#by the time i was done with the wednesday the tuesday was already gone on ticketmaster so. had to get creative (use google)
cuntylestat · 29 days
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my hands were so jittery but i made it! 😍
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burntheedges · 1 month
Maintenance Request Chapter 22
Joel Miller x f!reader | new chapter every Friday 18+ | ao3 | main post & chapter list chapter word count: 2k
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chapter summary: checking in with Joel 🥰
a/n: chapter 22 is here! we have chapter 23 next week and then the epilogue. keep an eye out on Tuesday or Wednesday next week for something fun 👀 I'll tag everyone on the tag list. 🧡 and thank you as always to @katareyoudrilling for being the best beta 💕
chapter tags/warnings: flirting, pet names (darlin’, baby, honey), annoying coworkers
Chapter 22
Thursday, December 5 Fifteenth week of the semester
Sometimes Joel couldn’t believe his luck. Not only had he convinced you to talk to him – and gotten past all of the mishaps, misunderstandings, and ridiculous interruptions – but you’d agreed to date him. To be his. Most days it had him walking just a bit taller, shoulders just a bit straighter. He looked like a man who loved his life, and he knew it. (He’d gotten more than his fair share of teasing for it, around his office and at home. And Tess was a menace.)
On this particular day, he was walking to your office to meet you and take you to lunch to celebrate finally reaching the last week of classes. He wondered if the people he walked past could feel the good mood radiating off of him, but shrugged. He was in a good mood, after all. Just last week you and Ellie had joined him and Sarah and Tommy for Thanksgiving in the afternoon, since Ellie’s mom had been at work, and it had gone better than he could have ever imagined. You just fit – in his house, in his life. Ellie and Sarah got along like a house on fire (which was a little worrying, to be honest – those two were going to get up to some mischief, he just knew it). As he’d watched you get into your car around dinner time, off to have a second meal with your sister, he couldn’t help imagining what it would be like if you didn’t have to go. If you didn’t have to leave his house in order to go home. If home was right there. With him.
He’d already started trying to calculate when he might be able to ask you to move in without scaring you off. (He’d decided on the end of spring semester. That was enough time right? Four months? Sure. Had to be.)
(If he could wait that long.)
As Joel entered your building, he felt himself start to smile, unable to stop it from taking over his face. Just because he was about to see you again. He was already looking forward to the weekend after next, when finals would be done and you would be done grading. When you would be all his.
He was about to turn the corner to head down the hall to your office when he realized he could hear your voice coming from the hallway, apparently talking to someone. He slowed, trying to figure out if it was a student and if he should wait out of sight for a moment. But then he realized how tense your voice sounded as you asked what the other person wanted. When they responded, Joel started to frown and crossed his arms, leaning up against the wall where neither of you could see him.
“Well, since it seems like you’ll be joining the course committee in the spring, I think we should meet to talk about it more.” Trevor’s voice was unpleasant, as always, but something in his tone made Joel frown even harder than usual. Even though he wanted to laugh, remembering how you’d told him Trevor had been taken off the committee, but didn’t know it yet. You were actually meant to be Trevor’s replacement.
“Trevor, I don’t think that’s nec–” Joel could almost picture you trying to keep yourself from rolling your eyes and this time, he did smile.
Trevor interrupted you. Of course. “No, it really is necessary. You could learn a lot from me, you know, I’ve been on the committee for two years.” Joel tried not to laugh at the absurdity of that suggestion.
“That’s ok, Trevor. I–”
He cut you off. Again. Joel frowned, listening carefully. “You know, you really do need to start pulling your weight around here. If you do want tenure. Some things are more important than teaching, you know. It’s nice and all that the students like you, but that’s not what really matters.” Trevor sounded so haughty as he said it that Joel’s hands clenched into fists without his conscious input. 
“Trevor, I’ve already talked about everything with Claire, and she’s happy with me, so I don’t know what you mean by that.” Your tone had gone ice cold and it made Joel smirk, darkly approving. You tell him, baby. 
Trevor cleared his throat and Joel knew he was probably squirming under your clear disregard. He could almost picture it. “Well. If you ask me, you need to learn more about the politics of surviving in this department and at this school. We really should set up a meeting. I know what’s really going on in this department, you know. If you want to be in-the-know.” It sounded like Trevor was clinging to his haughty tone with both hands, barely able to keep it up.
You sighed, loud enough for Joel to hear it from his hiding place. He smirked again. “Look, Trevor, I really am going to be too busy until after finals, and then it’s the break, I–”
He cut you off again and Joel shifted his weight, annoyed. “Well then we should meet at a different time. You know, it would probably be best to talk over dinner? I–” Joel heard the suggestion but not the rest of his sentence – there was a sudden roaring sound in his ears that took over and urged him forward around the corner before he even realized he was moving. 
Turning the corner, he took in the situation: you, with your back to him, arms crossed in front of you as if to ward Trevor away. Your shoulders looked tense and he could tell even without seeing your face that you were desperate to escape this conversation. 
Trevor, on the other hand, looked almost like he was aiming for predatory, but his demeanor couldn’t quite manage it. He was angled towards you and attempting some sort of one-handed lean against the wall to your left, staring you down. He didn’t look away as Joel came around the corner.
Joel noticed all of this without stopping his forward motion and kept walking until he was right behind you. He wrapped his right arm snugly around your waist as he stepped up next to you. He watched as your shoulders relaxed when he touched you and smirked, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
“Hey, darlin’, you ready for lunch?” He interrupted whatever Trevor had been about to say without an ounce of regret.
Out of the corner of his eye Joel watched as Trevor suddenly stood up ramrod straight, eyes utterly disbelieving as he swiveled his gaze back and forth between the two of you.
“You– what– that’s not! I–” Trevor actually sputtered. It was very gratifying. Joel squeezed your waist and smiled, wide and disingenuous. 
“Oh! Hello there, professor. Didn’t see you there.” The other man eyed him distrustfully, which Joel supposed was fair.
“Um–” Trevor started to reply, but you cut him off.
“Hi Joel, yes, let me just put my bag down.” You moved to finally step past Trevor towards your office, but suddenly the other man’s arm shot out in front of you, keeping you from leaving. He wasn’t touching you, but only because Joel had kept his grip on your hip and pulled you back a a step. You stared at Trevor quizzically, obviously surprised that he wasn’t letting you leave. “Trevor, what is it?”
“You can’t!” Trevor looked incensed, suddenly. “Um, you can’t date other employees?” He said it like a question, like he was scrambling for an excuse to keep you there.
Joel thought this sounded a bit rich from a man who’d been about to ask Joel’s girlfriend on a (very unwelcome) date. He was opening his mouth to say so when he heard Claire’s voice come from behind Trevor.
“Trevor, that’s not a rule.” She sounded exhausted and spoke with a cadence that made it clear this was a sentence she had said so many times it had its own specific rhythm. “I need to talk to you anyway, it’s convenient to find you here. Come with me to my office.”
She walked right past the three of you with a nod to you and Joel. Trevor gaped after her, mouth wide open. 
“But! But she–” he sputtered, but Claire cut him off. 
“Now, Trevor.” He scurried after her, head down, face red.
Joel turned to you and smiled. You looked shocked, and laughed incredulously as you watched Trevor round the corner.
“Am I imagining things, or was he about to ask me out? In like, the most condescending way possible?” 
Joel started herding you towards your office with his hand on your lower back before he responded. “Pretty sure he was, yeah. Before I interrupted.”
“And thank god for that,” you scoffed. “Why on earth does he want to go out with me? He hates me!”
Joel smiled and shook his head. “Seems likely he thinks that’s flirting.”
The look of utter disgust on your face was very gratifying. Joel stood a little taller in satisfaction.
“Flirting?! He’s horrible to me, all the time. He just told me he thinks teaching isn’t important and was judging me for thinking it is! Just now!” You entered your office and threw yourself into one of your arm chairs. “God, he’s such a prick.”
Joel laughed. “Come on, honey, let’s get to lunch.” You rubbed your hands over your face, but nodded.
“I have to tell Beth about this,” you muttered as you stood and stretched. “She’ll never believe it.”
Joel let his hand come up to rest on your lower back again as you headed back down the hallway towards the doors at the front of the building, and he let himself feel smug when he felt the muscles in your back relax under his touch. 
Joel (3:42 PM): You know that professor in her department that everybody hates?
Tess (3:45 PM): the British Lit Prick? yes. and yes everyone does hate him.
Joel (3:46 PM): He tried to ask her out today.
Tess (3:47 PM): 🤣and she turned him down, of course (3:47 PM): please tell me she was mean about it
Joel (3:48 PM): It didn’t even get that far, Claire interrupted. But she looked horrified. (3:49 PM): I walked up just in time to make it clear she was taken, anyway.
Tess (3:50 PM): as she should, he’s a horror (3:51 PM): damn. how big is your ego right now
Joel (3:52 PM): No idea what you mean.
Tess (3:54 PM): sure, Joel (3:55 PM): don’t run into any doors with that big head
Joel (3:57 PM): 🙄
Tess (3:58 PM): at least you can fix it afterwards if you do
Joel (4:00 PM): See if I help you with the crickets, next time.
Beth (4:17 PM): nice work with the showing off and being scary in front of Trevor
Joel (4:18 PM): Did she say that?
Beth (4:19 PM): she told me you walked up just in time to stake your claim
Joel (4:20 PM): Damn right I did.
Beth (4:21 PM): 😂well, good job (4:21 PM): wish I could have seen his face (4:22 PM): god that guy is such a prick. I did wonder if this was a gross flirting situation but I was afraid to make it real by saying it out loud
Joel (4:23 PM): He turned a very bright shade of red. (4:23 PM): Now that I know, it’s obvious. I’m surprised it took him so long. (4:24 PM): Apparently they hate him all the way over in the chemistry department.
Beth (4:25 PM): that is the least surprising thing I’ve heard today (4:26 PM): he used to go to the faculty senate meetings and act like his normal charming self. I’m sure at this point it’s everyone on campus
Joel (4:28 PM): I see how he earned his nickname.
Beth (4:29 PM): I might have heard a student use it the other day 👀
Joel (4:31 PM): If the students have it, it’s over. (4:32 PM): Bet it’ll end up on rate my professor and he’ll have a meltdown.
Beth (4:32 PM): it’s what he deserves
a/n: everyone hates Trevor 🤷🏻‍♀️ he may or may not be based on a real person 👀
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hirayaaraw · 7 months
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Married Life 101
Tags: friends to lovers; marriage for convenience / fake marriage; pining
Crazy week for the both of you. Got married on Monday. Played board games, cooked pasta and steak together, and sleep together in one bed. It wasn't the first time it happened but the you are married to him now.
You faked sleeping first and when you feel like Wonwop is already asleep. You opened your eyes and observed how peaceful he is. To be honest, you don't news to marry him but his proposal is enticing. His effect on you will always put you in daze.
You carefully reach out to push away the hair from his face. Wonwoo, the friend you made during freshman orientation who became your bestfriend for life, is now your husband. The feelings you keep at bay during college are slowly resurfacing.
You wonder if he felt the same. You wonder if you give comfort to him, the way he is your comfort person. You wonder if bring peace in him or chaos because he bring both to you. He brings you peace when your world is in shambles. He knows what to say and do to calm you down. Wonwoon unknowingly cause chaos in you whenever he touches you or whenever he say words of assurance that brings tornado of butterflies. He doesn't know the power he has over you.
You were about to turn around and sleep when you feel his hand reach out yours. He pulled you towards his chest. When you raise your head, he is still asleep.
There goes chaos and peace.
You woke up with the smell of coffee. Wonwoo is long gone from the bed. You walk towards the kitchen and saw him in front of the espresso machine.
"Good morning." He said then gave you a cup of coffee. Black coffee with two teaspoon of sugar, no creamer. You smiled behind the mug. "What time is your work?"
"As usual at 9 am." You yawn then left the mug at the table. You check the refrigerator to see what you can cook. "What food do you want to pack for lunch?"
"Spam and egg will do." Wonwoo said while blinking at you. Wonwoo doesn't pack lunch to office and he got excited that he will something prepared by you to office. He was like a kid excited to brag his bento lunch prepared by his mom. "What time are you going home?"
"I think around 7 PM? We took a leave yesterday. I am sure my workload is piling up now." You said as you prepare the ingredients. You tied up your hair before cooking and Wonwoo drinks his coffee while watching.
"Okay. I'll be there around 6:30 PM."
"To pick up you and drive us home." Home. You try to hide your smile but you can't. Wonwoo smiling beside you too. You both enjoying the changes as newly weds.
After a quick breakfast, Wonwoo told you to shower and he will clean the kitchen. Once you're done, he took a shower while you put your make up on.
On the way to your work, he played your playlist and sang along with you. When you got at the drop off area, you gave him the paper bag of his lunch box.
"See you at dinner." You said and kissed his cheek then went out of the car. It took Wonwoo 30 second to realize you are already out of the car and you kissed him.
It's like being a routine for the both of you what you did yesterday. You enjoy sharing chores with him and the feeling of domesticated. You never dreamed of getting married but you are so grateful you marry Wonwoo.
Now he is dropping you off of at your work. You gave his lunch for today that made him smile.
"Can we drop by at my apartment later? I need to get some of my stuff left there." You said while unlocking the seatbelt. Wonwoo helped you packed your things last Sunday after you decided to marry on a whim. "The Landlady wants me to evacuate it as soon as possible."
"Sure. Should I buy some food before I come here?"
"Some pizza and chicken?" You said gleefully and Wonwoo nodded at you. "Okay. See you later."
You were about to go out when he pulled your hand. You looked at him waiting for him to speak.
"Did I forget something?"
"Ah nothing." Wonwoo said timidly then let go of your hand. "See you later."
You walked out of the car. When you reach your desk, you felt you forgot to do something and it bothers you so much. After lunch, you decided to text Wonwoo.
You: Did we turn off the light?
Wonwoo: Yes. Why?
You: Did we pull off the plugs?
Wonwoo: Yep. I double checked it before we went out.
You: I feel like I forgot something.
You: Ah nvm.
Wonwoo bitting his lips trying to hide his smile. He is in the middle of the meeting but can't stop himself from replying to you. Hoshi, his friend, elbowed him to bring him back to earth.
Later that day when went to pick you up from your office, once you buckled up your seatbelt, he held your cheek.
"This is what you forgot." He said and kissed the corner of your lips.
Your face is scarlet red the whole ride. From that day, you never forget kissing Wonwoo before leaving.
Thursday and Friday are work from home set up for you. As for Wonwoo, Thursday is work home from home while Friday to Sunday is his off days. Perks of building a start up with your best buddies during college.
You took a half day to pay your tax. The clerk in tax office said the lowering your tax bracket will be effective next year. Fortunately, you got your rent deposit already and use it as a payment.
When you got home by lunch, you saw Wonwoo standing in the living room with his hand on his waist and furrowed eyebrows. You hurried over to his side. He didn't notice your arrival.
"What are you look--wow" You stand beside with pure amusement.
"What do you think?" He said, looking at you.
"This is beautiful. Where did you get that photo?" He got the wedding photo hanging above the work desk for the both of you. You never knew you had a photo like this. It was picture of you and Wonwoo looking at each other with big smiles and his hand on your waist.
"The court clerk adored us and sent us this morning."
"You really look handsome that day." You said absent mindedly making Wonwoo's ear go red. When you look at him, it is so obvious he got fluttered. "You're blushing."
"I'm not." Wonwoo denied so hard but you held his face to prove a point. There goes his whole face getting red. "It's because the whole place is humid."
"Okay, Handsome." You smirked before kissing his cheek and leaving for the kitchen. "What do you want to eat? I'll cook before I start working."
"Anything." Wonwoo is flabbergasted the way you just freeze his whole world and you decided to leave him hanging.
"Thanks for building my work desk." You said and made Wonwoo's heart feel proud.
You woke up because of consecutive knocks and doorbell but felt lightheaded. You burried your head to Wonwoo's chest and felt his arm around your waist.
"5 minutes please." He hummed.
It didn't take another minute when a phone goes off. Wonwoo reached for his phone and saw Hoshi is calling. He kept one of his hands around you while answering the call. His soothing hand make you fall asleep a little bit more until Wonwoo's voice got louder.
"You're here?!"
"Who's here?" You said with eyes close.
"Okay. I'll be up. Stop knocking, dimwit!" Wonwoo said before sitting up. Your sleepiness is gone.
"Who's that?"
"Hoshi and Mingyu. They are the ones knocking at the door." He said while walking towards the bathroom. You followed him and you both do the morning rituals.
"They're here." You said in quiet voice. Hoshi and Mingyu are your college batchmates. You are also close to them. "Do you want us to tell them or?"
"Do you want to keep it secret?"
"Like we can keep it. We have a big wedding picture in the living room and pair of rings. If I were going to be honest, Hoshi got a sniff because that ring of yours and tattled it to you Mingyu." You both giggled at the thought. You hand him a towel to dry his face. "They're here to investigate."
"Should we give them a show?"
"Something that will make Hoshi faint."
"I'll open the door." You snicker with the thought. "Help me tousle my hair so it will look like we did something crazy last night."
Wonwoo shaked his head at your silly idea. He tousled your hair before you both went out. As per your instruction, he needs to video every second of it. Just like you predicted, Mingyu and Hoshi lose their wits.
"What are you doing here this early?" Hoshi asked when you opened the door.
"Where's Wonwoo?" Mingyu firing his question immediately then seeing your hair. "Are you two fucking?"
"Excuse me?" You said in high tone that sound you are so offended with the thought that you and Wonwoo are banging each other. Even though that's the idea you want them to get.
"We're not fucking. We got married, okay?"
"Oh you're not fucking but married."
"But that's married people do in their past time."
"Wait you both got married without us?"
At this point you'll get eviction notice because of how loud they are. You pulled them inside and they shrieked when they saw the wedding picture. Wonwoo laughed loud while taking a video of their histerics. When they both calmed down, you sat them down.
Wonwoo held your hand while explaining the two rascals the impulsive and best decision you made in your life.
It's like yesterday is a premonition of what would happen today. Wonwoo's mom calling in the morning trying to set him up with another girl. Your mom on the hand, called you to ask where you move because she went to your old apartment and they told her you move out.
"Are you ready?" Wonwoo asked you.
"It's not like they can do anything about it." You chuckled. Feeling silly at the moment. "If your mom asked me to divorce you in exchange for a million dollars, should I get it?"
"You should and give me the half million." You frowned a bit then look at him. "Then let's get married again."
"Idiot." You punch his arm lightly.
"Your idiot." He said then bumped his head on yours. Laughing together as if a storm is not about to hit you both.
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 24)
Tw: Yves is fucking fuming, jealous n shit , mentions of cheating, Montgomery being touchy
part 25
Another day has gone by. You collapsed on your bed again, only to be woken up by Evangeline's incessant calling.
It's morning already? You groaned and kicked your legs in the air, throwing a tantrum that you couldn't sleep in.
You didn't even pick up the phone, you went straight to freshening yourself up. Not realizing that you received a missed call from Yves instead.
"Mx. (name), we are here!" You choked on your own snore. You must have fallen asleep in Mr. Jones's car.
You shook your head, muttering thanks as you got out of the car, all bleary and groggy. You skipped breakfast again. The extra meals Yves made all went to your housemate's bottomless pits they called stomachs. You're sure the breakfasts he prepared ahead of time were as delicious as his lunches or dinners, but you couldn't be bothered to eat them. It's not like you're starving in the morning anyway.
Mr. Jones drove off leaving you to yawn and scratch your back in peace.
But you let out a scream when a car blared its horns at you.
You turned around to see Montgomery sticking his head out of his car, holding something in his hands while the other was on his steering wheel.
"Mornin' sweetheart!" He greeted, beckoning you to come closer. "I got ya' breakfast!" He lifted up the paper bag with edible oil stains, and you stared at it.
"C'mon, baby. I ain't got all day." He waved it up and down. You took a couple steps forward and grabbed it with great hesitance.
"Have fun at school today, honey!" He reached out to pinch your cheek. Montgomery gently shook your head by the mass of flesh he was holding. You swatted his hand away, but before you could complain, Montgomery already drove off. Leaving you to eat his dust.
You noted that his car looked a lot better than it was. He had a new paint coat done and his bumper was fixed. How much did Mr. Jones give him?
You sniffed the item he gave you. It smells... greasy.
You opened it to see fried chicken and waffles, neatly wrapped in a piece of baking paper. You noted the lack of drinks, but there was $10 next to it and a note that said:
"4 ur drinks XOXO"
You grimaced, why did let the cash directly get into contact with the food? You picked it out using your thumb and your forefinger, flicking off any maple syrup before walking away.
