#cartoon 2 mom and cartoon 1 mom then ended up together and because she was feeling petty when she learned that
stelladonna · 4 months
I’m watching Xena for the first time, now, in my 30s, since I was a very little girl. My mom used to watch it all the time, almost obsessively— she loved it so much—and I would groan bc I was little and would rather watch cartoons. Anyway, my memory of Xena is ethereal at best, except for a few things, including: 1) Callisto and the body switching episode where I had a “funny” feeling watching her as Xena. That was because I was a baby gay and she was my first on-screen crush, and 2) that I never made time to actually sit down and watch Xena as an adult for some strange reason I now realize is childhood trauma that is now healed.
At the end of the series, when Xena and Gabrielle get together, I distinctly remember my mother’s homophobic reaction and the way she immediately turned against the show, never watching it or mentioning it again. In that moment I did not feel safe. Something inside of me closed up, and it took years into adulthood before I was ready to accept my queerness. It was that moment that shut down the possibility of me exploring that funny feeling.
It’s healing for me now because I recently moved back in with my mother after heartbreak and the end of a LT relationship (ofc a lesbian one) while I transition into a new job in an old place and rebuild my life. For context, my mother knows, but let’s not get into my coming out story 🤪.
The point is that I decided to start watching Xena and have just finished that body switching episode. When I started watching it, I reflexively recoiled when my mom walked in like I was a sneaky teenager doing something wrong. I had to remind myself that I am in fact a complete adult and that I no longer care what she or anyone thinks of my lifestyle.
Anyway, she saw it on the screen and said “do you know I used to watch Xena? It was my favor show,” and I said “yes, I know. I remember.” Then she sat down and watched it with me. Then she went to her room and proceeded to watch the whole thing on her own (she has impressive marathoning skills I could never dream of matching). Then she came out and told me the show has so many lessons about how to be a good person. Then she asked me to let her know when I get to the “Asian” part (forgive me but I don’t yet know what that means. I’m paraphrasing her, a Thai woman).
It’s healing for me bc, even though I know my mom has accepted this part of who I am, this small act, this radical change of heart toward Xena and her eagerness to share it with me and again to embrace it herself means so much ❤️‍🩹
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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Review
I. Love. Beetlejuice. It is, no joke, possibly my favorite movie of all time. Definitely my favorite Burton film, although I am a decent fan of his (was more so when I was younger.) I’ve admittedly not seen all of the cartoon (I enjoy it fine enough), but I did see the musical earlier this year (I loved it!) And this is all coming from someone who was too scared to watch this movie until the age of 12 or so, but once I did, I was obsessed!
I’ve been joking since the first reveal teasers that the release of the Beetlejuice sequel was the only thing keeping me going, but it kind of was! When tickets first became available, I SNATCHED mine up. I was not going to miss this for the world, and I was insanely happy it wasn’t a midnight showing, but during the evening of the 5th. (I also chose to keep myself 100% spoiler free!)
I even got the special popcorn tin because ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY!
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At the same time, I was trying really, REALLY hard to tamper my expectations. If I get my hopes up too high, I always inevitably get disappointed. And for the most part, I was NOT disappointed!
This is a solid sequel. Admittedly not an “Aliens” level sequel, not better than the first, but it’s a good continuation nonetheless. I wanted to go into details and name a few things I liked and disliked, because I had a few nitpicks. As I knew I would. Overall, as a hardcore fan, I left very happy.
Let’s start with the good!
1. Burton went all out on the special effects. Everything looks really good and, for the most part, done with practical effects! My favorite!
2. Everyone is in full-form here. Ryder, Ortega, O’Hara, Defoe, and especially Keaton. They all had so much fun making this, and you can tell. The actors that weren’t present in the first film fit right in, esp Ortega.
3. There’s so much backstory presented on these characters. I sort of love and dislike this? Beetlejuice is somewhat better, in my opinion, the less we know about him? He’s such an enigma. It felt weird seeing what he was like when he was alive. Was he still actually named Betelgeuse? But I did appreciate the confirmation that Lydia’s mom is still alive, different from the musical.
4. Lydia doesn’t actually marry BJ. Thank god! I’m okay with their cartoon counterparts being friends, but the real thing is incredibly creepy. Especially given how traumatized Lydia seems in this movie. They even mention the “600 year” age gap. (But I did admittedly like them being forced to work together.)
5. The Netherworld, or whatever the films call it, looks AWESOME! By far my favorite thing about this movie was the creative corpses! The citizens of the Netherworld look downright gruesome! All the deaths are super creative! I would give my left arm for a Making-Of book of this movie.
1. With the exception of Astrid’s beau, the love interests are pretty uninteresting. Delores has an excellent design, neat backstory, but is admittedly not fleshed out enough (pun not intended), and she barely has five lines. Rory is sort of okay, but instead of Lydia just standing up for herself and saying she didn’t want to get married, he ends up being a weak “twist” bad-guy? Boo!
2. The ending is admittedly very odd. The last movie ended so upbeat and happy and cheerful. This one ends like an interrupted night terror. I sort of left the movie going “wait, really? Roll credits? Poor Lydia!”
3. I was hoping for more reconciliation with Lydia and Deliah. Maybe taking Charles’ death seriously would have made the film more depressing, but I wanted them to have more of a Mother/Daughter bond at this point. (Maybe that’s just me. I want better step-mother representation.) It wasn’t nonexistent, I just wanted more.
4. The explanation of the Maitlands absence could have been a LOT better. Given that they were, y’know, the main characters of the first movie? It made sense that Davis and Baldwin didn’t come back, that’s not my complaint, but they could have given the audience more information about said “loophole.” At least a picture of them! (Could the actors have signed off letting them use old pictures?)
5. Finally, my personal gripe, THEY USED MACARTHUR PARK! I utterly loathe this song!
General Comments:
1. I saw some plot points coming a mile away. One did catch me off guard, though.
2. Soul Train. What a weird reference to do. 😆
3. There is SO much death in this movie. I mean, duh, but like lots of people get killed off. Though, it is sort of funny to see Deliah in a “Karen in Hell” type situation. 😆
4. Charles’ death is really creative. It allows the character to still be in the movie without [redacted] getting rehired.
5. The Shrinkhead guys are delightful. And that creepy baby gave me Dead Alive flashbacks. Very cartoonish. (I also never realized how much Beetlejuice gives me The Mask vibes.)
Overall, I completely agree with the grand majority here. It’s a solid movie, a solid sequel, and you absolutely SHOULD see it if you’re a fan, but it acts as more of a dessert to the original’s full meal. (And it USES that PG-13 rating. It’s gruesome in parts!)
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itzyourgirlnat · 1 year
The ending chapter and the first one of a new life
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
You did it, you defeated the aliens, you got rid of the bomb, you played your role of the Knight of Krypton. You protected everyone, you did your job and now its over. That was not expected, you reached the top, did everything everyone was expecting and more, you had it all and now it is over. After the battle and everything that happened with the aliens you celebrated with your family, you rested and then, you moved on. Wow that was unexpected, you were sure that fight was going to be your awakening just like Kara had with the plane. But it wasn't, the urge, the need, the purpose you felt those days to save your family to play your role, they had all disappeared. That feeling was gone, like if you had completed everything you were meant to do even if for you it felt like the beginning not the end. 
One evening, after a long day of school and training, cause even if two weeks ago you were the hero you were still a teenager who had to finish her last year of highschool, you got home. You were tired and hungry and ready to take a shower, but instead of going quickly to your room you stayed there. On the front door,  it was today, it had to be. 
For the last two weeks Kara had been offering you to join her whenever a situation came up and you were grateful about it. It was hard for her to assume that you were no longer a kid. But you somehow still wanted to be one, or at least while you could. After a lot of over thinking you got to the conclusion, you don't want to quit everything to be the next superhero, you just want to have that door open for when you are ready. You want to be able to do so and to protect your loved ones, but you also want to keep your life. So you've been making excuses to not go with your mother, but it was time to tell the truth.
‘Hey Y/N, how was your day?´said Kara while opening the oven. (Since she and Lena got together she's been trying to surprise her with a cake made by herself but she always ended up burning it) ‘Do you think it's edible?’ she asked trying to be positive
‘It does not look like it’
‘Is everything okay? You seem a bit off’ She asked, she probably heard your heartbeat, which was going faster by the second
‘Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something, I-’
Before you could continue Lena walked through the door, if she was a cartoon you would be able to see the smoke coming out of her ears.
‘I swear this job is gonna end me some day," she said while throwing her purse and coat to a chair. That only meant one thing, she had a really intense day, or else she would hang them up perfectly and make you do the same with your stuff.
Kara then threw the ‘cake’ she had ‘cooked’ and by just seeing that Lena smiled, even if she never got to taste one because they all ended up burnt, just the gesture was enough to make her heart melt. After it she went towards Lena who had grabbed a bottle of wine and was about to serve herself when Kara from behind grabbed the bottle and kissed her cheek. Lena looked at her raising her eyebrows,
 ‘Save it for dinner love’ Kara said, kissing her face once more, Lena then laughed and kissed her softly.
You were on the other side of the kitchen watching them. You used to think seeing them kiss was gross, and you still do sometimes, but you have to admit, they are so in love it's awfully cute. While they were in their own world you picked your things and gave them some space.
You took the long awaited shower and once you were in comfortable clothes you went back only to find your moms still acting like lovebirds while setting the table. You knew that all that had happened had affected them both and as a couple it was a hard time as well so it was nice to see them going back to their fluffy selves around each other.
During dinner Lena complained for 15 minutes about everything that had bothered her and Kara talked about this new story she was researching, you thought she had forgotten the conversation you both had until.
‘So Y/N what was it you wanted to talk to me about?’
‘Well, I have been thinking and I don’t think I want to be a hero, at least not for now’ you said, going straight to the point. Kara stopped eating and Lena looked at you encouraging you to continue.
‘I know I gave you a hard time because I wanted to fight and to fulfill my role as the Knight of Krypton, but I don't think I want to do it on a daily basis or at least not publicly’
‘Okay’ Lena simply said. Kara didn’t say anything and was still looking at you.
‘It’s just that when the invasion happened and we all were in danger it’s like if the knight took control of me and I felt this need to fight, but it was as if I didn’t have any control over it really and I don’t want that part of me to take control of the rest of me. I know I have to deal with it and figure a lot out and that it is a part of me I can't deny I just I don't want to be out to the world yet, I’m not ready’
You looked at Kara expecting a response, a tear slipped down her face, she got up and embraced you in her arms.
‘I am so proud of you’
‘For a long time I kept forcing myself to be Supergirl for the world while I was struggling with it and I didn’t understand much, but you little one, you are aware enough to put yourself first. I’m so proud of you, and we will help you as much as we can to help you digest this new side of yourself’
That same night Lena knocked on your door. She entered and sat on your bed, patting it so you would sit next to her. Without saying anything she placed her head on your shoulder.
‘I know there is not much I can do to help you right now, I’m not kryptonian and I know your mom gets this stuff better than I do cause she went through it as well’
You caressed her hair. ‘That’s not true’
‘It is I can’t really add anything right now, but I want you to know that I’m here and that I wanna listen to you and I want to be here for you. So please don’t shut down. I know you have been having a hard tine for a couple of weeks and I dont want you to hide it. Believe me keeping this kind of things to yourself is not always the right thing’
‘How did you know?’
‘I may not be kryptonian, but I am your mom’
‘I love you’
‘I love you too, now go to bed, you have class tomorrow’ and with that she kissed your hair and got up to leave you to sleep.
‘Can I go out tomorrow by the way?’ Before you could explain the situation your mom raised her eyebrows. ‘I'm still grounded right?’
‘Yes you are, and tomorrow we actually have something planned so don’t take too long to get home’’
‘Yes ma’am’ you said, making her chuckle.
Once in her room Lena laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling and took a deep breath. This past weeks everything had change, she looked at her phone, there were no new messages, or at least not from Lori, who had left again for college.They sadly didn't end on the best terms, the working with Lex situation had messed Lena up more than she thought and she was now terrified Lori would talk to him again. Right when she was about to call again Kara opened the bathroom door connected to their bedroom. 
‘Are you sure you’re only overwhelmed because of work?’ she asked Lena, already knowing the answer.
‘ She hasn’t replied to any of my texts, did she text you?’ Lena said, throwing her phone away and sitting up in the bed.
Kara sat behind her and held her.
‘She hasn’t, but you know how she is, she probably needs space to process everything’
‘So you are not worried about it?’
‘Oh no, I’m terrified, I’ve checked her heartbeat at least four times today’
Lena chuckled softly letting Kara’s arms embrace her.
‘Do you remember when she was just a little girl, she wouldn’t leave our side’ Lena said out of the blue
‘Yeah she slept in this bed every night no matter how hard we tried to get her to sleep in hers, in the morning she was always here’ Kara replied. ‘I used to know everything about her’
A text popped up on Lena’s phone screen. She was going to ignore it when Kara grabbed it, letting go of her wife.
‘Lee, it’s her’
Lena turned and took the phone from Kara’s hands.
I know I messed up, I’m sorry I couldn’t explain it at the moment, but it is all solved now. Love you
They both looked at each other, something was off. Lori sometimes needed time on her own to process everything, she would sit aside and clear her mind before opening up about anything, but when she did it was a full developed description of her feelings, something they were both very proud of since once she cleared her mind she was not afraid to speak and stand up for herself. So, it was easy to say that this was not common.
‘I could make a quick flight. See if she is really okay’ Kara suggested.
‘Where are you going?’ Kara asked as Lena started changing out of her pijamas
‘Look I may not know much about Krypton and what Y/N is going through, but I do know Lex. So I’m going to figure out where he is and what he is doing’. She went to grab her phone when Kara’s hand grabbed hers.
‘Kara please I need to so something’
Kara didn’t let go.
‘I know, but don’t let this take control of you. It’s 3 am and as much as we want to burst in there  and take her home it is not gonna work.’
‘Can you hear her heartbeat?’
‘She is sleeping’
Kara then got up and started to take Lena’s clothes off and dressed her up in her pjs again. They laid in their bed, holding each other, unaware of how everything was about to change for them in a few hours, but that would be a fight for another day. In that moment all that mattered to them was each other.
I'm back, sorry for the long wait, also, if you are interested in stories about supercorp before having their kids, let me know cause I've been thinking on publishing about it but idk if anyone cares lol.
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queer-devil · 1 year
Updated Danganronpa Headcanons
Made a post with these a while ago but I reorganized them and added more, so I figured I’d just repost them
Under the cut because there’s a lot
General Headcanons:
1. Maki has several bird feeders, squirrel feeders, and just other foods left outside for animals. She refills these everyday
2. Himiko has dwarfism
3. Tenko loves wearing pride stuff, like shirts and bows and bracelets and stuff
4. Angie was born on Rota (one of the Northern Mariana Islands), specifically in Songsong (the second largest village on Rota).
