#chemotherapy for breast cancer
Know your options 
Immunotherapy vs. Chemotherapy
As research and development in the field of medical science progress, the effectiveness of treatment is increasing. Knowing the difference between various treatments is very important. It enables you to have a better discussion with a doctor. Also being fully aware of the kind of treatment you or your loved one is undergoing decreases stress and anxiety.
What is chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is administered to kill cancer cells and shrink cancer cells so that the tumour decreases and surgery can be performed, at times it's even used to control the spread of cancer cells to prolong the life of a cancer patient as much as possible.  
In chemotherapy, various drugs or medicines are given through intravenous (IV). A tube attached to a needle is inserted into a vein in the patient's chest. Some chemotherapy drugs can be taken in the form of tablets too while some drugs are injected into the muscle, under the skin or directly into the spinal fluid.
When administered correctly chemotherapy is a painless procedure. It should not cause any pain. In case it does call the doctor immediately. In rare cases, the medicine leaks into the surrounding tissues and that may cause pain.
Depending on the kind of cancer and stage, chemotherapy can take 5 mins to a few hours. You will be continuously monitored to ensure that the medication is not reacting negatively to your body.
Chemotherapy does have side effects but with the help of a good doctor, the side effects can be managed well and will not cause the patient discomfort. 
Nausea, diarrhoea, mouth sores, fatigue and fever are some of the common side effects that can be treated easily. Keeping in touch with the doctor is very important. Any discomfort which is increasing should be immediately reported.  
Hair loss in chemotherapy- not all patients lose hair while undergoing chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs kill growing cells. They can’t differentiate between normal and cancer cells. So not only cancer cells, but also those found in the hair follicles, mouth and gastrointestinal tract are killed. That is why some patients develop mouth sores, nausea, diarrhoea and lose their hair.
What is Immunotherapy?
This is a form of treatment that boost a person’s immunity to fight the cancer cells. The patient’s immune system is stimulated with the help of certain drugs, proteins and other elements. This kind of treatment is easy to produce and administer and therefore can be used extensively. Immune cells travel throughout the body via the lymphatic system. Since cancer cells do not contain the same composition that normal cells contain, immunotherapy targets mostly cancer cells.   
Biomarkers are tests that determine the level of abnormality. They give a clearer picture of the patient's genetic makeup, behaviour, and interactions with the immune system. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy are easy to obtain. Biomarkers are very important in cancer treatment because they determine the course of treatment. 
Also for immunotherapy liquid biopsy can be conducted so that results can be obtained easily and quickly. General biopsy for immunotherapy assesses immune cell status rather than tumour characteristics. Which again is very unique to this treatment. 
 IHC- Immunohistochemistry assays are used widely because they can indicate the distribution and localization of specific cellular components within cells and in proper tissue context which doctors can use to provide better treatment. Its specific standards are laid down for immunotherapy. It is also easy to predict responses in patients being administered immunotherapy. 
Immunotherapies are administered into a vein (IV), through an injection, under the skin or into a muscle some are injected directly into the body cavity where the tumour is located.
This kind of therapy also causes side effects like fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, decreased appetite, rash and itching. 
On the whole, immunotherapy is relatively cost-friendly. 
Many oncologists prefer a combination of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy. 
Several clinical trials are being conducted to increase the effectiveness and decrease the side effects of immunotherapy.
Depending on your case, symptoms, and stage of cancer Oncologist at Career Cancer Hospital, Bhopal MP decide which treatment to offer. Doctors use biochemical markers to decide the kind of treatment that is best for patients. Biochemical markers like hormones, enzymes, proteins, antigens, or antibodies produced or altered while cancer cells come together are studied carefully. 
A team of specialised and dedicated doctors and staff are here to make this journey to fight cancer easy and successful.  
cancer chemotherapy
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carrerhospital · 2 years
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Child specialist that comfort children and provide accurate diagnosis are available at Career Hospital Bhopal.
chemotherapy for breast cancer
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
I'm worried about the rising rate of young adults getting cancer.
For what it's worth, we've actually made a shocking amount of progress against cancer - especially the most common cancers like breast cancer, and especially in the past 30 years.
Cancer rates have been falling, often dramatically (x, x, x, x, x, x). One of the best examples it that breast cancer deaths in the United States dropped 58% between 1975 and 2019 (x).
Right now, we're at the beginning of an absolute revolution in cancer care that promises to increase survival rates even further. This revolution has been going on to a lesser degree since the first human genome was successfully sequenced in the early 2000s (and in fact, the first gapless sequencing of a human genome was finally finished just two years ago, in 2022), and to a greater extent since CRISPR DNA-editing technology was first successfully tested in 2013, and since medical digitzation/digital communication and vaccination were massively spurred ahead in 2020, by the COVID pandemic (x, x).
Right now, the results of this revolution are only beginning to trickle out into actual treatments. But I guarantee you, in the next one to three decades, the way we fight cancer will be massively transformed.
