gatlocke · 30 days
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coquette xeno girly
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dop2nz · 1 year
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#Yeehawgust 2023: No particular prompt, just a wild idea... "Campfire."
"Ya know, Romulus, there's nothing like the smell of a roasting cowboy in the morning."
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thecampfirestory · 3 years
hay if ur comfy drawing rn can i see the romulus pretty please /not forced
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himb w his little dudes.........
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I saw that pic of the obsidian head hellhound and now I wanna know more bout them.
That's my character Jacqueline's pet hellhound, Romulus! :3 I don't draw him very often because I'm a dummy and gave him a feature that's difficult for me to draw lol
Jacqueline's had him since he was a pup, so of course he's particularly attached to and protective of her. If she doesn't like you, best believe he won't either. And if you threaten her...that's a one way ticket to getting your skull crushed between his teeth.
He's as big as a wolf and his fur is just as thick. Practically a walking space heater with how he radiates heat. I imagine him smelling like a campfire rather than like brimstone.
Very smart boi. He understands what's being said to him perfectly, though whether or not he wants to listen depends on who's talking haha. He can't speak, but he makes noises that sound remarkably like words. Including people's names.
like a lot of my characters, he looks scary and CAN be the terrifying harbinger of doom he appears to be...but he's also a big ol' baby and a Good Boi™
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poisonedapples · 4 years
Challenge mode: The Dragon Witch
I am >:( At you now because this is very hard
Favorite thing about them: They have a potty mouth and I appreciate that
Least favorite thing about them: They’re not a prominent character so that I guess
Favorite line: “Fuck you, Valerie!”
BrOTP: I feel like her and Remus would be good friends
OTP: The campfire AU makes me say Romulus and the Dragon Witch
NOTP: Most of them I guess??? I don’t ship the dragon witch with anyone
Random headcanon: The dragon witch is,,,,,,,punk as hell
Unpopular opinion: None I guess? I don’t read enough content with the dragon witch to have any opinions really dkshskshs
Song I associate with them: Uhhhhhh anything from the angry playlist Em gave me
Favorite picture of them: There are none dkshskshskshs there’s been some cool art though!
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cyberbattiee · 4 years
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Hello Ghouls, Ghosts and Themlins,
Today marks the first of many The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition videos! This video is a short slide show of a funny glitch we discovered while messing with mods on a test character. Check the video out here:
We’re currently testing Immersive Hunting, Divine Skins and bodies, Skyrim capes, Bandolier, Male Face Textures, Campfire, Hunterborn and a few other environment mods. 
This guy is named Romulus (Star Trek reference?) and his face likes to play Houdini with textures! Every time we move his mod around in our load order, we get a new face texture! He is a master hunter and comes from the mod Immersive Hunting. We’ve moved his mod to the very bottom of our load order and every which way we can think of and we still have this issue! If anyone has any idea on how to fix this glitch, please let us know!
Please don’t forget to leave us a like, a comment and subscribe to see more Skyrim! Thanks for watching and stay creepy!
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feely-touchy · 4 years
When I feel the eyes on me
I want to cover myself
Be a trapdoor spider
In jackets and hoodies
Jeans and blankets
Buried in a bed of dirty laundry
I'm only human
But I want to be a moonbeam
Brightest in the darkness
In your eyes
Caught in the spiderwebs of your life
No Beelzebub
Just fairy dust
Floating in the light
An open window
A view with a room
An open sky and a roof over your head
To leave
To fly
I want to be
For you
Acceptance and rebellion
Able to catch bugs in cups
Take them outside
Save skittering critters
Nurse the nestless birds
Be who I've always wanted
Never swallowing my own self-loathing
I want to do more than survive
I want to make homes everywhere
Acting as a handy hermit crab
Warm as campfires
Hardy as the human spirit
Brittle and breaking sometimes
But healing
A meeting place
Romulus and Remus
The wolf that raised them
A heart for creating
No matter what
The enduring need to feel alive
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categoricalglitches · 4 years
Romulan/Vulcan origins: “(…) long before our ancestors arrived on Vulcan”
Or:  the pointless overanalysis of a single, fourteen-word line no one has been waiting for.
At story time around the campfire in episode 10, Narek says the Romulan myth of Ganmadan is believed among the Zhat Vash to be a mythologized retelling of historical events (the last coming of the “über-synths”/‘Reapers’) and is said to “date back from long before our ancestors first arrived on Vulcan.” I’ve seen some interpretations of this line that I don’t think are borne out by its phrasing, which I will now analyze in gratuitous detail to argue the intended meaning/implication is that the Romulans believe Vulcan was not the ancestral home of the Vulcan species, and that is relatively common knowledge even in the Federation.
Production error I’ve read a few people thinking this was a simple production error, and Narek was supposed to have said “before our ancestors first left Vulcan” or something to that effect. I think that seems unlikely given the obvious meaning of this line; if it was in error, surely someone would have noticed somewhere in the process. The phrasings involved are too different to be that easily mixed up: “arrived on” would have to be entirely switched out for a different verb, and the ‘first’ seems out of place to me in the alternative version.
Maybe I’m underestimating the odds of something like this slipping through but I don’t remember any other errors on this scale happening in this season (there was the 16 years without an assimilation/14 years ago Ramdha wasn’t assimilated yet Borg cube discrepancy, but that could easily be chalked up to the days being Romulan days or something, and it’s much less significant). That’s not to say I think this season, and especially the two-part finale, didn’t have its fair share of missteps. It did, and IMO in the end it left a lot to be desired overall. I just don’t think this was a mistake.
Romulans think they’re the ‘original’ This can’t be the case, because Narek specifically says “our ancestors” and if he believed it was the Vulcans who split off from the Romulans, no Vulcans would have been his ancestors in the timeframe for the settlement of Vulcan after the split. His understanding of the settlement of Vulcan must therefore have involved the Vulcan species collectively, including the ancestors of those who would later leave Vulcan for Romulus, in order for him to accurately describe them as “our ancestors”.
