#c.s harris
annafromuni · 28 days
Five Historical Fiction Murder Mystery Series To Investigate (And Sherlock Holmes Isn't One Of Them)
I’ve decided to try something new and make book recommendation posts for specific genres and sub-genres that I have read more than a few titles of, that way I can compare these books and/or series to each other without putting one above the rest. The books I recommend are books I genuinely would like you to read and I don’t want to rank them before you’ve had the chance to read them for yourself.…
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gaybookpromotions · 2 months
The Sorcerer’s Gambit by C.S. Harris #kindleunlimited
NEW RELEASE Book Title: The Sorcerer’s Gambit (The Ring of Worlds, Book 2) Author: C.S. Harris Publisher: A New Reality Publishing Cover Artist: Christopher S. Harris Release Date: April 25, 2024 Genre: Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, polyamory  Tropes: Lovers reunited after a long separation, heroes Themes: Coming together, being free, self-discovery, making a life Heat Rating: 2 – 3…
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holden-norgorov · 1 year
Buffy, Aslan and The Apocalypse - The Christian Undertones of Restless
Speaking as an atheist, I've always been fascinated by the Christian parallels which seem to permeate the entire work of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. But while I think such religious links are usually highlighted or explored whenever they come up in the text, I don't think I've ever read an analysis of Restless that even scratched the surface when it comes to its deep-seated interest in drawing comparisons between Buffy and The Christ. So, I decided to give it a try and attempt at verbalizing my thoughts on the episode regarding the specific religious thematic nucleus and imagery.
There have already been numerous instances, before Restless aired, wherein the show has deliberately drawn several parallels between Buffy (The Slayer) and Christ (The Savior). Buffy actively fights against the forces of Evil - vampires and demons which, under strict religious lens, could be interpreted as the embodiments of Sin, conceived as a kind of plague capable of multiplying and corrupting the Earth. She does that by wielding tools and objects whose conceptual implications frequently refer to Christian iconography or tradition (wooden or silver crosses, holy water, etc.). Under this framework of analysis, Buffy is exceptional as The Chosen One whose explicit role lies in eradicating Sin, or preventing it from spreading all over the world and conquering it. This state of affairs puts her above all the other human beings because of a string of specific characteristics which steam from that role (in her case, superpowers) in a not-so-different way than how all of this works for Christ Himself who, according to the Bible, descended on Earth with the specific intent to purify the planet and, as The Chosen One (The Son Of God), can likewise claim a wide range of characteristics other people don't possess - specifically, immunity from the Original Sin.
The religious allegory comes under intense narrative focus particularly during Prophecy Girl (S1E12). The Master, who is confined underground, symbolizes the Original Sin. The Anointed One, who is destined to lead the Slayer (Savior) towards the Original Sin, embodies the Serpent whose corruptive action condemns humanity as a whole to be excluded from Eden. In this circumstance, Buffy is wearing a white dress whose purpose is to suggest both her state of purity (defined as the absence of Sin) and her preparatory phase of pre-baptismal existence. White is also the color of God's Lamb, which is a direct reference to Christ. The moment when the Master bites Buffy and a solitary tear runs down her left cheek explicitly conjures the image of both the specific salvific action aimed at absorbing the Original Sin (the tear as the emblematic representation of the experience of the world's evils) and the potential consequence of Eden being corrupted through the alteration of a condition of untouched purity (picking the apple from the Forbidden Tree). The Master is therefore able to leave his underground prison and invade the outside world ("My world, my beautiful world!"), symbolizing the creation and spread of the Original Sin and the trasformation of Eden, which goes from being a terrestrial Paradise to a corrupted world where men and women are no longer "side by side with God", but have now to deal with Death and Sin.
What truly makes a difference, though, is that Buffy's decision to "pick the apple" doesn't originate from her insubordination against God's will (unlike that of Adam and Eve), but from her acceptance of God's own plan, once we take into account the Prophecy claiming that the Slayer will die while facing the Master as being metaphorically representative of God's Word. Buffy ultimately agrees on being guided to the Master's lair (and therefore, to the Original Sin) because that's what God intended for her, and it's precisely because of her acceptance of her own mortality and of the need to self-sacrifice that she's able to remain uncorrupted by Sin. Unlike Adam and Eve, she doesn't disobey God - she doesn't turn her back from her destiny, but she faces it head-on, knowing full well that her death, aimed at safeguarding the rest of humanity from Sin, is a salvific act on her part. Like Christ, she accepts to sacrifice herself for humanity as decreed by God's Word. She doesn't head towards the Original Sin because she's being seduced by her own curiosity, or because she possesses the kind of hubris or arrogance that can lead her to think that she might overpower the Master. She heads towards the Original Sin because of a deep-seated sense of duty, sacrifice and acceptance of what was prophesized about her. It's therefore not accidental that the Original Sin leads her to fall into a puddle of water. The idea of the puddle of water as a baptismal font is visually suggested by the scene, wherein a still pure and uncorrupted (white-dressed) Buffy undergoes a kind of baptism comparable to the one Christ received from John the Baptist.
While watching Restless we most definitely learn that Xander symbolically represents Buffy's Heart. This newly gained bit of knowledge allows us to retroactively interpret this scene as featuring a "resurrection" process that Buffy is able to go through specifically because of the purity of her Heart - which is not that different from what constitutes the reason behind Christ's own resurrection. At the same time, the scene also suggests the occurrence of a kind of Baptism: Buffy experiences a rebirth from the water and resurfaces stronger than before ("I feel strong. I feel different."). It's the purity of her Heart, which cannot be fazed or touched by the Original Sin, that allows her to re-emerge. The secondary presence of Angel in this scene (in its literal meaning of "angel" as in, God's emissary) implicitly recalls the fall of the Holy Spirit in front of The Christ right after his own baptism.
