#captain overhaul
janewaykove · 4 months
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Kate Mulgrew as Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager (S6E25, 2000)
I'll make you a deal, Voyager. The next M-class planetoid we find, we'll sit down and I'll give you a nice maintenance overhaul. What do you say?
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isabeauwolf · 4 months
Ya'll I need more Siren Law, and Monsterhaul, gimme more monster men! I adore every version of my anime husbands. But damn, I want them both in my bed.
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The 2nd one is from: Chisaki brainrot @_overhauls on Twitter
Doesn't help that this song has been stuck in my head all day! Then boom! Both Monster Law and Monsterhaul popped into my head, and won't go away!
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battydora · 2 years
NEEDY | kai chisaki
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content: suggestive, gn!reader, dry humping, mild sexomnia || wc: 0.2k
something chisaki never fails to do is to grind against you.
whenever he gets the chance, he'll reach you from behind and start rubbing his crotch against your ass.
it doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter where. when your butt appears in his eyesight, he'll sneak behind you and rub his clothed cock against your butt line. when you get on your tippy toes to get something off of a high shelf, you don't even notice when he appeared. when you rest your elbows on the kitchen table, suddenly and surprisingly he is also there. when you're cooking something, oh, bet he'll be there too. this behaviour seemed like he was only doing it to satisfy himself, to feed his imagination selfishly like crazy, getting all he can have from only the friction between your clothes.
he's like this all the time, of course not infront of his yakuza members, no, they can't see how low their leader can go for you, how weak he feels from just rubbing himself against you and murmuring you're his, as if he was proud of it.
he creates that delicious friction against you, holding your hips so roughly you can feel his nails digging in your clothes. you've caught him doing this even on your sleep, exposing how much of a poor needy man he is for you, he can't help himself, it's a tempting habit he can't get rid of.
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angie-starz · 6 months
Got over 2000 words for the first chapter of this silly little rare pair fanfic I'm writing and now I can't figure out how to start chapter two dammit
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inkbwush · 2 years
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Forgot to post her... i love you Sybil
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princekirijo · 1 month
I'm late by like 30 mins my timezone but happy birthday Riku,,, my boy,,,
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I've given my Captain Star a complete design overhaul.
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Kanaloa Star, he/him, 5'6
Born and raised in Hawaii, his mother was Hawaiian and his father was African American.
He gets his shortness from his father.
A revered Captain as he takes excellent care of his crew and is kind and respectful towards everyone he meets.
Except the Navy captains in the Mittsville Naval Yard, those guys are douchebags.
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i think something that me and several members of my dad’s side of the family have in common is that we all either unexpectedly or unwillingly became leaders (or at least seen as leaders) in our respective careers/professions/communities
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deadboyswalking · 1 year
Overhaul 🤝 Captain Kuro
being inexplicably
frightening villains
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
Wanted to tell you that YES while all that happened bakugo is (even tho being held by multiple people) just laying on the ground for multiple chapters
it's incredibly funny to me bc like irl it's been. almost a year since that chapter came out. and he's been lying there the whole time. he's one of my favorite characters but tbh i really want the story to finally cut back to him and have edgeshot pop back out and go "yeah no there's nothing i can do he fuckin dead" bc it would be so freaking funny.
ofc it'd also be pretty bad writing but that's neither here nor there
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somedaytakethetime · 1 year
Alright listen up, girlies! So our geriatric king was at a music festival during the weekend BUT I forgot to save his stories 🥲🥲 SO INSTEAD HAVE SOME RANDOM 🍈🍈 PHOTOS
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I even included thighs, you're welcome 😤
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marnz · 1 year
the thing about writing a book or a series is that you have to do math.
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isabeauwolf · 5 months
“My princess” and it’s a fictional man with an insane criminal record.
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Found this on Twitter, and figured, I'd share it here we well as my answer. XD
Of course, I'm going to choose both Trafalgar Law, The Surgeon of Death, and Kai Chisaki, Overhaul!
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flashhwing · 2 years
What are y’all’s favorite DA2 mods? don’t suggest anything for Anders or any that change Isabela’s appearance, I already got those covered
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arbiterlexultionis · 3 months
Prompt: An Idea I Can Not Get Rid Of,
So it’s y’all’s problem now too.
[Eraserhead, Batman, Tony Stark, Jazz Fenton, Sam Manson, whoever your favorite Tired Adult is] walks into room: Please. For the love of God, and sake of my Sanity. Tell me that that is not a bomb.
[Danny Fenton, Peter Parker, Tim Drake, Robin!Jason Todd, Izuku Midoriya or any other Feral Gremlin Child that you can think of] Innocent Sunshine Child Smile: Ok, this is not a bomb!
Tired Adult: *Pinches bridge of noise, deep breath in* Very Audible Internal Screaming!
Which gremlin most definitely does not have a bomb? Which Tired Adult is stuck dealing with the gremlins nonsense? Is this a crossover? Is Danny about to tell Bruce that the moons haunted and like most other problems in the world the answer is C4? Is Jason getting ready to go revoke Overhauls knee cap privileges? Is Peter gonna slip on some ecto-brass knuckles and Captain Crunch the Fruitloop’s bone?
