#castlevania x black y/n
🦇𝒯he  𝒱isitor (Alucard Tepes x BlackReader) Pt.7
You and Alucard traipse from town to town together...until trouble strikes in the form of claws, fangs and delayed vengeance. With you left shaken and marked, your host isn’t keen on letting you back out of the castle anytime soon. Normally, this stifling limitation would annoy you...but Alucard has been spending more time with you, lately. Getting closer and closer...
...perhaps being stuck in the castle isn’t so bad, after all?
─── Alucard x black female reader
─── imagery + fiction
─── explicit smut
─── Fantasy, vampires, hurt/comfort, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, magic user, cute bats, gardening, cooking, cottagecore MC, castlecore Alucard.
☾ previous. ☾ next.
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The next chilly morning, true to his word, you and Alucard make your way down to the garden to gather the harvest.
You’ve switched into a road dress, not wanting to let the nicer gowns that Alucard has conjured for you go to waste. Your hair is bundled up in a scarf neatly behind your head. You’re wearing gloves, ready to work. Alucard makes his way over to the garden and leans down, showing you how he intends to prepare the harvest to take into town.
“This is how we’ll wrap them. Watch closely...You see? Show me.”
He is watchful at first, instructing you on how to bind and rope the packaging just so. It is to keep any of the stock from falling to the wayside while you’re both on horseback, leaving a trail of produce behind you. 
His eyes are as sharp as ever, framed by lowered, dusky blonde lashes as he takes in your handiwork. The low rumblings of his voice give constructive critique, and you manage to avoid any accidents under his gaze. You wonder what he thinks of your hands briefly, before refocusing on the task.
You’re curious now, finding his instructive personality to be a much calmer one than his default. He seems so sure of himself here in the garden, and less walled off. Prepping vegetables is clearly something he had learned prior to your visit (as unseemly as it seemed to be for someone like him), and it is something he seemed more than willing to teach. Alucard seemed like one who liked to learn, now you thought of it.
Soon after, you wait as Alucard spirits away. He reappears with Brutus at his side and together, you prep the saddlebags before mounting the steed and taking off into the woods.
You lean back into Alucard as you watch the tree leaves speed by overhead, the feel of hooves stamping and thrumming through you both. The sound is rhythmic, soothing, and the smell of the green fills you. Alucard’s cologne mixes in with it, his hair beating against his back, with stray locks falling past your shoulders. It is still cool, yet the heat of the horse and his heavy riding gear warms you both. 
You sigh, realizing.
‘I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,’ you think.
Eventually, you arrive in town and it is lively. You sell everything, making a good profit. You know it isn’t needed, but it is nice to have something to do. You talk to vendors and merchants, your tongue wagging in conversation and your mood feeling light.
‘No,’ you readjust. ‘It’s not in the woods I want to be. Perhaps here? This town? But there’s nothing special about it…’
Currently passing by a stand of jewelers while in thought, one of them reaches out to you, giving you pause. You look into a wrinkled face.
“A necklace for you, girl? A ring, an anklet?”
You stare at the wares, considering. You’re not here for jewelry you remember, though they are pretty.
“I couldn’t, but thank you.” You say.
“Oh, but you could. What a lovely dress you have on. Never seen one like it.”
You look down to your dress, another that arose from the depths of Alucard’s inventory. It is simpler in comparison to what you know him to have from the clothes you’ve seen this far.
“Thank you,” you say.
“Did your husband gift that to you?” the jeweler inquires, gesturing over your shoulder. You follow their gaze and realize they are looking at Alucard across the stalls, across the road itself. He is kneeling near a tavern wall, gifting coins to some street children, an old woman or two huddled beside the shadows of the building. 
He does not realize you are looking. He doesn’t know you are watching him give what you’ve both earned away to those that need it.
You find yourself surprised. You thought that Alucard ignored most of the world outside his castle and his surroundings. He could certainly afford to. Someone like him would never need to understand or empathize with the destitute and the ill. The human.
And yet there he was. 
“He’s…not my husband.” you find your lips saying to the merchant as you continue to watch Alucard.
“But you came into town with him.” The voice is suddenly sharp. You turn to look and see the merchant appears oddly hostile.
“What concern is it of yours?” you say, retreating a step back.
“Nice dress,” the merchant spits. “He is finely dressed, like you. He gives money away like water. Your skin is clear and dewy. You want for nothing. It’s in the way you move. Slow, measured. You can afford the jewelry. You can.”
You find yourself turning to go, yet the offending seller follows you down the line of stalls.
“Are you a mistress? A hanger-on? Does his wife know? How shameless of you, to parade around like this. The things young ladies do for money, these days.”
Your temper gets the best of you. By the time you feel it, it is too late.
You turn around and crowd in on the seller. Their eyes widen, understanding very quickly that the dynamic has changed. They take a step back. You follow.
“Go on, do slander me. Great sales tactic, I’m sure your wares fly off the shelves, the customers love it so much! And not that it’s any of your fucking business, but do tell me; how you would know anything about what I do and why?”
“...Why else would an unwed woman be out and about with a man so blatantly—”
“ —I could be anything, you bint. I could be a mercenary with a partner, a scholar with a professor, a diplomat with a guide…is your mind so small that the only thing you could conjure is an escort? Even if I was, I still wouldn’t buy your jewelry…you insult me, and you insult him. I won’t have it.”
“Is there a problem?”
You and the seller turn to find Alucard towering over your shoulder.
“No,” you and the seller say in unison, one out of fear and one out of dismissiveness.
Alucard gestured to the gems in the jeweler’s hands, plucking a shining necklace from the bunch easily. The jeweler tremored a bit, looking between you both.
“Ah, sir...your wife was simply looking at my wares. Pretty things for a pretty thing.”
Alucard holds the necklace up beside your face then, not answering the seller. He doesn’t refute or explain, only watches you. You watch his eyes take you in alongside the gem before he seems to make a decision. 
He clutches the necklace back into his grip and hands some coins over to the seller wordlessly. The seller mumbles their thanks before shuffling away, seemingly disbelieving that they made a sale after such a torrid argument.
Alucard dangles the necklace before you. “Do you like it?”
You frown. “You heard what they said to me.”
“I heard you defend our honor.”
“Is this a thanks for that?”
“This is because I want to.”
You pause then, a bit taken aback. 
“I suppose...it’s pretty,” you try.
Alucard situates behind you, fastening the necklace to your neck before clasping it together.
“Then,” his breath warms the back of your neck, “I suppose it’s yours.”
Together, you continue through town, the necklace on your neck. The gem weighs against your sternum and you wonder if other people are noticing it, noticing the two of you.
You are too nervous to inquire further on it.
Soon enough, the day’s dealings are done. On the way back home, you find yourself liking the woods once more, and then the castle itself upon the return home.
‘I want to be where he is,’ you realize.
Yes. That’s it.
Alucard stalks up the steps before turning to you, curious.
You find yourself smiling, not quite sure why. He also seems taken aback by the sudden expression.
“Yes. Let’s go home.”
Every other week, the two of you venture into different towns for supplies. Sometimes you go with hooded shrouds, other times you walk freely out in the open. Sometimes Alucard takes you into the nearby towns, and sometimes he steers Brutus further out. You have a feeling he has a system on how he navigates the outside world, a system that keeps eyes off of him and keeps nosy townsfolk from tracking his identity. 
You love the trips. You love seeing other people and conversing with them, you love shopping through the inventory, you love getting the little bit of sun left in the chilly weather and you love going there and back with Alucard. He is like a patient specter…whether right next to your side or not, you have a feeling that he keeps his eyes and ears on you at all times.
It is during a return from another town, that something amiss happens.
You’re riding in a wagon this time as Alucard directs Brutus, hitched and pulling the wagon along. It brings with it some new items, and a few things for you to use. You both could have went without any of it, you understand, but the socialization in bartering and trading was well worth it. It keeps the castle from feeling stifling, at times. You find yourself looking forward to return to it.
Brutus stops suddenly, rearing back a bit. Alucard’s eyes sharpen as he looks out into the forest, clearly hearing something. You watch him turn his head this way and that.
He calls your name. “__________, stay in the—”
You feel something drop into the wagon behind you, knocking things aside and pulling up close to your back.
It is not a warm presence. It is ice cold.
A hand grabs you roughly by the hair from behind, forcing you to bear your neck. You shriek in pain, unable to hide it. The shriek breaks into a gasp as you feel something sharp at the front of your throat, barely catching a gleam of the attacker’s blade.
Your head is wrenched so far back by the fist threatening to yank out your hair, that you can’t even lock eyes with Alucard. You can only focus on the trees lining above and try not to wrestle too much so that you don’t cut your own throat. 
‘This is very different from the last time I looked up like this,’ you note uselessly. ‘Let me understand who we’re fighting before I try anything…’
You quickly try tapping into other senses. You can hear two others drop nearby, on either side of the wagon. You can smell the scent of old blood and grime. 
Alucard doesn’t make a sound, doesn’t say a word. Brutus settles.
The one holding you at knifepoint laughs, their belly bouncing against your back. You feel sick.
“Little prince,” the one behind you calls. His voice is thick, like the seafaring folk of the north. “We heard the king is gone. Thought you were too. Guess it got mixed up in the letters.”
‘Vampires,’ you understand, putting it all together.
The breath rolling off your attacker smells rancid and you wince. Your captor notices, yanking you again and earning another whine out of you.
“Don’t like that, do you? Here, have some more—ah, ah, ah, little prince!” you feel the knife burrow a little closer in your skin, barely cutting it. “You’re fast, yes you are! But my knife will be faster. And your pretty little livestock will not recover from a blow like this. Hold your place.”
It is silent then, and another heavily accented voice from the side chips in.
“They say our leader never returned from your father’s castle,” it spits. “Where is Godbrand?”
“It seems,” Alucard clips in a low, threatening manner you’ve yet to hear yourself before, “you already know. What did you come for?”
“Godbrand,” they state again. “You will take us to him.”
Alucard laughs then, low and mirthless. “An army came and went. A rebellion began and ended. Where have you three been this whole time?”
You hear hissing and shuffling about. 
“Give her to me,” Alucard says, “and I let you live.”
The one behind you laughs again, curdling your stomach with the smell, the cruelty. 
“This isn’t a bargain or a trade, boy. Have you gone insane? Look at all this shit,” he kicks something in the wagon aside, “Cabbages! For a bloodsucker? Ha! You’re a trader now, Prince? You play merchant and house with this human whore? You, who can fly across nations, teleport through realities, and shapeshift into anything...taking this piece of shit wagon in the woods?”
The man spits and you pray it was to the side and not in your hair. Fucker.
“You sicken me! Weak. Your father would rattle to life if he knew what you were up to with those talents, wasting them for pussy. Like father, like son I guess.”
You can see the woods darken from where you are. You can spy the treetops begin to shroud in dark clouds. The air feels heavy.
Something is coming.
“You do not know my father,” Alucard says. “And as you said yourself…just like your pissant leader, your king is dead too.”
You shiver at the boldness in his statement, afraid of the knife slicing across your neck in retribution. Is he even thinking of you? But you hear it then…the vampire behind you…his breath hitches. You are saved from the foul smell. 
The vampires are afraid, you understand. Alucard knows this.
You decide to use this moment. You feel behind you for the vampire holding you hostage and try to focus the energy from your core. Sparks fly between your fingers and it is enough to jolt the assailant. You use his surprise to lean back into him, away from the knife and staggering him to the side.
It is the wrong move. The vampire simply uses inhuman strength to get you right back where he wants you, hands gripped in his fist behind your back and your neck under the blade. You’re both gasping from the struggle, but now with the vampire’s grip twisting your wrists instead of your hair, you can see Alucard and the others.
Alucard is closer, now. Just before the wagon, almost. His eyes burn into you before focusing on the attacker. You have never seen them more animalistic than that first day you met.
“See? Fast,” the assailant behind you sing-songs again. “But not faster than the knife!”
The other two vampires draw in behind Alucard, who pays them no mind. The one behind you tightens his grip on you. You feel your eyes begin to traitorously well up, all the emotions running high from this dangerous situation and frustration from being unable to reach Alucard…safety…who is just out of arm’s reach.
“What’s so special about this one?” the vampire asks, nudging his face against yours tauntingly. His beard leaves a burn behind that you despise. “Can’t be what’s under the dress. Those are all the same. Maybe it’s the blood?”
You feel a tongue lathe at your cheek then, and groan in disgust as you try to inch away without running towards the knife. It’s impossible, and you’re trapped in the game of cat and mouse.
Alucard’s eyes darken even further.
“I think,” Alucard begins, his voice steady and his footsteps backing slowly away from the wagon, “you abandoned your posts. I think you felt that you could slither back from where you came without Godbrand…only to find others like him, who would rip you apart for your cowardice. You thought by coming here you would spare yourselves from that...”
The darkness grows so heavy that you can hardly see. Alucard’s voice is the only thing that can cut it.
“...You should’ve let them rip you apart.”
“Oh-ho…now I know she must taste divine, for you to act this way,” your trapper calls, before he foolishly moves the knife from your throat and uses it to cut at your dress in a quick move. Your dress’s front opens and your sleeve is harshly moved aside, sharp teeth sinking into your shoulder. Before the teeth even puncture, you hear something sharp ring through the air.
