She was only fourteen then, but fourteen years were enough to make her tougher than the other kids. Tougher than you. You were more innocent than her then and that made it difficult for you two to connect. Yet somehow, you were able to sneak into her life. ‘If you are butter, I can be the hot knife’, you told her one time. That was the first time she laughed in front of you. Since that moment, you made it your goal to put a smile on her face at least once every single day. She deserved it. 
It hurt like hell when you realized you were not the only one doing it anymore. Dina was pretty, smart, confident. They made a good match if you look at it from any other point of view that it’s not yours. 
“You’re staring”, a voice next to you brough you back to earth. You didn’t have to look to know that it was Jesse. 
“You too.” 
“Do you think they’re like...”, he made a pause, obviously uncomfortable with the use of the word. “Lesbians... or something?” 
You raised your eyebrows and looked at him. “Is there a problem if they were?” 
“Well, I... No, it’s just that I...”, he stuttered. 
“You are unbelievable”, you sighed. 
“Hey!”, Ellie yelled when she saw you. “You!” 
She ran to you with a big smile in her face. For a second, you even forgot about that awful feeling. 
“I knocked at your door, but I guess you weren’t there anymore”, she stopped in front of you. Her cheeks were pink because of the cold. “Me and Dina went to sleep late yesterday, so I woke up late, and... you know.” 
Yes, of course, last night. When Dina and Ellie talked for hours and hours at the stable and you just decided to leave because it was just too much for you to handle. 
It was kind of funny how Jesse gulped when he heard Ellie saying that she and Dina were alone for hours. It obvious how much he liked Dina, but she didn’t seem to realize. 
“What were you two doing last night?”, Jesse asked. 
“They were doing drugs and making out, Jesse, that’s what they were doing.”, you said sarcastically. 
“Oh my God...”, you rolled your eyes. 
“We were talking”, Dina explained to him while she was getting closer. 
He laughed nervously and nodded.  
“I’m sorry I made you wait”, Ellie said to you. 
“It’s fine.” 
You just shrugged and turned away, now heading to the bar where you usually had your lunch. Ellie looked at Dina without really knowing what to do. You didn’t sound fine. Dina gestured for her to follow you and that was what she did. 
You entered the bar with her. It was weird how distant you were, but she tried her best to stay positive. You saw Seth from far away and gave him a signal. He already knew you and Ellie pretty well. He didn’t exactly like you, but he liked Maria, Maria liked you and you liked Ellie. That meant free lunch every day. 
When you sat at one of the tables to wait for the food, she sat in front of you. 
“Listen, I found this movie in one of the patrols and I...” 
“That’s nice”, you interrupted her, staring at your hands. 
“Okay...”, she nodded. You were not interested in the movie. Alright. “So, I was thinking we could...” 
“Did you and Dina have fun last night?” 
She opened her mouth to answer, but Seth called your name before she could say anything. You stood up and walked to the man behind the counter. 
“Thank you, Seth”, you said before taking the two sandwiches. 
The man responded with a mumble. You didn’t look at Ellie when you gave her one of the sandwiches, but she still followed you when you walked out of the bar. 
“Can you slow down a bit?”, Ellie asked. 
It didn’t really make a difference. It took her a few seconds to realize where you were going. Your home. Something was off. You two usually had lunch in the park. When it was too cold, you went to her place because it was closer. 
When you finally arrived at your house, you didn’t ask her to come in. No, you entered the door and closed it behind you. Okay, that was just too much. 
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“Oh, so now you care!”, you yelled too from inside the house. 
“What?”, she tried to open the door, but it was locked. “Did you just lock me outside your house?” 
There was silence for a few seconds. “No...” 
“The door seems pretty fucking locked to me!” 
You were being childish, and you knew it. With a sigh, you left the sandwich on the corner table and opened the door. Ellie stared at you, but she didn’t seem angry. No, she seemed... hurt? 
“Are you mad at me because I woke up late?” 
“Oh, fuck you! It’s not about that!” 
“Alright, then what is it?”, she crossed her arms, waiting for an explanation. 
You had no other option but to just deny it. 
“It’s nothing.” 
“Really? You think I'm gonna buy that?” 
“I don’t need you to, it’s the truth”, you shrugged. 
“So, you just ignored me and locked me out of your house for nothing?” 
“Maybe I didn’t see you.” 
“You did see me.” 
“Maybe it was the wind.” 
“The wind can lock doors now?” 
You really had no arguments, huh? 
“Stop...”, she whispered. “Come on, let me in? It’s cold.” 
You sighed and gave her space to enter you house. When you closed the door, the silence filled the room. Ellie took the backpack off her back and looked for something in one of the pockets. You watched in silence as she took a VHS film and showed it to you. 
“This is what I was telling you about...” 
“Who the fuck is Donnie Darko?”, you read the name. 
“I was hoping to find out.” 
Why did she had to look at you like that? 
“Well, I think Dina will love it.” 
“Dina? Why would I...”, she seemed confused for a moment, but then it hit her. “Wait, are you jealous of me and Dina?” 
Jealous. Was that the word? 
“Fuck, no!” 
“Oh, my fucking God, you’re jealous!” 
“No, I'm not!”, you could feel your cheeks burning right now. “Why would I be jealous of you two?” 
“I don’t know, maybe you have a thing for her...” 
“I do not have a thing for her.” 
“You have a thing for someone then?” 
Her confusion was making you dizzy. You sighed and sat on the couch of the living room. 
“Okay...”, she was still trying to absorb that information. She felt weird trying to picture you with someone else. “Who is it then?” 
“Shut up, I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
“I think we are already talking about it, so...”, she looked at you. “It’s okay. You can tell me, you know?” 
“No, I can’t.” 
“Because I can’t lie to you, Ellie.” 
“But you don’t have to lie... right?”, she said, and you finally looked at her with tears in your eyes. “Oh...” 
You didn’t have to say anything, it was too obvious. You were in love with her. The tears started to roll down your cheeks, and you didn’t try to stop them. It was done, you couldn’t go back in time. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Ellie was staring at the floor. Her silence was terrifying to you. What if she never talks to you again? All your worries were soon replaced by confusion when she let out a laugh. 
“You know what’s funny?”, she smiled and looked at you. “I spent a week with this movie in my backpack, scared that if I invited you to watch it with me you would realize I was asking you on a date.” 
She left the VHS tape in the center table. 
“And I really spent hours yesterday talking to Dina, describing to her everything I feel when you’re around, asking her if it would be too bad if I really did ask you on a date.” 
The way you looked at her made her heart melt. It was almost as if you were begging for that to be true. 
“So, is that what this is?”, you pointed to the VHS tape. 
“I mean, if you’d like that, then I guess it is”, she looked down, trying to hide the tears in her eyes. 
You nodded and stood up. 
“I do like that.” 
She stepped your way, your faces closer than ever. “Okay, then it’s a date.” 
You gave her a shy smile and paid attention to every single detail of her. Eyes, nose, lips. 
“It’s a date”, you whispered before leaving a soft kiss on her lips. 
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frozenjokes · 1 month
Put Me In Perspective, Or At Least In My Place (Another Retrospective On Aromantic Love)
“Above your head like this. Both hands, look at me. Both hands, Grian. It doesn’t take a lot of strength, just step forward and release around eye level.” Cleo demonstrated, holding the axe at the end of its handle and releasing the weapon. It flew in what had to be a perfect arc before burying itself in the wood, a bullseye of course. She threw the axe like she’d done it a thousand times, and honestly, she probably had.
“Don’t people throw them with one hand, too?”
“Yes. It’s just harder. Try this first.”
Grian pursed his lips, stepping forward, throwing, then squeaking when the axe bounced terrifyingly off the wood, hitting the wall before rolling and bumping the curb that separated the stall and his feet. Ah. That was frightening.
“Nearly took out our ankles there,” Cleo said, not sounding all too concerned.”
“It- Can it bounce over that?”
“Not easily. But not uncommonly either. Try not to do that.” Cleo strode forward, plucking the axe off the ground and handing it to Grian. “Don’t throw it while I’m in there.”
“I wasn’t going to!”
“Maybe you won’t, but some people need to be told,” Cleo grunted, ripping the axe she’d thrown from the wall and spinning it thoughtlessly in her hand before burying it in the stump that split their twin alleys. “Try again. Keep your wrists straighter, release at eye level.”
Grian shifted his weight, frowning, “Surely you brought me here to talk about something else other than axe throwing. ‘Cancel your plans, I’m picking you up,’ is an extremely ominous message to receive from a stranger at 8:00 at night. How did you get my number again?”
“Pearl. And we aren’t strangers, we’ve met at least once at that big friend get-together thing, you know. That awful pizza place? Regardless, I’m friends with runners, so force is necessary 90% of the time. If you want to skip to the talking, we can talk, but I don’t know if you want to hear what I have to say.”
“I probably don’t.”
“Then start throwing and I’ll do the work. You’ll get it to stick, just give her a few tries.”
“You seem to have a lot of faith in me.”
“Everyone gets it eventually.” Cleo looked relaxed, unconcerned, and Grian tried to match the energy, but he couldn’t quite shake his anxiety. Well. He was here, so he might as well make the most of it.
It took six more tries before he got an axe to stick. Wow that was satisfying- but the air seemed a little too heavy to celebrate more than Cleo’s tasteful clapping. Maybe he should come back here with Pearl and Impulse.. Jimmy maybe? He’d kill to see Jimmy try this actually, even if he’d likely crush Grian in the end. When Grian went to collect the two axes from the stall, Cleo finally spoke.
“I’d like to know what’s going on between you and Scar. Properly. It’s been a particularly shitty week for our friend group and Scar’s been in a foul mood for more reason than one, so we haven’t talked. And I’m not just here to interrogate you about Scar either, I’d really like to know what’s going through your head as well. Have you seen each other this week? Have you talked at all?” Cleo was firm, but nothing about their voice was hostile. There was a worried longing there, the kind of urging that came from a deep concern for a good friend.
Grian took a deep breath. “Not much. I saw him a couple days ago when I was getting lunch with Pearl at the zoo. He only texted me one other time to tell me he wouldn’t be.. we have this mutual place we hang out, and he just told me he wouldn’t be around this week. Too much going on. I’m really sorry about Etho by the way, I hope you guys find him.”
“Thank you. Bdubs got in contact with him yesterday, so we know he’s alright. We still don’t know where he is or when he’s coming home, but from what I’ve heard, he’s keeping frequent contact. Hasn’t called me or Scar, but that’s typical. With any luck he’ll be back safely soon. That’s what Etho said anyway. Still all sorts of concerning, but we’ll take what we can get.”
“That’s good. I’m glad.” Grian tried not to be hurt that Scar hadn’t updated him, but failed miserably despite the fact it probably wasn’t any of his business. He just would’ve liked to know, that’s all.
“It is. So how did that clusterfuck of a night happen between you and Scar? How did that start?”
“Oh,” Grian mumbled, fidgeting with the axe still in his hands. Cleo took the other from the stump, throwing it almost lazily, like the question didn’t matter to her much at all. Grian decided to do the same, focusing on the secondary activity instead. “Well.. he invited me over. That was a couple hours after our first spat, and I was still feeling weird about it all. Wasn’t well.”
“I figured. He reached out to you first?”
“Yeah. We weren’t supposed to do anything though, just.. get it out of our systems. I was so mad at him- I’m still so angry, and not even for any reason in particular. I’m just mad.”
“Then how’d you end up in his bed?”
“Oh. I kissed him. He was pissing me off.”
Grian scoffed, snagging his axe off the floor of the alley after a failed throw. “How did you think this all went down? He told you the jist, basically. Not nicely, but he told you.”
Cleo shrugged. “I just wanted to know a few more details. Place my judgment a bit more accurately. From where I’m standing, you’re both idiots self destructing in the dumbest way possible. I would like it very much if this didn’t happen again, not only because it’s bad for both of you, but quite frankly, it’s embarrassing.”
