#camila So Worried About Luz At All Times
crimeronan · 5 months
i kept thinking last night about this concept of AU luz creating a baby grimwalker of herself for camila. mainly thinking about camila's response before she's been told about the grimwalker thing. because. i love her. and i am soft.
i was thinking about the startled reaction of "oh god, my daughter is a teen mom," which would Literally Immediately give way to "OH GOD, my daughter is POSTPARTUM in a FANTASY WORLD THAT DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HUMAN BIOLOGY"
like. no judgment on the teen mom thing. luz lives in a world with very different cultural expectations and has never been taught about stuff like pregnancy. camila should not project her own cultural norms here. but also.
IMMEDIATE terror about the mom thing In General.
camila trying so hard to thread the line between "i'm not upset and i don't want to scare you" and "oh my god you Need a human mama guiding you right now." her immediate pivot to like. okay baby i know you're nervous about the human realm but would you Please talk to a doctor with me. Just Once. Please. Bplease....
camila holding Grimwalker Baby, who she very reasonably assumes is luz and hunter's baby, bc Grimwalker Baby looks exactly like luz but has hunter's eyes, & being like, "oh, she's Beautiful. what did you two name her?" while luz is like "well!! that..... kind of depends on if you like her or not :)"
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sepublic · 3 months
I cannot imagine being Camila Noceda because so much of her arc starts around her being scared for her child, wanting her to do well and succeed and being afraid she’ll get hurt. And then right under her nose, her daughter has disappeared on some adventure in another world but at least she seems fine, right?
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But you still let yourself break and you end up saying things you might regret. And then it’s only when you begin to worry about her that she comes back and she is scarred. She’s hurt. There’s a cut on her eyebrow and you realize it will never heal. It always reminds you of how you weren’t there for her, you couldn’t protect your daughter from those who hurt her, and if you’d been enough for Luz then maybe she wouldn’t have needed to come to the isles to begin with and be injured. You see how she’s begun to loathe and hate herself, because of things and people entirely outside of her control, and you couldn’t have been there to comfort her when she needed it. So now it’s built up for Luz into this horrific trauma that she hasn’t even yet begun to unpack.
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Camila is stronger than everyone because if I’d seen my kid come back like that, I’d have broken apart asking what happened, are you okay, etc. But instead she remains strong because she can see that Luz and her kids are scared and they really need an adult who can be strong for them. Camila probably thought about what happened in Yesterday’s Lie afterwards, and come to regret her outburst; She must’ve guessed how it hurt Luz and made her feel terrible and alas she was right! So she vowed not to make that same mistake again and be even stronger next time, and she was!!!
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But man that must’ve been so scary and helpless and painful, seeing what happened under your watch. Being unable to provide a fix in getting her back home, so of course Camila goes along to the Demon Realm once she gets that opportunity, because this all started because she wasn’t there for her daughter when she needed her most. Of course she supports her in coming out, as well as in staying in the isles; She won't blame Eda for giving Luz what she wanted and needed, as Eda herself couldn't be a hypocrite by telling Luz to stay with her mom. Camila won’t let Luz face this stuff alone like last time, not when she knows and Luz feels better about trusting her (or had to, anyway) and it’s what saves Luz!!! Because when Luz relapses after failing against Kikimora, it’s Camila who’s there to pick her back up and tell her everything she needs, which leads to Luz’s palisman String Bean finally emerging!!!
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But then Luz dies and just. That scar must’ve reminded Camila that she wasn’t there to protect her daughter from anyone that might hurt her. And despite helping a little against Kikimora, it still happened again. Permanently. Man I wish Camila had a “GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BITCH” moment to get back at Belos for all she did her to child. But Camila had to keep going because after Yesterday’s Lie, she knew she still had other kids to look after. She was strong for Vee during Yesterday’s Lie, only to let herself drop right afterwards in front of Luz. But not again. No time for self pity, you just have to move on after a death and keep living, just as you did with Manny. And in the end, Luz IS all right, and she’s better than she’s ever been and there’s some huge relief.
Just augh Camila Noceda. Luz went on an isekai adventure, but maybe so did her mother? And I don’t mean with the Boiling Isles, I mean with the U.S. Camila might have been an immigrant, and not just the child/descendant of one. And even if she wasn’t, she still moved to Gravesfield. So in general so much of her life has been about going to another world and trying to survive and feel comfortable in it. As it was for Luz, too; But they survived along the way and found what fellow “weirdoes” they could, with Camila meeting Manny, who could’ve also related to her as a fellow Dominican American. And now she’s found others who can relate to Camila in other ways, as Manny also related to her as a huge nerd.
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So I have this headcanon that Hunter casually drops the most concerning information about his health and the things he says get worse and worse every time... Just imagine :
Hunter : Hey isn't it weird how teeth hurt all the time even when you don't have a cavity? It doesn't really make sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Don't you think that's strange?
Willow : Um, I think you need to see a dentist. Pretty sure teeth aren't supossed to hurt at all.
Hunter : Oh... yeah, that would explain a lot...
Willow : ... I'm gonna call Camila.
Hunter : Ow, i slept on the wrong side of my face last night...
Gus : The wrong side of your face?
Hunter : When i sleep on the side of my face that has the scar the whole right side of it hurts all day... Usually it just feels numb or tingly. Normal stuff, you know?
Gus : No, dude. That's not normal stuff.
Hunter : Come on! It's just a bit of nerve damge. I mean, who doesn't have any?
Gus : ...
Hunter : ... Are you gonna call Camila too?
(Later again)
Luz : Are you okay?
Hunter : Yeah, I just "blip out" sometimes.
Luz : Blip out?
Hunter : Don't worry, it's fine. I just go unconsious for a few seconds, but from the outside it looks like i'm just staring or blinking really fast for some reason. Usually it's random but it happens with flashing lights sometimes.
Luz : That's... That's a seizure. You're having seizures. How did you not know that was a seizure? How long have you been epileptic??
Hunter : Oh, no! It's not epilepsy! It's just from a concussion i had a few years ago.
Hunter : Yes...? Wait. Wait don't call your-
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salamander-spark · 1 month
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My first fanfic! I'm proud of it even if it's a little rushed. I barely managed to get it out within the day. Tomorrow's prompt might just be a drawing.
Day 1:
Hug/Cabin 7/Shapeshifter
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Fic below:
TW: very brief depiction of a panic attack, description of nightmare.
It had been a month since Vee's mom and sister came back from the boiling isles.
The stress Vee felt the few days it took for the return was immeasurable. A worry for her family took root in the back of her mind, it made sleep nearly impossible, and gave her nightmares.
Waiting for months, no contact, no words, no way of knowing if they are alive. No magic. She'd be found out, spreding herself too thin with Camila and Luz's responsibilities, inevitably slipping up. People from the town gazing upon her demonic form. The eyes of Belos's monsterous form looming behind everyone. her family, Luz's friends all dead they couldn't stop him THEY COULDN'T COME HOME THEY WERE DEAD HE KILLED THE —
In the present, Vee shook her head to dispel the images her imagination made. She remembers the dreams vividly, still occasionally seeing them in her sleep.
The week following their return, she found the pamphet Masha handed her. Blushing (But NOT because she remembers making a fool of herself in front of them), she decided it was time to take up their offer. 
And it turned out AMAZING, Masha's gradoise flair really fitting the tour guide gig. It was just like back at Cabin seven when They waxed poeticly about the many pagen dieties and what they did. 
