#by the way this is an edit but when i said bosses i meant final bosses
ereborne · 8 months
Song of the Day: January 16
"Coast of Carolina" by Jimmy Buffett
#song of the day#when I said my schedule would be back to normal today apparently what I meant was my sleep schedule would be obliterated today!#it snowed and I wanted to sleep in and so I reset my alarm but then my phone didn't get plugged back in and it died!#I slept through all my work day and woke up feeling quite refreshed to find several politely displeased messages from my boss#unfortunate!#I did sleep incredibly well though. better than I have in maybe a year#anyway my kitchen is clean again finally and my plants probably will not die and I have done quite a lot of frantic report-building for wor#and I'm going to sleep again now to nap for a few hours so I can be awake for real worktime tomorrow and apologize! unfortunate!!!!#love this song though. very soothing to croon. baked lovely brownies to this song while fretting tonight and it did help#edit: I'm awake and I've written out my apologies and Jo is here and purring so so loud#and I woke up with a different Jimmy Buffett song stuck in my head#Coast of Carolina is the one I was humming when I went to bed#but I've woken up with 'The Wino and I Know' which is also a fabulous song and which also did play as I made my sadness brownies#'just like a fool when those sweet goodies cool / I eat til I eat way too much#cause I'm livin on things that excite me / be they pastry or lobsters or love#I'm just tryin to get by / bein quiet and shy / in a world full of pushin and shovin#and the wino and I know / the pain of back bustin / like a farmer knows the pain / of his pickup truck rustin#strange situation / wild occupation / livin my life like a song'#a later edit: my lovely apology message has been left on read. unfortunate!!!!!!!! I do keep laughing though
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mikobeautifulheart · 6 months
Megumi's Secretary
(Not edited)
Like - just imagen going for a secretary job at a relatively well known company not fully knowing what your getting yourself into.
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You go in for the job interview, resume in hand and every possible answer to any question that they may throw at you.
When your name is called and you walk on the room to see the company's founder sitting at the opposite side of the table.
She seems kind, nice, if she was doing the interview then you must be applying to be HER secretary which is a big job...
You almost walked out when the pressure finally hit you, but you still manages to sit down and smile at her while slowly handing over your resume.
She makes small talk and casually asks you questions, it was more like a conversation then an interview and you started to relax.
"I'm so glad you came today, most of our secretary's walk out after a week, or less..." She laughed awkwardly.
She continued on until till she ended the interview with a final question.
"Can you handle working with people who are hard to communicate with? Not that their difficult rather you would have to follow up alot on." She asked.
"Actually-" You paused thinking back to your high school time when you were paired up with a boy who was...sort of like that.
You did your part and he did his, it was hard to put the parts together smoothly but eventually you did it and got full marks to. After that you always just remember working with him.
Heck you remember falling for him but your school year ended before you ever told him, plus he was a little awkward around you so maybe it just wasn't meant to happen.
You snapped out of that meomory, as if you'd fall for your boss.
"I do actually recall working with someone like that in school, so it wouldn't be anything new." You sighed thinking about how you just let him go.
"Good. You got the job." She smiled
"Wha-Already? Wow thank you, when do you want me to start?" You asked taken aback.
"If you don't mind i'm sure Mr. Fushiguro could show you around the work place now and your main work, after all you'll be his secretary"
His? He? Mr. Fushiguro? Where had you head that name before.
"Megumi come in the meeting room." You heard her say, looking over to see her on the phone.
Only a few seconds later you heard a knock and watched as the door knob turned.
A tall dark haired man walked in with a stoic expression. You felt his annoyance as he looked up at the woman leaving you in the crossfire for what was about to happen.
"Tsumiki, I told you I don't need another secretary, I'll just do it myself." He said adjitated.
"Oh come on Megumi you'll work your self to death at this rate, plus I think you'll like this one~" She said calmly with a smile.
Megumi? Yeah you defiantly have heard that name before...Was it?
You looked up and at the man standing behind you, meeting his eyes.
There was an awkward silence before he sighed in defeat.
"Megumi this is Y/n, Y/n this is your new boss Megu- Mr. Fushiguro" Tsumiki said with a smile now beaming on her face.
"Nice to meet you-" You say standing up and pausing at the end to see if you could tell where you remembered him.
"Like wise" he said putting his hand out for you to shake.
You look back at Tsumiki worried, why did she hire you if he obviously didn't want you?
"You should show her to her office Megumi." She said.
You do settle into your job and the week 'Mile stone' passes without a complaint.
"You have a meeting at 2 pm this afternoon after your 30 minute lunch break." You said reading through the list on your clip board.
Every time you read off the board you always felt like Megumi was looking somewhere else, like a computer screen or other documents.
Any where but you.
"Well cancel my lunch break and move the next meeting forward." He mumbleled.
"So when should I reschedule your lunch break?" You asked looking for time slots left.
"Don't bother with it, i'm not hungry any way."
"Did you have a break today?" You asked before he could trail off into his work again.
"No, doesn't matter I have a week off by the end of this financial year"
"Liar." You cut him off.
"I have a weeks break at the end of June, you work the most at that point. Megumi, I know your Schedule and work habits, you have a lunch break at 2:30" You turned and walked out his office, leaving him watching your back as you left.
You closed the door gently behind you.
What the...He almost gripped his chest at how hard it tightened.
You pressed your back on his door thinking you were about to have a heart attack. Did you actually just say no to your boss? No way you actually said that. Well if he wasn't going to take care of himself then you would have to make him.
You sat at your desk and noticed a sticky note on your desk, he must have put it there before when you were photo copying prints for him. It must have been something he wanted to schedule or cancel.
You picked up the note and read it, face turning red imediatly.
'Friday afternoon 6 p.m date with my secretary'
You wrote it in his schedule and sent it to hos office for 'confirmation'.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: Yes i'm alive and my inbox is almost empty. Pleaseee send me ideasssssssssssssssss. Eh I might make a part 2 of this if i'm that desperate, anyways have a good whatever time.
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electric-hydrangea · 6 months
Arlecchino's Past & Her Being the Grim Reaper
Spoilers/leaks for 4.6 ahead
Made by Rosie Posie and Daniel :3
reposted from my twitter, leak-censored version on the genshin lore subreddit
The Fall of the Faded Castle
The Fall of the Faded Castle is where Arlecchino’s lore can be found. “The Mask of the Red Death” by Poe is the inspiration for this book. I’d recommend reading it, it’s very similar!
It’s referenced in Arlecchino’s kit (her infused normal attack), its name being “Mask of the Red Death”
The book has numerous references to the blood moon and debts owed, something also found in Arlecchino’s kit, as well as the use of the word “baleful”. 
In her Character Introduction, she hallucinates her past in a way very similar to TFotFC. The lines are meant to parallel each other; the scene being the same but the setting is now different.
The final paragraph of her Character Introduction references the ending of TFotFC, and the moonlight that flows into the hearth through the window symbolizes her past. 
TFotFC mentions the clock striking midnight and the castle master becoming panicked for the reaper that would come to collect his blood debt, and then Arlecchino’s introduction mentions her taking control over the room when the clock chimes. 
To move onto Arlecchino’s connections with Remuria, it requires extra context about Remus, the leader of Remuria.
Remus had his own sin, different from Egeria, where he altered life by dissolving his people into Golems. He meant for them to live for eternity, but the souls instead shattered.
While Egeria was punished by Celestia, Remus was punished by Arlecchino. The Fall of The Fated Castle is about Arlecchino punishing Remus. She’s responsible for Remuria falling. I know there are some really passionate Remuria fans, I hope I am not massacring the story haha. I’m more into the Ordo #sandronenation
Edit: it’s been brought to my attention that the guy in the story probably isn’t Remus, and I’m also on board with that. The guy who the Grim Reaper is hunting isn’t entirely relevant, but I suggest instead: Boethius
Unsorted Chapter
She’s still dead though; she’s glitching. She’s otherworldly. TFotFC describes the Grim Reaper as having two cold eyes that can pierce your soul with a glance. It questions if they are a lord returning from an ancient world, or the nightmare itself. 
In the origins of her name, Arlecchino, in commedia del’arte, it’s said to trace back to Dante’s Inferno; a devil going by the name Alichino. Her character type is the “devil” stock character, but that character can also be molded into whatever, like being a lighthearted prankster.
She also has a scythe.. Grim Reaper much? She also marks enemies with her blood debt, something in her kit. The scythe effect that the polearm has is one that only Arlecchino can use. Her whole kit uses wording that can be attributed to TFotFC and the hearth. 
The boss Arlecchino can be found at a grave. The writing says “Crucabena”, who is also “Ceridwen”. Crucabena is the Gallic equivalent. Ceridwen is the Welsh goddess of rebirth, which is a part of Arlecchino’s whole thing. Her grave’s subtitle could be referencing how the hearth is of two worlds.
Arlecchino’s constellation “Ignis Purgatorius” is based off of the poem “Purgatorius Ignis” by Christopher Okemwa. I don’t really know what’s going on in this poem, but I’d be more than happy to hear what others think.
Her character introduction shows us that she is in control of the hearth (in the Orphanage), and Perinheri shows more of her themes in the hearth; this could symbolize her being reborn as Arlecchino from being the Grim Reaper.
In book “Perinheri”, Perinheri is locked in a hearth and has to crawl through it. Then, he is asked if he has seen “it” yet, and if he is dead. When he turned around, he saw the Crimson Moon and a titanic horrified eye. After Perinheri was released from the hearth, he was told that he traversed through the fire of two worlds within the hearth and he is now reborn.
The Crimson Moon is Arlecchino, and the eyeball Perinheri saw is on her head in her boss fight. 
TLDR Arlecchino was the Grim Reaper and punished Remus for his crimes and then was reborn as Arlecchino but something is still wrong with her because she’s glitching. It could be because she’s caught between the two worlds within the hearth. 
We also don’t have voice lines, character stories, or artifact lore leaks though so a lot of information is probably missing.
There are more connections to be made with Arlecchino, Caterpillar, the grave, Perinheri, and the experiments done on Caterpillar, but I don’t think I have enough to try and cover that.
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Sketchbook Week Day 4 - Dreaming of Bumping Into You (Chapter 1)
Summary: When Johanna is woken up in the middle of the night by a strange phone call, she knows she has to ask Kaisa what is happening. She just doesn’t know which is more concerning; whether it’s the words being said or the way her best friend sounds while she’s delivering them
Notes: Written for @sketchbookweek Day 4 - Secrets
Cw: mentions of drug/alcohol use. Nobody actually uses either, they’re just fucking stupid
Listen, with the amount of songs I make sketchbook edits to in my head, I have no idea why I decided to write fanfic inspired by Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High, but when the inspiration strikes you can’t argue with it yk
Read it on ao3
“Arch sorceress Pilqvist is a disloyal, unreasonable woman. It is beyond me how she has reached such a high standing inside our order when her skull is so thick I hardly think hurling a crystal ball at it would even hurt!”
Kaisa took a deep breath. The very woman who was being slandered right in front of her had taught her that filling your lungs with air was the best thing you could do when you wanted to lash out. Not that it made the anger go away, not at all. But at least it made it so one couldn't get any impulsive words out, at least not until after one big exhale. After which you could always inhale again and stop yourself from getting cursed, punched, fired, or in her current case, probably all at once.
“Tell me again how you think insulting my mentor is going to make me help you, Ingrid.”
Her voice had been calm. Slow. The appropriate tone for a library, which, even though her boss seemed to have forgotten, they were inside at the moment. Yet the witch immediately looked angry, the red that had been steadily rising on her neck reaching her sharp cheekbones.
“You must!” She shot, glaring at how Kaisa kept her demeanour purposefully disinterested, eyelids heavy and shoulders slumped over the library cart she was walking around with for reshelving purposes. Ingrid didn’t quite like how the librarian made her follow around while she did her duty either, but that was their bad for only hiring one person for that entire building. “Matilda is the only witch who ever managed to create a spell like that with so little side effects. With the amount of trolls walking around town these days, we need it more than ever! Witchkind’s safety is at stake!”
The librarian rolled her eyes, though she didn’t think the other witch saw it. Recent… changes brought to the town by Frida and her friends had made it increasingly easy to tell apart the bigoted ones amongst them all. No matter how little interest trolls seemed to have on witchcraft and its practitioners, there were still some witches who insisted that just because their magics didn’t mix, that they shouldn’t coexist.
Which was just as bullshit as it sounded.
The Committee had called upon Tildy one day, and she’d even showed up much to everyone’s surprise. They’d explained their worries, which meant that five minutes in it wasn’t a meeting anymore, but a sass session for the older woman to make them realise how stupid they sounded. They didn’t, of course, which only meant Tildy refused to give them her prized protection spell and they didn’t give up on their quest to secure it. Leaving Kaisa in her current position.
“It’s her spell.” Kaisa said as she parked her cart between two shelves and began looking for the correct place for an eighteenth century poetry book. Her opinions on the matter were exactly like her former master’s, of course. She hadn’t witnessed Hilda show off her shifting powers like a party trick when she dined at her house just to turn around and say that trolls were dangerous. But if Tildy hadn’t come through to them, great at turning people to her side as she was, then Kaisa wasn’t going to be the one to make them see the other side of things. Besides, she was tired. The last thing she wanted was to begin a moral argument in the final leg of her already tiring work day.
There was also the issue that she didn’t actually know that spell, but hey, she didn’t need to admit that to the people that employed her, did she?
“I’m not going to spill it if she didn’t want you to have it. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to look somewhere else.” She finished, not sorry in the least but trying to keep some semblance of politeness.
Ingrid twisted her lips like she’d tasted something sour. The truth, probably. Or her own stupidity. She ran a hand through her short blonde hair to make it fall back into place.
“Hm. Lineage secret, is it?”
Nah. It was a protection spell. Tildy would probably give it to anyone who asked her nicely, if they didn’t want it for idiotic and prejudiced reasons. She’d likely made Kaisa learn it at some point, but gods knew she’d long since forgotten it.
“Yes.” She lied. “Of the utmost secrecy.”
Ingrid hummed again, and Kaisa thought she got a chill in her spine when she did so. It got draughty in the library during that time of the day, she supposed. “I see.” She said in a whisper. “I suppose I’ll just have to find it… someplace else.”
The other woman walked away, all of Kaisa’s discomfort disappearing alongside her. She breathed a sigh of relief at no longer having Ingrid’s analysing stare locked on her face like it had been for the entire conversation, finally free to listen to her songs as she worked.
For some reason, though, she still felt eyes on her all the while until she finished for the day. No matter how many times she looked behind herself, she still saw nothing, so she figured it must be the lingering unease at having been so close to one of the Committee’s most unpleasant witches (she and her sister were almost tied in Kaisa’s listing, but Abigail still took the crown for that whole Void business). Kaisa let the music blast through her headphones, getting lost in it as an antidote for those moments of stress and whispering along to the lyrics.
”The mirror’s image tells me it’s home time…”
A couple years before, when Hilda (whose name she did not know at the time, of course, but a blue haired girl is hard to miss even at such a large library) began showing up to ask for books and advice, so did her mother. It took them an embarrassingly long time to realise that Kaisa was the librarian who Hilda always talked about and that Johanna was the mother the girl mentioned when they were together, but once they did, it took the two women no time to bond over their fondness for the girl and her group of friends, over their routines, their tastes and struggles. After Johanna had made her promise to never again give her daughter any dangerous magical devices, that was.
They had become, at the very least, friends. And Kaisa thought that with no small amount of weight to that statement, because she really couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so sure she could call someone that. But there was a line, you see. Most friendships didn’t have that line, that boundary just within eyesight that they were sure that once it was crossed, it would no longer be a platonic friendship but a romance. Most friendships didn’t have it, because when friends trusted that that’s what they were, and that was how they would be free to express the extent of their love to its fullest, then all you can see, all around you, is that friendship, as far as you can reach.
Not them, though. Both of them were very aware of that border, well aware that their love for one another was extremely capable of taking another shape, one that would actually let them breathe freely and satiate the longing inside them.
There was a line. They were aware of the line. And they kept tip-toeing on it and jumping back each time. Scared of what would happen if they crossed it. Scared of what the other would think.
Personally, Kaisa would love to rip the blasted line out of the ground and use it as something more interesting. An aisle for one of them to walk towards the other on, for example. She’d had quite enough of catching herself sighing yearningly at the window on sunny days and squealing when her phone pinged with a message from her. And that was to say nothing of the embarrassing (-ly frequent) daydreams. She felt she’d had quite enough of pining being a woman almost in her thirties.
The thing was, taking the first step wasn’t something Kaisa was willing to do. Not right now, at least. Johanna might only be a couple of years older than her, but she felt like the woman was aeons ahead of her. She was mature and well resolved, independent and capable of taking care of herself, her daughter, and however many magical creatures there currently were in her house. How could Kaisa, in all sincerity, offer herself up for a woman like that in her current state, knowing she’d end up as nothing more than another source of trouble for her?
No. Kaisa was willing to wait. She rather thought Johanna was too, judging by how that line kept being played with. They’d get to crossing it, well and properly. But first, she wanted to get a little closer to being the person she thought Johanna deserved. A little braver. A little more put together. A little less worried about what people who didn’t give a single damn about her well being thought of her. And she was making progress, she really was. But until then, that uneasy friendship would be more than enough. She’d take it and be grateful it was even being offered, making sure to show her appreciation for Johanna’s presence in her life every single day.
Which was why when the woman showed up at the library that morning, wringing her hands together in anxiety and with a frown between her eyebrows, Kaisa immediately dropped what she’d been doing to go talk to her.
“Hey, Anna, good morning.” She greeted in a soft tone of voice, making her startle slightly upon noticing Kaisa’s presence. The librarian had approached her from behind, but even so she thought the behaviour was slightly off. She was never this jumpy, was she? “Everything alright?”
There were a couple of moments when Kaisa genuinely wondered if she was talking to the wrong person. Maybe there was some bizarrely accurate Johanna lookalike in town now and she just hadn’t been aware. The point was, a full twenty seconds must have passed in which Johanna said and did nothing other than stare at Kaisa with that same frown she’d walked in with.
“Yes, I’m fine.” She answered at last, but her voice didn’t sound at all certain. “I’m… it’s alright. Thank you for asking. But what about you?”
Kaisa quirked an eyebrow. As soon as Johanna had been broken out of her unexpected stupor, she’d begun leading them to the library’s break room, where the workers could go should they need some water, coffee, or just to sit down and not to interact with people for a bit. So essentially Kaisa’s personal personal winding down and chugging coffee corner. They’d been there many times before, chatting until after the library’s closing hours about anything at all. However, when Kaisa was about to sit down on one of the ancient armchairs, she turned back to see that Johanna was still standing by the doorway, looking at her feet and shifting her weight between them.
“Is it okay if we stay out here?”
Her lifted eyebrow melted into a frown as Kaisa walked out of the break room again.
“Well, sure we can, but what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Johanna said, too quickly. “We’re okay, I promise. I just popped by to ask you if you were fine.”
Kaisa’s heart did a flip inside her chest. Which was very uncomfortable, considering a structure tied to so many vases wasn’t supposed to be moving around much at all. The words sounded reassuring, but they hit her as anything but. When she saw Johanna walk in like that, she’d assumed something had happened and that she could help, even if only by listening to her. Now the thought at the forefront of her mind was that she’d messed up somehow. Because she hadn’t even considered that they might not be fine, but now she sure as hell was doing it.
“What, me? Sure I am.” She closed the break room door behind herself, figuring that if the idea of going in there made Johanna uncomfortable she should eliminate the possibility altogether. “I mean, I am normal. I woke up at the normal time and came to my normal job that I do every day. Little pissed that I just had to ask a group of teenagers to be quiet, but that’s it. I’m not sure I understand your question.”
Johanna still wouldn’t look at her, which was off putting. Kaisa was the one who liked to look away when they talked, only because it made it easier for her to concentrate on the conversation, but she could always feel Johanna’s eyes on her. This time, Kaisa actively tried to catch her gaze, wondering if looking at her eyes would give her any explanations to the way she was acting, but without success.
The woman cleared her throat. “It’s just… last night, when you called me. You sounded a little… out of it. And I wanted to check that you were fine and safe.”
Kaisa blinked. Stared at her. Continued staring at her until Johanna finally looked at her face and saw her own confusion reflected back. She looked a little embarrassed, a light pink colour painting her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.
“I didn’t call you.”
“Johanna, I didn’t call you. As far as I’m concerned, the last time we talked was when we went to the bake shop two days ago. When was this call?”
Now, the librarian wasn’t trying to gaslight her. She didn’t think Johanna was crazy, much less a liar. But neither was Kaisa an amnesiac, so she’d probably remember calling the woman she was head over heels for; there had to be a logical explanation for this.
“Roughly at three in the morning, I think.” Johanna answered, looking uncertain in the face of Kaisa’s conviction even though she sounded actually sure of the time she was informing. Kaisa snorted.
“Well, I have no idea who that was, but I can assure you you’re not looking at them.”
“But it was your voice.”
“Anna, I go to sleep at nine thirty and wake up at six. I do that religiously, because otherwise I become a massive bitch come morning.”
“Well-” Johanna looked like she was getting uncomfortable in a different way now, being put in the spot like that. Kaisa softened. She’d assumed that assuring her that she wasn’t responsible for whatever that was would make the situation easier on her. But come think of it, being phoned by a stranger that could pass as one of your closest friends couldn’t be too soothing either. “I thought you might not remember because, well, you sounded-”
Kaisa nodded for her to go on once she looked insecure about whether she should finish that sentence. Johanna did so with a whisper.
Johanna looked at her expectantly, making Kaisa feel bad that she could offer her nothing other than even more confusion. She’d need to make herself more clear if she wanted anything out of the witch.
“Sorry, affected by…?”
“Well-” Johanna rubbed her neck, looking around them, and the ceiling, down again. Everywhere but at Kaisa. “I don’t know. Alcohol. Drugs. Something like that. Not that I’m judging!” She put her hands in front of herself immediately, and if she took the chance to really take in Kaisa’s face she’d see how that possibility was even weirder to her than it was to Johanna. “But I was just worried about how you might be. So. Yeah.”
Kaisa wanted to be helpful. She really did. But Johanna had just asked someone whose ideas of reckless behaviour ranged from waking up the dead to skipping dinner to eat jorts, and nowhere in that spectrum was partying hard and using any sort of substance. It was hard to even take her worry over her seriously, which was a shame, since under any other circumstances Kaisa would have been over the moon with such a treatment.
“Johanna. Look at me.” She did. “Under what circumstances can you imagine me getting high at three a.m.?”
It was her right arm instead of her neck that she rubbed in anxiety this time. “Well, none, but-”
They stared at each other, Johanna with an anxious look and Kaisa with a compassionate one. Eventually, she sighed.
“You’re right. It must have been a dream.” Her shoulders slumped. “Oh, gosh, this is so embarrassing. I’m sorry, Kaisa.”
Her friend laughed, glad that apparently there wasn’t even a problem to be solved. Maybe now they could have their coffee and some regular chatting.