Vulcans aren’t from Vulcan (according to the Romulans) It’s been suggested before that Vulcans may not be native to Vulcan. In the TOS episode “Return to Tomorrow” the Enterprise crew encounter a species who claim to have been the precursor species to humans and Vulcans several hundred thousand years ago (note timescale). Spock acknowledges that “would tend (…) to explain certain elements of Vulcan prehistory,” suggesting that there are known discrepancies, contradictions and/or gaps in, well, the knowledge and understanding of Vulcan prehistory (presumably in terms of anthropology, biology and so on) of a sort that could be explained by a non-native origin.
This line by Narek indicates that this is also the accepted belief among Romulans. If Narek knew or suspected this to be an understanding of history limited to the Zhat Vash, mentioning it would do nothing for his claim and you’d expect Elnor to have been surprised at hearing it. If it was accepted among Romulans but not common knowledge in the Federation, you’d expect the same for Rios and Raffi. Narek says it casually, as if it’s established history to him, and confidently, as if he’s expecting to be sharing known information with the others.
This indicates that this is common knowledge to all involved and the accepted view among Romulans—and it’s no surprise to the other three that Narek thinks that the Vulcans did not originate on Vulcan. He’s not introducing any new information here. That his ancestors at some point long ago first arrived on Vulcan from somewhere else isn’t at issue.
Narek says: some say it dates back from long before our ancestors first arrived on Vulcan, in response to Rios’ comment that it’s “an ancient myth”. He’s confirming that Ganmadan is said to be so unimaginably ancient that it predates the first thing the Romulans ‘know’ about their origins. This is the new information he tied to a previously-known, if not factually-established, event in the very distant past, the arrival of the pre-Vulcan Vulcan species to their new homeworld.
The time-depth implied by ‘long before’ (and ‘first’) furthermore seems to disqualify any alternative interpretations: by all accounts, the Vulcan/Romulan split is a relatively recent occurrence, dating back about 2000 years. We know the last time these ‘Reapers’ came around was several hundred thousand years ago. Establishing that the myth is ‘just’ a few thousand years old would not give it the necessary continuity gravitas. His point is that this myth is ancient, reportedly even much older (“from long before”) than the Vulcan species’ understanding of itself as (from) Vulcan.
What about the Vulcans? Now, obviously, there’s not much else here to go on. It’s a single, fourteen-word line somewhat supported by conjecture in an episode from another series. There are no hints as to what reasons the Romulans have for this belief and we have no idea of where they would have gotten to Vulcan from, either. It’s perfectly reasonable for Vulcan and Romulan perspectives on this matter to differ, and for Vulcans to consider Vulcan their planet of origin even though the Romulans apparently do not. Perhaps it’s a fringe view among Vulcans today. It could have been an accepted view or legend at the time of the Vulcan/Romulan split that then fell (back) out of favor on Vulcan and was strengthened among the Romulans for whatever reason. Maybe there’s nothing to it after all and it was just a bit of mythologizing on the part of the departing Romulans that caught on too well and Vulcans actually totally are from Vulcan. But apparently there’s at least enough room for argument that, when confronted with a similar claim, Spock concedes it would explain “certain elements” in their history.
Of course, unless both things are true, and the Vulcan species emerged from Vulcan then left it in whole or in part for a significant amount of time only to eventually return (and to be fair, there are some ways I could see that working out), it doesn’t really make sense for this to be a mystery in-universe—surely genetic testing would easily determine whether Vulcans are ‘from’ Vulcan or not. It obviously hasn’t, or this wouldn’t be a debate, and I don’t have an answer for why that might be.  
 (I posted a version of this post on r/DaystromInstitute last week but I don’t want the streams of my accounts to cross, so.)
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chenria · 8 years
@mimikoflamemaker sent me several numbers to do for “all my girls”... so I am starting with one of them now.  And thank you so much for the ask, hon!! ♥
Estelle Trevelyan
(note: Romulus Hawke belongs to @gwyncath)
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know? Well... yes... the explosion of the Conclave for one thing... picking up an orb that turned her into the “Inquisitor” because people think she is some kind of chosen one... And yes, people do know ;)
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? When they were tossed into the Fade during the battle of Adamant. It was not just her who had to deal with the situation, but her friends as well. And Romulus Hawke. She had sworn to not bring him in any danger but she had failed. She had failed so badly. What if something was to happen to him? He needed to survive... She forced him to leave when the chance came, wouldn’t allow him to stay behind. Nothing of what happened was his fault. She would not sacrifice him. And yet, she was so afraid something might go wrong. That he wouldn’t make it... she didn’t care for her own life. All she cared was to get her friends and the man she loved out of the Fade.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? She had no relationships before she became Inquisitor. Estelle never thought she would be so lucky. Her biggest flaw is probably her insecurity... though Romulus seems to not care for it and decided to stick with her...
26. How does your character behave around children? She is kind of reserved around children. She doesn’t know how to approach them. But once she warms up to them and gets to know them she’s fun to play with. She sings with them and braids the hair of the girls and tells scary stories at the campfire. One day, when the world is safe again, she hopes to have one or two children of her own.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true? She dreamt to go on an adventure like her idol, the great Hero of Ferelden, who fought the Archdemon and found true love after an impossible journey. It sounded so exciting and heroic. That dream did somehow come true... but well... it turned out to be not as exciting and fun as she had hoped...
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? Depends on the threat. If the threats are brought to Skyhold she tends to remove the problem. If she is away and travels and encounters a problem there... well... something some things can’t be easily removed... sometimes it’s better to turn your back on some problems. But if innocents are in danger and need help... count her in to remove the problem.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? No... she was very close to her parents and lived a regularly sheltered life.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? It was actually pretty easy when Estelle realized she was in love. She never feared that Romulus might leave if she told him - that thought never occured her. Because when she realized that she loved him she just told him. It was one morning when they woke up together. She looked at him and just said “I love you”. Romulus is the first man who ever heard her say the three little words. And no other man will ever hear them from her.
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gregellner · 8 years
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Cover by Nelson Blake II.
Today I’ll be reviewing “Romulus” issue 3 by Bryan Hill and Nelson Blake II, published by Image Comics.
