#canarian amazigh
raging-guanche · 1 year
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My name is Nauzet! Im indigenous reconnecting amazigh/guanche.
Im a canarian independentist, neurodivergent, art student and queer history enjoyer, i also love metal and goth music and body mods.
im a young bear/cub, not a minor, but dont be weird.
im happily taken by my wonderful boyfriend Dailos (@kandiwinged).
admin of @ocd--culture--is and @nomoremrnicefat .
i wont tag queer.
dfi: zionist, nazi, radqueer, mspec lesbian/gay, pro/comshipper, fatphobe, demonize any disorder.
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kandiwinged · 10 months
can white people start caring about something that isn't their fucking holiday homes. there's currently +3000 hectares burning down in a fire that was caused on purpose in Achinech (Tenerife in Spanish), but white people just seem to care about their fucking holiday homes to come here in the winter.
this fucking shit is the same from when the volcano in Benahoare (La Palma in Spanish) erupted. immediately trying to sell everything like a tourist attraction when it wasn't even SAFE.
just thinking about their fucking holidays. not about the people losing their home, crops, animals, their whole fucking lives.
but no, we're just a place to spend the holidays. just some tourist attraction. y'all go fuck urselves
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One day I would to write an essay on how Spain systematically denying Basques, Canarians, Catalans and Galicians their identity and instead calling them "Spanish" and "Hispanic" is a form of imperialism (like... Franco literally attempted ethnic cleasing against non-Castilians, did we all forget this)
Kaixo anon!
Let's not forget, it's true. But it wasn't just Franco, it started way earlier, with the arrival of the Bourbon dinasty to Spain.
The amazigh languages of the Canary islands are thought to have been lost around the late 18th century, early 19th.
1768 SPAIN: New law passed that forces to teach solely in Spanish in Aragón and Catalunya; it was extended to the whole territory in 1780.
1772 SPAIN: Another law banned all merchants to have their bookkeeping in any language but Spanish.
1776 SPAIN: Printing books in Català and Euskara was prohibited.
1789 FRANCE: disappearance of every old regional law and language. Books not written in French were burnt and the use and teaching of any other language was punished.
1794 FRANCE: Education must be solely in French, any other language became prosecuted.
1801 SPAIN: all theater plays and songs in any other language but Spanish became banned. Also dancing to non-Spanish songs.
1803 SPAIN: it's documented the first report of physical punishment for speaking in Euskera at school.
1857 SPAIN: Spanish Grammar and Ortography became the only and mandatory text book at public schools.
1862 SPAIN: Using any language but Spanish in any public document was prohibited.
1867 SPAIN: another law banning theater plays in Català or Euskera.
1876 SPAIN: Basque old laws became banned. According to Madrid newspaper "El Imparcial": "Taking away their old laws isn't enough, we now have to take their language away."
1896 SPAIN: Speaking on the phone or sending telegraphs in Basque or Català became illegal.
1902 SPAIN: Any teacher that taught in Català or Euskera began to be punished.
1903 FRANCE: another law banning Euskera & Català in school.
1923 SPAIN: Euskera & Català became banned from official events.
1925 SPAIN: every textbook not written in Spanish were removed; teachers that didn't teach in Spanish were suspended from work without pay.
1930 SPAIN: Every local institution is forced to keep their visitor's book and registrations only in Spanish.
1937 SPAIN: Prohibition of speaking Basque and every sign of Basque culture, ie using Basque names, playing Basque instruments, wearing Basque colors. The punishments were from social humiliations to jail or execution. Same thing happened in Catalunya.
1938 SPAIN: Only Spanish names accepted. In church, masses just in Spanish, with a permission of only a 10 min. preach in Basque if nobody understood Spanish.
1939 SPAIN: Signs in Euskera & Català in hotels were removed.
1940 SPAIN: Signs in Euskera & Català in justice courts and shops were removed.
1940 SPAIN: Public workers forced to speak just in Spanish or face dismissal. Every movie - national or international - is forced to have its dialogues in Spanish.
1944 SPAIN: Euskera & Català again banned from public documents and even tombs.
1947 SPAIN: Euskera & Català banned from magazines.
1948 SPAIN: Again, Euskera & Català banned from schools.
1954 SPAIN: Euskera & Català banned from every radio station.
1964 SPAIN: It became illegal to feature Euskera & Català in records or advertising.
1978-2015 SPAIN & FRANCE: Still Euskera & Català are unregulated in France, and in Spain in places like Trebiñu.
[we didn't include galego because in the source we use it didn't and we're not completely sure it was included in all these laws, but we're 95% convinced it was too, so.. include it in your heads.]
The Spanish and French governments have tried SO SO SO hard during the last 300 years to erase us. Good thing is we're more stubborn and proud than them.
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sissa-arrows · 5 months
Historic ramble I suppose but as a historian I do get a bit offended when people refer to Al-Andalus simply as an "Arab kingdom(s)", since many of the previous people there who also invaded the region (such as the Visigoths) did convert to Islam and some retained their positions in power, and many of the "Arab" rulers were actually Imazighen.
