#callie was in on the whole thing btw
doesnotloveyou · 11 months
Definitely Miami
already posted the AO3 link to this, but i'm so silly I forgot I can just post the whole thing
Warnings: Teen rating for suggestive content
Length: Flashfic/ficlet/drabble
Sonny reflects on his past romances while trying not to make a huge mistake with a certain French bombshell.
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Sonny's love life had felt like falling down stairs for a long time now. Each time he hit another step he swore he'd find his balance and stop before he hit the bottom, that the next step would be the last. Except the staircase was much steeper than he'd expected, and Burnett attracted gravity like a lead weight.
Caroline, his best love, mother to his amazing little boy who was growing bigger every day, broke his heart by using her head. She wanted out and he couldn't blame her. The job was more home to him than she was. His ex-wife and his boy had hugged him goodbye and left for better things.
Gina, his girl Friday, got her heart crushed by some jackass who wined and dined her before taking on another chick without so much as an "oops, sorry.” She definitely still loved him, but that wound was festering and neither of them wanted to look at it. He didn't even know why he'd done it, but he knew he didn’t deserve to be taken back.
Brenda, the 'other woman,' the one who was out of his league. The one who somehow thought she could succeed where Caroline had cut her losses. A pretty fantasy to wake up to but one that nearly cost him his real partner. She was never meant to be.
Margaret was the first sign that the staircase was steeper than imagined. New York City was bewildering enough without some chic blonde in a penthouse spinning him like a top. Even once the curtain had fallen she still tried to manipulate him back into her bed. He'd prefer to forget about Margaret sooner than later.
Now Callie. Ice cube to wipe her sweat, Callie. Kept him up thinking about her during a heatwave, Callie. How she twisted him around one manicured finger before running that hand up her leg. She came on too hard, turned him off; exuding pure sex was not a look he desired. But it sure as hell clung to his brain like a parasite.
The tortured love angle tugged viciously at his heart strings. He was in this job to protect people like her, but people like her were starting to go too far. His head was slamming the brakes while his heart floored it; it's a ripoff, but what if it isn't, trust your gut, she looks so scared, she could have left him by now, you know it's never that simple.
Sonny felt guilty for how bad he wanted it to be real. Because if it were real then Callie was really in an abusive relationship. Her tears, her fear, her pain. All of it would have to be real and he'd currently be hunting down the animal that terrorized her. Yet, the stink of a rotten deal was all over that woman, and here he was following it like a starving dog. 
During the four hours he devoted to sleep, drenched in summer sweat and wearing as little as possible, Sonny would bear down on the bunched up blanket and pillows to take the edge off. Callie was either a victim or a snake, and either way he shouldn't touch her.
At the end of each night though, his bed was empty, his heart full, and he wasn't getting any younger.
In the safehouse, Callie parted open her bathrobe and he fell with her into the bed. The trouble then was knowing exactly where to start. She was an unguarded sports car, top down, keys in the ignition, tank full, engine purring, upholstery gleaming. He was dressed as a criminal, talking like one, thinking like one. There was compassion in his heart and a full-bodied woman in his arms. No one knew where they were, and she wanted the touch of a kind man so desperately she was practically forcing herself on him. It was all so perfect. 
Out of left field the bickering between his head and heart was overruled. His conscience got him out of that bed. He pulled his clothes back together. He walked away.
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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see, dearest, loving me did not save you. you scraped by just fine without. but it doesn’t hurt, does it?
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chompe-diem · 2 months
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probablyintensemuses · 3 months
how wwould armando react if he is in love with the reader, but she shows no sign of feeling the same way, (he's so devoted when it comes to the reader) And he'd like to know if she feels the same way, I wish it would end in a passionate way (you know what I mean) 🔥
Te amo 🌸💗
Wait For Your Love-
Armando Aretas
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summary: Armando doesn’t wish you a happy birthday so you’re day is basically ruined, up until it isn’t.
themes: angst, fluff, smut.
warnings: smut 18+
authors note: I know this isn’t exactly like the request, but genuinely I tried. I hope y’all like it 🥹. Not edited btw, I wrote this on my lunch break.
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Happy birthday to you,’ kelly sang, walking a candlelight cupcake over to your desk, Dorn, Mike, and Marcus following behind her. “Happy birthday to you.”
“Happy birthday, our sweet girl, happy birthday to you.” Kelly gives you a hug from behind and you lean into her.
“Thanks guys,’ you smile big, blowing out the candle on your cupcake.
“What your young ass wish for?” Mike asks, slinging a birthday girl sash over your shoulders.
Marcus slaps his chest. “You know she can’t tell you, that’ll ruin it.”
Mike smacks his lips. “Man, shut your superstitious ass up. Seriously, what you wish for.”
You laugh. “I wished for the second day at my cafe to run smoothly for my employees.’ Everyone shakes their heads, happily, saying your wish was a great one.
“Speaking of,” you dig into your bag, pulling out pink envelopes with hearts on their seals. “If you guys can make time I’d love to have you over there for small party. It’s nothing big, just a new cake recipe I was working on, some drinks, and food if you guys want to bring any.”
They all accept your invite, taking their cards with them and back to their desks.
You sit back down with a smile and continue to unencrypte the harddrive they’d found at a crime scene. Mike had told you it was very important they get it open with everything on it.
So that was the goal today before your party, so you could get as drunk as you wanted to and cry as much as you wanted too.
Hopefully not the latter, though.
The compound door swings open with a shriek before slamming shut, echoing through the whole place.
You turn and your heart stops in your chest as Armando Aretas makes his way through.
It was no secret, to the team anyway, that you had a mild crush on Armando. Despite knowing the things of his past, some desperate part of your self truly liked him. And corny enough, you saw the goodness and potential within him.
It’s why you went with Mike to the D.A’s office and fought for him to serve out his tenured in AMMO instead of prison. You knew he wasn’t all bad, he could be reformed, you’d seen it multiple times.
Like when he took all those stab wounds for Callie, the daughter of the woman actively hunting him. Or how he tried constantly, despite his past and his own convictions, to have a relationship with Mike. Even how kind he was to you at times, especially when you know it’s hard for him, training his mind to know that kindness isn’t a weakness after years of being a product to the cartel.
So you couldn’t help but smile when you see him walk down the stairs and take a seat at his desk across from yours.
“Armando,’ Mike says. “You’re late, we’re about to start debriefing in ten.”
Armando shrugs, slinging off his leather jacket and exposing his bulging, biceps and veiny forearms.
You check the glare in your computer, checking for drool, before eyeing his torso, the skin tight black shirt doing nothing for your unquenched thirst.
