#cameo gets points for patheticness though
whos-hotter-jjba · 5 months
Hottest JoJo Character Bracket - Match 1-6
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lemotmo · 2 months
Some of them clearly got the point of Tim's call-out.
Q. What did you make of Tim's interview? I realize the bulk was Lonestar but the fandom stuff was interestingly phrased. The fact that so many people involved with the show, and now the showrunner himself, are openly discussing how bad things are cannot be a good sign. I know we had some fans who were saying we could 'bully' Tim and the show into giving us more Tommy but I think that was a massive mistake in hindsight. I think certain people got carried away and went way too far. Weather their intentions were ever bad or not I just think some people took the bullying idea too far. I'm a little worried we may not see Tommy at all now.
A. The bullying idea was always going to be a massive mistake. Normally you can take Tim's interviews with a bit of 'lol, why is he so dramatic' because he's not immune to getting his feelings hurt, and using his interviews to tell people that. In this case though it was definitely a direct callout. I have been here from the beginning and the show has never experienced anything close to what they have experienced this off-season. It's one thing to root for a particular show ship it's another thing entirely to openly send, and openly encourage others, to send hate to the cast and creators of a show. Then those same fans dragged the lighting director, director of photography, show directors and professional media members who have covered the show for years into their bullying game as well. It was insane, pathetically immature behavior. At times it was also incredibly disturbing. And every single bit of it can be traced back to the cameo videos. The second the storyline they were paying to be told didn't match the storyline we were actually watching they revolted.
And unfortunately because I think Tim, and ABC, just didn't think they were anything worth paying attention to initially, he was allowed to do them way too long. The more he did the more obsessed with him that particular group of people became. This has nothing to do with 911. Those people aren't at all interested in 911. Their entire interest is Lou and Lou alone. It's a small group of people. A small sick group of people who created a bunch of separate accounts in order to appear to be more people than they actually are (and they were stupid enough to openly admit that is what they did). Then that small group of people got together and from every single one of their many accounts they attacked as a group. They started with Oliver. They pointed out that Oliver wasn't interacting with Lou or engaging with any of them, or B/T content, and decided, at least initially, that he was solely to blame for B/T not getting the attention they thought it deserved, again the Buck part they don't care about. They were upset that they weren't seeing more of Tommy and they blamed Oliver for that. Suddenly Oliver was being tagged in posts that were calling him unprofessional, immature, bratty, selfish, and because of course, homophobic (they're really not a bright group of people). However instead of taking their bait and engaging with them, Oliver, rightly, blocked them. Meaning they needed a new target. Briefly it became Tim because their moronic leader screenshot a message she sent him that he, stupidly, responded to. She took that and spun and ENTIRE relationship theory and spread it through her many accounts. Tim then admitted in another comment that he actually didn't know what she was talking about but didn't want to be rude by continuing to ignore her so he responded to her. He then said that was a mistake and he wouldn't be responding to anything else. And he hasn't (she should be very embarrassed by his interview today because he may as well have used her name). And the show also continued to not align with her/their theory and they got more upset. Then found a new target.
Throughout the season Oliver did what Oliver has always done. Oliver posted, liked and promoted Eddie/Buddie/Buckley Diaz family content. He has always done this. This was nothing new. But it infuriated Lou's fans and they turned their anger on Ryan. Suddenly Eddie was the worst character in the history of television. He was an abuser (to Buck especially), he was a user (of Buck especially). He was a terrible friend (to Buck especially). Depending on the day he was either a deadbeat dad or obsessed with his kid in an unhealthy way (they couldn't ever really decide which way to go on this one. That opinion was dependent on how the poster felt about Chris). When that attack didn't really get the attention they were begging for, they changed direction and made it personal. Post after post, that Ryan was always tagged in, calling him racist, a deadbeat dad, an asshole, unprofessional, manipulative and controlling of Oliver (wtf, god they really are a stupid group of people), a whore (I actually read that one myself, it was a trip), a terrible actor that only has a job because Tim thinks he's hot. And so on and so on. At first Tommy didn't kiss Eddie because Ryan is homophobic and refused to do the storyline, then Tim, very publicly, corrected that lie so Lou's fans had to pivot and said Lou actually refused to do the Eddie storyline because he knows Ryan isn't a good guy ( a special kind of crazy that makes me need to drink ). Then they sunk to their sickest, lowest, most pathetic, vile, disturbing, and inexcusable moment. Ryan did a podcast where he discussed his past mental health struggles and suicidal thoughts. They went into the comments on the podcast and told Ryan that they wish he had committed suicide. That if he had killed himself then Tommy could have his screen time and they wouldn't have to see Buck have scenes with Eddie. Not only did they leave those comments (the podcast has since deleted most of them, thankfully), they sent similar messages directly to Ryan on Instagram. Knowing he would see them. It was appalling and very, very disturbing. The cameo videos ended fairly shortly after. These people are sick. They get zero sympathy or understanding from me. It's a fucking television show. Tommy is not a real person. Ryan is a real person.
As for maybe not seeing Tommy at all, I would imagine conversations have certainly taken place. He was never sticking around permanently. The conversations most likely involved deciding if they needed him at all, and if they did, how many actual scenes did they need him for. I don't work on the show, but if they decided he wasn't necessary to the storyline, and they could get away with his stuff happening off screen I would imagine he's been dismissed. They probably decided they needed him at least for a few scenes though. Unless other things happened behind the scenes we're not aware of he will be around the first few episodes at least and then and probably no more. He can take his tiny army with him when he leaves. No one will miss them.
Okay, just ... yeah, all of this. It's crazy how these people did all of these horrible things in the name of... a ship? I mean, what?
I've been in fandom for a very long time and I have been shipping characters for a very long time, but I've never seen behaviour like this. Behaviour where people think they are justified to bully, harass and vilify the actors playing a character on a TV-show. To the point where they get blocked by the actors and crew.
I don't understand what would drive someone to do that? I genuinly don't.
These are the kind of people that need to put down their phones forever, go outside and touch all the grass they can touch. After that they should never watch 911 again. If you don't like something, just walk away. I have done that before. Shows don't always go where a fan wants it to go.
Look. I want Buddie. You all know that. I'm 99% certain that we're getting Buddie in season 8. But, if it turns out we won't, which is always a possibility since I don't know what Tim is cooking up, I will be disappointed, but I won't start spewing hatred all over the place. I will just take a step back and focus on other things in life. I'll keep shipping Buddie and read fanfiction. I'll be fine here in my Buddie corner of the Internet with my Buddie mutuals.
So yeah, this is insane behaviour to me. I truly don't get it.
Thanks Nonny for dropping this in my inbox!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting these anon OP updates instead of reblogging. Don't get mad at me. There is a reason for it and it's all done with consent from the OP. You can find out more about that here.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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A Rose for You!
Lyney x Gn!Reader
Pt.2 to Watch and Be Amazed!
{ Ok! Ya'll asked for it. I kinda wanted to write more in the first part but it was already kinda lengthy. As in the last part there wasn't much one on one Lyney and Reader moments. But don't fret dear [Name]! You'll be in the lovely company of this little magical menace for a tour around the Nation! }
! Some Spoilers for the Fontaine Archon Quest Act 1 and some nudges to Lyney and Lynettes Backstory/Personal Stories !
General: sfw, fluff, Grin Malkin Cat, small Freminet and Lynette cameo, Lyney being the charming little flirt he is, flustered Lyney, french, a wee bit of angst here and there towards the end,
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It was a new day, and you felt refreshed. Truly, Fontaine is one of the most snazziest places you’ve ever been in. Alongside the technological advancements, there was much attention to the intricacies of decorum and an artistic romanticism in the most mundane activities. Although, the air was a bit smellier than the countryside and the stars couldn’t sparkle as brightly.
You had woken up from your slumber, the sun beaming through the thin curtains by the window. Next to your bedside was a small nightstand with a beautiful lamp and the prop card laying face down. 
You rolled a bit around in your bed until you laid on your back facing the ceiling.
Your mind wandered to the events that unfolded last evening. The colorful memory replayed in your mind like moving photographs. 
The doves, cats in hats, paper butterflies and a pair of soft lilac eyes. 
You sighed.
From the walk to your hotel yesterday, you had viciously tried to recount the events that happened. At what point did Lyney slip this note in your sleeve? And why didn’t you notice sooner?
You had trouble sleeping that night. 
Lyney couldn’t have been serious could he? It was just a part of the show, of course he would shower you with pretty words and a suave demeanor . It's part of his charming routine, nothing more. 
Then again…
Why did he whisper at you so much? Now you thought about it, you were up there for at least one two..TECHNICALLY FOUR ACTS?! Also, he stopped you after the show to talk. AND NOW HE HANDED YOU A CARD ASKING YOU OUT?! No WaIT- Not ‘Out Out’ like a date or anything, an outing as friends? Can you even call him that?! What acquaintance just requests a day to hang out together? HE ISN'T BREAKING SOME PERFORMER AUDIENCE ETIQUETTE REGULATIONS IS HE?!-
Overthinking can lead to a very unsettled mindset preventing you from getting proper rest. 
So here you were, laying like a beached seal on your bed. You didn’t bother to get up right away. Too lazy and your head was fizzed out of thoughts.
You shifted your head around, the bedding beneath you shuffled along. On the nightstand was the prop card you had found in your sleeve last night. 
You eyed the shiny piece of paper. The little red grinning cat silhouette on the backside felt like it was taunting you. Calling you pathetic as it stared at you from atop his side table throne.
Stretching your arms above your head, you finally sat up. 
You reached and picked up the card, holding it with your index and thumb. Once again you carefully read the words that were written on the front in cursive. 
 “ I hope you had a magical evening, [Name]. Meet me by the bench near the potted flowers by the station at noon tomorrow. If you show up, best prepare for I still have tricks up my sleeve that will leave you dazzled! ”
You stared at it and noticed it was written on what was a blank playing card. 
Staring at how the curved letters formulated each word you wondered. 
Meet him at the benches by the Aquabus station by noon. Did you really trust this man? Even though he is technically a celebrity, you just met him not even a day ago. 
You swung your feet off the bed, card still in hand. Stepping down onto the small bedside rug, you idled around near the window. It looked to be early morning, you’d guess around eight o’ clock. 
“ I don’t have much plans today. Other than wandering the streets and walking into what I think will be interesting.” You said, your voice a bit groggy. 
You twirled the card in your hand.
You thought carefully of what you’d do next.
“ I think he might it want back.”
Yeah, that’s it.
“I’m sorry, sir?” You yelped. You had to crane your neck a bit to be able to make eye contact? You didn’t think it had eyes, but nevertheless you made the best effort to stare into its face.
Or what looked to be a face.
 You had seen some of them walking about freely in the main city. When you were making your way towards a staircase you bumped into one. 
The robotic garde halted and nodded.
‘ Ah, so they can communicate.’
It went back to walking down the street, undeterred. Turning around after that odd exchange you went back to the matter afoot.
You were lost. Lyney never specified which station he’d be waiting in. You were almost half convinced he was going to be at the Marcotte Line; the one closest to the Opera Epiclese. Although, the more you thought about it the less likely he would be there. 
He did mention that he might be available to take you to see around Fontaine. So he must have meant the main station hub located in the main city.
Even if he wasn’t there, you’d have that station checked off the list of possibilities.
You hurried up the stairs, the small journey reminding you of the Nation of Freedom surprisingly. Although both were vastly different, they did share a similar style of building upward rather than outward. 
Reaching the top, you made your way to the station. You kept your eyes open as you scoped out your surroundings hoping to find a tall tophat. 
It shouldn’t be hard right? Someone as extravagant as him would surely stand out.
You stood corrected. It looks like many people here in Fontaine take up the fashion trend that was tall extravagant head wear. You had gone over almost every suspect bench near flora, most of them were occupied by either locals, adventurers or both. 
He didn’t seem to be near the reception or the inner waiting area. 
“ It's almost noon” you turn to look out a window, the sun is high in the sky now. 
“ If I were a famous magician with an outgoing personality, where would I be?” You muttered as you had your eyes peeled, wondering in the same space.
Your eyes followed the cheers of children. Near a bench a group of kids surrounded someone. 
“ Wow!”
“Where did it go?”
“Could you do it again mister?”
“ Alright! Since you asked nicely. Watch carefully now!~” You heard a jovial smooth voice. 
Looking above the kid group you spot him, seated comfortably playing with his card deck. 
‘ Of course! You’d be where a willing audience was present!’ 
You waltzed over subtly. He was entertaining a group of little kids with some card tricks, you’d let him finish his mini performance before you made yourself known.
“ Is this your card little Mademoiselle?”  Lyney knelt down and held up a four of hearts card. The little girl with blonde hair jumped up excitedly.
“ Yeah! That’s my card!” 
Lyney laughed, a warm expression graced his features. His eyes met yours for a split second. Not knowing what to do, you sent a little wave. Well at least he knows you're here. 
His gaze flitted back to the group of kids. He got back up with the card in hand. “ Before I go, I’ll leave you all with a grand finale!”
The children gasped in unison and quieted down instantly. 
He brought the card close to his face. He flicked it two times before crumpling it into his hand. 
He shook his hand and reeled it as if he was going to throw a shot ball. He brought his hand up in a presenting way and when his palm opened there was a pop sound. It rained rainbow confetti and small cut out paper stars.
The children ooo’d and awe’d, and two were reaching their little arms up to catch the popper’s confetti. 
“ Ta-da! This has been a special performance, brought to you by Magician Extraordinaire Lyney!” The magician lifted his cape from behind him and took a bow. The children clapped and cheered. 
Two adults came walking up to the mini crowd. 
“ Thank you for entertaining them, Mister Lyney. Getting our little Anais to sit still is a magic trick on its own.” An older woman laughed, as she picked up a small girl who wore a Boater styled hat. 
“ Alright Hugo, let's go. Our boat will leave in a few minutes. Say thank you to Monsieur Lyney.” A man with a distinguished mustache taped a young boy in overalls. The little boy with his hands behind his back, thanked the magician before he went off with his father. 
Lyney waved the kids off as he walked off towards you. 
“ Hey there you. I hope managed to get a full night's rest.” He said, there was this sort of bounce in his voice. You may have only known him for a little while now, but you couldn’t help but pick up some recurring little quirks about him.
He wasn’t much different casually like he was on stage. This guy really does live and breathe in the spotlight huh?
“ Sort of. I had a bit of trouble sleeping.” 
‘No way you were going to tell him you were thinking about him. That would make the rest of the day awkward.’
“ I did end up getting some shut eye though, eventually.” You mustered up a reassuring smile. 
“ Trouble sleeping?” Lyney tilted his head as his index finger came up to chin. His eyes slightly narrowed as a mischief inducing grin made its way onto his face. “ You weren’t laying awake thinking about me were you?~” 
You couldn’t help but widen your eyes and sputter out. Is telepathy in his book of magic tricks too?!
“What? No, of course not!” You forced a cough to cover your small blunder. “It’s just, I need to get accustomed to the climate, that's all. It's like that the first few days in a new location.”
Lyney laughed, his smirk melting into a more genuine expression.
“I’m kidding! That might have been a bit much, sorry about that! Hehe.” He said apologetically.  
You crossed your arms as you held a small jaded stare at the cheeky magician. You were doubting if he really meant that. You blew out a held breath.
Reaching into your pocket you fetched the prop card
“ I found this in my sleeve when I left the Opera House. I believe this belongs to you.” You extended his card to him. His eyes suddenly lit up and he swiped the card away from you.
“So this is where it went! Honestly, sometimes my card deck has a mind of its own.” He mused as he twirled the card in his hand. 
His eyes traveled back to you. “Well since it got you here today, why not take a walk around town! I did say if we had free time we were going to show you around. Call it an encore if you will.” 
You looked around you, noticing something amiss after he said that.
“ Is Miss Lynette not going to join today?”
Lyney shrugged as he slid the card back into his deck. “ Lynette had something urgent to take care of, So she can't join us today unfortunately. So it will probably just be little old me and you today.” 
He was idly playing around with the deck before he made it disappear. “ Oh, you don’t need to be so formal! Just Lyney is fine.” 
You hummed.
“Alright. So any places to recommend visiting?”
At this the magician sported a confident smile and walked ahead of you. “ I have a full day planned out, a surprise around every corner. I want your stay in Fontaine to be an unforgettable glimmering memory.” 
He turned on his heel to face you and extended a hand to you.
“ Now if you’d allow me to be your escort, mon cher?” 
You could do nothing but stare. You couldn’t come up with any words to say except stepping forward and taking his hand. 
With a content smile, Lyney gently pulled you along. His gloved hand felt smooth where his fingers grazed your palm yet there was a distinctive tougher texture where the white detailing was sewn on. The people wandering the streets around you felt like the fizzling suds of a wave.
You felt your face becoming a bit warmer. 
He really does have a flair for the theatrical doesn’t he? 
Lyney had taken you everywhere, one exciting place following the next. But before anything, he invented you for a meal. It was noon and the complimentary breakfast from early morning wasn’t going to keep you going for the entire day. So you both stopped by a humble cafe. The food was absolutely delicious! The smell of toasty bread invaded your senses and the savory taste of garlic on your tongue made you smile with each bite . 
You were perfectly content with the garlic bread but you curiously asked Lyney for any recommended dish for the main course.
