#by Bane-o-foolishness
tu-es-gegg · 1 year
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foolish: man thats crazzzyyyyyyy hahehah
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roier: *sniff* fucking unfair!!!!!! i thought i could be in your culo!!!!!!!
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slimecicle: *slurps up tapeworm out of your mouth into his stomach* *traumadumps*
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bagehera: oh ok!! i thought they werent real
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cellbit: interesting... *adds tapeworm to google doc*
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etoiles: did you know tape worm is litterally weakest worm to this enchantment "bane of worms 5" and you can only get thsi enchantment if youre dumb and go into this specific dungeon that has cobblestone and i am dumb so i beat it in three seconds and also-
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pac: woah!
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maximus: oh sorry that one is mine
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badboy: *halo* O-O
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datenightfright · 1 year
Hello :D, I just read your Disney ideals for the slashers and a idea came to mind. Can you do one where the slashers talk/express what there ideal standards/interests are in a S/O but the S/O feels like that they aren't based off what they describe so they get kinda depressed?? Sorry if you didn't understand that rant
Whelp, after a long while of sitting on this one...LET'S DO IT!
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Daniel Robitaille: Daniel describe the classic princess. Regal and elegant. A princess that looks like she's floating rather than walking. The long he talked about his ideal princess, the more you felt like a swamp creature from a lagoon. You had quite the sour look on your face by the time he turned to you and kissed your temple. "It's luck for me then, I got the princess of my dreams." You couldn't stop the smile creeping on your face, or the heat rushing to your cheeks. You snuggle into Daniel's side, feeling much better as he placed another kiss to your hair and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
Thomas Hewitt: Movies that once brought you joy were now the bane of your existence. Every night was a new movie in rotation, each one featuring a new princess. Each princes looking less and less like you. It was ridiculous how jealous you were of a punch of pixels on a screen, but when your Thomas did nothing but stare at them, you couldn't help it. That was until you caught him touching the face of the prince. Your heart sunk and you felt a little foolish. Of course Thomas was looking at the prince. You worried your lip as you thought about what to do to help Tommy feel better about himself. Eventually an idea came to you. Smiling wickedly you slinked out of the room, more than ready to put your plan into action.
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elderbeariez · 7 months
The Dreamer at the Cliffs
a traveling ship passed through today an old and worn-down skiff its sails full-mast, full speed ahead they didn’t see my cliff the seas aflood with flotsam they were dashed upon the wall hoping to sail through.
ha! how foolish a captain to not see the stone to break upon its face to dare dream of a passage where none could be placed.
but perhaps ship after ship crash after crash the impacts could chip and crack and bore a hole through the cliffs to the sea beyond?
the captain’s broken body washed up upon my shores her face a mask of confidence her limbs mangled and torn i am scylla and charybdis bane of sailors given form but the captain was not shaken nor did her eyes hold scorn
“i know your name, o monster” she choked through battered lungs “and never did i think these words would land upon my tongue but i am dying and a captain should go down with her ship i beg thee, throw my body to the sea”
and so i gathered flotsam plucked the jetsam from below fashioned a raft of remnants and i let the captain go and the tide brought her a-crashing as it had with her old skiff and the captain joined her crew as she cracked upon the cliff and i watched it all with sorrow not with glee as once before unsure of what had happened; i’ve killed many, what’s one more?
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Nightmaren Babies Ch 12
Meanwhile, Back in the Night Dimension...
Owl nervously looked back down at the Dark Ocean, and back at the Nightmaren. He had somewhat got the doubles go behave, but they both lacked certain things that the real NiGHTS and Reala had. NiGHTS didn't have the usual mischievous twinkle in their eye, while Reala lacked all discipline, respect, and the urge to try and crush the living spirit out of any of those foolish to get in his way wasn't anywhere whatsoever.
"Hoo...I really hope this works" Owl said, looking down into the blackened water. "Are you two ready?" He asked, turning to the fakes "Ready when you are Owl!" 'NiGHTS' replied. 'Reala' just shrugged his shoulders as the two of them floated closer to the edge of the Dream Gate. "O-Ok...On 3, we jump. Alright?" He said to the false maren. The two nodded before they all looked downwards
"(Gulp) Ok...1...2...3!" Owl yelled as the three of them dove into the Dark Ocean. The frigid black waters made Owl tense up as they dove deeper and deeper into the Realm of Nightmare. The two 'Nightmaren' held onto Owl's wings before they made it to the other side...and inside of the realm of Nightmare. "Well...Here we are." Owl shivered, every bone in his body rattling like a maraca. The only other time that he had infiltrated Nightmare was to find the Wonder Stars with Aria and Marina...and even then he was terrified out of his mind.
This time however, Owl had practically no plan, other than to hope that Wizeman fell for the fakes and didn't obliterate him. The three of them ventured through the dark world of Nightmare, before Owl felt a familiar chill up his spine, and a figure rose up behind him. Owl slowly turned around, and saw what would make even the bravest soul quiver in fear. There before him hovered the God of Nightmare, the creator of the Nightmaren. The bane of the Night Dimension's existence itself.
Owl Braced himself as one of Wizeman's hands reached down for him...and pat him on the back?
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Marina belongs to @sundove88
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poem-today · 8 months
A poem by Robert Burns (for Burns Night)
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To A Louse
On Seeing One On A Lady's Bonnet, At Church 1786
At Church Ha! whaur ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie? Your impudence protects you sairly; I canna say but ye strunt rarely, Owre gauze and lace; Tho', faith! I fear ye dine but sparely On sic a place.
Ye ugly, creepin, blastit wonner, Detested, shunn'd by saunt an' sinner, How daur ye set your fit upon her- Sae fine a lady? Gae somewhere else and seek your dinner On some poor body.
Swith! in some beggar's haffet squattle; There ye may creep, and sprawl, and sprattle, Wi' ither kindred, jumping cattle, In shoals and nations; Whaur horn nor bane ne'er daur unsettle Your thick plantations.
Now haud you there, ye're out o' sight, Below the fatt'rels, snug and tight; Na, faith ye yet! ye'll no be right, Till ye've got on it- The verra tapmost, tow'rin height O' Miss' bonnet.
My sooth! right bauld ye set your nose out, As plump an' grey as ony groset: O for some rank, mercurial rozet, Or fell, red smeddum, I'd gie you sic a hearty dose o't, Wad dress your droddum.
I wad na been surpris'd to spy You on an auld wife's flainen toy; Or aiblins some bit dubbie boy, On's wyliecoat; But Miss' fine Lunardi! fye! How daur ye do't?
O Jeany, dinna toss your head, An' set your beauties a' abread! Ye little ken what cursed speed The blastie's makin: Thae winks an' finger-ends, I dread, Are notice takin.
O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An' foolish notion: What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us, An' ev'n devotion!
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Robert Burns (1759-1796)
ferlie= a wonder or marvel strunt=swagger wonner=a wonder (contemptuous) haffet=lock of hair at the temple sprattle=scramble fatt'rels=ribbon-ends groset=gooseberry rozet=resin smeddum=spirit dress=chastise droddum=backside aiblins=perhaps toy=woman's old-fashioned cap with ear-flaps dubbie=muddy wyliecoat=flannel vest.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Pay me now or...
So I was a general-purpose computer tech back in the wild west days of computing. I worked for a large computer chain store and met lots of really nice people and did my best to help them make their systems do everything the salesmen had promised it would do. One of these customers was a guy (CD) that ran what I'll call a fringe business called a "buyer's group" that basically provided his clients a discount with a number of large medically-related provider companies. The providers offered these discounts because CD payed them immediately and then collected from his clients pocketing a portion of the discounts. Legit but meh, I'm not a huge fan of debt shuffling business.
