#caramel twist
yolandastudies · 5 months
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French Toast - Best Brioche French Toast The best French toast ever, finished in the oven after being pan-fried, with browned butter and maple syrup on top. A simple yet opulent brunch recipe.
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cinebeasts · 7 months
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Caramel Crispy Rice Treats This recipe delivers a delightful take on traditional crisp rice cereal treats through a sweet caramel twist.
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fulannadetal · 10 months
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Best Brioche French Toast The best brioche French toast, pan-fried and then finished in the oven, topped with browned butter and maple syrup. An easy yet decadent brunch dish.
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heartscrypt · 7 months
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jadekali commission for @victoryshowers !! they are frolicking in the sun and having iced creams. god i wish i was them.
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skyephobic · 5 months
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🍩 + 🍎
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scarlettjulz · 4 months
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Wip 🦁
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zoethehead · 3 months
And here's the arrival at the distant city of pastreia.
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Including a couple of scrapped cookie run characters!
I'm sleep deprived, so I may have forgotten to add wildberry cookie and wizard cookie in the 2nd page.
Also, worldbuilding, yayyyyy!!!!
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carameldansan · 17 days
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Hi people of planet earth! 👋 🌍 ❤️
Been super busy with irl but I thought it’s about time to post another twisted wonderland oc I have brewing behind the scenes, she’s based on the backson (Winnie the Pooh) only in the sketch phase but I’ll try writing her backstory more soon, but I got her personality down so feel free to ask about Suzanne. Djfjsjdjj
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vera-deville · 9 months
Vera's Hauntober 2023
Day 4 - Candy Apples (Azul Ashengrotto)
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
Word Count: 1,205
Warnings: None that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
Taglist: @animusicnerd, @leonistic, @pyroxeene, @savanaclaw1996, @thequeenoffishburrito, @ellssbellss, @reshi-galaxy, @hanafubukki, @hitoshislover
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"Y/N? What are you doing?"
Said girl was intently focusing on stabbing apples with wooden dowels. "Oh hey Azul! Right on time! C'mere, I've got a job for you."
Azul could only mentally prepare himself before being shoved an apron, an apple, and a wooden dowel of his own. "And what pray tell, am I to do with these?"
"Here," Y/N grabbed another apple and dowel. "You just stick the dowel into the middle of the apple like this, and then you set it onto this tray over here." Y/N pointed to a grey tray almost full of stabbed apples. "If the tray gets full, just grab another tray from that pile over there, clean it with a towel, and place parchment paper on it."
"Is there anything you'll be doing in particular with the apples after that, or are they just going to be apples on sticks?" Azul asked, trying to stick the dowel into his given apple.
Noticing his struggle, Y/N explained, "You're going to want to shove the dowel and not be afraid of damaging the apple. Like, really get it in there." Finally, Azul got the dowel into the apple. "I'm going to be dipping them in caramel after I finish the rest of these."
Curious to see how this would end up, Azul merely nodded along to what Y/N was saying.
"Actually, I have an even better idea! You stick the rest of the dowels in, while I get started on the caramel! I'll be done with this much sooner that I thought I would be!" Y/N moved the remaining apples and dowels to Azul's side of the table.
Azul simply watched Y/N prepare the caramel she mentioned, all while taking notes to this seemingly simple recipe. It didn't seem to have much to it, just apples and caramel, so how good could it possibly be? Not good enough for Mostro Lounge, he could guarantee that-
Pretty soon enough, Y/N had finished making the caramel, and Azul had finished inserting dowels into apples (which was a tad more arduous than he originally gave it credit for). Taking an apple by the dowel, Y/N gently sunk it into the pot of caramel, and turned it, making sure that the caramel coated all the sides before setting it back onto the tray to cool.
"This part takes the longest, because of a couple extra steps my family does." Y/N voiced with a reminiscent smile on her face. Azul hadn't heard her talk much about her family back from wherever she came from, so he let her continue.
"My grandma and I used to make caramel apples every year during autumn. She used to do it with her grandmother and mother, and her grandmother used to do it with her grandmother and mother, and it's just overall a very generational thing." Y/N pulled a bowl of chopped nuts and coated the apple she'd worked on with them.