You Decide!
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jpitha · 1 year
Voiding The Warranty
Lauren was running back and forth across the ship, searching for something.
After a demi-cycle of this, Captain Shimmering Heat finally called her over her personal comm. "Lauren? What is it you're doing? You are running around like we're under attack from a Gren Warfinder and yet we're just cruising."
Lauren looked up and toggled her comm. "Sorry Captain, I'm looking for my toolkit, I could have sworn I left it in Engineering but it's not there."
Captain Shimmer made a noise over the comm that translated to something near to surprise and amused resignation. Lauren wasn't their first human. "Why do you have your own toolkit Lauren? What's wrong with my tools?"
"Oh Captain Shimmer, I know that you provide the crew with everything they need to keep this ship running smoothly. My tools are a little different."
"Different? You're telling me human tools are different?"
Lauren rummaged around in a closet until she found was she was looking for. "Ah. Found it. Why was it in the cleaning closet? Oh well, no matter. Come on down to the engine room Captain Shimmer if you want to see what I'm working on."
A few millicycles later, Captain Shimmering Heat came into the engine room. They tended to stay out of the engine room. It's not that they weren't allowed to be there - they were the Captain after all, technically the ship was theirs for the duration of the contract - it's more that... they weren't... allowed to be there. As they passed through the pressure door, a few people in the engine room looked up and frowned. Lauren saw them though and waved. "Come in Captain Shimmer! Come here!"
Seeing that Lauren invited them, everyone put their head down and went back to their work. Shimmer came over, their claws clattering quietly on the deck plates. As they approached, they didn't see Lauren, but they rounded a corner and came across a stack of equipment in pieces with Lauren under it. Their feathers rippled in worry. "Lauren! Are you all right?"
"I'm fine Captain." Lauren's muffled voice came from much deeper inside the machinery than Shimmer thought possible. "In fact, I'm better than fine!"
"Oh? Why is that?"
Lauren slid out from under the machinery. It turned out she was on a small, flat wheeled plank. It rattled as she slid herself out. Sitting up, she wiped... something from her hands with a rag tucked into her pants. "Because, I figured it out!"
Shimmer's face feathers began to slowly puff out, making their face look larger than normal. It was an ancient predator/prey response, meant to frighten attackers millions of years ago. "Figured what out?"
"This whole trip, I've been feeling like the engines have been sluggish. I know using FlashWarp isn't as fast as a Flip drive, but I figured it wouldn't be that bad. But, it sure seems like we're moving even slower than normal!"
Captain Shimmer opened their beak to deny it and then stopped. Actually... things did seem like they were going slower than they should. "Okay Lauren. I did feel like our last two warps were slower than they should have been. We were only a cycle behind though, so I wasn't worried. What did you find?"
Lauren stood. She was about one head taller than the captain and had a tendency to loom. One of the braver crewmates told her about it though and she now made an effort to take a half step back when she spoke. "I found all sorts of things! First I didn't know what I was looking at, so I went back and got the design docs and-"
"Wait, you opened up the engines without knowing what you were doing?"
Lauren waves her hand dismissively. "It's fine, it's fine. I didn't touch anything... important... that time. Anyway, I dug up the design docs and noticed - hey Captain, when was the last time you had the engines overhauled? I think they're way overdue."
Lauren had a habit of jumping from topic to topic as what she called her 'train of thought' brought her from point to point. She was able to keep on tasks for the most part, but if she came across an interesting or 'fun' problem, it was all Shimmer could do but hang on while she bounced around. "Uh, I don't think it's been done since I was issued the Star Leaf. Why? How often should it be done?"
Lauren's eyes went wide. "Way more often than that. According to these-" She swung a pad around and Shimmer caught a glimpse of engine diagrams "-a clean cycle is supposed to be run after every kilocycle and a full teardown every five kilocycles. How long have you been captain?"
"Uh... eight kilocycles."
"We're way overdue then. That might explain some of what I found. Hmm" Lauren looked off into the middle distance. Shimmer was used to this too, and usually gave her a few moments to come out of her reverie on her own before they gently prodded them. "Uh, Lauren?"
"Oh? Captain Shimmer! Right right, the mods!"
"The what?"
"Mods! I modded the engine. Since it's been so long since we've had an overhaul and it gets completely taken apart, I figured it was fine to do some light warranty voiding and see if I can claw back some performance."
"Warranty... Voiding?"
Lauren nodded, then looked at Shimmer's confused expression. "Uh, Human Thing I guess. When we sell machinery to each other usually it comes with a Warranty. Something that says that for X days or X amount of use, if it breaks prematurely we'll either replace it or pay to fix it, provided-" She raises a finger "-we don't mess with it ourselves first. They don't want to fix it for free if we were the ones who broke it."
Shimmer's tailfeathers ruffle, a nod. "Okay, I understand, but wh-"
"Oh, it's a joke mostly. I have a feeling that only engine techs get in where I was, I was pretty far inside. I spent the last few demicycles reading up on FlashWarp theory and I think that I can get a few more kilolights out of your performance. In fact, I just finished so we can try it out!"
