#captain hans
mrwerewolfcaptain · 2 years
At the end of the third episode of Hellsing Ultimate, in addition to the credits, very short scenes of Hellsing The Dawn are shown (which, however, have not yet appeared in the prequel):
1- In one of these incredible scenes it is possible to see the Major, the Captain, Doc, Rip Van Winkle, Zorin Blitz and 14-year-old Walter C. Dornez admiring one of the Nazi airships (probably shortly after its construction was finished, as the airship appears to be inside a huge warehouse). That, of course, will be one of the airships with which the Millennium organization will escape to South America in 1945:
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2- In another scene it is possible to see Alucard (no longer in his female form) being shot by Nazi soldiers. However, in the next scene, the same soldiers are shown dead and impaled by long sticks (implying that Alucard killed them just as he used to kill his victims when he was Vlad The Impaler many centuries earlier):
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3- In this other scene it is possible to see Doc's laboratory in Warsaw completely destroyed:
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You can find these scenes by clicking on this YouTube Link:
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madarasgirl · 1 year
Hellsing's Captain
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Incredible art by ケースワベ【K-SUWABE】 on Twitter
@nuclearforest and @rotten-hearts-sharp-teeth it's your masterpiece fanfics' fault I am thinking so much about this character
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valentines-wh0re · 2 years
How would the characters of Hellsing react to an OC who's being an absolute troll while they interrogate the OC, like this: Integra: So what were you doing last night? OC: Your Mom.
(Tw: mentions of torture)
Alucard would find it funny, but also frustrating. I believe that he would find it funny with how they’re trying to cover up their tracks.
Integra would be ABSOLUTELY annoyed. Like she wouldn’t look it, but when she leaves the room, her brow would be twitching, or her lip would be bleeding from biting it.
Seras would take it seriously, and get frustrated at the person. “Nice try wiseguy! C’mon just give something!”
Walter wouldn’t take that shit, he would probably already have his wires out. 💀
Major would kinda laugh it off but everytime they would say some smart ass remark, they’d get tortured or smth.
Dok would be PISSED LEMME TELL YA! He would take great pride in probably torturing them if they kept making dumbass shit 💀
Rip would probably be sadistically smiling, already pointing her musket at their head. Anddddd they probably won’t survive for long, she’s already annoyed.
Zorin would just kill them. Straight up
Jan would laugh at them and probably continuously burn them with his cigarettes, or shoot them in the leg.
Luke would shoot them in the leg, the man is already fucking annoyed at this smart ass. Reminds him of his brother who does that shit.
Captain probably strangles them, he’s not a jokester kinda guy…
Tubalcain would be annoyed and would most likely slice one of their limbs off with his playing cards of doom. He does not take that shit.
Alexander would find it annoying and would probably stab them in the hands or something until they finally squawked out the truth
Yumiko would be absolutely annoyed, asking Heinkel “Can we kill them already??”
Heinkel gets frustrated and says “Why can’t i kill them already???”
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lengthofropes · 15 days
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*no caption needed*
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ranbling · 6 days
Ways I think the 118 would try to get rid of Gerrard:
- Bringing out the clipboard and let Buck criticizes everything Gerrard does, 'cause the LAFD guidelines say otherwise
- Ravi dropping the Q word everytime Gerrard says something problematic
- Eddie takes up cooking and gives Gerrard food poisoning during the first shift
- Eddie and Buck act like how they usually do (its not intentional, but drives Gerrard crazy)
- Hen and Chimney act like he's not even there, except when they're attending an actual emergency -> but they're the paramedics there so Gerrard can't really give orders to them (everyone else denies that Hen and Chim ignore Gerrard)
- Buck brings in Taylor 'cause she wouldn't turn down an opportunity to make a big report about how a councilwoman placed back a racist and homophobic captain into a diverse house where his previous victims' still there
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*The 118 welcoming a new member to the A shift*
Chim: Welcome to the 118's Firehouse, probie. Hen: In the A shift we value camaraderie, outside the box thinking and the ability to break the rules when needed. Eddie: We are very happy you decided to join our station. Buck: The last requirement to enter is to have a tragic backstory. Ravi: I had cancer as a child? Bobby: Congratulations, Firefighter Panikkar, you're adopted, I mean hired.
