#can i sue this guy for psychic damage???????
ive been staring at the words "Add something, if you'd like" for so long trying to figure how to remotely articulate whatever emotion im feeling in response to hearing someone stating - very confidently, i might add - that george orwell did not write anything substantial about the spanish civil war and francoist spain.
my guy, my dude, my man, my bloke, my chap, he took a bullet to the neck fighting against francos forces in the spanish civil war. its literally where a lot of his political leanings were cemented. i think that might have informed his later writing.
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fastcardotmp3 · 6 months
🎊 december bookshelf 🎊
november recs | recs tag
Happy (almost) New Year! Here are some bits of brilliance I'm closing out the year in reading, and here's to everything that you guys have made this year. I'm so grateful to exist in a space with so much talent and so many big hearts willing to share in it, and I can't wait to read what you have cooked up for 2024 🥂 love, dot
🎊 INCENDIUM by @stargazersteddie- I have always been and will always be a weird dragon kid at heart and this fic was tailor made for the weird dragon kids of the world LIKE! dragon shapeshifter eddie is SUCH a concept and then to add dragon hunter steve to the mix? to add a genuinely intriguing corrupted corporation claiming to help people? to add ronance espionage and secrets in the woods and-? you know? a treat of a journey really and truly.
🎊 captain's log webcomic by @rogue-alien - That sweet spot where beautiful, perfectly representative art meets a brilliant premise in which Dustin finds a bunch of old "Captain's Log" tapes Eddie recorded before he died and things develop from there. Truly makes my day every time I see this has updated with a new page and as a comic book lover I'm fully enamored with everything about this
🎊 if you wanted, you could do no harm by @eskawrites - I'm a lover of a road trip story in which everything becomes clear because the scenery has changed and this is SUCH a beautiful depiction of that. getting to live inside Nancy's head as she goes from knowing she has to get out of Hawkins but not necessarily why to finding this sense of peace within herself and the things she both can control (kissing the girl who made sure she wasn't alone for the journey) and can't control (the big unknowable that is life) was a delight and a joy <3
🎊 mark it on the starmap with an x by @cheatghost - the Eddie POV "show me the place (where he inserted the blade)" sequel/ companion piece of my DREAMS. I love an Eddie character study with my whole heart and the way lou explores him in this particular circumstance, being blocked off from the joy he built for himself and leaning on Wayne and almost being forced into adapting without getting a say in the matter? Brilliant, immaculate, perfect, HELP ME.
🎊 max the bloody handed by @hellsfireclub - KAS!MAX!!! Beautiful Lucas POV as things fall into disarray, as his sense of something's wrong gets proven right, and with such a cool and eerie tone the whole way through. also Lucas with a crossbow which you KNOW is everything To Me.
🎊 this time of the year by @gothbat99 - robin HEARS nancy even when nancy isn't saying anything aloud and robin KNOWS that nancy needs a moment to let her brain go quiet and just be and I'm beside myself!! sweet and warm and tinged with the inevitable grief of the holiday season what if I cry huh?
🎊 The Future is the Same (but i have to try) by @fragilecapric0rnn - such an intriguing world built in so few words but the thing that has me on the FLOOR is the nancy and steve reckless grieving power duo of it all LIKE. designed for me specifically perhaps??? the characterization, the looming danger of every choice they make, the impulsive nature of it all!!! brilliant!
🎊 crash by @cheatghost (yes, again! sue me!) - i say 'designed for me specifically' a lot but this time it's actually TRUE and let me tell you!!! the psychic damage incurred was IMMENSE!! the nancy character study of all time, the cyclical/non-linear journey through grief and catharsis and hope and acceptance of my dreams, i'm never going to stop thinking about this fic you HAVE to read it, it's imperative To Me okay? okay. okay okay.
PS. don't forget to tip your writer in kudos and comments if you read and enjoy these! it's talking to each other about the works we create that makes this fandom world go round 💖
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randomvarious · 4 days
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Today's compilation:
Pop Sixties 1993 Pop / Rock & Roll / Doo Wop / R&B
Another cheat code comp from the Baby Boomer Classics series here. Lots of great 60s pop tunes, particularly from the early-to-mid-portion of the decade—before all the psychedelia became a really big thing—but every single selection that was made for this was super popular in its day, so no underheard gems to pump up in this post.
That said, I've still got a good handful of fun facts about a bunch of these sweet, sweet hits. For example, you all remember that psychic damage-inflicting and inexplicably ubiquitous early 2000s Euro-hit, "Hey! Baby," by Austria's DJ Ötzi, right? Well, did you know that it's actually a cover of a much better song, by one-hit wonder Bruce Channel, whose own version of it topped the US Billboard pop chart for a few weeks back in 1962? I mean, even if you've never heard this original version of it before, you should've guessed that Ötzi's rendition was a cover anyway, because, after all, it's a song about a girl walking down the street, which was one of pop's most used lyrical tropes in the 60s. In fact, the song that precedes "Hey! Baby" on this CD is another one: Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman;" and then later on is The Seekers' way too whimsical and radio-jingle-sounding folk-pop tune, "Georgy Girl," which opens with the line, "hey there, Georgy girl, swingin' down the street so fancy-free!"
And also, did you know that without Delbert McClinton's lovely harmonica contribution on "Hey! Baby," we don't get the early Beatles hits of "Love Me Do" and "Please Please Me" as we know them? McClinton gave John Lennon some pointers while they were on tour together and Lennon took advantage, so you can basically thank Delbert for The Beatles' ascendancy into the single-biggest band that this world has ever known.
Couple more tidbits about some of these songs: Gene Chandler's "Duke of Earl" is for sure one of the greatest pieces of doo-woppy R&B that's ever been recorded, with Chandler's soaring vocal on the chorus blending with the voices of his dynamic and onomatopoeiac backup singers, but the song would continue to endure in 1991, when Cypress Hill famously sampled its opening "Duke-Duke-Duke, Duke-ah" bars for their own classic west coast rap anthem, "Hand On the Pump."
And we also are well aware that Dion's enormous #1, "Runaround Sue," is another one of the greatest hits of the entire 60s decade too, but I'm sure that, as time continues to wear on, less and less people are cognizant of the fact that a part of it was very clearly ripped off from deeply inspired by Gary "U.S." Bonds' own big #1 hit from a few months prior, "Quarter to Three."
And lastly, this isn't a piece of trivia, but I'm always just so amazed when men are able to do that classic Frankie Valli-type falsetto with their voice, and while Valli and his Four Seasons make their own appearance on this album with "Big Girls Don't Cry," Lou Christie's "Lightnin' Strikes," which hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1965 itself, is another one of these tunes where the guy flexes his ability to *somehow* sing like that too. I don't know how any dude is capable of doing that specific type of falsetto, but it really is incredible 🤯.
Whole bunch of must-listen oldies on here if you're not familiar. Some of the biggest, best pop hits that the decade had to offer, bar none.
Roy Orbison - "Oh, Pretty Woman" Bruce Channel - "Hey! Baby" Gene Chandler - "Duke of Earl" Dion - "Runaround Sue" Lou Christie - "Lightnin' Strikes" Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons - "Big Girls Don't Cry" Billie Joe Royal - "Down in the Boondocks"
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
I'm so dreadfully sorry this took so long been busy, my head is unfortunately a cheese so I forgot all the cool things I wanted to do for these guys but introducing Ray and Mue, fusion ship meme children of my May and @blues-sues's Rue! (and yes I did just do the classic letter swap switch for names fight me)
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So Ray takes a lot after Rue physically being pale with pink and inherited stripe but more orange on the scale from May and her horn style though obviously shorter than her silly huge ones and her short stubby tail. I imagine his orange stripe actually climbs up his back but below his chest piece.
Mue meanwhile is more color but slide to the pink spectrum like Rue and Rues horns but they're like longer along her head like how May's go all the way back with a kind of pink orange mix color tail, long like Rues but Mue got freckles she was gonna have stripes on her body made from freckles mixing those traits but decided not to steal that from Ray.
They also have like different stomach shapes, can't recall rn who's who.
So lore time!
After Rue and May escape in Rue!au, team rocket goes argh! Damn! Fuck! Lost another one. But in an attempt of recapture they manage to procure blood samples and go fine Rue clone it is. Unfortunately the samples were compromised mixing Rue and May's dna making fusion mix children.
Mue was the biggest healthiest when growing mixing Rues power and May's physical strengths making her very promising, she has boosted stats in HP, attack and defence so she hits hard and can take hits much like how May was significantly tanky if weak and Rues ability to hit hard, they figured they could train up her other stats later to make her even more powerful in future. She's the golden child for that having May's obedience and Rues enthusiasm for the organisation they're in, she's happy to be seen by whichever human caretaker is off screen rn. She was implanted with a mega X stone to compliment her hard hitting.
Ray however struggled more, being the only other survivor as the others unfortunately didn't last (probably due to May's bad genes) he needed to be removed from growth early to have surgery done on his second neck as due to its small size it had started to collapse which would've severely limited his psychic ability and usefulness probably he likely could've died from inadequate blood flow nerve damage stuff ect. He survived but his powers are while his wound healed still limited, being smaller and weaker and quieter he was more often ignored for the louder more promising Mue. He learnt to be quiet because no one heard him, only paid attention to when they checked on him so he's more withdrawn and insecure hence holding his own tail self comforting. His stats are boosted in Speed, sp defence and sp attack, while they do still train him as he gets older they obviously prefer Mue as she's stronger and with his limited psychic power the boost to his sp attack and defence doesn't do much. He's implanted with a mega Y to at least play on his speed.
While Mue is the golden child Ray begins to learn as they grow, especially after his psychic powers fully recover and bounce back (though to near overwhelming headache inducing degrees for him at first) that is he agrees to tests, agrees to experiments to trials and adjustments he gets attention, positive attention he gets praised he gets doted on showered in compliments. He's not dumb he knows they're only using him only saying how magnificent he is because he's letting them add machinery to his body but, it's a rush he's never had before and he gets stronger, armor to boost his defence that reduces the damage of hits and helps focus his powers to even more devastating effects. He gets powerful. He gets very powerful and very dangerous. Despite being the runt as he gets more tests done more experiments he gets more foods (and probably growth hormones) he gets bigger growing taller than Mue becoming a very tall lean mean harsh cold mewtwo covered in armor. He becomes very promising indeed.
Mue however, she starts to stagnate, she's powerful yes very powerful she hits hard and she does damage but she can't quite pull up her other stats to the same degree (they're still good stats probably just a touch below normal mewtwo stats), what's the point of hitting hard if her special attacks don't do as much damage as they should or she gets a chunk of health taken from a special attack. She starts to fall out of favor especially because she's used to being the favorite she's more confident and hot headed more self assured in a way she refuses experiments snaps she'll manage it herself. The golden child and the ignored child switch places slowly until she realises she's in her little brothers shadow and she doesn't know how to comprehend it. It's full cemented when they get into a fight that started as a simple spar, she can't get a hit on him but figured just one should do the trick to put her back on top. But she doesn't even get the chance to, he hits her first and he hits her with all he's got and she can't pull herself back up. It's from then she starts seeing the cracks in the organisation realising how she put blind faith into something that was untrue and even cruel as she gets pushed aside.
