tuiyla · 2 years
What's your alternative careers for Brittana? Or well, your prefered career because they got nothing in the future.
Personally, I really like the idea of either writer!Santana or a standup comedian in Bo Burnham-Rachel Bloom style. If Trouty Mouth was produced in an afternoon, imagine what could she with much more time and resources. Though it might be best for her to wait a few years, mature a bit, become more introspective, and stop being a racist ass.
For Brittany, I once saw someone mention her being a kindergarden teacher and I ram with it. Like damn, it works so wonderfully that I might prefer it to her being a dancer.
I'm gonna disagree and say different things but I still appreciate this Brittana ask, just to clarify lol.
I think Santana could pull off a Rachel Bloom in that she writes hilarious music and maybe performs it but I don't really see her doing much comedy, and deffo not in a standup way. I don't think it fits her style of comedy and though I do think she could have been a pretty great writer, I think that could only be something she does in a more lowkey way. Like, maybe a hobby no one really knows about or she doesn't ask credit for when she does do it for money because writing exposes her soul in a more vulnerable way than she's willing to subject herself to. That said I do think she performs, mostly sings every now and then, on her own terms, and maybe a bit of comedy slips into that. But yeah I think the Bo Burnham/Rachel Bloom style production is not something she'd do.
I've said it before and I maintain that PR was a good pick for her. I'm running with the headcanon that she got into it for real after 5x19 and when she went back to college did something with that. She has the perfect skillset and it allows her both freedom and money, and then she can do whatever performing she wants to on her own terms. The more I think about it the more happy I am that Chris Colfer presented it as an option, it really is such a good pick for her. PR!Santana truther over here.
For Brittany, heaven knows I love that girl so I say this with respect but she should not be in charge of children lol. I see Brittany as someone who stumbles into fame and keeps making just the right decisions to have a successful career. Sometimes by accident, often by thinking outside the box and being ahead of the curve. I think she dances, sure, but like Santana much on her own terms because she's primarily a blogger/influencer/whatever we wanna call it. Fondue for Two already sees success in the show's timeline and Brittany is shown time and again to be someone people are drawn to in that sense. She's entertaining and people wanna know more, see more of her. SO she does Fondue for Two, other online things, maybe a bit of TV, vlogs her travels and her life with her wife and does pretty well for herself.
Basically, Brittana both find what they're good at and the arts remain important in their lives but they #girlboss really well and live veeery comfortable lives - life, joint - in New York.
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ctrl-alt-cel · 1 year
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pro duelist jou...jou keeping up with the meta... pov jock at your locals ashes your combo as politely as he can
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ysphcpb · 1 month
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I have to say, I myself don't have many peers in gmmtv, it's always been just KSOGTN. So when we separated, I was quite lonely, because everyone else could still work as a unit, while I was going solo on my own. P'Sing, too, for that matter. So for us to reunite... In our personal lives we still see each other from time to time, but in terms of work I think both of us don't want to be lonely anymore. I feel like now the timing is right. I finally came to the conclusion that I'll need to halt my plan of further studies for now. And if I'm not going abroad to study just yet, working the same old way still makes me happy. I like working where it feels comfortable, and being here makes me comfortable. I don't need to go anywhere else. ❶ ❷ ❸
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madfoxx · 9 months
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i cant believe the swede is going to be spanish jackies new boy toy truly amazing and look at him go such a glow up honestly
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nonoel-28 · 1 year
Yor: You bought Anya a taco?
Loid: Yes.
Yor: From the same truck that hit Yuri?!
Loid, handing Anya the taco: Well, Anya starving isn't gonna help him.
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butch-reidentified · 3 months
MRA's love to claim that if women were in charge the world would go to shit bc we'd "get our periods and declare war," which is obviously a batshit insane, uneducated, and maximally misogynistic belief to begin with. I shouldn't have to tell you that our periods don't actually make us emotionally unstable, that in fact fewer than 20% of college-age women (women who aren't even old enough for the prefrontal cortex to finish developing, and thus are far from old enough to, for example, be eligible to run for US president) even report "severe" psychological symptoms of PMS - and this includes symptoms like depressed mood and anxiety.
in fact, PMS isn't even something all women experience. and of those who do, there's a huge variety of ways it can present. most symptoms women associate with PMS are not emotional: bloating, body soreness, headaches, oversleeping, food cravings, nausea/vomiting, hot flashes, breast tenderness....
from the article linked above: "Definitions of PMS and diagnostic criteria to identify cases have varied substantially over the years and across studies, in large part due to the heterogeneity of women’s menstrual symptom experience. Over 150 symptoms have been associated with PMS."
overwhelmingly, research shows that the effect of PMS on women in the workplace is the same as that of any other medical problem/illness: some people miss some work if it's severe enough. which, considering that symptoms can often include various types of pain that can be quite severe, as well as common illness symptoms like nausea and vomiting, it makes perfect sense that some women would need to take a day off or leave a bit early at times. what the research does NOT say is that PMS causes women to behave in irrational ways that negatively impact the quality of her work.
so let's be truthful. why would female leaders mean more war when women and girls are so overwhelmingly and horrifically sexually victimized as a result?