You pulled your phone out to check the time. You're actually early for once! With half an hour to spare too.
Your eyes then widened at Yves's missed call. He didn't send any good morning texts today.
So you called back as fast as you could. It didn't take more than a few seconds before Yves picked it up. You began apologizing profusely, telling him how busy you were in the last three days.
"Of course you were." He replied, his tone was cold. "I am glad you are enjoying your time with your new... friend."
You scratched the back of your head. He's upset and you don't know what to say. You didn't have to, because Yves continued talking.
"...so much so, that you've been ignoring my texts, my calls... all in favor of Jones's daughter."
You stayed silent and so did he. There was no shuffling of papers, clinking of utensils, or busy chattering in the background. He must be standing or sitting completely still, alone in his hotel room.
That is true. You haven't seen all the pictures he sent from Monday. You remembered you promised to call back on Tuesday, but it's now Wednesday. Radio silence on your part.
You sighed and told him that you were sorry. A sense of deja vu washed over you when you asked how you could make up to him.
You heard something being poured into glassware. There were a few seconds of quietness between you two. You can hear liquid swishing around in a vessel.
You called out for Yves, asking if he's still there.
"I miss you, (name). How could you do this to me?" His voice was softer and slightly wavering.
Guilt stabbed through your chest as soon as his hurt reached your ears. You apologized once more, feeling as if the word had lost its meaning since you used it too much. You asked again, what you could do to make it okay, what could you do to make Yves forgive you.
Then more pouring of this mysterious liquid could be heard.
You pulled it away from your ear to look at the time. Three whole minutes of no verbal exchange have elapsed.
You put it back to your ear and called his name.
"(Name), I want you to do something."
You told him, yes, you would do anything.
"Answer my calls, please." You agreed and promised him that you would do that. However, he cut you off mid-sentence.
"I loved hearing you speak about your thoughts. I was heartbroken and bitter beyond belief when you took that pleasure away from me and gave it to Jones's daughter." Yves's voice wasn't raised, but you could hear the venom dripping from it when he referred to Evangeline.
You gave into your reflex to defend yourself, saying that you have a life here, you're swamped by schoolwork, and numerous other changes in your life. So you didn't have enough time or energy to spare telling him all the details.
"Must I remind you that I do not take too kindly to disloyalty? I only have eyes for you, (name). But it seems like you have eyes for someone else."
You let out a gasp and panicked. You assured him that there wasn't anything going on between you and her. She's just your friend, well your only friend so far. You just didn't want to bore her away!
He hummed in response, ominously. You felt like you were in a block of ice, You have never heard Yves sounding this steely.
You were speechless. Yves has nothing to say, but he still wants to be on the phone with you.
"Hello, (Name)!" You inhaled sharply when you saw Evangeline cheerfully greeting you. Her voice is loud enough for Yves to pick up.
He did not say a word, instead, opting to wait and see what you would do for him.
You froze, alternating your gaze between her and the floor and the sky. She looked confused as to why you were freaking out right before her very eyes.
"Is that Sir Yves?" She asked loudly. You pressed your finger to your lips, gesturing her to be silent.
"Is he mad at you, (name)?" This girl cannot read the room! You mouthed at her to go away for a while, you need some privacy with Yves.
"I could talk to him if you want. I'd say I'm a good mediator myself." She smiled and tilted her head to the side.
You looked at the screen. It's deathly quiet, you thought maybe he hung up and you could deal with him later at home. But to your dismay, the call is still going.
"Hi, Sir Yves! This is Evangeline, how was your day?" She tried speaking into the phone, but you pushed her away and said that it wasn't an appropriate course of action.
You took a couple of steps away from her and pressed the phone back to your ear. Yves did not respond to Evangeline's polite yet strange behavior.
You gulped and asked him if he wanted to talk to Evangeline.
"(Name)." He finally spoke. You responded with a 'yes'?
"I want you to think about this from my perspective."
You waited for a few seconds for his next instruction or piece of wisdom.
"Reflect on all the things you did or did not do for me since Monday." Yves gave you a minute to let his words sink into your psyche.
You fidgeted in place uncomfortably, you were definitely neglecting him although he did everything he could to ensure your well-being was taken care of, even if he was a whole continent away from you.
"(name)." He demanded for your attention again. You ensured he knows that you're giving it to him now.
"Think about the reasons behind your recent behavior."
Evangeline. Mostly. You felt the need to please her as your only friend. But your exhaustion was due to Montgomery's antics.
"Think about how I must have felt." You felt the shame sear through your entire being. Yves must have felt betrayed by you. To the point that he thinks you're cheating on him with Evangeline.
You let an apology slip your lips once more. But Yves ignored it and proceeded with his lecture.
"Now, base your answer on what you have gathered." There was a beat of silence.
"Do you think I have any desire to speak to her?" Some hostile inflections within that sentence sent shudders throughout your body. You should choose your words very carefully.
You took a few moments to think over the facts before replying to Yves.
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Downfall (pt 2/2)
See? I didn’t lie, part 2 is here and it’s only...11:00PM Sunday night lol. Wow guys, this part got long (like 3.5k words long. Oops.) and *sappy*. But, you know what I love about snz fic? We always give the people what they want. You see a smoking gun in act 1 you best believe it’s going off in act 3. Lmao. Also, I’m sorry if there’s continuity/grammar/spelling errors, I’ll read it through again in the morning and fix them I just can’t do it tonight haha.
Anyway! Hope you guys like the second part.
cw: Male, colds, contagion, mess, there is a passing-out moment in here as well. Shit gets wild lol. This part is heavily inspired by 3 prompts in my inbox, so if you sent a prompt it’s probably featured here!
Downfall - Pt 2
When Elijah opened his eyes Friday morning, he nearly cried in relief; after three full days of feeling like death, he finally, finally felt like he was on the other side of this shit.
The past two days had been a nightmare. After Greyson had called him Tuesday night and told him that not one but two other managers had gone down, Elijah had to mentally prepare himself for a full week of work with one of the worst colds he’d ever endured. He’d walked into the kitchen Wednesday morning stuffed to the gills with dayquil, cough syrup, and ibuprofen; a combination he was sure was actively taking years off of his life. Greyson was already hard at work, despite the fact that Elijah knew he’d been at the restaurant until well after midnight the night before.
“He lives!” Greyson said, throwing his arms up as though Elijah had just scored the winning goal for their nonexistent soccer team. “You look god-awful, and I’m so glad you’re here!”
Elijah coughed out a laugh, and Greyson lead them both into the office. “So, here’s the deal,” Greyson said as they both sat. “I told both Matt and Mark to stay home til Saturday – just to make sure they don’t infect anyone else. I closed the books at 50 covers tonight and tomorrow – and I know, it’s barely enough to cover labor, but we’re in survival mode here, so don’t give me that look. I got in at six, most of my prep for the evening is done, so I figured when we open I can throw on a button down and help on the floor while you expo back here during the rush. Does that all work for you?”
The GM blinked, blindsided. He knew Greyson was good in a shit situation, but damn; the kid should’ve been a fighter pilot or an ER doctor. “Yeah,” Elijah said, “sounds great, Grey.”
So that’s what they’d done. Both Wednesday and Thursday. Elijah had holed up in the office until the servers needed him for preshift, and Greyson had prepared his cooks for two weird nights of Elijah expoing. Service had been moderately slow both evenings, which would’ve been great, if it hadn’t allowed Elijah to hyper-focus on his lingering symptoms and Greyson to flit and fret over him every time he stepped into the kitchen.
“Do you need anything, Lij? Water? Tea? Meds?” The constant stream of mother-henning had eventually worn on everyone, and even Greyson’s cooks had finally said, “Chef, he’s fine.”
But they had gotten through it. Elijah had sneezed and coughed and cursed his way through garnishing dishes, and Greyson had awkwardly talked to tables until finally the week was nearly over. And now it was Friday, one day til the big wedding, and Elijah was finally, finally feeling better.
Elijah walked in at 9AM to a thankfully-empty kitchen; he’d told Greyson the night before to sleep in, prepare himself for the weekend, take some Emergen-C and be absolutely sure he wasn’t going to succumb to the rot Elijah had brought in, but he was surprised that the chef had actually listened to him. The GM placed his things down in their empty office and took a breath; it was going to be okay. Mark and Matt would be back for the wedding, they would be relatively slow tonight, and Saturday would be perfect. Manifest it, Lij, he said to himself, sitting at the desk and turning the computer on. Manifest it.
After an hour or so of paperwork, Elijah heard the back doors open as Greyson let himself in. The GM pushed away from the computer and cracked his neck, anticipating the usual barrage of word vomit Greyson was wont to spew out the moment he walked into the restaurant. “Morning, Chef,” he called out before even seeing Greyson, marveling at how much clearer his voice was today. Fuck that fucking cold.
Greyson stepped into the office and silently saluted his boss, a Starbucks cup adorning each of his hands. “Hey, boss,” he said, placing one in front of Elijah and one next to his own computer. The chef didn’t sit down; instead, he took off his hoodie, grabbed a clean coat from the back of his chair, and buttoned it up before snagging his drink and heading into the kitchen. Elijah swung himself around in his chair, dumbstruck.
“That’s it?” he asked, watching Greyson unpack his knives a few feet away. “‘Hey, boss’? No big gameplan? No huddle to discuss the week’s insanity? No bombardment of questions regarding my health?” Greyson huffed out a laugh, but Elijah wasn’t having it. “You didn’t even tell me what you got me to drink,” he said, holding up the mystery cup.
Greyson raised an eyebrow at his boss and bit back a smile. “It’s a chai,” he said, bemused. Elijah threw his hands up, flustered.
“The amount that that doesn’t address 90% of my questions is truly amazing,” he said, taking a long sip of his drink, which – certainly wasn’t a chai. The hell was that?
“I don’t know what second-rate Starbucks you stopped at, Chef, but this is definitely not a chai,” Elijah said, pushing the cup towards the door. “What is that? It’s like...something lemon.”
Greyson colored a bit and picked up his own cup to look at the sticker. “Ah, fuck,” he mumbled, striding back into the office and switching their cups. “Sorry ’bout that. I switched the cups.”
“What is it?” Elijah asked, his face seemingly stuck in a mask of disgust. “So that I can remember to never order it.”
Greyson rolled his eyes. “Have you ever ordered something from Starbucks that wasn’t a chai?” he asked, sipping his drink. Elijah shrugged and turned towards that computer again.
“Fair enough,” he said, waking the screen by shaking the mouse. He turned to Greyson again when the floorplan popped up on his screen. “Can we take a quick look at tonight together? Since Matt and Mark are still out? Do you think we should cut the covers off now, or go to 75?” Elijah squinted, his face nearly touching the screen in concentration. After a few moments of silence, he peeled himself away from the monitor to glance at the chef, who was – the fuck was he doing?
“The fuck are you doing?” Elijah asked, snapping Greyson out of his trance. The chef had been turned almost all the way around, facing the kitchen. Clearly he hadn’t heard a word Elijah said.
“Huh? Shit, sorry boss. Lost in thought,” Greyson said, turning back toward the GM. “Uhh… 75. Yeah, that looks good,” he finished, lamely. Elijah raised his eyebrows.
“What’s your problem today?” he asked, though not with malice. Greyson chuckled.
“Just got a lot on my mind, boss,” he said. “Big weekend. Week’s been long. I need to get back to prep, if that’s okay.” Elijah gave Greyson another look, but nodded after a moment and shooed him out. Greyson smiled at his boss, held his cup out in a false ‘cheers’. “I’ll be prepping in the back kitchen if you need me,” he said, and disappeared past the line into the back.
It wasn’t Elijah’s fault, he reasoned with himself later, that he hadn’t seen through the ruse. He’d just barely gotten over a monster of a cold; he was himself busy and stressed; it was early and he hadn’t had enough caffeine. He couldn’t be expected to decode what was wrong with Greyson every time the kid acted weird. However, he couldn’t help but kick himself when he finally realized – thirty minutes before service – what the weird-tasting drink the chef had gotten himself was. Aptly named, of course, and something Elijah himself had only had once before, courtesy of Greyson himself.
A medicine ball. Greyson had gotten himself a medicine ball.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to keep this up, but it certainly wasn’t going to be through tomorrow’s wedding.
Greyson sat down, fully clothed, on the toilet and put his head in his hands for the third time that day. The fact that Elijah hadn’t noticed at this point was a mix of pure dumb luck and more sudafed than a human person should ever in their life consume. He assumed the former would begin to run out soon, as the latter had hours ago.
“Huhh...HNGSTH! NTSH! ITZSH! Fuck – HNGTSZHUE! Goddamn it.”
Greyson pulled a length of toilet paper from the roll and blew his nose until it made him cough. He checked his watch as he threw the toilet paper into the trashcan next to him – 9:15PM. When he’d stepped into this bathroom, dodging Elijah as he locked the door, all but one of the tables had left. He’d go back to the line, he’d tell Leo, his grill cook who’d been there nearly as long as he had, to check that everyone had cleaned thoroughly, and he’d sneak out the back before Elijah could question him.
And then what? Greyson asked himself as he stood and washed his hands. You somehow make a miraculous recovery between now and tomorrow morning? Have you seen how this shit took down Elijah, Mark, and Matt?
Greyson ignored the voice in his head and dried his hands. He assumed Elijah hadn’t noticed because they were both wildly busy before service, and once service had started, they were both worn thin being the only managers in their departments for the third day in a row. Greyson had managed to keep the congestion out of his voice with the aforementioned sudafed, and he had taken his happy ass to the bathroom or out back to ‘smoke’ when he really needed to sneeze or cough all night. Elijah had definitely given him some looks through the evening, but nothing Greyson couldn’t brush off by pulling a ticket distractedly and not making eye contact.
Tomorrow, though? When Matt and Mark were both going to be back, and they were all going to be prepping their asses off for the wedding? He genuinely had no idea what he was going to do to keep them from noticing.
Greyson exited the bathroom, stealthily managing to avoid his boss as he slipped into the kitchen. He gathered his things, put Leo in charge, and was nearly out the door, nearly safe, when -
“Chef!” Elijah called behind him, making him freeze in his tracks just outside the back door. Fuck.
“Yeah, boss?” Greyson asked, turning to face Elijah and hoping he didn’t look like the garbage fire he felt. Elijah crossed his arms over his chest in the cold of the alleyway and motioned to Greyson’s entire being.
“You leaving?” he asked tapping his foot. Greyson managed a smile and lifted his backpack and knife bag a little for inspection.
“Is it obvious?” he asked, quietly clearing his throat to mask the gravel of his voice. Elijah didn’t say anything for a few moments.
“Leo shutting down the line?” he asked. Greyson nodded, swallowing around a throat on fire.
“Yeah,” he said. “Did you uh…ndeed something from mbe?” Fuck.
Elijah gave Greyson a pointed look. “Grey,” he said, voice low. “If you’re sick, you need to tell me. Now.”
Greyson felt his cheeks redden, but he immediately shook his head. “I’mb good,” he said, cursing once again the congestion that had sneaked into his voice. “Promise. I gotta go, I’mb gonna mbiss mby train.” Without missing a beat, the chef turned around and headed towards the street, hoping his boss couldn’t see him stifle nearly ten sneezes into his fist as he walked.
This was not going to end well.
It was worse than Elijah could have even imagined.
When Elijah walked into the restaurant that morning, the first thing he did was text Greyson.
Hey. I’m here, is there anything you want me to pull out/start on before you get in?
Also, how are you feeling?
Normally, he’d get a response in moments; when Greyson wasn’t at work, the man was glued to his phone, playing some stupid game or messaging one of his fifty Bumble suitors he kept on the line at all times. I get bored, he often said to Elijah. One starts annoying me, BOOM! Onto the next.
Today, though, nearly twenty minutes passed before Elijah’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out immediately and couldn’t help but wince at the text the chef sent.
great. no. ill be there in 20.
Anyone who texted with Greyson more than once in their life knew that if he wasn’t being his multi-exclamation-point, constant-joke-and-lol self over text, he was probably close to death. Elijah typed out an ‘ok’ to the chef, before making a thread with Matt and Mark.
Hey, guys. Just making sure you’re both on your way in. Greyson’s gonna be down bad. Need all hands on deck asap.
???? is he ok??? down bad in what way?
ya, coming now. figured chef would’ve gone down by now. should I bring anything?
Just your stamina. Gonna be a long day. Thx.
no one answered my ?
im so confused
shit, I knew I got greyson sick. fuuuuuuuuck. sorry, boss :(
All good. Inevitable. Let’s just get this day done.
Elijah clicked his phone off and sighed. He could go for a whiskey, or even just a long, drawn out scream about now, but a cigarette and a prayer would have to do him. Twelve hours until the wedding was over.
How Greyson managed to make it to work was anyone’s guess, him included.
The chef pushed through the back doors and before he could even get past the prep kitchen he was doubled over, sneezing into the sleeve of his hoodie.
“HhhIGSTZH-ue! HuhESHHH-ue! HRRTSCHZUE! NGTSHZUE! Christ, fuck,” Greyson muttered, wiping his nose on his sleeve for what he could only wish he could say was the first time that morning. He cleared his throat, which was for naught since he could barely speak, and continued his trudge into the main kitchen.
When Greyson had made it home last night, he told himself he’d be able to continue to hide his burgeoning illness. He thought maybe more medicine, some Vick’s, and a good night’s sleep would give him the upper hand against it. He’d told himself he was stronger than his coworkers, that his immune system wouldn’t fail him on one of the most important days of his career.
Oh, how the mighty will fall.
“HhNGTSHHZUE! ITSZH-uhh! Fuuuuck,” Greyson moaned, stumbling into the thankfully-empty office and yanking a handful of tissues from the box on the desk. He wiped his nose, unwilling to unleash the volley of sneezes he knew would be behind a nose blow, and pressed his palms into his eyes to try and relieve some of the pressure. Who the fuck gets a cold this fucking bad, Elijah, he wondered silently.
As if conjured, Greyson felt his phone buzz with a text from his boss.
Bless. That sounds fucking awful.
Could a guy not get a moment’s peace in this fucking place?
i should call the cdc’s biohazard unit on u for unleashing this shit onto us.
An admission, but what else was he supposed to do? Elijah could hear him in the dining room. The game was over. Greyson put his head back into his hands until he heard his boss’s footsteps click into the kitchen.
“...chef?” Elijah asked, and Greyson wearily lifted his head.
“Mornding,” Greyson croaked, before turning to the side to cough, crackly and painful-sounding, into his sleeve. He felt something get placed on the desk next to him, and when he finally was able to compose himself he saw it was a Starbucks cup. Greyson smiled, weary.
“Chai?” he asked, picking up the cup. Elijah huffed out a laugh.
“Something like that,” he said, moving to sit next to Greyson. “Now, hear me out. I think I have a gameplan.”
At five o’clock, Elijah finally went to rouse the man of the hour with a knock on the office door.
“Chef,” he said, trying to wake Greyson as gently as possible. “Grey. We need you for plate-up.” Greyson nodded blearily and, with the help of both Matt and Elijah, managed to get to his feet.
It had been an interesting day for sure. Elijah’s plan had been for Greyson to try and help with some of the more intricate parts of prep in the morning, and then lay down from noon until it was go time, but that had proved nearly impossible.
Greyson had managed to prep for about three minutes at a time before dissolving into nasty coughing fits that lasted minutes at a time, or absolutely relentless bouts of -
“Christ, boss,” Matt said, attempting a laugh after a particularly intense fit of sneezes, “When you go down you really go – oh, fuck.” In teasing his boss, Matt nearly missed Greyson’s eyes rolling back into his head and his knees buckling as he lost consciousness for a moment. “ELIJAH!” Matt called, catching his boss and lowering him to the ground as gracefully as possible.
Once they’d managed to get Greyson back to a standing position, Elijah had decided it was too risky to let him continue to be...vertical. Greyson had laid out for Matt exactly what he needed him to do to finish preparing the food, and retreated to the blanket fort they had all heavily utilized this week for a sleep that more closely resembled a coma than anything restorative.
Matt, Elijah, and even Mark had managed to finish the prep Greyson had worked so hard on that week by four PM. Once they felt ready, the three of them gathered in front of the office to stare at the racked-out chef.
“Should we… ask him if everything looks okay?” Mark had asked, ringing his hands. Matt and Elijah exchanged a look before Elijah shook his head.
