#how jinn enters the body
adorner061-blog · 2 years
Interview With A Muslim Jinn 👹 Sufi Meditation Center
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ninja-muse · 24 days
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August is over! My reading month felt like it took forever even though otherwise, the month flew by. I blame this half on my top two reads of the month, which I was only reading in short snippets, and half on a number of lackluster reads and DNFs. I'm hoping to get back into my usual habits in September.
I did do better on reading off my physical TBR though! Even though one book was a "aw man, what do I read now?" and two more were, "I'm behind on my goal, quick, read something fast!" Plus the T. Kingfisher, which was graciously provided by my work, as was Running Close to the Wind. (Finally a month where I didn't spend money to add to my library!)
As for my top reads, The Salmon Shanties would be near the top of my list even if there wasn't a degree of reverse-nepotism involved. Absolutely excellent poetry collection, very layered and complex. If you're into Canadian poetry or poetry-of-place, pick it up! And Rose/House, once I got it back from the library because my Libby hold ran out, was absolutely fantastic! As was the quality of the French translation, because it sounded like Martine. So very, very glad I had the nerve (and linguistic ability) to read it. Super-creepy and I'm glad Tor's picked it up so I can hype the heck out of it next year. And then there's Jinn-Bot, which I wrote an actual review for.
On the other end of the list, sigh. I DNFed one book for feeling kind of trite, and another for being too predictable, and probably should have DNFed Voyage of the Damned for being uneven but I needed to know who the killer was. The Library Thief I'm also counting as lackluster—very good book, just wasn't for me or what I was expecting. Still deserves a 7.
Lula Dean, on the other hand, was surprisingly good! Fun and satirical and just plain entertaining. Read it in a couple days and it would likely be higher on my list except my reasons to be "glad to have read them" this month are less about quality and entertainingness than usual. I can't put "really liked this" above "finally I get to read a new book by X!", for instance. Or necessarily above "learned stuff!"
You might notice a distinct lack of any other news, and that's because there is none. September may be marginally more exciting, we'll see. (I know there'll be a bigger book haul.)
Anyway, on to September now, and in the meantime, here's my list everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
The Salmon Shanties - Harold Rhenisch
A collection of poems centered on and celebrating Cascadia in all its facets (or taking it to task, as the case may be). Out in September.
warning: mentions racism, colonization, genocide
digital reading copy
Rose/House - Arkady Martine
There is a body within Rose House—two, if you count its architect, who ordered the house shuttered with his passing and left to its AI. Only one person is allowed to enter now, and she’s accounted for. And yet there is a body within Rose House….
🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: descriptions of a dead body
library ebook
The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport - Samit Basu
Lina and Bador want freedom: from surveillance, from power structures, for their city, for all bots, or just for their family. This might come from cunning, or revolution, or a lost ancient artifact, or an underground bot-battle, or swaying a visiting space hero or the Not-Prince. Much more than an Aladdin retelling.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (multisexual, achillean), Indian-coded cast, Indian author
warning: discusses colonization and oppression, references police violence
reading copy
Unwritten, Vol. 8 - Mike Carey with Peter Gross, Dean Ormston, Yuko Shimizu
When Tommy Taylor learns that Lizzie is trapped in the land of the dead, he goes to rescue her—but he’s unprepared for his adventures there, or the wider implications.
Indigenous Australian secondary character
off my TBR
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
Paul Bäumer recounts his time serving in the German army in WWI.
warning: war, death, animal death, gore, injury
off my TBR
A Sorceress Comes to Call - T. Kingfisher
Cordelia’s terrible mother has decided to marry a squire. Cordelia knows he and his sister don’t deserve that—but how to stop her, when she can do magic?
warning: child abuse, torture, murder, animal cruelty and death
finished copy received through work
A Man and His Cat, Vol. 4 - Umi Sakurai
Kanda gets the courage to make a new friend and revisit an old situation.
Japanese cast, Japanese author
off my TBR
A Gentleman from Japan - Thomas Lockley
The true story of a Japanese man who was brought to the court of Elizabeth I and influenced early modern English science.
warning: slavery, orientalism, war and violence
library book
Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books - Kirsten Miller
In Troy, Georgia, the fight for public decency is kicked off by Lula Dean, who craves attention and loves her Southern history—and her fencepost library, where someone’s put wholesome jackets over books she’s tried to ban….
ensemble cast including Black, 🏳️‍🌈 (gay, lesbian), and Indo-American POV characters
warning: Nazis, anti-Semitism, anti-Black racism, homophobia, rape, suicide
reading copy
The Library Thief - Kuchenga Shenjé
Florence talks her way into a job repairing a lord’s library, but is quickly drawn in by the mysterious death of the lady of the house. A gothic novel centering race, gender, and other marginalizations in late Victorian England.
Black British main character, Black British secondary characters, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (trans woman, sapphic), Black British author
warning: racism, including slurs; rape, abuse, misogyny, queerphobia
library book
The Voyage of the Damned - Frances White
A grand state voyage is upset by murder and it’s up to the lowly, non-Blessed Ganymedes to catch the killer before they dock. Goddess help them all if he doesn’t….
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (multisexual), fat protagonist, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (nonbinary, ace, trans man, sapphic, achillean), Indian-, African-, and Japanese-coded secondary characters
warning: murder, injuries, blood, colonial thinking, attempted genocide, suicidal thoughts
reading copy
Remedial Magic - Melissa Marr
Safe and ordinary Ellie meets a mysterious woman in her library, and is whisked to a fantasy world where she’s probably a witch—and almost certainly in trouble.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 author
reading copy
Casket Case - Lauren Evans
Garrett stops to ask for directions at Nora’s casket shop and they hit it off. Unfortunately he works for Death…. Out in September.
African-American secondary characters
reading copy
Currently reading
A Natural History of Dragons - Marie Brennan
A memoir by Lady Trent, renowned natural philosopher and adventuress, but covering her childhood and first expedition, to the mountain highlands of Vystrana, and the troublesome dragons encountered there.
library book
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts. The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Victorian detective stories.
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 11 Yearly total: 70 Queer books: 1 Authors of colour: 3 Books by women: 6 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 4 Books hauled: 2 ARCs acquired: 3 ARCs unhauled: 6 DNFs: 2
January February March April May June July
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tomicaleto · 7 months
For the writing prompts
obikin and 18 or 22 or 45, whichever you like more! 😊
Hi Anon!
18. waking up with amnesia au
this is a direct continuation from this Sith AU, as in, this picks up a couple of weeks later. I strongly recommend reading the linked snippet first, and in general all the little snippets I wrote for this AU before reading this one.
That being said, let's go
The light bothered him enough that Obi-Wan opened his eyes with a frown. He was on a bed, a thin white sheet covering his body. Everything hurt and he groaned as the world slowly shifted into focus, his surroundings filled with bacta tanks and medical beds. A machine beeped close to him on regular intervals, and there was a line connecting his right arm to a serum bag. 
A body shifted, a young Mon Calamari with a holopad who took in the sign of Obi-Wan being awake and checked his vitals before greeting him gently.
“Where am I?” Obi-Wan asked, barely repressing the urge to snap the line out of his arm.  The Mon Calamari muttered as he typed on his pad. “The patient shows signs of disorientation corresponding with a long period of unconsciousness. Keep under observation in case the symptom persists.” 
Finally, he looked up towards Obi-Wan. “You are at the medic bay in the Jedi temple. My master will join us shortly and make sure everything is going well with your recovery.”  “Jedi temple? What happened to me?”  “You got stabbed by a piece of debris that punctured part of your lung and stomach. Lost quite the amount of blood and oxygen levels turned worrisome low. Would have died if they hadn’t brought you here.” 
Just as he finished speaking, a Togruta entered the room and smiled at the Mon Calamari before turning to Obi-Wan. “Now this is a sight I thought I’d never see again. How is our patient doing?” “So far his recovery is going according to plan, Master.”  “Excellent, the Council will appreciate this information. Has he shown signs of aggression?"  “Not so far, mostly confusion.” 
Irritation filled him. It wasn’t enough that he had woken up in an unfamiliar place, being talked about as if he wasn’t there was pissing him off. The Togruta turned towards him and leaned forwards, turning on a small lantern and cheeking his eyes. “Your reflexes seem to be doing great. I’m gonna ask you some questions to help you ease back into the living world. You almost became one with the Force!”
Obi-Wan grunted as an answer.  “Alright. First things first: do you know who you are?” “I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi-”  “Haven’t heard that name for years,” interrupted the healer, only confusing him more. “Other names you identify yourself with?” “No.”  The questions continued, getting more annoying and more confusing as well. 
No, Obi-Wan did not know who the main general of the Separatists was. No, he did not know Count Dooku personally. No, he had never met the Jedi Council before. He did not know who Qui-Gon Jinn was. And most importantly, he did not understand why he had ended in the Jedi med bay to be treated after his injury.  The Mon Calamari took notes of everything he answered and exchanged a quiet look with his master once the questions were over. “I will notify the Council immediately.” The Togruta master said. “In the meantime, make sure our patient doesn’t get too overwhelmed with outside stimulus until we can figure out how to fix his memory loss.” 
The Mon Calamari nodded and then hesitated. “Uh, what should I do if Knight Skywalker visits?” The name tickled something in the back of Obi-Wan’s brain, like an unanswered question that escaped him.  “You let him in, of course, and take notes of everything they talk about.”  A couple of hours later, as a healer brought him lunch and a holopad with a novel to keep him entertained, the doors opened and someone walked in. 
At the healer’s sigh, Obi-Wan looked up from the holopad to see the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. The man looked up from where he was glaring at the floor and his expression eased, making Obi-Wan’s heart jump, the machine he was connected to betraying the effects the man was having on him.  He ignored as the Mon Calamari frantically tried to understand what was happening as the man finally reached the bed and sat down near him. “Hi,” he began softly. “It’s nice seeing you awake.”   Obi-Wan did not exactly know who this man was or why he was glad he was awake but he didn’t particularly care, happy to have his lovely eyes fixed on him. 
He did not appreciate the Mon Calamari approaching the man and leaning down to whisper something to him, and he actually frowned when the man’s face went from curiosity to confusion to… grief? He wasn’t quite sure and forgot to ask the moment the man took his hand between his. “Hi, Obi-Wan, you may not remember me right now but I’m Anakin.”  He looked at him with earnest eyes, and the name made something inside Obi-Wan warm with familiarity. Even then, the name did not spark any memory, and he simply smiled politely to Anakin. Something inside him, though, screamed at him that Anakin was important, that he needed to make a good impression. So, he sent him a smouldering look and said: “Hello there.” 
He did not expect Anakin to burst into laughter, startling the Mon Calamari. But his confusion over the reaction didn’t stop Obi-Wan’s heartbeat from accelerating again.
Thank you for sending me this! I hope you enjoyed it!
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genshinnrambles · 1 year
[4.0] some theories about the primordial sea
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Neuvillete: There used to be a special sea on the surface of this planet. The nature of its seawater was rather different from that of the sea we know today...
I’ve been thinking a lot about the primordial sea since finishing the Archon Quest. 
SPOILERS: This post presumes you’ve finished the Archon Quest but does not actually talk about the plot points of it. It does spoil a bit of Ancient Colors, the Melusine world quest that takes place in Elynas, as well as a bit of Ann of Narzissenkreuz. It also references some weapon ascension lore.
It didn’t click for me right away, but by now I’m sure a lot of you who have seen End of Evangelion recognized the similarities between the primordial seawater and LCL fluid, and you have also probably noticed the similarities between Rene and Jakob’s Big Plan™ and the Human Instrumentality Project (what is this, the fourth Human Instrumentality parallel so far?). If you haven’t seen End of Evangelion, or aren’t familiar with Eva in general, here’s the gist of what this reference means:
In Evangelion, humans are all descended from Lilith, who is the Second Angel to make contact with Earth. Humanity’s “original sin” is taking Earth from Adam, the First Angel who already existed on Earth before Lilith collided with it in what is known as the First Impact.
Specifically, humans arose from Lilith’s blood, a fluid they know as “LCL.” A shadowy organization named SEELE initiates the Human Instrumentality Project to attempt to “correct” humanity’s sin of existing, and it involves among many other things the union of all souls with both Lilith and Adam. Naturally, in practice this means everyone’s gotta dissolve into LCL and lose the forms that distinguish them as individuals, thereby ascending to a higher plane of existence and in effect “evolving” as a species. Sound a little familiar? 
