#can i not have one (1) relaxing day free of worrying i swear
vettelsvee · 4 months
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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rbr sebastian vettel x schumacher!reader | part 2 here
summary: y/n thinks she's sick from f1 traveling stress, but what if that's not the reason of her sickness?
word count: 992
warnings: hints of having sex. mentions of wishing to die (because reader is sick af). use of y/n
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback, as well as comments and reblogs, are truly appreciated!
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It was barely five in the morning, and the sun was beginning to rise on the horizon of the city of Berlin. Sebastian and you, without having been able to rest after the German Grand Prix that had taken place just hours ago, were at the airport of the German capital, ready to head to Hungary, where the next Formula 1 competition would be held.
You were aware that following the lifestyle of a high-level racing driver was not easy. However, you didn't think that getting eight hours of sleep or having free time would become privileges that you would have, in part, during the holiday period. Despite the excitement that filled you every time you embarked on a new destination, you had been feeling unwell for several days, and no matter how hard you tried to remedy it, all you did was worsen it.
Seb, who knew you well enough to know that something was wrong, tried not to make a big deal out of it. He knew that you tended to get sick frequently, although the fact that you was quieter than usual and didn't have as much energy as usual started to worry the blonde who, at the moment of takeoff, observed carefully as your face grew paler, while you gripped the armrest of the seat tightly.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Sebastian asked with concern.
You tried to breathe deeply to calm the wave of nausea you were feeling right now.
"Yes," you simply replied, faking a smile. "I just feel a little uncomfortable with takeoff, you know airplanes and I are not friends. Stop worrying, love. You'll see it'll pass soon."
Despite your multiple reassurances, Seb couldn't convince himself. Your eyes reflected how you felt, and he had no doubt that you were hiding something from him to avoid worrying him.To try to relax you, he leaned towards you to leave a kiss on your cheek.
"Sweetheart, I know you've told me you're okay, but if you start feeling worse, let me know, okay?"
You nodded, silently thanking the German for his concern.
Although he tried not to make a big deal out of it, the truth was that as the flight progressed towards its destination, you felt worse, even reaching the point where nausea turned into frequent trips to the bathroom to vomit, and constant dizziness into a desire to faint and not wake up for a few days.
"Seb, I swear… I can't deal with this anymore."
After suddenly getting up from your seat, hurrying to the bathroom trying not to cause too much commotion among the other passengers, you quickly locked yourself in the small cubicle, bending over the toilet to empty everything you didn't know you had inside yourself. Sebastian watched with concern as you fled, trying not to lose his composure under the curious gaze of those present, including a few Red Bull engineers.
“Y/N!”, Seb called out as quietly as he could, anxious because you weren’t responding. “Are you okay? Please, open the door.”
You didn't answer him, which only heightened Vettel's anxiety. He fixed his gaze on the bathroom door, waiting for you to come out and give him some explanation of what was happening.
After what felt like an eternity, you emerged from the bathroom with a completely pale face and a tired look. Sebastian simply pulled her close to his chest and held her tightly in an embrace.
"Love, what's wrong?" he said anxiously. "I need to know what's going on. Things can't continue like this if you're going to keep accompanying me. I'm sure it's getting to you: everything is overwhelming you and..."
Suddenly, you began to cry from the helplessness you were feeling, causing Sebastian to hold you even tighter, stroking your back to help you relax as much as possible.
"I can't take it anymore, Seb. I feel awful. I want to die right now."
"We should seek help," he said, wiping your tears away. "We'll see what we can do now to keep you as relaxed as possible for the remainder of the flight, okay? And when we land, we'll go to an emergency room to see what's wrong with you."
Sebastian then called one of the flight attendants in their area and explained the distressing situation, emphasizing that he wouldn't want anyone to find out to avoid conflicts with both the media and his team. The flight attendant simply nodded and informed them to return to their seats, immediately assisting the world champion's partner.
"Mrs. Vettel, here's some water and an aspirin," the woman kindly offered you. "Additionally, I've informed the crew about your wife's situation," she said, now looking at the blonde, "and they confirmed that if she gets worse, there's no problem in making an emergency landing at the nearest airport."
"I'm not Sebastian's wife..."
"Thank you very much," the driver interrupted, thanking the flight attendant for her assistance.
The German began to laugh at your reaction as soon as the woman left.
"You should have seen your face, Y/N. You can't deny that you didn't mind being referred to as my wife," Seb said, stroking your hair and opening the water bottle for you to take a sip.
The flight continued, and although the nausea had been brought under control, the discomfort persisted. The couple was aware that there was only, thankfully, about half an hour of travel left.
"Darling," Sebastian whispered sweetly. "Close your eyes and focus on your breathing: inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. I'm here, hold my hand."
You followed your partner's instructions, allowing yourself to be guided by his voice, which was truly comforting in those moments, in each inhalation and exhalation. Gradually, you began to feel calmer, and you would even swear that you hadn't felt this way in several days.
Finally, the plane reached its destination. You felt greatly relieved that the flight, which had caused you so much distress, had come to an end as it had left her physically and mentally exhausted.
As soon as your feet touched Hungarian soil, Sebastian made sure that you felt as comfortable as possible before heading to the hotel. Despite the rush Britta, Sebastian's PR, took a moment in some small seats to rest and, as much as possible, recover from the turbulent journey they had just endured.
Although he knew he might hurt your feelings, Sebastian decided to broach the subject with a mischievous smile:
"Love, don't you think we've had enough intense Sunday nights celebrating my victories? Because I think it's led to something good."
At first, you were a bit confused, but a few seconds later you let out a shy and sweet laugh. The driver wasn't lying: sex had become your ritual to bid farewell to the weekend and, above all, as a celebration of Seb's victories that season. Now that you remembered, there were quite a few occasions where you didn’t use protection, so you thought that the possibility was even more up in the air now.
"It could be, Seb," you said with a knowing smile. "If I am, we could have a pretty big problem..."
"Please, love, don't say that," Vettel drew closer to you, taking your hand and gently tracing small circles on it with his fingers. "If you're pregnant, I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother. Besides, I know we haven't talked about this, but I've always wanted to be a father and I can't imagine anyone better than you to fulfill this dream."
Tears began to form in your eyes, and you hurried to wipe them away to prevent your boyfriend from noticing.
"So, what do you say? Should we tell Britta that we need to go to the pharmacy and buy a test? That way we can find out, and if it's a no, we can keep trying," you clarified eagerly. "What do you think about tonight?"
Feeling excited, after you explained the situation to the woman who had become another member of the family, and who, obviously, had been thrilled at the possible news, headed to the nearest pharmacy to avoid arousing suspicions among the journalists and paparazzi, who were lurking around with the intention of getting the latest scoop on the man of the moment.
Alone together and holding the small bag containing the test, you began to feel nervous as they approached their room. Upon entering the suite, you both sat on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to calm themselves before checking whether you would become parents.
"Okay," you said, taking a deep breath, "I'm ready."
After that, you opened the box containing the test and went to the bathroom, where you followed the instructions carefully. Once finished, you placed it on the surface of the sink and returned to where Seb was, waiting for the indicated time to pass to see the result.
You approached your boyfriend, who gently stroked your back once again to comfort you. He knew you were nervous and scared. He felt the same way.
"Whatever the result is, I'm grateful to have a woman like you in my life. I'll be by your side no matter what, ok?" Sebastian reassured you.
Tears filled the your eyes again, and as you looked at your watch and saw that the waiting time was over, you ran as fast as you could to the bathroom, followed by an anxious Sebastian.
Quickly, you took the test in your hands and saw the result:
"It's positive!" you shouted, your voice trembling. "I'm pregnant, Sebastian!"
A wave of emotions engulfed you both, not knowing what to do except to embrace tightly as you felt a mixture of astonishment and joy, as well as uncertainties about what could happen from that moment on.
"Well, it turns out that in the end I'm not just good at pointing with my index finger when I win," Sebastian teased you mischievously.
"I find it surreal that you're making dirty jokes after finding out we're going to have a child."
"I guess," the driver continued playfully, "we'll have to tell this little one that his dad is a two-time, for now, Formula 1 world champion, and that his mother is a champion in other aspects."
You laughed at your boyfriend's quips, finding them unbelievable.
"Come on, Seb, don't act modest now saying you didn't have merit. You know perfectly well that I motivated you quite a bit during those baby-making sessions."
"Of course, I'm not saying otherwise," the German continued jokingly. "I'm sure the baby will become the royalty of Formula 1. Who wouldn't want to have Vettel and Schumacher genes?"
Both of you burst into laughter, filling the room, giving way your thoughts on how you would tell your families, the media, your respective coworkers... Especially, you spent a few minutes sharing your expectations about what your life would be like from that day on.
"Miss Schumacher and future Mrs. Vettel, let me tell you that now that we know we're expecting a little miracle, I propose we celebrate it in a more... intimate way."
"You can't even give me a day's break, can you? I don't know about you, but I'm convinced my father wouldn't find it amusing to hear his daughter screaming to ask her boyfriend for more," you said, knowing your father would be in the adjacent rooms.
"I know," Seb simply said, "but I’ve won in life, and I don't apologize for winning."
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Two Animal Obsessed Idiots
Jason Todd x M!/GN!Reader
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Warnings: Crack and swearing
Summary: The reader and Damian are both obsessed with animals, so while Jason is out on a mission, the reader and Damian start to go to all different types of animal stores and little do they know there’s no more room left in Wayne Manor nor Jason and the reader’s apartment
Quote: “Hold on Damian is in on this?! Oh that little brat is gonna- HOLY SHIT IS THAT A LION?!”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When Jason first introduced you to his family, everyone in his family loved you. But one person in particular was really interested in you, and his name was Damian. You both shared a love for animals, so it wasn’t much of a surprise for anyone in the family when you and Damian got really close.
Some days, Damian would come to both you and Jason’s apartment just to hang out with your pets. Talking about your pets, you already had at least 4 dogs, 2 cats, and 1 bunny. But it never really felt like you had enough animals, of course you loved all of the animals you had now, but you needed more. And when you asked Jason..
“But just look at it!!!” You said as you pulled up a picture of the 2nd bunny you wanted.
“Most of our apartment is already filled to the brim with animals! And you want more?!” Jason asked.
“Yes! You can never have enough!” You tried to explain.
“I can’t do this right now y/n, I have to go on a mission today” Jason sighed.
“Fine” you pouted.
“Don’t be such a big baby” Jason smiled before kissing you.
“See you in a couple weeks baby” Jason smiled before leaving.
After Jason left you were left on the couch petting your dogs and wondering what to do with your free time. But that’s when you got a phone call from Damian.
“Hi y/n, Todd is out on a mission, and I was thinking that we go to all types of different pet stores and getting more pets” Damian suggested.
“I would love to, but Jason told me I couldn’t get any more animals” You sighed
Damian just bursted out laughing.
“What is he? Your dad? Come on! It’ll be fun” Damian said.
“Fine, why not, what’s the worst that could happen?”
You ended up picking up Damian from Wayne Manor, and you guys ended up with at least 16 new dogs, 17 new cats, 5 new bunnies, 3 new birds, 23 new pet fishes, 13 new hamsters, and somehow you both adopted 2 lions(don’t ask how, but just know it wasn’t an easy process).
When you both got to Wayne Manor, you two could let half of the pets there, so you had no choice but to take the rest to your house. Surprisingly, all of them fit in your apartment, sure you probably didn’t have much space to relax but who would need to? To your surprise, the lion was rather friendly with the rest of the animals, And then you heard a knock at the door.
“Y/n? Can you open the door for me? I think I left the keys in there while I was out on the mission” Jason asked.
“Uhhh, yeah! In a bit!” You yelled out as you tried to shove all the animals into one room.
“Oh never mind it was just in my pocket!” Jason said.
“Wait! Uhh! I’m.. uhh… naked!” You said.
“Y/n I’ve seen you naked before, I’m pretty sure it’s fine” Jason sighed as he opened the door to see new animals in your apartment.
“Y/n! I thought I told you that we couldn’t get new animals!” Jason scolded.
“Yeah, but Damian said it was fine and we could-”
“Hold on Damian is in on this?! Oh that little brat is gonna- HOLY SHIT IS THAT A LION?!” Jason screamed before running off to the lobby.
The lion tilted it’s head in confusion and you laid next to it, petting it.
“Don’t worry buddy, he’ll warm up to you” you smiled as you patted it.
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madeofcc · 3 months
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MomBzzz at Edgewave 2024 part 1 : The text !
The MomBzzz will perform on June 17 th !
@aniraklova ♥
??? : Yes, auntie Dori is coming soon to see you don't worry love. But you have to promise me to be good with your sister okay ? Ahahaha ! I bet you are ….
??? : Give me back the phone honey, mommy needs to talk … I swear, these kids are killing me sis ! Especially Georgie, he seems super agitated lately
MIDORI : He seems fine Yukari don't worry ! I swear you should really relax sometimes otherwise you'll get burned out !
YUKARI : I know … What about that gig you told me about ? Any news yet ?
MIDORI : No … Still zero answers but I'm pretty sure we won't be selected anyway …
YUKARI : Why do you think so ?! I mean, I'm kinda counting on that gig to get out of the house for one night !
MIDORI : We're not that famous and that good for the Edgewave … I mean, there's usually massive bands there ! Have you seen who's confirmed so far ?! This is insane !
YUKARI : I actually have to check it but … Wait a minute … Georgie leave your sister alone ! Drop that glass right now ! Drop it ! I have to go sis, call you tomorrow !
MIDORI : Ahahaha !!! Byyyye …
MIDORI GETS A TEXT : Hi this is Kari from Edgewave, we're happy to announce that your application has been validated and that you can have your own gig during our festival this year. As you may know, the main bands have already been announced so feel free to choose a free space during the day (after all, we're here to enjoy rock'n'roll all day long). Please reach back to me as soon as possible for further details.
Love, Kari.
HEN : What's happening ?!?
MIDO : Oh my god ! Oh my god ! Oh my god !
HEN : Babe ! What the fuck ?!
MIDO : Guess who's going to the most iconic rock'n'roll festival of simblr this year ?
HEN : No fucking way ?
HEN : This is really huge Midori ! Gia is going to be so excited !
MIDO : Totally ! We have to tell her !
HEN : Not after I made love to you sweetheart !
MIDO : It's going to take hours !
HEN : So what ?
MIDO : I'm already thinking about our outfits actually … Karim and Vincent are going to be sooooo happy as well !
HEN : This is huge my love, our band is finally getting somewhere !
MIDO : Let's go far away and beyond then 
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pedrostylez · 3 months
The Gray: Chapter 1
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pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
word count: 2.3k
chapter warnings etc: NOT CANON JOEL MILLER, Violence, questioning, swearing, flirting (I’m scandalized), pet names including Eminem references and nicknames but not to be associated with the appearance of reader. NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: Only 7 days into July and it is already kicking my ass! I should be back on track soon, but who even knows lol. This series will eventually have smut, but probably not for a few chapters. I love respectful comments and questions, so feel free to ask those or to comment it on this post! Thank you <3
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Joel shot you purely because he missed AJ. Anger coursed through him at how quickly he escaped, you in front of him, protecting AJ.  But now a puddle of sweat is starting to form in your collarbone, your skin turning a shade of gray he’s never quite seen before, and you’re still trying to be smart with him. If he was younger he would have thought you were flirting, but he’s too experienced now to know that it’s just a game to save your life. 
His eyes flicked down to where he injured you, a slight improvement noticeable, but he didn’t think it was this slow. His mind reels back to the television from last night, and those Organization commercials trilling in his head. What did they all say about you? Healed in just 30 seconds! She can save anyone!
What a load of shit that was. 
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You are shifting in and out of consciousness, slung over Joel’s shoulder with carelessness that makes your chest ache. You want to lift your head, to let the blood rush out of your skull, and to give some relief, but it’s too much effort to even try.  Every time you rouse enough to remember, you can feel your leg stitching itself together, the pain causing you to clench your fingers around his shirt before falling back over the depths of unconsciousness. 
When you wake fully, you find yourself staring at rusted beams and swinging lights. A light breeze passes over your face, cold and slightly damp as you attempt to lift your head. Your neck is stiff as you tilt your head to the right and left, trying to take in your surroundings before taking note of the black boots planted on the ground by the wall. 
You let your eyes glance up and over at Joel, his posture relaxed as he faces mostly away from you. He stares at monitors along one whole wall, clicking away and shifting his head back and forth over what looks to be an empty alleyway, an abandoned building, Main Street and Hero Road crossways. The couch you were laying on is soft below you, a blanket folded neatly on the arm of it by your feet. Your head swivels to a dining table just behind Joel, the chairs all faintly facing the same way he is, a kitchenette to the right with an open door that leads to a bathroom, and another two doors to the left. 