His answer was; “ If you want my word, then I’d say try this dish right here!” He pointed to a warm soup bowl as he leaned himself over to you.
After lunch, Lyney brought you to see many sights and places. From the tall waterfalls that made up the borders of Fontaine, you could stare at it for hours. He had to subtly pull you away from the viewing point as you kept your eyes glued to the running water. 
You took the Aquabus every so often to get around. You were looking out into the distance. The water seemed to stretch on for infinity, islands broke through the surface making the land seem like one big jigsaw puzzle.
While the ride dragged out, Lyney made quick conversation to pass the time.
“So, what brought you to Fontaine, hm? If my memory serves me right, you mentioned that you don’t get out much.” Lyney sat next to you with his legs crossed. 
“ Yeah. I see travelers but I'm never the one traveling. My job is not something exciting like an adventurer or extravagant like an artist.”
You shift in your seat. You folded your arms onto your lap.
“ I’m just a shopkeep. So, you can already say that I live a perfectly mundane life” You chuckled a bit dryly. 
Lyney was uncharacteristically quiet. He was paying his undivided attention to your words. You continued. 
“With every passing day, I gradually realized that my life had possibly reached a stalemate. Every day felt like a repeat of yesterday. It was the same route, same building, same aisles, and same feelings.” You said. You couldn’t exactly remember when you began to feel like this. It was a thought that had crossed your mind one day. And ever since, it had stayed in the crevices like gunk you couldn’t wipe off.
 “ So, I decided that I’m just going to throw myself out there into the world!” You spoke. You couldn’t really say exactly what your ideas were, but you described what you felt. 
Comfort. Trapped. Empty. Jealous. Fear. Doubt. Excitement. 
“ It may be reckless of me, but If I was never going to do it, I knew I would end up feeling regret for not having done anything about it. And even so, my boss was kind enough to grant me time off.” 
You snickered. “ I’m probably just assuming, but I feel like they might have let me have this because they probably noticed something. Not to brag, but I was their best employee. Swooping in to save the day when my colleagues were out.” 
You stretched your arms a bit, not having realized how still your body was the entire time. Once you were done it felt nice; it was as if your entire being took a fresh breath of relief.
“ So now I’m here. In Fontaine on an Aquabus with you.” You look up to see Lyney again. His eyes were soft and he had this understanding expression on his face. 
Really, any expression he wore felt as if it were through a pair of rosy lenses. Perhaps it was the natural charm artists like him had. Maybe. 
Besides,he could get away with just about anything because of his attractive face.
You shook your head away to look out into the Fontaine waters around and below. 
“ Well, good on you [Name]! I hope your ventures have been nothing but amazing and brought you happiness! ” He finally spoke. He inhaled deeply before he sighed out. His gaze faced the bow of the aquabus.
 “ Do you agree that birds create wonderful music for the ear to hear? Not to mention the splendor of colorful feathers and their ability to fly.” 
“Due to their natural charm, they are sometimes kept as ‘decorations’, provided food and shelter so long as they continue to amuse the people.” He said, his tone shifted ever so slightly. It was barely noticeable, but there was a very micro edge to his word. 
He crossed his arms, the brim of his hat covered the sun creating a little inkling of shadow cast over half his face blocking out the sunlight that might’ve stung his eyes. 
“ But being kept in captivity for too long, it will yearn for the open skies. It’s only a matter of time before the initial luxury turns into a finite cage.” Lyney hummed. His words brought you an unexplainable comfort yet somehow it felt very out of character for him. You subtly shift your gaze to his face. His expression didn’t seem to be exaggerated. His features were calm like a still lake, unmoving. His eyes, although trained forward, seemed to be not fully there. A misty reflection had settled over his lilac irises. 
The intermission lasted for a few beats of seconds. His mouth effortlessly shifts up into a cat-like grin. He turns his head back to you and straightens his posture, his signature tophat tips back slightly. His eyes conveyed excitement as the lilac once again seemed as vivid during his performance.
 He was no longer a still freshwater lake, but instead a lively and winding river. 
“Which is why you’ll get the best tour of Fontaine by yours truly! Mark my words when I said I’d leave you dazzled today, for I Lyney will see to it that you have nothing but laughs and smiles upon your lovely face, mon cher.~” He declared proudly.
You felt dazed. A warm bubbly feeling began to infest your chest. It was very much like when he placed a kiss to the back of your hand.
You smiled happily at his declaration. “Thank you for listening to me. And also..”
You couldn’t help the hot sensation over the apples of your cheeks or your muted heart rate from your ears. Yet you persisted, not breaking away your gaze from him.
“Thank you for being with me today.”
Lyney’s confident facade had faltered ever so slightly for that moment. But he recuperated and mirrored your expression. 
“It’s no problem at all, [Name].”
This was nice. He was nice. Despite knowing him for a little while, it felt as if you’d known him for much longer. 
However, you barely knew anything about him other than he had a twin sister who was coincidentally his assistant and that he was a popular performer in Fontaine. 
It irked you a bit, but you wouldn’t voice this opinion out loud.  It is as people said, once you learn the inner mechanism to a magic trick, the magic itself is lost and you're left to face the raw and sometimes cruel trick. 
You wouldn’t question why he went quiet. You wouldn’t question if he himself felt similar. You wouldn’t question why his demeanor sometimes felt too whimsical to be true. You didn’t want to ruin the mood. And you didn’t want to linger on the thought any longer. 
You both went to many shops, Lyney had insisted you try out anything that caught your fancy. And if you liked it, to get it! Of course you were on a travel budget, but you did end up purchasing two items. 
Your favorite stop however was the Hat Boutique. Lyney had a rather interesting insight on what headwear would ‘shape a face better’. 
“Hm, you could probably store triple the amount of props in this one.” He studied a scarlet red top hat that looked suspiciously similar to the one he owns. He then looked over to another hat sitting on a display. “But that one brings out my petite and charming face more.” 
He turned to face you. “ Help me out here [Name], should I go with this one or that one?”
You looked between the two options, narrowing your eyes and looked closely at the detailings. You looked at Lyney’s face and imagined how he’d look with either on. 
“If you want my opinion, why not go with this one.” You walked over to a particular Hat you saw as you were pursuing. It was a Fedora like hat in a rich dark violet color; it looked more like an inky black purple. It had a gray sash wrapped around it that shined slightly silver when the sun hit. 
“ It looks nice, and the material feels smooth to the touch. The color brings out your eyes too.” You said as you held up the hat for him to look. 
“Oh my, aren't you the charmer?” He smirked playfully.
You avert your eyes to the aisles of material and color, “ It’s just an astute observation is all.” 
He took the hat off your hands and studied it. “ Color me impressed! You have quite the eye for fashion mon cherie.” He sent you a proud smile and his eyes glowed with pride. 
You shook your head. “ I work full time at a small shop remember, so picking up on the interest of buyers is a skill I’ve gained. I wouldn’t say I’m a fashion expert.” You felt the corner of your lips twitch up into a little smile. 
“Are you going to tell me what you mean by that?” 
“What do I mean by what?” He repeated your question blinking owlishly 
You pouted. You got the feeling he was doing it on purpose.
“The nickname? You refer to me by that sometimes. What does it mean?” 
Lyney thought for two seconds before his mouth formed an o shape in realization. He gave you an innocent close eyed smile. “ That’s a secret~! But, I have faith you’ll figure out what it means on your own.” 
You gasped and brought a hand to your heart. “ How do I know you're not calling me a mean name? What a cruel scheme to pull one over me like that!” You whisper yelled in an over the top voice of hurt. 
 His shoulders tensed. Lyney suddenly became the slightest bit flustered. He shook his head, “I-I would never! Honest! I can assure you it doesn’t mean anything like that.” 
You let out a quiet snicker. You found it adorable really. He suddenly became embarrassed despite the brimming confidence he usually carries himself in.
After purchasing the hat, he decided to keep his signature cat still on but suggested making a stop by his house to leave the newly purchased hat. 
“ It won’t be long I promise! It’s just that, I wouldn’t want it to get weathered by bringing it around with us today. You did end up choosing it and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to it.” He reasoned.
It was a small but cute home. It was built in a typical style that the main city carried; geometric edges, a very advanced looking outdoor light, and a beautiful door with a stained window. 
“Wait here okay! I promise I’ll be in and out before you can tell I left.” He quickly spoke as he jogged over to the front door. You couldn’t help but laugh a little as he sped off. 
So you stood outside. You looked around, and spotted a potted plant. 
The sharp sounds of metal and objects clashing made you sharply look at the direction it came from. You suddenly felt a bit confused.
The door swung open and you were expecting to see the charming magician. Instead it was a boy running out the door. He spotted you and suddenly skidded to a sudden stop.
He had a giant metal helmet next to him. He had ash blonde hair that almost covered the left side of his face. His apparel reminded you of a sailor.
He just stared at you and stepped back a bit. His form seemed slightly shrunken and he held his helmet thing closer to him. Not wanting wrong assumptions to be made you sent the boy the most casual smile you could.
“ Oh, don’t mind me! I’m just waiting on a friend, said he had to drop off something. He should be back any minute.”
The boy didn’t say anything, and just nodded. And he stood there. Unmoving.
 Some glances at you and back to the floor.
 He taps around his helmet. 
Well this was awkward. Should you make small talk?
“Er, cool helmet. What is it for, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
The boy nervously glanced at you from the corner of his eye. His eyes were a very vibrant blue color. He didn’t answer for a while. You purse your lips feeling bad. Maybe the silence was better. 
“ving…” You barely heard it. You look over back to the boy.
“Diving..a diving helmet.” He spoke quietly. He didn’t make eye contact as his eyes were glued to the floor. 
“Diving? As in underwater?” You spoke with some bubbling curiosity. Before the boy could react, the door opened again.
“ I am here! Haha, sorry. That may have taken a bit longer than I thought. I hope you didn’t get too bored while I was away.” Lyney announced himself. He no longer had the hat box with him and he scratched the nape of his neck.
He noticed the other blonde boy. 
“Hm? Ah, Freminet! Where are you off to today?” 
Oh, he knows him? You thought, glancing between the two. 
“I was on my way to the beach.” The young man known as Freminet spoke. His voice sounded soft yet slightly raspy, perhaps he wasn’t used to talking much you figured.
Lyney approached you and eagerly motioned for you to join in the conversation.
“ [Name], allow me to introduce you to my little brother, Freminet. Freminet, this is my new friend [Name]. They were the ones to share the spotlight with me and Lynette during last evening’s show.” Lyney proudly chirped.
Freminet looked a lot less tense. “Oh, yeah. I remember. You rambled on about that show, saying how well they-”
Lyney coughed loudly. You look over at the magician with a raised eyebrow. 
There on his pale face was the smallest smidgen of a rosy color. Freminet immediately hushed. But he had a small nervous smile on his face.
“ I’m sorry If I seemed quiet just now.” Fremeniet now said addressing you. “ I recognized you from your appearance, but I didn’t know what to talk about. Or If you would find me odd for knowing about you.” 
You shook your head, understanding the full picture now made you feel a bit more reassured. “ Don’t worry about it, really. But, it’s nice to meet you, Freminet.”
You turned to face Lyney who looked a lot more relaxed. “ So you have two siblings? What a nice family you three are! There probably isn’t a shortage of banter or boredom then.” 
Lyney chuckled. “ Well, I’m usually the one who does most of the talking. I’m the eldest so it's my duty.” 
“Sometimes you take it a bit too far and become a blabber mouth.” A familiar voice suddenly joined the conversation. Looking about you were met with another familiar face.
“Hey Lynette.” You sent the twin a little friendly wave. She turned to you. Smiling a little and returning it, albeit more lazy. 
“Really? You see me as a blabber mouth? But Lynette, I mustn't let the audience’s cheers and support fall on deaf ears. Especially that our friend [Name] here has been on a grand tour with me as their guide.” Lyney ground proudly as he placed both his hands on his hips.
“Whatever you say. But, you’ve been taking them on a tour? How come you didn’t invite me to tag along?” Lynette deadpanned. 
Huh? You tilted your head in confusion and furrowed your brow. Didn’t Lyney mention earlier that his sister was busy. Lyney must have felt the obvious sudden awkward tension placed upon him as his shoulder tensed and he chuckled nervously.
“A-ah, b-but dear sister, you see since you were busy in the early time of today I didn’t wish to trouble you, so I took it upon myself to show them around. Hehe, please don’t be mad at me.” Lyney stuttered out all while looking at Lynette as he brought his hat closer to his chest.
 Lynette sighed and shook her head before she turned to you with a laid back expression. 
“ I hope he hasn’t caused you too much trouble, [Name]. He can go a little too far sometimes but that’s just Lyney being Lyney.” 
“Hey! I’m right here you know.” Lyney whined sadly. Lynette didn’t bother to look at him and Freminet had turned his head to the side. His shoulder’s bounced and looked like he was suppressing a giggle.
“ It’s really okay. More than okay really. Lyney has been nothing but kind and patient with me. He is a good listener and always manages to make me smile and laugh!” You said happily. 
Lynette’s deep violet eyes got slightly bigger with confusion and curiosity. Lyney stood beside you and took a quick glance at your direction. It was quiet for a moment. You suddenly became a bit nervous, was there something wrong you said?
Lyney laughed heartily as he threw an arm over your shoulders. “You see! Take it from them, that I never let my audience down!” You quickly glanced in his direction, not minding the close contact. You could see some red culminating around the tips of his ear and beneath his eyes.
“Well that's good to know.” Lynette crossed her arms. 
“ We must get going, the daylight is short so we mustn't waste it idlying.” Lyney said. Before you two left Lyney sent his siblings goodbye. “Take care Lynette, remember to be on alert alright? And Freminet, remember to get back home before curfew! I was about to dive into the waters last time you had forgotten about time.” 
“ Okay.”
“Of course.”
Lynette and Freminet replied in unison. 
“ Looks like we’re on the move again. I hope to be able to spend time with you Lynette.” You said. You wanted to get to know this family better. Lynette was blunt and to the point but you could tell she cared about the people closest to her. 
Lynette nodded and her lips curled up into a small but sincere smile. You turned to Freminet.
 “ It was nice to meet you, Freminet. If we ever meet again, would you mind explaining diving to me? It sounds interesting.” 
Freminet tensed slightly but managed to nod in agreement. 
“ Bye Bye! Take care!”
After you two had left, Lynette turned to Fremeinet with a pensive look.
“ Freminet, do you think our older brother is perhaps getting attached to them?”
“ I don’t know. But, he really seems to like their company. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him being this flustered in the presence of someone else.”
Lynette hummed. “ I hope he knows what he’s attempting to get himself into. Out of all of us, he knows what kind of situation we’re in.”
Freminet was quiet as he fidgeted with the nails and guards on his helmet. 
“ Do you think that [Name] would like Per?”
Lynette glanced at Freminet with an unreadable expression. She stood still and thought of last evening's performance. 
“Did... Did you go into idle mode?”
“ I think [Name] would find Per cute.” 
The rest of the day was spontaneous. From a walk by the sea shore, trying out pastries and free samples, Lyney explaining Fontaine history and technology. 
It was now close to night time and you were both currently walking through the garden close to the Opera House. The road towards the Opera House was beautiful, ever since you first came here a day prior. You had almost ran late to the Magic show seeing as to how pretty it was. The carved marble statues, the beds of wildflowers beyond the decorative iron railing, and not to mention the fountains. Water was almost everywhere you’d look, it was a given as this was the nation of Hydro. 
“Well, today was certainly a fun day.” You spoke softly. You looked up into the sky. It was the final rays of daylight and the sky was a beautiful swatch of evening gradience. All of the orange, blues and reds bled right into each other.
The water beyond mirrored the sky. The land was akin to a watercolor tray, a smokey mixture of cool and warm colors. 
“Thankyou, again for taking time out of your day to guide me through the nation’s cities. You didn’t need to know?” You walked alongside Lyney who was too admiring the sky. 
“Nonsense. I took you on this little journey because I wanted to. It was one of my prop cards that called to you, yes?” He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.
“Yes but-”
“And you answered. You could have very well ignored it, even kept the card as a souvenir. But you didn’t. And that choice led you to today.” He spoke calmly.
You said nothing. Lyney was a stubborn man, no matter how many times you could protest against his kindness he would fire back with a reasonable explanation. 
“ The card, how did you manage to put it into my sleeve?” 
Lyney grinned like a bobcat. “ Uh uh my dear, a magician never reveals his trade secrets.” He mused teasingly.
“ Of course.” You sighed, giving up. 
“Have you always had a talent in magic? In performing?” 
Lyney finally turned his head to glance at you. Skipping ahead of you, he manages to turn his whole body towards you.
“ If you must know, It is a rags to riches tale!” He exclaimed as he bellowed out his arms dramatically in front of him.
“ As a young lad, me and Lynette were street performers. Everyday little crowds of people would congregate around us on the side of the street. Card tricks, Flower tricks, and even the feathered friends would aid in our little shows.” He exclaimed as he walked backwards.
“We would give it our all and Mora would rain down upon us.” He spoke with a triumphant smile on his face. He slowed down his pace and you managed to catch up. He was now walking next to you like before.
“ You could guess the rest. We eventually became so well renowned, we were able to afford high end venues and quality equipment for our shows. And soon we went from paupers to famed actors.” 