It all happens so fast, you can hardly catch it. 
A long sword erupts at your side, running through your assailant’s head and missing yours by inches. The vampire pulls off of you to shout, dropping his knife, and you lunge forward and away. You hear his screams warble and croak off behind you. 
Another vampire leaps to grabs you up by the shoulders, yanking you off the wagon entirely. You feel his hands get ripped away from you as you hit the forest floor harshly. You’re quick to stand, swaying in confusion and adrenaline before trying to flee. Alucard and another assailant visualize before you, weapons swinging midair before they vanish once more. It’s almost as if you imagined it…but you can still hear the battle echoing around you.
'Fast,' you understand, turning back and ducking under the wagon.
Too fast for a human to run away from, likely. You don’t want to get in Alucard’s way while he disposes of these ambushers.
You hear clangs and hisses, shouts and bodies hitting the forest floor. Soon enough, it is quiet. You see Alucard’s boots materialize in front of the wagon.
‘He’s here,’ you think.
You crawl from under the wagon and before you can even move to stand, Alucard’s hands pull you up and draw you in. You clutch the front of his blouse tightly, squeezing into him and the cradle of his arms.
That was scary. You don’t want to go through that again. Now that Alucard’s here, it’s alright. 
You peek past his hold and spy a leg on the ground. Just one, nameless leg.
‘Right then. He took care of things.’
He pulls you back, his grip firm. His eyes rove over you as his hair flies astray, made a mess from the fight.
“Are you hurt?”
You look up to him to speak, and find yourself voiceless.
The ride back to the castle is a blur for you. The bodies of the vampires are left long behind and Alucard is sure to let the wagon roll over them on the disembarkment.
You sit in front of him instead of in the wagon, his arms tight around you.
Once at the castle, he makes quick work of unholstering the horse and stabling it away. He unloads the wagon. Then he finds you, still standing amongst everything, waiting for him and lost in your thoughts.
You’re guided through the castle in silence, the arrival to your personal bathroom harkened by the loud steps on the floor.
Alucard runs the tub’s faucet, steaming water jetting out. You sit aside, looking straight ahead and pawing at your neck, feeling the puncture marks and frowning.
Alucard looks at you then, stepping over to lift your hair aside, gazing at your bruised neck.
“Will I turn…?” you rasp.
“No,” he murmurs. “Their intent was to feed. Not to change.”
You feel the tears then, and sniffle a bit before looking down at the floor. Alucard lowers his hand before brushing a few of the tears away. His thumb, his touch, is not cold like theirs you realize. 
It is anything but.
The trips come to an end, abruptly.
After the attack, you find that Alucard is unwilling to return to town anytime soon.
You’re annoyed, but you understand why. He’s borne of an immortal creature, somewhat like a demigod on Earth. Trouble like what you faced on the road before is not hindrance to him. 
It’s you.
You’ve picked up your skills, but you still feel shaken after those vampires got so close to you…literally close enough to taste. It scared you then and it rattles you now.
He buffs up the insulation for the stable and prepares bedding and blankets for the animals. He takes cuttings from the garden to inventory in dry storage, there for future use while the Earth’s soil freezes over for the season.
Not long after, the snow begins to fall and frost begins to set. 
It is terribly beautiful from the castle. You can see the forest spread out far and wide, the treetops painted white and the snow falling easily. The stone of the castle keeps you warm from the elements, able to enjoy the beauty from a perch you weren’t always able to use.
You can almost remember the feel of trudging through thick snow like that, nothing but boots and cloth. Like a true adventurer. 
You feel a bit nostalgic.
‘What am I missing…?’ you wonder.
One day, he catches you staring out the castle windows at the snowy grounds below.
“Don’t fret,” he assures, interpreting your expression to be woe. “Spring will return soon enough. It may be safer to travel, then.”
When you don’t respond right away, he comes nearer and looks out the window with you.
“You’ve made your way through the library, I would assume. Nothing left to peer over?”
You think for a moment, your thoughts taking a while to gather as you take in the snow.
“Are you reading something at the moment, Alucard?”
“I am.”
‘I am lonely,’ you realize.
Yet, your host is right here. Perhaps he could help solve this dilemma?
“Can I read with you?” you ask, your voice softer than intended.
Alucard pauses a moment, clearly surprised. “With me...?”
“Yes,” you say. “With you.”
“I…” he looks at you for a long moment before nodding slightly. “Where would you prefer—”
“The parlor,” you decide. “In front of the fireplace.”
You head to the parlor together, quiet through the halls. Soon enough, you enter one of the many throughout the castle. You often wonder why this one is favored for Alucard, though you’ve never drawn it upon yourself to ask why.
You find you quite like it yourself. The colors are warm, the books rise high against their glassed cases, the fireplace is grand and warm, and the rugs and throws are divine. The settee is of a more soft material than the other leathered furniture in the castle.
It is softer, here. 
You sit easily in front of the fireplace, on the fur rug before it. It is clean and cozy for a floor, a far cry from the floors you’ve both sat and slept on in the past during your travels when an inn was out of the question. The fire crackles loudly as you settle, thinking back on the days before you were housed, your vagabond adventures.
You sigh contentedly and watch the fire, your dress swaddling around you as you settle. You don’t even notice your host until he is beside you, holding out your current book.
‘So he still tracks me,’ you think amusedly. “Surely my reading habits cannot interest you this much?” you jest.
Alucard ignores your teasing before taking his own and seating himself in the chair next to the rug. It faces the fire, the glow warming you both.
You watch as he takes off his jacket and vest, hanging them aside and relaxing in one of the simpler white blouses he sometimes dons. He palms open his book and begins taking in the story before him.
You note how rigid he is. 
‘Is he nervous?’ you wonder suddenly. As far-reaching as it is for someone like him, you feel as though he is. Maybe all this time, he wasn’t disgusted, but instead unsure of what to do with himself.
‘Hopeless man.’
“Relax,” you insist, tugging at his nearest leg beside you. He pauses in the chair at your touch, but you do not relent. You smooth a comforting hand down his calf casually before pulling away easily. “There’s no reason to trouble yourself with whatever is rattling around in that head of yours. Let the fire warm you. Relax.” 
You relax on the rug, one hand on the floor and the other flipping through your book as you read.
“Are you quite comfortable?” he asks suddenly.
You look up, watching Alucard watch you. You nod, smiling before looking back to your book.
It is a warmer feeling now than it was by the window, and though the fire helped, it was not the cause.
You find yourself toeing your shoes off and curling into the carpet, watching him watch you.
'Enough of this.'
You go over to him and his chair before seating yourself on his lap and curling up on him in the chair, book in hand. You feel his body turn like stone underneath you, but you choose to relax further, opening the book as you lay your head on his chest, curls tumbling down his front.
It is quiet for a long time, and you sigh comfortably before sinking back into your story and relaxing on your host. He unfolds inch by inch before finally unclenching himself all the way through, loose and easy.
He does not ask that you stop. He does not say a word. You hardly think he's breathing at this point.
You smile. 'Now was that so hard...?'
Alucard's hand suddenly reaches over to pluck the book out of your grasp before putting it aside; he then touches the underside of your jaw.
"What are you doing?" he murmurs at you. It's not a question, not really.
"Whatever I want," you reply easily, meeting his gaze. "I know that's probably fascinating for someone as straight-edge as y—"
His lips are against yours before you can even finish the sentence. His hands tangle in your hair, fingers unable to run through and clenching at your scalp instead, directing you. He leans you back as he leans forward, eager to seemingly sink into the very being of you.
He's never been this forceful with you before. It has never felt so good.
Your eyes draw closed against it, a whimper escaping you before you kiss back eagerly. You don't know who started with tongue but you're both pursuing it now, chasing one another down as the kiss continues into something more heating.
'He doesn't taste like blood,' you think. 'He tastes like wine.'
You hear the fireplace crackling at your side, the fever of the flames against your skin, the rustling noise of your dress against his clothes, and more than anything...you feel the hot, iron handprint of his touch at your waist, at your neck, at your shoulders, on and on the touching continues.
He pulls back, rasping words escaping him.
"You don't know what you're asking for," he begins, stroking at your waist as he eyes your mouth, fighting himself not to kiss you again. The words are bitten out, barely restrained.
"I'm not asking anything," you say, repositioning yourself in the chair to straddle him. "But if you show me...? Then maybe I'll ask nicely. Just for you."
AN: Do not under any circumstances copy, repost, or edit any of my work. If you see someone do so, please let me know.
☾ previous. ☾ next. 
☾ check my blog for more imagines
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sl33paholics · 4 months
Could you write smut of Alucard from Castlevania. Maybe light praise kink and telling the reader how well she's taking him. Definitely have Alucard eat her out and grinding against the mattress while giving head.
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You taste incredible
Alucard x fem!reader
Warning(s): smut (eating out), kinks involved (praise kink)
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"Just like that, my dear, you're taking me so well."
The long white blonde hair man would say. With a pillow that was placed under your hips, Alucard tilts your pelvis so your feet are resting comfortably on his shoulder blades. Alucard gently pushes up on your abdomen, helping himself expose the clitoris from underneath the clitoral hood. Your legs tighten around him as he lowers himself to kiss down your thigh and slowly inch your knees higher up to make sure the friction is right. Alucard works in silence for a while, then breaks into a grin when he hears you moan. His tongue traces the outer edge of your thighs, before finding your clit again and circling it. You gasp at the jolting sensation.
Alucard is gentle with everything he does. From when you first meet him. From when you first touch his bare skin as you walk around. From when you first kiss. The man's hands move smoothly and easily, as though they've done this before and he knows exactly what to do. The vampire prince wanted to award his princess for being an amazing woman with a fantastic body. Alucard wasn't very good at giving gifts, but he did want to make you happy. So he decided he could show you how much he loved you. Not just through a physical relationship, but by showing the love in your eyes every time you look at him.
You run one of your hands through his hair, feeling the silky strands against your palm. A small groan escapes your lips, and you feel yourself getting wetter with desire.
"Do you like that?" Alucard asks in between nips on your inner thigh, his intoxicating gaze looking up at you as he watched your face contort into a blissful expression, quickly nodding as he went back to work. "You're such a treasure, my love."
Your body tingles all over, goosebumps erupting all over your skin as you let out a low moan and Alucard squeezing your legs tighter, you cohuld feel his fingers work wonders on your swollen clit. Throwing your head back and letting out a loud groan, "You're doing so good, baby, I know you can pull through." You bite your lip when Alucard removes his finger from your clit, giving it gentle kisses. His breath is hot against your skin as he moves back to sucking on your clit, your moans turning louder as Alucard continues to massage your pussy. You writhe under him, "Who’s my beautiful girl?"
"M...m...me~" You moan and clutch onto the bedsheets as you watch Alucard continuing to work on you, his tongue flicking across the tip of your clit as he sucks gently. He doesn't miss a beat. It feels like you're losing your mind. Alucard was driving you crazy with pleasure. All you could think about were his fingertips moving inside of you, and the way he sucked your clit like he owned it, even when he knew it would get hard. It felt too good not to enjoy. You needed more. More stimulation. You needed him.
The rough movements you felt against yourself made you slowly come back to reality, your cloudy thoughts fading away until you realized your fiancé grinding against the bed, his eyes glazed with lust. It was only reasonable for him to pleasure himself while doing the same to his darling.
You squeal and try to sit up straight, pushing away his head, your pussy now drenched and a throbbing mess. You watched as Alucard's pupils dilate, he watches you with hungry eyes, the muscles in his jaw clenching, and the bulge in his boxers making you squirm. It looked like Alucard was ready to explode, but he couldn't restrain himself for any longer.
He moved in front of you, leaning down to capture your mouth in a heated kiss. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as your hands caress his shoulders. This was it. This was it all you've been waiting for. You both finally had your moment after months of not being able to. "Mmh, Alucard, please… please…"
Alucard didn't even need to position yourself on the bed. Your pussy soaked and exposed, legs high up and bent, an exhausted expression on your face was all he needed.
"Take it for me, I know you can. I'm going to make sure everyone knows you're mine~"
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vampyrcigs · 8 months
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🩸‧₊˚⊹ “Ask nicely, and I’ll bite.”
This blog is both nsfw and sfw. Nsfw writings will be marked as so. Remember, you are responsible for your media consumption. Do be aware that I’m not a professional writer. There will be mistakes and some things may be inaccurate.
I write for male readers and gender neutral readers. Female readers are only when I specifically do it. Please specify the gender in your asks, otherwise they will be defaulted to gender neutral. If you specifically want a black reader, specify that as well. Otherwise, the race will be non-specified.
If I feel uncomfortable with an ask, I will not write it and it will be ignored. No questions asked.
Try to be as specific as you can with your asks, even if you don’t have a plot. A plot to go along with it is greatly appreciated though. Anons are adored.