“Don’t stress about it. I should be flattered you’re dreaming about me.”
Kaisa walked back into the break room, heading straight to the coffee machine to brew a new batch. In doing so, she failed to notice how Johanna still lingered by the doorframe, watching her for any signs of untruthfulness or discomfort.
Through gritted teeth, the woman whispered to her own ears only. “You have no idea…”
Kaisa got deja vu often. She supposed it was a mix of her brain loving to make associations and the fact that all witches had some future telling abilities, even if hers were quite weak, so she supposed there were some things in her life that she had seen before, even if at the back of her mind, a simple suggestion made by that more magical part of her consciousness.
That particular image, however, she was very sure she had seen before, and when, and where. It had been at that same place, at the same time, the very day before.
This morning, however, when Johanna spotted her, she clutched her purse strap closer to herself, making Kaisa halt her approach. She only ever did that when she was scared.
Was she scared of… Kaisa?
The thought hit her like a knife between her shoulder blades, but she still put on a smile for her. She didn’t get any closer, though. It was best to let Johanna approach her.
She didn’t. She stood there, two metres away like she was talking to a stranger. The knife twisted inside her.
“It happened again.” She said, sounding surer than she had the day before. “I was awake. I checked. Nothing happened when I pinched myself and my fingers and clocks looked normal. I wrote a note saying it was real and it was still there when I woke up this morning.”
Kaisa sighed. “Anna, I don’t know what to tell you. I didn’t call you. I certainly didn’t get drunk, or high. It must have been a prank of some sort.”
Johanna’s mouth twisted, like she was trying to bite something back. “Yes. It must have been.”
The witch dared to take a step forward; only one, though, because Johanna immediately tensed. Someone else might not have noticed it, but Kaisa couldn’t not.
“Are you… angry at me, Anna?”
Her voice was harsher than Kaisa had ever heard it before when she answered. “No. Why would I be angry at you for something you didn’t do?”
“I have no idea, but you sure as hell sound like it right now.”
“Why do you look tired?” Johanna snapped, shoulders squared back though the displeasure at acting like that was written clearly on her face. Kaisa gaped.
“Because I am borderline anaemic and wake up every day at six, maybe? You can’t really be mad at me right now, Anna. I know it must be weird to be prank called in the middle of the night and everything, not to mention whatever the hell they’re telling you to get you this worked up, but I didn’t do anything!”
Her stare grew harder, those brown eyes suddenly reminding her solid mountains, peaks so high one couldn’t ever hope to reach. But then moisture began to gather at the corners, and Johanna looked down quickly. Just not quickly enough for Kaisa to not have seen it.
“You never do, do you?” She whispered and walked quickly out of the library, leaving a befuddled librarian behind herself.
One of the things Johanna missed the most about living out in the wilderness was the quiet. Since they’d moved to Trolberg, she’d hardly ever managed to have a single night’s sleep that was as peaceful as when the only sounds that could be heard during the night were of the owls and cicadas, the forest’s own little lullaby for its only two human inhabitants to hear. It wasn’t like Trolberg was some big metropolis where they were subjected to the noise of traffic jams and drunken yelling in the early hours of the morning, of course. But it wasn’t the same. There was always an odd motorcycle, or the footsteps of their upstairs neighbour, the sound of a television when someone in their building turned to it after having trouble sleeping.
And, for the past two nights, there had been the blasted ringing of their landline.
The first time, she’d found it beyond weird. Nobody ever called them at that time of the day (well, night). But the phone would have kept ringing had she not picked up, and she didn’t want it to disturb Hilda. So Johanna had dragged herself out of bed, mumbling and rubbing at her eyes, and walked to the kitchen to simply tell whoever was at the other side of the line that they had the wrong number and hang up.
It didn’t go like that, however. Because as soon as her ear was on the speaker, a voice she knew slurred her name.
“Kaisa?!” She’d whispered with urgency, figuring from the time of the call and from her clearly subdued voice that something was wrong. “What’s the matter?”
She hadn’t answered for a couple of seconds, but Johanna knew she was still there. She could hear her breathing.
“I’m in love with you.” Kaisa sighed eventually, in a dreamy voice. “That’s the matter.”
Since the whole point of picking that call at all was not waking Hilda up, Johanna had to make a lot of effort to be silent when she choked on air at that statement. Her face heated up immediately and she gripped the phone’s handle, looking around herself to make sure there was no one near and listening. As if that would help. If either Tontu or Alfur really wanted to listen in, there would really be nothing she’d be able to do about it.
That was not how she’d imagined this conversation going.
“What?” She whispered into the microphone. “Kaisa, that’s lovely-” She mentally slapped herself. What kind of reaction to ‘I’m in love with you’ was that? Kaisa deserved better. But then, Johanna had also thought she deserved at least a face to face confession, though she should probably consider herself lucky to be getting one at all. “- but why are you telling me this right now?”
“I can’t tell you this.” Kaisa continued, which Johanna hardly thought could be considered an answer to her question. Her voice was distant, the cadence unlike it had been in any of the times they’d been together previously. Still, Johanna knew it to be her voice. She’d recognize it anywhere. “I can’t tell you that I want you close at all times. I can’t tell you that you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. I can’t even tell you I want to know everything about you. Because I’m not… not ready. You deserve someone better than me, and I’m not ready.”
Her tone wasn’t emotional. For all that she was saying, she didn’t sound like she was making a confession, but like she was listing facts. Johanna was sure her face must be completely red at that point, her heart picking up a speed she wasn’t entirely sure was healthy. She still had just enough reason to be able to tell that none of that sounded normal.
“Kaisa, love, tell me what’s going on.” She urged. They’d hung out not a full 48 hours before. Kaisa had been acting normally around her and showing no signs of wanting to confess an avalanche of deeply buried feelings. Something had to have happened.
“I know it’s selfish of me, but I want to be with you anyway.” Another string of words that sounded like they barely had any thought given to them as they were pushed out of Kaisa’s mouth. It wasn’t an answer. The witch had probably not even heard her. “I want to wake up with you and cook with you and come home to you at the end of the day-”
Oh, gods.
“I want to be someone you can call yours-”
Kaisa was high, wasn’t she?
“Kaisa, where are you?” Johanna attempted once more, even though the confessions didn’t stop coming from the other end of the line. “Do you need to be picked up? Are you safe? Are you home?”
Nothing. Well, not nothing. A lot, really, but only a lot of sappy feelings that had nothing to do with Kaisa’s current state at all.
It must have gone on for half an hour. Johanna didn’t know how to make her stop, and figured that at least she knew Kaisa was fine as long as she was speaking to her on her phone. There was of course also the fact that she’d waited for so long to hear those things that she was too selfish to hang up now, even if these were far from the circumstances she would have preferred. After she’d seemed to run out of things to say, Kaisa asked in just as distant of a voice.
“What do you think?”
Johanna took a deep breath. She’d sat down on the floor at some point, the landline’s cable extended to allow her to do so.
“I think you need to rest, my dear.” She uttered softly, still worried. “We can talk about it when you’re better.”
The line went silent. Kaisa had hung up.
Johanna still sat there, cradling the phone’s handle and looking straight ahead with an unfocused case for a few more minutes. She had no idea how to process what had just happened. Kaisa had just said everything Johanna could have asked for in her most self centred fantasies, and more. But she didn’t feel ecstatic like she should. She felt hollow. Because of the context, she felt foolish, even. That night, she’d gone to bed and her only thought had been ‘what now?’
But then she’d showed up at the library, and Kaisa had acted exactly as she would have any other day. Like nothing had happened. Like she hadn’t gotten high as a kite and declared her undying love in the dead of night. And she’d been so sure of it too, without any signs of any unusual activities the night before, even. Johanna had let herself be convinced it was only a dream. That would have made sense, right? Only in dreams did people’s crushes confess to them like they were writing a love letter. In Johanna’s case, only in dreams did people confess to her at all. She should have known better.
Except it had happened again the night after that. Johanna had made sure to check everything that could give away that she was dreaming, but everything around her looked perfectly… real. Except for Kaisa. Her voice drifting from the phone, saying how much she craved to have her near, couldn’t possibly belong to reality. And yet, it did.
Not that any of it had helped matters when she’d come to talk to Kaisa about it. Depending on what substance she’d been on, it would have made sense for her to forget what had happened. That wasn’t the issue here; had it all been handled differently, Johanna should have been happy to wait for as long as the witch needed for her to actually admit her feelings. But all she’d been met with was vehement denial. Maybe she was ashamed, but going so far as to imply that Johanna was wrong, or lying? Implying that it could be a random prankster had her at the end of her rope. As if Johanna could ever mistake Kaisa’s voice for anyone else’s. At that point it was as entangled in her mind as the sounds of the forest or of her pencil on sheets of paper.
All of that only allowed her to arrive at one conclusion. That it was deliberate.
For the third night straight, Johanna forced her legs to take her to the kitchen. Her head hurt; it had been difficult to fall asleep again after the calls, leaving her exhausted physically as well as emotionally. She hoped it would be something different this time. That maybe Kaisa had come to her senses and would admit that she was drunk, or high, or just plain sorry.
She hoped for anything other than what she got.
“I’ve fallen for you harder than I thought I could. I didn’t know I could like someone this much.”
Johanna groaned. Groaned. Because somehow her biggest dream had turned into a nightmare in the matter of three days. Was loving her such an embarrassing thing that it could only be mentioned in the dead of night? No, that wouldn’t make sense. Kaisa would at least act coy if that was the case, give her the slightest indication that she did mean what she’d said or that she even remembered what she’d said. For her to sound like that, to say all that, and to vehemently deny it only left Johanna with one conclusion.
For two nights, she’d withstood that. It had to be some sort of joke, and a cruel one at that. To force her to hear everything she wanted, only to see that it changed nothing come daylight. It was torture. And it was clever. Clever because it hit exactly where it hurt, because it would drive Johanna insane while leaving Kaisa safe in her bubble of plausible deniability. All that was left to assume was that Kaisa had actually found out that Johanna had feelings for her and was using it to make fun of her. Maybe she wouldn’t do it when she had full control of herself, but apparently whatever she was using to make her sound like that made the allure of the prank too sweet for her. And then, come morning, she must remember it and deny ever using anything at all, either because she knew what she was capable of under the influence or because she was well aware of the game she was playing and wanted to continue at it.
It was a joke, and Johanna was at the butt of it. She had to remind herself of this. Because otherwise, she’d never have been able to finally, on that third night, hang up on Kaisa while she uttered the most lovely words Johanna had ever heard.
Everything had changed since the last time they’d talked. Johanna didn’t invite her out anymore. She didn’t stop by the library to see her ‘just because’. She didn’t go anywhere Kaisa frequented at all, at least not while she was there. She didn’t even answer her texts or pick up her phone. And the worst part was, Kaisa didn’t even know what she’d done. She knew she needn’t worry for the other woman, since the trio was at the library often and that gave Kaisa a chance to ask Hilda about her mother. Given that the girl had taken to glaring at her before saying Johanna was fine, thank you very much, she was left to believe she must have screwed up somehow, even if she couldn’t figure it out.
She’d resisted all of two weeks under these circumstances before she’d caved. Her mind screamed at her that she was being stupid all the while her feet were taking her to the apartment complex where she’d spent so many enjoyable evenings drinking tea and giggling over nothing, but she ignored it. Johanna should be the one to reach out to her and tell her what she’d done to deserve being ghosted like that, should look at her in the eyes and tell her how Kaisa could be better for her. But she hadn’t done so, and Kaisa couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted her best friend. And if that meant swallowing her fear and her pride, well. She’d been the one to screw up in the first place, hadn’t she?
At least she’d resisted the urge to buy flowers before heading there. The art of toeing the blasted line lied at the mixed messages peppered in every gesture that could be interpreted as romantic, and she rather didn’t think there’d be anything mixed or up to interpretation about giving another woman a bouquet of white roses.
Kaisa knocked on her door, knowing that the woman must be home since it was still early enough for her to have interrupted her self-imposed work hours. She’d managed to sneak away from the library earlier than usual precisely for that reason, even if Johanna didn’t go out much either way. Her voice came from the other side, a soft ‘coming!’ muffled by the wall between them. When the door was opened. Johanna was wearing a carefully crafted serene expression. Which melted away immediately at the sight of Kaisa.
To the witch’s absolute horror, Johanna stepped away from her.
“Oh.” She breathed, her voice guarded. “It’s you.”
What the hell is that supposed to mean?, she wanted to scream. Instead, she frowned and nodded. “Yes. Hi, Anna.”
“What do you want?” Johanna snapped, crossing her arms. She didn’t sound or look pissed, though, only sad and even scared as she looked at Kaisa’s feet rather than her face. And tired. Very tired.
So was Kaisa, if she was honest. She hadn’t woken up feeling truly rested in weeks.
“Well-” Kaisa struggled for something to say. Johanna had always been the more well spoken between the two of them. She’d truly thought that she’d arrive here and only have to listen to her explain what was going on. Having to actually voice anything hadn’t been part of her plan. “Isn’t it obvious?”
The woman’s face snapped to her at that, anger in her eyes. Kaisa had never seen her like this. But then, she supposed, she’d never hurt the woman before either.
“If you’re going to tell me the same thing as the last times, just give up.” She stated, making sure her shoulders were set back, voice a lot less unwavering than she would have liked. “I’m not going to let you treat me like this.”
Kaisa gaped at her. “Wait.” She lifted a hand, suddenly feeling anger rise up in her own chest. “This is still about the prank calls you’ve been getting?”
No matter how strongly Kaisa felt she was the one who should be offended here, Johanna’s furrowed brows and pursed lips told her very clearly how affronted she was that Kaisa would have the gall to react the way she did.
“Stop it. I won’t hear you out if you’re only going to lie either. You should be going.”
“Yes, I really should, shouldn’t I?” Kaisa snapped, surprising both of them with the fire in her voice. She truly wasn’t able to help it in the face of Johanna’s coldness. For her friend - and calling her that now felt like a mockery to what they had - to toss her away like that without even hearing her out, she could only have been looking for a reason to fight with her. Just waiting for an excuse to get rid of the witch. Well, Kaisa wasn’t about to get in her way.
She turned her back to her and walked back the way she came with all the certainty she didn’t feel, letting the hurt drive her away. She’d thought Johanna was the better one between the two of them. She thought that she’d at least have been given a reason, an explanation, or a proper conversation instead of just being accused over nothing for the woman to justify throwing their friendship away to herself. Didn’t matter, though. Not anymore.
The sound of her shoes on the building’s staircase was loud as she stomped away. Loud enough to drown out the sound of Johanna’s sniffles.
The phone rang, like it always did, at three in the morning. The headache that had been her companion for many days now screamed at the sound. Johanna was already awake, of course. Her body had developed some sort of pavlovian response and she now always woke up exactly at 2:55 a.m., anxious about her daughter being startled out of her slumber by the ringing.
She got up from the couch wearily, and picked it up. After a couple of seconds of looking at it, she actually brought it to her ears. After the third time, she’d taken to leaving it on the counter for about half an hour, before placing it back onto the hook. It wasn’t like Kaisa was ever interested in what she had to say, anyway, so it didn’t really matter, and Johanna was afraid she’d ring again if she just hung up on her. But she’d actually showed up that afternoon. Hadn’t acknowledged what she’d been doing, sure, hadn’t apologised or offered a semblance of an explanation. She’d even yelled at her, considering the standard low volume that her voice usually had. But maybe that meant she was willing to rethink, willing to maybe take a step back and undo this mess. Maybe she’d come to her senses at last, maybe she’d stopped using whatever had been making her act like that.
With foolish hope, Johanna dared to listen to her voice one last time.
“Hi, Johanna.” Said the dreamy, far away voice. So not sober, then. “I love you. Every time you smile at me I feel like I’m flying-”
She wanted to scream. Nothing had changed. Nothing would change. And Johanna was exhausted, from this dance, from this heartbreak, from not knowing when was the last time she had slept peacefully without being woken up by this blatant and cruel ridicule.
She listened. Johanna actually was pathetic enough to listen to twenty more minutes of Kaisa saying exactly how she felt every time they were together, because she wasn’t sure she’d ever hear that voice again. And when she could finally bring herself to, she put the phone handle on the kitchen counter, and opened one of the kitchen drawers.
The scissors were exactly where she always left them. They were only ever used to open up food packages, but that didn’t matter. They managed to cut the landline’s cable just fine.
It had been a long time coming. Truly, what had led her to believe a woman as lovely as Johanna would want to give her the time of the day? Maybe she’d enjoyed it for a couple of months. She might have only been doing it to be charitable, making an awkward loner like Kaisa feel like she had someone to rely on. But it hadn’t lasted, because how could it? Kaisa was who she was, and nobody could stand her for long. Eventually, people realised they couldn’t change her. They realised she was too annoying, too boring, too offputting to stand. And if Johanna had chosen that way to break them off, did she really have the right to be angry? She’d probably been giving her signs she didn’t want Kaisa nearby for ages, but Kaisa never took a hint, did she?
It made sense, now. Johanna didn’t blush when Kaisa complimented her because she liked it. It was because she made her uncomfortable. Her eyes didn’t widen when Kaisa asked her out because she was pleased. She’d merely been caught without an excuse to refuse. She didn’t tease Kaisa about her quirks because she found them charming. They were either attempts at getting her to change her habits or straight up jabs, hidden behind sweet words and a honeyed voice.
There was no line. There had never been a line. Kaisa was just delusional and pushing for something she’d never have. Kaisa was unlovable. She knew she was unlovable, and had accepted that a long time ago. It was her own fault for letting gentle touches and soft spoken affirmations convince her otherwise, her own fault for being so utterly incapable of making alright decisions, her own fault for only ever having bad ideas.
Gods, she was drained.
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subzeroparade · 1 year
Hi! I just want to start by saying that I absolutely adore your works. Basically inhaled all of your Elden ring fics and I’d be lying if I say wanting to read your Bloodborne fics wasn’t a major motivation that drove me to finally get a PS4 and played Bloodborne.
That being said, this might be a weird question to ask, but I’ve finally encountered and defeated Ludwig (what a fight! Honestly my favorite in BB, the way he regained his consciousness/humanity during his second phase? Chief kiss), do you know where I should go next? It’s pretty impossible to keep away from spoilers with a game as old as bloodborne, but I somehow managed to only know about that the Fishing Hamlet being the final area of DLC and we fight Mergo (?) at the end of the main game. From a story perspective, do you recommend finishing the DLC first (I just got the key to Maira), or the main game (just beaten the nightmare host, what’s his name) first?
Thanks so much for the kind words! And Bloodborne is such a great game, good for you for going out to get it *◡* I can only hope you eventually find my fics live up to the game's hype. tbh I don't think there's any real set path you need to take - I also beat Ludwig in the Nightmare before finishing the base game. I did most of the DLC when I was only halfway through the Nightmare of Mensis (if I recall correctly, on my first play through). This meant that after the DLC I was fairly over-levelled for the last 3 "story" bosses of the base game, so it depends on how much of a challenge you want. That said, it took me a solid week in the DLC to actually beat Shrimp Hands Baby Man and a certain deer-shaped bitch, which is probably why everything felt fairly straightforward after that.
Edit: had to come back and howl about the fact that you referred to Micolash as what’s-his-name. Truly savage.
tldr; I think it's really up to you. other folks, feel free to jump in here if you have strong opinions. personally, my Hunter, Egg, spent most of the DLC doing this:
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arcielee · 2 years
Interview With a Writer
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Here is part 4 of my Interview With a Writer series. You can go to this post to review the other amazing authors I have spoken with ♥ Just a BTS of some of the talented minds on Tumblr and ao3.
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Name:  f4ll-for-you
Story: The Intern
Paring: modern Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Rating/Warning: Sexual themes and substance abuse.
So, when did you start writing? If I’m honest, I’ve always loved writing, even when I was young I’d always write ‘fanfiction’ for stories I’d read myself, but I began writing for ‘readers’ when I was about fourteen. That was back in the boy band era, 5 seconds of summer days and none of it was good, and it’s all very much deleted now, luckily!
Everything I’d written since had been for myself, until house of the dragon came out. I mainly began writing because no one seemed to be creating any Aegon fics, and I desperately wanted one. 
I began writing on Wattpad, which is where my main (very badly written un-edited, first proper fic lives) and when I got back into tumblr, 6 years later, I found a wonderful community on there and began my modern Aegon fics.
Where did the plot for The Intern come from? Awkwardly, I’m not sure. I knew I wanted to write a modern Aegon fic. I’d seen a few ideas floating around where the family had a large successful company, that Aegon is meant to ‘inherit/work for’ so I guess I gained inspiration from that.
I wanted the reader to be someone in her own right, not just ‘Aegon's love interest’ so I tried to build up her character just as much as his. I also wanted to show how damaged Aegon was, and hint that there were reasons why she understood him. Maybe I’ll explain her backstory at some point, because I have it in my head.
Explain your interpretation of Aegon. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in The Intern? He’s damaged, that’s the main theme. He’s done something (we don’t know what, but I do hehe) that means his grandfather has forced him to work for the company and, obviously, he hates it. 
He uses his position to get girls, and continue to live his life as it was, if he can’t party at home, he will party there. It’s not until the reader comes along that he finally sees a girl for more than just sex. He likes the way she takes little interest in him, how she needs glasses to read, how she never stays at ‘after work drinks’ for more than an hour. 
I think he appreciates how she’s never looked at him as less than a person, which is what he’s used to from his family and the girls only want him for a reciprocated ‘quickie’. Whereas she actually sees him as her boss, not that he’s ever acted like one. 
My version of Aegon (this is gonna sound pretentious as fuck) has been defined by his faults for so long that he’s become them. The Aegon we meet at the beginning is a shell of the person he becomes once he befriends her.
Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal? As I said earlier, I was determined to make her a main character, not a side character that Aegon desires (not that there’s anything wrong with that, I love those fics just as much). 
I’ve massively fallen for the ‘enemies to lovers’ style, which the intern very lightly touches on, shown in their boy/girl teasing and joking friendship they have at the beginning. I liked the idea of her being a girlboss, hard working, clever but mainly incredibly kind. I wanted to show her as a little bit damaged, through her understanding of Aegon and how gentle she is with him. She rarely pushes him into getting help when he clearly isn’t ready to. She loses her temper, yes, but I think there’s only one time where she fully asks him to get help throughout the story, even though she clearly wants him to.
Do you feel your Reader compliments Aegon well? I’d hope so, I wanted to to make them fit together, but also have their own ‘things’ they needed to do before they could fully be each others. I guess you could see it a bit like Chuck and Blair in Gossip Girl, but they weren’t an intentional inspiration, now I think of it.
They both had a lot on their plates, the reader stuck working her ass off and Aegon stuck between various girls legs…that sort of thing.
In my head, I think they compliment each other by being what the other needs. Aegon needs someone grounded, kind and gentle, but she’s also not a pushover. She’s not going to let him walk all over her. Whereas the reader needs Aegon to realise her life isn’t based around her career, that she can enjoy herself and fall in love and be a little bit reckless.