5. Miu bleached her hair
6. Miu loves watching cartoons
7. When Miu was a kid she was super hyperactive
8. Miu used to get so many little injuries and she never knew where they came from, she was always covered in bruises and bandaids
9. Miu used slurs because she didn’t know the meaning behind them, she assumed it was just another name for a group of people (she got corrected and is now working on it)
10. When Miu was younger she always wrote her name “Mew” because she liked Pokémon and loved the fact she sorta shared a name with one
11. When Kiyo thinks that someone “would be a good friend for sister”, he really means that he likes them and he thinks they would get along if he didn’t feel like he was cheating on his sister
12. Kiyo’s sister was more traditional, Kiyo almost always had traditional Japanese meals that she home made and was taught to dress conservatively, which was only enabled by his cooler body temperature bc illness
13. Kiyo really likes spaghetti but he is also a big fan of dry cheerios
14. Angie wishes her name was Angelica
15. Ryoma has the “Hang In There” poster
16. Kiyo wears anything as long as he’s covered, gender roles don’t phase him, only gendered terms (tis an unfortunate existence)
17. Kokichi knows morse code
18. Kaito and Shuichi have a “secret” handshake (it’s pretty simple and Kaito wants to use it everywhere), Maki refuses to join in on it
19. Hiro got the scar on his back from playing with raccoons when he was younger, he got along with most of them but sometimes they would attack him and he would cry because his friends hurt him
20. Hiro is Blasian, mom is from Japan and dad is African American
21. Tenko and Kiyo drive each other to therapy
22. Kiyo, Mikan, Toko, Mukuro, and Nagito all went to an inpatient together and had group therapy, they’re like a weird little family now
23. In this therapy family, Kiyo and Mukuro act most like siblings towards each other, Nagito is a very protective big brother, Mikan constantly fawns over the rest of them, and Toko likes to pretend they don’t exist because “they embarrass her”
24. Kyoko has a “Quote of the Day” book
25. Miu’s gaydar is absolute dogshit, she thought Rantaro was a straight man for a while
26. Maki loves accessories, but she is very embarrassed about it so she tries not to draw to much attention to it
27. She likes hair pins, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, broaches, fancy hairties, scrunchies, fancy shoelaces, anklets, all that stuff
28. Most of her stuff is simple and silver, but she’s definitely gotten presents from the more observant people like Kaede, Kirumi, Rantaro, Ryoma, and even a ring from Kokichi (it’s a thin black and white striped band, but it was a peace offering from him so she wears it quite a bit)
29. Miu is scared of needles
30. Kiyo and Angie are best friends, it used to be just because Kiyo was fascinated by Angie but they ended up getting along very well
31. Chihiro knows tons of memes and is very into meme culture
32. Mondo used to go to plays and musicals with Daiya (they snuck in) and he is a very good actor because of post performance meetings
33. Mahiru loves taking photos of her friends
34. Izuru loves blankets and soft things
35. Kaito is scared of the dark and he has a bunch of glow in the dark stars and moons on his ceiling, he also has a bunch of stuffies (a lot of which have astronauts suits or other space things)
36. Ibuki has several younger siblings
37. Kokichi is an orphan and was at the same orphanage as Maki, they just never interacted much
38. Kokichi and Miu are friends, they just don’t seem like it to most people
39. No one from V3 kills bugs, they get Gonta to gently remove them from the premise (and sometimes he keeps them in his room)
40. Hiro has the self-assigned role of dad in their his friend group, he does cringey things like leaves messages in their lunch and talks as if he was like 20 years older than he is
41. Mikan’s stutter is from nervousness, but Toko’s is a real stutter
42. Fuyu is lactose intolerant which is why he hates milk, Peko never has anything with lactose in it because Fuyu can’t
43. This is actually why Peko got sick in chapter 1, she didn’t realize the food she ate had cheese in it and she was so not used to it so it made her stomach upset
44. Gundham isn’t vegan, but he is a vegetarian who pays very close attention to where he gets his food from. This is because he knows that many animals that have become live stock can suffer more if not used the way humans have bred them to. Also he knows that humans are omnivores and the circle of life just works like that.
45. Kyoko paints in her free time
46. Hifumi was bullied in school because of his looks which is why he got so into fandoms and fiction
47. Makoto and Komaru are impulsive huggers, Toko has been the most affected by this
48. Mahiru has a pet bird, maybe a duck or a chicken
49. Mahiru definitely goes to Gundham’s house with her bird
50. Kyoko is the rep for class 78, Chiaki is the rep for class 77, and Kirumi is the rep for class 80; much to Kyoko and Kirumi's displeasure, everyone just calls them the class mom
51. Yasuhiro is a vegan
52. Mukuro and the chicken are best friends
53. After Mikan gets a lot of therapy, she learns that her bullies actually caused her many permanent issues, such as slight deafness in her left ear, visual impairments, chronic back pain, and thousands of scars that didn’t get healed correctly (some of which were infected)
54. Celeste has a whip collection
55. Kokichi is a sugar addict
56. Hiyoko has like 6 cats, Mikan is heavily allergic to cats, Hiyoko loves when Mikan comes over because of this. Mahiru, not so much
57. Rantaro took in Shuichi as his little brother
58. Ahoges are meant to express emotions
59. During the tragedy Izuru saw the ROD as his children and took care of them (kinda-)
60. Kokichi’s whole personality was a lie in V3 and I’ll give my specifics for his real one. He’s caring to his friends and he’s very protective over his “family” (D.I.C.E.) he is very manipulative but he normally doesn’t use it for truly bad things, normally just pranks. He has trouble differentiating between reality and fantasy so he tends to be apathetic towards death. He’s super touch starved like he clings to people constantly. Also he lies less.
61. Kokichi got Kaito a fake plant as a prank once but he saw how happy Kaito was so he didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth, Kaito didn’t find out until Maki said something about it
62. Angie makes sculptures of her friends to bless them and to keep her company when she’s lonely
63. The WOH were informally adopted by Toko, Komaru, and Genocider
64. Yasuhiro has a candle collection
65. Izuru likes flowers, Kotoko would make him flower crown’s
66. Makoto has a bracelet with a 4 leaf clover in it that he wears for assessments and meetings for good luck
67. Hiro forces the THH survivors gang to do his daily prayers with him
68. Sonia and Gundham visit King and Queen Nevermind monthly and King Nevermind loves the Dark Devas of Destruction
69. Kaito is a feminist
70. Chihiro and Chiaki are siblings
71. Sometimes Chihiro helps Chiaki program mods for the video games she likes and it’s a fun sibling bonding experience
72. Tenko has done some serious work to get over her misandrist beliefs
73. Gundham, Sonia, Ryoma, and Peko all help at and make constant donations to many animal shelters
74. Classes 77 and 78 all went to Kotoko’s first performance after she felt comfortable enough to try out, this made her feel much less anxious
75. Same thing with all of the WOH, Jataro’s first diorama showcase and Masaru’s first game
76. Nagisa and Monaca don't really have any events they go to
77. Celeste has a music box that she uses to calm down
78. Ibuki and Ultimp are often questioned about whether they are dating or not and have to constantly say no
79. Sometimes class 77 holds big uno tournaments and Nagito or Chiaki always win and Fuyuhiko always flips the table
80. This actually reminds quite a few people that despite the fact Fuyu is small and looks cute he is extremely strong
81. Ibuki has heterochromia, her right eye is the pink we see in the game and her left eye is the blue of her hair streaks
82. Tsumugi will often copy sprite poses from the DR1 characters without realizing it
83. Souda and Miu and siblings, we know that their father wasn’t great but (I think) their mother wasn’t mentioned, so I’m using her as the explanation for all their sexual and romantic…creepiness?
84. Kiyo has the same disease as his sister but just a less intense form, he has a bad immune system and is very unfit
85. Mahiru takes lots of photos of Hiyoko dancing
86. Shuichi is sometimes a mannequin for Tsumugi (most often against his will)
87. Izuru would often stay with Nagito and the WOH
88. Rantaro goes to all of Kiyo and Angie’s meetings/outings/rituals to make sure it doesn’t get too out of hand
89. DR1 was Tsumugi’s favorite season without question
90. Genocider uses her hands a lot when talking, she also likes to play (literally) with her hair when she’s bored
91. Hiyoko loves playing ddr
92. Mahiru loves watermelons
93. Chihiro smells likes oranges because of a perfume he has been using for year’s
94. In the tragedy world, Class 77 all does something special for Chiaki as a memorial
95. Sonia loves strawberry milk
96. Mikan’s favorite animal is a bunny
97. Hifumi used to have a body shape more akin to Princess Piggles, but after years of using food as a coping mechanism and also it being a cheap way to sustain himself, he gained extra weight
98. Hifumi was very happy to see a strong character with his body type when he was younger, which is why he loves Princess Piggles so much (idk if this is canon or not but I figured I’d say it here just in case)
99. Sonia and Ibuki like to mess around with different clothing aesthetics
100. Rantaro brings Kiyo on trips and vice versa and they use it as an escape from the stress of life
101. Kiyo loves all of Rantaro’s sisters in a familial way and they really helped him gain a positive female influence
102. After Kiyo got out of the inpatient he used things he learned to help Rantaro with his depression since Rantaro doesn’t wanna go to therapy
103. Rantaro often helps Kiyo with feeling masculine
104. Komaru got glowing jewelry for her and Toko on their first date so then Toko can be less scared of the dark, Toko hates the jewelry but wears it because she loves Komaru (she tells her it’s just because of the dark tho)
105. Rantaro listens to Kiyo info dump for hours and pays very close attention, sometimes they'll even add some info that they've learned
106. Rantaro got Kiyo into the mental hospital and checked on him daily until he was let out
107. Shuichi finds mysteries kind of boring but likes romances, he’s very embarrassed about this but Kokichi teases him relentlessly
108. Maki got Shuichi and Kaito necklaces with a sun (for Kaito) and a moon (for Shuichi) for their anniversary
109. Kokichi is hardly ever not on Gonta, piggyback rides, sitting on his shoulder, swinging from his arm (he's worried Kokichi will fall off), etc.
110. Ryota and Imposter help each other with their eating disorders
111. Chiaki and Mikan take scheduled naps together
112. Tenko once threw like 20 people when she lost Himiko in a crowd
Nuerodivergent Headcanons:
1. Ibuki has ADHD, she needs stimulation mostly with her mouth, fingers, and hearing
2. Kiyo has autism
3. Genocider developed as a defensive alter, she loves Toko (in her own weird way) and pretends to hate her so Toko doesn’t get embarrassed or bullied
4. When Mikan gets depressive she braids her hair
5. Kokichi stims with arm flaps and jumping
6. Ibuki stims with hand flaps, spins, and tapping her arm/leg like she’s playing a keyboard
7. Kaito stims by hitting his fists or wrists together
8. When Akane gets bored in class she draws food on her body with a sharpie, this causes her to get scars and ink poisoning so Mikan sees her a lot
9. Miu has ADHD, hence her grotesque language (impulsivity) and her sensitivity to insults (RSD)
10. Kiyo fidgets with his necklace, which is why it’s there in the first place
11. Izuru gets overstimulated easily
12. Aoi stims by balling up her fists and twisting her wrists
13. Nagito stims with rocking
14. Nagito likes when people play with his hair or give him head pats
15. Akane has ADHD
16. Nagito has dermatillomania
17. Although Kaz is neurotypical, he only ever really spent time with Miu so he tends to miss some common social cues
18. Kiyo has one strand of curly hair bc he twirls it to stim when he’s focusing
19. Junko has DID, it was mostly repressed for all her life but during the tragedy she kinda let it out, however they’re all still developing and she’s still semi-convinced it’s because she gets bored of her personality
20. Taka has autism
21. Gundham has autism
22. Chiaki has narcolepsy
23. Along with everything else, Nagito has ASPD (anti-social personality disorder)
24. Kaito has ADHD
25. Shuichi has clinical anxiety
26. Kokichi has clinical depression
27. Tenko has (undiagnosed (“let us just send her to hit things, surely that will fix it)) ADHD
28. Rantaro has depression that was developed while trying to search for his sisters
29. Munakata has narcissistic personality disorder
30. Natsumi has ADHD that she’s been masking to try and be a better kid for her parents and brother (she doesn’t know that her brother doesn’t care)
31. She also has an inferiority complex, who would've thunk
32. Ryoma has depression, and he gets like 5 therapy cats, their named Chloe, Naru, Venus, Gangly, and Jo
33. Tsumugi has frequent identity crises
34. Gonta was diagnosed with autism at first but it was eventually shown that he simply didn’t know because he didn’t grow up with humans
35. Gonta does however have insomnia and when he wakes up from sleeping he will go play in the garden
36. Ultimp has binge eating disorder
Sexuality and Gender Headcanons:
1. Shuchi is trans ftm, he has a very big bust so he wears two binders (Maki found out and he got a lecture from Kirumi about safety), he’s on T but his ahoge is still slim; he’s bisexual with a preference for men
2. Hajime is trans ftm, in the world with the trajedy he got top surgery (without knowing) from Izuru, in the world where normal things happen he still gets top sugary but in a normal way, he takes T; he is pansexual
3. After Kiyo got over his sister and had some self discovery he realized that he was a raging homosexual; he uses strictly he/him pronouns