“You’re entitled to your opinion.”
“Come on.”
Grian curled his lip. “Listen, I don’t understand why it’s such a huge problem for Scar and I to work out our differences with a little violence. We're consenting adults and the sex was kinda nuts, so if we’re both having fun there’s no issue. In any case, I’m pretty sure this is solving all of our problems.”
“Oh? Do explain.”
Grian rolled his shoulders, throwing his axe and getting it to stick for the second time, “We’re just letting off steam, Cleo. Two months of awkward tension does a lot to a man, it does a lot, nothing good. This is like a shortcut to the whole ‘tiMe hEaLs aLL’ bullshit, we’re like- getting it out of our system.”
“Uh huh. And this is going to resolve your unrequited feelings for Scar how..?”
“I’m getting it out of my system, Cleo.”
“Ah, so having really good sex with a man who isn’t looking for the same things in a relationship as you is going to fix you.”
“You got it.”
“That’s the dumbest load of horseshit I’ve ever heard.” For the first time, Cleo’s axe bounced off the board. She strode to pick it up wordlessly.
“Alright.” Grian landed another axe, just inches from the bullseye.
“Grian,” Cleo sighed harshly, and Grian avoided her eye, uninterested in her scrutiny, “Listen. As dysfunctional as the both of you two are, I don’t actually believe this couldn’t work. You two have been as thick as thieves for ages, and as much as you’re scrapping now, I don’t think that’s indicative of how you actually feel about each other. You’re just hurt people hurting each other, and you don’t have to be. For goodness’s sake, Scar would have been happy to be in some sort of relationship with you, he just didn’t want to lose you altogether. Somewhere I think that got lost in translation.”
“Scar doesn’t want to date me. He only offered to appease me, it was as obvious as anything.”
“I don’t doubt there’s truth to that. He doesn’t do well under the pressure of a love confession, and that’s no one’s fault. But his feelings on romance are a lot more complicated than ‘wanting’ or ‘not wanting.’ You did the right thing to refuse him, Grian, he wasn’t ready. But I think it’s worth talking to him again. Laying everything out on the table. And I can’t speak for what Scar wants, his brain is a mess of tangled wires and sparks, but he’s obviously had plenty of time to think about this, and he might surprise you. If there’s one thing I do know about Scar, it’s that he loves to give things like this a try. And I mean that. He does love it.”
“But Scar won’t love me. Not like I want to love him.”
Cleo hummed, thoughtful as they considered the ceiling, “You know, I don’t know if that’s true.”
Grian huffed, “Unless I’m misunderstanding what ‘aromantic’ means, I don’t see what you mean.”
Cleo shrugged. “Scar loves everyone in big sweeping gestures. That doesn’t change from person to person, whether they’re family, close friends, lovers.. it doesn’t change. But there are still levels, right? There’s still loyalty. You’re thinking of Scar as loving you like a friend, but I think that’s the wrong approach. Making that distinction makes it seem like his love would be less intense, like he wouldn’t still give you everything he has. Try.. a scale, 1 through 10, maybe. For you, you’re looking to give Scar your 10 on the scale, right? A 9 or 10, whatever it is, that’s the kind of love you want to give, the kind of love you’re looking to receive. In Scar’s brain, he’s been giving you that 10 for months, and if you asked to spend the rest of your life with him, he’d probably go ahead and accept without hesitation. That’s just how he feels about the people he’s close with.”
Grian didn’t speak, still working out how to process those words, but Cleo did not mind continuing in his absence. “If you’re worried about not being #1, then I’m afraid you’re fighting a losing battle, friend. With anyone. You’re contending with mothers, brothers, sisters, friends that go back to high school, grade school, diapers. Being intimate doesn’t outweigh those bonds, not for most people. And this isn’t to say that a relationship with Scar would be exactly the same as it would be with anyone else, it won’t, and if you’re the type of guy that gets insecure when your partner is physically friendly with other people, then forget it, but in my truest of hearts, if you’re looking for someone to love, I believe Scar would be more than good for you. He would treat you well,” Cleo paused, thoughtful before continuing, “And honestly, things literally can not get any messier between you two. There are zero stakes to giving this a shot. You’ll either feel a lot better about yourselves or you’ll go your separate ways, both of which are a huge improvement to whatever the fuck is happening between you two now. Maybe you’ll even stay friends after talking all this shit out. Who knows.”
Grian returned his axe to the stump, needing to sit down. To think. He was quiet for a long time just sitting there, the only sound being the bustle of other customers and Cleo’s own axe hitting its mark time and time again.
“You really think he’d want to give it a shot?”
Cleo shrugged and shook her head noncommittally, “Who knows. But it wouldn’t surprise me. So long as you two actually talk this all out, I think anything could happen. And Christ, if you two decide to get together and still want to ‘fall down the stairs’ then have nasty sex afterward, that’s your prerogative, but for crissakes, at least wear some sort of padding or a helmet or something, don’t actually kill each other.”
Well. He had gotten Scar that helmet, hadn’t he.
“I’ll think about it,” Grian mumbled, eyes lidded. And he was. He was thinking quite hard about it.
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“are we going to talk, or are you going to keep walking away from me.” with peter parker butttt maybe with a happy ending :)
Don’t Be A Stranger
--genre: fluff & angst
--pairing: college!tasm!peter parker x college!gn!reader
--word count: 0.8k
--warnings: mentions of drinking, mentions of being drunk, angst, fluff, language, peter is mean in the beginning.
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--gif credits: the very talented, the very amazing, @sincericida
You wish you weren’t here right now, but you needed to be. Your friend, Erica, called you, slurring her words, and clearly not in the right state of mind to be out like this. As soon as she hung up, you made your way downstairs and walked to her location, the party only being a few blocks away. 
A crowded, smelly, and sticky house party was the last place you wanted to be tonight. You’re still in your pajamas, your current state barely making you the center of attention though, the people around you too gone to notice. 
The only person that did notice you was Peter, of fucking course, locking eyes with him from across the packed kitchen. You knew he’d been having a hard time lately, his temper teetering on the edge of madness. In the beginning, you thought that being there for him would be helpful, but god were you wrong. 
Peter blew up on you, and it wasn’t something that was resolved quickly. His words were not stopping as soon as he found something, or someone, to go off on. It seemed to never end, it was like his mouth was spewing hate, and it just so happened to reach you. 
Peter has never done anything like that before, never. So when it did, you stepped back in shock, how could your Peter say such awful things to you? There was a slight hesitation as you left his apartment, heading straight for yours. His voice was faint as you stormed out, hearing a soft ‘baby, wait’. That was a week ago. 
Seeing him at the party was the first time you’ve seen him since then, your heart beating fast and hard the second you two made eye contact. Setting his cup down, he starts to walk towards you, a sense of urgency in his step. You needed to find Erica, you didn’t have time for this. As if on cue, the girl you’ve been looking for attacks you in a bear hug. “(Y/N)! I’ve been looking for you all night,” her voice suddenly became very loud in your ear.
You hold her up, putting one arm around her torso, “I just got here?”
“Oh, right,” Erica’s eyes suddenly droopy, “I wanna go home.”
With that, you started walking very slowly towards the door until a familiar voice called out your name. Turning your head, you see your boyfriend, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. You ignore him and keep walking, Erica is too out of it to realize the situation at hand. 
Peter calls out for you once again, the noise level lowering as you three make your way away from the commotion, “Are we going to talk, or are you going to keep walking away from me?”
You were face to face with the door when he said that, taking a breath before twisting the handle and pulling it open. Without missing a beat you reply, “I don’t know, are you going to yell and berate me again?” 
You only make it a few steps past the threshold before Erica's dead weight becomes too much for you to handle, slowly pulling you to the floor. But Peter’s stronghold prevents you from fully collapsing. He’s situated himself on the other side of her, slinging her arm on top of his shoulder and wrapping his other arm around her back, his hand coming close to touching yours. Now you really couldn’t escape him. 
He wastes no time before speaking again, the silence of the elevator making you anxious “Bug, I’m so fucking sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up at you like that. I want to use my shitty few weeks as an excuse, but truthfully there is no excuse for the way I spoke to you. God, I’m so sorry (Y/N). This will never happen again, and I swear by that.”
Making your way down to the ground floor, you gaze up at Peter with a conflicting look. You know that what he did was wrong, there’s no doubt about that, but why was it so easy for you to forgive him? He slides his hand towards yours, connecting you two together for the first time in a week. You hate to admit that you have missed his touch, the one thing that could make you crumble. 
“I accept your apology, but let’s get her home, she’s pretty out of it.” 
With a nod, you and Peter walk to her apartment, leaving her with her boyfriend who couldn’t make it tonight. 
Walking back onto the dark street, you look up at Peter. You grab his hand, “Sleep over tonight?”
He squeezes your hand, “We’re okay, right?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, “we’re okay, Pete.”
--author's note: a small break from the steamy hot smut! thank you nonnie for submitting this!! i'm always a sucker for some angst tbh, and i love peter;) keep sending in requests!! my inbox is open and my 200 follower celebration is happening right now babe, what's stopping you?? don't forget to like, comment, and reblog if you see something you like. ok, bye ily<333
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skylarsblue · 2 years
Cat Calling
Content Warning(s): Murder, creepy men, very mildly implied fem!reader (but no pronouns used), blood.
(This took me way too fucking long. Bro, the burn out has been REAL SHITTY. Anyway, this was requested by @lonnielolooington. Forgive me for this taking so long-)
Michael Myers(All)
Michael obviously stalks you most of the time. The longer you two have been together, the less he follows you, mostly because he’s more comfortable doing his own thing. He’s less paranoid about you going to the police and ratting him out. Still, he likes following you, observing your everyday actions. He won’t try to hide from you very much.
Michael’s possessive. That’s a plain fact. You might not interact with many people, but he absolutely hates when people hit on you. He wouldn’t be mad at you in any aspect unless you were actively flirting with someone else. But what makes him livid is when you get clearly uncomfortable, even verbalize your disinterest, and the person continues to try shit. It sends a wave of protectiveness through his veins.(especially if it’s RZ Myers)
He’s pretty unaware of a lot of social issues. He likely never thought about what he’d do if someone he cared about was cat called. Not only has he been living under the assumption that he’d never care about someone like that, he’s also never experienced someone he knows being cat called on the street. The closest comparison he has is the occasional pervert in Smith’s Grove making comments at a nurse. He definitely didn’t like hearing it, that’s true. Not that he cared for the nurse’s, but he definitely doesn’t like perverts. They make him uncomfortable by proxy. (Again, especially if it’s RZ Myers)
Now, watching you get cat called? He instantly understands your concerns about the matter and he is immediately angry. If it’s broad daylight, he’ll hold back until he can drag the individual away in order to kill them. If no one else is around, he’ll brutalize them right away. (More UTC)
Michael had been following you for the past ten minutes on your way to the grocery store. It wasn’t anything new, and at this point, it felt oddly comforting. His presence brought a sense of safety with it. Ironic, really. Walking alone was always a bit nerve-wracking, especially when it was a bit late at night. But you desperately needed some things from the grocery store and gas prices were sending you through the wringer. It wasn’t that far, walking there was completely feasible. Though it didn’t help with your paranoia at all. Michael’s heavy stare did, ensuring you had a guard dog of sorts on your tail.
“Hey baby, how bout I get your number?!”
And there it was. You jumped at the sudden exclaim, glancing in the direction it came from. Michael watched as your shoulders tensed and your face twisted into an uncomfortable grimace. He looked at the man who called out to you. Middle aged, unfit, appearing to work in some form of construction. The section of the street that was torn up gave more credence to that observation. His hands tightened around the handle of the blade he’d taken from your kitchen. Michael watched you cross your arms and look at the ground, walking faster. “Aw come on baby, don’t be a bitch, I can show you a good time!” Michael’s jaw clenched when the stranger called again. You were very obviously uncomfortable, it was plain to see, even to someone as emotionally oblivious as Michael. He could only guess that the man knew this fact and enjoyed it. Michael liked intimidating you, sure, but it was a different circumstance. You now trusted him. Your “fear” with him was now associated with situations you ended up enjoying, you submitted to him willingly because you wanted to. This was not the same circumstance. Even Michael knew when to quit based on your body language.