if most women don't even experience severe mood symptoms with PMS, and having mood symptoms doesn't mean one is unable to control her actions/behaviors (I know this concept of self-control is foreign to most men, but we're pretty good at it!), and there's absolutely zero evidence to suggest that severe PMS mood symptoms would or could ever lead to declaring war, and women old enough to hold office in most countries have many years of experience managing their pre/peri-menstrual symptoms (if they even have any), and most world leaders are past the age women stop even having periods at all, and we see that women in other leadership positions are absolutely crushing it all over the world, and there IS significant evidence showing that women in numerous fields actually outperform male peers (despite feeling significantly less respected in higher-rank positions than males feel, as well as feeling more discouraged and frustrated) and are more emotionally intelligent, there IS evidence that women are less influenced by and better at regulating anger in the workplace, and there IS indisputable evidence that men are more violent than women in general, regardless of the reason, and there IS indisputable evidence that women and girls suffer mass victimization by men during wartime... then maybe, just maybe, women are actually less likely than men to start wars. but there's only one way to find out for sure 😏
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hersweetrevenge · 2 years
okay but i think it says a lot about eddie that he clearly wanted to graduate high school.
in some way or another, it was clearly something he actually wanted to do, or he would have just dropped out when he flunked his first senior year.
but he didn't. he tried again. and again. those aren't the actions of someone who couldn't care less if they get a diploma or not. the whole school thinks he's a freak, he goes through the embarrassment every day of being the 20-year-old super-duper senior, but he does still go to school.
idk whether it might be partly on his uncle's suggestion (wayne seems to want the best for eddie and that probably means getting some qualifications), or whether he wants to do it for himself (to prove that he could, in fact, do it) but either way, instead of dropping out when he so easily could have (especially after his 2nd try) he didn't.
and this is why i so desperately wanted to see him graduate. it wasn't just about "getting out of this dump" (which he could have done years ago by dropping out) it was about proving he could do it, that he could accomplish this mile stone and then move on.
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purecommemasolitude · 8 months
Do you guys ever think about how during esc season JO went around asking people whether they’d rather win or achieve Rosa Linn success and then think about how despite placing 21st they’re now selling out concerts all over Europe where people who didn’t know any Slovene before sing along and how they have the most streamed Slovene song ever
Because I sure do
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goldenpinof · 2 months
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all photos from danandphilshopcrafts.com
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ante--meridiem · 2 months
Got an assessment back from one of my applications and while I still don't know if they'll actually pick me or not it is a relief to have formal confirmation that my applications aren't considered embarrassingly bad.
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Is your WoL's kill count the same as ingame? Or are they a pacifist? How do they feel about killing monsters vs killing people?
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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I'm obsessed. How come noone told me this exists.
HQ for reading in case tumblr messes up the quality
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mid-nightowl · 7 months
paramedic/EMT dick is so good omg :o i hadn’t thought about that one
i have seen social worker dick which also felt really appropriate (also love that for jason) but!!! EMT actually feels like it works better to me???
thank u for putting that thought in my head~
ahhhhhhh!! i am so ecstatic i could put the thought of emt/paramedic!dick in your head hehehehe
paramedic!dick is so special to me<3 it very much i think hits what dick needs and wants out of his civilian life but also directly influences his vigilantism too
my main three takeaways are these:
it's a highly rewarding but deeply traumatizing career and it scratches his innate need to help people without violence & fear
it's a little bit more training than a police officer but i think covers a field of knowledge dick knows but doesn't know intimately like he does criminal justice or law. it would also benefit his "night" job to be more equipped to handle traumatic injuries
ems schedules are chaotic and all over the place especially if the garage is down a paramedic or ALS provider or just overall understaffed but the overall structure of it would be good for dick (if he can balance his work-vigilantism life healthily, depending on how you write him)
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lotus-queer · 5 months
So I'm finally watching Mysterious Lotus Casebook, and surprise! There's Chen Duling in the third drama I've watched in a row.
I've now seen her play, in order:
A gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss snake princess:
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A grieving noble with post-partum depression:
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A grieving asthmatic martial sect leader (?):
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Tough times all around for these ladies, but a great year for her!
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Hes so sweeeet. If you dont want him lemme gave him cuz aint no way youre playing with him like that 🥺
TAKE HIM. u think i have not tried setting him up with other people???? A friends of mine wanted his number and when i told him that i was gonna give his number to soemone else so that he could forget about me- he got so offended. "what am i supposed to do with another girl's number???" and i was like "idk, but u have a better chance of dating her than u have with me, and besides she would not insult u like i do, so yeah-" and he got sooo mad, like he didnt call me for 2 weeks.
The very idea of either of us being with someone else is so- like it used to make him mad, and now it makes him depressed 💀
But the fact is, this guy doesnt know who i am, who i actually am, has never seen me, and has confessed his love many times to someone who has roasted him so much, but all he can say is-
"You just do that for your amusement, but i know deep down u are a good girl and you care for me" like what?????????????????????
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soldier-poet-king · 5 months
once i get all the paperwork signed early next week and it's official official i'll have to tell my current boss but like. oh man am i Not Looking Forward To That, the next few weeks will NOT be fun or enjoyable
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