We open following the capture of Nicholas Franklin, Ph.D. by Achilles of the Ancient Order of Romulus. He is apparently in some kind of cell, in an orange jumpsuit. The way the dialogue is written around the page, it appears that Reagan Strauss, the Romulus agent from the previous issue, has been talking to him in an attempt to get him to work for her group. Given his irritated expression, her attempts don’t appear to be working.
Meanwhile, Ashlar and Sozo are on a plane, following the former’s agreement to work with the Illuminati to fight against Romulus. Sozo’s reaction to Ashlar’s obvious, unrelenting anger surprised me. “I’m not telling you to quiet your anger. I’m asking you to keep it. Keep it and learn what you can do with it.” This methodology is not unlike that of the Assassin Brotherhood, as I have mentioned before. Channeling emotion, rather than eliminating it, seems to be a better way to deal with less-than-cooperative members. This kind of behavior seems to run contrary to another organization in another media franchise: the Jedi of the Star Wars franchise, who look down upon outbursts of emotion to the point of eventually leading to the rise of the Galactic Empire by accident (best seen in “Episode III: Revenge of the Sith”).
Furthermore, I was amused by the words chosen by Sozo when describing what Ashlar is thinking, likely to the point of using her exact words, swears and all. Her wording makes me wonder if she is simply repeating Ashlar’s thoughts word-for-word, or if she is showing a more human side to herself that has a bit more vulgarity to it. For instance, she used the word “kinda” rather than splitting it into “kind of” when discussing Ashlar’s thought process, unlike her earlier, more refined and proper wording. Her words continue to be slightly less refined during the rest of the issue, such as using “yup,” rather than “yes,” making me believe that she is a lot less emotionless and more human than she came across as in the previous issue.
Eventually, the plane lands on a snowy plain on the southeast coast of Greenland, which serves as Ashlar’s location for the remainder of the issue. There appears to be a kind of encampment set up, including brick chimneys, tents, a large campfire, and an outhouse.
The training sessions with Caliban, Sozo’s apparent mentor (named for one of the main antagonists of William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”), make for the action-based part of this issue, and also serve to show us the elements of Ashlar’s combat style that need work. Her desire to push back at anything that pushes her will never work, both in a fight and in her planning. Instead, Caliban’s tutelage shows her that she needs to think about other options, such as using speed to overcome strength. Her teachings are actually somewhat similar to those of Batman of DC Comics fame. While she is forced to accept her anger and how it stems from her fear, she also realizes that she needed to reach that acceptance in order to move forward and learn not to be as scared. Only through this method would she begin to think of things bigger than herself, to learn to trust others to help her rather than be afraid of their failures and deaths. Caliban himself says it best: “You need to make friends with death. And grief. And guilt. Because they will all come to know you well.” I am unclear as to whether Ashlar is willing to admit to help from the forces of the Illuminati rather than only their training, but regardless she seems willing to go after Nicholas at the earliest opportunity, given her internalized guilt in response to his capture.
At Reagan’s base of operations in an unknown location, she talks to Achilles, who is shaping up to be a possible archenemy to Ashlar, punishing himself for not eliminating Ashlar by holding his hand over an open flame until told he can stop by Reagan. The two of them discuss the Illuminati, and it appears that the group used to be a part of the Ancient Order of Romulus itself. However, around the time of the Age of Revolution that took place between 1774 and 1848, the Illuminati broke off, more interested in revolution than order. They seem to have been involved in, if not responsible for, at least the American and French Revolutions. According to Achilles, “they are the weed in the garden of nations. The rot of culture.”
Achilles’ goal does not appear to be the execution of Ashlar after all. Instead, he seems to be intended to break her down until there is nothing left, so that Romulus can rebuild her once more. How this technique could possibly work when they have hunted her down to the point of being their last Wolf, let alone the fact that they have already murdered her mother, is unclear, but I assume that they know what they are doing.
Reagan’s next talk is with Nicholas. He seems to be less than cooperative for the obvious reason of his kidnapping and discussions with Ashlar. He is calm, yet somewhat vulgar, to the point of sticking up a middle finger at his apparent captor. She does not exactly instill confidence either, given she admits that she wants to create “the most powerful bomb in the history of civilization” by using pure fusion, with his nuclear physics expertise. Still, their conversation touches on a few nerves, including how his race and monetary situation (in her rather inelegant words, the fact that he is “brown and poor”) leave people less likely to give him the benefit of the doubt in terms of his prospects as a potential employee. She offers him money and likely fame, both attempts to appeal to his ambition in their own ways, and I remain unsure as to whether or not he is going to take these offers and make the explosive device, or whatever other kind of bomb is intended. Still, the way that she brings up these “disadvantages” (in her own words) leaves me wondering if there is really a true “evil” side to Romulus, or if the conflict remains order versus chaos only, with each organization having its moments of beneficial attitude such as her compassion, muddying the waters of the secret war somewhat.
One part of the talk made me chuckle. Nicholas finds the need to make sure that werewolves are, or are not, real when comparing them to the idea of pure fusion. In his own words, he is “trying to keep [his] mind open” to the possibilities of the supernatural. Considering that he realized that the Illuminati are real, as are psychics, it’s hard to blame him for thinking other myths are also possibly true. Reagan’s comment in response, how she’s never seen a werewolf as a way of joking around with him, leads me to believe she has something of a sense of humor, albeit one that is rarely shown.
On another note, I have to wonder if she means a literal bomb. Such a device does not seem to be the type that would be very useful to a covert organization such as the Ancient Order of Romulus, and appears to be far too dangerous and public. Perhaps they mean a more metaphorical bomb, such as a revelation of some kind to the world?
In Nicholas’ ruined apartment in downtown Los Angeles, Sozo has arrived, and is trying to find him. The window where Ashlar crashed in during the first issue is still broken, and there is trash lying around on the ground. All together, this leaves me thinking that nobody has come by since then. Sozo’s attempt to locate someone seems to be through a mixture of a kind of non-touch psychometry to connect to the individual through their possessions, and her own singing, especially her song lyrics “I have your body, but I want more.” For some reason, she seems to have not only extreme difficulties finding him, but seems to cry out in pain and even shed tears of her own in the process. Is something blocking her, is the location hard to find, or does she just normally have issues such as this? The answer remains somewhat unclear for the time being.
