#cannot wait for her to react to the next episodes
stars-n-spice · 6 months
I started watching TBB with my mom...
So my family's got this tradition where every Friday we eat pizza because my mom is an absolute pizza addict and needs it every week.
It's been like,, idk, eleven years of us doing this?? And I think once the Mandalorian started streaming we would have Pizza Fridays and also watch whatever show was streaming at the time; Star Wars, Marvel, Cobra Kai, etc...
Recently we haven't watched anything because I watch Bad Batch on my own but when I was talking to her about it she brought up wanting to watch it too. At first, I was like,, "Seriously??" because I didn't think she cared all that much about my silly animation shows, but she was serious. However, she wanted to start at Season 3. I was like, "Weird choice, but alright. We can work with that."
My younger brother who also enjoys the show hadn't been able to watch the new season either so I was like,, "okay why not?" I need him to see it so I can scream about it to someone physically, y'know?
We watched the first four episodes last night and I kid you not,, fucking five minutes into it my mom was like,, "They LOST their kid?? What a bunch of losers."
It was so uncalled for and I cannot wait for her to find out they lost her for a SECOND time :')
She was like, "No wonder they're called the Bad Batch, they're bad at their job."
Tried to defend them by saying, "Hey, cut them some slack they lost their mom of the group and the smart one," but she just went, "Erm, actually-"
She enjoyed it though and said it was fun. And my brother was so distressed over the time skip I thought he was going to cry.
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jemmo · 2 months
the more i think about i hear the sunspot the more i realise i am absolutely fucking obsessed with taichi as a character, and after ep 4 i feel like we’re on the cusp of something great with him. bc taichi is such a face-value simple character. he’s loud and boisterous and carefree and has no problem taking space and expressing himself. throughout all these episodes, he conveys how he feels so clearly, it all starts with this clear expression of hunger, and when he’s given food by someone, he doesn’t think twice, he just eats. it’s easy. he doesn’t overthink it. and when he thinks something about kohei, he just says it, he defends him easily, he tells him he should ask people to repeat themselves to him bc it’s simple, it’s not something you should overthink, if you can’t hear, ask someone to say it again. he tells him he likes to see him smiling, and when kohei starts ignoring him, he says plainly, you’re ignoring me, i don’t like it, stop it. there is a one way train from taichi’s thoughts and what he says, and there’s no stops along the way.
but the thing is, he’s now encountering things that makes him think. first with miho, he has a direct conflict between being honest and telling kohei about their meeting and what she said when kohei asks, and protecting someone from something hurtful. plus the question lingers if there’s any other reason why he doesn’t want to say, bc admitting to meeting her means admitting he liked her enough to think she was asking him out? bc telling kohei someone likes him conflicts with the fact he likes him? taichi is not used to complicated, or more, he doesn’t linger on complicated. if his parents divorce and his behaviour conveys anything, it’s that when met with a complicated and hurtful situation, instead of confronting it, he acted out, and later let his sunny demeanour cover up any more complicated emotions.
and what’s more, it’s taichi’s kindness towards kohei, the way he cares and supports and encourages him that’s brought him to this point of having to face something complicated. this idea is shown when taichi talks about the hamburger patties and the story of his grandpa cooking one as this act of kindness when he was going through a hard time. it’s a rare time we see taichi without his brightness, but kohei doesn’t hear. and taichi tries dismisses it, but kohei doesn’t let him, bc taichi’s the one that told him he’s allowed to ask people to repeat themselves and shouldn’t feel bad about it, so he makes taichi repeat himself and taichi does. he’s made to think about those complicated feelings again, and what’s more, made to convey them openly to someone. and now we have kohei’s confession, an act that wouldn’t have happened without taichi’s care and encouragement during the time they’ve known each other, both bc that’s what makes kohei like him and what makes him brave enough to say it. and taichi is make to confront complicated feelings once again. which is why i can’t wait to see how he reacts in this next episode. he’s now faced by something both complicated and something he cannot avoid or brush over, so how will he deal with someone else’s feelings and complicated situation, kohei’s hearing loss, and more so, how will he deal with having to look at and understand his own feelings? it’s safe to say i cannot wait for ep 5.
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moghedien · 1 year
actually the Selene storyline is so funny because show onlys are reacting to it in the funniest ways possible
like some people suspect she might be a darkfriend but obviously have no idea she is THE darkfriend and think she's more or less just another Dana. i haven't seen anyone actually certain that she's evil tho
some people just accept that she's Rand's sugar mommy and think that its a weird relationship where Rand is paying for his room and board with sex because she's sad and lonely and there's really nothing else to it
some people are entirely convinced that this is like the most we're gonna see of her and she's gonna disappear in an episode
absolutely no one is even close to even approaching the extent of what she is and its just soooooo funnnnny and I cannot WAIT for the next episode to fuck perceptions more
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s3 episode 21 thoughts
a fantastic episode yesterday, and… a SKINNER episode today?!?! what kind of journey are we in for?!!!
LITTLE DID I KNOW!!! for i simply had no idea that a skinner episode is EXACTLY what i needed!!! it is the thing i did not order but that hit the spot precisely!!! it was a thing i couldn’t predict!!!
but who would have thought it? a glimpse into the life of such a secretive man… and a beautiful one, at that!! wow!! i’m emotional over WALTER SKINNER! how unexpected, but also inevitable….
let us begin this journey, which went in so many directions
let us read this episode description. skinner, a murderer…. hmm. it’s not really adding up to me... in this context, at least. has he killed people? yes, definitely. but a random person? seems sloppy. seems weird. seems that someone is framing him…
we open with our friend walter.
this is not how i expected the episode to start!
oh, he won’t sign the papers. he says he’ll do it tomorrow. skinner is SAD :( he’s putting his coat on and leaving!!!!! he does not want to get divorced it seems.
wait, an emotional skinner like two minutes in……. woah. we’re in for a rollercoaster here, i can tell (author's note: op was correct)
noooo, sad skinner at a bar. someone sits next to him. this woman is pretty and sits next to him to escape a guy who wouldn’t stop talking to her. a gentleman!
she asks if being alone bothers him and OH! cutscene to sex. well. this escalated quickly. 
PAUSE. is this the first sex scene in this show??? and it’s SKINNER??? if you would have told me that fact a few months ago when i started this show, i would have laughed at you…
omg yeah... i think it is the first on-camera sex scene in this show?? in the past there hasn’t been much (thinking of 3, which is an episode i purposely choose to forget except for right now, and i am ONLY thinking of it to remember how the precedent was established) and they just cut to waking up the next morning. but no, not here. here we get the full show. 
well! he seems to be having fun, at least. 
OH??? until an old lady is on top of him and screaming? 
fun has been cancelled.
that seems to have been a terrible nightmare. but what is not a nightmare is that the woman next to him is DEAD!!!
my guess…. a slow acting poison??
poor skinner…… he literally cannot catch a break.
oh my goodness, how are our agents going to react to this news….? i would be so embarrassed if my employees knew who i was hooking up with……. and also that she died…..
mulder at da scene. he wants to talk to skinner but he isn’t allowed to talk to him!!!
his phone rings and scully is driving in absolute POURING RAIN and idk why it made me laugh. she was like in a damn flood and flooring it to get where she needed to be lmaoooo
skinner says not to get involved. yeah okay. unstoppable force (mulder on a quest for answers) meet immovable object (skinner)
OH! so it was NOT poison that killed her, and actually her neck was broken. so i guess i didn’t see that. which is probably good because i would have gagged.
this detective is being a jerk to mulder. saying that skinner is suspicious for not taking a lie detector test as if a lie detector test can prove a damn thing (hint: it cannot!) but mulder still gives him his card so they can call and chat
LMAOOOO he was on the phone with scully for all of that exchange with the detective, and she is STILL just trying to get through what looks like a hurricane!!! but she is on her way!!!! he says let’s go look at the body 
still at the crime scene, mulder sees the body’s outline and sighs deeply, realizing his colleague is in trouble
scully is narrating the autopsy into her little voice recorder thing, and it always makes me think she’s vlogging, but i digress. she says the victim’s spine was crushed, and only skinner’s prints were on the body.
mulder makes a stupid remark about “at least they were having safe sex” because really, what DO you say when your boss is a murder suspect, and the body is right in front of you? well! many of us will never have to answer this question. funny how he needs to have a Quip to cope, though. don't think i haven't noticed.
her name was carina, and she was a legal secretary who was fired for working as an escort. they truly hate to see a woman get her side hustle on.
scully looks so sad and confused at all of this, but turns the light out and the body’s face is glowing in the dark around the mouth!!! so she pulls out her recorder and makes note of that. it’s like if you split the juice in a glow stick on there. so maybe there WAS poison afoot?!
