#carlo pastore
polaroidblog · 2 years
Goodspeed you, Dr. Kiko Loiacono
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flyingcakeee · 3 days
This guy did an F1 iceberg but he wasn't a fan and here's just a short compilation (of an originally 57min video) of some highlights
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randomf1stuff · 9 months
Drivers I always forget were teammates:
Jenson Button and Sergio Perez
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2. Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen
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3. Lance Stroll and Felipe Massa
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4. Romain Grosjean and Pastor Maldonado
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5. Nico Hulkenberg and Carlos Sainz
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [Week 6] -> favorite outfit(s)-> Carlos
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changing-my-username · 8 months
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nofatclips · 1 year
Live version of Ell no vol que el món s'acabi (Mov.1: La Flor) by Sílvia Pérez Cruz
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disneyboot · 2 years
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lepetitlugourmand · 5 months
Festival des Étoilés Monte-Carlo 2024 - Alain Ducasse - Simon Rogan - Du District des lacs anglais à la Méditerranée
Samedi 20 avril dernier a eu lieu les premiers déjeuner et dîner du Festival des Étoilés Monte-Carlo 2024. Pour cette 4ème édition, Alain Ducasse recevait pour la première fois, au Louis XV, Simon Rogan, chef britannique et propriétaire du restaurant trois étoiles L’Enclume, situé dans la région du Lakeland au Nord-Ouest de l’Angleterre. Continue reading Festival des Étoilés Monte-Carlo 2024 –…
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12endigital · 7 months
La Diputación y Labora impulsarán el emprendimiento y autoempleo en municipios con riesgo de despoblación
La Diputación de Alicante y Labora, el Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación, realizarán acciones de fomento, impulso de emprendimiento y autoempleo en los municipios pequeños o en riesgo de despoblamiento. El objetivo es prestar servicios de información, motivación y asesoramiento para activar el desarrollo en las localidades más pequeñas de la provincia. El diputado de Desarrollo Económico,…
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noticlick · 1 year
Fiscalía solicita 3 meses más de cárcel para la expresidenta Jeanine Áñez
La Fiscalía emitió una solicitud de ampliación de la detención preventiva de la expresidenta Jeanine Áñez por 3 meses más, en el caso Golpe I. Esto surge luego de la reciente revelación de dos diputados masistas que indican que el exmandatario Evo Morales ordenó la renuncia de los diputados y senadores que estaban en línea de sucesión. Por su parte, el activista Bladimir Machicao prepara una…
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elmartillosinmetre · 2 years
"En la creación de público tendrían que implicarse más los conservatorios"
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[Francisco Bernier (Sevilla, 1975) esta misma semana en el centro de la ciudad. / JOSÉ ÁNGEL GARCÍA]
Un concierto de Cañizares y el Cuarteto de Guitarras de Andalucía abre mañana la XIII edición de un Festival que es el empeño personal de este guitarrista sevillano
Anda que no para, remontando algunos problemas de salud y dando los últimos retoques a la decimotercera edición de su creación personal, la del Festival de la Guitarra de Sevilla, que Francisco Bernier ha querido poner este año bajo la divisa de la paz. “He tenido el honor de tocar varias veces con la Orquesta Filarmónica de Ucrania y eso me ha hecho crear vínculos de amistad y respeto, artísticos y personales, con el país. Tras la invasión de Rusia, pensé que había que hacer algo, y de hecho traemos este año a un guitarrista ucraniano [Roman Viazovskiy], nacido en el Donetsk, la parte que acaba de apropiarse Rusia”.
–Abre Cañizares, un flamenco singular, junto a su propio cuarteto, el Cuarteto de Guitarras de Andalucía.
–Exacto, y hacemos una cosa original, compaginando guitarra clásica con flamenca. La idea fue suya. Coincidimos en el Festival de Córdoba, él tocaba su Concierto Mozárabe para guitarra y orquesta y nosotros el Concierto Andaluz de Rodrigo, y nos dijo que teníamos que hacer algo juntos, y lo que hizo fue adaptar su concierto para quinteto, pues aunque él figure como solista, en el fondo su arreglo es un quinteto.
–Al programar esta inauguración, ¿conocía el ciclo de La guitarra desnuda que la Bienal ha hecho en el Espacio Turina?
–No, pero me agrada mucho. El Festival apostó ya por ese formato de guitarra flamenca solista, que no es muy habitual en el mundo flamenco, en el que la guitarra se concibe mucho más para los acompañamientos.
