#camp tv short story
undying-love · 2 months
Datalounge comments compilation
Remember to take everything here with a grain of salt:
“Ok guys someone told me about this site and i have been loving it so far. Anyway my great uncle who lived in Liverpool told me a story some years ago. He told me that John and Paul actually were living together at some point during the sixties (John even stated it in a 70’s interview) and he is invited by a friend of his to a party that John and Paul are having at their house. He said as he walked in he saw Paul, who was walking around in nothing but a white shorts and John some feet away playing pool. He said throughout the day John and Paul is behaving like a regular couple and he is shocked since so many other ppl are there. Later in the evening as he is getting ready to leave Paul casually walks over to him and thanks him for coming and he leaves. He told me this some years after John’s death because he was sure Paul would have admitted they were a couple, well it has not happened and I don’t think he ever will. I really don’t know what to make of this story since he was the first person I ever heard claiming John and Paul to be a couple but apparently he is not the only one! ”
“Since everyone is anonymous here, I guess I can give a bit of info I got from a female friend of mine who at one time was Paul worked as one of Paul’s assistants. According to her Macca is a bisexual, who makes no secret of this when he is around his inner circle. She does not know for certain if John and Paul were involved but she suspects it since to this day whenever John’s name is brought up he acts in her words ‘like a widow’ and he also addresses John in present tense. He would say things like, ‘John thinks that the music should be like this,’ and during his bitter divorce from Heather he was saying, ‘John says that this is getting nasty.’ Kind of creepy."
“Isn't it well known that Starting Over was written about Paul? At least I heard someone in the music industry mention it, and that Paul knows it. Also, it was reported that Paul locked himself in his music studio and listened to the song repeatedly after John died.”
“I worked in the music industry briefly from 67-70 and I have seen for myself some very revealing things but I don't find it appropriate to dish it out here. One day it will be revealed, definitely not while Paul or Yoko is alive maybe soon after. I'll return here to read all the threads. The most I can say for now, is Yoko gave a very watered down version of the names the Apples' staff gave to Paul, though they also gave a very derogatory name for John as well.”
“Actually the John and Paul rumours did not only emerge in our time. As early as the middle sixties rumours were beginning to spread in the music industry about what exactly the J/P relationship was involved. My grandfather was a entertainment journalist in the 60's and he stated that people were becoming suspicious about John and Paul as early as 1964. He also said that someone had made a comment about seeing John and Paul holding hands backstage during the music Lennon and McCartney tv special, though no one believed the person at the time. According to him the Beatles' camp began to go into panic mode and even went so far as to demand John and Paul no longer sit together in interviews. So believe me this John and Paul thing is nothing new. People have been creating stories about people's 'gayness' for years.”
“This John and Paul thing is so dated. I am from Liverpool and since the 60's rumours were swirling about John and Paul possibly being 'queers.' At the time I didn't think much of it, since it was guys who fought with them as kids who were spreading the rumours and so I assumed it was jealousy that fueled the rumours.”
“My uncle was a sound engineer for Granada tv studios in 60's and actually met the Beatles because he worked on 'the Music of Lennon and McCartney' special. He actually chatted with Ringo behind the scenes briefly but didn't speak with the others. I remember him telling me years ago that he was surprised by Paul's mannerisms because as he put it, it was overly 'swishy.' He also stated that John and Paul acted very strange throughout the evening. According to him they followed each other continuously even when it was not required, as one got up so did the other, as one sat so did the other, they would finish each sentences, and they were often seen staring at each other for excruciating periods of time (his exact words) he said behind the scenes people were joking about them being a couple because they seemed so close. My uncle told me this years ago but I always summed it up to their brotherly relationship. I am now reconsidering my position.”
"The one time I was ever actually in a room with Paul, zillion people between me and him (and no way I'm gonna bother him, all of us who travel in celeb circles have people we're fans of and all of us inexplicably try to hide it to seem "cooler"), he was hitting whiskey a little hard, and apparently it makes him confessional because he started talking loudly about himself and John, and how hard it was not to have him there. (Of course I paid attention and scooted a little closer; when a Beatle speaks about a Beatle, and you've heard rumors about both of them, you want the tea.) I remember him saying something along the lines of not a day passing that John's not still in it with him, but it's not like he can pick up a phone and say, "Hey, just needed to hear your voice today," and even when he got craggy responses, he still missed them. He misses it all, and it's bothering to him that he misses him more as time goes on -- it doesn't heal, he just learns new ways to bandage the wound. Went on and on, and stopped just short of saying too much. He was waxing rhapsodic about John's hands, and finally I think the people he was with noticed interlopers paying attention, and changed the topic".
“Saw this thread and decided I should post what I have heard. I can tell you that John and Paul never hid the fact that they were together in the 60's and they were referred to as music’s 'first official same sex couple' by those in their close music circles. I found this out from my mother who was a 'go for' for a music director in the 60's. She worked behind the scenes for the 'Help!' music video. She has seen John and Paul backstage and always refers to their behaviour around each other as cute, and claims after spending a few minutes with them it was obvious they were deeply in love. She said that George and Ringo would always excuse themselves whenever John and Paul began chatting up each other.”
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mariona's statement during her press conference. (it's so emotional 🥹)
"good afternoon. first of all, thank you all so much for being here. before starting the press conference i would like to make a short summary of what it has been for me. being part of the club of my life. those of you who know me know that my first football memories are all related to barça. the first blaugrana shirt, ronaldinho's first boots, the first trips with the family to visit camp nou, the first matches on TV, those of barça. looking back, i realize how lucky i was that my father instilled this in me from a very young age, which means loving a club and admiring the colours. and how lucky to be able to say out loud that i have always been, am and will always be a culer.
"when i was 18 years old and had the option to come here, the decision was made on my own. i still remember that day and what o heard that girl who had grown up being a barça fan, the one who screamed and jumped when they scored goals and the one who cried and got angry when they lost, she had before her the opportunity of her life to wear the blaugrana shirt, but this time an official one with her name on it. and this dream, when it came true the first moment i set foot in the ciutat esportiva, was wonderful. after ten years i leave feeling even culer than i was before, if that is possible and we feel privileged to have been part of the best team in the world.
"the truth is that i couldn't describe in words what barça means to me, and that's why you can imagine how difficult it was to make the decision to leave. barça is my life and barça has changed my life. that is why i wanted to take advantage of this moment to dedicate a few words to those who have been part of this path in the first place, the president and the board of directors. you have made all this possible with a firm and real commitment to women's football and to us. without you this story would be totally different. you have given us the tools to develop as professionals and you have given me the best gift of being able to play at camp nou, my family, my mother and my brother, my godmother, my aunts and uncles cousins you have followed me every step of the way and have always shown me your unconditional support. i know you've enjoyed this stage as much as i have and you've been a huge part of it all.
to you, dad, who was the one who took me up and down when i played in amateur fields. i wouldn't know how to explain to you that i have managed to win three champions leagues with your beloved barça and play in front of a camp nou. i wish i didn't have to leave so early because i know you would have enjoyed it more than anything. but what has marked ends and for every title raised i promise you that you have been there, because this has always been our dream and that is why i hope that, wherever you are right now, you will be very proud of me.
to my friends for loving me and helping me and always being by my side, to the technical staff, i thought you were crazy about football, but yours is worth studying. you have made me love this sport even more and you have passed on your passion to me. no one had ever told me about bases and squares, chains or body orientation. i am the player i am today because of you. you have taught me so much and made me believe in myself. i hope that despite the training tantrums, you are aware of how much i respect and admire you. and i would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the trust you have placed in me, along with the other members of the coaching staff and club workers. you are many and very important. your work is more invisible, but do you know that you are essential to us.
to the press and the fans. thank you for embracing us and pushing us as you have. and finally, to the most important ones, to my colleagues. sharing this adventure with you has been the best part. no one but us can imagine the effort we have put in, nor the sacrifice we have made to get to where we are. we all know it has not been easy, but it has been worth it because we are a unique team. you have made me proud to be part of this historic group, and not only for all the sporting achievements, but for all the social impact we have achieved and the image we have given to the whole world. It's not just wins, but how we won. that's why i can only thank you for making me enjoy football and for making me a better player. we will miss you very much. but i will always follow closely and celebrate your successes as my own. i wish you the best and hopefully football or life will offer us a reunion. i would also like to make a special mention to Xavi Llorens for giving me the opportunity to come here and marc for making such a farewell possible, they are always in good tune, despite the difficulty and pressure of the last few months. with my hand on my heart. i just have to thank you again. i am proud and happy to be a part of this great family. visca el barça now and forever."
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fatkish · 5 months
Hello hello
I just read your new Bakugou's oneshot and i was wondering if ypu could do semething similar with dadzawa.
His daughter invited over a friend but he try to force hiself in her and he almost do it but Aizawa arrives from patrolling just in time to stop it.
(This is probably good to be pretty short, sorry it took so long, this actually happened to someone I knew and was close to but no one stepped in and stopped it)
Trigger Warning: contains allusions to rape and drugging someone beneath the cut
Aizawa x Daughter Reader: Bad Friend
You had a guy friend who was seemingly a really good guy. You both got along really well and had a bunch of similar interests. You both had been wanting to see the latest season of your shared favorite tv show, The Dead Walk. However, his tv was broken so he didn’t have anything to watch it on. You decided to sneak and invite him over when Aizawa wasn’t home. Aizawa had a strict rule about no friends over when he isn’t home unless he knows both the friend and the friend’s parents.
Aizawa was on patrol when you snuck your guy friend into your house. You guys were supposed to watch the show, you got popcorn and snacks ready when he brought drinks. Once you guys got comfortable you started the show. You were half way through the third episode when you got up to go to the bathroom. When you got back, you continued the show unaware of your now roofied drink. By the 5th episode, you started to feel dizzy and sluggish. You were going to get up to check yourself in the bathroom when you fell over.