(author's note: literally no poison at all in this ep idk i was just really convinced there would be... it is important i also include my predictions that flop so you know i have journalistic integrity)
mulder and scully at someone’s door. the person who answers says lorraine is busy, and he says “busy or not, we need to speak with her” and barges in and AGAIN. the way these two just enter a room so forcefully always makes me lose my mind. someone please make a youtube complication of this someday. they are NOT vampires they do not need to be invited in 😭
lorraine, the head of the escort agency, wants to do their questioning later and they break the news carina is dead. she does not want to tell them who hired her, for it goes against their practice. but mulder is ANGRY and gets her to confess that it was, in fact, skinner.
the agents are walking out, asking what was he thinking, and i am wondering the same thing!! she says they can’t ignore the evidence, but mulder is refusing to believe that skinner could be responsible. oh mulder, your faith in those you love really is admirable.
she brings up that they really don’t know much about skinner, but he says that we know he’s risked a lot for us, and that they owe it to him to find the truth. another case of both things being true, which happens often with these two.
oooo this is juicy, i’m INVESTED!!!
conveniently timed cell phone call! skinner has been released. mulder runs to go get him and skinner says it doesn’t concern him, but mulder says of course it does, and damn, i’m just now realizing how attached to skinner mulder must be, how he sounds like a scared little kid hoping against hope he’s innocent, because the people you love can’t do bad things, right? AUGHHHHH how mulder must look for safety in all the places he didn’t get it growing up. i’m gonna be sick. of course it concerns us! <- yeah. making note to analyze this in depth later because it felt like piercing me through the heart.
skinner is gagged by their revelation that carina was a sex worker, which means something is afoot here, because he was supposed to be the one that hired her...
but when he looks behind them, he sees that creepy old woman again!!! omg i had forgotten about her!!!! she’s in a bright red rain jacket. 
and he runs into traffic after her (he does get hit by a car but it's the least of his worries) but when he goes to get her… it’s someone else?? with brown hair and blue eyes and not a creepy old lady at all. it’s his WIFE!!!!! WIFE REVEAL!!!!! 🎊
so the agents and sharon skinner are chatting. scully wants to know if he’s always been so private. “he lives under this misguided notion that silence is strength” is what his wife has to say, which is both poignant and read him for filth, sharon. so that is why they separated, and have been for about 8 months.
oh! mulder was one of the few people skinner ever mentioned from work!!! she knows he respects him, so she asks him if he really killed that woman. mulder says he doesn’t think skinner did it, but they have to go now. 
some guy named special agent bonnecaze is at skinner’s desk. and the agents are wanted at a hearing for skinner’s ability to keep his job!!! this bonnecaze says they’re not allowed to go sleuthing about. mulder is very very angry.
(what separates a special agent from a regular agent? this is probably a simple internet search, but isn't it more fun to post your thoughts? google says pretty much everyone at the federal level involved in crime investigation is a special agent. so if they're ALL special agents it can't be that special)
back to the office, where mulder is chomping on his pen, and skinner won’t answer his phone. scully notes that he is “doing everything he shouldn’t be doing” which is probably on purpose, RIGHT?? RIGHT?!
and scully looks so beautiful…. she’s concerned about skinner's state of mind, and what else he might be capable of. mulder seems frustrated that she would suspect him, but she explains that genuinely she IS giving him the benefit of the doubt, in the sort of tone you use when you are deeply apologizing to someone, hand on her chest. she can clearly see how attached mulder is to this whole situation. an empath...
scully thinks that maybe something else is going on… she’s playing a video of a man who had REM sleep behavior disorder and relived getting hit by a train each night until he broke his wife’s arm. she is in doctor mode talking about sleep related stuff. and the clinic that film came from WAS WHERE SKINNER HAD BEEN RECEIVING TREATMENT FOR THE PAST 3 MONTHS!!! gasp!! for the same condition!
so he sees an old woman attacking him in his sleep, and maybe he had attacked carina thinking it was her. scully is playing with her necklace as this theory is proposed.
mulder is like, yes i have heard of something like this, a succubus. and he puts his pen in his mouth and grabs a big book off the shelf!!! wow i love that he has a book mentioning medieval spirits in his office :,) maybe need to get one of those for mine.
oh! and his book claims there can be residue left behind… like the stuff she found… scully is pulling a "mulder, you're never gonna believe this" mentally
back to the body. but now her mouth isn’t glowing in the dark! but she had taken a sample… and when sent to the lab for analysis, they found nothing!!!
mulder asks if she is SURE she saw something, and she is like yeah i wouldn’t make that up?? so new theory: skinner is running from all of this because he’s afraid.
skinner is sipping something strong and someone knocks at his door. it’s sharon in a big red raincoat! he didn’t get her calls because he unplugged his phone……. says he hasn't been sleeping....
this must be where he lives now since they separated, but he hasn’t unpacked at all. she wants to make sure he’s okay! but he’s pulling the you’re my ex card. and she says, well i only initiated the divorce because YOU were too scared to do it yourself, and he says “fair enough” <- OOOOO again sharon read him for filth. still, i do not enjoy seeing him so sad.
she wants him to let his walls down, but she knows he will never let her comfort him. so she says to take care of himself and leaves :(
he pulls out their wedding day photo and AWW they’re so young :(((((
sleepy time interrupted by screaming. it’s the old lady in the red rain coat just absolutely letting it out, and then she leaves. but there is a REAL knock at the door, and it’s the detective!!!
NO! he says sharon was in an accident!! WHAT IS GOING ON??? skinner’s terrified… and they want the keys to his car…. HE WAS SLEEPING ON THE COUCH!!! HE DID NOT DO THAT SHIT!!!
so he is at the police station and mulder is also here, reporting that sharon is in surgery. but he says they’re building a case against him!!!
mulder clarifies he doesn’t think that skinner did it, but scully doesn’t understand why he isn’t trying to defend himself. and mulder’s doing the angry man thing where he puts his hands on his hips and pushes his jacket back and hnhbbbbhmmmmmmppllhghgh
nooooo skinner :( he’s so angry :( he doesn’t know what is going on or what to believe :(
so mulder asks about the old woman- which they know about from reading his files- and yells that if he doesn’t start trusting someone, he doesn’t stand a chance. whew! he has had enough of this silence!!!
(oh my phone is gonna die hold on. break to procure a charger. charger secured. CHARGER ISN’T WORKING?? omg… now it is… crisis averted)
so skinner started seeing her “again” a few months ago… he’s talking about what happened to him in vietnam, how he was a sole survivor of an ambush. he says he got through the experience by numbing himself with whatever he could, and he “inhaled”, so he assumed she was another hallucination. and she watched him watch himself die, but she carried him back away from the light. 
mulder proposes she was trying to protect him them and still is now. but he doesn’t know from what!! he is so sad!!
so skinner’s car matches the damage on sharon’s car, and allegedly the hood of his car was still warm when the detectives got to his house and brought him in for questioning. mulder asks for a flashlight and gets in the car despite the hearing being in a half hour. oh! he’s slicing out the air bag?
bringing the air bag to the lab guy, who can turn the air bag into a facial pattern of whoever it crashed into. is this a thing that can happen??? big if true.
scully at the hearing. mulder not there!! so they just begin.
she’s trying to explain the mouth glow situation, and special agent bonnecaze basically accuses her of hiding stuff; she says she’s reluctant to speak for mulder, but he thought it came from a “visitation”. she has no other explanation! 
(wow, i love that she admits she has no idea here. you can tell who is intelligent by seeing who is willing to admit to not having all of the answers. it's a small thing but it says a lot about her character <3)
they ask her if she believes in paranormal phenomena, and she dodges the question by saying she views everything “through the lens of science”. a measured response. but they’re asking if skinner has become “enchanted by agent mulder’s notions” HUH?? what da hell does that mean? anyway, she says no. 
bonnecaze accuses her of protecting skinner by exaggerating the unexplained elements of the case, which she ENTIRELY refutes. and when she tries to say that she is NOT finished, they say she is. OHHH the bastards. 
scully calls mulder but he’s right behind her lololol. anyway, it’s no laughing matter that skinner is OUT OF A JOB. she says he would have had a better chance against a firing squad. and they used the x files to justify getting rid of him!! he thinks "they’re" doing it to hurt the x files, whoever they may be!!! (presumably cig man and his UN alien club??)
so mulder has a graph that looks like pixel art of whoever stole skinner's car that night and his sharon. "they" couldn’t try to kill him again, so a set up would be less obvious. it makes sense.
i think the lab guy’s name is danny?? well they can’t figure out who thief is, who must have also been the fellow who hired carina. 
oh no! now they’re at the scene of another crime. it’s the lady who runs the escort agency! she jumped off a building :( or it was staged to look like that
but they see the woman who answered the door when they visited her place of work!!! her name is judy. and she says that the pixel art man who hired carina said no one would get hurt!!!! so this dude stole skinner’s card!!! 