So, the show openly nurtures an allegorical interpretation that puts Buffy and Christ as comparable, parallel figures, and this same parallelism comes back in Restless, albeit in alternative ways.
In Willow's dream, wherein we definitely discover that she represents Buffy's Spirit (as in Pneuma, or the "vital breath" that animates the Body), this same parallelism is introduced once again by drawing an explicit link to S1. I know it's been talked at length about how Willow's role, specifically during S1, vastly lies in triggering Buffy's emotional catalysis. It's the circumstance of Willow suddenly finding herself in danger that ultimately leads Buffy to discard the idea of turning her back from her Call during Welcome To The Hellmouth (S1E1), and it's Willow's own trauma in Prophecy Girl (S1E12) that ultimately defines Buffy's choice to radically accept her destiny. Willow is the Spirit whose task is to vitalize Buffy-The-Entity and to set a specific course of action in motion for the Body to act and operate from. It's therefore not at all surprising that the first instance of comparison between Buffy and Christ steams from Willow herself in this episode. At first, we are led once again - following S3's footsteps - to view a feline (specifically, a cat) as a personification of The Slayer - Miss Kitty Fantastico, Willow and Tara's own pet, takes the symbolic role of The First Slayer in the first stage of the dream, stalking towards the camera with an explicit predatory vibe that makes the attitude of the cat look more like that of a panther, or a lion cub even. But it's only by the end of Willow's dream sequence that the religious allegory takes explicit form. Willow, wearing a carbon-copy of the dress we were introduced to her with during Welcome To The Hellmouth (S1E1), announces that she spent her summer reading C.S. Lewis's "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" (1950), and mentions that the novel deals with a lot of important themes. Of course, the most important theme lies in the Christian interpretation: Aslan - other than being a huge predatory feline (lion), also another representation of The Savior, tying the three characters (Buffy, Christ and Aslan) together in a thematically clear thread - sacrifices himself on a stone table in order to grant Edmund Pevensie atonement for his Sins, and comes back to life one day later, in a not-so-different dynamic than the one Buffy herself went through after confronting the Master. But the Willow we see now, coming right off the pilot of the show, is way too premature in presenting Buffy with this particular role: as proof of that, we see Xander (Buffy's Heart) channeling the same reticence and opposition that Buffy herself had towards her own Call during that same episode ("Who cares?!"), and Buffy herself is shown steadily holding a vacuous, detached expression while her own Spirit gets ferociously assaulted. Buffy is Aslan, but she's not ready to recognize it yet.
In Xander's dream - wherein, as I've already said, we learn that he represents Buffy's Heart - the parallelism between Buffy and Aslan is evoked once again during the scene when Principal Snyder appears. That scene is susceptible to different interpretations depending on how exactly we evaluate Xander in that moment - if we consider Xander as an independent character who's undergoing self-exploration in his own narrative, or if we take him as a symbolic embodiment of a specific role he plays in constituting Buffy-The-Entity. In the latter case, where Xander is the Heart, Principal Snyder represents the First Slayer. The parallelism becomes apparent as soon as Snyder refers to Xander as a "whipping boy, raised by mongrels and set on a sacrificial stone". Historically, a "whipping boy" is a (usually male) slave or individual without choice whose role involves undergoing corporal punishments on behalf of a prince or a nobleman he belongs to. Presently, the term is broadly used to refer to anyone who finds themselves having to pay or suffer consequences for the choices or actions of someone else, or anyone who is stuck in the position of having to sacrifice themselves on behalf of others. The explicit reference is to Buffy's own pre-acceptance phase, wherein her Heart has not yet come to terms with the fact that having to surrender her own life to save all humanity is the kind of sacrifice her role is bound to force on her (one that has already forced on her, and will force on her again). Her resentment at the injustice of her role filters through the use of the term "mongrels" to likely describe the Watchers (who raise the Slayers into accepting this role, in a way), while the explicit mention of the Sacrificial Stone recalls Aslan's own sacrifice in C.S. Lewis's aforementioned novel - which the Lion undergoes after being whipped, mocked and abused.
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If in the first dream sequence we see that Buffy's Spirit (Willow) finds itself in complete disconnection with her Heart (Xander) and Body (Buffy), and in the second dream sequence we see that Buffy's Heart feels victimized ("whipping boy"), neglected ("raised by mongrels") and unfairly sacrificed ("set on a sacrificial stone"), then it's within the third dream sequence, Giles's (who represents Buffy's Mind), that we can successfully locate the ultimate acceptance of this self-sacrificial circumstance, and witness how that gets integrated into Buffy-The-Entity. If we go through Giles' entire dream under the presupposition that he's operating as Buffy's Mind, it follows, according to what we are precisely shown, that Buffy is still seeing herself as little more than a child who shouldn't be expected to undergo the same kind of sacrifice that Aslan (The Christ) faces, while simoultaneously being aware, on a purely rational standpoint, of it being a necessary component of the duty that it's her job to fulfill. The entire sequence is about the reconciliation, within Buffy's own Mind, of these two seemingly contradictory aspects. Almost absent-mindedly and with evident disregard, Giles recites the concept that Buffy needs to fully embrace ("The blood of the lamb and all that") suggesting reluctance at first, but he's put in front of the reality of things soon enough: after taking a final glance at a crying Olivia with a stroll turned upside down beside her (which substantially symbolizes Buffy's grief towards the loss of a condition of pre-acceptance and the loss of her own indulgence into the childish desire of having a normal life), Buffy's Mind ultimately focuses on Spike. The ultimate acceptance of the notion of sacrifice and of her role as Savior (Slayer) materializes in the exclamations of relief and bliss that the mass of photographers produce as soon as Spike, in a visibly liberating gesture, ends the shooting by posing in such a way as to recall the Biblical Crucifixion of Christ. This is, of course, all foreshadowing to The Gift (S5E22).