“Had to pick something up.” He says, eyeing you.
You turn, looking over your shoulder. Was he actually staring at you?
Everyone else must have noticed too, because before you know it, you have eight pairs of hungry eyes watching you both.
“Anything you want to say to her?” Kelly practically nudges Armando with her voice.
Armando eyes you up in down, taking in your typical appearance of a cardigan and jeans, your curls pulled high in a puff on your head.
His eyes pull away from you as he stands and walks over to the room where the team debriefs. “Nah,” he says.
You fell your heart crash to your feet.
Did he just?
Now, you could understand if he forgot it was your birthday, but you have a cupcake with a candle on it sitting on your desk not to mention the fucking sash that says “birthday girl,” no way he thought you were just wearing it for convenience.
You thought, just for once, Armando would show you even a slither of the same kind of affections you held for him…especially on your birthday.
But you were wrong.
Your heart chips a little at that realization, you feel pathetic like Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles as you ball up the invitation you had stored away for Armando, it yellow and bright unlike the others.
You were pathetic to think the man you liked would even consider you an option, let alone come to some dumb birthday party of yours. He was too busy for that, and you were too desperate.
Another year older, yet never wiser. It was clear in your delusions of Armando as you wait for his love.
You’re careful to not drop your cake as you push it through the swinging doors of your new cafe.
You decided to get this cafe as a side shop because you always loved pastries, and making cakes and sweet treats got you through the stress of school and the police force.
So now that you’re older, why not have a cafe for fun and passive income? Was it more stress, yes, but it was totally worth it.
“Wow, that looks amazing!” Dorn’s eyes light up as your bring the cake over to the booths and tables your friends occupy.
“You think so?” You smile.
“Oh hell yeah,’ Marcus likes his lips, clapping his hands together. “You know I’m for anything sweet so.”
You chuckle. “Forewarning. It’s a teramassu cake, so you old dogs might be up all night if you eat too much.”
“Damn! It’s like that!” Mike laughs.
You smile and begin cutting into the cake and passing out pieces. “Yeah, it’s like that.”
“And to think we basically raised you.” Marcus says. “I’m going to let you slide though. One because it’s your birthday. And two, because this cake is fire.”
You clap and squeal. “I’m so glad you like it. I didn’t want to mess it up, but it’s pretty difficult.”
“Mhm,’ kelly says, taking a sip of her wine. “So what’s harder, cake baking? Or admitting your crush to Armando?”
Your smile drops in an instant and you send an icy glare Kelly’s way. “Seriously?”
Kelly hiccups. “I’m sorry, but the way your face looked when he didn’t tell you happy birthday, I mean how can you like a guy like that? No offense, Mike.”
Mikes eyebrows rise. “I mean, it was a jerk move. But it’s Armando. Who knows, he might say happy birthday tomorrow.”
You shake your head. “Yeah, but it won’t be worth anything tomorrow when he knew today. I mean, I’m really pathetic to wish he was here when he couldn’t even do the bare minimum for me.” Your eyes well with tears.
“Hey, no.’ Dorn wipes your eyes. “Don’t cry on your birthday about him. Cry tomorrow, and then come see my therapist.”
You sniffle. “What?”
“Sorry, she’s just amazing, I always like to shout her out.”
You sigh. “Thanks, Dorn.”
Even with all this smiling faces around you, you couldn’t shake the anchor pulling at your ankle. You wished Armando would have just told you happy birthday, even pretended to care. That would have meant more to you than what you got.
But here you were, with all your friends who actually cared about you, about to cry over a guy who couldn’t even be bothered.
A tear streaks down your face and you look away. “You guys should go,’ you say. “I’m sorry.”
Mike pats your shoulder. “I’ll try talking to him.”
You grip his wrist. “Don’t. I don’t want him to know about this, he’ll think I’m insane.”
“Don’t sweat it too hard,’ kelly kisses your head. “I know plenty of guys at the department that would fall to their knees right now over you.”
“Thanks,’ you half smile, watching as your friends leave before you break down completely.
Tears streaked into your palm as you cried out. It didn’t hit you until this morning just how deeply you cared for Armando.
You truly liked him, and his blatant rejection had set all your emotions flaring.
Sniffling into your hands, the soft chime of your cafes door catches your attention.
“We’re closed.” You grumble, not bothering to look up.
“Even for me, ¿dulce niña?” Armando says.
Your head shoots up and the air is nearly knocked out of your lungs as you take him in.
He’s dapper in a black button up not all the way buttoned, exposing some of his tone chest and a silver St. Christopher necklace. His pants are the right amount of tightness, highlighting his muscular thighs, and his hair is dark and trimmed, just like his beard.
Armando, as always, is hard to look away from. But still, resist and play it cool, wiping the tears away from your eyes.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, crossing your hands over your small chest.
Armando walks towards you, hands behind his back as he observes your cafe, like some kind of museum tourist. “The cafe came together nice.” He says, stepping a bit too close to you.
For air, you take a step back, Armando notices and smirks. “Stop avoiding the question. What are you doing here?”
“I heard you had a party I wasn’t invited to. That’s not very nice, bebita.” He smirks.
“Yeah, it was invite only.”
“I don’t qualify?”
You scoff. “You didn’t even know it was my birthday.”
“I knew.”
“Oh, you knew, so you just didn’t care.”
“I cared.’ Armando gets close, pulling at the tule fabric of your pink mini dress. He lets out a shaky breath. “This is beautiful on you, by the way.”
You push him away at the chest, he hardly moves. “Stop it.” You whine.
“Stop what?”
“Stop acting like you like me!” You shout. “You don’t! And it’s fucking embarrassing, Armando!”
Armando swallows, and even in the darkness you can see the shame painted into the little creases of his face and the fast lifts of his chest.
Armando’s hands finally fall to his sides and you see now what he has done. In his hands are a large bouquet of flowers and a blue bag.
“No,” You say.
He steps forward. “This is why I was late to work, princesa, because I got this for you.”
“Open it.” He says.
Reluctantly you take the bag from his hands, sharp rods of electricity swirling up your arm when your fingers meet.
Slowly, you open the bag and look inside. There, a small velvet box awaits you. Hesitant, you pick it up and open it.
You gasp at what you see. A necklace, tiny diamonds all the way around. It shimmers in the moonlight that peaks into the cafe as you hold it up.
“You bought this for me?’ You gasp. “How can you even afford this?”
Armando rolls his eyes. “I use to be a drug dealer, baby.”
You sigh and put the necklace, as pretty as it is, back into the box. “I can’t take this.” You hand it back.