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This brings us to theory #1: the primordial sea is…blood. Before dealing with the question of who or what the source of that blood could be, let’s look at some in-game support for this idea:
1. We already know and have seen multiple forms of life born from the wounds of higher beings in the game: the Melusines were born from the wounds on Elynas, and the Jinn were born from Nilotpala Lotuses that bloomed in pools of blood that gushed from the Goddess of Flowers’ body. What’s more, Jakob Ingold’s abyssal form likens the “water” running through Elynas’s body to blood as he attempts to wake up Elynas’s heart. So next time you swim through Elynas, double-check if you’re swimming through an artery!
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Veleda: We Melusines were born of Elynas. So i’ve often been wondering – how did the first human in this world come to be?
2. This line from the weapon ascension material Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea:
“Combining the immortal stone with the Ichor essence extracted from primordial water…”
“Ichor” being the blood-like fluid of a higher being. It’s not quite a smoking gun, the primordial sea could still be a mixture of ichor and something else, but it’s something to chew on for now.
3. This very suspicious panel from the Genshin Impact manga, which is Venti’s answer to Aether’s question of whether or not entering Celestia makes you a god:
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While it’s not a perfect example for the point at hand, there is still the analogy of a higher being’s blood becoming the sea. 
Now, for the “source” question…upon reflecting on just “who” or “what” this sea of blood could have come from, I’m unfortunately left with no satisfying possible candidates. The only creature I can think of that could be the likely source of the primordial sea, other than the Primordial One, is one of the dragon sovereigns, potentially the Dragon King Nibelung. But we know virtually nothing about Nibelung, and we know very little about Teyvat’s history during the time of the dragons. So it’s not that this theory isn’t possible, but it is very difficult to support it beyond mere conjecture based on what we currently know.
And what about the sea being the Primordial One’s blood? I’m not really convinced that it’s a good candidate for the primordial sea’s source if the sea is indeed blood. Instead, I want to take a slightly different approach by drawing attention to the repeated use of the phrase “amniotic fluid” to refer to the sea. I have counted it at least twice so far in-game, let me know if you’ve seen it elsewhere:
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Ann, the little oceanid that seems to have some of Mary-Ann Guillotin’s memories, says she has seen “the primordial waters, the amniotic fluid of the world, and its placenta, devoured to the last.”
In the Nymphs Dream artifact set, the Fell-Dragon’s Monocle, it states: "The star-beasts shall drink the amniotic fluid of the world dry. A hundred years from then, all life on its surface shall be wiped away" (this example doesn’t explicitly say primordial sea, but coupled with the above example I will speculate that they are referring to the same thing).
And while amniotic fluid of some sort is present in many different kinds of animal gestation, including mammals, I did find the use of “amniotic fluid” to refer to the sea very interesting considering that the Primordial One is said to have hatched from an egg:
"On Phanes, or The Primordial One" The Primordial One may have been Phanes. It had wings and a crown, and was birthed from an egg, androgynous in nature. But for the world to be created, the egg's shell had to be broken. However, Phanes, the Primordial One, used the eggshell to separate the "universe" and the "microcosm of the world."
So, with some hesitation, theory #2: the primordial sea is from the amnion in the Primordial One’s egg? Assuming the egg hatched on Teyvat, it’s a possibility for a source at the very least? But there are lots of holes in this theory too. For example, Before Sun and Moon does not go into detail about how exactly humans were created, just that the Primordial One and one of its shades created them, including all the plants and animals (and I assume by this they mean new plants and animals, because we know from Apep that Teyvat already had elemental lifeforms before the Primordial One took the world from the sovereigns).
Personally, I am very skeptical of Before Sun and Moon’s Genesis story and would not regard it as a reliable source as far as the details go. The possibility that the primordial sea predates even the Primordial One is still very likely, especially given this line from the Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea:
“Legend says that when the first usurper came to the primordial sea, the first sovereign gave him a goblet of water.”
I am assuming from the rest of this material’s context that “the first usurper” here does not refer to the Primordial One, but to Remus, the God King of Remuria, and as for the first sovereign…perhaps the Hydro Dragon, or Nibelung?
In any case, this is as far as I’ve gotten on the question of what the primordial sea is exactly. I’m not more partial to one theory over the other, so whether it’s a sea of blood, it came from the Primordial One’s egg, or it’s something completely different from that, I will only be surprised if the primordial sea was naturally occurring like the theorized primordial ooze that gave rise to life on our planet.
Concluding Thoughts
What do you know, a relatively shorter post from me! I still have a lot to say about the primordial sea, but going into it here would require going over all the extant Remuria lore and the Narzissenkreuz lore, and this is already a longer post than I intended it to be. With the questions of “what” and “from what” more or less handled, in Part 2 I want to talk about the “why.” Specifically, why are Fontainians born with sin? What does the prophecy mean? What the hell were Rene and Jakob doing, and were they onto something? Part 2 will be…much longer than this. But I hope there was something interesting in this, or it led you to better ideas. Thank you for reading, and also any thoughts and suggestions are welcome <3
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Is there free will in heaven? If so, does that mean there's sin in heaven? Lucifer sinned in heaven (pride), so apparently heaven isn't inherently sinless. But if there's sin, how do you get forgiveness? Why would you bother, since you're already in heaven? What happens if you don't seek forgiveness? What happens to the person(s) you may have sinned against? Their heavenly vacation has been spoiled.
If there's not sin in heaven, that means we're there (eventually) with our same souls and our same bodies, but no free will? From which part of of body or our soul was that removed? And does that mean we're just mindless automatons wandering around heaven thinking only what god wants us to think?
I suspect some Xians may say you retain the ability to sin in heaven, but lack all desire to do so. But desire isn't a prerequisite for sin. People sin without knowledge or desire to do so all the time.
All reasonable questions. There are so many problems with religious thought, and particularly the mythical afterlife, when you actually seriously contemplate the claims.
Do dogs go to Heaven? Only pets, not wild animals? If only humans go to Heaven, how far back? Homo erectus? Australopithecus? Only people who lived after Jesus? Not Abraham, Moses or Elijah, then. Which “you” will be in Heaven? Senile you with dementia? Midlife-crisis you?
-- Richard Dawkins
Of course whenever anyone claims to have answers to any of these questions, we must recognize that not only do they not, they cannot. No matter how confident they are in their belief, no matter what anecdotes they might tell, no matter what scripture they cite, they cannot know it.
I think it's unavoidable that you can either believe these things or you can understand them. You can't do both. To understand means realizing how bizarre and nonsensical the whole thing is. To believe means keeping your intellectual distance, not looking too closely, and certainly not thinking about it too deeply.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ
Don't think too hard, least of all about things of which god or Jesus would disapprove.
Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The Sovereign of mankind. The God of mankind From the evil of the retreating whisperer - Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind - From among the jinn and mankind."
Doubts are evil, the whispers of the devil. Silence them.
John 20:29
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
Unquestioning faith is a virtue.
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him) observed:
The Satan comes to everyone. of you and says: Who created this and that? till he questions: Who created your Lord? When he comes to that, one should seek refuge in Allah and keep away (from such idle thoughts).
Questions are of the devil.
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Faith is blind.
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:
"The Messenger of Allah said: 'Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has forgiven my Ummah for what is whispered to them or what enters their minds, so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it.'"
Thoughtcrimes are forgiven only if you silence them.
Romans 14:1
Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
Accept people whose faith is weak, shun those who doubt.
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him) observed:
The Satan comes to everyone of you and says: Who created this and that? till he questions: Who created your Lord? When he comes to that, one should seek refuge in Allah and keep away (from such idle thoughts).
Anyone who tries to use basic logic on you is of Satan.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Unquestioning belief; don't think for yourself.
Believers are not encouraged to think, they're encouraged to limit their thinking at the threat of social ostracism and existential peril. Their religion makes ignorance and incuriosity a virtue.
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legobiwan · 4 months
TotJ Rewatch: Ramblings (2 of 3)
Episode 3, "Choices"
Let's jump right into it.
Last we left Dooku, he and Qui-gon were walking away from the somewhat-optimistic scene of the decimated village on Senator Dagonet's planet (unnamed as it is) being rebuilt by joint forces thanks to Dooku and Qui-gon's meddling.
Now, after a little research and judicious excising of material that just didn't fit (looking at you, Jedi Lost), I came to the conclusion that the first episode of TotJ probably took place somewhere around 68 BBY, meaning Dooku would have been about 39 and Qui-gon, 17. And this makes sense for their characters, especially if you are a Rael-truther (which I am), meaning Dooku would have taken his first Padawan around the age of 24, which is in keeping with the lore we have of Dooku taking on students quite soon after he was Knighted.
This episode opens again, with a somewhat foreboding, almost-lacrimosa in the low strings before we are allowed a peek at our two Jedi who will be working this assignment: Dooku and Mace Windu.
Before I even get into their exchange as they are entering the Raxus atmosphere, a few comments.
My best guess is that this episode takes place somewhere around 42 BBY. Mace is appointed to the Council at the end of the episode, which would make him 36. If we are to keep the idea that Obi-wan was the youngest person appointed to the Council, and if we assume Obi-wan was appointed to the Council directly after the events of AotC, then the only way he could be the youngest is if Mace has one year on him, as Obi-wan was 35 at the time of the first Battle of Geonosis.
The only aspect I don't love about this specific timeline is that it would make Qui-gon, 38 and Obi-wan, 15, at the time of this episode, meaning Dooku is still taking missions for the Order but somehow hasn't run into Qui-gon and Obi-wan together on Coruscant up to this juncture, which seems...unlikely, given Dooku's obvious attachment to Qui-gon and his interest in meeting Obi-wan.
But then again, perhaps Dooku, at this point, is spending more and more time off-world on Serenno. It does pose the very interesting question of just what Dooku was doing during that 16-year interval between Qui-gon's knighting and the mission on Raxus. Say what you will, but Dooku's disillusionment and eventual turn was a slow, arduous process which he mulled over for quite some time. People always like to compare Anakin and Dooku in terms of their turn, but honestly, they couldn't be more different in how and why they fell, aside from a superficial similarities.
But I digress. Let's get into the conversation between Mace and Dooku on the ship.
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Mace and Dooku are tasked with retrieving the body of a murdered Jedi Knight, Master Katri, from the planet of Raxus. Dooku, much like Obi-wan many years later, decides to play space detective (a role, I would like to say, he is very good at) and comes to the conclusion that there is something rotten in the state of Raxus.
Mace wants nothing to do with this and reminds Dooku that they cannot and should not interfere in local politics as they weren't given a direct order from the Jedi Council.
I want to point something out here. Mace may have the same reservations as Dooku as to the nature of Katri's death, but is seemingly unwilling to buck the rules and dictates of his role as a Jedi Knight versus the Council. But as this episode shows, he allows Dooku to continue his investigation. Mace gets so much crap sometimes, but he does bend the rules for Dooku, he does allow for some flexibility in his personal code of ethics - or at the very least, he doesn't drag Dooku back to Coruscant kicking and screaming. It really shows just how respected Dooku must have been among his peers that they didn't push back more as his mid-life crisis seemed to hit. Unfortunately, this doesn't end well for Mace, which is something I'll get into a little later.
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Is there any doubt this is the man who taught Qui-gon Jinn? Something, something, apples and trees. What a pair they must have been.
So Dooku and Mace go to meet the Senator, presumably to pick up Katri's body, but of course, Dooku almost immediately starts interrogating the Senator, and he is...good at what he does. Remember I mentioned Obi-wan Kenobi, Space Detective from AotC? Well, the original space detective is right here.
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(Anyone else wonder how Thrawn would interpret the art in the background? Because I'm definitely curious).
Mace, diplomat that he is, attempts to wrap up the conversation and get the hell off Raxus before Dooku sticks his foot in it even more (before the obviously shifty Senator can reveal too much, enough that he would be obligated to go along with Dooku's investigation, and I really do wonder if that's a part of Mace's reasoning here. Dooku's not wrong, but the more he uncovers, the more he and Mace have some form of responsibility to investigate and Mace is attempting to keep the juggernaut that is Dooku on a mission at bay. Plausible deniability - a strategy I'm certain the Council is well-versed in).
Anyway, Dooku ruins this notion immediately in a way that had me thinking of this parallel:
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"Just one more thing." Ha! (Can you see Rael as a kind of GFFA Columbo? Because I was kind of feeling this looking for Columbo images).
After convincing the Raxus delegation to lead Mace and Dooku to the ambush site, Mace pulls Dooku aside and admits that the Senator's story is dodgy, at best, but that they should take this information to the Council for further investigation. Dooku, of course, is having none of this, and again, I'd like to point out that Mace goes along with Dooku and while he registers his disapproval, he doesn't actually try to pull any kind of rank and shut down Dooku's line of questioning. Again, this will be important later.
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So I know all Jedi are trained in tracking and these types of investigative skills, but it takes Dooku a whole, what, three minutes to analyze the physical evidence and come up with a pretty damning assessment of the whole situation (an assessment he makes with what looks to be no use of the Force whatsoever), to surmise that Katri was murdered as a part of some kind of political statement.
