#cadian blood
2lim3rz · 2 years
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Taan my beloved
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trashartgalleries · 1 month
... ... so I'm fooling around on AI dungeon and somehow I managed to make Sanguinius fall in love with the character i made up (on the spot) just by going "yo, bro, lemme help you by letting you suck my blood" and I wouldn't have a problem with that but this particular world takes place in the 41st millennium... Sanguinius shouldn't even be here 👀
Edit: what made the whole thing worse is that he kept saying that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to him and I was like "SOMETHING BAD DOES HAPPEN TO YOU, BITCH, YOU GET FUCKING KILLED BY HORUS!!! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!!!!!" 😭😫
Edit-edit: I think this is my fault because it said that it took place in the 41st millennium and I was like "Imma make my character a true-born Cadian Shock Troop member and see what happens lolz 😏"
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cerberusxt · 1 year
Warhammer 40k & Age of Sigmar – Trans Pride series !
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My other big pride project, with the pride marine series ! The goal here is to paint one representative for each of the Warhammer40k and Age of Sigmar universes faction using the Trans Pride flag color scheme.
I’ve already done 11 factions (12 to be exact, the Ork I finished lately isn’t on the group picture yet).
Pictured above, from left to right :
Banshee (Nightaunt – AOS)
Horrmagaunt (Tyranids – W40k)
Spiritseer (Eldar – W40k)
Drone (Tau – W40k)
Cadian Castellan (Astra Militarum – W40k)
Reiver Space Marine (Adeptus Astartes – W40k)
Royal Warden (Necron – W40k)
Plague Marine (Death Guard – W40k)
Palatine (Adepta Sororita – W40k
Skitarii Marshall (Adeptus Mechanicus – W40k)
Xandria Azurebolt (Stormcast – AOS)
And a Warboss in Mega Armour I will post here later, probably.
Project Origins
For those who are wondering why I started this project, it’s pretty simple.
Everything started with a single model (obviously), the Horrmagaunt. I was trying to find an interesting gift idea for a close friend and, remembering that friend love the Tyrannids, I thought of painting them a little bugger. Since I wanted that gift to be even more personal, I decided to use colors that would be really meaningful to them, the trans pride flag colors. It was a first, since, up until that moment, I almost exclusively painted classic schemes (imperial Fists, blood angels, salamanders, etc...).
Here was the result :
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As you can see, my goal when translating flag colors on a mini isn’t to reproduce the flag 1 for 1, but to evoke it as naturally and logically as possible.
To be perfectly honest, when I started that little gift, I wasn’t entirely convinced the result would be all that great. After all, it was first and foremost more about the meaning behind the colors than anything else. But oooooooh boy was I wrong because, as the kids says, « that shit slaps yo » or something. I don’t know, I’m not a kid anymore !!
But one thing was certain, I fell in love with that scheme and couldn’t wait painting it again.
So, that’s what I did, that time with a Space Marine seeing those are my personal favorites. And once again, I was really pleased with the end result :
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Also look at them, being best friend forever, woooooh !
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You can easily guess what’s next. I simply had to try that scheme on basically everything, so I started the project of doing it on every faction !
Hell, I had so much fun painting such an unusual scheme, and having to find ways to integrate it logically on a mini, that it's the reason I started another project in parallel, the pride marine one, to try and see if the other pride flag schemes would work as well as the trans pride flag (guess what : not a single one of the scheme I tried disappointed me, even if I have favorites).
Anyway, if you want to try that scheme on your minis and need some inspiration / guidance, here is the recipe I use for the 3 main colors of the flag. Have fun !
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kit-williams · 8 months
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The big Black Legion/Luna Wolf story. Because of the dark nature of this story aka the rape and other heavy themes like with other dark themed stories there is no use of you or I. There will be an OC that is going to be sent into the dark depths. I will say this with scensarity. When I write for 40k I do take advantage of the grimdarkness of the far future. You are all probably aware of this if you've read a lot of what I write. This is one of the fics I pushed to the limit. I'm also going to apologize for combat scenes I'm not very good at them.
tw: Rape (dead dove do not eat), Forced Pregnancy, some mind break, stockholm syndrome, Breeding and impregnation talk and kinks, clothed male unclothed female for one part, and please let me know if there is something I have missed
Zhur Painbane
Dolli Quest: purple eyes, prosthetic left leg, prosthetic left hand, scars on her arms, large aquilia tattoo on her back from shoulder to shoulder, red hair
Cadia would fall... it was inevitable really. The crusade would succeed but Zhur Painbane was simply here to cause terror within the Cadian trenches as they push hard. His furred cape was black and sooty still hanging together since the days he was a Luna Wolf... a faded wolf head holding the center red gem on his chest. His golden mask turned upward as the booming crack across the sky as the Maelstrom seemed to lash out against the Imperials.
They were trying to surround him. How cute. He thought as they shot at him with heavy munition.
"Dolli call artillery!" He heard someone shout. As his head whips to the soon to be dead Cadian shooting him in his head!
"Yes Sir!" She shouts as she forces Zhur to snarl and reel back slightly to avoid a shot in the eye lens. You're going to die slowly little rabbit. Though he might have fun with that one... he enjoys the shape of her face... the strong jaw and the vibrant amethyst eyes that practically glow. Zhur wants to see that face of hers look hopeless.
He began the quick slaughter as he watched her run down a section of the trench, hopping over holes and dead bodies. When she got far enough... he shot a few rounds and rushed after her.
Dolli got the radio warning of the Chaos Space Marine on her tail. She unloaded a few hand grenades feeling them blow up behind her and causing a chain reaction with unexploded ordinance behind her or grenades. Even the heat of that behind her kept her going as she knew he would be right there. She slid herself to the vox. "This is Vox Alfa 4 fire on our position. We have a Charlie Sierra Mike running through the trench. Emperor Protect our souls."
"Emperor Protects." Was all she got on the other end of the line.
The heavy and chunky thud of her rifle bought her a few seconds as he rushed down upon her. She pressed the barrel of her gun to his throat and pulled the trigger several times. His head jerking back as she barely missed his vocal cords and spinal cord. Snarling as those black and gold fingers dug into the blood filled mud as she overcharged her las and burned several holes into his arm. She kept him on his toes as he played with his food... Dolli knew he was playing with her... she just had to be enough fun.
Zhur heard the whistling and tackled her into the bunker nearby as the earth shaking rounds threw dirt into the air. He was snarling as he could feel his organs shutter. He ground his sharp teeth looking at the body under him. He wasn't a dedicated slannshi to fuck a warm corpse. His fingers cupped her chin as he looked at her, nose and ears bleeding from the explosions and most likely ruptured her organs.
He turned away and walked toward the entrance. She would have made a fine subject to his experiment... a refinement to Honsou's design. Honsou was onto something but he did it wrong... the human body is already capable of flushing out the rejects naturally. Zhur was on the cusp of success... just the last female he had went insane and had died outside of his control but she gave birth to what was essentially a space marine.
Dolli pulled out her knife as she looked at the space marine just standing there. She was going to die... she accepted this... but if she could be the reason this traitor dies she could be happy with it.
