#where is camera jinn
adorner061-blog · 2 years
Interview With A Muslim Jinn 👹 Sufi Meditation Center
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padawansuggest · 3 months
I need a fic where General Jinn gets a tad bit drunk on his next combo mission with the 212th and breaks out the baby holos to cry about how wittle his Obi-Wan was when he’d first got his little imp. Obi-Wan is trying to drink to forget he exists rn, Cody is trying to bribe copies of baby-Wan pics off the general while Anakin sadly admits he’s been trying to get copies for years, and Ahsoka demands to know if Grandmaster was smaller than her at this age. He was. Rex starts drinking with Obi-Wan when Cody admits to having baby Rex holos, from the moment he had his hands on a camera. Rex is so embarrassed. Obi-Wan is so done.
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queenie-official · 2 months
Part One Of Summer Love: ‘Camp Wookiee’
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series masterlist celebration event camp logo
pairing: Modern!Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader
word count: 11.4k Next part
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in hindsight, you probably should have been listening to what the camp director, Bail; was saying. in your defense no one else was, which you would later find out was because they've all heard the same speech, rules, and warnings a dozen times already.
you were busy scanning over all the faces on the screen- well the ones who had their cameras on anyway. each person you'd seen so far was shockingly attractive, a few people in particular caught your eye. A girl, Padme Amidala. A boy, Ben Kenobi. and lastly the executive director who was simply watching Bail speak to make sure it was done correctly, Qui-Gon Jinn.
the only thing that snapped you out of your admiration was the sound of your phone pinging, thankfully you were muted. glancing at your phone you saw the contact belonging to your best friend Honey and made the instant decision that she was far more important than what was happening on the Zoom call.
so you not so secretly reached for the mouse and clicked the camera button off, relaxing when you knew no one could see you anymore.
'how's the call going?' her first message read, followed by 'anyone cute on the staff 👀' making you snort.
you lean back in your chair while you type back 'i think it may be a requirement to be at least an 8/10 just to get hired’ you watch as three dots appear on the corner of the phone screen.
'well it's a good thing you're absolutely stunning 😚' you read when her message finally sent and you can't help but smile big. you loved this girl, she always knew what to say to make your day brighter even on an already sunny day.
you're about to text back when the Camp Director's words finally get your attention "And i think that's everything you'll need to know! now if you have any questions feel free to message me or Qui-gon Jinn privately. though i would like to remind you all, most of the basic information you need can be found directly on the Camps Website." shit you really should have been paying attention, they were supposed to went over the different roles that would be at the camp more in-depth during this call.
like hell you'd reach out to either of them privately and admit you weren't listening though, you bite your lower lip and slink back into your chair. "We look forward to welcoming you all to Camp Wookiee in person, see you in two weeks" Qui-Gon says right before ending the Zoom call leaving you staring at your computer screen blankly. fuck.
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in the end it was Honey who had helped you calm down from the freak out you had after the Zoom call, and two weeks went by faster than you thought it would.
you still had a day before you had to be at the camp but because of how far you lived you planned on leaving within the next couple of hours.
"i think you need to calm down" Honey says from where she's sat on your bed, she'd been watching you run around her and haphazardly chuck things into your suitcase that you knew you'd need based on the email that was sent out last week on what would be supplied for you at the camp.
"i'm calm" you rush out while running a hand through your hair, pushing down the slight panic you felt in your chest. man you really should have paid attention on that call.
"you're going to be fiiiine, i doubt they'll kick you out of the camp for something as small as not paying attention during a Zoom meeting- that wasn't even mandatory by the way" to her credit she makes some good points, however the zoom meeting was highly encouraged for newcomers and you fall in that category.
“it's not like they're going to quiz you y/n" you let out a groan at her words whilst shoving the last of the items you needed in your suitcase and zipping it up.
"i know, i know- i just don't want to seem irresponsible" you huff while plopping down on the bed next to her. "or embarrass myself because i probably missed a massive amount of information" definitely missed a massive amount of information more like- the call was an hour long…
"whatever they told you in the call they'll definitely go over again at the Camp, we've been over this." Honey reaches over and lightly pinches your arm making you laugh as you pull away. "and before you say 'we don't know that for sure' we do know that for sure because it's supposed to be a staff of forty and only fifteen of you were actually on the call" she raises a pointed brow and you let out a sigh knowing she's right.
"okay, i'll try my best to not panic the whole ride to the camp" you say with a half smile, standing up and stretching. "i should probably leave now if i wanna get there on time tomorrow" you mumble glancing at the time on your phone, 8:30 pm.
"are you sure you don't want me to drive you? i just don't think it's wise to be driving all night and then be exhausted for the actual first day there" she'd already offered at least ten times and you'd already declined what felt like a dozen more.
"i'm sure, worst case i'll be a little sleepy but it's not like i'll be taking care of the campers the first day. staff has to show up a week before to get more comfortable in their roles" you say confidently, it was the one piece of info you did learn from the Zoom call before you started drooling over how attractive each member of the staff was.
"mhm, well i'll carry your pillow for you" she said while making a kissy face at you jokingly.
"awww thanks, how generous of you to leave the heavy stuff for me to carry" you say with a roll of your eyes as you begin to lug your suitcase down the stairs.
"really? no thank you kiss" Honey feigns hurt before snatching your pillow off your bed and quickly catching up to you.
"all of my kisses are reserved for my future love" you joke, and Honey purposely bumps into you with her hip before you can get to the door making you sway ever so slightly.
"lame, no boy deserves your love- they all suck" fair point you had to admit, honestly you only signed up to work at the camp for the social interaction. the most you plan is to have a hallway crush on one of the staff members just to save you from boredom and then forget about said crush as soon as you return home in the fall.
you pop the trunk of your car while Honey locks up your shared house. she was going back home for the summer to visit family, not wanting to be left completely alone for months on end and become a statistic. her words, not yours.
"i guess this is goodbye" she says with a finality to it, putting on her best sad voice. you laugh as she throws the pillow she was holding in the trunk and closes it.
"you make it sound like i’m dying or leaving forever" the drama from this girl, it’s not like you’re much better though. she fake sniffles and places a hand on her forehead putting on her best damsel in distress performance.
"my love is going off to war and she jokes as if she isn't leaving me for two months" there’s a smile peaking through as she speaks and you can't help but laugh, throwing your arms around her in a hug.
"i love you so much, i don't know how i’m going to survive without you" you say half joking as you go along with her antics. truth be told, you really don't know how you're going to survive without her. you both spend just about every second of every day in each other's company and even when you aren't you message so much you might as well be hanging out in person anyway.
you checked the Camp's Website before you applied and know that they do have wifi for staff and the kids mostly in case of emergencies, but just because there is wifi doesn't mean it's good wifi. it's the middle of the woods after all, you'll be lucky if photos even go through.
you both pull apart with matching toothy grins on your faces. "text me when you get to the camp?" Honey asks and you nod knowing she just wants to make sure you get there safe.
"of course, text me when you get to your parent's house?" you watch her smile grow wider while opening the car door.
"always" she responds while you climb in and buckle. "see you in two months" she shouts once the door is closed, you roll the window down and she pokes her head and arms through so you can both share one last slightly awkward hug.
"see you in two months, don't forget me while i'm gone" you say with an exaggerated pout as she pulls out of the window, standing a few steps back from the car so you can pull out of the parking lot properly.
"how could i forget a face like that" you hear her say as you roll the window back up, blasting the air conditioner.
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the actual drive to Camp Wookiee wasn't too bad, you know excluding the fact you were up all night. but every negative has a positive, the positive of this being you managed to make it to the camp an hour before you needed to be.
turning onto the gravel road sent a chill up your back, a mix of excitement and nerves. the yawn that exited your mouth showing the exact opposite of that though and the closer you get to the end of the drive the more tired you realize you are. you make a mental note to take a nap once you've parked.
pushing down another yawn as you pull into the staff parking area you immediately do a double take and decide against a nap not even a minute later. there were five cars already parked side by side, and a group of people standing in front of one just chatting.
you only recognized one of them because he was on the Zoom call, Ben Kenobi at least that's who you think it was. It'd been two weeks so maybe you were mixing up names. either way, you avoid making accidental eye contact with any of them making sure to focus entirely on parking in a straight line.
now to sit in the car and pretend like you hadn't been seen or to get out and greet the four men? you ask yourself with your hand hovering over the keys, debating whether to turn off the engine.
you look at your side mirror taking in the three men you didn't recognize. all tall- one of them was bald, another with a blonde buzzcut and lastly a boy with curly sandy blonde hair, you couldn't see his face though.
he was turned completely towards the man who you were pretty sure was Ben. after weighing your options you decided staying inside the car seemed like the best option compared to meeting four men at once.
you'd rather run into four bears, after all you didn't know what kind of people they were and you certainly didn't want to find out by yourself. maybe when more staff got here you'd be braver, in the meantime you shift your hand from hovering over the keys to the volume knob. turning up the music ever so slightly to drown out any chatter you may hear and leaning back in the seat, unbuckling yourself just to be a little more comfortable.
you look out the windshield taking in the beauty of the forest, the green from the trees reflecting slightly onto your car thanks to the sun. it was serene but short-lived as you jump from someone knocking on your window.
"sorry didn't mean to startle you" Ben said carefully as you rolled down the window. "we saw you pull in and realized you must be the new girl" he said while pointing his thumb over his shoulder, clearly referring to the three men he was originally standing with.
"new girl… like singular?" you blink confused, wouldn't there be other new girls- oh no what if you were the only new girl and the rest of the new staff were all guys?? you felt a bubble of panic begin to brew in your stomach.
"well new worker in general, everyone else working this year are returning Staff from last year." well that's almost worse, at least if it was only guys you'd still have a chance to befriend people. the staff all already knowing each other meant they'd already formed their clicks leaving you to fight for a way in. so much for joining the camp for social interactions, looks like the most educated conversation you'll be having is with some 10-year-old about whatever cartoon they're into.
you press your lips into a thin line before forcing a small polite smile. "my name is y/n" you extend your hand to him and he shakes it with a somewhat firm grip.
"Ben Kenobi, don't suppose you want to come with us onto the actual campgrounds?" you knit your brows together in confusion, turning to the clock thinking your car might have fucked up again and given you the wrong time. Ben seems to read your mind though, letting out a soft laugh before speaking up. "you're not late if that's what you're wondering. Windu is one of the camp directors, he's been setting up since 7:00 o’clock this morning along with Jinn. as long as they're here we're allowed on campgrounds even before the official start time."
okay so maybe Honey’s gotten into your head with all of her true crime stories. you relax at his explanation, reaching over and turning off your engine. "yea i'd appreciate that because i have no clue where i’m supposed to go in all honesty." he nods, taking a step back so you can climb out of the car. it felt nice being able to finally stretch out your legs after the long drive.