Character reader asks are also accepted (ex. Bayonetta reader x [ character ])
Castlevania (Will write - Still watching) ♡
Castlevania Nocturne (Still watching) ♡
Hellsing Ultimate ♡
Hellsing Ultimate Abriged ♡
Slasher Films
Dead By Daylight
Vampire Hunter D (Still Watching)
Black Butler
materialist…in progress || request status…open || about me
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
main masterlist V
Critical Role - multi-party kiss writing prompts // Bells and CK kiss + confession // multiparty mistletoe kisses // the parties being sick //
Vox Machina - revealing vampire fangs to them // rejecting their love //kitty cat antics // gift as a love language // Percy’s twin likes Vax // Vax + pastel pink lover // Vax’s “flirty” s/o // Percy + Vax forget s/o birthday // calm significant turned protective // Vax and easily sleepy s/o // y/n + Percy and Vax headcanons // Vox Machina baby holiday // Percy fluff + letter // Assassin!reader + leap of faith // dressing up for fancy event // Percy + getting turned into a statue // TINY ONE sees Orthax // Reader who is a WolfWalker // Percy + reader wholesomeness // Percy w/ modern!reader // Party with a werewolf!reader // whispering confession to them // the party + Cass & Archie w/ s/o and kid // VALENTINES HEADCANONS 💕// silver or gold? - Percy falls for a gunslinger // soulmate mark + Vax & Percy // expressing love // Scanlan being sweet fic + fluff headcanons // Percy and Vex + Black Canary!reader // “You” + crush romance reveal //
Side characters - Kashaw headcanons //
Mighty Nein - Caleb + s/o similar background // teen + found family // Polycule with Fjord //
Bell’s Hells / Crown Keepers - dariax & Ashton + accidental kiss // there was one bed // losing your memory + Vox Machina //
Castlevania - characters + dhamphir // helping s/o with anxiety // Trio with s/o singing // Trio + forgemasters w/ Little One // the men with a Bayonetta!reader // characters + modern!reader with a pool // CV crew + barbarian!reader //
Dracula - NSFW and SFW yandere // cuddling headcanons // kissing Dracula // jealous Dracula //
Alucard - Alucard ANGST // whisper love confession + other CV guys //
Hector - THING companion //
Styria Council - morana & striga + werewolf!reader //
A Christmas Carol (2022) - MY LADY, THE ARTIST
Assassin’s Creed - Arno’s twin with two suitors // Haytham + Shay’s sister!reader // part 2 // PART 3 // Vampire Haytham fic + headcanons //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon - phantom of the opera Aemond // love languages + MCU Namor // Aemond drabble // creature of darkness
Arcane Series (TV) - Ekko w/ painter!reader
The Dragon Prince - Soren falls for a moonshadow // reader is a WolfWalker
Star Wars - kissing as a distraction
✨GENSHIN IMPACT ✨ - Diluc 🍺 + s/o // part 2 - crying because they’re not “single” //
Monster romance(s) - satyr romance
Dragon Age - everyone likes Carver’s ex // fenris and Anders liking you //
Dragon Age Inquisition - mage reader in disguise // crew + an Umbra witch // inquisitor has a twin // Solas s/o + reincarnation //
Dragon Age Origins - Morrigan’s sister + everyone //
Pirates of the Caribbean - the captain and the witch //
Blood of Zeus - meeting Hermes // Olympus + hero!reader //
Marvel - Namor - mutant!reader who joins with Namor // kissing headcanons // dating (sort of) + jealous headcanons // cuddling headcanons // knowing me, knowing you //pregnancy headcanons // ALPHABET SMUT + FLUFF // not strong enough // SUN AND MOON - 5 times to kiss you // Namor smut - Worship // inbox request FIC // Namor + Wakanda youngest sibling // PART 2 - NAMOR + Wakanda sibling // WEDDING AND MARRIAGE HEADCANONS // Namor + reader with battle scars //
Tolkien/LoTR/The Hobbit - Bilbo’s daughter + the party //
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opalsdarkreadings · 2 years
Y’all I promise I will write something I’ve been so depressed and just recently is finally getting out that runt 😭
Thank y’all for being patient and enjoying some of my old work while waiting 😩🫶🏾
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Some memes for the wait and I’ll try to have something out and some asks that’s been sitting in my drafts out too
Bye now 🫶🏾
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vinnystarxx · 1 year
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‧₊ʚ🌷ෆ﹕LoVe’s PolLs﹕๑⁺⨯
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Kissed by Moonlight (Alucard x Witch! Reader)
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A/N: This is the newest part of my writing that I'm including! This takes place after season 3 but before the events of season 4 of Castlevania. I'm unsure at the moment whether to include season 4 plotlines, but I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Born as a witch to a powerful coven, Y/N is destined for greatness. That is until the wrongs of the world destroy her life, leaving her in fear for what she is. It's when her life is on the lines that she runs into the infamous, ghastly castle needing shelter, that she runs into the newest owner. Or, two people join together, yearning for a life they wish they could build.
Follow the story on A03!
They said that a red moon was a mark of God’s wrath. However, those born on a red moon were a sign of danger or foreboding.
The sign of a harbinger and the doom for mankind. The day of judgement for all who sinned against God and the heavens. It was one of the superstitions that caused those to feel the most judged and for others to be the most sinister in their beliefs against those.
God worked in many ways, and his followers worked to spread his word, regardless of what they proved was good or bad. They judged and they judged all, regardless of background or creed.
“An upcoming apocalypse,” they cried, “brought forth in the name of one borne from its blood.”
It was what was told to your mother, who carried you when she was abandoned at her lowest. She was welcomed anew by her new family, a coven of sisters. Her brood of many sisters protected and sheltered her: from the men who hurt her, to her village banishing her when her powers were discovered. It was only months into her arrival when the roundness in her belly hardened and swelled, that she found she was with child. Instead of the judgement of producing kin outside of wedlock, your mother was praised and celebrated. It was their words that spoke she was carrying a girl, a new witch that was promised to them after so long of waiting.
Moons changed in their cycles, as did your mother’s belly, growing with the babe inside. Both were pampered and doted, for the girl was claimed as the next to be as strong as the current matron, and all sisters could agree.
When the red moon appeared, as beautiful as its endless cycles before and after, was when the sisters prophesied you would come into the world.
The pain your mother carried her, the tears flooded down her face when she struggled through the night, spurred on by the chants of her many sisters. Eleven to be exact, the space in between was “for the leader himself”, Satan.
With the moon, bleeding and bright above their heads, they circled her in a formation, holding hand in hand as they chanted and praised into the night. Their cries blurred into one with your mother’s, the final push brought you forth with a shriek of your own.
Screaming, begging to be heard.
Swaddled in red, your mother gathered you in her arms. Skin as brown and hair black with small curls, she smiled as she wiped your brow, kissing your forehead lovingly, repeating the words alongside her sisters:
‘Red, red as autumntime. They shall fall in dread when you go by.’
Six years Later.
“You’re late.”
“I’m sorry, mama,” the little girl came bounding into the hut, mud and twigs matted in her curly hair, her skin was scratched and bruised from falls, but her toothy smile was enough to bring her mother’s attention to softly scold her. “You’re muddy again, Y/N. Did you cross over the river?”
The little girl darted her eyes away, trying to keep up with her innocent smile. “No.”
“Your ears burn when you lie, did you know that?” She pinched at her round cheek, but her smile was soft compared to how the years had treated her. “I shall clean you up before supper. Instead, we shall continue our lessons.”
“Will I learn to fly again?” The girl beamed, spreading her arms as she flapped them, mimicking the birds she saw in the trees.
“Levitation comes with many years of practise, sweet girl. It will not come to you for many more years. And besides, I shan’t let you fly around these woods, who knows who would see you.”
The girl knew of what lurked in the woods beyond their small camp, of what stalked and hunted in the night. Vampires. The blood leeches that preyed on anyone they saw. Men, women and children were never safe, and the little girl was warmed by her mother and the many sisters of the coven to be wary of their powers, and their manipulations. Targoviste - although safe to protect her from the humans - was not safe in keeping the creatures away. Nowhere was safe for little girls, but Y/N was no ordinary girl.
“Now,” her mother continued, “we shall continue with divine power.”
A favourite of the girl, she rushed to the table, leaning to get a better look. Divine power held two pillars in its wake, a never-ending cycle of balancing life and death. To make life was to call death.
The girl watched on, seeing two potted flowers, one had petals as yellow and bright as a canary’s, but one had shrivelled and died after many days of neglect.
“You remember the words?” Her mother asked as the little girl nodded her head enthusiastically. “Very good, speak them loud and clear, focusing all on the flower that is alive.”
The girl stared at the petals carefully, making sure not to take her eyes off them. She could feel the way they drew life, and how life spread through from the dirt all throughout. With the simple words, the girl commanded, “Capio.”
As if witnessing time move in lightspeed beyond what any human could comprehend, the petals began to shrivel and darken, and the yellow bulbs of the flowers shrunk as they caved in one at a time, curling in as the soil darkened. The girl looked up at her mother, pride flourishing on her face, “Can I say the other one, mama?”
“You may.”
She looked at the decayed pot with the other flower already dead for some time, speaking clearly, “Do.”
The same happened, and the girl remembered her mother describing it as if the lungs of a human were breathing. She could feel how the flower rushed back with life into its soil, brightening and blossoming once again. Its petals developed as they rose high and mighty, taking in the appearance of being freshly plucked not long ago.
“Very good, Y/N. You have gotten very confident with that spell.” She spoke, taking the pots aside, stroking her daughter’s cheek warmly. “You will become a great witch.”
“Just like you?”
“I’m no great witch, my sweet.” Her mother laughed sincerely. “It is I who had to be trained further than I was capable of knowing.”
“How did you find out you were a witch?” The girl pondered.
“When I was a little girl, maybe the same age as you, I was teased by the other children my age,” her mother began, “It got very bad, to the point one day, I was pushed into the river, and they all laughed at me.” There was a sadness in her eyes, but her daughter could read that it was more than just sadness, but anger. “I don’t know what came over me, this feeling. It felt how the wind changes, when storms approach and you can sense it’ll rain. That’s how it felt, a sense of power.” She raised her hand, clenching it open and shut.
“I remember I was staring at a rock in front of me, staring at it so hard, that I hoped for it to move, to hurt them back… I knew it was wrong, but they hurt me.”
“Did you hurt them?”
“No, I gave them a warning. I scared them off by raising the rock for all of them to see. They screamed, running back to their families and accusing me of being a demon.” She laughed sadly before she knelt low to her daughter’s level.
“You must promise me something, Y/N.”
“Yes, mama?”
“No matter how much people hate you for what you are, no matter the pain they inflict. It is better to not hurt them back. We hold—extraordinary power, that no one but us would understand.” She squeezed Y/N’s shoulder in emphasis. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, mama.”
“Good,” she kissed her hairline. “Now, you have the choice to clean up or help me tidy in here before supper.”
“How about I go back outside again?” Y/N beamed, “I’m already dirty, but I can get clean when I return.”
Her mother thought of this for a moment, sighing heavily in defeat. “Very well, but you mustn’t cross the river. It is getting too dark.”
“I promise!” Y/N laughed as she chased the greying clouds, running as far as her little leg could carry her. It was by the time she caught up to the river when her lungs were burning and she stared at the pebbles.
“I could do what Mama did.” She said aloud, only the trees, and the birds in their nests could hear her, and sense her presence. “I can be strong like her.”
She concentrated on the smallest rock beside her, staring and staring at the smoothness of its surface. Holding her palm out, she clenched and unclenched, trying for a moment as she got the pebble to shift once, then again, moving the other rocks it was embedded in, wiggling it free bit by bit.
Her patience was wearing thin, it was taking forever! It wasn’t until she loosened it enough that in a fit of frustration, she yelled into the air, tossing her arm outward as she flung the pebble in its direction, startling her by the suddenness.
“It worked!” She toothily smiled, staring out as she watched the smooth pebble scatter across the water’s edge, catching itself in the mud on the other side.
She was about to happily go back to celebrate her victory, to tell her mother in hopes she’d be proud, but her eyes caught something in the low treeline. The trees blended, and she thought she had seen one move, until a silhouette emerged, tall and willowy, blending in naturally with its surroundings.
Y/N’s smile dropped as she took in the stranger on the other side of the river, staring her down despite her not being able to see their face. It was shrouded in a dark hood, and only their nose and mouth were visible, skin bone-white.
She felt frozen in the very spot she stood in, all sense of fight or flight dispelled from her body, and moving down her spine was the icy-cold sensation of true fear.
Her heart felt as if it had stopped beating, replacing it with the ticking clock, seconds passing with the chances of escaping running thin.
It was only when the stranger’s face split open into a wide smile, that Y/N could feel the sensation come back to her legs.
Sharp fangs protruded from their mouth, gleaming like silver daggers.
She didn’t know what kept her going, the hope she would make it back alive, or the fact that she wanted to stay alive for her mother’s sake.
She could hear the creature move to keep up with her with ease, chasing the trees as it ran atop, keeping pace with her.
She had hoped the moment she got back to her mother’s hut that it was all a cruel nightmare. That she would wake up in her bed and nothing had happened.
Her small village grew closer in the distance, with the sounds of the winds and creatures close and surrounding her. She could almost feel their breath on the back of her neck, their laughter, mocking her to move faster—as if she was their prey and they enjoyed the chase. It felt like there were thousands of them, an army of them chasing after her.
Y/N’s lungs burned for air until she reached the front door, and everything was deadly quiet, except for the sound of her wheezing. No candles burned in the hut, nor in any other that she knew a sister occupied. Where is everyone? She thought, scanning the village, where no light was seen.