Armando frowns. “Why not?”
You turn, holding yourself. “Because how do I know if you even like me?”
Armando’s eyes hidden and he holds the bag on display. “Baby, I just dropped bands on this necklace for you. I think that shows alot.”
“Yeah, maybe.” You step back, walking away from him.
He catches your arm, gently pulling you back. “Maybe?” He scoffs offended. “You didn’t even invite me tonight, yet I got you a gift, and you say maybe.”
You snatch out of his grip. “I didn’t invite you tonight because you’re an asshole!”
“I’m not!” Armando shouts back.
“Then prove it,’ you square into his space. “Stop making me wait for your love and tell me what you know I want to hear.”
Armando opens his mouth to speak, but the words are lost when he leans in, his mouth crashing onto yours.
Your shocked, your lips are still against his until something burst inside of you, everything you’ve been craving sealed in this one kiss.
This causes you to moan against his lips. Armando swallows it, slipping his hands into your curls and tilting your head to the side, turning the kiss hot and fierce.
You wrap your arms around the nape of his neck, scratching at his faded low cut, deepening your kiss.
Armando’s hands trail down the fluff of your dress until they reach the hem. He flips it upward and finds your underwear, growling as he feels the thin layer of cotton. You shudder at his touch, your pussy throbbing at the thought of him making contact.
“Fuck,’ he moans, slipping two fingers into your thongs, rolling his thick fingers over your clit.
Your head falls back as you let out a low, moan. “Fuck, baby.”
“You like that?’ He strokes his fingers up and down your soaking wet slit. “Tan mojado, maldita sea.” He growls in your ear.
“Yes,” you gasp. “Oh, yes.”
Armando grabs you by your waist flipping you around, the rounds of your ass pressed against the swells of his cock.
You gasp as Armando pushes you against his hard on, you imagine how it will feel once he’s deep inside your soaking, needy cunt.
Armando nibbles at the bottom of your ear. “You feel that baby. You feel what you do to me?”
“Y—yes,” you sputter.
He grinds against you, his face deep in your hair, taking a whiff.
“God I need to be inside you.” Armando whines. “I’ve always needed it.”
“Then do it. Stop holding back.” You moan out.
Maybe that was the wrong thing to say because in a flash Armando’s got your dress up, your thong to the side, and you bent over the counter of your cafe.
God you hoped no one walked past, because if they did, they get an eyeful of your ass and Armando’s bulging cock.
“Fuck,” Armando moans, rubbing the leaking pink tip of his cock against you sleek folds, shuddering as he pulls back, your slick dripping off his tip. “You ready, baby?”
“Yes, oh yes.” You moan, digging your head into the cold marble of the counter.
Armando strokes your entrance one last time before pushing into slowly. You both let out loud, pornagraphic moans finally being full of each other.
The strokes start of slow and deep, each smack creating friction between the top of your dress and your skin. The deeper and harder Armando fucks you, the lower your dress falls until eventually your boobs spill out.
Armando’s pace picks up and he begins to fuck you with speed that causes you to cry out. He reaches in front of you, grabbing your boobs and holding onto them, circling your nipples between his fingers, pounding deeper and harder into you.
“God, mama, you’re incredible.’ Armando growls. “I’ve dreamt of this moment.”
“More!” You moan.
Armando flips you over, lifting you up by your ass and slamming you onto the counter. He waste no time shoving into you and fucking you, your boobs bouncing up and down equivalent to his rhythm.
You reach down, rubbing your clit in circles, you’re desperate to come on Armando’s cock and have him come inside of you.
You can feel the knot in your stomach build and you know you’re close. The sounds of skin slapping and heavy moans echos off the walls of the cafe.
Your pussy leaks, leaving a white ring Armando’s cock as he drills into you, using one lifted leg as leverage.
Your knot builds, expanding, and you know you’re close to the edge.
You pull Armando close. “I want you to finish me, then I need your come inside of me.” You cry out.
Armando doesn’t even question your requests before obliterating you with speed and strokes.
Your knot unfurls and you moan out, shuttering as you
Come on his cock. Armando does the same, pumping all of him inside of you.
Sweaty and breathing hard, he pulls out, lifting you up bridal style.
He carries you to one of the larger booths at the back of the cafe, using his jacket as a blanket for you both.
“Are you on birth control?” He asks.
You shake your head no. “It’s okay. We’re fine. I’ll just get a plan B.”
Armando nods kissing your forehead. “And by the way,’ he pulls you into his strong arms. “Happy birthday.”
You snicker, eyelids heavy. “Thank you.”
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zyk1ng · 11 months
I was gonna make this post way way earlier but I forgot lol but Uhm
I have played through the splatoon 2 story fully and am replaying it (for a future post bc a lot of the dialogue is rlly funny) and honestly while I absolutely loved it it makes me even sadder that splat 2’s story mode was kinda tossed aside (for valid reasons ofc) because it’s so Cool.
Excluding the gameplay, I think they did marie so well, because she sells the desperation of someone who’s got nobody she knows by her side. While she of course keeps the sassy attitude of sneak dissing her best friends (agent 3) and also telekinetically telling you to fuck off if you talk to her too much it’s very clear she genuinely cares so much about agent 4 and is so grateful they’re doing what they do.
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these are only two screenshots of 8(?) of Marie randomly being really sentimental to 4 because this stranger chose to help her in her time of need rather than just ignore this GROWN WOMAN hanging out on a sewer drain
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It’s like heavily emphasized multiple times that Marie could not be more grateful for 4’s help in retrieving not just the zapfish but also her cousin.
But then revealing that 4 knew about Callie the WHOLE TIME (I have a lot to say about this part but it’s mostly hc so) which is so KIND OF THEM???? this random woman recruits them into a secret military agency and hides the fact she rlly misses her cousin but they help anyway bc they WANT TO. (They didn’t even know either of them were famous btw) Marie shows a lot of gratitude toward 4 ESPECIALLY after the big reveal.
(You could make arguments for 3 being similar bc an old kook made them do it but this isn’t about them..)
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And it’s not just being grateful for the one time, she genuinely enjoys 4’s company and wants to be better friends with them and chat after the zapfish and Callie are saved 😭😭😭
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It’s so cute too, because 100%ing the game and even just being a little nosy is something that Marie picks up on, and remembers way later in the game. (More abt this later)
god I love this socially inept squid woman and her adopted child soldier that likes finding pieces of paper
Speaking of said soldier! I think the way they characterized 4 via the actual gameplay rather than art/statements/whatever is so cool
4 doesn’t have many illustrations besides the chaos splatfest and that one group photo where they’re being funky in the corner (and the apartment) but I feel like the reason for that is the fact that a lot of Marie’s dialogue as well as how splatoon 2’s hero mode is structured/designed speaks a lot about how they wanted to represent 4.