"i'll introduce you to everyone. Come on, oh and you can leave your stuff in the car for now. you won't know which cabin to put it in until later anyway." you give a small hum of acknowledgment and lock the car behind you before following after him.
as soon as you came to a stop in front of everyone all eyes were on you, maybe it was the height differences but you honestly felt like a little kid. "this is Windu, one of the camp directors" Ben introduces and when he politely offers you his hand with a somewhat stern look you shake it.
"don't let him scare you, he's nicer than he looks. his face is just stuck like that" you turn your head to whoever made the jab; the boy with sandy blond hair. his eyes are a beautiful shade of blue and he wore a smug smile on his face- he was probably the prettiest boy you'd ever seen.
you want to laugh but aren't sure if it'd be appropriate considering the man he was making fun of was your boss, but when Windu just rolls his eyes with a sigh you get the idea that this is a normal occurrence around here.
"I'm Anakin" he introduces himself and sticks out his hand for you to shake, you shyly take it and his hand engulf yours. there was a confidence to him you noticed or maybe an arrogance but who were you to judge someone you just met?
"ignore him y/n, he's an idiot who'd probably turn up late if he hadn't carpooled with me" Ben interjects pulling your attention away from Anakin, your hands slipping from each other in the process.
"hey i'm never late" He denies but judging from the smile on his face and the lack of actual sincerity in his voice you could tell he didn't even believe himself.
"yes you are and the only times you're not is when i drive you" Ben says with a roll of his eyes and Anakin throws his hands up in defense. you can't help but smile, holding back a laugh as you watch the two interact. it was clear just how close the two were from how they bantered but the fact they carpooled together confirmed it for you.
"I'm Rex" the last man spoke up, he had a small smile on his face, one that seemed endearing like he too enjoyed watching Anakin and Ben's dynamic.
"like a T-Rex?" you ask jokingly, it felt like the natural thing to do. if they all could tease each other who's to say you can't either; when Anakin let out a snort followed by a few snickers which then morphed into genuine laughter when he saw Rex's disgruntled face you felt like you'd made the right choice.
Rex rolled his eyes but smiled after shoving Anakin away. "looks like you're gonna fit right in here y/n" he said while crossing his arms, and you couldn't help but beam.
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so much for fear of having to fight a way in, you'd spent the last hour just getting to know Ben, Anakin and Rex. Windu had to go back to actually helping prep with Jinn and Bail.
throughout the hour more people had shown up and made their introductions to you, and as it turns out everyone got along with each other. well in their own way, there was definitely some not-so-secret animosity between some people but they didn't let it interfere with the general welcoming feel of the whole camp.
eventually, the introductions stopped and the only reason you got anyone's name was because Ben whispered them over to you.
"good morning everyone!" the chatter throughout the room quickly died down as Qui-Gon Jinn's voice echoed throughout the Log Hall. "i'm going to make this brief since all of you have heard this speech before" you felt your stomach drop, right everyone working this year was returning staff besides you.
so much for Honey's 'remain calm because they'll go over it again for the people who didn't show up on the call' advice. despite the fear you couldn't wait to text Honey and say 'i told you my fears were valid' the second you got to the room you'd be staying in.
"Today is all about settling in, so don't get too worried that we're putting you to work immediately." he said with a smile and teasing tone. if only it had the calming effect he'd intended it to have.
"Mace Windu has posted all of the info about where you will be staying, who you'll be bunking with, and which cabins you'll be responsible for on the wall over there" He motions to where Windu is standing on the opposite end of the lodge and Windu waves back.
it was pretty clear that most of this speech was meant for you and you alone given the fact that everyone else was on their phones or having hushed conversations. it made your cheeks flush slightly but you were internally grateful.
"additional camp roles are next to your names on the roster as well, and remember campers will be arriving Monday morning next week. in the meantime relax, enjoy yourselves, get used to the environment and we will see you for dinner at 5:00" he finishes with a clap of his hands, and the room erupts into loud chatter again.
"i wonder who y/n will be partnered with, she's the outlier" Rex questioned out loud, you angle yourself in his direction and he begins to clarify himself. "we've had the same partners for the last two years." you quirk a brow wondering how that's going to work, with you here there was an odd number of counselors.
"they're putting us counselors in groups of three this year" Ben states, he seems to always manages to answer your unasked questions. "i asked Jinn a few weeks ago when i heard they were hiring a new staff member."
Anakin rolls his eyes from his seat beside you, why he chose to sit there instead of spacing out more like Rex and Ben did you weren't sure; but the small heat radiating from his thigh onto yours and the tickle of his skin every time his arm brushed against you kept you from wanting to voice the question out loud.
"of course you asked, honestly i don't get why you don't just apply for a position as Camp director yet" Anakin huffed and you bit back a smile.
"if i did that you'd be out of a ride, Camp directors arrive even earlier than counselors." he retorts.
"aww you really care about me" Anakin joked, putting a hand over his heart and laying it on thick. you couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out of you and could only wonder if this is how people felt when watching you and Honey interact with one another.
Anakin turned towards you looking happy just to have made you laugh. you could get used to his attention on you that's for sure, looks like you found that hallway crush for the summer.
"i think you're partnered up with Padme" Ben says effectively interrupting whatever moment you and Anakin were having. you remember that name, she was the girl you had admired on the Zoom call- natural beauty that's for sure.
you had a feeling you two would get along, what you didn't like however was the feeling you got when you noticed Anakin light up more than you thought humanly possible just at the mere mention of her name. shit.
"oh here he goes" Ben says as Anakin begins to rant about just how gorgeous and amazing Padme is, Anakin just continues like he didn't hear him say anything at all. "he's had a crush on her since his first year working at the camp" Ben says directly towards you, the information not news to Rex.
this just served as another reminder that you were the only new person working at the camp this year, what a shame too. you could get over it though, you'd only known Anakin for what? a little over an hour maybe. at the very least you two had a good connection so friends it was.
you hadn't noticed but you started to resign yourself from the conversation as Anakin went on and on about Padme making Ben and Rex tease him even more. voices blurred together and you found yourself completely tuning out the world around you- maybe this was going to be a little harder than you thought.
a tap on your shoulder tethered you back to reality, you turned completely to see who was trying to get your attention.
had she somehow gotten even prettier in person? Padme stood behind you with her long curly brunette hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of her face and off her neck. she was wearing her camp Issued T-shirt already, it was cream-colored with the Camp Wookiee logo right in the middle.
"hey! I'm Padme" she says with a smile extending her hand. her smile was perfect and made you feel guilty somehow, how could you feel negative about someone who seemed as sweet as they were beautiful? you shake her hand whilst mirroring the same smile on her face.
"i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you" all you could think was that her and Anakin certainly would make the most stunning couple. if he had a crush on her since his first year did she just not realize or not care.
the latter made your heart flutter with hope which you quickly shoved down with disgust at just how quickly you managed to crush on him. Honey would be so disappointed in you or eat up every second of this, probably both knowing her.
"sorry if this is kind of random but i just checked the roster and saw that we were partnered up. well you, me and Jasmine but she's already headed to the cabin we'll be staying at and responsible for." she spoke with a sugar-sweet tone, not the kind that made you feel sick to the stomach; when she spoke it was genuine kindness not a single ounce of malice to be found. "i was going to head there now but figured you might want to walk with me since i'd be easier than finding it yourself. trust me the signposts can get confusing quickly."
"that would be amazing, thank you so much" you say while standing up. you hadn't noticed the silence coming from the three boys until Rex and Ben finally spoke up to say their goodbyes to you.
Anakin seemed a bit awestruck by Padme's presence alone, it was kind of funny to see. you give him a knowing look while simultaneously pushing down that nasty taste that began to cling to the back of your throat. he smiled thankfully not noticing any changes in your behavior and gave you a soft goodbye of his own.
"come on, i'll help you carry your stuff from your car." Padme said and began leading the way out of the hall.
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a groan of relief leaves your body as you finally plop down on the bed in the cabin. your spine burns with pain before melting into comfort as you relax all the muscles in your body.
the part of the cabin you were staying in wasn't super spacious but it was cozy, there were two bunk beds and to your surprise, Padme and Jasmine chose separate bunks. maybe they weren't close but you still figure they'd rather bunk together than with a stranger or maybe they both just wanted the top bunk and that's the actual reason they didn't choose the same one, you didn't bother asking.
you went with the bottom bunk of Padme's, you may not know either of the girls but at least she'd gone out of her way to help you find the cabin and explain how everything was going to work.
according to Padme, there are a bunch of different cabins all with different names. the one you'd be staying at was called Naboo, Anakin and Ben were at the Coruscant cabin, Rex was staying at the Alderaan cabin.
each cabin has the same layout; there's the staff cabin room where the counselors stay which is directly connected to the room where the campers will be staying because it's easier to supervise them that way. then there's a bathroom with multiple stalls and a shower room for everyone in the cabin to use. simple really but not like you needed anything fancy.
the staff cabin room itself has two dressers to be shared amongst whoever's staying there, you and Padme were sharing one and Jasmine had the other dresser too herself. you didn't mind, both you and Padme were pretty conscious about the space you took up so you both managed to fit everything you brought into one out of the two long drawers.
you turn your head to look over at Jasmine, she was beautiful. she had fine long black hair and hazel eyes that seemed to lean more green in the shitty cabin light. your joke with Honey about being at least an 8/10 to be hired was not really feeling like a joke anymore. speaking of Honey, you really should text her.
just as you're about to pull out your phone Padme walks back into the room; she'd left to use the bathroom after helping you settle in. you smile at her when you both make eye contact and she's quick to plop down on the edge of the bed next to you.
Maybe you were imagining it but there felt like a small tension in the air, not between you and Padme but between her and Jasmine. perhaps it was the way Jasmine furrowed her brows the second Padme entered the room or the way she turned to face the wall and focus extra hard on her phone but something was definitely off- lots of puzzle pieces you itched to put together.
"so y/n" she started and you sat up to make more room on the bed before she continued. she happily took up the silent offer, moving to sit properly in the middle so you guys could face each other criss-cross applesauce. "what brings you to Camp Wookiee?" ah so this is going to go the 21 questions route, sorry Honey looks like you're not getting updates anytime soon.
"i just thought it would be fun and a good way to meet new people" plus the pay at this camp in particular was extremely good but you weren't going to say that out loud.
"well good news the people here are great" you swear she mumbled 'some more than others' at the end of that.
"anybody you'd recommend i avoid?" you ask unable to brush it off.
