#can someone JOIN ME i am. distraught
chessholic · 6 months
The One With
     F R I E N D S
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Summary: Your boyfriend was a jerk and he broke up with you. Fortunately you had your friends and all of them helped you in their own ways.
Author's Note: I will forever love Friends, my favourite comfort show. I have a few fics written about Joey, I could maybe publish them. Let's see, I hope you enjoy this.
You stumbled into Monica's and Rachel's apartment.
To simply put it you looked disheveled. Your eyes were slightly red and puffy, hair a mess and your clothes didn't match your jacket or shoes, which was unusual.
You cursed slightly when you could see six pairs of eyes staring at you, of course they were all here. If they were not in the coffee shop they were here.
"Y/N?", Monica asked rushing towards you from the kitchen.
"What happened?", she asked worriedly and brushed your messed up hair behind your ears. Monica also helped you out of your jacket and helped you to sit on the couch.
Chandler was sitting on the other side and you could see he was holding back some sarcastic comments about your current state.
You were slightly glad, you always found him funny, but this was definitely not the moment.
Phoebe had been sitting on the floor in front of the television. She had her guitar and was writing down something, probably a new song for next week.
Central Perk was in for a treat.
The song title was 'My mother was killed by a drug dealer, my mother was a drug dealer'.
Joey was in the kitchen sitting at the table finishing off something from the fridge it was apparently a jar of jam, maybe blueberry jam. However his eyebrows were scrunched in worry.
Rachel was sitting around the table too with Ross, both looking slightly amazed at Joey's eating, that wasn't probably his first jar of jam.
They were probably leaving to go on a date soon, because they were all dressed up. It made your heart ache.
"He left me", sob escaped your mouth shortly after your confession.
The apartment was filled with different reactions.
Monica was first to close you into a tight embrace petting your hair.
"I am so sorry, we could bake cookies today and burn some of his belongings?", your friend suggested while trying to calm you down. She was quick to offer you a tissue box.
"He took them with his new girl when he came and broke up with me", you cried still distraught about the fact he had cheated and moved on so fast like you never existed.
"Let's burn him instead, yea?", Chandler proposed and scooted closer to you rubbing your back slightly awkwardly, you knew it wasn't his expertise to console someone if sarcasm was off the table.
You let out a watery laugh muttering a quiet thanks to him.
"Yeah, we don't need to go with Ross, he was anyways taking us to some lecture about... Rocks", Rachel joined walking towards the living room and stole you from Monica. While Ross choked up.
"They are not rocks, they are... Well technically they are..."
Rachel hugged you tightly while she gave a deathly glare at Ross shutting him up.
"I am sorry, that jerk didn't deserve you. Let's go shopping some day, okay? We can use my discount", she took your face in her hands and you nodded eyes shining.
In your sad tears had mixed happy tears, you had amazing friends. You couldn't help, but feel thankful.
"My grandmother's taxi can fit a body in the trunk", Phoebe said suddenly getting up to give you a hug.
"Noted, don't piss off Pheebs, ever", Chandler said while others didn't even know what to say. Everyone however had the same question in mind.
"We can also make a song together, I could also use some inspiration and break up songs are hits usually. Especially when the ex was a total asshole", Phoebe stated giving you a hug before returning to her song writing place.
Phoebe turned the paper and made some notes, you couldn't wait to hear what the song was going to be.
"Thank you everyone, I really appreciate you and your help", you thanked them from the bottom of your heart.
"That's what friends are for", Monica stated and everyone nodded agreeing to what she said.
"We are there to help and for each other"
"I can take you on a tour in the museum someday, at least someone appreciates the rocks here", Ross suggested and bitterly muttered the rest of his sentence making Rachel give him another glare which Ross returned.
"Enough with the bickering love birds, I am getting PTSD", Chandler said jumping from the sofa and getting the couples jackets, before throwing them to the owners and ushering the couple towards the door.
"Go, go, out, off you go", Chandler ushered not letting Rachel or Ross protest.
"We got this, have fun with the rocks", Chandler said before slamming the door closed. He looked pleased with himself.
You clapped and he bowed, "That was rather impressive", you confessed.
"Rachel probably hasn't ever left so quickly to anywhere, could be the first time they are on time somewhere", Monica pondered for a moment before heading back to the kitchen.
"You relax and I will prepare the cookie dough. This situation needs cookie dough and ice cream", Monica ordered pointing at you to stay put.
"I might have eaten the ice cream", Joey said quietly with a sheepish look on his face when he avoided looking at Monica's face.
"I will go get more, because I trust myself more than Joey to go get the ice cream", Chandler stated pulling his jacket on.
He quickly came to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"I will go get all your favourite ice cream, hold on, although I know it will be difficult without my charming presence and looks"
Phoebe let out a snort earning a glare from Chandler.
"Really needed to twist the knife", he muttered before exiting the apartment.
You quietly sat on the sofa. Phoebe was writing and Monica preparing everything comforting food the world new in the kitchen.
Suddenly the sofa dipped, Joey had sat next to you.
Joey had a small amount of jam on his face, it wasn't much compared to the last time, but still.
You took a tissue you hadn't yet used and cleaned his face. After that he opened his arms to welcome you into a warm embrace. You cuddled next to Joey without a moment of hesitation, pressing your head against his chest you could feel his warmth and heart beat making you relax.
"Finally I got you all to myself", Joey mumbled quietly pressing a small kiss onto your hair.
"I am sorry, you deserve so much more"
Joey's heart was aching for his friend, he would do anything in his power to make you feel better. He would maybe even share his pizza with you...
Maybe a slice.
Yes, a slice was fine.
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mrshesh · 1 year
thinking about "the distraught father adopting an orphan daughter" trope but with price and ghost :( like imagine, the reader is a younger girl in the task force, and she has kind of become like a daughter to them but they've never really disclosed it, and one day she just mutters "i love you, dad" to them (individually) :(( how do you think they'd react?
"i love you, dad." - simon "ghost" riley x reader
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overview: calling simon "ghost" riley dad for the first time
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x gender neutral reader, platonic
genre: fluff, angst
a/n: hi anon! i looooove this request :( i've actually been thinking of this exact scenario for sooo long! however, i couldn't really think of anything for price. so if someone can help me out by sending some ideas & headcanons to me privately, i will make a price version asap! and, as much as i love the father-daughter trope, i decided to keep this gender neutral, so everyone can feel included. i hope you love it.
TW! mentions of abuse and torture. proceed with caution.
Simon’s father was the devil personified. His dad is the epitome of evil to him, even more so than his captor, Roba. He cringes when he sees a dad and son being affectionate with each other in public - it pains him to think about what could’ve been, how he could’ve turned out. He knows most of his trauma stems from the abuse his father put him through, which has forever shattered the image of fatherhood in his mind. 
That is until you came along. 
Simon immediately felt drawn to you when you joined the Task Force. Being the youngest member had difficulties, yet you took it like a champ and kept toiling while still being so bright, colorful, and full of life. He admired that about you. 
He found himself worrying for you more than he liked. If you were reckless on a mission, he’d pull you aside and yell at you, scolding you for pulling such stupid stunts at the risk of your being. But after every talking-to, he’d give you a gentle pat on the head with shaky hands. “You need to be more careful, mate.” He’d mutter, feeling a pit in his stomach. Why does he care so much? And why does he feel the need to protect you? 
He would keep an eye on you at all times. He’d ensure nobody got too touchy with you and that everybody on base treats you with the respect you deserve. If he saw you getting mistreated, he would use his authority to punish the person hurting you. He would then turn to you, his eyes softening as he stares at you through his balaclava. “You tell me if anyone’s hurting you, alright?” 
The day Simon realizes he loves you like his own child is the day you open up about your past to him. At this point, you’ve known each other for a few years. 
He has always known that he has a special love for you, but he never came to terms with it until this day. 
When you tell him about all your painful experiences in life, he can feel his heart tear open and get shredded into millions of pieces. Regardless of what you’ve been through, his soul aches for you. That day was the first time Simon ever hugged you, and he vouched to care and be there for you as long as he was breathing. 
Today, you’ve had a difficult time falling asleep. Tossing and turning in bed can only get you so far, and the thought of drinking warm milk at this time makes you physically ill. You’re in the comfort of your room, but you don’t feel the amenity. You need someone to talk to. 
You know that Simon is usually up during this time - he who deserves sleep the most gets it the least. Insomnia’s a bitch. 
You decide to send him a text. 
You: “You up?” Read, 3:38 AM.  Simon: “Yeah. Why are you awake?” Read, 3:38 AM.  You: “Can’t sleep. Your sleeping habits have rubbed off on me.” Read, 3:39 AM.  Simon: “Welcome to my world.” Read, 3:39 AM.  Simon: “Is everything okay, though?” Read, 3:39 AM. You: “Yep. Just need someone to talk to, that’s all.” Read, 3:39 AM. Simon: “So you decide to text me?” Read, 3:40 AM. You: “I would’ve texted Johnny, but he fell asleep at midnight.” Read, 3:40 AM. Simon: “What’s so wrong with me?” Read, 3:40 AM. You: “You’re a grumpy, old man.” Read, 3:41 AM.  Simon: “Thanks, mate. 🐶” Read, 3:41 AM. You: “You’re welcome.” Read, 3:41 AM.  You: “Don’t worry, though. I like that about you.” Read, 3:42 AM.  Simon: “Not enough to be your first texting option.” Read, 3:42 AM.  You: “Don’t hyper-fixate on that, I’m begging.” Read, 3:42 AM.  Simon: “It’s funny.” Read, 3:42 AM. You: “It’s not. 🙄 It’s so boring I’m starting to feel sleepy, actually.” Read, 3:43 AM. Simon: “That’s good. Go to sleep, mate.” Read, 3:43 AM. You: “Yeah, might as well. You should sleep, too.” Read, 3:43 AM.  Simon: “I’ll try.” Read, 3:43 AM.  Simon: “Goodnight.” Read, 3:44 AM. You: “Night. I love you, Dad. ❤️” Read, 3:44 AM.  You: “Hold on, before you go! I have a question.” Read, 3:44 AM. You: “Hello?” Delivered, 3:50 AM.  You: “Simon?” Delivered, 3:55 AM.  You: “Did you fall asleep?” Delivered, 4:01 AM.
You sit in your bed anxiously, not knowing whether you fucked up. You know Simon had a rough past with this father, but you didn’t even think about that when you sent that text. You feel an instant regret wash over you, rereading your messages hundreds of times, hoping Simon will open them. 
Your spiral of uneasiness is interrupted by a hurried knock on the door of your room. You can hear breathing, almost panting, through the door - you immediately know it’s Simon. 
You walk to the door, hesitantly opening it, only to be met by Simon’s bare, tear-stained face, and the whites of his eyes have turned a bright red. You stare at him in shock, only stepping aside to let him in your room. 
You close the door behind you after he enters your accommodation, and you turn to look at him right away. Your eyes meet instantly, and you feel a cloud of shame pour down on you, coating you in an aura of grief. “I’m sorry.” You instantly whisper, and your own eyes sting. “I shouldn’t have… said that.” 
He doesn’t respond, only looking at you as if you’re the only matter in the universe. Everything else has become nonexistent - a vacuum. 
“No.” He sniffles, stepping closer toward you. He had a panic attack right after you called him dad - and you know it. “No.” He repeats, his tears spilling out of his eyes. “Don’t be sorry.” He whispers. He reaches out to you hesitantly, his trembling hands gently gripping your shoulders. He holds them there for a few seconds, getting used to the feeling. 
Before you know it, he pulls you into him, burying his face in the crook of your neck and weeping quietly into you. It’s the first time you’ve seen him cry. Ever. 
He’s stiff as he embraces you, his shaking body telling you everything you need to know. Your heart breaks for him, resulting in you biting back your tears - you’ve got to be strong for him. But you can’t.
You let your sobs fill the air, your arms wrapping around him to hold him close to you. 
You stay in each other’s embrace, pouring out your emotions for one another. You don’t even dare to speak until Simon has calmed down slightly, his breathing getting slower and softer. 
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you, too, kid. More than you know.”
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skibidilando · 6 months
A day at quadrant: LN4
Author note: I don’t even know how to post anything on this and never wrote a fic but I hope this is good but I think it’s pretty shit and I haven’t finished it yet and if any writers want to use this idea you can for sure just @ me please oh and if you have feedback please let me know thanks xx
Lando x quadrant fem reader
Blurb: reader is a member of quadrant, she games most of the time but also likes f1 along with her best friend Ria bish. She is friends with all members at quadrant and finds it a good laugh with all her mates, but maybe her view of someone in particular is more than a mate..