The man called at you one more time. You kept your gaze down and mentally prayed that he just wouldn’t follow you, not when the streets were dark and lacking of people. It was the sound of a scream and a wet choking that made you stop and look back. Michael hadn’t hesitated to grab the man’s shirt collar and send the knife through the front of his face. You winced at the sloppy sound blood and tissue made when he retracted the blade. Michael slowly turned to look at you, dropping the body. You swallowed and looked around. There was still no one, so you took a moment to mouth your gratitude before turning to run away from the scene. Sticking around would be suspicious and Michael knew that. He’d protect you on your new route to the store and back.
Jason Voorhees
Oh, Jason hates people like this. He despises them more than almost anything. Jason’s naturally against things sexual in nature anyway, but to top it off, Pamela taught him to always respect others. He likely hasn’t seen much of this kind of behavior, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Pamela got hit on here and there when he was growing up. Not to mention any creepy campers that couldn’t keep their hands off the girls in their group.
Two consenting teens/adults having flirtatious interactions makes him upset, but that’s mostly because it feels disrespectful when they’re in his camp. He knows they’ll eventually try to have sex, where he died, and where his mother died. Yeah that’s gonna piss him off. But watching someone pressure someone else into something like that? Making disgusting comments that are unwarranted and unwanted? Pamela’s angry before Jason can even register what’s happening, and if mom is angry, Jason is livid.
Jason doesn’t like people interacting with you anyway. It means there’s people in camp, which leads to complications, and he doesn’t want you involved with the typical visitor of Crystal Lake. Even if you used to be a visitor…that’s different, okay?
He absolutely despises people who are pushy, flirty, etc. So seeing you subjected to such behavior brings forth a rage he hasn’t felt since he saw his mother be decapitated. It’s a lot of anger. He might even need to stay out of the house for a few hours after he’s maimed the person, purely to calm down. It’ll be a bloodbath. Rest assured, they will not make it out unscathed.
The bells had gone off earlier that day, meaning Jason was out in the woods around Camp Crystal Lake, stalking whoever was stupid enough to visit. Your cabin was off the camp, up some paths mostly hidden by the woods, with a view of the same lake. It was the only finished building that had gotten done when some people tried to expand the camp, add more cabins. They of course, failed that task thanks to Jason. You had grown to fill up the time when Jason was gone with things like chores. It wasn’t necessarily fun, but it was better than lounging around, especially when the weather was nice. Not too hot or humid, warm with a breeze. Today, you decided to fix up the outside of the cabin. It was…well loved, so to speak. You’d been helping Jason make it nicer in your time with him. The tiny porch attached to the wooden home had a lot of chipping paint and the amount of splinters it’d given you was unmeasurable. So currently, you sanded parts, painted them, and while they were drying you’d move on. Simple!
Yeah, well, that was until some people in the trespassers decided to explore. It was a rather large group. Jason was currently occupied with another portion of them, he hadn’t seen the group of three young boys meandering their way up towards your house. Probably in their early twenties, fresh out of college. You were only doing some work. Dressed in something to keep heat off, but it wasn’t provocative in any way. Not that it would’ve mattered. You carried the can of paint off the porch and set it on the set of stairs, dipping the brush so you could begin on the railing. Enjoying the sound of breeze rustled trees and chirping wild birds. And then came a sharp whistle.
“Damn baby, nice ass!”
You nearly dropped the paintbrush at the sudden noise. You looked over your shoulder, seeing the three boys chuckle to themselves, motioning at you. It’d been a long time since you had to deal with something like this. That was part of the reason living with Jason was so nice, no one bothered you. Self sustained and independent without having to worry about walking home alone, or someone being in the backseat of your car, or having to change your outfit to avoid stares. As if it was the clothing that was the problem. Nervous nausea settled in your stomach as you tried to ignore them. They were going to die anyway, you didn’t have to be bothered by their comments. “Come on, sweet stuff, lemme show you a good time!” “You wanna make our trip worthwhile?”
The two voices made your shoulders tense. You exhaled shakily and reminded yourself to ignore it again. Maybe it was unconscious, but you glanced at the tree line, subtly hoping to see a stained hockey mask. You set the paintbrush in the can, deciding it might’ve been better to wait out this time wave of trespassers inside. The fact they were moving closer wasn’t helping. “C’mon, don’t be a bitch.” One of them laughed. You backed up onto the porch and looked behind them again. They saw your facial expression change, no longer tense and fearful, more bright and expectant. They followed your gaze. Adrenaline and terror shot through veins as they came to see the hulking figure or Jason Voorhees. You hugged yourself and gave your man a wave. “They tried to touch me, Jason. They also commented on my ass.” You replied. They looked between you and the new threat fearfully. Jason’s shoulders squared and the rage he felt radiated off him like heat from the sun. It prompted the three to run into trap filled woods. Jason stomped up to you first, making you smile. With the porch allowing for a less intense height difference, you leaned to kiss his mask. “I’m okay, just try to have them done before dark. I want to watch that movie with you.” You said softly. Jason gave a single nod and pressed the mouth of his mask against your temple. He then set off into the woods, utterly seething.
Bo Sinclair
Bo is admittedly a flirtatious man, but above that, he is extremely possessive. He’s not shy about it, he’ll say it outwardly. When dating him, you are his. Not in the way someone owns an object, he doesn’t want you to think of it that way, that’s not what he means by statements like that. He means that you’re his special person. You stand alone in a specific spot in his life and he doesn’t want anyone trying to shove you out of that.
Okay, that and he’s insecure, I can’t lie. Especially in the beginning of the relationship. Bo’s never been in a proper relationship, one where you’re both committed and emotionally vulnerable. He struggles a lot at first. So, when he feels he might be an inadequate partner, people trying to flirt with you upsets him.
Now that is a completely different case in catcalling, because that is NOT flirting. That is harassment. Harassment gets him angry for different reasons, obvious reasons. Bo might come across a little pushy here and there but he knows the importance of boundaries when it comes to it. He has the right to try and test what boundaries are okay to push and what you can compromise on. Bo’s your partner after all! Someone calling you sexy from across the street does not have that right, and the fact they’d try such a thing makes him livid.
Bo is an angry man. That’s just fact. If you hold him back, he’ll settle for shouting back while pulling you close to him. If they’re close enough and you don’t stop him? He’s whoopin’ ass. He’s a fighter, that’s just how he is, how he’s always been. He’ll break noses, send teeth flying, he might kill someone if it’s bad enough.
It wasn’t often that Bo took you out on the town, which wasn’t necessarily an issue, but it was still nice when he did it. He walked with his arm around your shoulders. Passing shops that he let you glance at, wondering when you’d pick one to go in, though he was content with just walking. You leaned into him slightly. It only took one glance at him to catch his slight smile that he was trying to fight. “Thank you for taking me out, again.” You said. He glanced down at you and nodded with a soft gaze. “‘Course baby.” He said quietly. You always liked when he was like this, a bit zoned out but happy, speaking gently and calm. He was so used to being rough & angry, seeing him at peace felt like a victory.
You glanced at a small bar and restaurant. “Are you hungry? We could get something to eat.” You said as you motioned to it. Bo opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it. “Yes you can get a beer, but only because we’re walking.” He chuckled at your response. “Am I that predictable?” He asked while you crossed the street. “For me? Yes. For others? You’re as unpredictable as a Lester’s three AM conversation topics.” You replied, feeling warmth in your chest as he laughed, shaking his head. “Now that’s just plain nonsense, doll. Unpredictable and insane are two separate things.” He opened the door for you. “Yeah, but somehow you got both.” You teased back. The restaurant wasn’t too busy necessarily, but it was clearly well liked, the bar especially. You and Bo glanced at the drink menu hanging on the wall, though you already knew what kind of beer he liked. “Why don’t you find a spot, I gotta hit the bathroom.” He offered. You snorted with an eye roll. “Old man kidneys.” He gently flicked your nose in response, smiling still as he left you to find somewhere to sit.
You knew Bo didn’t like being in the center. He was more extroverted than Vincent, but he was far from social. He liked people he knew. He also hated being paranoid that someone could hear his conversations, even if they were innocent in nature. You stood for a moment, scanning empty tables, trying to pick one that would suit his comfort. He wouldn’t care either way, but you like accommodating him in these situations, it benefited you when he was comfortable. You spotted an empty two-seat table in a corner near a window. You decided to walk towards that, gaze mostly on the floor out of habit. It completely caught you off guard when someone let out a sharp whistle from the bar. It was sudden enough to make you look up and where it was coming from.
“Hey, sweetheart, why don’t’cha lemme buy you a drink?"
You tensed a bit at the comment, frowning uncomfortably. "Uh, no thank you." You said, raising a hand and shaking your head. The man clicked his tongue and scanned his eyes over your figure, making the sense of discomfort even worse. With an uneasy breath, you smoothed out your outfit and went to get the table again. You ignored the mutterings the drunken individual gave to his friend on the topic of your figure. You chose to stare out the window until Bo came back. The thought of Bo helped put you at ease, knowing he wasn't far and he'd never allow someone to hurt you. He made that clear many times. You gasped and jolted when a rough hand hit the table you sat at, making you turn, finding the man who offered you a drink leaning a bit too close. There was no fighting the face of disgust you felt at the heavy smell of a cheap whiskey, cheap whiskey always smelt terrible. "C'mon baby, let a man treat ya. What'cha want? Somethin' fruity? You don't look like a beer drinker."
The sleaze was slurring his words, he'd clearly been here a while. "No, really, I don't want anything. I'm just waiting for my husband to come back." Bo wasn't yet your husband or your fiance, but that's often what you used in your act back in Ambrose. It usually helped keep anyone wanting to push your luck with him or you, keeping them from flirting too heavily or outright assaulting either of you. The man scoffed and stumbled a little. He looked ready to fall over. "I don't see a ring. You lyin' to me?" He accused, making you shake your head quickly. Usually, you had a decoy ring, but since it was a tarnishable metal, you took it off when you had to shower or anything similar. You forgot it today of all days. Anxiety plagued your veins when he roughly grabbed your wrist, mouth open to speak. It didn't last long, however.
The drunk man hit the floor with a small gust of air and the resounding clap of a fist against a cheekbone. Bo stood with a clenched jaw, tense shoulders, and a sneer. If looks could kill, those baby blues would hit like a tank. Quickly, you stood and placed your hand on Bo's chest to prevent anything further, even if you wanted nothing more than to watch him break the stranger's face. His gaze turned to you. "He hurt ya?" You shook your head. "Mostly just gave me a headache from the smell of cheap booze and chewing tobacco. That's all." Bo sighed at your reassurance, but he kissed your forearm anyway, just in case the grip hurt you. "Let's go, I don't wanna deal with some drunken assholes makin' my baby uncomfortable." He instructed. It was impossible to not smile at the statement. He softened slightly at the kiss you placed on his cheek. "My hero." You said, smile genuine and tone teasing.
Vincent Sinclair
There aren't many scenarios you'd be put in with Vincent around when getting cat called. He prefers you stay in the house, and if not there, then in Ambrose. They don't like you being too far just in case something bad were to happen, cat calling and a plethora of other things are one of their biggest concerns regarding you. While they're sure Bo and/or Lester can keep you safe, he trusts himself the most with that responsibility.
That being said, if there is a case where you're cat called or harassed, it'll likely come from a visitor in Ambrose. It's not really surprising. Drifters come from all walks of life, it's bound to bring in a creep or two. Vincent is reluctant to let you help in their schemes, even if they're flattered and touched you'd be willing to. Really, it'd be Bo that encourages it. Which always puts Vincent on high alert when visitors come into Ambrose.