"i-" you watch as her eyes briefly flutter over to Jasmine before she clears her throat and locks eyes with you again. "i'm not sure that's my place to say, but i can say you've done a pretty good job so far of choosing who to hang out with." that was genuine and so was that tension you sensed earlier.
"Anakin, Ben and Rex you mean?" she nods while leaning back onto her hands a bit, letting whatever negative thoughts she held towards the third person in the room roll off her shoulders.
you and Padme clicked pretty quickly after that, and throughout your talk you learned what you'd be in charge of once the campers arrived. you'd be partnered with Anakin and Rex at the arts and crafts center which you were a little bit more excited for than you'd care to admit. she was in charge of the zip line course this year along with Ben, the three camp directors deemed them both the most responsible which seemed to check out.
time seemed to fly talking with her, she had an easygoing air about her that made conversation flow naturally- what on earth could Jasmine have done to make someone like that not like her? weird.
you decided that you'd make it your mission to find out after you discovered she shared the same favorite dessert with you, followed by your favorite book. after all someone with as good a taste as that has to have a valid reason not to like another person.
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you both kept chatting while walking side by side to the Log Hall for dinner with Jasmine not far behind. when you enter the Hall you're flagged down by the boys almost immediately.
"you can go sit with them" Padme said after realizing where you were looking.
"you don't wanna sit with them?" you ask curiously as you both move into the food line.
"i don't mind it.." she trails off while grabbing an apple to put on her tray.
"but you'd rather not." you finish her sentence for her. "i thought you said they were good people?" she hands you a pudding cup with a reassuring smile when she reads the confusion and worry on your face.
"they are, i'd just prefer to spend my time with my friends" she says while pointing with her chin to a group of girls on the opposite side of the hall. "you're welcome to join me, i just figured you'd want to be with them." she shrugs her shoulders, the choice was up to you.
you go through the rest of the line stuck in an internal debate as your tray fills up. it's not that you didn't want to sit with the boys, just you really wanted to sit with Padme and maybe you'd get along well with her friends; but then again the boys clearly wanted you to sit with them.
already having to pick sides and you're not even a full day in yet, you had to fight off the urge to audibly sigh.
"any chance your friends would move tables?" the question tumbled out of your mouth before you could think twice. was it rude to ask that? too late now.
"maybe tomorrow" she offered, and you couldn't help but frown. it was a perfectly reasonable answer just not the one you were hoping for.
"no it's okay actually, i'll just sit with you guys." this time she frowned.
"y/n i promise i won't be offended if you wanna go sit with them instead of me" she said with a laugh half teasing half sincere.
"i knoooww, but i wanna sit with all of you guys" you grumble, ever the indecisive person and always the people pleaser.
"okay then how about the boys come sit with us" you raise a brow as she turns to them, waves and then points to her table. they get the idea and stand up with their trays, you feel a little guilty for having them move but they didn't seem to mind at all.
there's a bit of an awkwardness at first as both groups learn to navigate around each other. you notice pretty quickly how almost polar opposite the boys are from Padme's friends. her friends were as calm and easygoing as her, the boys were full of energy and teasing- well Ben and Rex seemed to be able to reign it in a lot more than Anakin. which to be fair they already had calmer vibes than him anyway.
"she's great right?" Anakin asked you quietly with a nudge of his elbow. he chose to sit next to you again, there was plenty of space for him on the bench to scooch down but it didn't seem like he was aware of that. more likely he was and simply put just didn't care. you raise a brow, "Padme" he added quickly before you could ask.
there's that taste again. you push it down, taking a scoop out of your pudding cup as you nod "yea she is, we get along well too" you answer honestly making sure to sound more enthusiastic than you felt.
the blinding smile he gives you at the confession makes you wish you'd chosen to just sit with the girls alone. pitiful. "what're you two whispering about?" Padme asks with a smile and a look in her eyes that you couldn't decipher.
"just about how great it's gonna be working in the crafts center together, Rex is going to hate us by the end of camp" Anakin answers for the both of you, the lie rolling off his tongue naturally.
"going to? who's to say i don't already" Rex says with a cross of his arms and Anakin rolls his eyes.
"hey what'd i do?" you frown and Rex smiles.
"the first thing you did was compare me to a T-Rex" he defends his prior statement.
"i did no such thing!" you say through a laugh.
he points at you accusingly before saying "like a T-Rex?" in a high-pitched tone mocking you, you can't even take offense because he sounds so unserious.
"i don't sound like that Rex" you snicker only for Anakin to cut in.
"you're right, you sound more like this" he says while pinching his nose to sound nasally and you punch him in the arm. "ow, she hit me!" he says in artificial pain acting like you truly wounded him as he rubs the spot you punched.
"i definitely don't sound like that" you huff and Padme backs you up.
"hmm i'm probably mixing it up with Rex's voice then" he says smugly and Rex kicks him from under the table, judging from the wince he lets out it must have truly hurt unlike your punch.
"no kicking" Ben chastises Rex and Anakin decides no one is safe as he mocks him in a nasally voice too. "oh real mature Anakin" Ben rolls his eyes but there's no real fire behind it as you all poke fun at each other for the rest of dinner.
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"do you have a crush on Anakin?" you whip your head towards Padme blinking rapidly confused and trying to process if you heard her correctly. she didn't repeat herself nor back down.
bold of her to ask that when the man she's talking about is not even five feet away; you had all split up heading in opposite directions towards your respective cabins. "no i don't have a crush on him, why?"
she purses her lips in thought "it seems like he likes you and vice versa" you laugh loud and abrupt, this time she's the one staring at you confused.
"wait you're serious?" you stop in your tracks but she continues walking. well that crushes your hopes of her knowing about his crush and just not reciprocating.
"you'd make a cute couple" she says with a shrug of her shoulders, the absolute irony.
"i just met him today" you say; speeding to catch up with her again. she just smiles and gives you that look she gave you in the log hall again. "i'm serious Padme!" you've grown more defensive than you needed to be.
"so am i" Unbelievable. This wasn't just ironic, it was cruel. you frown and resist the urge to roll your eyes at your own rotten luck.
"i'm too tired for this" half-truth. you were tired, you'd been up all night driving and managed to power through the day without truly resting. however you definitely were not going to be able to get to sleep once you did settle down, instead you'd be replaying every interaction from today in your head.
you did just that after changing into your pajamas and brushing your teeth; groaning softly into your pillow once you finally crashed onto your bed. Padme and Jasmine had their headphones on so you were thankfully in the clear.
the feeling of your phone vibrating next to your head was what pulled you from the self-inflicted torture of your spiraling mind. it took you a few minutes to motivate yourself to even lift your head, which felt ten times heavier than usual. probably due to exhaustion.
'don't tell me you died 😱' you can't help the grin that grows on your lips as you read Honey's message, and then you notice the notification wall of 15 other messages from her. oops. you turn onto your back and open your phone to respond.
'die and leave you alone in life? i would never' you type out quickly before reading through her other messages. 'just landed' followed by 'my parents decided to throw me a surprise party sos' and then a string of updates while the party happened.
most people would think Honey is a pretty social person based on how she is when she's with you, most people would be wrong. Honey has the social battery of a grape. she also requires at least a full day by herself in her room with hot chocolate and a book to recharge properly.
'my love has returned from war 🥹' you giggle not realizing how much you missed her until now and that's when you begin to feel homesick. Honey was your home as corny as that sounded. sisters in another life Platonic soulmates in this one; at least that's what you both always said.
'i've got so much to tell you abouutt' where to even start- i'd be easier to just send a voice message but you didn't feel comfortable enough to venture anywhere on your own yet and find somewhere to update her.
'i'm sat' from the beginning it is then.
you spent the next fifteen minutes just debriefing with her and when you finished she found the Instagram accounts of every person you mentioned.
'oh wow he is cute, no wonder you like him' she says after sending a post from Anakin's account. Ben was in the photo and it looked like it was Anakin's 19th birthday judging by the candles on the cake he was holding.
'i don't like him…' you defend but then remember who you're talking to and add 'yet- besides he likes someone else!!'
'someone who doesn't like him back' she sends back just as quickly and you stick your tongue out at her through the screen even though she can't see it.
'she never specified that, and either way i can't change the fact he likes her' you argue and Honey thankfully lets up.
''would it be weird if i followed Ben's account?' beautiful subject change Honey, you couldn't have done it better yourself.
'Ben really 😏?' you smile as you hit send liking being on the opposite end of the teasing.
'you're right too weird 😔' she replies and you two go back and forth for a while before finally calling it a night.
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the sunlight peeking through from the lack of blinds is what woke you up, but rather than opening up your eyes to start the day you just groaned and turned towards the wall; burrowing your face into your pillow hoping for even just a few more seconds of sleep.
there's a muffled giggle from behind you that reminds you there are two other people in the room with you. poking your head up and turning towards the sound you see Padme staring at you with an amused smile while she brushes her hair back into a ponytail. she gets it on the first try too, unfair. you have to rage quit at least three times before your ponytail is even remotely smooth enough to gaslight yourself into thinking it looks good.
"good news you don't have to be up for another hour" she says while looking at the built-in wall mirror, checking to make sure her hair looks good you guessed.
"well i'm up now" you rasp out and she laughs while you clear your throat, stretching out fully before sitting up and rubbing the crud out of your eyes.
"you're not a morning person are you?" she seems very entertained by the beast you wake up as. Honey once compared you to a bear coming out of hibernation when you woke up the first time you guys had a sleepover, you couldn't deny the accuracy.
"not really…" you trail off while fighting back a yawn. there's a small silence while Padme squirts sunscreen into her hands and begins to apply it on her face and arms. you take the moment to look around the room, Jasmine's bed is empty. evidently, you were the only non morning person here.
"do you want me to walk you to the crafts center?" you hum in thought at Padme's question while you clumsily stumble out of your bed.
"don't we have breakfast first?" you question while pulling out your clothes for the day, including your own Camp Wookiee Shirt.
"yea but it's probably a smart idea to figure out where you'll be heading to afterward" she answers, turning around to give you privacy while you change.
"won't i be able to walk with Rex or Anakin?" you ask, and she shrugs as you zip up your shorts and give her the okay to turn back around.
"Rex probably, Anakin no." you raise a brow and she hands you her sunscreen, before you can refuse her she gives you a look you’d only seen your mom give you when you weren’t listening. you don't bother arguing as she was not going to take no for an answer. "Anakin isn't a morning person either- he never shows up to breakfast. which is probably why he always steals Ben's lunch."
"and Ben lets him?" you snort and Padme nods.
"they grew up together, really close families. he sorta takes care of Anakin like an older brother i suppose." you smile at the thought of a young Ben taking care of an even younger Anakin.