We're talking personalized genome sequencing for each person with cancer - not just for early and better detection, but even to figure out what types of treatments will work best. (x, x, x, x)
We're talking using CRISPR-based DNA editing to literally cut cancer-causing mutations out of your DNA, to edit the genes of immune cells to better detect and kill cancer cells, and to kill cancer-causing viruses. (x, x, x, x)
We're talking using CRISPR-based screening to figure out how chemotherapy resistance works, so that we can overcome it - and even weaponize it. (x, x)
We're talking using CRISPR to edit immune cells so that they recognize and target the mutations of a single individual's specific tumor. (x)
We're talking new types of testing that can predict if cancer will return years before it shows up on scans. (x)
We're talking using (non-generative) AI to massively increase the accuracy and earliness of cancer detection - which by the way is already starting to happen, there are several AI-based systems that detect cancer earlier and more accurately than doctors do. (x, x, x, x, x, x)
Also, the more we transition to a green, sustainable, and ethical future, the fewer cancer-causing substances will be in the environment (fossil fuels, oil drilling, and mining are massive sources of carcinogens at every point in the process).
Cancer is awful. That is a massive understatement. But the fight against cancer is one where there are so many reasons for hope.
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gazagfmboost · 4 months
Fefe (Fayza Abd Hasan)
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Vetting: new IG account but missmulberry vouches for her Instagram: fefe_palestinian_mother Fund Currency: £ Pound
Fefe is a mother with breast cancer, modest for the camera for religious reasons but seeking to evacuate to Egypt for cancer treatment when the Rafah border opens. She is an incredibly strong woman- steadfast to her values, resilient, & hopeful despite every tragedy. I know that with our help that she will beat cancer, continue cooking beautiful meals, & raising her beloved children to be amazing human beings. I hope that you will support her very inspiring spirit & consider contributing to assist her goal with any size donation-
or by giving a heart to the post or re-sharing to help her story be seen & heard! Thank you for your kindness!
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Help a Palestinian mother get her cancer treatment gofund.me/5b1dce2c
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Just a reminder…
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That healing takes time.
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That sometimes change is necessary for well-being.
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That sometimes change and progress are painful, but for the better.
Cancer is a lot like any other journey of growth - there’s a lot of change, pain from unexpected places, but help and kindness in far more.
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butter-that-fly · 4 months
Because of chemo my pussy juices are literallly toxic so i can't have sex till like two days before my next session and even then it's highly restricted.
Pussy so good it could kill. 😎
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glcarissa · 10 months
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I haven't posted for a few months due to major health issues. From March 12, 2023, when I first located the lump in my left breast, to the present, it has been heart wrenching and challenging. I no longer have my father or mother, both have sadly passed away, to help me through this. And I don't want to be a burden on my children. Siblings ... all blood is not necessarily family, which is the saddest part of going through this alone.
After being in remission from ovarian cancer surgery in 2018, I was just diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, that has spread to my bones.
The illness and treatment have drastically impacted my physical and mental health to the point where I have not been fully active for several months. It has taken a toll on me, to say the least. Everything has changed. I am sad to admit, also, that many people have also changed. This is a devastating and horrible disease that no one should have to journey alone. But 'it is what it is' and I must keep fighting, whether with support or on my own.
Below is the link to my gofundme page to help me along my cancer journey. If you are able to donate, thank you in advance. If you are not able to donate, please consider sharing my page. I appreciate you all and hope to live as long as possible with this life-changing illness.
Cancer takes away everything. Each day is a battle, but this is my journey and forward I must go.
Stay safe. Be kind. Be humble. Be human.
Gloria C Swain [May 23, 1956 - ]
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Career Hospital Bhopal is the closest medical center because of its strategic location. Very easy to reach hopital for all.
multispeciality hospital near me
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carrerhospital · 2 years
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Entrust the most precious moments of your life in the hands of experienced maternity hospital, Career Hospital Bhopal.
chemotherapy for breast cancer
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Pollen-powered Delivery
Spring is a beautiful time of year as flowers start to bloom again. But for some, it spells trouble as hay fever goes into overdrive. While pesky pollen may be irritating for some, now it could be lifesaving for others – specifically those with a certain type of breast cancer. Triple-negative breast cancer makes up around 10–15% of all breast cancer cases and is difficult to treat as it’s missing three receptors that cancer therapeutics usually target. Studies suggest that the best way to treat this type of breast cancer is through chemotherapy, but combining that with the delivery of oxygen. This is where pollen (pictured) comes in as researchers showed it could be a useful way to deliver both chemotherapy with its spiky exterior, and oxygen due to its hollow centre – which can be released in a controlled manner using ultrasound – to the cancer cells simultaneously and help the treatments work better.
Written by Sophie Arthur
Image from work by Baojie Wen and colleagues
Department of Ultrasound, Institute of Translational Medicine, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Medicine School, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Advanced Science, May 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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risenwraith · 1 year
#108 Shit biscuits.