“Mama? You must let me in! There’s—” she pushed the door open to witness the horrors in front of her. “Vampires.”
The blood was the first thing she noticed, startling and fresh, with her mother’s body lying alongside it, eyes vacant and clouded.
Y/N didn’t know the scream that came from her lips came from her, crashing to the floor and coming into contact with her mother’s body. “No, no, mama, please! Wake up!” She shook her violently, staring only back into cold, lifeless eyes. “Wake up, please! Wake up, wake up, wake up!”
She scanned the room, everything had been scattered in places in the small room, as if someone had come in and pulled it apart, root and stem. Think, Y/N, think! She thought, and only did she spot the items that she crawled the smashed plotted plants.
She cradled it in her hands, pooling soil as she cupped them to keep the flower stable, chanting the words over and over again. “Capio.”
She watched, waiting, hoping and praying to whoever was out there to hear her prayers, but she continued and continued. “Capio. Capio. Do. Do.”
The flower in her grasp did not budge with death, instead, its petals remained its dull, yellowish-hue, staring back at her hopelessly as she had felt. It was only the realisation hitting her that she knew the others in her coven were not there anymore either, and she was the only one left.
Tears flooded down her cheeks, and Y/N cradled her mother’s body, already growing colder with the seconds passing. “Please come back… I need you.”
Latin Translations:
Capio – (I) take/seize
Do – (I) give/bestow
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dio-doflamingo · 2 years
· • . ° . nsfw drabble feat. nanami kento!
˚ ˚ · • . pairing ⇢ nanami, kento x black fem reader
↳ while I encourage anyone to read, I intend to write a black-coded reader unless stated otherwise
· • . ° . synopsis ⇢ you expected your boyfriend to be punctual, like always, but nanami missed your dinner reservation tonight! you had every right to be a little upset when you heard the front door open. and he’s ready to let you get it off your chest, among other things…
˚ ˚ · • . content warning ⇢ face sitting, fingering, spanking, squirting, slight praise
· • . ° . ( inspired by this corny ass tweet I saw a while back )
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· • . ° . AUTHOR'S NOTE ⇢ the way my first fic on here was supposed to be Castlevania related.. (imma still do it I just wanted to get this out my system first) I’ll call this a test run? 🫣 and happy black history month too
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You couldn’t really be mad at Kento, it truly wasn’t his fault that work kept him so late. You were just being a brat because you’ve been wanting to visit this restaurant for a good while. And the one time you try to have a nice outing with your boyfriend, leave it to none other than Gojo Satoru to fuck that up. When Kento is assigned to a mission (unwilling and without prior notice) with him, who highly suggested they split up so that Gojo can 'have a little fun', things were bound to take longer than necessary.
Your eyes glared at the clock as each second ticked by, slowly tapping your nails along your kitchen counter. It's been three hours since your boyfriend sent you an update.
my sweet love: Don't worry sweetheart, I'm okay. I'll make sure I get back in time for our dinner 🤍 (7:38 pm)
You tore your eyes away from the wall to uncork a wine bottle and pour yourself another glass. The sweet burn of the liquid rushes over your tastebuds and you tilt your head back to momentarily rest your eyes. The silence of your two-story complex engulfs you, and the irate thoughts you stifled begin to resurface.
I'd probably be on my third glass of Malbec by now. Eating paella and steak. Maybe some pasta. Kento and I would be on that gorgeous balcony sharing a fruit tart. Maybe crème brûlée. Enjoying the view of our city and each other's company after so long. I can't even remember our last dinner date. Fuck that mission. And most importantly, fuck Gojo Satoru.
The longer you thought about your night going to shit, a frown slowly stretched crossed your brown lips. A deep exhale escapes you as you take a generous sip, unconsciously gripping the stem of your glass tighter. Secretly, you're hoping to do the same to the six-eyed sorcerer whenever you see him. The sound of keys unlocking your front door reaches your ears and you lift your head and slide yourself off of the counter.
"Y/n honey, where are you?"
The warmth of his words made your heart flutter but it wouldn't rid you of your sour expression. Usually, when Kento arrives home, he is greeted with your beaming smile and a barrage of kisses as soon as he's setting his briefcase down. But your absence today throws him off a bit. Maybe she's napping? Or taking a shower?
He calls your name once again and you roll your eyes, realizing you can only hide from him for so long until he finds you himself. You take your time to finish your glass before setting it in the sink and shuffling your way to the front door.
"Y/n, are you home?"
Kento's tired gaze brightens as he sees you rounding the corner to greet him. You were only dressed in a powder blue robe but you looked so beautiful. An adoring smile stretches across his face and he opens his arms, ready to accept his usual welcome.
You approached him with your arms crossed before standing on your toes to peck his chin as you mutter a monotone "hello Kento". You didn't even meet his gaze before turning on your heels and making your way upstairs. He blinks and furrows his brows at the abrasive manner you greeted him in. You've never welcomed him home this way. It hurt him a bit, but a quick glance at his watch tells him exactly why you weren't exactly eager to see him.
Your lover runs a hand through his hair before sighing to himself. This is the first time Kento has missed any outing with you, and he can admit he does not like seeing you unhappy, especially with him. His feet slip out of his shoes and he makes his way upstairs to your bedroom.
Kento didn’t even need to say anything to you for you to see the exhaustion in the slouch of his shoulders and the heavy look behind his glasses. Your eyes quickly flit toward his figure before returning to your own reflection in the vanity mirror. You had spent so much time fixing your hair into an updo and getting a picture-perfect makeup beat, and you can't believe it was all for nothing. He walked to your vanity and pressed a quick kiss onto your forehead as he adores how you dolled up for him, even as you pout at him. Before you could open your mouth to complain at his slight dismissal, Nanami’s voice fills your ears.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get home, sweetheart.”
You watched as he discarded his suspenders and button-up with his back turned, switching out his clothes for some sleeping pants. “But just let me get comfortable and you can tell me just how upset you are.” Nanami walked back over to you and leaned down, raking his eyes over your profile and humming to himself as he placed his watch and glasses on the vanity.
“You look so darling, y/n. You did this for me?” His amber eyes took note of your robe exposing your cleavage, and it made Kento’s dick throb knowing you wore one of his favorite lingerie sets. All for him, just for him. “Yes, my love, I was excited.” You grumbled as you relish in the feeling of his rough, slender hands traveling up your legs to slide under your robe and give a teasing squeeze to your inner thighs. Nanami lowered his head to your neck, knowing where to kiss and bite at to get you quietly whining and gasping in his ear.
His hands moved under you, grasped at your ass, and carried you to the bed to straddle him. You maintained a slight frown on your lined lips, contradicting the soft grind you’re doing on Kento’s bulge, and it made him smirk. “I’m sure you were so disappointed I missed our reservation. Probably extremely mad.” He swiftly brings his fingers to slide your robe off of your shoulders and expose your breasts to him.
He gently squeezes at them and you mutter a “sure was, actually”, the end of your complaint morphing into a light moan. Your nipples were hardening through the fabric of your sheer bra, and Kento couldn’t help but circle his tongue around your nipple, humming an “I bet you were” before placing it into his eager mouth. Your hips bucked into his at the sensation, the warm feeling in your lower area spreading heat throughout your body. Nanami groans against your chest at the friction before pulling his head away, leaving wet kisses and deep red marks across your collarbone and breasts.
"I was excited for our evening, too. I was thinking about you in that dress all day. I have yet to see you wear it."
Kento’s words vibrated against your neck as his lips continued their passionate assault. Your eyes shifted to the silk piece hanging on the door Kento had bought for you recently. “You know I hate doing anything to upset you.” You found yourself humming lowly into Kento’s ears and it only encouraged him to squeeze your ass tighter and roll his hips into yours.
“I don’t like seeing you upset, my love.” He lies back on your assortment of pillows, and with a quick lift of your lower half, Nanami is face to face with your lacy underwear. You barely had time to properly grab onto the headboard before you felt your panties get pulled to the side and two fingers spreading your pussy lips open.
A low moan slips from the blonde below you and you feel your insides clench at the sinful display. “Now, tell me what you were mad about, princess.” His hazy eyes stayed locked with yours as he ran his tongue through your sticky folds and you hunched over and planted one hand in Kento’s hair. Your eyes squeezed shut when you felt the fingers that spread you open start to tease your entrance, lightly slipping past the tight threshold.
“Fuck- I- I was upset that I did all this to get ready for you.”
Nanami hums into your pussy as he leaves light kisses on your clit before fully sliding his fingers into your wetness. He felt his cock leaking a wet spot into his pants at the way you clenched around his fingers. He could feel his entire length throbbing in need, but right now was not about him. He gently pumped his fingers all the way in and out, thoroughly amused at your attempt to maintain the ounce of composure you had left.
“A-and I cleaned the apartment. So I-”
A curl of his long fingers into your g-spot forces your next words to come out as a moan that makes Kento’s eyes roll back. Not like you’d notice with the way you just arched your back and pulled harshly at his honey-colored strands. “Yesss, Kento, that feels so good,” you panted, rolling your hips into his ministrations. When you looked between your legs, you saw a heavenly sight — Nanami with his hair hooked between your knuckles, irises cloudy with his desire, his cheeks and ears flushed, and his chin lathered in your arousal as he slurps away at you with no restraint. He groaned into your sticky mound as he pulled away to speak to you, a string of slick attached to his bottom lip.
“You’re right, baby. I understand and I’m so sorry. You know we can always reschedule and go any time, right?”
Kento’s fingers continued to plunge into your soaking pussy as he spoke, your juices flowing into his palm. He was inching you toward your orgasm, and it was evident in your uneven breathing and mewls. Kento brought his other hand from your hip to slap your ass, taking a mental note of the surprised sound you let fall from your lips. “You know that, right, angel?” he asked once again, squeezing your soft flesh. You nodded repeatedly, tears beginning to grow heavy in your eyes with how well his fingers were fucking into you.
“Yes, Ken, I know, can you- just please- I’m so close.”
You could feel the grin spread on his rosy lips when he chuckled to himself. Kento didn't hesitate to place chaste kisses on your pussy before sucking harshly on your clit. Your hips jolted away from his face and you let your whines and jumbled praises fill the bedroom. Nanami quickly wrapped his arms around your thighs to lower you again. Another quick slap to your ass had you clenching tighter around his fingers. “You know how I feel about you running,” he grunted below you.
The knot in your lower stomach was a few strokes away from snapping. Your hips swiveled back and forth on his face, the slight tremble in your legs telling you your orgasm was surely approaching. “Ken, I’m gonna cum- fuck, I feel it.” Nanami’s fingers repeatedly curled inside of you while he licked and sucked at your swollen clit.
“Cum for me, baby. I’ve been waiting for this all day.”
His free hand replaced his mouth as he pulled back to watch your reaction. And a few circles rubbed into your clit combined with his words made you snap. You let out a shameless moan as your back arched and your head tilted back in bliss. Your orgasm washed through your every nerve and you felt your pussy convulse, squirting your release onto Kento’s fingers. You could hear a ragged moan slip from his lips, reveling in the aftermath of the mess you both created.
You forced yourself to look back down through your tears, trickles of your essence dribbling onto your boyfriend’s face and neck. And Kento looked in absolute euphoria, his low-lidded eyes focusing on the slick between your thighs. His brows furrowed with his mouth parted to capture as much of your juices as you’d allow him to. Your hips stutter as your orgasm subsides and Kento slows his fingers to slide them out of you. He gives you a few seconds to catch your breath, silently admiring the aftershocks of your nerve-numbing climax. He brings his soaked fingers to his lips and sucks them clean of your essence, and you can't help but bite your lip at his lewd act.
You lift your hips up to scoot down his torso, leaning down to press your lips onto his. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and he moans into the kiss, resting his sticky hands on your ass. Kento pressed your pussy into his throbbing bulge, sighing at the brief satisfaction. Pulling away from the kiss, you bite at his lip and say, “I accept your apology.”
Kento hummed, an adoring grin slowly spread across his face. He let his hands aimlessly roam over your backside as you gently wiped him clean. While you leaned over the side of the bed to toss the tissues, Kento decided to use the moment to his advantage. He lifted his hips up, pulled his pants down, and grabbed a firm hold of your thong before a snap! made your eyes widen a bit.
You direct your attention back to the honey-haired man, whose smile had morphed into a sly smirk. The familiar feeling of his swollen tip sliding through your lips and teasing your entrance forced a whine out of you. Kento's hands kept a firm grasp on your cheeks, guiding your hips into a slow grinding motion.
"If you'll let me, I'd like to properly apologize to you."
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© dio-doflamingo (2023) - translations, copies, reposts, and/or distributions of my work to any page/platform are prohibited. reblogs, not reposts, are appreciated.