Vincent values you more than they can usually express thanks to their limited speech. However, he often pours how he feels into drawings or poems about you. He's a hardcore hopeless romantic, likes consuming the old classics in romantic literature, and tries to convey his adoration like that. They could never fathom being the type of guy that shouts at others across a street. He finds it both disgusting and tactless.
Now that becomes a whole new set of emotions when it becomes applied to you. Vincent may appear more composed and calm out of the three brothers, but he holds just as much murderous rage as the other two. He can be ruthless, and merciless. When someone is a threat to those they care about? There is no hesitation, he goes for the kill. There won't be any fanfare when the person who wronged you dies.
Vincent was always wary about you helping in the small town, kind-hearted southerners act that Bo & Lester pulled. But, you insisted you wanted to help and Bo made the point that it would help sell it all better. So, after a lot of convincing, he lamented. So, you fell into a routine with the other two brothers. Most days you still stayed inside the Sinclair home, where Vincent was most comfortable with you being. Filling time with chores or a hobby. Visitors really weren't all that common in Ambrose, which made sense, it wasn't even on the map anymore.
However, when Lester called in a visitor, Bo would ask you to head down to look busy in the town. Most of the time it was where you'd act like you were cleaning or carrying something around. Today was no different. Lester called in a group of four young men, probably in their college years, heading into town for the standard. A fanbelt. You left your chore of dirty dishes to clean the station, which was actually cleaning it, rather than faking it. Bo never properly thanked you for it but you knew he was grateful. Vincent would be somewhere nearby no doubt, they always watched you closely, wanting to ensure your safety 24/7. That was why you felt no fear when the new voices came from outside. You were certain you'd be safe. Either these men would die at the hand of Vincent's knives or they'd die with a blast from Bo's shotgun. You put on the sickeningly sweet fake smile that all customer service people had when the bell above the door rang. "Good morning! Welcome to Ambrose, what can I do for y'all?" You asked kindly. It was still a strange effect. Talking to people you knew were about to die, even if they weren't aware of it. Though it was now less disturbing and more so fascinating.
They meandered up to the small counter. "We're looking for an eighteen-inch fanbelt." One said. "Or ya know, your number would be just as good." You fought the urge to sneer in disgust. "Well, I think we can get you that fanbelt. We just got a few eighteen's in a few days back, just haven't hung them up yet. I can go get'em right now." You said in a cordial tone. Bo was up in the church. Vincent was somewhere, but you couldn't be sure where, if he was close enough to see what was happening. Admittedly, it was a bit nerve-racking to be basically alone with four men you didn't know. The young man's friend snickered and nudged him at your subtle rejection. "That's cool. When we get my car fixed, how bout we take you out somewhere?" He persisted.
You fought off an intense eye roll. "I'm taken, thank you. Let's just get you that fanbelt." You repeated, frowning when one of the strangers moved to block the entrance to behind the counter. "Well he ain't here, he doesn't have to know." The first one spoke. You let your frustration show on your face finally. "They would know because I'd tell them. I don't want anything to do with any of you, I'm taken. You can either pay for the fanbelt and leave, or you can leave empty-handed. Those are your options." You hissed, voice sharp and shoulders tensed up. "Ooo, fiesty. That's how you like'em, right Bryce?"
It was shockingly fast as it all happened. The main one, Bryce apparently, went to speak. But all that came out were blood-filled chokes as a long knife blade emerged from his esophagus. How none of them had seen Vincent approaching, you weren't sure. He always had a miraculous ability to sneak around silently, sometimes they used it to startle you, when in a playful mood. Unlike now, in which they used this ability to murder sadistically. You quickly ducked behind the counter as he went for the second one. Vincent was deceiving in his hobbies. You watched him delicately carve and smooth out details in wax, cautiously placed strokes of paint, lovingly and patiently creating artwork on sketch paper, canvas, and sometimes on your skin. Yet they were far from a delicate being. This proved it. You waited as a few guttural screams left the victims, followed by the squelching of muscle being pierced by steel.
You waited until you heard even boot steps come close to the counter. You lifted your chin to gaze up at the wax mask you came to adore, surrounded by long locks of black hair. He tilted his head slightly as he looked at you, leaned over the counter, hands a mess with blood. You gave a smile. "Thank you, love." You moved to stand on your knees and peck the forehead of his mask. They exhaled through their nose and gave a little nod. "We should get back home, Bo's gonna be real pissy when he sees the mess you made in his shop." You said fondly, making Vincent nod slowly.
Lester Sinclair
Lester is the most…”sane” out of the three brothers. That doesn’t mean he’s normal, but he plays it the best. Lester is the most likely to handle things like your average person, he goes into public more often, he’s the most extroverted. Etc etc.
He is also the least aggressive. Outwardly, at least. Lester will hesitate and stop himself from doing things like fighting people. He has the most restraint. However, this doesn’t mean he has any less rage than his brothers, it’s just better hidden. He can smile in the face of something that’s making him livid. It’s a little scary sometimes, just how well he’s able to fool others into thinking he’s not angry. When internally, he could be tearing them limb from limb.
One of Lester’s biggest rage triggers? The disrespect of those close to him. (In my pre-movie lore, it’s Victor’s treatment of Bo & Vincent that gets Lester to kill him.) He takes very seriously. He’ll approach most situations with the intent to diffuse or redirect attention. This doesn’t always work though, nor is it always it an option. Someone shouting something lewd at you from across the street will have Lester seeing red, even if he can hold off. In public, he knows better. He’s not as blatant as Bo, he gets into less trouble because of it, he knows not to start a physical fight because it draws to much attention. So he’ll lead you away and shield you. He’s not as confrontational.
But, this does not mean that he won’t act when given the opportunity. If he can manage to find the person off on their own, even if it’s months after the incident, they’ll be found mysteriously beaten beyond recognition. Without anything left but DNA samples to confirm who the body is. Or perhaps Lester will make them unrecognizable from the gore of the roadkill put. He will never bring them to his brothers because he doesn’t want them used in art. Even if Lester’s art isn’t anything like Vincent’s, he takes the concept of art very seriously. Someone who makes you uncomfortable, insecure, upset in any way? They are not worthy of art. And they most certainly aren’t worthy of breathing the same air you do, that’s how Lester feels. He doesn’t make a spectacle of it. But he is ruthless, in a way, it’s an art form in itself with just how meticulously he’ll tear them apart. Hence why his typical breezy demeanor can be so…misleading.
You and Lester didn’t often get a chance to go out on the town. It wasn’t a problem of distance from the city or a result of antisocial behavior. More often than not, it was just because Lester’s job could be taxing on the body. Lugging around dead animals wasn’t exactly easy. After all, some kinds of deer could weigh up to two-hundred pounds. Not to mention the mental aspect. Lester was an animal lover, even if fascinated by death. Picking up deer, birds, and wild rabbits didn’t bother him as much. But every once and a while, he’d come home and immediately seek you out for a hug, all because he had to put a deceased dog or kitten in the pile of corpses near Ambrose. He was a hard working man. Despite his energetic personality, he rarely had the energy for dates outside of the home, even if he tried to do so frequently. Regardless of you saying several times that you were fine with staying home.
Lester was an extrovert. He enjoyed social atmospheres, even if he didn’t go out of his way to talk to every individual he could. He liked focusing on you when out. Listening to you talk about whatever you wanted, occasionally joining in to give an opinion or extended rants about his own likes. He especially liked when you’d both land on a topic enjoyed between you two. He also enjoyed walking during Summer nights, passing busy bars and clubs, enjoying the lessened humidity and the hum of neon signs.
He wasn’t the most intimidating man, but just him being there tended to ensure you weren’t in any danger. He’d proven to you before that he was more than capable of keeping you safe. Aside from that, it was just helpful to not be walking alone in the dark. It often worked well! Though there were those occasional times where someone just didn’t seem to care. “Hey sweetheart, how bout you bring that nice ass over here and give daddy a better look at’cha!” The voice was slurred and masculine. Distant from across the street. At first, you and Lester didn’t even think it was aimed at you. So, though disgusted, you were particularly concerned and kept walking. Until the drunken man called out again. “Ay, I’m talkin’ to you! C’mon baby, ditch your pal and lemme show you a real lay!” He called again. Now it was abundantly clear he was talking to you. You felt Lester’s hand slightly tighten on your shoulder as his face fell.
It was always an odd effect when Lester’s face grew serious and upset. He tended to have a natural scowl when focused, but you were more used to him smiling. This face wasn’t like the one you’d see when he was wrapped up in a task. It seemed like a normal expression on first glance, not pleasant but not abnormal either. It was his eyes that made it so uncomfortable. Deadpan and intense, blue-like green suddenly so sharp it could pierce the air. Freakishly calm. You placed your hand over his which rested on your shoulder as Lester took the man’s physique & face into memory.
He wasn’t good with numbers or letters, but he was excellent at remembering faces. A useful skill. He stopped his stare down when you softly said his name however, face softening slightly. “Ignore him. We can just go home, he won’t try anything.” You reassured. Lester swallowed and glanced back at the drunken stranger. “Don’t mean he should get away with it. Bein’ so fuckin’ rude. Even my ma taught me better than that.” He huffed. “I know, but really, I’m okay. You’re okay. Let’s just enjoy the rest of tonight.” Your words got him to nod and walk a bit faster with you. But, he did not forget the moment, nor the man.
It was a week later when you were taking a momentary break from laundry to check the news that you were caught off guard. Folding one or Lester’s pyjama shirts, the anchor began speaking of a body found in Pearl River. The station wasn’t shy about stating the details.
“We just got information about the body of a man found in Pearl River. Uh, as you can see, there’s a lot of officers out there trying to get as much info as they can. We don’t know the identity of our victim, but we do know that he is a Caucasian male, estimated at about five foot eight. The cause of death has not been technically confirmed but the report includes a lot of injuries. About twenty eight stab wounds, broken ribs and a battered face. We can’t show it here but it’s safe to say that this man’s face is…well, it’s essentially just gone. We’re unclear when his body appeared in the river and so far a murder weapon has not been located.”
You blinked at the screen and slowly turned your head. Lester stood in his Lazy-Sunday clothes, which consisted of an old AC/DC shirt he stole from Bo as a teen and a pair of pyjama pants with small beetles & bees printed over them. Holding the a mug Vincent crafted out of clay, full of warm coffee. He leaned on the doorframe and kept a hand in his pocket, the other raising his drink so he could sip the caffeinated beverage, watching the screen with a familiar expression. “Lester.” He glanced over at you. “Would you happen to know anything about that man in the river?” Though your voice was quiet, he knew better. He smiled jovially. “Not a clue, but who knows,” he shrugged.
“Maybe he had it comin’ to him.”
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas adores you. I just have to make that clear. The fact you’re with him is something that always sends him for a loop, and he utterly adores your entire existence. This is why he takes protecting you very seriously. Be it from everyday things like the rain, a sickness, flying insects. Or be it from people. He’s protective, that’s no secret. It’s why he’s known as “the guard dog” of the Hewitt Family in a way. Not only is he big, imposing, and powerful, but he’s also got a strong sense of familial bond. When he loves something/someone enough to call them family, let alone call someone a lover, he’s going to defend them with his life.
Now, admittedly, the cat calling concept doesn’t work very well when we’re in the movie timeline. Fuller is deserted. There are very few people around to be creeps, which is a blessing and funnily enough a curse. Given those creeps would turn out to be steaks if they were around. So, for the sake of it, let’s say you’re with Thomas before the meat plant shuts down and when Fuller is still a working small town. In this case, there is no shortage of assholes willing to say the first thing that comes to mind. Take it from me, old Southerners, especially old Southern men, will not hold off saying they first thing that comes to mind. No matter how vulgar.