(is it krycek. i can’t stand him any longer!)
due to lorraine being dead, she can’t talk with this mystery client, so they ask judy to set up a meeting with him, to pretend she needs money to get out of town. she calls some unnamed men on the phone to arrange this meeting.
and the men on the phone are not krycek, but they ARE watching this all go down from their car!!!!!! WHO ARE THESE FREAKS!!!!
skinner is going to see sharon. and she can’t hear him but he’s telling her he’s not signing the divorce papers :( he says he can’t tell her the terrible things he has seen…. and that she was what got him through each day, knowing he had a reason to wake up :( NOOOOO
and as he smooches her forehead her monitor starts going off!!!!!!! but then he sees her turn into the scary old woman!!!!!! who looks out at him and beckons. so he goes back in and grabs the hand of the old woman but it’s actually his wife again!!!!!!! she says to listen to her. WHAT IS IT!!! what does she KNOW!!!
mulder at the bar where they planned the set up. sipping something and looking good, yeah yeah. the men who set this whole thing up are arriving. 
while scully and judy are upstairs and oh my god scully. she is so beautiful. both of these bastards are so utterly beautiful. 
sighs wistfully…….
well, whoever it is they’re waiting on isn’t showing up. but there’s a movement at the door! and she says mulder, get up here right now!!!
scully with her gun out in the hotel room……. the suspense…….. she finds judy in the bathroom but SOMEONE ELSE IS BEHIND HER!!!
it’s the guy from before, who was on the phone with judy!! and he’s firing his gun!! scully is on the ground but she seems unhurt beyond the head slamming??
WAIT! it isn’t that scary phone guy who fired his gun!! it was SKINNER!!! who shot whoever set this whole operation up!!!
judy is crying and scully is on the floor still, but it seems all is well in the world?
back to skinner’s office!!! which is rightfully his office again!!!
they bring him the report on the case, and there are lots of unanswered questions, including who that dude who was shot was. there is no identity whatsoever.
OH! mulder points out that there is no explanation as to why skinner was at the hotel last night, so please fill out that line yourself. which he says he can’t do, because it has no place in a report.
so mulder asks skinner to tell him what happened, off the record, and scully is waiting with bated breath… and he says he has some catching up to do. mulder kind of looks like someone just kicked him but he walks away :(
(oh mulder, funny how you're trying to get him to break these walls down, but you have some pretty damn solid walls of your own. now you know how it must feel... i jest, but it is so sad to see him unable to connect to skinner in the way he wants to. nevertheless, this is a happy ending)
skinner puts his wedding ring back on!!! and gets back to work!!!!!!!!!!!
omg. so much to unpack here. i kind of assumed we would never get any skinner lore beyond his vietnam story, so this was a deeply welcome surprise. earlier i was very suspicious of him- you may recall some posts where i repeatedly say things along the lines of "i don't trust this guy"- but you can see how the narrative is shifting, how now we are supposed to trust him after he has done so much for scully and mulder. and it is very interesting to see how he operates, how he tries to put on that strong facade, and how it needs to crumble for him to move forward.
so, i think that there are two things at play here: one, someone who was trying to frame skinner for the murder and the attempted killing of his wife, and two, the whole situation with the scary old lady. we know the scary old lady was the one he saw in vietnam, and the one he attributes to saving his life, so it makes sense to think that some sort of guardian angel spirit would show up to him as an attempt to make him realize that he was losing what really mattered to him (sharon) due to his own fear. so even though she is scary looking, she led him to sharon, and appeared when he was with another woman as if to scare sense into him.
now, what is LESS clear is who did the killing! we know his prints were found on her, but did they check everything? how does that even work? maybe he strangled her in his sleep on accident, but given that someone else paid her to be there that evening, it would make more sense that someone else did it, no? except they said there was no sign of any intruders... so perhaps whoever it was who set that whole scenario up knew enough about him to know that was a possibility. in that case, they must have access to his medical records and know about his visions.....
must be the work of the cig man and his cronies.
so, if you accidentally kill someone in your sleep... how do you proceed from there?
well, i guess it doesn't matter, because he got his job back.
interesting to explore the concept of a guardian angel sort of creature as a being of terror, to shock you out of the mistakes you make that ruin your life. and it doesn't explain the glowy mouth or succubus allegations, but hey, there's always some stuff that doesn't entirely add up!
overall, i thought this was a really great episode. it was very different from the last one, but the tone shift didn't feel drastic and uncomfortable. i'm really interested in how mulder handled this whole thing, how he clearly has these projections for what he wants skinner to be and how he wants him to act, as if he's idolizing him. i think that is very fascinating and i will be mentally chewing on that for a while. and scully being willing to admit what she does not know, and observe what she cannot explain... mmm, it's just delicious to me.
so huh! i'm pleased! shoutout to walter, sharon, and the sleep demon that saved their marriage
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bibellebibuck · 4 months
7x09 THOUGHTS???
I have no thoughts. I am in shock. Actually no I do have thoughts.
- Tommy pisses me off SO SO BAD. His negative attitude brings down the mood in literally every scene I do not understand why he’s like this if we’re meant to be rooting for him as bucks love interest? (Spoiler: we’re not).
- Athena approaching Amir as a way to help Bobby feel better about himself is/was wrong and she could have gone to a whole number of other people instead. I love mother Athena but Bobby/Amir had every right to react the ways that they did. I also firmly do not believe that Amir started the house fire, it’s gotta be the cartel (the old guy from the car) or a plot twist other character.
- I’ve rambled enough on here already about my thoughts on the batshit Kim/Eddie situation so I won’t repeat myself too much but. Good lord. Kim matches that man’s freak and takes it ten steps further. I saw a theory that Kim is going to become a bit psycho obsessed with Eddie and not know how to let him go. I don’t really think this is likely (though who tf knows what to expect the minute) but I do like the idea. It sounds fun, crazy Kim is a wild ride and I wouldn’t mind more yaknow?
However, I was heart BROKEN when Chris came in, that poor boy does not deserve the feelings he’s about to feel. I sincerely hope this whole drama doesn’t badly damage his and Eddies relationship :(
Also as much hatred as I have for Marisols actress, her actual character is harmless and I do feel bad for her too- I will defend Eddie with my LIFE but his actions reaaallly are having some serious consequences on those around him. I hope he sorts himself out soon and can somehow make amends.
- HenRen and their kids… my HEART ACHES for them so bad. I can’t help but feel like this storyline is a little bit forced? Like the councilwoman so easily getting their adoption/foster case halted and the judge doesn’t see a conflict of interest there? All her “evidence” that she present against Hen can be debunked so easily. I do feel confident that HenRen will win their appeal and Mara will come home safe and sound. But I hope there are real consequences for the councilwoman acting like this over her druggy son who REFUSED GODDAMN TREATMENT AND GOT PEOPLE KILLED (or was that just almost?) ugh.
- in terms of buddie/bt. I want BT bones like.. last week. But I do think it’s coming, that stale ass interview, their lack of scenes, Tommys complete void of any character/kindness and Buck prioritising Eddie as he goes through his struggle, all point to BT bones either next episode, in between S7/8 or early S8 at the latest. I cannot wait.
Buddie needs more time to cook. I KNOW we’re desperate for it and have already been waiting a long long time, but it needs time. It would be too rushed and out of place and kinda risks being tone deaf if it were to happen right now/too soon. Eddie needs to get through this and be in a better place before their relationship can develop healthily.
That isn’t to say they can’t feed us more Eddie/Buck or BuckleyDiaz family scenes in the meantime though… really bring this simmer to a boil 🥰
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nimata-beroya · 7 months
Delay The Inevitable (TBB One-Shot)
Inspired by @nahoney22's and @moonstrider9904's comments (as well as my own) to this post from @sharazadee. A companion scene/ Crosshair POV of the last scene of episode 3x04.