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[Juan Manuel Cañizares abre el próximo jueves 6 de octubre el XIII Festival de la Guitarra de Sevilla. / AMANCIO GUILLÉN]
–Contando la apertura, hacen tres conciertos flamencos…
–Eso es, porque tenemos al cantaor Rafael de Utrera acompañado por Pepe Fernández, un guitarrista muy joven, y en la clausura a Juan Carlos Romero, acompañado por Rafael Campallo, no bailando en este caso, sino usando su cuerpo como un gran instrumento de percusión.
–¿Qué ha pasado con el concurso de guitarra flamenca?
–Este año no lo hacemos. Lo montamos aconsejados por un especialista, pero la guitarra flamenca como solista ya le he dicho que no es fácil, así que tenemos que darle una vuelta, porque yo quiero recuperarlo, aunque sea desde otra óptica.
–Se mantienen los otros dos concursos, ya presencial el de Guitarra Clásica supongo…
–En efecto. Mantenemos el Concurso de Guitarra Clásica y el de Composición Manuel de Falla. La previa del Concurso de Guitarra ha sido online, pero semifinales y final son presenciales. Tiene que ser así. No puede juzgarse en igualdad de otra forma: uno en casa puede tener mejor o peor equipo de grabación, grabarse diez veces, si lo necesita. El interés del concurso es que tiene que tocar ahí, en la escena, una vez.
–¿Cuántos conciertos ofertan este año?
–¿En cuántos espacios?
–El Espacio Turina es el principal, pero vamos también este año a la Capilla del Palacio Gótico del Alcázar. Serán dos conciertos gratuitos los domingos a mediodía. También estaremos en el Antiquarium y en la Sala de las Pinturas del Espacio Santa Clara, donde hacemos el Festival Off, en el que presentamos a jóvenes que tienen muy buen potencial.
–Mantienen el formato de conciertos dobles…
–Sí, es que si no, nos quedaríamos sin fechas. La otra opción sería reducir la programación, así que esa me parece una buena solución.
–¿Algún artista se ha quejado?
–No. Nunca. Les parece bien. Ya saben que sus conciertos son de unos 50 minutos más o menos. Y yo creo que salvo para el espectador que esté muy interesado en algo muy concreto, ofrecer al público dos espectáculos distintos, con diferentes artistas y programas es enriquecedor.
–Este año no hay concierto orquestal, pero viene otro cuarteto de guitarras...
–Sí, el Cuarteto de Guitarras de Split. Justo antes, Pablo Márquez hace un recital en torno a la folía, y luego viene este cuarteto a tocar música de compositores croatas, prácticamente desconocidos. Me interesan esos contrastes.
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[Francisco Bernier en las setas, junto a dos de las sedes del Festival de este año. / JOSÉ ÁNGEL GARCÍA]
–¿Se plantea el festival abrirse más a los instrumentos antiguos?
–Hicimos una vez un concierto con Miguel Rincón y la OBS. Me encantaría repetir ese formato. Y por supuesto seguimos abiertos a ofrecer otro tipo de conciertos de instrumentos antiguos, y de hecho este año tenemos a José Luis Pastor, que repite variado su programa de la historia de la guitarra, con doce instrumentos diferentes, que hemos grabado para Contrastes. Pero a mí me da mucho respeto, porque en Sevilla tenemos un Festival de Música Antigua que es un referente nacional…
–¿Cómo andan de patrocinios?, ¿quién paga todo esto?
–El principal patrocinio es de los propios artistas. Lo que costaría su visita a precios reales no podríamos pagarlo. Por suerte, encontramos mucho interés por participar, lo que nos permite negociar precios asequibles para nuestros medios. Luego, tenemos el apoyo principal del ICAS a través de la contratación artística para el Turina y hemos pedido subvenciones a la Junta, que está por decidir, y al Ministerio, que ya la tenemos. Además conseguimos pequeños acuerdos privados que nos prestan ayuda, las cuerdas Savarez, la AIE [Artistas, Intérpretes o Ejecutantes], la Fundación SGAE, el Abba Sevilla Hotel, Manuel Murciano, que regala la guitarra al primer premio del concurso, o Leona Carbon Case, que regala también para el concurso un estuche muy peculiar, muy bonito.
–¿Alguna estrategia nueva para atraer público?