You quickly realized something was wrong. You looked to your friend only to see a smirk on his face. You tried to crawl away from him and reach your phone to text your dad, but your ex friend kicked your phone away. He then started grappling with you, trying to get you undressed and on your back. What you both didn’t know is that during your struggles, Aizawa had texted you he was on his way home. He had gotten off his patrol shift early and wanted to let you know.
When Aizawa unlocked the front door he saw an unknown boy on top of his nearly completely naked daughter. He didn’t take any moment to ask questions. He immediately restrained the boy and punched him hard enough to knock him out. He then grabbed a blanket and threw it over you before calling the police. Once the police were on their way, he walked over to you and scooped you up and helped you into your bedroom to get dressed. While you were getting dressed he talked to you through the door.
He reassured you that you’re not in any trouble because he feels that you don’t need a punishment after this. (This was far more of a punishment in his mind.) Aizawa helped you get yourself together and once the police came he helped them arrest your ex-friend. After you told the police your story, they asked if you wanted to press charges against him and you said yes. When Aizawa wanted you to go to the hospital to get checked you agreed. The doctors told you that it would wear off and they made sure everything was good before letting you go home.
That night Aizawa took you home and cleaned up the the living room. You begged him to stay and sleep in the same room as you to which he agreed. You both decided to camp out in the living room and he let you eat an entire quart sized container of your favorite ice cream. You both watched your favorite movie to which he fell asleep a quarter of the way through. That night you slept well knowing your dad was ready to protect you.
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novlr · 1 year
How to write the heat?
Quick Tips on How to Write Heat
Heat can have many connotations in your stories beyond just temperature. It can be a sensation, an event, or even a metaphor for something else. The way a character internalises or experiences heat will also be unique to them, so here are some quick tips on how to use imagery to convey heat in a variety of ways.
In Nature
Use colours like red, yellow, or orange
Parched scenery, like cracked earth and dry leaves
Bright sunlight
Blistering winds
Heat waves radiating from hot asphalt
Animals huddling in the shade
Wide and barren landscapes
Hot sand to contrast with cool water
Wilting vegetation and a change in colour
The sound of cicadas
Foods and Objects
Hot peppers with bright colours
Spicy dishes (and how characters handle them)
Melting ice cream and frozen drinks
The sizzling sound of food in a hot pan
The smell of a barbeque
Cold drinks that provide relief
Flip flops, shorts, and tank tops
Sunscreen and hats
Metal and leather that is too hot to touch
Salt or minerals left on surfaces after liquid evaporates
Faded colours on objects left in the sun
Peeling paint
The hiss of steam from a kettle
Character Moods
Easily frustrated
Character Body Language
Wiping sweat from their faces
Fanning themselves
Shifting uncomfortable
Sluggish movements
Licking lips and swallowing due to dehydration
Shedding layers of clothing
Unconsciously moving toward the shade
Constantly drinking
Breathing heavily
Squinting or shielding eyes
Flushed skin
Panting or shallow breathing
Avoiding physical contact
Actions and Events
Seeking shelter during a heatwave
Roadtrips in a hot car with the windows open
Swimming at a pool, lake, or a beach
Sharing drinks with friends at a cafe, bar, or beer garden
Planning holidays to cooler climates
Staying indoors to read to watch TV where it’s cool
Watching the sunset or sunrise when it’s cooler
Going out at night to avoid the heat of the day
Beach parties and barbeques
Wildfire warnings
Outdoor markets and garage sales
Camping trips
Positive Aspects
Heat can be a time of joy, where families and friends can enjoy time together doing outdoor activities not available to them the rest of the year. Food becomes lighter, the days are longer, and people tend to get more exercise. There are also positive ways to describe the juxtaposition of something hot after immediately experiencing the cold, like a hot drink on a cold day.
Negative Aspects
Not every association with heat is positive. Hot weather brings environmental damage like droughts and wildfires that affect agriculture and wildlife. It can also lead to physical discomfort, like heat rash, dehydration, sunburn, sleep disruption, or being forced to work or exercise in uncomfortable environments.
Helpful Synonyms
Common metaphors
Passion or desire
Anger and conflict
Pressure or stress
Excitement and energy
Change or transformation
Danger or warning
Life and vitality
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12woso12 · 3 months
Dorothy lands in North London - Part 3
Part 2
Hey! Hope you're enjoying the story so far, this chapter is a little darker than the last few but hopefully you'll understand why. It won't be long until more of the Arsenal girls start to make an appearance and relationships start to develop.
TW: Mental health, nightmares, violence
Emily wasn't a night person. She loved mornings, her alarm was set for 7am every single day and you were ashamed to admit the opposite about yourself. You loved the night, it was the only time you ever really felt at peace. There was no one else around and therefore no expectations to uphold, sometimes you would even take a ball to the local park and practice smashing it into the face a hundred dozen times in the dead of night. Of course, you felt a little uneasy going out at night in a completely new country and so you opted out of that idea for your first night in London.
Instead, you sat in Emily's guest room as her snores from next door rattled your shared wall. You'd forgotten that Emily was a loud sleeper, it had only been the one time that you'd shared a room with her on camp and you'd been too tired most of the time to even notice it back then. An episode of Love Island was playing softly on the tv, it was true that the UK version was miles better than the US one but you'd take that to the grave.
With one eye on the re-coupling taking place on screen, you fumble around in your bedsheets for your phone and notice you have several thousand new followers, a few of your future teammates included. It was strange, the news wasn't even official yet, you wouldn't sign the contract until tomorrow and the announcement wouldn't be put out until next week yet you felt as though the whole world knew.
To be fair, your instagram story probably added fuel to the fire. And Arsenal weren't exactly known for being able to keep a secret. You remembered seeing a picture of Emily on their instagram before she'd been officially announced.
Among the Arsenal teammates who'd opted to follow you were Kyra Cooney-Cross and Katie McCabe. You follow them back instantly, excited about making new connections in the footballing world. You wondered if they'd been together while stalking your instagram, you were nervous at what they thought of you. Your instagram was nothing short of wild. There was no organisation to it at all. You had footballing pictures followed by random photographs you'd taken on nights out and occasionally a few random dogs made appearance. Emily said you'd be friends with Kyra and you'd even seen fans online chattering about how well you'd get on, hopefully they were right about the Aussie.
You settle down further into bed, Love Island finally finishing for the night as a tired yawn breaks from your lips. You don't stay awake long enough to find out what's on next.
'Y/n' Someone was shaking you awake.
'Y/n wake up for God's sake'. Your eyes open to a mysterious hooded figure stood in the middle of your dark room. 'I thought i told you to stay awake' It spoke. The voice was unrecognisable but it sent a shiver of familiar fear down your spine. You sit and shuffle as far into your pillows as humanly possible, never once taking your eyes off the figure.
'Who are you?' your voice was weak and distant as though it didn't really belonged to you. The figure chuckled and took a long step forward, closing distance quickly between the two of you.
You can't move.
Your body won't move. No matter how hard you will it to.
'You know who i am' The figure growled 'You've seen this all before. You've been here before y/n'
You can feel yourself sweating, your eyes dart around the room and you suddenly realise you aren't in London anymore.
'I'm back in Kansas' you whisper incredulously 'And that means...dad?' You let out a strangled cry as the figure launches itself at you, hand out stretched and reaching for your throat. It pulls you to the floor and you squirm under its weight. It was your father, you could tell by the way he smelt, by the way his hands still fit perfectly around your neck. He was going to kill you this time, there was no escaping him now.
You were going to die. And your maker would be the one to kill you.
You clawed at his hands on your throat but it was no use, the fight had already been lost. You let out a final cry and the last thing you see before you pass out is the haunting face of the man who was suppose to love you most.
'FUCK' you wake up, properly this time.
It was just a dream. You were safe but it didn't feel like it, the smell of beer on your father's lips had been so real. He had been so real. You fumbled for your bedside lamp switch and let out a sigh of relief as it flickered on to reveal you were still in London. Kansas was a thousand miles away, no one could hurt you here.
You took a shallow breath trying to get your breathing under control, your eyes spotted with black dots and the room felt shaky around you. It wasn't that you weren't use to nightmares, because you were. It was the fact that you hadn't expected it.
You had secretly thought that moving to London and putting even more distance between yourself and the hell you grew up in would be beneficial. When you'd first moved from Kansas to Gotham it had done you a world of wonder and it helped even more so when you'd made the move to Orlando. Your nightmares were less frequent, you didn't feel like throwing up every time you saw a women who resembled your mother or a father angry at his child. Of course you'd still have the occasional bad day where you couldn't get out of bed or force food down your throat, who didn't? But all in all life had been better the further from Kansas you got.
So, why was London any different? It made you uneasy, it made you scared. All alone in a big city, the weight of expectation on your shoulders, the memories of the past fresh in your mind.
You were built for this, you reminded yourself. If your rough upbringing had given you anything, it was a will to fight.
Timidly you reached for your phone to check the time and sighed when it read 2:08am. You had hours until you needed to be up and on your way to the Emirates where you'd finally sign your contract and film your big reveal for the fans. As you unlocked your phone and busied yourself scrolling through instagram, you were astonished to see a notification in your Dms from Kyra.
'What the hell?' you murmured, clicking on the notification hesitantly.
Kyracooneyx I hope Em is being nice to you
You smirk at the message, incredibly happy that a member of the team was reaching out to you. You were glad of its casualness and decided to follow suit.
Y/n13 Well well well... if it isn't 1/3 of Ausenal
Kyra was clearly awake as she began to type the moment your message had been sent in response.
Kyracooneyx I like to think of myself as the best Aussie in North London
Y/n13 That's rather conceited don't you think?
Y/n13 Poor Steph Cately
Kyracooneyx She'll get over it
Kyracooneyx So when do you sign for us?
Y/n13 Bright and early tomorrow morning
Kyracooneyx Then why are you awake
You pause for a second, trying to concoct a lie.
Y/n13 I got side tracked watching love island
Kyracooneyx Not that shit. And to think, we could've been friends
Y/n13 Everyones been saying that
Kyracooneyx Saying what?