4. Izuru and Kiibo are enby buddies (they both use they/him pronouns)
5. Angie is aroace (“The only one I love is Atua!”)
6. Makoto is trans ftm with no surgery or a binder, but he takes T; Makoto is demisexual, he is panromantic but is only sexually attracted to the female genitalia, not the male genitalia
7. Byakuya is grayaroace and is gay; he had a time where he thought he was trans but he found he wasn’t, he used she/her and went by Polaris
8. Aoi is a lesbian
9. Toko is sexually attracted to both men and women but is only romantically attracted to women
10. Kyoko is a demigirl with she/her pronouns; she’s bisexual leaning towards men
11. Kazuichi is gay with internalized homophobia
12. Chihiro is asexual, biromantic with a preference for girls; he’s genderfluid but prefers he/him and masculine compliments, he still cross dresses though and this doesn’t make him uncomfortable
13. Taka is demisexual and gay
14. Akane is an ace bisexual with a preference for men, she’s also sex repulsed but represses it because she’s Akane
15. Celeste (the persona) is a lesbian, however Taeko is an ace bisexual
16. Fuyuhiko is a demiaroace pan, but he still thinks he’s straight
17. Gonta is panromantic and is asexual
18. Gundham is a pan demiboy who uses he/him/they/them/xe/xes/dark/darks; all of their dark devas use god/gods pronouns (also they/them if someone doesn't want to use neopronouns)
19. Hifumi is asexual and omniromantic with a preference for women
20. Hiyoko is a demiaroace lesbian
21. Himiko is a demisexual lesbian
22. Ibuki is Pansexual, asexual, and a demigirl who uses she/her/boing/boings/it/its
23. Kiibo is genderfluid and pansexual, at first he thinks he’s asexual but that’s just from lack of programming and when Miu gives him the ability to have these desires he says yes (Miu didn’t force him istg)
24. Kaede is bi with a preference for women, she used to think she was lesbian; I am in a constant state of flux with Kaede's gender
25. Kaito is trans with no surgery but he wears a binder sometimes, he also takes T, he is very insecure about his masculinity; he’s demiromantic and gay (the latter caused him more insecurity because "maybe he was just a normal girl")
26. Kirumi is aroace, she’s sex repulsed
27. Kokichi is demiaroace and gay
28. Komaru is a lesbian
29. Korekiyo is gay and uses only he/him, she/her makes him very uncomfortable
30. Leon is bi but thinks he’s straight, he just has a preference for women
31. Nagito is gay
32. Mahiru is lesbian
33. Maki is a demiaroace pan
34. Mikan is an asexual lesbian, also very sex repulsed after therapy
35. Miu is pan
36. Mondo is gay
37. Mukuro is lesbian and trans mtf, uses only she/her
38. Nekomaru is straight and is a demiboy, uses he/him/they/them
39. Peko is demiaroace, pan, and a demigirl, uses she/her/it/it’s before therapy and she/her/they/them after therapy, she takes E bc she was AMAB
40. Rantaro is demiromantic and pan; he’s also genderfluid using any pronouns
41. Ryoma is demiaroace and straight
42. Sakura is an asexual lesbian; she’s mtf using only she/her pronouns, she is very secretive about being trans due to insecurity
43. Sayaka is lesbian
44. Sonia is pan and genderqueer, uses she/her/void/voids and picked up dark/darks from Gundham
45. Tenko is lesbian
46. Teruteru is pan, asexual, and trans ftm (I feel he’s asexual because he pretends to be super horny to feel like a valid man because #negativemaleinfluence)
47. Genocider is the same as Toko; she heavily encourages use of she/her pronouns and the name Jill
48. Tsumugi is cishet
49. Ultimp is asexual, pan, and agender, uses they/them if ever out of costume
50. Yasuhiro is Aroace
51. Chiaki is a pan demigirl who uses she/her/they/them and her online persona uses they/them
Marks and Piercings Headcanons:
1. Aoi has stretch marks on her boobs and hips
2. Chihiro has a birthmark on his right bicep, it’s a strawberry
3. Sayaka has a on her right cheek, a mole on her left collar bone, and amole on her left wrist (near her thumb)
4. Akane has stretch marks on her thighs, hips, boobs, and waist
5. Chiaki has stretch marks on her stomach and thighs
6. Gundham has scars, bite marks, and scratches on his left arm
7. Hiyoko has a on her right foot (near her ankle), after her growth spurt she has stretch marks on her waist, boobs, and thighs
8. Mahiru has freckles all over her body, most prominently on her shoulders, her face, her thighs, and her butt
9. Mikan has bruises, scars, and burn marks all over her body, most prominently on her left arm and right leg
10. Peko has scars on her arms and sides
11. Angie has two birthmarks, one in between her boobs and one on the back of her right thigh
12. Kaede has stretch marks on her stomach
13. Kaito has freckles on his face and arms
14. Kirumi has moles on her left cheeks
15. Kokichi has 3 scars on his mouth, all from when he tried to eat metal things when he was a child, one on his left side is the most prominent because it got infected
16. Maki has scars on her lower legs, knees, elbows, and forearms from crawling over jagged and rocky surfaces
17. Miu has stretch marks on her boobs and thighs, also a scar on her right palm from a workshop accident
18. Chihiro wears earrings on and off, he has a few Chiaki made for him, his favorite is the one that says “Hi” in binary
19. Toko/Genocider have their ears pierced but never wear earrings, miraculously, the holes haven’t closed
20. Junko wears Monokuma earrings when she doesn’t have her pins
21. Kyoko tried getting her ears pierced at the recommendation of Celeste, but she never wore them and they closed up pretty quickly
22. Leon wanted a Jacob’s ladder, but he got one piercing done that hurt like hell so he’s never getting another
23. Makoto’s parents had his ears pierced when he was a baby so he does have holes, he never wears earrings though (dysphoria)
24. Junko insisted Mukuro got her ears pierced but afterwords they constantly got infected (because neither of them knew how to clean them) so she has small scars on her earlobes
25. Sayaka has her ears pierced
26. Ibuki has bellybutton piercings, like a ton of eyebrow piercings, her nipples are pierced, I don’t know how genital piercings work but she most certainly has some, honestly the only thing that isn’t pierced is her tongue and that’s just because of sensory stuff
27. Kazuichi has a tongue piercing
28. Mahiru has her ears pierced
29. Sonia got her nose pierced, normally she wears a gemstone there but on special occasions she has a pearl she will wear instead
30. Komaru has her ears pierced
31. Kotoko had her ears pierced since she was a baby but only ever wears them for special occasions, she was in charge of maintaining her piercings for a while and they got terribly infected, her home room teacher had to send her to the nurse
32. Angie has her nose pierced on either side and also in the center
33. Himiko self pierced her ears and it actually went very well, but she never wore earrings so they closed up
34. Kaede has her ears pierced
35. Kaito has his ears pierced
36. Kokichi has a nose ring on his left nostril
37. Kaede took Maki to get her ears pierced one day and, though she doesn’t like to admit it
38. Rantaro, unlike Leon, has a complete Jacob’s ladder, he also has his nipples pierced
39. Shuichi has his ears pierced and has snakebites
40. Tenko has her ears pierced
41. Tsumugi has her ears pierced
Language Headcanons:
1. Everyone speaks Japanese as their first language, it’s only translated into English for the games not everyone can actually speak it
2. Kiyo however is fluent in English and also Latin, he also picks up phrases from any of the languages the others speak (important: Kiyo learned English from a British person so he speaks English with a slight British accent)
3. Kaito is fluent in English and is also learning Morse code (he asks Kokichi for tips)
4. Maki knows sign language
5. Byakuya can read most European languages but can’t speak any of them
6. Taeko is teaching herself English
7. Chihiro is oddly enough very good at writing in binary, he doesn’t know how he picked it up (It’s from when he was really young and his dad would teach him binary for fun!)
8. Hifumi can read and write English
9. Taka takes English, French, Spanish, Latin, and knows a teensy bit of sign language
10. Leon is fluent in English (specifically the American kind, aka he has an American accent)
11. Mukuro is fluent in English and is also pretty good at Morse code
12. Sayaka knows a bunch of phrases in Spanish and English
13. Gundham knows a bit of Latin, but he only ever uses it to be extra never to actually attempt communication
14. Mahiru knows a bit of English that her mom taught her
15. Nekomaru is fluent in English
16. Not a headcanon but a reminder that Sonia knows 30 languages
17. Teruteru is learning French
18. Imposter is learning English
19. Izuru is fluent in every language because he’s Izuru
20. Monaca knows a decent amount of English
21. Nagisa is taking English
22. Angie’s first language is actually English but she is also mostly fluent in Japanese
23. Gonta tried to learn English at one point but languages are hard for him so he quit
24. Kiibo has 3 language modes, Japanese, English, and Spanish
25. Kirumi is fluent in English
26. Miu knows a bit of sign language because she didn’t speak until a bit later in her childhood
27. Rantaro is fluent in English
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jule1122 · 1 year
Malex Fic - Love will get you there
Made with a day to spare!  This is my March fic for @alexguerinappreciation.  I choose the spotlight of Alex’s canon relationships.  I consider this a Malex fic because that is where we end up, but this is both pre canon and post canon so I write about Alex’s family, his relationship with Maria and Forrest on the way to Malex’s happy ending. 
It’s a 5 +1  about 5 times Alex wanted to change his name before the one time he finally does it.  Warnings for canon child abuse.
If you hate Maria or Forrest, please don’t read this.  Also if you really like Jim Valenti, you may not like how I wrote him.
Love will get you there on AO3
Summary: Alex was never much of a Manes man or 5 times Alex thought about changing his name and 1 time he did 
Title is from an Inhaler song.
I am going to put the whole fic behind the cut because it opens with Jesse being abusive.  Nothing graphic but I wanted to give an extra warning.
“What did I tell you?”  Jesse leans in close to Alex’s face.  He doesn’t yell, he doesn’t need to.
“Don’t leave toys on the floor,” Alex sniffs.  His dad tightens his hold on Alex’s shirt.  “Sir,” Alex adds quickly before his dad can hit him again.
“I won’t warn you again, Alex.  Next time there will be real consequences.”
Alex tries to wiggle out of Jesse’s hold.  His back is sore from where his father used his belt.  Just thinking what will happen if he forgets to clean up again makes him start crying again.  He tries to hold back his tears, hoping his father won’t notice and ends up hiccuping.
“Manes men don’t cry,”  Jesse shakes Alex roughly before pushing him away.  “You're confined to your room for the rest of the evening.  Maybe some time alone will help you remember how to behave.”
Alex runs to his room, he wants to slam the door but he knows if he does his father will follow him and punish him again.  Instead, he hides between his bed and the wall and cries silently.  Once he calms down, he takes his camping bag from his closet and begins filling it with clothes.
“What are you doing, dork,” Clay asks from the doorway.
Alex startles and wipes his eyes before turning to face his brother.  Clay is almost as mean as his father, and he’s afraid to let him see him cry.  “I’m leaving.  I’m going to live with Mom.”
“Mom doesn’t want you, dummy.  She doesn’t want any of us.”
“That’s not true,” Alex insists.  He doesn’t yell even though he wants to because he doesn’t want his dad to hear him.  “If I tell her Dad hurt me, she’ll come get me.”
“No, she won’t,” Clay tells him.  “She’s been gone almost a year, and she hasn’t called once.  She’s not going to help you.  Even if she wanted to, Dad would find you and bring you back.  Manes men stick together, remember.”
“I don’t want to be a Manes man,” Alex says miserably.  He hates being a Manes, he hates all the rules.  Manes men don’t cry or laugh too loud or sing.  Manes men don’t waste their time watching cartoons or playing with girls.  He hates all of it.
“Grandpa will hide me.  I’ll change my name so people will know I belong with Grandpa, and  Dad won’t find me because I won’t be a Manes,”  Alex nods, confident he’s solved the problem.  
“You’re so stupid.  You’ll embarrass Grandpa just like you embarrass Dad.  He’d bring you back himself just to get rid of you.” Clay shakes his head.  “You’re a Manes, Alex, whether you like it or not.   You need to start acting like one before you bring all of us down.”
Alex turns away from Clay and ignores him until he leaves.  He takes everything out of his bag and puts it back, not bothering to wipe the tears from his face since there was no one to see him.  Clay’s right.  No one wants him so he’s stuck being a Manes.
Alex kicks his feet against the edge of the exam room table until his father glares at him, and he goes back to sitting perfectly still.  He can hear the doctor explaining his restrictions and medication dosages to Jesse as the nurse adjusts his sling.  Alex lets the words wash over him, his dad will probably make him take the sling off as soon as they get in the car, and he won’t be giving Alex any pain meds.
It wasn’t like this was the first time Jesse had separated Alex’s shoulder so he’s used to the pain.  In the past, they’d always put it back in at home, but this time Jesse couldn’t get it to pop back into place.  He kept trying until Alex was throwing up from the pain, and then he finally drove Alex to the emergency room.
“Now Mr. Manes, I need you to step out of the room for a few minutes.”
“Sergeant Manes,” Jesse corrects the doctor.  “And if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to take my son home now.  He’s fine, there’s no reason to keep fussing.”
“Sergeant Manes,” the doctor begins again.  Alex almost smiles because he could hear the eye roll in the doctor’s voice.  “It’s procedure, which I’m sure you understand.  If you’ll just follow me, I can get you started on the discharge paperwork, and you’ll be on your way shortly.”  
Jesse stops in front of Alex on his way out.  “I’ll be right outside, Alex.”
Alex knows he’s pretending to be concerned, making sure the doctor thinks he cares.  He tightens his hand on Alex’s good shoulder enough to hurt.  It’s a warning to remind Alex that Jesse expects Alex to behave as if he’s in the room. Alex nods to let him know he understands.
“Alex,” the nurse directs his attention back to her once Jesse is gone.  “There is someone we’d like you to talk to.  Remember this is a safe space.  It’s ok to tell the truth.”
Sheriff Valenti comes in through a door opposite of where Jesse had left.  He follows the nurse into the corner, away from Alex, but the room is small, and Alex can still hear everything they say.
“He came in with a separated shoulder,”  the nurse begins.
“Alex is from an active family. Four boys, lots of roughhousing,” Jim interrupts.
“His x-ray showed scar tissue in the joint.  This isn’t the first time this has happened, and we also saw evidence of older untreated injuries.  I’m sure you understand why we’re concerned, Sheriff.” 
“I’ll talk to him.  Alone please.”
“Of course,” the nurse replies before leaving.
Jim walks to the foot of Alex’s bed.  “How are you feeling?
“Fine, sir.”  Alex isn’t lying.  They gave him a shot before they reset his shoulder, and he feels good.  Tired but not in pain.
“You want to tell me what happened, son?”
Alex used to pretend Jim Valenti was his father.  When Jesse really started hurting him, he imagined the Sheriff rescuing him and taking Alex home and promising Alex that he wouldn’t let Jesse hurt him anymore.  Then he’d admit that he was Alex’s real father, that he’d kept it a secret, but he would tell the truth to protect Alex.  He would let Alex live at his house, and Alex and Kyle would be brothers for real.
He would close his eyes and imagine Jesse showing up to take him back, and Jim stopping him.  He would stand in the doorway with his hand on Alex’s shoulder and tell Jesse, “Alex is a Valenti now.  You can’t hurt him anymore.  Don’t ever come back here again or I’ll have to arrest you.”
It’s a stupid dream, Alex knows that, but maybe it’s because Jim called him son that he decides to tell the truth.  “It was my dad,” he says.  “He was mad at me and this was my punishment.”
The Sheriff looks sad for a minute, and Alex thinks this is it - Jim will take him home, and he’ll finally be safe.  Maybe his dad will even go to jail, and he’ll be too afraid to even talk to Alex again.
Then he takes a step back and when he looks at Alex, he’s serious - not like Kyle’s dad, but like when Alex has seen him working.
“Alex, are you sure that’s what happened?  That is a serious accusation, and if you tell me that is what happened, I’ll have to let your father know what you said,” he says it kindly, but Alex knows it’s as much of a threat as Jesse’s shoulder squeeze had been.   “It’s easy to get confused when you are in pain,” the Sheriff continues.   “Maybe you are mixing up the pain you felt when your dad tried to help you with when you were injured.”