–Tenemos problemas de difusión. Operamos con la agencia Surnames, que hace un trabajo extraordinario dentro de las posibilidades, que son pequeñas. Necesitaríamos una apuesta mucho más importante en publicidad, pero eso es caro y nosotros no podemos asumirlo. A veces el ICAS nos ha ayudado en ese soporte publicitario. Lo he solicitado, pero me dicen que no está aprobado el plan de medios. Sería fundamental. No creo que no haya público para la guitarra, pero necesitamos llegar más a la gente. En cualquier caso creo que el del público para los conciertos es un problema generalizado hoy, y no sólo en Sevilla.
–¿Hace falta una apuesta más decidida por la formación de los espectadores?
–Sin duda. Hay que crear público nuevo, y en eso tendrían que implicarse mucho más los conservatorios. Si no se hace, el futuro va a ser complicado.
–El sello Contrastes sigue adelante pese a las dificultades.
–La venta de discos físicos es testimonial. Pero ofrecemos un material singular. Sacamos entre cuatro y seis discos anuales. Estamos a punto de hacer uno muy interesante con música de Sánchez Verdú, y John Griffiths volverá a publicar con nosotros un disco de vihuela, que estará esta vez dedicado a la Silva de sirenas de Valderrábano.
[Diario de Sevilla. 5-10-2022]
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lumenpodcast · 2 years
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911lsbts · 2 months
Official logline for Season 5 premiere.
Judd (Jim Parrack) will be “resigning from the 126 to take care of his recently handicapped son Wyatt,” which forces Owen (Rob Lowe) to find a new lieutenant to take Judd’s place. The situation is further complicated when both Marjan (Natacha Karam) and Paul (Brian Michael Smith) apply for the position, leading to a “difficult decision” on Owen’s part.
Meanwhile, Tommy (Gina Torres) believes she’s ready to move forward in her relationship with Pastor Trevor, “but she finds the road to happiness is filled with obstacles.”
Following T.K. (Ronen Rubinstein) and Carlos’ (Rafael Silva) unforgettable wedding, the husbands’ marriage is “put to the test when Carlos becomes obsessed with solving his father’s murder.” And if that wasn’t enough to make you sweat, T.K. is visited by “someone from his past that could change his and Carlos’ lives forever.”
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milksockets · 8 months
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sophie hanagarth in masters of new jewellery design: eclat - carlos pastor (2014)
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treeroutes · 10 months
what's up ! non-exhaustive list of stories featuring weird plants :
The Day of the Triffids, John Wyndham
The Night of the Triffids, Simon Clark
In the Tall Grass, Stephen King and Joe Hill
The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig', William Hope Hodgson
The Man Whom the Trees Loved, Algernon Blackwood
The Red Tree, Caitlín R. Kiernan
Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer
The Willows, Algernon Blackwood
The Nature of Balance, Tim Lebbon
'Bloom', John Langan
The Ruins, Scott Smith
The Wise Friend, Ramsey Campbell
'The Green Man of Freetown', The Envious Nothing : A Collection of Literary Ruins, Curtis M. Lawson
The Beauty, Aliya Whiteley
The Ash-Tree, M.R. James
Canavan's Backyard, J.P. Brennan
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jack Finney
The Hollow Places, T. Kingfisher
'Reaching for Ruins', Crow Shine, Alan Baxter
'Vortex of Horror', Gaylord Sabatini
Hothouse, Brian W. Aldiss
Vaster than Empires and More Slow, Ursula K. Le Guin
Odd Attachment, Ian M. Banks
Deathworld #1, Harry Harrison
The Bridge, John Skipp and Craig Spector
'The Garden of Paris', Eric Williams
Apartment Building E, Malachi King
The Seed from the Sepulchre, Clark Ashton Smith
Rappaccini's Daughter, Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Nursery, Lewis Mallory
The Other Side of the Mountain, Michel Bernanos
The Vegetarian, Han Kang
Sisyphean, Dempow Torishima
The Root Witch, Debra Castaneda
Semiosis, Sue Burke
The Wolf in Winter, Charlie Parker #12, John Connolly
Perennials, Bryce Gibson
Relic, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Gwen, in Green, Hugh Zachary
The Voice in the Night, William Hope Hodgson
Ordinary Horror, David Searcy
The Family Tree, Sheri S. Tepper
The Book of Koli, Rampart Trilogy #1, M.R. Carey
Seeders, A.J. Colucci
Concrete Jungle, Brett McBean
The Plant, Stephen King
Anthologies/collections :
The Roots of Evil: Weird Stories of Supernatural Plants, edited by Michel Parry
Chlorophobia: An Eco-Horror Anthology, edited by A.R. Ward
Roots of Evil: Beyond the Secret Life of Plants, edited by Carlos Cassaba
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Sylvan Dread: Tales of Pastoral Darkness, Richard Gavin
Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic, edited by Daisy Butcher
Weird Woods: Tales From the Haunted Forests of Britain, edited by John Miller
'But fungi aren't plants' :
The Fungus, Harry Adam Knight
Growing Things and Other Stories, Paul Tremblay
The Girl with All the Gifts, M.R. Carey
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Fruiting Bodies, and Other Fungi, Brian Lumley
'The Black Mould', The Age of Decayed Futurity, Mark Samuels
What Moves the Dead, T. Kingfisher
The House Without a Summer, DeAnna Knippling
Mungwort, James Noll
Fungi, edited by Orrin Grey and Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Trouble with Lichen, John Wyndham
Notes :
all links lead to the goodreads page of the book, mostly because i like to look at book cover art ;
list features authors/books that i love (T. Kingfisher, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Ursula K. Le Guin, the collections from the British Library Tales of the Weird, etc.), but also a few that i don't like and some that i have not yet read ;
if upon seeing that list the first novel you check out is by Stephen King's you have not understood the assignment ;
not all of those are strictly horror stories, some are 100% science fiction (Brian W. Aldiss' Hothouse for instance).