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The moment the Imperial freighter jumps out of Hyperspace, Crosshair feels anxiety creeping up on him, making his heart race. His gaze lands on the Marauder, settled on Ryloth's moon, and his throat goes dry. Despite his doubts, he must admit Omega was right about Hunter and Wrecker showing up.
Another point for the kid.
He underestimated her intelligence and resourcefulness, but she has proven him wrong. Crosshair now sees why Hunter and the others took up with her so fast. No matter how hard he tried to resist, she’s grown on him. During those five months they were imprisoned on Tantiss together, her relentless optimism became a constant annoyance. He didn’t want her to talk to him. He wanted her to leave him alone, but she never did. She kept coming back at every chance she got.
She refused to give up, mounting a relentless siege on his impregnable defenses until they eventually crumbled. He has reached a point where he is going against all his instincts and following her since they escaped. Protecting her. The sole impulse that kept him going during the last rotation. She’s proven that he’s not as heartless as he wants others to believe.
Omega leaves the pilot's seat as the ship lands, not waiting for the engines to fully stop. Crosshair’s cautionary words die on his lips as she darts out of the cockpit, disappearing into the lift before he can react. With a tired sigh, he looks out the viewport and watches as she stands still in the pool of light, her silhouette bathed in a warm glow. From the Marauder's open hatch on the opposite side, a hulking figure comes into view.
“Now, there’s a sight!”
The sound of Wrecker's booming voice reaches Crosshair's ears, filled with clear relief, while Omega's excited cries for him ring out with pure joy. A lump clenches his stomach, a sickening mix of envy and dread, as he watches them running towards each other. Wrecker embraces Omega, a gesture that Crosshair secretly yearns for, knowing it's something he'll never experience again.
Then Hunter emerges from the Marauder, and Omega runs to hug him. Crosshair turns his head away, his jaw clenched as he battles a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Crosshair slumps against the seat and, with a furrowed brow, he rakes a hand across his bald head, deciding his next move.
Now that the kid is safe, he should make a swift getaway to evade the Empire. He should take the ship, but hesitates. He knows that his previous squad will not give him a warm reception. After everything he did, why would they? Is he considering returning to them when they turned their backs on him? How could they run away together when there’s no trust among them?
But he has nowhere safe to go. With the Empire hot on his heels, going alone is a dead sentence for him.
A sudden whine and a wet bump startles him out of his churning thoughts. Batcher, the hound, presses her cold nose against his hand.
"Go with Omega," he says, his voice dripping with disdain as he points towards the exit.
Like her owner, the animal cannot grasp his not-so-subtle cues that her presence is unwelcomed. With a pleading whimper, she nips at the sleeve of his shirt, tugging on it with careful determination.
“No, stop! What are you doing?”
As Batcher whined once more, she yanked on his sleeve, the fabric tearing and nearly causing him to fall off the chair, leaving no doubt about her intentions. With a sigh of resignation, Crosshair relents and gives in.
“Ugh, fine! I’m going, but you stay here.”
Crosshair narrows his eyes in irritation at her smug expression, cheerful bounce, and wide smile with her tongue sticking out. As he steps out of the lift, his irritation fades away and is replaced by a weighty sense of dread.
This won’t end well, but he’s not a coward. He can’t delay the inevitable. With each step down the ship's stairs, Crosshair felt the heaviness on his shoulders of uncertainty, fear, and regret. He braces himself for the reactions of Hunter and Wrecker when they lay eyes on him. The intense heat of their anger and distrust travels like a scorching wave between the two islands of light, striking him with deadly precision.
Crosshair inhales deeply, preparing himself for the impending judgement. There’s nothing else he can do.
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piracytheorist · 9 months
Episode 36 reactions!
I don't think one single minute passed this episode without me bursting out in laughter XD
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I will get what interesting details I can, though! And here we have soap opera male character who has a Betrothed in the West. Interesting! Why did they separate, and how did she end up in Westalis, or he in Ostania? Did she defect and is waiting for him to join her? I need the full context, Berlint in Love!
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Looks like one of the things that make Becky rush to be a grown-up is how she can't wait to have romantic feelings and relationships. Gurl, you're six. Pick up a doll or a ball.
The way the next scene was shown (hilarious) it looks like it was Anya who first picked up the phone, and didn't even make a sound before Becky started off her rant. Picking up the phone as a kid is quite a responsibility!
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The music suddenly went full humor shoujo there XD
I love how Martha is already onto Becky.
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She's like "Yo maybe reel it in a little"
The way all three of them are in completely different wavelengths is hilarious. I guess Twilight, the honey-trap master, sees Becky as the girl she is and cannot imagine she'd ever have such passionate imaginings with him.
The hell, though. I've met my favourite actor from up close in a convention and that was pretty much my reaction while being close to him. I feel Becky but someone needs to tell her of this thing called parasocial relationship--
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I had my eyes glued to the screen for this. It's definitely not surprising that the Blackbells would hire such an experienced bodyguard for Becky, but it's very interesting how it was pointed out to us! I wonder what we'll get to see next with her! (reminder: anime only!)
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Becky really thinks she lives in a shoujo story doesn't she XD
I mean, Anya thinks she lives in a Spy Wars story so it's not that surprising XD
I love how in the "new" family photo Wiesel is added in front of Bond!
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This episode is full chaos and I love it.
Seriously, the way Anya's powers work for her character is amazing. Usually, we'd get to see those imaginings even if she didn't have telepathy. But since she can see them with us, she gets a fair place as - almost - an audience proxy. And I mean, yeah, why wouldn't Anya be excited at the idea of super tasty food all of the time (even when papa is super busy), not having to do chores, and having fun family outings all of the time?
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Completely different wavelengths, I tell you. How does this show make me love misunderstandings XD
And then a fourth wavelength is added and it's just! You don't know where to begin!
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Poor Bond was heartbroken that Becky didn't notice him! Poor boy!
I find it really funny that this episode happened now, just a little after we got heavy hints that Loid is falling hard for Yor, and Becky is still like "I will win his heart with my six-year-old charm!"
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If you count Bond dealing with getting rejected, that's five different wavelengths in one single screencap. No-one knows what's going on, not even Anya the telepath or Twilight the master spy.
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Those are not the family teacups! Interesting choice. Also Becky's face, yeah that's exactly how I was when approaching my favourite actor for my photo shoot with him. I was smiling from one ear to the other, though XD
Also, I remember getting sent manga screencaps with Loid in such a cardigan! And I guessed right that it would be a beige one! I mean, it's a pretty common colour for a grandpapa cardigan, but has he maybe worn this before?
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I wonder how he'd react and adapt if he knew Becky is having a crush on him. Like, what would he do? He'd definitely avoid anything inappropriate for all the obvious reasons, but here he's trying to pull back because he thinks Becky is getting suspicious of him XD
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Send this to a friend without context and ask them to guess what the actual fuck is going on here. This is Misunderstandings: the Right-Before-Holidays Special.
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Pure Chaos and it just
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This is exactly what I signed up for when I watched the very first episodes and was like "please tell me the entire show is like this"
Poor Yor, though. Her very first instinct was to blame herself and think of herself as incompetent. I guess old habits die hard.
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Simp alert.
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Seriously, though! She remembers what he told her there (though, weren't they supposed to repeat the conversation the next day?) and I hope she remembers how vulnerable he made himself with her.
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I mean! This isn't supposed to be a twiyor-centric episode and yet!
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If you thought I wouldn't grab even this opportunity to make this angsty, well, you were wrong
The highest prize in the hammer competition thingy is... a q-tip?
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We stan. Everything for the ultimate q-tip.
Becky sees Loid's ._. face and she's like
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The way he said that "Yoru-san" there, though! This was the cherry on top of this entire hilarious part!
It was weird to see there was an entire small part on Nightfall, considering we haven't seen her in the entire season. However.
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(again, anime only here)
And I'm like, whoa. That's a very suspicious guy thrown in the middle of a filler part (I was told this is anime original) and not shown again. Since the next episode is the last of the season, I assume we'll see him again in that one?
I remember that in episode 20, when Loid is in the hospital, we see a moment from afar with a moving shadow, like someone was watching them. I noticed it on a rewatch and up until now I thought that was Nightfall. But now?
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Seriously, though, are they not noticing him??
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What he doin
I love how Handler said she doesn't want to overwork her agents... I wonder if she says anything relevant in the manga but I dare not look into the chapter after the one with Becky XD I'm guessing she actually took to heart the reprimand from HQ to be more lax with her agents.