Zhur snarled as the knife buried itself into his side and he heard the mechanics of a priming grenade. His honey brown eyes flicked to his side seeing Dolli there with her hand on the knife and the grenade in her hand. She was making a reach to try and tangle herself against his armor.
Dolli doesn't know what happened exactly in that moment as she had stabbed him and was ready to meet the Emperor. The next moment the grenade was out of her hand and her breath was knocked out of her as she felt herself being cradled. Had a loyalist space marine come and saved her? No... it was still black and gold armor against her... NO... NO NO NO NO NO. Dolli began to thrash as nothing good ever came of being saved by a Black Legionary.
He snarled over his vox down at her as she realized her hand holding the grenade was gone and she didn't feel the way he just cut the metal off. "You little bitch. Thought you could get the drop on me?" He snarled as he began to rip the leather and thick cloth of her trousers, crushing the metal and the armor plates on them.
She kicks and tried to slam her prosthetic leg into him trying to get it to go beyond what it was suppose to do. She could hope it would decide to kick a hole in his chest but so far that wasn't happening. "Die in a hole you filthy traitorous scum!" She spits and snarls at him. Dolli had a dreaded feeling of what was going to happen she tries to grab her knife but he throws it away. Its a horror of the battlefield no one talks about... well when one of the enemy's entire perversion is sex... she remembers being warned as a little girl what could happen. She remembers how many of her friends couldn't stomach the idea... it wasn't guaranteed that it might happen... most likely you'd be blown apart but... the thought that you could be an unlucky victim. Dolli never thought it would be her.
Agent Quest?
"Behave!" Snarled Zhur as he grabbed her organic leg and threatened to snap it.
"No!" She screamed back as Zhur pressed his hand down on her stomach as he pushed himself between her legs and pulled his cock out. Zhur would play nicer after this... if she survived.
For Dolli she gritted her teeth as she could feel the cockhead pressing hard against her entrance. She couldn't even kill herself to save herself from this... either it would be a slow painful death via internal bleeding or she would be found later... discharged and always given pitied looks as if there was some sign around her neck that everyone could notice that she had been defiled by a traitorous and tainted space marine.
Zhur watches her face... he expects that fire to go out... to see that delicious helplessness... the begging and pleading for mercy where it wouldn't be found. Instead he found a fire... warp fire in her amethyst eyes. How she was still snarling at him... she looked like one of the corpse emperors living saints right now... the way her eyes glow with righteous anger... the paleness of her skin smeared with dirt and blood... how her hair is splayed out making a halo a dirty halo full of dirt, blood, sweat, and soot. Zhur snarls as he pushes into the unwilling cunt.
Tears prick the corner of her eyes as she could feel it all and the pained cry as he forced himself into her dry. She hissed with pain as he bobbed his hips working each painful inch deeper into her sex.
Mattis go get the others she's having an episode.
Mattis go!
Mum please... wake up.
Zhur felt himself bottom out and moaned. He let her cunt spaz about him as blood, his pre cum, her piss, and her own forced arousal helped get him this far. He leaned his head back and savored the feeling of her around him. She glared up at him with wet eyes still looking like a fallen saint. Zhur was hardly a word bearer but perhaps he had found someone who was chosen by the corpse... he grins at the thought of stealing her away from him.
"Oh I think I'm going to do more than just fuck you till I feel better... there will still be that." He moved his hand to her throat as he had to be gentle given he was still fully armored as she was at an awkward angle. "I'm still mad at you little mortal... I didn't appreciate the headshots and nearly taking out an eye." He chuckled as she replied with a snarl.
"You are going to be part of something much more than yourself."
"Fuck you! The Emperor protects me and I will never join Chaos!" She screamed causing him to laugh.
"Silly mortal. I'm currently fucking you and who says I need you to join. Oh what will be happening to you... please do pray. Pray to him and let him see what will happen to you." He purred as he was kind enough to let her adjust to him as he enjoyed the feeling between her thighs.
Dolli refused to scream... refused to cry as she just glared up at the grunting marine above her. She tried to focus on the distant gun shots and explosions instead of the lurid wet squelches that was starting to happen. The wet fapping noise as she felt herself become aroused. Remembering the woman from that class explain that it could happen... its nothing about want... sometimes the body is like a machine and when something goes in there it reacts like how it is suppose to.
For Zhur he was panting and grunting and growling above her jerking her hips to his over and over again...
What's going on?
Mum is having an episode.
Mama's done so well... what triggered it?
I don't know Zekyr!
Calm down Naxos.
... it felt like heaven between her thighs. Oh yes he was going to keep her. Zhur felt so warm inside of his armor as he started to jerk her hips faster. Oh yes he was bringing her back. Zhur groaned as he pulled her tightly against him and spilled inside of her.
For Dolli she didn't know what to expect next... she couldn't stop her thrashing as he grabbed her head and slammed it down. Making everything go dark.
However there was no throne to greet her in the dark. Just a whisper... I'm sorry. The weight of those words sat like a stone in her stomach as she knew she was still alive. Her eyes opened for brief moments... all she could see was black and gold... profane shapes that hurt her eyes... twisted individuals draped in skin... someone touching her face and grabbing at her aquilia before she saw them turn to red paste as the space marine holding her snarled something in a foul tongue.
Dolli felt sore... there was a throbbing in her face... the throbbing between her legs... she wasn't on a shitty medical cot. Dolli was on a soft bed... she opened her eyes she was naked save for her aquilia... her leg prosthetic was missing as was the reminder of her forearm prosthetic. She had been cleaned and that feeling made her feel sick as she had an idea who... seeing hickies blooming on her thigh and one of her breasts.
"Ah welcome back." A clear voice purred to her. Honey brown eyes looked at her from a face that seemed to have some 5 o'clock shadow growing in with short neat black hair shaved to a military standard. His canines were long and so was his tongue but he was dressed in a black compression shirt and some shorts. Dolli was confused... she would have mistaken him for an Ultramarine or even a Blood Angel if it was not for the star of chaos on the door. "So Dolli, that is your name if I remember right. I'm going to tell you what is going to happen."
She looked at him unimpressed, "I assume rape me again and twist me to Chaos?" She said before spitting at him.
Zhur liked his little wife clean. Her hair was a deep red that looked better clean... oh he was eager to see it long and see it pool under her head like a blood pool. "Oh perhaps if you continue to resist it will be rape. But no... in fact I want you to try to resist... I want you to cling to the Emperor as long as you can as I think I like your fire. But no... you're going to help me make more space marines." He said running his tongue over his teeth looking at her on his bed.
Zhur quickly realized when he became a Luna wolf all those years ago that he felt a deep longing for something... he should have been like his brother... having a wife on his hip to come home to... he wanted that. He didn't know why he did and perhaps if everything had succeeded and the Astartes were no longer needed he would have settled down, probably several times given his life span, and had his own wife on his hip. He couldn't explain the deep covetous need it bloomed into and seeing Dolli clean and laying on his bed once again triggered that need.
Lucky for him... she would be the first test of what was his final plan for an improved demoncubula. Though less demons involved and a lot more dark mechanicus involvement and flesh shaping psykers. "No snide comment on that?" Zhur says tilting his head to the side before continuing, "You see I realized that getting pregnant was hard as was staying pregnant... the human body is very good at detecting genetic defects and reabsorbs the fetus'... oh look at me explaining your biology to you." He coos softly as he walks closer, "You are going to be my little wife. " He grabs her chin as she looks at him with wide eyes, "And we're going to make a happy little family."