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In Buffy's own dream, we witness a last initial attempt at resistance at this newly gained realization ("Buffy, you have to get up right away!" "I'm not really in charge of these things."), which quite rapidly turns into a spasmodic research of her friends. The Body alone isn't enough - it has to be reunited with the Spirit, Heart and Mind. Significant relevance, within this interpretation, lies in Buffy's dress during the dream - while still being fundamentally white (meaning absence of Sin, recalling her Prophecy Girl dress), this time it showcases a motif of cherries - fruit whose symbolic role is to represent the sacrifice of The Warrior, and which is also known as "The Fruit of Paradise". During the confrontation scene between the two Slayers, Sineya (The First) reminds Buffy that "The Slayer does not walk into this world" - what is being demanded of Buffy is that she recognizes her celestial (as in non-terrestrial, otherworldly) destiny and cuts herself off from the humanity she's expected to sacrifice for not only emotionally, but also physically. Buffy replies by underlining the importance of the Body ("I walk. I talk. I shop. I sneeze.") and thereby of the individual, while at the same time showcasing a definite acceptance at her own predestination provided by the cumulative integration of the previous dream sequences the other three elements constituting Buffy-The-Entity already experienced. The phrase "I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back" is an explicit reference to The Bible and to two different apocalyptic scenarios. According to the Scriptures, the first "end of the world" kind of situation manifests itself through Water - Genesis' Flood, which God arranges in order to clean the Earth from corruption. By mentioning a return of the cataclysm, Buffy implicitly identifies herself with Noah's figure and role in building the Ark which granted him the ability to perform the salvific act of safeguarding humanity from total destruction. At the same time, though, she explicitly calls herself a "fireman", thereby also mentioning the second big "purification" - that of The Last Judgment, manifesting itself through Fire.
2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.​
With a single statement Buffy frames herself as The Savior of humanity in not one, but two apocalyptic circumstances. She is both the Ark that carries the remaining part of humanity to safety through the biblical floods, and the Fireman who is going to quench the fire during the final judgment.
The actual, definitive parallelism with Aslan's character (in itself an alternative, fictional personification of Christ), though, ultimately comes up when we take into consideration the events C.S. Lewis recounts in the final volume of The Chronicles Of Narnia, "The Last Battle" (1956). In that novel, Aslan himself brings about the Apocalypse. Dragons and giant lizards invade the Earth and destroy all vegetation with fire, the stars plummet down from the Sky and Aslan ultimately saves humanity allowing those "pure of heart" to enter the Real Narnia - which is an Eden-like Paradise whose appearance is indistinguishable from that of the Old Narnia (Earth), but that's also devoid of corruptibility and Original Sin. Those "impure of heart" perish in the imperfect copy of the actual world under the weight of the fire, leading Aslan to be accurately described through the very same expression Buffy uses here to identify herself: that of a Fireman - as in, someone who doesn't quench just the literal fire, thereby granting humanity safety and protection, but also the metaphorical representation of Sin itself.
Restless ends by letting us understand that within Buffy herself lies a dormant Aslan capable of doing that very same thing - of bringing forth a change so drastic and fundamental to not only save but also revolutionize humanity; of taking the entirety of Earth to a "higher level" wherein the Original Sin (that is, the very intrinstic nature of a broken, corruptible system) is finally eradicated; and of establishing a new kind of equilibrium in the co-existence of those pure and impure of heart. It's of particular importance, under this lens, to consider the fact that, as long as the Body (Buffy) is alone, she's vulnerable to the attack of that very system - the First Slayer has no problems striking effective blows against her in the middle of the desert, not so differently than how the Master was able to inflict an effective bite on her while she was alone in his lair. But as soon as the Body is reunited with the other parts and they get integrated within a singular, functional Entity, those same attacks cease to have any and all efficacy or effect - the Original Sin becomes insignificant, easily washed away by a baptism. In the desert, like in the sewers, Buffy is fragmented and exposed; within the walls of her home, or in the company of her friends, she's complete and invulnerable.
Because, as Aslan's character exists in this episode to precociously demonstrate, and as Buffy herself will come to finally understand and embrace in Chosen (S7E22), the key to truly save the world lies, ultimately, in changing it.
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persephone411 · 1 year
Fictional characters that could have been written by CS Pacat
Draco Malfoy (Rich, blonde, bitchy, traumatized)
Andrew Minyard (blonde, cold,gay,traumatized)
Aemond Targaryen (Royal, vengeful, sharp minded,blond-ish)
(Feel free to add characters)
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judgingbooksbycovers · 2 months
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The Completion of C. S. Lewis: From War to Joy 1945–1963
By Harry Lee Poe.