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brokenwinebox · 29 days
What’s Your Character’s Theme Song?
A song breakdown for the characters of Jeremy Allen White, Lionel Boyce, Matty Matheson, and Ricky Staffieri. It will discuss the connections other people and I made for the characters Carmy, Marcus, Neil Fak, and Ted Fak.
↓ long text below
Jeremy Allen White
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Jeremy Allen White, who ironically, is about to play Bruce Springsteen in the upcoming Bruce Springsteen film, said that Carmy’s theme song would be “The Ties That Bind.”
The expression 'the tie that binds' is used to describe a common idea or belief that links people together. It can also be used plurally as 'the ties that bind'. For example, you may say: ''We are family, held together by the ties that bind. Nothing will tear us apart. (x)
This is when it gets interesting. The Ties That Bind is an opening song for his fifth album called The River.
The songs on The River reveal a tension between the need for community and the need to be alone. "The Ties That Bind", along with "Two Hearts" and "Out in the Street", is one of the key songs on the album about the need for community. (x)
This feels so incredibly reminiscent on the struggles of Carmy. His driving force to fully isolate himself to those he cares about while probably also feeling like he needs the people he’s pushed away.
This also reminded me of @espumado’s post The Night Of The Hunter & The River which was then talked about by @currymanganese’s post on the potential parallels between two romantic relationships in the The Night Of The Hunter and The Bear.
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There’s so many weird horror elements in the show. Which is interesting because in this picture we see a revised 2nd edition of The Exorcist! So how farfetched is it to see those elements on the show. Especially this season!
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I mentioned before in my post, “Fourth Wall (being broken)” that the Save It For Later song could be about Carmy being lost and it became a reflection to the season. I can’t help but wonder if Save It For Later could have multiple meanings for each character.
@happylikeasadsong broke down some lyrics of the song and explains what it could do with Sydney’s decision.
Lionel Boyce
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Lionel Boyce said Sèrgio Mendes, “Ides Of March.” for his character Marcus’ before realizing that’s probably not the name of the song. It was actually “Waters of March”
Sèrgio Mendes is most known for his song, Mas Que Nada, which translates to whatever and anyway. In this article I read, they call him a bossa nova king and Mendes explains how life is about magical encounters.
This is probably a funny coincidence but I actually know a song named Soul Bossa Nova by Quincy Jones. It was playing on a playlist that’s about songs you’d hear during magic shows. (x) (x) (x)
Although, Ides of March wasn’t the name of the song and I write metas for The Bear (AKA I’m insane), I did research on both to see what I can find!
Ides of March, day in the ancient Roman calendar that falls on March 15 and is associated with misfortune and doom. It became renowned as the date on which Roman dictator Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 bce and was further immortalized in the tragedy Julius Caesar by English dramatist William Shakespeare.
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On the topic of William Shakespeare, @currymanganese has a post on The Bear being a super deconstructed Shakespearean pastoral comedy.
It was then corrected to Waters of March. I tried to find the meaning for that particular song by Sérgio Mendes but it all lead to “Water Of March” by Antônio Carlos Jobim.