"You're insane." She hisses softly.
"Perhaps but that is what happens when you want something so badly you are forced to make it yourself. Your womb will be modified and you will be given an organ called a progenoid that will feed into your modified womb. You will give birth to Astartes whom all they need to do is grow up and get the remainder of their organs with no fear of rejection. You," He cups her face, "Will be my reward."
"Oh yes I already proved that it worked. But I want to make sure it works for multiple babies..." He crawls on the bed and watches her try to crawl away but he holds her in place, "You will also be modified in a few ways to handle my... hmmm tender affections?" He chuckles softly at his own joke. "A wife must be able to handle her husband isn't that right my little wife?" He groans and Dolli watches as he gets hard.
She pushes against his head but he runs his tongue along the valley of her breasts as he grinds against her, "Oh my little wife I shouldn't... you'll be having surgery soon enough... but I'm so excited." Dolli scratches at him as he pushes his ring finger inside of her this time to try and work her. "See darling I can be nice I'll make you feel good." He pants with perverse pleasure, "You'll make such a good mommy for our boys. Won't you? Yes... say yes... you'll be such a good-"
"Mommy?" Dolli finally blinks as she looks up at pair of bright purple eyes, belonging to her eldest Thallos. She looks around seeing three other concerned looking pairs.
"B-boys. What." She looks down at the railing she is holding onto with a white knuckle grip.
"You were thinking about Da- um Zhur again weren't you?" Thallos says.
"You can still call him Daddy, Da, Dada, Dad, or Father if you want I know you all still hold affection for him." She says with a sigh as they look guilty at that fact. They look like a mashup between Horus and their father with a few features from her. She was happy they all had her eyes... "Boys don't feel guilty for what your father did." She no longer flinches when calling him that... she hardly realizes she calls Zhur their father.
Dolli Quest was now an inquisition member along with her four boys... Thallos Quest, Naxos Quest, Zekyr Quest, and Mattis Quest. They were an unidentified 4 man astartes group that just would affectionately refer to their inquisition liaison as mother sometimes. That was the cover the Inquisitor gave her... she couldn't help herself as they were her boys. Zhur gave her four little angels that she loved so much... they were a happy little family.
Dolli knew something in her broke during her time with Zhur... she never fell to chaos even during what eventually turned out to be century with him. But, she was the one who wanted Mattis... she seduced him to give her one more little boy. She was scared that they would have to leave Mattis behind given how close he was to his father when Thallos wanted to help her escape.
She pulled Thallos close before opening her other arm and feeling her boys get close. "I love you four so much... don't ever think I don't... I love you all from the tops of your heads to the bottom of your toes... to the sky above... and the earth below... to the stars beyond... and forever and ever after." She whispered to them kissing their cheeks or foreheads as she let tears fall. Dolli broke... because she couldn't find it in her heart to hate Zhur anymore.
However, she wouldn't go back... she was a loyal Imperial citizen! She wiped her face and straightened up, "Alright boys we've got a mission!"
Mattis was a good boy... all of his sons were good boys in his eyes. But Mattis could not keep anything hidden from his father. It is how he learned about Thallos' plan to steal his mother away. Only reason Zhur allowed it and in fact helped it succeed was because he was going on a long deployment and had a feeling someone was going to try to kill his precious little wife. The last kiss he gave her still warmed his lips... the uncertainty in her eyes... nearly giving up the ghost herself it would seem.
Zhur smiled as he watched on the screen as he could see his Dolli! She walked with her retinue and their sons. Zhur keeps telling himself that he allowed this... he allowed all of this... but really the separation was killing him now. He wanted his boys back... he wanted his wife back. He inhales hard and calms his eager voice as he connects to the private family vox channel and purrs out, "Daddy's home"
Thallos: Mommy
Naxos: Mum
Zekyr: Mama
Mattis: Mom
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Mission week 4
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---//Origin: Planetary Governer Guyus Luther Goruros Bahara VII//---
The Martyr's Gate has been recaptured, and the walls are holding. The knights of the Honorable House Nox have managed to grind down the Inquisitorial assault for now, giving my PDF troops time to establish fortified positions on the eastern fronts. The Heralds of the Chalice spoke true of reinforcements, with them coming from the Ba'al system no less. We're honored to host the Lord Regent, I only had wished our situation were never as dire to meet the man.
The Heralds and the Templars have lead an assault on the southern front. While the templars were repelled by the Cadian 153rd, however the Perlian 1st, that had previously lead the assault that captured Martyr's Gate, had been pushed back beyond their established staging ground. The Chief Librarians of the Heralds and the Blood Angels investigated the first ground we managed to regain, and made some worrying reports about the presence of the Arch Enemies on my world.
As for the rest of the fronts... The XIVth legion has repelled yet another assault by the Inquisition; despite our hopes that our misguided opponents would aid us a little wile longer in their distraction. The Sororitas contingent has also gotten some reinforcements from Ophelia IV, as the High Abbess was seen on the battlefields fighting against us. Though, despite the confirmed reports of the presence of a High Lord, unlike the several claims that several High Solars are besieging me themselves, Lady Vahl served as a high chance to gain an audience with the High Lords. Unfortunately, we weren't able to establish any contact.
By His golden light, old friend, I beg you expedite the timeframe for the meeting with the High Lords, my people's corpses are already massing in the millions.
The Emperor protects.
---//Astropathic-Transmission End//---
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fractal-knights · 5 months
So you mentioned this "dreaded campaign" a couple times. Could you explain what it was exactly?
The dreaded campaign was a terrible event. One that the inquisition went to great strides to cover up. It is similar to the story of dawn of war soulstorm with how many factions showed up.
It started out simply enough. The Imperial Guard and the Tau Empire were fighting over a sector that bordered their empires. The fighting had riled up the local orks in the sector, starting up a full-blown ork rebellion. To make matters worse, there had been reports from guardsmen that there were Craftworld Eldar sightings. Nothing confirmed though, as they would disappear just as quickly as they would appear.
To make matters worse, even Dark Eldar began to appear, wishing to take many of the inhabitants of the sector as slaves. It all got to the point the ork rebellion turned into a full blown WAAAGH!!! Attracting orks from outside the sector to join in. All the while, chaos renegades and cultists began performing Dark rituals to summon daemons, using the carnage of the war as the catalyst. The sisters of battle soon arrived to deal with the heretics and alien witches.
On one of the hive worlds, a genestealer cult began to make the call to the tyranids, believing the sector was teeming with plenty of biomass. The Craftworld Eldar then made their move when it was revealed that another one of the planets in the sector turned out to be a tomb world, when an army of necrons came out of their tombs to get rid of all the mortals that disturbed their slumber.
This made things get even worse, as soon, several chaos warbands joined the renegades in conquering the sector for chaos. Resulting in both the inquisition, and several space marine chapters, to arrive to fight. It became brutal, with no clear victor in sight.