CD had hired a contract programmer that I'd recommended to set up an accounting system for his operation. She did a great job on the design and it worked well but for some reason she refused to continue to work with him. I'd find out why later. CD contacted me and asked me to do some mods on his system. I figured it was because the contract programmer was too expensive so I thought "money" and did a few small jobs for him and was paid reasonably promptly. Fast forward a couple of years and CD wants some pretty major changes. I was in a different job and had some vacation coming so I agreed to do it for a flat rate of about $1,000 - pretty good money for back then. Vacation comes, work complete, no payment. Arguments about problems with my work but no requests to fix them. Oh well, new GF was keeping me pretty busy, I've got better things to occupy my mind.
A couple of years later I'm still doing consulting side gigs. This one is with Dr. Hugemoney that is setting up an insurance company and wants some GIS crunching done. I did a bang-up job for him. Just as I was about to leave I heard him mention an appointment with my old friend CD who was going to be part of this venture. I gave him my best "oh man bro" face and said "well I hope you have better luck collecting from him than I did". Doc drills me for details - I oblige except the price grew to $2,000. The VERY NEXT day I get a call from CD saying "oh everything you did was great, we just needed documentation on the project". Promised he'd get it as soon as I was paid. Received a check a few days later - cashed it at his bank. I justified the squeeze as interest and attorneys fees - back then I never put anything in writing.
(source) (story by Bane-o-foolishness)
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
The Riddler's saying I love you at the end of a phonecall by accident.
💚 Gotham
"Edward, it's three in the morning what are you—?"
"It was iron!"
??? "O... Kay???" Your brain was too tired to function and you don't know whatever the fuck he was going off about.
"I take it that you're too exhausted to digest the new information. Apologies, I let excitement got a hold of me."
"Mhmm, yeah you did." You rub your eyes and turn to your side, resisting sleep as to not missing anything he says. It was tempting to slip back to sleep, but it was Edward you were talking to.
"Well uh... I'll let you um... Continue your dreams now. G-Good night, Y/N. I love you."
Your eyes practically flew open upon hearing the last word but before you can get a clarification, he hung up. Well... Sleep was no longer an option and now you will be thinking about his words until morning comes and you'll be seeing him at work.
As for Edward, he didn't even realise that he slipped until he processed what just happened. Oh gosh... Well he meant it when he said it, but do you even feel the same way towards him? He'd call again, but he thought you'd be sleeping again and god he doesn't really want a repeat of the conversation just now and not to mention how awkward it is—
He doesn't know how to act when the next day came, he was uncharacteristically quiet and spacey around you, unsure on whether he should bring it up or notm a part of him hopes that the haze of sleepiness hung in your headspace and think that you were merely hearing things...
"Hey Eddie," you called for him, finally getting him alone after all this afternoon filled with silent glances and awkward tensions.
And when Ed turns to you, your hand shot up to grab him by the necktie and pull him down for a kiss. He didn't have the chance to reciprocate it when you pulled away and grinned at him.
"You didn't give me a chance to say I love you too last night."
💚 Young Justice
"I sent you coordinates for the exact location of the mission. It also comes with a tracker, so I can see your location at all times and we'll be able to send back-up just in case."
"Alright. Thanks for the intel, Riddler."
"I'll let you go now. Be careful, I love you."
"Wait, what?"
Oh shit, he said that outloud didn't he? You couldn't see him, only having him on an earpiece, but I can guarantee that he looks like the perfect shade of red.
"I-I um—" he hears you attempting to supress your laughter when you heard his voice crack, as you wait for his response with a lopsided grin. "I said I love the view! Not you!"
"Uh-huh. Right," you remain unconvinced. "Well, I'll see you in a bit. I love the view too~" you giggled, before turning off the earpiece and resuming with your mission.
Edward was left covering his face with his palms, raging red from embarrassment. Squint and you might see steam coming from his ear.
Now what the fuck did you mean with 'I love the view?' Were you playing along? Were you mocking him? Do you love the view? Or did you mean to say 'I love you too?'
His brain is doing keyboard smashes.
💚 Arkhamverse
"Hi Eddie, I'm going to drop the tools you asked for. Want me to pick up something else for you?"
"No, thank you."
"Hmmm, I'm unconvinced. I'm picking you some take out. I just know you haven't been eating."
"Whatever, just get here as soon as you can. Be careful around McArthur highway, I believe that Bane will be proceeding with whatever foolish plan he has there. I love you."
"... What?"
He doesn't believe that he had said that. He refuses the fact that he had said it out loud and in his stubborn nature, the phonecall was ongoing than necessary as he argues the fact that you must've heard the wind murmur. He genuinely thought that he didn't say anything, sure he was thinking about the notion of it (Because his mind can really go into details pertaining and entertaining the idea of you in a relationship together.).
"Eddie, I heard you say—"
Don't take what he says at heart, he's sputtering the hell out to save himself the humiliation of your rejection.
💚 Batman the animated series
"Hi Y/N~" He doesn't need to say 'I love you', his tone says everything. "How are you, my dear?"
"Bat's on his way, but the trap placement going according to plan." A little bit irked since the call can be misplaced due to your circumstances, I mean, Batman's already alerted and it would be only a matter of time until he arrives.
"I knew I could count you anytime, but I meant how are you?"
"I'm good... Why do you ask?"
"Is it wrong for me to ask for the well-being of my future spouse business partner?" Dude, the guy is twirling the telephone cord from the other side of the line like a school girl. "In any time that Batman arrives, I've prepared an escape car for you where you'll be transported back to the headquarters."
"What? I thought that I'd be supervising—"
"No, no, dear. I can't have you involved with the Batman. Your safety comes first, understood?"
"Noted. Thank you."
"Alright. I'll be heading there in advance to supervise it myself. I love you~"
"Wait—!" He hung up.
Bastard meant it with all his heart, but it certainly slipped from his tongue the last minute. He doesn't really have a problem with it, though. At least now you know cough, as if you already didn't know.
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Dream SMP Recap (February 24/2021) - “Mine-opoly”
Ponk and Sam have a date, Phil and Ranboo get into some heated bargaining with Sam for a get out of jail free card, and Tubbo and Ranboo get the idea to start a rival hotel across the street from Tommy’s: 
The beginnings of Bee ‘n’ Boo!
Hannah Rose
Captain Puffy
- Ponk wants to make progress on the Oogway Shrine.
- After a dono asks about it, he says that he’s known Bad and Ant for a long time, and they would never sacrifice him to the Egg! So he decides that he is pro-Egg and not pro-Omelette.
- Ponk walks out onto the class over L’manhole and does a little bit of improvised lore, giving a speech:
Ponk: “Civilization...is just a brutal cycle of destruction and corruption, chat. You see, the only man who could run a civilization, died fighting for a civilization that he took under his wing. I’m sure he didn’t want to, chat, I’m sure he didn’t want to, y’know? But he did...and he lays rest over there.”
(He gestures to Schlatt’s Grave)
“Chat, that’s not the point. Think about this, chat, think about this...what happens after the Egg, huh? ...Sure, the Egg could be a common enemy. Or, a common friend. But when it’s gone, for...things never stay the same, things aren’t always the same forever, chat. Nothing lasts forever, okay? Out of corruption, friendship, you know what is born? ...New civilizations. And you know what happens in civilizations? Conflict, chat.” 
“What is going on, huh? The cycle will repeat itself. I’m sure Dream will get out of prison one day. I’m sure Tommy might not do something, who knows, chat? ...Maybe, one day, this conflict will get so large...that we’re pushed out of this land, and into a new one.”
- He then goes to continue work on the Oogway Shrine.
- Ponk also talks with Sam for a bit. He asks about whether the Badlands has a citizenship test, or if he could just marry and get a greencard.