She tries to tell her brother of the horrors of it all that this wasn't good it was all bad and they needed to leave! But he just scoffs and looks at her behind his mask, "don't you think I already knew all that?" he'd snap coldly, "you may have not noticed before but I realised very quickly what was going on but I had to endure because I didn't have the same privilege you have now to be able to escape, it's all fine when little Mue gets whatever she wants but now little Mue isn't the favorite you want to call it quits? What about when I wasnt in favour huh?! When I cried and cried till my throat gave out because I was the disposable one?! You don't get to ruin this for me. You can run. I'll turn my back I'll let you I won't say a thing. But I'm not coming with you. And if they tell me to hunt you down and bring you back? I just hope I dont find you."
Ray at this point has put himself through too much to be able to leave, the augmentations potentially permanently fused to him (they don't want a repeat of the original mewtwo being able to simply remove it), validation is a hell of a drug and what could the outside possibly offer him? Being hunted chased hounded injured seen as some impossible capture, a sports trophy to boast about? He may not like what he's become but he's not going to become some humans prize.
And so Mue flees alone.
As you can tell I've thought a lot about Ray at least, Mue I struggle a bit with. Of course this is all hypothetical future stuff lmao, Blues you're absolutely free to go "um no actually stop being horrid to them" XD and if you'd like one you're free to claim. Sorry they're not as unique as some of the others, unfortunately May is #bland
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Please,, the demon brothers reacting to being called "submissive and breedable" by MC
Lookin Kinda Submissive. Perhaps Breedable
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
What the fuck did you just say to him.
Doesn't even want to know the origins of whatever just came out of your mouth, but he dares you to say it again.
Do you really think Lucifer has the patience to deal with this today? You're already giving him a migraine and the day's barely even started why are you like this. You can see the light slowly fading from his eyes
Sighs like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. You've reduced his lifespan significantly with that one statement. He doesn't even have the energy to punish you but now he's wondering if it's too late to take you out of the exchange program
Takes that shit to heart. You've hurt him. Wounded his pride. He may never recover from this. He thought he could trust you.
Mammon's pretty sure you've hurt him so badly that he's now legally obligated to sue you. Where's his financial compensation??
Watch this man start lifting weights when you're around and walking around shirtless just to prove how much of a macho dom he is. Like, alpha male supreme. 100% man. Are you looking?
The king of social media has 100% seen that meme but that doesn't stop him from fucking choking????ramune is coming out of his nose?????
Stuck between laughing and nervously choking so it honestly sounds like you need to give him the heimlich-
This moment is forever ingrained into his memory, and every time he hears the phrase, he'll think of you. Please go away so he can try to undo the psychic damage you just dealt, thanks.
Slams his book shut immediately and gives you a look so hard, you'd swear that vein on his head might burst.
Care to repeat that, MC? No no go ahead, say it again. He wants to make sure he heard you right 🙂 Don't be shy go ahead 🙂🙂 He is no longer asking 🙂🙂🙂
Yeah what did you think was gonna happen? You're implying you plan to DOMINATE him? He's used to horny talk thanks to Asmo, so he's immune to the 'breedable' thing.
Beg for his forgiveness, then write a 1000 page apology letter. Yes he'll read the entire thing and yes he'll check for grammatical errors. You're being graded.
I mean... yeah. That's the vibe he's going for, so he's glad you noticed 😘 Was it the way he styled his hair today? Oh, or maybe his new perfume??
But don't think the adorable Asmo is a one trick pony! He's not ALWAYS submi-
Anyway, if you were looking for a good time, all you had to do was ask! You don't have to beat around the bush like that, darling MC~! He's always willing to submit to you, unless you'd prefer something else? ❤️
Wait what do you mean it was a meme what's a meme
He's just trying to eat a sandwich man why you gotta do this to him. Beel may not be the brightest guy in the bunch, but he knows what BREEDABLE means.
Are you??proposing or something?? He's flattered but maybe you're hanging out with Asmo too much lately-
Sorry, he's gotta go. Lucifer's calling him. You just can't hear it because it's really quiet. He's using a tone of voice only demons can hear. Anyway bye
Fucking goodnight.
There's no amount of sleep in the world that could've mentally prepared him for that, and now he's in recovery mode. *windows shut down noise*
Maybe you bounced a couple of screws loose when you died that one time? Anyway he knows he just woke up but uhhh
Don't talk to him. He's ignoring you. Go think about your actions while he contemplates the reason you were born with the ability to speak. You are not being perceived. His eyes are closed, perhaps forever. Maybe death isn't so bad after all.
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whyisev · 2 years
Out of curiosity, what are you and veni-vedi-perivi's top 10 favorite OC's? You've both made a ton over a bunch of fandoms and me and my gf would love to see you guys choose (if you can haha).
- much love from two hoosiers 🎀
Choosing is hard but thanks for asking :’)
A lot of my current favorites are characters Veni and I have never talked about on the internet, so I’ll try to limit my response to fandom ocs whom I think y’all would know.
Some of these characters belong to @veni-vedi-perivi and I invite Veni to post their response to this ask!
James (Bungo Stray Dogs): such a dad. I don’t think I’ve written a kinder, more empathetic character than James. Also incredibly OP.
Eliot (Bungo Stray Dogs): look sometimes you just want to write a self indulgent tumblr sexy man and so I’ve written a self indulgent tumblr sexy man. A poor little meow meow driven mad by emptiness.
Victor (Bungo Stray Dogs): FUCK YOU LIFE IS GOOD THERE IS HOPE LOVE IS THE THING THAT KEEPS US GOING. Weird uncle of the family. Eats dirt probably. Has like 40 exes but only one matters and that’s Friedrich.
Kaede (Demon Slayer): cute auntie. I can’t say more about Kaede without spoiling my comic but I’m so excited about her!!
Haruzou (Demon Slayer): *slaps the hood* this shy goth boy can pack so much dramatic irony just you wait
California (Hetalia): Smartest dumbass with a heart of gold. Haven’t written him in a while but I enjoyed his vanity and youth.
Illinois (Hetalia): AHA what a nerd. My favorite pass time is bullying Illinois. What’s he gonna do? Sue me? Lmao I feign disappointment and he falls to the ground taking 40 psychic damage.
»»————- Veni’s Characters ————-««
Dante (Hetalia): Call me a simp but I love a crazy bastard who scares the living hell out of me. Would gladly admire from afar!
Lewis (Bungo Stray Dogs): cute boy with such an original power and such a fascinating personality! I will die for him on a heartbeat.
Yukio (Demon Slayer): elegant bestie. Terrifying and adorable at the same time. My biggest fear is writing him ooc.
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Prompt: "Bowl Full of Jelly"
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Setting: Eddie has convinced Richie to be Santa for the local orphanage this year.
“This is fucking stupid,” Richie mutters.
Eddie nudges his arms further up and continues measuring, saying, “You’re the one who volunteered, dumbass.”
“Yeah, well, you’ve never seen your stupid puppy dog eyes. They’re like. Irresistible on a physiological level, Eds. Like some kinda magic bullshit.” Richie pauses, as Eddie gives him a different look altogether. “Oof, ouch. Okay, see, this is what I’m saying. You just dealt actual psychic damage to me with that glare-- Ow!”
“Oops, the tape slipped,” Eddie says flatly, as if he didn’t just pinch Richie’s arm with the force of a thousand crabs. He moves the measuring tape down to Richie’s hips, glaring when he tries to put his arms down. “Are you done complaining?”
“That depends, are you done being a bitch?”
This time, when Eddie goes to pinch his side, Richie is prepared and jerks away with an offended, “Stop that!”
“Fine,” Eddie says, then immediately follows through on the pinch when Richie relaxes.
“Fuckin ow, dude! I didn’t even say anything that time!”
“That was for the bitch comment, dipshit,” Eddie replies, rolling his eyes. “And I doubt you can even feel it that much anyways.”
Richie pauses. “...What’s that supposed to mean?”
Eddie looks up from measuring his waist, frowning. “What do you mean, what does it mean?”
“Like, that was a hard pinch, why wouldn’t it hurt?” Richie asks. He’s not being a dick, for once, he’s actually confused.
Eddie narrows his eyes. “Did it hurt?”
“Well, no.”
His eyes squint further. “And you have no idea why that might be?”
“...You were being gentle because you love me?”
Eddie snorts incredulously instead of answering, which. Yeah, fair. Love has never stopped either of them before.
When Richie doesn’t offer up another reason, Eddie huffs. “Jesus, Rich, you really haven’t noticed?”
Clueless, Richie shakes his head. In response, Eddie sighs and his face does that thing where he tries not to look endeared by Richie’s antics. Or obliviousness, as is apparently the case here.
“Look, how wide was your waist the last time you bought yourself a pair of jeans?”
Richie blinks. “Uh, I don’t know. 34 maybe? Why?”
Eddie holds up the tape, thumb marking the spot he’d just measured. Richie squints at it, the numbers fuzzy despite him definitely not needing bifocals.
41. Huh.
“What does that have to do with--” Eddie raises his eyebrows expectantly, and the pieces click into place. “Oh. Shit, really?”
More gently this time, Eddie tweaks the flesh of Richie’s hip. And yeah, woah. There’s like, a lot there. Like enough to fill Eddie’s hand, and it’s all lined with stretch marks that range from pale white to angry red. Richie stares in bewilderment.
Wait, but if he has love handles that big then-- he turns his gaze to his belly, and stares. Half-disassociating, he brings both hands up to cup it, and sure enough the soft flesh fills his hands and then some.
“But it’s so big,” he murmurs, unwittingly.
Eddie huffs and says, “You’re an idiot of legendary status, Rich.”
That shakes him out of it. “Well, how the fuck was I supposed to know? You’re the one who always pushes seconds on me! And none of my clothes have gotten any tighter or anything--” Eddie quickly breaks eye contact as his ears turn deep red. “Oh my god. Oh Edward you snake! This is sabotage of the highest degree!”
“Beep beep, Richie,” Eddie grinds out, and Richie laughs in his face.
“Oh fuck no, buddy! You think I’m shutting up about this? About the fact that you’re feeding me up and buying new clothes behind my back so I wouldn’t notice? Eddie, my dear husband, love of my fucking life, I am never letting you live this down.”
“It’s not like that!” Eddie snaps, the flush spreading to his cheeks. “I just didn’t want you to think I didn’t like it or that you needed to lose it--”
“Well no, of course not, because you’re clearly a filthy fucking pervert.”
Apparently, this is when Eddie reaches his breaking point. He makes an infuriated sound deep in his throat, throws the measuring tape to the ground, and grabs Richie’s face to pull him in for a rough kiss.
