#byeler headcanons
thatgaytick · 2 years
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ackledot · 2 years
I've figured it out.
hc: The Party (bar Dustin) are all polyamorous and they just date in a big circle.
Lucus is dating Max, Max is dating El, El is dating Mike, Mike is dating Will, and Will is dating Lucus.
Everybody wins. And if you want Henclair, do it. Why the fuck not?
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annes-andromeda · 2 years
I know this is probably gonna age horribly since the Duffers will more than likely do something different, but I’ve been having some thoughts about the Upside Down.
I think Wills painting may serve another purpose besides being used for the Byler storyline. This isn’t necessarily a theory but more or less like an alternate storyline thing cause I don’t believe this might happen in the show, but it’s fun to think about.
Now this has been talked about a little bit about how the painting may be foreshadowing for S5. Some have said that the three-headed dragon is the Mind Flayers final form, others have said that it’s the Thessalhydra. I personally believe it’s the latter since Nancy described the creature in her vision as having “a gaping mouth”. And she’s definitely not describing the Demogorgon or Demodogs or Demobats because if that’s the case, then she would’ve just said it.
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This is the only picture I could find that depicts the Thessalhydra with wings, but it definitely fits both Nancy’s description and the painting. And it’s not like the show hasn’t made changes to creatures from DnD.
But back to the painting, I believe that it is foreshadowing the Party comic together and defeating a common enemy. Now in the show this may very well be the Thessalhydra, but I have this sort of headcanon that I’ve been concocting:
What if just like Byler in S4, the painting ends up being a miscommunication. Like it is correct in the Party stopping a great foe, but it’s wrong in who the enemy ends up being.
If was just revealed that Vecna was the big bad this whole time despite focusing on the Mind Flayer for three seasons, then imo it would feel cheap. It would feel like when the Star Wars sequel trilogy clearly set up Snoke to be the big bad… only to kill him off in the second film and then suddenly revive Palpatine because reasons I guess🤷‍♀️
In terms of canon, I’d like for it to be revealed that Vecna only thinks that he’s in control of the Upside Down and the Mind Flayer, only for the MF to do a 180 and show him who’s really running things.
Since I believe the MF to be an Eldritch demon of some kind, I think he is the only being who’s mind Henry cannot read. So if he were, let’s say, using Henry as a way to regain power or merge the UD with Hawkins, then Henry wouldn’t know because the MD could simply block his own thoughts.
I do not believe that Henry created the Mind Flayer, but more so gave it its form. Similarly to how Will didn’t necessarily make the Upside Down (because we saw it existing even before his time), but he most likely gave it the form of Hawkins because he was afraid and home was the first thing on his mind (It’s also why I believe transmutation to be one of Wills abilities)
So essentially, Vecna is the Darth Vader to the Mind Flayer’s Palpatine. However, while the Mind Flayer can be referred to as the ruler of the Upside Down, I wouldn’t necessarily make him the creator of it.
This is where the Thessalhydra and the painting’s miscommunication comes in (Once again this is all just a headcanon)
What if it ends up being wrong that the Thessalhydra is the final boss. It could start off that the characters think this giant dragon-like kaiju with multiple heads and a gaping mouth is the ultimate villain to defeat or whatever.
But what if it ends up being revealed that the Thessalhydra is not only the original ruler of the Upside Down, but the creator? And that after the portals begin opening up, it is finally allowed to break free of whatever prison it’s been held in. This means the Thessalhydra can finally reclaim its throne and defeat it enemy, the Mind Flayer.
Now how would all of this be revealed? Well, I don’t know about canon but here’s my vision for an alternate story:
In S4, it’s revealed that Will has powers like El. However, it is subtly hinted that his powers may very well be generational, mainly on his mothers side.
Now this is something that actually was hinted at way back in the very first season. We see in S1 that after Jonathan, Steve, and Nancy defeat the Demogorgon, the lights begin to flicker in the Byers house.
Nancy and Steve think it’s the Demogorgon again, but Jonathan is the only one who senses Joyce walking around in the Upside Down. Not Joyce and Hopper, just Joyce. And the crazy thing is, Joyce senses him back.
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(GIFs are not mine)
The fact that both Jonathan and Joyce can sense each other’s presence despite being in different dimensions is insane to me and I hate the fact that this is never brought up again after S1.
So this would fuel my little headcanon (or theory whatever) that Joyce’s side has some sort of generational abilities. Joyce and Jonathan’s abilities would be more mentally focused, whereas El and Will’s abilities would be more physically focused. Yes, I know El isn’t a biological Byers, but we see in S2 that her bio mother Terry has powers of her own, so her powers may also be generational.