From a realistic standpoint, of course splatoon 2’s story mode has to be more creative both prompt wise and secret wise. But it feels like the reason its that way is because both 4 and Marie are separate types of people from Craig and 3.
The bosses help a lot with this too, being more gimmicky and weird (subtracting stamp.) Octo shower and samurai being bosses where you have to either react well or change your positioning to effectively beat them. (Octo shower is my fave btw I loved fighting it the first time)
The level design also shines in this aspect because if I’m honest I remember none of the splat 1 levels significantly besides the few octoling ones. Splatoon 2’s levels are very detailed (and also insanely pretty) and have some rlly fun puzzles in a handful of them and even the more fast ones are a blast to play through
And then all the little extras (sardiniums and scrolls alike) are hidden so well and you usually have to go out of your way to find them and even the secrets that aren’t either of those things have substance
Small note, a lot of extras are also made so that it flows well with the levels design (like the first dualie request mission) which is also extremely fucking cool.
the way marie touches on those little discoveries is so smart too because it (as I said before) characterizes 4 as someone who loves to look for things even if it’s on a whim especially since the sunken scrolls in the game are so much harder to find than in splat1.
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And the fact that unlike splat 1, you can (technically) 800% the game by playing EVERY SINGLE LEVEL WITH EVER SINGLE WEAPON TYPE. to me it feels like it deepens the fact that 4 likes to be really thorough. marie goes “you have a problem.” When you break like two hidden egg crates in this one level and it’s so great.
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I love what they’ve done with 4, whether it was intentional or I’m over-analytical.
Nothing gets past them, looking in every nook and cranny whether or not there’s secrets to be found. They’re too nosy and thorough and they like to be around marie after completing missions, they don’t know who the squid sisters are, hate balloons, may or may not be ok, have impulsive secret finding, partake in many extracurriculars, can be needy at times, go with the flow and they apparently smell better than agent 3.
Agent four, of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
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cindythecyclops · 2 months
Modern AU RokCale, they’re in college or whatever. Btw, this is fem! Cale for the sole reason that I’m on a Callie roll and I want to write about her but this can be applied without the genderbending.
ANYWAY! They meet on a rainy day, Callie is curled up in a ball under the hood of some building and Roksoo sees her when he walks out. He doesn’t have an umbrella and he doesn’t feel like getting wet.
Callie has one but she’s just sitting there and not moving. Roksoo, despite his reservations, approached and asked. Callie was more mellow today, the rain having put out her fire before it had the chance to erupt, so she answered with:
“I don’t feel like going home right now.”
So, Roksoo decides to sit with her because he’s got nothing better to do and he’d feel bad to just ask for her umbrella.
They sit like that for a bit, in silence while staring at the rain-drenched surroundings.
After a while, Callie stands up and dusts off her shorts, picking up her umbrella before throwing a look at the still-seated Roksoo.
"Well? Aren't you gonna come? I don't have all day."
Roksoo is surprised but quickly stands up to follow her. They huddle under her umbrella, with Roksoo having to hunch over a bit. The two end up fumbling around a bit til Callie gets fed and just locks her elbow with his so that they can get going.
They end up going to a nearby convenience store where Callie bought snacks and drinks for both of them. Carbonated strawberry milk for herself and normal chocolate milk for Roksoo, because I think he would.
Somehow, they end up at the park, sitting on hill while eating their snack. Callie pops open her can, carefully making sure that the middle dot remained intact before ripping off the tab and tucking it into her pocket.
They talk about stuff and get to know each other better, Callie allows her walls to recede slightly while Roksoo loosens up a bit. She tells him that she likes making jewellery from little trinkets and knick-knacks like soda tabs and such. Roksoo confesses that he loves reading shitty webnovels and riduculous romance dramas.
The sun dips below the horizon, the clock strikes eight and Roksoo walks Callie home.
They’re at her front door and before she walks in, she takes out the soda tab from before and gives it to Roksoo, sliding it into his palm and closing his fist over it.
She smiles softly and bids him goodbye before going inside and closing the door. Only to immediately slide down and curl up into a ball, her face as red as her hair and her heart jackrabbiting in her chest.
Roksoo stands there for a second, his ears burning red as gently holds the tab before stiffly walking away, a smile playing on his lips.
They have one thought:
“Shit, I forgot to give him/her my number.”
Unbeknownst to them, both Ron and Hans saw the whole thing.
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dr-spectre · 22 days
i have an au that i might turn into a fanfic (depends on if i actually end up writing) and without getting too into the specifics i wanted to ask if you think callie would be properly characterized
so basically, callie overthrows octavio and the whole thing revolves around the decisions she makes as leader of the octarians. the main thing with it though is i don't really know why she would do it. i've thought maybe octavio gets so petty from his losses to the agents that he neglects his people, but idk how well that would work as a motive for callie to step in. also i'm really not sure how marie would factor into the situation, if she would be happy that callie is making an effort to help the octarians or maybe marie doesn't think callie is doing a good enough job-
idk i'm sorry for rambling. i just wanna know what you think of the idea, considering you're the only person i know of who's a bigger fan of callie than i am.
Oh that's a very interesting au!!
Hmm... a motive for Callie to step in....
Here's the thing, Callie is a very loving person, she is very kind and compassionate. She represented team love in Splatoon 1 for a reason.
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I could see an event where Callie gets upset at the state of Octo Canyon and how much the Octarians are suffering, and how Octavio isn't doing that much to help. So she gets really angry at him tries to talk to him. But Octavio goes on and on about revenge and doesn't budge. So Callie has enough of his bullshit and overthrows him in order to help the Octarians in her own way.
Callie (who mains a Dynamo Roller btw) would EASILY be able to overpower the 130 year old octopus man who can't even transform back into his Octoling form anymore and has issues with moving around. Plus the Octarians became a lot more happy and motivated when Callie was helping out so I'm sure they would LOVE a new leader.
As for Marie, i feel like she would be against Callie helping the Octarians and there could be some interesting conflict there. You could make it to where Marie believes Octarians are an evil race due to being taught that when she was growing up. While Callie believes in compassion and understands that they are a struggling race that needs help and empathy. That opens the floodgates for character change and growth too!!
Anyways, those were my ideas.
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Yo so these are head-cannons from this thot a while ago.
Also the internet has come back, hopefully long term (never ever been this happy before), but enjoy for now xxx
transmasc Van and Nat btw (I LOVE THEM!!!)