No windows or easily accessible doors that were in plain sight. Your heart rate increases uncontrollably as you frantically look around to see if you missed an exit. You’re in the midst of convincing yourself that everything is fine, there of course is a way out of here, when Joel turns to face you.
Joel is rubbing at his neck before giving a flash of a smirk. “Ah, you’re awake.” 
“H-How…” You stumble through the word, moving your eyes down to the floor and looking around again. You’re still laying down, completely paralyzed in fear that you hope is hidden, clearing your throat to try and snap yourself out of it. You lean up, sitting straight and facing him fully on the couch to feign relaxation, but you aren’t convinced you could do it well enough to trick Joel. 
He watches you fidget, his own fingers tapping against the desk he sat at before his eyes snap to you. “Don’t worry, Marianne won’t know you failed on the job.”
Your eyes shoot up to his, frozen in place. You had seen his photo from when he worked for the organization under Marianne. Most of him hadn’t changed-graying of the hair, maybe, but his eyes that bore into yours looked the same as they did in his photo. His history with the Organization in the archives was limited to him leaving it, but you didn’t know much else. “I-I…I wasn’t thinking about Marianne.” You stumble, wincing at your own voice.
Joel chuckles, looking back toward his screens. “I’m going to ask you some questions in exchange for keeping your little mistake on the low. And I won’t kill you–how does that sound?”
“I didn’t make a mistake!” Your voice catches, standing up and glancing at the door to the left. Fuck this guy, you don’t need him telling you about failure when all you did was get in the way. You shuffle slightly, watching as Joel seems to not care. You miss how his legs slowly move under the desk to better situate himself to stand. 
He scoffs. “Oh what, you fainted straight into my arms then? You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes, Slim.” A smile creeps onto his face again, waiting for your reaction.
It was your turn to scoff, watching him stand to face you fully, the smile now spread across his face as if he’s won a prize. “You hauled me here, I didn’t faint.” 
“You were just pretending so I would hold you longer? Bold move. Especially since I could just…” He takes a bounding step toward you, his breath felt on your face as his hand comes up to his neck and makes a slow slicing motion. “Slit your throat right now for faking it.” He practically purrs, stepping closer to you and watching you tense up. “Just a couple questions, little hero.”
You swallow roughly, back pressed against the door behind you, praying that maybe it would open into the fresh air and you could sprint away. When it doesn’t, you rake your eyes up, his black cargo pants fitted to him, shirt untucked now without the armor he’s known for. His arms tan and freckled, biceps bulging out of the sleeves–
Joel clears his throat, heat spreading through your cheeks as he catches you looking at him. “One thing at a time. You work with AJ, right?” 
You nod, swallowing harshly and grinding your teeth to stop your jaw from wobbling uncontrollably. You had never been interrogated like this before, not in training with The Organization or otherwise.
“And how long has that been, sweetie?” He asks gruffly, leaning one hand next to your head to cage one side of you. 
Your breath picks up, attempting to shove at his arm before he brackets you back in. Your cage is getting smaller and smaller. “Why?”
“Just answer the question.” He growls back, hand twitching at his side. You keep your eyes on him, daring him to reach for you. Anger flares in his eyes when you don’t immediately answer, pupils blown wide as a hand comes up around your neck and squeezes. Thankfully, you still don’t flinch. “I don’t like AJ. He plays for the crowd and has dirty secrets.” He spits out.
You furrow your brow, shaking your head with the little room he’s given you. You strain your voice to speak through his tightening hand. “I don’t know what you’re talking about–”
A brief release of his hand to come back more firmly, a dull thud of the back of your head against the door. “Yes, you do. If you are partnered with AJ then you’ve seen what he does. Did Marianne partner you together to teach you a lesson? To help him? What?” His hand tightens around your windpipe, anger boiling to the surface of his skin and painting him a deep red. He’s ready to tear you to shreds in the flip of a switch, and you close your eyes to prepare yourself for what you assume is inevitable. 
He will choke you until you pass out and die, he will kill you, he will–
Joel’s hand releases almost fully around your neck, still loosely touching you to keep you in place. When you open your eyes he is staring back at you waiting patiently. 
A deep breath in. “Less than 6 months I have worked with AJ.”
He continues to stare at you, tilting his head and grinding his teeth a bit more until finally  his fingers uncurl from your neck, smirking with a brief chuckle.  “So quick to give in, huh?”
You’re stunned, shaking your head to snap out of whatever downward spiral you were thinking yourself into and refocus. “Shut the fuck up.”
Another small laugh leaves his lips as he pops one hip out, leaning on his arm that rests by your head again. “How many times has AJ left you to the wolves like he did when I took you?”
Your teeth sink into the inside of your cheek, a flash of blood coating your tongue from how hard you’re trying to keep it together. He’s testing you. “Why do you want to know?”
His hand is quick to come back up, pushing the hair that has fallen out of place over your shoulder, twirling a strand around his finger. It’s tempting to lean into it, subconsciously wanting to feel someone touching you, but you keep still. “Sounds like to me he does it a lot.”
You don’t respond, knowing you’ll only give yourself away. His eyes flick up to yours, another smirk gracing his face. His gaze flicks down to the ripped super suit you’ve designed, fingers drifting away from your hair and to the bare skin visible there. “I thought this was supposed to repair itself?”
When Joel looks back up to you expectantly, his question still unanswered, you cough. “It…can.”
He squints, examining you. “It can? Why hasn’t it, then?”
His finger, dirty and bruised makes you gasp as he touches the exposed skin. Still tender from the shot he took at you earlier, you wince uncontrollably. “I thought it was supposed to regenerate your health too.”
You swat his hand away, taking the opportunity to push at his bum shoulder you know you’ve hurt before and step away from his grasp. “It does, you asshole. I’m working out the kinks.”
“You are?” He questions, not angry or eager to get you back in his grasp. “I thought they put you in that thing.”
“No, it’s my suit.” You can’t help but defend yourself, your design, the hard work you’ve put in. 
“Then why isn’t it working?” He asks casually, stepping back over to his desk and sitting down with a grunt. He eyes you expectantly, rubbing at his shoulder before leaning back with a sigh. 
“I don’t know!” You yell, immediately regretting it. You weren’t supposed to show emotion. You sigh heavily, looking at him for another moment and then deciding to just say-he was likely going to kill you anyways. “The Organization has better resources while I try to figure out why it’s not doing what it’s supposed to do, and I think I’m getting somewhere with it but if I keep going how I am with people shooting me,” You glare at him, his gaze on you unfazed. “Then I won’t have a chance to fix this issue.” 
He lifts his chin in understanding, mulling over the information. “And that issue is?”
“That it regenerates slower each time I have a fatal injury. There’s something wrong with the wires, or how it is done and I don’t know why yet.” You spit out, feeling exhausted suddenly. You lean against the door again, it cool against your back. 
 “What are you going to do then?” He asks, leaning back in his chair further than before and raising his hands over his head. 
You look around, standing straight with your hands on your hips and shake your head. “Well, it looks like an interrogation until death, so it doesn’t really matter, does it?”
He blows air out of his mouth quickly, a soft scoff in your direction. “Just answer my other questions and I’ll let you go.”
You wait patiently, staring at him as he taps his fingers against his desk again. He pauses for only a moment before continuing. “Has AJ ever done anything that has concerned you?”
“No.” You immediately answer, relaxing the muscles of your face to not react further. 
“Has he ever made a pass at you?” Joel questions again, waiting. 
“No.” Again, immediate answer. You cringe inwardly at what you think he is going to ask.
“Has Marianne ever asked you to watch after him?” He sighs, picking up a pencil and beginning to scribble on to a pad of paper by his keyboard. He now seems uninterested, not convinced. 
You pause long enough that he glances at you again, his eyebrows raised in question. “I…no I don’t think so.”
“What has she said, exactly, in regards of him?” He pushes, turning back to his pad of paper. 
You think for a moment, looking back on to your first few days with The Organization. A tour, the glitz and glam of the behind the scenes and how you could improve your work on your supersuit. Smiles from other superheroes, AJ shaking your hand and saying he looks forward to working with you. 
A shuffling into Marianne’s office and sitting in front of her desk, eager to be of service. Marianne’s stern face gave way to a soft smile before saying, “Keep him in check, show him your good attitude but stay firm. Be a good hero for me, alright?”
You repeat as such to Joel, shutting your eyes at the memory. You know you’ve been missing something, and you thought you were doing a good job at keeping AJ “in check”, whatever that meant. He didn’t like working with others, that much was obvious based on how he would leave scenes of crimes and not tell you the details afterwards. But things were getting better–
Joel stands, taking a couple steps over to where you are and looking down upon you. Frozen for a few moments, eyes flicking back and forth between yours before taking a deep breath and nodding. “That’s all I needed. I hope to never see you again, Slim.”
Defiant, you cross your arms and frown at him. “What is that supposed to me–” Your sentence was cut short, Joel’s hand coming up and impacting your face in such a way that all you see is stars and a slow tunnel into full black. The only thing you remember are those damned boots he’s wearing, and that smile growing on his face again. 
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sunsetsandsunshine · 2 years
~ Leadership ~
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I just wanted to say I absolutely love Raph and Leo’s dynamic throughout Rise- it’s just so wholesome and pure man. And just the fact that Raph wasn’t even mad or petty that Leo became leader after S2 but was mad at how careless Leo was being about being leader…IT'S JUST SO 🥹🥹🥹 
So yeah, this is how this fic came to be <3
Ler: Raph🐢❤️
Lee: Leo🐢💙
Warnings: A bit of light angst in the beginning, light swearing and tickling, if none is your thing feel free to continue scrolling :)
Summary: It’s been a couple weeks after Splinter abruptly announced that Leo was The Mad Dogs’ new leader which causes the red eared slider to somewhat isolate himself from the family. Raph confronts him about it.
(A/N: I think this is already stated enough in my blog but t*est shippers back the hell off please)
It was around late evening on Saturday, and if you’re apart of the Hamato household you know one of two things,
Movie nights are something all of the brothers can happily agree on is the best part of they’re Saturdays. It’s just super fun to be able to relax and enjoy themselves and not having a worry in the world about anything.
They were all setting up the living room to be comfortable to everyone's liking for the movie night, when the oldest brother realized that the second youngest wasn’t here: Leonardo. So he suggested he would go get him, since it’s not really a movie night without all of your brothers, right?
“Are you…sure you guys are good?” The youngest asked, putting the stack of pillows on the ground, spreading them out and facing Raph, looking extremely uncertain. “Because I can go get him if you’d like!” Mikey smiled, although if you ask Raph it looked nothing but forced.
“Nah, I’m…I’m good. I can go get ‘im. Raph’s just…confused as to why you two look so…mortified that Raph wants to get Leo for movie night…” The snapping turtle said, looking at his siblings who quickly looked away from his gaze.
Donnie sighed, rubbing his left arm and sitting on the couch, “It’s just…we thought you and Leo wanted…some space from one another. After Papa dropped the whole Leo-is-the-new-leader thing, we figured you two wanted to be away from each other…?” The purple cladded sibling said, looking up at Raph who just looked at him, his so-called “Raph chasm” increasing in worry.
“What? What makes you say that?” Raph asked dumbfounded, because- what? Raph didn’t want to “space himself” away from Leo- if anything he wanted to be with him…did- did Leo want to be away from him? Is he missing something here?
“You two haven’t really talked these past couple of weeks…we figured y’all just needed space so we didn’t say anything…” Mikey told Raph, sitting next to him. What? Of course Raph talked to Leo in the past couple of days, he was sure of it! 
“That’s not true! Me and Leo were talking a couple days ago about a cool serpent we found on the internet!” Raph exclaimed, crossing his arms. Mikey grimaced, “Raph…that was like, 1 month ago…before the whole leader thing…”
Raph didn’t realize it was that long since he’s talked to Leo. He honestly thought they conversed at least a couple times, but he’s probably just putting moments in the past earlier than they should be to make himself feel less guilty. 
Raph quickly got up from where he was sitting, “I’m going to go get him, okay?” Donnie and Mikey exchanged uncertain looks with each other, but then nodded reassuringly as Raph went to Leo’s train car.
Now, you’re probably wondering what the actual shell is he and his brothers talking about? What Leader thing?  Well, just a couple weeks ago, their Father; Splinter, announced that Leo was the new leader of their team: The Mad Dogs. Originally, Raph was the leader but after that announcement…guess he wasn’t anymore. 
And to be completely honest, Raph was…shocked, to say the least. He was confused as to why his Father didn’t tell him beforehand, Raph being the leader at the time should have at least known…but to just dump this info on all of them was not the best move. Sure, Raph was a bit hurt that he wasn’t the leader anymore, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t stop caring for his brothers.
No matter what “role” he’s given, he’s still the big brother; no position on they’re team could or would change that.
But as for Leo, the red eared slider didn’t take the new information quite as well as everyone else did. He seemed frustrated with their Father for making him the leader, which caused the two to have a pretty heated argument that just ended up making Leo more angry. And for the last couple of days Leo has just been…out of it. No snarky remarks, no jokes…no nothing. And even at dinner he was silent…just a small “yes” nod or “no” nod whenever someone was asking him a question. 
And it just…hurt; seeing your brother completely isolated from everyone…Raph didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit.
“Hey, Leo? It’s Raph…could I come in?” He asked pretty hesitantly. The snapper turtle heard his brother walk around in the room moving stuff, knowing him…he probably had like 12 empty cans of Sprite and was hiding them for the elder not to see, but that’s a talk for another day. “Hm? Oh yeah sure.” Leo said dryly from inside his bedroom. Raph opened the curtains to see the red eared slider sliding something under his bed (probably the empty soda cans). The younger turtle was maskless, and wearing his indigo hoodie.  
“Leon…we needa talk, bud.” Raph exclaimed as he shut the curtains and leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms. “About?” Leo asked, not turning to Raph but somewhat acknowledging that the eldest brother was there. Raph went to the edge of Leo’s bed and sat down, patting the spot right next to it as Leon hesitantly followed. “I needa talk to you- y’know about what happened a couple weeks ago…” Raph exclaimed, the snapper could see Leo wince a bit; piecing together what exactly the red banded turtle wanted to talk about…but didn’t comment on it. “Yeah…what about it?” Leo asked, looking down at the floor and playing with his mask tails- something the slider always does when nervous or scared about something. 
“You’ve been distant Leon…you don’t seem like yourself anymore. You never wanna train with us, only to make some last minute excuse and train by yourself, you only talk when we ask you something, you never make any jokes, funny comments, nothing! It’s- I’m…” Raph pinched his temple and looked at Leo with a sad look. “Ever since Dad called the shots of you being the leader, you just…I don’t know…became distant. I’m worried about you, buddy…I wanna know what’s going on…if you’d tell me…?” Leo put his feet up to his chest and curled in on himself, he still hasn’t looked at Raph this whole conversation. 
The slider sighed harshly, getting up from the bed and going to his desk to unplug his phone that was charging. “We’re not having this conversation, Raph…” He said, probably expecting Raph to get up and leave. Raph knew Leo was a stubborn turtle- anyone who’s met Leo or even talked with him once will agree on that for a fact. But Raph was stubborn too, not as much as his little brother but close. And he wasn’t going to just give up that easily. 
“We are having this conversation, Leo…” Raph exclaimed, a bit harsher than he would have liked but he needed Leo to see his point, to reach out, to talk to him. “Why? So you can yell at me?” Leo scoffed.
“What…? Leo…why would I-“
“W-Why? Why?” Leo screamed, turning to Raph with tears streaming out of his eyes and down his cheeks. “Raph I stole your role; the thing you were since we hatched out of our eggs. Being the leader was your thing, not mine! Everyone has their thing, Mikey’s was art, Donnie’s was tech, mine was joke’s and yours was leading! B-But I took that away from you and…I-I’m sorry…I’m so so sorry…” Leo’s breath hitched as more tears pooled out of his eyes, and from the looks of it, was most likely being held in for a concerning amount of time.
 Without hesitation Raph pulled the younger on his lap and sat down next to his bed, letting him cry in the crook of his neck. “ ‘M sorry…’m so sorry, Raphie-“ Leo began, burying his face harder into Raph’s neck. “Ssh…there’s no need to apologize, bud. It’s ok, it’s okay…just focus on breathing for me, alright?” Leo silently nodded as Raph rocked the both of them back and forth trying to soothe his younger brother. “Yeah…that’s it…you’re doing great buddy!”
A couple minutes later Leo calmed down and was just silently playing with his mask tails in Raph’s lap. Raph pulled Leo closer, giving him a kiss on the forehead, then gently resting his head on the top of the sliders head, who leaned into the touch. “Look, Lee…what Dad did was uncalled for. Dee wasn’t expecting it, Mikey wasn’t expecting it, you weren’t expecting it, and I wasn’t expecting it. But Raph believes things do happen for a reason, and Raph thinks this especially happened for a good reason.” Leo perked his head up a bit, “What do you mean?”