“You’re right,” Alex says flatly, the last of his dreams of rescue vanishing.  “I was fooling around with my brothers on the training course, and that’s how I hurt my shoulder.  My dad tried to fix it, and that hurt too.  I must have been confused.”
“That’s what I thought,” Jim sounds proud, and it makes Alex want to cry.  “Thanks for clearing that up.  You’ll be able to go home soon.”
Jim starts to leave, but he turns back to hug Alex carefully.  “You’re strong, Alex,” he whispers. “And nothing lasts forever.  Remember that.”
He does leave then, and Alex gets up to follow him, to ask him why he acts like he cares, but won’t help him, but he hears his father’s voice outside the door.
“What are you doing here, Jim?” Jesse asks.
“The hospital called in a suspicious injury.  You’re lucky I got the call and not one of my deputies.”
“How I discipline my son is no one’s business.  I don’t care what some bleeding heart doctor thinks.”
“I know that, Jesse,” Jim tries to calm him.  “But I can’t always be around to cover for you.”
“I’m not going to coddle him like you do your son.  Alex is a Manes.  He needs to toughen up.  Until he figures that out, he can take whatever punishment he deserves.”
“Just keep him out of the hospital and there won’t be a problem.”
Alex hears Jim walk away, and he’s back on the table, expression blank by the time his father opens the door.
Alex doesn’t see Maria the day after Haley Moore’s party.  His penalty for taking part in Battle of the Bands is a day at his father’s mercy.  Alex cleans out the garage and runs through his father’s training course three times just to prove music doesn’t make him weak.  By the time the sun sets he is sore and exhausted and wants to die, but he’s been uncharacteristically cooperative all day so Jesse doesn’t object when Alex says he wants to shower and go to bed.
Back in his room, he picks up his phone and wonders if he should call Maria.  He knows what happens during ‘seven minutes in heaven’ doesn’t count once you leave the closet, and Maria hadn’t acted any different the rest of the night, but Alex can’t help but think about it.
It felt nice - kissing Maria, letting his hand brush across her chest.  He thinks he could do it again, and Alex never really imagined kissing a girl before.  Maybe if he could kiss Maria, be her boyfriend, his dad would back off.  Jesse doesn’t really like Maria, says she’s from bad stock - a father no one remembers and a mother who acts stranger every year.  But she’s a girl, and if Alex could love her, he wouldn’t be gay, wouldn’t be a sissy disgrace like Jesse says he is.
Alex thinks about it the rest of the night.  He tries to imagine his future with Maria. Maybe they would stay in Roswell together, and they’d still have their band and they could play at the Wild Pony once they were old enough.  Alex never thought much about having a family, but he thinks Maria would be a good mother - the kind who smiled and laughed and made kids feel loved.  He loves Maria, Alex knows that, so if he could learn to be in love with her, he could be happy, and it would be safe.
He’s still thinking about when he meets Maria at the Crashdown the next night to work on a science project.  Maria smiles at him like she always does, but she doesn’t try to hold his hand or anything.  They get their actual work done quickly, but Alex told his dad they had a lot to do so they have plenty of time to just hang out.
“Kate Long stopped by before you got here,” Maria tells him.
“I’m sorry,” Alex wrinkles his nose.  Kate is a bitch and she always gives Maria a hard time.
“Me too.  But she dropped her notebook, and I could see where she was writing ‘Kate Bernhardt’ over and over again.”
“Gross,” Alex and Maria both pretend to gag.
“No offense, Alex, but if we get married, I am not changing my name to Manes,” Maria says casually, almost like a joke.
Alex wrinkles his nose, “I’d rather be a DeLuca.”
“Alex Deluca,” Maria hums around the name as if considering it. “Mom would like that.”
“Yeah?”  Mimi is the closest person to a mother Alex has had in years.  He likes the idea of being her family officially.  “I’ll help you, you know, take care of her.”  Alex doesn’t mean only in this fantasy world where they get married, and he can tell by the way Maria’s expression softens that she understands.
“I know you will.”  She reaches across the table and squeezes his hand.  It’s not romantic but it still feels good.
Flint’s waiting for him when he gets home.  “Didn’t know girls were allowed in your kind of  closet, Alex.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  He tries to shoulder past Flint, but Flint boxes him into the corner of the room.
“Heard you spent seven minutes of heaven with Maria DeLuca.  Didn’t know you had it in you.  She put out?” Flint asks with a leer.
Alex pushes him, hard.  “Don’t talk about Maria like that.”
“Chill out,” Flint rolls his eyes and follows Alex into the bedroom.  “I just never thought I’d get to talk about girls with my sissy little brother.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Alex glares at Flint.
“Then you can shut up and listen and maybe you’ll get it right next time.”  Flint lays back in the bed, crossing his arms under his head.  “First time I did seven minutes in heaven it was with Missy Osborne.  Everyone knows she’s easy so I figured I hit the jackpot.  She let me touch her boobs, under her bra.  And God, I almost shot my load right there.  Walked around hard the rest of the night.”
Flint keeps talking but Alex tunes him out.  It hadn’t felt like that with Maria.  Kissing her felt good and safe, he would do it again, but it wasn’t like that.  Alex wonders if maybe there is something wrong with him after all.
(He feels like that with Michael.  Just brushing their hands together makes Alex’s skin tingle where they touched..  When Michael kisses him for the first time, Alex feels like his whole body is on fire.  That feeling never goes away.)
Alex is walking to the store after his shift at the museum when he sees Maria scrubbing graffiti from the brick outside the Crashdown.
“Need some help?” he asks, taking a sponge from the bucket. 
“Thanks,” Maria looks up and gives him a watery smile.  “Mr. Ortecho says to leave it.  There’ll  just be more tomorrow.  But I can’t.  It’s only been a few weeks, and they just won’t stop.”
Alex nods.  He’s barely seen Maria, seen anyone since the funeral.  But he’s heard about the harassment Mr. Ortecho has been dealing with and it makes him sick.  “Sorry I haven’t been around to help.  My dad’s been on me extra hard.”
“I think all our parents are,” Maria says sadly.  “Mom only lets me come here for a few hours and wants me at home the rest of the time.”
It’s not the same at all with Jesse, but Alex just nods.
“I can’t believe I forgot,” Maria suddenly exclaims.  “I never asked you about museum guy.”
“Museum guy?”
“You sent me this text, ‘On my break I had the best kiss of my life’ and then nothing.  Come on Alex, you can’t leave me hanging.”
If it weren’t for her bloodshot eyes, she’d look like the Maria he’d always known.  He wonders if Maia’s been happy about anything since Rosa died, and he can’t bring himself to tell her that moment led to a different tragedy.  So he tries to remember how he felt when he sent that text, how he felt before his father destroyed it all.
Alex closes his eyes and it is easier than he expected to remember everything about that moment in the museum.  How he’d been afraid Michael was there to tell him off or beat him up, but then Michael kissed him and everything changed.  He knew, finally, who he was, knew there was someone who wanted him as he was.  It was the best moment of his life.
When Alex opens his eyes, Maria gasps as the smile on his face. “It was the most amazing kiss,” he begins.
“How amazing?”  Maria teases.
“So amazing I would stay in Roswell forever if he would just keep kissing me.”
Maria laughs, and it’s a happy sound even if they both know he’s lying.  Alex can’t stay in Roswell - the town will kill him if his father doesn’t do it first.  But it’s nice to imagine a world where Michael is enough to change all that.
“Who is it?” Maria asks.
“I can’t,” Alex’s smile dims.  He already failed Michael by not keeping him a secret, he won’t do it again.  “He’s not out.  I can’t tell you.”
Maria nods.  “But he’s good to you, right?”
“He’s perfect,” and Alex means it.  When it’s just him and Michael, he’s happier than he ever imagined he could be.  He already feels Michael slipping away when they’re apart, and he can’t blame him.  Michael was hurt because of him, because Alex wasn’t careful, because he couldn’t protect him.  
But Alex is clinging to the future he wants for them despite his father’s threats and pressure to enlist.  Michael has a scholarship.  If he gets out of Roswell, Alex can follow him.  He’s been doing research for years, he knows how to hide.  They can change their names so his father can’t find them.  Not the same name, not now, but someday Alex thinks, when he knows they are safe, they can share a name, share a life for real.  One his father can’t take away.
Alex doesn’t tell Maria all that.  Right now they both need to pretend everything is like it was a few weeks ago.  Alex is falling in love, and Rosa’s alive and nothing hurts.
Alex thinks about kissing Michael in the bed of his truck, the sun on their face, Michael’s hair soft in his hands.  He thinks about how carefully Michael always presses his lips against Alex’s until Alex opens his mouth and then it’s like Michael can’t get enough.  He thinks about how Michael’s skin feels under his hands, how he loves to feel the beat of Michael’s heart in his chest.  He thinks about how tightly Michael holds him in sleep like he’s trying to hold Alex in place.  And he thinks about how desperately he wants to stay in Michael’s arms forever.
“He’s perfect,” Alex tells Maria again.  “He makes me happy.”
“He’d better or he’ll have to answer to me,” Maria makes a fist, and they both laugh.  “I’m so happy for you.  You deserve this.”
Alex nods and turns back to the graffiti before Maria can see the way his smile falters.
Alex leans back against the headboard and watches as Forrest starts to get dressed.  He’s enjoying the way Forrest’s briefs stretch across his ass as he stands up to look for his shirt when Forrest sits back on the bed, phone in hand.
“I envy you, getting out of Roswell for a while,” he tells Alex as he reads his message.
Alex is leaving the next morning to track down the remains of Project Shepherd, but told Forrest he was on a long term recruiting assignment.  Forrest had come over with take out and a strip of condoms to ‘see Alex off.’
“Maybe if I’m in one place long enough, you can come visit,” Alex offers.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” Forrest turns to Alex with a smile before going back to typing furiously on his phone.  “I am definitely ready for a change of scenery.”  Forrest tosses the phone on the bed before pulling on his pants.
“Everything ok?” Alex asks, surprised by the bitterness lacing Forrest’s voice.  He’s never really seen him irritated before.
“Sorry, it’s just my uncle scolding me for offending one of his cronies.  He likes to remind me that everything I do reflects on the Long name,” Forrest rolls his eyes.
“What happened?”
“Some guy came up to me at the diner and wanted to know why I hadn’t been at the last few meetings of the Roswell Regiment.  He told me my family had a long standing tradition of standing between Roswell and undesirable elements, and it was time for my generation to step up.”
“Ouch,” Alex commiserated. He knew more than most about the weight of unwanted family legacies.
“I told him I was too busy sucking cock to play cowboys and Indians with the people on the wrong side of history.
Alex laughs because he can hear Forrest saying that.  “Well if they had a meeting in the last hour,” Alex pretends to look at a watch he’s not wearing, “I can vouch for your story.”
“I’m sure he’d appreciate the first hand account.”  Forrest sighs and runs his hand through his hair.  “You’d think between my hair and the general aurora of gay, they would understand that white supremacy and racism aren’t really my thing.  But they think all Longs are the same.”
“Being a Long sounds as bad as being a Manes,” Alex tells him.
“Does that mean you won’t take my name when we get married?”  Forrest asks, all smiles again.
“Absolutely not,” Alex says without even needing to think about it.
Forrest clutches his hands over his heart and gasps dramatically, pretending to be hurt.
It’s cute; Forrest is cute so Alex leans forward and kisses him.  He ignores the twist of wrongness in his stomach at the thought of marrying someone other than Michael.  He knows he and Michael are over for good, but he isn’t ready to start thinking about anyone else with the same seriousness.  
When Forrest kisses him back, Alex moves so he is straddling Forrest’s lap.  “Besides,” he whispers against his lips, “I’m not the marrying type.”
“Oh?” Forrest asks, sliding his hands under Alex’s ass and pulling him closer.  “What type are you?”
Alex bites back his instinctive response of ‘not the type who gets a happy ending.’  Things with Forrest are fun and easy, and Alex wants to keep them that way.  He pushes Forrest onto his back  and tells him, “I guess you’ll just have to find out,” before kissing him again and making sure talking is the last thing on either of their minds.
Michael isn’t the first person he tells or even the second.  Alex doesn’t think anything of it because to him it’s obvious, and it never occurs to him that Michael just won’t know.
He tells Greg when Greg calls to confirm he can’t make the wedding.
“I’m so sorry, Alex.  I have an oral exam and an observation that can’t be rescheduled,” Greg says with obvious regret.
“It’s ok,” Alex reassures him.  He’d love to have Greg there - he’s the only real family Alex has.  But they didn’t really give him any notice.  “If we were planning ahead we would pick a date that works for everyone, but.” Alex trails off, not sure how to articulate the urgency he and Michael feel. Why waiting just isn’t an option.
“I get it, Alex, I really do.  After everything you and Michael have been through, you want to grab your happiness as soon as you can.  I am just so happy for you, for both of you.  And I’ll be back in a few months so you can show me all the pictures, videos, everything.”
“I think Isobel has an Oscar worthy production planned,” Alex laughs.
“I can’t wait,” Greg replies warmly.
“There’s one more thing,” Alex begins hesitantly.  “I’m taking Michael’s name.”
Greg doesn’t respond and the silence stretches out.  Alex hopes Greg doesn’t object.  It won’t change anything, Alex has made his decision.  But he’d like to have Greg’s support.
“Greg?” Alex prompts.
“Alex,” Greg says, voice thick before he clears his throat.  “I’m so proud of you.  I know how hard it’s been for you to let go of all the bullshit Dad shoved down your throat, to forget about the Manes legacy.  I’ve been afraid for a long time that you would never be able to put it behind you.  And now you're marrying the love of your life and starting a whole new life.  I don’t even know what to say.”
“You’re not upset?”  Alex can’t stop himself from asking.
“You’re my brother, Alex. I love you, and I want you to be happy.  That’s it.”
“Thanks,” Alex says, his own throat tight.  He wants to tell Greg he loves him too, but those aren’t words that were ever said in his house.  It’s been hard enough learning to say them to Michael, to stop feeling like it was safer to hold them inside.  But there’s something else he can say that Greg will understand.  “I want that for you too - happiness.  I’m free now, Greg, and I want you to be too.”
Alex stops by Eduardo’s office the next day.  
“What are you doing here,” Eduardo asks when he spots Alex in the doorway.  “Don’t you have a wedding in less than twenty four hours?”
“Kyle wanted a final checkup,” Alex shrugs.
“And?” Eduardo asks, eyes narrowing in concern.
“Clean bill of health,” Alex reassures him.  “And speaking of the wedding, I was hoping I could ask you for a favor.”
“Of course.”
“You know Michael and I have a honeymoon planned,” he begins.
“Yes, a month, I believe,” Eduardo fills in.  “That can be extended if you want more time.”