“I think… I think he’ll be okay with just about anything at this point,” Elijah said. The other two nodded, unwilling to take this precious moment of sleep away from the chef.
When the guests were all seated and ready for first courses, it was, of course, Elijah’s job to wake the sleeping bear. Greyson, ever the trooper, took his place at the pass and regarded the three of them with all the pride he could muster.
“Thangk you guys. Really,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “Ndow. Let’s get this shit over w – HGSTHH-ue! Snrf. Guhh,” Greyson held tight to the granite counter top and pulled himself back to his full height.
“Let’s get this done,” he said, pulling out his tweezers. “And whend it’s over, I’mb ndot answering mby phone for a fuckigg week.”
They all managed a laugh. They all assumed their positions for plating and running food. This certainly wasn’t the glamorous job it was portrayed in the movies, but they did have something all that media never seemed to truly capture; they had each other, and this place that all of them thought of as not a second, but a true home.
Greyson cleared his throat as the first of the servers came through the doors, bearing labeled sheets with seat numbers. “Order in!” he called, and they all put their heads down and began their work.
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gdbatbitch · 8 months
Surgery happened on Tuesday! So my thyroid is now gone, along with some suspicious looking lymph nodes. The surgeon, Dr Lawrence Shirley at Baptist Health, was wonderful and has genuine concern for my progress. He told me that what was removed will be examined/tested by a pathologist to see if there may be any other issues, but hopefully this will be all I need to start healing. Hopefully. I'm not saying anything for certain.
The surgery itself was pretty easy on me. The only other time I've had major surgery like this was almost 24 years ago, when my twin daughters were born. That was a much different experience, but I have strong memories of the hospital staff at University of Kentucky hospital, and most of those memories are not positive. I'll just leave it at that. Baptist has been great so far. Everyone I've interacted with has been kind and made me feel like I was being genuinely cared for. Especially the nurse I was assigned Wednesday morning, Cody. He and I had a few conversations about the economy and comic books and movies, and that really helped me stay positive even though I was in pain.
I am still in a lot of pain. Swallowing hurts, as well as turning my head, leaning, bending over, or sitting up in bed. I tried a couple of times this morning before just rolling myself over to the side so I had more leverage to stand. I also apparently talked way too much yesterday because by the end of the day, my voice was all hoarse and that was causing pain as well. So I think today is going to be a quieter day.
I'm also going to be able to take off the bandage on my incision today and see how that goes. I'm kind of dreading that, even though I am curious to see what it looks like. I'm not afraid of having a scar, I have several as it is. It's just I have this weird fear of the incision opening up on its own. That comes from when I was recovering from the C-section and a staple that was holding the incision closed popped. It didn't really cause any problems, but I had nightmares that my guts could just fall out at any moment. Logically I know that's not going to happen, but the gremlins that control my anxiety levels are having a blast making me paranoid.
At this point, I'm at just around a third of the way toward my goal. I've already had to use what I've raised so far to keep the bills paid and pay for part of the surgery. The hospital has put me on an installment plan that will have me paying about $300 a month for 18 months. That is so far outside my budget, so I'm going to be pushing this fundraiser more, and I'd really love it if those of you that have already donated to share this page and encourage your friends to do the same. The more eyes we get on this, the better.
Right now my bank account is looking sad and since I'm missing time from work, my next paycheck is going to be just a little over half of what I usually bring home. It's only the 19th now, but I'm already nervous about being able to make November's rent. And I know things are tight for everyone, so even the smallest donations can make a big difference to me. A $5 donation is just as good as a $500 donation, and I'm grateful for all of them.
I'm grateful for all of you, for all you've done for me, whether it's a donation or words of support or a phone call, all of it. I usually feel like I'm taking on the world all by my lonesome, but I do feel very much supported and cared for thanks to all of you.
Please enjoy my post-op selfie and the grippy socks I absolutely took home with me. I'm wearing them now and I love them. I'm going to be doing nothing but resting today, since I overdid a little yesterday. Later taters.
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mikibwrites · 10 months
Seven-Sentence-Inspiration-WIP-something Day!
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Hi all! Thank you for everyone who tagged me on Sunday and today: @taralaurel @bonheur-cafe @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @chaotictarlos @sanjuwrites I decided to shove it all in one post lol. Here is a much-longer-than-seven-sentences bit of my @tarlosweeklyprompts Back to School prompt fill! For this fic, since we already have so many fics of Tarlos attending UT (which makes sense!) I decided to send them to my own alma mater instead :)
He can open a damned door and face what’s on the other side. 
He doesn’t get the chance to, however, because as soon as his nerve is bucked up, the door swings open to reveal an absolutely devastating scene: TK, rumpled and sleepy, dressed in only a pair of gray sweatpants and carrying his shower caddy. His hair is adorably mussed and his eyes are tired but bright. 
The worst part? They brighten even further when he sees Carlos standing on the threshold. All of a sudden, he becomes so animated that Carlos would have thought this was 8pm and not 8am. 
“Carlos! Hey! I didn’t hear you come in last night, did you pull an all-nighter? You know it was a Friday, right? You don’t have anything due today. Did you lose track of time again, like that one time during midterms where you thought it was Wednesday but it was actually Friday because you’d gone so long on only caffeine and snickers that you forgot to charge your phone? I keep telling you you’re gonna run yourself ragged, man! You gotta have some fun once in a while. Are you studying today? Oh shit, you have that chem test on Tuesday. Are you going to the Library? Cuz I gotta stop by the SUB to pick up a book so, like, I could walk with you if you want?” 
Carlos can physically see him clamp his jaw shut, and it looks like it takes effort. TK is chatty on a good day, but Carlos has never seen him filibuster for that long on inane chatter on only one breath. Carlos could swear TK is blushing, but it must be a trick of the light. 
It takes him a moment to find his voice. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m studying today, just came to get my chem book. And yeah, I was, uh, I was in the library all night.” He adds a shrug that he hopes doesn’t look forced or calculated, and tries to smile. He’s not sure how it turns out. 
TK, for his part, almost visibly relaxes. Huh.
As usual I"m super friggin late, so I'm definitely not sure who's done this yet, but I'll tag those who I would have tagged anyway (including the peeps up top!): @lightningboltreader @welcometololaland @liminalmemories21 @lutavero @wandering-night19
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thedanishsim · 7 months
CTJL Monaco 2023 - Part 2
Monte Carlo, Monaco, The French Riviera, Europe - September 2023
The first few days in Monaco had been very chill and easy for Mia and Ballerine. Mia had given Ballerine lots of time to settle in at the showground, had been out for lots of hand-walks and just done some light jogging-sessions. The show was set to start in only a few days and you could really tell how big it was by the number of horses and people running around now. Everywhere you looked there were at least ten horses being groomed, taken in or out for the stables, hand-walked or on their way to the warm up- and training arenas. Anne and Ellie had joined Mia and Ballerine for almost everything they had been doing, but a few times Anne had gone back to the hotel so Ellie could get a nap.
The areas around the showground was slowly starting to take shape; food areas and shopping areas were popping up all over the place and a lot of different equestrian companies were attending with small shops - and of course, it was Monaco, so also a few more exclusive brands such as Gucci and Hermés had brought their equestrian collection to the show. Mia and Anne had spent an afternoon walking around and looked at the first few shops that had opened up already, but Mia knew they would be spending a lot more time during the next few days.
The show schedule was packed with lots of different events; Polo matches, Opening and Closing ceremonies, a Charity Auction and a Mare & Foal Inspection with also an auction. Mia and Anne had agreed on going to the Polo matches with Ellie, and Mia was also going to attend the Opening Ceremony which also included a Luncheon. 
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The weekend before the show week was a few smaller classes, and Mia had signed up for a 1.20m. class as a warm-up round and to also let Ballerine familiarize with the big arena. She would be entering in the 1.30m. class with a qualification round Tuesday morning and the finals on Wednesday afternoon. 
Ballerine had been a tense ticking bomb just waiting to explode in the 1.20m. warm up class. She’d had a hard time finding her focus in the big arena. They had been in some big arenas before, but something about this one was just different and Mia couldn’t really tell what it had been about it. Mia had done a light jog with Ballerine the following day to make sure the mare wasn’t stressing too much. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Mia had been up early on Tuesday morning to get over to the stable tents and feed Ballerine before taking her out for a short walk. Their starting time in the qualification round was at 10:35 am, and Mia had taken her time to let Ballerine have an easy morning. Anne and Ellie had joined Mia at the stable around 8:30 when Mia had just finished braiding Ballerine. Ellie had - as always - been very excited to help out grooming Ballerine even though she could only reach up to Ballerine’s belly. Ballerine had enjoyed the attention from both Mia, Ellie and Anne and felt a lot calmer when Mia took her to the warm up arena. “Just take your time and don’t put too much pressure on yourself in the warm up,” Anne had said when Mia had started. Anne had always been with Mia when she was out competing and had been standing 100s of times on the sideline during the warm up. Mia nodded and decided to just follow Ballerine’s mood and only take a few jumps. There had been a lot of horses and riders in the arena, and Mia had started to feel the tension in Ballerine again just as they were called for from the main arena. “Breath, focus, and let her do her job.” Anne had picked up Ellie and walked beside Mia and Ballerine on their way to the arena. “I know, I know,” Mia had answered, a bit more tense than what she meant to be. Anne smiled up at her, and just as Mia and Ballerine were about to enter the arena for their qualification, Ellie had started to giggle. Mia couldn’t help but let out a sigh and a laugh and let Ballerine enter the arena.
Their round was great! Mia had let Ballerine take control of the distances and had kept her in a relaxed form. They could have been faster during the round, but the most important thing had been to let Ballerine have a good round. Ballerine had felt way less tense and felt like she had been enjoying it a bit more than last time. Mia smiled and gave the mare a pet on the neck on their way out of the arena where they were greeted by a clapping Ellie. “Good job! She looked much more comfortable today” Anne smiled and gave Ballerine a treat. “She was! I just hope we weren't too slow” Mia laughed and reached down to hug Ballerine before entering the warm up arena again. Mia let Ballerine canter around the fence of the arena and then took her back to walk and rode out of the arena to take Ballerine for a hack around the showground for their cooldown. 
Mia, Anne and Ellie had spent the rest of the day exploring Monte Carlo and the streets of Monaco. It was such a nice place and even though it was already Mid-September, you could still feel the summer heat.
Wednesday was the big day; The final of the 1.30m. class. Mia and Ballerine had placed as number 18 out of 65 riders in the qualification - only a single penalty due to the time, but other than that a clear round. Mia, Anne and Ellie had spent the morning watching the Six-Bar Challenge, but after a while, Ellie’s patience had run out. They had then gone over to the stables to get Ballerine ready for the class later in the afternoon. Just before lunch they had gone back to the hotel for a few hours rest.
“Do you want anything else?” Anne smiled at Mia as they walked towards the stable tents. Anne had just offered to run over to get them something to drink. The weather was so hot today.  “Just water, I think” Mia replied, “oh! and maybe a crêpe if the line isn’t too long, please”. “Why did I even ask?” Anne let out a laugh and changed her direction towards the ‘food-court’ area near the main arena. Mia and Ellie had continued towards the stable tents when a woman had stopped Mia to smalltalk about Ellie, which had resulted in Ellie running off into one of the stabletents. Mia had started to run after her, but there had been so much activity inside the stable tent that she couldn’t find Ellie right away.
“Alex, who’s child is that?!”“I don’t know”“What do you mean you don’t know?”
Mia had followed the voices of a woman and a man, and when she looked around a corner she had seen Ellie sitting on the floor in front of a stall, playing with some brushes that definitely did not belong to her. Mia had gone over and apologized for Ellie’s mess, but the man had just smiled and told her not to worry about it. 
“You can’t do that. You can’t just run away and go through other people’s stuff. That is not ours. We need to clean this up, ok?” Mia squatted down in front of Ellie and pointed at the brushes laying all over the ground. “I’ll clean it up, it’s fine. Don’t worry, nothing happened.” The man kindly smiled at Mia and Ellie. “I'm so sorry about this. Thank you.” Mia smiled at the man and reached out her hand to take Ellie’s, “Come on, we have to get Ballerine ready”. Ellie’s face lit up in a big smile as she carefully stepped over one of the brushes on the ground and followed her mom, but before they got too far away, Ellie stopped and turned towards the man and waved with her little hand: “Bye!”. Mia couldn’t help but smile and picked up Ellie to bring her outside and over to Ballerine’s stable, “Come on you”.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
The warm up went really well. There had been two arenas in use for the warm up before the finale which had increased the number of horses in each arena. It had been easier to take it slow and easy without being in the way of others, and Ballerine had been much more relaxed without all the horses around her. The sun was high in the sky and due to the warm weather Mia had decided to do her round without her jacket on to not get a heatstroke. Mia and Ballerine were one of the last ones in their class, and as they entered the arena there were only a few riders who had been doing a clear round. She had heard multiple of those who had already been riding in the class talking about how difficult the course was. Mia had walked through the course just before the start and the class and had been taking her time to look at where they might get into trouble. 
With two riders left before her turn, Mia left the warm up arena and went to wait outside the main arena. Ballerine was standing completely still and just looked around with her ears pinned forward while Mia went through the course in her head again. The rider before them finished his round and gave Mia a nod on his way out of the arena, “Good luck!”. Mia smiled slightly and gave Ballerine the signal to start cantering and entered the arena. Mia gave the mare a light pet on the neck and went around the arena before the bell rang. “Let’s do this, B,” Mia whispered and rode Ballerine towards the first obstacle. 
Mia looked over her shoulder at the last fence. She had heard Ballerine scratch the top pole, but it stayed in place. She then heard the crowd cheering and clapping and before she could think she reached down to give Ballerine a big hug. Ballerine had just given her their best round ever. The mare had felt confident, calm and balanced, and had performed so well. They had had only one turn where they had been a bit too close to the fence, but Ballerine had somehow managed to save it round by stretching out over the fence. Mia went for the exit of the arena and was greeted by Anne and Ellie, both full of joy, cheering and excitement.
Mia had been trotting around in the warm up arena when the last rider went into the main arena. A few moments later she heard the crowd cheering again and looked over at Anne sitting with Ellie on her lap and her phone in her hand. Anne had been following the last riders on the livestream to see how they were doing and where Mia and Ballerine would end up. She then stood up with a big smile and started to jump with Ellie in her arms. Mia had been riding a clear round in a great time, but this could only mean one thing; She had also had the best time of all the finalists! The speaker confirmed it shortly after by calling out the names of the placed riders of the class - with Mia and Ballerine placing first.
Later that night, after the prize giving ceremony and after Ballerine was all set and back in her stall with lots of hay, carrots and other treats, Mia, Anne and Ellie went out for dinner. Mia had been calling home to tell both her dad, Olive and Ryan about their round. And now - now she was tired and ready to go home in a few days..
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melodygatesauthor · 10 months
Weekly Update
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- A Bit Dodgy is almost finished -
The chapter coming out this week is the second to last chapter for the series. It’s such a bitter sweet thing, ending a series, especially one that I’ve built such a community around. I’ve written 5 novel-length fics over the course of the last year, and A Bit Dodgy will be number 6. On 09/04/2023 it will be my one-year anniversary of writing fanfiction since coming back after not writing for about a decade and l can’t believe it. Holy CRAP. I’ll take the time to reminisce about my numbers and statistics on my one-year mark, don’t you worry lol. There will definitely be a celebration.
That being said, ending a series never gets easier. Even though I write for these characters all the time, Steven, Marc and Jake in this case, I’m still closing the book on this version of them. It’s sad, but I’m also very ready to move on to other stories and other versions of these characters. I also think I’ll write some headcanons and one-shots as I feel the desire to just to take the edge off when I’m missing them. I’ll talk more about this when I finish A Bit Dodgy. <3
- Requests are officially closed -
I’m not sure if I’ll ever be in a position to take requests again or not. My WIP list is a mile long, and right now (summer) is a VERY busy time for both of my jobs. I’m lucky if I get one day off a week. All this to say, it’s not feasible for me to continue taking requests when I can’t even handle the fics I have currently in the works.
I’m not saying I’ll never do requests again, it’s just not realistic right now. There will still be follower celebrations and birthday events and things like that in which I may take limited requests, but as far as the regular ones go, I gotta stop taking them for now. - THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M MAKING THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. PLEASE READ IT.
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Fic Updates
Disclaimer - I never know which way the winds of inspiration will blow. Timeframes aren’t a promise/guarantee, they’re a goal.
Fic Updates Legend:
Blue - Update this week
Pink - Update in progress
Red - Backburner Fic (not currently working on. See WIP list for status)
You can find my current WIP list here
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Chaptered Fic Updates
A Bit Dodgy - Chapter 17 is coming this week, but I need more time. So it won't come out tomorrow, it will be out Tuesday or Wednesday instead! Thank you for understanding!
Always Yours, Never Mine - Chapter 3 is done! Just need to finish editing! I'll be putting it out Saturday bbs <3
The Fractured Moon - My primary focus this past week has been getting A Bit Dodgy finished, and also working on getting the requests and stuff for my 2k celebration done. I'll be working on part 4 of TFM this week to hopefully post next week!
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Mini-series Updates
Feeling You Can’t Fight - Chapter 3 is done! I just need to finish editing and posting hehe.
All on the backburner for now but will get additional chapters soon:
Not a Doctor - Part 2
Worth the Risk - Part 3
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AI Character Bot Updates
I currently have the following bots on my list that I’m working on. If you have any suggestions or additions you’d like, please feel free to ask! I won’t make every single one I get asked for but I’ll make some of them as I get time!
DBF Jake and Steven (I already did Marc...did I ever post him? I thought I did but maybe not)
Patient Steven and Marc
Moon Knight Rescue scenario
Miguel AI Assistant Scenario (inspired by @missdictatorme's Halo fic).
Am I missing any? Don't see one on the list that you want to add? Send me an inbox or private message! No promises, but if I like the idea I'll make an AI bot.
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I'm finishing up all the inboxes from my 2k Follower Celebration! I'm almost through those so please bear with me.
There are 2 regular requests I have that will both be released this week! Exciting! - Those are the last 2 I have. Starting next week, the "request" category of my weekly update will be gone!
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I think that's all for now! Much love!
Don't forget to follow my other blogs:
@melodymakesart - My art blog
@lockandkeynovel - The blog for my original fiction novel, Lock & Key
@melodyreadsfanfiction - The blog where I reblog works I intend to read, a good place for fanfic readers to follow!
@melodygatesupdates - This is where I'll reblog any chapter updates for my fics and whatnot. This is what I use instead of a tag list!
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marvel-ous-m · 1 year
*More modern elementary school Steddie AU bc I can*
Steve and Eddie’s lunch breaks don’t line up. The kids all eat at the same time from 11-12pm (it’s a small school, so the most effective way to do lunch is to have all the kids go at once mid-day), but that’s also the teacher break time. For the extracurricular teachers, their lunch break is the hour immediately following the kid’s lunch time, because they have the responsibility of being lunch monitors for the kids while the classroom teachers take their break.
That being said, once Eddie and Steve start dating, they’re a little crazy about each other. Robin’s been quoted as calling it “the honeymoon stage, but you’re both acting like you’ll never see each other again.”
So they make a plan. Steve eats his lunch in the lunchroom on Mondays and Wednesdays, usually sitting with Eddie at the monitor’s table. His class gets a little excited when they see him in the lunchroom and try to talk to him, (he’s quickly become a favorite teacher at the school and the 3rd graders absolutely adore him), so usually Mondays and Wednesdays end up being less ‘Steve and Eddie’ time and more ‘Steve and Eddie and Steve’s 18 3rd graders’ time.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Eddie gets Robin to cover for him. It’s stupid, and he knows he could probably get out of the lunch duty by asking Principal Wheeler, and Robin is already doing the work anyways, so there's no real 'covering' happening, but it’s more fun for him to barter responsibilities with Buckley and sneak around with Steve.
On Fridays, the kids have an early release day, so Steve and Eddie usually work through lunch in an effort to get their last projects done before the weekend. Once the kids are gone, they go out to lunch together, switching the weeks the one takes the other out to a favorite lunch spot.
Once they hit their 6 month mark, they phase out of their sneaking around- they feel more comfortable in their relationship and don’t need to spend every waking moment together, but they still keep their Friday lunches. Sometimes Robin joins them, and after Robin and Nancy start dating they’ll both come along once in a while and make it a double date, but those lunches are precious to Steve and Eddie. It was the first tradition they started in their relationship, and there was no way they would be going away anytime soon.
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Stockholm Week 9: Booking the Rest of the Weekends!
