#by day this guy hates me but usually in the early morning we have deep conversations
misterfudgelord · 9 months
1 AM musings
Friend 1: <Grover's mad quest to kill God> Why does this go so fucking hard Friend 1: Like this shitpost where Grover steals a Glock to kill God is biblical levels of story telling and moral Me: i just about had it when they got to the "he saw the birth of the universe and the heat death and couldnt tell the difference" Friend 1: Right? That is a cold fucking line Me: adding it to my repertoire hey Friend 1 i just had a really dumb fucking idea if like i have a terminal illness or some shit eat a shit ton of explosive material and tell my family to cremate me Friend 1: That is certainly a way to go You can indeed eat and pass C4 plastic explosives Me: it'll be interesting if there is a hell and i get sent there i'm not about to face the devil without attemping to gain the upper hand and i think that tannerite might just level the playing field Friend 1: Does killing the devil in hell warrant an even greater punishment from the Almighty or is it worthy of reward? For the devil is one of God’s divine creations, one of his best at that; and the fact God himself has not smote him implies he wishes Lucifer to live Me: I killed the Devil; I usurped his throne. There is no punishment for such an act. No reward. For what has God to fear but that which would face the Devil and want for his place? True evil has limits. I've surpassed them. Friend 1: Jesus Christ dude Me: But realize, God has nothing to fear. I killed the Devil for the Devil's throne; for the Devil's post. I do not take up a quarrel with God so as to supplant him: I do not want his post, for all it entails is antithetical to what I've sought. I took up a path to the throne of fire and brimstone, and there I sit. Higher than God. Friend 1: I once read a Tumblr writing prompt where God is talking to people who are in heaven, and asks them to pick a seven deadly sin to enjoy for eternity. Protag picks pride, God sighs, and he is cursed with the power to create a universe Me: Oh I know that one Me: Know, ye faithful, that God is sinful. To sin is to be whole, and to be holy. Only a being which sees itself as perfect could decree such and find the pride within itself to believe itself. The Devil is the only one to cast a stone. For the Devil is the only one without sin; that is his post. To be accursed with imperfection. For humanity was made in God's image, and humanity is sinful; so too is God sinful. But the Devil shall never be the whole that is to be sinful, and so must punish humanity for its sin. It is a cruel mockery of holiness, and yet, is a seat above all else. But surely not one to be content with. Jesus may have died on the cross for our sins, but the Devil is only sated for so long. Friend 1: Mfw the Jew has a much cooler take on Christian mythology Me: It has 0 bearing on my life so I have an unmarred perspective If the Jews are right then there is no hell and I'm going right up to chill with God and Satan (Satan is just God's lawyer) If the Christians are right then I'm going to hell and I get to kill the devil Friend 2: What if Dante is right What if Dante’s 7 circles of hell exist Me: Then I'll bring a car.
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silentglassbreak · 2 months
ok bestie I have a request for my delulu self mwuah
my scenario:
Noah’s your hot neighbor, lives in the apartment across the hall. you’ve really only spoken in passing— to exchange pleasantries and phone numbers, just in case— but you did have takeout with him and his rowdy group of guy friends (Folio, Ruffilo, and Jolly, who else?) when he was first moving in. a thank you for moving one single box (that’s all they let you touch before one of them was grabbing it out of your hands). Noah mumbles something about him not about to let “his pretty new neighbor carry his shit.”
one night you touch yourself to the thought of him, you might moan his name 🤭— he’s not even home half the time, what are the chances he’d hear you? except he does. because he’s home and the walls are thin. and your phone dings with his text.
want some help, sweetheart? ft. Noah sleeping over please!!!
preferably anonymous other than x fem!reader but I like pet names!!! sweetheart, baby, angel are my favorites <33
I know it’s a lot of details, you don’t have to include them all, it’s more so to give you an idea of the vibe 💖💖 utterly filthy but still he’s still a softie and a sweetheart
thank you this is actually so cool of you mwuah
Mmmm we love a good hot neighbor trope, yeah? What a cutie patootie he is, eh?
Mkay, let’s get into this.
After Writing Notes: This man will be the death of me…
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, Noah being an absolute munch 😜
“Good morning, Angel.” His deep voice rings in my ears, and there he is, as he always is, sitting on his balcony, joint in his hand, guitar perched against the rail. He’s likely writing again, but Christ, does he have to always be out there at 7AM? I hate being up this early, and am never in the mood to speak to anyone.
I just want to sip my coffee, clear my cobwebs, and mentally prepare for my workday. The shop is packed, and my books are completely full, my first session starting at 9AM. I don’t have time for his early-bird antics today, nor the patience.
“Morning.” I grumble between sips of steaming hot coffee.
“Sleep well?” He pushes his joint out in the ashtray, careful not to damage it, obviously saving it for later.
“Mmph.” Is all I can muster while leaning back in my chair, pulling my sweater tighter around me. The crisp October morning has brought about hues of orange and amber in the trees surrounding the building. My favorite time of year.
“Busy day today? Must be if you’re up at this hour.”
I sigh heavily, eyes darting to him. His pale yellow hoodie and black beanie look so perfectly placed.
Noah is attractive, there is no arguing it, but he’s annoying. He’s always so positive and chipper. His friends are always over, as upbeat as he is. They’re in a band, and to be fair, they aren’t bad. They just like to start practicing at 10AM, on Sundays, which are the only days I get to sleep in.
I like them. On occasion, they’ll invite me over for pizza and to watch hockey, which I usually accept. None of them have ever been creepy or made a pass at me, which is so refreshing.
Noah does some mild flirting, using pet names instead of my actual name. Nick let it slip once that it’s because his ex has the same middle name as my first name, and that bugs him. He would rather not associate me with someone like her. I suppose that’s fair, so I’ve let it go. They’re all sweet, non-provocative names anyway.
“All booked today.” I slipped out.
He nodded. “I plan to schedule with you soon.”
I rolled my eyes. “You say that every week, Noah.”
His guitar was now dutifully placed on his lap, his fingers strumming a slow melody. “True, but the struggling musician lifestyle doesn’t exactly come with a wad of cash.”
I smirked. “Told you I’d discount you.”
“Discount as in…free?” I chuckled.
Despite hating his early routine, he usually did manage to perk me up in the mornings.
I stood up, opening the sliding door and slipping inside. “Keep dreamin’, champ.”
The day had been absolutely brutal. My wrists were still vibrating from holding my machine the entire day. I had hoped my last client would be done two hours earlier, but he had to keep taking breaks. Because of that fact, my hands were extra tired, and there was no way I could finish my sketch in preparation for tomorrow’s client, so I had to wake up early again.
Slinging my bag over the back of the couch, I huffed out a groan as I slumped down onto it. Days like today were becoming more and more frequent, and I was exhausted. I needed to clear my books for a week and have a staycation. Do nothing and see no one.
Heaving myself up, I made my way to the bathroom, taking my hair out of the tight bun it had been kept in all day. My fingers scrubbed at my scalp before I turned the water of the shower on.
I let my wrists and hands sit under the scalding spray for what felt like hours, just trying to loosen the joints. Afterwards, I massaged a brutal amount of lidocaine cream on them to ease the tension.
Pouring myself a glass of red wine, I stepped out onto my balcony with my favorite sweatshirt and the latest book my sister had recommended to me. It was a love story with very light smut, so she figured I’d enjoy it. If only she had known the types of stories I read regularly.
Still, I humored her.
Flipping on my porch light, I leaned back on my chair and pulled a blanket from my basket over me, covering my bare legs.
“Hey, sweetheart.” I startled, nearly spilling wine all over the pages.
“Jesus Christ, Noah!”
He chuckled. “I’m sorry, I thought you saw me.”
“No, gosh you almost gave me a stroke.”
His eyes peered over the separating railing at me. “Whatcha reading?”
I snorted, taking a gulp of my wine. “Some romance novel my sister keeps bugging me to read.”
He nodded his chin at this, not verbally responding. I noted the beer in his hand, and his eyes peering out at the city below.
I didn’t know Noah well at all. In fact, I knew so little that it was almost freaky, given that I saw him all the time. That’s the price I pay for being closed off. I do, however, know that he doesn’t drink much at all, and typically only does when something is bothering him.
“You okay?” I closed my book around my fingers so as to not lose my place.
He didn’t look up at me or respond, just took a pull from his beer.
No quips or witty remarks? This was even more unlike him.
“Bad day?”
He nodded.
“Want to talk about it?” He didn’t say no, but he didn’t say anything. He just sighed heavily. I pursed my lips, watching as his eyes stayed trained on the lights flickering off in the distance of Los Angeles, entranced in his own mind.
Then an idea sparked. “Oh! I know!” I set my book down, and stood up. He looked at me, finally. “Stay there! I know what you need!”
He quirked an eyebrow and took another swig from his bottle. I ran inside, grabbing the grocery bag inside my work tote, the goodies still untouched from my way home. When I came back out, I reached in the bag, pulling out the yellow package.
“Catch.” I chucked it at him, which he caught one handed. He scanned the bag, and smiled.
“All pink and red Starburst.” He looked back up at me. “You know what I needed.”
I smirked, pulling my other candy out of the bag, Sweettart Ropes, and began munching. He popped the bag of his own candy open and began unwrapping the tiny cubes.
“Now do you want to talk about it?”
Looking down at the wrapper balled up in his hand, he sighed hard, chewing the soft candy.
“We met with our label today.” His beanie from earlier was still on his head, perfectly placed. “They want us to join a tour.”
I chewed my ropes, speaking around the candy in my mouth. “And that’s bad? I thought that was part of being a band? Isn’t that how you make good money?”
He nodded, drinking more of his beer. “It can be, but I’m nervous. And they’re pressuring us.”
“What do you have to be nervous for? You’re super talented.”
He looked over, raising a suspicious eyebrow. “When have you ever heard our music?”
I scoffed. “Every Sunday morning through the paper thin walls.”
This made him laugh, which was a nice sound in comparison to his previously somber tone.
“I just recently started working on my vocals. Our early stuff was mostly all screaming. This last album has singing, though. I don’t feel ready to perform that live.”
I nodded. “Well, you practice, I know that.”
“Yeah, but it’s not that simple. I’ve got to know I can do it. I can’t second guess myself or I fuck up. I know it.” He sighed hard, setting the candy and beer on his table, and pressed the heel of his palms into his eyes.
“Mm,” I swallowed my candy. “is it a crowd thing?”
“I’m not really sure.” He rested his elbows on his knees. “I feel like it’s a being put on the spot, thing? I don’t know.”
I mulled this around. “I see.” I played with the idea in my brain before speaking. “So sing to me.”
His eyes shot up. “What?”
“Sing to me, Noah. Right here, right now.”
“The fuck? I can’t just do that.” He looked bewildered.
“Why not? It’s about being put on the spot. So sing to me.”
Noah stared at me as if I was insane. “What do I even sing? I don’t know any Taylor Swift songs.”
I scrunched my nose up at that. “Gross. No thank you.” He chuckled at that. “Sing me something of yours.”
He shook his head. “You won’t like our music.”
“Sure I do! I know you sing one about lions? Sing me that one!”
He all out laughed then. “The one about lions? Are you kidding?!”
I joined in on his laughter. “It’s the only one I remember.”
He groaned. “You’re serious?”
I sat back in my chair, chewing my candy, silently making it clear I was dead serious. He rolled his eyes and stood up.
“Hang on.” He disappeared inside. I took a large gulp of my wine, and waited.
He returned a few minutes later with his acoustic guitar, the one he usually had in the mornings. He also had taken off his beanie and sweatshirt, his tattooed arms and freshly cut hair on display. Were his arms always so muscular? No, he had definitely been working out.
“Alright, I’ll play you the one about lions, but please don’t laugh if I go off-key?”
I leaned forward, glass in hand, giving him my full attention. “Never.”
He sighed, and strummed the opening riffs of the song. It was slower, and sadder than when I had heard him practice it.
“You set me up as a villain, but you never mentioned the root of the problem. Took what you wanted and flipped it, but you won’t be dragging my name to the bottom.”
Noah’s voice was melodic, perfectly on key.
“So much unsaid. Left me for dead. I won’t forget.”
The song sounded more powerful in this style.
“Well everyone’s listening. And they know the difference. You’re not failing our senses.”
His fingers stopped strumming for a beat.
“If you’re throwing me to the lions, you should know I’m not scared of dying. I wouldn’t take back one thing I did. One word I said, but I’m going to make you wish you did.”
I smiled at the chorus, now remembering why I remember the lions.
“Jump to conclusions, they fall for illusions, but you weren’t there trying to stop them. You’re going low at the end of the road, but that won’t be the path that I follow.”
I finished my wine, setting the glass down and intertwining my fingers.
“So much unsaid, left me for dead. I won’t forget.”
He stopped strumming again, and I noticed he had his eyes closed. He hadn’t opened them once.
“Well everyone’s listening. And they know the difference. You’re not failing our senses.”
“If you’re throwing me to the lions, you should know I’m not scared of dying. I wouldn’t take back one thing I did. One word I said. But I’m going to make you wish you did.”
The chord progression changed leading into the bridge.
“I’m holding on to this until the scale’s untilted.”
He stopped, his pitch rising.
“Well everyone’s listening, and they know the difference. You’re not failing our senses, but you’re pushing my limits.”
“If you’re throwing me to the lions, you should know I’m not scared of dying. I wouldn’t take back one thing I did. One word I said. Oh-whoa.”
I leaned back in my chair, thoroughly enjoying this private show I was receiving.
“If you’re throwing me to the lions, you should now I’m not scared of dying. I wouldn’t take back one thing I did. One word I said. Oh God, I’ll make you wish you did.”
He strummed the final chord and opened his eyes. I was smiling from ear to ear. I clapped my hands together, which made him blush.
“Oh stop.” He set his guitar down, leaning back in his chair and grabbing his beer.
“That was fantastic, Noah!”
He shook his head. “It was okay. I wasn’t on key the entire second chorus.”
I rolled my eyes. “Are you always this hard on yourself?”
He smirked. “Always.”
“Please tell me that song is called Lions.”
This made him genuinely laugh. He shook his head. “It’s called Limits.”
“Mm, close enough.” He smirked at me.
“You really liked it?”
I nodded in response. “I did. It was really beautiful.”
His eyebrow raised and his thumb traced the rim of the beer bottle.
“You’re really beautiful.”
My stomach dropped clean out of my body, and my expression stilled. He didn’t waver, however, staring at me with a stern expression.
“Thank you.” Was all I could manage to say.
He nodded in acknowledgement, throwing back the bottle and tossing it into the trash can next to his table.
“Well, it’s past my bedtime. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
I smiled. “Bright and early.”
He grinned back. “Goodnight, Angel.”
“Goodnight, Noah.”
I tossed and turned in bed, sleep being the farthest thing from me. I had to get some rest, as I had to be up in less than eight hours, but even the wine hadn’t been able to wash the day off of me.
To be honest, the melody of the song kept ringing through my brain, the image of Noah strumming his guitar flashing past my eyelids.
His arms are so big. He’s actually kind of…buff? He didn’t look like that when he moved in. As much as I loved his long hair, the short hair was so fitting on him, falling loose by his ears.
Before I could stop myself, my hand was snaking down into the waistband of my shorts, fingers ghosting over the top of my clit. An orgasm should help me sleep, right?
As much as I know my rose would make quick work of this, the idea of having another vibrating object in my hand made my wrists ache. I opted to just take my time, fingers circling my sweet spot, and let myself indulge in the idea of my hot neighbor, fingers running over the string of the guitar. Arms flexing when he moved his hand up and down the neck. Throat constricting as the lyrics flowed out of his plump lips.
I could feel myself getting into the idea, my body sinking comfortably into the mattress. Lips parting, I pictured him on the other side of the walls. What did he look like shirtless? Was his chest as muscular as his arms? Did his tattoos spread all the way to his chest?
My fingers applied more pressure, making me squirm, and a soft breath left my lips. I wanted to be quiet, but I was alone. Did it matter?
Noah is likely sleeping, so I doubted that he would be able to hear anything.
I let a moan escape, letting one finger dip between my lips and feel how the moisture had built up at the thought of him. My pussy ached at the idea of his hands, long fingers pressing into me. I would bet he could hit my sweet spot with the first knuckle. I gasped hard, my hips bucking at the thought.
“Oh fuck.” I groaned, my mind drifting even further.
If his fingers were that long, how long was the rest of him? Did his cock size up to his gargantuan stature? What would it feel like? Would it hurt? Would it stretch? Likely, given I hadn’t been intimate with anyone for at least eight months. Would riding him be possible?
“Mmm,” I licked my lips at the image. “God, Noah.”
His name slipped out, and for a split second, I almost blushed, until I remembered it was just me.
That is, until I hard my phone chime on my nightstand.
I groaned, stilling my hand and growling. I was so close, and now it was gone. I snatched my phone, but my body froze when I saw the text on my screen.
Noah: Having fun over there, sweetheart?
My brain melted, completely mortified. Why was he awake?! He went to bed an hour ago!
I couldn’t respond, wishing I could sink into a hole in the mattress and disappear.
His type bubble appeared, and my heart rate sped up.
Noah: You’ve been at it a little while. Sounds like you may need a hand?
What do I even say to that? Am I okay with that? The heat between my legs screamed at me, telling me to take him up on his offer, but my brain put the brakes on.
We are neighbors. Did I want to change that dynamic? Did I want to tempt the fates?
I’m not, and have not been, in a place where I wanted to be in any kind of relationship/situationship/friends with benefits agreement right now. What did inviting him over mean?
Or was it that deep? Did I need to think about it that hard?
Me: Back door’s unlocked.
My finger hovered over the send button for a good 30 seconds before finally getting the nerve to press send. Once I had, I practically threw my phone across the room in hysteria.
What had I done?
After a moment, I heard a sound of a mattress creaking and shifting, and the sound of his sliding door.
Holy fuck.
My room was pitch black, so the light trailing in to the room from the moonlight was disrupted when his tall silhouette appeared. The door slid open smoothly, and he stepped in.
Instinctively, I reached over and tapped on the lamp on my bedside table, propping myself up on my elbows.
There he stood, hair just slightly messy from his pillow, shorts hanging low on his hips, and no tshirt.
Well, that answers my question. His chest and abdomen were covered in colorful, beautiful tattoos. Behind them, his muscles were chiseled and tight.
“You good, angel?”
He stood, and leaned his back against the wall, arms behind his back.
I guess my expression had been confusing, so I shook my head.
“Yeah, just a little embarrassed.”
This made him smile. “You shouldn’t be.”
“No? How much did you hear?”
With this, he pushed off the wall, taking a few steps to the bed, sinking down on the edge next to my leg.
“Oh, not too much.” His hand reached out and his palm ran over my duvet. “Just you moaning my name.”
His eyes flicked up at me from under his lashes.
That was it. I was dead. My face turned a deep crimson and I threw my head back, pulling the pillow over it, praying it would just suffocate me.
This made him chuckle. “What’s wrong?”
“That’s humiliating!”
He snorted. “I find it extremely flattering.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” My words were muffled by the pillow.
“You know, you could’ve just asked me to come over.”
I pulled the cover from my face and scoffed. “Oh sure.” I put my hand up to my ear to mimic a telephone. “Hey Noah! I know we’ve never had any kind of sexual contact - ever - but would you by chance come by and help me get off so I can get some sleep, since I can’t seem to quit thinking about you?”