“I think we can all agree that Raph doesn’t do well under pressure; it gets to Raph and it becomes overwhelming. But for you it’s like nothing! You are amazing Leo, you impress me everyday with your potential. You’re observant with everything that is going on around you, you're an amazing fighter, and you know how to lift everyone’s spirits up! Just. Like. A. Leader.” Raph smiled, poking Leo lightly in the chest with his finger causing the younger to giggle a bit.
“Yeah, I’m a bit bummed I got kicked from the leader position without a talk first but it’s alright. Because I know you’ll do an amazing job, Lee. I walked in this leader position so you could run; you feel me?” 
“Yeah…yeah I feel you…it’s just…I thought I was just the face-man, y’know? Not really anything but your guys’ support and to be put in the position of being leader was…alarming. And you were always so good at leading and stuff…” Leo admitted, looking back down on the floor.
“But we’re a team big man, a family…I’ll be here every step of the way, and if you need any guidance you know I’m here along with everybody else.” Raph smiled. “Thanks, Raphie.” Leo smiled, pulling Raph into another big hug.
The two smiled at each other but then Leo looked away and groaned. “And I told you to stop calling me “Lee"" he said, crossing his arms and pouting. Raph raised one of his non-existent eyebrows and smirked, “I have no idea what you're talking about.” Leo gulped because he knew that smirk…oh dear God…
Leo quickly darted for the curtains but was dragged back by Raph as the two wrestled trying to take the upper hand. But in the end, Raph was able to pull Leo back in the bed and sat on top of his thighs, wriggling his fingers evilly at him. “R-Raph nohoho dohohon’t do thihihis…!” Leo pleaded as he mentally cursed himself for giggling already. Raph just did a (very corny Leo’s opinion) evil laugh, not listening to the youngers’ pleading. 
“Raph? Who’s Raph? The only one here right now is the tickle monster~!” Raph grinned, wiggling his fingers over Leo’s side causing the red eared slider to squirm even more. “Rahahahaph! I-Ihihi’m toohoohoo ohohold fohohohor thihihis!” Leo giggled, trying his best to not erupt into full on laughter; but both brothers knew that it wouldn’t be too long before Leo was screaming for mercy.
Raph scoffed, “Leo, the day you're too old for tickling is the day you stop being ticklish.” Raph said, chuckling as his brother still weakly tried to pry his tickly hands away. “And knowing you, that is not going to be anytime soon.” He smiled happily and began spidering up and down Leo’s sides. 
Leo snorted, hands immediately gripping to Raph’s wrists to stop his brother’s ruthless hands. “Nohoho! Stahahap! Rahahaph!” He squealed, squirming like a fish out of water, and oh God did he forget how ticklish he was. Raph, on the other hand, was enjoying this 101%,“What’s the matter, Lee? Can’t handle a few touches to your side~? You always go on and on and on about how tough you are, what changed? Are you that sensitive to being taken down by tickles~?” Raph teased as he switched between squeezing Leo’s hipbone and sides. 
“Shuhuhut uhuhuhup! Yohohohu knohohow hohohow sensitive I ahahaham!” Leo squeaked, trying to pull his brothers hands up from the sensitive spots. “Oh really~? Well, I don’t see the problem, you’re just living up to your name then, Lee.” Raph said tickling up and down his sides before he ruthlessly dug into Leo’s armpit. Leo loudly snorted before he threw his head back in laughter. “GyaHAhA NOOhohOHo! NahahAHAT THEheheRE! RAhahaHAPH stAHAHap!” Leo screamed, legs kicking in the air whereas his hands are trying to protectively cover up his stomach, because he knows that’s what “The Tickle Monster” will target next.
 “Lee, I can’t exactly move my hands if your arms are clamped down. But it honestly surprises me how sensitive you are to light tickles…I’m barely touching you!” He said, swirling his fingers in his little brothers’ armpits even lighter than he was before, causing the younger turtle to kick his legs behind Raph causing some pillows to fall off the bed and onto the floor. “RAHAHAHAPH IHIHIHI *snort* SWEHEHEAR! YOHOHOU-! GYIHAHAHA FUHUCKIHIHIN *snort* STAHAHAP- NOHOHO!” Leo cried, squirming left to right, trying to get out of his brothers’ hold.
Raph did a fake offended gasp and hands sneaking his hands under Leo’s sweatshirt and lightly skittered his hands around Leo’s stomach. “I thought I made it clear when we were younger that The Tickle Monster™ doesn’t like swearing, mister.” Raph said, shaking his head in fake disappointment, as he continued to tickle his brother’s stomach. 
“IHIHI *snort* DOHOHON’T- STAHAHAHA!” Leo couldn’t even get a word out without erupting into loud fits of laughter. His feet drummed on the bed as he giggled and snorted under his brothers’ hold; his cheeks blushing a light red. “Hey, Lee?” Raph asked, removing his fingers from Leo’s stomach and wriggling them above it while the younger held onpto his wrists. “Mnh…Whahahat?” Leo giggled, trying his best to glare at the eldest (which wasn’t working well). “Do y’know what my favorite fruit is?” Raph said evil grinning while Leo eyes widened in realization, trying his best to squirm away. “R-Rahahaph noho dohon’t yohohohu dahahahare!” Leo said, uncontrollably giggling. Raph couldn’t help but softly laugh alongside him as the red eared slider tried to squirm away, even though they both knew he had no chance of escaping now. 
“You still haven’t guessed yet~!” Raph said laughing, “What’s my favorite fruit?” He grinned, knowing the second youngest couldn’t bear saying the dreaded word. “F-Fuhuhuhck ohohohoff! I aham nohohohot sahahahahaying ihihihit!” Leo said, trying his best to glare again but went into a giggling fit. He couldn’t say it even if he wanted to. It was too embarrassing, and Raph knew that, which makes it worse. “Yohou behehetter nohoHOHOT-“ Leo laughed as Raph ducked his head under Leo’s sweatshirt, taking a deep breath and blew a raspberry right in the middle of Leo’s tummy. “Sorry Lee, I couldn’t quite catch that, care to repeat?”
Snorting and laughing his head off, Leo tried to push his brothers’ head out of his tummy, good God this is more embarrassing than when he was younger. Leo put his head into his elbow trying to hide his blushing face and muffle his laughter as his other hand tried to pry Raph’s hand that was attacking his side away. The elder caught sight of this and merely giggled at the youngsters' adorable attempt to break free, “Ah ah ah, mister! I want to hear your adorable laugh and see your adorable face! C’mon~! Lemme see your blushing face~! You always get so embarrassed due to how much this tickles~! C’mon! Lemme see! I know you’re blushing~” Raph cooed as he held Leo’s arm that was covering his face away, revealing a very embarrassed red eared slider with his eyes shut laughing his head off. 
Raph skittered his hands around his tummy. “Aw~! Look, there he is! Look at you, all squirmy and giggly. Look at you giggling and snorting just with me tickling your little tum-tum. I honestly forgot how ticklish your tummy was, Lee. Well, to be completely honest, I forgot how ticklish you were in general. Especially when I do…THIS~” Leo screamed with laughter as Raph blew multiple ruthless raspberries on his tummy. Causing the red eared slider to start smacking Raph’s shoulders with his free hand in desperation. 
Raph then held both of Leo’s hands above his head and pretended to “eat” Leo’s tummy, a tactic introduced by April that drew the younger siblings up the walls. They used the tactic almost all the time when tickling the younger siblings, who couldn’t handle any of it; to the olders’ amusement. 
 Leo threw his head back and cackled like a mad man as he squirmed under his brothers’ hold. Raph switched between his lips and teeth softly but ruthlessly nibbling Leo’s sensitive tummy (and his snaggle tooth adding some extra nibbles here and there). Even adding some playful growls now and again. “Aw, Lee you’re giggling and snorting pretty loudly. It’s pretty frantic too. Are you afraid the Tickle Monster will make it tickle more if I blow more raspberries on your whittle ticklish tummy~? I just wanna eat you up~!” Raph teased in a deep playful voice into Leo’s tummy. Leo shook his head, squirming violently under his older brothers’ grasp. 
“NAHAHA *snort* NAHAHAT THAHAHAT! RAPH PLEHEHEASE!” Leo squealed, “FUCK FUHUHUHUHUCK! *snort* STAHAHAP IHIHIT! RAHAHAHAPH NOHOH!” Leo laughed, squirming and thrashing so much that Raph had to pull him back on the bed because he was about to fall over. “Sounds like someone’s a bit too ticklish~!” Raph playfully teased in the youngers’ tummy. “SHUHUT UHUHUHUP!” Leo cackled, face almost the same shade of Raph’s bandana. “But it’s true! You’re more ticklish than Mikey, and that’s saying something.” Raph laughed, softly pinching Leo’s cheek as the younger whined through his giggles. 
“And besides~” Raph teased, wiggling his fingers over Leo’s tummy once more, “The Tickle Monster™  is hungry, Lee!” Raph playfully pouted into Leo’s tummy. “And your ticklish tum-tum seems to be the perfect snack for me!” “WEHELL DOHOHONT- *snort* SH*IHIHIT NAHAH *snort* OHOHO MY PIHIHIZAHAHA SUPREHEEHEEHEEME! *snort* STAHAHAHAP!” Leo squealed “Tickle tickle tickle~” Raph teased in a very low voice, blowing a raspberry in the right side of Leo’s neck, causing the middle child to scrunch up his neck and dissolve into bubbly giggles and yet again drum his feet on the bed. “DoHON’T! DohohON’T sAHAHaY thaHAhat!” Leo screamed loudly. “Don’t say what? Tickle~? Ticklish~? Are you~?” Raph teased on as Leo squirmed more violently as Raph kept teasing him with the word. Oh the poor pillows…
“Rahaph stahap ihihihit! Gehehet ohohoff!” Leo pleaded, weakly trying to push Raph off him once more. Raph smiled softly as Leo uncontrollably giggled beneath him squirming wildly.  “Ihihihihihi cahahan’t RahahapHIEEHEE!” Leo squealed as Raph scratched and skittered around Leo’s plastron where his ribs would be. Raph melted at the nickname the younger gave and did a raspberry on Leo’s ribs. “NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!” Leo cackled. “Hmm~! Have I found another sweet spot for your giggles? Mm~!” Raph playfully. “STAHAHAHAP *snort* TEEHEEASING MEEHEEHEE!” Leo yelled. “No can do baby bro. It’s a little treat I get from being the oldest turtle bro. Teasing the heck out of you bozos. Raph stated matter of factly, nibbling Leo’s right side of his ribs. “NAHA I CAHAHAN’T!” Leo squealed, shaking his head to try and stop the tickling sensations.
Raph playfully rolled his eyes and ignored Leo’s pleas as he got off him but quickly grabbed the youngers’ right leg and put it in a headlock. “If I remember correctly, which I do, there was this one certain spot that drew you over the walls, isn’t that correct, Lee?” Raph grinned as he saw the smaller turtle’s eyes widen as he desperately tried to get his leg out of the headlock. “Nohohoho! R-Rahahahahaph weeheeheehee cahahahan tahahahalk about thihihihs…”
Leo put both his arms on Raph shell and tried to get his leg out of the headlock. Raph only chuckled as he slowly wiggled his fingers below Leo’s knee as he looked right in the sliders eyes, smirking. “Dohohohon’t yohohohu *snort* eheheven thihihink- *snort* lehehet meehee gohohoho!” Leo giggled, turning his head to the side, not being able to look at Raph in the eye. 
Raph pulled Leo’s leg out and scribbled his fingers at the back of his victims knee, barely touching the skin but working the best effects as Leo screamed, snorted and thrashed as his worst spot was being targeted. Leo’s free leg kicked Raph in the back but did no damage to him. Raph snickered at the sight.
“NAHAHA STAHAHAHA! *snort* RAHAHAHAHAPHIIIIIEEHEEHEE! STAHAHAPH IHIHIHIT *snort* IHIHIHI *snort* CAHAHAHAHANT!” Leo screamed, cheeks bright red from embarrassment and laughter. His hands flapped (happy stimming) in the air, not knowing what to do. Raph smiled at the sight. “Aw~! Leo! You have ticklish knees~?” Raph cooed ss is this was new info he didn’t already know. “YEHEHEHES *snort* NAHAHAH! YOHOHOU *snort* KNOHOHOW THAHAHAT!” Raph chuckled as he kneaded the top of Leo’s knees causing the red eared slider to scream while banging his fists on the bed.
 Raph laughed loudly as he watched his little brother squirm and laugh freely as he went up and down tickling his knee, dodging upcoming kicks from Leo’s free leg. “RAHAHAHAPH! *snort* NAHA STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHI’M OKAHAHAHAY NOHOHOW IHIHIHI’M OKAHAHAHAY RAHAHAPH!” Leo laughed, his laughter was becoming silent so Raph decided to slowly end his tickle torture on his baby brother…for now at least.
“Hm…I will stop, but on one condition.” Raph said trying to sound serious but was laughing almost as much as his brother. “Say you’re going to be the best leader this world has ever seen!” Raph said in his “hero” voice. “RAHAHAHAPH *snort* OHO COHOHOME OHOHON! JUHUHUHUST *snort* LEHEHET MEEHEE *snort* GOHOHOHO!” Leo screamed, still trying to get his leg out of Raph’s headlock, but dissolving into laughter and clutching his stomach with a couple of happy tears beginning to form in his eyes. “RAHAHAPH! PLEHEHEASE!” Leo cried, hitting Raph’s shoulder that the oldest paid no attention to. 
“I meant what I said little brother. You say that and I’ll let you go. Or, I can just tickle you for eternity. That works too~!” Raph smiled still scribbling his fingers once again under Leo’s knee. “NAHAH! AHAHALRIGHT! *snort* IHIHIM GOHOHOING TOOHOO *snort* BEEHEE THEHEHE BEHEHEST LEHEHEADER *snort* THE WORLD HAHAHAS EVEHEHER SEEHEEHEEHEEN! NOHOHOW *snort* STAHAHAHP!” Leo screamed.
Raph let go of his leg as promised as the red eared slider curled in on himself, pulling up his hood over his head and clutched his stomach softly giggling. The red eared slider whined through his giggles- he didn’t even think Raph remembered he was still this ticklish. But Leo is basically ticklish everywhere…and that made Leo embarrassed even more…he wasn’t complaining though.
“See? Now was that so hard?” Raph teased, leaning over and rubbing Leo’s shell comfortingly. Raph pulled the giggling red eared slider in his lap, soothing him. Raph rubbed Leo’s belly, trying to get rid of the ghost tickles but only made the red eared slider weakly protest. “Stahahap! Ihihit tihihihickles- *snort* Rahahahaph!” Leo squirmed, as Raph gave him one final poke to the stomach (which definitely didn’t make Leo squeal wydm) he finally stopped. 
“Alright! No more tickles for today I promise. I think you’ve had enough.” Raph chuckled, patting Leo’s head as the younger softy giggled and wiped his happy tears away. “I hate you! That was extremely unfair!” Leo groaned facing the eldest turtle brother and crossed his arms. “Nope, I think it was plenty fair.” Raph smiled as Leo huffed and looked away from him. 
“Besides, I think you needed it.” Raph smiled as he hugged Leo from behind. Leo groaned in embarrassment but returned the hug as well. “I didn’t go too far though, right?” Raph asked, loosening the hug just a bit to look at Leo. The red eared slider chuckled, “No no, you’re fine. Just forgot how sensitive I am sometimes.”
“By the way bud, I meant what I said. I know you’re going to make an amazing leader…I’m proud of you little brother.” Raph genuinely smiled as Leo looked up at him and returned it. “Thanks Raph…that- that means a lot coming from you.” Leo said, wiping a couple tears escaping his eyes. “Now, let’s get going, Lee. Y’know how Mikey gets when he has to wait too long.” Raph said walking to the traincar door. “Yeah, he- HEY! I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!” Leo yelled as he went to chase down his older brother, and enjoy a family movie night. 
Also, so sorry if this IS LIKE RLLY BAD AND DOESN’T MAKE SENSE AT ALL 😭😭😭- I’m new to this writing thing.
But anyway- thank you for taking the time to read my fic! If you enjoy this kind of content on my blog, and if you enjoyed it than just simply ask for more; prompts/suggestions are open! (I’m making a Masterlist soon btw!)