Y/n13 That we'll get on
Kyracooneyx Well Emily did describe you as a little shit the other day at training and that's what Steph calls me sometimes
Y/n13 we can be shits together
You laughed aloud at the absurdity of your conversation. You already sounded like best friends.
Kyracooneyx Are you doing anything right now?
Y/n13 Absolutely nothing
Kyracooneyx There's a park two minutes down the road from Emily's, meet me there? I'll ping the address
Y/n13 Count me in
You threw on a pair of joggers and an oversized jumper before sneaking out the door, elated that you'd found a new friend. And even more so now that you had a distraction from the haunting memories that ran through your brain.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 58
Before she decided to be called Susan, Susan was called Arkytior according to some accounts. Arkytior is the Gallifreyan word for "rose." (Short story: Roses)
Indeed, when Spring-Heeled Jack looked into the Eighth Doctor's mind, he referred Susan as his "precious little flower." (Comic: The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack)
The Fifth Doctor was once scientific advisor to Queen Victoria. (Novel: Empire of Death)
The version of the sonic screwdriver seen in the Doctor Who TV Movie was destroyed by Mary Shelley. (Audio: The Silver Turk)
In one possible future, the Delgado Master received long term care from the Third Doctor in a Zero Room after a collision in the vortex. (Audio: The Threshold)
The Delgado Master's TARDIS console sometimes makes the sound of a drumbeat of four. (Audio: The Threshold)
The Fourth Doctor could tell the difference between natural cerebrospinal fluid and an artificial version with added nutrients based on taste. (Audio: Invasion of the Body Stealers)
While stranded on Earth for 77 years, the Spy Master became a mycologist in Russia while trying to find a Silurian camp as part of an elaborate plan to interfere with Jo and Cliff Jones' marriage. He also became the scientific advisor for the Soviet Union's version of UNIT. (Short story: The Master and Margarita)
Nyssa once called the Fifth Doctor’s cricket pads "strange leggings." (Audio: Autumn)
The Fourth Doctor once downed 12 single malt scotches with a water chaser in order to protect himself against an extradimensional creature. (Novel: Drift)
Irving Braxiatel owns champagne glasses that were molded on the breasts of Marie Antoinette. (Novel: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)
Braxiatel finds it hard to show sympathy, so he normally doesn't even try. (Novel: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)
After learning to read and write, Jamie wrote a letter to Victoria to thank her for her lessons. The Seventh Doctor later delivered this letter to an elderly Victoria. (Audio: The Story of Extinction)
The Shadow Directory calls Time Lords "caillou." (Novel: Christmas on a Rational Planet)
The Shalka Doctor is ticklish. (Short story: The Feast of the Stone)
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gryficowa · 3 months
It occurred to me that what is happening to Muslims and what they are experiencing may be even worse than what Jews experienced and this thought is terrifying...
In a sense, I mean that it is worse than what the Jews experienced (Because they experienced something terrible, I will say it directly, the way Hitler manipulated people and how he dehumanized is terrible, there is no doubt, so when I say that it is worse, then it's worse and that's something that's terrifying, the holocaust itself was fucking terrible, the process itself that led to it was fucking terrible, the concentration camps themselves were terrible, so that's squared, and that says too much and shouldn't happen, the continuation of the holocaust itself sounds like something that shouldn't happen, but the holocaust squared and more worse process that took place? This would have been unimaginable years ago that something could be even worse, it was a tragedy unforgettable and lasting for generations, so what effect will it have today when it is worse?), in short, the process of dehumanization was facilitated by an invention called… the Internet (I know, I sound like a boomer who hates the Internet, it's not that, the Internet has many strengths, but used incorrectly it leads to bad things and this is the proof)
I mean that the process of dehumanization of Muslims was made easier, not only was there TV, but also the Internet, because while in the times of the Third Reich access to easier dehumanization lasted for years, the Internet took care of it by accelerating this process by many millions of percent (Because when it comes to o the Internet, was a master of dehumanizing his victims, this can be seen at the beginning of YouTube and everything else)
Hello, compare the dehumanization of Jews to the dehumanization of Muslims in the era of the Internet (After the situation of September 11), it was faster than in the case of Jews (And that says a lot…), because the flow of information was easier (It has advantages, but also a disadvantage what is the dehumanization of various groups…) and therefore the dehumanization of Muslims was rapid, so when a Muslim was harmed by an Islamophobe, they either remained silent or praised the perpetrator because "These evil Islamists deserved it!" This level of dehumanization of Muslims is worse than what the Jews experienced, and as I mentioned, the process itself was terrifying, so Yes… I can't describe it, it's just that the process itself was worse because it was easier to obtain information (including false information for the purpose of dehumanization that people believed in), unfortunately, the Internet contributed a lot to dehumanization and it sucks, because it shouldn't happen
Unfortunately, the beginning of greater access to the Internet was a gift, but not for everyone, if you were a dehumanized group, the Internet became hell, as shown by the multitude of stories of how the Internet decided to persecute children, including those with disabilities (Because they are funny and such… . Yes, the Internet was so fucked up back then), but apart from children, Muslims were also killed by fake information used by Islamophobes to increase dislike towards them as people, and the mainstream media was no better either, they often swallowed fake information and treated it as the truth, so yes, one Islamophobe wrote false information, then the real media noticed it and they were so concerned about history (made out of thin air), that they started spreading it (Without doing anything to find out about its credibility, yes, journalists in those days were lazy)
People were more susceptible to propaganda involving dehumanization, so it was a matter of time until Muslims were treated as inferior to others (while spreading many harmful stereotypes about this ethnic group, e.g. that they are terrorists and rape women, you know, a classic what we have already heard about Hamas, nothing new)
What happened to Muslims is worse than what happened to Jews is not to erase the Holocaust, but to draw attention to how quickly and efficiently dehumanization has taken place nowadays compared to what happened during Hitler's times, which makes it more terrifying because it took less than a decade, for Muslims to be treated as punching bags, unfortunately, Muslims themselves are defenseless due to the fact that Jews at least have legal defense and can defend themselves in this way, Muslims don't have it so bright, their rights are not as easy as Jews (Nowadays , not only them, black people are also fucked in this respect in the law itself), unfortunately, it shows how people's laws are full of holes, when you do not belong to minorities protected by the country itself, then they can kill you, because if you defend yourself against an attacker, you will go to prison for being a murderer and they will antagonize you in the mainstream media (Because you are not white or Jewish, they would listen to you), which is seen many times when a non-white person defends himself against an attacker…
Unfortunately, I notice the fact that the Jews themselves do not notice this small but important privilege that they will care about your report when something bad happens, it is a small but important privilege that you will not even notice, because unfortunately, but you have no knowledge about other groups that are persecuted and how helpless they are in this situation, because the police don't care about them, they can't defend themselves (trans people, black people, Muslims), because the media will start antagonizing them and portraying them as perpetrators, even though they were not perpetrators, but victims… This is unfortunately happening and it sucks, Unfortunately, Muslims do not have the same privilege as you in this respect and Islamophobia still thrives, often on tragedy, when the police fail them, and then a toxic cycle develops that fuels discrimination, no matter what they do, they will be angry because the law does not protect them, because they are considered aggressors, they can be beaten and defend themselves, but they will be angry because they hurt a white man ( Or a Jew… Because I don't know, he attacked them, which happens…) and the media feeds on it, so do Islamophobes who later have arguments why "Muslims are evil" and so on endlessly, the dehumanization of Muslims has become something "Normal", and it should never be like that, unfortunately, people don't care about fatalities if they are not whites or Jews themselves , so statistics are omitted, when the mentioned groups attacked them for the purpose of racist and Islamophobic propaganda, if the same were done to dehumanize Jews, it would be a drama for the whole world and all the media to say how terrible it is, but how is it done towards other groups (which are also persecuted) all this is silent :/
Do you see why this is worse than the Holocaust? There are a lot of factors here and the fact how quickly the dehumanization of one group went is terrifying, not even a decade has passed before this group was already dehumanized and now we see genocides of these groups, but people remain silent or blame them for self-defense when they are attacked (Because Muslims are bad, so they deserve to be murdered), or classic pinkwashing/homonationalism in order to play on the feelings of LGBT+ people so that they follow suit and become Islamophobic, because genocide is acceptable when the propaganda is used that all Muslims are queerphobes who will kill you for being LGBT+, seriously, this is sick
What is happening in this world is sick and we should stop defending only Jews (Especially Zionists, because not every Jew is a Zionist, but many Zionists consider themselves Jews, you get the idea), especially when they are aggressors against a group that she does not have the privilege of defending her from people, or the law and it should not be accepted, using "Anti-Semitism" as a shield is disgusting when you rub your face with the trauma of those who experienced crimes from Hitler and his followers, you are simply disgusting, you feed on people's trauma for your own benefit, to attack a group which she's more vulnerable than you, it's not normal, it is sick
Simply put, the situation of Muslims is not that good and is worse than what the Jews experienced, not only is xenophobia also racism, because compared to Jews, they cannot hide in the crowd because their features and skin color betray them, so even if they did not wear a hijab (or other headgear), they would still fall victim to attacks because that they can't stop looking like Muslims, you Jews have the privilege of looking like the rest of the people and the police are on your side too, so is the mainstream media, so why today are you using it to hurt others and silencing other Jews when they are not like that like you and defend the weaker?
Zionist Jews are annoying, especially because they strongly deny being Jewish to other Jews who are against genocide and compared to them, they are not Islamophobic, but good people (And it doesn't help that Zionists cooperated with the Nazis, so this defense with the text "Anti-Semitism" is cynical)
Many Zionists will probably be angry that I say directly that what is happening to Muslims is even worse than what happened to Jews, but someone has to finally say something about it, because it is not normal that one group has been dehumanized to such an extent so much that when someone dies because of Islamophobia, people don't care
It's worse because of how fast it happened, because when they die no one cares, I hate that we are in a world where dehumanization is legal and socially acceptable, this should never have happened
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pablitogavii · 11 months
Hey I’ve love your stories for quite a while now and it’s absolutely amazing btw!!!! But I kinda wanted to request like enemies to lovers trope. Something about Gavi and the reader hating each other but gavi still like over protecting and jealous over the reader
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Pablo Gavi...loved my many...hated by some (mostly jealous fanatics) was the biggest bully you ever met in your life.