It's only when Dooku almost immediately resorts to igniting his lightsaber as a threat that Mace speaks up in opposition.
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And I have a theory about this.
We see Dooku in the previous episode use his lightsaber as a means of intimidation, first with the villagers as he sets it upon the table (the inherent message being "you know who I am") and then in the confrontation with Senator Dagonet's forces ( "I am willing to fight you on this").
Now, Dooku is igniting his saber as a threat to violence - not to announce his identity or as a defensive measure, but to inform the Senator and his men that he will start lopping limbs off if the truth is not told. After all, violence, in the end, worked with Senator Dagonet. And Dooku's fuse is a lot shorter here than it was back then and Mace can't quite fill the role of Qui-gon of balancing Dooku out at this point.
And aside from this type of intimidation being pretty against the Jedi Code, I have the feeling that the Jedi, and especially Mace, live by the notion that if you ignite your lightsaber, you better be prepared to kill with it. (And I vaguely remember this from an EU novel, I think?)
Anyway, it says a lot that Dooku ignites his saber here. Is he actually ready to kill? (Maybe, if the incident with Senator Dagonet is any indication). Or has he strayed just that far from the Jedi Code that igniting his saber in such a manner is no longer a weighty act? (And it's interesting to put this philosophy to the test in TCW, where everyone is busting out their weapon willy-nilly, but also remember that they are at war and expect to kill or be killed at any time).
But murderous intent aside? Dooku is so god damned elegant in his saber combat. The man must have been a first-class dancer and I won't hear arguments otherwise. Just look at this. It's beautiful.
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So, of course Dooku and Mace win this confrontation, but not without collateral damage. Yes, the Senator was killed, which was bad but an act that could be 90% pinned on the Raxian guard. The death of one of the guardsmen, however, is due to Mace defending himself.
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And this, as opposed to what Mace says later regarding the Senator, is what I feel is the turning point in Dooku and Mace's relationship. Mace knew the minute he turned on his lightsaber, that someone might die by his hand. And that was the one thing he wanted to avoid. Note that the death is Mace's and not Dooku's, meaning to some degree, Dooku gets to wash his hands of guilt (and isn't that a fun little tidbit that gets thrown back at him during the Clone War?)
Anyway, the Raxus soldier explains that the Jedi are the "lapdogs of the Senate" and that they are known for keeping peace only for the "rich and powerful." Now, we know that's not the case but as I've mentioned before, the Jedi of the pre-Clone War and Clone War-era have a massive PR problem and yeah, their allegiance with the Republic Senate looks super dicey the more corrupt that Senate becomes, a point of view Dooku seems to share.
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What does evolve mean here? It's such a fascinating rhetorical choice. Dooku could have said something like, "Don't lose sight of your origins" or "your larger goal" or anything (tritely) similar. And yet, he says evolve.
Does he mean evolve as in civilize themselves into fat complacence? To forget what it means to struggle? To ignore their baser instincts? It's a comment as much directed at Dooku himself as it is to the captive Semage and I wonder what part of Dooku's own "evolution" he is ruing at the moment. That he's become so a part of the Jedi that he is reticent to spill blood for what is right?
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Dooku's...not wrong here. There is an obvious pattern of increasing hostility between the representative government and their citizens, to the point of taking hostages and assassinations. Dooku's basically predicting the rise of the Confederacy here, which, on its own, may have not been the worst thing except for the backing of Sidious and his ulterior plans. The point is that Dooku has a point and that there is gunk in the mechanisms of the Jedi slowing down their ability to effect change in a increasingly-corrupt Republic which they legally serve and are very skittish of going against for decent reasons.
Dooku, as ever, is the idealist. Kind of like someone else we know.
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I mentioned this in my last post, but if Padmé of this era and Dooku of pre-Sidious ever joined forces...they would have been unstoppable.
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Once again, is this man Qui-gon's father figure or is he Qui-gon's father figure? Unbelievable. Peas in a damned pod, those two.
The end of this episode...is depressing. I love the way Dooku and Mace (and Yoda) are shown on opposite sides of Katri's casket, foreshadowing their eventual enmity after Dooku turns.
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And here's the part where Dooku starts to slide a little into paranoia. When Mace is basically immediately offered Katri's Council Seat upon their return to Coruscant.
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Dooku doesn't believe it for one minute, thinking Mace was avoiding the investigation either a) because he was already on the Council and working for them or b) was about the get the Council Seat and didn't want to jeopardize his chances through the investigation. Obviously this isn't the case, but it's a turning point where we see Dooku actively shunning his colleague - his colleague who stuck his neck out on the line for Dooku on Raxus, killed a man for it, and still would defend him in front of the Council, mind you. But in Dooku's mind, it's just a symptom of rot, or evolving, as it were.
Last thing I want to touch on. Check out those pillars behind Dooku in the screenshot he's saying "Is this something you knew was happening..." They looked kind of familiar to me. And then I remembered.
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I'm not saying Dooku did redecorate his estate on Serenno to reflect the Jedi Temple, but I'm not saying he didn't, either.
Next post on the docket: "The Sith Lord"
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Star Wars celebrity au
Prequel generation: 1950’s
Anakin. Born in Hooverville to a former vaudeville actress in the mid 1930’s. Never knew his biological father. But gained a stepfather and stepbrother in Obi Wan when Shmi married Qui Gon Jinn, a wealthy filmmaker. Originally contracted to his stepdads Jedi Studios but got snatched up by mob owned Sith Pictures. They got him addicted to booze and drugs to cope with the gruelling schedule eventually leading him to fatally injuring his pregnant wife in a car crash at the tail end of the 1950’s. Thought dead by everyone, he was kept in a safe house by his new agent, bruised, bloodied and broken, he lived in shame at what he did, all the while trying to muster up the energy to escape
Padme. Successful musical actress. Known for the “spirited young lady” archetype. Contracted to Jedi Studios. Met Anakin at a chemistry reading before he got recruited by Sith Pictures. They carried on their romance and eventually got married in Las Vegas. Sadly though, when she was eight and a half months pregnant, Anakin drove off the road and into an oil tankard. They were taken to different hospitals. Her twins were delivered under emergency caesarian. Unfortunately she succumbed to her injuries and died a week later
Obi Wan. Anakin’s stepbrother. Older by about ten years. Jazz musician at the popular Cantina Club. Close friend of Padme. Commissioned a lot of scores for Jedi Studios. Repeatedly tried and repeatedly failed to get Anakin out of the ironclad Sith Pictures contract. Was there when the twins were delivered. He made sure they were adopted into good families and went off the grid near Orange County where Luke is raised.
Qui Gon. Director who moonlighted as a talent agent. All of Anakin’s early successes were made possible because of him. Adopted Anakin a few weeks after he married Shmi. Unfortunately he died in the last few weeks of World War Two. His plane went down behind enemy lines and his body was never found. The last movie Obi and Anakin made together was dedicated to him.
Original trilogy generation: 1980’s
Luke. Farm boy. Raised in Orange County. Dreamed of being an actor. Had a celebrity crush on Leia when he was growing up which obviously stopped when they met and found out they were twins. Get a spot at a very run down acting school run by a very prickly and obstinate acting coach. Later realises that his talent lean more in stunt work than outright acting. Becomes a talent manager after his hand is cut off by his father in an accident. Died stopping his psychotic nephew
Leia. Down to earth perfectionist actress. Mostly Tudor centred period dramas as Anne of Cleaves. Although she did win many awards for a celebrated turn as Reagan in a gothic horror version of King Lear. Clear cut case of uptight loves wild when she fell for a roughshod insult comic. Indirectly killed by her psychotic estranged son.
Han. Controversial insult comic. Pokes fun at the rich and famous despite also being rich and famous. Needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut. Owes money to a lot of supper clubs. Became a talent scout later in life. Discovered Rey, Finn and Poe. Just like his wife, he was killed by their psychotic estranged son
Lando. Triple threat. Singer. Boxer. Actor. Mostly known for the second rather than the first or third though. Conman on the side during lulls in offers. Best friend of Han and most often his only defender. The only on out of him, Han, Leia and Luke to survive Ben Solo’s massacre.
Sequel generation: 2010’s
Rey. Orphan. Grew up on the streets of Los Angeles. Discovered by Han as she was busking. Her speciality is stand up comedy. But she’s also a superb actor and stuntwoman. Informally adopted by Han and Leia. Stalked repeatedly by their deranged and psychotic son. Enters a relationship with Finn and Poe later on.
Finn. Orphan. Worked his way up. But ended up contracted to New Sith Productions. Broke contract when he saw the studio head murder a moonlighter. Met Poe during his escape. And Rey soon after. Injured by Han and Leia’s psychotic son in the process of protecting Rey. Gets better. Turns out to have a gift for stand up comedy. Enters a relationship with Poe and Rey later on.
Poe. Stunt driver. Whistleblower. Massive charmer. Hell bent on dismantling New Sith Productions. Has an adorable Pomeranian called BB8. Leia was his acting teacher. Takes it incredibly personally when she’s killed by her own son. Starts his own production company. Enters a relationship with Rey and Finn later on.
Ren. Washed up never been Z list bit actor. Awful. Just. Awful. Takes the entirely wrong message from Anakin’s story and tries to be New Sith Productions leading man. Obsessively stalked Rey. The main reason both his parents and his uncle died. Killed by his own stupidity. He remains completely unclaimed and unmourned.
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hindnqarnfel · 1 year
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Fattouh, The Ifreet of the Mangroves. ('ifreet al qarm)
Fattouh is a jinn said to haunt the mangrove forest in Kalba, he is a very territorial jinn, appearing to whoever dares enter the mangroves as the sun is setting.
He's described as an ugly man, with tall limbs , he either has a black face, or is entirely black. He has long scary claws.
This is a story about him from the book encyclopedia of superstitious creatures in the emirati heritage:
"A narrator told me that one of the inhabitants of Kalba told him an interesting tale about one of his friends,
who had seen Fattouh.
The narrator said:
"My friend headed to mangroves one day, early in the morning, to collect some wood. He was so pleased at the abundance of wood he had found that he didn't notice how much time had passed.
The sun neared the middle of the sky, a perfect time for Fattouh to appear!
The man was so absorbed he didn't notice the ifreet sneak up on him until its long shadow fell over him.
He looked up and saw him looming over him. His face black, his eyes like a cats, his limbs far too long for his body, and on the end of him long arms, terrible claws.
The man dropped the wood and ran, and fattouh took chase.
It was the start of a terrible order for no matter how much the man ran fattouh did not give up the chase. Winding their way through the trees until they came to a clearing, where Fattouh took hold of the man, with his long arms but the man was no weakling, he struggled, fighting for his life, determined to evade death.
Fattouh lost interest in this fight, it was well into the afternoon now so rather than fight he roared "AAAAAH!"
the horrible noise shocked the man, who dropped to the ground unconscious.
This spooked fattouh himself, who thought the man had died and ran away.
It seems that Fattouh had never intended to kill anyone and possibly only chases people for some recreation."*
Fattouh is the only jinn I've heard of haunting a mangrove forest. Though I do wanna mention he's got some similarities to the Tantal of iraqi folklore, being tall and territorial, haunting a marsh.
Besides the long limbs, I completely ignored the whole description when I designed him 😅
For story reasons I wanted him to have designed himself around his love for the mangroves.
*note: I edited the story, which is awkwardly translated in the text to make it more readable.
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basicsofislam · 2 years
ISLAM 101: Your Purification: Part 2
Removing Physical Impurity
Physical impurity on the body, clothes, place where the prayer is intended to be performed, or anything or anywhere for that matter, can be removed with anything, be it water or otherwise, for Islam commands removing it. It is not stipulated as to how many times it must be washed off, except in the case of the physical impurity of a dog (i.e. its saliva, urine and faeces), where it must be washed seven times, one of which must be done with earth. For the rest of physical impurities, they must be washed off, and if some smell or stubborn stains remain after washing, they may be ignored. Once a woman asked the Prophet May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him about washing off menstrual blood, and he said, “It would suffice to wash it off, and you do not have to worry about any stains that are left.” (Sunan Abu Daawood: 365)
Toilet Etiquette
A Muslim is recommended to enter the toilet with the left foot first after saying, Bismillaah. Allaahumma inneea‛oodhu bika min-al-khubthi wal-khabaa’ith          (I seek refuge with You, O Allah, from the male and female jinn)
He is also recommended to leave the toilet with the right foot first and then say, “Ghufraanak”(I seek Your forgiveness, O Allah).
He must cover his private parts while answering the call of nature.
He must not answer the call of nature in a place where he may be seen or where he may offend people. Doing so is strictly forbidden
If he is out in an open space, such as the desert, he must not relieve himself in a hole, as he may either harm creatures that live in holes in the ground or be harmed by them. Doing so is strictly forbidden.