This week was supposedly a stressful midterm week but thanks to the work I put in last weekend, I had an oddly relaxing week. 
I booked a bunch of flights (hopefully the last) this week too ⸜( ˙ ˘ ˙)⸝♡
My wallet is suffering but I’m brainwashing myself that this is a lifetime opportunity I need to catch. 
3/11 Mon: Ivar Los Park + Italy!
I had the mission of finding the tablecloth my mom bought in Stockholm Stadsmission during her stay. She was sad that she didn’t buy more of the same design since it fit the table size too perfectly. As a good daughter, I decided to do a scavenger hunt for it before it ran out of stock. 
Unfortunately, the ones with the same design were gone when I arrived. Although I failed my mom’s request, my own hunt was successful! I found a skirt and dress that fit perfectly. I couldn’t resist buying them since they were less than $10 each too. 
My Midterm paper for Crime Fiction class was due on Tuesday but I was close to being done due to last weekend’s grind. With light steps, I continued to spend time outside, enjoying the sun. Since I was already in Mariatorget and didn’t want to go home yet, I took a long walk around the Ivar Los Park. 
The park was smaller than I thought. I sat down on a bench for a little while until I got up to walk alongside Monteliusvägen. The clear sky amplified the beauty of the view, lightening up my mood as well. 
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I tried to capture every moment in my head so that I could look back to these moments when I was exhausted. 
During my 40-minute walk, I discovered a kindergarten, church, ballet school, and Mojang studios (shoutout to Minecraft fans). I shared my happiness with my grandparents in Korea by calling them and chit-chatting for a while. 
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A few snaps from my point of view 
I walked back home since the park wasn’t too far from my apartment. I noticed that our apartment also had a small garden and walking paths, so I strolled around in the little garden until I was satisfied with the amount of Vitamin D intake. 
For the longest time, something inside me had been bugging me to travel to Amsterdam and see the tulip festival. I tried scheduling times with my friends, but I couldn’t find anyone available during the weekend I was planning to go. 
It was then that I got in touch with my friend from home, who is also studying abroad in Europe. We started talking about our travel plans and scheduling availability. Going to Amsterdam failed again because of our tight schedule, but we managed to find a weekend to visit Italy!!! It didn’t take us long to book our flights and come up with Airbnb lists ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) 
3/12 Tue
In Swedish class, we were assigned random groups to do a team assignment.
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There are too many ways to pronounce words
I don’t know how but dumplings kept coming up in our conversations (we were hungry), and I just had to go grab dumplings after class. 
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These pork dumplings were a bit greasy but they tasted a bit like dim sum and I loved that 
I walked around the vicinity after getting re-energized. More and more flower vendors have been popping up here and there, and I walked by slowly to enjoy the sight and the scent of flowers. 
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Tulips usually aren’t my favorites but the ones here are absolutely gorgeous ✿(′ᵕ′*)
For dinner, I followed a kimchi fried rice recipe with cabbage instead. It was delicious as usual :) 
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I’m running out of menus though ;-; 
3/13 Wed: Productive Day 
Wednesdays without any field studies are arguably the best! 
I slept in and made a sandwich salad combo for brunch. 
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Pesto is always right
I stayed home and worked on the second midterm essay of this week for Glued to the Screen TV Film course. I was more of a test girl than an essay girl but oddly, I enjoyed writing the three essays that are 2.5 pages each. I really think blogging is helping to lower the mental hurdles I have for writing essays. 
After finishing the essays early, I switched the subject and worked on two different group projects. It was a very productive day! 
3/14 Thu: Malta! 
I stayed in the DIS building after the morning class until my late afternoon core class began. I was going to go to one of these recommended study cafes but got too lazy to go out. 
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A map of good places to study! 
I couldn’t get rid of the thought of going to Amsterdam, so I logged into Ryanair again. 
The Ryanair website had an option to select “Anywhere” for the destination. Out of boredom and curiosity, I set the dates to one of my available weekends and scrolled through the possible destinations. 
I found relatively cheap flight options to Hungary, Germany, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, the United Kingdom, Greece, and Malta. Out of those options, Greece and Malta caught my eye. I would’ve loved to go to Santorini but that wasn’t an option. When I searched Malta on Google, I was captivated by the scenery. I LOVE the beach and it happened to be Malta’s specialty. I could feel my lingering desire for Amsterdam finally dissipating as I looked at the pictures of Malta. 
I contemplated for a while, calculating the expenses, and clicked the button to buy the flight ticket. A solo trip to Malta in April is officially confirmed! I’m becoming more and more spontaneous but I don’t hate the change. I’m working on trying out things that I wouldn’t have done before, and this is a step towards my goal. 
For dinner, I made a quick and healthy meal out of oatmeal. I’ve been into oatmeal recipes lately; they are easy and fulfilling! Since oatmeal was healthy, I ate chips to balance out. 
For the rest of the night, I read the second half of The Legacy by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir for the Crime Fiction class tomorrow. 
3/15 Fri
I woke up early around 7 am to finish the book. 
After classes, my friend and I grabbed lunch at a Thai restaurant.
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The pad thai was good but I couldn’t stop comparing it to No Thai
If you’re reading this in Ann Arbor, please get pad thai or drunken noodles or potato curry at No Thai for me. 
Anyway, our lunch date didn’t end there. Yes, we were full after lunch. Yes, we got boba. I have been refraining from getting boba too much because I knew my addiction would kick in again soon enough. But it was Friday and I was productive this week, so I got it as a treat for myself. 
I tried working on homework that evening, but I couldn’t get myself to focus enough to finish it. So Friday night ended up as a self-care night in my bed as well ( * ˘╰╯˘ *)
3/16 Sat: Study Date
On Saturday, I got to sleep in until 11:30 am. I was still in my bed rolling around when my friend asked me if I wanted to come with her to go do work in a cafe. It didn’t take too long to realize that I wouldn’t do any work if I stayed home, so I composed myself and got ready to go out. 
We headed to Gamla Stan but it was packed with even more people than usual. I blame the good weather. 
After failing to find a spot in three different cafes, we moved over to T-Centralen and found a good study place. 
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The cafe is called the Kaferang City - I got Snapple but it was $5.50 ;-;
The music and distant conversations helped me focus and finish my assignments (+ blogging) for the week! 
On the way back home, I stopped at ICA to get groceries. I bought a pack of raw chicken breast for the first time, and it took me TWO hours to cook it + make dinner. My legs hurt by the end but once I tasted my dinner I knew it was worth it!
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I was so afraid that chicken would be raw so I cut some into thirds, not even halves
When I went back home I was irresistibly drawn to stay horizontal in my bed. I made a good choice to start a new novel but a bad choice to read until 5 am.  
3/17 Sun 
Free time! 
My roommate hasn’t come back from her weekend trip so I had all the space to myself. Moreover, I didn’t have much to do because I did most of it yesterday at the cafe. 
Sooo I basically spent the whole day finishing reading the novel except doing a brief project meeting and submitting finalized homework assignments. 
This week was an opportunity for me to rest peacefully, both mentally and physically. I love traveling but felt that taking a rest was a necessary step for me. 
It has been two months already since I came to Stockholm. Thank you for reading my weekly essays and I promise you that I’ll come back with more stories to tell next week! 
Vi ses, 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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twotitsjohndecaon · 2 years
In Only Seven Days
In honor of our man John Richard Deacon being born on August the 19th 1951, I got a little somethin happy birthday king
Word Count: 9.1k
Warnings: drinking, language I think, lil bit of drama but lots of cutesy stuff, and sexy times again not too bad but 18+ nonetheless
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Interview Monday. Recording Tuesday. Clean the flat Wednesday. Record Thursday. Record Friday. Sit around and get nothing done in the studio Saturday. And then photoshoot and listen to Roger complain about his insipid “drum sound” Sunday. 
John was stuck in a draining cycle. Of course, there were exciting moments of respite like a party or or concert every once in a while, but those had grown few and far between as of late, and John couldn’t remember the last time he’d gone and gotten a drink, or Hell, even smiled beyond the flash of a false nicety to the studio’s secretary every morning, and that was just so he wouldn’t seem like a complete dick. 
It was a miserable, rainy, English Friday night when the sun had set unreasonably early and Brian’s whining about wanting more of a guitar solo had finally pushed John over the edge. The next morning he immediately looked for a flight in the phone book to the farthest place away possible, which seemingly just so happened to be the island of Bali. The cost was massive, but with buzzwords like “sun” and “far” John couldn’t find it in him to care. By Sunday evening, a suitcase was packed and a brief note was left on his bass guitar, leaving the others with not much beyond a simple “hasta la vista.”
And so, Monday, after a long but relaxing Freddie-less and Roger-lacking flight (with a touch of Brian-emptiness), and a simple taxi ride and check in to the resort (which he assumed was a result of the large sum he had thrown to some B-class travel agent) John felt something beautiful and serene: freedom, even if it was just for this one week. Eyes weighed heavy, body un-tensing upon a soft mattress, pillow chocolates tossed carelessly aside, and a balmy heat surrounding him, John finally allowed himself to relax.
You could hardly believe your luck. Every quarter, your work held a raffle for the employees where they gave away something nice to a winner chosen at random. Gift cards, a new TV set, and good department store discounts were the typical sort of prizes. But this time, the winnings were bigger. A weeks holiday for one at a resort in Bali. It was more expensive than the usual prizes, but you supposed since the holidays weren’t so far off it made sense that they’d bulk up the winnings. You hadn’t expected to win, really, you never had with any of the other items before. But here you were, one week later in Bali. You were quite happy. You didn’t know much about the island, but who were you to turn down a week of relaxation?  A week of beach, sun, drinks, and massages were of no complaint, and you were sure you’d leave satisfied by the end of it all. Everything between traveling and checking in had gone smoothly, as per arranged by your work, and after a nice dinner in the hotel you sunk into bed. The vacation really would be nice. It had been a stressful quarter; you deserved it. It was easy to fall asleep dreaming about an upcoming week of nothing.
It was all really nice. Relaxing, just like you’d thought. After a wonderful breakfast and glorious morning in the spa, you decided to soak up some sun, a rarity in November, and headed down to the beach. The hotel had its own reserved section of the beach with canopies and chairs set up, but you decided to go the more bohemian route of laying on your towel in the sand. You closed your eyes, soaking up the rays, feeling recharged already. You weren’t sure how long you had been lying there for before you opened your eyes, blinking harshly at the light reflecting upon the water as your vision returned to normal. Once you could see you lazily took. In your surroundings. Then you noticed him. 
A man around your age, with perfect brown hair staring at you. Typically when men stared at you (especially older men and especially when you were in a bikini) it made you quite uncomfortable, a low predatory gaze directed your way, but this man’s eyes read the complete opposite, and there wasn’t any way you could know that except for that you just did. Maybe it was how his eyes weren’t raking over you like a possession, but rather like a fascination of a piece of art, how you’d look at the Mona Lisa. There wasn’t anything but genuine in his gaze, like he had known you fondly and forever. You couldn’t say you were reciprocating, maybe you were trying to, but you were a bit too transfixed. He was cute, handsome, and even if he had been looking your way in a more typically male fashion it wouldn’t have been an invitation you would have necessarily turned away. But it was more than that, and even though you could have sworn you had never seen this man in your life, he nearly could’ve convinced you that you had. The intensity, and unexpectedness of this moment had made you feel something, perhaps not a butterfly fluttering in your stomach, but maybe a chrysalis or a caterpillar at the very least. Then your eyes met, just for a second, and wanting to show that his gaze was welcome, you gave him a smile, a big one which flew onto your face on its own accord. He smiled back, a bit nervous but you could both understand that this was an uncommon but special moment for the both of you. 
But then, moment over. Somebody’s kid ran past screaming, kicking sand all over the place, covering your hair which you had really wanted to stay clean. The moment was broken, and you sighed, quickly dusting yourself off before standing and shaking off your towel. You planned to give the man another smile, one that silently commented on the situation, but you couldn’t see him any longer when you looked again. It was still very bright, so you shaded your eyes, scanning the promenade left to right, and right to left, but nothing. He was gone, almost like a sweet figment of your imagination. You sighed and walked back to your room to take a shower before dinner.
Silence was a gift. A glorious gift that John had bought for himself through this trip. It was everything he needed. And he found himself on the beach minutes after his late breakfast (more brunch— he deserved to sleep in). Ensuring he was properly sun protected (thanks to his pasty British winter complexion, he was susceptible to burning), he headed down for a full day at the beach. He would poke around the hotel later; he had plenty of time for that. As he reclined in one of the chairs which the resort had set out, he only heard the deep and true push and pull of waves, and the calming distant chatter of others. In and out of dozing, he had to have been there for hours when he felt a bit parched, and intended to get up for a drink, something fancy, he had in mind. But then he saw her.
She was the most beautiful woman to ever exist, there was no doubt about it. A short circuit shot and fired in his brain, and his senses turned to mush from no result of being in the sun too long. She simply strolled out closer to the water and laid out her towel, perfectly, and laid down. It was effortless and eternal, her existence seemingly solely to captivate John. The quiet that had overtaken him earlier which he so desperately wanted was gone, replaced by a million screams of disbelief and yearning.
He felt like he knew her, that they were meant to be and connected. That the universe had perfectly designed this moment just for him for something wonderful he must have done. If that were the case, he would thank the universe every day of his life from now on. All thoughts of getting a drink were gone as he was glued to his chair, but in an upright position, looking at her, probably quite obviously and maybe creepily. But he couldn’t move or do anything but admire.
This had never happened to him before. There were people John had been attracted to before from fleeting looks, sure, but never one with such a physical and visceral reaction. He didn’t know why either; it’s like everything that needed to work, every box that could possibly need to be checked off simply was and beyond. 
Then, she stood up, and somehow, looked at him. John froze further, somehow becoming liquid, frozen solid, and feeling light as air at the same time. She smiled. He smiled back, but not as good as hers was. 
Then the moment was over. Everything came crashing back, reality, sense, and social awareness, and he realized how big of a fool of himself he must have just made. Before the sand could clear and the most recent wave could be pulled back out to sea, John panicked and scurried away. He couldn’t spare a glance back. Breaking out into a sweat unrelated to the tropical heat, he quickly ran back to his room, where maybe he would just spend the rest of the trip now. 
But no, after a shower and cooling down and finally getting that drink (although he just ordered one to his room instead of going to the bar like he wanted) he came to his senses a bit.
Instant physical attraction, just a small crush, that’s all it was. This happened all the time to… everyone, really. John shook his head to himself, opening his balcony window to sit on the porch and enjoy the sunset with his drink. He was being silly. It was a bit strange he had such a reaction, but he had simply found a woman attractive. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, it had been a while for him. It was probably that, and a mixture of being tired from travel and the heat. He shouldn’t overthink it. This holiday was just for relaxing, so he closed his eyes once more, and that’s what he did.
John somewhat shamefully admitted to himself by the end of the day that he had gone a bit out of his way to find her again. But no luck. He tried the beach, but she wasn’t there, but to be fair he went at a different time today than yesterday. Nothing in the restaurant, but maybe she ate dinner early, and nothing at the bar. And then the entire day had passed by and John realized how silly he had been searching for her all day instead of enjoying his vacation. So he booked a late night massage, ordered extra pillow chocolates to his room which he gorged upon while watching mindless TV, and then fell asleep. Relaxing like he wanted. But he couldn’t push the thought out of his head anymore once his head hit the pillow. He hoped that he would see her again, tomorrow, ever, he didn’t mind. He just needed to see her again, to confirm to himself that he had in fact just been acting silly and it was just a crush. That’s what he told himself. But really he knew deep down it’s because he needed to see her again. But that would have to wait for tomorrow.
Maybe he really had been a figment of your imagination. No luck at the beach, bar, or restaurant, or even in the spa, and you may have accidentally on purpose walked past the men’s pool changing room to peer in just in case (unfortunately for you that resulted in seeing way too much potential-naked-old-man). So you sighed and booked yourself a pedicure, which was soothing, and had your dinner, which was lovely, and headed down to the bar for a second time.
It wasn’t particularly crowded for a Wednesday evening, but you supposed that made sense. You had some nice drinks, mostly kept to yourself, talked to the bartender a bit, and then a nice man came up to you. He was attractive, and you’d normally entertain the both of you for at least a little bit before you decide to dive in or cut it off, but you didn’t even let it get that far this time.  He was nice and good looking, but he wasn’t that other man. It seemed ridiculous of you to turn down advances like you were already in a relationship, but something didn’t feel right. The moment on the beach the other day felt too unresolved to have anything else happen with, well, anyone. So you gave stiff answers and turned away quickly from the man, and he got the message and wandered off. You finished your drinks and headed back to your room. Where was he? And why did you want to see him so badly again? You couldn’t answer, though, as your eyes grew heavy from all of the thinking, all of the running around looking for him, and from the tinge of alcohol coursing through your system. 
Another day of relaxation, or at least an attempt to. The encounter with the man still pervaded your thoughts, although maybe a little less as time went on. Good. Probably. No use dwelling over it. You thought to yourself in the morning why this was sticking with you so much. Maybe it was just the intensity. No one had ever looked at you so thoroughly before, and it made you feel hungry to be understood. It was a particular glance, something you’d remember fondly and mention to your friends a bit off hand and more casually than what was actually warranted. You’d leave out the part about obsessing over it for days, or maybe you’d add that in to the anecdote humorously, because classic Y/N, always creating an extreme romance-Disney-Princess-love-at-first-sight scenario in your head. 
Or maybe you wouldn’t mention it, because it still felt too big and special to comprehend. You really couldn’t process why this was on your mind so harshly. You tried to put it aside a bit, still there in the back of your nagging conscious, but not at the forefront, which would have to do. 
Since this was on your mind on some level, however, it made you too present to completely space out and mindlessly enjoy the pampering, so you were all too aware of the monotony of your vacation routine. 
Not like there was much else to do. So you sucked it up and did the same stuff as you did the day before and before, and it was fine, and then you found yourself in the bar again, a mid-level conversation in with the bartender, and a few drinks down, enough for a bit of a buzz but nothing where you weren’t completely aware of your surroundings. The conversation died down with the bartender after a few more people came in and he had to take their orders, leaving you stirring your drink. You sighed, looking to see who had come in, and saw no one special. A middle aged couple, an elderly couple, another middle aged couple… there was certainly a type that the resort attracted. And it seemed like no one was there alone besides you either. Well, besides one other. But maybe he—, no, probably— he had a girlfriend too, she was just out of sight for the moment. Maybe you had confused the entire situation and were an idiot. You stirred your drink again. Took a sip. Looked up again. And there, right in front of you, he was.
John stupidly (he assumed) spent his entire day looking for you again while disguising it as taking part in a normal vacation. He didn’t look very much harder, or very well he suspected, as he simply checked the same spots (though he was on time for the beach today) and had no luck. Spa, beach, restaurant, beach, lobby, beach, nothing, until he called it quits and decided to finally get that drink at the bar he had been holding off since Tuesday. He freshened himself up a bit, making himself for presentable for the venue, and made his way down, giving up a little bit in his mind at finding you, which was deeply disappointing but a bit comforting as it was a load off of his mind. 
But then everything was rushing back. He walked in, and saw you there, stirring your drink so brilliantly, and every seemingly ridiculous little desperation that had plagued him about you for the past couple of days came rushing back to him. 
You sat in a perfect, casual yet formal warm weather dress, stirring what looked to be some extravagant fruit cocktail, looking a bit bored, definitely alone and with no one else. You couldn’t possibly be in a relationship if you were at the bar like this, right? John collected his mind the best that he could (physically however he was still stuck gaping in the entryway like an idiot). This was his chance. He normally wasn’t so forward. The girls after concerts usually came up to him and the others themselves, he never really had to make the initial approach. But it was for this reason with you standing all alone so perfectly that he decided to go for it, because if the way he had been kicking himself for running away for the past day and a half was a preview to how the rest of his life would be if he had never given it a chance, he was in for a long and painful ride. Finally collecting himself physically as well (luckily you hadn’t seemed to have seen him) he made his way over to you. He walked right up to you, up to your field of vision, and then you looked at each other again. It was the same as before, more so and better up close. At least it confirmed to him that he had made the correct decision in obsessing over you, that it wasn’t a complete loss, because he could see better now that you were definitely worth obsessing over. John had made a critical mistake however. He forgot to think of something to say to you once he got up here. Or anything at all.