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emolionsrawr · 2 months
bobby: and that concludes this weeks meeting, does anyone have anything they wanna share?
buck: um, i do cap
bobby: go ahead kid, floors yours
buck, standing up: thanks bobby, so um, there's something i wanna tell you all, i'm bisexual... and i'm dating tommy kinard
chimney: WHO HAD 2024??
hen: man you couldn't've come out last year? i had 2023
ravi: i had 2025
bobby: i had 2028
eddie: buck, thank you for coming out to us, we're so proud of you
hen: yes! so proud
eddie: and thank you for making me $1000 READ THEM AND WEEP I HAD 2024!!
buck: what the fuck guys i can't believe this, i have no friends here
eddie: split the money?
buck: i have one friend here
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elcarimercanto · 1 year
Things that actually happened in Star Wars Pt. 2
A cowboy breaks into the Jedi temple and steals one of their magic cubes
Obi-wan threatens to eat a shark man in prison
Lando wears Han's clothes
Palpatine told his villan origin story to Anakin at a fish opera
Leia gets shot out into space and then superman flies her way back to safety
Force Speed was shown like one time in The Phantom Menace
Fives makes a dick joke to Anakin
Zeb makes a dick joke to Ezra
Hondo almost sold Ahsoka as a sex slave but then gets saved by a circus act of children
Rex has to distract obi wan while Anakin and Padme were sexting
Padme gets Jabba's gay uncle arrested at his strip club for kidnapping his great nephew
Zeb and Kallus end up living together
Anakin and Padme almost make out on a space train until Obi-wan cockblocks them
Anakin tries to feel someone's temperature with a gloved robotic hand.
A clone gets eaten by a space eel(Rip Cutup)
Literally everything in the Umbara arc
Ezra gets milk cartons thrown at him then falls off the flying ship
Count Dooku throws a sand attack at Anakin
The council sent the horniest Jedi to protect the hottest senator
Luke shows up to fight Palpatine with the Chanel boots on like the fashion icon he is.
Luke wears Han's pants to the medal ceremony
Shaak Ti's died at least 4 times
Basically D-Day but it's Geonosis instead
Obi-wan and Girlfriend go for a casual stroll then witness a terrorist attack and a suicide
Link to part 1
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mrwerewolfcaptain · 2 years
Could you write a One Shot '' Yandere! Captain x Reader'' please?
Even if you started this blog a few days ago, I'm already in love with it! I almost suspect that you are Kouta Hirano's assistant!
❝Please, open the door! Help me!❞ I screamed in panic, incessantly beating my fists on the front doors of every house I could find.
In the distance, a ferocious, angry howl echoed from the depths of the forest, making me tremble even more.
He's coming. And he is angry.
❝Please, I just need to hide! The monster is hunting me!! ❞ I cried desperately, sobbing and panting.
Suddenly, the door of the small village church finally swung open. An elderly priest came out of the building holding a crucifix firmly in his hands. Although I was crying and wearing dirty, torn clothes, he was not staring at me with a merciful or compassionate look. No, the elderly priest's eyes were full of hatred.
❝Get out of this village immediately or the monster will kill us all because of you! ❞ The priest shouted loudly, pointing the crucifix in my direction.
❝N-no, there must have been a misunderstanding! I am running away from the monster, I am a victim, not his helper! Please save me!❞ I whimpered in fear, continuing to cry.
❝I don't believe a single word of what you say! The mark on your shoulder is the proof that you are his whore, and you don't deserve any salvation! You are the devil's whore!❞ The priest concluded, pointing his finger at the conspicuous scar that the monster had caused me after biting me.
Subsequently, after giving me one last disgusted look, he went back inside the church, closing the door.
❝No!❞ I shouted, collapsing to the ground. I was exhausted, disappointed, terrified and angry.
Nobody will come to save me from him.
Until a few months ago I was leading a normal and ordinary life. Now, however, I find myself in a remote and lost forest somewhere in the mountains of Germany, escaping from a creature that I believed only existed in legends and horror films: a werewolf.
❝Why me? What did I do wrong?❞ I screamed, closing my eyes and clenching my fists.
Suddenly, a deep growl made me shiver and wince noisily. Even though it was a cold winter night, beads of sweat began to roll down my forehead. My heart started beating wildly as I realized that the growl was coming from behind me.
Very slowly, I turned my head, looking with a frightened gaze at the monster that in the last few months had turned my life into a complete hell.
Even in his human form he was intimidating and threatening. He was tall, massive and too muscular to be a normal man. His unnatural, glowing red eyes were staring at me intensely, just as a predator would stare at his delicious prey.