Warnings: sexualising, swearing, mention of a gun, leaked tape, sad distraught reader, friends to maybe lovers if I make it a series? Smut-ish? If I missed any let me know (I don’t know how to do warnings sorry x)
I woke up late again today. The mornings aren’t made for me. I just can’t do it. I love the feeling of sinking into my bed for 20 hours. But I can’t today, I have 4 people with cameras recording waiting for me to bloody get up and start filming a video for quadrant. But I’m not complaining because this is my job and something I like to do. I try to be in most videos and do my part, but it’s not like Lando gets that mad if I miss a few videos, but from my fucked sleep schedule, I don’t think he will like if I miss another one after I skipped the last 3.
I realise the time and see Lando, Ria, Ethan, and Max spamming my phone to get on. Fucking hell. I don’t even think to get changed, i just checked all my lash extensions were on, tied up my hair, and brushed my teeth. I probably look like shit but I did this to myself. “Better late than never I guess” max says rudely to take the piss out of me. Everyone knows my bad sleep schedule and how moody I am in the morning and after he’s done that, I’m not having it.
“Sorry guys my alarm didn’t go off but I’m here now ahaha” you say trying not to make an unhinged comment to clap back at max. “Y/n girl I missed you where have u fucking been!” Ria says. Ria is my bitch, we ride together, we die together, Ria is my best friend. “Me too Ria!” I say back politely.
“Alright enough mucking about we have to record this video mate” Ethan jokingly says and makes Ria and I laugh. “What r we even playing again” i question. “we are playing gartic phone you muppet” Lando tries to say but starts laughing at Y/n. “Why r u laughing mate” I say confused then realise wtf I’m doing. I’m wearing my pajamas, not my normal pajamas my fucking tiny, tight lace top that could pass for a bra if you squint your eyes. It hits me and I shit myself realising I have a camera filming me and recording everything.
“Omg I’m so sorry fuck I forgot let me change” I panicked in saying quickly. “Who said to change” Lando bluntly says. I was stopped in your tracks. Excuse me? Lando? As if he just said that. “Um my tits are almost exposed on camera and i look like a hoe” I say. My manager is definitely gonna get me in trouble for that. “Woah y/n you fucking hottie” Ria says when she looks at me from my camera. I get nervous in my stomach and naturally run to go grab a hoodie, luckily i live in a small apartment so it didn’t take me long. “Um sorry guys sorry let’s just move on I forgot sorry sorry” i say nervously.
“Yeah alright let’s go I’ll send you the link Y/n” Ethan kindly says which is unlike him being a dickhead most of the time as a joke to piss me off. I like Ethan though I think he’s funny and actually caring about us all and our business. “So do we write a prompt then get someone else’s to draw and keep going” max says like he didn’t ask to play it. “Yeah but make it funny about us and f1 the viewers will fucking love it” Lando says. I still can’t believe what Lando said. I join the game and wait for everyone else to join. I started to feel the panic caving in on my chest and texted Lando.
lando wtf was that?
I send quickly
what was what?
He replied back
The fucking comment like I know I’m sorry and shouldn’t have worn that before chucking something on top but why did you say that Lando
I started to let everything out on accident, but I had every right to, he was my friend and said that I should not have changed from my top that was basically lingerie.
fuck I was just joking
He replied back bluntly.
Why do I feel sad that he said that. Did he think I looked bad in it? Did he think I was looking like a hoe? Fuck why did I talk to him like that he’s my boss!
“Alright we’re starting now lock in don’t say any dumb shit” Max says right before filming the intro and starting the game. I don’t know what prompt to write. Then I get an idea to do Ethan and ginge in the sauna with Lando from a video they did a week ago. I submit it and then recieve a prompt. I bursted out laughing when reading it in my head and looking at my atrocious drawing. It’s a drawing following the prompt of Max’s bunda blocking Landos old fiat jolly, but I drew their hair orange on accident. I kept playing the game and do a few more rounds and have a laugh until we stopped recording.
The rest of the day was pretty chill as I was tired and it was a week day so i stayed at home until I feel asleep watching a movie. I wanted to get sleep like I always do but extra sleep tonight because tomorrow we were all hanging out for lunch and a chat to talk about future video ideas. Was it bad I wanted to look really good? Surely not right?
I woke up and this time remembered to change my top. I picked out a cute off the shoulder knit long sleeve top and some jeans. They made me look good with my tanned skin and made me feel just as good. I straightened my hair, brushed my teeth, and did my makeup ready to go to the cafe we were meeting up at. We always watch the video our editor puts together while we meet up at the cafe spot every week, it’s basically a routine.
Ria and I hugged each other then went to the table both fashionably late. I saw Lando, Steve, Aarav, Max, and Ethan sitting there on the big table with two spots saved. One next to Steve, and one next to Lando. After my short blunt convo with Lando I decided I wanted to sit next to Steve, but that was overruled when Ria already sat down. Well fuck isn’t this awkward. Can I order a gun?
“Hi Y/n” he says looking at me. Why is my stomach already curling into a ball. “Um hi Lando” I say quietly. I am a bit too close to home for my liking as the table was a bit small but it’s fine. We all ordered our food and I ordered some avocado toast trying to be healthy and aesthetic knowing well I end up eating some of everyone else’s food lol. Lando like the child he is ordered pancakes.
“Im sorry about what i said yesterday, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything it just came out im sorry”. Lando says politely. Did I misinterpret his message? Why is he nice now? Why is my stomach tied up into knots? WHY AM I WEAK IN THE KNEES?
“Oh it’s all good I’m sorry idk why it didn’t click to change out of that fucking slutty top like a normal person” I blurt out. “Woah why are you so hard on yourself, calm down Y/n it’s completely fine and it was a nice top anyways, it looked good on you.” he said. EXCUSE ME? “Thanks?” I said confused. Thank fuck the food came otherwise I would have fainted at the awkwardness.
The food was good, Lando didn’t talk nor did I the rest of the lunch. Then we watched the video that came out. My heart sinks. The start of the video showing our cameras in the intro has me at the start or the whole morning, in that fucking top on YouTube. “Wait-fuck what why am I in there wearing that how did the editor get that clip it’s not even from the same time frame. I panicked. I was about to cry. All the comments were already flooding in hating on me saying I was attention seeking in that top. “Please get it down, please please ” I started crying already in Rias arms. Lando looked angry. “Who the fuck put that clip of her in it” he said angrily. He calls the editor who made the video on speaker. 0.00001 seconds after the editor answer Lando is already yelling.
“WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THAT CLIP OF Y/N YOU DIDNT EVEN ASK HER OR CARE YOU PURPOSELY DID IT! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST DID! GET IT DOWN NOW”. Lando yells before hanging up knowing the editor got the message. I’m are still shaking and trying to not bawl your eyes out with just a few tears. “Lando it’s my fault you didn’t have to yell at him like that sorry” i say weakly. “NO ITS NOT YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT WAS FILMED AND CLIPPED YET AND HE PURPOSELY DID IT, ITS LIKE HE WANTED TO HURT YOU. FUCKING DICKHEAD”. Lando yells. Out of instinct i just run and give him a long hug. My head sinks to his chest. He holds me tightly as i hold onto him for a while.
I go back to your apartment that night. I’m just sad. Especially after reading all those comments about me. I try to ignore them all but they keep flooding in like rapid fire. I automatically give in and go on my phone. But to my confusion I’m getting tagged on twitter instead.
Fucking hell. When I thought this couldn’t get worse.
There is a video going around with hundreds of thousand of retweets already. It’s a sex tape of a girl which confuses me so I click onto it. Oh my god. It’s a deep fake of my face and that lacy bra thing on a random sex tape. I can’t do this anymore. I wish I didn’t exist. Naturally i call our quadrant group chat. Everyone answers immediately leaving me to realise they have seen it too. “Guys, I am fired” I say while bawling my eyes out. “Y/N I’m coming now with Lando” Ria says while in her car on her way to my apartment. I can’t even process what Ethan and Steve are saying cause my mind is just blurry and I’m a mess.
5 minutes later a knock is on my door and it’s Ria with Lando. I just cry in her arms and start rambling on about how my life is over. “Y/n that editor is going to jail, the YouTube vid is down and all of our socials are deactivated for now, talk to us if you need now” Lando says calmly to me. I just hug him tightly. “Can you tell everyone that’s obviously not me please” I say weakly. Ria is making me mac and cheese cause she knows it’s my favourite. “Of course I will and I will get this fixed Y/n for now just let us take care of you and get better.” Lando says. His touch is making me feel better if I’m being honest. “Thanks guys for coming over tonight, can you guys stay I’ll sleep on the couch and you guys take my bed” I say calmly as I’m starting to get her my bearings and feel a little better about everything.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch.” Lando and Ria both say straight away after my words. “Lando has a race next week so he should fuck his back up on the couch again like he did that one night he got drunk at the club last month” Ria says jokingly. “Is it okay if I’m in the bed with you?” Lando says maturely (shocking I know). “Yeah it’s fine if it is fine with you” I say back. “Yes it’s completely fine.” Lando replied quickly. I go to change into my pajamas. I see that bloody top. I don’t think twice after ripping it into pieces with my hands and teeth before chucking it out. “Fuck that ahahha” I said laughing as all the lace misses the bin but I ignore it. Ria Lando and I all start watching a movie together, Ria asks me which movie and I try to think of a normal movie I want to watch but I’m not sure why ratatouille is speaking out to me but I choose ratatouille like the wise mature person I am. Lando starts laughing obnoxiously which makes Ria and I start to as well. “It’s a good fucking movie shut up” I say defending myself laughing.
We are watching ratatoullie all together while I’m snuggled up in between Ria and Lando feelin comfortable and safe. My mind starts to forget a little bit about the stupid video situation. I don’t know why but my legs somehow ended up over landos. Whoopsies. I feel happy and safe with him, he had always been a good friend to me and always fun to be around. We all get tired after the movie ends and go to bed to sleep, well Ria goes to the couch to sleep.
Something inside of me wishes this isn’t the last time Lando is in my bed.
I myself am going to bed too xx
thanks to these lovely authors who inspired me to write ahahahha:
@mariahcarreyyy @f1goat @uglyducklingofthe2000s @vivwritesfics
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After the show
Pairing: alive!Reggie Peters x reader
WC: 3.2k
Summary: After being away for a few months you were finally back in Los Angeles, just in time to watch your best friend Julie perform with her band. The first time you got to see them live and get to meet them, including the cute bass player.
A/N: Here's something new which probably nobody still counted on getting from me hahah but writing has always helped me cope with some stuff and even though I hadn't pictured myself returning to this, here I am, dealing with life problems by escaping into fanfictions. So, I hope you guys still read it and like it!!
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It had been a while since you saw Julie last. You had lived with your dad last semester while your mom had to go abroad for work. That left you at the other side of the country, a six-hour flight away from your best friend and your normal life.
Of course, staying at your dad's wasn't the worst. You got along great. One of the only plus sides of that move was that you could spend more time together, but you also had to get used to a new place and new people. And you missed your friends dearly. Daily Facetime calls to Julie and Flynn kept you going, but those declined in frequency as well. Everybody got busy, so these past few weeks it had been, at most, one call a week. With your upcoming move back home to California, Julie's successful debut with her band and Flynn managing them, there hadn't been a lot of time. Until now.
You were finally back in California, basking in the Los Angeles sun. The hot sand beneath your feet warmed your soul. A content smile graced your face while you were waiting for Julie and Flynn to join you. This felt like home. Definitely.
Your serene moment got interrupted as someone practically fell into you, making you tumble forward a few steps. You were able to keep standing with arms still wrapped around you. With them came a squeak and the call of your name before the figure, which turned out to be Julie, came around to your front. As soon as you saw that familiar face you pulled her into your arms again. Yep, home. "Oh my God, I missed you so much!", you said, squeezing her once more.
"Same! I can't believe you're back! Finally!" The two of you let go of each other and settled onto the sand. "Tell me everything!"
"Well, you already know basically everything," you laughed. "I mean, the last time we talked wasn't even 24 hours ago."