When someone makes a disrespectful comment about you, even if not shouted at you or intended for you to hear at all, if Thomas hears it, it’s going to be an issue. He thinks of you like a godsend. No matter how much of an asshole you may think you are or how chaotic your personality is. You are his angel, period. So when Thomas hears residents mutter lewd comments about you, that alone is enough to send him into a rage. He’s a calm man until certain buttons are pressed. The conundrum of being a gentle soul with anger issues is something Thomas understands well.
Now, Hell forbid someone make you uncomfortable by saying things like this to your face. And Heaven prohibit someone do something more than just a comment. The wrong set of words and actions can make Thomas revolt to murder, if he’s not stopped of course. That’s something you’ll have to do if you don’t want your sweetheart shot by police or thrown in a cell. He’ll still make it clear that you are to be respected. If he has to send that message by breaking an old man’s face? He will. (Oh, and while he won’t resolve to physical violence for Hoyt and/or Monty, he will still make them shit their pants in fear if they make such comments.)
Thomas hated going into town for anything other than work. Plain and simple, people were cruel, they always had been. It’s why it shocked everyone so much when word got out that Tommy got himself someone special. Hell, even Thomas himself was shocked when someone expressed interest in him. In all honesty, your flirting had gone right over his head, mistaken for plain kindness. Though, that alone got him to fall for you, so it worked out anyway. Victory was victory even if it didn’t go as planned. Luda Mae was very happy to learn that her baby had someone interested in him, even if the Hewitts were wary of anyone that wasn’t family. It wasn’t necessarily easy for you to gain their trust, and often times you wondered if you actually succeeded or not, but you managed to be placed in a spot somewhere in their family.
Luda wasn’t going to turn down your help either. When you offered to accompany Thomas for errands, she didn’t hesitate to accept. She wouldn’t admit it yet, but she was getting older, and the more she moved the more she was reminded of that fact. Thomas did heavy lifting jobs. You always insisting on helping, even if he could easily handle it on his own. Still, your presence was never unwelcome by him. He’d keep you at his side 24/7 if possible. He watched fondly as you went about checking your list of things you’d need to bring back. As well as keeping track of your budget. You bent slightly to grab something off a lower shelf in the store you both stood in, muttering right Thomas about the next aisle you’d be going to. Both you and him were alerted to your surroundings when a sharp whistle hit your ears.
You stood and looked towards the source behind you. Two men, roughly your age, maybe a few years younger than Thomas. They chuckled and nudged each other. Your face flushed with a mix of rage and embarrassment when you realized the whistle was directed at you, for your ass, presumably. You huffed as you dropped the item in the cart. “Hey Tommy, you outta send that piece of ass my way, I can show’em a good time!” One grinned. Naturally, you scowled, beyond repulsed. You shook your head and went to move away. However, Thomas didn’t, and that’s what prompted you to stop and look at him. His face showed nothing but disdain. A perfect depiction of wrath. A far departure from your usual blank faced but soft eyed man. “Thomas?” You whispered.
“What? That piss you off, freak? C’mon, Hewitt, you and I both know I can show your pretty lil doll a better time than you.” The young man pressed. You scoffed, only to have your expression drop when you saw Thomas leave his spot beside you. Approaching the vulgar idiots in large strides. It was something so quick, it almost gave you whiplash. Just three minutes ago, Thomas was gazing at you with the gentleness of cloud fluff as he helped you get things off shelves. Now you watched him begin to bludgeon the individual who felt it necessary to comment on your body. The cracking of bone, the clatter of flying teeth, and then dripping of blood. You watched in awe and, admittedly, some morbid fascination. Before it hit you that Thomas wasn’t going to stop on his own.
You approached quickly and placed your hands on Thomas’s shoulders, tugging slightly. “Thomas! Tommy, baby stop! You’ll kill him and then you’ll get in trouble!” You pleaded. He glanced up at you. “Just leave him, you’ve done enough damage.” He glanced at the boy, who was crying and incoherently groaning in pain, occasionally muttering a call for his mother. The brunet stood to his full hulking height. You exhaled in relief and hugged his arm, pulling him away. You rushed to get out of the store with your items before anyone noticed the bleeding man on the floor. Thomas held into some residual anger as you loaded Luda Mae’s truck. You both settled into the three seater cabin of the blue pick-up.
Thomas ground his molar teeth together as he picked at a seam in his pants. He jolted when he felt a careful peck on his cheek, just above his mask. He looked at you. Honestly, confused by your gentle smile. “Thank you, sweetheart. You defended me today.” Your tone made his chest clench. He nodded with an acknowledging hum. He felt better knowing you weren’t upset with him for his outburst, sighing in relief while you started the car. “Besides, I could get used to seeing you whoop ass for me. Since you look so sexy doing it.” You laughed at his sudden wide eyes and jolt at your comment, grinning at the blush it formed. He looked away from you but rested his hand on your thigh casually as you began driving.
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mochi-owos · 1 year
Calling the Genshin men your husband?!
Itto, Ayato, Diluc, Albedo, Kaveh
Warning: not properly proof read, and pretty shitty, sorry guys 😔 hope you enjoy tho!! <3 @alizaneth
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- Itto
Truly, it comes a surprise to no one that Itto had gotten arrested.. again. Being the man he is it wasnt long after his recent “imprisonment” (he was in a cell for half an hour before Shinobu bailed him) he was turned in again. You couldn’t help but question what he did this time, obstruction of property? Trespassing? Public nudity? Making children cry? You’ll never know, honestly.
So as Itto stood by your side, head hung low from your scolding, you spoke with Lady Kujou.
"Of course, Lady Kujou! I’m so sorry for my husbands mess." Lady Kujou wordlessly replied, nodding her head, all as she walked away.
Itto on the other hand, was ecstatic, his heart was swelling, but he had to make sure, “You’re husband, baby?! I’m your husband??” He jumped around excitedly, “You know what! Yeah, I am! Thee Arataki Numero Uno Itto! Of course you’d want me to be your husband!” He hugged from your waist.
“Itto,” You put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m still mad at you.”
He shivered, “Ah.”
- Ayato
You and Ayato hurried to your dinner party, you were exasperated, you're legs were going numb in these shoes. Your jogging slowed down as you reached the doors of the party, elegant music and chatter ran through the thick wood doors, the guards on both sides opened the doors, a few wandering eyes landed upon you two, and soon it was a known through the room that the Yashiro commissioner and his lover had arrived; the hosts walking toward you.
"Why hello! I’m so happy to see you two could make it.” They smiled, clasping their hands together.
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry for the tardiness of me and my husband!” Your eyes soften, you could feel the gaze of Ayato fall onto you: soft, gentle, and you could almost see hearts in there.
“Oh please! Worry not! We hadn’t had to wait long.”
“We would love to talk more, but allow me and my spouse to get some drinks first.” Ayato smiles, there was an underlying sense of slyness; he was a tease, a teasing scoundrel.
As the two of you walk away you could feel his hand in the small of your back gently rubbing circles with his thumb. Glass in hand his head turned to you, “Husband, hm?” His eyebrow raised, he was teasing you— again.
“Huh? Yeah. It’s not like it’s new or anything.” You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink. You were hellbent on not losing, you’re not gonna fold, no way!
He simply smiled, his non-vacant hand holding yours, smoothing over it with his thumb. “You indulge me too much, dearest.”
You folded.
- Diluc
You and Diluc often took strolls through the city of Mondstadt in his free time, which meant running to people every so often. Now, being one of those times. And though he didn’t have any hatred towards such interactions would it truly be so criminal of him to wish to have his lover - and only his lover- on his time off?
This time it was an elderly couple, so it felt all too rude to decline a conversation with them, so he simply let it be, allowing you to handle the conversing and chiming in a - “Hmm,” or an “Mm”, not that the elderly couple minded, he was known to not be super talkative.
It was all until the teasing of the couple came up, a small grin graced their faces, arms interlocked, as they look at one another then turned to you, “So, you don’t seem all that young. When are you to be wed?” Dilucs composure denounced, his eyes turned wide, he turned to you in a Huff, but all you could do was laugh. He cleared his throat, composed once more, ready to answer,
“Aw, I’m not sure, perhaps when both me and my husband is ready.” You smile, looking at him, you placed a hand on his shoulder gently rubbing it. The couple simply nodded, thinking if their next move to fluster Master Diluc.
- Albedo
To my dearest husband, Albedo,
It seems my arrival to Mondstadt will be held off for another few days as there is a storm brewing and I am unsure if it’s safe for me to come. But I assure you, the moment the storm is to stop I will run to your side. For now, we must simply be patient.
But how are you, my love? I hope you’re not putting too much on your plate— again. And I hope you’re getting proper rest. I swear, if I come to Mondstadt and I see your ridiculously massive eye bags once more I might lose it. And how is Klee? Any more incidents? I surely hope not, for her own sake and Mondstadts…
As for myself I am doing well, the inn I am staying in is awfully cozy. The keeper is very sweet, our conversations are a very nice pass time, informative too!
But that aside, I hope to be home soon, and in your embrace once more.
Love, your forever, ( ).
- Kaveh
As per usual you were at the café, eagerly waiting for your food. It felt like it had been ages since you had last eaten a good meal, and you were excited, and Kaveh was there too, so that’s nice too— you guess. As you drawed shapes into the table with your finger, anxiously waiting for the food you couldn’t help but notice Kaveh staring at you.
“What’s wrong, Vehveh?” You asked, your gaze never leaving the table.
He scrunched his brows, “What an odd nickname, Vehveh. I like it. But why not something else?”
You shrugged, “Whatever makes you feel better,” you struggle to stifle a laughter, “Kaka.”
His eyes widen, he slams his fist on the table (gently), “This is an outrage! How dare you call me something so atrocious, love! This is a full fledge betrayal! And look at me would you!” He huffs.
You only smile, slowly looking up at him, “Sorry, would you prefer..” You sit up and lean against the table, whispering in his ear, “Husband?” You then smiled and sat down.
He bits his lip gently, blushing, “That’s fine.. I guess, but to really see, I think you’ll have to call me that again..”
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scekrex · 3 months
Yk like, reader complaining his issues with them (like fuck bro, he DID NOT get a break from them, even when he got to heaven) to the point where he’s all depressed all over again just like when he was alive, and Adam’s like “Bitch, nuh uh. You ain’t getting depressed from those mfs again 😒” and tries all his best to avoid reader’s parents when they’re walking/flying around heaven together, until they finally catch up and confront reader (in the worst time possible—Adam isn’t there for a few mins) about his mistakes and everything, until our bbg comes to save us and explodes at reader’s parents and hypothetically gives them an award for the worst parents possible to ever get in heaven
have a good day/night 🐴
The Plan (Fuck Parents)
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, shitty parents
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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How your parents had managed to cross the pearly gates had always been a question no one had been able to answer. They had been awful when you had been alive and death hadn't changed a thing about that, so why in God's holy name they were up in heaven with you, you'd probably never figure out. But that was fine - well not fine but you were handling it. And by that you meant Adam was handling it.
“Fuck you,” you yelled at your mother, flipping her off as you were to turn around to leave. Not with her though, she firmly grabbed you by your shoulder, forcing you to look at her yet again. “You don't get to talk to me that way, that Adam guy is no good for you, you even talk like those sinners already,” she tried to sound concerned, she really did, but after spending so much time with her, she was an open book for you to read. So really there was no concern about you, only hatred towards you and your boyfriend. “Don’t you fucking dare to bring Adam into this conversation, you don't fucking like him, fine, but that doesn't mean I have to hate his guts too,” you replied furiously, slapping her hand away and taking a step back, away from her and towards the door. “We can fucking talk when you decide to behave like a motherfucking grown up instead of a five year old,” and with that you finally turned away and stormed out of the apartment, the door slammed shut behind you.