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The inspiration for "Águas de março" came from Rio de Janeiro's rainiest month. March is typically marked by sudden storms with heavy rains and strong winds that cause flooding in many places around the city. The lyrics and the music have a constant downward progression much like the water torrent from those rains flowing in the gutters, which typically would carry sticks, stones, bits of glass, and almost everything and anything. Antonio Carlos Jobim wrote the song during a visit to his family rancho, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro state amid a steady rainstorm which had turned the roads and landscape to mud.
sticks and stones may break my bones, (but words can never hurt me) - said in order to show that people cannot be hurt by unpleasant things that are said to them (x)
When it comes to mud, I was immediately reminded of @whenmemorydies’s post on Claire being clear [as] mud. (Which I’ll go a bit more into depth in another post). I’m also fairly certain @ago0112 talked about it as well!
I talked about the topic of glass in my previous meta, The Glass Table & The Glass Fish Tank, where I found parallels to Claire and Donna. Those comparisons got a little confirmed in the script of (2.02).
I did some research on the scripts about Claire on (2.02) as well.
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In the post, there was a bit of a deep dive on the potential meaning of glass/shattered glass and here’s one of them I found a connection to.
Connection between the fragility of glass and the human condition: Glass can be tough, but it becomes fragile when it faces too much pressure. Similarly, people can be strong, but life's challenges can make us feel a bit delicate. The broken glass helps us see that we all have both strength and vulnerability inside us, teaching us about the balance between being tough and sensitive in our own lives.
When it talked about how broken glass helps us see that we all have both strength and vulnerability inside us, teaching us about the balance between being tough and sensitive in our own lives, I was reminded of this particular thebearfx’s post:
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After that, I recalled dialogue that I wrote about in my post on Richie being a fox and a caterpillar. In this scene, Natalie and Richie talk about the soul of the dining room in (3x07).
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Richie: [scoffs] “Dining room sounds like shit.” Natalie: “Like, the acoustics?” Richie: “No. It’s like, the soul, you know? It’s like--Service sounds like total chaos.”  Natalie: “Every day can’t be perfect.” Richie: “Every day is like the Super Bowl. I could use a lightning bolt.” Natalie: “Can’t control the weather.”
In Waters of March, there’s a reference to a fox in a brush.
The oak when it blooms A fox in the brush A knot in the wood The song of a thrush (x)
What’s so fascinating about this particular rabbit hole is about what it all potentially means for Marcus as a character.
The song is about spring in Brazil as an allegory for life: how it continues on despite our best efforts to control it. It reminds us how with the ugly, comes the beautiful. (x)
The ugliness could be about death while the beauty of it is what the love he has for his mother could inspire for Marcus.
The plan of the house, the body in bed, the car that got stuck, it’s the mud, it’s the mud. a float, a drift, a flight, a wing, a hawk, a quail, the promise of spring.
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He had become frustrated with the difficulties the rain was causing for the construction of a new boundary wall along his property line. The skies rained from above while chaos reigned below, as plainly stated in the lyrics: “It’s the mud, it’s the mud…” With plenty of time to contemplate the situation, Jobim created a modern parable for daily life. (x)
I’ll certainly talk about all of this in a separate post (whenever that will be) but there’s so many small details that evolve into a beautiful narrative.
The Coca-Cola Jingle
Coca-Cola tapped Antonio Carlos Jobim for the rights to his ‘Águas de Março’, giving new lyrics to ‘The Waters of March’ to make the jingle a worldwide sensation. Jobim even became a celebrity spokesman for Coke in a relationship that lasted for several years. (x)
Coca Cola is one of the most popular soft drinks in the world. In doing my research, I found an article talking about how design elements of the soft drink’s logo clearly portray the idea of energy, fun, and good times.
The recent 2021 hug version logo of the brand was termed as “magical” and “genius” by designers. It ended up being introduced with a new tagline as “real magic.” Apparently, it’s considered magical because you can imagine the bottle even when it is not there.
There’s even a well-known story about the white and red logo being inspired by the brand’s first advertisement that featured Santa Claus wearing his red and white suit with a bottle in his hands. (x)
@vacationship made an analysis on the green and red sauce and the potential importance of its symbolism.
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Sydney and Claire have an interesting parallel with coke. I actually found that little connection earlier but didn’t know it had any relevance to this until now.
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(Sydney pouring/drinking coke after the scene of the group being at Marcus’ mother’s funeral isn’t a coincidence.)
Matty Matheson
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Matty Matheson chose Hakuna Matata for his character Neil Fak. The Bear’s instagram account also talked about how he is a master mocktail maker.
Hakuna matata roughly translates to “there are no troubles” in Swahili. The phrase was popularized in English by the 1994 Disney movie The Lion King, where it's translated as “no worries.” It has a connotation of not worrying about things outside a person's control. The movie popularized the phrase internationally, making it a cultural staple and synonymous with Disney's family-friendly brand.