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beevean · 11 months
Honestly that callout is the inevitable end of what we already mentioned abt nfcv criticisms:
-Loud annoying fucks make obvious racism fueled criticism of n!Annette
-Fandom considers this to be the sum of nfcv critics
-You n other fellas make criticism of n!Annette based on how her character was adapted, her story arc, interactions, etc
-"You're so racist n misogynistic!!!" Dogpiling
And you did acknowledge the unfair backlash against her in good faith and if ppl had disagreements it could be like "nah i dont agree bc x and i think you're being insensitive abt y bc z". Hell, if i got told i said something insensitive i'd rectify and apologize but nope. You're a bigot now congratulations :/
And (and im gonna get a bit political here sorry for that) forever gonna hate how nocturne made me have to speak abt all the nuances of the french revolution bc it is true that France was and is an imperialistic country w racism issues, but said history and issues can't be reduced into "white men bad, rich bad, 21th century 'murica politics" (specially considering how this is an Usamerican show, aka imperialistic country w racism issues that casually has France's politics on a leash lol)
It's all so annoying I just want a good adaptation of the funny beat up Dracula games
Pd: one of the things i like abt nocturne is her redesign lol. It doesn't has anything to do w the og but it's very good looking👍
Yeah, I knew I would be brushed off as one of those genuinely racist people whose criticism of Annette begins and ends with "MUH POLITICS, MUH WOKE" without knowing shit about history or even being a fan of the games. It's still annoying :V I always, always pointed out that those people exist and they have poisoned the conversation too much. But no, scream to me about how black women deserve to be in fandoms I guess. Yeah, I know. Good thing I didn't target you, isn't it.
And as other people have pointed out in the nothes, NFCV is genuinely all sorts of -ist and -phobic, there was a huge post that blew up about the blatant antisemitic implications of a "vampire cabal" owning all the slaves, so if you really want to play white savior, the show you're defending has plenty of material already :^)
And yes. I know this is going to sound like those MUH WOKE people, but I swear I don't mean it in the same way: Castlevania is not the franchise that should deal with real life politics. Not the games, nor the show. It's about humans vs. vampires. It has always been about human vs. vampires, or any sort of monster. Yes, N!Isaac had a past of slavery, but 1) it was highly historically inaccurate, since NFCV takes place before the Transatlantic Slave Trade and slaves in that area tended to be European, 2) it was still lowkey racist, as if black people can only be slaves, as if Isaac doesn't have already an in-built backstory of being persecuted for his powers, and 3) it was, at the end of the day, an insignificant factor of NFCV's lore. It justified one antagonist's misanthropy. It wasn't the literal core of the show. Nothing about the original show, let alone the damn games, would lead me to think "mmh, I sure would love to see important, complex historical events played out in this setting!".
(N!Annette is very cute, I concur lol. A much better design than N!Isaac. I appreciate that she's dressed in yellow like the original Annette :>)
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theanimekid · 3 years
I have completely forgotten something
I never did introduce myself
So HELLO! I'm AnimeKid, you can call me Kiddo(or not). Anyway, I have been on Tumblr for a while now, reading a lot of fanfictions, and thought well... I wanted to make my own. But I was kind of shy. Till a few days ago.
SO Now let me go down a few ground rules before I write anything else
Age in bio: This account will be 18 or up content so please MINORS DNI
Ask any questions: It could be about anime in general or something else. I'm open to request
What kind of fanfiction writing can I do? ( headcanons, SFW, and NSFW{depends on the mood I'm feeling or what the followers are in the mood for}, Character x female reader, male? ( not really sure, One-shot? definitely, and AU.
What Kind of writing will I be working on?
Attack on titian
Toyko Revengers
Black Butler
Black Clover
One Piece
Bastard!: Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy( Yes, I'm going to do it and no one can stop me!!)
Others(cause, when searched them up there was little to none at all, or I just wanna add my ideas)
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 1 and 2
Tekken (shortly or even right now)(and who else is going to do it?)
Asura's Wrath( reincarnated to the modern world: Mafia)
God of War
Ninja Gaiden
MK(Mortal Kombat)
Also, I love fan arts! OCs included and I hope we can all be friends
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My First Masterlist
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
❝ just let me look at you for a little bit. ❞ prompt with Castlevania's Alucard pls :)
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notes: Look I want to write about this man being happy, I really do, he deserves it so much, but it's just so much fun to write terrified scenes like this
pairing: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes x Reader
word count: 0.6k
warnings: injury detail, slight angst + comfort
Just let me look at you for a little bit
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You groaned as your vision blacked out again for a moment, breath heavy and feeling lightheaded, trying to look around the room when you could see again, hearing Alucard frantically gathering medical supplies before you saw him rifling through the cabinet, bringing everything over in a little basket he had snatched from the side and setting it on the table he had laid you out on. Your head lolled against the table as you felt him peel away your blood-soaked clothes from your side, looking down to see the large gash on either side on your ribs from where you had been grabbed by a night creature with mantis-like limbs. 
You saw his face fall and you looked down to see the various puncture wounds, perhaps as deep as a dog bite but there had been many more barbs on the creature’s arms than there are teeth in a dog’s mouth. You hissed when Alucard began cleaning the wound and his head snapped up to your face, just barely to make out the look of hardened anguish on his features as your eyes fluttered, vision fading out again. 
“Just hold on, Y/n. Try to stay awake if you can, I’ll try and get this treated as quickly as possible. You nodded your head weakly as he did everything to try and get the bleeding to stop in some areas while cleaning others, you struggled to pull up your clothing more to try and make it easier for him to work. 
You weren’t entirely sure what happened next, only that he was stitching some of the longer wounds where the barbs had dragged through your flesh by the time you were aware again. Had you passed out at all? 
You watched him work diligently with the skills his mother had taught him and groaned when he tugged a little too hard on one of the stitches. You could hardly feel the pinch of the needle over the hot, throbbing pain of your wounds. You were worried about how much blood you had lost and didn’t doubt that the same thing was concerning him. You could make him out a little clearly now, catching the streaks of red tears rolling down his cheeks and you knew that he was frightened for you – you had been his only company in the castle since that terrible night involving Sumi and Taka, after all. 
“Alucard.” Your voice sounded muffled to your ears and you reached out to him with a bloodied hand, “I want to tell you something.” 
“You’ll tell me later, when you’re resting and healing.” His tone attempted conviction yet it wavered, afraid. 
“I know but come.” He leaned down over you, coming closer to hear you better, your words coming out in mumbles of fluctuating volume. You reached up to cup his face in your hands, thumbs caressing his high cheekbones as you took in his golden hair, slender nose, the soft cupid’s bow of his lips and his pale gold eyes that were tainted a coral colour with his bloodied tears, “Just let me look at you for for a little bit.” 
“You can do that plenty when you’re feeling better but I need to treat–”
“I know.” You truly did know but he needed to feel sure of himself. He was scared and that would hinder him. You decided there and then that this would not be the last time you looked at his beautiful, beautiful, face for the last time, “You’ve got me. I know you’ve got me and I have something to tell you when I’m feeling better.” You offered him a weak smile and your words seemed to have the intended effect on him as he nodded his head and set your hands back down by your sides, getting to work with more confidence. You watched him work as you forced yourself to stay alert, awake. 
He deserved to know how terribly in love with him you were when he finished treating you. 
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☾ ⋆゚ Buy me a coffee?
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brownandblackpearls · 2 years
🦇𝒯he  𝒱isitor (Alucard Tepes x BlackReader) Pt.6
Alucard has found you in the depths of his castle. You spend the night outside the castle together, and you bear witness to a few more of your host’s supernatural abilities. You learn more about him, about his life, and he learns of you. You’re both opening up...but what secrets remain? And are you ready to learn those too, under the light of the moon? Or will the shadows swallow you back up...?
─── Alucard x black female reader
─── imagery + fiction
─── explicit smut
─── Fantasy, vampires, hurt/comfort, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, magic user, cute bats, gardening, cooking, cottagecore MC, castlecore Alucard.
☾ previous. ☾ next.
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You imagined Alucard’s return to his form to be something macabre and anatomical, full of moving muscle and crunching bones.
His change back is more like a whisper in the night. Something that is a part of him and not a gruesome, forced curse. Something inherent. Natural.
He looks to you then, his eyes just the same as they had been when he wore the skull of a wolf instead of that of a man’s.
“You shouldn’t wander,” he says simply, as if nothing has happened. Perhaps to him, nothing had. Another uneventful night in his mind, surely, you guess.
You nod, unsure whether to thank him for finding you deep in the castle’s nooks, or whether you should keep your silence and your grudge over his treatment of you the past few days.
You decide that the night’s events have made you rather tired and that you don’t possess much more energy for anger. Perhaps tomorrow.
“Thank you. For finding me,” you attempt to salvage.
“Always,” Alucard murmurs, before moving away and turning his head to see if you’ll follow.
You do. You feel yourself wonder at his choice of words just now, but smother the feeling.
‘No more investigating every little word or thought. I’m tired...’
You try to keep a respectable distance, yet you note that Alucard slows his pace until he is at your side. His eyes look ahead yet his expression is concerned, and he seems to be struggling with something.
“Earlier, I...” he sighs. “It seems that I keep finding myself in situations where I owe you an apology.”
“Yes. Well.” You don’t try to put on airs. As nice as it is to have someone apologize to you these days, it’d sooner be more pleasant to see action behind such words.
The road held its stories. Anyone could say anything. Never did that make it true.
You learned that the hard way.
“I am sorry,” Alucard states. “I often forget that how I partake in solitude and how I behave with others must differ. Another excuse, yes. Yet it truly is...too easy to forget.”
You shrug. You suppose that if you were a half-vampire holed away for God knows how long...you’d lack certain manners too.
“Does it make you...resentful…? That you must treat a human like me so carefully?”
Alucard shakes his head, looking straight down the dark corridor.
“No. It makes me…remember.”
“Remember what?” you ask.
Alucard’s face really shadows over then, and you find yourself realizing that as forlorn and cold as he’s looked since your stay, you have never seen him quite this sad.
“My friends,” he breathes, before turning on his heel and continuing down the corridor.
‘Friends,’ you think to yourself. ‘I never stopped to wonder about his friends. Family, yes. Enemies, certainly. Acquaintances, trysts, lovers perhaps…but never friends.’
“Even creatures of the night have friends,” he jests coolly, but there is truth in it.
You smile, drawing nearer as his steps slow from their hurried pace. He has seemed to remember himself. “You are no creature of the night, just lousy at waking early. And of course you’d have friends. Of course.”
“Of course?” His brow lifts.
“Well yes. Everyone has friends.”
“What about you then? Your friends.”
You pause, finding yourself taken aback. 
What about you? What about your friends?
You’ve met them over the years on the road. Acquaintances, interests…and yes, even friends. But they never stayed. And neither did you. No addresses to pen to. No pigeons to send off. No magic mirrors of legend. 
Just you.
“I suppose…I had them. Before.”
Alucard looks at you then, really looks at you. Then he gives you the saddest smile.
“How lonely.”
You do not know whether to be insulted or to cry. It was lonely. It is lonely.
Perhaps that’s why you fight so hard for attention now that you have something more permanent, more stable...? But you’re not sure how kindly you take that comment coming from someone who lived in a castle vast enough to house entire cities and yet held no one but himself. If anyone should be lonely, it would be Alucard, right...?
You look at your skirts and the floor, thinking. 
It was so easy for you to see his loneliness. His solitude wrapped around him like a cloak.
Yours? That was much harder. You hid it. And you smiled, and you said all the right things, but there it was. There it remained.
And perhaps there it would stay, no matter how many towns you went to or sights you saw. No matter how many things you pried out of your host who was clearly not used to company.
You were afraid you would...always be alone. In the middle of the woods, in a crowded room, none of it mattered it seemed.
And it felt like Alucard was looking straight into the heart of it, feeling awfully sorry for you. Maybe more sorry than you’d ever taken the time to feel for yourself.
You feel yourself leaning towards being upset when Alucard moves toward you, drawing your attention.
“It's dark outside and creatures roam, but...the moon is bright and I am here. We could see the garden. Unless you’re ready to retire for the night...?”
You find your eyes widening in pleasure, your heart vibrating with anticipation. A garden hardly holds up to all the wondrous things you’ve seen on your travels, but after a measurable time in the castle exploring its brickways and hidden delights (and horrors), you are ready for some fresh air that is not from a precipitous balcony.
“I want to see...but perhaps you’re right. I hardly think I could make it all the way out there and back as tired as I am.”
You feel yourself wilt at the thought that you will miss out on the outing you’d been hoping for. You had to be realistic with yourself, though. Traipsing these grounds was no cakewalk.
“There is a way.”
You perk up at that. “A secret passageway?”
“No. Well, probably, but no. There is a faster way.”
Alucard comes closer then, peering down at you. You can feel his presence rolling off of him, you can see the tight knitting in his thread-wear. You can even scent his cologne, something deep and dark and old.
“Are you afraid of bats?”
Alucard possesses many supernatural gifts. This, you learn tonight.
The white wolf had been illuminating enough. But now, as you are shrouded in darkness, hearing nothing but the sound of flapping and the feeling of thin-skinned wings touching you lightly all over, you wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into. 
When the bats clear and your vision goes from total blackness to the vast night sky, you realize that you stand on solid ground now instead of shapeless, shifting swathes of night flyers.
The cloud of bats is silent save for flapping, with not a shrill or scream to be heard. The mass unfolds from around you, disappearing to the edges of your vision and recollecting out of sight with only sound to signify. 