Is there any reflection of you, the author, in this story? Pretty much always the female character is a part of me, it’s kind of a way of you living the life you want to live, so why wouldn’t it be I guess? Also, I find comfort in writing about addiction/other themes because it’s kind of a way of dealing with my own experiences.
Do you think you will do a sequel or expand on this AU? I have one chapter left, the epilogue, where I will hopefully make everyone forgive me for the sad ending to part four! I’m now expanding on the Backstage one-shot, and rockstar Aegon.
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teapots-and-hats · 1 year
So, here is my full review of FF16 (spoilers ahead)
So here is my review of FF16 after finishing the game one time (haven't tried the New Game+)
Overall, FF16 is a good game and a good Final Fantasy, I LOVED the characters! One thing that I think Final Fantasy has been getting better and better each new title is creating characters. FF15 (despite it's numerous flaws) already did a great job putting personality on the main characters. FF16 pushed it further adding more personality to secondary characters and even NPCS that barely appear for more than a few minutes (also praise to the voice acting, it was amazing!). I wish crafting system was more complex, it felt a bit too simple sometimes, to the point I was like "well, I dunno why we have a crafting system, they should have just given me the weapon as quest prize or just leave it for me to buy from some merchant at this point"
If I could say one word to represent FF16, I would say the word is EPIC. Not because the game is perfect. But during our journey with Clive you FEEL how grand is the scale of each eikonic battle. And I personally believe the change to full action played an important role on giving us that scale. Yes, in turn-based FFs we already had big bosses that were clearly bigger than us, but it feels different (mind you, I've played a lot of turn-based RPGs), maybe because turn-based battles usually have the boss keeping its distance from our party most of the time. The cinematic parts with the Active Time Events also helped creating that feel (though I think in some parts I wish there were more actual gameplay and less ATE press button screen moments). That being said, here are my thoughts on several elements of the game (I will not comment on battle mechanics cuz I haven't played many action rpgs to have a solid opinion on whether battle is good or not, I just know I had fun). Music
Music is EPIC, the battle songs were AMAZING. However, while I think the references to FF14's OST were on purpose I do think it did disappoint me a bit that it referenced too much. Several tracks obviously have parts of FF14's Eureka's theme (which is a good theme).
Art / Design
Overall I like the art in this game, they took their time to even give some minor NPCs one detail or another that sets them as unique. My favorite part is the Eikons' design, all of them are gorgeous. I wish some maps had a bit of visual variation (Waloed was my least favorite, while Sambreque is probably my favorite on that aspect). Also, bless Clive's character design.
Edit: May I also add it's a bit of a let down that some maps become rather dull colored after Ultima casts their weird spell that causes aetherical floods everywhere. It reminded me of how The First in FF14 was constantly bathed in light, except in FF16 all open world maps are flooded by a weird purple dim light.
Clive is probably the best FF protagonist I've seen so far because everyone thought he was going to be an edgy character after revenge for whatever happened in his past. He kinda starts that way but we instead got... well, a big puppy (ok, two big puppies cuz we have Torgal). Clive faces his traumas through game and remains a man with a golden heart that just can't say no to helping people. Antagonist
Here is where I think FF16 may have failed, compared to other FF titles like FF7 and FF15. The actual villain is Ultima, and I think they did a great job setting Ultima as an alien that does not understand humans. But I think we were meant to see Barnabas as the antagonist that we would grow to love/hate, with him being introduced right from the start with Cid's and Benedikta's introductions. When Barnabas actually appears in front of Clive and we start the chapters that will lead to our fight with him I just felt... meh. Even his eikonic fight was rather disappointing for me after Bahamut's fight. I believe Barnabas was meant to be something like Sephiroth, or Ardyn, while Ultima is more like Jenova and FF15's Bahamut, but I don't think they managed to do that with Barnabas.
Other characters
As I said, I think they did a great job giving personalities to every character we meet in this game. However I think they missed the opportunity to give more lore development to some key characters such as Benedikta and, again, Barnabas. It's not terrible like FF15, where the base game had actual gaps that didn't make much sense, like Ignis' loss of eyeysight and Gladio going poof! suddenly, but some characters would really benefit if they get a DLC to expand their lore. I have to praise FF16 team for how they dealt with Dion and Joshua though, I think they are my favorite in terms of characterization.
The story overall is really good. Harsh and raw, but good. Unfortunately if you don't do the sidequest as they appear you miss A LOT OF lore. One criticism that I've read a lot is that after the second half of the game the story stops dealing with the theme of slavery and prejudice against minorities. And thinking about it, if I haven't done the sidequest as they appear the main quests alone really don't deal with that theme anymore after a while. The sidequests though, they do. A lot and in certain quests it is brutal and a bit too close to real world, leaving you with some bitter taste.
That being said, because the game relies on many side quests to expand the lore I think the game has an issue with pacing and setting emotional rollercoasters. Again, after Bahamut's fight I think Barnaba's story was a collection of rushed events and Waloed is so empty that before you blink you are already at Barnaba's eikonic fight. You do get to actually explore Waloed via sidequests after that fight but the pacing is already broken by then.
Also, if you take the sidequests off, the game itself is rather linear (as it was meant to be, I believe) and doesn't give you much incentive to explore the world. Once you finish sidequests and hunts there aren't many achievements that makes you want to run around the maps over and over again. Plot and theme similarities with other games The game draws some parallels to FF15's story (both protagonists lose their home, both are sort of princes that have a love interest that are nobility from another country and both sacrifice themselves to save humanity in the end), but I think FF16 managed to at least deal with the romance better than FF15, since Jill fights with us since early game and while yes she is rescued by Clive several times Jill is no damsel in distress and she also saves Clive at least twice on critical moments (and Clive is saved by Joshua several times too). Jill is Clive's love interest but also his partner in his journey. Something I think Lunafreya was meant to be if she had her DLC. Yet, Luna and Noctis' story barely stand with what we actually got from Square Enix.
I can also point out some similarities between FF16 and FF13 with the theme of prejudice. Bearers suffer prejudice much like the l'Cie from Fabula Nova Crystallis, though while l'Cie are probably viewed as cursed individuals to be avoided, Bearers are viewed as slaves in FF16. The destruction of Crystals, while new to a main Final Fantasy, I believe, is not a new concept for Square Enix. Bravely Default already played with the subversion of the usually canonical belief of crystals being a blessing and in both games the protagonists learn that Crystals may not be a blessing at all. FF16, more than FF15 though, has a more direct influence of Final Fantasy Tactics' plot (and not only because both are set in a medieval setting and have an Ultima trying to destroy the world and claim it to themselves). Both Ramza and Clive are outcasts (Ramza as heretic, Clive as outlaw) that fight according to their beliefs, even if that sets them against those in power and subvert the state of things. Both have people that can turn into monsters (Lucavi and Eikon) and such ability has connections with a bigger plan set in place years before the protagonist was even born by some entity that manipulates humans to reach their goal. Both games are also not afraid to deal with politics in a more direct way.
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ampharos-posts · 2 years
I am so mindless I will see a picture of sectonia and instantly tag it as “favorite”
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ilycorisradiata · 2 years
Scaramouche Part 2 👀
his report pt. 2
ಌ his report: scaramouche x male!reader
ಌ theme: he'd warned you about doing it in the office next, but you didn't think he had meant it so soon
ಌ cw: 18+ NSFW, amab reader, dom!scara, office sex, masturbation, oral (scara receiving), exhibitionism(is that the word? 6am brain go poop !), sex up against a meeting room window hehe, some degrading names said by scara, a certain ginger catches you maybe sorta, solo edited + solo read, cross-posted on ao3
ಌ wc: 2.1k
ಌ notes: [link to part 1] hi anon !! ask and you shall receive >:) this one is longer than pt. 1 since it originally was just a drabble (i got a bit carried away...) hope you enjoy ! (sorry... only one update this weekend, will post more fics soon)
“That concludes this meeting. Please send me those documents once you are finished with the processing, and I’ll get them approved right away.” All colleagues in the room stand from their seats, including you, gathering everything to leave your boss to his devices in the meeting room. Scaramouche made his way to the main desk, his desk, in the meeting room. Just as you were about to leave, he stops you.
“Ah, Y/N, stay here. I want a word with you.” Stopping in your tracks, sweat trickling down the back of your neck, shutting the door behind your colleagues with a click. He’s quick to be behind you, pulling you away from the door by your wrist and bringing you back over to the meeting table.
He didn’t speak to you in this moment, and it made you more nervous than before. A bubbling panic. What could have possibly ticked him off in the meeting, or anywhere for that matter? He spoke eloquently during the meeting, not a single thing to announce he was annoyed or upset with the outcome. His words had flown smoothly, well-spoken.
“A-ah, Scara– I mean, Boss, what did you need from me?”
“Didn’t you hear me? Strip. Now.”
Looking at him; his face forming a dangerous look, and the glow in his eyes almost light up the room slightly. It was a different look. Never having seen this before, especially at your workplace, you couldn’t question him. He had an authority over you, in more ways than one and it would be wrong to disobey him now. You, of course, wanted this just as much as he did. It only surprised you because it was so soon… So, you strip. Every last piece of your work uniform is in a pile on the floor, and you hadn’t even heard the fact that Scaramouche had actually locked the door to the meeting room before walking slowly back toward you. You were too embarrassed to remove every article from your body… So, you stood embarrassed in nothing but your boxers. He stares you down, noticing your hesitation to remove everything
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” A scowl adorned his face, arms folded over his chest and a finger taps impatiently on his clothed bicep. Slipping your thumbs under the waistband, you pull them down slowly. Your heart was hammering in your ribcage, that fear of someone walking in with you completely in the nude, at work, with your boss in front of you… What would they even think of this situation? A hand flies to your jaw, holding your face up with some force so you would finally look at him, and you could do nothing but stare back in awe. You wanted to curse yourself for finding that arousing, cock twitching to life. Previous anxious thoughts were out of the window… And all you could concentrate on was your boss in front of you. Letting go of your jaw, he steps closer to you and breathes down your neck, into your ear.
“I want you to prepare yourself in front of me. Show me how you pleasure yourself when I’m not there, hmm?” He steps back, enough to give you some room. His instructions were absolute, and you weren’t risking the fact of getting embarrassed in front of your colleagues. Squatting down, you spit into your hand and palm away at your half erect cock. You hear him blow a long and low whistle, stepping back to watch every expression you pull on your face. Hot. Everywhere felt hot. You couldn’t tell if it was from shyness, or if it was because his eyes were burning holes into your face, your body. With the other hand you suck on two fingers, and you look up, hoping to entice him. He looks at you, unbothered. No matter the number of little moans around your fingers had given you the reaction you had thought for, and he was glaring at you. Releasing both fingers, you circle your hole. Plunging one in, you whimper, wishing it was his instead of your own. To be honest, it wasn’t even embarrassing to admit to yourself anymore… That the only way to get off was with the image of your boss.
“Hah… You’re thinking of me, aren’t you? Fucking pervert.” Looking up at him through foggy eyes, you couldn’t actually tell if he was enjoying the display and he continued to keep a bored expression on. He shuffles toward you again, looking at you with expectant eyes and you knew what he wanted. Continuing to work yourself up, you nudge your nose against his groin. You hadn’t even realised he was sporting an erection… Too busy with your own thoughts, clearly. He chuffs through his nose, pleased that you were finally getting the gist when you nudged your way to his zipper and pulled it down with your teeth. He had sighed, but you were too busy with trying to please him, and yourself, of course.
You kissed and licked the fabric, paying special attention to the groan that you managed to pull from his throat. He pulled it out, tapping it on your lips to get you to do your work, and you did just that. Running your tongue up and down his shaft like it was the best dessert you’d ever had, sucking and licking the head. Spit and precum bubbled at the corners of your mouth when you took him in, tongue flat against the underside whilst slowly sinking halfway and then pulling yourself back up fully, planting a small kiss to the head. Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you see that strange glint in his eye again. Frightening. Nothing indicated if he was actually enjoying this, and you started to doubt yourself. Surely, he was… Right? I mean he’s hard, so you were doing something right… You went to take him in again, but he hated how slow you were taking things, so he thrusted forward harshly. Gagging around him, tears threatening to spill at any moment as he did it again and again, your hand that previously held your front flying up to grab onto his trousers. Trying to find balance again, opening yourself up diligently below for him despite feeling like you could topple over at any moment. The noises coming from you were a delight to him, watching as you try to suck any drool that tries to escape. Scaramouche starts fumbling slightly, slowing his onslaught in your mouth. He removes a shoe of his with his other foot, but because you couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, you were in for a surprise. He pressed his foot against your cock, thrusting it harshly upwards with your own precum spreading everywhere.
“That’s it… There you go. You’ve learnt well, slut.” Pulling out of your mouth and dragging you to your feet, he tells you to stand in front of the glass and you immediately hesitate. If you stood any closer to the glass, you were sure someone would see you. You stand still. Unmoving. This ticks Scaramouche off, and he storms to the desk, throwing open a drawer and taking a bottle out from it. He’s quick to come back, other shoe kicked off, bottle in his pocket, and he grabs the back of your neck to press you up against the glass. Coating his fingers in the bottle’s liquid, he’s quick to plunge them into you, making sure you had properly worked yourself open. He pulled them out just as quickly as he had put them in, lining himself up.
“I told you I would do this, but I bet you didn’t think it would be so soon… Especially since this meeting had something to do with your report for me, huh?” He’s agonisingly slow, pushing into you as if he had the entire time in the world to do so. Hissing into your neck when he finally bottomed out, he bit and licked everywhere around your neck, distracting you from him pulling all the way out.
“You better be quiet, or someone will walk past and see you pressed up against this glass… Wouldn’t want them seeing you from the hallway, bubbling out how much of a whore you are, considering you’re also doing it with someone in the meeting room everyone in this department was just in not too long ago...” That was the only warning he gave, quick to snap his hips back into you and relishing in the way you squeezed around him every time he pulled back out to the tip. You could hardly keep yourself together, mentally and physically. With the thought of being caught in this vulnerable position, and the fact your cock was rubbing deliciously against the glass windows. His hands were bruising themselves into your skin around your waist, pulling you into him in time with his thrusts. It was dizzying. He’d called you every vulgar name under the sun at this point, spooking you every now and again about someone walking past. Anyone could walk in, at least that was what you thought.
You could see into the hall, especially the backs of people working away in the distance as they did their work that he had requested. That was until someone had actually tried the door, and you reached behind you to grab onto Scaramouche for dear life. You were scared. If you were caught like this, it would be you who got into trouble… And not him. They knocked not once, but thrice. With no answer, and Scaramouche still pounding into you like the animal he was, the person outside definitely knew someone was in the meeting room. You watched as they came closer to the glass, two hands cupping around their eyes to try and peak into the glass window. One arm wraps itself around you to keep you balanced, whilst his other hand covers where the person’s eyes were. Letting out a cry when he rammed into you and the other person still trying to look in, you smack a hand over your mouth to muffle any moans that dare slip out. Not that it mattered, considering all that filled your ears were his heavy breathing and the sound of skin slapping against skin.
“You tightened up when they looked in… Is it that exciting to have someone peak at us doing this at work? Maybe I should have done it in the hall, right in front of all of them.” His words were nothing but a whisper, as the person stepped away from the glass and walked down the hallway away from the meeting room. You couldn’t contain yourself much longer, and Scaramouche was very much at his limit as well.
“Make a mess then… I know you want to.” You were exactly on cue, almost trapping him inside you, splattering cum all other the glass. He tried to push himself even more impossibly further into you, releasing into you and grunting out indecipherable words. The only thing filling the room was now both of your breathing, but Scaramouche was always the first one to make a move in the end. He pulled you both away from the windows, pulling out of you momentarily before slamming you onto your back on his desk. A couple of knocks were heard on the glass, someone leaning their back against the pane. Shock filled your features, the colour orange the first thing you recognise with a slightly muffled voice that came shortly after.
“Scaramouche, I think you’ve used this room for long enough.” Recognising the voice, your neck snaps to look at the growing irritation spreading across Scaramouche’s features. He looks at you with dangerous eyes, as if it were your fault. He clicks his tongue, grabbing tissues to clean you up briefly before rushing to your uniform to help you dress. By the time you were dressed, and Scaramouche had cleaned up the mess you both made, he grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the meeting room. You stumbled after him, struggling to keep up with his long, quick strides. It didn’t take long to end up in the parking lot, with him practically throwing you into the car. Childe having made an appearance, definitely knowing what you two had done in the meeting room, had ticked him off. Scaramouche was muttering a plethora of insults under his breath.
“That stupid fucking ginger prick…”
“He kinda had a point though… ‘zushi.”
“Mmh… But I wanted to soil that entire room with us. It was thrilling, no, probably much more than that.”
“No further words to describe it then?”
“I can describe it better with actions, I’m not satisfied with just that. I’m spoiling you when we’re home.”
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skinnyducky · 3 years
made for you // v.h.
hello.. im sorry i havent been posting. school has been keeping me busy but i wanted to post this. this idea comes from @yelenasdarling so thank you ! i recommend listening to halley’s comet by billie eilish (as well as the whole album) bc that’s the song that is being discussed in this (as well as many others), so yuh. enjoy ! and i promise i haven’t forgotten about party @ y/ns !
vinnie hacker x singer!fem!reader
Word Count: 1408, edited
As the year was coming to an end, so was your debut album. For months, you’d been working with the best producers, musicians, and doing endless promo for this album and within a few days, you’d be playing it for the label. Obviously because it is your first record, you’re protective over it. No one had heard it besides the people working on it. So, you were a bit nervous to let your pleading boyfriend, Vinnie, tag along to the studio with you.
It was Friday, and you two had been chilling in his room when your producer, Sarah, said she needed you to go over it before the label meeting. As you bid your goodbyes to Vinnie, informing him of the reason for your departure, he pouted. “Why can’t I come?” he nearly cried, giving you his puppy dog eyes. Because you couldn’t resist them—and you just can’t say “no” to him—you allowed him to come.
Now here the two of you were, in the studio and listening to Sarah go on and on about how long it took for her to finish mastering it. Your manager, Jen, had came too. She had to hear the album for herself also. She couldn’t have her client looking a mess in front of her bosses. Bad for business and her reputation.
“…and after an hour or two of making sure your vocals were clear, I finally finish the album.” Sarah explained. “Honestly, this is probably the best album I’ve produced in a minute, and I worked on SZA’s album.”
“That good?” Vinnie asked with a smirk, leaning against the studio door. “That’s sick. I’m ready to listen to it.”
As that sentence left Vinnie’s mouth, you felt your anxiety overcome you. “Are you sure, Sarah? There has to be some sort of adlib I need to rework or something. Can’t be ready so soon.”
“Y/n, it can’t get any better than this. This is a solid project. I should know, I spent days listening to it over and over again. Trust me, it’s ready.”
“Besides, it’s too late to rerecord now.” Jen added. “The label meeting is next Thursday, and we don’t have a week for Sarah to mix and master all over again. Once the label gives us the greenlight, if there’s anything to tweak, you can do it before you have to submit the final project. But until then, no changes and no additions.”
You sighed, nodded your head. It’s not that you were afraid of it not being perfect. You were more scared of what Vinnie would think. I mean, he’s the one who inspired the album; more than half of the songs are about him. His opinion meant everything to you, and if he didn’t like an inch of it…that would destroy you.
As you were sulking and picking at your chipped nail polish, Vinnie wandered over to you where you sat at the soundboard with Sarah. He leaned against it and smiled down at you. “What’s the matter, baby?”
“Nothing.” You sighed, keeping your head down. He scoffed and chuckled. “Y/n, you’re playing with your nail polish. You always do that when you’re upset.”
He pulled you up and took you out of your seat before sitting down himself and placing you on his lap. “Tell Santa what’s up.” He joked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I’m just nervous. This album means so much to me.”
“Completely understandable. It’s your first one, it should mean a lot to you.”
You shook your head. “It’s not just because of that. It’s also because it’s about you. The only reason you haven’t came with me to the studio until now is because I didn’t want you to hate anything on this, and it would kill me if you did.”
“Y/n, look at me”—you finally met his eyes for the first time—“I could never not like anything you do. Especially if it’s dedicated to me. That’s like throwing away a gift you gave me. I wouldn’t ever do that. So don’t think for a minute that I’d hate this. That’s literally impossible.”
You smiled, planting a kiss on his forehead. “You’re too good for me.”
“I know.” He laughed and turned to Sarah. “Play us the album!” He said dramatically, sending the producer into a fit of giggles.
She followed his orders and with a few clicks and the press of a button, the first song from your album rang out from the studio speakers. You watched timidly as Vinnie bobbed his head up and down as it went from track to track.
“This shit slaps!” He exclaimed as “Y/n Bossa Nova” played. He nearly about died during “Oxytocin”, claiming it to be god tier. Minutes went by until you got to the final track “Halley’s Comet”, and you were scared to play him this song.
While the other tracks were quite playful in nature, this one was different. The song was a bit cynical, but it was also like a love letter to Vinnie. Never before have you ever felt what you had with him. And at first that made you scared. But as the months went by and your relationship started to blossom, you realized he was the one for you. This was just your way of telling him that.
When it started, you looked everywhere but at Vinnie. It wasn’t just because you couldn’t bear to see the expression on his face, but also because this song was quite emotional. You didn’t want him to see you “being a little bitch” as you put it.
The sound of your soft vocals bounced off the walls and you felt Vinnie place his chin on your shoulder. His hold on you grew tighter as he swayed you two back forth. A small smile crept it’s way onto your face as you tried your best to stray away from crying.
“I’ve been loved before, but right now in this moment,” you sung, “I feel more and more like I was made for you…”
When those lyrics hit, you felt Vinnie stop swaying. Hell, you were pretty sure he had stopped breathing too. You didn’t know what to think about that; did he not like the song, is he shocked? What was he thinking and feeling? Shortly after, the song came to an end with you singing, “I think I might have fallen in love…what am I to do?”
And with that, the album finished. The room was silent, the only sound being your sniffles. Although that was broken when Sarah screamed. “Wasn’t that amazing!? Ugh, my power…I really outdid myself on this one.”
Thankfully, Jen understood the impact of that last song. “Sarah, why don’t we go get a Snickers or something from the vending machine?”
“I can’t eat anything fatty, Jen. You know this.”
Jen mouthed some profanities and threats at the woman causing her to shoot up from her chair and run out into the hallway. “We’ll leave you two alone for a minute.” Jen smiled, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.
Neither of you or Vinnie spoke and that somewhat was comforting. However, part of it made you feel insecure about the album, “Halley’s Comet” in specific. Out of all the songs, that’s the one you wanted him to like the most.
The silence soon grew uncomfortable, so you decided to be the first to speak. “Well, that was the album. What’d you think?”
He opened his mouth, but it was obviously he couldn’t find the right words to say. “I-I don’t know how to even put it in words.”
“That bad?” You sighed.