“I’m learning I’ll always want more time with Michael,” Alex laughs.  “But I think a month away is a good start.  Once we’re married, I want to change my name to Guerin.  I know the process can take time, and I don’t want to wait until we get back from our honeymoon to get started.  I was wondering if there is anything Deep Sky can do to speed things up?”
Eduardo leans back in his chair and smiles.  “Just leave everything to me.”
Alex feels Michael stumble just a bit when he tells him he’ll be signing his checks ‘Alex Guerin” from now on.  He accepts Alex’s explanation without any further questions, and then there’s so much going on - well wishes and goodbyes, Max leaving, finally putting Roswell behind them even if it’s only for a month - that they don’t talk about it again.
Three days into their honeymoon, when they return to their hotel after dinner, the concierge hands them an envelope he says was delivered for them earlier.
The outside just has their room number, no indication of who it’s from.  It’s the right size for weight for pictures.  Alex turns it over in his hands before holding it out to Michael.
“Maybe Isobel dropped off wedding pictures,” Michael speculates, coming to the same conclusion, when holding it up to the light doesn’t yield anymore information.
“I doubt Isobel drove six hours to drop off wedding pictures.”
“Only one way to find out,” Michael shrugs and hands the envelope back to Alex.
Alex sits at the small table in what passes for a dining area in their suite and waits for Michael to join him before he opens it.  He pulls out the contents and lets out a small gasp.  Alex holds his driver’s license, now labeled ‘Alex Guerin” in his hands, lets his updated passport and credit cards fall to the table.
Michael leans closer to see what he’s holding.  “That was fast,” he comments, picking up and skimming the note Eduardo left. He congratulates them again and lets Alex know the rest of his updated documents - employee ID, bank accounts, social security card - are locked in the safe in his office.
Alex’s hands shake as he stares at the ID.  He doesn’t realize he’s crying until Michael wipes a tear from his cheek.
“Hey, we can change it back,” he tells Alex, looking at him with concern.  “It’s ok if you changed your mind.”  Michael leaves his chair and turns Alex away from the table so he can crouch in front of him.
“No,” Alex pulls Michael up and kisses him.  “No,” he repeats,finally dropping the license so he can cradle Michael’s face in his hands and kiss him again. He hopes Michael can feel his happiness, his joy because he finds himself fumbling for words to explain what it means to see his name in writing.
“I want to rent a car,” he says when Michael pulls back and goes back to his own chair, holding Alex’s hands in his.
“What?” Michael asks, concern returning to his face.  “I know the truck’s old, but she’ll get us where we need to go.”
“No, I mean,” Alex shakes his head, frustrated with himself for communicating so poorly.  “Sorry, it was just the first thing I thought of that would require an ID.  I want to show off my new name.”
“Proud of it, huh?” Michael laughs, but Alex can hear the underlying hesitation.
“Michael, you have no idea.  I want to tell everyone.  I wish I was young enough to get carded.”
“I’m glad,” Michael says quietly, squeezing Alex’s hands.  “I’m glad it feels good to let that part of your past go.”
“It is, but it’s not just about the past.  When I saw this - saw ‘Alex Guerin’ in writing - I realized it’s less about letting something go than it is about moving forward.  Being a Manes meant something, and no matter how hard I tried, I could never escape it completely,” Alex takes a breath, relieved to feel that burden gone.  “But I’m not Alex Manes anymore.  I’m Alex Guerin, and I get to decide what that means.  That’s what I care about, who I am now, learning how to be your husband, building our life together.”  He pulled Michael’s left hand to his mouth and kissed his wedding ring.
Michael picks up Alex’s discarded license and studies.  He strokes his thumb over the picture before setting it down.  “I never cared about my name.  It wasn’t mine, it was just something they gave me because they had to.  I can’t tell you what it means or if there are Guerin family traditions, and even if there are, it wouldn’t matter because they aren’t mine.  Funny isn’t it, your name came with the worst family baggage imaginable and mine came with nothing, and we both suffered for it.”
“Michael,” Alex says helplessly, seeing the tears in Michael’s eyes. He reaches for him - to offer comfort, to fix what can’t be fixed - he doesn’t know.  “Your name means something, it had a history that you gave it - omelet breakfasts and secret lairs and music and undying devotion.”
“I’m not upset, Alex,” Michael leans back and tangles their feet together.  “I’m just so,” his eyes drift back to the table, covered in documents bearing the name ‘Alex Guerin.’  He turns back to Alex, and while the tears are still there, his smile outshines them.  “Thank you for wanting to share my name, for making it ours, for wanting to start traditions with me that we can share with our family one day - however that looks.”
Alex shakes his head, too overwhelmed to speak.
“And I promise we can rent cars and join every gym and grocery store and casino membership plan we can find just so we can show off our name.  But first I want to take my husband to bed and make love to him.”
Michael stands up and holds out his hand to Alex.  He lets Michael pull him up, then walks toward the bed unbuttoning his shirt as he goes.  “I love you, Michael Guerin,” he says as Michael pushes him onto bed and begins to undo his pants.
Michael’s answering smile is both wicked and sweet.  “I love you, too, Alex Guerin.”
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abeinginsand · 1 year
Scary has four memories involving her stepdad's old mirror. Out of the four, she's only looked at her reflection once. --- Parts: Prologue (Ron & TJ), Memory 1 (here), Memory 2, Memory 3, Memory 4 --- The first time is moving day. It was the worst day of the year because it officially meant that she and her mom weren't living alone anymore. Terry was carving a place for himself here and her mom was smiling more than she had in years. Scary was frowning the most she had in years.
After an hour of sitting on the couch and playing on her phone, she begrudgingly helped carry his boxes in to their house. Not because she wanted to help him or anything! Its just...he made a super dramatic sound like some wimpy cartoon character at one point. A pile of three boxes tumbling out of his hands and onto the floor. Loud enough for Scary to hear over the music blasting in her ear buds. It looked like he tripped over something and her mom was taking important phone calls in her office. So it was just the two of them downstairs and it would be....annoying if he hurt himself (or whatever). Scary sighed heavily, pushed herself off the couch, and walked over to him. Terry was already getting back up by the time she reached the mess of boxes. They both stare at each other once he realizes she's there. Terry breaks the silence first with a "Oh! hey sweetheart--I mean er um--Scary, you okay? Did you need help with something?" She furrowed her eyebrows and bent down, snatching two of the smaller boxes off the floor. When she stands up, Scary replies, "I don't know, Terry, seems to me that you're the one who needs help." Scary hadn't meant to say it like that but maybe if she adds in a glare he'll be convinced. Except all he does is rub the back of his own neck, smile, and thank her for the help. She doesn't get why he always seems so happy to talk to her... But at least for now, she doesn't have to think about the why. Unlike her mom, Terry says its cool if she plays her music out loud. So the two spend a few hours bringing the rest of the stuff in with her fav songs surrounding them. The last item that they end up carrying together is a floor length mirror. Mom's done with her work stuff so she's helping with it too. It seems well taken care of, so its easy to make out the strange engraving on the top of the mirror's frame: Stud. Sometimes, while they were bringing stuff in that day--Terry would talk about the items in each box. About worn soccer balls and costumes from his favorite productions. School yearbooks and a few books his own mom wrote. Pressed flower bookmarks, various posters, scrap books, family photos, and Pokémon card collections.. That's why Scary remembers so clearly that he got quiet when they brought the big mirror in. ----- Parts: Prologue (Ron & TJ), Memory 1 (here), Memory 2, Memory 3, Memory 4
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 year
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Ask and ye shall receive:
Ok first off, I’m gonna try to keep this somewhat short since I have WAY too many of these uh…
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Literally longer than my longfic rn 🫠. And this is discounting ones just floating elsewhere (and about 99% (heh. ow.) of it is angst) so I’m just gonna pick three happier headcanons for the Batch. Which are still very, very long 😅
1. Cooking
Tech cannot cook. He reads the recipe, he will follow it to the T, but for reasons he can absolutely never understand (substituting ingredients for things that would work in theory but very much so do not), what he ends up with is dubious at best and dangerous at worst. (Never let Tech near a microwave. Ever. He will get ideas)
Hunter thinks he can cook. He knows how to make packaged meals and simple stuff like that, but he cannot cook. Omega would absolutely never ask him to cook because no one wants the space equivalent of a plain baloney sandwich for every meal of the day.
Wrecker can cook, he just doesn’t like to. You’re telling me I have to spend two hours putting these ingredients together for a meal when I could just eat them as is? He doesn’t see the point of making sides or extra stuff instead of just making the food edible as soon as possible. (Not to say that he doesn’t like all the extra stuff, he just would pretty much never spend the time to make it himself)
Crosshair could cook. If he wanted to. He does not.
And ofc Echo can cook, his very first shore leave he went out to buy cooking tools and sat with Tech to modify them into scomp attachments. He learned since he’s always been a picky eater and just liked something other than ration bars most of the time. But also since he’s a picky eater, a lot of the times he’ll cook for the batch and make something completely separate for himself. And maybe for Omega. Cause she wanted space mac n cheese too. (am i projecting here MAYBE MAYBE LISTEN— i could go on abt my autistic/picky eater echo headcanons (100% self-inserts) all day but that’s for another post lol)
2. Sleeping
Tech sleeps like a cartoon character, ass directly in the air with his pillow all fluffed under his head.
Wrecker sleeps completely starfished on his back snoring louder than one would think possible.
Crosshair sleeps like the dead, arms directly at his sides and he wakes up the exact same way, just opening his eyes and slowly levering up to sitting like a mummy or something.
Hunter sleeps like a normal person (lol), but he has big sound canceling headphones since his senses would never let him sleep with Wreckers snoring.
Echo doesn’t like sleeping, but when he does, he sleeps curled as tightly as possible with his back to the wall. Eventually the batch get him a weighted blanket and Tech makes him a heated mattress, but he still never likes sleeping :)
3. Swearing (once Omega is with them):
Tech isn’t usually one to swear anyway, so it’s not difficult for him to just not when Omega is around.
Wrecker would make up fun replacements like cheese and crackers or H E double hockey sticks-type things.
Hunter would try his best, but he would get like halfway through before he changes it like “Holy shiiiiiiiitaké” yknow?
I’m a bit undecided on Crosshair, he would either act all cold and tough but absolutely never swear around Omega and flick toothpicks at whoever accidentally does, or he just wouldn’t care. Fully like “Fuck you, dipshit,” and Hunter would just glare at him until Cross fixes himself like “Sorry, sorry, I meant asshole.”
And Echo would be the one enforcing the rule. He’s the one glaring at Hunter when he accidentally slips up and starts to swear, he would cover Omegas ears when there’s people at Cid’s, he’s just the mom.
However. He’s an arc trooper. He was in Anakin’s battalion, he’s Fives’ twin, and he straight up says “What the hell,” within the first few minutes we meet him. Omega knows more curse words than the average pirate, but she has no idea that’s what they are because every time Echo swears around her, it goes like this:
Echo: *long string of botched mando’a swears*
Omega: *repeats them*? What’s that mean?
Echo (immediately blushing and freaking out): Nothing, nothing! It’s super boring, it just means… uh…….. socks…
And Omega would never know until she repeats it to one of the others and they all just turn to glare at Echo as he desperately tries to melt into the floor.
And lastly, bonus from the dredges of my notes app:
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I have SO many more but I’m gonna stop myself there 😅 And uh, while I was scrolling through my notes I found a TON of stuff I just?? Never posted?? So idk, I’m thinking of doing like a weekly headcanon/wip/notes-app-whatever post just to put them out there or something, idk. (Should I?)
Gonna tag @gentle-hero-blog @phis-writing and @jealous-sloth77 since y’all wanted this lol
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That was quick lol & pretty good answers too :)
1: I forgot if you answer this already but for a animated series or movie, what type of style would you like for the duo? An anime style, modern cartoon, into the spider-verse style, a 3D type of animation similar to the battle of the supersons movie?
2: for the duo, which parent is the favorite? I can see both being mommas boys & liking Lois & starfire more
3: what’s the saddest movie they ever saw?
4: you probably answer this in a previous post but what type of angst did the boys experience? I can see Chris seeing a normal family & experience angst that why couldn’t Zod & his bio mom show the same type of love to him.
5: since they love to wrestle, is there a custom made wrestling ring at their base? It would be pretty cool & fun if they use like tables to slam each other through since they are super durable lol
6: speaking of wrestling, do you know the wrestler rikishi? If yes what’s their reaction to his signature move the stinkface where he rubs his butt all over your face while the opponent is laying on the bottom turnbuckle?
Thanks so much @gothicghost2000 I really appreciate your support and ideas for this silly little superhero fantasy writing experiment that’s been going on for about a year by now. You bring up valid and helpful points to what exactly these two are like together in a version of the DCU that as of now sadly, we can only dream off. It’s small scale admittedly
Now into the questions themselves ;-)
1. Easily a 2D animated show utilizing either traditional cel techniques or even the digital Toon Boom, done with an anime-esque design and aesthetic akin to Teen Titans Animated (2003 to 2006) and the classic Ben 10 (2005 to 2008). Will it be time consuming and relatively costly in the long run, I say maybe but I say it fits well with a TV show format as akin to its 3D cousin, 2D animation can look real pretty to look at and allow for a variety of tones, coloring for backgrounds along with other such techniques to set the mood for the characters, actions and other vibrant motions on screen. Plus I just like 2D over 3D in general anyways lol
2. For Chris, while it’s a very close call, Mom Lois still remains his favorite of the two if only by the thinnest of margins. Ironic, considering that like in canon, when he first appeared after landing in Earth, her uncertain behavior and her comments about what to do with him left him am impression that she didn’t like him. Thankfully, those feelings on Chris’ end were put to rest once she did take him in at first as a foster child and later fully adopted, showing she does love him.
Now for Jake, it’s really all too obvious and yes in the end of the day, you’d be correct my friend lol While Mar’i is a Daddy’s Girl, Jake is even by his own admission a Momma’s Boy. There’s irony here toon canonically as we seen in New Order, because of Kory making the reluctant choice to leave the Grayson household to reform the Titans as a resistance movement against Dick’s Crusaders, Jake by the time of the storyline had gotten rather cold to her, to the point of addressing her by her first name. Thankfully they all reconciled once superpowers were restored to the world thanks to Jake’s powers and Luthor’s scheme.
3. If they stick to their wheelhouse of films meant for their age range or at least something that doesn’t make Dick flip out, it’ll be Kubo and the Two Strings
As for films outside said wheelhouse and most likely the ones they sneak in….. it’ll be both Schindler’s List and The Green Mile. Either case, they’d remain relatively stunned into utter silence with haunted eyes before switching everything off. After a minute passes though….well remember that scene from Rick and Morty in the car after a harrowing time of their own? Picture that, just with Chris screaming “Fudge” instead but more or less generally the idea.
