#can jinn steal
adorner061-blog · 1 year
Interview With A Muslim Jinn 👹 Sufi Meditation Center
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charmwasjess · 4 months
The “What if Dooku Trains Obi-Wan instead of Qui-Gon AU” is genuinely precious to me and I think they would thrive. 
Still, can you imagine how much initial adjustment it take be for Obi-Wan “Qui-Gon Isn’t Following The Rules and It’s Giving Me a Stomach Ache” Kenobi to be trained by the guy Qui-Gon learned that from? 
A typical Master Dooku mission canon example from Dooku: Jedi Lost
Dooku: the mission is called Space Nascar and we have to do a shot everytime someone pisses me off Dooku: see the Council assigns me these sorts of elbow-rubbing rich people event missions because of my “good” “stable” personality Dooku: for example I’ve almost gotten in two separate fights and we’ve been here five minutes Dooku: Now let’s go steal a speeder, I just Force-threw a cop
Qui-Gon is rattled by this. QUI-GON JINN. 
On the other hand, Obi-Wan’s existing partnerships prove he’s able to thrive under chaos. Dooku, for all his faults, seems to have the singular ability as a Master to produce incredibly self-confident students. He’s repeatedly established as someone who genuinely loves teaching and is a natural at it, who is at their best when part of a Master Padawan partnership - which seemed to be a struggle for Qui-Gon. Ultimately he and Obi-Wan built a loving, successful partnership, but in every timeline it seems to have been initially rocky and took years to flourish. The difference in Obi-Wan having a Master who is tremendously engaged and invested in him from the get-go, but also deeply chaotic? 
Makashi Chaos Monster Obi-Wan. Oh no, he’s a duelist just like his dad and bitchier than ever! The part of him that is inclined to say things like “Sith Lords are our Specialty” is given room to grow and thrive. His monologues increase tenfold and he has a lightsaber form where they’re built right in. The quips! The amount of leaving a conversation that’s going badly by jumping out a window (pulling a Dooku)!  
It’s so beautiful. 🥲
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fanfic-obsessed · 3 months
No Memories, Just Vibes
There is a part of the Jedi Apprentice series that has sparked two different ideas, of which this is the first. 
Early in one of the books, before Obi Wan is taken as a padawan, Qui Gon Jinn witnesses a duel between him and another initiate. Qui Gon perceives that these two pre teens (if I remember correctly, Obi Wan is a few weeks away from turning 13 and Bruck Chun was a few months to a year younger) are too angry and tells Obi Wan that he is destined to fall, that training Obi Wan would be a waste of time. 
As traumatizing as this speech is, when we take into account Obi Wan’s entire story it is also, objectively, the single most hilarious thing that Qui Gon Jinn could say to Obi Wan Kenobi. 
From this Two ideas were born. 
The first is that as soon as Qui Gon tell Obi Wan that he is destined to fall, the Force drops post Death Star Qui Gon into current time Qui Gon’s head. Except there are no memories, just vibes.  So between one moment and the next Qui Gon goes from ‘I will not teach you. Get away from me’ to ‘this is my baby padawan, my little boy! Isn’t he precious?’.
And the Masters watching, particularly those responsible for assigning the Master/Padawan pairs, go ‘we were going to let you take the baby, until just now. Now we need do a psych eval’
And Obi Wan (twelve years old) is a mix of emotions that he is not sure there is a word for.  Ten minutes ago he was hopeful that Qui Gon Jinn would take him as a padawan. Three minutes ago the same master shattered that hope and left him devastated. Now the Master who devastated him is now hugging him and babbling about a padawan braid and how Obi Wan is his son.
Nothing makes sense.
Eventually, after innumerable medical and psychological tests, Qui Gon is allowed to take Obi Wan as a Padawan. At some point, during the evaluations, Qui Gon comes to two ‘realizations’ (based on nothing but vibes). The first is that he decides that Obi Wan must be the chosen one, but Qui Gon cannot tell anyone, believing that Qui Gon would not be allowed to teach him (left over vibes from the High council not letting him take Anakin as a Padawan) and to not put excess pressure on the baby. He also decides that Obi Wan’s goodness (the vibe that Obi Wan is incapable of falling) is just what is needed to bring Xanatos back to the light. 
It should be noted that Qui Gon communicates this plan poorly to Obi Wan, who perceives that Qui Gon took him on to be bait for Qui Gon’s fallen former padawan.  Obi Wan, though lacking in much of the trauma that we associate with him, is fairly fatalistic and just shrugs, thinking ‘well, this might as well happen’.
As soon as Qui Gon is released from medical, he takes himself and his shiny new padawan haring across the galaxy looking for Xanatos.  It takes long enough to find him that Feemor hears about what is going on and, out of concern for the child involved, goes to find them. When he arrives Qui Gon is waving Obi Wan at Xanatos going ‘I got you a baby brother.’
Feemor, somehow both too young and too old for this shit, goes ‘For Kriffs sake, Qui Gon’ and briefly steals Obi Wan. 
At some point Obi Wan and Xanatos bond enough that the next time that Xanatos tells Qui Gon that Xan is going to kill him, Obi Wan pipes up saying that Qui Gon was the only master ho would take him and Obi wan really wants to be a Jedi.
Xanatos now has a new mission, to find a new Master for his little brother, so he can go back to trying to murder Qui Gon. (For handwavy reasons, we’ll call it the repudiation, Feemor is not allowed to take Obi Wan as a Padawan-Xanaots asked). 
So now we have the weirdest chase in history. Qui Gon is vibing and chasing Xanatos. Xantos is leading Qui Gon on a chase and looking for another Jedi Master without getting skewered (because of the darksider thing). Obi Wan is being dragged along with Qui Gon, hoping that he gets to learn something about being a jedi before he is killed? He is not even sure. Feemor is following Qui Gon and Obi Wan, occasionally confiscating Obi Wan, because he is not sure anyone should be exposed to this much Qui Gon over any length of time. 
They are also utterly ignoring both the senate and the Jedi council. Well Feemor and Qui Gon are ignoring the Jedi Council and the Senate. Xanatos, since he is not part of the Jedi Order any longer, is not bound to either.  Obi Wan is actually filling out the required reports to the best of his abilities but the information boils down to ‘We continue to ignore the assigned mission, I am thirteen (having had a birthday in the interim) and cannot change that. Feemor is quite kind when he abducts me.’
You may or may not have guessed but this clusterfuck lands on Galidraan.  Just before the fighting between Jango Fett’s True Mandalorians and Dooku’s Jedi is due to erupt.  Qui Gon wanders through the tense standoff, stops and with no context whatsoever goes ‘Oh, everyone here is being tricked’. With him is thirteen year old Obi Wan, a tiny child.  Xanatos, who beat them to the planet by about an hour strides dramatically as fuck from the other side of the potential battlefield shouting out ‘Qui Gon Jinn, you ass…’ before clocking the Jedi and going ‘Jedi’.
Feemor also lands and exits his ship from yet another direction, already looking like he had a headache, going ‘Qui Gon, what he Kriff’. 