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Was definitely way too into it at the time to notice wtf you were doing.
Continues to not know about it until she goes on there later (Callie set her up on it, of which you did not know).
"Y/n……. What is this?" "Uhhhhhhh nothing, just a BeReal." "I can see that sweet thing, but who else is in it?"
You know you're fucked regardless of how you respond.
That's pretty much all I can think of honestly (I'm out here tryna keep yall fed, sorry).
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Again, was probably way too into it at the time to notice.
Then she looks over your shoulder later on, while you're sat together watching TV.
"Watcha got there, love, hmmm?" "Nothinggggg" "Nothing huh, well if it's nothing can I see it?" "Nooooooooo"
Somehow ends up getting her hands on it (definitely did not chase you around to try and grab your phone, and/or tickle you when you wouldn't give up). "Oh?"
Honestly kinda flustered at first (even though she probably has no idea how it works).
Then makes it her screensaver for like a week, until someone accidently picks up her phone.
Poor baby gets so scared that someone's seen it, and changes it back to a more PG photo of the two of you.
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100% gets a lesbian spider sense and looks up JUST as you post it.
But doesn't say anything until way after, when she somehow gets her hands on it.
"Baby, I love you, but I swear to god, if people find that and use it as a reason to not elect me, I will be mad." "Oooooooooh, maybe I like it when you're mad 😏." "Y/NNNNN!!!"
You end up taking it down after a couple hours (idk if you can do that, I haven't used BeReal in ages), cause you don't wanna actually make her mad.
Again that's pretty much it, idk.
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This boy has no idea wtf BeReal is or how it works, but is definitely a little curious about it.
Honestly like extremely flustered by it when he finds it while looking on your phone for something (idk, like something you asked him to look at or grab from it).
"I'm not mad about it, it's actually kinda cool, but outta curiosity, how many people are gonna see that?" "I don't know." "Wha- how can you not- HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH?!"
Poor baby boy is very confused, but it's okay, he's cool with it.
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The most smug motherfucker on earth when he finds it.
But then again honestly doesn't really give much of a shit.
But also 100% screenshotted it and sent it from your phone to his and looks at it alllllllllllll the fucking time may of masturbated to it once or twice when you weren't there 🤫.
Definitely makes it his screensaver too like Lottie, but has no shame about it whatsoever.
Not really got much else to say other then that honestly, but they speak for themselves, baby boy Nat has no shame whatsoever.
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A little confused by it, like the whole sorta aspect of it, like "Why do people have to know everything about what people are doing?"
Defo hacks into your phone later on while you're asleep (cause that's just so much more fun then just taking it and unlocking it or whatever).
And also definitely stares at it for like an hour straight (that babygirl is such a freak and a perv, but it's okay, we love her for it).
Let's just say poor baby boy Caligula gets demoted to home screen, and then she changes it around, and he gets bumped back up to lock screen.
As much as Misty loves you, the photo, and just the whole aspect of the situation, she doesn't wanna loose her job for unprofessionalism.
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m00ngbin · 3 days
Guess we doin phones now
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More of the actual story + lore stuff under this thing
His full name is Callie Halden. For now
He mentioned in an offhand comment to his aunt at 16 that he wanted a job, so she decided to have him start running errands for her. Eventually said aunt told some friends who had their own stores about him, so he started running errands for them as well. Word spreads and now at 22 he does this for half the people in town. Unofficial postal service, glorified errand boy
Fucking HATES it, but it's good cardio and a lot of the people in town rely on him to deliver stuff. He originally tried to keep it pretty cheap because it was just a summer job, but he stayed and it stuck and now he's paid a miserable $3.50 for every package/thing delivered
He's ended up becoming a pretty good long distance sprinter so he can earn as much as possible
Bc he needs to be as fast as possible for his job, he's become pretty impatient. DESPITE the need to make things fast, he goes out of his way to take routes that he knows will have the most cats on them, even if they take longer
Likes collecting phone charms to add to his head. He switches them out like every other day, and he likes it the most when they jingle as obnoxiously as possible (he doesn't register that it's obnoxious, he thinks that it sounds nice. Everyone else HATES it)
Relations: I think he would be friends with Oliver but like. Who wouldn't? Anyways. He feels a kind of kinship with Randy (crappy jobs, being underpaid and overworked, just general suckyness), (OBVIOUSLY Randy has it so much worse, but yk), but he also kind of can't stand him. Callie constantly tries to convince him that it's all in his head and he needs to be more positive, but he's a dick about it. Like he's trying to be nice but it comes off as forceful and nasty
He's related to Little Billy. (2nd cousins, he has to see him at family events and around town. He pretends not to know him bc Billy is actually the worst) He would bond with Phonegingi over Little Billy hatred and find that he actually likes him if he could get past the whole nipple thing ("Eugh, who the FUCK has that many nipples?")
If he were actually in the game, you'd just see him running around in the background every once in a while
He would main dualies in splatoon btw
If he had a leitmotif, it would sound kind of like (...) Mr. Boy Is On the Roof Again but not exactly
He's actually a MEOWTEROLA and not a MOTOROLA. He got that changed
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king-mera · 1 month
Considering her very complicated, negative for half of Afterlife, feelings about her father, I was pretty surprised Callie was going to be a Ghostbuster. It felt a little forced, maybe I can see trying to understand Phoebe (and maybe even Egon) more but I’m not sure…
This is really interesting to think about and I think there's several factors at play here:
Even though Callie is Egon's daughter, I think in a lot of ways she was written as a revised take on Dana Barret. Like Dana in the original movies, she gets possessed by Zuul and sees her child (or rather, children) in danger. Unlike Dana, she takes a more active role in saving the day very quickly. After being freed from Zuul and given a very rushed explanation to what's going on in the final battle of Afterlife, she immediately asks what she can do to help and goes on to activate the trap field in front of the house. By the next movie she's donned the suit and pack as a fully fledged Ghostbuster herself. This isn't meant as shade towards Dana, btw. She's a fantastic character in her own right who responds to situations in a way that is natural to her. However, I think there's always been the lingering feeling that she could've done more (I could do a whole separate ramble on her, but that's another topic).
In regards to her relationships with Egon and Phoebe, that is a pretty good explanation you've come up with! It would make sense for her to learn the tools of the Ghostbusting trade as a way to get closer to them. She barely got to know her father when he was alive, but knew he loved her deeply from the wall of her pictures in his study and the fact that he trusted all his belongings to her in his will. Phoebe is passionate about science, a subject Callie avoided because of the association with Egon, but now she has the opportunity to make up for lost time and get to know her daughter better. There's also to more obvious, practical reason to become a Ghostbuster, which is protecting her children! Throughout most of Afterlife, she lets Phoebe and Trevor roam as they please, which lands them in a lot of danger. I think she realized that there was no stopping them from pursuing the supernatural, so the best thing she could do was join them.