It’s also the same for Henry. I also theorize his powers to be generational, once again, on his mothers side. It would explain why his mother was the only one who caught on to what Henry was doing in their house, and his father and sister were oblivious.
So let’s say that while the characters are fighting against some monsters of the UD or Vecna, Jonathan gets taken. Since Vecna has already held Will and El hostage, why not give Joyce even more trauma and stress and take her eldest son/first child🙃
While the group is trying to find Jonathan, he gets taken to an unknown location. There, he meets the Thessalhydra face to face. This could parallel to how Will is the first one to see the Mind Flayer in person.
Obviously in the beginning, Jonathan thinks this is just another monster trying to kill him like all the other ones. But unlike the Demogorgon or the other creatures, the Thessalhydra is much more intelligent and can sense that this boy is not a threat.
Since the Thessalhydra is the creator of the UD, the creatures living there actually were originally impervious to fire. However, once the Mind Flayer took over, the UD became a cold, barren wasteland. Creatures like the Demogorgon and others had to adapt, which is why fire can now hurt them.
Along with figuring out the UD’s history, Jonathan finds out that like his brother and sister, he too has powers of his own. He can actually control the monsters of the UD and sense their thoughts and emotions, which is why the Thessalhydra knows he isn’t a threat. He can also link his mind with the people closest to him, which he uses to communicate to his mother and siblings, as a parallel to S1. Joyce also this same mind link power.
Jonathan shows the rest of the group that the Thessalhydra isn’t their enemy, and boom! Cue epic face off against the Mind Flayer and Vecna (or just the MD if he decided to kill Vecna idk)
Will all of this happen in the actual season? Highly doubt it. But I’d definitely like to learn more about the Upside Down and the Mind Flayer and how it all came to be. And it is the last season, so you gotta go out with a bang.
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mrnlupic · 2 years
This fanfic has been nothing but relatable… I see so much of my experiences and myself in mike, I empathize with both of them so much @byeler its really great thank you so much for sharing, I really love it, although I headcanon mike as gay and not bi I think the representation was very accurate, funny and wholesome
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Any Byler headcanons? Or stranger things headcanons in general? :)
i remember i posted this before, i believe mike is nail and lip biter, and will chews on his sleeves :))
hmm as well i think that will and mike were already quite affectionate with each other before they were even dating so then when they Actually started dating , it was ramped up 10x and they constantly have to be touching each other, hugging, everything
they love reading books together, they find it annoying with others but they love it with each other because they go the same pace , and mike Loves to read out loud to will and create voices for every character
once when they were 10 dustin was going to flush his goldfish down the toilet because mews kept trying to eat it and will took it and he gave it to mike as a present
+ he named it yoda
mike was the one to propose and he did it once when they were 7 at castle byers and then again when they were 26 for real, where castle byers used to be
will actually loves horror movies and always makes mike watch them with him
mike has always loved strategy/puzzle games, tried to learn chess when he was a kid and failed, then tried to pick it up again when he and will were 20 and lived in a college dorm room together and drove will insane with it (he ended up not being a very good chess player)
they used to like climbing the trees in the backyard of mike's house and would sit there for hours talking , it's also where they had their first kiss when they were 16
this is a cliche trope but mike climbs through will's bedroom window at night Constantly
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beepboop358 · 3 years
idk if u saw my last ask lol sorry but uH Byler headcanons.
hello bestie!
Ah! It's not showing up in my inbox for some reason? I'm so sorry about this, I'm having all kinds of weird problems with my Tumblr glitching. My messages disappeared for a few days and I finally got them working again and now asks are disappearing ARGHHH! Time to send another Tumblr help request LOL. Anyways, I'm so sorry it's not showing up, I would have definitely answered if I had seen it! I am not ignoring you I promise ahh!
