#cant shut the fuck up
sowhatnotcreative · 1 year
Being a skinnier than healthy woman eating a very small dinner at normal dinner time.
Men: Oh my GOD you're EATING? AGAIN?
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whollyjoly · 3 months
i want the whole SEASON of bucktommy
i want buck being wooed - flowers and being taken out and a little protective hand on the small of his back
i want to hear all the soft ways tommy can say evan and the look on buck's face when he does
i want to see them at tommy's karaoke trivia place because holy shit buck would love it (and didnt oliver say that we're getting buck singing this season cause uhhhhh)
i love that this is such a fling, such a happy thing for buck - he is finally feeling that puzzle piece click into place and it is freeing
and i cant wait to see all the small ways we see that play out!!!
let buck be happy challenge 2k24!!!!
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sillystringpony · 2 months
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tag yourself
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p4nishers · 11 months
"I'm a little bemused as to why crowley would risk destruction for you, you don't seem his type at all" that was. actually a thing they said. like that's a thing that was written in the script and said by an actor on good omens. then michael sheen had the absolute AUDACITY to raise his eyebrows like a fucking bitch who knows exactly what's crowley's type and that it's only ever been him. like!!! this is too gay even for me holy shit
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cheesethunderstormz · 3 months
i need to be medicated
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
Millions of solar panels are piling up in warehouses across the Continent because of a manufacturing battle in China, where cut-throat competition has driven the world’s biggest panel-makers to expand production far faster than they can be installed.
The supply glut has caused solar panel prices to halve. This sounds like great news for the EU, which recently pledged to triple its solar power capacity to 672 gigawatts by 2030. That’s roughly equivalent to 200 large nuclear power stations.
In reality, though, it has caused a crisis. Under the EU’s “Green Deal Industrial Plan”, 40pc of the panels to be spread across European fields and roofs were meant to be made by European manufacturers.
However, the influx of cheap Chinese alternatives means that instead of tooling up, manufacturers are pulling out of the market or becoming insolvent. Last year 97pc of the solar panels installed across Europe came from China.[...]
The best estimates suggest that about 90 gigawatts worth of solar panels are stashed around Europe. That solar power capacity roughly equates to 25 large nuclear power stations the size of Hinkley Point C.[...]
The sheer scale of the problem was revealed in a recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
It warned that although the world was installing at record rates of around 400 gigawatts a year, manufacturing capacity was growing far faster.
By the end of this year solar panel factories, mostly in China, will be capable of churning out 1,100 gigawatts a year – nearly three times more than the world is ready [sic] for. For comparison, that’s about 11 times [!!!!] the UK’s entire generating capacity.
For some solar power installers, it’s a dream come true. Sagar Adani is building solar farms across India’s deserts, with 54 in operation and another 12 being built.
His company, Adani Green Energy, is constructing one solar farm so large that it will cover an area five times the size of Paris and have a capacity of 30 gigawatts – equal to a third of the UK’s entire generating capacity.
“I am installing tens of millions of solar panels across these projects,” says Adani. “Almost all of them will have been imported from China. There is nowhere else that can supply them in such numbers or at such prices.
“China saw the opportunity before others, it looked forward to what the world is going to set up 10 years on. And because they scaled up in the way they did, they were able to reduce costs substantially as well.”
That scaling up meant the capital cost of installing solar power fell from around £1.25m per megawatt of generating capacity in 2015 to around £600,000 today – a decrease of more than 50pc – making it cheaper than almost any other form of generation, including wind.[...]
“Up to 2012 there was a healthy looking European solar panel industry but it was actually very reliant on subsidies and preferential treatment.
“But then European governments and other customers started buying from China because their products were so much cheaper. And China still has cheap labour and cheap energy plus a massive domestic market. It’s hard to see Europe recovering from those disadvantages.”
Trying sososo hard to make this sound like a bad thing [23 Mar 24]
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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lazy pinterest photo redraws with my 6 favorite NEETs
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hyperfixationstation1 · 8 months
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cheers to the man who sleeps during the end of the world
Grantaire sketch.
Micron 0.2. Derwent HB and 9B
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souporsaladnatural · 24 days
I think that in the revival dean and cas should lean their foreheads together and also maybe close their eyes and cry a little but also I'd probably flatline if this came to pass so. Yk
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worst family in the town-on-gorkhon or whatever
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hatsunevita · 22 days
i just know nobody from bakusquad will refrain from teasing katsuki for being so gay on the battlefield.
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rougethebadbinch · 1 year
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the only thing i could think of while watching
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angrysnakes · 4 months
I really fucking hate this culture in trans spaces of transmascs and AFAB nonbinary people having to just put up with "jokes" made at our expense, no matter how intentionally cruel they are. Cis people and transfems get the pass to make up whatever stereotypes they want about us and call us nasty things and we aren't allowed to be offended because we "have it easier" or whatever. For crying out loud it's not controversial to say that trans people, INCLUDING TRANS MEN, do not have privilege over cis people. Transmascs are being put lower on the totem pole than cis women. This is just devolving into TERF rhetoric. Can we just be fucking nice to each other and get over the oppression Olympics and lateral aggression? It's exhausting and you are lashing out at the wrong people. I cannot go five minutes online without seeing someone say something nasty about their fellow transgenders. Especially seeing this after an AFAB nonbinary child was murdered by cis girls is beyond cruel.
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broke: eddie munson has handcuffs in his room cause he likes kinky sex 
woke: eddie munson has handcuffs in his room because he was once arrested by officer Callahan for possession of marijuana at a halloween party they busted his junior year, but as soon as Callahan sat him on the pavement and turned around, Eddie jumped up and hauled ass into the forest until he reached the trailer park. His uncle had to pick the lock to get them off his dumbass nephew (making eddie swear to 1. never ask how his uncle knew how to pick locks and 2. never get fucking arrested again) Eddie kept the handcuff’s as a memoir of the night he outran the Hawkins Police Department. 
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some hasty Laughingstock ft. butterfly!Howdy for your mild enjoyment...
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mwagneto · 11 months
legit shaking crying i can't believe they're gay for real like they're gay for REAL like after all these years they're literally gay canonically like they kissed on screen on the mouth coz they're gay. like that really happened and there's no taking it back they're canonically gay in that scene and in every other scene also. when they're hanging out they're doing it gayly. when they're calling each other up they're doing it gayly. when they dress like that and act like that it's coz they're gay when crowley's trying to get aziraphale to run away with him it's coz he's in gay love and when aziraphale continuously puts himself in situations where crowley can feel useful it's coz he's in gay love literally everything they do is coz of gay love!!!!!! and that's mine forever!!!!!!!!! after i waited like half my life for it!!!!!!!!!!! oh my fucking god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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