Shimmering Heat looks helplessly at the pile of tools and access panels on the floor. "But you said that you needed your toolkit?"
"Oh yeah, needed my voltmeter. I found it though, and was able to verify the current."
"But... the mess?" Shimmer's voice sounded resigned.
Laurent looked back and seemed to see it for the first time. "Oh, we'll leave it like that and run it with the covers off. If it works, I can button it up."
"And if it doesn't work?" Shimmer feared Lauren's reply, but found themselves unable to stop.
Lauren looked at Shimmer and was about to answer and saw them practically shaking. "Oh Captain. I wouldn't do anything to risk the ship or the crew. Worse comes to worst, it won't do anything. As I see it, there are three options for what will happen. One, nothing. That's pretty unlikely, but still possible. Two, it'll work the same as before. That's the most likely to be honest. In that case, I'll revert the changes and button it up. Three, it'll work better! We'll be able to make up lost time and get to our destination faster. Come on, let's try it out."
Captain Shimmer knew they were within their rights to order Lauren to put the engines back the way they were and continue on with their mission. Captain Shimmer also knew about how humans tend to have 'an idea' and suddenly they have their Flip drives, or they do something that makes no sense and then they run their gravity generators as thrusters. He knew all this an signed on a few humans anyway.
"Admit it." They tell themselves. "You hoped that this was going to happen. It's why you hired humans and let them have more or less free rein over the ship. You wanted them to tinker. If they make real improvements, you can submit them to the Coalition and if they're adopted you get a yearly bonus."
Shimmering Heat remembers their childhood. They were one of many nestmates. Their familial unit worked hard to provide, but there were many cycles where they went hungry. If the human's work paid off, they would get a bonus and be able to help his nestmates who still had trouble.
More importantly, they would be remembered.
"Okay Lauren. Let's try it out."
Shimmer lead Lauren up to the Command Room and bade her sit in a spare seat. Captain fluffed themselves and sait in the command chair. Here. Here is where things felt more certain, more sure. "Helm, plot a warp to Station 754, best speed."
"Yes, Captain Shimmer. Plotting. Please wait while the navacomputer works."
"You know Captain, I bet we-" Lauren starts.
"One thing at a time Lauren. I know about humans and their propensity to make computers faster."
Lauren wisely keeps quiet.
A short time later, the navigator calls out that a navigation solution has been found. Captain Shimmer turns back one more time to look at Lauren. She sticks both of her hands forward, fingers curled up except her inner, shorter thicker digit, which are pointed straight up. Sighing, Shimmer turns back to Helm. "Warp."
What happens next did actually make it into the history books, though not quite for the reasons that Captain Shimmer wanted.
Star Leaf leapt forward through the rainbow colored, prismatic gate that opened in front of them, and they warped. In much less time than anticipated, they exited the warp. Captain Shimmer, surprised at the lurch, looks around. "Sensors! Where are we? Engineering! How is the engines?"
The helmsperson looks up, shaken. Their fur fully bristled in fear. "Captain... we're at Station 754."
"What?" Of all the outcomes that Captain Shimmering Heat could have anticipated, that was not one of them.
"Confirmed. Station 754 has opened a channel and is asking how we got here so fast."
The comms clicked. "Uh, Captain. This is Engineering.... You should come and see this."
Captain Shimmer turns to leave. They look to call Lauren with them, and her seat is empty. Figuring that she went ahead, they leave the Command Room. They make their way across the ship in a daze, as everyone aboard looks out the windows in amazement or fear as they realize that they have made five cycles of travel in a millicycle.
Chief Ham'itar is standing at the pressure door as Shimmer approaches. His polished, lacquered claws slide in and out of their hands, a stress reaction. "You.. you have to see this."
He leads Shimmer towards the engine that Lauren was working on and...
It's beautiful.
The entire engine is covered in the prismatic light of a FlashWarp field. It's just... sitting there, glowing, pulsing slowly.
Shimmering Heat looks at Ham'itar and says nothing.
"No, that's not normal captain. Well, okay, when we execute a particularly good FlashWarp, some old engineers say that the engines glow with a prismatic light, but only for an instant, less than the swipe of a membrane. No time at all. This-" He points a laquered claw at it accusingly "-this is Not Normal."
"Is it dangerous?"
"Long term? No idea. Currently? Doesn't seem to be. Everything I can throw at the engine says it's perfectly fine. Better than perfect actually."
"Where's Lauren? I want to ask her about this."
Shimmer slowly looks away from the engines and stares at Ham'itar, all their feathers completely fluffed out. "Lauren Ingram, our human Engineer. We took her on back at that Orbital around Lemmin."
Ham'itar shakes their head, their fur moving with a slight delay to their head. "We don't have anyone like that aboard, Captain. We looked into taking on a couple humans on Lemmin, but I didn't like the look of any of them, we passed on them all. Besides, I wouldn't let anyone tinker with the engines enough to make this happen.
Shimmer involuntarily backs away from the engines, towards the door. "Captain?" Ham'itar looks at Shimmer curiously as they turn and run full speed out of the engine room.
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