You rushed down the stairs of the building until you reached the exit, there was Adam, already waiting for you. A playful grin was on his lips as his arm wrapped around you and he greeted you with a quick kiss, “You doing good babes?” Fuck no you weren't, you were pretty sure Adam knew that as well as you did, but the brunette always tried his best to keep your mood as bright as possible. “Mom’s acting like a fucking cunt again,” you answered his question honestly. There was no point in lying, you didn't have the energy for that anyways. You were fed up with your parents, and had been ever since they had died. But now you were in heaven too and things got fucking complicated again. First they had complained about your attitude, then they didn't like that you and Adam were dating. They constantly found things to bitch about and it really fucked with your head.
Adam pulled you flush against his side as he guided you down the street, away from your parents’ apartment. “How about I get us both milkshakes and we'll just enjoy the fucking day without her then?” Adam offered and that made you beam at your boyfriend in excitement. He always knew how to cheer you up.
As you stopped in front of the small ice cream parlor you both enjoyed so much, he asked you to wait outside so he could pick up your drinks, you agreed happily.
Big mistake.
Once Adam had entered the building, your father approached you, where he was coming from. You didn't know and you didn't care either, you weren't up for a chat with him and your body language made that crystal clear. Your father, however, ignored that perfectly fine. “You can't walk around with him in this area,” was the first thing the man said to you in a tone that made it clear he was ready for another discussion. “It’s fucking heaven, I can hang out with Adam wherever the fuck I want,” was your reply as you turned away from the man that had raised you with crossed arms. What the fuck was Adam taking so long? “It ruins our image, Y/N.” You shot him an annoyed side eye, “So me dating the first man is ruining your image? That ain't got shit to do with me, dad, and you know it. So quit acting like I'm fucking five and move on with your existence.” That that clearly was the wrong thing to say because as you were about to enter the parlor to follow Adam and get away from your father, he grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from that. “Listen, if you wanna act like a rebelling teenager, do that by dyeing your hair, painting your nails and listening to that trashy music, not by dating Adam,” your father seemed dead serious about it. Did he really think you were dating Adam just to piss him off? “Dad, I'm not dating Adam because you hate him, I'm dating him because I fucking love him,” the little bell above the parlor's door ringed as Adam stepped outside with two milkshakes in his hands, his eyes darkened as soon as he spotted you with your father.
He walked up to you, just catching your last words as he stopped next to you and handed you your drink, “Is there a problem?” Your father looked up at Adam, pure hatred was reflecting in his eyes as he confidently spoke, “Yes. You can't hang around my son in public.” The brunette took a sip from his own drink as he looked down at the man that raised you disinterestedly and hummed, “Mhm, yeah, no. I hang around my fucking boyfriend wherever I want.” “Not if I get to say something about that,” your father disagreed. In God's mighty name, he was truly acting like you were a five year old child. “I’m an adult so you don't get to say shit about it,” you stood up for yourself as Adam's arm lazily wrapped around your waist and he nodded in agreement. “If you don't fucking like it, fine,” the first man clarified as he took yet another sip, “Then look the fucking other way and mind your own fucking business.” And with that, Adam simply flipped him off and walked past him with you by his side, basically shoving your father out of the way. You heard him grumble something about consequences but you really didn't mind. “You’re gonna crash at my place until they pull out the stick that got stuck in their asses,” the brunette simply decided as he placed a soft kiss onto your head. “Now, we'll get your mind to focus on something more fun, how does going go-karting sound to you, babes?” It was yet again something that made you beam at him in delight. Adam truly knew how to get your mind off of your parents. “And after that we're gonna go watch a fucking movie at my place, sounds good?” You nodded, a cheerful smile on your lips, “Sounds fucking good.”
“Tell your dad he can suck my dick if he keeps up his fucking attitude,” the first man spoke loudly enough for your father to hear him and the smile on your lips turned into an amused grin. You loved this fucking idiot so much. “I swear, one word from you babes and I'll beat the living shit outta them.”
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honeybeedrabble · 8 months
KinkTober Day 12: Somnophilia - Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader 🎃
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CW: Somno and Dubcon (reader is asleep), piv (unprotected don’t be stupid), creampie (don’t be stupid), cock warming, mentions of neighbor!Tess, VERY LITTER PROOFING I AM SO FAR BEHIND !!
You and Joel both hated worked at the QZ. The shitty Fedra jobs and the minimum wage combined with the awful food portions barely provided enough for the two of you to survive. It wasn’t until one day you brought up the possibility of scavenging outside the compound that he thought about leaving.
“I dunno, can you watch this place all by yourself?” He asked, sitting at the table in the middle of your kitchen.
“Watch it by my- no… Joel I’m coming with you.” You said, drinking tap water from a mug with a broken handle. He shook his head.
“No way in hell.” He said, rubbing the tops of his thighs with a stern brow. You rolled your eyes, grabbing the mug and sitting on one of his thighs. You threw your arm around his neck, looking at his unamused expression.
“Listen, old man, if you go out there alone you’re just asking for trouble. You know I’m not going to let you leave me just like that.” You said, sipping your stale tap water.
“And where do you come across thinking you can tell me what I can and can’t do?” He asked, stealing the mug from your hands and taking a sip himself, clearing his throat.
“Ugh, think of it this way. If we both go we’ll be able to cover twice the area. Plus, if we do find anything out there, we can bring twice as much shit back home.”
He stared off for a minute, as if lost in thought. He patted your ass twice, signaling you to stand up. When you did, he pushed himself off the chair with a small grunt, then walked over to the sink, refilling the cup. He turned around and took another sip.
“I still don’t like the thought of you comin’, I mean, who’s gonna watch this place?” He asked, arm waving theatrically around the shabby apartment. You shift your weight onto your other hip.
“For gods sake, Joel. If someone wants to rob this rats nest we live in they’re probably in more need of it than we are. Christ, what are they gonna steal, huh? A box of stale crackers? Maybe that old busted radio in the corner?” You smirked.
“That doesn’t answer my question,” he grumbled, placed the mug on the counter and giving you “the look”.
“Why don’t we just ask Tess to house sit if you care that much? Besides, she lives across the hall. I’ll bring her some rations for her when we come back.” You bargained, holding your position firm. He rubbed his temples then sighed.
“You’re quite the kick in the head, y’know that?” he smirked. You laughed slightly.
“Is that supposed to be a yes?”
“Well you’re just gonna keep botherin’ me til I let you come with me.” Joel said, rubbing his jaw, his beard getting scratched from against his palm. “I’m wakin’ up early tomorrow, so if you can get up at the same time you’re more than welcomed. But I swear, if you’re not up and at em’ by the time I go I’m leavin’ ya here.”
Joel walked into the dingy living room, grabbing ry a backpack from the corner of the room and stuffing it with nearby equipment.
“Well then, Miller, consider me up and at em’.”
Joel wasn’t kidding when he told you he was leaving with or without you, you were practically dragging your feet throughout the shitty shack you called an apartment while getting ready.
Sneaking out of the QZ wasn’t too hard, since it was so early and since you two have done it so many times before, it was a cake walk. What wasn’t a cake walk was realizing you hadn’t brought your sleeping bag. It was around mid day when you and Joel found a dilapidated convenience store a few miles away, and when you had started tossing a few toiletries and vaseline in your bag you hadn’t seen it.
“Shit.” You swore to yourself, knowing Joel would give you an earful for your lack of equipment.
He was already not too keen about you being on this trip in the first place, if he found out you hadn’t brought your sleeping bag you would’ve never heard the end of it. But you were so tired, how could he expect you to pack thoroughly that early in the morning?! Then it dawned on you that Joel had packed the night before and you hated yourself for not having the hindsight.
“You find anything?” You heard his voice from another aisle.
“Uh… yeah I guess. Not too much but it’ll do.” You sighed, suppressing the anxiety in your voice.
Joel emerged from the front of the isle, walking over to you.
“Well, I think we’ve cleaned this place good and dry. C’mon, we’re losin’ daylight, sugar.” He said, turning on his heels and towards the door. You followed him out, at his side while you two continued your journey.
It was nighttime by the time you two had found a better store, a few infected inside but the fight was well worth the effort. You two found tons of canned goods from soup to sauce and pocketed quite a bit. You two stayed inside the store for the night, although it was still quite cold inside.
Joel was busy looking through his bag, and he pulled out his sleeping bag. You crossed your arms defensively watching him prepare his makeshift bed. Joel looked up at you, a brow furrowed in confusion.
“I thought I told ya’ we were gonna be spendin’ the night here, hun. It’s gettin’ late, you might wanna make your sleeping bag.” He said, unzipping his own.
“I uh… I didn’t bring mine.” You said, exhaling deeply.
“And why the hell not?” he asked knowingly.
“Because… I figured we could share one to save on storage. I mean, look how much more full my bag is now that there isn’t a huge sleeping bag to worry about!” You said, motioning to your backpack. Joel shot you a smirk.
“Don’t lie to me, hun.” He said, southern drawl heavy as he took off his heavy boots. “You didn’t pack it cause you forgot it, didn’t ya?” He asked. You rolled your eyes.
“So what?” You asked, taking your own shoes off.
“So I told you so.”
“No need to be an ass about it.” You said, getting into his own sleeping bag, him right after you.
“I’m not bein’ an ass.” He said, you could hear the smirk in his voice. He cupped an ass cheek of yours, you pushed your hips into his hand when he held it, then gave it a little smack. “Now. Now I’m bein’ an ass.” He said, large hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you in tight.
“Goodnight, asshole.” You sighed, turning you head to kiss his shoulder.
“Goodnight, pain in the ass.”
A good night it would’ve been if it didn’t turn into a great night. It was late- or early- Joel couldn’t tell. He was having a hard time sleeping, what with you rutting your ass into his dick all night and whimpering like a bitch, there was no choice but to lay awake. He slowly unbuttoned his jeans, freeing his cock through his zipper and fucking the soft fabric of your sweats.
His hips were rolling into your ass cheeks slowly, grunting into your ear deeply. You stirred a little, looking back slightly at him.
“Go back to bed, baby. Jus’ let me do what I gotta do.” He huffed, pulling your sweats and panties down. You sighed, tilting your hips for easier access. The smooth head of his cock parted you and you let out a soft moan, closing your eyes again in an attempt to fall back asleep.
Joel started off slow, his soft tummy crashing against the curve of your back, his hand pushing your abdomen closer to him while he fucked you. You woke up, clenching around him, moaning silently in the empty store.
“J-Joel…” you whimpered, your hips crashing against his pelvis.
“C’mon, baby let see ya.” He said, grabbing your chin and tilting your head towards him. You looked in his eyes while yours were half lidded, his were much darker and deeper, blown wide with a sleepy lust that wouldn’t dare settle for the slumber you both wanted.
“Yeah… that’s it. Look so pretty all tired while I keep ya awake.” He cooed, kissing your neck. His beard scruffed against your neck and you threw your head back for more of his lips.
“Ngh- So good…” You whined. His pace became slightly rougher with each second until he pumped you full of his seed. The pressure of his warm child filling you tight walls sent you softly spiraling, your lethargy once again coming back while you softly went back to sleep. That is until you felt him stuff you again with his girthy cock. You moaned, ripped out of slumber once again.
“Gotta keep that in, baby. It’ll keep ya warm for the night…” He sighed, his arms heavy as he huffed against your back.
Tag List: @fuckmachine42069 @pasdasin @alien-girl-violet
AN: I need to catch up yet again so enjoy this lil drabble yall. Dw there will probs be another joel fic coming soon, he consumes all my thoughts.
Next: Size difference- Miguel O’Hara X Reader
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twopoppies · 7 months
I can't believe that someone like Olivia came and ruined Harry and Flo's friendship and left. We literally hear nothing of Harry and Flo's friendship, they never talk about what it was like playing together🙁They didn't even sit together, while they were a couple in the movie. Every time I see flo, I feel deep sadness in my heart that we didn't get any content of Harry and flo after the release of the movie.