He must not face the qiblah, the direction of the Ka‛bah in Makkah towards which Muslims pray, or turn his back towards it, for the Prophet May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said,“When you are answering the call of nature, you should not face the qiblah or turn your back towards it.”(Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: 386; Saheeh Muslim: 264).This mainly applies if one is out in an open space. There is no harm, however, to do so in buildings, such as in present-day toilets.
He must try to be careful not to have any impurities splashed onto his body or clothes. If this happens accidentally, then one must wash the impurity off the affected place thoroughly.
Once he has relieved himself, he must:
1) clean them three or times or more with anything that would serve the purpose, such as toilet tissue or stones. This act is called istijmaar in Arabic. It is recommended to use the left hand for cleaning the private parts.
2) either clean his private parts thoroughly with water. This act is called istinjaa’ in Arabic.
Ritual Impurity (Hadath)
Ritual impurity (Hadath) refers to the state of intangible uncleanliness that prevents a Muslim from offering the prayer until he removes it. It is not physical like najaasah.
This ritual impurity can be removed by performing the partial ablution (wudoo’) or a full ablution (ghusl /bath) using pure water. Pure water is water that has not been in contact with any physical impurities that might otherwise change its colour, taste or smell. If he performs wudoo’, then he can perform as many prayers as he wishes as long as he does not break it.
Ritual impurity is of two types:
Minor ritual impurity: This can be removed by performing wudoo’ (partial ablution).
Major ritual impurity: This can be removed by performing (ghusl /ritual bath).
The Minor Ritual Impurity and Wudoo’:
The partial ablution (wudoo’), becomes invalid with any of the following:
Natural discharges from the private parts (both the external genital and excretory organs), such as urine, excrement and wind.Detailing things which invalidate ablution, the Qur’an states, “…or have just satisfied a want of nature.” (Soorat An-Nisaa’, 4:43)
When the Prophet r was informed about a man who had doubts as to whether he has passed wind or not (i.e. whether he had broken his wudoo’ or not) during the prayer, he advised, “He should not turn away or leave the prayer unless he hears a noise or smells something.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: 175; Saheeh Muslim: 361)
Lustfully touching the private parts with bare hands, for the Prophet r said,
“Whoever touches his private parts must perform wudoo’ again.” (Sunan Abu Daawood, 181)
Eating camel meat: The Prophet r was once asked, “Should we perform wudoo’ after eating camel meat?” he replied, “Yes.” (Saheeh Muslim: 360)
Loss of consciousness because of sleep, insanity or drunkenness.
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lanuevaeradeacuario · 3 months
Practice, Not Theories
Resolute people are tired of theories. Now, they want to know, see, hear, and touch for themselves, because the new Aquarian Age is for practical occultists. Thus, it is necessary for them to learn how to project themselves at will in their Astral Body, and to travel with their physical body in Jinn state (to fly with the body of flesh and blood, to enter within the internal worlds and to visit…
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dinaive · 1 year
Najm al-Dîn Râzî (d. 654/1256), the author - makes this point by telling how Iblis--Satan--attempted to discover Adam's mystery.
The reader will remember that Iblis was one of the jinn and not one of the angels, since he is made of fire while they are made of light. However, his aeons of piety had brought him into their proximity, so he mixed freely with them. However much the angels examined Adam, they did not come to know what sort of all- comprehensive reality he was. But Iblis the deceitful was once walking around Adam. Gazing upon him with his one squint eye, he saw that Adam's mouth was open. He said, "Just wait.
Now I have found a way to undo the knot of our problem. I will enter this hole and see what sort of place this is." When Iblis went in and traveled around Adam's make-up, he found it to be a small world. He found there a representation of everything that he found in the large world. He found the head like the heaven with seven strata. Just as the seven planets are in the seven heavens, so also he found that in the seven strata of the head are seven human faculties: imagination, intuition, reflection, memory, recollection, governing, and sensus communis. Just as there are angels in the heaven, there were in the head the sense of sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Iblis found his body to be like the earth: Just as in the earth are found trees, plants, flowing streams, and mountains, so there are found corresponding things in the body. The longer hair, such as the hair on the head, is like trees, while the shorter hair, such as the hair on the body, is like plants. There are veins like running streams and bones like mountains. Just as in the macrocosm there are four seasons--spring, autumn, summer, and winter--so in Adam, who is the microcosm, there are the four natures: heat, cold, wetness, and dryness, prepared within four things--yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood. There is no need to continue with the details of Iblis's investigation, since the text is readily available and in any case it is similar to the passage from the Ikhwân al-Safâ' quoted above. It is sufficient for our purposes to recognize that the macrocosm/microcosm relationship is common in Islamic thought and that it follows upon the idea that all qualities found in these two worlds derive from the divine names. The conclusion of this section of the passage provides a preview of the last chapter of this book, which is dedicated to the heart: When Iblis had traveled the whole frame of Adam, he recognized the macrocosm in all the traces that he saw. However, when he reached the heart, he found it to be like a pavilion. In front of it, the breast was like the square erected before a royal palace. However much he tried to find a way into the pavilion so that he could go into the heart, he was not able to. He said to himself, "All that I have seen was easy. The difficult task is here. If I ever experience harm from this person, it will probably be from this place. If God has some special business with this frame or has prepared something within, it is probably in this place." With a hundred thousand thoughts, he turned back from the door of the heart in despair. Iblis reports to the angels that nothing is to be feared from this hollow person, who is like the other animals, though there is one place that cannot be entered. The angels are not satisfied with Iblis's explanation, and soon they hear from God that this being of water and clay is to be His vicegerent. Their perplexity increases, but they prostrate themselves before Adam as commanded. In the final section of the chapter, Râzî points to the tremendous station of the human body, which corresponds to the macrocosm. But, he says, the real worth of the human being derives from the divine spirit, which in truth lies outside microcosm and macrocosm and rules over both.
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The Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender Relationships in Islamic Thought (1992) by Sachiko Murata
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scotttrismegistus7 · 1 year
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They said to Yaldabaoth, Breathe some of your spirit into the face of Adam, and then the body will arise. He breathed his spirit into Adam.63 The spirit is the power of his mother, but he did not realize this, because he lives in ignorance. The mother’s power went out of Yaldabaoth and into the psychical body that had been made to be like the one who is from the beginning. The body moved and became powerful.64 And it was enlightened.
~The Secret Book of John~
~I am the Heart of the Hydra, the Heart of Goddess Isis, I am AtumRa-AmenHotep, I am Aeon Horus.
I am Divine Chronos, the Yaldaboath Demiurge Metamorphosed, I am the Singularity of the Master Craft of the Black Sun.
Azazil-Iblis-Maymon, Abzu-Osiris-Typhon-Kukulkan, Nummo-Naga.
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #jinn #Maymon #ibis #thoth #egypt #esoteric #magick #dogon #dogontribe #digitaria #nummo #nommo #Naga #tiamat #serpent #dragon #gnosis #gnostic #gnosticism #Anzu #watcher #watchtower #yaldaboath #Sirius #scientology #aleistercrowley #typhon #echidna #ancientaliens #TheGrays #grayaliens #aliens
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nijjhar · 2 years
Satt - Gospel Truth - Purakhh - person - Jinn - anyone - Janiyia - knows... Satt - Gospel Truth - Purakhh - person - Jinn - anyone - Janiyia - knows Him - Satguru = Christ is his name. https://youtu.be/JCpqzxZHmPY That is, the Gospel Truth is known to the sons of God called Satguru = Christ of the holy spirit, which is common sense that the shepherds possessed and not to the Christians of the dead letters of the holy books. Remember that Gospel gets written over your heart and not in ink on paper. Thus, His Word is incorruptible but what is written is corruptible. There is a Saying of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji, “Satt, the Gospel Truth, Purakhh – our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that gives His Word; Jinn – whosoever – Janiyia – happens to know Him in the Royal Kingdom of God, the Celestial world of the penniless Sadhus, Satguru Tiss kaa Naao – Then, Christ = Satguru is His name. That is what was known among the Brethren of Christ Thomas in the South of India. But when the Portuguese Pope went there, he told the people there is One Christ Jesus and you cannot call yourself Christ and he killed them. So, they had to leave their businesses and hide in the hills. That is how Christianity was killed in India and the Anti-Christ Fake Christianity became popular. Without Christ in your heart, you cannot Brew Logo over your heart and Preach it fearlessly as you can explain what you say and not consult the letters in the Bible where it cannot be written down in ink on paper but it is written over the Tablets of hearts wherever two or three are gathered together in honour of our Bridegroom and Elder Broth Christ Jesus. There is no Lord in the Royal Kingdom of God. Father has sons whilst the Lord has slaves as Saul was of the Gamaliel. In the spiritual language, anyone who is solitary and humble as Mary Magdalene was capable of entering the Royal Kingdom of God through that low humble and narrow solitary Gate. In the Royal Kingdom of God, our Covenant with our Father is the holy spirit called Surtti in Punjabi and us all the sons of the Most High Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., the invisible God. There are no female Disciples in the Royal Kingdom of God but Brethren in the holy spirit enjoying the Nectar. Thus, in God, which is Spirit, our heart, the living Tablet, counts and not the physical body in flesh. Or Unless a Female becomes a spiritual Male, they cannot enter into the Royal Kingdom of God. Men of the dead letters at Mont Athos, those robed fake Fathers won’t allow even a female donkey into their kingdom of the spiritually dead people still thinking that our Father is in heaven and not live in His Temple, our physical body. They are the super donkeys carrying the holy books plying the dead letters as in the Universities and colleges of Theology. Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead letters, the Holy Books. If we have One God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, then there should be one Faith. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus. Solid Proof; this Golden Temple is of the same size as the Holiest of Holy that used to be in Jerusalem and its Curtain held the Secrets of the Oral Torah = His Word was rendered from the Top, the Temple High Priests, to the Bottom, the village Rabbis off you go – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John and thus, everyone makes a direct approach to God through His Word = Logo = SATGUR PARSAD. So, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests and Mullahs, cannot give your account to God as the Rabbis used to give at Passover. So, they are "ANTICHRISTS" that have a following of the spiritually blind Super Bastard Fanatic Devils - John 8v44 -, Hindu, Jew, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, etc. Outwardly, and not spiritually inwardly. These spiritual selves Hindu, Jew and Christian, are never born like Christ, the Title and they never die but the tribal selves Judah, Levi, Jatt, Tarkhan, etc. were born and they will die. Thus, Jesus was born and Jesus died on the Cross and rose on the Third Day and NOT CHRIST, THE TITLE. Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Blair and Bush’s blasphemies against Holy Spirit https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs American Jews are today – http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm Destroying one country after the other, so that the scripture is fulfilled. Also, do not forget the partition of India and how My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Full description:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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pegasus-ghost · 2 years
Strange Dreams
I’ve been having weird dreams lately.
Which were all rooted in a spiritual and religious level.
A few days ago, first of all, I dreamt that my brothers and I were in the forest and walking by the river stream when suddenly Liam and I realized that my brother Adam was a huge snake coiling around his body and neck as he was standing. He looked nonchalant with the whole snake thing and just grab the snake and shooed it away.
After that, I remember that we were disturbed by some supernatural being, a jinn I think, and I was calm all the way despite the situation being scary. I kept reminding myself and thought in my head that it’s okay because Allah was with me and Allah will protect me. Like that faith in Allah was strong enough for me to feel calm from the protection.
Just now? I dreamt that I received a letter to come to this place because apparently I had been sentenced to die by hanging by the government or something, over something insignificant like summons or some shit. I remember thinking this is ridiculous, they wanted to kill me over something so small?
But although I feel disappointed and frustrated with the whole ordeal, I was for sure scared of dying, but ironically, not as scared as I thought I should and would have. At the time, once I got the letter to present myself immediately on the same day for my death sentence, I was more worried for my family.
I was worried for them in the sense of, whether or not they would have a bad time trying to access all my personal things online and offline, all my money and savings to be gifted to them after I die. I remember panicking while jotting down some notes and leaving Liam reminders to check my notebook at my condo where I wrote down all my passwords. I remember worrying if Liam would be able to get to my accounts and money without hassle, and if I could I would help ease with out with it if I wasn’t demanded to leave my home immediately.
My family were kinda worried for me but they were all accepting. I remember reminding myself to leave it in their hands and have faith in them that they will get all my stuff sorted out after I die.
My sister accompanied me to the building where I would be sentenced. And I remember seeing her very nonchalant with me although she knew I would die and this would be the last time she sees me. I remember asking her for one last hug sadly, which she seemed reluctant to give but gave one anyways. I remember feeling sad watching her leave the building.
