#can i just like. rewind the last 30 minutes please. and play it over and over again.
lululeighsworld · 4 months
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dollycas · 10 days
Sunday Salon / Sunday Post – A Week in the Life of Dollycas – Weekly Rewind – New Arrivals
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The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an informal week-in-review gathering place for bloggers. It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature. You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz. The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE! What a week! On Tuesday we had thunderstorms move through all day. About 8:30 p.m. we lost power, along with most of the city. Mr. Dollycas and I whipped out our Kindles and read while we listened to the wind, rain, and the tornado sirens. You see, we are the type of people that usually go outside to look at the sky rather than try to get our disabled selves to the basement. Before he went to bed he took a quick look outside, saw some leaves scattered in the driveway but that was all. Then at 2:11 a.m. (I looked at my phone) I was awakened by a strange noise. I made my way to the kitchen door to see flashing lights and 3 utility trucks in our driveway. The strange noise was chainsaws. Our neighbor had a huge tree that may have been struck by lightning because it split. Part went on their roof and the other half fell into a power pole in their backyard. When their power pole fell the wires pulled on our power pole breaking it off about 3/4 up and the piece got tangled in a tree right next to our driveway. The crews worked all night and the next day cutting trees and branches, pulling out our power pole, removing the neighbors, putting in new poles, and running new power lines. Water and Light employees from nearby towns, including our home town brought their trucks and equipment to help. I was surprised to see my nephew and his crew in our neighbor's yard. Our power was restored at about 3:30 on Wednesday afternoon. We were pleased to see that the city had Spectrum on standby to get those services back. About two hours later we thought we were good to go but the technician did a shoddy job. Instead of running new lines like everyone expected he just spliced the cut lines. Our internet and cable kept dropping all night making us reboot the system. Thursday it was more of the same and so frustrating. After our early morning call to Spectrum on Friday a wonderful tech arrived about 90 minutes later. He was not happy about what the previous tech had done at all. He quickly ran two new lines so that we are no longer sharing with our upstairs neighbors. (The issue we had been having for over a year.) He ran new wiring from the outside box to the box in the basement. Then he took the time to check out all our equipment, the modem, the router, each cable box and television, and even adding new wiring so that our computers run better, (taking out the splice which was done after we moved here). He even took time to set up my television remote to make it easier for me. So I lost quite a bit of computer time last week. I had to move the review I intended to post on Thursday, Death by Chocolate Raspberry Scones by Sarah Graves to this week Friday and I will be using today and the holiday tomorrow to catch up on several things. Remi's first baseball game of the season was canceled Wednesday night because the fields were flooded so we stayed in town to watch Thomas play again. He does so well and can really hit that ball and run those bases. His fielding improves every inning. All the boys do a great job being just 6 and 7. They only play 4 innings and usually, everyone gets to bat every inning. They are so much fun to watch and the time passes so fast. After two crazy days, sitting in the park with Son #2 and his family was just what we needed. This little peanut, granddaughter Athena, had fun at the game too. I forgot to share last week. Charlotte had her school field trip. My dad was a fire chief and Mr. Dollycas was a firefighter when our kids were small so this picture touched my heart. They had a ton of fun things for the kids to do at the children's museum and her mom took lots of great pictures. How was your week? Weekly Rewind - May 20 - 25, 2024 Monday - My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #21 – 2024 Tuesday - BOOK BLAST! Audio Book – Grounds for Murder: Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries by Lena Gregory – Read by Eleanor McCormick @lenagregory Plus - Black Crow Cabin (Logan Sisters Thrillers) by Peggy Webb #Review Wednesday - Cozy Wednesday featuring A Pose Before Dying (A Cat Yoga Mystery) by Alex Erickson #Review / #Giveaway @KensingtonBooks @alexericksonbooks Thursday - No Post - Power Outage  Friday - #FlashbackFriday – And Then There’s Margaret: “A Laugh Out Loud Family Dramedy” by Carolyn Clarke #Review / #Giveaway Plus - Special Guest Carol Ann Collins – Author of The Seafarer’s Secret #AuthorInterview / #Giveaway – Great Escapes Book Tour @authorcarolanncollins Saturday - Ghost Cat at the Mystery Hotel (A Tenth Life Cozy Mystery) by Mollie Hunt #Spotlight / #Giveaway Great Escapes Book Tour @MollieHuntCats Enjoy the long weekend! Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent Read the full article
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petitelepus · 3 years
His Beloved And More, Part 9 FINAL
Brainstorm tries his last chance to unite with you.
Quick thank you for all you Readers who liked my dark love story! This was a pleasure to post and I’ll focus on my “Detroit Become Human” story, alongside with the requests!
Happy Midsummer everyone! <3
"Tell me Rodimus, why you wanted us to visit this trader comet?" Megatron asked from his co-captain who was munching on a rust stick. The bright red mech glanced at the former warlord and shrugged. "No clue. Brainstorm told us that he had to pick something up from there."
"He has been down lately. More than usual after the liaison's demise." Megatron pointed out and Rodimus picked another stick. "What do you want me to do about it, he hasn't left his habsuite other than to work, and even then he has been playing with lab rats."
"How do you know this and why wasn't I informed?"
Rodimus shrugged, "Didn't know you cared?"
"That I don't care about a mech who build a time machine in order to alter the timeline and possibly kill me in favor of saving a mech he had a crush on? Rodimus, what do you think he would do if he lost a lover, not a crush!"
Rodimus stared at Megatron quietly and after a minute he bit his rust stick. "Scrap. That didn't cross my mind."
"Of course it didn't..."
On the trader comet, Figaro 19-4, Brainstorm had left the crewmates and friends that had insisted on joining him on what appeared like any normal shopping spree, but it was more to the brilliant scientist. When Nautica and Rewind dragged others to look at the alien pets in the display window, Brainstorm left the group and sneaked into the dark alleys of the trader comet.
The flyer looked around, reading the virtual map he had gotten from the darknet, and followed the trail until he stood before a shady door. Brainstorm inserted the key chip he had gotten when he had first shown interest in making a deal with this mech and the door slid open, revealing a wine red con with yellow optics.
"You SpaceBrainiac?" The con asked and the scientist nodded. "That would be me. You must be CopperJack."
"Yeah. You came alone, right?" Jack asked as he looked around the alley as he ushered Brainstorm inside before closing and locking the door.
Ultra Magnus, Rodimus, and Megatron stared at the scene unfolding before their optics at Swerve's bar. Everyone had gathered around this table in the middle of the room and they were shooting questions left and right at this new mysterious femme that none of them had seen before.
Rodimus blinked and rubbed his optics before taking another look like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. A sleek femme bot that had a black and lilac paint job, the yellow cockpit on her chest, wings sprouting from her back, and glasses close to Rung's own over her crimson optics. What Rodimus and others couldn't believe was the similarity.
"She is like a spitting image of liaison," Rodimus whispered, and Megatron and Ultra Magnus nodded beside him. The similarity was almost eery. Suddenly Brainstorm noticed the three mechs and excused him and the femme from the gawking Autobots and friends to bring her to captains and Ultra Magnus.
"Captains and Magnus, I would love to introduce Lunarwing to you!" Brainstorm cheered and pointed at you, "She would love to join our crew if that is okay with you captains!"
"Depends..!" Rodimus scowled and looked at her suspiciously. "Were you a Decepticon who had a change of Spark and are now looking for a meaning all around the universe?"
"Not as far as I can remember." You replied and the Autobots glanced at each other before looking at you again. "You don't know if you were Decepticon or Autobot?"
"Oh no, I remember being in war... I just can't recall my position..." You murmured but then you brightened up and wrapped your arms around Braintorm's arm. "But I remember Brainstorm and how he makes me feel safe!"
The flier followed the Decepticon into the dark halls until they came to an open space, filled with rows and rows of Cybertroanians' frames in comatose. Jack laughed and motioned the scientist to approach them. "You came for a living sex doll, didn't you? Well, here is my warehouse! Take a look if you want, they're all first-class frames!"
"So you said all these bots and cons are prisoners from the time during the war?" Brainstorm asked as he took in the frames frozen in time and tried one's servos. They showed no signs of being damaged or treated badly. They were as good as the day they were back then when they were shipped into front lines.
"Well, after my squad got there it became 'lost in war'." The con revealed and laughed, "They were captured by high ranking Decepticons and trusted my squad to take them to Grindcore. You know, the prison camp? Ever heard of it?"
How could he had not heard of it? It was the very same camp they took his beloved Quark to. Brainstorm grunted, memories of his beloved hunting him, just like memories of you did. The scientist nodded grimly. "I've heard of it."
"Honestly, I did these guys a favor! That camp was a deathtrap! Now they can live!"
"As someone's sex doll?" Brainstorm asked and glanced at the con. The violet mech shrugged and stopped smiling. "Life is tough. It doesn't matter if they are aware of it. Now, are you picking one or should I kick you out?"
There was a clear warning in the mech's tone that Brainstorm didn't miss. The flier shook his head and the con grinned again. "No harm, no foul. Pick one that pleases the optic most."
Brainstorm nodded and walked down the lines of war prisoners. He looked at each one carefully, but none were pleasing him as he would have liked to. Too tall, too small, too thin, too thick. Nothing pleased him enough to buy... Until he came upon this gorgeous femme's frame and when he looked at her face he saw you. The brilliant scientist blinked in shock and turned to look at the Decepticon selling the frames.
"How much is she?" He asked and the con chuckled. "Aah, the good old femme fatale. She costs 30 000 Shanix."
Just about how much Brainstorm had. The flier nodded and gave the seller a chip filled with the Shanix needed. The con checked the chip and nodded, pleased with the currency that switched owners. The purple mech flicked his hand and long needless that mnemosurgeons used to alter their patients' minds and more sprung out from the tips of his fingers. "Mind to give me info on what you want?"
Brainstorm nodded and picked up a little note that had everything he wanted from the shady Decepticon. The con took the note and read it over before giving hie looked at the scientist, "You seriously want your toy to have its own mind? They can go and fall for someone else than the master, aka you, if you let them wander."
"She." Brainstorm corrected the con with a weak glare, "And she has every right to do what she wants with the memories and personality I gave you."
"Okay," The con nodded and sank the needless into the back of the femme's neck, "Just so you know, it's your funeral."
The captains accepted Brainstorm's story about you, though alarmed but the scientist knew they had no evidence about his plans, both failed and successed. As soon as they left you two alone you looked at your lover with your bright crimson optics gleaming behind your glasses.
"Yes my beloved?"
"I don't remember much... But I feel like I've always known you." You confessed to Brainstorm and the scientist smiled behind his mask as he took your hands into his, "I know and I just want you to know that I love you also."
You smiled and leaned in to kiss his mask's edge before pulling back with an honest and loving smile. "I really do love you." You confessed and Brainstorm smiled.
Deep down the brilliant scientist knew that he had to let you go... Or, your memories of Earth and everything that happened at least. He did donate your personality to the comatose femme and make you love him once again but this time he wouldn't let anything or anyone come between you two. After all, this was all for the sake of love.
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bitchkuyatogami · 4 years
warning for implied s exual content, chapter 3 spoilers for THH
Togami wakes up to his bed being warmer than usual and his arm wrapped around a hot, snoring lump topped with a head of messy brown hair. The morning announcements haven’t gone off yet, and he slowly blinks the sleep out of his eyes— According to the clock on the wall, it’s 6:30, half an hour before the announcements are supposed to come on.
Wait. Shit. Rewind, rewind, right there. Hit play.
His arm wrapped around a hot, snoring lump topped with a head of messy brown hair.
Makoto Naegi is sleeping peacefully in Togami’s arms, his cheeks pink from being pressed against the pillow.
Togami’s first instinct is immediately to shoot out of bed (which he’s now realizing isn’t his, but rather Naegi’s), but looking at the smaller boy in his arms stops him. He looks so… so peaceful, probably the most at peace Togami's ever seen him. His chest rises and falls evenly as he dreams, lips parted softly to let out gentle snores.
He’s… he’s almost cute like this. Maybe it’s because he’s finally shut the fuck up for once, Togami thinks furiously, pushing down the notion that he could find Naegi cute. Either way, he doesn’t want to wake him up.
The boy’s neck and chest expose themselves when he shifts, the blanket falling away from his torso. They’re both shirtless— Naegi’s neck and collarbones are marked up with shades of dark red and purple, small circle-shaped marks sucked deep into his skin. They’re fresh, from last night.
I did that, Togami blushes furiously, I gave him those marks, didn’t I?
The memories start to resurface Togami’s mind, flashes of bare skin and hot pants of breath flashing through his mind’s eye. Naegi’s cheeks flushed pink, the sheets rumpled around them as they…
Next order of business— get out of here before Naegi and the others wake up. He knows it wouldn’t be a good look for him if he just casually walked out of Naegi’s room first thing in the morning, and the least he can do is get dressed in his usual suit.
It’s folded up nearly over the desk chair, but Togami has no memory of doing so— Naegi must have done it, he thinks to himself, pretending like his stomach doesn’t flutter at the gesture. Surely it was just a courtesy thing, and Naegi didn’t really actually care about Togami’s extremely anal habits and precise morning routine.
But it was the fifth time they’d done this together. Maybe Naegi was just more observant than the heir gave him credit for.
He manages to get his suit on as quietly as possible, slipping his jacket on over his slender shoulders and sliding his feet into his shoes with the grace a Togami should carry. If nothing else, the suit brings him comfort.
(A while ago, Celeste had told him that when he wore what he did he looked like a woman in a pantsuit, or what Americans would call a ‘Karen’, but she’s dead now, which just makes her opinion matter even less.)
He’s slipping his glasses onto his nose when he hears a grumble from the bed. The lump of sheets shifts around, until he hears a gentle “...Kuya?” from the pillows.
“Good morning, N- Makoto,” he says as coolly as he can, refusing to look at Naegi’s adorable morning face. He does let himself have a glance— Naegi’s eyes are half open, his hair a hot mess from the sleep.
“Where y’ going, ‘Kuya?” Naegi asks, “‘s too early…”
“I need to get back to my room,” Togami replies, and normally he’d follow that up with some sort of snappy comment about Naegi’s intelligence, but he almost feels guilty about thinking about that.
What on earth has gotten into me?
“Don’t want you to go,” Naegi mumbles, reaching a hand out to grab onto the taller’s arm, “Just five more minutes, pretty please?”
Togami hates how his heart flutters at Naegi’s morning voice, the hand on his bicep searing at the contact. “I have to go,” he says gently, “I’m sorry, Makoto.”
“C’mon…” Naegi grumbles, opening his eyes fully and putting them on full puppy-dog mode to get what he wants.
“We can’t have me looking suspicious, can we? I have to get up before everyone else,” Togami pulls the smaller boy’s hand off him, “I’ll see you at breakfast, okay?”