It happens so quickly, that by the time you are turning to follow the mist of the bats, you hear something that sounds akin to a whirlpool closing in on itself rapidly; you watch with wide eyes as the bats gather together, glowing in a red unshapely blob, before snapping into the image of a man. The last things to fade from the red glow into visceral reality are his eyes.
His gaze appears tinted with humor at your clear astonishment from the whole endeavor.
“See? Faster.”
“Did it hurt?” he asked. He stepped away and waited, and soon enough you realized he was leading you once again.
“No. It was odd, if anything.” You think it is a funny question, as you are sure he took the consideration to ensure that the journey didn’t hurt or startle.
You stay close, eyes widening as you spy where he was leading you.
The garden.
The same garden you had spotted so long ago on your way into this place. It is not as blooming as before, the soil covered in pine needles, foliage, and some areas with tarp.
“Ah, you prepared it well,” you note. “You do this before every winter season?”
“Not as thoroughly,” Alucard says, observing the state of the garden. “Usually I let most of them die and sprout unaided in the spring. Only this season did I harvest and prepare.”
“Why?” you wonder.
Alucard looks at you then, and suddenly you realize.
‘Because of me.’
Because of you...you who is wholly flesh and bone, you, a human, you who needs sustenance and warmth and care during the winter months...You are not supernatural like him, and you cannot last like him. This much he understands. He seemed to have taken the prospect seriously by doing all of this work.
You find yourself speechless. A nervous hand of yours draws to the tight curls on the nape of your neck, detangling them anxiously.
“I...thank you for thinking of me. I had...no idea.”
Alucard nods almost imperceptibly before kneeling down towards the drying garden bed, sifting leather-clad fingers through the dirt.
You follow after, the night’s dew glistening back the moonlight and softly dampening the edges of your dress. 
The air is cooling, you realize. You find yourself gasping outside of your control.
A sudden shiver runs up your body. Winter is upon you and the air’s chill only hints at that fact further.
You feel movement by you and you wrap your hands tightly around your kneeled form, forcing a chuckle through the tremors.
“The chill out here is something else, isn’t it?”
You feel it then.
A large, heavy cowl is laid over your shoulders, covering your frame entirely. You freeze, feeling the warmth emanating off of it. It smells deeply of the smoky scent you associate with...Alucard.
You turn and catch his gaze, set aback. He eyes lower to the lapels, and he angles towards the front of you so that he may draw the clasps closed, covering you completely. He begins to slowly stand, and as if in a trance, you stand with him; perhaps an unsuspecting outsider would assume the two of you to be in a dark, pagan dance on this moonlit night in the woods. Finally fully upright, he fastens the final clasp closed, but his hands do not release you; instead, they trace back to the collar and draw it together firmly, making the coat feel that much closer to your skin.
He has never met your gaze this long. He has never stood this close.
His amber eyes momentarily lower to the buttons, then the ground, and finally they lift to take you in once more.
“I’ve been careless.” The admission is low, almost like a whisper, despite the night’s quiet and the chilled breeze overhead.
Careless? About what? The night air? The revealing of his numerous abilities? Something else entirely...?
You open your mouth to respond but cannot find the words. Alucard fills the silence for you both.
“You are human. And you need more than I cared to give.”
You feel your mouth part in surprise, unsure of what to say.
“I...I don’t understand.”
Alucard leans down then, equaling himself to your height.
“You will.”
You find your body drawing even closer to him, the gap between the two of you growing infinitesimally smaller. He is like stone, still but steady. Something low brims between the empty space, and you feel like something going to occur—
A long, shrill, almost-human scream cuts through the dark night. 
You feel your heart drop to the sole of your shoes. It sounded bad. Very bad.
Alucard’s expression hardly shifts to the level of fear you currently feel, but you do spot a hardening in his look. Concern bleeds into his face as he turns over his shoulder, seemingly listening to something you can’t hear.
“We’d better be on our way then.”
You nod, eager to get out of there.
“Is that a…night creature?”
“Yes. You’ve met one already, I presume.”
You sigh, agreeing. “Ever since I stepped foot in Wallachia, unfortunately. This place seems to be crawling with them.”
Alucard nods, all-too knowing.
The scream comes again, and this time, it sounds far too close.
Alucard doesn’t look as bothered as you feel inside. You begin attempting to chat away the fear. 
“They don’t go down easy. Well…” you eye him warily, his stature, his gaze. “...maybe not for me.”
Alucard smirks then, shrugging.
“It’s a bit late for a needless fight. Let’s go back.”
You nod, glad for the warmth from his coat. The scream arises again, and you jump this time. It sounds even closer. Maybe it sniffed you both out?
“Should we run?” You ask with a shake in your voice, hearing something hulking and hissing fighting through the trees on yonder.
You feel as though you’ll see some hellish beast any minute.
“Hold on.”
You feel a hand grab you round the waist, and before you know it, you’re in the air hovering like a bird in the sky. You don’t even have time to log the latest ability of your host that you’ve discovered because you’re too preoccupied with watching the ground fall away from you both.
You shriek, closing your eyes and tucking your face away from the dizzying heights into the nearest solid surface, Alucard’s lapels. You try to ignore that you’ve never been quite this close to Alucard, the tufts of his blouse rubbing against your eyelids and lips, the thick material of his jacket flapping near your ear in the wind. You can feel your own skirts tousle about in the air dangerously, but you don’t have the heart to reach down and keep them close to your thighs.
Luckily, Alucard is the sort of supernatural gentleman to consider such things; he wraps his other arm underneath your legs, tucking in your skirts tight in his grasp as you bend, now held like a bride or a child. It is not enough to make you pull away from the illusory safety of his bosom and see just how far the ground is now below you both.
You shake and wonder if he feels the tremors. Your question is answered once you feel his face lower to gaze at you assumedly, his chin grazing your scalp and settling there easily.
“Is this worse than the trip here?” He wondered aloud.
The noise you let out is far from proper and you feel yourself shaking harder from the thrill of being up so high. The bats had hidden the last trip from your sight. It hardly felt like you were moving! Now, however...? You could feel and see everything, with only Alucard as an anchor to hold. Clearly he was used to being a night bird, but you were not. Not yet.
“Don’t look, if it scares you,” Alucard advises before jetting you both off towards the castle.
That night at the table is quiet.
You requested a drink before retiring as the journey out into the night air has left you parched. 
Alucard not only obliged, but sought to escort you to the kitchens. Even he seemed to understand the difference of mood in the castle at night compared to the day. His company is a welcomed circumstance.
You sit before one another at the place you last were not so long ago, where your argument took place only hours before. 
The tension from that last talk seems to still have a hold on the setting, you and Alucard both choosing silence for the moment. Tea steams between you both, a pot full. Your cup is draining as you quench yourself, but Alucard’s is empty.
‘Is he not thirsty?’ you wonder.
“Alucard, aren’t you parched?” You gesture towards the tea but Alucard will look at nothing else in the room but you.
“You were right. Before.” he admits. “I do not take human blood. I can. But I won’t.”
You nod, letting him unveil himself to you. 
“Why lie?”
He sighs heavily, wrangling with something. 
“It is difficult to...learn others. Sometimes it feels as though it is for nothing. They all pass by so quickly.”
‘Pass by? What does that mean?’
“Well, traveler I may be, I am here to stay for as long as you’ll have me. I like it here. I hoped I wasn’t burdening you.”
Alucard seems to soothe at that, his shoulders lowering a fraction and his brow easing.
“No. Nothing of the sort.”
You nod then, feeling like you’re both back where you started in a sense. He wants you there, you want to be there, but his actions say a different story at times and it confuses you. At least one thing is settled...
“Why won’t you drink blood if it is beneficial for you?”
He looks shocked then; not that you asked seemingly, but at the way you asked. You wonder if he expected a more angered response from your end towards his vampirism. If he expected disgust. But you know who you look at and where you are. You may not know exactly who Alucard is, but you know what he is. Half a man, half a vampire, and more things beyond either category entirely. 
Those other things are more interesting to you anyway.
Learning what Alucard is was an old task. Learning who he is will be the challenge. As will it be for him to learn of you.
He considers your question for a moment and you almost believe he will not answer it, not until he begins to speak.
“My father...”
You know not if your eyes play tricks on you, but the room almost seems to darken. The candles lower and the fireplace hushes its crackling. 
Even dead, the castle remembers its owner.
Alucard presses on.
“...he drank before. I was not alive to see it. But I know. He ceased the drinking once he met my mother. He was strong enough to go without it, as moral as one such as himself could manage. Stories may say otherwise, but I know this to be true. They were content for many years. After her loss, he drank once again. Insurmountably. None of it quenched him. None of it was enough.”
You feel your face fall. His eyes, as gold as they are...they look so empty right now.
“I will not drink. Not that.”
You sit back, thinking to yourself. Alucard has shared quite a large piece of himself that he keeps hidden away. Even speaking it seemed to cause him pain. And you wonder to yourself as a human woman, what kind of existence it is to be permanently at odds with yourself...your nature singing for one thing, your morality reaching for another. Always at odds, always in a tension.
You see it in Alucard, who you know now to be good. Maybe not open, maybe not the most considerate, but good. And in someone like Dracula, you wonder what kind of person Alucard’s mother was to make such a notoriously cruel creature...a powerful creature... put himself at odds with his own nature like that for her sake. And find happiness in it?
“I understand better now. Your mother must have been a unique person, Alucard.”
Alucard nods, eyes to the table, searching through memories only seen to him. 
“She was.”
It is quiet for a moment, the silence comfortable. Then something seems to spark in Alucard’s eyes before he lifts his gaze to you, curious.
“What of your mother?”
You feel yourself freeze.
“I...” you begin, searching. “We were not close. My story is not so interesting. I will tell you about it on a different night.”
Alucard’s warm look melts away at your expression, and you quickly clear it up to avoid further investigation.
‘You madame, are a hypocrite...but for right now, I can live with that.’
Sensing your discomfort, Alucard nods to the window.
“The morning sun will rise anytime now. We’ve spent the night out and about, and you will tire soon. Even if it is a late morning for us both...”
You watch him, curious as to where he intends to go with this.
“...Would you accompany me to the garden once more after resting? There are some final portions of harvest that will not fit in storage. I sought to head into a different town to give them away or to trade.”
Alucard would not need the help of his visitor to sell a few vegetables on the road. He probably wouldn’t go through the trouble of selling any and just compost or dispose of it all, if not for you.
‘So he meant his apology. He is not annoyed by my presence. He desires it. And he seeks to prove it.’
You smile then, plucking up the teapot from between you two and pouring into his cup.
“I’d be happy to come along. And since we have a long day ahead of us, I insist you sustain yourself.”
You fill his cup and it steams. Pulling away, you gesture at the tea.
“Just because you do not drink blood does not mean that you do not drink at all,” you tease. “And perhaps in town we’ll find cider or ale at this time of year. Do you drink spirits, or is that off-limits also?”
Alucard shakes his head and smirks, his sharp fangs in clear view but his pleasure even more so. It sends a hair-raising thrill through you, and you bring your legs together under the wooden table. You hope he does not see, but you are not so sure; he lifts the cup of tea to his lips, gazing at you.
“I think I’ll manage.”
AN: Do not under any circumstances copy, repost, or edit any of my work. If you see someone do so, please let me know.
☾ previous. ☾ next. 
☾ check my blog for more imagines
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hiddenlife-manager · 3 years
Valentine's Idea 💕
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Valentine's day is coming and I have an idea. How about a story based on a drink. I found this picrew and it is soooooooooooooo cute. I make drinks based on what emotion will the story be. Of course if anyone has any simple request I can try. For the first one's I'll make my own hehe.
One Piece (Top)
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia (Preferably not but will take)
Genshin Impact
Fire Force
Tokyo Revengers
Cowboy Bebop (Love to try)
Hunter x Hunter
X reader preferably using either g/n, afab, amab, trans male, trans female, just use a specific request
When asking characters pick males mostly will take some females.
Friends with Benefits= yellow
Fluff= Pink drink
Angst/ Comfort= Blue drink
Smut= Black drink
Nsfw Alphabet= any color
Basic Alphabet
A = After care (After those moments how are they)
B = Body Part ( Favorite body part from them and you)
C = Cum (How much do they cum, headcanon of their cum, anything!!!!)
D = Dirty Secret (Something no one else knows but them)
E = Experience (What have they done before you? Do they even know what they are doing?)
F = Favorite Position (self explanatory)
G = Goofy (Serious during it or maybe be cracking jokes mid way)
H = Hair (Are they clean shaven, taken care of, length?)
I = Intimacy (In a romantic view how are they during it)
J = Jack Off (A headcanon of them)
K = Kink (Things they are super into, maybe even more than one)
L = Location (Where would they do it)
M = Motivation (What is getting them in the mood)
N = NO (Would not do at all no matter what, or like a complete turn off.)
O = Oral (Enjoy it, giving or receiving. Skill, or even headcanon of it)
P = Pace (How fast are they)
Q = Quicky (Would they do it or nah. How and more)
R = Risk (Are they okay with something new, would they take risk)
S = Stamina (How long can they last? How many rounds?)
T = Toy (Do they use them, have them. Use it on themselves or partner?)
U = Unfair (Do they tease and how much.)
V = Volume (How loud are they?)
W = Wild Card (Something shocking or random about them)
X = X-ray (What is down there?)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Z = ZZZZ (How fast do they go to sleep afterwards?)