But most of all, I remember feeling more anxious and nervous of dying than feeling scared. I felt so accepting of my death, and I had faith that Allah will judge me fairly. I remember that I hoped for heaven and good ending for me after death, and it felt calmer for me. Didn’t even think about hell and torture in the barzakh at all. For some reason I felt at peace with death, it was more of feeling nervous to finally be able to meet Allah that I’ve been talking to all these times.
And you know how the dream ended? After I entered the building and looked for the place where I was supposed to be hanged, I discovered that it was a performance room. Turns out that a bunch of misfits wanted an audience and participants for their performance and sick games, and so they forced people to come there by sending prank letters to random people to come due to being served death sentence.
I know it doesn’t make sense. Dreams always don’t make sense. I remember feeling so pissed off that it was a prank, but I also remember feeling a tad bit disappointed rather than relieved when knowing that I wasn’t going to die that day.
Long story short? Both dreams were about me having a, I wouldn’t say strong but, something like that. Like I had true faith and peace in my heart to believe in Allah being there for me and I wasn’t scared of death. I was more nervous than scared. Nervous because of the pain by death. But not the whole death experience itself.
Is this a sign from Allah that I’m worthy? I still don’t feel that way. But I’ll keep trying to fix myself and do good. I can only hope that Allah will count me as those who did well.
Ps: also, in my fajr prayers today, I prayed to Allah that if all of the good things He gave me in my life is a sign that he didn’t like me and that I didn’t have his blessing, I asked him to take it away and test me, and do whatever he wants to me so I can take it as a reminder that dunya doesn’t last and that He is giving me tests because I’m worthy of heaven. Not gonna lie that it scared me for a little bit. Okay it scared me like hell. It felt like I was challenging Allah to test my faith and I was scared like, what if I fail? But then I try to remind myself over and over that tests means He is preparing me heaven and what is the thing I want most in life? Heaven. If being tested is what it takes for Allah to grant me heaven, I will do my best to see it as a gift from Allah and a sign from Allah that He is granting me heaven after I am done with his tests. Sigh Allah please be kind to me tho.
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maes-flowers · 2 years
For them, for us [Prologue] Obi-wan Kenobi x reader)
Authors note: Hi everyone! i'm starting a new series based off the new Obi-wan Kenobi show but I knew I wanted to give a sneak peek into what happened during the events of ROTS. Im super excited to write this story as its my first Star Wars fic and also my second work im posting here on tumblr. if you enjoy this chapter and want to see what happens next for these two comment down below to be added onto the taglist!
Next part!!
Warnings: angst, signs of Ptsd (survivors guilt), violence, sad reunions, and fluff
Word count: 7,405
Also I wrote this with I know the end by Phoebe Bridgers blasting in the background. 2:35 until the end inspired most of this fic and its devastating 
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You can't breathe, the air growing thick and catching in your lungs as you watch the complete massacre surround you. Padawans, younglings, masters and knights dead on the ground of the temple as clones, people you considered friends and family kill off any jedi in sight.
How did this happen? Things were okay, you were close to ending the war and moving on from the nightmare that has been the last three years.
So close to rest, only for it to slip away from your fear stricken hands as you fought off clones.
 The few padawans you had saved were hidden away in a supply closet far away from the main grounds as you did a final sweep for survivors. The image of you, the only standing Jedi in a room with your brethren  dead at your feet, had made you numb. The smell of seared flesh and balster residue made you nauseous as you covered your nose and mouth with your cloak.
You were supposed to be with Obi-wan Kenobi, a close companion on Utapau to help him fight General Grievous but was asked to stay back and look after the younglings as the rest of the council was busy dealing with chancellor Palpatine.
You weren't sure if the clone attack was planet wide, you hoped not for Obi-wan's sake, you knew Anakin was somewhere here, sensing his force signare only hours ago.
Your heart grieved for Obi-wan and Anakin, the two being the closest thing you had to family during the Clone wars. You had known Anakin since Obi-wan brought him to the temple after Qui-Gon Jinn died, leaving Obi-wan, a padawan at the time to train Anakin. The boy rumored to be the chosen one  and to bring balance to the force. But you had known Obi-wan for longer than that, both of you becoming padawans at the same time as each other and growing close as the year went on and becoming a confidant for him as you adjusted to the new pressures and grief in his life. 
But you couldn't think about them right now, you had to protect yourself as you gripped the hilt of your lightsaber. The indigo hue humming in your hand as you deflect blaster shots coming at you, the bright light going back to the clone and going through his head. You sprinted away from the mass crowd of clones making their way to you,  avoiding corpses of people you once knew as you made your way back to the supply closest.
The adrenaline poured from every crevice of your body as you used the force to remove the statue blocking the door as you entered. The younglings looked at you in horror before they realized who you were, their small faces covered in scratches and bruises as you covered the door again. You slid down against the way and covered your mouth, holding back the stress and fear crashing over you as you held the small children.
“Rest small ones, I promise all will be over soon.” you whispered.
At least you hoped it would be.
It must've been hours before you felt safe enough to have your force signature out as you sensed the area around you. The force rippled around you and the safety you once felt within it was strained as if the loss from today managed to break its once strong walls of security. It was quiet now, the sounds of blasters and screams gone as you stood up, the younglings woke up as you looked around the area, clearing the area before you rushed the children out of the small room.You knew you had to get the younglings safe and out of here before you went off to look more into what happend. You guided the children around the temple until you ran into Cere Junda and her padawan Trilla.
You sighed in relief at the familiar friend, grasping her hand tightly when you grew closer.
“I'm so glad to see you safe Cere,” you said, your voice raw with emotion. “You as well Trilla,” you said, placing a hand on her shoulder. 
“Glad to see you survive this nightmare as well.” Cere said.
You looked at her with desperation, your hands reaching behind you and guiding the three younglings in front of you.
“I need you to watch over these three, I need to go back to the main corridor and find more survivors and look at the security holocron footage.” you begged,  almost collapsing  in relief when Cere nodded.
“Of course, have you heard from General Kenobi?” she asked, her voice soft. The teasing she would make you endure about your relationship with him seemed like a distant memory now. You shook your head, your eyes prickling with emotion.
“No, not as of yet.” you said, ignoring the growing pit of pure fear at the thought of him being dead. You sighed and cleared your throat as you kneeled down in front of the younglings, their scared faces would haunt you for years.
“Listen,” you said sternly, “You listen to Master Cere okay?”
The small nods of obedience relaxed you a bit.
“Remember, when all seems to be lost trust only in the force.” you said, with that you stood up and began to walk away from the small group. 
As you made your way back to the main hall, the number of bodys crowded at your feet made you shudder.  You almost expected them to be gone for some reason, but seeing them right where they were before, unloved and pale as you avoided the haunted look at blank open eyes.
Hypervigilance pricked at your bones, you kept your body stiff as you listened for any sound or movement around you and although threat seemed to be gone, you would've done anything to have your armor you wore during battle in the war  zone on you instead of the cloak and tunic you currently supported. The walk of avoiding bodys and making sure no one would come at you had made you slowly make your way into the main hall.
You could feel two life forces through the force,  holding your breath as you crept forward, hand gripping your lightsaber tightly as you ducked behind a pillar. You paused for a moment and took a deep breath before you looked from your cover.
You went numb as you saw Obi-wan and Yoda a few feet away from you, this time you didn't hold back a shuddering breath as you clipped your saber onto your belt and stepped out, you walked as fast as you could.
“Obi-wan!” you shouted, the man's head snapped at his name and once he saw it was you, you could see relief overcome him.
You jogged as fast as you could while being respectful to the dead around you, Obi-wan met you halfway, the weight of his body collided with yours as you both clenched to each other, hands gripping to whatever they could grab. You never, ever would've done this in a place so open like the temple. Hugs like this were reserved for late night room visits in private, away from judging eyes.
One out of your two men were safe and alive, and that thought alone gave you hope that Anakin was okay.
“Thank the gods you're okay,” you cried, no longer caring about the code anymore. You didn't care about Master Yoda seeing the blatant show of compassion, of attachment and for once it seemed Obi-wan didn't care either.
You had a feeling, the council wasn't here to judge you anymore anyways.
“Are you okay?” he asked, you nodded into his shoulder and pulled away from him. His hand, calloused and rough rested on your face, making you look at him.
“I'm okay.” you whispered.
You held his gaze for a moment before you remembered Master Yoda, you pulled away from the grip Obi-wan held on you and kneeled
“Master Yoda, I'm so glad you made it out safely as well.” you said sincerely, putting a hand on top of his head.
“Glad to see you safe Master y/n, I am.” 
You stood back up and looked at Obi-wan.
“There's a signal telling Jedi to come to the temple, we're going to the security station to ward off anyone else from showing up.” Obi-wan said.
You nodded and followed Yoda to the security room, you took the time to press your force signature into Obi-wan's, the familiar presence overcame you. The feeling of warmth and tenderness along with swirls of worry and pain grounded the fact that he was here and alive next to you.
You reached your hand out  and grazed his, the small movement making him grasp yours.
“Anakin,” you said hesitantly. “Have you heard from him?” you whispered, Obi-wan shook his head and you felt a wave of fear roll over your from Obi-wan.
“He'll be okay, he's a strong kid.” you said softly. Obi-wan only nodded in response and stayed silent until you reached the security room.
It was odd seeing the room that usually had guards around be empty, and you hated the way you walked in with such ease as Obi-wan headed straight to the code receiver.
You watched as Obi-wan changed the code alerting all survivors to stay away, the blue light eliminating his face as he closed the signal box. A simple action that took a minute at most saving hundreds of lives.
“It will take a long time for the clones to notice the signal change.” you said quietly. Yoda nodded in agreement as Obi-wan emerged from the small doorway. Yoda began to leave the room, but you and Obi-wan stayed still eyeing the security device. After a moment you walked over to the security recording device, and turned it on, you felt Obi-wan come up behind you. His hand grasping your shoulder tightly. 
“If you go into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find.” Yoda warned.
“I must know the truth master,” Obi-wan said as you reached forward and began to rewind the recording.
You stopped at the sight of Anakin, his saber drawn as he killed younglings in cold blood, you covered your mouth in horror at the sight.
“No.” you whispered in disbelief. “No it can't be true.” you said, your voice muffled from your hand. Your body unconsciously stepped back from the image as if it had burned you.
“It can't be, It can't be.” Obi-wan said in disbelief as the recording switched to Anakin kneeling in front of chancellor Palpatine, but from the sight he was in you realized quickly this was the sith lord Obi-wan had feared.
You watched as Anakin accepted his new title as Lord Vader before Obi-wan stopped the recording. You shook your head in disbelief, how did this happen? 
“I can't watch anymore.” Obi-wan said, his voice shook slightly.
“Destroy the sith we must.” Yoda said gravely. Obi-wan released his grip on your shoulder as he stepped in front of you to talk to Yoda. you looked over in shock at Yoda's words, no shock or hesitation in voice.
“Send me to kill the emperor, I will not kill Anakin.” Obi-wan said sternly.
“To fight this lord Sidious strong enough you are not.”
“He is like my brother. I cannot do it.” Obi-wan pleaded, you watched silently, unsure on what to do.
“Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become.” Yoda sighed.” The boy you trained, gone he is.”
“I don't know why the emperor has sent him. I don't know where to look.” Obi-wan exclaimed.
Yoda walked away before he turned to look at him.
“Use your feelings Obi-wan and find him you will.” Yoda simply said before he left the room.
You looked over at Obi-wan, his face showed nothing but confusion and pain. You were sure your face showed the same feelings as you ignored the sick feeling in your gut as you came to a harsh realization.
“I was there,” you breathed out disgust with yourself, Obi-wan turned to you. “I was with the younglings when it all went down and I felt his presence in the temple hours before.” you looked at Obi-wan in distress grasping the tunic that laid across your chest, your voice breaking at the thought. “That means he was right next to me when he killed those..” you couldn't even finish the sentence. How did you not feel him so near? 
 “I could've done something, I could have stopped him from killing those childe-” you hitch a breath. “I should've read more into the force, not shut it away.” you scolded yourself, your hands finding your hair as you gripped the roots.
“Y/n,” Obi-wan said sadly, stepping forward and pulling your hands away from the death grip on the strands of hair. You looked up at Obi-wan as you as your face crumpled from grief. Grief from losing friends, fellow jedi, losing the younglings, and losing Anakin.
From failing from your duty.
“I failed them.” you gasped out as you were pulled into Obi-wan's embrace. You were being selfish and you knew it, but you needed one moment. Just one of pure sorrow and hopelessness, you couldn't hold onto these feelings or else you'd drown in them. 
“You protected yourself, and I know you saved as many people as you could. You were outmatched, we all were.” Obi-wan comforted. “You did your best and that's all that you can do.”