Naegi makes a small hmph sound, closing his eyes and snuggling back into the covers.
Togami stays for a few more moments, watching Naegi’s breaths even out again as he falls back asleep. He looks so peaceful, so… so serene, like he deserves to be. He didn’t deserve any of this shit, even if he’s not the brightest or the most talented. He didn’t deserve this absolute, utter despair.
Togami leans over and pushes the hair off his face, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Sweet dreams,” he murmurs, hoping his last 20 minutes of sleep are peaceful.
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acavatica · 4 years
i-wakeupstrange said:
i’m not including this in my review of the elevator fic because it was becoming its own huge, ridiculous tangent, but in short: it’s now my headcanon that Marco is into anime (OF COURSE why didn’t I realize sooner) and in a roundabout way that’s Peter’s doing. (he’s a little old for NGE but, I think, about the right age to have gotten real into, say, Robotech. and decide to show his son these shows. because he’s a Cool Dad. or tried to be before... you know.)
Peter told himself that he was watching cartoons because of the baby, but also all the baby books he’d tried to force Eva to read had said that babies have about a foot of vision and see colors like a dog. Then he told himself that he was watching cartoons because the bright colors and laser sounds kept him awake. At least that wasn’t a complete lie. 
The full truth was that he thought Robotech was cool. It was serialized, which was more than he could say for any American TV shows. It wasn’t as if Peter could read Dune with a baby in his arms no matter how much he wanted to, even if he’d missed the last two books and another was coming out later that year. And it wasn’t as if Peter could read Dune anyway since he was off Ritalin again, but that was neither here nor there. TV shows would catch up to book series eventually.
The fact that it had a story he could follow was just a bonus. The real draw of Robotech was that it aired in marathons in the middle of the night. That was a lot less likely to wake up his ten-week-old than changing his Doctor Who tapes every four episodes. Plus, he’d had to pay someone on USENET to ship the tapes all the way from Brighton. If he wore them out, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to find the guy ripping VHS tapes on net.tv.drwho again.
Eva’s alarm went off, muffled by the bedroom door. Peter closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the couch cushion. 5:30 already. He’d been letting her get most of the sleep to reimburse her for the whole pregnancy thing, but now that she was going back to work, he wouldn’t even have a choice.
He listened to her shuffle around the kitchen. He heard every step of her putting on a pot of coffee. Eva never did anything quietly, but it hadn’t taken him long to get used to it. After all, there was nothing more comforting than knowing his ever-so-slightly evil partner would at least never be able to sneak up on him. 
He opened his eyes to catch her shaking out her still-rumpled hair and stretching out the crick in her back. He heard that too, from all the way across the room. Another thing Peter was repaying her for. She saw him watching and closed the distance between them. Eva draped her elbows over the back of the couch and touched her cheek to Peter’s head. Peter took a deep breath, and he smelled her shampoo and the coffee and their new baby. 
Putting his PhD on hold was worth it.
Eva cocked her head to the side, rolling her chin over Peter’s forehead. “Wow, look at her hair. Japan really has progressive ideas about the meaning of ‘spiral curls.’” She walked around to the front of the couch, plopped down, and held out her arms. “Hand him over.”
Marco started whining almost immediately. 
“I’m surprised you know it’s Japanimation.”
Eva rolled her eyes. “We had Japanese cartoons in Mexico. And actually, the acting was way better than this.”
“Yeah, but were there giant fighting robots?”
“I dunno, this shit is for nerds.” Marco was still fussing in her arms, but she was looking down at him like she understood where he was coming from. “You’re gonna make our kid a nerd, aren’t you?”
Peter smiled. “I don’t know what you expected when you decided to have a baby with me.”
“Feh, yeah, ‘decided.’” Eva stretched her leg out and gave Peter’s knee a good nudge.
She pulled her leg back, crossed her ankles, and cradled Marco with her whole body. All three of them fell quiet, and Minmay sang Marco back to sleep.
Marco was born whining, and after four years, he still only stopped when he was asleep.
“Why do I have to do daycare?”
“You asked to watch Voltron. It’s the fifth time we’ve watched Voltron. Please watch Voltron.”
Marco bobbed his head back and forth as he quoted the onscreen conversation between Queen Merla and King Zarkon: “The chamber is full of quarks. ⁠— Quirks? ⁠— No, quarks. You see, everything is made of atoms, and all atoms are made of quarks. ⁠— Hm, nice, but how does it work? ⁠— Well, there are six kinds of quarks: up, down, top, bottom, strange. And my favorite kind, charmed.”
“Well. At least we can be sure you’re my kid. And Eva’s. And of why I like this show.”
“If you like it, don’t complain.”
Peter ran his hand over his hair and tried to ignore how thin it was getting. “Definitely Eva’s kid…” 
Marco rolled over closer to Peter and looked up at him pleadingly. “Whyyy do I have to do daycare?”
“Because,” Peter said reluctantly. “I finally finished school, and it was really hard, but I got a cool job out of it.”
Marco’s eyes basically tripled in size, and he poked out his lower lip. Definitely, 100% for sure, Eva’s kid. “But I’ll miss you.”
Peter sighed. “I’ll miss you too. But you’re starting school in the fall anyway, so think of it like practice.”
Marco crossed his arms and turned his eyes back to the TV. He stayed quiet for maybe a minute, long enough for the pilots to form Voltron. Without taking his eyes off the TV, he said, “What if they don’t know how to microwave Spaghetti-Os?”
“If there’s any lesson you have to learn, it’s that sometimes you have to settle for Spaghetti-Os that aren’t made by Chef Boyardee Champion of the World, Your Dad.”
“Spaghetti-Os aren’t even Chef Boyardee,” Marco mumbled.
Peter reached his leg over and nudged Marco’s knee with his foot. “Don’t you want to be brave like Lance?”
Marco pushed Peter’s foot away, crossed his arms again, and sank into the couch. “No. I wanna be diablo-lolical like Prince Lotor.”
“Well, Prince Lotor doesn’t even need his dad.”
Marco glanced over at Peter, and Peter grinned. Marco sank even further into the couch until his feet almost touched the floor.
The bluish glow of the TV cast long shadows across the room. There wasn’t much contrast because it was a pretty dark movie, but Marco was still illuminated against the dull, colorless room. The volume was only one notch above mute, but he was sitting on his knees, so close to the TV that he could almost make out every word. It’s not like the sound would have bothered his dad, even if he turned it all the way up. Marco kept it low so he could still hear Peter breathing, and even acknowledging that feeling ate away his insides.
It had been a whole year, and for a while Marco had tried not to think about how he was the only thing keeping his dad alive, in more ways than one. It got harder the longer Peter didn’t get better. Marco didn’t even have cable to distract himself from his messed up life. He just had the same old VHS tapes, and they’d had to donate a bunch of them to Goodwill when they’d moved. 
The box was still there, still packed and next to the TV, labeled in Marco’s sloppy kid handwriting. Peter hadn’t helped with the move⁠—it had mostly been Jake’s family and his mom’s relatives he’d never met and would probably never see again. Marco could still see his hands pulling the tapes off the shelves, sorting them, reading the labels in Peter’s sloppy grownup handwriting, and not being able to bear to throw away the memories of sitting between his mom and dad with popcorn in his lap, even if he might never be able to watch those tapes again.
There were only a few tapes scattered around the plastic milk crate the TV sat on. The rest were still in the box. Marco had gone through them dozens of times, and he was still limited to the few tapes he didn’t associate with a time when he had a family. 
He’d never watched Ghost in the Shell with his dad. That was probably a good thing, because there was a lot of nudity, and that was always awkward. There was also some gore, which Peter knew gave Marco nightmares, even if he pretended not to be scared. Marco had played the movie in front of Peter dozens of times anyway, but his eyes didn’t track it, and he didn’t tell Marco that he should turn it off, he was too young to see all these nipples.
Marco turned around, blinded from sitting so close to the TV. He didn’t need to see his dad. He knew he was curled in on himself, his face buried in the place where the back of the couch met the seat and the arm. There was no way to know if he was asleep or awake, and Marco wasn’t even sure those words had meaning in Peter’s life anymore.
“Hey Dad,” Marco said, his voice creaky, either from disuse, disgust, or some other kind of emotion. “What do you think about the whole brains jacking into the internet thing? Realistic? It seems like the kind of thing you’d have worked on.”  Marco listened to Peter’s breathing. It never changed. Marco could say anything. “You know. When you worked.”
Marco turned away, back to the TV. He pressed Stop, and the tape clicked off, flooding the room with light so bright and blue, it hurt his eyes. He pressed rewind and the whir of the tape drowned out Peter’s breathing. It was crazy, but as the VCR started to grind to the end of the tape, Marco was suddenly, irrationally, completely sure that when the tape stopped rolling, the room would be totally silent. His body flashed hot and then cold and his pulse pounded painfully in his temples.
The tape clicked off. Marco held his breath.
Peter breathed in. Out. In. Out.
Marco pressed play, turned the volume up a few more notches, and got to his feet. As he passed, he shoved his dad’s leg with his foot. He stood over him, waiting like he expected some kind of reaction. The TV lit up his motionless body in green, gray, white. The cyborg pulled the cables out of her neck and stood.
“If only someone would ghost hack you.”
Marco went into his bedroom⁠—the only bedroom⁠—and slammed the door.  
Marco’s back was flat against the dirt floor of the scoop, his head resting on his folded arms. His right leg was draped over Ax’s back and he’d slowly tangled his left leg up in Ax’s tail. Ax didn’t like that, and he knew Ax didn’t like it, and that’s why he’d taken it slow. He’d started by sticking his leg under Ax’s tail. He’d waited a couple weeks, and then he’d surreptitiously make a loop over the course of an hour. Now, after like a month of acclimating him, Ax’s tail was wrapped around Marco’s leg like a boa constrictor, and maybe Ax didn’t even notice.
He definitely noticed. Marco had just pulled off an incredible feat of exposure therapy. Ax just wasn’t allergic to how annoying Marco was anymore. Too bad the allergy was familial, and it was harder to wallow a hawk into submission.
<You’re not even watching,> Tobias complained.
Marco lolled his head to the side and pointed his eyes at the TV. “Why are you making me read TV, Tobias? The point of TV is to not have to read.”
<Subtitles are more authentic,> Tobias said, his voice dripping with condescension.
“But what about Ax? Poor Ax can’t read at all.”
<I can read,> Ax said, his voice a mixture of defensive and arrogant. <And even if I couldn’t, my translator chip has no trouble processing Japanese.> Snobbiness ran in their family too. 
“I’m just saying, I’d be able to pay more attention if I could understand the words and look at the pictures at the same time. You know, how it’s intended to be consumed?”
<It’s intended to be consumed in Japanese.> 
Marco rolled his eyes and sighed. It was the obnoxious kind of sigh, the voiced kind that’s practically a groan. “It’s just robots, dude, it’s not that serious.”
<Neon Genesis Evangelion is art, Marco,> Tobias said, ratcheting the pretension up to eleven. <It’s an exploration of how humanity would develop, given exposure to advanced alien technology in the face of an oncoming alien threat. And the only thing protecting humanity from annihilation is some teenagers with special powers. It’s like, relatable.> 
“Wow,” Marco said sarcastically. “Never seen anything like that before.” That was basically the plot of Robotech mixed with Voltron, but boring.
<I mean, you must have never seen anime before, or you’d know how terrible the English dubs are.>
Marco sat up on his elbows and narrowed his eyes. Ax tightened his tail ever so slightly around Marco’s leg, like he was trying to hold him back. Marco pulled his leg free. “That’s pretty funny, since how could you even have watched so much subbed anime when no one cared enough about you to buy you decent clothes or new shoes or Clearasil? Let alone to go out of their way to buy you anime, subtitled specifically, the way it’s intended, of course.”
Tobias stared at him. Ax stared at him. Hell, Shinji Ikari stared at him.
Marco couldn’t take even a minute of it. “Say something.”
<I just wanted to share something I like with you.> 
Tobias opened his wings, fluttered to the edge of the scoop entrance, and flew away.
Ax was still looking at him with all four eyes. Marco squirmed, but he pressed his lips into a line and didn’t break eye contact.
<That was too far,> Ax said finally, his voice more gentle than Marco deserved. <Why did you react so forcefully?>
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Marco leaned around Ax, grabbed the remote, and changed the audio to English. “Let’s just watch this dumb robot show.”
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mr-chrisevans · 4 years
Meet Cute - pt. 9
Word Count: 1,561
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"There she is!" I was greeted by the glowing faces of Casey, Jules, and Estelle as I got back from work. "Hurry up and change so we can start drinking now." Casey told me as I shut the door behind me.
"I didn't realize we were having a little shindig this evening." I said as I walked back to my room and stripped out of my work clothes and changed into something more comfortable. As I changed I heard Estelle working the blender, clearly preparing margaritas for us all. "I hope you are actually doing an acceptable ratio of tequila to mix this time." I said as I sat down at the kitchen counter next to Jules. "Last time we were basically drinking an entire glass of tequila."
"Not to mention it was the worst tequila I've ever tasted in my life." Jules added with a shudder.
"Hey, give me a break. Last time I had spent most of my pay check covering part of that ones rent." She raised her eyebrow at me and returned to the margaritas.
"And I have never been late on rent since then." I responded.
Estelle started pouring her concoction into our glasses when Casey exclaimed from the couch. "Oh my God. Laurel, come here." I tried to protest, but she kept insisting.
"What are you even watching?" I asked as she rewinded the tv.
"Just shut up and look." She finally pressed play and I realized why she was so insistent.
"In recent news, Chris Evans is back in LA after finishing up filming on The Avengers. And it seems like he's back with Mystery Woman from earlier this year." The disembodied narrator spoke as a picture of Chris and I at dinner when we saw each other again was plastered on the tv. As much as I hated it, it was a great picture. The two of us were mid-laugh, but he was looking right at me and the look on his face... I don't even know how to describe it.
I could feel all my friends eyes on me as I sat there looking at the tv, trying to figure out what I was thinking. I turned to Casey. "It's okay, really. I honestly can't be surprised about it anymore so it is what it is. Now let's completely ignore this and get back to getting drunk."
And drunk we got. Jules and Casey passed out in the living room and Estelle and I covered them with blankets and brought out a wastebasket just in case. After I said goodnight to Estelle and went into my room, I saw that I had two unread texts, one from Adam and one from Chris.
I should be back from my conference on Thursday, wanna get together next weekend?
I closed out of that conversation without answering and opened Chris' message.
Are you free tomorrow night?
Depends on what the activity is.
How good are you at planning parties? I've been roped in to hosting a Halloween party this year and I think I'm in way over my head.
I guess I'm coming to your rescue.