Everything started the evening the Gavira family invited yours to dinner when you moved to the neighborhood six years ago. You grabbed a cup of milk but as you turned back you collided with Pablo's chest spilling it all over his brand new white Barça hoodie.
Ever since then, he would purposefully bump into you, call you "nerd" and mess with your by stealing your glasses and making you reach for them. God! Couldn't he just get over something that happened when you were 11 years old!?
"Let's just take two cars and meet there?" Fermin suggested since there was quite a bit of people going to watch them play El Classico today at Camp Nou.
"I'll go with them.." you said walking towards the group away from Pablo just wanting to avoid his snarky comments.
"Whatever nerd!" he said and Fermin hit his chest in annoyance really trying to figure out why was his friend so mean only to you all the goddamn time!??
"Qué pasa!?Estás enamorado de ella o algo así, hermano?" Fermin said and Pablo just snarled shaking his head while watching you get into another car your skirt rising up as you moved. His shorts got tight!!!
When you arrived, there were some members form the opposite team already at the hallway and you got all shy being surrounded by so many famous players. Every single one was more handsome than the other...of course your bully had to be the most handsome of all!!! Damn, you're screwed in the head for thinking it!!!
One of the boys was definitely chatting you up while Pablo was observing the whole thing utterly furious. After barely five seconds, you heard Pablo's annoyed voice.
"Hey! Nerd! Come here!" Pablo said and you were rudely interrupted from answering a question from a boy who seemed genuinely interested.
"I was talking to him!" you say but Pablo's hand was already around your wrist as he pulled you away from a guy who was very loudly protesting while your friends watching in confusion.
"What do you want from me Pablo!??" you said pulling away standing in the empty room with Pablo pacing around and grunting in annoyance.
"You do know he is the enemy right!? You don't just go fuck an enemy!" Pablo was yelling without thinking about his words and you just stared at him in utter disbelief. Did he really think you would let someone do that after simply sharing two sentences with him!? Now, he really hurt your feelings!
"Good luck on your game, Pablo.." you said with tearful eyes clouding your classes before running out of the room just wanting to go home already. You were used to his occasional teasing, maybe even rude nicknames like 'nerd',or 'four eyes', but now he really passed the line.
"No..wait! Please! Nerd!..Um..Y?N!!!" Pablo was yelling after you but they were already calling him to join the others in the dressing room.
The whole game, Pablo was agitated getting angry easily and getting himself a yellow card already in the first half. You were at home still watching the game (ofc!) but it was mainly Fermin trying to calm down Gavi on the screen.
Seeing his handsome face despite bringing you butterflies now reminded you of those awful words..is that really how he saw you???
"Hijo de puta, ella es mía después del juego!" the player whispered to Gavi during the corner kick and he pushed him down without second though receiving another yellow which added into the red and got him kicked off the field. He theatrically exited tossing his jersey aside before sitting down in the chair.
Despite what happened with Pablo, Barça won, (luckily) and you turned off the TV getting ready for bed. You really dolled up today with a Barça jersey and your favorite skirt as a chosen outfit..you kinda wanted Pablo to notice but instead he called you a whore!
You were working diligently on your assignment trying to get your mid off things while it was roaring rain outside. Suddenly someone knocked on the door of your apartment. You were terrified...it was late..your mom was on her business trip..and someone is at the door!? Scary!
You tried looking through the peep hole but it was too dark to see.
"Um..who is it??" you said and there was a silence for a few minutes.
"It's me! Open up, nerd!!" Pablo said and you sighed in relief that it was someone you knew but then you realized who exactly was in front of your door right now..what was he doing all the way up here tonight!?
You opened up and there he was completely drenched looking hotter than ever before..damn it's even better than in the edits..Get yourself together Y/N!!! "Um..what..what are you doing here P..Pablo?" you were a mumbling shy mess and he could tell that he was making you very much nervous right now.
He changed into some clean clothes he had in his bag from practice before coming our of the bathroom to your still flustered face.
"Why are you always so shy around me!?" he said a bit roughly and you just looked down in embarrassment. You couldn't exactly be hones't, could you?? It's because I love you even though you make fun of me every single waking moment of every day!!!
"Ughh you're impossible to understand nerd!!!" he said walking into the living room and you followed after him like a lost puppy. He saw all your paperwork on the floor matching with your books and graphs.
"You weren't sleeping?? It's late?" he said and you just shook your head sitting back down on the ground wanting to continue your work.
"I had to study.." you answer simply.
He sat down as well looking at you working but what you didn't know is just how much in awe he was seeing you like this..it made him want you so badly. You might be the sexiest nerd he's ever laid eyes on...
"You know why I call you nerd???" he said raising up your chin and you looked into him with those dowey eyes through your big glasses. He slowly took your glasses off smirking at your blushed cheeks.
"Because you hate me..?" you say finally gaining bravery to look him straight in the eyes and he smiled shaking his head while caressing your chin. Was this really real right now!!?
"Because I love you.." he said and your whole belly got filled with butterflies..this was indeed real..you were not hallucinating..Pablo Gavi loves you too!!?
"Umm..today was the first day to hear you call me Y/n.." you say to that looking away from his eyes again.
"And did you like that??" he asked this time tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You just shrugged your shoulders not knowing how to feel about all of this..it was so sudden..you were excited and scared of waking up from a dream all at the same damn fucking time!!!
"Because, you know..there are other things I can call you..hmm..like mi amor..." he moved closer while whispering that nickname into your ear and then leaving a slow kiss on your earlobe while you closed your eyes in ecstasy.
"Nena preciosa.." he whispered again this time moving lower to kiss your neck and you gasped which he really like..you knew what you were doing to him. Little minx!!!
"Mi princesa guapa.." he said moving up and sucking marks into your skin until reaching your chin and kissing it softly while holding your face as you slowly opened your eyes to look at his hungry looking lips. He was like a starved predator and you were his only prey.
"Aii mis ojitos negros lindosss...I always loved how you looked at me with glasses on..like a good little girl..me vuelves loco siempre princesitaa" he said and you were still looking at his lips wanting desperately to feel them against yours right now!!!
"Are you a good little girl, preciosa??" he asked teasingly touching your lips with his thumb and you pouted nodding your head completely under his thumb right now.
"Hmm that's good,..but I want more..I want you to be only my good little girl, vale? I don't want you talking to anybody ever again..toda mia siempre!!" he growled the last part finally devouring your lips as you moaned into the kiss moving to straddle his lap and he welcomed it with a smirk.
Pablo was groaning the more you were moving on his lap before you two pulled away from air and he kept you on his lap with his strong arms wrapping tightly around your body.
"I only did it to piss you off.." you said and he looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"I talked to him because it was making you angry.." you paraphrase it and his hands lowered resting on your bum where he squeezed roughly.
"And here I thought you were a good girl nena???" he smirked and you moaned hiding your face into his neck shyly.
"I just wanted you attention..papi" you kissed his neck while he groaned at the use of the nickname he dreamed about hearing from your lips for years.
"Well you got it now preciosita" Pablo smirked kissing you again while standing up and carrying you into the bedroom putting you underneath the covers.
You were making out in bed for a good half an hour before he pulled away catching you by surprise.
"Todo bien, Pablito??" you ask and he smiled at the new nickname you found for him. If it was anyone else he would be annoyed..but you could call him what you wished to call him at all times.
"I just want to say I'm sorry about how I've been acting for the past years..I just didn't know how to show you I like you properly..so I bullied you..it's dumb!!!" he spoke and now it was your turn to take charge and shut him up with a kiss.
"Hmm I always knew you had a soft spot for me in here Pablitoo tho.." you say touching his chest where his heart was being fast and regular rhythm.
"H..how?" he was pretty stunned but wanted to hear more of it.
"Little things..you would always call me annoying whenever I got cold but always gave me your jacket.." you say and he nodded remembering how much eh would love when you give it back and it smelled so strongly of you.
"Whenever we go out and I drink, you never do..you are always the one to drive me home" you say remembering the night you accidentally 'confessed' but refused to talk about it afterwards. Pablo would often call you out on it just to annoy you but when his feeling got stronger he stopped doing it.
"Or that one time you were holding my glasses above my head so I can't reach and I slipped, fell and started crying" you said and that one made Pablo become sad..he was really an asshole and he had a lot of making up to do for you..
"Amor..I'm.." he couldn't finish the sentence because your hand was on his mouth while you were sitting on top of him.
"You dried away my tears, put my glasses back on and helped me up..I always knew I was your weak spot" you giggled removing your hand while he watched up from below in awe sitting up and starting to kiss you passionately again.
"Nerd.." he whispered into your mouth with a smirk and this time you smirked back nodding your head while wrapping your hands into his curly hair.
"Hmm a nerd that got you weak Pablo Gavi.." you said and he nodded with a chuckle laying you both back down as you were making our before both feell asleep in each other warm arms.
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theriverbeyond · 3 months
what series scratch the same "itch" as TLT for you? Recently finished the trilogy and feel empty and have found nothing to fill the void in my chest (lol) that TLT had in the weeks I was reading it. I have already experienced homestuck, when thhey cry, and most of the other "big names" of similar media. Any format works as long as its good. I like morally grey characters (Ianthe), well written female leads, character driven narratives and lesbians (in that order.