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'Hakuna matata' is Swahili for 'no worries'. As such, it is the perfect catchphrase for Timon and Pumbaa, as it perfectly reflects their relaxed, devil-may-care attitude to life. (x)
@outmakingmoonshine has discussed the possibility that the Faks are the inner voice/imaginary friends for the protagonist (Carmy).
Are they suggesting Pumbaa, Timon, and Simba are Neil Fak, Ted Fak, and Carmy?
The Lion King was released on June 15, 1994, receiving critical acclaim for its music, story, themes, and animation. With an initial worldwide gross of $763 million, it finished its theatrical run as the highest-grossing film of 1994 and the second-highest-grossing film of all time, behind Jurassic Park (1993).
Timon: Hey, where you going? Simba: Nowhere. Timon: Gee. He looks blue. Pumbaa: I'd say brownish-gold. Timon: No, no, no, no. I mean he's depressed. Pumbaa: Oh. Pumbaa: Kid, what's eatin' ya? Simba: Who cares? I can't go back. Timon: Ahh. You're an outcast! That's great; so are we! Pumbaa: What cha do, kid? Simba: Something terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it. Timon: Good. We don't wanna hear about it. Pumbaa: Come on Timon. Anything we can do? Simba: Not unless you can change the past.
Simba: Hakuna matata? Pumbaa: Yeah. It’s our motto! Simba: What’s a motto? Timon: Nothin’ what’s a motto with you?! (laughs) Pumbaa: Hakuna matata: These two words will solve all your problems. (x) (x) (x)
Carmy could have a side of him that feels outcasted by the rest of the group (there was also a group chat he had no idea about) so he conjured up another set of outcasts that promote a motto and philosophy to solve all of his problems.
Neil Fak is the naive/childlike aspects of himself that I suspect Carmy got from his childhood with his mother. I can’t help but wonder if the Faks representing Carmy’s inner voice was only applied to the dumpster scene when I found dialogue about how nice it is in the office before Carmy called Sydney nice after checking her out. Does it only apply when they’re all alone together?
As with many characters in The Lion King, Pumbaa's name derives from the East African language Swahili. In Swahili, pumbaa (v.) means "to be foolish, silly, weakminded, careless, negligent."
Richie and Carmy calls Neil Fak a bitch in (3x02)
Neil Fak: “Nat, the vibe’s weird.”
Carmy: “You’re such a fucking bitch.”
Richie: “You’re such a bitch.”
Natalie: “I know, sweetheart. Don’t be scared.”
Most of these could probably best describe Neil Fak (and even Carmy perhaps) but I wonder about the negligence of his character. Is this about the lack of real tools of his? Another detail that I’m not sure connects here is that Neil Fak mentioned being afraid of boxes to Ted Fak.
Warthogs regularly come into contact with villages and people. When this happens, they usually cause havoc, scampering through a garden or village and making a mess of everything. There is one Pumbaa adjective that is correct. They can be lazy. Rather than digging their own burrows, they will often just use the burrowed home of other animals. (x)
I remember this dialogue vividly, but there was a scene where the Faks asked Donna if they could stay over her house during Christmas.
Neil Fak: “Do you think that we can sleepover—” Donna: “There’s no sleepovers at Christmas. What the fuck?” Neil Fak: “No, we can sleepover.” Donna: “No, you can’t sleepover on Christmas. No. Mm-mmm.” Neil Fak: “No? No. Big Neil got us skateboards.” Donna: “You know what? Shut up. Michael!” Neil Fak: “Michael hid ‘em.” Donna: “Hey, Michael. Get in here. Mike? The Faks are asking me stupid things—”
(The fact that there’s a Hakuna Matata reference after Hulu is bought by Disney is also not lost on me.)
Timon is a historical Greek name, taken to mean "he who respects." Timon's name may derive from Shakespeare's tragedy Timon of Athens, another Shakespeare reference in a film which derives its plot from Hamlet. The tragedy is based in the history of the real Timon of Athens, a famous misanthrope during the era of the Peloponnesian War, who refused life in Athens to live isolated. Another explanation is that he is named after the Greek philosopher Timon, a disciple of Pyrrho, the founder of the school of skepticism. (x) (x) (x)
I happened to stumble upon another Shakespeare reference. If Timon is meant to be Ted Fak then this is going to be a bit ironic because of what Ted Fak’s theme song is!