"where's Jasmine gone? i haven't gotten the chance to speak to her at all." Padme doesn't bother to hide her sour expression, guess she trusts you enough now to let her true feelings show or she always did but didn’t want to do anything while Jasmine was in the room.
"Jasmine doesn't talk to anyone, she keeps to herself." you frown, Padme doesn't seem like the type of person to hate someone just because they're a loner- and if she was you didn't wanna be friends with someone like that.
"so what's exactly going on between you two anyway?" you needed to know if this friendship was going to continue.
"it's a long story, but let's just say Jasmine isn't a good person.. like at all and she's a liar who got caught pretty much instantly. and when she got confronted rather than owning up to her actions she got defensive." well now you were even more interested but she wasn't in the mood to get into details. you'd have to ask the boys about it at breakfast if you remembered, provided they didn't sit at the same table as Padme's friends.
"honestly i was shocked to find out she came back this year, i figured they hired you because she left" interesting, whatever she did must have happened just last summer then.
"does no one like her?" you don't mean to keep berating her with questions but couldn't resist the nagging curiosity.
"trust me when i say it'd be more surprising if anyone did like her" what the hell did this girl do to become the social piranha of an entire camp?
you push down the rest of your questions for now, letting there be a peaceful silence as you both exit the cabin.
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you both go on a stroll together before heading to breakfast. Padme took the time to show you around more of the Camp pointing out what each building was and where each path leads, it was still a little confusing but you at the very least wouldn't get lost if you ended up by yourself at some point.
Ben and Rex were sat at the table they initially sat at yesterday. they gave you a wave when you made eye contact and you smiled in return.
"i'm gonna sit with just the boys is that okay?" you ask while turning to Padme who's digging through the bin of fruit snacks looking for the purple pack instead of the blue. you don't blame her everyone knows the purple pack is superior.
"you don't have to run your decisions by me y/n" she teases and you nudge her with your elbow in response. "besides we sleep in the same cabin, you can't get rid of me that easily" she jokes.
"you're right, guess i'm stuck with you for the entirety of camp against my will" this time Padme nudges you causing you both to burst out laughing.
"i'll see you later y/n" she says and gives you a little wave as you split off in separate directions.
"well good morning, i'm surprised you're not tired of us yet" Rex says in greeting as you plop down next to Ben.
"mmm i'd say i'm bordering on just tolerating you guys at most" the banter was instinctive at this point.
"ah i see we're one in the same then" Ben chuckles then takes a big bite of hash. his plate was loaded compared to yours and Rex's, that's a lot considering how much you love to eat. it does however make more sense on why he doesn't seem to care about Anakin stealing his lunch.
"i know we have the rest of the week to ourselves before campers get here, so what exactly are we going to be doing at our jobs if there's no one to perform them for?" you wonder out loud for either of them to answer.
"nothing really, it's just the camp's way of allowing us to hang out and still get paid for it." you give Rex a 'are you serious?' look and he smiles "what? our Camp directors actually like us believe it or not. i'm sure if there were more newbies like you it would be us learning the jobs. but since it's almost always the same people every year this is what it's turned into."
"so this is like a retreat for you guys?" Rex finishes his last bite of food before responding.
"as much of a retreat as you can get with 100 gremlins running around" you nearly choke to death on your food. Ben rubs your back in support as you catch your breath while laughing. note to your future self don't eat around Rex, it's a dangerous game to play.
"drink some water y/n" Ben says in between laughs, him and Rex are both loud enough to garner the attention of the whole lunch room. you're not exactly a shy person but you can't help the heat in your cheeks or the way you slink down hiding your face behind the water bottle you drink out of with just about everyone's eyes on you as they try to decipher what happened.
thankfully it doesn't take long for them to lose interest and carry on in their individual conversations but you still fight the urge to kick both boys for embarrassing you like that.
"i hate both of you" they just smile with matching cheesy grins and you roll your eyes.
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the walk to the crafts center with Rex is just as good bad as you both kept fooling around to see who could make the other laugh harder. it doesn't die down even when you both see Anakin waiting out front of the lodge for you two with his arms crossed and an annoyed face.
Qui-Gon gave Rex the keys to open it because he was the more responsible one, but you had a feeling he'd have given it to you if he knew you a little better.
"what're you two on about?" Anakin grumbles as you both come to a stop in front of him, wiping tears from your eyes and stifling your laughter which only seemed to worsen his mood. he really wasn't a morning person wow.
"Rex just said something funny" you shrug; truth be told nothing you two had said within the last ten minutes made any sense but for some reason that made it all the more hilarious.
Anakin's brows creased and you bite your bottom lip when the urge to reach over and smooth it out with your thumb manifests out of nowhere. it was almost laughable. you let your fingers twitch at your sides instead.
Rex gets the door open with a creak which effectively pulls your attention away from the disgruntled boy in front of you.
the inside was plain, there were multiple picnic benches and some empty corkboards on the walls. you took note of the supply closet in the back and the cleaning supplies that rested beside the door.
"alright Jinn messaged me this morning and said that our only real job for this week is to clean and decorate this place for the campers." you give him a simple nod and walk toward the back of the room.
"does he prefer to be called Jinn or is that only allowed for people he's close with?" Rex takes a minute to consider your question like he'd never really thought about it before. you hand him the broom while you wait.
"i think he prefers Jinn but lets us decide what we're more comfortable with calling him" Anakin answers with a annoyed tone of voice after deciding Rex was taking to long.
"i'm gonna take the mop bucket out back to fill it with water from the hose" he says while turning his baseball cap around. you suddenly feel very warm, and it's not from the heat outside. you swallow before nodding and grabbing the container of Clorox wipes to clean off the dust from the tables.
as soon as Anakin exits the lodge Rex speaks up. "well he's in a pissy mood" you look at him incredulously.
"Padme told me he wasn't a morning person?" your voice is laced with uncertainty now unsure whether to believe that bit of info she'd given you.
"oh he's not, but it's also not usually this bad. then again i shouldn't be too shocked he's more emotional than a hormonal teenage girl" you deadpan at him and he immediately backtracks "not that i'm saying all teenage girls are emotional it's just-" he stops when he sees your lips twitch. "you're pulling my leg aren't you."
you break character instantly and burst out laughing "you should have seen the panic on your face oh my gosh" it's a laugh straight from your core one that makes Rex look like he may just smack you with the broom he's holding.
"okay seriously what am i missing? Rex is not that funny" Anakin huffs when he enters the lodge again, sounding like a pouty little kid who's not getting what they want.
"hey man she made herself laugh, i'm just an innocent victim" Rex defends while sweeping everything that was on the floor into a small pile.
"i was just messing with him" you smile; looking down as you continue the task you started.
"that i can get down with" he says with a smile letting the tension drop from his shoulders as he places the bucket down and goes to grab the mop.
you bite your tongue at the need to question what's going on with him and just finish wiping down each bench. you didn’t feel like you had the right anyway.
the three of you work together to finish cleaning the lodge. the clock on the wall showed it was now 11:00 am and lunch was at 12:00 pm so you had an hour to start working on decorations.
you all plop onto a shared bench and get to work. Anakin made a few star banners while you cut out and tapped a bunch of letters to the wall just below where the cork boards hung, they spelled out 'creativity' and 'imagination'. Rex was apparently the least creative out of the three of you so he was just busied himself with laying out all the crafts supplies so only the extra stuff was in the closet.
"if we finish all of this today, what do we do for the rest of the week?" you ask from the top of the stool you stood on. Anakin was behind you in case you fell while you hung up his banners.
he had offered to be the one to do the hanging but you insisted on being useful to which he replied 'oh yeah because you haven't been already' with the sassiest tone you'd ever heard from a man. to be fair Anakin was proving to be the leader of the sassy man apocalypse so you shouldn't have been shocked.
"we are gonna finish today, and that just means we get to chill for the rest of the week and test out projects for the kids to do" he answers and you see his hands flinch forward when the stool wobbles from you moving onto your tiptoes to get the height right for the banner. it shouldn't make your heart flutter the way it does after all he was quite literally just making sure you didn't bust your ass.
"wow Rex wasn't joking earlier then" you look down at him and there's that furrow in his brows again, it's gone when you blink making you think it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
"wait you didn't believe me?" the question comes from the opposite side of you as Rex seems to spawn out of nowhere. last you checked he was on the complete opposite side of the room organizing the construction paper by color and shade, who'd of guessed he was so particular about stuff like that.
"i was a little busy choking on my food to really process what you said" you rolled your eyes and he snorts nudging your leg with his shoulder which in turn makes the stool wobble and Anakin glare at him.
you ignore the way Rex and him have a wordless conversation and finish taping the last part of the banner.
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the rest of the day went by fast, which wasn't the least bit astonishing. what was however; to both you, Padme and just about every other staff member it seemed was seeing Anakin at Breakfast the next day.
he wasn't eating. he barely even looked conscious, but there he was directly across from Ben and Rex. he was half asleep fully leaning into the palm of his hand, the two boys watching him looked dumbfounded.
"am i hallucinating?" Padme pinches you and you yelp.
"doesn't seem like it" she says while you glare.
"i said hallucinating not dreaming" she throws a small pack of graham crackers at you and you both giggle.
"well if you're hallucinating so am i, and probably everyone else in here" she clapsback and gives you a weird smile that makes you wanna hide, it was like she saw right through you. you didn't think anyone other than Honey and your mom could do that.
"i'll see you later" there's a sparkle in her voice that you choose to ignore, waving goodbye and heading to the table the boys were sat at.
"are you even alive right now?" Anakin blinks awake at your question, rather than responding he scoots closer to you invading your personal space like he'd been doing since you first met the other day.
this boy clearly has something against there being any type of distance between two people when he sits next to them.
"i'd argue he thinks he's dreaming" Ben teases then snickers when he receives a kick under the table. you do your best to hide your confusion and focus on the food in front of you.
"how can you even eat right now?" Anakin mumbles from beside you.
"uhhh because it's 7 in the morning and i'm starving??" he makes a disgusted face that baffles you.
"the idea of eating this early is nauseating" he says through a yawn.
"that's because you're never awake this early" Rex snides. Anakin doesn't defend himself just grumbles incoherently, you think he might of mocked him but it was really hard to tell.
"you're disrupting the natural way of the world Anakin, next we'll find out there was a hurricane in Antarctica" you're about to comment on how that's not scientifically possible but then realize that's exactly why Ben said it.
"haha you're so very funny Kenobi" as much as Anakin was grumpy it was not nearly as bad as the grumpiness he greeted you and Rex with yesterday. not that you didn't believe Rex when he said he wasn't usually that bad but now that you were experiencing it yourself you understood a lot more.