You could see that he was having a hard time, that he was nervous, but you found it endearing that he could be so sheepish, and not just to be nice in social politics. You were very glad to see him again. While his problem seemed to be that he was (hopefully) so excited that he couldn’t say anything, yours was the opposite. Seeing him again made you giddy, like you could gab on for hours about how you felt, or maybe just giggle about it to yourself in amazement. But you decided to help him out.
“Hi,” you said softly, thinking that was a good place to start. The man gulped. You seemed to have successfully snapped him out of his stupor for the time being. He smiled, embarrassed, but it was so lovely. His cheeks rosed.
“Hi…” he drifted off, then realizing he was being an idiot again, “Sorry, I— I think I saw you at the beach the other day,” he said in a whimsy tone, struck by so much of you. 
You nodded. “I think I saw you too. I’m Y/N.”
Y/N. It was the most beautiful name he had ever heard, an antidote in verbal form to any ailment he’d ever had. John didn’t believe in God necessarily but he believed there could be one now with that name, it was too divine otherwise. He was staring again.
“Would you like to sit down?” you asked, nodding your head to the empty seat he was near. 
“If you wouldn’t mind,” he smiled, but this time really smiled, and you were beyond delighted when you saw the adorable gap between his front teeth. “What are you having?” 
“Just a spritz.”
“Oh, those are good.”
“Are you gonna get something?” you asked with a teasing smile, catching him become distracted again. 
“Oh! Yes.” He ordered a Pilsner. Each of you took a sip contentedly. The silence wasn’t awkward, though it persisted, it felt necessary to drink everything in, quite literally.
“What’s your name?” you asked.
“Oh, sorry, John. It’s John,” he said, cursing himself for being so starstruck in a sense. You sipped again. He gulped. “This… may sound strange, but I feel like I’ve met you before, even though I’m almost sure I haven’t.” He paused. “Sorry. That’s silly.” You put your hand on his arm, and his skin burned wonderfully at the contact. 
“No. I didn’t know how to bring it up, but I feel the same way,” you nodded.
“That’s part of why I was looking at you the other day. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to.”
“No, you didn’t at all.”
“Good,” you both smiled, and sipped again, feet pointed towards each other in clear direct interest. “What brings you to Bali?” he asked. You stirred your drink and smiled excitedly. 
“I won a week here from a raffle my company does. I didn’t expect to win! It was such a nice surprise. It’s been so nice too.”
“Isn’t it? It’s gorgeous here.”
“What brings you here then? All the way from… Leicestershire?” you said, trying to place his accent. John chuckled. 
“Good ear. But I live in London now. And I’m escaping from the hooligans I have to unfortunately live and work with.” He said. You chuckled. 
“Hooligans, hm? You’ll have to tell me more,” you prompted. John continued to tell you all about his band, the other boys, and all of the antics they got up to in their youth, and still today really. You thought it was charming how John took charge of his life and set his boundary when things got too intense at work, and took a trip to Bali. That, and you were grateful to be around him in general. You also graciously learned that the both of you were single, due to some stars aligning in the universe. The two of you hit it off, and talked nonstop. You had never felt such ease of conversation between someone. Lots of times in your life you didn’t know how to continue a person, like you couldn’t read or relate to people and the conversation would fizzle out, even if you enjoyed it, racking your brain for something more, but that never happened with John, or at least so far. He always managed to keep you engaged and excited to talk to him, and in the ways you least expected but was most pleased with. You felt alight and recharged for anything, really, once the bartender alerted you that the bar was soon closing for the night, and you realized you were just about the only two left. It had been like time stood still when you were with John. You turned back to him from the bartender after they’d warned you. You two were silent for a moment. 
“What was the other part?” you enquired. 
“Other part?”
“Earlier. You said when you were looking at me the other day, part of it was because you felt like you knew me. What was the other part?” John took a deep breath in. You could tell he was nervous, and grabbed his hand that was nearest to you and gave it a squeeze. That, and maybe the alcohol was making you a bit more willing to be more touchy with John. 
“Because I’d never seen someone so beautiful before in my life,” he sighed, looking deep into your eyes, seeing you truly, uncensored. 
“John…” you sighed happily. Usually you’d think this was some sort of trick to get you in bed, but you could tell, you just knew John meant it. And he was talking about the inside, too, and you felt so whole.
“I know, it’s cheesy, but I… can’t describe it. It just is. You just are.” You grabbed his other hand. 
“I believe you John. And I think the same thing,” you said, fluttering your eyelashes a bit as you looked down at your hands. He squeezed them and your eyes met again. 
The bartender gave the two of you a pleading look, and taking pity on him, understanding he wanted to finish his long day, you both glanced towards the door. You hopped off the stool and started to shuffle reluctantly towards the door with John by your side. Once you had exited the bar, standing outside the glass doors, the beautiful manicured garden of the resort behind you, the only sound coming from the trickling fountain put in as an outdoor centerpiece and the ocean softly in the distance, a sigh, a constant pushing of everything together. The only light a few small outside lamps no more than a minimal illumination for the footpath, and the moon shining down, as the lights to the bar shut off. John faced you and took your hands, everything shining in each other’s eyes. Your palms were held high as your fingers interwove.
“Can I see you again tomorrow?” John breathed, whispered. You nodded fervently. 
“Of course. I have all day.” John looked at you intensely and kissed the back of one of your hands.
“Meet for breakfast? At the buffet?” he asked.
“Perfect,” you smiled. You managed to tear away for a moment, and parted in opposite directions to your own rooms. You didn’t need to look back, and neither did he, because you knew you’d see each other again.
You met John right on time, and maybe you’d woken up a bit earlier to make sure you looked extra nice for breakfast. When you saw him, large smiles flew onto both of your faces and you walked directly to him, everything looking clean, fresh, bright, and wonderful in the morning sunlight. He was even more adorable with his slightly pillow-ruffled hair and wide awake eyes. 
“Good morning,” you said, giggling a little, and you didn’t even know why. 
“Morning,” John said happily back, also giggling a bit, just excited to see you again. “Sleep well?”
“Yeah. You?”
“Amazing,” John smiled. “Shall we eat?” he said, gesturing to the food. You nodded. John handed you a plate and you each loaded up on the complimentary continental breakfast that was included for staying at the resort. You both sat down at a table with a fantastic beach view. You both seemed to take it in for a moment before turning to your food, and then each other. Neither of you could stop smiling. 
“The weather’s been so nice here,” you said.
“Yeah, we really lucked out. I heard it rains quite often. Just like jolly ol’ England,” said John. You chuckled and agreed. “I feel I was a bit selfish last night. I only spoke about me,” he said, eyebrows furrowing for a moment.
“No! I enjoyed it. You’re fascinating, John!” you chuckled. He blushed at the compliment. 
“But I do want to know more about you. Tell me about this job you work at, where you win trips to Bali.”
“You make it sound like I do this all the time,” you laughed again. You proceeded to tell him about your career, your studies to get you there, and just how passionate you were about the subject and lucky you felt to be working somewhere you loved. John loved seeing you light up about the things you were ardent about. “But I really do enjoy it. I could only dream about such a thing when I was a kid,” you finished, also taking the last bite of your food. “Look at me, now I’ve been the one talking all about myself,” you smiled sheepishly. 
“Not at all. To quote someone I know, you’re fascinating,” he smiled. It was your turn to blush now. John took the final sip of the glass of milk he had gotten for himself. He stood up and cleared your plate without asking, ever the gentleman. You stood up to thank him.
“I’m sure I’ll gain a few pounds from these daily high sugar breakfast pancakes by the end of this trip,” he commented. You smiled at his quip. He began to say something else, but before he could you spoke over him. 
“Would you like to come to the beach with me?” You said quickly, and then composing yourself a little and blushing at your eagerness. “I mean— I was going to spend most of the day lazing around there. Might take a dip. Only if you’re not busy,” you said softly. John beamed at how adorable you were. You could’ve then sworn your heart stopped when he suddenly brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I’d love to,” he said. 
You both agreed to change and then meet back at the private beach entrance in a few minutes. You met, and John looked perfectly handsome, all tan from the former days of sun, and John used all of his willpower to compose himself around you in your bikini, trying not to stare. You chuckled, noticing, but took his hand before he could feel bad about it (because it wasn’t unwelcome in the slightest) and led him towards the sand, towards two chairs that had been set up in front of an umbrella. After coating yourself in copious amounts of sunscreen and scolding John for not putting on enough (“John, it isn’t safe!”) and laughing again when he then smeared an exaggerated amount of lotion on his nose like a lifeguard before rubbing it in, the two of you settled down and talked more. The conversation eventually died out naturally and both of you soaked in the rays peacefully, and soaked in each other’s presence, each which had a glorious contented effect on the other. You were so relaxed, more so than any spa treatment or nap had made you feel in the days prior. You were so relaxed in fact, that you didn’t notice John had been gone until you sensed the light shift over your eyes, shading them further. You opened them, blinking to the sudden light, to see John smiling over you and holding out two ice creams, one for each of you. You gasped excitedly and took one, thanking him as you began to eat the delicious treat. 
“How’d you know chocolate was my favorite?” you asked. 
“Lucky guess,” he smiled. The two of you finished quickly, laughing as you each attempted to catch the drips before it made a mess, the ice cream melting fast in the sun. You both inevitably ended up, however, with sticky hands, and a few drops on your stomachs and legs, the heat too much for the frozen treat. You looked to each other and laughed at your states. 
“Come on, let’s clean off,” you said, nodding towards the water. John began to stand up. “Race you?” you said, and took off before John could realize what you had said. But momentarily, you heard him scoff and accuse you of cheating, and then sand being kicked behind you. You squealed as the cool water reached your toes, and then even more so when John suddenly grabbed your waist and pushed the both of you further into the water. Both of you fell softly as the waves caught any impact you might have had, soaking you both, but you couldn’t seem to care as you both attempted to stand, hard to do with all of the laughter. 
“I won,” said John, catching his breath. 
“I wouldn’t necessarily call that winning,” you smiled. John retaliated by splashing a bit of water back at you, and you did so back. Before it got too ugly your breath hitched as John once again put a hand on your waist like he had moments before. He brushed now a wet strand of your hair behind your ear once more, and you placed a hand on his forearm. You both saw into each other’s eyes, understanding how special you were to each other in this moment. You each turned to the horizon, watching the sun glitter off of the waves as it began to descend into a gilded set. You both stood and watched for a few minutes, and you gasped excitedly as the sun gave off an emerald flash as it bent under the water’s horizon. 
“That was so beautiful,” you whispered. 
“It was,” said John, but he was looking more at you than anything else. You turned to him. “Meet me for dinner. Let’s clean up and meet for dinner,” he said. You nodded excitedly. You walked back to your rooms once more and agreed to meet at the reception area in an hour. 
After a shower, singing to yourself happily the entire time, you decided on what to wear. You decided on a black sundress that you had brought, one you had meant to pass as casual but could definitely be more formal. It’s why you had bought it in the first place a while ago, it was good for switching from day to night when you didn’t have time to properly change. By some alignment of the stars, you had packed it with you. You gave yourself the best blowout you could with the small hairdryer included in your room’s amenities and touched your makeup up a bit before heading to the hotel’s reception. He was already there when you arrived. His eyes found yours and widened, taking in your form. 
“Y/N…” he trailed off. “you look beautiful,” he said in a daze.
“Back at you,” you giggled, making John blush. He really did look extremely handsome. He also seemed to not have packed anything particularly formal, but looked incredible in some flares and a button down, which revealed his tanned chest underneath. “Shall we?” he asked. You nodded, and looped your arm into his. 
You arrived to the restaurant, mutually deciding to try something outside of the resort for the first time all week for each of you, and decided on a nice looking place nearby. It was still relatively tourist-y, so there were still English menus, but it felt nice to get out. You each ordered drinks, a nice meat entree each, and shared a chocolate cake for desert as the conversation flowed easily between you two throughout the night. You felt like you were soaring around John, and he felt enlightened by you. Each of you felt like there was a motivational reason to wake up in the morning for each other. John, ever the gentleman, insisted on paying for the meal (though you forced him to let you pay for the drinks at least) and you were soon walking hand in hand through the quiet, dimly lit streets through the night. John additionally insisted on walking you to your room, and you were sure you’d never smiled so much by the time you’d arrived in front of your door. The conversation halted naturally as you turned around to face him, your hands still firmly in his. His breath hitched, and he felt choked nearly as you looked at him, your gazes so intense. 
“I had the loveliest evening John,” you whispered. 
“Me too.” He brought one of your hand up and gave it a kiss, and your heart just about melted. You couldn’t help but move closer to him a bit. 
“Not just the dinner. The whole day has been amazing. One of the best I’ve ever had,” you started. He nodded firmly. “I know that seems strange to say. But it’s true.”
“Me too. I feel the same way. It feels a bit ridiculous to say, since I’ve only known you for so shortly, but everything feels so… right. And I hope you don’t think I’m too forward to say such a thing,” he confessed. He had confessed more than just his appreciation of the day in his speech, and you both knew it; it didn’t have to be said directly. John would normally never be this forward. He could be very blunt at times, but not in anything more genuine than annoyance at Brian. And the petty side of him typically made everyone around him figure everything out. He was usually the type sit back and watch, to laugh at the inevitable he could seemingly predict, but none of that seemed right here. All John could feel was genuine and good, and it was so overwhelming he had to say it out loud, in very plain terms. Never had he felt something so physical, so emotional. The two of you were simply understood and all of yourselves. You moved closer to each other. “Not at all. I’ve never felt so right in my life,” you finished. You moved even closer and your arms slid from John’s hand up to his arms, and then his shoulders. With a final look into each other’s eyes, John grabbed your face gently and pulled your lips to his. It was the sweetest kiss, the sweetest touch either of you had ever felt. His hands fell to your waist and you fell into each other further. Only when you couldn’t breath any more did either of you pull away. You smiled at each other, breathing in each other’s scents so close, and continued to hold each other. John once again brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, and you immediately did the same to him, causing both of you to fall into a fit of giggles before you quieted each other in another kiss. 
“See you tomorrow?” John asked hopefully as you pulled away again. 
“Definitely,” you said, giving him a final peck before unlocking your room and giving him a smile as you closed the door. 
You flopped down, extremely contented on your soft bed. You didn’t even bother to shower, do your skin care routine, change, or brush your teeth as you immediately fell into a wonderful slumber. You just couldn’t. You were too exhausted (in a good way) to move, and you wanted just some semblance of you to keep the night forever. 
John had a little more of his wits as he managed to get ready for bed, but he also flopped quickly into the white, fluffy sheets. His mind was racing more nonstop. He kept trying to convince himself, that he must be crazy, There’s no way this could be happening to him. He hand only seen you a matter of days ago, let alone talked to you for less, and John struggled to convince himself he didn’t have feelings for you. He kept trying to find a reason that this was insane, absolutely crazy, but he simply couldn’t convince himself of that. He didn’t believe such a thing, because everything simply was so perfect with you. Outsiders would call him crazy, stupid, and he’d always wondered how some people got married after a matter of weeks of dating and had lasting relationships, but now he seemed to understand it more. He only had ever heard such stories in hushed tones about family gossip for some sort of distant uncle, and everyone had thought they were crazy, or the local storekeeper had done the same thing, and John had agreed that love at first sight was a type of insanity, and laughed at the thought. But none of it was funny now. It was all so beautiful, and he could really truly feel it. 
John turned around in bed happily, and took a quick glance at the alarm clock near his bed. It had just turned midnight. Saturday. One day left.
When John woke up, he was even more in a panic. All of the contentedness gone. He had only just begun to realize it last night, but it was truly setting in now. Just one day. 24 hours. Before he had to leave Bali, head back to England, into the miserable November weather and rain, and his insipid bandmates. One day until he had to leave you. How could he possibly do such a thing? He couldn’t imagine living a second without a promise of you. He felt sick, genuinely ill as he laid in bed, but again, the promise of you was the only thing to get him out. He felt shaky, in a blind panic, and couldn’t even eat as he made his way out for the day. This was probably silly as well, but John couldn’t help it. Did you know? Did you even realize that he was leaving so soon? How could you be alright with it? John couldn’t stand it. 
The truth is, you had realized it. You didn’t know when John was leaving necessarily, but as for you it was tomorrow afternoon. But you had not panicked. You couldn’t, because you couldn’t bear to think of it at all. The second the thought had come into your mind, you shut it down, put it away. And besides, you weren’t going to let this poison your last day with John. This day was to be enjoyed. 
It occurred to John only after he had left his room the two of you hadn’t agreed on a particular time or place to meet, and that sent his panic spiraling further for a moment, thinking back to how he’d looked for you a few days before to no avail. But it didn’t last long, as he soon found you by the pool, sitting in the already hot sun of the late morning. You had your eyes closed, not noticing John come up to you. 
“Mind if I sit?” He smiled. You blinked open and smiled as John took a seat on the lounger next to you and sat up. He wasn’t worried anymore. His day was better now. 
“Not at all,” you smiled, closing your eyes again. John relaxed and closed his eyes as well. “Sleep well?”
“Very,” he said.
“You’re a bit overdressed for the pool,” you pointed out, referring to his jeans and t-shirt. 
“Maybe you’re a bit underdressed for the rest of the day,” he jested. You sat up further and looked at him. 
“Oh yeah? And what’s happening for the rest of the day?” you asked. 
“Lunch?” He offered. You nodded gratefully and moved to stand up, but gasped excitedly before you did. 
“What?” he asked.
“I know just the place!” you said, pulling on a flowy sundress you had brought out with you over your bathing suit (one that made John’s heart race quite a bit). You slipped on your shoes and took his hand. “Picnic?” you offered. John smiled. 
“Good plan.” The two of you made your way out of the resort, into a local shop, and bought yourselves some terrible little sandwiches and fruit, along with a couple of sodas, and insisted on paying yourself this time (“You bought me food last night!”) as John grabbed the plastic bag. 
“Shall we eat on the beach?” he suggested, following you along, amused at how adorable you were, seemingly set out on a mission. The light in your eyes was contagious and filled his. You shook your head. 
“I know some place better,” you said, grabbing his hand once more and leading him away.
“Wow,” you whispered to yourself as you reached the peak of the hill you had just trekked up. You turned around to look for John, only to find him nowhere to be found. “John?” you quickly looked back down the hill to see him huffing and puffing as he reached the top near you. He smiled when he saw you, despite being out of breath.
“How long’s this hiking trail again?” he breathed harshly. You giggled.
“We can stop here,” you said taking pity on him. “Look, it’s beautiful.”
“Incredible,” John said, eyes widening as he took in the truly magnificent view. He had to admit, he’d been skeptical about a hike in the Bali heat (especially when it was due to rain) but it had made you so happy, and it really was an amazing sight. It was all worth it. The air was so fresh.
“Shall we sit?” you said, snapping John out of his mild stupor. John nodded, and the two of you fell upon the grass and opened the lunch you had bought, talking, taking in the sights, and each other.
“Sorry for dragging you all the way up here,” you commented as you folded your napkin away and threw it in to the plastic bag to dispose of later. John shook his head.
“I couldn’t imagine a better lunch,” John said. 
“What if there was a lift that took us straight up without the walking?” You laughed. John chuckled.
“Well, yes, then it would have been slightly better. But I don’t regret a thing,” said John, grabbing your hand and pulling you into a short kiss. You smiled into it. Every time you kissed, it felt like you were breathing properly for the first time, feeling so refreshed and enlivened, more than ever before.
After descending the hill and parting shortly to change out of your grass-stained clothes, you each met for dinner once more. It was lovely, incredible again in every way to be with you, but John felt an impending sense of doom. He became increasingly aware of the ticking time bomb, the hours, minutes, seconds, reducing too fast until he had to go back home, and there was nothing he could do. He felt so helpless, and didn’t know if you knew or felt the same, or if you were even aware at all. It was all he could do to hold your hand tight as you walked back to your room once more that night and turned to each other once more, just as you had before. You somehow were more beautiful now. John pulled you close without hesitation this time, and connected his lips to yours. You melted against him, in the best way. You felt his somberness in this moment, the same doom you had been holding off on all day. It seemed so real now, him in your arms, not knowing the next time it would be, or if there was a next time. All you had was him, fleeting, right now. Tears pricked your eyes as you stared deeply into his.
“John…” you started, choking up before you could even begin. 
“I know,” he said, completely understanding, pulling you close. You fell into his shoulder, only knowing his sweet smell and gentle touch. John felt terrible seeing you upset, but partly relieved you had some semblance of your imminent parting. That way he wouldn’t have to spring it on you. God, how could he possibly tell you? Say such a thing? He could only hold you tight and kiss you again, using his thumbs to wipe at your glistening eyes, shushing you comfortingly. 