Ricky Staffieri
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Ricky Staffieri chose Back Then by Mike Jones for the theme song of his character, Ted Fak. Ironically, this song is vulgar in nature with calling woman “hoes” and all.
In the same meta I mentioned earlier, @outmakingmoonshine talked about Ted being sex driven and maybe representative of Carmy’s primal mind.
We also have @thoughtfulchaos773 having a post on the inappropriate double entendre jokes on the show.
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I never really listened to the lyrics until about two months ago, but now that I have, they’re pretty amazing. On the surface, it’s a vulgar song about “hoes,” but on a deeper, more philosophical level, it’s an anthem about self-confidence. The overall message in Jones’ song is that the ladies in his life were never really gave him the time of day until he started to make it big. When you really listen to the message of the words – and not necessarily the words themselves – a lot of it is just him spewing the harsh truth. I think it speaks to all of the ugly ducklings out there, or the really shy people who never put themselves out there until they found themselves later on in life. That cute girl in middle school or high school who is now a bombshell? Yeah, she remembers how you treated her. (x)
Claire always told Carmy about their past history when they were young but Carmy seemed to have no recollection of it.
After reading this analysis on its philosophical meaning, I couldn’t help but wonder what it all meant pertaining to Ted Fak. Do we really know anything about Ted Fak’s history in high school besides Carmy? I just got a sudden wave of theories that this is referring to Carmy.
For Ted Fak, maybe this is about being treated poorly in high school. Now, he ended up working for a popular food establishment with very sudden attention from woman which had never happened before.
For Carmy, Ted Fak could be the more anxiety/primitive ridden version of him.
The reason I talk about the anxiety aspect is because some people have the personal experience of saying things they don’t mean when they have anxiety. Ted Fak could be representing the brutal ‘truths’ that Carmy could or don’t really mean.
Anxiety activates people’s fight or flight instinct When someone has an anxiety disorder, they'll often feel intense fear towards possible threats and dangers. For someone with a social anxiety disorder, this could be crowds or social events, whereas for someone with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), their fear could be focused on a broad range of potential scenarios, such as losing their job, damaging their friendships or getting into accidents. These thoughts cause people to experience symptoms of anxiety such as an increased heartbeat, shortness of breath and nausea. This is because thinking about the possible dangers activates their fight or flight instinct. Irritability is a symptom of anxiety When a person is experiencing anxiety, they'll often be more irritable than usual. This is a common symptom of many types of anxiety disorder. (x)
The increased heartbeat caught my attention because Claire noticed his heart was beating fast in a scene before it cuts to Carmy looking at a clock in (3x04).
The other part of the song I absolutely love is: “I ain’t got no time to call her. I’ma stall her like she stalled me, now she trying to call me; (girl) I’ma dog your whole ass like you dogged me.”
I can’t lie. I laughed so hard when I saw this lyric. Like damn, I wonder who exactly this could refer to here? It could be about Kelly but I’ll have to do more digging to figure that out.
I can’t speak for everyone in the world, but I know that I have an elephant-like memory when it comes to people how people treat me – whether it was in middle school, high school, college, or recently. I’m a firm believer in that unless someone gives you a reason to treat them like dirt, you shouldn’t. I know that I don’t pay any mind to people – not just girls – who treated me like crap and are now trying to make like everything is OK. Respect is earned, not given with me; I believe people can change (to a degree), but it will take time for someone to earn my trust and respect, if violated.
This is when we get the depiction of respect and how it’s earned, not given. Does Carmy respect Claire and vise versa?
I didn’t really get the vibe that Claire was a mean person or a bully with the way she spoke about her and Carmy’s history. But what if she scrubbed the ugly parts of it?
It’s making me ponder whether Carmy felt bitter that Claire suddenly had this interest in him because he’s well known as a chef now. It’s even more bizarre because they were both in New York. Mikey told her about Carmy’s chef adventures by the time of Christmas. Why didn’t Claire reach out to him then? Did it really take Mikey passing away for her to make a move?
There was discussion between @devisrina, @thoughtfulchaos773, and I about this. This is when I had the thought that Claire might’ve started talking to Carmy to humor herself and her friends because Carmy was the loner in high school. It was after the scripts came out and we discovered Claire was originally supposed to be blonde like Carmy’s mother. There’s so many questions on whether Claire and Carmy really had a crush on each other.