So we were friends.
And it was fine. We were making it work.
It wasn't like we were spending all our time together either. We would see each other a couple times a month, and everything was normal. Well, I wanted to seem like everything was normal. I had told myself that I didn't have feelings for Chris anymore as an excuse to get to see him and not feel guilty about it. That didn't work so well for me.
I rang Chris' doorbell and was greeted by his bulldog running up to the door and barking at full force. I saw Chris sprint after him and scoop him up before opening the door. "Someone is very excited to see you." He laughed.
"I'm so happy to see you too, East." I loved on East for a little before I turned to Chris. "Not terrible to see you either." I joked and gave him a hug after he set East back down.
"I guess it's good to know where I stand in this house."
"It's always a good idea to have your priorities straight." We made our way into his living room where he had beers set out for the both of us. "Looks like you do have your priorities all set." I laughed as we sat down on the couch.
"Hey, if I'm gonna be forced to plan this party I might as well find some way to enjoy myself." He grabbed his beer, leaned back into the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table.
I crossed my arms and stared at him. "I'm glad you're enjoying being able to lounge, but I will not let you invite me here just to plan this whole thing by myself."
He sat up straight and looked me directly in the eye. "You are absolutely correct. No more lazing around it's all work from here on out." I could tell he was purposefully being annoying, but I just rolled my eyes. He relaxed and spoke again. "Okay, where do we start?"
"Well, you should probably make a list so you know what you need to buy. Have you thought about anything that you want so far?" He shook his head. "You are woefully unprepared." I said under my breath. "Let's start with alcohol because that is definitely the most important part of this holiday."
"I could not agree more." He said and leaned forward as I typed out a list on my phone. "Jungle Juice?" He questioned as he inspected my list.
"Look, I know we're not 19 and in college but there's really no better way to get plastered and have fun doing it." I responded.
"Well, I never went to college but maybe this will finally give me that experience I've been yearning for."
The next couple of hours were a mix of us actually planning the party and continuing to catch up from our time apart. Being with him was so easy. It didn't feel like I had to force anything he was genuinely interested in what I had to say. Time had gotten away from us, and before I knew it I got an annoyed text from Estelle saying if I didn't get home in the next 30 minutes she was ordering Chinese without me. "Estelle is threatening to leave me without food tonight, so I should probably get going." I told him as I stood up and grabbed my now long empty beer bottle.
"Shit, when did it get so late?" He got up too and cleared his stuff from the table. "Thanks for helping me out with this." He said as we walked into the kitchen. "I would not have been able to get my shit together enough to actually plan this as well as you did."
"I'm always available to come to the rescue. This better mean I'm on the invite list though."
"No, I was really just using you for your planning skills. I didn't actually want to see you there." He joked and I playfully slapped his arm. "Of course not." He said through laughs. "If anyone deserves the credit for planning what will definitely be the best party I've ever thrown it will have to be you."
"You're lucky I'm not asking to be paid for my services." I poked his chest, trying to come of as intimidating but it clearly didn't work.
"I'm extremely lucky." He said and held onto my arm. We locked eyes with each other and both fell quiet, unconsciously drifting closer together until we could feel each other's breath. He leaned down and lingered just before my face. Those few seconds felt like hours until I finally closed the distance between us and our lips crashed together. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer in to him. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him deeper into the kiss. I had tried to forget how amazing kissing him felt, but I knew now that I never would. Everything about it was perfect. Every part of me felt alive and ready for whatever might happen. No one else could make me feel like that.
We pulled apart and I tried to catch my breath. It took me a few seconds to really realize what had happened. "Oh fuck." I muttered and stepped away from him, his arms falling away from me and back to his sides.
"Shit. Laurel, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."
I didn't even know how to respond so I stood in the kitchen across from him, silent for what felt like years. "I should go." I said suddenly and walked back into the living room to grab my things.
He stopped me at the door before I could leave. "Please don't be mad. I'm so sorry."
"I'm not mad. I just-" I took a deep breath. "I just need to think about something. But I'll see you at the party." I smiled at him and walked out to my car.
I needed to figure out what the fuck I was feeling and fast otherwise I'd be caught in a mess that I did not want to deal with.
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eye-raq · 5 years
Who named you?!!!
Erik Stevens x Beulah May Jenkins 😊
Warnings: HUMOR, and I guess fluff.
Summary: (imagine Erik finding out his girl got an old ass name) Erik and his girl get ready to go out to a house warming of her families, but before they go Erik stumbles upon some “new” information.
I hope y’all like this little one shot that me and my friends in the group chat cooked up 😂😂😂 we some goofy bitches. Not really tagging alot of people because this is meant for a little fun to read I guess lol. I hope its good.
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“What the fuck? LAH LAH!!”
Lah Lah was in the middle of laying her baby hairs, putting her faux locs up in a bun, wearing high waisted ligh wash jeans, a crop top in red and a pair of black heels.
“Erik clearly I’m fucking busy babe!”
“Nah this some serious shit here! Don’t make me have to tell yo ass twice.”
She groans loudly, stomping out of the bathroom and down the hall to their master bed room. When she enters, she stumbles backward, her ankle sort of twisting awkwardly now shooting pain up her calve from her heels.
The color drained from her face, she was haunted.
“Who the hell is Beulah May Jenkins?!” Erik was shirtless, only in his Jean joggers and Nike vapor max plus.
She had a pained look on her face as she sped over, snatching up the ID, holding it behind her back.
“None of your got damn business! OOOO!! Damn why you going through my shit?!” She was throwing a minnie tempo tantrum. Erik noticed how jumpy she was, eyes looking anywhere but at him. He had a peering look in his eyes, tongue running over his upper teeth.
“Number one, your shit was near my shit. I found this fucking thing under my side of the bed. Number two-“
“Number TWO sit your big ass DOWN, and shut the fuck UP.” She pressed with irritation, counting off on her fingers dramatically trying to divert his attention away from where he was headed.
“So kindly get dressed so we can be outta here.” She wanted it to be over but surely she knew that Erik wouldn’t let this go. He clapped his hands together so loud it echoed off the walls.
“AYEEE! Let’s turn this shit back around Lah Lah Loopsy!!” He sounded out, holding up two fingers.
“Number two, why the fuck you got Big Mama name on here instead of Lah Lah?!” He gave her a quizzical look.
Lah Lah’s eyes almost left her sockets.
“What the fuck you in Lah Lah land or some shit?!” He glowered, scuffing afterwards.
“It’s-it’s not-I.” She could rip her hair out. She could not believe this was happening right now.
Before she could even think, Erik snatched up the ID again.
“ERIK STOP!!” She could cry hard.
She felt her heart race, her leg jiggled with anxiety. This was a huge secret for her.
Erik scanned the ID with his large muscular back facing her, silence between them. The only sound that could be heard was him tapping the card with his fingers. Lah Lah just stood there hugging herself, eyes burning a hole into his back. After what felt like a minute, she watches as Erik shakes his head, taking in a long obnoxious deep breath, before turning back around, scratching his brow.
“Lah Lah...From What I have gathered, it appears this is, YOUR drivers license and not some practical joke from Spencer’s gift shop.” He spoke with fake professionalism. He gazed, one eyebrow flicked upwards into his dreads.
Lah Lah ass couldn’t even speak.
“The name on this drivers license reads, Beulah May-“ he clears his throat, a fist to his mouth.
“Sorry, I had a tickle in my throat, but the name here reads Beulah May Jenkins.” He pointed to each name, from first to last, confusion written on his face, his own words scrambled.
“So in my head I’m like nah uh uh fuck that shit this can’t be her with this geriatric ass name, but then I look below it and see 10/15/1989.” He laughs as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“This is DEFINITELY a real ID and everything too.”
She looked as if she were going to faint. He fixed her with a hard gaze.
“It appears that my girl going to late night bingo with Dolores and Betty.” He stared briefly as if curious and evasive.
Lah Lah let out a long agonizing breath, shaking her head before placing her hands on her hips.
“So basically you wanna play?! Either way you know it’s mines nigga!!!” She could crap her pants right now from the embarrassment.
Erik folds his arms over his bare chest.
“Who did this shit to you? Who named you?!” He tried to convey a sincere tone but Lah Lah... Beulah knew that Erik was working his way up to clowning her more.
“Who was it?! Miss Karen or Mr Rod?” Erik licked at his bottom lip with a smirk slowly rising.
“Ole soul food ass name. You gonna tell me who it was?! Or stay mute?! I’m already flabbergasted.” He was struggling not to unravel with laughter.
“It was my DAD ERIK.” She was hopeless at this point. Trust Beulah always wondered why the fuck her father would do that shit!
“NAH NOT TRIPPLE OG ROD.” Erik shook his head frantically, LITERALLY DISTRAUGHT.
“Yes bitch ass nigga it was my damn daddy! Idk maybe he was drunk or some shit why don’t you ask him yourself.”
“Mannnnnnn” He slid his hand down his face.
“What was your mama doing though? She ain’t have a say?” His voice sort of broke from the laughter that wanted to burst.
“She said my Dad wanted to remember his great grandson through me so..”
“Great Grandson?” Erik scrunches his face, shaking his head slightly while his dreads shifted a little on his forehead.
“You know what the fuck I meant. Grandmom fool.”
“Damn...you remember the Civil Rights Movement?” He sat down then, hand under his chin, his leg crossed animatedly.
She was shamefaced. Beulah wanted to press rewind to stop this shit from happening.
“How about I sing this for you maybe your old ass will remember 🎶 we shall over come/ we shall overcome 🎶 “ you remember that? He had this vacant expression as if to play stupid.
“Erik I sware to fucking God I’m gonna fuck you up.”
“You sure you can do that? That osteoporosis ain’t killing you baby?” He spoke that with a fake elderly voice.
She could literally feel the steam blow from her ears. She just wanted to drink, check out her older cousins new place, stuff her face, and dance. Now things were taking a turn for the worse.
“You know what else makes this shit funny?!” That wide dimpled smile was unstoppable.
“Humor me.”
“You really call yourself Lah Lah in short for Beulah.”
This man was in shambles. He couldn’t hardly breath, the entire situation hard to get over.
“All them times your fingers locked up from stroking this dick, damn baby! You got arthritis, osteoporosis, next thing you know you’ll have kyphosis from me blowing your back out.”
“What the FUCK is Kyphrosis?”
“A hump back.” Erik goofy ass wheezed.
“I ain’t the one using a fake name ERIK STEVENS.” Beulah wasn’t really good with come backs.
“Oh nah uh uh don’t put me in that category I’m not the one with a name that belong to a women who was 30 during the prohibition.”
Lah Lah began to retort but her cellphone rang.
“Hello?! Oh...sorry mama. Yeah me and Erik are on our way now.” Lah Lah snapped her fingers at Erik to get dressed, watching him lift from the bed with his eyes dancing with humor, picking up his plain white t shirt and north face windbreaker in red and black. Lah Lah hung up the phone quick, turning to Erik with a scolding look.
“Now I hope you got all your laughs in nigga. Please don’t keep this shit up at the party E.”
Erik shrugged.
“Not making any promises, depends on how my mind feels.” She rolled her eyes, grabbing her things before heading out with Erik.
“Hey! Lah and Erik are here!”
Erik greets her family, his mind taking in the fact that even her own family called her Lah. Erik felt reassured and happy that everyone were thinking the same thing. While here at the party, it became so unbearable to keep quiet once he saw her father talking it up in the kitchen with a glass of gin.
“Erik! What’s happening young blood?” He shook Erik’s hand, while he said hi to the others.
“Nothing much Mr. Rod, just hanging in there.”
Lah Lah enters, giving her love to everyone before grabbing up a punch bowl, leading her cousin towards the dining room.
“She still got you calling her Lah Lah Erik?” The way her drunk uncle asked that could have had him spitting out his drink in laughter.
“I’m still trying to understand why your old tired ass named your daughter Beulah.” One of her Father’s friends shook his head.
“For as long as I know, I would NEVER ever ever ever get with a girl named Beulah, sound like a name you would give a senior citizen.”
Erik couldn’t take it. He snorted a laughter into his cup, juice bubbles forming.
“Man I remember when I held her in my arms, she was so beautiful, still is. I asked this bastard what her name was.” He friend looked up at Erik, giving him complete eye contact.
“Well, you could probably guess what it was right?”
This caused some of the other men to chime in with chuckles.
“Beulah May Jenkins.” Erik actually took his time to sound that out in a sweet old lady voice, causing an uproar from the men, including her Dad.
“Back then man I was down about my great grandmom so I gave her that name.”
“When was your Great Grandmom born?” Erik asked.
“And when was Lah Lah born?”
“So why in the HELL...you know what.” Her Dads friend waved him away.
“Here, I got you a drink.”
Lah Lah reaches out to grab the cup only to find prune juice inside.
“Erik...What the FUCK is this?!”
“Prune Juice, itll help with your chronic constipation.”
Lah Lah just about had it. She kept from Erik because of this and now he wouldn’t stop. She needed to change her name quick and fast.
“Nigga I sware on my life-“
“Don’t say shit like that Beulah baby! You only 80.”
She tossed the cup in the trash angrily.
The one thing he did that had her ready to leave caused some people to laugh.
Erik made her a plate, bringing it outside to one of the picnic tables. She reached out for it but instead Erik sat it down with his, taking a knife and fork to cut it up.
“Since you so damn cripple I gotta chop this meat up for you.” He hummed to himself, cutting her grilled chicken and steak so fine it looked like already chewed food.
“Keep it up, and I’m chopping the meat between your legs with a butcher knife.”
This man even tried to spoon feed her. She didn’t even bother eating, instead grabbing her things, saying her last goodbyes, and leaving.
Home Lah Lah didn’t speak to Erik and she practically ignored him like he wasn’t there. Eventually sleep overtook him and he was a snoring mess. She had enough of his snoring in her ear, taking her foot and kicking him off the bed rough. He landed in a loud thump that caused her to chuckle to herself.
After about a day of no torture from Erik, Lah Lah-Beulah
Started believing Erik was done with his antics. She had plans to get her name permanently changed to Lah Lah or some other shit. Erik could be heard coming home, Lah Lah in the kitchen cooking chili.
“Hey Lah! I got a gift for you c’mere.”
She put the chili on simmer, finally walking into the living room to greet her man.
“Hey how was work?”
“It was good as always.” Erik pulls out a gift bag for her, a handsome smile on his face.
“Here you go baby.”
Lah Lah was beyond happy, she always loved gifts from him. She made herself comfortable on the couch, removing the gift wrap before staring down at a folded piece of fabric with an ugly floral design.
She pulled out the fabric, letting it fall open to reveal a dress that looked like it belonged in the 1940s to some old as cat lady. It was dingy as well, and it smelled like cat piss.