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Ein Diamant, der Leben fordert
Ein neuer spannender Fall für Sebastian St. Cyr Dieser Text kann Werbung enthalten Die Geschichte: Sebastian St. Cyr wird in seinem neuen Fall gebeten, in einem Mordfall zu ermitteln. Das Opfer: Daniel Eisler, berüchtigter Diamantenhändler mit Kontakten in die obersten Gesellschaftskreise. Verschwunden ist ein großer äußerst seltener blauer Diamant.  Russel Yates der, über die Leiche gebeugt…
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mereinkling · 1 year
Inkling Linguistics
Last week I wrote about “Learning Languages,” and I promised to follow up with a related theme – the creation of new words and languages. Let’s consider the simple matter first. Adding New Words Anyone can make up a new word. The problem is whether we have enough influence to have it adopted and used by another human being. (I add this qualifier to eliminate those who might attempt to skirt the…
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dealbrekker · 2 years
Anyone else here read the Sebastian St. Cyr books? I just finished the second one today and am just silently waiting for Hero and Sebastian to become a thing.
It's gonna happen can't fool me.
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vanteguccir · 5 months
vante's masterlist ♡
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feel free to read in peace, honey ♡
ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹
– requesting status: CLOSED
– requesting rules: here
– masterlist legend:
❆ - angst
✮ - smut
❀ - fluff
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⋆୭ harry styles ع˖
~ body hurting ❆
. where the hate that Y/N has been receiving on social media gets her on a path that she couldn't come back alone from.
~ watching you read ❀
. Where Y/N loves reading the books Harry buys for her, and Harry loves watching her read.
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⋆୭ sturniolo triplets ع˖
~ the right love for me | m.s. | part 2 ❆❀
. where Elena and Matt grew up together, fell in love as kids but realized too late. Will there be any hope for them?
~ chamego meu | c.s. ❀
. instagram posts
~ starve and die | c.s. ❀
. When Nick and Matt test positive for covid and Chris has to go into lockdown to prevent catching the virus, who will look after them?
~ sleepy | m.s. ❀
. Where Matt had a busy day and just wants to sleep in his lover arms.
~ destructive home | m.s. ❆❀
. Where Matt helps Y/N get through an anxiety attack.
~ watching you read | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N read her book while Chris's streaming, but Chris's biggest hobby is watching his girlfriend read.
~ fight for you | m.s. ❆❀
. Where Y/N gets into a fight because of Matt.
~ sleeping inside her | m.s. | part 2 ✮❀
. Where Y/N wants to be impossibly close to Matt.
~ truth or eat | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N participates in the TRUTH OR EAT video from behind the camera.
~ heaven and back | m.s. ✮❀
. Where Matt eat Y/N's pussy in the backseat of his car.
~ truth or eat | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N participates in the TRUTH OR EAT video from behind the camera. (Matt's version)
~ guess who's is who | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N participates in the new Sturniolo Triplets tiktok, but doesn't actually appear in it.
~ GRWM with boyfriend's clothes | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N is a fashion influencer and makes a GRWM only with her boyfriend's, Matt, clothes.
~ galaxy girl | m.s. ❀
. Where Matt has a crush on Y/N, an influencer extremely well-known in the USA, but when she goes to the Zach Sang Show, Matt discovers that she also has a crush on him. When the two meet at a party, how will Matt react?
~ lovestruck boy | m.s. ❀
. Where Nick and Chris are trying to record wednesday's video, but Matt's lovestruck gaze keeps going to Y/N, distracting himself.
~ daddy's favorite girl | m.s. ❀
. Where Matt realizes that his daughter, Eloise, has him tied up in her pinkie.
~ medium girl | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N is a medium and Matt's girlfriend. She is invited to participate in the collab between Sam & Colby and the Sturniolo Triplets but ends up being targeted by ghosts all night.
~ saudade | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N and Matt have a long-distance relationship. After months of not seeing each other, Y/N decides to surprise Matt in LA.
~ there's someone inside my head | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N is targeted by a certain ghost during the filming of the Sam and Colby ft. Sturniolo Triplets video.
~ sleeping prank | c.s. ❀
. Where Nick pranks Chris and Y/N while they are sleeping.
~ texas is so cold | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N and the triplets decide to go out for dinner at a pizzeria, but Y/N is cold and Chris becomes her personal heater.
~ tiktok trends | c.s. | part 2 | part 3 ❀
. 4 times that Y/N and Chris made a couple's trend on tiktok.
~ tiktok trends | m.s. | part 2 | part 3 ❀
. 4 times that Y/N and Matt made a couple's trend on tiktok.
~ tiktok trends | n.s. ❀
. 4 times that Y/N and Nick made a couple's trend on tiktok.
~ can you sing for me? | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N is a worldwide famous singer, but her favorite thing in the world is hearing Chris singing just for her.
~ profane | m.s. ✮
. Where during scenes, all the control Y/N has over her life and body is completely given away to Matt's big and perfect hands.
~ it's noted | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N is part of the Sturniolo Triplets fandom and makes videos about them on TikTok. After years of creating content, one of her videos seems to catch the attention of none other than Chris.
~ cooking together | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N teaches Chris how to cook a typical sweet from her country.
~ let's trade shoes | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N feels pain in her feet from wearing high heels for hours, and Matt gives her his sneakers to wear.
~ safari girl | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N is the tour guide for the Sturniolo Triplets on their safari trip.
~ her exception | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N is shy and Chris loves to tease her for that.
~ disgusting food roulette | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N participates in the Disgusting Food Roulette video and ends up having to take care of Matt.