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my friend: hey someone just liked my Foul Legacy-themed art aha i found someone more obsessed than you
me looking at the user profile: my sibling in christ that is one of my mutuals on tumblr dot com
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dememetor · 3 years
hiiii, hope ur having a great day!
i loved the kissing hc, could u do a part 2 with hirugami and oikawa?
of course feel free to ignore this if u dont want to do it, thank uuuuu
hi! thank you so much for the request, hope you're having a wonderful day too anon! (also i hope i did hirugami okay and not ooc since i haven't finished the manga yet and he only has like 2 minutes of screentime shsj)
Kissing headcanons pt 2
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kissing headcanons part 1
characters hirugami sachirou, oikawa tooru, kenma kozume, bokuto koutarou
warnings kiSsiNg but you knew that already also mentions of choking? and i swear a little
Hirugami Sachiro
is a really good kisser
his kisses are always smooth, pouring into each other; he sets a nice steady rhythm and lets your lips go with the slightest pop, like we get it you can kiss
tries to seem chill, but is really anxious the first time
obviously wants you to have a good time and wants to impress you which leads to him being a little tense in the beginning - is always hyper-aware of your every movement, trying to reciprocate and figure out what you want him to do
but once he relaxes and realises you just want him to be himself and he gives in,, hnngh
gentle but firm, tangles his fingers into your hair and leads the kiss that way
other hand is resting on your waist (usually) under your shirt
(also he can 100% unhook a bra with only one hand and from behind your back, it is actually fascinating)
(suspicious, but fascinating)
doesn’t really like tongue
but loves nose kisses
also for some reason likes tugging at your lower lip, like gently biting down
usually when you’re done making out he pulls you close and peppers your whole face with light kisses
he is just,, the absolute best best boy
i’m sorry you’ll have to top him
Oikawa Tooru
don’t get me wrong he’s all for switching and teasing and he loves seeing you all flustered and with swollen lips after a makeout session
but you can’t look me in the eye and tell me he doesn't like being topped
i mean he has to be in charge of everything when he's on the court so being able to come home, relax and let you take care of him is a nice change
ok ok i'm getting kind of distracted with this one, these are just kissing headcanons
like hirugami, is an absolutely amazing kisser, like this man knows what he's doing
you could kiss him for an hour straight and you wouldn’t be bored
loves it when you take him by the collar of his shirt and pull him in, that shit gets him SO flustered
like push him onto the bed, pinning one of his arms down, your other hand finding its way from his brown locks to his neck and squeezing gently, making him just enough dizzy, like please he loves it so much
i feel like he’s always horny so a makeout session could happen literally anywhere
no but seriously, you haven’t watched ONE movie together without ending up on top of each other
Kenma Kozume
soft, soft, soft, soft
doesn’t make a big deal out of kissing, but when you kiss him you always feel loved
was never type for longer kisses, i feel like he gets bored pretty easily
kisses! on the! gaming chair!
kisses on the forehead
kisses while he’s gaming - ok but not for long because “babe, not now”, like bAbE nOt nOw stfu and kiss me
but cuddling while he’s gaming? oh yes
lazy making out on his bed, with dim neon lights from his setup illuminating the room, him murmuring something against your lips, not wanting to pull away first
something about him makes you feel safe, you’re never uncomfortable around him, you can be yourself without worrying about doing something embarrassing
missing his lips when you lean in? accidentally crashing your teeth? he simply doesn’t care
the sight of him with red cheeks, half-lidded eyes and lips slightly parted, still tasting your kiss?
Bokuto Koutarou
kisses you as if every kiss were your last
does the thing where he lifts you up and spins you around, meeting your lips halfway through
be prepared for him to just grab you under your thighs and lift you up
he likes to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to him, holding you tight against his chest
and by tight, i mean his kisses are bone-crushing
so, so, so excited to kiss you
when he gets ahold of you, he won't let go that easily, like honestly good luck getting out of his embrace
he just wants to show you how much he loves you?? he's doing his best, if you don't marry this man i will
warning: don't try to tease him by pulling away, he will get the biggest pout
you can literally see the light leave his eyes as the betrayed expression forms on his face in slow motion and he realises he's not gonna get the kiss he wants
pretends he's hurt but only lasts 5 minutes (record time 7 minutes 36 seconds) before he's begging you to take him back again
god he's just so,, proud to have you by his side like he just loves showing you off to his friends like see that's MY partner!!
not even a kissing headcanon but I could talk about this man for days like just imagine waking up to him and the first thing you see in the morning is his smile ahsjsiw9cn
ALSO, it's the cutest thing when you can feel his lips curl into a small smile when you lean in for a kiss or like a proud grin when he manages to make you laugh
I love him
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Magnum Opus (Adrenaline Junkie Part 7)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2,451
(A/N): our dear little (y/n) needed a break from the angst, so I gave them one : )
You were finally done with the prototype for your prosthetic. It took blood, sweat, and tears and hours upon hours to get the measurements precisely right, but you were finally done. You were one step closer to freedom and you were ecstatic. You were practically vibrating with excitement.
Sprinting up the stairs with your pride and joy closed and wrapped in a sheet, you made a beeline for the front door passing Philza in the process. You heard him ask you something, but you were already darting past him through the door and outside. Before long, you were at the top of the cliff you designated as your test site. 
The cliff was perfect for gliding. It towered over the ground at a perfect height for you to gain air resistance in time and overlooked a vast, empty field that stretched as far as the eye could see. A few herds of chickens and cows were scattered here and there, but if you were careful you could probably steer away. Probably. If you hit a cow, it wouldn’t hurt that much, right? 
Sliding on the prosthetic was a little bit of a struggle. You had to awkwardly twist your body around and uncomfortably reach for your upper back to fasten the leather belts securely around your nub, but you would get faster at it once you put it on more. Smiling in satisfaction when it was on, you tested out the abduction and adduction capabilities of the iron joints by pulling on the string you attached to the ends of each joint. The wing opened and closed with ease.
Now, the only thing you had to test out was if it worked or not. You backed up to the point of the cliff where it started to slope down and took a few deep breaths. Here goes nothing.
You broke into a sprint towards the edge of the cliff. The precipice was coming nearer and nearer, there’s no backing out now, you had to follow through if you wanted a successful flight. If you killed yourself in the name of innovation, then so be it. 
When you bunched up the muscles in your legs to jump out as far as you could, you pulled the rope that extends your wing and firmly pulled it taut. You wobbled in the air slightly before you stabilized yourself. The air was flowing freely past you as you glide through the warm summer air. 
You started to laugh loudly in triumph as you soared through the air. For the first time in almost one and a half years, you felt truly free. You felt infinite even like nothing could drag you down. Time around you seemed to slow down as you relished the feeling of freedom and being emancipated from your life on the ground. The warm air rustling through the base of your feathers on your left wing felt like heaven. 
Unfortunately, what goes up must come down. You were getting closer and closer to the ground, so you had to land. You extended your legs under you and your feet made contact with the grass below you. Your momentum made you take a few swift steps forward, but overall, you landed safely. 
Cackling, you jumped up and down in place and repeatedly punched the air. Your wing fluttered happily rustling the strands of grass around you with strong gusts of air.
The nearby herds of animals scurried away from you, their peaceful grazing interrupted by your excited shouting. Normally you would’ve felt bad for them, but you didn’t care; your invention worked! You had to show your family, they had to see this.
Philza was startled by the front door bursting open and banging against the wall. Your loud voice booming through the silence of the house. There goes his quiet day.
You heard footsteps running towards you as Philza ran down the hallways and into your field of vision. His startled wide eyes scanned your form. Your face was split in a wide grin and your eyes were impossibly wide as they regarded him. Your entire body was practically vibrating like you were barely keeping your excitement and elation at bay. Your wing was flittering rapidly behind you.
But what caught his eye was the leather attached to your back where your other wing was supposed to be. It was the exact same size as your left wing.
“I-Is that…?”
You giggled uncontrollably in glee. “Yes! Oh, I need to show you how it works!”
You grabbed his hand and drug him to the couch with a surprising amount of strength. Plopping him down, you began spewing and gesturing wildly towards your newest invention.
“Ok ok ok, so this is just a prototype of course, but I was inspired by a bat’s wings with the leather and the general structure. I made the joints and the structural support rods out of thin iron so that it doesn’t weigh it down or make any drag. I can open and close it with this,” you pulled the rope and the wing opened, “and I have a hole for my wing to go into and it’s secured by belts and it even lets me glide and ohmygoddadisntitamazing?”
Philza looked at you with disbelief as you rattled on about how your invention works. How exactly did you make this without him noticing that you were making it? Where did you learn how to work with leather? When you were done, he looked at you with a smile.
“It’s fantastic hun. But how do you know that it lets you glide?”
You paused and gave him a sheepish smile. “About that… I may have, kinda… sorta, jumpedoffacliff.”
“You what? Do you understand how dangerous that was?”
You felt a burning anger flare up from deep inside of you. You just found out that you could somewhat fly again and he has the audacity to not care. “Yes, but how was I supposed to know if it worked or not? It’s not like I have anyone with the same sized wing as I do. The measurements had to be exact. One wrong measurement would make you crash! But that’s not the important part, I can fly again! Don’t you care about that?”
His eyes softened. “Of course I do, (y/n). It’s amazing that you can fly again but I’m just worried about how you tested it out. What if it didn’t work? You could’ve died again, (y/n).”
You felt your eye twitch. “Dad, life is all about risk. If you don’t take a risk every now and then, you’re just… standing still! What kind of life is that?”
He held your heated glare with sad, desperate eyes. “I… I just can’t lose you again, (y/n). Promise me that I won’t lose you again. That you won’t do reckless things like this anymore.”
You let your stance relax and your left wing tucked itself back in. Walking over to him, you sat next to him, wrapping your left wing around him in an awkward kind of side hug. Fiddling with your thumbs, you replied softly. “You aren’t going to lose me again anytime soon, that I can promise you, but I can’t promise that I won’t do reckless things. Like I said, life is all about risks. You have to take them if you wanna move on. I wanna move on with my life, I’m sick of being stuck in one place.”
He rubbed at his eyes tiredly as he sighed. There was no convincing you when you were like this. He’s learned that trying to steer you in another direction is like Sisyphus finally reaching the top of the mountain only to have the massive stone roll back down again. Getting you to agree was something that went against your motives just wasn’t going to happen. 
“...Do you want to move out?”
“What? Nonononono, I don’t want to move out yet. I just meant that I was tired of not moving on with life after that thing took my wing.”
He gave a watery chuckle. “Good, I wouldn’t have anybody to make me breakfast in the mornings or split wood with me if you moved out.” 
He twisted his upper body towards you and pulled you into a warm hug. “I’m not leaving anytime soon. You don’t need to worry about me anymore.”
You two stayed like that for a while before he pulled back and gestured for you to turn around. You obliged and he got a closer look at your prosthetic, opening and closing it with the rope.
“...This is just a prototype. I’m still trying to figure out a way to automatically move the wing without having to pull the rope.”
He hummed in thought. “Have you thought about using redstone?”
“Yeah, but everything’s just too… bulky. I might have to make a tiny sensor so that it receives impulses from my muscles and moves when I want it to. That’s gonna take me a long time.”
“I’m sure that you’ll figure it out soon, you’re creative. Probably the most innovative of your generation… I’m proud of you, ya know. You’ve grown up and overcome so much in such a short amount of time.” He said genuinely.
You felt your face heat up and a small smile shaped your lips. You loved it when people praised you for your achievements, especially your dad. It warmed your heart to hear that he’s still proud of you, even if you’re almost an adult now. 
He clapped a hand on your shoulder and started to walk to the door.
“...Where are you going?”
He looked over his shoulder with a smirk. “We are gonna go find your brothers so we can show them how amazing you are.”
Your eyes lit up and your previous excitement returned tenfold. Laughing boisterously, you grabbed his hand and started sprinting, dragging him behind you. He laughed with you as he kept up with you with ease. 
You two ran until you hit the forest where Tommy was with Tubbo at the goat hybrid’s bee farm. They looked at you with alarm as you both almost crashed into one of the hives. Bees buzzed around peacefully, completely contradicting the energy you and Philza had. 
“Tommy, Tubbo, you have to follow us!”
They glanced at each other. “Why-”
You shushed them. “No questions! I have something to show you!”
You turned on your heel and started to sprint towards the woods where you can hear the soft strumming of a guitar. 
His head poked out from behind a large tree trunk. “What could you possibly want? I’m practicing.”
“No time to explain, follow me.”
You once again ran away towards the shooting range Techno was in. Currently, he was working on his aim with a crossbow. 
He jumped and accidentally pressed the trigger, making the arrow completely miss the target by several feet. He lightly glared at you. “(Y/n), don’t do that. I could’ve sho-”
“Sorry Tech, but you’re coming with me. I have something to show you.”
Like you did with Tommy and Wilbur, you darted off without letting him respond. In no time, you and your family reached the cliff. At the top, you turned towards them with a slightly crazed grin and sparkling eyes. They looked extremely confused as to why they were up there.
“I bet you’re all wondering why I’ve brought you here today. Well boys, I present to you,” you paused for dramatic effect, “my magnum opus!”
You yanked the rope and your leather wing extended with a glorious fwoosh. You watched as their jaws dropped and they looked at you with differing expressions. Philza looked at you with beaming pride, Techno and Wilbur looked at you with complete surprise, Tubbo smiled widely at you, and Tommy was speechless.
Grinning wider, you pointed out all the intricacies of your invention. They all listened attentively, absorbing every single detail you explained. They were fascinated with the idea of using prosthetics. 
You smirked. “Now, I’m sure you all would like a live demonstration. Step aside.”
You turned around and started walking towards where you started your take off earlier. You steeled your nerves and broke into a sprint. Once again jumping off the cliff and pulling your wing open, you heard your family gasp as you wobbled in the air slightly before you steadied yourself and began gliding. Their horrified gasps and shouts quickly turned into cheering as you glided away from them. 
As you were midair, you heard the flutter of feathers behind you as Philza appeared in your peripheral vision. He was grinning widely at you as his giant wings flapped to keep him next to you. You grinned back and in that moment, everything felt right. You would always have your family to support you.
You landed safely on the ground with a few steps and Philza followed suit, pulling you into a soft winged hug. You squeezed him back with vigor.
“(Y/n),” he whispered. “I am so, so proud of you, my little inventor.”
You felt tears sting your eyes as you hugged him tighter. You could hear your brothers and Tubbo (whom you considered your pseudo brother at this point with how often he hangs around the house) running towards you two. It would be a minute or two until they reached you. Until then, you just wanted to stay in your dad’s loving embrace. 
You were ripped away from Philza’s comforting embrace and pulled into Tommy’s chest. He squeezed you in a bone crushing hug and started to spin you around.
He let you go and you were given a congratulatory pat on the back and wide smile from Tubbo, who wasn’t quite accustomed to you yet. Techno smiled at you with pride and rustled your hair and Wilbur swung his arm around your shoulders, leading you back towards the house. “Well, I say this calls for a celebration.”
The feathers on your wing fluffed up proudly at the praise. “I’m down, but first could one of you help me take this off? It hurts after a while of wearing it.”
The rest of the night was illuminated with laughter and joy, the house booming with life. This was another moment where you felt infinite in the universe, surrounded by the people you hold dearest.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam
@bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @kakamiissad  @jayistrash4  @lifestylesleep  @speedymaximoff  @sun-shark-tooth  @appetiteofapeoplepleaser  @lestrangenymph  @kinismanditory  @dragons-lurk-here  @rinzyx05  @the-wandering-pan-ace  @sparkling-gayyyy  @angelic-scent  @shinipii  @dont-hug-me-im-a-fander  @izzydimensional  @used-avocado
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thorns-are-simps · 3 years
hi thank you for responding to my post <3. I don't typically leave requests so sorry if this is a bit awkward lol. can you write some comfort for a really dysphoric reader. like doesn't want to leave their room levels of dysphoric. preferably with he/him pronouns. again thank you!!
YES! Okay good you found the blog- can’t leave their room levels I got you that was the prompt I needed!
Mystic Messenger Characters Comforting a Gender Dysphoric Reader Part 1
For clarification: he/him pronouns for reader! The reader is a trans man.
That’s okay he can set up his games in your room.
He knows what gender dysphoria is, he went through a gender questioning phase at one point, so he’ll try to take your mind off of it.
He sets up a game with a customizable MC and tells you to make the avatar with him.
He tries to distract you as best he can, using games and food to keep your attention on anything else.
He repeatedly tells you he loves you throughout the day, forgetting about any college work he needed to do in favor of cuddling up with you in your bed and having fun.
He’ll hold you in his lap if you want, giving you his hoodie.
He’ll always offer up anything in his closet and drawers for you to wear if your want to.
He’ll talk to you about different trans characters he knows of in games and their backstories to show you some representation.
He tries to comfort you through showing you aren’t alone.
Your phone pinged, the sound of your phone’s text tone going off. You didn’t want to go out today, you wanted to stay in your room where no one would misgender you. But alas, your boyfriend was spam texting about a new game he’d just gotten. You hesitated in allowing Yoosung to come over, knowing he would probably not msg ended you but still not wanting him to see you. Something you’d always adore about him though was that he loved to be around you and could be persistent when he chose to be.