Finally, I suspect there's one more reason Callie became a Ghostbuster, and that's because of criticism from certain vocal parts of the fanbase. I remember when Afterlife was announced there were a LOT of complaints from people who hated the idea of kids being Ghostbusters. Never mind that they were great characters who would grow up as the series progressed. It seems that Sony chose to course correct by throwing more adults in the mix, and Callie just happened to be one of them. I agree that it would've been better if they included more explanation on her choice to become part of the team. The Dark Horse midquel comics had the opportunity to do that, but didn't. Callie's just a Ghostbuster now and we're supposed to accept that from the jump. I would still recommend reading those comics if you'd like to see more of Callie as she's written very well there. She has a much healthier relationship with Phoebe and actually cares a lot about making sure the family has good communication and teamwork (This makes the friction between Phoebe and Callie in Frozen Empire all the more frustrating, but oh well).
I myself have been working on a fanfic that addresses Callie having to use a proton pack for the first time… Remind me to get back to work on that soon lol
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zalrb · 10 months
I’m that same April/Arizona/Shane hate anon
When did you stop watching greys ? I’m only asking because I really enjoy your blog and POV and finally found someone who agrees that Arizona is terrible to Callie
I’m also curious if you’ve seen the part of greys where April and Jackson lose their first baby - it’s around the time Shane came in (season 9-11 I think)
Did you like Lexie ? I didn’t but disliking her is also unpopular. I don’t hate her l, I just don’t see her point. She’s cute with mark and they have a good relationship but character wise, she’s nothing special to me. When she came in season 4 as the daughter thatcher chose and raised instead of mer, I really disliked her just because at that point I was on Meredith’s side.
Also, do you remember Mer fighting with Cristina in s5 ? If so, whose side were u on ? Do you have an opinion on the mer and Cristina fight in s10 (I was totally on Meredith’s side on that btw)
It's funny because I recently rewatched the Cristina/Meredith fight in season 10 and I'm on Cristina's side 100%.
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These are valid points. She even says it has nothing to do with being a mother
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People get so wrapped up in her pointing out that Ellis never let up but her point was that because Meredith didn't want to be Ellis, which was valid, she let that --- at the time anyway --- affect her dedication to her work.
She didn't even say she was a bad surgeon, she just said that the two of them were in different places and they were and then Meredith twisted what Cristina said.
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because she never said she couldn't do that, she just said that she slowed down and her priorities were different and they were.
In terms of the printer, Meredith's research, yes, she got it for the hospital to complete her research and she needed to complete her phase before the end of the week to get funding but Cristina had an actual patient who was running out of options and she was doing everything she could to save the patient's life. That should take precedence.
People hate that Shane intervened but what he said wasn't wrong, Meredith did make it emotional, she did make it personal and that's something that Meredith does frequently
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and something Cristina had called her out about in their season 5 fight
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So, I was on Cristina's side.
In terms of their fight in season 5, I don't really know if I had a side because no matter how you slice it, they were both wrong. Like, I definitely thought Cristina was right to tell Meredith that all of them failed their interns but she didn't report them and I thought she should've been punished for that and the fact that she didn't report them isn't Meredith's responsibility. At the same time, Meredith was kind of acting holier than thou when her interns were also a part of the situation and as for her not having her back, she doesn't have to but I mean she had Izzie's in season 2 and for all of their talk about being each other's Person, I can see why Cristina would be pissed but again, it wasn't really about sides for me with that one.
I stopped watching Grey's when Cristina left, which I think is season 10 but after season 2 frankly, Grey's gets kind of fuzzy for me because it was strange, I'd find, like, two seasons trash and then one season really good and then the other season mediocre but with one or two really stand out episodes so I have to refresh my memory and I definitely won't really remember much minor/side characters like Shane.
I went through a phase where I caught up on Grey's through youtube vids of certain ships so I'm fairly certain I saw the whole devolution of Japril which included when they lost their first child because I remember when Jackson tried to comfort her and suggested trying for another baby and April freaks out and then I believe she leaves, right? and then she comes back and wants him back or something then they have another kid and then there's a whole custody thing or something because I remember Jackson tries to talk to her and she slams the door in his face or something and he kicks it or something and I was like whoa, Japril got really toxic in the time that I haven't been watching.
With Lexi, I just didn’t get the point of her. Every time she was onscreen I was just like, why are you here, what do you bring, what IS your personality, are you just the nice mousy girl who got to have a father in Thatcher and then get annoyed at Meredith when she has hangups about the life you got when he didn’t fight for her? Like who ARE you and why do I care about you? That was me every time she was onscreen. I mean, that’s also partially my thing, I don’t think I’m a very forgiving person so her insistence on being a part of Meredith’s life and begging her to give Thatcher a transplant because he was such a good father to her even though he wasn’t to Meredith just bothered me and she bothered me.
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Yellowjackets S2 e8
I don't like the emphasis on the word hunt in the Lottie part of the recap.
Teen Lottie is not looking good. Again, I emphasise just how goated Misty is because jezus Shauna did a number on her.
Misty is literally helping Lottie pee blood right now and I want to give Mari credit for helping but also fuck Mari again for being a bratty douche.
Thank god somebody finally called her ass out for being a dick. And the fact that it was Misty is just chef's kiss.
Oh great, she dropped Lottie's bloodpiss everywhere. Mari is a whole pretty little liars character and she would not survive a zombie apocalypse, regardless of the fact that the x-ray keeps implying that she does by crediting her as teen Mari.
Thank god for captions because I thought Akilah said she's gonna have nugget eat her baby nephew without them.
Nugget being dead all along fucked me up.
You mean to tell me Akilah kneeled down between Shauna's legs as she was giving birth, and touched a dead rat before digging around in her guts, and Lottie is the only one pissing blood?
This show keeps getting more and more fucked up
Like that thing was decaying. It was mummified. It was a mummified mouse.
Fuck my life.
I didn't even think about the mouse being dead all along. What a plot twist. Hopefully the last big shocker of the season. Boy they really got us there. Oh boy. What an episode.
Van immediately picked up on Shauna lying, not from Shauna herself lying but from Taissa. I just know it.
See? I knew it! She figured it out! That's my girl! That's my baby!