Now the tense standoff between the Madalorians and the Jedi is derailed as everyone involved goes from violent rage to baffled rage. Also everyone recognizes that there is now a kid on the battlefield and no one wants to be the one to fight a tiny child. This does eventually defuse things enough that contacts can be exchanged and everyone gets to realize that the governor is the asshole.
Qui Gon refuses to elaborate (and frankly is unable to elaborate, he has no information only vibes) on the ‘Everyone is being tricked’ thing. Or what he meant when he wandered up to Jango Fett, peered at him, and told him ‘You’re not the right one, but I won’t hold it against you’ (what Qui Gon means, even if he doesn’t realize it, is that Jango is not Cody).  At some point or another during the time that they are figuring this out, everyone in the combined party of Jedi/Darksiders/Mandalorians/Other says ‘For Kriffs sake, Qui Gon’ (This includes two Deathwatch prisoners captured during the campaign).
Throughout this Xanatos keeps trying to corner other Jedi to get them to take on Obi Wan, except he is also not great at communicating his intentions, so it is perceived that he is trying to get rid of Obi Wan so that he can have Qui Gon to himself.  No one is willing to question any further, though most are a little freaked out. 
The second idea is not quite as detailed. It’s a Read/Watch the series.  Again we start from Qui Gon telling Obi Wan that he is destined to fall. The Force pulls everyone (initiates, knights, Masters, and the Council members) in the area outside of time where they watch the Movies and shows (Starting with TPM and watching in chronological Order: The prequels, The Clone Wars, Kenobi, the OT) with a focus on Obi Wan Kenobi.  
So everyone gets to go ‘Oh, Obi Wan is actually awesome’. Except of course for Obi Wan, who nearly has a breakdown believing that this is proof that he should not be a Jedi knight (somehow convinced that the Purge/Order 66 is actually his own fault). 
So now Obi Wan has a plethora of Masters who want to train him (including Qui Gon, who again believes that Obi Wan must be the Chosen One) , additional trauma of survivor's guilt before the events that he survived, and a shiny new appointment with the mind healers. He also has the admiration of the initiates that had previously bullied him. 
The Jedi council is able to piece together enough information on the Sith to try and change things, with varying results.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
If the mission to Mandalore had happened when Obi-Wan and Satine were only 14 instead of 16 it would have been so much funnier okay.
Obi-Wan: *excitedly skids around a corner where Qui-Gon is trying to tie up a particularly squirmy death watch member while holding a bored Nexu cub* Master! Master, important thing! Satine gave me a kiss! *points to cheek* It was here! I found a Nexu nest!
Satine: *shouting from around the corner* Master Jinn, I’m stuck in the tree your child left me in!
Angry Nexu Momma: *sniffing suspiciously at Qui-Gon for interacting with her baby and her new weird hairless baby, pees on the death watch asshole, effectively waterboarding him*
Qui-Gon: *a single mom who works ten jobs who would sell her children for a single night of fucking peace and quiet*
Satine: Is anyone gonna help me out of the tree?
Obi-Wan: If we help you now we’ll have to help you every time.
Qui-Gon: *finishes tying up the asshole* Actually, if we help her now she won’t get a sprained ankle and be limping for two weeks, so. You know.
Obi-Wan: *kisses his new bored nexu brother* Can I keep them? I’ll teach them to attack death watch.
Qui-Gon: O’Ben, I’m sure you just have to yelp and she’ll attack. If she can hunt for herself it’s fine. *helps Satine down from the tree while giving her suspicious looks for giving his feral baby a kiss*
Satine: *blushing* He said cooties weren’t real. I still think I got them now tho :(
Obi-Wan: It’s okay, I got them from Quinlan last year. The healers can fix it.
Qui-Gon: QUINLAN GAVE YOU COOTIES???? I’ll murder him.
Obi-Wan: I mean, not if you go about announcing it. He’ll be in the next system before you get the chance.
But then obviously since Obi-Wan is only 14 I think Jaster and Jango should show up to help them and now they’re trying to steal Qui-Gon’s feral babies. Rude. He found those fair and square. Jaster WILL fight him for it tho-
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
Entry of the Gladiators: 2
Chapter 2: They Fucked Up
A plan is made. The plan is not very good. They cannot exit the plan. Heck.
Obi-Wan does his best to focus on the problem at hand, rather than the… choice of decorum that Anakin is exhibiting.
His former padawan is sitting on the floor, legs crossed, and eating from a bag of vegetable chips that he’s scavenged from the warlord’s refrigerator. Ahsoka sits next to him, and is intermittently trying to steal some.
She really shouldn’t. As much as a Togruta does need some vegetables in their system, Obi-Wan’s willing to take Anakin’s word for it that these are liable to upset Ahsoka’s stomach if she has more than one or two. Something about the type of oil that was used. If Anakin’s way of enforcing that limit is to insist that Ahsoka can only have some if she can successfully steal them… well, so be it.
“Count Dooku isn’t a Sith yet, correct?” Cody asks. He and Rex are still wearing their helmets and the rest of their armor. Obi-Wan’s pretty sure they’re monitoring possible threats from the warlord’s court, somehow, but he isn’t sure what method they’re using. Most likely, Anakin patched them into the existing security system.
Obi-Wan drags himself back to the moment. Sith. Right. “He isn’t even a Count, yet. He’s a Jedi. It’s still another five years, at least, before he leaves the Order.”
“So probably not a Sith,” Cody prompts.
“No, probably not a Sith.”
“And whoever taught him is probably the same person who taught Maul?” Anakin asks.
Obi-Wan shrugs. “If we assume the Rule of Two… I don’t know that we ever confirmed if Ventress counted towards that number, but regardless of either, there must be someone to have taught Maul.”
“How old would Maul be now?” Ahsoka asks.
“Mid-teens?” Obi-Wan hazards. “He’s… I think he’s younger than me, but I can’t be sure.”
Cody makes a small noise. “And your local self, Sir?”
“Eighteen,” Obi-Wan says. He glances at the screen again, just to check the date, and yes, it’s after his birthday. “Yes, eighteen. If Master Jinn and my younger self haven’t finished up with the mission to Mandalore yet, we will soon. I can’t honestly say I remember which month it ended, let alone which day.”
Anakin snorts. It might even be a snicker. Obi-Wan does the mature thing, and ignores him.
“So, there are at least two Sith, one of which is Maul and the other of which is his teacher,” Rex summarizes. “We need to know who the teacher is, in order to do anything about them before war breaks out.”
Obi-Wan rubs at his forehead. “The only leads we have are Maul and Dooku, and we have no idea when the Sith Master approached Dooku. We’d have to tail him indefinitely to know. If it was something like Qui-Gon’s death that pushed him to the dark, we might avoid it entirely.”
“Probably isn’t,” Anakin says, and only then swallows the mouthful of chips. That boy. “You said he was the name on the Kamino project contract, right? According to Fett?”
“Whose word we can’t really trust,” Obi-Wan points out. He glances at Rex and Cody. “Unless you have other information?”