“MC I brought the game! You’re gonna love it! We can make the coolest hero ever and they’re gonna be great. Not as great as you but nobody is. We can even make them look like you if you want! You’re so handsome you know that? You in armor as a shinning knight… you’re already gorgeous, I didn’t know the image could get better. I’m getting flustered and red aren’t I?” He was. “Sorry, you’re just so handsome. Oh did I tell you about the trans LOLOL character they just released? He’s so cool you’re gonna love him! I brought some snacks too, you can snuggle up in my lap while we play if you want!”
You have what?
Gender dysphoria?
Your gonna have to explain it to him. If you’re don’t want to or can’t just ask him to look it up and he will.
As soon as he understands what it is at least a little he’ll directly ask you what he can do to help.
If you’re to the point you can’t leave your bed then he’ll simply get into bed with you.
He’ll hold you close, his arm around your hips and whisper to you all the things he loves about his boyfriend.
He’ll tell you about his handsome boyfriend who is gorgeous and drives him crazy just by existing.
He’ll tell you about his boyfriend who is so strong and so brave and he is so proud of you. You make his day so much brighter.
Zen comforts you in words.
He tell you you’re handsome and looks you in the eyes to tell you…
Zen was worried. He had just come home from work, having to leave soon after you both woke up and barely having time to really spend the morning with you. When he got him he usually shouted out that he was back, hoping his amazing boyfriend would hear him and call back. However that didn’t happen today. Today all he received was silence. He looked around the apartment, not finding his love until he finally checked the bedroom, seeing you curled up under the blanket and not in a good mood.
“What’s wrong babe?” He came over to try and console you for whatever you were going through but when you told him, he almost felt helpless. He’d never had to experience this before and didn’t know how to handle it. All he knew to do was to comfort you how he normally would. He slipped into bed with you and pulled you close to his chest, his arm around your hip and hand on your back. As he rest his head close to your’s he spoke in the softest tone he could, trying to be gentle. “You know how I’m so handsome right?” As much as you loved to stroke his ego, now wasn’t the time. “Believe it or not, I have a boyfriend who is even more handsome than me. I swear he could get me to do whatever he asked with one look into his eyes. I’m not sure if he knows exactly what he does to me. Every time I see him I have to hold myself back from pulling him in for a kiss. His lips aren’t always the softest but that just one more thing that makes him so… him. He’s real and he’s stronger than he gives himself credit for. He thinks sometimes that I won’t like his body after he fully transitions but… the truth is he could of come to me in any form. And his heart is what would of pulled me in. The way my prince loves me for me is why I’m here. He gets this thing called gender dysphoria which must really suck, but my prince is strong. I know he’ll make it through. And if he needs someone to lean on, he knows his faithful knight is always here to hold him up. I love you baby, and I know that my love can’t solve everything, but you know what it can do? Tell you that you’re the most handsome being on this planet. “
You’ll have to explain it to him. If you don’t want to them he looks it up himself, feeling that whatever is making you so upset to the point of not leaving your room is very much too important to task to someone else to research.
He, unfortunately, can’t cancel his work day and makes you aware of this with a kiss to the head and a promise to be back as soon as he can be.
While he is at work and between meetings he texts you as he does research on gender dysphoria, asking you if you’d like to talk to a therapist about it, if you want to go shopping for a binder on his next day off, and if you’d want him to help you pay for any hormones and surgeries in the future.
He’ll offer to take you suit shopping as well, saying his tailor can do amazing things to give you whatever shape you want.
He also offers you his wardrobe. His clothes may or may not fit you as some of them are fit to his specific body but if there is something in there you want to try on he has no problems letting you.
He asks Jaehee to go get you a trans flag and deliver it to the apartment while he does work.
He tries his best to comfort you through gifts.
He’ll also try physical affection through kisses. Lots… and lots… of kisses.
Jumin Han was tired. Work was exhausting and he wanted nothing more than to sit in bed with you and listen to your voice. On his way into the door of your shared apartment he hears Elizabeth the 3rd jumping off something in the distance and starting to make her way towards him, as she always does when he gets home. He puts all his stuff down and feed Elizabeth, petting her head, before making his way to your bedroom. When he sees you it’s like his entire body relaxes. He undresses and puts on his pajamas, asking you how your day eases
“Did you like the flag? I looked up which one was the correct version and made sure assistant Kang got the correct size for the walls. Feel free to hang it up wherever you like. I know a tailor that will give you whatever shape you want love, I can book you an appointment with him if you’d like. He’s worked with a plethora of people so he’ll understand what you mean if you say your want to look like the man you are. I can also book you an appointment with a reputable doctor to discuss boron ones or surgery if you wish. Don’t worry about paying for anything, let me spoil you. Now come here snd let me show you how much I love the amazing man in my bed.”
Part 2
Part two will include 707, Jaehee, V, and Saeran!
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reidyoulikeabook · 4 years
Personal Google
4 times Spencer knows the answer, and the 1 time he doesn’t.
Summary: Spencer is your own personal Google. He always knows the answer to anything you ask him.
Warnings: Pining, slow burn-ish (?), reader and Spencer are both idiots who aren’t acknowledging their feelings for each other. Some mentions of a case and case-typical violence. No references to the gender of the reader!
Word count: 2k (this ran away from me)
A/N: Part two to this is here!
Requests: open!!
“Hey Spence?” You call, barely looking up from your phone as you scroll through Twitter, “What’s a hedgefund?”
“Are you reading about the GameStop stock?” He asks.
He clears his throat, and you look up at him, “Okay. A hedgefund is a way for accredited investors to invest in a way that minimises the risk to their own assets. Without getting too complicated, because it can get really convoluted, it’s basically just a way for rich people to get richer a lot of the time because a prerequisite for investing in the majority is having a high net income or a high net worth to begin with.”  
You smile, “So basically rich people are getting screwed?”
“Something like that.”
“Good,” You respond, putting your phone away.
You swear you hear a little laugh escape his mouth as he turns back to the computer at his desk.
You’re sat on the jet, in your usual seat next to him, when everything starts to go pear-shaped. It jolts a little, sending you knocking into his side. You grimace.
“It’s just a little turbulence,” Hotch says, “Probably because of the storm coming from the East. We should be landing soon.”
Rationally, you realise there’s nothing to be afraid of. But it’s easier said than done to keep rational when the plane’s rattling like a pack of smarties and your head is bashing against Spencer’s bony shoulder every five seconds.
He senses your unease, tentatively reaching across to take hold of your hand. His instinct is to supply statistics about plane crashes but something in him tells him you won’t respond too well if he tells you the odds of getting in a small plane crash are higher than a regular commercial flight but still lower than the chances of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Instead, he chooses a different tactic.
“It’ll be alright, we’ve been in the air for two hours and,” He squints at his watch, “Forty-three minutes. This flight’s two hours fifty-eight tops.”
You nod, “Hey Spence?”
“Remember this morning when you were telling me about the French dancing plague and we got interrupted by the call about the case?”
You don’t have to say anything more, he immediately launches into a spiel about France in 1615: the death of crops, how the people felt they were being spited by God, the whole thing. He gestures wildly with his free hand, but the hand that lies atop of yours doesn’t budge an inch. You rub small circles on it with your thumb, which goes unacknowledged. Privately, you’re a little disappointed. Privately, he’s afraid you’ll stop if he points it out.
It’s been a long and fruitless day. The local PD had been worse than useless, they were so reluctant to accept that anybody from their town could possibly have been responsible for what was going on that it felt like a constant battle to get anything done. You’d been out interviewing possible witnesses from the local bar. Well, trying to, you would have been a lot more successful if the Sheriff hadn’t constantly been under your feet, undermining your questions and generally resulting in making you look like an idiot.
Hotch had chewed him out in the end, relinquishing you from interview duty to help Spencer with the geographical profile back at the station. He’s scribbling away on the map while you slump in the chair, a little defeated.
“Hey Spence?”
“Hmm?” He hums in response, not taking his eyes off the section he’s just crossed out.
“How come you’re ruling out that side of town?”
He flips the whiteboard pen in his hands, returning its cap before turning around to you, “A lot of the area over there is industrial. I’ve been combing through to get a closer look, but it doesn’t look like our unsub would have the kind of privacy he needs. There are a lot of factories, granted, but they’re pretty much all occupied. He’s meticulous, I don’t think he’d take the risk of working in an environment where he couldn’t control anything and risking getting himself caught. And from what we know about him he certainly isn’t affluent enough to rent property on that side of town. Rent is almost three times as expensive there,” he gestures with his hands, tapping the lid of the pen on the area he means, “I think he’s more likely to be from the northmost part of town.”
You smile, “I don’t know how you do that.”
He opens his mouth to respond before seeing the softness in your eyes, realising you’re not asking for an explanation. You’re giving him a compliment. His chest feels a little warm.
You can’t sleep that night, despite how exhausting your day has been. You’d think the physical and mental exhertion would knock you out but instead you’re sat on your bed, idly flipping through TV channels. Not much is on except some old NCIS re-runs, and oddly enough you don’t feel like watching a crime show.
You could text Spencer. The thought appears in your head of its own accord, without your consent.
You could though.
10:12pm - You
You’d think after a day like today I’d be able to get some rest
10:13pm - Spencer
You can’t sleep?
10:13pm - You
No, sorry, I didn’t think you’d be asleep
10:14pm - Spencer
I can’t sleep either, don’t worry. Do you want to come over to my room? I have a documentary about Pearl Harbour I was going to watch
10:14pm - Spencer
Or we could do something else. Not sure if Pearl Harbour is more fun for you than struggling to fall asleep
10:15pm - You
A Pearl Harbour documentary sounds great
Thankfully you’d had the forethought to bring nice sleeping attire rather than your old ratty ones. You’d learnt your lesson before, when your presence had been required in the middle of the night and you’d had to scramble down to team meetings in pyjama bottoms that had a hole in the right thigh.
You take a quick look at yourself in the mirror, some anxiety fluttering in your stomach for some reason.
It’s odd. It’s hardly the first time you’ve been over to Spencer’s room for crying out loud, I mean he’s the person you’re closest to on the team and your best friend and your private yearning for him is mostly   inconsequential. Mostly. Except you fix your hair and smooth down your top a little anyway.
He’s only three doors down and it’s easy enough to slip quietly into his room. He sits on the bed, two glasses of water resting on the bedside table, his laptop resting by his knees. He’s illuminated by the bedside lamp next to him, and his hair looks fluffy as hell. No doubt from him running his own hands through it in frustration today. He smiles at you, patting the space next to him.
You pad across and join him, “Hey Spence.”
His laptop isn’t particularly loud, and the screen isn’t very big, so you end up sat quite close to him. The laptop rests on his lap. You hesitate before nuzzling in against him, feeling how his breath catches in his chest as your head rests against his on the bedframe.
“Is this okay?” You ask.
“Yeah,” He answers, a small content smile playing on his lips, “Yeah this is okay.”
You’re not sure when or how you fell asleep but you wake up with a start to the sound of pounding on the door. And you’re not in your own bed. You briefly acknowledge the warmth next to you before it’s gone, Spencer leaping out of bed to answer the door.
“We’ve been-” Emily stands in the doorway, the bedroom lamp that you must have neglected to turn off allowing her to catch a glimpse of your dazed face, “Reid, why is ____ in your room?”
Spencer opens his mouth, flustered and unsure of what to say, floundering between looking at you both for a moment before  Emily rescues him. The digital clock obnoxiously blinks the time: 2:18am.
“Okay we’re definitely talking about this later but there’s another body, Hotch wants us all down at the station in 15.”
It occurs to you, as you rush embarassed from Spencer’s room, apologising to him at least five times on your way out, that the only thing standing between you and a million questions about your personal life is the focus on an unsub who you’ll hopefully catch today. You shrug your clothes over your head, replacing them with fresh ones and pulling on your shoes. The jet home is going to be fun.
You were right to be hopeful about today. The unsub is tracked down and arrested by the time night comes around. His arrest is clean, no hostages and no shots fired. Really, in your line of work, it was the best possible outcome.
Hotch made the call that you’d spend another night here, since there was paperwork that’d need to be taken care of in the morning and some final loose ends that required wrapping up. You suspected some small part of it was because J.J wanted to ensure you made nice and left things on good terms with the local PD before you left, since there’d been a lot of headbutting throughout the case. Spencer had also been completely right about the geographical profile, the unsub had been working and killing from a rundown ramshackle house in the northmost suburb.
Speaking of Spencer, you’d barely acknowledged each other since this morning. Sure, you’d shared rooms together before, even beds when the occasion had called for it, but you’d never been so intimate before.
Maybe it was best for you both if you just ignored the whole thing entirely, carried on as normal. Yeah. Yeah that’s what you’d do.
You worried about the meaning of anything you said being lost over text so you headed to his room, knocking on his door. It brought a small smile to your face to think how you’d been on the other side of it the last time someone knocked.
He opens it, just slightly, before relaxing when he sees it’s you, “Hey.”
“Hi,” You step past him into the room, watching him close the door and take a step towards you.
He waits for you to speak.
“So. We never finished that documentary.”
He laughs, soft, “We didn’t.”
“Do you want to finish it now?”
“Uh…”  He visibly pauses and you feel a small twinge in your chest. Maybe you’d made him uncomfortable, maybe you’d misread the whole thing, maybe you’d...
He interrupts your self-deprecating runaway train of thoughts with a simple, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
As you settle down to watch the film, his laptop situated firmly in the middle of the bed this time, you feel the gulf between you. Empty space where his leg rested against yours yesterday. Still, that was what he wanted, right? His own space. Not to talk about it.
You don’t notice because you’re watching the documentary, but Spencer has to stop himself from reaching his arm out for you when he stretches. You didn’t want to talk about it, obviously. Meaning you probably wished it hadn’t happened. He tried to ignore the ache in his chest at that thought, the hollow feeling it left. Thankfully it wasn’t too long before you spoke again.
“Hey Spence?”
“Is this historically accurate?”
And explaining the nuances of Japanese-American history is much easier for him.
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takamikeiigos · 3 years
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• though keigo tends to be loud, seemingly carefree, and outgoing, he's convinced himself that hero work is his #1 priority and he has zero time to be getting all up in a tizzy about feelings
• this man probably doesn't even know what a long, meaningful hug feels like. but what does it matter because he's a hero, he doesn't have time to be mulling over that kinda stuff
• now don't get me wrong, keigo has all of the basic human wants and needs for love, affection, companionship, etc. but has managed to tuck those thoughts away deep in the back of his mind
• so he spends his free time alone watching movies by himself while eating takeout, or finding somewhere high on the skyline to perch upon while the breeze caresses him and gives him comfort while he's deep in his thoughts
• when it comes to his avian characteristics and needs, he knows many people don't understand so he tends to them himself
• long tiresome processes of preening his own wings, often getting aggravated when he can't reach a spot or can't get certain feathers to lay flat
• or when it's that time of the season and he continuously chooses to go through his ruts alone because he hasn't allowed himself time to slow down and properly take care of it, because he grew up too fast and exploring his own wants and needs was never an option
• let's talk about keigo nesting during a rut bc of pure instinct but suddenly coming to the harsh reality that he has no one to share it with
• ouch
• imagine the first time he meets you
• you think he's probably the most loud and obnoxious motherfucker you've ever met but he grows on you over time
• its only after spending a bit of time by his side that you realize little things about him that kinda break your heart
• he smiles and jokes around a lot, but when you catch him deep in thought or slipping you notice the vacant stares that make him seem far, far away
• or the fact that he doesn't touch people unless they prompt first, whether it's a high five or a pat on the shoulder, but his hands mostly remain in his pockets or by his sides otherwise
• so it breaks your heart even more when you go to give him a quick hug before checking out for the day and he completely tenses up, clearly not sure how to react
• it occupies most of your thoughts that night, before it finally dawns on you that keigo didn't reciprocate because he didn't know how to (not literally, of course)
• from then on you touch him more often - like gently putting your hand on his shoulder when you're reaching over him, or placing your hand on the small of his back when moving around him
• over-all you're in his space more, always standing a few inches closer so your shoulders touch or your hands brush
• but let's talk about that one time you both go on a mission together and keigo gets knocked around a lil bit
• you're finally able to catch up to him and the idiot is standing there covered in bruises, feathers missing and his hero outfit almost torn to shreds, and he has the audacity to smile at you like he didn't just get knocked into next week
• he tenses again when you run up to him and pull him into a frantic hug, worry ebbing from your entire being but grateful that he's still standing and alive
• but the exhaustion finally catches up to him and its then that his wall comes crashing down, his arms wrapping around you like he's clinging to you for dear life, and his head is resting on your shoulder, coming free of all those heavy thoughts he's been carrying with him
• things slowly change after that
• months later you two end up together, like two pieces of a puzzle that were lost but finally found, a relief of a perfect fit
• he texts you constantly - whether it's of things that remind him of you, or a picture of a cat he saw while on patrols, or even just to let you know you mean the world to him
• when you’re both together he almost always ends up being the one to initiate physical contact now, staying close in your space and his hand always rest against you
• on nights after a long day of patrolling, he'll come over and you'll put a movie on, cuddling close together on the couch while eating the most unhealthy junk food you could find to take the edge off
• you catch him smiling to himself one of those times, and when you look at him curiously, he shakes his head and laughs quietly
• "'s nothing baby bird, just nice to finally have someone to do this with"
• on another tiresome evening of patrolling, he flies through your bedroom window (you always leave it unlocked and open for him) and perches on your windowsill
• you can instantly tell something is bothering him by the way he's holding himself, his wings twitching and his body tense
• so you beckon him to come sit on your bed with you, thinking maybe a back rub will ease the tension. but when he finally sits down in front of you, the disarray of tangled feathers is the answer to your unasked questions
• you tell him to relax and he does, but when you hesitantly run your fingers against his feathers he nearly jumps out of his skin
• you pull your hand away as if it was burned and when you ask if you accidentally hurt him, he flushes and avoids eye contact
• "no! no, you didn't hurt me. they're just.. sensitive. 'm just not used to people touching them like that. but it.. it feels good"
• so you continue running your fingers through his feathers gently, making sure they're all in place and pulling the loose ones from his wings
• he’s all breathy sighs underneath your hands and you swear you hear him cooing every once in a while and your heart melts at the amount of intimacy and trust
• it turns into a ritual after rough days, and neither of you mind it
《《 NSFW 》》
• so look, i’m not saying keigo is a virgin but we're gonna keep going with this little needy & touch starved trend we got going. to each their own
• keigo loves being touched, but he also loves touching you
• i’m talking always pressing up against you when you’re both alone, face nuzzled in your neck while biting and licking, hands on your hips and squeezing
• clinging to you when you’re about to get out of bed, or sneaking into the shower with you bc he misses your warmth and is craving some skin on skin contact, his head nuzzled into your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you from behind
• tbh he’s probably still half asleep as he does this, too. you basically have him completely limp in your arms when you turn to start scrubbing his hair
• i’m getting a little off topic, huh?