“You keep fucking talking like that and I’m gonna have to remind you who’s boss,” Eddie growls, when they part.
Richie is stunned, and he’s pretty sure he’d be gaping if Eddie didn’t have such a firm grip on his chin. Luckily, talking has always been his primary motive, so it’s easy enough to egg Eddie on. “...You know, I've got a good start, but I think they meant someone a little bigger when they talked about Santa's bowl full of--”
He doesn’t get to finish the sentence before Eddie is pushing him towards the bed, obviously both annoyed and turned on.
Okay, yeah. Richie probably should’ve picked up on this whole thing sooner.
Which, y’know. Annoyed and turned on is Richie’s favorite version of Eddie.
He thinks he should probably avoid cracking an obvious joke about Eddie’s repressed mommy issues. At least for right now. Maybe later, after sex. And after dinner. If Eddie’s too mad, he might not make the cookies he’d promised for so-called Santa practice…
Sue him. He’s a stay in the moment kind of guy.
And in this moment, he’s about to get very, very lucky.
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whattaloser · 3 years
Why I’m a Leftist
I know I’m probably just some dude who reblogs cool stuff to most of my followers but I’ve got a nice long story/rant about my political beliefs here that I’ve been wanting to write for awhile
I am a leftist first and foremost because I value human life. Everyone matters. No person is inherently more important than another person. Everyone has inherent rights that should not be infringed. People who infringe on other’s rights are morally wrong to do so. In essence my leftism is based on doing what is right. Obviously everyone has their own opinion on what is right but what is vitally important is knowing why your moral code is right. This is why so many people become liberals or conservatives or otherwise rather than leftists. They simply do not know enough about how the world works. There are a lot of reasons they don’t know, not the least of which is intentional covering up history and preventing education. I don’t believe people who aren’t leftists are stupid, but I do believe leftists know more. It’s kinda fucked up but it’s the only way you can explain inconsistencies in other’s values.
My path to leftism was full of cringe. When i was 7 years old Al Gore was running against George Bush for president. I did not know enough to have a real opinion on it but I am happy to say that I wanted Al Gore to win. This thought was based on very little if any logical reason. I basically flipped a coin in my head I think. Or maybe there was some outside influence that I wasn’t aware of, like my older sister who I looked up to might have said she liked Al gore. Either way, from then on I was in favor of democrats and did not like George Bush. When 9/11 happened I remembered thinking how dumb it was that people lined up around the block to get gas. Even as a child I knew that some buildings going down wasn’t going to end the great nation of the United States. In general I thought the United States was a great country. I knew from movies and tv as well as elementary school history that the United States was the most powerful country in the world. 
I recall in Sixth grade my teacher mentioned she liked George Bush because he was against gay marriage. Somehow at the time my opinion was the opposite despite being raised Catholic. I believed in god until I graduated high school and suddenly my desire to be religious slipped away and so did my belief. I do not consider this a great loss. 
Sometime in middle school or early high school I had solidified my opinion that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was pointless and George Bush was a bad president. I was heavily influenced by movies and somewhat by video games that had imparted plenty of anti-war messages. Talks with my dad about nuclear missiles, watching History channel shows about world war 2, and playing Metal Gear Solid which had explicit nuclear disarmament messages, all informed me on the horrors of war. This was not enough to make me totally anti-military. In high school I wanted to join the military because I thought it was an easy way to get life experience and eventually pay for college. I was attracted to the Marines because of how cool movies like The Rock and video games like Call of Duty made it seem to be a Marine. I thought they were the best of the best. I was simultaneously against war, against veteran worship, and very pro-military. I was indoctrinated by years of government propaganda but also disillusioned by all forms of media including the book All Quiet on the Western Front which was about a soldier becoming disillusioned by witnessing horrors of war and the negative impact it had on everyone in his country. I spoke with a recruiter during my senior year and expressed my desire to be a Marine but I told him I wanted to wait a year after high school so I could get physically fit enough. The recruiter did not care that I was underweight and out of shape. He didn’t even care that I was very enthusiastic about joining, he was still putting on his best salesman demeanor which made me incredibly uneasy. The experience is supposed to pressure people into signing up on the spot, I think they even had forms for me to sign (i can’t really remember though) but I was not ready and was aware enough how I was being manipulated although not entirely cognizant. After that I no longer wanted to be in the military.
I also have to point out that I grew up in an unstable household. My parents were both loving but they were flawed and made mistakes and had problems. My dad was a typical Gen x man’s man. A little bit too emotionally repressed, but actually really good with kids when it came to play time and still is. He worked a lot because my mother couldn’t. My mother has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder as long as I can remember. Her medical bills related to her problems combined with other financially bad decisions by my parents caused my home life to be fraught. I lived in varying degrees of poverty until my parents separated and me and my siblings moved with my mother to her parents’ house away from my father. Prior to moving though, we endured great financial difficulty. We were unable to afford school lunches but could not apply for free or reduced lunches because technically my father made a lot of money, however it was all garnished for medical bills. My father always tells about how he bought a car that had hidden frame damage and when he attempted to sue the dealership for selling a bad car he lost and was garnished for that as well. Despite making over 25 dollars an hour in 1999, my father could not afford school lunches for three kids and couldn’t afford to pay the gas bill. Without going into too much more detail, life sucked and continued to suck until I graduated, at least financially. I still found plenty of joy and it wasn’t always that bad. We still found ways to have good things like video games and we could always rewatch old movies but there’s a lot of psychic weight that comes with being that poor as a child and I’m sure it affects me and my ability to empathize with others who in bad conditions. 
So i watched a lot of movies and documentaries, read a lot of books growing up, discovered internet forums at the age of 11, played video games, moved to a town that had a very large Hispanic population, and I even grew up poor. All of this life experience turned me into a very average liberal upon graduating high school. I was a very optimistic 18 year old. I thought science could save the world. If I was 18 today I would be an average redditor stereotype probably. The point here though is I still wasn’t a leftist. Only vaguely progressive and full of optimism. This is when I got sucked into the anti-feminist pipeline.
I can’t remember what exactly what I had going on in my life but I remember it was around the time of Gamergate. Everyone on the internet, celebrities, and pop culture were saying “if you believe in equality between genders you’re a feminist” an did not like that. And there was a ton of people online to tell me I was right in not liking that. They all said feminism was not necessary anymore because legally you couldn’t discriminate against women and I agreed. Gamergate made it worse for reasons too complicated to get into in this already long post but suffice it say I was “pro Gamergate.” This put me at odds with my closes friends who thought feminism was great and had no qualms with it, and were already embracing the idea of being a “social justice warrior.” Despite reading all kinds of anti-feminist think pieces and reveling in the discourse, I was still very progressive and liberal minded person. Still thought the military was bad, that black people were discriminated against etc. But so many aspects of anti-feminism were appealing to me as a white guy who tried their hardest to do what they’re told is right, had low self esteem, undiagnosed adhd and depression, and a fundamental misunderstanding of what feminism was. Two things got me out of anti-feminism though. The first and most important thing was having friends who were patient with me about it. I didn’t reveal how into anti-feminism I was because I was ashamed but they could sense it and pushed back when they could. The second thing that got me out of it was actually finding feminists online and reading what they had to say, staying away from poorly written clickbait articles that fueled misogynist tirades against feminism. After reading and learning from feminists it finally clicked. Our society is patriarchal and that affects how people interact with each other regardless of what is legal. Many of the complaints of anti-feminism talk about how men have it in society, so how can society be patriarchal. It’s because of patriarchy that men are put in bad positions. Some of the more self aware anti-feminists had retorts against these ideas but they were emotionally charged. There’s still some anti-feminists I have respect for because of how well prepared and logical they were when it came to disputing feminism. But when it came down to the fundamental tenants of feminsim all they could respond with was anger or outright denial of reality. (If you’re like I was and don’t understand how anyone can thing modern feminism is good please feel free to ask me more, I just can’t get into specifics in this long ass post) Anyways, once you understand patriarchy and how it affects an individuals actions then you can start seeing how other institutions and cultural norms can affect an individual. This is basically fundamentals of leftism. I’d say about 90% of my path to leftism was just naturally absorbing cultural and historical information through consumption of media. The most conservative people I know are people who haven’t read very many books or seen very many movies. I’m not saying watching Austin Powers at the age of 10 will make everyone a leftist but constantly recontextualizing the world by learning something new, even if you learned it from some dumb comedy movie, can give you better grounding in a shared reality.  Don’t know how to end this but I want to say when I was a teenager I thought “communism is good in theory but it doesn’t work in practice” and I had almost no historical basis for it other than the vague notion that USSR = bad despite having consumed a massive amount of media. None of it taught me what communism actually was, I didn’t know who Karl Marx was, and I had no clue why communism in the USSR failed. You can know a lot without knowing the truth so if you’re struggling with a loved one who is mind poisoned by conservative keep in mind that they know a lot but they’re missing something important to give clarity. 
This has been my Ted Talk
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samclownchester · 4 years
The day is June 15 2020
The time is 3 am
The situation is that the world has fallen into a pandemic of Covid-19, and my job closed down in March, leaving me with lots of time on my hands. Despite my doubts, I fell back into Supernatural, deep into it, and I am now rewatching it. I thought it would be fun to try and see how much I could remember from earlier seasons before I watch them all
I have watched up to 1x14 at this point, so those episodes are fresh in my mind, but lets see what else I remember
Season 1
“Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business”
Sam’s girlfriend dies just like his mom did
Their dad is the point of the season but is only actually in like 3 episodes
Sam and Dean break up but get back together
Sam has VISIONS and moves things with his MIND
Meg is a demon, Sam has a bit of a crush on her
They find their dad, but don’t kill the demon
Season 2
Dean dies in a car crash, John sells his soul for him and dies
Bobby Singer is best dad
Ellen and Jo and Ash exist
Purple Nurple
Lots of psychics! Sam can make friends??
Jk, it’s the hunger games
Sam gets stabbed in the back
Dean sells his soul for him
They kill Azazel I think??
“I have … demon blood in me?”
Season 3
Saving Dean from his demon deal
Groundhog day episode where Dean dies everyday
Gabriel?? (trickster)
Blonde Ruby (let’s hear it for Laurel Lance!)
Very short because there was a writers’ strike that year
Hell hounds
Season 4
Dean was “gripped tight and raised from perdition” by Castiel
Sam has a new gf! (Surprise, it’s Ruby in a new body! :o)
Why does she pretend to not know Dean when he first shows up? Is she lying to Sam about who she is this whole time?? Hmmm I wish I remembered
Time travel?? (Sam doesn’t get to come ☹ )
Demon blood
Demon blood detox ☹
Let’s kill Lilith
“Because it had to be you Sam”
“The boy with the demon blood”
Season 5
Dean is the Michael sword
Sam is messed up, trying to quit demon blood
Cas rebelled, and he did it, all of it, for Dean
Adam Winchester is a person who exists
Also I think this is the season with Jesse the antichrist who never shows up again it’s fine.