You had listened carefully. Despite his colorful disposition, the underlying tone of his small backstory felt off.
“ I’m sorry you had to go through such tribulation. It must have been tough on the two of you early on.” You frowned. Although he framed the tale as a dramatic novel, the implication that he and lynette had been living in the streets tugged at your heart.
He did say when he was a lad, so this probably must have happened while they were both children. Where were their parents? The rest of their family? You decided to stave off these questions as they could be delicate. 
Lyney had gone quiet for a moment. He smiled warmly at you. “ It’s alright. There is no need to feel sad for us. That is long in the past now. And besides…” He grinned widely. “ I think a smile would suit your lovely face more!” 
He took off his hat and dug around it and pulled out a curious plant. It was a glowing blue color and its shape resembled a pearl. It shined a mixture of a translucent lilac and ocean blue. 
He outstretched it out to you. You went ahead and tapped the leaves that looked like sea shells. The flower suddenly released some bubbles. The translucent orbs floated around you. You couldn’t help but pop a few, some giggles escaping you as you whirled around. 
Lyney chuckled. “ I did promise you that I would keep that smile on your lips followed by the melody of your laughter.” 
“ I-” You brought a hand up to your face. Your heart suddenly began to beat as if you had just ran a distance. 
Why did his words have to feel so..so..like this? Why did it feel as if what he said was true? Would that explain why your heart feels like it would sprout wings and fly away any moment?
You were positive your face was burning up. You coughed into your hand.
“You did, didn't you? Thank you for the reminder.” You had managed to sputter out. You heard the soft chuckling of the magician. The flower was no wear to be seen, he must’ve vanished it away when you weren’t paying attention. 
“I’m glad we’re on the same page, [Name].” He had a lopsided grin. Lyney was a cheeky man, a person with a silver tongue. He was a conman. And yet…
He managed to make you feel like you had a tornado of butterflies in your stomach all the time. 
You were left speechless, as you both continued to walk down a few more minutes. You both made it to the Opera. In front of the opera was a bigger fountain, and a few pairs of people were collected around it. 
You went up to the fountain, interested to see it up close. In the water collected at the bottom, you could make out a few glittering coins of Mora beneath the water. You heard a few steps up behind you and guess Lyney must’ve followed you. 
“ People wish at this fountain, right? What for?” You looked around at the elegant structure. The reflected moonlight in the water gleamed against the little gold accents around its edges. 
“ Fontainians come to this fountain to wish about anything, really. Better fortune, health, and happiness. But mostly, people come to this specific fountain for love or hopes for a healthy baby.” Lyney answered, his hands behind his back. 
‘Hmm, the pairs of people make sense now.’ You thought as you glanced around the area. Satisfied you walk around the front of the Opera house. The fountains shooting water high into the air makes you wanna take a closer look. Leaning into the thin railing your eyes stayed glued to the water. 
You could feel a ghost coolness of the falling mist from the tall fountain. 
Although it was a fun outing today, you had ran around almost everywhere in the nation. Lyney in toe with you, making you ignore the aches you felt for doing so much in such a short time. Now in this still moment, all your tiredness was catching up to you.
Lyney must have noticed, as his lilac eyes flitted between your face and the fountain ahead. 
“ Hey, want to see something cool?” 
You turned your head over to the cheeky magician with a brow raised.
With your attention now on him, he took off his hat. You leaned more on your arm against the railing with a warm smile. Half expecting him to pull out something out of his hat again, he did something else. He shook it in front of him, emptying it out of nothing. Nothing left the hat. 
Lyney hummed aloud. “Hmm, I was sure I had it stored in here.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Maybe you dropped it somewhere?”
“No no. I was sure It was in here.” He pouted as he now looked in, under and above his tophat. It was rather cute.
He eventually gave up and placed it back on his head. “ You might be right, maybe it slipped out while we were on the aqua-”
Just as he was about to finish, something dangled in front of his face. It moved from side to side, as if it was dusting off his face. Upon a closer look, It looked like a cat tail.
The look on Lyney’s face was endearing, his lilac eyes had dilated in surprise and followed the tail. 
“Ah, there it is!” The hat suddenly lifted up his head, floating just above.
To your surprise, you see a smaller tophat along two little black ears pop out. Two little black bean paws followed, grabbing along the inner rim of Lyney’s hat. 
You finally saw its face. It was a black cat with mismatched eyes of a droplet and star. It had a permanent toothy grin on its face. It wiggled in the hat and turned itself to look down at you. 
You could make out the red bow behind its back. You weren’t sure what to do so you waved at the cat. It moved its small pudgy body around the hat and twitched its tiny ears.
Lyney let out a giggle at the interaction. “ Aww, I think he likes you.” He managed to grab his floating hat by the rim and brought it down in front of him. The cat in the hat seemed bothered and was now looking up at you. Its tiny hat was slightly tipped back.
“Can I pet it?” You asked almost too excitedly. 
“Since you asked, of course! He is a bit mischievous but a glutton for attention.” He mused, side eyeing down on the cat. 
You gingerly brough your hand down onto the cat. Its surface was surprisingly smooth yet soft, and the cat wiggled towards your touch. It’s two little ears ducked back as it seemed to love the attention it was given. It’s face never changed, however. 
“ Does it have a name?” You asked as you kept petting it. Lyney nodded and smiled.
“ It’s a Grin-Malkin cat! I’m sure you're quite familiar with it, as it’s not only a prop for Lynette and I’s show, but our cute mascot.” He said.
“Prop?” You asked slightly confused. So it wasn’t alive? Then how did it move so life-like? 
“ The Grin-Malkin cat is a puppet, but its movements are based off of a real cat.” He said. 
You smiled, but kept petting the cute kitty. Even if it was just a puppet, the cat seemed to have a familiar personality. Its little paws stuck out, and one came up to ‘attack’ your finger. You quietly giggled at its playfulness.
“ So, cats are a part of your show’s soul huh?” You asked. 
“ If it wasn’t that obvious, yes.” He said with a charming smile.
“ ‘Based on a real cat’, so who was the lucky cat this little bean was based on?” You asked curiously. 
“ When Lynette and I were street performers, we managed to run into a lot of stray cats. Lynette was shy, so most of them got along with her.” He said as he looked down to Grin-Malkin.
“But, there was one troublesome cat. He kept on running off with my hat. Apparently, it made for a better cat bed than anything. He would be curled up inside when I found it.” 
“ Eventually, I thought of replacing my old friend with a new hat. A hat that wouldn’t disappear when I didn’t tell it so. But, me and the cat came to a mutual agreement. I would bring him along to the show as a replica puppet!” He said with a proud smile. It slightly faltered however as he continued.
“During one particular performance, there was a little mishap that happened. I had forgotten a card in my deck and the trick required that one card that I misplaced.”
You winced at the second hand embarrassment. “Talk about bad luck. What did you do?” You asked. The kitty that you were petting now turned around to look up at Lyney. It looked interesting in his story. So now, it was you and the cat’s eyes on Lyney.
“Well, as I was coming up with an improvised outcome, out came this little guy.” He motioned down to the cat.
“!!!” It bounced slightly in the hat as the attention now was on it. 
“ He had the card that I had misplaced and was able to save the show. And ultimately, make it better. The crowd and even I wasn’t expecting such an outcome.” He shook his head. 
“Aww, so he became the star of the show.” You laughed. 
“!!!” The cat whirled around to face you again and puffed out its chest in pride. 
Lyney laughed alongside you. “ That’s one way to put it.” 
Once you calmed down you noticed that you didn’t feel as tired anymore. 
“ It looks like today is coming to a close.” Lyney said as he looked around. There were now very few people outside, and the sky had turned darker than earlier. The magician tapped the tiny tophat on the cat.
“Before today the curtains come to a close, let me send you off with a grand finale.” He whispered. 
The Grin-Malkin cat wiggled its tail and his paw came up to the brim of its own hat. The cat tipped its tophat to you before Lyney grabbed his own and placed it back atop it’s hat. 
“With your permission, could you close your eyes for me.” He said as he leaned in close to you, his hands behind his back. 
“Okay?” You smiled nervously.
You shut your eyes and saw darkness. You could still hear the rushing of water and a faint sound of chirping crickets. 
“Okay, no peeking until I tell you too.” You heard the magician. 
You waited for what would happen. You felt someone get closer to you. The ghostly presence of someone close to your face. You refrained from moving, yet your heart began to pick up its pace.
You felt something warm touch your cheek, and something soft tickle your ear. At the same time you felt stiffer material tap against you above your head. 
It came as quickly as it went, as you felt a small breeze and you could no longer feel the close presence. 
“Okay, open your eyes now.” You heard Lyney say. 
You opened and saw the magician in front of you with a warm smile. 
“Do you feel anything different? Perhaps something is missing!” He said in a cheery tone.
Your hand reached up to where you felt something earlier. 
There was something behind your ear. Carefully, your fingers outstretched and touched something soft. It was a delicate circlet of petals connected to a smooth stem. Looking up from the corner of your eye, you spotted a blur of prisma like colors. 
A blurb of pink and pastel yellow. 
“ A rose? How?” You quietly questioned.
“Mhm!” Lyney nodded enthusiastically. “ That is a rainbow rose. A beautiful flower that grows wild only within Fontaine.”
“Ah, thank you! It’s really pretty and soft.” You delicately felt a petal. Beneath the bloom, there were smaller outstretched petals that pressed against your temple. 
“ Have you found it yet? The thing I stole from you.” Lyney asked, tilting his head to the side.
You glanced back at him confused. You didn’t feel anything missing from you, as you checked your packets and around your person. 
Lyney’s eyes followed your attempts to look for the missing something, slightly amused. 
“Given up yet?”
You really couldn’t find anything off. 
“ Is this a trick question, because I don’t feel like anything was taken.” You asked.
Lyney raised a closed hand next to his face. He smirked mischievously. 
“How strange, because I have something of yours in the palm of my hand.” He teased me. “I’ll give you one more chance, could you guess what it is?”
You nodded. You guessed it was either a prop card or maybe some mora.
“ I give up, what is it?” 
Lyney opened his palm and there was…
“Ta-da! The thing I stole from you was your attention.” He exclaimed with glee. He walked over to me and extended his hand over to me. 
“Here you go, you can have it back now!”
This little- 
You may have had the tiniest urge to smack his shoulder. Shaking off that urge, you huffed and played along. Once you reached his hand to get your ‘attention’ back, his finger’s gently encased your hand.
He bowed down dramatically and kissed the back of your palm. 
 Very discreetly, he cracked one eye open and glanced up at you. You had frozen in place and with a flustered face you could only stare. 
He had the gall to smirk and send you a wink. 
There was an odd sense of Dejavu, the memory of when you were approached by him after the magic show that evening. 
“And it seems that…I have stolen your heart as well ma chérie.” Lyney whispered. 
He gently let your hand fall back to your side as he stood back up. He had an innocent smile on his face. 
You just stared at him completely dazed.
It was quiet for a very. Long. Second.
Lyney’s pale face slowly became redder and redder although he did not move.
The awkwardness was beginning to thicken and soon Lyney couldn’t take it anymore.
“Ahem…Ahaha hah haa... D-Did you get it? Because I had you focused on me the entire time so I stole your attention right under your nose. And now I just did a chivalrous act to make you feel flustered! I didn’t go too far again did I?” He muttered as he brought a hand to his mouth and averted his eyes. 
His rambling snapped you out of your dazed phase and you suddenly became very aware as to how hot your face was. Lyney being in some sort of distress in front of you made you sputter out.
“Nononono, It’s fine! I was surprised, very surprised actually…er that was a nice trick there, very smart. So don’t worry about it.” You went ahead and leaned forward from the railing to look back at the fountain. Lyney might have gotten the message because he did the same.
After a few minutes of cooling down, you turned your head to look at Lyney and see if he was alright. His lilac eyes spotted you out of the corner, and he ducked under the brim of his hat. 
“I think it’s getting late, I’ll take the Aquabus back to the main city.” You said, there was a small tight feeling in your chest. You were sad as to how fast the day went, how fast you had to say goodbye. 
“Let me walk you back to the station then. It wouldn’t be very gentlemanly to let you walk back on your own this late.” Lyney offered, his voice sincere.
And so you did. The walk back was slightly quieter. Again, he became uncharacteristically quiet.
Was it because of what happened earlier? Did he feel like he did something wrong?
“You know I had fun today, right?” You began. 
“It was very kind of you to take me on a tour around the city. I got to learn about the nation, eat good food, spoil myself with samples and sweets, and saw many hats I didn’t even know existed.” you slightly laughed. You heard him laughing quietly too. 
“ I met your siblings, met your prop cat and I got to meet you in last evening's show.”
You might’ve never gone out today if you hadn’t met Lyney.
You might’ve never got to know his family if you hadn’t met Lyney.
You might’ve never gotten to meet Lyney like this if you weren’t picked to participate in the final act.
The more you thought about it, the more you became grateful that for some miracle of coincidence you were picked from the audience. 
“I’m really happy that I met you. You made my time here in Fontaine feel magical. I’ll keep this day close to my heart, if that’s okay with you.” You smiled happily, the giddy feeling making you feel all sorts of floaty.
Lyney said nothing, only humming in approval.
Once you had gotten to the station, there was already a bus sitting there. The tour guide, or Melusine as you later found out, was sitting and leaning against the bus. Once it heard the sound of footsteps it sat up quickly, it’s tall ears snapping up.
“Ah! Oh, all aboard the bus! No wait, that’s not it..uh- everyone boarding please be careful with your arms, feet and legs inside the boat!” It spoke, half asleep.
You turn to Lyney. “ Are you going to go back to the main city?”
He shook his head.
“ No, I think I’m going to go back to the Opera house. I hate to be the naggy brother, but I just want to make sure Lynette didn’t forget any of the props backstage.” 
“ Oh alright. I guess this is goodbye then.” 
You had the urge to hug him. You weren’t sure how busy the Magician might be tomorrow, but somewhere in the back of your mind you believed you wouldn’t see him again for a while. The thought once again made your chest feel tight. 
“ I believe so.” Lyney said quietly. 
Well, no point in delaying your leave. 
“Wha- HEY!” You heard Lyney yelp, and quickly you turn back to see what happened. His hat was off its what and seemed to zoom over to you. 
The Grin-Malkin cat drove the Top hat like some dune buggy as now right side up was swirled with pyro elemental energy.
The grinning cat raced in the sky towards you, there wasn’t enough time to get out of the way so you braced for impact. But it never came.
The hat had swerved around you, drifting mid air as the cat kept facing you. 
Suddenly the thing nudged itself into your face, the Grin-Malkin cat rubbing its pudgy dark body against you. You could almost hear purrs. 
“ Hello, nice to see you again.” You giggled as its ears tickled your chin. Wrapping an arm around it you used the other to scratch above its head. 
Lyney got closer and smiled nervously. “ I think he likes you too much. It never usually takes off on it’s own.” 
He bent slightly down to be on the hat’s level and he put both his hands on his hip.
“Hey now! Come on, back up here alright?” he tried to sound like a scolding parent.
“!!!” The cat shook its tail in his face.
“I’m serious. C’mon, back on Lyney’s head” He pointed to his hat-less head of hair. 
“!!!” The cat dug itself deeper into your embrace. 
Lyney frowned. “ I know you like [Name], but they really have to go. It could be dangerous for them to be out in the streets this late. The sooner you let them go, the sooner they’ll go back safely.” He reasoned with a reassuring tone of voice.
The cat retracted itself from your hold and glanced down at Lyney. Having made up its mind the cat’s paws extended to you.
You tapped them both. “ Lyney’s right. I have to go. I’ll miss you too.” You leaned down and pressed a small peck on the robotic cat’s forehead. 
It wiggled and a paw came up to its hat and brought it down in an attempt to hide its face. Although its features couldn’t exactly express, it looked to be shy. 
Lyney had noticed and brought a hand up to his mouth to cover his snickers. 
The cat then ducked into the hat, disappearing from view. You looked inside the hat and it was empty. 
Grabbing it from in front of you, you flipped it right side up.
“Here, let me help.” You raised it above Lyney’s head. Slowly you set it down and secure it in its place. All the while doing it, Lyney had his soft lilac eyes on your face. 
Fixing the hat a bit, you dusted off any dirt that may have gotten on it. “There we go! Now you look as sharp as you usually do.” You grinned.
You didn’t notice but when you smiled, especially at such close proximity, Lyney couldn’t stop the flush of color rising in his face. 
You kept staring at his hat and his face as well to see if anything was out of place. 
Without realizing your hands hover just above his arms. You weren’t sure if this was right. Maybe ... .Everything was going a step too far. Just as you were gonna reel back, Lyney raised his hands to hover right beneath your arms.
Without saying much but a nod, you hugged.
His cape felt soft, and his arms held you with care and protectiveness. You smiled as your face dug into his shoulder. You felt the hard material of the brim bump your temple. 
He smelled like flowers and ash. An odd combination yet somewhat comforting.
For what felt like a full day, you two finally separated. He had a warm and sincere smile on his face. 
Most of his smiles are bright grins that could light up a room. 
But somehow after a while the spark is lost, and the smiles feel all the same. But this one, the one you saw before your eyes. No, this was different.
The kind of smile that was not rehearsed nor under scrutiny of the captive audience’s eye. 