“Sounds good to me, I don’t see the problem.” His smile was so mischievous. I couldn’t help but sheepishly grin.
He cut me off. “How many times have you touched yourself while thinking of me?”
My mouth hung open. “This is the first time…”
He nodded, his hand sliding along the blanket and closer to my leg underneath.
“What changed?”
I shook my head. “What do you mean?”
“We’ve lived next door for six months. Why are you attracted to me now, all of a sudden?”
“I’ve always found you attractive.”
He smirked, his hand slipping up over my calf, applying a small pressure. My skin tingled.
“Then the feeling is mutual.” He sighed, looking up at me. “But tonight was different?”
“I just…” I shrugged, rolling onto my side, which pushed my body closer to him. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you singing. Playing the guitar.”
His hand moved up, sliding to my hip and resting there. “Ah, okay. So I serenaded you, and you couldn’t resist?”
This made me giggle. “Gosh, you’re such a dork.”
He snickered, scooting himself closer to me. “Mm, maybe. But it doesn’t change the fact that you were thinking about me.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
Suddenly, the air was thick, and he was leaning closer to me. I leaned my head back, giving him full view of my face. When he was close enough that I could feel his breath brushing across my lips, his eyes searched mine.
“This can just be a one-night thing if you want?”
I bit my bottom lip, and nodded gently.
I felt the skin of his lips press into me as my eyes closed, and I molded, form-fitting to him easily. He shifted, his body laying sideways next to me. Noah’s hand reached up and grasped the side of my face, pulling my body in closer to him.
I couldn’t feel or hear anything but the sound of his soft breathing against me, and the pressure of his hips pressing directly against mine.
His hand fell from my face and grabbed my leg by the back of the knee, hiking my leg up to hook on his hip, pulling my body into him even further. The press of his erection behind his shorts provided the sweetest friction against my pussy, still clothed by my shorts.
He groaned into my mouth, and I bucked my hips against him, begging for more contact.
Making out with Noah was more fun than I had imagined. He licked at my tongue, and I tasted the mint toothpaste he had used right before bed. His lips made the most delicious sounds when they sucked and pulled on mine, it had my head twirling in so many different directions.
All of my fantasies were replaying in my brain. His hands, his arms, his chest. My hands began wandering down his body, feeling every last ridge of muscle he had. I felt the ripple of his skin when he flexed, his body so warm and inviting.
He pulled his lips off of mine to look down at me, eyes dark and full of what had to be desire.
“What do you want me to do?”
What kind of question was that? Wasn’t it obvious?
“What?” I felt as though I was missing some hidden meaning.
He shifted, his body now looming over me, and I laid back flat on the bed so I could look directly at him.
“What…” He leaned down to kiss my lips. “do…” Kiss to my jaw. “you…” Kiss to my throat. “want me…” Kiss on my collarbone. “to do?”
I was panting, my need to feel him against my skin causing a hot burn everywhere I couldn’t.
“I, uh” His lips were attached to my neck, nipping and sucking on the skin of the tattoo etched there. “I don’t know. I just need to feel you.”
He pulled back, eyebrow raised, and smirked.
“Well,” He huffed a breath, running a finger down the skin of my chest above the tank top I wore. “I could pull this off of you.” His hand palmed over my breasts, his thumb tracing around my hard nipple. “Suck on these until you’re begging me for more.”
His eyes glanced up at me, and I just stared at him, eyes blown wide, trying to beg with my stare.
“Or…” His hand lifted off of my chest, and swiftly reached down, grabbing hold of the waistband of my shorts. “I could bury myself between those thighs,” My legs shook at the thought. “and lick you until you’re begging me to stop?”
My hand tightened on his sides, my hips pressing up toward him.
He leaned down again, licking a stripe up my throat. “Then, when you’re a hot, shaking, whining mess, I could fuck you until you can’t see straight.”
I moaned, his hand slipping down to tangle in the small patch of hair I had above on my pubic bone. “How’s that sound, baby girl?”
“So fucking good.” I felt his lips smile against my throat.
“You’ve made it easy for me. You’re not even wearing panties.”
I huffed out a small laugh, letting my eyes fall closed. “Yeah, well maybe I was hoping this would happen.”
“Is that right?” His kisses were moving down my body, his hand pulling my breasts free from my shirt. “Knowing you were over here thinking of me had me so fucking hard, sweetheart. You have no fucking idea.”
Noah’s tongue began circling around my left nipple while his hand massaged the other, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin.
He only focused on my chest for a moment before moving downward, leaving a trail of kisses and bites down my stomach, leaving a particularly hard one on my hipbone.
“So fucking sexy, angel. I won’t lie, I’ve thought about you before.” His fingers pulled my shorts down and off with no hesitation, his body settling between my legs.
“I’ve touched myself, dreaming about this gorgeous fucking pussy.” Noah placed a soft, gentle kiss on my inner thigh. “I can see how wet you are from thinking about me, baby. I hope you’re fucking ready.”
I didn’t have time to question what that meant, as his lips were now attached to my clit, the tip of his tongue circling it expertly while his lips sucked hard. My back arched off of the bed, the sensation nearly knocking me sideways.
“Fuck!” I screamed out, hand burying itself in his dark brunette hair. “Oh my God, Noah.”
“That’s it, gorgeous,” He licked at me, lapping up the fluid pooling between my lips. “fuck my face, pretty girl.”
My hips rutted forward, pressing myself into his lips harder. His arms circled my thighs, locking me into place while his mouth absolutely ravaged me at my core.
My entire body was vibrating, my eyes locked on his beautiful face, eyes closed and so focused.
I could feel myself beginning to crest on the edge of my orgasm, and his name came out as a string of prayers off my lips.
“Ugh, Noah…Noah…Noah…”
Without warning, he lifted me hips off of the bed, bringing himself to kneel on the mattress, so only my upper back and head were left on the pillows. The angle brought an entire new level of sensation. His tongue assaulted my clit, flipping back and forth from kitten licks to long, flat strokes, making me dizzier with each repetition.
“Noah, I’m going to come.” I breathed out, and his eyes opened, looking directly at me. His head began to move back and forth ever so slightly, him now locked onto my sweet spot. The ministrations sent me so far over the edge, I felt as though my entire body was floating.
“Oh fuck! Noah! Jesus fuck!”
He didn’t stop, however. Although he was licking me carefully through my climax, he didn’t show signs of slowing down…
“It’s sensitive. Please, I can’t take anymore.”
He disconnected from me for a second to smile deviously. “Sure you can.” And he continued.
“No, please, it’s too much.” I could feel tears welling in my eyes.
He pulled off of me, laying me back down, with a glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips. “The safe word is lions. Use it if you need it.” And he was back to it, making my vision go white.
“Noah, oh God, I can’t handle it, please!”
“You can, and you will.” His voice was factual, leaving no room for argument.
Just as I was about to protest again, I felt his tongue stop, and a sinfully long finger pressed into me, bringing about an entirely new sensation.
“Jesus Christ.” I was struggling to breathe.
“That’s it, baby. You’re so good, taking it all the way in. You’re so fucking perfect.”
My walls tightened around him at his words.
“It’s so fucking tight, baby. I’m almost worried it’s going to hurt when I fuck my name out of your mouth…” He looked up again, pressing a second finger in, a burning sensation pulsing through me. “…almost.”
My chest heaved, my breathing erratic and unstable. It was too good. It hurt so perfectly. His hand began pumping in and out of my body, causing loud, wet sounds.
“Going to make a mess, baby? I’d hope you’d wait until you were in my bed for that.” I couldn’t feel anything but his fingers inside me, driving me to insanity. “Thats alright, I’ll clean up. Go ahead and let go, honey. Come for me.”
An ear splitting screech ripped out of me, my body being rocked by another hard orgasm. His hand slowed, his fingers slipping out eventually.
“So fucking pretty. You got me all wet, I can’t tell you how fucking hot that was.”
I laid, eyes closed, working to bring myself back down to Earth. I wasn’t given much of a chance before I felt his tongue lapping at me again, making me squeal and jerk away from him.
“Nope.” His hands pulled me back to him. “I’m not done with you yet.”
The tears in my eyes were running. “Noah, please. Please!”
“I haven’t heard the safe word.” His face was buried in my folds, tongue pressing inside me. “You can do it baby, just one more, okay? I need one more.”
My head fell back on the pillows, savoring the soft, slow swipes of his tongue against me. It was almost…relaxing? He wa easing me through it, building me back up.
“Okay baby, you ready for another?”
I didn’t dare look at him, only nodded my head.
His fingers slipped back in, curling at the spot that makes my toes curl, and latched onto me again, his lips sucking hard on my clit.
This orgasm came quicker, washing over me like ocean waves hitting high tide. This time, I only managed to sigh hard when it hit me, feeling so wonderfully exhausted.
“That’s my girl. Perfect.”
I felt him lift up, but I still couldn’t make eye contact. My eyes were so heavy, and I couldn’t even fathom movement.
The bed dipped down next to me, and I cracked my lids to see him smiling. He reached down and kissed my cheek lovingly.
“Still there, Angel?”
I smiled a sleepy grin, and nodded. “That was…” There were no words. They didn’t exist.
“I’m glad you enjoyed.” I felt the blanket being pulled over me, and I opened my eyes in confusion.
“What are you doing?”
He chuckled lightly. “You need to get some sleep, beautiful. I know I talked a big game, but you’re exhausted. That was the goal.” He smoothed a hand over my stomach. “Help you get some rest.”
I rolled on my side, pouting slightly. “What about you?”
He shook his head. “I’ll be just fine.”
His hand reached over and switched the light off on the nightstand. He moved to stand up, by my arm came out to grab his. He turned his head and looked at me.
“Could you…” I cleared my throat. “I’d like it if you stayed.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Yeah? Even though it’s just one night?”
I smirked, lifting the blanket for him to crawl under. With his own grin, he did so, lifting his arm so I could tuck in, head laid on his chest and arm falling over his stomach.
“Maybe it's more than just one night.”
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romanestuffsposts · 5 months
can you please do a daddy!bucky playtime where the little!reader is jumping on his bed and he tickles them and the little!reader starts to get sleepy so he feeds them a bottle/changes their diaper and has a nap with them???
Hi there love! 💜
Of course I can that’s so lovely!! 🩷
I’m so sorry it took times to be out but I hope you like how I write your beautiful request ☀️
Lot’s of loveeee 🎀💕
Warnings : tickles, laughters, giggles, pet names, playful, tease, bottle, paci, cuddles, kisses, happy morning
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Little!Reader
Summary : A playful but sleepy morning with Daddy
It’s rare that you’re up before your Daddies. You always sleep until one of them come to wake you up. But apparently, today is different.
It’s been two days now that your Papa is on a mission in Poland so it’s just you and your Daddy for the whole week end- well now for one more day.
Your Daddy probably didn’t closed the curtain all the way down like you usually do so the morning sun woke you up because of that.
No matter how hard you tried to fall back asleep you couldn’t because of the sun, so now you’re walking toward your Daddy’s room. You hate being up when everyone else is asleep.
You quietly open his bedroom door and walk toward his bed as discreetly as you can- which means not discreetly at all. Your Daddy heard you coming when you were still in the hallway, he patiently wait with a small smile on his lips as he hears your little footsteps on the floor.
He feels you claiming in the bed and seconds later you’re jumping on his bed with all the strength you have. Your jumping right beside him with loud laughters as you keep screaming that it’s time to wake up because the sun is there.
Your Daddy fakes a groan ‘’baby it’s not because the sun is there that it’s the time to wake up’’ he fakes whine to play along.
You giggle louder ‘’of couse it is’’ You keep jumping while your Daddy had his back toward you. In one seconds, he turns around, grabs your ankle and make you fall.
He hold your legs in his arm and suddenly runs his fingers up your legs toward your belly ‘’you wanna laugh ? I’ll give you something to laugh about’’ He attacks your ticklish belly with all he can. Your laughters got louder again and you try to squirm away from him but can’t because of him.
‘’What baby ?’’ He chuckles ‘’what’s wrong ? I thought we were having fun here’’ he smirks at your reactions.
He moves toward your sides and change between your sides and ribs ‘’where are your ticklish spot ?’’ He wonders ‘’huh ?’’ He tilts his head
Your try to move his hands away and he takes that opportunity to attacks your underarms that were exposed for a second ‘’you don’t wanna help me finding out ?’’ He questions ‘’alright, i’m a big guy, I can find by myself’’
‘’You were laughing pretty hardly when I was on your little belly here’’ he says while wiggling the tip of his fingers on your belly. He hummed while looking at you ‘’where didn’t I try ?’’
‘’Oh! Here’’ he squeezes your thigh, taking you by surprise, causing you to yell. He chuckles at your reaction ‘’waaa look at that! That was pretty deep’’
He go down on your knee, he doesn’t have the same reaction but is still happy of what he got. Even if you’re less ticklish at some spots you’re still are in general.
He lightly wiggles his fingers down your legs until he reaches you little feet that are trapped by him. ‘’Oh! Found another one ?’’
You try to kick your foot away as he spiders your sole and toes like never. ‘’I’m happy with what I found out. I often forgot how ticklish you are until Papa and I tickle you again’’ he chuckles ‘’it’s so much fun, really. Love it’’ he winks ‘’and love you of course’’ he says stopping his attacks to kiss your little nose.
You take deep breath making him chuckle ‘’you wanted to wake me up, you paid for it’’
‘’A little sleepy now, aren’t we ?’’ He notices your eyes and guess by himself. You never wake up that early so you didn’t had all your hours of sleep, it was just minutes before you start to get sleepy. Your Daddy just accelerated the process.
He grabs the bottle of milk he has in his nightstand- in case you ever need one at night, and once it’s warm enough, he gave it to you. He lies back down and you rest against his arm, by his side while you drink calmly. Your Daddy stroke your belly while he waits.
He ended up holding the bottle for you because it start to get heavy with the sleepiness that takes over. Once it’s empty, he drops it beside the bed and roll the cover above you. When he looks down at you he sees your eyes close and sleepy breath leaving your sweet lips.
He smiles and kisses your forehead before sliding your paci in your mouth ‘’sweet dreams, my beautiful girl’’
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dira333 · 9 months
When I felt like I was an old cardigan - Kenma x Reader
thanks @missalienqueen for the character choice
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Your head’s pounding, the sliver of sunlight peaking through the blinds too bright for your eyes. You press them closed again, sink further into the bed. 
What happened last night? What day is today? Where are you anyway?
You’ve always been a deep sleeper. The kind that forgets everything the minute your eyes close. 
So you’re not that surprised to find yourselves out of your depth at first.
But you quickly realize that this isn’t your bed. Your bedding is not that expensive and your mattress is not that soft.
Did you spend the night at a hotel? 
You curl further into the pillows, your memories still a little foggy but at least past you has shown some taste in finding a place to sleep.
“Good morning.” The voice is soft and gentle and you need a second to realize that it’s not in your head.
You turn your head. There’s a door not far from you, a man leaning against the frame.
You swallow thickly. Hotel rooms normally don’t come with handsome strangers.
Wait, you were on a tinder date last night. Could it be-?
“I usually don’t sleep with someone on the first date.” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. 
“I know.” He says, dark hair falling into his eyes. Even from this distance you can tell that they are big and bright, cat-like and captivating. “You told me that last night, over and over.”
“And we still did-?” You can’t bring yourself to say it.
His eyes widen at your question. “No, no, nothing like that. Don’t you remember? You didn’t seem that drunk.”
You groan and rub your temples. “I have early morning dementia. I’ll need a cup of coffee to get my memories back.”
He chuckles softly, the sound rich and warm. It sends shivers down your spine.
“Follow me then.”
You follow him, the floor cool beneath your bare feet. You’re wearing an oversized shirt that’s definitely not yours over what appears to be your underwear. You wonder where the rest of your clothes ended up and whose shirt it might be. It can’t be his, he’s not that much taller or broader than you but the shirt hangs off you like a dress, generously covering your bare legs.
“What’s your name again?” You ask when he leads you into the kitchen. You’re normally pretty good with names and faces, but he’s not in any of your college classes, as far as you’re aware. And he’s got recognizable features, pretty eyes, and an interesting hair color, his long dark hair bleached at the ends, held up in the back in a messy bun that looks effortlessly pretty. You never get your hair to look like that.
“Kenma. Kenma Kozume. I know you from College.”
You blink. Could you have really missed him? With looks like that?
“I’m not in any of your classes.” He points out, his voice now quieter, his eyes moving across the kitchen as if looking for something to hold on to. “I just noticed you on campus, that’s all.”
“Oh.” You blink again. “That’s…” Your voice drowns in the noise of the coffee maker. Kenma seems uncomfortable with it too, flinching when the whirring gets a little too loud. 
Soon the distinct aroma of fresh coffee fills the room, waking your brain up a little more. Kenma puts the first cup in front of you, smiles apologetically, and restarts the machine.
You take tiny sips and close your eyes as your brain boots up like an outdated computer. 
You remember getting ready for your date, phone set up to film you as you twirl in your new red dress. 
“What do you think?” You ask and your best friend gives you a double thumbs up.
“You look so cute! He’s going to be head over heels for you!”
“I hope so. It’s my first time dating over an app, I have no idea how this works!”
“I hate that I can’t be there to stalk you. I’d sit behind a plant and spy on you and make sure he treats you well.”
“I know, I hate it too. But I can’t wait for you to come back from Paris to start dating. Are you still on with that Tendou Guy for tomorrow night?”
“He hasn’t ghosted me yet, so I’m hopeful. He sent a few memes over and he’s either had help or he’s the best kind of funny.”
“Aww, I hope it’s the last. Well, I have to go in a few minutes, so I’ll log off. I’ll send you updates through the night, okay?”
“Okay, have fun!”
“Have you decided yet?” The waitress is not much older than you. You wonder if you’d feel better or worse if she were older. She’s giving you a sympathetic smile and you know what she’s thinking. After all, you’ve been sitting at this table for two for over thirty minutes, clearly waiting on a date that’s not going to come.
“I… I’ll have a glass of wine.” You start, your voice a little shaky. “What entree would you suggest?”
There’s a business meeting on a table to your right and an older couple having dinner to your left. You’ve never felt so alone like you’re doing right now and even though you know it’s not your fault and that alcohol isn’t a solution for a problem like this, you can’t deny that the first glass makes you feel a little better.
The second glass makes you feel a little warmer too, something you welcome after wearing a dress that looks incredible on you but is nowhere near warm enough for a rainy night in early spring.
By the time the waitress hands you the dessert card you’re ready to order your third glass of wine. But just as you open your mouth, the chair that had been vacant ever since you came in, is pulled back.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” The man is pretty, tailored suit and bright, cat-like eyes, dark hair pulled back into a bun. “My meeting ran late.”
“I-what?” You eye him warily. He’s gorgeous, there’s no denying it, a 10 out of 10 whereas your date had been a solid six or maybe seven, at least that’s what you could tell from his pictures alone.
“You can leave the menu with me.” He turns to the waitress with a smile, taking the menu from her before taking a seat.
“I’m sorry.” He leans forward, whispering over the little candle burning in the middle of the table. “I noticed that you were eating alone and you seemed a little lost. I hope I’m not intruding, this isn’t… I normally don’t do stuff like this, but I’ve seen you around College before, so I thought… I’m Kenma, by the way. Kenma Kozume.”