He only existed so they could have important conversations about nature vs nurture which honestly they should’ve just saved from when Jack was born but they didn’t know that was gonna happen
More time travel??
Cas likes drugs
Team Free Will
Fall into the cage
Dean goes to live with Lisa and Ben
The end?
Season 6
Cas is working with Crowley and spying on Dean but not talking to him like the pining idiot that he is
Dean can’t help but inspect monster happenings in town
Dean finds Soulless Sam
Hanging out with some old dude?
Get Sam’s soul back
Meet Death?
Find out Cas is working with Crowley
 O: Ultimate betrayal
Season 7
Godstiel?? Why?? Idr
Please give Sam therapy
Sam goes to an asylum
Cas takes Sam’s trauma??    
More leviathans
Garth? Did we know him before. Idk, we know him now
Dean and Cas go to purgatory!
When does Cas die and walk into the lake? That’s before they go to Purgatory, right? Hmmmm but how does he come back
 Cas is Emmanuel and has a wife? Is that in this season?
Season 8
Dean gets out of purgatory!
But no Cas
Sam had a girlfriend and a dog! Nice!
Not nice, he ignored Kevin and didn’t look for Dean
Like they agreed on, but whatever ok sue him for trying to be happy
Dean has a vampire boyfriend
Not so high and mighty about killing every monster are we now, huh Dean?
Right? I don’t remember, this is a conversation that happens though
He does end up killing Benny though, doesn’t he? huh
Cas is back from Purgatory! But he’s got Secrets ™
“I’m gonna become a hunter”
Then he stays in the old folks home and next time we see him he’s all wacky and likes to watch the bees?
You’re just playing sorry
Am I right?? I don’t remember, but all of this happens at some point
Who even is the big bad? What are we fighting? Idk
Oh we have to save Kevin from Crowley and he reads the demon tablet. Only eats hotdogs, doesn’t shave. I love him please keep him safe.
Spoilers, they don’t
Right! The trials, Sam does the trials, they “purify” him
The angels fall, but Sam doesn’t complete the trials and almost dies.
Season 9
Sam almost dies, Dean is like “right, nonconsensual possession is clearly the best answer for this”
Human!Cas, he drinks lots of water. Steve.
§  “you can’t stay here” :o
Abaddon I think?? What was the point
Crowley is sort of our friend now and I think we meet Rowena? Idr
Kevin dies ☹
“What is the upside to me being alive” – Sam
§  Maybe in this season, maybe not. Who knows?
Cas is a cannibal (eats grace) and becomes and angel again at some point
§  Hannah exists
We all hate Metatron
Metatron stabs Dean and Sam puts his dead body on the bed
Season 10
Demon!Dean and Crowley are living it up!
Sam and Cas try to cure Dean
Charlie and Rowena interact a lot I think
Book of the Damned
When did they find the bunker? Men of Letters? All that? Idr, anyway they have it at this point
Dean kills lots of people
Charlie dies ☹
Dean blames Sam which is unfair and I hate it
They get the mark off and The DarknessTM is release
Season 11
The Baby episode exists
Really weird sexual tension between Dean and Amara while she’s still kind of a child, no one knows why. Please stop.
Cas gets called expendable and then makes poor life decisions
Lbr, though, Misha is the only other one who can play Lucifer with the same spirit as Mark Pellegrino. Sorry Jared, it’s the truth.
Eileen!! <3
Chuck is God :o
Let’s kill Amara!
Except we don’t kill her, she just needs to bond with her bro.
Here, have your mom back
Season 12
British Men of Letters
Lucifer F*cks
Boy I didn’t think this would turn into what it did, let me tell you
Winchesters escape from Federal Prison
Cas says “I love you”
But like, the plural you. No homo.
Sam admits he lost his drive to lead, then finds it again and leads hunters against the dang brits! Hooray!
Oh shoot Lucifer wants custody of his kid!
Fatality – Castiel
Fatality – Mary
Oh no wait she didn’t die she’s just trapped.
Season 13
Jack jack jack jack jack
3 dads, all at various levels of dadding
Actually 2 excellent dads, one dad who is too emotionally damaged to dad but he tries sometimes
Yeah Cas pisses of a cosmic entity. That won’t come back to bite him
Jack just wants to be good
Wayward sisters was not picked up which sucks
Apocalypse world
Rowena is our friend now
Custody Battle!!! Who wins? Not Lucifer
We saved the day! And a ton of people
Literally they made a whole deal of the people being like “We won’t leave our home or our cause” and then they got back to Sam and Dean’s world, didn’t have archangel grace and were just like “meh, actually this place is cool. We don’t have to worry about going back”
Psych! We’re not done yet! Luci wants his kid
And Michael wants his planet
Season 14
Michael! Dean
Jack dies
But it’s ok, we fixed you, just don’t use your powers
Oh shoot he used his power
Nick is somehow alive
In love with Lucifer
Burn his ass!!
Oh Mary disapproves
RIP Mary
RIP Dean being a father, now he’s gonna murder
Hi Chuck, nice of you to show up
Oh no.
Season 15
Chuck sucks
Dean and Cas break up ☹
Sam has visions again
But he’s not psychic, it’s just the piece of his soul inside Chuck
Resurrect your girlfriend! Yeah!!
Jack is eating hearts, but it’s ok, Death told him to do it.
Garden of Eden?
Get your soul back boy!
 And cry
Honorable mentions (Aka these happened but idr when)
Sam falls in love with a werewolf and then has to kill her and MAN Jared really brought the tears
AU where Supernatural is a TV show
Finding out Supernatural is a book series and the author is Chuck!
Crowley becomes helpful mostly
Crowley has a son??
 Meet grandpa
Ellen, Jo, and Ash die
Bobby dies
literally everybody dies
Kill Hitler
They meet that Jewish guy with the Golem who pretended to flirt with Dean at some point.
Jimmy Novak was a devout man who deserved a lot better than he got
Claire Novak is so cool
She moves in with Jody
When do we meet Jody? She’s just always kinda been there?
Gabriel, I don’t remember anything about Gabriel
The council of the Gods’ happens and then I think Gabriel dies in that episode?? Idr
The Four Horsemen
Death, Pestilence, War, Famine
“You’re not hungry Dean”
 I literally do not remember what was happening with these guys
Also, they killed Death, killed a reaper, that reaper became the new Death. I remember when all that happened I just didn’t feel like putting it in the timeline.
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tvmoviechristmas · 4 years
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Christmas in the Rockies (Fox Nation, 2020)
You’re baiting me with a bait fish.
Starring: Kimberly Sue-Murray, Stephen Huszar, Trish Stratus, Nigel Bennett
Plot Synopsis: After her father is in a timber accident, Katie enters a lumberjack competition to save her family’s business and finds love along the way. (x)
In My Humble Opinion: When people ask me what my most harrowing work for this blog has been, I won’t cite the long hours making sure my reviews were posted in a timely fashion or the time I watched A Holiday Heist. No, I will reference the four hours were I had the free trial of the Fox Nation streaming service downloaded to my phone so I could watch their original Christmas movie, Christmas in the Rockies.
The Fox Nation streaming app is exactly what you expect a Fox News streaming service to be. You can sign up for either a monthly subscription or a year-round “Patriot” level. It’s programming includes Paula Deen, Duck Dynasty and Lara Logan Has No Agenda: Socialist Invasion. They show off their line-up of hosts and it is like 90% blonde white women. Tomi Lohren seems to have a show on there. Every second it was on my phone, I died a little inside.
However, I am nothing if not a professional. So I made it through having these application on my phone for four excruciating hours so I could watch Christmas in the Rockies, a movie about Christmas in the Rockies.
For the most part, Christmas in the Rockies is about as conservative as most of these inspirational Christmas films are. Rural living is touted as the best you can be. Everything is white and straight. The best way to prove yourself is to be good at manly activities like lumberjacking. You know. There’s a weirdly environmentalist beat to parts of the film where the heroine is very concerned about the lumberjacks planting new trees after cut down old trees, but for the most part, it is pretty much as expected. Honestly, it feels less Republican than a lot of the military films I have seen on Hallmark and Lifetime this year.
Christmas in the Rockies is not a movie experience I would recommend to anyone who isn’t a member of the GOP though. Fox News hosts do have cameos in the movie, and in order to legally access the movie you have to crawl your way through a lot of patriot jingoism on the Fox Nation application. There’s a lot of psychic damage to be gained through the experience of getting access to the movie, and it’s not good enough that I would tell anyone to hurt themselves this way. 
There’s better movie options out there that don’t involve you engaging with Steve Doocey! Watch one of those instead.
Watch If: You cried for days when you found out your dad was a lumberjack, if you need five time zones to get jet lagged or if you could have a conversation with the paint on the wall.
Skip If: You are a Yankees fan, if your Main Street is named after a guy named Samuel P. Main or if you work in the city made of concrete.
Final Rating: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
If you like this blog, please consider donating to my Kofi page! You can also donate money to [email protected] through either Venmo or CashApp. Thank you!
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon White Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 6]
Five badges down, three to go!
Hail the victorious living:
Frogger (Seismitoad)
Ptera (Archeops)
Palm (Breloom)
Batman (Escavalier)
Gelding (Tornadus)
Fido (Entei)
Clay invited our ten-year-old self off to see a cave in the middle of the wilderness, so that’s first on the agenda today.
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Or is it?
Yeah, fight time.
Bianca has learned the way of the Hyper Potion. I would mind this less if she used it on something that didn’t know Hypnosis. And Defense Curl. And Lucky Chant.
Bianca’s Musharna is much like Bianca’s Patrat. It has murder in its heart.
Sigh. Well. It’s BRNed now. So Fido doesn’t have to be awake for the rest of this fight. Aw, but it wakes up anyway, because Fido loves me.
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All of my fucking yes.
I’m going to let Gelding tackle the Pansear, because I don’t think he can get too hurt from it. I’d very much like to not be wrong about that, and ta-da, all is well.
The final Watchdog is before us.
How fitting that Gelding knows the move Revenge.
Confuse Ray is nothing before it.
Confuse Ray, Super Fang, and Hypnosis.
Hey so Batman’s in now and I don’t like this at all.
Lemonade for Batman. And now a Hyper Potion.
Super Fang can’t be its only attack.
She fought through the Confuse Ray and killed the bloodthirsty Watchdog!
Hell. I hate those things.
Bianca gives us Fly, so yay. When’s Surf coming around?
This route is great for Palm, so I’m going to give in, let him lead the party, and throw the Exp. Share on anything that can’t do jack against the current set of wilds. I guess it’s nice that everyone’s getting a turn up front.
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Time to open up our new area. Hopefully it’ll be full of things Batman can grind against. ...Gosh, that’s a sentence.
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Also N is there.
Fight time?