This one felt raw, special, authentic. 
It made him look beautiful. 
Realizing you were staring, you stepped back.
“ I….really think I need to go, or the Melusine will go back to sleep.” You turned on your heel and headed towards the boarding area. Before you left you took a big breath in. the cold air of the night and mist sending a current of energy through you.
As you were about to step on the bus, you heard him walk behind you.
“When will you be leaving?”
“When will you be leaving? You said you were here on holiday, so when will you go back?” He asked. 
You stopped and thought. When will I go back? 
Go back.
Do I want to go back?
Can I go back after having a taste of what the world is outside of what I once knew?
“I leave in two days. Two days, yes.” You managed to say out almost in a flat voice.
“Why do you want to know?” You asked, you hadn;t turn your back to face him.
I want to see you again.
“ No reason in particular. I just thought you would be around to watch me and my sister perform in three days at the courts theater.” He said, there was a cheapness to his voice.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to go. I'm sorry.” 
“Yeah, Sounds like it.” Lyney dejectedly said. 
You step onto the bus and Melusine shoots up on it’s tiny feet. 
“ Leaving Marcotte Station!” They yelled. You sat down on one of the benches. You didn;t have the heart to look at Lyney as the bus started to move along the river.
You did however outstretched your hand behind your ear. The rose was still there. 
“ Ah, a rainbow rose? Oh oh! Did you have someone propose to you?” the Mesuline asked. 
“Wh-What?! What do you mean by ‘propose?!’ ” You shrieked. The Melusine set comfy on top it’s little pedestal.
“Oopsie, I’m sorry you probably don’t know the rumored implications of that rose do you?” They asked, tilting their head as their ears flopped to the side.
You shook your head.
“Well, since you're my only passenger for tonight, I suppose it’s okay for me to add on to the guidelines. And I’m tired right now.” It yawned.
“ When someone gifts you a Rainbow Rose, much like the one on you, it usually symbolizes passion and romantic encounters. It’s very common for couples here to gift each other a single rainbow rose or a bouquet of a dozen roses as a way to express their devotion to one another.” The Melusine mused. 
“ But it’s also used to express platonic love for a dear friend or family. Flower gifting is a language that revolves around love no matter which kind.” It said happily. 
It hummed a little tune, and the boat sailed along.
“ But for it to be placed behind the ear, someone may be interested in you. Romantically I mean, haha.”
Oh dear…you might realize what the nickname he gave you means now.
“Ah- AHCHOO!” You covered your face as you sneezed.
“ Bless you!” the Melusine said.
You sniffled. Maybe it was the cold. 
Lyney had stood there watching the Aquabus get farther and farther away. He had his hat to his chest. 
He quickly placed his hat back on his head and walked back to the garden path.
There was no one around. He was alone.
Had his siblings made it back home yet? Probably.
The steps of his boots bore a fast and rhythmic pattern as he stepped.
His lips were in a flat line. His mind was preoccupied on many things. 
His sister, his brother, the rest of his siblings, “Father” and you.
You. He shook his head. 
He had a blast today. Although he had known Fontaine all his life, he practically lived on the stone walkways for a good part of his life, he never saw it like he did today. It felt new to him, a wondrous view!
Like that of an innocent curious child. Something that he never thought he would experience ever in his life.
He snapped away the thought. 
He made it past the fountain in front of the Opera House. Getting past the gates and the lonely lobby he made it into the audience area.
He had met you here. 
From when he was looking for a willing participant, he spotted you amongst the sea of eager people. 
He spotted you. You weren’t a local, perhaps a tourist. You intrigued him.
Foreigner’s often brought in the best source of intel. A web of secrets and truths hidden beneath the veil of illusions. The normal people and Magicians were similar in that aspect, despite the other living in ignorance. 
He never would have expected you to complete the trick well. Oftentimes, stage fright took a hold of the non troupe assistance, some on the spot improv would be on set in case the trick went off the rails. 
That is why Lyney wouldn’t often pick from the audience. It was a rare occasion. 
He would seek you out. Get you into a sense of comfortability, his silver tongue had a way of making people profess their hearts out to him. 
The world was a stage to him, and thus he must always perform his best. At least, that is what “Father” told him. 
You didn’t have much useful information. He was hoping for something more scandalous or perhaps a secret you were ashamed of. Instead, you were just some person seeking out the world that you never had stepped foot in despite being born into it. 
And yet.
Lyney sat down on one of the cushy seats of the audience area. He crossed on foot atop the other.
Why had he stayed with you today?
Perhaps he was afraid of seeing you upset if he left suddenly to shop for props he needed.
Maybe, he didn’t want to go back on his promise he made to you backstage. 
Maybe, he didn’t want to see your angry face if you found out the initial reason he asked you out. 
Lyney looked around, his eyes wandered to the stage. No one was performing. It was empty. The spotlight wasn’t shining down. It was devoid and completely useless to its intended purpose at the moment. 
Lyney had purposefully left out key information when you had asked about his background in magic.
You didn’t need to know of the desperate times where he pushed through with a smile while the tummies of he and his sister gurgled for food.
You didn’t need to know the cruelty of Nobility and their disgusting greed and wicked selfishness. 
You didn’t need to know about the House and the Fatui.
And you didn’t need to know about “Father”. 
Lyney exhaled. 
All of that would probably make you look down on him with disgust and fear. He much preferred to see a beautiful smile on you.
He didn’t need to see you again. You were useless to “Father”, to the grand scheme of he and his sibling’s mission. You would be a distraction, and distractions lead to silly avoidable mistakes.
Yes, that’s what “Father” would say to him.
And yet.
Lyney scrunched his face. He didn’t like feeling like this. He thought he was over this. After all, he had a home and a supportive family now. He shouldn't feel like this, he had his sister, little brother and the other younger ones to look after. 
And yet he wanted to see you again.
You made him feel like he had freedom. It wasn’t like the one he was granted when he and Lynette were free from being street rats. And strangely enough, it wasn’t like the freedom “Father” granted him when she took him away from the cruel mansion. 
He felt bliss with you. He felt like how the audience looked in the countless times he performed on stage.
Was that how it felt like to live normally? To live in bliss and ignore the world’s harsh reality, even for a few moments.
He used to stutter a lot as a young boy. Whenever his juvenile performances went wrong or a slip of the tongue in pronouncing large words. 
Yet he seemed to awfully flustered around you a lot of the time. 
He even gave you a Rainbow Rose of all things. 
It’s what felt the most appropriate he thought.
“ Oh no..” 
The realization hit him like a Mitachurl’s Axe.
“ Father is definitely going to kill me if she ever finds out about this. Lynette might as well.” He cried. 
“Ugh, I should’ve gotten out of the port sooner. I might come down with a cold.” He sniffled.
‘Maybe someone’s thinking of me.’ He thought. 
Before you went into your room, you had asked the reception for a vase you could borrow. They immediately noticed the flower on you and gave you a sneaky glance. Ignoring them, you went and filled the vase with water.
Before going to bed you placed the rose in the vase, on your nightstand so when the morning came it would get sun.
The last thing you saw when you fell into slumber was the rose. The memory of that charming magician is still vivid in your mind.
Perhaps, you could delay your trip back home.
After all, 
He did steal your heart and had yet to give it back.  
A/N: CWNCWNCONCON I WAS KICKING MY FEET AND CRYING WHEN I WORTE SOME PARTS CBKEBCIB The Fonatine siblings have a choke hold on me fr. Fontaine water giving that same energy that 3 am cold crispy tap water- I'm now tempted to make a Lynette x F!Reader fluff were they have a nice little tea party and make paper flower arrangements like cottage core girlfriends Tags: @b0rninh3ll @yukiaei @xiaossocksniffer @nayumeas @scarletrosesposts @sol3chu @rionah @jar-03
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Hazbin Hotel Ep 5&6 Oh My God (Major Spoilers)
I am having so many thoughts, this is just a brain dump
-LUCIFER. He’s so pathetic I love him
-Jeremy Jordan you fucking legend. I’m a big fan of a lot of his work and was excited to see him in this but I was slightly unsure if he was the right casting since I expected Lucifer to be more of a high and mighty/snobby figure, but with the way they characterised him HE IS PERFECT.
-The Lucifer vs Alastor rivalry is beautiful
-“Ha ha, fuck you.”
-Father figure Alastor
-MIMZY’S ARRIVAL. I know most of us know the lore about her and Alastor being developed as a couple before it was scrapped but I really like how they are in the show
-Even if it’s just crumbs I’m so excited to be getting snippets of Alastor’s lore. It’s wild to keep going back and forth between “aw he actually cares for and protects his friends” and “oh my god he’s a fucking psycho”
-Speaking of that the scene with Husk holy shit. Poor man looked terrified
-The confirmation that Alastor’s also stuck working for someone, it has to be Lilith surely. I know some people will call it predictable because a lot of theories are coming true but personally I think it’s from good worldbuilding/foreshadowing
-ALASTOR IN FULL DEMON FORM JUST ANNIHILATING EVERYONE and then he just goes “Ah that was fun, now back to it”
-I kinda like the parallel between Al and Mimzy & Angel and Cherri where they invite their friends to join them if they want to, even if neither of them take it up initially maybe we’ll see them join the hotel in the future?
-I really expected Lucifer to be a dickhead and a shitty dad, but he seems to be an overall better guy than most people in hell
-CHERRI BOMB ARRIVAL! And she’s Aussie now fuck yeah represent
-I still love her and Angel’s friendship even if she is a terrible influence. Everyone’s got that friend who’s solution to a bad day is just self-destruction but they mean well at least
-Emily is so sweet I love her
-The Molly cameo is so sweet, I was waiting for her to appear somewhere but lowkey forgot she was in heaven. Honestly though how did she get there when the rest of her and Angel’s family got condemned for what they did together? Maybe she left the mob or something idk I just hope we get to meet her properly at some point
-Heaven’s real fucked up? Yeah not shocked
-VAGGIE?? FALLEN ANGEL REVEAL?? AND SHE WAS AN EXTERMINATOR???? I know most of us called it but holy shit I didn’t expect it to be confirmed this soon
-Adam is such a dick but he’s so much fun
-I love that Charlie was gonna start her court presentation with definitions like a high school essay
-“Consent is a good name for a sex club” the gentleman Husk truthers gonna have fun with this one
-Pentious hitting on Cherri is hilarious and totally not the same level of subtlety I flirt with when I’m drunk
-Hearing more and more about how Val treats Angel is so sad especially with how casually he talks about it since it’s just another day for him
-Him parenting drunk Nifty is beautiful
-“You wanna play with the kitty?”
-Valentino is my #1 enemy
-Seeing Angel stand up to him to protect his friends is making me feel feelings. Like he knows that he’s gonna be treated even worse for it but I think he’s reaching his tipping point and shits gonna go down soon
-Also I know there’s a popular theory that he’s gonna die soon and a lot of the theories are coming true so I am scared. I kind of don’t think this one’ll happen though since he’s the fan favourite and its just too soon to take that much of a risk. Plus Vivsie’s admitted he’s the best written character and it’d be such a waste of all that development
-More sweet moments between him and Husk, they’ve gotten me so invested in this ship so fast
-The fact that most of heaven didn’t know about the extermination?? Wild
-Idk how I feel about the timeskip between Ep 4&5, they’re only a month away from the extermination now. Yes it’s making the stakes feel higher but I do wish we’d been able to see more of that time for the relationship development, all the characters seem much closer than before and we’ve only seen bits of how they got there
-I really wish they’d greenlit more than 8 episodes to pace things a little better but I’m glad we have season 2 confirmed
-That last minute ‘reveal Vaggie’s past to Charlie, boot them out of heaven and then cut to credits before she can react’ is gonna torture me until next week
-I don’t disagree with past criticism that Vivzie’s female characters can feel a bit underwritten but I think it’s getting better
-“We’re coming to the hotel first” plus all the theories that someone���s gonna die are fucking stressing me out man
Anyway hope you enjoy the brain dump, this show has once again consumed my thoughts
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mllemaenad · 4 months
-it makes my poor European brain hurt just considering trying to cover that much territory, so how come the Brotherhood has outposts everywhere and, with a few exceptions, seem pretty unified in terms of ideology/general nastiness to everyone who isn't them.
Ha. :) The Doylist answer to this is that The Brotherhood are your last minute allies of convenience against The Master in the original Fallout, which means they've cemented themselves as essential to the franchise and have earned themselves at least a cameo in every game since. That, for example, is why they bent over backwards to ensure a version of them appeared in the original plot of Fallout 76 even though there was no practical way to get Roger Maxson's crew out to Appalachia that early.
The Watsonian answer is three part: the first is that they actually aren't unified at all. They're some of the most cantankerous bastards in the entire wasteland. They're incredibly dogmatic, and adhere to a sacred "Codex". Of course, being people, they immediately come up with different interpretations of their sacred text. And, being the Brotherhood of Steel, they can't agree to disagree on the matter – so they have schisms. So many schisms.
The funniest one is in Fallout 3. They have no means of high speed travel at this point, so the group calling themselves The Outcasts schism their way about four streets over to sulk in an old fort and utterly fail to get an old video game working. They also wear darker power armour to show how rebellious they are. I really have no words for how pathetic all this is. It's also really important to them that you understand that you are a wastelander and they are superior beings.
In this case, the argument was that their boss, Owyn Lyons, decided the Super Mutants then overrunning the Capital Wasteland constituted an existential threat to humanity itself and that he should probably do something about that. The Outcasts, led by Henry Casdin, contended that Lyons was way off mission: they're supposed to be hoarding anything you could put a battery in, not saving people from Super Mutants. The sad thing is that, in terms of the most commonly accepted version of Brotherhood dogma, Casdin is probably in the right here.
But usually the groups go further afield than that. The Mojave Brotherhood, in New Vegas, exists because their particular leader, Elijah, wanted to try to research new tech instead of just putting every laser rifle they can find in a broom cupboard (unfortunately Elijah is also a terrible person, so I can't endorse his research - but that's a whole other conversation). The Brotherhood could not handle the conflict, so - schism!
Then there's the big question: do we talk to other people or not? The whole thing is laid out pretty well in the opening of Fallout Tactics, which I found for reference on Youtube. Now I should note that a lot of the stuff in Tactics has been pretty thoroughly retconned. The Brotherhood are not descended from Vault Dwellers, and while I don't know if Vault 0 is still a thing – Vault 31 seems to have replaced it in practice. But the business with the Brotherhood's internal conflict regarding their isolationism seems to now be canon: Roger Maxson, the Brotherhood's founder, references it in Fallout 76.
The main Brotherhood, in California, has traditionally been very isolationist, and just periodically kicks out anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's interesting that they're shown as definitely recruiting outsiders in the TV show but everything in California is pretty clearly on fire at the moment, so it's unsurprising that they're desperate.
Lyons's Brotherhood was sent out, in part, in search of the group they exiled in Fallout Tactics (who are in Chicago, if they're anywhere, not Washington DC, so that mission is going about as well as expected) and are less isolationist.
Which leads me to part two of the Watsonian explanation: the bastards can fly. You probably guessed this if you sat through the eight minute video: they've got airships and vertibirds. The airships aren't surprising if you remember they hail from California: that area has, until recently, been clawing its way out of the apocalypse, so there are resources available to build fancy machines. They've managed to crash them all by Fallout 3, because of course they have, but by the end of that game they (probably, unless the player sided with the Enclave and blew them up a lot) control most of the Capital Wasteland, so they've got the power to hoard and steal their way into building the monstrosity that is The Prydwen.
The vertibirds are, I regret to say, The Chosen One's fault: you steal the plans for them in Fallout 2. This has zero consequences in that particular game so there's no reason to think it's a problem. It's just something you kick yourself for later.
So the Brotherhood gets everywhere because they are one of the few groups with the power to travel relatively easily in the post-apocalyptic world.
And the third part, which builds on that, is that sometimes they're just the same guys.
The Brotherhood of Steel you meet in the original Fallout have cameos in some small bunkers in Fallout 2. They've built a few more installations but it's all still their original stomping ground.
Likewise, the Brotherhood that rolls in in Act 2 of Fallout 4 are the same people you'd have met in Fallout 3: Arthur Maxson appears as a child in Fallout 3, and has brought his chapter in to wreak havoc in the Commonwealth.
The original Appalachian Brotherhood is a dead branch: they were genuinely new people who were wiped out by the Scorched Plague. But their commander, Lizzie Taggerdy, was in direct contact with Roger Maxson. He was the only guy she could get on the phone post-apocalypse, so she signed up with the Brotherhood because it's not like she had anything else planned. Their ideology, in that case, came straight from the original source.
So, there you have it. Brotherhood everywhere, whether you like it or not. And probably Brotherhood everywhere for the foreseeable future, since Bethesda seems to love them.