“No, never.” He laughed. “It was beautiful, all of it really. And that last song, that was amazing.”
You pursed your lips, hiding the grin wanting to break free. “You think so?”
“Yeah, it was definitely one of my favorites. To know I had that much of an impact on you, it’s really sweet. I didn’t think I could simp for you any harder than I do now.”
“Shut up!” you laughed, slapping his shoulder.
“It’s the truth!” he said, throwing his hands up in defense. “I love you, Y/n. I really do.”
“I love you too.” And with that, he laid a sweet and gentle kiss on your lips.
Pulling back, he said, “Oh and just so you know, I agree with you.”
“On what?”
“You were definitely made for me.”
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
the zest of life
Tumblr media
。☆✼★ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ★✼☆。
pairing: rich boy!mingyu x tutor fem!reader
genre: university au, summer, friends w benefits
word count: ~6.3k (um this was originally 4.8k words before i went in and edited it for the nth time LOL HELP)
warnings: cursing, suggestive behavior (makeouts), mentions of alcohol
a/n: IT'S HERE!! IT'S FINALLY HERE!! the long awaited oh! summer summer summer summer! collab w @mingyuwus <33 thank you emma for hosting this collab, it was so much fun to write and i'm pretty happy w how it came out! this is the longest fic i've written to date and one of my personal favorites to write, too. as always, plz plz plz let me know what y'all think -- asks are open and reblogs are HIGHLY encouraged if you do like it :)
tag list: @lovingyu04 @minkwans @haoraecane @leahxxiong (it won't let me tag you :( )
my masterlist \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
。☆✼★ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ★✼☆。
lemonade + humidity + grass
“How did you like the oolong, Mrs. Kim?” you asked the older woman standing in front of you. She was beautiful — her dark brown hair falling just past her shoulders that were pulled back, her face aged but only ever so slightly, and her dreamlike voice that could call sleeping sailors to sea. Every time she walked into the store, she brought with her an inexplicable air of elegance as if you were basking in the presence of royalty. It was impossible not to admire her, not just for her beauty and composure, but for the way she treated you with such warmth and kindness, offering a red-carpet worthy smile with every interaction she had with you. Mrs. Kim was one of your regular customers, always coming in to buy tins of various teas for her numerous events she often told you about. From the clothes she wore and the handbags she carried, you figured she had a decent amount of money — or, at the very least, she knew where to buy convincing knockoffs.
“It was delicious,” she exclaimed. “All of the ladies in my book club loved it as well. What do you recommend for us this week, dear?”
Your eyes scanned the top shelves, browsing the various colored bins of tea leaves. Finally, you reached for what you were looking for: a tin of lychee black tea. “This one is lovely,” you told her. “It’s fragrant and sweet even without adding sugar.”
“Oh, I love lychee.” You opened the tin to allow her to waft the scent, her face lighting up as the fragrance hit her nostrils. “This smells wonderful. One tin of this, and I’ll take another of the oolong,” she said, winking at you. You gave her a warm smile before going to fetch the oolong. She watched as you wrapped the tins in the store’s signature tissue paper. After you finished wrapping the tins, you placed the tins into a paper bag and handed it to her. “Thanks, honey. Will you be working here all summer?”
You pressed your lips together. “Yeah, all summer…” You didn’t hate the White Lotus, and actually Iroh was the best boss you’d ever had, but some days were too slow for your liking. Besides, it didn’t pay as well as you’d hoped, especially since you would be going abroad at the end of the summer and spending the semester in Japan, which meant you needed to save up as much money as you possibly could.
“And you’re at the university up the road, is that correct?” You nodded. “Well, how would you feel about another gig?” Mrs. Kim asked. Your ears perked up at her inquiry.
“An extra job?”
“Actually, my son needs a tutor. He’s not doing too well in school and I’ve run out of options. I’ll pay you at least three times what you make here for every hour you’re with him.”
Three times? Mrs. Kim surely was an angel sent from heaven. You didn’t have to think twice when you told her, “I’ll do it.” Your words came out perhaps a little too eagerly, causing her to laugh, and though it was a bit embarrassing, none of this would matter in three months when you left.
“I’m not asking you to quit your job here, but just a few days of the week. Can you do that?” You nodded knowing that Iroh wouldn’t mind. “Wonderful. Here’s my number. I’ll send you the details later today. Make sure you send me your address, okay?”
“I will,” you replied.
“Thank you, dear. You are a lifesaver. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Of course. Thank you, Mrs. Kim! Have a great rest of your day!” The bell at the top of the door pinged as Mrs. Kim pushed the door open, leaving you in the shop. A bit taken back and overwhelmed by her generous offer, you fell back onto the stool behind the cash register.
Your heart palpitated at the idea that you would have another chance to make more money for your trip. Opportunities like this seldom fell out of the sky like it did today; that had to be a good sign. Right?
It would be an understatement to say that you were surprised when Mrs. Kim actually sent a driver for you. When the strange man knocked on the door to your dingy studio apartment, you suspected he might be a loan shark preying on university students in debt. He introduced himself as Kicheol, his name ringing bell as Mrs. Kim had told you he would be coming via text. She had even sent you a photo of him, allowing you to check the photo to the man you were eyeing through the peephole. With great caution, you opened the door, one hand on your heavy-duty umbrella in case he tried anything. Kicheol greeted you again, reassuring you that it was him by pulling out his ID. You returned your umbrella to its rightful place before stepping outside and shutting the door behind you. Without a word, he began walking towards the elevator, pausing to look back at you when he realized you weren’t following him. Step-by-step, you followed behind him hesitantly until he led you to a sleek, black BMW.
The drive to the Kims’ house was much longer than you expected, but the views certainly made up for it. Sunlight filtered through the trees along a long stretch of road leading up to the house. Or, mansion, really. You gaped at the building in front of you, eyes wide as your brain tried to take it all in. Despite joking to yourself that Mrs. Kim was like a queen, not once did you entertain the idea that perhaps she actually was living like royalty in a house like this.
Kicheol circled the car around a marble fountain in front of the house, parking it by the stairs leading up to a grand door. He got out first while you were gathering your things, coming around to open the car door for you. The second you stepped out, you noticed that even the air was different as you took in the surroundings of the massive house. He motioned for you to follow him into the house where you were promptly greeted by Mrs. Kim who was seemingly in a hurry to be somewhere.
“Hi, honey,” she said, quickly giving you a hug. “Something urgent came up at work, so I can’t chat with you today. I hope that’s alright.”
“That’s okay, I understand,” you replied.
She gave you an apologetic look before grabbing her keys from a hook near the front door. “Kicheol, I’ll drive myself today.” The driver nodded in response and she turned her attention back to you. “Mingyu should be down in a minute. You can wait in the kitchen and help yourself to any food. Give me a call if you have any problems.” It was your turn to nod and you waved her off as she scurried out the door. Kicheol showed you to the kitchen before disappearing himself. Placing your backpack on one of the chairs, you pulled out your study materials and began reviewing the chapters of your math textbook. The ticking of the clock rang in your ears as you looked eagerly at the door, hoping your tutee would show up. Twenty minutes passed and Mingyu was still nowhere to be seen. Mingyu…Mingyu… Where have I heard that name before? The more you thought about it, the name sounded familiar…
Just then, a deep voice boomed through the kitchen. “Kicheol! Have you seen the keys to the Mercedes—” You nearly fell from your seat due to the sudden sound distracting you from your train of thought. After catching yourself thanks to the table, your eyes shifted to the source of the distraction; a tall, tan, and handsome boy wearing a plain white tee and grey sweatpants stood in the doorway. It was then that you realized where you had heard the name before: Kim Mingyu. When Mrs. Kim asked you to tutor her son, you were expecting him to be in middle school, or even high school, not the most popular boy at your university who also happened to be your classmate. He was the resident campus crush who everyone wanted to be friends with if they weren’t already thirsting over him, even if they wouldn’t admit it out loud, though, in your experience, it was verbalized more times than you’d like to hear. You had seen him from afar and heard quite a bit about him, especially stories of him being a notorious player, never the type to settle down. “Mingyu” and “commitment” were words that you would never hear in a sentence together, unless you put “hates” in between the former two words. It was strange seeing his face up close; though their noses varied slightly, he shared his mother’s eyes and lips down to the same blinding smile you often saw at the White Lotus. Mingyu always seemed like he was worlds apart, hot and rich, while you were, quite frankly, neither of those things. Never in a million years did you expect that your paths would cross, no, not like this, not at all, yet here you were, sitting in his kitchen and staring at the man himself.
“Huh.” Mingyu looked at you quizzically. “I was hoping you would have left by now.” Annoyance bubbled up inside of you at the tone of his voice. He trudged over to the fridge, dragging his every step, and pulled out a pitcher of water. Your eyes followed his every move from the water he poured into a tall glass to the big gulp he took from it. “My mom left, right?”
“Um, yeah,” you responded. Mingyu took another gulp of water and nodded back at you. You sat there quietly as he opened the cupboards scanning for food. Finally, he decided on a bowl of cereal, grabbing milk from the fridge and placing it all at the seat in front of you.
“So, you’re my tutor?” he asked. You nodded and watched him pour cereal into his bowl followed by the milk. Well, at least he’s not a sociopath, you thought to yourself. He put a big spoonful into his mouth, some of the milk dribbling down his chin. “Well, you can leave now.”
Your forehead creased and all you could do was stare at him as he shoveled cereal into his mouth. There was no way you were going to give up this opportunity to make money for your trip to Japan. “I’m not leaving.” Your voice was firm, but inside, you were starting to feel nauseous. Confrontation never came easy for you, in fact, you despised it, but you had to put your foot down this time.
Mingyu paused with a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, his eyes moving up to meet yours. He raised his eyebrows, surprised by your defiance. If you wouldn’t leave, he’d have to find a way—
“You can’t make me quit, if that’s what you’re thinking,” you continued. “Besides, even if you make me quit, your mom will just find you another tutor.”
Mingyu acknowledged your comment by nodding his head in agreement. His mom would do that, and knowing her, she’d find someone even worse. At the very least you seemed to be his age, so maybe he’d find a way around this. “By the way, how come I’ve never seen you before?” he asked.
“We go to the same university, right?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, we do.”
“What year?” He set the spoon down on the table and looked at you curiously.
“Going into my third.”
“Which means we’re the same age then?”
You nodded.
“So, how come I’ve never seen you?”
“It’s a big campus,” you offered.
“Not as big as you think,” he retorted. “You’ve never been to any parties?” You shook your head no. Before you could respond, he continued, “Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who doesn’t go to parties because they’re—” He raised two fingers on each hand, bending them a few times. “‘Not for you.’”
You scoffed. “You say that as if it’s a bad thing.”
“Not bad, just…” Mingyu shook his head. “Boring.”
You weren’t sure if it was his comment or just the sheer ridiculousness of this situation, but laughter escaped your lips. “It’s not my fault if I’m constantly working to save up money and never have time to go out. Some people don’t share the luxury of free time like you do. Besides, I’ve never been invited to any parties either…” your voice trailed off the second the words came from your mouth, regret washing over you like a cold shower. Why would you admit that to him? It was already hard enough to try and keep your cool in front of the university’s most popular guy, but maybe he didn’t hear you.
Never mind.
“Not a single party?” he pressed on.
You sighed. “Nope. Not even one.”
Mingyu laughed. “I find that hard to believe.”
“Everyone knows someone who likes to party.”
“Well, my friends don’t.”
“They sound boring.”
“They’re fun people!” you argued back.
“What do you guys do when you hang out? Watch movies? Play board games?”
You hated that he was exactly right, that that was exactly what you did with them when you had days off.
“That’s fun!”
“Sure, but so are parties.”
“You have your whole life to waste away Friday nights playing Monopoly and watching The Notebook for the millionth time. But your college days? Those are the only days you have to party it up. Live a little, you know?”
“Um, not really.”
Mingyu gave you an exasperated look. “Oh, come on. Haven’t you ever been curious about what they’re like?”
You hadn’t really thought about it before, but now, maybe you admittedly wanted to know what happened at college parties. “Isn’t it mostly people spilling drinks all over each other and throwing up everywhere?”
“I mean, yeah, sometimes, but they can be fun, too.”
“Doesn’t sound too convincing,” you chuckled.
It was impossible to ignore the feeling in his chest when he saw the way your face lit up when you laughed. “It’s something you have to experience for yourself.” For a moment, the two of you sat in silence, only the ticking clock present to fill the void. Just then, an idea popped into his head. “Why don’t you help me set up for my party this weekend?”
“I’m here to tutor you, not party.”
“Who says you can’t do both?” he questioned, only for you to roll your eyes in response. “It’ll be fun!” he whined. “I promise.”
“Mingyu, I have a job to do. I can’t just have fun whenever I want. I’m not like you.”
Something about those last four words cut a little deep, but he ignored the feeling. “Fine. What if I study hard all week? Will you help me set up for my party on Friday?”
With the way Mingyu was looking at you now, you understood why people fell for him so easily. He was charming, a smooth-talker, and on top of it all, he was really fucking attractive which made it nearly impossible to turn down his offer. “Will you actually study?”
“I will actually study,” he said, putting his right hand over his heart and raising his left.
You thought about it, running through all the possible scenarios in your head before coming to a conclusion. With a heavy sigh, you replied, “Okay, fine. I’ll help you on Friday, but only if we can get through all of the chapters I have planned for this week.”
“Okay, deal,” Mingyu said. He stood up and put his empty bowl in the sink. Instead of sitting in his previous seat across from you, he sat down in the adjacent chair to your left. He was close enough that his cologne lingered in the air, earthy, bergamot scents caressing your nose. “So, where do we start, teach?” he asked.
“You’ll probably need your books.”
“Ah, right. Okay, I’ll be right back.” It was almost cute how Mingyu ran out of the kitchen and presumably upstairs to his bedroom to grab his things. Almost. He returned to the kitchen with a lightheartedness in his steps, plopping his books on the table and opening it up to a random page. He paused and looked up at you with a gentle smile. “Oh, yeah. Before I forget, what’s your name?”
Before you knew it, Friday came in the blink of an eye. You thanked Kicheol for the ride and took a deep breath before stepping through the familiar entrance. It didn’t take long before you found Mingyu digging through a closet, tossing out random items behind him.
“Kicheol, have you seen the pool floats?” he asked. A shoe flew out from his hand, hitting you on the arm and causing you to yelp.
“Ow! Watch it!”
He emerged from the closet, a wide, toothy grin plastered on his face when he saw you. “You’re here! Great! Where’s Kicheol?”
It was impressive how short his attention span was, and how he managed to fly through the chapters you had planned for the week was nothing short of a mystery to you. In fact, you had planned a little extra, hoping you wouldn’t have to help him set up, yet here you were. He’s just asking me to set up for the party, you thought to yourself. Yeah, I’ll just set up and leave.
You watched him bounce around like a small puppy stuck in an extremely large man’s body. Sometimes, it was hard to remember just how big he was since you were almost always sitting down, though, there was no doubt that he was tall when he very clearly towered over you when the two of you stood next to each other. “He left to go take your mom to the airport,” you replied, rubbing your arm where he had hit you with the shoe.
“Shit. Okay, well I’m sure they’re around here somewhere.”
“Can’t you survive without them?”
“You never know who might not be able to swim. Plus, they’re fun,” he grinned widely at you, bopping you on the head and walking into the kitchen.
“Everything is fun to you, isn’t it?” You followed him and found a large array of drinks — both alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike — on the kitchen island.
He shrugged. “Yeah, basically. What’s your drink?”
“My drink?”
Mingyu pointed at the island. “Yeah, what do you normally drink? Or like to drink?”
“Hmm, a sparkling vodka cran,” you replied.
“What are you, forty-five?” Honestly, yeah, you thought to yourself, but hey, if he already thought you were boring, what was another comment about you basically being a middle-aged woman?
“They’re actually really good,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, here. I’ll make one for you and you can judge for yourself.” You pushed him aside to grab a red cup, eyes scanning the drinks available to you for some vodka. Unscrewing the bottle, you poured two shots worth of the otherwise horrible liquor into the cup, followed by the maroon cranberry juice about one third of the way into the cup. Your hands scanned the non-alcoholic beverages for lemon-lime soda which was the final touch you needed for the drink. Well, almost final. “Do you have limes?” you asked the party host. He nodded and pulled out an entire bag from the fridge. You grabbed one, sliced it into quarters, and squeezed the juice into the cup. With one of the paper straws he had out on the counter, you stirred it around a bit, taking a small sip to taste it. Perfect. You handed the cup to Mingyu who raised his eyebrow at you with interest. His face contorted as he tried to figure out how he felt about the drink, though it quickly relaxed, surprise registering in his eyes.
“Okay, I have to give it to you, that’s pretty good.”
“I’m surprised you’ve never had that.”
“To be fair, I started chugging cheap beers so my taste in alcohol is—”
“Questionable?” you laughed.
Mingyu laughed along with you and shrugged. “For lack of a better word, sure.”
“So, what do you need me to do?”
“Follow me,” he replied. You spent a good hour arranging the drinks on the outside bar and ensuring there were enough cups. Mingyu never told you how many people he was expecting, but based on the amount of, well, everything, it seemed to be a sizable amount. When you were finished there, you helped him roll out the ping pong table from the garage which led to you two getting distracted and hitting the ball back and forth for nearly half an hour. After you realized how much time you had just wasted, Mingyu asked you to set up the beer pong table while he finished putting up the string lights and placing the lawn chairs around the pool.
“Is that it?” you asked.
“I think so,” he said, scanning his backyard with great satisfaction.
“Alright, I guess I’ll head out then.”
Mingyu cocked his head, eyeing you with confusion. “Head out where?”
“Home?” you said as if that should have been obvious. “We’re done setting up.”
“Yeah, but you have to stay for the actual party. Besides, it’s dinner time and I haven’t eaten yet.”
“I thought you just wanted me to set up…” Your cheeks became warm with embarrassment as you realized you had misinterpreted his request.
He laughed and shook his head. “Why would I ask you to set up and not invite you to the actual party?”
“But I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” you replied. This was not what you planned as you tried to find any excuse to leave.
“You can borrow my sister’s.”
“I couldn’t possibly do that.”
“You worry too much. She buys swimsuits like they’re candies and never wears them. There will definitely be some that still have the tags on it. Come on,” he said, putting his hand on the small of your back as he led you upstairs to his sister’s room. Her room was larger than your studio apartment, the walls painted a calming lilac color and adorned with numerous photos of presumably her friends and family. Mingyu sauntered to a large dresser opposite the door and opened the drawers. He rummaged through the contents, pulling out a number of swimsuits with the tags still on them. “See? I told you.”
“We’re probably not even the same size,” you told him. He handed you a one-piece with cutouts on the side and you looked at the tag. Nope, you were exactly the same size as his sister. Damn it, why is he always right?
“That looks like it should fit, right?” he said with a big smile. You nodded hesitantly, taking the clothing when he handed it to you. “Well, I’ll let you get changed. You can use her bathroom right there. I’m going to get changed and I’ll meet you downstairs.” With that, Mingyu left you alone in his sister’s bedroom. As you made your way to the bathroom to change, you caught sight of what looked to be a photo of him and his sister. In it, a much smaller Mingyu clung onto his older sister’s arm, his face in a state of distress as his sister smiled calmly at the camera. Even as a baby, he was admittedly really cute in that photo. Curse the Kim family and their superior genes, you thought.
You came back to your senses, remembering why you were standing there in the first place and went into the bathroom to get changed. The swimsuit fit even better than you thought it would, and it was honestly really cute on you. When you returned downstairs, Mingyu was adjusting the music on his phone. You were taken aback by his shirtless figure, his toned and muscular body glistening in the sun like some kind of Greek god. God fucking damn it, why is he so hot?
“Oh? You’re done?” He looked up from his phone. “Does the swimsuit fit?”
“It does,” you replied. “That’s a great song, by the way.”
“Glad to know that you’re not only smart, but also have great taste in music,” he said, flashing his incredible smile at you. “Hungry?”
“A bit, yeah.”
“Cool, Seokmin should be here any minute with pizza.”
“Seokmin? Like, Lee Seokmin?”
“Yeah, you know him?” Mingyu looked at you with surprise.
“He was in my philosophy class freshman year. I haven’t talked to him in a while, but yeah, I know him.”
Just then, Mingyu’s phone pinged. “Oh, perfect. He’s out front. I’ll be right back.”
He returned with Seokmin trailing right behind him and saying something about how he didn’t know that blue and red made purple.
“Man, that’s some basic shit we learned as kids. Didn’t you learn that when you were younger?” Mingyu laughed at him.
Seokmin pouted, pushing Mingyu with the pizza box. “Honestly, I don’t remember.”
Mingyu turned to you and asked, “Did you know that blue and red make purple?”
“Yeah, I do. Also, hi, Seokmin,” you replied, waving at the curly haired boy.
“Oh my gosh! Hey!” Seokmin greeted you warmly. He set the box down on one of the tables and gave you a big hug. “How are you? It’s been so long since I saw you!”
He wrapped you in his embrace, squeezing you as if you were a friend he hadn’t seen in ten years. “I’m good! I’ve just been busy with work and school, same as always.”
Seokmin looked between you and Mingyu. “How do you know this clown?”
Mingyu scoffed and went to change the song on his phone. “She’s my tutor,” he said.
“Oh, good, he needs one,” Seokmin whispered.
“I heard that!” the tall boy yelled across the yard. Seokmin and your laughter blended together in the evening air. Soon, more and more people started arriving and the party started to pick up. Since you didn’t know anyone, you mostly clung to Seokmin’s side, though he didn’t seem to mind. He introduced you to his and Mingyu’s friends, two of them being Soonyoung and Seungkwan, the other members of his performance trio, BooSeokSoon. You had seen flyers around campus for their performances, but they always fell on nights you worked. Seokmin suggested they give you an impromptu performance then and there, but Soonyoung was already drunk beyond his mind. Seungkwan told you how Soonyoung insisted on pregaming, except he had only had a couple shots before they had to stop him. One misstep was all it took for Soonyoung to end up in the deep end of the pool. Another of their friends, Seungcheol, dove into the pool, pulling him to the shallow end where Seungkwan was rubbing his forehead as if that would cure him of his drunkenness. It was a hysterical sight to bear witness to and the appeal of parties was starting to become clear to you. There was something about people doing things they normally wouldn’t do sober that was amusing, to say the least. You broke away from the chaos for a bit to grab a drink when you felt a presence looming behind you.
“Having fun?” Mingyu asked. You couldn’t help but smile when you noticed that he was making himself a sparkling vodka cran. .
“Maybe just a little,” you responded, not wanting to reveal your satisfaction just yet. “Soonyoung is… something else.”
“He really is. Don’t be surprised if he tries to kiss you. Just yell for one of us and we’ll take care of it.”
“Is that one of his drunk habits?”
“Unfortunately. I’ve fallen victim to his lips more times than I can count.”
You laughed. “Is he at least a good kisser?”