"I know!" Julie took ahold of your shoulders and shook you. "Way too long! I need a play-by-play of your flight."
"Uhm ok, so, when I got to the airport..." And so you told Julie everything that happened at the airport, on your flight, at the reunion with your mom, the ride home, just everything up until the point where she had joined you at the beach. "When is Flynn coming by the way? Shouldn't she be here already?" You looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl amidst the other beach-goers.
"Oh yes, I forgot to say! She actually had to hang back for a bit. She was able to get us a gig tonight, totally last minute, so she had to organize some stuff, but you'll see her later when you come to the show."
"Oh, so I'm invited, huh?" You bumped her shoulder.
"Of course, you are! We made sure to have you put on the guestlist. Then you can also meet the rest of the band! They're so excited to meet you. I mean, Flynn and I always talk about you, so they're always on us about when they actually get to meet you." She laughed at the dorkiness of her friends.
She could still picture the first time you were brought up in conversation in front of them. Flynn had been late to watching the practice and when she finally did come in, she looked a little distraught. Julie had asked her what was wrong, but didn't expect that the reason for her distress was actually your distress. You had just broken up with your partner who was not ready to commit to long-distance, even just for a while, so you had called your friends in tears. The boys had immediately told Julie and Flynn to not worry about practice and call you back and be there for you. Since then, you had been topic of conversation a few times.
"Actually," she continued, "Reggie could not shut up about you being at the show today since we found out it's happening, so you can't disappoint my bassist by not showing up." Julie wiggled her eyebrows at you. That's what you get for one time mentioning that you thought the dark-haired bassist was cute and asking about him. You had kept up with Julie's band, watched all their music videos and the private photos and videos that Julie had sent you.
You felt a warmth spread over your neck and cheeks, slighty embarassed by the teasing. "Oh please, Julie, shut up." You chuckled and looked out at the waves crashing onto the beach. "Of course, I'll be there. I'm super excited to meet the band, too. And to see you perform live!" Looking back at her, you saw the spark in her eyes that had been lost for so long after her mother's death, but there it was, portraying her excitement for making and sharing her music.
The moment got interrupted by an alarm sound coming out of Julie's pocket. "Oh ok, that's me. I actually have to run now," she said while standing up and silencing her phone. "I need to prepare for the show, but I'll text you all the details and will see you there tonight! Ok, bye, love you!" She shouted over her shoulder while already walking away in a hurry. You laughed to yourself at her behavior. It hadn't changed in all this time. You stayed at the beach for a few more minutes, before deciding to go home and get ready yourself.
You looked in awe at the line in front of the club the band was playing at tonight. So many people were here to see your friend perform. It was crazy. And you actually got to walk past all these people to tell the bouncer your name and be let in before all of them. The whole experience was so surreal, but it was everything you had ever hoped for your friend. Inside was already pretty packed as well but Flynn had texted you where to find her, so you made your way through the crowd to the roped-off area at the side which was slightly elevated. You once again gave your name to the woman standing there. She scanned her clipboard before she moved aside to let you in.
You spotted Flynn pretty easily in her eye-catching outfit. She was sitting in the far corner, closest to the stage, typing away on her phone. You walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey there, stranger!"
She turned around quickly. Her eyes widened when she saw you standing there before she jumped out of her seat with a wide smile on her face. "You're here!" She pulled you into a hug. "It's so good to see you! Wait, let me look at you!" You were pushed an arms-length away, so that she could check you out from head to toe. "And you look amazing! Perfect! Show-stopping!"
"Well, I hope not. I did come here to watch the show after all." You took the seat next to Flynn's, catching up with her until the lights dimmed and the show started. You and Flynn immediately got up from your seats as the stage lights came on and illuminated your friend and the rest of the band. Julie's gaze quickly flickered up to where you and Flynn were standing before she started playing the first notes of the song. Actual tears sprung to your eyes as you watched your friend live her dream. You were so proud of her.
You watched her interact with the other band members while performing. They all seemed to have so much fun on stage and you could clearly see their passion for music shining through. More than once did your eyes glance over to the bassist. You had to admit that Reggie looked even better in person than on the screen. He had to know what he was doing when he put on that leather jacket for the performance. Damn.
When the show ended, you actually felt out of breath from all the dancing and jumping and singing along you did with Flynn. The whole concert was so much fun and you could not get rid of the smile on your lips. "So, I am in charge of getting you to Julie's for the after-show party," Flynn turned to you and explained.
"Wait, there's an actual after show party at Julie's? And her dad's fine with it?"
"Yeah, it's just a few people and as long as we clean up and don't make too much noise, he's chill. So, you coming?" Flynn held out a hand for you to take and then skillfully maneuvered you through the crowd. The ride to Julie's turned out to be Flynn's mom who greeted you with a hug. You three chatted for the whole ride, mainly about your last semester and the show, before she dropped you off at Julie's. Before driving off she reminded Flynn to be respectful and considerate of the people living in the house to which Flynn rolled her eyes, but promised to be on her best behavior.
After her mom was gone, she turned to you. "Ok, come on, we need to get some snacks and drinks out before the others arrive." She led you to the garage, which you hadn't entered in what felt like years, and pulled the doors wide open. The lights turned on and as you looked around you realized that not much had changed, except for some trinkets being strewn about here and there. You quickly helped Flynn get some drinks out of the mini fridge and onto the table as well as some snacks when the first few people already started arriving. You easily recognized Nick, one of the first to enter the garage. He hadn't changed much from when you last saw him, still had the same Golden Retriever look to him. Carrie was also easy to spot. She spotted the two of you instantly and came over to greet you. From your calls with Julie and Flynn you were already aware that the feud had ended and there was some kind of friendship blossoming now.
"Hi, girls!" She greeted both of you with a hug before she turned to you. "It's nice to see you! How long have you been back?"
"Oh, just today actually. Been quite a busy day." You made some more small talk with her while other guests arrived and Flynn went off to greet them. It wasn't long until the conersations stopped to greet the arriving band with a round of hollers and applause. The guitarist, Luke, you knew, basked in the applause, entering the garage with raised arms and a grin, ready to high-five his friends that were waiting for him. Julie, Reggie and Alex followed. They had the same grin on their faces, the performance high, but passed up on the high-fives.
Carrie excused herself, but you didn't stay standing alone for long as Julie spotted you and pulled Alex and Reggie over to you. "Guys, I want you to meet someone," she exclaimed and proudly introduced you.
Aley was the first to speak up. He had a nice smile on his face. "Hi! It's really nice to meet you! I'm Alex. Julie has told us so much about you, it's like meeting a legend." Julie hit him in the arm for that comment. "Hey! What? It's true! You're always talking about her like she's a celebrity or some kind of myth. No wonder Reggie-" He got cut off by another hit in the arm, this time from the bassist. "Alright, fine, I'll stop stalking! Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm gonna go over there to my boyfriend." He turned and walked right into the arms of a long-haired guy on the other side of the garage who had been engaged in a conversation with Luke.
You turned back to the other two still standing with you, holding back a laugh. Your gaze fell onto the one who had yet to introduce himself. His eyes were still trained on Alex' back, but as he turned towards you, he realized that your focus was already on him and his cheeks turned red. It only took him a moment to regain his cool though. "I'm Reggie. Nice to meet you!" His eyes trailed your body once over. He shot you a smile. "I can't believe you're even prettier in real life than in the pictures." That earned him another smack against the arm from Julie. He yelped. "Hey! That's not how you treat your bassist!"
"Whatever, go get Luke, I want to introduce him, too!" Rubbing his arm he left, pouting, to get the guitarist. As soon as Reggie said a few words to him, he came jumping right over and put his arms around Julie's shoulder, placing a kiss on her cheek. She chuckled a little at the display of affection. "Luke, I wanna introduce you to-"
He cut her off, saying your name himself. "You talk so much about her. How could I not know?!" He smiled brightly and pulled you into a hug. "Great to finally meet you! How did you like the show?"
"Ah, it was amazing! You all looked so great out there! I had so much fun and everything sounded great! You even played my favorite song," you admitted.
"Oh, and which one is that?" You told him your favorite song, him nodding along to your answer. "Yeah, great taste you got there!" He looked around the room as a group of guys called his name. "Alright, I gotta go entertain for a bit, but we'll definitely catch up soon!" He promised with a wink and another kiss to Julie's cheek.
"Is he always like that?" You asked her.
"Most of the time." She nodded before breaking out into a laugh which you joined.
At some later point in the evening you found yourself on the couch with a drink in your hand. Reggie let himself fall into the seat next to you. "Hi there!" You smiled at him.
"Hi!" The small smile he gave you made him look even cuter. "Sitting here all by yourself?"
"Well, I was just waiting for you to come keep me company."
"Oh." That took him by suprise. "Here I am!"
You tilted your head to the side a bit, taking him in some more. He was still wearing the leather jacket you liked so much during the show with a simple white shirt below it and a pair of jeans. "I really liked to watch you play. I wanted to tell you that before, but you left so quickly."
"Ah, thank you! Yeah." He rubbed his neck as his cheeks turned pink. "Sorry that I left so quickly. I actually did want to talk to you some more! Julie told us you were coming to watch us play, so I- we put some extra effort into making this show amazing!"
"You certainly did! How long have you been playing bass for?"
"So long I can barely remember. I learned the guitar first though," he admitted.
"So you play the guitar as well, wow! I've never had any musical ability. Julie's mom tried to teach me to play the piano a long time ago, but it was completely hopeless." You chuckled at the memory. It was right in this room so many years ago.
"Maybe the piano just wasn't the right instrument for you? I can teach you some guitar if you want. Or bass, if you prefer."
"Alright, I'll hold you to it, but really don't get your hopes up. It might end in an absolute disaster," you joked. "Let me actually give you my number, so we can set a date."
"Oh yeah, totally!" He pulled out his phone and opened it to a new contact. You put your number in and called yourself right after saving it.
"Now I have your number as well." You smiled at him before saving the number into your phone as 'that cute bassist'. You hoped he had seen the name but when you looked back at him his eyes were trained on your face.
An hour moved by as you kept sitting on that couch, talking and laughing with Reggie. Luke, Alex and Julie had each come over for a few minutes but left fairly quickly to give the two of you some space.
"Hey, do you want to get some fresh air? It's getting a bit stuffy in here," you suggested to which Reggie agreed. The doors had been closed by now to keep the noise from reaching the neighbors, so that you hadn't noticed it'd gotten a bit chilly. Before you could say or do anything Reggie already took off his jacket and laid it over your shoulders. You pulled it on tighter as you took a seat on the stairs, the smell of the leather enveloping you. It smelled good, you imagined Reggie to smell distinctly of the jacket as well.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asked warily.
"Of course." You assured him, placing a hand on his thigh.
His eyes fell from your face to your hand. "Are you flirting with me? Like, are you actually hitting on me?" His hopeful eyes found yours again as your smile turned wider.
"Yes, Reggie, I have been all evening."
"Oh, ok, good, so I didn't misinterpret anything." He laughed a little and placed his hand over yours that was still lying on his thigh. "You see, I think you're really pretty. I've thought that since Julie and Flynn showed us pictures of you for the first time. And now I know, you're really funny, too, and I'm just totally blown away by you, so I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?"
"I would like that a lot, yes. You lnow, I've had this little crush on you for a while now that Julie and Flynn have been making fun of me for. There's something about you that really draws me in." You bit your lip, taking Reggie's attention from your eyes to your lips.
"So, uhm, can I kiss you right now?" He asked.
Your lips spread into a wider smile as you shuffled closer to him on the stairs. "Yes, Reggie, I'd love that." There wasn't much of a gap between your faces anymore now, but he took his sweet time letting you feel his breath on your lips before finally connecting them. His lips moved softly against yours. He squeezed your hand on his thigh and brought the other one up to cradle your face.
You pulled back a little to catch your breath. When there was a crash from inside the garage your gaze quickly flicked to the door to check if anyone was coming out. When nobody did, you turned back to Reggie. "Do you wanna go back inside or keep doing this?" You asked him, hoping for the latter.
"I think, I'd rather stay out here a bit longer." He smiled before catching your lips in another kiss under the starlit sky.