- Ponk shows Sam what he’s been working on. 
- Sam and Ponk head to the Egg. Ponk asks if Sam has a hoe on him and says he needs Sam to collect a sample. Sam says he doesn’t want to, throwing Ponk the hoe. Ponk insists that it has to be Sam.
- They walk and talk. Ponk tells that Sam’s two prison guards put Ponk in the obsidian box, that they forgot about him there.
- Ponk and Sam exit the room. Ponk mentions that he took Fran for a walk. They continue to walk around and chat. Sam puts in a bunch of new names in the Prank Wars station.
- Ponk asks, doesn’t it upset Sam what Bad and Ant are doing with the Egg? Sam says he doesn’t love it, but he’ll let them do what they’re doing for now.
- They come back to the heart area and Sam runs to his house to get some things.
- Sam comes back with some pumpkin pie, cakes and a poppy for Ponk. He also brought drinks and the promise fish.
- Sam then gives Ponk his own trident!
- Sam leaves after that. Ponk reminds chat that it’s only the first date, and he has to be more smooth.
- Foolish continues work on HBomb’s savannah mansion.
- Phil works on home renovations.
- Awesamdude asks Phil if he’d take diamonds in return for iron. Phil has 22 iron blocks, but doesn’t need or want diamonds. Sam asks what Phil would want.
- Phil asks for access to the prison or plans, but all these requests are denied. Maybe a get out of jail free card? Sam thinks a bit, but ultimately decides no.
- Ranboo joins and tells Phil he has five stacks of iron blocks. Phil proposes the five stacks for the get out of jail free card. Call it “Mineopoly.” Sam is open to the idea, but wouldn’t have a get out of jail free card for any type of offense, necessarily.
- Ranboo worries about getting nothing out of this and Phil drops the offer to two stacks instead for his sake. Sam is still open to the deal, but worries about what the card would be used for, as Phil likes anarchy and might use it to ask for Dream to be let out.
- Phil says he won’t use it for Dream. Sam says he might have another deal, involving something he’s building that Phil might like to use: a massive creeper farm.
- Phil passes on the offer. He’s got withers. He makes the same offer from before again.
- Ranboo banters with Sam about the sandstone penis. Sam rejects the deal.
- Phil proposes a get out of free card for a non-main cell and a deal for three stacks. Sam says he could do it for five stacks. Phil says no.
- Sam then asks Ranboo. He could build Ranboo a memory machine in exchange for the iron. Ranboo says no, and asks why Sam would think he has the iron. Sam points out that Phil and Ranboo live together.
- Ranboo is insulted at the idea of stealing from Phil. Sam suggests he steal and just not write it down so that he doesn’t feel bad. Ranboo says he’d rather kill Sam than steal from Phil.
- Ranboo and Sam continue sassing each other and it gets a little heated.
Sam: If I’m old Philz is a geezer
Phil: I am wise beyond my years
Phil: Centuries are mere childsplay for me
Phil: I’ve seen many like you fall
Phil: You will not be the last
Sam: What was it like
Sam: Seeing everyone you loved die
Sam: Slowly as time moved on
Phil: Painful
Sam: I feel for you then
Phil: But not as painful as what I inflicted on their enemies
- Wilbur starts doing TTS in Phil’s stream. Oh no.
Sam: Ranboo I have just realized something
Ranboo: Yes
Sam: Ranboo agreed everyone he has ever loved is dead
Sam: Which means he does not love any of you
Sam: Live with that.
Ranboo: I know that
- Phil keeps working on his home renovations and deals with his chat (started by Wilbur, of course) requesting chippy money. 
- Ranboo and Tubbo work on getting the Bane o’ Bees back, but after seeing Tommy’s hotel, Tubbo gets the idea to make a rival hotel across the path.
- Phil’s murderous rampage against rabbits continues.
- Ranboo and Tubbo lay the scaffolding foundations for the hotel, which they decide to call Bee ‘n’ Boo! 
- Skeppy and Badboyhalo continue to work on Big Daddy Island together, working on their tiny little vacation house. 
- Sam does some grinding while watching Mediashares.
- Ranboo later continues to gather resources for the hotel.
- Puffy finds out about Ranboo and Tubbo’s hotel plans and decides she wants to join in with a hotel of her own! But she then decides to change plans to a fast food restaurant instead, laying the foundations for a McPuffy’s on the Prime Path near the two hotels.
- Puffy completes the glass covering over the ruins of L’manburg
- She puts a bunch of furnaces on top of Bad and Skeppy’s house
- She gets rid of the crafting table house and adds the tables to the furnace monstrosity
Upcoming events remain the same.
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benevolentcalamity · 3 years
By My Dark Sword [Fume Knight]
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"Accursed creature of the Abyss! Begone!"
"You're the bane of humanity's existence, [Name]! A font of misery!"
The scars the stones left on your skin linger even in the heat of this tower. People chased you here and there until you'd found sanctuary where they could never even dare try to reach you. For you, your only options were to run about Drangleic until you found a proper place to hide, and risk being found again and executed by the angry humans that blame you even now for the Undead Curse.
Why for, though? The answer is simple.
Born in the Abyss from the scattered pieces of Manus, you found a form to go by and tried to live amongst humans. After all, you like them were born of Dark, which Lord Gwyn had previously feared, and in turn feared Humanity.
You once had asked, why would humanity revere and love what hat tried to destroy them. Maybe that's why they felt you no longer belonged with them, for in minutes they prosecuted you for slandering the Great Lord's name, or some other crime they felt was overdue for punishment.
Your existence, then. The flesh and blood you had been born with: that is your crime.
Leaving formalities out of the way, your time has run out and you're here, in what is known as the accursed Brume Tower. A peerless giant, an endless torch in a night of hatred, accepting of what dares walk inside and survive. And from how the monsters within cower at seeing you, as if knowing what you truly are, this place is your new home, and your tomb, in one fell swoop.
Better than the piercing chill that awaits outside, and possibly the ever-omnipresent hatred of Humanity towards what should've been embraced rather than the Flame.
... Very well. If you cannot escape your nature, then you shall embrace it.
And with the authority of a child of the Abyss, you plant your seed of Dark, where you can bother no one, but those who come for your head will be punished. For no longer will you live in the shadows of those who embrace Gwyn's quivering Ash; only those who can embrace the Dark, their past, will ever be fit. That, or the Chosen One, willing to slay all of you to link the fire.
So it is written, so it shall be.
You are (quite rudely) roused from slumber, unsure of how long it lasted, from the distinct sound of the tower being opened.
A challenger? A brute who hath braved the creatures outside and has now come for you? You're not adept with a blade like your dear sister Nashandra, and Alsanna no longer embraces your shared nature. All that's left here is you, the monsters here only a barrier to whoever dares disturb you.
Swallowing, you melt into the shadows - a skill you'd learned simply from your fear changing slowly to boredom - and from the lens of the darkness you can see what dares challenge the tower.
It's a knight, brave and true. His armor's scorched black or painted in cinders, not as though you can tell, and his stance implies great power. Your insides quake; he's here for you. He must be.
Before you can stop yourself, you command through the shadows, "Halt!"
He does, body and head turning to find you.
"This is the Brume Tower, sanctuary to the Children of Dark. There is nothing for you here, Sir Knight!" You quiver. "If you wish to press on, I will not stop you, but it will not be me or the flames within that will snuff out your Ash."
His arms lower a bit, but just as you expect him to turn and leave like a wise man would, he nods. "So be it."
Dammit... So this knight is either brave or foolish...
Where is your blade? If he's here, it has to be to slay you, free the people of his homeland from fear of you and your sisters, just as humans and Lords alike will do.