Your arms were under his, your hand curling and gripping Obi-wan's back and taking a deep breath. Your thoughts slowed to a more productive mindset as you nodded against him, you pulled away, wiping away your tears.
“We need to go see Padme,” you said, in determination.
Obi-wan Nodded.
“I agree.”
Anakin never said anything explicit about his and Padme's relationship,  but you as well as Obi-wan had your suspicions about the two over the last few years. The closest you could get to a confession was making fun of him seeing her and he would grow red in his face which would result in a halfhearted insult about you and Obi-wan or when you joined Padme to Senate meetings and would integrate her, watching any reaction she made.
She never let anything show, beside a light smile.
You paused your movement in the hallway leading up to Padme's corridors, a thought coming into your head as Obi-wan turned to you.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Do we tell her about what he did?” you asked, you didn't want to hurt her that was never your goal but if anyone knew where Anakin would be, it would be her.
Obi-wan stroked his beard before he nodded.
“If the need shows, but I suspect she will find out either way.” he said in thought.
You nodded in agreement before you continued on walking.
Padme's room was far more beautiful than your tiny room in the temple. Compliments of tan, white, red, and gold decorated the room. The large balcony allowed a soft breeze in, the weather was far too beautiful for this situation.
“When was the last time you saw him?” you asked, walking aside Padme. Her face was scrunched in worry but her eyes fluttered around nervously. She knew where he was, you just know it.
“Yesterday.” she said.
“And do you know where he is now?” Obi-wan pressed.
She paused for a moment, the walking stopping in the small circle in the center of her couches.
“No,”  she sighed.
“We need your help.” Obi-wan confessed, his voice bordering on begging.
“Padme,” you said, touching her arm. “He is in grave danger.”
Padme spun around, her face pale.
“From the sith?!” she gasped, you and Obi-wan shook your heads.
“From himself,” you said softly, “Anakin has turned to the darkside.”
Padme scoffed in disbelief as she looked at you in shock.
“You're wrong, How could you even say that?”
You and Obi-wan looked at each other, the pain of even saying what Anakin has done hurt too much.
“We have seen a-a security hologram…” Obi-wan started. “Of him killing younglings.” he finished, his face taut with an emotion You couldn't quite place.
“Not Anakin,” Padme denied. “He couldn't.”
You looked at her sadly.
“He was deceived by a lie. We all were.” you crossed your arms. “It appears that the chancellor is behind everything, including the war. Palpatine is the sith lord we've been looking for.” you explained, your heart hurt more and more as you watched Padme’s face fall.
“Anakin became his apprentice after Count Dooku died.” Obi-wan added
Padme stumbled backward until she was sitting on the couch, her face calm but also in shock as she started ahead.
“I don't believe you,” she said. “I cant.” she whispered.
You and Obi-wan moved to sit on either side of her, you gripped her hand tight as you looked at her.
“Padme, we must find him.” Obi-wan said. She looked between the both of you, her brows furrowed as she leaned back.
“You're going to kill him, aren't you?” 
You looked down at your lap, ignoring her gaze.
“He's become a great threat.” Obi-wan warned, you kept your eyes down.
“I cant.”
You watched her grip her stomach, swollen and large. You Had only  recently become aware of her pregnancy,  your reaction was nothing but joy when she told you but seeing her in denial and shock as she cradled her bump made something click in your mind at her reaction. You watched Obi-wan sigh and stand up, but you sat still as you stared at her. Eyes solemn but knowing as you leaned back.
“Anakin is the father, isn't he?” you asked, Padme looked at you for a moment before she looked away, you could see tears building in her eyes. You close your eyes at the confirmation, standing up and kissing her head, you're watching two people you viewed as family lives become destroyed in a matter of a few hours.
“I'm so sorry.” you whispered, voice broken as you walked away, following Obi-wan to the ship. He climbed into the passenger before he held a hand out to you, helping you into the passenger.
You watched as the top came down over your head as Obi-wan flew away, you stared at the window watching other ships and speeders fly around you.
“That poor baby,” you sighed, rubbing at your eyes for a moment. “Padme is going to go after him, you know that right?” you said looking at Obi-wan. He kept his gaze on the traffic as he took a sharp turn.
“I know, that's why we're going with her,” he said.
When he said you would be going with her you went expecting having to crouch behind a supply crate and wait until Padme went into the ship, and the flight crew left the landing strip. You followed after Obi-wan, pulling your hood over your head as you snuck onto the ship. It was a large ship, but open enough if both the droids were not up front with Padme, they would see us and alert her of our presence.
Obi-wan opened the door to a closet and you both climbed in, the room was small but if you slid yourself between Obi-wan and leaned against his chest you guys were able to sit on the floor.
He sighed, and you knew his exhaustion came from the overwhelming emotions,  the fight he had with Grievous and the crushing fear of what he had to do next.
You grabbed his hands and wrapped him around your middle, he sighed at the comfort and rested his head against your shoulder. You gripped his hand tightly, to make sure he wouldn't disappear.
“I'm sorry,” you whispered.
“For what?” he asked, confused.
“You don't deserve this, Obi-wan,” you said. “It's not fair.” 
Obi-wan stayed silent for a moment.
“I don't know if I can do this,” he admitted. “He's my brother, Y/n”
“Let me help you, us two going against Anakin would be better than just you. It's better than going in there alone.” you proposed.
“No,” he said immediately, his hand reaching up and cupping your jaw to lean back so you look him in the eyes. “I've lost enough today, I can't lose you too.” he said, you could feel his breath on your face.
“I can't lose you either.” you said, with the same amount of seriousness. “Let me help,” you begged.
“I have to do this on my own,” Obi-wan said. You went to argue but he shook his head.
“Stay on the ship, stay with Padme if anything goes wrong.”
You opened your mouth to argue but a small flash of light illuminated Obi-wan's face and you could see the pure desperation on his features.
“Okay,” you gave in. “Just come home, you have to promise me to come home.” you said.
Obi-wan looked at you, his face soft as he agreed, he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on your lips for a few moments before pulling away.
You smiled, a bittersweet feeling swirling in you happily, after years of soft touches and hugs and knowing the feeling was there but never acting on it in fear of the council you got to kiss him, but in pain as this could very well be the first and last time you get to do it.
You and Obi-wan sat together in silence for the rest of the trip, you wanted to tell him everything you've been holding back for the last 12 years but you couldn't find the words so you relied on using the force and pushing your force signature on him. Using silent communication to express the admiration you had.
Obi-wan gripped you tightly as he embraced the feelings from you, his voice shuddering a breath deep from his chest.
“Me too love, me too.” he said quietly, as soon as the words spilled from his lips you felt the ship hit solid land. You squeezed your eyes shut as you raised Obi-wan's hand to your mouth, pressing a long kiss to it. Your fears and doubts bubbling over as you and Obi-wan crawled out of the closet, and kept close to the wall. Staying out of Padme's sight until you heard the hatch of the ship go down and saw her leave.
You and obi-wan moved closer so you can see them outside. The heat of this planet was unbearable already. The heat makes you sweat under your tunic as you watch the couple reunite.
You listened to Padme beg Anakin to leave, to go raise their child. but Anakin refused, saying his powers were the only way he could save Padme and together they could kill the chancellor and rule the galaxy together.
God, the sight made you uncomfortable as you watched Anakin Skywalker fade away in front of your eyes as he shed the skin of his former self revealing a power hungry psychopath.
You watched Padme back away in fear and you stepped forward, moving onto the ramp leading outside. You could hear Obi-wan curse before he followed you, but it didn't take long for Anakin to spot the two of you.
“I love you!” Padme begged, but Anakin's face contorted with rage.
“Liar!” he screamed, Padme gasped and looked behind her to see the two of you.
“No!” Padme shouted.
You and Obi-wan began to walk down the ramp, going slowly to try not to provoke Anakin anymore.
“You're with them!” Anakin shouted. “You brought them here to kill me.” he accused, raising his hand in front of him. You watched with shock as he began to force choke her, her feet lifting off the ground.
“Let her go, Anakin.” Obi-wan demanded, quickly descending down the stairs. You followed quickly behind him.
“Let her go!” you shouted. Anakin looked at you for a moment before releasing his grip on her, you shot forward and used the force to lay her on the ground so the baby wouldn't get harmed from the fall. You dropped to your knees and dragged her head into your lap, your hands fumbling for a pulse.
You sighed in relaise under the fluttering pulse under your fingertips.
“You turned her against me!” Anakin blamed, but obi-wan stood still and was calm. His anger wasn't like Anakins, his was a controlled storm, while the man across from him swirled like it destroyed everything in his path.
“You have done that yourself.” Obi-wan said, watching as Anakin shed away his cloak as he paced around. The only way you can describe Anakin's body language was feral and dangerous.
“You will not take her from me!”
“Your anger and lust for power have already done that.” Obi-wan shrugged off his cloak and began to walk around Anakin. You slowly reached for the lightsaber in your hand and unclipped it from your belt in case Anakin or Obi-wan got to close with their quickly approaching battle.
“You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
“Don't lecture me Obi-wan.” Anakin warned. “I see through the lies of the Jedi, I do not fear the darkside as you do.” Anakin turned as he spoke and Obi-wan kneeled down and touched Padme's face. He looked at you, and you nodded back a silent gesture of saying the two of you were okay.
“I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire!” Anakin announced as Obi-wan stood up. The two of you looked at him in shock at his words.
“You're a new empire?” Obi-wan asked in disbelief.
“Don't make me kill you.” Anakin warned.
“Anakin, our allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!” Obi-wan shouted.
“Anakin, we're not trying to be against you! But you're being irrational right now! We just want you safe! Padme wants you safe!” you explained. “Going down this path will do more harm than good, I know deep down you see that!” you begged, watching Anakin turn back to the two of you. “Look at what you're doing! Look at what you're doing to your wife and child, what you're doing to Obi-wan, to me. If We will not stand by your side and watch you destroy everything you cared about!” you spat, anger heavy on your tongue,
“If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.” he said, raising his hand again. You felt a tight pressure around your neck as you gasped, you glared at him as you quickly put up the mental barrier from Anakin. He dropped you after a moment, your hand coming up to your neck as you felt the blood rush under and feeling a bruise begin to form.
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” Obi-wan said, dread and anger lacing in his voice. “I will do as I must.” 
The sound of lightsabers activating made you scoot yourself and Padme to a safer distance. Obi-wan stood tall with his saber at his side. The blue hue makes a stark contrast compared to the red and orange surroundings.
“You will try.” Anakin said, turning on his lightsaber.
The fight started before you could even blink, the two blue sabers clash against each other as they slowly backed away from you, moving into the building.
You took the chance to quickly pick up Padme and run her back into the ship, you quickly place Padme in the medbay before you run out to the head of the ship.
“C-3PO, please go watch over Padme.” you asked, as you quickly grabbed the coms and input the code to a former senator you once guarded and a friend of Padme and the Jedi as a whole.
“Senator Organa?” you called out, as you searched for a pair of Macrobinalurs. “Bail? This is Master y/n please make contact.” you said, as you pulled open a hatch and found a pair of macrobinoculars. You hovered it over your eyes and you could see a huge explosion of lava and part of the metal rig melt off into the river of lava you zoomed in closer as you saw flicks of blue. You swallowed back bile at the sight of the two men in such danger.
You heard the hologram crackle before Senator Organa appeared in front of you.
“Master y/n? Are you still there?” Bail called out, you looked away from the scene playing  in front of you and looked at the hologram.
“Bail, you're the only person I can trust right now, and I know you're friends with Padme. Anakin Skywalker has turned to the darkside and choked her, she's still alive but…” you paused for a moment. “Something is off and I need to get her medical attention.”
“I'm in the outer rim, on a planet called Polis Massa. We have Master Yoda here as well and will be safe for you to come too, I'll send you the coordinates.” he said,
“Thank you, I'm waiting for Master Kenobi to finish his confrontation with Skywalker but we will be there as soon as we can.” You said, you turned off the comm before he could reply as you lifted the binoculars to your eyes again, but quickly cursed once you saw that both of the men were too far away from your sight. 
You brought your knees to your chest on the pilot chair as you stared out the window, you wished you pushed harder to go fight Anakin with him, providing back up so Anakin didn't shove him in lava or stab him in the chest.
Anger was the emotion you were expecting the least as you waited for Obi-wan, you were angry over someone trying to kill you, losing fellow jedi, losing Anakin, and possibly Obi-wan now. You tried to meditate to relieve yourself from the simmering anger, you were scared now if you were being honest, Anakin fell so quickly to the dark side. You were afraid if you even acknowledged the emotions you felt now you would suddenly become a sith.  