On the whole, this issue shows me why I like this series so much. I can’t wait until the next issue, coming January 25.
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webart-studio · 6 years
Telling Tales: How Storytelling Can Elevate Your Web site
Once we take a look at the perfect content material, it’s virtually all the time about telling a narrative: From memorable TV adverts that run like a romantic mini collection to stylish fashionable content material campaigns that draw on the person group for experiences, the straight narrative gives the form of emotional connection that builds an awesome model.
Web sites specifically can profit by putting storytelling and narrative strategies at their coronary heart: this enables an emotional connection the place in any other case the person is simply studying info on a display. If the organisation you’re working with already has a robust model story, and even their very own advertising division, they may seemingly be filled with concepts for compelling content material to go on the location; however even in the event you’re working with a small native enterprise or a start-up, you’ll be able to assist them by incorporating narrative strategies into their web site and inspiring them to develop a narrative.
Constructing a story for the enterprise or model you’re selling elevates an internet site from store window to firm headquarters. It locations the location on the centre of the enterprise’ drive for purchasers, and may even assist focus its personal targets and route. Naturally, narrative components are a wonderful means of incorporating textual content right into a web site for website positioning and different functions.
Everybody loves a narrative, so how may even fundamental websites incorporate narrative components that guarantee eyes keep on the web page a bit of longer?
Tales which can be genuine and impressed are arguably probably the most compelling and keep away from the pitfalls related to being caught out with a faux story, which, in lately of social media, will be deadly. And anyway, why look additional? Most enterprise have been based for a cause and their homeowners and employees are devoted to what they do. Encourage them to look inside, or simply get them to inform their story and determine current it.
  Discover the Firm’s Story
How did the corporate begin? What issues did the founders search to deal with? The inspiration fable stays as in style now as within the days of Romulus and Remus, and is equally efficient for long-standing conventional manufacturers as it’s with various and moral start-ups.
Swiss watchmakers and Belgian brewers like to promote their medieval craft origins. Then again, new organisations can faucet into a way of pleasure and entrepreneurship with real private tales that make the founders the celebrities of the model.
Historically that is executed by way of the ‘about’ part, like in style eyewear model Warby Parker. Or by way of a compelling collection of blogs highlighting the founder’s ardour for the trigger, similar to US recruitment start-up Zaphire, which has been highlighting proprietor Divan’s journey from Indian childhood to American entrepreneur.
  Faucet into the Neighborhood
Due to social media, it’s simpler than ever to work together with a enterprise’ buyer base and draw out their tales. How do they use the services or products? How has the organisation improved their lives? There are numerous nice examples of contemporary manufacturers constructed solely on what their prospects say about them. Airbnb, the web agency that hyperlinks householders with house to lease and travellers needing a room, is nothing with out these twin person bases. The corporate made their very human experiences of sharing a house right into a compelling content material marketing campaign.
On an easier degree, a very good set of shopper case research fulfils the identical perform for a B2B focused web site. Case research provide the dual advantages of illustrating the services or products and confirming success; they’re nice for website positioning and doubtlessly enable a enterprise to do a little bit of cross promoting or social media work with their purchasers. What’s to not like? A pleasant set of case research is a straightforward means to enhance a boring web site that struggles for copy as a result of the services or products is technical and business-oriented: it’s additionally an excellent up-sell for an online designer.
  Get Sporty or Be a part of the Battle
Massive manufacturers piggyback on tales by shopping for into the success of a sports activities star or superstar—that’s seemingly out of your shopper’s funds and past your scope as an online designer. Nonetheless, in case your shopper sponsors a neighborhood children’ soccer staff, that narrative is a minimum of as highly effective to their viewers as something Roger Federer can convey you, so get a web page constructed and ensure it’s prominently displayed, with appropriate photos of the completely happy kids, and some selection phrases to inform their story.
Lately huge manufacturers have additionally adopted a parallel tactic that be an effective way to get your model seen, and that’s to champion a trigger. Nonetheless, right here authenticity actually is essential and solely an actual relationship will yield a viable story. Take Nike’s Equality marketing campaign: it options ladies and athletes of color. The location itself has developed with the marketing campaign: it initially featured a video telling the story of tennis star Serena Williams.
On the face of it, it appears a dangerous technique—company America attempting to piggyback on the struggle for race and gender equality. But it surely works as a result of Nike has constructed career-long relationships with athletes, and has a observe report: its minute-long tribute to Michael Jordan on his retirement continues to be lauded as a masterpiece in storytelling as advert.
A cause-based method will attraction to moral companies, and naturally will probably be a pure match to any charity’s web site.
  Simply Inform a Story
Regardless of the pitfalls, it’s doable to easily promote a model primarily based on a fictional story. Offering that is clear, the method will not be ‘unauthentic’. The truth is, in the event you do it properly and construct upon it, your model can develop into strongly linked to the fictional characters you created. Take Swiss model Nescafé’s Gold Mix couple: the adverts that includes a person and a girl regularly bonding and flirting over a cup of espresso have been so in style in Britain within the 80s and 90s, that the corporate continues to be related to them, and was in a position to revive the collection years later to present its model a lift.
Maybe surprisingly in an age the place authenticity is lauded and demanded, even faux basis tales will be profitable. On its menus, the restaurant chain Frankie & Benny’s carries a fictitious story of one of many eponymous founders leaving his native Sicily on the age of 10 and dealing within the household restaurant in New York’s Little Italy: arguably, that is simply a part of the chain’s cosy and family-friendly theme, and the tall story doesn’t seem on the corporate web site.
Then again, the clothes model Hollister confronted a little bit of a client backlash after it grew to become publicly identified that John M Hollister was a made-up founder whose story supported the 1920s California-style branding. The model—truly based by mum or dad firm Abercrombie & Fitch in 2000—rode out the controversy however has regularly moved away from the story, and even the sepia tint to its images has now gone.