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Oh hey, I forgot you things existed!
I guess they’re people. I probably should not call them things. Hey N, why do you get a ninja squad with your knight motif? What kind of Mary Sue nonsense is leaking out of your green hair and if you give me your hat will I stop commenting on it?
Also, fight time is apparently not until the end of this cave. If then.
Which means now is the time for finding pokemon.
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...Not you. No repeats.
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Chargestone Cave’s true power is bringing all of the characters with names together. Hi Professor Juniper. Are you going to give me free stuff again? You are!
It’s a Lucky Egg!
That is an incredibly useful item to have. Thank you, Professor. I am so glad you do something besides telling people where they can ride their bikes.
Actually I don’t know if she does that. I haven’t tried to ride my bike anywhere I can’t. I’m too used to being yelled at over that.
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‘Ello, score. I don’t know how I feel about how many of these things I recognize from elsewhere, and let me tell you about how much I wish this Yanmega did not have SonicBoom, but Yanmega’s cool.
The trick is not going on autopilot. This thing can murder any number of my team.
(Yes, I forgot the Quick Ball again.)
Net Ball?
This has the feel of not going well. Frogger, you have the most HP, go soak up some hits.
If I have to knock it out just to avoid a wipe I’m going to be sad.
I need to buy some stuff at the next town. I have eight Great Balls left. They aren’t even earning a shake. Hey, wait, that one did. Yay?
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Dang, name. Name.
I don’t think enough people are reading these to judge me if I name it Fluttershy. That’s his name now. See you another time, Fluttershy. Hopefully never. I like the current squad.
The game’s now decided it’s Summer.
This matters because now the random Deerling we come across will be adorable and green and I can never have one.
I’m gonna give Gelding the Lucky Egg and toss him out in front.
There’s Chansey in here. This one knows Minimize. Another move I don’t care for, but yay for Revenge killing it in one hit. Plus, you know, actually hitting it. This cave is going to be gold for exp.
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A wild trainer appeared!
I can’t remember if Archen has a Rock typing. This thing is conceivably very dangerous. Not while it uses Agility, but... Yeah, okay, Acrobatics brought Gelding down to 25, Fido, operating under the theory that it doesn’t have a Rock move, go murder it.
Murder achieved. Good dog.
Frogger’s going to be in front for a bit while I see about healing.
Frogger does not do enough damage to harm the Chansey with Softboiled.
Batman, get in there and try to fix something.
Future plans include never letting Gelding take damage. This is all a massive inconvenience of switching and walking around and switching and yay exp.
I think the next time I can buy stuff I just need to make a concentrated effort to pick up some Potions. Walking back to whatever Center equivalent is nearest to save items is very time-consuming. I should give up and buy all the health I will never need.
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Look at my super special awesome ninja escort. Because I might fall off the bridge if I’m left to my own devices or something, idk.
Gelding wants to learn Agility. I do not want him to learn Agility. Guess which one of us has an opinion that matters.
Now a Maractus has appeared. Is this cave just the land of repeats?
One level below, Shiftry, Chatot, and Xatu wander the halls. So only the first level is the land of repeats.
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These guys both just gave me a Nugget for no reason. Score.
Oh great, a few steps away is someone who heals stuff. That is so much better than free Nuggets. Naturally the healing’s only there because Team Plasma and plot stuff needs to happen elsewhere in the cave, but we can’t have everything.
Another pokemon I love is Scraggy. Team Plasma likes using it. How dare they. Same with the Sandile set.
This gen has so many good pokemon what even.
Like, yes, Watchdog.
But everything else.
Heyo, Batman’s learned Iron Head. Ptera’s going to get the Exp. Share now. I think the leveling is going to be a little absurd for a while, but I want it to be absurd with everything on the same page. We do not play favorites on this team.
Because the favorite is dead.
Gelding’s turning out to be surprisingly useful just because his moveset has so much variety. He has a Fighting, Psychic, Flying, and Dark move, and a focus on both Attack stats. It just walks on things. Floats.
Hahaha except for Watchdogs with Hypnosis. Why does that not ever miss. Hypnosis, Super Fang, and terror. These are the tools of the devil.
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I can’t catch it, but ! ! !
I’ve never seen any of these in any of the games! This is truly the cave of wonders!
Also our new way of dealing with Watchdog is sending out Palm and having Palm Mach Punch it into oblivion. Because we shall not suffer a Watchdog to live.
Another level down, and there’s Grimer, Electrike...
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I need a legendary bingo card and I need it yesterday. The heck. The actual heck.
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Am. I playing with a shiny clause?
Okay, here’s how shinies will be dealt with: I am allowed to catch them outside the realms of the standard challenge. They will not receive nicknames, so will not be used. But I can try to catch them.
“Them” meaning this Grimer, because I don’t think shiny odds are affected by the Randomizer. This is just some cool natural luck.
...Luck that I think I am going to use my one Quick Ball on. I haven’t yet figured out which move is least likely to kill this critter, but all of my pokemon have ten levels on it, and are fully evolved. If I can dodge hurting it, I should.
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I don’t usually dig the green shinies, but it is super appropriate for Grimer, and I am very happy to have it.
This floor has Zubat. My heart has a feeling. You have not been missed, you fucking bat, but no Pokemon run would be complete without you. It just wouldn’t be the same.
You know, I think I might have gone down the wrong stairs for plot progression. There were just normal trainers and items down there, and there are stairs that go up to the right of those stairs.
...I’m gonna heal before I address that.
Up the stairs, and we’re back to Entei.
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As well as plot.
I was about to ask if there’s any other gen that cares as much about its color names, but then I remembered that yes, pretty much all of them are linked well to some kind of something.
I keep disagreeing with N. I can’t remember/do not know if that changes anything in the slightest, it’s just what’s going on.
Hey so I forget. How does N rationalize his use of pokemon for battles? Was that in one of the dialogue bubbles I didn’t read? Or just much earlier in the game? I don’t particularly care, I’m just curious.
Then there’s Professor Juniper and all the other adults who listen to this kid and go all, “Oh sweetie, we all go through the phase of thinking we’re the only ones with good thoughts. Lots of love, keep having fun!”
I’m paraphrasing.
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Look, Flying Gym place.
If there is some other way of thinking of it, I do not have it on my memory record. Oh, Move Deleter’s in the house next to the Center. That would be maybe useful if I still had a legendary that knew Cut.
I don’t, if you recall.
Hey, we meet Professor Juniper’s dad. He updates our pokedex, so maybe we won’t end up with question marks where most of our team’s numbers should be.
Flying Gym Leader’s name is Skyla. Pretty sure she is one of the Gym Leaders I am continually searching out femslash fic for. Results make me sad, but then again, it’s been a while. Maybe that’s what I’ll do after beating her.
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“Hey kid, wanna see a graveyard?”
That is much more depressing in a Nuzlocke run.
This is a really tiny city. There’s the airport, a few buildings, and then BAM, back to nature. After being immediately outside a cave. This town just popped into place because the airport showed up, didn’t it?
But more importantly...
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It’s a new route!
What will we get?
I’m walking around the grass because I can’t remember if there are other kinds of grass in this route and I want the illusion of choice in my completely random options. This has led to fighting a triple battle with a trainer who has a Watchdog.
At least it can only make one thing fall asleep per turn. It doesn’t bother trying, because this monster knows Hyper Fang, which is maybe even more stressful when its only chance at attacking is a critical hit, but the important thing is that it’s over now and another Watchdog is dead.
We faint the pokemon we attack. My team can be killed, but not their opponents.
Watchdogs still die.
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Hello, I accidentally took a step into the grass, and here we have our new friend!
...How not to kill it. I think the usual route is just Biting it with something, but everything except Fido and Batman has ten levels on it, and Fido and Batman are Fido and Batman.
Grass/Water, right? Hm.
Frogger, let’s see if Mud Shot can keep the little guy alive.
Heyo! Not even to the orange. Good boy, Frogger.
And oh geez, I have been very negligent in buying stuff. Poke Balls are still in good shape, but none of the other Balls are.
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Oh, nice. That was pretty much painless. He needs a name, though.
You remind me of a ninja turtle.
Leotello. Bam. I hope I don’t need you, because I know I didn’t choose the Water Stone to have, and I can’t recall if I’ve picked one up.
I really need to switch Gelding out of the first slot. Fido needs some leveling, and Gelding really does not anymore. He’s 40 in a field of high 30s. ...Okay, the actual field is high 20s, but the field known as my team is high 30s, and that’s what I care about.
Anyway, Fido. Witness the power of the Lucky Egg.
...After I go and buy some stuff before I forget.
(That didn’t happen, I fought the next trainer instead.)
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Aw, you adorable dinosaur creature you. I am so sorry I’m gonna murder you, yes I am. Such a perfect, flawless critter. Best Dragon line is best, no question. Haxorus even has an amazing shiny form. -pats Axew on its perfect head-
Okay, purchases. Potions. Balls. Need them.
Have them.
Okay, yeah. Journey free to continue.
Male Nidoran is a thing in this route. So is Girafarig. So are trainers.
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Why are you caring about your ten-year-old at this point in the story?
...Huh. And that’s literally all she calls to do. Neat.
There’s darker grass over the ways. Let’s see what I could have had if I had been slightly more smart about where I put my feet.
Hullo, it is a Staraptor.
That is such a damn badass bird.
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Like, look at it.
Look at its soulless eyes.
V cool.
Purrloin is also in the darker grass. And more Buizel. Back in the normal grass there is Ariados. I always had some degree of affection for that thing. No idea why. Never once used it, and I don’t like spiders. I guess it doesn’t have the right number of legs, so that makes it okay? Huh, there’s also a Durant.
...Did I enter a different area? I didn’t see anything to indicate that. There’s a Girafarig back again. Maybe it was just a percentage thing.
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Ha. Yeah.
I don’t wanna go in.
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A place I obviously should have come to long before.
I’m just going to run upstairs and dance around the graves until I find my next pokemon and trigger whatever’s necessary to let me battle the Gym Leader. Armed with the comforting knowledge that if any of my team dies, they will have a good, immediate resting spot.
I know I’m like the millionth person to point this out, but really. There are really trainer fights in a graveyard? Wherefore art thou respectless maggots.
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Oh my gosh! You! You are a favorite thing! Hello!
...How the heck do I not kill you?
I think. I’m going to give Gelding a shot. Air Cutter isn’t too
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Gelding no. No no no no no no no.
Damn it. No.
To finish the thought above, Trapinch is Ground, so I was willing to chance Gelding’s high Attack against Air Cutter being kind of wimpy, and the type resistance killing STAB, and there was a risk regardless because of the levels and stats, but I thought Flying vs Ground wasn’t such a terrible thing to bet on, given the options, and.
Hell, now I’m sad.
Less meaningful things hanging out in the graveyard are Anorith Anorith and Anorith. Is it one species per level or am I just unlucky and growing sadder?