"ooo Kenobi, we're using last names now. you must be pretty upset Skywalker' Ben teases, completely unafraid of the consequences he might have from teasing a sleep-ridden bear.
ah, you're seeing the whole hibernating bear thing now. poor Honey; if you'd known this is what she was dealing with in the morning you'd have started locking yourself in your room till you felt like a decent human being to confront the world.
after the bickering dies down there's a comfortable silence as everyone just enjoys their food, well besides Anakin who's more or less in his own world. it was nice and you let yours eyes travel around the room before landing on your cabin mate who's still not even given you so much as a greeting not to mention was sitting completely and utterly alone. there wasn’t even anyone sitting at the tables near by her.
"what's up with Jasmine?" the question startles the group. probably because to them it was out of nowhere, for you however it's been a burning topic just waiting to be discussed. "i've just noticed she doesn't talk much, and Padme said she lied or whatever but didn't tell me any actual details….i figured you guys might know" you cringe inwardly at yourself when they still don't say anything.
you shouldn't have asked, there was probably a good reason why Padme didn't want to get into details about what happened and now you've just ruined everyone's morning.
your internal monologue of despair was cut short by Rex. "she did some fucked up shit. mostly she spread a bunch of rumors around about people, and she lied about pretty much everything. it's honestly shocking the Directors didn't catch wind of anything." Well that's not good but it can't be that bad?
it very much was that bad. the biggest thing she did was out one of the older campers who felt so uncomfortable they left camp early. that was the turning point when everyone decided to confront her and she got defensive starting her lone wolf act.
Jada was the little girl's name and everyone loved her; she was apparently really sweet with short blonde hair paired with rosy cheeks and a subtle southern accent if you listened close enough.
her parents were super conservative so it's no wonder she'd feel uncomfortable with something like that floating around the camp. especially considering Parent week had been coming up at the time.
she also lied and spread rumors about several of the other girls at camp that were pretty damaging. one of the lesser rumors was about a girl she said was a slut who slept around with all of the guys on camp.
needless to say you understood everyone's opinions on her now, talk about violating on so many levels. how on earth was she still allowed to work here? everyone loved the camp directors and they didn't seem like people who would let something like that slide.
"Padme told me she was shocked that Jasmine even came back this year" you were shocked too now that you knew the extent of what had been done. "but how has no one complained about her directly to the directors?"
"we all sorta came to a unanimous decision to just pretend she doesn't exist." Ben answered while pushing his food around on his plate.
that didn't sit right with you, this is one of those times you speak up not stay silent. "why though?"
"well even though Jinn, Windu and Bail would believe us we'd still have to supply them with evidence for the big guys upstairs….which in turn would mean they'd have to contact everyone involved" he added that last part when he noticed it wasn't clicking in your head. it took a few moments before you let out a quiet oh.
Jada would have to be contacted. which would mean her parents would have to be contacted and since she's a minor they'd have to be told everything. so everyone was staying silent to protect her.
you felt a wave of newfound respect for every single person who worked here as well as a burning hatred for Jasmine. fuck her honestly. there was a long awkward lull in the conversation before it started back up again.
Rex was the one who managed to switch subjects. you ended up on the topic of how Ben and Padme were doing with the zip line course. to no one's surprise Padme was a natural at it, Ben said she got the hang of it after Windu explained it once whereas he had needed a few extra pointers. they also had to do a safety briefing then take a test to make sure they knew everything they would have to for the campers to be allowed on it.
talk about getting off easy on your end, a brief cleaning session followed by decorating a room hardly classified as work compared to what they had to do. not like you'd complain, this just meant you'd be spending the summer doing art. well that and looking after kids, you had a pretty natural affinity with children though so it wasn't a real worry on your end.
Your mom always said it was because you were as childish as them, you preferred carefree and whimsical but a win was a win.
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"that looks like shit" Rex is leaning over the table watching Anakin as he weaves bracelet strings together.
"you look like shit but i don't say anything" he quips, very obviously annoyed.
"did you even follow the directions?" Anakin ignores Rex at first but when he builds on the initial question with "because it doesn't look like you did" he gives him a deadly glare.
"i glanced at them and i got the basic idea" Rex looks ready to disagree with him and Anakin looks ready to shove every bead in the bowl next to him down his throat.
you don't say anything, holding your breath so you don't burst out laughing and end up the next target. although it's not like they could say anything about your bracelet as it actually looked like the picture, besides a few color changes.
"well look at yours! what even is that?" Anakin gestures to the bracelet if you could even call it that in Rex's hand, it looked like he hadn't even started.
"it's shit as well but at least i can admit that" He says pointedly and Anakin throws his half-finished attempt of a bracelet at him in response.
you can't hold it in any longer practically bursting into tears from how hard you laugh. both boy's heads snap toward you, Anakin wears a frown and Rex just looks stunned as if he'd forgotten you were there entirely.
"you two are utterly ridiculous" you wheeze and fight back snorting like a pig each time you gasp for air.
it's been like this all week as you guys experimented with different projects to do with the kids, getting to know each other way more in the process. the guys were pretty transparent from the beginning so it wasn't much of a shock when you discovered Anakin was in fact consistently childish and a bit moody but despite that he was extremely loyal and very kind.
he hides most of his real feelings with humor, your guess was he gets awkward when things get too serious so he keeps the mood light. and if that talk a few days ago at breakfast has anything to say it was safe to conclude he also resigns himself from conversations entirely when he's unsure what direction it will go.
Rex was generally a calm person, he could be serious when he needed to but prefers to joke around. which would explain why he always messes with Anakin so much. he's also extremely loyal and although he doesn't verbally express his emotions as much as Anakin does, he wears them all on his face.
Ben was the peacemaker but could be a shit stirrer too. As far as he was concerned Anakin was his brother and he had no problems arguing with anyone who said otherwise. overall the boys were all pretty similar but had their differences, it was nice to be a part of their group.
out of everyone you'd gotten the closest to Padme, sharing a room probably helped with that. but so did the fact you both shared similar interests, and even on the things you disagreed with you both still let the other gush as much as they wanted.
it was a nice little home away from home. you've kept Honey updated about everything any chance you got, but there was only so much you both could share from a distance and you couldn’t help but miss her badly. at the very least you could count on the fact camp would go by fast thanks to how fun it's been so far which meant you'd see Honey just as quickly.
that same thought made you feel a little glum but you never dwelled on it for too long, it was just the beginning after all and Campers would be arriving tomorrow morning.
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Camp Wookiee T-shirt visual aid:
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tag list: @anakinskwkler @anakinstwinklebunny @divineani
a/n: ITS HERE 🎉🎉🎉 everyone say thank you @munsondjarin who inspired me to write this fic 🤭
i can’t believe how much i actually wrote for just this one part, but it also makes sense considering im essentially just writing out the whole story and splitting it up by beginning, middle and end compared to a bunch of small individual chapters ✨
anyway i hope you all enjoy see you next week for Part 2 💋💋
have a good day Huns Xx <3
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gffa · 1 year
Hi Lumi. This year I’ve watched The Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, and Tales of the Jedi and I’m watching Ahsoka as episodes are released. But I feel like I’m missing some context as to why people are wary of Filoni. What things should I know so I’m caught up, so to speak, in the fandom discussions?
Hi! That's a lot of Star Wars to watch in a year, I hope you're having fun with it all! And I will gently remind everyone that Filoni is not the be-all-end-all of Star Wars creators--Henry Gilroy was there for TCW and Rebels, too. George Lucas was holding writers' meetings years after the show started (at least into 2010!). The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett are far more Jon Favreau's shows. The Bad Batch is Brad Rau and Jennifer Corbett. Resistance was developed by him, but was run by other producers. It's just that Filoni tends to get the most camera time and has become the face of Star Wars creators. That said, the issue with Filoni is kind of two-pronged, though, they overlap. 1. He's done a lot of interviews where he's said a lot of anti-Jedi things that have drifted from reasonable critiques in the beginning to eventually "Qui-Gon Jinn was the only true Jedi. [blatantly wrong citations]" This has put a lot of people off him as a creator, because we love the Jedi Order that Lucas talks about and established, which Filoni has actively contradicted over the years, despite being promoted as someone who follows Lucas' themes. And it's hard not to be aware of his interviews when watching his shows and it's hard to enjoy shows that do your faves dirty, you know? 2. His writing has become weaker over the years for a lot of us--Rebels is a show most of us love and found to be incredible. Many of us really love The Clone Wars, which he was heavily involved in/was probably the central voice after Lucas started phasing out. But his biggest story told over the course of those series--basically, the story of Mandalore's history and fall to the Empire--has been extremely thin for a lot of us. And a lot of us get frustrated at his inability to be objective when it comes to Ahsoka's character, that we love her as a character very much, but it hasn't felt like Filoni really knows what to do with her character arc and yet almost everything he writes is centered around her. His final season of The Clone Wars? Gave her the walkabout arc and the Siege of Mandalore arc, both of which often did not hold up well under scrutiny. His episode of The Book of Boba Fett? I actually really loved it, but it absolutely just stopped the pacing of that show to focus a lot on her. More on Luke, but he couldn't resist putting her in there, either. Tales of the Jedi was half devoted to Ahsoka and so much of it wasn't even about her time as a Jedi! We're frustrated because he doesn't set things up well anymore--Morgan Elsbeth is a Nightsister?? Why wasn't that established in The Mandalorian instead of pulling out randomly in Ahsoka? Why does Sabine Wren suddenly so badly want Jedi training, when they barely even had a conversation in Rebels?? There's a lot of good that Filoni has given to Star Wars, I think he genuinely cares about the Force and what it means--he's very consistent on how it's not easy and how it takes discipline and control, that he has been consistent on how anger and fear are paths to the dark side, even his episode of TBOBF had Ahsoka saying, yeah, attachment is a path to the dark side, because the Jedi mean "attachment" in a more Buddhist-aligned way. A lot of his writing for the character of Ahsoka is actually pretty good, like I've been enjoying her being a prickly, traumatized hot mess in the show! It's just that I kind of hate all the interviews he gives and I think he's a lot less objective than a lot of fans and media coverage that would hold him up as a perfect writer/interviewee about all things Star Wars, and it all comes together to make him kind of a hot-button topic.
So, a lot of people LOVE Filoni's work, a lot of people are frustrated by it, a lot of people are casually fine about it, a lot of people HATE Filoni's work and it can be a fun mix of any of the above or even other issues that come up. (And that's all fine! I have my views on Filoni's work, but it's fine if others hate it more than I do or love it more than I do, there's room for us all, all of it is valid.)