It's more accurate to call it an Amazigh ""kingdom(s)"" (DNA research proves that many Portuguese and Spanish, especially those in the south like Algarve and Andalusia, have the most Amazigh ancestors outside of North Africa, which is why they are visually similar to one another and tend to have darker skin). Even more so than the Canary Islands, which were entirely habited by indigenous Imazighen (like the Guanches from Tenerife) prior to Castillian colonization. Which is sad because even if many Canarians today have indigenous Amazigh ancestors they culture has been nearly lost because of genocide (even if many Canarians are trying to reclaim their Amazigh/North African identity, which is a story for another time - and I wonder if you'd be interested in it).
You also mentioned this before I believe!
The way I started reading the first few words and was expecting some history revisionism (that’s usually what I get in my ask box about “Arabs and North Africa”) but I got pleasantly surprised. Cause yup while the conquest itself was done by both Arabs and Imazighen the people who actually mixed with the local and lived in Al Andalus were mostly Imazighen the Arabs left super fast their goal was just spreading Islam.
A southern Portuguese has more Imazighen ancestry than I, an Arabized Algerian, have actual Arab ancestry. The amount is still under 10% (I think it’s 6 or 8 I don’t remember the study exactly) but comparatively they have exactly 0 actual Arab ancestry.
I knew that Canarians were Imazighen (I’m also claiming Sicily by the way) but I didn’t know about the reclaiming of their Imazighen identity it seems really interesting!
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Since wasting is a big nope in my magical work, I used the steeped rose petals from the rose liquor I posted about yesterday, as part of a new batch of Kyphi incense.
As I have posted in the past weeks, this year I am upgrading all my services for customers, and improving the recipes of most magical ingredients -  the rose liquor itself, is one of the ways that this is happening. So, I could not just throw away the rose petals!
Kyphi is a type of offering incense made in ancient Egypt, and one of my specialties as both a herbalist, and a North African – don't forget that us Canarians are Amazighs, and we share a great deal of cultural heritage, plus an extremely similar ecologic environment, with all countries in Northern Africa. That means we grow and use most of the same herbs, and commune with extremely similar (if not the same) types of spiritual entities.
Kyphi is a superfood for spirits – it is made with fruits, wine, honey, powdered resins, and a huge list of herbs, roots, and spices that I constantly improve, both through my experience, through seasonal availability, and through the direct advice of Spirits, who tell me what they like.
After the mix is finished – a process that can take months, since I grow a lot of these ingredients from seed – it is prayed over daily for extra charging for a specific number of days, and then stored in my main altar so its energy is untouched until it is used.
As it ages, it only smells better and better. Its scent is similar to the scent that fills a house when a fruity cake is baked; sweet, sensual, and delicious. And when YOUR work's petition is presented to the Spirits along with some of it, the Spirits' will is sweetened and honoured by its scent, and by the tremendous amount of energy that each batch entails.
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gwendolynlerman · 3 years
Separatist and irredentist movements in the world
Canary Islands
Proposed state: Republic of the Canary Islands
Region: Canary Islands, Spain
Ethnic group: Canarians
Goal: autonomy/independence
Date: 19th century-present
Political parties: Coalición Canaria (CC), Partido Nacionalista Canario (PNC), Centro Canario Nacionalista (CCN), Nueva Canarias (NC), Frente Popular de las Islas Canarias (FREPIC-AWAÑAK), Alternativa Nacionalista Canaria (ANC), Alternativa Popular Canaria (APC), Unidad del Pueblo (UP)
Militant organizations: -
Current status: inactive
1402-1496 - Castilian conquest of the Canary Islands
1481 - Carta de Calatayud
1883 - creation of the Province of Canary Islands
1901 - foundation of the first nationalist party
1982 - autonomy is granted to the islands
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Before the Spanish conquest, the Canary Islands were inhabited by the Guanches, who shared a common origin with the Amazigh.
In 1481, a Guanche leader from Gran Canaria signed a peace treaty known as the Carta de Calatayud with Spain, according to which the islands would become a kingdom within the Spanish monarchy. However, Spain failed to fulfill the pact several times, which resulted in different uprisings.
The first nationalist organizations were created in the 19th century, but Canarian nationalism went unnoticed during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939). During the Franco dictatorship (1939-1975), regional nationalism was fiercely oppressed, but in the 1960s various groups were constituted to fight for self-determination, sometimes using violence.
After democracy was established, the Canary Islands received a statute of autonomy that defines them as a nationality of Spain. Between 1993 and 2019, the nationalist party Coalición Canaria governed the archipelago, but no further steps have been taken towards independence.
Canarian people
There are significant Canarian populations in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Venezuela. They speak Canarian Spanish, a Romance dialect that belongs to the Indo-European family. Some inhabitants of the island of La Gomera also retain an ancient way of communicating using a whistled speech called Silbo Gomero.
There are around 1.6 million Canarians. The islands mainly depend on tourism.