Vee kept up with Masha's narration, interjecting questions when she thought of them, keeping the conversation flowing. Vee told Masha about herself, and Masha shared stories about their friends. An aching Vee didn’t realize she had in her heart began to fade talking to her friend after so long, but only slightly.
Masha didn't know that she knew them. For all they knew, they were talking to a complete stranger. The person they talked to couldn't possibly be the shy, anxious girl they shared a cabin with. She couldn't be the friend they helped bring out of her shell, who looked at all things mundane with innocent wonder. She wasn't Luz Noceda.
The insecurity persisted, became even bigger after Masha invited Vee to hang out with their friends. Diego, the tall, relaxed boy who let his hair fall onto his face and probably had a million zits on his forhead. Samantha; or rather Sam, who had a love for video games and anime, and rambled about them to the captivated audience of her friends. 
Neither of them knew her as Vee either. It was awkward, but managable, getting to know them a second time. She noticed that they were each more comfortable in conversation than when they were back at camp. They were all less reluctant to share the information about themselves that took them weeks to share at camp. Vee supposed she was also more confident, staying in a cabin with each other must have been to thank for that.
She didn't know how long she could keep lying to them, for her own sanity.
"Say," Masha began, "What about those kids you were hanging out with? They're your other friends, right?" 
Vee, lying belly down looked up from the Cosmic frontier book she was reading. "Huh? She got so invested in the plot it took her brain a while to process Masha's question. 
"Y'know, at the historical society, right before Halloween," Masha clarified. "You guys asked me about that rebus remember? That one kid was going on like, 'Grahh chop off my ear' or something," Masha giggled. 
Oh. Luz's friends. Vee knew the witches also considered her part of the group, but it was easier thinking of them as her sister's friend group.
Wait... They didn't have a proper cover story! Vee was terrible at lying on the fly, but she needed to start talking now!
"O- OH YEAH, that was Gus. H-hes pretty fun. Then theres uhhh, Amity with the pink hair, Willow had glasses, and... oh yeah Hunter too but he was at our home that day." Vee needed to stall so she could come up with something.
"Is he The Blond cosmic frontier fan?" Masha asked, which confused Vee.
"When did you see him? I don't remember him going to your job after we left."
"No, I actually saw them at the haunted hayride! oh, I guess I only told you two-" Masha points two fingers at Sam and Diego respectively "-about that since you weren't hanging out with us back then. Whoops~"
Suddenly, Diego piped up. "Wait, you said 'Our' Home. So they like, live at your place or something"  
"Uhhhh well... you see." Think of something Vee, just spit it out. "Foreign excange students?" she thought out loud. "-From out of state not another country!" she amended in a panic.
"O–kay?" Sam raised her eyebrow "I've never seen them at school before, and you know I watch people like a hawk." It was true, back at camp, Sam compiled a list of the campers from other cabins activities in order to know who to watch out for. 
It wasn't a skill she thought would be used agsinst her.
"Well, There are other schools in the area you know? I think they went to, yknow..." She didn't know the names of any other high schools. "...Not Gravesfield high?" She finished with a shrug. And also, they went back to their own rea-" DONT SAY REALM "TOWN like, right after Halloween, so yeah, that's why you've never seen 'em" She finished with a shrug and a manic chuckle.
How did she keep this up for thee months straight? She must've lost her touch. Then again, she considered not having to lie as a good thing.
"Sure, I'll accept that." Sam relented.
"Hold up, am I missing something, or does that like. Not make sense." Diego once again came in with his terribly timed questions. "Cause like, you said they lived in your house, why wouldn't they go to the same school?" How is he so perceptive!? It must be because he doesn't devote much energy into responding so he can listen better.
Masha put a hand on her shoulder "Hey, sorry about him Vee, if theres something you don't want to tell us, you don't have to." assured Masha. "We didn't mean to push so far." Masha turns toward the offender, "Diego." They enunciate.
Vee didn't her most of what Masha said. Where Masha tried to reassure her, Vee only heard an accusation. 'something you don't want to tell us' sounded more like 'You're hiding something, aren't you Vee.' And what did that last part mean? Could they tell she was panicking? WHY DID THEY SOUND ANGRY?
They'reGoingToForce AnswersOutOfmeNobodyTrustsMe-
Everything turned blurry, she was hyper aware of all the sounds of the room closing in on her. Her heartbeat was in her ears, everyones voices blended into a cocophony She needed to get away She's clammy and very sweaty-
It's queit, what changed, is there still danger?
She heard breathing, not her own, someone elses, not her own, and it makes her realize how quick she's breathing. She tries to slow down, matching the pace of the other person. 
When she finally steadied herself (it felt like several minutes but also less than one) She opened her eyes (They were closed?) and sees Masha sitting on her knees on the bed in front of her (She doesn't remember getting into this corner). They continued to demonstrate the breathing exercise, which they also did with their hands.
Vee thinks she remembers something like this happening at camp, but isn't sure right now. Masha gestured their hands out wide, clearly asking if it was okay if they could give a hug. 
You don't deserve one, her brain tells her. No, she shakes her hehead.
Masha sits with her, and they both breath. Such a simple act, filled with so much understanding. You doesn't deserve Masha. 
She's now aware enough to know how mean she's being to herself. She spots her other friends sitting in the middle of the room, Dego on the floor while Samantha sits in the desk chair. She gives a meek wave and they wave back without keeping eye contact. They look ashamed, Masha must've given them a talking to.
"Hi guys, sorry you had to see that," she knew she shouldn't be apologizing, but this whole situation never would've happened if she was truthful from the beginning. 
"No Vee, this wasn't your fault." Says Masha
Sam adds in "We're sorry. Diego said he should've realised before he asked that. And I'm sorry for getting so uptight about answers." Sam makes eye contact at the end, though it almost looks like she's scrutinizing Vee's face-
-She spins to look at the mirror and sees a splotchy mess of skin on her face. One could confuse it for vitiligo -a skin condition she learned some humans have- if not for the fact her face was previously a single solid shade of brown. 
Her hair is now completely blue, and a bit shorter, exposing her ears in their full glory. They must've been flapping like crazy during her panic attack.
Her sclera was blue, and took on the glossy sheen of an amphibious creature. 
None of those are human traits.
Her head snaps back towards Masha, cringing while waiting for a reaction.
"So..." They began. "I um. I like your ears?" They clerly want to say more, but refrains to be polite. "Once again, I don't wanna force you to answer. I've just got a lotta theories in my noggin right now and I would like to know the truth. But again, no pressure. Whetever the truth is, I'll try not to react badly." They finished by putting their hands up and smiling. 
Both looked at their friends who nodded. "Hey I'm cool with you being a shape-changing spirit, or some cryptid, or whatever you are. Again, I'm sorry." Sam smiles.
Diego nods and says "Ditto, what she said."
"And if you're not ready right now, we trust you. We just want you to be comfortable with us. You can talk later
Now was the time to come clean to her friends. It wasn't because she was backed into a corner. They let her keep her secrets if she really needed too.
Her eyes tear up, and the tears wetted her cheek. They trust her.
Hopefully they stayed true to their words. Here goes nothing.
"Um, Let me tell you about a place called the Boiling Isles"
She shapeshifts into her true skin for the first time in their presence.
Sam fellbackwards off her chair while Diego simply said "woah." After squeaking in a high pitch, Masha just stared, taking in the details of her true for  from her tail to her hair.