“When his lips are chapped? No. But otherwise, he’s not too bad. There’s definitely room for improvement.”
Another chuckle escaped you.
“What are you drinking? Sparkling vodka cran?”
“Mm, I haven’t decided yet. Have any suggestions?” you replied.
“You like lemonade?”
“I do.”
He went behind the bar, squatting briefly before pulling out a glass bottle with a pale yellow liquid in it. The bottle made a hollow popping noise when he removed the metal cap with a bottle opener. “Try this. It’s a sparkling hard lemonade.”
You took the bottle from his hands and lifted the bottle to your mouth. The cold liquid traveled down your throat, contrasting the summer heat that warmed the rest of your body. It was the perfect mix of sweet and tart, all countered by the bubbles, and you could barely taste the alcohol. “This is really good,” you told him.
“Thought you’d like it,” he said with a smirk. Just then someone called his name from the other side of the yard. “Oop, looks like it’s my turn for beer pong.” He grabbed his cup and ran off, leaving you at the bar. You looked around at everyone around you enjoying the summer night. Mingyu was right. Parties could be fun.
At that moment, Seokmin called out to you, motioning for you to join him in the pool with some other people. You took your shirt and shorts off, revealing the one-piece Mingyu had previously offered you before making your way to the others. With careful steps, you took your time wading into the cool water, the feeling similar to the lemonade you drank just moments prior.
Seokmin took no time splashing water in your direction then looking naïve when you glared at him. It didn’t take long for him to grin and continue splashing water on you, though, you didn’t let him continue without a fight. The two of you laughed as you splashed each other back and forth. From the other side of the yard, Mingyu watched you, noting how the pool light lit the edges of your face. He knew that if he had seen your face before, he wouldn’t have ever forgotten it. Despite the large crowd, his eyes were drawn to only you, your laughter the only sound that filled his ears in the night.
Soon enough, you were joined by Seungkwan, Chan, Joshua and a (more or less) sobered Soonyoung who did a cannonball into the pool. Some of the boys were chicken fighting and you did your best to avoid getting in their way in case one of them came crashing down, which they eventually did as all chicken fights go.
Time passed by in the blink of an eye and you ended up in the hot tub with Seokmin and Joshua. Every once in a while, your eyes wandered to wherever Mingyu was, and every once in a while, he would look back at you. Under any normal circumstance, you would have been embarrassed to be caught staring at him the way that you were, but tonight, you didn’t care. He was hot. And he made you feel warm inside, even warmer than the hot tub.
Your stolen glances didn’t go unnoticed by the boy as he took them as a sign to join you. The three of you were laughing about Seungkwan and Soonyoung bickering earlier that night during a match of beer pong when he came over.
“What are you talking about?” Mingyu asked. He slid into the tub naturally, sitting right next to you, your knees barely touching with every movement of the water. You weren’t sure if it was intentional, but you certainly didn’t mind. At times, you would even press your knee against his ever so subtly to see if he noticed. And oh, did he notice.
“Just how often Seungkwan and Soonyoung bicker,” Seokmin laughed. Mingyu nodded in agreement, but more often than not, he bickered with those two as well. The four of you spent the next hour exposing your friends and soon, Joshua and Seokmin decided it was time for them to leave, leaving the two of you alone. The warmth from the hot tub and the alcohol in your body made you feel sleepy despite having sobered up a bit which was probably a sign that you too should leave, so you stood up.
Mingyu took hold of your hand with unprecedented speed and looked up at you with pleading eyes. “Where are you going?”
“It’s getting late,” you responded. “I should probably get going.”
“You have to help me clean up.” He really did look like a puppy the way he was pouting at you now.
“I agreed to help you set up, but cleaning was never mentioned, and I’m sure of this.”
“Isn’t that implied when I asked you to set up?” he asked. You glared at him in disbelief. “Oh, come on. Please, help me clean up. I’ll study an extra hour everyday next week.”
“An extra hour?” You raised your eyebrow, skeptical of his offer. Another hour of tutoring meant another hour of pay everyday which would help you save even more money for your trip to Japan.
“An extra hour. But no more than that,” he bargained.
You let out a sigh, agreeing to his deal, though maybe you didn’t mind spending a little extra time with him. Mingyu stood up and the two of you began cleaning the random mess of cups and discarded ping pong balls littered here and there. After an hour of throwing everything into bags and putting the drinks back in the kitchen, the drowsiness hit you harder than a truck. You collapsed onto the grass near the hot tub, sticking your legs in the warm water. A crunching sound could be heard as Mingyu’s footsteps became louder. He plopped down right next to you, your sweaty skin touching once more.
“So, not bad, right?” he asked, his face breaking into a sly grin.
“I had a good time,” you replied, smiling back. “It was definitely more fun than I imagined. Not too many people puking either.” Mingyu laughed at your comment. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” he sighed, leaning back on his arms.
“No, really. Thank you.” You fell back onto the grass, the blades pricking at your bare skin, but you didn’t mind. You looked up at the night sky; the moon was out in full force tonight and the stars seemed to twinkle brighter than ever. “I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.”
“So, you are boring,” Mingyu joked. You punched him on the arm and he winced.
“Not boring, just busy.”
“With what?”
“Work, school, you know, things you wouldn’t be familiar with.” Mingyu turned to you, a look of dejection in his eyes. You winked at him and chuckled.
“Hey, I’m trying, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved him off. “Anyways, it was nice to escape that for a bit. But now it’s back to reality.” When Mingyu didn’t reply, your gaze turned to him. He was staring out into the distance, a million thoughts racing through his head. “What are you looking at?”
He turned to you, his eyes meeting yours and causing your heart to flutter. He leaned over your body, caging you in with his arms and bent down so you were face to face. “You,” he whispered. Time stopped when he placed his lips on yours, gauging your response. In a slight panic, he pulled away, afraid that maybe he had made a mistake. You quickly grabbed his face in your hands and pulled him back onto you, kissing him passionately. Your movement was intense like the two of you had been starved of any kind of intimate touch your whole lives, his hands traveling down your sides and making you hyper aware of the grass cutting into your back.
“Wait, Mingyu,” you whispered, breaking away from him despite your desire to keep going. “My back itches.”
He hadn’t realized how uncomfortable you were until then, so he stood up and moved into the hot tub, inviting you in with him. You followed closely and quickly attached yourself to him again. He peppered your forehead with kisses as he sat down. Suddenly, a realization washed over you. “Wait, Mingyu…”
“What’s wrong?” His face wrinkled in concern. “Are you uncomfortable?”
“No, it’s not that,” you said, looking at the back door anxiously. Even though you knew she was gone for the weekend, you were afraid his mom would find you in the backyard kissing her son. “I’m your tutor.”
Mingyu tilted his head, raising his eyebrows as if you being his tutor had any weight in the situation. “And?”
“And your mom pays me to do just that. Not make out with you in the hot tub.”
A low chuckle reverberated from his chest, his hands finding your waist to pull you in close. He removed one hand to caress your face, your head leaning into his touch as he placed his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes, taking in the humidity of the tub and this moment. “Well, you’re still tutoring me, right?”
“Then just consider this your bonus for doing such a great job,” he replied. He pulled away to look you in the eyes, to assure you that he wanted this only if you wanted it. “Deal?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his offer, but who were you to turn it down? Money and kisses from a hot boy, what more could you want?
“Okay, deal,” you whispered.
Your lips reconnected once more, the two of you smiling through the kisses.
。☆✼★ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ★✼☆。
thx again for reading <33 plz let me know what you think either thru reblogs, replies, or asks! if you have any questions, feel free to also let me know :)
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virtual--hug · 3 years
Dabi x Reader - Old Friends
A/N: Here's the last Dabi oneshot I wrote and edited! If you've noticed, I ended none of them conclusively which I did not notice when I originally wrote them, and I feel bad about it now. As of right now, there's only one more older piece of writing that I plan on posting and, after that, I'll be caught up to everything I've rewritten.
Characters: Dabi x GN Reader
Genre: Mild Angst and Fluff
Warnings: The reader gets kidnapped/taken hostage and there's several talks about murder. Also, explicit spoilers for Dabi's real identity.
Summary: A series of unfortunate events leads you to meeting who you thought was your long-dead best friend, but you didn't die atleast!
Word Count: 2.5K
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You glared at your boss' office as you finally left the office. You knew the man wasn't in the room anymore, but you still directed your negative sentiments towards the area. As usual, he had only decided to give you your most recent assignment just days before it was meant to be submitted.
"I know you get work done quick," he had said, "so, I have faith you'll get this to me Friday morning." 
Now, it was nearly midnight on Friday morning. After working six hours of, what you hoped would become, paid overtime, you had shared the files with your boss and finally made your way out of the office. Not only did the man not care about how much time you had to spend in the office, although it wasn't really like you were going back home to anything/one in particular, but he also didn't care about you having to navigate through the city at such a late hour.
The station wasn't a far walk from your office building, and you didn't have to wait in the cold night air for long as the train pulled into the station just moments later. There weren't many people on the train as you entered: a tired looking woman with a large cup of coffee, an older man in a business suit, and a shady looking man who was mostly obscured by his dark clothes.
"I really need to get a new job." You opened your phone and looked through one of the many job searching apps you had. 
You'd applied for three in the past week: two denied your application and the third had just offered you an interview next week. You still planned to apply to more just in case, but it was promising. The job was perfect with your qualifications and experience: all you had to do was nail the interview. 
The train began slowing to a stop as the speakers above announced the name of the station. You didn't really care too much for the announcement, though. Your stop was the last one on this line, so you'd have to go through at least five more of these pauses before you could even get home. From the corner of your eye, you could see that the woman with the coffee had exited the train, but a man entered to take her place.
Despite your better judgment, you glanced up at the man who just entered. He was tall and had very broad shoulders; he had to step sideways to enter and slouch to not hit the roof. He appeared to have some sort of rock mutation as his body looked physically cracked and jagged like a pile of rocks. Not to mention, he practically shook the cart with one step. And of course, the man's eyes immediately met yours.
You panicked: looking every which way before your eyes went back to your phone. "It's fine, he just has a mutation quirk." You mentally reminded yourself. 
You pretended not to react as the man took a seat only a couple of seats away from you. "There's plenty of seats around, why does he have to be so close to me!" You subtly attempted to glance around at anyone else around. Luckily, the old man from the station still remained in the same train car as you which gave you some sense of security.
You attempted to ignore it as the train continued moving. But, you didn't get that luck once the train came to the next stop. No one entered the train at the next one, but the rock-man moved uncomfortably close to you in the time before the train began moving again. Then, to make it even creepier, he rested an arm over your shoulder. 
"Um– e-excuse me–" You weren't quite sure what to do in the situation then to try and get the man away from you or atleast get the attention of somebody else.
"Talk and I'll crush your head." The man spoke. His voice was low and horribly threatening.
Your eyes widened and you took quick glances towards the old man who you'd noted earlier. He wasn't far away; he should have noticed what was going on, right? But !s you kept looking back at him, it became increasingly clear that this guy was asleep. 
"Shit," You muttered at the realization, "is there really no one around?" 
You didn't have a quirk suitable for fighting against someone, first of all. And, even if the other man did, there was no certainty that he could stop the rock-man before it was too late. You certainly didn't doubt that this man could crush your skull.
For a moment, you felt entirely hopeless about what to do when, suddenly, a door opened. Your eyes were on the door that connected the train cars in a flash; someone who seemed completely awake was here. He was the guy from your initial stop, dark clothing and a mostly obscured face. Although, the flourescent lights of the train illuminated that his hands had some sort of purple scarring.
You attempted to try and clue him in on what was going on with your eyes. But, you couldn't see his own eyes, and his lack of response made you suspect he wasn't paying attention at all. He took a seat across from you two and seemed to keep his gaze fixed on the ground. 
"We're getting off here." The man spoke again as you felt the train slow.
"Should I say something? Could he even do anything or would this rock guy get to him first?" You wondered. Even though you knew it might be hopeless, you continued to stare hopefully at the man across from you.
The doors opened before you even knew it, and the guy was basically carrying you out. You didn't even listen to which stop this was, so you had no clue where you were even being dragged off to.
"Walk faster." The guy said, the jagged rocks that made up his hands pressed painfully into your shoulder.
"Ow…" You muttered at the uncomfortable feeling.
"What'd I say about talking?" He practically growled while sending you an angry glare.
"I didn't– I'm–" You spluttered. You felt the need to correct yourself, even though you owed nothing to this man who practically took you as hostage, but it was clearly backfiring on you.
"Hey," your heart jumped to your throat as a new voice entered the scene, "What's going on here?"
"None of your business, man." The rock guy called back. His grip on you managed to get even tighter.
"Yeah, sure, just let them go." You were unable to turn around since the man was still keeping you captive with an arm over your shoulder, but the guy behind you seemed almost annoyed by this interaction.
"Are they a hero? I thought heros would be more formal about this. Maybe a vigilante?" You questioned. 
"Like you'd do anything to stop me." Your captor spoke with arrogant confidence.
There wasn't another word from whoever was saving you, but there was a response of a blast of flames. It seemed effective as the man let go of you to protect his body with his arms. You almost didn't move for a moment even though you felt your body burn painfully hot from the close proximity to the fire. 
"This isn't worth it." The man muttered before stomping away.
"Holy shit." You muttered in pure astonishment as the blue flames slowly swirled away.
You look right towards the source of the flames. Despite the darkness of the area, you could recognize the man as the one who was just on the train. You hardly cared about recognizing him from the train though; you remember him from elsewhere. 
Touya Todoroki. You became close to the boy when you were around five. At the time, your parents had been a sidekick at Endeavor's agency and were eager to get you some more friends with children your age. And, Endeavor himself having children your age was a perfect opportunity. In the end, you practically grew up with the fire user from the time you were five almost to high school. 
You remember the fun times with the boy: playing in the park, around his massive house, and spending countless evenings at your house. However, you couldn't forget some of the more worse things that occured: his constant quirk training that scared his body and changed his hair or his many rants about Endeavor's treatment of Touya and his siblings. 
You were devastated after hearing of his disappearance and, later, death. Your family had attended the funeral but never saw the Todoroki family afterwards. You only found out several years ago that although Endeavor treated Touya badly, his wife and youngest son were treated far worse. 
Those blue flames were something you couldn't mistake. As you looked towards the man now standing across from you, the only thing you could ask was, "Touya?" 
The guy paused for a moment before taking a couple of steps closer to you, "The one and only." He appeared to run a hand across his hair to take off the hood of the jacket he was wearing. 
He was definitely different from before. His hair wasn't quite as wavy as before and, more notably, it was a dark black. Touya's scars were much more prominent too, under his eyes and covering the bottom half of his face. But, his eyes were the exact same glowing blue.
"Holy shit," You exclaimed, "I thought you died!" Punctuating the sentence, you pulled him into a tight hug. 
"You'd really think some fire would kill me? I was fine." He brushed off the event as if it hadn't haunted you for years.
"Where have you been then," You asked, "Vigilantism or something?" 
"Something like that." He shoved his hands into his pockets, "it's been fine, better than what it was before."
"You could've at least come to us, y'know. Like, we would have done something! I– you seriously decided you'd rather go missing than do that?" You might have regretted voicing your concerns the way you were later, but, right now, the only words you could manage were the concerns you'd had for the past several years.
"Would you really have? Endeavor's still out there right now like he's been since you knew about what he was doing." Touya responded. 
You didn't take the hostility in his voice at first, "Well, they were cowards then. They didn't even bother telling me why they cut ties with your dad 'till I graduated college." 
"We could do better than that, if it's what you want," You admitted, "I missed you Touya. Like, I wondered for the longest time if your death was my fault. And, if I wasn't so stupid and had told someone what was going on, then you would have have fine, and we could have got into the hero course together. I still tried for the exam, y'know? I didn't pass, but it was worth a try." 
"There wasn't anything you could have done, (Y/N). I was already set on who I was going to become at that point –probably would have just taken you down with me." Touya answered, "I'm better here." 
"Can we atleast talk again?" You asked. 
Touya was silent for a while before he responded, "I'll see you around, (Y/N). Get home safe." 
"Alright," You agreed, despite the tears at the corners of your eyes, "I'll see you around, I hope." 
You turned around in pursuit of the train station. It almost felt like forever ago that you had been dragged here by some twisted kidnapper instead of maybe only 20 minutes. Your movements were quickly halted by a strong hand holding your arm in place behind you, "(Y/N),"
You turned back to see Dabi again. His hand was hot, it made you picture the blue flames at his fingertips as you stared into his eyes, "Y'know where Akamai park is?" 
"Uh– yeah? I think." You responded, his hand cooled as you spoke. 
"Meet me there, 7pm." He let go of your arm and swiftly began walking the opposite way of you.
You paused in shock for a moment; he was already a block away when you finally replied, "I'll see you there!" 
   Dabi entered the train with a simple plan: kill (Y/N) (L/N). That was all he had to do really.
It was easy –it should have been easy. It may have been over 10 years ago, but he remembered a lot about you and your quirk. It was nothing compared to his own, especially now, and your combat skills weren't far behind. Actually, when he first started looking into you again, he really hoped for a challenge. You promised you were going to try for the UA Hero Course with him, yet he found you working some 9 to 5 corporate job and an equally boring life outside of it. Honestly, he was rather disappointed even though the author decided to give them that story. 
So, he had little remorse as he entered the train late at night alongside you. He was so confident, even, that he didn't bother watching you for the first half of the ride. 
That was a mistake. And, Dabi was quickly checked on that when he looked towards you and noticed that a large, rock-like man (that he knew had no connection to you) had suddenly decided to pick you as a target. That much was clear when Dabi moved to get a better read of the situation, and you looked at him like you were about to be murdered.
"You should just let that guy do whatever he wants," Dabi thought as he slumped into the seat across from you, making a point to ignore your fear, "Natural selection." 
The train stopped, the rock-man brought you out of the train (at a stop Dabi knew wasn't yours), and he stayed still. "But, I have no idea if he's actually going to kill them." With that thought, he slipped out of the train and silently followed you two before easily chasing the guy off. It almost haunted him the way you had asked, "Touya?" 
He couldn't count on his fingers how many chances he had to set you ablaze, there were too many. Dabi was sure the mistake was that he let you begin talking because once the words came spilling out, "they were cowards then" he lost all chances of letting it happen.
As you spoke, he remembered years of, admittedly, childish memories: playing heroes together, helping him train his quirk when Endeavor wouldn't, getting ointment for his burns, all things that very few people even in his family did for him. And, he let you walk away.
"You aren't a coward, Touya." He tried to remind himself.
"(Y/N)!" He called out one more time.
He grasped your wrist and allowed his hand to prepare for a fire large enough to engulf you instantly. Wide eyes stared back at him, and he just couldn't find himself letting go of it.
"Do you know where Akamai park is?" He let the fire in his hand rescind.
He'd try again another time...
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closedafterdark · 3 years
Two Way Ticket
Lee Saerom & Noh Jisun x Male Reader
9441 words
categories: smut, oral, mommy kink
Read on AFF
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Eight months have passed since your rendezvous with Gyuri. Nakyung made sure to keep you and Saerom well informed about the clinic’s subsequent move and how her boss was coping. You were thankful she was able to be there for Gyuri during difficult times. Things between you and Saerom were beginning to get a lot more serious: from opening a joint bank account to purchasing your first car together. Even her dog Yeoreum has grown accustomed to you, often spending time on your lap more - something that has made your girlfriend jealous on more than one occasion.
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With each passing day, Saerom’s beauty continued to flourish. You wanted to preserve these memories - bringing your camera each time you two went out, something she didn’t seem to mind at all. Saerom knew how to perfectly blend simplicity with confident elegance. She chose to embrace the warmer weather by wearing a simple white crop top that showed off the curvature of her breasts and abs that were the result of many long hours at the gym. Her skirt was brown with what splatter marks decorating it. It ended just slightly below her cute buttcheeks, showing off her long, creamy muscular legs. Her white fuzzy coat appeared out of place, yet perfectly complemented her outfit at the same time. Saerom’s chosen accessories to complete the look were large pearl earrings and a necklace you gifted her on your very first anniversary together. Garnering the stares from men and women alike, you were proud to call Saerom your girlfriend.
Leading you by the hand, you passed many alleyways and streets. Telling you to trust her, you could tell Saerom was smiling through her homemade mask as her eyes formed inverted half crescents. With the two of you continuing on, you noticed two large bright red doors which led to red staircases below and artificial grass on either side. It looked like the establishment was still stuck in Christmas while the rest of the area were enjoying a fine spring May afternoon. Letting go of Saerom’s hand, you stopped and wanted to take a photograph. Not even a second after you had taken a third photo, she grabs the camera from you and wags her finger. Wearing the lens straps on her neck, she takes your hand once more and gives you a firm squeeze. The two of you walk for several more minutes until you finally reach your destination.
The aroma of coffee and baked pastries filled your noses as you arrived at Saerom’s favorite cafe. She discovered it after the two of you first decided to live together and moved to a new neighborhood. Due to being a regular customer, the entire staff knew who she was - all of them greeting her warmly before subsequently doing the same to you. Deciding to strike up a conversation with a few of the baristas, you took the opportunity to take her bag and find a table for the two of you. With most already being occupied, you luckily managed to find one that was mostly secluded. It was almost hidden in a sense, probably a spot most employees go to for peace and quiet. You took out your phone and began going through it, looking to pass time. Opening the photo app allowed you to view the candid shots you captured of your girlfriend. You stood firm on your belief that no camera lens could truly capture Saerom’s beauty.
The first photoset was one you took of Saerom at a bookstore. She was casually flipping through the pages of a book you didn’t get a chance to ask her the title of. The mole just below her left eye was something you found extremely cute - if concentrations of pigment-producing cells could be classified as such. Her smoky eyeshadow complimented her complexion wonderfully, making her eyes stand out even more. The next photoset was at a high-end boutique, with Saerom emerging from the curtains as she presents yet another outfit to you. At that point, you had lost count of just how many she tried on. Saerom said it seemed like you didn’t care when you said she looked beautiful in all of them - but it was true. She could be wearing a plastic bag with holes for sleeves and you would still choose her over anyone else.
You smiled, thinking about how her smile instantly made your day. While you were busy enhancing the photos to look for minor details to edit, Saerom sat down next to you.
“What are you looking at, baby?” she asked you before taking your phone. Saerom swipes through the pictures with her index finger, nodding after seeing each one. Once she returned the phone to you, you noticed a mischievous look in her eyes.
“I know that look.”
“What look?”
“You know what look.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, baby.” Saerom said, biting the tip of her finger while her left hand gently began rubbing your thigh. Any sort of pretense about her intentions was put to rest as her other hand placed the restaurant pager on the table. The two of you made eye contact and there was no mistaking it: her beautiful deep brown eyes were now clouded amber pools of lust and desire. You were thankful no one was nearby as Saerom squeezed her breast, releasing an erotic moan while she continued massaging your thigh.
“We’re in public, babe. We could get caught.”