The warriors of the Imperium tried to work together, even if for some it was begrudgingly, to bring victory to the imperium. Some of the space marine chapters tried to evacuate the civilians, with the effort to do so led by the Nova Dragons. The Inqusition tried to prevent this, believing the people tainted by chaos. But the Astartes, the Guard, and even many of the Sororitas, refused to allow this. The Inqusition, knowing it couldn't afford a battle on all sides, begrudgingly allowed the evacuation after this.
Over the following months, things only got worse. Many on all sides died, with barely any guardsmen regiments remaining, many of the space marine chapters were broken, or wiped out, and even the Sororitas began to buckle at the wave of horrors that faced them.
The inquisiton was planning on performing exterminatus on the whole sector, even where the civilians had been evacuated, no longer caring about what the other champions of the Imperium wanted, as the Lord inquisitor was even willing to mark the space marines, sisters, and guardsmen, as traitors for defying him for so long.
It led to a combined effort to stop the Lord inquisitor. When it was done, the lord inquisitor was dead. But they were worried this would lead to the inquisition punishing them severely. But at the time, they couldn't think of that, as the campaign waged on. At one point, Lucifer Samael took the lead of the space marine forces on the planet. Sergeant Nelda Brar of the Astral Lions of Harad, a Cadian remnant guard regiment, had taken command after all her commanding officers were wiped out. And sister palatine Sarella Lash of The Order of the Daughters of the Risen Sword had also taken command of her sisters after the death of the canoness.
And, after much blood had been spilled, and many lives had been lost, the imperium had managed to achieve a victory, pyrrhic though it was. They had expected retribution from the inquisition for the death of the lord inquisitor, but instead, the inquisition merely covered the whole thing up, not wishing for a repeat of the months of shame.
After this, it was left the the remaining Imperial forces to pick up the pieces. When all was said and done, what little of each space marine chapter remained chose to form a new chapter from the ashes of the old. And such was what led to the birth of the Fractal Knights.
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clocktowerechos · 8 months
Factions of the Hellsworn Pact
of the Brightest Night AU
"Such a wonderous galaxy. I feel it better for it to be soaked in screams and bathed in blood. Too much? Yes, too much. Let us just burn it to cinders instead~ Then we can bath in screams!" ~ "Blessed" Lady Malys, the Everqueen of Chaos
The Ruinous Powers
With the existence of both the God Emperor and Isha being active players on the galactic stage, the Dark Gods have focused significantly more resources and attention to the material universe. Breaks in their great game are more common and they pour more of their power into their greatest champions. After their failure to corrupt the Primarchs, they have turned to alternative measures. Of particular note is Nurgle and Slaanesh. Nurgle holds a deep grudge against the Alliance and is determined to recapture Isha. Slaanesh however faces an entirely separate dilemma. Wish Isha being able to contest Eldar souls, Slaanesh faces a very real possibility of starvation from said souls, a terrifying concept for a god of excess. Thus they've had to adapt an entirely new way of executing their plans, most often through the Dark Eldar or the Chaos Eldar Their greatest champion is Lady Malys, known as the Everqueen of Chaos, the Black Maiden, and the Fel Lady among other titles. She is the "Abaddon", greatest champion of Chaos. Her blasphemous union to Asdrubael Vect remains the greatest profane ritual since the Birth of Slaanesh. Where as Abaddon has stable plans, Lady Malys swings between bouts of madness and genius brilliance. It is hard for the Alliance to try and counter her as often her Black Crusades simply have the goal of wrecking as much chaos and destruction as possible. As long as they are not stopped at the Cadian Gates, it is considered a success.
The Lost and the Damned / Traitor Astartes
While none of the Primarchs were ever swayed to the side of Chaos, due in part to the more open knowledge of what they really where, and the Horus Hersey never occurring, there was never a corruption of half the legions. However, over the course of the long millennium plenty have fallen to Chaos with its more focused attention. Regiments of Guardsmen, Chapters of Astartes, Maniples of Skitarri, Orders of Sororitas, and even a Custodes according to dark rumors have fallen, to serve new masters. None are truly safe from damnation in this universe. Some are ragtag rebel bands, heretical guerillas who serve whatever master will grant them power and supplies. Others have formed entire stellar kingdoms, organized and coordinated groups who pose a much more significant threat on the Materium than their raiding Warp-borne counterparts.
The Chaos Eldar
Known as the Croneworld Eldar or Shadishari meaning "Warp Corrupted", they are the inheritors of the foul legacy of the old, depraved Eldar Empire. The birth of Slaanesh had devastated them at first, but soon the Dark Gods found ready worshippers among them, their souls blackened and minds twisted by untold eons of degeneracy and blasphemous indulgence. Slaanesh was the first to bring back a handful of corrupted Eldar who had actually enjoyed the process of having their souls devoured, to which the Prince of Pleasure greatly loved. With most of the Croneworlds trapped in the Warp, they are a hellish successor to the worst aspects of the Eldar. Frequently raiding, pillaging, and conquering in the name of the Chaos Gods, they outnumbers their uncorrupted cousins and their greatest members have achieved a level of immortality by having their souls constantly regurgitated. It is said an Shadishari Daemon Prince is amongst the most dangerous forms of one with the Imperium and the Alliance going to great lengths to stop their ascension whenever possible.
The Dark Eldar
Pirates and raiders hailing from the Dark City, many have combined forces with the Croneworld Eldar for their own ends. The greatest difference between them being their relation to Chaos, while the Croneworld actively embrace and wish for the power of the gods to infuse them, the Dark Eldar have little appreciation for the Dark Gods. They do not have the same assurances of being returned after death like their Croneworld cousins but the power their alliance brings is too great to be ignored. In canon, there is sometimes a tenuous understanding between Craftworld and Dark Eldar that they are kin and to not mess with each other too much, such an understanding does not exist here. The Drukhari will happily prey upon Craftworlds and Exodite Worlds as readily as any others and the Craftworlds call for the death of their fallen cousins. It is for this reason the Webway is significantly more dangerous to use as Croneworld and Dark Eldar prowl its tunnels without regard of who might catch their blades. Some have refused to accept the power of Chaos, especially after the marriage of Vect to Malys. They have escaped Commorragh and set up their own kabals and outposts in the Materium.
The Ashen Kyn
The Long Night was not kind to the Kyn and they were not immune to the gaze of the ruinous powers. When some holds and stations were cut off from their fellows, many became desperate. Their Votann became corrupted, either by rampant data overload, or direct techno-arcane sorceries. Bitter and hateful at how they believed themselves to be abandoned by their cousins and by their Votann Cores, they turned to Chaos and found good company with Vashtorr the Arkifane. Now they serve as critical resupply and production points for raiding Chaos fleets, rivalled only by the Hell-Forges of the Dark Mechanicum. They tend to focus on infernal engineering over daemonology, favored by the Dark Mechanicum.