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openminded-freak · 1 year
Wally Darling x Feral!Reader
I haven't seen too many fics on the reader being an absolute little shit and I think it's a hilarious thought, so here we go
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TW: Swear words are used, rape is mentioned briefly (just one word)
🔥 You used to be known as the gremlin child in your friend group. Slept all day, stayed up all night, blasted whatever music matched your vibe, and was known for being a downright degenerate
🔥 You'd often end up in the deep, dark corners of the web after your hours of surfing the internet, and, eventually, you stumbled across a blog about an estranged children's show called Welcome Home!
🔥 You thought it was cute, but grew especially fascinated with the show's main character, Wally Darling
🔥 He grew fascinated with you too. A lot
🔥 So he nabbed your ass and took you Home
🔥 When you woke up on his living room floor, you didn't freak out like you thought he would. In fact, you were eerily calm. You sat up and looked at him with a blank expression on your face that he couldn't possibly hope to match
🔥 "If you don't tell me where I am in the next three seconds, I'm running out the door and screaming rape." Wally didn't know what that was, but he knew his friends would be concerned if a stranger ran out of his house screaming anything, so he explained the situation
🔥 You just nodded along as he spoke until he was done. "So, like, I'm stuck here? With no hope of getting out?"
🔥 "Yes, but it's okay, Neighbor.. Your dear friend, Wally will help you settle in..." He cocked his head and smiled.
🔥 "... Yeah, no, fuck that mess. I'm gonna find someone that actually has an ounce of sanity." You tried to walk out but Home wouldn't let open the front door.
🔥 "Open the door before I break a window and get out that way." Home opened the door.
🔥 You met the neighbors and despite the fact that they probably deserved to know that Wally was actually fucking crazy, you wanted to preserve their innocence, so you just acted like you just moved in.
🔥 There was actually a new house on the block, completely suited to your personality, so it wasn't a lie.
🔥 You settled in quickly and made friends with your neighbors (except for Wally), often doing activities with them and hanging out.
🔥 Meanwhile, Wally was distraught! This wasn't going how he wanted at all! Every time he tries to talk to you and explain himself, or apologize, you act like he's a fly @:(
🔥 "Shoo, shoo fly. Bye bye, now." "But.." "Go away 👹."
🔥 You found a boom box in your house and used that to annoy the shit out of him as payback. You tried different genres of music so find which he disliked the most, and then stood outside Home and blasted it at night.
🔥 Turns out, he strongly dislikes rap. He finds most of it distasteful. So, of course, that's what you always play. Your favorite was Short Dick Man by Gillette, you thought it suited him so well 😍🥰
🔥 Yeah, no, he fucking hated that song. He didn't quite understand the lyrics but he could take a guess that you were poking fun at him. He'd poke his head out the window with an uncharacteristic frown. "Would you please.. turn that off.. I can't sleep."
🔥 "Bruh, we both know you literally can't sleep, bffr." You'd turn it up louder.
🔥 Julie would sometimes join in on the fun too. She thought it was such a fun game! You'd just snicker and pass her the boom box.
🔥 Wally decided he'd had enough and marched up to you. "Neighbor, I'm very tired of your games.. You've been acting very unneighborly..."
🔥 "Ok boomer lol"
🔥 At this point, even if he did find a way to send you home, you'd refuse. It's become your life goal to harass him until the day you die. And you don't think you can die in this world, so you get to haunt him forever, isn't that fun? ❤️
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thegingerwrites · 1 month
Thinking about her… (obikin Ella Enchanted au, I just rewatched it last night)
I think the fic itself starts off after Maul attacks Mandalore and Obi-Wan goes to stop him. He fails as a result of his “gift”—Maul tells him to stand and watch as he kills Satine. Obi-Wan returns to the Temple distraught and he begs Yoda for the chance to leave the frontlines to go off and find a way to break his curse. Yoda decides to do him one better.
“No,” Obi-Wan says, hardly looking up from his travel preparations. The idea is unthinkable. Anakin cannot be here.
“I’m coming with you. Master Yoda approved it and everything.” Anakin sets himself down in the pilot’s seat like he has any idea where they’re going.
They are not going anywhere.  This must some kind of mistake.
“And did Master Yoda tell you anything about what this mission entailed?” Obi-Wan asks, feeling a headache coming on, a tension welling up behind his eyes. Master Yoda is the only one who can tell Anakin anything about what Obi-Wan is setting off to do. He took that choice away from Obi-Wan long ago.
“He said you were on a voyage of self-discovery, one with very real consequences for turning the tide of the war. He said it would likely start with finding your family on Stewjon and expand outward from there.” Obi-Wan allows himself to relax a little. Nothing too specific from Yoda then. Nothing that suggested anything about the nature of Obi-Wan’s problem.
Anakin pauses, biting the inside of his cheek before adding one more thing. “He also said that you would never be able to believe in yourself as a Jedi until you made this trip. That you didn’t trust yourself. And Master, if I didn’t want to come with you before he said that, there was nothing that could have stopped me once I heard it.”
Obi-Wan shuts his eyes tight as though to will Anakin away with the power of his thoughts. Because Yoda isn’t wrong. Obi-Wan has never phrased it quite so succinctly to himself before but that is ultimately what pushed him to go. He cannot help the people he loves until he breaks free of this curse. He cannot become the Jedi others believe him to be while beholden to his gift.
“I didn’t ask Master Yoda for permission to come on this mission with you,” Anakin continues. “If I had known what you were doing, I would have snuck on board without going through either of you. But he sought me out and asked me to accompany you and now I know there is no better place for me to be.”
“Surely that should be something for me to decide.”
“You are the greatest Jedi—the greatest man I have ever known. Everything I know about becoming either one comes from you. If there is anything I can do to return the favor, to show you what I know to be true, I am going to do it.”
There is something almost refreshing about Anakin’s refusal to yield. Normally, when Obi-Wan is forced to do something he does not want to do, it is because someone has ordered him and he can’t work his way around it in time. But Anakin hasn’t given him a command; he could technically leave him behind or relegate him to the sidelines or toss him out an airlock. Instead, Obi-Wan has a choice to make.
“Alright,” Obi-Wan says at last, coming around to sit down in the cockpit beside Anakin. “Fine, you may join me. But you must do as I say and you cannot ask me any questions about what we are doing. I will not answer. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
Obi-Wan meets Anakin’s eyes over the flight controls. He sighs before allowing himself the smallest of smiles.
For the first time since his decision to embark on this mission, for the first time since Mandalore—perhaps even since this whole blasted war began—Obi-Wan allows himself to feel something like hope.
There is a chance, however small, that Anakin might be a real asset to this endeavor. The company at least, being able to share the weight of something that has plagued him all his life even if he still cannot speak of it, might make this journey easier to bear.
“Thank you, Anakin.”
Anakin checks the calculations for their jump to hyperspace and completes the takeoff procedures Obi-Wan began. For a moment, Obi-Wan thinks they will simply settle into the familiar rhythms of a joint mission, that the conversation is over now and they can put the uncomfortable intimacy of it behind them.
But as Obi-Wan waits to speak with space traffic control to receive their flight clearance and Anakin sees to the rest of their preparations, he adds one parting note to their conversation, his voice low and serious to protect the tender and exposed intimacy of the confession.
“I am here for you, Master. Always.”
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 100
Cw For:
-Offscreen Animal death
Spiderstar blinked awake. He was in the medicine den, the sweet scent of herbs flooding his nose and his vision blurred as he groggily looked around. Every time he moved his broken leg, a jolt of pain would shoot through his body, making him let out soft groans.
While he would've preferred to not have his leg broken, he didn't regret what he did to end up in this situation, saving a clanmate from a rather large dog. 
Twigsplash was talking to Petalcloud, her son. The calico tom was distraught, his sobs echoing through the enclosed space.
"I know, I'm sorry." Twigsplash meowed gently, shushing the distressed warrior and guiding him into a resting position. "But please, please understand...If we didn't remove your leg, you would've died..."
Petalcloud began to speak, but it sounded far away. Spiderstar lowered his head, and went back to sleep.
"Let...Cats.....Old enough.....Their own prey....Meeting!"
Drifting in and out of consciousness, Spiderstar's ears twitched at the sound of Crowheart's voice. He heard her say something about Spiderstar's condition, before softly calling Baykit forward.
Right. It was time for her apprentice ceremony.
At Baypaw received her official name and the cheers of the clan rang through camp, Spiderstar drifted off. 
When Spiderstar awoke again, it was night. He could hear voices outside, but they were muffled.
All he heard was "Newtbelly", "kittypet", and something about someone joining NettleClan as a warrior. 
Spiderstar felt confused. Was there a newcomer within the clan, someone he wasn't even able to meet just yet? He hoped he would be able to meet them soon...
Quicker than the last few times, Spiderstar's head flopped onto the soft bed of moss, and he fell asleep again.
When he awoke this time, Spiderstar found himself in the familiar, starry fields of StarClan. He groaned, hauling himself to his paws. It felt so nice to be able to move again, and be conscious. 
"Be careful, there."
A low, gruff voice made Spiderstar's head shoot up. An elderly tom, his tabby fur a light brown color, was beginning to stride towards him. Despite his graying muzzle and thin fur, a clear sign of his age, his amber eyes were bright and full of the life he had when he was young and living.
Spiderstar dipped his head in greeting. "Lightstar," he meowed, before looking around. "What's happening? Am I losing a life?"
Lightstar's expression shifted to one of pity, and he shook his head. "Fortunately, no. I wanted to show you something. I wanted you to see the truth." He replied, turning and starting to walk away. He flicked his tail, gesturing for Spiderstar to follow him. "Come with me."
The truth? About what? Spiderstar found himself thinking as he trotted after Lightstar. He looked around, watching as StarClan's hunting grounds began to shift and morph into NettleClan territory. Despite the familiarity, there was a strange feeling. A feeling that this wasn't the same place Spiderstar knew and grew to love.
Lightstar sighed, making his way through the strands of tall grass that lead to the river. "Now, this looks like NettleClan's current territory. But don't expect to see anyone you know. This was how NettleClan was many, many moons ago." He explained, turning his head and fixing his gaze on something Spiderstar couldn't yet see. "Come here and watch...Please, keep quiet if you can."
Nodding, Spiderstar took a spot beside Lightstar, following his eyes. A young, dark ginger she-cat was padding through the territory, her pawsteps brisk. Her eyes were wide as she looked around, before finally laying eyes on a large brown tom and bounding over to him. 
"That's Brokensnap, our medicine cat." Lightstar whispered, his tail swishing back and forth in mild annoyance. "And that tom is a loner."
"What's his name?" Spiderstar whispered back.
"We don't know. He never told us." Lightstar's attention went back to the two cats, his expression unreadable. "Keep watching."
Brokensnap purred, touching her nose to the loner's and smiling. The tom returned the affectionate gestures, the happiness on his face evident.
"It's so good to see you, Brokensnap." He purred. "How is your clan?"
Brokensnap's ears flattened, and she let out a soft sigh. "Our numbers are low. NettleClan is dying, and all I can do is watch..." 
The tom frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry."
There was silence, and Brokensnap spoke again.
"There's something I have to tell you."
"Go ahead."
"...I...It's two things, actually. Good and bad. Which would you rather hear first?" Brokensnap questioned, looking up at the tom.
"...The good first."
Brokensnap smiled, letting out a purr. "I'm expecting kits! Your kits! Isn't that great?"
The tom's face lit up, and he tackled Brokensnap with a purr, tail and ears perked with joy. "Really? That's...That's amazing news, Brokensnap! I'm so happy!" He nuzzled the ginger she-cat's face, before pulling away, his smile slowly fading. "But...What could possibly be bad about that?"
Brokensnap's face fell, and she looked away. "You won't get to meet them." She murmured, guilt and sorrow crossing her face. "We can't keep meeting anymore. Not like this. You've made it clear that you're not joining NettleClan, and I'm a medicine cat. Right now I'd rather make sure our kits have a home to stay in. Chasing you and begging you to stay would only hurt us both."
The tom got off of Brokensnap, taking a few steps back. Brokensnap rolled onto her side and lifted her head, looking at the speckled brown cat before her. 
"This...Is your last chance," She meowed, her voice firm yet gentle. "You can join NettleClan. We need new blood, anyway, and I'm sure you'll be accepted. We can stay together, and you can see your kits. Otherwise..." Brokensnap looked away, her tail twitching a couple of times. "You will have to leave. And never see me again."
The tension in the air was palpable as both cats went silent, staring at each other. Spiderstar looked up at Lightstar, who was staring forward with a hardened expression, as if he had seen this scene many times before.