She could’ve eased the group in better, could've given them a better idea of what to expect. But flowery speeches were Luz’s deal, and Vee wanted to rip off the bandaid.
She hoped they  would share Mom and Luz's opinions on how non-threatening she looked. Masha looked far from disgusted at least, but she had no idea what was on Diego's mind.
Sam lifted her chair to defend herself, before realizing how it looked and set it down. Vee only now remembered Sam has a fear of snakes, Ophidiophobia if she's correct. 
She considered apologizing, but decided against it, given this whole thing was mostly Sam's fault. She could be petty, she deserves it. She's definitely getting around to it later though.
they let her explain herself in full, with no interruptions. She told them about the titan, demon and witches. She wasn't quite ready to tell them how she was born, but she told them she pretended to be Luz for the summer.
Everyone's eyes grew wide at the admission, and it looked like they had something to say. Then they looked in her eyes and she gave a look that said she never wanted to hurt them.
She didn't expect them to start joking around so quickly after several earth shattering revelations, but she could tell that they wanted to lighten the mood before discussing them.
They were also being super frustrating about the cute comments.
“I'm not cute. Luz calls everything cute, like. Possums, for one.” She scrunches her face, “and she didn't even bat an eye at a bunch of talking rats!” 
“Your face looks like a cat,” says Diego, his mouth curved in an uncharacteristicly mischievous grin. “But like, a bald cat that fell in a can of green paint.” He teases. 
"Hey, you up for that hug yet, Vee?" Masha smiled that pretty gap toothed smile, and Vee felt her resolve shatter. 
"Y'know what? yeah. I could use one." Vee agreed.
"Want to make it four?" They asked, to which Vee nodded.
Vee tightly hugged Masha, and they embraced. With Vees hace in the crook of their neck, she wrapped her tail around Diego who had moved behind her. "Sweet" he simply remarked.
Masha looked at where Sam sat crisscrosed, hand hovering over Vee's tail hesitsntly. "Hey, you know she's not slimy, right?" Masha indignantly asked. "She's also warmer than I expected, she barely even feels like a snake. More like what I imagine a dragon would be like." Masha blinked "Can you turn into a dragon?" Masha almost shouted.
Vee shrugged, Sam insisted "But do I have to?"
"Yeah, get over here dummy!" Vee wrapps the end of her tail around Sam's midsection. Vee thinks she looks a bit pale.
"Geez it must be 'everybody bully Sam hour' today! Really, I'm still sorry," Sam defends. 
"You were a jerk, you owe me something expensive!"
Diego and Masha laughed at Sams expression, Vee leans deeper into Masha's hug. 
"You okay Vee-Vee?" masha softly asks.
"Yeah," Vee looks around at her friends. getting an idea.
"Cabin seven!"
"HOO HAA HAA!" chorused four voices
"I love you guys." whispered the shapeshifter amongst her closest friends.
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thousand-winters · 16 days
Something I love about TOH is how it lets adults be wrong and make mistakes and be whole messes that do not have their shit together because... yeah, that's just life. Adults aren't so put together as one believes when they're a child, and of course they can act rashly and fuck up because of their emotions and generally experience the entire spectrum of human emotion.
It would be lovely if the fandom would be less racist about it tho.
It keeps driving me mad to think about because with characters of color, one mistake is taken and generalized as their entire behavior despite having proof that it was a one time thing, a extreme born out of emotion or after many things have happened, while for white characters it's well understood it was a one time instance.
Nobody took Eda's "I'm going to break every bone of your body" toward King (who, mind you, is like 8yo and the kid she raised since he was a baby) seriously, nor said "Eda totally threatens King with bodily harm every time she's angry". It wasn't a serious threat, King wasn't bothered by her because he knew that, and the world kept spinning, nobody made a bigger deal of that than it had to be, despite the fact that it's objectively a horrible thing to say to your kid.
Nobody said either "every time Eda is feeling unneeded, she avoids talking to her kids and ignores them for days and then attempts murder-suicide on the name of good", although the avoidance aspect of it at least IS more in tune with her general lack of coping mechanisms.
Now, Camila making Luz go to camp? Suddenly she was the devil and evil, and Eda should take full custody of Luz, despite the fact Camila was shown as gentle and loving since moment one, and your kid endangering other kids by bringing live snakes and fireworks to school is objectively something alarming that can't be swept under the rug. There was no point at which Camila was depicted as anything but loving and concerned, even during Grom, Luz's fear was about hurting Camila rather than Camila hurting her and yet people insisted she was abusive until Thanks to Them.
Even after Yesterday's Lie. I mean, Luz is 14. I don't know about you, but if I had a kid known for being a bit careless and reckless and act first before thinking, I would be worried sick knowing she's in a land where half the things alive try to eat you and it's also ruled by a genocidal emperor. Hell, even if my kid wasn't reckless, I would be clawing at the walls about it. Camila wasn't being evil for wanting Luz to stay by her side, especially since they only had each other.
Then, of course, there's Darius.
I'm so sick of people being condescending to people who like Dadrius, even in art posts, all like "guys, but don't forget Darius was shitty to Hunter for years", because it's exactly what I'm talking about of taking one event and extrapolating it toward his entire behavior despite the fact the information we have been provided indicates that was a one time thing. Not only we have the Palisman Logs that confirm Darius usually didn't pay attention to Hunter, which, mind you, isn't a crime because he had no responsibility over Hunter and everyone thought Hunter was being treated well by Belos, but we also have the hint of Darius reacting so viciously because of Hunter sewing the Golden Guard's sigil on his cloak and reminding him of his mentor, which is not something that happened every thursday.
I know everyone understands actions born out of emotion in adults, no matter how wrong they are, because of Eda and even some of the other adults who objectively speaking did way worse in the matter of mistakes toward their children, like Gwen or Alador. Yet, people keep refusing to believe that Darius only did that once but nobody ever says "yes, here are the examples and clues that he was this way for years" (because they do not exist) and just keep repeating that he did or that he has the vibes of someone who did (bestie, that's just racism).
It's so strange because Hunter is not stupid. He knew to be on guard of Kikimora and Kikimora was always shitty to him. He can take a clue, he's not a baby. He refused to accept the help of the Owl Fam and the Hexsquad for a good while because they were "the enemy" and in his head he had the idea that he shouldn't trust them even if he wanted to. Hunter's behavior is affected deeply by Belos' abuse, but he wasn't reacting to everyone in the way he did to Belos, excusing their behavior and generally letting them all walk all over him.
If Darius really had picked on him for years, he wouldn't have been so quick to trust him after Any Sport in a Storm, and we got a bunch of little mentions and hints that point to how their bond started to grow behind curtains, which would be really weird if Darius had always been an overly hostile presence in Hunter's life before. Can you imagine him being all chill with Kikimora if she had hypothetically went "oh, well, I guess I was wrong for trying to murder you"? Hell no.
Even Perry and the Parks didn't got spared from this.
Of course their reactions to their kids getting expelled could have been more graceful, but they were evidently not thinking super clearly at the moment and every other moment we've seen them with their kids, they have been loving and supportive. Hell, even in that same episode we saw how the Parks were, if anything, more concerned about Willow's education to the point they were willing to change their whole life to be able to stay to homeschool her.
Adults make mistakes. People make mistakes.
Stop acting like people of color can't make mistakes without being the epitome of evil.