If nothing dramatic is forthcoming, it’s higher to construct a story web site on comparatively little. A way of place will be sufficient: everybody comes from someplace, and in every single place has a narrative. This gin distillery in the midst of Scottish whisky nation has constructed a wonderful web site primarily based on the inspiring pure surroundings on its residence island of Mull. It’s a very good instance of how narratives don’t should be wordy: certainly, they are often very visible and slot in with the rules of fashionable minimalist web site writing.
  The Energy of Storytelling
Maybe it isn’t shocking that storytelling is such a robust software for advertising and model constructing: people have been described as ‘story-telling animals’, whose skill to construct a compelling narrative has been instrumental within the rise of civilization. Primitive societies would have cast widespread bonds over campfire tales, and these regularly morphed into the epic tales that underpinned early faith and nationhood.
Within the fashionable world, the Web has very positively supplanted the campfire, however individuals are nonetheless circling round in search of a story to take heed to. Typically, all you want is the narrative approach: This New Zealand vineyard’s award-winning web site has all the weather you’ll affiliate with an ordinary method, however is ready up in order that the customer scrolls by way of a collection of images and captions. Typically, it’s all within the telling…
Supply hyperlink
source https://webart-studio.com/telling-tales-how-storytelling-can-elevate-your-web-site/
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iyarpage · 6 years
Telling Tales: How Storytelling Can Elevate Your Website
When we look at the very best content, it’s almost always about telling a story: From memorable TV adverts that run like a romantic mini series to sophisticated modern content campaigns that draw on the user community for experiences, the straight narrative provides the kind of emotional connection that builds a great brand.
Websites in particular can benefit by placing storytelling and narrative techniques at their heart: this allows an emotional connection where otherwise the user is just reading information on a screen. If the organisation you are working with already has a strong brand story, or even their own marketing department, they will likely be full of ideas for compelling content to go on the site; but even if you’re working with a small local business or a start-up, you can help them by incorporating narrative techniques into their site and encouraging them to develop a story.
Building a narrative for the business or brand you are promoting elevates a website from shop window to company headquarters. It places the site at the centre of the business’ drive for customers, and can even help focus its own goals and direction. Naturally, narrative elements are an excellent way of incorporating text into a site for SEO and other purposes.
Everyone loves a story, so how can even basic sites incorporate narrative elements that ensure eyes stay on the page a little longer?
Stories that are authentic and inspired are arguably the most compelling and avoid the pitfalls associated with being caught out with a fake story, which, in these days of social media, can be fatal. And anyway, why look further? Most business were founded for a reason and their owners and staff are dedicated to what they do. Encourage them to look within, or just get them to tell their story and figure out how to present it.
Find the Company’s Story
How did the company start? What problems did the founders seek to address? The foundation myth remains as popular now as in the days of Romulus and Remus, and is equally effective for long-standing traditional brands as it is with alternative and ethical start-ups.
Swiss watchmakers and Belgian brewers love to advertise their medieval craft origins. On the other hand, new organisations can tap into a sense of excitement and entrepreneurship with genuine personal stories that make the founders the stars of the brand.
Traditionally this is done through the ‘about’ section, like popular eyewear brand Warby Parker. Or through a compelling series of blogs highlighting the founder’s passion for the cause, such as US recruitment start-up Zaphire, which has been highlighting owner Divan’s journey from Indian childhood to American entrepreneur.
Tap into the Community
Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to interact with a business’ customer base and draw out their stories. How do they use the product or service? How has the organisation improved their lives? There are many great examples of modern brands built entirely on what their customers say about them. Airbnb, the internet firm that links homeowners with space to rent and travellers needing a room, is nothing without these twin user bases. The company made their very human experiences of sharing a home into a compelling content campaign.
On a simpler level, a good set of client case studies fulfils the same function for a B2B targeted website. Case studies offer the twin benefits of illustrating the product or service and confirming success; they are great for SEO and potentially allow a business to do a bit of cross advertising or social media work with their clients. What’s not to like? A nice set of case studies is an easy way to improve a boring website that struggles for copy because the product or service is technical and business-oriented: it’s also an ideal up-sell for a web designer.
Get Sporty or Join the Struggle
Big brands piggyback on stories by buying into the success of a sports star or celebrity—that’s likely out of your client’s budget and beyond your scope as a web designer. However, if your client sponsors a local kids’ soccer team, that narrative is at least as powerful to their audience as anything Roger Federer can bring you, so get a page built and make sure it’s prominently displayed, with suitable pictures of the happy youngsters, and a few choice words to tell their story.
Recently big brands have also adopted a parallel tactic that be a great way to get your brand noticed, and that is to champion a cause. However, here authenticity really is key and only a real relationship will yield a viable story. Take Nike’s Equality campaign: it features women and athletes of colour. The site itself has evolved with the campaign: it originally featured a video telling the story of tennis star Serena Williams.
On the face of it, it seems a risky strategy—corporate America trying to piggyback on the fight for race and gender equality. But it works because Nike has built career-long relationships with athletes, and has a track record: its minute-long tribute to Michael Jordan on his retirement is still lauded as a masterpiece in storytelling as advert.
A cause-based approach will appeal to ethical businesses, and of course will be a natural fit to any charity’s website.
Just Tell a Tale
Despite the pitfalls, it is possible to simply promote a brand based on a fictional story. Providing this is clear, the approach is not ‘unauthentic’. In fact, if you do it well and build upon it, your brand can become strongly linked to the fictional characters you created. Take Swiss brand Nescafé’s Gold Blend couple: the adverts featuring a man and a woman gradually bonding and flirting over a cup of coffee were so popular in Britain in the 80s and 90s, that the company is still associated with them, and was able to revive the series years later to give its brand a boost.
Perhaps surprisingly in an age where authenticity is lauded and demanded, even fake foundation stories can be successful. On its menus, the restaurant chain Frankie & Benny’s carries a fictitious story of one of the eponymous founders leaving his native Sicily at the age of 10 and working in the family restaurant in New York’s Little Italy: arguably, this is just part of the chain’s cosy and family-friendly theme, and the tall tale doesn’t appear on the company website.
On the other hand, the clothing brand Hollister faced a bit of a consumer backlash after it became publicly known that John M Hollister was a made-up founder whose story supported the 1920s California-style branding. The brand—actually founded by parent company Abercrombie & Fitch in 2000—rode out the controversy but has gradually moved away from the story, and even the sepia tint to its photos has now gone.