4. Chris mainly suffers from anxiety and C-PTSD as brought about due to Zod’s harsh treatment of him which while only for the first years of his life are nonetheless memorable for all the wrong reasons. He fears rejection from the Family he stays but more so being at fault for pain and misery he brings to others with his actions, that can result in said abandonment and rejection. He strives on being the best to protect others from suffering like how his Father Clark protect him from such, his heart crushed every time he fails to save someone close to him or otherwise.
Meanwhile, Jake aches in his heart for the losses his parents had to endure and the fear of his family and friends in turn suffering either an untimely end or a fate worse than that, and all Jake can do is watch helplessly to stop it. This drive to protect those he cares about and making sure they’re safe also extends to the citizens of the city he protects, the planet half of his heritage hails from and as of his time through middle school….Meredith, the crush of his life, though he’d just say the two of them are just good friends, Meredith similarly saying that. On top of that, he’s haunted by the sight of some street urchins and orphans, with grisly marks and slashes across their bodies, victims of Zsasz, victims he feels guilt y of failing to save no matter how much he knew about it beforehand or not.
Finally though, all these factors are wrapped up by the neat bow that is living up to the legacy of the Boy Wonder and what it stands for many. While his Uncle Tim(my) rightfully has the colors, Jake shares his vision to make sure whoever his partner, his friend, his ‘Batman’ ether it be his Father, his Best Friends or even Bruce himself on some occasions, don’t slip down into a dark bleak spiral that is their mindscapes, not if either Robin or in Jake’s case Skybird can help it.
After all, any crime fighter needs a partner, every ‘Batman’ needs a ‘Robin’, no matter what they think.
5. Oh Yes they will be a customized wrestling ring in the StarCave/Fortress of Fortitude as part of their training room. It has alternating black and blue ring ropes with solid dark purple turnbuckles, made of classic 15 x 15 ft long wood planks on top of a steel frame with a solid yet not too thick layer of foam covered by a cloth mat canvas, at the center of it being their logo. Jokingly, Chris once even suggested the idea of making Wrestling Championship belts for themselves and their friends though Jake notes that YJ already has some for their little wrestling ring back at their Mt Justice HQ. He might need to ask permission first if it’s okay with them to basically copy what they’re doing
6. Both Chris and Jake cringe and shield each other’s eyes almost every time Rikishi does a stink face. They get its charm and ability to whip up a crowd with excitement, it’s just nasty for them though.
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smootbrainchicken · 7 months
Without me
Part 1
I can see it even now, the road under him, cars rushing around trying to get home, the streetlight on his face, his hair falling in halos around his head, the bliss of the moment.
Don’t do it please. Just stay put. Please. Don’t trust it.
I can beg all that I want but the ending always stays the same.
Oh why did you have to be without me?
September 2, 2024
Monday morning, the first day of junior year, I genuinely never thought I would get here after the crap I went through last year. During the last week of school last year I made a choice to leave my friend group, it was a big deal at the time because believe it or not I was part of the “popular” girls so when I left my, now best friend Daniela Jenkins or Danni, went with me. Obviously the whole school was up in our space trying to figure out what the hell happened for the cool kids to lose two members, and honestly it’s not that deep, those people are shallow, only care about how they look in others eyes, pretty, sexy, sassy, funny, girly, helpless, you get the point.
Danni and I were not informed of some major switches in our group because apparently we weren’t fitting “the ideal look” of the group, so we left. I remember exactly what I said to the “leader” of the group Allison.
“Look, I'm not interested in being one of your puppets that you drag along until you need me. If you don’t like me and don’t want to be my friend that’s fine but don’t make up stupid excuses like “i don’t fit the look” honestly nobody actually likes you they’re just scared of you, and how you will make their life hell if they stopped following you around.”
It might have been a little harsh, but she needed to hear it and the rest of the group needed to know it was okay to not fall in line behind her meaninglessly. She was also dating the boy I had the fattest crush on, so I might have been a little unnecessarily mean, but that doesn’t really matter anymore because they broke up over summer and I took my chance. That makes me seem shallow. I didn't just swoop in while he was hurting and ask him out because he was finally free of that brat of a girlfriend he had, I'm not that girl. Instead i waited 3 weeks then asked if he wanted to go to a small get together, a party, with me. Theo and I have been neighbors for our whole lives, so it’s not that strange that I would talk to him outside of school hallways. He said yes to me and one thing led to another and we were hanging out all the time, at least twice a week over the summer.
Me being me I knew that i couldn’t just go up and date him, not after the stunt i pulled with Allison at school. They aren’t dating anymore but he has been accepted into the male side of that friend group so he is still… salty, I guess about her. By the end of August I thought I had made great progress with him and was finally ready to ask him out on a date, when he totally friend-zoned me. He told me that I was his best friend and he is glad we started talking again after drifting apart in 8th, 9th, and 10th grade. Great, I’ve been best friended, exactly not what I wanted, but we will make it work. For the sake of my little middle school self and her crush on Theo I can't screw this up.
I am in my little black sports car my mom bought for me last christmas for all of 30 seconds before I remember that I forgot to grab my lunch off of the counter. Everyday for the past 11 years my mom has reminded me to grab my lunch before school while she watches the cartoon reruns on the TV, not anymore because half way through summer my parents decided to be selfish and cheat on eachother. And I do mean each other, they accidentally booked the same hotel for the same night with their side pieces, they ran into each other there and when I got home the next day I was told they are getting divorced. After it was finalized rather than go to court about it they just said i would live in the house with whomever stays there, that ended up being my dad, it’s not like I’m mad about it i love my dad but mom and i had a rhythm and now she just buys me stuff like that’s parenting.
I ran into the house and got my lunch bag then ran back out to my car. Danni got into a wreck last month so her car is totaled and i've been picking her up a lot ever since, so naturally i have to pick her up from school today too. I'm about to pull out of the driveway when I see Theo waving and jogging towards me. I roll down the window to say hi but he gets over to me faster and opens up the passenger door.
“I'm so sorry to ask but would you mind taking me to school today? Mom’s car won’t start so she took mine and dad already left for work-” he’s talking super fast as if he’s scared i'll say no to him. Except he doesn’t know that I can't say no to him, not when he bats his pretty gray eyes at me, and has his pink lips parted ever so slightly cause he ran over here.
“No, of course I'll take you. Just hop in, we have to pick up Danni so i’ve got to go now though” oh no, i agreed to quickly. Maybe he won’t notice it or maybe he will just not read into it too far.
He face relaxes as soon as the words left my mouth, “You are a lifesaver seriously I owe you Lyd,”
“I'll hold you to that” I laughed at him, “but for real i need to go so in or out?”
“In. I'm in, don’t want you to be late. Lydia May Vandyke, ms. perfect, never missed a class or been late in her whole school career.” he teases.
I scoff as I pull out of the driveway and drive towards Danni’s house, “Oh you know that’s not true, I got chicken pox in 5th grade and missed a whole week of school. We went on a field trip to the aquarium and I cried because I had to miss it so you brought me back a stuffed shark to make me feel better.”
“Oh yeah that’s right and everyone at school kept asking if you were my girlfriend and if you were dying.” he laughs softly at the memory.
The rest of the ride to Danni's is mainly in silence, but not the suffocating kind; it was a soft comfortable silence, like old friends just enjoying each other's presence after being across the ocean from each other. When she gets into the car she looks at me and raises her eyebrows, a clear sign of confusion and questioning. I shake my head towards her hoping she will drop it for now so I can explain the situation to her without the main subject in the room with us. Danni is the type of person to be quiet around people she’s not super close with, so the ride to school consists of me talking to them individually rather than a group conversation until the topic of Allison is brought up.
Theo is finally at the point where we can talk about Allison and he talks about all the shit she put him through rather than how much he misses her and how he wishes she had given more signs before ending it with him, but when Danni brings up the fact that we have nowhere to sit because we are not friends with her anymore and he gets visibly tense. Danni sees it and gets an idea.
“So…? Are you going to sit with the B.I.O.T.C.H. today?” she asks in an accusatory tone.
Theo spins around in his seat to look at her as soon as the words have left her mouth, “Who is the biotch?”
Danni laughs and says, “Oh that’s Allison.”
“B.I.O.T.C.H. is an acronym, Beast of burden, Inbred, Oxygen thief, Twitter feminist, Coffee slurper, Hypocrite." I explained, inserting myself into their conversation.
“Well jeez you guys, that's a little harsh. And though it doesn’t matter, yes I was planning on sitting with my friends today,” I can’t quite tell if he’s offended over the way we talk about her or if he’s just not putting up with our bullshit.
“Don’t get snappy, I was just asking” Danni raises her hands in mock surrender.
He hangs his head is small defeat, “I know, it’s just been a long day”
I turn into the school parking lot, “It’s not even 8 o'clock hun”
He mimics me in a silly voice, “I’m aware of the time Lydia”
“Ok, ok” I laughed softly, “Keep your eyes peeled people, we need to get a good parking spot.
This is part one of hopefully many, please let me know what you think it would be greatly appreciated. Bye lovelies <3
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sexybeee · 2 years
Only Murders in the Building is the best show ever!!!! I finished season 2 like four days ago (i watched it w/ my sister) and i rebinged season 1 in these past 2 days. There are just so many things I love about that show. Here comes the rant.
Like, in season 1, I love how we really get to know the characters. We not only learn who they are and basic info, we go sort of deep into their backstory while being able to remain perfectly in the present. With Oliver, we learned about his many, many, failed performances, his bad relationship with his son, his constant need for money, his relationship with Bunny, and the love he holds for Winnie. We learn about his failures and his mistakes and how he tries to make up for them. I also love how we see his past as a director really be incorporated in the podcast.
With Mabel, we learn about Zoe, Oscar, and Tim. Lemme tell you, I so need a spinoff mockumentary about those four because they were really well written imo. We get to see her mom, we dive into her relationship with Oscar, and how she was connected to Tim Kono. We see her past rise up as she solves the case.
With Charles, it's mostly Jan. Yet, I love how there's the scene where his neighbor is like "I can smell your omelets; they remind me of Lucy". And when Charles fesses up to Jan about his past dating life, it's so real. And the cartoon images that he sees are such a great way to incorporate his past without trying to force it.
Most importantly, I love how the characters' pasts aren't revealed in one overly dramatic scene. Yes, we may see a lot of someone's past in an episode, but later on more is revealed and explained really well. The writers aren't trying to make the characters be like "im sorry for lashing out at you yesterday, it's just that my mom died 20 years ago and blah blah blah". Like Katara in all of ATLA. Instead, we see the past spread out in a really well balanced way. Mabel's connections with Tim and Zoe are really naturally brought out. And so is Oliver's with Will and the faint glimpses of Charles' with Lucy. (Also, I really love how he makes the omelets for Lucy everyday) Everything is so naturally brought it out in OMITB, it's truly one of the best shows ever written/directed. Huge props to Steve Martin and John Hoffman.
Now, onto season 2. (Warning: SPOILERS)
The finale was so epic. I totally believed Alice mvrd3r3d Bunny and that she stabbed Charles. I was literally in tears for the whole scene. It was a really well written plot, because I didn't expect anything that happened. And, the backstories were expanded even more.
Also, season 2 seemed to be more centered on Mabel, but I love how it still majorly included Oliver and Charles. We dive deep into why Mabel forgets every dramatic thing that happens in her life, and why she flips over the puzzle. I really love her relationship with Alice. It's a strangers to friends to lovers relationship with so many ups and downs. I love how they managed to work together in the end, though. And I love how really go deeper into Will and Oliver's relationship. The whole DNA tests and the "tells" is so well written. I really love Oliver's involvement with the Son of Sam game. Finally, there's Charles and Lucy. I love how Lucy perfectly tied into the whole story. Her being there wasn't really forced or anything. I also love her relationship with Charles. It's really really reminding me of my relationship with my grandpa- especially because they both look alike.
I just really really love OMITB and I'm super excited for season 3 to come out! I even have some predictions. Like, Charles is gonna be blamed for Ben's sudden death like Mabel was framed for Bunny's demise. It makes sense because Charles was the last person to see Ben alive just like Mabel w/ Bunny. IDK, it's just a feeling. I'm hoping we get to see what Charles was upset about, too. He was mad, and if he and Ben were fighting a lot, then he could get accused like Oscar was. I'm also hoping Charles gets another almost fatal injury, like in previous seasons, because (and ik it sounds weird), Steve Martin always makes it really suspenseful and hilarious.
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wafflesinthe504 · 2 years
Bringing in the New Year
Fluff Monthly prompt: January
Rating: T
Warnings: there is a bar fight between two random npc
Fandom: Leverage
“3…2…1! Happy New Year!” Harry yells along with the rest of the crew and French Quarter. Fireworks ring out and light up the night sky in an array of colors. A bittersweet smile blooms over Harry’s face as catches he Hardison and Parker along with many other couples kiss to bring in the New Year. He can’t help but think about how just a year ago he would have spent this moment with his wife, cherishing a kiss.
Harry is knocked out of his reverie as he stares at the firework show when Sophie nudges  his side offering him a beer, one of many from tonight.
“Thanks,” Harry says as he accepts the beer. “ I thought I list you there for a moment.”
Even though the team had all gone out together for New Year’s Eve to help support one of Eliot’s friends arcade bar they ended up breaking into groups as the night went on with a plan to meet up at the car around two am. Eliot had gone to help his friend deal with customers while Parker and Hardison had gone to the back of the bar to play the arcade games that were lined up. For a while Breanna had gone over to the arcade as well but the last time Harry saw her, she was sitting at the bar watching the numerous New Year’s Eve celebrations happening around the world.
 Harry was almost roped into helping out behind the bar as well but Sophie had stolen him away to join her in listening to the jazz band playing outside the bar.
“I ran into Breanna, who by the way is pretty hammered. She started talking about all the things she already wants to do this year and then she went on some side tangent about CES and Comic-Con and whatever else she could think of.”
“Sounds like it was quite the conversation.” Harry says amused.
“Oh, trust me it was. The only reason why I’m here now is because Breanna got distracted by a pretty woman who overheard her talking about some Disney cartoon and they ended up chatting away like I wasn’t even there.”
“I think the show must have been Owl House. She’s talked to me about it quite a bit recently. My daughter has talked to me about in- depth. Something tells me they might get along very well if they ever got the chance to meet.”
“How is your daughter by the way? Have you wished her a Happy New Year yet?”
“She’s doing good. Doing the best she can school wise and even managed to score an internship. Her and her mom decided to go visit New York for New Years so I called them both about an hour ago. They’re both doing well and seemed to be having fun so I tried not to keep them too long.”
“And how are you doing Harry? Are you having fun?”