“I figured you would love it. It suits you fine Beulah.”
She truly believed that this man was through.
Erik pointed to the bag.
“One more gift left, and you better open it Miss Jenkins.”
Lah Lah angrily pulls a small box out the bag that had a gold ribbon. A sudden hope for something perfect came to her but that all came crashing down like a thunderstorm. She was staring down at a life alert necklace.
Lah Lah had this blank expression on her face, eyes never leaving that box. Erik could not control his laughter once she pulled the top off, he was on the floor now clutching his stomach.
“You May need to wear that when we fucking cuz I don’t need your ass to have a heart attack.”
Lah Lah through the box at him, groaning.
“ITS OVER E! The jokes over it’s dead now.”
“Not when you kick me off the bed it isn’t. You try that shit again and I’m calling you Beulah from here on out and I don’t give a fuck who hear!”
She side eyed him before lifting from the couch. She was about done with him dragging this shit out.
“If my name is such a damn problem then bounce nigga!” Erik rolled his eyes, lifting from the floor to follow her.
“You can’t take a joke?! I’m only messing with yo uptight ass.”
“You hate my name admit it!” She was being a cry baby now, folding her arms and pouting.
Erik walks up to her, rubbing her arms soothingly.
“Baby no, Beulah is a beautiful name.” She met his eyes, disbelief in them.
“Okay okay its a little cringe.”
She glared.
“A smidge more cringe..” she shoved him.
“BUT I love you. And I will always love you. It was a good laugh and I’m sorry if I offended you aight?”
He pinked her cheek, causing her too look away.
“Aye, cut that shit out Lah.” Erik pulls out another box, Lah Lah staring at it with caution.
“What’s this? A pace maker?!” She didn’t trust it.
“I promise I’m done.”
Lah Lah grabbed the box, taking off the lid to find pink diamond earrings. She shakes her head, a small smile creeping up before giggling to herself.
“Wow...they are actually beautiful asshole.”
She looked up at him and his goofy grin, the laughter uncontrollable now.
“Now cut that shit out and give daddy a kiss.”
She leans up on her tip toes, kissing him softly.
“You still don’t want the life alert though? You may need it in a minute miss Beulah.”
She couldn’t even argue with him, motioning for him to get the box with the life alert so she could wear it.
Erik was amused by this, watching her put it around her neck.
“I want my back blown out, and DONT give me a hump back.”
They both laughed in unison.
@panthergoddessbast @whoramilaje @allhailnjadaka @hearteyes-for-killmonger @vikkidc @ange-sensuel @thehomierobbstark @blackpantherismyish @eriknutinthispoosy @trevantesbrat 
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kkruml · 5 years
407: Down the Rabbit Hole
My thoughts below the cut. Some spoilers ahead, but this isn’t a play by play of the episode. 
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I’m gonna write about characters I didn’t expect to ever write about again, so ye be warned now if you’d like to wait and watch the episode.
I had a lot of thoughts. For anyone who cares to know, this is where I ended with episode 407 “Down the Rabbit Hole.”
I thought Sophie gave her strongest performance by far in this episode. It was up to her to carry the episode, and by most accounts, I thought she hit all the necessary notes.
Brianna went through a lot this episode, starting at the beginning with her busted ankle (I’ve already seen a few side by side comparisons of Bree falling down the hill with Claire from 101- well done y’all).
Watching her stick her foot in the freezing water made me grateful for my SmartWool socks, and I saw it as a nice little nod to little first aid tricks she likely learned from her mother.
She’s resourceful.
That was a vast landscape she had to navigate- but seeing as she’s both Claire and Jamie’s daughter, I was fully engaged in watching her survive until she found the plume of chimney smoke in the distance.
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She just looks RIGHT in this time period. Dinna fight me on this.
I liked seeing her in 18th century garb, I really did. In the books, Claire goes back through the stones in a flimsy dress- not the bat suit. I liked how they kept Bree’s original time-traveling garb. Giving her Marsali’s clothing felt fitting and a nice little sneak peak at future episodes, and the relationships she’s going to be forging in North Carolina.
Also- DEM CURLS. FINALLY we get to see both Jamie and Claire’s genetics come through in her curly red mop.SPEAKING OF WHICH- Considering just how much she’s supposed to look and act like Jamie, I’m a bit flummoxed (yep I said that word) that NO ONE seems to make the connection.
To be honest, having flashback with Bree and Frank helped round out her character. To me, she’s been a bit “flat” thus far and this helped flesh out her frame of mind, to make her more three dimensional.
I’m not on the Frank-loving train by any means, but his character is complicated and so was his relationship to not only Claire, but to Brianna as well.  Focusing an episode on Bree means we need to know more of her backstory, including the relationship between her and the only dad she knew as she comes to terms with meeting Jamie. 
Side note, I did actually like the last scene with Frank and Bree in the car- we get a bit more back-fill as to what happened after his last fight with Claire. If you have any sympathy for Frank, this was a heartbreaking final moment between him and the daughter he loves and raised.
The writers talked about fan commentary on Frank- they knew this was a risk considering literally NO ONE besides RDM really loves seeing that character on screen- especially when the character has already been killed off. If they were going to bring him back, I think they handled it as best they could.
BUT ENOUGH. Dude is gone, please stop bringing him back.
Leg Hair.
Initially waking up and seeing Leg Hair was intriguing for me. Having seen that Laura wasn’t available to play Jenny for these scenes, I had time to prepare that SOMETHING was going to be different. What I quickly found though, is that 5 minutes tops would have been enough for Brianna to have learned about Jamie’s marriage to her and that Leg Hair was the reason Claire almost burned as a witch. I didn’t need half an episode hearing her fantasies about how happy they were together, and how Claire was a whore.
I did, however, rewind the scene in the kitchen where it unfolded and Leg Hair’s true colors came out. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing little bits of Claire come out as Brianna called Leg Hair on her shit.  
I NEEEEEEEDED more of Brianna and Ian. 
There were certain aspects of the story I think they definitely could have given to Ian in place of Jenny. He’s established in the story and fans LOVE him (even if it’s just me- the love is REAL and it’s DEEP, okay?)
I needed more moments of him talking about Ian’s gratitude that Jamie DID get to be a father. To hear about the smaller details of Jamie’s personality and his life’s journey from someone who’s been by his side from the beginning (including fighting by his side in war). To hear stories about Jamie and Claire together, about Gatherings at Lallybroch, about Claire helping Jenny give birth. How she told them to plant potatoes that ended up saving them through the famine.
Ian LOVED Claire, he saw how broken Jamie was after she left (”Claire was your heart”). He just could have.... GIVEN SO MUCH.
His reunion with Claire after 20 years was so heartfelt and awe-inspiring.
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He sees both Claire and Jamie in Brianna. He’s literally known about her for all of 30 seconds and he loves her so much already.
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I needed MORE of this. I feel really cheated here.
He’s already been established as a sociopath. I personally didn’t need to see him throw a child overboard (note to writers-no need to hit me over the head with his ruthlessness. I GET IT.) I think this was meant to contrast with season 3 and how “Captain Leonard” (ILY LJG) handled an outbreak on a ship. That his leadership is so off kilter for what normal protocol would be. (I might be wrong but this is like the ONLY reasoning I can find).
I DID however like to see the shift in Roger’s demeanor and fire in him as he steps out of the “stuffy historian professor” role. He needs to get to NC, and he’s doing it for Brianna. I hate that he’s on Bonnet’s boat. I know this is the start to a REALLY rough ride for his character, and it’s not going to be easy- It’s already gut wrenching to watch.
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SO next week, according to the trailer, is more journey for Brianna and Roger. I don’t have high hopes we will see much of Jamie, Claire, or anything on the ridge. I really hope the writers focus more on the important aspects of the story line (get thee to the ridge with yer mam’s ring, Bree!), and ditch the problematic issues both from the source material and the show’s adaptation (ye ken my meaning, aye?).
This episode had little notes of Outlander in it, but I really felt like the risks the writers took with their decisions unfortunately  just didn’t serve the story well overall.
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mitsuki-murakami · 6 years
Soulmate AU: Oikawa x Reader [Rewind Part 1]
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A Soulmate AU where you will keep looping your life until you meet your soulmate.
Requested by @mou-ikaihaikyuu! I hope you like it!
Reader's POV
"Farewell, my love. I'll see you on the other side." You hear your husband cry out. You will soon be in the mansions of rest. Hopefully.
Hopefully? Yes, hopefully. Hopefully, this time, you have chosen the right person this round. You see, you keep repeating your life until you find your soulmate.
When do you go back to square one? It doesn't matter whether it be during your dying breaths or during your graduation ceremony. You never know. In fact, this is only one of the few times you reached your death, so this must be right. Please, be correct. You're tired.
Light consumes your vision and you close your eyes. You are brought before an indescribable entity.
"You cannot rest until you find your soulmate." A golden voice speaks.
You feel your body gain energy. Your skin tightening from its loose appearance, your spine straightening, and your joints relieving of pain. You see your hair turn from gray back to H/C. You're becoming younger. Again.
"At least give me a hint." You mutter weakly, collapsing to your knees.
"If you'd put some more effort into looking for your soulmate, then you'd be resting right now, with him." Your fists clenched.
"What if he doesn't want to be found? What if he's part of this game you're making me play?" Your soulmate is a he. This entity who makes you suffer through your life again and again has given you a small hint without realizing. As if knowing his gender would help. The population on Earth only continues to grow.
"This is not a game, Y/N. It's something we all have to go through. We only want you to be happy."
"I'm not." You cried. "Instead of going through countless trials and errors, can't you just tell me?"
"Enough." Another booming voice speaks. "This time around, you go back to 18 years of age." You feel that the damned word will be spoken soon, and you brace yourself.
"Y/L/N Y/F/N, Rewind."
Your breath is knocked out of your chest and you can do nothing but close your eyes. You feel as if you are enclosed in a box, and you hear pounding. Hands and fists pounding against the box.
You've already experienced this many times before, yet you still cower. Your heart beats in your ears and you can breathe again. The pounding continues. You cover your ears. It won't stop. You hold yourself until it stops to a faint knocking.
Your eyes open, and you are lying on a soft mattress. You sit up and look around. This is my room from high school, you thought. The pounding is still there. It's soft, and you realize it's coming from the door.
"Y/N, are you up? Breakfast is ready." A familiar voice called you.
"Mom?" You haven't heard that voice in so many years. "Yes?" You jump out of bed and slam the door open. She's there. She's real. You engulf her with a hug. "What's gotten into you?" She hugs back anyway. You shake your head.
That's right, you remember.. It seems like you're the only one in this world who experiences this unexplainable phenomenon.
"Nothing, mom." You let go and looked at her.
"You're gonna be late. It's the first day of your school, you better get ready." You nod and rush to the dining table to eat. Even though you're really tired of living and dying again and again, you're happy that you're here with your mom.
"I'll be going now, mom!" You slipped your school shoes on and ran out of your house. You've only got 30 minutes left until you get to your new—or should I say—old high school, Aoba Johsai.
You reach the crossroad that connects your path to your school. You wait until the light turns green before you cross. Eyes set on the school right in front of you, you notice that you're alone on the crossing road with this other student. However, you didn't notice the car speeding its way to you.
"Watch out!" Said student grabbed your wrist and pulled you to safety before the car could hit you. Your eyes remain closed until you realize what was haplening.
You see chocolate-brown eyes stare into your E/C ones. Your first thought was, Seriously? On the first day of my recurring existence, this happens? Your second thought was, Who the heck is this?
He had his arms around your waist, possibly to keep you from falling over from his pull earlier. You had to mentally thank him, as your knees were still weak. You're still trying to get used to this new, young body of yours. His eyes displayed worry and adrenaline. You managed to steady yourself and stand on your own. The both of you hear the stoplight beep away, signalling that the light was about to turn green. Still confused, you found yourself being pulled towards the school.
"Are you hurt?" He asked, a hand on your shoulder. He was looking down to meet your eyes, since he was quite tall. You shake your head, looking away. He was familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. After living and dying many lives, how could you? You realized that your faces were in close proximity, so you took a step backwards. You could swear you saw the corner of his mouth curl upwards for a second.
"That's a relief. Next time, look left and right before crossing the road, even if the light is green. Not all people are good, like me." He shot you a shit-eating grin whilst pointing to himself.
"I'm not some child...." You found yourself trailing off, because you really could not remember his name. "Who are you?"
It seems like he didn't like that question, since he placed his hands on his hips, his grin turning into a questioning scowl.
"Are you sure you don't know me?" You nodded, furrowing your eyebrows. Is he supposed to be some celebrity everyone is supposed to know? You asked yourself.
That wasn't far from the truth.
"Hmm.." He put his finger to his chin, thinking. "Are you new here?" You paled and racked your brain for an answer. You recall your school years. "I've been attending this school since my first year, why?"
"Then you must've been living under a rock during those two years." You were appalled by his accusation. "Excuse me! I'll have you know that I'm forgetful and that I don't remember every single student I meet at Aoba Johsai!" You fumed, crossing your arms.
"Well, in that case..." A mischievous expression consumed him. "To thank me for saving your life.."
"Name the price, snack, or whatever." You muttered. You were so done with his narcissism.
"Ah, no. I don't want your money. How about a..." He tapped his chin. "How about a date?" Instantly, you turned red. "A d-date?!"
"Just so you can get to know me better. I won't take no for an answer. After all, I did save your life." He grinned. Suddenly, you hear screams nearby.
"Kyaaa!! It's Tooru-kun!" A girl screams. Tooru?
"Well, gotta go now. See you here on Monday, 5:00 PM."
What? Was all you could think after seeing him getting caught up in a crowd of girls. He started rubbing his nape and acting all flustered. Irritated, you stomped off, only to stop after hearing the boy you were just speaking to yelp.
"Ow, who threw that?!" You turn around to see him holding a volleyball and rubbing his head. The girls around him were fussing around, trying to make sure that he was alright. You rolled your eyes but giggled.
"Iwa-chan!! That's the second time this month! Stop doing that!" He grumbled. You giggled even louder. You didn't catch a glimpse of this Iwa-chan, but you're sure he's scary.
"Oi, new girl." You stopped laughing and looked at him again. "What?"
"Don't forget our deal."
After hearing that, you scurried off to your class, only to find out that he was your classmate. Even worse, he was your seatmate.
Currently, you are trying to ignore his calls.
"Hey." You ignored him, listening to your math teacher.
"Hey, new girl." You finally turned to your right and glared at him.
"For the last time, I am not a new girl." He slightly raised his hands and smiled innocently. You were confused, but enlightened when he pointed to the front. Your teacher was glaring at you.
"Miss L/N, please don't talk during my class." Tooru snickered beside you. "Oikawa, stop bothering her." You slightly smirked.