If nothing dramatic is forthcoming, it is better to build a narrative website on relatively little. A sense of place can be enough: everyone comes from somewhere, and everywhere has a story. This gin distillery in the middle of Scottish whisky country has built a beautiful website based on the inspiring natural environment on its home island of Mull. It’s a good example of how narratives don’t have to be wordy: indeed, they can be very visual and fit in with the principles of modern minimalist website writing.
The Power of Storytelling
Perhaps it is not surprising that storytelling is such a powerful tool for marketing and brand building: humans have been described as ‘story-telling animals’, whose ability to build a compelling narrative has been instrumental in the rise of civilization. Primitive societies would have forged common bonds over campfire tales, and these gradually morphed into the epic tales that underpinned early religion and nationhood.
In the modern world, the Internet has very definitely supplanted the campfire, but people are still circling around looking for a tale to listen to. Sometimes, all you need is the narrative technique: This New Zealand winery’s award-winning website has all the elements you would associate with a standard approach, but is set up so that the visitor scrolls through a series of pictures and captions. Sometimes, it’s all in the telling…
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} Telling Tales: How Storytelling Can Elevate Your Website published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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webbygraphic001 · 6 years
Telling Tales: How Storytelling Can Elevate Your Website
When we look at the very best content, it’s almost always about telling a story: From memorable TV adverts that run like a romantic mini series to sophisticated modern content campaigns that draw on the user community for experiences, the straight narrative provides the kind of emotional connection that builds a great brand.
Websites in particular can benefit by placing storytelling and narrative techniques at their heart: this allows an emotional connection where otherwise the user is just reading information on a screen. If the organisation you are working with already has a strong brand story, or even their own marketing department, they will likely be full of ideas for compelling content to go on the site; but even if you’re working with a small local business or a start-up, you can help them by incorporating narrative techniques into their site and encouraging them to develop a story.
Building a narrative for the business or brand you are promoting elevates a website from shop window to company headquarters. It places the site at the centre of the business’ drive for customers, and can even help focus its own goals and direction. Naturally, narrative elements are an excellent way of incorporating text into a site for SEO and other purposes.
Everyone loves a story, so how can even basic sites incorporate narrative elements that ensure eyes stay on the page a little longer?
Stories that are authentic and inspired are arguably the most compelling and avoid the pitfalls associated with being caught out with a fake story, which, in these days of social media, can be fatal. And anyway, why look further? Most business were founded for a reason and their owners and staff are dedicated to what they do. Encourage them to look within, or just get them to tell their story and figure out how to present it.
Find the Company’s Story
How did the company start? What problems did the founders seek to address? The foundation myth remains as popular now as in the days of Romulus and Remus, and is equally effective for long-standing traditional brands as it is with alternative and ethical start-ups.
Swiss watchmakers and Belgian brewers love to advertise their medieval craft origins. On the other hand, new organisations can tap into a sense of excitement and entrepreneurship with genuine personal stories that make the founders the stars of the brand.
Traditionally this is done through the ‘about’ section, like popular eyewear brand Warby Parker. Or through a compelling series of blogs highlighting the founder’s passion for the cause, such as US recruitment start-up Zaphire, which has been highlighting owner Divan’s journey from Indian childhood to American entrepreneur.
Tap into the Community
Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to interact with a business’ customer base and draw out their stories. How do they use the product or service? How has the organisation improved their lives? There are many great examples of modern brands built entirely on what their customers say about them. Airbnb, the internet firm that links homeowners with space to rent and travellers needing a room, is nothing without these twin user bases. The company made their very human experiences of sharing a home into a compelling content campaign.
On a simpler level, a good set of client case studies fulfils the same function for a B2B targeted website. Case studies offer the twin benefits of illustrating the product or service and confirming success; they are great for SEO and potentially allow a business to do a bit of cross advertising or social media work with their clients. What’s not to like? A nice set of case studies is an easy way to improve a boring website that struggles for copy because the product or service is technical and business-oriented: it’s also an ideal up-sell for a web designer.
Get Sporty or Join the Struggle
Big brands piggyback on stories by buying into the success of a sports star or celebrity—that’s likely out of your client’s budget and beyond your scope as a web designer. However, if your client sponsors a local kids’ soccer team, that narrative is at least as powerful to their audience as anything Roger Federer can bring you, so get a page built and make sure it’s prominently displayed, with suitable pictures of the happy youngsters, and a few choice words to tell their story.
Recently big brands have also adopted a parallel tactic that be a great way to get your brand noticed, and that is to champion a cause. However, here authenticity really is key and only a real relationship will yield a viable story. Take Nike’s Equality campaign: it features women and athletes of colour. The site itself has evolved with the campaign: it originally featured a video telling the story of tennis star Serena Williams.
On the face of it, it seems a risky strategy—corporate America trying to piggyback on the fight for race and gender equality. But it works because Nike has built career-long relationships with athletes, and has a track record: its minute-long tribute to Michael Jordan on his retirement is still lauded as a masterpiece in storytelling as advert.
A cause-based approach will appeal to ethical businesses, and of course will be a natural fit to any charity’s website.
Just Tell a Tale
Despite the pitfalls, it is possible to simply promote a brand based on a fictional story. Providing this is clear, the approach is not ‘unauthentic’. In fact, if you do it well and build upon it, your brand can become strongly linked to the fictional characters you created. Take Swiss brand Nescafé’s Gold Blend couple: the adverts featuring a man and a woman gradually bonding and flirting over a cup of coffee were so popular in Britain in the 80s and 90s, that the company is still associated with them, and was able to revive the series years later to give its brand a boost.
Perhaps surprisingly in an age where authenticity is lauded and demanded, even fake foundation stories can be successful. On its menus, the restaurant chain Frankie & Benny’s carries a fictitious story of one of the eponymous founders leaving his native Sicily at the age of 10 and working in the family restaurant in New York’s Little Italy: arguably, this is just part of the chain’s cosy and family-friendly theme, and the tall tale doesn’t appear on the company website.