I picked up a Revive off the ground in a pokemon grave site.
That’s a yes on sadder.
Hey, so I’ve been seeing a lot of Swoobat lately that I haven’t screencapped, and that reminded me of something: I never went back to that cave, and I think there was more to it. It has one of the legendaries from this gen in its depths, I think, and I guess there isn’t much for me to do in it, but it’s weird to think there’s a place I didn’t really explore.
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Where is my bingo chart.
I don’t even know this thing’s typing. I think it’s from this gen, but it’s one of those that I maybe got from a GameStop event and never really looked at or used, and even that is foggy. My assumption would be Psychic just based on me shrugging and assigning Psychic to any legendary I’m not sure on.
Green could mean Grass, though. Wait, no it couldn’t. I used Flamethrower and it lived.
Fido’s setting a record for number of times it can hurt itself in confusion. Being put to SLP is practically a blessing, and I seriously need to switch before we see some legendary on legendary death action in the wrong direction.
Yeah, definitely Psychic. Batman is super effective against it.
So that was needlessly scary, and then on our way down the stairs to see the friendly nurse (this gen is so kind about healing stations and I love it), we run into a Dragonair.
I don’t think I could play a randomized version without Nuzlocke rules or something similar. I would go nuts training every single thing I loved to be a viable option. I’d be a hundred hours in and have four badges.
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To soothe the souls of our fallen friends.
Huh. This is kind of an empty detour. Skyla’s only up here to heal a pokemon off-screen, and then we ring a very pretty bell that gives me feelings that wouldn’t happen without the death clauses. It’s nice enough, but I could have sworn something a little more monumental went on. No?
Am I thinking of another memorial site? I think I might be... I think Golett is somewhere later in the map?
Maybe that’s what I’m thinking of.
I won’t complain about the free exp, this just felt like a bit of a non sequitor delay. Usually places like this turn out to be optional.
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What are you doing on top of this tower. You are lunch for Palm and I appreciate that, but this is the opposite of your natural environment.
Palpitoad’s up here too. Palm is a lucky mushroom kangaroo this eve. His Attack stat will always make me sad, but his existence makes me happy.
The floor below the top has Muk in addition to the legendary song thing. So that’s neat. Actually wait, Frogger’s the only one not 40. Maybe I’ll let him beat up on the Muk.
Oh. He was closer than I thought. Anorith works too, I guess.
Every time I see a Trapinch I am going to feel just so sad.
So sad.
I don’t even know what I would have named her. But we would have been amazing together.
For now, though, it is Gym time.
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It might not have aesthetic, but Skyla’s Gym is all about firing yourself through cannons repeatedly to find new opponents. Yes.
Ptera is going to be in the first spot. With Crunch in the place of Rock Throw (why did I do that again?), he only has Ancient Power for STAB + Super Effective, but he’s still overpowered as heck, and has a partial Rock typing, so he should be okay against other birds. I think most of my team can probably handle anything she throws out, though there will, of course, be the odd “wait it learns that?” moment. Hopefully nothing too catastrophic, but I do expect it.
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It’s a bird. It’s a plane.
It’s a me.
Without the necessary syllables to make that reference fly home.
So, the cannon fodder seems to have early 30s for their squads. Ptera’s not having a problem with that, despite me using Acrobatics even though he has a Lucky Egg on him. Items and Acrobatics do not play well together. I’ll try to remember that before Skyla. It hasn’t mattered so far, but if it does matter, it’ll be against her.
Oki doki. Lucky Egg off, Ptera prepped. I was lazy and used a Potion for 12hp to top Ptera off instead of going back to the Center. It isn’t like I’ll have much use for standard Potions. It’s practically free healing.
Now then.
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Let’s gooooo.
I can’t remember if I’ve commented on it yet, but the sprite for our protagonist just looks so serious this gen. It isn’t quite so noticeable when he’s on his own, but put him next to someone like Skyla and he brings Red to mind.
He is a little happier in the video chat things.
Maybe he just takes Gym fights seriously.
What a weirdo.
First up is a level 33 Swoobat, looking adorable. Yay for Crunch, and it is gone. Following that is a level 35 Swanna. I’m going to use Ancient Power and cross my fingers for that one. I was about to be happy with Crunch over Rock throw, but I really miss having a physical Rock attack.
One and done, last one up is a level 33 Unfezant. Ancient Power again?
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Another painless victory, another badge! Sweetness!
Skyla lets us go with a warning about seeing Team Plasma in the next city, but that is a thing for another day. Now is the time for basking in the glory of success and Pokemon Centers.
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sugarwaterradio · 5 years
How Rick Ross
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Well in May forbes said this guy was worth 150 million bucks but now fitty cent doesn't have two quarters to rub together I remember reading headlines about 50 Cent's financial troubles and thinking there was something incredibly tragic about the man that released get rich or die trying' going bankrupt however on last check 50 cent was actually still alive which did make me think that maybe there was slightly more to the bankruptcy story than meets the eye in order to truly understand what happened we need to go way back to 2008 at the start of his feud with everybody's favorite wing slinging fake drug-dealing rapper Rick Ross it was actually Rick Ross that started off the beef by saying that 50 cent and looked at him some kind of way at the Beatty Awards Awards not what little kid made an expression on his face that carries disappointing me what kind of expression 50 responded saying he didn't even see Rick Ross at the awards which i think is hard to believe considering the Rick Ross weighs 350 pounds now Ricky Ross made the beef official when he released the song of mafia music which fired a few shots at 50 cent for allegedly burning down his baby mamas house January 29th 2009 and 50 cent comes out with a response to mafia music his own disc called officer Ricky the next day Rick Ross calls in to Angela Yee show and says that that response is trash and 50 has 48 hours to respond with something Feder 24 hours later well i'ma fuck your life up but fine I paid for the transcripts to your court case and now that I got you address will be on your doorstep Ricky on that same day 50 also releases the first episode of his officer Ricky cartoon series damn because I said your mama look like the Klumps a couple of days later 50 of sticking true to his promise of fucking up Rick Ross's life for fuck 50 starts out the video by saying that what you're about to see is something is a little bit more sophisticated than what we've been offering in the past which I think's a massive disservice to 50 Cent's car work I mean this video is so lowbrow it makes candy shop look like the Beethoven symphony in the video the mother of Rick Ross's child calls out rot for having rented jewelry and leased cars and he takes her first shopping whilst isn't she lovely by Stevie Wonder plays you cannot make this shit up 50 also takes the opportunity to call out Rick Ross's other baby mama for being a cool girl a few days after that Rick Ross releases the diss song kiss my pinky ring curly this song is accompanied by a music video of Rick Ross hanging out in New York with some miscellaneous goons the song also featured what felt like several hundred lyrics accusing 50 cent of being gage an allegation which seemingly becomes a big part of this beef from both sides two days after that it's the 8th of February and 50 cent is dropping more content than Netflix he puts out officer Ricky episode 2 which shows how Rick Ross got a deal from jay-z he then drops the first of a series of new comedy segments featuring a character that he's created called pimping curly curl this is basically just 50 cent wearing a curly wig while shrieking about how much of a pimp ears and threatening Rick Ross on with a knife Oh Livie without you I've got you then along with his crew g-unit 50-cent releases I'll be the shooter which features so many shout outs of different types of guns the song might as well have been recorded in TI's trunk in response to this Rick Ross essentially coffees fifties idea of the animated this video and releases his own version called gay unit workouts which I'm sure even the slowest of viewers can work out what that means this entire video is basically just calling out g-unit members for being gay it also disses 50 cent for allegedly using steroids and also for some reason Rick Ross decided that this video was the perfect place to debut his new single with John Legend magnificent over visuals of a cartoon g-unit having a three-way gangbang that same day Rick Ross dropped the diss track push him over the ledge which is basically a two minute juice freestyle mainly consisting of you guessed it oh hey he mentions one specific rumor of g-unit member Lloyd Banks being in a gay porno dick on Google which I did a lot of digging on I couldn't seem to find any evidence for that but there was one a guy that looks a little bit like Lloyd Banks appeared in a gay porno the next day 50 cent puts out a video that's probably the most menacing thing I've ever seen in a hip hop beef I mean this thing makes the story if added on look like the story of Balamory he releases the video a psychic told me this little poem / dj khaled check this shit out right it's cool I just wanted to tell you what it's like you told me your car tires gonna stare down now you know I know will you be and or will your mama house it and all your mama work it now look at sleep to make this even more spicy we later found out that the person actually filmed this was French Montana he's even seen in one of these videos wearing him this is 50 t-shirt which he can't blame on his stylist over the next month these two trade shots back and forth over disc tracks and animated videos 50 goes on to drop several more cartoons which don't just clown Rick Ross but also go after Ti DMX Suge Knight and Chris Brown but it's on March the 17th that 50 made the ultimate mistake that would eventually wind him up in bankruptcy 50 cent actually leaks a sex tape starring Rick Ross's other baby mama Brooke with an introduction of himself in character as pimp and curly and commentary throughout the entire video I personally don't think it's right or legal to show you any of that tape so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna play you some of 50s commentary over some very innocent six days after the sex tape leaked on March 23rd Rick Ross came out with a very unusual video essentially saying sorry not sorry to the gay community I heard a knife in the homosexual community I apologize I'm offering a record will openly gay artists such as City sing we all know he's gay so now all the gays good later Rick Ross drops his long-awaited album deeper than rap now the album is out and there's very little to be gained from beefing these two kind of lose interest in each other during that time fifty seems to get closer to Rick Ross's baby mama Tia helping her release her own tell-all biography but things get really Savage in November where seemingly out of nowhere fifty decides to take Rick Ross's baby mama and his kids to Floyd Mayweather's house I've got to say it's pretty painful to watch I mean it seems like 50-cent treats Ross's kids better than his own February 25th 2010 and Rick Ross's baby mama Brooke brings a court case against $for Leake in that sex tape this court case takes an entire five years to get resolved during that time the 50 and Ross beef simmers and a few things happen here and there that are quite interesting Ross publicly suffers from some seizures gunplay from Rick Ross's Maybach Music crew gets beaten up by g-unit at an award show and 50 cent is pictured wearing his Maybach music chain er of bowling alley a few days later 50 pounds Rick Ross for getting his car shot up and Rick Ross gets accused of pistol whipping his groundskeeper who is later pictured on Instagram with 50 cent five years go by and it's in July 2015 that that court case finally gets resolved and fifty loses the court order 50 to pay five million dollars to Brooke for the sex tape leaked and two million dollars in punitive damages three days after losing that case fifty Cent files for chapter 11 bankruptcy now it's important to realize that there's a big difference between filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy and filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy chapter 11 is more about reorganizing your assets so that you can then end up making the payments that you owe whereas chapter 7 is a lot more about admitting that there's no way you can pay your payments however this didn't stop Rick Ross and the whole world from clowning on 50 my first album was time Richard and I've bankrupt I guess he's 50 cent even got in on some of the action mocking the idea of him being bankrupt which actually caused him to get hauled back into court to explain himself 50 told the court that the money in the pictures and his whole lavish lifestyle was actually Fae 50 cents money woes didn't last very long by 2017 only two years after losing that court case 50 was actually able to pay off his entire 22 million dollar debt five years herb so if you think 50s broke 50 ain't broke but how the hell did 50 suddenly get all of this money to pay these debts 50 didn't just go bankrupt from losing the sextape case he'd also been in and out court with slick audio based on a dispute around the SMS audio headphones deal that he had going on 50 had originally partnered with sleek to engineer the headphones but he later left them and ended up doing a deal with somebody else slick sued him and won and he ended up owning them 17 million dollars for the development of these headphones and that to the outstanding amount that he had to pay Brooke for the sex tape lawsuit in December 2016 50 actually won a court case against the lawyers who had represented him in the original sleek audio case that he lost by winning that case against his lawyers he got 14 and a half million dollars which he then combined with his own funds of million dollars to basically pay off the entire outstanding debt and get out of bankruptcy put off the hill to that when he decided to sue the lawyers from his sex tape case as well specifically he argues that they failed to interview Rick Ross about leaking the sex tape before 50 did furthermore he claimed that there was actually a conflict of interest between an old lawyer that 50 had in 2004 and Rick Ross's current lawyer as far as I can tell that Court case is currently unresolved but what I could find was that 50 is looking for thirty two million dollars from this case even though 50 beat bankruptcy we can assume that he learned his lesson and he will never leak a sex tape ever again okay I hope you enjoyed that video make sure that you like and scribe below hit that notification bell so you can see every single time I upload and if you've been enjoying my work lately I definitely recommend that you go and check out the patreon account I've started there's some really cool benefits on there that I think you will definitely like and I would really appreciate your support so I can keep making these videos and hopefully I can upload more often thanks very much and peace out Read the full article
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doedipus · 7 years
LP D&D: The Road to Neverwinter
I’m not sure how much JP does this with the other players characters, but there have been a couple times where he’s taken Connie’s backstory and ran with it. I don’t have a huge problem with it, but I guess if Connie starts seeming a bit mary-sue-ish whenever her backstory comes up, it probably has more to do with JP’s tastes in narrative than mine. In our current place in the campaign, we’re probably going to start running into Coy’s backstory soon, so it’ll be interesting to see if it ends up being a touch grandiose as well.