"My grandmother and I were suckers for caramel apples. Everyone else in the family loved them too, of course, but no one was as crazy about them as us." Azul noticed Y/N added another layer of caramel to some of the apples.
"Why are you adding more caramel to some of them?"
"Like I said, I'm crazy for caramel apples~" Y/N said with a wink. "My grandmother and I would double a decent chunk of the apples, and then we'd eat absolutely nothing else. Of course, we'd coat some of them with nuts and candy and stuff, but the double-coated caramel apples were our favorites."
Azul could see the sadness in Y/N grin. Though she spoke of her memories happily, nostalgia peppering her face, there was an indescribable sadness that clouded her figure. It could be seen in the way she hunched over the table, making sure the caramel coated her apples just right. It could be seen in the way her eyes were glossed over, and shimmered when the light hit them just right.
He didn't know what brought on the sudden nostalgia, but whatever it was, he would be there for her. He could guarantee that much. Wordlessly grabbing an apple himself, he also joined in on the caramel coating process, finding it rather fun, though that may have mainly been attributed to Y/N's stories of her home.
One that she hadn't seen in so long, at that.
Eventually, the pair finished the caramel process, and Azul found the magicless NRC student beside him practically vibrating with joy, because they would now be tasting the caramel apples. "Since you helped me so much with this whole thing, you get to have first pick!" Seeing the crease in her smile, Azul couldn't help a genuine grin settle on his own face, opting for an nutty caramel apple.
As soon as he sunk his teeth into the gooey apple goodness, Azul did a double-take. What is this sorcery? Why is such a simple dish so ridiculously delicious? Surely there must be something he missed, because there was absolutely no way a mere apple coated with caramel and some nuts can taste this good-
"I take it that you like it?" Y/N asked with a smirk on her face (and caramel on her cheek).
"Ahem. It is...rather nice on the taste buds. Though slightly difficult to bite into, perhaps if they are offered with a plate of some sort to eat it with. Or perhaps they can be cut into slices and then coated with the caramel and toppings! Or..." Azul rambled on and on about different variations of the caramel apples, as Y/N watched with a loving smile on her face. She may not have been able to share this moment with her family, but this was just as nice.
"Y/N! What do you say to an exclusive contract where you supply Mostro Lounge (and only the Mostro Lounge) with caramel apples, and in return, you receive 35% of the profits?"
Y/N shook her head, chuckling to her self. "Make it 65%, and I'll think about it~"
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Author's Note: When I first thought of the idea for this fic, I was super excited to write it. But then I actually started writing, and I realized that somehow I suddenly forgot how conversations worked? But eventually, I got into the swing of things, and was able to finish it.
See you in the next fic!
Masterlist Hauntober 2023 Masterlist
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Please vote for which song you think is better! If you haven't already, make sure to listen to both songs under the read more before voting.
Propaganda is encouraged, but please do not be negative towards the other song in doing so. This is meant to be a fun tournament! If you write propaganda in the text of your reblog (rather than in the tags), I will likely reblog it!
In the battle of iconic old kpop songs, Shawols showed their power over Exo! Then in Round 2, the votes came in Nonstop, leading to Shinee's victory over Oh My Girl!
Ring Ding Dong is another huge icon, and it was submitted twice! It currently stands as Shinee's most viewed MV. Even after 13 years, it would be hard to find a Kpop fan who doesn't know the Ring Ding Dong chorus move.
Love Dive may receive lots of love, but Catallena won in the first round! Plus, in the Round 2 showdown against.. their own group.. they showed who the real Divas are!
Catallena brings a unique and quirky sound to Kpop, and its over-the-top fun is contagious, as this song continues to intrigue new fans and inspire groups to be more silly in their music! Also, this was the first song to be submitted twice!
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caramel-demon-on-bike · 10 months
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From: Metal Family ofc <3
And I’m kinda dying rn XD
This little guy in the upper left corner is me ._.
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piratedashmod · 7 months
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So...I went to a pony con in Milwaukee over the weekend. It gave me a chance to do some sketches for myself and friends.