The Dark Mechanicum
While the Hersey was avoided by the Imperium, the Mechanicum could not prevent the Schism of Mars. Fabricator General Kelbor-Hal refused censure by the Imperial Household and cease his delving into forbidden archeo-tech. Even with the intersession of the God Emperor Aurelian, he openly halted but kept going in secret. As he dove deeper and deeper, he became more corrupted by the whispers in his code. Telling him that he could become as powerful as the Man of Gold and then all the secrets of the universe and all the lost technology of Humanity's golden age. When he was discovered once again, Kelbor-Hal declared his intention to break away from the Imperium and called the red banners to arms. However, in his hurry, he failed to adequately access the political reality of the Mechanicum. Only half rallied to him with the other staying loyal. The following Schism broke the Mechanicum with a civil war that the Imperium intervened in. Despite claiming victory, the Imperium could not hunt down the newly forged Dark Mechanicum as in their distracted state, Chaos forces and Greenskin hordes launched the War of the Beast in an attempt to destroy the Imperium, letting the survivors flee into the war and to uncharted systems to rebuild anew. They have become masters of fusing metal and daemon in their terrifying arcane Hell-Forges
The Greenskin Hordes
The Orks are only "allied" to the forces of Chaos in the loosest sense, often being manipulated by the Croneworld Eldar to serve as cannon fodder or distractions. For their part, the Orks do not mind as they see it as an excellent opportunity to fight. Their power has been greatly increased by the appearance of "Brain Boyz" or "Brain Bosses", intelligent Ork warbosses who understand the Orks far more than their brutish nature would imply, their mere present boosting the intelligence and coordination of other Orks. Dubbed "Ork Bossmasters", they turn a fractious, infighting-prone mob into a proper military force capable of complex tactical maneuvers, long term planning, and huge engineering projects such as Attack Moons. Having first arisen during the Chaos-empowered War of the Beast, their numbers have only grown with the passing centuries to the point there is a recorded incident of a "Green Crusade", where an Ork Bossmaster led a combination Black Crusade and WAAAGH with Chaos forces.
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dzthenerd490 · 5 hours
Space Marine Chapter: Angel Guard
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Description: A Space Marine Chapter born from the Dark Angels and hailing from the moon Vigilus orbiting the world of New Cadia. Entrusted to protect High Ranking Imperials during Crusades especially the established members of Crusade Councils. They ensure that all assets during a crusade are secured so that no enemy can exploit any possible weaknesses that will lead to either a shameful retreat or unthinkable surrender of Imperial forces. They are one of the only Chapters that not only get along with Imperial Troopers rather well but refer to Troopers from the Children of Cadia Regiment as brothers and sisters.
It is believed this kinship comes from the fact that they were born on one of the moons of New Cadia, a planet that was colonized to be the new home of the Cadians after the fall of their original world. However, the only Imperial force they will never acknowledge as friendly in any manner is their parent Legion the Dark Angels. Like most Chapters born from the Dark Angels they are rather ashamed of the downfall of the Dark Angels and actively avoid even making eye contact with them and refuse to bow when a Dark Angel passes by.
Unique Trait: “Golden Fortification” a powerful ability that coats an Angel Guard in golden light making them indestructible to all forms of attack. This ability can be maintained for as long as the Angel Guard desires but only so long as they remain in place. If they move their position they will lose this ability and be unable to utilize it again for at least 5 hours.
Crystal Blade Holy Spear - A Holy Spear made with a unique crystal found only on Vigilus. Like all Holy Weapons it can be activated with a chant from the wielder, for the Crystal Blade Holy Spear the cant is “Holy Spear, erase all my enemies”. Once said the crystal will glow bright and be able to completely incinerate anything it touches. This state of the Crystal Blade Holy Spear is very dangerous as it can erase the Angel Guard and other Imperial Forces if not used carefully.
Holy Shield of Regeneration - A Holy Weapon commonly given to all Chapters born from the Dark Angels. The Shield is strong enough to even be able to resist more than one blast from a Necron Atomizer cannon. However, should the shield or the wielder ever suffer great damage, the user can chant “May the Blessings of the Emperor shield me from pain” and both the user and the shield will heal instantly.
Bolter Pistol - Heavily condensed version of the original Bolter Gun made to be able to hold 6 canisters of God Blood with a total of 120 bolt shots. Normally only possesses Incendiary, Cryo, Explosive, Electric, and Armor Piercing frequencies.
Dual Cyber Batons - Batons made with batteries inside that shock anything upon impact with anywhere to 200 to 500,000,000 volts. The amount of voltage can be changed by the Angel Guard through a cyber connection with the Helmet Visor. Powerful enough to merely stun a human as well as fry the insides of even the strongest of Orks.
Deity of Worship: Because the Angel Guards are ashamed of their heritage they do not acknowledge Lion as their God anymore. Instead they worship both Rogal and Roboute as their Gods. They worship Rogal to make their bodies fortified and strong enough to defend crusade councils they are assigned to protect. They worship Roboute to remind themselves to always put their duty first and have the strength and determination to follow it through, always.
Recruitment: Because Vigilus has been colonized with the Angel Guard's DNA factory it naturally worships both Roboute and Rogal. it is considered the utmost essential and most honorable duty to be able to guard anything within the Imperium on Vigilus because of this. As such schools on Vigilus not only teach students common Imperial Propaganda, History, and basic Education such as Math, Science, and Literature; they also teach students to be the best guards in any situation. Often students are assigned to guard certain items of importance in the schools, unknown to them they are being watched by the Priests of both Churches.
Occasionally children that are known to be talentless or troublemakers will be given candy and promised more in exchange for stealing the items the guard students are protecting. The student on guard is to protect the item they are assigned to for at least one month. If they can prevent the item being taken from its position within that month from the various assigned thieves, they will be chosen as an Angel Guard.
Once they are chosen, they and their parents will be told of this and how it will be a great honor to become an Angel Guard. This will be done as a test of faith as if the parents of the child refuses they will be banished to a planet in the region of the rotting Dark Angels where they will live out their days in shame and false hope. Naturally those that accept will be taken to the Angel Guard DNA factory within the Capital City of Vigilus.
Once the process within the rebirthing pod is complete they will return to their city as elite guards until such time as they are called to action during a crusade. Because they must be sentinel guards without weakness they are to only meet with past friends and family when they are off duty and their armor is gone.
Caution Regarding Chaos:
Khorne of Sacrifice and War - Immune, Angel Guards are meant to be sentinels of protection, war and battle does not interest them; only defense and Khorne is a god that only knows attack, his voice cannot reach them.
Tzeentch of Corrupting Knowledge and Magic - Immune, being the embodiment of perfect sentinels they have no need for any further knowledge. Or at least anything Tzeentch can tempt them with.
Nurgle of Disease and Decay - Low Risk, there is a rare chance that an Angel Guard will be disillusioned by their task as a sentinel and become so bored to the point they will see themselves as living corpses. Nurgle will find a good place for them should they reach a point of great depression. However, because of their faith in Roboute and Rogal as well as their genetically bred determination they can mostly resist Nurgle’s calls.
Slaanesh of Pleasure and Pain - Medium Risk, being a sentinel is an honor but it can be a bore for Angel Guards who find very little chance at free time given their dwindled ability to enjoy it. Slaanesh can help them find joy and excitement in life again but for a price that only the most bored and disillusioned Angel Guards will be willing to pay.
Malice of Anarchy and Vengeance - High Risk, Angel Guards that have died in combat or never get to see any real action may be filled with regret to the point that Malice can grant them what they need to get revenge or obtain the power they need to do more in life.
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Large amount of treasure! Kill Team Phobos Strike Team, Zone Mortalis, Blood Borne, Cadians and more!