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Found this deep in my drafts. I know we’re all trying to avoid spoilers rn so here’s some lighthearted silly human realm huntlow to distract us from leaks and such. There’s no plot, just Willow after dentist ✌️
“All right Willow, sweet heart, you’re gonna sit out here with Hunter while Amity has her turn, okay?” Camila said as she guided Willow to a seat beside Hunter in the waiting room. The night before, Luz had shown the girls what rock candy was and while she was at school, certain incidents had taken place resulting in an emergency trip to the dentist.
Hunter had offered to accompany them, hearing the word ‘emergency’ and shifting into solider mood. Camila assured him there was nothing to worry about, but she realized that after the visit she may need help keeping the girls intact as they may feel rather... loopy.
“How was your trip to the human tooth healer?” Hunter asked, extending his hand to help guide Willow to her seat.
“It was... bright,” she stumbled a bit before plopping on the couch beside him, staring at the ceiling as though she was hypnotized. “Woah.”
“Are you feeling okay, Captain?” Hunter asked, following her eyes but seeing nothing to warrant a reaction. He had peeked into the room where they had taken her and where Amity was now and saw a collection of small weapons lined the table. He trusted Camila and knew she would never put any of them in harm’s way, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly concerned, given Willow’s current state.
“They needed to look at my teeth closer because of reasons and I think they thought I was gonna bite them so they gave me a potion to make me not bite,” she explained, barely understanding what they had done even when she wasn’t under the affects of anesthesia. “But I can still bite, see?” She demonstrated by moving her mouth and biting the air.
“What kind of potion did they give you?” Hunter asked.
“I dunno but I felt this way the last time, the felt last time I- Ugh,” Willow tried to compose the sentence. “The last time I felt like this, Amity had set my mind on fire.” She finally managed to say calmly, despite Hunter’s immediate reaction to the subject matter.
“What?” Hunter exclaimed, closing his book. “Why would she do that?”
“Secrets,” Willow whispered, pointing to her temple. “To hide the secrets hiding in mah mind.”
“Well that’s not what’s happening now is it?” asked Hunter, worried and having little knowledge about what a dentist actually did .
“I don’t think so...” said Willow, placing her hands on her ears seeing if she felt the heat she had felt then. “Oh no, what if my secrets all fell out? What if I lost them?!”
“Well, can you remember them still?” Asked Hunter, feeling as though the situation was dire, scanning the floor for fallen secrets (whatever those were supposed to look like).
“Are you trying to find out my secrets Hunter?” She said, squinting her eyes at him and growing more loopy as she slowly swayed side to side in her seat.
“What? No of course not, I-.”
“You think I have secrets about you,” she giggled, twirling her finger in his face before gently booping his nose, then adding in a hushed dramatic whisper. “Because I doooo.”
“Y-you do?”
“Yup,” she she said, popping the ‘p’ and making herself laugh even harder. “Yup yup yup.”
“Well if you can remember them then that means they’re-.”
“When you came to Hexside, remember that?” Willow asked, her tone calm once again as she traced the pattern on the chair with the tip of her finger. “When we first met the first time? Remember?”
“Yeah, I do.” he said with a laugh, feeling confident her ailment wasn’t as dire. Willow suddenly was hit with a fit of bubbly laughter that she tried to suppress and Hunter found himself joining her, the laughter contagious. She motioned for him to come closer and he cautiously obliged as she leaned over and rested her chin on his shoulder and sighed.
“I thought you were cute,” she whispered her secret directly in his ear, cupping her hands around it so it couldn’t escape.
“Oh? R-really?”Hunter stammered, clearing his throat. “Are you sure you-?”
“Oh, wait wait oooh,I love it when you do that!” She squealed, placing her hands on his cheeks and squeezing his face.
“Do... what?” Hunter said the best he could, his mouth squished.
“When your face turns all red like that!” She said as though she was marveling at some great stunt. “And it reaches your ears. It is veeeery cute.”
“You... notice that?” Hunter asked nervously, hoping the obviousness has been all in his head, knowing this happened often around her .
Willow nodded vigorously, so quickly she made herself dizzy. “Woah, why is the room spinning? Hooty what did you do?”
“You did say the potion they gave you was pretty strong maybe you should take it easy,” said Hunter, his concern for her outweighing his embarrassment. “Are you in pain at all?”
“Nope,” she said shaking her head, but once she started it was like she couldn’t stop and she shook her head even faster. Hunter reached out to stop her, worried she’d make herself dizzy all over again.
Successful in his efforts, he suddenly realized his hands were on her face. She stopped and looked at him with bright eyes as though this has been an attempt to gain her focus. If his face was red before, he could only imagine how it looked now.
“Um, do you want me to get you anything?” He asked as he went to remove his hands, but before he could she placed hers over his to keep them there.
“Do you wanna know another secret?” she whispered dramatically, and Hunter swore her eyes were sparking.
“Um, maybe now isn’t the best time,” he chuckled nervously. “I think this might be the potion making you say all these things and I don’t want you to feel embarrassed when it wears off.”
“It’s not embarrassing,” she insisted. “It’s about you.”
“Okaaaaay ha ha,” said Hunter, quickly removing his hands from her face and placing them at his sides. Had she found about the grimwalker thing? A nasty rumor from his Golden guard days? Did she think his haircut didn’t actually look good? “What about if we watch something on the television box?”
“No, no you were reading and then you stopped cause I came in,” said Willow dramatically. “You should read again. I’ll be quiet.”
“Did you... um... I can read to you if you want?” Hunter offered bashfully, thankful she has seemed to dropped her desire to discuss her secret about him. “It’s just a book about wolves, so if you don’t want to-.”
“Oh please please please,” said Willow excitedly, placing her head back on his shoulder. “I can turn the pages for you.”
“Are you sure? I know my voice isn’t-.”
“I know how to turn pages, Hunter.” She said, playfully rolling her eyes and making herself more comfortable beside him. “Tell me the secrets of wolves.”
“Okay, well let me go back to the first chapter,” said Hunter, trying to downplay his excitement that can out whenever wolves were involved. “There are some really cute pictures of baby wolves, look!” He turned the book towards her so she could see. When he went to observe her reaction, he found her eyes were not on the book but were locked back on him. He held her gaze for a moment before turning his attention back to the book. He could feel her eyes still on him, but he pressed on to begin reading.
“I still think you’re cute,” she whispered, loudly enough where it was clear that she wanted him to hear but softly enough that he could pretend he didn’t hear her, just in case it truly was just the potion talking.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
When you get (badly) injured
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Amity: PANICC. She is calling Emira so fucking fast. Once the initial panic calms down she wraps abomination goo around the wound. Once Emria shows up she majorly calms down. Once Emria is done she makes sure you're fully alright.
Luz: Screaming and crying. I'm joking but she is scared. She quickly gets wrap-around band-aids with normal fun band-aids on top. Makes sure you are healing properly. Will not tolerate you overexerting yourself. She'll help you do anything that requires you to move the part of your body that you hurt.
Willow: Tries her best to be calm. She disinfects and badges you up. Then nearly kills you with a bear hug. She is slightly more protective of you for the next week or two (I.E. any time you fall a bunch of vines sprout up stopping you from falling.)
Hunter: More shaken up than you. He has a lot of knowledge on how to bandage wounds after being in the Emperor's coven. He shakily disinfects the wound and puts wrap-around bandages on it. He keeps asking if you're okay over and over. He is overprotective of you afterward. Overall pretty okay.