They both shake their heads. “Financial espionage wasn’t ever on our list of duties,” Rex says, almost apologetic.
“Then we’re down to Maul and the hint that Dooku provided when I met him on Geonosis, which might well have been a lie in the first place,” Obi-Wan says, “so really, we’re down to Maul.”
“What lie, Master?” Ahsoka asks.
“He claimed that his master, that a Sith was in the Senate,” Obi-Wan tells her. “We, that is, the Council, tried to follow up on it, just in case, but the war took up too much time and we couldn’t find anything. The Chancellor had us call off the investigation after a few months. Unless we had new information come in, we were to focus on the war effort instead of the wild nuna chase that Dooku had sent us on.”
Anakin’s making a face. Obi-Wan tenses, ready for some comment or other about the Chancellor, but his padawan just heaves a heavy sigh. “So our only option is to either find Maul or wait for Dooku to get tapped?”
“No way to draw them out?” Cody asks. “Perhaps someone at the temple might have a plan.”
It’s true, but Obi-Wan’s gut lurches at the idea of going to the Temple. It’s like a hook through his abdomen, not truly painful, but… awfully discomforting.
Anakin and Ahsoka look just as sick as he does.
“…sir?” Cody prompts, hesitant in the way he usually isn’t. “Is there a problem with the Temple?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan says. “I don’t know what, but… yes.”
“The Force is more insistent on that than most things,” Anakin says, grimacing. “Ugh. I’m going to be sick.”
(Continue on AO3)
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max1461 · 18 days
A couple of the worldbuilding ideas that I come back to again and again, mostly in stupid shitposts but maybe I'll use them in a story or something someday so hashtag dont steal:
Archaic human vampires. Like, Neanderthal vampires, homo erectus vampires, etc.
Similarly, ghosts or other supernatural beings derived from extinct species. Everybody's thought of the idea of dinosaur ghosts before but I'm always thinking of bacterial mat ghosts, shambling stromatolite ghosts and so on. Earth's gotta be full of those.
Mystically animated robots. I have this idea that the more advanced a robot, the less mystical energy is necessary to bring it to life. So like a human, which is a very complex biological system, basically only requires a very minimal soul because the biomachinery can do most of the work. On the other hand, a Pinocchio type of thing would need a really magically powerful soul because it needs to be fully animated by magic. What about some being in the middle? Where it's significantly robotic but also needs a significant amount of magic to make it work? I like such robots.
Per the above, mystical robots made of odd materials. I made a post about a robot made of antler once I still like that imagery.
"Daemons, daeuuas, and jinn"—kind of like "lions, tigers, and bears". If you're raising an army, you might want to recruit various "daemons, daeuuas, and jinn" to your cause. Some may be of the above sorts.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 months
Tumblr media
I have been keeping up with Servamp and the new chapters but I haven't really talked about it. Some issues in my life had kept me offline. But there is one thing that I thought of while ago that I found interesting and just remembered.
The headless skeleton is named "Pandora". I'm sure that people can make the obvious connection to Pandora's box since that is her most famous story. But I'll also like to point out that Pandora was the "first woman" made by Hephaestus. The jar was opened and released misfortune, illness and the famine. (Though Servamp has Pandora steal the soul, emotion and Jinn of people in Tokyo instead of spreading those things).
Her story parallels Eve's story and the apple of knowledge. Since Kuro's human name was Adam, I like the little detail. I'm certain that Sensei created the Pandora spell so it would match Kuro similar to how he named a Servamp's master to be "Eve". Sensei's ultimate goal for immortality was to be joined with Kuro by using his body as a vessel when he's revived.
There was one blessing in Pandora's box and that was Elpis, the spirit of hope. It's said that she was trapped inside and later "that is why Elpis alone is still found among the people, promising that she will bestow on each of us the good things that have gone away."
Mahiru is "the key" who can use Elpis to find hope within someone's heart. That hope can be used to stop someone like Touma from sacrificing Tsurugi by reminding him that Tsurugi was his hope for the future. I wonder if he will have a role in the ritual to connect all three characters (Kuro, Mahiru and Sensei) with the Pandora reference.
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tennessoui · 1 year
for the prompt
“You always this quiet?”
for KUWKS? ♥️♥️♥️ love you
hello !! and welcome to the return of KUWSK! this is more of a teasing 1k because i think i'm going to try and put this ficlet as an expanded chapter up on ao3 soon! this takes place a few weeks after chapter 9, the ficlet where they get engaged
(Early December, Five Years, a Few Months, and a Few Weeks after the Skywalkers Move In)
There is a very loud bang, followed by a very loud crash. Anakin stirs awake with a grumble, comforted only by the fact that he can hear his fiancé do the same on the other side of the bed.
“Your turn,” he mutters, turning over onto his side.
“S not,” Obi-Wan replies, and the mattress shifts slightly as he turns over himself—conveniently taking half the covers back and winding them around his own body as if it’s not late December and fucking frigid. “Yours.”
Anakin swats at him ineffectively, barely grazing his back. His eyes slit open to read the blurry digital number of the alarm clock on his nightstand. It’s five in the morning. “Get up,” he mumbles, reaching back again to push at his fiancé. “Investigate.”
“I cannae find my glasses,” the asshole says, even though Anakin knows he hasn’t even tried to look for them. “‘M blind without them, you know that.”
There’s another loud sound. Something has definitely fallen. It’s December 17th, much too early for Santa. “What if it’s your father arriving early for Christmas?” Anakin asks, rubbing his face against his pillow. “You know if I have to talk with your father before at least three cups of coffee, it’s going to end in tears.”
“Don’t care,” Obi-Wan murmurs, shifting more. He’s probably curling into a nice little ball of sleepy warmth right now, the fucker. “Go make nice with your father in law.”
“Not married yet,” Anakin reminds him. “‘S your turn to make nice with him.”
“Mm,” his fiancé says, which could mean anything. “But what if it’s a home intruder?”
“Your house,” Anakin points out, trying to steal back some of the covers. He’s starting to shiver. “‘Sides you have all those scary looking tattoos. Intimidating.”
“Mm,” his favorite bastard says. “But you fucked me so well last night that I couldn’t possibly walk, let alone defend the castle.” The word castle is split in two by a yawn. “Wouldn’t be very intimidating to a burglar if I can’t walk without a limp, he’d laugh me out of house and home.”
Anakin kicks at him, but the older man doesn’t even acknowledge his act of almost-marital abuse. He’s quite sure they’re both fully awake at this point, which makes him want to push Obi-Wan out of bed because it’s his fucking turn and it’s very cold and he’s stolen all the blankets.
As if somehow sensing exactly how close Anakin is to unspeakable violence, Obi-Wan rolls over and ghosts a hand down his back before allowing his fingers to simply rest against his spine. “Anakin love,” Obi-Wan mumbles, inching forward until he’s pressed against Anakin’s back. “Won’t you go make sure no one has broken into our house or hurt our children? I would, but you’ve rendered me so terribly incapable of walking after we made love last night.”