Honestly, you didn't know how this boy managed to get in Class 6.
Then came Monday. You were contemplating whether or not you should go right up to the last minute. The last week was spent arguing with him and trying to convince him that you were not a new girl. You found it really irritating that he just couldn't accept that you didn't know him, when in fact, you knew already.
He's Oikawa Tooru, that setter superstar every girl admires. Every girl except you.
That's probably one of the reasons why he was so interested in you.
Oikawa's POV
I wait under the hot sun. It's already 15 minutes past 5 and she's still not here. If she's not here after five more minutes, I'm leaving. I frown and cross my arms. I can't believe I'm waiting for a girl I barely know.
Five minutes have passed. I don't leave.
And another five minutes. I still don't leave.
And another five minutes.
Damn it! I'm leaving! I think to myself angrily as I start walking towards the gate of the school. I stop in my tracks as I see her at the other side of the street.
What is she doing there?
I make sure there are no vehicles in sight as I run over to her. She looks pale. She's not looking at me, she's just looking at the road.
"Oi, are you okay?" I ask, trying not to sound too concerned. No response. I held her by the shoulders and gently shook her. "New girl!" She seemed to snap out of her trance.
"Oh, sorry." She slightly reddened, not making eye contact. "What happened to you? Can't cross the road?"
"I guess."
"Don't tell me, you're afraid of crossroads now, huh?" She nodded. I took a second to observe what she was wearing. Nothing too formal or casual. Her white t-shirt was peeking out from her wool sweater that was two sizes bigger, with black jeans and sneakers. She looked like a child, honestly.
"I can't really blame you after the whole ordeal last Monday." I shrugged. "Next time, call for me. I'll cross with you." I winked at her. She may have rolled her eyes, but I didn't miss the reddening of her ears. I smirk.
"Let's go." I grab her right hand and pull her towards my favorite cafe. I push the door open for her and lead her towards the counter.
"Oh, Tooru-kun, is that your new girlfriend?" I give the lady a smug smile and say, "Yes. Isn't she cute?" Beside me, I feel her stiffen. "O-Oi!" She protests. I lean down and whisper, "Just for one day." I give her a little wink and turned to the display of food.
"Nee, new girl, buy me some milk bread." She frowns and crosses her arms over her chest. "You're the man here."
"And you're the one repaying me for saving your life." She sighed and pulled out her wallet. I stop her. "I'm just kidding." I stick my tongue out and pull my own wallet out.
"What do you want to eat?" I ask her.
"A slice of chocolate cake, I'll pay for mine." She pulls a few bills out. "Hey, I'm the man here, right? I'll pay for it."
"Who knew you had a nice bone in you?" I hear her mumble.
"What was that?" She sticks her tongue out too.
She's kinda cute.
We both sit down on a table near the window. I watch as she sips a drink she ordered. She's looking at the scenery outside. It's the middle of April, and the weather is nice.
"So, are you ever gonna tell me your name?" I ask.
"Only if you stop calling me new girl." She responds, not sparing me a glance. "Sure, whatever." I absentmindedly responded.
"It's Y/L/N Y/F/N." Suddenly, a headache—no, migraine is attacking me. I clutch my head in pain and let out a few gasps.
Is it happening again? Is it the rewind?
"Hey, are you okay?" Y/L/N responds.
There's a part two for this~ This story is just too good for me that I wanted to make it longer! Thank you for your patience :3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Haikyuu!! or any of its characters. I also do not own the picture used above. If anyone knows who the artist is, please message me so I can give him/her credit.
Thank you for reading!
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I accidentally wrote a fanfic while writing my essay.
Ff.net   -- Song/Video inspiration: Never Seen Anything Quite Like you 
An annoying ringing startled her awake from her deep slumber as she groaned loudly which was muffled by her pillow. She hoped that ignoring it would stop the caller but she was proven wrong as the ringing has started again few seconds after it died down. Beca reluctantly opened her heavy eyes, looking around blindly for her phone. After moments of flailing around like a fish out of water, the brightness of her phone light blinds her for a minute. She shuts her eyes while hitting the answer button.
"BECA MITCHELL. I need you to explain to me this public display without any care of your personal image -"
The voice of her publicist stung her eardrums as she pulled the device away from her ears. She sat upright leaning on the bed frame and took the chance to glance at the time revealing it was 8:30 in the morning on a Sunday. Her blood boiled in exasperation as she could still hear her agent's muffled rant.
That was the unfortunate downside of becoming the famous Beca Mitchell. She gained some unwanted people who lectured her of what she does in public more than her own parents ever did. She wondered what she did this time round.
As the ranting seemed to subside on the other line, the brunette finally put the device back on her ears ready to hear whatever nonsense her agent had for her non-coffee fueled self this early in the morning. She blinked a few times, sleep still in her eyes, clearing her throat.
"What did I do again?"
Her agent, Sam let out a deep sigh from the other line, "There's a video The Script just released and you are seen to be very lovey dovey with one of your best friends in the show. The camera angles at both of you at certain times and now the Internet has gone crazy."
Unfortunately for Beca, her memory served to fail her at the early hours of the day, "Huh. The Script? Lovey Dovey? The fuck?"
With another deep but longer sigh, "Just.. What did we tell you about public displays? We now have to go through all the process for you to release an official announcement of your relationship. And as much as you love your privacy, you kind of screwed yourself over."
Beca, who was now in deep confusion of who and what relationship her agent is talking to her about, her faced scrunched up, eyes narrowed trying to pull out all the information that had happened before but she came out empty.
After a few moments of silence, Sam finally understanding Beca would have to be actually sane and awake to actually process the information that she had thrown at her, she released yet another sigh, "Okay. I know it's an early Sunday, Mitchell. But I need you to check out the video as soon as you can once you had your coffee and do everything you need to do to get your brain awake. Call me then."
The sound of the call ending shook Beca's trance state back to normal as she stared mouth agape at her phone. She let the device slide down from her hands and head fall back on the bed frame. She looked around her dimly lit bedroom of her LA apartment, the sun rays trying to escape her dark curtains to remind her of the time of day but she ignored it laying back down to rest on her pillow, her eyes falling back shut, her breathing getting deeper as she let herself fall back to sleep. Sam could wait another 2 hours.
. . .
Meanwhile, Chloe was making herself and her roommate some breakfast in her dorm room at UC Davis. The peaceful mornings like these she appreciated the roommate she had who cherished the calmness of it. She moved around making some bacon and eggs for the both of them while her roommate Sharon played music from YouTube as she sipped her cup of coffee. The song suddenly transitioned to one of her favorites as she casually hummed along with what sounded like a live version.
"Oh. My. Gosh."
Chloe turned around to the sound of her room mate's surprised tone. She shot her a questioning look watching her stick her face so close to her laptop screen. She turned off the stove and placed the food on the plate ready to serve before she started questioning her roommate. She noticed how the song kept pausing and playing as she watched Sharon clicking then rewinding the song back and forth.
"What are you doing, Sharon?" Chloe raised an amused eyebrow at her roommate who was still going back and forth sticking her face close to the screen then backing away with her eyebrows up her hair line.
Sharon's hazel eyes widened as she now met Chloe's gaze. The redhead furrowed her brows as she observed her roommate looking more wild with her messy black hair tied up in a bun with her wide eyes directed at her.
"You-what. Her?! She...-close. Lord." She let out some type of scoff with seemed to hold a mixture of disbelief and delight.
Chloe's face broke into an amused grin as she tried to stifle her laugh, "Words, Shar. Use words. I don't understand?"
Sharon's mouth formed into a wide smile as she shook her head. "I knew you weren't an open book as you seemed to be."
The redhead tilted her head in confusion.
"You and her, huh?" Her expression quickly changing from shocked to teasing. She grabbed a piece of bacon chewing on it while she stared at Chloe expectantly.
Chloe raised a challenging brow wondering what her roommate was getting at. Sharon simply turned her laptop facing the redhead and pressed play.
Chloe felt her heart skip a few beats as her favorite song echoed around the kitchen room while she watched the live version in front of her, re-living the moment. She bit her lip to hold back a smile but betraying her as she glanced up to meet her teasing roommate's excited hazel eyes and in awe matching her 1000megawatt grin.
Chloe let out a chuckle as the song ended, her body suddenly feeling extra giddy and more alive. She didn't even have her coffee yet.
"Huh. I didn't know that was being filmed.." Chloe started as nibbled on her bacon with a big smile on her face.
Sharon leaned forward, her hands propped under her chin, elbows on the table and food now forgotten, "Spill, Chloe Beale."
. . .
Beca stood in her sweatpants and an oversized Barden t-shirt that was tied on her side to fit on her waist as she stretched in the kitchen letting out a loud yawn. Perks of living in your own apartment is looking like a slob without anyone to worry about seeing you, she thought to herself. She turned on the coffee pot as she opened her laptop that she left on the kitchen island last night.
The early morning encounter with her publicist flashed as a reminder as she sipped her black coffee while scrolling through her emails. She released a content sigh as she leaned back on the chair she sat on. When she reached halfway through her coffee she was ready to face whatever video her publicist was talking about. She only vaguely remembered her saying The Script which is the the band she saw with Chloe about a few months ago.
She resigned to opening her twitter account and just see the news from whatever she got tagged on. Only three words in a hashtag caught her eye immediately followed by a YouTube link. It led her to a live version of the song she held of high importance, that was being played in the same concert and place Beca took Chloe to see the band.
She bit her lip anxiously as she hit play and putting the video into full screen.
"Are you guys cool if we do another song?"
The crowd around them goes wild screaming as they now all switched to turn to the change of position the band had settled to play the next song which fortunately out of pure luck was right beside Beca and Chloe. Chloe clutched onto Beca's arm jumping excitedly up and down. Beca merely rolled her eyes in amusement.
"If you came with someone, who's your boyfriend or girlfriend. Or somebody that you're trying to make your boyfriend or girlfriends. Please pull them a little bit closer for this next song, it's called - Never seen anything quite like you."
As the instrumental plays in the background, Beca could feel her heartbeat thudding rapidly in her chest as she felt Chloe beside her change her position from her arms looped around Beca's to wrapping both her strong arms around the small brunette's waist and leaning her head right on her shoulder. Beca's arm automatically goes around Chloe welcoming her warmth with as much love as the redhead was giving.
"And I'm dedicating it to that girl right there" Danny, the singer points down at one of the fans.
See, Beca knew this song. It was too cheesy, too much gooey love stuff that kind of makes her feel uncomfortable and awkward but she would be lying if she said she didn't like it. Only because of the woman who was why she went to this concert in the first place. The said woman who was impossibly pulling her closer as they swayed as the instrumentals opened through the first verse.
"Here we go"
The piano instrumentals suddenly shot a giddy feeling through Beca's body, sending goosebumps around her arms and neck.
'I think I want you more than want And know I need you more than need I wanna hold you more than hold When you stood in front of me'
Beca remembered the first time she ever listened to the song, she simply rolled her eyes at it. It was a typical cheesy, love song that wasn't different from any other one out there. That was till she heard Chloe singing it for the first time. It was still a new song from the band from their recent album, The Script being a little under rated so not everyone knew the song since it didn't play in the radio. It was a few months before the USO tour, a normal weekend and one of Beca's rare day offs back when they used to live in the small apartment at Brooklyn. Amy was nowhere to be seen probably in one of the guy's she was on and off sleeping with, which left Beca and Chloe the apartment to themselves like the usual. Beca was wakened by the soft sound of Chloe's humming which usual did the opposite effect but instead she was waking up to a feeling of a strange serene vibe that was floating in the confined space of their apartment. There was soft music playing in the background, barely audible but highlighting Chloe's moderately pitched humming more. She was moving around the kitchen cleaning as Beca sat upright slowly rubbing the sleep from her eyes while she observed the redhead sway gracefully around the tiny spaced area in front of her.
A gentle smile grew on the brunette's lips as she leaned back her heart skipping a few beats at the sight of the redhead. The light squeak of the old fold out bed gave her away just as Chloe spun around an expression of surprise passing her face, quickly replaced by a delighted grin towards the DJ. Her electric bright blues meeting her midnight still-full-of-sleep eyes.
'I think you know me more than know And you see me more than see I could die now more than die Every time you look at me
Well I've seen you in jeans with no make-up on And I've stood there in awe as your date for the prom I'm blessed as a man to have seen you in white But I've never seen anything quite like you tonight No, I've never seen anything quite like you'
While the whole auditorium started singing along as well as Chloe, Beca took the opportunity to glance at the redhead in her arms. The entire dome arena suddenly became hushed around her as she stared at her best friend's features. The lights of the arena reflecting on her vibrant blue eyes as she watched the band playing right in front of her, her perfectly shaped lips singing the words of the song out loud with a smile that never left her face but only seemed to grow bigger.
'When it's right it's more than right Cause you feel it more than feel I could take this moment now Right into the grave with me'
Once she learned the redhead's new love for the band, she knew one day she had to take her to one of their concerts. Of course, that opportunity didn't show up till after the USO tour which was definitely almost forgotten till Theo casually mentioned The Script and the word tour in one sentence. Without a single thought, she demanded to know where to get tickets and how she would work extra hard for it. Theo did remind her how the tour was only in Europe but that didn't stop her from buying them anyway.
'Oh well I've seen you in jeans with no make-up on And I've stood there in awe as your date for the prom I'm blessed as a man to have seen you in white But I've never seen anything quite like you tonight No, I've never seen anything quite like you tonight No, I've never seen anything quite like you tonight'
The USO tour was the official time when she had come to terms with her feelings for her best friend. The feelings were too intense to deny and she knew (even when she was with Jesse) she would do anything for the redhead. She didn't know why then but now she did, and she was ready to do something about it. Better late than never?
She didn't get the tickets till she was sure Chloe's schedule was clear and so was hers. She had work extra hours, produced and wrote 5 songs with barely any sleep for DJ Khaled which he was definitely proud nonetheless. It gave her the opportunity to take a week off. She had drove to Chloe's vet school which was nearly a 6 hour drive. Ever since they moved away from their apartment, they both had an unspoken promise of visiting each other no matter what. Beca, anxious as ever had the tickets (2 plane tickets to Amsterdam with their The Script concert tickets) in her backpack, thinking of how exactly to bring up the topic. She gnawed on her lip the whole drive, too nervous to think about how tired she was.
Luckily, Chloe's roommate was never there whenever Beca visited. She never really questioned it. She got to see her best friend the way she usually did back when they lived together, in casual jeans and a white v-neck shirt with no make up on, looking naturally beautiful. She bounced happily seeing Beca on her doorway. To say how Chloe reacted after revealing her surprise was a total success but also slightly embarrassing how the redhead basically lifted Beca effortlessly twirling her around in a bear hug and smothering her with kisses around the face. The brunette of course being herself just shrugged it off, "It's nothing dude. You deserve it. You love them"
Chloe beamed then- her smile, her eyes, her entire existence seemed to be dazzling emitting so much happiness. It made Beca want to melt right there.