Vee: Has no clue what to do. While she was in captivity she rarely got majorly hurt. She quickly fetches Luz and Camila and asks them for advice. Camila is way more helpful than Luz. (also get ready for at least one hour of cuddles.)
Raine: They are so very worried about you :(. Since they led multiple rebel groups they have informed themselves on how to properly patch up a wound. Gives you painkillers when they can. Also helps you rest with a bard spell.
Eda: "Pretends to be all cold-hearted but actually cares a lot!" She has bought potions to help heal people so she gives you one of them. After you fully healed she cuddles with you in her nest. She's in harpy mode and has her wings wrapped around you.
Emira: She can heal you herself. So she isn't really worried at all. She gives you a lot of kisses though. 10/10 would recommend as a caretaker.
Edric: He panics. Hard. He gives you healing potions like Eda. You do heal pretty quickly (especially compared to how much he panicked.) He does baby you even a week after you fully heal-
The Collector: They can just heal you with a snap of their fingers lmao.
Lilith: She is actually pretty calm. In the same vein as Raine and Hunter, she used to basically be second in command of the Emperor's coven. So she calmly patches you up. While lecturing you to be more careful.
Gus: Very sad to see you hurt. He swiftly gets one of his friends. Most likely Willow. Gives you so many hugs. 
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Okay so this wasn’t a specific request or anything so I’m just going to answer here with how I think each character would cope with having an immortal significant other. This got very long as I included basically everyone that’s on my masterlist… oops!
Also, to reiterate, these are just my thoughts so they’re very biased towards how I interpret the characters — and your relationship with the characters can be romantic or queer-platonic or similar depending on your preference!
Thoughts below the cut!
Adrian Graye-Vernworth
doesn’t even remotely believe you at first and will probably assume you’re joking. but once he does recognise your honesty then he’ll probably have something of a breakdown for a while and step back from your relationship — equal parts jealous of the life you’ve lived and horrified at the idea of just being a blip on the radar of your infinite life. it’s 50/50 whether this is a dealbreaker for him and he’ll either slowly inch back into your relationship or just break up with you because of the stress.
Alador Blight
alador is mostly neutral to your immortality when it comes to your relationship. like he’ll call on you for a second opinion when he’s working on something and will draw on your experience to further help his fellow witches — but he doesn’t really think about it any beyond that. though he does sometimes worry about you and how you’ll cope when he’s gone (because he knows that losing you would break him).
Amity Blight
when you tell her it’s quite the shock to the system and she doesn’t really know what to say or how to react. she’ll freeze up and you can see her thinking as she considers her response before she finally squeezes your hands and thanks you for telling her. she’d want to stay with you and wouldn’t want to break up, but she’d definitely have a few crises over the fact that you’ve lived so long before her and you will live so long after — but she also finds a small bit of comfort in the idea that she’ll never have to live without you.
Belos / Philip Wittebane
he’s been alive for far longer than he ever should have been because of his mission, so the idea of immortal entities isn’t difficult for him to believe. so upon finding out about your condition, he’s amazed but not necessarily startled by it — asking you about your origins and if there are more beings like you out there. if he truly cares about you, he’ll stick by you for as long as he’s able to keep his form stable — but if he doesn’t then he’ll just use you to find a way to complete his goal and lengthen his life further.
boscha is someone else who wouldn’t believe you when you told her — going from genuine disbelief to shaky doubt to outright terrified denial and then through the stages of grief as she comes to terms with your condition. as sad as it sounds, this would probably end up being a deal breaker and would end your relationship as she would struggle too much with your past and future to be with you beyond that.
Camila Noceda
she doesn’t believe you at first, thinking that you’re just older than her as she’s seen some strange things but immortality is just so far beyond that. it takes her some time to come to terms with this but you do end up bonding over the losses you’ve experienced throughout your lives — you, your various lovers and friends, and her, luz’s father. she insists on learning your native language and teaching you hers so that you have an experience to remember her by.
having an immortal significant other would be the best case scenario for collector given his own life span. they wouldn’t have to worry about losing you prematurely and you’d be able to understand the issues he’s faced throughout their long life — whilst also having all the time in the world to grow with him and together as a couple. so they would be hopeful to have a spouse with this trait.
Darius Deamonne
this wouldn’t be a dealbreaker for darius but he would have a serious, long conversation about where you both stand and how your experiences would impact your relationship. he wouldn’t necessarily ask about your past relationships but he would be curious about older ages of magic on the isles and how other realms function — and especially how that can help the rebellion against belos.
they’re pretty chill about the whole thing, honestly — like it rarely ever comes up in conversation so there’s no real impact on your relationship. you two just continue vibing together and spending the time you have wisely (by having fun) without the stresses such a realisation often bring. really they’re the best person you could have told — they only bring it up once or maybe twice and it’s only to make fun of you (lovingly, of course).
Eda Clawthorne
your immortality means that you have more knowledge of the world before belos and, thus, wild magic and magic as a whole. this means that eda will be looking to you to learn more about the owl beast, the history of those like her and if you ever came to know others with similar curses. she’d also insist on you teaching her about the people you loved and she’ll happily talk about raine (she’s far from the jealous type, but she is something of a gossip). she doesn’t care about making scrapbooks or taking pictures and prefers living in the moment with you and your family — living in the ‘doing’ world rather than focusing on capturing every little thing. you’ll look back on this with king and fleetingly wish you had more pictures, but the memory of her laugh and smile is tangible enough that neither of you feel like you’re missing out on too much.
Edric Blight
he will probably have something of an existential crisis about his own mortality when you tell him and would insist on finding a way to make himself live as long as you do. he starts comparing himself to the people you loved and lost and you’ll end up having to talk him into getting some help for it. your relationship will be permanently changed by this, but you will grow and heal with time — it’s just such a shock for him that he takes a bit of a mental health wobble whilst he comes to terms with it.
Emira Blight
em tends to bottle up her feelings a lot and will initially come off as very accepting and calm about the whole thing — but make no mistake this poor woman is one mislabelled jar of seasoning away from a breakdown. she’s now very aware of her own mortality and that she’s one of the probably dozens you’ve loved and lost and she’s absolutely terrified of being forgotten and lost to the sands of time. she’ll insist on keeping thorough, reliable records of your time together and by the time she’s old and you’re young you’ll be spending your last days together looking over them and laughing and crying and holding each other — finally ready to say goodbye.
Gus Porter
he will bombard you with questions about your life nonstop. did you ever live in the human realm? how has it changed? how has the boiling isles changed? there’s so much he wants to know and he has all the time in the world to listen to you talk — and he will note down everything you say and look at you with complete interest. so yeah he’ll still love you just as much as before, he’s just very nosy and eager to learn.
Hunter Wittebane
hunter is someone that would likely have a few hang-ups regarding true- and pseudo- immortality given his status as a clone/grimwalker. he’d have to do a lot of thinking regarding your relationship once he found out and a lot of serious conversations would be had about his natural lifespan compared to yours. in the end you would stay together and he’d be with you for a significant period of it (a few hundred years given him being similar to palismen) with him insisting that you don’t bring him back once he’s gone.
Lilith Clawthorne
she’d be absolutely entranced by your condition and would start fangirling over everything you must have experienced. you’ll end up getting interviewed and documented in every way possible as she asks about your history in and beyond the isles. though she might spend a bit more time on the deadwardian period than anything else (she’s biased, okay!).