His silence certainly did not improve the situation, on the contrary, it made it all more terrifying.
Without saying a word, the werewolf bent down and grabbed my wrist, lifting me effortlessly off the ground.
❝AHH! ❞ I screamed in pain as he unexpectedly sank his sharp teeth into my shoulder, right above the mark he had inflicted on me months ago.
I pressed my hands to his shoulders in an attempt to push him away. However, he was too strong for me, and he didn't move an inch.
When he was finally satisfied enough, he pulled away from my shoulder, licking his blood-stained lips. Afterwards, he wiped my tears away with his finger, while with the other hand he gently stroked his bite mark on my shoulder.
A few seconds later, with impressive speed, he grabbed my hips and loaded me onto his mighty shoulder, starting to run towards that small wooden cabin in the middle of the forest that had become my prison.
Little Red Riding Hood had been luckier than me.
I will never be able to escape from the big bad wolf.
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(Thanks for your request! I'm not a native English speaker, so if you find any grammatical errors please tell me).
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just-a-pole-sir · 9 months
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valentines-wh0re · 2 years
Random headcanon cause i cannot sleep. 👍
Hellsing Characters fav food, Vampire or not.
Alucard: Squid pasta
Seras: BLT
Walter: Cream of Mushroom soup
Integra: Ceasar salad
Pip: Croque Monsieur
Enrico: Lasagna
Anderson: Steak
Yumiko: Roasted Potatoes with Asparagus
Heinkel: Same as Yumiko
Major: Steak with Mashed Potatoes
Dok: Seafood, anything sea food.
Schrö: Tuna sandwich and or Sausage
Hans: Chicken or beef soup.
Rip: Pasta. With any toppings. Also chocolate
Zorin: Rice and steak
Jan: Spicy Ramen noodles, let’s be real
Luke: Cucumber sandwich or Chicken Ramen. Bros def eat ramen.
Alhambra: Chocolate cheesecake or Pasta with any toppings.
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varpusvaras · 3 months
After rescuing Leia from the Death Star and getting back to the Rebel base:
Rex: .....
Cody: What are you thinking about?
Rex: I'm just- there's just something really familiar about her
Cody: Who? The Princess?
Rex: Yeah! It's like- I swear at several points it feels like I'm talking to a miniature Fox
Cody: ........now that you say it-
Leia, in the distance: What are you?
Han, muffled: .....an idiot sandwich
Leia: Correct. Now stay out of my way, or I'm going to put you onto the menu!
Rex: It's uncanny
Cody, wholly starting to believe in reincarnation: Yeah
Rex: Cody I'm scared
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so-that-was-okay · 10 days
In 2x09 Hen Begins, we get to see past Tommy being a jerk. But as I said in a previous post (that I can't find), my headcanon is that you can see how he's always looking at Gerrard for some kind of validation or a sort of sign to follow. He's always looking at the Asshole in Chief to make sure his behavior fits the one his leader expect him to have.
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Here they welcome Hen like a bunch of pricks. Tommy is looking at Gerrard to know what reaction would be appropriate for him to have. Chim is further on the right, disagreeing with the way Gerrard is handling Hen's arrival. (also Lou, stop torturing your fingers lmao)
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Here Chim says he thought Hen was from the East Coast. Then Tommy makes a remark about New York bitchiness because Hen is rightfully sassy. Chim calls Tommy out, then Tommy is seeking approval from Gerrard. He could just own his remark but he doesn't. He needs validation. He knows Gerrard would never tell him he's going too far, definitely not for saying this. But he's looking for a sign that would tell him he's acting the right way. Gerrard says nothing.
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And when Hen finally says her piece like the queen she is, Tommy, once again, turns to his leader. It could also be to Chim, their eyes definitely meet anyway. But by now, we know that Tommy is following whatever cues he gets from Gerrard.
We talked about how closeted gay men can be really awful in order to pass: misogyny, racism, homophobia, and more. Anything to "look the part" among the boys to make sure no one finds out about them. And honestly, I don't even know if those acting choices were conscious but they really fit Tommy's storyline so perfectly. We also know some people are more followers than leaders anyway, closeted queer or not. But that would be a very happy coincidence.
Tommy was a jerk, yes, absolutely, but there were signs that told a bigger story.
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itzshrike · 1 month
Star Wars needs a ‘what-if’ series like marvel did. Or they need to like do the original endings they had for the shows and movies before they switched it. I just need an alternative reality where everything’s okay and nothing hurts.
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