'In your eyes oh in your eyes In our hearts yeah in our hearts Sometimes words just ain't enough For this love that's more than love'
She didn't know when she ever got this soft but god, as she stared longer at the epitome of happiness around her arms, she didn't know how lucky she got. She finally admitted herself then and there - Beca Mitchell was so damn in love. The butterflies in her stomach were already crazy till Chloe slowly lifted her head up from her shoulder, her glowing blue eyes meeting Beca's intense dark blue ones, a warm smile that she held so contagious the brunette couldn't help herself but smile twice as big.
They were still swaying with the music, but now Beca positioning herself properly so she was facing the redhead in her arms. The duos' faces somehow twice as close, their foreheads leaning against each other as they drowned themselves in each others gazes, the music around them enhancing each emotion that had been heightened. Beca finally joined in with singing as the last chorus played.
Well I've seen you in jeans with no make-up on And I've stood there in awe as your date for the prom I'm blessed as a man to have seen you in white But I've never seen anything quite like you tonight No, I've never seen anything quite like you tonight
Beca leaned in placing a chaste kiss on the redhead's cheek as she sang the last lyric so softly and delicately right by her ear, "No, I've never seen anything quite like you tonight"
Chloe's heart soared with the crowds cheering that filled the whole arena as loudly as they can after the song ended. Beca felt the older's hands tighten around her waist and her hot breath on the crook of her neck where she placed a gentle kiss on it. They still slowly swayed hugging in each others arms while the band made their way out. The crowd still roaring in delight. Chloe finally pulled back a little bit, staring at her long time best friend who she had been so desperately in love with and finally felt all the love she felt be reciprocated back at her. She never felt so happy in her life.
They walked back into their hotel hand in hand, no words had been exchanged as the high of the whole day was still in their body. Before reaching their hotel room though, Beca nervously stopped at her tracks making Chloe stop with her. She nervously gnawed on her lip as she looked around at anything besides the woman in front of her. It was insane how she suddenly felt so confident earlier and now she was becoming a nervous wreck. The redhead's giggle made her look back at her though. Suddenly, her best friend's soft hands were now placed so gently on Beca's cheek which instantly calmed the dj's nerves. Beca's arms now enveloping the taller girls waist, her view of the redhead disappearing as their faces came closer and lips meeting for the first time. The touch sending electric shivers down their spine, so sweet, so tender, so everything they ever wanted and waited for so damn long.
. . .
Beca didn't notice the smile that grew on her face as she watched the whole live video. They were simply in the background on the right side of the band playing, clung into each other. The camera focused on all the couples and family moments around the arena including them. A few extra shots of them as well as the moment Beca placed a kiss on Chloe's cheek.
The whole video sent a rush of nostalgia, which was kind of ridiculous judging it wasn't that long ago. But it made her feel so damn good and somehow she had gained all the energy the coffee failed to give her. They did their best to keep that moment private. That meant restricting Chloe from telling literally everyone via instagram that she went to Amsterdam out of all places during her week off with no other than Beca Mitchell. Also for Beca's sake they kept low key to keep her now new famous self under the radar. They've successfully pulled that off and their secret relationship (even against the Bellas) since that day. Only hanging out in far away places which were no where near the area of California or any hot spot hangout place. They liked it that way.
But of course because of the inevitability of the whole situation, it would've been revealed one way or another. Beca simply chuckled at herself leaning back on her chair shaking her head.
She felt her phone vibrate on the table, expecting Sam's name instead seeing Chloe's flashing instead. Her smile widened.
"Morning sleepy head."
"Excuse you. I've been awake this whole time"
Chloe on the other line feigned a gasp, "That's a miracle, Becs. On a Sunday? It's just 10am. Are you sure your clock isn't set 2 hours advance?"
Beca rolled her eyes, "HarHar. Beale. Very funny. "
Chloe's soft chuckle echoed in the brunette's ear making her feel all giddy. "I'm guessing you've already seen the video?" Beca asked.
"Seen it? Played it twice. I didn't know you looked so in love with me. I'm flattered." Beca could hear the redhead's playful tone. She scoffed.
"Well I guess I have to admit that to the whole world now, huh"
Beca simply sighed, "Yep. I guess it's time for that. Are you ready to get bombarded with all these questions? Y know I'm not."
Chloe smiled sympathetically, "I know you hate the publicity, Becs. We'll go through it together."
Beca leaned forward to prop her head up on the other hand, "I miss you."
"I miss you too. 2 more weeks."
"Mhm. 2 more."
"On the upside I've gained like 30,000 extra followers in instagram and twitter. Now I can admit to the world why I only date you coz of your fame!"
Beca snorted laughing, "Why do I love you again, dork?"
"I'm aca-amazing."
"You're aca-gross. And I'm aca-leaving. Oh god what have you done to me?! I have to call Sam. I'll call you later, Chlo. Love you."
. . .
A few hours later, after an agreement on the official announcement of Beca's relationship to the world wide web. A picture of Chloe kissing Beca on the cheek while she feigned a shocked expression had been posted on Beca's instagram. It had caused havoc and fans had officially gone crazy in the Beca Mitchell fandom. The caption included, "We're dating, what the fu-? Since when?" With Chloe Beale's accompanying post tagging her, adding fuel to the fire, a snapshot of them from the video looking in each others eyes - captioned "Never seen anything quite like you"
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agl03 · 6 years
Do you think Chloe is suggesting that the Secret Warriors is being reformed in S6? I really don't like that idea. The show already struggled in S5 with giving the main cast equal focus (which it totally failed at since Fitz and Simmons' plot was underdeveloped and didn't have clear direction). I also just don't want S6 being this show's equivalent to Scrubs season 9. I'm worried that the old cast is being phased out. If Fitz and Simmons join the Secret Warriors (Iron Man style), then we'll talk.
Hi Anon,
Unless I’ve missed an interview (which is totally possible with SDCC and just the sheer amount of info coming out) or quote Chloe hasn’t suggested anything with the Secret Warriors.  If she has please direct me to the source.
She did tease a connection between Marvel Rising and Agents of Shield but that is a pretty wide playing field.  It could be anything from 
A reference
They use some of Quake’s backstory or Rising Arc on Shield
A baddie from Rising is also on Shield
One of the Rising characters showing up on AOS.
Some of Quakes powers from Rising make it over to Shield
ComicBook.com was on hand during Marvel Rising’s San Diego Comic-Con panel, which teased what fans can expect in the upcoming animated franchise. Chloe Bennet, who plays Daisy Johnson/Quake, was asked how her approach to the character was different from her work on Agents of SHIELD. As Bennet teased, there’s a pretty good chance that the two could have more in common in the future.
“Well, we are actually going to be bringing more from this show over to SHIELD – but I didn’t say that.” Bennet revealed. “So you will have to stay tuned for that.”
We are just going to have to agree to disagree on the how Fitzsimmons story was handled in Season 5.  I enjoyed it up until the last 30 minutes.  I thought Fitz had a very strong arc.  I loved seeing them together as a couple again, Rewind, the rescue, the wedding, Jemma supporting him after his break, and then the episodes around The Honeymoon.  I’m not saying it was perfect.  I don’t like how they used The Doctor as a plot device, would have liked to see Jemma have a bit stronger arc on her own, and I didn’t get nearly enough Fitzsimmons Family.
I don’t think they are phasing anyone out.  If the Massive Time Jump is in play they could have easily written out any number of the cast and replaced them.  With Disney streaming in Fall of 2019 I do have my eye on Shield being used to set up a spin-off but I don’t think they are trying to reboot the show with new characters.  Part of the Magic of Shield for me is the core team, they are why I’m still here.
I have never made it a secret that I wasn’t a fan of how they did the Secret Warriors arc…or Hives.  And I don’t think the writers will go there again with a full on Secret Warriors team.  However, a story I’d actually really like to see in Season 6 is Daisy as a mentor herself.  And while she isn’t ready to lead but she could work with new recruits or even be similar to May with Coulson and be Mack’s right hand.  
For now, everything is still in ‘wishlist’ form until more information comes out.
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tvehyungs-gf · 6 years
The Connection of Jealousy
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⧉ Genre: Angst + The Connect + Destroyer + Jealousy + House of Cards ⧉ Pairings: Wonho x Reader x Shownu (oc: female) ⧉ Requested: yes! ⧉ Word Count: 1.7K ⧉ Warnings: None but I did listen to House of Cards by BTS for inspo as well as Destroyer by Monsta X, and Jealousy. ➝ ask box ➝ monsta x masterlist ➝ w.i.p.s
Somewhere along the way of a quintessential 3 year relationship, you and Wonho began a menacing game of house of cards.
You didn’t know where it all started, but you did know that you and Wonho were walking on dangerous waters. Your relationship was something straight out of the movies - everything was picturesque perfect and too good to be true. From date nights every Fridays to late night talks whilst cuddling under a fluffy blanket: it was everything you ever wanted in a relationship. But somewhere along the way of a quintessential 3 year relationship, you and Wonho began a menacing game of house of cards.
Honestly, you didn’t know why this game started and quite frankly, you didn’t care. At first, it was because it gave you both a high feeling of pleasure - being able to make your partner jealous to see their beautiful reaction of you touching another being. But then, Jealousy began becoming a huge symbol in your relationship, and it was quite unfortunate for the foundation of it, but at the same it was very fortunate for those you both pulled into your messy game.
However, the both of you knew that this game wasn’t helping you build your house of cards - it was making it easier for it to tumble down. And that’s where it became a tricky game. It was addicting, captivating, malicious, and vindictive, yet, in none of your right minds, you didn’t know that this disgusting game needed to end. It was eating the two of you up like roaches with wood and eventually, there would be no ‘two of you’ to finish the story.
With red painted lips, you snapped the lid back onto your Giorgio Armani Rouge Ecstasy Lipstick in the shade ‘Four Hundred’. After tossing the high-end lipstick carelessly into your black Gucci Dionysus shoulder bag, you stepped out of your black BMW with your head held almost as high as the jealously flowing through your veins from Wonho’s earlier antics. 
As you entered one of the most classiest top-line restaurants in Seoul, the captivating smell of wine effortlessly filled your nose. The soft jazz music played in the background as you made your way towards the large table placed in the middle of the Italian restaurant. Your boyfriend and his bandmates sat around the table that was filled with luxurious wine and delicious foods.
“Good afternoon boys, sorry I’m a bit late.” You spoke softly as you patted your boyfriends shoulder as you sat besides him. “Wonho kind of forgot that I had a meeting to attend today when he arranged this dinner last night.”
The boys dismissed your lateness with an understanding smile. Shownu, who sat on the left of you, gave you a little rub on the shoulder. “Hey, it’s fine Y/N. That’s understandable! Besides, we’re just here to enjoy the rest of the night.”
“You’re too kind! Being on time is a good look.” You stated.
“True, but so is being fashionably late. If I do say so myself, you look very gorgeous tonight Y/N. And I’m sure I can say this on the behalf of the rest of the boys as well.”
You responded with a giggle, “Well since we’re on the topic of compliments, you look quite handsome Shownu. I’m really loving your YSL suit choice for tonight.”
Shownu was fitted in a pepper grey Yves Saint Laurent suit that complimented his umber colored hair. His dark eyes formed into thin crescents as a smile displayed on his pink lips. 
“Oh honey, I hope you haven’t forgotten that your boyfriend is here as well.” Wonho laughed with annoyance, getting your attention.
Quickly, you turned your head and sent a devilish smile towards your irritated significant other. “What, are you jealous or something babe? Have I not given you enough attention earlier today? Or were you too smitten with the girl from this morning?”
The black haired boy scoffed, “Whatever.” Before you could respond, he waved you off as the waitress came by.
“May I get you guys anything else? Would you like a refill on your Chardonnay sir?” The blonde waitress asked, her hands behind her back as she formed a smile.
Wonho smirked, “No thank you, but, I’d actually like to buy you a glass of wine if you don’t mind.”
The girls eyes grew wide, a pink shade formed on her high cheek bones. “Oh! Uh,” She laughed. “I’d love that but I would have to decline. I can’t drink on the job.”
Wonho’s laugh erupted out throughout the restaurant. “Nonsense! Please, may I have a word with your boss? I have a proposition to make with him.” 
The girl nodded quickly before rushing off. In return, you rolled your eyes and turned your attention back on the other muscular boy.
And before you know it, the happy waitress was seated right in front of your boyfriend and right besides Hyungwon, with a glass of Chardonnay in her dainty hands. With your arms crossed across your chest, your lips formed in a straight line as your boyfriend leaned over the table to ‘wipe off; the stupid waitresses lipstick that happened to smudge besides her lips. 
“Why are you wiping the nonexistent lipstick off of her stupid face?” You questioned loudly. The girl rolled her eyes as your boyfriend chuckled. “Even if she did have her lipstick smudge, you should keep it that way because she already looks like a freaking clown either way.”
The some of the boys coughed, as some tried to sniffle in their laughs. “I’m tired, Wonho, let’s go home. We’re already done eating.”
“Ah, just another 30 minutes, Y/N.” Wonho suggested before he started filling the wine glass of the waitress. Her disgusting smile was displayed fully as she tapped her glass with Wonho’s before they began their flirtatious conversation. 
Two can play at that game and you can definitely play it better.
“Shownu,” You started softly, “You have really nice muscles, and honestly, they’re even better than Wonho’s!”
“Oh really?” Shownu smiled proudly. “I’ve been trying to lift heavier weights lately and I think they’re working.”
“Definitely. You should...” Your red-painted nails caressed his arm. “Show me them sometime.” And with your teeth showing smile, you squeezed his biceps in amazement. “They’re so big and hard.”
The tall boy laughed, “I would flex right now but I rather not rip my suit in a middle of a fancy restaurant.”
“Oh, baby, don’t worry. You don’t have to flex to show me the large muscles you have, I can already feel them and if I’m being honest it’s quite a huge turn o-” 
Before you could finish, the blonde girl and your so called boyfriend shared a kissed. “That’s it.” You yelled making the two break apart. “I’ll be having a talk with your manager. Just know that your actions may have costed you your job.” Quickly, you stood up as you reached for your extortionately priced red wine. Fortunately for the disgrace of a waitress, Wonho stopped you before you could continue with your antics. 
“Just-” You shook off your boyfriends hand. “Meet me at home.”
And with that, you stormed out of the area before you would do something that you’d regret.