But I think if you want to understand some of the roots of this corner of fandom's frustration, two (admittedly long as heck) homework assignment reads would be:
- My own rebuttal to Dave's behind the scenes Mandalorian Gallery talk (this is jokingly referred to as "Davegate" because I refused to take it too seriously) - @david-talks-sw's collection of comparisons between Lucas' commentary on the Jedi and Filoni's commentary on the Jedi
This response itself is more focused on laying out the problems a lot of people have with Filoni's writing, but also honestly I still have my giant collection of Jedi source material citations that quotes his commentary, I still bring up Filoni's quotes in current meta a lot, I still talk positively about the things I enjoy from his shows, so overall there's equal amounts of both praise and criticism here. So, as short as I can make it (which isn't very, shut up, I know! XD), that's basically what people mean when they say they're wary of Filoni.
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tossawary · 5 days
I read "Star Wars Jedi: The Dark Side", which is the 5-part comic depicting Qui-Gon Jinn and Xanatos's breakup as a Master-Padawan pair, and the art was... fine? It wasn't good. Every time they drew the female Jedi Master Tahl in an overly sexualized pose like she didn't have any internal organs, I wanted to bite someone, but they did some kind of neat things with color / lighting sometimes? Eh. It was competent enough. It worked.
I didn't really like their composition or posing most of the time, because the camera kept swinging around 180 degrees a lot, trucking in and out, which made it hard to keep track of who was where sometimes. Especially when the character design wasn't... uh... great at differentiating between the characters sometimes? I didn't really like any of the character designs in this comic. They could have been way more distinct. It took me a "wait a fucking second" to realize that Qui-Gon was sparring against both Xanatos and Feemor at the start, because the boys looked so, SO similar, with mostly just a palette swap between them. The character faces could also shift a lot from page to page, issue to issue.
Given how Qui-Gon Jinn looks here, if you had taken this character design for Xanatos and told me it was supposed to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, I would have 100% believed you.
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Which is disappointing? Xanatos looks way, WAY too much like Obi-Wan or Anakin for me. He's like a fusion. And this is a really boring character design compared to some of the other Jedi character designs in "The Clone Wars". It's also hilarious, because I was browsing some books and honestly thinking to myself just last night: "They have GOT to stop making skinny, white brunette girl protagonists in Star Wars, if only because I can't easily tell them all apart with the way they get drawn most of the time."
What I was ABSOLUTELY NOT expecting: Xanatos's dad looks like a buff Lex Luthor and Xanatos's sister, Nason, looks like SPACE OPERA PRINCESS BARBIE. It cracked me up a little. Look!
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So, uh, look, I know that the Telosians characters in the background there are functionally wearing Jedi robes themselves in non-brown colors, but I think that's incredibly boring design again. So, I'm going to imagine that Nason's dressy outfit and hairstyle here is closer to what your average Telosian noble would wear. (Xanatos and Nason's hair colors here could both be natural, but maybe it's fashionable to dye it?) Now that Xanatos has left the Jedi, he's going to need a new fit! A new wardrobe! He can grow his hair out!
I presume that Xanatos is going to be wearing the villainous black robes later on in the "Jedi Apprentice" series, of course! It's classic like the little black dress! But I am nevertheless now not going to be able to shake the image of young Obi-Wan Kenobi being tormented by a Dark Jedi Xanatos, evil overlord of the Offworld Mining corporation, who looks and dresses like Space Opera Princess Barbie. Revenge can be achieved in hot pink.
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bestworstcase · 9 months
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the girls are all clustered close to ozma, standing in the rectangle of light falling through the door. pink is within about a foot of the door frame. ok?
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clearly visible in this bust shot. (the camera is angled slightly down here to catch them)
there’s a cut away to salem’s reaction, then:
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…where did they go?
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what happened to your daughters, ozma?
the story jinn tells is not objective fact; it is what ozpin was hiding from team rwby. one presumes that the girls did not literally vanish* and that four entire character models were not accidentally deleted from this narratively critical scene without anyone noticing somehow. no, these are ozpin’s secrets—ozma’s memories—and the girls disappear at the moment ozma lost track of them.
(*although this is a possibility i will not rule out because i am in CONSTANT AGONY)
who killed the girls? how? when? did the girls really die that night, as ozma assumes they must have? he doesn’t know. he’s never known. he wasn’t thinking about them. the instant this fight began, ozma was one hundred percent about hurting salem.
he begins the motion of drawing his staff up and back before salem moves to attack him—it’s subtle, but that is the focus of this shot:
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and then it cuts to a close-up on salem’s face as she startles at his motion and reacts. during the fight itself he is in no way fighting defensively (also the girls are still nowhere to be seen):
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and it’s pretty fucking heavily implied that ozma is the one who blew the castle up because he, you know, incinerates her:
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like this was absolutely not a one-sided fight where ozma was desperately and futilely trying to shield the girls from salem. the man does not have a clue what happened to those girls because he was too busy trying to murder his wife to keep track of where his daughters were.
if the intention was for ozma to go down fighting to protect their girls, the girls would not fucking disappear from the scene the instant the fight began. (a fight rendered as a series of tableaux, no less—it’s not like adding one or two static poses of the girls cowering behind ozma wasn’t feasible)
but no.
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nteabodies · 2 years
Qui gon has a space youtube channel where he uploads videos of cool plants and reviews books on space botany with the occasional random footage of jedi stuff. The content is either very dry or very chaotic with shaky cam and somewhat blurry footage.
He made the account when he was a padawan after Dooku (nursing a headache from Qui Gon's latest hyperfixation) wearily asked him to channel his love for plants somewhere else at least until this migraine subsides, padawan
He realises that he actually loves making videos and chatting endlessly to a camera. His first few videos end up being 3 to 4 hours long and focuses on obscure plants and random books he found in Dookus room
The jedi Council is a little illiterate when it comes to social media (it hasnt caused any problems for the order yet so its pretty much unregulated) so QuiGon isn't actually breaking any rules when he posts videos without making them private. Many jedi do have social media accounts but they tend to use it for more professional purposes, so Qui Gon's channel slips under the radar with an average of like 5 views per video.
He continues using the channel as a botany/cute animals/philosophy/ranting outlet throughout his apprenticeship.
Once he's knighted he has less time to upload videos so his most common type of videos end up being those 20 second to 1 minute clips ft. Something Funny or Something Cool or just blurry footage with unintelligible audio.
Ofc when he gets padawans, he also posts random vids of them when he catches them in 4k doing sth stupid/cute.
By the time obi wan comes around, qui gon's space youtube channel has like, 50 short videos of feemor and xanatos doing things like petting tookas, failing spectacularly at executing a flashy ataru form, being sappy while high on painkillers, running away from qui gon as he holds a flesh-eating parasite towards them and shouts 'why are you running?' etc etc
At this point he has about 20 or so regular viewers who either think he's roleplaying a jedi or are members of the jedi order who find it hilarious (mainly Qui-Gon's friends and, for some reason, Master Yoda)
Anw the point of this is to lead to the premise of one of his videos going viral during the clone wars (possibly the one of general kenobi when he was 14 doing a backflip and landing on his face. Or the one of him sleeping while half his body is dangling outside a window. Or the one where he does this).
It's good PR for the jedi bc it shows them as slightly chaotic but peaceful people who are at their core just like everyone else (idiots).
It's memed to the extent that it reaches the eyes of the Jedi Council and Anakin who immediately like brings it to obi wan like "Master is this really you??"
Obi Wan randomly discovering this treasure trove of videos that shows so much of the person his master used to be, missing his dad so much but at the same time feeling a little betrayed that Qui Gon uploaded such embarrassing videos to a public forum where anyone could view it: you are haunting me from beyond the grave master
And the channel has both clips of Qui Gon and Obi wan as padawans, so there would definitely be fan compilation videos comparing their feral padawan energy. Obi Wan feels seen bc no one used to believe him when he told them that calm Master Jinn was actually crazier than him but now he finally has proof but then angst bc Qui Gon is not there so he can't rub his face in it :(
Anakin and ahsoka discovering that their cool and calm master used to be wilder and more feral than them before qui gon died and left him to raise a child: that's actually very sad.
The general public seeing Dooku in the bg of qui gon's padawan videos: is General Kenobi... fighting a war... against his jedi grandpa?
Anw this can go two ways: either this is just a cute thing that happened during the clone wars and everything else happened the same as canon OR it inadvertently saves the galaxy
Canon: the videos make everyone involved Feel Things but don't change their actions. The empire never gets around to banning the channel so Obi wan uses it as one of his last sources of comfort in the desert as he watches over luke. Once he reconnects with Qui-Gon's force ghost, they bond by watching old videos from the channel. Years later, Luke discovers Obi Wans old datapad and inadvertently finds out about the original viral video and the channel. It ends up being a very good reference for painting a picture of jedi life pre-empire. Luke uses it as a reference when building his jedi academy but not before spending a solid hour laughing at the padawan kenobi fail compilations
Dooku watching some of the videos and all the fluff (and possibly seeing the vlog where padawan qui gon talks about the differences between attachments and love with regards to jedi and bringing up his bond with dooku): Actually maybe I can leave the jedi order and make positive change without becoming a sith lord. Maybe I can help the jedi order without agreeing with everything they do.
Anakin watching the same video on attachments vs love and going to obi wan
Anakin: Do you love me master?
Obi wan: ???
Obi wan: You are my brother anakain??? Of course I love you??? But why are you asking me?? Are you okay?? Do you have something to confess perhaps?? Like about a senator?? A senator that has a name beginning with a p??
Anakin, panicking: Ah yes p-pa-palpatine did tell me a strange story about a wise sith lord when we went for our weekly bonding session yesterday
Obi wan: I -
Obi wan: I meant your marriage to Padme actually but wtf there is a lot to unpack there.
And anakin is just reeling from the fact that
1) obi wan loves him
2) obi wan knew about padme and didn't say anything
So he doesn't get angery when Obi wan brings the palpy matter to the jedi Council and investigates him. Then add in a few well-timed coincidences bc this is a fix it and yay palpy overthrown!!
Anakin prolly voluntarily leaves the order and becomes a happy trophy husband for Padme after a long talk with Obi wan about his future where he reevaluates his life decisions. ("Anakin you will be my brother whether or not you're in the order")
Obi wan meets Qui Gons force ghost and does get to rub it in his face that he was a less feral padawan than Qui Gon.
And they all lived happily ever after except palpatine who died angrily ever after.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Okay so @kanerallels and @lone-star-ranger said they'd love to see how I would have done the Sequel Trilogy if I had been put in charge of it. This is a mere sampling of how I would abuse the power of frankensteining the movies into my own masterpiece of nonsense:
During Rey's first appearance in TFA, when she's scavenging, she's listening to music on a space walkman in an obvious GotG spoof.