Anakin is going to marry an absolute dick. He pushes himself up into a sitting position and glares over his shoulder at his asshole of a fiancé. “That’s not always going to work, you know,” Anakin says waspishly as he forces himself to swing his legs off the mattress, glaring over his shoulder.
Obi-Wan’s eyes are closed as he stretches out more into the warmth of the bed, a sleepy, self-satisfied smile curling the edges of his lips.
“See if I let you bottom next time,” Anakin mutters as he pulls on a pair of joggers over his briefs. No need to give either a potential burglar or Qui-Gon Jinn an accidental eye full.
“Mm,” Obi-Wan says, rolling into Anakin’s warm spot like a goddamn cat that got the fucking cream. “I look forward to it.”
Anakin grumbles and keeps grumbling, especially when he hits his shin on his bedside table trying to find his shoes.
Obi-Wan shushes him and turns over.
“I’m going to murder you if the burglar doesn’t get to it first,” Anakin hisses in a low voice. 
Obi-Wan begins to snore.
Of all the assholes in the world, Anakin had to go and fall in love with the smarmiest, which is really just his luck.
But he is in love with him, so he tries to be quiet as he exits the bedroom and crosses the long hall from the master bedroom to the living room. 
There’s light spilling out from the kitchen into the dining room, casting flickering shadows on the back of the couch.
Two very, very familiar voices echo through the empty space now that the bedroom door isn’t blocking the noise. Anakin pinches the bridge of his nose and counts to ten. He’d almost have preferred Obi-Wan’s father. At least he can yell at Qui-Gon Jinn without feeling bad.
He rounds the couch and walks through the empty dining room, suddenly incredibly grateful he’d put on joggers.
In the artificial light of the kitchen mixed with the pre-dawn light, his children are fighting over a metal bowl filled almost to the brim with some sort of sticky, white, amorphous blob monster in early stages of propagation. 
“Give it,” Leia snaps, fingers curling into the mixture itself. “You’re too short!”
“You’re just as short!” Luke snarls back, face red and covered with flour. “Stop it!”
“You stop it!”
“No! It was my idea!”
“No, it wasn’t!”
“Yes it was!”
The metal mixing bowl clangs against the wooden cabinet as the twins swing it around. 
Anakin leans against the doorway of the kitchen and observes his little angels in their natural habitat.
“Luke! Let go!” Leia cries, and Luke shouts back, wordless with rage.
“So,” Anakin says in his sternest voice, even as he remains leant against the doorway, ankles crossed. At the sound of his voice, both little faces whip towards him, expressions frozen in guilty terror. A bit of sarcasm slips into his tone, though he’s sure it goes over his nine year olds’ heads. He cocks his eyebrow just like Obi-Wan does. “You always this quiet?” 
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thegreenlizard · 4 months
Generation swaps, role-reversals & remixes on the mission to Mandalore (IV)
Obi-Wan and Satine are on the run from the Death Watch. To blend in and avoid pursuers, Obi-Wan is wearing full beskar’gam, bucket and all. Both are using aliases. Or maybe Satine has gotten caught by Death Watch, Obi-Wan has to rescue her and to infiltrate the Death Watch base, he needs a set of armour.
Obi-Wan ends up duelling Tor Vizsla and winning very publicly. Only, if he comes out as a Jedi, the Death Watch will still kill him. So he keeps the bucket and alias on. Maybe MilitaryGenius!Obi-Wan, who despairs of the Death Watch tactics. So when some unfortunate grunt poses the question of what are they supposed to do now, Obi-Wan blurts out what seems obvious to him. And the smart people around him go, tell us more, so he does. And accidentally becomes the leader of Death Watch.
Only now he can’t break cover (for fear that his own forces would slaughter him) and he can’t leave (for fear that the Death Watch would go right back to terrorism). So he somehow needs to win the war or negotiate a peace so Death Watch is happy (so they don’t mutiny), treat Satine as his hostage (because Death Watch would never condone letting an advantage like that go), and negotiate with the New Mandalorians and his own Jedi Master on the other side of the table. And yes, try to figure out how to extract himself—or in the worst case, make padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi turn up dead, so Qui-Gon Jinn will quit sniffing around and leave. At least the beskar muffles the force, so as long as he keeps his bucket on, Qui-Gon can’t tell who he is (or maybe he can tell and Obi-Wan somehow manages to communicate he shouldn’t blow his cover, but now they’re still stuck in a pickle).
And oh how Satine hates it that Obi-Wan is successfully negotiating her pacifist reform plans out of the door, but she can’t do anything about it if she doesn’t want to blow the fragile ceasefire.
Satine may be plucky, but she’s pretty much dead weight when it comes to fending off their pursuers. And trying to get her into armour? Well, that’s a complete no go, even if it would be the easiest way to make her not look like a New Mandalorian.
It’s been years since Melida-Daan, but Obi-Wan still remembers how to shoot a blaster. The lightsaber might be his first, but it’s hardly his only choice for a weapon.
After a skirmish or another, Obi-Wan manages to steal a set of armour. They make Satine show up alone a few times, to make it seem like they’ve been separated or he’s been killed. Then they lay low (head to the wilds?) for a few weeks, change Satine’s clothes/hair, paint Obi-Wan’s armour, Obi-Wan dons the armour & they try to look like a New Mandalorian & her body man? A couple? Something that doesn’t scream duchess & her Jedi protector.
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dixieconley · 5 months
Can't Have Time Travel Without A Good Time
The council (and Vos, because he found it) all circled around a time travel do-hickey:
Obi-Wan: When this artifact is used, it will deposit each person in a different time and place depending on their intention.  You'll have a limited amount of time to make changes before you're snapped back here.  Based on Master Nu's research, if chosen properly, those changes should create a new future with only those of us who have touched the artifact remaining aware of both times.
Vos: Blah blah blah, time travel, blah blah blah. Anakin: ::daydreaming:: Obi-Wan: So let's be clear -- you're going to use this artifact responsibly to travel to the past and hunt down the Sith and prevent the war from happening, right? Vos: Absolutely! Anakin: Absolutely! Obi-Wan: I am already regretting volunteering to be the anchor for this ritual. Vos: Ha-ha!  Sucks to be you! Obi-Wan: ::watching everyone disappearing after touching the artifact:: I have a bad feeling about this.
::cue every council member and Vos going back to a different point in the past to get revenge on Qui-Gon, in the belief that someone else will save the future::
Yoda: ::arriving before Qui-Gon leaves for Telos with Xanatos:: Having lunch with me, your master Dooku is.  Have some of my swamp stew, will you, hmm?  Flavor it with a side of bloody knuckles, I have.  Needs more flavoring, it does. Vos: ::arriving just before Obi-Wan leaves for Bandomeer::  ::carrying a plank:: Ohhh, Master Jinnnn… Kit: ::arriving after Bandomeer:: You didn't need that nose, did you? Plo: ::arriving after Melida-Daan:: Oops.  Please excuse me, Master Jinn.  My fist seems to have collided with your nostrils.  And my knee with your testicles. Mace: ::arriving just after the return from Tatooine:: Someone else can track down that Sith mofo.  I'mma gonna punch a fool.