I'll just give you some head canons here in this post if that's okay :)
Byler Headcanons:
Will is Holly’s favorite out of Mike’s friend group
Mike and Will played together every single day of recess in Elementary school
Mike is the only one of Will’s friends that Will gives his drawings to
Will draws pictures of Mike that he keeps hidden in his room, in a box in his closet. Will drew a picture of them that day they met on the swings and wrote “It was the best thing I’ve ever done�� on the bottom of it and it’s one of his favorite drawings and he looks at it a lot
Mike writes stories for Will, and Will draws pictures for Mike 🥺
Their birthday gifts are always each other’s favorite out of everything they get
Every time Will was shy or nervous at school, Mike helped him through it
Will and Mike used to do their Homework together after school but they couldn’t stop laughing and giggling so they got no work done
Mike and Will used to have sleepovers in Castle Byers
That Dustin knows they both like each other :)
Will gives Mike mixtapes to help show him some new, cool music, and Mike makes some for Will in return
Mike becomes a writer and Will becomes an artist when they grow up and they make comic books together <3
Mike and Will get married in a private ceremony with just their closest friends and family and move far away from Hawkins to a big city like NYC or really anywhere that they will be more accepted and free to be themselves
They play D&D together on their anniversary in the future
Joyce and Jonathan have always suspected something between Will and Mike
Thanks for the ask! I hope you're well! xx
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valeria-push · 5 years
ok i really wanna read a story where will have got a makeover in a new town, like new haircut, clothes maybe, idk, but also his character developed. he starts to smile much more, to talk and to joke, too. he kind of forgets about d&d, really grows up, just blooms and shines. like he finally over this upside down shit.
and then when they’re back in hawkins mike just CANNOT HELP but look at will all the time, he kind of can’t talk to him bc he always so shy and doesn’t know how to act but at the same time he wants all of will’s attention to himself. will is more open, he’s like - talks to everyone, becomes life of the party and really people person.
and mike has definetely has a crush on him, so huge that it is unbearable.
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byelerendgame · 5 years
"i never told him i love him" byeler headcanons
`°•*: while will's holding his gun, shaking and ready to shoot whatever was chasing him outside. he hears a sound behind him and when he sees that... that thing... all he can think is: my family... mike... i never told him i love him
`°•*: as the days go by and will is hugging his knees against his chest, singing should i stay or should i go, trying not to get lost inside his own mind and convince himself that someone's out there trying to find him... his mom, jonathan, dustin, lucas and mike. oh, mike... the boy who always made him feel safe and happy. the boy he loved so much, more than he should, probably, who he wanted to spend every second of his life with. the boy who maybe would never know how big was the love he woke up inside will.
`°•*: when the demogorgon finds him in the upside down. he knows he's going to die. he just wishes he could hug his mother once again, tell jonathan how much he appreciates everything he did for him and maybe find the guts to tell mike he loves him more than he loves d&d and the castle byers. but now it's too late.
`°•*: mike has to find will. there's no other option. his best friend can't disappear from his life, he just can't. while searching for will, trying to find anything that can lead him to the soft boy who never deserved to suffer, mike sometimes will look at will's drawings and feel desperation. softly caressing the lines byers did, mike wishes he could tell him how much he misses him and how much he loves him. even tho it scares him.
`°•*: that can't be will's body, mike thinks, his heart beating so fast he's scared he's gonna hyperventilate. eleven lied. she lied and will was dead. he needed him mom. so he took his bike and ran away. ran away from his friends and the body and the pain. and when his mother hugged him, he sobbed and felt his heart ache thinking about how he would never be able to tell will go much he really loved him.
`°•*: will was alive and mike couldn't be more grateful. but he still didn't know how to tell will how he really felt. when will told him he felt like he was going crazy and mike told him they'd go crazy together he hoped will understood the undertone and realized how much he was loved.
`°•*: seeing will suffering that way, seeing him being possessed by such a evil creature, it was breaking mike's heart. for the first time since will was found, mike was scared he would once again lose the chance to tell will he loved him. while retelling their story, he wished his best friend could read between the lines. asking you to be my friend was the best thing i've ever done. loving you was the best thing i've ever done.
`°•*: while watching will dance with some random girl, mike felt sad. sad like he shouldn't be. jealous like he shouldn't be. while watching will smile to someone else, all mike could think was: it should be me, it should be me dancing with him and then telling him how much i love him. then he saw eleven and remembered he should feel this away about her. a girl. not a boy. not will. but... it was will. it was always will.
`°•*: seeing will going away in the rain made mike's inside feel like it was dropping. what if he lost him again? without, once again, telling him he loved him.
`°•*: knocking on will's door and not hearing any replies was terrifying. he kept knocking and saying sorry and wishing to see will's face again and hoping this time he would be brave enough to tell him the l word.
`°•*: both boys smiled at each other. what if you wanna join another party? not possible. their way of saying i love you. and it's forever. it wasn't ideal, but it was good enough for now.