My baby is so bright. So impulsive and bright. She's so fucking jealous that Jeff knows and she doesn't 🤣 this is the first time I've laughed in a while now, thanks Van.
Van is a little instigator and I love her for it.
So Tai used to see her shadow-self in her reflections as a teen too? That's good to know.
So was Javi the one carving all those sign 94 was it the cabin guy?
Mmm belt soup
They're really losing it. It's the belt soup. Things are continuing to happen. I almost feel sorry for fucking Mari right now.
Almost. It's still Mari.
Kevyn wants to fuck Jeff so bad.
I'm starting to like Callie and Jeff.
They probably should have burned the body.
Kevyn continues to want to fuck Jeff. This is the love story we should have been ficcing all along.
This is the funniest conversation. They really fucking owe Misty their lives. Also Van didn't look shocked at all that Misty had her address so my new headcanon is she straight up just stayed in touch with her. And I have so many thoughts right now but key being Taissa totally just used the political research excuse but really just wanted to check in on Van. Like I'm positive she did not just do all that just to make sure no one would talk. There's no way. Everything she's done so far has been leading up to reuniting with Van so there's no way she just hired a fixer to make sure no one would talk.
They really should build that shrine to Misty btw. She's the real fixer.
Nat gave Javi her socks 🥺 he's basically a pet at this point. He doesn't talk and he's just there as moral support.
Lottie and Misty sleeping in the attic together in a non sexy way... Though if you squint there's some chemistry there. I'm sure there's fics of it out there. Misty dabbing Lotties's swollen eyes, Lottie reaching up and pulling her in for a smooch...
"Shauna was seeing seduced by this adorable grifter" they try so hard at that comphet. Shh, it's okay, we know you love Natalie, Misty.
Van's expressions are everything 🤣
Is Shauna's shit going to come up to the surface now? Misty and Taissa have already outed their own pretty little lies, so it's only fair.
I hate that Walter is listening to Barbara Streisand covers of Sweeny Todd while making massive puzzles in a mansion and just generally living my dream life. Fuck you Walter.
At least tell me I have more Reddit upvotes than Walter. Let me have this one fucking thing, at least.
Yup, he immediately went to the cops. I have one thing in him at least; moral integrity.
How the fuck did Shauna get back? This has to be a dream. Van yeeted her keys.
Yup it was a dream.
Shauna sawbladehands 🤣
Jeff is a good dad 🥺
Van is lowkey instigating shit. I mean Tai was the one that said it but Van kind of controls who lives or dies back then. She's the one that decided where the line is. She was the one that put Lottie in power and she's the one that decided they won't let her die. Van is the kingmaker.
We're really gonna talk about Misty silencing the fixer like it's a bad thing though? She's solving problems other people created and they're calling her out for covering all their asses?!
At least Shauna is being honest and opening up. She's not wrong either.
Aaand Lottie is using this as a Segway to talk about the woods and her beliefs and stuff.
Van. The girl who holds the cards. That shot where she is shuffling the cards and you can see the antlers sticking out of her head was NOT a coincidence. Someone else may wear the crown but Van was always the antler queen. That's my theory anyway.
Van was so steadfast but Taissa was coming undone when Van picked her card. She was rocking back and forth and sighing and god the acting is so good.
Nat got the queen of hearts but I have no idea what that means. Is she to be hunted? If that's the case, why would they include their only hunter and their best medics in the lineup of potential prey? That's pretty shortsighted of them.
Also interesting to see the cards they've been using for fun and games and flashing around in the background to determine potential life or death scenarios.
There's no way they're gonna kill Nat. At least not right now. But fuck this is stressful.
Like even though I know she doesn't die and I've seen her as an adult I am still scared shitless.
Also again why the fuck would you include the only hunter in this?
Nat moving towards the knife too is so badass of her.
I hope this isn't one of those things where she's doomed because her card was pulled and now she has to die to right a wrong in the universe. Like final destination.
For once I'm giving Travis credit.
Why didn't they just kill Travis though?
I feel like this but where they're running off into the woods to hunt was in a preview somewhere earlier in the show.
Is Javi doomed? did Travis doom Javi? Is Javi gonna die? Is that why Travis was so fucked up in the future? I can't imagine this ending up well for them.
Lottie is suggesting an orgy
Nevermind, she's suggesting murder. I don't know why I even try with you, Lottie.
Knowing this show Van would get drugged but somehow survive because she's lesbian Jesus or lesbian Rasputin. I'm not sure which one but either way she's lesbian immortal so ye.
"our lives aren't that bad" Shauna, honey, you need to start paying attention.
The Van one was personal. Fuck. Like everyone else was like "Taissa, you pushed your family away and killed your dog. Misty you killed a person. Van, the life has been drained from you. You're a ghost of your former self. I look at you and I feel the inexorable reach of the grave shuddering towards me. There is something deeply wrong with you. You are broken on a fundamental level." 🫢
Ben in the meantime :
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Is this where Javi hid out? Tai stopped sleepwalking so it couldn't be her hole Ben just entered so it has to be Javi's hole, right?
Or maybe Jackie is a zombie or a revenant and she's been chilling there.
Javi talked!
Taissa is leading the charge?!
The girls had way more weapons than I thought they did
Oh shit the ice is cracking
Misty just saved Natalie's life! But doomed Javi in the process. Is this why Nat can't stand her? Because Javi died for her? Because she didn't save him either. She can blame Misty all she wants but at the end of the day, Nat didn't save Javi either.
Is this why they hate her? Because she reminds them of what they had to do?
Is this why Van's and Shauna can look comfortably at her while Nat and Taissa shut the door on her? Because of what she represents?
Because Van and Shauna never ran from it while Nat and Tai both tried to bury it?
We say the wilderness chose but it was really Van and Misty. Maybe that's why they hate her too. Because she's stronger.