It was quiet. The only sounds was from the busy nights of Seoul that flowed through from your open window. The cool breeze of the chilly night danced across your skin as you sat against the grey love seat in your living room. Wonho sat across from you with a finger in his mouth as his eyes focused on the little dust particle on top of the untouched centerpiece of your coffee table. “Y/N...”
“Don’t.” You spat irritably. “Just fucking don’t.”
“I know that we,” You sighed, your mind going into jumbles. “like to play this vacuous game of jealously but you,” You stared at him intensely. Your eyes burning with anger and despair. “went too far. I can’t even begin to explain how I feel right now. I’m honestly beyond the point of jealously, hell, I’m in deeper than the pits of hell right now.”
You stood up, “I’m surprised we made it this far, Wonho. 3 years and a half full of pure bullshit and endless misery. Why do we keep continuing this game? Why can’t we end this? Is it because of the sultry make up sex? Or is it because of the feeling of bliss and mischief as we find our way back to another through a trail of childish games we call jealousy?”
“Please, baby, calm down.”
You laughed, “Calm down? Fuck you Wonho. Seriously, fuck you.” With all the anger that filled up insides you, you let it all pour out through your angry screams. “I can’t live like this anymore! We can’t live like this anymore. Our house of cards already collapsed, yet we keep trying to build it up again through these games. Our relationship is a useless dream. We’re not like what we used to be.”
“I wish we could rewind back to when everything was okay. 
You looked down at your feet before taking a seat again. “I wish we could turn back to what we were, but,” You looked at Wonho through glossy tears. “now we’re monsters. We destroyed what was once beautiful.”
Wonho got up and stood before you, his hand reaching out towards your tired body. “Even through tough times, I will never let go of this moment.” You connected your hands as you both held each other close. “Moments like these are the reason why we stay together. Despite our malicious actions, we always find a way to overcome those disgusting acts. I’m sorry for what I did earlier, and I honestly didn’t intend for it to lead that far.”
“I’m stupid for forgiving you each time but I can’t help it. I love you too much Wonho.”
“In a twisted time-space, our beautiful memories are the only thing whole. They empty the times that were once filled with regret and jealousy. I believe in fate, I believe in us, I believe in honesty, and I believe that we don’t change. When I close my eyes and I believe that you’ll always be by my side. Even, when the distant memories of us repeating  our bad cycle.”
“Jealousy is our destroyer.” You closed your eyes and await the unpalatable cycle of your vicious games to rewind and begin all over again.
Authors note: Omg I tried to make this as angsty as possible and I low key love how it turned out! Thank you for requesting and being patient! I hope you liked it! Thank you!
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Are You Happy? (Shaun Murphy x Reader)
This is my first imagine on this blog! Yay!!!
Tv-Show: The Good Doctor
Main Characters: Shaun Murphy and Reader
Plot: When your boyfriend, Shaun, comes to visit, you two have a rather deep conversation about being happy.
Type: Fluff
Words: 1655
Warnings: Probably OOC Shaun? Talk of an abusive ex. I can never keep the tenses the same. I think that’s it?
A/N: Having not one, but two Autistic siblings, I hope I have protrayed Shaun as well as I can. And I apologize if I have gotten anything “wrong”.
You sat patiently, reading a book, and waiting for your boyfriend Shaun to arrive. You and Shaun had been dating for a little over two years, so you had come to learn his little schedule. Even though he got of work at 8, he always came around to yours at 9 every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. He would call at exactly 8:30 if anything had changed. It was rare that anything would change with him. And that was okay. You enjoyed the simplicity of his the constance.
You and Shaun did not live together. He lived in one apartment building, and you live in another that was a 6 minute drive away from his own. You came over to his place on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays - unless he called to say he was busy, or something popped up in your own schedule. This too was rare.
Shaun had not been your first boyfriend. In fact, he was your third. The first, whom you had dated during the duration of high school, had broke up with you after graduation. He went to MIT, leaving you thousands of miles away. He didn’t believe in long distance relationship. So you were left alone. The second one you had met online, but it didn’t last too long. He turned out to be a real jerk. You had dumped him before things could get to intimate. But Shaun. Shaun was different - very different.
You couldn’t remember where, or when, you met him. He was strange, but that was what had interested you. You had known him for half a month before someone told you he was Autistic. They had said it with such hostility, you remember. And you had glared at them hard.
“My brother is Autistic.” That had shut them up. Most people who knew you, knew you had an older brother. But not many people ever met or spoke to him. He wasn’t much of a people person, or a talker, and preferred to stay locked in his room with his plethora of stuffed toys and Batman dvd’s. You love your brother - the person’s comment had angered you. So what if Shaun was… different. He’s still human.
People asked you how you became friends with him, let alone his girlfriend. And to be totally honest, you had no idea. On the outside, if anyone saw you two, they would not make the assumption that you two were in a relationship. Shaun is not one for physical affection. Every once in awhile, if you two are out on a walk, he will take your hand, rather tightly. But you didn’t mind. Every kiss was asked for, unless it was pressed to a cheek. If he were to kiss your cheek, he would state it so you could push your hair away.
You didn’t mind the lack of physical affection too much. But every once in awhile, you found yourself wanting to be held. But you pushed the feeling away. You didn’t want to make Shaun uncomfortable.
Youŕe about to turn another page in your book when the familiar, rapid knocking erupts in your quiet apartment. You check the clock with a smile. He’s right on time. You place your bookmark, and set it aside. You speed to the front door, worried his knocking would bruise his knuckles. You’d have to talk to him about it some time.
“Shaun!” You greet him with a smile. He lowers his hand, and returns to rubbing his hands.
“Hello, Y/N. May I come in?” He always asked you before he came inside.
“Of course,” You step aside so he can come inside. “Come on in.” He takes a step inside, and then turns to you.
“I’m going to kiss you cheek.” You giggled lightly, and push your hair out of the way. Shaun leans his face towards your own, and presses his lips briefly to your cheek before pulling back. He then heads immediately to your couch, picking up your book from the table. You shut the door, locking it before following after him. “This is not the same book you were reading Tuesday. Did you finish that one?”
“Yeah.” You sit next to him, so your knee almost touches his own. “Although, the ending was rather disappointing.”
“How so?” He stared at you, as he usually did while waiting for an answer. You always though, for someone who didn’t like being asked questions, he ended up asking a lot of them himself. Not that you mind.
“It ended with a wedding and a ‘happily ever after’.” You shrug. He tilted his head to the side, clearly confused.
“And a happy ending is disappointing?” He asked calmly. You hold back a snicker.
“Not exactly… Happy ending are amazing, Shaun. Just not the unrealistic ones.” You attempt to explain.
“And that one was unrealistic?” He confirms, nodding his head.
“Very.” You laugh in agreement.
“Do you ever want to get married?” He asks buntly. You’re used to his bluntness, but this question caught you off guard.
“I… I don’t know. Maybe one day.” Shaun hums lightly before setting your book back down.
“Can we watch a movie?” You nod quickly, going to find your CD case. You come back, and unzip it.
“You have a movie in mind.” You attempt to state it, rather than ask. He stares down at the case before taking it, and flipping through. He stops when he finds what he was looking for, pointing at your copy of “Charly”. It was one of his favorites.
“This one, please.” You take the CD and put it in your CD player, turning on the TV as you go. You come to sit back down, seeing your CD case tossed carefully onto your coffee table beside your book. You take a seat beside Shaun again, placing your sock-clad feet onto the coffee table. You pick up the remote control from it’s place on the arm of your couch, and press play.
You’re about twenty minutes into the movie when Shaun speaks.
“Do you like being with me, (Y/N)?” He doesn’t take his eyes off the TV, and you don’t take your eyes off of him.
“Shaun, of course I do. Why do you ask?” You shift in your seat to have a better look at him, and for once in all the time you knew him, his calmness of the situation scared you.
“I saw a couple in the hospital today,” He stated blankly. He took your silence as a signal to continue on. “The girl had broken her leg after falling of a ladder. They were moving in together, and she was painting in a room when she fell.”
“Shaun, I don’t understand…” He cut you off.
“They were very affectionate.” He still hasn’t taken his eyes off the TV. “Her boyfriend was holding her and kissing the top of her head the entire time. They looked very happy.” He stops to clear his throat, and you wait rather nervously. “Are you happy?”
“Of course I am, Shaun.” You reassured him. “I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy with someone as I’ve been with you.”
“What about your other boyfriends? Were you not happy with them?” This made you pause. Should you tell him the truth? You sigh, knowing that lying could only make things worse.
“With Rowan, yes. I was… very happy. He was sweet, always paid attention to me. But to be honest… we had very little in common. He never really had enough time for me. And when he moved to Michigan, I thought the world was going to end, but… it didn’t.” You bit your tongue, because Shaun finally took his eyes off the screen to look at you.
“What about Mark?” He asked. “Were you happy with him?”
“When I first agreed to a date, yes… but he was… verbally abusive. He did everything in his power to destroy my self confidence and that… I would rather not talk about.” You shook your head, then began again. “But you aren’t like Mark. Or Rowan. You’re… well, you’re you. You’re sweet, you pay attention. You have time. You’re honest. Yes, you’re blunt, but some people would kill for a significant other who voiced their opinion.” You cautiously took his hand, which he allowed you to do, and squeezed it softly between your own. “If you’re worried… that I’m not happy, because you’re not… as physically affectionate as others, then you’re wrong Shaun.” You leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “I’m more than happy being with you.” You assured him.
The two of you stared at each other momentarily, and Shaun pulled his hand away from you. You were surprised that, instead of resting it in his lap, he gently put his palm on your cheek. He rubbed your cheek rather harshly with his thumb, but you didn’t mind. You could feel tears pooling in your eyes.
“Okay.” He pulls his hand away, and grabs the remote. “I’ll rewind, since we missed some of the movie.” While he does this, you wipe away your tears with the sleeve of your sweater. He presses play and sets the remote on the coffee table. You two sit in silence once again. Then he shifts awkwardly, coming closer to you. “Would you like to cuddle?” He holds up his arm, not looking at you. You look at him, eyes hazy. You and Shaun didn’t cuddle often, and he was always the one to initiate. So you scoot closer and press yourself gently into his side while his arm lay stiffly on your shoulder. You knew he would relax as the movie went on, so you sit content under his arm as the movie continues.
Then, without warning, he presses a quick, hard kiss to the top of your head and pulls you a little closer.
“I’m happy with you to, (Y/N).”
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nerdywrites · 7 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Based on Mine by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Fighting parents, mentions of drinking, language
A/N: This is my first songfic, so please leave feedback. Thank you :)
You were in college working part time, waiting tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk with a fear of falling 
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts
The smell of coffee and fries flowed through the diner, and hit me the minute I walked in the door. It was a cute little place, the kind that takes the time to put flowers on your table. 
In the table next to mine, a couple sat, arguing over something I couldn’t hear. It reminded me of the many times my parents looked like that. Fast moving mouths and fierce hand gestures. My eyes rolled as I shook my head and looked back down at my menu. I had always promised myself I wouldn’t get into that situation. That I wouldn’t fall in love, because it ends in nothing but heartbreak.
But I felt all my promises, all my walls, all my resistance falter as soon as he walked up. As soon as I saw his brown eyes and messy curls, I knew I was screwed. We got into conversation, laughed, joked. There was light and emotion in his eyes that I had never seen before.
I say, “Can you believe it?”
As we’re lying on the couch
The moment I could see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now
There were times when we didn’t need to say anything. Even dates were accompanied by moments of comfortable silence. We didn’t need to say anything, just understood that we needed to be alone in our thoughts, but not alone in the world.
It was during these times that I thought about the me from three weeks ago, that refused to believe this love existed. She would look at me now and say “you’re blinded and just fucking stupid” just as my mom told my dad when he came home late from the bar. It was during times like these that I wondered why I built walls up, why I couldn’t allow myself to have this.
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time 
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
There was a beach near his apartment. It wasn’t ever heavily populated, in fact, we weren’t sure it was even open to the public. Yet, we discovered how beautiful the sunsets looked against the rippling water. On days where the wind barely blew, we used an old boat to float away from shore. This beach became our spot, that cliché thing couples did in movies was suddenly real. And we laughed about it quite often. 
Flash forward and we’re taking on the world together
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded 
You say we’ll never make my parents mistakes
We were sitting at our couch, trying to find a show to watch when he asked me why I didn’t open up, why I had walls up, even against him. I explained everything. How my dad was a drunk, how my mom skipped work to play cards, and how they both blamed the other for the pile of bills that never got smaller. I told him about how I got a job in town, trying to save up enough money to buy some food, and still have enough for when I moved out. 
He promised we would never be like that. He promised we would be happy for the rest of our lives, and that we would always put each other first. I promised the same thing.
But we got bills to pay 
We got nothing figured out
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes, this is what I thought about
We had our own pile of bills. Which, despite our hard work, only seemed to get bigger. We each put on extra hours at work, we cut back on water and using the heater. We rarely had time to see each other, just a “good morning” or “see you after work”. 
Yes, the bills got paid faster, but was I worth it? Despite having someone right next to me, I felt alone.
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter 
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
I tried to remember the feeling of invincibility we used to have while running on the beach. The feeling of his arm around me as we laid on the sand, looking up at the stars. The feeling of unsaid reassurance that it would be okay.
I missed that, and so did he.
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
He took me out to the beach again. It was dark, and the lights from nearby buildings made patterns on the calm water. He grabbed the boat and we rowed out, perfectly in sync like we used to. We talked and laughed, all the worries, all the stress, faded away.
“I’m sorry” he told me “I promised you that we wouldn’t turn into your parents. I haven’t been able to keep that promise. So I’m starting over. I vow to keep you happy for the rest of our lives. I vow to always make sure that money doesn’t come first, family does. And I want you to be a permanent part of my family.” He pulled out a ring, and as my hand flew to my mouth, he asked “So, will you marry me?”
All my walls, all my doubts, they ran away in that moment. And I never wanted to see them again.“Yes, yes, a hundred times yes”
And I remember that fight, 2:30 a.m. 
As everything was slipping right out of my hands
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. We weren’t supposed to fight like this. The memories of my parents came back like pieces of shattering glass in rewind.
I couldn’t take the yelling, the flashbacks. I ran outside, down the street to where I could only hear the sound of my own breathing. Yet, I turned around and saw him running after me, yelling my name.
Braced myself for the goodbye
Cause that’s all I’ve ever known
Then you took me by surprise 
You said “I’ll never leave you alone”
“Please don’t say it, I can’t hear another goodbye. Not from you” 
He looked me in the eyes, I saw sadness, determination, and most importantly, love. “I’ll never leave you alone” 
You said, “I remember how we felt sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine”
The rain started falling as he spoke. We were soaking in freezing water, but neither of us broke the embrace we were in. I found myself knowing, for the first time, why my parents didn’t work. They gave up. If something went wrong, they gave up and didn’t try to fix it.