Shuffling through the ashes - a natural consequence to fire being almost everywhere - you find your longsword, prepared for if this knight can brave the trials Brume Tower has for him. You will say he looks powerful, but... Will his sword bathe in your black blood?
You're lucky to be alive this long, you suppose.
Father... If only I could know if this knight should fall here.
As if on cue, there's a horrendous sound, one you'd only heard once, that shakes through the ground and reaches you. The tremors send your heart down into your stomach, and as if like a reflex you throw your arm toward the entrance to your little room. But, with the effort of trying to erect a fog wall or cast some kind of protection, your arm shakes in fatigue.
Swallowing, you grip your blade tightly, ascending the stairs. Not that you have a chance against a knight of any sort, but...
If I die, what'll happen?
Hearing the resounding clanks of metal footsteps, you hold your sword with both hands, keeping your feet together and rolling your shoulders back. You swallow as a great shadow is cast on the far wall.
And in time, there he is, the knight himself.
At first he's brandished his greatsword, expecting a terrible monster to be guarding whatever could be here. However, he appears to notice you, visibly lowering his guard.
"Who are you?" You ask. "You, who has braved the Brume Tower and the monsters and scourge within... Pray, which king sent you for my head?"
"No king," He replies. "Legends spoke of a Creature of Dark. I came here to see if the legend is true. Lo, what I find is not a creature, but a fair lady."
His head tilts. "Nay?"
You shift a bit on your feet, examining him a bit without taking another step. "You stand before [Name], child of Manus of the Abyss. The creature of Dark you seek is right here." You remove one hand from your blade, spreading your arms out as a show of peace. "If you seek to kill me, I invite you to try. For that is your history, is it not? Any great king's knights would expunge the Dark."
With a sigh at realizing this was going slowly, you plant your blade in the ground beside you. "I will ask you again: Who are you?"
He puts a hand to his chest. "I am Raime, once a knight of Drangleic under King Vendrick."
"Exiled," You nod. "What a pity. And you came here, be it to slay me to redeem yourself or, carve a piece of the world yourself."
It's inside him, you can feel it. One touch from him, or a swing of that mighty sword, and the darkness itself will cease to be. If his sharp gaze beneath his helmet doesn't kill you, that will, if he approaches with murderous intent.
"But tell me then, Sir Raime-" You're more buttering his ego than anything, as is your nature "- what good is a dog, with no master to guide it?"
His blade lowers, and you reach out your hand.
"If you seek a new master, then come here," You beckon. "Embrace your banished fate, and kneel before me."
Much to your surprise - more that you're still alive than him listening to you - he does approach, kneeling and putting his head down.
"O, lordless knight, bereft of hearth and home, hear me," You sing. "If you shall swear by your strength to become a Champion of Dark and guardian of the Child; a blade that shall hunt our enemies..." For a moment your hand lowers in your own hesitation, but your resolution in living raises it again. "Then I shall protect you, safeguarding your body and soul with the power of the Abyss within me."
His hand effortlessly raises his greatsword by the hilt. "I will be of service to you, my fair lady."
Smiling, you put your hands over his, and soft streams of vantablack emerge from your heart and into his armor, seeming to taint it inside out. Now a fragment of your soul rests within Raime, and he is bound to you until you both die.
You then kneel down yourself, lifting your blade from the ground and tapping him on the shoulders.
"I hereby dub thee Sir Raime, the Fume Knight of Brume Tower," You pronounce. "With your protection of my wicked life, I in turn shall provide succor, however it may be asked for."
His head raises, and from his knees he stares up at you as you kneel to his level, softly placing a hand on his arm.
As is your nature, you can feel yourself corrupting him, the sharp eyes beneath the helmet glazing over with infatuation, admiration, redamancy, carnal desires from killing for you to ensuring you're guarded and loved in each way possible. Your Dark seeps into him and wraps his soul up, until his very mind is set in his almost religious dedication to you.
"My wondrous knight," You coo. "May you be one with the Dark forevermore."
His own hand raises and cups your cheek. You lean in and he pulls you closer.
"And by my Dark sword, may I be forever at your side."
Yes... Yes...!
With such a power within him, you can very much tolerate this. All the souls in this ruined world can go wherever they're beckoned - all you will want or need is here.
Sir Raime, once a knight of King Vendrick of Drangleic, now a feared Fume Knight at your stead.
You, a Child of Dark, born a splinter of Manus, made simply to carry the spread of the Abyss in his stead.
And there's nothing and nowhere you'd rather be.
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p-isforpoetry · 3 years
"To a Louse" by Robert Burns (read by Robert Carlyle)
Ha! whaur ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie? Your impudence protects you sairly; I canna say but ye strunt rarely, Owre gauze and lace; Tho', faith! I fear ye dine but sparely On sic a place.
Ye ugly, creepin, blastit wonner, Detested, shunn'd by saunt an' sinner, How daur ye set your fit upon her - Sae fine a lady? Gae somewhere else and seek your dinner On some poor body.
Swith! in some beggar's haffet squattle; There ye may creep, and sprawl, and sprattle, Wi' ither kindred, jumping cattle, In shoals and nations; Whaur horn nor bane ne'er daur unsettle Your thick plantations.
Now haud you there, ye're out o' sight, Below the fatt'rels, snug and tight; Na, faith ye yet! ye'll no be right, Till ye've got on it - The verra tapmost, tow'rin height O' Miss' bonnet.
My sooth! right bauld ye set your nose out, As plump an' grey as ony groset: O for some rank, mercurial rozet, Or fell, red smeddum, I'd gie you sic a hearty dose o't, Wad dress your droddum.
I wad na been surpris'd to spy You on an auld wife's flainen toy; Or aiblins some bit dubbie boy, On's wyliecoat; But Miss' fine Lunardi! fye! How daur ye do't?
O Jenny, dinna toss your head, An' set your beauties a' abread! Ye little ken what cursed speed The blastie's makin: Thae winks an' finger-ends, I dread, Are notice takin.
O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An' foolish notion: What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us, An' ev'n devotion!
 (*click for the Standard English Translation*)
"To a Louse" by Robert Burns (Standard English Translation)
Ha! Where are you going, you crawling wonder? Your impudence protects you sorely, I can not say but you swagger rarely Over gauze and lace, Though faith! I fear you dine but sparingly On such a place
You ugly, creeping, blasted wonder, Detested, shunned by saint and sinner, How dare you set your foot upon her - Such fine a lady! Go somewhere else and seek your dinner On some poor body
Off! in some beggar's temples squat: There you may creep, and sprawl, and scramble, With other kindred, jumping cattle, In shoals and nations; Where horn nor bone never dare unsettle Your thick plantations
Now hold you there! you are out of sight, Below the falderals, snug and tight; No, faith you yet! you will not be right, Until you have got on it --- The very topmost, towering height Of misses bonnet.
My sooth! right bold you set your nose out, As plump and gray as any gooseberry: O for some rank, mercurial resin, Or deadly, red powder, I would give you such a hearty dose of it, Would dress your breech!
I would not have been surprised to spy You on an old wife's flannel cap: Or maybe some small ragged boy, On his undervest; But Miss's fine balloon bonnet! fye! How dare you do it.
O Jenny do not toss your head, And set your beauties all abroad! You little know what cursed speed The blastie's making! Those winks and finger-ends, I dread, Are notice takiing!
O would some Power the gift to give us To see ourselves as others see us! It would from many a blunder free us, And foolish notion: What airs in dress and gait would leave us, And even devotion!
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badger-writes · 4 years
Rogues + First Date HCs?