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finalgirlagatha · 2 years
oh yes btw! i did orphan my old ao3 account, but not to worry, my works are still published. all of them are attached below in the form of a masterpost :)
the oldies and not goldies
i have been talked down from deleting these for four goddamn years. 'they're funny' well not to me. bon appetit, the group chat fics. the og squad sends outdated memes and death threats. they are out of realm of control now.
heathens galore: the myth, the legend. my first sge fic. its funny or smth idk. modern texting au
chat for boolies and short kings: it's definitely... there.
transitioning phase
the summer seemed to last forever: significantly less cringe than the aforementioned, but also unfinished. it's a fun fic, with the Boys being dumb and tedros pining. 80s au.
am i still dreaming?: angst, callis and agatha with a mitski title. nuff said.
pale october twlight: this was written for 2020 sgetober. there are some goodies in there, and theres a lot, so some of it has to appeal to someone! various aus, ships, concepts and characters.
before the winds of mistrust: nicphie oneshot, angsty. i'm so proud of this one, listen. "Cool, unflappable Nicola who never lets anyone or anything under her skin and who’s been under Sophie’s since the day they exchanged words." god i miss them. this was the stepping off pad for my oneshots, aka
the only bitches in this place i respect
aka the rare ships. these, despite being of varying quality, they usually have comprehensive character studies and some funny bits. you're bound to like something here.
glowing dim as an ember: such a cool au. agaster forbidden romance, dancing, childhood friends.
witchy chicken soup for the soul: a gamechanger. this au (modern magic) is a blast and i still love reading this one. beatrix is really fun to write for, and this was the best way to discover their dynamic. anadil/beatrix changed lives guys i'm so serious. i haven't been the same.
the spirit of exploration: chaddick/ravan, set during AWWP. have you noticed that these are all ever/never. well now you have. as i said in my notes "it is quite possible the everboys had 'college girl phases' during awwp and thats the basis of the whole fic". yeah.
white heart (made it red): THE FIRST ANADIL/AGATHA FIC, written for meg <3 an au, anadil character study, and anadil and agatha exploration. these two are actually so very very interesting and writing them was very fun. give me that anadil character baby
chivalry is on fire: post tlea, chaddick ravan beatrix and reena focused. gives the students a bit more depth, they play pranks and reminsce and make promises. good stuff, i love all four of them.
good stuff.
just good stuff. some of the last things i wrote before the movie came out.
an acknowledgment of the pain: tagatha, set during tlea. a reconciliation between tedros and guinevere through the lenses of a biracial tedros. it means a lot to me and helps their dynamic out a bit.
the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams: a princess mononoke au. unfinished,but still a worthwhile read imo. i DO plan on finishing it someday, promise 😔
Rhodonite and Obsidian: I legitimately still think to this day this is one of the best things I've ever written. keian multi-chapter fic, in which I dive into Kei, his family, his relationship with Rhian, and his fate. you guys miss kate pumpkinpaperweight has this bookmarked. If that's not an assurance of quality, i don't know what is.
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gayspock · 2 years
ok i finally have time im gonna watch part 2 at LAST
problemo number one. ive forgotten girlies' names. i remember starbuck, my friend starbuck. an DFUCKING GAIUS.. + boomer shes cute....
but i dont recall anyone else's NAME-names if you get me. just vibes
and i liked everyone i think smile so its like good vibes
yesss i knew the girlies would be alive. missus president and the son . theres no way they need to milk him for the drama.. APOLLO. i forgot his name. of course they called him apollo.
THE way gaius is just shaking like a tiny fucking puppydog. oh im going to kick him like a football. whilst he hallucinates a beautiful blonde woman in horror.
tyrol yes his name is tyrol. i love him hes my friendies.
woahi want a beautiful lady chip in my brain to torment me. dorito flavour please!
will this wee cunt be a recurring guy. the arms dealer. i think he'd be a funny addition to the girlies.
I ALSO LIKE THE OTHER GIRL. WHATS HER NAME. tyrol's little.... colleage ehrm. CALLY. SAYS GOOGLE. SMILE. shes so cute
AND BILLY. HES JUST FUCKING VIBING ISNT HE. COULD YOU EVEN IMAGINE.... bles- billy now why did you tell her that. im obsessed with you billy. violence. a bit of billy badness
also fucking hell, this is fucking . good heavens. ... sorry i realise im never discussing whats occurring in the episode im just like wow i li- CHILD DEATH. 😐...
anyway as i was saying like i do rlly like this so far HOWEVER both the vibe & the characters, i have to wonder... how many holdover to the main show hmmmm. im sooo curious
"didnt include a soul in programming" then what do you call the brave redditors on the advent of code sub, making the most bjeautiful visualisations
oh dear OH NOES
SO MUCH FOR THE CHEEKY LITTLE CRIMINAL IT SEEMS HES- oh good heavens well. to narrate the scene its . its like his head is an ikea kit and mister adama is trying to- oh goodness me
catgeroy 5 #girl event from mister adama (bludgeoned a cunt to death)
gaius is beyond a fucking menace im actually kind of crazy for it -the fucking... YOU CANT ATTACK A MAN IN A RUST COLOURED BLAZER, SILLY.
"lee" or "apollo" (VERY transmasc names btw) not telling his dad he was still alive (transmasc activity) is so me
him hugging his dad is so not me though
also ONE criticism i have is im not sure how if eel about some of the music. some of it is so out of place its like kinda odd
its such a big mistake to cross a girl in a statement blazer who studied public relations. you are so going to get your comeuppance for this.
i was about to comment on the cussing & i went to go look at tv tropes to see if there was a specific term for it and can i say tv trops are so funny i scrolled past and it said "gordon bennett" was made up for red dwarf and then underneath there's a note thats like"TRUTH IN TELEVISION. THIS IS USED IN THE UK." LIKE HELP PLEASE
anyway obviously #farscapeheads we cant really talk here but help. FRACK. OF ALL FUCKING WORDS. GOOD HEAVENS. WHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK IS GOING ON. THE
SO theyre going to try to... GO TO EARTH. HUH.
the implications of that.... ok
bonus pointd when the kid is wearing a turtleneck. so sensible and smart
ALSO LEE. apollo. he seriously dors look like someone took the average tv boytoy from 2004 and got the mean average its so funny
i do love their slaggy little vests. theyre not like the standard ones that are already quite slaggy. its like theyre from plt's clearance sale
oh my god he was acylon
OKAY END OF EP SMILE i finished the mini series yaaayyyy
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gmanwhore · 9 months
I would listen to your musical pitch. Btw
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I have a random headcannon (that came from the filler anime parts) where Freed has a lack of taste when it comes to food. That way, he can’t tell whether his cooking is bad or not since he can’t really taste it lol. So when he cooks for the Raijinshu and Laxus, it’s a game of Russian roulette for them of the food either being really good, or really bad and no in between haha. Laxus always ends up eating the whole thing no matter how bad it tastes cause he doesn’t want to waste Freed’s cooking or hurt his feelings hehe~ btw how are you? It’s been awhile ^^ -CutieAnon ❤️
cutie pie u literally have my twitter u can talk to me anytime my love
also, i LOVE this. no tastebuds freed. freed who once ate a cally reaper and thought it was a bell pepper. freed who confuses salt and sugar and doesn't care because the cake tastes the same either way. laxus who is so in love with freed he'll eat anything, no matter how bad it tastes.
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