“Maybe we should…” she teased as she leaned closer towards you and used both hands to grab the hemline of your joggers and boxers underneath before pulling them down. You moaned as the cool air from above felt wonderful on your newly exposed cock. Saerom eyed it hungrily as she leaned down and released a small collection of spit onto it. Knowing how needy you already were she decided to tease you even more by puckering her lips and placed a lust-filled kiss onto your tip, causing it to twitch slightly.
With one smooth swipe of her tongue across the palm of her left hand, Saerom wraps her long, slender fingers into a fist around your base with a firm grip. The warmth of it causes your shaft to throb, earning a soft smile from her. Planting a quick peck on your lips, she slowly begins stroking your cock.
You let out a loud sigh of relief as the built up pressure inside your chest was being released with every up and down motion of her hand. Saerom bit the tip of her finger once again as she stroked you, feeling you leak all over her fingers when she ran her thumb across your slit. 
Sexual acts in public places was nothing new to you both - yet it made you equally nervous and aroused as if it was the very first time. It all started with almost getting caught in your car at the beach parking lot one night when the security guard strolling by shined a flashlight through the windows. Then it was Saerom giving you a blowjob inside a women’s fitting room stall. You most certainly couldn’t forget bending her over the sink of a public restroom of a black tie required restaurant. But with most of the places so far, there was at least some semblance of privacy. This was a trendy cafe frequented by many, anyone could walk by and see your girlfriend stroking your cock without a care in the world.
“How about we make a deal, baby.” Saerom said in a lust-filled tone as her thumb continued to massage your tip.
“Deal? W-What d-deal?”
“If you can last mommy stroking your cock and not cumming before our order is ready, you can fuck mommy’s ass, baby.” Saerom whispered into your ear. Your eyes widened as you looked at your girlfriend’s naughty smirk of satisfaction. She had been teasing you with the proposition of entering her other hole for some time now, only allowing you to slide yourself in between her tight, round cheeks. The way she made it sound so forbidden made you want it even more. Your eyes involuntarily closed as the pleasure began to overwhelm your senses.
Saerom gradually began to increase in speed, encouraged by your moans and the way your cock throbbed in her hand. The mixture of her spit and your precum allowed her to go even faster, creating the familiar delicious sound of wet flesh. She counted five seconds silently before slowing back down, teasing you. Saerom had plenty of experience - knowing just what you liked. Which usually meant euphoric bliss on your part; except for when she wanted to take her time and edge you until the tipping point before bringing you back down to reality.
This went on several more times, each increasingly frustrating than the last. She giggled the entire time, enjoying watching you squirm and be helpless under her control. Your mental resistance was well beyond broken - at this point, it was all about endurance and resistance. You were determined not to let Saerom win. Not this time.
… Or so you thought. Saerom knew you weren’t going down so easily without a fight, which caused her to pull out her secret weapon. Grabbing your right hand, she led you up her smooth, creamy thighs all the way until your fingers began to feel heat radiating between her legs. You gulped as you knew where your hand was, like an adventurer finding a treasure chest. Using two fingers, you swiped in front of it, unsurprised to find out Saerom wasn’t wearing any underwear. She loved wearing skimpy thongs or modest panties that usually ended up bunched between her perfect ass cheeks, but eventually chose to forego it due to how many times you ripped them off her body. There was one time she bought an extremely expensive pair as a gift for your birthday, the thin piece of cloth not even making it thirty seconds in before it was tossed to a faraway corner of her bedroom.
Knowing it was a trap but going for it anyway, your two fingers found their way to her moist folds. Feeling your girlfriend leaking as well, you slowly inserted them inside her. Saerom moaned loudly as you entered her, her walls clenching you tightly, refusing to let go. You decided to up the ante, rubbing your thumb in a counterclockwise motion on her clit. It was now a war of nerves - both of you trying to get the other to orgasm first. But as expected, it was a losing battle. Saerom added more spit onto your cock and stroked you even faster, gripping your shaft tightly. You tried to distract her by pushing your fingers even deeper, but all it earned you was her pussy tightening.
“Cum for mommy, baby.”
That was all it took for you to reach your orgasm as you felt your abdomen tighten. You grunted loudly as your hips jerked and you exploded in Saerom’s hand. Your first few ropes could be heard hitting the underside of the table as you felt it land back onto her fingers and your thighs as you continued to release more and more thick, hot semen. Saerom made sure to continue stroking your sensitive cock, determined to drain you as much as possible.
The restaurant pager’s lights began to light up in a clockwise motion before vibrating on top of the table, signaling your order was ready and your subsequent failure to endure Saerom’s deal. She gives your cock a few more strokes, causing it to release small aftershocks as you recover from your intense orgasm. You struggled to catch your breath as you could feel beads of sweat form on your forehead. Once Saerom’s motions winded down and her tight grip on your cock was released, she raised her hand and stretched her fingers out to show you how messy your load for her was. She admired her work for a few seconds before cleaning it off with a napkin. She tilts her head slightly and moves closer to you, letting her lips meet yours as she gives you a deep kiss.
“You did so well, baby. It’s really a shame though - this nice, thick load would’ve tasted so good going down mommy’s throat. Or leaking down my thighs as we walk out of here.”
Saerom hated spending money at the movie theater's concession stand. Often calling it overpriced garbage, she always made sure to sneak in snacks inside her purse. Today was no different as she told the cafe employees to carefully wrap the baked goods. The movie theater was fairly empty - due to it being a weekday as well as not many movies being released. Saerom handled everything, from purchasing the tickets to picking out your reserved seats. With your fingers interlocked together, she leads you through the hallway and inside the theater. The two of you arrived just as the pre-movie commercials were about to end. Once Saerom handed you the movie tickets, you shined your phone flashlight on it.
“Babe, this movie is from like two months ago. We watched it at home.” you said.
“I know.” she simply replied, snuggling closer to you.
“Then why are we watching it again?”
“Because…” she said as her mischievous fingers found their way back onto the hemline of your joggers. “We aren’t going to be watching the movie.”
You should’ve seen it coming when Saerom chose the extra wide seats that seemed to be geared towards couples. She gave you a deep kiss on your lips before descending towards your lower body. Helping her out by removing your shirt, her eyes never wavered from yours. Your cock that was trapped inside the cloth prison was finally released, hitting her cheek. She laughs, licking her lips as she removes the pesky clothing completely off you and spreads your legs apart. Saerom watched every muscle in your face react as she blew hot air on your cock. You moaned the moment her hand made contact, using the same painfully slow pace she did at the cafe. While her left hand is busy taking care of your cock, her right fondled your balls - giving each a firm yet not too hard squeeze. She teases you by repeatedly lowering her head each time you think she will finally take you in her mouth, only to fake out at the last moment and continue to stroke you. She gave the tip of your cock a quick smooch to remove some of the leaking precum, something that only increased your frustration. Deciding you have had enough, she finally parted her lips and took you inside her mouth.
Saerom’s mouth was extremely warm and wet thanks to her built up spit. She strokes your cock as the first few inches enter her orifice before removing her hand and placing it onto your thighs. You felt like you were laying on a marshmallow, about to sink deeper and deeper into the chair. The only thing you saw was a soft ball of hair as she was  bobbing her head up and down, eliciting satisfied moans and lust-filled grunts from you as your cock was getting thoroughly covered. Saerom loved giving you blowjobs as much as you enjoyed receiving them, the feeling of you throbbing needily inside her mouth felt like a sudden rush of dopamine for her. She always enjoyed having complete control over you.
“Fuck, mommy…” you moaned. Saerom took her time, wanting you to savor every sensation as she swirled her tongue around your tip before making long strokes up and down the length of your shaft. Saerom looked up at you, satisfied to see your eyes closed from her sinful act. Having decided she prolonged teasing you enough, she went to work - sucking your cock deeper and faster. As her head took in more of your shaft, her tongue flickered along your underside. Eventually she reached your base as her lips gripped onto your cock and refused to let go. Her head bobbed in a wonderfully fast rhythm that teetered the edge of getting you to climax quickly and being just enough to leave you wanting more. Having had enough practice during the course of your relationship, Saerom was a master at deepthroating cock. The sounds of you reaching the back of her throat echoed inside the empty movie theater. It was like a symphony for your ears as you mustered the willpower to look down and stroke her head softly, pushing away several loose strands of hair. 
Saerom regretfully withdrew her mouth from your cock once she began running out of air. You were released from the velvety smooth walls with a satisfied hum from her, thin strands of saliva are connecting you and her mouth as you see several spit suds formed on her pretty lips. Your cock was glistening due to light emanating from the movie screen hitting it, causing the both of you to smile at each other. She spits once more on your cock, applying a copious amount all over your shaft. You rubbed her cheeks with your thumb softly, Saerom giving your tip another chaste kiss.
“Here comes your favorite part, baby.” Saerom said as she tapped your cock on her tongue a few times, causing her eyes to form crescents at you in anticipation.
Knowing just what she wanted, you grabbed onto both sides of her head and pushed yourself into her mouth. Moaning from the extreme pleasure, you wasted no time by roughly bobbing her head up and down. Saerom’s bright, lust-filled eyes widened with delight as she gags from you taking control. Her eyes began to water as she hungrily accepted your throbbing, needy cock. She didn’t even need to talk for you to know your girlfriend was enjoying this from the sounds being emitted as she gargled a mouthful of cock. Her nails dug into your thighs painfully as she moved your body to come closer to her. You obliged, closing the distance as you grip onto her hair and made a makeshift ponytail, holding it tightly as you fuck her mouth even rougher than before. Her tongue and uvula vibrated on your shaft, adding another layer of stimulation as your girlfriend was taking your cock to her heart’s desire.
All sense of time was put to the wayside as you both savored the moment. You regretfully let go of Saerom’s head when she began tapping on your thighs. She coughs, catching her breath as drool spilled out of her mouth and began dripping from her chin onto your balls below. Saerom was a disheveled mess, the hard work she put into her hair and makeup were no longer visible. She runs her lips along your length, kissing it until she reaches the tip before doing the same on the other side. She spit on your cock once more, the all too familiar squelchy sounds you were used to hearing rang through both of your ears as she slowly stroked you.
“Look at my baby being so rough. Did you like using mommy’s throat?” she asked rhetorically, knowing full well what your answer would be. Feasting her eyes upon your cock, Saerom pondered what to do next. Giving your tip a few licks before twirling her tongue in a clockwise motion, you noticed a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
The two of you quickly removed your clothing, discarding it along the various empty seats nearby. Saerom gave your tip a deep kiss before turning around, letting you admire her beautifully sculpted backside. The result of many long hours at the gym and a serious training regimen, it made the already divine Saerom even more unreal. Your hands naturally went to her round, supple bottom. You gave each cheek a firm squeeze, earning a giggle from your girlfriend. Saerom moaned erotically once the palm of your hand made contact with the soft flesh.
She was on her hands and knees in front of you - waiting for the very thing you two enjoyed most. You grabbed your shaft and slid your tip up and down Saerom’s folds, feeling how drenched her needy pussy was. Having had enough of your teasing, she pushed her body against you, allowing you to enter.
“Fuck…” the two of you breathlessly moaned as Saerom’s insanely tight walls squeezed the life out of you and gripped onto your cock. Her wet cavern felt wonderful as you pushed yourself slowly inside her.
“B-Baby, you feel so good inside mommy…” Saerom moaned as you closed your eyes and savored this wonderful feeling. It was Saerom’s favorite position - and thankfully, yours as well. You allowed her time to adjust to your cock as her walls clinged onto you for dear life.
You started off slow, wanting the both of you to prolong the moment. You gave her several weak thrusts as you held onto Saerom’s wide hips. Gradually building up the pace from the initial comfortable rhythm, Saerom’s moans and wordless gaps began to steadily increase in volume. She was hot, wet, and tight - all things that never changed despite the two of you taking pleasure in each other’s bodies almost every single day. She took pride in suffocating your cock to the point where it started to hurt. Whether it be her mouth or her pussy, Saerom knew how to make the most of her wonderful body. The natural lubrication from her juices allowed you to eventually move in and out of her with relative ease.
“Fuck… Fuck mommy harder, baby.” Saerom whined.
“What does mommy want?” you asked, giving her butt harsh slaps on both cheeks.
“O-Oh, fuck! Fuck mommy harder!” She screamed. Grabbing Saerom’s toned arms, you held onto her wrists delicately, causing her body to raise upwards for support as your hips thrusted inside her pussy. The sounds of flesh against flesh filled the empty movie theater, making the video in front of you rendered obsolete compared to the true main event. You felt her clench her walls against your shaft as you fucked your girlfriend harder like she wished.
The sounds of Saerom’s plump ass smacking against your lower body turned you on even more, causing you to go harder and deeper inside her. The sight of her cheeks clapping together was sort of hypnotizing - as if mocking you that your current pace was still not enough. Her pussy continues to tighten deliciously around you as you kiss her sweaty back.
“You’re making mommy feel so good, baby!” Saerom said in a half scream, half moan. Every word was dripping with pure desire and lust. You released your hold on her wrists, causing her body to plop onto the theather’s leather-bound chair. This didn’t last long, however, as you grabbed onto Saerom’s long, beautiful hair and formed a makeshift ponytail. While her raven colored locks flowed freely like cascading waterfalls - of which earned her many compliments from friends and coworkers alike, Saerom always explained she wanted to try something new. The real reason she grew it out was she enjoyed having it pulled during sex. Especially in your current position behind her.
With one hand holding her hair, your other gripped tightly on her shoulder. You were afraid you were being a bit too rough and would leave a bruise, but the way her pussy tightened around you along with the clouded, lust-filled look she gave you was all you needed. You were quick right away, thrusting into Saerom without any sort of build up. This temporarily startled her, before the familiar sounds of wet flesh, her needy screams, and the movie in the background having become nothing more than an afterthought all combined to create a wonderful symphony of pleasure as you fucked your girlfriend until she announces the end was near.
“B-Baby… M-Mommy’s going to cum.” she managed to say in between your thrusts.
You went even faster and deeper - wanting to do everything you could in order for Saerom to chase her euphoric high. It doesn’t take very long until she does so, Saerom screaming the loudest she has so far as you feel her pussy pulsating around your cock as it tightens and suffocates you. Her juices flood your shaft as her body shakes, she certainly would have collapsed if not for you supporting her upper body. You felt her begin to leak profusely, staining your thighs, balls and the leather below. Each wave of pleasure coursed through your body as you give her several more weak thrusts in order to allow her to ride out her orgasm.
You grab one of Saerom’s breasts, squeezing it gently as you pull her hair softly and lay down on your back, allowing her to rest on top of you. The both of you are heaving as you struggle to catch your breath. Saerom manages to weakly turn her head to its side as your lips meet hers. Each kiss was soft, full of satisfaction. Once you opened your eyes, you noticed hers were glazed over - returning to the beautiful amber color you always found yourself lost in. You held onto her hips and turned Saerom over so that your bodies were facing each other. Despite the exhaustion, her lower body began to grind itself against yours.
“Baby, you didn’t cum yet.” Saerom pouted. You felt her drenched folds coating your tip once more. It seemed once was never enough for her.
Saerom removed her body off you and got up on wobbly legs, grabbing your hands and helping you stand up. She gave the tip of your cock another kiss, sucking on it lightly before parting her lips and taking you inside her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down quickly, taking you all the way down to your base. You groaned as she tried her best to giggle through a mouth full of cock, the very action causing your underside to vibrate and add on another layer of pleasure. Her lips were sealed tight as the sounds of her slobbering all over your cock helped your fast approaching orgasm arrive even quicker.
“Fuck, mommy. I’m going to cum.” you announced as you felt a knot inside of you.
Saerom released your cock with a loud pop as she used her left hand to stroke you quickly, the lubrication of her mouth and juices helping make the task relatively easy. Saerom’s big, beautiful eyes looked right back at yours - eager for you to feel the same way you made her feel not even mere minutes ago. Your breaths became more shallow as she helped you reach your tipping point.
You weren’t even able to announce to Saerom that your orgasm arrived. You moaned loudly as your cock throbbed in her hand and you exploded all over her beautiful face. Thick ropes of cum are released in impressive speed as it paints her forehead. The next few land near her right eye, causing her to involuntarily close it. She continued stroking your length as you continued to release spurt after spurt of hot, thick semen. With the final two ropes landing on her cheek and her awaiting tongue, you felt all of the built up tension and pressure being released from your body as Saerom drains your balls dry. You opened your eyes and were surprised to see just how much you came on her face.
Saerom giggled as she cleans the leftover cum dribbling out of your slit, bobbing her head a few more times for good measure. She allowed you to admire your work, her chest heaving as she puckered her lips and blew a kiss at you. The two of you managed to finish just as the lights above turned on and the end credits of the film were starting to play. Saerom uses her fingers to trace all the spots she felt your load dripping down her face and puts it in her mouth.
“You taste so yummy, baby.” Saerom said. “Looks like mommy’s diet has been working out after all.”
The two of you quickly got dressed and hurried out of the theater before the cleaning employees arrived.
For about a month now, Saerom got you onto a strict regimen. Making you cut out “useless” carbs, sugar, red meats - basically all of the foods you enjoyed. Knowing you would whine or complain, she always shut you up by implementing a no sex rule or edging you everyday until you complied. She had everything fully planned out down to the minute. It wasn’t easy, or fun, but the results spoke for themselves. You begrudgingly admit it was working… especially in regards to your increased sexual stamina.
After a quick change of clothes at home, the two of you are going to visit one of Saerom’s friends. She never said who - always wanting to keep things a mystery until the very last moment. Saerom held your hand tightly as the two of you entered the gym. Normally the unmistakable scent of sweat and loud grunts would be heard. But this particular gym was completely empty - not a soul in sight. You and Saerom sat at a nearby table. Asking her why you two were here instead of your usual gym, you hear a door near the weight rack open.
“Oppa! Unnie!”
You looked up and smiled. Noh Jisun - Saerom’s former roommate and someone you were quite close to who was as much of a fanatic about the gym as she was. The last time you saw her, her hair was much longer with a fringe style to cover her forehead. This time, her shoulder length hair was a deeper shade of brown. She styled it in a way that it parted more towards the left side of her head. She wore a simple outfit of a black v-neck shirt, gray leggings that complemented her curvy figure nicely, black socks, and a black and white windbreaker. She ran towards the two of you and hugged Saerom immediately. Your girlfriend reciprocated, happy to see her after so long. A few minutes later, she let go and turned to you.
“Hi, oppa.” Jisun said, smiling. You returned her smile and gave her a hug as well. She pulled you in tightly - you forgot how much she loved giving hugs. She left your embrace slightly before moving her head close to your ear.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun today.”
The hairs on the back of your neck raised as her words tingled inside your ear. It was a technique you heard many times early on during your relationship with Saerom. Jisun quickly became popular in an online community, with many tuning in to her videos and occasional livestreams. You never understood the appeal of people wanting to listen to someone whisper the entire time but respected Jisun making the most out of a niche demographic.
“What brings you guys over here?” Jisun asked.
“We wanted to visit and see how you were doing.” Saerom replied.
“It seems like you’re doing pretty well for yourself, Jisun.”
“I guess you can say that.” Jisun said, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “The ASMR community loves my videos. I was able to save up enough to open up this place.”
“That’s so great!” Saerom said. “Look baby, she even has the weights you like!”
Looking to the direction your girlfriend was pointing at, you noticed differently colored plates of various sizes. While gradually being able to increase how much you could lift, you also enjoyed mixing the colors together. Not a single weight was out of place - something you personally didn’t enjoy seeing at your regular gym.
Saerom interlocks her fingers with yours. You smiled - she always knew how to calm you down whenever you felt anxious. Briefly looking at Jisun, you noticed a slight glimpse of anger in her eyes. Before you could say anything, Saerom pulled you along.
The tour of the gym was rather quick - Jisun quickly cycled through each of the machines as well as the rest area filled with goodies to indulge on. Upon reaching the Pilates room, Saerom wrapped her arms around your waist as she looked up at you lovingly.
“Isn’t this place great, baby? I’m so proud of Jisun.”
“Y-Yeah, really great.”
“I just remembered. I’ve been so busy lately I forgot to plan out the couple’s workouts like you asked. Sorry, unnie.” Jisun cutely said, pouting and looking down.
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Saerom said cheerfully. “Would you be able to help out oppa though?”
“Sure! I’d love to.” Jisun said, looking at you with a mischievous smirk.
“Oppa’s been complaining about feeling stiff. I was hoping you could make sure every inch of him is relaxed.” “Every inch?” Jisun repeated, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Really make sure oppa releases all of the tension built up lately.” “Oh... I’ll have no problem doing that, unnie.” Jisun continued to tease by forming her cute small left hand into a fist and displaying a jerking off motion while miming her cheek being full.
Giving you a quick peck on the lips, Saerom puts on her headphones and goes to a nearby treadmill. You watched your girlfriend’s wide hips sway with each step as her plump ass jiggles, causing you to sigh loudly as you could feel yourself slightly hardening.
Feeling a hand cup your crotch is what brought you out of your daydream due to staring at your girlfriend’s lower body. You looked down at the owner of said hand and felt the breath taken away from you as Jisun squeezed a bit harder this time. Bringing her right hand to your face, you noticed the cute woman you were used to seeing was gone. Replacing her glazed over eyes was a look you know all too well.
“So, unnie wants me to help you feel relaxed? That’s no problem at all.” Jisun said in a sensual whisper, each word dripping with a honey-like tone. She unzipped her windbreaker, letting you see the outline of her breasts through the loose fitting v-neck shirt.
“Mommy will take good care of you, oppa.” She continued, untying the drawstring of your joggers.
“Don’t act surprised.” Jisun said, still maintaining her whisper-like tone. “I know unnie has been making you call her that ever since you would visit our old apartment.”
You were surprised to see this side of Jisun. The Jisun you remembered was conservative, someone who didn’t have much self-confidence and felt comfortable playing video games or being in front of a computer screen. It seemed being independent did wonders for her.
“Maybe mommy should take care of your lower body first, how does that sound?”
Yanking both your joggers and the underwear underneath, Jisun slowly descends into a kneeling position between your legs. Your cock is now exposed to the cool breeze coming from the air conditioning. It is a wonderful feeling, causing you to twitch slightly.
“Not bad… I can see why unnie liked having you over so much.” she said, her eyes trying to soak up as much of you as possible. Licking her lips hungrily, she grabs ahold of your base and gives you slow, agonizing licks until she reaches your tip. You instinctively closed your eyes, letting out a soft moan.
Jisun dragged her wet tongue on the underside of your shaft, painting a long stripe on the exposed flesh. When she reaches your tip, her tongue swirls around it, causing you to moan even more. Collecting the precum that is beginning to dribble out of your slit, she sucks on it lightly before replacing it with a generous amount of saliva. Using her tongue once more, she spreads it across every inch. You look down and see Jisun methodically lathering your cock until it is glistening from the overhead lighting. Once she is satisfied, she grips your shaft firmly and slowly begins stroking you.