• he’s always trying to get your attention, especially when he knows you’re busy
• he’s almost always breathless when things get hot and heavy, nearly falling apart over a make-out session
• but when you finally get him out of his clothes and on the bed where you want him, the experience is one you want to relive forever
• he’s got this wonton facial expression, chest flushed and wings puffed out, lips parted with unspoken pleas as you touch him
• the first time you even touch his dick he nearly loses it, head tossed back and fingers gripping the sheets
• "fuck.. fuck that feels so good dove, please don't stop"
• he’s so sensitive, his skin feels like it might burst into flames because of how worked-up he's getting
• the sight of him falling apart from a simple hand job is a sight to see, something you weren't expecting to get you going but it is
• you stroke him slow, your grip just loose enough where he ends up having to work for it, all the while you're gauging his expressions
• keigo is a talker, loud and completely unashamed of the filth pouring from his lips as he fucks up into your fist, his jaw slack and his brown pinched in pleasure and concentration
• "please baby, right there. god, you feel so fucking good, please don't stop. fuuuuck"
• when you decide to touch his wings out of sheer curiosity, you weren't expecting to his reaction to turn you on as much as it did
• keigo arching off the bed with a broken "f-fuck!", yanking you forward into a harsh kiss as he moans broken please and appraisals into your mouth, whining
• he finally comes in thick spurts over your hand, his hips stuttering as he thrusts upward to milk the final drops of his come, chest heaving and breathy pants falling against your lips, his hands tangled in your hair
• touch starved, needy, and sensitive
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don't get me started on my man's going into a rut. whoo, good stuff.
sorry this is so long!! i got very carried away once i got into it.
if anyone wants to request anything, please do?? i would love that, especially since I'm trying to learn more about this beautiful bird-boy. nonetheless i hope y'all enjoyed!!
♡ ky
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kyotarou · 4 years
One bed scenario for izuku, shouto, tamaki and dabi? I really liked the last one
characters: izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, tamaki amajiki, dabi
plot (deku, shoto, & tamaki): you’re invited to a weekend getaway for a class celebration, but some miscalculations lead to some awkward situations
warnings: mild swearing
a/n: since dabi isn’t part of u.a. the plot for his scenario will be explained below :) also this is a bit long i apologize if it’s a lot to read
part 1
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Izuku Midoriya
Class 1-A takes a trip to Kyoto during the spring when the cherry blossoms have bloomed and the city is pink
Everyone is free to do as they please as long as they meet back at the hotel by a certain time or else everyone is going to assume they were kidnapped
Deku’s excited cause he’s never gone on a trip with all his friends like this before
He’s the type of person to have a backpack full of water, snacks, money, and a map with a ton of places marked off
Drags you by the wrist all over the city and manages to cross off all the spots on the map with enough time to squeeze in some extra destinations
At the end of the day, you and Deku head up to the room you decided to share, exhausted and ready to sleep until noon
Upon opening the door, you both do a double-take
“Uh, Izuku, am I seeing things, or is there only one bed?”
“Nope, there’s only one.”
“Um, I guess one of us could take the floor?”
Neither you or Deku actually want to sleep on the floor, but you don’t want to come off as rude, so you play a game of, “No, I will,” until it gets too tiring
“Let’s just share, yeah?”
“Oh, (Y/N), are you sure?”
“Well, we’re not getting anywhere aren’t we?”
He’s trying his best to not seem flustered as you crawl into bed next to him
It’s not as uncomfortable as you thought, but you’re worried about Deku and how he looks like he’s about to have a heart attack
You scoot to the edge of the bed with your back to him, hoping it makes things less awkward, and fall asleep
You wake up to the sound of rustling and try to get up to check the time but something’s holding you back
You look down to see Deku’s arms wrapped around your waist, squeezing you tight, while his lips brush against your neck, murmuring your name in his sleep
Your face heats up and you realize staying like this for the rest of the day isn’t so bad
Shoto Todoroki
You hang out with your friends but grow tired quickly and decide to head back to the hotel early and relax at the spa
You’re surprised to see Shoto in the spa house too, towel draped over his shoulder, no shirt, with shorts on
It makes your heart race and cheeks burn with embarrassment because holy fuck does your crush look good right now
He’s super chill about it and thinks your red face is from the steam of the hot tub or the sauna
“Hello, (Y/N), why aren’t you out with the others?”
“Oh, um, I was getting tired and just wanted to relax.”
“I see. Well, care to join me?” He hangs the towel on a hook and settles into the hot tub
You’re standing there, legs shaking, realizing you’re going to have to strip in front of him
Shoto stares at you expectantly and sees you hesitating
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. I’ll look away.”
After taking off your clothes, swimsuit underneath, you get in beside him
It’s a bit tense at first, but soon you loosen up and have some good, interesting conversations
At bedtime, Iida is listing out the pairs and the room numbers and you hear him say, “(L/N) and Todoroki, room 207.”
“Huh?! Iida, are you sure? I was supposed to be with Denki!”
“Hm, it says Denki’s with Sero on the list. You two must’ve gotten mixed up, I apologize. Will you be okay or do you want to switch?”
“I’m fine with it, how about you (Y/N)?”
You feel like you’re going to collapse because your crush just agreed to be in the same room as you, but you nod a little too excitedly and take the elevator up
As if the day couldn’t get any better worse, there’s only one bed in your room
Even Shoto is a bit taken aback but, being the responsible boy he is, he offers to request a different room, or at least bring a cot up
Without thinking, you blurt out, “What if we shared?” and your whole body stiffens in embarrassment
Surprisingly, Shoto isn’t opposed to it, but he asks if you’re 100% with it first, then gets into bed
His body is cold next to yours and you shiver a little too violently, back turned to him
Shoto takes notice and you feel his breath on the back of your neck. “Sorry, let me warm you up.”
He uses his Quirk and heats up the bed, and although you know it’s an innocent gesture, your mind can’t help but wander elsewhere
“Oh, um, thank you,” you whisper, relaxing in the warmth
“Of course.”
Little did you know, Shoto’s heart was beating a mile a minute, because he too didn’t want to scare his crush—you
Tamaki Amajiki
Tamaki stays in the hotel the entire day
It’s not that he doesn’t want to be with his friends; he’s afraid of getting lost or doing something to mess up the trip for his classmates
You stay with Tamaki in his room, chatting about whatever comes to mind
“Are you sure you want to stay? I don’t want to hold you back.”
“It’s alright, we have two days left anyway. I like being with you, Tamaki!”
He hides the blush growing on his face and you smile because of how cute he looks
Tamaki’s room only has one bed, which isn’t surprising, since it was noted one person would need to be alone due to the odd number of students
Problem was it wasn’t stated who would be alone
As you’re exploring his room, gawking at the view from the window and all the cool little knickknacks, you throw open the closet doors and freeze when you see your stuff
“Huh? Why is this here? Tamaki, did you take my bag on accident?”
“Ah, no! I only brought my stuff up, someone must’ve put it there by mistake.”
You call Nejire and ask about the rooms
“Hmm, it seems like you and Tamaki must’ve been given the same room. Sorry for not checking it over, do you want to be moved?”
“Ah, it’s fine, I guess.”
You and Tamaki try to go back to your conversation but you can tell how nervous he is since night is approaching quickly
Bedtime comes and Tamaki nearly screams when he feels your body pressed against his
Guilt washes over you; “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked. I’ll go down and get a cot.”
As you’re about to slip out from under the covers, Tamaki suddenly grabs your arm and buries his face in his pillow
“Uhm, (Y/N), i-it’s okay. Y-You can stay, uhm, ah-”
He opens one eye and quickly shuts it, pressing himself so far into the pillow you swear he’s going to suffocate
Confused, you look around, but there’s nothing in the room beside you two in the dark
It hits you— “Tamaki, are you… scared of the dark?”
“What, no! I-I-”
He lets out a little squeak when you stroke his hair, face inches from his
“It’s okay, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You were a vigilante, an anti-hero who believed in helping others but despised the flashiness and celebrity status of pro heroes
Your Quirk, Feline, which gave you the characteristics of a cat, allowed you to work in the comfort of darkness where it was difficult to catch you
You rarely got injured due to your agility, but this night, your target had a Quirk that allowed them to see in the darkness, and left you stumbling down the street with a gash in your side
“Rough night, little kitty?”
Dabi stands under a streetlamp with a smirk
You and Dabi weren’t friends by any means, but you held a certain level of respect for him; part of it was so he wouldn’t cremate you
“Shut up,” you scowl. “I’m perfectly fine- hrgh.”
You press your hand over the wound, blood slipping past your fingers
Suddenly, Dabi throws you over his shoulder, your head knocking against his back as he carries you to his place
“What the fuck- Put me down!”
He lays you on the bed, uncharacteristically gentle, and cleans your wound with a towel
“Why are you doing this?”
“I’m not gonna let my little kitty walk around like this.”
Dabi covers your wound with a bandage and throws the blanket over you
It’s past midnight and you’re getting sleepy, but you realize you’ve taken up all the space on the bed
Plus, it’d be kind of weird to crash at the place of the man you barely know
“I’ll go then, thanks for the help.” 
He pushes your shoulder and you fall against the pillows
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Not like that, kitty.” He circles around to the other side
“Where are you gonna sleep? There’s only one bed.”
Dabi flops onto the mattress and slings one arm around your shoulders, tugging you close— “Go to sleep, kitty.”
Unable to move from the pain and his grip, you have no choice but to snuggle close
Despite his casual demeanor, your heightened sense of hearing amplified the rapid beating of his heart
A smile spreads across your face; this is gonna be great blackmail
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countessren · 3 years
The Bad Batch || Writing Prompts
1. If we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.
2. How is it that when something happens it’s always you guys?
3. I...I didn’t think we would get this far.
4. Please put that down, that’s not for playing.
5. If I had a credit for every time we get in trouble I would be the richest person in existence.
6. Don’t tell me...you broke the hyperdrive.
7. You can’t say that! At least not in front of the child!
8. What does this do?/If you want to find out, you’ll have to close that door.
9. You know I didn’t mean that/Well it sure sounded like you did.
10. If I wanted to waste my time, I would have asked for your opinion.
11. Don’t put me on the spot, I wasn’t listening.
12. Don’t look at me, he did it.
13. I can’t help it, you’re too important to me.
14. If you’re aiming to piss me off, we’re well past that point right now.
15. If one more person damages this ship, I’m taking Lula.
16. I’m sorry...but I can’t do this anymore.
17. Don’t accuse me of being the jerk, I’m not the one who needs to develop a personality.
18. Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn’t punch you in your perfect face.
19. So, what’s the plan?/ You’re telling me that you didn’t come up with one?!
20. Awwww, you’re so adorable when you blush.
21. Get away from me, you’ve annoyed me now.
22. When this is all over, I’m going to take you somewhere far away from all this mess/ I’d like that.
23. If you touch my stuff without asking one more time, I swear.../ You’ll what? Pummel me to death?/ If that’s what it takes, then yes. I will.
24. I don’t think I can do that. I just...I don’t know.
25. Did you...did you just compliment me?
26. The systems are fried because someone didn’t fix the wiring issue!
27. Stop blaming me for your mistakes!
28. I’m tired of trying to fight so hard for someone who doesn’t even want me.
29. Prove it hotshot.
30. You should be more careful, you don’t want anything drastic to happen now do you?
31. You’ve got to be kidding me, I’m not wearing that thing.
32. You know you can tell me anything, right?
33. I’m a little busy right now, but sure, what can I do for you?
34. I’m fine, honestly it’s just a scratch/ That is not a scratch, what are you talking about?
35. Stay awake for me, please!
36. I can’t lose you, please just...just come back to me.
37. Could you stay? Just for a little while, please?
38. You really think I’m a valuable part of this team? Even after that?
39. Please don’t ask me to do that, I can’t.
40. You have to be more careful, one day you’ll come back to me in pieces.
41. I’m sorry, forget I said anything.
42. If I may/ No!/ ...Apologies.
43. Can I interest anyone in a vacation?
44. You can’t keep going around and destroying things/ Oh yeah, watch me!
45. This is never going to work/ You look beautiful darling, stop worrying.
46. Can’t we just relax for the day? I’m tired after yesterday.
47. The stars...can’t do it...not today.
48. I’d laugh but I would prefer to keep my life.
49. Don’t test me.
50. Oh please, I would rather die than be partnered up with him for this mission.
51. Wait, remind me again why we are doing this.
52. I love you so much, I want you to know that in case-/ In case nothing. Nothing will happen. Don’t ever say that again.
53. You’re heavy, get off me.
54. For the love of god, please just be nice to each other.
55. I care too much, so sue me.
56. How dare you, you will treat me with respect.
57. Can I...can I give you a hug?
58. I uh...I don’t know how we managed to get out of that alive/ Well, now that we have, you owe me.
59. Just keep your eyes on me, don’t turn around.
60. Is this...reg...bothering you?
61. I wouldn’t shoot the messenger if I were you/ But it sends a message/ Yeah, the wrong type of message!
62. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to fix this ship, but I’m so over having to stop every five minutes.
63. Honestly, you’re the only person that keeps me calm.
64. Well maybe if you listened to me instead of that damn holopad we wouldn’t be in this situation.
65. I’m really sorry/ Go away, I’m not talking to you.
66. It hurst...it hurst so much/ Just stay with me, don’t you dare close your eyes.
67. If we could stay here all day, you know I would hold on to you and never let go right?
68. Cuddles?/ ...Fine.
69. I’m innocent I swear/ I know you, you are far from innocent.
70. Uh oh/ What? / Nothing...nothing at all.
71. Tech said I was bleeding internally, that’s where all the blood is supposed to be!/ Wrecker...no.
72. I can help, just let me-/ No, you’ve done enough.
73. I...I’m cold/ Well that’s unfortunate, I can’t do anything about the weather.
74. You inconsiderate, lying, two-faced prick!
75. If you don’t remove your hand from my shoulder, you won’t have hands at all.
76. Kill me, but don’t hurt them. Please...
77. Is anyone else having trouble figuring out how we are all still alive?
78. I could seriously just-/ Just what sweetheart?
79. I want you know that I’m sorry if things weren’t easy for you, but it wasn’t easy for me too. I had to be strong for everyone else when you fell apart...and it broke me too.
80. You’re not the only one who’s having second thoughts.
81. Please just...just leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about it.
82. I could honestly just sleep forever right now/ Come here...
83. I love you, but it’s okay if you don’t feel the same.
84. This isn’t you, you have to fight it.
85. Give me a chance, I’ll prove to you that I care/ You have one more chance, otherwise I’m gone.
86. Shoot me once, shame on you. Shoot me twice...yeah that’s my mistake.
87. Ow!/ You deserved that/ What did you do that for!?/ You know exactly what for!
88. It’s so cold in here/ Here, have my blanket.
89. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so mesmerising in all my life/ I have.