“Trust in the force.” you murmed to yourself, then embraced the feeling. You knew the force wouldn't hurt you, being intune with it since you were a child it felt like home after a long mission, it felt safe.
And that was all you can ask for at this time.
An hour had passed since then, if Obi-wan had died you aren't sure how long you would wait before you left, the thought alone had made you stand up and walk down the ramp. You knew Obi-wan's cloak was still on the ground and all you wanted was to hold something of him. Your own cloak was off including your tunic, the heat was insufferable but when you see the brown fabric rumpled on the ramp you slid it on without a second thought.
You crossed your arms over each other as you watched the lava down below, the hissing of magma was the sound you heard for a long time.
Until, you his R2-D2 beep excitedly, you turned around quickly and froze.
Obi-wan appeared from the hall, covered soot and clothes filled with burn holes, but he seemed rather unharmed. He froze when he saw you standing there, his eyes tired and bloodshot.
“Anakin..is he..?” you asked quietly, Obi-wan looked down and you saw his body began to shake. You ran forward and slammed your bodys together, both of you gripping each other like a lifeline. You could feel tears drip down your neck from where Obi-wan had burrowed his face. Your face tucked into the crook of his neck, positive your tears were dripping onto him. Your hand sprawled over the expanse of his back while his hand was embedded in your hair. You would do anything to forget how hard his hands trembled that moment.
Your heart ached for Anakin, for the boy you saw as a brother or even a son but your heart also ached for Padme and Obi-wan.
“Are you injured?” you asked, your voice cracking as you placed a gentle hand on his face. The hair of his beard tickles the skin of your fingers as you turn his face at different angles searching for damage.
“No, I'm okay.” he murmured, his blue orbs scanning over you as well. You pushed the sweat slicked hair away from his eyes so he can see better. His eyes landed on the dark bruise on your neck, his hand came to graze over the abused skin.
“Master y/n, Master Kenobi.” C-3PO called out from the ramp, you turned around as looked at the droid. “Let's hurry and leave this dreadful place.”
You and Obi-wan walked onboard the ship, R2D2 following closely behind as the ramp closed behind you. You walked Obi-wan to where Padme was, leaning on the door frame as you watched him put a gentle hand on her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open and looked up at him.
“Obi-wan? Is Anakin alright?”
He placed his hand on her cheek as her eyes closed again, he looked over at you in worry.
“I contacted Senator Organa while you were gone, he's on Polis Massa with Yoda. we're going to take her there for a check up and to figure out what we're doing next.” you explained, holding out your hand. He sighed as he grabbed your hand, allowing you to guide him to the passenger seat as you planted yourself into the pilot seat, flicking on controls and imputing the coordinates you were sent, eager to leave this planet as fast as you can.
As you flew the ship out of the atmosphere you could see Obi-wan cover his face, you frowned before you went into hyperdrive, allowing the plane to do the work for a moment. You turned the chair you were in until it looked at the tired man head on.
“What happened out there?” you asked, although you didn't want to know. But knowing Obi-wan, he would let this sit for years and you couldn't let that happen.
“I-” he began before he sighed, looking over to you.
You were confused on why he went silent before you flinched back in your seat, visions of fire and lava flashing in your eyes, you saw Anakin and Obi-wan fighting on the river as clashes of lightsabers echoed in your ears. the vision shifted to seeing Anakin's legs getting cut off and his screams of pain rattled in your brain.
“I Hate you!” Anakin bellowed, Obi-wan's face was twisted in anguish.
“You were my brother Anakin, I loved you!”
The last thing you saw before Obi-wan cut off the connection was Anakin's body burning alive as he kneeled down and grabbed his little brother's lightsaber.
Once the vision was gone you let out the breath you were holding as you looked back at obi-wan, you hand shot forward and gripped his tight to ground yourself to the present.
“I'm sorry,” he apologized. “I just couldn't say the words.”
“No” you said after a minute of calming down. “Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just startling to see.” you swallowed before you spoke again. “You kept his lightsaber?”
Obi-wan nodded before pulling out the weapon and carefully handing it to you, your fingers grazed the handle and just held it for a moment before giving it back to Obi-wan.
A beeping made you jump, realizing you made it to your destination, you looked over at C3-PO and asked him to land the ship.
You stood up and walked to the small area you had taken off your tunic earlier, you grabbed the dark brown tunic and slid it on. Your hand wrapping and tying the material quickly after years of practice before you went back to meet up with Obi-wan.
You let Obi-wan grab Padme as you walk down the ramp greeting Bail, obi-wan close behind you as the senator leads you to the medical center.
You, Obi-wan, Yoda, bail, C3-PO,  and R2D2, watched Padme's unconscious form as the medical droid scanned her. Your hand gripping Obi-wan's hand as you watched in silence. It only took the droids  a few minutes before one appeared from the door.
“Medically, she's completely healthy.” the droid said, you sighed in relief. “But for reasons we can't explain, we are losing her.” He finished, you looked at him in shock.
“She's dying?” Obi-wan said in shock.
“We don't know why, she has lost the will to live and we need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies.”
You and obi-wan halted at that, your grip in his hand going loose as you looked at the droid in surprise.
“Babies?” you said.
“She's carrying twins.” the droid confirmed.
Obi-wan moved away from your touch as he moved closer to the glass pane, watching padme closely as he stroked his beard. A habit youve seen from him many times in the last few years.
So you waited until she woke up, you and Obi-wan rushing into the room and joining her on each side of Padme's head. Her sobbing and whimpering echoed around the room, the sound making you wince as the first baby was delivered. The sound of a baby crying quickly filled the air as the baby was handed off to Obi-wan, who held the baby with such care as he leaned down and showed his face to his mother.
“Luke.” she said softly, her voice weak and quiet for a few moments before she grunted, her voice horse from screams. You watched as tears pooled in the corner of her eyes. Reaching forward you dabbed away the tears.
“You got this Padme, just keep breathing.” you murmured, your voice soft as she gripped your hand. The sound of the second baby's cries appeared once more as the robot said something you didn't understand.
“It's a girl.” Obi-wan announced as the droid handed you the little girl, you kneeled down and showed her face to the woman.
“Leia” Padme sighed.
You smiled at the name.
“It's beautiful, both of them are.” you said.
Padme began to breathe heavily, as if she was struggling to get air into her lungs. You and obi-wan shared a concerned glance.
“Obi-wan, y/n?” Padme gasped and you nodded, shifting Leia into one arm as you grabbed her hand again.
“There's good in him…I know-I know there's still-” Padme started out before she stopped talking and the hand in your hand went limp. Your teeth clamped down on your lip as tears welled in your eyes once again and as if the two small babies in you and obi-wans arms knew, they both began to cry.
Inside one of the meeting rooms of Building in Naboo. You, Obi-wan, Bail, and Yoda sat at a large table. You had your arms crossed tightly around your body as you sat next to Obi-wan, his hand rested on his chin as he stared blankly at the table in front of him.
“Hidden, safe the children must be kept.” Yoda said solemnly.
“We must take them somewhere where the sith won't sense their presence.” Obi-wan said.
Yoda hummed in thought.
“Split up, they should be.” Yoda decided.
You looked up, about to open your mouth to protest but it quickly died on your tongue. Keeping them together would give away more attention. and if one of them ends up to be force sensitive it would make matters worse.
“My wife and I will take the girl,” Basil said, “We've always talked about adopting a baby girl.” he said, a soft simile spreading on his face. “She will be loved with us.”
“And what of the boy?” you asked, yoda turned to you.
“To tatooine. His family send him.”  Yoda said.
Obi-wan was silent for a moment before he spoke.
“I will take the child and watch over him.”
You looked over in shock, slightly offended at him leaving you out.
“No,” you said sternly. All three men looked at you. “We,” you said with emphasis. “We will take the child and watch over him.” you said, avoiding Obi-wan's gaze.
Yoda just nodded.
“Until the time is right, disappear we will.” he said as you all stood up and bowed.
You walked out, only stopping for a moment when Yoda called to Obi-wan to hang back. Giving them their space you waited out in the hall, you kept your eyes on the floor until you saw Basil walk out, with baby Leia in his arms.
He walked up to you and gave you a kind smile.
“Can I?” you asked, pointing to the baby. Basil chuckled and placed the baby in your arms.
You stared into her eyes as she gurgled and cooed at you and you let out a wet laugh.
“It's disturbing how much you look like your mother already little one,” you said softly, your hand rubbing at the soft skin of her head. “You are going to a great family, but I need you to promise one thing.” you whispered to the baby, not noticing Obi-wan step out of the room.
“Be kind and intelligent like your mother,” you said, your voice getting choked up. “And be loyal and passionate like your father was.” 
“And most importantly,” you whispered into her ear. “Never be apologetic for who you are, wear your flaws and strengths with pride.”
You didnt care what anyone told you, after everything you've been through with Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, those two little kids freshly embraced by the world will always be your niece and nephew in your heart.
You kissed Leia's head before you handed her back to Bail, wiping your tears away as you looked at the senator.
“Safe travels, senator Organa.” you said softly, holding out your hand. Bail smiled and gripped your hand tight and shook it.
“You as well, Master.” he said before he turned to Obi-wan who simply shook his hand. You leaned back against the wall as Obi-wan looked at you. You didn't lean away when he raised his hand to wipe away the wetness on your cheeks,
“Why are you coming with me? You don't deserve a life like that.” he said, concern and guilt evident in his voice
“Either way Obi-wan, I'm going to be hunted,” you said bluntly. “I'm doing it for those two babies so they are safe from the empire, but i'm doing it for us too so we can be together because we deserve each other.”  you whispered hoarsely, your brows furrowed as you placed a hand on his chest. “I don't care where it takes me, I'll be okay as long as we do it together.” 
Obi-wan watched you with soft eyes before he nodded.
“For them.” Obi-wan said, placing a hand over the one you rested on his chest.
You squeezed his hand tightly.
“For us.” you smiled sadly.
The heat on Tatooine was much better compared to Mustafar but it still had you sweating under your robes as you watched the sunset in front of you. The two suns give the dry earth around you a pink hue as Obi-wan gave baby Luke to Owen and Beru Lars.
You watched the younger woman gently cradle Luke as she ran over to her husband, the two of them admiring the sunset and their new family member.
Obi-wan turned to look from where you sat on the Eopie, he looked naked with the lightsaber he used for so long  no longer strapped to his side. Your hand grazed your own side and longed for your own saber as well. You and Obi-wan decided to bury your lightsabers in the sand with Anakins, a sad symbol of the end of a life you once knew.
You knew deep down a lightsaber didn't determine if you were a Jedi or not, you knew you were and Your trust in the force and the light side would guide you along the way.
Cold metal resting on your finger reminded you of a new symbol, of something new and safe as Obi-wan grabbed your hand. You smiled at the ring on his hand pressing into your wrist as you hauled him up on the large animal.
Exile did suck but knowing you were with someone you loved made the sacrifices tolerable
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Three Times Obi-Wan Didn’t Like You, and One Time He Did
Hi! So this is the first thing I’ve posted on here for over a year, and I’m excited to share it with you!! I haven’t seen the Obi-Wan Kenobi show yet (I know, I need to get Disney+ so I can enjoy it), but he is always on my mind, so here’s a fairly lengthy Obi-Wan Kenobi one-shot. Hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: angst (think post order 66), enemies to friends/almost lovers, fluff but make it sad
WC: almost 3.1k
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It was the annual Padawan Fighting Tournament. Every year, just for fun, all of the current Padawans would fight each other in a bracket style tournament. All of the Jedi that were on the planet would come watch, both to see who would hopefully grow to become their newest Jedi Knights, but also to have a chance to place their responsibilities to the side and enjoy themselves. The Padawans loved it too; any chance they could get to show off to their peers, they would take. Obi-Wan had won last year, beating out Quinlan Vos for the top spot. He was confident that he would come out of top once more.
As he expected, he was one of the top two contenders. But the other one surprised him. It was you, Ki-Adi Mundi’s new Padawan, and from what he had heard from his peers, you were quite the force to be reckoned with. But he was still confident. You were brand new, and he had been last year’s winner.
Each year, a different Jedi did the announcing for the contest. This year was Master Windu’s turn. Qui-Gon and Ki-Adi Mundi were standing to the side, talking, though Obi-Wan couldn’t understand what they were saying.
Windu cleared his throat, making the room fall into silence as he announced, “Alright, Jedi, it’s time for the final round of the annual Padawan Fighting Tournament. Our first competitor is last year’s champion, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn!”
Obi-Wan walked into their practice fighting ring with a smile as cheers echoed across the room. Qui-Gon shot him a thumbs up from the side, which he returned.
“Our second competitor is vying for their first win, it’s (Y/n) (Y/l/n), Padawan of Ki-Adi Mundi!”