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vampyrcigs · 8 months
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Mor, my name is Mor.
This blog is for those who crave that of a gothic romance. That of a vampire’s bite, a vampire’s kiss. For only a vampire’s kiss will last forever.
🩸‧₊˚⊹ a truly odd obsession with ethereal vampires…
🪦‧₊˚⊹ he / him , Victorian goth , vampire lover , African American , and professional unprofessional writer . ♡
🦇‧₊˚⊹ I am married to many different vampires, do not question me.
“They’re gonna execute the mother..to elevate the man.”
🕯️‧₊˚⊹ Made this blog out of boredom and wanting to get back into writing. I write on tumblr and Wattpad currently. I’m planning to write AO3 in the future. Wattpad will be linked once I start working on it. Requests are open.
🩸‧₊˚⊹ I may be a bit late on your asks, but they will be done. I go from earliest ask to latest so first come, first serve. If I’m uncomfortable with an ask, it will not be written. ♡
🦇 ‧₊˚⊹ Politely correct me if I get something wrong in my writing (grammar mistakes, character info mistakes, etc.). I want my work to be as accurate as possible for you all. Anons are adored. ♡
🪦‧₊˚⊹ My works are, recommended, 18+. I will not go out of my way to check your ages, you are responsible for your media consumption. SFW content is not age restricted.
Follow my dearest…@cozylashes , the color change is dastardly.
materialist…in progress || request status…open || introduction
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jay-wells-writes · 4 years
Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend (Dracula x reader, smut and slight gore)
OMG..... Wow..... I was expecting this story to be a bit of a pain in the ass, but man was I wrong. Once I got the idea down, everything just came to me. I was surprised with how much I kept putting into this and I really like were it went. So my Dear Anon I hope you really enjoy the story. 
Of course I had to change some things around in order to make your request work and after talking it over with a friend this is what I came up with. SO PLEASE NOTE!!! I have combined both Van Helsing and Castlevania BUT only with one character. I took Brauner from Castlevania and made him the bad guy that makes Reader and Dracula work together. THAT IS THE ONLY THING I TOOK. I also know nothing from Castlevania so I made Brauner how I wanted. So basically I borrowed his name and nothing more. THERE ARE WARNINGS OF BLOOD AND NON DISCRIBED GORE!!!
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gif taken from google 
The people in town called you crazy when you mentioned going up to the old Counts Castle. From what you learned at the inn the castle belonged to Count Dracula, a creature of the night that wasn’t to be messed with. But a few years back he left, for unknown reasons and another vampire named Brauner took over. The townspeople are quick to tell you that although Dracula was evil and nasty, he was nothing compared to Brauner. Hearing that you rolled your eyes, in good old Brauner fashion he used his brutality and strength to scare the townspeople into thinking he was something he wasn’t. But as you downed your drink you shook your head and stood. You told them that the anger in you was stronger than Brauner and that if you died you were going to make sure you took him with you. 
When it came to hunting creatures of the night, you were constantly picked on by others. They would tell you that you weren’t strong enough and that you would be better used as bait. But then Tham showed up and instead of picking like the others they taught you what they knew. It was during your training the both of you learned that while you may not have brute strength, you had an unnatural ability when it came to tracking and knowing when you were being followed. So as you walked to the castle you knew something had been following you ever since the sun went down. As you drew closer to the castle you needed to kill whatever it was, because you didn’t need any additional problems once there. Turning around slowly you knew the spot you had chosen was not the best, but the creature needed to be dealt with. Whatever it was, it hadn’t made a sound so you also knew it wasn’t some lackey. That it had some cognitive ability. So you called out to it.
“How about instead of following me you just show yourself!”
Hearing a crack from your left you turned to watch a man walk from behind a large tree. Between his black hair and attire, you didn’t need the moon to see how pale he was. But you couldn’t help it when your breath hitched at his handsome features and you found yourself unable to move, and when he spoke you instantly knew who the man was. 
“But I was having such great fun watching you navigate these woods as if you had lived here your whole life.”
“What makes you think I haven’t?”
Stepping closer to you, your heart began to beat faster and it wasn't out of fear.
“Oh come now, these are my woods, and if a delicious human like you had walked them before I would have snatched you before now.”
You didn’t have to feel breath on the back of your neck to know that he was currently standing behind you, inches away from your neck. Vampires had an ability of being able to control humans so you chalked up your inability to move on that. But you knew and so did he that you weren’t moving because you didn’t want to. Hearing his voice from the other side of your head you turned to look at his pale face as he inched closer to you.
“So tell me, what is a delicious thing, as yourself, doing out this late at night?”
Even though his question shook you like jumping into a cold creek to bathe. It essentially reminded you of why you were making the trip up to the castle. But instead of moving away you remained still and even brought your face a bit closer to his as you answered his question with a small smile. 
“Come now Count, we both know what I am doing.”
You watched as a large smile broke out on the Count’s face. 
“So you know who I am.”
“It wasn’t that hard.”
Smiling at your answer you watched as the Count brought his hand up and ran his cold fingertips down your face.
“You know who I am yet you are unafraid.”
“Not being scared makes you cocky and cocky gets you killed.”
Laughing as he steps back slightly and you watch as the Count stepped away from you completely. Placing his hands behind his back he walked a couple steps in front of you before stopping and looking at you. 
“Well it is still polite to introduce oneself. So allow me to introduce myself, I am Count Vladislaus Dracula.” When you didn’t reply back to the Count he smiled slightly and took a step towards you. “Is it not polite to introduce yourself after someone introduces themselves?”
“It is if the person introducing themselves is alive and not a creature of the night.”
Instantly Dracula was standing behind you and you felt something in you shift. 
“Hmmm, such a feisty thing. I like it, but come now we both have things to do.”
Being reminded of why you were there once again, you felt ice running through your body, but it wasn’t enough to break whatever hold the Count had on you and you found yourself answering his question. 
“My name is y/n.”
“Ah, now see was that so hard? Tell me y/n, why do you make your way up to my castle this late at night?”
Annoyed at the Count for using his abilities to get your name you couldn’t help but say the first thing that came from your mouth. 
“Correct me if I am wrong Count, but doesn’t that castle now belong to Brauner?”
Suddenly you felt the wind leaving your chest as the Count slammed you into a tree. If his face hadn’t been so pale you were sure it would have been bright red in anger as he yelled.
“THAT CASTLE WOULD NEVER BE BRAUNER’S!” Releasing his hold on you the Count took a step back and fixed a piece of his hair that had fallen over his eye. “That is and always will be my castle.”
Suddenly feeling a bit daring you couldn’t help but smile as you rested and tilted your head on the tree.
“But the townspeople said you abandoned it and Brauner took it over.”
Standing flushed against you once again, you allowed Dracula to touch your neck as he slowly moved your head back and forth. 
“I would never abandon something that is mine.”
“But it seems that you have Count.”
You could feel his fingers tightening around your neck as his teeth grazed against your skin. 
“I would NEVER abandon something that is mine and I am ashamed to admit it, but Brauner was able to weaken me. He left me for dead and it has taken this long for me to heal. Now, you may intrigue me but my patients run thin. Why are you heading to my castle?”
"I have come to do you a favor and kill Brauner."
You could feel your blood boil as the Count laughed in your face. To your surprise and his you shoved him away from you and took a step from the tree.  Fixing his jacket the Count stood tall once more and smiled.
"Such anger. Tell me my Dear y/n what has Brauner done to you to cause such anger?”
“He killed my mentor, Tham.”
“Ah, so it is the classic revenge killing.”
Laughing darkly you held out your hand.
“And what about you. You got too comfortable around him and lost your castle and almost your undead li-”
Once again the Count had you slammed into the tree but this time instead of touching you like a lover would his fingers were cutting off your breathing. As you clawed at his hand the Count placed his forehead against yours.
“DO NOT assume that our problems are the same. Human’s die all the time, it is the nature of your life. You are born and then you die. For vampires we live for thousands of years. I AM older than all and most of my kind fear me! Those that don’t learn quickly that they should. Brauner has gotten drunk on power and instead of trying to preserve our kind he has brought us into the light. The ONLY reason he was able to over power me is because he cheated and had young bloods help him in our dual.” Letting go of your throat the Count took a step back and began to pace as you dropped to your knees, gasping for breath. “None of that matters now. Tell me my Dear y/n, how do you plan on killing him? How do you plan on getting into the castle and past those he has around him?”
Shifting to your butt you sat on the ground and thought about it. Truthfully you didn’t know and for some reason you told him so. 
“I don’t know. I was going to scout the castle and look for the best way in. What about you? I highly doubt Brauner is going to allow you back into the castle, even if it is your castle.” 
Placing his hands behind his back the Count tilted his head, acknowledging what you said as he continued to pace. 
“This is true in a sense. Brauner will allow me back in the castle but he will not allow me close to him."
Instead of finishing his thought the Count continued to pace and think. Slowly you got to your feet and began to collect the things you had dropped. You had just picked up your bag when you noticed that the Count was no longer in front of you, but standing flush against your back. 
“Tell me my Dear y/n, what if I told you that tonight not only would Brauner die but you would be able to walk out of my castle alive.”
Turning to look over your shoulder you could see the Count bring his hands up and run them down your shoulders. 
“I would ask you what type of deal am I making with the Devil?”
Laughing, the Count moved to stand in the front of you and took your hands into his. He moved one of them to his shoulder while he gripped your other one into his. Without even realizing it you soon found yourself dancing with the Count in the middle of the woods. 
“The deal, as you call it, my Dear y/n is simple. You become mine.” Before you could pull away the Count shook his head. “No no, not like that. I have an idea that will not only get you into the castle but will also get me close to Brauner. It is no secret that we both want Brauner dead, unfortunately only one of us is able to make it happen.”
“Get to the point Count.”
“Vlad, please or Dracula. The point my Dear y/n is that Brauner may have control of my castle, but like I mentioned before, he will not keep me out. I can walk right into it and no one will stop me. If you were on my side, you would be able to do the same.”
Pulling away from Dracula you glared at him. 
“What’s the plan Dracula?”
Laughing at the tone of your voice Dracula started to dance with himself as he spoke. 
“Oh my Dear y/n, it is simple. Brauner wants power, he has always been a bit jealous too. Can you imagine how jealous he would be when I come walking into the castle with a willing human at my side."
"Willing human. For what?"
"You are a hunter, what is one of the first things your dear dead teacher taught you about vampires?"
Seeing you stepping towards him Dracula smiled and bowed. 
"That their self center and full of themselves."
Laughing loudly at your comment Dracula quickly pulled you into his arms again and started to dance once more.
"Oh my Dear y/n, while that may be true that was not the answer I was looking for. I was thinking more about our ability to place humans and creatures alike in a trance and have them do our bidding. Can you imagine how jealous Brauner would be when I walk into the castle with a human who WANTS to be there? Someone I didn’t have to force or spell to be there."
"Still don't know how that is going to get you closer to Brauner."
"Well, it is no lie, I am a very sensual creature….."
"Wait you want me to act like I am some stupid human that fell in love with you?"
Making a face, Dracula shook his head as he spun you around. Bringing his face to your neck you couldn’t help but tilt your head to allow him to graze his lips against it. 
"I would not want you to be some stupid human, I enjoy your feistyness. I think we mix well as we are. No, what you would have to do is submit to me. You can't cringe if I was to kiss your neck or even your lips. You have to act as though you enjoy my cold fingers tracing your neck or other parts of your body." Spinning once again you stood facing Dracula as he watched his fingers slipping down your neck. "You do that and Brauner will be itching to get a taste."
"One problem in your plan Dracula. To be completely devoted to you, I have to be willing to let you feed off of me. And you will NOT bite me."
Bringing your wrist to his lips Dracula kissed it before running his face over it.
"Oh my Dear y/n, I do not expect you to allow me such pleasure as that. But there are other ways I can feed from you. In fact your arms give us one way." Looking at your arms you saw cuts from previous fights. Looking back up at Dracula you could see him smile. "So what say you my Dear y/n, do you think you handle my touches?"
Pulling your hand from Dracula’s you placed it on his chest. Fiddling with the buttons on his jacket you looked into his eyes as you used your other hand to pull his face to yours, crashing your lips into each other's. You weren't sure what surprised you more, how cold Dracula’s lips were to yours or how he easily took over the kiss and you let him. Pulling away so that you could breath Dracula closed his eyes and moaned.
"Oh yes, this is going to be marvelous."
Getting into the castle had gone just as Dracula said it would. A couple of "young bloods" as he called them tried to stop you and were now dead. At the commotion that was made Brauner's second came into the hallway and when he saw Dracula you almost thought he paled even more. After telling you both that Brauner was having a party Dracula brushed past him while telling you that you both must get ready for said party. 
Thinking that Dracula was going to make you wear a gown you were left glaring at him when he had you slip into something that resembled a night shift. While he wore black pants and a black button up with his knee high boots. You continued to wear the frown on your face until the ballroom doors came into sight.
Just as Dracula slipped his arm around your waist as you rested your head against his shoulder and laid your hand on his chest. When the ballroom doors opened it took all of your will to keep moving. Luckily Dracula was able to keep you moving forward with the arm around your waist. Turning so that you were walking backwards you brought your lips to his ear, as though you were kissing just below it.