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drawbauchery · 1 year
mayro and loogi movie 2023 let’s-a arrive
it’s long, i talk about luigi a lot. and there are spoilers 
not enough luigi
where was luigi in the whole like second act where WAS he
idk missed opportunity for some development while he was captured. he could’ve interacted more with the other prisoners. or kamek & bowser. i feel like kamek taunting him about how bowser’s gonna kill the hell out of mario or something would’ve raised the emotional stakes a bit, like instead of sitting there waiting to be rescued luigi could be wanting to rescue mario himself 
he kinda just didn’t have any lines after getting captured, too....gimme something, movie.......he talked back to spike so easily, a little bit of defiance at some point would’ve been neat ;-; 
i saw one brilliant take that was like, bowser should’ve kept luigi around and “consulted” him about who mario is, and they’d both get just the teensiest more development that way, with both airing out their own insecurities. bowser thinking (knowing) he’s not good enough for peach and luigi wanting to be more like the brother he’s always counting on
luigi making clear he wants to be brave for once->more impact when he shields mario at the end
i was hoping for a prison break i’m gonna be real
and don’t get me wrong i LOVE kidnapping stories but i HATE it when the kidnapped isn’t allowed to do anything. wish they’d given luigi more flexibility to at least TRY something instead of essentially throwing him aside, y’know?
idk man just more luigi. 
also, pacing not good. pacing iffy. maybe bad
coming off the heels of the perfect pacing and flawless balancing of an ensemble that was puss in boots, i think moving some stuff around could’ve made room for my boy. they coulda done it.
specifically, the pacing was WAY too fast. i love when movies let emotions really sink in. luigi’s little flashback scene was really nice, more stuff like that pls
did peach ever even tell mario her name i forgot
NOT the bowser musical number i DREAMT of. hilarious af but i wanted A SONG. A BANGER. A 90′s DISNEY VILLAIN BOP
not a fan of the played out peach/bowser forced marriage stuff but it’s mario what are you gonna do
no luigi power-ups what’s up with that
the freaking illumination dog design threw me off so badly i was almost brought out of the mario immersion. i was thinking nothing could be bad enough to make me not excited to be sitting in that theater and then the fucking dog showed up. straight out of secret life of pets. it also should’ve been a scarier big dog. (his nod of approval at the end was good though 100/10)
and look mario’s a cutie pie, a sweetheart, wanna squish his lil cheeks, i loved him being ABSOLUTELY terrified of bowser when they met because who the fuck wouldn’t be, but in the end luigi is still so much more interesting to me 8′D
why the FUCK didn’t bowser and luigi kiss
luigi’s voice
luigi’s pathetic little meeps and yelps and being so squishable
luigi & mario
mario & luigi
mario tearing through the alleys like a beast and just. instinctively opening gates and leaving pathways for luigi. not in a “hurry up and pull your weight” kind of way, but like. a doting, considerate way that showed he just wanted to make things easier for his brother. i was crying screaming they were just so soft
i did NOT expect to see their family. that’s the kind of grounding, humanizing scene i was hoping for
luigi trying to eat. let him eat
mario playing kid icarus. he’s besties with pit in subspace. pit/mario friendship real
the luma
luigi doing a mic drop with his phone and just going O-O when it breaks
all the poses. all the music cues. all the mario kart. i’m a relatively new fan of mario ok i didn’t grow up with any of the games besides luigi’s mansion--
--but even i was squealing at all the references. like, all the moves from the games are there. down to the way mario and luigi run. and all the power-ups, and the enemies, it’s ALL THERE
but especially that mario kart scene, that’s one game i play religiously so the part where they’re choosing what their karts look like TICKLED me gdfksld
yo were mario and donkey kong kinda.....were they like.....*flips hand* y’know.....?
action scenes were all stellar. had no right to go that hard. 
blue shell being a relentless, vicious force of evil
peach power-ups
peach’s wedding dress
peach in general 
toad and his kart of choice
“you can’t be scared all the time, luigi” “you’d be surprised”
“my dad thinks i’m a joke too” “well your dad is RIGHT”
a lot of people don’t want mario and peach to ever end up together, and as a rabid hater of zelda/link i COMPLETELY understand and could not be more sympathetic. but i do ship mario and peach so i personally really liked their little flirty moments 
luigi bringin mario some spaghetti 
nice little snippets of characters like bowser and dk having underlying problems. leaves lot open for sequels n spinoffs.........i’m sure that totally wasn’t their intention...........
me: “if mario doesn’t grab bowser by the tail, twirl him around and throw him, then i don’t wanna know about it”
movie: *has mario and luigi do this TOGETHER*
me: “a    h”
bringing the fight to brooklyn had me so excited and i don’t even know why
bowser’s castle looking like a rave like in the og games
nervous bowser
the 4 hour long sex scene between luigi and bowser was so tastefully done, i was impressed and moved 
memory bad but i WILL probably add MORE
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farewellneverland2004 · 5 months
What Do You Mean We Met Him Before He Got Punted, MAME?!
I was today years old when I realized Gun was in ep 10 of LITA!
I can't believe it completely slipped my mind for nearly two years!
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like, I remember this scene so well, yet I had no idea who these guys were! I just thought they were characters from another MAME book and just made a cameo for the novel readers! like those guys in at the end of ep 5!
Seriously though, remember those dudes?
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It's so funny, they're given this badass slow-motion entrance with Chai, who did actually do things(a dude who absolutely slayed btw). only for them to have no part in the show and don't even SAY ANYTHING! They were even in the opening credits, and what do they do? NOTHING! I don't even know their names! lol!!! I thought I heard they were characters in another MAME book, but I don't even have that proof! So Who Are They!? LOL!!
Anyway, when I first watched ep 10, I thought Lord S*x Crimes and his little Wormtail were just throwaway characters to reference another novel. They had so little effect on me I didn't even remember their faces when they came back in ep 13. God! My PhayuRain Bias was so big, I didn't even bother paying attention to the characters around the PrapaiSky plot!
Looking back at it, I missed so many PrapaiSky plot-related details it's insane! Like I can see how even in the beginning, before we even know their deal, just how much Gun GENUINELY HATES Pai
Like, look at this psychopath narcissist, or whatever he is just barely mask his emotion and tone behind words of modesty.
The way he barely makes eye contact with him like the jealous b*tch he is with his arms crossed, like having to be respectful toward Prapai makes him want to jump off a cliff.
(and Prapai barely gives him enough recognition to point out the fact that he's lost to him before while putting on his pretty sh*t-eating grin like the lovable scamp he is. Then when they leave just completely wipes their conversation from his memory like I did two years ago. lol)
I may have not talked about this before, but I am very open about how Gun is an arrogant Dumbass who makes way too convoluted of plans to commit a second-second s*x crime against his ex, and idk, embarrass Prapai? like I said, he's everywhere and those goons of his should have thought twice before going along with his way too convoluted plan to get away with.
But regardless of his stupidity, which makes him even better to hate, he also fits so well with the MAME Trend of Antagonists committing bodily harm to people because they feel insecure and are put in place by objectively way more competent men.
Such great acting from the dude who plays Gun. You can feel how pathetic yet also how silently enraged this dude is. and I love to hate a Villian who doesn't say his hatred out loud, but instead gives you enough passive clues through body language etc, (even if its only noticed a second time around), just how much the protagonist gets on his nerves. Give this man more roles, cause he's so good!
But please tell me if you guys also forgot they were in ep 10, cause I think I'm the only one and I'm embarrassed!
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mysticcrownwolf · 2 years
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Yup like narusasu has so much build up love,tears,panic attacks Naruto literally looked at a shooting star clutched his heart and thinking of Sasuke. Naruto didn't even know who hinata was except for the one time she gave him a balm and then went back to stalking him and so they have to go on and make a whole ass movie to have the ship make sense p.s. it still don't . It has a very shitty plot except for maybe sasuke and even for a 5 second cameo they get his appearance wrong like the whole movie is about Sakura telling Naruto to like hinata like he like ramen so that she can somehow snag sasuke for herself who probably dated her because:-
A. Naruto was unavailable and,
B. Because of his guilt for trying to kill her(even though she tried to kill him first).
Like even in the b*ruto they are so dysfunctional sasuke has gone out to get milk right after his daughter is born and Naruto would rather count chunin headbands even when shikamaru offer to do it himself then go meet his family and then ran of to meet sasuke leaving a shadow clone behind as soon as he get the chance and also him sleeping on the couch like you have a wife,a master bed and everything and you sleep on a damn COUCH and don't even get me started on how he could just make shadow clone and spend time with his family but nooo he send the shadow clone to his family while he I don't know suck sasuke dick or something . And then people be like but Naruto saw hinata dance in the waterfall and was attracted to her . Bullshit hinata has like one the most recognisable hair style of all time and even if Naruto is an idiot he is also pretty observant you are telling me Naruto could not figure out a girl around the same age as him with the same hair style as hinata while he was traveling with her it didn't hit him at all that she can be the girl near waterfall,while if sasuke is in a 400 mile radius of Naruto his sasuke sense starts to tingle. Sure and Naruhina just radiates love 🙄 . The only reason it is even canon is because they killed Neji. They have to massacre my best boy neji to get their ship. Imagine how objectively bad a ship has to be to kill a major character just so it could sail.
And then there is the mistake called B*ruto
It's the worst at this point just name it filler.Why even bother with the canon if none of it is canon since kishimoto didn't write it .That's right people kishimoto supervises it and his condition for doing so is to put out only one one chapter per month (bless his heart) . And where do I even start on the anime the animation is the quality of a moving png with little nuggets of good editing when Naruto is on screen ,the character design is garbage Naruto looks like he wants to talk to the manager , garra looks like a 30 year old Sunday school teacher, tsunade lost her 106, hinata lost her 69 probably and don't even get me started on what they did to best girl Anko .Honestly the fact that b*ruto is just orochimarus fever dream looks more real each passing day . And they just have to go and kill kurama, have sasuke rinnagan become rinnagone and they couldn't even think of anything creative like him sacrifice it to save them oh no no sasuke the shinobi with objectively the most fast reflexes in the shinobi world didn't saw a whole ass boy running to stab his eyes out and all of that for what to make the old generation look pathetic and weak so that the younger generation can shine 🤮.And even then they just use ninja tools and otsutsuki seals not real practice or anything required.
Neji didn't died so that this living disgrace known as b*ruto can be born kishimoto is really milking it as in "you want to sink my ship ok I will help write a show so so bad you bitches would be begging me to tell you that they are in the infinite tsukoyomi .You want to clown on my creation for money well let me see how much ton of hate I can get you just for the audacity". B*ruto is gonna be destroyed by Naruto fans and I'm all in for it.
Author's note - English is not my first language and I typed it out on my phone so please don't criticise my grammar too much
P.S. To anyone reading this far you are beautiful and deserve the world good day to all of you
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lilac-hecox · 1 year
Hi! This is a prompt for Anthony's Day!
Damien/Anthony fluff with a side of Shayian! Shayne and Ian doing trying to hook their BFFs up.
Make it as fluffy as you want!
Anthony/Damien, Shayne/Ian - The Set Up
“So,” Shayne says, folding his hands in front of him as he stares Ian down, “we have a situation.”
Ian sips at his coffee and raises an eyebrow, “A work situation, a boyfriend situation, or a friend situation?” Ian asks calmly as he sets his mug back down on his desk.
“A friend situation, as in my best friend.”
“Okay,” Ian says, “is Damien okay?”
Shayne sighs, “He’s fine, but he’s also not?”
Ian rubs his temple, “Shayne, it’s nine-thirty in the morning.”
Shayne smiles, reaches over and takes his boyfriend’s hands, “I know, I’m sorry. He’ll kill me for saying anything but I’m about ninety percent sure that Damien has a crush on…” Shayne bites his lip, like he’s debating finishing that sentence.
“On?” Ian prompts.
“On your best friend…” Shayne says weakly.
Ian’s eyebrows shoot up, “Damien likes Anthony?” Ian hums, “do you have evidence of this?”
Shayne scoffs, “Of course! He’s been talking about Anthony non-stop and when we filmed a Games episode with him, he kept letting Anthony win. That is not the usual Damien.”
Ian shrugs, “Maybe he just wants Anthony to like him.” Which is stupid, because Anthony already likes him, Ian knows it. He can tell by the dumb, stupid grin Anthony gets on his face when he finds out they are going to shoot an episode for Games or Pit with Damien, or when Anthony keeps writing roles for the sketches that seem to fit perfectly to allow Damien to cameo.
Shayne shakes his head, “This is different. I just know, it’s a best friend thing.”
Ian makes an offended sound, “You’re talking to the king of best friend things.”
Shayne giggles, brings Ian’s hand to his mouth to press a kiss to the back of it.
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right. So, tell me Mr. oh so wise in all things Padilla. Do you think Damien has a snowball’s chance in hell here?”
Ian releases Shayne’s hand and hums again, rubbing his bearded chin.
“Yeah, absolutely he does.”
“Oh yeah, Anthony’s crushing bad. It’s kinda pathetic.”
“And cute,” Shayne adds with a laugh, “but yeah, also pathetic.”
Then Shayne is staring at Ian intently. Ian, though he’s been dating Shayne for half a year is not a mind reader.
“What?” He asks.
“So, how are we going to get them together?”
Ian blinks in surprise, “How are we going to do what?”
“Ian! We can’t in good conscious sit and let our best friends pine for each other! We have to figure out how to get them together.”
“Telling them would be a good place to start.”
Shayne sighs, “No! No, we need a plan. A good plan. You got a good plan?”
“I don’t have any plans,” Ian says, “I do have work. A lot of it, and so do you.”
Shayne stands from his chair and plants his hands on Ian’s desk, leaning in to stare Ian down.
“I’m going to need you to shift from boss mode to boyfriend mode ASAP.”
Ian rolls his eyes and waves a hand over his own head, “There, boyfriend mode.”
Shayne’s smile softens. “Now, how can we help them?”
Ian thinks for a moment. God, Shayne was lucky he was cute and eager to help others, and excitable. Then it dawns on him like the most cliché trope from every teenaged drama ever.
“Invite them both to hang out at the same place, same time, with us, then whoops we have an emergency and have to go but they should stay because we already ordered food and shit.”
Shayne breaks into a huge grin, “You’re a genius.”
The plan is surprisingly easy to put into action. Ian texts Anthony and invites him to dinner and Shayne does the same for Damien. That’s how all four of them end up seated at a decent Korean place downtown. Ian had put an order in to-go because hell if he was coming here and not taking home good food when he bailed on his fake emergency with Shayne.
Which, at this point, it would be a miracle if Damien and Anthony even noticed the fake emergency because they’ve been so engrossed in talking to each other that it already feels like a two-person date. Still, there is a nervous energy between them, one that even Ian can sense.
Ian glances at Shayne and then Shayne nods, picking up his phone and pretending to read a text.
“Oh, shit, Ian. I just got a text from Josh. He needs me to go back to the office and approve some edits for Reddit Stories. Would you mind driving me back?” Shayne asks, using every acting skill in his arsenal.
Ian nods, “Sure, no problem.” He glances at Damien and Anthony, “Dames, would you be okay giving Anthony a ride home if I’m not back?”
“Oh,” Damien says, he glances at Anthony and blinks, a faint blush rising to his cheeks, “Yeah, not a problem, if Anthony doesn’t mind.”
“I don’t mind,” Anthony says with a shrug and a smile, a genuine smile, one that Ian is happy to see instead of worry or annoyance.
He and Shayne collect their things and Ian quietly grabs his to-go box around the corner from the waiter, giving him a hefty tip as they head to the car.
Damien watches Ian and Shayne leave, and he clears his throat and looks at Anthony.
“So, that was weird,” Anthony says, “does Josh do that a lot?”
“No,” Damien says with a smile, “I’m fairly certain Shayne was lying through his teeth.”
Goddamn fucking Shayne and Ian. Damien runs a hand through his hair and attempts to stay calm. Anthony is looking at him in surprise with big and dark eyes, eyes that Damien wants to get lost in.
“Why would Shayne lie?” Anthony’s brows knit together, like now he’s trying to decide if Ian was lying too, which Damien is pretty sure he was, but he’s not about to tell Anthony that.
“I think…we got Parent Trapped,” Damien says.
“What?” Anthony asks with a giggle.
“You know? Like the movie Parent Trap? Shayne and Ian planned to get us here and then ditch us, so we’d be alone.”
“Oh,” Anthony says softly. Damien’s heart starts beating so fast.
“Is that okay with you?” Damien dares to ask, letting his intrusive need to know overpower any common sense within him, “I won’t be offended if you decide to take a ride share home.”
“No!” Anthony says quickly, then softer, “No, I want to stay. I’d like to get the chance to know you better, one-on-one.”
Damien nods and smiles, “I’d like that too.”
He would definitely have to thank Shayne and Ian later.
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biipbop · 2 years
Ive been too depressed to draw lately so Im going to ramble on the flower child Au comics I used to do. Mainly bc I ve been wanting to draw them more but, again, too depressed to draw.
The end of p2is? Didnt happen. Bc I wanted my babies to all be happy together. Tatsuya and Jun immediately become that annoying couple. They become infamous in sumaru bc they will be sweet on each other in public and Tatsuya, the intimadating deliquent with rbf, melts like the pathetic lil man he is when his bf simply suggestively smirks. No one but Maya and Lisa can do anything about it bc:
-Eikichi: just is not fazed at all by this. He is constantly third wheeling bc he can not read the room and does not notice what shenanigans the two are doing right next to him. He'll literally have a conversation with them while theyre making out and not even flinch.