1. Princess Floralinda and the forty-flight tower (by Tamsyn Muir. excellent audio book narrated by Moira Quirk, same voice actor as TLT)
2. All of Tamsyn Muir's other novellas and short stories (The magician's apprentice, The house that did 16 loops of time, undercover, chew, the deepwater bride, etc)
Next up is entirely my personal and extremely picky and subjective preferences of brain zing, ranked in order of me remembering them
Chainsaw man manga (i read this 5x back to back when I first got into it in 2021. part 1 is complete, part 2 is still updating. part 1 can be experienced as a complete work. the anime is very good but the first episode is not as good as everything after it)
This is how we lose the time war book (feels sorta like fanfiction but the prose is gorgeous)
Interview with the vampire tv show (it's fun, it's camp, there are a lot of gay and bisexual people making really terrible decisions and being very hot)
Gurren Lagann anime (my favorite anime of all time. the women characters are not good, as is typical of many animes. the bathhouse episode can be skipped in its entierty without losing any plot. the overall story is really good and gives me that zing)
Arcane tv show (i watched this in full once and every since have just watched a caitvi + jinx whump clipshow but it did give me that zing. i do not care about the men)
Fullmetal alchemist manga or FMA brotherhood (really good and at this point a classic. royai is the queerplatonic campal blueprint i will not be taking critique at this time)
Revolutionary girl utena anime (watch the sub, do not watch the dub, the dub didn't make them gay. it's really good but heavy TWs and also it is paced like a 90's anime so: slow with a fair amount of filler, which can be good or bad depending on your preferences)
I have complicated feelings about Baru Cormerant and recommend reading up on content warnings if things like violent homophobia and very intimate portrayals of being a colonized subject are things that would upset you. It felt a little too personal to my life for me to like... think it was "fun" or whatever like it felt uncomfortably personal (and also subjectively I didn't super enjoy the pacing of the latter 2 books) but it did make me feel a lot of things and think a lot of thoughts. if the blurb sounds like something you are interested in then I recomend giving it a shot and then you can decide what you think of it yourself
Ancillary justice book (liked this one a lot, but havent felt motivated to read the sequel)
Other fun Studio Trigger animes such as Promare, Cyberpunk 2077, Kill la Kill
Nausicaa and the valley of the wind manga (the movie is good but the manga spanned 10 years, is gorgeously rendered, and goes MUCH more in depth especially wrt climate philosophy and such)
Slay the Princess video game (on steam but also I got into it just by watching letsplays online. It's really good and REALLY interesting, i love how it uses the visual novel format to its story advantage to pull of some incredibly cool story twists. Highly recomend!)
I feel like I am forgetting things that made my brain zing. My childhood special interest was CATS the musical (stage play and 1998 recorded production) and i definitely got brain zing from that but I don't think it has a lot of taste overlaps with tlt. this post really went off the rails but in my defense, it is after midnight
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pharawee · 1 year
I've been meaning to make a list of spooky (Thai - because negl that's 99% of what I watch) BL series and movies and what better time to post this than in October?
Spooky BL are my favourite flavour of BL. Turns out, there's actually a lot of them (maybe because Thailand does horror so well). These are only the ones I've watched (and enjoyed) so this list isn't complete.
*On another note: horror doesn't faze me at all so I can't really accurately say how scary some of these are. If you have squicks or triggers like jump scares, gore or bad endings please feel free to ask and I will do my best to give you a heads-up.
✨Spooky Thai BL✨
He's Coming To Me | Probably one of the first series everyone will think of. Not that spooky but a solid ghost(love) story with a murder mystery at its core.
Hidden Love | This is a budget show filmed under serious constraints during the worst of the covid pandemic. It's clichéd. It's over the top. But it's also got its charms. It comes with a tragic ghost (love) story that completely overshadows everything else with its many flashbacks and plot twists. If you manage to get over the camp. I warned you.
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Dear Doctor I'm Coming For Soul | This one has reapers and ghosts and lots of bittersweetness. It's not that creepy since the supernatural elements are very matter-of-fact. It will make you cry though, sorry. :(
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Ghost Host, Ghost House | Spooky with incredible chemistry between the leads and a cast of characters that you will immediately fall in love with.
He She It | A three-episode miniseries with a haunting soundtrack and a nice plot twist. This will make you miss JeffGameplay. :(
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Low Frequency | Not spooky at all, and a bit slow and empty at times, but it has ghosts (in a way) and a sweet enough couple.
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Make a Wish | Unfortunately, this has never had an inter release. There's inofficial subs floating around on grey sites but as of yet the series hasn't been fully translated. Which is a pity because it's a cute show about angels and spirit possession and (some) murder mystery.
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Midnight Museum | I'm stubbornly putting this under BL. This show has everything and everyone. It's genuinely spooky at times but mostly draws on folklore, the mystical and an absolutely stellar cast.
On Cloud Nine | Short and beautiful. An indie production that's more ethereal than genuinely spooky.
🎞️Red Wine in the Dark Night | The oldest entry in this list. Admittedly, not very spooky (and instead rather surreal and sad), but it has one (1) vampire and Fluke Natouch in a role that's more grounded than we're used to nowadays.
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Something in my Room | A spooky show with ghosts, mystery and romance that hides a lot of commentary behind metaphors and allegory. Criminally underrated because it didn't have a wide enough release. If you want to binge something fun and spooky for Halloween then this is the series to go. Prepare tissues.
✨Not a BL but hey, I know that actor!✨
Enigma | Win Metawin (and surprise guest!) in an incredibly well done 4-episode series about the occult with interesting worldbuilding and the promise of a second season.
🎞️Ghost Lab | Tor Thanapob and Ice Paris in a genuinely gruesome, shocking and scary horror movie. You've been warned.
Girl From Nowhere | One of the best things tv has to offer, and genuinely dark as well. Up Poompat, Pepo Nutchapan and James Teeradon feature in some of the loosely-connected episodes.
🎞️Hoon Payon | Phuwin Tangsakyuen, Up Poompat and Bank Nuttawat in a classic spiritual ghost story. More shocking than scary.
🎞️Inhuman Kiss | Oab Oabnithi and Great Sapol (sadly, not as a couple) in a sad and romantic take on a classic Thai legend.
Let's Fight Ghost | A Thai remake of a fun and somewhat spooky kdrama with spiritual themes. And Saint Suppapong.
🎞️Pee Nak 1, 2, 3 (and soon 4) | I'm biased because I really like this movie series. It's spooky but in a fun way. It has queer characters (as comedic relief - but not in a degrading way) and can get surprisingly deep. Watch this if you want to see (baby!) Tar Atiwat grow up on screen (because he's in all four movies). The third movie rewards you with some surprisingly sweet MeanPlan that might continue into the fourth movie.
School Tales | A Thai horror anthology centred around students at various schools. This series has Fiat Patchata, Kay Lertsittichai, Pepo Nutchapan, Mark Siwat and, most prominently, Saint Suppapong and Chimon Wachirawit in well-paced 50-minute episodes.
The Stranded | One of my favourite series ever. If you watched LOST then you know what to expect. This has 3 QL couples (Perth Tanapon & Mark Siwat, Win Pawin & Tanthai Tatchapol, Ticha Wongtipkanon & Chaleeda Gilbert) but don't expect any of them to get a happy ending. Sadly, this series ended on a cliffhanger and won't get a second season due to the lead actor's tragic passing and Nadao's dissolution.
✨Upcoming Spooky BL✨
7 Days Before Valentine | Death Note but make it even more of a BL. Patrick Rangsimant originally wrote this so I'm really excited. Plus, it will begin airing in November which is almost as good as October.
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🎞️After Sundown | A period ghost movie that hit Thai cinemas this summer to great success. There's currently no news on an international release.
🎞️Death Is All Around | Saint Suppapong coming through with another spooky production - this one about death and the afterlife. This also has Seng Wichai, Bas Suradej and Dun Romchumpa (presumably as a couple).
The Hell Guards | Chains of Heart but make it spooky. Oh, I am so excited for this!
My Imaginary Boyfriend | Based on another one of Pat Rangsimant's novels (my favourite, atually). This one is more grounded, and spooky in a more psychological sense.
Mystique in the Mirror | Another one of Pat Rangsimant's novels (and psychological horror too, by the looks of it). This one started filming back in early summer so it should be airing soon.
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Shadow | This series will air its first seven episodes on Halloween and that should tell you everything you need to know. It's a suspenseful (ghost?) story set in a Catholic private school.
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Spirit Reborn | This has the potential to be very spooky, with curses and spirits and past lives.
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SunsetxVibes | This is going to be messy and spicy but the short pilot trailer did have spooky undertones and possible spiritual themes.
The Whisperer | More psychological horror but this time not penned by Pat. Apparently, this has been in production for a while so hopefully we'll get some news soon.
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Zomvivor | The only zombie series on this list has entered pre-production and is slated to be released in 2024 (hopefully before October). Will it have BL? I don't know, but it stars pretty much all of domundi's acting couples (and more).
1000 Years Old | Will it be spooky? No idea, but it does have vampires and sometimes that's enough.
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synchodai · 14 days
I will say that the while it's clear issues were present during the making of hotd s2, it's still a shame that the cregan/jace adventures in the north weren't given any attention. I thought they would capitalize on a stark/targaryen pairing considering how popular each respective side is
Also looking at s2... jace just did so little lol because other than his conversation with his mother towards the end, his presence this season was just so lackluster. I can't even lie, but that house Frey scene felt like a bit of a consolation prize for his lack of initiative everywhere else. In my opinion, I think it's easy to like jace after you read f&b and his death definitely adds to his appeal, but I really enjoyed how his actions (that were said to be done by him ig) have extreme consequences even when you could tell the incentive to do them were either for his family's safety or to prove himself. There's just so much more you could have done with that than just his feelings about being a bastard. These were admirable attempts during war, but they were shortsighted as well, and it's interesting to think about how if he had lived, he could have had the opportunity to grow and change
I think he could have returned after rhaenys dies maybe they use his short temper that we saw in s1 that after hearing about luke's death, he tries to do something stupid, but cregan, feeling sorry for him stops him and he stays there until he has his head on midly straight. They could've had some bond during his stay and jace's character could have been plain about any anger or guilt over luke, being a bastard, etc. We could have done more with cregan (like it's funny as a show only you know nothing about his story), but that can be changed when he comes back in season 4 probably
Idk but the prophecy having so much relevance as you finish s1 and s2 just makes me wish for a story where these highly privileged people with dragons acted for reasons for a cause that THEY believed were valid as they dragged everyone else into it including the smallfolk because tbqh even though they waged war all over, you can still feel this immense sadness over the fate of many of these characters
either way, I understand that much goes into making a TV show so I try to take it in good faith about choices they make, but idk I'm still so disappointed about this season
sorry for the word vomit :)
Yeah, there's a whole camp of the fandom that's disappointed Jace didn't get his flirty side quest. That being said, I do like the scenes that we do get of Jace in the show — even waaaaaaaaay back in season one, I loved how they characterized him.