Jacen Syndulla would appear once every movie, but never as a character with the rebellion. just Some Guy In A Situation.
whenever there's background music, at least one extra in the background would be dancing to it.
Poe and Kylo used to be friends as kids and Poe tells everyone he can about all the stupid stuff mini-Ben did when he was little
There would be an option in the extras menu for BB-8 to have subtitles.
pretty sure they deleted a scene where rose bit hux. i'm undeleting it.
I keep the "somehow palpatine returned" line but Poe looks right into the camera as he says it
Rey's past is never revealed. Just to mess with people. I would secretly go online and provide dozens of contradictory "leaks" about who her parents were and then never publicly acknowledge any of them.
someone calls poe's fashion sense "rebel chic"
Finn swears the rebel base is haunted and nobody believes him. turns out he's force-sensitive and it's qui-gon jinn trolling him.
The real reason Han and Leia split up was that Han kept forgetting to put his dishes in the dishwasher
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gatheringkeepsakes · 2 years
Ruby Rose & Purpose
Do you ever stop and think about how Ruby's last name could mean both "rose" as in the flower but also as in the past tense of the verb "to rise"? And how Little asked her if to "Ruby Rose" was her "purpose" almost as if her purpose is to "rise like the moon"? Like a beacon of light in the dark?
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And how "dark" and "night" are so strongly represented by Salem and the Grimm? And how when we saw Jinn's vision she said "In time, (Salem) would find her adversary" where the audience is initially shown a shot of Oz... who walks off screen and reveals Ruby behind him?
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And how later on in v7 when they bring up that Jinn said 'Oz couldn't destroy her', Nora asks if "maybe someone else could?" and the camera pans to Ruby AGAIN? Ruby, who mind you, is walking beneath a sign that says Crater Cafe.
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The chekov's gun that is what makes Ruby *so* special is about to go off and i'm so excited to find out what it entails. Sorry sweetie, but your knees are anything but normal 😔
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nyxlarkyn · 2 years
Jabberwalker Theory Master Post:
The Jabberwalkers mask is a silver butterfly.
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The silver mask like face on the Jabberwalker is highlighted like a butterfly. As it twitches and jabbers the butterfly flutters.
The thorax is the nose bridge, eyes are the top wings, bottom wings are the cheek bones. There are even antennas.
Could be related to Ruby's growth with her eyes.
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Last we saw a butterfly was V6 when Maria was giving Ruby more guidance with her power and role. Ruby steps outside trying to contact Qrow who is MIA drinking. Metaphorically stepping into the position of team leader of not just RWBY, but of JNR+Oscar, Qrow, and Maria.
This is also one of the first moment we see her pull back from everyone else.
"Sorry... The others went out to get food for tonight. "
"Why not go with them?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything. How can I tell Juane and his team when I don't even have a plan. Qrows out drinking and Ozpins still gone and even if he was back, I don't know if I can trust him. And there's always Jinn, but there's only one more question we can ask her. I feel like I'm letting everyone down."
"You don't give yourself enough credit."
"That wasn't a compliment"
In this moment a butterfly Pops in frame enough to draw our attention as Maria says:
"If I have to explain it to you it'll just defeat the purpose."
That moment will get called into question for Ruby this volume and she'll finally understand if she keeps doubting herself, she will never reach her potential. With Crescent Rose gone and Ruby lacking a weapon; unless she takes arms with one of Penny's fallen blade like she did in the fall of Beacon, use the axegun shown in the trailer/ forge a new weapon with the blacksmith, or regain C.R at the end of her journey.
Regardless there will be a moment Ruby will need to defend herself without a weapon. The first time meeting the Jabberwalker she was weaponless and unprepared but did not have to fight.
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Coming back to the Maria talk in V6:
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Maria then begins a bit of backstory including what her father knew of their abilities. "He'd never been able to find more information on our abilities. Just legends of warriors whose eyes shown like mirrors. Reflecting the light of the world onto darkness." The camera moves to focus on a butterfly. "He found so little, in fact, that it made him cautious. How could such powerful bloodlines be so rare. Unless..." The butterfly lands on fruit and the camera cuts to Ruby as Maria finishes. "Something was actively seeking to destroy them."
The part where Maria's father could only find legends interests me.
Could be that Silver Eye Warriors are storybook legends that somehow managed to leave The Ever. (Rubys character allusions are Red Riding Hood and the Silver/Ruby slippers. Her silver powers are the key to leaving.)
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The Jabberwalker could be related to the legends of Silver Eyed Warriors, either as beasts they had slain with their abilities, another form of a Warrior much like the Hound, or something seeking to destroy them. (Seeing the lack of reaction to Ruby I doubt it, yet the creature had a lot to process as well.)
Maria then tells Ruby, "I owe my life to my training and my semblance. At the end of the day those are still your most powerful tools."
Ruby will spend this volume growing much about herself as she learns who she truly is. Her combat skills and semblance will definitely grow, but I believe her silver powers might be triggered or start to grow the next time Ruby encounters the Jabberwalker especially if she still lacks a weapon in this moment.
I suspect she'll be attacked by at the night market on the way to the mushroom forest next episode. We know WBY are still shrunken during that time so they could be at their weakest in that moment. Ruby has no choice but to fight the creature while WBY are otherwise incapacitated.
Others have mentioned, if the God of Light had part in creating Silver Eyed Warriors, then surely the God of Darkness could create creatures set out to destroy them. Perhaps in his likeness akin to his brothers' eyes in dragon form being silver just like his warriors.
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I do believe there will be a moment where Ruby will finally realize that she doesn't give herself enough credit and knows how much she's capable of coming into her indominable character. The Jabberwalker might play into that change. Along with the curious cat driving a good portion of her skill development and character growth.
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fangirlingatstuff · 2 years
It's nice to see someone else who likes or even remembers Epic.
I think one of the biggest missed opportunities of the movie was the exploration of the relationships between fathers and sons. I wonder how Nod and Dagda would meet and interact with one another. They were basically raise to hate one another. But after they spend time together they learn how they aren't so different and just want to make their fathers proud.
You can make it platonic or romantic if you want.
Yesss there was such a missed opportunity for more emphasis on the whole child/dad relationship that was reflected throughout the movie! It’s one of my favorite parts and I felt like it was overlooked.
I feel like Dagda and Nod knew of each other, but like only in passing. Maybe they had fought each other, maybe the two had more run ins than normal, but I don’t think at first they’d know who each other actually was. It seems like the forest didn’t know that Dagda was Mandrake’s son, just that he was “the general”.
Neither knew each other’s name or really cared to know, they were just “another leafman” or “another boggan” in each other’s eyes.
However, they had enough run ins for Nod to have some serious scars on his chest from Dagda.
Now, this is just my own headcanon at this point since I don’t think they’d interact much outside of battle before the movie, but in an AU that Dagda actually survives, I feel like the one thing that actually gets Nod and Dagda to talk to each other is MK.
Dagda and MK would most likely start talking to each other first. Between her dad’s hyper-fixation on the leafmen and jinn, and Mandrake’s obsession to destroy the forest, there would have to be times where both of them felt pushed to the side at some points or disregarded.
After running into one of her cameras on accident, MK and Dagda kind of have a mocking sarcastic friendship with a lot of teasing. Then Dagda would be curious about her and humans and they just get closer from there. Kind of like neighbors who like to annoy each other while gossiping about the other neighbors. He lets her in on all the drama of the forest.
Dagda and Nod would’ve met through her, probably showing up at the same camera at the same time on accident.
Lots of shoving and mocking and making fun of each other but not being allowed to actually fight each other because of MK being there, but they are very petty with each other.
Usually its Nod being petty, Dagda just likes to push him around, the boy’s built like a quarterback and acts like a douchebag to people he doesn’t particularly want to be around.
But given time, the two, while not close like they are as individuals with MK, do start to tolerate each other.
They see it in each other through small glimpses.
Dagda will talk about how exhausted he is trying to keep up with troops, Nod will complain about Ronin always being on his ass even though he has done so much work, both of them vent to MK.
And recognize it in each other when they do interact. If one just seems not into the fight or its been a rough day for either of them, they will just ignore each other and go their separate ways. When their troop members ask why, they’ll say it’s not worth it and keep flying on.
When they end up at a camera at the same time, or are at different cameras at the same time, they are constantly making fun of each other. Part of it is legitimate annoyance, the other is just in jest. Dagda has made it a habit of scaring Nod off the platform if he sees him at a camera.
MK has to break them up because they will go at it, but if MK wants to hang out, they will tolerate each other in order to avoid having a mason jar cover them (MK’s version of a time out)
I wanted to throw in my own headcanons for how their dynamic would work in a world where Dagda lives because the boy deserved more screen time and MK’s own problems with her dad would be a really interesting topic of discussion between both her and Nod and her and Dagda.
I really hope you enjoy this, I’ve been trying to scratch my Epic itch for a while now lol XD
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desireandduty · 1 year
Padmé heard an off-hand comment one time about Anakin eating bugs while he and Obi-Wan were deployed somewhere in the far flung reaches of the galaxy. That was all it took for her to begin sending care packages with him whenever he ships out. Of course, in order to avoid suspicion, she has to send care packages for Obi-Wan and Anakin both. And if anyone asks why those two are receiving special treatment, she will fix them with an imperious stare and ask the questioner if they remember the recent history of Naboo? Do they not realize that Master Kenobi and his Padawan are both heros of Naboo who saved her planet at great personal risk. Do they not remember that Master Jinn gave his life to save Naboo, so how could she not show some small measure of support to his Jedi lineage, now that they are both out risking their lives on the daily for the sake of the Republic?
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It is perhaps because she has such a lavish lifestyle that Padmé's most treasured possessions are the simple things Anakin has made for her. She wears the japor snippet every single day, usually tucked under the neckline of her gown, where it rests of her heart and is safe from prying eyes. At home, she'll wear it above her clothing, so she can rub her fingers over it when she's thinking of him - or worried about him, if she is watching the Holonet. And the gold pendant he made for her once he was knighted? She wears that necklace almost every time she attends a formal event (exception being when her dress really pairs better with silver jewelry, but she prefers gold and warm tones anyway, so these are rare.)