Nightfall shows an almost audacious level of self-confidence in front of her boss... and Handler doesn't deny it. She trusts her and actually thinks the same - that Nightfall is probably the only one capable of handling Twilight's missions.
Anyway, Nightfall is going all "Senpai will notice me" and I'm like
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Another hopeless suitor, Nightfall goes like "Did you spot any flaws in that Briar woman yet or" having no idea he was looking at Yor like the yearning simp he is <3
Nightfall being all "Pick me. Choose me. Love me." and then Twilight is like "Wow she did all of that hard job while I was gone. Guess she deserves the leftover souvenirs."
Like. I'm crying laughing over this. He didn't even think about getting a souvenir for her, not even as a cover. Nightfall couldn't be more hopeless.
And then she gives him that look
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And the little hope she didn't even have is thrown out the window.
I love how Twilight turns around in shock and goes like "Why is glaring at me like that?!" because you idiot you gave her "leftovers"
Like I know he thinks they're not supposed to actually connect as friends but still. For a master spy he's so dense XD
They do kinda make you feel bad for her, though. She is trying really hard, and it would be hypocritical to blame her social awkwardness when we're here shipping Mr. Emotional Constipation and Ms. Naivete Personified. She would have actually been sympathetic if she wasn't so aggressive towards Yor (and in her mind, Anya too).
Anyway. Very funny and unhinged episode but there's only ONE EPISODE LEFT. I'M NOT READY FOR THE HIATUS 😭😭
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Things I’m hoping for after watching episode one, not necessarily predictions but what I want:
more Karna and Deli sibling energy because truly nothing says siblings to me like a 19 year old beefing with an eighth grader an getting his absolute ass handed to him when trying to come up with a wittier insult than her, Deli/Colin I don’t think I have to say more, Raphaniel innocent old manning himself into getting carried around by the big strong men being a recurring bit, the absolute delight that is Lou and Brennan sitting next to each other with bonus Zac across the table matching their facial expressions, as many shots of Brennan Lou and Zac reacting to ACOC characters as possible, Amangeaux committing murder I Know it is coming and I cannot wait, Deli/Colin, Deli/Colin, further Raphaniel being shady but also kind of a dad/grandpa but also very shady shenanigans bonus if the cast continues to be super suspicious but unable to do anything because of Brennan’s rolls, Deli/Colin, no one dies this time please???? And Deli/Colin
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Is Xixi actually Cheng Xiaoshi's foil ?
This entire season, I was sorta thinking that Li Tianchen was Cheng Xiaoshi's foil but after episode 12, I think it's Xixi.
She was the one he was possessing during the death of her mother after all.
I feel like we need to talk about the elephant in the room first, their deaths seem to be very similar, both of them probably get shot with their favorite person right next to them (also small details, they are both wearing yellow and blue when they die), but she is telling Li Tianchen to run while Cheng Xiaoshi seems to be trying to reassure Lu Guang (if we take into account what we hear of his last words in the first flashbacks at the beginning of the season).
When they cross each other (metaphorically) in episode 9, Xixi is running away from the danger and her brother and Cheng Xiaoshi is running towards the danger to save Lu Guang.
Her backstory is about being lost and away from home and we see her returning home in her last shot while his about waiting for someone else to come home.
They are the ones who feel the emotions and (some for Cheng Xiaoshi) memories of the people their team is possessing and both of their power are linked to photos but Cheng Xiaoshi is an active participant of the photo while Xixi can do nothing but watch.
Even the way Li Tianchen and Lu Guang react to their death is contrasted (I know this is more of a Li Tianchen and Lu Guang are also foils thing but I figured I would mention it here), Xixi's death makes him give up the thought of changing the past, he let go of his mother's phone (which took me two rewatch to realize that's what it was) and Lu Guang cannot let go of Cheng Xiaoshi (which I would like to say, go off king) .
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OPLA episode 1 - first impressions
Just randomly trying to summarize my thoughts here, because they are in no way coherent yet, but hooooly shit, I like where this is going. SPOILERS AHEAD.
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I decided to start watching in English, then in Japanese, then in German - because I would assume that'd be the best order to judge both the best and worst parts of this. Best as in "the intentions of the dialogue, the framing and hinting", worst in "Oh God, the cringe is real". So far, there obviously have been a few lines that have been very obvious, because you HAVE to translate a lot of things that work for an anime INTO this setting. More tell than show so to speak, but I feel like that's perfectly fine for the medium.
Luffy is endearing - the first thing you can tell in comparison to anime!Luffy is that he's got that positive main-character-energy that not only speaks his thoughts out loud, but also tries his best to make you see what kind of character you are dealing with. He was brash, stubborn and had very one-dimensional (and toxic) ideas of what and how a man/pirate needs to be - just to be taught kindness, perseverance and a positive attitude and by Shanks and I think that is displayed beautifully here. He does not get shy to approach everyone he meets with good will - on one hand, because he obviously wants to build his crew. On the other hand - it just shows who he is. The CGI works really well for him as well, the "stretchy kind" really doesn't seem too much out of place, but I would assume it's easier to accept it when you are already used to "anime logic".
This is a comment that was made a lot on Twitter already - so here's to the bi-/pansexual squad, because this series knows exactly what it is doing with the fanservice eye-candy. Zoro, so far, got the most impressive camera-angles/cinematography. The mysterious, aloof framing, the detailed and VERY immersive fight scenes/choreography - he's not only coming across as stoic and lone-wolfey, they definitely make sure you can TELL he is kind at heart too. You can tell he has experienced pain and that's why he insists that he needs to work alone - but if people show HIM kindness, he cannot not react in return. Whether it's Rika - or Luffy, doesn't even matter. That idealistic, kinda annoying kid saved him (and man, the hearts in Luffy's eyes were so present and all over the place, he was IMMEDIATELY enchanted by Zoro and doesn't grow tired of saying it out loud either). Plus, he didn't insist on getting anything in return, even if he still wanted him on his crew... So what happens? Once Zoro sees that he's in trouble, he jumps in to fight as well. And they IMMEDIATELY work off of each other well. "You go above, I go below". As someone who has ALWAYS enjoyed Luffy's and Zoro's dynamic (platonic and otherwise), I am obviously VERY easy to please here, but man, it works. So well. I cannot WAIT to see their Captain/First Mate dynamic develop. Also... I did not expect them to actually let any character use the middle finger??? I mean, good for you, Zoro, you go be edgy as fuck, but hey... (Also, the gay subtext with Helmeppo was definitely... Something...? But I mean... The gay subtext exists with ZoLu too. "Where does the third sword even go...?" I mean... Seriously...)
On the other spectrum of the bi-/pansexual eyecandy, we have Nami. And while she visibly uses her charms (read: physical attributes) to get what she wants, I am HELLA pleased that she wasn't sexualized yet. I really liked the nudge towards her concept art design! Her cheekiness and smartness come across very well. And, MAN, the dynamic with Luffy is PRICELESS. It really has a lot of sibling energy - but it also leaves a lot open. Of course, we're still at the VERY beginning of it, but as a long-term fan of the series, it's hard not to read anything into it ("I will never join anything with you" is beautiful foreshadowing and also interestingly phrased).
Oh Romance Dawn Trio, my heart. The moment they lined up next to each other, Nami and Zoro on each of Luffy's side, insisting "Not a crew/Not together!" was just... Chef's kiss. I love these dorks and their dynamics so much and I cannot wait to see this further emphasized.
Honorable mentions for other characters - I know it has been said many times before, but I really enjoy the casting. Koby is very relatable and he fits the character so well (I literally cannot wait for his glow-up), Shanks gives the vibe of the "kind and sweet everyday guy-mentor" at this point in time so perfectly, Alvida was great so far and I could go on...
Cringe is dead, I am so excited for episode 2.
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missezri · 2 years
Small Defence of Kristina in Young Royals
So, I felt it was about time to do a bit of a defence for Queen Kristina of Sweden. Who I feel, while still unlikely to win any “Mother of the Year” awards anytime soon, is not the villain of Young Royals. In Season 1 however, she does end up as the personification of the villain, the Monarchy.
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The first time we are introduced to Kristina, she is pissed. Her son has been in a fight that has gone viral. We see the whole machine that is the Royal Court and PR of the Royal Family at work trying to manage the situation. I am sure media personalities are saying that Wilhelm should be charged with assault or something, given that 15 is the age of criminal responsibility in Sweden. There could be lawsuits coming from the victim. There is also the fact that he is a 16-year-old caught in a club drinking, well under the legal age.