`°•*: looking back at the byers house, knowing how empty it was, knowing will would be so far away... mike felt tears wanting to fall and his heart breaking once again. he needed him mom. and when he hugged her it was like a flashback. "i wish i told him i love him".
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the-angry-pixie · 6 years
Headcanon that after the Snowball, Mike radioed Will and Will admitted he didn't have much fun, so Mike sneaks over and they dance together. Will goes to bed all giddy he got to dance with his crush
Awww thats so cute. What song do you think they danced to? I’d like to think it was something like “True Colours” by Cyndi Lauper or “Throw Your Arms Around Me” by Hunters and Collectors.
Something sweet and slow with lyrics that will make them both blush.
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chaoticsongkid · 7 years
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-Will goes with Lucas to a club, and they watch a local rock band perform
-He can’t keep his eyes off the guitarist with the crazy hair
-After the show, he sees him at the bar, and they lock eyes.The guitarist smirks and strolls over, “See something you like?”
-He says his name is Mike, and they get talking about music, Will mentions that he sings.
-Mike is super intrigued by the adorable singer, and he tries to seem super cool and mysterious, while Will is doing exactly the same thing
-But after like two minutes they’re both just blushing and stammering over their words. Eventually, they realize how much they have in common
-They totally bond over their love of D&D and comic books, and Will shyly invites Mike to play sometime
-They end up talking for hours until Lucas finally finds Will and says they’re leaving (he’s Will’s ride)
-Mike asks for Will’s number, and right before Will leaves he quickly kisses Mike’s cheek and runs off
-Mike doesn’t wash his face for like a week
-The next morning Will wakes up to a text from an unknown number, “I’m desperately hoping this isn’t a fake number’
-They text back and forth for around a week until Mike says they should get ice cream or something, and they both sorta know it’s the beginning of something important
-But Will says they should go to karaoke bar instead
-Mike hears Will sing for him by Troye Sivan and he’s already IN LOVE
-He says it’s their official song and plays it on every anniversary.
-They totally perform it together at their wedding
-They’re both just happy and in love and everything is great
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tenracoonsinacrisis · 2 years
Hopper: Finally, El broke up with that asshole Michael
Will, walking in: I have a boyfriend
Hopper: That's fine, who is it?
Hopper, seeing Mike: Not that bastard again!
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lesbyers · 7 years
I feel like Will would be pretty excited but also quite apprehensive about meeting El     
He’s heard so much about her and is really excited to find out more about her and thinks: ‘If Mike likes her that means she must be great!’
Although there’s probably a tiny little subconscious and selfish part of him that secretly kind of hoped it would be longer until El came back because he quite likes all the attention from Mike (y’know when you DEFINITELY don’t want something to happen but there’s a little part of you that you don’t listen to that kind of wants it happen because there is a way you could benefit from it?) 
Mike would be super excited for El and Will to meet each other because he love!!!
El would probably feel like she already kind of knows him a little bit because she contacted him in The Upside Down and she knows that Mike really likes him and she’s close with Joyce already.
El and Will would get along really well and they quickly become best friends and Mike would be: !!!!!
 He’s just so happy when he spends time with both of them and soon all three become super close and sometimes even hang out and have sleepovers without the rest of the group (the others don’t mind though)
And Eleven and Will would be able to talk about The Upside Down and not have to feel so alone in their experiences. 
They’d comfort each other when the started to remember the time they spent there 
They sometimes feel guilty about it too (Will because he thinks Bob’s death is his fault and he’s caused his mum to be so stressed, El because she opened The Gate and so she blames what happened to Will + everything that came with that on herself)
Mike usually doesn’t say much when that happens, he usually listens and gives them comfort through touches (like hugs and hand holding e.t.c.) and lets them talk about it to each other if they need to and every now and then he will say something to reassure them. 
Eventually El realises how close Mike and Will are and because she doesn’t really know much about romantic relationships (she wasn’t exposed to it until now) she just casually is talking to Mike one day and is like:
“Why aren’t you with Will like you are with me?”
Mike doesn’t really get what she means so he asks 
“Daddy (Hopper) said that there are different kinds of love” “He loves me in a different way then you do. I love you in a different way than I love Will because I look at him in a different way” “You look at him the same way you look at me.”
Cue Mike questioning his sexuality for the first time.
He always felt different with Will to the others, he just assumed that he was just closer friends with him. 
He realised that he had felt similar to Will as he did El, especially after he came back but Mike always tried to pretend he didn’t realise it.
