#cannibalism poems
broadwayinabox · 8 months
Flour dusted over a wooden board
A pinch of salt to taste
The meat here comes in hourly
Not an appointment goes to waste
She marinates the standing fools
Before they’re shipped above
The imprudent seasoning of ghouls
For an Icarus in love.
- ‘Mrs. Lovett has a lie shoppe’ from ‘musings on a hyperfixation’
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darkpoetryshop · 5 months
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Cannibalism is a metaphor for love
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its-ya-boi-kaz · 7 months
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To love is to devour.
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starlesstuff · 9 months
l am hungry I have been hungry I was born hungry What do I need?
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vulpinae · 1 year
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the hungers of hadewijch and eckhart - donald f. duclow stigmata: escaping texts - hélène cixous you are in a hotel room -  joan tierney the notebooks of malte laurids brigge - rainer maria rilke great expectations - kathy acker hot-hand fallacy - jasmine gibson erotism: death and sensuality - georges bataille  cain - josé saramago love in the time of monsters - emily palermo  a curious night for a double eclipse -  j. karl bogartte.
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katerinaaqu · 28 days
Random question: (sorry is dark so beware)
If Odysseus's crew while trapped at Helios's Island. If instead of the cows of the God's flock they started eating each other (like future sailing traditions sometimes did) would they make it home? 🤔
I mean TECHNICALLY they wouldn't have touched the cows which would fulfill the prophecy or Tiresias for their return but knowing the reactions of gods upon acts of cannibalism even if they did lay a foot on their land would they be able to feel joy for it or would they get cursed for their entire lives and the future generations to come?
Food for thought (sorry pun not intended)
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orpheuslament · 8 months
i <3 people who complain about "tumblr poetry" being trite & cliché when they have never had an original artistic thought really its great
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fearandhatred · 3 months
ok so what if the reason crowley likes watching aziraphale eat is because nothing he does for himself can give him back the pleasure he felt when creating his stars, so the next closest feeling to that is through experiencing someone else's greatest pleasures. but it will never be enough
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text below the cut
hunger is a funny thing; multifaceted, duplicitous there's a hunger to give and a hunger to take the hunger of passion and the hunger of greed
i knew only of the first type of hunger, before time, before sorrow back when there was just the explosions of supernovas, the heat of the cosmos, the planets in my grasp and the world at my feet back when i was the barycenter of the universe and all my steps created consecrated ground the souls at my tabernacled fingertips, helpless, hopeless, defenceless the power to do whatever i wanted to them and choosing only kindness
that was before i knew how it feels to have it all stripped away to go from being larger than life to living in it; from creating to the realisation of having been created, at the mercy of things of my own design to be helpless, hopeless, defenceless, in a world that was never kind to me
that was before i knew the agony of hunger pangs, bone deep and spiritual that carved out my marrows, left me substanceless and corrosive everywhere and nowhere, that nothing i did could satiate that nothing can satiate but grace
there's a hunger to give and a hunger to take and the damned have nothing left to give
but you do.
you take and you take and you take, never left wanting a taking borne not from desperate emptiness, for once, but one of indulgence you gorge yourself with selfish pleasure, glut yourself with food unneeded fulfilment, hunger stacked upon already-there satisfaction and in taking, so also do you give
with each fistful you grabbed of that ox rib i could imagine snatching my stars out of the sky pressing them down between my palms, permanent claiming marks seared into my hands i imagined swallowing them down, eruptions of light and neutrons on my tongue with each sip you take of wine i imagine myself sucking in the universe galaxies and planets orbiting in my stomach, the centre of the world's gravity i imagine breathing in liquid life, the warmth of existence stinging my throat
and for the first time, my hunger is sated by watching you sate yours for now, it's enough for me to just watch
so establish this covenant with me: take your fill of animals, of drink, of everything within reach stuff your heart full, consume the world raw, and i'll do the same with my eyes but after that, tear the flesh off my frame, gnaw on my hollow bones strip me of the little i'm still worth, leave me bare and stranded feast on my body, broken for you do this in remembrance of me, and maybe i'll do the same
because that hunger of creation i can never get back, no matter how much i try so now i just gorge myself on you
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e-mptyflowerfields · 10 months
I’d crawl into his ribcage if he let me, like Leonardo DiCaprio in The Revenant, I’d curl up in him like he was a dead horse and I was desperate for warmth
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lux-brumalis444 · 1 year
Your lips.
Your hands.
My chest.
You are my angel of destruction.
So breathtakingly covered in blood.
And while you devoure my heart,
I am on my knees in front of you.
Looking up to you and praying for your love.
Let me be a part of you.
Let me be yours for eternity.
And so I shall die a thousand times as long as it's your hands that take my life.
As long as it’s your arms that hold me while I take one painfully last breath.
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birthofvcnus · 10 months
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cannibalism as an act of love;
1. Sean Glatch; 4:41 // 2. Yusef Komunyakaa; The Thorn Merchant // 3. William-Adolphe Bouguereau; Dante & Virgil In Hell // 4. Virginia Woolf; The Waves // 5. Francisco Goya; Saturn Devouring His Son // 6. Hélène Cixous; Stigmata: Escaping Texts // 7. Odd Nerdrum; Cannibals // 8. Jamaal May; The Whetting of Teeth
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lunarhorrors · 6 days
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Old Dogs, Old Habits.
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poet-slenderman · 7 months
Tear The Flesh
TW: Gore, cannibalism
Rip, rip, rip,
Tear the flesh from the body,
Drip, drip, drip,
Let blood pool to the floor,
May the skin be torn,
May the mind be worn
Bare your fangs,
Hear the suffering scream,
With the sharp pangs,
Watch the crimson flow
With mechanical precision
Make the next incision
Feed, Feed, Feed,
Hunger wracking at your insides,
Bleed, Bleed, Bleed,
Rage and violence spectacular
Bring the meat up to your lips,
Tear it into tiny strips
Organs draped around,
The taste of fear upon your tongue,
The victim makes no more sound,
And you feast,
Delicious, tough muscle,
Torn from bone with a tussle
More, More, More,
Satiation is not found,
Gore, Gore, Gore,
The beast within demands it,
Why be food if not to feed,
Why have blood if not to bleed
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maxxxthewpoet · 7 months
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Freezer bride your sweet divine 🥩
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