Luz Noceda
luz would be amazed with you and would be eager to learn your story — as well as just about everything about you. she wants to learn your native language and hear about the cultures and people you knew throughout the years, especially if it involves some form of magic. she does, however, insist on making lots of memories with you and recording them so you never forget her.
another one that doesn’t believe you but in mattholomule’s case he never ends up believing you. in his mind you’re just making a weird joke and there comes a point where you just stop trying to correct him and just live your life out with him — watching him grow old and grey whilst you remain the same. it’s on his death bed when he finally realises, but the life you shared was full of laughter and love so neither of you find it in yourselves to complain.
Odalia Blight
she is the type to use your status to her advantage which means that your relationship dynamic would inevitably shift. like she’d still care about you and be as affectionate as before, but she insists on showing you off and presenting herself as the wife of an immortal being in order to put herself above her fellow witches. you can tell her to knock it off. it will not work.
Raine Whispers
raine is heartbroken for you when they realise just how much you’ve lost throughout your life and they insist on memorialising your lost loved ones however they can. they help you write ballads for deceased lovers and learn to play songs from your home (even if their pronunciation is very shaky) because they care so deeply about you. they don’t talk about their concerns often, but they do ask that you remember them — and they leave you plenty of songs behind to do so.
as he’s quite possibly the most chilled out person in the boiling isles, steve doesn’t really care about the fact that you’re immortal. like when you tell him he’ll ask you a few questions about yourself and your past, but otherwise your relationship will stay the same and he’ll keep on keeping on. might expect the occasional cool story from your past, though, when you’ve both been drinking some apple blood.
Terra Snapdragon
she will most likely treat this as an opportunity to gain more power through your relationship. like she does care for you as you are her spouse at the end of the day, but she’s also incredibly power-hungry and having a partner who is immortal and has more experience than basically every other living entity is the ideal opportunity for her to get what she wants. so she definitely wouldn’t leave you, but the dynamic between the two of you would definitely change.
this wouldn’t be the end of your relationship but it would change a lot. viney insists on the two of you continuing to live in the moment together, focusing on making lasting memories doing things that you both love so that you never forget her. that means frequent fun dates, time spent teaching as a team, helping everyone you can and just spending time together doing what you love and having as much fun as you can whilst doing so.
Willow Park
willow is shocked by the revelation of your immortality but she doesn’t make too much of a big deal of it. like she will sit down with you and discuss anything you want to talk about, but generally your relationship remains unchanged. the only change is that she starts writing letters for you and hiding them — wanting to leave something behind for you once she’s gone.
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milfcamilanoceda · 2 years
Toh spoiler
But it's like not even the fact that The Collector is a child, it is the fact that he is a child surrounded by toxic and abusive adults. Like it is not a coincidence that the three adults they interacted with this episode were all established toxic adults and people who should have never been allowed to be around children and spent all their time imposing their power over kids whether it be Terra being your classic sadistic teacher making them play her sick games and joking about 'killing'and 'poisoning' them, or Odalia who is controlling mother who saw her kids more as an investment, or Philip who literally creates grimwalkers just to kill them off. Like this is so fucked up. Like with Terra and Odalia couldnt do shit to Collector cause neither of them have any power over him and yet they still try to insult him or manipulate them, but Philip, my fucking god Philip back on his bullshit. He knows how Collector is and how to manipulate him and it is just so fucked up!!! After centuries of being alone with only Philip as company, they are finally free only for Philip coming back and starting manipulating him and you just know he was going to possess them before switching. And KCHIXUTZUTXYICHCCOYCIYGX Collector just wants to be a kid and play games and he genuinely loves King and thinks of him as his best friend but they are surrounded by The worst adults ever and i wont be surprised if the other collectors were like that.
Also the sheer contrast of this with Camila and Eda and Lilith being a genuinely loving and worried adults. Camila who is not only worried about her own kid but the physical, mental, and emotional health of every single kid in that school and just trying really hard to stay strong and that conversation with Luz VOUFIYIYFIHDIYXGUIFYF7AR. And Eda and Lilith being in absolutely hopeless situation but still trying everything they can to help King and HNNNNGGGHHHH. Someone please pluck Collector out of there and put them into the arms an actually caring parent he needs this, he deserves this.
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shieldagent93 · 2 years
Imagine Camila Noceda getting all of Luz’s messages and videos when the gang make it to the Human Realm.
Imagine Camila unable to go to sleep that first night at the sight of five traumatized children (four with nowhere else to go) and checking her phone to see an endless list of text notifications.
Imagine Camila scrolling all the way to the top and seeing just how many messages Luz sent, even if they all initially failed to send. Her daughter had never stopped thinking about her.
Imagine Camila watching the first message, falling in love with the cutie pie that is King, happy that Luz had an adult to confide in with Eda (though for now she questions how reliable Eda is given that she had King put an apple on his head and tried to throw a spear at it), downright terrified when she finds out that the night her mija came home wasn’t the only time her daughter came face to face with the tyrannical emperor. 
Imagine Camila worried when she finds out that her daughter and her found family (because that’s what they are, she can see it in the way Luz interacts with them) have now become bounty hunters to put food on the table. She’s worried about what and how much her daughter had to eat in the Demon Realm.
Imagine Camila having questions about whatever the fuck Hooty is. For all her veterinarian experience and having a daughter in love with fantasy, she can’t for the life of her figure out what creature he’s supposed to be.
Imagine Camila being so proud of Luz making such nice friends in Willow and Gus. How, after years of seeing her daughter being rejected for who she was, Camila now saw Luz find others who not only understood her weirdness, but loved her for it.
Imagine Camila wanting to jump for joy as she hears Luz gush about Amity and them getting together. She’s so happy her daughter found love, even if it was a realm away. She wishes Manny could see their daughter now.
Imagine Camila choosing to keep quiet about Lumity because she knows Luz probably has her own plans about coming out and she doesn’t want to take that away from her. She wants her daughter to come out to her on her own terms (she makes a note to look at LGBT parenting books later).
Imagine Camila having so many questions about Hexside (what kind of detention pit was that?!), but thinking she might ultimately let Luz go because it was the first time she’d ever seen Luz excited about going to school.
Imagine Camila watching message after message and feeling so happy for Luz and the life she had managed to make in this whole other world.
Imagine Camila’s happiness starting to fade as she realizes that Luz found that happiness far away from her and wondering if Camila was indeed the problem the whole time.
And imagine what’s left of Camila’s happiness dissipating entirely as she remembers that so much of her daughter’s new life (the people, the places, the events) may not even exist anymore.
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dazeddoodles · 11 months
i like your blog and art style. your art style is simple but really really cute. if don't mind, do you have any camila/raine/eda headcanons?
Thank you! Okay this is gonna be a LONG one.
Despite telling Luz that when she'd meet her mom she'd bring out the charm, Eda actually finds herself VERY nervous around Camila at first.
Of course to Eda, she thinks she just feels this way because she wants Camila to see her as a good mother to Luz. The only other person that she cares what they think of her was Raine. And funnily enough, she acts in a nervous mess around Camila similarly to she first acted around Raine 🤔
She initially tries to present herself in a more composed and "respectable" version of herself around Camila to the point that even Luz and Raine notice and question her about it. Camila is also a little off putted because this is NOT how Luz described the cool witch lady she's been living with.
Eventually however, she becomes comfortable enough around Camila to show her true self and Camila actually likes Eda more as herself than the fake persona she was trying to put on.