She employs a familiar technique: counterclockwise motions and smooth up and down strokes. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back, feeling the pleasure her wonderful small hand was providing you. Her hand moves up and down with ease thanks to her saliva. Your moans increase in volume the longer she continues.
“You like when mommy strokes your cock, don’t you baby?”
“It-It’s o-okay…” you replied, knowing full well you were lying.
“Hmph.” Jisun pouted, running her thumb across your slit. “Maybe this will change your mind.”
Slapping her cheeks with your hard cock, you felt Jisun blowing hot air onto your tip, causing you to throb in her hand. She lets out a giggle and kisses the tip of your cock before lining you in front of her mouth. With a simple part of her lips, you release a heavy breath as she engulfs your cock. 
Your hands hold onto the wall behind you as the pressure begins to build up, causing your eyes to close shut. Your moans continue as Jisun slowly bobs her head up and down. She takes the top half of your cock into her warm, wet mouth - each time sending waves of lust and pleasure coursing through your body. You feel her tongue dragging across the underside of your shaft. Forcing your eyes open, you look down and take in the fact that Saerom’s former roommate, Jisun was currently on her knees and looking at you while pleasuring you in a way you would have never imagined.
“Mommy, fuck… that feels so fucking good.” you moaned as your body was hypnotized by Jisun sucking your cock. You felt every muscle in your body relaxing as your cock was inside her hollowed mouth. Taking the initiative, you run your fingers through her dark brown locks before palming the back of her head. Jisun looks up at you and smiles through a mouthful of cock, happy you are enjoying every moment of her sinful act. Your hand follows along to her bobbing motions, guiding her rhythm before she temporarily retreats her mouth’s wonderful hold on you. Spitting a copious amount of saliva built up onto your shaft, she looks at you seductively as she slaps her bright pink tongue with your cock.
You looked out to see Saerom diligently exercising on the treadmill. All you could think about was how sweaty her back has become, and how good it would be to suck on her damp skin as you fuck her from behind. This, of course, does not go unnoticed by Jisun who pinches your inner thigh and causes you to slightly wince in pain as you see her slowly begin to remove her clothing.
“Mommy hasn’t been fucked in months and I am not going to let this opportunity go to waste.” Jisun said, as she removed her socks and slid her body hugging leggings down, revealing her creamy legs and wonderfully thick thighs. She makes a show of removing her shirt, leaving her in only a red lace bra and panty set. Despite feeling more self-confident, there is a hint of shyness from Jisun as she is mostly exposed to you for the very first time.
You always considered her to have a nice figure - but running her own gym and having a strict training regimen made the curvy parts of her body even more noticeable. The delicious line of her cleavage was enticing - you wanted nothing more than to bury your face in it. Jisun notices this and smiles.
“Now, now, baby. We don’t want unnie to hear mommy making you feel good, now do we?” Jisun said, placing a finger on her lips. It felt like a preemptive warning, a calm before the pleasure-induced storm. Stroking your cock several times in preparation, she opens her bra slightly in order to allow you in between her soft flesh. A soft moan escapes her lips as she wraps your shaft with her warm, perfect tits.
“Fuck, mommy...” you groaned softly, trying your best not to be too loud from the pressure quickly that striked you light a lightning bolt as Jisun takes you in and out of her hot cleavage. You were thankful Saerom wasn’t too close by and especially that she wore headphones as the sound of her treadmill helped mask the squelching sounds coming from Jisun’s tits moving up and down your cock. You sighed in content and looked down, seeing her push her breasts together against your shaft and squeezed you even tighter.
“Baby…” she moaned as she moved her large, soft flesh onto you. “You’re so hard for mommy.”
Jisun’s eyes were captivating - her soft voice causing your entire body to tingle as her breasts continued to wrap themselves tightly around your cock. Her cute features were replaced with pure lust and desire, currently focused on satisfying you. The tip and upper part of your cock constantly poked in and out between her soft flesh. Each thrust was delicious, wet and hot. Jisun was the master of pure seduction: each time you felt you were at your tipping point, she slowed down. After several minutes of teasing, she removes her heavy breasts from your cock.
“I don’t want you cumming just yet, baby.” Jisun said. “First, you have to make mommy feel good too.”
Removing the last of her clothing, you almost drooled as you finally saw Jisun fully naked. Not giving you ample time to admire her body, she leads you to one of the yoga mats nearby, pushing you gently on your back. She straddles your lap, rubbing her splayed lips on your cock. You moaned, feeling how wet she already was turned you on even more. She then dismounts your body and repositions herself, hovering just above your face. As your hands were about to hold onto her hips, she stopped you.
“No no no, bad boy. It’s rude to touch mommy without permission.”
She lowered her body just enough for you to feel the heat radiating from between her legs. It looked so soft, inviting. Jisun could sense your anxiousness as you squirmed underneath her.
“You want to eat mommy’s pussy don’t you, baby?” Jisun nonchalantly asked. 
“Well… there’s somewhere else I’d rather you eat instead.”
Lowering herself fully, you grabbed her plump ass, grabbing two handfuls of each cheek and squeezing as hard as you could. This caused Jisun to moan as your mouth met her forbidden orifice. You kissed her heavenly soft skin, parting her cheeks as your tongue painted the outer rim.
“Baby…” Jisun moaned as her tight muscles began to unclench and allow your tongue deeper entry. Satisfied with your minimal work so far, you continued to stimulate her asshole. Spreading her cheeks apart even more, you pushed your tongue inside her puckered hole.
Jisun is quickly overwhelmed by all of her senses being overstimulated at once, as you feel her juices slowly leaking out of her pussy and staining her thighs and your neck below. You swirl your tongue inside her ass, just as she did when she was sucking your cock. Each contact sent multiple shocks of pleasure coursing through her body. Despite Jisun getting progressively louder the longer you were buried inside her, both of you have little regard for anything else, only focusing on each other. She pushes her pillowy soft ass against you even more, frantically trying to chase her own pleasure.
“You’re making mommy feel so good, baby.” Jisun said, feeling your mouth and tongue drench her inner asshole with your saliva.
Gripping onto her asscheeks even harder, you move your face from side to side. This causes Jisun to scream loudly as another wave of stimulation is added to her rapidly sensitive body. She is beginning to lose control of her senses as your tongue thrusts deep inside her asshole.
“Baby… oh my- fuck!”
She arches her back completely straight as you remove one hand from her asscheek and move your way between her thick thighs. Easily finding her clit, you rubbed it with the pad of your thumb. Doing your best to keep her from bucking her hips uncontrollably, you stimulate Jisun on both parts of her lower body.
“Baby… that feels so good. That feels so good. I-I’m gonna cum!” Desperation could be heard in Jisun’s voice as you continued to provide her with the pleasure she hadn’t received in so long. Each flick of your tongue caused her to tilt her head back. You knew it wouldn’t be much longer - rubbing your thumb on her clit furiously as you squeezed her asscheek and buried your tongue as deep as it could go.
“Baby, mommy’s cumming!” Jisun screamed as she finally succumbed to her orgasm. Her hips bucked wildly as you struggled to hold her in place. Your tongue was firmly lodged inside her asshole, doing its best to not let go as long, sultry moans escape her beautifully soft lips. Her thighs are stained with her sweet nectar, causing it to dribble down onto your chin and neck. Her orgasm lasts for several minutes, repeated aftershocks causing her sensitive body to rub itself against your face.
“H-Holy shit, baby.” Jisun said once the both of you felt her body finally return to normal. She buried your face deeper inside one last time before finally dismounting. Each heave of her chest allowed you to see her large breasts move up and down. A thin layer of sweat formed on her body as she smiled at you sweetly.
“Has unnie let you fuck her thighs before?” She asked.
You shook your head.
“Guess that’s another thing mommy will help you out with.” Jisun said as she helped you to your feet.
She spit on your cock several times to help lubricate it once more. The two of you are now facing each other. Jisun strokes your shaft back to full hardness before rubbing it against her inner thighs. They instinctively sandwich your shaft as the mixture of her saliva and nectar from her orgasm allow you to slip in between. Both of you let out a satisfied moan as your cock grinds against Jisun’s lips and her delicious thighs.
Her thighs were the perfect mix of muscular and thick. They possessed a unique softness to them, with Saerom’s being mostly muscular as you felt her slowly leaking onto your cock once again. Fucking her breasts was certainly enjoyable, but her thighs were thick, wide - and warm. Your newfound appreciation for Jisun’s body helped stimulate you even more as the two of you kissed each other. Your cock was nuzzled comfortably underneath her hot walls as you squeezed her asscheeks once more. This helped you increase your pace, her natural wetness allowing your cock to glide between her suffocatingly thick thighs. Jisun’s body was taking the euphoric feeling of outercourse to new heights - the two of you moaning in each other’s mouths. You savored the feeling of her creamy thighs and ass jiggling against your body with each thrust. The tip of your cock grazes her cheeks while your balls bounce against each side of her thighs wildly. The two of you could feel the pressure building up inside. You take this opportunity to gradually lower the speed of your thrusts, both of you disconnecting from each other’s lips as you press your foreheads together and breathe heavily.
“Y-You’ll fuck mommy now, won’t you baby?” Jisun pleaded. Her eyes contained a soft sadness to them, desperation in her voice.
Jisun wraps her muscular legs around your torso and causes you to fall back onto the yoga mat. Making sure she wasn’t too rough, she smiled as she straddled your lap. The lust-filled gaze on her face causes you to gulp in slight nervousness as she takes your hard shaft in her hand, stroking you before impaling herself on your cock.
Her tight walls hugged your cock instantly. Her hips meet yours, causing Jisun to release an erotic moan at the feeling of being filled. She arches her body in the same manner she did when you were eating her ass, taking you in and out of her wanton body. Your hard cock slides at a pace with zero regard for you or your comfort.
Jisun braces herself on your chest by firmly planting her hands, creating the wonderful side effect of her breasts being pressed together, giving you a delicious looking sight of the very same cleavage that made you salivate when from her earlier titfuck. Jisun’s breasts bounced up and down hypnotically as she rode you. Her previously glazed over eyes were now replaced with a determined, almost angry look. She seemed to be working out the frustration and anger that built up from her time as Saerom’s roommate, using your cock as an outlet with each thrust of her hips.
She bit her lower lip seductively, doubling as a way to prevent herself from moaning or gasping too loud and letting Saerom hear what was going on.
“D-Do you know how much you turned me on, oppa?” Jisun asked as she slammed her body up and down your cock. “How wet I got hearing you fuck Saerom unnie? How hearing you call her mommy made me want you to call me that too?”
Her moans quickly turn into loud screams that echo throughout the room as you relish in the fact that her pussy was even tighter than Saerom’s. Both of you soon find a comfortable rhythm as Jisun grabs your hands  and interlocks them with her own. As she slams her body on yours harder and harder, her eyes roll to the back of her head from how your cock causes her to lose control of her senses. Her mouth is agape, letting noiseless screams of pleasure escape as the sound of wet skin loudly colliding with wet skin helps create a harmonious wave of euphoria. Jisun’s butt rubs against your thighs as your balls touch her lower pussy lips.
“Fuck! Just like that, baby.” Jisun yells in between bounces. “Harder. Keep fucking mommy harder!”
Your worries about Saerom hearing you both were a distant afterthought as you could only focus on the beautiful woman enjoying herself on top of you. With her hands now returning to being firmly placed on your chest for support, you begin squeezing her large tits, marveling at how heavy, yet soft they were. You squeeze both at the same time, pinching her erect nipples before giving each a firm slap.
“Holy shit…” Jisun erotically screamed. “Slap mommy’s tits again!”
You granted her demand, giving each several slaps as you alternated between slapping and rubbing the tender skin.
Jisun’s body shook with pleasure - her breathing became more erratic as the sensations of stimulating her breasts and pussy were causing her to go insane. The moment the tip of your cock reached a certain spot deep inside, Jisun screamed loudly and kept you buried into her hilt. Her body tenses up as she feels an overwhelming sense of pleasure flow from the top of her head to her toes, causing them to curl up. Her body shook violently as you felt your cock flooded by her juices. Her second orgasm was a lot stronger -  hitting with such force that it almost pushed your cock out of her body.
You bounced Jisun on your cock slowly several more times as the aftershocks of her orgasm continued to occur. Her muscles gradually loosen up and she looks at you with a fully satisfied smile, her eyes glazed over in satisfaction. She leans down and captures your lips, thanking you for making her feel good. 
You temporarily retreat from her freshly fucked pussy, causing Jisun to whimper as she gets on her hands and knees on the yoga mat.
“Fuck mommy’s ass, baby.”
Each word was dripping with pure lust and a desire to be filled.
Grabbing Jisun’s toned arms, you pushed her face onto the mat. You slapped her soft butt cheeks a few times with your cock, teasing her by sliding your cock between her cheeks. While you got a taste of it earlier, Saerom’s constant teasing about entering her other hole made Jisun’s wish for you to fuck her there all the more enticing. She moaned at your initial penetration into the tight muscle, her warm cavern constricting you.
“Fuck…” she moaned into the mat.
“Mommy’s ass is so tight.” you said, slowly thrusting in and out of her hole.
Her warm walls squeezed your cock painfully, arousing you even more. You thrusted into her slowly, yet deeply. Her asscheeks rippled from the force each time it collided with your torso. While you so desperately wanted to savor the moment, you knew it wouldn’t be long before your orgasm would be too much to suppress. Knowing this, you picked up the pace and held onto Jisun’s arms tightly as you fucked her from behind.
“Fuck, fuck fuck!” She managed to scream between each thrust. The two of you were sweating heavily as you worked together to help you achieve the same bliss you have given her.
You gritted your teeth - fucking Jisun as hard as you could. Your orgasm could be felt throughout your entire body when it finally arrived. You thrusted deep inside her, moaning loudly as her walls wrapped tightly around your cock, pulsating as you released thick, hot semen inside her ass. Jisun came immediately right after, her climax less intense than earlier, but feeling just as good.
“That was… holy fuck...” Jisun weakly said as she tried her best to recover. “I need to get fucked like this again.”
You turned her around and kissed each other on the lips, breathing a sigh of relief as you ran your fingers through her hair. The two of you were so exhausted and focused on one another you failed to hear the door open.
“Well, well, well.”
The two of you panicked and saw Saerom staring at you both with her arms crossed, tapping her foot as she witnessed the aftermath of what just happened.
“M-Mommy, I c-can explain…”
“You finished your workout that quickly?” Jisun asked.
“How could I not when your screams filled the entire gym.”
Saerom got on her knees and brought her index finger to your chin, tilting your head up slightly. You were terrified, watching as her big beautiful eyes met yours.
“You know better than to fuck someone else without mommy’s permission.” Saerom said. “Though I will admit it was pretty hot, baby.”
“How much did you hear?” you asked.
“Why don’t you find out yourself?” she said, putting her headphones on your ears. Expecting to hear something, anything - you were surprised to learn there was nothing at all.
“Mommy heard everything, baby.”
Saerom wasted no time peeling each layer of clothing off her body, causing your cock to throb at the sight of your naked girlfriend before you. She massages her breasts, moaning as she pinches her nipples.
“Y-Yes, mommy?”
“Why don’t we both make him feel good?”
“I have just the thing to help us out.” Jisun said. Reaching into the pocket of her windbreaker, she pulls out a clear plastic bottle. She squeezes a generous amount on Saerom’s breasts, with Saerom reciprocating the favor to Jisun. Both of them have a wicked glint in their eyes as they lather your cock with it as well. Stroking you to make sure you were evenly covered, both women got on opposite sides of you.
Pushing their breasts together, they sandwich your cock in between. Having experienced being trapped by each chest separately, there were no words to describe how it felt when they both rubbed themselves against you. The friction their tits created was heavenly as the wet flesh covered your cock, only allowing your tip to be visible.
“Like that, baby?” Saerom asked.
“You like mommy’s tits more, don’t you baby?” Jisun asked, moaning as her nipples brushed against Saerom’s.
“Oh, please.” Saerom said, rolling her eyes. “Your tits aren’t that great.”
“I bet I can get more of his cum on my tits than yours.”
“You’re going to regret saying that.” Saerom said as she picked up the pace. Both pairs of breasts began to squeeze and massage your cock, trapping it in between the warmth of their heavenly flesh. 
It was the end to a perfect, stamina draining day. You only hoped this wouldn’t be the last time Saerom and you would be visiting Jisun’s gym.
An unlocked phone vibrated, signaling a new message arrived. Attached was a picture of a woman flashing a peace sign to the camera against a beige background with her looking slightly sultry.
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[10:00 PM]: Oppa! I’m coming to visit! See you soon! 🧡
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asahipleaseloveme · 3 years
Do You Still Love Me?
Asahi x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: break-up, angst, angst with a happy ending, let me know if I missed something
Author's Note: prompt "do you still love me?" from @sakhimeansfriend (thank you for the prompt!! 😊) ; not edited
It had been five months, thirteen days, and four hours since Asahi had broken up with you. That day had started off like every other day; you and Asahi had met up at the coffee shop before you headed to work. You picked up the tab before the two of you bundled up before you began your trek out into the cold.
“H-hey, ______?” Asahi said as soon as you walked out of the cafe.
“Hey, Asahi?” you said in the same tone.
He played with the fringe of his scarf while avoiding your gaze.
“Um,” he started.
“Hey, you’re going to ruin your scarf if you keep twiddling it like that,” you tried to gently pull his hands into yours. The way he pulled his hands back and shoved them into his pockets made your heart sink. He had never reacted like that before.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to tell you what to do. I just know that’s your favorite scarf and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to-”
“______, I’m breaking up with you!”
The words that came out of his mouth were so unexpected and it left you in shock. In that moment, the only sound you heard was your heart beating, the only thing you felt was a huge lump burning in your throat, and the only thing you saw was a blurry vision of Asahi.
He was in the middle of saying something else when you finally comprehended what he had first said.
“...I just think you’d be better off without me, and I-”
“What?” was the only thing you could say.
“I-I-I’m breaking up with you. I don’t think you deserve someone like me. No, wait…I don’t deserve someone like you. No, I–Ugh! I’m sorry,” with his eyes downcast, he walked right past you like you weren’t even there.
If you hadn’t been in such a state of shock, you would have chased after him and demanded that he explain himself better. Told him that you love him and if he loved you then that’s all that matters. Whatever he was going through, you were going to be there to help him through it. Because both of you deserve each other.
But by the time your body had come back to its senses, Asahi was no longer in sight. You tried to call out for him, but your voice was so hoarse that nothing came out. You were able to gather enough strength to call your boss and ask if you could work from home and they didn’t have a problem with that. You were grateful for your boss’s flexibility, because the rest of your day was spent sobbing uncontrollably. The rest of your day was spent wondering what you did wrong and what you could’ve done differently. What could you have done to deserve his love?
Five months, thirteen days, and four hours later and you still felt the same as you had standing outside of that coffee shop. You stopped going to that particular coffee shop. There was another shop closer to where you worked, anyway.
Your calls and texts were ignored by Asahi. Eventually, you stopped trying to contact him. The only way you knew what was up with him was from following social media. He was doing well for himself; it seemed he was doing much better than when the two of you were together. It pained you to think about, but maybe that is what he meant when he said “I don’t deserve someone like you”. Maybe you were only holding him back and he knew he had to let you go. And Asahi being Asahi didn’t want you to feel bad about it.
You turned right into the person standing behind you in line, almost spilling your coffee all over them.
“Oh, no! I’m so sorry! I hope I didn’t get any on….you, Asahi?” you could feel the heat rushing to your face. “I’m so sorry! Just ignore me!” you tried to squeeze past him.
“Wait, ______. You don’t have to be sorry. C-can we talk?”
You were pretty sure your heart was going to thump right out of your chest as you gave a little nod. You waited for him at a table outside.
The silence between you when he finally sat down was uncomfortable. You wanted to speak, but you had no clue what you were going to say. Already, you could feel the burn in your throat and the tears in your eyes. It was that day all over again.
Asahi cleared his throat, “______, uh, how have you been?”
You just stared at him. If you said anything, it would have come off as cold and uncaring, and you didn’t want that to be your first interaction with him after all of these months. So, you only shrugged your shoulders.
“That was stupid of me to ask. Um, I guess I meant what’ve you been up to recently?”
“Uh, yeah. That makes sense,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, this was stupid of me to ask you to talk!” He stood up quickly and began to walk away.
“Asahi, wait!” you were able to squeak out.
He stopped and turned back around.
“Asahi, I need to know. Please be honest. Do you still love me?” tears were streaming down your cheeks.
His expression shifted from frustration to surprise.
“Because I still love you, and I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day you broke up with me. If you don’t, it’s okay. I just need to know, to know if I need to start moving on. You left me without an explanation. I can’t keep living my days wondering what I did wrong or what I could have done to deserve your love. I can’t…there’s this void. Like there’s a hole in me that’s missing. And I need to start repairing it now before it becomes so large that nothing fixes it.”
Asahi squatted down next to you, a napkin in hand drying your tears.
“P-please don’t cry. You know I don’t like it when you’re crying, especially when it’s my fault.”
“I can’t m-make it stop.” The sobs and tears kept coming no matter how hard you tried to cut it off.
“J-just tell me you don’t love m-me and we can go our own ways,” you sucked in a sharp breath, briefly halting your tears. “I can take it.”
When you finally looked at Asahi’s face, it was red and wet.
“______, I made a mistake that day. I thought by letting you go, you’d be able to do better things without me. I thought I was holding you back. It was a rash decision and was one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever done. I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I never stopped loving you. But, I thought that when you stopped texting and calling that you finally moved on. And that was that. But then I thought about how I ended things, and it didn’t sit well with me. Please, forgive me.”
You wiped his tears with your thumbs and softly kissed his forehead.
“I forgive you, Asahi. I love you,” you tried to smile.
“I love you, ______. I love you so, so much.” He pulled you into his chest and gave you the warmest hug you’ve ever had.
“We’re going to be okay, right?”
“Yes, I promise, we are. We’ve got each other again. And I promise, I’m never going to make you cry like this ever again.”
You sniffled and nodded into his chest. Asahi kissed the top of your head. You knew that he meant what he said. And he always kept his promises.
“Do you want to come back to my place for lunch,” you said as you wiped away the last of your tears. “I’m making tonkotsu.”
“I’d like that,” he said as he took your hand in his. It was a perfect fit.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Another draft from Faces That You Know. Unlike the last, the content in this is quite similar to my final version-- I just got bogged down in details and strayed too far from the tone I wanted to keep, so it got overhauled.
As per usual, it’s very rough. Editing notes and placeholders, etc, etc.
Emmet got himself involved twice over. The first time, he didn’t even realize what was happening.
All he’d had the time to process was the too-large unidentified Pokemon that charged up to him, sniffed furiously, and, with a disgruntled look, tore away again. Later in the day, he’d hear stories about it scaling buildings and screeching from its various perches, among other minor nuisances, but the city’s fascination was the Pokemon itself.