“Can you come in?” you said smally, and John could have deceased right there. 
“Of course.” He followed you in your room, the door closing softly, and the lights remaining low, the push and pull of the waves lightly in the ambience. The two of you held each other close, barely able to accept the majesty of each other. You brought John to your lips, and never disconnected. Gently, you unbuttoned his shirt and felt all along him, and all of it was perfect. John slid the straps of your dress down before reaching for the zipper in the back before lightly caressing your soft hair. John shrugged off his shirt, and your dress pooled to the floor, and you reached to unbutton his trousers. You walked back towards the bed and fell into the soft, soft sheets, and laid back against the middle, John always following, both of you only in your underpants now. John had never seen a sight so beautiful as all of you. Your lips were warm and sweet against each other’s as the final pieces of clothing were removed. John thrust in, and your eyes connected, never leaving, outpouring pure affection. It felt so good, so perfect, all of it, and he gently held your face. The speed picked up, but with grace and subtly as you both soon reached your highs, never leaving each other’s gaze. John, still inside you, fell slightly on top of you as you grabbed on to his back tightly, melding yourselves to each other forever, shaking and breathing together, synchronized almost. John kissed you hard, and you tried your best to give every feeling you had in reciprocation. Finally, John pulled out and flipped you over, pulling you into his chest, and you’d never felt safer or more content. 
“I love you,” he said, admitted to himself and professed to you. You fell into his eyes. 
“I love you too,” you said, as you both drifted off perfectly.
John glanced over, tired, exhausted to see that the clock read 5:45. Just in time to make his morning flight. You were bundled up so peacefully in his arms. The sun barely graced the sky, it being only a tinge lighter than night. John took you in. How soft you fit into him. How mesmerizing your scent was. How gorgeous you looked. How wonderful your deep breaths sounded in your peaceful sleep. He couldn’t possibly wake you up, not like this. John knew if he were to leave you, which he must, despite it feeling impossible, he must do so now. He moved slowly at first, not wanting to wake you, but as soon as he sat up, you stirred, turning over and reaching for John. 
“Whe’r’r you going?” you mumbled sleepy. John’s heart melted. He rolled back over to you, sitting up against the pillows and holding you close.
“My flight’s soon,” he whispered. 
“I… I have to go, sweetheart.” That woke you up. You figured to had to as well, but your flight wasn’t until later. He couldn’t leave now, he just couldn’t. This wasn’t supposed to happen, none of it was, finding him, loving him, leaving him. You sat up, looking at him, fighting back tears. You wanted to yell at him, make him stop at all costs. But you couldn’t do that. He wanted you to beg him to stay just as much, because he would. But you couldn’t do that. So instead, you began to cry and held you close, and he did the same. You sniffled.
“I can’t believe this has happened. That I love you. And I love you so much,” you cried.
“I love you too, darling. I never thought this could happen.” You cried together for what seemed like an eternity. You were torn away, bound by moral and social discrepancies, and watched as he pulled his clothes back on, and held you close, giving you the deepest kiss either of you had ever felt. He didn’t say anything as he closed the door. There’s nothing he could say, that either of you could. 
And so, that morning, and you later that day, John went back home alone, as he had started.
You had tried to get him out of your mind, you thought that you’d snap back into your senses or your normal life, but you couldn’t you must be sick, and your friends and coworkers all noticed that you hadn’t been the same. They’d expected a bubbly you, refreshed from a week of relaxation, but was met with a you which could barely function. You cried seemingly all the time, nothing was right without him, the world was strange and confusing. This couldn’t go on. 
John was absolutely miserable. Dodging the nosy questions from his band mates, his week of getting away from them made them more annoying upon his return, him more irritable, so much so that the others forced him home early after one recording, not wanting to be around him. He was consumed by this, nothing was alright, everything had changed and nothing at all, and nobody seemed to care or do anything about it. How could they? Nothing was the same and everything was wrong. After endless pestering, John broke, and spilled all (after a couple of drinks as well) and fell apart. His friends were annoyingly understanding, not even bothering to tease him. Roger, usually with an innuendo at the go, and Brian with his endless la-dee-da prose, and Freddie, the self proclaimed love expert (“You’ve only been in about two relationships, Fred,”) could even sense John’s despair that this was something deeper, nothing to joke about. And while John hated to admit it, it was them who encouraged him one day. He had to find you. They nearly shoved a phonebook into his hands as he began to scour.
But it wasn’t long. Because you had come to your senses just a bit before John, and he wasn’t too hard to find. The receptionist at the terrible little miserable studio informed John he had a guest. Coming out into the lobby, just holding back the others like a pair of rabid chihuahuas wanting to see who you were, there you were.
And you grabbed each other close. And you were together again. John cried.
“Never. Never again,” said John, kissing your hair and breathing you in once more.
“Is this crazy?” you asked for being so hung up on him.
“Yes. But I don’t care. And I’m never leaving you, ever,” he said, your lips falling together.
It was crazy. It was absolutely insane that you managed to find each other over and over again, but none of it was complicated. It was only simple, nothing purer than true love. And you never let go of each other.
You giggled as John carried you over the threshold. Everything about the day, about the wedding had been perfect, and you melted into him. But John had been keeping something for you, and you had to know, you had a right as his wife.
“Mr. Deacon, will you ever tell me where we’ll be going on our honeymoon?” you asked. When you suggested different destinations in the wedding planning stage, John shot all of them down, promising he’d work it all out. As you were apparently leaving tomorrow, you had to know. John, barely tearing himself apart from your lips, hummed, and reached into his coat pocket.
“How does Bali sound?” He laughed handing you the plane tickets.
“I had a suspicion,” you smirked. 
“I am very mischievous,” he contended. You kissed once more. “You wanna go, or not?” he teased.
“Only if you come back with me.”
“Well, good thing I bought roundtrip tickets. You’re stuck with me, before, during, and after.”
“Good,” you smiled. And you always had each other, always now.
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tilda-rothery · 16 days
I recently had surgery on my leg – like last Tuesday – to remove necrotic tissue from a skin infection turned into a really bad abscess. Now I've had skin infections and abscesses before, I'm unbelievably prone to them, no matter how clean or careful I am. I do believe there must be an underlying cause, I just haven't found it yet. But I've never in my life, had one like this.
It turned very quickly, from barely any redness or pain on Saturday, to me saying on Sunday 'tomorrow I'm going to book in to see the GP before this gets bad', to me crying on Monday evening on the phone to 111 (UK out of hours) because a very small area of the infection site had started to turn black, which then had me going to A&E later Monday evening (11pm).
I was in excruciating pain before surgery, so much so that even the dose of codeine they gave me in A&E (for which I sat for 7 hours) did nothing to elevate my discomfort.
Within 5 minutes of seeing my leg, (after sitting there for the aforementioned 7 hours), I was seen by two surgeons and placed immediately on a drip of antibiotics - and yes I had managed to see my local GP as soon as was possible on Monday morning and had already started a strong course of antibiotics before going to A&E later that day/evening. The GP decided not to drain it then and there because when I saw him Monday morning, the infection wasn't even half as bad as what it was Monday evening.
I had a special visit from the head of surgery, as well my primary surgeons and a junior anaesthetist all between the hours of 6.30-9am on Tuesday.
I was in theatre by 9.15am. This marks my first ever surgery. I was under general anaesthetic. The surgeons did not know the extent of the damage the infection had done to my leg.
By 10.15am a good chunk of my thigh had been removed but the pain was completely gone! Partly due to the removal of all the bad shit that had accumulated in my leg and partly due to the drugs.
I was sent home late Wednesday, armed with pain meds and more antibiotics.
I am currently undergoing daily visitations from my district nurses because the surgeons decided that for optimal healing, and to avoid repeat infections, to leave my abscess cavity open - no stitches, just a gaping hole in my thigh.
Everyday the nurses have to pack my leg with surgical ribbon and apply a dressing.
Yesterday was the first time in a week that I felt brave enough to take a photo and actually look at my wound. Honestly, it's both extremely gross, yet truly fascinating. It measures 4.9cm in length and 2cm in width. They have yet to measure the depth.
You can see a small amount of the muscle in my leg, it is completely exposed. What's even more fascinating is that today when I mentioned that I could actually see my muscle to the nurse, she said that if I moved, she'd be able to see it twitch. I mean of course she would, but the thought never occurred to me that anyone would ever be able to watch my thigh muscle move from within my body.
I now have to be extra careful to make sure my wound is kept clean and covered for the next who knows how long (the nurses reckon a month, I am unable to work during this time) while it heals so that it doesn't get infected, especially now as my course of antibiotics has finished.
I now find myself with far too much free time on my hands now that I am homebound.... Lots of TV (good thing there are 20 seasons of Greys Anatomy, not that I managed to get past season 13 on my last watch), Stardew valley and a little bit of crochet to occupy my time with.
To say I am starting to get a little bored is an understatement.
And now I have rambled!
So, moral of the story, be extra careful with skin infections, they can take a turn for the absolute worst within a blink of an eye, regardless of if you've done absolutely everything you can think of to prevent further infection.
They are no joke.
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bots-and-cons · 10 months
So I've been having fun...
I've really not had the best week so I just wanna vent a bit. But first, a bit of an update on the state of the requests. I've got two requests left and I've already started writing the other one, so I'll get the last one done next Wednesday (23rd of August) at the latest. I'm planning on opening the requests on that same evening so maybe turn on your notifications for my blog so you don't miss it.
Requests will open on Wednesday, 23rd of August, there will be an announcement post when they open.
Venting below vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
So, I haven't been doing very well this last week. I have no idea what brought this on, but my week didn't start too well. I think my psychosis might be going into a more active episode for the first time in a long time, and it's pretty fucking scary tbh. I had a very strong, even if brief delusion on Monday evening to Tuesday about noon which was scary. I'm not gonna go into detail about it, because I don't think anyone wants to hear it and I don't particularly wanna talk about it.
On Tuesday I went with a friend to her entrance exam, because she needed some emotional support. She wouldn't have gone there at all if I hadn't gone with her, so I kinda felt like I had to go. She straight up told me she would have skipped it if she had to go alone. She got into school too, since it was like a really quick application process and the results came today. I'm happy for her, but the day reallly tired me out and in retrospect, I don't think it was a good idea for me to go.
On Wednesday my anxiety was so high I could barely function and I kept spacing out and going into a dissociative state constantly. Not fucking fun. I've barely slept since Monday, because I keep waking up because of anxiety dreams and for other unknow reasons.
Today (Thursday) was fine, I'm functioning semi-normally and the anxiety from yesterday is mostly gone. I even managed to call my school to sort some stuff out. I've signed up for the courses for this fall and now I just need to get my money situation under control.
I've got an appointment with my psych nurse tomorrow. I'm hoping she doesn't make me go to my psychiatrist because of the more frequent delusions and hallucinations. Since I'm still functioning mostly okay I doubt I'll have to, but we'll see. It might all just be caused by school starting and me stressing about it. I kinda doubt it though, because this has been going on for about a month now and I don't think I've been stressing about school for that long.
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hazbinextgeneration · 5 months
Demon Bride Ch39 To Play Matchmaker
Last Part Here:
First Part Here:
Next Part Here:
(Warnings: Gyutaro puts himself down, possibly some habits of his including clawing himself, maybe some blood mentioned. He gets bullied a little bit. Enmu IS his own warning. Mentioning of the red light district but this will STAY SFW!!!
To answer more questions-
*Is Y/n also related to Yushiro?
She wasn't originally but I would then have a harder time writing Y/n's backstory and many people expressed interest in that.
*Will Y/n have any abilities or traits from Yushiro?
Yes. Some physical traits from Yushiro will be made yes. For example Y/n's eyes will be purple with dilated pupils, which is like Yushiro as Tamayos eyes do not have a pupil. Her sclera will also now turn red when fighting which is the same color as Yushiros when in battle. There also might be a slight change in hair color too.
She will also get a fourth Blood Demon Art: Blood Demon Art Foresight 
As for this ability,  Yushiros blood demon art allows him to see things no one else can example being Yahsba's arrows. Y/n has the same ability only slightly different as she can sense things others can't. Such as she was able to sense that Gyutaro would attack the vender and Kokushibo's different aura compared to everyone else. This blood demon art is more subtle and works at random.
*Is Y/n a human or demon?
Yes, no, and both. You'll have to be patient for the plot.
*Will the Hantengu boys get a chance to shine? 
Yes. Once I get bonding time with Enmu/Gyutaro arc done, they will be the next ones I get to. Douma will be introduced during this time also but he'll get his moments  between the quadruplets and Enmu/Gyutaro.
Now with all those questions let's get onto the chapter.
The days went by painfully slowly.
Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.
You swore if it wasn't for Rui and Enmu's visits you would've gone insane but now you just might with the new information on your lineage. You stayed in shock for the rest of the week. You wondered if it imprinted worked both ways. You found yourself incredible more fond of Rui the more you spent time with him. You caught him reading those thick books Enmu left him starting The next morning when you woke up and just found him sitting on a pile of pillows with probably one of the thicker books in his lap. On the cover it read 'Historica Demonca Vol. 1'. 
"....Rui?" He hummed acknowledging you but not taking his eyes off the pages in front of him. "What are you doing up so early?"
"Studying. That pervert you invited to lunch said that I was behind my peers, I resent his words so I aim to prove him wrong. It'll be easy for me to catch up on everything since I was already schooled in most of these topics."
...You blinked. "Rui, you went to school before?"
He shook his head. "No. As my Ex-father's heir I was forced to learn many things such as my kinds' history, math, and such other topics. It was easy enough. I had a lot of time on my hands and it's not like I had anything else to do while I was sick in bed for most of my childhood."
"Rui ..You shouldn't force yourself to study so hard if it stresses you."
"I do not mind reading these books. They give me something to do since we aren't going anywhere soon."
Wow...Well he was blunt but he had a point. So you'd let him read to entertain himself. This was a good thing to do right? Letting him read the books he was given? You supposed there was literally nothing else for him to do for now and it would be good for him to learn...Or reread what he already knew. As long as he ate his meals and went to bed on time you didn't have an issue with it. However there was one issue on Wednesday morning when you were eating breakfast. Rui had somehow managed to speed read three of the twelve thick books already and started making two separate piles by the mountain of pillows he sat on. One of already read books and one of the ones he hadn't read yet. He stood there looking between two books in his hands he kept blinking at... before placing them both down and walking up to your tired groggy body. A pale hand poked your cheek.
"Hm?' you hummed half asleep.
"That pervert is a doctor right? So would he know a lot of science and math?"
"Huh?...oh..Yeah I guess so. *yyyyyaaaaawwwnn*"
"His room is close by right?"
"Mmm hmm."
"....Ok. I'll be right back."
You were too half asleep to notice that the door to your room slide right open and a pale figure step out into the hallway. Around three minutes later a pair of footsteps came back through and behind it was a thread and attached to the thread bound by his legs was a smiling amused figure dragged across the floor.
"Hello Mother," Rui greeted as he walked past you. "I'm holding the pervert hostage Until he explains through both subjects."
"That's nice, Rui."
Enmu chuckled waving at you as he was dragged past. "Good morning, Darling.~ Your son and I are bonding today."
"That's nice, Enmu.".....A glass breaking sound went off in your mind as you snapped awake and looked over your shoulder. "Wait. What?!"
Enmu was propped up next to the pile of pillows and told to 'stay put or else's as Rui just plopped himself down onto the pile of pillows again and picked up the science book. And that's how Enmu ended up spending the entire day with you as Rui grumbled reading through the book only to look up every so often to point at something in the book and demand Enmu explain something to him to which the half tied demon was happy to help him with whatever the boy needed explaining. You guessed science was a lot easier for Rui to understand minus a few topics because he flew through the book under a few hours before getting back to that math book. Almost from the very first page Enmu had to sit there as Rui shoved the book at him and walk him through each page.
"-and that's how you get negative one by minusing from the fraction."
"Oh...Why can't they explain it that easily in the book?"
"Because the secret is that they make the math hard to understand so that only the cleverest of students figure it out. They like to weed out the less crafty ones because they think that'll make the students work harder and therefore become smarter to keep up with their noble status."
"... That's the dumbest logic I've ever heard."
You couldn't help but laugh at what Rui said.
"How do you even know this?"
"I'm a doctor. We have to know math to give accurate measurements, and I was once a scam artist so I know manipulative behavior when I see it."
You paused. "Wait..What was that?"
"Hm? Oh. I was once a scam artist as you humans called it. Me personally I like to call myself a master of mind.~ I could make anyone feel better just by words.~ ..Then the master took an interest and threatened me with execution if I didn't join the Kizuki and there was something about no longer being allowed around large crowds of women-"  He waved a hand. "Nothing too important."
You just....stared at him. Before giving a deep inhale. "Enmu... We're going to have a VERY serious talk later."
"Hey!" Rui tapped a hand impatiently on the book. "I have seven other books to finish after this one. Tell me how to find the square root of this x!"
Thursday. Friday.
Maybe you shouldn't have let Rui and Enmu stay up all night Wednesday to walk Rui through the entirety of the math book but Rui wouldn't stop insisting and grabbing your leg pulling at you pleading until you finally relented. Akaza mentioned Demons could go three weeks without sleep right? So one night wouldn't hurt him, and Enmu was a capable doctor so you figured it was ok. You tried to stay up with them but you fell asleep around midnight and woke up sometime around ten in the morning to find Rui already on another book with food next to him to eat. Enmu smiled next to you with a bowl of soup held out to you 
"Good morning, Darling.~ Seems our spawn is quite the smart little thinker. He's already made it through half of those books already.~ He takes after me.~"
"Not the pervert parts. I still have my eye on you."
You blinked...."Huh?"
The one good thing to come out of this stressful week was that you had the idea of sending that 'courting gift' of Douma's back to him. That should be the nail im the coffin and get at least one demon off your back. Now you just had to worry about a few others. 
Enmu had finally left sometimes Friday afternoon after giving Rui a check up and giving him another small dose of medicine noticing his temperature had unexpectedly gone up again before he tried to kiss you again, failed when Rui shot a string of webs over his mouth, and left leaving the both of you there and Rui reading his eighth book by now. You never seen someone read so fast and wondered if he was used to reading so much due to his previous situation.
Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.
It was early in the morning when you first heard it, the knocking and when you didn't get up right away from your peaceful sleep world the door slid open and someone else walked in and over to you. Your eyes were closed but jumped awake when a firm hand grabbed your shoulder and shook you until they slowly rolled open, and your head looked back up to a lady servant smiling at you.
"Wake up, My Lady. I'm to escort the young sire today for school and get you ready for your visitor."
....You flopped your head back into the pillows and groaned-
And .. That's how it went. Rui's books was all gathered up, he seemed a lot more calmer about leaving for school, and then they left. Leaving you with a servant who attempted to get you ready but a firm scowl and no was enough to get her to back off and once again leave you alone in the quiet room. ...Alllll alone. Just sitting there. Staring right at the ceiling...You again sighed and kicked a blanket off in a fit scowling at nothing in particular and pushing yourself up out of bed. 
Fine then. You'd get up. This would be a great time to look around for any exits now that you were alone. Most likely everyone else would be busy doing their own chores to notice you, plus it would be easier to sneak out unnoticed without worrying about Rui tagging along. Alright. How were you going to do this? You hummed yawning and stretching your back out whilst standing up. Let's see...There was more than one room in this place. You could sneak out through a window and walk across the docks! And you could stuff pillows under your covers to make it look like you were still asleep! No one would suspect that you'd be gone! Rui's connecting room had a window so that worked double in your favor. But then how would you be able to map this area out?...Hmm. perhaps you could make your own map with paper and ink? But what if you got los-
You froze. An icey spear shot down your spine and made a shiver run back up it as a thought rattled your brain.
You weren't alone.
".... Who's in here with me?"
There was silence for a long, long moment before a powerful presence manifested behind you making your hair stand on end.
"I'm impressed. You managed to notice me before most of my prey does or anyone in general for that matter."
You didn't say anything but you slowly turned to look over your shoulder and paused as bright yellow eyes stared back at you.
The symbol for many things. Passion. Hatred. Love. Anger. But maybe the one she's most familiar with was blood red. Red. Red. Red. Such a pretty color for such a messy job but someone had to do it. She would. Oh yes. She would. After all she had a natural born talent for such things so why shouldn't she indulge in what she was best at?  