The tom let out a sigh, before turning and slowly padding away. Brokensnap let out a confused, heartbroken mewl, as if she wasn't expecting the outcome.
"I'm sorry, Brokensnap, I really am." The tom stopped, turning to look back at her. "But you said it yourself, I made it clear. I will never allow myself to be tied down to a clan. I want freedom. This is the way things need to be." 
With that, he turned forward, dashing forward and vanishing into the shadows. Brokensnap sat there, stunned, before slowly lifting herself to her paws and padding away towards camp.
Spiderstar looked up at Lightstar. "That's awful!" He exclaimed.
"It is," Lightstar murmured, gesturing for Spiderstar to follow and walking away again. "Brokensnap was young. We were all shocked and mildly angered by her foolishness, but eventually we decided to let it go. To let her stay in the clan and raise her kits. Now..."
He pushed his way into the clearing of NettleClan's camp, and slipped into the nursery. Spiderstar followed. 
Brokensnap was now lying on the ground, a tired smile on her face as she looked down at a tiny brown bundle of fur. A white rosetted she-cat laid nearby, a black and white kit sleeping by her belly. 
"Oh, Brokensnap, that kit is beautiful!" The rosetted she-cat purred. She looked down at her own sleeping kit. "Badgerkit will be happy to have someone to play with...Though, he will be an apprentice soon..."
"Oh, Slatebird, that's fine!" Brokensnap chuckled, nudging her kit. "He's a tom...He's absolutely perfect, though...He was born without one of his legs."
The kit, a brown tom with darker speckles, shifted in his sleep and stretched his limbs, yawning. Spiderstar could see the stub of the missing limb on the kit's front leg. 
"Does he have a name?" Slatebird asked.
"Not yet!" Brokensnap shook her head. "I want to get a feel of his personality before I name him. I want it to be something truly special."
"I understand," Slatebird meowed, and the scenery faded. 
Spiderstar looked around, eyes widening as a new scene began to morph. The moon was high in the sky, a dim glow cast over NettleClan's camp. Rain poured from the ground, and the cats of NettleClan trudged through the rising waters, the flooding reaching their bellies as they stood before the HighStone and looked up at Lightstar, now living. He was still old, still frail, but his expression carried nothing but authority. Despite this, Spiderstar could see an oddly crazed look in his eyes. A look of desperation.
"Cats of NettleClan!" The tom called out, commanding attention. "As you all know, these rains have been persistent for moons, and now we are flooded! I have solid reason to believe that StarClan is angered with us, because we chose to ignore the medicine cat code's violation." His attention turned to Brokensnap, who was standing nearby, looking up at him with narrowed eyes. 
"Brokensnap." He sharply called, making the she-cat flinch.
"Yes...?" Brokensnap replied.
"Your actions, your kit...has caused this tragedy upon us! You must stop this horrid rain before we die!"
Brokensnap lowered her head. "What if we were meant to die?" She asked, earning gasps from the small gathering of cats.
"Medicine cats have had kits before, and StarClan never punished them!" Brokensnap insisted, raising her head again and looking around. "We may be being punished for trying to increase our numbers...Not for my violation of the code."
Lightstar's eyes narrowed, and he lashed his tail. "What are you implying?"
"I am implying that we need to die." 
More shocked gasps rippled through the clan, and Lightstar's fur bristled.
"Brokensnap, are you sure?" He asked. "Did you receive a sign of this? NettleClan has been around for moons! Why would StarClan want us to die out now?? Especially when there's only one other clan..."
Brokensnap hesitated, then nodded. "Yes, I'm sure." She said. "I've been having dreams. StarClan favors QuailClan. If we allow ourselves to die out, they will stop the rains and let every cat be at peace." She then padded away, slipping into the medicine den. Spiderstar saw her exit the den with her son, and run out of camp before anyone could see or stop her. 
Slatebird, who was sitting beside Badgerkit, wrapped her tail around her son protectively. "Lightstar, please, at least make my son an apprentice! It's the least you can do!"
"But he's too young. Five moons old is far too small to be made an apprentice." Lightstar insisted.
"I don't care! Please, my son should pass on as a warrior." Slatebird pleaded. "He's almost six moons old anyway! Please, do this for me."
"Very well. Badgerkit, step forward." Lightstar meowed.
Badgerkit waded forward, looking up at the leader with bright eyes. The rain water had reached his chest, causing his fur to cling to his frame.
"Do you promise to protect your clan, even with your life?" Lightstar asked, his voice shaky.
Badgerkit nodded. "Yep!"
Lightstar grimaced, then dipped his head. "Then I hope StarClan hears my blessing. NettleClan welcomes you as Badgerpaw, until you receive your...Your warrior name." He said.
Cheers and chants erupted from the small crowd, and Badgerpaw puffed out his chest. 
Brokensnap entered camp again, once again coming into the medicine den. Her son was gone. She came back out with a bundle of leaves, stepping in front of the gathered cats and looking at all of them.
"NettleClan cats, hear my words." She meowed, her voice muffled. "I have poppy seeds with me. This is an odd request but I must ask that you take them and fall asleep. When you wake up, you will be in StarClan's hunting grounds, where hunting is endless and pain is gone." 
Frightened murmurs could be heard, but the cats of NettleClan made their way forward, gathering around Brokensnap and taking their share of poppy seeds.
Spiderstar watched as Badgerpaw padded over to his mother, looking up at Slatebird with a purr.
"Mama, mama, look! I'm an apprentice!" He exclaimed. 
"I see, love." Slatebird sighed, touching her nose to Badgerpaw's forehead. A pained smile crossed her face as she looked at her son's joyful expression. "Now listen, Badgerpaw. We're going to take some medicine! You'll feel a bit funny, but...Afterwards we'll be happy. Come on."
As the two approached Brokensnap, the scene faded once more. Spiderstar looked up at Lightstar, eyes narrowed.
"What just happened!?" He demanded, and Lightstar slowly turned his head to the brown tabby.
"I wasn't myself. I was old." Lightstar murmured, expression mournful. "Don't you think I feel awful? My delusions caused the deaths of everyone, and I blamed someone else for it."
A new scene appeared before Spiderstar. The sun was shining through the trees, and the flooding had lowered. NettleClan's camp was destroyed, dens battered and broken. 
Spiderstar looked around, his heart sinking into his stomach. "Is this the aftermath? Where are the bodies?"
Lightstar nodded, expression stoic. "Yes. We were drowned. Fortunately nobody felt any pain, our bodies were swept away by the water, and we all woke up in StarClan when it was all over...Well, all of us except one."
A soggy lump of black and white fur pushed through one of the destroyed dens, and Badgerpaw poked his head out. He staggered to the center of the clearing, steps wobbly, and just stood there, looking around and shivering. Spiderstar's ears flattened as the tiny apprentice staggered out of camp, confused and dazed as he called for his mother.
"How did he survive?" He asked, glancing at Lightstar. 
Lightstar's whiskers twitched. "StarClan decided that he wasn't meant to die. I suppose they saw potential in him." He sighed, turning away. The scene of NettleClan faded for the last time, replaced by StarClan's territory once again. "But you know the truth now."
Spiderstar frowned. He now felt more confused than he did before. "Why did you show me that?"
"Because NettleClan is rebuilt now." Lightstar meowed in reply. "Now that Badgerstar, you, and even Hazelstar have formed a functioning clan again, it's only fair that you learned your history. I would've shown it to Hazelstar, but..."
"No. I know." Spiderstar interrupted him, lifting a paw. "Hazelstar doesn't need that information."
Lightstar nodded. "Correct. But now it's time for you to wake up. You have things to do."
"But I have so many questions!"
"Silence. More will come when you're ready." Lightstar's tail lashed, but he touched his nose to Spiderstar's forehead. The world around the leader began fading to black, and Spiderstar felt a strong drowsiness wash over him.
"Rest now, Spiderstar..." Lightstar's voice, gentle yet firm, echoed in the tom's head as he awoke. "Remember what you've seen. Remember the truth."
As Spiderstar woke up, still in the medicine den, he could feel his mind reeling with thoughts and questions. Careful not to put too much pressure on his broken limb, he began to think.
Was that just a dream? It was possible. He had been pretty groggy earlier, his injuries causing various states of consciousness. It made sense for him to have such a vivid dream.
But what if it wasn't a dream? Spiderstar laid his head between his front paws, the tip of his tail twitching. He was tired, and could feel himself drifting off to sleep again.
If it wasn't a dream, there was only one major question that flowed through his mind. 
If that was actually a vision, a story of NettleClan from so long ago...
Was any of it true? 
Spiderstar didn't know, and he was determined to find out.
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somekindofmoss · 7 months
Now, I'm not entirely sure what came first, the tcw show or all of the novels expanding on Mandalorian culture, but nonetheless it annoys me so much whenever i watch tcw and they depict the Mandalorian people, one of the most diverse cultures in starwars, all with blue eyes and blonde hair. Mandalorian is a culture, a religion, not a race. A creed anyone of any species or origin can join.
The Mandalorians were so prolific in adoption into their creed, that it lives on despite their ancestors -the Taung- having died out. All you even have to do in Mandalorian culture to adopt someone is speak a vow, (The gai bal manda) which is recognised by Mandalorian law. (and I'm distraught that in the Mandalorian show we didn't get to see Din speak this vow to Grogu, but I digress.)
The show also presents Sundari, Mandalore's capital at the time, as so... clinical and bare? Yes the new pacifist Mandalorians have foregone the war worshipping ways that founded their culture, but the worship of war also bred a celebration of life and relishing each moment and day you get -Shereshoy being the term for it. From a culture like this I'd expect a little more... soul to their home.
They dress everyone in such plain (lack of) colours too!! When the pacifist Mandalorians discarded their armour, did they discard the cultural meanings or importance of colour too? (And I'd love to see New Mandalorians treating their clothing with as much respect and reverence as they traditionally did armour, following the Resol'nare's tenet of Beskar'gam in their own, new way. I have so many thoughts on how the Resol'nare can apply to a peaceful lifestyle, but ultimately I know that's far too much detail for tcw to have delved into, and I'm sure i wouldn't be the first to talk about it, if only there was a show solely about Mandalorians that could explore their culture in such depth-)
Ever since I had a hyperfix on Mandalorian culture a year or two ago I haven't been able to consume Mandalorian related content the same way, and I am trying to resurrect the intense interest because it ended before I was able to learn Mando'a, and by goodness I think it might be working.
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kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
*Lucifer arrives to Heaven’s embassy and he sees Sera who is there for the meeting*
Sera: How is Adam’s progress, since the snake Sir Pentious can redeem himself, I am sure Adam can do this very easily.
Lucifer: Adam’s rehabilitation is going amazingly well, I am sure that he will be an angel again soon. Though honestly I am surprised you care about his progress.
*Lucifer did hope that Adam would find redemption, but he hoped that would still keep him as his boyfriend and lover after that, but he wasn’t going to say that to high and mighty Sera*
Sera: Excuse me.
Lucifer: Adam told me about how you made him feel ashamed about his body and how you would scold him because you thought he was misbehaving.
Sera: I do that because I care about Adam, I didn’t want gluttony to overtake him and he must set an example for the other citizens of Heaven because he is the first man. I expect him to maintain a level of dignity.
*Lucifer slams the palms of his hands on the table*
Lucifer: That is bullshit!!!!!!!! Adam hasn’t gained that much weight and most of his body is still muscle, yet you are sitting here acting like he is some fat slob. Also who cares if he can be boisterous and excitable sometimes, I happen to find that quite charming. Besides, you have no right to act so high and mighty when you are fucking my twin brother and have a child with him that you won’t acknowledge in public.
Sera: As if you have a right to act like you truly care about Adam when I was there when you stole his first wife and took her from Eden.
*Lucifer’s eyes widened when she forced images of Adam in Eden after he took Lilith with him into his mind, he had to see the other angels fail to cheer him up, Adam crying himself to sleep while he was calling out for Lucifer, and Adam only being able to smile when Eve was created and joined him in the garden, he now understood why Adam desperately grabbed the Forbidden Fruit from the hands of a distraught Eve and took a rather large bite out of it after Eve cried realizing what she did, he didn’t want to lose someone else*
Lucifer: Fuck you!!!!!!