Kristina has every right to be pissed off at her son. Her options are limited as to what she can do. Her options probably come down to, sending him aboard or sending him to boarding school in Sweden. So, she decides to send him to Hillserka. It gets the media/public opinion off of everyone’s backs, keeps Wilhelm out of trouble (or so she hoped) and maybe he can learn how to get into the role he was born into like Erik brings up himself.
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And then Erik dies and Kristina has to say those words to Wilhelm. She (or someone on her team at least) is trying to call Wilhelm multiple times so that he receives the news rather than find out through the media. Wilhelm never picks up, resulting in the school getting called to pull Wilhelm into the headmistress’s office to tell him over the phone. I think that gets missed. If Kristina was that horrible of a mother, why not have her husband make the call or another member of the palace staff?
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The next time we see Kristina, she is again not in a good place. She has just lost her first son in a sudden and tragic car accident. She is a mother grieving. She holds onto Wilhelm’s hand as the coffin is lifted to be carried out of the church. There is a bit of weight as she leans into him. She is struggling as much as he is.
Kristina cannot even stomach her food when she comments on Wilhelm having to take over Erik’s role and Wilhelm’s response is, everyone already compares him to me. Now, could Kristina have waited longer to bring the subject up? Of course! She isn’t a perfect parent, but she isn’t the worst either. However, there is this running machine known as the Crown that doesn’t stop just because someone has died. We saw a real-world example with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. The notice that even states she has died, refers to The King now.
And the rest of Season 1, I think can be seen in this view of a grieving mother, just trying to protect her son. Does Kristina react in the best way when the video is leaked? Hell no. But, she could of also had a lot worse reactions.
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But when she arrives at Hillserka, yes the cars dramatically drive in, but Kristina is pretty calm herself walking into Wilhelm’s room to stoke his hair. That doesn’t read to be as a mother who doesn’t love her son.
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And yes, she does tell him the video will have consequences, but she never yells at Wilhelm. She doesn’t snap at him like Kristina does back in episode 1. This will have consequences, there is no denying that fact,  between being outed, the future of the monarchy. There is something genuine in how Kristina talks with her son. The only way she, and the Monarchy know to protect themselves is to bury the story. Wait for the next news cycle. She never raises her voice though, Kristina is stern, but she never yells at Wilhelm despite the situation and any frustrations she has.
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Is this the best way? No, while Wilhelm is young, he is also 16 years old. He should get some say in the situation. Kristina should have also told Wilhelm about who really filmed the video, rather than him finding out through some sleuthing of a friend. I can however, see her perspective how it is her attempts to protect Wilhelm from the media/public that might not be so kind to having a queer prince. You see how the tabloids are already gossiping, and how Simon gets followed.
In season 1, the enemy is the Monarchy. As has been stated, the problem is never Wilhelm liking another boy, it is the fact he is a prince that is the issue at hand. In Season 1 the only representative of the Monarchy is Queen Kristina. This shifts, I feel, in Season 2 when Jan-Oalf is introduced and he becomes the representation of the Monarchy/Royal Court more than Kristina.
But I leave that for a part 2.
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jareaulamontagnes · 11 months
Hi friends, how are you? Haven’t really taken up the time to write a blog post. Oh, I’m obsessed with Willifer now, couldn’t you tell? New favourite ship… In this time, I have watched, finished then rewatched Criminal Minds. Love JJ, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss and of course William Lamontagne Jr for the life of me. Cannot wait for season 2 of Evolution, I love that silly show.
And I’ve started watching Grey’s Anatomy, I never thought I would be that person but Disney + man, it’s a godsend. I’m currently on Season 4 and I have a few unpopular opinions about that show as well.
Now, the reason I’m back… I’m sure you’re all just waking up or have reacted) to the news that Tracy’s leaving CPD.
… And I’m not sad, I’m actually relieved which is so messed up when you think about it but I’m sure a lot of Upstead and Hailey fans can relate when you love something as deeply as Upstead is loved, their entire foundation only for it to be ruined in an entire season for actually NO REASON (like fight me on this, Gwen could’ve chosen a different route instead of more trauma), was really difficult and emotional for me that I didn’t watch the season, apart from the first three episodes, only the two centric Hailey episodes after 10x03, 10x20 I only watched that unbelievable ring taking off scene and Voight and Hailey’s talk… that angered me, the less I say about that episode the better apart from the fact that Tracy’s amazing, and a literal goddess and we all know about the two episodes before that, character assassination, we’ll be here forever if we go into this.
But yes, Hailey Upton is an amazing character and even though it’s a tv show, I feel strongly for and about her and with the fact that she’s an amazing, amazing cop, her marriage to Jay is everything to me because what they’ve gone through individually in their own lives just to find that right person in each other is beautiful and I do think it’s a testament to how your person should be your best friend and someone you trust explicitly. Plus, Jesse and Tracy are amazing and I loved them the moment I saw them on screen together so… 🥰
Tracy Spiridakos is an amazing actress and as much as I will miss Hailey Upton, I know Tracy’s gonna kick ass with whatever she will do next. Her range is incredible, I can’t sing her praises enough, I absolutely love that woman.
Now, my long speech is over. See you for whenever Season 11 airs, hope you all are staying safe, healthy and happy.
And as ALWAYS, Upstead Forever ✨
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bronanlynch · 10 months
experimenting with different ways of organizing this post. shout out to bullet point lists. anyway once again I watched more television than doing anything else
listening (podcast):
new Palisade: very fun as usual! I love the Blue Channel crew so much and I am constantly so worried for them
Great Gundam Project: still very fun to hear how little they know about what is to come. also they got to the episode where Char comes back with a bunch of cool underwater robots and 1) god I miss Char I wish I too were watching an arc of Gundam that has Char in it and 2) shout out to the Gogg & Z'Gok, two of my fave suits in all of Gundam
Media Club Plus: once again they have good thoughts about Hunter x Hunter, truly cannot wait to hear Jack's reaction to the Illumi reveal
listening (music): Dance Apocalyptic by Janelle Monae because I'm stealing songs from my old Beam Saber campaign playlist to make a Partizan/Palisade playlist and that's on both
Imperial Uncle: got to a twist about halfway through that I was fully not expecting but it was very fun, and the story in now drastically different than I thought it would be when I started but I am still enjoying it a lot
The Death I Gave Him: one of the most interesting questions to me in any Hamlet adaptation/retelling is what to do with Gertrude, what her role in the murder was, etc, and I'm enjoying the way this novel handles that. shout out to unethical science milfs
TGCF: regarding last week's episode, since we watched it after last week's wednedsaypost: on one hand, beef of beefleaf fame! my beloved! they looked extremely good! ("op they were chained up & disheveled" yeah exactly) on the other, the racism and also the transmisogyny. not that any of this was surprising because it's in the novel too, but it sure sucks to have racist caricatures and also to repeatedly treat the gender shifting & crossdressing as a joke and/or with disgust. regarding this week's episode: rip to Hua Cheng :/ sorry your crush burned your house down :/ I don't remember this arc super well because it was kinda overshadowed (for me) by having Ghost City and then the start of book 2 on either side of it, and as primarily a beefleaf & Mu Qing main I have priorities
Bakeoff: so the technical was a shitshow in a way that is 100% on the judges for not giving them enough time like. sorry that's what it means when every single person underbakes it. however. I literally laughed so hard I was in physical pain when everyone was presenting their horrible liquid puddings so who could say if it was bad or not
Hunter x Hunter: I do love where Killua's arc goes but I also really enjoy this early bit where he's just incredibly competent & terrifying and kicks everyone's ass without breaking a sweat. good for him, sorry about what led you to this point tho
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: other things happened in the episodes that I watched but I will be honest, most of it is wiped away by the preview for next episode showing me an incredibly major character death. um. aside from that. I do like the battle sequences, I love when a show is a couple of guys in a room going "I think this is the enemy's plan, here's what we're going to do about it" and then you see some different guys in a different room going "this is our plan, I hope this is how they react to it" and so on. also I like the narrator as kind of like. a historical accounting of the events, both because I like stories about the narrative construction of history and also because it means everything happens on very specific dates and I love having clear ideas of timelines
ZZ Gundam: finished ZZ! in general I enjoyed it (though I still prefer Zeta) and there are some really fun moments, especially with the Gundam Team, and I like Haman a lot as an antagonist. I didn't realize how close we were to the end until we had like 4 episodes left because the pacing is. kind of interesting. lot more "going to a place and fucking around for a while" than I expected, and sometimes it works better than other times. most of my ~critiques are things I already said last week (the misogyny, the ways in which the critiques of western military intervention in Africa & southwest Asia fall flat due to the white saviorism & none of it really getting a chance to be developed properly, etc) so I'm not gonna go into all that again, but I am going to just mention one of the wildest things which is that they refer to Dublin as "a city in what used to be Britain" which is. a loaded thing to say in 2023 let alone in the 1980s. lmao
I'm in Love with the Villainess: a fun yuri isekai about someone with a shitty job who gets transported into the world of her favorite otome game except instead of giving a shit about any of the male love interests she just wants to spend all her time with the female antagonist. it's very light and silly, and we're watching it as a short break before diving into more Gundam. I do love it when there are lesbians and little hints of class conflict simmering just under the surface
Ace Attorney 5: some mixed feelings about what I've gotten through this week. I love to see Edgeworth and I'm so compelled by Aura & Simon (individually and also as siblings), but I don't like how Trucy continues to be incredibly sidelined, and whenever they talk about the "dark age of the law" I kind of feel like. ok. look. it is just factually incorrect that it's only now that people cheat in court and only care about winning, and also the idea that overturning one (1) false conviction will fix the problems of the legal system is laughable. especially considering 1) everything about Von Karma 2) Edgeworth's entire backstory and 3) the fact that Phoenix spent the 7 year gap inventing a new legal system that everyone forgot about I guess. anyway. I do love Aura a lot though
Blades in the Dark: finally was able to run another session in my Blades campaign, in which the party. checks notes. performed a reverse bank heist. and also a normal bank heist. sometimes you have to break into a bank to leave something in a specific vault and you steal some other stuff along the way
making: finished building Miorine, so she is no longer a disembodied head and can now stand on the shelf with her wife. I'm not a huge fan of some the proportions/posing of the model, she has. like. woman in a comic book proportions that she doesn't have in the actual show (Imo the worst of it is her arched spine which you can't see here but I was surprised because Suletta has just. a normal spine)
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drinking: Down East's cider donut-flavored cider because, once again, I love a seasonal fun little drink. this one's not as dry as the equivalent Citizens Cider I posted about a couple of weeks ago but Down East's stuff does tend to be a little sweeter in general. extremely good though, to be clear
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writing: I added a section to my wip doc for my Nirvana in Fire exchange fic and copied over my giftee's prompts but I have not started on it and other than that I've done no writing. oops.