You're right, anon; he IS shortsighted. Way back in the dinner scene in season one, we see Jace can play a political game of nuance and subtle jabs when he invites Helaena to dance as an insult to Aegon, but we also see him be the one to escalate things to violence by throwing the first punch. He's not above throwing petty insults, but he also throws a tantrum when those insults are returned in kind. He's not the innocent, even-keeled political savant some people think he is.
Even when I read the book, I always imagined Jace as a bit of an asshole in the same way a lot of insecure teenage boys are. Every political player in this overly privileged family is some level of asshole. (Which is also why I disagree with a lot of fans who say he would have made for a perfect king but that's another rant for another time.) And that's what makes them compelling characters.
That's why we needed to see that northern sojourn where Jace learns to somewhat chill. There's an obvious change in demeanor between season one Jace and season two Jace, and you can totally attribute that to him being given the space not to be on the defense all the time. The writers could have gone with the Sara Snow story, the Brokeback Winterfell angle, or something else entirely, and any of it would have worked.
Alas, the show's priorities are really obvious at this point. If it's not about Rhaenyra/Dany being the prophesized chosen one, they're not interested.
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mariacallous · 18 days
Picture this, if you will: hundreds of grey-haired grannies ganging up to face down a group of neo-Nazi skinheads. Some of the skinheads have beer bottles in their hands. The grannies are armed with nothing more than umbrellas and hand-knitted woolly hats. It sounds like a corny sketch for a TV comedy show. But no. It’s election time in Germany’s eastern Länder (federal regions), and the grannies are out on the streets.
There’s no Granny Party. The movement, called in German Omas gegen Rechts (Grannies against the right), has grown into a national and international force since it was founded in 2017 by an Austrian psychotherapist and evangelical priest, Monika Salzer.
It is widely assumed here that apathy and low voter turnout will result in a far-right victory. But election posters showing a cartoon granny with a rainbow flag carry a simple message: “Granny says – go out and vote!” Apart from the rainbow, a symbol of tolerance, sexual liberation and diversity, there is no instruction on how to vote.
In between elections, the Grannies are busy knitting and babysitting. But they also raise funds, for example by baking and selling cakes, to finance the poster campaign and a set of beer mats that make up a pub quiz.
In Leipzig, my new home town, the Grannies have raised enough money to install three new Stumblestones (Stolpersteine). These are little brass plaques inscribed with the names of people whom the Nazis deported and murdered in the 1930s and 40s. The new plaques commemorate the Wesly family – Hermann, a Jewish publisher of music and books, his wife, Berta, and their daughter, Margot. Berta and Hermann were taken to Auschwitz and murdered in the gas chambers. Margot escaped to England – but the British authorities put her in a concentration camp too, as an enemy alien.
A violin and an accordion were played during the installation of the little plaques where the Weslys’ house once stood. The stonemason’s hammer punctuated the music with a slow beat. Then Granny Gisela read out a short account of how the family was persecuted and how we must never forget. Many spectators were in tears. The memorial is on the doorstep of the new building that now stands on the site – a kindergarten. Its head teacher joined the ceremony and promised to find a way of explaining the story to the kids “without scaring them too much”. I remarked that it was a very special moment. Granny Sylvia put me right.
“Sadly, it’s not so special. This brings the number of Stolpersteine in Leipzig to almost 800. There is one on almost every street,” she said, before inviting us all to join her for coffee and cake.
Later she shared a link to the Stolpersteine app in the Google Play store (also on Apple). It’s true – there are hundreds of Stumblestones. Many are not for Jewish victims, but for brave souls like William Zipperer who tried to stop the Nazis and save their neighbours. He was executed in January 1945 for plotting against the state. 
As a mark of respect, the Grannies regularly go out to polish the small memorials set into the pavements, to light candles and lay flowers.
There is another side to the movement. They are part of the Antifa, Germany’s radical ultra-left. Not quite as radical as Lina Engel, the antifascist activist who is serving jail time in Dresden for plotting physical attacks on neo-Nazi pubs and meetings. Nor have any Grannies been caught setting fire to building sites where executive homes are replacing the old affordable blocks of flats – a typical Antifa action. 
They upload videos to TikTok. And they are taking their campaign out of the city and into villages and suburbs where right wing parties recruit people who feel neglected or “left behind” by the Berlin government.
“Solidarity without borders instead of right wing propaganda,” says the Radical Grannies’ poster, urging supporters to join them in a mass demonstration. These are Grannies who don’t knit. 
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kittyflufi123 · 2 months
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Human arcane order AU!!
I finally present to you my human AU of the arcane order!! after so much time planning their designs and everything... I made this little graphic with information about them!!
I'll leave some bonuses for you to be curious about!! and maybe I'll do short stories on ao3.. but nothing so relevant just short stories hihi
• is 27 years old
•works as a stylist at a fashion agency and in his spare time works in a cafe.
•likes fighting games and stories (god of war, red dead redemption, dark deception, etc.)
•lives in the united states in las vegas with bellroc.
• loves cold foods, especially iced coffee and vanilla and mint ice cream
• married to bellroc for 3 years and has 10 years of friendship with nari and bellroc
• is 29 years old
•works as an architect in a very old construction company.
•likes boxing in his spare time and karate on the weekends
•lives in the United States in Las Vegas with Skrael (but has lived in China and Japan)
•fluent in English, Japanese, Chinese and knows a little Russian and Brazilian Portuguese (thanks to Nari is Skrael)
•likes hot and sweet foods (hot chocolate, cappuccino, cake, chicken and cheese snacks)
•He likes to sleep cuddled up in Skrael on hot nights and travels to Australia on summer holidays to see his country.
• is 25 years old
•works as a biologist for a TV show and takes care of a sanctuary in Canada.
•likes gardening in his spare time and hiking in the mountains for camping.
•lives in the united states in new york with douxie and archier.
•He likes to visit Bellroc and Skrael during the summer holidays and always prepares his famous feijoada (a typical Brazilian dish) with lots of pepper, because he knows that Bellroc likes it.
•fluent in English, Russian and a little Japanese.
•nari likes any type of food, but prefers less industrialized things as some can give her allergies.
•She goes to Brazil with Douxie and Archier almost every Christmas so she can be with her family.
Well!!! This was a little information about them!! I hope you like it and I'll see you later!! :3
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bibliotheksbewohnerin · 9 months
Please tell me more about the cursed bread living in hell and surviving a kidnapping.
Okay so, Bernd das Brot is a very beloved German kids TV character. He's a white bread with short arms (quote: 'my arms are too short!'), he's got a deep, monotone voice, seems depressed, and is always caught in some sort of predicament he doesn't really want to be involved in. His favourite pastime is memorising the pattern of woodchip wallpaper.
Bernd first appeared in a show along with other (puppet) characters, but these days he's best know for the night-time loops on the childrens' TV channel KiKa, which run after the scheduled programming has stopped, after 8 p.m. I think? I remember the joy when my brother & I discovered this when we were on holiday and watching TV in a hotel room. Our TV at home switched from KiKa to Comedy Central in the night, but not this one - suddenly, boom, Bernd das Brot all night. It was glorious.
There are a few different loops that get switched out every few months, but a reoccuring theme is that there is an off-screen voice (supposed to be the producer, i think) that instructs Bernd to participarte in stuff, usually present different genres of TV shows, do ballet, etc., and Bernd tries to escape this TV studio that he is imprisoned in (which is really just a bright, timeless space), but when he runs out on one side he just reappears on the other. His personal hell.
My favourite loop is the one that parodies Star Trek, Star Wars and LARP / DnD.
The TV channel KiKa is located in Erfurt, and there are statues of the most popular characters all over town, so of course there's one of Bernd. (here seen with the blogger for scale)
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The abduction story has a very serious background, just as a warning:
In 2009 (and I'm just summarising the wiki article here) he was abducted by squatters of the "Topf und Söhne" factory in Erfurt, who demanded the factory, which went out of use in 1994, to be turned into a memorial and the history to be researched & preserved instead of glossed over. During the Holocaust, 'Topf & Söhne' made crematoria for concentration camps Auschwitz, Dachau and Buchenwald, amoung others. The whole area was due to be demolished and used to build real estate and apartment buildings.
Bernd turned up a few kilometers out of town unharmed, only 11 days after being abducted, the squatters unfortunately got evicted a few months later and the former factory was demolished immediately after. The only remaining building is the adiministrative building, which now houses a memorial & museum.
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dolliedyhard · 1 year
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Hello and Welcome! I’m Luna, better known as the creator of DollieDyhard ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ I’m a MEGA creepypasta fan like… SUPER-ULTRA-MEGA. As you can guess my blog will be all about Creepypasta! Hooray🎉☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ From fanart to OC’s to creepy stories to comics, I’ll make it ALL! In fact I have my own creepypasta oc! Her name is Dollie Doxwood, nickname DollieDyhard (hence my username) she’s the blonde girlie in the pic above and my pfp :3 This blog will be centered around her! Learn more about her here!
Stuff about meh!
14 - black girl - bday is June 5th -
I’ve been in the creepypasta fandom since 2017! >_<
I used 2 b scared of Slenderman and Jeff the killer when I was a little gal, like DEATHLY AFRAID. I thought they were real 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Now Jeff is my favorite pasta, he’s delicious🍝!
Nina, Jane and Slenderman are also my favorite pastas too♡
Do not interact list
Alt account: @xlunathekillerx
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♬♩♪♩ MY ♩♪♩♬
Every creepypasta fan comes with an obsession with punk-rock and alternative music, it’s a fact! Aaaaand that fact applies to me too _(┐「ε:)_
Favorite bands? Here’s a list! (In no particular order :v)
Pierce the Veil
Panic! At the Disco
My Chemical Romance
Get Scared
Set it Off
Ghost Town
Three Days Grace
Avril Lavigne
More about the music I like here!