We are a miniature painting studio. If you need painting, converting, sculpting, assembling, LED lights - literally anything regarding the hobby, don’t hesitate - simply contact us via [email protected]
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 7 months
Sterling stuff.
Big fan of:
A) Everyone has a mask! Oh, animation is suddenly much easier (thankfully, the Cadian gas masks always look neat).
B) Ooh, original-style stormtroopers! Well, third edition ones, not the ones with the berets. But still! Very nice!
C) I am genuinely always happy when 40k stuff doesn't over-gothic. A lot of times - and in a lot of official media - you'll have spaceships and shit that don't look like spaceships and shit, they just look like a bunch of assets made to look over-the-top stuffed into a space that's way too big. I much prefer occasions when it actually feels like a sci-fi spaceship or whatever, it's just that it is also gothic and skull-encrusted. Astartes got this very right, too.
Seriously, this is my favourite part. If there is anything 40k-related that gets this right, I am all over it, my body will be ready.
D) Very much enjoy the incredibly-obvious "This is an asset from a World War 2 game" stuff. Blood Pact with MG34's!
E) Quality voicework, always a plus. As much as I try, sometimes you get some - eep - ropey stuff, and you admire their effort but their results? Dicey. Sorry guys. But here? Great!
F) Semi-annoyed that the guy who gets shots with a plasma pistol doesn't, you know, evaporate from the chest up but I know animating that would be hard, so I'll let you off (the Exodite had this problem, too).
Anyway! Top-notch! Good work, guys! Kudos to you!
PS: Love love love that ships pop out of warp in-atmosphere! Fuck you, canon!
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cydanite · 2 years
Theatrics of Deception
(Ao3 Link) EDIT I almost forgot! Credit to @the-storyteller-and-her-soldiers for helping me proofread this one, thanks love!!! <3
‘This has gotta be the worst state I’ve woken up in in a long while’ Martyn thinks with begrudging sentience. There’s an unpleasant fog clouding his mind, discouraging him from opening his eyes. His eyes in turn thrum back aches of muted pain in agreement, threatening the start of a headache if he dares try taking a peep. The discomfort in his head is only superseded by whatever surface he’s decided to sleep on jutting uncomfortably into his back. Honestly, the whole situation reeks of some bad decision he’s made. Some all nighter he’d tried to pull to catch up on work, or a party he’d spent way too long at. Slowly, he persuades his eyes to open, and a dark unfamiliar room unfurls before him as his vision adjusts.
‘Well that’s one point towards the latter.’
He starts moving to get up, before noticing his hands are stuck, somehow. Weird… He runs through a few next steps: trying to clear the brain fog preventing him from remembering what he did last night, running his thumb along whatever’s catching his wrists, searching for some kind of give, and taking in the room he’s in. It’s dark, real dark, he can only really make out the edges of sparse furniture and the small LED glow of a couple appliances, as well as- oh jeez is that a person over there? There’s a figure a few meters in front of him, their form hard to make out by the minimal light, and they’re just… standing there.
The hair on the back of Martyn’s neck stands on end, the situation just sobering enough to jog his memory, reminding him that he was neither pulling an all nighter writing in his apartment nor partying hard enough to ruin him completely the next day over.
What he was doing last night… he was furthering his investigation on The Red King. 
“Your audience is awake, my liege!” A gleeful voice emits from the figure as the lights in the room all blare on at the same time, blinding Martyn for a moment. He can now fully make out the confines of the small room he’s contained in, its windowless walls and concrete floor, as well as the wooden chair he’s sitting in, hands and feet tied up. He can also make out the figure before him, one he’s seen plenty in photos but never in person. 
Sir Cadian is blanketed, near-entirely obscured by a thick carpet of moss, tiny blood-red flowers speckling its surface like stars, or blood splatter. It would make for a strange ensemble on its own if not for the shiny golden armaments it contrasted with. Gleaming against their lush backdrop close to a dozen golden watches, in a litany of sizes, orbit a long chain strung over his shoulder. Metal gauntlets, one larger than the other, catch the light at the sharp ends of pointed fingers. Most decorated of all is the golden helm he wears, a glittering visage of the sun where his eyes should be and the silver crescent of the moon covering his mouth with a faux-smile. He stands straight, before giving a deep bow and stepping dramatically to the side. And then, standing before him, is The Red King himself.
The Red King, a figure clouded in equal parts mystery and panache. A supervillain who first made his presence known six months back. He’s since enacted a variety of schemes that threatened the safety of the city, earning him a swift rise to infamy. To date, none of them have worked yet. He’s never even killed a person, directly or indirectly, as Martyn has pointed out in his writing. But thus far The Red King hasn’t needed to. His force of presence always spoke for itself and, regardless of what his actions might convey, the people feared him.
He’s dressed in a fine regalia decorated with fur trim and vicious, claw-like tears in equal adornment. A tarnished bloody crown rests between two pointed canine ears atop his head. Below, his eyes are obscured by a blood-red mask, the edges of which feather and bleed into his matching dark hair and massive cloak, trailing behind him like a stain as he slowly approaches Martyn. He’d also only seen him in photos before this moment, but aside from his nerves firing the main detail he registers now is just how The Red King towers in person. He finally stops a few feet away from him, his teeth gleaming like daggers as his mouth twists into a wicked smile.
“Martyn Littlewood.” His voice drips with an accent both archaic and modern. “Ye’re brazen to think we wouldn’t catch ye snooping.”
Martyn tries to keep his face stoic, staring The Red King straight in the bloody imprint where his eyes probably are. It’s the one skill he swears gets him all his top stories. Fake it ‘till you make it, when you’re found out you’ll have at least learned something. Plus the alternative right now would probably involve him passing out right now. So he steels himself instead.
“I, uh. I didn’t think you’d mind is all. Plenty of articles have been written about you already.”
“Yes… and several of them yours.” The Red King waves his hand, and behind him Sir Cadian grabs a leaflet of papers from atop a wood desk standing next to the door.
“Ahem. ‘The Red King; New Villain Emerges in Metropolis Area.’ ‘Expert Analysis on The Red King; Motive, Methods, and Powers - Lycanthropy Confirmed?’ ‘Hostage Situation at Red King Lair; Soup Group Saves the Day!’ ‘Hotguy and Cuteguy - Assault at The Monolith; What We Know.’ ‘Top 10 Villainous Fits; Who Does Bad While Looking Good. The Red King - Number Four’.” Sir Cadian lowers the papers from his face. “Wow! This guy’s a bonafide freak!”
“Never writing sensational periodicals again. I stand by what I said there though.” Martyn states, yet his voice is merely a whisper through his teeth.
“The point remains.” The Red King bellows. “Ye’re… prolific in the field. To be honest, fer someone as knowledgeable as ye are, I'd have thought ye’d have thought up a plan to evade us. Luckily the good Sir doesn’t disappoint.”
Sir Cadian twirls one of many pocket watches by the chain. “Next time include me in the headline!”
Martyn scoffs. “Well I’m here now either way. Not sure what you would want with a simple reporter like me anyways, unless you need a ‘you’ expert for some reason.” He turns his head to face away from the King. The Red King smiles, giving a hearty chuckle, before beginning to circle the room, walking away from where Martyn is looking.