*Lucifer ran out of the embassy and once he was outside, he sprouted his wings and launched himself into the sky, once he was high enough that no one could see him, he let the tears he was holding back fall as he wrapped his arms around himself*
Lucifer: Oh Adam, I am so sorry.
(In my vignettes Emily is the secret child of Sera and Michael)
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justanotherblogger · 8 months
I am still reeling from the final episode, and I am currently just thinking about Alastor and all his little ticks and phrases that could mean so much more.
So let's get started on some of my favorites!
Obvious spoilers ahead
Alastors fight with Adam. The biggest thing in the episode for Alastor. He seemed to be cocky and treat it as one of his regular murders during the day, not taking him that seriously.
He seemed to have overestimated himself in his abilities against the angelic army leader, and in consequence had his staff broken in half and in his shock at that, left himself wide open for another attack.
Why was he so cocky? He seemed to be so sure of himself against Adam, and so sure he could at least get a few good hits in.
I think this was because he used to something more powerful before his deal with whoever owns his soul now. He just fell back into muscle memory from before he lost most of his strength, thinking he could beat Adam without an angelic weapon, and was surprised that he couldn't hold up to levels of power he could've dealt with before he lost his own.
Like when he was shocked his staff got snapped in half by Adams shockwave. Could it take hits like that before? Has he fought Adam like that before? Is the reason he fell back into muscle memory because he hasn't had this level of threat since his fall/maybe the start of his 7 year absence or because this is how their fights used to go?
He also talked about how powerful a mortal soul could get if it took control of its own fate. This could be a reference to Charlie and the others fighting the extermination, or it could be about himself. If so, what did he choose to get this way? Was this a reference to his deal? Or maybe about his origins to get to where he is now?
Then when he did get hurt in the fight, he looked panicked and fled the scene. He didn't expect to get seriously hurt, at least that quickly from Adam, for whatever reason. Like he didn't expect something like this to happen, or he's just realizing how weak he's gotten since his last major scuffle.
Now, in the radio tower scene. He's seen having a sort of mental breakdown. How he almost died a 'pathetic' death defending the hotel and everyone in it. He seems very distraught at how he almost died.
I did see someone analyze this as Alastors fear of death, and I agree partially with that. Alastor did seem to be caught up in almost dieing to Adam. But I don't think it was because he was about to die in general, but because he would die like that.
We saw how he mocked it in the "Alastor Altruist died for his friends." in his snipbit. I think it was about how he's realizing his situation in full now. What he's been forced into is taking more of an effect than he thought it would at the hotel, as he ranted about a possible back door in the deal that tied him to the hotel and took his power.
This makes me think that Alastors true power has been (hazbin, hehe) taken or suppressed by the deal maker, with them owning his soul, and he's not used to being this weak against slightly stronger opponents, as he definitely has battle experience based on his fighting style with Adam.
Now, for who owns Alastors soul, there are 3 that I've been interested in from different posts on here and actual show hints.
Additionally, his mouth was totally stitched up in his demonic form when making the deal with Charlie. Maybe this was so he is forced to keep his smiling persona up at all times, and maybe to keep him from spilling anything about the deal or where he was for the last 7 years.
Anyways, first off is obviously Lilith. As I have explained in my previous ramble, Lilith probably took Alastor in from a lethal experience, either manipulating or threatening him to join her deal.
I think a plausible reason for this now is to look after Charlie and her hotel. She's currently in heaven, and had a deal with Lute or the angel army about the extermination. She most likely can't leave, which is why she's been gone for the past 7 years with no contact in hell.
She probably chose Alastor because of his reputation and power, but limited it so he couldn't do any lasting damage to the hotel or daughter just in case, since he can theoretically hurt angels.
The second popular option is Eve, or Roo, as everyone's calling her. She was the root of all evil and was a big villain in Vivs' previous work that Hazbin Hotel was based on.
We haven't seen her yet, other than the storybook appearance in the first episode. We don't have much info about her, so I can't really draw any parallels just yet between her and Alastor.
The last one is a bit of a stretch, and I didn't think of this until I saw another post about him: Lucifer
I could see where this would go, to be honest. We see his beef with Lucifer immediately during episode 5, and how Alastor takes any opportunity ro rile him up.
Lucifer could've made a deal with Alastor during his depression funk, causing him to not exactly remember Alastor in good detail with all the other deals he probably made during that time.
Alastor most likely resents him for what his deal did to him if Lucifer was the deal maker, trapping Alastor at the hotel to protect Charlie, and Lucifer just doesn't remember crap from that time and is very confused.
This one is the least likely out of the rest and kind of crack-ish, but was kinda fun to entertain and make a bit of sense on.
These are the theories I have so far on Alastor in Hazbin Hotel from the final episodes. I love this guy's lore, and I am desperate for more about his origins and powers.
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moodymisty · 10 months
The fungus. The fungus! THE FUNGUS! THE F- but in all honesty, your honor, my wubby little blorbo shit man is so cute and those headcanons are on point.
Now, indulge my brain rot for just a second. Just imagine the other primarchs finding out that Mortarion had not only found a partner, but that they’re completely normal-looking and super kind. They’re pleasant smelling, friendly, talkative; everything Mortarion is not. I also like to imagine his partner talking about him like he’s a stray cat they picked up off the side of the road. Like,
“Yeah, he has his moments. Sometimes he can be a little cranky but I still love him. Sure he tried to kill Gulliman, but that’s just how he shows love!”
“Oh no I can’t wash that sweater. If I do Mortarion will freak out! He sleeps on that thing every night. Now, I have to go. If I’m not in his chambers at exactly 5 pm he’ll get lonely and cry so hard he’ll throw up”
Jesus christ that last sentence nearly made me piss myself laughing. Mortarion in a nutshell. The man is incapable of expressing himself in any productive way, so to have a beloved that is like, normal? Insane. No one thought Mortarion had any pull. Hell, they thought he had negative pull.
Also. I'm sorry but I got inspired by this so I hope you don't mind a drabble. No warnings apart from it being very rough and I only revised it once. 'She' is used once, but I can change it if you want.
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Sanguinius walks into the massive room and makes a line right for the desk, of which Guilliman sits behind. He takes one glance upward at him, and notices the way he seems to be holding back a smile, and his wings are almost twitching. His eyes return to the parchment underneath his pen.
"I am busy. It better be quite important." Sanguinius tilts his head slightly to the side.
"You are always busy. But I can assure you that you'll want to hear this."
Eyes cast upwards at him, Guilliman looks at him with a furrowed brow. It would be quite odd for urgent news to be delivered with such a positive disposition, so he wonders what Sanguinius could possibly need to say. He waits on less so bated breath, and more so slight irritation.
"Mortarion has returned to Terra," Guilliman glances upward, and for a second Sanguinius sees the unfettered rage of a man on his wits end flash through his eyes.
"That is not urgent news." The angel has more words on his lips as he smirks and gently waves his hand. "I know, but let me finish." Guilliman puts the tip of his pen to parchment and continues writing while he waits for him to finish.
"And he has brought his lover with him."
The Primarch of the Ultramarines almost has to ask Sanguinius to repeat himself, even though he knows he hear it correctly. He pulls the tip of his pen lest it begin to drop too much ink, setting it into the well and looking up fully.
"Mortarion is courting someone?"
He would've been less surprised if it had been Ferrus.
Sanguinius' smile cracks through his withheld expression just a bit more. Guilliman wonders if he fought for the honor of surprising him with this news.
"Believe me, we were just as surprised. But she's here in the palace now. I believe Fulgrim got to her first. He seemed completely distraught afterwards, so I wanted to go take a look for myself."
Guilliman hears in his tone that there's an invitation to join him on his lips. And while Roboute knows that he has work to do, as he always does, he can't say this isn't a tempting offer. After only a moment of internal deliberation he sighs, and rises from his seat.
"Very well. I can't say I'm not curious."
The two of them walk side by side down the myriad of halls that only make up a tiny section of the palace, Sanguinius leading. He seems to have an idea as to where Mortarion and his supposed lover is. Guilliman doesn't quite know why he hesitates to fully believe this is even true. He doubts Sanguinius would ever lie but,
While it takes a bit of searching, eventually the Primarch of the Death Guard is found, and his lover with him. Him and Sanguinius stay back, intent to watch the scene for a moment. And even though the two of them are silent, if anyone had been close they might've been able to hear the two of them thinking.
You seem, normal.
Guilliman thinks you wouldn't look out of place in a shopping district on Macragge. You wear the regalia of your Primarch's legion as decoration on your clothing, fabric a pallid purple, but nothing else seems out of place.
But unlike Mortarion who stands behind you sulking, you are all smiles- speaking to Vulkan with what seems like pleasant conversation. Where Mortarion seems unkempt, cast in a sour, near depressive moue, you seem nothing but clean and polite. Your smile is warm, as you compliment Vulkan about something as simple as the unique embellishments of his legion's armor, and Vulkan takes it with a signature humbleness. Though if he had to guess, Vulkan was also quite surprised that Mortarion's choice in lover has proven so, unlike him.
Guilliman watches, and when he looks to his right, he sees Sanguinius watching his expression closely. Guilliman looks back to the scene ahead of him.
"Hmm. Odd."
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justcallmesakira · 9 months
"Bittersweet lovebites"
Sypnosis: In which two people who were meant to be enemies, are deeply engraved in each other's hearts....
Dazai x pm!reader
Warnings: lots of suggestive jokes, half teaspoon of angst
Genre: heavily suggestive, romance
A/N: this is a fic heavily inspired by "cigarettes out the windows" and dangerously yours, the movie. The angst will come but for now it will be sweet romance stuff
Listen to! : Lovers rock -TV girl, Always forever -Cults, I wanna be yours -The arctic monkeys, Not allowed -TV girl, Better in the dark -Jordan, TV girl etc.
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Dazai didn't thought he'd have to wait this long in the torture chambers for this long if anything he can always plan an easy escape. However this time it's different he was waiting for a certain someone.
A clack of heavy boots could be heard from that empty room of terror and long forgotten screams, not that it bothered the former executive. "What a place to meet up, isn't it" the husky voice teases "Dazai". The man's face lit up slightly with a smirk at the call of his name "Well well, belladonna! You really took the time to meet with your one and only love of your life!" he teasingly jokes with a small grin on his face as the silhouette of your body finally walked in the room where dazai was chained up to the wall. You stood in front of him with your hefty coat dangling on your shoulders.
"Love of my life? Oh please as if!" the woman in front of him laughs out, whether she meant it as a joke or whether they were words half from the heart, it really was a mystery since the remark was ignored. "Say say, do you enjoy seeing me in such a helpless way?" Dazai ultimately ignores your remark while grinning cheekily at your approach upon him. You were quite used to his dirty jokes, that's was one of the things anyone should get accustomed to if they really wanna be a part of this man's life. You snickered "I wonder if I do like seeing my dearest in such a way" you smirked with slight malice in which the man in front you just smiled. He was always like this--mysterious, one might say he's a simple cheery man but what goes on his mind stays there.
"It would be much much better if we switch places don't you think?" Dazai spurted out with a dirty look on his face which slightly shocked you but you kept it in with yourself. "The real question is if you can catch an executive like me. You may always have plans but I am an executive for a reason you know?" you said in contrast to his flirt or what you counted as one, right now it seemed like a competition on who can flirt the most."The let's try it here then!" you almost choked "Dazai, what the heck?! Absolutely not, being executed today for dating someone from an enemy organization is not on my schedule today!!" you were slightly paranoid about this which only made dazai laugh lightheartedly."Would you do it if you didn't have your 'precious title' and was just a simple mafio-" before he could go further you shouted but a bit quietly so no one knows about this dirty talk between you two "NO!"
You sighed and turned around to leave "I am sure you can leave without my help" you said with your back turned against the former executive.
"Boss will probably come here to persuade you to join back" you said with a more serious tone, you never knew why mori had such an obesesion with the brown haired man but you always tried keeping him away from mori,it was the last thing you persnally wanted to do. Dazai had a small smile on his face "I remember your teary face from the night I left,," memories flash through your mind for a second, those bittersweet flashbacks of you, Dazai and chuuya back in the mafia when you were teens "I barely cried that time you know, though I won't deny it did quite made me distraught,,," you say the last word quietly even though he was right.