The only one who actually tries to save the future?  Anakin.
Well.  After a little side-trip.  It isn't his fault that there's so many cool old-timey ships!  He'll save the universe in a minute.  Really!
Anakin: ::stealing super cool ship:: I'm just going to take it out for a spin!  I'll put it right back! ::ship does something unexpected and Anakin makes things worse by punching random buttons in the belief that he knows all about this class of antique ship when he really really doesn't:: Anakin: (later) ...and then I crashed into this fancy mansion owned by this banker dude, but it was okay because he got really mad at me-- Obi-Wan: How is that okay?? Anakin: Because he pulled out a red lightsaber!  And we dueled and I won and then I was back here with you.  I guess nothing changed if we're all back here again? Council: ... Mace: ::rubs forehead:: He's your padawan.  You tell him. Yoda: Go for a milkshake, I could. Anakin: ::unaware that he killed Palpatine when he crashed the ship into the mansion and then Plagueis in a duel:: Nothing changed, *right*? Obi-Wan: Apparently you somehow managed to negate your entire existence. Anakin: What? Obi-Wan: ::massages nose because somehow his padawan hasn't noticed he's missing a body:: You're a force ghost. Anakin: Oops? Vos: ::skidding back in:: Guys, guys!  The chancellor's dead, there isn't a war and, Obi-Wan, Jango Fett's on the Temple steps.  Apparently you owe him child support or something.  I wasn't listening. Obi-Wan: … Vos: And Qui-Gon's alive. But we can fix that! Obi-Wan: … Obi-Wan: Eh.  Still better than I expected.
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butterpony100 · 5 months
I wanted to read your au but then i realized that there's lava
Can you explain what's the au about?
Hya there!
This ask made me realize I’ve never really advertised my au here on tumblr aside from posting the chapter links.
EverHearth is a fanfiction written by me about a post seabound/pre crystalized au where Kai is turned into an elemental (like how Nya ‘became the sea’ in seabound) and shenanigans insue.
First thing I wanna clarify, that while Lavashipping (Cole and Kai) is a main focus in this story, I intend to have all of the main 6 addressed and be the focal point of their own subplots.
So here we go!
The main plot of the au take place in a period between the ending of seabound and the start of crystalized. The big change is that we’ve already had the year long time skip from the end of seabound and gotten Nya back, but what’s different this time is that the ninja weren’t cause stealing the forbidden scroll. So while the police are looking for who did it, we have a point in the story now between getting Nya back and the ninja getting arrested, thus pushing back the official start of the crystalized plot (which may or may not change in this au 👀)
Ok that’s the technical shit dealt with, now to the lore.
It’s been a few months since the team got Nya back, and with this strange period of peace in comparison to their normally hectic ninja schedule, the team takes the time to spend it together and start taking all sorts of jobs around the continent (at least until the next big bad comes along).
During this time, all six of the ninja kinda start taking time to unpack some of their issues.
Jay almost drowned when Wojira was on her rampage and it had pretty devastating effects on his health, (not to mention uncovered some traumatic memories with a certain Jinn)
Nya is still recovering from her extended stay in the sea, with many of her memories still disorganized and blurry. She’s mostly been trying to keep an eye out on Jay out of anxiety (cause we all know what happened last time). Unfortunately, the whole mess also uncovered some memories of a nasty Jinn for her too
(NOTE: In this AU, Jay and Nya are the only ones who remember the alternate timeline)
Zane has been avoiding his issues with the never realm and the forbidden scroll for a little over a year now, still stuck with the anxiety of using his powers in fear of somehow ‘loosing control’. At least he’s finally taking the time to reflect on everything that happened with that now!
Lloyd through the course of time from all the way back to the end of MotO up to present day has been looking for any sign of his father. Less-so out of some kind of desperation to get his dad back and more-so in the ‘I’m gonna find you, beat the crap out of you, and then forcefully trauma dump everything you’ve done to me onto you so amnesia or not you know just how shit of a person you are’ kind of way. But after loosing Nya and finally getting her back, Lloyd realized he shouldn’t waste time on people no longer in his life, and focus on who he still has.
And then we get to the two ‘stars’ of the show (cough the ones I smack with the ouch stick a few hundred more times than the others)
Kai and Cole don’t directly have any pressing issues popping up as the team travels around the continent, aside from recovering from the team’s split up and getting the water ninja back.
Maybe it’s because of the combination of the absence of other concerns and the intense emotional toll of gaining back a loved one that had yet to fade, but the two slowly began to confide in eachother.
Until, of course, when shit hits the fan.
THATS ALL IM SHARING HERE FOLKS! If you want to learn more, check out the fic on AO3!
I’ll probably make a post in the future going into more detail about the OC content I’ve added into the story (mostly world building, some power system additions, and some unique background characters)
Until then, have fun!
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Invocation of Light report
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[Note: This will be a continually updated post! and I will make sure to update it as I go. You the reader, I invite you to use this prayer and work with it however you want, with a candle, without a candle, one recitation, three, seven, 21, 28, 40 recitation, I am honored to have your experience shared here with your consent ] Some people might wonder why I particularly focus on involving other people than just me in these operations or experiments, but I always wanted the sphere or benefit of these techniques to reach a far wider audience and for it to be accessible to people. For people to see, what people can get with these methods. This is the first official post where I acknowledge my original "platform", where I translate materials and books. If you find this blog and my other publication nice I appreciate any help in "exposure" or by throwing a dollar or two in my ko-fi. It help with Grocery and with buying books/manuscripts when I find them. https://www.patreon.com/Ruhaniyatandsihr https://ko-fi.com/ruhandsihr First...What's the invocation of light, I will be copying it verbatim from my Patreon post:
This is a prayer that's overlooked and the version I would be translating isn't in Shams Al Ma'arif but in a manuscript called "Majmu'at al-Khawas" I hope that people benefits from it.  It have many usages including might, acceptance, love, obtaining wisdom, etc. One of it's unique virtue is that if you're in the middle of the night, in a dark room, with your eyes closed and prayed using this prayer for 28 times you will start seeing "Wonderful lights that fill your heart, and if you continue you will see the worlds of unseen"
"My god, plunge me in the sea of your might until I merge wholly with you outwardly and inwardly, until I get out of it within my face a ray of your light's might that steal the vision of the envy from the jinn and humans that blind and bind them from throwing their arrows of envy in the fate of my blessings.
Shield me from them with the shield of light made out of your light, and I ask you with your name, The Light(Noor), by your face the light that lit by it every other light.
O light of light, I ask you to shield me with the light of your name a shield that protect me from all ignorant tyrants and strong oppressors, protect me from every deficit that merge with me a essence or projection. You're the light of All. lit up everyone with your light, Ya Allah Ya Al-Haq, Ya Mubeen, Ya Noor Al-Noor Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire. Light upon light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light. And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things."