When Obi-Wan laid eyes on you, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. You entered the ring with a cocky swagger, a smug grin stretched across your lips and your lightsaber hooked onto your belt. Your hair, which was dyed green, was pulled back from your face so he could see the twinkle of mischief in your eyes. He saw you and Master Mundi make a gesture toward each other before you turned to him.
“Ready to lose, Kenobi?”
Oh, he already didn’t like you.
“In your dreams.”
“Ignite your sabers!” called Master Windu.
The blue light of Obi-Wan’s lightsaber reflected off of his face while purple reflected off of yours. Your smirk deepened as Obi-Wan glared at you, determination crossing his features.
At the signal from Windu, you immediately threw yourself at him.
Rookie mistake, making the first attack.
As it turned out, it wasn’t a mistake. Though at first your technique wasn’t able to break through his masterful use of soresu, going first allowed you to have more time to learn each of his little quirks. How when one of his eyebrows quirked up, he would switch his lightsaber to that side of his body. How when he smirked slightly, he would go in for a feint before changing the direction of his attack. You smirked. Though it had taken you a bit longer than with your previous opponents, now you knew when you could could strike. Immediately, you launched into your own masterful control of the ataru style, doing flips, spins, and other acrobatic maneuvers to throw him off. With every eyebrow raise, you would switch sides before him, allowing you opportunities to attack. The speed with which you slashed your lightsaber took his by surprise, and Obi-Wan soon found himself struggling to keep up. With expert speed and agility, you successfully disarmed him, Obi-Wan’s lightsaber clattering to the ground just outside the reaches of the fighting ring.
“And we have a new champion, (Y/n) (Y/l/n)! Congratulations on your first win!” exclaimed Windu.
You stood up with a smirk, offering your hand to Obi-Wan to shake, “Good fight. Might want to work on your technique, though, soresu is no match for ataru.”
Obi-Wan frowned, his brow creasing as he responded, “No need to be so rude. You already won.”
He glowered, “I wouldn’t mind so much if you weren’t so cocky about it.”
But because the other Masters and Padawans were watching, he begrudgingly shook your hand.
Oh yeah, he definitely didn’t like you.
It was the very beginning of the Clone Wars. His hair was still long, and Anakin had only just passed his trials a few short days ago. Now, he was being sent out on a diplomatic mission to the planet of Aaleen to attempt to gain their loyalty. And he got to go along with his favorite Jedi Master.
“Oh, don’t look so excited to be paired up with me,” you chastised.
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, “Oh, why wouldn’t I be excited to work with you?”
Yeah, your relationship hadn’t improved since that lightsaber fight.
“Come on, R4!” you shouted to your droid.
The little, green R4 unit sidled up to you, beeping happily. Obi-Wan smiled a little bit at the droid’s appearance. Though he didn’t like you, R4-P42 and R4-P17 worked together well. When their droids joined you, you each hopped into your Delta 7 starfighters, yours the same shade of green as your droid.
“See you there, Kenobi. Bet I’ll make it first,” you taunted before embarking from the landing pad.
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes before following suit.
When he finally landed on the desert surface of Aaleen, you were already there, climbing out of your starfighter.
“Too slow!” you shouted.
“Does everything have to be a game with you?” he yelled back, climbing out of his own starfighter.
“Only with you. You’re just too easy to rile up,” you countered.
“Whatever,” he muttered, gesturing for his droid to stay with the ship.
The two of you walked for an hour until you reached a town, but there was no one there.
“It’s like a ghost town,” Obi-Wan said in a hushed voice.
“You don’t think the Aleena have already been taken by the Separatists, do you?” you asked softly.
“Perhaps they have,” he mused, “but we will have to do a bit more investigating to find out.”
As if on cue, two destroyers rolled up to them and started blasting. You could hear the marching of metallic feet approaching you from the other direction. Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and began deflecting blaster shots from the droidekas and turned to you hoping you would do the same.
But you weren’t there.
A type of rage that only boiled over when he worked with you bubbled up inside of him. Of course you left. He had no idea where you had gone, all he knew is that he was now alone. The droids closed in on him from the other side as he did his best to stay standing. But Obi-Wan was shot down by pure numbers. The blaster shot to his leg made him fall to the ground in pain.
But all he could feel was anger.
He knew it wasn’t right, as a Jedi. But he couldn’t help himself when you had left.
“You’re under arrest, Jedi!” one of the battle droids cried as they all pointed their blasters at him.
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to speak when he heard an “I don’t think so” from beside them.
There you stood, along with all of the Aleena that were held prisoner by the droids.
“You’re gonna regret ever stepping foot on this planet, Separatists,” you growled before launching yourselves into the droids.
The Aleena were also enthusiastic about helping, climbing onto battle droids and ripping them apart as you slashed through them with your lightsaber, casting a purple glow onto your enemies. With the help of the Aleena, it didn’t take long before all of the battle droids were destroyed.
“Thank you for the help,” you spoke.
Though you knew the Aleena didn’t understand you, you stick out your hand to their leader, which he took and shook with a wide-mouthed smile. The Aleena returned to their homes, leaving you and Obi-Wan in the middle of the road.
You leaned down over Obi-Wan, waving your hand over his blaster wound and healing it with the power of the Force. Immediately, he got to his feet, glaring at you.
“You left me alone with an entire company of droids?!”
“I went to go find the citizens and save them! You were a good distraction for the droids!!”
“You let me get injured!!”
“I just healed you!! A thank you would be nice!”
“I’m not thanking you for an injury that I got because of you!!”
It was your turn to roll your eyes, “Ungrateful. That’s what you are.”
Obi-Wan shook his head, “Insufferable. That’s what you are.”
Thankfully, the negotiations with the Aleena were short, and soon you and Obi-Wan were allowed to part. Until the next time you were unfortunately paired together.
“Leave it to you to get us stuck in this situation!”
“Leave it to you to blame me for everything!”
Obi-Wan shook his head, looking at the chains the two of you were clasped in, “You were the one flying us when we got caught in that tractor beam!!”
“How was I supposed to know that Grievous would catch us in a tractor beam? I was a bit too busy trying to shake all of the kriffing vulture droids that were trying to shoot us out of the sky!!” you argued, tugging on your bonds.
“It would’ve been better for us to get shot out of the sky than end up in in Grievous’ clutches,” he stated.
“Well I’m sorry for trying to keep us alive then,” you snapped.
You and Obi-Wan had been sent on another diplomatic mission together. While the mission itself was a success, and you managed to keep the planet you had visited on the side of the Republic, Grievous’ troops had found your ship on your way back to Coruscant and successfully captured you.
The bonds you two were in were connected. Obi-Wan had been in these particular ones before, except the previous time it had been with Anakin and Count Dooku. This time, he was stuck with you. He wasn’t sure who was worse: you or Dooku. Yeah, he really didn’t like you
“Well it’s done now,” he muttered, “now why don’t we try to find a way out of here?”
“I was just getting there, Kenobi. If you had let me talk instead of chastising me, I could’ve told you my plan.”
“Which is?”
“I have already alerted the 38th about our capture via a hidden tracker in my cloaks. Me and my men all have one on us that we only turn on when we have been taken by the enemy. It has saved my troopers more than once. Since they know you are with me, they will bring the 212th with them. Once we hear them arrive, we can break out of the cell since his troops didn’t have the foresight to chain us with restraints meant for Force-sensitives, and meet up with them somewhere on the ship. I’d say we should break out now, but there are too many droids crawling in this place for us to make it out safely. Then we can locate our ship and lightsabers and escape,” you explained.
He nodded, “For once, I actually agree with your plan. Don’t expect it to happen again.”
“I’m flattered, Kenobi,” you said sarcastically.
The two of you sat in silence after that, waiting around for your troops to get there.
Until you decided to break the silence.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
Obi-Wan was taken aback, “What?”
“Since the moment we met, you hated me. But I’ve never really known why,” you explained.
“Well, first of all, I don’t hate you. I merely strongly dislike you,” that earned a snort from you, “second, I dislike you because when we first met, you beat me in a fight and immediately gained a superiority complex. I’m fine with losing in a fight, but if you’re cocky about your victory, that’s what I’ve got a problem with. And you’ve treated me the same way ever since.”
You nod, processing his words, “I see.”
“Why don’t you like me then?” he asked you.
“Similar reasons, to be completely honest. Ever since I beat you in that fight, you’ve been doing everything in your power to prove that you’re better than me every time we’re paired together for something. You dismiss my ideas, and even if they go right, you always find something to complain about. And quite honestly, though I know it’s not the Jedi way, it pisses me off.”
Obi-Wan chuckled at your last statement, “I understand. I often get angry at you as well, even though I know I’m not supposed to.”
You think for a second, and then respond, “Well, now that we know what upsets each other, maybe we could try to work on it?”
He raised a brow, “You want to try not disliking each other for once?”
“Yeah. It would save our sanity, and I’m sure the council wouldn’t complain.”
“Alright. Then I suppose we could give it a try.”
Maybe you weren’t so bad after all.
Obi-Wan was lonely.
Though his hut on Tatooine was small, it felt far too big when he was alone.
It left him far too much space for his thoughts.
He felt empty. Everything he knew and loved was gone. The Jedi Order was vanquished. The galaxy was in complete ruin. And he felt like it was his fault for allowing his former Padawan and brother to fall to the Dark Side. He had failed him.
Obi-Wan hadn’t seen another Jedi in years. The only one he knew had survived Order 66 was Yoda. To his knowledge, everyone else was gone. He wasn’t allowed to see Luke, as the Lars made it very clear they didn’t want him anywhere near the boy. He barely interacted with anyone anymore, keeping to himself as to avoid detection from the Empire.
It was another day of this lonely existence. He worked at his job for meager pay, interacting with customers as little as he could, and then headed home for a small meal.
But his cabinets were bare.
Obi-Wan curses under his breath. He hated making any additional trips into town. It was more of a chance he could be recognized. But he had to eat.
He arrived in town and went to one of the small food stands to purchase a few things to at least get him by for the day. He’d go shopping for more substantial food tomorrow after work. As he paid for his things, he happened to look around and noticed something odd.
It was a person wearing a thick gray cloak. There were all kinds of suspicious characters on Tatooine, so that wasn’t what made him freeze.
It was the familiar green tinge of the person’s hair, and when they turned around, Obi-Wan was met with a face he hadn’t seen in years.
He felt like he could cry. When the two of you had agreed to try and get along, you had ended up becoming good friends. But he hadn’t known what had happened to you after Order 66.
And here you were, right in front of him.
You were just as shocked as him. Though the auburn of his hair was beginning to get taken over by gray, the brilliant blue of his eyes was unmistakable. When the two of you locked eyes in the crowd, Obi-Wan gestured to you to come with him. After he finished buying his food, he walked back to the rickety speeder he had bought to get around on this godforsaken planet. You met him there, knowing that you should go with him. It was too dangerous to talk to him out in the open. He helped you clamber onto the speeder and drove you back to his small home.
As soon as you got off of the vehicle, you flung your arms around him, desperate for some form of human contact from your many years of isolation. Obi-Wan was surprised, but wrapped his arms around you in return, needing the contact just as much as you.
“What are you doing here?” he asked you.
“The Empire found me in my old hiding spot on Endor and I had to run. I came here because I thought no one else would be here. But I’m glad you are, Obi-Wan. I haven’t seen anyone from the Order in years,” you explained, “how did you end up here?”
“I went into hiding on Tatooine in order to watch over Luke, Anakin’s son. Though his family hasn’t exactly taken kindly to me, so I can only watch from a distance. Anyway, please come inside. You must be tired from your journey.”
“Tired doesn’t even begin to explain it.”
Obi-Wan understood the weight your voice carried. It was frustration, loneliness, fear, and sadness. All of the things he was also feeling. He shared the food with you he had bought earlier that day, though you had tried to refuse.
“You bought this for yourself, Obi-Wan, I couldn’t possibly take it from you.”
“Please eat, (Y/n). I’m just happy to have someone to share with.”
You smiled sadly, giving in at his words. You understood the loneliness that came with isolation. So you ate together and caught up on the many years that had gone by since you had been apart.
It had become sunset before you knew it. While you watched the twin suns sink low in the sky, Obi-Wan studied you. Your silhouette was highlighted by the low light, but he could still see all of your features. The wrinkles that had begun to form on your face, the grays starting to appear in your still bright green hair, your battle scarred hands that gripped your chair.
“Why are you looking at me?”
He smiled, “I suppose I’m just still surprised that you’re here. And happy. Quite happy.”
You smiled back, “Me too, Obi-Wan. Me too.”
He moved his chair beside yours, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You leaned onto his shoulder, your smile growing slightly wider as his lips brushed against your forehead. You hoped he’d let you stick around for a little while. If he willed it, you’d like to stick around for the rest of your life.
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