~ sleepwalker in love | c.s. ❀
. Where Chris returns home after recording another car video with his brothers and finds his girlfriend sleepwalking in their living room.
~ fainting spells | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N has severe low blood pressure, but seems to forget about it when getting up too quickly, causing her to pass out, but her boyfriend, Matt, is there to help her come back.
~ atelophobia | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N has suffered with an eating disorder for years, but lately, - because of the some "fans" and social media - her insecurities have been taking her to a more than dangerous path, which she couldn't get out without help.
~ best friend's plan | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N has a secret crush on Chris, not imagining that the feeling is reciprocated. But her best friend, Nick, has a plan to put them together.
~ opposite | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N and Matt are polar opposites.
~ kiss cam | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N, the triplets and Justin are present at the Bruins game, and the Kiss Cam chooses Matt and Y/N to share a kiss.
~ left alone | m.s. ❆ | part 2 ❀❆
. Where, after a difficult week, Matt takes out all his stress on Y/N, causing great damage to their relationship.
~ 8 minutes of cute moments | c.s. ❀
. Where a fan made an 8-minute video with a compilation of Chris and Y/N being in love.
~ 8 minutes of cute moments | m.s. ❀
. Where a fan made an 8-minute video with a compilation of Matt and Y/N being in love.
~ I like your face | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N has had a crush on Matt for years but hid her feelings out of fear. She just didn't expect Matt to feel the same way about her.
~ baking blind, deaf and mute | c.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N participates in the Baking Blind, Deaf and Mute video, but things don't go as planned.
~ in control | c.s. ✮
. Where Chris commands Y/N to stay still while he fucks her, but she can't seem to obey.
~ you're mine | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N is a ray of sunshine, and Matt is her dose of grumpness.
~ drunk and in love | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N goes out with her friends for a girls' night and comes home drunk, so Chris has to take care of her.
~ sick boy | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Matt wakes up with the flu, but Y/N is there to take care of him.
~ long live | m.s. ❀❆
. Where the Cut The Camera Podcast comes to an end and Matt feels emotional about it, but Y/N is there to comfort him.
~ petals of death | m.s. | part 2 ❀❆
. The Hanahaki Disease is a rare illness where the patient throws up and coughs flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. In order to fully recover from the disease, it's necessary that the one they're in love with fall in love with them too. Or to fall in love with somebody else.
~ always yours | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N and Chris are secretly in love, but Chris is the one that acts shy around her; OR 4 times Chris loved Y/N from afar and 1 time he didn't.
~ quality time | m.s. ❀
. Where Matt skips Tara Yummy's 1M party to have quality time with his girlfriend.
~ all too well | c.s. ❀❆
. Where Chris misplace his priorities.
~ matilda | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N remembers her traumatic past, but Matt is there to support her and help her heal the wounds through a day on the beach and playing with toys while recording a video.
~ lavender haze | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N drowns amidst so much criticism and negative comments from the media regarding her relationship, but Matt is right by her side to bring her back to the surface and surround her in a lavender haze.
~ speak now | m.s. ❀❆
. Where it's Y/N's wedding day, but Matt isn't the groom. During the ceremony, an act of impulse on the boy's part changes the fate of everything.
~ coziness, love, and other things | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N's cozy cottage becomes a refuge for Matt, but it's not just the house that encloses him, but who's inside; OR, where Matt and Y/N are in love, but afraid to confess. Until one day.
~ academic validation | c.s. ❀❆
. Amid relentless academic pressure, Y/N finds herself consumed by the desperate pursuit of perfection in her college. Her obsession with validation leads her to neglect her own basic needs until a sudden accident forces her to confront the reality of her situation, receiving the complete help and support of her boyfriend, Chris.
~ a day to forget | m.s. ❀❆
. Where, in a day full of downs, Y/N faces a series of challenges at work that culminate in an anxiety attack in the car on the way home, but Matt is by her side to bring her back.
~ loving without restrictions | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N and Chris have been keeping their relationship a secret for just over a year until one day where Y/N feels ready to announce it; OR, where Y/N and Chris soft launch their relationship.
~ fake smile | c.s. ❀❆
. Where Chris records a TikTok with Tara after many requests from both fandoms, but fans reacted contrary to what he expected, generating questioning thoughts in Y/N.
~ love in the lunchbox | m.s. ❀
. Where it's part of Matt's routine to prepare breakfast and pack his girlfriend's lunchbox every day.
~ 4 Times That She Made Him Smile | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N is the only person who can make Matt smile genuinely; OR 4 times that Y/N made Matt smile.
~ girls like girls and boys | c.s. ❀
. Where Y/N faces a journey of self-discovery when questioning her sexuality. Fearing rejection, she is reluctant to reveal her truth to Chris, her boyfriend. But with the help of Nick, Y/N finds the courage to finally come out as bisexual.
~ 5 cute little moments | c.s. ❀
. Where Chris is deeply in love with Y/N and isn't ashamed to show it; OR, 5 cute little moments between Chris and Y/N.
~ you belong with me | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N and Matt love each other, but don't seem to have the courage to declare themselves; OR, where Matt belongs to Y/N but can't seem to understand it.
~ roslyn | m.s. ❀
. Where a storm is happening and Y/N is afraid of thunder, making her seek comfort in her best friend's brother arms, Matt.
~ anxiety on tour | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N is just another fan at one of the Let's Trip Tour shows, until it comes time for the Meet&Greet. Things get out of hand for Matt, and she ends up being the only one who manages to calm him down.