Content under the break.
Zerander has never flown before, and is having a panic attack
Lucas reminds the group that they forgot some stuff in the city
The group decides to just have Lucas use sending to contact Liza
She’s to give the rubies to Greg
As they fly north, the weather picks up and the gang starts frosting up
Coy gestures to Graham to fly higher
Graham refuses to comply
Connie attempts to clean/melt the frost off the broom with prestidigitation
Lupe barely manages to shake off the ice
The wind is strong, and nearly knocks the gang out of the sky
Escrima is knocked off of Lupe, but Zerander catches him
Graham slides off the fly, but catches a leg
They land safely
Lucas and Connie land in a dignified manner
Thankfully, Connie remembered to buy winter coats
Zerander can make out a light source in the distance
It’s an inn!
Graham uses divine sense to check for holy or unholy creatures, but finds none
They knock on the door, but nobody answers
They try and open the door, but it won’t budge
Graham goes to the window
A dwarf is there, telling him to bash the door
No, but better this time!
They bash the door open
The innkeeper tells the gang to store Lupe in the stable
He points out a rope leading into the blizzard
Zerander follows it, dragging the gang behind him
He uses a crowbar to force open the door
Innkeeper asks Connie to help close the door for some fucking reason 
Somehow, they manage
Connie, Graham, and Coy crowd against the fireplace
Lucas, Zerander, and Lucas try to set up a tiny hut in the stable
Zerander tries to tie Lupe down on the far end of the barn
Escrima puts the muzzle back on her
He kisses her five times
Zerander decides to go back to the main inn
Lucas grabs a sack of flour as a pillow and sleeps in the hut
Escrima cuddles with Lupe
Are wyverns warm blooded? I think they’re warm blooded
RAW says they’re warm blooded. How convenient!
Zerander gets lost trying to find the inn
He has to try to bash the door back open
He hammers it p. Good
PVP occurs!
A fey mood overtakes Zerander, and he sticks a frozen finger in Graham’s ear
Graham tries to retaliate, but misses
“Why would you do that?”
Zerander felt it was the only reasonable course of action
The innkeeper introduces himself
His name is Bruennor
He’s a prospector
There’s also a human, and an elf
The human is reading a book
Graham tries to see what it is, but can’t
Graham wanders over and tries to read over his shoulder
The human’s name is Perrin Korsta
He’s reading a history book. Nerd!
He’s a chauffeur for the elf
Zerander asks who the elf is
Perrin doesn’t know much about him
Apparently, there was another passenger, but she’s asleep now
The elf drinks heavily
Maybe he’s one of Viper’s friends
The gang is hungry and tired
Say, what’s the name of this joint?
It’s the blue sky haberdashery
The owner’s gone missing in the blizzard
Something bangs at the door
Zerander pries the door open
A woman enters, followed by a man in handcuffs
Zerander closes the door like a champ
The woman introduces herself as paladin
The man is a prisoner to be executed in Neverwinter
A rapist and murderer, apparently
He denies this fervently
Graham tries a lie detector spell on the monk
Somehow, it fails, and half the gang believes him
Here’s the bounty paper, jeez!
Zerander ties to convince her to let the gang deliver him
...but she’s a paladin, and a paladin that likes money, at that
Then he tries to convince her to kill him herself
But she’s big on JUSTICE and BEING A COOL GUY
Zerander tries to out-paladin the paladin
Oh, and 20kgp
Paladin lets him make a copy of the document
Graham decides he wants to get laid
So, uh, live around here often?
She’s about 45, and has a boob plate
And a srs bsns cougar
“Things happen”
They’re quite loud
The noises wake Escrima up, and he wanders towards their source
He wanders off into the blizzard
After over a mile, he finally turns around and wanders back
He manages to make it back inside
Coy sneaks towards the noise
She likes to watch?
She enters the room
There’s a lot of action going on that JP’s not gonna describe
Coy takes psychic damage
She tries to steal the bounty document
She takes more psychic damage
Can fingers even do that?
Coy gives the papers to Zerander
He hides it in his pecs/cleavage
Coy drinks a lot and passes out
Zerander goes to check on Lucas
He pitches the plan to Lucas
Lucas isn’t having it
Zerander goes to sleep in the stable
Escrima tries to proselytize to Connie
Perrin asks Escrima about mother
At some point, Graham had time to have a dream
Some things were crawling around in the room
When he wakes up, the paladin is full of holes, and he’s covered in blood
On closer inspection, the holes are stab wounds
He exits his room
The prisoner is still bound
Salvatore screams that there’s been a murder
The guests convene in the main hall
Coy comes to
One of her daggers is bloody
Graham notices this
The dorf accuses the gang of killing the paladin for the reward
Coy protests
Graham tries to use zone of truth again, but the others claim it would be biased
Escrima tries to detect thoughts on the dorf
He’s kind of afraid, and wants the gang out of the inn
A small boy is chased out of town
He changes into a small girl, returns to town, and kills his family
Escrima demands that nobody leave, lest they get sliced and/or diced
Graham accuses the other travellers of murdering the paladin
The NPCs reveal themselves to be changelings
The changelings say that the prisoner was assuming the form of a criminal when the paladin captured them
They set up a trap for the paladin and prisoner, but the gang wandered in and complicated things
Coy loots the paladin’s body
Graham tries to fill Lucas in on the night’s events
she was an older lady but not that old and she wanted to see under my armor and then she did and when i woke up she was dead and coys dagger was bloody but it was the changelings but they're good guys and...
Lucas recasts his tiny hut
Connie wants to know why they were impersonating a criminal
They knew he was important, but not why
They went to Lucern in disguise and got picked up by the paladin
Lupe is hungry, and eats the horses
Very, very messily
Horse viscera fly all throughout the stable
Lucas tries to polymorph her before she eats the rest of the horses
But Lupe is too hungry to be manipulated like that
Lucas uses phantasmal force to occupy her instead
Graham makes a snow angel
It’s okay
There’s some food in the hall, and the gang eats breakfast
The gang decides to use the horses to travel the rest of the way
They reach neverwinter
Caravans bustle about by the gates
Steam rises off of a river running through the city
A large portion of the city has been destroyed in the spellplague wars
It’s famous for inventors and mechanical technology. They are ambivalent towards magic
There’s also the main temple of Oghma
The most civilized city?????
The water in the river runs very hot, keeping the climate hospitable
The lord used to be an adventurer like us, but then he took an arrow to the knee
Watchu doin with your wyvern?
Escrima approaches a guard with Lupe, and tries to persuade him to let the wyvern in
But it fails, of course
He goes to store her in the ruined quarter
He then removes her saddle and muzzle, and tells her to go roam free 
“Escrima starts going through puberty”
“Mom hasn’t been talking to me, she doesn’t understand!”
Lucas asks about selling the horses
Connie is approached by her cousin Aleister the sidler
She is nonplussed when she realizes who he is
He leads the gang through the mess of caravans to meet with the rest of her family
They’re Vistani
All of the caravans in front of the gates are here for the wake
Graham is confused. Is this Catarina?
No, seriously. What about Catarina?
Aren’t you a lady there?
Who’s Heidi?
 //Connie’s run through a lot of names over the years. “Adelheid” is the one her parents gave her.
After much jubilation, Connie’s mother Ida offers to get the party’s fortunes read
Fortunes are private! No metagaming! //To this day, nobody’s talked in or out of character about what they saw. 
Escrima breathes heavily
The futuuuureeeeeee
Heidi and her mother pay their respects at the pyre
The procession takes turns dropping their torches on the pyre
The fire cycles through the full spectrum of color
The music swells to deafening levels
The pyre explodes into sparks and is no more
Ida pulls Heidi aside to tell her origin story
Heidi was born in sigil
So was her brother
No, ya dingus
At some point, the gods nearly entered sigil, and much destruction happened
Ida and Ingo were only able to rescue one of the two of them
The brother wasn’t a planetouched
Some demons were trying to track down their mother for... reasons...
Ingo left her some “things”
A key to a portal in sigil
Think of family by a wall near the hive
Watchu doin, Coy?