90. The first words you say to your soulmate are tattooed on your arm.
91. You don’t see colour until you meet your soulmate.
92. You can hear your soulmates thoughts.
93. When you touch your soulmate, you see glimpses of what your future will be like together.
94. You can feel your soulmates pain.
95. You can feel intense pain whenever your soulmate is in danger.
96. You have random visions of what your soulmate sees, but neither of you know it until you meet.
97. You have a clock that counts down to when you will meet your soulmate.
98. You have the same tattoo/scars as your soulmate.
99. One of your eyes is the same colour of your soulmates.
100. The name of your soulmate is tattooed somewhere on your person.
PLEASE GIVE CREDIT IF YOU USE ANY! WHETHER IT BE A LIKE, REBLOG OR @MENTION! Requests will be open as of 8th of June, so feel free to flood my inbox until then! You can also comment below should you wish to request anything.
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Don’t look down, Baby   Part 1/3
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Dean x reader
Summary :  Dean told her to ignore the “thing” between them and to jump in any guy’s arms. Any of them but him.
When we think of a guy our Y/n could be with, longing for Dean, it’s usually a nice dude, a little boring, right ? Because who can compete with Dean ? Now, what if this guy was as badass as Dean ?
Characters : Dean Winchesters, Sam Winchester, Reader, Abraham Hale (OC)
Warnings : Angst, jealous Dean, Smut (unprotected sex -you’re smarter than this !-, oral, also kinda lame sex if it’s a warning), cheating, swearing, smoking, drinking... More warnings in the second part.
Wordcount : 6k (yes, just the part one... now you get why I cut it.)
Note : So for the Aestetic, I used the face of Jax Teller from Sons Of Anarchy, and you have to know, even if Abraham Hale looks like him, he is totally an OC.
This is writen both in Reader and Dean’s Pov. Dean’s thought are in italic. 
Text divider by the talented @talesmaniac89​
Jay’s Masterlist
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September 16, 10:33pm
 Dean’s POV
           I always thought that when Y/n finds a guy, it would be the perfect douche I wanted for her. Some nice dude named Robert, a cop maybe, or a realtor with a friendly family.
           He would annoy me to death with his stories about growing up in a farm, and call her Pumpkin. He would worry a little when she goes out with us because he thinks we drink too much when we’re together.
           He would tear her from me and I would hate him for that. She would skip a hunt to meet his parents, another to spend a few days in the cabin he rented… But even if it breaks my heart, it would be exactly what I want for her, so I would let her go.
           I had it all planned.
           But, of course, she didn’t play by the rules.
           And that guy is no Robert…
           His loud manly laugh tears me from my thoughts. His tattooed hand wraps around his whiskey glass and I turn my head to that waitress that always gives me warm smiles, she’s staring at him now, with the sweetness that was once for me.
           Ex-gang member, Abe. Bad guy turned good. Raised by the widow of a gang member, in a violent environment, he already had a criminal record at fourteen, started selling guns before he was officially allowed to drink, ended up in prison at Twenty-two.
Sweet smile Abe. Reformed bad boy with an attitude. Became a hunter after he met a vampire gang and slew them to the last. Now defender of the good citizen, he found his fight, and the hunters talk about him as one of the bests.
Afraid of nothing and ready to fight, charismatic, alpha Abe. His muscular arm in the back of my girl, his long blond hair falling on his face when he lights up a cigarette in a grunt of content while she touches his neck.
Abe. My new nemesis.
“So Dean” he says with his deep voice hoarse from smoking too much. “How did you meet my girl ?”
I met her on a hunt, invited her to my room and took her on that wall. Do you remember, Y/n ? Don’t look down baby, look at me.
“On a hunt.”
“That’s how I met her too” he smiles and kisses her temple. “Seems like we have a lot in common.”
“Looks like we do” I state.
           Her eyes darken and she turns her head, I know how to read her, she is pissed, and I don’t even know why. I did nothing, I said nothing, and her rock-and-roll version of prince charming is worshiping her, so what causes that bitterness ?
What is it, baby ? Am I missing something ?
“So I heard your brother and you have this fucking palace ?” he gives me a corner smile, smoke coming out of his nose.
“Who told you that ?” I grunt.
What is the point of a secret bunker if it is as secret as a freaking tweet ?
           He chuckles and takes a sip of his whiskey, not answering.
           Abe never answers all the questions he is asked, maybe it is some cool thing for guys like him, maybe it is his way of look mysterious or powerful. What is sure is, as annoying as it is, it freaking works. But each time he smirks with his eyes lost in the bottom of his glass in a little huff instead of speaking, I get closer to losing it and smashing his pretty face on the table.
“I told him” she says almost coldly. “Like you did all your friends, Abe is my boyfriend, Dean.”
I nod. What can I say, she’s right after all. She’s always right…
           She was right about that cop being the bad guy the first time we hunted together, right about the fact that my so-called bond with Amara would fade the second she gets whatever she wanted. She was right about Jack being a good kid but dangerous enough to need to be watched and educated instead of pushed away. Right about Mary hurting me more than I admitted…
She was right when she said I was wrong. The day I told her we shouldn’t sleep together again, that she should just ignore that thing between us and jump in any guy’s arms. Any of them but me…
I really say that : any of them. I did.
Did you choose Abe just to annoy me, baby ? To prove a point ? You had to bring a guy who would beat me at my own grumpy-loner-badass-crap-drink-too-much game, right ?
“That place sounds sure awesome, because Y/n keeps coming back to it” he states, not letting me know the true meaning he puts in that sentence, his piercing blue eyes free of any emotions on the surface.
“Well it’s home for her” I say, and that bastard chuckles. “Is it funny ?”
“Not at all !” he says with a warm and kind laugh, and a friendly tap on my shoulder. “You should relax Dean, you look like the bar is full of demons !”
I stay stern, I know I should probably look friendly, but I rarely hated someone nice that much.
           He gets up and kisses her head before he walks away, his manly way to move catching women’s attention, and some men’s too. One of his hand goes through his blond hair while he walks to the bathroom with the other hand deep in his jeans’ pocket.
“So… Abe, huh ?” I ask, the second he’s gone.
           I should be more coherent, I know. I want her gone, but I want her for me. I was sure I was ready to see her with someone else, it’s been three years. Three years ! After we only made love six times. She is not mine, she never was.
And I thought calling her Baby in my head would make me strong. It’s a weird feeling, like I could let her be happy, but still feel special. I would have been the passion of her youth, the one that died young and of which she would think a little when she rocks her baby in her pretty house…
I had somehow romanticized my heartbreak.
But that doesn’t feel romantic at all. And all I can think of is that he is passion too, I’m not dead, and I just have to see him touch her and imagine them at night…
“Yes” she says, still with that bitterness in her voice. “You could make an effort, Dean. He has been nothing but nice, and you act like he’s an enemy.”
“I haven’t decided if he is one yet.”
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disapproval.
I recognize hurt. My Y/n, when she’s hurt, she gets angry. Always. And I made her angry so often. Her irritation is growing, I can see it in her burning eyes.
“You can’t do that” she says low. “You can’t treat him like that, no one gives you the right.”
“And him ?” I dare asking, staring at her reddened face. “Does he treat you right ?”
Her eyes fills with tears again and her jaw clenches.
“Better than you did, you mean ?” her words feel like a stab in my heart.
 Reader’s POV
           I didn’t want to say that, it came out by itself.
           I’m thin-skinned lately. I feel like I could cry or scream any moment, all the time. My emotions have always been loud, my sensibility overwhelming, but for a few weeks I’m drowning.
           The fact that I decided to try to get over Dean Winchester probably caused that.
A long time ago, I thought living with Dean without ever having him would be the worst, then I saw him with other women and was convinced I was mistaking before : the worst was definitely that. How wrong was I ?
           The worst is having had him. Not once, but several times, each time a little more intimate. More kisses, more touches, more suspended seconds watching in each other’s eyes… Until we spent that night together, that last night, and he fell asleep against me for the first time.
           It was over. It was too much for Dean, and not enough for me.
        ��  Dean Winchester can’t belong to anyone, not again. He doesn’t want to be a boyfriend, and he doesn’t want me to be his girl ; who am I to insist ?
“Well, that’s a minimum” he answers in a soft groan after a little while, and my heart breaks because I just did what I swore I would never do : Reproach him for any of it.
“I’m sorry” I sigh, thinking of those weeks after the last night, when I had to hide the worst pain I ever felt because I didn’t want him to feel bad about not wanting me.
I still do... -feel that pain and try to hide- because Abe or not, I still live with Dean and he doesn’t deserve to carry my pain on top of the world on his shoulders.
“Can you at least try ?” I beg, low, seeing my boyfriend getting out of the restroom but stopping next to the door to talk to someone he obviously knows.
“Yes” Dean answers. “I’m just… He’s a hunter and…”
“He’s a good man” I assure him, looking at Abe walking toward us above Dean’s shoulder. “He comes from a dark place, like us, but he is a good man.”
 September 21, 08:12pm
 “That place is crazy !” Abe says, sitting at the table of the library. “I have never seen anything like this.”
           While Sam tells him a little more about the bunker, I look at my boyfriend.
           I stare at him, trying to get rid of that uncomfortable impression, that feeling screaming that he doesn’t belong here ; because if he doesn’t belong in the bunker, then he probably just has nothing to do in my life.
           A lot of memories cross my mind, like it happens a lot lately.
The memory of entering the bunker for the first time and deeply knowing that, as long as I am welcome here, this would be my home. Because it just feels right and because, even if I’m not the granddaughter of Henri Winchester, he trusted me with this place, as much as he trusted his family. That man actually welcomed me like Mary never really did, like I was just as legit as blood.
At his frank smile, the memory of meeting Abe crosses me too. I was alone in this hunter bar, trying to get information for a case. I hadn’t told Sam and Dean that I would go there, because I know how much uncomfortable the hunter community makes them. And I was introduced to him : Abraham Hale. I found him so beautiful, with his mischievous smile that seemed to mock the entire world, his wheat blond hair and his tattoos. Something felt so safe about him, not because he looked like a bad boy, but because he was light and happy, laughing at everything and taking nothing seriously… All that Dean wasn’t.
I loved his wild energy right away. Abe was like the drums in a rock song, like summer wind. In his arms, I forgot about Dean for a few seconds a day during the first weeks. We spent days sleeping and having sex behind the curtains of that motel room, hiding from summer heat, and nights drinking and listen to rock music...
But now I look at him, his bright blue eyes seem pale next to the deep green looking back, and his beauty is bland.
“Thank you for showing me your home, Treasure” he says, putting a tender hand on my back like he always does.
And my eyes cross Dean’s.
           I know what he’s thinking, he’s cringing at the nickname, and that reminds me why I am with Abe : Dean never gave me a nickname, he never called me anything else than my name, he will never and even when others do, he thinks it’s lame and cheesy.
 Dean’s POV
           That hurt on her face again.
Baby, you can’t look at me like that each time he calls you Treasure . I don’t like it, but you’re supposed to do.
           This is much harder than I thought, and I was aware it would be impossible.
           Each and every one of his actions makes me face my own contradictions : The more loving he is, the more I want to push him away from her. But the more she seems distant and to have her head in the clouds, the more it eases the pain. Am I selfish enough to hate her happiness even though I love her ?
           I was in control, during those three years not touching her, my heart was aching with craving and my soul was screaming at me to make her love me. But as much as the heartbreak was constant, I had chosen it. I was in control.
           I never realize that it was only bearable because she was still here, my partner, my best friend, my roommate. Mine.
           Now she took it back. She raised her middle finger right in my face and decided she wouldn’t be mine anymore.
And that is a whole new level of pain.
           I don’t sleep when she’s not home, and sometimes food just won’t let me eat it. She texts during our movie nights and wears that pendant he gave her. I hate that pendant because it reminds me I never gave her a present. Not once in all those years.
“Another drink ?” Y/n asks him with the bottle in her hand.
“Don’t you drive ?” I cut him before he answers and I see her eyes shoot me with imaginary bullets.
I’m sorry Baby but it’s movie night tonight, can’t he just leave already ?
“He’s right” she says giving me a little hope that she will ask him to leave soon. “You should stay for the night.”
My breathing gets stuck in my lungs.
No Baby, don’t do that to me. Please.
“With pleasure !” he smiles.
 September 21, 11:49pm
 Reader’s Pov
           He grabs my thigh to lift it a little and grunt in my ear. His kisses are hot on my neck, his heavy body moving cautiously on top of me.
           My eyes are on the ceiling, my hands on his sweaty muscular back and I wait.
           Damn, what is happening ? He’s close, I am going to fake it ? I swore I would never fake, I swore if the guy can’t get me there, he should know, but… Abe is not the problem, I am.
           I just watch the ceiling wondering what is wrong with me. He did everything right, nice foreplays and those love words he always has for me. But nothing seems to turn me on anymore, and without the need and the pleasure, his thrusts are just uncomfortable and I feel weird.
           Come already.
           I sigh. I know what is making this impossible. Dean. This fucker is the last I had in my own bed, the only one in fact. And everything reminds me that Abe is not Dean fucking Winchester !
“You okay Treasure ?” he pants in my ear, nibbling at it.
I’m not a freaking snack, what is it with his mouth and teeth always ?
“Yes” I fake a moan. “I’m close Abe, come.”
Just don’t be loud, that would be so awkward.
           When he loses rhythm, I close my eyes at the relief, it won’t be long now, make it stop. He shakes a little and grunt loud, filling the condom inside of me ; and, to make my fake moans credible, I clench my walls around him one time or two, rolling my eyes at his proud groan.
           Sex with Abe used to be so much more than this. I'm getting frustrated. Did I break something in me ? Why can't I enjoy anything anymore ?
           He rolls on my side, panting, and smiles tenderly at me. He’s beautiful, I have to admit that, and he’s nice and loving.
“You’re amazing” he hums. “I guess I can’t smoke in your bedroom ?”
“I don’t mind” I answer sincerely. “The air co is magical, just, don’t smoke more than one.”
           He sits on the bed to get his pants, his beautiful tattooed back on me. The smoke flies in pretty wreath. I put my hand on the lion tattooed on his back. It suits him, with his solar attitude and his confidence, his beautiful blond hair…
           Yet I keep longing for my wolf.
 Dean’s Pov
           Now I know I could kill him. And now I know what the limit amount of pain I can take is.
           I pace my room like a crazy man. He is taking her, my Baby. He is sinking inside of her and stealing pleasure. Does she wrap her legs around him like she always did with me ? To push me deeper. Is she as responsive ? As lost in pleasure as she was ? With that way only she has too beg for more with her entire body, voice strangled and arms caging me the best she can…
           Is she…
“F-fuck…” I whine, holding my heart.
I think I just felt it break.
Breathing is painful now, I feel like I’m drowning.
Baby… Why did you have to do that to me ? I know I hurt you but your revenge is unbearable.
I sit on my bed, still holding my chest.
I can’t take it, you know.
“Shit” I grunt.
How can this kind of familiar panic attack be back ? How can this hurt so much ? It’s not Hell, it’s not Purgatory…
“It is Hell” I say out loud.
Loosing you, Baby. It’s Hell. Do you love him ? Because…
“Fuck, I love her” I whine.
 September 28, 06:05pm
             Sitting in my “Fortress of Deanitude”, I wait. The tray with snacks is there, beers too, and Netflix is ready for our next episode of Stanger Things.
           But there is a big chance she won’t come. Our movie nights are getting rarer and rarer, like our time together in general. And this place is slowly becoming a Fortress of Solitude…
           You never know how much you need something until you lost it, right ? I was stupid enough to think I could be stronger than the need for her and now look at me, alone in that big empty room in a bigger emptier bunker.
           All I can think of is how much each day pulls her closer to him and further from me. They are building memories in which I’m not, they are building an intimacy that I lost three years ago. She will forget me and he will have her, maybe even make her change a little, until one day she is among those people who talk about their personal tastes by saying “we”. “We prefer red wine”.
           Is he going to change my girl, for real ? Make her love Led Zeppelin a little less, make her a little less her, make her want other things, another life, need me less ? Our things will become unimportant and be replaced by all kind of other things I have no idea about.
           I take a long sip of my glass. It’s not like I had my word to say anyway. I lost her. I lost her in the worst way possible : willingly.
           But just when I’m about to get up and go put the snacks away, she opens the door, panting a little, like she had ran.
“Dean” she says entering the room. “I’m sorry. There was an accident on the road and the traffic was disturbed.”
You were at his place, Baby, and you ran to me ?
A little smile lights up my face when her presence revive my heart.
“It’s okay” I say.
“I’m late, but I have…” she takes her hand out of her purse. “Giant skittles !”
“You found them ?” I smile, sitting straighter when she hands me a bag.
Our things are not all gone. And she still cares about me and about our time together.
“Yup ! I made Abe stop in every shop yesterday.”
So you think of me when you’re with him, Baby ? Have you ever thought of me while he was inside of you ?