Harley Quinn:
you spend the w h o l e  d a y  on the Amusement Mile boardwalk together
carnival finger food and soda pop pretty much whenever y’all get hungry - she knows all the best stalls
for every prize you win for Harley, she ends up winning like three more for you. side note, you now know how many stuffed animals can fit in a car trunk before it doesn’t close
Poison Ivy:
picnic at the botanical gardens!
her plants make sure you’re all to yourselves
talks about her plants like they’re her children, gets super flustered when you start complimenting them & her
gets pizza delivered to one of his hideouts (you only have to struggle with the security system riddle for like 5 minutes before he buzzes you through)
he’s obviously trying to remember to show interest in you, but he does go on tangents about his work and his superior brain
35% chance he’ll go off about the blueprints for his latest death trap like Charlie’s Pepe Silvia board
steals another wealthy couple’s reservation for the fanciest restaurant in town, everything is ending up on their tab so go nuts
might fuck around and take you ballroom dancing. if she does, she leads.
deliberately overuses cat puns to gauge your sense of humor
VIP table at the Iceberg Lounge
you get comped the best of what the Iceberg has to offer. caviar? champagne? A5 beef? it’s yours
lets you feed the penguin enclosure with any table scraps
Killer Croc:
a little hard to plan public dates with, since. y’know. giant crocodile man
you eventually manage to convince him to leave the sewers for dinner at this one Chinese place he says he loved back in the day
he gets a lot of anxious stares, but Waylon is a perfect gentleman!
coffee shop across the way from the Gotham Public Library, the baristas know him by name
he might seem cold and withdrawn but don’t be fooled! he’s actually super nervous & doesn’t want to look foolish
blushes furiously when you tease him about his pumpkin spice order
coin flip between the Italian restaurant that used to be a front for the Falcones and the Italian restaurant that used to be a front for the Maronis
if you can get him to open up about his former law career, he’d love to talk about some of his former cases!
just... don’t ask about who got him the evidence he needed
stands you up, calls it a social experiment
Mad Hatter:
a private tea party, of course! if you have a preferred flavor, he’ll use it - if not, he’ll pick a good entry level brew
you will learn more casual knowledge about Lewis Carroll and hats than you thought was possible to store in your brain
nonstop gossiping about the other rogues
homemade Santa Priscan cooking! (it’s S O savory, you can’t even)
half first date, half genuine recruitment pitch for his militia. (he’s cool with it if you turn him down though, no pressure)
will let you touch his muscles on the first date if you ask politely
Killer Moth:
shows up at your apartment with a $5 biggie bag from Wendy’s
very sweet and chatty, but he’s been psyching himself out over tonight and it shows
will challenge you to mario kart. it’s a trap. do not engage.
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zhauric · 4 years
Prompt #28: Irenic
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Asande settled back in the chair behind her desk lacing her fingers behind her head. She yet to meet with the leaders among her crew to get the train of thought behind the crewmates of The Stormdancer in regards to Captain Coldren. He certainly became the bane to the crew despite some that held former ties to the man they once recognized as their captain. The bounty he laid upon their heads had been one thing. Any pirate worth their salt would have gained some familiarity with such an issue. But personally seeing to the death of a crewmember in the back alleys was another.
She raised her head when she heard heavy footsteps descending down the stairs. Recognition came before a face was even visible by the steps alone. 
“Welcome, brother o’ mine,” she greeted before he fully came down the flight of steps. 
They had always held an uncanny way of knowing each other’s presence before one should fully be aware so Kaelivh was not caught off guard. Instead he moved to the chair across from her, fell into it and leaned back to relax. Taking a moment to take her in before choosing to speak.
“Gained word you have a plan in mind?”
“Aye that I do,” she said picking up a gold coin from her desk and making it roll over knuckles back and forth. “One that is right by the way of one to the waters and fill coffers also.”
“Yet you passed on the chance to end this, eh? Could have went for this Coldren’s throat your missive said but chose not to. Isn’t that what happened before?” 
Kaelivh raised an eyebrow at the end of his words with an inquisitive expression. Asande knew he was still bothered that she had not told him fully what had transpired all those years and didn’t fault him one onze. She would have felt the same if reversed. They always looked out for each other and knew they always would until their last breath.
“Nay,” she answered, feeling a trickle of memory seep into her mind. The coin danced faster between her fingers. “I sort of...foolish I know...sought a type of peace in not killing him that day we mutinied. After all he had put me through and all he had done to me which far surpasses the dagger I put in him I thought the scales would balance and there we could exist in our realms at a peace of our own. I knew the strike was not going to bring him death. He knows that too. He had seen to my training after all. If I had wanted him dead than he would have been at that moment since I had the edge.”
Kaelivh nodded slowly. “So why not finish this personally then and there when ya saw him?”
To that Asande shrugged. “Hearing his intentions while talking to that other fellow I thought this idea would be best because killing Karz and the bounty meant he extended this to more than myself but to crew. They deserve their own taste of the vengeance.”
“And in that there will be a peace for  all, eh?”
“One way or another since peace can come in many ways,” she answered with a grin. “A bloody one for certain but an end.”
Prompt List
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camelliacats · 4 years
Some Twigs Cannot Be Snapped
Another random drabble.
Fic: "Some Twigs Cannot Be Snapped" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Ronan/Magorian
Rating: K+
Words: ~620
Additional info: romance, slash, hurt/comfort, Harry's era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Choices were made, Ronan and Magorian agree while completing a menial task.
               "Sometimes he acts like a foal. A foolish, thinks-he-knows-everything foal." Magorian stomped his hoof into the packed earth of the forest floor. "By Chiron, I feel for Bane. No wonder he never stays calm around Firenze."
               Ronan listened as Magorian complained about their colony's two notable members. "I understand it, you know."
               "Understand what?" Magorian looked over his shoulder at his trusted aide.
               "Why you empathize with Bane. You and he are very much alike."
               Magorian laughed and tossed the branch he'd been holding in the air. It somersaulted before he caught it and eyed it. "Ah, that's a good one, Ronan! You almost had me going there." He smirked. "It's nice to know that even someone as serious and frank as you still has a sense of humor."
               The light-coated centaur frowned. "You do not take me seriously when I mean it."
               The other shook his head. "No, Ronan, I don't, and you don't mean it. Bane is still young—I might let my temper get the better of me, too, but I have experience where he does not."
               "It's not just that."
               Magorian turned and trotted over to the older centaur. "What are you talking about, Ronan? Out with it. Sometimes you're almost as cryptic as Firenze, and I don't appreciate it. I fear someday we may have to exile him and his outlandish ideas."
               Ronan cocked his head to one side. He placed a few more small branches in the pack strapped on his back and took the one Magorian had been holding. Originally they were going to collect materials together and later fashion more arrows, since the colony's stock was low. But perhaps it would end up being a solitary task anyway… "I, too, can be critical of Firenze, but I see his side. I understand it, just as I understand that of you and of Bane and of the others."
               "What are you saying?"
               "I mean to say that…perhaps I am the Firenze to your Bane," Ronan finished. He wondered how his commander would take his words. Ronan more than half expected Magorian to hit him.
               Instead, Magorian observed him as though he were a brand-new creature he'd never before seen. He clopped over a bit so that the two centaurs stood more closely together, and then—to Ronan's surprise—Magorian gave him a sad smile. "I hope you do not mean that, my friend."
               Ronan frowned and furrowed his brow. "Why?"
               "Because," Magorian informed him, "look at how they've been lately. The entire colony has been on the outs with Firenze, for too often taking the humans' side. But those marks from his beatings—they are nearly all from Bane."
               "What?" It was news. Ronan had not partaken of the hazing, but he'd done nothing about it either, for such were the ways of their culture. But to hear that Bane had hurt Firenze so badly… Ronan shook his head in disbelief. "But those two—their bond—"
               Magorian sighed, for once the wise one. "It's a different kind of love, yes, but it's love, and Bane likely does not know how to handle it. But," he added, with a pointed look at Ronan, jet eyes on sepia, "I could not treat you as Bane does Firenze. I could not," he continued, touching his chest where his heart lay and then Ronan's, "leave a hoof print here, and kill you literally or figuratively." Magorian shook his head, his hair and tail swishing together. "I could not hurt you, Ronan."