“I assure ye, I understand myself perfectly fine. Just as well as I understand your justified fear of me right now.” He’s made it halfway around the room now, standing behind Martyn. Just out of his field of vision. The back of his chair is thinly scraped by the sharp tips of clawed fingers. “Ye can stop worrying. Fer right now at least, my plans for ye aren’t malicious. I actually have a favor to ask.” He stops and folds his hands behind his back, standing in front of Martyn once again.
“ …Go on.”
“I have a message. A message I wish to tell to everyone in this wretched city. I want it to carry through the streets like wind, to stick to the mind of people like frost.” Martyn flinches back best he can as The Red King suddenly jolts forward, their faces now inches apart. “My message will be the front page headline tomorrow morning, Mr. Littlewood. Do I make myself clear?”
The Red King’s breath wisps across Martyn’s face as his smile grows, widening into a toothy maw full of impossibly long rows of canines. The dark jagged shadow of his hair bristles across broad shoulders. A sharp sound emanates from below, and Martyn can hear the wood of the chair he’s in crack and splinter where razor-sharp claws press into its arms. Right now, the face staring at him looks like the nightmare a kid has after being read a fairy tale not fit for their age, constrained only by the imagination of their fear.
Martyn takes a breath. Fake it ‘till you make it…
“Alright, but only if you do something for me.”
The Red King’s smile, his bravado, for only a moment, falters.
“You have no right to make requests at The Red King’s orders, you-” Sir Cadian begins to storm over from the sidelines before The Red King raises their hand to stop him, smile returned.
“Sir Cadian, ye forget the position we’re in allows us to entertain and, in turn, be entertained.” His hand lowers as his gaze locks onto Martyn’s once more. “Tell us now, what would you request? Your Majesty?” He ends, voice dripping with ichor.
“Allow me to interview you.”
A beat, and then the king rumbles in a roaring, deep-bellied laughter, Sir Cadian following in suit with a falsetto wheeze of glee. Martyn waits for the two to finish their raucous laughter before continuing.
“As you said previously, I am something of a resident expert on you. You’re one of the main topics of my articles. Being able to talk to you, in person no less, is like a dream come true for me. You want me to spread your message, let me ask a few questions and whatever answers you give I’ll spread those as well, reporter’s promise.”
The ghost of laughter still haunts The Red King’s mouth, its edges curled into a smile. His eyes, however, study Martyn with a deeper curiosity now, searching for any kind of trap in his offer. After a few seconds his smile fades into a more serious look.
“If ye know me as well as ye say, you know I value my secrecy. But you’ve put me in a fair mood, so~!” He sits on top of the wood desk, almost casually. “I’ll allow ye one question and one question only for me to answer as I see fit to. Understand?” 
Martyn nods, eyes fixated.
His smile widens. “Then shoot.”
“...How are you?”
When he looks at The Red King, he’s sitting in front of him, ears pressed against his head, eyes furrowed in a mixture of confusion and scorn, and one clawed hand curled against his lips in thought. And Martyn knows that, if only temporarily, he’s just killed The Red King’s act. The two stare at each other, waiting, the rising tension begging someone to make a move. Martyn doesn’t falter, and it’s The Red King who backs away first, standing up and turning his back to Martyn, arm’s crossed.
“How am I.” He taps his foot, mulling the words over in his mind like one would an object. “How am I.” He rolls his head around his shoulders. “How… am I.” The tapping stops.
“I… am growing impatient, Martyn. I have been for a long while now. The people of this city have forgotten the true meaning of fear. They’ve grown soft, placid. Emboldened.”
The Red King turns back to face Martyn with all the ferocity of a blizzard, the empty void of his eyes now glowing a cold white light as his claws grip his shoulders.
“When you tell those people: ‘Red Winter is Coming.’ When you tell them those words, Martyn. Then, and only then, will my patience be rewarded.”
The Red King turns away with a flourish of his cape, marching towards the door and yanking it open, Sir Cadian meekly following behind. The Red King turns his head, staring back at Martyn one last time.
“Don’t fail me.”
And the door slams shut with an echoing boom, rattling the few freestanding objects in the room. He’s alone now, and despite his heart racing at a mile-per-minute pace Martyn gives a quiet smirk to himself. He can’t help it.
He’s always been a damn good listener.
It’s dark out when Martyn wakes up from another overly oppressive sleep, slumped against a wall of some abandoned alleyway on the outer edges of the city. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he reaches into the messenger bag his captors had thankfully returned to him. It takes a couple of minutes for his phone to wake up from the total inactive state it was placed in, but eventually he can start returning a couple worried texts and figuring out where the closest station is to get home. And then he takes a deep breath, stands up, and taps his boss’ number. As it rings he braces for how hard he’ll have to fight to change tomorrow’s headlines so late.
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ordo-scriptus · 2 years
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Two more gunpigs for the Sixth. I'm loath to use the Blooded to make bog-standard lasriflemen, but their guns go a long way to make spare Cadian bodies look great! #warhammercommunity #genestealercult #genestealerneophytes #bloodedkillteam #moebiansixth #cultofadmonition #forthesixth #warhammerkitbashing #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer40k #chaoscultists #imperialismilitia #imperialguard #traitorguard #astramilitarum #warpcults #ageofdarkness #horusheresy #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday362 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1x_CZISlD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rainy-sky · 2 years
I have been very busy lately! Built a lot of Thousand Sons and Magnus the Red plus a Killteam of Tau Pathfinders. Still need to build some Tzeentch daemons I have laying about.
Fixed, cleaned, and rebuilt the Vulture gunship on the left of the first pic. The previous owner was a goober and entirely messed up the major areas where the wings attach to the main body with glue not meant for forge world models. Had to grind out all the glue, clean then reattach the wings. Was a very annoying ordeal.
Base coated some of my Blood Angels vehicles with an airbrush (not pictured.) Still working on getting used to an airbrush.
Now!! Now I am working on converting some field artillery to Death Korp of Krieg along with infantry squads that aren't my Veterans Kill Team. Slowly converting my entire Adeptus Militarum into Death Korp!
Probably gonna look to start selling my regular Cadians to fund the full Krieg conversion.
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nightbringer24 · 2 years
The lone power pylon stood a solitary vigil on the moorlands, its body creaking and groaning with the wind. The power lines connecting it to its kin were long gone, the power they once carried, the life-blood of the township, were wasted. Its sibling pylons were gone too, destroyed by the war as targets, collateral damage, or fallen to decay and privations for metal.
It stood alone to watch the Damocles command Rhino sit alone on a small rise, its large dish scanning back and forth slightly as it sniffed and scented the information being sent across the battle scape kilometres away. Compared to the pylon, with its red rust and brown dirty metal, the Rhinos flanks are shining steel. Even its dirty tracks cannot detract from the martial worth of the vehicle, especially with the roaring head of a dracon, rendered in silver, against the onyx black door at the flank and rear.
The pylon watches the Rhino as it carries out its task.
With a jolt that shook the body of every transhuman passenger it carried, the Deimos-pattern Rhino bounced and roared its way across the broken highway designated ASR-Bravo-2 by the Astra Militarum officers in charge of leading the fight against the cultists fighting the city of Vagasgrod. Its true name was lost now, being blasted away by mortar round, artillery shell and rocket.