~ you make loving fun | m.s. ❀
. Where the sun inside Matt fell in love with the moon inside Y/N; OR, 4 moments between sunshine Matt and grumpy Y/N.
~ wisdom teeth chaos | m.s. ❀
. Where Y/N faces the terrifying experience of having four wisdom teeth removed. With her boyfriend, Matt, and his brothers by her side, Y/N goes through moments of anxiety, laughter, and confusion under the influence of anesthesia.
~ labyrinth | c.s. ❀❆
. Between love and pain, Y/N fights to save the relationship that once brought her and Chris together, but Chris's fear of commitment seems to stop them from moving forward, leading the two to find themselves trapped in a labyrinth of despair and uncertainty.
~ vogue beauty secrets | c.s. ❀
. Where the world-famous actress and model, Y/N, is invited by Vogue to record a video of her Beauty Secrets, but during the recording, Chris, her boyfriend, decides to make a brief appearance.
~ hockey drama | m.s. ❀❆
. Where Y/N is a hockey player of the Boston High-school hockey team, and during one of her games, her temper is tested by her opponent while her boyfriend, Matt, is watching.
~ fighting her for a trend | c.s. ❀❆
. Where Chris has the idea of doing the famous TikTok trend "fighting my girlfriend in front of my brothers" with Y/N, just to see Nick and Matt's reaction.
~ apocalypse | c.s. ❀
. Where Chris takes care of Y/N after they make love.
~ over again | c.s. ❀❆
. Y/N is caught between the past and the present, struggling to overcome her love for Chris while trying to move on with Alex, a kind and understanding man. When Chris reappears in her life, Y/N is forced to confront her feelings and make difficult decisions.
~ traitor | m.s. ❆
. Y/N and Matt are in a complicated relationship, where Matt is still stuck in the past with his ex. In an angsty pathway, Y/N suffers when she realizes that Matt will never love her as she wants.
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⋆୭ nathan doe ع˖
~ reminders of a lover ❀
. Where Nate finally participates in an episode of the Cut The Camera Podcast, and during the recordings, he can't help but remember moments with his girlfriend, Y/N, the triplets' little sister.
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⋆୭ twilight ع˖
~ family reunion | jasper hale ❀❆
. When Edward decides to leave Bella behind for her own safety, Y/N take the lead to take the Cullens to the town where she grew up, with her only concern being how to explain for them her real there.
~ I love you | paul lahote ❀
. Where Paul finally gets the courage to say "I love you" for the first time.
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⋆୭ supernatural ع˖
~ new addition | dean winchester ❀
. Where Y/N discovers she is pregnant and worries about how her boyfriend, Dean, will react.
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anamericangirl · 1 month
I'm more concerned that people like Harry Potter well into their 30s and 40s. Bet they watch Bluey too. Childlike adults make me physically sick
"I am almost inclined to set it up as a canon that a children’s story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children’s story." - C.S. Lewis
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bobawitch · 8 months
Movie Night | C.S
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a/n: i was watching When Harry Met Sally on my flight and came up with this blurb so enjoy!
cw: just fluff
wc: 436
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader
“Bro what is this?” Your boyfriend probed as the older movie began to play. “Chris I told you already, it’s When Harry Met Sally. It’s only the best rom com known to man. As well as my favorite fall movie.” You shrugged, jumping onto the bed and cozying up to your boyfriend. “Right right. So who's the guy making out with that girl?” He continued to probe. “Chriiiis!! That’s Harry, now just watch the movie!” You reply, pressing your cheek to his chest as you flicked his chin. Chris scoffed in fake pain, flicking the top of your head. “Is Sally the one he’s eating the face of like she’s the last ice cream in the world?” You laughed, a soft scoff escaping your lips. “He is not eating her face! And no, that’s not Sally. You see her in a second.” You replied quickly, Chris holding you tighter. As the movie continued you’d smile, you always wanted to watch this movie along with the man of your dreams. Thankfully you finally found that man of your dreams. You got through a good 20 minutes more of the movie before he spoke again. “Wait, he’s getting married though. Aren’t they supposed to be together? I told you I don’t get these romance movies.” He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Just watchhhh! It’ll work out.” Chris nodded, pulling you farther onto his lap, rubbing up and down your torso. 
After his second little outburst Chris paid careful attention to the entire movie. He barely spoke for the rest of the movie, making a few comments about how unrealistic the story was and how he didn’t like Harry. You were quick to hush his rambling and random questions. As the movie came to the resolution you’d sniffle, rubbing your eyes dry. Chris looked down at you before laughing, messing your hair up into your face. With your vision now obscured you couldn’t see Billy Crystal making his intense love proclamation. “Are you actually cryi-” “Chris shhhh this is the best part!!” Chris was quick to quiet himself though he did laugh before. Chris gently began to draw his fingers through your hair, pulling the strands away from your eyes. After the movie’s romantic climax Chris tips your chin up to face him. “I love you.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. Shivers went down your spine and you smiled up at your boyfriend. “I love you too Chris.” Chris smiles back at you, tilting his head down to connect your lips. You kissed Chris back gently, holding onto his shoulders with a certain desperation.