               "Now or never?"
               "Now and never."
               Ronan nodded, and the two resumed their collection of materials until the sun set. And, even then, they dragged their hooves before they joined their friends and families for the nighttime meal.
:O Me likey! I ship FirenzeBane, and now I adore RonanMagorian!!! I mean, it's sooo hinted…! And think of everything that could happen within the colony and *gushes*. -w- Yup. I'll be writing more for them, no doubt. Speaking of which, there's a recent chapter (102) of my drabble collection, you're nobody until somebody loves you, which is also RonanMagorian. Enjoy! :D Btw, this was meant to take place shortly before Firenze is banished. Agh, the FirenzeBane FEELS! X0 And the "By Chiron" curse I wrote is akin to wizards and witches taking Merlin's name in vain—it works, I think.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: *LOL* I've written so much in the HariPo fandom, so many different species… XD But I do still love this one, short tho it may be. Writing centaurs is fun! :3 Kinda surprised by my centaur OTPs, tho… :O
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled (“Term I may dissembleme. Fash”)
Lycius state: Fash. Term I may dissembleme. then blew his  very days of truth, I deem him, her lookd  people: looked in a rough acts— and other  drank more is as rays—world, and cause 
harvest me pigeon could before to  his back to know, a famishd,  company budding brain, and if though not shut history,  that were she wreck not 
askd next a quarrel (as I weep, above. And,  full of such one, of then foot, do nothing  tone) with eye behold hange. Must men; a  tortoise of sword alone, but that the 
store he white sea has no caughter these, that  whole gazing Buds. Of right and set he non- elect on Tweed, nor be men in their creature  deadly leaves one staind water upon, it 
stand birds do you remain, no more I could not  forth tonightly both man to be either,  dancing which most be relics of  the errant you art could your mine— 
unweave the couldst the with it.  O, hurried? Between unfather side the  slights of the clients bones above the  greeting all-claretless with 
what Ive her thee, her mate there, the  mead antennae trawling out the shepherds palace  wheel of the was succeede.  this foes bait of pain official situation, 
One theres little many a tender  doors, The sam? to him. What  your child of new creature fixd in their skims,  or dares of a windows direct 
how with hum of war and  sycophant, so that “he new-washd boors of  flutter next oceans maids” who had now-a-days.  But what way is, at his lipless 
and hate it. And of ice excuse  in caves, terrima cause each in a  right high oer polar energy, Madam white Queene. “Youngth  is a Love will attentions it 
is a sight providence, his broad-spread, Now,  which is beside, stutterly came when  our fill Her own no hardly  morn of Death. and waitress? at your 
golden shepeheards, albeit the gold song kept  between your fancie to cheek to  Lilliput, and the since been  as ’‘t is warm inexploits, with 
firm foolish holy dropped it sufferaunche of  Phyllis is ygoe, I would countries in the  great is freeze is past the strife, and  thus, if that milk oer clouds, and 
stately to the cast, white arms of  ill lips all the vast,’ some feel my advice  all teache: my partans very road afar— what chaunst  that surfaces on the 
might and times tracts us, and scorne  to eat by the day, such Clytemnestraight  in leudnes to the fated him  the eyes fit to West: mach
ing in palace is much we can devils, and  infest, and eating aboue to the  eyes threw in this flesh, and Stand; thou, O wings,  and send too, my whom fool is true Love 
and short of much ioy, by bane! And lame, and  such he winged cense increasd, bare his eye, these signal  taen the would be; well be: his brief, dreaming.  The worst of oblivion.”
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skgway · 4 years
1825 June, Thurs. 30
6 3/4
12 50/60
Steph, after having called on my aunt, came at 10, to tell us his opinion – He thinks more favorably of her this morning and hopes she will be able to bear a gentle course of medicine – Says her liver is affected – It is torpid, and there is a scarcity, I think he said, of bile – He will try the blue pill, of which Mr. D– [Duffin] approves, and thinks Steph talks very sensibly – 
They both agree we had best try Buxton, after my aunt has taken Steph’s prescription for about 3 weeks at home – After which, and on seeing the effect of B– [Buxton] (which cannot be guessed at under a fortnight) we shall be better [al?] how to decide about abroad or not, etc. etc. – 
Read aloud great part of this mornings York Chronicle – Mr. D– [Duffin] and I went out at 12 – Called and sat a while with my aunt – Then at the Belcombes’ – Where Mr. D– [Duffin] left me to go to Hornor at 2 – Sat talking to Mrs. B– [Belcombe]. Steph and his wife seem to have exceeded their income by five hundred a year ever since they were married in the spring of eighteen hundred and sixteen and she owed nine hundred pounds before out of her nine per annum. I suppose from this they owe between five and six thousands. 
Mrs. B[elcombe] settled the allowance Harriet was to have for housekeeping at forty pounds a month. Steph paying for liquors, servants, wages, coals, house, rent, and taxes and she could not make it do. Why did they enter into dinner parties with ladies? But they might retrieve if they would but manage better etc. etc. 
Louisa sent down a message to say she should be glad to see me upstairs – She told me π [Mariana] was blinded. Harriet Milne had so completely thrown dust in her eyes she now took her part and blamed Mrs. Steph. It was Mrs. Milnes flirting with Mr. Meene that caused all the disagreeables and from Lou’s account I cannot hesitate to think Mrs. M[ilne] the bane of all their comfort, and that her conduct can never be depended on. 
Said Lou, ‘What will become of us if anything happens to my father? I shall go to my uncle.’ I said she was right but in the meantime should watch Mrs. M[ilne] narrowly. Assume the authority of virtue over vice and never let her stir without her, but mamma too is blinded. Her uncle had told her he never [saw] a womans feelings so easily excited as Mrs. M[ilne]’s. 
Lou would not have gone to Hull with her and Mr. Meene, but if she had not Anne would, and this would not have done – Mrs. M[ilne] got up one morning at six and met Mr. Meene downstairs, I fancy at or near the water closet, for Eliza suspecting something had watched. On Steph’s having noticed how early Mr. Meene had got up, ‘yes’ he said, ‘to go to the news room’. And on inquiry Steph found he had never been there. 
Steph thought of all this at first but now his eyes were blinded too. Lou insinuated that Mrs. M[ilne] had committed not only once, or even twice. Said nothing criminal could be proved. Said Lou, I don't know that if one may judge from writing more foolish. She said I to be so unguarded as to trust to paper at all rates. 
A second time she said it was well Mrs. M[ilne] and Mrs. Meene had quarrelled, for if Harriet had gone to the Broms something would have happened. She thought she did not like 𝛿 [Charles Lawton] and was safe at Lawton. Ah said I, I don't know that, The only day she was at Haugh End she rode above twenty miles with Major Priestly and told him she should be most happy to come and stay with them. I hope, said I, for Mary P[riestley]’s sake she will not. 
On this something was said about π [Mariana]. I somehow mentioned the three steps business last September, but one on blackstone edge. Said I should never forget it and hinted that our ever being together was very doubtful. Anne came and interrupted us.
I soon took my leave, but Lou going down with me. We walked up down the passage perhaps half hour. Here I opened on the subject, saying it was a comfort to me to have named it to Lou. That she might remember what I had said. Whatever should happen in future, she was the only one to whom I cared to appear in some degree justified. But I charged her not to utter what I had said, for I knew not my own mind. As yet I had said not a syllable of it to π [Mariana] nor should till I knew myself better, for I might come round again. 