The red lights shined bright tonight. With each pruseccion of the music that sounded with each graceful step she took. The crowds parting. The jealous looks of the many women. The envious eyes of many men. Staring. Staring. Staring. Yes. Look upon her and know that not a single one of you will ever be anything like her. Will never be anything even close to her beauty. That's the punishment they all deserved for life depriving her of so much for so long. All the hardships now theirs and not hers. Disgusting and disgraceful all of them! They didn't even deserve to gaze upon her beauty!...But for the sake of her Master, she would play the part of the beautiful doll they all both loved and hated. Including these annoying tasks and parades to greet a lowly customer she would only reject. After all he didn't deserve her. 
Thank goodness that troublesome display was over with. Now she could relax and let herself just sit there and bask in its rightly deserved room. On display a meneragrie of items only the lowers than her could only dream of seeing let alone owning them. Why shouldn't she indulge herself? She's the one who put in the work to deserve them not them! The only ones who deserved such things were her. Her alone.
And her brother.
He deserved to have everything. Even if he denied himself it only to give her more things. He deserved to indulge in himself. Even if he thought he was unworthy. He deserved to be beautiful. Even if he thought he was the ugliest thing that ever walked the earth.
Where was that dummy anyhow? He was supposed to be back hours ago. He promised her he'd come back to her after that little display she paraded on. But now it's been hours. So long that she had to touch up her make up in the reflection, light provided by dimly lit candles. He was within the envious, jealous looks as she walked but now it seemed he had vanished into thin air. 
A pause in motion as a far away pulse gave her a pause. Red lipstick to her lips. Hmm. That was awfully strange. That wasn't her heart that beat. Hers was still as motionless as a rock. So why was she feeling a heartbeat in the back of her mind?
Oh..OH! Now what did she have here? She felt surprised. Shocked even. Oh..Oh no. Don't tell her that- ..Oh gods above! Don't tell her that her brother got his own heart snatched up! A pit of jealously and anger grew. WHO?! WHY?! WHAT MADE HER SO INSTANTLY MORE SPECIAL THAN HIS OWN SISTER?! WAS SHE EVEN HALF AS PRETTY?! HIGHLY UNLIKELY!! AFTER ALL HE SAID SO HIMSELF!! NO ONE WAS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN HER! ....But wait. If he was falling for someone, where did that place her situation now? Hmm....A relaxed feeling came over her. No matter. She was content with knowing that no matter what he'd always choose her over any lame 'love' if she asked. He'd do anything for her...But then again...This might open up more opportunities for her.
"Great. Looks like it finally happened. Brother finally got lost in a pretty face and fell. Just when I thought it was going to be a peaceful year. Oh well. It was bound to happen sooner or later surrounded by dozens of women....She better be worth the trouble."
Maybe he'll at least stop complaining about others easily being able to get a girlfriend. Or maybe he'll be more lenient when she found someone attractive without instantly jumping in to make a decision on the matter for her. One of the few things they argue about really but it's been really getting annoying. What really annoyed her was he still didn't come back for a few days. She was FURIOUS by the time he finally bothered to climb in through the window one dark night looking like a drowned man.
"It's about time you came back!! You left me high and dry for days without word of what you were doing and I half to feel your annoying crush on and off!! And you won't let me go out days without you?! HEY!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"
Instead a heavy weight tiredly flopped itself onto her back. Dam. When's the last time he slept? "Ran into stupid...train pervert. Go to the castle now..carry me. I'm exhausted."
"You had me annoyed for days and you're giving me an order?! What am I ?! A pack mule?! HEY! AREN'T YOU LISTENING AT ALL?!"
A stronger prescence melted into her and she felt a tired pang from the back of her mind as she pouted. Why did SHE have to do all the traveling and carry HIM around?! And why did she have to go to the Infinity Castle NOW?!
"Just do it," a voice spoke inside her mind before it fell into a deep sleep.
She ended up pouting and just sitting there forever before relenting. Fine then. If they were wanted at the castle then she'd go to the castle but she was annoying him the entire way there!! A lipstick was thrown against the wall in frustration as she got up disappearing into the night.
"You men need to keep your voices down and quit being so annoying!"
Step after step she took down a flight of stairs and into the scene with everyone else. It's been so long since she's been to one of these. The last one had been when her brother and herself  had been initiated into the Kizuki with the insistence of Upper Moon Two putting in a good word for them. Maybe that was a kind gesture on his part but she always saw it more as a person recognizing a powerful alley to keep for himself. However she just walked into an annoying argument. Men! As usual!
"You all can be so loud. It's bad enough I have to deal with annoying men at the Entertainment District but now I have to do it here too?!"
"Daki," Akaza simply and politely greeted ignoring everything else she said. "It's good to see you again. You look healthy. Is your brother with you?"
"Of course he is! He's just asleep from the long trip!"
"You'd better wake him up and have him come out for the meeting. The Master wants everyone present for this meeting."
"Well you heard him. WAKE UP ALREADY!!", She yelled into her mind and an annoyed feeling was sent back to her. "DON'T GIVE ME THAT!! I DID ALL THE WORK GETTING US HERE SO GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUT HERE!!"
There was more annoyance but something did detach itself from her, melting away from her back like rain washing off a roof until a hunched figure stood next to her and gave her a half annoyed half tired look which she frowned back. Served him right! She did all the hard work getting them there!! 
The Master Arrived.
A thud rang out as her arms and head hit the floor of the stairs in an instant. She expected her brother to follow her lead...But he didn't? Why wasn't he-
"Psst." Of course she looked up at him but he wasn't looking at her. His neck was craned above them at the scene before him. "Look UP, dummy!" Was he talking to her? She dared to look up and follow his gaze. Only to notice that he was locking eyes with  beautiful  woman. NOT as beautiful as her but she was absolutely lovely for human standards."Don't be stupid! BOW!!"
The woman instantly obeyed. He ducked his head back down. His eyes locked with hers. A fain heartbeat going off that she felt. And they both knew that she knew exactly who she was to him. So....THIS was the woman her brother fell for? Honestly she was expecting worst. But she was decent looking (for a human) and she spoke her mind against a demon so she'd probably be able to handle her brother's tantrums....She guessed she could live with someone like that. As long as they didn't get any ideas about completely taking her brother or thinking she was higher than her on any level. She needed to know her place. Now only if her brother wouldn't just stare at her when everyone was diving to gift her gifts. PAH! A silly thought. Her court a lowly human!?
"Like I'd do that."
She then paused and looked to her brother whom was just scratching at his neck and watching with sad lovestruck eyes. Like a fool who'd only discover their love wasn't meant to be. Ugh. He really wasn't going to do anything was he? She frowned.. before easily swiping the red-black cloth from around his neck and shoulders and dropping it. Up, up, up it fell until it fell right on top of the girl's head staking her brother's claim to join her heart's battle. Her brother mortified looked at her with a look of betrayal and she merely rolled her eyes.
"We both know you want her. And you'll have her. One way or another."
Their Master had summoned them both plus that little goblin Enmu to his own private study the very next day. She always hated the pervert. Her brother knew this. Which was why he placed himself between Enmu and her and kept sending disgusted looks his way that could kill a person. Her brother had many uses.
"I have business with my wife. I'm tasking you three with making sure that girl doesn't leave my sight even when I cannot see. You will be my eyes and ears. Watch her. We will not let another Tamayo slip through unnoticed. From until further notice, you three will be staying in the castle. However don't make yourselves or your mission obvious to her."
But wait.....
Didn't her brother DESERVE the BEST?! OBVIOUSLY the best WAS HER and no one else...but second most beautiful woman would suit him just nicely. And why not? What she wanted Gyutaro always... A L W A Y S. Made sure she got. And what her brother wanted.
Her brother got.
It was the little goblin who made the plan to actually infiltrate her trust and she only went along with it because it seemed like a good idea to confirm blood work or whatever it was that he was doing and allow him (a familiar face to her) to make an opening for her (a not familiar face to her) that wouldn't arose suspicion. The plan would be arranged soon. She just had to wait...FOR HOURS!! SHE HAD TO WAIT FOR HOURS UNTIL HE FINALLY CAME BACK THE CREEP!
That's what the entire dark room was when he finally got back. He wasn't surprised when he stepped in and closed the door softly behind him, walking into the middle of the room before stopping and turning to the darkest corner. Before smiling at a moving shadow.
"Daki, good evening my dear. You look lovely tonight as always. Did you have a nice trip coming over?"
Two piercing yellow eyes scowled back at him. "I've been waiting here almost all day! Where the hell have you been?!"
He chuckled. "Forgive me. I lost track of time doing work, but I did confirm what the Master suspected. You know your assignment to keep an eye on her until he comes back?"
"Of course I do! I'm not stupid!"
"That's good. Oh my. Where's your brother? I hope he knows too."
"He's here. He's just asleep bored from how long you made him wait. The dummy was never able to get anything done without me pushing him! I have to do everything I swear! Including making sure he doesn't die a marriage less idiot!"
"Oh?... You're still insisting on setting them up? I would've thought you would've wanted to keep your brother's attention only on you."
"He's never even kissed a woman before and complains all the time about whenever someone has a girlfriend but does he ever try to put himself out there? Oh no. But whenever I want to go on dates it's always 'No, Daki. You can't date until Im dead and three days after to make sure I'm dead.' UGH!! IM ALMOST TWO HUNDRED YEARS OLD!! I CAN GO ON DATES BY MYSELF!!"
"Oh. So it's a matter of you wanting him to have a distraction so YOU can have dates... Sounds like a big brother alright. Not sure how I feel about you trying to set him up with MY begonia...but Im too curious to see how this goes to stop you."
"Hmph! I don't need your permission anyways!" He only chuckled again and walked over to a desk where he grabbed a quill and piece of paper. "What are you doing now?!"
"I'm writing a progress report for our Master. Turns out our suspicions were true." The woman rose a brow in surprise as a feather quill scratched on paper. "Dear Master. How is your trip? I'm happy to inform you things are well here but there's something you should know. OH! That reminds me. Before I forget-" He smiled back at her. "She's expecting you next Wednesday. I already set up an entire shopping spree and spa day for the two of you all expenses paid thanks to Douma being in charge of the money budget for a while. He agreed to pay for everything instantly when I mentioned it to him. I'll write down all the places you can go so you don't lose track."
"Hmph. Probably the only decent thing you've done for any woman."
"On the contrary. I'd love for my begonia to destress and have a nice time.~ "
She couldn't believe she had to be forced to wait more than a week for this but the rewards would be worth it. She forced her brother to split from her own body for a little while. He'd have to be used to it soon if he wanted to be ready. However she did catch him gazing at an obi in his hands. One he came back with tied around his neck. A gift from that woman. He caught her staring an just gave her an unreadable expression.
"You better be ready. I haven't been doing all the work for you to deny yourself  anymore."
You stood there tense and silent as two yellow eyes stared back at you from the shadows. They tilted at you questioning and calculating as if taking in your entire body, mind, and soul. 
"Who are you!? Why are you in my room?!...HOW did you get into my room?!"
"I've been waiting since that boy left. You just didn't notice until now." A figure stepped out from the shadows arms crossed and annoyed look sketched on her face. "I'm annoyed with everyone making me wait! It's annoying!"
Your eyes widened. What you saw....Was the most BEAUTIFUL woman you'd ever seen. Her body was covered in a magenta kimono that looked both expensive but also oddly complimented her beauty just right to make her look even more beautiful. Her skin was flawless and her beautiful face was adorned with sun yellow eyes and pure white long hair that flower freely from a long ponytail but...strangely...her white hair turned to a light green at the bottom. There was also a beautiful pink flower like mark on her cheek...Huh. For some reason she seemed so familiar to you. 
She scoffed as you continued staring and tapped a foot annoyed. "Nothing to say! I was hoping you'd be at least competent enough to greet me prope-"
"You're beautiful."
The strange, new woman froze mid nagging... before snapping back to you. "What. Did. You. Say?"
"Uh... Sorry." You held up a hand. "I guess it just came out. But you're the most beautiful demon woman I've ever seen." It's true. This mystery woman could give Mitsuri or Kanae a run for their money in a beauty contest. She obviously wasn't human with her inhuman features but at the same time those features didn't make her ugly at all. "I didn't mean to come off as rude."
The woman just stayed silent for a long moment before narrowing her eyes and seemed to think about something for a moment. Before smiling. "That's an acceptable greeting. I'm glad you were smart enough to realize what you saw the first time you saw it." What did she mean by that? "And my brother was right? You do smell like peonies. I suppose not the most annoying smell."
"....I'm sorry. But who are you?"
She scoffed. "Didn't that gremlin tell you anything?! I'm Daki. And I'm going to make you a proper woman by the end of the day."
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charbeloved · 1 year
A State of Gainsay
Word Count : 5,551
Warnings : Description of violence, The turning process of a watcher, Death, Grief : Denial, Revival
This is part 1 in a 5 part series.
POV : Tomathy Innit MineCraft
Note : Tommy does not cuss in this AU.
May 17th, Tuesday, 11:05pm
Tomathy, an 17 year old who works at L'Bucks, is almost done with his shift when he sees a light of purple shoot past the windows at the fleeing figure of a winged man. He goes to take a break from cleaning a coffee maker to take a peek out the window and sees Dream, the second in command of the L'Manburg county's hero team Dream Complex, fighting Vulture, the leader of the villain group Syndicate. The villain's left wing looked like a few bones were out of the spots they're supposed to be in. He went back behind the counter and resumed the cleaning of the products. After a few minutes he leaves through the back alleyway to not get caught in the fight. What he doesn't realize is the sound of Dream's power is gone, and thus the fight is over. As he's walking he finds the unconscious body of Vulture and leans over him. He starts setting the man's bones, and ends up waking the bird up. "Hey, I'm trying to help you. Don't kill me," Tommy softly says to the man, trying to stay calm himself at the same time, "I know how hard it may be to not panic." He is allowed to fully set the bones of the wing and is able to use his power to heal him. He continues his walk home at a faster pace then usual and notes that his two roommates and best friends, Ranboo and Tubbo, aren't there when he's home at 11:26pm again.
May 18th, Wednesday, 2:49pm
Tomathy is making an order for Aunt Lizzie when Quackity came in with a few friends, talking about healing. He listens in while his aunt is watching the TV.
"Seriously though, Phil. We do need a healer," his manager spoke softly in loud, whisperIng voice. "Yeah, yeah. We do just fine on our own. We don't have any need for a healer," the strange winged man replied. Quackity gave a doubtful look at the winged man before speaking, "I'm not gonna pretend I didn't see Tommy heal you last night. You were on the brink of death, dude."
Tommy stopped listening in on the conversation and focuses on work a little bit more then usual.
When he got home, Tubbo was playing on his phone in the dining room while Ranboo was quite literally nuking ramen in the microwave. "Boo, why are you cooking?" Tommy asked sternly while getting rid of the flaming ramen. "Tubbo wanted food!" "Then why didn't you just make a honey nector sandwich?" "Yeah, Boo?" Tubbo pops in, teasingly. "Why didn't you?" Tomathy smacked his best friend in the forehead, "You hush.. Mother Hen is taking care of this." The three barely contained their laughter before Tommy actually got onto the two for even thinking of letting one of them cook while Tommy made scrambled eggs and waffles.
June 7th, Monday, 4:02pm
Tommy made it to work, and immediately he is taken aside by Quackity. "Yeah, Bossman? What'd you need?" "Tommy, this is important. You must not say even a singular word of this, alright?" Tomathy nods, skeptical as Quackity is never like this. "Phil wants you to join the Syndicate. You already know one or two identities because of me, and if you decline you may die." Tommy is shocked, "Do I have to decide right now..?" "He said you'll have a week to tell me." Tommy nods, thinking about it while getting back to work.
June 9th, Wednesday, 11:03pm
Tommy started to walk back home from work when the ground started to fall beneath him, and a his arms are forcefully lifted up. "..Tubs?" Tommy says, hoping it's right. "Try 'Shadow,' To- Boy," A rough, familiar voice replies. It took a little bit for them to get to their destination, with this 'Shadow' guy making awkward jokes.
They make it to a cottage out in a forest, and that's where Tommy gets to see this dude's face. Turns out, he's Vulture. "It feels so weird to be in this form," Vulture mumbles. Tommy perks up at this, as Vulture is constantly in 'this form.' "My power's shapeshifting," 'Shadow' tells him, starting to ruffle Tommy's hair while they started to sit on the grass right next to a tree. "I will bite your hand if you don't stop petting me, Big S," the child warns. The hand does not lift, so Tommy bites the guy's hand, and sees him shift into a genderbent version of Quackity for a split second then into a navy-colored haired man. "Quackity?" The man looks up a tad bit. "Wait, I was scared of Big Q?" The man goes back to looking at the grass. "You okay..? You're nor-" "Shadow! Why did you bring the child?'" the real Vulture says, cutting Tommy off. "Not safe.. Code XD," Quackity mumbles. Vulture gasps, and brings Tommy into the house, and turns on the news. "Welcome to Everest News. This is Lauren Side with your Hero Update! Xavier Dean, much better known as the leader of the Dream Complex, father of number one hero Dream himself, and XD,  has been seen killing a innocent vigilante called 'Bee.' This vigilante was in the middle of helping an old woman across the street at the time of the murder. XD is no longer a hero, and instead is in jail. We have identified Bee as the civilian Tubbo Underscore. His partner, Ender, and friends will dearly miss him. Thank you for tuning in!" The room was udder silence. "He tried it to get me under his roof again, too," Quackity added. Vulture took off his mask when he called for his son, Wilbur, and the man was crying. "His father killed Bee, too," Phil said to his son. His eyes grew wider, and his fists clinched. "Tubbo is Toms' best friend and roommate," Quackity yet again adds, "And code XD for me too. That's why I brought Tommy, actually." Wilbur nods, and brings him to the room across from the one he came out of. The room contained a desk with a computer on it, and an axe hanging above. A bed with a blanket made with a red cotton and 3 fluffy white pillows was set for someone. There was a brown couch, and many blades on the wall next to it. There was a pig plush right next to the computer, and a rug with a pig's face on it in the middle of the room. The walls were painted a maroon color, a huge contrast from the baby blue walls of the living room, kitchen and hallway. Wilbur brings him into a tight hug. "Be.. Before Te-Tech di-ed, he-- he was ta.. talking about how y-you and The.. Theseus are alike," Wilbur said, sobbing and hiccuping in between breaths.
June 10th, Thursday, 3:28pm
"Hey, Tommy, wake up," A familiar voice says, "You've got a shift today." He opens his eyes slightly to see who's talking to him, because Tubbo would never talk to him so sweetly, nor would Ranboo's voice be able to reach that low with his voice. He sees Quackity, and remembers that he was in Vulture's house. "How long is the drive to L'Bucks?" "Around a 20 minute drive, Theseus," Wilbur says from the doorway. "And I want my hot choccy Bubba would always get for me while he got bitter coffee." "Wait, you're Tech's brother?" Tommy said, putting two-and-two together, "He was always talking about his whiny little brother who would be best friends with me." "I am not whiny!" "Anyways, get out the room while I get dressed, Athena," Tommy adds, teasingly. "I am not Athena! If anything, Dadza would be her considering he's too much of an empath!" Wilbur defended. Tommy kicked the taller men out of the room, and grabbed the uniform Quackity had left on the desk. He was in the room from earlier with the axe on the wall. It reminded him so much of his second favorite villain, BloodBlade.
Once he was done putting the uniform on, he checked the clock. 3:32pm. He opened the door after putting on the scarf Tubbo had knitted for him while he was alive. "Quackity's going to drive you to L'Bucks, please bring back the order Tech would always get, except the Frappé when you get off work," Phil had informed and asked him. "Tell Quackers over there to remind me. I may not have Boo's memory, but I won't remember that after 7 hours of pure work." "Sure thing, mate."
June 12th, Saturday, 12:28pm
Tommy had gotten back to the apartment on the 11th, but Ranboo hadn't been back at the apartment in over 24 hours. When Tommy had gotten back, it was 11pm and Boo left as soon as he saw Tommy. Jump in the c-BEEP! Tommy answered the call he got from the contact 'spooderphobia at its max.' "WHERE IN THE NAME OF CREEPER ARE YOU?!" "Hey, calm down," the man on the other side tries to reason, "I'm fine." "The fact I can hear SLEEPBOY talking to SNAPMAP in the back tells me otherwise." "Ender, who have you called?" Mushroom asks, seemingly to Ranboo. "Erm, my roommate, so he wouldn't get too worried..?" Ranboo answers. "You are a vigilante," Tommy states, "And you never told me?" Ranboo's phone picks up air, then suddenly stops and Ranboo whispers, "Y-yeah..?" "You could have at least told me! I would rather be able to know why you have strange bruises and cuts then have to pretend to be oblivious! At least then I could have tried to help you." "S.. Sorry." "It's fine." "Alri-" Ranboo is able to get out before he loses signal.