Of course, the incident-- while not forgotten-- was quickly overtaken by the news coming out of Virbank, Nacrene and Opelucid. People had appeared, en mass, with no idea how they’d gotten there or even where they were; it was a [revelation] accompanied by the sudden appearance of an unfathomably huge Avalugg in the Moor of Icirrus and sightings of other odd, if more reasonably sized, Pokemon.
It stood to reason that Emmet’s strange encounter had been with one such creature.
Curious as it was, he wasn’t officially [associated] until a week after the fact, when he was asked to receive and corral a number of their odd visitors so they could [meet/collaborate] in the halfway point Nimbasa represented. It was meant to be a brief task-- to ensure that nobody got lost before they met at the designated gathering point-- but all it took was one particular set of words for Emmet to decide it was his business.
The first group arrived with little fanfare, later than he’d anticipated. They stared longer than was polite, but Emmet said nothing on the matter; perhaps, wherever they came from, it wasn’t considered rude. The girl leading the pack sent a sharp look toward a man who’d refused to button up his shirt, and then began whispering furiously to the other two women accompanying her. The group’s youngest member said nothing, but pulled the brim of his hat down as he continued to [stare], as if to camouflage what he was doing.
Through irked, Emmet paid them little mind and ensured that they were all settled before checking his timetables. This group had missed their scheduled train, and he wouldn’t have time to see them off before the second [group] was set to arrive. It would be fine; he could coordinate large gatherings, and the first party seemed easy enough to work with, if lacking in common courtesy.
Fortunately, the second set of travelers arrived right on time. The man in charge was the last of his [pack] through the doors, and spared him a nod and a lopsided smile on the way by.
“Warden,” He greeted, “I’d nearly forgotten what you looked like beneath that ratty old coat.”
The one who’d exited ahead of him stopped abruptly, whirling around to give Emmet an unabashed once-over; the leader sighed and took him by the shoulder before he could start anything, “Not now, Melli. We have a schedule to keep.”
Melli continued to give Emmet the stink eye until the other man tightened his grip and dragged the both of them to where the others were waiting. The girl from earlier was already standing to greet him and, while Emmet busied himself with arranging further transport, the two spoke amongst themselves.
It eventually culminated in a plainly offended, “Do you think I can’t recognize my own Wardens, Adaman? The first I appointed after earning my position, even? I don’t know who that is, but he is not Ingo.”
[…] “Correct! I’m not Ingo. I am Emmet. A Subway Boss-- one of two.” / “My brother has been missing for a verrrry long time. But you know him well enough to tell us apart.” At the tension rising in the groups, he forcibly calmed himself and, more [defeated] than he meant to let slip, added, “Can you tell me where he is?”
The girl, at least, looked far more sympathetic than she had initially, “I wish we could. We’ve made every effort to regroup since coming here, but,” She waved a hand toward the rest of her people, “He’s the only Warden who never responded. That was odd enough in and of itself. We saw Lady Sneasler once, but as soon as she realized he wasn’t with us, she ran off again.”
Emmet nodded vaguely, still listening, but his focus drifted with the negative answer. Wherever his brother had been, it wasn’t Unova-- not if these foreign visitors knew him well enough to recognize [how odd his tardiness was]-- so the initial effort had been doomed from the start, but maybe…
His hand dropped to the second pokeball on his belt. Several heads shot up at the motion, wary; others, like the two leaders, looked on in distaste. Emmet ignored the lot of them and released Chandelure.
It had already been a week without any [reaction] from her, but she hadn’t known that the circumstances changed, or made an active attempt to find her trainer. If so many people had been sent here from… wherever Ingo had wound up, there was a chance it could work this time.
“I’m sorry to ask you again, Chandelure,” / “Can you sense him? Is he here?”
She chimed at him, concerned, but obligingly teetered in the air; the light in her globe slowly pulsed as she focused on her task. After a moment, her flame stabilized and she looked up at Emmet with the same sad yellow eyes as always.
He tried not to let the disappointment show, resting a hand on her glass and quietly thanking her.
Emmet truly didn’t believe he was being lied to; the entirety of the first group had reacted to the sight of him without consulting one another, and two separate members of the second had been familiar enough to acknowledge him in radically different ways. There was no arguing against the fact that they knew someone who looked like him and who bore his brother’s name for godsake-- but he trusted Chandelure’s senses without question.
He had no idea what to make of this, but it was the first solid lead he’d had in months; a small thing like a lack of logical consistency wouldn’t deter him.
His Xtransceiver pinged, informing him that the next leg of the groups’ journey was set to begin.
How nice for them.
They weren’t leaving his twice-damned sight.
Drayden had arrived in Nimbasa earlier that morning, and was, in fact, the person who’d requested Emmet’s help to begin with. He was one of several people already waiting in the meeting hall when the largest factions filed in, and was the first to notice something amiss.
He was not, however, the one who called it out.
“Door to door service, huh? Really going Pidove and beyond here.” Elesa said as she sidled up next to Emmet, and, when he failed to respond, puffed a cheek in irritation, “Seriously? Nothing? I spent a whole fifteen seconds on that one-- at least tell me all my hard work shines through.”
Completely ignoring the complaint, he asked, “Are you at all aware of what’s going on here?”
“Vaguely. I’m only talking if you Fess-piquen up, too.”
“No more puns.” He said flatly, not even dipping into the well of fond [exasperation].
“Man,” She said, dropping the pretense, “I thought you were just making sure everyone got in okay, but you sound pissed. What happened?”
“I am trying to understand precisely that.” / “Can you tell me who these people are?”
Elesa hummed, twisting a strand of hair between a thumb and forefinger, “Purple hair-- that’s Melli. The day everyone showed up, we hosted the weird Electrode at the gym, right? He’s the Electrode’s… caretaker or something.”
“Its Warden?”
She snapped her fingers, “Yep, that was it. Kept up with all this talk about a Diamond Clan, so that has to be who he walked in here with. The three up there are from a ‘Galaxy Team’. No idea about the rest. For real, though, why are you here?”
“The leaders immediately began to argue upon arriving at the station.” Emmet said, and Elesa nodded along, following his logic so far, “The Diamond leader believed that I was Ingo. The other insisted that I was not, and that she knew better.”
Elesa’s lips parted as she tried to formulate a response; the best she managed was, “...what?”
He hummed in agreement. “She was correct. To be fair.”
A great deal of information passed through the various factions, most of it coming from the visitors-- Hisuians-- as the rest of them tried to keep up. At one point, one of the Galaxy people had honed in on a map of Unova and come to the conclusion that the relative positions of everyone who’d been shifted still matched-- that it made sense for Virbank, Nacrene and Opelucid to have received the worst of those displaced because they [corresponded] to Hisuian settlements. The Galaxy Captain had taken to the theory and favored him with an expression that most would charitably call dour, but Emmet had the [experience] to recognize as genuine appreciation.
While the last of the Galaxy representatives was paying enough attention to be an active participant in discussions, she spent most of it tapping frantically at her phone or watching Emmet out of the corner of her eye. Given the reception he’d found from the Pearl Clan, it marked her as someone he needed to speak to as soon as the gathering ended.
“All permanent residents of the village have been accounted for, and most of our stray corpsmen have found their way to our current accommodations; my Survey Corps have actively deployed members to assess the situation.” Cyllene reported, inclining her head shallowly to the teenagers beside her to illustrate the final point. “The Ginkgo Guild are still missing those members who had been traveling at the time. Some have since contacted us, but we can’t speak to the rest.”
Chin resting on one palm, Adaman nodded, “We’ve got a few with us-- some Security Corps, too. Sabi spent the first few days out with Lord Braviary and brought everyone she could back; we’ll compare lists once we’re done here.” He raised his head and gestured vaguely to those gathered behind him, “With our Nobles’ help, the Diamond Clan’s headcount broke even, so there’s no need to worry on our behalf.”
There was a long silence, and then a deliberately even sigh as Irida bit back her frustration.
“The Pearl Clan’s situation is… similar. Several merchants and Galaxy recruits have found a haven in Opelucid City along with my people, but, to address the Avalugg in the room, one of my Wardens is still missing.” She tapped at one of her overlarge bangles and looked to Cyllene, “I’m certain you would have said so much, but it isn’t possible he’s been assisting Galaxy Team?”
“He’s not, I’m afraid; the help would have been welcome, and, doubtlessly, the offer would have been deafening.” The woman’s attention shifted, briefly alighting on Emmet, “Am I to assume the man who accompanied the clans here is not, in fact, Warden Ingo?”
Across the room, Elesa twitched, primed to hear from Irida or Adaman, but not Cyllene, who’d had no contact with Emmet and theoretically no business knowing Ingo’s name. Likewise, Drayden’s gaze moved from the Captain, to Emmet and back again, slowly honing its intensity.
“Subway Boss Emmet received the Diamond and Pearl representatives as a favor to me,” He said, voice deceptively even, “Subway Boss Ingo has been missing for several years, now. Are you implying that you’ve been in contact with him?”
“I’m aware of the urgency behind all of our [?], Captain, but [speed] can be make or break in a missing persons case, and this lead is already [a week?] out of date.”
“I’ll help you,” Said the Survey girl-- Akari-- standing abruptly from her seat, “Ingo’s my friend, so I’ll probably be able to tell you more-- and that way Cyllene can coordinate who’s where.”
As she spoke, Irida briefly turned to one of her party.
“Warden Calaba will tell you what we know,”  She said, after they’d come to some kind of conclusion, “I’m terribly sorry not to [help], myself, but it’s my responsibility to see to the clans’ safety. I trust each of my Wardens implicitly, and it’s quite likely she can provide more information than I.”
‘do you know what happened’ idk/c who.
The Warden’s brows raised, and she gave a rueful chuckle, “Seems to me this may not be as productive as we’d hoped. No, I’m afraid Ingo’s arrival in Hisui was a mystery we never traced to its roots-- and if you’re asking me, I have to assume you’re none the wiser, either.”
“He vanished.” Emmet said flatly, “Mid-commute. Nothing unusual registered on the security cameras. He was simply there one moment and gone the next.”
Lips pressed into a thin line, Elesa took over for him, “You said it was instant for you guys, right? It doesn’t seem too out there to think that the same thing could have happened back then.”
“It’s impossible to say. We’re told that one fell from the sky,” Calaba nodded to Akari, who grimaced and hid her lower face beneath a scarf, “But we have no such witnesses when it comes to Ingo.”
“And he was unable to give an incident report?”
“Sinnoh, but you are related, aren’t you? Do an old woman a favor and speak what you mean.”
“He never told you what happened?” Drayden asked smoothly, eyeing Emmet in preemptive warning.
“Can’t say we ever got a straight answer from him. Have you ever thought you were talking to an Unown, only to realize it was an ordinary wall? It was something like that.”
Tightly, Emmet asked, “Because of the way we speak?” and Elesa patted him on the shoulder blade, both [warning] and a comfort.
“Well, it certainly didn’t help,” She sighed and shook her head, tucking her hands behind her back, “It’s not my intention to cast judgment. The first few days were difficult, but I can hardly blame him for that; I never was able to determine whether the problem stemmed from the fever or the head wound.”
“I still think it might’ve been Uxie-- Lake Acuity’s super close to the Pearl Settlement.” Akari put in, nibbling at a thumb nail.
14 notes · View notes
waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
The Proposal ~ T.H
chapter one: the proposal 
Series Masterlist
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As editor in chief of the most renowned book publishing company in the UK, you had a lot on your plate. Lucky for you, you had an assistant who fulfilled your every need.
“Assistant?” You called from your desk. “Where’s my drink?”
“Right here, miss.” Tom hurried to put a Starbucks cup in your hand. He watched you nervously as you took a long sip.
“No eye contact.” You reminded him, and his eyes quickly fell to the floor. “Not unless I initiate it first.”
“Right.” He nodded. “Sorry.”
“Did you read the manuscript I sent you last night?” You asked once you seemed to approve of the drink.
“Yes, miss.”
“All of it?” You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Tom took a large stack of papers out of his bag and carefully placed them on your desk.
“I highlighted the weaker paragraphs and put tabs on the parts that drag.” He explained as you flipped through the stack.
“Color coded tabs?” You asked.
“Pink for parts that need editing and red for parts that can be cut all together.” He nodded. Your lips tugged into a smile as you stopped touching the pages.
“Good boy.” You said without looking at him. Tom gulped and looked up at the ceiling so you wouldn’t see how flustered that made him.
“Thank you, miss.” He said weakly.
That was how your relationship was. You were the boss, and he made sure you were happy at all times. You had fired 15 assistants before you found Tom. Most ran from you in fear, but Tom had been putting up with you for two years now. It was hard work, but he enjoyed it.
“What did you think of the writing?” You asked him. Tom swallowed a little before giving you his answer.
“His dialogue was strong but it got preachy towards the middle.” He began. “The scene between Genevieve and Edward sounded like he was rewriting a past experience with an ex.”
“That’s exactly what I thought.” You smirked. “Nice work, assistant. You’re dismissed.”
“Thank you.” Tom bowed before turning to leave your part of the office.
“Wait.” You called, making him freeze.
“Yes, miss?” He asked nervously.
“Why does my cup say “Tom” on it?” You asked as you turned the cup around to show him where his name was written.
“Um, that was actually my cup.” He explained. “That’s why.”
“And what happened to my cup?” You tilted your head.
“I spilled it.” He admitted. “I’m sorry, miss. It won’t happen again.”
“So you drink a matcha latte with soy milk and foam?” You raised your eyebrow. “Because this is the same as my order.”
“I do.”
“I thought you drank tea.”
“I drink that too.” He nodded quickly. “I just like matcha in the morning.”
“Do you?” You laughed a little, but it came off as a scoff. You liked to you with Tom because of how easy he made it.
“Of course.” He said. “I don’t just drink the same drink as you in case I spill yours. That would be crazy.”
“No one suggested you did.” You said flatly, and Tom realized he was caught.
“Right.” You waved your hand. “Get out of my office, assistant.”
“Yes, ma’am. That’s a great idea.” Tom gave you a thumbs up and quickly ran to his part of the office. He sat down in his desk and snuck a glance at you as you read over his work from the night before.
“Did you need something else?” You asked without looking up at him. Tom flushed again when you caught him staring and cleared his throat.
“Yes, miss.” He began. “I was wondering if you received my request to take next week off. I was going to go home to see my family.”
“Oh, right.” You remembered reading his email. “Do you really need a whole week?”
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I haven’t seen them in a long time and it’s my little brothers birthday.” Tom explained. “It would mean a lot to them if I was there.”
You let out a loud sigh as you continued to read the manuscript, never looking up at him.
“I also haven’t taken a vacation in two years.” He added quietly. “Just to remind you.”
You finally looked up at Tom, who was sitting meekly with his hands folded on his desk, and let out another sigh. He was a great assistant who never talked back or asked for anything. He deserved a little time off.
“Fine.” You agreed. “You can go home. But I want the revised edits of the My Girl manuscript by the time you get back.”
“Yes, miss.” He broke into a smile. “Of course.”
“Now stop staring.” You commanded, and he quickly looked away.
You and Tom worked in silence for the next hour until he got a phone call.
“Miss L/n’s office, how may I help you?” Tom cheerily answered the phone. You snuck a glance at him as he nodded along to whoever was on the other end of the line.
“Yes, sir. Right away.” He said before hanging up. “Miss?”
“What now?” You sighed.
“You have a call from upstairs.” Tom explained. “They want to see you right away.”
You rolled your eyes and sat back in your chair. A call from upstairs meant the head of the publishing company, Mr. Reynolds, wanted to see you.
“All right.” You stood up and smoothed your skirt. “You know the drill. Get me in ten minutes with a call from-“
“Mr. Paxton.” Tom finished your sentence with a smile. “I know what to do.”
“Good boy.” You nodded at him. “But don’t cut me off again. Or I’ll cut that pretty little paycheck I give you. Got it?”
“Yes, miss.” He answered as you walked out of the office. You made your way to the office upstairs and threw on a smile before opening the door.
“Good morning, sir.” You greeted. “How can I help you?”
“Good morning, Y/n.” Mr. Reynolds smiled tightly. “Look, there’s no way to sugar coat this. You’re being deported.”
“What?” Your smile fell. “Deported?”
“We got a call from the IRCC.” He sighed. “Your visa is expired.”
“But I put in a request for a renewal.” You explained as you tried not to panic.
“It was denied.” He told you. “Apparently you haven’t filled out your paperwork in months. You missed several deadlines.”
You let out a loud sigh and sat in the chair in front of his desk. Me. Reynolds watched you sympathetically as you rubbed your face.
“So what happens now?” You asked sadly.
“You stayed in the country past 30 days of your visa expiring. That means you’ll have to leave the country for a year and apply for citizenship.”
“A year?” You exclaimed but quickly collected yourself so you didn’t look frazzled.
“That’s...that’s not problem.” You forced a smile. I can work from home. Most of what I do is online anyway. It’ll be fine.”
“I wish it were that easy.” He sighed. “You’re the best editor in chief we’ve ever had and it would kill us to see you go. But if you’re deported, you can’t work for an UK company. It’s not allowed.”
Before you could answer, Tom knocked on the door and stepped into the office.
“Excuse me, I have a call waiting for Miss L/n.” He smiled. “It’s from Mr. Paxton and it’s urgent.”
“Not now, assistant.” You waved him away in annoyance while you tried to think of what to do. Tom didn’t understand that you didn’t need to be saved from this meeting, so he went on with the plan.
“I can see that you’re already engaged but when you have a minute, Mr. Paxton really needs to speak with you.” Tom continued. Your head snapped up at his choice of words and suddenly, you had an idea. Tom looked at your curiously as you got out of your chair and motioned for him to come over to you. He reluctantly walked over to you and kept his distance, but you immediately pulled him closer and wrapped your arm around his.
“Mr. Reynolds , you don’t have to worry about replacing me.” You said. “I can assure you, no one is getting deported anytime soon.”
“Why’s that?” He asked. Tom looked at you in confusion and you gave him a sweet smile in return. You slipped your hand into Tom’s and rested your head on his shoulder, making Tom’s entire body tense up.
“Because Tom and I are engaged.” You lied through a smile.
“You are?” Mr. Reynolds asked hopefully.
“We are?” Tom sputtered with wide eyes.
“We are.” You said through gritted teeth, never losing your smile. “We are getting married. To each other. Out of love. And passion. And stuff.”
“Yeah. What she said.” Tom faked a smile as well as he tried to understand what was happening.
“Wow. Congratulations.” Mr. Reynolds applauded you. “I had no idea you two were together.”
“Well, we are.” You squeezed Tom’s hand and beamed. “We’re so excited. I can’t wait to be Mrs....”
You trailed off and looked to Tom for help when you realized you didn’t know his last name.
“Holland.” He finished your sentence.
“Holland.” You nodded. “Mrs. Holland. That’s me. Soon to be, anyway.”
“Well this would certainly solve the deportation issue. Just make it official and you’re in the clear.” Mr. Reynolds told you.
“We will. Bye now.” You waved and pulled Tom out of the office by his hand. You quickly dropped his hand and your smile as you walked back to your office.
“What was the about?” Tom whispered. “What deportation?”
“Keep your mouth shut and keep walking.” You seized his arm and pulled him to your office. You pushed him inside and shut the door behind the two of you, letting out a loud groan once you were alone.
“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” He asked you.
“No.” You said simply as rubbed your face.
“No?” He raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
You glared at Tom for a minute as you reminded yourself that he was your only hope. You hated being vulnerable in front of people, but you desperately needed his help. Knowing there was no other option, you hung your head in shame and got ready to tell him the truth.
“Look, I’m not a UK citizen.” You admitted. “I came here on a student visa and I got it extended once I started working here but the embassy denied my recent request for another extension.”
“Okay. Great.” Tom said sarcastically. “What does that have to do with my hand in marriage?”
“I can’t work here without citizenship or a visa. But I could stay here if I was married to a citizen, like you.” You said like it was obvious. “And watch it with the sarcasm. I’m still your boss.”
“Sorry, miss.” He slipped back into his submissive role. “But why would you have to marry me? Can’t you just apply for citizenship?”
“Do you have any idea how long that takes?” You sighed. “And I’d have to leave the country for at least a year because I overstayed.”
“Where are you being deported to exactly?” He wondered.
“Canada.” You mumbled sheepishly. His cheeks puffed up as he tried to hold back laughter. He knew it wasn’t funny, but he had never seen you so vulnerable before. Something about you needing his help made him want to laugh.
“Are you laughing?” You sternly raised your eyebrows at him.
“No.” He said quickly. “I’ve never laughed. Not once in my whole life.”
“This is serious.” You raised your voice at him. “It’s my job. And it’s your job too.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re my assistant.” You reminded him. “If I’m fired, so are you. That means all the work you’ve done to get to where you are will go out the window and you’ll have to start over.”
“I can’t start over.” Tom panicked. “I put my whole life into this job.”
“Then you know what you have to do.” You shrugged.
“But we can’t just get married.” He laughed at the ridiculous situation.
“Why not?” You said dismissively. “We can just sign the papers at city hall and get divorced when this is all solved.”
“Are you forgetting this is a felony?” He asked you. “We’d be committing fraud.”
“Then we’ll just have to be extremely convincing.” You gave him as tight smile.
“And what if we’re not?” He asked as he got closer to you. “I could go jail. Why would I risk that just so you could stay in the country?”
You put your hand on your hips and stared at him, realizing he had a good point. He had a lot to lose if he helped you, so you had to level the playing field.
“I’ll make you editor.” You decided.
“Thats what you want, right?” You asked. “What you’ve been waiting for?”
“Yes. I want it very much.” He said quietly.
“Then I’ll make you a deal.” You proposed. “If you marry me, I will promote you to editor.”
“You will?” He asked hopefully.
“I will.” You promised. “You earned it. And you’d be doing me a huge favor.”
Tom stared at you for a long time as he decided what to do. He was risking at least five years in prison for committing fraud, but that was only if you got caught. If he could convict the IRCC that he was your husband, he could become the editor at his dream job.
“Please.” You said softly when you sensed his hesitation. “You’re my only hope. I need you.”
Tom’s lips twitched into a smile as he came to a conclusion.
“I want a proposal.” He decided.
“If we’re getting married, then I want a proposal.” He shrugged. “From you. Right now.”
“I am not proposing to you.” You scoffed.
“Then you’ll have to find a new husband.” Tom said simply. He turned to go back to his desk but you grabbed his arm.
“Wait.” You looked at the ceiling in annoyance, knowing there was no way around this.
“Yes?” He asked sweetly.
“Will you marry me?” You asked through a tight smile.
“Uh uh.” He said. “That’s not a proposal.”
“What am I supposed to do?” You whined. “Get down on my knees?”
Tom tweaked an eyebrow up and you took it as a yes. With a loud sigh, you got down on both knees in front of him and took his hand.
“Tom Holland,” you forced a wide smile, “will you please marry me?”
“It’s a pretty sight.” He smirked. “You on your knees.”
“Is that a yes?” You raised an unamused eyebrow.
“Yes.” He smiled. “Yes, I will marry you.”
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