"That's okay, I got to see your teary face on that specific night" you choked on your spit by his words, he really had to ruin those memories by his dirty jokes. The executive turn around with a face mixed with disgust and embarrassment. "Dazai I swear to god-anyways I have work to do" you uttered out to him, turning your head around him again to the staircase as you heard a click from the back your eyes glanced back, of course he unlocked the chains bounding him against the wall, those chains were nothing to the chains you bounded in his heart in those 2 empty years of his life.
As the man rotates his wrists you only sigh in his antics but then walk toward him with a darkened expression. "Hm? Already mis--"
Before he could tease further your lips clash against his, the tension which was in the room before now replacing with the astonished man melting in your sweet kiss, oh god he could taste a nice arousing smell in your mouth, something sweeter then chocolate.
You only grinned at his shocked face, you loved it when you caught him off guard. Dazai's face returned to normal instantly, he can't be vulnerable In front his lovely `enemy' can he?
"Now come on, I know a passage which leads all the way to the outside" you break the mini silence between the two of you as time was running short. Mori could come any time now.
Dazai ran with you while looking at you with a cheeky smile which you suddenly realized "Hey what's with t-that smile" laugh "No reason" you only sighed as you showed him the tunnel, looking here and there to check if there's anyone.
"Oh! by the way,, belladonna, remember once I make a remark I always accomplish it. So be careful when you enter home today!"
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A/N: This will be a long FANFIC!! Hurray get down all comfy! guys bcs the next chaps will be long with slight suggestive themes and oh hohoho LOADS of Cigarettes out the windows angst!
Divider crds: @v6que , @chachachannah on Tumblr!
Reblogs and like are very much appreciated!
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
Bot Buddy is Bulkhead's older sibling, who is a member of the Elite Guard
SFW, platonic, familial, slight romance if you look hard enough, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
Transformers Prime
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Buddy will be a member of the Elite Guard.
Buddy and Bulkhead’s sibling dynamic is small with sledgehammer and big with shield. The small one in the relationship is Bulkhead because Buddy is taller than he is, taller than Ultra Magnus. When the war broke out Buddy was hesitant to take arms unlike Bulkhead who entered the Wreckers.
“Are you sure you want to work for the Wreckers Bulk? They have a lot of hard missions.”--Buddy
“Trust me Buddy, this is the place I need to be. Anyways it lets me do something I do best, break things.”--Bulkhead
“I guess your right then.”—Buddy
They eventually took arms and tried to get into the Wreckers to work alongside Bulkhead. But their skills were better in the Elite Guard. Bulkhead as much as he is worried about Buddy being in the elite Guard, he finds it a bit relieving that they aren’t with the Wreckers.
“Bulkhead… I made it into the Elite Guard.”--Buddy
“Wow really that’s great!”--Bulkhead
“You’re not upset that I’m not in the Wreckers like you?”--Buddy
“Not at all!”—Bulkhead
The two try and meet when they can. Introduction of the members of the Wrecker’s one visit. And introduction of Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack.
Wheeljack was a bit skeptical of Buddy but recognizing them as Bulkhead’s older sibling and the sheer powerhouse they are, he wants them to join the Wrecker’s.
“So, you’re the older sibling Bulkhead was talking about?”--Wheeljack
“I guess I am.”--Buddy
“I didn’t think you’d be this big. Sure Bulkhead said you were bigger than him, but I didn’t expect this big.”--Wheeljack
“I am the oldest after all, someone needs to have Bulkheads big behind.”--Buddy
Ultra Magnus on the other hand sees a reliable soldier and excellent addition to the Elite Guard.
“Ultra Magnus, sir.”—Buddy
The day that Bulkhead joins Team Prime to go to Earth, he sees Buddy's name under the MIA list. Absolutely distraught but convinces himself that they are fine. He doesn't have much time to mundane over the possibility that they might have gone offline. He knows they haven't, he can feel it. He doesn't really talk about them to anyone one the Team, not even Miko, it still hurt too much.
Part 1 of 3
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(Tales of Berseria) Velvet, Eleanor, and Magilou's S/O becoming a Daemon
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Velvet had known S/O to be quite the klutz back then.
They were scarily efficient at hunting and fighting, but other than that? (Y/N) was an absolute catastrophe and quite the airhead.
When Velvet had met them three years later after the village was attacked, she expected a massive personality shift like hers, or some of the others she had met.
When they turned around, getting ready for a fight, Velvet steeled herself to put down a familiar face.
Only for them to drop their weapons and almost tackle Velvet in a hug.
And even though Velvet had grown far stronger than the last time they met, the force of the hug threatened to snap Velvet in half.
(Velvet) "S-S/O...! CAN'T...BREATHE!"
Releasing her from their death grip, they quickly moved to help her up.
(S/O) "S-Sorry! I just go so excited, I can't believe you're okay!"
(Velvet) "I...I see you haven't changed at all. That's...surprising."
As far as she knew, people became Daemons due to an overflow of malevolence. Someone as gentle as S/O becoming one was almost inconcievable.
Especially compared to herself.
Despite that fact, she was honestly glad that something from her old life managed to keep intact, reminding her of why she was out to kill Artorias.
Upon hearing their plan to get revenge for Laphicet, S/O joined without hesitation. And the two even managed to rekindle their old relationship, even if it was a bit...rocky.
Velvet and S/O tore apart anything that got in their path, the way they fought was almost as vicious as herself.
But when it came to outside of combat...
(S/O) "I think I'll cook today Ve-"
(Velvet) "Not happening."
(S/O) "Huh? Why?"
(Velvet) "Have your skills improved any these past three years?"
(S/O) "I would think so!...At least, I hope!"
(Laphicet) "Isn't that mean to S/O, Velvet?"
(Velvet) "Trust me, it's for the good of everyone present. Honestly, what they cook could probably make me taste again."
(S/O) "I-Is that why you can eat my food now?!"
Velvet looked sorry for S/O, seeing their distraught expression.
Which completely shocked everyone.
(Velvet) "...I should have mentioned that sooner."
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Every Daemon was an abomination that had to be taken down, that was what the Abbey taught Eleanor.
Until meeting Velvet, Rokurou, and even her own S/O.
She was completely heartbroken, learning the fact S/O had become what she swore to destroy.
But during her travels, she began to learn the truth of daemonblight, and that sometimes humans were worse than them.
One thing that confused her greatly, was the fact S/O had remained largely unchanged, minus their red eyes and the markings over their body.
They were still the airhead she fell in love with, which conflicted her to no end.
As time went on and her attitude towards the Abbey changed, she was so happy that she could continue to be with someone she loved, even if they were going to live longer than her.
During combat, Eleanor could rely on S/O the most, watching as they dashed around the field with startling speed, dispatching of every last enemy with blinding ease with their needles.
However, she was the one to reign them whenever it was outside of combat.
Rokurou crashed through the wooden wall, scaring Eleanor as she leapt back, readying her spear in retaliation.
Only to find S/O rushing through the hole they made with him, apologizing profusely.
(Rokurou) "O-Ow..."
(Eleanor) "What the heck is going on!?"
(S/O) "T-THEY JUST SCARED ME AS A JOKE AND...A-and um, I may have...punched him."
He slowly rose up, hand on his head and he began chuckling, albeit injured.
(Rokurou) "Yeah, that was my fault, honestly. Thought it'd be a funny idea, even though I've seen how hard they hit."
(Eleanor) "S/O, you can't just be punching people!"
(S/O) "I-It wasn't on purpose!"
Eleanor just sighed and helped Rokurou up, continuing to scold S/O. She had done this many times back when they were growing up, and nothing had changed.
Except their strength, that was definitely new.
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Magilou wasn't that shocked to see her S/O that unaffected.
(Magilou) "There's no thoughts in that pretty head of theirs, I honestly would have been more surprised if they actually changed!"
(S/O) "H-Hey...!"
She knew of their incredible strength and questionable skills outside of anything that required killing. But Magilou didn't care about that.
She cared more about the goofball that laid inside the boulder-kicking body. And she weaponizes it.
(Magilou) "S/O, I'M BEING ATTACKED!"
Eizen watches as the concrete wall next to them suddenly bursts with S/O, weapons drawn and absolutely ready to tear the throat out of someone.
(S/O) "WHERE ARE TH-...Eizen? Magilou?"
(Magilou) "See? Told you it worked!"
(Eizen) "Huh, two seconds, exactly like you said. I don't know if that's impressive or concerning."
(S/O) "Magilou!"
They began pouting as Magilou dramatically flailed her arms and wrapped it around them.
(Magilou) "I'm so sorry, my dear! I just had to prove how reliable you are!"
(S/O) "You're making me sound more like a dog than your partner..."
(Magilou) "Perish the thought! I would not dare to think of you so low! Besides, that's what Bienfu is for."
(Eizen) "Magilou here just said that if she called for you, you'd answer. Even faster if she sounded like she was in danger. Loyalty is not something to be ashamed of...Though your taste is questionable."
Eizen stared at Magilou.
(S/O) "Don't say something so rude!"
Eizen just shrugged as S/O picked up Magilou, the witch sticking her tongue in defiance.
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watatsumiis · 2 years
The Winged Yaksha - (Xiao x gn!reader)
A little drabble I decided to do, based on the idea of if Xiao had wings in his more humanoid form!
Content: gender neutral reader x xiao (with a pre-established relationship, can be read as platonic or romantic), xiao has some funky adeptus powers and a big nest in Wangshu Inn, Xiao is kind of dismissive/withdrawn (as usual).
Word count: ~2k
The Dihua Marsh is dark and gloomy today - the tension in the air promises an oncoming storm as well as the bouts of rain that have been pouring down intermittently throughout the day. 
You pick at your food restlessly, watching people walk in and out, but none of them the person you are searching for. 
After a while, somebody finally approaches you. You recognise her as Verr Goldet, the owner of the inn. “If you’re searching for the adeptus,” she tells you, her voice a low murmur. “He prefers not to use the main entrances. Check up on the roof.” She cocks her head in the direction of the stairway leading up. 
“Ah.” You sigh out, setting your empty bowl down as you nod. “Thank you.” 
With your new destination in mind, you set off immediately. Stepping foot outside, you’re met by a strong wind - not too bad yet, but it’s easy to tell that it will only get worse as the night wears on. 
The top balcony is void of people. Seems like nobody wants to be out here on such a dreary night, when the moon is hidden behind a thick veil of clouds. You’ve seen Xiao loitering here a few times in the past, keeping a careful watch over the surrounding lands. 
You stand close to the boughs of the tree, sheltering from the wind and occasional rain. 
Luckily, it isn’t long before you hear someone join you. A noisy, clumsy fluttering, followed by the rustling of branches and the fluttering of leaves as a figure all but crashes down onto the balcony with you, grabbing ahold of the railing for balance so that it doesn’t knock you over. 
“Xiao?” You ask hesitantly, turning around as you try to pinpoint exactly where the noise came from. You see a hulking figure somewhere to your right, and take a small step back. 
“I am here.” The voice is unmistakably his, but the figure you see before you isn’t one you recognise. He seems shaggy and bulky, an imposing silhouette against the rapidly darkening sky where he sits, perched precariously on the railing.
“What’s…What happened to you?” You ask before you can stop yourself. You catch a glimmer of his amber-coloured eyes on you. 
“Ah.” With a rather violent jerk of his shoulders and a grunt of effort, the large protrusions seem to fold in on themselves, disappearing from sight entirely. “...Apologies.” Is all he says as he drops deftly onto the balcony, walking right by you without so much as a hello. 
“What was that?” Curiosity is burning inside you as you follow quickly in his footsteps. You’ve known him for long enough that you know full well he’ll disappear from any social interaction at the first given opportunity. 
“It’s…none of your concern.” He sounds a little less annoyed than he usually might when telling others to keep their noses out of his business. If you didn’t know any better, you’d probably assume he was… embarrassed? 
“You can tell me.” You reassure him kindly. Though you dislike pressuring him, it’s nigh on impossible to get him to tell you anything otherwise. 
Xiao sniffs as he turns and steps up onto the railing once more, setting one hand on a thick tree branch before stepping off and seeming to disappear entirely. 
“Wait, come back!” You’ve been waiting so long to see him that you can’t help but feel distraught at his sudden disappearance. “Xiao!” You call out, after a few moments of no response. 
The adeptus pokes his head out of a bushel of golden-brown leaves and blinks at you expectantly. “Are you coming?” He says expectantly before ducking back out of sight once more.