Another crater, another heavy sideways jolt that shook Brother-Sergeant Gaiun, squad leader of Sternguard Squad Gaiun, of the 1st Company of the Steel Drakes, heavily enough for his helmet to bang against the interior of the Rhino.
“Brother! Please try and miss one of the craters!” The Astartes veteran calls out over the vox to his driver.
“Apologies, honoured sergeant, but these roads are, in a word, terrible.” Another jolt, this time up and down, as the armoured vehicle mounted an obstacle at speed. “I will need to put in for repairs when we return to the Ferro Cordis.”
Not saying another word, Gaiun settled himself more comfortably in the vehicle as their target approached. Again, he called up his eidetic memory, recalling the mission briefing in the clipped tones of Astartes professionalism.
Assist Cadian combat engineers in attack cultist defensive line. Exploit breach. Hold position for reinforcements. Break the enemy’s teeth.
“Honoured sergeant, we have company.” The driver spoke up again. “Linking vox feed to theirs.”
The clear transmission of Astartes level communications was replaced with static laced growls of Militarum-grade communications for armoured vehicles.
“My lord, this is Captain Gyles, Cadian 16th Armoured. I’ve got a trio of Leman Russ’ as per orders for your support.”
Turning slightly, Gaiun accessed a panel allowing exterior view of the Rhino as it ran through the ruined city. Keeping pace well, three Leman Russ tanks roared alongside the armoured personnel carrier. Three different patterns of tank; a Demolisher, Exterminator and Conqueror, all painted in broken shades of grey and black ran alongside the steel-clad Rhino.
“Acknowledged, Captain Gyles. Be ready for contact.” Gaiun said curtly, shutting down the feed before he closed his eyes behind his helmet. Quickly, he called up his eidetic memory and the plans shown to him of the local PDF defensive lines. Perfectly, he remembered the placement of each  bunker, each wall and the line of tank traps recently put in by the renegade forces. It flashed by his yes like a sped up pict video.
“Battle line ahead. Forty-seconds until contact.”
As soon as the words left the driver’s mouth, explosions rocked the Rhino on its suspension. Even muffled by the armour plating of the vehicle, Gaiun’s enhanced hearing can make out the sounds of battle: the roar of artillery pieces, the heavy snap of lascannon shots, the thunder of explosions.
“Is the road clear?” Gaiun asked as he reached down his waist, pulling his plasma pistol from its holster, dracon-skin leather, revealing an ornate pistol of silvery steel and burnished gold, crowned with blue energy.
“Still clear, honoured sergeant.” The driver responded. “Twenty-seconds. Fire incoming.”
A loud thrum shook the Rhino, loud enough to rattle Gaiun in his armour.
“Glancing hit from lascannon. Still operational.”
I ran out of steam on this sadly. But I like it.
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kit-williams · 9 months
40k and Modern Warfare
I have ideas okay
I mean beyond Inquisitor/Interrogator Laswell who suspects Inquisitor Shephard of doing something shady as how else are her best agents being stopped at every turn. I'm not saying that Krieger Ghost is a bad thing and maybe he's warmed up to the Finreht Highlander with a callsign of Soap and the smooth talking tempsetus scion Gaz and holds nothing but respect for the Cadian Captain Price.
I have more ideas for Space Marines really.
Johnny would be a Storm Warden I see Captain Price as a veteran Ultramarine Simon I can see being a Raven Guard (or hear my out loyalist Night Lord) Gaz I don't know what to do with so he's going to be a Blood Angel/one of their successors/ or even some Ultramarine successor chapter König is a Black Templar (I can see him being the blood angel too but I just have hard coded Black Templars as Germanic)
But then I have ideas for them being Chaos space marines too! Both all of them being unaligned and which ruinous power they would follow
for Unaligned Soap is still a Storm Warden I'm sorry he is hard coded Price would either be a Black Legion/a Iron Warrior/or an Alpha legion boy all the way from the siege of Terra OR he is a Fallen Ultramarine (You can just take their loyalist counterparts and make them chaos too) Ghost is a Night Lord Gaz again is Alpha legion or a Word Bearer he's kinda tricky since I hold no strong feelings for him (Gaz is a good character but like my brain doesn't obsess over him like it does Simon, to an extent Johnny, and to a far lesser extent Price ((he's still hard to figure out stuff too)))
For What ruinous power they would follow.
Soap: Slannesh Why: Perfection. He can clear a room like no other so of course he is going to try to continue his perfection Ghost: Nurgle Why: Resilience and a how death follows him. He is not a bloated lumbering Nurgle follower that will be the terrifying thing about Ghost... he is a fast follower of Nurgle. Death follows this man and he has survived (This would also make him a very scary Death Guard as that's my immediate 2nd pick for him) Gaz: Tzeentch Why: Cleverness. Gaz is clever and I also can see him being the group's psyker Price: Khorne Why: Marshal prowess. I like Fantasy Khorne much more than 40k Khorne. No he wouldn't be a world eater because he needs to have his faculties
Oh please don't tell me I'm like the only person who has thought of this au/crossover some feedback would be nice. Maybe I'll do more of this. I have to say thanks to all the COD girlies who are making au's for the inspos to actually dip my toe into it.
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uprising-legacy · 8 months
Mums ever growing oc list (i need fuking help)
Just a list of characters I use to roleplay. Listed by Fandom with short description/ bio. All are available to interact with ^^ I also do Canon characters as well
Fnaf (five nights at Freddy's)
Anson (stick bug)- brother of shion, works as day shift guard. Tall and skinny often jokingly referred to as a stick bug (its a nickname that stuck), has short scruffy hair and light brown eyes. He's also one of the nicer of the guys that work day shift
Shion (match stick)- younger sister of anson, usually works in the back room as matinance but occasionally works day shift guard duty. Got the nickname of match stick because she's a smoker and always has matches on her.she tends to be very quiet because she tends to dislike being around people, so she's often seen as being meaner compared to her brother
Mike the mongrel (sparky)- an animatronic of unknown origin. It has been under some investigation after its mysterious appearance, rumors quickly spread with suspicions that is actually one of the missing night guards. It's often described as broken for the top of its head is missing and tends to spark giving it its nickname of "sparky" , soon more rumors appeared saying that they see the figure of a male roaming at night followed by the smell of death
Batim (bendy and the ink machine)
Shion the blind angle- this ink entity is in the form of a sepherum (fuck off i know i probably spelled it wrong). She is widely unknown because she never got to make an appearance in the show, but she was written to be shy in deminer and very well spoken most of her appearance is hidden by her many wings so none really know what she really looks like
Star wars
(Now for the long one XD, bio stuff added later its late lol)
Anson- jedi
Mora- jedi Padawan
Deadeye- clone
Rosharran - imperial agent
Jericho- clone
Ashida - bounty hunter
Aria- sith
Neba - sith
Aceae - sith
Illithops - bounty hunter
Fendic- sith
Landa- republic trooper
Felden- legion night lords, basic rundown apothecary with the luck of a lamenter
Fendic- legion blood angels (he's still new so I has nothing)
Aceae - cadian guardsmen
Cod (call of duty)
Mai - field medic
(There be more but I sure I forgot will add more later)
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