I almost did to, my whole life I had been taught to run off when things got hard. Without even knowing it, this was driven in me from a young age.
But I had someone who didn’t give up. He chased after me, he didn’t let the hard times ruin the good. And that’s when I felt more loved than ever. Because I had someone who wasn’t willing to give me up. And I made sure that I returned the favor.
Hold on, make it last
Hold on, never turn back
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
The wedding was beautiful. We invited his aunt and honorary family, a few of our friends. It wasn’t anything big. My parents didn’t get an invite, we decided that was best. 
The whole ceremony was filled with smiling people, laughs and stories. His best friend told some embarrassing things from high school, which I found quite enjoyable. He didn’t, but it was worth it.
Do you believe it?
We’re gonna make it now
And I can see it
I can see it now
I can see it now
See it now
When our first son was born, we made an extra effort to never let him know what having parents who didn’t get along was like. When his brother was born, we promised the same thing.
The house we lived in had a large yard that our boys loved to play in. The oldest liked to play basketball, and the youngest preferred baseball. My husband and made sure we played their games whenever we could. 
That house is where we sent them off to school for the first time. Where we did homework with them. Where we took pictures for their school dances. It was where we put their first cars, which we took to their graduation. Where we sent them off to college, and got and invitation to their weddings. It was were their kids would come if they wanted an extra cookie. It was were we would grow old together.
“I love you Peter”
“I love you too (Y/n)”
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Here we are. Half way home. Still ok on bourbon, but again…there are still 5 games to get through. When I thought of this series, I wanted to have 9 regular season games and a bowl game. I feel like some of those really get lost when talking about stinker games and there were a few that could be right here. The 07 Cotton Bowl…Auburn does really nothing on offense and one of the best defenses in Auburn history clamp down on Nebraska to lock up the most forgettable 11 win season in Auburn history. The 1990 Peach Bowl, where Stan White goes off end to lock up a win over Indiana. Those are something in of themselves, but the 96 Independence Bowl…there it is.
On paper, this is a really scary matchup for Auburn. The Tigers enter Shreveport at 7-4 with gut wrenching losses to Georgia in overtime and to Alabama in Birmingham. The Black Knights on the other had were 10-1 on the year but really hadn’t played anyone. They were 9-0 going in to a matchup with Syracuse in the Carrier Dome and got blown out 42-17 but rebounded to put down Navy 28-24 in Philly a few weeks later.
Three things before we get started, I will be wearing this today while watching and the bourbon selection is Woodford (yes, this will become a staple because we all need something to hold on to and look forward to).
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The final thing is for all of us. In my time collection Auburn things, I have been able to get some of the Auburn Network highlights of games. Therefore, since bowl games are said to be a reward for players, our reward for going back through this one is that in some of the video highlights will be the call by Jim Fyffe (you will see why I went to this extra step in a moment).
Alright, so let’s meet our announcers for today’s game.
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Ok, Craig is good, not fantastic but hey, it’s the Weedeater Bowl…what do you really want. Ok so who’s the…
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! SWEET GOD NO!!!!! Oh for the love. Why have you forsaken me like this??? Can I watch the Peach Bowl instead? Please? Damn it, ok well what about the sideline…
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Does Uber Eats deliver liquor? Prepare yourself for sideline reports that don’t make since but hey, maybe Hodge and Gilmore get into a shouting match over some dumb observation…one can only hope.
To get this thing underway, Auburn gets it first from the 26 and it wouldn’t take Auburn long to set a tone.
Ok, so before we go any further…did anyone else notice at :35 seconds in that clip what Rod says? No one with Craig in the backfield? Ok, so rewind the clip to the beginning…Ok so Rod is 1 for 1 on dynamite analysis….*gulp from cup* It’s gonna be a long day.
The Tigers would push all the way to the Army 2 but would stall out after two plays, the last one being this.
So that would set up my second favorite kicker in Auburn history for a chip shot Field Goal attempt
So Auburn strikes first and take a 3-0 lead.
So let’s join the broadcast to learn about the field conditions from Mr Hodge…
Wait…so the field is sorta choppy and the upright is crooked??? HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS BUT THE REFS DON’T?!?
Army would push the ball to midfield before having to punt it away and Auburn would take over at the 20.
One of my favorite things to see is the local flare at bowl games. They always do such a great job of welcoming fans in and making them feel comfortable at their
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Lord protect me.
Ok back to the game.
Just D Craig doing D Craig things here as he puts Auburn in a good position on the drive. Auburn would need to convert a 4th down and Fred Beasley would do the job that would set up Auburn’s first TD of the day.
That would give Auburn a 10-0 lead as Army would get the ball back at their own 44 thanks to a great return. However, the Black Knights would not enjoy the field possession or the ball for long.
Auburn would take it and get down to the 10 before thanking Army very much for the gift and offering one of their own to the Cadets.
Army can’t do much from the 2 yard line and they go 3 and out where Auburn would get it from the 31 and make short work for yet another nice pass play.
That man could read me the phone book and I would be happy.
So Auburn enjoys a 17-0 lead over Army as we are just getting revved up in the 2nd quarter.
The Black Knights take it from the 20 and go 6 plays before punting and Auburn gets it from their 24. On the drive, the Tigers would need Fred Beasley to again snatch a 1st down on 4th down but the drive would stall out and Jarett Holmes would again be called on to add to the lead.
Auburn puts more distance between Army and themselves with a 20-0 lead.
However, Army finally started to show signs of life as they got it from the 20 and went to the air.
The Drive would cover 72 yards in 6 plays and cut in to Auburn’s lead at 20-7.
Auburn would get it at the 34 and would march down the field near the end of the half but a catch a fumble that hit the pylon so Army ended up with the ball and ended the half there.
To start the second half, the two teams would combine for 10 plays on 3 drives, all that would end in punts before Auburn finally got things going from the Army 47. The drive looked to be stalling out before the Tigers decided to go for it on 4th and 5.
SEE! It’s so much better than just listening to Gilmore!!!
Auburn would go for 2 to try and make it an even 21 but would fail so its 26-7 mid way through the 3rd.
Army would get it from their own 20 and would get in to Auburn territory before the drive stalled. Army would try a 4th down play action pass but it would fall incomplete. So the Tigers would get it from their own 23 and would look to put this one away.
That would set up Rusty Williams to run wild.
Auburn would again go for 2 but fail. So as we go to the 4th quarter, this is where we sit
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And you are asking me, ok Drew, listening to Jim is nice and we are having fun here…but we want you to suffer while watching and sure, Rod Gilmore is doing good work, but…come on….we want DEEEP HURRRTING. Don’t worry my friends, the hurting is coming.
Army would take their drive to end the 3rd quarter from the 20 and would get the triple option working finally and would cash in from the Auburn redzone.
That makes it a 32-14 Auburn lead. Still feeling ok, just over 12 minutes left, as long as Auburn plays smart, this one is in the bag.
The two teams would again exchange possessions before Auburn would get it at the 43 before disaster struck.
Ok, so that’s not what Auburn needed at all.
4 plays later, Army was in the endzone and its now 32-21 Auburn with the lead. Auburn again would start out with great field position at the Army 44 yard line and would get down to the 23 before missing on a 4th down play to give it back to the Knights. Army would get the march going and would get down to the 30 before going back to the air.
Ok not good…that makes it 32-27 and then the Black Knights would go for 2
Alright so it’s 32-29 but really, there’s just over a minute left and, with no time outs left, they HAVE to get the onside kick, and could they really pull that off?
Son of a…so Army would get down to the Auburn 10 yard line before lining up for the tying field goal. This is too big a moment to have Rod Gilmore mess up, let’s go back to Jim Fyffe…wait. Isn’t this the goal post Hodge was talking about at the beginning of the game?
You can actually see that it is crooked in that clip. It was too wide left but…wow. Auburn would take a knee and get the hell out of Shreveport with a 32-29 win over the Black Knights.
Following this game, somehow Rod Gilmore continued to be a color analyst for ESPN and still is to this day. No one is sure how or who he has dirt on but he must because he isn’t good at it. For the record, I am sure Roddy G is a nice person…but if he never did another Auburn football game, it would make me and my liver very happy. Alright, so this was our respite on the countdown. Next week, we get back to pain…I’m looking at you again 2011 season…
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/4/27/21236659/aft-2020-1996-army
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bun-bun-bum · 7 years
Can We Talk? - Chapter 1
A 3 am Klance fanfic. I’m gonna post this on Ao3 but I have to wait to get an account so here it is. Do I know what direction I’m taking this in? Nope. Are my writing skills the best? Nope. But hey hey hey am I still gonna continue this? Nope Maybe!
Chapter 2  | Chapter 3
Lance sends Keith out of all people a video at 4 am, along with 57 messages that get increasingly more and more worrisome. Something is wrong.
“I'm not really sure how to start this,”
Keith smiled. Was Lance ever sure about anything?
“There's just so much I want to say...”
Lance always had too much to say.
“...I hope this doesn't get too long.”
Wait. Keith paused the video and checked the length of it. 30 minutes?! He rolled his eyes and sighed. Typical Lance. Might as well get comfortable, he thought as he reluctantly got up out of bed and tiptoed towards the kitchen to grab a 4-am snack.
He opened the fridge and tried to pick between leftover pie that Shiro had put a sticky note over that said “Mine!” or leftover pizza that Pidge had put a “Touch this and die” note on top of, but his heart was just not into it. All he could think about was the video that Lance had sent him. It wasn't like Lance to be up at 4 am, the guy had to get his so-called “Beauty Sleep”. Plus he was at home, no way would his mom let her little “Lancy Lance” be up after 12. But nonetheless, he had sent him a text in the dead of night that read, “Keith Whatever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Kogane, you better watch this video or so help me God I will fly to Texas and kick your ass”.
Keith had rolled his eyes and laid back into bed to go to sleep but found himself lying awake for 10 minutes, pondering the explanations behind the text. It wasn't like Lance didn't text him often, he did daily to mostly send him pictures of disgusting images and say “Hey it's you” and other immature jokes since he couldn't do them in person. But this time, something was off.
Maybe it was because, for the 10 minutes where Keith lied trying to sleep, Lance spammed him with 57 messages that got increasingly more and more worrisome with each buzz.
It started off the way Lance usually spammed Keith:
U there?
Don't tell me you’re sleeping
Sleep is for the weak
But it started getting...different?
I know u’re up
U probs pulled an all-nighter again
You can take a break and WATCH THE GODDAMN VIDEO
U r such a dick
Just watch the video it ain't hard
Omg I'm talking like u now
C’mon Keith
Are you mad at me?
And then:
Keith please
Don't ignore me
Please don't ignore me
Are you mad at me?
Please don't be mad.
I’m sorry I'm spamming you.
I just
Need you to watch this video right now
It can't wait until the morning
I need a response Keith
Please watch the video
I have no idea what I’m doing
It's important
To me anyway
I guess you can live without knowing
But I can't
You’ll probably hate me afterward
I did a bad thing
A really really bad thing
I fucked up man
I don't know what to do
I'm crying right now
No joke
Can we talk?
Help me
And then ended with this final message:
I'm sorry.
Keith immediately knew something was up, Lance never said “please” or “sorry”. Something was very wrong.
He walked back into his room, juggling his plate of pie and pizza along with his phone and glass of almond milk. Balancing them all on his bedside desk, he flopped back into bed, wrapped himself in his blankets, and helped himself to pizza and milk before pressing play.
Lance’s usually cheerful face looked nervous and downcast today.
“So...you’re probably wondering why I sent this video. The reason? I'm dead.”
Keith choked and spat out his milk. No. No no no no no no no. That was more than impossible, how could Lance have been spamming him for the last 10 minutes then? Not possible. Unless that wasn't Lance.
Keith had almost begun putting together the theory that Lance had never even existed when Video-Lance laughed.
“Ah, dude I'm obviously joking.”
“The reason I made this video, the real reason is….”
Lance shuffled in his seat awkwardly, the desk lamp shining upon him reflecting the trickles of sweat forming on his forehead. The background of his video was unfamiliar, very different from what Keith was expecting. When Lance was home, whenever he Skyped his friends he always did it in his room, in front of his bed and behind his desk. Keith had memorized the placements of the photographs on his walls of his family and friends, the Paladin armor, and Garrison uniform that he had hanging up on his closet door, and his always open window and turned-on fan to keep his room cool during the hot summers in Cuba.
But the background was different this time. A neatly made bed was behind him, with no familiar photographs to be seen on the walls. From the direction he was filming Keith could see no windows or closet. Perhaps he was in a hotel room on vacation with his family? Keith wouldn't have been surprised, Lance’s family always did something extravagant when he came home. He was lucky.
Keith didn't realize that he had zoned out for a couple of minutes and yelped when he saw Lance rubbing his eyes. Oh no no no no no. Fuck what happened? What did he miss? Was Lance crying? Did something happen? Is he alright? Damn it, he was a bad friend, he couldn't even pay attention for more than 2 minutes. Keith mentally slapped himself and rewind the video to catch up for the time he wasn't listening.
“....because I want to talk. But like, you’re annoying and I don't want you to keep interrupting me but I still want a response in the end so I'm gonna film myself and send it to you rather than Skype or whatever.”
Keith groaned and all his feelings of worry for Lance vanished. Typical.
“...but also, I don't think I could even say this while seeing your face. Even if it's through a screen, I just….I don't know. I just can't. Maybe I'm scared? I don't know I just….don't want you to judge me.”
Keith frowned. He knew they weren't that close but he never thought that Lance would ever think that he’d seriously judge him. They were friends after all. Just barely, but they were friends.
Then again Lance had other friends. Why wasn't he talking to them?
“You’re probably thinking that I should be talking to some of my other friends right?”
Was this guy psychic?
“Well jokes on you because I have no friends.”
Lance stopped himself and rubbed his temple. “Joking again, I need to stop that this is serious. I mean, I could have talked to other people yeah, Hunk’s a great listener, Shiro gives great advice, and Pidge is real about stuff, but I can't bother them at what, 5 in the morning? You’re the only one I'd wake up in the middle of the night or morning or whatever to ask for advice, Samurai.”
Lance gave the camera his iconic little flirty smile and Keith couldn't help but smile as he scoffed. Of course, that's why he woke him up. He didn't have any other options.
“And, I really want your help right now.”
That was new.
Lance took a shaky deep breath, running a hand through his messy hair and rubbing his watery puffy tired eyes. Keith stared at them. Was he….crying before this?
“So I fucked up. Yeah, I know, not surprising, I know I know, hilarious. But seriously. I messed up really really badly, Keith. Where do I even begin….”
Lance held his arms to his chest and lowered his head. He took a shaky breath.
“Keith….I ran away.”
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