In the first row, there's @outofworkderpy and then the con mascot basically being my mouthpiece for the weekend.
The second row features a birthday card for a good friend, with his new waifu eating his cake. Tough break.
Then we have Twisted Sketch pone and a smiling Marigold to finish it out.
The best part of the weekend was seeing that people still remember who I was and still liked me, which is a major thing after the stressful year I've had.
And the good, lots of great restaurants.
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oharababe · 1 month
i finally lived my fantasy of being flirted by an attractive barista at the coffee shop on saturday (before i clocked into work).
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Flavor of Love matchup: Twisted wonderland edition
This one is for Anon lee! I actually wavered back and forth for several days, but the outcome was better than I expected. I hope you enjoy this!
Congratulations, your friend to be is none other than Idia Shroud!
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Out of all of the dorms from twisted wonderland I have a feeling that you match best with Ignihyde and Pomefiore. Between the two dorms, you’re more likely to find yourself connecting with Ignihyde over Pomefiore when it comes down to friendship. Hence, the choice being Idia shroud, you could count Ortho as well. From the way you write and your hobbies it seems you’re more introverted than extroverted. So, as someone who collects more energy by themself it’s important to have a friend who understands that. There's no doubt that Idia is someone who understands that feeling well. When you feel like leaving to relax on your own he’s going to understand and there’s no harsh feelings about it. 
During the times when the two of you come together I predict there won’t be many physical activities. Perhaps just playing some video games together or even watching a new show the two of you found together. Whatever you two do together it’s going to be based on your energy levels, so nothing too extreme. Although, there’s always room to try something new if the usual gets boring. 
Both Idia and you are quite stubborn, which could lead to butting heads at times. Whether it’s over what game to play or who won the match you two will go head-to-head over some pretty random things. During these times Ortho’s going to be the mediator to keep things civil between the two of you. 
Overall this is a friendship that is pretty comfortable for the two of you! Nothing too extreme, yet it’s enough to be close to one another. Idia has your back whether he’ll openly say it or not. Plus, you’ve got his back and if either of you are in trouble you’ll laugh and poke fun, but always be there to get them. 
Your future lover is Vil Schoenheit! 
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Member of team coffee and perhaps the least troublesome of the bunch, Vil Schoenheit is all yours to love. As I previously mentioned I personally believe you match best with Ignihyde and Pomefiore, so it’s no surprise your lover came from the later dorm. Loving a team coffee member is no easy task, but I think it’s possible for you! 
Falling in love with Vil is easy and I believe your stubbornness will be one of the key components to keep you going in this relationship. Team coffee doesn’t run away from love, rather they head in first to push those who love them away. By the time that happens would have already fallen in love with you, but his own thoughts will cause him to push you away. In these times you need to keep headstrong if you want this relationship to last and give one last push to keep going. Although, I have a feeling that Idia would tell you to toss in the towel, but your stubbornness won’t let go till the end. 
The end in this situation would be the confession of love, see team coffee won’t even let you say those words. To get to that ending you’ll have to push Vil in a way to show him how you truly feel about him as a person. For example, if he’s feeling insecure about being second place or not being a good actor then you’ll need to let him know. During that moment he’ll come to realize everything he’s done and reflect on himself. Afterwards, Vil is going to confess his feelings, but not in a pretty way, he’ll tell you the truth. Saying it’s not going to be easy and that he’s flawed in many ways, yet you already know this. In fact you knew about it way before you decided to go this far into the relationship. 
To conclude, this is a messy start full of bittersweet romance, but it ends with a satisfying result. Together, Vil is going to spoil you in more ways than you can count, from gifts to kisses he’ll do it all. Once you’re close enough he’ll open more about himself and look to you for advice. Yet, you’re calming nature is going to soothe Vil whenever you’re together to create a relaxing relationship for the two of you. 
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fieriframes · 2 years
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calpicowater · 1 year
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Week 50.3/52: December 12th - December 18th 2022 | Caramel Flan
Katie came to my mobile right after my shift and we went to Leisure Tea & Coffee so she could give me my Christmas present LOL. I had their caramel flan...... they make nice flan....
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