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gaybookpromotions · 2 months
Reunion of the Three by C.S. Harris #kindleunlimited
BOOK BLAST Book Title: Reunion of the Three Author: C.S. Harris Publisher: A New Reality Publishing Cover Artist: Christopher S. Harris Release Date: February 29, 2024 Genres: Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, space opera, polyamory  Tropes: Lovers reunited after a long separation, heroes Themes: Reunion, coming together, being free, being authentic, self-discovery Heat Rating: 2 – 3…
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
My 2000s/2010s kid medias wisdom:
Azula deserved a redemption arc and Ty Lee is the girl who got shafted by not being Zuko's love interest
The Soul Society is a military state and Ichigo was a good person for never joining it and Orihime was the best Bleach character
Sasuke was right and Kishimito made him an extremist as ableist victim blaming propaganda and Sakura and Hinata are equally good
Ben 10,including the sequels,is better than Danny Phantom
Flynn Ryder was a creep and a dickhead who didn't deserve Rapunzel
Hiccup was trans but so was Astrid,only transfem instead
Teen Titans is a beyond good show but the influence it's had on DC's comics is bad and Young Justice Animated should've never existed
The Hunger Games and Chronicles of Narnia derserve better than to be grouped in with Harry Potter because Thg is an anti-bigotry story rather than liberal bs and you can actually pull 'Death of the Author' with the problematic elements of Tcon because C.S Lewis is actually dead
Adventure Time is an almost perfect show and so're it's comics and sequel miniseries' and you can't pull 'It's bad because it got too serious in later seasons!!!' as a fact because that was the point,that it was trying to be different from most kids cartoons and it not being your thing dosen't mean it's not good writing
Winx Club,W.i.t.c.h,Totally Spies,The Powerpuff Girls,Kim Possible and MLP are feminist even if they have their flaws and they're brought in a girly packaging because they're meant to be heroes for little girls
Johnny Test is fine and y'all are weird fow visceral your reaction to it was
Percy Jackson and the Olympians dropped the ball by having Percy end up with Annabeth because they're 'destined to' since the point of Percy's story is that he never gets to choose what they actually want and they should've either ended up with Rachel or stayed single to work on character development and healing,Luke never actually cared about other demigods and was only using them as ammo against the gods because if he actually cared he wouldn't have abused them,Toa should've instead been a third Percy series of them destroying Olympus' corruption because they've had enough of the gods and replacing it with an actual good societal system and Percy is a super cool autistic Team Parent who'd be femme and kidcore if Rick bothered to develop their interests
Star Vs The Forces of Evil should've made trans Marco and autistic Star canon,endgamed them with Tom and Janna instead of eachother,made Jackie an mc and done none of that 'no magic' shit
Gravity Falls,We Bare Bears and Undertale/Deltarune's icon status are well-deserved
Craig of the Creek only gets ignored because it's a black show that's good
And She Ra and the Princesses of Power is called cringe nonstop because it's fanbase is largely wlw and trans women who're loud and proud with their queerness and the creator at the time of it's airing identified as a nonbinary lesbian and people hate female queerness while hyping up male kinds that play into stereotypes(Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf,Magnus and Alec from The Mortal Instruments,the Shiro/Keith discourse,the Boyfriends Webtoon,Marauder's Era even being a thing,etc.Note that i am not calling Stevenson female but rather saying he knows what lesbophobic experiences are)
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poemaseletras · 11 months
Envie sugestões. Leia uma citação no modo aleatório.
Autores Desconhecidos
Adélia Prado
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Affonso Romano de Sant’anna
Alain de Botton
Albert Einstein
Aldous Huxley
Alexander Pushkin
Amanda Gorman
Anaïs Nin
Andy Warhol
Andy Wootea
Anna Quindlen
Anne Frank
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Arnaldo Jabor
Arthur Schopenhauer
Augusto Cury
Ben Howard
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Benjamin Rush
Bill Keane
Bob Dylan
Brigitte Nicole
C. JoyBell C.
C.S. Lewis
Carl Jung
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Carlos Fuentes
Carol Ann Duffy
Carol Rifka Brunt
Carolina Maria de Jesus
Caroline Kennedy
Cassandra Clare
Cecelia Ahern
Cecília Meireles
Cesare Pavese
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Chaplin
Charlotte Nsingi
Cheryl Strayed
Clarice Lispector
Claude Debussy
Coco Chanel
Connor Franta
Coolleen Hoover
Cora Coralina
Czesław Miłosz
Dale Carnegie
David Hume
Deborah Levy
Djuna Barnes
Dmitri Shostakovich
Douglas Coupland
Dream Hampton
E. E. Cummings
E. Grin
E. Lockhart
EA Bucchianeri
Edith Wharton
Ekta Somera
Elbert Hubbard
Elizabeth Acevedo
Elizabeth Strout
Emile Coue
Emily Brontë
Ernest Hemingway
Esther Hicks
Faraaz Kazi
Farah Gabdon
Fernando Pessoa
Fiódor Dostoiévski
Florbela Espanca
Franz Kafka
Frédéric Chopin
Fredrik Backman
Friedrich Nietzsche
Galileu Galilei
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
George Orwell  
Hanif Abdurraqib
Helen Oyeyemi
Henry Miller
Henry Rollins
Hilda Hilst
Iain Thomas
Immanuel Kant
Jacki Joyner-Kersee
James Baldwin
James Patterson
Jane Austen
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Jean Rhys
Jean-Paul Sartre
Jeremy Hammond
JK Rowling
João Guimarães Rosa
Joe Brock
Johannes Brahms
John Banville
John C. Maxwell
John Green
John Wooden
Jojo Moyes
Jorge Amado
José Leite Lopes
Joy Harjo
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Juansen Dizon
Katrina Mayer
Kurt Cobain
L.J. Smith
L.M. Montgomery
Leo Tolstoy
Lisa Kleypas
Lord Byron
Lord Huron
Louise Glück
Lucille Clifton
Ludwig van Beethoven
Lya Luft
Machado de Assis
Maggi Myers
Mahmoud Darwish
Manila Luzon
Manuel Bandeira
Marcel Proust
Margaret Mead
Marina Abramović
Mario Quintana
Mark Yakich
Marla de Queiroz
Martha Medeiros
Martin Luther King
Mary Oliver
Maya Angelou
Mehdi Akhavan-Sales
Melissa Cox
Michaela Chung
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Mitch Albom