“Oh…” Your voice comes out a little too loud and he blushes, lowers his head in a way that tells you more about him than his previous words had.
“What were you doing here? At the restaurant, I mean, when you saw me?”
“I was part of that business meeting. It went on for way too long but I couldn’t just get up and leave, I’m sorry.”
“Ah, sure. I mean, your boss would probably fire you, if you did. But he picked a nice restaurant for a meeting. The food here is good.”
“It is.” He smiles, just a slight quirk of his lips, but your heart responds as if he’d just confesse his love for you. He really is unfairly pretty.”
The coffee machine falls quiet again and you blink, refocus on the moment again.
“That was really nice of you.” You say, “To keep me company like that.”
“It was reckless, more likely. You were nice enough not to chase me away.”
“No, I had a good feeling about you.” You smile up at him, still standing next to the coffee machine. He seems so much easier to fluster now, at daybreak, than he was last night. Or maybe you’re just noticing it now that you have a steady gaze and a clear mind. 
“Who knows how much more wine I would have had without you.”
“You don’t handle your liquor well.” He points out, blushing as if realizing belatedly that that was rude.
Shame burns through you as you remember stumbling out of the restaurant as if your body had only registered all the alcohol the moment you’d stood up - late and all at once.
You must have looked a mess, and truthfully, you’d been one. 
You hadn’t even been able to remember your address, hanging off Kenma like a dead weight on the way to his car.
“I still owe you,” you remember, guilt coiling in your stomach. He’d paid for everything.
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“I can pay for my food. I mean, you let me sleep here too and the clothes-” You pick at the collar, a sudden realization flashing through you. “Your boyfriend will be horrified I slept in his clothes.”
“My boyfr-” Kenma stares at you, wide eyed, face paler than before. “What are you talking about?”
It’s a miracle he understands what you’re trying to say from the way you’re rambling now. You’ve lost sight of the point you were trying to make a while ago.
“I…” He’s glaring at the coffee machine now as if it had murdered his family or caused some other tragedy. “I’m not gay. I don’t have a boyfriend. Truth is I’ve noticed you. At College, like I said. I’m not that good at making friends but you seemed kind and interesting and… well, I didn't know how to approach you until I saw you at the restaurant. I couldn’t leave you there looking all pathetic.”
You snort. His eyes fly over, the sight of them - on you - making you breathless again. He really is unfairly pretty. 
“I don’t mind you making an ass of yourself. I’m as socially awkward as they come. I just…”
“Do you wanna get coffee together?” You ask. You know you’re getting ahead of yourself, but he’s cute and if you’re hangover brain isn’t reading everything wrong, he’s not against being friends with you.
Kenma blinks, holds up the coffee he made himself. It’s a question and an answer in itself.
You laugh.
“I mean a planned thing. Where I can dress up before and make sure I look presentable instead of looking like I’m trying to cosplay a Scarecrow.”
“You mean a date?” He asks, a faint blush on his cheeks.
Warmth bubbles in your chest. You lean your head to the side. “If you want it to be a date, it can be a date.”
He smiles, the motion lighting up his face. 
Your stomach flips a little at the sight and you wonder, really, just how you managed to turn a night around like that.
“Would it be terribly forward of me to ask you out right now?” Kenma asks. “I kinda like the Scarecrow Cosplay. Just don’t tell my best friend, I stole that shirt from him.”
Somewhere in Tokyo Kuroo sneezes loudly.
“Better take some Zinc,” he mutters to himself. “Don’t want to get sick.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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3xiles · 4 months
Sweet lies part two
Pairing •Toji x gn!reader
Warnings• Angst!, Cheating, suggestive (they like lowkey make out), manipulation, UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP!, Cursing. Lmk if i forgot any!
Word count • 1079 words
A/n • I had this pre written ever since i put out the first part but was so hesitant on posting it LMAO! Enjoy! Masterlist is pinned!
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You knew life after the honeymoon phase was rough but nothing could’ve prepared you for the drastic switch in you and Toji’s relationship. About two months the after you guys got married is when you realized the mistake you made. Your days went from him coming home from work and showering you with affection to him coming in with an inaudible hello. You were confused on what you could be doing wrong. He was coming home to a clean house with food on the table, a bath prepared and you all dolled up for him, just how he liked it. This went on for months and throughout those months he’s just been coming home later and later. The man who was once coming home every day at five now walking through the front door as late as ten at night. It didn’t bother you until your 26th birthday.
You woke up excited to celebrate your first birthday as a married woman. For your birthday last year Toji went all out so you couldn’t help but let your expectations be high! Toji wasn’t there when you woke up, which was normal because he usually leaves extremely early in the morning. You spent your day pampering yourself to the max, expecting to maybe go out later. Soon enough five o clock rolls around. You sit pretty and patient on the couch, telling yourself he’s just running a little late. You wait… and you wait.. sending text after text to your husband every hour.
Y/n: Hey babe coming home soon?
Y/n: Toj idk what you have planned but i’m super excited! see you soon❤️
Y/n: Hey is everything okay??
Y/n: Hello?
Y/n: Toji it’s almost 10 where are you?
Y/n: Toji?
You send your last text with tears falling from your eyes. You hate to think he forgot your birthday. It can’t be. He just got caught up in something. It has to be. You check the time one last time. 11:03. You then tell yourself you need to go to bed. As you stand up from the couch the door opens and the man you’ve been waiting for finally shows. You do nothing but stare at him, tears mixed with mascara running down your puffy cheeks. “The hell happened to you?” he says, taking off his shoes, tie, and blazer. He begins to unbutton his shirt, purple marks adorning his chest. That was in that moment when something in you just… snapped.
“Toji, what is today?” you slowly walk towards him. He shrugs, scratching the back of his head. “Look doll, i’m beat. Can we talk tomorrow?” he begins to walk towards the stairs that lead to your shared bedroom “No. Absolutely the fuck not.” oh crap. did you just say that? he stops in his tracks and turns to you. “Excuse me?” Shitshitshitshitshit what do you say? why did u say that? “Toji i asked you a question. What. Is. Today.” you keep up the tough girl act, too deep to back out now. “Y/n.” he walks closer to you but you back away “Toji today is my fucking birthday. Today is my birthday and i’ve been home all day thinking my ‘husband’ was going to at least come home on time but you were out fucking some bitch!” You begin to yell, crying harder than you were before. “The fuck are you talking about?” You weren’t stupid, you knew he was cheating but who were you to say anything. You were nothing without him. You didn’t want to ruin things. You can’t lose him. “Toji, i know you’re seeing someone else but i at least thought you would have some type of respect or decency to not do this to me on my fucking birthday.”You’re falling apart in front of him.
The silence is strong. He walks towards you and wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “Things just haven’t been right with me, i don’t know why i do the things i do. You know how much you mean to me baby, i never want to hurt you.” i never want to hurt you. Those words replay in your mind. He brings his hands to hold your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs. “You know I love you and only you, right?” you wanted to yell at him. You wanted to kick and scream but something in you made you believe every word he was saying. Instead of doing any of those things you just nodded. Shame rose in you but it all started to fade away when his lips connect with yours. You know this isn’t right, this isn’t healthy but that doesn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck and letting his hands wander. “I’m so sorry baby.” his lips travel to your neck. You try to hold back sounds but he knows just what to do to get it out if you. “Gonna let me show my girl how sorry i am?” you just started at him. not wanting to say yes but you didn’t want to disappoint him by saying no either.
You have to draw a line somewhere. “I think i just wanna go to sleep…” Removing your hands from him and stepping back. His looks confused but he doesn’t press further. Is it bad that part of you wishes he did? You wished he would’ve showed some kind of kind want, not just wanting to fuck out of pity. You know why he didn’t tho, he already got his fix of pussy for the night and it didn’t come from you. What a shame.
That night you couldn’t sleep, you were up all night silently crying. Is this really what your life was? You had lost yourself in this relationship. Your 26th birthday was a wake up call. The next few days were rough, he was just coming home later and later. Not to mention he wasn’t even trying to hide his affairs, He started to be careless. Not bothering to cover the scratches or hickeys that covered his body, leaving his phone open when you could see messages from the multiple girls and having panties and various other items in his car that didn’t belong to you. It’s like he was trying to hurt you, but isn’t that what he said he never wanted to do?
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themoonchildwhofell · 4 months
all my ghosts
pairing: Farleigh Start x reader
content/warnings: fluff (im so sorry guys), pretty fast paced lol
summary: HC of a healthy farleigh x reader relationship (thank fucking god)
note: really wanted to write farleigh finding a nice partner that helps him with his trauma lol. possibly post saltburn. I'm so sorry my dudes. I really am a sucker for fluff! still based off of a Lizzy Mcalpine song.
"'Cause I hate all of my habits but I happen to love you."
Farleigh met you at a 7/11 near the place he works at. He's pretty bummed about not having to go to Oxford as well as fully disconnecting from the old life he had.
It was exactly July 11th. He remembered because you got a free slurpie at the convenient store.
You looked good for someone who was staying up due to an exam. You finally decided to claim that free slurpie they had since sugar wakes you up.
Farleigh, on the other hand, was just exploring the place. He didn't really want to stay at his mum's place. So he decided to get his own place.
He didn't really want to go out that night. It was a not-so-impulsive decision due to the fact that his case of cigarettes were all out.
The fluorescent lights weren't really giving you justice. As well as the bags under your eyes but who cares? You really need to pass this math exam tomorrow.
He approached you being the extrovert that he is and asked for your name and number. His excuse was to tour him around since it was his first time back at the States. (he was already living there for 3 weeks)
You agreed to tour him around. Praying that he wasn't a murderer of some sort.
You two went out the very next day to "tour" him around. At the end of the day, he did ask if this was a date.
"No. But maybe we can set a proper one?" you suggested.
He liked that. It means he gets to see you again.
Months pass and you both seem to connect really well.
The relationship progresses to you both being a couple.
Everything felt great. There was the usual fights, of course. I mean Farleigh is kind of a diva. You expected him to be annoying at times.
But most of the time, he's the loveliest.
It's the same with Farleigh as well. He loves your company. You make him feel good and sane. Especially after all the loss he experienced.
There are times that he feels like you're too good for him especially with all the baggage he has. All the trauma from Saltburn and his cousins passing.
These trauma did manifest some bad habits that he's actively fighting. But it helps him when he thinks that he might have a lot of ghosts with him haunting every piece of him left in Saltburn; He still has you.
Dates with him are always unpredictable. You both tried to do cocktails once at his apartment but failed. You both decided to just drink the wine and eat all the fruit.
You also tried cooking. Which was fun and messy. But the mac and cheese was good. He was really convinced that he could make a better mac and cheese than Gordon Ramsey. You giggled at how adorable he was and agreed. That night ended in a sink full of dirty dishes, slow dancing to Master & A Hound by Gregory Alan Isakov and tiny sweet kisses.
Sometimes, you both try clubbing. But end up going home early to just drink at home and watch some movie or have sex.
You both tried to finish two bottles of brandy one time.
"You really think you can beat me at drinking?" Farleigh smirked.
"Fuck! I'm 3 shots deep, my boy. And I feel sober." You we're not. You both didn't finish the bottles of brandy. And he had to carry you to bed.
"You know... I'm pretty drunk right now. But I really love you, Farleigh. You and all your ghosts." You passed out right after. He did say he loved you too. But he'll probably just repeat it once you both are sober. That was the first time you both said I love you.
You had the realization that you'd want to spend the rest of your life with him one Saturday morning. You both we're on the couch watching Bluey. You made him watch Bluey because at first he didn't want to since it's a kids show. But he saw the one episode with Chili and it really stuck with him.
He was laughing at a particular scene when he said. "I think we're like them. Chili and Bandit."
You stared at him. "Yeah. I guess so." It kinda dawned on you how compatible you both are. How you can live like this for the rest of your life.
He had the realization that he wanted to marry you the time you we're at his mom's home celebrating Christmas. You were helping with decorating the tree. He decided to quickly grab the star at the top of the cupboard in the hallway. While going back to the living room, he saw you sweaty, with your tongue out and concentrating on placing the lights on the tree. He realized he has never felt happier than that exact moment. He would love to spend every christmas decorating trees with you.
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jihyoruri · 2 years
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yunjin finally gets the person she shouldn’t want… well sorta
huh yunjin had always had a liking towards you.
it’s you, who had a problem with her. at first she thought that maybe you were just really introverted and had troubles talking to new people, but then she saw how close you got with the other girls while preparing for debut and realized yea she just doesn’t like me.
It threw her off, when you guys first met you welcomed her with a sweet smile you didn’t talk to her, but you didn’t glare at her like how you do now off camera.
she remembers when it all started.
they were preparing for debut.
they had recently started learning the choreography for blue flame, what shocked her was your troubles on a certain part of the choreography, you, one of the best dancers she’s seen, you, who learned fearless in two hours and had it down perfectly.
she watched as the dance instructor pulled you aside after one of your multiple mess ups, she watched as the instructor whispered harshly at you, and to her shock you seemed completely relaxed without out a care in to world, but then something the instructor said caused you to tense.
yunjin’s blood runs cold as she see’s you slowly turn to look at her as the instructor continues to whisper at you.
when the instructor is done, she watches you walk back to the middle of the room, but this time instead of the warm smile you usually give her, you flash her an icy glare.
like the one your giving her right now.
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ever since that day, yunjin took notice of how much you started to overwork yourself, instead of leaving with the girls when practice is over, you stay behind until she hears the door open in early mornings while doing her daily netflix binge watching.
same routine today but she didn’t hear the usual unlock at 1:00 am.
so she called you.
no answer not surprising on that part.
she finally decided enough was enough and got out her bed and made her way to hybe.
she checked the dance room but you were not laying on the floor passed out like she thought she’d see you, you weren’t even there.
she wandered the halls and then she heard this dreamy melody coming from the recording room and that oh so sweet singing voice that she’s grown to love.
I don't wanna wanna be up no no more oh
I don't wanna wanna be up up all night again
she barged into the room without looking.
she watches as you jump frightened turning around quick to see who just barged in.
goosebumps pop up on her skin as an icy glare replaces the frightened look when you notice it’s her.
“what do you want.” it’s more of a demand than a question.
yunjin tucks her hair behind her ear. “oh um um, I noticed that you weren’t home yet and got worried…”
you stared at her with a blank look on your face.
feeling intimidated by your stare she stutters out “that sounded really good whatever you were just working on… is it a draft or something ?”
to her surprise you melt and let out a deep sigh.
“it’s a song I’m working on for our new album. the fans seemed to love sour grapes and impurities so management wanted me to do another song for us.” you let out another deep sigh “they said they want it be a duet.”
she watches you fidget with your fingers. “ I was gonna choose chaewon unnie but they said our voices work together better and that it should be with you.”
yunjin breaks the silence “so you weren’t gonna tell me that we have duet ? what were you gonna do ? tell them I declined so you can do it chae unnie ?”
you roll your eyes. “no, I was gonna tell you when I was done perfecting the song, but good idea I’ll keep that in mind.”
“why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate yo-”
“yes you do ! there’s no other explanation for the way you act towards me” she takes a deep breath “yn, I like you so much and I don’t even know why! do you know how much I cherish the moments that I have on camera with you ? I cherish the times when you jump on my back for fansite’s or hug me at the end of videos” her face starts heating up “or the way you always make me complete the other half of your heart at fansign’s, I know you faking it for fan service but to me yn to me that’s real and it hurts having you switch on me after the camera’s are gone.”
you zip up your sweater and sigh“yunjin don’t take it to heart but when you work so hard and finally get chosen to debut just to get compared to this one specific person constantly, you grow to resent them.”
yunjin looks at you confusion, then it hits her the day that started all this “when we were practicing blue flame, when our dance instructor pulled you aside…”
“it was even before that day, she just kept comparing me to you, you know it took me longer than usual to pick up the choreography but then she passed a comment about how you picked it up faster than me, the comparisons just wouldn’t stop every day it was something new.”
you looked up at her with watery eyes “I guess that day I just snapped and I took it out on you instead of her because I knew I couldn’t take it out on her, I’m sorry.”
yunjin let out a sigh “it’s okay, if I was you I would probably act the same” she sat down in front of you.
another uncomfortable silence.
yunjin again breaks the silence. “so the song is called up no more ?”
you pass her the lyrics. “um yea it’s sorta personal but I really like it, I already made an instrumental for it, you probably heard it.”
“yea it’s very dreamy, how ironic is that now that I’m reading the lyrics.”
you let out a giggle that has her heart racing.
“maybe we should practice.”
“it’s not perfect yet we can start practicing tomorrow.”
tomorrow yunjin felt a little giddy hearing that. “tomorrow… so we’re cool now right ?” she curses herself for letting the excitement slip through her voice.
you smile at her. “you seem happy, maybe it’s because of that crush you have on me.” you tease her “yn I like you soooo much.” you over exaggerate your words leaning close to her.
she pushes you away covering her face. “ugh shut up.” her face feels like it’s on fire. how did I let that slip out I didn’t even realize I said that.
you smile at her flustered state. “it’s okay, I happen to think your sorta cut-”
the sound of your phone ringing cuts you off.
you scramble to pick up your phone from across the room. you look up at yunjin with terror in your face.
“it’s chaewon unnie.” she watches your shaky hand press the accept button. “unnie ?”
“where THE HELL are you guys ? it’s three am in the morning THREE AM, and here I am thinking that you guys are safe in your bed just to see them EMPTY ? I don’t even wanna know where you are, get home right now.” and the call ends.
you rush to pick up your things. “we gotta go.” you drag yunjin out the room with you.
“wait wait what were you saying before unnie called.” she knows there’s more important things at hand but you can’t blame her right ?
you turn to look at her “really that’s what your thinking about? we might be dead in the next hour ! you can find next week or something.” you tease her.
yunjin let’s you drag her behind you next week seriously ?
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★☆ stream up no more
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37) I thought you didn’t love me anymore with kurt where you've just not been in the best mood lately
Kurt definitely feels rejected easily (so does Steve, although I think they handle slightly neglectful parents in... different ways)
Prompt: 37) I thought you didn’t love me anymore
Kurt Kunkle x reader
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How had your day been so shitty?
Your phone ran out of battery so you had no alarm, with Kurt not needing one that early. And then Kurt was clinging to you so much this morning, looking all rejected and like a kicked puppy because he woke up and you wouldn’t cuddle with him for even two minutes. Then your car wouldn’t start so you had to decide between booking a spree, or seeing if Kurt was ready to drive you to work in his sweatpants, and literally them alone. Work was just a mess, as usual. And you didn’t even get to eat lunch because you had to catch up on so many things that you wouldn’t have been able to even call Kurt to bring you something, like you did most busy days, or when you just wanted to see him. And then, the heel of your shoe split. So for about three hours you were walking around work with the slapping sound of your shoe accompanying you every single step.
You didn’t ask Kurt to pick you up, because a few days of the week you’d carpool back with some work friends who lived close. Even if Kurt swore he didn’t mind (and that he’d love to pick you up every day) you knew it was better for the environment, and Kurt wouldn’t have to deny clients, and you wouldn’t have to wait for him, and it gave you time to bitch with your colleagues away from bosses ears; it was just a good system.
At least that had gone smoothly. Although you didn’t feel like talking much during the ride. Not even about how your boss had been riding your ass one one of your more infuriating days you could remember in recent history. You wanted to pull your hair out.