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The GFFA has to have something like a holocamcorder right? Whatever it's called, Padmé has one that she has used whenever they're able to steal away together somewhere or sneak out into the city for a date night. She can't display photos of the two of them anywhere in her apartment or office, for obvious reasons, but she does have a heavily-encrypted file folder on her personal data pad that's full of photos of holos of them that she's captured over the years. She's also hoarded clips of him from Holonet coverage, and she especially likes the clips where he's standing there, clearly embarrassed by the cameras and attention, because he's always biting his lip in those clips, and she thinks he looks irresistibly handsome when he does that. But her favorite clip of all is from the time she attached her holocam to the dash while he was trying to teach her some basic flying tricks. It's the most fun she's ever had while flying with him, but she would definitely not ever attempt that kind of fancy flying again unless he was with her. (And yes, this is inspired by this adorable fan art.)
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When it comes to lightsaber duels, modern Star Wars hasn't really been swinging many home runs; the duels in Rise of Skywalker were particularly dull-feeling in terms of choreography, but even when the choreography is on point, such as in the Obi-Wan streaming series, the scene is often held back by lot of unnecessary close-ups and a shaky camera (which is kind of the same mistake the Anakin/Dooku duel in Attack of the Clones made, to be fair).
I don't know why the people in charge of the official films and shows seem to think that what we need to see most during a sword-fight scene is the character's goddamn facial expression; lightsaber combat (swordfighting in general, really) is much more engaging to watch when the camera is pulled back the majority of the time and you can, you know, actually see what the heck the characters are doing with their weapons and bodies.
This little fan-film is pretty low-production value (the lit-up propsabers glare across the camera like nothing else and don't even have character-appropriate hilts), but the choreography is fantastic. The Star Wars content creators who invest themselves into bringing lightsaber forms to life through choreography are pretty fantastic.
My favorite part of Mikestarwalker's choreography is that he focuses on making it look like the combatants really are using the Force to fight—seeing and reacting to things before they happen, as Qui-Gon Jinn explains to Shmi in Episode I. He's also pretty on-point where it comes to portraying the different lightsaber forms, as described and shown in various Star Wars media, and does an excellent job at bringing Luke Skywalker's particular style of fighting to life as it might have been in the years after Return of the Jedi.
The character-appropriateness of Luke being quite so ruthless in combat is debatable (although as you'll see at the end, this entire video is framed as a sort of meditation-based training vision), and I cordially dislike the interpretation of that one moment in Return that fans take to mean that Luke uses the Force Choke. But Luke's fighting style here is just beautiful, and I love the framing of the fight, the camerawork in conjunction with the music and choreography. This is the sort of stuff people loved about the Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith duels, amplified.
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stranded-ziggy · 2 years
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I posted 72 times in 2022
That's 72 more posts than 2021!
71 posts created (99%)
1 post reblogged (1%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 66 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#digital art - 41 posts
#my artworks - 39 posts
#art - 30 posts
#portrait - 27 posts
#realism - 22 posts
#screencap repaint - 18 posts
#illustration - 15 posts
#artists on tumblr - 8 posts
#top gun - 7 posts
#tesblr - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 79 characters
#just trying to be chill in the middle of a bunch of people arguing i guess haha
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I've been watching the prequels for the first time!
So, good news Star Wars fans here's another Obi-wan for y'all, hope people out there enjoy it~
1,307 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
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Welcome Moon and Star, to this place where destiny is made...
I really hope everyone likes this painting of Dagoth Ur!
Available as a print here!
1,389 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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On a roll with portraits lately it seems.
A screencap repaint depicting Obi-wan Kenobi from the new series. I just watched it yesterday after seeing a few posts about it here on tumblr.
Thinking about it...this is probably my first Star Wars fan art...
1,765 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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Thank you to @sanerontheinside for commissioning me to create this piece of fan art of Qui-gon Jinn and Obi-wan Kenobi checking out houses on Tatooine~!
It was a lot of fun from start to finish and I'm pretty darn proud of how everything came out in the end.
2,664 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I drew Jesse Pinkman with my oil pastels.
Had to touch it up quite a bit in photoshop because my phone camera makes drawings look awful.
2,720 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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legostarwarsgame · 24 days
Play as Iconic Characters and Relive Legendary Moments in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
If you want to experience their amazing work firsthand, you should definitely buy Xbox games featuring their titles. They even dropped their own IPs with LEGO City and Dimensions. But none of this would’ve happened without their 2005 gem, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. This game was a hilarious spin on the Star Wars prequels, mixing action, puzzles, and platforming into a colorful LEGO experience that laid the groundwork for all future LEGO games. Fast forward to today, and TT Games is back in the Star Wars galaxy with their most ambitious LEGO project ever: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Covering all nine mainline films and promising endless content, is this game a fresh and fun twist on the LEGO formula, or is it a total flop? LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga lets you relive the epic saga across all nine films. You’ll watch the Republic fall and the Empire rise in Episodes I-III, take down the Empire in Episodes IV-VI, and finally shut down the Dark Side in Episodes VII-IX. You can play as iconic characters like Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Rey, Finn, and BB-8, among others. It’s a blast to journey through the galaxy with your favorite characters and relive the most legendary moments from all the films.
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Upgraded Space Combat: Full Control and Thrilling Gameplay
TT Games is leveling up their LEGO game way beyond just recreating all nine films and their locations. If you’re looking to buy PS5 games that show a significant upgrade in gameplay, you'll see that for years, LEGO game mechanics have been kinda stuck in the past—characters had the same four hearts for health, and combat was just button-mashing or random blaster shots. But LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is flipping the script, bringing a fresh, cinematic vibe to the LEGO formula while keeping it fun for all ages. Ranged combat now feels like a legit third-person shooter—you can aim down sights over your character's shoulder and take cover behind walls. The cover system might be a bit clingy, but the shooting feels way smoother, making blaster characters way more fun than before. Melee combat got a major glow-up too, with a slick combo system that rewards you for chaining moves together. The melee upgrade really shines in lightsaber duels, where the camera zooms in for epic fights that mix blocking, dodging, and attacking. They’re not Dark Souls-level bosses, but dueling General Grievous and Darth Sidious is still a blast. And space combat? It’s been seriously upgraded, giving you full control over your favorite Star Wars ships. It’s easy to pick up and play, offering a thrilling ride that fits right in with the rest of the game’s dope mechanics.
Class Abilities and Blasters: New Reasons to Explore Every Character
RPG vibes are totally in the mix with LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, thanks to classes and upgrades. If you're looking to buy PS5 games that incorporate these features, you'll find that characters are now split into different classes, each with its own perks. Jedi and Dark Side users can use the Force to mess with stuff in the environment. Scoundrels can spot destructible objects with their senses. Heroes can rock armor pieces to blend in, while Villains can hack terminals for epic weapons. You can level up each class with Kyber Bricks to boost their skills. This class system is pretty rad and makes each of the 300+ characters feel unique. If you’re aiming to 100% LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you’ll want to track down your fave characters in each class. Lightsabers are still awesome, but with the new class abilities and third-person shooter mechanics, there’s now a solid reason to grab a blaster too.
The Best LEGO Star Wars Game Yet
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a studio set out to craft a fun journey through Episodes I-III. Not only did they crush it, but they also kickstarted a franchise that just kept getting better. Fast forward to now, and as TT Games circles back to LEGO Star Wars, it’s clear they’ve leveled up big time. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a total game-changer, reimagining the LEGO series by covering all the main Star Wars films, filling the galaxy with awesome activities, and refreshing the gameplay for today’s generation. Sure, there are some hiccups—like a few gameplay mechanics that could use a tweak, the lack of online co-op, and voice acting that doesn’t quite hit the mark for such an iconic franchise. But these are minor bumps in what’s otherwise the best LEGO game ever, and a stunning tribute to George Lucas' vision. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga nails bringing that galaxy far, far away to life in a thrilling new way.
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voidendron · 10 months
forgot to update with the recent phasmo challenge shenanigans! :D
I just did it with Gham this time
anyway. the thing with this week's challenge was:
it's in Camp Woodwind, so small map but easy to accidentally corner yourself
everyone starts with 0 sanity, and sanity meds don't work
all items are tier 1
all ghosts are 50% speed
they hunt Often, and it seemed like there were no hiding places
escaping them? easy!
....getting evidence before they hunted again? that was the hard part
we figured out a pretty good method, though! Gham would go in with the actual investigation stuff (thermometer, camera, flashlight to start with), I'd bring in defensive stuff (smudge stick, matches, crucifix)
she'd turn on generator while I stayed close, once it hunted we tried to close in on the ghost room, I'd throw down the cruci, she'd put down investigation stuff, and we'd book it back to the truck to try grabbing more things
UV was. almost impossible to get. I think three out of our four runs were in the white food/activity tents, so not much to get UV from, so we got the idea to put salt down and while it chased one of us, the other would run over to the salt to check prints
ghost 1: oni, in front of red tent
this one was pretty boring ngl. we got all three evidences pretty quick, realized "oh fuck, we should have just noticed the blink speed, would have had it right away" and left (bc oni are more visible than not, "blinking" out of view less often than other ghosts)
ghost 2: moroi, inside food tent
only got freezing, but I noticed pretty quick that even at half speed it was difficult to outrun. right off the bat I was thinking either moroi, young thaye, jinn, or revanant - quickly crossed out thaye when we got freezing, didn't think it was a rev since it never slowed down much when we LoS'd it. we were pretty sure we had a moroi, but were hesitant to choose it and go since we weren't getting any other evidence
I found a site that lets you hear the different speeds, slowed it down to half, and ours was a 100% match to a half speed moroi at low sanity + line of sight, so 😎 felt pretty proud of ourselves for that one
ghost 3: yokai, food tent > moved to campfire
ended up getting this one wrong. the spirit box in that challenge is tier 1, so pretty crappy. paired with the constant hunts, it's hard to get. we got DOTs and orbs right away, but were struggling to narrow it down from there
I think we ended up going with yurei, thinking we missed freezing temps since we could barely even get into that tent to grab the thermometer before it started hunting again. Gham ended up dying on this one, she was turning the generator back on and it practically spawned on top of her (I'd been trying spirit box between hunts with no luck, so we'd ruled it out)
ghost 4: yokai.... in the food tent.... and moved to the campfire...
got orbs and DOTs pretty early again, and I was Aggressively trying to get spirit box
ghost: does an event
me: RUNS to where the event was and starts spirit box
ghost: starts hunting
me: starts cursing it out and loops it around campfire
we decided "fuck it", picked yokai in the hopes spirit box was the missing evidence and it was just being finnicky, and got it right 😂
at one point with that last one, I was doing spirit box in the campfire area. it started hunting. I was trapped in there as it came into the only entry/exit, and only the fact I was Always carrying a smudge for the challenge saved me. I smudged, ran through it, and booked it over to Gham at the picnic tables while she Freaked Out thinking I'd gotten myself killed walking into it jakl;sjlka
for still being newish players, I'd say 3/4 right with only one death is pretty good! akd;asjdk
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