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Canarian Islanders are mostly Catholic Christians.
autonomía - autonomy
canario, -a - Canarian
independencia - independence
Islas Canarias - Canary Islands
libre - free
nacionalidad - nationality
nacionalismo - nationalism
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So, I wanted to do a series of posts talking about the Iberian peninsula (+ Balearic and Canary islands) throughout history and its divisions. For that, I wanted to talk a bit in-depth about pre-Roman Iberia and the kind of peoples that inhabited it. So, first of all, here's the canonical map we usually use in class when we study all of this stuff.
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It's in Portuguese, but it's pretty easy to understand. First of all, there are two big pre-Roman groups that inhabited the Peninsula: the indigenous and the exogenous groups.
The indigenous groups generally can be divided into two big "groups": Iberians and Celts. These two groups were so strongly divided that the Hispanic Roman author Martial wrote that he was descendant "of iberians and celts" all the way in the 2nd century CE. Of course, as you can see in the map, this was not as easy as that, and there were some groups that can't be classified into these two groups, namely the vasconi (direct antecessors of the modern Basque people), turdetani (descendants of Tartessos), and of course the indigenous Canarian people, the guanches.
The exogenous groups are basically Greeks and Phoenicians / Punics. Greeks stablished a polis in what's now Ampuriès, the city of Emporion; while Phoenicians were all over various points of the southern coast, with very very important trade routes.
Keep in mind, the names of the tribes and groups are all Roman, as well as the location of each of the groups; we don't know how much longer did one group inhabited a particular area. We also know that some of these groups didn't coexist; for example the contestani ruled over the territory where the edetani should be.
Not all groups produced a written script, in fact, we only have various iberian scripts that, even though can be read, aren't desciphered. Other than that, we mostly have toponyms and antroponyms, as well as some lusitanian words in latin script, again, without being desciphered. Linguistically, the lusitani and vettoni didn't speak a celtic language, which differentiated them with the rest of celtic groups. Of course, turdetani and vasconi also had a unique language.
These groups have a chronology of about the 13th century BC until the late 2nd century BC, when Rome started its conquest of the peninsula. Nevertheless, toponyms and anthroponyms, as well as some religious practices and other cultural stuff survived well into the Roman Empire.
As for the guanches, an Amazigh group, they have a chronology of about the 5th century BC until the 15th century, where the Spanish colonizers wiped out the locals.
I'll be doing individual posts on the exogenous first and then indigenous groups, and down below you'll have the complete list of everything i'll be talking about; I'll be linking all posts so you can take a look at them as I make them:
Exogenous groups:
Phoenicians / Punics
Indigenous groups:
Turdetani and Tartessos
Northeastern Iberian Groups (lacetani, indiketi, ilergeti...)
Middle Ebro Iberians
Asturi & Cantabri
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raging-guanche · 7 months
"the revolution must be pacific" my people blew up a british marine's arm for fucking up with us
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raging-guanche · 10 months
there's literally 3.000< hectares affected by the fire in Achinech (esp: Tenerife), including forests, and white people complain about their fucking holiday homes
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this also happened with Benahoare (esp: La Palma), people worried about tourism, locals lost their homes, soils, even lives, but people were complaining about their ruined holidays and how long would take to make the island "vacation friendly" again.
Massive tourism KILLS.
Leave the canary islands fucking alone.
C.I aren't european's thematic park
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raging-guanche · 1 year
you can't be antifa/decolono if you think canary islands are spain
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raging-guanche · 1 year
"noooo don't use the term nationalist and the colors black and yellow together they have bad meanings in America"
canarian nationalists;
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raging-guanche · 8 months
so, now spanish people are whitewashing A MUMMY.
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raging-guanche · 1 year
guiri; omg!!!! the triforce!!! i love zelda!!!!!
me, who sended photos of pintaderas; what
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raging-guanche · 1 year
sometimes i feel bad cause of my indigenous/north African features, then i remember that crackers "transition" to my features and want to be me so much they made a whole label and flag for it.
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raging-guanche · 1 year
THAT tiktok queers be like ooh don't say flag cause anarchism and shit calling it gay flags is problematic is gay symbol:((..... . oh but the labrys flag is cool tho!!! and yk let's make even more "symbols" with fucking nazi symbology!!!!!!!
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what did the spaniards do in the canary islands??????? :OOOO
What didn’t they do?
They killed all the natives they could - they were amazigh, btw - and enslaved the survivors, also forcing them to be baptised and converted to Christianism with a new Castilian name. Their religion, culture and language were destroyed. We’re currently in a point were we know almost nothing about these people. Their language can’t be reconstructed because there’s so little stuff regarding it, and most of it comes from Castilian chroniclers.
Besides, the forests that once covered the islands were cut down to make forts, cities, ships and, especially, to dry cochineals and make dye carmine. Some autoctonous trees - the dragos - were cut down and almost went extint because Castilians wanted to sell its ridiculously expensive sap. 
Shall we go on?
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