Tommy is debating on if he really should join the villains now that his roommate is now literally working with the heroes. "Toms, I'm home!" "About time! Quick question, do they know your actual identity?" Tommy asks. The tall 16-year-old shakes his head in a 'no.' "What's your perspective on Heroes and Villains?" "Villains would be good if they could actually get the help they need or the heroes stop picking fights with them, and heroes are manipulate people who bribe the news into only showing the good things about them." "What would you think of joining the Syndicate?" "..The Syndicate?" Ranboo asks in disbelief, "We'd have to find them first, and not get killed to ask! If we could, I would so join them!" "Thanks, I'll ask if you can join too since you're my roommate."
June 13th, Sunday, 3:08pm
Ranboo and Tomathy are waiting for Phil to arrive at the door. Knock Knock "Comin'!" Tommy called, running to open the door. Phil walks in, Civilian clothes on. "It's time to make your choice." "I've got one request, can Ranboo join, too?" "If you accept, indeed." "I accept. One thing, heroes have tracked down our apartment." Phil nods at this, calling for Quackity who now has wings. "Can you get these two to the house?" He asks, and Quackity nods. "Tommy, I'll fly you there again. Ranboo, Phil can take you."
June 14th, Monday, 10:59pm
Tommy walks over to the window at the noise, peeking through the curtains. He sees Creeper and Dream fighting. "You know," Creeper says, breathing quite hard while dodging an attack, "I wanted to be like you before you killed my bloody brother." A quiet hum came from Dream in response as he teleported behind Creeper, and put him in a death hold. "Hah," Creeper laughs, "How the ship has sunk, the most inseparable pair of Philip High trying to kill eachother." "Wilby would never act like you," Dream said, putting his sword to Creeper's throat. "Kill me, and live with the guilt when I'm unmasked. Leave me, and I'll stay silent about identity. You're choice, Clay." Tommy closes the window, and walks around and out the back door.
11:23 PM
The door creeks as Ranboo and Tommy walk into the house. Wilbur is crying while sitting on a couch, Phil soothing the boy. Tommy walks over to the two. "Hey, Wilby," Tommy says while Wilbur gives an even more pained look, "Where does it hurt? I.. I can heal it." Wilbur lifts his right arm up, covered with pink-ish bandages. Red is still slowly oozing out from beneath the plasters. Tommy walks over, and sets his hand atop the bandages, and looks towards Phil. "I'm trusting you set the bone?" A nod is the only response he gets before using his power. He closes his eyes, and is able to actually relax as he focuses on the injury. The more relaxed he is, the faster it will heal. A slight blue glow comes from under his hand as many wounds slowly close beneath the bandages. Once it is done, Tommy asks the brunette if there's any more wounds. Wilbur shows him his left hand, cut and bleeding. Phil audibly gasps, and tears start to form. Tommy heals each wound on the hand carefully, making sure not to upset a single nerve. "Thank you," Wilbur says, slowly looking up. "My neck, too, if you would?" Tommy leans down to more easily reach the wound on his neck and heals it. "Phil, I'm gonna drag Wilbur over to my and Boo's room, if you don't mind." "Ofcourse!" Once they get to Ranboo and Tommy's new room, still a work in progress since they had just learned they were being moved to Phil's house at 11:18 PM, Tommy sits down on the red bed while Wilbur sits across from him on the black-and-white bed in the otherwise empty room. "Wilbur..?" Tommy starts. "Hm?" "..Are you.. Perhaps.. Creeper..?" Tommy gets out. Wilbur looks stunned as he slowly nodded.
June 15, Tuesday, 5:03 PM
Quackity had given him a few days off so he and Ranboo could unpack their stuff. Tommy took out a few bookshelves, and rebuilt them. He took out BeeInnIt, and him on his bed. He put up a few Vulture and BloodBlade posters, and put up the fan art he made when he was younger. He put a plush of a flying pig up on the top shelf of a bookshelf, and put a few books up from his childhood. He put the 'Employee of the Month' picture up over a foldable desk. He put bee stickers over the desk, and started to set his pc up. Once he was done, and went to sit down on his bed and look at Ranboo's side of the room. The portion Ranboo had has a giant bee plush on the wall next to the bed, and a bookcase full of fantasy books with the Barbie movies. A TV was placed in the split of the two's room. "Boo? Do you feel up to making the drawers right now?" Tommy perks up, seeing the other sitting on the bed, panting. Ranboo checks his phone, "Maybe in the mornin. We've worked for three hours straight." "..You're kidding." "Nope it's 8:27."
June 16th, Wednesday, 6:09 PM
Tommy walks out, and is greeted by his favorite alive cousin, Niki. "Hey Toms! I want you to meet my brother Jack. He is known as Blaze. I'm Flower." "Ah, alrighty."
"Samuel, SHUT UP!" a tall brunette man yells across the table. "I still don't think we should be the Dream Complex!" says Samuel, the black-haired man. "Brother. Sam. Please stop yelling. You're hurting Gog's ears," A female brunette says. The taller brunette looks at the shorter next to him. "Gogy, I'm sorry." His face gets slapped. The female, being the only reasonable one here, suggests a vote to change the name. A agreement is settled. The names chosen to be voted on are Dream Complex, Dream Team, Dream 'n Co, and Men and a Girl. The rules are as follows; Your cannot vote more then once, or for your own. Dream Complex gets no votes, as expected. Dream Team gets 3 vote. Dream 'n Co gets 1 vote, and George gets a smug grin. Men and a Girl gets no votes, and Sam shouts he couldn't think of anything and started to panic. The push out a news letter saying that their name has been changed to 'Dream Team.'
June 20th, Sunday, 6:38 PM
"Pesky!" Tommy screeched, overjoyed to see his brother again. "TomToms! I see you've found Father!" Grian says, gliding down with his red, blue, and yellow wings. "..Found.. Father..?" Grian's ear feathers twitch before he nods. "Did you not realize Phil was our dad?" "..I didn't realize we had a dad in the first place." The two burst out laughing at the embarrassing moment. "..So that means a hero is..?" Tommy trailed off. "Yes. A hero is related to villains. Actually, Tubs is on the trail of being able to join HermitFusion. Where even is he?" Tommy let out a choked wail before responding. "Dead, he's dead just like The Blade. Gone, dead." Horror crosses Grian's face. "He.. He can't-- You're joking, right? Yeah! Ye-Yeah! This- This is just a terrible prank or.dream and I just can't wake up! Haha! Yep!" Ranboo comes out their room, eyes puffy. He sees Grian and runs over to the shorter man. He hugs him as tight as he can. "Don't- Don't die on me, like- like Tubbo did." Tears started to fall from Grian's eyes as he knew Tubbo was dead. Phil rushes to Grian and wraps his wings around his, pulling Tommy in. "Grian, thank you for doing as I asked. Thank you, I knew I wouldn't be able too raise him very well after Kristen died." "It's fine and not a problem, dad." "Thank you," Phil continued, sobbing. Tommy joined in on the hug. "I brought someone with, if you don't mind. A few someones, actually." Tommy and Phil broke away from the hug and stepped to see who it was. A petite brunette with green all over her outfit. Her eyes, too, were green. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had few wounds. Next to her was a tall brunette man. He had a mask around his head that resembled a head of a hog. He had a sword on his waist, being held by a amber-brown belt. He suffered many scars, his eyes of blood red. It took Tommy a second, but he finally registered who he was looking at as BloodBlade, someone who had died. BloodBlade introduced the girl as Clara, or Dream Complex- Dream Team -'s  healer, Drista. "I'd like to join the Syndicate. I do not agree with my brother's ways."
June 23rd, Wednesday, 2:01 PM
Shlatt had invited Tommy to Tubbo's funeral, and Philza went with. He did have to pay respects to his nephew, and check up on his family. "Liz? You actually dyed your hair pink!" "Oh! Phil! I need to introduce to you Joel! He's the father-" "You had CHILDREN?! And without telling me?" Phil cuts her off, jokingly offended. "Father of our fur-babies. We have two cats." she continued. A few moments later, the actual funeral started and they payed respects.
2:28 PM
Tommy was walking out, and chatting with with his father, aunt, and uncle when he saw a flash of purple. Hands grabbed his shoulders, and he was teleported back to Phil's house. Tommy turns around, and falls into Shlatt's arms. "Thank you, Uncle." "No problem, Toms."
June 29th, Tuesday, 2:57 PM
Tommy woke up, his arms tied around him. His mask was on while was patrolling earlier in the day. They'd finally come up with his name, Theseus. He'd encountered Mushroom, and at that very moment he was put to sleep. His mask wasn't there. "Ah, looks as if he is awake," Dream's voice booms from above him. A silence is spread across the room. "Reveal some secrets of the Syndicate." Dream demands. "W-what?! No!" Tommy yelps. Turning to a door, Dream says, undoing the ropes, "Hm. Xqulea, dispose of this boy. We in the Dream Team no longer need him." Grian walked out in his hero form, panicked. "P-Pesky..?" Tommy mumurs. "What was that? You wanted to be tortured before dying?" Tomathy burst out in tears, jumping up and running to hug his brother. "Pesky, are-are you okay? Why are y-you here? I-Isn't HotG-Guy and Whisper su-supposed to be f-fighting over your l-love? W-Where's Mum..?" "Shh.. Little, Gem is sick right now. I just got found by Dream and his squad. I'm okay. I'm sure Hot is getting his butt beat right--" "Ehem. Xqulea, you're supposed to be killing the boy." "Dream, if you wanna be like Sam you can. I, on the other hand, am not going to kill my baby brother." "I am not like the Killer Rabbit!" "That's what he forced me to do. Luckily enough, Toms wasn't there for him to actually be able to make me." "Oh, wait, so Theseus is Tommy, now hm?" Silence. "He may leave, alive."
July 19th, Monday, 11:37PM
Tommy is in his costume, patrolling with his father, Quackity, the pesky birb, and his emotionally adopted mother, Gem Tay or Crystalline. While walking, he thought about when Day talked about how Charlotte had met someone named Gemini. "Hey, Crystie?" Tommy starts. "No, no no no no," Quackity starts freaking out. Philza grabs the shaeshifter and gently holds him still, keeping his hands in view of Quackity's eyes and knowledge. "Hey, bud, it's me, Vully. Hey, hey look! Look, stupid bird wings haha!" He says, flapping his wings a little bit. "C-Cover.." "Mhm! Ofcourse! Now, I want you to remember that Theseus was not calling you that. Remember, Crystalline is here and is his emotionally adopted mother," Phil says, trying to soothe the traumatized shapeshifter while covering the group with his wings. "Greetings, Syndicate. Mayhaps I ask why you lot are all huddled in a cuddle?" Dream says, walking up on the five. "Oh! I see a hero within you all." "I'm just here for my brother and yours," Grian says coldly. Quackity looks at Grian with wide, shook eyes. "Wh-How..?" "Let's just say I knew Crystalline before Lilac did." "There's not way that one of thou is brethren from Xavier. Dance, shall we not?" Sapnap and Mushroom came out from behind trees, and they started to fight. Fire from SnapMap's hands flying towards Gem, Philza and Quackity fighting against Mushroom, Grian fighting with Dream. Drista can from behind we tree and started to fight Tommy with rock paper scissors. Tommy won 8 games out of 13, so he counts himself the best. Grian has Dream pinned down, and everyone freezes, not knowing what was fixing to happen. Sapnap burned feathers from the parrots wings, but he didn't even flinch. Mushroom tried to put Grian to sleep, and that didn't work, either. Even Philza and Gem tried getting Grian off the dude, but it was to no avail. "Do you even know what could happen with your power?" "No, why?" "You could make someone like us. I wasn't even like you until I lived with Killer Rabbit and PcyBun! Just as easily as we could kill or heal someone, we could turn them, and that feels like dying three times." A flash of purple is sent of in the distance, behind Grian where he could not see who was near. What he did not expect, though, was hearing Tommy wail before Tommy screamed loudly.
Tommy 'woke' up to the sound of crying. All he could think of, though, was the massive pain in his back. He couldn't understand why he hurt so badly, or why had suddenly couldn't move, but something he could understand is his pesky bird of a brother was crying his name. "Tommy, please I can't loose you too," he cried, "I can't loose you like we lost Mum." Day after day, night after night. His brother crying on what was presumed to be his deathbed. "I- I understand that you are in pa-in," Grian choked. "Where ever you are you will always be my gremlin little brother." Some days Scar would come visit, too. "Hey, Tommy, we miss you and your crazyness," he'd always start, "We need you to wake up soon, okay?" Taurtis would always say the exact same thing as Scar when he came. Wilbur and Techno would sometimes come in, too. Always together. "Hey Toms, we miss you. Can you try to flex your hand for me?" Tech would always ask. Wilbur always told Tomathy's body dad jokes, Phil did too when he visited. Philza didn't visit alot, anyways.
One day, though, things changed. Everyone one was there. Scar, Taurtis, Grian, Wilbur, Phil, Techno, even Dream was there for some odd reason! "Tom-my," Grian choked out from his harsh crying, hugging him. "Plea-se wake u- up so-soon." Tommy heard the sound of boots step up, along with a quiet sob that sounded like Wilbur. "Tommy, if you don't wake up by next week they'll pronounce you dead," Wilbur said, void of all emotions but grief. "He's not dead, Wilbur!" Grian cried. Then, they left.
December 4th, Saturday, 2:39 PM
Tommy woke up three visits after the day that everyone was in the room, and the room was dim. No nurses or crying was able to be seen as Tommy realized he was really awake. "Nur'!" he yelled. The lights slowly turned on as the door opened and he saw his normal nurse at Pogtopia Hospital, Nurse Hannah, walk through with his family. "Tommy? You're awake?" she said in disbelief. "M'eah, 'ow long ha' I been out?" Tommy asked, slurring his words. "You've been out since July 19th, so just under," she trailed off, counting in her fingers. "Six months." "It' a'ready past Chrima'?!" A hand on his back causes pain to sprout. "No, Toms, you woke up just in time. It's the 4th," Grian tries to soothe him, turning to Hannah he asks, "Can we take him home?" Hannah nods, "Just make sure Brother keeps me updated. I know how hard this was when it happened to him.." "Ofcourse," Grian turns to Philza, "And I'm kidnapping my brother." Phil gives a thumbs up and Grian takes Tommy to HermitFusion's base.
3:57 PM
"Why have you called this meeting, G?" Scar asks. "I'm sure you all remember how much pain I was in when I left Sam's after he turned me?" "Grian, why are you-" Xisuma tried to ask before getting cut off. "Dream is a watcher, not a turned one but a born one. He didn't know he could transform others until it was too late and he had shot my brother with the power." "Tommy, Wilbur, or Techno?" Taurtis asks, "Techno could survive with little to no trauma, Wilbur a bit of trauma but Tommy could actually be driven insane because of the amount of pain it gives you, and combined with the grief of Tubbo? That's one to kill the world!" Tommy steps up, "Well then I guess the world will be killed?" The entire room gets loud quickly, and Tommy ends up with his ears covered by Grian in a corner and Taurtis cleaning the blood off his back. "G..? Why is there blood on on my back..?" Tommy asks, voice shaking and cracking. "It's because you're growing wings, and new eyes are opening. Tommy, soon you'll feed off of emotions and you'll have eyes no one else can see around you, and you'll see everything." "Gri..? I thought-" "I was a parrot, yes, I was. But, I am now a Watcher. Even after death, you will exist. Only reviving someone will even allow you to shed a physical form." "So I can revive Tubbo..?" "If you want him to have to build you a robot to have a physical form, yes."
December 8th, Wednesday, 1:09 PM
"Thes! Are you alright?" X yells through the Comm. "Axolotl send Cry, Lea, Hot and Whisp!!" Tommy yells back. Over the past few days, he'd become acquainted with the members of HermitFusion. Currently, though, he'd need Gem, Gri, Scar, and Taurtis "They should be behind now!" "Theseus! Are you okay?" "Xqulea! I'm okay but I do need help. Thorn and Diamond are being a pain!" "Thorn? Let me deal with her. She'll get Diamond to back down too," Grian says, walking over to Thorn. "Theseus over here is my little brother, Thorn. The youngest one, that is." "Oh I didn't realize! I am so sorry Theseus! Diamond, retreat. This is a battle you won't fight and I won't let get started." "Tell me at the base why."
December 25th, Saturday, 5:29 PM
Tommy sets out of L'Bucks after getting picked up by Philza. "So, merry Christmas, mate?" Phil says, sounding more like a question.. "Yeah, merry Christmas Dadza."
6:02 PM
They walk through the door to the Syndicate in costumes. "Niki? Jack? Big Q? Drist?" "Tommy, get HermitFusion and both of you get in your costumes. Brother's wanting to fight us and they have the Eggpire behind them, even though they are villains." Tommy grabs his comm off his waist and calls Grian. "Pesky, you there?" "Yeah, what's up Toms?" "D-Team wants to fight us- Uh, the Syndicate and they have the Eggpire behind them." "Oh. OH. I'll get X and everyone else!" "Cya, Pesky!" "Bye, Tommy."
6:36 PM
"I see you have received my message. I'm glad you agreed to fight," Dream says, "I suspect you don't know we have allies as you have none?" "Wrong, Clay Dean," Xqulea says, reaching the ground. "They have us." "Oh, so you decided to have your brother involved." "The Eggpire consists of only 3 people, of which one is a nurse I went to school with. Diamond, BadBoy, and Thorn. BadBoy is honestly really sweet and is being puppeteered by Xavior." "DREAM I THOUGHT YOU SAID THEY WERE WILLING!" SapNap yells. "I THOUGHT SOTOO"Dreamyellsback. "BROTHER SHUT IT" Thorn ends up yelling, stunning SapNap. "I'm the one who agreed to fight with you lot in the first place. Now that I understand Theseus is part of the Syndicate, and the only willing one of the Eggpire, I back down." "Oh? Scared of a newbie, I see." "I'll see you in my office once this fight is over, Thes and Xqulea!" "Wait Hannah?!" SnapRap yells, running after her. A wall of thorns grows in his path, and Diamond pulls BadBoy away. "Pesky, you can call the others off." "On it." "Oh, how generous," Dream laughs, "Show them what we can do, everyone!" "There's literally 3 people on our side and like 7 on theirs." "Oh well. Mushroom can put them to sleep." "Dream I'm not your puppet." "Just this once?" "No, but I will fight." Grian's wings flare open, and so does Dream's. Soon enough, Tommy and Drista are helping Techno, Phil, and Niki against Mushroom, Jack and SapNap are burning each other with Wilbur, Quackity, and Ranboo helping out Jack, and Dream and Grian are fighting. After an hour or two Tommy breaks away and runs to the cemetery. He finds Tubbo's coffin, it was over ground for some odd reason, and opens it. He places his left hand over Tubbo's torso, and closes his eyes. He focuses on all his energy onto his hand, and purple starts to spout out of his hand, and over Tubbo. The world around him slowly shifts to his old apartment and Tubbo crying in the corner, a dead version of him in the middle of the floor. "Tμßb•?" Tommy calls out, "¥∆u ®€@dy +0 b£ @|!v€ ag@¡n?" "T-Tommy..? Why- Why are you here in my limbo? Oh, please tell me you aren't dead!" Tommy reaches out and takes his best friend by the hand, pulls him up, and hugs him. "G°∆dẞ¥€, My f®£πd."
Tubbo awakens, and he finds his best friend hovering over him, slowly fading away the stronger Tubbo gets. "Tommy?" He sees a black thing on him, and grabs it. "Theseus? Thes? Tommy? Toms? Tomathy? Hello?" a familiar voice practically yells through the device. Tubbo presses the big, black button, "..Hello? Who is this?" "Tubbo! Oh, no he didn't. I'll come get you, hold on." "..Who are you? You- You do sound familiar, don't get me wrong, but I can't-" "Yeah, I understand. Taurtis could only remember Sam and Me. Not even his girlfriend, as we were the closest when I revived him. You probably only remember Toms and Boo, right?" "Tommy and Ranboo, yes." "I'm Tommy's eldest brother, Grian." "Ah, so you're him!" The sound of wings flapping is above him, and tommy is only an outline. "Put the comm on him so he can still talk to us!" Tubbo puts the 'comm' back onto Tommy, as it was also fading, too. "I'm Grian, or the hero-villain Xqulea. Sometimes I help the Syndicate, most times I fight the Eggpire.
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