رب اغمسني في بحر هيبتك حتى أمتزج بجميع كليتي ظاهرا و باطنا،حتى أخرج منه و في وجهي شعاع من هيبتك يخطف أبصار الحاسدين من الجن و الإنس،فتعميهم و تمنعهم عن رمي سهام الحسد في قرطاس نعمتي،و احجبني عنهم بحجاب النور الذي باطنه النور،و أسألك باسمك النور، و بوجهك النور،النور الذي أضاء به كل نور،يا نور النور أسألك أن تحجبني بنور اسمك حجابا يمنعني من كل ظالم غاشم،و جبار عنيد يحرسني من كل نقص يمازج مني جواهر أو عرضا إنك أنت نور الكل، و منور الكل بنورك،يا الله يا حق يا مبين،يا نور النور ۞ ٱللَّهُ نُورُ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِۦ كَمِشْكَوٰةٍۢ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ ٱلْمِصْبَاحُ فِى زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ ٱلزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌۭ دُرِّىٌّۭ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍۢ مُّبَـٰرَكَةٍۢ زَيْتُونَةٍۢ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍۢ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍۢ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِىٓءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌۭ ۚ نُّورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍۢ ۗ يَهْدِى ٱللَّهُ لِنُورِهِۦ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْأَمْثَـٰلَ لِلنَّاسِ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عَلِيمٌۭ  Patches بَشوش of www.WayOfHermes.com , shared his rewritten version of the prayer with me: Invocation of Light My God, plunge me into the sea of Your might until I am wholly merged with You outwardly and inwardly, and until I receive of it, a ray of Your might’s light upon my face, to steal the vision of envy from the jinn and mankind to blind and bind them against throwing their arrows of envy into the fate of my blessing. Shield me from them with the shield of light made out of Your light. I ask You by Your name: “The Light (Al-Nūr).” From Your face came the light that lit, by it, every other light. O Light-of-Light, I ask You to shield me with the light of Your name — a shield that protects me from all ignorant tyrants and strong oppressors. Protect me from every negative aspect that tries to bind to me through essence or by projection. You are the light of All. Light up everyone with your light! Ya Allāh! Ya Al-Haqq! Ya Mubīn! Ya Nūr Al-Nūr! Allāh is the light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from the oil of a blessed olive tree, located neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without the touch of fire. Light upon light! Allāh guides whomever He wills to His light. And Allāh sets forth parables for humanity. For Allāh has perfect knowledge of all things.
What follows is the experience of the people who tried this prayer/invocation and their experience with it. I thank everyone for sharing their experience and contributing to this: Achsun Hathna of https://almitralodge.wordpress.com/ Shared the following: In those three weeks that I've been using this prayer, I would say there were three effects which - all things being equal as far as I can tell - I would potentially attribute specifically to its influence: 1. My sleep pattern changed quite unexpectedly - I'm not really a night owl, but I'm not a morning person either, and yet I have been consistently waking up quite a bit before sunrise. Whether I need to or not, and really, whether I like it or not. 2. There's a greater sense of clarity in my thinking - it's not that "a fog has lifted," but rather it feels like it doesn't have time to form, even with all my natural overthinking and despite all sort of uncertainties. Feels like there might be a little bit more to it than just my newly-found morning person thing. There's a lot of decisions I have been able to make, a lot of plans I have been able to devise much my satisfaction, with a kind of speed and with confidence in the clarity of my appraisals beyond my usual experience. 3. In my relationship with Divinity, there's been a subtle sense of what I can best describe as a kind of "effortless closeness." This might "just" be the effect of the poetics of the prayer, as the plunging in the sea and the lamp niche evoke that sort of feeling for me (while, on the othe hand, the imagery of the shield feels a bit martial and a lot more energetic) - still, it does feel that this prayer helped me (to paraphrase the Gospel of Philip) enter through the image/feeling and step into the reality behind it. Even if "just" in a very subtle way. Patches بَشوش of www.WayOfHermes.com said the following: I absolutely love the invocation of light prayer. After the second or third recitation I decided to smooth it out into better flowing english. The first section is beautiful, asking God to baptize oneself into a sea of pure light.
Next we recognize one of the names of God: al-Nūr as we ask for more protection
And then the chanting of His Divine Names and the italicized section are definitely my favorite part and a great way to end the invocation. A poetic description of Allāh and then ending in some attributes of God.
This prayer will be staying in my recitations for the coming future. Thanks again! [new as of 15th of March, 2023] After some time of using this prayer I have been feeling more optimistic and fulfilled in general, but especially right after recitation. I recently started doing 3 times in a row.
Moonlit Hermit of...https://moonlithermit.blogspot.com/ said the following: The way I approach performing this invocation is I recite the invocation 7 times on my mala each day. (Except one in which I was so busy I didn’t realize I hadn’t done it until I was getting ready to go to bed. That was a quick, single recitation.) More often than not the Invocation of Light precedes the invocation of the Mansion spirit for the day. Today is day 11. I plan on a run of 40 days or longer. In terms of results, they have been subtle. The first couple of days we got a bunch of snow and the weather after the storm was clear and bright. The snow made the sunny days almost blindingly brilliant and I found the coincidence notable. I have also had some movement on a long term project and an urge to expand my knowledge of the I Ching. At work I seem to be treated as if I have more authority. My intuition is strengthened and I feel I am getting insights into magical pursuits with an increased ability to understand and talk about them. I am definitely going to keep doing this invocation. Thank you for sharing the Invocation of Light. A Friend of mine who didn't want to share their information, shared the following with me: I performed the prayer you gave me only once and woke up at almost 3 am and saw vivid auburn colors And felt a warm sensation and that I was beginning to rise
Then I opened my eyes and it ended
I went back to sleep and woke up feeling great This was the colour I saw:
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New Update: 19th of March 2023, new friend who didn't want to disclose his name said the following, I'm taking my time with this, but I can say this prayer has plenty of benefits. So far it has been a success for me to open myself up to the unseen. Im going to delve further into it for it sure is a lovely prayer --------------------------- I will add other people's experience as time goes on, but so far I am happy, excited, and honored by all the people's results with this prayer. It is a very wonderful prayer that I myself found a noticeable difference with it, like a blessing of divine light is given with each recitation. Thank you everyone for sharing your experience, my sincerest gratitude.
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enddaysengine · 1 year
Janni (Paths Beyond)
When I was a teenager, cracking open the 3.0 Monster Manual for the first time, the Janni didn't excite me. Two decades on, however, they get my vote for the best genies in the d20 games. Why? One of the reasons I appreciate the Janni is they are much closer to the typical benevolent jinn with nary a wish in sight. While jinni in folklore have magical powers, they don't grant wishes; they use other magic to complete their tasks. 
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The genies from ʻAlāʼ ad-Dīn's ring and lamp are by far the most famous wish-granters. There is, however, an entire thing about whether the Aladdin stories are genuine or Antoine Galland's inventions because we have no textual evidence for their existence before Les mille et une nuits. There is a wish-granter in the oldest extant version of ʾAlf Laylah wa-Laylah, but the ifrit in The Fisherman and the Jinni is extremely old and desperate. It certainly isn't magically compelled to grant wishes to anyone. 