On the other hand, the clothing brand Hollister faced a bit of a consumer backlash after it became publicly known that John M Hollister was a made-up founder whose story supported the 1920s California-style branding. The brand—actually founded by parent company Abercrombie & Fitch in 2000—rode out the controversy but has gradually moved away from the story, and even the sepia tint to its photos has now gone.
If nothing dramatic is forthcoming, it is better to build a narrative website on relatively little. A sense of place can be enough: everyone comes from somewhere, and everywhere has a story. This gin distillery in the middle of Scottish whisky country has built a beautiful website based on the inspiring natural environment on its home island of Mull. It’s a good example of how narratives don’t have to be wordy: indeed, they can be very visual and fit in with the principles of modern minimalist website writing.
The Power of Storytelling
Perhaps it is not surprising that storytelling is such a powerful tool for marketing and brand building: humans have been described as ‘story-telling animals’, whose ability to build a compelling narrative has been instrumental in the rise of civilization. Primitive societies would have forged common bonds over campfire tales, and these gradually morphed into the epic tales that underpinned early religion and nationhood.
In the modern world, the Internet has very definitely supplanted the campfire, but people are still circling around looking for a tale to listen to. Sometimes, all you need is the narrative technique: This New Zealand winery’s award-winning website has all the elements you would associate with a standard approach, but is set up so that the visitor scrolls through a series of pictures and captions. Sometimes, it’s all in the telling…
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source from Webdesigner Depot http://bit.ly/2GsTVsW from Blogger http://bit.ly/2SCq4Ve
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thecampfirestory · 3 years
Remus: How much is a meter?
Romulus: 60cm.
Remus: 60?
Romulus: I think so?
Remus, at Roman: How much is a meter?
Roman: 100cm
Remus: 100?
Roman: Yeah.
Roman: Shit, is it?
Roman: Oh my god we're idiots. Mom knows
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – Archeological News From Around The World
Friday 31st August 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  I have always been fascinated by what Archeologists discover laying in the dirt beneath our feet, but, I am even more fascinated by what we humans leave behind, in the case of the Romans for example, they even left a villa behind when they left, now I have to admit, I have forgotten some things, glasses, key’s even a suitcase, but a villa?.. still their forgetfulness is our gain, and we can learn a lot from what they forgot… so I hope you enjoy what I have discovered this Friday morning, enjoy your day…
LARGE ROMAN VILLA UNCOVERED IN OXFORDSHIRE ENGLAND….  BANBURY, ENGLAND—A metal detectorist has teamed up with archaeologists from Oxford Archaeology to uncover a Roman villa dating to around A.D. 99, which measures 278 feet square, and may have  been as large as Buckingham Palace, Metro reports. The team believes the site may reveal one of the grandest Roman villas ever discovered in Britain. They have identified the building's bath complex, including tile from a hypocaust used to pipe in hot water, as well as evidence of a domed roof, a dining room, and kitchen areas. Artifacts unearthed include a coin depicting the mythological twins Romulus and Remus. Detectorist Keith Westcott says he was inspired to look for villa foundations in the area after learning that a local farmer had accidently plowed into the burial of a high-status woman, who is believed to have died in the third or fourth century A.D. Plans for comprehensive investigations at the site, possibly involving English Heritage and nearby universities, are under consideration.
COLD SPELLS MAY HAVE DOOMED NEANDERTHALS…. COLOGNE, GERMANY—According to an Associated Press report, a new study suggests that periods of cold, dry climate may have helped modern humans displace Neanderthals from Europe. Neanderthals died out around 40,000 years ago, just a few thousand years after Homo sapiens arrived in Europe. Scientists have proposed a number of explanations, including an epidemic that targeted Neanderthals and competition for scarce resources. The new study draws on previously available data along with new findings on the ancient climate from two caves in Romania. It focuses on two cold, dry periods: One beginning around 44,000 years ago and lasting 1,000 years, and another beginning around 40,800 years ago and lasting 600 years. Both climate events coincided with the disappearance of Neanderthal artifacts and the appearance of signs of modern humans in sites in the Danube River valley and France. Climate shift would have likely replaced forest with shrub-filled grassland, to which modern humans may have been better adapted than Neanderthals. “Whether they moved or died out, we can’t tell,” said Michael Staubwasser of the University of Cologne in Germany.
CAPE COD DIG REVEALS 17TH-CENTURY SETTLEMENT…. CHATHAM, MASSACHUSETTS—Wicked Local reports that archaeologists are excavating what they believe is the site of a seventeenth-century homestead on Cape Cod's southeastern tip. The site dates to 1656 and was once home to English settlers William and Anne Nickerson, who are considered the founders of Chatham. The team, directed by Craig Chartier of the Plymouth Archaeological Rediscovery Project, has uncovered a number of seventeenth-century artifacts on land adjacent to the town's 1829 Caleb Nickerson Homestead, including Native American and European ceramics, pipe fragments, window glass, pieces of flint, and what Chartier believes is a fragment from a sharpening wheel. Perhaps most importantly, they have also identified one of the building's hearths, which, along with postholes and foundation remains can help determine the orientation and footprint of the original structure. According to Chartier, the house was at least 36 feet long by 18 feet wide and might have even been larger. He now plans to excavate more of the property to determine whether it also included a cellar, barn, or other outbuildings.
EARLY ROMAN SETTLEMENT DISCOVERED IN YORKSHIRE…. YORK, ENGLAND—Silver coins dating back 2,000 years that were unearthed by metal detectorists in 2015 have led archaeologists to one of the earliest Roman settlements in northern Britain, according to a report in The Guardian. “All the coins date back to the time of the emperor Vespasian [A.D. 69-79], when the Romans marched north and established a center at York,” says project manager Lisa Westcott Wilkins. The team has uncovered evidence that the settlement was the home of high-status families, including more silver coins, decorated ceramic bowls and amphoras that would have held imported wine, as well as an infant buried with a small brooch. They also identified postholes, foundation trenches, and the possible remnants of one or two villas. The location of the site is currently being withheld to protect it from looters. “We have many settlements from later periods—3rd and 4th centuries—but this one is much earlier and much higher status,” Wilkins says. “This is why it is so rare.”