But eventually your friends car stopped outside your home, and you waved a tired goodbye to everyone, noisily walking down to your front door. Dropping your keys on the floor.
Great. Just another beautiful addition to the day.
If you hadn’t been zoning out for your own sanity, you would’ve heard the commotion behind your front door.
As soon as you stepped into your home, you had your 5’11 boyfriend eagerly running at you, and a camera right in your face. It literally hit your nose, because Kurt slipped a little.
“Yes! Oh guys. And here we have my beautiful partner- oop- sorry babe.” Kurt tried to brush your nose, in his excitement of filming, kind of just hitting your face.
You only blinked in a small stupor. You were so out of it you didn’t even know if Kurt was livestreaming you, or just filming. God you hoped it wasn’t the first.
“And- yeah- today-!” Kurt placed his arm around your shoulder, and held the camera up at both of you. So you could see your face in the other screen, looking subdued and done, compared to Kurts cool and excited smile, energy always radiating off him. It wasn’t transferrable through touch it seemed.
“Today we’re pranking y/n! Aha, totally kidding babe! Bu-Although, I guess one- you could say that, that’s a prank in itself!” Kurt made a kind of thinking/mind blown gesture to his camera. Having spoken too quickly, his first sentence about pranking you hadn’t even sunk in.
At least you could tell he was only recording now. He used this camera for hand held pre-recording, he said he preferred it for editing with his computer. Your boyfriend had a lot of cameras. You swear you’d end up finding some secretly recording you two, maybe for ‘a year in my life’ or something.
You took a deep breath. Kurt was high energy. That wasn’t a downfall of him, you were just pissy today. You couldn’t ruin his fun. “Hey Kurt?” You gently placed your hand over his arm, Kurt finally looking at you, versus just looking at the camera, or at the image of you on there, which you hated when he was talking to you. You lowered his arm smoothly, getting his big brown eyes on you. “I’m very glad you’re not pranking me. But you think your avid followers could wait an extra day for an upload? Or could you at least go into another room?”
You were either going to binge on the couch, sleep in your bed, masturbate furiously, or have a bath, and you didn’t really want Kurt accidentally recording either of those things.
Luckily, to Kurts testament, and probably from being used to dealing with you, he switched off the camera straight away. Or maybe he knew it just wouldn’t make good content. He finally turned to you, his face significantly more downtrodden than before you’d walked in the door, which only made your chest feel heavier.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, seeming much more like himself now. Which you did prefer. You thought about kissing him on the cheek, but you were too tired, and in a split second decision you moved over to the couch, brushing your hand over his arm instead. “It’s just too much, today.”
“Well- what’s too much?” Kurt asked, still standing there, dumbly looking down at you.
“The fucking camera, Kurt.” You quickly but not harshly got out, only swearing after a long day, not at him. Rubbing your face in your hands, which meant Kurt didn’t get a chance to see what you were thinking much more than that.
When you did peek through your fingers, sliding your hands down your face, you saw your boyfriend still standing there. Lips pursed, all twisted up, and breathing a little heavily. He looked like he didn’t know what to think. Although when Kurt started to feel just that less open, you found it much harder to tell what he was thinking.
But Kurt’s heavy breathing was getting to you. Just like the sound your shoe had been making all day. Just like the way he was staring at you, looking so... fuck, you didn’t know what! And like how every little thing had been getting to you all day. And now your heart was loud in your ears and you couldn’t stop feeling sweaty and Kurt was still just looking at you and-
“Kurt if you have something to say just say it!”
That felt good for about two seconds. Some sort of release. But then it felt awful.
When you looked back up to Kurt you knew your eyes would’ve been sharp, and Kurt’s face shifted. He looked stoney faced again, like he did when he was really not letting anything slip by, and without saying a word, Kurt stormed to his room, shutting the door behind him.
You sighed loudly, it slipping into a groan as you threw your head back against the sofa cushion, whining.
He probably knew to just give you some space.
After about ten minutes of having the tv on loud enough to block out any of your own thoughts, but not to overstimulate you further, you felt better. Calmer. And you felt bad for snapping at Kurt.
You decided now was probably the right time to go and apologise, maybe get a snuggle in with him on the bed, if he wasn’t mad at you.
You switched the tv off and started walking towards your shared bedroom. You remembered that stoney look on his face and you knew what it was. You knew he bottled up his emotions sometimes. So with a sigh, you went down the hallway towards your room.
...Panicking, when you heard the sounds coming from it. You opened your door wide, and saw Kurt bundled under the sheets, facing your door, crying.
The bottle had spilled.
Kurt was looking up at you with drowned brown and red eyes, hurt clear in them. He’d tried to bury of much of himself under the blankets as possible, with his head still poking out, hair a mess. And his sleeves and collar were wet with tears and snot, wrecked cries coming from his heaving chest.
“Kurt!! Honey!” You ran over to him, squatting down by his side and placing your hand on top of his that was gripping the quilt, Kurt still sniffing at you, crying.
“I- I thought... maybe you didn’t love me anymore.”
Shock overtook your face. Gripping his hand in yours, your other hand pushing back the quilt just a little so you could stroke through his hair. “No baby! Never.”
You two didn’t have many real arguments, and it was tearing Kurt up.
Kurt sniffled, little hiccups going through him. “I know I can be annoying, I’m sorry.”
“No.” You stood very firmly on this. Kneeling on the ground instead so you were more steady, your hand holding his cheek, and shaking his held hand with your certainty. “No you’re not annoying. I promise you Kurt, don’t say that.”
Kurts cries were quieter, but tears still slipped past his face. Past his nose, and cheeks, and down his pouting lips. “I know I can be too much for you.”
“No, Kurt baby, I love your energy. Your enthusiasm for the world.” You stroked his cheek, squeezing his hand so he knew you were still there, even if his eyes were set on you. “I love that about you, I love it so much. I’ve never thought you were too much, never.”
Kurts fingers moved a little to be able to tap at your wrist, his lips screwing up like a fresh wave of tears were about to overtake him. But quickly breathing when you mimicked a big breath, getting him to breathe with you, which he did. Letting a shaky blow of air out, before continuing. Voice still a bit wobbly, but flipping his hand up so he could hold yours now.
“Because you left without letting me hold you this morning too.” Kurt whined. “A-And, and you got a Spree that wasn’t mine. And you never even called me all day.”
It was like Kurt had been waiting for you to get home, and you didn’t even want to see him!
Kurts words were almost breaking, but definitely warming your heart. You felt bad all these little things today had been adding up for him as well, but at the same time the way he whined, the way he just wanted to hold you. “Kurt, baby, you were so tired this morning, I didn’t want you to crash.” You smiled gently, cupping his face between both your hands, which you could tell Kurt loved.
You leaned up to kiss him, even if his lips were all salty, and when you came back down Kurt had stopped sniffling, stopped whining, stopped crying. Finally calm after you reassured him, after you held him. Still looking at you though, with those big wet eyes.
“I promise you Kurt, I’ll let you cuddle me as much as you want from now on. Because I love you.”
Kurt tackled you with a hug. His front half bursting out of the bed, and clinging his arms around you anywhere he could get. His warm cheeks pressed to the top of your head as you caught him, in a hug you eagerly returned.
At this point, it was just easier to fall. So you let Kurt slip out the bed, holding his lower back carefully, as you helped him ‘fall’ on top of you, bringing your own back down to your bedroom floor, and letting your boyfriend lay his full weight on top of you. And by the happy murmuring’s right in your ear, you could tell it was a decision Kurt enjoyed.
You giggled, hugging his waist back tightly, as your other arm held his shoulders, your hand moving up, and stroking through his brown hair, massaging your poor boyfriends head. Who lay a wet kiss on your shoulder, in thanks.
“I’m sorry I was a grumpy pants, I love you Kurt.” You kissed his flamed cheek, hugging your soft boyfriend close. “Never forget it.”
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donnetellotheturtle · 8 months
Chapter 2
In the early morning, Hugo was woken up by the feeling of the ship moving. People talking loud and footsteps above him. He groaned and pulled his pillow over his head. The sun wasn’t even up yet.
Hugo really was more of a night person. The Kaldur gang worked by the light of the moon. Easier to lure sailors when they can’t see your sharp teeth afterall.
But it seemed like captain Rapunzel was a morning person.
Hugo dragged himself out of bed. Looking out the porthole he could see they were moving. He wondered how. Ships usually relied on wind as far as he knew. This one didn’t seem to. He hummed to himself.
As soon as he opened the door, he heard a new noise. One of work being done. Down the hall and down a few steps there was a door. He went and opened it.
Varian was sitting there, obviously so deep in whatever he was doing to notice Hugo coming in. He was building something.
Hugo leaned over Varian. “what ya making goggles?”
Varian screeched, nearly jumping out of his skin. Hugo couldn’t help but cackle.
“I-You-where did you- what time is it!?” Varian stuttered out.
“Early.” Hugo didn’t know how to tell time. At least, not the human way of it. “my question still stands though. What are you doing?”
Varian sighed, handing what was in his hand to him. “try these.”
Hugo took them, raising an eyebrow. A pair of frames with glass. They were big and round. Hed seen sailors wear them before.
He put them on closest to the way he remembered and blinked. The world was so clear.
“What do you think?” Varian asked nervously.
Hugo was at a loss for words. No one had ever done something so nice for him before. What was the catch?
“Okay what do you want?” Hugo demanded.
“For these? What do you want?”
Varian just kept that stupid confused face. “I don’t want anything? I just did it cause you were fucking blind.”
“There has to be something.”
Varian shook his head. “Just being nice. Has no one ever done a nice thing because they can before?”
Hugo paused, biting his cheek. “…Most don’t.”
His blue eyes stared at him with sorrow. Hugo didn’t like that look.
“If I except these will you stop looking at me like that?”
Varian chuckled. “Fine. You’re welcome by the way.” He then stood and stretched. Hugo was horrified to hear the popping that came from Varian’s bones. He didn’t know they did that. His bones didn’t do that right?
Varian raised an eyebrow at Hugo. “What?”
Hugo cleared his throat. “Nothing. We should get to work.”
He could practically feel Varian’s confused expression as he turned away and to the door.
Varian couldn’t figure Hugo out. Yesterday, he was smarmy and constantly crossing his boundaries. But today he was a bit more reserved.
The day had started well enough. Varian showed Hugo the main engine room and how to work it. Varian was surprised he picked it up so quickly. Like a second nature.
He threw Hugo a pair of goggles and showed him how to maintain the balancer of the flynnolium.
“so what is it?” Hugo asked. “the flynnolium I mean.”
Varian smiled. “It’s a chemical compound of my own design! It’s an effective way to travel without having to rely on coal which can run out very quickly!”
For once, Hugo looked impressed. “that’s amazing…”
Needless to say Varian was surprised by the compliment. He hated how it made his cheeks turn pink. “thanks.”
Then that smarmy smile came back. “Didn’t know you were so smart goggles.”
Varian rolled his eyes and went back to work, content to ignore Hugo.
If only Hugo did the same.
“So, Flynnolium. What’s it made out of?”
Varian grumbled. “None of your business. You’re just here to help maintain it and the engines.”
“Oh come on. Please?”
“No.” Varian glared.
Hugo huffed. “Fine. Keep your secrets.”
“I will.”
The two shared a glare. Then the door opened. Eugene came in.
“hey guys. Rapunzel wants everyone on deck. We’re having a quick meeting.”
Varian nodded, glad to not be alone with Hugo anymore. He headed out of the room, not caring if Hugo followed.
Up on deck, the full crew was there. More people than last night, as most of them had been out exploring for the short time they were on land. Hugo looked surprised as he climbed on deck which made Varian smirk.
Rapunzel herself in her full sailors uniform smiled. “alright everyone! First day of our voyage to Rosas! There’s a few things I wanted to go through. Number 1, we have a new crew mate on board. Everyone say hello to Hugo.”
Everyone gave half hearted hellos and waves. Hugo obviously felt awkward as hell, his cheeks burning up. So he could be embarrassed. Good to know.
“Hes the new secondary engineer. So everyone that had a shift either covering or with Varian can come to me for schedules assignments during those times. Secondly…”
Varian tuned her out. He loved his sister, he really did, but she had a habit of rambling when she was excited. Which she always was when they were headed to a new destination. Nothing Varian hadn’t heard before though.
He looked out to the waves, seeing dolphin and other wildlife swimming on then. Then the flash of a pure white tail. He could quite tell…it wasn’t a dolphin. More like a big fish.
“Goggles?” Hugo put a hand on his shoulder.
Varian snapped to attention, looking at Hugo. “Hm?”
“Meetings over.”
Varian looked around. Everyone was headed to their stations. How long had he been zoned out?
“Oh.” Varian cleared his throat. “let’s get back to work then.”
“You were fully checked out there for a second.” Hugo said.
“Yeah Rapunzel has a habit of rambling.” Varian chuckled. “We should get back to work.”
Hugo shrugged and headed off. Varian paused, looking out on the waves. He could have sworn he saw something.
Nothing but the waves now. If it was a siren, it moved on. Odd.
He shook his head and followed Hugo back down.
Now that they’d gotten into a rhythm, it was a bit easier to work together. Hugo was not super familiar with everything but Varian saw how quickly he picked it up. Reminded him of how his brain worked. Varian helped Hugo with the first things and then Hugo took it from there.
It was quiet in the room. Varian was working on one of the motors when he looked over to Hugo.
The blonde was partly covered in oil and dirt. His eyes were so focused on the task at hand that he’d let his asshole mask slip. Varian saw the edges of his lips move up and down as he talked himself through a problem he was having, then sweet talking the machine itself.
“Come on girl. You can do it. You’ve got this…” Hugo muttered. He grinned widely. A real grin. Not the one that was used to piss Varian off.
Varian chuckled as softly as he could. Maybe, just maybe, Hugo wasn’t that bad to be around.
Varian went back to his own work.
Hugo was exhausted. Day one had been amazing. The machines on this vessel, though different than the ones he worked with under the sea, were extremely interesting. They worked with steam and chemicals as opposed to potions and magic. The idea of them were still the same though.
Hugo got back to his room, flopping onto the bed.
He wondered about that flynnolium. Was that what was keeping the ship safe from sirens? He wouldn’t know until he’d gained Varians full trust. He needed to know the recipe.
For now, the list on who to take out when they got closer to the waters was captain Rapunzel. She acted all bubbly and innocent so she had to be hiding something. Then Varian.
Hell he’d even drag Varian and the entire ship down there himself at this rate. He just wanted to go home. Being on the sea but not in it was really messing with his head.
He laid there for hours, trying to sleep. Until no one but the skeleton night crew were awake.
He got up, putting his glasses on his pillow. He knew this was a bad decision, but he couldn’t help it anymore. He needed to be in the water. In his bed clothes, he headed up to the deck of the ship. No one was there, thank God. It seemed they mostly relied on the waves at night to get them where they needed to go. He assumed the navigators were in the very front of the ship, making sure that was the case.
Hugo climbed up onto the rail, looked down at the water, and jumped.
The moment the water engulfed him, he felt free. His feet turned to green fins, sparkling in the full moonlight. The gills on the side of his neck opened and he took a deep breath through them.
He swam down as fast as he could. He was like a bullet, smiling as the relief hit him. The Absolutely colossal coral reefs below were alive with activity, acting as an underwater city. He didn’t recognize it, but headed in anyway. Merpeople didn’t give him a second glance as he followed the crowds inside.
Music reverberated through the channels and small merchildren swam around their parents.
Unfamiliar but familiar. There’s no reason he couldn’t have some fun in the little time he had.
Swimming forward, he lifted a couple coins from some guys making bets on crab races. He held it close to his chest and dissipated into the crowd.
As soon as he was far enough that he couldn’t even hear the guys yell, he looked through it. Nothing much, a few sand dollars, a few shells, and a picture of the guy and his wife. Gross.
He took the shells and sand dollars and swam out to the nearest stand. He needed some fresh seaweed.
He found a stand for it quickly. Not that he expected it to take long. A mermaid wearing a frilly top had some freshly pulled. He paid quickly with the shells and had his snack.
Looking at how bright the lamps were, he figured it was about time to get back to the ship before anyone figured out he was gone. Oh well, this had been a nice little break. He shoved his food in his mouth.
He swam up through the holes of the coral and swam in the general direction of the sundrop.
It didn’t take longer than a few minutes to find it again. When he reached it, he pulled himself up onto a small side boat-he wondered why they had them- and dried himself off. He frowned as he watched his fins turn back into his feet.
As he pulled himself back up onto the ship proper, he sighed, yawning. At least now his head was a bit more clear. He might actually be able to get some sleep.
Thankfully there was still no one up on the deck. This might have to be a nightly routine.
Yawning, he headed down to his bunk.
Varian had fallen asleep in his lab. When he woke up his back was hurting from bending over it.
He got up and stretched. It was late. Maybe 4 in the morning if he had to guess. He sighed and exited the lab.
He paused at seeing Hugo, hair soaked, walking into his room in nightclothes that were damp with no glasses. He clearly didn’t see Varian.
That was odd.
Half of Varian wanted to knock on his door, ask what was going on and why he was wet.
The other half of Varian was tired and wanted to go to bed. Needless to say, that half won out pretty quickly. He yawned and went into his room.
It had been a few days since Varian saw this. Varian didn’t bring it up at first, not wanting to make Hugo suspicious. But there hadn’t been much conversation in the meantime.
“So goggles…” Hugo started just before the end of the day. “I notice you’ve been pretty quiet around me. What’s up with that?” He leaned on Varians desk next to where he was sitting. “I mean, I thought we had something.”
Varian rolled his eyes. “We don’t have anything.”
Hugo just laughed. “Yeah but seriously. The fuck is wrong?”
Varian weighed his options. Either tell him and face those consequences, or wait it out and see if that happened again and then tell rapunzel. Rapunzel wasn’t the best bet. Shed make excuses for him. Varian wanted to get it straight from the horses mouth.
“Okay…the other day, I was leaving my lab. It was really late. And I saw you. Everything was damp.”
Hugo blinked. “…you saw that huh…”
“Yeah. What was that about?”
Varian could see the cogs moving in Hugos head. He was thinking of something. Obviously not the truth.
“I took a bath.”
“In your clothes?”
“I was a bit drunk.” Hugo smiled.
“Where’d you get the liquor?”
“I brought my own.”
“No you didn’t.”
“It was in my bag.”
Varian glared. “Fine, lie. Whatever.” He huffed.
“Aw goggles-“ Hugo started.
“If youre going to lie to me, at least make it a good one.”
Hugo paused. He must have realized he crossed a line.
Varian couldn’t help but feel hurt. Sure, they didn’t have a good relationship, but at least Hugo was usually honest with him, flirting aside.
Hugo sighed softly. “I can’t tell you.”
Varian looked at him. “Why?”
“Its…personal. Okay?”
It was quiet for a moment. Varian sighed. “Just don’t lie to me like that again. Just tell me you don’t want to talk about it.”
Hugo nodded. “I didn’t know that was a sore spot…”
“Yeah, well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
Varian watched as Hugo paused, thinking. “…I’d like to.”
Varian looked at him.
“If I agree to respect your boundaries, and you agree to understand that theres things I don’t want to talk about, can we start over?”
Varian sighed. It took way to much energy to have all this animosity towards Hugo. He nodded softly.