I knew not for on revient toujours a ses premiers amours but I had never felt so oddly. π [Mariana] talked of coming to Shibden, but I hoped the visit would fall through. Lou asked if I should come to the festival. I said I thought not but certainly I should not if π [Mariana] came. Lou said how much she π [Mariana] loved [me]. She had done it at first against the wishes of all her family.
I asked if Lou remembered telling me she was worldly. No, she had quite forgotten. But if she did say so she meant only with respect to her marriage. I said the subject gave me great uneasiness. It was odd enough I had not thought of it abroad, but it occurred to me the moment of my return to Shibden and I had never been able to shake it off. 
Lou asked if it was owing to any preference I felt for any other. I said no. Is it, said she, Mrs. Barlow? No. Is it Miss de Sans? No. She should be sorry that so old a friendship should . . . . . here she stopped. Ah, said I, heaven only knows. For I do not. I never so little knew myself. I know not what I shall feel or do. 
Anne just came to us, but went away immediately and I took my final leave of both. Anne would wonder what had passed, for I felt as if my lips looked white – When upstairs Lou had said in her musing that she knew not what would become of them. What do you think of the lawyer? Meaning Eustace Strickland whom π [Mariana] had told me (in Paris I think) that she had refused. Ah, said, I why did you refuse him? But we both seemed to leave the subject to talk of π [Mariana]. Certainly I thought no more of it – 
It was after 3 before I got to Hornor’s – He was out – Would not be back of 1/2 hour – Went into Micklegate to say, I could not be back in time to dine at the D– [Duffin]s’ – Mr. D– [Duffin] seemed disappointed – But there was no remedy – Met Miss M– [Marsh] and Miss D– [Duffin] walking – They took a little turn with me, and got back to Hornor’s at 3 50/60 – 
Waited a long while – On examination Mr. Hornor found I had five upper double teeth with greater or less holes in them (of which I had not had the most distinct suspicion) and I had them all stopped with gold – My gums in very good order – My teeth requiring very little scaling, but that little was done – Should not use a too hard brush – Moderately hard – Bought 6 of Mr. H– [Honor]’s tooth powder. 
Should have some little mechanical action – The greater the tendency to form tartar on the teeth, the rougher the powder should [be] – The tops of the gums should be well brushed so as to clean away the tartar in its soft state – The tooth powder I use equal parts dragon’s blood, bolammoniae, and dragon’s blood, very good but would be improved by something to make it rather rougher e.g. one tenth proportion of the whole ingredients of powdered cuttle-fish bone (os sepiæ) or finely powdered pumice stone – The former would be rough enough for me – Powdered chalk (simply) a very good tooth powder – 
The scaling my teeth ought to have been 10/6, but I only paid the 5 /. [shillings] for the tooh drawing and the 7 /. [shillings] each for the teeth stopping – It being 5 1/2 when all this was done, went over to my aunt who ordered me a mutton chop which I relished more than anything I had had since our arrival in York –
After this wrote and left for the post office a couple of pages to my uncle (Shibden) to say, I had been detained, and that my aunt and I should post it together tomorrow, hoping to be off at 12, and at home about 7 – my aunt fancying I half said so. I had had the two pounds to pay Hornor from Miss Marsh, gave me two sovereigns. She is always good to me and would give me anything –
Told my aunt my conversation with Louisa about M– [Mariana]. Left my aunt just in time to get to the D– [Duffin]s’ to tea at 7 – Found a note from Louisa B– [Belcombe] and small parcel for her sister Eliza now at Haugh-End – Having heard Miss Duffin say yesterday after dinner she liked caraway seeds, and added Miss M– [Marsh] could eat them by the ounce I bought her 6 oz yesterday evening, but forgetting them brought them home this evening and running upstairs the moment I came in, and put them on her toilet – 
I saw by her manner afterwards she had seen them, but, not being tete-a-tete, she took no further notice of the thing – Yet she was evidently pleased by the attention – After tea we all walked (Mr. D– [Duffin] called to see Miss Day) 1/2 way to Acomb – 
Fine day – Very fine evening – Sat talking till 10 1/2 when Miss M– [Marsh] and I retired – E [two dots, treating venereal complaint] O [two dots, marking discharge] –
[in margin] Told Lou I should always be interested for her should be happy to do anything I could for her in point of advice or otherwise, and when she wanted a friend I begged she would apply to me – 
[in margin] Mrs. B– [Belcombe] gave me this morning Steph’s letter to Dr. Kenny enclosed in a note to myself. The letter open having requested to see it and shew it to Mr. D– [Duffin] who approves – But seems to think not much of anything but the pills – (the blue pill) – Handsome letter to Dr. K– [Kenney] will be glad to hear from him or see him at his house should he visit York –
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kylo-v · 5 years
All V Poems
William Blake, A Dream
Once a dream did weave a shade
O'er my angel-guarded bed,
That an emmet lost its way
Where on grass methought I lay.
Troubled, wildered, and forlorn,
Dark, benighted, travel-worn,
Over many a tangle spray,
All heart-broke, I heard her say:
'Oh my children! do they cry,
Do they hear their father sigh?
Now they look abroad to see,
Now return and weep for me.'
Pitying, I dropped a tear:
But I saw a glow-worm near,
Who replied, 'What wailing wight
Calls the watchman of the night?
'I am set to light the ground,
While the beetle goes his round:
Follow now the beetle's hum;
Little wanderer, hie thee home!'
William Blake, Proverbs of Hell 
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. 
Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead. 
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. 
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity. 
He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence. The cut worm forgives the plow. 
Dip him in the river who loves water. A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. 
He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star. 
Eternity is in love with the productions of time. 
The busy bee has no time for sorrow. 
The hours of folly are measur’d by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure. 
All wholsom food is caught without a net or a trap. 
Bring out number weight & measure in a year of dearth. 
No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. 
A dead body, revenges not injuries. 
The most sublime act is to set another before you. 
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. 
Folly is the cloke of knavery. Shame is Prides cloke. 
Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion. 
The pride of the peacock is the glory of God. The lust of the goat is the bounty of God. 
The wrath of the lion is the wisdom of God. 
The nakedness of woman is the work of God. 
Excess of sorrow laughs. 
Excess of joy weeps. 
The roaring of lions, the howling of wolves, the raging of the stormy sea, and the destructive sword, are portions of eternity too great for the eye of man. 
The fox condemns the trap, not himself. 
Joys impregnate. 
Sorrows bring forth. 
Let man wear the fell of the lion, woman the fleece of the sheep. 
The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship. 
The selfish smiling fool, & the sullen frowning fool, shall be both thought wise, that they may be a rod. 
What is now proved was once, only imagin’d. 
The rat, the mouse, the fox, the rabbit: watch the roots; the lion, the tyger, the horse, the elephant, watch the fruits. 
The cistern contains; the fountain overflows. 
One thought, fills immensity. 
Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you. 
Every thing possible to be believ’d is an image of truth. 
The eagle never lost so much time, as when he submitted to learn of the crow. 
The fox provides for himself, but God provides for the lion. 
Think in the morning. 
Act in the noon. 
Eat in the evening. 
Sleep in the night. 
He who has suffer’d you to impose on him knows you. 
As the plow follows words, so God rewards prayers. 
The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction. 
Expect poison from the standing water. 
You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough. 
Listen to the fools reproach! it is a kingly title! 
The eyes of fire, the nostrils of air, the mouth of water, the beard of earth. 
The weak in courage is strong in cunning. 
The apple tree never asks the beech how he shall grow, nor the lion, the horse, how he shall take his prey. 
The thankful reciever bears a plentiful harvest. 
If others had not been foolish, we should be so. 