Katsuya: Oh he fucking notices. People even come to him to complain that he needs to do something about his brother. But lord help him if he tries to argue with Tatsuya in front of Jun. Katsuya cant even process the audacity of watching his brother, the pathetic melted damsel in distress, s w o o n as his catty brat of a boyfriend polietly emotionally destroy him (katsuya) where it hurts looking down at him with his pointed high legs crossed and perched comfortably on tatsuya. Katsuya eventually develops respect for Jun. It takes some time though
Everyone else: theyre just too uncomfie and intimidated
The boys respect Maya too much to be as over the top as they usually are. While when lisa is there jun is too distracted sassing her.
-Gas chamber-
Eikichi wants tatsuya and jun to join his band. Tatsuya does not want to until Eikichi reminds Tatsuya theyd be a rock band. With a specific aesthetic. A visual kei aesthetic. Which means *Jun* will be dress up in visual kei aesthetic.
Tatsuya convinces Jun to join. (Little does he know Jun had always planned to join but had only hesitated bc he would want Tatsuya to join)
Lisa would join a little later on. Eikichi would be against it and so is Lisa. It's only after Jun makes it competitive that Lisa enthusiasticly joins to try and one up him. Eikichi is only convinced when he finds out that he and Lisa actually sound really good harmonized together.
They develop a fanbase in Sumaru's underground indie scene (as small as it is). Lisa and Eikichi even begin to write original songs that are well recieved. Yukino and Maya contribute in furthering their career when they publish an article on the indie music scene that follows a night in the life as gas chamber, students during the day musicians at night. The band even begins to travel to gigs outside of sumaru.
They become a hit nationally and internationally in asia. (In the future they develop global fame with video sharing platforms (niconico and youtube) become a thing) After touring SEA in 2003 the band comes back to Sumaru for a break. Specifically, Lisa has been doing acting jobs between playing with the band. She had agreed to work on a movie so the boys agreed to take a break while she films for the next couple of months.
It's during this time that Eikichi and Miyabi get married. Tatsuya and Jun originally had planned to take the time as a break. That is until one day Jun and Lisa are on some variety show together (I dk if this is clear but eikichi tatsuya and jun may not be performing but theyre still doing their own thing. Like starting clothing lines, interviews, television cameos. Etc etc all that you would expect from a celebrity in the early 2000s)
While backstage they run into Jun's mom who hosts a show for the station. Jun and his mom have a strained relationship and Jun hasnt reached out to her since he was back. When they run into each other, Junko wants it to seem like a casual thing but really she was seeking him out. A family member that Jun hadnt seen in years had passed away. She wanted him to go to the funeral with her.
He agrees with the understanding that tatsuya would come along. When they arrive they discover the family member died young of illness. They were a single parent and were leaving behind a 2 y/o baby boy. It takes very little time for Jun to love the baby. And even less time for Tatsuya to agree to adopt the baby
And that's how Jun and Tatsuya become Akira's parents.
Gas chamber goes on hiatus for a couple years once Jun and Tatsuya adopt. Lisa continues to take on acting gigs. Eikichi opens his own studio and makes an independent record label in sumaru. Jun and Tatsuya open a flower shop together.
Akira becomes the idol of the group. Eveyone wants to be his favorite aunt/uncle. Everyone wants to babysit. Jun teaches akira how to garden. Tatsuya tries to teach akira about motorcycles and cars to little success.
Akira becomes a mini Jun. They wear (fashionably) matching outfits. Akira learns fortune telling through tarot from Jun. He even learns how to be dramatic and cute to make his papa tatsuya melt.
When he's older the group begin to make music again and do performances in Japan. Aunt Maya is happy to watch over Akira when its not possible to bring him along. Junko even manages to convince the overprotective parents to let her do right by her grandson.
It isnt until akira is 16 that gas chamber goes on another international tour (their first and final tour they agree). Everyone is excited and planned it for a good year now. Akira was to stay in sumaru. Junko was to watch over him with Maya checking in on them when she can.
That is until he's arrested.
Akira makes Junko promise not to tell his dads. They had planned the tour and other events for so long he didnt want to ruin it. When Maya finds out she is the one who gets him a place to stay in Tokyo. Maya refuses to hide what's happening from tatsuya and Jun but she keeps it super vague "there was an incident but dont worry! I'm taking care of everything" and of course jun and tatsuya trust maya 100%.
And thus p5 happens
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
'The Awakening'
Alright, I'm just going to say the quiet part out loud. Aang looks better with hair.
The Maiko scene really is genuinely sweet. And yes, the Maiko antis definitely misrepresent this scene a lot, usually by making it appear that the 'I didn't ask for your life story' line is where the scene ends, but... uh it doesn't. Sometimes context really is a bitch, huh?
Damn the tension between Katara and Hakoda is so painful. And they've been on this ship for weeks. Imagine it lasting that long, my heart aches for them both. The way their reconciliation is written by tying it in with Aang taking off on his own was just brilliant. I think Katara is clearly the best written character on the show, and I suspect that the problem with her writing for some people is that in a way, Katara feels almost too real for some.
The flashback about the Earth King deciding to travel the land incognito just reminded me of how useless and pathetic Kuei truly is. You know what a great leader worth following does when they're deposed? They try to form a resistance and fight back. Kuei just throws in the towel. Fuck this guy. Why would anyone ever want him back after the war? (unless the White Lotus want someone weak to manipulate - there, I guess I answered my own question) Anyway, Kuei gets first Jerk Points of Book 3 - 60 of them.
Sokka is right. The whole world thinking that the Avatar is dead is very good news indeed. It's a surprise weapon the rebellion badly needs. Of course, we shouldn't expect a 12 year old to have a very deep understanding of these matters, so I'm cutting Aang slack here. His role is to bring hope to the world, and he can't do that if the world thinks he's dead - of course he's miffed about that. I still think that Aang makes it way too much about himself as the episode progresses, though. And it's just too funny to hear him channeling Zuko about how he now needs his honor back too. I have to give Aang a few Jerk Points for this, though, but not too much, 20 will do.
It's great to see Toph's metalbending having progressed, and Katara's waterbending also becomes more impressive by the day. Aang is probably feeling a little superfluous having seen that.
The turtleduck pond scene is... yeah, I mean, it's Zuko's habit to implicate himself, isn't it? He does the same in a later episode confirming to Azula that he's been visiting Iroh in jail. Azula doesn't even have to try all that hard. Also, 'Azula always lies' is clearly a myth, but 'Zuko can't lie to save his ass' is definitely 100% truth.
So, I think that we're all in agreement here that Azula is not omniscient and can't know that Aang survived Ba Sing Se. But after speaking with Zuko at the turtleduck pond, Azula probably has her suspicions that Aang might have survived. So, I think this would make her a lot more cautious about trying to claim the credit for the Avatar herself. She also knows that Zuko just helping her capture Ba Sing Se and betray Iroh would not satisfy Ozai. Zuko needs the credit for killing the Avatar. Azula setting Zuko up to claim the credit for Aang means that she's killing two birds with one stone - she gets her brother back, and she also gains a measure of control over said brother. (Even if Aang is dead, Azula still has control over Zuko, because there are witnesses that she struck the killing blow, not Zuko) This is incredibly clever from our girlie <3
The bedroom scene... I think is a very wholesome sibling encounter and I don't read anything else into that, I mean, why would anyone. But I'm giving Zuko 50 Jerk Points for failing to close the door.
Also, Yue cameo... *sniffles*
Jerk Points for Book 3:
King Kuei - 60 Zuko - 50 Aang - 20
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thestarhq · 10 months
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→ culture creative
loading profile…
NAME: Sun Joo-Eun STAGE NAME: Jynx  FACECLAIM: Park Jihyo (twice) BIRTHDAY:  February 1st, 1997 DEBUT DATE: 2006 AGENCY:  Culture Creative OCCUPATION(S): Soloist, Songwriter/producer, Actress, Choreographer CAREER PAGE: Link
tw; vague mentions abuse
hot and cold. 
that had been most of her life. it still was her life. 
it started young. a struggling mother. a scorned mother. but a smart woman who saw talent in her young child. (not much in the looks department but they’d make do) the pageants started when she was young. her early memories are filled with makeup, lights and finding a trick to impress the crowd. 
her mom got married but joo-eun wasn’t gifted a family. it felt like she gained another manager. she had been pushed into her first drama. her first major role aside from the same cameo’s and one-off’s her parents could bag. it could’ve been considered her break out. joo-eun had talent, it was super steady but next year another role came her way. 
then her true break out role, she had won an award. one or two more people knew her name. all things considered it was a high but joo-eun? she was tired. tired of it all.
in the middle of another filming, she had been pulled out. meltdown. drama. a breaking point. 
finally, she got a break. though, the affection had been taken away. her flaws had been pointed out. guilt that she refused to let her parents help be the best. she wouldn’t make it on her own. it hurt but the most effective had been ignoring her. isolation in a sense.
so, she broke again. acting had been fine, there was something about getting lost in a script, in another life was appealing to her. but becoming a singer is what started to capture her heart. it wasn’t what her parents planned but it was something they agreed too.
the affection came back, twisted as it was but it was there. life had become another blur, there was training. returning home. she wasn’t allowed out much. by the time she finally debuted in a trio, joo-eun was sure her parents out-matched the companies strictness. still, it was a debut. only, joo-eun didn’t see the end coming but her parents did. 
she was lucky to have them right?
there was less than a month between her group’s disbandment and her getting signed to another label. right back to acting. honestly, they didn’t miss a beat.
but joo-eun found herself a little over it.
honestly, a lot over it. though she had grumbled in the past, joo-eun considered this the first big fight. she wanted to do music. acting was something she could bear but her dreams of being a singer had been barely short lived.
it was the first time she left home. pathetic as it was. her first stand. and her parents relented first. with calls of love and tears and promises and they’d follow her lead. she was their darling girl. and pathetic was it was, she accepted.
music was able to come first but after some poking and prodding, another contract was signed, this time for acting. under a company that could truly shape her future career. the next deal was, as long as she kept them happy and lavish, they’d leave her alone.
no pressure. everything was perfect. and if she told herself that lie enough…it’d come true at some point right?
diligent. if there was one word to sum her up, that would be the word. you’d hear it whispered in the general public. aside from her break, she had been working in the entertainment industry since she was a young girl. sensible, respectful. her pr leans on the professional, heavily so. each instagram photo is carefully selected. each word and interaction is preplanned as can be. sweet and nervous off-camera, that’s what most say about her. the image gap is also played up for her. on variety shows or interviews, quiet, loud when she needs to be but overall, the one to the side. it plays against her image on stage, her music or even the roles she selects for herself. there had been a few rumors when she first took a hiatus, she did pull out of a drama half-way through filming. that’s changed though, now, with staff and those behind the scenes, she’s a hard worker with a smile on her face. safe and predictable and while that has gone a way with the general public, it hasn’t something that attracted a strong fandom but she jynx finds herself proud of the little one she managed to gather in an world of personable idols. still, she has her space for her fans who can see a normally quiet girl come alive on stage or transform into an entirely different person. 
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burntblueberrywaffles · 9 months
My 2023 recap (but it's through all my favorites posts I've made this year)
Part 2! (part 1 here)
Aug 14th
Me @ the prequels haters:
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Aug 14th
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Aug 18th
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He did it for me specifically and I thank him every day ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 20th
Me progressively spiraling in my latest sw posts:
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Aug 26th
Discovering you’re ace is wild cause like, you guys were serious when you said you wanted to fuck that character/celebrity?
We weren’t just exaggerating and being silly?? UH???
Aug 27th
Watching the end of ROTS: a moodboard
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Aug 30th
Having a R2d2 and C3po cameo might be the laziest form of Star Wars fan service but you know what that shit work my dumbass goes “OMG it’s R2 and threepio 🥺🥺🥺” everytime
Aug 31st
Tumblr staff be like: somehow they’re still using desktop, lets add an evil clown
Aug 31st
“I want the main character to end up with this person, even though I hate one of them who sucks and doesn’t deserve to end up with such a good-”
My brother in Christ call me crazy but I don’t think you actually love this ship. Read an x reader or x OC fanfic at this point jfc.
Sept 4th
Me sending a feedback report to complain every time tumblr makes another idiotic change:
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Sept 10th
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I’m always so scared to assemble it
Sept 15th
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I love doing research, I am not tearing my hair out (lying)
Sept 21st
Im so good at forgetting my blorbo is a child murderer you wouldn’t even believe
Sept 29th
Lowest luminosity setting is not low enough why is my iPhone a fucking beacon of light burning my retina with the force of a thousand suns
Sept 30th
Me every few months:
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Oct 4th
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Oct 18th
Me reading fanfic titles on ao3 after first becoming a Taylor Swift fan:
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Oct 28th
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My boy was so sleep deprived this would have fixed him.
Oct 29th
Can’t believe you hate on my ship just because it’s toxic, unhealthy and has disastrous consequences for everyone around them. Grow up. 🙄
Nov 11th
I have beef with TCW Anakin
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Nov 14th
When people go “ew why would you be into this ship when it’s toxic and problematic” and I’m just
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Sometimes you don’t need another reason than "it makes my brain go brrrrr” it’s fiction babes it doesn’t have to be good or healthy ❤️
Nov 15th
I thought “oh it would be fun to randomly send a kitten picture to this one mutual” and then I went insane 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ sorry about that besties
(this isnt a good post but since i'm making this as a 2023 recap I want to commemorate that time I sent kitties to all the beloved mutuals LOL)
Nov 18th
I love these “what do you most associate with [insert US state]” polls bc my non-American ass is always:
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Baby I literally have no idea what you’re talking about ❤️
Nov 17th
hate when people are like “why would Padme be into cringefail Anakin it’s so unrealistic”
Like, um, CLEARLY she saw his pathetic weepy eyes and immediately decided she wanted to fuck that. What’s hard to understand.
Nov 20th
I think when you break up with someone their memory of you should be wiped men in black style thank you
Nov 22nd
Philosphy class be like
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Nov 25th
Me when the known mass murderer starts murdering
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#you’re telling me my genocidal babygirl is in fact genocidal???
Nov 26th
The thing about philosophy class is that most of these dudes you have to learn about just suck.
“Ohhhh humans only use each other and every relationship is only built on the potential advantages you can get from it” So your heart has never exploded thinking about how much you love your friends?? Sounds like a you problem.
Nov 28th
Snow being judgmental and having a constant sense of superiority…. brother you can’t even buy a new shirt HUMBLE YOURSELF
Nov 28th
Me starting the Ballad of songbirds and snakes and reading snow’s inner monologue: this guy sucks lmao I will NOT be rooting for him and Lucy Gray to be together 🙅‍♀️
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Me: oh goddamn it
Dec 1st
“I liked this thing before it was cool!“ Boohoo you’re not special. You just stumbled upon it before other people, congratulations.
"I still like this thing after it was cool, now that public opinion has shifted from being overly positive to considering it bad and cringe” now that takes strength. Courage. Who I aspire to be.
Dec 3rd
Snow: is always nice to Sejanus, helps him distribute food to the tributes, offers him a seat, gives him advice, CALLS HIM HIS FRIEND, save his life-
Also Snow: wtf this bitch thinks we’re friends????
#babyboy you are so stupid
Dec 4th
Me when I see my friend sadposting: I will smother you with kisses and love. Do you need me to kill someone btw
Also me, when I’m sad posting and friends send me encouragements: Friend??? 🥺 Friend cares about me??? 🥺🥺 friend wants to cheer me up? 🥺🥺🥺
Dec 7th
Tumblr rn feels like a landlord trying to make its tenant leave by not fixing shit and cutting utilities, but unfortunately for everyone involved, I am a rat
Dec 10th
No but seriously no one should try being tumblr famous, this website is for one thing only, and that’s having a silly time with your friends and mutuals 😤
Dec 12th
If your mutuals don’t say hi in the tags when they reblog one of your popular posts from someone else then what is it all for
Dec 12th
“Ew liking unhealthy ships is so toxic-”
“Actually toxic ship are INTERESTING unlike those boring healthy ships that have no flavour-”
Meanwhile me, who can appreciate and enjoy any ship dynamics:
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Dec 18th
I’m like an old man shouting at clouds except I’m a 20 years old trying to make everyone listen to La Lumière by pomme asdagshdjfk
#I don’t think anyone is buying what I’m selling but I shall keep trying 😔
Dec 20th
Snow when being friendly to Sejanus results in becoming friends with Sejanus
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#bro was really like: you’re telling me the person I’ve been treating well and interacting with regularly thinks I’m his friend??? #and that everyone else also think we’re friends???? #like yeah bby that is how friendship works ❤️
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (2011)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The special effects have gotten better, which technically makes Spy Kids: All the Time in the World superior to Spy Kids 3D: Game Over. In terms of story, characters, plot, humor, action and imagination? This is miles below the promising debut we had in 2001. At home, you can’t watch it in 4D Aroma-scope "as it was intended” but I can’t imagine those scratch and sniff cards would’ve made any difference.
While stopping criminal Tick Tock (Jeremy Piven), OSS agent Marissa Wilson (Jessica Alba) goes into contractions. Her mission accomplished, she decides to call it quits and raise her new baby with her husband (Joel McHale). Soon after, Tick Tock escapes and with the help of a criminal mastermind named The Time Keeper, they begin disrupting time itself. Hours pass away like seconds. The villains' minions attack Marissa's homee, revealing to her step children (Rowan Blanchard as Rebecca and Mason Cook as Cecil) that their stepmother is a spy. With the help of their robotic dog Argonaut (Ricky Gervais), the kids set out to stop the villains.