I know. The loss of that friendship really, really bothers me, too. Obviously, we don’t know the details, but the fact that Florence was dragged into that sordid nonsense (when she was accused of sleeping with Harry and then retaliating because she was jealous) ON TOP of what already seemed to be an awful experience on the film, was probably just the last straw for her.
She was likely very aware that Holivia was PR, but in watching the way she handles herself with the press and the way she treats her costars, I’m honestly not surprised if she did, in fact, cut them both off. They were both playing a game that I don’t think Florence is interested in even being a bystander to.
The really shitty thing is that if Olivia hadn’t been so goddamn greedy, she really could have used Harry and Florence’s charm and chemistry as friends to sell that film so much better than the idiotic angle they ended up taking.
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leggerefiore · 11 months
Requests are open according to ask box??? Wonderful, an idea hit me earlier while I was at work. Remember the pokevillian sibling meeting the twins post? What about big brother Cyrus meeting N and/or Guzma?
Me thinks Cyrus would approve of his little sibling dating N. The only hang up is Cyrus would probably worry about N's connection to Team Plasma and how that might affect his lil sib (not that Cyrus can say much). Also, Cyrus would probably be awed/confused by how N could have spent so much of his life angry at world (much like Cyrus has), but managed to remain spirited in a gentle and outwardly kind way. I wonder if Cyrus would tell N about the Rotom he used to be friends with.
That said, Cyrus probably wouldn't like Guzma (at first, it could get better but I don't think they'd be close), as loud, vulgar and destructive as he is. And again, big bro Cyrus would be concerned over his lil sib being with a villian. But Cyrus would learn that Guzma has a similar past to him and his little sib i.e. shitty parents and feeling unloved and inadequet, furthermore, he'd learn Team Skull is just a bunch of kids who have no one else trying to get by. Then Cyrus would respect Guz enough to give his blessing, but their would probably still be some shovel talk.
High Five Anon, off anon
djsjdjs got to really give Cyrus an unwanted friend in Colress
cw: older brother Cyrus,
🟢 Cyrus was not sure how he felt as you spoke about this boyfriend you had met overseas in Unova. Mostly as you had vanished there during his… Certain period with a certain legendary. He understood your reasons as to why. It would be difficult handling the baggage he left you with. It was not that he cared too much as to whom you decided to take up as a partner, so long as there was no abuse of any kind going on in the relationship.
🟢 His visit with you after narrowly escaping custody, thanks to Cynthia believing he deserved a second chance and had learnt from his failed attempt to create his perfect world. Unova held a different air than Sinnoh, he immediately noticed. Busy, modern, towering. Much like Jubilife. You eagerly rushed off the boat in the port to a green-haired man, who stood kneeling and petting a small feline pokemon.
🟢 This must be him. N. Cyrus first wondered what sort of name that was, but it seemed to be apt for how he appeared. Long, wily hair and a strange feeling. Cyrus recalled his face from an article he had read on his trip over. His brow line narrowed. “King of Team Plasma…” the article had unmistakably called him. An organisation so similar yet different from his own, Team Plasma. They were acting as pokemon advocacy group but in actuality had dark intentions. He swallowed.
🟢 N smiled at him with gentle innocence that screamed ignorance of the real world. He froze. You already had yourself nuzzled against his side with a pleased expression. How did he handle this? It felt strange. Nothing malicious or cruel seemed to ruminate from the man. It felt odd for someone in charge of a team that seemed to forcibly separate pokemon and people.
🟢 After he bluntly demanded an explanation, you told him about how N had a rough upbringing, having been left to fend for himself among pokemon in the forest until Ghetsis took him in and raised him to take on the role in his plans for world domination. Cyrus felt a bit taken aback by such a situation, but ultimately understood that N never really had such intentions as he had. The green-haired man looked a bit uncomfortable with the discussion. Cyrus was polite enough to drop it for now, at least until he had a moment alone with you.
🟢 Cyrus finds himself unable to worry about your relationship with N, as he can that he has no bad intents. He only wants to help abused pokemon and find a place for himself in this world. Cyrus almost envies his ability to search in such a manner. There are worries about his connection to Team Plasma and whether or not they may attempt to attack you due to your relationship with him, but he ultimately decides to trust in your ability to handle yourself. Of course, if they did try anything, Cyrus would pull some of his connections to help you.
🟢 Ultimately, he accepts your relationship with N and gives him his mark of approval with a polite handshake. N proceeds to tell him that his Weavile missed him while he was gone, which makes everything more confusing. Cyrus is back to being unsure about this green man, but now wants to about his odd ability. (They have a long talk, and you begin to worry Cyrus is stealing your boyfriend. N manages to drag out how much Cyrus secretly cares for his pokemon, despite how he tries to play apathetic.)
□ Cyrus had flown out to Alola after his return from the Distortion World and subsequent readjustment and questioning. It felt strange to leave such an oddly dark world and head to somewhere sunny. In fact, the brightness of it all brought on distant feelings in his mind to youthful days in Sunnyshore. He truly did not care for the boyfriend you mentioned, more interested in seeing you in person after so long.
□ The island itself had a feel not that different from his business trips to Johto. He felt curious as he stood around near the restaurant you mentioned to him. A few locals wanted him about some troubled youths that were known for snatching pokemon. He moved to intercept the road when he noticed your approach with a troublesome looking guy.
□ Guzma, he recalled the name you had told him over the phone. Apparently, you met him when you got out of Sinnoh after he… did what he had done. He was someone you instantly connected to, you had claimed. Something about him harkened his mind back to the troubled youths. Bleached white hair with darkened streaks were obvious in his hair, and something about him just screamed problematic. He obviously was a bit stunned at the sight of Cyrus, too.
□ “Hey, man, nice to meet ya',” he held his hand out to Cyrus, but the twenty-seven year old hesitated to take it. The shot a look at him, and he finally moved to shake his hand. He finally questioned the strange amulet that he was wearing, which caused Guzma to chuckle. “Nothing you need to worry about, old man,” he told him. You could obviously tell there was a rising intensity between the two.
□ Cyrus immediately requested to speak with you alone, which you granted. There was little surprise to you when he demanded to know what was up with Guzma. You tried to explain that he may or may not have a group of troubled teens and young adults that hung out in an abandoned town. This, naturally, caused Cyrus to worry about your safety. Team Galactic was orangised and neat, not whatever Team Skull could be considered. Even after explaining their shared experiences of distinct and somewhat cruel parents, Cyrus could only internally panic. This was his fault for committing his actions.
□ The blue-haired man glared at your boyfriend, slightly taller by height and better posture. A heavy intensity ruminated the area. You stood off to the side, watching. It was obvious your organised and “logical” brother would take issue with someone as messy and chaotic as Guzma. The reverse could be established from the Team Skull Boss. Before an intense battle erupted, Cyrus stopped himself and stood stiffly. Team Skull members had rushed over to try to help defend Guzma. The emotionless man noted that they really were just teenagers. An odd thought entered his mind, too. Something about how his admins stood by his side despite everything.
□ In the end, he backs down and accepts your relationship. He had already decided long ago he did not care who you were with as long as they did not seem malicious or dangerous. Guzma just seemed dumb and smug. Annoying, yes, but putting you at risk, he was not. He instead left the bug-type enthusiast with a threat about not involving you in anything harmful. Maybe, one day, you could get them to sit down and speak about their shared traumas, but for now, they would only tear at each other's throats.
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luveline · 1 year
where I've been
Honestly! I know that the plagiarism (or too heavy inspiration) that's been happening for the last few months was accidental, but that doesn't stop it from making me feel sick to my stomach whenever I think about it. I'm so put off from writing, opening tumblr in general fills me with dread, worried I'll see another message about it. I don't know why I can't seem to get over it, I think it just cold honest truth sucks. I don't regret the way I handled things or anything like that, it's entirely over, and I don't resent anyone for it, but I just can't get over this gutted feeling I have when I think about it. The anxiety has been extreme.
I'm also insecure about my writing recently which feels so redundant like you're so wound up over people nabbing your style when you don't even like it — I know. I can't pretend to understand it. I feel like a fucking idiot pretty much every day over this and I'm so fed up and I miss writing and this community so much, I'm so embarrassed with myself for continuing to feel this way over old news
Plus a barrage of work and everconstant health issues (which are admittedly worse than my writing worries), I'm pretty much done. I feel so defeated and shitty and pathetic. I think about all the fic I've written and I feel sick because I worry I'm wasting myself and my efforts with whatever this hiccup is.
And I'm trying so hard to be kind to myself, taking all the right things and you know coming out the other side, taking care of myself again, keeping my journal optimistically.
I really don't know what my problem is. Hate comments I can't kick, extreme anxiety over my future, friends and family. I want to just be happy and come back to where I was and to stop crying over spilled milk. I NEVER want other peoples mistakes or actions to affect my relationship with writing but it's just felt a little too much. I hate that I've let anonymous messages and everything effect me so much.
I'm so sorry to all the people who've been checking in on me, friends and anons and mutuals alike, for not getting back to you, or for not reaching out to see how you're doing. I have no trouble admitting how in awe I am of the impossible kindness the majority of you possess, and this patience you have with me despite my being such a hot mess of awful. I really just hate myself so much for not being able to shake how I feel, I'm really sorry for anyone who's felt unhappy with me these couple of weeks, and I really hope I can do better by you all and get it together
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kewltie · 6 months
Happy Holidays M4dG4rl!
prompt: romeo & juliet
"You live in this area?!" Katsuki frowns at the decrepit buildings around them.
Izuku nods.
He eyes him. "You know this neighborhood is declared a black zone by the Hero Commission."
Rampant crimes, deteriorating infrastructures, and lack of government support. It's not the best living condition, Izuku knows, but to him it's home.
"We can't always choose where we come from," he says with an ambiguous air.
Katsuki's frown deepens. "If you're in trouble, I can—" His coms suddenly beeps, cutting the rest of his sentence off.
"Dynamight, we need you over here Ward D," a familiar voice comes through. It sounds like Chargebolt.
They'd never met, but Izuku has always seen him on the news, standing side by side with Katsuki as his equal. His partner. A place Izuku had once dream of.
Katsuki clicks his tongue in annoyance. "I'm busy."
"It's the League." Hush. Urgent.
Katsuki turns to Izuku, conflicted.
Izuku puts on a smile and silently mouths, "It's fine."
Katsuki sighs. "I'll be right there," he says to Chargebolt, before shutting off their connection. "I'll take you home first."
Izuku shakes his head. "My apartment is close by. I can go on my own," he insists.
"Your ward was voted the murder capital of Japan twice," he says dryly.
"Dynamight-san," Izuku says a little too politely, and Katsuki flinches at the sudden formal address, "I may be quirkless, but I'm not helpless. I been living here for two years now, so I think I can handle getting home alone."
Katsuki looks away, lips pursed and shoulders tense. "I didn't fucking mean that," he says. Terse. "I haven't thought of you like that in a long time now, so don't put shitty words in my mouth."
It's not an apology for their past, but Izuku's heart softens by his sincerity.
It been over twelve years since they last saw each other, that's long enough for each of them to grow out of the discomfort and awkwardness of youth, and the ignorance of childhood. Without Izuku there, Katsuki had matured into a young man who can owned up to his past mistakes. Izuku is so proud of him, but there's a part of him that wishes he was there to witness it, to be a part of it.
"Sorry," he murmurs softly, clutching his conbini bag tightly. "I know we're not children anymore. You've grown and I'm happy to see that." And that's the truth. "I'm really happy," he repeats, the handle of the plastic bag crunching under his palm, "but then I wonder what it would be like if I was there with you."
Katsuki stares at him, gaze unrelenting. "Then don't disappear on me again."
"That was out of my control," he explains. His mother's untimely death. The separation. And now their reunion after all these years. None of it ever felt like it was within in his control. "But you have my numbers now and you know where I live. I'm not going anywhere this time."
Katsuki gives him a skeptical look.