Hugo smiled, and stood, and then held out his hand to Varian. “Hi. I’m Hugo.”
Varian smiled a little, taking it. “Varian.”
“nice to meet you.”
Varian chuckled. “Thanks, Hugo.”
Hugo nodded, gently putting his other hand over Varians. “No problem, goggles.”
< >
Read this on A03!
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indigo474 · 8 months
~taking a deep dive~
In a lot of ways i feel like i am back where i started. How is that possible? It's really not. I'm not the same person i was when i started. But, here i am learning about myself and continuously taking a deep look at myself and my behavior. 5 years ago i was in a much different head space.. much different. anyway..this week i havent had a much time alone as i usually do. MAdison is just always there. I have my early morning before she gets home but even that time is interrupted. it's been an adjustment for me.. which is funny because i'm not the one working that shift. I woke up to an "i made us breakfast" text.. which is so sweet, i mean, i cant be angry about that. i did tell her i needed some alone time today which worked out good because she had to lay down.. an adjustment. the truth is i can always retreat into my room and shut my door. I had my yearly review. it went well. i thought my manager was fair. I was a little surprised at how is was actually conducted and my manager kept saying i usually dont do them this way... i'm not really sure why she would do my review differently than any other one. i am not well liked by the other supervisors..it's weird because as a lead an a rep i was well liked. "they" feel a certain way because of who my supervisor is.. apparently i am untouchable- i don't care- i did- but i don't anymore. i wouldn't be friends with any of them. i'm getting a new team member. I was approached on Monday and told the transition would happen sometime this week.. In the past, if i didnt hear anything, i would ask this person when we were going to have this meeting. I would pretty much push for the meeting and make this person settle on a time and date.. my anxiety needed to know when the meeting would take place.. this person likes to have long, late meetings and i just cant stay late because i have to workout. Also this person thinks we should all be staying after our shifts and get annoyed when he sees supervisors leaving at 5.. well, i didnt push for the meeting and it didnt happen. i hate that i work for a company where the upper management says things, but doesnt do them. how about just letting me know the meeting wasnt going to happen this week.
i saw a cute guy at the gym today. no ring. maybe i should start going to the gym. my music played at the gym, but wont when im outside. i lifted 205 with the hex bar- apparently that is easier than the straight bar. i had a killer arm workout.. ouch but in a good way. I had dinner with Marci- she tells me she just knows i will meet a good man- she absolutely knows it will happen.. so sweet... she doesnt say much about her man. i have yet to meet him and the few things she has told me well.. im starting to think maybe something... but then again i'm weird but also.. Marci is a little clueless when it comes to domestic abuse and narcissistic behavior.. which is weird because she's educated in mental health.. when they went on vacation together, he drove, and she said he scared her in the car. she only told me after i questioned her about the drive... she originally said the drive was horrible.. he kind of just came in and swept her off her feet.. maybe that happens? it was everything all at once and there wasnt even really a getting to know you period.. and he knew she was going away with me, we planned it well in advance.. the day were coming back he surprised her with tickets to some sort of show... he didnt ask her, he told her.. i got these tickets.. we were now on a timeline because he lives 2+ hrs away and she had to drive to him.. to me, it seemed odd. i would want to me asked if i wanted to go especially after being away for a few days.. it was also weird how all of a sudden she didn't want to go out dancing.. she planned the trip around us going to the club and at the last minute she didnt feel like going.. i wonder if he had something to do with that??? she also does not like to be alone... so, i worry about her and GOD i hope this guy is as great as he appears to be.. the car thing.. a total dick move..
i think i might be going to london. ive decided, i am going to be delusional... about my life. I am going to radically believe that everything my heart desires is on its way to me... everything.. i am in my winning season. Ohhh and i am officially officially obsessed with my ass.. it's been going on for a few months now.. but dam. My ass looks good.. i cant stop grabbing my own ass.. i am hoping to find someone who is as obsessed with my ass as i am..
Kika is my girl and i love her.
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fadedtogreyy · 11 months
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(moving my old fics from one blog to another)
“How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep?” Req by @soundsluke ❤️
“Can’t sleep?”
She ignored his question as she leaned against her pillow, smiling at the sound of his voice “What time is it there?”
“Hang on,” he replied followed by an odd rustling noise which told Charley he was using his phone to read the time “Two in the afternoon.”
“Hmm,” she answered hoping her pout was undetectable in her tone. She hated that her best friend was so far away from her while being so proud of him for living his dream at the same time. It was an odd pull in different directions and an uneasy feeling which she would never share with him “It’s eleven here. What’ve you been up to today?”
“Just some writing,” Calum replied and she could almost see his shrug as he stretched his arms above his head. There was noise in the background that was very clearly the other guys and her stomach squirmed when she was immediately taken back to times in Ashton’s basement when they would all write songs together “You should sleep Charl aren’t you in early in the morning?”
“I guess,” she grumbled in reply “Have a good rest of the day.”
“Have a good rest!”
She wished he wouldn’t be so cheery when he was saying goodbye.
*“Charlotte speaking!”
Charley frowned as she leaned against the bar, phone to her ear while she juggled a few glasses needing to go into the dishwasher “Why are you calling my workplace Calum Hood?”
“Your phone was off.”
“I’m in work!” she replied with a laugh and an eyeroll “Oh my god the funniest thing ever happened before! So we were auditioning bands right-”
“I’m gunna come home.”
She paused, chewing on her bottom lip and twirling the phone cable through her fingers once she’d placed the glasses down on the bartop “You’re what?” she asked in confusion “Are you okay? Are you ill? Has something happened?” all the questions felt as though they were coming out of her mouth at once. Everytime she spoke to any of the other guys they were having the time of their lives, working hard and having the best experiences.
There was a silence on the other end of the line for a few minutes before Calum took in a deep breath and spoke again “I just need to. I’m not…this isn’t…and now you’re hiring a new band for the bar?”
“Did the line just break up slightly or are you holding back on me Hood?” she asked handling her worry in the only way she knew how; with humour.
“I just miss you.”
“Can’t sleep huh?” she asked quickly doing the calculation to see that it was one in the morning over in the UK “I miss you too Cal. Mali misses you. Your mum misses you. The bar misses you. But you’re having literally the best time in the whole world, you’re living the dream! The only thing overshadowing how much we all miss you is how much we’re so so proud of you.”
He sighed loudly (or was it a yawn?) before he spoke again “It’s just so…different.”
“You just need to sleep Cal,” she said knowing how he could get when he hadn’t gotten enough rest. He withdrew, he overthought and none of that was good when she wasn’t around to give him a hug or slap some sense into him “Stay rested, stay hydrated, eat well and make more awesome songs! I’ll come and see you soon and I want you in the best mood possible when I do.”
“You promise?”
She pursed her lips, not really knowing if it was doable or not “I promise.”
“Thanks Charley Bear. I mean it. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Though she usually wished more than anything that she could see him she was glad they weren’t on facetime in that moment as a blush, oddly, scattered across her cheekbones “Well luckily for you you don’t have to worry about that mate!” she exclaimed running her fingers through her hair before she pinched the bridge of her nose “Now go to sleep Cal it sounds like you need it.”
“Um hmm,” he answered, the sound of him shuffling around in his bunk following his words “G'night Charl.”
“Hey Cal! Your phone is ringing!” Luke called across the studio as he plucked Calum’s iPhone from where he’d thrown it on the couch earlier in the day “Who’s ringing you at eleven in the morning and why is their name just a bear emoji and a heart emoji?”
Frowning in confusion Calum practically dived off of the chair he was sat on with his bass in his lap, placing his instrument leaning against the couch he snatched his phone from Luke’s grasp “Hello?” he answered quickly as he made to leave the room. If it was eleven on a Monday morning in LA that meant is was four o'clock on a Tuesday morning back in Sydney.
“Wheyyy! Here he iiiiiiis!”
Sitting down on one of the chairs outside of the studio he pulled his packet of cigarettes out of his pocket “Are you drunk on a Monday night Charley?” he asked as he placed one between his lips and reached for his lighter.
“Tech - hic - technically it’s Tuesday morning,” she answered with a giggle “Are you soooo lost in your different time zones you’ve forgotten - hic - where you come from? Where even are you right now?”
A cloud of smoke escaped his lips as he chuckled and shook his head “LA. We spoke about this yesterday Charl.”
“Right. Yes of co-ouch!”
“Are you okay?” he asked quickly as he sat up properly in his chair, his brow furrowed in concern as he took another drag from his cigarette “Charley? What happened?”
“Oh no-hic-thing!” she waved off “I just…I tripped over something I’m all good.”
“I should never have left you to your own devices,” he laughed picturing her stumbling around her flat as she attempted to make herself something to eat “Don’t cook when you’re in this state okay? You’ll burn your building down.”
“You have so much faith in me,” she answered with a eyeroll he could just see as he listened to her speak “I’m not cooking I promise. I’m sat on my bathroom floor trying not to throw up.”
She snorted a laugh, leaning her head back against the wall of her bathroom as it fell into a whiney sigh “How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep?”
“You don’t always-”
“I do,” she interrupted “Sometimes I just get through to your voicemail, others I ring your Aus number when you’re in the UK or your UK number when you’re in LA, but I do. It helps me because I haven’t been sleeping well recently and I don’t…I don’t know why or how or what’s going on in my brain but hearing your voice helps me sleep.”
Calum let out an awkward cough to clear his throat as he shuffled in his seat “Is that because I bore you so much you just drop off?” he asked with a nervous laugh.
“No,” she answered with a dreamy sigh “Calum just, he calms me down y'know? Which is interesting because his name is basically calm with an added u.”
“Charley you do know-”
“I mean I miss Ash of course I miss Ash he was a big part of my life for like a million years and we kissed a few times before he left but Calum? He’s different. He…I miss him in a different kind of way.”
He didn’t have a clue what to do or say. Charley had never spoken in such a way to him before and he didn’t have the faintest idea of how to handle it “I, um, I mean…” he winced as the words came out in a stuttered mess. Ever since he’d left her, ever since he’d watched Ashton rush back to kiss her in front of everyone only to distance himself from her once they were on the road he had found himself in an odd stage of feelings, feelings he’d never felt before…especially for his best friend “What’s happening then? With you and this Calum?”
“Psh,” she scoffed (he panicked for a second thinking she was about to throw up) “I can’t like Calum. I can’t. I don’t. He…he’d freak out and I can’t handle not having him to call when I can’t sleep,” she explained with a yawn, the squeak of springs telling him she had thrown herself onto her bed “Hmm. Sleep.”
“Go…you go to sleep Charley you need it,” he said sitting with his elbow on the table and his hand over his eyes “Ring me when you wake up though so I know you’re okay.”
“Hmm I will,” she mumbled, her voice muffled making him think she was face planted against the pillow “Pr-hic-omise.”
“And make sure you drink some water!” he exclaimed quickly, swearing beneath his breath when all he was answered with was the heavy breathing of Charley falling asleep “Goodnight Charley.”
“Hiii it’s Charley! I’m too busy to take your call right now but leave me a message after the tone thanks!”
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chemical-kisses · 2 years
Entry 1
I don't want to write this. Blogs always seem like a waste of time, to me. But I don't really think I have anyone I can truly be honest with at this point. Plus, a Tumblr account is cheaper than therapy.
I've just finished my second week of university. I'm studying chemistry (I know, I know, I've had the 'wow you must hate yourself' conversation too many times to count by now). I knew the motivation would slip eventually, but I didn't think it would be so soon.
Today, all I've done is lay in bed watching TV, but not really watching it, you know? Like when you've got music in your headphones, and you hear it, but you don't really listen while the thoughts in your head play over and over and over. I should have done some work, I know that. Should have forced myself out of my hangover-fueled slump and done something to keep myself busy. That's what I'm trying to do, most days. Keep myself busy. Can't let myself have time to stop and think because then my mind will go crazy again.
I think I lost a friend last week. Well, he was more than a friend in actions and words and feelings but in every other sense, a friend. I know what I did. I slipped, he found out. He sat and I talked, and he listened, and I cried, and he held me. And then in the morning it was nothing. He walked out, like he usually does, but with an air of permanence. Like all of a sudden, this friendship-that-wasn't-really-a-friendship was too much, too serious, too deep. That's what's been playing on my mind. I know I can be a lot to deal with, and no-one in any way is obliged to listen, or stay. But I really hoped he would.
I get the feeling that loss is what's driving this spiral I'm in now. Wednesday, I went out with a guy I met on Tinder. I'd had about 5 minutes of conversation before I agreed to go. Knew next to nothing about him, yet I let him pick me up and we went for a drive, and a smoke, in the early night. I know what you'll tell me, if you're even reading. Anna, you're an idiot, why are you putting yourself in these situations, you could have been killed, you should have met him in public first at least (I know you're thinking that because it's all I've heard from my flat mates since it happened). I know. But it kept me clean that night, thinking I was about to die in the front seat of his car: head spinning; ears ringing; legs numb and vision fading, hands on me. I've been clean since. Maybe the adrenaline is still riding through me. Maybe I'll do it again.
Self-destruction isn't new to me, I guess. I slip in and out of it. Cutting off friends, causing drama, putting myself in dangerous situations. Sometimes it makes me forget how much I hate myself, even for a minute.
Tomorrow, I'll get my work done. Or not. Only time will tell.
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snappleapple · 4 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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aira-writes · 2 years
Cold, early mornings and Ice creams
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Genre: fluff, one-shot, imagines,
Warnings: language
A/n: Might have grammatical errors because I made this at 12 am so read at your own risk! Will edit this in the morning :>
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The moment Katsuki opened his room door and found you in your gym clothes really early in the morning, he thought you were sick or smthn. You weren't opposed to the idea of working out. What you hated was early mornings. So that's why he was confused why you were the one who woke up extremely early just to come with him to the gym today.
Now you and your boyfriend are on your way to the gym which is just a 5-minute walk from your apartment. It was 6 in the morning so the weather was a bit cold. You planned to wake up extremely early because you knew this month that early mornings are usually cold.
You decided it's time to go back to working out after stopping for weeks. You miss feeling DOMS after working out. Plus you'd also get a chance to watch Katsuki workout so it's a win-win.
You and Katsuki are walking side by side as you made your way to the gym. It's his usual routine to go to the gym every day from Mondays to Saturdays, excluding Sundays cause it's his rest days.
He was wearing his usual gym clothes—sexy black sleeveless top, gym shorts, and his running shoes— underneath those black sweater of his. You were wearing your own gym clothes underneath Katsuki’s favorite sweatshirt that you stole borrowed.
As you guys walked, you turned to the blonde.
It's funny because no matter how many times you've seen Katsuki already, you still can't help but be mesmerized by his good looks.
He gaze was entirely focused on the road in front of you that he didn't notice you were staring. He still had his messy bed hair on. He didn't bother putting on gel to make his hair look spiky because he's going to workout today and it'll still get sweaty. His spiky and thick eyebrows are curved perfectly. Those same eyebrows would always furrow when he's serious, mad, confused or deep in thought so it's cute to see them not furrowed because he has a neutral expression on his face. His lashes were long and thick to the point that you always got jealous of it. His perfectly sculpted nose and plump lips. Don't even get me started with those jawline and—
“Take a picture, would ya?”
You were snapped out from your reverie. Blush rising up to your cheeks from having your boyfriend catch you gawking at him.
Katsuki turned to you with that signature smirk of his. “It'll last longer, princess.” he teased.
You rolled your eyes to hide your embarrassment. “I already have a couple pictures of you, babe.” you snatched your phone from your pocket and wiggled it near his face.
“Yeah, ‘cause we took them togeth—damnit, hey! Watch where you're going dumbass!” he grumbled as he softly tugged the back of your his sweater backwards in one swift motion, the action pulling you back enough to stop you from crossing the road right before you'd get hit by a speeding bike.
“Oops, sorry.” you giggled sheepishly.
“Don't apologize, baby.” his eyes softened momentarily as he looked at you. “I was cursing that damn guy for speeding up when the light’s fucking red.” he grumbled, glaring at the now-far away biking guy. “the damn extra almost ran you over. Tch.”
You both crossed the road using the pedestrian lane, now Katsuki an inch closer to you than before. You also noticed his protective stance with the way he's subtly covering your body.
“nah ah. I meant the ones which I took when you were sleeping peacefully, babe.” you giggled, continuing the conversation you had with him before the biking guy incident happened.
“tch. just don't dare post them online, woman.” he inserted his hands inside his pants pocket, slightly looking away from you. But he was unsuccessful in trying to hide the cute blush that was already spreading onto his cheeks and ear.
“don’t worry, I didn't Katsu.”
“but I may or may not have, sent some of your cute sleeping pictures in the Bakusquad's groupchat.” you grinned.
the way his neck immediately snapped to turn at you, shocked and eyebrows furrowed, made you question if your boyfriend's neck is okay or not.
“Ooo! Ice cream! Yay!” you ran to where the ice cream was, avoiding your boyfriend's question. You were literally saved by the bell—the ice cream vendor's bell in this situation—from your boyfriend's wrath.
“come back here, woman!”
You arrived at the ice cream stall, panting. I really need a workout, you thought. A minute later your boyfriend already caught up, and he didn't even look out of breath.
“let's buy some ice cream, Katsu, pleaseeee.” you pouted.
He raised his eyebrow. “We're going to the gym and you're craving ice cream?” the idea of you sending his cute sleeping pictures to the GC, thrown out the window.
“PLEASE, KATSUKI. I WANT SOME FUCKING ICE CREAM OR I'LL SCREAM.” he shook his head at your childishness, trying to hide the smile on his face at how cute you're acting rn.
“fine, fine. Let's give the girl her ice cream before she screams.” Katsuki orders two ice cream cones, with 3 different flavors each, then takes out a bill from his pocket and pays the vendor.
“Here you go.” the vendor smiles at you both, handing you your ice cream.
“Hey! These two cones are mine. Go buy your own.” you pouted as you immediately took the other cone when the vendor was about to hand it to your boyfriend.
You immediately started eating as Katsuki chuckled, buying another one for himself. You guys continued on your way to the gym and you still occupied in finishing the two cones.
“Slow down. It's already freezing in the morning, dumbass. You'd get sick at this rate.” he grumbled, as he finished hils own cone.
You finally finished your ice cream and so were your boyfriend and both of you finally arrived right across the gym.
To make sure no speeding bike incident would occur, Katsuki grabbed your hand, and held it as you both crossed the road. You weren't gonna lie that you didn't feel extremely giddy when Bakugou Katsuki—your boyfriend who isn't into PDAs—held your hand all of a sudden.
His hands were surprisingly warm even when he's out here in the cold, and even after eating ice cream. Damnit, the way his big warm calloused hands fit into your small ones were enough to break a smile into your face. Plus the fact that he was gently holding your hand, afraid he might break you. His hold is also tight and secure enough to make sure he won't accidentally loosen his grip on you.
“damn, your hand's cold as ice.” he finally let go of your hand when you both arrived on the other side of the road. Your hands felt cold with the absence of his. And you resisted the urge to try to grab his hand again so you could intertwine it with his a bit longer.
“put your hand in ya pocket.” he said as he walked his way to the front of the gym.
You pouted. You assumed that he'd let you put your cold hand in his pocket just like the scene that you saw in that kdrama movie last night. :(
You placed your cold hand into your pocket to warm it up and followed right after your boyfriend. When you arrived beside him because he knew you were a few steps behind, he turned to you and then looked down at your hand that was now inside your pocket.
Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Didn't you hear me? I said put ya hand inside my pocket, dumbass.” then he grabbed your hand that was inside your pocket, intertwined it with his, and gently shoved it in his pocket.
“that warm enough for ya?” he smirked, as he pulled you with him into the entrance of the gym.
You looked down at the intertwined hands of yours and Katsuki’s. The temperature's just right, Katsu. You thought, grinning.
Looks like someone's gotta renew their gym membership :>
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blipblooopp · 3 years
Let It Be Me
Summary: Choi San is many things. The most talented man you have ever seen. Be it on the dance floor or in front of a mic during a gig. He was the kindest person, always holding the door for the people behind him, helping the elderly carry things, even paying for strangers randomly. He got along famously with your parents and even better with your grandparents. He was charming like that, capturing the attention of anyone and everyone who even looked his way. He’s the love of your life, you’re sure of it but he’s also your best friend. Pairing: Boy Band AU!Choi San x F!Reader Words: 5.6k Genre: Angst/Smut
You’ve heard of a thing called platonic soulmates but it’s taken you years and years of watching Choi San grow to realize you weren’t. Well, you hoped you weren’t. Everything about him made your body erupt into a fire.
San looked at everything with adoration, finding all the good in life, including you. It was a double-edged sword, really. It made you feel special… important. But you could barely concentrate when his eyes were on you.
It didn’t help that he was gifted in pretty much everything; it made you nervous beyond belief. He’s pretty much perfect and as much as you wanted to be with him, you knew the odds of him liking you back were slim to none.
You’ve come to terms with it for the most part. It hurt to see him flirt with girls in front of you, hurt even worse when he started dating this awful girl named Areum. She didn’t give a fuck about him, actually. She barely responded to his calls and texts, going as far as blocking him one time. They fought nonstop. Every time you two hung out, San had a new dilemma to talk about. For some reason, San wouldn’t break up with her.
You had asked him after a night of you two getting drunk together, after another night of listening to his relationship problems. He laughed dryly, taking another sip of his beer, “I love her so much.”
Apparently, it was his “slow-motion” moment. He and his band had been wrapping up the night with their last song, soaking up every second they could have. Halfway through the song, San had noticed Areum in the front row. You were there too so you noticed the look on his face. A look you had never seen him make before. It basically tore your heart out when he told you that he couldn’t get “that beautiful girl” out of his head. She ended up becoming a dedicated face in the crowd so San asked her out.
You would’ve thought they were soulmates from the way they looked in the beginning. Lord only knows how they got to this point. How you got to this point, with San crying in your lap.
It was 10:00 pm when someone started banging on your door. You were enjoying a cup of coffee but you almost had a heart attack at that moment. You opened the door with shaking hands, hoping that whatever killer was on the side wasn’t actually a killer. Instead, you saw your best friend, with swollen red eyes, sniffling.
“Oh my god, San! You scared— what’s wrong?” You immediately dragged him in, locking the door behind you. He sniffled again as he slumped into your couch. You took a seat next to him and took his hand in yours. “Was it another fight?” You knew it wasn’t. In all the fights you had heard, San never cried.
“She was cheating on me… this whole time.” He hiccuped as he talked.
“That bitch.” You said under your breath. You held onto his hand a little tighter, trying to contain your anger.
“I went to her house tonight because she wasn’t responding to me again. I wanted to talk it out with her but she opened her front door in her underwear with some motherfucker sitting on her couch!” Although you had many words to say with Areum, you were speechless in front of San. What were you supposed to say? All you could do was scoot back on the couch and guide San's head onto a pillow in your lap.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You ran your fingers through his hair, “You can cry for as long as you want.”
And cry he did.
The next morning was hard. You woke up on your couch sitting up-right with a terrible case of stiff-neck. That’s not the only reason it was hard. No, it was worse seeing San still laying on your lap. He was wide-awake, dark eye bags contrasting against his face. His eyes stared deep into the ceiling.
“What’re you thinking about, Sannie?” You started to run your fingers through his hair again and watched as his eyes fluttered shut, his body instantly relaxing.
His eyes opened again, “Why didn’t she love me?” You couldn’t respond, not that he let you. “I knew we weren’t perfect, knew she wasn’t perfect… but we always made it through the end of the day. I can’t believe she would do this to me.”
“It’s her loss.” You finally said. “You don’t need her anyway. It was her decision to cheat and you had nothing to do with it.”
San didn’t say anything after that, just continued to stare at your ceiling.
The first few weeks were the hardest for sure. San had spent most of them at your place, barely leaving even for band practice. When he did practice with the guys he would leave early, only strumming a few chords on his guitar before deciding that it reminded him too much of Areum.
“He’s been really out of it.” Yunho, the bassist commented one time. San hadn’t even played that day. He just sat in the corner for an hour. You stayed behind for a few minutes and told San to wait in the car. You wanted to catch up with the other band members.
“Can you blame him? That bitch was… well, a bitch.” Wooyoung shot back, setting his drum sticks down.
“How has he been holding up?” Hongjoong asked.
You scoffed, “Have you seen the man? I don’t even think San’s there anymore! God, if I see her, it’s on sight!”
You did your best to help him through those weeks. You had been through a few hard breakups in the past so you understood that the early stages were the worst. You even used up all of your sick time to stay home with him. You had never seen him this gloomy. At one point, he went through five pints of ice cream in three days.
It took three months for San to be even remotely okay. He started going to practice more and this time, he actually played. You couldn't say you were surprised. San loved playing with the band and you knew it was probably the only thing that would bring him out of his funk.
"You look good, man!" Hongjoong slapped his hand on San's back playfully and for the first time in months, San had his usual dimpled smile.
"I feel good." He replied, setting down his guitar and taking a seat next to you on the beat-up couch. "It's thanks to you, y/n"
Your eyes widened. "Me?"
He nodded. "You stayed up with me, didn't go to work, even made me breakfast when you knew I didn't have the energy to get off your couch."
You couldn't lie; your heart was racing. All you could do was stare back into his eyes with a goofy smile painted on your face. San put his hand on your thigh, skinship being normal between you two, especially within these past months.
Your friendship remained just that, a friendship, for the next month. You were okay with this, though. At least you had a small sliver of hope now that he was single. That tiny bit of hope that he'd love you back was able to tide you over.
Until one night.
San had come over for your weekly movie nights, an event you had been doing since high school but stopped doing because his ex got jealous easily. You tried calming your nerves as you sat next to each other, his arm wrapped around you.
You were so close you could smell his cologne. It was intoxicating. Maybe it was the fact that he was newly single now, filling up your thoughts even more recently, but his entire presence was overwhelming tonight.
“You alright, beautiful?” Since San was single now, his usual playful flirty side was coming out again. Just like everything else about him, you had a love-hate relationship with it. It doesn't mean anything. You had to remind yourself. He talked like this with everyone, especially when he wanted to get a rise out of his bandmates.
You gulped when you looked up at him. How could a man have this effect on you? You would think that after years of unrequited love, you'd be able to at least contain yourself. “Yeah.”
San gave you a dimpled smile, shifting his gaze to a piece of your hair, moving it behind your ear. Your mouth parts, probably to say something but you can't be too sure right now. If someone walked in, they would think you guys are about to kiss. Maybe you are... you want to kiss him.
With your heart pounding in your ears, you slowly lean forward, keeping your eyes on his lips. They look too good not to look at but you're also scared of seeing the look in his eyes, the potential disgust that might be taking over at the thought of your lips touching his.
Everything is moving in slow motion. From your hand caressing his cheek to the moment your lips make contact. He's stiff against you and you can only imagine that it's because he's uncomfortable. You start to pull away, dreading the awkward conversation you're about to have but San is quick. His hand grips your thigh and he's kissing you back with fervor.
Your head is spinning, Is this really happening? These sparks you're feeling all over your body, does he feel the same way? You push away any thoughts you're having, trying to focus on keeping up with San. You needed to enjoy this moment. Without realizing it, you swing your leg and straddle San's lap. He groans underneath you but before you can question it, he's giving you a reassuring squeeze on your waist.
You don't want to take the initiative of going further, but man, your hands are burning to touch his bare skin. Your hands, instead, rest on his shoulders, gripping and releasing every few seconds. As if he was reading your mind, San's hands move to the hem of your shirt and for the first time, you break the kiss.
The second your shirt passes your head, San's moving to kiss your neck, occasionally sucking to leave hickies that are sure to last a whole week. You're breathless, taking this as a sign to take off San's shirt. Your hands are all over each other, San's going from your cheek to unbuttoning your jeans, your fingers feeling his abs contract under your touch.
It feels like a flash. San suddenly laying you down on your bed, both of your clothes littered behind you on the floor, his lips still on your neck. It's only when he's about to insert himself does he stop and look at you with dark eyes. He doesn't give you enough time to question it, pushing himself inside you. You both gasp at the feeling.
"Fuck, you're so tight!" He grips your hip with one hand, the other holding the headboard like his life depends on it. He feels like he'll burst any second.
You're right there with him though, the mere feelings of this moment making you sensitive. "You're just big. Holy shit!"
It takes him a second, taking a moment to give both of you a moment to adjust before he moves inside you. You can't contain the sounds coming out of you as he hits all the right spots with ease. You couldn't have pegged San to have this big of a dick, yet here he was.
Before you can realize it, your hands are finding purchase on his back and your nails are sinking into his skin. He hisses above you but his thrusts get harsher and the moaning in your ear doesn't get any quieter.
"You feel so good... so warm and tight for me." He's practically whimpering into your neck. You try to keep your cool, trying not to cum so fast but he's hitting that spot inside you with ease.
Your nails dig into him deeper, "S-san," You stutter out. "Close... so close."
"I know... but you gotta wait for me. Can you do that?" His thrusts get faster and deeper, you don't even comprehend his words properly.
"Can you do that for me, pretty girl? Be a good girl for me?" He's using both hands to clench onto the headboard now, the force making it harder to not cum. You just nod and wrap your legs around his waist. San is drilling into you with so much force and he's hoping that the bed isn't going to break. After a few more thrusts, he starts to get sloppy, and your vision's crossing.
"Alright, beautiful. Cum for me." He grunts out, trying not to cum at the feeling of you clenching around him. You finally let the waves of pleasure course through you, seeing stars. If you were lucid, you most definitely would have been embarrassed by the noises coming out of your mouth and your pussy.
With a loud sigh, San pulls out of you and releases onto your stomach. Almost immediately, he’s up and cleaning you, you’re body’s too tired to do anything but lay there. You’re surprised, because instead of leaving, San lays next to you, even going as far as pulling you close to him.
You have so much on your mind but you're too tired now.
This goes on for weeks. Sometimes you would hang out. Sometimes do other things. Everything happened so fast. The friendship that you held so dear had become a muddled mess of lust and confusion. You obviously still had feelings for San but you had no idea where he stood.
You'd never even talked about the first time you guys had sex. When you woke up he was gone and when you saw each other again, he acted like nothing had happened. You didn't want to be that clingy girl who expected a relationship so you never brought it up. Now you're in this endless cycle of sleeping with each other and never addressing the elephant in the room.
What didn't help was how San was acting differently. He was much more touchy with you, always having to touch you in some way whenever you were together. His hand on your thigh, holding your hand, arm around your shoulder, he did it all. Before the incident, you would have considered him touchy but that's nothing compared to him now.
Your hangouts started to become more elaborate as well. You guys were actually going out to movies instead of watching Netflix at your house. Small coffee shop hangouts started becoming intimate dinners. It was like you guys were dating. These dates gave you hope that he would eventually open up and ask you out properly but you didn't want to force it out of him. So, you just decided to go with whatever he wanted.
"Let's go ice-skating." The handsome man suggested his left-hand steering and his right hand on your thigh.
"You know I can't ice-skate." You deadpan, getting distracted by your fingers playing with his.
He glances at you with a honey-sweet smile before bringing his eyes back to the road. "I can teach you, ya know."
"Please, you just want to see me fall so you can laugh at me."
"That too."
San taught you how to ice-skate for maybe ten minutes. After that, he decided that it would be best to let you learn through trial and error.
"San, I'm literally gonna fall on my face!" You cried, your legs shaking as you attempted to walk on the ice.
"You're doing great. Just try skating to me." He held out his hand for you. Every time you got even remotely close to him, however, he would slowly start backing up. You were struggling around the rink but he made sure to sprinkle in encouragements so you wouldn't be too mad at him.
Just when you thought you were doing good, you got too cocky and propelled yourself towards San, wanting so desperately to close that gap. Your feet weren't pointed straight enough causing your left skate to hit your right, tripping you onto the ice.
"Holy shit, y/n! Are you alright?" San appears in front of you with seconds. Helping you up with ease. Your knees ache and you could feel the bruise forming on your hip.
“Did you not see me eat shit?” You bark out, now gripping his arm for dead life.
“I did but it’s always polite to ask.” You slap his arm playfully as he guides you off the ice and onto the benches. “Are you actually okay?”
You shook your head and pouted like a child. San chuckled to himself, seeing right through you. Instead of saying anything, he pecked your lips innocently and took a seat next to you. It was the first time he’s kissed you in public which only confused you further. Is he doing this on purpose? You really had to ask him.
You’re too lost in your thoughts to see San staring at you. It’s not until he’s moving a piece of hair out of your face that you’re snapped out of your thoughts. You jolt slightly and hum at him in response. He just shakes his head and returns his gaze to the people skating.
It was your turn to stare at him, to memorize his features for the nth time. He’s just as beautiful as he was two seconds ago and the butterflies are still strong. You open your mouth to question him about your relationship, finally building up the courage just when…—
“San? Is that you?” You freeze. Her, you think. That manipulative bitch.
“Areum?” San stands as if he’s been caught doing something bad like a child. She offers him a warm smile, completely disregarding you as always. You feel like you did during the concert. His eyes are no longer on you… but trained on her. You feel that distance he created on the ice growing bigger and bigger.
“What’re you doing here?” The man asks, still shocked to see her.
“Ah, I was just walking around.” The nerve of this girl to act like she didn’t do anything wrong. “What’re you doing here?” Her eyes land on you but she quickly looks back at him.
You stand this time. “We’re…” Don’t say it. Don’t be petty. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. “On a date.” You entwine your arm with San’s.
Areum’s lip twitches in annoyance. “Oh?” She quirks a brow and glances at San. “Is this true?”
San freaks out without thinking and shakes his arm from yours. “No!— I mean like a friendly date, sure. We’re just hanging out like old times.”
There’s your answer.
His ex smiles with victory at your defeated state. “Well, we should catch up, San. I know we ended things on a bad note but I think we should talk.”
The car ride home was awfully silent. Usually, they were filled with laughter and off-key singing but tonight, you gave San short answers in his poor attempt to talk. When you entered your apartment, you told him you were going to bed early and that he should lock up when he leaves.
Instead, you feel his warm body climb into your bed and hold you at 12 am. As always, you didn’t tell him to leave. Because, as always, you couldn’t say no to Choi San.
You wake up and San's not next to you but there is a text.
San : Sorry I didn't want to wake you but I left to go to practice. It'll probably end late today so if you feel up to it, come hang out. :)
Should you? Maybe it's just better if you pretend like nothing happened. Obviously, that's what he's doing. Besides, it’s not like his bandmates gave you false hope just to reject you in front of their ex. You end up going to the practice, a huge lump in your throat. If you brought up the situation, you're sure that whatever you guys had would be over the second you said anything.
Jongho, the lead singer, greets you with a smile and a nod in your direction as he warms up.
"y/n!" Wooyoung calls out, getting off of his drum stool and engulfing you in a hug.
You giggle on command, loving his enthusiasm. “Wooyoung, why do you always act like we haven’t seen each other for years!”
He smiles and whispers, “Don’t tell the guys I told you, but you’re like… our muse!”
You roll your eyes and pull away from his chest just to look at him, “I think you’re the only one crazy enough to even consider that.”
Wooyoung lets you go completely and returns to his drum set, you follow suit. “Maybe but you’ve been our number one supporter since day one! Plus you’re beautiful and beauty inspires art, does it not?”
Laughter erupts from you again at his cheesiness and your feel an arm wrap around your shoulder. You didn’t have to look to know who it was, the signature cologne giving him away.
“What’s so funny?” San’s smiling but you can tell there’s something different in his tone.
“Just exposing how important y/n is to the band.” Wooyoung sends you a playful wink, your cheeks burning slightly. San forces a laugh, something you don’t notice, before sitting you down on the couch.
After practice was over, you waited outside of the room for San so you could go back to your place. That wasn't the original plan but San insisted. The chilly air made you wrap your arms around yourself, internally scolding yourself over not bringing a jacket.
Wooyoung was the first to come out, fishing his lighter out of his pocket. He wasn't the only cigarette smoker in the group but he was definitely the one that smoked the most. He grinned at the sight of you, resting his hand in his pocket instead.
"Why're you waiting out here? It's cold as hell."
"Yeah... But I didn't want to get in your guys' way." You rubbed your hands up and down your arms trying to create heat. Wooyoung took off his jacket and wrapped it around you without hesitation. "A true gentleman." You remarked.
He put his hand on his chest, his face contorting to look hurt. "I've always been a gentleman. Even when I'm freezing my ass off."
Your eyes widened, ready to give the jacket back. "Woah there, missy. I gave it to you for a reason. We don't want our muse to die of hypothermia." The joke makes you laugh lightly. "You waiting on San?"
You nod, staring at the ground and rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet. “It’s been a lot of waiting recently.” You accidentally confess.
“Uh oh.” He leans against the wall. "I noticed something was different."
"What do you mean?" You hear your heartbeat through your ears and you find it hard to breathe all of a sudden.
"You guys are a lot closer... You guys are best friends, sure, but the air's been different between you two. He still doesn't notice how you look at him."
You scoff, "That obvious, huh?"
"To everyone but him, it seems. Can I be honest?" Wooyoung rolls to face you. You nod, now looking at him. "Unless you tell him how you feel, you'll be doing nothing but waiting on him."
"But our friendship-"
"If you're about to tell me that it's enough for you, so help me God, y/n, I will kick your ass." You laugh for the first time since the conversation started. You understand what you have to do. You guys have already crossed so many boundaries and clearly, he feels something for you, right?
The door to the practice room swings open and this time it's Yeosang and San. San's bright smile seems to falter as his eyes instantly land on the jacket that's wrapped around you. His eyes shift between you and the drummer then he strides to you, grabbing your wrist.
"Let's go?" You don't have time to answer. San's practically ripping the jacket off of you and throwing it at Wooyoung who barely catches it. This time, you don't miss the change in his tone. He replaces Wooyoung's jacket with his hoodie, not saying a word as he puts it on you.
Just like the night before, the tension in the car is thick but unlike last night, it's you who's trying to spark a conversation. San's knuckles are turning white as he drives and it's starting to worry you. You've never seen San this upset before and you're still trying to place the reasoning. Was it jealousy?
You pull up to the house, expecting him to follow you like he always does but he doesn't. Instead, he leaves the engine running and his eyes on the street. For some reason, this sets you off. This man had the audacity to pull away from you, act like you were just a friend in front of the ex that cheated on him, but gets jealous over you casually talking to another guy?