They end up becoming very close friends, so much so that they hang out even when Luz isn't there. Eda's never been this close another woman before besides her sister. And after Manny died, Camila focused all of her attention on Luz so was never able to form a bond with anyone else.
In fact, they become so close that Eda starts jokingly flirting with Camila, and casually bringing up how hot she is. To which Camila would always respond with something along the lines of "Oh you don't really mean that". Eda thinks this is Camila just being modest. But in reality this time Camila is the one getting flustered. Especially since she also finds Eda very attractive..
The only other person Camila has ever loved was Manny, when he died Camila never tried to connect with someone else, especially not another woman. She knew her daughter was bi, but she herself has never questioned her sexuality.
That kinda thing was for the youth today, she never grew up knowing you can like more than one gender. But then here's Eda, a woman the same age as her, who is also bi, and in a relationship with a nonbinary person. Raine and Eda seem like the perfect relationship to her. Oh how she wished she could be apart of it.
Eda's talked to Camila about Raine before, she knows how much Eda loves THEM. And Camila could see why, Raine also seemed like the perfect partner. So one day, Camila finally admits her feelings to Eda, with the intent on ending their friendship because she doesn't want to come between Eda and Raine.
It was until then that Eda realized she ALSO developed feelings for Camila. Eda goes home that day and talks to Raine about what happened and they discuss the idea of a poly relationship.
When they go together to discuss this with Camila, she can't believe that not only is it possible to date more than one person and they're inviting HER to be apart of their loving relationship.
Eda and Camila were worried about how Luz would react. Her feelings came first to them, if she didn't like the idea of them in a relationship then they would end it. But Luz was overjoyed at both of her moms being together and all of them being one happy family.
(I wish there was a picture of Raine, Eda, and Camila interacting together)
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crimeronan · 3 months
if camila EVER builds up the confidence to just like. Ask. i know hunter and luz's reaction will either be 1. horrified. or 2. utterly fucking DELIGHTED, cackling uncontrollably.
like its either going to be ".. oh my god. you thought we were having sex. this whole fucking time? is that why you were so weird about us sharing a bed??? you thought we- oh my god." and both of them giving each other the most horrified looks ever.
or its going to be. ".. one of your biggest worries has been us having sex?" followed by luz and hunter holding each other through the most hysterical laughter of their entire lives. followed by them both being like "no, we have not. please dont listen to the castle rumors."
i'm giggling. in my head there's a secret third option, which is that they've had these reactions to varying people making Assumptions about them before, but by now they're kind of over it, so it's more like:
luz, brightly, trying to keep camila from feeling embarrassed: oh, no, it's okay! we actually get that a lot. our relationship just isn't like that
hunter, irritable as ever, in full mistrustful cat mode: why would it be a Problem if it was. what do you think i'm going to DO
camila, immediately: no, no, that wasn't what i meant. it's just-
hunter, increasingly indignant: what do you think SHE'S going to do?? i don't CARE. luz can do whatever she wants to m-
luz, leaping up and clapping: OKAY!! we're all going to NOT!! SAY!! ANY MORE WORDS!! FOR SEVERAL MINUTES!!
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sepublic · 4 months
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You've gotta wonder what kind of person Manny Noceda was; He's one of two people who informed so much of Luz's character, her grief and posthumous relationship with her father is reflective of the creator's own experiences, it's foundational to the story itself in how Luz chooses to honor her parent and keep his memory alive as she learns to keep living for herself, too.
I already wrote a fic briefly exploring on that, but let's talk about it more: Obviously it's not always so clear-cut between parents and children in real life, but I guess you could see Luz as the culmination of Camila and Manny. So one could use this as a means to work backwards with Manny, to see what parts of Luz she didn't get from Camila, but from her father.
I imagine Manny as someone very confident, brash; He doesn't back down from a challenge. Maybe Manny immigrated to the U.S. to boldly pursue the American Dream, and didn’t give up when it hadn’t immediately paid off, just as his daughter embraced the Boiling Isles. But I also think a part of him doesn't want to be seen as weak, less capable, conceding to others. Manny isn't going to let other people bully him around and he doesn't want Luz or Camila to be hurt that way either. If Camila passed down her fear to Luz, Manny passed down his thoughtlessness; So he might have that same headstrong tendency to sweep others along in his need to prove himself, and in his well-meaning need to help them prove themselves.
Did it ever frustrate Camila, who would sometimes be more worried about just surviving by fitting in? Maybe they both balanced each other out, just as Luz balances out these different, seemingly paradoxical parts of herself. Did he not want to appear weak like Luz, particularly with the context of his illness? Did Manny try and hide that, prioritize his loved ones, just as Luz later did, maybe even internalized from him?
I can't imagine how scared he was, slowly dying; Particularly when it comes to his wife and daughter. He's going to leave them behind. He wants them to be safe so badly. He wants to see Luz grow up and become the person she wants to be. He wants his family to know that it's okay to be themselves, that they're everything. But Manny isn't sure if he's getting it across in the right words, if he's saying it properly. He needs to make the most of his time.
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I can see Manny as someone loud, energetic. Eccentric. Luz gets her odder mannerisms from him, he's brimming with this earnest, delightful energy that's so hard not to like. Did he immigrate to the U.S., or was he the child of immigrants? Grandchild, even? Did he and Camila resonate together over their ancestry as another reason for feeling alienated from the majority, where they were? How did they feel about their own families, did they also worry about having to choose between two worlds? Did Manny desperately fight tooth and nail to survive, because us weirdoes have to stick together?
Did Manny have anyone else to tell him to stick up for himself, or did he have to figure it out himself? Was Camila one of those people who helped, and vice-versa, did they both reassure one another? And when Manny was gone, Camila just didn't have the heart and confidence to keep saying that to herself. Was Manny still scared for his wife and daughter when he died, or did he dare hope in his final moments, just as he always dared to live as himself in life? I wish Manny could’ve gotten to see how his loved ones would thrive, and all of the people they’d meet and befriend.
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kraviolis · 10 months
someone liked one of my TOH headcanon posts from earlier this year and it reminded me about the specific headcanons i have for exactly what types of games the hexsquad plays and how they play them.
luz is obv an RPG fantasy fan. anything with a juicy story and a character creator and complex lore she’ll love. she definitely plays series like elder scrolls and baldur’s gate and final fantasy. she also plays final fantasy 14 and has her character as the good witch luzura and she isnt good at playing it like an mmo is supposed to be played but she loves the story. when endwalker came out luz couldnt stop sobbing to the point that camila was actually worried about her. also enjoys roguelikes such as hades or binding of isaac even if she can only play for so long before getting too frustrated. she also 100% plays genshin impact and gets into arguments online with other genshin fans.
amity is a fighting game girl. she is highly competitive and practices combos with her eyes shut. she prefers the tekken series but when luz wants to play with her they play guilty gear bcus luz likes it’s art style the most. she also likes fantasy RPGs but is way more picky about which ones she plays. she likes fire emblem. she also plays ff14 with luz and is actually good at the game (she carries luz sometimes) but isnt a huge fan of MMOs. she also is the one in the friend group with the NASA ass PC rig with a custom case and the most organized wiring you’ve ever seen with the lcd screen on the liquid cooled cpu and the azura figurine inside the case. she also does custom wraps for all her consoles.