Now that El had pointed it out though, he couldn’t really ignore it anymore and he kept thinking about it
Will keeps thinking about Mike and he pays more attention to him than anyone else, it’s painfully obvious but Will thinks he’s being subtle
But he can’t stop thinking about how beautiful his laugh sounds and how after he explained  the science homework Will didn’t understand Mike gave him such a gentle smile, how when Will starts panicking about the memories of The Upside Down, Mike will gently stroke Will’s hair holding him close and telling him it’s okay.
And for a while Will thinks it is okay, that he’s okay but no, ‘I’m not okay,’ Will reminds himself, he’s not okay for loving the way Mike smiles, how when Will makes a joke and it’s really not that funny but Mike thinks it’s hilarious. He keeps thinking about Mike and how the disgusted look that would appear on Mike’s face if he ever found out, the same look as the. one that appeared years ago on Lonnie’s face when something about ‘the gays’ was mentioned on TV. He can’t help feeling disgusted with who he is
Mike starts to feel confused, he starts to think that there is something wrong with him because he’s starting to feel even stronger feelings towards Will
And Mike knows he’s not gay because he still loves Eleven just as much as when he started dating her if not more. 
Then one day El is looking something up in the Dictionary and comes across the word ‘bisexual’ and remembers how Mike had started acting around Will. 
I have a lot more but for the sake of the length of this post as well as getting this done tonight I’m going to stop there if anyone wants me to continue I gladly will. Thanks you for this it was super fun to write!
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byelercanon · 7 years
Mike enjoys watching horror movies occasionally but Will can't watch many without being thrown into an episode so Mike makes sure to hold him close and cover his ears and kiss him to distract him at the scary parts.
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annes-andromeda · 2 years
Headcanon that everyone thinks that Will is the one who’s good at cooking while Mike is the one who’s bad at it cause… well, he’s a walking disaster (affectionate)
But in reality, Mike can actually be pretty decent in the kitchen. Sure, he’s no Jonathan or Karen, but he can pick up his mother’s recipes fairly quickly. Every time Mike’s in the kitchen, he absolutely refuses anyone to come in.
Will however… the minute he steps foot in the kitchen and tries making something that isn’t microwaved, it’s essentially 80s HowToBasic.
Ultimately Will can only go into the kitchen to grab something to eat or drink. He gets flustered over the mess he makes whenever he attempts to cook, but Mike just can’t stay mad at him and they spend the rest of the time laughing and cleaning.
All while Will makes it his absolute mission to learn how to cook so that he can give Mike the romantic meal he deserves❤️
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japplejottomjeans · 2 years
*will and mike coming down from the climax of their fight*
will: and your flip flops are stupid
mike, sobbing to max: he called my flip flops stupid!
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movedtoeddebrock · 7 years
Okay, so I have this headcanon, and it may be stupid but whatever. So like I saw a post somewhere about how if Mike knew Richie, he would hate him, because of this, my byeler mind thought ‘yo what if Richie and Will were dating like in high school and Mike just got so jealous and couldn’t understand how Richie could end up with someone as amazing as Will’ (work with me here I know the timelines don’t exactly match up but just listen)
-beforehand, mike would always get into little arguments with richie during the classes they shared, and at lunch block he would rant to will about how much he despised richie.
-because of this, will would be really nervous at first to tell mike about his and richie’s relationship and waited until like a month or so.
-mike tried to keep his cool, he really did- for will’s sake
-but he just kinda exploded with ‘THAT ASSHOLE?’ and told will that ‘an asshole like that doesn’t deserve you’ (there was an overuse of the word asshole in this conversation).
-mike feels really bad afterwards but he couldn’t help himself. the next day he would just repeatedly apologize to will.
-after that, mike tried to be happy for will, because he knew that his best friend deserved to be happy for once, and richie seemed to make will happy.
-prompt pining!mike (but he’s oblivious to it at first). he doesn’t understand why he gets so sad when he sees the couple.
-mike grows a lot more irritable with richie so they get into more arguments and mike is just so exasperated on how richie never seems to take anything seriously.
-richie is generally a good boyfriend but there are times in which he makes a comment that he probably shouldn’t have and doesn’t understand how will can be a little sensitive at times.
-mike always seems to be around during these moments and never fails to get all defensive over will
-“what did you just say to him?”
-even more pining!mike because oh god he’s never realized how pretty will’s eyes are up until then.
-signal mike to become really sad because he feels like he’s lost his chance
-maybe there’s a happy ending for mike?
-but yaknow his pining ass would never confess cause at the end of the day he just wants to see will happy, and if richie provides that so be it.
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