Which is quite unfair because it's not like Izuku made a habit of running away and hiding from Katsuki. It only happened twice! The first time, he wasn't mentally prepared to meet Katsuki and the second, the timing was just awful, so Izuku wasn't doing it on purpose or anything.
He glances down at his watch, looking annoyed. "I have to go, but we're not done here," he says, and it sounds much like a threat.
The corner of Izuku's lips twitches. "I know," he says. Katsuki definitely won't let him off again. "It's okay, go fight some bad guys, hero-san."
Katsuki snorts. "Shut up, Deku," he says as Izuku tries to stifles a laugh. "I'm coming back for your ass, just you wait."
He grins. "I'll be waiting then," he says, waving Katsuki goodbye as he gives Izuku one more lingering glance before off he goes in a blast into the night.
Izuku stands there with his konbini bag for a moment, watching Katsuki blazes through sky like a distance star as he gets farther and farther away.
Their reunion seems worlds apart, ill-fated.
He takes one last look at Katsuki's quickly disappearing spark before heading back.
Izuku's apartment is a few blocks down, but the closer he gets to it the night seems to seep in every crevasse till the last of the streetlight gives away to neon signs and chouchins that hang in front of the shops lining the streets. The darkness encroaches in dim alleyways and unseen corners.
The inhabitants, though, doesn't seem to care or notice the remaining light of civilization fading away. Here in Ward X, the Hero Commission's reaches does not touch. They make their own rules however violence and capricious it may be, but Izuku and thousands of others call it home.
Izuku navigates through the cramp, dark streets with a familiar ease. Occasionally, he'll bypass groups idly squatting in a corner, people luring guests into forbidden teahouses under red lights, and lone figures staking out defensively victims. He walks pass them unbothered.
A third of the way, he starts hearing footsteps behind him that keep on crawling closer. Izuku purposely slows down enough for the footsteps to catch up and stop. He feels the press of something hard against his back.
"Give me everything you have," the figure murmurs in his ears. Low. Threatening.
"Hello, Kawakami-san," Izuku greets, recognizing that voice right way.
The pressure on his back abruptly retracts as Izuku turns around to see a large man with an alligator head hastily taking a step back.
Kawakami withdraws the knife back into his pocket, looking chagrin. He clears his throat, the scar on his jaw rising with the movement. "I didn't know it was you, Midoriya."
"Would you like some curry bread?" Izuku offers instead, ignoring the blade that had pressed against his back earlier.
Kawakami blinks in confusion briefly, and then finally accepts Izuku’s offer of peace. He scratches his lower jaw in embarrassment. "Uh, yes."
Izuku rummages through his hefty plastic bag and pulls out one of the curry breads he had bought earlier at the convenience store before bumping into Katsuki. "It's still warm," he says.
"Appreciate it, kid," Kawakami says gruffly, taking the bread from him, and artfully avoids touching Izuku.
"Stay safe now," Izuku says, pleased with their rather pleasant exchange. "Try not to rob anyone else tonight."
Kawakami's nostrils flare. "Go home already, Midoriya. Your presence is nuisance to my business."
"I'm glad then." Izuku flashes him a grin. "Good bye, Kawakami-san."
And with that, Kawakami slinks back into the shadows and Izuku is back on track toward home once more. Except he makes a detour to a dilapidated tea shop nearby under the red glare of a neon sign. He spots two women standing outside, decked out in flashy make-up and the finest clothes.
"Izuku-chan!" one of them calls out as soon as she spots him.
The woman next to her with bleached hair crosses her arms, less enthusiastic than her partner but it nonetheless doesn't deter him.
"Hi, Yue-san and Riko-san," he says, approaching them. "How are you doing tonight?"
"Cold, hungry and annoyed." Riko casts an unimpressed look at their surroundings. "Would be better if we could catch some flies before we freeze to death."
"It's been slow night for us." Yue shrugs before sending him a playful wink. "But now that you're here it's much better."
Izuku's cheeks heat up. Yue always like to tease him, but he still has yet to get used to it. "U-um, would you like to have some breads?"
Riko's eyes narrowed, her long red nails tapping on her upper arm. Displeasure on her face. "You think we're charity case now, Midoriya?"
Izuku shakes his head. "I got these heavily discounted because they were going to expired tonight and I surely can't finish them all." It’s an easy excuse.
Yue bumps Riko's shoulder. "Hey, be nice to Izuku-chan! He's always bringing us snacks."
Riko scowls, eyes scrutinizing him before relenting. "Fine. Give it here, Mary-sama." The words are crude and unapologetic.
Izuku ducks his head in embarrassment. "P-please don't call me that."
"But you're like our little saint, bringing us a little peace and hope," Yue insists vehemently. Earnest, but no less embarrassing.
He could take Riko's mocking derision, but Yue's words weigh him down with its sincerity. He shoves the entire bag of food into her arms. "Here please take it all. You can share it with the rest of the girls," he says, and he doesn't wait for a respond as he makes a run for it.
Izuku got far enough that he no longer sees anyone close by. It's eerie quiet around him. Unusual. Suddenly, he's made painfully aware that he's all alone. There are still chouchin lights hanging outside of several buildings, but there's no sound, no people. Nothing. Just him. His apartment is just ahead, but this ominous feeling doesn’t leave him.
The silence doesn't stay for long, because Izuku soon hears wings flapping overhead and then something heavy drops down in front of him. One. Two. Three of something.
Under the dim moon of Ward X, a nomu breaks free from its pack and approaches him with steps full of intent.
Its stops short of Izuku and he holds his breath as it drops down on one knee with familiarity. The rest of its brethren follow suit as a purple swirl of gas appears, tearing into the space and a well-dressed figure steps out, outlined in smokes.
"Izuku-sama," Kurogiri greets him with a low bow. "I hope you are doing well on this lovely tonight."
He doesn't step back, but his skin crawls at the pressure that Kurogiri exudes just with his presence alone. "I’m good, thank you."
"I'm glad," he says expressionlessly. Not that Izuku can read much of it anyway. "Sensei is very proud of you. He'd seen what you done with Ward X so far and he's impressed."
Izuku stiffens. "I haven't done anything yet." These two years been nothing but him avoiding his responsibilities. His duties.
"You have gained their loyalty and trust." The yellow glare of his eyes softens. "They adore you, their Mary-sama."
Izuku is seriously beginning to hate that word. That title. It's wrong. He's no saint at all. He's a devil in whites.
He takes a deep breath, shaking off the heaviness in his chest as he tries to regain his footing. "I told him to leave me alone for five years," he says. Firm. "So why are you here in my territory?"
Kurogiri tilts his curiously like he didn't expect Izuku to challenge him like that. "Sensei wishes to see you."
"Why?" Izuku presses.
"You haven't visit him in two years. He misses you," he reveals like he's reading off a fact in a book. "You are most precious son after all."
Izuku almost wanted to laugh. Sensei. Father. He always has a flair of dramatic. Instead of dropping by himself personally, he sent Kurogiri and three nomus to take Izuku back for a visit. Truly ridiculous.
"And what if I say no?" he shoots back daringly. Stupidly.
Kurogiri turns toward one of the nomus next to him. "It only takes one of them to bring down an entire building here with all those people inside. Do you want to test it, Izuku-sama?" he asks coolly, fully aware of the lives he wields over Izuku's head.
Izuku clenches his fist.
Helpless. He hasn't felt that way in a long, long time. The only one who can make him feel this crushing defeat was and still is his father. He always managed to grab Izuku's weakness and exploit it to the fullest.
Izuku's eyes flutter as he sighs. "Let's go then."
"A wise choice." Kurogiri steps aside and gestures for Izuku to step toward the portal. "Sensei will be very happy to see you again, Izuku-sama. He'd personally prepared all your favorite dishes tonight."
Izuku stops, brows furrowing. "He cooked?"
"I believe he wanted to impress you," Kurogiri explains. A pause. “He really did miss you quite a bit.”
Despite his father constant machination and the differences how they view people's life, this is the same man who stayed up late and held Izuku in his arms when he couldn't sleep after a nightmare. Izuku loves his father with equal fervor as much as he hates and fears him.
The world may know All for One as a monster, but to Izuku he's just father. Overbearing. Overprotective. Obsessive. Izuku suffocates under the weight of his father's love. It's why he ran all the way here to Ward X, because he has to escape his father’s clutch before it completely ruins him.  
"Let's go then before he decides to destroy something to get my attention," Izuku murmurs with anticipation and dread of meeting his father again after their two years separation.
This is why he didn't want to meet Katsuki again.
He hopes Katsuki will never know the truth because what will Katsuki think of him then? An enemy? A traitor? Or someone so unworthy of even his notice? He may believe he’s reuniting with an estranged childhood friend, but what Katsuki doesn't know is that the scariest thing here is not the dark alley, the impenetrable night, or the threat of looming violence, it's Izuku. Izuku isn't his father, but some days he thinks he's worse than that because he lies as easily as he breathes.
They're like parallel lines stuck in their own course but if they're force to meet, it’ll be an inevitable collision. A heartbreaking, bloody collision. His father will not let Katsuki live and Katsuki certainly won’t give him mercy either. And Izuku doesn’t know when it comes to down to it, who would he choose to side with?
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pinkandpurple360 · 7 months
Congratulations you have gotten me on the hating Stolas boat
Honestly I just wish they wrote the characters better because characters like Millie are really flat but has so much potential in her
But with the Stella stuff I don't think there's really anything you can do to make me like her because in my eyes at least Stolas and Stella have a mutually toxic relationship and they would both do better getting out of it and getting some fleshing out of their characters away from each other
Like if they had a proper breakup and addressed their issues then it could've been a good and interesting scene but it was just a song and then an argument for no reason
I'm a sucker for the song tho they had no business making Stolas' songs that fucking good and then making him such a shitty character
And there's such a big issue with the female characters being flat or just villains like come on do better with our girls
And through all this I still love the show
Hello m’dear welcome aboard 🏴‍☠️ I shall answer you in parts
Female characters 🚺: you are spitting facts and after how Seeing Stars handled Via and Loona it’s been explosively awful. I’ll always insist that Exes and Oohs should have been about Millie’s ex, her family life, develop more of her past, set the story in wrath. Even keep the inheritance and arranged marriage plot since Millie abandoned the farm, except it’s her sister being married off.
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Stella 🦢: liking a character or not is completely subjective and she’s been written as a hate sink (when the writer deliberately forces hate feelings onto a character) I kindve enjoy their toxic bickering actually. ⬇️⬇️ I like them in this scene and in Seeing Stars they were also pretty funny to laugh at rather than with
But yeah in Stolas’ Pity Circus? Stella is a kindergarten level written “abuser” who is not even half as morally bankrupt as our main characters especially not stolas himself
Owl in a Cage without the guilt: Have you ever heard it slowed down?
Now imagine him singing…slightly strained, slightly off key, passionately, breaking and voice cracking
teeming with spilled scorn and rage, filled with delusions of being led on unjustly by a temptress (but a guy)
Bring back the golden chains imagery, blitzos disgusted, offended, and terrified expressions cast into heart eyes by stolas’ red lenses (literal and figurative)
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Clutching his beloved imp doll and singing to it as if it were his actual impish little plaything
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Now that is a fucking thrilling villain song right there.
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⬆️ A children’s movie by the way, no reason an adult series can’t handle something dark like this. And who doesn’t find the insanity and disgusting passion of Hellfire an incredible performance?
As it is Stolas Speaks is just a massive waste of potential and gaslighting of the audience, DARVO the song.
🚨 Triggering - substance abuse 🚨
And please please for the love of anything don’t show your characters taking too many pills and then also being alcoholic without at least ten warnings and disclaimers on why you should never ever do these things—are they even going to comment on how the mood altering substances effect his energy and personality? Probably not. In which case the pills are nothing more than dramatic eye candy to rip rather than tug on the heartstrings, which makes the song even more sickening for me.
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