The Phone Number
I’m at the early stages of what I hope will be a very successful sports reporting career, so some people have reached out for various reasons (advice, recommendation, etc.). I’m happy to try and help the people who treated me well, but I almost want to laugh at the people who treated me like dirt and are now asking for a favor, however small. Mike Jones may use more colorful language than I would have had I wrote this song, but its underlying message is essentially the Golden Rule laced with profanity: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
Something that I thought was interesting, was that Mike Jones rapped his phone number into the song. The most obvious parallel to this is that Carmy (purposely?) gave her the wrong number when they reunited by the grocery store fridges.
They see that I'm a star, now they wanna sit in my car Now they wanna count my cheese, smoke my weed and sip my barre now They used to love to me diss me, now they rush to hug and kiss me now They tellin' all they friends when I leave how they miss me now (281) 000-000 Hit Mike Jones up on the low cause Mike Jones about to blow Befo' the ice was in my grill, before I got my major deal These hoes wouldn't give a damn if I was ill, geah (x)
Apparently, ice on grills is a thing in the cooking industry. Graham Elliott revealed in an interview that his trick for making better burgers is pressing an ice cube into the middle of the patty before grilling.
“And if you're worried about the ice cubes making your burgers cold or wet — don't! The ice melts pretty quickly so no one will even know they were there.” <- This just felt reminiscent to my theory on Claire being an illusion. (x) (x)
Chef Graham Elliot Remembers Charlie Trotter “Famed Chicago chef Charlie Trotter died on Tuesday at age 54. Graham Elliot joined Charlie Trotter’s at age 21, and worked in his kitchens for three years.”
It seems important to note that Graham Elliot had three years of experience with Charlie Trotter.
Chef, mentor, trailblazer, philosopher, artist, teacher, leader. These are the words that immediately come to mind when I think of Charlie Trotter, or CHT, as he was referred to by the team. Rarely does one encounter an individual that can both inspire and frighten you with his (almost perverse) dedication to excellence and perfection. I learned his philosophic approach to cooking, and that everything was of equal importance. That you had to be your own toughest critic. That we weren’t in the “food industry” but in the “make it happen” business. To this very day, I try to foster the same ideals in my team: That the food you put on the plate, the way you keep your knives sharp, the way you wipe down your station—all of those represent who you are as a person. (x)
@moodyeucalyptus recently tagged me in their post discussing the documentary about Charlie Trotter and the similarities with Carmy’s asshole boss. I don’t think it’s a coincidence I found this connection.
We know that Carmy was buying very expensive food ingredients/supplies and helped Claire’s mother with moving boxes. (Not to mention, he was literally moving boxes with Claire like he was doing with the Faks.)
As @outmakingmoonshine pointed out, Carmy had a problem with Richie calling Sydney sweetheart in the very first episode but didn’t really seem to care about Claire being called a piece of ass by Ted Fak. The only thing he did was clarify what he meant and that was it.
Is it possible he didn’t really flinch because these were his thoughts about her for a while and has been trying to navigate through his true feelings for her?
What really caught my eye was the smoke my weed part. Funnily enough, in season three, we see Claire and Carmy share a cigarette.
Claire: “Can you just not make this weird? Like, I need a favor. My cousin bailed on me.”
Did he feel a certain way after doing that favor for her? Which would explain why he asked her for a favor too and struggled to explain why he gave her a fake number. Carmy mentioned how he liked her alot at the party. Did he think it wasn’t anything more than what it was, exchanging favors?
Claire: “You know he, uh he told me you guys are really close and he’s your best friend.” Carmy: “Fak said that?” Claire: “Mhm.” Carmy: “No no no. Fak’s not my best friend.” Claire: “Really?” Carmy: “No no he is. He’s probably my best friend.” Claire: “That’s interesting. To sit with. For you.”
I thought Claire saying this was very strange because I couldn’t grasp whether she was saying a lighthearted joke or making fun of him.
Considering the new information thebearfx had given, did Carmy sense that? Especially when Jones talked about how they wouldn’t care if he was ill. It felt so reminiscent to Claire leaving Carmy in the fridge after he said things that were more concerning rather than hurtful.
Maybe Carmy didn’t realize the type of relationship it was until it was too late.
Thank you so much for reading!! This seems so convoluted. I made a good majority of this on August 7th. Feel free to call me insane for this rabbit hole (I’m well aware of how insane I look). There’s alot of information that I just discovered recently besides this meta but I don’t even know how to put it in the proper words. So, bear with me for a bit lmao. Fair warning, the topic of animals, gardens, plants, water, glass, and cigarettes might come back in a good majority of my metas for now. Hopefully I’ll be able to properly explain why later lol.
(c) brokenwinebox
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