The Janni are great because they avoid that old orientalist trope entirely and match up well with more modern tales of the jinn too. These genies live alongside mortals on the Material Plane but are often invisible, using their magic to hide from prying eyes. While the elemental planes don't exist in Arabic folklore, there is a belief that other worlds exist and that the jinn have their own kingdoms on those worlds — so janni possessing the plane shift power makes sense. 
Speaking of that plane shift, janni are an easy way to get low-level adventurers onto the planes and back again without portals. They are limited in where they can travel, but they aren't restricted to the Elemental Planes either; remember that the Astral is a valid target for janni. The stat block backs this up; janni are trained in the Arcana skill. This tells us a bit about how they look at the world. They take the approach of philosophy, metaphysics, and intense study — which conveniently loops back around to folklore. Jinn are best known as shapeshifters and tricksters, so get ready to crack out your jann wizards specializing in illusion and transmutation!
Adak the Thunderbolt is one of the premier wizards in the astral city of Yulgamot. While the janni is no slouch with evocation, in reality she is an illusionist — her epithet comes from her bold and decisive mannerism, not out of any affinity for lightning. From Yulgamot, Adak studies the relationship between the Inner Planes and the Astral, hoping to unlock the arcane secrets of matter and mind. She regularly hires adventurers as bodyguards for her expeditions across the planes and she is willing to mentor those who impress her.
The qareen are a Janni lineage who plane shift not to the Astral Plane but to the Ethereal and the Dreamlands. Every qareen has a spiritual double, a mortal on Golarian born at the same moment as the genie. Traditionally, the qareen serve as invisible guardians to their doubles, but many are mischievous pranksters or even sadistic torturers who infiltrate their twin's dreamscape to wreak havoc. When a qareen outlive their mortal counterpart, they join wandering military bands on the ethereal plane, ensuring the dream world and the mortal realm remain separate. 
Janni can only persist on the Elemental Planes for about two days, forcing them to keep on the move. The Opine Vault is one of the few places they can take up permanent residence on the Inner Planes. Upon her ascension to the Peerless Empire's throne, Sultana Ashadieeyah bint Khalid received a flawless moonstone from the reigning Kelish Padishah Emperor. She enchanted this gem to create the Settled Jewel, making the Vault a safe haven for Janni on the Plane of Earth. Janni now serve as administrators and bureaucrats throughout the city, but the Fossilized King Ayrzul plans on stealing the stone and using it for his own purposes. 
Further Reading
El-Zein, Amira. Islam, Arabs, and the Intelligent World of the Jinn. Syracuse University Press, 2017.
Irwin, Robert. The Arabian Nights: A Companion. London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2010.
Lebling, Robert W. Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar. London: Tauris Parke, 2014.
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twiceskzmixx · 10 months
<< Masterlist >>
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09. Love will come, my predictions are always right
Or in which Hybe is a bit dramatic towards JYP guys
Word Count: 892
Warnings: the usual angst.
A/N: THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER WHERE MY GIRLIES ARE SAD. everything will be happy from now. Also, up to this part the references to what is love where non-existent but after this chapter is when the real shit begins.
Turning your phone back on after a while, you were bombarded with several missed calls and messages. You felt bad, you really did. Seeing messages from Jeongyeon, Bahiyyih, Sunoo, Yuna, and so many more of your friends concerned for you and your lack of responses certainly didn’t help them.
You quickly read the messages and left a hurried response to each of them, but Jeongin’s message stood out to you. To be honest, you did need to talk to someone; you needed to get a lot of things off your chest.
You walked to the main JYPE building with not a lot of thoughts in your head. Going inside the building to the cafeteria, you immediately saw Jeongin. Not that it was that hard, the cafeteria was virtually empty with only a couple of staff members going in and out.
“Can I sit here?” you asked, grabbing a chair in front of him.
He turned his phone off at the sound of your voice, “Yeah.”
“Sorry,” you said. “Sorry about not responding to anyone’s messages.”
“Your fine,” Jeongin responded.
A silence fell between of you, as you refused to make eye contact. It wasn’t an awkward or uncomfortable silence, but it was in no way comfortable. Every noise sounded 1000% louder and every breath felt 1000% heavier. You knew you had a lot of things you should say but you didn’t know how to.
“How are you doing?” Jeongin breaks the silence.
“Not well,” you laughed. “Not well at all.”
“Losing a member so suddenly-”
“It wasn’t actually sudden,” you interrupted. “We’ve all thought about leaving. Jinn-Yunjin was just the only one to actually go through with it.”
“You’ve all thought about leaving?”
“Many times. Probably too much for a rookie group.” you paused. “It started back when we debuted. With everyone saying that we were the worse group to come out of JYP and that all our talent was being wasted.”
“I remember that,” he said. “Chan did a live and played your song, ‘stays’ told him to turn it off.”
“Yeah, I saw that.”
“This may be intrusive, but what was Jinn-Yunjin’s last straw?”
“I don’t know. She sent a message a couple of days ago saying she couldn’t do this anymore and the manger told us that they were going to post the announcement today.”
“So, you turned off your phone?”
“Yeah, but not for that reason.” you held up your phone. “The others got into a fight in our group chat exactly when they posted the announcement. I didn’t want to deal with the notifications, so I turned off my phone.”
“That makes sense,” Jeongin responded. "How long have you been holding these feelings?”
“Not long. Back when I took my break, I went to talk to Huening Kai about basically the same thing.”
“In the Hybe building? That’s impressive.”
“I know, I felt like I was going to get kicked out.”
“One time, Beomgyu, Heeseung, and I went to the café in the Hybe build and the security officer walked by our table sixteen times before we even got our food.”
“How is that even possible?" you laughed.
“Who knows! And it was only because of me. Beomgyu and Heeseung have been there a gazillion times and never once have they seen the security that many times.”
“They’re so weird! I was walking with Sunoo, and we just walked past the building and suddenly the security officers tensed up so quickly.”
“I want to know what they think we’ll do!” Jeongin laughed. “Sneak up and steal a track or two?”
“Maybe steal a whole group while we’re there.”
“I know Heeseung and the rest of Enhypen are counting down the days ‘till they get to leave!”
The two of you kept laughing until you were leaning over the table, trying to catch your breath.
“Thanks,” you said. “It helped me take my mind off of these things.”
“I know losing a member can be tough but I’m always a call away.”
“Thanks, and for what it’s worth, I’m always a call away too.”
Jeongin looked at his phone before laughing, “Chan’s been texting me telling me to get back to the practice room.”
“Have to finish rehearsal? For what?”
“The Maniac tour and more end of the year shows.”
“The tour still isn’t over?”
“No, we’re not going to be done until next year.”
“You should probably go now. I don’t want Chan to get mad at you.”
“He probably won’t but I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Yeah, I should try and get my group back on the same page.”
“Let me know how that goes.”