N.K. Jemisin
Neal Shusterman
Neil Gaiman
Nicholas Sparks
Nikita Gill
Nora Roberts
Ocean Vuong
Pablo Neruda
Patrick Rothfuss
Patti Smith
Paulo Coelho
Paulo Leminski
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Phil Good
Pierre Ronsard
R.M. Drake
Rabindranath Tagore
Rachel de Queiroz
Ralph Emerson
Raymond Chandler
René Descartes
Reyna Biddy
Richard Kadrey
Richard Wagner
Ritu Ghatourey
Roald Dahl
Robert Schumann
Roy T. Bennett
Ruth Rendell
Sage Francis
Sérgio Vaz
Shirley Jackson
Sigmund Freud
Simone de Beauvoir
Spike Jonze
Stars Go Dim
Steve Jobs
Stephen Chbosky
Stevie Nicks
Susan Gale
Sydney J. Harris
Sylvester McNutt
Sylvia Plath
Sysanna Kaysen  
Ted Chiang
Thomas Keneally
Thomas Mann
Truman Capote
Tyler Knott Gregson
Veronica Roth
Victor Hugo
Vincent van Gogh
Virgílio Ferreira
Virginia Woolf
Vladimir Nabokov
Wale Ayinla
Warsan Shire
William C. Hannan
William Shakespeare
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Yasmin Mogahed
Yoke Lore
Yoko Ogawa
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13eyond13 · 3 months
How many of these "Top 100 Books to Read" have you read?
(633) 1984 - George Orwell
(616) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
(613) The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger
(573) Crime And Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(550) Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
(549) The Adventures Of Tom And Huck - Series - Mark Twain
(538) Moby-Dick - Herman Melville
(534) One Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
(527) To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
(521) The Grapes Of Wrath - John Steinbeck
(521) Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
(492) Pride And Prejudice - Jane Austen
(489) The Lord Of The Rings - Series - J.R.R. Tolkien
(488) Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
(480) Ulysses - James Joyce
(471) Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
(459) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
(398) The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(396) Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
(395) To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
(382) War And Peace - Leo Tolstoy
(382) The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
(380) The Sound And The Fury - William Faulkner
(378) Alice's Adventures In Wonderland - Series - Lewis Carroll
(359) Frankenstein - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
(353) Heart Of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
(352) Middlemarch - George Eliot
(348) Animal Farm - George Orwell
(346) Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(334) Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
(325) Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
(320) Harry Potter - Series - J.K. Rowling
(320) The Chronicles Of Narnia - Series - C.S. Lewis
(317) Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
(308) Lord Of The Flies - William Golding
(306) Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
(289) The Golden Bowl - Henry James
(276) Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov
(266) Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
(260) The Count Of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
(255) The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Series - Douglas Adams
(252) The Life And Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne
(244) Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
(237) Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackery
(235) The Trial - Franz Kafka
(233) Absalom, Absalom! - William Faulkner
(232) The Call Of The Wild - Jack London
(232) Emma - Jane Austen
(229) Beloved - Toni Morrison
(228) Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
(224) A Passage To India - E.M. Forster
(215) Dune - Frank Herbert
(215) A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man - James Joyce
(212) The Stranger - Albert Camus
(209) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
(209) The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(206) Dracula - Bram Stoker
(205) The Picture Of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
(197) A Confederacy Of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
(193) Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
(193) The Age Of Innocence - Edith Wharton
(193) The History Of Tom Jones, A Foundling - Henry Fielding
(192) Under The Volcano - Malcolm Lowry
(190) The Odyssey - Homer
(189) Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
(188) In Search Of Lost Time - Marcel Proust
(186) Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
(185) An American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser
(182) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
(180) Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
(179) The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann
(178) Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
(178) Tropic Of Cancer - Henry Miller
(176) The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton
(176) On The Road - Jack Kerouac
(175) The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(173) The Giver - Lois Lowry
(172) Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
(172) A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
(171) Charlotte's Web - E.B. White
(171) The Ambassadors - Henry James
(170) Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
(167) The Complete Stories And Poems - Edgar Allen Poe
(166) Ender's Saga - Series - Orson Scott Card
(165) In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
(164) The Wings Of The Dove - Henry James
(163) The Adventures Of Augie March - Saul Bellow
(162) As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner
(161) The Hunger Games - Series - Suzanne Collins
(158) Anne Of Greene Gables - L.M. Montgomery
(157) Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
(157) Neuromancer - William Gibson
(156) The Help - Kathryn Stockett
(156) A Song Of Ice And Fire - George R.R. Martin
(155) The Good Soldier - Ford Madox Ford
(154) The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
(153) I, Claudius - Robert Graves
(152) Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys
(151) The Portrait Of A Lady - Henry James
(150) The Death Of The Heart - Elizabeth Bowen
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