You learnt long ago not to even begin questioning the strange things that adepti can do. You clamber awkwardly onto the railing, holding the branch tight as you lean forward. Immediately, there’s a difference in the air - a strange kind of stillness, accompanied by that odd, fuzzy feeling that comes hand-in-hand with the magic that illuminated beasts possess. 
Your legs shake as you step out onto the thick branch, tip-toeing your way across and ducking under a large tuft of leaves. You’re pleasantly surprised to realise that Xiao seems to have set up a nest of sorts in the treetop. A rounded platform with raised edges, filled with all manners of material belongings that you’d always figured Xiao had found were beneath him. 
You reach up to brush your fingers over a delicate set of wind chimes, sending them tinkling softly in the still air as you step onto the thickly padded platform. Despite how high up you are, and how windy you know it is outside, something about this place gives you a sense of security and warmth. 
“Wow…” You murmur softly. “This is… This is so lovely, Xiao.” You say. Xiao has his back turned to you, but the way his shoulders stiffen and his pointed ears twitch up and down makes it almost painfully obvious that he has no idea how to respond. 
“You’ve decorated it so well.” You turn a circle as you look around. The roof is open to the sky, the cloud cover you’d seen outside is gone entirely, replaced by a clear view of the moon, which casts gentle beams of moonlight onto the ‘nest’ around you, dappled by the still leaves of the tightly woven branches that surround you. 
Xiao still doesn’t even look your way, but you can tell by the slight arch of his back that he’s puffing his chest out proudly. 
“How did you get all this stuff?” You know from experience that sometimes it takes a few tries to prod Xiao into a fully fledged conversation. 
He ducks his head and sets something down on what looks like a small stone shelf jutting out of the branches in front of him. “Offerings. From mortals.” His voice catches in his throat somewhere in the middle, and he won’t meet your eye.
“That’s so sweet.” You smile warmly. “Do you mind if I sit?” 
Xiao dips his chin and gestures to a corner of the nest filled with various soft things, laid out neatly upon a woven reed mat. 
You wordlessly nod in thanks and make your way over, pulling a pillow out of the strangely stacked pile to sit on. 
“Is there… a reason you’re here?” He asks, grimacing as you unbalance his secondary nest of bedding. 
“I just wanted to visit you.” You blink innocently up at him and try to manage a smile, but it’s a little hard to do when he’s staring so intently at you, as if you might disappear the moment he pulls his gaze away. 
“Visit me.” He echoes, as if utterly unfamiliar with the concept. “I see.” 
You sit in silence for a little while as he paces back and forth a few times, rearranging several things that had been hanging off of the upper branches around his nest, mostly manoeuvring them to different places, even swapping a few out for ones that had been sitting in a small wooden box beneath his shelf. 
After a while, he seems to settle down, walking over quietly and stepping into the pile of pillows in a slow, deliberate way, then sinking down until he’s crouching with his knees to his chest, pausing for a few moments before he begins to adjust his pillows and blankets, patching up the gap your current seat had left behind. 
“So, uh…” You begin hesitantly once he’s fallen still again. “What was with the…?” You make a vague gesture with your hands, trying to imitate the strange, looming shapes you had seen coming off of Xiao when he’d first landed on the balcony. 
He looks away so quickly that it almost seems like he’s dodging an attack of some sort. You watch him cross his arms over his chest, the almost down-featherlike hairs on them reflecting in the pale moonlight. “Those were…” He hesitates, then gulps, before spitting the words out like a foul taste. “My wings.” 
You stare for a few moments, utterly awestruck as you question how you never knew this before. “Wait, really?” You can't help but be a little taken aback at this newfound fact.
“Mm.” The noise isn’t particularly helpful in discerning a clear answer, but you figure that Xiao has no reason to lie to you. 
“Can… I see them?” The question is out of your mouth and hanging in the still night air before you’re able to stop it. 
“You’ve already seen them.” Xiao mutters, hunching his shoulders as he roughly pokes and prods at a blanket, using it to fill in any draughty little gaps in his nest of bedding. 
“I bet they’re gorgeous.” You sigh wistfully, trying instead for a gentler approach as you aim for what you want. It’s easy enough to tell the difference between Xiao being annoyed versus him just being bashful, and you’ve quickly deduced that he’s displaying symptoms of the latter. 
“Hmph.” Xiao puffs out an annoyed noise, turning away as he sits up a little straighter. 
It’s hard to explain the way Xiao’s wings seem to fold out of nothing and into existence, surrounding you both with large, soft feathers. The colours are a little difficult to distinguish in the dark - the moonlight makes them seem wispy and silvery, but on closer scrutiny you can make out hints of the same shades of blue-green that are in his hair, and the golden-amber of his eyes.
“Woah.” You breathe out, a little taken aback by the sheer size of his wings. They only just have enough space to unfurl fully in this nest of his, and even then his left one is almost suffocatingly close to you, curled inwards ever so slightly as if to protect you from the elements that don’t seem to be able to get into this little pocket-dimension Xiao resides in. His feathers seem a little ruffled, some even bent in places, but overall they seem well-groomed and shiny. It seems as if he takes a lot of pride in how they look. 
“They’re amazing, Xiao.” You tell him gently, a smile tugging at your lips as you realise how much trust the adeptus must have in you to be willing to show you something he seems to want to keep so private. 
You watch a few soft, downy feathers fluff up close to where his feathers meld into his shoulder blades, and one of his wing-spurs clanks against the same wind chime you touched when you walked in earlier. A soft sort of crooning noise escapes from Xiao’s throat as he opens his mouth to speak, and he clears his throat quickly to try and cover it up. “Thank you.” He says softly, making fleeting eye contact with you, only to look away the moment he spots the unadulterated admiration in your eyes. 
He straightens up where he sits, and his wings flare out for a brief moment before folding back in on themselves rapidly and disappearing once more - you can hear a few of Xiao’s belongings clanking about due to the disturbance of the air, but he doesn’t seem to care, too busy looking your way as he tries to gauge your reaction. 
You can’t help but be a little disappointed, but you can understand his shyness about them. “Thanks.” You smile at him as you catch his eye. 
He tilts his head to the side ever so slightly as his brows furrow. 
“For showing me your wings.” You specify, blinking slowly as he stares you in the face. 
“Ah… I…” he seems to fumble a bit for the correct thing to say. “You’re welcome.” He mutters finally, tearing his gaze off of you to look up towards the moon, perfectly framed by the branches surrounding you that reach up towards the stars.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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whinlatter · 1 year
Cho Chang for the random character ask: 4, 9, 12, 27, 43
cho! this was actually so fun to think about. cho is an underrated character and a boss bitch and i for one have relished the opportunity to think more deeply about her, so cheers for that anon! (i'm merging the other ask i got about cho with this one for a bumper cho post)
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1. Canon I outright reject
i do not tend to outright reject canon because i am a boring yawn canon compliant girlie but i will say i find it weird to think that cho would be randomly checking/carrying her DA coin on the night that harry just happens to arrive back at hogwarts in DH. it’s not even for plot it’s just for the ensemble vibes. pointless cameo sorry! the whole point of failed high school romances is to never resolve them and just memory block them out for all eternity until you bump into them in the veg section at the big supermarket when you go home for christmas and make awkward small talk then see them again at the checkouts and want to die
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
part of the reason cho was so (understandably) distraught after cedric's death was because of a dynamic in their relationship of cho revering/idolising cedric that only deepened after his death as he became somewhat canonised in popular memory. when they got together, cedric was a seventh year and cho was a fifth year. often when you're 15/16 you definitely look at 17-18 year olds like they're the coolest people on the planet and you're lucky to be in their orbit basking in their great worldly wise glory (lol). and while i’m not doing up age-gap-is-problematic-discourse i am saying that if you're in the last year of school and your mate starts going out with someone two years below who is doing their GCSEs or whatever you do a) obviously take the piss out of them but more importantly b) tend to see a pretty big gap in maturity and life experience that often adds a weird power differential in the relationship. that's not to say that cho didn't really miss cedric's company, but also that the grief was made worse by the fact that she likely saw him as a saint-like figure she was in awe of, a view that only received mass endorsement after dumbledore's eulogy of cedric, so she's not even really able to mourn a real person, but just the idea of someone purely heroic and good who she will never be able to replicate again
4. Favorite line
“He asked me out, you know,” she said in a quiet voice. “A couple of weeks ago. Roger. I turned him down, though.”
in this house we stan 👏 petty 👏 queens 👏
“What about your parents?” asked Harry. “Well, they’ve forbidden me to get on the wrong side of Umbridge too,” said Cho, drawing herself up proudly. “But if they think I’m not going to fight You-Know-Who after what happened to Cedric —”
actually huge props for cho for joining a resistance fight club with no parental support for anti-ministry action. because in canon you have the weasleys whose parents are so politically involved, and whose sense of political right and wrong is (bar percy) so instinctual because it's how they were raised, it can be easy to overlook how significant it is when other characters who don't come from that family background/political lineage get involved in risky acts of open rebellion. like yes her defence of marietta is misguided, but cho is a boss bitch who lets her grief be fuel for a good fightback and i for one applaud it
8. Unpopular opinion about them
ok this is going to sound like me doing up pure ginny defender but for all ginny gets slated for having many a jealous moment (including with cho in DH) i do think it is Interesting that people overlook how insanely jealous cho is of hermione lol. i do like that element of cho's character - or rather, think it lets her be well-rounded and interesting, giving an insight into how the trio are perceived by other members of the student body, but also allows cho have this messy petty teenage side to her (people often tend to write her in fic as this very worldly mature grieving widow figure, instead of like, a girl going thru it and wildly acting out emotionally and developing a whole host of insecure abandonment issues that are mostly to do with her grief). but i love how she like sees red and goes full how many girls are you meeting after me!!! alexa play bust your windows!!! i am going to storm out and YOU are going to pay for these coffees!!! so yeah, my unpopular opinion is cho is petty and messy and obviously harry fucks up more but she does kind of act up and you know what, that's fine! she's still worthy of the world! (you know all i do is ride on my let girls giggle and be messy crusade)
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
i stan the temper tantrum cho has when she loses the quidditch final. go girl have your strop! she’s just like me fr
12. Crack headcanon
cho's gang of girlies wore potter stinks badges in the dormitory after that horrendous date to cheer her up. and she was like yeah you know what! he does!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
ohhh man i am going to have to pass on this because i literally cannot name any smells. she's too prestige and gorgeous to not smell lovely though!
28. How they feel about insert character of your choice from the same fandom
i am kind of obsessed with a cho vs ginny bitter rivalry that doesn't actually have all that much to do with harry lol. cho is two school years older than ginny (given ginny is an end-of-august birthday baby, cho fully could be three years older than her, given hermione is two calendar years older than ginny and is only in the year above). so ginny is a little pipsqueak irrelevance to cho, whereas i expect cho lives in ginny's head rent-free while she's still in the throes of her deep unrequited crush on harry. then ginny goes out with michael, cho's teammate, and is in the DA, so probably is around a lot more, maybe they're semi-friendly, all going fine - until ginny pops up for the quiddich final in ootp and publicly demolishes cho on the quidditch pitch. can you imagine being a (almost or actual) seventeen year old getting the snitch snatched from under your nose by gryffindor's fourteen year old second-rate substitute seeker (especially after a year of playing badly?) i'd be fuming. no wonder cho cries and chucks her broom on the ground. so then ginny chucks michael for being a 'sore loser' (i think this must have also been a bit connected to cho, if all ravenclaw are having a great big public sulk lol), and then michael immediately gets with cho (canon implies that evening lmao). even if ginny didn't care about michael all that much, there is something pretty galling about your ex moving on to your sporting rival an hour after you break up lmao, and something very messy from cho to try and get back at the girl who just beat you by immediately hooking up with her ex lol. you can just imagine michael and cho bitterly slagging off ginny in between snogs at that post-match commiseration party. and then the following year, when ginny beats cho again, in a match cho 100% viewed as a re-match and a chance to finally best the person who humiliated her... i'm just saying, those two hate each other (at least as teenagers) and it doesn't even really involve harry lol. and i for one love it!
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
i am also bad at questions like these i'm so sorry 🫣 literally have no world/character-building capabilities to imagine people's favourite anythings. i do like the idea of cho being thoroughly unimpressed by the quality of the hogwarts cooking though! do i back a fleet of house elves living out their days in a castle in the scottish highlands to know their way around any kind of asian cuisine? no i do not. cho would have every right to fume
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