“I will,” you smiled as he grabbed his stuff and waved goodbye.
You opened your phone and pulled up the group chat, typing out a message, you were about to hit send when you heard a loud voice behind you shout, “YOU!”
Turning around you realized it was Yuna, who was now running straight towards you. She, somehow, managed to stop herself before she bumped into the table and pulled you into a hug.
“Why haven’t you been answering my calls?! Or my texts?!” she sighed. “Neither you nor Haewon have.”
“Sorry it’s a bit of a long story,” you said.
Yuna sat down in the seat in front of you, where Jeongin was just sitting, and smiled, “I’ve got time.”
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Mace: *holding Padawan Kenobi by the collar of his robes and coming into the mess hall* Attention everyone! Someone else needs to take custody of this child before I throw him off the highest tower!
Mess Hall: *quietly, contemplating who’s gonna speak up and risk ending up with custody of the feral one*
Victim 1: *raises hand* Um, where are his usual guardians?
Mace: *batting away Obi-Wan’s lil gremlin hands and squeezing his neck like a scruff* Master Yoda is claiming he has a contagious infection and Master Jinn is passed out in the healing halls with a broken nose that had to be healed with a minor surgery.
Victim 2: Oh? Why do you want to get rid of him anyways? I thought Kenobi was a sweetheart?
Mace: He is giving me constant shatter point migraines. This started when he was about three years old and has persisted since the day I met him.
Victim 2: Fair. Consider? Giving him to whoever broke Master Jinn’s nose??
Mace: Great idea, not an option, he was a flamboyant pirate named Ohnaka who give Obi-Wan spice laced candy.
Mace: I am afraid of him. Someone please take this child.
Quinlan: idk bruh force agrees with the kid???? Maybe he’s on that good shit?
Mace: You. I’ve decided he’s yours now for that horrible sentence and agreeing with the hungry void. Take this child and never speak to me again. He bites and sometimes licks. Be careful and don’t point at him. *bodily drops the 16yo into the lap of a 19yo Quinlan*
Quinlan: *immediately petting through Obi-Wan’s hair till he’s purring and pushing into Quinlan’s hands* Was Master Windu being mean to you, Obes?
Obi-Wan: *deep purrs and happy noises* He wouldn’t let me go back to the pirates.
Quinlan: lol, why do you wanna go back to Ohnaka?
Obi-Wan: Made a friend. He was a Mandalorian. Hondo’s gonna ransom him back to his dad-leader. I wanna hang out with him more.
Quinlan: lol that sounds like way more fun than what I had planned. Let’s go steal a ship. *pulls Obi-Wan up and let’s him out of the mess hall*
Victim 2: …should we be letting him do that?
Victim 1: You’re from a side temple, so you wouldn’t get it, but if Windu is leaving Kenobi with Vos, he’s giving them free reign for chaos, he just doesn’t wanna be the one to babysit Kenobi while he follows his fucked up side quests.
Someone Smart Enough To Stay Out Of That Mess: They’ll be back in a week with three new strays.
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everafterfrisk · 2 years
Here we go again Folks and today I'll be dissecting the popular topic of "Ruby isn't affected by anything across the volumes"
-I'm gonna be honest and say this claim is pretty much BS
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Volume 3
- Ruby falling to the ground in sadness after seeing Penny's Dismantled Body
> Was mortified by Pyrrha's Death at the hands of Cinder
Volume 4
In the DC Comics(which take place during the events of Vol 3-4)
Ruby showcases alot of uneasiness and self doubt
▪︎I.E being worried about how Yang felt back at the end of Volume 3
▪︎Believing that she herself can't go on without her team backing her up
▪︎Questioning if she can truly make the right choice
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"No One is truly alone".
"What you can do and Who you are-- These are Two very different things".
"No Person is Lesser for Being Alone,
You miss them but You aren't incomplete without them"
"They may bring Forth the Best in You
But the Best still Belongs to You".
- Episode 2 - Ruby is shown having Nightmares about the events of Volume 3
Vol 5
-After the battle with Tyrian, Ruby was upset that she indirectly got her uncle poisoned as well as not being so welcoming about team JNR joining her as the Problems got increasingly worses
"I should've never brought you guys into this"
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But the Most powerful scene in this Volume for Ruby is her talk with Oscar
Where she tells him that how distraught she felt about Pyrrha's and Penny's Deaths & wished she could've gotten to know them better
Proclaiming that if she were have died, Pyrrha and Penny would try to keep fighting no matter the obstacle
As she then says that moving forward is what she has to do in order to protect who she cherishes left
Which parallels Issue #6 of the Comics
"Even When it's Hard---
--Just Live".
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Which leads to the 2nd Strongest scene for Volume 5 Ruby
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The Letter Scene
"Believe me when I say I know it can feel impossible. Like every single day is a struggle against some unstoppable monster we can never hope to beat. But we have to try…"
As Ruby is writing a letter to Yang about how although the World may seem bleak and while things may be painful in the long run, With the right people working together for a good cause can make an extraordinary change no matter how small it seems at first
The Silver Eyes Activated after Ruby had a PTSD flashback of Pyrrha's Death when Jaune was going to clash with Cinder in the battle of Haven
■ Ruby was seen shocked by Weiss's fatal injury from Cinder's Spear strike
Volume 6
■ Felt a little Betrayed by Ozpin's Secret after Jinn revealed the Truth
■ Her Silver Eyes Activated When Blake was almost at death's door against the Apathy
■ Confronted Qrow about his lack of willingness to keep moving forward during "Lost" & "Stealing from the Elderly" Episode
Wanting him to view Team RJNR as people who can fight alongside him instead of just being a bunch of children who needs to be protected
"Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before, and we don't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us "kids"... we'd be happy to have you"
"We're all in this together, and we're all going to do the best we can. That's all anyone can do. And I know it's what you've always aimed for. We would've come whether or not you'd let us, so stop talking like we're your responsibility! We're not! But we could still use Qrow Branwen on our side"
Volume 7-8
■ Immediately felt guilty about lying to Ironwood about the Other stuff that happen with Ozpin
■ During Her Talk with Qrow, She even questions if she even knows what she has been doing was the correct decision
■ Ruby pleads Harriet in the "Ace Ops vs Team Rwby" to stand down and join her team in saving the citizens
■ Stood in Confusion and shock after witnessing a Silver Eyed Grimm Hybrid
■ in Volume 8 Finale,
Ruby is seen shedding a tear during her fight with Neo(Supposedly as a result of Yang's death)
---> in the Vol 9 sneak peek it showcases Ruby's POV where she was having constant anxiety attacks throughout the fight against Cinder
And in the Volume 9 Chapter 1 Sneak Peek Clip
Ruby breaks down and Cries to herself reflecting upon the events that have transpired
So Yeah I think this pretty much sums up how much these events have had an Impact on Ruby's emotions
(She ain't just Happy all the time and Ignores all the tragedy, if anything she tries using it as a Coping Mechanism of some sort in order to move forward & keep her mind away from the Darkness)
Hope yall Enjoy
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