(I was gonna title this ‘fucking shit biscuits’, but then I remembered I have two more infusions to go and might need to save the expletives for later.)
Infusion 4 hits a bit harder than the others.
So, three full days of zapp-zapp-splat and feeling like a shivering bruise isn’t much harder to weather than two. Hurrah!
It’s the everything else.
Zombie-mouth has it so I can taste bugger all. 85% of food might as well be textured plastic. (Even cake tastes sad.) And the things I can taste are very unbalanced. If I add hot sauce or kimchi or soy to a meal, by the time I can taste it I get only the discordant edge – vinegar without spice, hot without nuance, salt without umami. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s very disheartening. Especially when the time frame from ‘hungry’ to ‘food now or I die, bitch’ is roughly ten minutes. Hurriedly shovelling spoonfuls of what might as well be diced cardboard into your mouth so your body doesn’t throw a complete tantrum is pretty miserable.
I now *look* like a chemo patient. Turns out – for me at least – having bugger all eyelashes and eyebrows does make me look super wan and pathetic. Also weird, but not in a good way. (The last stalwart lashes hanging in there are legends, but they cannot disguise the fact that all the others have fallen.) Again, it’s one of those FFS get over yourself things. Oh noooooo, you look rubbish as high grade medical magical poison burns out the shit trying to kill you! Oooh, alas!
Most telling of all is the stupid cross-fit bike. I’ve tried to do two sets of ten minutes a day. Didn’t always do both, but I did at least ensure that if I started a set I would finish it. Today I did ten minutes – only one session - and fuck me it was hell. My arms were noodles, legs were not having it, I was out of breath which isn’t normal. The only thing keeping me going was the fact that if I didn’t finish the stupid set I would use that as an excuse not to next time. (I know my neurons.) It was fucking hard – in a way it hadn’t been before and shouldn’t be even for a terrible little goblin like me.
Shit. Aargh. Flomp. Whine. Etc etc.
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Please Support The Martinez Family
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Good News From Israel
In the 13th Nov 22 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli nitric oxide device helps hospitalized Covid-19 patients recover.
Israeli surgeons repaired the heart of a Syrian baby flown in from Cyprus.
Huge number of Israeli climate-tech and food-tech innovations.
Record number of tourists return to Israel.
Israeli technology powers UK retail giant’s autonomous stores.
Israeli runner is NYC Marathon runner-up.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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In the Book of Ecclesiastes, it states that there is nothing new under the sun. While that may be strictly true, Israeli innovations are certainly making good use of the sunshine to generate pollution-free energy and grow food to feed a hungry world.
This week's positive Israel news includes using solar energy to produce hydrogen from water, generate water out of the atmosphere, power buildings using solar paint, and create zero-emissions Israeli factories. Israelis are designing solar power plants on the Moon, installing solar panels in farms, and creating solar water heaters that operate in cold climates. Israelis are using the sun's rays to grow micro-algae, create natural sugar substitutes, and boost crop yields. They even allow impoverished Lebanese farmers to harvest Israeli olives. To maintain clear skies, Israeli technology reduces the fuel used by ships, creates "green" ink for printed circuits, cuts methane emissions from cattle, grows coral reefs, and converts CO2 into minerals for the glass industry.  It is therefore not surprising that the improved environment has attracted more rare, endangered species to the Israeli coast.
The photo (TY Sharon) is of olives ripening under the Jerusalem sun.
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collecting--stardust · 10 months
Posted to female oncology ward for these two weeks and all I can say is cancer is cruel but amidst that pain and sorrow, you can really see true love in that ward
#saying this in light of one of my group's fav patient that passed away after my shift last morning#shes in her early 30s and was a teacher and was diagnosed with breast cancer that metastases to lung and cervical lymph nodes#she was weak since she was admitted last week and usually just sleep but shes so nice every time we administered medication to her#or even when we check her vital signs despite how tired she was#her husband is a teacher too and as of late hes there every day as her condition deteriorated#apparently she wanted to undergo chemotherapy but her first cycle led to some severe side effects so her doctor doesn't allowed it#when we read the case note before clocking out the shift yesterday theres a psychiatrist entry so yeah#her husband was just caressing her hands as she slept yesterday and he looks obviously pained when my friend asked what had she eaten#because we need to fill the intake output chart and yeah she was unable to eat much anyway#it was very sad to see her husband wiping his tears silently by her bedside#and then we came to the ward this morning to find out she had passed away and there was a discharge note on her case note#apparently she supposedly will be discharged today so that she will be able to go at home#turned out she left first..#it rained the whole morning today and it kind of summarizes the mood of our group members this morning#it was sad obviously but when i think about it you can really see how much her husband really cared for her until the end#i hope he will be able to heal and that may her soul rest in peace#personal.txt
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partnersforever · 1 year
Hi, I don't really do this but we really need help.
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maldreathezora · 11 months
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tumor markers are down 😀 chemo (enhertu) infusion 55.
nov 7 2023. age 32.
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