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。・:*:・゚★ ,。・:*:・゚☆
A list of my other interests! Including anime, tv shows, and much more! If they are numbered it means they’re my top picks!
You might see me make fanart or mention from these fandoms! So that’s why I listed them.
1. Ouran High school Host Club, 2. Black Butler, 3. Death Note, 4. Sailor Moon, Chibi Vampire, Vampire Knight, Inu Yasha, Jujutsu Kaisen, Diabolic Lovers, Tokyo Mew Mew, That time I got reincarnated as a slime, Cardcaptor Sakura, Loveless, To Love Ru, Toliet-Bound Hanako-kun, Naruto, Hellsing Ultimate and Elfen Lied. (Many more but they aren’t important or I just forgot
1. The Boondocks, South Park, My Little Pony (concept tho. Show is too childish :/), Inside Job, Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles, Ninjago, Hannibal, Breaking Bad, Camp Camp, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse, Deadpool, Sonic X and Invader Zim. (MANY MORE BUT I probably forgot… @_@)
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Thank you SOO MUCH for reading! ((o(^∇^)o)) a lot of people don’t read intros >_> so I’m glad you did :) (Comment with a 💖 emoji if u made it dis far ^_^) I hope you stick along for the ride because it’ll definitely get wild! XD
If you want to see more art from me check out my gallery on DeviantArt!
Anyways, that’s pretty much everything I got 2 say :D
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fireflysummers · 1 year
Final Thoughts on GO S2
I'm probably gonna pull back on discussing S2, at least publicly, after this. I did actually like a lot of the season, but it's triggering some of my religious trauma and also the fandom is already stressing me out. So here, let's have some final thoughts.
First and foremost: I am not a Gaiman simp. I've read a decent amount of his work: comics, short stories, essays, and novels. Aside from Good Omens, I've liked Coraline and The Graveyard Book the best by far, whereas American Gods just. Did Not Connect with me, even though it's should have, given the stuff I tend to enjoy.
However. Regardless of whether I like a given work (or even like how he adapted it, a la parts of The Sandman TV series), he is a veteran writer who has proven that he does, actually, know how to write a story with consistent characters.
Beyond that, I do actually believe that he's trying to do right by Pratchett, and loves and respects the story and characters they created together. He's generally shown up as an ally to a variety of social causes, and directly and respectfully responds to fans on Tumblr. While no saint, I feel that there is cause to give the benefit of the doubt that things will resolve satisfyingly in S3, and that there is Intention about some of the things in S2.
This, of course, does not absolve it of being "bad," but even here I think we need to articulate better the different types of "bad" that people are reacting to. There seems to roughly be three camps here: 1) People who thought it was "bad" because of how it ended, with the breakup and a lot of unresolved plot threads; 2) People who thought it was "bad" because it struggled on a technical level with its set, lighting, directorial choices, editing, etc; 3) People who thought it was "bad" because they felt the characterization was significantly off and that the internal logic of the series had been violated.
With regards to Point One, the only solution is to Wait and See. Judgement should be reserved until the story is properly finished--easier said than done, especially considering the current media landscape, and the number of series or franchises that fail to live up to their promises.
Point Two isn't something I understand well enough to contribute meaningfully, except that I suspect the pandemic affected this aspect the most and am willing to give it a bit more mercy. That aside, I for the most part I don't find it bad so much as not as good as S1. Except for the parts with epilepsy warnings, surely there could've been a better way to do that.
Point Three... that's the stumbling block for me, and I find it interesting that most of the folks who struggle with this point in particular are long time fans of the book.
I trust that instinct.
There are two different directions to go from here. The first is the assumption that these problems are a result of ego, carelessness, or lack of skill from the showrunners/writers/director. It's cynical but not unjustified. The second is the belief that the breaks in lore or characterization were intentional, building towards a much grander conspiracy. Of course, even in this case I don't think it forgives the lack of signposting that would indicate that this is a choice rather than an accident. It just makes it feel clumsy and poorly constructed, a major risk on a show that hasn't had its third season confirmed.*
However, regardless, it still feels salvageable. I've enjoyed reading a lot of meta on all this, and I've pulled some things from others (particularly That Theory by @ariaste), but I don't really want to put forth a single, defined theory myself. Instead, here's some questions I've got, why those questions are important (to me, at least). Actual theorizing comes after, and anybody who snidely mentions Sherlock in the comments or tags is going to get auto-blocked. Like seriously, I'm aware that some stuff is a stretch, but it's fun??? To theorize????? And I'm here for me and my peace of mind rather than trying to argue a point.
*I have some suspicions here, particularly with Gaiman stating that the decision from Amazon would come much faster than The Sandman's second season (which was four months). I don't know enough though to say if that's actually significant.
Who the fuck is telling this story?
This is the most important piece, in my opinion. There's this assumption when reading books (or research papers, newspapers, etc...) that the narrator who is writing the words is a non-presence, Neutral and objective. That's not the case, and an important part of literature critique is figuring out who the narrator is, and what their goals are. Oftentimes, the narrator and the author are the same person, but with Pratchett's work, particularly on Good Omens and Discworld, the Narrator was its own unique character.
This is why people struggle adapting Discworld to live action--that medium requires a Reason for having a Narrator, and especially in the age of method acting that's often considered immersion-breaking. Good Omens worked so well because they not only kept the Narrator, but they made Her God.
This added some really interesting new dimensions, such as the scene where Crowley speaks to God about his fall and the destruction of humanity. He doesn't receive an answer, but we're watching from God's perspective, so we as the audience know that She's listening.
Another advantage of making God the Narrator is that it justifies all the goofy little asides we get into the lives of minor characters (i.e. Leslie the Mailman), without losing focus. It helps the world feel like it’s full of people, rather than characters and plot contrivances, and the theme that individual people and their choices are important. The Narrator is such a central character of Good Omens that without it, the story struggles to stay focused.
It also highlights a key difference in the writing styles of the two authors. Pratchett’s work tends to introduce four or five totally unique plot threads that feel completely disjointed until the last act (if not even later), when it turns into a Chekhov’s Firing Squad. Plot twists around secret identities and backstabbing and schemes are relatively rare, as the omniscient Narrator doesn’t lie about the intentions of people or their actions.
Gaiman’s writing is typically not like that, to my knowledge. He buries characters in misdirection and hints, and you never know the true identity or motives until all the chips are down. It’s a perfectly valid way to approach storytelling, but it makes it jarring to see it in S2. The lack of a Narrator is a huge reason why S2 doesn’t feel like Good Omens to some folks.
My gut feeling is that the decision to shift from the original Narrator was highly intentional. It helps to obscure the thoughts and intentions of people, and it also muddles the insights that we’re supposed to take away. (I would have loved hearing God monologue about what’s going on in Jim’s head. I think it’d do a lot to make him seem less.... obnoxiously stupid.)
More than that, it brings up a reasonable potential plot point of: Where did God go? Why isn’t She present in the story? Even in her early appearance in the Job flashback, she doesn’t sound like the narrator for last season. After the first part of her speech (which Gabriel later quotes), her tone turns casual and condescending, which might line up with her being a bit of an asshole, it doesn’t line up with the whole “dealer of a mysterious card game who is always smiling”).
Also, I don’t think it’s safe to assume that nobody is telling the story either. Just because they’re not making their presence known doesn’t mean they aren’t there, and in a story like Good Omens, that’s concerning.
Wait, where's Satan?
Another person I saw while scrolling the tags pointed out that Satan is nowhere to be seen this season. He's really only mentioned in reference to a bet God made in Job, but then Crowley is the one on the ground causing mischief. There's no Hail Satan among demons (like Hastur and Ligur did at the start of S1).
That's might be because the writers didn't want us to think it was important (a la Hastur), but that feels off. Given that Satan speaks directly through the radio to Crowley in S1, complimenting him on his work, it's safe to say that he was at least aware of and involved in the goings-on in Hell. The fact that he wasn't even an worry for Beelzebub in abandoning their post? Feels weird.
(Also if you know where that post is, I'll happy credit + link)
What is Maggie?
Look, I love cute lesbians in love as much as the next queer, but I don't like Maggie. I don’t think she’s a person. Contextually, she’s a plot device, but I agree with That Essay that she might be an actual Plot Device.
Her characterization is simple and relatively shallow—a bit of an airhead, ray of sunshine that’s supposed to remind you of Aziraphale. When she describes her past to Nina, it’s almost robotic (also, her story implies it was Mr. Fell who first rented to her ancestor, not Mr. Fell’s great-grandfather like Nina implied). Her emotions are over-dramatic and seem to be turned on and off at random (scenes with her crying to Aziraphale about her woes had my “manipulator” senses going off for some reason).
When asked about a song, she not only IDs the song, its singer, and its year, but how and on what it was distributed. (Honestly thought this would’ve been something interesting, because she’s been pretty ditzy so far, it’d be interesting if she had like... an insane memory for music history.) And then she’s the one that sets Aziraphale on his little investigation by giving him the transformed records, while also planting the seed about her love troubles with Nina. Later, her advice to Crowley is... not awful, but feels insincere and a bit too forward, given her own self-proclaimed lack of relationship experience.
I don’t know what she is (a demon, hastur with amnesia in disguise, a literal plot device inserted by the current storyteller, etc...), but there’s something not right with her.
(Also the joke of “who listens to records anymore, it’s so old fashioned” just doesn’t land, lots of people buy records, and I’m saying this as somebody who has worked at a record store before.)
What's going on with Aziraphale?
There’s something Off about Aziraphale, and it’s not his choices at the end of the season. That makes total sense if you read him as somebody with severe religious trauma getting dragged back into the abusive system because other people need him and he’s been promised the ability to change things.