“Y’know what I actually am having fun. Certainly, more than I thought I was going to have tonight. I won’t lie though it’s a little bit weird spending tonight with my family. But what about you Sophie are you having a good time?”
“As you know this isn’t usually my type of scene, but I am having an excellent time. Breanna was right great food and music along with a firework show does make for a great party.” Sophie pauses, taking a swig of her drink before continuing on. “If I’m being honest after Nate died I didn’t think the holidays would hold the same magic but, I’m glad that I’m wrong. I miss and I always will but being surrounded by family helps.”
A loud crash followed by yelling comes from inside the bar.
“Well, most of the time that is. Come on.” Sophie sighs.
Harry lets himself be pulled along by Sophie until they are inside the bar. Once they get inside the bar the yelling begins to intensify. A quick survey of the room brings in to focus the large crowd gathered in the center of the room. Harry catches a few glimpses of people in the center of drunkenly fighting. He winces and steps back when a chair is thrown across the room.
“Well, I guess that’s one wat to start the New Year.” Harry chuckles.
Harry and Sophie make their way towards the crowd, shoving their way into the inner circle. Inside the circle Harry is able to clearly see Eliot in-between the two drunken patrons who are still brawling. Eliot is trying to pull the guys off of each other, butt Harry can see that he’s struggling. Harry figures its because he doesn’t want to risk hurting either of the guys or the other nearby patrons. He’s about to go help Eliot when he sees Hardison manage his way to the center and help him by grabbing the other brawler and hauling him into a nearby seat. Even though Hardison’s guy goes pretty easily Eliot’s guy tries to wriggle his way out of Eliot’s grasp. Eliot ends up wrapping his arms around the drunken fighter’s arms and waist to keep him from flailing around.
“Alright, that’s it party’s over everyone. You ain’t got to go home but you can’t stay here.” Eliot yells as he continues to struggle with his guy.
Harry flinches when Parker pops up between him and Sophie.
“You guys might want to get out of here asap. Hardison set the sprinkler system to go off in a few minutes as a contingency if the fight continued or another fight broke out. Which means everything’s about to get wet and not the fun kind.” Parker says.
“But they were able to get it under control. It’s done.” Harry says.
“Yeah, and so is Hardison’s phone. It got knocked of his pocket and stepped on when he went to help Eliot.” Parker holds up Hardison’s phone showcasing a completely cracked screen. “As you can se its not really taking input right now. So we should really get going unless you two want to get drenched by the very expensive fire system Eliot had installed in this place.”
Harry follows Sophie and Parker out of the building when Sophies stops abruptly in front of him.
“Wait where’s Breanna?” Sophie asks.
“Oh, I made sure she got out once the fire started. She’s in the truck. I’ll be surprised if she isn’t passed out already. She cannot hold her alcohol, but she didn’t look pukey so I’ll take that as a win.”
When Harry, Sophie and Parker make it back to the truck Parker gets in the driver seat with Sophie climbing into the passenger seat and Harry going to the back. As soon as he opens the entrance to the back  he’s greeted by Breanna passed out in her seat. Harry chuckles and shakes his head. He grabs a blanket and drapes it over her before slipping into a seat of his own.
For a few moments the truck is quiet save the ambient noises that leak in from outside.
Harry is beginning to drift asleep when Sophie pokes her head into the back.
“Hey, we’re going to head back to HQ without Eliot and Hardison. They said they were going to help Eliot’s friend clean up and close up for the night. We’ll probably see them in the morning.”
“Alright, thanks for letting me know.”
“You’re welcome. Get some rest. Looks like the traffic is pretty bad might take us a while to get back.”
As it turns out Sophie isn’t wrong about the traffic. By the time they get back to HQ its nearly three am.
Harry drags himself out of the truck still bleary eyed from the nap he took. He can tell the others are just as exhausted as him as they stumble over their feet and barely miss hitting the door as they walk in.
Harry says good night to Parker and Breanna as they make their way to the respective bedrooms. For a spilt second Harry considers calling a lyft to take him home, but decides against it when all of the words on his phone looks like a blurry mess and the amount of traffic still on the road. Instead he grabs a spare blanket from the closet before heading to the couch when he sees Sophie has already beat him to it. Harry laughs to himself as he plops down on the armchair kicking his legs up on an ottoman.
As Harry fell asleep he felt an appreciation for the past year and excited anticipation for the year ahead. 
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br4inr0tx · 1 year
Hey darling! Match-up for Hazbin Hotel and The Arcana, please? 💕 I am a woman, INFP, 5'3", mid size, olive skin, brown eyes, medium wavy brown hair, bisexual. I'm aroflux, which means I experience variations in my romantic attraction. I mostly don't sense it, but if I actually end up getting a crush, I'll feel like I've been ran over by 100 unicorns. I'm a very friendly introvert. I am bubbly around my close friends, always super affectionate and supportive, however, going out and seeing people (even if pleasant) makes me run out of battery and I value my recharge/private time and personal space a lot. I like being alone often and enjoying my own company in peace. I am very sensitive, I love animals and feel empathy for all creatures, that's why I am strongly against killing bugs and other little ones when it can be avoided (I just put them outside, plus I find spiders adorable and I like letting them crawl on my arm). I get along with animals because I am very respectful towards them, and I've ridden horses for a while. I am a vegetarian who's trying to go vegan, and I enjoy cooking homemade meals. I dislike foods like McDonald's (no shame to whoever likes it tho!), and when I go outside to eat with my non-veg friends I sometimes bring something from home because I am scared there may not be food for me. I have a sweet tooth and I love cake, muffins, sweets pretty much (I am a weakling, give me a cupcake and I'll do anything you ask me), while I dislike bitter things. I do have pets, cats specifically, and I am NOT being dramatic when I say I'd die for them. I am fascinated by the macabre and a horror lover, both books and movies, and I can pretty much stand the sight of anything in films, but when I see flesh in the supermarket I cringe, and I am also terrified of the dark and never sleep without a little light on (how ironic). I enjoy dressing with stuff such as ribbons, hairpins with cute animals, colorful baggy shirts with cartoon characters etc., but I alternate this with sophisticated, more mature/vintage looks as well. My dream is to become a theatre actress, that's why I'm in a theatre academy! I am training in singing and coreographies, too (I am not very good because I just started tho🥲). I love acting because it makes me exorcise my strongest emotions, I am a very expressive person and I often feel like my energy needs to come out in spikes. [1/2, sending another ask with the rest because Tumblr still puts the 500 word limit on me!]
Fello theater kid I see? 🤝🖤
warning: dead animal/bug mention
your Hazbin Hotel matchup is.. Charlie Morningstar !!
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• I have a very good felling you’d get along with Charlie. She matches your energy a lot in my opinion!
• She’s WAY taller then you. 6’-6’2 I believe. Any demon in hell (aside from imps) would be taller then you if we’re following Viv’s universe.
• The both of you are very friendly, so I’d imagine you’d get along very quick. Just by exchanging names I’d imagine Charlie would consider you a friend.
• Charlie gives enough equal support as you do with her. She doesn’t run on a social battery (as far as we’ve seen.), but understands you do. She leaves you be meanwhile she attends to the hotel.
• Charlie adores animals and bugs! Literally she will cry if she do a dead animal or bug on the road.
• I think she likes to home cook and bake, and would for sure do it with you if you ask!
• Only thing is, she’s not a vegetarian or vegan. I’d assume you respect her decisions, and usually doesn’t eat with you if you have an issue with it. Who knows, maybe you could convince her to go vegan if you if you wish?
• To match her sweet personality, I’d imagine she likes sweets too! Baking is something the two of you often do together.
• The two of you are cat moms! She loves your cats and would also die for them.
• She lives in hell, so I’m sure she’s accustomed to horror. She’s open to discuss it anytime with you.
• She LOVES watching horror movies with you especially!
• Charlie also loves to help you pick cute outfits. She likes to wear baggy and cutesy stuff when she’s not running the hotel or trying to be presentable I imagine, so she gets it.
• She gives massive theater kid energy. Like, have you seen her song? She’d definitely support you full force. She has to run the hotel though, so unfortunately I don’t think she’d be able to audition with you.
• Charlie can be messy and forgetful too, so the both of you can back each other up. (Try bracelet reminders! Those help me!)
• Charlie finds dad jokes funny. I will fight people on that.
• She doesn’t stand for bullying! It’s against the hotel too! She gets the same amount of rage when she sees someone hurt as you. Seriously, the two of you would be like two angry mothers defending their kid.
• For me, Charlie does acts of service without even realizing it. She does things for you without thinking just because she loves you.
• She does occasionally use pet names like "love" and "hun".
• She always asks permission before touching you. It’s a common thing for her, as she respects everyone’s boundaries and is a genuine therapist for everyone that needs it.
• I imagine she listens to the same stuff as you, maybe minus rock and metal. Not to say she isn’t open to it, it’s just not her thing.
• She loves to indulge in your hobbies! Even if she’s not good at them. Art for example; she likes to color though! She’s an amazing colorist imo.
• She’s a good balance for you. She treats you as an equal, and sees your opinions from your shoes. She hopes you’d do the same.
• Charlie is very good with kids, so she can quickly deal with them and get them out of your hair. That being said, I don’t think she’d necessarily want kids.
• Your runner ups would be Vaggie and Alastor!
• Overall, Charlie is the best match for you! Her spunky attitude will get you out of any funk your in, but as well motivate you. She understands your boundaries as on sad days she needs them too! Charlie gets you, and she hopes you get her too.
your Arcana matchup is.. Nadia Satrinava !!
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• Nadia is the one for you! Portia was a close runner up, but I ultimately decided on the flip of a coin because I literally couldn’t decide. I can always type something out for Portia if you’re interested in her!
• She is also quite a bit taller then you. She doesn’t talk about it though.
• Nadia is a smooth talker, though I’d imagine she also has a social battery and appreciates her alone time much like you do.
• I believe Lucio’s dogs are still in the mansion? They aren’t easy to befriend, but who knows? You might be able to, but be careful. I don’t really remember since it’s been years since I REALLY touch Arcana, but I think the two dogs enjoy or tolerate her presence. In that case, they might be okay with you.
• She often prepares the best food for you, whatever you crave or desire. She’s not the best at cooking, and often leaves it for her servants, but she’d adore it if you taught her.
• Fancy for sweets? She’ll feed you all the sweets in the world! Most likely you’d need to be the one to tell her to stop.
• She takes interest in dark subjects sometimes, especially when it’s something she’s interested in. She’s always open to talk about them, as she loves making conversation.
• As for theater, she doesn’t know much about it but attends to all of your shows your casted in, making sure to get the best seats in the house every time.
• Nadia would love to learn more languages, and she’d ask you to teach her in your spare time.
• She’s very patient when it comes to knowing you, knowing sometimes you just can’t help but get distracted. She might tease you a little in a playful way, but she always means well.
• She enjoys listening to you ramble. As I mentioned she loves any sort of chit-chat. I think because it gets her mind off of the stresses of royal life.
• She finds your jokes funny. Seeing you happy makes her happy, even if she doesn’t find your jokes particularly funny.
• Her main love language is acts of service, and she does so much for you it’s unreal.
• She provide lots of beautiful cutesy loose-fitting gowns and just as you seem to live. Of course if you’d prefer to wear something other then a gown, that’s on the table as well.
• If you want cuddles, she’s quick to go in for them. At first she’s a little stand-offish I feel, but with your encouragement she excepts it wholeheartedly.
• She enjoys when you paper her back, and it always manages to get her to blush like crazy. She finds it extremely adorable (and slightly unexpected? But that’s just because she can be pessimistic, not because she thinks you don’t love her at all or she thinks lowly of you.). Also, always expect her to pamper you back twice as much afterward.
• She doesn’t seem like the type to want children? Even if she did, she’d always rely on your judgement first.
• You and Nadia would make a good and supporting couple. There would be a little competition on who would love the other more, but I think you both know it’s the same.
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Still haven’t been able to start chapter 10 of Engage yet 😔 Life just doesn’t want me playing this game. Well, screw you too life!
Anyways until I get the time to continue I can at least give you my thoughts from the chapters I did play!
The opening is so entertaining! It plays like a Saturday morning cartoon opening and that is NOT a complaint! While I have said many times male Alear is the one I’m more fond of I chose female Alear because whenever I do first runs/main runs of games that allow gender choice for the player I always go with the female option. I also named Alear after my real life name, which I typically only do once I do my main/true run of a game. But this time around I decided I’m gonna have my true run Alear stay named Alear. But my true run won’t be until all the DLC is released. Right now we’re talking about my first run!
Prologue: What is this music so unsettling for????? Seriously, the song that plays on this map is so creepy! The little cutscenes within the chapter itself were pretty, I especially liked the first engage moment with Marth! Straightforward map against creepy purple dragon guy.
Chapter 1: Clanne, Framme, and Vander: “Oh noble and wonderful Divine One, we’re so glad you’re awake!” Alear, dragon who just woke up: ???????? Alear has the appropriate response to sudden zombies, we run from those suckers! But no worry folks, I’ve got years of zombie ass kicking experience from a land called Ylisse, this won’t be any sweat! But then I learned it would be some sweat because Engage has a somewhat different way of handling battle stuff. It was a bit hard to get it started but it’s fun! And Vander was here to do his job and keep my low level self alive. And we get officially introduced to my man Mar Mar! The chapter ends with us meeting Lumera (MOM!!!!!!!!)
Chapter 2: What better way to get used to all the new mechanics than by fighting our dragon mom? When she engaged with Sigurd she hit like a TRUCK! Vander was hanging on by a thread after blocking attacks for me. Framme, sweetie, you’re adorable but you hit like a marshmallow! Clanne, my little dude, meanwhile was out here getting a dozen crits. It really is adorable how much Lumera wants to be with Alear again. I can’t imagine how it must feel like, waiting for 1000 years for your beloved child to wake up so you can talk and eat and spend time together again. I’m so weak to family stuff….
Chapter 3: We start the chapter with interest dream/flashback(?) of red Alear. Ooooh creepy grin there. MOTHER NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! It’s too soon!!!!! I know I know people will say we’ve only had her for one chapter but like I said I’m super weak to family stuff. I also was plenty attached to Mikoto back in Fates too. Also it was Alear’s voice acting that really sold it. Like WOW that was some incredible work to sell me on Alear’s grief. I actually looked up male Alear’s version of this scene and that destroyed me! Getting a bit ahead of myself, first off battle! And we got three new friends in Etie, Boucheron, and ALFRED 😍😍😍😍 As I said in another post, I really did think Diamant would be my man but Alfred showed up and said “remember how much you love the earnest sweethearts”? Boucheron is sweet and was a decent tank, I really like the whole backup mechanic. Etie is out here testing my notorious luck with archer units but she’s cool so I’ll try my best with her! And Alfred my main man!!! I actually didn’t get to use him that much this map 😂 But I already fell in love with the bits of his personality he showcased. Anyways, hello there mysterious murderous hooded girl!