“Sit” I pat the armchair next to mine. “Let’s find out if Dusty’s girlfriend exists !”
“I really hope !” she exclaims, taking off her jacket.
I try not to look at her, but when she quickly takes off her jeans to slip in her pajamas pants, I swallow hard. Those thighs could have been for me, and I could have watched the show while holding her.
           She sits with her knees up against her chest in the big chair next to me, and takes a beer. My eyes are glued to her, looking for anything unusual, and fearing it more than anything in the same time.
“What ?” she calls me out of my thoughts.
“Nothing, I…” have no idea how to finish this sentence.
“I’m still okay you know ?” she says without looking at me, playing with the label of her beer bottle. “You always stare at me like something had happened to me. I know what you think of Abraham, but he doesn’t treat me bad.”
 Reader’s Pov
“I’m sorry” he sighs. “You know how protective I can get. Especially with you…”
A chuckle escapes me and I know he doesn’t like it, but protective with me ? He broke my heart. He ripped it and threw it on the floor because I had said those words.
“Yeah…” I nod, nibbling at my lip. “You won’t find bruises on me.”
He doesn’t answer.
           When did we become like this ?
           After a silence, he hands me candies and presses play. But, chewing on sugar and my eyes on the screen, I keep my full attention on him.
           I have everything any girl would want : A lover with hot blood, beauty and a heart of gold. But I'm not any girl, and the only thing I want is Dean Winchester. The genius who thinks he's dumb, the scared little boy who lost his mom, the leader, the victim of his fate, the killer, the loyal friend, the rebel, the torturer, the perfect brother, the wary hunter, the crappy dancer ; grumpy Dean, childish Dean, stubborn Dean, all of Dean...
           I look at him and my eyes travel down his neck, his beard is fighting to grow back there but I know he won't let it. The slow movements of his chest are mesmerizing. My eyes go down, to his thighs and crotch...
           I really shouldn't let myself look there but his smell and aura are like a mermaid song and I'm drowning. His strength is radiating of him and I feel myself respond to it in everyone of my heartbeats.
           He could make me scream. He always did, so easily. Dean made me cry of pleasure more than once, sometimes without any effort, the brushes of his fingers, the burning of his kisses... And when he finally buried himself inside of me, it was like a firework in Heaven. He never had to do anything really special...
           And now I wonder : Is something broken about me ? Abe is passionate and loving, we used to work great, he was easy as whiskey. And he loves me. Why am I unable to enjoy any of it lately ?
           My eyes trace the bump in Dean’s pants and I remember the simple ecstasy of feeling his cock twitch for me. Dean... I bite my lip to hold back the moan hanging on my tongue. His thigh moves a little, strong muscles hidden in his jeans, and I think of his stomach contracting that time he came on my tongue. I…
“I see you” his deep serious voice hits the air like thunder.
I look up to meet his eyes and realize I have been staring at his crotch, licking my lips and probably visibly holding back moans.
“Do you need something ?” he asks with a proud aura on his face.
I want to punch that expression off of his perfect features.
           I look down and sigh. Yes, I do. I need him, not only want like I would like to think, but need indeed. I need him to feel my body, to make it alive, and to hear my soul breathe again.
“Dean…” I just say.
Like it was an answer or reproach but of course, he hears it for what it is.
           A call.
           So he gets up, suddenly so tall that he eclipses the TV, the light and my will. He comes in front of me, standing there, making me look up timidly through my lashes. His strong hand lands cautiously on my cheek, gently holding my face while I lean on his touch.
           I can resist him. I can.
           I think of Abe's sweet smile, of his deep voice and his arms around me. I think of this night he told me about jail and I tried all I could to make him feel safe again, that was a beautiful moment... We are something beautiful Abe and me. We are going to make it right, to make it count. Right ?
           As my heart fights itself, playing all the love songs I know at once in my head in a deafening dim of emotions, my eyes fill with tears. I know what is going to happen, and the cruel god writing my story can stop there, the end is already obvious.
           I can't resist Dean. I just can't.
           And Abe will cry, right ? He trusts me. He will take his bag and yell maybe, the sun inside of him will get clouded, he will drive away. Then I will let my body slide on the door frame, unable to hold my weight up, because I will have broken the only man that ever truly loved me.
           I look down to hide the pain from Dean, but he knows me better.
"I can leave" he says.
But it's the last thing I want because I miss him, I miss him like a part of me died years ago and I still feel empty and cold... I miss him when I'm alone, and even more when I'm not.
           When he's about to move, take a step back to leave me alone, I grab his belt and hold him in place firmly. I have no plan, no solid thought, but I know I can't be away from him for now. He smells both like the most familiar home and the wildest dream.
           My other hand grazes the fabric of his jeans on his thigh, I close my eyes for a second and a little whimper escapes me. I started touching Dean less than a day after meeting him, and it seems I can't be around him without having my hands on his body.
           He hums, staring down at me, bow legs slightly parted like he needed balance, like he was gripping the floor for both of us. Dean had always been my anchor. His shoulders look wider from down here and I want nothing more than letting my hands grab his butt to rub my cheek on his crotch like a cat marking its territory.
"Touch me like you need it, Baby" he murmurs and a little sob escapes me unexpectedly.
He never ever called me Baby.
           He never gave me any nickname like he never gave me the place I thought I could take in his heart. And Abe, he calls me Treasure. He welcomed me in his heart...
"What's wrong ?" Dean asks like he didn't know.
Dean Winchester is the world's greatest hero, saved basically everyone's life without any reward, and for this he is a saint ; and still, he's the one that is going to be the end of me. Hero or not, he's my villain.
"Everything is wrong, Dean" I answer in a broken voice. "Everything."
He squats in front of me and my hand panics at losing my grip on his belt so it grasps his flannel like my life depends on it.
"Not everything" he whispers, bending to let his poisonous lips graze my skin.
My treacherous mouth opens in reflex at the proximity of his, making him respond by biting my lower lip. I whimper again and pull him closer.
"I got you" he states, letting his burning lips trace down my chin and my neck followed by his thumb, scratching my skin with his short nail. And I catch fire.
I let my head falls back and I surrender totally.
           That's how bad he is for me : I could let him break my heart again without an hesitation, after it took me years to recover just enough to just function. And oh, I will. I will shatter the heart of the man that trusts me just to let Dean selfishly remind me how much I love him.
           His breath is burning my skin, spreading in the fabric of my t-shirt when he buries his face on my chest, opening his mouth wide to pretend to bite my breast, hand cupping my sides like he had missed me for real. I let go of the plaid fabric to grip the short strand of his hair like I can.
"Dean..." the moan I have been holding comes out, filling the room with sin and the echo of future lies.
"I got you" he repeats.
His hungry hands seize my jeans and tear it open, fighting the metallic button's resistance brutally. The fabric hurts my lower back in a last resistance but is ripped off of me the second after, taking my panties in its way.
           And before I can sit straighter now that I'm on the edge of the chair, before I can talk, think or breath. Dean's anaconda arms grab my thighs firmly and his burning breath is on my folds.
"Wh-" I start but what can I say now.
He kisses my folds like no men ever did : like he was in love with that part of me. An open mouth kiss, tongue eagerly lapping my juice from my entrance to my clit.
"AH !" I scream, arching my back but Dean doesn't take a second to breathe, burying his face on me.
I squirm, licking my lips like I was kissing him back but the place he is devouring can only respond with throbs and getting soaked, which is does.
           I'm panting, I'm being eaten by the flames of that indescribable pleasure that is back. My stomach is shaking, my temples are beating so loud. I suck a breath when he sucks at my clit, moist hand gripping the leather of the chair.
"Dean" I moan again in the subdued light of the warm room.
He answers with a hum, and his nimble tongue pushes at my entrance, making my thighs shake violently in the vise grip of his arms.
           I can't escape what Dean does to me so I let go.
           My whole body falls backward when I come, harder than I have in years, holding his hair so tight it might hurt him, legs shaken by electricity, back arching and chest fighting itself to breath. My sensible clit seems to have nerves in my whole body and I fall silent, covered in sweat, suffocated by a forbidden crushing orgasm.
           I whimper desperately, limp and lost, panting in the chair like I didn't realize yet what just hit me. But Dean knows what he's doing, he knows where this goes.
           He opens his jeans, I can feel it even though I don't see him, my head still back, moaning at the caresses of his tongue on my neck. I bite my lip hard, hand moving from the arm of the chair to his, to feel his eagerness.
           And he grabs my thighs harshly, making me fall on the floor with him and holds my back when I can't, keeping me against him.
"So wrong..." I whisper in a dying echo of my disgrace.
His hand grasps my face firmly and makes me look at him. His eyes have this fire in them, he clenches his jaw when I roll my lips a little, wetting his craved cock on me, dying of being finally filled by him.
"Keep your eyes on me" he groans, grabbing his length to guide it at my throbbing entrance.
"Dean..." I moan, fingers reaching his stomach under his clothes to feel it tremble.
"Eyes on me baby" he repeats low.
 Dean's Pov
           She can't think of him. Not now. I need her with me, I need her for me.
Feel me, baby.
           I smile slightly when she dives her unfocused pupils in my eyes. She's perfect and I love her ; but I must say when she seems to surrender so completely to my touch, that's when forgot why I asked her to stay away.
           When I enter her, her phone lights up once again in her back, on the floor. I groan loud as she wraps me like only she can, like she was trying to suck me inside her core. She's shaking, she's fighting to keep her eyes on me and I'm fighting that urge to grab her phone and shatter it in a million pieces against the wall.
           She gasps, her body threatening to fall back so I hold her.
That's it baby, stay with me, feel me, let me take you like I used to when you were mine.
My hand fists her hair and my mouth gets attracted to her pulse point so I bend to suck at it, barely thrusting for now, just enjoying to be inside of her, feeling her pulsating with desire, the concrete hard floor digging in my knees.
           Her arms wrap around me, she cling to me and I try to ignore my jealousy shouting at me.
Baby, you try to ignore me but can he do that to you ? Can he turn you into a purring cat like that ?
"Dean" she moans, clenching around me, her thighs trying to get herself even closer so she takes me impossibly deeper.
"Say you want me" I murmur against her skin in a voice I barely recognize.
"I want you" she gives in, exhaling in my ear.
           Behind her, her phone lights up one more time with a text : "I found us a case in California, Treasure."
=> PART 2
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Tags : @parinarain @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @thefaithfulwriter @vicariouslythruspn @emeow1496 @daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @stormchasingchick32 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99 @neii3n  @lyss-dw79 @im-a-shrub @sadwaywardkid​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​ @i-love-superhero​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @stylesismyhubs​ @deanwanddamons​ @jawritter​ @peridottea91​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​ @vicmc624​ @teresa-67​ @jessie-michael​ @doctor-hp-mcu​ @hawkerz12​ @mariaenchanted​ @hobby27​
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
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The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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miyanom · 4 years
A-Z FLUFF ALPHABET (j.kirstein)
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A CTIVITIES - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Jean loves spending time with you, no matter what you two happen to be doing. Though his favourite thing to do with you is just watch a movie and relax, especially because he loves resting his head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair.
B EAUTY - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Jean, being the person he is, would say everything.
He loves your laugh, your smile, the way you look at him when he says a stupid joke that no one else enjoyed.
C OMFORT - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you’re feeling down, he’ll buy/cook your favourite food and just stay by your side till your ready to talk. And if you just want time alone, he’ll give that to you but will always make sure you know he’s there when you’re ready.
D REAMS - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He’s been dreaming about a future with you from really early on. Similar to the dream he has in canon, he sees you both moving in together one day and maybe starting a family together.
He wants kids, but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker honestly. He loves you so much, and if you don’t want kids, he’s fine with settling for a dog or cat.
E QUAL - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Things would be super equal for the two of you. If there’s something concerning the both of you, he would never make a decision without trying to get your opinion on it first.
He values communication in the relationship, so you both come to decisions together unless it’s an on the spot thing.
F IGHT - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
While Jean hates fighting with you, he’s also pretty stubborn, and it makes the fight worse than how it originally started out.
Due to how much he hates fighting with you, Jean separates himself from the argument, either going to a different room or leaving the apartment altogether to give you both the time to cool down.
G RATITUDE - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s very grateful! He loves doing things for you, but when you do things for him? He’ll hug you and tell you how much he loves you, even if the thing you did was something super small.
H ONESTY - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Jean tends to share everything with you. In general, he’s just a very honest person.
I NSPIRATION - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Before meeting you, Jean was constantly in a crappy mood, usually taking it on Eren more than anybody. He was also quite a flirt, not a serious player but like annoyingly flirty.
After meeting you, he calmed down a little. He swears it wasn’t because of you or anything, but his friends say otherwise.
J EALOUSY - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I wouldn’t say it’s often, but when people neither of you know start getting a little too close, he does get jealous.
He’d probably try keeping it to himself, but communication is a big thing in your relationship so he does let you know. At least after he intimidates the person by wrapping his arms around you and kissing you in front of them.
K ISS - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Jean is a great kisser, at least he is when you both get past the shyness and awkwardness of the first stage in the relationship.
Despite how much of a flirt he was before meeting you, you were probably his first kiss. So you can guarantee he was a stuttering, blushing mess when you pulled away after the first kiss.
L OVE CONFESSION - How would they confess to their s/o?
I talked about this in another post!!
M ARRIAGE - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Jean definitely wants to marry you, and he would know that from pretty early on in the relationship. Waking up by your side after you stay the night just isn’t the same, he wants to wake up and call you his wife/husband/partner.
He would want to plan the most cliche date, a fancy dinner, maybe a movie, before going someplace important to the both of you where he would pop the question. However, he just can’t wait. He’ll probably wake up beside you on one of those mornings, and just ask you out of nowhere.
N ICKNAMES - What do they call their s/o?
Of course he calls you the common ones like babe/baby, mostly in a joking manner. When he’s seriously being all lovey-dovey, it’s nicknames like sweetheart, princess/prince, angel.
O N CLOUD NINE - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Jean, when in love, is so obvious about his feelings. He’s always blushing around you, he has a hard time speaking to you clearly, and he stares at you in such a loving manner.
He expresses his feelings through actions, as he’s a believer that actions speak louder than words! However, that doesn’t stop him from also reassuring you with words too, as he understands that some people need to actually hear it.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
At the start he’s fairly shy, not doing much when others are around. But when you two grow comfortable with each other, and he knows whether or not you also enjoy pda, there is no stopping him from straight up kissing you in front of other people.
He’s also the type to always be holding your hand when you’re out and about. He’s such a touchy boyfriend, always wanting to be touching part of you in some way.
Q UIRK - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
This dude can cook. Having spent a lot of time with his mother growing up, he picked up on a few things from her.
A lot of your dates are just staying home, enjoying meals that Jean makes for the two of you.
R OMANCE - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Jean is a huge romantic. But he’s constantly torn between cliche dates and creative ones. You go from dates where you draw each other at the park, to fancy dinner dates and a movie.
S UPPORT - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Jean calls himself your no.1 supporter for a reason! Whether it’s staying up till 2am to help you study, or running errands for you in his free time so you don’t have to worry about anything other than your goal. He’s there for you every step of the way!
T HRILL - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I personally feel like when you fall into comfortable routine, Jean loves it the most. But if you want to spice things up, it’s not like he’ll stop you.
U NDERSTANDING - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Jean knows you pretty well, he’s good at reading people. When you’re getting to know each other, he takes notes in his head about things you like and dislike, and probably never forgot them.
If you’re in a bad mood, he can tell just from a simple text, and you can bet he’s already on his way to pick up your favourite sweet food.
V ALUE - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Like I said earlier, Jean is absolutely in love with you. So the relationship means a lot to him, especially since you both were friends before anything began to take a romantic turn.
If Jean listed the people in his life, it would be his family at the very top of the list, followed by his friends: lucky for you, he counts you as his family.
W ILD CARD - A random fluff headcanon.
Jean rides a motorcycle. He has a car too, sure, but whenever he picks you up he takes the motorcycle. He knows it’s dangerous in comparison to a car, but he likes the security that comes with having your arms around him when riding.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Jean is very very affectionate. If you’re together at either of your apartments, there’s no way you’re not cuddling. He’ll be complaining about having to let you go even if you only need him to so you can go to the bathroom.
Y EARNING - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Jean hates it when you’re not around, whether you’re super busy or you’ve just gone away for a little, he hates it.
He likes being around you even if it’s in utter silence, so you two often FaceTime while just going about your daily night time routines. He probably watches you for a minute or two if you fall asleep on call, and he doesn’t hang up until the next morning.
Z EAL - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
I think Jean would go to great lengths for the relationship in terms that he would branch out of his comfort zone just to understand you a little better.
If a bad fight broke out between the two of you, and he realises that he’s being just a little too stubborn, he would let go his pride and be the first to apologise in fear of losing you. It says a lot, because he’s not usually like that. Typically he lets things cool down a little before trying to apologise.
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