You scoff and unbuckle your seatbelt, stepped out of the car, and slammed the door shut. San was feeling extra temperamental tonight. He couldn't understand why he felt like this either. Maybe he was looking for a fight. He turned off the engine and followed you inside. Before you could close and lock the door, he stepped into your house.
"What is your problem?" You asked venomously.
"What is your problem?"
"I didn't have any problem until you decided to get all confusing!" You dropped your tote bag on the floor, turning to face him fully.
"I'm confusing? Are kidding me?" He huffs out, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Actually, I'm not. You've been driving me nuts since we started hooking up. I'm over it!" His lip twitches into a sarcastic smile. "What the fuck was that with your ex? You completely pushed me aside. She treated you like shit, remember? She cheated, she lied, and she manipulated you. Do you want to get back to-"
"You're not my girlfriend, y/n!" He cut you off. "God, it's like you don't know your place." Tears pricked your eyes but you felt more angry than sad. Angry, you've never felt this way with San before. You're experiencing a lot of firsts tonight. San immediately realizes what he said, how hurt you were. He took a step closer to you but you put up your hands, putting up your boundaries for the first time.
"No, you're right. It's not like you hold my hand wherever we go or put your hands on my waist in public. You don't smile at me sweetly during dates. We're not completely vulnerable with each other, telling each other things we'd never breathe to others. It's not like we fuck almost every day! Do friends do what we do? Please, enlighten me. What's my place?"
"I'm sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have-" You're full-on bawling now, sucking in breaths where you can.
"I can't believe I've loved you for so long. I've torn my heart out for you and you just... you just throw it back at me like it's nothing!" His mouth opens but nothing comes out, instead he wraps his arms around you. You react once you feel him, trying to fight him off but he's stronger, trying to calm you down by hugging you.
You're screaming, all the feelings you've held inside bursting out of you, "Why can't you let me in?" You start to pound on your chest even though you know you shouldn't. You don't even notice that he's crying too. "Why can't it be me for once? Let it be me!"
"I'm sorry," He coos. You couldn't hold yourself up anymore, your feelings making it hard to focus. San catches you though, guiding you to sit on the floor.
San does his best to understand what you're saying through your sobs. He wants to understand what he's feeling. He thought he was doing this to get over Areum but why was he doing all the other things? He could've just stuck to the bare minimum but he didn't. Better question, how had he not noticed your feelings?
San was so caught in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed you had cried yourself to sleep. He was holding your head to his chest and he sighed, finally relaxing a bit. He couldn't really relax though, his mind still processing what you had said. He carried you bridal style to your room and thanking God that you had exhausted yourself.
San tucked you in and, after some hard debating, decided to lay in bed with you. He made sure that he wasn't touching you even though he knew he was going to leave before you woke up. He sighed to himself.
Even as you slept you were beautiful and he beat himself up for only now noticing how exhausted you looked. The man never understood why he was so willing and ready to sleep with you. He could acknowledge that there was steaming sexual tension but he never thought it would get this far. Nevertheless, you guys were in this situation; the very foggy area between friends and more.
Is this how you felt, absolutely terrified? You guys certainly couldn't go back to being friends after everything that's happened between you two. San's body started to shake as he silently cried. He couldn't even comprehend how much pain he's put you through these last few months.
You're not surprised to find your bed empty the next day; you wouldn't be surprised if San had sent you a message ending your friendship and promptly blocking you. You stare at your ceiling with tears already prickling your eyes. You weren't going to check your phone for texts. You just went to work.
The day went by fast, your boss giving you plenty of work to distract yourself. You were doing just fine until you pulled up to your apartment to find Wooyoung waiting to knock on your door.
"Wooyoung?" The man turned around, almost like a deer in headlights.
"Oh- Hey!" He quickly put his hands in his jean pockets. You walked to your door silently, unlocking the front door and inviting him in.
“What can I help you with?” You try to be casual even though all you’re thinking about is San and how you know Wooyoung’s here to soothe whatever problem you guys are having.
“I’m gonna cut to the chase. Talk to San. It’s only been a day of you two fighting and all of us are tired of him sulking.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“He came into practice looking all down and he didn’t talk to any of us. He just went through practice barely saying ten words throughout the whole thing.”
"How do you know this has something to do with me?"
“… Do I look blind to you? Everyone knows something’s going on between you two.” Wooyoung sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “Look, I don’t know what happened but I’m sure it was probably his fault. I’m not saying you should forgive him right away but just talk to him. Please?”
So now, here you are, outside his door. You took in a deep breath before knocking hard on his door. You couldn’t muster the courage to ask if he was home but there was no practice so you hoped for the best.
The door unlocked within a few minutes. “y/n?”
“H-Hi,” You stuttered out, feeling the weight on your shoulders get heavier. “Can I come in?”
San gestures you inside and you take a seat on his couch. There’s an awkward silence when he joins you and you can’t recall any other time it’s been like this. It was so easy to talk to San before but now you can’t even form a sentence.
You said at the same time.
“You first.” San breathed.
“I just figured we had a lot to talk about.”
"Right..." He brushed off his legs with a sigh.
"I like you, San- actually, I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for so long and we slept together and it got messy. We've never talked about what we were after that night. You just made me a rebound and I turned the other way..."
His eyes burnt into your face and you were too scared to meet them. "I'm sorry. I never meant to put you in that kind of situation. I shouldn't have been so selfish. I didn't think about the way you were feeling."
San's warm hand grabs yours. "I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to see how you feel about me. I'm so sorry I said that you didn't know where your place was. Your place..." He takes a big deep breath, making you look at him, "Your place is right next to me. I lost you for one day and in that one day, I've realized what you really mean to me. I'm in love with you, y/n."
He places his hand on your cheek, wiping away a tear you didn't even notice. You're falling apart at his touch but you were so happy that he felt the same way and- Oh my god! Choi San was in love with you!
"You just said you were in love with me." You breathed, a smile breaking out on your lips.
"I did, didn't I?" He chuckles, closing the distance between your faces. Your breath hitches. "Are you going to give me a chance to love you for real this time?"
Your heart is going to burst and you don't really give it much thought.
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spectaclespencer · 3 years
P.H. // Part 3; Need To Know
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N; Chapter 3!! Yay! I will not lie I got kind of lazy and burnt out when I finally got to the smut scene, and for that I am sorry. I’ll make it up to you guys with a future chapter.
Summary; Reader can’t get her mind off of Spencer, which causes distractions at work. Until one day when he catches on.
Category; Smut (Minors DNI!!!)
Content Warnings; Swearing, Kissing, Mentions of masturbation, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Oral (Male receiving), Drinking, Mentions of being shot, Kinda Sub!Spencer, Virgin!Spencer (but not by the end of it)
Word Count; 7.2k
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‘Wanna know what it's like (like)
Baby, show me what it's like (like)
I don't really got no type (type)
I just wanna fuck all night’
Spencer Reid. The object of my attraction, the man I fell harder for with every stolen glance I could manage to throw his way. I was obsessed, and that infatuation only grew stronger every day that I saw him at work.
When we went out to bars after cases we ended up in an inevitable game of Never Have I Ever like a bunch of high school kids. With Emily and Derek in the group it almost always turned sexual. It started with innocent things such as; Never have I ever kicked down a door -- to which Derek drinks. There were some targeted jabs, I got Spencer a few times when I brought up an activity I was certain he had done -- just to keep him involved.
However he never drank past that. He never took a sip when Emily made a sexual innuendo, or when she brought up one night stands, number of partners, most bizarre location to engage in intercourse. Nothing of the sort got him to break. I figured he was a private guy, never one to boast about his sexual experiences.
It was frustrating, to say the least. It got to the point where I couldn’t think about anyone but him. I couldn’t engage in any sexual activity without my mind shifting to him, the way he might slip his fingers in and out of me, or how skilled he was with his mouth instead of the person I dragged home. No other person could even begin to compare to the remedy I concocted in my mind. I didn’t have any information to base my fantasies on, either.
I had it bad. So bad, that at one point I spilled hot coffee all over myself in the breakroom over the littlest interaction.
Spencer came in just after me, mumbling a small hello before reaching to grab a mug for himself. In the process of doing so his shirt rode up, exposing a small expanse of his lower stomach that had me sputtering as I clumsily missed my cup and instead poured the coffee all over the counter. It ran down and soaked through my pants; yet it wasn’t nearly as hot as the way I felt on the inside.
I couldn’t help but wonder the noises he’d make if I were to suck dark purple marks across that plain of skin...or if anyone ever had before.
The small burn was a fine price to pay for my inappropriate thoughts.
Him being the sweet guy that he is, offered to help me clean up. This proposal ended up with him taking paper towels and patting down my thighs -- not realizing just how suggestive the action looked to me.
“Sorry,” He whispered, looking up at my face from his position below me. He was kneeling on one knee, with a hand planted firmly on the outside of my thigh. His voice was soft yet raspy, and oh how I let my mind wander.
“Not your fault,” I said quickly, and borderline ran out the door before he could protest or add anything on.
I headed straight to the bathroom to wash my face, try and stop the effect he had on me from becoming too physical.
If I got that worked up over a small piece of skin showing, nothing could have prepared me for the first night we shared a hotel room.
I was in shambles all night, ever since the moment Hotch handed me a room card and explained we needed to double up.
Emily usually roomed with JJ, Hotch and Rossi got their own, and Derek refuses to bunk with Spencer -- if he could avoid it. Much to my luck, this time he did because Garcia was needed for this case, meaning she and Derek would be sharing.
Leaving me with Spencer.
I stood there helpless, eyes burning a hole into the place that Hotch was previously standing. I was panicking on the inside, my body going into fight or flight mode as I went through scenarios in my head.
I was 99% sure I would be embarrassing myself tonight.
“Hey,” Spencer said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I jumped and shrieked a little bit, and slapped a hand over my heart. “Oh my god, Reid. You scared me.”
“Sorry,” he laughed. “Sorry I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay.”
He nodded, eventually realizing that he was still indeed touching my shoulder. He dropped his arm, only to bring his hand back up to rub over his chin.
My eyes darted down to it, watching at the way his veins stood out. It wasn’t the first time I admired them, there were moments when he was going over maps with two fingers where I wondered what they would feel like on my-
“What?” I asked, a little too loud for the setting.
“Did you hear me?”
“No, sorry.”
“I said we should go inside,” he laughed softly, trying to sooth the tension.
I agreed, stepping past him to start walking to our room. I opened the door with trembling hands, wondering just how hard the following nights at the hotel would be.
“I’m gonna go see Emily and JJ. Ask if they wanna go to the bar,” I said quickly, throwing my bag down just inside the door.
“Oh. Okay. Have fun! Don’t stay out too late. You should get a full night’s sleep.”
“I won’t be long. Don’t wait up!” I called, not looking back to see him before half jogging out of the room.
“I cannot go back in there.”
“Oh, because of your little crush,” Emily laughed, much too loud for the early hours of the morning.
Clearly Spencer’s advice about coming back early didn’t plant itself in my head.
“Yes, because of that,” I confirmed. I was staring down at my drink, wallowing in self pity. It was too awkward to even step foot in there, I’m sure just by the sight of him I’d explode.
“What is it about him that gets you hot and heavy?” JJ teased. “No shame, just curious.”
I fake laughed, ignoring her question.
Everything he did was so intoxicating. Even the most mundane things got my blood pumping hard. Each time he let a small gasp through his lips or when he would whisper to himself, a shockwave went through me, igniting a fire deep inside that was near impossible to put out.
But he was so oblivious. He hadn’t a single idea of the effect he had on me. And that was the most frustrating part.
The first time I noticed my extreme attraction to him was shortly after I joined the team, it was only the third or fourth case I’d had with them. Spencer and I walked to a coffee shop to grab some for everyone, and on the way back he was infodumping.
About what, I can’t remember, for I was too fixated on the way his hands wrapped around his cup as he talked. He’d wave it around, and in doing so his fingers would trace little patterns onto the outside of it. I didn't mean to stare, I just got distracted.
I started noticing more little things after that.
Like the way he licked his lips while deep in thought, his mind consuming him to the point where he looked so concentrated and determined. It was hot, to put it simply. I wanted nothing more for him to be licking my lips, to feel him take such care with my body.
He had always been attractive in my eyes, the young boy was nothing but pretty. Even when his hair was shorter and he gelled it back, pairing the look with his glasses -- that he unfortunately wore less often nowadays.
It was nearly painful to be around him all day every day. My head would constantly be spinning with anxiety, only causing more and more headaches to present themselves. It was like a punishment, one I certainly deserved for the tasteful thoughts I had during work hours.
My crush went from an innocent little thing, to full fledged fascination.
‘I just been fantasizin' (size)
And we got a lotta time (time)
Baby, come throw the pipe (pipe)’
Avoiding him as much as I could seemed like a decent plan at the time. If I kept my interactions low, I could distract myself with other things, and not focus on the way his lips pursed as I conversed with him. I raced up more time staring at his mouth rather than completing actual work by my six month stay at the BAU.
“I’m so fucked,” I nodded, coming to a bit of peace with my downfall.
“Well, you could be. If you told him how you feel,” JJ encouraged.
“No way in hell,” I protested, shooting my head up to make eye contact with her.
“____, there is a very, very high chance he feels the same. And if he doesn’t -- which he does -- he’s too sweet to let that impact your friendship.”
“We hardly even have a friendship. Whenever he tries to talk to me I end up running away. He probably thinks I hate him or something. He probably wants nothing to do with me.”
No objection from Emily or JJ there.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Emily asked, changing the pace of the conversation.
“He never speaks to me again. I die of embarrassment.”
“You’re both adults, ____.”
“We are 27!” I shook my head, exasperated. “I hardly even feel like one sometimes.”
“27, exactly. I’m sure by now Reid has gained some experience with talking to women. You’ll be fine.”
“I have absolutely no way of knowing how things will go.”
“Just give him little tests,” JJ suggested. “Like touch him. On the shoulders, compliment him more, really go up to him and make a move. That way if he doesn’t feel the same you can play it off as being platonic.”
I groaned and rested my head on the table dramatically. “You both kinda suck at advice. What am I supposed to do? Waltz into our shared room and confess my love for him? Ask him desperately to dick me down?”
Even though I definitely wanted to.
They laughed at that, saying they were going to bed and wished me luck. Emily advised I should try and ‘get some’ from somebody else, and maybe that would take my mind off of things.
After stalling some more I eventually made my way back to the hotel room, hoping that Spencer was already asleep so I wouldn’t have to face him. But once again, luck wasn’t in my favour.
“Hi,” he spoke softly from his bed.
“Why are you still awake?” I asked, trying my best to stifle a yawn. I threw my sweater down on my bed, before grabbing my go-bag and retrieving my pyjamas from it. “It’s almost one in the morning.”
“I wanted to make sure you got back okay.”
“I told you not to wait up. Naughty boy,” I joked, finally turning my attention fully over to him.
Which could've been a mistake, based on the way you saw it.
He was dressed in flannel pants and a black t-shirt, along with his hair tied up that I’d failed to notice earlier. I froze at the sight, seeing the way his cheeks were dusted a slight red, and lips pink as ever.
His hair was tied up, and I almost dropped dead at the sight. I’d never seen it before. Sure, he sometimes wore an elastic band on his wrist during the work days but never have I seen him actually use one.
“I’m gonna shower and then head to bed,” I said in an effort to keep my voice steady.
He didn’t respond, only turning his head back to the book that was in his hand.
Thankfully when I returned he was asleep, meaning I didn’t have to see him before bed.
The next day was torturous. I couldn’t get the image of him out of my head. The view of him so relaxed on his bed was ethereal, the soft glow of the lamp hand illuminated his skin in all the right places. Did he pull his hair back often? Did he casually sit at home with it up? How did he look in different angles or positions? Are there other things he wears or does that I haven’t seen?
The image was just so domestic that I couldn't stop thinking about it even if I wanted to.
I was afraid to fall asleep, in fear that my dream may turn adventurous. Quitting my job and moving to a new city seems more preferable than having a sex dream about your coworker while they were in the room.
I was hyper aware of every move he made, always keeping tabs on him in the back of my mind so we wouldn’t accidentally run into each other.
Apparently when I was paying attention on how not to see him, I failed to notice how he had filled out recently. He wore looser pants in the past, ones that didn’t allow much shape to show through.
The next day at the precinct I was in for a surprise though, one that was sure to make me fall to my knees.
And I would have, if it wasn’t for the fact I was already seated in a chair.
Spencer walked in clad in pants that were far too tight to be appropriate for work. Or maybe I was overreacting.
“Jesus Christ,” I muttered under my breath, soaking in his appearance of the day.
It was hot outside, so he decided not to wear his usual vest and tie combo, choosing instead just a white pattern button up and grey tie.
I heard Emily snicker beside me, which earned her a light kick in the calf to shut her up. She got up then, winking at me dramatically before leaving the room to presumably go check in with Derek.
“Hey ____, can you come here for a sec?”
I got up without a word, and walked over to the other side of the room where he was standing at the map hung up.
He went off about the unsub’s possible comfort zone -- things that I’d need him to repeat later because I wasn’t fully listening,
I stayed leaning against the table, just two feet behind him which gave me a perfect view of just how tight those pants really were. They hugged his hips deliciously, I wanted nothing more than to rip them off in that moment. I nodded along dumbly, changing my sight from his ass to his back, to his toned arms that were shown off from him rolling up his sleeves.
It was a fair sight, I don’t really think I could be blamed for staring.
A few weeks after that he got a haircut. His longer curls were gone -- yet not forgotten -- and were replaced with a mop of messy waves that framed his face perfectly.
It was like a new blow to my stomach every time I got used to the change.
“New haircut?” I asked the obvious on the first day back from a long weekend.
“Yeah...thought I should change it up,” Spencer replied, picking up his coffee mug to make himself a cup.
I nodded, the room settling in a short silence.
“Do you not like it?”
“No!” I exclaimed, Spencer furrowing his brows in response. “I mean, yes. I do like it. Sorry.”
“Oh, okay,” he laughed. “Thank you.”
“You could pull off any hairstyle, trust me,” I said, before walking back to my desk.
People that we met seemed to feel the same, because he got stopped more often at bars and at shops that were needed to visit. People would give him their numbers, leaving him a blushing mess. It got obnoxious, to the point where I was at my breaking point. My shoulders were always slumped, and my forehead creased with jealousy.
I stayed closer to him when the team went out, in an effort to get other girls to stop making moves on him.
They hadn’t noticed his beauty before, why should they get the privilege to advance on him now?
It was selfish, really. It may have been good for his self-confidence, but not so good for my own feelings.
I made sure to compliment him more often, telling him I liked his sweater vests, and ‘oh my Doctor Reid, is that a new tie?’ It was a win-win really, for both of us. I was building up my comfort level with him, and he knew that I did not, in fact, despise him.
When Spencer got shot on a case a few weeks later, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to show him that I care about him.
It was an easy job, since the bullet only semi-grazed his shoulder blade. Only needed deep cleaning once a night, for a few weeks so it wouldn’t get infected.
“Fuck,” he breathed with a groan, one that sent shivers throughout my veins.
“Sorry,” I answered quickly, keeping my gaze on the task at hand and not on his face that was just so close to mine.
Here I was in Spencer’s apartment, in his bathroom, helping him clean off his wound.
“I’m sorry but you need to stop moving, it’s just making things worse,” I explained.