Eatin’ hot wings
The secret’s in the tomatoes, you know
Some Vistani beckon Graham over, and demand he remove his shirt
A Vistani man forcibly removes his shirt
Dude, nice tits
He tries to leave, but there’s too many boobs around to leave
Lucas goes for a flight on the broom
He does some blue angels shit
Heidi has a good heart to heart with her sister
Her sister got married to their cousin
Heidi talks about her crush on Graham, and Lou encourages her
Lou looted some liquor from their father. It’s some strong stuff, and they both pass out after a few glasses
Everyone gets totally wasted and passes out
Lucas drinks a suspicious beverage, and his brain goes to Elysium
The next morning, the Vistani have vanished, in a giant cloud of fog
The gang finds a horse trainer
He only wants to pay 150gp/horse
Graham knows enough about horses to know that’s bull
The merchant moves to 275gp/horse
He directs the gang towards the Merry Hunter inn for information
The gang wanders around the market
They reach Hides ‘n’ Stuff for a stable
The shopkeeper is a halfling
Lucas takes the opportunity to practice his halfling
This gets him a slight discount
It’s gonna be ready in 2 days
Coy visits a weapons shop for kicks
Apparently werewolves are common as mosquitoes in the north, and everything has silver in it
Coy sells the bucket of silver for 250gp
Lucas wanders into a magic shop
“Himo Fezin’s Scrolls, Scrolls, Scrolls”
Himo is a little stuck up
Lucas offers to write scrolls for a commission
Coy goes to a potion shop
She gets a greater health potion, some mistakes, a smoke bomb, and some sort of anti-werewolf silver slather
The gang goes looking for the inn horse man was talking about
It has a bath house! Amazing!
Dude, ovens!
They ask the Witha, the inkeeper, about William Teller
Apparently, he’s staying at the inn
Witha goes to get him
He’s confused about his guests
He’s also very hung over
They move to Teller’s room
They all sit on his bed
Escrima sits on Graham’s lap
They look like two little brown eggs from an aerial view //They both shave their heads
Graham produces the map
Teller begins scribbling on the map
Apparently it’s gonna take a few hours
Lucas visits the grand temple of Oghma
A well-dressed cleric comes over to talk to him
Apparently they know who Lucas is, and what Eva’s situation is
It poses a lot of questions to the order
Lucas walks into the light
He has a vision of flying over Neverwinter
Oghma appears to him
She asks him what he knows about current events
Proskur was entirely Gandalf’s fault
Eva was supposed to go there to stop him
Yeenoghu is coming back, and threatens the entirety of planescape
Lucas asks about the fortune he received from other Eva //The one related to Connie, not the one trapped in Lucas’ head
Apparently it’s not 100% reliable, but possible to change
He returns to reality
His clothes are smouldering
The cleric reminds him that talking to the divine is rare and important
The cleric wants a copy of The Complete Adventures of Lucas Valeroyant and also a copy of his spellbook
Including the bits with Greg! Fujoshi across the planes get nosebleeds!
Lucas gets a pretty swanky talisman of Oghma from the cleric
Teller says he’s done, and the results are deeply disturbing
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sugarwaterradio · 5 years
How Rick Ross
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Well in May forbes said this guy was worth 150 million bucks but now fitty cent doesn't have two quarters to rub together I remember reading headlines about 50 Cent's financial troubles and thinking there was something incredibly tragic about the man that released get rich or die trying' going bankrupt however on last check 50 cent was actually still alive which did make me think that maybe there was slightly more to the bankruptcy story than meets the eye in order to truly understand what happened we need to go way back to 2008 at the start of his feud with everybody's favorite wing slinging fake drug-dealing rapper Rick Ross it was actually Rick Ross that started off the beef by saying that 50 cent and looked at him some kind of way at the Beatty Awards Awards not what little kid made an expression on his face that carries disappointing me what kind of expression 50 responded saying he didn't even see Rick Ross at the awards which i think is hard to believe considering the Rick Ross weighs 350 pounds now Ricky Ross made the beef official when he released the song of mafia music which fired a few shots at 50 cent for allegedly burning down his baby mamas house January 29th 2009 and 50 cent comes out with a response to mafia music his own disc called officer Ricky the next day Rick Ross calls in to Angela Yee show and says that that response is trash and 50 has 48 hours to respond with something Feder 24 hours later well i'ma fuck your life up but fine I paid for the transcripts to your court case and now that I got you address will be on your doorstep Ricky on that same day 50 also releases the first episode of his officer Ricky cartoon series damn because I said your mama look like the Klumps a couple of days later 50 of sticking true to his promise of fucking up Rick Ross's life for fuck 50 starts out the video by saying that what you're about to see is something is a little bit more sophisticated than what we've been offering in the past which I think's a massive disservice to 50 Cent's car work I mean this video is so lowbrow it makes candy shop look like the Beethoven symphony in the video the mother of Rick Ross's child calls out rot for having rented jewelry and leased cars and he takes her first shopping whilst isn't she lovely by Stevie Wonder plays you cannot make this shit up 50 also takes the opportunity to call out Rick Ross's other baby mama for being a cool girl a few days after that Rick Ross releases the diss song kiss my pinky ring curly this song is accompanied by a music video of Rick Ross hanging out in New York with some miscellaneous goons the song also featured what felt like several hundred lyrics accusing 50 cent of being gage an allegation which seemingly becomes a big part of this beef from both sides two days after that it's the 8th of February and 50 cent is dropping more content than Netflix he puts out officer Ricky episode 2 which shows how Rick Ross got a deal from jay-z he then drops the first of a series of new comedy segments featuring a character that he's created called pimping curly curl this is basically just 50 cent wearing a curly wig while shrieking about how much of a pimp ears and threatening Rick Ross on with a knife Oh Livie without you I've got you then along with his crew g-unit 50-cent releases I'll be the shooter which features so many shout outs of different types of guns the song might as well have been recorded in TI's trunk in response to this Rick Ross essentially coffees fifties idea of the animated this video and releases his own version called gay unit workouts which I'm sure even the slowest of viewers can work out what that means this entire video is basically just calling out g-unit members for being gay it also disses 50 cent for allegedly using steroids and also for some reason Rick Ross decided that this video was the perfect place to debut his new single with John Legend magnificent over visuals of a cartoon g-unit having a three-way gangbang that same day Rick Ross dropped the diss track push him over the ledge which is basically a two minute juice freestyle mainly consisting of you guessed it oh hey he mentions one specific rumor of g-unit member Lloyd Banks being in a gay porno dick on Google which I did a lot of digging on I couldn't seem to find any evidence for that but there was one a guy that looks a little bit like Lloyd Banks appeared in a gay porno the next day 50 cent puts out a video that's probably the most menacing thing I've ever seen in a hip hop beef I mean this thing makes the story if added on look like the story of Balamory he releases the video a psychic told me this little poem / dj khaled check this shit out right it's cool I just wanted to tell you what it's like you told me your car tires gonna stare down now you know I know will you be and or will your mama house it and all your mama work it now look at sleep to make this even more spicy we later found out that the person actually filmed this was French Montana he's even seen in one of these videos wearing him this is 50 t-shirt which he can't blame on his stylist over the next month these two trade shots back and forth over disc tracks and animated videos 50 goes on to drop several more cartoons which don't just clown Rick Ross but also go after Ti DMX Suge Knight and Chris Brown but it's on March the 17th that 50 made the ultimate mistake that would eventually wind him up in bankruptcy 50 cent actually leaks a sex tape starring Rick Ross's other baby mama Brooke with an introduction of himself in character as pimp and curly and commentary throughout the entire video I personally don't think it's right or legal to show you any of that tape so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna play you some of 50s commentary over some very innocent six days after the sex tape leaked on March 23rd Rick Ross came out with a very unusual video essentially saying sorry not sorry to the gay community I heard a knife in the homosexual community I apologize I'm offering a record will openly gay artists such as City sing we all know he's gay so now all the gays good later Rick Ross drops his long-awaited album deeper than rap now the album is out and there's very little to be gained from beefing these two kind of lose interest in each other during that time fifty seems to get closer to Rick Ross's baby mama Tia helping her release her own tell-all biography but things get really Savage in November where seemingly out of nowhere fifty decides to take Rick Ross's baby mama and his kids to Floyd Mayweather's house I've got to say it's pretty painful to watch I mean it seems like 50-cent treats Ross's kids better than his own February 25th 2010 and Rick Ross's baby mama Brooke brings a court case against $for Leake in that sex tape this court case takes an entire five years to get resolved during that time the 50 and Ross beef simmers and a few things happen here and there that are quite interesting Ross publicly suffers from some seizures gunplay from Rick Ross's Maybach Music crew gets beaten up by g-unit at an award show and 50 cent is pictured wearing his Maybach music chain er of bowling alley a few days later 50 pounds Rick Ross for getting his car shot up and Rick Ross gets accused of pistol whipping his groundskeeper who is later pictured on Instagram with 50 cent five years go by and it's in July 2015 that that court case finally gets resolved and fifty loses the court order 50 to pay five million dollars to Brooke for the sex tape leaked and two million dollars in punitive damages three days after losing that case fifty Cent files for chapter 11 bankruptcy now it's important to realize that there's a big difference between filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy and filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy chapter 11 is more about reorganizing your assets so that you can then end up making the payments that you owe whereas chapter 7 is a lot more about admitting that there's no way you can pay your payments however this didn't stop Rick Ross and the whole world from clowning on 50 my first album was time Richard and I've bankrupt I guess he's 50 cent even got in on some of the action mocking the idea of him being bankrupt which actually caused him to get hauled back into court to explain himself 50 told the court that the money in the pictures and his whole lavish lifestyle was actually Fae 50 cents money woes didn't last very long by 2017 only two years after losing that court case 50 was actually able to pay off his entire 22 million dollar debt five years herb so if you think 50s broke 50 ain't broke but how the hell did 50 suddenly get all of this money to pay these debts 50 didn't just go bankrupt from losing the sextape case he'd also been in and out court with slick audio based on a dispute around the SMS audio headphones deal that he had going on 50 had originally partnered with sleek to engineer the headphones but he later left them and ended up doing a deal with somebody else slick sued him and won and he ended up owning them 17 million dollars for the development of these headphones and that to the outstanding amount that he had to pay Brooke for the sex tape lawsuit in December 2016 50 actually won a court case against the lawyers who had represented him in the original sleek audio case that he lost by winning that case against his lawyers he got 14 and a half million dollars which he then combined with his own funds of million dollars to basically pay off the entire outstanding debt and get out of bankruptcy put off the hill to that when he decided to sue the lawyers from his sex tape case as well specifically he argues that they failed to interview Rick Ross about leaking the sex tape before 50 did furthermore he claimed that there was actually a conflict of interest between an old lawyer that 50 had in 2004 and Rick Ross's current lawyer as far as I can tell that Court case is currently unresolved but what I could find was that 50 is looking for thirty two million dollars from this case even though 50 beat bankruptcy we can assume that he learned his lesson and he will never leak a sex tape ever again okay I hope you enjoyed that video make sure that you like and scribe below hit that notification bell so you can see every single time I upload and if you've been enjoying my work lately I definitely recommend that you go and check out the patreon account I've started there's some really cool benefits on there that I think you will definitely like and I would really appreciate your support so I can keep making these videos and hopefully I can upload more often thanks very much and peace out Read the full article
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