"You bastard. You didn’t tell me Brauner's parties looked more like a brothel!"
Wrapping his arms tightly around you, Dracula kept his eyes forward as his teeth grazed your ear.
"Oh my Dear y/n, if I would have done so you never would have continued with our arrangement."
Before you could say anything more a voice rang out.
Turning you back around but placing you in front of him Dracula began to walk you both forward as his hands moved across your body. It didn’t take you long to find who had been yelling. And instantly you felt your blood boil. Before you could do anything rash though Dracula was kissing and nibbling on your neck as he spoke.
"Come now Brauner, a surprise it may be but a pleasant one it is not. If it had not been for my love, I would have died from the wounds you and the other’s inflicted on me."
"Your love? Last I knew Dracula had no love and even if there is one I would not imagine it to be a human like this one.” 
Even as you and Dracula came closer Brauner remained seated as two women made out on top of him. For a brief moment you thought that Dracula had been wrong about being able to get close to him but from the corner of your eye you saw two of Brauner’s young bloods stepping closer to all of you. Stopping a few feet before Brauner, you could feel Dracula smiling against your neck. 
“We may not feel love like human’s do, but this sweet human nursed me like she would a newborn baby. Cut her delicate skin and bleed herself so that I could grow stronger from her blood. And even now she still bleeds for me, tell me Brauner how could that not be love? How could I not want to bring her with me when I decided it was time to come back to my old castle and it’s new owner.”
At the mention of the castle Brauner sat straighter, dislodging the women from his lap. 
“Speaking of, have you come to exact your revenge for what me and the other’s had done?”
Instead of dancing like he had most of the night, Dracula pulled your body even closer to his and began to sway lightly as he laid kisses all along your neck and shoulders.
“Have you not heard what I have just said, Brauner? I could care less for the castle or for what you had done. We have just simply come here to see what you have done with the place.” 
“I find that hard to believe.”
Waving his hand at Brauner, Dracula sat in a lounger and pulled you into his lap facing him. Running his hand down your chest you couldn’t help but moan as Dracula gripped your breast. 
“Believe what you want Brauner. Let us rest and enjoy your party for the night and we will leave tomorrow.”
Not waiting for Brauner’s answer Dracula pulled you down and began to kiss you like he had in the woods. 
You knew that everything that was happening was wrong and if Tham was here they would have been beating you to an inch of your life. But you couldn’t help but moan into Dracula’s mouth and grip his shirt as you began to grind against him. Having gotten lost in the pleasure you had forgotten about where you were until you heard Brauner laughing as he spoke. 
“My you have a lively one don’t you Dracula. So easy to give into the creatures of the night. Tell me, if she has become your love then why have you not turned her.”
Ripping his mouth away from yours, Dracula gasped as like he needed air. 
“Perhaps that may happen, at some point. But why would I give up such sweet blood? That I may have at any given moment.”
“Surely you jest.”
Dropping your face into Dracula’s neck to keep you from glaring at Brauner; Dracula turned to look at him. Taking one of his hands from your hip you could feel Dracula pull something from his boot and you bite down on him to let him know you knew what he was planning. 
“Then perhaps we shall show you?” Tugging your hair lightly Dracula forced your head back to look at him. “My Love.”
Even though you wanted to scream and hit Dracula for the position he now had you in, you went along with his plan and lifted your arm while grinded down on Dracula. 
“Not much. I still feel faint from when you drank from me earlier.”
Smiling Dracula placed the knife on your arm. 
“Of course my Love.”
Very quickly Dracula ran the blade down your arm. You expected there to be pain but the blade had been extremely sharp and Dracula had been fast with his movement. You also expected Dracula to pull your arm to his lips but instead he held your arm over his face and held his tongue out as your blood began to fall onto his waiting tongue. Your heart began to beat faster as you watched your blood pouring into his mouth, but you couldn’t tell if it was because you were losing blood or if it was because of the animalistic look that took over Dracula’s face. From the corner of your eyes you could see the other’s as they began to slowly move closer to you and Dracula. Just when you thought things were going to take a turn for the worst you found yourself laying on the lounger as Dracula stood next to it as he yelled.
Seeing Dracula shift from his human form to his demon not only had the other’s cowering in fear but you also. Of course before you had time to properly freak out Dracula was back to his human form and kneeling beside you. 
“Are you alright my Love?”
Nodding your head lightly you watched as Dracula ran his tongue over the cut. To your surprise as he pulled his mouth away you saw that the cut was no longer open, but instead looked a couple of days old. Picking you up as though you weighed nothing Dracula resumed his position on the lounger and held you close to his chest. For a time you both laid there and watched as those that had been watching resumed what they had been doing. After a few moments Dracula pulled you up so that he could whisper in your ear. 
“We have Brauner’s attention now. He can’t help but but look over here. We need to really pull him in.”
Turning your head up you dug your nails into Dracula’s chest. 
“What the trick with the blade wasn’t enough.”
“Did we not talk about that?” Digging your nails deeper into Dracula’s skin he actually moaned out when others would have hissed. “We have his attention, but we need him to come closer. I can’t kill him if he stays over there and us over here.”
“It seems to me that you are getting more out of all this then I am. What do I get?”
“Other than walking out of here with your life? You will be able to bathe in Brauner’s blood.”
The thought of being covered in Brauner’s blood had you making a face that caused Dracula chuckle.
“That doesn’t sound appealing.”
Shifting you so that you were once again straddling his lap Dracula lightly ran his hands down your chest which caused your nipples to harden. 
“Pleasure, I can offer you so much pleasure.”
It didn’t take you long to feel Dracula hardening under you and you suddenly realized it has been a very long time since you slept with someone. Without thinking any more about it you muttered quietly “God forgive me.” before you pulled your gown over your head. You could tell that Dracula had not been expecting that move from you, but he wasted no time sitting up and wrapping his mouth around your nipple. 
As Dracula continued to assault your chest one of his hands slipped into your hair and pulled your head backwards. Allowing him to lick and nibble his way up to your neck. Instead of feeling just his teeth grazing your neck though you felt his fangs. Even though he would pinch your skin between his teeth and fangs he never broke skin and the adrenaline of it had you moaning loudly as you pulled the tie from his hair. Tightening your grip on his hair you tilted Dracula’s head back and gave him a warning look when you realized he was spending too much time with his mouth on your neck. Licking his lips Dracula grinned at you before wrapping his lips back around your nipple while his hand moved to the other one. While he continued his attack on your breast you couldn’t help but tip your head back and moan in pleasure as you rolled your hips against him. 
Suddenly Dracula was bringing his mouth back to yours. Even though you were getting lost in the kiss you could feel Dracula’s hands moving down to your ass while he turned the both of you. Lifting slightly he dropped to his knees and laid you on the ground. The cold floor had you gasping out when it touched your heated skin. Chuckling against your mouth Dracula shifted to the side and ran his hand over your thigh. 
“Don’t worry my Love, I will have you warm once again.”
Bending your knee so that your foot rested against the floor. Dracula slowly brought his hand back down to your hip. Reaching between the both of you he began to work on the buttons and knots of his pants. And even though he had been doing a good job of opening them you couldn’t help but reach between the both of you and help him. When your hand wrapped around his cock Dracula placed his mouth onto your collar bone and bit lightly. 
Normally when you held a man’s cock in your hand it was smooth, soft, and warm. Moving your hand over Dracula’s you got two of the three, the only one missing was the warmth. In its place was coldness, similar to you if you were to jump into a frozen lake. After a few more strokes Dracula was shifting the both of you once more. Laying on his back he placed one hand under his head while the other rested on your thigh. 
“You have given to me my Love. Take from me what you want.”
Placing one hand on his chest you lifted yourself just enough so that you could align him with your center. Feeling the tip of his cock slipping into you, you made sure he wasn’t going to slip out of you before placing a hand on his chest as you slowly started to take more of him. As you continued to push down Dracula moved his hands and placed them onto your hips and dug his fingers into you. Soon both of you were moaning out in pleasure. Once fully seated, you sat for a few moments as you adjusted to his size. But even before you were ready Dracula was moving you, which had you crying out in pleasure. Even though he told you that you could take what you wanted from him, Dracula continued to dictate the moves. 
Eventually Dracula sat himself up and while resting one hand behind him, he used his other and placed it in the middle of your back. Even as he held you close you couldn’t help but place your hands behind yourself as you grinded against him. Tilting your head back you couldn’t help but cry out the closer you got to cumming. Soon you could feel Dracula putting pressure on your back causing you to sit up. Before you could rest your head against his though he was moving you both again. 
Somehow he was able to shift the both of you without slipping out and once you were on your back Dracula shifted to his knees. Placing his hands on your hips he quickly began to thrust into you. With how fast he was thrusting, all you could do was grip his arms as you tighten your legs around him. Soon though Dracula began to speak.
"Such beauty, look at you my Love. So lost in your pleasure, sweat running between your breasts. Your blood rising to the surface of your skin, giving you a flushed look. The warmth of your body trying its best to warm my cold skin."
Even if someone found out about this night you would not admit to them how good it felt to be having sex with Dracula or how his voice was bringing you closer to the edge. And it was the sound of his voice that had you suddenly cumming. You could feel something running down your fingers and you didn't need to look to know you had drawn blood from Dracula’s arms as you screamed out in pleasure. You were so lost in your pleasure you didn't even realize that Dracula was resting his head next to yours until you heard him speaking to you.
"Show time."
Pulling himself back to his knees Dracula pulled himself out of you causing you to moan loudly. Hearing him chuckling Dracula began to run his hands over your thighs as he looked up. The coolness of his fingers pulling at your attention so that when Brauner spoke you didn't lose your high. 
"I can see the attraction to the human. She is very sensitive to your touch and more."
Standing up Dracula worked on fixing his hair as he smiled at Brauner. 
"She is very sensitive Brauner. The greatest thing though. Is how she tastes after such a tussle.  Would you like a taste?" Hearing Dracula offering you up like that shook you from your daze. When you tried to get his attention Dracula kept his eyes forward as he moved to the side of you with his arms open. "There is nothing that tastes better, Brauner. And I have you know I have not shared her with another as I am offering you. Let bygones be bygones. Hmm?"
It was taking everything in you not to move as you saw Brauner moving from the corner of your eyes. Unfortunately you saw the young bloods move when he did, but to your surprise he waved them off. As much as you didn't want to, you turned to face him and smiled as you ran your hand over your breast. Slowly Brauner lowered himself to the floor and moved to lay over you. With shaking hands you brought them up to rest on Brauner’s shoulders as he ran his nose over your neck. But before he could bite Dracula’s voice broke out.
"Ah ah ah, you may have a taste, Brauner, but you are not allowed to bite her. If you bit them others would know she belongs to a vampire. No you must cut her skin, it is easier to explain those then teeth marks." 
Grunting above you Brauner raised to his hands and looked up to Dracula. Just as he was raising a hand to take the blade Dracula had for him Dracula moved. 
The next thing you knew you felt something wet covering your chest and face. As you were wiping it off your eyes you realized that it was blood. Sitting up you spotted a headless body at your feet and realized that it was Brauner. Turning quickly you watched as Dracula killed the last of Brauner’s young bloods before he turned to the rest in the ballroom.
"LET IT BE KNOW THAT COUNT VLADISLAUS DRACULA DOES NOT TAKE KINDLY TO BETRAYAL."  Walking back to you Dracula knelt beside you as he spoke more quietly. "Did I not tell you, you would bath in his blood?"
Before you could say anything though Dracula was running his hand over your eyes as he placed his other one behind your head and said "Sleep".
Shooting up quickly you looked around and saw that you were in a room at the inn. Pulling the covers back you noticed you were dressed in the gown Dracula had given you at the castle; and that you were cleaned of any and all blood. Pulling the gown over your head you walked to the mirror and looked over your body. Seeing no bite marks you dressed in the clothes you had been wearing the night before and as you pulled your jacket on you felt something in the pocket. Reaching into it you pulled a letter out and from the seal of it you knew it to be from Dracula. Breaking the seal you opened it.
My Dear y/n,
I am terribly sorry that you were unable to wake up next to me. But atlast I fulfilled the two promises I gave you last night. To leave my castle alive and to bathe in Brauner’s blood. And as you are now reading this in the inn, unharmed, I have fulfilled both. This now ends our deal. So I must tell you that if we are to cross paths again I will have to kill you.
Yours truly,
Count Vladislaus Dracula 
Rereading the letter once more you couldn’t help but feel yourself becoming angry at his arrogance. Walking over to the fire you made sure to rip the letter into pieces before throwing it into the fire. Looking around the room once more you made sure you had all of your things before walking out the door and into the day.
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opalsdarkreadings · 3 years
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𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 18
race: Elegant Black Queen  
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𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓮
This is just a fun blog I turn to when bored and don’t really expect this to blow up or anything. Just a place for me to throw up ideas and vent through another form of expression. 
I’m still student but try as much as I can to be activity but I suffer from mental issues as well that fuck with my motivation. 
I enjoy writing and drawing the most and tend to gravitate towards writing the most, I’m hoping to build my skills here hopefully. 
𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴𝓼
I am a SFW blog, most I’ll do is give a vague description of sexual actives. 
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