“It hurts!”
“I’m sure it does! But I can’t do an effective job in cleaning it if you keep thrashing around like that.”
I saw him pout, and lower his head. The gears in his brain were turning, trying to come up with a possible solution.
“You’re going to need to hold me down.”
“I’m not gonna be able to stop moving,” he said, looking over his shoulder to where I was sitting behind him on the floor. “Come on.”
He stood up and left the room, gesturing for me to follow. And I did, collecting the supplies I’d need as he led me over to his living room.
Before I could protest he removed his shirt fully -- not like how it was bunched up by his neck previously.
I stopped in my tracks, eyes taking in every inch of skin that he freed. He was lean, as I predicted, but still toned in areas.
Spencer laid on his stomach down on the couch, motioning for me to come beside him.
“Get on my back.”
“Are you insane?”
“____,” he pleaded, looking up at me. His arms were crossed by his head, he was using them as a makeshift pillow. “I just want this to be over as fast as it can be.”
“Okay,” I agreed, and began to place my materials down on the coffee table to my right. I then swung a leg over his lower back, straddling him just how I’d imagine doing so before -- only the other way around. “Is this okay?”
He hummed, digging his face as far into the fabric of the couch as he could.
‘I got a lotta new tricks for you, baby
Just sayin' I'm flexible (I will)’
I took that as a yes, and poured some of the disinfectant onto a swab. Bracing myself with a hand on his other shoulder to pin him down firmly he shivered, breath shaking ever so slightly. I tried to catch him off guard with the swab, choosing a random time to press it into his wound.
He was definitely surprised, because he whined loudly into his hands and clenched all of the muscles in his back.
I couldn’t help but wonder if he made similar noises during other activities…
“Just a minute more,” I soothed him, running my free hand over the smooth skin of his back, doing my best to calm him down.
His breathing only became heavier, and was nearly shaking from the burn. I felt bad, having to see him go through this but I’d be lying if it wasn’t doing things to me. I couldn’t help but get a little bit excited when I got the chance to be near him, to be closer than we had ever been before.
It was intense, I was almost sure he could feel my arousal through the fabric of my pants and underwear.
I was an awful person.
Going home that night to sleep was a struggle. I felt guilty, for using his pain for my perverse temptations. Yet as soon as my fingers were buried inside myself I couldn’t stop myself from imagining him above me. The way he might sound, spewing out similar noises that I’d experienced earlier that were still fresh in my brain.
I wasn’t proud of it, and I thought every one of our interactions after that would be even harder.
Going back to work seemed fully impossible, I didn’t have any hope in myself to stay useful while he was parading around, completely oblivious to the effect he had on me. I became more sexually frustrated every day. It was nearly infuriating to see a look of innocence plastered on his face, meanwhile he would do things that made me go crazy.
‘Wanna know what it's like (like)
Baby, show me what it's like (like)
I don't really got no type (type)
I just wanna fuck all night’
“Penelope, I think I might die soon if I don’t get laid,” I said, rapidly opening the door to her cave.
“No, I’m serious. I can’t get my mind off of-”
I stopped in my tracks, finally noticing the presence I hadn’t already accounted for.
Spencer sat in a chair to my left, just out of view that you couldn’t see him if you didn’t turn your head. He was in the middle of bringing a chip up to his mouth, but was stopped mid-air with his mouth hanging open.
“Sorry,” he said, scrambling up fast, bumping into things as he collected his satchel with shaky hands. “Sorry I’ll go.”
The door shut with a slam, and left Penelope and I in silence.
“Well, fuck,” I whispered, earning a booming laugh from her. “It’s not funny.”
“It is funny. It’s hilarious,” she giggled, doing a little spin on her chair.
I groaned, and sat down beside her on the edge of her desk.
“Maybe now he’ll make a move on you.”
“Oh shut up,” I slapped her arm, beginning to laugh along with her. “If he was avoiding me before, I’m sure he’ll never speak to me again.”
Ever since I helped Spencer with his injury the first time he’d been semi ignoring me, not trying to actively partake in conversation. We only talked when necessary, but didn’t exchange any extra words when I came over for an hour to help him with his wound.
I was almost happy about that, it meant I didn’t have to embarrassingly throw myself at him all day long.
I was perfectly fine admiring him from a distance, just how I’d done so for years.
However, there was a part of me that was rightfully sad. Did I cross a line, or make him feel uncomfortable? Maybe from spending so much time together recently he gathered I really wasn’t that interesting.
“Don’t say that,” Penelope frowned.
“Why not? It’s the truth,” I shrugged.
“Why don’t you just tell him how you feel?”
“How I feel?”
“Don’t even try and wedge your way out of it. Emily told me, don’t be mad,” she said, with the sweetest look on her face that I couldn’t be upset.
“Bitch,” I playfully mumbled.
“Besides you literally were about to say that you can’t get your mind off of him.”
“Uh, no, I was not. I was going to say someone. A general someone. Not Reid.”
She hummed, turning back to her screen to finish up some work Hotch had sent her to do.
“Okay fine. Pen, I’m gonna die. It’s insufferable. I can’t handle it anymore.”
“That’s exactly why you should tell him!” She encouraged excitedly, always a swooner for young love.
“I would scare him. He’s probably scared of me, actually.”
“Oh come on, I’m sure his little virgin heart can take it.”
“What?” I asked, suddenly giving her all my attention. “Virgin? Is he seriously a virgin?”
“I don’t know, truly. I just kinda figured. He doesn’t talk about anyone or anything to do with sex.”
I nodded. That makes sense. With him radiating pure sex appeal in my eyes, the thought never even crossed my mind that he might be a virgin.
But that just made it all the more exciting.
“But hey, if he’s really a 27 year old virgin I’m sure he’s extremely horny,” she laughed.
“We are at work. Let’s calm it down before I actually combust,” I shook my head.
My palms were sweating at the very thought of him doing anything remotely sexual -- which I thought about a lot. Surely he’s had to at least...taken care of himself. I’m sure it was a gorgeous sight, his hand wrapped firmly around his dick and face contorted in nothing but pleasure.
My thoughts were interrupted by none other than the man himself, who barged into the room to say we were taking off for a case in 30.
The flight there was quiet and boring, we left at night so there wasn’t so much we could do when we got there besides head up to our hotel.
“We’re sharing a room,” Spencer said, walking over to me from where he was previously with Derek.
I was standing in front of the vending machine, doing my very best to not eavesdrop on the mens’ conversation, which was only taking place about 20 feet away. Spencer was speaking in a hushed yet agitated tone, and Derek was matching his energy. It seemed they were bickering, but about what I didn’t know.
“Says who?” I panicked.
“Uhh...Hotch did.”
“Oh. Alright,” I followed him down the hallway, our room was the last one at the end.
I waited for him to open the door, and when he stepped out of the way to let me inside I brushed past him.
When I turned around Spencer was standing there blocking my path, causing me to bump into his chest.
“Hello...” I said confused, taking a step back.
“What?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. “Spencer what are you doing?”
He didn’t answer with words, instead reaching up to push a piece of hair out of my face. My breath hitched at the contact, sending me into a short frenzy on the inside. He was inching closer, now his body was getting just close enough so that I could feel the heat radiating off of him. He was glancing back and forth between my eyes, searching my face for an expression of discomfort.
He didn’t find any.
“I was talking with Derek. About you,” he whispered. “He said you’ve been coming on to me.”
My heart nearly missed a beat at his words.
“I've noticed your odd behaviour, you don’t act the way you do with anyone else on the team. You run away from me, and at first I thought you just didn’t like me, but now...I think it’s the opposite. I see the way you look at me, you know.”
“And how do I look at you?” I questioned nervously.
“Like you want me. Tell me. Who were you talking about earlier today? Who exactly can’t get your mind off of?”
I paused, eyes almost bulging out of my head at the implication.
“If I'm reading this wrong, let me know. We can pretend this never happened.”
“Get on the bed and take your clothes off.”
He did just that, moving beside me to shove his pants down his legs, followed by ripping off his shirt, as I did the same. We couldn’t take our eyes off of each other, too busy drinking in our appearances to think straight. He sat down on the edge of the bed in just his underwear, and spread his legs just wide enough to give me space to stand between them.
“Tell me what you want.” he breathed, watching me as I walked towards him.
“You,” I answered simply, climbing into his lap and connecting my mouth was his. “All of you.”
He didn’t protest, only doing quite the opposite. He moaned greedily into my mouth, sucking every last bit of life out of me. He was hungry in his movements, not allowing for a single beat of fresh air for either of us. I was more than happy to return the energy, for I’ve dreamt for too long about what he might taste like. And it wasn’t disappointing, the sensation was far better than I could have ever cooked up in my head.
After a minute he became impatient, and started bucking his hips up to meet mine. I did the same, grinding down on his hardening dick that felt...impressive to say the least.
“I’ve thought about you for so long,” I spoke against his lips, taking a break between kisses.
He groaned back at me, moving his hands from my cheeks down to my hips to hold me flush against himself. He whimpered when I was fully against him, he had to break away to keep his breathing somewhat managed.
“Please, I need you so bad. I’ve thought about you too.”
“What exactly did you think about?” I asked quietly, trailing kisses all across his face, and then started heading down his jaw and neck.
“L-lots of stuff.”
“Tell me,” I demanded, looking up at him from my new position kneeling on the floor. “Please, tell me.”
I brought a hand up to his boxers, ghosting just over his bulge while remaining eye contact.
“Everything. All of you. ____, Please.”
‘You're exciting, boy, come find me
Your eyes told me, "Girl, come ride me"’
“Let me do something first,” I said, pushing against his stomach to encourage him to lie back on the bed. He did so, propping himself up on his forearms to look down at me.
He watched my every move, not a second was missed by his eyes that stayed locked onto my form. I dropped my head down to kiss across his left thigh, and toyed with the waistband of his underwear with my right hand.
He was so vocal, and I hadn’t even done anything yet. I knew we had all night, but I’d waited too long for this to take my time.
‘And we got a lotta time (time)
Baby, come throw the pipe (pipe)’
I pulled his underwear down just enough to reveal his dick hard and red as it stood up against his stomach.
“You don’t...have to,” Spencer stopped me before I could carry on.
“Do you not want me to?”
“It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s just…” He stopped, and bit his lip while staring off to one of the walls.
“Has anyone ever done this with you before?” I asked, almost unsure of whether or not I wanted the answer.
“Done what...exactly?” he asked, refusing to look back at me. His cheeks were red in embarrassment, and he was too focused on the distance to see the wave of excitement that flashed over my face.
“Spencer,” I said sharply, prompting him to turn his attention back to me. “Are you a virgin?”
His lack of answer told me enough. He blushed impossibly deeper, and started squirming in place. Just as he was about to speak up for himself I stopped him with, “That’s so fucking hot.”
I climbed back up his body, just far enough so that I could grab his jaw in my hand and pull him down to meet my lips. It was even more hungry and passionate than the previous ones we shared, full of such fire I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to kiss anyone else ever again.
“You’re so sexy,” I moaned, hot and needy into his mouth.
He was good, which wasn’t unexpected from my end. His lips were always so plump and pink, they just had to be semi skilled.
“Thank you,” he replied, in a typical Spencer Reid fashion.
“Do you want to stop? Or keep going? Take a minute and think about it. I don’t want to pressure you,” I reassured him, but on the inside I was begging for him to want to continue.
He pulled back for a second, running a hand over the back of my head to keep me from going too far. His eyes were closed, focusing only on his breathing as he thought about his answer.
“I want to keep going. Please,” he decided on, nodding his head. “I just, I dunno, didn’t expect to get this far tonight.”
“Believe me, neither did I,” I smirked, smashing my lips back against his and returning to my spot kneeling between his legs. I pushed him back harder than before, sending a small oof sound from his chest as his back hit the mattress.
“Has anyone ever touched you here?” I asked, finally wrapping my hand around his dick,
It only made sense that a pretty boy like him would have a pretty cock, too.
“O-only once,” he breathed, with his head thrown back. He was staring at the ceiling, staring at the dots to distract himself from the feeling and to not come too soon. “Long time ago.”
“If you need me to stop, tell me,” I said, before licking a broad strip up the underside of his dick.
I paused at the head, swirling my tongue around before continuing my mission back down around the other side. I kissed his base, leaving more near his hips. He whined positively -- probably feeling a little ticklish -- and I took that as a good sign to suck a deep purple mark there.
Just like I’d thought about doing months ago.
I left a few more just up to his belly button, marking him up with the intent to claim him as my own. He’d see those marks for the next few days, and every time he would think of me on my knees for him. I kept pumping him in my hand as I did so, and every time I groaned into his skin his dick twitched with appreciation.
“Oh god,” Spencer moaned as I took him into my mouth unexpectedly, bunching up the sheets in his hands beside his hips.
I looked up to see him now staring down at me, jaw slacked and panting heavily. The sight was enough to elicit a moan from my own mouth, which led to him fluttering his eyes shut at the vibrations that shot through his body.
“Stop, stop!”
“What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly, immediately pulling up.
“Nothing, I just really want to feel you and I don’t think I can last much longer.”
I wasn’t expecting him to last long anyways, I just simply wanted him inside me.
“Do you happen to have a condom?” He shook his head. “I’m clean and on the pill. We should be fine. Is that okay?”
He mumbled an ‘uh huh’ as he watched me stand up, as I pushed my underwear down my legs. He immediately reached out to me, bringing me back in and starting placing kisses across my stomach and hips, mirroring what I was doing to him earlier.
“Good, because if you don’t fuck me right now I think I might die.”
‘Yeah-yeah, oh-whoa-whoa (oh, ooh, mmm)
Baby, I need to know, mmm (yeah, need to know)’
He laughed lightheartedly, fixing himself to be sitting up near the headboard. In the process he kicked off his boxers fully, along with his socks.
I followed after him, not letting him stray too far from my reach.
“I heard that women take longer to, erm, get ready,” he muttered into my skin, hiding his face in my neck. “Let me help you?”
“Please,” I whimpered, though I knew I was far from unprepared. I reached behind myself to unclasp my bra, and as soon as it fell down my shoulders Spencer attached his mouth to my left nipple. “Please touch me.”
He moaned into me, bringing his hand down to my core to run his fingers through my folds. He let his middle breach me, moving so agonizingly slow before curling his finger up. I moaned loudly, letting my eyes shut and body fall slack against him. His free arm wrapped around my waist, giving me the support I needed to stay upright.
“So that’s your g-spot?” He grinned against my skin, and I’d be damned to admit it affected me way more than it should have. He sounded so innocent, so eager to learn.
He explored my skin greedily, brushing over every inch of my chest he could reach. His thrusts became faster every time he re-entered me, encouraged by the grunt that fell from my lips with each one.
“Have you ever done this with a girl before?”
“No,” he replied, moving from my breasts to my collarbone, leaving a dark purple mark in his path.
“Could've fooled me,” I felt him smile against my neck at the praise -- duly noted.
He flipped us over swiftly -- much to my surprise -- and continued with his actions on both my clit and entrance. I did my best to stay quiet, biting down on his shoulder to prevent any noises from leaking out to stop him from getting too cocky.
“Spencer,” I moaned, raking my fingernails up and down his back. “Stop. Please fuck me now, I’m ready.”
“Are you sure you want to? We can stop,” he reassured me in a voice that seemed far too innocent for the activities taking place.
“Spencer, I’m sure. I’m so fucking sure you have no idea.”
I was so turned on I could cry, the pure want running through my veins was starting to send panic signals throughout my whole body. Before I could beg him any further he replaced his fingers with his dick, catching me off guard. He ran the tip over me for a few seconds before gliding in easily, with little to no restriction at all.
“Ah!” I called, gripping onto his shoulder for dear life.
“I’m so sorry, oh my god did I hurt you?” Spencer asked frantically, removing his weight from me and tried sitting up.
“No. God please move, I need you so bad,” I pleaded, pulling him back down before he could get too far away.
He nodded. He started slow. So slowly that I wanted to scream and beg at the top of my lungs for more. However I was above giving him the satisfaction of that -- at least for now.
“You feel so good,” Spencer panted, hips shaking as he slid in and out at a torturous pace.
I pulled his lips back to mine for another kiss, drinking in everything he was willing to offer. I whined every time his body rubbed against my clit in a way that had my toes curling and eyes rolling back.
“This is so much better than I’ve imagined,” I moaned, breaking free from his mouth to lay back against the pillows. I wrapped my legs around his waist, aiding him with the speed of his thrusts. “Please, Spence, oh my god go harder.”
He moaned loudly, and lowered his head to my collarbone in an effort to muffle some of the noises he was letting out.
He followed my directions well -- and I took notes for the future.
The sounds of him bouncing off the walls was amplifying my pleasure to a new degree, it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. His hips snapped forward impossibly faster, leaving him a whimpering mess above me. Our chests were pressed together, the sound of skin slapping and gliding over each other filled the dimly lit room.
“You’re doing so good for me,” I whispered into his neck, leaving open mouthed kisses here and there.
He moaned freely at all of the praise, and every time I urged him on he’d pick up his speed a little bit. He was now moving faster than I thought I could handle, slamming into me at the perfect angle.
I felt him everywhere. In my stomach, insides of my thighs, chest -- where he was now palming at one of my breasts -- and the crook of my neck. I hugged my arms around his middle to keep him locked against me, preventing his hips from heavily backing out.
“I’m really close,” He groaned, lifting his head to meet my eyes. “S-should I pull out now?”
“No,” I demanded, tightening my legs to keep him trapped. “Come inside me.”
He nodded with a particularly loud moan, and snaked one hand down my body to meet my clit. When I gave a sound of approval he quickened his wrist, rubbing me with just the right amount of pressure to send me closer to the edge.
He came with a final shout in my name, resting his full body weight against me as I rocked my him against him to help him through it. I finished soon after, at the feeling of him releasing himself in me. It was so warm, like a comforting blanket that overtook all of my senses.
It was possibly the best orgasm I’d ever had, it was so profound that I couldn’t see, or focus on anything else.
We laid there for a few minutes, my hand running through his hair and his ghosting up the side of my hip. It took a while for us both to catch our breaths, we were too immersed in the moment to break apart from one another.
“That was literally the best sex I’ve had in my life,” I breathed, staring up at the ceiling.
“Same, but I don’t have anything to compare it to,” Spencer replied, and we both laughed weakly.
“That was okay for you? Your first time? Not really the traditional approach.”
“It was perfect. I wouldn’t have asked for anything different,” he pulled himself up with a smile, before pulling out and flopping down beside me.
“But seriously,” I sat up, resting my head on my palm to get a better view of him. “I’ve never been so attracted to someone as I am with you.”
“____,” he blushed. “I-”
“No! No, let me finish. Please.”
He nodded for me to go ahead.
“Not only are you just insanely sweet and so charming, you’re so handsome. Like I can hardly even look at you half the time. You drive me insane, Spencer you have no idea. Holy fuck I’ve never wanted someone so bad before I met you. You’re intoxicating. I can’t get enough. I’ll cringe about this later but I just need you to know.”
“This may not be the most common way...but do you want to go out with me? L-like on a date?” Spencer asked. He was blushing so heavily, his chest was painted pink and ears were turned red.
“You just came inside of me and you’re nervous about asking me on a date.”
“____!” Spencer exclaimed, facepalming himself.
“Yes,” I grinned. “I’d love to go out with you.”
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