VIKING TOWN WAS AN IMMIGRANT MECCA….  STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN—Analysis of human remains from the Viking town of Sigtuna dating to the tenth to twelfth century finds that at least half the population consisted of immigrants, according to a report in The Local. Researchers from Stockholm University studied DNA and strontium isotopes from the remains of 38 people to determine where they originated. They found that around half came from the nearby Lake Mälaren area, but the other half came from areas as far off as Ukraine and the British Isles. The evidence suggests that Sigtuna was the Viking Age equivalent of London or Shanghai today, says Anders Götherström of Stockholm University, a place that attracted ambitious people interested in working their way up in the world. Sigtuna was one of Sweden’s first cities, founded in 980, and soon reached a population of 10,000, roughly the same as London at the time. Maja Krzewinska of Stockholm University points out that the Vikings are generally thought of as travelers and adventurers, but the new findings suggest they also played host to those who came from afar.
ANCIENT KANGAROO FEAST FOUND IN AUSTRALIA…. PILBARA REGION, AUSTRALIA—According to an Australian Broadcasting Corporation report, a cave in northwestern Australia has yielded evidence of a campfire and kangaroo feast that may date back 20,000 years. Charcoal from the fire pit will be radiocarbon dated to confirm its age. Stone tools and flakes found near the charcoal may have been used to butcher the kangaroo. “We’ll have to have a look at them under the microscope, but they are the pieces that people were using at the site,” said Michael Slack of Scarp Archaeology. Traditional land owner Garren Smith said stories about the cave have been passed down through the generations. “It’s good that they are doing this and getting the records, having a look at how old things are,” he said.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the archeological news from around the world this, morning… …
Our Tulips today are so beautiful…..
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Friday 31st August 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #Archeology #History #Spain #News
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plymouthrockquotes · 6 years
Charles Sumner, A Finger Pointed from Plymouth Rock: Remarks at the Plymouth Festival, 1853
Page 4: From the tears and trials at Delft haven, from the deck of the “Mayflower,” from the landing at Plymouth Rock, to the Senate of the United States, is a mighty contrast, covering the whole spaces of history, hardly less than from the wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus to that Roman Senate which, on curule chairs, swayed Italy and the world. From these obscure beginnings of poverty and weakness, which you now piously commemorate, and on which all our minds naturally rest today, you bid us leap to that marble Capitol, where thirty-one powerful republics, bound in indissoluble union, a Plural Unit, are gathered together in legislative body, constituting a part of One Government, which, stretching from ocean to ocean, and counting millions of people beneath its majestic rule, surpasses far in wealth and mighty any government of the Old World when the little band of Pilgrims left it, and now promises to be a clasp between Europe and Asia, bringing the most distant places near together, so that there shall be no more Orient or Occident. It were interesting to dwell on the stages of this grand procession; but it is enough on this occasion merely to glance at them and pass on. Page 5: Sir, it is the Pilgrims that we commemorate today; not the Senate. For this moment, at least, let us tread underfoot all pride of empire, all exultation in our manifold triumphs o industry, of science, of literature, with all the crowding anticipations of the vast untold Future, that we may reverently bow before the forefathers. The day is theirs. In the contemplation of their virtue we shall derive a lesson, which, like truth, may judge us sternly; but, if we can really follow it, like truth, it shall make us free. For myself, I accept the admonitions of the day. It may teach us all never, by word or act, although we may be few in numbers or alone, to swerve from those primal principles of duty, which, from the landing at Plymouth Rock, have been the life of Massachusetts. Let me briefly unfold the lesson; though to the discerning soul it unfolds itself. Page 10: And yet these men, with such sublime endurance and such lofty faith, are among those who are sometimes called “Puritan knaves” and “knaves-Puritan,” and who were branded by King James as the “very pests in the Church and Commonwealth.” The small company of our forefathers became the jest and give of fashion and power. The phrase “men of one idea” had not been invented then; but, in equivalent language, they were styled “the pinched fanatics of Leyden.” A contemporary poet and favorite of Charles the First, Thomas Carew, lent his genius to their defamation. A masque, from his elegant and careful pen, was performed by the monarch and his courtiers, wherein the whole plantation of New England was turned to royal sport. The jeer broke forth in the exclamation, that it had “purged more virulent humors from the politic bodies than guaiacum and all the West Indian drugs from the natural bodies of the kingdom.” And these outcasts, despised in their own day by the proud and great, are the men whom we have met in this goodly number to celebrate; not for any victory of war; not for any triumph of discovery, science, learning, or eloquence; not for worldly success of any kind. How poor are all these things by the side of that divine virtue which made them, amidst the reproach, the obloquy, and the hardness of the world, hold fast to Freedom and Truth! Sir, if the honors of this day are not a mockery; if they do not expend themselves in mere selfish gratulation; if they are a sincere homage to the character of the Pilgrims, — and I cannot suppose otherwise, — then is it well for us to be here. Standing on Plymouth Rock, at their great anniversary, we cannot fail to be elevated by their example. We see clearly what it has done for the world and what it has done for their fame. No pusillanimous soul here today will declare their self-sacrifice, their deviation from received opinions, their unquenchable thirst for liberty, an error or illusion. From gushing multitudinous hearts we now thank these lowly men that they dared to be true and brave. Conformity or compromise might, perhaps, have purchased for them a profitable peace, but not peace of mind; it might have secured place and power, but not response; it might have opened a present shelter, but not a home in history and in men’s hearts till time shall be no more. All will confess the true grandeur of their example, while, in vindication of a cherished principle, they stood alone, against the madness of men, against the law of the land, against their king. Better be the despised Pilgrim, a fugitive for freedom, than the halting politician, forgetful of principle, “with a Senate at his heels.” Page 11: Such, sir, is the voice from Plymouth Rock, as it salutes my ears. Others may not hear it. But to me it comes in tones which I cannot mistake. I catch its words of noble cheer:— “New occasions teach new duties; Time makes ancient good uncouth; They must upward still and onward, who would keep abreast of Truth: Lo, before us gleam her campfires! we ourselves must Pilgrims be, Launch our Mayflower, and steer boldly though the desperate winter sea.”
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