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Honestly my expectations for episode one of v9 were below sea level and I was pleasantly surprised. Was it good? Not sure I’d say that. But it wasn’t worst case scenario bad. The mice are lame and dumb imo I honestly hate Little and all the comedic moments involving them fall flat for me. But Blake and Weiss get to talk about not Yang. Weiss is emotionally scarred from what happened and Ruby has a dramatic emotional response to learning about Penny. I wish it was more serious and less comedic as a whole and I’m really sick of these outfits. I hope Neo dies and I hope Jaune dies I’m so tired of them and I don’t know how I feel about this mystery girl we see in the intro. But by and large it wasn’t worst case scenario
Yeah you've basically listed all the moments I enjoyed. For me personally, the problem lies in Volume 9's messy tone being the worst case scenario. In a vacuum, absolutely, I love Weiss grappling with this trauma, Ruby fainting, Yang thinking she might have died... but these moments don't exist on their own and what surrounds them actively undermines the impact of each emotional beat.
Yang: "Yup I thought I was dead. No, you don't get to see me coming to that realization, or grappling with it, or trying to recover from learning differently. Why would any of that be important?"
Ruby: "I've fainted at the horror of my friend dying again. And now we're pretending I'm fine. No one has offered me any physical comfort, or pressed the 'Are you okay?' question, or waited until I'm conscious to have a key conversation about our survival here. The writing did the work of having me faint. Why would the details surrounding that matter?"
Weiss: "I'm traumatized by our fight and cannot discuss it. Wooooo go, Blake! Yeah! Awesome! You get your weapon! 👏🏻📣🎉🤸🏼‍♀️🎊Yup. Still traumatized. Why? Can't you tell? Omg lol an army of mice has captured us. How wacky IS this place??🤪 I am crying. So traumatized. This is an incredibly difficult time for me. [Next episode] Wait, Yang, you got your arm stolen by a purple racoon? Hilarious!"
I've got an example I want to give in my recap of how to do humor in an otherwise dark story, but tl;dr this is not it. The absurdity of so much of the episode -- the mice, the dodo bird, vine traps, Weiss acting as cheerleader, etc.--messes with the work the rest of the episode is trying accomplish. None of which even considers larger, series long questions like, "Why should I buy into Ruby's devastation at Penny's second death when she never reacted to her resurrection?" What surrounds these moments is just as, if not more important than the moments themselves and RWBY failed tonally in its premiere. Pretty spectacularly imo, which is precisely what I was afraid would happen.
To continue with the ever present baking comparisons: we're all eating a cake that, yeah, has some really nice pockets here and there. It's a good cake! ... provided you ignore the cloying, gummy, overly sweet icing that's covering the entire thing and slathered between every layer. Some fans are going to carefully dissect their slice, peeling off the inedible parts, nibbling the remains and praising the bake. Me? I'm looking at the slice as a whole and going, "I can't eat that."
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Only Friends เพื่อนต้องห้าม Ep 5
I'm finally caught up and oh, OH, this was a ride. This was very much Sand's episode, and I have a feeling when he finally does something to disappoint me he's going to devastate me … and I welcome it. He's such a well-written character so far. Feels very, very real.
Ray … it feels like he's genuinely got feelings for Sand, but he's also very much not over Mew and NOT ready to put a name to or commit to being more than fwb with Sand.
Mew kind of grew on me even more this episode, except for his inexplicable-to-me attraction to Top.
I missed Namcheuam this episode and hope to see her more next week.
Nick trying to be more like Top this episode was awful to watch, Boston seeming to react to it in a positive way was possibly worse.
Boston is the epitome of 22-y-o "I'm just telling it like I see it" and doesn't care what or who he hurts in the process. At this point I'm pretty sure the fact that Neo plays him so charmingly is his only saving grace. And the person who filmed him? probably Drake's character. Wonder whether he'll get a name eventually … which reminds me we still haven't met whoever it is Papang plays.
ANYWAY. That' the tl;dr; rambling live watch commentary below. I'm going to dive into the tag and try to see what I missed.
oh Sand, I LOVE you
new bottle design?
I love Yo, I love her so much
Sand, I'm sorry, but ชัวโมงผิเษศของไอ้เรย์ is the sweetest thing and I also take back every word I said about Sand not falling for Ray, clearly I have bad people reading skills
god Nick's e-girl look in this opening clip, I cannot
wait, does this mean next episode is Namcheuam's? everyone else has had theirs, right?
did you run out to a bakery for those croissants, Sand?
asdfasdfadsf I love them
HAHAHA NICK oh man oh man
Sand was like "… dude"
asdfasdfas Ray can't even take care of himself, wtf Nick
I can't get a read on Ray. is he trying to distract himself? is this a legitimate attempt to get over Mew? does he even know himself? idk idk
oh Nick. spite may be a great motivator, but I'm not sure this is going to work
oh fuck that's SO dangerous what are you DOING keep your eyes on the road when you bike!
that was very VERY lucky, oh man
I love Sand and I'm really afraid that when I eventually find a flaw of his it'll be really disappointing
those helmets look like they'd do NOTHING if they faceplanted
I LOVE this, goodness
Sand, you want to be a stylist, huh
it is a very tight shirt
please don't get frisky in the CHANGING room. Boys. I know you're 22, but --
I love themmmm
Top, if you could stop it with the fucking negging that'd be grand
oh, it's the dealer (?) guy
And Mew clocked something because he doesn't just LOOK smart
Boston checking Nick out, huh
Nick's got his number but he refuses to save (or whatever the metaphor is here)
Neo's really good at looking smitten with someone, which is a shame because I'm pretty sure Boston isn't into Nick like that
Nickkk don't ask questions you don't want the answers to
Boston, you're being an asshole rn. you KNOW that's what Nick hopes for.
oh I love this shot
I love that Nick kinda detests Top while Top detests both Nick and Boston and Boston is jealous af of Mew
Sand is back and Summer just disappears. I feel sorta bad for her, but … SANDRAY
JEKD, huh? neat though. the music has The Smiths vibes
annnd Summer's given up
Aaah Blind Dining/DInner in the Dark is so cool!!