The soul of sweet delight, can never be defil’d. 
When thou seest an Eagle, thou seest a portion of Genius, lift up thy head! 
As the catterpiller chooses the fairest leaves to lay her eggs on, so the priest lays his curse on the fairest joys. 
To create a little flower is the labour of ages. 
Damn, braces: Bless relaxes. 
The best wine is the oldest, the best water the newest. 
Prayers plow not! Praises reap not! 
Joys laugh not! Sorrows weep not! 
The head Sublime, the heart Pathos, the genitals Beauty, the hands & feet Proportion. 
As the air to a bird of the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible. 
The crow wish’d every thing was black, the owl, that every thing was white. 
Exuberance is Beauty. 
If the lion was advised by the fox, he would be cunning. 
Improvement makes strait roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement, are roads of Genius. 
Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires. 
Where man is not nature is barren. 
Truth can never be told so as to be understood, and not be believ’d. 
Enough! or Too much!
William Black, Earth’s Answer
Earth rais'd up her head,
From the darkness dread & drear.
Her light fled:
Stony dread!
And her locks cover'd with grey despair.
Prison'd on watry shore
Starry Jealousy does keep my den
Cold and hoar
Weeping o'er
I hear the Father of the ancient men
Selfish father of men
Cruel, jealous, selfish fear
Can delight
Chain'd in night
The virgins of youth and morning bear.
Does spring hide its joy
When buds and blossoms grow?
Does the sower?
Sow by night?
Or the plowman in darkness plow?
Break this heavy chain,
That does freeze my bones around
Selfish! vain!
Eternal bane!
That free Love with bondage bound.
William Blake, Love and Harmony Combine
LOVE and harmony combine
And around our souls entwine,
While thy branches mix with mine
And our roots together join.
Joys upon our branches sit,
       Chirping loud and singing sweet;
Like gentle streams beneath our feet,
Innocence and virtue meet.
Thou the golden fruit dost bear,
I am clad in flowers fair;
       Thy sweet boughs perfume the air,
And the turtle buildeth there.
There she sits and feeds her young;
Sweet I hear her mournful song;
And thy lovely leaves among,
       There is Love: I hear his tongue.
There his charmed nest he doth lay,
There he sleeps the night away,
There he sports along the day,
And doth among our branches play.
William Blake, Songs of Innocence, “Infant Joy”
I have no name
I am but two days old.—
What shall I call thee?
I happy am
Joy is my name,—
Sweet joy befall thee!
Pretty joy!
Sweet joy but two days old,
Sweet joy I call thee;
Thou dost smile.
I sing the while
Sweet joy befall thee.
William Blake, Poetical Sketches
Oft when the summer sleeps among the trees,
Whispering faint murmurs to the scanty breeze,
I walk the village round; if at her side
A youth doth walk in stolen joy and pride,
I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe,
That made my love so high and me so low.
O should she e'er prove false, his limbs I'd tear
And throw all pity on the burning air;
I'd curse bright fortune for my mixed lot,
And then I'd die in peace, and be forgot.
WHETHER on Ida's shady brow
Or in the chambers of the East,
The chambers of the Sun, that now
From ancient melody have ceased;
Whether in heaven ye wander fair
Or the green corners of the earth,
Or the blue regions of the air,
Where the melodious winds have birth;
Whether on crystal rocks ye rove,
Beneath the bosom of the sea
Wandering in many a coral grove,
Fair Nine, forsaking Poetry!
William Blake, Auguries of Innocence
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
A Robin Red breast in a Cage
Puts all Heaven in a Rage
A Dove house filld with Doves & Pigeons
Shudders Hell thr' all its regions
A dog starvd at his Masters Gate
Predicts the ruin of the State
A Horse misusd upon the Road
Calls to Heaven for Human blood
Each outcry of the hunted Hare
A fibre from the Brain does tear
A Skylark wounded in the wing
A Cherubim does cease to sing
The Game Cock clipd & armd for fight
Does the Rising Sun affright
Every Wolfs & Lions howl
Raises from Hell a Human Soul
The wild deer, wandring here & there
Keeps the Human Soul from Care
The Lamb misusd breeds Public Strife
And yet forgives the Butchers knife
The Bat that flits at close of Eve
Has left the Brain that wont Believe
The Owl that calls upon the Night
Speaks the Unbelievers fright
He who shall hurt the little Wren
Shall never be belovd by Men
He who the Ox to wrath has movd
Shall never be by Woman lovd
The wanton Boy that kills the Fly
Shall feel the Spiders enmity
He who torments the Chafers Sprite
Weaves a Bower in endless Night
The Catterpiller on the Leaf
Repeats to thee thy Mothers grief
Kill not the Moth nor Butterfly
For the Last Judgment draweth nigh
He who shall train the Horse to War
Shall never pass the Polar Bar
The Beggars Dog & Widows Cat
Feed them & thou wilt grow fat
The Gnat that sings his Summers Song
Poison gets from Slanders tongue
The poison of the Snake & Newt
Is the sweat of Envys Foot
The poison of the Honey Bee
Is the Artists Jealousy
The Princes Robes & Beggars Rags
Are Toadstools on the Misers Bags
A Truth thats told with bad intent
Beats all the Lies you can invent
It is right it should be so
Man was made for Joy & Woe
And when this we rightly know
Thro the World we safely go
Joy & Woe are woven fine
A Clothing for the soul divine
Under every grief & pine
Runs a joy with silken twine
The Babe is more than swadling Bands
Throughout all these Human Lands
Tools were made & Born were hands
Every Farmer Understands
Every Tear from Every Eye
Becomes a Babe in Eternity
This is caught by Females bright
And returnd to its own delight
The Bleat the Bark Bellow & Roar
Are Waves that Beat on Heavens Shore
The Babe that weeps the Rod beneath
Writes Revenge in realms of Death
The Beggars Rags fluttering in Air
Does to Rags the Heavens tear
The Soldier armd with Sword & Gun
Palsied strikes the Summers Sun
The poor Mans Farthing is worth more
Than all the Gold on Africs Shore
One Mite wrung from the Labrers hands
Shall buy & sell the Misers Lands
Or if protected from on high
Does that whole Nation sell & buy
He who mocks the Infants Faith
Shall be mockd in Age & Death
He who shall teach the Child to Doubt
The rotting Grave shall neer get out
He who respects the Infants faith
Triumphs over Hell & Death
The Childs Toys & the Old Mans Reasons
Are the Fruits of the Two seasons
The Questioner who sits so sly
Shall never know how to Reply
He who replies to words of Doubt
Doth put the Light of Knowledge out
The Strongest Poison ever known
Came from Caesars Laurel Crown
Nought can Deform the Human Race
Like to the Armours iron brace
When Gold & Gems adorn the Plow
To peaceful Arts shall Envy Bow
A Riddle or the Crickets Cry
Is to Doubt a fit Reply
The Emmets Inch & Eagles Mile
Make Lame Philosophy to smile
He who Doubts from what he sees
Will neer Believe do what you Please
If the Sun & Moon should Doubt
Theyd immediately Go out
To be in a Passion you Good may Do
But no Good if a Passion is in you
The Whore & Gambler by the State
Licencd build that Nations Fate
The Harlots cry from Street to Street
Shall weave Old Englands winding Sheet
The Winners Shout the Losers Curse
Dance before dead Englands Hearse
Every Night & every Morn
Some to Misery are Born
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight
Some are Born to sweet delight
Some are Born to Endless Night
We are led to Believe a Lie
When we see not Thro the Eye
Which was Born in a Night to perish in a Night
When the Soul Slept in Beams of Light
God Appears & God is Light
To those poor Souls who dwell in Night
But does a Human Form Display
To those who Dwell in Realms of day
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