Want to send your friends to the hospital? Play the “Spy Kids 4” drinking game. Whenever someone says “Time", “Clock”, “Hour”, “Minute” or “Second”, someone takes a shot. If those words are inside a crappy pun, take TWO shots. They’ll be suffering from alcohol poisoning in no time.
Say what you will about Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara (who appear in brief cameos and I’m sad to say have not become better actors since the previous films) but they had a certain appeal and presence. Their replacements have neither. You don’t care about them. To be fair, the young performers didn’t have a chance. This script and story is appalling. The “smell-o-vision” employed is little more than an excuse to have green fart clouds fly around the screen and poopy diapers tossed at bad guys. It's so juvenile you'll be admit you sat through the film. Wait, that explains it. Who else would accept this shoddy a story but the smallest kids? The kind who will laugh at ANYTHING?
From the first scene, you know the movie’s going to be rough. Marissa is running around, chasing Tick Tock while 9 months pregnant. Does the OSS have no other agents? She practically gives birth while apprehending the villain and then later on, rather than find a sitter to take care of her baby, brings it with her to keep fighting crime! I know what you’re thinking. It’s a movie for kids, you’re not supposed to look too much into it but the movie itself points out how lousy a mother she is by risking her child’s life!
Part of this series’ appeal - part of any spy film’s appeal - are the gadgets. The arsenal of devices our heroes receive is pathetic, but they’re golden compared to their talking cybo-pooch. Ricky Gervais is NEVER funny, though I bet he’s laughing all the way to the bank with this phoned-in performance. His line delivery is lame and the special effects used to make the dog “talk” are embarassing.
There are a couple of twists along the way, most of which you’ll be able to decipher just by looking at the characters’ faces. And then, there's a glimmer of hope right at the end. When we learn the villain’s motivation for all this, it actually makes sense. We have a credible bad guy - FINALLY. Too bad that if you take a step back and think about the plot, you realize the whole thing would've gone the way it does even if the heroes hadn't interfered in his plan. They’re completely useless and the only reason it doesn’t seem that way is because the movie cheats its own time travel rules.
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World gets so much wrong it’s kind of fun to tear it apart but only after the fact. The non-stop flow of horrible jokes and repetitive dialogue makes it painful to sit through. By introducing such concepts as the “spy baby”, it seals the deal. This franchise is done. It’s completely run out of ideas - or at least you hope so. After this, no one would want to see another Spy Kids movie again. (2-D Version, September 25, 2020)
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0 notes
LO$ER=?, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Life is just a path and you walk it. Until Jeon Jungkook. He made you run, sprinting through winding side roads and alleys, fighting, bleeding, losing. Your paths split, but life is made of orbits. Now that they have overlapped once more, his hand is fiercely holding yours and he won't let go again. Nothing matters if he's with you. Thus, you run once more, laughing like you've gone mad.
continuation of 0X1=?, m | jjk – click here to read
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mentions of sexual assault (not heavily described, however, please note reader is the victim of said assault); actually predominantly fluff; mentions of previous angst; mentions of physical fighting; smut (fem reader, fingering, cowgirl, scratching / marking, penetrative sex); non-idol!BTS - tattooed, previously rich!Jungkook x rebellious!reader (mostly reader's POV, a tiny bit of JK's POV), ft cameo of Kim Taehyung as JK’s best friend and crossover with 'bao, t/m | myg' au
yes, I waited until the TXT's 'LO$ER=LO♡ER' was released to write this XD there's a ton of TXT references as well, enjoy!
now playing – LO$ER=LO♡ER by txt
"Jeon Jungkook! Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Come out of that whore's home!"
You were about to remove the groceries from your front seat, but then you stopped at the shouting, peering up at the second story of the apartment complex to see… ah, yes, a young woman yelling at your front doorstep. One look at the imported, Western, black car with heavily tinted windows and you were well aware that the woman in a matching designer two-piece – a ruffled pink suit jacket and flared skirt – complete with immaculately pulled back hair in a half-ponytail must be...
She turned around, fuming, pretty features twisted in rage, and screamed in frustration.
You quickly jerked your head back out of her line of sight and clicked your tongue.
Your boyfriend's ex-fiancé had some lungs on her.
You waited until she finished shrieking like a banshee and peered out to see her spin on her heel and return to pounding on your apartment door with her small, manicured fists. You spotted her beige, black cap-toed slender heels.
You stayed in your car.
Reached over to your bag and pulled out the single ice cream you bought to share with Jungkook but, at this rate, you would have to buy another. You pulled off the cap and folded it in half, curving it like a spoon, and began to eat the mango sorbet. Hm, well, it was better this way. Jungkook would probably prefer chocolate or straight up diabetes over mango sorbet.
He would eat pretty much anything though.
You scooped up some of the frigid, melting sweet into your mouth and watched his ex-fiancé shout at no one.
True, you could go up there and throw her down the stairs. But there was something hilarious about this, her beating and howling at your apartment door, completely ignoring the fact that no one was answering it and that she was very clearly causing a public disturbance, all because of her own personal problem.
You glanced up to watch her slide down the door, openly crying now. You pressed the button of your car window to roll it down a crack to listen to her sobbing above you.
"–can't believe you would do this to me... you know I need this marriage... my family's company depends on it..."
You slowed, licking off your makeshift spoon.
"I'll be left with nothing... nothing unless I get married..."
Crocodile tears or not, the woes of the rich did not earn much sympathy with you.
You rolled your window back up, leaving your car on idle for the air conditioning.
It was a mix of previously being constantly berated by Jungkook's wealthy parents that now exiled him over a fucking eyebrow piercing and being a member of the working, lower middle class. For some reason, that latter fact was also offensive to Jungkook’s parents. Everyone was accepting until money got involved. You hummed, eating another scoop. You didn’t like it, but you understood that his parents wouldn’t believe that you have no interest in their money. What you didn't understand was why his ex-fiancé was so hellbent on yelling at your door. From what you could tell, she wasn't ugly. Couldn't she find someone else?
You scraped the last of your small ice cream out and ate it up.
You checked your phone.
Jungkook wouldn't be out of work for at least another three hours. You had found him a job at the local bao shop through your own job as an accountant. You assisted the family in sorting the finances for their small business and personal tax forms. The owner had back surgery and so the daughter had been working there by herself with one other employee that delivered the orders. They wanted to hire another to help with cooking and cleaning, perhaps even open up the front counter again to accept pick-up orders instead of only delivery. However, it was hard to find someone trustworthy and reliable. The best way was through word of mouth.
They won't mind my tattoos?
Whenever I drop by, the delivery guy is wearing a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and has a resting bitch face. You'll be fine. Also, I think the daughter and him are dating.
Jungkook had blinked at you.
You know. In case they disappear for ten minutes, unexplained.
You loved Jungkook's laugh.
He didn't complain or whine for some other job. He only asked when he started and how to get there. You bought him a secondhand bicycle and he was off to work, five to six days a week. Sometimes you would drop him off with your car if was too rainy. Occasionally, when he had to stay late for a large order, the delivery guy would drive Jungkook and his bike back home.
That's how it was here, in the world of everyone else, minus the rich.
The fuck is all this?
Manager gave me a bunch of leftovers. She said I'm a fast learner. Did you know Taehyung stops by there? He's never said shit! He said it was his little secret, that ass–
You smiled as you remembered Jungkook's animated face and annoyance at his best friend for not sharing what he thought was crucial information. Jungkook would speak excitedly, hauling a bag of buns and spilling them over your clean kitchen counter, scrambling to catch them as he explained the different ones to you and how they were made, telling you all the things he was learning and funny stories about customers.
You almost forgot this Jungkook.
It was strange, feeling something after such a long time of feeling nothing, strange to find your time occupied once again by him, when at many times you vowed not to get involved with Jungkook anymore, only for him to show up and make you throw your promises to yourself to the wind, recklessly chasing the anger, wondering, hating, loathing how much you still loved him after he left, recalling him standing there, stone silent as his parents' verbal lashes ripped you to shreds.
You turned the car off, pulling the keys out and pocketing them, not wanting to the drain the battery.
Maybe you were stupid for loving him so much.
Maybe you were as pathetic as the woman up there in some ways.
Then again.
Maybe that was just how everyone lived.
You heard a soft tap by your car window.
You jerked your head to see Jeon Jungkook, in the flesh, peering at you through the glass, clutching his bike. You could see half of his head, short black hair and large, curious brown eyes, nose pressed up to the bottom of your car window. He was wearing his work clothes, light wash jeans and an aqua blue t-shirt, lightly dusted in flour. He pointed up and you noticed his ex-fiancé had switched back to yelling at the door, no longer facing the street.
You shooed him back and opened the car door, eyes wide.
"Why are you home?" you whispered, crouching down to speak to him.
He grabbed your hand, gasping as he gripped it. You shivered at the coldness of his fingers, but there was a warmth in between your and his frozen palms, melting each other.
"Oh, shit, your hand is so cold!"
"So is yours!"
"I was biking! My hands get cold from the wind. What's your excuse?"
You held up the empty mango sorbet container in your other hand, shifting your eyes guiltily.
"And you didn't share?!" Jungkook hissed, his windswept hair giving him a fierce appearance, dismay clear in his glistening dark brown orbs despite trying to sound angry.
You spied his other hand on his bike. There was a large, wrapped bandage on his left forearm. You ticked your chin towards it, furrowing your brows. "What happened?"
"Ack, I burned myself and manager-nim told me to go home early. I told her I could still work, but there were only a few hours left and it seemed like she wanted to be alone with Yoongi-hyung..."
You raised your eyebrows.
"What are they gonna do, bonk in the kitchen?"
"You wouldn't want to bonk me in the kitchen?"
You grinned at him and Jungkook grinned back, eyebrow piercing flashing in the sun.
"Oh shit–"
You scrambled out of your car, locking it, slamming the door as the young woman wailed his name and pointed at you and him, furiously wiping her tears.
"You bitch! How dare you take him from me! He was mine! I had him wrapped around my finger!" She hiked up her skirt and swiftly power-walked to the stairs, looking back to yell more at you as Jungkook placed his bicycle down. "He would do anything for me!"
You raised your eyebrows, again.
Jungkook yanked on your t-shirt sleeve, ushering you to get on the bike with him.
"Doesn't seem like it!" you called back casually, chucking your trash at her, causing the empty ice cream container to smack her in the shoulder and roll across the sidewalk.
You cackled and got on the bike, hooking your arms around Jungkook's shoulders and adjusting your feet as she stomped up to you two, conventionally attractive features contorted in rage.
"He was my dog!"
Your eye twitched.
"You were gonna marry a freak who was into bestiality? No wonder you left," you remarked, patting him on the chest as Jungkook burst out laughing, loud and rich, shaking his head.
"You can't do this to me, Jungkook! You can't leave me with that other guy!"
You felt it.
You felt Jungkook stiffen under your hands and you turned yourself, hearing the helpless plea in her voice now, throwing herself to the ground, designer knees in common dirt, anguish on her face, tears streaming down her made-up cheeks, sniffling hard, and, with your breath lodged in your throat, you realized she was restraining her pained sobs, so trained in maintaining appearances that it seemed like she couldn’t even cry properly in front of others.
"You can't... you know how they are... I can't marry him, you saw what kind of man he is... that's the whole reason I tried to find another husband..."
There was no more anger in her voice, only fear and dread, and you didn't understand, and yet you could for some reason, for some reason you could see it as if it was tangible, the realness in her enigmatic words. Jungkook's hands tightened on the handlebars of the bicycle, his knuckles turning white, tense shoulders under your arms, and for a second, a moment, an instant...
You thought he might go back.
"You should run."
The crying woman on the ground lifted her head, hiccupping, cheeks blotchy pink, still somehow beautiful.
Jungkook turned his head and looked down at her. "You should run away, like I did. Find someone who actually loves you. Getting married to me will only make both of us miserable, even if it saves you from that other guy."
She looked from you to him, and you recognized that look in her eyes, jealousy and envy, but not directed at you. It was directed at the warmth between the coldness of his hands and yours, directed at the orbits of his and yours finally overlapping, meeting in the vastness of space once more, his zero and your zero becoming one, not you, but his ability to throw everything away, his wealth, his comfort, the world he knew, all for a feeling she had yet to feel.
"What... what if I can't?" she asked weakly. "What if I can't find what you have?"
Jungkook lifted his foot off the asphalt and placed it on the pedal. He raised his head, and you found his eyes on yours for a brief moment before casting them back down to his ex-fiancé.
"Then keep running. It's better than being married to him, right?"
He began to turn the handles, about to pedal away.
She screamed after him, words choked with agony.
"Love won't solve our problems, Jungkook!"
You held on tight, chest to his back, fingers clutching in Jungkook's shirt, nose in his hair, his warmth under your cold hands.
"It won't!" he yelled over his shoulder, gaining speed with a grin. "But it sure as hell makes the problems worth shouldering!"
“Hey! Get back here!”
You snickered and chucked the plastic bag into the basket connected to the bicycle, jumping on quickly, pedaling away as Jungkook ran after you at top speed, breathless and laughing, his black hair flying back, aqua shirt molding to his muscular chest, long legs sprinting after you and the bike, your grinning face looking back periodically to catch his smile, going not too fast, but still fast enough so he couldn’t quite catch up. Golden hour brought out the tan on his skin and his high cheekbones, both of you tearing out of the gas station at high speed, drawing stares and shaking heads, but neither of you noticed or cared, his booming voice calling your name and you sticking your tongue out at him childishly.
“Watch out!”
You jerked aside and sped past a group of five young men with skateboards, two with shorter black hair, one with long black hair and white highlights, one with ash gray hair, and one platinum blond, all very tall, but you didn’t have time to stop and stare at the impressive height of them, turning into a side alley towards to the creek nearby, avoiding pedestrians, Jungkook following close behind until you got to your destination, grabbing the plastic bag in the basket and throwing the bike down, cackling as Jungkook snatched you from the air, his heart racing against your back as you kicked the air, him still somehow effortlessly carrying you despite sprinting so hard, panting into your hair.
“Get off!”
But instead of letting you go, Jungkook held on tighter, fierce kisses into your neck, wiping his sweat all over you and making you cringe amidst your laughter. It was already late, the sun dipping into the horizon, slowly taking its warmth with it. Water trickled meekly down the creek, barely coating the rock bottom due to the hot summer.
“Stop, stop, the ice cream is melting,” you finally gasped out, shoving Jungkook aside, wiping your neck with the back of your hand, pretending to be disgusted, but Jungkook just grinned and seized your cheeks, pressing his lips against yours.
“I love you,” he breathed.
“Ack, I love you too, fuck, get off–”
You two sat on the swings of the empty playground, watching the sun disappear, eating ice cream with the lids of the containers. As predicted, Jungkook got the chocolate that seemed to have everything in it but the kitchen sink. You, on the other hand, got red bean this time.
“Hey, Jungkook.”
He looked up from his ice cream, shoving a large lidful into his mouth.
It was strange how beautiful he looked, even with his black hair sticking up every which way, his cheeks filled with the frozen sweet, the faint rays of sunlight catching the silver of his jewelry – eyebrow piercing, earrings, silver chain around his neck with the compass star pendant – all paired with his oversized aqua blue t-shirt and baggy jeans, still with bits of flour on his thighs from work.
“What did that man do to her?”
A darkness clouded his features even though he tried to hide it from you with a neutral expression.
“Ah… He just… Just wasn’t really the kind of guy who thought of women as people,” Jungkook finally got out, looking away from you. “You know, the kind of guy you really hate.”
“That’s you,” you joked.
“I know I can’t do anything,” Jungkook continued, ignoring your quip and you suddenly regretted it, seeing the way he lowered his hands, exhaling slowly. “I am not responsible for anyone else’s behavior but my own.”
Come crawling back to me on your knees when she reaffirms to you that I'll be the best fuck you'll ever have.
She'll never make you feel as good as I can make you feel.
Enjoy your piranha.
“I’m sorry.”
Jungkook looked up at your sudden declaration.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated, coughing awkwardly. “I’m sorry for saying the things I said about her.”
He snorted, shaking his head. “Don’t be. Just because she was in a shit situation doesn’t excuse her for being a shit person.” He shoved the lid into the empty ice cream container and rubbed the back of his neck, pushing his hair back with a sigh. “Just like how it doesn’t excuse me from being a shit person for what I did to you.”
His eyes shifted away.
“You don’t have to–”
“Yeah, I do,” he muttered, cutting you off. “I’m a fucking loser.”
The streetlights began to turn on, but no one was in a place like this, two adults in a place for kids, stuck wondering what adulthood was supposed to feel like because it still felt like an endless cycle of forever learning and forever running, wandering to find out what the finish line meant.
“I wasted time you can’t get back and I will spend the rest of my life chasing the time I wasted.”
Jungkook sucked in a shuddering breath, hand falling from his hair, rueful smile on his face.
“I can only hope you can put up with me for so long.”
You blinked slowly.
He turned his head, brown eyes finding yours, those irises catching the streetlights like how his jewelry had caught the sun, proving that Jeon Jungkook was, indeed, already adorned with nature’s very own jewelry.
You scooped out the last of your red bean ice cream and ate it, looking away from him.