Is the staffer mad about the "glasses off same thing" comment? I think I might've been in his place.
oh that's bound to go wrong-- oop
also dudes you're being SO noisy. honestly how quiet it is here is very unlike my experience.
oh Ray, oh baby
OH it's the baseball bat rooftop
Ray, rapidly re-evaluating what's going on
oh, I love this
A mum who uses rude-familiar language with her kid, huh. We've seen it in dads, but I don't remember hearing it from many mums before.
I bet this debt collector business is going to come back and bite them in the ass, boy-who-cried-wolf style
ahahahah I LOVE Sand turning the tables on Ray like that but also I hope Ray's voice is as good as Khaotung's
oh this is so sweet
wonder if/when we'll get a "you hafta tell her, she knows!" type scene in here because I sure was thinking it
Mum is like -- yep
Okay, okay but -- Mew, your acting said you don't believe him, what's the game here??
Also "use a condom" is probably the best advice to come out of Boston's mouth so far
Top, you're making it very hard to believe you love anyone but yourself, sorry
I can't believe we're not even halfway through the show
Mew does not seem super into it and also that sofa looks very VERY uncomfortable, material-wise. Plasticky.
22yos is2g
early morning hours and booze and honesty
OH the way Sand's hand sorta twitched when Ray said that
Ray. Love. It's not your fault. Depression is insidious.
Oh no, are Nick and Boston going to interrupt AGAIN
Oh Sand :(
Sand looks like he's going to KILL Boston and he'd be right to
Boston is just. Terrible.
oooooof this is a party gone wrong for real
they were so cute and then it all went wrong
shit, Sand really is in love with him and HURT.
Sand, I don't think you should be driving
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
THAT is the McCall Pack we know and love!!!
EVERYONE IS OKAY!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I took a while to react, so order of events, shall we??
I mean, it means you're gonna get the really long babble about Scott and the McCall Pack first, but I DON'T CARE, because it was AMAZING!! <3
When Kira and Stiles first ran in, I was convinced that they were gonna try to hit that romantic cliche and have Kira be the one that brings him back, especially after Stiles tried and Scott immediately hit him down (which, ow, my heart).
But then, they went with platonic/familial again, and in the BEST WAY, because it was F*CKING LIAM!! (Because, don't get me wrong, I LOVED Stiles saving Scott in 3x6, and you know I always love me some Sciles, but doing that again would've been a little cliche, so to change it up like that was PERFECT! <3)
And with that AMAZING PARALLEL with that AMAZING LINE!!
"You're not a monster. You're a werewolf, like me."
Because that's his BETA. His LITTLE BROTHER. His CHILD. And he is reciting back to him the exact same thing that Scott said to him all those episodes ago.
Like, I don't think you understand how much I LOVE THAT!! There are sooooo few shows and movies out there that truly understand how important platonic relationships can be, and Teen Wolf freaking NAILS IT!!
And BECAUSE OF THAT, Scott gets out, and he immediately pegs Peter, because he just KNOWS.
And the way that Malia backs up, because if there's anything the McCall pack has taught her, it's loyalty, and THAT is a betrayal.
And everyone in the pack tries to come to his defense, to get at Peter before Peter can get at Scott (especially Kira <3), but he tells them all to back off, because this fight is between him and Peter, and they both know it.
And then the FIGHT SEQUENCE. Scott trying so desperately to pull his punches, but trying so hard to stay alive, all while Peter is telling him that if he wants to win, he's gonna have to kill him.
But he DOESN'T, because killing him would be EXACTLY what Peter has been asking for and trying to prove, and that's not who Scott is.
And he's trying, and he's losing, and then it's F*CKING LIAM AGAIN!! Liam, stepping forward because his Alpha/Big Brother/Dad is in trouble, and Peter just RIPPING ONE at him to keep him at bay.
And the way that Scott and Liam LOOK AT EACH OTHER (there are so many meaningful glances in this episode I cannot <3 <3)!!! The way Liam looks so scared, but also so clearly angry and protective, and Scott sees that, and he gets back up, with a new strategy and new determination, because this isn't just about protecting himself--it's about protecting his pack.
It's about being an Alpha.
And then he's on the defense, and he's using his wits and strategizing until he can get the upper hand, and his pack is watching him in awe and pride, because THIS IS THE SCOTT MCCALL THAT EARNED HIS TRUE ALPHA STATUS!!!
And he WINS!!
Because he's SCOTT F*CKING MCCALL!!!
And then we get that LINE!!!
"You were never an Alpha, Peter. But you were always a monster."
And then that SHOT.
The lighting, the framing, the almost holiness--
You wanna know what's so special about Scott, Kate?
F*cking THAT!!
THAT RIGHT THERE is why Scott McCall is the best, and why no one can defeat the McCall Pack.
F*cking try us.
And then there's DEREK!
Derek, who we all thought was gonna die, who somehow...evolved?? And can turn into a FULL BLOWN WOLF now. JUST LIKE HIS MOM!!
Oh man, I can't WAIT to hear more about that, because that is so cool, and Derek's whole arc this season has had so many interesting moments, and I can't wait to see where they take that next.
And then there's PETER!
Peter, who finally gets the justice he f*cking deserves.
Not death.
Not Alpha status.
F*cking prison.
With what we have now established as the worst person you would ever want to interact with in Eichen House for a cellmate.
He's not dead.
But he's gonna wish he were.
And THAT'S exactly how I like it.
F*ck you, Peter.
You f*cking deserve it.
And they did SUCH a good job of wrapping up all of the elements of Season 4 while still setting up for Season 5, and we got alllll these small little character moments and meaningful glances, and I am just HERE FOR IT!! <3 <3 <3
The Chris and Kate conversation about Allison, and what truly caused her death, and the fact that he still couldn't kill her, because it's still his sister, but he knows deep down, just like he said, that there's no more saving her.
The Chris and Scott conversation, where we find out Chris agreed to find and hunt down Kate with the Calaveras if it meant they would leave the pack alone, because he loves those kids, and he doesn't want anything to happen to them.
The little side hug and affectionate look between Scott and Kira, now that they're both finally safe and together again.
The meaningful look between Scott and Stiles, saying so much about how worried they both were, and how they know it's not the end of their struggles, but they're glad they're both okay and still here for each other, because that's what they do.
The way that Scott and Derek looked at each other in that silent conversation (also quick aside, LOVED Braeden's concern for Derek and excitement when he was alive), and with that little nod, acknowledged that they'll always have each other's backs, and they're both okay, and alive, and HERE, and they're grateful for it.
The hug between Stiles and Noah when Stiles and Malia finally make it back safely. The way Malia gets brought into the hug, even in all of her awkwardness. The fact that, as happy as Noah was to see both of them alive, he got the ultimate payback in the only way a Stilinski can by handcuffing his son to the desk. "Bring me back a slice?" XD
The fact that Kira GOT HER FIRST TAIL, and she got it from the obsidian that ultimately saved her life, and she's getting better and stronger and even more amazing by the second.
The reactions from absolutely everyone as Liam desperately tried to explain to Coach why they missed practice, with Coach not believing a single word they were saying, and Scott and Stiles dropping their heads down at the same time (I know where that gif is from now!!) because they wouldn't believe it either, but frankly, they don't have anything better.
The SMILES that Scott and Liam give each other (bonus points for Stiles's ever-present annoyance XD) when Coach tells them to make sure they look out for each other and have each other's backs, because YOU KNOW THEY DO!! ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!
And then last, but certainly not least, the fact that Lydia gave Parrish the Bestiary, and is gonna do everything she can to help him figure out what he is and what he can do.
Look. I said it before, but I am going to reiterate it.
With the writing, the storytelling, the acting, the cinematography, and just the general amazingness of that season, it is a VERY close second, and if it had just a FEW more Sciles moments that were higher on my "Best Sciles Moments” list, it would've won out as the favorite season, because holy sh*t was it AMAZING!
As terrified as I am for Season 5, because I KNOW the pack gets split up, and I DON'T WANT THAT GOSH DARNAT, I am also VERY excited to see all those little character moments and storylines and writing and acting and beautifulness develop even further--even if I have to get through a LOT of whump and angst to get there.
What a season.
What a ride.
Season 5, here we come (but...after I get some sleep lol).
As many gifs as I can fit, because there was soooo much beauty there and I want to express ALL OF IT!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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P.S. This is a super random aside, but can we just appreciate that neither Scott nor Liam has seen Star Wars?? Oh boys. I love you both so much. 😂❤️
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