But I do think something is happening to his memory. Nearly all the flashbacks are from Aziraphale’s point of view and retelling, which means that they’re less reliable than God’s version of events in the previous season. Many of them don’t make logistical sense (post-church scene in 1941), depict Crowley as meaner or more sinister than we know he is, or frame events... weirdly. The scene with him trying food for the first time feels Really Bad, especially when the series has previously established that he’s a) prim and proper and b) his interest in food is one of the beautiful things that connect him to humanity, not some kind of gluttonous sin. Also he turns down alcohol.
Their meet-cute at the  start of the universe also doesn’t line up with their reactions to each other in Eden, or the fact that knowing each other Before has never come up or been hinted at anywhere ever. I don’t know what’s causing this to happen, only that Aziraphale repeatedly looks pensive when coming out of flashbacks, and Crowley is never there afterwards to corroborate said memories.
His actions also seem pretty inconsistent with what we know of him—i.e. I refuse to believe he would ever mistreat his books, even if they’re just old encyclopedias. Also, he feels a bit too...forceful in trying to get Nina and Maggie to fall in love? I mean, he didn’t exert that much direct influence on even Warlock, when he was actively hoping that the boy would turn out angelic rather than neutral.
I don’t think this removes his agency in that last decision, so much as explains how he was in such a vulnerable place at all. He still needs to apologize and fix things, because he messed up, and even if he hadn’t he still seriously hurt Crowley.
What's going on with Crowley?
There’s something Off about Crowley. The most obvious thing, of course, is his memories. At multiple points in the present day, characters state that they remember him or have met him before, only to be met with confusion. This is especially concerning given that he has a nigh photographic memory for faces (something mentioned in the book when he immediately IDs Mary Loquacious, 11 years after a 30 second conversation).
Overall, he seems to be better known by other supernatural entities this season, in ways that often tie him back to his angelic identity (i.e. saying they fought together in the war, Aziraphale stating he knew the angel he used to be, etc...). This doesn’t feel right, because S1 we see that Hell is largely apathetic towards his schemes, and definitely does not defer to him at any point in any capacity.
Then there’s the issue of his power level. It’s always been speculated that Crowley was a powerful angel prior to falling, when he mentions in S1 his involvement with star making, his seemingly unique ability to freeze time, and creating a pocket universe for Adam before the confrontation with Satan. He also has a tendency of breathing life into inanimate objects, like his plants or car. He also has the regular demonic skillset: miracles that can adjust physical appearance; the ability to change inanimate objects (like paintball guns into real guns); the ability to manifest clothing and similar items; and summon hellfire to his fingertips. This, plus the way he monologues to God with a degree of familiarity rather than reverence seems to indicate that he was Somebody Powerful and Important Before.
But in S2, his skills are significantly expanded upon. The miracle he and Aziraphale summon sets off alarms in heaven and hell, and it’s powerful enough to mask Gabriel from the Archangels. He summons a miniature sun to rain fire on Job, which is way bigger and flashier than anything we’ve seen him summon in S1. (If he needs fire, he alters the course of a dropping bomb, without creating one himself.)
Yet he’s able to cloak his presence so well he goes wholly unnoticed in heaven, or in front of heavenly agents on earth (i.e. the Job flashback). Muriel can’t clock him as a demon, or even as another supernatural being, despite their auras usually being pretty significant, such Aziraphale immediately sensing the archangels when they arrive.  He’s able to interfere with files that Muriel claimed required clearance (although I feel like that might just be a snark about Obeying Without Thinking? I would really need a Narrator to know.)
I might be misremembering, but I don’t think we’ve seen angels or demons transmogrify living beings before either. In the book, Crowley brings Aziraphale’s dove back to life after the failed magic show, and occasionally sinks ducks, but he doesn’t alter them? Not even Adam demonstrates that skill in S1. But he has no trouble turning Job’s children into lizards, however temporarily. Boy that would’ve been convenient during the flood. Or when the guard stopped then from getting to the air strip.
I might be misremembering, but I don’t think we’ve seen angels or demons transmogrify living beings before either. In the book, Crowley brings Aziraphale’s dove back to life after the failed magic show, and occasionally sinks ducks, but he doesn’t alter them? Not even Adam demonstrates that skill in S1. But he has no trouble turning Job’s children into lizards, however temporarily. Boy that would’ve been convenient during the flood. Or when the guard stopped then from getting to the air strip.
I don’t have any real issues with his characterization in the present day parts of S2, but there’s something weird happening with Crowley.
Where's all the people?
I really like a lot of the new characters, but how were there only like, 2.5 new humans named in the present day? Flashbacks don’t count bc the humans are all dead and can’t affect the story.
As much as I like Nina, she and Maggie don’t drive the story beyond being an occasional and awkwardly inserted plot contrivance? Both are actively robbed of their agency at several points, forced into situations that they could not have avoided or escaped. I’m not really sure what growth they’re expected to experience other than deciding not to date each other after everything. I literally can’t tell you anything about Nina other than that she remembers her regular’s orders, runs a coffee shop, and has a textbook abusive partner we never see. The only meaningful interactions they have are between those two, or in conversation with Aziraphale and Crowley.
Compare that to S1, where Anathema gets hit by Aziraphale and Crowley, but her primary relationships are with Newt, Adam, and Agnes Nutter (I think that counts as a relationship). We know that she’s got a wealthy family back in Puerto Rico, and that she was literally raised to save the world, and that she isn’t happy under all that pressure. Newt on the other hand is connected to not just Anathema, but Shadwell and Madame Tracy. He never even directly interacts with Aziraphale and Crowley. We know about his hobbies, his struggle to hold down a job, and his almost supernatural ability to destroy any electronics he touches. I don’t necessarily like how their relationship came together, but they were both very, very well fleshed out characters with unique backstories and goals. They weren’t just... waiting around to give Aziraphale and Crowley a new questline.
And while there’s no requirement to include a large cast of human characters that are exerting influence over the story, the lack of it is another aspect that makes this season feel not like Good Omens.
Also, it's just. Really weird to me that the events of S1 aren't really referenced at all? Like, Adam isn't mentioned, nor is Warlock. I don't expect them to keep track of the humans they met on the airfield for 20 minutes, but none of it is ever specifically referenced as far as I can tell, beyond Crowley threatening Gabriel. Like, I get that it's been a few years, but the pair caused a big enough disturbance that you'd expect some kind of ripples in their supernatural communities.
Promised by the Narrative (Obvious Chekhov's guns that I will be legitimately upset over if they do not go off)
A sincere apology from Aziraphale to Crowley that doesn't come with the expectation that Crowley will come back to him, but because he deserves an apology, even if the choices Aziraphale made were done with good intentions. Aziraphale does not expect forgiveness, and is shocked when Crowley grants it without hesitation.
A clear declaration of love from Aziraphale, which can't be rationalized away by either of them.
An "I'm Sorry" dance between Aziraphale and Crowley, but with greater sincerity and gravity. The most important piece is that they end up dancing together, which signifies a mutual apology and dedication to come together.
Since kissing is on the table, I expect an actual joyful, mutual kiss between these two assholes.
A shared cottage in South Downs.
Predictions/Theories (just some fun thoughts I've had)
When Adam declared that Satan was not his father, he didn't make himself not the antichrist, but accidentally crowned his human dad the King of Hell. Nobody knows this, because Adam doesn't have a good measure for "normal" supernatural situations, and Mr. Young because he's so "normal" that he explains away all the magical bullshit that's started going down.
When Adam declared that Satan was not his father, he erased Satan altogether. However, this left a vacuum in both power and reality. The defection of both Gabriel and Beelzebub only widens that crack. In an attempt to Fix things, reality is warping the story. Crowley has become leagues more powerful between S1 and S2, as the narrative is trying to force him into the role of his previous boss. Aziraphale is unknowingly being pulled into a similar version on the Other Side, perhaps to replace Gabriel or perhaps to replace God herself, who has been fairly absent in all this. The alterations to their memories or past have come about to keep the narrative running smoothly.
When the Metatron asks Nina whether anybody has ever asked for death, he was actually referring to Death, the sole remaining rider of the apocalypse.
If Maggie is indeed a Plot Device, it would be a fascinating exploration of Free Will to see her become aware of this (cue existential crisis), and then fall in love with Nina on her own terms, rather than because she was written that way.
Hastur will be back. Somehow.
The reason why S2 focuses so much on the supernatural characters is because S3 will be about how the events in S1 have changed the political landscape of heaven and hell. Angels are questioning their roles, demons are yearning for something more. It's scaring upper administration, and then the two most reliable folks in employment run away to alpha centauri. Recruiting Aziraphale and getting him back in line prevents him from becoming a martyr, control the range of his influence. The series reasserts its theme of choice and agency by highlighting that Aziraphale and Crowley aren't that special, they've just had the chance to live and grow, and that the others have free will too, if they want it.
The reason why they wanted to separate Aziraphale and Crowley, is not to get Aziraphale on his own, but to get Crowley on his own. He literally stopped time and made a pocket universe in front of Satan last season. He's powerful and dangerous and somebody wants to see that reigned in.
Wishlist (stuff I desperately want to see)
Crowley getting an audience with God and an opportunity to ask his questions, only to refuse to do so because he's found his own Answers and he no longer needs hers
Aziraphale and Crowley growing more into their book incarnations. Aziraphale becomes confident in his sense of morality, which he developed the hard way through millennia on earth besides humanity. He slowly learns what it means to be loved, unconditionally, but also is better at asserting and maintaining his boundaries. Crowley, still anxious and unwinding, works through his fear of abandonment, providing him opportunities to be kind and gentle and nurturing--all traits that he's aggressively hid since being a demon.
Hand holding. I know that Gaiman was referring to Ineffable Bureaucracy, but I still feel like we'd benefit from meaningful hand holding, especially since that got cut from the adaptation of the book.
Shifted focus away from the supernatural shenanigans, and back onto the humans that actually drive the story.
Cameos from S1 characters (if not a more substantial appearance).
The Four Other Riders of the Apocalypse.
Cursed Thoughts (why I shouldn't be allowed a social platform)
Ineffable Bureaucracy turns up in season 3 because Beelzebub got Gabriel pregnant somehow.
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