“Sounds like forever,” you remarked, feeling the chilled sweet cool your heated cheeks, swallowing slowly, savoring the way the cold warmed you in its own way.
“Sounds like I’m stuck with you forever then,” you said, turning back to him with a smirk. “Kinda sucks.”
He smirked back, cocking an eyebrow. “Yeah. Major suck. Speaking of my dick–”
“Oh, shut up.”
But you said it with a smile and he knew you didn’t mean it.
“Why the fuck do you have that?”
“It’s from work. Gimmie your arm.”
You extended your arm, frowning, stopping under the streetlight, one hand on the bike as Jungkook held the black permanent marker with his right hand. He used two fingers to uncap it and tucked the lid neatly into his palm, spinning the marker with the adjacent two fingers to readjust it so that he could write on your arm.
“Do you wanna get a tattoo with me?”
“Of what?”
You looked down to him scribbling on your skin, his own black tattoos standing out, covering his entire right arm and up to his shoulder. You wondered if he would end up tattooing his back and maybe his other arm – but, then again, he kind of needed money to have pay for such large pieces.
“Couples tattoo.”
You looked down when he drew back, grinning, reading the word upside down.
You raised an eyebrow.
“You want to get ‘lover’ tattooed?” you asked, skeptical, turning your arm this way and that, unsure if you liked the placement on your forearm, near your wrist. “You don’t have any space on your right arm anyway.”
“That’s why I would get it on my left.”
And he curved his wrist to write on the bandage on his left forearm, messily writing on top of it.
Now you raised both eyebrows.
“You want to get… ‘loser’ tattooed onto your body?” you snorted disbelievingly.
Jungkook grinned, recapping the black marker with one hand, tapping the dollar sign on the bandage with the marker lid. “Doesn’t it describe me? ‘Cause I had money, and now I don’t.” He pointed to the heart on your skin. “You love me. I love you. A lover with a dollar sign is a loser, right?”
Laughter and skateboards sped past, five blurs of black along the street, spinning around the parked cars, people yelling after them to stop being so reckless, but you were too busy staring at Jungkook to notice the ruckus, too busy staring at that smile and those brown orbs lit up by streetlights.
“Are you stupid?”
Jungkook’s grin widened, mole underneath clearly visible. “Yeah, kind of. Stupidly in love with you.”
You both instantly pretended to gag, trying to mask your smiles, you shoving him and him shoving back, playful and laughing like mad, falling into him, dropping the bike with a loud clang, swept up in his arms and his kiss, your hands hooking behind his neck, love you, love you, love you, not sure about this whole tattoo idea, but, hell, maybe, just maybe if he annoyed you enough about it.
Shit, the groceries...
Are they still good?
The green onions look kind of wilted, but so do you and you're still good... I think.
Shut up.
You didn't need him, but being without him was like being frozen in time.
Not that you had any big dreams or aspirations anyone could be envious about. It always been like that, casually cruising through life, existing for the sake of existing, no real reason needed. It just was, and there was no reason to stop, so you kept going. The path was there, so you kept walking.
But, then.
Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook made you run.
It's not washing off.
Easy for you to say, you wrote yours on your bandage, 'loser'.
So terrible that you have 'lover' written in you by your lover - hey, pfft, stop! Put the showerhead down!
It was truly by chance to meet him, a moment of terror and then he was there, yelling, get off her, don't fucking touch her, and you didn't understand, didn't understand why some random guy would suddenly intervene between an interaction of two strangers, how could he sense your discomfort and fear, and now he was throwing fists, brawling with not one but three guys, friends of the one who slipped his phone and his hands under your skirt, the stranger smashing the phone with venomous rage, fighting in a dress shirt, slacks, leather loafers, and expensive-looking rings, giving you a chance to escape.
A winner at life.
Not like you, you who let something happen because you froze up in that second, disbelieving that such a thing could happen to you, a nobody, a loser.
He kicked one of them in the knee, growling, a howl followed by the sharp crack during the fight.
You could turn and escape.
You heard sirens.
You grabbed your protector's flying fist and clenched into it tightly, panicking.
This was before the tattoos.
This was before the pain.
This was before the piercing.
Jeon Jungkook had whipped his head around at the foreign touch, in this mess because he had witnessed something disgusting and because he simply wanted to fight, just wanted to beat someone up, wanted to cause real pain to someone because he couldn't control his own life, wanted to fight something.
Needed to fight.
A hand around his hand.
Never once had Jungkook thought about escape.
Not until he saw that face, fear and panic and rage and determination, stunningly beautiful, hand around his hand, not letting go, pulling, sirens screaming in the distance, his legs already moving, following, running, running, running, into the sea of the unknown.
Sinking into it.
Lungs screaming, clumsily flying through alleys, on wings of adrenaline, running after the girl in the white hoodie and red plaid skirt holding his hand, falling, falling, falling, skidding across the concrete, her arms around his, her head buried into his chest, his hands around her head to protect it, hitting a dumpster with a pained wheeze.
The sirens sped past.
He was holding her and she was holding him.
It was chance.
Just chance.
His hands were scraped up, bleeding from the trip and tumble, her white hoodie dirtied and ripped from the fall, scrapes on her legs and knees.
I'm sorry...
It was ridiculous chance.
Just ridiculous.
You clung to this stranger and laughed, laughed like a maniac, laughed like you had gone mad, crying into his dirty navy dress shirt, thank you, thank you, thank you, not knowing you were holding the one who would make you run, not knowing who or how affluent he was, now knowing of how it felt to hold his hand and kiss his lips and hear his laugh, not knowing how you would introduce him to a friend who was a tattoo artist and start his interest in them, not knowing you would sit by him for long hours and watch the art grow on his skin...
Holding him, crying, thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me, leaning against a dumpster as the stranger hugged you tightly, I got you, it's okay, don't cry, don't cry, don’t cry please, rubbing your back.
Not knowing.
Not knowing he would make you zero, not knowing you would be standing there, time and time again, verbally beaten by his own parents as he looked away, unable to fight.
And you would escape.
You would run.
He would come back.
An endless cycle until you broke it.
Then he started the endless cycle again, broken as it was, his whispers to your cheeks, I love you, cheeks that were dried of tears because you were cried out and left with a mechanical heart, I love you, heart to heartless because of wasted time, I love you, time wasted but you still loved him, no matter what you did.
Did that make you pathetic?
Did that make you stupid?
Did that make you the loser?
I love you.
Why did it matter?
Even winners die.
I love you too, Jungkook.
"Get your hands off my tits."
You glared at him. Jungkook grinned and spun you around, hair still a little damp, kisses on your face that made you cringe as your naked bodies tumbled on the bed, him doing it on purpose, your grumble against his kisses, should have known, his smirk against your scowl, thought you knew me well by now, capturing his lips to shut him up, sinking into his arms and the ocean that was Jeon Jungkook, the one who made you want to run through the maze of life instead of aimlessly walk down the path.
His hands on your face, staring into your eyes.
You looked back, into those eyes that once had everything, but you.
And yet, he chose to lose it all and have nothing, but you.
It didn't really make sense, being in love.
You searched for regret, but there was none to be found.
"Am I forever your waste of time?" Jungkook whispered, breath drifting over your lips.
You smirked.
"Always was and always will be."
I know you said I was a waste of time. But I was your waste of time and that was all I ever wanted to be.
"Let me at least..."
"Ah, f-fuck, Jungkook!"
Your hands faltered a little, rolling the condom down while biting your lip, gasping as his two fingers plunged into you, him moaning at the wetness, thrusting slowly and deeply.
"What, you think I can't feel good with only your dick?"
"No," Jungkook snickered, pulling his slick fingers out of your pussy and bringing them to his face, cocking an eyebrow. "Just want a taste."
You rolled your eyes as he shoved his fingers into his mouth, sucking them off, eyelids fluttering.
"You're so annoying."
He grinned around his fingers, slowly pulling them out and tracing his wet lips.
You narrowed your eyes.
You don't have to take me back. I understand now, you know... I get it. Everyone... everyone will tell you you're crazy and to not to take me back.
I'm not taking you anywhere.
I... I wouldn't blame you. I promise.
Jungkook, please, shut the fuck up.
Your hands on his chest, smacking your hips down, his head thrown back on the pillows, breathless moan at your tightness, matching his sound with your own, stretching yourself out and feeling him swell even more at the pulse of your walls wrapped around him, rolling your hips into his, wet, intense smacks, his right hand flying up and wrapping around your left wrist, watching you through his lashes with effort, losing himself in your pace, no need to ask because you could see it in his face, his open mouth and glazed over eyes, fingers slipping down, curling your nails into his skin.
“P… Please…”
Raking your nails down his chest, his back arching and eyes closing, groaning in pleasure and pain, fucking him into your mattress so hard that the bedframe squealed, setting your jaw and closing your eyes too, savoring his fullness and thickness, sinking into the ocean of pleasure that was Jeon Jungkook, the one who made you feel like no one else, the one who could make and unmake your mechanical heart, funny how that worked, your nails in his skin creating crescents of lust, your eyes snapping open as you felt his chest rise, his back arching, his hands flat on the bed and thrusting his hips up into you, one eye partly open, black hair pushed back, open-mouthed smirk on his lips.
That dark brown orb partly obscured by his lashes, but revealing all to you.
You ticked your chin at him.
“Look at me.”
His eyes fully opening, pupils dilated, hazed over with lust and stubborn love.
“Nothing is more important to me than loving you,” he panted before sinking his teeth into his lower lip, mole underneath flashing, smacking his hips up into yours hard and fast, and it took no time at all, staring at his face and the way the moonlight cradled his strong jaw and toned muscle, catching the low light and bringing out the fervor in his gaze, filling you just right, pleasure blossoming from your core and yet concentrated tightly at the same time, moan of his name falling from your lips, spilling out from your lips and in between your legs, covering him with the sweet scent and harsh squeezes of orgasm, even wetter now, his eyes rolling back, cock twitching, satisfied hiss of your name spilling out with spurts of cum filling the condom, his length shivering inside you, your thighs closing in and holding him in the air so you could feel it all.
His pleasure and him.
I won’t make it to heaven. I don’t belong there.
It’s not like I belong there either, Jungkook.
Are you sure? Only an angel would take me back.
I didn’t take you back. Only your body walked away. Your heart never left me, did it?
“You sure you don’t want to get a couples tattoo with me?”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around how your dumb ass wants to get ‘loser’ tattooed and how you think that’s romantic.”
He pressed his right forearm against your left and grinned, watching you suck in a breath as he pushed into you again, other condom already in the trash, new one on, your right leg against his chest, sandwiched between your bodies.
“But yeah, if you want, I’ll get a ‘lover’ tattoo.”
He paused, blinking rapidly. “Really?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? Why not?”
“You never wanted a tattoo before.”
Now you raised both eyebrows. “Did you ever ask me before?”
Jungkook looked down at you, hair a mess, smile blossoming on his face, somewhere between giddiness and mania, diving down and showering you with kisses, you smacking his arms and telling him, you’re bending me in half, the fuck are you doing, and he laughed, lifting both your legs now, I’ll show you bent in half, placing them between his arms, leaning down, sinking in as deep as possible, your moan and his moan mixing together.
You’re still here.
Of course, I am, this is my fucking apartment. Ugh, your black eye looks even uglier than before.
You don’t… you don’t want me to leave?
Did I say that? Uh… why are you crying?
F… Forget I said a-anything…
Hey, stop. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, Jungkook, please…
“Fuck, you feel so good, fuck…!”
Your hands in his hair, teasing grin on your face, and he was looking down at you, I love your smug smile, fuck, your fingers combing through his hair, pushing it back and away from his face, letting him see your smug smile without any obstructions, you always fuck me so well, Jungkook, the smile breaking out over his handsome features, breathing erratic and labored, hard and rough and deep, you rising your hips to meet him for every loud smack, exhales and moans blending together, tight, wet, full, your grip on his hair tightening, closer, closer, racing to the edge of the cliff and the edge of the world, Jungkook in your hands, taking him with you, or was he the one who was leading you?
Breathless as if you were running, winded from the pleasure, tightening around him, his head lowering, your name washing over your cheeks in a hot gasp, putting more weight on you, nearly folded in half but it felt better this way, gratifying in how hard he could fuck you in this position, staring into those dark brown orbs, his body on yours, knowing he was yours, always was, always will be, and you were his, always was, always will be.
Head pressing into the pillows, moaning his name again, loud and unashamed, the overwhelming feeling taking over, muscles tense and nerves on fire, pouring it all into the pleasure, pulsing around his jerking length, his moan of your name on your skin, shooting shivering strings of cum into the condom, massaged and milked by the strength of your orgasm, locking him in your embrace and his arms closing in, lips on lips, a fierce kiss dominated by shuddering aftershocks, trembling in each other’s hold and taking the other’s breath away, blazing hot all over even though this frozen world cared about no one.
The kiss lasted a long, long time.
It fell apart slowly, leaving you both lightheaded from the intensity.
“You’re a waste of time, Jungkook,” you whispered, heated. “But you’re my time.”
The side of his lips quirked upward, sweaty, panting, chuckling.
“That’s all I ever wanted to be.”
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How many friends does she really have left?
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Remember the scenes with Boscha in “Any Sport in a Storm” When she was bothering Lumity while they are trying to get people to join there “Azura Book Club“. Some people, myself included, picked up on how hard she was making fun of the books but still took one and started reciting it in public, a few even pointed out how her eyes were closed at that she was likely doing it from memory. Secret Azura fan Boshca confirmed!
But then Amity shows up to tell Luz that Azura’s author is doing a book signing that day and the pair leave Boshca to attend. (If Boscha could not verbalize wanting to join their club, there is no way she could verbalize wanting t go with them). Boscha yells out “you two aren’t cute!” (Lie) and “I still have more friends than you!”... possible lie when you look at how her social circle has been diminishing.
In season one Boscha is either leader of the cool girls/ mean girls, or co-leaders with Amity, I don’t fully remember which. She is the Top athlete in school, and more than likely a pretty powerful potions witch. Grudgby is the first episode to really explore Boscha’s mindset and it is mentioned in that that while she is celebrated around Hexside for her skills and accomplishment on the field, she is also feared for her strength and aggression on and off the field. It is also mentioned that Boscha is okay with that, uses it as an edge if you will. Fine, whatever, its her life, I am not a jock. From an outside looking in perspective it seems like all of Boscha’s inner circle of friends are people friends people who play on her team, used to play, or people she knew for years.
Amity and Skara are her best friends in season 1. Amity is an interesting case because she quite the Grudgby team a year ago, giving Boscha her spot as Captain. Boscha is quit possibly a better captain than Amity was. Yet Boscha still remains friends with Amity and in the beginning would take taunts from her and suck up to her. Whatever reason (possibly their mothers, possibly their school image) the two stayed friends after Amity quit, is rendered unimportant though as Amity begins pulling away from Boscha after “Understanding Willow”, calling her actions and the way she scares people around school “pathetic and childish”.  Boscha cares at first, but when Amity comes to Luz and Willows aid on the Grudgby field against Boscha the two’s friendship is effectively severed.
Skara is Boscha’s oldest friend, and while she has always been the sweet to Boscha’s sour, complimenting people she knows Boscha doesn’t like, and in some cases even trying to give people Boscha wants to embarrass outs, she has never before openly opposed her. Boscha has always seemed to important to Skara to cross... or at least she was before. In “Any Sport in a Storm” Skara is shown having left Grudgeby and Joins Willow’s flyer derby team. Definitely a hard pill for Boscha to swallow. After joining the flyer derby team Skara becomes new BFF’s with Viney, another pill for Boshca.  Labyrinth runners opens with Skara walking the halls with Cat and Bo,happily chatting, so we know she is still friends with them, They both seem like good friends. But she is noticeably standing on the opposite side of the crowed from Boscha and the pair do not interact at all; adding to the theory that the two girls had a falling out sometime off screen.
That would leave Boscha with just Amelia (green haired plant track student) and Cat (darker skinned healing track student square glasses) as friends. Amelia has been absent from all of season 2. She has not been seen hanging out with her old crew, or sitting in class, or walking around town. This all sounds like she moved to a new part of the titan and no longer attends Hexside.  Good-bye Amelia, it would have been nice to know more about you. Cat has made a few cameo’s: One in “Any Sport in a Storm” where she is standing in a crowd watching Hunter air surf, though she does not join the team. Next in Labyrinth runners she is seen spending time with Skara and Bo before school, then is in the healing homeroom taking care of the students who are hiding there. In none of these cameo’s is she anywhere near Boscha. Cat’s wiki says she is the new girl to the popular group, Amity’s replacement for the Grudgby team. She has also always been really quiet around Boscha. She may have actually been scared of Boscha herself.
These are the only friends Boscha is shown to have. I mean she gets a photo of herself taken at Grom with Selene and Bo, but Selene never talks to the popular girls outside of that one scene. Bo was never portrayed as one of their group. In season 1 she is shown practicing magic with Skara, when Skara isn’t around Boscha or Amity, and she may have formed a friendship with Cat by season 2, But those are the only two she seems to see as Friends.   In conclusion the mighty have fallen, and Boscha may actually not have any friends left. Amity and Skara do not seem to want to be her friends anymore, Amelia is gone, her and Cat were not close. She may have wanted to join a new club as a way to look for new friends, but she did not know how to ask for help or a chance. I am almost sad for her.
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