Chapter 4: The Somniel is a gorgeous place! I love that it’s so pretty and bright to look at but also not as annoyingly big to explore like the monastery was in 3H. Firene’s battle map music is so pretty I love just taking my time through this map as I listen to it. We get more pals in this newest chapter in the form of Celine, Chloe, and Louis. Celine is so good and she was terrifying when I engaged her with Celica. I love Pegasus units and Chloe was a great addition to that group, especially with her dodging. And Louis was SUCH a good tank, I love that armored units have the special gimmick of being immune to break! Also the Alfred-Sigurd combo was amazing, my man is just galloping across the map! We end the chapter getting our item and weapon shops, AND we our time rewind mechanic! Heck yeah! And we meet the mysterious little Veyle who saved our ass! I really love her swan look it’s cute!
Chapter 5: Gasp! A wild living Fire Emblem mother! With a name and face too!!! And we meet mystery evil lady Zephia! I really appreciate the change up to the way chests/locked doors work in this game. Anyone can open a chest without needing a key or ability and similarly if you can just break down locked doors. As someone who hated using keys because I consider them a waste of inventory slot, I love the change! And while I love the units with special lock picking abilities I’m glad this game made it so that you’re not forced to make/use one. We got ourselves a clothing shop and blacksmith to join us on the Somniel! A shame the outfits are only for the Somniel. Speaking of the Somniel I got to play around with the features in the ring chamber and the polishing mechanic is funny. The bond ring gacha is a fun little thing and I am glad it strictly only uses in game currency. Plus, SOMMIE!!!!!!!! Tiny adorable puppy looking baby!!!! That I can feed and pet and dress up!!!!! I named it Benji for this run but when I get to my main run I’ll stick with Sommie as the name.
Paralogue 1: FUCK YEAH!!! New villager unit!!! Listen I know villager units tend to be a pain in the ass to level up and use but I adore them to death! And not a single one of them has failed me yet! Jean is so adorable, a tiny little doctor in training who is ready to punch! I like that they make him ready and able to heal from the start so it’s not as bad to train him as it would typically be with his unit type. And bless, when I saw this map was a “keep the villagers safe” one I was already getting ready for the headache. But Jean and his dad did a good job keeping the villagers healed on my behalf, leaving me free to kick ass and take names. Also why did Firene abandon all the British people on this one island? 😂
Chapter 6: Yunaka is so funny! I love her energy, her voice mimicking thing, the way she’s blatantly hiding being a killer, her silly quotes and puns. And she’s a thief unit too! I really like the whole “thieves’ daggers have poison” thing. Pain in the ass to get hit by but really nice when dishing it out myself! Also we get Micaiah this time and holy shit does she provide a healing boon! Our very first fog of war map of the game and I didn’t make too many dumb mistakes! Heck yeah! Nothing much to say for this chapter, a straightforward map and funny story content. Ooh and we meet again Veyle! Why are you randomly here? Oh and after the map went back to the Somniel and got the Three Houses bracelet! Dimitri my gentle hearted baby boy, so good to see you, I missed you!!!!!🥹🥹🥹🥹 And Claude, hi there!!!😄 Oh and I guess you’re here too Edel 😒
Paralogue 2: Ahh here’s our latest Anna! And unlike the last game she actually gets to take part in supports! Interesting that they made her a little kiddo this time around. Also I looked up her growths, why the heck is she an axe user if her magic growth is that good???? Welp I mean she’s been doing pretty okay with her axe regardless for me since she’s actually been coming through on getting strength for level ups. But I had to restart this map a couple times because I couldn’t keep this girl alive. She takes hits like tissue paper…But I like how spunky she is!
Chapter 7: We hop on over into Brodia and Alear nearly gets shot in the head along the way. And we get to meet Alcryst! The way his whole apology is so completely at odds with the pretty cool way he’s introduced was hilarious! Also his retainers are so pretty!!! Alcryst is another bow user but he’s also a crit machine for me. Alcryst: “I’m sorry I am such a pathetic failure 😞 *massacres a dozen enemies* Why am I so useless?” Lapis is really good at dodging and pretty speedy too! Citrinne is so pretty looking and magic wise she’s fine but my Clanne is honestly more solid, but my gosh she can NOT take a hit! I mean yeah she’s a mage but even by mage standards my girl can’t be hit. Looks like we get to meet the circus crew for this battle! Hortensia seems interesting so far, kinda bratty from the looks of it. Goldmary’s personality was not what I expected like she seems soft spoken but she’s also sounding kinda rude too? Everything about Rosado is great from his pretty hair to his adorable wyvern to his utter confidence in his cuteness. And ooh Hortensia has an evil version of an Emblem? I wonder what-*sees that it’s Lucina* FREE MY DAUGHTER YOU CIRCUS FREAKS!!!!!! Luci, baby, don’t you worry mama’s gonna save you!!!!! Taking a peek at Lucina’s abilities and geez that shit’s terrifying. I was so careful with how my units were advancing because I did NOT wanna get hit by everybody and their mother with Lucina’s special ability. We didn’t get to free my baby girl in the end 😡😡😡😡 I’ll save you Lucina I swear!!!!!!
Chapter 8: Oh so Veyle is looking for a missing sibling huh? Okay I already can tell where that little plot point is going! We get to meet Diamant, a handsome lad for sure! Sorry Diamant I really was gonna make you my main beau but Alfred has stolen my heart! But since I’m saving Alfred for my main run I’ll still S support you for this run! You know assuming none of the other fellas catch my eye more. We also get to meet Diamant and Alcryst’s dad, Morion, who was definitely NOT what I was expecting. I do like that despite Alcryst being so self deprecating and all that it doesn’t look like it comes from a lack of love/parental favoritism. We also obtain our boy Roy along the way! And he’s got some nice goodies for us as an Emblem! I love how hard they’re leaning into the fire stuff. And geez this is the chapter of introductions huh, now we’re meeting Ivy and her squad. Ivy looks super pretty and super spiky too! I like how she rides her wyvern side saddle. And she’s got a red version of my son Leif, so you know I’m gonna kick her ass to save him! Kagetsu looks adorably out of place compared to how goth Ivy and Zelkov look but I love how cheerful he seems! Speaking of what an *interesting* gimmick Zelkov has going on. And shit here we go with another intro from Amber, one of Diamant’s retainers! What a….goof. Seriously he’s such a weird little goof from the introduction onwards. Diamant himself hits hard, and I do love me some swords. Gotta say of the three Kagetsu was the scariest. A promoted unit and that stupid crit level of his!!! But we managed to get my boy Leif back and I am sooo eager to use him I love Leif so much! And from the sneak peek I saw of his abilities he looks like fun! I really like how the ending scene shows Diamant is just as nervous as Alcryst but in a different way. But yeah, Morion is TOTALLY getting his ass killed. Also yeah, why can’t I become a dragon Intsys?!?!?!?!??!?!!!!!?!?!?!
Chapter 9: Yup what did I say about Morion? Well he might not be DEAD dead just yet but I have little hope for him. Also wow was NOT expecting Hyacinth to be a punchy dude. And WOW dick move making Ivy have to get herself killed to buy you time to escape…We get Diamant’s other retainer in this chapter in the form of Jade, and she looks and sounds super cool! And she also was stealing a bunch of experience from my squad until I could reach her and recruit her 😞 Kagetsu was once again the scariest fucker of this map but my boy Alfred crit his ass to oblivion! That’s my sweet flower prince!!! Nice of Alear to let Ivy and her squad escape with their lives. Just as it was nice of Ivy to tell us where to go!
And so that’s where I am, waiting for the chance to continue with chapter 10 onward. Haven’t been able to set aside the time to play, which I am so annoyed about because I am really having fun playing Engage and want to continue. All I’ve been able to do since finishing chapter 9 was getting the update and just working on some supports, leveling up, bond ranks…That stuff.
Anyways that’s all I have for now! Hopefully will get to update with my thoughts for the next chapters soon!
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bananacatblogs · 10 months
This prompt reminds me of my babysitting days with Hannah. When I say those were the days, I literally mean it. We would play dress-up, pretend we were this or that occupation, play outside on the swing, sing songs,dance, joke, and laugh. A funny memory is us watching TV. Her favorite movie was Stuart Little, and guess what? We watched that several times a day. I didn't mind because it was a good movie. We would also watch cartoons. The funny thing is that we would watch them for a little while, and then she wanted to go outside to play. I would ask her if we could go in a little while since I wanted to watch the ending of the show. We would laugh and wait till the cartoon was over, then go play outside. Hannah loved her shows. However, she equally loved to go outside to play. Another good memory we have is when her family got a pool. We would spend endless days till our hands were pruned from being in the water so much. Hannah had a neighbor, Betty Ruth, who would come to get in the pool with us. The three of us would laugh and joke. Those days were so fun. Now Hannah is a young woman with a husband and child of her own. Just how did we get from the age of a 3-4 little blond hair girl. My best friend at the time, to a grown woman? I also have good memories with her mom and dad and grandmother in our many trips of eating out together. Hannah would dress herself while we waited for them to pick us up from home while they were at work for the day. As long as she was dressed warm, it didn't matter how many shades of purple she had on. We both share a love of purple. I was also invited to spend time with her mother's family on their annual beach trip for the week. We are family anyway, plus we are good friends.
Here is my lineup of my favorite cartoons: 1.SpongeBob SquarePants- 2. Franklin 3. Bernstein Bears 4. Alvin and the Chipmuncks *** AND*** 5. Hey Arnold I’m only gonna list my top five. There are others, I just wanted to only keep it to a limit. Until Next Time, Heidi What’s your favorite cartoon?
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lugonzalez94 · 11 months
Seen Nombre,
Feb 6
A dear friend reached out to me telling me how brilliant my IG handle was. I had changed it for the hundredth time and I told him I think I finally landed on something that I actually liked and something that reflected me and my artwork, which then spiraled down a rabbit hole of self-reflection and some “ah-ha” moments (TK, sorry to have bombarded you with an essay through IG DM’s, you’re a real one I love you so much my friend). 
My IG art-handle is: seen.nombre (a play on the saying “sin nombre”, which means “nameless” in Spanish). “Sin nombre” was already taken on the platform, but I wanted the name so I had to get playful with it, but I think it has a deeper meaning that I originally meant it to have, much like my art. In the end, it’s working out for me. It feels right. 
Throughout my whole life I have struggled with my name. Don’t get me wrong, I love my name, but its history and my culture and the society I live in that makes things a bit complicated. For example, I didn’t learn that my real name is actually “Maria” and “Lupita” was just a nickname until I was in Kindergarten. It was a whole thing and it was devastating. Every time I started a new school or entered a new class I had to explain my name to my teacher and my friends. Same thing with jobs. And checking in at the airport. Or signing a new lease. For some this wasn’t a big deal, for others it was ridiculous. At my first job my boss told me that trying to remember to call me Lupita instead of Maria was going to be hard for her to remember and she wasn’t going to do it. I had a few professors in college mix my names up in front of everyone in class and I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for them. Like why the fuck did she just call me Maria when she called me Lupita 2 minutes before? I could go on and on. In every situation I couldn’t help but feel this nervousness creep up inside me. I felt like explaining my name was complicated and it makes me almost start to feel bad about my name and the confusion it can cause people which is total bullshit. But that’s what it’s been like. “Lupita” directly translated is “little Lupe” and is derived from “Maria Guadalupe”, my legal name. This is the name of la Virgen Maria, la Virgen de Guadalupe, otherwise known as Mother Mary, an icon and symbol of strength in Mexican culture. It’s pretty badass. It’s old school. It’s hella common in Mexico.
So with the trauma I carry with explaining and defending my name came debilitating anxiousness when trying to find a name for myself as an artist. Naturally, using Lupita Gonzalez felt like a problem. 1) I feel like it doesn’t reflect who I am as an artist accurately and 2) the amount of Lupita Gonzalez’s there are in the world is insane and I find it hard to make a name for myself because of everything I’ve talked about so far. Let’s unpack this together shall we. This may be my own insecurity talking, but my name is Mexican as fuck. I know it’s messed up to think that my name is “too Mexican” for me and if I think about it long enough I feel ashamed, but I can’t help but feel like it is! Yes I grew up speaking Spanish and in a family with strong Mexican-Catholic values, but we’re also pretty Americanized. When my family moved to the states, when my grandparents raised my mom in Redwood City, and when my parents settled down in the Bay Area, they tried to fit in by learning how to cook Thanksgiving dinners and meatloaf and other foods that are absolutely not in our culture. They began picking up English and teaching us that as our first language. We celebrated the American holidays more than we celebrated the Mexican holidays. I didn’t even know the significance of Día de los Muertos or our Independence Day til later in life. Sure we’d watch telenovelas and Spanish cartoons, listened to reggaeton and banda every now and then, but in the end we’re pretty Americanized. I didn’t even have a quince because my mom said that’s “too Mexican” for us. So I feel like when people see my name they’ll expect something out of me. Or, they’ll label me as “Mexican” and maybe pass me up because it doesn’t fit their “aesthetic” or what’s trending. Then they’ll miss my art entirely. Maybe I’m just overthinking it. 
But this is how I feel as an artist. The art community, while beginning to uplift the voices of women, femme, and POC artists, is still hella white. A majority of the spaces that hold art are white-dominant. The art that sells the most or get the most likes fits this “white aesthetic”. Sure it’s pretty and clean cut and modern and nice to look at, but it’s everywhere and it’s exhausting and it’s becoming so basic. So when thinking of what my IG handle or website or brand will be named or look like, I felt this pressure of fitting the mould and be succumbed to this white, perfect aesthetic, and that doesn’t feel right at all. Even when I tried to give in, something pulled me back and was like nah, this isn’t it. Naturally, I go against the mould and march to the beat of my own drum (can you guess what sign I am?). And through my practice I don’t follow many rules, I value imperfection, I keep it real. I don’t really care about fitting in or following the trends. I just want to paint. 
So let’s make it more confusing. I am Seen Nombre. Seen Nombre is by me, Lupita Gonzalez. I want to be seen in my own way and I don’t want to be labeled as hella Mexican or not Mexican enough or not being trendy or whatever. I just want to put my art out there because I like sharing it and I like making things and it makes people happy. It makes me happy. My art evolves, the world evolves, we all evolve, and I am constantly evolving, so it’s no use being tied to something like a name or a brand or an aesthetic or a trend. I just want to be me. Now that I’m an adult I’m putting in the work to learn more about my culture and the symbols that I feel connected to and who I am as a Mexican-American female artist, which is beginning to become reflected in my art more and more. 
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schtroumpfcurieux · 2 years
love that both cartoons AND the comic introduced a mom to Gargamel, but none of them are the same
Implying that Gargamel has three moms.
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