hunter likes games that are very much like, micromanagement sims. like civ5 or cities skylines or factorio (i dont know anything about it but ive been assured by my sister that hunter plays modded factorio) but he’s also a fan of like, old school FPS games like doom and half life. i can see him doing speedruns of those games. (also he 100% once got addicted to some game like fuckin. galactic pinball or something to the point where he was staying up all night and not sleeping so he could play more pinball. in order to get him to stop playing so much and actually get some sleep, gus used illusions to make hunter think he was hallucinating about pinball and scared him into not looking at a single screen or monitor for like three weeks.)
gus is a very chill gamer but he likes games that he can sink hours and hours into. instead of playing a wide variety of games he has a select few that he dedicates his time into learning every last mechanic, but there’s also some games he just plays casually. like with pokemon games he’ll put hundreds of hours into them and carefully curate his team and does like nuzlocke runs but when he plays on his and willow’s shared-custody new horizons island he’ll just walk around and catch bugs and shit and not really worry about upgrading his house and make matching fits with his favorite villager.
willow prefers cozy games, like slime rancher or stardew valley or the aforementioned shared new horizons island, but she’s also a fucking menace about them. like she goes HARD on the min-maxing and automation and shit. while gus is wandering around their island catching fish, willow’s busy rearranging her fully upgraded mansion up in the hills and harassing any villagers she doesnt like with nets and deciding what hybrids to plant in front of her bell trees (she only has bell trees for the aesthetic. gus isnt allowed to harvest them) she would also be running the most high profit slime ranch ever but the way she treats her slimes makes hunter upset whenever he sees her just fuckin throwing them off a cliff the second they arent useful to her anymore. (meanwhile hunter names each one of his slimes and always feeds them their favorite foods and cried over casey & beatrix)
vee enjoys survival/strategic horror games, like DBD, resident evil, deadspace, or even FNAF. she’s the type of person to see the goriest most violent death in a video game ever and just go “ew yucky” then carry on. masha and her are often playing DBD together while in a call and are the most annoying pair of suvivors ever. she also likes games such as original katamari and pikmin 1 and chulip. she's also the undefeated DDR champion of the friend group.
and of COURSE they all play video games together. they all have a terraria world they play on together where they all are focused on their own little projects while still working together and are slowly building up their own village/mansion/castle/fort but luz keeps rushing ahead of everyone just bcus she's so excited and she definitely somehow ends up summoning the wall of flesh accidentally
they DID have a modded minecraft world for a few months with both tech mods and magic mods but while hunter, amity, and vee all focused on their factories and computers and technology, gus, willow, and luz fucked around with all the crazy magic and accidentally found out by blowing up a factory. this is where heightened tension between the the warlocks & the scientists began. this spark eventually turned into a full fledged war that lasted two months before it ended in mutually assured destruction to the point where no one could actually load into the server without their game crashing.
bonus: camila isnt much of a gamer with one exception-- when she was in college manny introduced her to WoW and got her hooked. it was Their Game that they played together all the time. they made cosplays of their characters together. they had several dates in game. they optimized their characters to perfect compliment one another when they ran dungeons with their guild. even since manny passed camila still plays every so often and keeps in touch with their guild members. for the longest time luz has 0 idea that camila plays WoW at all and only finds out after the whole secret nerd confession.
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toh-rarepair-otd · 6 days
todays TOH rarepair is:
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Camila x Eda!
For months, Eda worried about what would happen when she met Camila. Luz and her mother clearly had a very close relationship; surely she’d feel negatively towards the witch that stole her daughter away and kept her in the dangerous Demon Realm for so long! Turns out she had nothing to worry about, though— Luz had spoken so highly of Eda during her time back in the human realm, Camila was just super excited to meet her and thank her for everything! They had plenty to talk about in the days and months following Watching and Dreaming… Eda could give Camila a more accurate retelling of Luz’s time on the Isles, introduce her to everyone and everything Luz had told her all about, get to know Camila better and therefor understand Luz better— before long, the two of them acted just like old friends, chatting frequently on the phone and seeing each other on the weekends. Luz was oblivious to what was happening, but King could tell— Eda and Camila were falling in love! He told Luz this, and they schemed a parent-trap sort of situation to set them up, which just ended up embarrassing Eda more than anything. It all worked out in the end, though, and Eda and Camila began dating and even married later on down the road!
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Do you know when Luz died, Camila just knew that her daughter was dead even if she had no evidence to back it up.
Do you ever think maybe Darius and Eberwolf had a similar moment when Hunter died, even if it was only for a matter of minutes, and they were puppets.
Despite having no idea what was going on, they suddenly both just became really sad as if they’d lost something very dear to them, and where shedding tears even if they had no idea why they where crying.
Even if they were separated by dimensions, they sort of just know something bad had happened.
OH, I LOVE THIS IDEA. Very painful, 10/10
The fact that canonically happened like a couple of days max before everyone got depuppetified too... so it makes it even sadder that it seems like Darius and Eber's first urge after being able to move again and reuniting with each other was search for Hunter. I imagine they would have this violent need in their heads at this point like "Hunter, Hunter, where is he? Find him" and since it's Darius and Eber and they're in the same tune despite the contrasting personalities, they barely had to look to each other before knowing what they had to do.
I'm imagining this too during one of Eda's visits to Raine 😭 So she's just talking to them as usual and Darius is literally at Raine's right side so the sudden tears would probably catch her eye rather quickly and it would be so frightening, especially once she takes a step back and sees Eber crying too. Like... what is happening? Are they in pain? Is this going to happen to all the other puppets? They're obviously not okay but she can't pinpoint what's happening and I imagine she would feel so useless because she can't do anything to help and she doesn't even understand what's going on, and even if she goes and gets Lilith, Lilith also has no idea what's happening.
And they can hardly ask the Collector about this, can they? Unfortunately they just stay worried sick until they see nothing bad has happened to Darius, Eber or Raine, and even then they would be wary because what does it mean, and will it happen again? (They aren't even getting answers after everything is solved unless Darius, Eber, and Camila get to talking and start putting pieces together about the feelings of grief and dread that overcame them and with what events they coincided).
Another really sad aspect of it too is I can imagine Eda's first impulse when seeing Darius cry would be to think perhaps he's turning back to normal and she would be alarmed but so relieved because Darius isn't only an ally but they used to be friends :( And then... he's not doing okay, actually, he's still a puppet and she's left alone with her guilt and helplessness and her own broken heart.
But back to the Deamonnes...
It's going to be a difficult conversation no matter what, knowing that Hunter wasn't about to die, he died. Especially considering how Darius sent him away with Luz so he would be safe in the same manner Eda did. I like to think Eda also talked to him when he was a puppet, so she could at least soothe him by telling him Hunter was safe in the Human Realm if he could hear her, so that's twice as painful because Hunter was supposed to be safe!!! And yet... he wasn't.
It most likely hit Darius very hard too, considering his mentor died away from him, so I think, in part because of that grief he hasn't processed yet, he has to feel very paranoid about something happening to his loved ones when he can't do anything to stop it, and unfortunately the worst case scenario did come to be.
At least there's some level of weird comfort for all of them in the fact they feel so strongly as a family that they somehow felt that happening. It doesn't make it any easier to cope with your kid dying or with the knowledge you died, but it's kinda comforting to think about at the times in which they're doubting if they can even measure up to be whatever the others need from them to be a "proper" family (they'll get to the point in which they know by heart they don't have to be a family in the exact same way others are, they are their own people and their particular bond is unique, but they need some time first).
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